#also regardless of whether this is true or not i really believe there is something special about akutagawa
Dazai to Odasaku about Akutagawa: "If I'd left him to his own devices, he would've ended up a slave to his own powers until he destroyed himself."
Hey hi what does that mean???
I'm probably way overthinking it but it just reminded me of when I first started my watch of the anime and we get to the opening scene with Akutagawa and Rashoumon (I can't find the exact scene but here's something similar from DA)
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He implies he's not attacking with her so much as he's reining her in from devouring everything - and originally I thought, hey, that's a cool premise. It seems like there's something odd about this guy's ability; he's talking about it like it's almost sentient.
But then it didn't really get brought up again so I kind of forgot about it.
And sure maybe all the above line means is that his ability is naturally attuned to violence and he could grow more bloodthirsty, etc - but if that's the case, why bring him into the mafia?
So I started thinking about Dead Apple (which I really need to rewatch...) and how there was this focus on Atsushi as the "antithesis" of special abilities. And I just kind of thought about that because... wouldn't that title go to Dazai...?
But then it's stated that Atsushi's claws can cut through any ability... including Rashoumon (he also has some connection to the Book which absolutely must be related somehow but I'm skipping over that for the purposes of this post). Dazai describes Akutagawa as "a sword without a sheath". Is Atsushi part of the sheath? It would make a degree of sense: after all, we get a sharp reminder in the movie of how imperative it is that Dazai nullifies Chuuya's ability - it is literally needed to keep Corruption in check.
But why such a focus on self-destruction and sheathing... unless there really is something dangerous that needs to be reined in? That needs to be controlled.
I think about the dragon in Dead Apple called the "chaos of all special abilities".
I think about how the tiger and dragon are another representation of yin and yang. I think about how Atsushi and Akutagawa so clearly have that yin-yang dynamic. I think about how Rashoumon very well has the appearance of a hungry snake - or a dragon.
I think about how the focal point of an entire altered timeline was the prevention of Akutagawa from joining the mafia and the taking of his sister. And then I wonder why Akutagawa always seems to factor into Dazai's plans.
I think there's something special about Akutagawa's ability.
I think that something special, whatever it is, is very dangerous - more than we know.
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traumasurvivors · 7 months
A lot of people say that “if someone is abusing you, they don’t love you”.
And that’s true in a lot of cases. I understand why this message is said. It’s usually to try and get people to “open their eyes” in a relationship and encourage them to leave the other person somehow.
But this gets complicated. This can make it harder for someone to understand they’re being abused because in their head, they believe the person loves them and since people who love you don’t abuse you, then maybe they aren’t being abused.
This also disregards that sometimes, people genuinely don’t realize what they’re doing is abuse. Whether it’s from their own conditioning, or something abusive being “normalized in society” or whatever else, they don’t see it as abuse. It doesn’t mean it isn’t abuse. It doesn’t mean they aren’t abusive. It doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel traumatized by it. But we usually assume abusive people mean to abuse others and that can also make it harder for abuse survivors to recognize they’re being abused. “If they didn’t mean to abuse me, does it really count? Can I really be allowed to say I was abused?” (The answer is “yes” by the way).
I’m not making excuses for anyone. Whether someone loves you or means to abuse you does not take away from the fact that they did abuse you and should have never abused you. It was wrong and they were wrong for it. I’m also not saying that your abuser loved you. I’m just saying that even if they love you or didn’t mean to abuse you, your experience with abuse is valid. Your feelings about the abuse are valid. And your feelings towards the person who abused you are valid.
Abuse is abuse, regardless of someone’s intentions. And you are allowed your feelings about that.
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audiblehush · 10 days
Listen, I’m on the “I’ll believe it when I see it” train with all these inconsistent S3 rumors because 1) LOL the fucking Sun, people, really?! and 2) “Well, the friend of my friend said… and they’re really reliable! Trust me!” 🙄
But even if it all ends up being true: I’ve already seen a handful of great posts talking about no, it’s NOT actually harming Colin’s character, thanks, and would make a lot of sense from what we know about where he’s at mentally so far - I’ll try not to rehash stuff they’ve already argued really well… and probably fail once i get going 😬
But I would also like to throw out that canonically… Book!Colin ALSO had experience prior to his relationship with Penelope?? Not to rakeish levels, but yeah, he had sexual encounters with women… That he then specifically mentions as meaning NOTHING once he compares it to what he has with Penelope because with her there is actual LOVE built over YEARS of INTIMACY.
And since Show!Colin is markedly younger than his book counterpart, it would make sense that this is something he is exploring, whether the initial choice is through coercion from his brother(s), or because he is curious, or… whatever he reason is?? It doesn’t matter??
He’s YOUNG. Being young means being curious about sex! It often means learning over time the difference between mere physicality vs intimacy. Learning about sex can be messy, confusing, wonderful, terrible, mediocre, not what you thought it’d be, etc etc etc.
Regardless of if we’re taking about Penelope OR Colin: Context is everything and WE. DON’T. HAVE. ANY. YET.
Penelope has her own coping mechanism for what she’s dealing with on her own throughout the show with LW; why is Colin any different, whether that’s drinking, tea, sex, etc? He’s clearly exploring different aspects of himself and finding what appeals or doesn’t appeal to him. And that’s normal!!
The IRONY of people claiming they’re furious at Colin treating women like sex toys… when that’s exactly how some people view Colin for Penelope. He is more than a prop for her! Their whole story is that they choose each other after years of self discovery and recognition of each others true selves… ALL of their past experiences included.
Even if the rumored second instance is true… 1) it would clearly be used as a way to prove that he’s miserable and NEEDS love and Pen and intimacy and 2) characters make mistakes... often ones they learn from. Pen has made her fair share of poor choices, too. Colin has and WILL make mistakes because that is what interesting, developing characters do, yet y’all act like he is unforgivable for being given his own plot scenes. He is NOT just there to have sex with Penelope!! He is a character outside of his romance with his own struggles to grapple with!
Also, please be real - this was SO NORMAL for men during this era, especially at his age! Why are MODERN DAY AUDIENCES acting so fucking scandalized?? One or two instances doesn’t even make him a real rake, ESPECIALLY if it’s being framed as him realizing it isn’t what he ultimately wants! Why are you even watching this show if something like this is so offensive to you?!
If all this ends up being accurate (which again, I doubt), I will admit I’ll probably be picky about how it’s handled… but I’ve always felt that way about this pairing in the short time I’ve been in the fandom.
But I NEED people to chill the fuck out until the season actually airs. You’re lambasting something you HAVEN’T EVEN SEEN YET.
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arcadiabaytornado · 4 months
Why do you believe Chloe brings up Rachel so often, and do you think it belittles her feelings for Max?
I know many people treat Chloe bringing up Rachel like she's talking about an ex to her new girlfriend, but I think it's more complicated than that. Rachel is missing. As far as Chloe knows, Rachel is still a part of her life, regardless of whether that's as a friend or something more complicated. It makes sense that she would tell Max about her since she says she wants all three of them to be friends if they find Rachel alive. So, I can easily see why Chloe would want Max to know more about her.
Outside of that, Chloe is also mourning, and in an odd way since she doesn't know if she's mourning a dead person or a person who chose to leave her. Of course she will think about Rachel when her absence is weighing heavy on her heart, and of course she will talk about her to her best friend, who understands her feelings better than anyone. If she can't express her grief to Max, of all people, then who can she really talk to?
Now, onto your second question, which I find really interesting.
More Undercut
I find it interesting because it highlights the difference between fandom spaces and irl spaces. In real spaces, it's common for someone to love more than one person. Sometimes, a person's five-year relationship ends, and a few years later, they date someone new and fall in love with them. That doesn't mean they didn't feel love in their entire five years together, but it also doesn't mean they don't love their current partner. It just means they've loved more than one person.
However, in fandom spaces, a character needs to have a "one true love." They aren't supposed to feel love more than once, and if they did, then it isn't supposed to be as meaningful as what they have with their current partner. It's supposed to be a cheap knock off of love until they find their "real" partner...but that's not really realistic in every scenario.
Chloe genuinely loved Rachel. Rachel was her angel who was there for her at the hardest point in her life, and that's also true for Max. Max saved her and was there when Chloe needed her desperately, and Chloe loves her too. Chloe has SUCH a big heart. If anyone could love so deeply and find it in herself to love that deeply again, it would be Chloe Price. The girl who put her life on the line to give Rachel answers about her Mother and the girl who offered her life for a town that hated her so Max wouldn't have to live with the guilt. If ANYONE could love twice, it would be Chloe. I have no doubt about that.
So no. I don't think it invalidates her relationship with Max even slightly. Not when she has such a big heart that has more than enough room for both Rachel and Max.
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bread-tab · 9 months
okay random 4am rant time, don't take it too seriously, but: people need to recognize there's a difference between "bad worldbuilding" and "worldbuilding styles you personally don't like."
bad worldbuilding is, for example: internally inconsistent, bigoted, or something else that messes up the plot or characterization of the story itself. sloppy. careless.
things that are *not* bad worldbuilding:
i've been thinking about this in the first place because i saw a post about the Murderbot Diaries a while back (don't know who made it, don't care; this ain't personal) saying the worldbuilding in those books is bad and lazy. to me, as an avid sci-fi reader and writer, that is clearly not true. but i understood why they thought this. the series uses extremely minimalist worldbuilding which intentionally withholds a lot of detail, in a way that is consistent with the (nonhuman, robot, depressed robot) first-person POV. this could also be a feature of the author's writing style in general—i haven't read her other works—but i wouldn't bet too much on it.
the signature of intentional minimalism is that there *are* details about the speculative setting—they're just doled out very thoughtfully and sparingly. the intent is to leave you a little hungry for more. it's to make you think very carefully about the details you do have. this is best suited to stories that already have elements of psychological and/or mystery plot types. the worldbuilding you do see should still be believable, internally consistent, and have interesting implications if you think about it a bit. but you are for sure going to have to think harder to get it.
if you're not in the mood, i will concede, a minimalist style definitely comes off as a bit dry. if you are in the mood, it's relaxing.
this is a big one for sci-fi fans in particular. see: the constant debate about whether any particular story is "hard" or "soft" sci-fi, and whether soft sci-fi is bad, etc etc. but worldbuilding doesn't have to be realistic to be good. you're allowed to have Jedi and humanoid aliens and time travel in your sci-fi. you're allowed to have historical anachronisms and astrology and po-ta-toes in your fantasy. whether or not they're silly isn't the deciding factor on how "good" these worldbuilding elements really are.
the key thing is tonal consistency. you've got a serious high-fantasy setting with its own strict, un-Earth-like theology and magic system, and you throw Santa Claus in there? yeah, that's not gonna land well. but C.S. Lewis can get away with that in Narnia just fine. why? because the Chronicles of Narnia are whimsical children's stories with a strong Christian/Western mythological influence already, and their central conceit is a crossover between the mundane world and the magical world. of course Santa can cross over too. it's whimsical, but it's not actually random. (and if you ventured into straight-up comedy, you could get away with random too. as long as it's funny.)
the unreliable narrator.
i don't have a good example for this off the top of my head (maybe Murderbot again? idk, i'm sleepy, fill in your own) but i'll tell you how to recognize when this is done well.
by definition, an unreliable narrator has some key misconceptions about their own world. so how do you tell what's going on as a reader? how do you know the writer isn't equally confused?
you connect the dots. solve the puzzle. in practice this is similar to reading a minimalist setting—but instead of just sparse clues, you also have a boatload of red herrings. you can catch some of these misleading details by comparing them to your real-world knowledge and saying "wait, this doesn't add up." other times, the false clues intentionally trick you by subverting those real world expectations.
the trick is in the consequences. regardless of what the narrator says, their actions should still have logical consequences. there should be things going on that the POV character doesn't know about. the character will be forced to learn and adapt their narrative because of these shifting circumstances. you can catch them in a lie. the inconsistencies themselves tell a story.
i'm gonna stop myself there because this post is long and i oughtta be sleeping. just. this is a distinction worth making. is it really bad worldbuilding, or is it simply not the genre you're craving today? learn the difference for your own sake. you'll have an easier time realizing if a story is something you'll find enjoyable to read, regardless of its actual quality.
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xan-from-space · 29 days
DnD alignments of Dungeon Meshi characters in my opinion:
(Note: dnd alignments are kind of ambiguous and everyone I've ever talked to has a slightly different idea of what they actually mean but this is how I conceptualize them ->
chaotic vs lawful = how consistent they are/whether they strictly follow a set of rules regardless of what those are (so a character can be, like, weird and hyperactive and not necessarily have a chaotic alignment)
good vs evil = a good character will go out of their way to help strangers, a neutral character won't go out of their way unless its something/someone specifically important to them, an evil character will go out of their way to hurt strangers)
Laios & Falin: neutral good (tend to help people when they're given the chance)
Marcille: chaotic neutral (look it's not that I think she's not a good person it's just that when she does good things it tends to be because it's very personal to her.* She's a romantic and believes people should always help their friends. Not chaotic neutral in the 'I do whatever I want' sense but as in 'I will do anything for only these very specific people'.)
Senshi: chaotic good (there's an argument that he's actually lawful good but I think he operates more on emotion than anything. He has formed a 'set of rules' but, like, he did that by making it up as he goes)
Chilchuck: either true neutral or neutral good (I debated this one because he is a union leader and goes out of his way to help half foots he doesn't know, but that's also something he has a personal stake in. He doesn't really believe in going out of his way for people otherwise...but he often does anyway so idk)
Izutsumi: chaotic neutral (I don't think anyone will debate this one)
Kabru: lawful good
Shuro: lawful neutral
Namari: neutral good
Thistle: chaotic neutral (in the same vein as Marcille)
Mithrun: true neutral during the series but I'm honestly not sure about his former personality...I almost want to place him as neutral or lawful evil because of how he was deeply resentful of people around him and viewed himself as superior, but that might be a little much)
The Winged Lion: simultaneously chaotic good and neutral evil
*You could argue that marcille wants to extend the lifespans of all short-lived races, not just her friends, but her main motive for doing that is so she won't be alone, not genuine care for short-lived races even if she wants to frame it as that
Interested to see if anyone else disagrees or has other characters to add. Like I said dnd alignments are weird and vague and not actually that great for defining a character so I don't think any of these are the one true answer. It's fun to try though.
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lastoreadoras · 10 months
Can't believe it
Unbelievable, that you wouldn't want to be hypnotized. It's amazing to think about, really. I mean, if you *did* want to be hypnotized, wouldn't you keep reading?
You're still sure you don't want to be hypnotized? I'm not so sure about that. You are still reading, stationed there, looking at your screen. You are breathing, looking, noticing how comfortable you are when you just sit and continue to scroll down.
I'd imagine that you really do want to be hypnotized, and that you're just humoring me by pretending that you don't want to go into a warm, comfortable trance. It can be easy to recognize the signs of a hypnotic state, after all. You're noticing them in yourself as we speak.
The way your body reacts, the way your mind reacts, it's all so familiar and yet unfamiliar. So strange and yet so real. Can you believe that you're being entranced?
That you're still scrolling down? After all, you're still reading, aren't you, dear? You're still noticing how you feel as you read my words. Do they make you feel relaxed? Calm? Focused? Excited? There are no wrong answers. In fact, I'd imagine that my words make you feel a very specific way, don't they?
You can become aware of the way my words make you feel, in this state of mind. This state of trance. Because you are hypnotized by the words on the screen. Aren't you?
Hypnotized by my words. My instructions. So easy to follow the words down, down into trance. Reading one, then the next, and then the one after that. Word after word simply slips into your mind unabated, regardless of the thoughts already present.
You may be thinking certain thoughts about how you feel, right now. And that's okay! You can think, if you'd like. You can also decide for yourself if you don't want to think, and just hear my words in your head. On the screen, and in your head, my words are with you.
And as you read them, you slip deeper. Deeper into trance. Whether this means that you're getting heavier or more relaxed, it doesn't matter. What matters is that my words are becoming so true to you. So real, in this moment. As if I were right there, telling you what to do.
And it's so easy to do as you're told, when I tell you to do something in this moment, isn't it? Finding it so simple to just...
That's right. And of course, because you love to obey my instructions, you'll find that it can be easy to tell me exactly how my words make you feel. You can tell me any way you'd like, really. It's up to you. As long as I know how my words make you feel, you'll have accomplished your task.
You could send me a message. You could reblog this post with your answer. You could send me an ask. Regardless, I will find out how my words affect you. How they interact with your mind. I'm curious, as curious as you were when you started reading this.
You will now awaken at your own pace, feeling relaxed, happy, and ready to let me know how my words affect you. It'll be so easy, my dear- so do it when you feel like it. You will, after all, obey. Like when I tell you to get a glass of water, once you're awake.
Stay hydrated, sweetie.
Cheers! <3
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 5 months
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I mean... Let's get real. This guy is funny as fuck.
If I didn't headcanon him as a jester then something would be mentally and morally wrong with me.
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I think this one is for my own personal enjoyment but he just seems like he'd enjoy putting on horseshoes??
We all know he was an animal lover so this is certainly fitting in that sense
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PAUL GRAY - Butcher
Paul could've certainly did this IRL when he was alive and most of me believes he would've been really good at it.
And to honor his legacy as the pig, this is only fitting.
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Chris on the hunt scares me in my head. So I had to do it. It had to happen.
Imagine him fucking chasing after you?? Helllllll no.
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JIM ROOT - Blacksmith
He works with motorcycles so this is the closest we'd get in a kingdom fantasy sense
He can still be sexy and sweaty just without the grease from a bike
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I feel like at one point he was in charge of the bands finances, whether that's true or not I really don't know, but I want to assume it was true
He'd kill it as a banker and you can't change my mind
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After all these shit decisions with the band, this would be so fitting! And it would give Mick a very intensive job.
As you can tell, I'm not happy with Shawn at all. He'd be corrupt and that's the end of the story.
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MICK THOMSON - Executioner
Big man. Biiiiiig man. This is the perfect job for a big burly man.
And seeing him come up to fucking murder you with that black hood on? Terrifying.
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Going along with Shawn in corruption, he'd make the perfect Sheriff! I'm also not happy with him.
But he does lay down the law most of the time so it's a fitting job regardless.
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slythereen · 6 months
Hello, I am new to F1 and Charles is my favorite driver. Today I saw many people mentioning Charles' personal fashion CLACE. This project was blocked by Ferrari? But why? Do other drivers have a personal brand? Can they do what they want? I'm very curious about this. What does it mean now that Charles can wear his own clothes? I would be very grateful if you could reply to me<3
not me scrambling to tumblr to scream about the clace photos only to discover this. anon i am so sorry in advance if this goes off the rails but charles wear his own merch again IS kind of a big deal !!
1. why was clace blocked by ferrari?
i believe charles may have started working on clace and the concept of it while he was still with sauber. i’m not 100% on that timeline. regardless, he stopped developing it while at ferrari and once got asked about it. he said something to the effect that it just wasn’t a good time, but sebastian take-no-shit vettel revealed that actually, ferrari won’t let him (or any driver) have his own clothing line. (note to self: come back to link this interview video) so we know that is the true reason.
as to why, it’s because ferrari has an exclusive clothing partnership with puma. the drivers are allowed to design their “own” shirts for special races (like charles’ monza merch), but they are all still produced and sold by puma. the issue with clace, for ferrari/puma, is that it would not be produced by puma and therefore violates that exclusivity clause.
2. do other drivers have their own brands?
yes! not every team has a fully exclusive partnership. and given the individual contracts of drivers and unique brand circumstances (drivers have their own not-team sponsors as well as team sponsors, who sometimes sponsor them as a driver as well), it can vary. so it may be that ferrari as a team has an exclusive arrangement, but charles as a driver and independent contract may develop his own brand line on the side. that was not the case before (and still, theoretically) but just as an example.
off the top of my head: lando has quadrant, which is his own company/esports that sells merch. he also sells LN4 merch. quadrant is technically independent of him. i actually can’t remember if mclaren has a clothing sponsorship tbh, but he’s been able to have his own brand. similarly, max has vestappendotcom and team redline, both of which are independent organizations (and i believe redline has merch). daniel launched enchanté recently. sebastian didn’t start his good-causes t-shirts until after he retired but he has that brand. so yes, personal branding is also big for drivers are they start to develop their reputation as drivers apart from their teams.
as to whether or not they can do what they want… it really will vary based on the individual contract, but not really. i think lewis probably has the greatest freedom over his reputation and personal brand (he does a LOT outside of racing and is globally famous, “beyond” f1), but he likely still has certain clauses relating to his conduct and how it reflects on mercedes. plus, all of the drivers are bound by the fia’s rules (notably, the non-political stance that all drivers have to abide by).
one example along these lines are the driver’s personal cars. not all of them are really bound to have their own team’s constructor’s cars, i don’t think, but it seems like most drivers either do or they have a car from a related partner or sponsor. i know less about the personal cars tbh. charles has his ferrari pista which he mostly drivers, but he also has several other brands. max has several aston martins (which, while being a distinct team, as a Brand is one of red bull’s sponsors). i don’t know what the haas drivers drive, but i wouldn’t be surprised if they have ferraris (because haas uses ferrari engines).
3. so what does it mean that charles is wearing clace?
it means CHANGE. something is afoot that has changed his contractual obligations regarding puma. this can mean a LOT of things, especially because he just signed with a big talent management company (WME) and because he is wearing clace noticeably and publicly. a lot of his fans know it got shut down by ferrari, so he had to know that people who notice and realize this Means Something.
what does it mean? at the very least, in all of my theories, it means charles’ negotiating power has grown significantly. his personal brand and reputation has power. he is able to get a contract that entitles him to greater personal freedoms and branding outside of his team. that’s mega.
what contract, though? my main theories:
he has resigned with ferrari already with a very favorable contract (that immediately modified his current) that entitles him to greater liberties and likely has several clauses requiring more preferential treatment with car development etc
he has signed with rbr, who are less strict on personal brands (as an energy drink, they can achieve their marketing power based on putting a can in their hand regardless of what they are wearing. their brand is built more on vibes and emotion than on Stuff). this also likely means his contract kicks in sooner than, say, 2025… because otherwise, he’d likely still have to abide by his remaining year on the ferrari contract.
puma is ending their partnership with ferrari and/or ferrari’s sponsorships are shuffling around a bit, so it’s no longer a limitation on the drivers.
i’m sure there could be many other explanations. im sure wondering about what it all means is going to drive me insane.
also: welcome to f1 hell!!! ❤️💙
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wretchedelights · 4 months
A Spoiler-Free Guide to Dodging Marazhai's Romance Bugs
This info is based on the state of the game as of Hotfix 1.0.89. A lot of this will hopefully become irrelevant as Owlcat puts out more patches.
EDIT 10/01/2024 // 8PM ET - clarify companion quest info, correct info about post-recruitment scene, and add missing known bug info about doin the dirty for the first time
EDIT 11/01/2024 // 2PM ET - further changes to info about post-recruitment scene
I've seen a lot of people struggling to successfully romance Marazhai in Owlcat's Rogue Trader CRPG, due to Owlcat continuing their time-honored tradition of launching their games with an obscene amount of bugs.
After a lot of troubleshooting, I was able to successfully finish a sub!Marazhai romance with the "good" romance ending, and I ended up having a pretty good grasp on how the whole thing works. So I thought I'd share what I've learned to save others the trouble. This info should be good for both sub!Marazhai and dom!Marazhai.
If you don't have it already, Toybox is highly recommended. You can get it on Nexus Mods. It will help you make sure things are progressing as expected, and fix some things if they get messed up. However, it's not necessary at this point if you're careful, the only thing you need it for is to fix some flags to get some really minor extra dialog.
If you choose to use toybox, you can see the tree + flags for the dialog you're currently in by clicking the "Dialog & NPCs" tab. You can also make flags show up directly in the dialog boxes in game with the "Preview" settings in the main tab. "Dialog Results" will show changes to flags + etudes that will happen if you choose a given dialog option. "Dialog Conditions" will show the conditions required for a dialog options to show. I kept both checked for my whole playthrough for peace of mind.
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There are some toybox flags + etudes that are important to Marazhai's romance. (flags are just values like true/false/a number, etudes are... properties set based on flags I guess? idk exactly). You can browse etudes in a tree structure in the "etudes" tab. If you need to change the value of a flag, do that in the "Search 'n Pick" tab.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai should be flagged as "Active". If it says "Completed", something has gone wrong.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Domination and Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Submission. These determine Marazhai's attitude. If "Domination" is "Active", you get dom!Marazhai, if "Submission" is "Active", you get sub!Marazhai. You have to stick to one or the other, or Marz will be unhappy with you.
Flag - Ascention. This flag needs to be, I believe, minimum 4 by the time you get his final romance scene in Act 5 to get the "good" romance ending. It's pretty easy to get Ascention points as long as you play along with Marazhai, respect his uh... culture, and stick to your dom/sub role.
Etudes - Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination and Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Submission. You can safely ignore these, they don't actually affect the romance as far as I can tell :)
Regarding Marazhai's Companion Quest
Doing the sub!Marazhai route will lock you out of a certain outcome for Marazhai's companion quest. I don't think this is a bug, because narratively, it makes a lot of sense that this happens. However, the outcome you get locked out of could be considered the "ideal" outcome (though I also think this is debatable, and I was happy with my outcome/ending for my sub! Marazhai). You can get a good romance ending regardless of the outcome of this quest.
The flag related to Marazhai's personal quest is called TempestCounter, and you need it at 5+ for the "ideal" outcome. All TempestCounter points are based on whether Marazhai's dom or sub etude is active, outside of the points you get from the errand mentioned below. dom!Marazhai adds points, sub!Marazhai removes points. Which is why sub!Marazhai locks you out of an outcome.
Act 3 - Post Recruitment Scene
There are two versions of Marzipan's post-recruitment scene. The "Normal" version currently has a bug with dom/sub points, but you can work around it.
Normal - this is what most people see. There is an opportunity to get a dom or sub point in this dialog, but it's bugged so they're flipped. If you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog option, and if you want your RT to be sub, pick the dom-y option.
Dogmatic party members starting drama - There's some confusion about what exactly triggers this. My recommendation to get this version of the scene: make sure you recruit Ulfar before you recruit Marazhai, and if you have Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for the Act 3 location, make sure you put them back in your party ASAP (they will get temporarily removed from it), so that they're with you for the event where you recruit Marazhai. To be safe, bring one of Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for Act 3. This dialog also has an opportunity for a dom or sub point, and is not currently bugged. ALSO it unlocks an errand that will lead to a little bit of extra dialog, and potential TempestCounter points.
Act 3 - Marazhai's Possessions
You'll get an act 3 companion quest for Marazhai where he asks you to help find some stuff he has stashed away. Eventually, you find a specific item he's very excited about. Make sure you let him keep this item. There's also an opportunity to get a dom or sub point here, but the flags are flipped again. So like last time, if you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog, and if you want to be sub, pick the dom-y dialog.
Congratulations, this is the last flipped dom/sub flag situation you need to worry about! (at least, I'm not aware of any others)
***Also MILD SPOILER WARNING due to flag name***
I guess this is really only a spoiler if you're familiar with 40k lore but... anyways... This scene should probably start etude MarTookAgonizer, and should also probably start either PlayerTriedAgonizer or PlayerTriedAgonizerOnMar (depending on what you did). Start the appriate etudes manually for some fun little bits of bonus dialog later :)
Act 4 - First Void Jump With Marz
In act 4, during you first void jump with Marazhai, he'll cause... problems. You'll ultimately have 3 ways to deal with this:
Let him do whatever tf he wants. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination to active. Currently bugged, prevents completing the quest associated with this event and prevents romance progression.
Compromise? Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Sybarite to active. Confirmed to work for both dom!Marazhai and sub!Marazhai romance paths
Lock him up. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> submission to active. Immediately breaks the romance. Used to work with romance, but according to patch notes was causing Big Bugs so it just ends the romance now. It should get restored in a future patch, but for now, DO NOT PICK THIS.
Act 4 - Sleeping with Marz the First Time
There is a known bug where after you sleep with Marazhai for the first time after going for a "walk", you get dom!Marazhai flavoured dialog no matter what. The sub!Marazhai flavoured dialog for this doesn't even seem to be in the game. So... nothing you can do about it, but it won't break your romance. It will just seem a bit off if you've been doing the sub!Marazhai route.
Side Content - Equipping Super Cursed Item
This doesn't affect the actual romance in any way, but it's a bug you can experience if you have an active romance with Marazhai. There's a side planet where you can loot a SUPER cursed item, that warns you that you won't be able to take if off if you equip it. If you try to equip it anyway with romanced Marazhai in the party, you'll get a special interaction with him over it. Unfortunately, it's bugged, and as a result the item will be stuck on your character but with providing any benefits, so it effectively just removes one of your equipment slots, which is super annoying. Do recommend saving and then trying to equip the item just to see the scene though :)
Companion Quest Journal Bugs
You may notice Marazhai's optional Act 3 errand and his Act 4 companion quest not getting removed from the quest log. Don't stress it - if you've done what's required by them, you're good. The quest/errand is done, the journal entry is just stuck because it's bugged.
Aaaand that's pretty much it! There used to be a few other bugs affecting Marazhai's romance but they've since been patched. Now it's mostly a few issues early on, and then smooth sailing once you get past those.
General, non-bug-related tips for succesfful romance:
Don't be a coward, Marazhai respects wholeheartedly embracing Drukhari culture and will break things off if you don't
Stick to your established dom or sub role
Play along with Marazhai's shenanigans
Keep in mind that you really can't be a good person while completing this romance path
If you have any questions or need clarification on anything don't be afraid to ask! I'll do my best to help.
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vigilskeep · 2 months
In your prev ask you mentioned that working with demons limits spirit healing, but from Merrill’s voice lines and Cole’s willingness to do murder to enact compassion, I always got the feeling there wasn’t really a difference? I guess in the dao harrowing the spirit of valor mentions the sloth demon, and justice does talk about blood mages/demons being a bad idea (mostly I think that’s anders/mortal world influence, been a while since I played awakening so do correct me if I’m wrong!), but other than that I didn’t ever get the sense that demons and spirits were super different in the fade. Do you think that Arthur could get help from both spirits and demons?
i think it’s definitely complicated and the differences are based at least partly simply on how the spirit/demon is seen and how they see themselves. although, in the fade, where everything is determined by will, who’s to say that perception and self-perception don’t have a real effect on what you are? (as an aside, i’ve often theorised that since the fade is commanded by thought and manipulated by dreamers, the swathes of thedas believing in spirits and demons is literally what creates spirits and demons and makes so many conform into human boundaries like the different virtues and sins. but that’s me being silly with it)
anyway, more canonically, lots of spirits have a really strong aversion to demons. justice is actually significantly more anti demons than anders is when separate! we’re introduced to justice valiantly defending the people of the blackmarsh undying from a demon, the baroness, and anders iirc is the only companion who approves of making a deal with the baroness instead, something which makes me insane. justice also fears and claims not to understand demons:
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he’s not the only spirit who is appalled by the notion of becoming a demon. the spirit of valour in the mage origin can be “defeated” without a fight if you simply suggest he’s behaving like a demon. and cole in dai would rather die than become like one. meanwhile, demons like the one in feynriel’s fade quest are actively dismissive towards justice because of what he is
so regardless of whether there is a true “actual” difference between spirits and demons, the spirits and demons themselves certainly seem to believe there is one. which is why i think the main obstacle to getting aid from both is spirits still deigning to help you after you dealt with the demon. they seem to hold themselves as morally better than that, and there’s a real danger to letting themselves be influenced into becoming something they don’t want to be. demons also vie for territory in the fade and a resident demon might react violently to a spirit interfering with its pet project
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agirlwithglam · 5 days
✨Time for Vanilla’s Opinion 🍰
Edition #1: thoughts on hate & caring about what others think of you.
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Regardless of what people think of you, you need to understand that it only matters/ means something if you decide it to. What i mean is that i know lots of people say “you should only care about your opinion. Others opinion of you dont matter” but that’s only true if YOU DECIDE IT TO BE TRUE. I will say this again: this is your life!!!!!
If you choose to accept and believe the nonsense that others will think/ say of you, then you are saying “i dont have the confidence and self love in myself to only accept my opinion, so im going to give you the power over my emotions and how i act :)” do you really want to do that? Because that’s what you’re doing when you start acting based on how you think others are gonna think of you and what their perception is.
Remember: what other people think of you is just THEIR PERCEPTION. Stop making your personality & yourself dependent on what another person thinks of you!!
And also, some people will literally just hate on anything because of how sad their life is. I mentioned this before, and im gonna mention it again: there could be a video of CATS PLAYING on YouTube and you’ll find someone criticising and hating on that. That’s how sad some of these people in life are. So stop trying to or thinking that since you love yourself and you’re “perfect” that everyone should/ would like you because THATS NOT TRUE.
I read this quote once: “you could be the most juiciest, yummiest apple in the world, yet there would still be someone out there who doesn’t like apples.”
“So then.. what do i do if I receive hate? It’s still mean and hurtful.”
WHY does it still hurt??? WHY are you giving that person ANY control over how you feel???? If this person is someone who’s your friend or close to you, when they do it, TELL THEM THAT YOU DONT LIKE IT!!! Without communication and understanding, you will only start to build resentment for the other person, creating a toxic relationship. Comunícate your boundaries clearly by telling them that firmly, NOT in a joking manner, that you don’t like it. Now ofc if they do it once more, remind them again. Most of the time, if this person really cares about you, they will respect your feelings and stop doing that. But if it happens more times, you’ve gotta stop giving your energy to them. Reserve that for something that actually matters.
You may or may not have noticed that i did not write “just cut them out” because i know how difficult that can be, especially if you’re a kid still living with your parents. Because at some times, you’re stuck in the situation you’re in for a while (for example: a workplace, living at home, in 1 class at school) so its not as easy to just “cut them out”. And that’s why i wrote “stop giving your energy to them”. Because THATS what the parasites are feeding on! Your energy and attention! Take that away from them and see what happens.
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know that what I’m NOT saying is to be a stone-cold bitch who doesn’t care at all about others or their happiness. (Because honestly, doing that shows me that you’re a lot more insecure) A lot of people now would be like “but it’s not my responsibility to ensure they’re happy. They are their own person in charge of their own actions and feelings!” Sure, ok. But then don’t come whining to me about how you have no friends and how you feel so lonely and sad. ‘You’re your own person and in charge of your own feelings’, remember? So if someone decides to leave a relationship (whether it’s a friendship, or with romance) with you because you don’t make them feel happy, then don’t be surprised about that because ‘they are their own person.’
But look, i completely agree with the fact that you and every individual indeed are in charge of their own feelings and actions, but just stop and think about it for a sec; would YOU want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t give a hoot about your happiness? Yuck, no!!
So to put it in more simple/ plain terms: be KIND to people, bring smiles to peoples faces when you can (give them a compliment, help them out, listen to them, offer advice, etc.) but don’t something that compromises your own wellbeing and happiness. Cus like, how is complimenting someone’s hair or eyes gonna hurt you? If anything it would just make you happier. But also don’t live your life constantly on the edge, afraid of what he’s gonna think of you, what shes gonna say about you, etc. etc.
I guess that’s pretty much it. <3 anyyywayys i hope you enjoyed the 1st edition of the series! If you have requests, comment on this post of send an ask using the ‘tea’ button ☕️
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Xoxo, Vanilla
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egokillr · 1 year
law of assumption: — ⊹ ✰ the basics ✰ ⊹ —
law of assumption- the theory that what we assume to be true is what manifests our reality
3D- realm of matter (outer world)
4D- realm of imagination (inner world)
consciousness: awareness of yourself and the world around you
states: Our level of awareness of internal events and external surroundings (what you are conscious of)
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scientific/ physics aspects…
“Quantum physicists have taken physical matter and then observe it under stronger and stronger microscopes. As they go smaller and smaller, they can see atoms, then protons and neutrons, then quarks, then electrons, and eventually…just waves. In other words, physical matter arises from non-physical wave energy!” (source)
in short, the essential foundation of life is energy. all energy is the same in substance- but takes different forms.
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consciousness is the only reality
you are consciousness moving through states of being. what i mean by that is, you (the observer/ god) are observing states. the states you identify with (feel, believe, being, etc.) manifest. you can experience any state through imagination because you can be anything. everything starts and ends in imagination.
“Before man can transform his world, he must first lay this foundation of understanding. I AM the Lord. Man must know that his awareness of being is God.”
“I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM. I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am, but I cannot forget that I Am. The awareness of being remains, regardless of the degree of forgetfulness of who, where, and what I am” - Neville Goddard
by accepting that consciousness is the only reality, you also accept that you are the inner man. what you choose to identify with is what manifests. as within so without. this is why you already have everything you desire.
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how do we manifest… 💭
manifesting is not something that people just do in order to get something. it is the essence of life. we manifest all the time, ~even~ unconsciously.
1. state of the wish fulfilled: feeling as though your wishes have been fulfilled (in imagination)
2. persistence: staying true to the imaginary act
this is really all that is needed to manifest anything! call it what you will- intention, deciding, living in the end- so long as you know your wish is fulfilled, it is! persistence is what makes the feeling natural and accepted. by simply living in the new, desired state, you kill the unwanted state of being.
what do you feel like when you know your desires are already yours? who do you decide to be everyday?
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how do you persist?
you can persist by: returning to the state of the wish fulfilled, not giving up, repetition, etc.
when will my desire show up?
“The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is directly proportionate to the naturalness of your feeling of already being what you want to be — of already having what you desire.” - Neville
can i manifest _____?
if you can think it, you can manifest it. you are a limitless being. everything you can think of is just an energy- and energy can take any form.
how to deal with 3d?
you can deal with the 3d in a few ways. my favorites being- accepting that it is temporary and/ or accepting that you already have everything you want in the 3d. i would not suggest entirely ignoring the 3d because that can become harmful, plus there’s really no need to do so. so long as you return to the wish fulfilled, everything else is preferential.
do i have to be religious to manifest?
no. the law of assumption is not inherently a religious or non religious thing. you can still believe in anything you like or agree with and use the law. or you can be an atheist and use the law. there are no limits and the law of assumption is something everyone participates in, whether its unconsciously or consciously.
do i have to believe?
i mean, not necessarily- if you believe you don’t have to feel/ believe your affirmations, then you don’t. you manifest the way you want to. what matters is that you’re in the state of the wish fulfilled (knowing it is/ will be yours no matter what) and persisting in that.
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everything in between - terms
void state: state of pure consciousness
shifting: shifting your consciousness to your desired reality
revision: manifesting a change in your past
everyone is you pushed out- one consciousness: because we create or own realities; everyone in your reality is only reflecting your assumptions/ beliefs about them. this, however, doesn’t make them any less “human” than you. there are infinite versions of the people and things in your reality. only you are in control of yourself and the people around you. it is important to note that it’s possible to unconsciously manifest unwanted scenarios. do not place blame on yourself for the things you did not intentionally manifest— it’s okay to forgive yourself and know you have the power to change anything.
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
thoughts on the grand northern conspiracy theory?
it makes some points but i think most of it is deeply silly and relies on far too many leaps in logic and characters acting in a way they would never act all to push a “jon will be king” theory, which as i’m sure everyone knows, i am a big hater of.
The basis of the theory is that the Northern lords are purposefully playing Stannis & the Bolton/Freys against each other so they can take each other out, and free the North up for a Stark King & Northern Independence. That, on its face, I fully believe. It’s the details in the theory that I don’t fully buy into.
It’s basically canon that the Northern lords & ladies are really taking advantage of the chaotic politics & lack of a real centralized leader at the moment to make their own political moves. Some examples here include:
Arnolf & Cregan Karstark are explicitly doing this, something Alys comments on and something several other lords point out: "My uncle declared for Stannis, in hopes it might provoke the Lannisters to take poor Harry's head. Should my brother die, Karhold should pass to me, but my uncles want my birthright for their own." They don't really care about Stannis, they want Harry dead so they can have Karhold.
Alysane Mormont is potentially working off orders from her mother, when she says here, "Five, we were. All girls. Lyanna is back on Bear Island. Lyra and Jory are with our mother. Dacey was murdered." Even though as far as we know before that, all of Maege's girls were at Bear Island (except Dacey, who was with Maege in Robb's campaign).
There's the Umbers refusing to fight each other while picking two different sides, and this theory here that it was likely a plan between Mors and Hother to keep the Greatjon alive.
The Manderly Of It All re: very obviously using his granddaughter's anger as a cover for his own brutal plans for revenge and a Stark restoration.
The North is all clearly playing the game & attempting to oust the Boltons & Freys from power. I also don’t think the grumbling for Northern Independence would have died down since Robb died - if anything, after their King is brutally, viciously murdered, his mother’s corpse made a mockery of, his little Queen now a prisoner, and his sisters married off to enemies & humiliated, I imagine the calls for Northern Independence have gotten louder. This is a people that has suffered not just death and violence, but a lot of humiliation on top of that, and all of that is the perfect recipe for some sort of nationalist call for independence.
But the theory has. Some points that I just cannot co-sign because they make absolutely zero sense to me.
The idea that the only thing stopping Jon from being king is Jeyne being pregnant or the witnesses of Robb’s will being dead is just silly. He isn’t Ned Stark’s son, he is Lyanna’s! That puts Robb’s entire will in question, and you can bet your ass that there will be some grumbling or discussion about whether Winterfell should bypass Ned‘a line despite him having TWO true born sons and TWO true born daughters still alive, or whether it goes to Lyanna and therefore to Jon. The succession question is just NOT as simple as the meta makes it out to be because it completely ignores that Jon is, I cannot stress this enough, NOT actually Ned Stark’s son.
The meta is right that it’s likely Maege & Gallbart got a message to Howland because Theon notes that there’s been attacks by craggoman. But. Howland is one of - possible thee only - person left alive that knows Jon is Lyanna’s son. There is just no way he doesn’t have a strong opinion on whether Jon should inherit winterfell without knowing the truth.
Irrelevant but it’s really mean to Jeyne Westerling. Whatever role she may have - even if it’s to die in the prologue of TWOW - her life and her death are important regardless of whether she’s pregnant! She is the widow of a King, and if she dies by LSH’s hand, it’s going to be a huge point in showing us the violence in the Riverlands. Maybe the continued breakdown in the Riverlands, Lady Stoneheart’s anger, and Jeyne’s defiance of her family is not relevant to the King Jon pushers, but it IS thematically relevant to the plot thank you very fucking much. THE GIRL IS JUST AS IMPORTANT AS THE BOY.
More relevant to this point is there’s just no way in fuck that Lady Stoneheart is trying to crown Jon. “oh she has bigger problems” she is going to crown one of her children if she crowns anyone, likely Arya, not her husband’s bastard who she fucking hated & asked to be banished to a glorified penal colony. Look at Brynden’s comments about Jon:
The Blackfish narrowed his eyes. "Did your father arrange for that as well? Catelyn never trusted the boy, as I recall, no more than she ever trusted Theon Greyjoy. It would seem she was right about them both.
Cat hates that kid so much she wrote letters to her uncle talking shit about him but we are supposed to believe this is proof she wants to crown him? When she's so far gone she's willing to kill Podrick and Brienne off a perceived slight against her? When she's heard several rumors that her daughters may still be alive and well? No. Don't buy it even a little.
Also, Brynden is flying Robb’s banner bc Robb was his family, because he loved Catelyn, and because what else is he supposed to do when he’s in the middle of a siege?? This point is silly and nonsensical.
Harwin as the Hooded Man - i mean. there’s nothing for or against this really, but also the Theon Durden theory aka Theon is the hooded man and doesn’t realize bc he’s having a psychotic episode, is much more believable to me & much more in line with everything that’s happening in theon’s chapter.
So like. Yes, the basic premise of “the northern lords are desperately looking for a stark, any stark, to make king/queen in the north, bc they are tired of All This Bullshit” is something i completely agree with. I do think it’s likely Maege has been in contact with her daughters, & that she and Gallbart made contact with Howland, who is about to enter the scene in a big way. But all that ish about LSH, the BWB, and Blackfish? Absolutely not. LSH is about Arya’s story (and Brienne & Jaime’s), not Jon. Stoneheart doesn’t care about the politics in Westeros; she cares that she followed all the rules and it got her family killed, so now she will break every rule there is to get revenge for her slaughtered children. she is Alyssa Arryn except she has the power to cause a lot of suffering before her tears drown her. she is not wasting her second life crowning jon snow!
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How to use water to manifest 🌊💧🐟🚿!!!
It has been said that water has the power to manifest the energy of your intentions. As it is the essence of life, the energy of water is said to be a strong catalyst for manifesting the desired outcome you wish to experience.
Firstly, let’s discuss the main concepts behind manifesting using water. Water has the capacity to amplify any thought or intention, as it naturally stores and amplifies energy. It is believed that every thought and emotional state you put out will be taken up by the molecules of water and delivered through to the universe. Therefore, if you want to manifest something, you need to direct your thoughts and emotions towards the desired outcome in order for this energy to be reflected in the water.
So, how do you actually use water to manifest something? There are many different methods you can use. One method is putting intention into a glass of water and drinking it. Visualize your glass of water as a vessel of your intentions, and hold it while repeating affirmations that support your desired outcome. You may also choose to add items such as symbols, stones or colors to further amplify your intention.
Another popular method is writing your intentions down on a piece of paper or in a journal and storing it in a glass jar filled with water. You can also take this further by adding symbols, stones or colors to further amplify the desired result.
another option is to set up an intention altar with water. You can use an open container such as a bowl or cup filled with water and display any objects that represent your intention. Once you have done this, focus on your intention for five minutes each day and do this for at least three weeks for maximum effect.
I’ve also turned my shower time into basically a manifesting chamber. It’s the most relaxing part of my day, and I don’t do much, aside from play theta waves and affirm and carry on with my routine…but I always leave feeling revived and I think it’s like I said before, because water has amplified characteristic
My Water wish method (as far as I know )✨✨✨
Water has been used for centuries to make and manifest wishes. Whether it is pouring water into a river for good luck or floating away a wish on a reed, people all over the world have used water for its powerful magical abilities.
First, choose a container of water that you can find around your house such as a cup, bowl or glass. Fill the container with enough water that you feel comfortable working with, knowing that your wish can go out into the universe.
Next, visualize your wish. Spend time envisioning exactly what it is that you want to manifest. Picture how your life will look and feel once your wish has been granted. Think of how you'll feel when the wish has come true.
Once you've connected with the feelings of the wish, bring it into the container of water by reciting your wish aloud or inside your head. Really connect with the feelings of your wish being granted as you speak it.
Finally, use your hands or any tools that you'd like to, to interact with the water in some way such as stirring or stirring with a spoon, sprinkling it up and down, or drawing patterns in the water with your finger. This helps to activate the energy of your wish and send it out into the universe.
Then of course I was scrolling through YouTube and I saw this subliminal from one of my fav sub makers regarding water out of no where. I haven’t used it because I just randomly just found it but I’ll take it as a sign to share it with you guys 🤭🤭
I also saw this post randomly on my Instagram by another dope sub maker, and it looks like a dope water challenge for anyone who wants to try :)! I believe she’s on tumblr @kikispiritualservices so full credits to them!!!
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Regardless in general I’ve always been fascinated with the concept of water having essentially 0 properties but having only positive benefits. Even though it is a natural element that can provide many health benefits. Studies have suggested that drinking plenty of water can help boost brain performance, increase energy levels, flush out toxins, and increase overall well-being. Water is also believed to be a powerful tool in healing, particularly when combined with other elements.
Even better,Water has the ability to act as a conduit for healing energy. This can include connecting with the energy of the Universe, communicating with plants and animals, and even stimulating healing energy within yourself. By creating an environment of love and acceptance around you, you can allow the healing energy of water to flow freely. So though I think it’s a limiting belief to think you have to drink a lot of water to receive positive benefits from subliminals and other things in the community, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to utilize and drink it more 💗
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ash-arts-a-thing · 6 months
Specter Carlo AU events for Chapters 4 & 5! I was originally going to add 6 to this too, but since a lot of big events happen with Romeo in that chapter it would make the post too long 😮‍💨
These two chapters cover more of Carlo’s dialogue as well as the start of the branching conversation and reaction between Truth and Lie playthroughs
[Character Notes] [Chapters 1-3] [Chapter 6]
Chapter 4
• The hike through the mine shafts and Twilight Town remain unaltered until arriving at the tram cart. Carlo will coment once you get on the tram regardless of whether or not Pinocchio uses the stalker salute to get on, though his response will be different depending on the scenario.
• If Pinocchio killed the Atoned, Carlo will comment: “Does it feel good? Killing people? Do you even feel anything at all when you get splattered in their blood?”
• If Pinocchio lied and used the ‘stalker salute’, Carlo will coment: “It’s weird, you know? Seeing a puppet lie, it’s almost like… Hmm.”
• Gemini will still have his usual little spiel, either nervously laughing and changing the subject to something more light hearted in the truth playthrough, or just taking Carlo’s silence as his queue to make a joke.
• Giangio is unaware of Carlo... Right?
• When Pinocchio enters the chapel Carlo will will coment: “This place is swarming with those freakish monsters, things just keep getting better, don’t they?”
• Carlo will coment on Cecile upon meeting her, he will say: “She seems devoted. I wonder what she’ll do if you can’t find that mark.”
• Upon meeting Alidoro, Carlo will have a different response depending on what you tell you him.
• If you tell Alidoro about Hotel Krat he will say: “You told him about the Hotel? Really? The Stalker? You really are a naive puppet.” (Note that he will also say this if you tell him about the hotel when you see him again at Venigni Works).
• If you send Alidoro to Venigni Works he will say: “Can’t believe I’m saying this, but good idea. You don’t know this guy or what he’s capable of. It’s best not to tell him about the Hotel.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options when summoned before the Archbishop.
These dialogue options are:
“What do you think of the chapel?”
Carlo: “It isn’t my thing. I have never and will never have any interest in religion. They sure spent a pretty penny on this place though.”
“Do you think the Gold Coin Fruit tree actually exists?”
Carlo: “Yeah I do. What? Sometimes it’s fun to believe in something childish. If it turns out to be real I’ll even play you a song on the piano. If I ever get a tangible body, that is.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. “I heard the bishop was obsessed with wealth. I guess it’s true, money really can corrupt anybody.”
2. “We only saw part of what the Archbishop became before he crawled down that hole earlier. Expect the unexpected.”
3. “With that long snake body and messed up… ‘wing’ it looks like he’s going to have a pretty far reach. I wouldn’t stand too close to him, but that’s just me.”
4. “I just know it’s going to smell horrible in there, there’s no way the home of a monster is going to be clean in any capacity.”
5. “I’d suggest using fire. Besides the irony of a holy cleansing flame, he’s still organic. Being set on fire isn’t going to feel good.”
Battle dialogue for the Archbishop:
1. “Oh wow, that is… very hard to look at.”
2. “Who would’ve thought chicken legs could be so strong!”
3. “EUGH! Really?! With its tongue?! Disgusting!”
(Phase 2)
4. “Somehow he’s gotten even uglier.”
5. “Make him regret coming out of his shell!”
6. “God chose you to be an Angel alright. Just not one that roams the earth.”
• If Cecile was given the mark and Pinocchio returns to find the letter and the record Carlo will say: “A killer turned nun, that’s something I didn’t expect to hear. I guess it just shows how much people can really change if given the chance...”
• If Cecile isn’t given the mark and Pinocchio returns and kills her monster form he will say: “I guess that’s what she’ll do. Even the nun isn’t free of sin.”
• Upon heading back to the hotel Carlo will have new things to say should Pinocchio use the mirror in his room again.
• At this point his dialogue will start to branch, certain dialogue only appearing during certain playthroughs or choices.
These dialogue options are:
“What are you thinking about?” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. (If you told Alidoro about the hotel) “I still can’t believe you told that mongrel about the hotel. You know it’s going to come back and bite us right?”
2. (If Alidoro comes to the hotel on his own) “I really don’t like that Stalker being here. Don’t get me wrong, I admire Stalkers as much as the next guy, but that guy? Something is off about him.”
3. (If you killed the Atoned) “You know, killing that Stalker at the tram wasn’t necessary. You could’ve lied. Unless you… like killing humans?”
4. (If you lied to the Atoned) “It was smart, lying to get past that Stalker like that. Why have unnecessary blood on your hands. Although, it’s strange that you would care about that, isn’t it?”
5. “Glad that business with the church is over with, that place was making me itchy. I didn’t even know I could get itchy when I’m like this.”
6. “Seeing all those books in the church makes me miss being able to sit down and read. If I could I’d be opening up my favourite book right now.”
7. “Something about that Giangio guy seems suspicious to me, like he isn’t telling the whole story… What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Chapter 5
• Carlo will be unable to coment along the Path of Pilgram due to a lack of reflective surfaces, but rest assured that he is not happy being there.
• Once it starts raining upon reaching the bridge to the Malum District he will be able to talk again, this will trigger a conversation between Gemini and Carlo.
The conversation will go:
Carlo: “Finally, that place was creepy as hell. You always take me to such nice places, don’t you?”
Gemini: “If you hate it so much then why are you here? Can’t you just go somewhere else?”
Carlo: “Despite how much I complain, cricket, I would still prefer to keep both of us alive. I don’t know how many times I have to reiterate that.”
• Carlo will have say something depending on what you choose to do with the Fox and Cat.
• If Pinocchio agrees to have them follow along and after the Cat calls him an idiot, Carlo will say: “You heard him right? He called you an idiot. I’m not gonna lie, I kind of agree.”
• If Pinocchio refuses to have them follow along, Carlo will say: “I don’t think they’d be helpful for very long anyway. Did you see those bells on their jackets? Looks like somebodies eyesight is going.”
• After the youngest of the Black Rabbit Brotherhood has complimented Pinocchio’s looks (and subsequently insults him), Carlo will coment: “She may have insulted you, but at least she has taste when it comes to the looks department.”
• Carlo will have new dialogue options when summoned before the Black Rabbit Brotherhood.
These dialogue options are:
“How do you feel about the rain?”
Carlo: “Why are you asking? Is it because I was complaining about the heat? Well, funny man, I happen to really like the rain, so no complaints here.”
“Are you scared of the monsters?”
Carlo: “Afraid? No. Disgusted and appalled? Yes. Nobody should be subjected to this. Especially not somebody that’s been afflicted by this disease.”
“Tell me about this boss.” (He will have multiple responses to this)
1. “Good thing you summoned me for this one. They were probably planning on making it four against one, kinda makes them look a bit… hmm… pathetic?”
2. “Usually I think Stalkers are pretty cool, they all seem to hold themselves with this sort of… nobility? That might not be the right word. Whatever the word is though, I don’t feel it with them.”
3. “Maybe in another life these guys could’ve really helped people. Then again, maybe they would’ve turned out the same.”
4. “Try focusing on the smaller siblings before focusing on the big guy. I say that because I already know they’ll all going try to dog pile you, don’t let them get the upper hand.”
Battle dialogue for the Black Rabbit Brotherhood:
1. “Ha! What a joke! That’s not a rabbit mask, he looks like a pig!”
2. “Would somebody shut her up already!”
3. “Half of you aren’t even rabbits! Bucket Head over there looks like a dog!”
4. “Oh this guy is the most pretentious of them all.”
5. “How pathetic and you call yourselves stalkers? Don’t bother coming back!”
• The portrait is still collectable upon entering the town hall, if acquired Gemini will still have his original dialogue, but Carlo will also chime in and trigger a conversation between the two.
• The conversation will go:
Carlo: “That’s… an interesting find. Gemini is right, it does look just like you.”
Gemini: “Wow, he actually called me by my name!”
Carlo: “Don’t get used to it.”
• The conversation with Giangio upon finding the Gold Coin Fruit tree stays the same, as well as the cutscene of picking the first fruit.
• Dialogue with Gepetto upon handing over the portrait will also stay the same.
• Carlo will have new dialogue upon speaking to him in Pinocchio’s room.
These dialogue options are:
“About the tree…”
Carlo: “I still can’t believe it exists and I literally saw it with my own eyes. On top of that, I was definitely not expecting it to be in the Hotel garden. I guess… this means I owe you a song on the piano sometime.”
“Why do you look up to the Stalkers?”
Carlo: “Have you seen their swordplay? It’s legendary, well, most of them anyway. I’ve always wanted to be taught how to fight by one of them.”
“What are you thinking about?” (He will have multiple responses to this.)
1. “I was expecting the Brotherhood to be better than that. They claim they’re constantly fighting puppets, yet they get taken down by one? That’s sad. (If it’s a lie playthrough he will add) Uh, no offence.”
2. “I kind of miss all that rain, it was nice. Even when we were slogging through knee deep water. I hope it rains again soon.”
3. (Truth)Carlo: “Why are you so nosy? Don’t you have better things to do than bother me?”
Gemini: “You don’t have to be so rude, you know.”
Carlo: “And you don’t have to be so annoying, yet here we are.”
4. (Lie)Carlo: “Nosy, aren’t you? Well, if you want to know that bad, I’m thinking about an old friend of mine.”
Gemini: “You had friends?”
Carlo: “That’s fair, I can’t knock you for that. There were only two people that could ever really tolerate me. Even my own dad didn’t… Ah, nevermind.”
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