#and my house has hella stairs so I can eat all of this and not gain weight lmfao love that for me
babisawyer · 1 year
the one thing I will say that tennessee has on florida is the food.
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jenyifer · 4 months
Pit Babe ep 6 initial reaction
So I recently got back from a trip to Korea and Japan in January (which is why I’m watching everything late cause couldn’t watch it there). Hardcore studied Japanese for 7 years Koran for 3 years. Can read to a decent level in both. Now started my Thai Bl stuff? Maybe 2 years ago when I watched KinnPorsche. I have not actively tried to learn Thai. So why is my auditory understanding of Thai at the same level as Korean. I keep hearing changes from the subs on iqiyi. This is why when I was in Korea and Japan I kept accidentally speaking Thai? 😭😭 anyways onto the photo review.
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Is it crazy babe is that good without his abilities? As far as I can tell he hasn’t been using his skill since he started seeing Charlie. Also feel like this is great meme potential.
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Very very very harsh Alan. He doesn’t really give Dean any advice on achieving his goals. Also I think Dean was angry when he was racing Babe and Charlie. Seems like if Alan had more practice maybe he’d feel more comfortable
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Way is moving through the stages of grief. Acceptance of the enemy. Way kept treating Charlie like he was replaceable. Also babe was looking hella tiny in this scene. Specifically when he was going down the stairs
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Couple things that annoy me about this scene.
1. Jeff doesn’t eat or drink. Look at that milk shake and cake. Come on a tiny nibble? It’s good for the baby.
2. Love Actually in my opinion is one of the weakest romance films of all time. It’s sad the porn couple Martin Freeman and Johanna Page were the sweetest one. But the paper holding scene I found fucking creepy? Her husband kids etc are inside and that’s why the guy is doing the paper signs. Romantic? No. Traumatizing kids on Christmas? Yes.
3. Is Jeff a Uni student? Because… I think Way said he’s known Babe for 7 or 10 years. Which means Alan has to be in his 30s and Babe Way are 25 or 28? Idk concerning age diff at least for Jeff and Alan. Also Alan has a bad case of No means No, but I guess very abo.
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Babe’s actor is so Beautiful and convincing at being in love with Charlie. He’s so soft and cute. However suggesting babies is fucking weird Charlie. Maybe it’s cause I don’t want any but seems a bit strange but no kink shaming babe and Charlie can have a mommy kink if they want.
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“Why don’t we do it in the road?” By The Beatles
I think I’m just too American South brained because my reaction to this is it’s not cute. A rural road would definitely have road kill splatters and broken glass. Also I’d be worried someone would come out of their house and shoot me to death and that’s before they find out I’m of the LGBT+ variation of human.
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I actually think the one I like is called Sonic. Oddly not the one who wears blue? But anyways style icon legend got checked by Dean for doing work? They didn’t seem to be doing the social media thing but helping in the garage so not fair he is taking his frustrations out on them. Also Sonic and North should have an opinion on Charlie joining. Wish we could know if they are friendly with Charlie or not. We do see them also at the party but Charlie is so babe focused I guess they don’t exist but they should be closer to his age.
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Awwww Babe is taking the boyfriend title seriously trying to look out for Jeff now. But Jeff sees some bad shit but he just doesn’t share it with us. What’s Charlie’s ability? I guess something with his mouth and that’s why he can by pass Babe’s no’s
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Babe was a bit heartless to Way. I mean Way made it clear what kind of simp he was for Babe. I get that Way was Babe’s first friend and he’s very attached to Way for that reason but Babe does have Alan too. I feel like when Way asked for Babe’s necklace then Babe should have said hey just so we clear besties. But then again idk how socialized Babe was at that point.
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soft-boi-eli · 3 years
Ayo do you write for poly relationships?
If that's so, could you do a cc!Karlnapity x male reader? Quackity is hella stressed because of law school and is very tired so the others just
Do little things for him, like acts of service and just, being supportive---
Feel free to say no if it makes you uncomfortable :>
Yep. I myself am poly but not in a relationship yet. So I am perfectly comfortable with it.
We believe in you.
Summary: quackity needs some tlc. With the stress of law school higher then ever you, karl, and sapnap decide to take care of him while he studies.
Pronouns: he him his
Quackity. The hyper happy streamer. Was in his office/streaming room studying for finals.
The stress he was under was immense and all you and your two other boyfriends wanted to do was comfort him and help him through this intense time.
You were monitoring how much he has eaten or drank today. That counter was at zero. The amount of times for a stressful break was monitored by karl. And the bathroom breaks by sapnap. With all of the counters at zero you guys went to work.
You were the only one that could cook in this house. The others would burn it down. So you were always on dinner duty. Or lunch. Even breakfast.
Whipping up some tomato soup and grilled cheese you were quick to plate it. These we're quick simple and the best thing for them to consume.
While sapnap and karl were harassing him to get up you were setting up the living room for a mental break for him. Setting it up for two episodes of the show you guys were watching you yelled up to them. "guys I'm done. And if you have to drag him."
You were making him take this break. Whether he liked it or not. Cramming can be useful yes. But not all the time. Not for hours on end with no food or water. Watching your two boyfriends literally dragging your third one down you smirked.
"So. You thought that you could get away with not eating, drinking, or even bathroom breaks. You thought wrong." Quackity stared at you. That look. He's seen it before.
"No. No! If I don't study I can't pass!" He was desperate to get out of their arms. Walking up to him you squished his cheeks. "Hun. It's gonna be an hour at max. You need to eat. Get some water. We're worried. You haven came out of that room for over 6 hours. Meaning you haven't eaten, haven't filled your water bottle, haven't used the bathroom. It's not healthy. And your brain needs fuel. Not energy drinks." He looked at you for a moment.
What you said was true. Every human needs it. But he just wanted to finish his notes. The ones that he said would be done in less then three hours. The ones that he could study for the final exam with.
But all three of your guys puppy dog eyes won him over.
"Fine. But no longer then an hour." He fully gave in. Letting go of his face you smiled. "Great! I made grilled cheese and tomato soup." Quackity looked over with stars in his eyes.
"You could of just said that Mi Amor. You know I would die for you soup." Rolling you eyes to him as he quickly picked up his plate and bowl.
This man.
He was scarfing it down like he was a starving man.
I mean waking up, studying, and not eating at all does that to you.
As the show played quackity seemed to relax a bit more. That was all you wanted. Him to sit back, relax, give himself a break.
Sadly the two episodes were over faster then they began. Leaving quackity to go back upstairs. Laving his three worried boyfriends.
"Okay guys." They looked at you confused for a sec.
"Every hour we bring him something. Water, a snack, blanket, hot drinks, cuddles. What ever you want. Just make sure he's taking care of himself alright?" They nodded.
"Good. Who's on first hour duty?" Karl was quick. He was nearly springing out of his seat as he raised his hand.
You were fine with it because your took at least two hours.
You were making cookies.
You knew the boys couldn't resist any of the baked goods you made. After all you were a cooking and baking youtuber.
So as the hours passed by the guys kept reminding quackity to take breaks. Telling him to go to the bathroom, stretch his legs a little, have a hug.
So when you finished the last batch it was your turn up there. Bringing a plate full of cookies and milk with you, you knocked gently.
"I swear to God sapnap if you're there again I'm going to ki-." He opened the door and looked directly at you. "Not sapnap this time I brought cookies though!" He greedily grabbed the cookies and milk, letting you in as he did so.
"So studying been going well?" He shrugged. "Could be better could be worse." Laughing lightly you sat in one of the chairs there.
"But way better now that you brought me cookies." Shaking your head you stretched. "Honestly if I didn't decide to learn. I would of never met you guys. But boy am I happy for that. Now I'm with my three handsome boyfriends. One of them ever so cuddly. The other quite the amazing voice. And lastly my extremely smart boy who is going to help so many people when he passes his finals." He tilted his head at you.
Standing up you kissed his forehead. "I belive in you alex. Just remember that your mental health is just as important as this exam." Your voice was soft on his forehead.
"Yeah! You are one of the smartest j have met! Don't you dare give up. But don't you dare mentally strain yourself!" Sapnap was loud.
Rolling your eyes you looked at the two in the door way.
"Yeah! We're here for you alex. If you need a small break we'll always be right here for you! Be it a hug, kiss, cookie, a tv break. Even just an hour of us laying in bed doing nothing except talking. We're here for you!" Karl was quick to add on. God you loved them yet they always tend to get way to cheesy.
"God you guys. I have no clue what I'm going to do with you three. I can't thank you enough." Quackity was about ready to break down in tears. With the ruffle of the hair you smiled brightly.
"No need. You are going through something that you need to work hard on. We aren't going to let you not take care of yourself." You opened your arms. On arm around quackity already.
You were inviting the other two over to join the hug.
Rushing over their arms over layed quackity and you. Squeezing the life out of you both.
God. Don't let this dream come to an end.
At the end of the day. All you, sapnap, and karl knew was the day coming to an end. This wasn't going to end with out quackity.
"Hey. Alex. How close are you to being done?" He turned to you. You hadn't really interuped him the whole time only every once in a while to bring up a snack. He looked up and down your pajama clad body.
He shook his head lightly. "You get comfortable with karl and sapnap. I'll be there in about 15-20 minutes." Nodding lightly you walked up the stairs. Leading to the massive room. This was the room you all shared. While also having your own room for when you wanted to sleep separately.
Karl and sapnap laid awake in their respective spots. "He's not coming to bed?" Sapnap asked. You shook your head.
"He said 15-20 minutes." Crawling between the taller ones you left space for quackity to crawl in.
He was a little off from the 15-20 minutes. He took 30 instead. But you weren't complaining one of your main sources of heat for the night was now in the bed, curled up, head on your chest, hands lightly intertwined with the other two.
Leaving your hands open to lightly comb his hair back and massage his scalp and back. This man was studying for at least 12 hours. And he deserved it.
There was no complaints from anyone. Not even quackity which was quite unusual. Except for the fact he had passed out almost as soon as your fingers started at his scalp.
His little snores brought a smile to your face while little giggles came from karl. While a chuckel came from sapnap. It's unusual for quackity to fall asleep first. But you wouldn't change it.
Not for the world.
*Ahem* I am now one year on testosterone! God it's been a weird journey but I do feel happier about myself.
Also I loved this fluffy tooth rotting oneshot. It made me happy to shower quackity, karl, and sapnap in love. They deserve it!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night/morning/evening.
Eli out.
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thiswasinevitableid · 3 years
63. sometimes I steal flowers from your garden on my way to the cemetery, but today you’ve caught me and have demanded to come with me to make sure the “[person] is [attractive] enough to warrant flower theft” and I’m trying to figure out how to break it to you that we’re on our way to a graveyard
Danbrey, sfw, please!
Here you go!
It’s the rabbit that draws her eye; it’s not everyday a bunny the size of a Beagle stops outside the window of Amnesty House. She follows the leash from the harness to the hand holding it, and spots a much bigger issue.
“Miss?” She steps onto the porch, “could you not take my flowers.”
“Yeeeeep!” The other woman drops the pocket knife she’s using to saw off the stems of tulips and irises, scrambling to her feet and tearing her fishnets in the process, “shit, um, I’m sorry, didn’t think you’d notice, I’ve done it before and you never, um, nevermind.” She pulls the rabbit back from the fence, “anyway, I really needed this, they’re really pretty and I think she’d like them-”
“Ohhhhh, I get it” Dani crosses her arms, “in that case, I’ll come with you. I want to see the person who’s cute enough to warrant multiple flower thefts.”
“Um, or! You could not do that and I could promise to never do this again?”
“Nope, my mind’s made up.” She slips on her Birkenstocks and heads down the front stairs. Jake and Moira are both home, so she’s not too worried about locking up.
“Fine. Let me just-” The woman scoops the rabbit up and sprints away. Dani could just let her go, but those were her heirloom irises, damn it, and she wants to make sure the person who gets them knows just how valuable they are. So off she goes, soles slapping the pavement as they head towards the lakeside.
She won’t be surprised if the recipient is hot; god knows the thief is. The freckles and red-streaked hair is just the icing on the combat-boot, denim-vested femme cake.
Growing up in this neighborhood means she never loses sight of her target, even when she’s cutting through alleys and taking sharp turns. Then the woman goes straight through a wall of junipers and Dani is not interested in getting that scratched up by plants today. This is one of the borders of the park, so all she needs to do is find the front entrance to relocate her very distinct thief.
Ten minutes of hunting later, she spots a red and black pompadour on the other side of a low, stone wall. She’s cross-legged on the grass, which the rabbit is happily munching by her side.
“Okay, seriously, does the person you’re seeing know those...are...aw fuck.”
The other woman turns from the gravestone she’s sitting by to look at her, “Yeah. This is kinda why I didn’t want you to come with me. I mean, it was a hella weird thing to do anyway, but” she sweeps her arm at the cemetery, “this is super not a date.”
“I’m so sorry.” Dani sits on the opposite side of the rabbit, “That never even occurred to me. I…” she sneaks a glance at the dates; the death was only three years ago, “I’m sorry for your loss, too.”
Silence settles between them; she feels like she should say something else, that it’d be rude to just shrug and walk away, but she has no clue what words are even appropriate here. The rabbit stretches its neck, bonking it’s nose into her hand. She pets it, smiling when it nestles closer.
“Mom really liked bulbs.” The thief says softly, “when I was little we’d always go for walks in the spring just so we could see the first ones popping out of the ground. She liked ones that were unique, so when I saw the orange and black ones in your garden all I could think was how happy they’d make her. How she woulda stopped to look at them whenever she walked past. I know it’s silly but I, um, this felt like the closest I could get to giving her that.”
The breeze carries dried iris petals from the headstone into the park beyond the wall.
“You could have just asked. There’s no way I would have said no if you told me what they were for.”
“It felt too weird. Everything feels weird these days.” She sighs, reaching out to rub dust from the stone, “I thought I was ready to come back, but it’s like the whole town is haunted.”
The fresh flowers wobble, then land on the grass. Dani grabs them and puts them back, the rabbit honking indignantly when she does.
“At least Dr. Harris Bonkers is having a nice time.” The other woman rubs the rabbit’s ears, “isn’t that right, buddy?”
“What’s he a doctor of?”
A small, beautiful smile, “Psychology. He worked hard for his PhD.”
“I bet.” She gives the doctor a final rub on the nose, “I’ll, uh, I should give you two some time alone.” Dani stands, brown eyes watching her the whole time.
“Thanks for the flowers.”
She smiles, “You’re welcome.”
Moira’s expecting a package, so Dani doesn’t even look up when the older woman answers the front door.
“Um, hi. I, um, I was hoping to get some flowers? The blonde who lives here said I should ask this time. I’m Aubrey? Wait, I don’t think I told her that.”
“Which blonde?”
“The cute one?”
“....I meant the boy or the girl.” Moira replies, amused, just as Dani reaches the door.
Aubrey waves, “Hi again. Could I take a few Irises?”
“Sure. Oh, wait, let me get you the pruning shears; the knife isn’t great for cuttings.”
“Dani! Could I get a hand really quick?” From the accompanying clanks, Barclay needs said hand urgently.
“Coming! Here, you can just leave them on the steps when you’re done.”
One hour and a narrowly avoided soup disaster later, she’s herding the others to the table when there’s another knock on the door.
“I, um, I stuck these in my bag without thinking.” Aubrey holds out the shears. In the porchlight, her eyes are red-rimmed and there’s a slight smear in the black lipstick on her upper lip.
“It happens. Jake, my roommate, once went a whole day with six boxes of poptarts in his bag because he got distracted while unloading groceries. Uh, if you’re not busy we’re just about to have dinner. Seems only polite to invite my biggest admirer.”
Aubrey raises her eyebrows.
“My, uh, the biggest admirer of my gardening?” Her cheeks are hot, but her flustered tone seems to relax Aubrey.
“Sure. I just have to make sure I get home in time to feed Dr. Harris Bonkers.” She grins and steps into the house.
It’s common for Amnesty residents to bring home friends (or strangers), so when Barclay spots Aubrey he simply ducks back into the kitchen for an extra set of cutlery and a bonus bowl. As always happens when Barclay cooks, everyone is too busy stuffing their faces for the first ten minutes of dinner to say much.
“So, Aubrey” Mama sips her tea, “what brings you to town?”
“I grew up here but, um, I left a few years ago to try and kickstart my career.”
“What do you do?”
Literal sparks fly from her guest’s fingertips as she wiggles them, “magic.”
“Whoah, sweet!” Jake leans forward, “do you do stunts?”
“Nah” Aubrey’s smile is brightening under the excitement, “I do sleight of hand, card tricks, that kind of thing. I like the classics. Lots of other people do too, but I hit a spell where no one was interested in booking me, so I came back here to regroup.”
“Smart thinkin’. Pretty much everyone here knows that tryin to make ends meet on the road can lead to serious trouble.”
“Or grand theft auto.” Dani smirks at Barclay.
“That was an accident!”
“Wait, what?” Aubrey laughs, the room feeling ten times brighter when she does, “how does that even happen?”
Barclay recounts the story, blushing all the while, then points out that at least he never got stuck halfway up an off-limits slope because he was daydreaming, and to which Jake responds that that’s not even in his top ten wipeouts, dude.
Aubrey hangs around, helping Dani with the dishes while they chat about childhood pets (Dani had a frog that required her to drop food on his head in order for him to notice it). When she finally re-laces her boots, her new friend is smiling constantly and Dani never wants to look at anything else.
“Hey, uh, tonight was really fun. Do you want to come by on Friday? I’m, uh, I’m cooking, so it won’t be as good as what Barclay made, but I’d love for you to try my breakfast salad. Oh, and my muffin. Muffins.”
“I’d love to. And don’t sell yourself short, flowergirl” Aubrey winks, shooting finger guns her way, “I bet your dinner is gonna rule.”
“What do you think? Too much?” Aubrey turns from the mirror. Dr. Harris Bonkers wiggles his nose.
“You’re right, the heels are too much. Gotta leave some plausible deniability. And be able to run away if this goes bad.” She tosses the black heels back into the closet and squeezes into the tiny bathroom to start on her make-up. It has to be perfect, or as perfect as she can get it in the mirror that’s inexplicably high up on the wall.
Yeesh, is getting ready to impress a cute girl really the thing making her consider moving back in with dad? It would be easier to find the right clothes if she had a space to hang them up in, instead of stacked boxes to dig through. But walking the streets where mom used to hold her hand, eating at the places they’d go for breakfast, all those vortexes of memories are hard enough to free herself from on their own. Sitting in the chair she used to, expecting to see her at the table or in the yard, those things would be too much.
It’s been easier since she found Amnesty. Since she found Dani. It’s hard to be stuck in the shadows of the past when there’s a beautiful ray of sunshine sitting next to you. She has dinner there most days now, practices her new routine while Dani updates the inventory for her online plant store.
Relatedly, Aubrey now has several rabbit-safe houseplants that Dani always offers to come check on. Aubrey’s actually pretty good with plants, but she’s not about to miss out on an evening sandwiched next to Dani on her futon and the ghost of jasmine perfume winding around her when she sleeps.
Amnesty is lit only by the string lights on the porch and the glow from the kitchen when Aubrey bounds up the stairs.
“Oh, hey, you’re early.” Dani leans in the doorway of the kitchen and Aubrey’s brain sounds like a cartoon, nothing but “boiiings” and “wowzas” for a good ten seconds.
Dani’s hair is out of it’s usual messy bun, and instead of her overalls or patched jeans, she’s in a short, heather green tank-top dress. Getting on her knees to kiss the vine tattoos weaving up her legs would be too forward, but boy does she want to.
“Took an earlier bus just to be safe. Man, it’s so weird to be here when it’s this quiet.”
“No kidding; I can’t remember the last time I was the only one here.” Dani shoos her through the kitchen and out into the back garden. The little white table usually piled with tools is cleared of everything but a green tablecloth and two wine glasses. That’s another point in the “yes, this is a date” category. The first was that Dani was careful to emphasize that everyone would be gone for the night for camping, work, or ill-advised urban skate stunts.
“Sit your cute butt down, I’ll be right back with dinner.”
That’s the first butt-based compliment she’s gotten, so score one for this red skirt. When Dani comes back, Aubrey can’t help but bounce in her seat; her crush is carrying a board covered in fruit and bread, and she absolutely sees a fondue pot on the counter inside.
“Since Cheesy Heat closed, I thought I could recreate it for us. Kinda. Barclay said he thinks they used a super fancy cheese that’s hard to get here.”
“That’s probably why they went out of business. Dang, why so many fondue pots?”
“Barclay keeps getting them for Christmas.” She sets the chocolate one down next to the cheese, and when she tugs on her dress before sitting down Aubrey’s mouth waters from more than just the meal.
The stars come out as they take turns making a mess of the table cloth, but the longer she sits here, happier than she’s been in years, the more Aubrey knows she can’t put the question off.
“Why the fancy dinner tonight?”
Dani dabs her mouth with her napkin, “I, uh, I, Cheesy Heat was my go-to, uh” her voice drops to a whisper, “date place.”
“Ohthankgod.” Aubrey flops back in her chair, “this is a date.”
“Did you think it wasn’t?”
“I don’t know, I didn’t wanna, like, assume.”
“Fireblossom” Dani stands, making a little half circle to reach her, “the first time we met you were stealing from me assuming I wouldn’t notice.”
“To be fair, getting caught in petty theft is less terrifying than making an ass out of yourself in front of a hot girl.” She grins as Dani straddles her lap.
“...okay you’re right, I’d hate to embarrass myself in front of you. Again.”
“A girl who can run me down in sandals is pretty hot.”
“Pfft” Dani giggles, hides her face in Aubrey’s shoulder, “not as hot as a girl who can sprint while carrying a twelve pound rabbit.”
“Seventeen.” Aubrey kisses her cheek, whispers teasingly, “you shoulda told me this was a date, I could’ve brought flowers.”
“You can bring me some next time.” Dani sits up, smiling at her.
“Sweet, I know somewhere I can get them for free.” She bounces her eyebrows, making the vision of perfection in her lap laugh.
“Nope, this time it’ll cost you.”
“How much?”
Dani cups her cheeks and dives down for a kiss, Aubrey clinging to her dress and sighing as she slips her tongue between her lips.
“Few of those” Dani murmurs, brushing their noses together.
“I’m happy to pay them.”
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f4irymxri · 3 years
- 𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝘹 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘧𝘦𝘮! 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 -
chapter 21.
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Jemila and the rest of the team were away again for a big game and after all the crazy shit that just happened, I'd be a stupid bitch to stay in this house by myself. Amie and Angie were going to stay in the house with me for the next couple of days while Jemila was away. Angie came into my room with a light brown liquid in a cup. "Angie, what is that?" I said, laughing. "Almond milk," she said, sitting down on the bed right next to me. "That's nasty," I said, scrunching my nose.
"How?" she said, sipping the milk. "How you get milk from a nut. That's kinda gay," I said, tilting my head. Angie then spit the milk out everywhere and started cackling. "ANGIE," I yelled, wiping the milk off my face. We sat still, stared at each other for a second then burst out into laughter. Amie walked past the door and shook her head. Amie sat down on the bean bag and was eating a bag of chips as she went through her phone.
- emetophobia warning -
I glanced over at her and I saw her smiling at her phone and hiding it multiple times. I nudged Angie's shoulder and she quickly. "She's probably texting Sugawara," Angie signed to me. "She definitely likes him," I signed back. "Y'all, Suga's fine isn't he?" I said, loudly. Angie was about to say something but I felt something coming back up my throat and immediately ran to the toilet. I gagged and threw up in the toilet. Angie quickly ran up to me, pulled my hair out of my face, and rubbed my back in circular motions. Amie came back and gave me a cup of water.
- emetophobia warning over -
"I haven't thrown up in 7 years," I said, surprised at how easily I threw up.  "You should name it abor-shawn," Amie said. I quickly snapped my neck at her in confusion. "WHAT?" I yelled, sipping the water. "I'm not pregnant," I said, shaking my head. "Didn't you just say you haven't thrown up in years?" Angie said. "But I've never had-" I stopped myself when it hit me. It can't be. Tears welled up in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. "I'm not pregnant," I said. Knowing damn well I could be lying.
『• • • ✎ • • •』
It was the next day and I sat down in my room deciding I should probably take my braids out. Angie and Amie had left to get food and it would give me something productive to do.  I sighed and I got up. I went to my closet and got my hair bag out. The nostalgic smell of Eco gel and Miss Jessies' hit me. I got out different combs of different sizes and a conditioner+water mix I made. I picked up Almond in my arms and sat her down in my lap. She fell back asleep and I watched The Society on my laptop while I took each and every one of my braids down, conditioning and combing them out.
After I finished, my hair was puffed up and over my eyes. I'm very impressed with the growth my hair has managed and I've worked hella hard to get it where it is. I picked up all the hair on the floor and stuffed them in a plastic bag. I decided I would wash it after I ate. Jemila and them should be back by now. As soon as I was about to pick up my phone, the doorbell rang.
I slipped a pocket knife into my bra just because I've been super paranoid lately. I walked downstairs with my phone in my hand. I looked through the peephole and saw Tanaka with a big smile, waving at me. I shook my head and opened the door. As soon as I opened the door, he ran up to me and hugged me, lifting me up. "I missed you too," I laughed. He put me down and looked down at me. "WHAT," I said. "We won," he smiled. "I knew y'all could do it," I smirked.
"Thank you for pushing me, Y/N," he said, looking up at my hair. "Oh my god, you look fine as hell," he said. "Yes, you can touch it," I said, laughing. He hesitated at first but he carefully locked his fingers with my locs and touched them. His eyes widened and he looked like he was on Cloud 9. I realized I was barely wearing any clothes; a black crop top short enough for you to see the bottom of my boobs and grey cloth shorts. I could see Tanaka noticed my outfit because he looked down and kept his eyes on me.
I tilted my head and took a small step closer to him. I noticed his breath hitched as our bodies got closer. I took another small step and now I was so close to him, I could hear his heartbeat. "Are you nervous?" I said, raising my eyebrow. "No," he laughed. "Hmm, then why is your heart beating so fast?" I said, tilting my head and putting my hand on his chest. "No reason," he said. "Hmm," I said as I ran my finger down his arm, my cold acrylic nail touching his bare skin.
I grabbed his throat and pulled my mouth to his ear. "You hungry?" I whispered in his ear. "Mhmm," he said as he closed his eyes. Then I softly sang the lyrics to Babygirl by Maeta in his ear as I ran my nail down his arm again. "Well Amie and Angie should be back with the food soon," I said, quickly switching my aura and walking back up the stairs. Before I could even get to the third step, Tanaka grabbed my throat and spun me around, crashing his lips onto mine.
I wrapped my arms around his lips onto mine. I slightly opened my mouth, allowing his tongue to slip into my mouth and I felt his cold tongue piercing collide with mine. He then tapped my thigh twice. "Jump," he said. I jumped up and he wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me to the kitchen and sat me down on the cold, marbled counter without breaking the kiss.
Just as we were about to go further, the doorbell rang causing Tanaka to groan and me to laugh. "Damn that's tough," I said, getting off the counter. I was walking past Tanaka when I randomly looked down and stopped. "Damn Ryu, your ass kinda fat," I said, slapping his butt. "Oh my god, stop," he said, waving me away. "Look at you, double cheeked up on a Friday night," I smirked.
He gave me an annoyed look, causing me to cackle as I walked away to open the door. I let Jemila, Kageyama, Angie, Amie, and Noya in and I went to wash my hair as they all ate the food that was brought.
I got out my Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner, four combs of different teeth sizes, and anything else I could need. I got two towels, the speaker, Almond, and headed to the bathroom downstairs since it had a bigger tub.
I set Almond down on the floor and stood the speaker by the tub. I played a Carti playlist and put it at a medium-tone volume. I arranged all the supplies in the shower so I wouldn't have to get out to get them. I took off my t-shirt, leaving me in my sports bra and my shorts. I usually just leave them on, not for any reason, it's just a habit. I stepped into the tub and turned on the shower.
I wet my hair and then separated my hair into 6 sections. Then, one by one, I applied conditioner and combed out each section which took about 15 minutes since my hair is pretty thick. Then, I rinsed it out and used shampoo. I rinsed that out and got out. This isn't actually my full routine, but my ass is feeling hella lazy right now.
I got out of the tub and wrapped one towel around my body and another around my hair. I picked up Almond and carried her and the speaker back to my room. I set Almond down to roam the room and locked the door. I dried my body off and moisturized my body with shea butter. I put on sweatpants and a graphic top. I rubbed Vaseline on my eyelashes, lips, and eyebrows.
I then went to my bathroom and separated my hair into 6 sections again. I moisturized each section with coconut oil and braided each one. I then put on a light scarf and wrapped it around my head. Then I covered that with a bonnet so my hair doesn't break.
I picked Almond up and went downstairs. It was pretty dim but everyone else had left except for Tanaka. "Where's Jemila?" I asked him. "She went to bed," he said. "Come here," he said from the couch. I went over to him and laid down on him with my head on his chest. "How was your day?" he asked me. He rubbed my back in circles as I explained to him how my day went.
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Gets Attacked #4
Part 1       Part 2      Part 3     Part 5
  Cloud nine was where Marinette was currently residing after leaving the flower shop. The owner, Pamela, with the most vibrant red hair she had ever seen had wanted Marinette to work with her. Even though she now had a million problems on her hands with the school situation, she couldn’t fight the smile on her face. Maybe this wasn’t the most professional way to get a job but she went along with how Pamela was acting so it couldn’t be that bad. Tikki seemed to be on the same page as her because she could feel a hum of excitement on her thigh.
  “How about we eat out for lunch instead of going home? I haven’t actually been out in the city since we have gotten here?”, she said out loud. Even though surrounded by people, no one gave a second glance at her antics. Having only traveled the city by rooftops and eating take-out made Marinette foreign still, even having stayed there for more than a year. Turning a corner to a cafe she had passed, Marinette waited in a short line. Walking up to the counter, the worker feigned a fake smile.
  “Welcome to Caffeine Café, what could I get you today?”, the woman asked.
Marinette was given a strange look with the amount of caffeine she ordered but brushed it off. Settling into a corner booth with her tuna sandwich, she patiently waited for her name to be called by looking out the window.
  Usually when she would look out her apartment window Gotham always appeared grey and gloomy. Right now, Marinette felt the warmth of the sun partially covered by a cloud on her skin. It must be Tikki’s doing. Sneaking a glance at the Kwami while grabbing her phone, Marinette was able to see Tikki happily snacking on the cookie she had packed.
“It’s a nice day, how does a trip to the park sound?”, Marinette asked.
Tikki silently nodded in agreement before returning to her meal as did Marinette.
  Gotham had reminded Marinette much like they had depicted New York City in movies. It had a large park that included the famous Poison Ivy Botanical Gardens and that was open to the public like Central Park. Marinette decided going somewhere secluded was the best option due to Tikki wanting to be out. Even though she was tiny did not mean the god didn’t get cramped being in her purse.
“We could climb that hill, Tikki. It has a tree on top that we could sit under too!”, she suggested.
“Brilliant spot, my chosen. We’ll be able to have a great view and you could put the new sketchbook to use!”, Tikki cheered.
  Marinette really should have been on guard out in the open all alone but something about the peacefulness of nature put her off guard. Any other time and she would have seen the attacker from behind coming. Any other time Marinette would have been able to swiftly dodge and apprehend them. Any other time but not this time. This time something tackled her to the ground just eight feet away from the top of the hill. Now, just because she was blindsided didn’t mean Marinette couldn’t swiftly recover. Tucking into a roll, she was able to end the fall squatted low on her feet instead of face planting on the floor. She was facing where her attacker should have been standing fully ready for a fight.
There was no one there.
Well, no one until she felt something wet brush the left side of her face. Turning towards the source she was met with the sight of a black Great Dane towering over her. She realized it was the one she had seen when working with Catwoman. Eye-contact with the animal was not her best choice because Marinette soon found herself rolling down the hill. Marinette couldn’t tell if it wanted to play or just recognized her since it continued to lick her face when they stopped at the bottom of the hill.
“Hello there, buddy. It’s nice to see you too!”, she said, sitting up gently scratching its head.
“Marinette! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Should I get Kaalki? We can-“, Tikki worrily pestered Marinette.
“I’m fine, Tikki. Titus just got a little excited!”, she soothed the god while reading the dog's name tag.
“You need to be more alert, Marinette! It could have been someone really dangerous. Plagg will certainly come with you next time once he hears about this!”, Tikki scolded.
“Calm down, Tikki. No one is even here besides me and this good boy. Aren’t you a good boy!”, Marinette cooed.
“His owner doesn’t seem to be here. What do you plan to do?”, the Kwami questioned.
“The dog is from that house we visited with Catwoman, Tikki. I think that’s why it ran up to me. Or it could be your magic since we do have pigeons circling above us?”, Marinette said.
“Then it would be best if you return him home without coming in contact with his owners.”, suggested Tikki.
“Right! We’ll have to cut this outing short and go get Kaalki. How does that sound Titus?”, Marinette asked the dog.
It let out a bark in agreement. Well to everyone else it sounded like a bark. She would never get used to the whole animals and plants talking to her thing. Standing up Marinette, Titus, and Tikki made their way back to her apartment. Titus even followed her up the stairs. It wouldn’t be surprising the dog was able to maneuver up the small steps with the mansion it lived in. Titus would have to have experience!
  “Miri’s, we’re home!”, Marinette called the Kwami’s by their nickname. Since they lived in the miraculous’ she had decided a name played of the word would be fitting. Creating the nickname ‘Miri’s’. The kwami that had permission out flew up to greet her and her guest. She briefly saw Tikki pull Plagg to the side most likely to tell him about their day.
“Kaalki, you remember Titus right?”, Marinette grinned at the Kwami.
“Yes, it’s that mutt that lunged at me when I came to retrieve you!”, the small horse spat out.
“That is no way to speak about him and you know it. Baark would be disappointed to hear this!”, she scolded.
“Sorry, Mari.”, he quietly apologized.
“It’s okay! Now, I need to return him home ASAP and I need your help.”, she explained.
“Of course, guardian! I’ll be glad for an adventure.”, Kaalki exclaimed.
“Great! Kaalki, full Gallop!”, Marinette called.
  A turquoise portal was opened up in front of her that led to a well taken care of yard. Marinette saw how Titus was wary of it and comforted him with a bright smile.
“Don’t worry Titus, your home is just on the other side. I’ll keep my hand right here while we go through!”, she said resting a hand on the top of his head.
Coaxing the dog through was much easier than dealing with a civilian. She’s had her fair share of people refusing to flee to safety just because it was magic. Seriously people, your heroes or vigilantes can’t save everyone! It’s not like you can’t peek your head through first before crossing, she would never understand Gothamites. Titus seemed to be trusting of her and calming followed her in and stepped out onto the grass.
“See, nothing bad happened. It was nice to see you again Titus but I have to go now! Be safe and try not to run off again. I’m sure your owner would deeply miss you.”, Marinette whispered while giving his head a final scratch. Titus barked a goodbye as she stepped back into her apartment and closed the portal.
  Calling off the transformation, Marinette flopped onto her couch and nestled into the blanket there. She hadn’t been back home for a full minute before she was bombarded.
“What’s this about you getting attacked!”
  Damian would kill whichever one of his brothers left not only the front door but the gate open when they left. He hoped it had been Drake since he despised him the most. Titus had run off when he saw his opportunity for freedom out of the well-known manor grounds. Damian had spent the whole day running around Gotham trying to locate him. The dog even had the gall to disable the GPS location chip on his collar by running into a pool of water. He knew this because of the notification of water damage when he first started his chase. Now Damian was home and in a sour mood.
  “Chill out Demon Spawn! Titus is hella smart and will come back eventually. Just let him roam around and live a little.”, Jason stated.
“You do not know that, Todd. For all we know he could be in a terrible pound or worse.”, Damian retorted.
“Baby Bird, he has a collar with our number. I’m sure when someone finds him they’ll give us a call.”, Dick said trying to reassure the youngest Wayne.
“Wait, we were looking for Titus? Isn’t that him in the yard?”, Tim questioned from his seat by the window.
There the missing dog was in all his glory barking a poor squirrel up a tree.
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superspookywombat · 4 years
falling {j.h} chapter thirteen
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Warnings: sad animal death (i almost cried while writing it) (it’s a bobcat), slight makeout sesh, y/n is a brat, not proofread
A/n: thank you so much for being patient, i’ve been flooded with writers block and then school also started up again so i’ve had a buttload of homework. Here’s a slightly longer chapter than usual as a thanks for the wait :)
As Emmett speeds down the interstate with Rosalie riding shotgun, you sit in the back of the Jeep with Jasper. A warm breeze blows your hair around as you watch the scenery pass.
“Who are these people again?” You ask, trying to get all of the information before meeting these strangers. Jasper absentmindedly strokes your hand while looking out at the sunset’s horizon.
“The Denali Coven. Irina, Kate, and Tanya are sisters. Carmen and Eleazar are together. They’re vegetarians too, which is why Carlisle’s sendin’ us there. He thinks it’ll help you adjust.” Jasper says. You look over at Emmett and Rosalie holding hands on the center console.
“How old are the sisters?” You ask. Jasper pauses for a moment, thinking. Before he can respond, Emmett butts in. 
“Hella old.” He laughs, earning a pointed look from Rosalie.
“At least a thousand. Not sure Carlisle ever got an exact answer from ‘em.” Jasper says. You sigh, stale air exiting your lungs.
“That’s a long time to be alone.” You say quietly. You look over at Jasper, who catches your gaze. The sunset burst paints his skin like a stained glass window. 
“They weren’t alone.” He says. 
“You know what I mean.” You reply.
The moonlight illuminates the driveway as Emmett pulls in. A very large, very expensive looking cabin-y mansion sits nestled between two small mountains. The front door opens and your sharp sight tells you that there’s five people there, three blondes and two black-haired people. You grab your duffle bag by your feet and unload the truck with Jasper as Emmett and Rosalie go greet your hosts.
Walking over to the strangers, birds circle above you, exposing your anxiety. “Interesting.” The only man of the group says. “I’m Eleazar, this is my partner Carmen.” 
“Y/n.” You say holding out your hand to shake. He grasps it strongly, and you smile up at him as the birds start to dissipate. Carmen offers you a smile and a small wave. 
“I’m Kate.” The blonde with the straight hair walks towards you, enveloping you in her arms. Her smell invades your senses, but not in a bad way. Another girl next to her, a strawberry blonde, hugs you.
“I’ve heard such good things about you.” She pulls away, smiling and showing off her perfect, white teeth. “I’m Tanya. This is Irina.” 
A woman with curly blonde hair smiles at you, giving your body a once-over. You’d blush, if you could. Emmett walks over with what seems to be everyone’s luggage slung from his shoulders. 
“If you’re done with introductions, this guy needs some bear ASAP.” He says, a wide grin on his face. 
“I’m starting to think you only visit us for the bears.” Eleazar teases. Most everyone chuckles at that, except Emmett, who is obviously hungry. Emmett sets the bags down at his feet.
“Hey! I like the meese too.” He says, scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment from the teasing. Rosalie sighs. 
“Meese?” You ask incredulously. Emmett looks at you like you’ve grown a third head.
“Uh, yeah. Never heard of a moose before? Come on, y/n.” He says, his eyes squinting. You look around at the group. Eleazar and Kate avoid eye contact, looking at the ground while fighting off a smile. Jasper looks away also, his hand rubbing the area above his lip to hide his. Rosalie raises an eyebrow and shifts her weight so that she’s looking at Emmett, her arms crossing over themselves. By now, Tanya, Irina, and Carmen have gone inside.
“You do know that the plural for moose is moose, right?” You ask, eyes wide. He looks at you for a second, not blinking for obvious reasons. 
“Ha ha. Real funny.” He says. When no one responds, avoiding eye contact and hiding their smiles, he spreads his arms. You flinch, forgetting for a second that you’re nearly indestructible. “Wait.. really?”
You look back at Emmett. “Yes?” 
Emmett looks around in disbelief. “When were you guys planning on telling me that! I’ve been sounding like an idiot this whole time?”
“I don’t think not sayin’ ‘meese’ would have changed that, Emmett.” Jasper says, his expression stoic except for the minuscule smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“We were betting on how long you’d go without realizing.” Rosalie says, then turns her head to give you a glare. “But now that’s ruined.”
“Sorry.” You say halfheartedly. She sighs again, picking up her bag and walking towards the house. Emmett follows her, giving you a wink. 
“You must all be hungry.” Kate says. Jasper swallows, his adam's apple bobbing. His usually golden eyes are black, and you reach out to grab his arm lightly. He looks off into the distance. “I’ll let you guys get settled in first.”
As she walks off, you turn to look Jasper in the eyes. “Hey, you alright?” He gently shakes off your hand and reaches down for both of your duffels. 
He nods. “I’m fine. Let’s get inside.” He walks ahead leaving you to trail behind him like a lost puppy. In the dark, the temperature has dropped enough that if you were still human, you’d be shivering. But now, of course, it has no effect on you. 
As you follow Jasper through a large, wooden door, your jaw drops slightly as you take in your surroundings. The home is very open concept, you can only describe it as a minimalistic take on a modern rustic design. Jasper keeps walking, not at all phased by how impressive the interior is. You follow him past a very light and airy kitchen, and up some stairs that lead to an open landing that’s filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves and two heavy looking desks. You don’t have time to look any further, however, because he seems to have a one-track mind. He leads you into a guest room. It’s small (compared to the rest of the house), but the decor is light and minimalistic, leaving the room feeling not at all constricting. As you sit down on the bed, Eleazar greets you and leans against the door frame, Carmen standing behind him.
“I hope it’s okay that you two are sharing a bed.” He says, raising his eyebrows slightly. You glance at Jasper, who’s aggressively unpacking some of the items you brought along. As vampires don’t sleep, you obviously don’t need a bed. You guess that he’s cryptically asking about your relationship. Nonetheless, you respond.
You gasp, feigning shock. “Before marriage? How scandalous!” Eleazar looks alarmed, his eyes darting over to check Carmen’s reaction. He opens his mouth, most likely to backtrack and offer you another place to sleep, but you beat him to it. “I’m kidding. This is perfect.”
“Oh.” He says, a nervous laugh following soon after. He then leads Carmen away, closing the door behind him.
“I think I scared him off.” You say, sighing. Jasper is now standing, lightly shaking a box you brought to presumably check the contents. 
“Mhm.” He answers, disinterested. You look at him, examining the light frown on his face. 
“What’s your deal?” You ask, annoyed. His eyes flicker to you, alarmed, almost as if he’s surprised you called him out. He turns away from you, placing the box onto a dresser. You pull your legs criss-cross and lean forward, cocking an eyebrow at him. “Did I do something? I’m sorry.”
He glances at you before turning back around. “It’s not you,” He says, taking a pause. “It’s.. Irina.” 
“What about her?” You ask, wondering if there’s a point to this. “She seems friendly enough to me.”
“That’s the problem.” He says through a clenched jaw. As you watch his knuckles tighten on the corners of the dresser, it dawns on you.
“Don’t tell me you’re jealous..” You say with a breathy chuckle. He turns to look back at you, his eyes narrowed.
“It’s not funny.” He scolds, his southern accent poking through. Your eyes widen, then you double over in laughter. He watches you, perplexed. As you continue to laugh, he looks back at the wall in embarrassment. You calm yourself and walk over to him, wrapping your arms around his hard waist and placing your head between his shoulder blades. He tenses.
“Relax, Jazz. I like you. And even if I didn’t, I’m still stuck with you forever. Literally.” You reassure, also teasing him. His shoulders droop a little, and you press a kiss to his toned back. 
“That’s not funny.” He says, but you know he’s not serious. 
“Yes it is.” You reply. His body shakes as he chuckles. He turns around, your arms still pulling him close to you. He tilts your chin up with his pointer and middle finger, the rest of his hand cupping your jaw. His thumb caresses your bottom lip so lightly that you barely feel it. You close your eyes as he leans in and kisses you. You smile against his lips as he pulls you closer, your chest touching his. His other hand cradles the back of your head, and your hands find themselves exploring the firm skin on his abdomen. Your fingers brush over raised, puckered scars, forcing a gentle growl to rise from his throat.
“Hey- Woah.” You hear as the door swings open. Instinctively, you place your hands on Jasper’s chest and push. He flies into the wall, a resounding ‘thump’ vibrating through the floor and into your feet. He re-steadies himself as you both look over to see Emmett standing in the doorway. “Well, I was going to ask if you wanted to come with us on a hunt, but,” He glances at you and you brush your fingers through your hair, making it look nice again. “If you’re busy..”
“We’ll be downstairs in a minute.” Jasper says, smoothing his shirt and readjusting his jeans. Emmett raises his eyebrows, then leaves. You look down at your feet, feeling like a misbehaving child. You hear the bed groan as Jasper sits down on it. You swiftly walk over to your duffel bag, grabbing one of the few outfits you brought with. You grab the hem of the shirt you’re wearing, pulling the item over your head. After your view is unobstructed again, you look at Jasper, who is trying to look at literally anything but your chest, only clad in a bra. 
“W-What’re you doin’, darlin’?” He stutters. 
“Changing into something that can get blood on it?” You answer, raising an eyebrow at him as you unbutton and then shimmy out of your pants.
He puts a hand up, shielding you from his eyes. “I s-should go see if Eleazar needs any help..”
“You should?” You tease seductively, bending over to pick up a pair of shorts, giving him a direct look at your cleavage. You pull them on, then climb onto his lap, straddling him. “Eleazar’s a big boy, he can handle himself.” 
“I suppose you do have a point..” He says, trailing off as his eyes flicker down to your breasts. 
“Though maybe you’re right.” You sigh, pecking him on the lips. “You should go and help, be a good guest or whatever.” 
He looks dazed, confused by your sudden dismissal. “But.. I- y/n..” He stutters. You pat him on the cheek, then you slide off of his lap and grab a t-shirt from the duffel. Sliding it over your head, you exit the room and bound down the stairs, leaving Jasper by himself.
“So we’ll split up, Kate and I will go with Jasper and y/n,” Tanya says, standing in the living room. “Irina will go with Emmett, Rose, Carmen, and Eleazar.” 
“Great.” Rosalie says. “Can we go now?” 
“As soon as Jasper gets down here.” Carmen says, glancing over at you. Rosalie rolls her eyes.
“Why do we have to wait?” Kate asks Tanya. Rosalie listens carefully, anticipating an answer.
“We’re doing a competition. One team versus the other, we’ll see who gets more catches.” Tanya replies. Emmett rubs his hands together. 
“Nothing like a little friendly competition..” He says excitedly. Eleazar nods, a small smile looking out of place on his usually stoic face. A familiar scent wafts down the stairs, and you look over to see Jasper. 
“Nice of you to finally join us.” Rosalie sighs. You look to the ground, smiling at yourself. Jasper walks over to you, snaking a hand around your waist and pulling you close. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Irina stiffen. Emmett gives you a thumbs up, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“What do the winners get?” Kate asks.
“Is your thirst being satisfied not enough for you?” Tanya asks. Kate narrows her eyes at her sister. “Fine. Winners get to know that they’re better hunters than everyone else. Better?”
“That’s not fair! They have y/n- She basically controls animal minds!” Emmett whines. You smile, trying to ignore the guilt that settles in your stomach. 
“You guys have an extra person. Some could argue that that makes us even.” Kate retorts. Tanya sighs, rubbing her forehead. 
“Can we start now?” Carmen asks. Tanya nods, and everyone follows her out into the front yard. “3.. 2.. 1.. Go!” 
Everyone springs up from a crouching position. You follow Jasper into the trees, the forestry whizzing past you. So many sounds and scents flood your mind, like the thrum of a squirrel’s heart, and the scent of a grizzly bear a half mile away. Jasper seems to have read your mind, and he runs off to find the bear, presumably just to tease Emmett. As he speeds off to find the bear, something halts you in your place. You skid to a stop, feet tearing into the moist forest floor. An unknown feeling tugs at your chest, and you take a step backwards. The feeling gets stronger, and you try to trace it back to the source. 
When you walk into a small clearing, you see a red fox baring its teeth at a large bobcat, standing its ground in front of a den. You clap your hands, trying to scare the large cat off. It barely acknowledges you, and you walk over to the pair, physically putting yourself in between them. The bobcat advances, assuming you as an easy target. It lunges, and you meet it mid-air. You tackle it to the ground, its head hitting a rock. You can hear its skull crack, and immediately you scramble back, your fingers digging into the ground. Its pained whimpers flood your ears, and your face scrunches up. 
“Oh god. What did I do?” You say, chest heaving. You crawl to the bobcat, cradling its head in your lap. Your hands shake as you place them around its neck and twist, a sickening ‘crack’ on replay in your mind. You look down at your hands that are now covered in blood, and you shiver as your instincts take over. You swoop down and sink your teeth into the now deceased bobcat’s neck, and a warm, syrupy metallic taste invades your taste buds. You can feel your stomach getting fuller and fuller until you physically can’t drink anymore. You snap out of your daze, and stare at the carcass pulled into your lap. Pushing it gently off of you, you brush your fingers through its fur, mostly slick with spilled blood. You close its eyes. Something at the edge of the clearing catches your eye- a much smaller bobcat watching you. Anguish overcomes you, radiating off of the small animal in tsunami sized waves. The fox now long gone, the bobcat slowly approaches. It comes closer and closer until it's sniffing at the bigger bobcats carcass. Then, it closes its eyes, nuzzling under its mother’s chin. Overwhelmed with grief and guilt, a whimper bubbles up from your throat. Dry sobs wrack your body as you enter a tear-less crying fit, watching the baby try to wake its dead mother. You smack the side of your head, trying to stop crying and force a clear head, but you only want to do one thing. Run.
Wind whips your hair around as you run, pushing yourself to go faster and faster. Before you realize it, your foot snags on a tree root, and you fly face first into some bushes. You sit up, pulling your knees to your chest as you spit out dirt and debris. The moon disappears from the night sky as you calm yourself. Soft footsteps approach you from behind, and not a second later, Jasper is sitting next to you, pulling you into his arms. He doesn’t say anything, he can put two and two together by seeing your blood soaked hands and clothes. He can feel what you're feeling. The two of you sit in silence, watching the sun rise as the warm colors causes your iridescent skin to glisten.
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My Hero Academia Girlfriend Headcanons
(A/N: So, I’m kinda gay for over half of the BNHA girls, so here we go. I might do this for some of the boys too, but I really wanted to do some wholesome gxg headcanons. I’m definitely going to do some gxg one-shots in the future (probably mostly Mina, Momo and Tsu because I love them), so feel free to request gxg one-shots as well as bxg!)
(P.S.: Sorry to Hagakure-lovers; I had no idea what to write for her so y’know what was I supposed to do? Leave it blank? Also, no Toga because, even though (I think) she’s canonically bi, I don’t like writing for yandere characters. She’s still cool, though.)
Ochaco Uraraka
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High-key the jealous type.
She gets majorly jealous when anyone shows even minimal romantic interest in you, and she can become pretty passive aggressive towards the person she’s jealous of.
You always inspire her with your confidence and determination, so she always makes an effort to try and be more like you.
She really likes wearing your clothes.
Whether she’s alone in her dorm or out shopping with you, she will be wearing one of your hoodies, jackets, t-shirts or scarves.
You pretty much have to steal them back when she leaves them in her drawers or on the floor of her dorm.
But, you low-key think she looks adorable in your clothes.
Sometimes you just buy cute clothes you want to see her wearing because you know she’ll probably steal it and wear it instead of you.
Of course, this rosy-cheeked, round-faced softy is obsessed with you, her human body pillow.
It’s hella adorable when she just rests her head on your tummy and smushes her cheek against it.
In public, you two often hold hands or you have an arm around her.
She’s definitely distracted a lot in class because she’s usually busy thinking about you.
She gets really flustered when you do something cute and when people (*cough* *cough* Mina) catch her looking at you and tease her a little.
Kyoka Jiro
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You guys go on tons of dates at cafes with live music.
Occasional concert dates are a must.
Sometimes, you just like to lie in her bed and listen to her play the guitar and sing.
When you compliment her on her musical talent, her face goes redder than Kirishima’s hair.
She makes playlists for you.
Literally, the way she confessed to you was by making you a playlist of songs that explained her feelings for you.
It’s still your favourite playlist.
You two are best friends on top of being girlfriends.
Your shared favourite activity is laughing at the stupid things that Denki does.
When you don’t feel like going out, you just lie in your bed, wrap yourselves up in blankets and watch horror movies all day.
That, or you just lie, talk and vibe to music.
She writes songs about you, but she doesn’t share them with you for a while.
Loves wearing your t-shirts because she loves how baggy they are on her.
You’re both really supportive of each other, but you both enjoy bantering and harmlessly teasing each other.
You’re Class 1-A’s power couple; they all think you’re really cute together (though Bakugou hardly cares).
You don’t often display affection in public, but you’re usually always with one another.
Momo Yaoyorozu
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Momo adores you.
You can bet that Mineta fetishises your relationship like the perv he is, and you can also bet that you won’t hesitate to hit him over the head when he’s creepy to your precious Momo.
Momo likes to spoil you.
Who are you to complain? She’s rich, after all.
Momo’s not all that big on PDA, but she’ll hold your hand if you guys are together.
In private, though, you can bet that she’ll cuddle you like hell.
You often lay your head on her chest (AKA your favourite pillow) if you’ve had a bad day or you’re just in need of some rest.
If Momo’s stressed about exams, she rests her head on your tummy or lap and you play with her hair to calm her down.
Speaking of exams, you two often have study dates.
The only problem is that you two often get distracted, if you know what I mean.
NOT LIKE THAT! But, you can bet that there’s some kissing or tired cuddling.
Sometimes, you just visit Momo to invade and take over her big-ass bed.
Of course, you’re there to see Momo too, but her bed is so big and comfortable.
Both of you feel comfortable enough talking to each other about your insecurities, but your self-confidence increases when you start dating.
You’re both pretty protective over each other, and it’s because you love each other so much.
Itsuka Kendo
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Kendo is literally so sweet to you.
However, if anyone tries to mess with you, she will squash them like a bug beneath her giant fist.
Basically, she’s pretty protective over you, but it’s just because she really, really cares about you.
She’s not too shy with PDA, but won’t go overboard.
She’ll kiss you on the cheek, hold your hand and have an arm around you, but that’s pretty much it.
She’s a sucker for cuddling when you two are alone, though.
She doesn’t seem like the overly affectionate type, but she loves holding you in her arms and giving you sweet little kisses.
She literally can’t get over how adorable you are.
She has a habit of pinching your (face) cheeks and pressing them together because she thinks your chubby cheeks are the best thing in existence.
Low-key the gay moms of class 1-B.
She likes to take care of you.
You’re sick? She’ll come and make you soup.
You’re upset? You can bet your house that she’ll be your shoulder to cry on. Plus she’ll yell at and/or beat up whoever upset you as long as it’s not yourself.
Whenever she gets overly annoyed at one of her classmates, they often rely on you to be the one who prevents them from feeling the wrath of her big sister tendencies.
Tsuyu Asui
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You guys literally have the most wholesome relationship.
Hand-holding is something you both enjoy.
If you notice she gets too cold, then you’ll give her your outer article of clothing (i.e. your hoodie/jacket) and scarf if you’re wearing one.
You both like just sitting around and chatting about random stuff, be it deep, introspective conversations or just discussing something seemingly unimportant, such as how Midoriya was mumbling a lot to himself in class.
She tends to be the little spoon of the relationship.
By that, I mean that you’ll be the one who puts your arm around her rather than the other way around, and that she usually rests her head on your shoulder.
However, she tends to be the one to initiate other types of affection (i.e. cheek kisses and regular hugs)
You think she’s the cutest thing in the world.
Tsu must be protected at all costs. She is too pure for this world.
If you guys are sharing a bed, she usually rests her head on your chest and holds you close while you loosely loop your arm around her.
There have been a few times where she’s fallen asleep sprawled out on top of you.
You usually hug her like a child holding a teddy bear when that happens.
Mina is a hardcore shipper of you.
She honestly finds you two adorable together.
Don’t be surprised if she has a Tsuyu x (Y/N) fanfiction on A03.
Mina Ashido
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Mina LIVES for PDA!
She always greets you with a peck on the lips or a kiss on the cheek, all while almost tackling you to the floor in a warm hug.
You two do pretty much everything together.
Homework, shopping, eating, training: all of them you do together.
You let Mina copy your homework because you just love her so much.
You guys are willing to try out one another’s interests, no matter how different they may be.
Mina’s such a romantic.
Valentine’s Day is her favourite holiday.
You usually get her some fancy, bourgeois chocolates, and she’ll have planned some elaborate, romantic date.
If you’re sat alone watching movies in your room or something lazy, Mina likes to either have her legs wrapped around you, rest her head on your lap or use you as a human backrest.
She loves picking out outfits she thinks you’d look cute in, even if you’d never wear anything she picked unless she pouted and pleaded.
Like Ochaco, she steals your hoodies.
You never catch her doing it, but one day she’ll just be walking around in a pair of her gym shorts and one of your hoodies, which looks adorably baggy on her, but you still can’t help but wonder when she managed to steal it.
She blindly supports you on pretty much everything, but you’re a lot more cautious and try to sway her from dangerous (and idiotic) antics.
As much as she loves you, you can act kinda like a buzzkill in her eyes, and she can be too stubborn to back down.
Sometimes this leads to her egging herself on with something stupid, like the time when she and Kaminari stole Bakugou’s large, plastic laundry basket and a trash can lid and they raced down the stairs.
When they almost broke their necks, you and Kirishima had to carry her and Denki to Recovery Girl.
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I finally figured out how to send asks on mobile :D Got any headcanons for how Illumi, Hisoka, (plus gon and Killua if it's not too much trouble) would decorate for Christmas? I just think that would be kinda poggers UwU
YESSSS I DO ACTUALLY! CANT WAIT TILL CHRISTMAS GUYS! I decided to just pin this post until the end of December so if anybody else wants any Christmas headcanons I’ll just add it here and I did put extra characters/headcanons because of that reason and if you want me to add anybody else just send in a request about it! (also dont mind the random juiceboxes I just left them out bc I don’t feel like adding new ones when adding random hc’s.) THANKS SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING! I’ll finish illumi and hisoka later but my food just arrived so I’m gonna go start on that first :)
Hunter x Hunter Christmas Event! This Event Includes The Main 4, The Adult Trio, The Phantom Troupe, The Zoldyck Family, The Freecss Family, And The Minor Characters!
🧃 rich kid is gonna be the one with either nothing but a tree or literally is gonna go to the point of fake snow on the stair rails
🧃 it’s either nerf or nothing for this man. either go all out or don’t go at all mf
🧃 he likes Christmas except the fact it’s cold, girlie isn’t a fan of cold weather
🧃 he’ll probably do the jazz with the gingerbread cookies tho :’)
🧃 but yeah his tree’s gonna look like the ones in the movies with like all the height and the little balls with the perfect star on top bc babie is perfect so his tree should be too ✨
🧃 he says he doesn’t want anything but if you actually get him something he’ll be so touched-
🧃 he maybe will take a day off of fuck knows what to spend Christmas with anybody- 
🧃 okay we all know he’s spending Christmas with hisoka and we can’t change that 
🧃 poor baby he just wants to be held and feel the feeling of warmth again so he is a fan of hot chocolate
🧃 will not go out in the snow but he will go with you or anybody that wants to go outside and play
🧃 he isn’t a fan of dressing up but he’ll take his s/o out on a Christmas date (I will do a mini scenario/hc’s for this if you guys want.)
🧃 I feel if he wasn’t a pedophile or mass murderer they would hire him to work as a mall Santa Claus.
🧃 he’d probably do a color coded thing and the whole house would be that color
🧃 this mf would buy a gift for himself-
🧃 he wouldn’t do anything to his room and the biggest ick about him I have is that he has nothing in his room but a bed, dresser, desk, lamp, and nightstand like only the necessities so he wouldn’t do that much.
🧃 if he had a kid he’d 100% to elf on the shelf until they were like 16 years old and even use his nen ability to secretly make them move so the kid would believe in the magic for a while
🧃 he’s forcing illumi to come over cause he doesn’t want the little shit to be alone and sad on Christmas.
🧃 he got illumi a present
🧃 not a fan of those childish Christmas films but he’s pretty fond of the romance ones tbh
🧃 he literally never ends up under the mistletoe because everybody’s avoiding it so they won’t have to kiss the scary guy-
🧃 he can COOK asf so he’ll def make a feast for him and his s/o or just friends :)
🧃 he’s gonna be the most fun with all this, he want everything either blue, purple, or white. Literally he hates doing shit and not perfecting it (nikki minaj??)
🧃 he’d be the one to act like a mom saying “stupid I’m not buying that it’s too expensive!” and then you wake up with it under the tree- “you thought you weren’t getting it didn’t you?�� I stg he is literally EVERY SINGLE MOTHER ON EARTH and it’s not even funny.
🧃 he wants to go play in the snow and make snow angels but he won’t say anything until you say something
🧃 hc that his ears and nose turn kinda red when it’s cold
🧃 he’s literally cooking a red velvet cake and there is no point in stopping him
🧃 he probably isn’t a morning christmas guy, he’s all for around 11-12 gifts so then you guys can bake cookies and play in the snow a ton because you got some energy stored up
🧃 this mf wants chocolate robots for Christmas and probably at one point in his life asked Santa for a new family but he didn’t deliver ig. (Illumi probably wrote him a fake Santa note saying that his family was better than everybody else’s.) 
🧃 his parents forced him to go sing those fucking Christmas songs when they know damn well those kids sound ratchet.
🧃 he ALWAYS ends up under the mistletoe with somebody. Even if it’s unintentional it always happens. 
🧃 a giant fan of wreaths for some reason? He puts one on every door.
🧃 his favorite holiday is Christmas so ohhh boy this is gonna be magical-
🧃 red green and white colors. you cannot change his mind literally that is what colors are in his head as soon as he hears the word Christmas.
🧃 the tree’s gonna be HUGE and he’s gonna want to decorate every room in the house. The bathroom, your room, his room, and yes he is that one neighbor with the fucking big ass lights outside-
🧃 he is a firm Santa believer he doesn’t take criticism. 
🧃 literally is going to wake everybody up at 6 fucking am to open gifts and everybody is gonna do it because can we really resist his pouty face? no. 
🧃 the joy on his face opening any gifts make it a fucking can of baked beans makes it all worth losing about 3-4 hours of sleep :,)
🧃 he probably wants toys for Christmas, I get he’s 14 but hxh doesn’t exactly have too much social media so he wouldn’t be trying to grow up too fast
🧃 he would get matching sleepwear for everybody except for some fucking reason it actually will look cute and he won’t just settle for a ugly ass tight suffocating elf sweater.
🧃 he believes Christmas is about spending time with your family and probably donated his old toys to a center so kids who didn’t have toys got some :)
🧃 he’s gonna make sure everybody has a good time, like every single person. it’s a  main protagonist thing I guess but I mean I applaud him for it.
🧃 doesn’t quite ever end up under the mistletoe with anybody but if he happened to he’d giggle and kiss their cheek in a friendly way.
🧃 he’s gonna reuse the same fucking plastic wrinkled tree he’s been using for 12 years because the tree prices are “insane” even on sale.
🧃 he would be the one a Walmart ringing the little bell and forcing kurapika to sing with him because he needs the money.
🧃 his house is the one with rainbow colored little balls and it’s so ghetto but at the same time adorable
🧃 he is literally that one neighbor who gets the most snow and it’s the snow that’s basically ice and will take around 6 good days to shovel up.
🧃 maybe wont shovel out the snow too early because he wants killua and gon to have fun. 
🧃 he wants money for Christmas and nothing more, but kurapika tells him money isn’t a real gift and to ask for something else
🧃 even not being a morning person, he LIVES for morning Christmas.
🧃 probably eats snow.
🧃 he would try to cook and it might work actually
🧃 miss girl is plopped right down right next to gon watching elf on the shelf movies
🧃 he wears the Santa hat and is lowkey twinning with kurapika-
🧃 this bitch is gonna make you wait all fucking day to open gifts 😀
🧃 he thinks afternoon/nigh Christmas is the best. On Christmas eve he would literally sit down and watch movies with killua and gon for exactly 2 hours while leorio waits outside because kurapika wants him to sound like there’s somebody on the roof and kurapika can put the two children to bed and get a break for the rest of the night to finish gift wrapping and food making
🧃 hella good at wrapping gifts- commercial wrapping mf.
🧃 he thinks a white color coded Christmas looks best 
🧃 he’d give killua and gon like 150$ to buy Christmas stuff for their rooms and that’s lowkey just him trying his best he doesn’t know what the fuck else to do he isn’t a mom-
🧃 he might teach the other 3 traditional kurta songs his clan and him sung on Christmas.
🧃 he’s twinning with leorio cause he got the reindeer ears I mean get it ig- 
🧃 leorio is BEGGING kurapika to let him get a couple of drinks and kurapika’s like “YOURE GONNA STAY SOBER AND YOURE GONNA LIKE IT BITCH.”
🧃 he may or may not boys whatever they asked for and accidently on purpose use leorio’s credit card-
🧃 he just wants everybody to be happy, but can we blame him? it’s Christmas why wouldn’t he?
🧃 okay all wholesomeness aside he’s making leorio shovel the driveway.
🧃 he thinks this is like a romance thing
🧃 he’ll probably steal a gift or 2 for you ya know
🧃 I feel he’s the mf to have a black Christmas tree or a white one theres no in between
🧃 cookies are a yes
🧃 just go watch a classic romance movie one with him, it’ll give ya clear skin ma
🧃 he won’t decorate outside but inside will look magical asf
🧃 I think personally he’d wear a santa hat
🧃 probably would make a big phat juicy meal just for the two of you and he’d get gifts for the troupe if they cared about celebration
🧃 I feel the troupe isn’t big on that holiday stuff but if you felt like celebrating with him he’d be over the moon
🧃 he got that big tree though for no reason, he also takes the tree down the day after Christmas
🧃 Probably would give you a gift everyday leading up to christmas
🧃 He probably was forced to sing carols and ring the bell on christmas as a kid-
🧃 he doesn’t really care much and won’t care to decorate but may or may not get you gifts
🧃 if you get him something he’ll have a small smile behind his mask 
🧃 he doesn’t wanna be in the cold just make some hot chocolate and watch a movie with him jeez
🧃 probably will wear reindeer horns if you insist
🧃 his favorite holiday is halloween but christmas is nice I guess
🧃 he probably would spend his entire day if he didn’t have a s/o with shalnark seeing who could figure out the christmas word find fastest
🧃 he’s gonna just see if theres anything he could steal for anybody
🧃 doesn’t bother with snow at all if there is snow he just doesn’t care to go outside when we got a perfectly nice house
🧃 firm believer in christmas isn’t about family it’s about gifts
🧃 he’s gonna get you something expensive though
🧃 alluka the sweet princess is literally the neighbor that has the biggest brightest lights
🧃 she probably had her big brother killua come help her
🧃 her christmas tree is pink and white, and she decorated every square foot of her house
🧃 Christmas is her favorite holiday :)
🧃 she get’s everybody gifts and for christmas she wants some toys maybe to go shopping or something
🧃 snow angels are a must 100%
🧃 firm santa believer doesn’t take criticism.
🧃 she’s gonna be so happy just to spend time with people honestly even if nanika comes out she’s just gonna be happy
🧃 her gingerbread houses look absolutely amazing like please become a house builder sis-
🧃 she’s wearing matching sleepwear with killua and gon, probably doing a elf santa and reindeer theme which is adorable
🧃 this is the best day of her life and I’m living for it.
🧃 This bitch is not a fan of anything
🧃 she want’s to paint those little christmas ball things and yeah
🧃 probably says she doesn’t want anything but some jewels or bracelets would be nice 
🧃 also isn’t a fan of snow but her house doesn’t get much to be honest
🧃 for the troupe she gives them like some bakery idem she made because why not that’s her family after all
🧃 probably wears fluffy socks on christmas and they’re like really adorable she just doesn’t realize it
🧃 she probably got something extra for shizuku idk I head canon them to be friends :)
🧃 she wont steal anything probably will buy or make it
🧃 omg machi stitching little christmas sweaters and socks omg that’s the highlight of my mother fucking day
🧃 her house if she decorates, is red and white.
🧃 omg this beautiful woman I love so much
🧃 her house is white and blue and it’s all pretty
🧃 she has lights and stuff but doesn’t like overdo it or anything because she isn’t that jolly but might decorate a tree or two
🧃 she donates to animal shelters on christmas and literally it’s so cute
🧃 will probably get the troupe something specific that fits them or that they like because she isn’t trying to get somebody useless shit
🧃 for her s/o she’ll go out in the snow with them if they’d want
🧃 she buys the best gifts like that one aunt you don’t wanna give kisses but they always come through except we do wanna kiss her asf
🧃 she’ll wear machis socks that machi made her :,)
🧃 probably is the best person to have on christmas because just look at her
🧃 cuddles are everything just let’s just hug her while she watching a movie yes
🧃 yes
🧃 she thinks christmas is all about family
🧃 def an adult who says that they don’t want anything
🧃 she loves gons little handmade gifts or cards though
🧃 she decorates the house whatever way gon would want to cause you know he’s the only kid in the house
🧃 so basically her family has like a huge feast and everything and the food slaps
🧃 she makes gon wear this adorable sleepwear thing cause she thinks its cute
🧃 won’t let gon near any gifts before christmas
🧃 she’ll bundle gon up like a burrito if he wants to play in the snow which is adorable
🧃 she’s the mom like “you thought you wasn’t gonna get that huh? oh you welcome baby.”
🧃 this small little boy omg
🧃 he loves christmas but nobody really pays attention to him so he’s a little sad
🧃 with the troupe if they get him something he’ll be so excited but you won’t be able to tell :(
🧃 he’ll give people stuff because to him this is probably the most spirt he gets
🧃 he might just go sit out in the snow to enjoy the scenery 
🧃 he enjoys christmas eve most because of the vibes
🧃 doesn’t believe in santa but you know he’ll let alluka believe in it
🧃 probably a bit hurt killua wants to celebrate with alluka but not him tho
🧃 will ask killua if he wants anything def
🧃 might get illumi and milluki something if they let him
🧃 he is always cooped up in the zoldyck house so they probably don’t decorate or celebrate but he still enjoys it
🧃 if illumi or something gets him a new game he’ll pretend he doesn’t care but he’ll appreciate it :)
🧃 he loves snow like yes
🧃 he might ask his siblings for something because his bitch ass parents wont buy him anything
🧃 yeah he doesn’t rlly give af but like yes
🧃 he probably just wants a new game or figure 
🧃 he might go online and talk to his online friends to see what they got and watch hauls on yt
🧃 probably the mf to want something that arrives in like july like damn pick something else
🧃 wont get anybody else anything sadly
🧃 we stan milluki here
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slashiest-slasher · 4 years
michael, jason, billy lenz, brahms, and thomas hewitt with a s/o who's deceptively strong? like they go to manhandle them one day, or maybe there's a fight/argument and s/o just goes "lmao nope" and pick them or someone else up like a bratty cat????
this is such a fucking mood my dude. i do this to my friends all the time when they're being lil shits and standing in my way on purpose. just boop! pick 'em up and plop 'em down somewhere else |  ̄︶ ̄|o but i'm a big ol' soft boy so is surprises them every single time
‘nother read more bc i physically cannot stop myself from writing hella lot. warnings for nsfw-ish bits with billy lenz and brahms
Michael Myers
- You must've done something to royally piss Michael off, because he has been trying to stab you all day. And normally, you would brush it off as him trying to spook you, but he had gotten a slash in on your thigh that stings like a fucking bitch.
- Okay Michael, you want to dance, then let's dance.
- The next time you see him he's coming at you with his knife, you're prepared. He doesn't expect you to tackle him around the middle, and hoist him over your shoulder like he was nothing but a sack of potatoes. It startles him enough that he drops his knife.
- And he doesn't expect to not be able to squirm out of the grasp you have on his wrists after you dump him on the couch and crawl on top of him.
- You had looked to weak, so pathetic. That was part of the reason Michael spared you in the first place. But now the tables have turned, and while Michael never really like relinquishing his power, to anyone he lets it go just this once. And whatever reason he thought of that made him want to kill you is forgotten.
- But you forget that Michael is stealthy, and thinks he's just as strong as as you are. So he can and will sneak up on you and pick you up. But you easily overpower him. You think he would learn from the first time, but Michael is determined to get one over you.
- The only time he finally, finally learns that you're stronger than him is when you hold him down and tie him to the bed, and have your wicked way with him. It might not entirely be a bad thing for you to be stronger than him.
- But that still doesn't change the fact that Michael thinks he's stronger than you.
Jason Voorhees
- Okay so, you could understand why Jason always wanted to kill the people that trespassed onto Camp Crystal Lake. It was his camp, and campers had killed his mother (even though it was out of self defense). And a lot of the people that came here were, frankly douchebags. But c'mon Jason, these are just some friends that want to go on a camping trip!
- And he outright ignores you, and locks you in your cabin, as if that's going to stop you. You get to the campers before him, because while he may know the lay of the land better, you are overall lighter and faster than him. All it takes is a warning of a serial killer on the loose and flashing a fake police badge for them to pack up and leave, heading to a motel you recommended.
- And Jason is /not/ happy. If he could yell, he would, but instead he grumbles and groans as loudly as he can and stamps his foot. Angry enough, it seems, to try and pick you up and wrangle you back to the cabin. But oh, ho, ho Jason! You're not in the mood for playing around!
- Jason is yet another victim of being effortlessly thrown over your shoulder, and he has no clue what's going on when it happens, until you're halfway back to the cabin. Even then, he's unable to squirm out of that iron clad grasp of yours until you let him go in the cabin, and decide that you're spending the night in town if Jason's going to be in a mood.
- He is absolutely flabbergasted, so shocked that he can't function until you're long gone.
- But you're so tiny. He was almost touching the ground even despite you carrying him. And even though he should feel indigated at the whole experience, it reminded him too much of his mother. Yes, Jason was always a well behaved boy, but there were occasions where he acted up and Pamela had to carry him to his room for a timeout.
- And Pamela recalls this fondly, and says that you're going to be such a good parent if the two of you ever got around to having kids together, even though Jason's pretty sure he can't even have kids with someone, let alone with you.
- Oh well, a mother can dream.
Billy Lenz
- Of course you know Billy's hiding up in the attic of the sorority, but it's not like you're going to spill the beans and tell anyone. Technically, you weren't supposed to be here either, but the girls were letting you crash here during the fallout of some dorm drama. There was an empty room they could never decide on someone to stay there, so it was all yours.
- And Billy loved breaking into your room in the middle of the night. Barb might've had a tongue on her, but you were the one ballsy enough to tell Billy "not to threaten you with a good time" and "put his money where his mouth is if he's man enough". And as far as the girls of the house knew, you had a secret boyfriend who you would have a go at in the middle of the night. Yeah, the people who couldn't sleep through it weren't happy about the noise, but no one suspected it was Billy who was making you moan like that.
- And you had told Billy to knock it off for the night, because everyone was drinking, and everyone was passed out in the living room. And even though they sleeping solidly, Billy knew how loud you got when he slipped his hand in your pants and played with you, let alone his mouth. He was crouching between your legs, trying to shimmy your trousers off, and licking his lips as his mouth watered, so you knew exactly how this was going to go.
- Phyl was starting to shift and groan, so there was no time to waste. Pulling your pants back up and buttoning them as quickly as you could, you tossed Billy over your shoulder in a fireman's carry and sprinted up the stairs, and crawled up into the attic without so much as batting an eye.
- Billy however, oh dear Billy was so shocked that until you dumped him down on the mattress in the attic he slept on. As soon as he was set down, he jumped at you, mouthing at your neck and pulling you down onto the mattress with him, begging you to "Play with naughty Billy again, play with Billy until you make him scream.".
- Sufficed, Billy is very, very excited, and wholeheartedly supports any shows of excessive strength when it comes to him. He may initially have loved holding power over you, and don't get him wrong, he still does, but the way you can pick him up and treat him like a doll really gets him going.
Brahms Heelshire
- Bratty, baby Brahms is a mad cuddle fiend. In any regard, in any way you'll let him. Big spoon, little spoon, forking, laying against each other, hugs, Brahms will take anything you give him, even if it's just holding hands.
- And he knows you love them just as much as he does, and he does use this against you all the time.
- No, no, we don't need to eat breakfast just yet, we can lay in bed a few more hours.
- Fine, you can go pee, but Brahms will hold your hand the entire time (because he knows you'll let him).
- But this was it, this was the final straw. Brahms was sitting in your lap, facing you, arms wound around your neck and snuggled quite happily against the side of your face while you tried to read a book over his shoulder.
- But by God, Brahms reeked. You know baths weren't his favorite, but he had been running through the walls for days while something in the house was being fixed by a construction crew. His entire body reeked from sweat, his hair was greasy, and he certainly hadn't changed his clothes the entire time. You liked when Brahms had a musk about him, but this was too much for you.
- It was a back and forth for the past hour of trying to get Brahms to get up and bathe. You would tell Brahms he was a stinky boy, and he would say five more minutes. Enough was enough. When you grab Brahms' ass, at first he finally thinks you've caved to have fun times with him, but when you stand up and keep him held up by those hands, he wraps himself around you in an effort not to be dropped.
- Even though he has probably been though longer falls than this would be, he begs you to please put him down, but you do not waver. Regardless of how spooked he is, he is also incredibly turned on, knowing that you could take him up against a wall whenever you wanted, or even *gasp* carry him around like the baby he is!
- You can appreciate him shutting up, but in retrospect, him rutting against you and letting out those deep whines might be harder to deal with. Especially when tries pulling you closer by digging his heels into the small of your back. Another adventure for another day, you think, when you dump him into the shower and crank the cold water on full blast, clothes and all.
- Brahms isn't exactly happy about that, but it's a non-issue for you to strip and pin him down in the tub to fling his sopping clothes off and scrub him down with a loofah and wash his hair.
- When Brahms is finally clean, and sitting on his bed in a towel, he carefully plots his revenge. And oh, he will get his revenge. He just needs to figure out how to work around your freakish strength first.
Thomas Hewitt
- So you don't know what entirely is up with the Hewitt's yet, but you know it's something pretty bad is everyone else avoids them, or refuses to talk about them. But you had moved into town with your family quite a bit ago, and you had eyes for their son Thomas.
- You didn't know what the fuss was about when you popped into their gas station and asked his uncle (brother?), Charlie, for proper permission to take him out for a date. After all, it was the only polite thing to do, since you rarely saw Thomas out and about without one of his family members after he stopped showing up to the new school.
- If Luda Mae hadn't stopped him, you would've had your head blown clean off. Luda Mae let you down kinder, saying she was real happy someone had eyes for Thomas, but you were an outsider and had no place in their family.
- Oh well, like that was going to stop you. This boy made your heart thump, and you weren't about to give up because he has some nasties in his family. Hell, your family wasn't the happiest about your choice in crush, but you were determined.
- His sister (aunt, cousin? you didn't really know what was up with his family) Henrietta was kinder, and agreed to be your little liaison, delivering flowers and letters to him on her behalf. And you didn't know about it, but she had been working Luda Mae to let you two out for a date.
- Charlie, oh boy, was he pissed when you showed up on the property to take Thomas out on a picnic date. No matter how much Luda Mae yelled at him to leave you the hell alone, he was still fixing on shooting you clean in the head. Cocky son of a bitch sure didn't expect you pick him up and set him down on the couch, before scooping up Thomas and walking out of the house with him.
- You weren't much to look at, so Charlie was thrown for a loop when you put him in his place, and was down right shocked like you picked Thomas up bridal style like it was nothing, and strolled out to your pick-up truck.
- Thomas is just as surprised, though goes willingly. You had seemed so sweet and kind and soft, he knew you wouldn't mesh well with the Hewitt lifestyle. But you made him so happy that he wanted to throw all caution to the wind. He's delighted to know that you could hold your own against his family.
- Everyone, even himself, expects him to be one big, mean, bastard, but after confirming with an arm wrestling match that you're much, much stronger than him, he lets his guard down. He can be scared, and confused, and not expect a backhand or called an animal or a retard. I mean, you call him a stud, but even he knows that's meant as a compliment.
- He gets so bubbly and happy when you pick him up and carry him around, especially when you do it without him asking. It makes him feel like a kid again. It also puts you two on even footing for once, so he can kiss you and bump his face (which you don't mind? it boggles his mind) against yours.
- And it's always a good day for everyone when you put Charlie in his place, and he shuts the hell up for once. Despite his intense dislike for you, everyone else in the family adores you and welcomes you with open arms. There's not many people that Thomas without exception or hesitation, and they're always welcome members of the Hewitt household.
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One Night Only 2, Part 7
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But what DMs? Who's talking shit about me," you hiss mid-stair. He's halfway down the hall.
"Bring ya ass on," he whisper-yells and you jog over to grab his wrist demanding his focus.
"Tell me."
"I hear you," he says a little forcefully, unzipping the fly to his black Levi's and walking sock-footed into the main bathroom on the way to the toilet.
"Okay so? Why have you never brought any of this up to me? And how many of these messages you been getting?"
"Hella. Bae, get out I gotta piss."
"I need to see these messages."
"You finna see more than that."
"I don't care, I've seen your dick before.. Erik!.."
"Out," he points to the door. 
Closing it behind you, you wait in the hall while he does his business. When he opens the door he double-blinks shocked to see you standing so close, glaring up at him.
"You never mentioned it... Don't you think that's something important to tell me?"
"For what," he deadpans. "What would you do with that information?"
"Tell you I'm not cheating!"
"I know you not cheating." He says it so matter-of-factly that it catches you off guard.
"It's just odd. Someone sends you pictures and you aren't the least bit curious?"
"Should I suspect you?"
"Hell nah! I'm very loyal," you scoff. "But with all these seeds being planted in your mind, you never had any doubts about me?"
"Once or twice," he admits, his forearm now resting on the wall over your head.
"WHEN?" Your eyes are wide.
"You remember when I hit you up and you said you was at the studio, but my producer ain't see you?"
Of course I remember that.
"I couldn't figure out why you'd lie to me about something that small."
"Erik, that was the night I wanted to surprise you by having your favorite cheesecake from Sugar's because I was excited you were coming home!"
"I know that now," he smirks sarcastically. It was also the first night we played with food and sex. The cake was a mess, we had to buy new sheets. "Only reason I was trippin then was cuz three niggas DM'd me the same video saying you was in the clubs with 6lack and that I'm a simp cuz the nigga was kissing all down your neck." He rubs down his own thick neck in distaste for the mental image. "I zoomed," he pinched the air, "She looked like you, her skin and her hair. Side profile. The fucked up part was I knew through the business 6lack was tryna collab and you were on to collab with a rapper. Plus I was away for a lil bit. But I looked at that picture real close and I saw she had green polish. Last I'd seen, you were wearing white."
"I've never even- ...what? Erik! You should've told me!"
"No need. Even if the rumors were true, I wouldn't leave you.. Not immediately."
"Not immediately, but you'd dip on my ass and I wouldn't know why." That actually kind of hurts. "I mean, I do get it. Cheating is definitely my dealbreaker."
"Oh for sure. Disloyalty is mine and I hate liars."
"Wow," I mouth just staring at him. "You really never hit me with the questions.."
"I checked up on you to make sure you were straight," he straightens defensively.
"No, I know. I mean clocking my moves. You never did that."
"I'm not your last nigga," his brow raises indignantly. "You know where home is just like I know what I deserve."
"You're right, you deserve the best. You deserve me," you smile, the smile drooping seconds later. "Erik, those messages.. all these lies about me. They really bother me and I know they shouldn't and that I should get used to it but I don't like having my integrity on trial like this. I don't get why people would say so much about someone they've never met, like I'm not a person with emotions."
He unlocks his phone and taps a few times and when he shows you the screen it's his Twitter account. His DM's are packed full of people, just like yours. It suddenly hits you how you never check each others' phones. You never felt a need to check his. He puts his phone in your hand and you scroll opening a random message.  It's a nude of a blonde white woman sent with no other information. She's showing pale pink nipples and barbie proportions but he hadn't responded. The next message is one from one of his fan accounts sending him a bunch of hearteyes. He takes over the phone exiting out of that and scrolling. The next message he shows, they'd forwarded a post about you fucking 6lack with a sad face emoji.  You open it and have to admit there's a strong resemblance, but you've never, ever cheated on him.
"What the hell? That's not even me, I swear!"
"I know."
"This is raising my blood pressure."
"It goes with the fame. They always talk shit about me being a fuckboy even though I been with you all this time. It just means you're relevant."
"There's gotta be other ways to stay relevant- Shh. Wait... You hear that?"
You listen to the air. It's silent, you just noticed. You decide to peep in on the baby. He's still knocked out. Though it's quiet now, he'd slept through another World War and it makes you wonder how bad Nay and Corey have been cuttin up in that apartment for this kid to be that used to the noise. Nay probably underplayed the severity of the situation.
Erik cracks the door again concealing the baby from your sight to direct you to the stairs with a nod. Leading the way, you head down silently
in search of Anaya. She's not in the living room where you'd left her with Corey and they're not in the kitchen, his favorite place.
"Where did she go," you mouth watching Erik peep through a window and cross the room. You look through the same window, see nothing, and follow Erik as he heads to the hot tub. As you approach, you can hear noises. Splashing, plopping, moaning, and..
"Shit, y'all getting it in ain't you," Erik grins. Anaya's body melts into the water as she grips the edge of the hot tub to hide. Corey hits one more pump and she hits him, not wanting to moan.
"GET OUT," Corey yells sending a splash out of the tub in Erik's direction. It sprinkles you both, but most of the water falls back down as you hop back.
"This my house," Eriks grins.
"And I like to watch,"  you add, humored by the fact that they can't find it within themselves to stop fuckin.
"Y/N get out!" Anaya splashes, water bouncing from her arch as Corey's hips clap against her ass underwater. You laugh holding your knees so not to fall.
"Get it Nay! That's how you get baby number 2!"
"GET OUT," they both yell in unison.
Back in the house, Erik's eyes are crinkled and he's trying to contain himself like you but you're both actually children and can't stop giggling. In any case, the two seem to be alright now.
"Baby. I wanna finish this conversation." You wait beside the sink looking at his eyes. "As you know, Anaya and I made a fake page and found some of the people who be spreading shit about me. Hate pages and they're mostly mad because I'm with you."
"I saw that shit. Sent them to Quentin and he said he traced the IP addresses of the two Twitter accounts we sent him, but something ain't sit right with me." He pours himself a bowl of Cap'n Crunch and leans against the counter to eat it, smacking loudly. "Who been watching us to know my schedule.. They said some bout me leaving the house and us barely being together. My tour schedule is public but other than that don't nobody but you and my team really know where I be."
"You think it's somebody on your team doing this?"
"Nah, everybody on my team love you and glad you're here to make me more manageable. They feel like they can snitch to you to keep me in line."
That one makes you giggle.
"I think it could be someone on your team. Someone you hired." He stares through you as he chews and you wait for him to finish his theory, on edge. It's all got you paranoid especially when he sits the bowl down unfinished. "Gimme your phone." He looks serious and confused, you hand it over.
"I'll be back," he says zipping up the stairs. Within minutes he's back with shoes on fully dressed grabbing his keys. He kisses you on the cheek and you jog after him to the door.
"TELL COREY DON'T NUT IN MY TUB," he yells back as you watch him leave.
With nothing to do and no one to do it with you decide working on your music is the best use of your time and return to the home studio to work on track six of your album. Last you were there, you couldn't get quite right. Erik could hear it and so could you.
Pursing your lips you slide back up to the computer, put your Drop headphones back on, and play it back. Then you add the rap from earlier and play it back wishing the team was still in the house to give some advise. Hell at this point you'd listen to Courtney, the new and improved nanny. 
Before another thought can cross your mind, you're tossing your headphones back on the table and running down the stairs out to the hot tub where Anaya and Corey are in their underwear slow dancing to Marvin Gaye. Rushing in, you immediately start looking for their phones in their pile of clothes.
"Sis. Whatcha doin," Corey asks still looking at Anaya but he can hear me ruffling through their things.
"Looking for a phone, Erik has mine."
"Under y'all coffee table," he says finally making eye contact to see your face twisted in mock disgust. "What.. don't act like y'all niggas don't fuck everywhere in this house."
"It's our house! That's okay though y'all just roll in where we nutted at, it's fine," you wave dismissively.
"Y'all can soak in where we nutted at! Have fun cuh' I skeeted all in this bih-"
"BYE COREY. Stupid ass," I mumble so he hears. I don't have time to play with him I need to call Erik.
"What bitch," he answers and you almost fire off, feathers ruffled and taken aback until you remember you're calling from Corey's number.
"Y/N," his tone changes. "Sup baby, you okay?"
"Yeah I thought about what you said and the NANNY.. what if it was her? Not Courtney but the one I caught in my stuff.. Raven. She freaked me out."
"I think you might be right, I got her info from your phone. I'm headed to her now."
"You're going to her apartment?"
"Yeah, trust me okay?"
"Okay but I've got a bone to pick with her, I would've went just so I could beat her ass one time."
He snorts. "You're staying out of it. As far as anyone knows, you aren't the one who deals with this shit. You have an image to protect.. unless you wanna be painted as aggressive and reckless like me." 
"I don't care."
"Yes. You do."
"And anyway you're not as reckless as they paint it and when you are I like it," you shrug resting your hand on your hip. "You've got character.. and so do I."
"Okay well keep your character over there, you got enough drama on your name."
Hanging up with him, you realize you can't call the bitch either because her contact was in your phone, but that can't be the end of it. It's not that you don't trust Erik, you just want your one hit in. Heading to the hot tub again, you catch Anaya and Corey as they're coming back toward the kitchen.
"YES? WHAT," she asks wide-eyed like I'm blowing her high.
"You won't believe this. I think that old nanny, the one who neglected my godson to play dressup in my closet, might be the one who leaked my number."
Immediately she freezes in place. "You know you did contact her before it happened," she points at me connecting dots in her head. "She was probably the type. No, definitely. It was her ass," she nods swinging hands like she's ready to fight.
"Godson?... My son?" Corey looks interested now, chin angled down like it better be a lie.
"Anthony, nigga. I hired her to give Anaya a mental break and the trifling hoe did nothing all day but walk around my house and go through my stuff."
"She ain't even feed or change my son," Anaya adds tapping Corey on his chest. He's pissed all over again, his lip curled in disgust.
"Hell nah where she at," he frowns.
"Erik went to find her and took my phone since he figured it out first. I don't have her information."
"Hell, I do." Anaya jogged up the stairs and returned holding the sleeping Anthony and a slip of paper. "I wrote it down after what she did cause I was ready to find her ass myself but didn't wanna do it here and drag you in it, you got enough problems. Sorry for unlocking your phone, but hmm," she hums as Corey takes the slip scanning it.
"I'm glad you did it," you assure glad to have the information now. Corey's already gone and when he returns he's got your car keys in hand, storming out the front door and you jog after him with your hand out. "Uh uh! Bring my keys back!" He looks at you like you've got to be kidding but when he comes back, you snatch the house key to lock up and toss them back to him. "Now we can go!" This time you don't stop him as he jogs off. You, Anthony, and Anaya are right behind him. It's the fastest Anaya has ever put Anthony in that carseat with him waking up only to look around and out the car windows, touch his shoes, and go back to sleep.
Pulling up to the address you see Erik's car and hop out the passenger side of your car as Corey leaves the car running for sake of the A/C. "Stay here with my son," he orders to Anaya, slamming the door.
"Easy. On. My. Car," you fuss rolling your eyes. The both of you jog ahead to the apartment building and there's no elevator in sight. Without a second thought, he jogs up the stairs and you follow, walking up.
By the time you get there, your legs hurt but you make it to the apartment not sure of whose ass you can beat until your legs recover. You try the door and it's unlocked so you walk in, stopping short before you turn the corner. When you peep around...  There standing with his arms folded is Erik in front of Corey who's threatening to kill someone. Never have you ever seen Corey this angry to threaten to kill someone but he's serious. Briefly you wonder why Erik's standing there in front of him like that and not brawling then you peep a little further. There's a gun pointed at them but you can't see who's holding it without exposing that you're there and coming in further. It looks like it's Raven's arm.
"You better pray you don't miss," Corey laughs behind Erik as he moves to block Corey's vital points.
"Say that to my face.. step around," the girl's voice taunts. "Scared?"
Corey is losing control and it finally hits you that Erik's using himself as a shield because the girl won't shoot him.
"COME ON," she challenges. "I don't want you here, I just want HIM," she chuckles.
"Fuck that," Erik retorts. "Never again."
Again?? You almost walk in there but stop yourself. It had to be before you. Yeah, that has to be the case.
"If you strip for me... right... now," she giggles, "I'll let your friend go. Simple.  Whaddya say Erik? I promise. Baby, I promise."
Oh hell nah.
"He ain't doing shit bitch, shoot me. I dare you," Corey jumps causing Erik to shift again.
You can't leave and you don't have a phone to tell Anaya to call 911. Besides, neither of you would respect calling 911 anyway it was already out of the question.
But you also know if the bitch is this crazy and Corey is this mad, she will shoot him dead and Erik can't move because he knows she'll shoot Corey. They're stuck and she's taking advantage. There's only one thing left to do.
"BOO BITCH," you yell running around the corner praying you don't die tonight. You anticipate her firing her gun at you and slide as she shoots.. like a boss until she fires down. You try to dodge and get hit in the shoulder before Erik tackles her to the ground almost breaking her hand to seize the gun, snatching it.
"Corey, take Y/N and go," he orders.
"Hell nah! I ain't get shot to leave I'm in this," you fuss.
"She said she ain't leaving till this bitch dead," Corey points to the woman who's pinned to the ground.
"If it's by your hand, I'll accept it," the woman on the ground laughs like a psycho.
"Harpo who this woman?" You stare at Erik's head and he looks back at you briefly, sighing in irritation.
"You wanna talk about this now??"
"Did you put your dick in that bitch? When?"
"When we separated. It was one time."
You gasp. "You was fuckin groupies while we were apart?!"
"Baby.. yes, okay. Damn."
"So what was the difference between me and them? You were really fucking random bitches!!"
"You're not special," the woman he's sitting on teases and you finally get a good look at her to realize it's not Raven at all...
"Who is this bitch," you squint looking down at her.
"SOME BITCH," he yells.
"Psycho bitch," Corey adds. "Slice her fuckin titties off yo."
"Corey... Who's this bitch," you ask.
"Superfan. Stalker ass.."
"What?" Now you're really confused.
"This was never about you. She was tryna get to me," Erik reveals.
"Cuz you fucked her," you blurt.
"What you expect," Corey interjects. "I told your ass to go get him, how long you expect him to hold out. Two years? Cut him some slack. Man was going through it."
"Don't worry, I took care of him then, he'll be okay if you walk out again," the girl under Erik giggles pissing you off for the last time.
"Uh uh, Erik get up," you command and initially he ignores you, but you tap his shoulder and gesture for him to stand up.
Groaning, he gestures to your injured shoulder but steps back and the woman chuckles standing up from the floor.
"I'm a beat your ass myself. Woman to woman," you nod feeling her out to see how she'll move. You haven't been in many fights in your life, but win or lose this is one you feel like you need.
"You can try, " she shrugs and you both move trying to find that in. She raises her hands like she's finding a time to swing and you wait doing the same.
"Hit me bitch," she laughs.
"I will," you chuckle ready to boo her.
She jabs and you dodge but her follow-up hits you in the nose knocking you back and you can see Corey in the background balling his lips like a mother saying you better not lose.
She hits you again and you miss her when you swing giving her the chance to grab your injured shoulder. Yelling out in pain, you grab her and scuffle knocking her backward where gravity does the work. She hits her head on the floor and straddle her to return the hits she gave you to her face with interest until Erik pulls you off by your waist holding you back.
"Put me down, I'm a drown her in her own blood!"
"Chill bae, I called my bodyguards. They'll handle her and her funky ass cousin. We need to leave though. Let's just go home.."
You still, calming yourself and smoothing out your hair before scooting to kick her one time in the ribs, "For Anaya," and once more "for Anthony. Now I'm done."
Spinning on your heels and walking out, you head down the stairs where Corey and Erik come down right behind you.
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gojosgoddess · 4 years
The Queen meets the Princess
Pairing: Jonathan Lyndale “DaBaby” Kirk x Black! Thicc reader
You finally meet Jonathan’s Princess.
Warnings: no warnings really, fluff
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 You rubbed your clammy hands against your thighs and bit your lip. You were waiting on Jon’s call as he went to pick up his daughter; Serenity, from his baby mama’s house. You were nervous as this would be your first time meeting the two year old toddler who you shared a key with to Jon’s heart. Your relationship had finally meet the bridge of meeting his child, and you were happy that your relationship was moving forward but the thought of meeting the adorable toddler scared you.
 ‘What if she didn’t like you? What if she thought you were trying to replace her mother? What if she cried when she met you and Jonathan breaks up with you? The ‘what ifs’ were swimming and doing laps in your mind as you looked in the mirror and fixed yourself
 “Look girl, everything is going to be okay, Jon has spoken to her about you and he already assured that everything was going to be alright, so don’t worry.” You told yourself and nodded in affirmation. Your thoughts were cut off when you heard your phone ringing.
 ‘I keep it loaded when I ride cause I’m still a nigga
Fuck wit her to ease my mind, cause I be in my feelings’
 You grabbed your phone and pressed answer.
 “Hey boo.” You said smoothing out your outfit.
 “Hey baby, wassup witchu? We outside mamas.” He said in his deep voice that just made you melt. You held your phone in your neck and grabbed your bag, walking down the stairs. “Okay baby, I’m on my way out now.” You said walking out the front door and locking it.
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  “Aight bae I see you coming out now.” He hung up as you looked up and saw him walking to you while holding Serenity’s hand. You breathed in and out as you placed your phone in your bag. You walked up to them and smiled at the father-daughter duo. Jon matched your smile while Serenity shyly stood behind her father’s leg.
 “Ooh baby you lookin’ hella good right now, just wanna eat yo fine ass up right now.” He said once he brought you in for a hug and kiss. You gasped and lightly hit his shoulder. “Boy there is a baby present, what’s wrong with you?” You both laughed at each other before looking down at the pretty child.
 “Baby, say hello to Daddy’s girlfriend.” He said in a soft voice which made coo in your head. She slowly came up from behind him. She waved at you with her thumb in her mouth. You waved back and she giggled, going back to her spot behind her father. You chuckled at the baby’s cuteness and crouched down to her level.
 “Hey there little one, my name is Y/N, what’s yours?” You asked softly. She came up from behind Jon and held her little hand out. “My name is Serenity.” You raised your eyebrows and shook her hand. She honestly spoke so well for a toddler.
 “Nice to meet you Serenity, that’s a very pretty name for a very pretty girl.” You tapped her little button nose and she started laughing.
 “Look at my two babies getting along.” Jonathan said above you. “Come on girls, we need to start the day.” He said looking around. Both you and Serenity shared a look before looking at the love of your life. You sighed and stood straight, Jon grabbed your waist with his other hand and he picked Serenity up. She then started struggling in his hands.
 “What’s wrong baby? We got to go.” Jon said confused. She then made grabby hands at you and Jon looked at you to see if it was alright. You nodded your head and smiled brightly. The young child smiled back at you as Jon passed her to you. You held her on your hip and made sure she was comfortable before walking with Jon again.
 Jon kissed your cheek as he saw how comfy and natural you two looked. He didn’t say anything but he was a bit worried about how this morning was going to go but it seemed as things were heading in the right direction.
 “I like your hair.” You heard the toddler whisper to you. You smiled and genuinely blushed before whispering back “thank you honey”. She then looked at her father and exclaimed “Daddy she called me honey!” She said with a smiled. You and Jon laughed before getting into the car and buckling her in.
  The day went absolutely great, when you guys went out to eat, Serenity asked you to cut up her food and she kept admiring and playing with your hair. She even made you promise to do her hair the same way when you two see each other again. You all went shopping together and you bought her some clothes as well as shoes. The day was sadly over and she had to go back to her mother’s house. Her mother was picking her up so you got her things ready and gave her a juice box in the meanwhile.
 “It was really nice meeting you today Serenity, you’re a very nice girl.” You said as you both sat on the couch side by side. She looked up at you and smiled, “Thank you, you a very nice lady too.” You both smiled at each other.
 “I actually got a little gift for you.” Once you said that, she got excited and started jumping up and down in her seat. You told her to close her eyes and she placed her hands over her eyes while smiling brightly. You turned next to you to retrieve the collection of Woody, Buzz and the other characters from Toy Story. Jon stopped you to look you in your eyes and kiss you. “Thank you mamas.” He mouthed to you. You smiled and pecked his lips again. You turned back around to face the toddler.
 “Okay baby, open your eyes.” She opened her eyes and literally screamed in happiness and kept speaking gibberish and pointing at the toys. You and Jon couldn’t help but laugh at her adorable freak out. She ended up hugging you tightly and repeatedly saying thank you. You picked her up and swayed her from side to side. You were so happy that she loved her gift.
 “Shit I want some love too, y’all tryna cut a nigga out.” Jon said coming up behind you, holding you both and kissing Serenity’s cheek. “Daddy, don’t say that, that’s bad word.” She said sternly. “My fault baby, I’m sorry.” He said shaking his head. The sweet moment was disturbed when the doorbell rang. Jon stood up and you and Serenity separated and you packed her gift in her bag. She excitedly told you about all the adventures she would go on with her new friends. You could definitely see this was Jon’s baby.
 “Serenity, come on babygirl, your Mama is here.” Jon said. You helped her down the couch and grabbed her bag and her hand as you approached Jon and his baby mama. You and his baby mama smiled at each other and nodded towards each other. There was never any bad blood between any of you for the sake of Serenity and also, it would be pointless.
 “Hey baby, say goodbye to your dad and Y/N so we can go home okay?” She said with a small smile. Serenity nodded her head and Jon picked her up to give a goodbye kiss and place their foreheads on each other and give eskimo kisses, you felt your heart cooing as you took in the adorable sight. She then reached for you and you took her into your hands and she kissed your cheek, making you the same and she hugged you tightly, waiting for you to hug her back before she allowed you to give her to her mother.
 You and Jon watched them get into their car and back out the driveway causing you to wave at them. You closed and locked the door when Jon grabbed you by your waist.
 “Thank you again for today mamas, I really appreciate everything.” He said looking in your eyes. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Anything for you my love, plus I loved meeting her, you really did a good job raising that beautiful girl Jon.” You told him. He looked bashful and looked down before looking back up at you. He thanked you by kissing you and softly picking you up and taking you to your shared bedroom. “Been wanting to get in this ass since I saw you.”
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dababy My Queen (Y/IG/N) & My Princess
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theestallion This is the cutest thing, I swear!!!
stunna4vegas My niece & my sister-in-law looking like fam already
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Liked by theestallion, badgalriri and 1,407,888 others
y/IG/n Snuck away from @dababy big head ass to take pictures with my favourite person
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theestallion My favourite hot girl and hot baby together!!
dababy @y/IG/n Girl you gone stop coming for my head, plus you love my head anyway & @theestallion don’t make me split y’all up now 
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this, I wanted to try fluff since it’s been awhile since I had written anything fluff related, let me know if you would like to be added to the tag list down below.
Tags: @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression​
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
IV. I’m in the mood for love
Summary: Beyond the sass and the crass lies a tender moment Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes A/N: Maybe I wrote myself into a pickle? Idk but I teared up a little at the end. Also this is the most politics I’ll ever put in my work-- let’s keep it civil and chill if we disagree.
Foot in Mouth Syndrome Masterpost
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 It’s a miracle that you had worked up the courage to trot downstairs to return the only covering that separated two bare-ass naked men from your eyes. And not to mention yourself, who was only covered in a towel, too.
You make Steve stand so far around the corner of the doorframe that all he can do is stick out his hand. Bucky rustles the shower curtain impatiently and makes a comment on how “non-hyperverbal” you’re being and you’re too nervous to even respond back. When Buckyeye starts looking at you and the swinging white hem at your shins, you shoo him up the stairs before he gets any other bright ideas.
“Didn’t know you were such a prude.” Bucky comments later as you fiddle around in the kitchen, “But I guess it makes sense-- you still have those stuffed animals on your bed.”
You bristle and glare at him, “Just because you didn’t have a childhood doesn’t mean I can’t.”
It’s a little too mean, and you hear the venom that shoots right into him as soon as it leaves your mouth. “Sorry.” You comment. Damn it. He grew up in the fuckin’ Great Depression where everything was dusty and shit.
“Not all of us can travel the world eating caviar at the ripe age of four.” Bucky snarls. Ugh. Why’d he have to do that?
“Oh, fuck you.” You retort the same time Steve sharply calls Bucky’s name to reel him back in. It doesn’t work, as Steve knows, because when you and Bucky get into it—you get into it.
“You wish, princess. Wait, you’re such a goddamn prude, anyway--”
All Steve can do is cross his fingers and bark, “Buck!”
It’s too late. You’re across the room before Steve can say much else and you’ve launched yourself over one empty couch and straight into Bucky sitting on the other. The force knocks it slightly and it teeters before flopping back with a muffled thud.
Buckeye begins to run around in circles, unsure of the kind of play this particular moment is.
You have no idea what you’re doing, and you doubt you even want to—or can-- hurt him in any way, but you are so finished with his bullshit. You death-grip his hair as you jab both knees into his abdomen. Bucky moves to rip you off, but you clamp your teeth over his wrist and he yelps.
“Fuck you!” You scream, “fuck you so much! I—ow! I fucking apologized, you—Ugh!”
Buckeye, ever the perfect audience member, begins to bark to the rhythm of your screeching and aggressively nudges Bucky’s foot with his snout.
Soldat’s metal hand pushes your face back until its tilted up to the ceiling and further beyond, precariously suspended. The only thing keeping you from cracking your skull on the coffee table is your clinging to his hair. Steve’s concerned expression is upside down and his arms are outstretched, trying to determine the right configuration to pry the two of you apart. “Get that fucking! Aluminum foil finger the fuck away fr---”
“Shut up!” Bucky’s palm smashes against your mouth as his legs wrap around your back until you’re a squished human pretzel inside of him. You’re too crushed even to make any sounds and behind you Steve is sputtering vowels and consonants but not stringing together any real words. Finally, he nearly shrieks,
“Bucky! Jesus! You’re gonna actually kill her!”
Yep. This is how you’re gonna go, you think. The Winter Fucking Soldier has officially had enough of your bullshit, too, and he is going to bear-hug you to death. Who would have thunk it? Your fingers disengage and fall uselessly over his arms.
When time begins to slow and your soul starts to yeet itself from your body, Bucky blessedly lets go. “You’re bluer than I was in cryo.” He sneers.
Steve gasps, scandalized by the comment. For whatever reason, he’s covered Buckeye’s ears, too. You would send him an incredulous look, but you can’t feel your face.
With a pathetic whistle of air, you flop backwards and hang upside down over the couch, thighs gripped tightly by Bucky, heaving deep breaths until your lungs feel like they might burst through your rib cage. No wonder you are not a superhero—fuck the hubris, you are physically not built for this shit.
“I think I’m gonna vomit.” You mutter when Steve’s face begins to spin alongside your dog who slobbers all over your nose. Bucky yanks you up by the front of your shirt and the cough that blasts from your mouth goes right into his face. His smug expression twists into one of disgust and you take the moment to waggle your eyebrows suggestively.
Your sour mood has fled and now that you’re absolutely sure you cannot kick his ass—you return to the one thing you do know you’re capable of:
“Hey, baby. Is that a glock in your pants or are you just really happy to see me?”
To drive your point home, you bounce on his lap with a wide grin, wiggling your butt in exaggerated motions.
“Okay! That’s enough!”
Steve scoops you up and plants you back on the other side of the coffee table. “That’s too smart! Too smart!” He scolds as you pat your bottom and then curtsy. Bucky only huffs and crosses his arms, refusing to meet your gaze. Ha-ha. Winter Soldier, meet your match—Ass Woman. No, that just sounds like a porno.
“Alright, fuckers.” You declare, stepping over to the built-in bookshelf around the flatscreen and retrieving a leather-bound copy of The Wizard of Oz. “Ready for chili?”
They watch you open the front and stick your hand inside the false pages and retrieve a roll of bills. “What?” You ask nonchalantly. “Oh—shut up, Barnes. Like you guys really need me to pay back the vet fees. Technically, my tax dollars pay you.”
Steve shakes his head no. So, you casually toss him the roll of cash and then pull out another one.
“Jesus! Will you put these back?”
“Look,” You say, “For every month I don’t come home my mother puts another wad in this box.” You show them the pile of rolled bills, each encased in varying sizes of rubber bands. “She thinks it’ll ensnare me, but joke’s on her, the more I’m away the more there is to spend. She’s not very smart—a consequence of never having to think for herself.”
“And you’re fine with spending it?” Bucky ponders. The relationship you have with your family grows more confusing the longer they spend in your parents’ house. The memorabilia littered in your childhood bedroom seems to suggest that you aren’t completely detached from your family or your childhood. The way you respond to being home is paradoxical, too—disgusted at the excess one minute, reveling in it the next.
“It’s just fucking money. They make so much of it. I couldn’t bankrupt them if I tried. My father has offshore accounts in the fucking Caymans. I literally could not.”
They both pause before Steve speaks up, “Are you an only child?”
You frown. “No.” Then you aggressively push him by the shoulder and toward the exit, motioning for Bucky to follow. “It’s fucking Skyline time.”
Suddenly, you pause at the door and turn around to put both your hands on your hips. Looking both of them up and down, you shake your head impatiently. Steve is wearing his civilian Captain America outfit again. And Bucky, honestly, Bucky looks like someone cosplaying Bucky.
“Who dressed you?” You demand, exasperated, “You guys like, do spy stuff? It’s baffling to me that you don’t get caught immediately. Steve—khakis?”
Upon being admonished, he scoffs and looks around, “What’s wrong with my khakis?”
“Will you please tell him something?” You ask Bucky, who only rolls his eyes as if to say, you’re fuckin’ telling me. When it’s obvious that Steve’s poor choices are solely the result of him being an old fuck with no fashion sense, you mumble. “At least switch shirts. I’m going to take Buckeye out… please… fix this.”
When you come back, the sight of Steve wearing black and Bucky wearing light blue is so discomforting you cover Buckeye’s eyes. “It’s okay, boy.” You whisper loudly. Bucky flips you off but fixes the hem of the shirt he’s sporting. Steve—for whatever inexplicable reason, has decided to tuck… You quickly yank his shirt from his waistband and shake your head. “Christ, why are you like this?”
Untucked and uncomfortable in black, Steve looks at the menu as if the letters on it were runes from an ancient past. He doesn’t understand at all what Skyline Chili is or why it is. They’re coneys—this he does understand. But the rest of it—nope. Why would anyone ever need that much cheese? Bucky mirrors his sentiment by shutting the menu and crossing his arms.
The small bowl of oyster crackers in the middle of the table is being torn apart as you shovel handful after handful into your mouth. There is an inordinate amount of hot sauce sprayed on the top of the crisps, and you wipe your hands haphazardly on a napkin when you’re finished.
“Okay. You feelin’ spag or nah?” You ask, not even looking up. “Spagbol.” You continue, “Spag-y. SPAGHETS!” Then, in a terrible and very offensive Italian rendition, you pinch your fingers together and enunciate, “Its-a-spha-ghetta!”
Bucky slumps down into the booth until you stop. Steve puts his hand over his eyes.
“Why would you put chili on spaghetti noodles?” Bucky hisses.
The waitress arrives right after his question and you reach over to take his hands into your own— still reeking of peppers and vinegar from the hot sauce. “Shh,” You say almost tenderly, “Adults are talking now.”
“I hope you rub your eyes with that hand later.” Bucky snarls.
“I’ll cup your balls with it, instead.” You respond.
The waitress whimpers at the conversation she’s just stumbled into.
Six coneys arrive and as well as two plates of spaghetti. You explain to the boys that the Skyline specialty is steamed buns, mustard, special secret spice chili, raw onions, and hella shredded cheese. The noodles come with the same, sans mustard, and if you’re feeling extra frisky— beans. One plate is extra frisky today. Then you unscrew the cap to the hot sauce and shake the shit out of it onto everything.
They are bewildered at the sheer excess of American consumption as you shove almost half a coney into your face. Cheese flops down onto your plate.
“I think I’m gonna vomit.” Steve whimpers.
“Big baby, wimpy, Stevie can’t eat the cheesy?” Between mouthfuls, you’re still a dick. “Just try it! What are you, six?”
He glares at you and then sends a puppy-dog look to Bucky who already is lifting a coney to his face. You take another bite and watch them do the same.
Immediately, Steve coughs. Bucky starts laughing so hard he drops the pile of shredded cheese all over the table. You tuck into the overflowing plate of spaghetti, hot noodles melting the cheddar on top into an amalgam of gooey yellow. “I can’t do it.” Steve groans, “This isn’t right. This isn’t what God wanted.”
“God is dead, bitch.” You reply, “There is only Skyline Chili.”
“So what’s your deal?” Bucky asks from the couch.
The three of you have returned back to the house, winding down for the night. It’s eight now, and you’ve driven them around the city just to show them the sights. The gentrified downtown with its bustling crowd of young, white party-people interspersed with streets of dilapidated buildings and homelessness. There’s a bitterness to your voice when you talk about the changing scenery—but a kind of sadness, too. You admit you don’t really know the solution. The business brings in money to the city, but all the people left behind are really getting left behind.
You show them the more relaxed areas, like Over the Rhine and point out its massive brewery. You promise to take them there soon. There’s also the famous Cincinatti Zoo, and King’s Island, where you swear is better than where Steve wanted to go- Coney Island #2. There’s no point in taking him there, you declare when he starts to sputter, because he only wants to go to shit all over it, and because King’s Island is way cooler.
“What do you mean?” You ask back, flipping through the stations with your feet propped up on the coffee table. Steve and Bucky are sitting side-by-side under a blanket. There is a bowl of chips and hummus shared in their laps since Steve refused to eat during dinner and is now very cranky.
“All of this. Excess. Money. And then... you.” he waves to the house, then to you, sprawled out carelessly on a leather couch in mismatched pajamas. Buckeye’s head is faithfully in your lap, big eyes peering up at you, as if he’s waiting for an explanation too.
“You hating on my penguin top and pumpkin bottoms or what?”
“C’mon...” Steve beckons, knowing that your deflection is just another cop-out.
So, you groan, because they’re teaming up on you and after almost three months it’s bound to happen. They’ve told you so much about themselves already. You’ve learned all about the personal lives of the Commandos, the war stories, serums and experimentations, the cryo, the trial after the Triskelion... the blood, and sweat, and all of Steve Rogers’ tears.
“Well... it’s not as exciting as you think it is.” You mutter, tugging on Buckeye’s ear, finding the texture comforting under their persistent gaze. “Just a dumb girl born into an obscene family.”
But you tell them, truthfully and genuinely. Your family has old money- oil, or steel, probably both. As a result, you grew up in the lap of luxury, private schools, language programs, singing classes, dance lessons, horseback riding, trips to Europe and Asia, enormous birthday parties and a line of suitors as soon as you started growing breasts. The worst part, you admit, is that you loved it.
The picture they picked up in your room was from junior prom, and the date was a boyfriend- family friend- you’d been with for about six months, and he already planned on proposing. That was just how it was. Rich people marrying other rich people continuing the line of one-percenters.
Really, you say, your family was maybe the 10 percenter-range. As rich as maybe low A-list movie stars, not quite Jeff Bezos. But you know him, too.
“What changed?” Steve wonders out loud for both him and Bucky.
“Living in New York.” You half-smile at the memory of Union. “After Ohio State, I went to Union for my graduate studies and it blew my shit wide open. But that’s what happens when you start opening yourself up to other realities.”
You tell them about the immense struggle the first year at Union, feeling ostracized and realizing that your life is nothing like most peoples’ lives, and then beginning to frame your understanding of the world in a different way. You tell them you got mugged once and you felt like you probably deserved it.
“Then the election happened.” You sigh, and they both groan at the reminder. “As you know... it’s just been downhill and fucked. We had a big falling out here over Thanksgiving holiday.”
You didn’t come home in almost two years. You took out loans, you worked two jobs, took a full course load and wrote a thesis, and then went on to your Doctoral program. Your parents reached out to you and you eventually came half-way back into the fold.
“And spending their money?”
Most of the money you get you give to the local shelters. “That’s just direct action, baby.” You laugh. “We go at it, all the time. But you know, I figure... If I have to live in this shit world, might as well be a bastard about it.”
That earns a hearty chuckle from both your guests. “Jesus, that explains a lot.” Bucky grins as you nuzzle Buckeye and plant a kiss on his wrinkly face.
It feels so much better now that you’ve aired all the dirty, 1000-thread-count Egyptian cotton sheets.
Steve hops up from the couch and runs downstairs, “Be right back!” He yells. You and Bucky narrow your eyes at the trail he’s padded into the carpet. In the distance, you can hear his rummaging and then thumping footsteps back up into the living room. He’s perfectly in one piece, because he’s Captain Damn America and nearly flying up a flight of stairs ain’t shit.
“I figured this would happen.” He grins, holding up a metal flask. “It’s time to break out the Asgardian mead.”
The three of you are drunk on whiskey and space-juice, tumbling around the downstairs living room. You are banging on the piano keys, tapping out a stuttering and off-kilter rendition of The Magic School Bus theme song while they wrestle. Why is it that no matter how old boys get, they still love to wrestle? Around their legs is Buckeye, running around in circles and panting, like a racecar at the Indy—only making left turns, having the time of his life.
“Get a fuckin’ ROOM!” You scream, throwing another shot down.
“You mean your room?” Steve laughs back, head under Bucky’s arm, tapping uselessly on his ribs.
“Captain America, fuckin’ in my room. Carve that on my grave, baby.” You mutter, as the piano lid slams down and you take a bow, knocking the bench over with a crash. “Oops.”
“Thas direct action, baby.” Bucky parrots you, “You’re so fucking lame.”
Buckyeye leaps into the air and licks him on the face. “Fuck!”
“Yeah, defend my honor, Buck!” You whoop. “Not you!” You point to Bucky, who flicks you off with a cackling laugh. The sound of it flutters into your ears like a ghost- leaving cold trails down your back. Suddenly, you get an idea.
“Hey-- you guys on Twitter?”
They sit crosslegged on the floor flanking you as you scroll determinedly through what seems to be endless tweets. There are other tabs open, too, of compilations of these. Thirsttweets, you explain. The internet loves and wants to bone the hell out of Captain America. Some of them want the Soldier there too—just watching, apparently.
Steve is seventeen shades of red and a little bit of purple. Bucky keeps cursing under his breath and at one point, you think, is reciting Hail Mary. It’s a million times worse than your playlist.
Who’s Got the Biggest Dick in Baseball is nothing compared to captain america could spit into my mouth and id say thank you
“I would never!” Steve gasps. “Or that!”
The tweet in question says: ruin my life big dorito daddy
“What does that mean?” Bucky groans, a little ruffled by all the lewd attention Steve is getting.
“His back is shaped like a Dorito, duh. Don’t get jealous, big boy. You’re next.”
For whatever reason, Bucky’s tweets are way worse. Maybe it’s his persona—that redeemed baddie type of thing. People eat that shit up like chips and dip—and apparently want to eat him too.
As long as I have a face, Winter Soldier has a seat rearrange my guts, Sargeant Sexy When will James Buchanan Barnes put his fist in me? WHEN? I didn’t know I was into getting choked until I saw that metal arm.
You snort whiskey into your lungs in the middle of reading one out loud and spend the next five minutes with your insides on fire. Steve has his head in Bucky’s lap and there are tears coming out of his eyes both from Bucky’s clenched jaw and you, crumpled into a heap spewing amber.
A jazz tune belts out from the surround sound system. Steve has picked a Music Choice station from the seemingly endless list of cable possibilities and of course, being a nostalgic thing, chose Swingers — wait, Singers and Swing. Your brain is loopy with joy.
“Didn’t you say you took dance lessons?” Steve asks nonchalantly.
“Uh-huh,” you sigh on the floor, legs crossed over Buckeye as you pull him down on your tummy. Rolling side to side with you, your dog begins to groan and flop, aggravated at your antics.
“You know, Buck used to dance.”
“Uh-huh, you sure did, didn’t you, big baby?” You kiss Buckeye on the nose.
“Bucky. Bucky, not Buckeye.”
He returns from the restroom with his hair pulled away from his face, changed into a long sleeved soft shirt and sweats. “What?”
“You used to dance!” Steve urges with a flick of his wrist, “Get on out there!” He waves his finger to the carpeted living space where you are spread-eagled, trying your best to keep your dog next to you. Damn it, you want cuddles!
“You want me to lead her? Stevie, I couldn’t lead the girl to water if she were a horse.”
“I am not a whore!” You cry indignantly, shooting up from the carpet and knocking Buckeye over with a yelp.
“A horse! Jesus H. Christ, ya deaf!”
You probably are, you think, as the music slurs itself into one long whine. Bucky grabs you by the hand anyway, determined to prove some point to Steve. He turns you around until you face him and takes a second to start on the right beat.
It’s like a switch has flipped and he becomes all step and sway as he moves to the music, leading you, too. Some vestigial memory digs its way out of your muscles from all those damn dance lessons and your feet point and tap along with him, hips rocking when he spins you around and pulls you back. A grin slowly breaks across his face, big and lopsided, all teeth.
You feel like a little puppet in complete submission to him as he expertly uses the perfect amount of momentum to change your course.
Laughter bursts forth from your mouth as you whirl dizzily around Bucky, hands clamped tightly in both of his. The room is a blur of colors and the blue of Steve’s eyes, watching.
At one point, you stand hip-to-hip side-by-side and kick your feet together before he takes you by the waist and dips you low. You’re breathless as he laughs, mirroring your puffs of warm air from above, wild with motion— his hair slipping from behind his ear to hang over your forehead.
“Holy shit you got moves.” You proclaim as the song finishes and he tugs you up with a satisfied chuckle. A slower melody comes on and you move to return to the couch where Steve is sitting with Buckeye, but Bucky tugs you again, closer.
He places one hand behind your back, resting on the ridged thread-bare waistband of your pajama shorts, and the other one he holds up to his chest. You blink away the fuzzy spots from your eyes and peer at him, looking so far away even though he’s just inches apart. His expression has changed, dropping into something distant and removed and staring straight through you.
You see it now. He’s not Bucky anymore.
It hits you like a bag of bricks, that this is James Barnes, in all his glory as a beautiful Brooklyn boy. Out dancing with a girl. Laughing, just like this: bristled, square-jawed and cleft-chinned. Wide, pouty lips. Bright steel eyes. Before he was a soldier, he was just a boy.
Before he was The Soldier, he was just a boy.
His chest rises and falls slowly as he takes a deep breath. The crooning in the background is tender, melodic, with the singer’s sweet voice pining for her loved one accompanied by delicate plucks of a piano.
Once, too, he pined.
The tears in your eyes spill over when you press your mouth to his. Bucky lets go of your hands and you catch his face with them, instead, holding onto his head, fingers grazing his ears and neck and brushing away his hair. You kiss him as if he might be shipped out to war tomorrow. It hurts even more to know that he probably had a night just like this, in the arms of a girl he loved, right before his entire life changed.
And then, you tear away and look at the couch where Steve sits, chewing on his lip, red-eyed too. You sob uncontrollably when you rush around the table and into his arms. He wraps them around you, pushes his face down into your shoulder.
“I love you guys.” You whisper, curled up in Steve’s lap, because the story of Steve Rogers and Peggy Carter was never explicit in the history books, but you know it too. “Oh God. I’m so sorry it’s like this. I’m so sorry.”
Steve forgets sometimes, that they were ripped out of time. He forgets the torment and tearing of Bucky’s entire being. They busy themselves in tomorrow and moving forward so much that they bury how the things that made them also broke them.
You are clinging onto his shirt, crying for him now, for both of them. Two handsome soldiers, living, dying, resurrected again. Having only each other to know and hold.
Sergeant Barnes of the 107th closes his eyes and presses his lips together. When he opens them, he is Bucky Barnes of the terrible, modern age once more. He crosses the room quietly, as he always does, as he was made to do. He sits down next to Steve as you look up at him with love and sympathy and so much sadness he can’t stand it. He links his hand in yours and smiles in a way that cracks your heart right open.
“Don’t get weird, kid.” Bucky whispers with moist lashes. Your laugh is strangled when it escapes your throat, all wet and whine as you squeeze his fingers tighter.
“I love you. You don’t understand.”
Steve breathes a sigh into your shoulder and rubs his damp cheeks on the penguin print of your sleeping shirt. From next to him, Buckeye looks up quizzically and gives his arm a long, slow lick.
“Yeah, yeah,” He mutters, swatting at your dog’s snout lovingly, lips pressed into your collarbone. Then, he kisses you too, tipsy and torn open. In the background, Julie London sweetly croons:
If there’s a cloud above and it must rain, we’ll let it.
But for tonight, forget it.
I’m in the mood for love.
Next Chapter
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domesticated-feral · 4 years
Steo Week 2020, Day 5
Title: Date Night on Halloween
Prompt: Halloween Rating: Teen Warning: cursing, lot’s of cursing. WC: 1627
You can also read it on my AO3
Spooky season has begun and dates have to be exclusively spooks as well.
Stiles just finished up his work at the sheriff station when his phone pinged. He looks at the notification and it was his boyfriend, Theo.
Babe Are you free tonight?
Stiles Yeah, just go off work
Babe Get ready by 7
Ominous, but it’s Theo, what should anyone expect.
Stiles Sure, see you then Read 6:32 PM
Stiles takes his keys and heads out the station. He gets in his jeep and drives home. It’s been some time since Stiles and Theo got together and they hadn’t moved in together yet. Neither had Stiles got an apartment for himself. He was fresh out of college, still living with his old man.
“Hey pops,” he said as he stepped in to find his father cooking dinner.
“Stiles, how was work?” his dad asked.
“Nothing much happened today, including in the supernatural. It’s all mundane, but, I have a date tonight,” Stiles said, leaning against the wall as he watched his dad cook.
“On Halloween? he’s probably taking you to a horror movie,” his dad said.
“We’ll see, uh, I gotta go get ready,” Stiles said as he began climbing up the stairs.
“Don’t forget to add salt, dad!” he added, poking his head through the gaps between the banisters, remembering that his dad always forgets salt.
“Thank, Stiles,” his dad said as he reached for the salt.
Stiles scampers to his room and gets out of his tan uniform. He looks through his closet, wondering what he has to wear, so he texts his loving boyfriend.
Stiles What do I have to wear?
Babe Wear anything you want
Stiles Ok Read 6:24 PM
Stiles takes out a dark blue button-up and a nice pair of grey jeans. He quickly takes a small shower before changing into the clothes. He looks at himself in the mirror, combing his hand through his hair.
He looks at the digital clock on the bedside table, he still has 10 minutes before Theo comes to pick him up, so he heads downstairs. His father had finished cooking and he was sitting down to eat what he had cooked.
“Ever since you retired, you began cooking classes and actually eating healthy for once, what did you cook today?” Stiles asks sitting in front of his dad.
“Just plain ol’ stew,” His dad said.
“Oh, well it looks delicious,” Stiles said, noticing that the vegetables were slightly charred, but his dad was enjoying what he cooked.
Someone knocks at the front door, someone meaning Theo. Stiles strides up to the door and opens it.
“Hey,” Stiles greeted.
“Hi babe, c’mon, we don’t want to be late,” Theo said, pecking Stiles on the lips.
Stiles grins and he follows Theo to his car. Stiles excitedly sat in the passenger seat, while Theo drove them to who knows where. They pull up in front of a black warehouse, with people lining up in front.
“A haunted house, alright, don’t expect me to scream and jump into your arms, though,” Stiles said as Theo parked the car.
Theo smirks, remembering how Stiles says that he isn’t scared, but would end up throwing popcorn everywhere at the slightest jumpscare when they watched a horror movie.
They go up to the line and when they reach the counter, Theo pays for both of them and the attendee gives them two wristbands that they’d have to wear during the whole experience. As they inched closer to the haunted house, Stiles' heart raced and Theo heard it loud and clear.
He softly squeezes Stiles’ hand and looks at him, “you’re totally scared and excited.”
Stiles nods, “no, I’m not scared and yes, I’m excited, very excited, thrilled, pumped.”
“Scaredy cat,” Theo teased.
“I’m not a scaredy-cat,” Stiles protested.
Just as he said that one of the haunted house scarers came up to them from behind, scaring Stiles, just by standing behind him.
“Holy shit!” Stiles screamed, making Theo snicker.
Tonight was going to be the death of Stiles’ throat, he could feel it. The attendees let them in and they slowly walk through the dark hallways.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Stiles panted as they walked through a hallway with paintings hanging on the walls.
One of the paintings slid and a nun lunged out to them, albeit bloody and bruised, with a sharpened cross. Stiles physically jumped back while Theo got startled. Stiles hung on to Theo’s arms, hiding behind him as they walked into a room.
His heart raced as he got scared by people coming out of doors and windows and even a mannequin he thought was just a fake decoy turned out to be real.
“Fuck you!” Stiles screamed as it lunged toward Stiles.
As Stiles tried to regain himself to move forward, the mannequin lunges at him again, scaring Theo.
“No! You do it once, not twice!” Theo shouted as he moved with Stiles into a hallway.
Doors open and zombies lunge out, left and right, scaring Stiles and Theo. One of the scarers wore a pig mask and scared Stiles by running after him with a chainsaw. Stiles holding on to Theo begins running and he trips on the floor.
“Don’t kill me, kill Theo instead!” Stiles screams at the ‘pig-man’.
“What?!” Theo said, confused.
Stiles crawls down the rest of the hallway until the pig-man stopped following them, they walk into a musty room, filled with leaves, and during the whole time, Stiles cowered behind Theo at every jumpscare.
“I’ll protect you, Theo, I’ll protect you,” Stiles said as he walked behind Theo, hugging him from behind.
Two men crawl to them with decoy knives in their hands and Stiles pushes himself against the wall, gripping tightly on Theo’s t-shirt as he uses Theo to block them. While Theo tries to push them away by swishing his arms around himself.
After they disappear, Stiles and Theo continue on down the room and enters a dark hallway.
“My throat is hoarse, I am blind as fuck right now, come at me motherfuckers!” Stiles said, feeling around the walls as he walks down the dark hallway.
Stiles looks at Theo and gets startled at Theo’s golden eyes, “AAH! Fuck, sorry!” he said as he accidentally yelled right at Theo’s face.
“Sir, no night vision please,” an attendee at a corner said to Theo.
“You, my man, are not scary, thank you,” Stiles said to the attendee.
Theo rolls his eyes before going back to normal vision, and now he saw what Stiles say.
“How is this scary? It’s all dark,” He said, and just as he says so, the pig-man comes up and scares them again with his chainsaw.
“Shit! Run, Theo, RUUNN!!” Stiles screams as he runs down the hallway.
At the end of the hallway was a circus setting, fake clowns and animals, covered in blood. Stiles and Theo were clinging onto each other, as they slowly walked through the claustrophobic space between the clowns and decoy animals. To Theo’s right, a clown moves, pushing Stiles into the hands of a decoy mannequin, who Stiles clings on to.
“You’re not Theo!” Stiles screams and runs back to Theo, “we don’t split up in these kinds of situations!”
“You left me!” Theo said.
“No, you ran away!” Stiles said.
Their quarrel was cut short with another unexpected jumpscare by the pig-man. Stiles falls backward and as he does, he brings Theo down with him.
“What is up with the motherfucking pig?!” Theo shouts.
Stiles and Theo get up and walk out of the circus room while getting jump scared by 3 clowns.
The last hallway down, they get jump scared by a very dehydrated looking woman zombie.
“Get me out of this hellhole!” Stiles said as he jumped onto Theo.
Another scarer comes at them, slower than usual but enough to make Stiles back against the wall, “ha, you came slow, that’s good, A+ for you!” he said, chuckling out of fear.
As they walk out of the haunted house, Stiles takes a sigh of relief, feeling the cold October air hit his face. Theo wipes the sweat off his face and hugs Stiles.
“Finally, it’s don- AAAH!”Stiles was saying and the pig-man once again crawled up behind him.
“Peppa motherfucking pig, amirite?” Theo said to Stiles, as he pants from the scare.
“I think I peed my pants a little,” Stiles managed to say through his deep breaths.
Theo chuckles and they walk along to the exit where if they’d like, they can take pictures with other attendees wearing the same costumes like the ones inside, of course, Stiles and Theo got a picture with pig-man.
They drove home and Stiles was still shaken by the haunted house, his ears slightly ringing.
“So, scaredy-cat, want me to sleep with you tonight?” Theo asked.
“First of all, it was not scary at all, and yes please,” Stiles said.
As Theo rolls up the driveway, he stares at Stiles with the look that says ‘liar’.
“Fine, it was hella scary, especially the pig,” Stiles said as Theo turns the car engine off.
They walk to Stiles’ room where both of them change into their nightwear which is just boxers, and they crawl into bed.
Stiles was exhausted and comfortable in Theo’s arms. Theo’s warm body was very needed on a cold October night like tonight. Theo seemed to fall almost asleep before Stiles, so he decided to prank him.
“Boo!” Stiles whispered into Theo’s ear.
Theo jolted a little before realizing that he was fine, “was that to get me back for taking you to a haunted house?”
“Maybe?” Stiles said as he snuggled himself into Theo’s arms.
“Ok,” Theo said.
He pressed a small kiss on Stiles’ forehead and held the boy close as he fell into slumber.
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spriteandnicotine · 4 years
Smoke- Part 2
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Pairing-> Prince Zuko x Fem! reader Word Count-> 1.7K+ t/w: Major character death, Burns, Arranged Marriage, Hella Angst, but I give you fluff too so >.< a/n: Another big thanks to @gayforgreen-martians​ for being there to help edit. The last part will be coming out tomorrow at 5pm EST. I hope you all enjoy ^-^ Prologue        Part 1       Part 2       Part 3
A year later, the ship arrives on the Fire Nation’s shores. Six years after the fateful day you were exiled, the vessel is moored to the pier, and the prince disappears to the depths of the ship only to return with Aang. Prince Zuko's calloused hands are placed on Aang's shoulder, guiding him off the ship.
You follow closely behind, heading towards the palace with Zuko and a group of Fire Nation warriors. The guards out front swiftly lead the group inside. You walk down a long corridor, and stop behind the guards stationed outside of a double door.
Prince Zuko opens the door, pushing Aang to his knees in front of Lord Ozai. The lord's mouth is slightly agape. "Zuko, my son, I didn't think you were able to do it. I'm proud. Welcome back to the Fire Nation, Prince. Guards! Take the Avatar to the dungeon," he orders, opening his arms to the prince for a hug.
The prince makes his way into Lord Ozai's arms as you walk into the room, stopping just around the door. Ozai spots you and pulls away from Zuko, "State your name and purpose."
You freeze in place, and Zuko is suddenly in front of you, almost protectively, as a shield. Luckily, he responds for you, "Father, this is Y/N, and if you are letting me back, you must let her back too."
The fire lord sighs, pulling the prince to the side. They have a quiet conversation with harsh whispers and faces that contort with anger. Once done, the prince walks towards you with a look of disappointment on his face.
"Y/N, we need to talk," he says, taking your hand and leading you up the stairs, opening up a small door that leads to a deep red bedroom. A feeling of dread fills your body, your heart dropping into the pit of your stomach. The last time you had a conversation that started with 'we need to talk,' you found out about your mother, and it wasn't good news. 
Inside the room, the pillows look comfortable, and the bed itself is huge. At the foot of the bed is a velvet rug, and velvet curtains hang from the windows. It looks like the room made for a prince.
"Where are we?" you ask, desperately trying to change the subject. 
"My old bedroom, it is the closest thing we are going to get to private in this place," he responded, moving over to the bed and sitting on it. He places his hand on the bed, patting it softly to signal for you to move over there. You oblige, taking the opportunity to sit next to him. 
His hand finds yours, turning it over he intertwines your fingers. You can feel the roughness of his thumb as it moves softly up and down yours. He looks into your eyes as he says, "You may stay, but my father has arranged a wedding with a girl from a noble family. I know her, and I certainly don't love her." As he says this, you blush, thinking of all the life-threatening situations you have been in with him over the years.
You think back to the first time you ate dinner together three years ago. He talked of how he was planning on growing back his hair, and he offered to begin training you. You accepted and within a year, you most definitely had a crush on him. He was kinder than you expected, and he knew how to calm you down when needed. After you caught the Avatar, he started to blush a lot more around you, but you weren't completely sure if he liked you too. 
As his hand squeezes yours, you are brought back to the present moment. How could his father do this to him? "When is the wedding?" you ask.
"Tomorrow," he replies. Anger boils up from your stomach, and without realizing it, the hand holding his spit out fire, giving the prince a light burn. His hand pulls away from yours quickly. "Sorry, I-I don't know what happened," you say sheepishly, turning away so you don't have to see him.
"Y/N it's fine. I can handle a little fire. Hey, look at me," he said, grabbing your chin softly and pulling it so you are looking at him. Once your eyes meet his, he continues, "Just remember that I care about you." With this, he pulls you into a tight hug, and your heart pounds so fast you feel like it is going to explode. 
"I have some obligations to get to. I'll see you tomorrow at noon in the village square," he says, releasing you from his embrace. You stand up and exit the room, retracing your steps to exit the palace. 
You walk to the market, hoping your father is at his stall. The stall is set up, but there are no fruits, and your dad is nowhere in sight. June's father is standing at his stall and when he spots you, he quickly heads towards you. Pulling you into a hug, he whispers into your ear, "I'm so sorry." 
Your heart yet again sinks into your stomach. Something happened when you were gone. You pull away from him to see his face. It's contorted as if he is trying to keep from crying. "What happened?" you ask, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
"Your father he-" his voice breaks as he continues, "he was killed trying to get onto the ship to you. He wanted to protect his daughter. Lord Ozai claimed your property as his own. He wasn't even given a proper burial."
In shock, your knees give out. You place your quavering arms on the ground, trying to get a grip. "Our home is your home," June's father continues, and upon looking up, you see his figure hovering above you. He places a hand on your back and gives you a weak smile. 
"I've gotta go," you state, forcing yourself back onto your feet. With your legs shaking beneath you, you run towards June's house. You can't let anyone see your weakness, not now. You are an adult, and you are capable of taking care of yourself. 
Upon reaching the house, you open the door and barge in. Spotting June on the couch reading a book, you run to her and collapse into her arms. You spend the rest of the day catching up with her and trying to forget the loss of your father. Day turns to night and the next thing you know, the two of you are heading off to bed.
You wake up and eat breakfast with June. You borrow her best dress which is a bright yellow. She styles your hair, and does your makeup, which you finish off by putting on pink lipstick. Once you are completely ready, you look at the clock. The wedding is set to start in an hour.
Upon arriving at the village square, you take an aisle seat. It looks as if everyone in the fire nation is spectating. You see the prince standing on the stage, his face apathetic. He looks handsome, his deep red tie complementing his bright skin tone. For a moment he locks eyes with you, and it’s as if you can feel his heart breaking. [:((((]
The bride enters, the song playing slowly. Her dress is the traditional white color. You immediately recognize her as Bo's sister, Lin. You quickly realize why he had to marry her, she was from a noble family. When Prince Zuko sees her, his expression doesn't change at all.
Shouldn't a groom's face heat up when he sees his bride? Shouldn't he be smiling from ear to ear?
The conversation from yesterday rings in your ears. “I know her, and I certainly don't love her.” 
Once Lin arrives on stage, the officiant starts. "We are gathered here today to celebrate one of life's greatest moments, the joining of two hearts. In this ceremony today we will witness the joining of Prince Zuko and Countess Lin in marriage. If there is anyone present who has just cause why this couple should not be united let them speak now or forever hold their peace."
After he finished, time slowed down for you. You stand up, prepared for the backlash. "I object!" you claim. Prince Zuko’s eyes lock onto yours once again, and from the looks of it you knock his breath away. His face flushes a brilliant shade of pink. Lord Ozai stands up, his face burning with anger. 
"On what grounds? You are but a commoner," he sneers, anger evident in his voice.
"Have you ever asked your son what he wants? Maybe you should listen to him, prevent him from being miserable for the rest of his life," you retorted. He stuck up for you yesterday and you sure as hell weren't going to let him get taken advantage of today.
"Prince Zuko, may I have a word?" the Fire Lord asked, walking up to the stage, and pulling Zuko aside for a private conversation.
Moments later, guards led you from the square to the palace. "What's happening?" you ask, worried you are going to be exiled again.
"You are to be fit for a dress. You are to be married to the prince in three days," the guard responded. Your heart jumps in your chest. You can't believe it. You are getting married to the fire prince.
The dress fitting goes smoothly, followed by two more anxious days. Finally, the wedding has arrived. In the same place with the same people as three days prior, with one drastic change: you are the bride. While the Fire Lord is visibly upset, Prince Zuko is happier than you have ever seen him. Eventually the officiant says, "You may now kiss the bride," and without hesitation, he pulls you in, your lips moving in sync with his.
After he pulls away, he whispers into your ear, "I have a lot to tell you tonight." Your cheeks burn with heat as you think of what that might mean. He takes your hand and walks down the aisle with you, ordering guards to hold your train so as to not ruin it.
Taglist: @megalodon-writes​ @haylaansmi​ @furblrwurblr​
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superspookywombat · 4 years
falling {j.h} chapter nine
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Warnings: mentions of sexy stuff kinda (rated PG13 at the most)
Taglist:  @Sleepy-whore @geekysimmerthings @mauvette268 @treestarrrrrrrr @kaleigh404 @krazykatkay456 @meganlikesfandoms @darknacademia @hi-my-name-is-riley @vdtwsupernatural @selmeuuh @raindancer2004 @wondersandtempests @royale-trash-slytherin @im-hella-bright @bootylimpics @livfg @It-is-rebel-owl-ma-dudes @peacemusicinch @coffeeslut16 @bvbwestfall @Actuallyedythecullen @stan-joonies @Peacebuglove @Millie-753 @Frozenhuntress67 @i-tried21 @seaevans @femflorals @arseofrivia @trashysara @vulgarfuckinvirgo @sleepysnapesnake @hey-bulldogs @mental-breaker-74 @pansexual-and-eating-pancakes @duty-isnt-always-honour @jelly-fishy-babie @carnagefuck @clubpengiunn @wondersandtempests @100-percent-loving @fandomsandmore394 @pomiotszatana @cherrybuck @alohorcruxes @harryskillerqueen @left-in-the-woods @galaxypox @what-if-im-the-bad-guy @daughterofanarchy997 @camillapad @babieboth @thequeerishere555 @your-average-wallflower @anxiety-station @xo-sophiemae-xo @rachthestressedbandobsessed @amordesiempre01 @avalon68 @imaginebeinlovedbyme @vampiregirl1797 @scuzmunkie @maelleoute @popwhitlockanddrop
A/N: (i think i got the taglist fixed now oops) emmett is the biggest spongebob stan and you can’t change my mind. he makes SB references constantly and rosalie hates it.
“So... you and Edward..” You trail off as you and Bella sit in front of the tv. She doesn’t bother to turn to look at you while she responds.
“What about us?” She asks. You sign and take the remote, turning down the volume on the reruns of Psych.
“Well, have you two.. You know..” You trail off again, not really wanting to say the words and have the mental image of that in your head. Bella freezes for a moment before snapping out of it.
“No, we haven’t done it.” She mumbles. You make a face and turn to look at her. 
“Why not? You two have been together for, like, an eternity.” You say. She makes a noise, sounding like a mix of a scoff and a chuckle.
“He wants to wait until marriage.” She sighs. You raise your eyebrows and put down the red nail polish you were using.
“Really? Are you sure the guy’s human?” You tease. She gives you a look. “What! I’m just saying! He’s hot, I don’t know how you keep your hands off of him. And, I mean, you’re hot too, just look at who you’re related to.” You wink. 
“You act like I’m completely oblivious to his appearance.” She says. You raise an eyebrow at her response.
“I’m just saying, if I had a boyfriend like that, it would take all I have to not jump his bones at any possible second.” You shrug. “But you have to respect his wishes, and it may suck to you, but it’s important to him. And anyways, it’s not like that means no making out or anything. You can run the bases without going all the way home, you know?”
“Wish I didn’t.” She says. You nudge her shoulder with yours. “So, enough about my love life..”
“Or, we can return our focus back onto Shawn and Gus.” You say, clearing your throat. Bella notices your change in attitude and quietly gasps.
“You kissed him!” She accuses. Heat flushes to your cheeks and ears.
“He kissed me.” You clarify. She lets out a breathy chuckle and brushes her hand through her hair.
“It was awesome.” You say. “Who knows, I might win this virginity race.” 
“It is not a race!” Bella laughs, hitting your shoulder. You scoff, hitting her back and then scooching far away from her on the couch.
“Yeah, because I’d win.” You tease. She rolls her eyes and returns her focus back to the show.
You’re laying on your bed, flipping through travel brochures your mom sent you when Bella walks into the room, shutting the door behind her.
“Good evening, sister.” You say in a fake proper accent. She sighs and falls down onto her bed backwards. You raise an eyebrow. “Rough day?” 
“Can I tell you something and you swear not to tell anyone else?” She asks, staring at the ceiling. You close the brochure and sit up, hugging a pillow to your chest. 
“Always.” You say. She stands back up and comes over to your bed, sitting down and pulling one of your pillows to her chest, mimicking you.
“Um, Edward sort of.. Proposed.” She barely gets the words out before you slap a hand to your mouth to cut off an impending gasp. Your eyes widen as she goes more into detail about the event.
“You- I- when I said you needed to respect him waiting ‘till marriage I didn’t mean get hitched !” You say, scrambling to find the right words.
“Shhhh! Charlie’s home, don’t be so loud.” She scolds in a harsh whisper. You can’t stop the laugh that bubbles up from your throat, and a moment later, you fall over in hysterical laughter. 
“You.. You.. Charlie!” You laugh. Bella watches you as you howl in laughter.
“I’m glad you find this funny.” She says coldly. You calm down for a moment, that is until you remember she has to tell Renee too. “Okay, fine. See if I ever tell you anything again.”
“Oh, lighten up.” You say, catching your breath. “Just be sure Charlie isn’t armed when you tell him.”
“Yeah, no crap.” She sighs. After you calm down a moment or two later, you return your gaze to Bella, only to see her looking solemnly at the wall.
“Hey.. show me the ring.” You say softly, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder. She keeps her eyes on the wall.
“Edward has it.” She says. You glance at the alarm clock on the nightstand.
“It’s only nine, maybe he’s still awake.” You suggest. “It sounds like Charlie’s passed out, we could sneak out the window.”
“Who are you and what have you done with y/n?” Bella says. “Okay. Get some shoes on, I’ll call Edward.”
“Yes ma'am.” You salute her. She tiptoes down the stairs as you slip a sweatshirt on over your pj shirt and some fuzzy socks on. After Bella returns with the ‘go ahead’ from Edward, you tuck your Ninja Turtle pj pants into some soft boots. She cracks open the window and you follow her as you climb down the trellis. As soon as your feet hit the grass, you grab Bella’s hand and you both run down the street. You spot Edward’s vehicle and you climb in after Bella. 
You sit in the back, used to third-wheeling this way after being driven to school over the last few months. “So, congrats to the happy couple.” 
“You told her.” Edward states. He doesn’t seem mad, infact, his voice almost has no emotion in it at all. Bella nods and he grabs her hand, holding it on the center console as he drives.
When you step foot into the Cullen’s house, the first thing you notice is two new people sitting on the couch, the woman flipping through a magazine and the guy watching something on tv. They both look as effortlessly flawless as the rest of the family, of course. The blonde lifts her head up, then stands and walks out of the room. Doctor Cullen and his wife sit at the dining table as she draws in a notebook and he reads. Alice and Jasper aren’t anywhere to be seen. Bella stands to the side as Edward holds her close to him while you slip off your boots. You stand in the entryway until Bella suggests you go sit down in the living room while she gets the ring. You walk into the spacious room and sit down gingerly on the couches, finally seeing what’s playing on the large tv- Spongebob.
“Sick pants, dude!” The beefy, unfamiliar guy says. You pull at the soft fabric, stretching Mikey’s face out.
“Thank you. They’re really comfortable.” You say, smiling at him. He leans forward, out of his seat, and holds out his hand. You shake it, ignoring the goosebumps that form from the chilliness of his skin.
“I’m Emmett,” He says. “I’m the coolest Cullen.”
“Y/n-” You respond. “The coolest Swan.” Emmett laughs, a big contagious booming laugh, and lays back into the couch. You relax a bit, instantly comforted by his cool demeanor. 
“You can change the channel if you want, I’ve seen this episode like, 80 million times.” Emmett offers. 
“Oh! I’m good, thanks. I like Spongebob.” You answer quickly. He nods and glues his eyes back to the tv. It’s about five minutes until Bella enters the room again, a tiny box in her hand. She sits down next to you, Edward leans against the arm rest, barely letting Bella a foot from his arm’s reach. 
“So it was Edward’s m-” She starts. Emmett shushes her, leaving Edward to brotherly scold him.
“Just- hold on. You can wait until commercials.” You say, raising a finger to her to shush. She glances at Emmett, then you, then Edward. 
“My God, it’s like they’ve combined their personalities.” Bella sighs, running her hand through her hair. 
“Let’s hope for y/n’s sake they didn’t.” Edward says, humoring her. Emmett doesn’t even look away from the screen as he picks up a throw pillow and chucks it at Edward, knocking him off balance as a flurry of down feathers rain down on you and the surrounding area.
“Sorry, Esme!” Emmett yells out, shrinking down into the couch shyly.
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