#and paws at the blankets until i lift them up
you-little-killer · 10 months
article: why letting your pets sleep in bed with you is a bad idea
me: but have you considered??? a little creature??? in your bed?? giving a little sigh, breathing steadily next to you, calming you with their tiny presence??????
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kil-g · 10 months
a/n: i got too sad after writing that last thing and needed to do something silly
summary: there's a new member of the household and you have to convince simon to like them.
g!n reader; civvy!reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: simon being mean to a dog :(
“Hey, I’m…uh—I’m on my way home.”
“Oh!” You say. 
There’s a certain exasperation to your voice that makes him think that you’re somewhere that isn’t the house. He puts his phone down in the cupholder and places both of his hands on the wheel of the car.
“In an hour.”
“An hour?”
“An hour.”
“Could you fuck off somewhere and maybe make it, like an hour and a half?”
“I’d like to go home.”
“I know, yes. I know. It’s just that I have this whole thing planned and I need an extra thirty minutes. You’d be doing me a pretty big solid if you fucked off for a little bit longer.” 
“I’m tired and I’m hungry. I’m not gonna fuck off.”
“What, are we making this a race?”
“You can race. I’m going home.”
“Okay, we’re gonna race.” You say, halfway through laughter. 
“What are you doing?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“I don’t like surprises.” He says.
“Well, I love you and I need you to suck it up because it’s a pretty cool surprise.”
Simon blinks, keeping his eyes on the road. Then, he sighs and says, “I’ll see you at home.”
“Not if I see you first!” You reply, this time a little out of breath. 
“I’m not racing you.”
“Scared you’re gonna lose?”
“Love you!” 
The line dies out.
Part of him wants to be annoyed. Surprises weren’t exactly his favorite thing in the world. He especially did not like such a surprise that would keep him from coming home after a very long month of trying not to die in a violent, fiery explosion. And, he deeply, desperately wanted to lie down in a bed with an actual mattress, real pillows, and clean blankets.
But, for the life of him, he could not think of anything more unbearable than the thought of letting you down.
It was almost laughable. Simon is first and foremost a soldier. And, when you’re a soldier first before anything else, like a friend, companion, romantic partner, let downs were par for the course. A birthday, an anniversary. Celebrating a promotion or any other achievement of the like. Those didn’t even come secondary or even tertiary on the line of things that needed to be cared about. 
And, the worst part, is that you tolerated it. Sure, there was a certain disappointment to a missed call or text. Despite that, you loved him with a stability that he couldn’t possibly be more grateful for. It made him feel almost normal. Normalcy was a luxury someone like him couldn’t typically afford.
So, before he pulls his car into the driveway, Simon mentally prepares himself to be open-minded. Whatever the surprise was, he would do his best to actually try and enjoy it. That is until he unlocked the front door to the house and stepped in, only to be greeted with the sight of a dog sitting up, barking at him from within a metal crate.
She was clearly still a pup. Her paws are far too big for the size that she currently was. And, the more clear it is that Simon was no threat to her, the more she cries to be let out. Though, Simon makes no move to do any such thing. Instead, he sits on the couch and looks back at her until eventually, she stops making noise all together and resolves herself to sit quietly. Each time Simon accidentally catches her eye, her tail wags, bumping against the floor of her crate softly.
This goes on for about twenty more minutes before a key turns in the door knob once again. You step through, carrying bags of groceries.
“Can you help me with these?” You say.
Simon gets up, takes bags out of your hands and walks them into the kitchen. “Why is there a dog in the house?”
You lean down to lift the latch off of the door and the dog comes barreling out. “You couldn’t have opened her crate up for her? Why were you just staring at her like a weirdo? It’s a dog.”
“Why is there a dog in the house?”
“It’s our dog.” From one of the bags you were still holding, you pull out a bag of dog treats and throw it at Simon. “Give her one of these so she knows you’re not a complete hardass.”
“I’m not giving it anything.”
He looks back at you. And, from the way you stare back at him, it becomes more and more clear that this dog is one of the very very few things that you simply won’t back down on.
In fact, there were toys all over the ground. He’s not sure how he didn’t notice them earlier. And, with an attentiveness that only slightly put him off, the dog fell into step beside you following you very closely while also looking up at you for any sign of praise or reward. 
Simon inhales, then exhales. He grumbles under his breath, then rips the bag of treats open and kneels down with one of them in his hand. When the dog notices, she clumsily stumbles her way over to him and gratefully takes the treat from out of his fingers.
You appear at his side and kneel down next to him, pressing a kiss against his cheek. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
“Whose dog is this?”
“I don’t want a dog.”
“You’ll learn to want a dog.” You say, jokingly. Your hands wrap around his arm and shake him gently.
“I’m serious.”
“Well, you aren’t exactly home very often. I think the decision is mine.” You say, firmly. “And, as sad as it is to admit, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t lonely, sometimes.”
He can feel the weight of your head on his shoulder. He doubts that your intent is to guilt him–but if it is, it’s certainly working.
The dog nudges her wet nose into the palm of his hand. No doubt looking for more treats Her head is smaller than his hand. As gently as possible, he brushes his knuckles over her head.
“Does the dog… make you feel less lonely?”
“Yes. Most of the time.”
He rests his palm over her head now, brushing his thumb back and forth over the space between her eyes. 
“What’s it’s name then?”
“Stupid fucking name.” He says, softly.
“Fuck you.” You laugh. “You love it. Asshole.”
Goose walks in a circle in her spot, then sits with her back turned to him. She leans her weight against his knee.
“Not much of a guard dog.” He murmurs, and you reach a hand to scratch behind her ear. “Hardly did anything when I came in.”
“Because she’s a good girl.” You say.
He can feel her tail hit his foot at the sudden excitement at being praised for being anything. “If she’s gonna stay in this house, she’s gonna have to protect it.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Simon takes another treat out of the bag. Goose does absolutely nothing to hide her excitement. “And, how did this happen?”
“She got dumped outside of my work. No one wanted to take her so I took her.” You say. Simon looks at you and you look back at him. “No chip, no collar. She was wandering around our parking lot for hours, I think. Probably waiting for whoever dumped her. Vet said she can’t be any older than five months.”
“When was this?”
“About a month and a half ago.” You rub your thumb against his arm and press your mouth against his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re home.”
“So, what do you think?”
Slowly, Goose sinks down closer to the ground and settles her chin over her far-too-big paws. She looks at Simon, blinking at him with big eyes before they slowly settle into a nap.
“I think that a dog is a perfect waste of space.”
“Okay, what do you really think?” You chuckle. 
He sighs. A moment passes of complete silence. You’re hanging onto his arm, kneeling beside him as you both look down at this dog who can only get bigger and dirtier and stupider. This dog, who is also very soft and sweet. And, while (in his own opinion) he might be something of a monster, Simon couldn’t allow himself to be completely heartless. He couldn’t be the thing that takes away the bits of happiness that you can find for yourself.
“If it makes you happy, then I can hardly say no.”
You smile at him, give his arm a squeeze, and press another kiss on his cheek. You stand, “Do you wanna help me with dinner?”
“I’m gonna get cleaned up first.”
You hum in response but before you can fully turn away, he takes your hand and places a kiss on your cheek just below your eye, then another on your mouth. And in the moment that either of you are looking away from Goose, she gets up and begins chewing on his shoelaces.
“She likes you.”
“If I’m lucky it’ll pass.”
“Unfortunately, I can’t say that it will.” 
Another moment passes where it’s nearly completely silent, save for the sound of Goose’s mouth gnawing the little strings attached to Simon’s feet. Then, slowly, you wrap your arms around his neck and give him a squeeze. 
Then, you pull away, picking up Goose with a labored groan. You walk her over to the back door, open it, and place her down at the threshold. She all but stumbles down the steps into the backyard.
“Well, go get cleaned up if you really wanna help me with dinner.”
Simon watches you empty out grocery bags, then sighs. You listen to his footsteps walk farther into the house. And, through the window, you watch Goose twist up and roll into a splotch of mud. 
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itsabouttimex2 · 2 months
Oooh how about some yandere headcanons of Tang , Redson and Azure lion with a reader who’s very reckless? They’re always throwing themselves into danger whenever the team is fighting, and reader just insists they’re trying to help. Please if not no worries XD
Sure thing! Also, I think I’m going to grind out a few more requests before I wipe my inbox. I let it grow shamefully out of care during my hiatuses. Then I’ll open up Character x Character (still platonic) requests for a while.
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“Y/N, I find that I have warned you many times about this kind of behavior…”
You look up to the leonine demon with a frown, gripping one of your upper arms as a form of self-support. How many times have you heard this lecture? How many times would you hear it in the future? Every time that you so much as try to help him in a fight, you’re sat down for this same spiel.
But you don’t remember him ever being this stern. In fact, he seems-
“Cub,” the lion says, carefully taking your chin between two massive fingers. He says it pointedly, as though preemptively arguing his stance- you’re young and small, still a child to him. One he sees as worthy of his love and protection, even if you might try to reject it.
“Y-yes, Azure?”
“I would like you to pay close attention when I’m talking to you, please.”
Even upset, the demon remains polite and gentle, if rather firm. His fingers are soft to the touch, claws carefully sheathed. He’s never used them against you, not even once. Nor has he even threatened you with them.
His massive hand shifts to your hair, stroking the unruly strands back into place. His metacarpal pad squishes into your cheek, and you can’t help but lean into it, savoring the brief moment of warmth he offers during this long scolding.
“It seems I must switch my methods- clearly, my words will continue to fall on deaf ears if I continue down this path.”
Azure outright scruffs you- snags you by the cape attached to your pauldrons and lifts until your feet leave the ground.
“Come along, cub,” the lion says, as though you have a choice at the moment. All you can do is dangle from his blue-furred hand and try not to squirm, hoping that your cape won’t rip and sending you tumbling.
The training grounds are a familiar sight, hours and hours spent here together, learning all of Azure’s skills.
He presses a wooden training blade into your hands, then takes up one of his own.
“If I cannot teach you, perhaps a full day of training will. We will be sparring from this moment to your bedtime,” he sternly informs, a blush creeping up your face at his final word. That your mentor saw you as so young that he enforced a strict bedtime was…
Well, you tried to tell yourself it was reasonable. After all, if you were growing stronger and exhausting your body, you’d need lots of rest, wouldn’t you?
Didn’t justify the constant checking on you through the night, tucking you in every time the blankets come loose, and ensuring that all the windows were shut and locked.
And you had no doubt that was where you’d end up, exhausted and face-down on your bed, letting Azure gingerly knead out your aching muscles with his massive paws.
But all of that was for later. For now?
You had a full eight hours of training ahead.
Good luck, Y/N.
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“Wuh- what the hell do you mean, no?! I haven’t said anything yet!”
“And the answer is still no, brat.”
This is the most frequent conversation you and Red Son seem to have, constant preemptive denial of whatever scheme you’re dreaming up.
He’s viciously protective of you, serving as an ever-vigilant guard. Not only is your every move tracked and monitored, but your actions are under constant and fierce scrutiny.
“I see you went to that cheese tea stall, Y/N. After I told you that you weren’t allowed to go.”
“Red, they moved it to the inner city! It’s way safer there, so all your arguments before don’t even matter anymore!”
“…hmph. I suppose I’ll let this slide, then. But I’m not going to be so merciful next time.”
Constant restrictions on where you go and what you do, which could theoretically be lessened to some degree, if only you’d just stop being such a damn fool.
To him, your actions are proof of immaturity, preventing Red Son from genuinely trusting you or letting loose the stranglehold grip he’s taken on your life.
To you? You are genuinely just trying to help the people you love, if a bit recklessly.
But Red doesn’t see it that way, and even when you try to make a convincing argument as to why he should, it’s promptly shot down.
So with debate and brute force both proving pointless in changing his mind, you switch to stealth and subterfuge instead. Expect to get caught about fifty percent of the time, then forced back inside and placed under lock and key.
He loves you, dammit! Why do you have to be so stupid?! Why do you have to try and sneak out?! Why can’t he love any other idiotic mortal around?!
Why does it have to be you?
Red Son can’t imagine that he’ll ever find out why he came to cherish someone as small and weak and stupid as you… but he does.
And since he can’t force himself to stop caring, he’ll just have to impose harsher and harsher restrictions until you finally submit to his care.
Maybe then he’ll finally be able to berate thoroughly talk you out of your heroic ‘delusions’. Maybe you’ll crack and break down, finally discouraged from your kindness.
Just this once, he’ll let you cry into his shoulder.
It’s the least he can do for the person he loves most.
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Oh, this poor man. Weak ankles, frail body, fragile heart. You are not doing him any favors by acting recklessly.
“Y/N, NO! Put that down! You- you can’t just go around swinging random swords- stop spinning it!”
“It’s fine, Mister Tang! Mei’s been teaching me!”
“Teaching you to what?! Get yourself killed as quickly as possible?!”
Yeah, he’s constantly on the verge of falling apart. Given that the scholar genuinely just wants to keep you safe and sound, it’s absolutely nerve-wracking for him to deal with you.
Expect him to turn to the Noodlefam for help eventually. Given that they cherish Tang as much as he cherishes them, it’s not hard to rally them into lending him a hand.
He’ll speak to MK about the whole matter, talking him into keeping an eye out for you. He might even convince the young hero to whip up a clone to keep surveillance on you, trying it’s hardest to keep you out of trouble.
As for Pigsy, well… if Tang sees you as a child, let’s be honest- so does the chef. Man has a ladle locked and loaded for the backside of your head, and a sharp remand to go with the sting. “Enough messing around, Y/N! Put the damn sword down and help me with these dumplings already!” And at his words you reluctantly clamber down from the windowsill you were crawling over, settling back at the counter to help the porcine demon prep a meal.
All three of them together have zero issue with keeping you under control, but Tang is clearly the most dedicated here, and sometimes on his own in tending to the matter.
You have to sit through hours of scoldings and lectures. When he’s finally done trying to impart upon you why what you’ve done is dangerous, Tang sends you off to bed with his worried words ringing in your ears.
He’ll stop by to tuck you in, of course. Even when caught in the maddening throes of obsession is Tang kind, always looking to dote on you in some way.
There’s definitely worse people to be dealing with, at least.
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oneforthemunny · 5 months
i love your writing honey💗
tw talks about a pet being hurt. nothing graphic or severe and ends well ofc but i want to add that just in case!
"He's gonna be alright." Eddie whispers into the dark room. The light from the hallway pouring in, illuminating his frame.
Your eyes are raw, chest hiccuping with tears that seemed never ending, clutching Diablo close to you, nose buried in his fur.
It happened so quick, so fucking quick. You and Eddie in town, the boys with you, all on their leashes. You'd been talking, aimlessly window shopping with Eddie. You didn't see it, the shattered glass on the sidewalk.
Lucifer was leading the pack, he always was, ears perched and on alert. A yelp of alarm had you and Eddie both jumping, Eddie drawing the glock from his hip, pushing you behind him protectively.
Lucifer's yelp turned into a hum of whimpers, paw lifted, limping and raising frantically, a trail of blood pooling out. Your gasp had Eddie and the rest of the boys on edge, a cold prick of panic coursing through Eddie's veins.
He hissed at the other boys to stand back, scooping Lucifer up, all of you jogging to the car, tearing away to the vet.
They put Lucifer under, removing all the glass, stitching him up swiftly. You were nearly inconsolable, sobbing into Eddie's shoulder at the vet, the vet tech and vet sweating nervously when they'd give you both an update.
They'd let him wake up, put him in a cone, wrapped his paw in a cast, and sent you home with antibiotics.
"He might be uncomfortable for the next few days. A little sore from the stitches and how deep it cut into the tissue." You had wailed when the vet told you that. Eddie considered killing him for upsetting you.
Lucifer had to sleep in his cage, to keep the other dogs from licking his wound, messing with his stitches. He had whined once when Eddie was putting him in, and another wave of tears washed over you.
"He's already asleep, baby. They gave him medicine so he'll just rest." Eddie cooed gently, turning on the light, your watery eyes shining back at him.
"I know," Your breath stuttered in your chest, the three dogs in your bed sticking their noses in your face in alert. "I just- I don't like that he got hurt, and-and he was bleeding."
"I know." Eddie hummed sweetly, stepping towards you. "I didn't either. I just saw blood. I thought he'd been-" Eddie stopped himself from finishing his sentence, your wide eyed scared look making him pause.
"But he's alright, baby. The vet's gonna come check him every day until he feels better, alright? I'll make sure of it." Eddie was one step ahead, always. He knew you'd worry that he was hurt, that it was infected, anything, so he had Gareth ask the vet to come. They were more than happy to help out.
"I wish he could sleep in here." You pouted, lip trembling. "He's down there all alone." Your voice squeaked, throat closing with tears that had Eddie cringing.
Eddie sighed heavily, opening the door back. "Hades." He commanded, the dog springing to his feet. "Here. Come on."
When Eddie returned, you were still sniffling, but no sign of tears- thankfully. "Hades is down there with him."
That seemed to satisfy you. "You put their blankets on them?"
"Yes, baby." Eddie bit back a smile, unfastening his watch, slinging it in his jewelry box.
A pause.
"And their toys? The stuffed animals. Lucifer has to have the lion, and Hades has the bat-"
"-I got it." Eddie looked at you through the mirror. "They'll be alright. Ok? Don't worry. Let me take care of it. I'll make sure they're alright."
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jermer10 · 4 months
Helloo can I have the mercs taking care of a very sick gn reader?not feeling very well so some hurt comfort could help if you can! Tyyy
TF2 mercs taking care of a very sick reader
gn reader | i hope you get well soon anon! thank you for the ask :)
drabbles under the cut :P
Scout: - most likely just as sick, if not WORSE - he already can't keep his paws off you, he'll wanna smooch your sick little face until you feel better - he will bundle you up in blankets and cuddle you whilst you watch movies <33333333 - he runs out to get you a warm drink from your local cafe, tries (keyword tries) to make you your favourite warm meal - he will burn it, doesn't matter what it is, and you are forced to try and scoff down the meal - you throw up shortly after and scout just chalks it up to you getting even more sick - it's all in vein when he wakes up a couple days later feeling worse for wear and is stuck in bed with you - medic opts to take care of you - you both decline
Soldier: - he would firstly encourage you to work it off, trips to the gym, pushing you into battle - when he realizes that the respawn machine isn't fixing you, he forces you into bed rest - you play up your resistance, he pushes you further - "YOU MUST REST THIS INSTANT, CUPCAKE!" "auuughhh noooo i think you're riiiiight" - you giggle to yourself when he leaves the room - that amusement is short lived when he soon brings back some unidentifiable, viscous, black liquid in a small ceramic bowel - he says it's supposed to be soup - you throw up then and there from the stench - cooking isn't his strong suit, so he opts to tuck you in and kiss you goodnight - you graciously sleep off the illness
Pyro: - they're surprisingly good at taking care of you whilst sick - they, first of all, provide you with actual medicine, then they make you some soup and bread - you're pampered like royalty, your every little request answered by the pyro - they watch movies with you, cuddling you from behind - opting to keep their mask on, of course, to prevent the illness from spreading to them - that doesn't stop them from lifting it up slightly to peck your head as you sleep in their arms <33333 - gives you back massages, foot massages, traces their fingertips along your flesh - like i said, you are absolutely pampered. the other mercs would be shocked to see this side of them - you recover quickly!! all thanks to pyro <3
Demoman: - opts to leave you alone so that you can actually get some rest - when you do see him, he's bringing you medicine and food, giving you a quick peck on the lips, and leaving the room - it makes you a bit upset, you haven't really spent time with him in days!! :( - you wake up sometime during the night to find him curled up next to you, arms wrapped around your frame and nuzzling into you - you figure he's already going to get sick from this, so a couple of little kisses couldn't hurt - "mmm that tickles y/n...." he mumbles tiredly, giving you a squeeze - he soon wakes up, groggy and half drunk, to the feeling of you squeezing him back and peppering kisses all over his face and neck - "i missed ye too, lovey" - in his attempt to stay away from you, he ended up smothering you anyway, such is the way of demo
Heavy: - takes every precaution - growing up in the middle of russia with harsh winters that often left his sisters sick and vulnerable, with no easy access to medicine, it's a wonder that he would even let you get sick in the first place - so if you manage to, he is doing everything in his power to help you heal - he won't even let you get up to pee by yourself, you'll need him to carry you there so that you don't use your energy - well he's joking about that....partly... - absolutely refuses to have any physical intimacy with you whilst sick, he is the beating, murderous heart of the team and can't risk an illness - he still lets you know that you're loved, of course - showering you with words of love, providing you with all the care within his means <33
Engineer: - knowing engie, he would be too caught up with work to provide extensive care for you - he provides medicine, cooks you warm food, makes you warm drinks, etc - essentially the bare minimum of taking care for your sick partner - you don't mind, you know he's busy, but you still miss his warm touch and sweet words - "eenngggiiiieeeee plllleeeeaaasseeee taake caaaaree of meee" "i'm comin' darlin', just gimme a minute..." - he is NOT, in fact, 'comin'' - at least not for another hour or so because he is stuck in whatever he's working on - you are forced to drape yourself over his desk, immediately grabbing his attention, and passing out from the exhaustion - he carries you back to bed, feigning annoyance at your antics
Medic: - he's....literally a doctor - and an experimental one at that! - medic will give you plenty of different medicine, not entiiiiirely legal medicine, or medicine that has been tested in any capacity...but still medicine! - you're likely to end up more sick after letting medic take care of you - but he makes up for it! - you're petting archimedes whilst medic's cooking you a warm meal - is this what heaven feels like? - and then he feeds you another mystery pill and you're back to shitting your guts out and oh your skin is glowing! like nuclear green glowing! - yes you died from the mystery pills - but upon respawning you're....cured? - "zhe pills may need some more workzhopping!"
Sniper: - has pretty much no idea what to do - he doesn't really get sick, and when he does he does not give a shit, he will work in health and sickness - so when you're sick, he just grabs you some painkillers and tells you that you'll be alright, to take the day off, and drink some water - when he comes back from the match and you're lying in bed, pale, sweating, and shivering, he realizes that maybe you're a bit worse for wear - he consults an actual doctor, not medic, he has more common sense than that, and manages to get some advice for looking after you in this state - whilst he adores you, he can barely take care of himself, let alone you on top of that - awkwardly tries to make you feel better through cuddling and acts of service
Spy: - another merc who prefers to leave you to essentially take care of yourself giving the bare minimum to support you - he loves you, but he doesn't want to get sick and he doesn't really have the time or capacity to take care of you in a personal, meaningful way - so he will opt to giving you meds and nice foods, will occasionally kiss your head and stroke your hair, but that's the furthest he will go in terms of providing for you in this state - he will feel bad about it, often contemplating telling the other mercs to piss off and sitting with you, missing out on work to take care of his partner - he probably gives in eventually, especially if you're acting like you don't need him, it makes him want you more - will end up smothering you slightly, helping you heal whilst pampering you with kisses in a fake begrudging way
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minty-drop · 2 months
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“Collector! Hey buddy, you ok?”
Colourful stars, sparking with shine scattered across the walls. Searching, looking and digging there corners into the slits between the ivory. Worry swallowed the collector whole, nagging into his gut like a piercing blade.
The star child shouted, turning to face the canine like creature, a titan who’s yet to fully grow, something they both had in common.
“I can’t find them. I don’t want to play this game anymore!”
He didn’t like how long this was taking, they were impatient, and did not like loosing games. But at this moment, he didn’t care if he lost.
He just wanted his ‘parent’ beside them again.
“M-maybe there back in our room? They could have switch spots”
“That’s cheating!!”
Rattling the walls like a earthquake, the force of the shout bouncing off the wall.
But he was right? Maybe they did go back?
Swiftly the child’s hand waved across, a motion to quick for the titan to catch before he as-well was thrown on top of its flat surface, the hum buzzing from the star present with the patter of feet next to him.
A game of hide n seek, a classic, a game where one would seek and the other would hide. A simple yet challenging game of who can stay hidden until the end.
And you were quite good at it.
It felt like hours ago you had watch the collectors feet drop off the bed, the counting of numbers stoping that erupted into giggles. The collector was good at hide n seek, and from what you’ve seen, was very good to the point you could only assume he had found king in under afew minutes when the star child had began to run around with an extra pair of feet right next to him.
They teamed up on you. Little sneakers…..
But at this point you didn’t really care, you were having fun with the children who you were to constantly accompany in every waking minute, sure it was tiring but it was fun. And in these moment you got to see them interact, giggling and planing there next ideas that were childish yet entertaining to hear. It was perfectly normal because after all,they were children. Maybes it’s because you were no longer a small child, the childish nature still living in you but as time passed by, you have matured by much and by the time you had met king and later met the collector through the events of the eclipse, you had began to become much like the parental figure of the group. You missed the others, and you wanted them here with you, for the collector to see what he is doing is wrong, but there was only so much you could do. The kid was young with immense power, but as time went on, you’ve come to see them as a young child you could look after and maybe then, all of you would be able to thrive.
But who am I kidding, nothing like that is easy to get.
You first heard the hum of the star like transportation, then the mumbling of the two children. The collectors feet hopped off the star along with the fluffy paws of king. From all you could see, the collector made his way to the bed you were currently under, inspecting the tossed blankets that you made previously made to look like someone was underneath the warm fabric. It was a risky move.
But his ankles were just in reach of your hands.
With a small snicker, you reached out and snatched onto the small godlike child’s ankles, causing the said child to jump up in surprise, hoping all the way over to the other side of the room like a scarred bunny.
Curiously the collector had slowly walked back over to the bed, creeping up before lifting the whole bed up with his hand effortlessly.Laying there defenceless you could only do one thing.
Waving your hands like a mad man.
It took the collector a minute before he began to laugh, flying up in the air up and around before landing back down on the soft carpet.
You chuckled.
“Anytime collector”
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epicawsomeusername · 2 months
Short little story with max, my plush dragon
Max growls as I climb onto his belly. I don’t care. I’m flipping out. “Can’t you leave me alone-” Max’s eyes widen when he notices my obvious distress. His protective instincts kick in and he gently places a paw on my back, hoping to calm me down. “Jesus kid, what’s going on?”
I can’t gather my thoughts. I cling to him. My eyes are wide. Max rolls his eyes. He knows he’s not getting anything out of me until I calm down. He gently rubs my back with his paw, wishing that his warmth would be enough to soothe me. As expected, it doesn’t work.
Max lifts me up in his paw and opens his mouth. He hesitates. He doesn’t want to scare me anymore than I already am. He sighs and tugs at the zipper on his belly. He grabs my blanket off the couch along with a nearby stuffed animal and places them in his belly before tucking me in as well.
I start to relax. He lets out a sigh of relief before gently zipping up his belly, sealing me inside. The soft, memory foam walls of his stomach gently squeeze me in a reassuring embrace. I close my eyes and snuggle up in his belly.
Max grumbles in annoyance. He gently strokes his belly, feeling me drift off to sleep inside.
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aspiring-house-husband · 11 months
the orcs raided your village in the middle of the night. they took you as ransom. 
they were incredibly intelligent and capable warriors capable of so much grace for their size. they entered a kingdom made of stone and foliage, where everything natural speaks to your people, and they still evaded detection. they didn’t even wake you, the elves’ prince, until the sun woke you itself the next morning. they had put you in a soft bed with fluffy blankets and pillows in a stone cave with brambles braided at the entrance. you blinked awake while while the blankets and your nightshirt slipped down your arm, revealing half of your torso. 
you recognized the orc that sat in the room with you. he was their leader, the scars and ornate body paint familiar to you. you had noticed, when he negotiated with your mother, how his eyes lingered to you. you notice it now, but you do not pull up the blankets to hide your chest. 
“Good morning, highness,” he says, “do not be afraid. we mean you no harm and intend to take you home when the month is over. we simply needed you to make a point.”
“and what point is that?”
“your mother is very respectful and an ally to our kingdom. other elves, however, do not share her view. we took you to show them our might. our capability, our strength. our stealth and power.”
“i am impressed,” you tell him, sliding graceful legs to the bedside so that you could face him. he must have known the sleepclothes he brought you in, yet still his gaze flicks to the open expanse of your thighs, hardly hidden by the fabric that bunches up at your hip. “And what would you have me do, while i am your captive prisoner?”
“live,” he answers, “converse. sleep and eat well. we chose to take you because we believed that you would not return home and plea war, and we believed the same of your mother. we wish to make a statement, not provoke.”
“understood,” you say, slipping the inside of your lower lip between your teeth and sliding your thighs apart. “but what would you have me do while i am here?”
“what do you mean?” your teeth grow sharp as you smile at him, sliding your palms over your inner thighs and curling your fingers over the edge of the mattress. 
“you are not the first to look at me the way you do,” you simper, tilting your head to expose your neck to him. “and i, as a prince, am accustomed to a certain lifestyle that you have managed to deprive me of in your incredibly noble mission.”
“my deepest apologies, your highness,” the orc responds, standing from his seat and stepping to you. he would tower over you if you were standing, but sitting like this, you have to drop your head back to meet his eye. “allow me to offer you my services in replacement of anything you find yourself missing.”
you lean in to him, lifting your hands to his body. his hip bones are at eye level. 
“anything?” you ask, pressing your cheek to him. his pants are softer than you expected, but your temple and ear brush his bare skin just above the waistline. 
“whatever you require, highness.”
you wrap your legs around his thigh and press a kiss to his skin, reaching around to his ass and pawing at it to pull him impossibly closer. 
“i always get fucked when i wake up,” you tell him, lazing your tongue across the inside of his hip, pulling down his waistline with your teeth. 
“quite debased, for a royal,” he answers, gently prying you off of him before hoisting you up, resting your thighs on his shoulders. he lays his chin on your thigh. “i can treat you the way a royal should be.”
with his teeth alone he rips your bedclothes from you and plunges his tongue into your willing hole. a noise you’re surprised could come out of you rips it’s way from your throat as you dig your heels into his back and your fingers knot into his hair. you can’t help the way it makes your stomach muscles quake and your voice bounce. he fucks into you with his tongue and it already stretches your hole and reaches deep into you. you cum into his mouth, and he licks into you to swallow whatever he can. he drops you into the bed with a laugh while you’re still convulsing with pleasure, and you’ve forgotten how tall he is, because you fall so much further than you expect. 
his face is slicked with you, the body paint smeared around his cheeks. he has a hungry smile, like that of a predator, and he pulls the straps and wraps that keep his pants so that they fall to the floor and he can step free. 
“i washed before you woke,” he promises, before yanking you toward him by your ankles and bending your knees so he can push a finger inside you. he skips to three when he realizes how aroused and soaked you are, and before long, you’re gripping onto his forearm with all your might, and your fingers only barely overlap around its circumference. he lets out a surprised chuckle when you clamp down around his fingers and cum again.
“look at me, majesty,” he says, and licks his fingers clean of you. you gather your breath as you watch, and he pops his middle finger from his lips, and you can’t take it anymore. 
you were impressed by his grace. you have it too, because you pull your legs beneath you and launch at him. you wrap yourself around his torso and smash your lips together, smiling, smearing his body paint. 
“on the bed, on your back,” you order him, and he immediately obeys; you pull your legs from beneath him before he traps them. you scoot back until you can feel him, and he radiates warmth, he makes you whimper before he’s even inside you. he holds your hips, but you wouldn’t need it, you’d be able to do this on your own. you sink over him slower than you usually do, but he’s bigger than you usually take, so you’ll accept that. he stretches you more beautifully than you thought possible, and when you rest on his hips, you see him pressing against your stomach. 
he goes to lift you, but you push his hands back and shake your head. 
“my turn,” you whisper, chest heaving. “my speed.” 
“yes, your highness,” he answers, and you take your time to ride him, slow and purposeful and full. it feels like it pushes against your throat whenever you take it all the way, and your whole body flutters with your hole around him. his hands find your hips not to push and pull but to hold on, to keep himself from losing his mind, and it doesn’t work. he slams his hips up and into you when he cums, forcing a choking sound from you. it’s too easy to follow him over the edge as he spasms inside you, and even easier is it to fall on his chest and whimper through your orgasm. 
his palm warms your back as he runs his hand slowly up and down your spine, and he has to strain his neck to kiss the top of your head. 
“satisfactory, my prince?” 
“more than. i’ll miss you when you return me home.”
“i could come visit.”
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jungle-angel · 6 months
Pretty In Pink (Calvin Evans x Reader)
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Summary: You and Calvin couldn't have imagined a more perfect way to spend Christmas than with your family until you find a gift for your daughter
Warnings: Mentions of childbirth, breastfeeding etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse
You awoke groggy and heavy headed to find that it was still snowing outside, but that Calvin was just starting to wake up, your baby girl squirming in her little Moses bassinet at the foot of the bed.
"Mornin my sweet little pea," he cooed sleepily, gently lifting her to his chest, blanket and all. "Merry Christmas."
Ellen settled down against him, her whimpers starting up as she began beating at his chest with her tiny little fists. "Alright, alright," he chuckled. "I know, Daddy doesn't have anything you need, but Momma might."
You laughed a little as he brought her to you and gently placed Ellen in your arms. "Merry Christmas sweetheart," he said before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
"Merry Christmas Cal," you said, undoing the lacings on the front of your nightgown.
You felt Calvin's hand suddenly covering yours. "Let me help you sweetie," he said.
You smiled at him. He was always so sweet and considerate and so attentive since Ellen had been born just two weeks before Christmas. Calvin helped you undo the lacings and helped you so that Ellen could latch on and feed properly. Usually at this hour of the morning, she was fussier than usual, but in no time at all, she was happily sucking back her breakfast, her eyelids softly opening and shutting every so often.
Six-Thirty suddenly came darting in with a little note between his teeth and pawing at Cal's leg. He took the note from Six-Thirty and opened it, reading his mother's neat but scratchy handwriting.
"C'mon down, your nieces and nephews are getting impatient, love mom," Calvin read aloud, laughing to himself a little.
"We'll be down in a minute," you yawned with a happy, but sleepy smile still on your face.
"Take your time," he said, gently littering your cheek and forehead with soft little kisses.
As soon as Ellen was full, you joined the rest of your family and friends in the living room, excitedly opening your presents as Patricia, Cal's sisters and Dr. Powers's mother all began putting breakfast in the oven. The girls from your nursing major at school had joined as well, bringing a family member or two with them while Father McDowell and his wife Helen, had joined you with their children and grandchildren after the church services were done for the morning.
"Oh wait a sec, what's this?" Cal chuckled. "To Calvin (y/n) and Baby Ellen, from Aunt Jean."
"Oh Aunt Jean and Uncle Alfie?" Patricia asked, mixing together a mimosa. "They always send the nicest things for Christmas."
You and Calvin opened it up and to your surprise it was a pair of pink pajamas for Ellen with a little hood bearing a pair of floppy little bunny ears, the feet at the bottom also bearing the felted image of two little whiskered bunny faces. You and Calvin were in stitches when you saw it as were most of the other family members.
"You know what this means don't you sweetheart?" Calvin asked.
"Oh yes," you answered. "Plenty of photos for years to come."
Calvin carefully folded up the little pjs and placed them carefully in the box. You both couldn't wait to see how Ellen looked in them, nor could you wait for Easter to roll around, knowing she'd be the cutest little bunny anyone ever saw.
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jungkookslipring · 7 months
Hi hi! 🙂
I don't know if you ate taking any requests, but...can I request a Ler!Chan and Lee!Felix in which Félix is feeling a little sad and Chan Cheers him up with tummy and neck nibbles and raspberries, please?
Thank you so much for even reading my request.
Luv u! 💞
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Lee! Felix
Ler! Chan
Sad Boy Hours
Maybe watching a sad movie by himself wasn't the best idea, but Felix had been scrolling aimlessly through all of the possibilities of movies and tv shows he could watch and somehow landed on watching nothing other than the film Titanic. He was always curious about the film, having basic knowledge of what happens, so he decided it couldn't be as sad if he knows what happens, right?
Poor thing was wrapped up in a blanket burrito, muffling his cries into his sweater paw. Right on cue, Chan walked into the dorm, coming to steal Felix so they could go to a cafe that had just opened up, only to see one of his sunshine liner twins crying his heart out on the sofa.
"Lixie?? Whats the matter?" Chan asked in a slight panic, never liking the sight of his baby crying. Felix pointed to the TV and Chan felt a little better knowing it was just the movie and not something else bothering the poor boy.
"Ohh sweetie is it the film?" Chan lightly chuckled as he pulled Felix into his arms. Felix sighed.
"Don't laugh at me," he whined as he hid his face with the blanket. Chan giggled.
"No baby I'm not making fun of you, your heart is just simply too big to watch these types of movies," he chuckled as he rubbed his hand up and down Felix's arm. The younger one sniffled.
"I set myself up on that one I guess," he sighed as he wiped his eyes.
"My sweet Lixie we can't have you crying when we need to go get pastries!" Chan said in a high pitched voice as he snuck his hands under the blanket and squeezed Felix's tummy. He teased his little Aussie brother even more by nibbling his neck. The younger started loudly giggling as he tried to fold in on himself, but failing miserably when Chan flipped them over, Felix now with his back pressed against the couch and Chan digging his fingers into Felix's abs. The younger's giggles got louder and louder the more Chan teased him.
"Chahahahannie hyununung!" he squealed when Chan lifted up his shirt and went back to his attack, squeezing and poking his cute little tummy.
"We may not need to go to the cafe Felix!" Chan said with a surprised face. Felix's morphed into confusion until he realized what his older brother was about to do.
"Don't even tr-AAHHHAHHAHAHAHA HYUNG!" Felix screeched as Chan started nibbling at his tummy. He tried pushing his head away with his hands, but every time he did, Chan would just dig his fingers into his hips, causing the younger one to scream and flail around. He alternated between nibbling his sides and tummy and blowing raspberries on his belly button, leaving the younger one squealing and fighting for his life. Eventually Chan gave in and didn't want to destroy his kid so he let up, leaving a quick little kiss on Felix's tummy.
"You're just too cute!" Chan squealed as Felix covered up his face in embarassment.
"You're lucky I love you, hyung," he said with a blush creeping onto his cheeks. Chan hugged him when the younger reached out to him.
"I love you too, Lixie." After about 15 minutes the tears had stopped, and the two went on their way to the little cafe, not without Chan tasering Felix every two minutes of course.
Hi! Its been a minute! sorry if its too short or if its a little rocky! Remember to let me know if you want to be put on the taglist when I post!
Taglist: @felixmainacc @felixburneracc @myforevermelody143 @dunno-wut-to-do
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Magic Touch
Astarion and Gale get frisky again after weeks of only chaste kisses. The wizard conjures a mage hand for 'assistance'. The vampire spawn approves.
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, body worship, cum eating, frottage, hand job, (im)proper use of mage hand)
The title's based on Gale's voice line "I have the magic touch".
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
According to DnD lore, elves don't sleep, but rest in a meditative, trance-like state called reverie. You can see Astarion (and your Elven Tav) do exactly that in camp during a long rest when a sleep-around-the-campfire cutscene plays.
Also: Happy new year, everyone! May your 2024 be prosperous and filled with happiness, good health and good fortune. <3 Here's to a great start ;)
Gale had fallen asleep in his study again, halfway lying on the bed in the corner, surrounded by his students' essays. Astarion smiled at the scene. Carefully and light-footed, he stacked the papers and books, placed them on the desk, lifted Gale's legs up onto the bed, and covered him with a blanket. The wizard sighed in his sleep, but didn't wake. After one last glance, Astarion extinguished all the candles and made his way to the living room where the animals dwelled. Blearily, Scratch and Naïlo blinked at him.
"Hey, boys, would you like to join me on a walk?" Astarion whispered.
The dog yawned and placed his head back on his paws, but the owlbear chirped excitedly. The vampire spawn snickered.
"Well then... come on, my feathery friend."
"Good luck on your hunt, Mister Ancunin," purred Tara sleepily.
"Thanks, my sweet."
Naïlo was fully-grown now, barely fitting through the wide doorframes in Gale's tower house. They'd talked to him multiple times about freedom, but the owlbear refused to leave the place he called home. He had no desire to go out into the wilderness by himself and wished to stay with them. Of course, they allowed it and couldn't deny Naïlo anything. No matter how big, he would always be their little cub.
Astarion had started to go hunting in the woods with him. It was fun to run for hours without stopping and watching the owlbear kill their prey efficiently and quickly. Today was no different. The vampire spawn sprinted through the forest next to a hyped-up owlbear and there was no need for him to slow down. Suddenly, Naïlo came to an abrupt halt, staring to their right. Astarion sniffed the air. A bear. With a wide grin that showed his fangs, he nodded and made a hand gesture towards their prey. The owlbear pounced, slaying the bear with one big swipe of his sharp claws. Roaring, their prey collapsed and died. Astarion heard its heart stop. With a questioning chirp, Naïlo turned around to look at him.
"Well done, pup," the vampire spawn praised.
He slinked closer, kneeled, and drove his fangs into the still warm corpse. Astarion drew back when he felt drunk. As soon as he'd stepped away, Naïlo started to eat with gusto. The vampire spawn watched, pleasantly intoxicated, his vision slightly blurred. Lazily, he licked his mouth and chin clean until the owlbear's belly was full. Then, they slowly made their way back to Waterdeep, content and sated.
At home, Naïlo curled around Scratch and Tara and fell asleep immediately. Astarion, on the other hand, freshened up in the bathroom before checking on everyone. Tav and Shadowheart were sleeping soundly, back to back, and he didn't want to disturb them. He planned to quickly take a look at Gale before making his way downstairs to his basement room, but found the wizard awake with a cup of tea balanced on his knees.
"Thank you for covering me with the blanket," Gale smiled. "I appreciate it."
"You're welcome, darling. Everything alright?"
"Yes, just..." The wizard sighed, rubbing his strained eyes. "There's so much paperwork and some of the pupils have awful handwriting."
Astarion chuckled, finally fully entering the study, and sat down next to his lover.
"Would you like my help? I don't know much about the Applied Arts, but I'm rather talented at reading ancient languages. I'm sure I can figure out your pupils' messy writing."
Gale smiled at him softly.
"Thank you, dear. I might take you up on your offer tomorrow." He sipped on his teacup. "How was tonight's hunt?"
"Good. I had a bear," Astarion grinned, leaning against the wizard's shoulder. "I went into the woods with Naïlo."
"Aah, I see. Lovely."
"Bears always get me drunk. I don't know why. – I'm sure you could figure it out. You're a genius after all."
Astarion slumped closer, with a drunken giggle. Gale snorted an amused laugh.
"Look at you. You're an intoxicated mess."
Astarion grinned at him before sitting up straight and smashing their lips together. Gale gasped in surprise.
"Mind the tea!"
"Sure," slurred the vampire spawn, took the teacup from the wizard and placed it on the floor next to a stack of specialist literature. "May I kiss you again?"
They fell into each other's arms, tongue kissing sloppily.
They'd settled into an easy dynamic regarding their relationship. They were rarely sexually intimate, mostly just kissing and snuggling. They were both content and happy with their arrangement and usually didn't need more. Usually. But not tonight.
Astarion slid his hands up the side of Gale's neck hungrily, running his fingers through the long, dark mane.
"I can see even more grey hair than when we first met," he noted. "It suits you. You're beautiful."
"So are you," panted the wizard.
"It's a good thing you're not at risk of spontaneously combusting anymore because of too much excitement. It would be a shame to lose a perfectly good Gale Dekarios, renowned wizard of Waterdeep, and professor at the Blackstaff Academy for Applied Magic Arts."
Gale's laugh was swallowed by Astarion's greedy mouth and the latter humped against the wizard's thigh.
"I need more," the vampire spawn moaned. "Please?"
Frenzied, Astarion doffed his clothes, exposing his pale skin and proudly standing erection. He bored his ruby-red eyes into the wizard, pleading.
"Come here," Gale offered, opening his arms.
Astarion plucked at Gale's shirt.
"Take your clothes off."
"But I want to –"
"Let me take care of you, Astarion. Come here. Lean your back against my chest."
The addressed complied, placing his head on Gale's shoulder and spreading his legs wide for him to see.
"Beautiful," the wizard whispered into his ear as he watched the plane of Astarion's body from behind him. The vampire spawn moaned lowly and pushed himself closer to the warmth of his lover. Gale kissed his cheek and recited a magic spell, conjuring a mage hand. It finally clicked in Astarion's still slightly intoxicated head.
"Oh," he breathed.
"Yeah." Astarion could literally hear Gale's smug grin in the way he responded. "Now, relax, dear, and let me work my magic."
The vampire spawn gasped when the mage hand wrapped its fingers around his member. There was resistance, almost like a real hand, and it was about the same temperature as his cold, undead body. Gale shushed him quietly and started running his hands over Astarion's chest. The latter moaned at the heat of them. Such a stark contrast to the mage hand and his own body. Gale let his hands wander further down, exploring his lovers abdomen, dipping his thumb into his navel, and brushing fingers over the naturally hairless pubic bone. Astarion's hips bucked up at the touch and he started to pant.
"So lovely for me," Gale praised, whispering right into Astarion's ear. The latter whined, shuddering as the wizard's hot breath ghosted over his neck. Gale kissed his ear, licking along the shell with his hot tongue, and Astarion moaned and started to drool. The conjured hand steadily stripped his cock with a comfortable grip while Gale's hands caressed his chest and abdomen lazily. Astarion shuddered as he felt the wizard's hot breath hit the shell of his ear again and his erection rub up and down his lower back. The vampire spawn tightened his grip on his lover's knees.
"Gale," he moaned, lolling his head against the other man's shoulder. "Gale... please..."
He was so close, but something was missing and he didn't know what. The wizard hummed, licking Astarion's pointy ear, and with a wail, the latter came undone. His seeds shot over the mage hand and his own gaunt belly. Astarion's legs shook, his hips gave little aborted thrusts, and his ruby-red eyes were still screwed shut. Gale tightened his grip on his lover's chest and abdomen, pressing him closer to himself, and rutted against his back until he climaxed. Astarion shivered when Gale's hot breath puffed against his neck and he felt the wizard's seeds wetting his tailbone as they seeped through the underpants. Groaning, the vampire spawn slumped against the hot body behind him.
He moaned gutturally when Gale dipped his fingers into the sticky mess on his stomach and brought them up to lick it off. The wizard made a face.
"I wager I'll never acquire a taste for the male release. But it could be worse I guess..."
Astarion hummed and sucked Gale's fingers into his mouth. The wizard's breath hitched and the vampire spawn coiled his skilled tongue around the digits.
"You'll be the death of me," muttered Gale and when Astarion finally let go of his fingers, he shifted his lover sideways to kiss him better. Moaning, the vampire spawn tangled his hands in Gale's hair, kissing back as good as he could, still basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. Gale scooped up some more semen and licked it off while staring right at Astarion who make an undignified noise as he watched. Carefully, the latter slid his hand into Gale's underwear, toying with his spent member. The wizard hissed in discomfort, still too sensitive to be touched. Astarion retracted his hand, now sticky with cum, and licked it clean. Gale stared at him, wide-eyed and in disbelief.
"By the Gods," he groaned before pulling the vampire spawn into another kiss.
Astarion sighed into it, utterly content and sated. They finally broke apart and lay down, closely entangled.
"That was amazing, darling," Astarion purred. "I couldn't even return the favour."
"Hmm," muttered Gale, already half-asleep.
The vampire spawn petted his hair and promised: "Next time, I'll be the one wielding around the mage hand."
"Mhm," Gale mumbled smiling.
Astarion watched over him as he fell into an exhausted sleep. The wizard truly needed to be fully rested to survive his cheeky students at the academy. The vampire spawn placed a gentle kiss on Gale's greying hair and slipped into reverie.
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borathae · 2 years
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“You and Yoongi haven’t taken that certain next step in your relationship yet. But when a sudden sexy scene on screen suprises you, said step seems way easier to take than imagined."
Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader
Genre: established relationship!AU, Smut, domestic Fluff
Warnings: this is pure lovemaking, subby!Yoongi, gentle dom!Reader, praises, good boy kink, a sex scene in a movie, he gets hard because of it, she rubs him over his sweats :'), he is so cuddly and cute, he sits on her lap :(, thigh riding & dry humping, breast worshipping, body worshipping for both, the best kisses, nipple sucking & play, he has sensitive nipples, oral (f.receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), protected sex, penetrative sex, missionary position with lots of hugs, he also cries cause it feels so good, i wanna scream this is so soft
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: This is the softest lil feel good smut I ever wrote 😔 (but it's also really hot wtf, I'm dying here 🥴) I just want them to be happy for eternity 😔 I also think that I made my heart literally burst for good boy!Yoongi, holy moly I didn't know I needed Yoongi with a good boy kink in my life, but I do. Him sitting on her lap does things to me, I wanna treat him so right
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You have Yoongi over tonight. He came for warm milk, cookies and a movie after his heaters once again acted up. Not that his acting up heaters are the only reason he came over. He missed you a great deal and really wanted to see you. You instantly said yes because you missed him too and five minutes later, he was by your door with Holly in his arms.
You built a blanket fort in the sunroom and on top of your most comfortable pillows and blankets, you enjoy your delicacies, bundled up and cozy and with a silly romance movie on. 
It has been snowing the entire day. The world is covered in a thick white blanket by now. Inside the cold can’t reach you however, you made sure with big fuzzy socks for the both of you and your trusty old space heaters.
One of which, Levi claimed as his own, now slumbering right in front of it with his nose covered by his paws and his back getting warmed up by the heater. 
He hasn’t bothered to move ever since the neighbour came over. Quite frankly, he is rather annoyed by his frequent visits and the obsessive kissing the two of you like to engage in, in his presence. So he tries not to move too much and sleep until the neighbour is leaving again. 
Not that Yoongi is planning to do so any time soon. As a matter of fact, he is planning on staying overnight.
He reaches into the bowl of popcorn, fetching nothing.
"Oh no, empty", he says. 
"Really? Oh dear. Don’t worry, I have more", you assure him, taking the bowl only to get stopped by Yoongi.
"Don't worry, I got it", he says, pecking your cheek before getting on all fours and crawling out of the blanket fort.
Holly, who had slumbered on a pillow before, lifts his head and jumps to his little feet to waddle after his daddy. He loves the frequent visits to your cottage. It smells so good here and he has a new friend to play with all the time. Holly loves playing with Levi, even if his friend sometimes acts annoyed by their playtime. He also loves tonight. He hopes that his daddy will never ever leave again. Oh dear! He is already so far away. Holly starts running, bumping his head with Yoongi’s leg once caught up.
"Careful Holly", Yoongi tells him, looking down at him.
Holly retorts the look with all the love he can offer. He has the best dad ever! Tonight is awesome!
"Can you get some cookies too?" you call out from the fort.
"Sure", Yoongi says, disappearing inside afterwards with Holly by his side.
He returns soon after, carrying the fruits of his successful hunt in your kitchen. You press play on the movie, accepting the plate of cookies and making space for Holly jumping back in.
"You didn’t have to pause for me", Yoongi tells you.
"Of course I did, you'd have missed so much", you say, welcoming him back under the blanket.
"So warm. I was freezing my butt off outside", he says, snuggling into you. His head is resting on your shoulder, his arm is snug around your waist and one of his legs is lodged right between your thighs. The bowl of popcorn he placed a little further down on your lap. And Holly is slumbering on his pillow again, resting his little chin on his little paws.
"It's not that cold", you tease him, rubbing his arm to get him warm again. 
"Yeah it is, you gotta warm me up."
"Aww poor baby", you coo, hugging him closer all while rubbing his back quickly, "there we go, get warm again."
Yoongi hums contently, focusing his eyes back on the movie while his lips curl into a tiny smile. So nice. He couldn’t ask for a better way too get warmed up.
Soon you can hear the faint sound of him eating popcorn and chuckling at funny parts of the movie and calmness returns.
You and Yoongi spend a lot of time together these days. Even more time than you did back in summer. And you love every single second of it. 
Yoongi is the best time spending partner you could ever ask for. And gosh, he is so sweet and funny and always knows the best stories and his kisses are the best and he smells so nice, his cooking is heavenly too and to top it all off, he likes being the little spoon. Yes, you were aware that you were thoroughly and crazily whipped for him, but can one really blame you if someone as sweet as Yoongi is your boyfriend? Surely one can forgive the quick swooning. 
The point however was, that you and Yoongi are spending a lot of time together and you realised that next to all the little quirks you love to swoon over, Yoongi truly was such an enrichment in your life. You may have sounded like a hormonal teenager at first, but Yoongi is so sweet and he makes you laugh like nobody else does. And even mundane things like cooking or going grocery shopping feel exciting with him. 
You are currently in the phase of your relationship where you get to know each other's cuddling habits. As mentioned before, Yoongi loves being the little spoon. Which was perfect, because you love being the big spoon. Yoongi also loves resting his head on your shoulder or your chest. Which was perfect because you love playing with his hair and feeling the weight of his head rise and sink in sync with your breathing.
Hand holding? Was a shared favourite of both of you.
Napping whilst cuddling? Yoongi showed you the joy of it.
Watching a movie whilst cuddling? You introduced Yoongi to it. 
Making out because of cuddling? Yes. A simple and confident Yes.
So in conclusion, you and him spend a lot of time glued together. A lot of time.
And while that may make one think that you also spend a lot of time glued together without your clothes on, that is not entirely true. 
It has been a while since you got together and while you still had a few hot nights after your reunion, you didn’t really spend a lot of time having sex. 
Especially the traditional type of sex. The type where he sticks his thingy inside of you. That kind.
You didn’t have that yet. 
There was no particular reason for it, the time just didn’t feel right yet.
Which was quite ironic, because on the few occasions where you did end up tangled and horny, you were always this close to getting there. 
One time, you were stopped by Holly barking for his dinner. 
Another time, Yoongi’s one and only condom ripped right as he slipped it on and you had to stop. 
Then it didn't and he was already on top of you, when Levi had the brilliant idea to jump on his back and scratch him (that night wasn’t fun because Yoongi hurt a lot. Levi had to sleep on the couch as punishment). 
And another time you really, really wanted it, only to start your period right when Yoongi wanted to go down on you (you almost broke up with him in embarrassment, but he managed to calm down your hormonal butt with some hugs).
So yes, the stars were not in your favour as far as taking that next step was concerned. 
It wasn’t a big problem, because you didn’t need sex to be happy with Yoongi. Most often than not, simply spending time together was enough fulfillment. 
And in return, Yoongi didn’t make it seem as if he had a problem with it either. 
But you can’t deny that you didn’t begin fantasising about him obsessively. You find yourself masturbating a lot more than you did before you met him. You have two reasons for that. First of all, the memories he gave you. You love thinking back to the steamy times you shared and getting off to them. And second of all, the images of what could be. Bringing Yoongi to orgasm a lot of times has given you memories and those memories like to sneak into your fantasies until they drive you to the point of a soaking wet orgasm around your favourite toy. 
And maybe you shouldn’t keep all those soaking wet orgasms between you, your mind and your favourite toy, but instead experience them with your extremely hot boyfriend. 
It happens then that the two main characters of the movie fall into a passionate kiss. 
"Finally", Yoongi murmurs, "it's what they deserve."
"Mhm", you agree, concentrating on the way they hug. So close and so ready to devour each other. 
You sneak a glance at Yoongi. He is watching with great interest, not noticing your yearning gaze. 
You look back at the screen. The characters have managed to get shirtless by now, pressing each other against the next best wall. 
Yoongi eats popcorn. You look at him again. He is so sexy. Has he always been that sexy? Wow, look at him eating popcorn so sexily. Would it be weird if you reached down there and traced his lips? Or feed him some popcorn before sticking your finger down his throat?
"Damn", he says, averting your attention back to the movie. 
Flustered by your own dirty thoughts, you look back at the screen. Dear heavens, thankfully reading minds isn’t a real thing.
The guy just this moment is ripping through the woman's panties before falling to his knees. No explicit details are shown, just him grabbing her hips and pulling her on his face. The next scene is of her taking a shuddering breath and throwing her head back. 
Yoongi clears his throat, shimmying his hips into another position. Like this his leg isn’t between your thighs anymore and his crotch isn’t pressed into your side. 
It makes you prickle in excitement. Is there a reason for why he moved away?
The scene continues. The characters have reached the bedroom. The woman, now lying on her back, has her legs over the guy's shoulders as he eats her out. No details, just enough to really get the imagination going.
Yoongi coughs, shifting again. You sneak a glance at him. His cheeks are beet red, the colour is spreading over his nose as well. Further down his body. Goddamn, the best parts are hidden behind the blanket. You can’t even check if he is as affected as you feel, because you are. Oh, you are so affected. The scene may not be graphic, but watching it with Yoongi does things to you. Like make you imagine how it would feel to have him on his knees like that.
The scene changes. The man gets pushed into the mattress while the woman climbs between his legs and lowers herself to his best parts. Next the man gasps before his head rolls back and he reaches down to where you assume the woman is giving him head.
"They went all out, didn’t they?" Yoongi says and laughs nervously. 
"Yeah right? They really wanted each other I guess."
"Yeah totally, I get that."
"Same, yeah."
You and him exchange a hasty look. Did he mean it how you meant it? Is he relating to the characters just as you do? Too shy to further probe, you look away and pretend that you weren’t relating. Yoongi does the same, hoping that you can’t hear his racing pulse.
The scene has changed tremendously. Now a big detailed shot of the guy's butt is on screen. It flexes and relaxes with him moving his hips into her. 
"That's a good butt", you say.
"Yeah uhm, true", Yoongi mumbles, tugging at the collar of his shirt. 
The scene continues. More steamy sex on screen and shimmying from Yoongi. The way that man fucks her. So desperate. You are so horny because of it. Which is quite unusual because you never get horny because of movie sex and yet tonight it leaves you soaking your panties. Yoongi is squirming so much and all you can do is imagine how he would act in such a scene with you.
"Jesus christ, how long is that scene?" Yoongi says, gulping secretly. 
"It's really long. They really went all out in the details." 
Just right now it zooms in on the woman scratching her nails down his back. You feel your own fingers scratch down your boyfriend's back. 
He squirms at that, sneaking a devastated look up at you. One you manage to catch because you were in the midst of sneaking a needy look down at him as well. 
He looks away quickly, burning up even more. You can’t stop staring. He is so hot. Dear, he drives you crazy. 
You run your fingers along his spine, watching with a tingling stomach as he very visibly presses his thighs together under the blanket. 
So you bury your hand in his hair, playing with the strands at the nape of his neck. 
A dent appears right on top of his crotch.  One of his hands, most definitely cupping his dick. You wonder if that means that he is trying not to get hard or stop himself from being hard. 
The scene stops. The pillowtalk of the characters is like background noise in your ears. 
"That scene was so long, right?" Yoongi says, getting no answer from you. 
He lifts his gaze with a racing heart, meeting your half-lidded eyes. 
"Right?" he asks quietly, feeling dizzy in nervousness.
You run your fingertips over his scalp, forcing his thighs to rub together while his hand presses down hard.
"Want me to replace that hand of yours? Mhm?" you ask him.
Yoongi widens his eyes to the point you fear that they might accidentally fall out. 
"I, I. Don’t. I. S-sorry what..what?" he stutters.
"The hand you’re keeping between your legs. Want me to replace it?" 
You can watch how he pulls it away.
"With, with w-what?" 
"My own obviously."
"But the movie, don’t you, you wanna watch?" 
"Do you?" 
Yoongi gulps. 
He reaches for your hand and tugs it on top of his crotch. The feeling sends excitement through you. He's sporting a semi, one you know became bigger after the bold stunt you just pulled. 
He sighs shakily, parting his lips. 
"You're already hard", you say, rubbing your palm up and down his clothed length.
He flutters his lashes before lowering his gaze. With a shy little whimper, he snuggles into you, hiding his face in the side of your arm and grasping it with his fingers. 
"You're so cute", you whisper, making him twist your sleeve and keen quietly. 
Adorable. You place your fingers around his tip, massaging it gently and with enough pressure that he has to make a sound again. 
"Does that feel nice?" you ask him.
"Yeah, feels nice", he breathes, letting out a shuddering sigh afterwards, "don’t stop please."
You weren’t planning on stopping. Touching Yoongi is too much fun to stop. He is so much fun to touch because he gets hard so easily. Just as right now, he is already significantly harder than when you started. 
You abandon his tip to rub your entire palm up and down his length. You give his balls a little massage each time you reach them for some extra loving. One Yoongi accepts happily with a squeeze of his thighs and a shy moan into your chest. 
He is nuzzling so much, bordering nudging almost. His nose is poking your sideboob constantly, his lips press into your soft flesh, searching for you. 
"Yoongi look at me", you order lovingly and with a soft sigh, your boyfriend lifts his head. 
His eyes are half-lidded, spilling over in both love and arousal. 
"Do you want to suck my nipples?" you ask him, feeling how this makes his dick twitch.
"Yeah", he croaks, licking his lips. 
"And do you want to kiss my lips?" you probe, feeling him twitch once again.
"Yeah…" he breathes, rubbing his thighs together.
"Pick one and you can do it."
Yoongi whines, giving you a pout.
"Go ahead. Be a good boy and pick one", you encourage him, basking in the needy roll his hips do.
Good boy. You realised that those two words carry magic with them. Yoongi didn’t have to tell you that they get him, because he did a terrible job at hiding how turned on he gets by it, but he still told you. With blushing cheeks and a semi hard cock in his sweats. That was the night the condom ripped. Truly, it was tragic. 
"Be my good boy, Yoongi", you whisper.
Yoongi mewls, using his abs to chase you with parted lips and his eyes glued to your mouth. You let him chase you, making it oh so hard for him by increasing the pressure of your touches.
But Yoongi is stubborn and needy and he really wants to kiss you. And because he wants it so, so bad, he becomes creative. He sits up and climbs on your lap, plopping down on you with a huff of air. 
"That is-" you get interrupted by him hooking his arms behind your head and claiming your lips in a kiss. 
It was a chaste kiss. One meant to test the waters. Yoongi pulls back, giving you the biggest puppy eyes ever. 
"That's so hot", you whisper, running your hands down his sides. 
Yoongi squirms under your touch, feeling shivers run down his spine. His breathing hitches in his throat when you reach the especially sensitive part of his waist. You grab it, knead it and pull him closer. Not close enough so that his dick would press into your tummy, but close enough that his breath hitches yet again. 
"Does that mean you made your decision?" you ask him, sending shivers down his spine with your amazing touch.
"Kiss me, I wanna kiss you", Yoongi answers you, yearning oh so much that it hurts.
You just have to tilt your head and Yoongi understands. You fall into a deep kiss, one which is clearly controlled by how horny you both are. He hooks his fingers behind your neck, while you grip his hips tightly.
A moan rolls over his tongue and tickles your lips. You answer him just as needily, pulling him closer until he is flush against you. Like this his hard dick is finally pressing into your tummy and Yoongi is so needy that he begins grinding into you the moment he feels that warm pressure on his length. 
The kiss breaks just enough that he can press out a curse, then you have him already pulled back. Yoongi mewls and keens, cupping your face with his hands. Big and warm and oh so gentle. His thumbs caress your cheekbones, doing it with so much passion that you are aware of how horny he actually is, even if he is holding you with such gentleness. 
You are horny too. So, so much that you have to rub your thighs together for some sort of friction. It’s not enough but it stills some of the ache. Not much, because rubbing your thighs together means that Yoongi gets the perfect stimulation on his balls and that makes him sound even sweeter. 
So you grab his butt. Which is the most counterproductive thing to do in this situation. His butt feels so nice to hold, round and plumb and so perfectly sexy. 
Yoongi presses himself closer, moaning into the kiss. He becomes restless in his movements, grinding his length against you to the point that he is soaking right through his briefs and sweats. 
It turns you on so much. This is the first time Yoongi is on your lap (at least that you can remember) and the experience is awesome. He is just perfectly heavy and his thighs are so soft where they touch you. It is also very nice to have him move on top of you. He is smooth yet horny in his movements. His butt is tensing sometimes, his balls feel so warm and plumb on your thigh while his dick feels so hard and hot against your tummy. The sensations are new, but so addicting. 
You break the kiss, panting heavily. Yoongi does too, squeezing your cheeks in a desperate attempt to get you back on his lips.
"This is so hot", you whisper shakily.
"Yeah", he agrees, chasing you cutely. 
You don’t let him win, but still make him grind against you to really rile him up.
"You look so pretty on my lap", you praise, watching how this makes his cheek turn pink, "you're my pretty kitten", you add just for the fun of it. 
Yoongi flusters terribly, having to hide his face in the crook of your neck. The sound he makes is just slightly pitched and oh so cute. 
He ruts against you, tickling your neck with his moans and open-mouthed kisses. His butt sticks out in the new position and you use it to really keep him close, guiding his movements with a strong and confident grip. 
Yoongi gladly lets you guide him, as a matter of fact, he needs it. He needs you pinning him against you and keeping him close and oh so sensitive from so much friction. He needs your fingers digging into his buttocks and he hopes that you manage to bruise him. He needs the guidance because it makes him feel so dizzy and dumb in pleasure. 
"That feels so nice", you sigh, enjoying his neck kisses with closed eyes. Yoongi is doing such a good job. His lips are so soft and so eager to explore every inch of your neck. His tongue is shy, yet also so hungry, tickling you each time he dares to lick your skin. 
It also feels amazing to have his quickly moving chest press against you. It squishes your boobs and leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling everywhere. 
It also makes you incredibly desperate to feel his naked chest press into your naked boobs like that. 
"Wanna be shirtless", you say.
Yoongi lifts his head even if it is difficult because he loves being nestled into you so much. 
"Me too", he says, stopping his grinds for the sake of taking his shirt off. Even if this is the worst thing to do. He doesn’t want to stop, he wants to keep riding your thigh.
He begins tugging his shirt up, only to be stopped by you taking over for him. You hook your fingers in the hem of his shirt and pull it up his torso.
"Oh?" Yoongi flusters, "okay", he says, lifting his arms for you. 
You tug the shirt off his head and over his arms, ruffling up his blonde hair in the process. He looks shy, but leans into your touch when you go to fix his messy hair. 
He giggles, touching your shoulders.
"You're so pretty", you say, caressing his cheek.
His eyes flit down, he squirms. Praises fluster him so much.
"C-can I undress you too?" he asks shyly.
"Yes, do it", you allow him, lifting your arms. 
Yoongi works carefully. He makes sure that your nose doesn’t accidentally get caught and he is even careful not to mess up too much of your hair. 
He throws the shirt to the side and touches your shoulders, trailing them up and down slowly. He takes a look at you, squirming on your lap.
"You're so pretty", he says, flustering you.
"Thank you", you whisper, "can you touch me?"
He nods his head, dancing his hands from your shoulders down to your chest. You arch into his touch, feeling charged in anticipation. 
It is a tender touch. Yoongi cups your boobs before he runs his thumbs right over the sensitive skin. 
"So pretty", he whispers.
"Don't stop", you sigh, feeling tingles run down your spine until it turns into warmth between your legs. 
"Can I use my mouth?" he makes sure to which you allow him with a nod of your head and an arch of your back. 
He starts off slowly, placing the first kiss of many on top of your shoulder. He kisses your neck too and down your collarbone. He worships your chest all the way down to the swell of your breasts. Every kiss makes you sigh, every touch makes you shiver. 
Yoongi places the first kiss on your breasts right next to your left nipple. You harden in an instant, aching for him to place the next kiss right on top. 
But he doesn’t. He trails his kisses across your chest, massaging your softness at the same time. Another kiss right next to your right nipple. Once again it pebbles, sending a shiver down to your warm core.
Then he lifts his head, just enough that he can gaze at you. 
"My beautiful", he breathes, giving you a shy smile.
Your heart flutters, your stomach tingles. Yoongi keeps looking at you as he finally places his kiss on top of your nipple. First a kiss, then his lips wrap around it and he sucks softly. 
"Oh", you let out, struggling to keep up the eye contact, "feels….good…" 
Yoongi agrees in a hum, releasing your nipple in a soft slurp. 
"Feels so nice", he says, "I love your boobs. They’re so pretty", he whispers, looking at you with so much adoration that you feel warm all over. 
He trails his kisses to your other nipple and with soft, loving lips he gives it the same treatment as the other one. 
Your eyelids flutter, you find it so difficult to breathe. His mouth is so warm and wet and his tongue is so soft. You have never felt that sensitive on your nipple, you swear that for a moment you wanted to scream. 
Not that you do, instead you take a bundle of his platinum blonde hair and twist it. 
"It's seriously so good", you croak.
Yoongi slips off, "yeah? Is good?"
"So good, don’t stop", you sigh and sigh again when he sucks on your tender breast. He takes your other nipple between his lips afterwards all whilst squeezing your breasts together and using his fingers for a tingling massage.
He stops for just a moment to rest his cheek on your soft breasts. He nuzzles, making a cute sound as he does. 
“You’re so cute”, you say, having to giggle. 
“You have the softest boobies, mhhm”, he says and hums as he rubs his cheek against you like a cuddly cat, “so soft and warm.”
“God Yoongi, you cutie.”
Yoongi lifts his head, pressing himself flush against you. Like this you can finally feel his naked chest against your naked breasts. He hooks his arms behind your head and smiles. You retort it, dancing your hands up his sensitive sides. 
“Oh”, he lets out, gaze becoming droopy. He squirms then shudders. A shy giggle follows, “you make me shiver, feels so nice”, he confesses.
“Yeah? Is good?” you ask him, tugging him from your body just enough that you can place kisses on his neck. 
Yoongi tilts his head to the side, letting out the loudest sigh ever. His eyes are shut closed, his pouty lips are parted in bliss. He feels those kisses everywhere. They feel like tingles on his scalp, electric sparks in his stomach and fire between his legs. 
“Is good…”, he sighs, “ah…”
Down his neck and to his collarbones. They always look so pretty when they poke out from his shirt collar. Perfectly dainty and so pretty. You nibble on them softly then leave a kiss. 
He giggles, writhing on your lap.
“Hehe”, you let out, smiling as you press the next kiss to his chest. And again. Down, down, down his sternum which makes your sweet lover squirm and giggle again. 
His skin tastes so sweet and feels oh so soft under your lips. You want more. Your kisses trail along his left pec, inching closer and closer to his nipple. Yoongi’s breath hitches, his back arches slightly. Away again, teasing him just as he teased you. Over his chest and to his other nipple. Goosebumps cover his skin as you place your kiss right next to it.
“___”, he giggles, covering his chest with his hands balled to fists. He is shy, he can’t help it. 
“It’s okay”, you assure him, wrapping your fingers around his wrists to tug his fists away. You place a kiss next to his nipple again, just a little bit further up. 
Yoongi giggles and tries to cover himself again. It feels so, so good that he can barely even handle it. His squirming soon comes to a stop when you tug his arms behind his back and hold them there with one hand wrapped around his wrists. Like this, his back is arched slightly and his chest sticks out so perfectly. 
You lift your gaze, catching Yoongi gulping with his eyes widened. 
“Be my good boy and keep those arms behind your back”, you order lovingly.
Yoongi gulps again, squeezing his thighs around your own in a needy squirm. 
 “Can you do that? Can you be my good boy and keep those arms away so I can play with your nipples?” 
Yoongi lowers his gaze shyly, blushing most ardently. He nods his head. 
“Yes?” you make sure. 
“Yes”, he whispers, writhing on your lap. 
“And why is that?” 
“Because I’m your good boy”, he can barely even get the words out, lowering his head in shyness. 
“Exactly, my good boy”, you praise, rewarding him with a kiss to his neck. 
“Ah”, Yoongi lets out in surprise. His first reaction was to reach to his front and hold you, but then remembered that he was supposed to be good. He intertwines his fingers with each other, giving his hands a little squeeze. He needs to keep his arms behind his back. That’s what you want from him. 
His obedience gets rewarded by you with the most amazing kisses down his chest and back to his left nipple. You tickle it out of hiding with your fingertips and when Yoongi feels like moaning from how sensitive he feels, you press a kiss on it. 
Yoongi moans, squeezing his thighs together. You suck on his nipple and Yoongi has to squeeze his hands again. He makes a desperate sound, so desperate in fact that you lift your head in worry. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, studying his heated face. 
Yoongi looks at you with glassy eyes.
“My, my nipples are really sensitive”, he confesses, lowering his gaze, “it feels like a lot.”
“You have sensitive nipples?” you ask him, placing your hands on his ribs right under his pecs. 
“Yeah, really sensitive”, he says quietly, nodding his head. 
“That’s so sexy”, you say, touching his pecs. Your thumbs rest just under his nipples. One little movement and they would touch him, “do you like attention to them? Or is it really too much?” 
“I like it”, he says and writhes as you move your thumbs. In the wrong direction. It was on purpose and meant to tease him, “but it overwhelms me easily, because it’s so intense.”
“Poor cutie, it overwhelms you?” you ask, placing your thumbs on his nipples. 
“Ah”, Yoongi lets out, arching his back while his brows shoot up in surprise. He tenses his arms to keep them behind his back. 
The movements begin. Soft circles with a faint pressure. You focus it right on the tips of his sensitive nipples and Yoongi swears his veins feel as if electricity is running through them. 
“If I do this long enough, will it feel so, so sensitive?” you ask him tauntingly, watching in delight how his brows knit together and he squeezes his eyes shut. 
“Yeah”, he squeaks out, squeezing his thighs together again. The dent in his sweats is so big, he leaves such a wet spot on the fabric, his nipples are seriously so swollen. He is so handsome like this. 
Yoongi gasps then moans, tensing his arms even more. 
“Please”, he begs, fleeing in a squirm until your thumbs slip from his nipples.
You giggle, pulling him back with a firm grip on his waist. 
“Stay put, honeybun”, you order, “don’t flee from it.”
“I’m too sensitive”, he whines, widening his eyes when despite his complaints you wrap your soft lips around his right nipple.
He exhales audibly, dropping his head. 
"Please", he begs only to get his left nipple sucked on while you flick your fingers over his right one. The touch makes his toes curl and for his body to tense unbearably, "sensitive please."
"Mhm, so sexy", you mumble, kissing your way back to his neck all while your fingers are flicking and rolling his nipples. 
Yoongi reaches for you. He can’t help it. All of this is so overwhelming. He doesn’t know how to handle it.
“Yoongi, your arms”, you warn, lifting your head from his neck. Your fingers you keep on his nipples, rolling gently.
“I’m sorry”, he says, falling into your chest, “sorry, I’m so sensitive, please I need a break”, he confesses and nuzzles his face back into your neck to kiss you. 
This time around the other side and he treats it with so much devotion that you feel like floating. You let your eyes fall closed, melting under his touches. His hips are moving again, grinding his most sensitive parts against your body. His sweet lips feel like magic against your neck, his tender fingers draw little hearts on your back.
“That’s nice, I like this break”, you say, caressing his sides and back.
“Me too, it’s so good”, Yoongi whispers, moaning softly as he places the next kiss on your neck. And the next and next and next until it turns into a constant stream of warmth and his hips begin rutting against you. You can feel just how much harder he became because of the attention you gave his nipples. You really thought that it wasn’t possible, but apparently it was. 
"You're so hard for me, my cutie", you say, kneading his most sensitive part of his waist.
"You make me so hard", he breathes, kissing your jawline with his eager lips.
You feel so cozy. All of this is just so perfect. The sounds of the movie serve as quiet background noises. There is currently a slow love song playing, which fits the mood just perfectly. The blanket fort gives you such a sense of protection. Right now it is just you and him hidden from the rest of the world under a roof of pink and purple blankets and with fairy lights as your own little starry sky. The air is so warm in here, your heated bodies warm it up even more. And the scent of his perfume is tickling your nose, mixing with the sweet smell of honey butter popcorn and cinnamon tea. 
Truly all of this is so cozy. Especially now that you have his naked skin against yours. It is so soft. And warm. And good. This is all so good.
Yoongi lifts his head, “___”, he sighs, rubbing the tip of his nose against your cheek, “I’m so turned on, seriously.”
“Me too, it’s sticking to my thighs.”
“That’s so hot”, Yoongi whines and ruts against you, “ah ___, I want you.”
“I want you too”, you tell him, meaning it like nothing else.
He looks at you with droopy eyes, cupping your cheeks. 
“Do you think that maybe you want to try again?” he asks. 
“I really want to try again.”
He smiles, “lets hope Levi doesn’t scratch me again”, he jokes and laughs. 
You snicker, “we’ll keep him locked out. He lost the right last time.”
“Hopefully he knows. The fort is kinda wacky in its defenses.”
He makes you laugh, “should we go to the bedroom? We’d have more space too.”
Yoongi nods his head, climbing off your lap, “I have to get the condoms either way.”
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You and him meet again in the bedroom. For a moment Holly wanted to slip inside too, but then Yoongi told him to go to his spot on the sofa and behave. Which Holly did, very groggily because he wanted to stay with his parents. 
Yoongi closes the door behind him. 
“Lock it too. Levi knows how to open doors.”
“Good thinking”, he says, locking it. 
He turns, studying you. You are sitting on the edge of the bed by now, looking at him with hungry eyes. He hurries to you, sitting down next to you. 
“Look”, he opens his palm, “I got three, just in case. Now nothing can stop us.”
“Yeah, for real. I had my period last weekend, so that won’t stop us either.” 
“That’s good”, Yoongi says, nodding his head. 
“Yeah, yeah”, you agree, sneaking a glance at him. 
You feel it and Yoongi feels it too. Now that some time has passed where you and him weren’t completely entangled, some of that shyness has returned and now it feels just a little bit awkward to sit here shirtless and turned on. 
Yoongi, who feels just a little bit less nervous, speaks up. He turns to you, taking your hand in his. 
“Are you nervous?” he asks you. 
“Just a little”, you confess, “now that we’re really good to go, it feels so real and I feel a little fuzzy.”
“Me too. I’m really nervous too”, he says, caressing your knuckles. 
He nods his head, “this is so special to me and I want this to be perfect.”
“It’s already really perfect”, you assure him, making him smile shyly. 
“That’s really good to know”, he says and chuckles softly, “god ___, my heart’s racing so much. Feel it.”
“Wow, it’s racing so much”, you gasp with your hand on his chest, “feel mine”, you say, placing his hand on your chest just as he did with you. 
“Just as much”, he says and giggles. 
“Yeah”, you giggle, drawing closer to him. 
He draws closer as well, placing his arm around your waist. The touch makes you want to climb on his lap and so you do. Yoongi accepts his sweet fate gladly, caressing your hips with eager hands. 
You lean in, kissing him deeply. Yoongi moans, kissing you back immediately. Now you are back to where you left off. Horny and so needy for the other. No more nervousness, you really want him and Yoongi wants you. You begin groping him, motivating him to do the same to you. 
You bask in his touches with a needy moan, one Yoongi retorts before his tongue darts out and asks for yours. You give it to him gladly, sticking it into his mouth until he sucks on it before swirling his tongue around it. It was a movement of seconds, but leaves you wanting it again. Yoongi knows without words, sucking and playing with your tongue whilst feeding you his own. Tongue kissing like this makes him so goddamn horny. It’s so good, especially when you grind your warm core against his thigh. 
Yoongi breaks the kiss, letting the string of saliva, connecting your tongues, break. You chase him with a needy moan, but Yoongi doesn’t let you win for the sake of asking a very important question. 
“Can I eat you out?” he asks. 
“You want to eat me out?” you gasp. 
“Yeah, I wanna make you feel really good before I fuck you”, he explains, feeling you squeeze your thighs together. 
“That sounds so hot. I want it”, you say. 
“Thank you, god thank you”, he says, kissing you passionately. He lifts you just long enough that he can get up and then place you on the mattress right by the edge. Yoongi has to bend down and prop himself up on his hands to keep kissing you. You hold his face safely, caressing the back of his thighs with your feet.
Yoongi ate you out one time already. It was one of those evenings that started with cuddles, turned into fumbles then ended with you giving each other head. It was also one of those evenings which did not end in you trying to have penetrative sex and it is a very nice memory in your mind. Yoongi is very talented with his mouth. Quite frankly, the first time he went down on you, you almost kicked him in the face because you were so surprised by how nice it felt.
Yoongi breaks the kiss, giving you a sweet smile. 
“Can I undress you?” he asks. 
“Yes, you can”, you allow him, touching his pecs, “I’m so excited.”
His smiles grows, “you are?” 
“Mh-hm, you do that so well.”
He tries not to, but still flusters, “you’re really good too”, he murmurs, hiding his face in your neck before he completely dies in giddiness.
He begins trailing his kisses down your torso, holding your sides in his big hands. Not an inch gets missed out. Your chest gets worshipped, your nipples sucked on until they are swollen. Then your ribs and upper stomach until his lips naturally find their way down to your lower tummy and the hem of your pants. He has gotten you to the point where only squirming really helps to still some of the bubbling heat between your legs. Not that it really helps, only his mouth can bring true relief. 
“I’ll do it now”, he says. 
“Just do it”, you sigh, lifting your butt off the mattress. 
Yoongi works quickly, pulling off your sweats and throwing them on the ground. Your panties he keeps on solely so he can run his fingertips down your terribly sensitive inner thighs. The touch makes you groan in pure desperation. You swear, you never opened your legs further than you do right now. 
“You’re really wet already”, he says, staring at your soaked panties stuck between your puffy lips. He runs his thumbs right next to where you want him most, making your hips roll against nothing. 
“Don’t tease”, you grumble, furrowing your brows.
“I’m not, just taking it slow”, he says, which earns him a dark look from you. He grins, “sorry, I’ll speed up.”
Not that he really speeds up. He takes off your panties unbearably slow. So slow that you decide to help him by tugging your legs out of them the moment it is possible. Then it is back to staring at him with a tingling stomach and way too little sanity left. 
Yoongi balls up the fabric and guides it to his lips. He kisses it as he looks at you, making you gulp because it is so hot to watch. 
“You’re so hot”, you whisper.
Yoongi lowers the panties and places them on top of the mattress. He falls to his knees afterwards, burying his face in the softness of your inner thigh. 
“God”, you groan, dropping your head in the sheets. 
His hand is holding you, his lips are so eager in their kisses. He leaves them all the way down to where your middle meets your thigh, then he changes legs and begins his kisses on your other side. Needy and hungry. The closer he gets to where you want him most, the hotter you feel. 
He places his kiss on the spot where your thigh meets your middle. You reach down and grab a bundle of his hair. 
“Don’t tease”, you warn, giving him a soft tug. 
“Am not”, he defends himself, turning his head to finally place a kiss on top of your core. 
“Yes”, you sigh, letting your legs fall over his shoulders. 
Yoongi accepts them happily, running his hands up and down your heated skin. He darts his tongue out, lapping up your sweetness carefully. 
“That’s nice”, you tell him, wanting to twist his hair but holding back. 
Yoongi shifts his attention from your entrance to your clit. He gives you slow kitten licks, checking your face for confirmation that what he was doing was good. 
What he doesn’t know is that it isn’t just good, it’s incredible. You let your jaw go slack and moan loudly. 
Yoongi closes his eyes, bursting in happiness. He begins putting more pressure in his licks and finally truly does what he is best at. 
The difference makes you arch your back and your toes curl. Warm and wet, his tongue grinds against your clit, twisting your stomach in constant tingles. You tug on his hair, because you can’t help it anymore. 
“It’s really good, ah Yoongi”, you say and retort to moaning. Talking is hard when he turns your entire body into jelly. 
Yoongi moans into your pussy, changing up his licks for sucks. The pressure around your bundle of nerves forces your legs to fall open even when they are around his neck. It forces them to slip off his shoulders, but Yoongi catches them before they can fall, placing them on the mattress instead. 
One second of break so he can kiss each of your inner thighs and then he is already back on your pussy, using the newfound freedom to really bury himself in there. Like this, your legs are so nicely spread and your pussy is so revealed, that he really gets the best spots easily. 
“Don’t you stop”, you croak, opening your legs even more. You don’t care just how needy this makes you look, because quite frankly? Why should you lie? You are needy. Very, very needy and Yoongi deserves to know, because it’s all his fault. If he wouldn’t be so cute and sweet and hot and his mouth wasn’t that good, you wouldn’t be that needy. It’s his fault and he has to know. 
You reach down with your other hand, running both of them through his golden locks. It serves as both praise and your own pleasure. Yoongi has the softest hair and it feels so good when you can play with it as he eats you out. Yoongi loves it too, shivering unbearably whilst wanting to do even better. 
He manages to do so by tickling your entrance with his pointer finger while he flicks his tongue over your clit. The joined sensation sends a shake through your legs, forcing a trembling moan past your lips. 
Yoongi continues the movements until you feel so charged in sensitivity that you can only release said tension by bucking your hips up. It makes it a little easier to bear, but doesn’t help in the long run because Yoongi continues doing his magic until you once again feel so charged that you have to buck your hips up. It is then that you realise that this is your fate right now. He will flick his tongue and finger until you feel like snapping and only fucking the air can bring some sort of relief. 
“You, you seriously gonna make me, me c-cum”, you stutter, flinching and twitching once again, “I’m serious Yoongi, ah god.”
Yoongi moans, peeling his eyes open to gaze. You look so beautiful when you are lost in pleasure. Especially when he is between your legs and he can look up at you. He flicks his tongue, swirls his finger. 
“Yoongi, I’m serious”, you squeak out, rolling your hips up again. 
The time between charging and releasing gets shorter and shorter. He gets you there way too quickly. It’s so unfair because you can barely even breathe. 
“Serious”, you croak, arching your back, “Yoongi, god.”
You warned him and yet he isn’t stopping. He is so mean. You are actually going to cum on his mouth. 
What you still haven’t figured out yet in your sex scrambled brain is that this is exactly what Yoongi wants. He wants you to lose yourself on his tongue. He wants to taste you and feel how you throb and then he wants to kiss your clit until you flinch in overstimulation. He also knows that an orgasm gets you wet. Drenched even. And that is how he wants you to be when he fucks you, because he wants you to feel so good. 
“Okay you, you gotta…stop..or else…it’s too”, you stop talking just to croak out a moan, “late”, you moan, bucking your hips up. 
Yoongi purrs, flicking his tongue over your clit as he drags his finger through your swollen folds. He cups your breast and squeezes your nipple, sending a bolt of pleasure down to your core. 
“Yoongi!” you yelp, twisting his hair as he forces your body to climax, “what the- ah”, you moan, shaking out of control. This is insane. How good can a high feel? Yoongi is crazy for being so good.
Yoongi holds you until your aggressive trembling stops, flicking his tongue the entire time while his finger presses against your entrance so he can feel it pulsate.
One last shake and an arch of your back and you drop, letting your wobbly legs fall open even if that stretches your hip flexors quite a lot. 
“Son of a binky bonky”, you get out, wheezing for air, “what was that?”
Yoongi smiles triumphantly, littering your throbbing clit in kisses. He is seriously so horny that his dick hurts, but he has to stay here until it gets too much for you. This is all he needs right now. To kiss your clit with all his devotion
You hiss, flinching away, “sensitive, wait”, you tell him, giving his hair a firm tug. 
Yoongi abandons your clit to begin kissing his way up your torso again. He stands up gradually as he goes, crawling more and more on the bed until he ends his journey on your neck and he can sit himself down on your lap, which you so happily got ready for him. 
He cups your face, pulling you into a deep kiss. He uses his tongue instantly, feeding you the lingering taste of your sweetness alongside his needy moans.
“Yoongi sweets”, you break the kiss, “give me a moment, I need to breathe.”
Yoongi presses out a curse, burying his face back in your neck, “I want you so goddamn bad”, he confesses, dragging his tongue up to your ear. He takes it between his teeth and whimpers solely to rile you up.
“Mhm sweets, feels good”, you sigh. 
“I’m so hard, it hurts”, he confesses, rolling his hips on your lap. His cock barely grinds against your stomach in the position and it’s driving him insane. 
You run your hands to his butt, dance them over his hips until you reach his front. Yoongi’s breath shudders. 
“Oh god”, he croaks, pressing himself closer, “fuck me please.”
“That’s hot”, you gasp, widening your eyes in surprise. You did not expect him to talk like this, but you aren’t complaining. 
“Please”, he pleads, sounding so uncharacteristically Yoongi as he does. He must be so needy. You seriously have never heard him that desperate before. It makes you want him like never before. 
“Then get naked and take me”, you tell him.
“Thank you”, he moans the words, stumbling off your lap with wobbly knees. 
In the time he takes to get rid of his sweats and briefs, you make yourself comfortable in the middle of your bed, sitting up to watch him. He is struggling a little to roll the condom on because of how excited he is and once he actually got it on, he managed to stroke his cock so sensitive that it is rockhard against his stomach. And we are speaking rockhard. You almost start to worry for him because of just how hard he is.
He climbs on bed and on all fours, he crawls to you. 
“You’re so hard”, you say, wrapping your arms around him. 
“I’m so turned on, seriously I want you so bad”, he says, kissing you desperately. 
It happens naturally that you fall into the pillows and Yoongi follows right along, finding his spot between your legs with his dick resting right on your pussy. He rolls his hips into you, grinding his hard length over your clit. 
The kiss breaks because you both needed to moan. Yoongi rests his forehead against yours, having his eyes squeezed shut.
"That's amazing", you whisper.
"Is good yeah", he agrees, "are you ready?” he asks.
“So ready. I want it like this.”
“Same, I can’t wait”, he says, reaching between your bodies to align himself with you, “really ready?”
“Just-”, you roll your hips up, forcing him to slide in, “-do it.”
“O-oh god”, Yoongi groans, falling to his elbows, “___”, he moans squeakily, dropping his head into the crook of your neck. This is it. The moment he is finally home.
“Yoongi”, you get out, staring at the ceiling with widened eyes. 
So that is how that feels. What in the ever living. This feels incredible. 
“Holy moly”, you whisper, “that’s amazing.”
“It’s incredible. Fuck”, he presses out and shudders, “sorry, I keep cursing.”
“It’s fine”, you assure him, running your hands up his back, “can you move?”
“I’ll try”, he says and begins rocking his hips into you slowly, “my love”, he croaks, trembling, “fuck, that feels good.”
“It feels so good”, you agree, letting your eyes flutter closed.
You are happy that you finally managed to take the next step. Nothing could have really prepared you for just how good it feels. To feel his weight on top of you and heated skin against yours as his length shifts inside of you, feels like magic.
“How are you doing?” Yoongi checks in on you. 
“Good, feels so good. You?” 
“Incredible”, he says and buries himself deeper, “so incredible."
"Oh that’s so deep", you get out before you turn your head to bury your face in his neck, "Yoongi…don't stop."
Yoongi shakes his head to tell you that he won’t, wrapping his arm around you to cradle you close. Like this you are safe between his arm and his neck, drowning in his sweet scent and feeling invincible.
"So nice, oh so nice."
You are also kind of happy that you were stopped during all your other tries. Tonight is so perfect. You felt good and nice during your other tries, but tonight you feel so cozy and fuzzy that your entire body tingles and you swear that you could fly if only you tried.
"I can feel you so well", you sigh.
"Same, you’re so soft and warm", he tells you, having to moan afterwards. He can’t do much more. Not when he is finally inside of you and you feel so goddamn good.
But you are also a little sad that you were stopped all those times before. Oh, all the times you and him could have floated on the pleasure. It makes you want to pull him closer just to make sure that you can make up for all those lost moments.
So you do. You wrap your arms around him and pull him as close as possible. It shifts his length deeper and makes his tip kiss your favourite parts each time he rolls his hips into you.
“Yes please”, he presses out, shivering. 
“Feels good?” you say, hugging him tighter. You even wrap your legs around his thighs, pulling him closer that way. 
“___, my love”, he croaks, letting out a soft sob. 
“Are you crying?” you gasp. 
He shakes his head, but sobs again, “feels so good, I love you so much.”
“Oh”, you whisper, feeling your heart almost burst out of your chest. This is the first time he said the L-word to you. You smile, pressing him closer with a hand on the back of his head. His length feels so much better all of a sudden, leaving behind a warm tingle in your lower stomach and between your legs. 
“I love you too”, you whisper, feeling how this makes him tremble and then for his hips to speed up. 
Bear in mind, they are still incredibly slow and gentle, but there is definitely a sense of desperation in his movements. You feel good all over because of it. He is grinding right against your clit too, which makes you feel even better. 
"I love you, fuck I love you", he chants, showering you in his emotions one roll of his hips at a time, “I love you, this is the best. I love you.”
With a moan of his name, you reach down to hold one side of his waist. The other hand you keep buried in his hair. He stutters in his movements, mewling into your neck. 
“Is it nice for you?”
“Yeah”, he presses out, letting out a little sob afterwards, “so good.”
“For me too, my love”, you whisper, pressing his hips closer for more friction.
Yoongi shudders on top of you, letting out a soft grunt afterwards, “don’t do that please”, he begs with his lips pressed against your temple.
“Why not?” you ask him, making his hips move against you all whilst chasing him. The friction is incredible, oh he feels so good inside of you.
“I’m so close. Don’t wanna cum.”, he confesses.
“Why not, honeybun? Don’t you want to feel good?” you encourage him, rolling your hips up. 
“I do”, he mewls, “please ___, I’m gonna cum.”
You lock your legs around his hips, grinding against him vigorously. He had no mercy for you when you told him that you were close and you are all for returning the favour. He can shake and beg all he wants, he will cum for you. Soon. 
“I can’t hold back anymore, please”, he begs, resorting to twisting the pillow edge. 
“Then don’t hold back”, you rasp, clenching around him. 
Yoongi crumbles instantly. He climaxes as if it was his sole purpose on this earth, holding you so close you wonder if he wanted to melt with you. He tries to moan but ends up gasping for air and then falling silent with his mouth agape against your neck.
Yoongi swears that for a second he feared that he will pass out. It feels so good. He could cry from how good it feels. Maybe he does, that would explain why his cheeks feel so wet once he somehow calms down. 
He trembles in his aftershock, gasping for air whilst trying to swallow at the same time. It results in him making little sounds of “mhm” and “hm”. 
He pulls out way too soon for your liking, dropping on the mattress next to you. Gulping, he is still trying to recover, finding some sort of relief by nuzzling his face into your neck. 
“Touch me Yoongi, I want to cum too”, you try and to your sweet surprise, Yoongi somehow manages to let one of his hands disappear between your legs. He lets two of his fingers slip into you and presses his palm against your clit. You moan, rolling your head to the side so you could face him. 
Yoongi looks completely ruined, but tries to look somehow presentable for you. He forces a smile to his lips even if he is oh so tired. You retort it, shivering under his skilled touches. 
"You're so beautiful", he breathes, curling his fingers against your favourite spot.
“Yoongi”, you whimper.
“Is it nice?” he makes sure, scooting closer so he could rest his forehead against yours.
“Yeah, not long”, you whisper, cupping his cheek, “kiss me, sweets.”
Yoongi kisses you gladly, moaning so sweetly for you. He kisses you until you tense around him and even then he kisses you, deepening the kiss until you can suck on his tongue. You fall over the edge just like this. Tongue kissing him while his fingers curl against your sensitive g-spot. 
You feel like puddy once your high finally stops, dropping into the pillows completely limp and oh so happy. Yoongi pulls out of you, caring not to wipe his fingers before he cradles you in his arms and holds you close. Quite frankly, he doesn’t care about anything for the next ten minutes and neither do you, falling into the nicest post sex nap.
When you finally do find yourselves coming to your senses again, his dick has softened and the condom is barely holding on. Thankfully he is only touching the side of your leg. 
“I should get up and clean up, but I’m so comfy”, Yoongi mumbles with his cheek squished against your shoulder. He drooled a little, but you don’t seem to mind.
“I should get up and pee, but I’m so tired”, you murmur, arm resting around him. You have never felt that content before.
He chuckles tiredly, as do you. 
“Did you just doze off too?” he asks. 
“Yeah, I said bye for a moment”, you say, making him laugh. 
“Same”, he says, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as best as possible, “you just ruined me.”
“Honestly same, that was really good.”
“Yeah, I’m so happy we finally managed to go through with it.”
You snort, “yeah, totally.”
He smiles against your skin, “I’ll try not to cum so soon next time. Sorry, that was a mess, I was just way too excited like an idiot.”
“No, it was amazing. Don’t feel bad, the timing was perfect.”
“Yeah? So you’re not mad that I didn’t make you cum with my dick?”
“Not at all”, you say, flipping to your side to press a kiss to his forehead, “you said the L-word.”
“Too soon?”
“Not really. I feel the same”, you confess and giggle.
Yoongi lifts his head, gazing at you with sparkly eyes. He cups your cheek, smiling softly. 
“You’re beautiful”, he whispers.
With a fluttering heart, you lower your gaze giddily. You most definitely would have ended up kissing him, if your door hadn’t started to produce the loudest noises ever. 
Scratching noises, thumps as if something was jumping against it and a chorus of meows and barks. 
You and Yoongi exchange a look. 
“I guess pillowtalk is over”, you say, chuckling when Levi lets out an especially dramatic meow behind the locked door. 
“Their timing is perfect, isn’t it?” Yoongi lifts his head, staring at the door, “you’re too late little munchkins, we already did it!” he calls out to your pets.
You snicker, “god Yoongi, don’t say that.”​
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ink-flavored · 4 months
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#OCKiss2024 Day 3: Sunrise
Wake-Up Call Part of the @ockissweek event from Feb. 12-18th, featuring the titular couple from Pride & Justice. Tips are appreciated!
A blaring alarm went off in Pride’s ear, one he did not set. Simmering with sleepy rage, he cracked his eyes just wide enough to spot his target. Justice, holding his phone aloft to annoy him out of his slumber. Pride slapped the screeching thing away, and it clattered to the floor. He rolled over, ignoring Justice’s offended squawk.
“You didn’t have to do that,” he scolded.
“Did too,” Pride mumbled back. He buried his head in the pillow.
The alarm finally stopped, but it was only the beginning of his troubles. Justice shook him by the shoulder, rustling his cocoon of blankets. Pride threw them over his head. Justice ripped them off. He growled, rolled onto his stomach, and stuffed his head under his pillows.
“Come on,” Justice said. He sat down, mattress dipping at Pride’s hip. “Do you want to go to brunch or not?”
“We already made the reservation.”
“Don’t care.”
“Then do you want me to go without you?”
Pride didn’t answer, eyes clenched in the way only someone intent on grasping sleep by the throat could manage. Brunch plans could stuff it, the sun could stuff it, everything that was not the bliss of unconsciousness could stuff it. Except…
“I can bring you back something to-go,” Justice offered, rubbing his back gently.
His chest stung a little at the thought of being left behind. But he didn’t want to get up. But he didn’t want to be alone. Pride groaned, muffled by the pillows.
Justice kissed the divot between his shoulder blades. Soft lips made their stamp, and another followed on the nape of his neck. Pride forgot everything in favor of memorizing the feeling. Slowly, Justice made his way along the curve of his shoulder, marking his trail with his lips. At the same time, a hand came up, sliding over the fist Pride had clenched in his pillow. The last stand in keeping it over his head. The last remaining hope of getting more sleep.
As soon as his palm rested flat and fingers slotted into the spaces between his own, Pride relaxed. Justice pushed his hand to the side. Dizzy and warm from affection, Pride couldn’t protest when he lifted the pillow off. Once it rested against the headboard, Justice bent down to greet him face to face. At that, he managed to grimace disapprovingly at the glare of a daylight-fueled halo. Justice smiled, which helped a little.
“Are you ready to get up now?” he asked.
“Mmmngh,” Pride said. He rolled onto his side and pawed with a sleepy hand. “Not yet.”
Taking the hint, Justice closed the little distance between them, planting a kiss on his sleepy lips. Pride kissed him back until a grin stole his response, and his nerves tingled down every inch of his body.
“How about now?” Justice asked again.
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Scene Saturday
In a fit of fever (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it) I wrote a fi with Obi-Wan as a cheetah-adjacent shifter and Jango as a wolf shifter and am tentatively sharing this scene to see what happens. XD
Obi-Wan sniffed around, shoving his face into every crevice and crease of the blankets that he’d been placed on, taking in the scent of the man who’d helped him before happily dropping on his back and rubbing intently against all of them, spreading his scent all over everything so that everyone would know that it—and this man—were his. “Yeah you like the blankets?” the man murmured, warm eyes following Obi-Wan as he continued to scent everything, a small smile on his face. Obi-Wan started to purr softly as everything started to smell like the two of them, content to crawl onto the pillow that was there so that he could curl up and settled against the soft surface. “You would take the only pillow,” the man muttered to himself, shaking his head as he turned to start taking off his armour. Obi-Wan couldn’t help but watch him in fascination as the man stripped until he was only in his bodysuit. “Can’t I get a bit of privacy?” the man asked, looking back at Obi-Wan as he started to peel off the top of his bodysuit and Obi-Wan just chirped at him. “Just look away for a moment,” the man said, “I’ve got nothing on under this you know. Unless you feel like seeing me naked you need to give me a minute to change into my sleep clothes.” Obi-Wan just laid his head on his paws, tilting his head slightly as he blinked at the man. The man huffed, turning his back to Obi-Wan as he shoved down his bodysuit. When he was finally changed into a loose pair of pants and a shirt he laid down in the bed, using his arm as a pillow as he threw blankets over himself, his body only a few inches from Obi-Wan’s. Obi-Wan watched the man for a few minutes, waiting until it seemed like he was comfortable before standing and crawling over to him, tucking himself up against the man’s chin and laying back down to snuggle against him. “Really?” the man asked, “That’s where you’ve decided you are going to sleep? I thought you were comfortable on your pillow.” Obi-Wan lifted his head for a minute, lapping softly at the man’s chin before snuggling back against him again, closing his eyes and relaxing against the bed. “Fine,” the man said, “But we’re going to have to work on this. You can’t stay there forever. You won’t be this little for long.” Obi-Wan just started to purr softly, happy to be pressed against the man’s warm body as he started to get sleepy.
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wonderinc-sonic · 8 months
Espilver Week Day One: Absence
"Clean Sheets" on Ao3 (1k) A Peak into an ordinary day in Espio's home.
Espio made his side of the double bed this morning, as he did every day, at the same time as always. Neat as a pin, with the undersheet folded over the pillow to keep it clean. The other side of the bed, was carefully crumpled, just as Silver had left it.
He washed and ate breakfast alone, taking the cat-mug from the draining board, left its mousey partner, and made tea for one. He sat in the chair opposite the door and read the paper, filling out the crossword in number order exactly. When he had finished, he washed both Cat and Mouse mugs, so that they could dry together on the draining board, and the mouse one wouldn't become dusty.
Nothing was allowed to become dirty or shabby with time. Not the unused bedside table, nor the drawers that were empty, save for spare paw-shaped socks and some crumpled wrappers. He reached the highest shelves not with a psychokinetic glow, but by climbing the cabinets, ensuring that everything stayed as it was. He even washed the sheets with the utmost care, drying the bedding on the same day, and keeping the duvet-wrinkle just as it had been left.
Espio never knew when Silver would get back, so he never let the signs of him fade from his studio flat. Silver's slippers remained discarded in the hall - one upturned about a foot from the other, so Espio had to step over them every day. Silver's favourite snacks were kept in stock, and replaced with in date ones every month. Silver's toothbrush was covered, left askew on the side, only gently lifted to be cleaned around. Anyone who visited would be absolutely certain that someone else lived here sometimes, and they were oh-so-very missed in every speck of the little apartment.
Espio didn't know that today would be the day Silver returned.
Silver never stayed the same: this time he returned with a cracked tooth, half his fur scraped off on one side, and a new hacking cough from poisonous plant seeds filling the air. But he did remember to appear in the doorstep, not randomly in Espio's living room, and to knock on the door politely before flopping onto Espio.
"Hey! I missed you so, so, so-" He started coughing too hard to finish his sentence. He was carried to the sofa before he finished choking.
Whenever Silver came back to Espio's time, he felt like he slotted straight back in, like a cog in a machine that churned his heart to butter as he dissolved into the squashy sofa with the blankets askew, and was happy to be forced to stay in, eat dinner, 'For God's Sake, Rest', before he could go about fixing the problem. He made so many fewer mistakes this way, and got in far fewer fights. Espio's TV Recommendations remembered where they were on Silver's favourite historical drama, and the bagged popcorn tasted just like it always did. They cuddled on the sofa, Silver dozing on Espio's chest, until neither of them could pretend they were awake anymore.
"Di' I tell you they got teeth?" Silver yawned, staggering to the bathroom.
"You did, and they grew up through the pipes?"
"Oh yea'. Sorry..."
Silver tapped at his face, and looked around for his toothbrush. A neuron must have misfired, because he was sure that was exactly where he'd left it last time he was here; hanging on one tap-handle on the sink.
"Have you cleaned since I was last here?" Silver scratched his dirty fur, then supposed he should jump in the shower. Espio poked his head around the doorframe and frowned.
"Obviously. Why? Where is the dirt?"
"Nowhere! It's just-" Silver gestured to the toothbrush, and started the hot water in the shower. It was too hot for Espio, but the dial was exactly where Silver liked it. His soaps - purple shampoo, quill conditioner, and a coarse bristle brush - were also carefully unbalanced in the basket.
"Is there something missing? I'll help you find it."
"No, nothing's missing!" Silver laughed slightly as he soaked his fur; "Everything is exactly in the same place! How do you do that?"
Espio quickly looked away from Silver to brush his teeth. Silver watched as he used the other handle of the tap, meaning only used hot water on his hands and toothbrush.
"I's no' har'" He said through a mouthful of toothpaste. Silver flicked water on him from the shower until he retreated.
As he shuffled to the bedroom, he noticed his slippers, kicked in front of the door, and tutted.
"You are so-"
Espio looked up from his book, face as plain as it always was but with a soft caste of anxiety.
Silver shuffled round through the small space, was about to get in, when he noticed the carefully crumpled pillow and duvet.
"Sweet. You are so sweet." he sighed, climbing into the bed and curling around him.
Espio's tail wrapped over Silver's back, as he bookmarked his page and flicked the light off, ready to sleep well for the first night in a month, despite Silver's new wheezy snore.
He was drifting off when Silver's lips pressed to his cheek, and rolled him over slightly to lay on him.
"Espio?" He whispered.
"I don't want you to live in a shrine to me."
Espio kept his eyes closed, and flopped back onto the bed properly.
"I don't."
Silver shuffled back in to be as close as he could.
"You promise?"
"I promise." Espio whispered, and took the hand from his chest to kiss; "I just like seeing your things around. It's nice to feel like you're here."
"Okay. If you're sure."
Silver sighed heavily, his lungs rasping and gaptooth whistling.
"It's okay for you to change too, y'know. God knows I can't help it."
After a minute, Espio rolled over and cosied into Silver's neck.
"But I can help it."
Silver grunted slightly, enjoying the cool pressure of Espio's horn on his forehead.
"Okay, but you don't have to. I don't really care about the house. It's your house, so that's where I wanna come back."
Tagging @espilver-week for their archive purposes (But no pressure)
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ranharrafantasy · 20 days
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Lion in the Mirror
Jake stirred in his bed as the sun peeked through the blinds and onto his eyelids. He didn't open them, no, he was still moderately hungover from the night before. With no alarm set, the sun was how he preferred to be woken on Sunday mornings, but today, a mild headache begged him to go back to sleep. The warmth of the covers hugged his body and he pulled them in closer, still not opening his eyes, but shifting to lay on his other side.
"What the-?!" He said in confused bewilderment.
In the quick motion he made, a sharp pain shot up from the base of his spine from a lump that he had rolled over on. Finally his eyes shot open. Blurry vision subsided and he couldn't believe what his eyes were portraying to him.
Thick yellow fur sat perched on his nose which now was wider and protruded further from his face than his normal. His attention snapped to his arm that had the same golden yellow fur fully encasing every inch of his skin beneath.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no -," He repeated to himself and flung the blankets off him and onto the floor.
He crawled desperately to the end of the bed and ran to the bathroom with the sole goal in mind of seeing his reflection and confirming or denying the new reality he was finding himself in. His now paw-like feet thumped across the carpet, step by step. The sensation of the pads and fur from the bottom of his feet was foreign to him and tickled. He subconsciously made observation to it and quickly changed sensory to the wind that caught his ears and how much more sensitive they were.
He reached the slightly ajar bathroom door, and slammed his whole body into it to push it open. A long yellow tail with dark brown fur at the tip whacked against the door while his body turned in the direction of the mirror.
Only a few more steps, now. His mind raced and the reflection came into view.
"Is- is that me?!" He questioned in disbelief while feeling the fur on his new lion shaped face.
He pulled at the fur, it was attached. He pinched his teeth, they were his. He rubbed his eyes, he was awake. What seemed like an hour rolled by as he stood in front of the mirror examining every inch of his body. He had longer hair which looked like a mane, he had new canines that were sharp enough to prick his finger, and he had new muscle definition which allowed him to see his pecs and abs despite the thick layer of fur covering them. With every brush of his hand over his soft fur, and every pose he flexed, he was starting to guiltily enjoy his new appearance.
His mind was still going a million miles a minute with questions, How? Who? Thinking back to last night at the bar.
"That has to be it…" He muttered to himself and trailed off.
Finally breaking his gaze from the mirror. He turned back toward the door and made his way to the laundry bin in his closet with newfound determination. He lifted the pair of jeans from last night and dug his hand deep into the back-right pocket. Fur on the back of his hand brushed against its natural flow and sent ticklish pricks to his nervous system with every strand that passed the denim threshold.
He grabbed onto the thin piece of paper and yanked it out of the pocket, dropped the jeans back on the floor, and scanned the receipt with a gaze of ferocious intensity. He continued his examination until his eyes stopped on the two words he was looking for, Lion's Heart. The specialty cocktail from the night before and that hot bartender! Jake smirked and crossed his arms. He knew that drink sounded disgusting when the bartender pressured him to try it. Whiskey, gin, coke, sage, bitters, and tonic, and the bartender that was serving him wouldn't let up about how it would change his life…
He looked down over the new muscle on his arms and then back onto his tail that swished at his command.
"Well, I guess he wasn't lying."
Jake recalled the bartender from last night. He had black hair, short stubble, and was extremely handsome with well defined cheeks and perfect skin. His deep eyes were a mysterious dark brown and his eyelids cast shadows over them for most of their interaction. Jake had been mildly flirting with him throughout the night and to what Jake could remember, the bartender reciprocated.
He reached for his jeans and crumpled the receipt while shoving it back into the pocket. One leg at a time, he put them on. He was going to go pay the bartender a visit.
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