#and recovery
sulkybender · 7 months
Zuko is smart.
Sometimes I see joking in the fandom about Zuko being dumb, or a himbo. And part of the reason it makes me uncomfortable is because we know that was how he was treated growing up—Azula is always calling him Dum-Dum. It's the narrative told in his family about who he is, by the people in his life who treated him poorly.
And, some joking aside—famously that moment with Aang on their field-trip—the Gaang doesn't call him dumb or think of him that way, because he isn't. He's ridiculously resourceful, thoughtful when his emotions don't push him to do something rash, and perceptive. If he can be a little literal-minded at times, that seems to come from lack of exposure to the world—to friends, honestly.
Personally I just remember the moment when I understood the narrative my family told about me wasn't true, once I stepped outside my house—that I wasn't a dull, depressing person who annoyed everyone; that I was, in fact, very loving and curious and funny—and what I love about ATLA (among so many things!) is that we get to see Zuko experience that too, when he joins the Gaang. Unlearning the ways in which his family never valued him; learning how to be with people in the world, what friendship means.
Zuko isn't dumb. He's learning.
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Or genii as in jinn?
Did she happen on your heart
Your wishes to win?
Love is beauty, love is art:
You've been knocked down
But you'll take a spin.
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It's a lot healthier to go for a daily walk than to sign up for a gym membership you won't be using because you hate that kind of exercise. It's a lot healthier to eat a frozen meal than to skip a meal because you were too tired to cook something healthy. It's a lot healthier to take a quick shower than to procrastinate an elaborate routine for days. Don't aim so high that you won't be hitting anything!
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worthless-mess · 8 months
"Are you ok?" I'm actually tired bro. From the bottom of my heart I'm tired
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recoverr · 7 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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recomvery · 8 months
One of the most dangerous things in the world is not being able to say no to people because you don't want to upset them or dissapoint them. This will completely ruin your life in every way possible, at work, in your private life, your sex life and your friendships. It's a way of removing your own consent in your own decisions and go against your wishes, it is always a crime against yourself. Let yourself have a say. Upsetting people is better than traumatizing yourself.
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thoradvice · 4 months
i cannot emphasise enough how much you need to create something. anything. it doesn't matter if you suck. you don't need to monetise it, or make it your career. you can restart an old hobby; you can start from scratch. it doesn't matter. you just need to hold something and be able to say "i did that". baking, drawing, painting, writing, coding, crafts, whatever. make something ! you cannot have all your hobbies be a form of consumption. it's fun, it's great in its own right. but the single best action to make yourself feel better, to calm your mind, to gain self esteem, is to Create
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i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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pathologising · 1 year
ok well im going to build a good future for myself whether i like it or not
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healing-is-cool · 2 years
You are going to laugh until your stomach hurts again. You're going to be in awe of a sunset. Watch your favorite show while you eat your favorite food. Find money on the street. Discover a great band you haven't heard of before. You will find your way back.
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"No one remembered my birthday-" Well, but did YOU tell anyone it was coming up and you wanted to celebrate it with them?
"I wish someone would see through it when I tell people I'm fine-" Well, but have YOU considered not lying when people ask you how you're doing?
"I am so resentful of my friend because they keep doing this thing that really bothers me-" Well, but have YOU directly communicated that the thing is bothering you?
"I am burning out because my friend keeps expecting me to help them with serious struggles-" Well, but have YOU tried to establish the boundaries you need to feel okay?
"No one ever asks me about this thing I really care about-" Well, but have YOU brought it up yourself?
"I miss my friend but they haven't texted me-" Well, but have YOU been reaching out to them?
Sometimes people are mean, uncaring assholes, in which case you get to be mad. But sometimes you just need to communicate better. Try communication before you assume someone doesn't care!
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worthless-mess · 8 months
"You’re so polite" thanks i was raised in constant fear of upsetting people.
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positivelyqueer · 9 months
A friend once told me that when they are struggling with getting laundry done, she pretends it is her sworn duty to smuggle the young prince out of the castle to safety, disguised in a laundry hamper.
Now, when I am struggling with hygiene, I pretend I am part of a village with an annual festival, and I get one day a year to spend luxuriously at a bathhouse in preparation.
What my friend imparted on me was the skill of turning mundane tasks into fantastical adventures to make them more compelling and bearable.
So next time you need to go on a mental health walk, maybe consider doing reconnaissance for a secret underground organisation.
Next time cooking is too much of a chore, consider you ability to turn space station rations into a feast to the delight of your crewmates.
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recomvery · 8 months
It's ok to want money. It's ok to be upset that you're poor and wishing to be rich. I understand. People who say that money doesn't buy happiness have never eaten pasta every day because it's 50 cents at the grocery store or been short on money for christmas presents. Constantly scraping by makes people miserable and depressed and of course you're gonna dream about money, about being happy and priviledged. That's not greedy or horrible, that's life. It's ok.
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audhd-space · 1 year
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Reposting this because I need to materialize it somewhere.
[Updated] : Edited with alt text.
Original link here :
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creation-help · 10 months
Did you know? Or did you forget? You can do whatever you want with your art. Put random scribbles wherever. Horizontal lines over your character. Add dots everywhere and on everything. Draw eyes different than the rest of the face. Change art styles halfway through. Cut and glue paper cutouts. Use paints and markers together. Use all the filters. Use photos on top to add texture.
You can do what you want. Like literally literally literally.
Add a rubber ducky in the corner for no reason, put text in different languages on the background, leave your handprints or wipe your fingers on the paper.
Go have fun now this stuff isn't meant to be stressful for you
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