#and while that would be fun usually I know I’ve gotta rush my shit bc of it
metalst · 2 years
Today rlly got me fucked up dude barely even started it but I know it’s gonna be wack as hell
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raptorbox · 3 years
wip wednesday: (old) kuroko no basket edition!
since the dub has us watching the anime for a second time, i’ve gotten into a knb mood! so i decided to dig through my evernote and post some bits and pieces of old wips from...ah, 6 years ago is the earliest one. welp. 
here we go! it’s.......mostly akashi/kuroko. i might have an otp. maybe.
akashi/kuroko, coffee shop au
nothing’s actually written for this one, just a cast list and where everyone goes. it’s a pretty long series of lists sooo i won’t actually post it, but here’s where GoM+Kagami are!
Kagami transferred to be a shift manager at Seirin coffee shop
Kuroko is hourly at coffee shop, also pre-school teacher
Murasakibara pastry chef at restaurant owned by Yosen manager
Akashi is a grad student for business, also shogi champ
Kise is a part-time model, taking pilot lessons, and part-time retail worker
Midorima is in med school, works part-time at ???
Aomine line cook/chef at a different restaurant (Touou)
Momoi general manager of said restaurant
if i revisited this i might change some stuff around, but this is pretty fun!
midorima & ???, a...fast food au? maybe?
"I'm off in a few minutes"
Midorima is still turning all the bills in the cash drawer
okay that’s a super short one but i do like the idea of midorima taking time like i used to just...turning all the bills to face the same direction
akashi/kuroko, coffee shop/bookstore au
"I'm off in a few minutes," Kuroko says, looking Akashi in the eye while he continues to wipe down the counter, "if you can wait."
Akashi smiles and turns his coffee cup in his hand, giving Kuroko a glimpse of his own handwriting on the side of it. It just says "Akashi-kun", and Kuroko knows he wrote that a solid 15 minutes ago.
"Are you?" Akashi muses. Kuroko nods and Akashi straightens up from leaning against the counter, taking his coffee and lingering gaze with him. "I'm not in any rush."
Kuroko thanks every higher power that the coffee shop outlet didn't see too many of the bookstore's customers today. He doesn't usually want busy days as it is, but the moment Akashi comes in the more he finds himself wishing for nothing to do.
so the past two wips were filling the same prompt i guess? w/e, i actually started this one. different coffee shop from the seirin coffee shop at the top.
TYL GoM meet-up, feat transgirl reo but not in this excerpt
"I'm sorry." Akashi says and the table goes quiet, half from shock over hearing Akashi say that at all, and the rest as if they'd been punched.
They don't know how to respond. Kise's jaw is dropped,  Murasakibara fidgets, and Midorima is getting his hand squeezed by Takao. Aomine stretches loudly, suddenly, and everyone jumps.
"S'not your fault," Aomine grumbles while not making eye contact with Akashi, "don't apologize."
Akashi's frown is set in deep. "I should have been able to handle the situation much better than I did. I take responsibility."
(More arguing maybe)
Kagami is still chewing his food when he talks. "Weren't all of you in fuckin middle school? Like...what, 13 or 14?"
Everyone turns on him with different reactions; while Murasakibara looks horrified at the disrespect, Takao is trying his damn hardest to keep his burst of laughter muffled. Kuroko jabs Kagami's side and Kagami groans.
"Oh my god," he growls, "seriously, you guys were kids, who the fuck expects a kid to handle all you assholes?" He gripes while gesturing to the rainbow of said assholes, his own boyfriend included.
i get what i was going for but i’d write this differently from how i did 6 years ago. this is like a little overdramatic i guess??? but man i’m just here for some adults dealing with group childhood trauma but this time in a more lighthearted way
akashi/kuroko, about their first date!
Akashi looks as put-together and expensive as kuroko knew he would. He has layers and nice shoes, hands in his pockets and a pleasant, observant expression as he scans the crowds. Kuroko's early and he wonders how long Akashi has been here.
He doesn't bother waving, it wouldn't necessarily make him more visible. He's expecting to be able to walk up to him, invisible and silent, but he's quickly in Akashi's area of sight and he's seen. Kuroko stumbles from being suddenly so visible under a gaze that seems to see all of him at once.
Akashi smiles. "Kuroko, you're early."
Kuroko steps into Akashi's space, settles comfortably beside him facing the crowd. "You're one to talk."
"Hmm, well I can't argue that." Akashi glides through his words. "Shall we go?"
Kuroko is watching faces and gestures. "We're early, aren't we?"
Akashi's eyes flick over all the people,  smirking a little. "Everyone here is in a rush."
Kuroko nods. The trains are going to be packed and he would usually tackle that challenge. He bumps shoulders with Akashi, who nudges him in return.
i actually wrote more of this than i remembered? i have a few other sections started. they make out against a chain link fence after playing some one-on-one to end their date.
akashi/kagami, just some notes
Alex leaves nail clippers
"Your home is so spacious it's hard to believe anyone could lose something here..."
Sits that boy the fuck down
"You can think about dinner while I do this. Maybe you'll even think of something new."
Comments on how he'll call him taiga someday but later
He still has to readjust to tetsuya despite kuroko's insistence on it
Clip clip file file
It's a concerto I'm practicing
Kagami makes a massive dinner, mutters about how he didn't think if anything new to add or do
Too distracted and stuff
Gets a head scritch
this was basically a fic about akashi grooming kagami’s nails bc i’m just. a big fan of that stuff. i think there’s some hint hint at akashi/kuroko/kagami but maybe not, who knows with me tbh. this would be fun to revisit
akashi/kagami(/kuroko), harry potter au
“Please be more careful.”
Kagami grunts as he shifts his body. “I can’t promise you that.”
Akashi pets Kagami’s hair and brings his hand back around to his cheek. “Try.” he says with a slight smile. It’s dark out but he can see the flush in Kagami’s cheeks and the light in his eyes.
They return to the equipment room to undress themselves from their quidditch gear, Akashi leading Kagami by his hand, still in quiet disbelief that this might just work out.
Akashi looks up and is the first one to see Kuroko standing there in his robes, broom in hand, smiling at them.
kuroko came to practice with them, heard the yelling and ran to see what was up, saw the post-fall bit and just kinda hung out and watched bc boyfriends yeh.
“Jeez, now I’ll never hear the end of how much time I spend with Slytherins,” Kagami groans, “and the seeker and captain of the team, at that.”
now we’re getting into the old self-indulgent af shit back when harry potter wasn’t on my shit list.
akashi/kuroko(/kagami), that same harry potter au
(3rd years)
Akashi sits in his bed across the room from Kuroko’s. Their roommates are in their own beds, studying or writing letters in the quiet warmth of their dormitory. It’s lights-out, they should all be at least trying to sleep, but it’s been a long time since any of them have stuck to that.
Akashi doesn’t know if Kuroko used to go to bed on time. He doesn’t remember if he gets up early or is late for his classes. He never used to see him, but now he can’t stop looking at him. Kuroko fidgets under his gaze and Akashi smiles.
“Sorry, Kuroko,” he says, watching Kuroko startle and look around at their roommates, “is this uncomfortable?”
Kuroko’s expression rarely morphs outside of his usual default, but Akashi watches the small furrows of his brow and the deeper set of his unsure frown. He’s been unable to un-see Kuroko since that day earlier this year. He finds Kuroko fascinating and wonderful, a pinnacle of everything he wanted to complete his quidditch team who goes far and beyond his every expectation. He’s fixated on Kuroko, the Muggle-born Slytherin with a talent tailored to the qualities of a perfect Seeker.
Some of their dormmates have looked up at Akashi curiously, asking without words who he was talking to. Akashi waves them off and they shrug, more preoccupied with their own things at this time of night Akashi reaches out a hand to Kuroko, across the room, and Kuroko shoots it a confused stare.
Akashi chuckles. “Come here.”
no one can pry slytherin kuroko from me, that’s all i gotta say
aaaaaand that’s all i can show for my old af knb fics that i never finished! i don’t know if i’ll pick any of these back up, maybe one of the coffee shop ones if i do. as much as i loved and plotted out the harry potter au, harry potter is dead to me so i’ll just have to transplant that story into something else somehow if i really want to.
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lunar-lair · 4 years
Uh,,ok so like,,,,,,,I had this? Idea? And I just wanted to know what people thought of it before I actually wrote it, so uh. Yeah
(Sidenote, this is basically an outline/bulletfic? Like it's Mostly fleshed out in terms of concept but that doesn't mean it's a full Fic yknow? I plan on...hopefully, eventually...writing this Fully. I just wanted to get input on just how off base my characterization is and shit...hehe. Also my excuse for any weird writing is that I wrote this in the bath and I was trying to go Fast so my water wouldn't get cold. Anyways notes over bye)
Named 'Cleaved Apart, Cleaved Together': abt The Split and how the two were separated (physically AND emotionally) and then how they bond again after Remus is accepted and the boys like,,,,,,accept each other as Bros again
At first I was thinking No Fusion but also like,,,I really like the idea of them fusing again on accident when they're really super happy or in sync
So after a Lot of bonding-chilling in the Imagination, just fucking around with each other, and even talking thru shit together-they finally manage it.
They were just in the common room with all the other sides, maybe setting up for a movie night or something?
They came rushing down the stairs, talking frantically together about a new idea they had while pushing each other lightly with every silly tease and making jokes about old shenanigans that only they could really understand
(Patton and Janus could remember days before The Split, when the two were one.
Janus could still remember them shouting not to be seperated.
Patton still hated the fact that it was basically his decision to keep them apart.
Thank the Lord they were close again.)
The two finally stepped into their usual spot in front of the tv, chatting with each other and the others
Eventually, they ended up talking about some stuff they'd made together. Some plans they'd been making together. They finally told a joke at the same time that got them falling over each other laughing,
And then it happened.
There was a flash of light and then-and then-
It wasn't King. It wasn't Creativity, the original.
But it was them.
Patton and Janus only sat there, teary eyed with dropped jaws, and Virgil and Logan began questioning what the FUCK was up, how are two sides fusing-?
And Roman and Remus sat there, tearing up before laughing a moment. 
Two almost-different voices right after one another, happier than any of them had ever heard them.
"We need to talk about this separately though, hm?" Roman, with a laugh.
Another flash and he was gone, replaced by the brothers again who shook their heads, in a bit of disarray.
"Was that ok?" They asked at the same time, staring at each other.
"We don't have to be him anymore...I mean, we're our own people now Remus."
"Yeah, but that was FUN!" Remus replied, throwing his arms around Roman.
Roman laughed. "Then maybe every now and then?"
And Remus just laughed back. "Why the Hell not!"
They finally turned at the sound of a sniffle.
Janus was crying, and Patton wasn't really much better. Logan and Virgil seemed bewildered, though Logan a little less so.
"Janus? Patton? I understand you remember original Creativity more vividly than we do, but I do not understand what elicited sadness. Are you alright?"
Janus gave a watery laugh, wiping away some tears. "God, I couldn't be better."
Remus and Roman stopped, their smiles finally dropping. Roman reached forward, arm just a few inches in front of Janus. "Did we...do something wrong?"
Janus smiled again and shook his head, tugging on Roman's arm. "Come here you dork."
Patton pulled Remus in along with them and they all ended up in a little cuddle pile, Logan and Virgil joining in too, on the outside, bc Bitch, We're Worried Too.
Remus looked up at them, just Confused. "Then what's up??"
Janus and Patton's smiles dimmed a bit, and Janus began with a sad smile; "It's...simply a long story."
"That long story short, though, uh…" Patton continued, rubbing a hand on his neck nervously. "Wellll...the Split was really scary…"
Janus chuckled. "Exactly. Imagine the friend you've known since you were born splitting into two all of a sudden with ear-ringing screams to match."
"And then, after that…"
"You...decided to split those sides of him...just because one wasn't as perfect as the other."
Patton looked down and held Remus a little tighter. "...that was...mostly my decision."
Janus gave him a Look that simply meant 'we've talked abt that Way too much dude' and moved on. "But either way...it was...well…"
"Neither of you remember it, but...you...didn't want to be split."
Janus smiled again, sweet as honey. "And even after all we did...you two still managed to stick together."
"And even if the person you make now wasn't who he used to be-and it shouldn't be, really-it was like…"
"...seeing two...old friends you used to know meeting again."
"Or seeing two pieces of a whole come together again to make something even more than what they started with."
Janus teared up a little again, gripping them a little tighter. "It's so great to see you two whole again."
Remus and Roman had memory upon memory of feeling...empty. Like there was a piece missing of them. Like nothing they made was quite right. And since they had started to bridge their gap, they'd finally felt that emptiness filling up.
Janus and Patton could remember so, so many times where the two of them had missed their brother, where they told them something wasn't right-especially in the beginning.
Even Logan had memories of trying to figure it out with Roman.
Virgil remembered plenty of days where Remus just seemed off, but couldn't explain what was wrong, and...no matter how little Virgil understood, he would sit with him and try to ward it off anyways.
Remus and Roman laughed, eyes teary, and locked hands between them all.
We're glad too."
And now for my myriad of Notes:
I was actually thinking of just some kind of melding shit for the fusion bc I thought it would be Cool but then I realized it was Thomas' brain so it'd probably look like the shit from SU. Big F :///
Sorry for any inconsistencies, I was giving .2 shits at the time and also In The Tub, so
Me, a bitch who has siblings but isn't very close to them emotionally: *shaking my phone wildly* hoW THE FU CK DO I WRITE BRO THERS INTERACTING S O F T L Y-
I'm Certainly planning on more stuff coming from Virgil and Logan, we can't leave them out
I'm Aware that 80% of this isn't canon, but,,,,last I checked we didn't really care here? So??
For the scene after Roman and Remus defuse, I'm honestly thinking more of smth where the two go to one of their rooms and talk it out and THEN go back to the commons to check on The Boys and o h sh it why are Janus and Patton crying-
Answer: they thought they'd fucked everything up for them but they didN'T! FUCK YEA!!!
Idk how to explain,,,Why they're emotional abt this actually
Like...idk. Um...they both care for both of them and didn't want them to be separated Permanently bc they Knew they didn't feel right w/out each other?
Ok that works
Anyways but uh
Then Logan and Virgil get to ask some questions and THEN we get to the part where Janus and Patton explain why they are In Tears
Also Logan wasn't as old as Pat and Jan when Creativity split, so he doesn't really...remember it
Virgil was probably Very New tbh
The opening scene is ABSO LUT ELY going to Extremely metaphorical and sad and like 'two pieces of a whole cleaved apart' yknow
Gotta make angst to make that fluff!!
Also don't ask me why Janus falls apart Even Harder than Patton does here man, I think he's just On The Mind and I'll make our dad friend more emotional in Post, I Promise
Also pls hmu if the shit I've managed to put here so far is So Out There it's Impossible, I've written Janus one (1) time and I have written Remus zero (0) times ok
Also Remus and Roman don't...really remember much of the split. They remember feeling whole and then empty and whole again, and they have some of OG Creativity's memories, but the Split and moments following are...Foggy. Rightfully so, aswell, tbh.
Also how I imagine it going is like,,,,the boys are split, they hang out for a bit, and then they're taken by their respective Parent(ish) and are taught Entirely Differently and therefore grow to dislike each other!!!!!!!
patton has oh so much to regret.
They could've been Brothers...
Oh my God they could've been Br ot her s...............
Patton and Janus at 3 am crying over the fact they separated the boys at the Split be like:
Anyways!! My whole point is that Hopefully any problems will be Fixed when I actually write it but I just wanted to get the concept out there and uh,,,,,,yeah
Anyways uh *shuts my door* yea that's that,,,thanks for coming to my ramblings ig
(I'm so sorry I can't put a read more, I'm on mobile,,,)
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Teen Titans 1x01 Blind Reaction
I haven’t watched the OG Teen Titans yet. Sue me. I wasn’t allowed to watch cartoons as a kid so I’m playing catch-up here. As usual, spoilers and cursing under the cut! Also. apologies for the short sentences, it was like 3 am.
A disclaimer: This is entirely for fun and a lot of the comments I make are based on my preferences for media as well as the way I, as a writer, would have written things.
If I say something you disagree with (more likely in my analysis posts than my reactions) then I am more than happy to hear your opinions so long as you are respectful! 
If you followed me for Detroit Evolution content I promise I’ll post the rest soon. Formatting and proofreading takes ages. I also might start liveblogging my adventures in screenwriting so look out for that!
That being said, let’s get into it!
[In brackets is added post-watch.]
Holy old animation Batman. It feels like Phineas and Ferb.
BB Sounds like Phineas.
The cheesy intro tho
Seriously which Robin is this cause I think it’s Dick but Idk
“Titans Go!”
The theme song is iconic
Love the OG Raven design
Is the theme Japanese?? It kinda feels Japanese
I love that Starfire’s outfit isn’t like literally a bikini it’s nice since she’s designed like a sixteen year old
Epic fight scene™️. Makes me feel like something’s going to go wrong.
“I am stronger than I look” fuck yeah Star get his ass
Honestly wtf Rob you’re like twelve and you don’t have powers??? Also is he wearing steel toe boots?? I thought they were converse at first. Seriously Batman, what’s with the child soldiers??
Cyborg?? I love him
Ouch that was a fail
Ok the bo staff is a Tim Drake signature as far as I know so wtf???? Which black haired mf is this???
It’s Dick. I googled. [I love DC and I realize that most of the Robins were designed before having diverse characters was a thing but literally they all look the same. Like personally I’d love to see a Romani or other non-white rep for Dick.
 {I gleefully return to this post with news that Dick is canonically Romani! He’s been played so often as white, including in the new Titans, which I will be making a post about, but he was confirmed to be poc in Devin Grayson’s Gotham Knights. He’s part Romani on his mother’s side. She, according to Tim Seeley’s twitter, is an immigrant. He was originally presented without a confirmed ethnicity! My apologies for being uninformed about this. I stated Romani specifically here before knowing because I had seen people talk about him as such and really enjoyed it.}
 Maybe a mixed Jason? I feel like Tim is white mostly bc he’s rich IN GOTHAM,,, but like I never turn down the possibility of poc characters. Damian is canonically middle eastern so if I ever see a live action Damian not played by a middle eastern brown kid I’m rioting.]
What a petulant child. Blaming each other. Now they’re fighting. [This part feels very overdramatic to me personally. I do think that if this wasn’t animated it would be toned down quite a bit. That being said? I do think it’s in character for Dick, especially late Robin-era Dick, to have outbursts like that, especially as a character that I see as needing a lot of control.]
Oh wonderful. He quit. That’s overly dramatic.
Oh goddamn it Slade.
I’m not supposed to know he’s Slade yet tho huh. [Rip the element of surprise with that, I have a habit of learning everything from things before investing my time in it, and my obsession with other versions of DC comics isn’t helpful in this situation. Also the 25 pages of AO3 I’ve read about the Bats gives quite a bit away.]
Oh ew that’s a plasma monster
He looks like fuckin,,, Underbelly! that mf from the Red Hood/Arsenal comics. [Underbelly is the personification of the criminal world. I got through four RH/A comics as of posting this so once I finish that storyline I’ll probably post about it]
“It’s pointless to get upset about Cyborg” breaks glass. [I personally really fw Raven being like ‘master of meditation i feel nothing’ but then these dumbasses get all up in her brain and she ends up loving them like honestly that’s amazing]
“I’m fine” fucks up that punching bag. Master of emotions this bitch. [I don’t think that this little tantrum is entirely because Cyborg left. Again, Dick was raised by Batman, and neither of them are too good about losing control and fucking up. This to me is very much a mix of guilt for having driven away a friend and teammate, anger at Cyborg for leaving, and also anger at himself for a perceived failure. Bruce really needs to get his kids therapy bc the complexes are really shining through.]
Now they’re sad like bitch ur the one who kicked him out???
He’s eating something and it’s gross.
“That stuff can’t be good for you” Robin,,, sweaty,,,
The puns. Jeez Louise.
Immensely powerful half demon lady and the best you can do is some cans?? [Again with the things you shouldn’t know, Theo. Yeah I get that she’s still a kid and the demon lady thing isn’t exactly revealed yet, but I maintain that the barrels -- which I realized that they’re barrels not cans -- could be improved upon]
“You giant zit”??? A Child [Seriously how old is he because it’s concerning that he seems as young as he does. @ Bruce wtf did you do to your kids]
Phase three what an ominous asshole
Again with the puns Rob like jeez just fight this mf
Star,, you’re an alien?? Why are you screaming??
Both eyes on the road while flying Raven
He just extends the bo again bro what kinda bat bullshit is this
Cyborg saving the day!! We gotta love that. “Still got the sonic if you still got the boom” what kids I love them
I love that he just,, brought Cinderblock with him. He’s just that powerful.
Wtf is up with this knockoff Alfred mf with Slade? Also?? What stereotypical villain shit Slade step it up. [Titans (2018) Slade is like,,, so much better at this. Hell, even Arrow Slade is more nefarious.]
[I know it’s stupid to say this about an antagonist from a kids show vs two YA/Adult shows but like?? Titans Slade had the Motive, and Arrow Slade was Deep. In my defense here, I’m only on Ep 1, I’m sure he gets more interesting as the show progresses.
My non-sleep deprived rating? 9/10. Points off for melodrama but points on for nostalgia and attention grabbing. I’m not really into kids shows so I did my best to be fair despite that. Personally I think it’s a little much on the fighting especially for a pilot and it definitely seemed a little bit rushed. But, the animation is fun, I love the way each character is distinctive in costume and personality.
Keep in mind I prefer watching things with writing/pacing like Arrow, The Flash, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the new Titans TV show and all of my ratings are going to be skewed based on a preference for stronger and darker material. 
With that in mind, I did enjoy the episode and I do want to continue watching. I think if I had watched this as a 10-11 year old, it would’ve been amazing.]
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cultofbeatles · 5 years
hello reece i am the teach me led zep pls anon yes hi hello hehe idk what i wanna know mabye like ur fave song from each album and basic facts about each member ??? dont be afraid to ramble btw im taking all the info i can get !!!1!1!!! thank u sm ily 🥺
annie i have three words for you... i got you. i already told you this, but i am working on a “beginners guide to led zeppelin.” i planned on it being more giggles mainly, but i'm going back and adding a decent amount of information just for you
fun facts about led zeppelin and the beatles: led zeppelin were the band that beat the beatles record held for most attendance at a concert (55,000 people). on may 5, 1973 (and with no opening act) led zeppelin beat that record by having an attendance of 56,800 people. also! for the beatles movie ‘a hard days night’ jimmy page did the instrumental version of this boy that plays while ringo is wandering around. pretty rad. oh, and george harrison went to a led zeppelin party once and was thrown into a pool by john bonham. 
i gotta say this before i begin though, led zeppelin is one of those bands where hardly anything gets confirmed or denied. at least nothing “controversial” or anything more than basic gets an answer to it. so sometimes you gotta take things with a grain of salt, and you gotta just have the mindset of “well this might not be true so I'm not gonna claim it as so.” with that being said i'll start with getting you into led zeppelin. 
through the span of their short career led zeppelin had eight studio albums. 
led zeppelin (january 1969)
led zeppelin ll (october 1969)
led zeppelin lll (october 1970)
led zeppelin lV (november 1971) this album technically doesn't have a name but we all call it ‘led zeppelin lV since it was the fourth album
houses of the holy (march 1973)
physical graffiti (February 1975)
presence (march 1976)
in through the out door (august 1979) 
they also have a few live albums and compilation albums as well. but when people talk about led zeppelin albums they're mainly referring to these ones. i like all of their albums. i think they're all good. my personal favorites are the second and fourth albums. i do think that led zeppelins music isn't for everyone though. they're not as clean as some other bands are. I will list my favorite songs from each album. 
led zeppelin: good times bad times, dazed and confused, babe i'm gonna leave you, communication breakdown, how many more times, i can't quit you baby 
led zeppelin ll: whole lotta love, the lemon song, thank you, heartbreaker, moby dick, ramble on
led zeppelin ll: immigrant song, since i've been loving you, tangerine, that’s the way 
led zeppelin lV: black dog, rock and roll, stairway to heaven, misty mountain hop, going to california, when the levee breaks, the battle of evermore
houses of the holy: the song remains the same, the rain song, over the hills and far away, the ocean, no quarter, dancing days
physical graffiti: the rover, houses of the holy, kashmir, ten years gone, trampled under foot
presence: for your life, achilles last stand 
in through the out door: fool in the rain, all my love 
i think all of these are good starter songs for someone just now getting into led zeppelin. i hope you like them! they have one movie, the song remains the same, and it’s weird but also good. it’s basically concert footage of their madison square garden show but there’s also cuts of little skits they made? idk how to describe it lol.
in my beginners guide post i'll write more about the members and go into more details and funny facts about them. right now i'll just briefly introduce you to them. to talk about led zeppelin you have to start with the yardbirds. jimmy page (zeppelin’s guitarist) was in the yardbirds until they broke up in 1968 and then jimmy started looking for his “super group.” him and Peter grant (zeppelin’s manager) started looking for the best of the best people. in 1968 led zeppelin was formed. 
jimmy page is known as one of the best guitar players in rock history. he’s usually always in the top three listings. he was a session guitarist for a while and would fill in on people’s records. on Joe cocker’s version of ‘with a little help from my friends’ jimmy is playing the guitar on it. and he joined the yardbirds with eric clapton and jeff beck who are also listed as the best guitarists. he was a soft spoken, quiet dude. he seemed very shy and introverted. but then you read groupie stories about how he had whips, handcuffs, and razors. he was also given a lot of shit for studying crowley’s work, and was known for his “witchcraft ways.” he struggled with addiction (heroin and cocaine) and pulled himself through in the end. but he was, and still is, an amazing guitar player. he also produced all of zeppelin’s albums. so he’s an amazing producer as well. he got a lot of unnecessary hate and criticism back in the day (still does). and you can thank jimmy for all the newish led zeppelin stuff we get bc that’s all on him more than likely. 
john paul jones is known as one of the best bassists in rock history. he was not only zeppelin’s bassist but also keyboardist. and he can play recorder as well. like jimmy, he was also a session musician. jimmy and jones knew of each other  and when jones heard about jimmy putting a group together he called him. he was more of the serious member in a way. jimmy, bonham, and robert were more wild and would cause chaos. john paul jones would deadass book a room at another hotel and not tell anyone where he was. he just wasn't into that kind of thing. so I don't think he was really all that close to the other members. he felt left out a lot. him and john bonham were an amazing rhythm section. the best in history. they knew exactly what to do to stay in sync. he was also the one to find john bonham when he died. so that’s sad. 
robert plant is known as one of the best vocalists in rock history. his voice is *chef kiss.* i love him. he wasn't jimmy’s first pick in a singer. in fact, jimmy’s first pick was the one who recommended robert to jimmy and also said that he looked like “a greek god.” robert plant is just about the most attractive man ever. jimmy liked roberts voice a lot but doubted his songwriting skills so was weary of him at first. robert had never written songs until joining led zeppelin. robert was the reason john bonham joined the group. him and bonham were best friends before the group even formed and remained that way until bonham’s death. robert also went through a lot of shit during led zeppelin’s timeline and honestly i'm so proud of him for getting through all of it. right now robert likes to act like he was never in led zeppelin though lmao. 
john bonham is known as one of the best drummers in rock history. i’m not even kidding. his power behind the drums is mind-blowing. when he was approached by jimmy about the band he denied the offer. and continued to deny the offer bc he had a family to take care of, and didn't know how well this band would be. but it was robert plant who convinced him to join so they could play together. he loved his family very much (a wife and son who name is jason). he hated being away from them. he was known as the sweetest man ever unless he was drunk. the problem was that he was always drunk. he had a drinking problem. he did a lot of stupid shit when drunk. he died in 1980 after he had the equivalent of 40 shots of vodka and threw up in his sleep causing himself to choke. after he died, led zeppelin died as well. 
after john’s death the band called it quits. they all like to say it’s because no other drummer would be able to compare to bonham. robert says that he loved john bonham too much and couldn't force himself to go out there and do a show without him as the drummer. robert plant is likely the reason we’ll never get another zeppelin reunion show. there were three reunion shows in the past. the first reunion was their live aid show which fucking sucks. john paul jones wasn't even informed about the event and ended up on keyboard instead of bass, jimmy was likely on drugs bc of how out of it he was, robert’s voice is awful, and the drummers hardly knew the material. it was a rushed show but it was for charity and i'm sure they made a lot of money. the last show being the celebration day reunion in 2007 where jason bonham (john’s son) played the drums. it’s a really really good show and i cry every time i watch it. you can watch the whole thing on youtube. still to this day it’s evident that jimmy, Jason, and jones would love to do a reunion show again. 
led zeppelin is one of the few groups that can say all of their members were just about the best at what they did. each member will always be in the top ten rankings for lists of the best artists/musicians. that’s really impressive. they were really, really good together. I hope this was a good starter post! 
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make-it-mavis · 5 years
got any nsfw headcanons for the shit goblins? :)
OooooOOOoooh sugar, what a can of worms you just opened.
I actually did make a post about the development of their physical relationship here, and how it helps them learn to communicate with each other.
But as for general HCs? Yeah I got a few lmao. Listen, sexuality has been one of my special interests for years, I love using it for character building. It’s so fun.
Beneath the cut will be lots of naughty HCs. 18+ for some explicit/graphic language. You’ve been warned.
Mavis has a huge punishment kink. Her favorite is being caught in the middle of a naughty deed and being forcibly punished for it, being scolded all the while. But scolded in a way that’s still sort of complimenting her on what a slick prankster she is. Things like, “Finally, I got my hands on you. Wait ‘til everyone hears how I finally put the arcade’s biggest problem in her place.” Just as an example. But she never submits immediately – she’s a really bratty sub that likes egging her partner on so she’ll get punished even more.
Along with that, she’s a real big masochist. Mavis loves almost anything that makes her feel a rush, and pain’s a big one. She loves Turbo’s sharp teeth and how bitey he is. She loves being choked, slapped, scratched, having her hair pulled, being tied up too tight, etc. It’s very rare that she comes out of an encounter without at least a few marks.
Turbo, for the most part, loves being in control. He loves having his ego stroked even more than his dick. Winning a struggle for dominance is a big one, so it’s good that Mavis isn’t a pillow princess and fights back. He loves being worshiped in any way – really let it show how much you love touching him. Begging and praise are huge turn-ons, and there’s nothing he loves more than reducing Mavis to the point where she’s mad with desire.
Turbo loves dominant sorta roleplay shit but not the usual "daddy" or "master" kink. He likes being treated like royalty, being called things like "your majesty/grace/highness/flattering word" or "my king/lord", and showered with so much praise, affection, and adoration that it borders on worship. Mav's role in that scenario is the unruly court jester, a snarky playful little shit that's still ultimately there to entertain the king. (Hilarious if you think of Pyrite later) 
That being said, though, very occasionally, Turbo’s been known to enjoy being dominated. People constantly in control or with a lot of power tend to like playing into the fantasy of a power shift in the bedroom. It’s a safe, rewarding way to experience losing, which is otherwise so taboo for him. That’s not to say he’s 100% submissive either, he’s less of a bratty sub and more of a straight up spiteful sub. Glares, insults, growling, nipping at fingers. He hates how much he loves it.
With that, the things he tends to “enjoy” the most are being tied up, being degraded, being leashed and commanded. He’s not as much of a masochist as Mavis but he still enjoys some biting, hair-pulling, and a bit of choking. As a sub he often takes on the role of a wild, ill-tempered animal that needs to be broken into an obedient pet. That involves a nice mix of teasing, praise, punishment, and humiliation while still encouraging him to push back and refuse to fully submit. Quite often, those scenarios end with him either being freed or breaking out of his restraints and going wild on Mavis, overpowering her and paying her back for all the rough treatment. Resistance and scolding on her end is all part of the scene, but before long, she’s always pulling hard on the leash and urging him on, praising him for being such a good demon boy. He earned his reward.  
I’d like to think that they own a strap on (it’s Mavis’ dildo), but straight-up pegging is not something Turbo’s down with. That level of submission is just a smidge too far for him. Which is fine. But Mavis still likes to make him suck her strap-on dick, especially if he’s tied up and she can knot a fist in his hair and force his head down onto it or fuck his mouth. Turbo’s straight, but he’s pretty secure in that fact (and homophobia kind of isn’t a thing in my arcade ‘verse). He’s sucking a dick, but it’s a girl’s dick, so he’s still into it. (Transphobia isn’t a thing either. Gender’s super vague and unimportant.)
I’ve been asked enough times to remark upon it what Turbo’s dick is like. I hadn’t thought of it too much bc for me, dicks aren’t all that exciting appearance-wise lmao. But it’s inevitable if I’m going to talk nsfw about him. So my answer is…. length-wise, it’s pretty average, but it’s a little bit on the thicker side. I believed I described it as, it’s just nice enough that you might see it and be like, “Goddamn it, such a fuckin’ douche canoe doesn’t deserve a dick that nice.” It’s not all that vascular, it’s grey, and it gets darker towards the head. (I know I’m gonna have to draw it eventually. I draw nice dicks so be ready)
This isn’t relevant to the shitgoblins really but I think that the Twins have similar dicks to Turbo’s since they’re all brothers, but theirs are on the longer side rather than the thicker side. Mavis has seen them, and she just laughed, to the Twins’ displeasure.
No one’s asked me what Mav’s vulva looks like (and thank god actually thats a weird question but at the same time why not???? vulvas are nice) but I guess all I can say about it is… it’s cute? To match her “cute Disney-faced young woman” aesthetic. I have to imagine that if Disney studios ever did porn animations they would draw really idealized labia. ALL VULVAS WOULD LOOK THE SAME. That’s a concept I’ve tried to battle with my own nsfw art where I can, but for Mav I can only picture her with simplified cutesy bits. Soft, supple, pink, blushy, etc. Does not at all mirror how she likes said bits to be treated lmao. But I will gift her with a nice, decent sized clit because you can’t stop me
SHE TASTES tangy and sweet like cherry pie filling
Here’s a fun one. I mentioned that Mav is a masochist. I think she takes that to an extreme in her game. For someone not programmed with in-game death or defeat, dying’s probably almost as painful as DYING dying before respawn. And respawn’s gotta be a dizzying rush of relief from that pain. So… I think she occasionally get off on respawning LOL. She only does this alone, though, as she asked for Turbo’s help with it once and he did not end up having a good time. As it turns out, he’s not into killing his partner in bed, lmao.
Mavis’ brush and paint can are loaded with some of her most dense code, so much that she can feel touch through them, and they’re, shall we say, erogenous zones. Turbo knows this and likes to swipe her brush in public and fiddle around with it just to tease her. She also frequently uses the handle of it to fuck herself. 
The shitgoblins are REALLY into PDA. Turbo likes to show off the action he’s getting and Mav just loves the taboo of it. They make out in open public spots all the time, will casually get a little handsy while talking to people, and will straight-up fuck where they can. Tapper’s supply closet is a fave, as well as Niceland’s penthouse, as well as a dark corner of the Qix nightclub. Hidden rooms and alleys in other games work, too. But the best of all is Gene’s closet, with his expensive cashmere cardigans used as cum rags.
Mav is really good at deepthroating. It’s nothing to her.
Turbo has been known to come pretty fast, but he has the peculiar ability to be ready to go again in record time. He’s like the Energizer bunny. He just keeps fuckin’ going.
That’s all well and good, because once they’re fully used to fucking, Mavis develops a taste for overstimulation and likes being fucked past her limit. That’s where communication and a safe word comes in handy.
Since he’s a Speed Demon, Turbo has unusually high body heat. This means… yes, this means his jizz is really hot. Excuse me.
Turbo rarely admits it but he’s obsessed with Mavis’ ass. He loves grabbin onto it while they fuck, and loves casually feeling her up (with her consent of course). A particularly nice view of Dat Ass can throw him completely off what he was doing. Same goes for her legs.
Mavis has a thing for Turbo’s hands. She otherwise never wants hands to touch her so they’re a real special thing to her. He often doesn’t even have to touch her anywhere particularly erotic to get her going – just the fact that she’s being touched is exciting enough. That being said, she loves being fingered, and she loves having his fingers in and around her mouth, to satisfy her oral fixation.
Mavis is of the “try everything once” attitude. Turbo’s a bit more of a princess than her, but probably more adventurous than the average person.
As much as Turbo likes to finish inside her, he’s also got quite a taste for spilling all over her, as a sort of possessive way to mark/claim her. She’s all his, after all.
They looooooove fucking while high.
I think thats enough for now lmao congrats on consuming so much dirt!!
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His Loss: Part One
Steve Harrington x Reader
Hii:) I was wondering if you would make an imagine {Steve x reader} where she is dating someone but Steve like lovessss her and it has him talking to the party about how he loves her and her eyes and hair and personality and shit and the party is like awww and they do a really shitty prankish thing and make the reader think her boyfriend cheated and they break up and Steve swerves in and is all cute and shit but then she finds out ab what the party did and you can take it from there! Ilyyy:)))))
IM MAKING THIS 2 PARTS BC THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE JUST ONE!!!! I have had THE MOST fun writing this! So I super hope you enjoy it!!!!!!!
You were just finishing applying mascara in your room when you heard the familiar ring of the telephone coming from the kitchen. At this you yelled, at the top of your lungs, “DUSTIN! COULD YOU GET THE PHONE?!?”
You swiped another layer on your eyelashes when you heard his, very loud, reply,”KIND OF IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING Y/N”
You rolled your eyes, closed up your tube of mascara and swiftly moved into the kitchen. When you reached the phone you saw your brother, Dustin, and his three friends, Will, Mike, and Lucas, sitting in the living room crowding the coffee table, accompanied by Steve Harrington, playing monopoly. “Really busy I see Dustin,” You teased in a condescending tone, rolling your eyes as you picked up the phone.
“Hello?” You said into the phone, upon the reply you realized that it was Gregg, your boyfriend, on the other side.
“Hello sweet pea, I have some bad news,” he said sweetly.
“Oh no, what is it?” You asked, already knowing what it was as this sort of thing happened very frequently these days.
“I have to cancel our date, I have to go see my grandma.”
“Okay,” You deadpanned, trying not to sound annoyed.
“I hope you’re not mad,” he said.
“I’m not.” You were, This was the fourth canceled date in a row and all his excuses sucked.
“Talk to you later sweet pea!” He said.
“Bye,” You grumbled, then slamming the phone back down into the base.
“He cancel again?” Dustin asked, while carefully watching the monopoly board.
“Yep,” you said, walking over and plopping yourself down on the couch next to Lucas.
“Your man needs to realize how lucky he is, if I wasn’t with Max, you better believe that I’d be a way better boyfriend than this loser!” Lucas argued, he’s always had a little crush on you. It was always innocent and he usually did it just to get a rise out of Dustin or to cheer you up. In this case, it did both.
“If you went after my sister, I’d kick your ass Lucas,” Dustin said just as you said, “in your dreams little man,” kissing Lucas’ cheek.
You were all laughing when Steve chimed in, “But really, Y/N, I don’t get why you’re still with this guy?” He asked.
“It’s comfortable I guess, he’s by no means the one, ya know, but maybe he could be?” You tried to answer, but after you said that he could be, Dustin shot you a look.
“I would rather you married Harrington, over Gregg. What kind of name is Gregg. He’s just so Gregg.” Dustin reasoned.
“What’s wrong with the name Gregg, Dustin?” Mike asked.
The boys were laughing to hard to notice you and Steve both turn bright red. As the boys continued to play their game and banter for a while. You hung out and watched, but after a while you went into your room to read a book. You loved your brother and his friends, but sometimes they went into total free fall down to immaturity that you just had to leave, no matter how funny you actually thought it was.
Steve’s POV
When Y/N initially walked into the room, Steve almost melted. Steve had always thought that she was the most beautiful girl in Hawkins. Back when Steve had his playboy lifestyle, Y/N did not put up with his bullshit. He would try and approach her, only to be immediately shut down with a witty comeback, then she would walk down the hall as if she didn’t just dethrone the king of the school. Whether she knew it or not, she was the queen of that school and every knew to bow down. That’s why it was truly shocking when she started dating Gregg. He was just so average. Well, average wasn’t the right word anymore. According to girls he was mildly attractive, but he was never a douche bag. Once he started dating Y/N his popularity skyrocketed, yet he maintained his normal guy attitude. Now, after about 6 months of them being together, he was starting to lose his humble beginnings, and Y/N would eventually drop his douchebag ass, dropping him down to the bottom of the food chain once more.
Steve was deep in thought before he realized that Y/N had left the room and that Dustin was trying to get his attention.
“Earth to Steve, hello? Anyone in there,” he said waving his hands in front of Steve’s face.
“What?” Steve questioned.
“I won, but what were you thinking about, what’s so important to make you look like you have a brain freeze?” Dustin asked.
“No one, nothing,” Steve rushed to answer.
“He’s thinking about Y/N, did you not see his face when she walked in,” Will said quietly.
“What?!” Dustin nearly yelled causing Steve to reach over and cover Dustin’s mouth with his hand.
“Will?!” Steve whisper yelled, “how could you sell me out like that?!”
Will shrugged, just when Dustin stuck out his tongue to lick Steve’s hand, “EW!” Steve jumped, “you’re really gross, you know that?”
“Why does everyone want to get with my sister, you, Lucas, Gregg?” Dustin ranted making wild gestures all around the room. “But honestly, I would much rather you with my sister, as opposed to stupid Gregg,” Dustin continued.
“Than why don’t we break them up?” Lucas asked the group.
“No,” Steve deadpanned.
“Hear me out, she already thinks his excuses are crap, now we just gotta make it look like he’s out with another girl,”Lucas explained.
“No, dipshits were not doing this,” Steve said, but the party was no longer paying attention.
“I like the way you think, we just have to figure out where he is, take Y/N with us, have her see his car, say you see him with another girl, and bam!” Dustin thought out loud.
“Okay, but what if she decides to go in and confront him? Or see for herself?” Mike chimed in.
“We gotta make it someone she’s intimidated by, so she won’t,” Lucas thought.
“Stacy!” Dustin exclaimed.
A unified “Shhhh” came from the group.
“Sorry, Stacy!” He whisper exclaimed.
The group of boys continued to scheme when Steve began, “Don’t you little shits see a problem with this? You are breaking up a relationship. This sort of thing will give her trust issues, for like, the rest of her life!”
The kids looked up at him wide eyed, “She’ll never have to trust anyone new again, she already trusts you,” Dustin said, which prompted the group to look back down into their little huddle and continue the scheme. Steve just ran his hand through his hair and prepared to heat the plan, accepting defeat.
“We have revised the plan!” Dustin called over to Steve, after about 20 minutes of scheming.
“Lay it on me,” Steve requested.
“So, we thought about it for a while and realized that bringing Y/N somewhere isn’t a good idea, she may not like Stacy, but she isn’t one to lay down and take that shit, so we gotta leave her here, she’s already suspicious of him so she’ll be easy to trick. We pretty much know where he’ll be, I remembered that last time Y/N got her date canceled on her via the grandma excuse, I went to the diner on Main with my mom, he was there with his grandma. Neither of us bothered telling Y/N because we both hate him so much. So we’re going to tell Y/N that we’re going to get takeout from the diner, and we’re going to ask her if she wants anything, she’ll say no, but she wants a chocolate milk shake and fries. So we go, get the food, bring it back, and tell her how we saw Gregg there, with Stacy, making out in the booth in the back corner of the diner,” Dustin finished.
Steve had wide eyes at what he just heard. This kid, in 20 minutes just plotted the demise of an entire relationship.
“What If I refuse to drive you?” Steve asked.
“We bike there, also I tell Y/N about your little crush,” Dustin threatened.
“Alright, let’s go” Steve said, taking a deep breath. And with that the plan was set into motion.
Hey hey I hope you enjoyed and if you wanna request something like this lovely human did you can find the link to do so in my description or if you wanna read something else I’ve written you can do that from my masterlist whos link is also in my description, or you can do both, whatever floats your boat!!!
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oldmyths · 6 years
hiya drew, what are a couple bands/songs you'd recommend for someone interested in getting into classic rock? I hope you're having a great day
hey anon! this is an extremely loaded question! sdfjdfkgjd (and i’m really flattered you’re askin me, because, omg, it’s an honor)
(under a read more bc i talk too god damn much)
okay. lemme preface this by saying i barely scratch the surface when it comes to classic rock. in fact i just like the “popular” classic rock bands, because i’m a hipster loser (and i grew up on some of this stuff and don’t really have much of an interest venturing further but hey, who knows, maybe i’ll expand my spotify library in due time)
there are people on this website in the CR fandom who are so much better equipped to answer this, but u asked me, and i never really bothered to integrate into the cr fandom anyway because i feel like theyre all cooler than me and i just wanna sit down and listen to like, the same two albums on repeat, but anyway. to answer your question…
it really just depends on what genre you like. what kind of music you want to get into; i can sit here and tell you to listen to pink floyd and go on about their significance but i can’t make you Like them yknow?
so…..i’m just gonna list a few of my favorite songs by the most well-known classic rock bands because, like i said i just kind of barely scratch the surface on the classic rock format as a whole
as some of you may be aware, i am drew “beatlefucker” angelshane (thanks ana) and to get these bug boys out of the way, i’ll give u some song recs from the beatles! (early 1960s to 1970) (genres: rock, pop, psychedelia)
surely you’ve heard of them; if not, they caused a huge uproar across the world called beatlemania. think of like…tumblr, as a planet, and the beatles is the newest, hottest anime of the season, and everybody’s got a huge heart boner for them. because that’s basically what it was.
here are some of their songs that have been in my head for the past few days: drive my car (rubber soul, 1965); eleanor rigby (revolver, 1966); and if i fell (a hard day’s night, 1964)
revolver is the most recent album i’ve listened to, they have more but the next proper Album is sgt. pepper and that feels…like. so much. it’s a Huge Album, both content-wise and…history-wise? anyway, it’s very intimidating for me and i think i want to take my time with it before i rush in
i’m just gonna get led zeppelin (late 1960s to 1980, some reunions sprinkled here and there,) out of the way, now, too. (genres: hard rock, blues rock, folk rock, heavy metal)
let me just say right here: i hate jimmy page. as a person. and i honestly think most of his solos aren’t…that great. but for real, i won’t tolerate any of that ugly shithead on my blog and just because i like LZ doesn’t mean i condone any of the shit he did.
(you’ll notice a trend, especially in the older bands, that controversy is super common. u can’t..really get into classic rock without having to see the darker side of your faves. it sucks, nobody’s perfect, and i don’t agree with separating the artist from the art, but it does get hard to like certain music when you know the shit that happened with certain artists.)
Anyway! that being said, i truthfully only really listen to led zeppelin and led zeppelin ii. some physical graffiti but, eh. So, if you wanted to get into lz, you’re askin the wrong person, is what i’m saying jfkgsdj
here’s my song recs: good times bad times and dazed and confused (led zeppelin, 1968); whole lotta love and ramble on (led zeppelin ii, 1969); kashmir (physical graffiti, 1975)
and honestly the JP thing is why i don’t really listen to LZ much outside of their self titled and lz2. cos like. i just can’t.
QUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN (1970s to…now? personally, if freddie mercury isn’t involved then..is it really queen) (genre: rock)
if you don’t know who queen is, you know who queen is. bohemian rhapsody? of course you know that song. everyone does.
but if you don’t then that’s perfectly ok too. it’s a good song imo. not their Best, but it’s good
i gotta be honest, i listen to singles mostly. i’ve got a lot on my proverbial plate and while i Love freddie mercury (bi king) sometimes i’m just. not in the headspace for queen. they’re good but a certain specific set of circumstances need to happen where i feel aligned with queen music enough to listen to it. also, freddie’s death makes me really sad and if i think about it too hard i’ll get depressed.
here’s my favorite queen songs!!!
brighton rock and killer queen (sheer heart attack, 1974); you’re my best friend (a night at the opera, 1975); somebody to love and GOOD OLD FASHIONED LOVER BOY (a day at the races, 1976); TOO MUCH LOVE WILL KILL YOU (made in heaven, 1996)
honestly..queen is so influential and inspiring and i fucking love freddie mercury so like. those are just a few of my favorites. i could honestly go on forever about it but let’s stop there
now let’s get away from the boys and talk about stevie nicks because she is my mother and i would die in her place given the chance. i love her. I Love Her.
but i mean you’d probably better begin at fleetwood mac (late 1960s to the mid 1990s; late 1990s to …now?) (genres: pop rock, soft rock, blues rock, art pop, british blues)
this is a band i don’t know much about. because there’s apparently so much to know about them, so much inter-band dynamic drama. from what i’ve skimmed. So Much Drama.
i…can’t provide any songs for you, because i dont listen to fleetwood mac and i need to fix this ASAP but i feel like the time isn’t right yet. is that dumb of me to think? probably, but i’m gonna stick by my guns.
you should listen to fleetwood mac and tell me what you think!!!
(yes i included a portion on stevie nicks without giving song recs because i’m awful: listen to edge of seventeen, bella donna, 1981)
okay back to smelly dudes cos that’s all the world fuckin cares about i guess
pink floyd!!! (mid 1960s to mid 1990s, mid 2000s, and early/mid 2010s) (genres: progrock, art rock, psychedelic rock)
i mean i love them but i’m just dipping my toes in the water here. i’ve barely listened to them, but from what i’ve heard they’re very good. VERY politically driven. i cannot stress this enough. they’re the good kind of politics i think though
you’ve most definitely seen the album art for the dark side of the moon. like, you just have. there’s probably no way you couldn’t have. (but if u haven’t thats fine)
here’s some tunes: money (tdsotm, 1973); the wall. just. the wall. if you love concept albums, here you go. listen to the wall.
that’s all i got. pathetic, i know, but i’m workin my way up i promise
here’s where we get into more familiar territory. ..having said that, i don’t really know much about the history of the rolling stones, but a good friend of mine Does and maybe i can pry info out of her. but i won’t bc she’s too cool 4 school and she’s really great
anyway, the rolling stones!!! (early 1960s to like. now i guess) (genres: rock, blues, blues rock, rock and roll)
woof. what can be said about them really. there’s…..almost too much to say. i love them a lot.
Okay when i get into bands, its in my DNA to listen from the very earliest recording i can find (usually on spotify nowadays) so i’ve been sslowly working my way past the baby pebbles albums (mostly covers) to their original work (fun fact did you know john and paul of beatles fame wrote their own music, and when mick and keith of stones fame found out it was In Fact That Easy they began to write their own music too? fascinating.)
ANYWAY here’s some stones songs: gimme shelter and you can’t always get what you want (let it bleed, 1969); angie (goats head soup, 1973); sympathy for the devil (beggars banquet, 1968)
again i am….Slowly inching my way up their discography. snails pace. i’ll get there. (u can ask glimmerkeith on tumblr for stones song recs, bc shes great and knows much more than i do and i would die for jenn)
now here’s a band…….that i’ve rediscovered pretty recently. try, last week.
AC/DC!!!!!!!! (early 1970s to now) (genres: hard rock, blues rock, rock and roll)
this is Very Much Your Dads™ Music. probably. most likely, anyway. but listen: i saw them in concert once and (while it probably…wasnt the best experience for me) i had a fucking Blast. very sad things happened in this band in the last few months.
not recent, but very important, in 1980 their lead singer bon scott died and everyone was sad. then brian johnson came out with his fuckin voice and everyone was like “ok sweet lets get back to rock n’ roll”
so this will be split by scott’s era and the johnson era (heh heh) And, because i’m familiar with this band, i’ll list the album in question and name a few songs off it instead of just naming songs. because yes.
T.N.T (1975); it’s a long way to the top (if you wanna rock ‘n’ roll); T.N.T; high voltage
dirty deeds done dirt cheap (1976); dirty deeds done dirt cheap (edit: i just realized how much i actually hate this album and only like that song so WHOOPS but i wanna keep the formatting so, yknow)
let there be rock (1977); let there be rock; whole lotta rosie
highway to hell (1979); highway to hell (it just felt really weird, making a reclist of songs by ac/dc and Not including this one)
back in black (1980); HELLS BELLS; shoot to thrill; given the dog a bone; back in black; you shook me all night long
for those about to rock we salute you (1981); for those about to rock (we salute you)
the razors edge (1990); thunderstruck
making this list, it hit me how much of bon scott i actually Listen to when i listen to ac/dc dfkjghjdfksdsfj but uh yeah those. are good
GUNS! AND! ROSES! (mid 1980s to NOW MOTHERFUCKERS!!! THEYRE BACK!!! well, touring at least) (genres: hard rock, heavy metal
arguably my favorite band. subjectively, my favorite classic rock band. objectively? they own a huuuge portion of my heart, and my ass.
so listen up: these two kids from indiana run away to california to get out of fucking indiana, because who wants to stay in indiana, (it’s more like, one gets out, and like a year later the other kid tries to find him in the big mean streets of L.A) and along the way they get shuffled in and out of bands together. they start bands, break up bands, the whole fuckin shebang.
and then a few chance miracles happen and suddenly guns n’ roses is formed in like 1985. my boys? those are my boys.
i’m gonna do what i did w ac/dc and bullet the albums and then i’m gonna talk about the albums because i got SHIT to SAY
appetite for destruction (1987); welcome to the jungle, out ta get me, paradise city, sweet child o’ mine, ROCKET QUEEN
all right so here’s the deal, it was very hard not picking every single song on the album because every single song on the album is fucking perfection. actual gold. there’s no flaws in this album. Nothing. everything is good and perfect and i’m not biased at all
did you know axl rose (one of the boys from indiana) recorded each line individually? so, he sang a line, and then stopped recording, and then started recording the next line because he wanted it to be perfect?
did you know appetite was originally a flop album but after this dude got the guys at MTV to play the music video for Jungle at like 5am, guns n’ roses BLEW THE FUCK UP. Everybody know about them practically overnight. it was surreal and really cool, apparently.
and did you know axl played the synthesizer in paradise city? that’s adorable. i fucking love him.
gn’r lies (1988); patience; used to love her
the first four tracks in this EP are from their very first EP ever recorded - it Sounds like it’s taken from a live show but they dubbed in the audience in post, to make it seem like they had huge crowds attending their shows when in reality that wasn’t the case. (their first ep was released in december 1986, they had loyal fans but the crowd wasn’t that rowdy until after appetite came out)
believe me when i tell you. don’t listen to one in a million. or like, do. but i’m not gonna fight anyone about this. it’s fucked up. i’m not defending axl at all and i actually struggled with liking guns after i listened to it.
but unfortunately here we are and i saw them in concert and i had to deal with some fuckhead in the row behind me and his friend who kept Shouting that they play the song, when nobody on stage could her them, and like. of course they wouldn’t play it today. fuck off man
use your illusion i (1991); right next door to hell; dust n’ bones; perfect crime; november rain; BAD APPLES; COMA
i tried to limit these to five songs an album but i fuckin can’t, anon. illusion1 is just so fucking perfect. i can’t choose between my children. pls forgive me
on dust n’ bones and double talkin’ jive is izzy stradlin doing vocals (the second indiana boy, the one who left indiana first) and he’s regarded as the most unnderrated member in gnr by like everybody. so much so that it’s almost…too much. but like basically he was addicted to drugs and everything and then he sobered up when everyone else in the band was still hooked and he was like “wtf i’m out” and axl was like noooo :(
use your illusion ii (1991); civil war; 14 years; GET IN THE RING; locomotive; estranged; you could be mine
UYI1 and 2 were released on the same day. can you imagine how fuckin wild that day was? gnr fans scrambled to their record stores by the hordes probably.
izzy does vocal work in 14 years and this album was his last contribution to the band
uhhhh this album is also fucking perfect but i get sad listening to it sometimes so i try not to? very emotionally driven work. but like, where UYI1 was mostly passionate and angry-ish based, UYI2 is much more contemplative and uhh. sad. i guess.
“the spaghetti incident?” (1993)
this is a cover album and also the last album to feature my love, my soul, my light, my heart, slash. also duff. i mean i love him probably almost just as much but, yeah. duff actually looks like my cousin’s dad so i can’t really…. um. i feel weird about talking about him kjdfgd
but SLASH my god what a perfect man. i love him more than almost everything.
hey fun fact in between UYI and TSI, guns n’ roses toured with metallica and that tour is when slash, In His Autobiography, said he “lost” axl. his word. he Lost axl.
axl rose is a whole fuckin…..topic for another time, and i’m not gonna get into my own bullshit here, but that’s basically the situation when you listen to TSI. the band is fractured and barely holding together. after TSI, slash and duff leave GNR and axl is the only original member from the band still in it
(of course that opens up a conversation of who was originally in guns n’ roses but that’s another discourse for another time)
I. FUCKING. LOVE. THIS. ALBUM. MORE THAN I COULD EVER EXPRESS. everyone says it’s “not gnr” of COURSE it isn’t gnr, when YOU think of GNR, you see slash. and like, i love slash? but he didn’t make the band. EVERYONE - axl, izzy, steven, duff, And slash made the band. after steven was kicked, gnr lost a huge part of what made them stand out, what made the band unique.
and like, fuck, i love dizzy. i love all of the new additions. but you cannot. fucking look me in the eyes and tell me you love UYI But you hate CD because it’s “not gnr”. like. fuck you man.
ugh anyway. i just gotta let y’all know my Stance on this. i love chinese democracy. i’ll defend this album with my fucking life. i was really…disappointed when, at my concert, i didn’t hear more CD but like i also saw slash in person (albeit, from far away, but we shared the same arena and that’s. more than i can handle)
i wanna get lyrics from prostitute tattooed on my body.
also like you can’t tell me better and sorry aren’t about slash sorry but that’s just the fuckin tea
Now, listen, this ask got away from me. i didn’t include…SO many bands because, like i said, i just scratch the surface of what classic rock is. my word isn’t law, ok? that bein said, i am always, ALWAYS down to talk about any of the bands here, and others!!! if i know of them. i’m always taking music/song recs, too.
thanks..for reading this stupid answer to your innocent ask sdfkjghsdf
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do a riverdale fic for me where jughead has a really bad migraine and has to be looked after by Kevin, Betty and Veronica as Archie is away at a football game? Thanks x
(Anon I feel like u can secretly read minds..bc I love writing the gang in a caretaking scenario!! Writing B, V and K are my soft spots bc they’re all too precious??This was hella fun!! Thanks for the prompt!)
Sometimes it was all a bit too much for Jughead.
Stress often lead to splitting migraines, and any sort of sensation seemed to be too much for him. A sensory overload, if you will. He couldn’t quite hang out with the gang by Sweetwater River because noise, and social interaction, and he couldn’t go back to the Andrews because Fred Andrews was watching a soccer game which Archie informed him before leaving was intense. Again, noise.
So Pops was the only other option he had. Jughead knew the schedule and the influx of customers by heart. It was always quiet on a Tuesday, 2pm.
Normally, Jughead would hide any ailments of course, but if he had to tell anyone, it was Archie. Who was away on a three day Away game for some of spring break. So Jughead opted to tell no one.
Sometimes he hated himself for it, because in a sense he was doing it to himself. He had friends who cared and valued him, but there was always that stupid part of himself when everything was just fine that told him otherwise. Perhaps it was the crippling fear of rejection, or perhaps despite priding himself in the fact that he was different, he secretly longed to be just like everyone else. Perhaps it was a part of him that thought he couldn’t be loved, that he didn’t deserve it.
However, despite all the bullshit in his life, so much so that Jughead was teetering close to completely giving up, there was always a small inkling of hope.
Whether that was a small smile, an invite to whatever, or the ever so generous Pop Tate.
“Headache, Jug?” Pop asked softly, an absolute godsend, knowing not to further agitate his ever growing migraine.
Jughead snapped back into reality, realising his slumped position over his very dim laptop, hands clutching his head protectively. He managed a very slight smile.
“Just a little bit,” Jughead managed to croak out.
The older man slid , as well as a nice cold glass of water.
“Here you go bud,” He said quietly, offering him a small smile.
“It must be that wonderful brain of yours, a  minor setback to all the wonderful things it can do,” he cooed, hoping his kind words could somehow alleviate the pain he was sure the younger was feeling.
He didn’t even know how he grew fond of this kid–perhaps it started when he was only about 10 years old, bringing his much younger sister without any parents. He hadn’t said anything initially, just expecting they thought they were being cool kids by being there without parents, but when it kept happening Pop understood his diner was an escape. His sister was always happy–while her older brother just kept looking sadder as the time went on. Soon enough her older brother wasn’t a kid anymore, losing that childhood innocence far too soon. Perhaps it was the fact that Jughead had grown up too soon that made Pop slightly protective.
His concern grew further when Jughead started coming alone–no sister or no Archie Andrews, and then he started staying later, as long as he could before he would leave. On a few occasions, Pop would let him stay the night despite the protests. He couldn’t find the heart to kick him out, when he had the same kind of thing happen to him in his youth. He’d only hoped he could be there for the kid.
Jughead cracked a grin despite the pain, “You’re a godsend, Pop, really. Thank you so much.”
As he made his way back to behind the counter, he brought up his records and began making a phone call to the Keller household.
Kevin finished up with the last of the folding, making his way up to his room and putting his own clothes to their respective drawers, hanging up what had to be hung up in the closet. He then carried his father’s carefully folded clothes to his father’s bedroom, leaving the pile on the bed when the phone rang.
Kevin jumped slightly, running down the stairs to answer the mint coloured telephone.
“Hello, Keller household–”
“Hello Kevin? It’s Pop. I’ve got Jughead here who seems to be sick.”
Kevin let out a deep sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. Of course he wouldn’t tell them and he’d get to the point of Pop having to call them over.
“I’m on my way, thanks for letting me know,” Kevin said brightly, and said his goodbyes before putting down the phone. He pulled on his rubber shoes and pulled his phone out of pocket, shooting both Betty and Veronica a text.
Betty looked up from the book she was reading as her phone buzzed. She smiled, expecting some sort of weird meme from Veronica only to see it was a text from Kevin.
Kevin: pop told me that jugs sick and in need of our rescue meet up with me at pops in a bit pls?? xx
Betty jumped out of her bed and quickly stuck in a pretty pink bookmark Polly made for her in 6th grade art class and threw on a pastel purple sweater over her blue t shirt. She chucked on her converse and grabbed her keys, out of her room in seconds.
She giggled quietly to herself, this whole situation just a little bit funny because she felt as if she was some superhero ready to save the day. Like Jughead was some stupid damsel in distress who needed..tissues? head massages? throat lozenges? Kevin didn’t tell her what kind of sickness he had, but whatever he had, she was prepared for it!
Before walking down the stairs she made a short detour to the bathroom, wherein she opened one of the cupboards to pull out her signature pink caretaking bag, which was lovingly handcrafted and curated so she could care for her friends. When she got sick, her friends would all come to her house and take the same bag to take care of her. The bag was a gift given by God.
She rushed down the stairs and quickly yelled at her dad, telling him she was going to Pops with Kevin, which was no lie, and was out of her house before any sort of obligations were made.
Veronica was in the middle of testing out a new eyeshadow palette that Archie had gotten her for her birthday two weeks ago (with Betty and Kevin’s help, obviously) when she got the text. She was excited for what she presumed was a cute dorky text from Betty but was proved wrong by Kevin’s text.
Kevin: jughead’s dumb and he’s sick and we have to save him grab your weapons, the evil (germs?) is at pops
Veronica chuckled softly, and shot a response back before quickly finishing up her eyeshadow (she might as well finish it), and fluffed out her hair, before pulling on a pair of boots and her black jacket.
“Smithers? Will you tell mom if she gets back before me that I’ve gone off to save a dying friend at Pop’s if she wonders where I am??” Veronica laughed as she made her way out of the apartment.
They all arrived roughly at the same time, naturally Kevin was first with a head start, then come Betty and Veronica.
Veronica was ready to burst in and take Jughead by the ear and lightly scold him for not telling them, when Betty pulled her back.
“Wait, Veronica! We need to plan.”
“Plan?! For what?! We just gotta go in there and aggressively take care of him, beat the shit out of whatever’s wrong with him!”
Kevin smirked, “For being that tiny, you really are fuelled with rage.”
“I could end you in a second, you giant tree, and you know it,” Veronica hissed.
Betty shook her head, “No! Not like that. I meant that he’s going to try and deny it obviously, that’s going to happen, but if he’s got a headache, attacking him and being loud isn’t going to help!”
Kevin chuckled, “Sure, of course Betty, but he’s not a monster who will break if he accidentally push the wrong buttons. Let’s stop this and just help the poor guy, yeah?”
The three then made their way inside the diner, immediately spotting a grey beanie poking out from his usual booth.
Jughead was face down on the table, laptop pushed away from him, hands clutching his head protectively.
“Hey, Jughead? It’s Kevin..and uh, Betty and Veronica too,” Kevin said quietly.
Jughead tensed up immediately, sitting up, way too quickly, intensifying his already splitting migraine. He cracked a pained, forced smile as he leaned his head back against the booth cushion.
“Wow, I absolutely adore my fans. What can I do for you?” Jughead quipped, face scrunched up in pain. His voice was strained. He was completely pale, void of any colour. It made his blue eyes pop and look icy, but it also did the same for his bags which seemed even darker than they usually were.
Betty frowned, “No, what can we do for you? What’s wrong, Jug, you look awful.”
Jughead smirked, “That’s a real boost to the self esteem.”
Veronica sighed, “Jughead, you know that’s not what she meant. C'mon, enough with this edge lord emo ‘I don’t feel pain’ crap so we can get you better soon, yeah?”
Jughead shook his head, biting his lip, “Please you guys, I’m fine. Honestly, leave me be.”
The three watched in pity, not knowing how to get through to him.
Suddenly, a sudden wave of burning pain hit his head, and he couldn’t help the hiss and whimper that tore their way out of his throat, against his will. He hated looking so weak in front of his friends, but it hurt too much.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” Jughead whimpered, voice cracking as eyes squeezed shut and teeth digging deep into his lip. He wasn’t really sure if he was talking to them or reassuring himself.
“Jughead, please, c'mon, what’s wrong?” Kevin pleaded quietly.
Jughead caved in, the pain too much to handle, “My head hurts so much.”
Betty frowned, “Awh, Jug..!”
Veronica smirked slightly, “Have you wrecked your brain trying to find better comebacks when I roast you?”
That little comment managed to make Jughead release a low chuckle, still strained but momentarily distracting him from the pain.
“No, it’s from trying to comprehend the fact that a human as strange and annoying as you can exist, I mean, you must be an anomaly of some sort,” Jughead replied, trying to be funny hoping it would somehow distract him.
Veronica chuckled, “That is the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Betty tried to hide her amusement, “Okay guys, real talk, how do we fix him up?”
Veronica and Betty sat on the seats in front of him, and took note of the aspirin and water in front of him. Betty suddenly got her bag out and pulled out a cold compress, and laid the compress on Jughead’s forehead.
“Betts, we’re in public!” Jughead said, slightly frantic.
“No ones here, Jug! Well, Dilton Doiley’s reading his zombie apocalypse comic but he’s not going to look up!” Betty protested, to which Jughead gave in to, having no energy to fight.
“Okay, you should drink more of that  water, Jughead,” Veronica cooed.
Jughead sniffled lightly, and nodded to the best of his ability, pressing the glass to his lips and sipping the liquid.
“You must be really dehydrated,” Veronica frowned.
“Is this going to turn into a soft pastel stay hydrated speech or?” Jughead joked, through teeth gritted with pain.
“Okay now, enough jokes,” Betty chuckled.
Kevin took the seat next to Jughead, “Here, I can give you a massage that my mom taught me? I give them to my dad when he gets really stressed and I think it works?”
Jughead let out a noise of relief, and great gratitude, “Kevin, you are a godsend. A gift from the lord himself.”
Kevin chuckled softly, and pressed his fingers towards Jughead’s temples, lightly and gently rubbing them in little circles.
Jughead seemed to instantly relax, his pained expression slowly fading into a more neutral one, his muscles loosening up. He stopped squeezing his hands quite as hard and stopped gritting his teeth.
Kevin smiled in satisfaction, trying hard to not be too prideful of his talent in this particular field. His dad told him time and time again how great he was at destressing, but lowkey thought it was just because he was his dad. Knowing he was helping Jughead reassured him a little bit.
Jughead’s breathing steadied, not asleep but very much relaxed and at peace, although his head still wasn’t completely pain-free. If throbbed slightly, but the gentle and therapeutic movements of Kevin’s hands on his temples soothed it.
Betty giggled very softly, “Kevin! That’s amazing!”
Veronica sighed in relief, the image of her friend in so much pain very unsettling for her. She was glad he was getting better but of course she wouldn’t admit it.
“Now Jones, I hope this is a lesson that you should stop stressing yourself out too much. Get out of that massive brain of yours for two seconds and talk to us, I promise you it’s much better than the edge lord, 2007 emo lone wolf bullshit you’ve been doing,” Veronica said sternly, but her voice soft and kind.
Before Jughead couldn’t even reply, Betty was speaking too.
“Yeah Juggy, talk to us. Stop withdrawing into yourself and internalising everything. You don’t have to tell us everything, but you don’t have to keep hiding things. We’re your friends, we’re here for you to look after you,” Betty said warmly.
Jughead didn’t reply, but his small smile that he gave was enough.
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dontkyeom · 7 years
Monsta X: Beautiful in San Francisco - Fan Experience
ayooo i was asked to post about the monsta x concert i just went to (and also i want a record of what happened before i forget) so here it is!! under the cut are my pre, during, and post-show experiences/thoughts!!
okay so my friend and i planned to get boba from boba guys and fries from super duper for dinner
me being me, i planned for us to meet at 5 so we had enough time to eat and digest for the show
i leave my house around 3:45 bc i was gonna bus over while my friend was gonna get dropped off at boba guys
in the end we ended up getting sharetea and meeting at super duper an hour later than when we were supposed to meet for the following reasons:
i got to the area before my friend
the line for boba guys was out the door and down the block so i was like girl… we gotta yeet
i left to get sharetea but my friend for some reason thought we were still gonna meet at boba guys so she had to walk down to the mall
she ended up getting lost and going to chinatown
meanwhile i was trying to find sharetea bc i didnt even know they had one in the mall
ended up ordering for both of us and agreeing to meet at super duper
also i saw some monbebes in the mall while i was waiting for my drinks hehe i peeped ur shirts
we got to the warfield at 7 when the doors were supposed to open and y’all the line was so long that it like wrapped around the block and the end was right by the entrance
i got gnarly cramps in both of my legs within five minutes of each other and they hurt like a damn bitch let me tell you
i felt really bad bc i like fell to the floor in the middle of the line and some of the people behind us were like omg are you okay and i was like yes pls just go around me i’ll be okay
and then the cramp went away and the people held our spots for us!! such kind people ily if you’re reading this
we got in right at 8 when the show was supposed to start (but they ended up starting later which im just assuming was so that everyone could get in)
y’all everyone kept screaming even tho the boys weren’t on stage yet and it hella freaked out my friend and i when we left to get water
we literally rushed back and my friend tripped up the stairs but it’s fine we made it back in time
anyway their energy is just off the charts like i was hyped as hell from beginning to end. they really know how to bring a crowd up and their stage presence is amazing. no awkward moments whatsoever and very smooth transitions from one stage to the next i was actually really impressed
and they said the bay had the realest energy and i was ready to NUT
my heart cried when they left a mic stand for hyungwon for ex girl, i really love how thoughtful the boys are when a member is missing. they take ohana to a new level it’s just endearing to see how much they truly care for one another
i would also like to have a moment of appreciation bc they didn’t say san fran at all?? i was lowkey expecting them to but they didn’t :’) (pls never say san fran it’s a big no from me)
wonho lowkey tried to throw chocolate to the upper balcony i saw him aiming a bit higher and i appreciate his effort so much
also as a former tech crew member in high school, a moment of appreciation for all the tech effects, they really added to the whole experience of the show and i thoroughly enjoyed the different effects and the timing of everything
appreciation for the stage hands who brought the bench on stage, i hope y’all heard me cheer for you bc i know what that’s like
also… i really loved seeing all the spike tape on the stage for whatever reason
anyway back to the boys
minhyuk jooheon kihyun and i.m came out and they asked us who was the most romantic (i said kihyun bc that boy was smooth as shit in that one video) and a lot of people said minhyuk so they made him do aegyo and OMFG MINHYUK’S AEGYO HAHAHAHA THAT SHIT WAS SO FUNNY all he said was “san francisco… oh my god” and then he kept repeating oh my god and OMG and he and jooheon were switching off and their voices were getting lower and i.m was like “yo this is not cute this is just weird” i got it on video if anyone wants to see it lmao
and then wonho and shownu came out like “…what kind of weird things were you guys talking about”
speaking of videos, all the videos i have of their songs are shaky af bc i was bopping at the same time but if anyone still wants to see them i can send a google drive link your way hehe
from zero was the cutest shit ever. im still really sad hyungwon couldnt make it but the sub did a great job in his place!!
i needa take a moment to just talk about wonho bc that man can go from cocky daddy to a total sweetie. like… he totally knows he’s a walking sex god (a small moment of silence for when kihyun just like pulled wonho’s jacket down to try to expose his arms during his intro) but then he’ll talk about how he tried to perform extra well to make up for hyungwon not being there and he’s trying to put on a better show and you can really tell how much he cares about us and ugh 
i popped the FUCK off at the 24k magic cover oh my god y’all i love bruno and i got so excited when shownu minhyuk and i.m covered it, and it was so damn lit. like i was a lil bummed when i found out they werent gonna do the second verse bc it’s my fav part of the song but i.m’s rap was AMAZING and fit really well and oh my god don’t even get me started on the dance breaks omfffff
their outfits were cute as shit too
also appreciation for i.m’s voice. i just really like his voice im such a slut for deep voices ok this is why he’s my wrecker
jooheon and kihyun are just something else when they come together, i love what they’re able to offer to each other and able to create as a unit it’s just really cool to see :’)
also i must say… seeing jooheon’s deep ass dimples and kihyun’s nice ass cheekbones are such a blessing
i almost cried when broken heart came on, such a beautiful song AND THEY LEFT A SPACE IN THE MIDDLE FOR HYUNGWON UGH MY HEART
blind, trespass, and rush were arguably the most hype songs of the night, like ive never went so hard in my life
also a moment to talk about shownu bc like… idk i’ve noticed he’s a lot more quiet than other leaders of idol groups so i wasn’t really sure what to expect but i gained so much respect for him?? he has great stage presence and is really well-spoken and charismatic damn gemini AND HE’S JUST SO TALENTED
omg there was this one part where wonho said “hyungwon actually made a recovery earlier than expected” and like the way he said it made it seem like hyungwon was gonna make a surprise appearance but nah
but it’s okay bc they all said they wanna come back to the bay asap and y’all can BET i’ll be there
i appreciated their english speaking, like during their intros and goodbyes it was heartwarming to see their efforts to communicate w us
surprisingly they didnt really talk much about how it was their 800 days?? idk i was kinda expecting them to address it but they didnt
omg their bows were adorable, they like held hands and moved across the stage in a line to bow to different parts of the venue it was so cute to watch
my friend and i waited in the merch line that moved pretty quickly actually?? but there were only stickers left and i thought it was more important for my friend to get something bc it was her first concert and she really wanted something to remember it by so i passed (also stickers were $25 what even)
but it’s cool bc she let me have a hyungwon sticker (and a cute lil logo bc there were two of them)!! theyre probably gonna live in my phone case bc i have a clear one so y’all BET im taking my mans everywhere w me
she really enjoyed herself which i was really happy to see!! being there for someone’s first concert is magical 10/10 would recommend
i also enjoyed myself in case i didnt make that clear lmao. despite the rough pre-concert experience, seeing those boys do their thing made everything worth it and i’m so glad i got to experience their first world tour :’) also ive never let loose to the extent that i did sober tonight so props to monsta x for bringing out my bay area hyphy lmaooo
i just wanna say thank you to monsta x for coming to sf, putting on a good show, and making us feel loved and appreciated. i was hella surprised when an sf show was announced considering most groups usually just go to LA, so thanks for giving the bay a chance and showing us such a fun time!!
and shoutout to the monbebes for being such a cute crowd. i loved seeing everyone waving their light sticks and arms and just having a good time, and cheering so hard for these talented and hardworking men
also seeing everyone come out of hi-touch all happy and smiley and starstruck was the cutest thing, so if you got to experience that i’m so happy for you and i hope you enjoyed seeing those boys up close!! would’ve done it myself but im an unemployed college kid so anything over $100 wasn’t an option for me
((another also, im v sorry to everyone behind me if my aggressive arm waving got in the way of your view i was enjoying myself way too much))
all in all, my first kpop concert was a huge success!! came in not knowing what to expect (it’s a bit different from the other shows/concerts ive been to in the past, but a good different!!), but still had a lit ass night :)
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theenduringsun · 7 years
okay well @melodymeddler​ has asked me to do All of my ocs so here we go! (it’s under a readmore so you dont have my children clogging your dash)
Full Name: galatea lol Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, polysexual & polyamorous Pronouns: she/her or they/them Ethnicity/Species: gerudo  Birthplace and Birthdate: uhhhh Desert and november 4th Guilty Pleasures: she’s a good person usually but sometimes ya just gotta be Morally Ambiguous, ya feel? Phobias: losing her control of herself, death What They Would Be Famous For: saving the world!! What They Would Get Arrested For: stealing shit like cmon honey OC You Ship Them With: narei! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: probably dhulsaei but it’d be like a huge misunderstanding lol Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action/adventure. like tomb raider because That Her Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when there are love triangles! she’s like “date both of them asshole!” Talents and/or Powers: very stealthy, agile, and acrobatic. can also talk her way out of anything Why Someone Might Love Them: the snark is real, has the wittiest retorts Why Someone Might Hate Them: bc she started as part of an oc/canon character ship lol How They Change: she learns not to rush headlong into things and learns that she’s not infallible. she also learns not to judge things by appearances like she hates when people do to her Why You Love Them: she was one of my first ocs that i started developing independently! i’ve really got a soft spot for her
Full Name: prince narei (i’m not sure that gerudo have last names? so he doesnt have one lol) Gender and Sexuality: cis male, pansexual Pronouns: he/him Ethnicity/Species: gerudo Birthplace and Birthdate: Nonspecific Gerudo Village (not gerudo valley tho), july 13th Guilty Pleasures: romance novels Phobias: he’s really scared of cold. he doesn’t have much experience with it and fears that his limbs will fall off. What They Would Be Famous For: being a somewhat okay leader (with help) What They Would Get Arrested For: dark magic (he did apologize though) OC You Ship Them With: galatea (it’s mostly one-sided though) OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei, but only if he’s actively endangering someone Favorite Movie/Book Genre: he says it’s action/adventure but, like i said before, the boy loves a good romance novel Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: miscommunication (you can catch him in his quarters screaming “JUST TELL HER” into his pillow. he should take his own advice) Talents and/or Powers: dark magic, swordfighting, handsomeness Why Someone Might Love Them: he honestly tries his best? most of the things that happen to him are not his fault (key word there: most) Why Someone Might Hate Them: he does a lot of things without thinking through them first, including spouting some pretty sexist ideology. however, he does grow past this, and it’s an important part of his character arc to me How They Change: he learns to look at all perspectives of an issue before taking it on, and he does a lot of introspection over his arc that helps him move more towards where he really wants to be Why You Love Them: he and galatea are my two favorite ocs because of how different they are tbh. i love putting them in situations where their differences complement each other and honestly i love how galatea helps him to be a better person. i just. yes
Full Name: hokulani iona  Gender and Sexuality: cis female, bisexual Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: native alolan/hawaiian Birthplace and Birthdate: hau’oli city, march 16th Guilty Pleasures: fatty starchy foods. they’re not good for her but they’re good for her soul Phobias: being forgotten, not being able to speak up for herself What They Would Be Famous For: winning All the Medals in the paralympics! What They Would Get Arrested For: being young and reckless and accidentally doing something illegal OC You Ship Them With: a little bit with noelani but not really OC Most Likely To Murder Them: i don’t honestly think any of my ocs would? Favorite Movie/Book Genre: generic sports movies. she adores space jam with her whole soul Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: she hates rivalries, actually. she wants them to be friends Talents and/or Powers: she has incredible stamina, even though she’s in a wheelchair. she’s also very strong and will beat you in arm wrestling always Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute and determined lol Why Someone Might Hate Them: because she rushes in and does dumb things, and then is stubborn about how the thing she did was the right thing How They Change: i think she learns to accept her disability over the course of the island challenge, and she begins to see that she can do amazing things while being in a wheelchair (because she can!!) Why You Love Them: because i love paired ocs and she and noelani are my faves
Full Name: noelani kalani Gender and Sexuality: cis female, bi Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: native alolan/hawaiian Birthplace and Birthdate: iki town, march 16th  Guilty Pleasures: she likes to have coffee and chocolate past 9pm despite her insomnia Phobias: bugs. anything that is creepy crawly is a no from her. What They Would Be Famous For: her dance skills! she’s primarily a ballet dancer but she does other styles as well, and she’s very skilled as a ballerina :D What They Would Get Arrested For: being accomplice to something hokulani did OC You Ship Them With: a lil with hokulani OC Most Likely To Murder Them: mihlanna probably Favorite Movie/Book Genre: you know those horse movies everyone makes fun of? those are noelani’s favorite. Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: not sure this is a particular cliche, but she gets very bad secondhand embarrassment, so much that she’ll have to turn off the tv/stop reading and just walk around for a while to shake it off Talents and/or Powers: very skilled dancer, abnormally good balance even for a dancer Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s not the type of person who you’d expect to take the island challenge. she seemed to be content where she was, but she journeyed with hokulani anyway. Why Someone Might Hate Them: honestly? bc i have like no experience writing hawaiian/hawaiian-coded characters and i’m probably going to fuck it up at least six times (side note pleeeease tell me if anything i ever say is offensive because that is not my intent and i want to be the best person i possibly can <3) How They Change: noelani learns not to judge things by her first impression of them. for example she thought hokulani wouldn’t be able to do anything except sit at home after her accident, and yet they traveled across all of alola together! she also learns that when hokulani is set on something it will be done no matter the collateral damage lol Why You Love Them: she was the oc i made when primarina was first announced <3 i love dance, even though i’m not too good at it myself, so i love having an oc who’s good at dancing too.
camille belrose:
Full Name: camille adelaide belrose Gender and Sexuality: cis female, straight Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: kalosian/french Birthplace and Birthdate: coumarine city, june 16th Guilty Pleasures: chocolates and sugary things which are bad for her figure but FUCK when you’re crying about augustine sycamore at 3 am you need a box of russell stovers Phobias: bugs, if it crawls she hates it (except araquanid) What They Would Be Famous For: covering a huge story What They Would Get Arrested For: going the extra mile for a scoop (i shit you not she’s climbed fences before) OC You Ship Them With: none OC Most Likely To Murder Them: hokulani if only because they’d disagree on everything Favorite Movie/Book Genre: rom-coms Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when an “ugly” girl is just a pretty brunette with a curvy figure? like what the fuck? Talents and/or Powers: would do anything to get paid. anything. Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s arguably the most fashion-forward of my ocs and you wouldn’t catch her dead in something un-coordinated Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s stuck up as fuuuuuuuck. also started as a canon character/oc like galatea lol How They Change: she becomes less snobby and more appreciative of the things around her Why You Love Them: because i love making her swear in french it’s my favorite thing
Full Name: ariadne jane raptis Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, straight Pronouns: she/her or xe/xir Ethnicity/Species: whatever the pokemon equivalent of greek is/sinnoh! Birthplace and Birthdate: twinleaf town, march 21st (i have a lot of pisces ocs holy shit) Guilty Pleasures: making people angry. it’s the one thing that keeps her sane Phobias: death, deep water What They Would Be Famous For: winning the most fucking super contests ever holy shit What They Would Get Arrested For: honestly? public intoxication, but not until she’s way older OC You Ship Them With: none OC Most Likely To Murder Them: mihlanna or cerys Favorite Movie/Book Genre: high fantasy this girl has a billion d&d characters Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when humans are always portrayed as the default race. like no tell her about gnomes please Talents and/or Powers: empath, very good at sewing, has a nice team of pokemon Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s adorable and also only five feet tall Why Someone Might Hate Them: she gets angry extremely easily and takes it out on everything around her How They Change: she learns how to work with other people without destroying entire towns in the process! Why You Love Them: sinnoh is the best region fight me.
cheyenne solberg:
Full Name: cheyenne rose solberg Gender and Sexuality: agender, pan Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: mixed native/white Birthplace and Birthdate: goldenrod city, august 13th Guilty Pleasures: pop music (it’s the same four chords but it’s so catchy) Phobias: losing their friends, dying alone What They Would Be Famous For: writing the best jazz cello repertoire known to man What They Would Get Arrested For: not caring enough and accidentally walking out of the house without a shirt on OC You Ship Them With: estelle!!!!!!! estelle!!!!!!! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: sylharice, she doesn’t see how they can just not care Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when the girl in the horror movie is a dumbass. like please Talents and/or Powers: mad cello skills, unyielding love for their gf Why Someone Might Love Them: they’re incredibly critical but also extremely appreciative of music Why Someone Might Hate Them: they don’t care enough. at all How They Change: i like to think that they learn to care a little lol Why You Love Them: i just made them yesterday and i love them!!!!!!!
estelle beaumont:
Full Name: estelle louise beaumont Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, lesbian Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: kalosian Birthplace and Birthdate: lumiose city, july 18th Guilty Pleasures: cute violin/cello duets with her enbyfriend!! Phobias: cheyenne losing interest in her (which will never happen) What They Would Be Famous For: being the best violinist! What They Would Get Arrested For: doing something illegal to stop cheyenne from doing something illegal OC You Ship Them With: cheyenne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OC Most Likely To Murder Them: galatea Favorite Movie/Book Genre: horror Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: jumpscares! she’ll be clinging to cheyenne nonstop Talents and/or Powers: very good violin girl, looks at things big-picture Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s a sweetheart holy shit???? Why Someone Might Hate Them: because she’s one of those “all sides” people who insists everyone gets a voice How They Change: she learns that some people just need to shut up. Why You Love Them: listen i made her and cheyenne yesterday they’re the greatest
sylharice amastacia:
Full Name: sylharice amastacia Gender and Sexuality: trans woman, gay as fuck Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: high elf Birthplace and Birthdate: somewhere in the wild, march 4th Guilty Pleasures: her flaw is “i can’t resist a pretty face”. she is quite literally too gay to function Phobias: losing her agency What They Would Be Famous For: creating the hit single “call me maybe but with all the pronouns changed to make it super gay” What They Would Get Arrested For: adultery....oops OC You Ship Them With: there’s a character in her backstory named diantha who she’s very much in love with but also diantha’s married so that’s a Bad OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei Favorite Movie/Book Genre: smut novels Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: badly written foreplay Talents and/or Powers: she’s a very talented bard! she likes her rapier.  Why Someone Might Love Them: such a beautiful gay bard  Why Someone Might Hate Them: because i suck at using my offensive spells i’m sorry d&d group How They Change: i’m anticipating some coming-to-terms with the whole adultery thing in the future Why You Love Them: fuck dude i love playing gay bards
Full Name: dhulsaei aurelia doesn’t have a last name because her father was a rando Gender and Sexuality: demigirl, bisexual Pronouns: she/her Ethnicity/Species: sylph Birthplace and Birthdate: rugged reef, she can’t remember Guilty Pleasures: her vice is alcohol. she’s like always drunk Phobias: being controlled What They Would Be Famous For: saving the world with her posse What They Would Get Arrested For: public intoxication without a doubt OC You Ship Them With: i highkey ship her with @melodymeddler‘s oc leo lol OC Most Likely To Murder Them: sylharice probably Favorite Movie/Book Genre: epic plays Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when there’s an improperly translated bit of language/bilingual characters written terribly Talents and/or Powers: sylphy shit, very good at stealthing, way smarter than she looks Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s cute, she has a british accent, and she’s almost never sober. what’s not to love Why Someone Might Hate Them: she says she’s neutral good but she’s more on the chaotic side of that alignment How They Change: she’s learning that snooping on her party’s things can sometimes lead to bad things. also that if you challenge a boat to a drinking contest, you will lose and get turned into a dog. multiple times. Why You Love Them: i love playing dhulsaei holy shit. it’s all the me i’ll never be
kit willoughby:
Full Name: katrina carlotta willoughby (call them anything but kit and they’ll murder you) Gender and Sexuality: agender, bi Pronouns: they/them Ethnicity/Species: half-elf Birthplace and Birthdate: a port town, august 1st Guilty Pleasures: self insert fics Phobias: crashing and dying horrifically What They Would Be Famous For: a cool and daring expedition! What They Would Get Arrested For: flying in a no-fly zone OC You Ship Them With: none  OC Most Likely To Murder Them: dhulsaei, they’d get into a stubborn-off Favorite Movie/Book Genre: action/adventure Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: when flying is written poorly, and they know Talents and/or Powers: they’re only a recruit right now but they know their shit (spoilers: they don’t but they defo act like they do) Why Someone Might Love Them: they’re spunky and resilient! Why Someone Might Hate Them: they do things without thinking them through fully. a lot. How They Change: they learn that they’re not always gonna be right, and that dying isn’t really that bad. Why You Love Them: full disclosure: they’re 100% a self-insert oc. i don’t give a fuck tho
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ravenvsfox · 7 years
I know you have already done a lot of the ship posts (and they are all phenomenal and accurate af) but can you pretty please do Jesper and Wylan from six of crows/crooked kingdom? Xoxo
I’m SO sorry this took so long, you’re such an absolute sweetheart and also christ I’ve never been called an inspiration before holy.. god
also heck i love wesper this is a treat
who is more likely to hurt the other?
don’t.. do this
they’re genuinely so good neither of them would ever TRY to hurt the other, and they’re both so tender and apologetic if they ever do. I think I’m gonna have to say jesper though just because. he’s still a little stirred by his addiction (to trouble! to bringing two guns to a gun fight! to gambling! to love!) and he’s got some jealousy and sensitivity baked into him, bless him. I feel like he’d run a risk and break Wy’s heart by accident, a little bit
who is emotionally stronger?
a genuine toughie bc they’ve both survived and persevered so MUCH. I think in terms of immediate reactionary instincts, Jes is better at letting bad vibes roll right off of him. He’s made of smiles. He’s trouble and a good time rolled into a waistcoat. If you insult him he only gets stronger. Wy was raised in silk and champagne but he was raised BY an absolute monster so. he’s a very bruised peach. criticism pierces him v easily. Though in a more fundamental way, wylan has fashioned his past trauma into a shield. by the end of ck he’s building himself new emotional strength with his bare hands
who is physically stronger?
ohhh man. They’re both noodle boys. Wylan is too smart for exercise. Jesper does his fighting at a 20 metre distance from his target. Jesper is bigger than wylan but most of his size is gangly and delightful and awkward. I think jes could probably still beat wylan in a pinch, but I’m more caught up in how funny it would be to see them try to fight it out
who is more likely to break a bone? 
man I’m tempted to say jesper just bc he seems like he would be...... brittle. I think he gets into scrapes a lot. I think wylan starts to get into p frequent scrapes by nature of being the sixth crow. I think the both of them are so busy worrying about each other’s fights that they neglect their own and trip off a building or smth
who knows best what to say to upset the other? 
I think wylan can be a nasty piece of work when he’s pissed enough. like he may be a silk eared puppy but he’ll chew your shoes and track mud around if you forget to feed him. jesper doesn’t have a malicious bone in his body man, I think he’s a sarcasm queen and a joker but he’s definitely not mean
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument? 
I think jesper’s constantly assuming he did something wrong and he sits down with wylan 100% serious like ‘babe.. im so, so sorry. I never wanted to be the sort of person who made you look sad like that, we’re past that, I truly made a promise--’ and wy would be like ‘what no I was sad bc a screw on my flute is loose and I couldn’t practice today’. but also yeah if it’s a serious fight they make up in a rush, and they laugh at themselves, and they use their energy for something better
who treats who’s wounds more often? 
here’s the thing about the crows man, they’re always sustaining minor injuries as a team and it’s a win if they live, right? All I can picture is the roar of activity when they pull off a job and they come back limping and bleeding and swearing and crowing w joy, and jes and wy take their seats opposite each other and clean wounds, kiss foreheads, smooth back sweaty curls, squeeze hands, make promises. the routine, u kno
who is in constant need of comfort? 
uhhh both of them (it’s always both my guy jot that down). Wylan has 16 years of shitty imposed self loathing to unlearn, and traumatic experiences all over him. jes has lost a lot (including his mom) and he struggles with addiction so like. yeah they both need comfort. they both wake up w the phantom feeling of a mother’s arms around their shoulders. they’ve both seen the very worst of humanity. They’re just two nervy, high stress kids trying to figure things out
who gets more jealous? 
lmao WYLAN VAN ECK did y’all read his scenes in crooked kingdom that boy is NOT SHARING. he glared real holes in kuwei’s head guys. jesper tbh is a terrible flirt and a HANDFUL and wylan is happy. to have his hands full. no one else.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other? 
mmm nahhh
who will propose? 
u bet ur ASS it’ll be jesper. Imagine wylan’s blushing face...... he’d do it for that alone. tbh there’s probably a point in their relationship where jesper’s outrageous flirting isn’t enough to get that pretty blush from wylan like he’ll roll his eyes and shove jes in the shoulder and w/e but they have to have increasingly ridiculous conversations about kinks or w/e until that blush comes out. jesper’s like ‘dang. guess I gotta step up the romance. what’s the most romantic thing? marriage? marrying wylan? son absolutely where do i sign’
who has the most difficult parents?
lmao lm a o lmaooo Lmao LMAO lmao
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public? 
I feel like depending on the social climate of Ketterdam, hand holding might not be on the table?? especially for two criminals associated w the bastard of the barrel like idk man I can’t picture it. they don’t want to draw attention to themselves (well i mean. jes wants to. but they can’t). I think they’re all about sly glances and the most obvious smirks you’ve ever seen, and brushing shoulders!! brushing shoulders are their makeouts
who comes up for the other all the time? 
they’re always together man bf’s that blow shit up together and live together stay together so like they rarely have the opportunity to talk about each other. howEVER jesper probably mentions his boyfriend in the middle of a hand of poker w an inappropriate smile or gushes to w/e prisoner he’s breaking out of jail or makes Kaz’s day weird by trying to confide in him
who hogs the blankets? 
wylan is exhausted w luxury and jesper is a child who wants to be held so he rolls over and then over again so that wy always wakes up to a lapful of boyfriend and a roll of blankets and he has to wait for jesper’s heavy sleeper ass to arise so he can get up to pee 
who gets more sad? 
booooth -- jesper is understated sad with a side of unnerving frowns, wylan is a wobbling mouth and clenched fists. Sometimes they stay in the Wylan Van mansion and lock the doors so the maids can’t come in, and they bring the lavish decorative pillows into a heap on the carpet and feed each other sweets and rub each others backs and laugh and laugh the darkness away. wylan sketches. jesper poses. there’s scheming & kaz impressions. jesper is a storyteller and he imagines out loud what nina or inej are up to at that very minute, controlling gravity and hearts and the sea and their lives 
who is better at cheering the other up? 
see above ^^ they both go pro at the comfort olympics. Jesper is that little bit better though. He’s a sweetheart with all the right words in his pockets. He knows how to chop wylan’s dad down like the overgrown dead tree that he is. he knows how to flirt a smile onto wy’s face. he maybe lacks delicacy sometimes, but he’s so fun and wholehearted and warm that he can’t really go wrong
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?
this is canon y’all, jesper is a lecherous bastard and wylan is equal parts disdain and delight. he absolutely will slap a boy
who is more streetwise?
god bless wylan but he knows a hell of a lot less about the streets than jes. He’s learning fast by the end of ck, but he’s still very sheltered in a lot of ways. Jesper has a few years under his belt, and he’s.. like tbh he’s a part of a gang so. He’s seen a lot. He’s participated in a lot. He has a pretty steep list of kills, same as every other survivor out there. He’s detached from the deaths but he’s been on the other side of a lot of bullets that have crumpled people up and thrown them in the trash. He knows his business, too. He knows Ketterdam. Well. Wy knows the half of it Kaz wants him to see.
who is more wise?
Wylan is utterly brilliant and Jesper is wholeheartedly here for it. What was that line again? ‘you’re cuter when you’re smart’? Wylan can think his way out of just about anything, the world belongs to him. jsyk
who’s the shyest? 
Wylan absolutely what a sweetie. I mean a lot of it stems from unfortunate self esteem issues and a history of being burnt but a lot of it is pure soul deep candy sweet embarrassment and not knowing what to do w his own cute face. He doesn’t know how to deal w people a lot of the time. he knows sheet music & formulas. he does not know how to look at a boy with beautiful lips all curled up at him and not pass out
who boasts about the other more? 
jesper is loudmouthed usually and he’s that much more loudmouthed when he’s in love, catch him talking to anyone who will listen about wy’s stupid face 
who sits on who’s lap? 
jesper would definitely try it, don’t even test him, he would fold all his crane limbs into wylan’s lap and say ‘hello peaches’ and wylan would have to slide both of them onto the floor to escape his embarrassment. on a good day, jes’ll scoop wylan into his lap and he’ll feel quiet, for a while
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