#anti lesbian separatism
I am coming to realize I'm a fagdyke. It's taken exploration of a lot recently, but I can be a trans man and a fag while still feeling sapphic about my attraction to women when it happens. I've been called a dyke since I was 12 years old before I'd come out as ANYTHING. Nobody gets to gaslight me and tell me I can't have that word because I'm "not a lesbian" or because I'm a man, nor because I'm more likely to be attracted to men. I'm also still nonbinary, I'm still sapphic, and I can be predominantly achillean at the same time. This doesn't erase the nonbinary dyke that lives in my identity alongside the trans fag.
I love men in a fag way, I love women in a dyke way, and anyone who wants to gatekeep that from me can fuck off into their self alienated circle jerks. 😌🙏🏳️‍🌈
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
“anti lesbian separatists hate radfems sooooooo bad” yeah we do, hope this helps ♡
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xxconnection · 6 months
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from Sisterhood is Powerful: An Anthology of Writings from the Women's Liberation Movement
text: Above [1st photo, by Louise Brotsky], Chicago WITCH hexes the Transit Authority for raising the subway fare.
Right [2nd photo, by Marilyn Salzman], Washington DC WITCH hexes billion-dollar corporation, United Fruit Company for "slave-labor practices abroad and sex discrimination in hiring at home."
Opposite page [3rd photo, by Henry Wilhelm/East St. Gallery, Grinnell, Iowa] Grinnell College (Iowa) students stage a nude-in to confront a representative from Playboy Magazine speaking on "The Playboy Philosophy." They demanded that he also take off his clothes. He fled.
Opposite right [4th photo, by Bill Nowlin/LNS-NY], Women's Liberation guerrilla theater at the Bridal Fair, New York. Disruptions of merchandise shows for brides took place all over the US in 1969.
Opposite below [5th photo, by Paul Stelter/Chicago Maroon], Protest against the firing of Marlene Dixon, radical, feminist, and teacher, at the university of Chicago, 1968. A major riot followed, and university buildings were seized and held by students.
The sign in the last picture reads: "UC's concern for women: 1. Dormitory hours 2. Teacher putdowns 3. Ignoring the study of women 4. 9 tenured women faculty 5. Firing Marlene Dixon
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I will explain now why this tweet @reversedshinyoumaru agrees with is basically radfem ideology 101, the exclusion of bisexuals was started by lesbian separatists who were cis straight "politicial lesbians", in modern times these people are known as radfems!
A bisexual person is someone who is attracted to more than one gender, though not at the same time and it differs between romantic/sexual. What do you call a bi girl who is attracted to another girl? Or a trans woman? Or a non-binary person? What do you call someone who has preferences for women and enbies only?
A lesbian :D
Radical lesbians were afraid of both butch lesbians and girls who found men attractive (with or without wanting to date them). They were accused of "sleeping with the enemy" even though many bisexuals aren't attracted to men at all!
Saying that "bi means attraction to men and women only" is not only wrong but also erases so many other gender identities!
And even if you use the anti-black and trans-/enbyphobic "non men loving non men" quickly tell me, how many identities fall under "non man"? If you're attracted to enbies, you could call yourself bi and or a lesbian :D But hey, I know I can't win against transphobic radfems
You see, any exclus is anti-trans/queer :D because queerness is the acceptance of ALL gender identities and overlapping experiences! Picking and choosing who can be in your "exclusive club" is against what queerness stands for!
Being queer means you stand for liberation, not assimilation!
I bet at some point I will see "queer is a slur" discourse from you people, I mean you are already helping fascists shooting down elder queer people and you're calling them groomers, appreciate laws that censor queer/trans identities from books with the "think of the children!" excuse because you think you won't be targeted if you act like a good, wholesome only queer.
People will hate you regardless. So instead of shooting down the people who made it possible for you to identify yourself as queer/trans, why not march with kinksters, pick up a brick and throw them at cops who are trying to imprison you?
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radi-cali · 1 year
Men know their penises are weapons. They are capable of penetrating somebody they hate. Being aroused by hatred and pain. Why then do women consider intercourse as a loving act? I don't believe men can love with their penis involved. Men are selfish creatures, using your body as their personal toy. They don't care how it feels for you.
Look at how many men have r*ped a woman they planned to kill. Many sons who kill their mothers do this. Do you still believe a man can love with this weapon? That intercourse can ever be safe?
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crookedm1lkshake · 10 months
Hayao Miyazaki is not a pioneer of feminist representation
In all Ghibli stories, girls and women possess conventionally feminine attributes. They have a cute voice and a shy demeanor. They are more in contact with the home or the forces of the spirit world, as if women are alien to human societies. They are either cooking or cleaning (Sophie as cleaning lady for Howl, Satsuki and Mei cleaning their new house in My Neighbor Totoro, Chihiro cleaning the bathhouse in Spirited Away, Kiki cleaning the room in Kiki’s Delivery Service, etc)
They are docile and emotionally dependent on men. If the boy doesn't get the girl, the girl gets the boy. That's not feminism. That's the liberal version of patriarchy. True feminism or subversion of gender roles is in the rejection of the "straight" lifestyle
"There's nothing wrong with love or falling in love"
There's nothing wrong with it, because you believe there's nothing wrong with it? Then there's everything wrong with it, because I believe there's everything wrong with it!
Ghibli may be less misogynistic than Disney, but it is important to recognize that there is progress to be made. The few times women fought for themselves doesn't erase all the flaws within Studio Ghibli
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catsanddemonssystem · 29 days
Radfems: redefined lesbians to exclude bi and pan women form lesbian spaces.
Bi and pan women: coin the phase Bi Lesbian to explain there lived experiences.
Many LBGTQIA in 2024: I fucking hate the phase Bi Lesbian.😡😡😡😡
Radfems: based know what do you feel about transgender people and sex workers.😍😍😍😍
Lesbian separatism is biphobia.
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i-love--you · 6 months
@v01dv0r3 told me to kill myself on a post from last year at a terrible mental state because of my political beliefs. TRAs aren't just "trying to live their lives," they go out of their way to harass and hurt people. Add them to the blocklist ✨
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solisaureus · 8 months
Everything I Hate About Rick Riordan's Interpretation of the Hunters of Artemis
I believe that Rick Riordan has good intentions and that he has done a lot to promote inclusivity in YA fantasy, both at a fictional representation level and at a level of authorial diversity. However, he has fumbled the ball numerous times in his writing, and my biggest complaint against him is his handling of the Hunters of Artemis. So I wrote an essay on everything I hate about it.
Part I: Mythological context
Artemis is the ancient Greek goddess of the hunt, nature, unwed maidens, animals, archery, childbirth, and other domains. She is known for keeping a company of nymphs and inhabiting the wilderness with them, giving rise to Riordan’s concept of the Hunters of Artemis.
Artemis is also famous for being a virgin goddess, vowing never to marry. The concepts of virginity and marriage in ancient times and the understanding we have of them today are quite different. Here is an excerpt describing Artemis (and Athena’s) status as virgin goddesses from Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity by Sarah Pomeroy:
“The Artemis of classical Greece probably evolved from the concept of a primitive mother goddess, and both she and her sister Athena were considered virgins because they had never submitted to a monogamous marriage. Rather, as befits mother goddesses, they had enjoyed many consorts. Their failure to marry, however, was misinterpreted as virginity by succeeding generations of men who connected loss of virginity only with conventional marriage. Either way, as mother goddess or as virgin, Artemis retains control over herself; her lack of permanent connection to a male figure in a monogamous relationship is the keystone of her independence.”
Note how this differs from modern Western concepts of marriage and virginity. Marriage, for a woman of antiquity, means a monogamous, submissive union with a man. A virgin, in the context of Artemis and her Hunters, is an unmarried, independent woman, not a woman who does not desire sex or romantic love. It is likely that Riordan, as a classics scholar, knows this.
Artemis was known to keep companions in the myths, both men and women. Orion is the most famous male companion of Artemis, and in some iterations of the myth he is a lover of Artemis. Another notable figure is the nymph Callisto, who was exiled from the Hunters after Zeus raped and impregnated her in Hesiod’s Astronomia. (According to Hyginus’s recounting of this story, Zeus seduced Callisto by disguising himself as Artemis, insinuating that Callisto and Artemis had been lovers). I assume this is where Riordan got the idea that becoming “smitten with boys” (The Titan’s Curse, p. 38) gets you kicked out of the Hunters.
Another known devotee to Artemis was Hippolytus. In the play Hippolytus by Euripides, the eponymous character (the son of Theseus with the Amazon Hippolyta), was enamored with the hunt and had no desire for marriage, worshipping Artemis as his patron. His disinterest in romance offended Aphrodite, and she cursed Theseus’s wife Phaedra to fall in love with Hippolytus. The rest of the play does not end well for either of them, but the important thing is that ancient Greek plays did acknowledge unmarried male devotees of Artemis. This, combined with the myth of Orion, confounds Riordan’s choice to interpret the Hunters as exclusively female.
Part II: Feminist separatism
So, given the existence of Orion and Hippolytus, where does the anti-men thing come from? One possible explanation is the story of Actaeon, who spied on Artemis while she was bathing, and was harshly punished for his indecency when Artemis transformed him into a deer and set his hunting dogs on him. But mythologically, the Hunters were not exclusive to women, and in a modern context, I think Riordan’s interpretation of them as such is inappropriate and irresponsible.
In the 1970s, there was a movement to form communities of exclusively lesbians who seek to escape patriarchal society by forming insular colonies, known as lesbian separatism. On a surface level, it might seem empowering — many lesbians and other women seek to escape the male gaze and heteronormative expectations, and making their own exclusive all-female social communities may seem like a utopian escape. But this movement was notoriously transphobic, with these lesbian separatist communities explicitly rejecting transgender women and relying on gender bioessentialism to determine who was “really” a woman or a lesbian. It was gatekeeping in its most radical form (Separatism by Andrew Matzner).
So for Riordan’s Hunters to model feminist separatism (except with celibate women instead of lesbians) is a similar TERF trap. It is never clarified in canon whether the female requirement for membership includes either closeted or out transgender women, or if the Hunters expel transgender men who come out after joining the Hunters. Given that the Hunters — a community of people who seek to reject conventional patriarchal society — would likely appeal to queer people of all ages, genders, and sexual identities, why is it exclusive to adolescent celibate girls?
Part III: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
In The Dark Prophecy, Riordan supplements the lore of his Hunters with a bombshell: female Hunters who fall in love with each other are expelled for breaking their oath of virginity. Emmie, who is Hemithea of ancient myth and had been a part of the Hunters for millennia, was excommunicated with her lover Jo, and they form a new life together in Indianapolis. This is described as a voluntary, heartwarming departure and a show of the two women’s commitment to each other.
The positive spin that Riordan puts on this story is shocking, considering the fact of the matter is that these characters were forced to choose between their family and their queer love. Losing one’s family, especially one that had been Emmie’s whole life for literal ages, as a result of coming out is a homophobic tragedy any way you look at it. How are we supposed to think positively of Artemis or the Hunters after seeing them cast out their own because of their lesbian relationship? Especially when LGBTQ homelessness as a result of this exact trauma is such a prominent problem?
Hell, in The Sun and the Star, Nico di Angelo expresses that his worst fear in coming out as gay was to be abandoned by his friends or ostracized by his community (p. 216, 219). Yet this is exactly what happened to Emmie and Jo when they came out in the Hunters. The fact that this outcome is acknowledged as terrifying and traumatic in The Sun and the Star makes it baffling that it’s framed as congenial and unavoidable in another Riordan book.
The fact that the Hunters are a militant force makes the expulsion of lesbians reminiscent of another notable LGBTQ rights issue: Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT). This American legislation, which was in effect from 1994 to 2011, prohibited openly gay, bisexual, or lesbian individuals from serving in the armed forces. It was acceptable to be closeted while serving, but disclosing one’s identity as lesbian, gay, or bisexual resulted in being discharged. The repeal of DADT in 2011 was seen as a major victory for LGBTQ rights in America…which makes it concerning that Riordan would implement the same policy for his fictional militia in a book that was published in 2017. And then portray it as positive and empowering.
Riordan doubling down on the “no romance allowed” aspect of his iteration of the Hunters by excluding lesbians from membership is a bizarre commitment to his misconstrued translation of the ancient Greek concept of virginity. Remember that Artemis’s vow of virginity was a commitment to independence and a rejection of marital submission to a man in a patriarchal society, not a condemnation of romance and sexuality. By this definition, virgins include lesbians, and it is ridiculous to construe two women’s romantic commitment to each other as violating the oath of virginity. Riordan’s choice to vilify lesbians in the Hunters was his choice, not an appropriate application of mythology. Considering that Artemis has been used as a relatable cultural icon for modern lesbians, this seems especially insidious.
Part IV: Asexual misrepresentation
Asexuality is a spectrum of queer identities which describe those that experience little to no sexual attraction to other people of any gender. Aromanticism is a related spectrum of queer identities entailing little to no romantic attraction or interest in other people of any gender. There is a very broad range of asexual and aromantic experiences, including those that overlap with other queer experiences, including lesbianism. Asexuality is not the same thing celibacy and aromanticism is not the same thing as being single. Rick Riordan does not seem to grasp this, construing his anti-romance portrayal of the Hunters as a haven for aromantic and/or asexual girls such as Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano.
While a community like the Hunters, with its emphasis on rejecting patriarchal, heteronormative standards, would certainly appeal to many aromantic and/or asexual individuals (as well as most other queer people), there are several issues with conflating the lifestyle of Riordan’s Hunters with asexuality/aromanticism.
First, the Hunters in this setting are exclusively young girls, with the oldest being Thalia Grace, who is 15. Feeding into the stereotype that asexual/aromantic people are immature and childish is hardly positive representation. Second, requisite celibacy is not the same thing as natural asexuality. In fact, I find the whole enforced celibacy, anti-romance thing weirdly Catholic and repressive for a group of people devoted to a Pagan goddess of nature and unconventional independence.
I will iterate it again, this is a reductive, ill-fitting application of the ancient concept of virginity that is associated with Artemis. It is valid for modern asexuals and aromantics to admire and relate to the mythology of Artemis, but Riordan’s misapplication of this association does a disservice to asexuals, aromantics, and queer community as a whole. Riordan’s Hunters feed the harmful, incorrect stereotype that asexuals and aromantics look down on all forms of romantic/sexual love (including queer love) and see themselves as superior to the culture of love and sex. This is not positive aromantic/asexual representation.
Part V: Alternative interpretations
With all of this said, the Hunters serve an important narrative role in Riordan’s stories and a lot of potential as an alternative life path for demigods. Abolishing the Hunters would do the story and its setting a disservice; but I believe they should’ve been written very differently.
The Hunters should maintain their core purpose of an uprooted existence, rejecting conventional society to connect with nature. They should provide community for those who are not served by the heteronormative, cisnormative patriarchy. This would include people of all ages, genders, and romantic/sexual identities. There should be an emphasis on solidarity among marginalized sexual and gender identities instead of overt hostility and gatekeeping.
Members of the Hunters should be discharged only when they decide to rejoin mainstream society or settle down with a lifestyle that is incompatible with the aforementioned purpose of the Hunters. I believe this structure would be far more empowering and liberating than what Riordan has envisioned.
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yurdior-blog · 8 months
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Introduction post btw:
My name is July (like the month) or Venus. I’m African American. I was born in California and live in Louisiana.
I’m straight. (A straight radfem? Yes it is torture for both me and anyone who dates me. Update: I think I’m asexual and I have romantic attraction towards men but I’m romantically bi-curious so)
I’m a Pisces if anyone is into that. I’m 22 years old.
I’m anti porn, pro abortion (I don’t like the term pro choice), anti sex work, pro lesbian, anti gender ideology, and anti religion.
I am pro separatism but don’t agree with telling straight women (or any woman) to go against their sexuality. There is no such thing as a trans inclusive radfem.
I am a left leaning moderate. You could say I’m a leftist but that political party had been over run by porn loving males and gender bending freaks. My messages are open for everyone.
Radfems mutual me 😌
I also have a discord I can share in messages. The discord is open to people with opposing views since it’s for debating but there’s a private radfem section if you verify yourself.
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nansheonearth · 4 months
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Is lesbian separatism possible in 2023?
Posted by By Lesbian Herstory December 20, 2023No Comments
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Q&A style posts on LesbianHerstory.com are an opportunity for readers to ask questions that serve as prompting topics for LH to write about. Questions can be advice-based, about our hot takes, asking whether we’ll cover a certain event or figure from history, or about lesbian news and media – you name it. Send your questions/prompts to [email protected] or DM them to the Lesbian Herstory Instagram.
Reader’s Question: How do you see lesbian separatism in the current age of hyper-individualism? Do you believe in it, what can it look like?
Separatism, at its core, is about independence. Cambridge Dictionary defines separatism as “the belief held by people of a particular race, religion, or other group within a country that they should be independent and have their own government or in some way live apart from other people.” 
In 2023, when it’s cool to be fluid and non-specific, lesbian separatism can be as simple as defending the definition of lesbianism. The lesbian sexual orientation is an independent, defined class of female homosexuals who should not be appropriated. Only female homosexuals should govern lesbianism. But beware – saying that will get you classed as a gatekeeper.
Dictionary definitions describe differences. Difference is great. In a way, dictionaries practice separatism. Language separates things from one another by naming how they’re different: the very core of what makes things things is what makes them unique from other things. Lesbianism’s uniqueness, what makes a lesbian a lesbian, is being both a female and a homosexual. A lesbian is a female who is exclusively attracted to other females. We don’t abstain from any dormant attraction to males – it doesn’t exist.
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Defining things accurately increases the distinctness of their outline. Like a muscle that’s been worked repeatedly, or a TV with all the technological bells and whistles to make the images crisp and clear, definition is about quality and clarity. Quality and clarity require separation, whether it be sifting flour before baking, or filtering water to make it drinkable. Separation is essential to navigating the world. Separation is a normal part of life. 
Lesbians require separation to make sense of themselves.
We define what exists so we can communicate reality. Acknowledging that bisexuality, heterosexuality and homosexuality are separate sexual orientations with separate definitions does not create differences. It refers to differences that already exist. We didn’t separate ourselves, nature did. It’d be pretty boring if we were all the same.
You will hear people say the anti-separatist mantra “sexuality is fluid.” It is convenient for the powerful–those who gain power for being opposite-sex attracted–to leave homosexuals without distinction. Without distinction, without a unique language to pinpoint and explore that distinction, oppressed groups cannot articulate their treatment. Their treatment, ironically, is because they are different to what’s expected and everybody knows it. Even the anti-labellers.
Reproduction is still considered humanity’s main purpose. Forced reproduction is the root of both misogyny and homophobia. Patriarchal religion did a number on us. A homosexual body doesn’t want to fuck the opposite sex, no matter how many times we’ve wished it would… or even forced it to do the act without desire. We’re considered defective because of this lack of reproductive attraction. 
A bisexual is redeemable to heteropatriarchy because they are attracted to the sex they can reproduce with. Hallelujah, at least you have ‘normal’, child-producing desire! Heteropatriarchy doesn’t mind same-sex attraction as much if you’re capable of attraction to the opposite sex: the sex you’re “supposed to be” attracted to.
The homosexual experience is different. The female homosexual experience threatens the foundation of heteropatriarchy. *Gasp* females can have sexual and romantic desires independent from the existence of males? Females can be born with the trajectory NOT to desire males at all? ONLY desiring other females? *Faint*
Oppressors deny the oppressed separation because they expect us to assimilate to the larger powerful body for a sense of belonging–which is very important to tribal creatures–or else we are considered a threat to be punished. We can pretend to be what’s demanded of us, even to ourselves. That is how some lesbians date and sleep with men, despite their true nature, before acknowledging their lack of attraction to them. But we cannot change our nature, even by force. 
When it’s argued that sexual orientation isn’t innate, that it’s a spectrum–that we’re all bisexual with preferences–then homosexuals are denied themselves. It’s ironic, considering our difference–our attraction ONLY to the same sex–is the exact thing targeted by homophobes.
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Politics is defined by the way different people interact. Our interactions are influenced by power, culture, history, context, authority, institutions and environment, among other things. Pretending we aren’t separated into classes, often hierarchised into powerful and disempowered people, keeps rulers dominating. It’s gaslighting.
Naming differences shouldn’t hierarchise them. That’s why it’s imperative we simultaneously remember we are, whether we like it or not, always part of the larger human body regardless of how remote we live with our own kind. We are different. But we are all humans. Separatism and integration can coexist.
Separatism can be as simple as advocating for lesbianism’s definition: female homosexuality. Unfortunately, people go as far as to accuse us of being exclusionary, as if we’re bullies for being female, being homosexual, and defending lesbianism as the word to describe female homosexuality. There is a huge difference between oppression and hurt feelings.
The decision of when to separate and when to integrate should be class-based and/or personal. But the lesbian’s choice is consistently made public. We’re guilted for not crossing our boundaries and integrating when it’s demanded of us. We’re guilted for wanting a room of our own.
The expectation that lesbians never separate, never outline the definition of our sexual orientation–and are punished if we do–is symptomatic of our oppression. Disempowered classes of people need space away from the powerful. Is it shocking that there is so much resistance to lesbian separatism when we’re both homosexual and female? I don’t see male-only gay clubs getting the same reaction.
What does lesbian separatism look like?
Most lesbians (86%; 1200 responders) on the Lesbian Herstory Instagram believe that lesbian separatism should look like a series of approaches and levels of commitment, rather than an ultimate destination (such as a remote lesbian commune). 
Some approaches to lesbian separatism that people mentioned:
Creating, supporting, defending and engaging with lesbian-only spaces
Questioning society and how suitable it is for us, not the other way around
Building and prioritising lesbian community and connections
Being respected and accepted as a separate, unchangeable sexual orientation 
Living with only lesbians
Learning about and supporting the most disempowered lesbians
Deliberately choosing lesbians over and over again
Lesbians making, enjoying and celebrating our own culture
Consuming lesbian media, especially made by lesbians
Learning our history and passing it down
Standing up to lesbophobes, including female homophobes
Buying from and supporting lesbian business owners
Uplifting, investing in and donating to lesbian charities, organisations, websites and initiatives 
Just over half (56%) thought lesbian separatism was necessary, the same percentage thought it was possible.
One person critiqued lesbian separatism as “not caring about the rest of the community by caring about self-identity and safe places.” Lesbians do not self-identify as lesbians, however, we’re female homosexuals whether we identify as one or not. We are oppressed by the rest of the community, meaning our seeking safety and encouraging resistance is not the root of the issue but a reaction to it.
Another said that lesbian separatism is about “removing men (and their culture) from your life, centring your life around women.” The glaring problem with this take is that it equates lesbianism with feminism. As if lesbianism is the feminist choice to centre women: the very concept of “political lesbianism.” Unfortunately, political lesbianism has strong ties to feminist land separatism and its history. When I say “lesbian,” I mean female homosexual. When I say lesbian separatism, I mean female homosexual separatism.
I believe in lesbian separatism as an adjective to describe a range of choices more than an absolute noun. We don’t have the power to slice ourselves off from the body of humanity, becoming a fully separate chunk of flesh living untethered to our natural core. But we do have the power to advocate that our natural differences are not problematic. To be respected and kept safe from hate-motived violence. In a world that erases lesbianism, any meaningful lesbian-centred action is separatist. 
We ostracise lesbians from living a more lesbian-centred life by suggesting integration and separatism are mutually exclusive. Suggesting they are an either/or proposition creates two camps of lesbians: lesbians crossing their boundaries to integrate into harmful homophobic monoliths for a sense of belonging, versus pariah lesbians who are outcasted by the aforementioned homophobic monolith for defining themselves separately. 
Many lesbians “queer” themselves, desperately avoiding the same fate of the pariah lesbians who acknowledge lesbians are a distinct class of female homosexuals. Everyday kinds of separatism, like refusing to call yourself “queer” and opting for specifics, requires confidence. Confidence is stolen from lesbians. Instead, our female-socialised accomodating nature is preyed upon so we feel too guilty to build a community of our own. Lesbian separatism is not only possible but absolutely necessary.
We keep these articles free so they’re accessible to all lesbians. But we don’t have much money ourselves, which is why we don’t post much. Support Lesbian Herstory by buying merch or donating
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
why dont you like lesbihonest-art btw
sorry, i drafted this for later and then forgot to post.
okay, well, firstly, she's a TERF. not subtle about being a radfem.
secondly, she is not very accepting of bi women. she's of the belief that we are always below lesbians and any culture we claim to have is actually stolen and belongs solely to them. she's a lesbian separatist and she's not kind about it.
she's like, in her 20s iirc. really immature for her age. and like anyone who associates with her, anyone she disagrees with is called a lesbophobe. that doesn't strike me as really knowing and focusing on what you claim to be fighting for.
there really isn't any reason to support her unless you're also just as selfish, bigoted, and ahistorical.
but, y'know, she's deactivated her blog, so it doesn't matter now.
radfems don't fucking interact and dogpile me, i really don't want to hear it actually.
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f1minist · 19 days
Feminist Youtube Videos for Every Topic
A collection of feminist content, organized topically for ease.
on separatism and heterosexuality
why separatism is good
we're gonna die sometime. might as well be separatists.
stop choosing patriarchy
separatism is a choice
biggest impact, but most won't do it
on vetting men
the benefits of separatism are endless
men cannot be rehabbed
of course the slave is full of rage for her slave master
Lesbian Stuff:
who can use the word 'lesbian'?
on defending gay rights and spaces
what are lesbians supposed to do about het women?
gender critical lesbophobia
the constant rage for gold star lesbians
Political Lesbian Critique:
a simple breakdown of political lesbians
political lesbians... are you ok?
political 'lesbians' are not actually lesbians
i didn't 'come to lesbianism'. i was always here.
homosexuality is not a choice
for those who confuse polilez vs febfem
Comp Het Critique:
comp het isn't a thing
lesbihonest-art (RIP) on comp het
on lesbian experience, by @sunlight-beauty
on comp het, by @rakastiikeri
sespursongles (RIP) on comp het
Preferred Pronouns:
on 'cis' and other language
pronouns are rohypnol
preferred pronouns? no.
what are your pronouns?
Anti Make-Up / Beauty / Femininity:
3 years without makeup: 5 benefits i've experienced
sephora girls: why are ten year olds wearing make-up?
marked women
makeup isn't empowerment
why i stopped wearing makeup
bimbofication: a dangerously idiotic trend
empowerment? no.
give the middle finger to patiarchy
radfems in eyeliner
makeup infinity
on makeup and radical feminism
maintaining the status quo hurts all women
the audacity of the bare-faced woman
critiquing is not shaming
why do women do beauty?
choice feminism is a lie
actually gender critical
Anti Surogacy / Natalism / Procretion:
about mothers
forced pregnancy is involuntary servitude
egg "donation" is exploitation
on sperm giveaways
motherhood is not untouchable
homosexuality does not include reproduction
why i don't want kids
why i'm childfree
on procreation and patriarchy
Porn / Sex Work Commentary:
instagram vs porn
'sex-positive feminism' benefits men (and hurts women)
the influence of porn on the trans trend
on 'sex work'
speaking out on prostitution
'sex work is work'? no, not really.
let's stop acting like 'sex work' is empowering
is porn 'for women' okay?
porn is apocalyptical
'ethical porn' cannot exist
stop glamourizing 'sex work'
porn is the pinnacle of evil
is r/antiwork pro exploitation?
Trans Critical:
mainstream, revisionist, queer nonsense
why transwomen don't have 'female brains', from @ilistened2transwomen
why the hate?
why i decided to stop using the term 'transwoman'
on trans rights activists
TRAs loooove white men
the untouchable male creep - AGPs on parade, from @ilistened2transwomen
'intersectional' does not mean 'trans inclusive'
non-binary is deeply rooted in misogyny
25 questions for trans activists
women's sports are not a dumping ground for mediocre men
on "identifying as" women
stacia samaya on 'non-binary'
why sex is binary
trans rights, or trans privileges?
always chasing the dragon
27 ways in which trans activism is harmful
the actual human rights law
on 'trans women are women'
is transitioning ever 'the best' option?
autogynephilia - a brief overview
the rise of the heterosexual queer
phobia indoctrination
transing away the gay
5 tips for talking gender critical, by @runawaysiren940
the transing of language
autogynephilia, not dysphoria
rainbow-washed progressivism
transwomen are not women
how i became gender critical
autogynephilia explained
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dopamine-thief · 7 months
It'll never not be funny to me how anti m-specs call m-spec lesbians "biphobic" when.. biphobes were literally the ones who forced bi people out of the lesbian label in the first place.
The lesbian separatism movement has roots in biphobia whether you like it or not. Lesbians living their lives and using labels that they feel most comfortable with is not "biphobic" - and it's disgusting that you'd think that way.
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toddstool · 1 year
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beatrix (pseudonym) 22
*i will not follow back if you're a minor, post gore, or are a male! i do not interact with psychopaths, sociopaths, or narcissists, female or otherwise. learn how to be a person. addicts and people with delusions and other mental illnesses are okay tho dw. polilez fuck OFF. trans men and dysphoric females welcome ❤*
hello :D u can call me trix or todd. rad-leaning, trying to be a feminist. trying to be nice. pro lgb and gender non conformity. bi but celibate bcuz im more osa. i <3 female separatism. i do not male blorbo post 😔, ur safe here. i have memory problems so dont ask me to remember jack shit, but I'll try. personal posts tagged #trix talking. useful things tagged #reference. kind of a femcel.
anti: natalism, religion, racism, pornography, prostitution, surrogacy, homophobia, misogyny, male violence, beauty culture, the domination over nature, capitalism, bdsm and kink, the nuclear family, agriculture
passionate about soil science and living intertwined with nature (that sounds so hippie sry). my main goal in life is to homestead and live with other female separatists in a big ol' food forest and to protect women and girls. im also interested in sustainable living.
i like animals :^) i like veganism but i still eat and use some animal products if they are given to me otherwise i do not endorse animal farming and promote it's abolishment. FORAGING AND SCAVENGING IS #1 YAAH YAHOO BEST LIFSTYLE LEZGO
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big fan of eco t3rror1sm and female wrongs.
i will some times post about side interests like: kpop (but I also hate it), gardening, my drawings, my bunny, or just my day to day.
all in all, i hate the male way of living, of domination and violence. i heart vaccines, divorce, and abortion so don't even try me. i don't really participate in discourse cuz that's silly. im usually sympathetic and understanding to both sides if reasonable and about a nuanced topic. *discord for a future woman's commune is under construction* i do my best to be a good ally to woc and lesbians, but call me out on anything <3 if we're long-time mutuals, dm me for my insta account!!
dni interact if u ever made fun of this baby:
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anyways bai :3 🐞🖍🍊🌙🏖🌱🐛🌎♓
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crookedm1lkshake · 1 year
"Transgendersim" and "heterosexuality" are abominations
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