#bi qpoc
rolaplayor101 · 2 years
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Happy bi visibility day!! From your friendly neighborhood genderqueer Native American he/they :)
Buy on Redbubble!! Commissions open, DNI proshippers/antiantis/queerphobes/etc in About Me, brighter version under cut
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My commissions are open!! Tips are also welcome! Just dm me!
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softbinary · 1 year
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i made bread
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showmethesneer · 1 year
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I am so proud to be the sapphic enby goddess bicon i was put on this earth to be. And I'm also proud of you all for being the queerest, most authentic you that you can. Even if that means keeping your queer quiet. I love you.
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abyssal-debonair · 1 year
“Racism combined with the forces of stigma, phobia, discrimination and bias associated with gender and sexuality have too often erased the contributions of members of our community."
This Juneteenth, uplift the Black queer folk who are far too underappreciated these days.
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qpoc-culture-is · 2 years
qpoc-culture-is is an account for queer people of colour to share their experiences and overall hang out! 
Start your culture-is asks with "QPOC/Queer POC culture is. . ." or feel free to specify, for example, "Black queer culture is. . .", "POC lesbian culture is. . ." , "QPOC system culture is. . ."
Disclaimer: you must be bodily POC to talk about your experiences as POC, this means headmates in white-bodied systems who have memories of being another race cannot make QPOC culture is asks, as they haven't lived life as QPOC in reality
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We welcome all kinds of people, including but not limited to:
Any good-faith queer identity
White-passing POC
Transracial and transethnic adoptees, they are free to discuss their experiences here too
People with stigmatised disabilities, mental disorders, and neurodivergencies
Systems and plurals of all origins
People who use xenogenders, neopronouns, MOGAI/LIOM labels, and more specific identities
People who are both queer and queern't
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Please do not interact if you are:
Homophobic, transphobic, racist, anything similar
Queer exclusionist, bigot, and/or gatekeeper
Anti-MOGAI, anti-xenogender, anti-neopronoun
Anyone who uses the terms transracial/transethnic to describe identifying as or transitioning to a race they're bodily not, or otherwise in a non-adoptee context
Anyone who isn't bodily POC but 'identifies as' POC
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Inspired primarily by @non-bi-nary-culture-is @xenogender-culture-is @queer-muslim-culture-is @lgbtqcultureis @plural-culture-is and @trans-culture-is , boosts are appreciated from anyone!
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About the Owner
We are @spirimogai, a queer plural system who is biracial (black and white mixed) and a transracial/transethnic adoptee
Names: The Galactic Hemisphere / Eris / Solaris / Cosmos / Crescent Age: 16 Pronouns: they/them and space neos Race: biracial - black (afro-caribbean) + white (welsh) Religion: celtic pagan buddhist
Gender: non-binary, kenic + xenic Sexuality: abrosexual, gay/cinthean, demisexual, hyperromantic Other: twinkby, aldernic, transvestite, drag queen/king/thing Alterhumanity: spiritual and psychological alterhuman
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ernieomega · 1 year
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Ernie Omega
By Ori Paul Levi 2022
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dieamoric · 2 years
solidarity is for white people
i don't blame qpocs for feeling ostracized and alienated from the lgbt/queer community, especially when the most vocal of us are white, benefit from racism, and a lot of us even weaponize our whiteness
we are never going to stand as a unionized front against our cishetallo oppressors as long as there are intercommunity issues between our different sexualities and genders, and races. and especially not when there are so called queer factions within the queer community who hate intersectionality with everything they have.
we can't just put aside our issues and "focus on the bigger picture" when so many of us treat qpocs like shit for having vastly different experiences and presentations than white queers. we NEED to start listening to their needs and wants before we white people focus on our own, whether that's smaller issues or bigger ones that keep us from being truly intersectional.
and yes this includes slur discourse. ._.
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ms-ss · 2 years
I’m shooting into the ether here, but I’m hoping someone has an answer (dm me if that feels safer): where and how tf do black bi’s meet?? Asking for quite literally myself bc I’m tired af trying to look on these “dating” apps or out on these streets. Even just a space for platonic relationships would be nice.
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yeehaww-sims · 1 year
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I'm only a little late, but better late than never!! Today I have for you: 16 recolours and an overlay, totaling to 17 pieces of cc!
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I know some of these have been recoloured for pride before, but I've never been happy with some of them, so I did it myself!
This started out as a personal recolour series for myself and my partner, but I wanted to share it with everyone! Because of that, please note that certain flags/terms were chosen with my personal wants/preferences in mind first, and then others I thought others might want/are never included in any recolour. If a flag is included that isn't the most popular version of it, or feels as though it might not fit, this would be why.
BGC, some meshes included, some not.
150 swatches per item, not including the overlays.
Overlays are located in the Toenail category.
The hoodies are an update to This Piece of CC that I made last year, and will replace the originals.
I realize this is a LOT of flags. It’s a lot for me to even remember. Feel free to remove swatches you’re not going to use, the original will always remain up if you want any back!
I won't be doing flag requests for these, but if you have a flag you'd like to see in game, may I interest you in This?
Every single item uses the same flags; if you feel something doesn't fit a particular piece of CC that's not my problem.
Don’t claim it as your own, and please feel free to tag me if you use it!
Most textures were sourced from Pride-Flags Deviant art, LGBTA Wiki, Tumblr, Twitter, or google search.
T[SW]ERFS/Bigots/Exclus die! You are not welcome to this CC :)
Meshes: [Answer] [Illusion] [Paper Plane] [Circle Earring]* [Bottlecap Earring]* [Adult Hoodies] [Bandana]* [Necklaces] [Child Hoodie] [Binder] * = REQUIRED
Below is a list of every flag included. Some flags include uncensored reclaimed slurs. If you don’t care for/disagree with a flag/term, just delete it from the file. I do not care, I will not be involved in any discourse, and if you message me about it, I will just ignore you. Please respect my boundaries. Thank you. Happy pride!
See also: [Pronoun Hoodies] [More Pride Flags v2] [Pride Thigh Highs] <- Made by my partner, using the same flags as below!
Usually I would link every single flag, but Tumblr refused to let me save the post while I was in the process of doing so. So, instead, you can find all the flag's sources and meanings [HERE]
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[Rainbow Flag] [Gilbert Baker 8 Stripe] [Gilbert Baker Diversity] [Philadelphia Pride] [Progress] [Progress + Intersex] [QPOC] [Gay Anarchy] [Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism] [Abrosexual]
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[Achillean] [Agender] [AlloAce] [AlloAro] [Alterhuman] [Amatopunk] [Androgynous] [Angled AroAce] [Aromantic] [Aroflux]
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[Aroflux] [Aromantic Spectrum] [AroAce] [AroAce Spectrum] [Asexual] [Aceflux] [Aceflux 2] [Asexual Spectrum] [Autigender] [Bear]
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[Bigender] [Bigender 2] [Bisexual] [Bi Gay] [Bi Lesbian] [Boyflux] [Bungender] [Catgender] [Ceterosexual]
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[Cinthean] [Demiboy] [Demigirl] [Demigender] [Demiromantic] [Demisexual] [Diamoric] [Dollboy] [Dyke] [Enbian]
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[Enbian] [Faggot] [Femme] [Futch] [Gay Man/Vincian] [Gay Man/Vincian 2] [Gay Man Double Mars] [GENDERANARCHY] [Genderfae] [Genderfaun]
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[Genderfluid] [Genderflux] [Genderless] [Genderpunk] [Genderqueer] [Gendervoid] [Gendervoid 2] [Girlflux] [Greyromantic] [Greysexual]
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[Heartless Aromantic] [Homoflexible] [Inclusionist] [Intergender] [Intersex] [Intersex 2] [Leather] [Lesbian] [Lesbian 2] [Lesbian Labrys]
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[Lesbian Trans Labrys] [Lesbian Trans Labrys 2] [Lesbian Sappho] [Lesbian apersnickitylemon] [Lesbian Double Venus] [Lesboy] [Loveless Aromantic] [Loveless Aromantic 2] [Loveloose] [Lovequeer]
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[Maverique] [Multigender] [Multisexual] [Multisexual Spectrum] [M-spec Gay] [M-spec Lesbian] [Nebularomantic] [Nebulasexual] [Neurogender] [Neutrois]
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[Nonbinary] [Nonhuman Unity] [Non-SAM Aromantic] [Objectum Sexual] [Omnisexual] [Omni Gay] [Omni Lesbian] [Oriented AroAce] [Otherkin & Kingender] [Pangender]
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[Pansexual] [Pan Gay] [Pan Lesbian] [Polyamorous] [Polyamorous 2] [Polyamorous 3] [Polygender] [Polysexual] [Ply Gay] [Ply Lesbian]
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[Pupgender] [Queer Anarchy] [Queer Chevron] [Queer] [Queerplatonic] [Sapphic] [Stargender] [Systemfluid] [Therian] [Tomboy]
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[Transgender] [Transandrogynous] [Transaporine] [Transfeminine] [Transfeminine 2] [Transmasculine] [Transmasculine 2] [TransNeuFem] [TransNeuMasc] [Transneutral]
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[Transneutral] [Transoutherine] [Transxenine] [Trigender] [Twink] [Two-spirit] [Unlabeled] [Unlabeled Gender] [Voidpunk] [Xenogender]
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @ts4pride @emilyccfinds @sssvitlanz
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Bi people of color deserve to be visible and accepted.
Bi disabled people deserve to be visible and accepted.
Bi trans folks & bi aspecs deserve to be visible and accepted.
You are worth so much; this day is yours too. Bi-ness is intersectional.
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denseboy · 2 years
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trudging through midterm szn
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softbinary · 9 months
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Support Black Artists
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natalia-lafourcade · 3 years
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afrixcanaquarian · 3 years
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Learning that my feminity and masculinity can exist in one space
& that I can I can feel sexy either way.
So here's a little reminder to keep up your spirit of self-discovery, because it can turn quickly into a moment of self-love.
Also, it's #freeAlex2k21 y'all letsgettit
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fushigikid · 3 years
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Slowly growing a personality (muscles)
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mrdyketator · 3 years
when anon says "erases queer history", they are very clearly talking about only western queer history. just an observation. people want to break out of the shackles of "gay culture" because it's making some of us feel like we are not gay enough or that we need to do certain things to be gay. in particular, non americans (and non westerners in general) are tired of seeing these queer culture and gay culture posts that simply do not address our realities. gay culture as a joke is funny but anon you're being very narrow sighted in saying that a person on tumblr denouncing "gay culture" is "erasing queer history"
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