#black and white rabbit wallpaper
charlesmansonatwar · 8 months
Bathroom Dallas
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Inspiration for a mid-sized transitional kids' black tile multicolored floor, single-sink, medium tone wood floor and wallpaper bathroom remodel with flat-panel cabinets, brown cabinets, white countertops, a freestanding vanity, a wall-mount toilet and an undermount sink
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idealfitnessdublin · 1 year
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Transitional Bathroom in Dallas
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michimonie · 5 months
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A ton of duck lockscreens and homescreens I painted last year. I don't know if anyone wants any of these, but just in case, here you go. I mainly just paint them for my own use, then post them, because if I want one, there might be someone else out there who wants one, too.
The first two are Italian comic and Ducktales 2017 versions of Scrooge on a christmas-themed background.
The next two home screens are made with Daffy Duck (It's easier for me to see the icons when the screen is in black and white...)
The last two are a Donald Duck one based on Chuck Jones concept art for the piano scene from Roger Rabbit, and a spooky Count Duckula the 18th wallpaper based on the Danger Mouse reboot version with his vegetable minions. The last one also comes with a matching icon.
These are all open for anyone to use (though don't steal them and claim them as your own, yadda yadda...), it's not like I created any of these characters, and I like when people can get things of characters they like.
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eggcompany · 1 month
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 5
“I’ll show you your rooms but then it’s straight to the bath! You’ve got grass and dirt all over you! Dirty boys.” Jaskier said as he stepped up the final stair. There were five doors. One was grey, Jaskier’s bedroom. One was a clean glossy white, the bathroom. And three were plain white, the boys’ rooms. 
“Our rooms ?” Eskel said and peaked around to look at Jaskier’s face. Jaskier smiled and turned to face them when he had his hand on the first doorknob. 
“Of course darlings. Everyone deserves some privacy. I have my room, you all have your rooms. Now this is… Geralt’s.” Jaskier said as he opened up the door. The wide eyed fluffy wolf walked into his room in front of his brothers. Geralt gasped. They all stood and gawked.  The walls were a calming space blue and the floor was covered in an amazing plush carpet. There was a full sized bed covered in a big duvet that had a moon and stars pattern on it along with matching pillows, (four pillows!) and a plushie that was a cute super soft black rabbit. There was a plain blue heavy duty plastic bin in one corner and cubbies on one wall that held blue and grey bins. And finally there was a TV up on the wall. 
“Th-this i-it’s for me? Just me? You did it for me? It’s mine?” Geralt asked and started to tear up. Eskel and Lambert looked at each other. This is what Bear got? What do we get?
Geralt ran over and hugged his daddy. Jaskier smiled and hugged him back tightly. 
“Yes darling. Now you can look around while I show your brother’s theirs.” Jaskier said and pulled away from Geralt, who started to look around. At the toys in the bin, the clothes, the balls and yoga mat under the bed. Jaskier pulled the other two toward the other doors and they could hear Geralt squeal. 
“Eskel darling this is yours.” Jaskier said as he threw open the door. Lambert looked like he was attached to an electric wire, he looked so excited. 
“Oh my gods… daddy did this for me?” Eskel said quietly and walked across the squishy mats on the floor. He looked around with bright eyes and a still tail. He looked at the toy bin and started wagging a smile as it all started to set in. He bounced up and down as he looked at the pretty red pattern on his wall and the big fuzzy bed. He gasped and looked over at the only slightly full bookcase. 
Jaskeir took Lambert's hand and walked him to the last room. Lambert was purring and smiling. 
“My room! My room! It’s my room isn’t it? Is it my room, daddy? Daddy is it my room?” Lambert said quickly and excitedly. Jaskier nodded and as he opened the door Geralt walked out of his with a chew ring in his mouth and walked to Eskel’s. 
Lambert let out a loud long high pitched noise that could be a meow or a whine. He shaked and wagged and smiled and flapped his hands around while looking around. He look in the plush carpet that was almost identical to Geralt’s but was a dark green and the carpet that went up the wall and the pastel wallpaper. He wanted to jump on to the big bed that had so many colorful quilts and pillows on it but he didn’t because he’s dirty. He squealed and laughed when he noticed the scratchy poles in two of the corners and the pile of toys in the other corner. He also gasped when he noticed the TV. 
Jaskier smiled and watched the youngest discover for a while. After they had a little bit of time he stepped back and whistled, calling each boy to come out and look at him. He clapped quietly. 
“Bathtime Witchers. Shuck off and pile your dirties in this basket.” Jaskier said and stood in front of the bathroom door with one of their dirty laundry baskets.
All three smiled and pulled their clothes that the center sent them home in, plain white shirts and grey scrub like pants. Jaskier couldn’t help ogling a bit. Each of them were splattered with scars. Over their very lovely nice big huge really really perfect muscles. Jaskier looked at the scars, bite marks, cuts, broken bones maybe? There were just so many. He should ask while they were in the bath. As soon as their pants were shucked Jaskier put the basket outside the door and opened it. 
“Now, only one at a time but when you get out or before you can sit on the floor. Just sit on a towel, okay babies?” Jaskier said as he grabbed two towels and put them on the floor near the door. There was still a good four feet between the towels and the bath. The boys looked over at the caddies on the sink. And were chattering to each other and smiling and wagging with their ears high above their heads
“Those are your bathroom baskets! We can keep them here or in your rooms or wherever. I keep mine in my room. There’s a comb, a brush, soaps um.. Oh washrags and loofahs and lotions! Baby Bear, yours is the blue one. Wolfie darling yours is brown. And Kitty Dearest yours is green. Why don’t you hold onto those until it’s your turn in the bath.” Jaskier explained and watched the boys examine each item in their basket before holding them close to their chests. They all nodded and Jaskier smiled and just watched them. So beautiful. Works of nature’s true talent. 
“Okay who's up first?” Jaskier asked as he blinked and got out of his pet worship. He plopped down onto his knees on the bathmat outside the large corner bath.  He turned and flipped closed the drain and started to fill the bath with hot-ish warm water. The boys said they liked hot baths but he didn’t want to burn them. He heard whispering for a moment before Geralt stepped up and squatted down next to him. 
“I wanna get a bath first, please. Lammy wants to go last though cause he gets embarrassed.” Geralt whispered. Jaskier nodded and took Geralt’s basket and put it on the floor next to him. 
“Alright test the water and if it’s good, hop in!” Jaskier told the white haired babe. Geralt stuck his hand in the water for a moment before frowning a bit. 
“Can it be a little bit more hot?” Geralt asked and Jaskier smiled and nodded and flicked the knob over a bit more. Geralt out his hand under the faucet. “Much better! Thank you, daddy.” He said and climbed into the tub. He gasped at first and Jaskier thought he was hurt. 
“It feels so good~” Geralt moaned out and flopped over so his whole front was pressed against the bottom of the tub and his knees were bent and his feet kicked up the side. He rolled over so he was belly up. Jaskier laughed at him and he wiggled around and got all soggy. The water slowly filled until it was only about four inches from the lip on the bath. Geralt scrubbed his face and ears with the back of his hands and made his happy high noise. 
Jaskier looked back and saw that Eskel was sitting crisscross with his eyes closed and taking deep breaths and Lambert was wrapped up in his towel asleep. The steamy air felt so nice to Jaskier so it probably felt amazing to the babes. 
Jaskier grabbed the bottle of body wash and a washcloth but he soon found that the bath water was already kind of discolored. Gods bless the massive hot water heated he splurged on when he bought the house. 
“Well my stinky boy, I’m going to let the water out because you’ve already got it dirty. How about we get a nice shwoer and wash away the dirt and then we can fill the tub and I can wash your hair and do all that? Sound better?” Jaskier asked as he let the water drain. Geralt nodded. Jaskier watched him stand up. He had such broad shoulders, such a storytelling back with all those scars… Jaskier was about waist level with Geralt when he noticed something. He hadn’t yet gone through their actual medical records, just their behavior part. 
“Geralt, love, are you neutered? Is that a Geralt thing?” Jaskier asked when he noticed that yeah, there was nothing there. There was nothing behind the wolf’s phallus. He glanced back at the other two but he couldn’t see. 
Geralt got all red in the face and reached down to cup himself shyly. 
“Um.. witchers are sterile but when everyone got scared that we would um… mate...and breed, centers and pounds started to kinda make a fail safe. I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t. I think they did it to all witchers. Since we’re already sterile it didn’t make us sick or fat like other pets.” Geralt explained and hid himself from Jaskier. Jaskier listened intently and nodded. 
“Yeah and some people think it’s better to be neutered. For aesthetics so they don’t have to see it when they use you.” Lambert angrily grumbled. He sat up in his towel burrito looking disgusted and mad. 
“That’s horrible! I’m so sorry that happened. And I’m so sorry that anyone ever saw you wonderfully brilliant boys as something to be- to be used. I don’t care either way. I care more about making you happy than aesthetics.” Jaskier said. He really hated people sometimes. Geralt stood in the now empty tub, pink from the water and from being asked about his… thing. 
“Okay shower time, baby bear. Do you care if I take off my shirt?” Jaskier asked as he stood. He could practically feel two pairs of eyes blazing into his back. Geralt shrugged, “I would like it a lot” he said quietly. 
Jaskier could feel the air around his ankles shift with the obvious wagging of the two outside the bath. Jaskier smiled and nodded and pulled his shirt up and over his head and tossed it over to Lambert who immediately took it up to his face. 
Jaskier reached and turned the water to go up to the showerhead instead of the faucet. He also flicked open the drain. He took the showerhead off the wall and held it away from the baby until it was nice and hot. Then, he turned and started with Geralt’s feet. He just sprayed him down and Geralt giggled a bit cause it felt so nice! Jaskier then sprayed away the dirt and ick from his calves, then thighs, butt and bits, tummy, chest, back, and then he handed the shower to Geralt. 
“I don’t wanna waterboard you, honey tart, do you get your face and hair wet for me.” Jaskier said and Geralt sprayed himself directly in his face and then got his hair all wet and flipped his hair over so he could rinse his neck. Jaskier took a handcloth and wiped some of the splashed droplets off his chest but his chest hair was already semi wet. All the while Jaskier went and checked on Eskel by squatting down and kissing his head and asking what he was doing. 
“Meditating. The air reminds me of the hot springs in the Keep. It feels nice on my scar too… it gets dry sometimes.” Eskel admitted. Jaskier gently brought his hands slowly toward the garish mark, slow enough for Eskel to pull away or nip him or tell him no. Finally Jaskier made contact, Eskel looked like he was ready to be smacked. Jaskier touched it lightly and pouted. 
“Poor baby. I’ll order you some special balm so it won’t hurt as bad. My precious Wolfie shouldn't hurt.” Jaskier kissed his scar near his mouth and Eskel looked so pretty. His eyes looked softer than dough and they were big and round and his shoulders were relaxed. 
“Daddy, ‘m done.” Jaskier heard and turned around to a soaked witcher with hair all in his face. He had his ears drawn down so no water got in. He looked droopy but happy. Jaskier got up and came back to him. 
“Oh good job Bear! Now plop down I’ll get your hair all shiny and soft in no time. Are you doing okay?” Jaskier asked and Geralt sat down and flipped the drain shut and smiled up at his daddy. Jaskier smiled and acted like Geralt just solved world hunger. 
“Oh good job! You are so smart! So helpful! Thank you baby!” Jaskier bent and kissed his head. Geralt was glowing and he made his little happy noise. That’s when Jaskier realized he didn’t even have a cup to rinse Geralt's hair with. The shower would be much too harsh and Jaskier didn’t wanna accidentally get soap in the baby’s eyes. 
“I forgot a cup! Can you all be good boys and stay here? I need to grab a plastic cup from the kitchen. Is that okay? You can close or leave the door open, whatever you boys wanna do.” Jaskier looked around at the boys all looked at each other and nodded. 
Jaskier ran down the stairs and got a blue plastic cup that he must’ve gotten from a slushie place or something and ran back up to find all three boys giggling.  Jaskier looks at them all. Eskel having rolled over onto his back, Lambert was still burritoed in his towel and had his leg stretched out in front of him, and Geralt was laughing in the almost full tub.
“What’s going on here? Who’s being a silly goose?” Jaskier asked as he put his hands on his hips and looked at each boy with a silly face. Lambert covered his mouth and Geralt just smiled and sunk down so his mouth was underwater. That left Eskel. 
“I said you look like a badger cause you got fluff on your tummy and you got fur.” Eskel said teasingly. Like a five year old saying you’re stinky. Jaskier faked extreme insult. He gasped and put his hand on his chest and did a big turn. 
“A BADGER? I’m not a badger! Silly boy. And I don’t have fur, I just have alot of chest hair.” Jaskier said and got back to Geralt who was wagging under the water and looking up at him like a hippo. Jaskier turned the water off and tapped the top of Geralt’s head lightly. 
“C’mon you little hippo, up with you. Time to wash this beautiful hair. I’ll wash your ears first though so try and stay still.” Jaskier told him and guided Geralt until he was recinling against the tub wall and Jaskier could get to the backs and tops of his ears. He would clean the insides of their ears later or tomorrow. 
Jaskier carefully brought the cup, now full of water, up to the pretty grey and white ear. He gently pressed the back of his ear against the surface of the water. Then he grabbed the chamomile shampoo up and gently rubbed it into each ear with his thumbs. By the time he rinsed them Geralt was just jelly. Big beautiful jelly. He was purring and looked half asleep. 
Jaskier didn’t say a thing the entire time he massaged conditioner into his ears or when he scrubbed his hair twice and left the conditioner in there for a while. He didn’t say anything when he turned around and Lambert was back to sleep and Eskel was silently meditating. 
Jaskier smiled and felt his heart fill with love and the feeling of contentment. He brought the cup up and rinsed out Geralt’s long white locks, which were much whiter now that they were clean. Geralt barely stirred when Jaskier brought a soapy wash rag up to wash his arms and back or when Jaskier stretched over him to turn him so he was long ways. He watched with droopy eyes as Jaskir washed him but by the time Jask was done he was already out cold again. 
“Baby… Geralt~... Sweetheart~... Baby Bear you need to get out so Wolfie can get in. You can have a nice fluffy towel.” Jaskier whispered into Geralt's ear. The puppy just opened his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. Jaskier didn’t budge though so Geralt sighed and stood up out of the lovely water. Jaskier brought him a towel and started to pat him dry. Jaskier put the now wet towel on the towel rack and brought Geralt a nice dry towel and let him go lay next to Lambert and doze off. Jaskier lightly touched Eskel’s hand and whispered to him. 
“Eskel honey, Bathtime darling. We can rinse in Geralt’s water and ten get you your own clean water. Come on my brilliant beautiful wolf. You can nap after.” Eskel opened his eyes and nodded. He held Jaskier’s hand and slowly got down into the tub. Jaskier grabbed Eskel’s caddy and slid Geralt’s near the towel rack for later. Jaskier got a rag and wet it in the water and rubbed at Eskel’s arms and legs and tummy and bits and back and neck. Eskel was only about half away as he realized all the water was drained and he went to stand but Jaskier settled him back down but scooted him forward so he was sitting in the middle of the tub.  
Jaskier turned on the shower and gently sprayed Eskel, avoiding his face and head. And then flicked the water back to the faucet. Jaskier was petting down Eskel's back when the babe spoke up to him. 
“Daddy, can I give you a hug? Like um uh skin to skin?” Eskel said timidly. He was really letting his walls crumble and be swept away. Jaskier smiled and pulled Eskel back to the wall of the tub by his hips. Jaskier reached over and pressed his back to Eskel’s and wrapped his arms around Eskel’s neck. Eskel relaxed and melted into the warmth of someone who loves him and the warm water that was cradling around him. 
“Of course, love. You can have as much skin to skin affections as you want. Did it make you feel better pup?” Jaskier said into the fluffy backside of Eskel’s left ear. Eskel nodded. 
“Let me get you all cleaned up and washed. I got you lavender soap so you can smell as pretty as you look. You can rest now, let daddy take care of everything.” Jaskier rubbed up and down Eskel’s scarred biceps and then leaned back. He repeated the same ear, ahir, body as he did on Geralt. He had to wake up Eskel when he was done and the eldest babe got up, got dried off, and went and woke up his baby brother. 
Lambert kept a tight grip on his towel even once he was near Jaskier. Lambert was red as a tomato but let his covering fall. Jaskier smiled and put on his least judgmental face as he let Lambert sit down in the bath. 
Jaskeir kind of understood why Lambert was so… embarrassed. He had a tattoo on his hip that symbolized his sterilization and a bite mark scar on the inside of his thigh. Is this why he was so angry about being used? Was he used at a- a fuck toy? Stay calm Jask. You can be angry when you’re alone. 
Lambert stayed alert and awake but did relax a bit once he was in fresh warm water. Lambert’s hair needed a little extra love but three washes and it was quite fluffy. Lambert looked softer now. Smaller, more innocent, younger. A baby like he really was. 
Lambert got out and wrapped himself in a nice fluffy towel
Time to wake up the other two, get some clothes on, and go get cuddles- Uh watch a movie. 
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knight-dwx-09 · 2 years
Jaune Arc 0
A four years old kid name Jaune Arc, wearing a rabbit onesie, was in a bed listening to a bedtime story while Jonathan Arc, his grandpa was sitting beside him on a chair telling the story.
His room was a normal room for a small kid with blue and yellow wallpaper. A small table beside his bed and a a closet across the room. There's also a window on his left, showing the beautiful but scary forest.
"Then the hero slayed the demon king with his mighty holy sword. He save the princess and he along his friends live happily after" His grandpa finish as he close the book.
Jaune stared at his grandpa with a star in his eyes, fill with eagerness and thrill.
"I want to become a hero." Jaune exclaimed with excitement. "I want to protect everyone and marry the princess."
Jonathan smile as he softly patted Jaune head.
"And I believe that you can be a hero." He said with a soft smile and Jaune giggled from the head pat. "Welp, goodnight kiddo." He get up, put the chair away and walk toward the door.
"Good night granp." Jaune replied as he wave. His grandpa wave back and close the door behind him. Jaune fall back and pull up his sheets to cover almost all of his body. However, his body still shaking with exhilaration, imagined himself slay a demon king while everyone looking up to him with joy. He can't wait to grow up and go to a journey like in those stories. Slowly, all those energy in his body leak from his body as he become more and more tired, until he drifted to sleep, dreaming about becoming a hero that night. The small knight smiled in his sleep.
1 Year Later
Jaune now 5 years old, he was out playing with Saphron, Rouge, and Jeanne. He's wearing a pumpkin pete hoodie kid version that he got from those bad cereal, but that didn't stop him to get it, and wooden sword created by his dad on his hand.
"Help! I am surrounded by Grimm. Someone help me!" Jeanne yell with a crown made of paper on her head. She's wearing a white sundress and pink shoes.
"Don't worry my princess, your hero is here to protect you!" Jaune said as he stands beside her with his wooden sword ready to strike any monster near by.
"Rawrr! we gonna capture the princess and lock her away in a castle." Rouge said with a smile and a Beowolf hat on her. She's wearing an normal black shirt and blue jeans, and a black and white shoes. Her body was slightly bent down to look like a real life Beowolf.
"Yeah, you can't protect the princess little hero hahaha." Saphron laughed as she wearing the same Beowolf hat and in the same position as Rouge. A red T-shirt was on her body with light brown pants and dark brown shoes.
They are playing a hero story. Jaune as a hero, Jeanne as the princess, Rouge and Saphron as a Grimm. Jaune Arc always dream to become a hero like the story of his ancestors that his grandpa tell every night. A hero that protect everyone and make everyone happy, that is his dream.
Jaune Arc run to rouge to try strike her on her stomach, she voluntarily take the hit.
"Argg! the little hero has defeated me." Rouge cried out as she placed a hand where Jaune struck. She fall to her knee and then to her face before closing her eyes.
"Oh no! the little hero is much stronger than we thought." Saphron try hold her laugh from Rouge bad acting.
"Of course! the hero always win against the bad guy!" Jaune hold the sword above his head.
Jeanne watched with a smile, then she saw a butterfly fly into the forest, her eyes show curiosity as she begin to move.
"Come everyone, it's time to eat!" Juniper called out from inside the house as she come out. She was wearing a heart shape pink apron that has "The Best Mom" written on the front of it
"""Okay mom!""" Jaune, Rouge, and Saphron replied at the same. Rouge and Saphron are already on the way to their house, Juniper smiled and went to the house while the young Arc turn around to his twin sister.
"Come on si.." But when he look back, she was gone. He only see the paper crow that Jeanne wear on the grass and some footsteps towards the wood.
"Jeanne?" He tries to find his twin in the front of the forest but didn't found her, he look his house and back to the wood and the sword on his hand, his feet then started to move.
When Rouge and Saphron arrive in front of their house, Saphron look back to called out her younger twin. But she didn't see anyone, she the feel something was horrible wrong.
With Jaune
Jaune walks through the forest with his wooden sword. Even though the sun was out, the tree was blocking the sunlight making it kinda dark to see, the ground was fills with rock and was uneven, branches and bushes blocking his way, making thing difficult to walk through.
He look around "Jeanne, where are you?" He yell out, but there was no reply.
Jaune sigh and keep moving forward, then he hear a girl scream that sound like Jeanne, a cold shiver run down his spine, the scream make him uncomfortable and afraid. He run as fast as he can to the source of the scream, he jump and weave through the forest, he almost trip over by a roots but he manage to stay to his feet and keep running. When he finally reach it, he just froze in fear.
In front of her is a Beowolf slowly walking to his twin sister. Jeanne just sitting there, scare and shaking. He doesn't know what to do, his leg trembling, he was too scared to move. He had never fight a Grimm before, heck he had never see one before. He just froze with fear as he watch the Beowulf slowly get closer to his younger twin.
What am I gonna do? if I leave or don't do anything, Jeanne will get killed. But I am too scare to move.
But then he see tears running down her cheeks and something rise deep inside of him. His hand grip the wooden sword. He then start running at the Grimm. He doesn't know why his body move even though his leg was trembling in fear, but part of him tell him to protect his twin no matter what.
He tries to attack the Grimm, using his sword to strike at its leg but nothing had happen. It looked behind him. Jaune just stare at the Grimm red eyes, a shiver runs up his spine when he see those reds eyes staring to his soul. Then it slash his side with its claw, Jaune tries to block it with his wooden sword, however the blow break his sword and it hit the right side of his body. The force was so strong that it make him flies to the tree and crash into it.
"Arggg!!!" He scream in agony. Jaune feel a lot of pain throughout his whole body.
"Jaune!!" Jeanne cried out as her tears running down even more.
The Grimm look back at Jeanne making her flinch. Jaune just lying down as he grabbing his bleeding right shoulder, every time he tries to move it to grab the broken sword again, a throbbing of pain shoot out, the pain was too much for him to handle and stopping him to use it. He look back at her again as the Grimm turn back to her. Seeing his sister scared and crying in fear, it make the feeling he felt before stronger.
Come on.
He gritted his teeth as pushed his body with both of his hand. Even though he felt a immense pain throughout his whole body specially his right arm, he keep trying to get up. Because his sister still need his help. he will protect her no matter what, and that is an Arc promise and an Arc never goes back their word. He grab the broken sword with his left arm as he slowly rise up.
As the grimm get close to Jeanne, she sat there crying and shaking. When the Grimm is in front of her, it raise its claw ready to end her.
She shut tight her eyes, "PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" She cried out.
"ROOOAAAAARRRR!!!" It suddenly roar in pain.
She open her eyes in confusion, to see the Grimm staggering back with Jaune on its back, grabbing by its fur with right arm and stabbing its eyes over and over again with the other hand, his eyes were wide open and fill with determination and anger. The Grimm tries shake him off its back, but he hold tight on its fur to make sure he didn't let go. Her eyes were wide in awe and her mouth hang open a little.
"STAY AWAY FROM MY SISTER!!!" He roar as he keep stabbing to its eyes with all of his strength. But soon his clothes was grab by it and it throw him into his sister. Both of them crashed together with him on the top while she was in the bottom. It charged at them with a roar, it slashed down with its claw.
The sound of clothes and skin tearing can be heard.
The back of Jaune hoodie was gone, now there was 3 giant claw wound on his back. He didn't felt the pain because of his adrenaline still in his system, he tries to get up and stare at the grimm with a broken sword in his left hand, but he drop on top of wide eyes and scared Jeanne. Even if he still has his willpower to fight, his body can't keep going.
"JAUNE!!" A man yell out.
The man has blond hair with dark blue eyes, he is wearing a normal blue jean and white T-shirt, brown combat shoes. His eyes were furious toward the Grimm. Then suddenly a giant aura construct hand appeared of nowhere and grab the Grimm. The hand bring the grimm to the blonde man.
"How dare you hurt my family." Alexander said with full venom and sounded like a fallen angel as he stare into its eyes with great fury, making the Grimm whimper in fear. "I will make you pay for that." He crushed the Grimm with ease, killing it instantly. He released his breath when he see the Beowolf slowly dissolved. He then hear his daughter cry, he turn around to fully see the condition of his son. He then froze in fear.
"Big brother." Jeanne cried out, she was clinging to his body with tears in her eyes, ignoring the blood that got on her clothes or her hair. Under her was a pool of blood, slowly growing bigger.
"Is... okay... you... are safe..." Jaune pat his younger sister with his left arm. He give her a weak smile.
"Please don't leave me." Her eyes filled to the brim with tears and an expression like she was in a living nightmare.
"I... glad... that... you... are oka-"His hand fell leaving trail of blood on her left cheek and his dark blue eyes slowly began to fade.
Alexander can feel his heart almost stop. He rush to Jaune side and place his head on his son chest, ignoring the blood.
He was glad that his son was still alive but he can hear his heart slowly get weaker. He grab his daughter and son and start running to the hospital as fast as he can. He won't lose his kid no matter what. that is an Arc promise and an Arc never goes back their word.
Three Days Later
Jaune slowly open his eyes, the first thing he noticed that he wasn’t in his bed nor his home. He tries to get up but he feel sharp pain in his right shoulder and throughout his body, he looked down and see his clothes were gone, now he was wearing a patient clothes and there was a bandage across his body and right arm.
"Is better if you don't move for a few days." A doctor said suddenly making Jaune jumped a little.
The doctor standing beside the bed, he has blue hair and red eyes and wearing a normal doctor uniform. Jaune was surprised at the sudden appearance of the doctor but oblige as he lay down again.
"I gonna call your parents to let them know that you have awake." the doctor continue.
Jaune nodded, the doctor turn around and walk to the door. After the doctor left, he just lay there and think what happen. He then remember the Grimm accident, on how he got injured really bad and his dad save him. Part of him was worried about what his family will do to him but part of him is happy that he just protect his younger twin like a hero. A small smile crept to his face.
"I can become a hero like my ancestors." He smile with his arm up high. Then his stomach rumble, he feel kinda hungry and want to eat something. "I want some chicken nuggets." He said quietly as he hold his stomach.
A Few Minutes Later
The doctor hear his office door open. He look up to see the Arc family has finally arrived, some of the sisters panting slightly.
"Doc, is my little knight really have awake?" Juniper asked with a small tear in her eyes
The doctor just nod. Juniper finally start to cry with joy, and not only her but the whole arc family start to cry with joy.
"You know, he really is a lucky boy." the doctor said making the whole Arc family stop and looking at him worryingly.
"The wounds he receives on his back isn't too deep, but it will still leave a scar. He will heal and can live his life normally. Still, I am surprise he already healed even with my semblance, I even more surprises that he was already awake." the doctor continue making the whole family sighed in relief.
"Does he have his aura unlocked?" the doctor asked, the Arc family look at Alexander wondering about that too. He never told anything in the accident beside Jaune was badly hurt.
He shake his head "No, the wound he received was too bad to heal with his own aura and I don't time to unlock it, he already lost too much blood."
"Hmm..." the doctor hummed.
"Can we meet our son now?" Juniper suddenly asked hoping to see her own son, she will give him a mouthful of scolding for getting hurt when she see him, then she will hug him with all the love.
"Sure." the doctor replied Absently.
The Arc family turn around and get out from the office. After he sure they were gone, he start to read a paper that contains Jaune Arc condition.
His right shoulder and his spine was broken, he was supposed to be crippled and can't walk for the rest of his life. But instead, his spine and shoulder healed back as nothing had happen. The only thing we know if the kid was injure is the scar on his back. Is like his aura heal the bad injuries and leaving the rest to heal itself. But his aura is supposed to be locked and aura can't heal a broken spine, hell my semblance can't heal a broken spine.
the doctor sigh in frustration and look out the window.
Just what are you Jaune Arc?
When his family visit him the first time, His mom give him a long scolding about wondering in wood alone and how worry she was, she then gives him a bone crushing hug as she said how relief she was when she hear he was fine. He smiled as the whole family join the hug. Everyone let go of him except Jeanne, who still holding him with her face on his neck. Tears begin to emerge as she said sorry over and over again, seem like she feel guilty and think it’s her fault he got hurt. He said it was fine, that he will do it again to make sure she was fine and safe as he wipe the tears with his thumb. He kissed her temple before giving her a warm smile. She blushed as she hug him again to tried hide her red face. Everyone laughed except his dad and mom, who have a worry look on their face.
1 Week had passed after that visit, Jaune was released from the hospital. He was happy because he can stay with his family again. Even though they visited every day, he still miss his home and doing something with his family. Also no more hospital food, it tastes bad compared to his mom cooking.
After he arrived home, he knock on the door. Suddenly the door flew open and his whole family hug him in surprise. """Welcome back!!!""" Everyone shouted as all of them smiled, he snicker and begin to laugh along with his family.
They went inside and started a party to celebrate his recovery, they play video games with their parents cheering from behind of the sofa, his mom cook a giant meal for everyone to eat, in the end, they have a great time together. But, that will end sooner than they wanted.
"Dad?" Jaune suddenly called out his dad.
"Hmm?" He swallowed the food in his mouth. "What wrong Jaune?"
"Can you train me for now on?" After the question get out from his mouth. The room suddenly get quiet and colder. Everyone look nervously at Alexander while Jaune look hopeful at him. He knows what he must do but that doesn't mean he was happy with it, he take a deep breath before answering him.
"No." He said with a firm voice.
"W-what?" Jaune eyes were wide open in confusion.
"I will not train you Jaune." His eyes focus on Jaune.
"But why?"
"Because you don't the talent to become a huntsman." Alexander exclaimed.
He stands up, pushing the chair away "But I can fight and save someone!"
"And that almost cost your life." Jaune flinched, Alexander didn't raise his voice or change his tone, is still calm and firm. he flinch when he look jeanne guilty and regret expression. But his decision didn't change in slightest, he need to do this for the sake of his son, he almost lost him and he won't let that ever happen again.
Jaune open his mouth but nothing come out, because his father is right. While he did save Jeanne, he got hurt really bad, he almost die if his father didn't come in time. But his eyes still show determination. He will not give up to become a hero.
Alexander look at him and see his son will not give up he just sighs. He gestured to jaune to follow him to outside. When they were outside, Alexander grab two wooden sword and give one of the sword to Jaune.
"If you really think you have what to become a huntsman then try to hit me." He hit himself to the chest with his sword. "I will let you try to hit me until sunset, if you manage to hit me then I will train you." Alexander continue.
A hope blossom inside jaune.
"But if you fail to hit me, don't ever ask me for training, okay?" He asked Jaune as he get in position.
Jaune feel a little bit of despair but he nod anyway as he hold his sword with both hand. He charged at Alexander with battle cry while he just standing there. He swings horizontally, the strikes was easily parry by his dad. But he didn't stop, he swung wildly and sloppily, all the attack was effortlessly dodged or parry. It isn't a battle or spar anymore , it's just a dad that was forced to destroy his children dream to protect them.
Even though Jaune feel tired and sore, he still swing his sword, his muscles were screaming for a rest but he continue on until it was sunset. He then drop on his back, gasping for air. Alexander didn't say anything, he just look down at the boy and started to walk inside the house, leaving Jaune alone. Everyone look at him with sadness and understanding before looking back at Jaune worriedly and sadly.
Jaune stay there for a few minutes until he get up and walk inside, ignoring the rest of his family. He walk upstairs and open his door room, he just walk to his bed and lies down. He look up at the ceiling and tears emerge from his eyes.
"Why... why didn't you believe in me dad?" His voice was barely a whisper.
It hurt to know, his own family didn't believe in him. but a fragment of him told him to continue, to not give up yet. He will become a huntsman with or without his family help.
3 Months Later
Everyday he wake up earlier and train himself. Even though his dad doesn't want to train him, at least he can train himself. But he can only train from the book or the internet and he always cut short the time so it won't be noticed by his family. In the end he is still weak even with the training he does.
A brown hair kid with two other kid, one has blue hair while the other one have green hair was in front of Jaune. The brown hair kid punched Jaune on his stomach, making him fall on his butt and grab his stomach. He has bruised all over his body except his face. His hoodie was also covered with dirt and dust.
"Wow you're really weak you know that Arc." He mock Jaune the two other kid laugh, Jaune can't do anything but just stare at the ground.
"Are you sure you are a Arc?" The blue hair kid asked, Jaune eyes twitch at that question.
"Maybe he just get adopted by the Arc, that's why he is so weak while his family is strong." The green hair kid said as he laugh. Jaune didn't say anything, he just sit there not doing anything.
"Let's leave this weak kid." Brown hair kid and the other two leave Jaune alone, after they have gone from his view, he shakily grab a first aid kit from his backpack and treats his own bruises. He has already get used to bullying by other kid so he already prepared for it, he doesn't want his family to be worry about him. After he was done with the treatment, he grab a new hoodie and wear it while hide the dirty hoodie in the backpack.
He get up and check his clothes to make sure there weren't any bruises showing. When he was sure everything was fine, he went home with all of his stuff. He didn't think much of the insults or rather he bury it.
He reached to his home without any problem, he knocked and his twin sister Jeanne open the door. She smiled and give him a tight hug. "Welcome home big brother!"
Jeanne become more closer to him since the Grimm accident, she always play with him, hug him any chance she had, lean her head to his shoulder when they watched a TV show, and sometimes sleepwalking to his bed. He of course was happy to spent time with his twin sister and didn't think weirdly about it.
It took all of his strength to stop himself from flinching in pain.
He smiled as he hug back "Hi sis." She snuggled her head into his chest.
"If you keep hugging him like that, it make me think that you crush with your own brother." Violet, the third oldest sister suddenly said from the stair as she laughed loudly and get up the stair quickly.
They immediately separated from each other. "Violet!!!" She blushed hard as she run after her.
He smiled at their acting.
Juniper head peak out from the kitchen with a smile. "Welcome back Jaune."
"Hey mom."
"How was your school." The memory of his bully flashes into his mind.
"It was good." She smiled.
"You can take a shower first, dinner should be ready in 1 hour" her head disappeared back to the kitchen.
He went up the stair and to his room, he close the door behind him. The memories of the bully come again into his mind as he slide down against the door.
I always train every day to become stronger.
He remembers the Grimm incident, how he got a massive scar on his back because he is too weak to fight. Even now with his training, he still can't fight other students. He closed his eyes with his right hand.
So why? why am I so weak?
Tears running down his cheek with trembling lips. That day is the day when his dream to become a hero, broke into a tiny piece.
11 years later
Jaune is now 16 years old, he was still a happy and goofy kid, he still talk to his family and do what they want, like dancing, cooking, sewing, cleaning, and other skill for house husband. Because he want for his family to be happy, but part of him still envy for his older sister that become a huntress, so he just buries the feeling deep inside of him. He get get bullied by other students even now, at least he can outrun them with his stamina. (A/N=he go to normal school so they don't have aura).
But right now he and the whole the Arc family was depressed because Jonathan Arc, Jaune grandpa, was lying down on the bed slowly dying from a sickness. They spent the rest of that day talking to him, about their fun life and old memories.
He look at his family "Can all you leave me and Jaune alone?" his voice was weak.
they agreed, leaving Jaune and Jonathan alone in the room. Both of them stay silent, everytime Jaune want to talk to his grandpa, the voice always stuck in his throat. Because he know he will cry if he tries to speak to his grandpa and he want to be strong for his family no matter what.
"Do you remember the story I always tell you when you were a kid?" Jonathan asked.
Jaune looked up in surprise but nodded nevertheless.
Jonathan then tell one of the story he usually tell when Jaune was a kid, a story about a hero who went to a journey with his friends to fight the demon king to save the princess. Jaune was holding back his tears as he look down at the floor. He remember the time when he still dream to become a hero and his family supported him, but in the end that just a childish dream.
Then his grandpa stop the story and pet his head surprising him. He look at his grandpa dark blue eyes.
"Jaune... what do you think a hero is?" He asked softly as Jaune look at the ground.
"For me... a hero is someone who is strong enough to protect everyone and save the world." He stated bitterly, he isn't a hero, he just a kid that dream of becoming one.
"Jaune..." He called out but didn't get a replied.
Jonathan smiled sadly at his grandson. The rest of the family thought his dream to become a hero already gone. But he know jaune wasn’t really happy, deep inside, he still want to become a hero. However, he didn't get a chance to become one. Ever since Rouge and Violet become a huntress, he would sometimes see Jaune smile falter and gives a fake smile when they talk about their mission. He want him to be happy, free to choose his own story.
So he will gives Jaune that push.
"I believe you too can become a hero Jaune." He smiled softly at him.
Jaune eyes widen as he look up again, he remember a similar word that his grandpa said to him when he was young.
"What?" He was dumbfounded.
"You can also become a hero."
He was confused. Him as a hero, it was like a joke that almost make him laugh.
"I can't be a hero." He shake his head.
"Yes you can." Jonathan insisted.
"I can't." He said as he clenched his hand.
"You can."
"I can't." His voice get higher and dangerous as he hang his head.
"You can be a Hero." 
Jonathan look in sadness. Seem like he has always hide his anger, sadness, and frustration, never let out his true felling until now, always carry it alone. He will help him, to show that he too can become a hero, and that was Arc promise and and an Arc never goes back their word.
"When you fight the Beowolf... why did you do it?" He asked.
Jaune didn't move his head to look, he just answered it.
"Because I don't have any choice." He said in whisper but Jonathan can hear it.
"That isn't true, you have other choice. you can run or hide..." The though leaving Jeanne to die sickening him, he want to yell to his grandpa of thinking that choice, but Jonathan continue "You said you were afraid and you know you were weak... yet you still tried to save her." He look into his eyes "So why did you do it?"
The memory of him tries to fight the Beowolf come into his mind. Why he did it? Why he protect Jeanne despite of the fact that he was also afraid and he can just run away? he already know the answer.
"Because my sister was in a danger." He answered as Jonathan silently listen to him "I was afraid of course, I never see any Grimm in my life moreover fight one... I was so afraid that I can't move... But when I see her crying... I feel something inside of me begin to rise, I don't know what is it... Yet my fear was gone and my body began to move on its own. The only thing in my mind in that time was to protect her."
He stay silent until Jaune was calm and begin to speak.
"That is why I can see you becoming a hero, you want to protect your sister even though it can cost your life, you keep going." He stated.
"But I'm weak." He weakly exclaimed as he hang his head.
"It doesn't matter if you have the power to defeat everyone or change the world. It won't do anything to protect everyone if you don't have the heart to do it."
"I'm a coward too."
"Yet you keep fighting despite of your fear." He point out. "You are brave precisely because you are scared but still fight." He continued to speak, to give the final push.
"A hero isn't a person who is strong or isn't afraid of anything... a hero is a person who can stands up every time they are down and raise their fist to protect other people no matter what the challenge is." Jonathan stated.
Jaune mouth was dry as he tries to process his word, his heartbeat get faster and faster until the only he can hear was his own beating heart, every word and encouragement come from his grandpa mouth fuel his old hope and dream. Many questions flood into his mind but one shine brightly than the rest.
"D-do you really believe in me to become a hero?" Jonathan smile softly.
"Of course."
His grandpa still believe in him, even though everyone didn't believe in him, his friends, his family, even himself, his grandpa still believe in him after all this time. He could feel the corners of his eyes begin to tingle as tears coming out again, but this time it was from happiness of someone believe in him.
"I-i will." Jaune responded, he look up again to meet his grandpa calm and warm stare "I will become a hero that you can be proud of!" He gave his grandpa the most assuring smile he could through his tears as he tried not to break down crying.
The next day Jonathan Arc passed away peacefully in his sleep with a smile. The whole Arc family cried on that day. The funeral was held in the next week.
The next night, Jaune quietly left his house with a backpack from his window, silently jumping down and landing perfectly, he then began walked along the road. He was going to Vale and try to get into Beacon with a fake transcript in 8 months. He know it will be a very risky and very bad idea, but he still want to try. He also need to do a part-time job to gain some money, a little bit of training, and a place to stay. He also bring Croceo Mors with him to honor his family.
He look back at his house, remembering some memory with his family, taking a deep breath and release it. He then turn back and start to walk away. His eyes show a determination he once had when he dream to become a hero. He promised to his grandpa that he will become a hero, and that is Arc promise and an Arc never goes back their word.
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dujour13 · 1 year
Tagged by @prolifeisnochoice Thank you 💕
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by @nurabelmax, still my favorite thing of all time ❤️
The last song you listened to: Pilgrim – Messa (obsessively)
Currently reading: The Incident of the Fingerpost by Iain Pears… STILL 😭
Last Movie: The Pale Blue Eye
Craving: a cappuccino and a flaky, buttery croissant
What are you wearing right now? Black pajamas and fluffy socks
How tall are you: 5’7” / 171
Piercings: not anymore
Tattoos: a grinning white rabbit on my left shoulder blade (for the record, Dujour is the name of the girl with the white rabbit tattoo on her left shoulder blade in The Matrix)
Glasses? Contacts? glasses
Last drink: green tea
Last show: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (I’m at the end of season 4, it’s fun but it’s giving me nightmares) and The Mayfair Witches (which has some good things but I don’t know, that guy is just not Lasher to me, he looks like a pick-up artist who hangs out in hotel bars. It’s the clothes?)
Last thing you ate: muesli with oat milk
Favorite color: black, midnight blue
Current obsession: PWOTR and also my post-ascension fic which is coming along really well at the moment
Unrelated obsession: Mary Shelley, Percy Bysshe Shelley, Lord Byron, John Polidori and that whole summer of 1816 in Geneva when Frankenstein was written
Any pets: not anymore 😢 I had a pair of fire-bellied toads for a few years 🐸🐸
Do you have a crush on anyone? No one IRL
Favorite fictional character: Of all time? Right at the moment? I don’t know, just listing random ones that come to mind: Woljif, The Nameless One (Planescape Torment), Gandalf
The last place you traveled: Leukerbad, or if this means outside the country, Lyon
I don't know who's been tagged or not! Tagging @three-of-crows, @commander-lariel, @dragonflytehanu, @dmagedgoods but anyone who wants to, please consider yourself tagged!
Blank template under the cut
Share your wallpaper:
The last song you listened to:
Currently reading:
Last Movie:
What are you wearing right now?
How tall are you:
Glasses? Contacts?
Last drink:
Last show:
Last thing you ate:
Favorite color:
Current obsession:
Unrelated obsession:
Any pets:
Do you have a crush on anyone?
Favorite fictional character:
The last place you traveled:
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gunsmiths · 1 year
what’s your phone wallpaper : at the moment, my lockscreen is astronaut hello kitty and my Home Screen is just a regular pink frilly background
last song you listened to : rabbit hole by aviva
currently reading : . . fanfiction
last movie : scream 6
last show : scorpion
what are you wearing right now : pink pajama top and pink pajama shorts
how tall are you : 4’9 I think
piercings / tattoos : I only have the traditional earlobe piercings but I do want a nose piercing one day
glasses / contacts : glasses RAHH
last thing you ate : waffles and sausages
favorite color(s) : light pink, baby blue, white, black
current obsession : scorpion . . tiktok, lumi athena
do you have a crush right now : yeah, my girlfriend <3
favorite fictional character : kai parker or stiles stilinski . . or percy jackson I dunno
last place you traveled : uhhh I honestly have no idea I think florida
tagged by : no one
tagging : you !
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wallpapers4screen · 1 year
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Download wallpapers white fluffy rabbit, snow, winter, cute fluffy animals, rabbits, black spotted rabbit, rabbit in the snow for desktop free
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anchanted-one · 1 year
Get to know me
Thanks for the tag @elveny ! 
Share your wallpaper: Unfortunately, I’ve not bothered to customize either my laptop or my phone with wallpapers yet. I wanted to make my own, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. If I make them, they’ll be like a fantasy South Indian Palace :3. Wish me luck!
The last song you listened to: I was listening to Footfalls (Endwalker Theme) before my last class. Love the song, love the trailer: https://youtu.be/zTTtd6bnhFs
Currently Reading: I’m currently not reading anything. I’m focused on my course, my fanfic, and my art. I want to start reading more books again when I’m done. I think I’ll pick up Bluebird by Ciel Pierlot. 
Craving: I’d like... okay this is embarrassing, but I’ve never been in a relationship. Rejected every single time. I would like to have some romance in my life, once I’m stable again. Also, I want to visit NZ, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Netherlands, Japan, Chile, or Austria. Definitely France.
What are you wearing right now: White shirt, black shorts. 
How tall are you: Hmmm not sure. 176-178 cm? I’m a bit above average for the Indian man. But not by too much.
Piercings: Had two ear piercings when I was a baby, but they’ve pretty much closed by now.
Tattoos: I have one, an eastern dragon. But I want to remove it someday. 
Glasses? Contacts?: I had really bad eyesight in my childhood. Like, -6.5 or 7.5 iirc. Bad enough that I couldn’t see a light switch on the wall. But I had corrective surgery done shortly after my twentieth. My sight is quite good now.
Last drink: Coca Cola. Rare treat.
Last show: Currently watching Vinlandsaga, Mando S3, and Bad Batch. Waiting on Kimetsu no Yaiba/Demon Slayer Swordsmith Village arc, for which I caught the premiere <3. Will rewatch Naruto and Fairy Tail when I can.
Favourite colour: Red.
Current obsession: My fanfic. I’ve planned a huge, huge story set in SWTOR. I think my obsession with SWTOR, and especially Lana Beniko, might be unhealthy... but I can’t help it. I want to write that story, especially the romance. Maybe some smut :D.
Unrelated Obsession: Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. Really need to quit. 
Any pets: Technically my sister’s. But two rabbits, whom she’s named Ludwig and Wolfgang. She loves classical music.
Do you have a crush on anyone: In the real world? Hmm, no one who knows I exist.
Favourite fictional character: I’m not very subtle about this lmfao.
The last place you traveled: Mumbai. I think it’s been ten months now. 
Extra info, not part of the original questions: I want to draw action poses. Like, the most gorgeous duels. Swords, spears, weapons, daggers, fists, chains. For a while, I thought I had to give up on that dream, but I’m getting my drawing back. Just a bit.
I also want to write my own novels.
Tagging: @captainderyn @kunstpause @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @crqstalite @swtorpadawan @chubbyooo @jemichi90 @greencrusader13 @naaklasolus @sheyshen
No pressure, guys!
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𝑮𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒖𝒏~
Tumblr media
what's your phone wallpaper: A custom edit of Shizuma & Minato {lock screen}, plus a pic of just Micchan~ {home screen}
last song you listened to: We Don’t Have To Dance {by Andy Black}
currently reading: Uhh... Besides TGR, I’m also reading Vanitas no Carte, and have plans to start reading another BL {Honey Trouble} soon--
last movie: Howl’s Moving Castle {because i was given the chance for a rewatch and took it lol--}
last show: A mix between The Orville, and a rewatch of Yu Yu Hakusho
what are you wearing right now: A blue hoodie, Grey sweats, and teal fuzzy socks lol
piercings/tattoos?: None of either, but-- I have thought on and off about getting lobe piercings, and maybe a small tat someday--
glasses/contacts?: Neither, tho i was suggested glasses at one point lol
last thing you ate: A cheese burger, plus some potato wedges
favorite colors: Most any shade of purple, Mint green, pastels in general-- plus black/white
current obsession: Honestly, Therapy Game, and Meguru Hinohara other works lol-- even if i have been going on about two years with it X’D
do you have a crush right now?: Uhh... Not really? lol-- unless we’re counting fictional men, in which case-- I’ll probably forever be crushing on Howl-- but, i’d say i also lowkey have one on both Shizuma {sorry Micchan} and Noé--
favorite fictional character: Ho boy-- there’s a bunch, but-- aside from the obvious given this blog, and a couple of above mentions lol-- A few others off the top of my head are a majority of the cast from “Are You Alice?”, but especially the Cheshire Cat, Knave of Hearts, Queen of Hearts, and White Rabbit-- Cinderella and Snow White from “Dictatorial Grimoire”, and for a few from games, i adore Saint Germain, Impey, and Victor {Code: Realize}-- plus Ikki, Ukyo, and Shin {Amnesia: Memories}-- and then lastly i’ve got Shiraishi Kageyuki, from Collar x Malice--
𝑺𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎: @sebastianshaw​
𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒈: Anyone on dash who wants to steal it lol--
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aestheiruu · 1 year
Fredbear’s Family Diner Reference
A compilation of every reference to Fredbear’s Family Diner in The Silver Eyes. Unfortunately, the building is not referenced in The Twisted Ones, nor The Fourth Closet.
The building itself was long… It was a single story, with a dark roof… The place had once been painted red…
[Fredbear’s was] rustic and small, with red checkered cloths on the tables, and a kitchen you could see into from the dining area
The stairs (to the entrance) held…
[There was a] battered metal sign with the painted words FREDBEAR’S FAMILY DINER in red script.
[The dining area] was a vacant and lonely room, stretching long and narrow, at least fifty feet, growing darker as it went. There was a slightly elevated stage at the end of the room, and Charlie realized as she looked around that the place had probably once been a dance hall, and the long desk by the entrance that her parents had used for a cash register had probably been a bar. She went over to it and saw that she was right: There were even grooves and scratches in the wood floor where barstools had once dug their feet. She tried to picture it, a dark bar with a country-western band playing on the stage, but she could not.
[Charlie and Sammy] played together on the floor of the kitchen, sometimes drawing pictures while hiding under a hardwood table. She remembered the shuffling of feet and the shadows of customers walking by. Light was broken by a slowly turning fan and thrown across the floor in ribbons. She remembered the smell of an ashtray and the hearty laughter of adults lost in a good story while their children played.
The restaurant was open until late at night, and so when they began to falter, Charlie and [Sammy] would crawl into the pantry with blankets and soft toys to sleep until it was time to close. She remembered using sacks of flour as pillows, big bags almost as long as they were tall. They would snuggle down together and whisper words of nonsense that meant deep things only to the two of them, and Charlie would drift into sleep, half listening to the warm sounds of the restaurant, the clank of dishes and the murmur of grown-up talk, and the sound of the bear and the rabbit as they danced to their chiming tunes.
The wooden floors seemed intact.
Light streamed in through the windows on all sides
Sunlight was streaming in, unobstructed, and went where it wanted without furniture or people to block its path. Charlie looked up at the ceiling fan; it was still there, but one of its blades was missing.
“There was a tree out in front,” she went on. “It looked like an old, angry monster, hunched forward and wizened, with two giant, gnarled branches reaching out like arms. Whenever we left for the night, I hid my face in my father’s shirt so I wouldn’t have to see it as we walked by.”
[The walls were made of wood, and had strips of wallpaper on them].
There were double doors to [the right of the entrance] with circular windows. Unlike the dining area, which was breached with sunlight and the sounds of the outside, the [kitchen] behind the double doors was still pitch black.
Her head jerked toward the corner to her right; there was another door (in the building, to the right of the stage).
[The door led to] a closet, the inside extending off to her left about eight or nine feet into darkness. There were horizontal poles mounted along the walls where hangers had once been.
Costumes had hung here in the dark, hiding their colors but allowing themselves to be felt by every cheek and small hand that passed through. Rubber-padded palms and fingers swayed this way and that. Reflections on false eyes passed overhead.
the tablecloths, red-and-white checked, and made of real cloth, not plastic.
There was a squeaky floorboard in the corner of the diner that Charlie liked to push on, making it sing as if it made music. There was a picnic table out back where they used to sit in the sun, one leg of it sinking in the soft ground.
[John mistakes Fredbear’s for an old station].
[Fredbear’s was in a small town called New Harmony, in the middle of a clearing. There were no surrounding buildings or restaurants].
If I missed anything, let me know. Hope you guys enjoy this.
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noro-noro-noro · 8 months
I keep getting out of the habit of writing my dreams down bc I have to wake up and do work but this time it's just a nap >:) anywy the summary is that i'm r heathcliff & i have to go into the scary hallway to get my pet cat back
i was keeping two kittens (one gray or orange???, one black and white) in my mom's house office. one of them was named Burger and the other was named Tall. some college girl who technically had ownership rights took Tall home with her over the weekend bc he was more sickly, but then td me "yeah I'm keeping him in the cabinet! don't worry" so I went to go get him. the cabinet was in a community center but down a badly lit hallway that kept getting narrower. you go down a short flight of stairs to the right, and there's a buzzing & yellowing fluorescent light, and you make a left turn and this part is darker since the other lights in this part aren't working, and the wallpaper was peeling off to just the unfinished drywall and it also kept getting narrower - maybe about as wide as two people standing next to each other, going down to barely one. and then one more left turn & the lingering illumination from that one light doesn't shine down this part at all so it's pitch black. the walls feel kinda slimy, but maybe it's just his brain freaking himself out for no reason. anyway the cabinet's at the end of this section, which is about half as long. and as he walks in there, some eyes light up in the dark. no, just kidding, light's reflecting off some part of the rabbit armor & bouncing onto the random knicknacks on the shelf. he hears the kitty meowing & he gets relieved and crouches down to open up the cabinet & then glances over his shoulder and there's a silhouette standing just at the edge of the hallway where the light ends, & then it lunges for him & he drops bullets all over the floor in a panic (& he only has 13 of them anyway 🙄) & it grabs him and pulls him up to the ceiling to start digesting him. but then the as of yet unreleased molar outis shows up& cuts him free & is like bro you were almost got by the classic meat shapeshifter 🤣🤣🤣 let's get the kitty and go home & she shone her phone flashflight down the hallway so he could find all his dropped bullets too, feeling all embarrassed and everything.
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familyshopping · 2 years
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(via The Flowers Dance Graphic T-Shirt Dress by HeshamShops)
abstract, floral, flowers, pink, blue, geo, yellow, geometric, vintage, orange, green, multicolour, white, geometric shapes, monochrome, abstract shapes, botanical, hand drawn, retro, red, garden, nature, midcentury modern, geometrical, meadow, romantic, sfteatowel, line drawing, bathroom wallpaper, retro geometric, vintage geometric, paper cut out, spring, tea towel, brown, violet, playful, fruit, wallpaper, summer, heart, dark-blue, love, bloom, flowers glory, butterflies, boho, sfrotate, dots, purple, colourful, fruits, handdrawn, turquoise, bold, plant, paper cut outs, bee, holiday, pastel, plants, graphical, ladybug, orange geometric, lines, christmas, modern, forest, bohemian, roosteryfqteatowel, birds, plus, beige, sun, floralwallhangings22, simple, geometrics, dandelions, clovers, line, drawing, animal, waves, abstract forms, black, christmasdecor, stripes, diamond pattern, bright, minimal, linedrawing, geometric forms, floral sketch, peach, fun fruit pattern, midcentury, bird, christmastime, creme, fruit pattern, handdrawnflowers, seventies, lilac, rainbow, , wavy, oleander, autumn, animals, summer vibes, 2023 calendar, 70s, black and white, easter, joyful, darkblue, graphite, apple, rainbows, pencil drawing, handrawing, fun, dark blue, fall, sea, cream, flower, damask, squares, folk art, stift zeichnung, obst, flower power, coordinate, grape, mathematical symbol, diamond shape, rosa, rabbit, coordinate pattern, folk art flowers, neutral tones, square, schwarzweiss, home decor, organic, checker pattern, feathers, fly flight, abstract birds, 70 s, checkerboard, vacation, grey, strawberry, 70s vibes, christmas holiday, wald, foliage, neutral, cotton candy, scallop pattern, botanicals, pastel colours, hexagon, sweet tooth, light background, hare, 2023 teatowel, calm, happy, christmasiscoming, leaves, plant life, neutrals, neutral colours, dark green, blended, loose, lightblue, eclectic, mindful, checks, circles, itsy-bitsy, vibrant colours, small flowers, vibrant colors, gingham, abc, dusty pink, lightpink, education, pink and blue, dolce vita, geo form, ochre, bunnies, cut out paper, cherry, citrus, blue shades, xmas, yellow pattern, candy, white and black, mediterranean, forest foliage, very peri, light blue, sophisticated, drops, hase, drops patttern, sunset, christmasgifts, poppy, rain drops, poppy flowers, clouds, summer time, noel, art and craft, biscuits, blackwhite, bouquets, neutral colors, interweaved, diamonds, water, blue and yellow, blender, rays, weihnachten, checkered pattern, roses, mushroom, dark background, festive, terracotta, vegetables, small scale flowers, forest leaves, sunshine, blumen, mustard, food, laub, pink green, christmas spices, sea life, geometric neutral, aquarelle, fish, green red, floral pattern, sundown, presents, adventure, toile, berries, sweet treats, white flowers, veggies, off white, black white, cozy christmas, blooms, bakery, birds and flowers, cozy christmas time, rain, evening clouds, seasons, fluid shapes, holidaytraditions, cute, summer mood, seasonal, celebration, traditional, christmas toile, alphabet, sun pattern, purple white, geometric tile, sonne, tropical flora, sol, orange dots, gelb, blender pattern, spices, swimming, toucan, geometric pattern, oak, pear, lemons, pinkyellowblue, tukan, green white, lagoon, monstera leaf, triangle, birne, 2023, christmas flavours, geo fishes, joy, garden herbs, foodie, dark red, wallhangings, insects, hot weather, fishes, spring herbs, optical illusion, stars, neutralgeometric, greenandpink, citric, wild meadow, cheeseandveggies, schmetterling, underwater life, chive, pinks, diamond, tile, peaches, round shapes, butterfly, purple dots, gold, light green
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shoxal · 3 years
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white rabbit | 📸 sho
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janedoherty666 · 6 years
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playfullygrownup · 4 years
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Why one or the other – why not both: removable wallpaper with jackalopes AND bunnies! From WallsNeedLove.
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