#but then I talked to an old man in the line about chocolate so he improved the shopping trip
myokk · 1 month
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I scribbled these up during my breaks today, hope you like them🥰🙏😘
(also I was too lazy to print out the template & no way I was going to figure out how to put my drawings in the template using technology👹 so I drew it myself jajajajajaaj)
Honestly this was difficult because I’m still getting used to drawing in this style & figuring out how I want to do things, but it was an amazing way to practice so thank you for lending me your characters for a bit😇🥹 I hope I did them justice!! 🙏💓
Also to anyone who didn’t get the chance to send me their character - this filled up in 10 min 😭😭 I won’t do it again right away but I want to soon! So keep your eyes out🥰
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wannabespiderman · 5 months
Instructions unclear, sent a bowl of chocolate cereal.
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Bucky Barnes x reader
You get your grumpy old man a smartphone. Chaos ensues.
Bucky suspiciously inspected the black rectangle between his fingers. “That’s not the phone I had in mind.” Of course, he had probably been thinking of a damn rotary phone when you suggested he needed something to keep in touch with people. You knew he had this weird relationship with modern technology, he was very wary of everything electronic and if he didn’t get the hang of it immediately he would just get frustrated. On the other hand, if he was able to figure it out himself he was openly proud of it, telling you how easy it was. You always had to walk the fine line between something enhanced enough that it was actually useful these days and simple enough that he wouldn’t become grumpy and pout about it while talking your ear off at how ‘the simpler times’ were called that for a reason.
A Smartphone was very very risky. Sure, you could’ve found an old flip phone or a Nokia brick but those things just hadn’t survived the test of time and according to your very professional opinion as his partner and self-proclaimed emotional support nuisance, this man desperately  needed to stay in contact with the few people he would call his friends.
Despite your worry you put on your most supportive smile and turned the phone in his hand so he held it right side up. “Try it at least, okay? It’s cool.” You tried to assure him. He didn’t have to do a lot, you already set it up for him and downloaded all the apps you deemed necessary, helpful or fun, you even turned on the accessibility option so he could navigate his phone with one hand since the metal one wouldn’t work on a screen and would probably also leave scratches, so all that was left for him was to explore his new toy. You guided his pointer finger to the side of the phone and let him press the little button which made the screen turn on. Bucky gave you an unsure glance before turning his attention back to the phone in his hand and just kinda…stared at it until the screen turned off again. For a moment you didn’t know what was going on until you realized that with Bucky, specificity was key. You shook your head to shoo away the previous confusion his behavior caused and shuffled closer to him. “Do it again.” You encouraged him. Bucky’s brows furrowed slightly.
Oh no.
You held your breath, waiting for him to potentially hand the phone right back to you and suggesting that writing letters would be enough. After what felt like a minute he finally pressed the button again and you quietly released your breath. “Great! Now you just need to drag your thumb gently over the screen and you’re good to go.” Bucky slowly followed your instructions and you could practically feel the pride radiating off him, his eyes lighting up. Still, he tried to play it cool. “Huh. That was easy.”
Not specific enough.
You looked at your phone and tried to make out what exactly Bucky had sent you. It must’ve been a picture of his face, right? You thought you could see the brown of his hair in this blurry mess but on the other hand it could also be…maybe a bowl of chocolate cereal? Some Chili, maybe? No, there was definitely too little red for it to be Chili.
The man recently learned how to text like a normal person, more or less, but you didn’t know he also kind of figured out how to send pictures. His picture moved upwards when another blurry mess appeared in your chat. You squinted your eyes at the new picture, it was mostly white with some grey stripe in the middle. You gave up, no way you could figure out what the hell that one was.
Bucky…what is that? You typed out. The next message he sent you gave you move questions than answers.
I need a new phone. That was impossible, his smartphone was less than three days old. Sure, it could’ve cracked but you were sure he would’ve told you about that.
What’s wrong with your phone? Maybe I can help? You suggested. You didn’t have to wait for an answer too long.
Yes, please. You quietly chuckled to yourself, half amused by his struggles, half compassionate of them. You decided it would be best to talk to him face to face so you raked your fingers through your hair a few times to hide the fact that you’ve been hanging around in your bed for the last few hours and clicked the video call option on your screen. It rang and rang and…rang…until finally your screen lit up, or dulled down because all you could see was darkness with a touch of a chestnut color. You should’ve known that this would happen.
“Bucky, it’s a video call.” You informed him and watched as he pulled the phone away from his ear and instead looked at his screen, his brows furrowed like he always did when he lost a fight against technology. “Oh…” He grumbled.
“So, what’s wrong with your phone?” Bucky pressed his lips together, his eyes looking anywhere but at his phone.
“Bucky?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. Bucky let out a sigh and wiped his face with his right hand but you could see the slight blush forming on the apples of his cheeks.
“Was anyone going to tell me that there are two cameras? Why the hell would anyone need two?” You saw him lean against the headrest and turn his head to the side with an annoyed expression. Your heart melted a little bit, you couldn’t help but find it endearing at how clueless he was when it came to things that were common knowledge to you.
“James, stop pouting.” There was a tone of amusement in your voice even though you tried to feign sternness. Bucky’s head shot back towards where he could see you on the screen in his hand and blinked a few times as if he was trying to comprehend what you just said. You never really called him by his first name and his reaction made you clench your jaw and hold your breath so you wouldn’t burst out laughing.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” You asked innocently and batted your lashes towards your camera. Bucky narrowed his eyes but couldn’t suppress the little smile that was tugging on the corners of his mouth. You grinned triumphantly, happy that you could at least lighten his mood a little bit. “Alright, alright, I’m sorry.” You finally said and playfully scrunched your nose. “So was that it? Did you have a problem taking pictures because you tried to take them with the outer camera?” Buckys smile slightly faltered but he chuckled nonetheless.
“Yeah, I guess. Sorry to be a bother with all the…you know, modern stuff, I-“ You cut him off immediately. “Don’t you dare apologize for that, you’re still learning and I’m happy to help. Hey, I’m very proud of you for making it work with the phone.” Bucky rolled his eyes good-naturedly but you could see his eyes soften. “I try.”
You continued talking to him for a while about nothing in particular until you decided that you both needed some rest and hung up. It was merely twenty minutes later, you just settled down and closed your eyes when your phone vibrated. A message from Bucky. You curiously opened the message to see if he had any more problems but instead your lips curled into a big, bright smile.
He sent you a picture, this time you could fully make out what it was, a photo of a shirtless Bucky laying on his couch, his eyes crinkled as he wore a proud grin with the caption I figured it out!
Tag list: @lunaroserites
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gh0stsp1d3r · 7 months
Hey bestie
Can I get some Mike and reader
Reader is a bakery worker,mikes getting cookies for his sister
He talks about needing a new babysitter
Reader offers
Do your magic 🪄
ahhh HIII, first time writing for Mike so yay
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“Do I really need to..?” He sighed, as he practically got pushed out the door by Abby.
“You promised.” She whined.
“Fine. I’ll have them for you before you get back from school.”
She seemed pleased by that answer, and he started to drive towards the school.
At the bakery, he waited in line patiently. It was a popular bakery in the town, but it was good. He and Abby had gone there a few times before.
“Hello, welcome! What can I get for you today?” Your cheery voice said when he walked up. He was out of it kind of until he heard your voice.
“Uh-hi. Can I just get a small box of chocolate chip cookies?”
You nodded with a smile. “They’re so good. Have you been here before?”
“Uhh… a while ago. My sister wanted some because we made some deal.”
“How old is she?” You asked, as you gave the receipt to the cooks.
“She’s 10. Really great kid, but I work these long hours and I really need a new babysitter. Wish I could like… I don’t know.”
Why was he telling this stranger his whole life? God, Mike, get a hold of yourself. He thought to himself.
“She sounds nice. You know, I could babysit her.” You felt yourself wanting to get closer to this man, for some odd reason. Something about him was intriguing.
“What? Are you sure? I don’t wanna-“
“Of course! I’m great with kids. My breaks uh… in 10 minutes, if you can wait, we can exchange whatever-“
“Yeah! Yeah. That’d be.. great. Thank you.”
You gave him a smile, handing him his box of cookies.
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wheresarizona · 7 months
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Learning to Live Part 26
summary: Watching Javier with Steve and Connie Murphy’s three kids has you experiencing a bad case of baby fever. Some important discussions lead to making a big decision, and there’s one question you hadn’t anticipated being asked...
rating: E (18+!! No y/n, alternating POV, age gap (about ten years), explicit smut, sneaking around (you have to be quiet so the Murphys don’t hear you), unprotected p in v (wrap it up!), creampie, vaginal fingering, kinda rough sex (Javier works out his frustration on you), oral sex (f receiving), (MASSIVE) breeding kink, dirty talk, spit as lube, Javier saying very romantic things while he’s balls deep inside you, Steve trying to cockblock Javier with an obnoxiously squeaky bed (all it does is piss off Javi), Javier being a menace, misunderstanding, grumpy Javier, Javier being very cute with children, baby fever, emotional hurt/comfort, discussion of pregnancy/childbirth and fears, a dream sequence, death of a parent/grief, marriage proposal (it’s so romantic), love confession, mention of PTSD, an appearance of The Tac Vest™ (in a photo), Olivia and Javier talking shit about her dad in Spanish because Steve doesn’t understand, Connie being the best)
pairing: Javier Peña/f!reader
word count: 24.5k+ (It’s a good time)
a/n: Hello there! This is a BIG chapter both in number of words and in terms of plot. Since this is a super long one, odds are the Tumblr app isn’t going to let you reblog with a comment—it’s a known issue. I haven’t heard of any problems if you go onto Tumblr.com directly through a browser, though. Since reblogs are super important, it’s totally okay if you reblog without a comment, and if you wish to comment, you can either do it on the post through comments or by sending me an ask! I’m chill with whatever you feel like doing. 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. This is something we’ve been looking forward to, and I hope you enjoy! Thank you to the love of my life, @juletheghoul, for betaing and being a trooper for this monstrosity of a chapter.
Thank you for reading! Comments and reblogs feed me. I’d love to know what you thought!
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Baby fever was real.
And it was dangerous.
At least that was the only explanation you had for this overwhelming desire to have your own child that needed, specifically, to be fathered by the love of your life, Javier Peña.
It was cool in the house, and you were in shorts and a loose t-shirt, yet your skin was heated, watching from your seat on the leather sofa as the man you were going to marry played with the two older Murphy children—you weren’t entirely sure what the game was, but it involved Javi holding the three-year-old son in one arm while he dueled their nine-year-old daughter, Olivia, with hard, yellow foam swords. They were over in the empty space of the family room designated for the kids with the toy box against the wall beside a kitchen playset and a tiny red plastic table with two matching tiny chairs, other larger toys lining up in a row next to them.
The three-year-old, Stevie, was laughing while your boyfriend moved about, dodging the young girl's attempts at jabbing him. A big smile was plastered on Javi’s face with sweat beading on his brow, and you were doing your damndest to ignore the primal instinct that had ensured the survival of the human species, purring in the back of your mind as it zeroed in on him as the perfect man to procreate with.
He was so strong, so caring, so kind, so handsome.
So perfect.
Beautiful chocolate-colored eyes you dearly loved met yours, and he winked, making you suck in a breath as you melted into the cushion behind you, not even embarrassed you were literally swooning.
The leather creaked and complained when someone sat down next to you, your attention still on the future father of your children.
“I told you he smiles and laughs with my kids,” Steve said beside you.
Your head whipped toward him, finding that he was holding a giggling Nate up in the air, bringing him down to kiss all over his face and lift him again.
When you first arrived, you wondered how involved a parent Steve was.
Many men left the childrearing to the mother, and with him not helping with nap time or volunteering to get the boys when they’d woken up, you thought he might be one of those men. What you came to find out was his kids adored him, and he was very present.
Earlier, you made chocolate chip cookies with Olivia and Stevie. Their dad happened to come into the kitchen just as you were putting them in the oven, and the kids flocked to him to excitedly tell him all about how they’d helped. He had picked up his three-year-old and smiled as he listened, taking them to the living room so Javi and you could clean up the mess you made. When it was time to eat the freshly baked cookies, Stevie ate his Connie-approved two cookies while sitting on his father’s knee at the kitchen table, Olivia eating her own in the seat beside them.
So, Steve was pretty great with his children.
When you commented about it while alone in the kitchen with your husband-to-be, he whispered to you about how it wasn’t always like this. Back in Colombia and when Steve first returned to Miami, he had that shitty patriarchal mindset that Connie should be the one to care for their daughter—that was, until Javi showed up and stepped in to help Connie with Olivia. Apparently, that triggered something in Steve and lit a fire under his ass to be a better father and husband.
Connie was currently on a run to the store, and Javi had taken it upon himself to entertain the energy-filled kids. Steve was handling Nate duty himself since the little one was super attached to his parents, especially his mother.
“Yes, you did,” you replied to the older man.
The toddler was now cuddled in his arms, repeating Dadada over and over again.
Steve looked at you. “He asked us earlier if we thought he’d be a good dad.”
“And how did you answer?”
White teeth appeared when he smiled. “We told him he’d be a great dad, and it was about damn time he became one.”
Your lips tipped up, glancing over at the man you were talking about, who was now down on his knees and being attacked by both of the children wielding the swords, shielding his head with his arms.
“Yeah, it really is.” Facing Steve again, you asked, “How did you know you were ready to be a parent?”
He snorted. “Did Javi ever tell you about how we got Olivia?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “He told me you adopted her in Colombia…?”
Leaning in, he spoke a little quieter, “The story doesn’t start off too happy, but I know Jav’s told you about what things were like down there.”
“Yeah,” he agreed, nodding his head. “Javi and I found her when she was a baby in the home where Pablo Escobar’s sicarios murdered her mother and grandmother—would’ve murdered her, too, if we hadn’t shown up.” He took a deep breath like he was remembering, your eyes widening at the horror.
Murdering a defenseless baby? They were monsters.
“Escobar was also responsible for the death of her father,” he continued. “She was so tiny and had no one. I was worried more people would come for her, so I brought her home with me. Connie wasn’t too happy about it at first.” A smile pulled up on his lips as he chuckled. “And we sure as hell weren’t prepared for a baby, but we’d always wanted kids and had just about given up until we got her.” He was smiling fondly now, looking past you at his daughter. “We fell in love with her, and it was an easy decision to adopt. So, to answer your question—” He met your eyes. “—I didn’t know I was ready to be a dad until after we got the kid. Sometimes, you don’t get a chance to feel ready before it happens, but I’ll tell you, the moment you hold your baby, the instincts kick in fast.”
“That’s good to know.”
“All these questions about parenthood between the two of you.” He nodded his head toward Javi, then you. “Are y’all trying?”
The question had you making a face, wondering why it was socially acceptable to discuss your sex life when it came to reproducing.
“If you must know,” you started, “we’re currently just practicing… A lot. Like practically once a day if we’re in the mood, and I think we’ve got it pretty figured out, especially the unprotected sex part.”
His nose had wrinkled like he smelled something bad, deeply frowning in disgust. “I don’t wanna know that.”
“You asked!”
Javi was suddenly standing in front of you, breathing hard and holding his beer he picked up from the coffee table.
He took a long drink, asking Steve when he finished, “What did you ask her?” He shooed the other man away with his free hand. “Move over.” Steve and Nate scooted to the other side of the couch so your boyfriend could plop down beside you.
Stevie was playing with some toy cars, and Olivia had disappeared.
Javi’s arm went over your shoulders with his side pressed against yours, bringing the brown bottle back up to his lips.
Looking at him, you saw his throat work as he swallowed the beer, rubbing your hand over his jean-clad thigh. “He asked if we’re trying for a baby.”
The liquid must’ve gone down the wrong pipe, your boyfriend making a choked sound and sputtering, it evolving into a coughing fit. You got his arm over your head to lean him forward to pat his back, Steve’s eyes finding yours.
“I swear I don’t do this on purpose,” you said. “I didn’t think it was something he’d react to.”
“Does this happen often?” the blonde man asked, looking both concerned and mildly amused.
“Kinda?” You grimaced. “But not on purpose!” Your attention moved to your boyfriend. “Are you okay, babe?” His coughing had stopped, and he’d set his drink back on the coffee table.
“Yeah,” he hoarsely answered. His head turned in your direction, his eyes red-rimmed and watery. “You’re just as bad as Pop with making me choke.”
“I’m sorry, Javi.” Your hand was gliding up and down his spine. “You know what, from now on, I’m going to stop you from drinking before I say anything.”
“Why don’t you just wait for me to finish drinking?”
“The delivery, babe. Timing is everything for a joke to land or a snappy reply. Don’t wanna throw off my groove.”
He huffed out an amused breath, sitting back up on the couch. “Okay, your plan works.” Leaning forward, he pecked you on the lips before turning his attention to Steve. “We’re trying as much as we can with her on birth control—we go at it like fu-reaking rabbits, and with it only being 99% effective, maybe we’ll be that one in a hundred, and she gets pregnant.”
“I hate you,” Steve said evenly. “I hate you both. All you needed to say was no.”
“Why are you mad?” Javi asked. “You asked about our sex life, and we answered.” He looked over at you. “What did you tell him, mi amor (my love)?”
“That we’re practicing and really good at the unprotected sex part.”
A smirk appeared under his mustache, his eyes sparkling with mischief, and you knew he was just fucking with Steve now. “Yeah, we are really good at it.” His attention went back to the other man. “We told you the truth. Don’t ask questions if the answers are gonna make you uncomfortable.”
Steve’s eyes narrowed as he said, “Everyone else in the world would have answered that question with a simple yes or no. The two of you are perfect for each other with how much you fuc-fudging enjoy messing with me.”
“She’s mi media naranja, my soulmate,” Javi replied. “We are perfect for each other.”
“Uh huh, calm down, Romeo.” Nate was wiggling out of Steve’s arms, and the man helped him climb down from the couch, the child toddling over to play with his brother. “Now I’ve been watching you both since you got here,” he continued, “and anyone with eyes can see how much y’all wanna be parents. You may be a couple-a—” He whispered the next word. “—assholes—” He spoke normally again, “But I think you guys would do a pretty good job at it—that’s just my opinion, though.”
Javi had grabbed your hand and laced your fingers together, giving it a gentle squeeze as happiness seared through your veins.
“Thanks, man,” Javi said.
“You’re welcome, Jav.” Steve grinned, patting him on the shoulder. “You both do know the quickest way to get pregnant is for her to be off birth control, right? Do I need to give you the sex talk? Tell you about the birds and the bees? Explain how babies are made?”
Your boyfriend flipped him off out of view of the children, the other man laughing.
“We know, you—” He lowered his voice so that the kids wouldn’t hear. “—dick—” His volume went back to normal. “We’ve gotta figure out some things before we pull the trigger.”
“And what if you end up being the one in a hundred, and she gets pregnant before you figure those things out?”
Javier’s attention turned to you with a hopeful look, bringing up your joined palms so he could kiss the back of yours.
“We’d be okay,” you answered truthfully, your boyfriend smiling as he set your hands down. “If it happens sooner than we planned, then it happens sooner than we planned, and we’ll be excited no matter what.”
“Yeah,” Javi added. “We will.”
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The trip was going better than Javier anticipated, and it was only the first day.
He had a feeling his friends and their children would like his fiancée-to-be, and he’d been correct. The Murphys all loved her to the point that Steve and Connie were on him about marrying her. Now his best friend was saying they’d be good parents, which, when added to Cielito telling him earlier, they might be able to start their family soon. Javier was so happy, he felt like he was on top of the world.
There were two things he wanted more than anything: to marry the woman sitting beside him and to become a father.
As long as she said yes to his proposal, he figured they’d be married within the next six months, depending on what she wanted to do for the wedding. The marriage was pretty much in the bag with all of her reassurances that she'd say yes, but there were still small tendrils of doubt creeping their way into his brain and making him worry if she’d really be wearing an engagement ring the next day.
He stamped down the negative feelings by remembering the times she practiced saying yes to his proposals and, of course, the fact she had already pre-accepted.
With all that in mind, he was sure he could cross off marriage from his list, which made him feel a bit giddy.
The thing that was going to require work was becoming a father.
Even though they both wanted a child, she had, and there wasn’t a better word than stipulations that needed to be met before she wanted to go for it. He both loved and hated how responsible she was being. The list included:
Get help with his mental health.
Get married.
Move into a bigger place.
The first thing he did was start going to therapy, and it had helped a lot over the past months, especially with the Stechner shit. A lot of old wounds had been opened, and it was finally time for Javier to tell the woman he planned to marry about Colombia, finding it cathartic, even with the nightmares he was plagued with for the week after. She was there every time he woke up in a panic and helped calm him down, soothing him with her words and touch.
His therapist had clocked him early on as having PTSD, and at first, he didn’t believe him because guys who fought in wars and did active combat came home with PTSD, not DEA agents doing drug busts and taking down cartels.
Javier’s therapist was a short, stocky, bald man in his sixties with a calming voice who didn’t like to beat around the bush and told it like it was. His response to Javier’s denial was to lay it all out that the war on drugs was still a war, and Javier had been a soldier who witnessed and experienced a lot of horrific PTSD-inducing shit that he needed to work through. He had worked through it, but the incident with Stechner had triggered him and brought it all back. Luckily, he was fine after about a week with help from his therapist and wif-girlfriend.
So, he’d taken care of his mental health, and marriage was on the horizon—that was two out of three.
Moving into a bigger place was where things got tricky.
Initially, they had planned to buy a house, and then his dad gave them the idea to build one on his land, which sounded great, except for how long it would take. They ended up loving the thought of being able to design their dream home and decided that was what they were going to do, and were now working with an architect—everything else was figured out. His tía María’s husband had his own construction business and would be building it, and they found the perfect spot a little down the road from his dad’s house that was close to him but also far enough they’d have privacy where they’d build. Chucho was thrilled they were going to be next-door neighbors.
It was going to take, at minimum, a year for the home to be built.
Javier didn’t want to wait that long to start trying for a baby, so he figured out a way for them to move out of their one-bedroom apartment into someplace bigger while they waited for their house to be finished, and it was living with his father, who was beyond excited by the prospect.
She seemed to be okay with that, and he hoped it was enough for her to give them the green light to start their family, but she wanted to discuss it with Chucho, which he understood. It was just driving him crazy that he was so fucking close, it was within reach, yet he had to wait for her to talk to his dad on Sunday when they were seeing him next.
The sounds of the front door being unlocked and opened made it to where they were, the two small Murphy boys jumping to their feet as they both yelled, “Mom!” They ran from the room.
“I better go help her with the groceries,” Steve said, grunting as he got up from the couch on his long legs and headed for his wife.
It was just Javier and his future wife in the room—they were alone, and immediately he was turning in his seat toward her, dipping his head to kiss and suck at the side of her neck, his hand sliding up her thigh.
“Javi,” she gasped, her fingers tangling into his hair.
She smelled so good, the sweet aroma welcome as his lips trailed up to tug her earlobe between his teeth, his palm resting on her inner thigh, feeling the heat between her legs.
His mouth pressed against her ear, whispering, “I saw how you were watching me playing with the kids—how much you liked it.” She sucked in a breath, and he smiled. “You say the word, and we can have one of our own—I’m more than willing to give you a baby, Cielito.”
“This is rude,” she breathed, pulling his hair.
Javier chuckled, smacking a loud kiss against her cheek.
His hand left her leg to cup her jaw and turned her head to look him in the eyes.
“I’m serious, mi amor (my love),” he said. “You know how fucking badly I want one, and when you’re ready, I’ll make it happen—I wanna prove you right that I can get you pregnant within a month.”
The way her pupils expanded told him his words were getting to her.
“I cannot believe you’re tempting me with your virility, and it’s fucking working,” she whispered, and he grinned. “God, you’re gonna be such a good dad.” There was a slight whine as she quietly spoke. “Our kids are gonna be obsessed with you, and you’re gonna be obsessed with them and me being pregnant and an amazing partner through everything. Like, I am this close—” She held her thumb and index finger so close together they almost touched. “—to saying fuck it, let’s make a baby.” Arousal sparked in his belly. “But then that annoying, overly cautious, responsible part of me cuts in to remind me I need to double-check with your dad that he’s really okay with us living with him—yes, I remember him making the offer months ago—you know I hate being a bother, though, and I’m worried he likes the idea and would hate the reality of living with his son and a pregnant woman that will eventually also include a newborn.” She chewed on her lip.
“His pregnant nuera (daughter-in-law),” Javier corrected. “And he told me he’d love for us to move in just last week. He was already planning on turning the guest room into a nursery when you got pregnant.”
“Oh.” Her eyes widened. “Fuck,” she whispered.
Javier frowned, wondering if she thought the nursery was too much.
“He’s just excited to finally become an abuelo (grandpa), and even if we weren’t moving in, he wanted to make sure he’s got shit for the baby when we visit—he said it’d come in handy ‘cause he’d be happy to babysit anytime we needed him to. And if we do move in with him, he’ll already have a space dedicated to our kid.”
“Right,” she said the word slowly, like she was thinking it over. “Yeah, that’s great he cares so much, and it’s so sweet. We, um, just need to make sure he’s prepared for a newborn, like the crying and all that…”
“He is, and he’ll love having us there with a baby.”
“How do you know?”
“Promise me something,” he said.
Her eyebrows creased. “Okay?”
“Promise me you won’t get sad with what I’m about to tell you.”
“You know I can’t promise that.”
He sighed. “Fine. Promise me you won’t mention it to him.”
“That’s something I can do.”
“Since mi mamá passed away, Pop has been really fucking lonely living in that house alone, but there’s no way in hell he’d ever think about moving. He hates being by himself out there, and he’ll probably work until the day he dies to spend as little time in it as possible.”
Tears were brimming in her eyes. “That’s so fucking sad, Javier.”
“Yeah, and I was a fucking asshole who came home from Colombia twice and fucked off almost as quickly as I arrived.” She was about to say something, and he stopped her by continuing. “He loved when I finally moved back in for good, and he’d love more than anything to have us there with him, including our child—especially our child. You know, just as I do, that he’s gonna love our kid more than us.”
“That’s so true,” she giggled.
He smiled, “Yeah, it is.” Hope felt like a ball in the middle of his chest. “So, uh, does this change your maybe?”
“Tío!” Olivia shouted as she came running into the room, and he sat up in his seat.
“¿Sí, tesorito (Yes, little treasure)?”
She rounded the couch and jumped onto it next to him, sitting on her knees with a big smile, missing some baby teeth. Her brown hair was almost the same color as his, falling in loose curls past her shoulders, her bangs on either side held back by blue flower clips.
“Se me olvidó preguntarte algo (I forgot to ask you something).”
He smiled. “¿Qué querías preguntar (What did you want to ask)?”
“Cuando tú y tu Cielito se casen (When you and your Cielito get married), ¿puedo ser la niña de las flores (can I be the flower girl)?”
It made him pause because it’d be up to his ​​fiancée-to-be how they were going to get married, and he wasn’t sure if they would have a traditional wedding. If they did, pretty much all of the guests would be his friends and family, while she’d have maybe a handful of friends—there wouldn’t be anyone from her family she’d want to invite with how they disliked Javier and thought he wasn’t good enough for her.
He knew Cielito would be okay with his answer before he said it. “Bueno, si tenemos una boda, claro que puedes ser la niña de las flores, y tus hermanos pueden ser los portadores de los anillos (Well, If we have a wedding, of course you can be the flower girl and your brothers can be the ring bearers).”
“Sí (Yes),” the future bride said. “Si tenemos una boda, tú y tus hermanos tienen que estar en ella (If we have a wedding, you and your brothers have to be it).”
“Yes!” the girl shouted, clapping her hands.
Javier leaned forward with a groan to grab his beer and sat back, bringing it to his lips as he took a long pull of the lukewarm drink.
“¿Te vas a casar porque tu novia tiene un bebé en la barriga (Are you getting married because your girlfriend has a baby in her belly)?” Olivia asked.
Beer came spraying out of his mouth as he attempted to cover it with his hand and started coughing.
“Oh, no,” Cielito said, patting him on the back. “I’m gonna go grab some paper towels.” She got up and left, and he saw the liquid from his mouth on the coffee table.
“¿Estás bien (Are you okay)?” the child asked.
He’d stopped coughing, wiping his wet hand on his jeans.
“Sí, estoy bien (Yes, I’m okay),” he answered, looking over at her. “¿Por qué crees que nos vamos a casar porque ella tiene un bebé en la barriga (Why do you think we’re getting married because she has a baby in her belly)...?”
“Oh, tengo un amigo en la escuela y su papá se casó con su niñera porque ella tenía un bebé en su barriga (Oh, I have a friend at school and his dad married his babysitter because she had a baby in her belly).”
Javier’s eyes widened. “Eh, mi Cielito no tiene un bebé en su barriga (Uh, my Cielito doesn’t have a baby in her belly). Nos vamos a casar porque nos amamos como tus padres (We’re getting married because we love each other like your parents).”
At the mention of them, Steve and Connie came into the room with his wif-girlfriend rushing to wipe off the table for the other woman to set down two photo albums, and he’d been given a paper towel to wipe his face with. Nate was in his dad’s arms, and Stevie had walked in by himself, going over to where he’d been playing to pick up a Ninja Turtle action figure.
“We heard Olivia is asking questions,” Steve said, smiling and taking a seat in his recliner with his youngest son. Connie sat down on Olivia’s other side.
The girl turned her attention to her father. “Daddy, they said if they have a wedding, I can be the flower girl, and Stevie and Nate can carry the rings!”
Steve looked at his daughter. “They’re called ring bearers, sweetie.”
She looked confused. “They’d be ring bears?”
The adults all laughed. “No, ring bearers,” he said slower.
“Ring bearers,” she repeated. Her head turned to Javier. “¿Los portadores de los anillos significan (means) ring bearers?”
He smiled, nodding. “Sí, asi es (Yes, that’s right).”
Cielito had gone to throw away the dirty paper towels, including the one he used, and returned a minute later, taking her seat next to him.
“I thought the future Mrs. Javier Peña might like to see some pictures of you through the years,” Connie said. She pointed at the albums. “The top one—” It had a forest green cover. “—has photos from when we lived in Colombia before we adopted Olivia. The majority are Steve and I, but there’s a bunch of Javi, too.”
Cielito leaned forward to look past him at the other woman with a smile. “I’ve seen the pictures you sent to his parents!”
“Oh, yes!” Connie smiled brightly. “I was aware he talked to them weekly, so they knew he was okay, but I wanted them to be able to see it, too.”
“Thank you, Connie,” he whispered, his throat feeling tight at his friend caring about his parents so much.
“You’re welcome, Javi.” She patted his knee. Stevie was trying to climb into her lap, and she helped him up. “I loved talking to them—your mother was wonderful, and I was sad when she passed away.” Sadness laced her tone. “I wished we could’ve gone to the funeral, but we didn’t have documents for Olivia yet to take her out of Colombia. I still talk to your dad every once in a while—not as often now that you’re back in Texas, and he doesn’t need me keeping an eye on you.”
His head snapped toward her. “You talked to my parents? How in all these years didn’t I know you talked to them and still talk to my dad?”
Neither of his parents had ever mentioned being in contact with Connie, aside from his father saying she sent them pictures of Javier while he was in South America.
A sad smile was on her face. “Your mother swore me to keep it a secret.”
“My mom?” he said the words so quietly.
“Yes. Your mother was a very smart woman and used the number you gave her to your office in case of emergencies to get a hold of Steve so she could get our home phone number and call me. She just wanted to make sure you were okay, and I understood where she was coming from as a mother—I didn’t have kids at the time, but even then, I knew if my baby was on another continent, I would’ve done the same thing, and it really was no problem. As I’ve said, I loved talking to your parents.”
His eyes were burning with unshed tears at the lengths his parents went to in order to check up on him. Cielito took the beer from his hand and put it on the table so she could tangle her fingers with his, cuddling into his side, and he was thankful for the comfort.
Javier was a terrible son.
He put his parents through so much over the years, and what for?
What did he accomplish?
Yeah, he helped bring down Pablo Escobar and got the Cali Cartel fuckers, but like some mythical monster, you cut off one head, and two take its place—they took down Escobar and the Medellín cartel, and before they knew it, Cali and others had taken over.
It was a never-ending cycle: wash, rinse, repeat.
He’s known it since he made the decision to resign from the DEA: The War on Drugs would never end. From his current job as a drug enforcement consultant, he knew that sentiment was confirmed with the rise of the Mexican cartels becoming major players.
Wash, rinse, repeat.
And all of this showing him he wasted years of his life fighting an unwinnable fight and causing his parents nothing but pain and misery. He was their only son, su bendición (their blessing), and he’d risked his life so many fucking times for what? It felt like it was all for nothing.
Not when he thought about the precious time he lost with his mother, or his father living in that old house all alone, or how he wasn’t getting to start his family until now and really love his life.
Years wasted.
Shame, regret, and remorse were heavy in his head and heart, and he wished he could apologize to his mother—he needed her forgiveness and his father’s, too.
“I appreciate that, Connie.” Getting the words out around the lump in his throat was hard. “I, um, I’ll be back.”
“Are you okay?” Cielito asked, concern evident on her face when he met her eyes.
“Yeah,” he answered, untangling their hands. “I’m okay.” He attempted a reassuring smile that she didn’t believe one bit. “Look at the pictures, baby, and I’ll be right back.”
Her mouth was turned down in a deep frown. “Okay.”
Without another word, he got up and quickly went through the dining room to the hallway, heading for the guest bedroom.
He didn’t lock the door once he was inside.
He didn’t want to worry Cielito more than she already was.
His cell phone was on top of the dresser, and he picked it up, the numbers glowing green as he pressed the number to speed dial his dad.
The recorded message started playing, hearing his mother’s accented voice say in English, “You have reached the Peña residence—” Tears began falling down his cheeks. “We’re sorry we could not make it to the phone right now. Please leave your name and number, and we will get back to you. Thank you!”
Javier cleared his throat, the emotion making his words come out thick, “Hey Pop, it’s me, Javi. You’re probably working—” He checked his watch, seeing it was a little after three in Laredo. “—Yeah, you’re working. Uh, we made it to Miami safe, and everyone loves mi Cielito. We knew they would. Um—” He took a deep breath, pacing slowly back and forth. “—I know I’ve apologized before, but I’m so fucking sorry for being gone for so long and making you and mi mamá worry so much. Connie told me about talking to you guys and I,” his voice cracked on the one syllable. He cleared his throat again. “I feel like shit for what I put you through, and I just hope you and mamá can forgive me for all of the pain I caused. I hate that I wasted so many years away from you both that I can’t get back. I’ll—” More tears were falling down his cheeks. “—never see or talk to my mom again, and I miss her so fucking much. I wish I could tell her I’m so close to starting my family. Cielito just wants to talk to you first about us moving in—”
“Javi?” His dad answered the phone, and Javier stopped moving, standing still. “¿Qué pasa (What’s wrong)?” He sounded concerned. “Acabo de entrar y te escuché hablar de tu mamá (I just came inside and heard you talking about your mom).”
“Hola, Pop (Hi, Pop). Perdóname por molestarte (I’m sorry for bothering you).”
“No me estás molestando, Mijo (You’re not bothering me, Mijo). Dime qué pasa (Tell me what’s wrong).”
Javier inhaled deeply and slowly let it out. “He sido un hijo terrible (I’ve been a terrible son).”
“¿De qué hablas (What are you talking about)? Eres un hijo maravilloso y estoy muy orgulloso de ti (You’re a wonderful son and I’m very proud of you). Tu madre también estaba mui orgullosa de ti (Your mother was very proud of you, too).”
“No, no lo soy (No, I’m not). Te preocupé tanto que tenías a Connie vigilándome (I worried you so much that you had Connie watching me).”
“Ella no te estaba vigilándo (She wasn’t watching you). Ella solo nos ponía al día sobre cómo estabas (She was just updating us on how you were doing).”
“Todavía te preocupé lo suficiente como para que mi mamá le pidiera que hiciera eso (I still worried you enough that my mom asked her to do that).”
His dad huffed out a breath. “Javi, te acuerdas bien como era tu madre (Javi, you remember your mother). Ella era sobreprotectora contigo (She was overprotective of you). Llamaba a Connie de vez en cuando cuando estabas en Miami y me aseguraba de que estabas bien porque ya tenía su número de teléfono (I called Connie from time to time when you were in Miami and made sure you were okay because I already had her phone number). No eres un hijo terrible (You are not a terrible son). Eres trabajador, comprometido, testarudo, pero no terrible (You’re hardworking, committed, stubborn, but not terrible).”
He spoke quietly. “¿Me perdonas por todo (Will you forgive me for everything)?”
His father sighed. “Mijo, no hay nada de que perdonarte, pero si te hace sentir mejor, sí, te perdono, y tu madre te perdona también (Mijo, there is nothing to forgive you for, but if it makes you feel better, yes, I forgive you, and your mother forgives you, too). Ahora, ¿qué decías acerca de comenzar tu familia en el contestador automático (Now, what were you saying about starting your family on the answering machine)?”
The sudden change of topic made Javier chuckle, his free hand wiping at his wet cheeks. “Of course, that caught your attention.”
“Yes, it did.” The smile was clear in his voice. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay first. Am I finally getting my nietos (grandchildren) soon?”
Javier smiled. “I’ll say it was a great idea to bring her here where there are a bunch of kids—she needs reassurance from you that you’re really okay with us moving in while the house is being built and won’t mind a baby. I think the plan is to talk to you in person at my birthday dinner,” he sighed.
“Of course, I won’t mind a baby!” It was obvious he was excited. “Mi primer nieto (My first grandchild)! I’ve already told you I’d love to have you all here! I’ll have your primos (cousins) start helping me clear out the guest room this weekend so I can begin working on the nursery. This is the best news! Are you sure she doesn’t want to talk to me right now?”
He turned to look at the closed door and was tempted to take the phone to her.
“She’s out in the living room with the family looking at pictures of me.” His fingers slid through his hair. “If I can convince her to talk with you over the phone, I’ll give you a call.”
“I’ll stay home from work for the next two days, just in case.”
“You don’t have to do that. We can leave a message, and you can call us back.”
“No, I need to be here to answer the call. It’s important.”
His eyes were watering at his father’s love for them. “Thank you, Pop.”
“No, thank you, Mijo. I can’t wait to have you all here. Go convince her to call me—I’m not getting any younger.”
Javier laughed. “Okay, okay, I’ll do my best.”
“And you better call me when you propose.”
His mouth was turned up in a smile. “You’ll be the first person to know.”
“Good. Javi?”
“Yeah, Pop?”
“I love you, Mijo, and I’m truly proud of the man you are today. I can’t wait to watch you become the incredible husband and father I know you will be.” Javier couldn’t stop the tears, his throat feeling like it was closing up. “Your mamá might be gone, but I know wherever she is, she’s happy her son has found so much love and happiness. It’s all we ever wanted for you. We love you, Javiercito.”
“I love you, too.”
“Now, go work on making me an abuelo and tell mi nuera (daughter-in-law) I love her, too.”
He chuckled. “I’ll tell her. Bye, Pop.”
“Bye, Mijo.”
The call ended, and he put the phone back on the dresser and walked into the en suite to stand at the sink. The skin on his cheeks was glistening in the lights of the bathroom, his eyes red-rimmed, and his nose a little runny.
No matter how many times he apologized to his father for his past sins, it never felt like it was enough—it would never feel like it was enough. He knew his father forgave him long ago, and with how much he’s groveled, he’s become a broken record.
If he really thought about it and looked deep down into why he felt the need to apologize so much, it was because he hadn’t forgiven himself. He wasn’t even sure what it would take to forgive himself. It was obvious his dad was tired of him apologizing and wanted him to focus on his future.
His future.
Cielito was his future.
Their children were his future.
A memory came to him of their second date, hearing the woman he was going to marry clearly in his brain:
“...you feel like you need to atone for everything you’ve done, but you really don’t. You’ve done enough, more than enough. The past hurts, but you can either run from it or learn from it…”
When he first got back from Colombia, he ran; he hid away here in Miami with his friends and their family until he got scared he was going to lose his dad and went home. That was when it hit him: he didn’t want to waste any more time away from his father, and he finally stayed. The most important thing to him now was his family: his dad, Cielito, and their future children; they were what mattered.
One day, he’d forgive himself, and he had a feeling it’d happen when he finally had a parent’s perspective…
Turning on the faucet, he splashed some water on his face, drying it off with a small towel he got from underneath the sink. Any sign he’d been crying had been washed away, and he made his way back to the living room feeling a little lighter and determined to keep his focus on moving forward—engagement, marriage, children.
He found his future wife had moved over on the couch to sit closer to Olivia and Connie with a photo album open on her lap and angled for the other two to see, the older women having a conversation. Stevie stood on the couch next to his mom, pretending his Ninja Turtle action figure was walking on the back of the sofa and on Connie’s head, quietly talking to himself. His little blue eyes landed on Javier, and he smiled.
“Tío’s back!” he shouted.
Javier smiled back. “I am, buddy.”
The women paused, Cielito’s head turning to watch as he walked around the couch to sit beside her.
Immediately, she leaned into him and whispered, “Are you okay?”
He rubbed circles over her spine. “Yeah,” he answered. “Pop says he loves you.”
Realization dawned on her, and he could tell she worked out he’d gotten upset over what Connie had revealed and needed to talk to his father.
She softly smiled. “Hopefully, he knows I love him, too.”
A small smile turned up on his lips. “He knows.”
Her attention went back to Connie. “Sorry,” she said. “So, Texas has a lot of nursing opportunities, and I was over being in a big city—I did my schooling at a university in a somewhat big city, too—I looked into other places around the state hiring and interviewed at a bunch, and out of the offers I got, I liked Laredo the best.”
“I bet the smaller hospital is a breath of fresh air,” Connie replied.
“It is! And working in the ED (Emergency Department) in Dallas was exhilarating until it got exhausting and depressing.”
A solemn look was on the other woman’s face. “I know exactly what you mean. If you think it’s bad here, in Colombia, it’s much worse, and drove me to switch to L & D (Labor and Delivery) when I came back to Miami.”
“I can imagine, based on what I’ve heard. I actually thought about going into L & D, too, but I was offered the PACU position in Laredo.”
“What does PACU mean?” he asked.
Both women looked over at him, saying in unison, “Post Anesthesia Care Unit.”
“Oh, okay…”
“I haven’t understood half the stuff they’ve been talking about,” Steve said. “Connie’s having the time of her life being able to talk shop with someone.”
She looked at her husband. “Let me enjoy this. It’s nice being able to talk to someone outside of work who understands.”
“Hey, I’m happy for you, baby,” Steve replied, holding up a hand in a placating gesture. “Now I know what you feel like listening to Jav and me talking about work.”
“Exactly.” She faced his fianceé-to-be again, smiling. “I love helping bring new little lives into the world and teaching new parents how to care for their babies—most of the time, my job is wonderful. I’m sure Javi hasn’t told you, but remind me to tell you the story about Nate later.”
The tale of how Steve and Connie got Nathaniel wasn’t fucked up like his sister’s; it was just sad.
The youngest Murphy’s birth mother, was a girl not even out of high school, who came to the hospital alone and left alone. She brought no identification with her and refused to give her real name, telling people to call her Sam—the girl had been scared out of her mind, so Connie stayed with her the entire time and discovered she had hidden the pregnancy from her family because if they found out, she would’ve been disowned and thrown out on the street. Sam had begged Connie over and over again for her to find her baby a loving home, that she did love him and wished she could keep him, but they wouldn’t have anywhere to live if she did, and that she wanted him to have a good life.
His mother only held him once, right after she’d given birth, and refused to give him a name.
Connie was the one to take the baby to the nursery to have him measured, weighed and to take his vitals. When she returned, the new mother was gone—she vanished. Security couldn’t find her, and with how quickly she disappeared, Connie suspected a friend or her boyfriend picked her up.
Over the years, Steve and Connie had wanted a third kid, however, they struggled with getting pregnant and had to get help from doctors in order to have Stevie. So, when Connie found herself spending more and more time in the nursery with the tiny, abandoned newborn, she realized he was the third child they’d been hoping for, and her husband was fine with bringing him home—they both agreed on naming him Nathaniel Samuel Murphy.
“I will,” Cielito said.
Out of the three children, Nate was the most easy-going of the bunch. He was content to sit cuddled in his father’s lap, sipping on his sippy cup of water and watching everyone else in the room with his big, dark eyes.
“Mommy?” Stevie was patting his mother’s shoulder as he got her attention.
“Yes, baby?” She looked over at him.
“I want juice.”
“How do we ask for things?”
“Can I have juice, pleeeeassse?” he drew out the last word.
“Okay, let’s go get some juice.”
Nate’s cup left his mouth as he said, “Juice?”
“You want some juice, too, kiddo?” Steve asked him, bending to kiss his hair.
“Juice!” the toddler exclaimed.
His dad chuckled. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
“Can I have a Capri Sun?” Olivia asked.
“Of course, honey,” Connie answered.
Steve groaned as he got up from the chair with Nathaniel still in his arms. “Murphys report to the kitchen for juice!” he said.
“Yay!” Stevie yelled, getting down from the couch and running out of the room.
“Y’all want anything?” Steve asked Javier and his future wife.
“I’m good,” he responded.
“I’m good, too,” Cielito added.
His friend nodded and followed his wife and daughter to the kitchen.
“Thank god, we’re alone,” Cielito whispered, flipping through the pages, looking for a specific picture. “I need to ask you about something.”
He didn’t even know what pictures were in this album since he’d never seen it before and was curious about what caught her attention.
“What is it?”
She found what she was looking for, moving in her seat to show him a page with a picture of him holding a bulky satellite phone to his ear, his other hand flipping off Steve, who was taking the picture.
He couldn’t even remember when it was taken. The sleeves were rolled up on his maroon button-up shirt to bare his forearms, and he was wearing an army green tac vest over it, the bulge from the tightness of his dark wash jeans showing he was dressing to the left while his aviators were on—he could admit he looked pretty good.
“Do you have one of these at your office?” she asked.
“One of what?”
“The vest thingy.” She pointed at it.
“The tac vest?”
He met her eyes, seeing her smiling. “Yeah. Do you still have one?”
“No.” He shook his head. “I don’t see any action and don’t need one.”
Her shoulders slumped, frowning, and he perked up at the reaction.
“Can you… get one?” She chewed on her bottom lip, and he smirked.
His voice went lower. “You like the vest that much?”
“This whole look.” She circled the photo with her finger. “The clothes, your grumpy face, the vest—it’s awakened something in me, and I need to, um, see it in person for reasons…” Her eyes darted away.
He leaned in closer, gently taking her chin between two fingers to make her look at him as he quietly rasped, “Are the reasons for me to fuck you looking like this?”
“Yes,” she breathed.
“In that case, I’ll borrow one from work and bring it home.” He winked.
“God, I love you.” The album was left in her lap, her upper body twisting in his direction, pressing her fingers into his hair as her lips crashed against his. His arm wrapped around her back, the other hand holding her cheek, kissing her hard.
He was more than happy to wear whatever she wanted—he was always happy to wear what she wanted, and this look wouldn’t be too hard to replicate. His mind was playing out them doing a scene where he stripped her of her clothes and ‘searched’ her, which would end with him bending her over and fucking her…
“Oh, gross!” Olivia shouted.
They separated so quickly you’d think they were burned.
“Gross!” Stevie echoed, not knowing what was going on.
“What were they doing?” their father asked as he walked into the room holding a new beer, Connie behind him with Nate in her arms, the toddler holding a green sippy cup.
The oldest of the children had walked around to sit on the opposite side of the couch to them, drinking from a yellow straw in a silver pouch. Stevie had a red cup that matched his brother’s and came to Javier, who picked him up to sit on his thigh.
The straw left the girl’s mouth, her face contorted in disgust. “They were kissing.”
“That is gross,” Steve said, taking a seat in his recliner, and Connie sitting on the other side of Javier’s soon-to-be-fianceé.
He sighed.
“Oh, stop that, Steve,” his wife scolded.
“Yes, dear,” his friend replied.
Nathaniel wiggled away from his mother to sit in his big sister’s lap, Olivia putting an arm around his middle while her other hand held her juice and it warmed Javier’s heart that they clearly had a bond—it made him happy they all had bonded and loved each other.
Connie’s head turned in the direction of Javier and Cielito. “Do you want to look at the other album since we finished the Colombia one?”
“Sure!” Cielito answered, closing the album in her lap, leaning forward to put it on the coffee table, and grabbing the other.
“You know, Jav,” Steve started, meeting his eyes, a brown beer bottle held in his hand on the recliner’s arm. “I once said you were gonna be a lifer with the DEA, and I’m glad I was wrong.”
He could recall when Steve had said that, and at the time, he agreed, his work was his life, and he didn’t think he could ever leave his job—he never fathomed it. Interestingly, the longer he worked there, the more disillusioned he became until he realized all of it was pointless, and he finally resigned. He just wished he would’ve figured things out earlier.
“I think being domesticated suits you better,” his friend continued. “You sure as heck are happier, and isn’t that all that matters?” He raised his beer before taking a drink.
“Yeah,” Javier said. “This life is definitely better.”
“Most of the pictures in this album are of Olivia because it’s one we have of her and before we had the boys,” Connie told them, bringing his attention to the open photo album on Cielito’s thighs. “But it was during a time when Javi stayed with us for a while, so he’s in there.”
Steve had turned the television onto a cartoon channel with the volume not too loud for the kids while they flipped through pages of pictures of Olivia, who was about five years old in them, and Connie telling them stories behind some of them. Stevie leaned back against his chest, holding his sippy cup to his mouth while watching the TV. The first photo Javier appeared in, they were at the zoo, and it was taken from the side, the grinning little girl on his white, button-up-covered shoulders with him pointing at something, his head turned and tilted up as he talked to her, his eyes shielded behind his sunglasses.
There were more pictures of them at the zoo, some from different beach trips, and a lot at the Murphys' home, Javier smiling and laughing in many of them.
They were looking at one Connie clearly took of him and Steve standing in the ocean up to their stomachs, across from each other, laughing, while Olivia was mid-air between them, having been thrown by one man to the other when Cielito looked at him.
“I’m really mad that your dad doesn’t have any of these and that you made me cry the first time I met him because the only pictures he had of you as an adult were of you miserable in Colombia. Where were these, Javier? All the smiles and laughs!”
He grimaced. “I didn’t know they existed…” That was the truth. Sure, he knew his friends had taken photos, but he always assumed they were of their kids. He didn’t realize they included him in so many.
Her eyes narrowed. “Uh huh, right, then explain this!”
She went back a few pages to a picture she had proclaimed was her favorite a little while ago—he was wearing a light blue button-up and jeans, a bright pink feather boa wrapped around his neck, and silver tiara on his head, looking like a hulking figure sitting on the tiny child-size chair at the tiny child-size table. Olivia was sitting across from him in a pink frilly dress and gold tiara, holding an itty bitty teacup, another three in front of her guests on the table, the other two seats occupied by a teddy bear and a The Little Mermaid Ariel Barbie.
What the woman he was going to marry found hilarious was he was dressed like that with his knees practically against his chest and was trying to look menacing as he glared at the camera with a hand up to hide from the little girl that he was giving the bird to the person taking the picture.
“You obviously knew they were taking this picture of you!” She poked it hard.
“Sure.” He shrugged. “But I figured Steve was just taking it to give me shi-crap later. I seriously didn’t know about the others.”
“Fine.” She looked at the other woman. “I really am going to need a copy of this if it won’t be too much trouble.”
Connie smiled. “I’ve got a duplicate somewhere. I’d just have to look, and I’ll send it your way.”
“You are amazing. Thank you so much! Are there, um, any pictures of Javi with the boys as babies…?”
Javier’s ears perked, his heart speeding up, hoping they did.
“That’s a great idea,” Steve said. “We gotta show her the photos of Javi with Stevie, Con.”
His best friend winked at him, and he decided at that moment he was going to make a run to the liquor store later to buy Steve an expensive bottle of top-shelf whiskey for being his wingman.
Connie frowned, her head turning to her husband. “But I haven’t put them in an album… They’re all loose.”
“That’s fine,” Cielito said a little too quickly, making him grin that she wanted to see him with a baby so badly.
“Yeah, Connie,” Javier added. “We don’t mind.”
“Oh, alright,” she said. “I’ll put these albums away.” She took the one his future wife held and closed it, getting up and grabbing the other on the table. “And I’ll get the other pictures. Be back in a jiffy.” She left the room.
Cielito looked at him, leaning in to whisper in his ear. “Is this a bad idea?”
“For your self-control?” he replied just as quietly, parroting back what she’d said earlier in the day. “Yes. For me getting that thing I want really bad? No. I think it’s a great idea.”
“Of course you do.”
He frowned, something in the back of his mind needing him to ask the next question.
“Am I pushing too much? Do you need more time?”
She pulled back to meet his eyes, her voice quiet enough for only him to hear.
“The first question, no. You’re just excited. The second, yes and no. I’ll talk to you about it later.”
“Okay,” he nodded.
“Oh.” A surprised look came over her face before she was looking to her other side. Javier leaned forward to see what got her attention and found Nate had crawled over and was sitting on his knees with his sippy cup in one hand and the other on her arm, clearly asking to be picked up. “Hi, buddy,” she said, immediately lifting him and getting him situated so he was half cradled in her arm and sitting in her lap, his curious eyes staring up at her face and tiny chubby hand reaching to touch it while he drank from his cup. “Hi, there,” she cooed, gently rubbing the arm he had held up. “I’m your tío’s girlfriend—”
“You’re his tía,” Javier corrected, feeling so soft at watching her interact with the little one he feared he might dissolve into a puddle.
“Sorry, I’m your tía, and you’re a cutie pie.” She softly poked him in the belly.
“Daddy,” Olivia said. “Look, Nate likes tía!” She was pointing at them beside her.
“He sure does, baby girl,” her father replied. “Isn’t that something?”
Stevie wanted to be a part of what was going on and moved to look into Cielito’s arms, letting his cup fall into Javier’s lap. “Nate likes tía!” The three-year-old hugged her arm. “I like tía, too.” Javier sucked in a breath. “She makes yummy cookies.”
“I like you, too, Stevie,” she told him, and Javier ruffled the boy’s dirty blonde hair, making him laugh. “And I, of course, like you, also, Olivia.” She glanced over at the girl. “I’m excited that you’re gonna be a paleontologist one day so you can show me real dinosaur bones.”
“I will!” The girl nodded, grinning.
He loved seeing her holding the toddler and talking to the other children, unable to keep the smile off his face as he watched and imagined what she’d look like with their own baby. Her answer to if she needed more time worried him a little, and he hoped they could talk about it soon so he knew what she meant. He was ready—more than ready, but he didn’t want to rush her if she wasn’t, and they’d figure this all out later.
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Looking at pictures of Javi with a baby Stevie was absolutely a bad idea.
And it wasn’t like you hadn’t seen him holding a baby before; he had a lot of cousins, many of whom had children under the age of two, that you’ve seen him interact with, and always caused you to have the same reaction of feeling like your ovaries were going to explode.
But these loose photos were on a different level.
He went through the stack of pictures that had combinations of Stevie with his sister, parents, and Javi, the latter being the ones you were most interested in—seeing Javi feeding the baby in his high chair, your future husband sitting in a rocking chair with Stevie cradled in his arm as he held a bottle, one of him on the couch with the baby in the crook of his arm and Olivia on his other side while he read them a children’s book, a photo of Javi passed out on the sofa with a protective hand on Stevie asleep on top of him, a candid shot of the man you were going to marry playing peek-a-boo with the baby, and the one that made your breath catch in your throat was Javi standing with Stevie strapped to his chest as he carried Olivia in his arm like it was no big deal.
There were others, and along with the pictures you saw earlier in the album, each and every one was like a glimpse into your future, showing you the type of doting, loving father he was going to be. What had heat crawling up your neck and heart racing was if this was what he was like with kids he considered his niece and nephew, then most likely he’d be like that but times a thousand with his own children.
He was going to be such a good dad.
Why had he ever thought he didn’t deserve to be one? Or that he’d be a bad father?
The thought that your future kids would be so loved made your eyes burn. They were going to have two parents who loved them all so much, and there wouldn’t be any favorites.
Seeing all of these photos and watching Javi interact with the Murphy kids—Stevie was sitting with him and pointing at the pictures, excitedly saying who was in them while the man you loved softly encouraged him and told him what a good job he was doing—had that ancient, primal part of your brain acting up again, this time screaming in the back of your mind that you’ve found the perfect mate to father your children, and it wasn’t wrong; it was exciting and really revving your engines.
There was just one teeny, tiny problem.
Obviously, Javi was jonesing to get going on the babymaking and had even gone so far as to figure out a place to live while your house was being built. You’d think with that problem solved and the assurance you’d be married before a baby was born, you’d be ready to go for it. Well, as much as you wanted a child, you were a little scared about the prospect of being pregnant and pushing a tiny human out of your vagina. You were a nurse, you knew the odds were in your favor that you’d be okay, but you were a nurse, and you also knew the things that could go wrong—Javier’s difficult birth that almost took his mother, coming to mind.
When it was something that was going to happen in the near future, everything was fine, and you were excited about starting your family; however, now that it was on your doorstep with your boyfriend banging on the door, you were kind of freaking out. You should’ve talked to Javi about this earlier when you were having your doubts and needed his reassurance, but at that point, you didn’t know his dad had already given the okay for you guys to move in.
The current climate in your head was that you loved the idea of having a baby with Javi and finally making him a father; looking at all of the pictures and watching him with the children was really doing it for you, and you couldn’t wait to be alone together later that night. The reality of actually going through with it and getting pregnant, carrying a child, and giving birth made you feel uneasy.
It was very confusing to want something yet be scared of it at the same time.
Javi stuffed the photos back into the big envelope the drug store put them in after they developed the film, setting it on the coffee table when he was done.
“Thank you for letting us look at all those pictures,” you said to Connie beside you with a smile. “It was nice seeing Javi so happy with the kids.”
Nate held your thumb in his little hand while his attention was on the television where cartoons played. Stevie was talking to Javi about something you weren’t paying attention to.
“You’re welcome.” She patted your knee. “When we still lived in Colombia, I swear the only time I ever saw Javi smile was when he held Olivia or played with her. He’d buy her toys, and when he’d come over for dinner, he’d take her for a bit to give me a breather. I’m not saying he was as playful and happy as he is now, but there was a difference between the Javi we knew and the Javi Olivia knew, which is still kinda true today.”
“Yeah, he’s sweeter with the kids.”
“And you.”
“And me,” you giggled.
“Just so you know,” Steve started. “Our kids could use some cousins—especially some bilingual ones. We want the boys to be fluent in Spanish like their sister, and it’d be nice for them to have more people to talk to.”
“Because you didn’t bother learning Spanish while living in a Spanish-speaking country for how many years?” Javi asked.
“Hey! I speak enough of it to get by.”
Javi leaned forward to look at the other end of the couch. “Olivia, ¿qué tan malo es tu papá para hablar español (How bad is your dad at speaking Spanish)?”
She grinned. “Él es muy malo (He’s very bad). Él apesta (He stinks).” She plugged her nose with her fingers.
“Hey!” Steve exclaimed again. “You guys know it’s against the rules to talk shit about me in Spanish.”
“Daddy said a bad word!” Stevie gasped. “That’s a bad word.”
The blonde man’s eyes widened. “Oh, sorry, kiddo. Daddy didn’t mean to say that.”
“It’s a dollar in the swear jar, Dad,” Olivia said.
The swear jar was a big pickle jar they repurposed that sat on top of their fridge and was filled halfway with a mix of green bills and loose change.
“I’ll put it in there when I get up,” he sighed.
“You lost a dollar, and you don’t even know what we said,” Javi said, looking a little too delighted.
Steve was frowning, his eyes narrowed. “I know malo means bad, and the two of you were making fun of my Spanish.”
“¿Él realmente sabe o lo está adivinando (Does he really know that, or is he guessing)?” you asked the other two Spanish speakers.
“Él probablemente podría entender algo de lo que dijimos, pero creo que en la mayor parte, está adivinando (He could probably understand some of what we said, but I think for the most part, he’s guessing),” Javi answered.
“Solo entiende el español muy básico (He only understands very basic Spanish),” Olivia said. “Es muy gracioso (It’s really funny). Tío y yo podemos hablar de cualquier cosa y papá y mamá no entienden lo que estamos diciendo (Uncle and I can talk about anything and dad and mom don’t understand what we’re saying).”
“Oh god, Connie,” Steve said. “Now there’s three of them talking about us while we’re right here.”
“From what I’ve gathered, it’s just about how we don’t understand much, and I don’t think anything bad…” Connie replied.
“You’re right, Connie,” you told her. Looking between Javi and Olivia, you asked, “A ustedes dos les encanta hacer esto para volverlos locos, ¿no (You two love doing this to drive them crazy, don’t you)?”
“Sí (Yes),” they answered in unison with big smiles.
It was adorable.
“Y su papá tuvo tiempo más que suficiente para aprender el idioma, así que es su culpa que aún no lo entiende (And her dad had more than enough time to learn the language, so it’s his fault he still doesn’t understand it). Traté de enseñarle (I tried to teach him),” Javi said.
“Van a odiar cuando sus tres hijos hablen en un idioma que no entienden (They are going to hate when their three children speak in a language they don’t understand),” you replied.
“No puedo esperar (I can’t wait).”
“Estoy emocionado de que mis hermanos aprendan (I’m excited for my brothers to learn),” Olivia said. “Será como si tuviéramos un lenguaje secreto (It will be like we have a secret language).”
You looked at her, switching to English, “That will be really cool. Do you want to learn any other languages?”
“Ummm, I don’t know.” She shrugged.
“And that’s okay.”
Connie looked at the watch on her wrist. “Gosh, I better get started on making dinner.”
“Do you need help?” you asked.
Her eyes met yours. “Oh, no, I couldn’t ask you to help. You’re on vacation and were sweet to make cookies with our kids.”
“I insist,” you said. Turning your head to Javi, you continued, “Hey, babe?”
“Can you take Nate? I’m gonna help Connie make dinner.”
“Yeah.” His attention went to the toddler sitting with him. “I gotta move you, bud.” As he said, he moved Stevie to his other knee, then easily took Nate from you, who was so engrossed in the TV that he didn’t make a sound of protest.
For dinner that evening, Connie was making spaghetti. You followed her into the kitchen, making small talk before she showed you what the sides would be. You offered to make the salad, getting set up at the counter with a cutting board, knife, box grater, and all of the veggies—romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, and a long carrot (no onions because the kids hated them).
There was a lull in your conversation while you diced a tomato, the salad bowl already containing the chopped lettuce, and Connie was in the process of browning the the meat for the sauce.
The last thing she said was that she bet Javi would keep the two boys occupied for maybe another ten minutes before they wandered into the kitchen to find her. You thought it was adorable, making you wonder if your future children would love you that much, leading you to think about how ready Javi was to start a family and your slight hang-up.
“Hey, Connie?” You kept cutting the tomato.
“Can I ask you a kinda personal question? I, um, don’t have many friends who’ve given birth, and my relationship with my mother is a joke, so I’m hoping you could give me some insight…”
The meat had finished cooking, and she added canned tomato sauce, tomato paste, and seasonings with a bit of water.
She put a lid over the pan as it simmered and turned to face you. “Ask me anything, honey.”
You smiled, beginning to dice the next tomato. “Okay, were you scared at all about any aspect of pregnancy or childbirth?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s pretty common. I see it all the time in L & D. With mine, I had a lot of fear while I was pregnant because I was so worried something was gonna happen to the baby—we had trouble conceiving. Are you scared?”
“Yes,” you sighed.
“About which part?”
“All of it…”
“Well, here’s what I’m gonna tell you: it’s weird as hell to have a human growing inside of you, but the moment you register it’s your baby—your child, everything kinda changes, and you fall in love with this tiny person. You’ll worry about their health, you’re probably gonna feel like shit, and childbirth is scary, but I’m telling you, when you get to the point you’re ready to pop, you’re gonna want them to get that baby out of you as quickly as possible. And all of it is worth it when you finally get to hold that little human you shared your body with for nine months. Except, it’s really freaking annoying when you do 99.9% of the work, and the baby comes out looking exactly like their father. What’s up with that?”
She sounded so annoyed, and it made you laugh.
“I would actually love it if our kid was a little Javi clone,” you said, glancing over at her. “I’ve seen pictures of him growing up; he was a cutie.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I think my husband is extremely attractive, and I know I’m lucky, but it feels like a betrayal that I grew this baby from nothing, and he got none of my genes—not even my eyes!” She threw up her arms. “The only baby I will ever have, and he’s mini-Steve, which, just so you know, we picked out his name before he was born.”
“You jinxed yourself,” you giggled. “He took Steven Murphy Jr. literally. Ooh, I wonder if we’re ever having a boy if Javi would agree to name him Javier Jr.”
“Since you’re fine if he comes out as a mini-Javi, you should go for it. How cute would it be if our minis were best friends?”
“God, that would be so cute.”
Just the thought had you feeling soft.
“Still scared, sweetie?” she asked.
You smiled. “I guess no more than I should be and a bit nervous, but you made me feel way better about everything. Thank you, Connie.”
“You’re welcome, and know I’m here if you have any more questions or just need to talk—Javi’s family, and that makes you family, too.”
Looking over at her, emotion was making your throat feel tight. “You don’t know how much I appreciate that.”
All that Connie said really had helped you feel better, knowing it was normal to have some fear, and like she said, in the end, it would all be worth it when you finally got to hold your baby.
As the mother predicted, the two toddlers arrived in the kitchen, Stevie’s steps more sure-footed than Nate’s toddling, the youngest going straight to grabbing Connie’s leg.
Javi followed them in, and you weren’t sure if he was just ensuring they’d gone to find their mom or if he wanted to see you, but with how his arms wrapped around your middle from behind, and he kissed just below your ear, you thought it was probably both.
Nathaniel was on Connie’s hip as she cooked, the woman not hindered by holding a child.
“What are you doing?” Stevie asked as he stood beside you, looking up.
“I’m making a salad,” you answered.
“Can I see, pleeeasssee?”
“Uh.” There was no way you could use a knife or the grater while holding a wiggly kid, and it seemed a bit dangerous, but he was staring up at you with those big round blue eyes, and you didn’t want to tell him no.
“I’ll show you, buddy,” Javi said, moving to bend over with a wheeze to pick up the toddler and straighten. He stepped away from where you were working so the child couldn’t reach but could still see what you were doing. The man pointed at your chopping board. “She’s cutting up a tomato.”
At him saying that you went back to finishing dicing the second tomato, quickly working the knife in practiced motions.
“What color is the tomato?” he asked Stevie in a gentle tone.
“Red!” the little one answered.
“Good job. Red is my favorite color. What’s your favorite color?”
“Blue! My blankie’s blue.”
“It is.”
“You like red.”
“I do.”
You finished the tomato and grabbed the cucumber.
“What’s that?” Stevie asked, pointing at it.
“A cucumber,” Javi answered.
“What’s that?” he asked again, looking at the man holding him this time.
“A vegetable. They’re yummy. Do you want to try it?”
It was killing you how cute their conversation was.
“May I please have a slice, mi amor (my love)?” Javi asked you.
You stopped cutting, picking up a thin slice between two fingers you held up to him. “Here you go.”
“What do we say?” Javi asked the child as he carefully took it from you.
“I love youuu,” Stevie replied.
You giggled, Javi chuckling. “We do love her,” Javi said. “But since she’s nice and gave us something, we thank her. Do you wanna tell her thank you?”
“Thank youuu, tía. I love youuu.”
A smile was on your face. “You’re welcome, Stevie—I love you, too.”
“Here you go, bud,” Javi said, holding the piece of cucumber up to the toddler’s mouth. “It’s yummy.”
The child chomped down on it, humming happily as he chewed.
“Is it yummy?” you asked.
He nodded, taking what was left of the slice from Javi in his little hand and munching on it until he’d eaten the whole thing.
In less than half an hour, dinner was ready, their six-seat dining room table big enough for everyone to have a seat—Nate in a high chair next to Steve sitting at one end of the table, Olivia at the other, Stevie in a booster seat beside Connie, and Javi and you on taking up the two seats opposite them.
When your boyfriend was planning the trip, he made sure you both were on the same page about the limited time you’d be visiting and asked if on the first or second night, you wanted him to take you out to dinner or dancing since it was Miami, after all. Your answer was you were there to visit his best friends and their family, so you wanted to spend as much time as possible getting to know them—going out on the town wasn’t important for this trip, and you only hoped there’d be a chance to go to the beach.
You didn’t need him to wine and dine you—you were more than happy eating a homemade meal with the Murphys, laughing and chatting between bites.
Javi and you cleaned the kitchen without being asked after dinner, everyone having milk and cookies before it was time for the kids to go to bed.
Their bedtime was at eight o’clock, and Connie and Steve were double-teaming the boys’ bathtime. Olivia was old enough to care for herself, even though she tried her best to get her parents to let her stay up later. She did ask for Javi to tell her a story before bed, which he agreed to, leaving you alone in their family room watching a rerun of The Brady Bunch.
It gave you time to think, sitting there on the couch, chewing on your thumb.
Even with your fears, the baby fever was strong; all day, as you watched Javi with the kids and looked at pictures, you kept having thoughts about what he’d be like with your own children and feeling this overwhelming need to have a baby with him. There was something really hot about a man who was good with kids, and add in the knowledge you knew for a fact he would be a great parent and partner, had you feeling some type of way...
It was horny; you were so insanely horny over imagining him as the father of your kids.
It didn’t help that he kept giving you material for your imagination to run wild, like him playing with the children and the scenes in the pictures, or when he held Stevie in the kitchen while you were helping make dinner—his free hand had been on your back and he’d pause his conversation with the three-year-old for a second to kiss your hair a few times, easily envisioning him in the same situations with your own kids. Or during dinner with everyone sitting down to eat, and without them knowing, his hand going under the table to ghost his fingers along your jean short-covered thigh until it found its home on your inner thigh, wedged a little in the crease where your leg met your hip, Javi talking to everyone like he couldn’t feel the warmth at your center and thinking he’d absolutely do that at dinner with your own little family. Or there was how he gave you a hug and kiss before he went to tell Olivia a bedtime story, knowing that would be a daily occurrence when you had kids.
God, you wanted him so bad, having to rub your thighs together to ease the ache between them.
From the looks he’d been giving you throughout the day, you were pretty sure he wanted you just as much.
Could he really get you pregnant in a month?
Were you ready to go for it?
It felt like butterflies were fluttering around in your tummy at the thought.
There wasn’t any doubt for you about Javi saying his dad wanted you to live with him, but it felt kind of rude not talking to Chucho yourself before making this huge, life-altering decision that would affect him. You checked your watch, seeing it was almost eight in Laredo. He’d still be up. You could call him and talk it out.
“Hey,” Javi’s voice made you jump in your seat, your heart thudding rapidly. “Sorry.” He came around the couch, standing before you, your head tilting up to look at him.
“It’s okay,” you said.
He had a hand on a hip, smiling down at you with his eyes crinkled in happiness. “You ready for bed? We’re getting up early.”
You started moving to get up, and he put out a palm you took and helped pull you up while you said, “Um, yes. I am very ready for bed. Steve and Connie aren’t gonna miss us?” You were toe to toe with him when you stood.
“No.” He shook his head. “They know we’re getting up early and are exhausted from our long day.”
“Yes, we’re very exhausted from the long day,” you said in a monotone.
His tongue peeked out to swipe over his bottom lip. “Let’s go.”
He turned to grab the TV remote on the coffee table and clicked off the television before it was set down again, and he took your hand, leading you out of the room and toward the guest room, running into Steve and Connie in the hallway who whispered ‘Good night.’
In the bedroom, Javi locked the door, and with all the pent-up tension inside of you, it was surprising he didn’t kiss you immediately; instead, he started working open the buttons on his shirt as he walked over to his duffle bag, shrugging it off when he got to it, and getting out his toiletries bag that he took with him into the bathroom.
To be honest, you stood by the door completely confused while you watched him do all of this and only snapped out of it when the bathroom door closed halfway behind him.
From the sounds of the toilet flushing, then the sink continuously running, he was really going through his bedtime routine, probably washing his face at this moment after he cleaned his hands, and it annoyed you he was doing that instead of fucking you right this second. Your socked feet didn’t make any noise on the hard stone tile as you stomped angrily to your suitcase and got into it, quickly stripping out of your outfit and keeping your underwear on out of spite, covering them with sleep shorts and putting on an oversized t-shirt, you knew he’d hate since he didn’t like you sleeping in clothes.
You softly knocked on the bathroom door as you asked, “Can I wash my face and brush my teeth?” Your stuff was already in there for that.
The door was pulled open as you spoke, Javi standing there in just his unbuttoned jeans, it taking everything in you not to glance down at the trail of hair below his belly button. His face was freshly washed, and a red toothbrush was in his mouth, saying around it, “Yeah.”
He finished brushing his teeth as you walked in, wiping his mouth with a towel and giving you a kiss on the forehead before he went out to the bedroom.
You went through your own routine, the bed squeaking loudly, telling you he had gotten into it.
When you came out, only his bedside lamp was on, and he’d taken the side furthest from where you were standing, lying under the covers with his head propped up on his arm, where he could see you enter the room.
He was smiling up until you pulled back the blankets on your side.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“Getting into bed.”
“Yeah, but what are you wearing?”
The sounds the bed made as you crawled in made your jaw clench, all high-pitched and awful.
“Why are you wearing them?”
You both usually slept naked.
You turned your back to him, the bedframe squealing softly as you got comfortable.
“‘Cause I feel like it.”
He sighed, metal screeching with every move he made to end up with his naked body flush behind yours, his arm going over your middle, his mouth at your ear as he spoke softly, “Are you mad at me?”
“I’m annoyed with you.”
“What did I do?”
“It’s what you didn’t do.”
He sighed again. “What didn’t I do?”
“Oh, I don’t know, it’s not like you’ve been driving me crazy all fucking day with your sexy DILF energy, and I couldn’t wait to be alone with you so you could give me some good dick or anything.”
He snorted, and it made you grind your teeth.
“I’m sorry I upset you with the lack of good dick and for driving you crazy all day.”
“Apology accepted.”
“But you said earlier you’d talk to me later about how you needed more time, and I thought that discussion was more important than sex and what we were going to discuss when we got back to the room tonight...”
Your stomach dropped, eyes widening.
“Oh. Oh god.” You didn’t even care about the horrendous noises as you flipped over to face him, your hand going to his cheek. “I’m a horny asshole.”
He was frowning. “You forgot.”
“Actually, it wasn’t that I forgot; it was that between then and now, Connie was a gem and gave me some insight to help me work through my shit. Also, she is really mad about Stevie being a carbon copy of Steve.”
“I know—what shit did you need to work through?”
“It’s so dumb, but when you told me you actually talked to your dad about us moving in, it made things real, and I started panicking about the reality of pregnancy and childbirth—which I know most likely everything will be fine, but I was freaking out. Connie talked me through it, though, and let me know it’s pretty common to have some fear, and now I think I’m okay; nervous and a little scared, but okay.”
His fingers ghosted along the skin of your cheek to cup your face, speaking so quietly, “I don’t want you to be scared.”
“I mean, wouldn’t you be a little scared about growing a tiny human inside of you and then pushing them out of your vagina? And don’t say you don’t know because you don’t have a vagina” You poked him in his bare chest. “You practically live in my pussy—imagine a baby coming out of it.”
“...Okay, yeah, I can see how that would be scary. Jesus, I can barely get my dick inside it…”
“Yes, Javier, you have a big dick.” You rolled your eyes. “Is your ego stroked enough?”
He pinched your hip, and you giggled. “I just mean my dick barely fits inside your pussy. How the fuck is a whole baby gonna come out of it?”
Your eyebrow lifted. “Are you being serious? Do you need me to explain the magic of childbirth?”
“No. It was a rhetorical question.”
“Thank god.”
The look on his face changed, seeing the hope glimmering in his chocolate-colored eyes, his hand rubbing your side over your shirt.
“Is this a yes to a baby?” he asked.
“Before I answer.” You pressed your finger to his lips. “I need to talk to your dad just to make sure we’re all on the same page.” He nodded his head. “But, once I talk to him and everything’s peachy keen, it’s a yes.”
A surprised gasp left you when you suddenly found yourself on your back with a very happy man on top of you, slotting his naked hips between your thighs and pressing his lips to yours in a searing kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, moaning when his tongue licked into your mouth to tangle with your own, feeling his cock beginning to harden.
There was a throbbing ache in your core, wanting, no, needing, him to fill it in the only way he could, stuffing you full with his dick, then his come. Your fingers slid into his hair, nails lightly scraping against his scalp, the bed complaining with every minuscule movement you made.
SCREECH-Screech-screech. Javi sat up on his knees, the blankets falling down behind him. His eyebrows were pulled together, and his mouth was turned down in a frown as he grabbed the hem of your t-shirt. “If you were naked—” The bed squeaked as your upper body rose for him to tug your shirt off, it getting tossed to the floor. You laid back down, the frame screeching loudly again. “—you’d already be coming on my fingers.” Your cunt clenched hard around nothing at his words.
“I’m sorry!” you harshly whispered. “I was mad.”
He moved back on his knees, causing more ear-splitting noises, his fingers dipping into the waistband of your shorts and underwear. “Yeah, you kept your fucking panties on.” His face scrunched in confusion. “Why would you make it harder for me to fuck you?”
“Because: how annoyed are you right now?”
Squeak. His jaw ticked, and you knew he was irritated. “Between this fucking bed and having to waste time I could be fucking you, undressing you? I’m pretty fucking annoyed.” He pulled off your remaining clothes in one go, your ass rising, then falling back onto the bed and bouncing twice to the tune of the worst high-pitched sounds that could rival nails on a chalkboard. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he seethed.
You grimaced. “I am so sorry, babe. Can I make it up to you? A sloppy blowjob? I can sit on your face? You can play with my ass?” He always loved that.
He moved to lay on his side beside you, the journey plagued by ungodly noise, looking at you with a grumpy expression—someone pounded on the wall connecting your room to Steve and Connie’s master bathroom, Javi’s face turning red and eyes flashing with anger.
“Fuck this,” he growled.
He tossed his pillow and yours to the floor next to you and crawled over you to get off the mattress, the bedframe singing the godawful song of its people as he went, Javi pulling the comforter off the bed to fall on the floor. He groaned as he bent down to situate everything, ending up on his knees atop the spread-out blanket when he was satisfied. His arm went over your belly, using his strength to get you to the edge of the bed in a chorus of squeaks and grunts, and let you get on your feet on the ground before he dragged you down to lay on the comforter with your head cushioned on a pillow.
Javi was back to lying on his side beside you, holding his head up on his arm to look at you with irritation written on his features, his other hand smoothing down your belly to the apex of your thighs, the slide of two thick fingers through your slit making your breath catch in your throat.
“You wore clothes to annoy me.” He pouted.
He gathered some of the wetness pooling at your opening and used it to easily swirl his digits over your sensitive clit, sparking pleasure in your belly.
“Yes,” you gasped.
“You know all the little shit that annoys the fuck out of me—like the fucking underwear and shorts.”
He was fine if you wore underwear to bed, but underwear and sleep shorts? That was too many layers for him and, frankly, you, too. His preference was for you to be naked—he loved skin-to-skin contact and having easy access when you wanted him or when he wanted you.
“I’m sorry.” You loudly gulped, the beginning of your orgasm starting to make itself known. “Please let me come.” He seemed annoyed enough. You could imagine he’d draw things out and make you beg.
His expression changed to confusion. “I’m gonna let you come, baby.” He removed his hand, a pitiful sound leaving you as you watched him suck his fingers into his mouth, hearing the swish of saliva—they came out from between his plush lips, glistening in the low light of the room, and you moaned when without any preamble he pressed those two digits into your wet entrance.
He quietly shushed you. “Gotta be quiet, Cielito,” he said. You bit your bottom lip, reveling in the slight stretch of his fingers as he pumped them slowly in and out, your eyelids fluttering shut. “You also know all the little things that make me happy—like how I prefer Mexican Coca-cola, and you do shit like make me stop at that corner store on our way to Pop’s every week to pick up three bottles.” He started moving faster, and it made you whine at how good it felt. “You love me, you care about me, and make me so fucking happy—I was really fucking happy about your yes.” He crooked his digits, sliding the pads of his fingertips along your upper wall until he hit something divine that made you gasp. “There it is.” His focus went to that spot, making sure to press against it every time he pushed inside, your vision dotting with stars at the intense pleasure. “I was really fucking happy about your yes,” he said again, the added friction of his thumb rubbing your clit, rocketing you to your end, the knot in your belly winding up so tight it was close to snapping. “Then the clothes and the fucking bed—”
“Threw off your groove,” you panted, grabbing at the blanket for something to hold onto.
“Threw off my fucking groove and pissed me off.”
“I’m sorry.” You felt so bad but were also so close to coming.
His head came forward to kiss you tenderly. “Quería hacerte el amor (I wanted to make love to you),” he murmured into your lips, and you clenched around his fingers. “Quería hacerlo bien suave, dártelo despacito (I wanted to do it softly, give it to you slowly).” His hand sped up, hearing the wet slide of his digits fucking into you, the pleasure making the muscles in your stomach tighten and tighten. He nipped at your lip. “But I’m too worked up,” he rasped. “So, now, after you’re my good girl and you come on my fingers, you’re getting put face down, ass up, and I’m gonna give you that good dick you’re entitled to as my future wife and mother of my children—and next time you’re gonna ask for it instead of pulling the passive aggressive bullshit you did tonight; I love you more than anything, but I can’t read your mind.”
“Oh, god,” you moaned, wound up so tight you were dangling on the edge.
He kissed your cheek, trailing his lips down to your ear, his words coming out deep and husky with a slight edge that brooked no room for argument, “Javi,” he corrected, “the man you’re gonna marry, who's gonna make you a mother, and right now, come.”
The tension inside you snapped, the order doing you in as you came with a loud moan Javi smothered with his mouth pressing to yours. Euphoria pulsed out from your center while your pussy squeezed his fingers hard enough that they stopped moving, his thumb gently stroking over your sensitive bundle of nerves to help you ride out your high.
He was languidly kissing you, your body pleasantly relaxed and feeling amazing.
It was wetter between your legs, your slick drenching his fingers. You slid your hands into soft strands of his hair, kissing him harder, and he groaned, grinding his hard cock into your hip for some friction, his precum streaking on your skin.
Javi pulled back, and you chased his lips. “You good?” he asked.
Your eyes opened, seeing his plush lips were red and shiny from spit. “Yeah.”
His head nodded, his loving gaze admiring every inch of your face. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You smirked. “...and I love that I’m entitled to your good dick.”
His mouth curved in a crooked smile, removing his hand from between your legs to grab your smaller one and press it to his hot, throbbing length. “It’s yours,” he said, “and only yours, so yeah, you’re entitled to it, mi amor (my love).”
You took the girth of him in hand, and his mouth fell open as you stroked the velvety soft skin. “God, you’re so fucking hot, and you were exceptionally hot today. Like, thank you for making me come on your fingers, but I’m afraid I am going to die if you don’t put this thing inside me where it belongs.”
His dark eyes got darker. “Flip over,” he ordered.
“Don’t have to ask me twice,” you said, immediately turning over onto your stomach and getting on your knees. You leaned forward to rest your arms and head on the pillow, keeping your ass up in the air.
Pained groans sounded from Javi as he moved, knowing being on the stone-tiled floor was probably fucking up his knees and back. You grabbed the extra pillow beside the one you were on and held it back behind you. “Use this as a knee pad.”
You didn’t have to look at him to know he was frowning. “What about your knees?”
“You’re a sweetheart for worrying about my knees, but they’re fine. I want you comfy while you fuck my brains out.”
A loud sigh left him. “I should be fucking you in a bed—” There was anger in his tone, snatching the pillow from you. “—not the fucking floor.” You could feel the air moving behind you as he situated himself on the pillow. “You deserve better than the fucking floor.”
You frowned. “If you’re this mad about it, we can fuck on the chair again? Or you can bend me over the bathroom counter?”
“No.” He had shuffled close enough that his body heat was radiating against your skin, hearing him spit on his fingers, followed by wet strokes as he slicked up his cock. “This is how I want you.”
Your head was resting on your crossed arms, and you wiggled your backside. “You did say you were gonna give me that good dick while I was face down, ass up.”
His big hands grabbed your asscheeks and spread them. “Yeah, I fucking am.” A soft moan fell from your lips when you felt warm saliva land on the skin between your asshole and pussy, one of his hands sliding the tip of his cock through the spit to notch at your entrance. “I need you to be quiet.”
“I can be—” The sentence ended with you shoving your face into the pillow to muffle your moan as the tight walls of your cunt were stretched and filled with his hard, thick cock, pushing in so deep he kissed your womb.
He bottomed out, his hips connecting with the plump flesh of your ass, and it stole your breath, your head going dizzy with pleasure.
“Fuck,” he whispered, digging his fingers into your hips. “Fucking perfect.” He pulled out halfway and pushed back in. “The perfect pussy.” Now, he was rocking into you, keeping as much of himself inside you as possible while still getting some friction. “God, I love you.”
Your head turned to speak quietly, “Are you already pussy drunk?”
He swatted your asscheek. “Don’t give me shit,” he grumped. “You weren’t the only one driven crazy all fucking day.”
“I’m not giving you shit—it’s making me feel really good about myself.”
“Yeah?” His hands were gripping the globes of your ass. “You love knowing what you do to me?” he asked, sliding his dick out until just the tip was inside. He thrusted forward hard, your eyes rolling back in your head and a gasp leaving your lips. “You love the power you have over me?” he questioned, pulling out to the same point. Thrust. “That not even a second inside you, and I never wanna fucking leave.” He kept that slow, hard pace as he spoke, moving in and out. You reached one of your hands between your legs, spreading two digits around where he was spearing into you to feel how he was stretching you open. “My favorite place to put my dick.”
It was taking everything in you to hold back your moans, whimpers slipping from your throat instead from how fucking good it felt. With the way you were positioned, his cock was sliding against those spots that made your toes curl and your vision blur, having a hard time thinking, let alone speaking—his last comment somehow caused you to blurt out, “Liar.”
He was softly grunting behind you, his fingers tightening on your ass.
His pace didn’t waver. “What am I lying about?”
He really wanted an answer? It took a lot of effort for you to reply, a thin layer of sweat forming on your skin, swallowing hard before you spoke. “Your favorite—” He pushed into you, and it hit so good you moaned. “—fuck,” you tried again. “Your favorite place is my ass.” His rhythm stuttered, and he kept his groan low.
His voice was rough, “No, it’s not. That’s my second favorite—fuck, you feel so good—so fucking wet. This pussy is my favorite.” You could tell he was exciting himself. “Fucking love it—can never get enough of it.”
The swing of his hips sped up, fucking into you faster, your ass jiggling as his body collided with yours. This new tempo had you putting your face back into the cushiony pillow to dampen your moans, your fingers moving to rub at your clit, causing fire to ignite in your belly; soft grunts coming from behind you, hearing the slap of skin on skin, and the sounds wet where he was working himself into your cunt, a steady stream of your arousal dripping down his shaft to his balls slapping against your digits.
The heat at the base of your spine was growing, his dick pounding into you at a punishing pace, mewling incessantly from the onslaught. Each thrust had you seeing stars, the pleasure building you higher and higher, your belly clenching in anticipation for your impending orgasm.
It didn’t even surprise you how quickly he was working you up with the way you were pent up from watching him all day—how tempting it’d been to haul him away and fuck him, and he wasn’t disappointing you now, truly giving you the good dick you’d wanted.
The muscles in your stomach were beginning to tighten, so fucking lost in what he was doing to you and your fingers, you’d forgotten to control your volume, a big hand squeezing its way between your face and the pillow to cover your mouth.
Javi came down over your back, holding himself up on an arm while he kept fucking into you, dipping his upper body low enough his lips grazed the shell of your ear, feeling his hot, panting breaths.
“Such a good fucking girl taking it,” he breathily rasped into your ear. “Am I fucking you good? Is this the good dick you wanted?” You moaned into his palm. “Your needy little pussy just needed my cock?” He was pounding into you hard enough to make your thighs jiggle and ass shake like jello. “Turned you on watching me today? You love knowing that I’ll be a good father? That I’ll actually give a shit? That you just, fuck,” he groaned. “That you just have to say the word, and I’ll fuck a baby into you?” He was moving faster. “I’ll give you a baby—I’ll keep your perfect little pussy stuffed with my come to make sure it takes.” The sentence made you clench around him, so close to your climax you could taste it. “Is that what you want?”
You couldn’t speak, not with the way he was fucking you, unable to articulate words as he impaled you on his dick.
“Are you cock dumb, Cielito?” he asked through heavy breaths. “Am I fucking you too good? I know you’re close. Give me another, and I’ll fuck you full of me.”
Your body was trembling, right on the cusp of coming.
“Come all over my cock, baby, and I’ll fill you up. Just think, after my birthday, when I fuck my come deep inside you, I could end up knocking you up.”
Finally, you were cresting, your cunt clamping down on him hard enough, he slowed as you came with a whine, and tears leaked from your eyes. Pleasure exploded out from your core, feeling it in your fingers and toes, your mind going pleasantly blank while your chest heaved and your heart raced.
“My good girl.” He sounded pained, rolling his hips to extend your high. “You’re so fucking good to me—I fucking love you.”
He pulled out of you and removed his hand from your mouth, and you hated how empty you felt.
Groaning, he sat up on his knees.
He tapped your hip. “I need you on your back.”
His hands were gentle as he helped you in your fucked out state to get onto your back with him in the space between your spread legs. He ended up over you, with an arm beside your head, the other guiding himself back inside you in one smooth thrust that made you whimper.
Your eyes were closed, but you could feel how he surrounded you—the mass of him on top of you with those broad shoulders you loved so much.
When he started moving, he didn’t go slow, nor was he going the typical speed to chase his own high—it was something in between that had him slickly sliding in and out of your drenched pussy, hearing the wet suck of each stroke.
First, his lips found yours, kissing you while his hands sought out your own, interlacing your fingers together as he held them above your heads. Your bodies were glistening and hair damp with sweat, not caring how the skin that came in contact stuck together.
You were still feeling good from your orgasm and loved how he felt inside you, knowing this was how he originally wanted to fuck you.
“Te amo (I love you),” he said into your lips, sounding wrecked. “Te amo tanto (I love you so much). No puedo esperar a verte usando un anillo (I can’t wait to see you wearing a ring on your finger). No puedo esperar a verte embarazada (I can’t wait to see you pregnant).” His pace was quickening, his words getting breathier. “No puedo esperar a que seas mi esposa (I can’t wait for you to be my wife). No puedo esperar a que seas la madre de mi hijos (I can’t wait for you to be the mother of my children). No puedo esperar a vivir en la casa de tus sueños contigo (I can’t wait to live in the house of your dreams with you). No puedo esperar a pasar el resto de mi vida contigo (I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you). Te amo, mi Cielito, mi amor, mi vida, mi alma, mi todo (I love you, my Cielito, my love, my life, my soul, my everything).”
“God,” you softly moaned. “This is what you meant when you said querías hacerme el amor (you wanted to make love to me).” This was the only way you were okay with the phrase—it sounded very romantic in Spanish. “How do you make me fall more in love with you?” You kissed him. “It’s not fair.” Your words were muffled. “I want to be married to you and have your babies.” Your legs went around his hips, digging your heels into his flexed asscheeks to pull him closer to you each time he pushed in. “Fuck a baby into me, Javi.” He groaned at your words, his hips moving faster, finally working toward his end. “I want one so bad—I’m hoping I can get rid of my birth control tomorrow.” Which was true.
The sound he made, you’d think he’d been wounded, his strokes getting jerky, his face going into your neck as he breathed through his bared teeth until he was pushing in all the way, biting into your shoulder to muffle his ragged moan as he came. You felt as his cock thickened and pulsed, spurting hot come as deep inside you as he could get, your cunt clenching around him.
This was what you had needed all damn day, finally feeling sated at being full of him, all of him—his dick, his come—sighing happily.
He let go of your hands, and you found yourself under the comforting weight of the man you’d one day marry and have children with, sliding your fingers into the soft, thick, sweat-damp strands of his hair, making him hum and nuzzle into your throat as you lightly scratched at his scalp.
Nothing mattered when you were like this; no one else existed. There was only Javi and you, you and Javi. He was what you could feel and what you could smell. When you opened your eyes, he was what you could see; his heavy breaths were what you could hear—he was everything.
He was your everything.
Javier Peña was your today, tomorrow, next week, and next year. He was your present and future, the one you were meant to spend the rest of your days on this planet with and haunt all of eternity in the afterlife with. He was your person, the love of your life, your soulmate, and most of all, your best friend.
You were going to marry and start a family with your best friend, the man who knew you better than anyone else and loved you more, too.
Why were you ever scared about having a child when you knew he’d be by your side every step of the way and take care of you?
Because you’ve never had this kind of support or been loved like this before. You were in new territory and treading carefully, learning as you went—both of you were learning to live this new life together and figuring things out. As Javi said earlier in the day, it wasn’t going to be all sunshine and rainbows. You were going to have your ups and downs, but all that mattered was you stuck together through the good and the bad because you truly loved each other.
Time passed, the minutes going into the double digits before either of you spoke, content in your cocoon.
“Did you mean it?” he said the words into your skin.
“Did I mean what?” It took some head-turning and neck stretching to kiss his forehead.
“You wanna get rid of your birth control tomorrow.”
“Yeah.” Your fingers stroked through his hair. “I was gonna call your dad right before you came and got me for bed, but now it’s too late. I’ll leave a message on his answering machine in the morning since he’ll be working to give us a call on his lunch break so I can talk to him.”
Javi’s head popped up to look you in the eyes with a grin. “He’ll answer the first time you call.”
You frowned. “He’ll already be working by six… He won’t be home.”
He was practically vibrating with excitement. “Trust me, he’ll be home.”
Your eyes narrowed. “What do you know that I don’t know?”
“Nothing that you don’t already know—Pop really wants to be an abuelo (grandpa), and he’s on our ass about grandkids all the fucking time.”
“Yeah, but that doesn’t explain him being home tomorrow…”
“Oh, yeah, I talked to him earlier and mentioned you wanted to talk to him before we finally went for it, and he got so excited, he said he’d stay home the next couple of days in case you called.”
That sounded like something Chucho would do if he knew there was a chance it’d speed up him getting his grandkids, and it warmed your heart, making you smile. “He’s the best—I love your dad.”
“He’s your dad, too—he already calls you his nuera (daughter-in-law).”
“Sure, but it feels a little sweet home Alabama saying, ‘I love our dad’ with your dick still inside me.”
A high-pitched sound came from air escaping between his lips, which he was struggling to keep closed, it sputtering into a full-on laugh, his eyes crinkling at the edges in mirth.
“That’s fucked up,” he wheezed.
You were smiling, pushing his bangs away from his face. “It’s the truth. The sentiment is sweet, but the phrasing is a real boner killer.”
“I love you.” He was calming down, adjusting his weight onto one arm in order to cradle your face in his other palm.
“I love you, too.”
The smile on his face was big and bright, a joyful chuckle leaving him as he leaned in to kiss you—something sweet, and tender, feeling his happiness with each press of his plush lips to yours.
“We’re gonna have a baby,” he said between kisses.
“I’m not pregnant yet.”
“You will be soon.” And he said it so matter of factly, with such surety, it had pleasure shivering down your spine, your cunt clenching around his softened cock, making him hiss from the overstimulation.
A shift happened, the kisses turning more fervent before he was pulling out of you and making a journey with his lips down your body, to between your legs, where he worshipped you with his mouth and tongue, your fingers tugging on his hair, biting your lip to keep yourself quiet.
After he pulled another orgasm from you, he finally seemed satisfied, and a quick shower was taken to wash the sex away from your bodies. Javi was so pissed off about the bed he refused to sleep in it how Steve had intended and instead quietly moved the furniture around, pushing an end table and the bedframe closer to the closet to give him enough space to put the mattress on the floor. It was going to be an absolute bitch to get up from in the morning, but your future husband was pleased with himself for getting around his friend trying to cockblock him, and you both were happy you weren’t plagued with any more godawful noise.
This time, you were naked when you crawled into bed with Javi, and he immediately pulled you into his arms, tangling your legs together. Exhaustion caught up to you from the long day, sleep making your eyes heavy, smiling when he kissed your forehead, then your lips, his nose nudging yours as he whispered, “I love you.”
Your thoughts had become slow, so comfortable and warm, feeling so loved and happy, you were drifting off, mumbling as you went, “I love you, too.”
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The bright teal walls and floral artwork hanging on them let him know he was standing in the hallway at the back of his father’s house—his mother had chosen each piece, and his dad had hammered each nail they hung from in the spots she’d decided. In all his years in this house, he’d never seen these walls bare and loved even after all this time since his mom had passed away, his father hadn’t changed a single thing she decorated; not in this hallway, not in his parent’s bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, the entryway, the guest room; they all had a touch of her, little traces of her memory with the pictures she chose to display or the knick-knacks she left on shelves or decorations adorning the spaces.
Sounds were coming from the kitchen that told him someone was cooking—a tune he couldn’t quite make out but somehow knew playing on his mother’s favorite Spanish radio station, something frying on the stove, the dings and scrapes of cooking utensils against pots and pans—the familiarity of it making him wonder what his Cielito was making, and feeling like he was floating across the floor with how smoothly he walked toward the noises.
One moment, he was walking, the next, he was in the kitchen beside the table. His vision was soft around the edges and unfocused, but he knew the woman whose back was to him wasn’t Cielito—it was almost like she was a shadow; the shape of an adult human female with no details.
The dark figure’s head turned to look over their shoulder at him, and even without a face, he could tell they were smiling.
“Ah, mi Javiercito, estoy muy feliz de que estés aquí (Ah, my Javier, I’m so happy you’re here)!” His vision focused as she spoke and filled in those details that were missing, his mother appearing before him with her brown hair that matched his beginning to grey and the same lines on her face that were in the photo taken on his parents’ 35th anniversary. “Te he echado de menos, nene (I’ve missed you, baby boy).” She turned to face him, wearing her light pink, rose-printed apron with the ruffle trim and two big, solid dark pink pockets on the front. “Ven a ayudar a tu mamá a abrir este frasco obstinado (Come help your mom open this stubborn jar).” She held it up, and he was so transfixed with her he didn’t care to see what was in it.
“Amá (Mom),” he whispered, trying not to cry. “¿Eres tú, amá (Is that you, mom)?”
“¿Estuviste ausente por tanto tiempo que te olvidaste de tu pobre madre (Were you away for so long that you forgot about your poor mother)? Sí, soy yo (Yes, it’s me). Ahora, ayúdame a abrir este frasco (Now, help me open this jar).” She lifted the glass again. “Tu papá está trabajando y tengo que terminar de hacer la cena (Your dad is working and I need to finish making dinner). Es una gran noche para todos nosotros (It’s a big night for all of us).”
Javier took the jar and easily got the lid off with a pop as he removed it.
His mother was much shorter than him, and she reached up to grab his face, pulling him down to kiss all over his cheeks like he was a child before she held them and looked him in the eyes.
“Gracias, Javiercito (Thank you, Javier),” she said. “Estoy muy orgullosa de ti y del hombre increíble en el que te has convertido (I am so proud of you and the amazing man you have become). No sabes lo feliz que estoy de ver hacia dónde se dirige tu vida (You don’t know how happy I am to see where your life is going). No mereces nada más que felicidad (You deserve nothing but happiness). Hablando de eso, ¿cuándo llegará mi nuera favorita aquí (Speaking of which, when will my favorite daughter-in-law get here)?” She patted his cheeks. “¿Dónde está tu Cielito (Where is your Cielito)? Ella necesita estar aquí para la celebración de que tu padre y yo finalmente vamos a ser abuelos (She needs to be here for the celebration that your dad and I are finally going to be grandparents). Estoy haciendo su receta favorita de mi caja de recetas (I’m making her favorite recipe from my recipe box).”
It was so hard to speak when it felt like there was a lump in his throat.
“¿Por qué estás haciendo su receta favorita (Why are you making her favorite recipe)?” he asked thickly. “Soy tu hijo (I’m your son).”
His mom smiled. “Porque ella es la mujer increíble que hizo sonreír a mi hijo de nuevo, y lo ama tanto, sé que finalmente tendrá la vida feliz que tanto se merece (Because she is the incredible woman who made my son smile again, and loves him so much, I know he’s going to finally have the happy life he deserves).” Her smile turned mischievous. “Además, ella es mi hija favorita que nunca tuve y la madre de mis futuros nietos, así que le haré todo lo que quiera (Also, she is my favorite daughter I never had and the mother of my future grandchildren, so I will make her anything she wants.”
Suddenly, consciousness was crashing into him as he woke up, gasping on a sob, his eyes wet with tears. The room was pitch black when his eyelids lifted, lying face up atop the mattress, Cielito’s back pressed to his side with his arm draped over her bare middle, the ache in his heart making his shoulders shake as he cried away the sadness.
What he’d give for that dream to have been reality.
He couldn’t recall the last time his mother had visited him while he slept. For years after she passed away, the only time she appeared in his dreams was when he relived the last time he saw her alive as she lay on her deathbed. Over and over again, he’d sit on the edge of the hospital bed with her frail hands gripping her rosary between his, begging him to take it for her, and Javier always telling her he would and how much he loved her. Sometimes, he’d say more—he’d beg for her forgiveness for being away for so long, tell her he couldn’t live without her, and plead with her to stay a little longer because he wasn’t ready to let her go.
What he dreamt this evening was different than anything he could remember. It was jarring how real it felt, which made it hurt so much worse. He wondered why his brain chose tonight of all nights to have her visit him and say things he’d needed to hear. Maybe it was all of the big changes taking place in his life—he was moving forward, and it was a reminder she’d always be with him. What he knew for sure was it made him miss her so fucking much and hate that she wouldn’t be with his dad when he and Cielito called him this morning to tell him the news they were engaged and wanted to start their family.
Thinking about his plans for that morning, he moved his arm from over his future wife to wipe away the wetness on his cheeks and carefully sat up so he didn’t wake her, the blankets falling to pool at his waist. He twisted his upper body to look over his shoulder at the glowing red numbers on the alarm clock sitting on the bedside table pressed against the mattress-less bed frame. The alarm he set would be going off in ten minutes, so it looked like he was getting up. He leaned back and stretched his arm to turn off the alarm.
It was a smart move to put the mattress on the floor with how he was able to quietly get out of bed, his knees complaining when he stood up and made his way in the dark to the chair by the bathroom door where he set out his clothes the night before.
He’d get dressed in the bathroom, brush his teeth, do his hair, and shave. Then, he needed to do some other things before it was time to wake up the woman he loved.
His head was running through the list of shit that he had to get done, and something he kept thinking about, and he knew wasn’t rational, was how the dream felt like his mother saying hi and giving him her approval of who he was going to marry from beyond the grave.
As he said, it wasn’t rational, but it made him really fucking happy.
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The tickle of his mustache as he kissed along your shoulder had you waking. His warm hand was rubbing along your arm while he whispered into your skin, “Wake up, Cielito. It’s time to get up, mi amor (my love). We gotta get going, baby.”
“Mmm,” you hummed with a smile. He was on top of the blankets behind you. “What time is it?” you murmured.
“Half past five.”
“In Laredo or Miami?”
You could feel him smile. “Miami.”
The answer made you groan. “That’s four-thirty at home—why are we waking up at five-thirty on vacation?”
“If you get up, you’ll find out.”
You were frowning. “Is everyone else getting up, too?”
“What, are you making me breakfast before they wake up or something?”
“Are we going someplace at the asscrack of dawn?”
He huffed out an amused breath. “Yes.”
That had you wondering where in the world he’d take you so early.
“Will there be food?”
He probably wanted to take you alone to some local diner he used to go to when he’d visit, so it was best to leave while everyone else was sleeping.
The thought of coffee and breakfast had you saying, “Fine, I’m getting up.”
“Thank you, Cielito.” He placed one last kiss on your shoulder and moved to get up with a groan. You stretched under the warm covers, blinking open your eyes to see the bathroom light was on with the door cracked, and Javi was fully dressed, yawning as you threw back the blankets.
He helped pull you up from the mattress, and as you walked toward the bathroom, you asked, “Will leggings and a t-shirt be okay, or is there a dress code?”
“Whatever you’ll be comfortable in is fine.”
After taking care of your needs in the en suite, it took some minutes to get ready, ending up in some black leggings and an oversized coral-colored t-shirt with minty breath and your hair done.
The two of you were quiet as you made your way out of the house, stopping to put on your shoes and Javi locking the front door with a key on his keyring as you left.
The sky outside was dark, the street lights offering an orangish glow. Javi was wearing a white button-up under his black leather jacket and jeans, and you were still feeling a bit groggy when you got in the SUV, unable to keep from yawning. He laced his fingers with yours on your thigh, and even though there was a center console separating you both, you leaned your head against his arm as you hugged it, street lights and the headlights of morning commuters passing you as you made your way down the roads with the radio softly playing.
Between the signs on the highway and glimpses of the ocean, it wasn’t much of a surprise when Javi pulled over to the side of the road near a beach access point in Miami Beach forty-five minutes later. It still wasn’t clicking what you were doing there so early in the morning, though. A big bank of dirt covered in bushes kept the water out of view, with some palm trees and a street lamp standing high above near the entrance.
“I thought you said there’d be food?” you said, not even attempting to keep the confusion out of your tone.
“Trust me.” He kissed your hair, untangling your hands as he put the vehicle in park and switched it off.
“Okay… I didn’t bring a jacket.”
Javi met your eyes, the overhead lights coming on when he removed the keys. “Don’t worry. I’ve got you, mi amor. Now, come with me, please.” He didn’t even look tired, his gaze bright and hopeful.
“Okay.” You unbuckled your seatbelt, and he smiled, doing the same.
What was a surprise was when you went to see what he was getting out of the trunk, and he pulled out a big bundled-up blanket and full tote bag that clinked as he moved. You closed the back of the SUV without him having to ask.
He had started walking, and you followed, the air surprisingly warm for how early it was.
“Yes, Cielito?”
“Did you bring me to the beach for a breakfast picnic?”
You followed him down the path lined with tall grass, bushes, and trees, your feet sinking into the sand as you walked, hearing the waves in the distance—on the beach, you looked around, not seeing any other people, just miles upon miles of sand, and wondered to yourself with how sweet this whole thing was if Javi would let you suck his dick. Thankfully, he didn’t make you walk far, taking you to a circular alcove at the base of the hill where it indented in, the grass and raised land along the sides shielding you from view at those angles.
He set down the bag and spread out the blanket, stepping onto it, and you watched as he lowered himself down to sit on his ass with his legs spread a little out in front of him. He made you giggle when he tugged you by the arm and pulled you down into his lap, ending up across it, his head turning to look at you with a smile, the same expression on your face.
“You stupidly romantic man,” you said, stroking your fingers over his smooth cheek.
“You love that I’m stupidly romantic.” He kissed your palm.
“Yes, I do—like, if you wanted me to, I’d suck your dick right this second. A beach breakfast picnic deserves an out-in-public blow job.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You’re gonna get us arrested.”
“Hey, I can’t help that it makes me horny when you’re stupidly romantic. My only complaint is how early it is. Aside from that, everything else is lovely.”
His lips dipped into a frown. “I’m, uh, sorry I can’t make the sun rise later…”
Your eyes rounded. “Oh my fucking god,” you breathed. “We’re here to watch the sunrise. I’m so fucking stupid.”
“Why else would I get you up at the asscrack of dawn?”
“Sex,” you answered immediately.
His eyebrow went up. “Did we fuck?”
“No.” You shook your head. Warmth was moving through your veins, feeling the fuzzy happiness. “Because you brought me to the beach for a breakfast picnic and to watch the sunrise!” Moving, you straddled his thighs, taking his face in your hands as you crashed your mouth to his, kissing him like your life depended on it. His arms went around your back to pull you into him, his mouth opening when you eagerly pressed your tongue inside to slide against his, rocking your hips.
The need to breathe became too much, and his lips went to your chin to travel along your jaw in wet streaks.
“I love you so much, Javi,” you panted. “I wish I could do something as special as this for you.”
“You did.” He sucked on your neck, and you moaned.
“I did?”
His head came up to meet your gaze. “Yeah, when you learned how to make mi mamá’s tamales.”
“You’re stupidly romantic, too.”
It never crossed your mind that making him his mother’s tamale recipe would come across as stupidly romantic—you’d just wanted him to have some comfort on his tough first day at his new job.
“Well, fuck, we’re both a couple of stupidly romantic fools.”
He smiled big as he laughed, giving you a quick kiss.
“Yes, we are. Turn around, baby, and watch the sunrise.” He nodded toward it.
“Bossy.” You gave him a peck on the lips and turned around to sit between his legs, with your back to his front.
A cool gust from the ocean hit you, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin and making you shiver; staring off at the horizon and the dim sky colored in a fiery red where it met the water, lightening to yellow, then a soft blue as it rose.
Javi’s upper body was moving behind you. “Lean forward a little,” he said.
You tilted forward slightly, and he placed his leather jacket on your shoulders, feeling the weight of it and warmth on the inside from his body heat as it covered your arms and back.
Leaning back with your head on his shoulder, you turned to kiss his jaw. “Thank you.”
He hugged around your belly, shoving his face in your neck. “You’re welcome.” His words were muffled.
“What’s in the bag?” you asked.
He squeezed you a little tighter for a second.
“Thermos of coffee, some coffee cups, croissants, donut holes, berries, and cut-up pineapple.”
It was getting brighter, and you were enjoying watching the waves rolling.
“How in the world did you prepare all of that?”
“Connie—she bought everything, had the coffee pot set to be ready when I got up before you, and all I had to do was cut up the pineapple and pack everything.”
“Connie’s the best.”
His chin was resting on your shoulder.
“She is. Are you enjoying the trip?”
“Yes,” you answered truthfully. “Your friends are great, and I’d love to visit again.”
The sky had erupted in bright yellows, oranges, and reds the closer the sun got to appearing.
“It’s so beautiful.”
“Not as beautiful as you,” he said, taking your left hand in his, his other arm staying around your middle.
In the past, if he said such a thing, you’d snort or deny the compliment, but you’ve been with him long enough to know it wasn’t just him saying words—he meant it. If you asked him if he’d rather watch the sunrise or look at you, he’d choose option two because he was so unbelievably in love with you there was nothing or nobody more beautiful to him; he didn’t even look at other women, or if you pointed out one was attractive, he sounded so uninterested, with his, ‘Sure,’ or, ‘I guess,’ before he got flirty and told you how you were hotter.
This man was obsessed with you, and it was the greatest feeling in the world to feel so wanted. Your insecurities would never disappear, but he did his best to ensure you knew he loved all of you, including your flaws and the things you hated. He was perfect, and sometimes you couldn’t believe he was yours.
You grabbed his hand on your stomach. “My sweet man, I’m literally the happiest girl in the world. I don’t know how I got so lucky meeting you,” you said, sighing wistfully. “You came into my life with those beautiful brown eyes, that perfect mustache, and those tight-ass jeans, and I was a goner. You take up my every thought, and second, and hour, and everywhere I look, it’s you who comes to mind—it’s always you. God, I get lost in your eyes, your smile, and your voice. I get lost just thinking about them. I am so in love with you, Javi, that I miss you constantly. You can be in another room, and I miss you. You can be sitting on the other end of the couch, and I miss you. What I’m trying to say, Javier, is that I love you and am as obsessed with you as you are with me and that I know, to you, I am more beautiful than what we’re looking at.”
Emotion made his words rough. “I’m happy you finally believe me.” He kissed your hair.
“I do. I definitely do.”
He cleared his throat. “Can I say my stupidly romantic shit now?”
You laughed, the sun just beginning to peek in the distance, the colors of the sky reminding you of the opening scene in The Lion King. “Yes,” you answered.
He cleared his throat. “Mi Cielito, eres mi primer amor y mi último, mi media naranja y la mujer con la que voy a pasar el resto de mi vida (My Cielito, you are my first love and my last, my soulmate, and the woman I am going to spend the rest of my life with). Yo te pertenezco (I belong to you). Todo de mí es tuyo (All of me is yours). Mi presente, mi futuro, te pertenece (My present, my future, belongs to you). Eres con quien quiero compartir mi vida, y con quien quiero pasar por los buenos momentos y malos (You are the one I want to share my life with and the one I want to go through the good times and bad with). Me haces un mejor hombre y me haces querer ser un mejor hombre que merece a alguien tan increíble como tú (You make me a better man, and you make me want to be a better man who deserves someone as incredible as you).
“Sabía que eras la unica desde el momento en que nos conocimos (I knew you were the one from the moment we met). Sentí una conexión contigo (I felt a connection with you)—por la primera vez, sentí paz y sé que era mi alma encontraba su pieza faltante (for the first time I felt peace and I know it was my soul finding its missing piece). Sabía que iba a casarme contigo en nuestra tercera cita mientras bailábamos en tu cocina, y si soy honesta conmigo mismo, sabía que te amaba entonces, también (I knew I was going to marry you on our third date while we were dancing in your kitchen, and if I’m honest with myself, I knew I loved you then, too)—las palabras estuvieron pegadas a la punta de mi lengua durante semanas antes de que las dijera en voz pero supe durante tanto tiempo que tú eras para mí (the words were stuck to the tip of my tongue for weeks before I said them out loud, but I knew for so long that you were it for me).”
Tears fell down your cheeks, hearing and watching the waves crashing, the sun rising in the flaming sky as the backdrop.
“It’s not fair your stupidly romantic shit is making me cry,” you sniffed.
He kissed the side of your neck, his right hand on your tummy moved up to cup your left cheek, swiping at some of the wetness with his thumb.
“Lo siento por hacerte llorar, pero no he terminado (I’m sorry for making you cry, but I’m not finished).”
“Please continue. It’s not like you’ll make me cry any harder.”
You could hear him smiling when he started talking again. “Mi sueño para donde estaremos en cinco años es que estemos casados, viviendo en la casa de sus sueños que he construido para ti, rodeado de tantos niños como quieras, que estemos criando juntos (My dream for where we’ll be in five years is that we’re married, living in your dream home that I’ve built for you, surrounded by as many kids as you want that we’re raising together). Quiero eso (I want that). Quiero que eso se convierta en una realidad (I want that to become a reality). Quiero hacer mis sueños realidad y convertirme en tu esposo (I want to make my dreams come true and become your husband).”
Gasping, your head turned to look at him, his hand leaving your face, realizing this was a proposal.
“Javi,” you whispered, your breath stuttering as teardrops streamed down your cheeks, your lip trembling. “Are we practicing?”
There’d been a few practice proposals, the rules for the real thing being that Javi had to do it, and there needed to be a ring. Being on the beach, with the rolling waves and the rising sun, made this the perfect location and time for him to do it, but there didn’t seem to be a ring…
“Sigue mirando el amanecer, mi amor (Keep watching the sunrise, my love).”
With a nod, you faced forward again and immediately jolted in shock, your palm covering your mouth, stifling your loud gasp.
In front of you, Javi held up with one hand an open white leather ring box containing a gold band with a decent-sized princess cut diamond in the middle and two smaller ones on either side.
It was beautiful.
And he was actually doing it.
This was the real thing.
It was finally happening, and your body was shaking with sobs, the tears from earlier turning into full-on ugly crying because you were so happy and overcome with emotion.
“Te amo tanto, para siempre no sería suficiente tiempo para pasar contigo (I love you so much forever wouldn’t be enough time to spend with you),” Javi continued, sounding choked up. “Soy tuyo hasta que respire por la última vez, y seguiré siendo tuyo cuando mi alma deje esta tierra (I am yours until my last breath, and I will still be yours when my soul leaves this earth). La muerte no nos mantendrá separados (Death won’t keep us apart); Nos volveremos a encontrar (We’ll meet again). Buscaré en el cosmos y en los cielos hasta encontrarte porque no puedo vivir sin ti (I will search the cosmos and the heavens until I find you because I cannot live without you); eres mi otra mitad, mi media naranja, y me haces completo (you are my other half, my soulmate, and you make me whole). No hay yo sin ti (There is no me without you).”
“Me haces feliz de una manera que nadie más puede (You make me happy in a way that no one else can). Me haces sentir amado (You make me feel loved). Te preocupas por mí, y por todo eso, tienes todo mi amor y total devoción, y quiero dedicarte cada pieza de mí mismo, cuerpo y alma a ti (You care about me, and for all that, you have all of my love and total devotion, and I want to dedicate every piece of myself, body and soul, to you). Mi Cielito, mi amor, mi vida, mi alma, mi todo ¿me hariás el hombre más feliz del mundo, te casarías conmigo (My Cielito, my love, my life, my soul, my everything, you’d make me the happiest man in the world, will you marry me)?”
Nodding your head, you answered through tears, “¡Por supuesto que sí (Yes, of course)! ¡Un millón de veces sí (A million times, yes)!”
He paused for a second. “Really?” he asked softly.
His surprise sobered you up to the point you frowned and stopped crying, shaking off his hand holding yours to turn around, sitting on your knees between his legs.
His eyes were rimmed with red, tear tracks streaking beneath them down his cheeks. You held his face in your hands, your gaze on his.
“Now, you listen here, Javier Jesús Peña López: I. Am. Marrying. You. You proposed with a ring, and I said yes. I. Said. Yes.” You poked him in the middle of the chest. “We’re getting married. I want to marry you, so please put that gorgeous fucking ring on my finger so we can make out.”
“Right, shit,” he said, fumbling to take the ring out in front of you, the box falling once he had it between his fingers. He grabbed your left hand, sliding the ring onto your ring finger, and it fit perfectly.
You were staring at it, the diamonds sparkling in the early morning light.
“It’s so beautiful,” you said, your vision muddled from the water brimming in your eyes.
“It was my mom’s.”
Your gaze snapped to his. “Your mom’s?”
He was smiling softly. “Yeah. She would’ve wanted you to have it, and Pop agreed; he had it cleaned the day after he met you.” His hand held yours, sliding his thumb over the ring, and you wept, the teardrops slowly falling. “He gave me his blessing to have it altered because the original center diamond was very modest—he worked on the ranch for the previous owner in high school to help out mis abuelos (my grandparents), and once he realized he was going to marry my mom, he started saving a little bit of his paychecks for years until he had enough to buy her a ring he felt proud about her wearing; he wanted me to feel proud when you showed it off, too. The rest is the same aside from being adjusted to your size.”
You were looking down at where his thumb was moving over each diamond, back and forth, knowing the ring's history making you feel incredibly emotional.
“She wore this?”
Your shoulders shook. “It’s perfect,” you said. “She’ll always be with us.”
Javi had tears wetting his cheeks as he smiled. “Yeah, she will.”
The sentiment had the floodgates letting loose and made you start to bawl, throwing your arms around his neck and shoving your face in his throat as you hugged him, his arms wrapping around you to hold you close. He comforted you while you happily sobbed.
You were just so unbelievably happy with everything that happened—the proposal was better than you ever could have dreamed, and the fact he’d done it with his mother’s ring was making you an absolute mess. It meant so much to you that Chucho and Javi felt Antonia would want you to have it, silently promising her as you held her son that for as long as you lived, he would be loved, cherished, and you’d take good care of him.
When you finally started calming down, you said into his skin, sounding stuffed up, “There’s not this much gross crying when people get engaged on TV or in movies. Like, who’d wanna make out with someone whose face is wet from snot and tears?”
He chuckled, rubbing a hand along your spine. “I would.”
Sitting up, you met his eyes with a frown. “I feel too icky.”
“Hold on.” He leaned to dig into the tote bag beside him and brought out a small square box of tissues, presenting it to you.
“Connie?” you asked as you pulled two from the top.
You were wiping your face. “We should get her a fruit basket—one of the fancy chocolate-dipped ones.” The tissues were discarded for another to blow your nose, thinking this had to be the peak of romance.
“We’ll do that. I was gonna get Steve a nice bottle of whiskey, but with what he did to the bed, he’s not getting shit now.” The box of tissues was set down.
You snorted, your face finally clean and hands free. “You’ll get back at him somehow. Now—” You moved to straddle his lap with your arms going over his shoulder and fingers threading into his hair. “—I’d like to make out with my fiancé.” His white collar caught your attention. “I’m surprised for such a special occasion, you didn’t match your shirt to mine.”
He was smirking, his hands coming up to slide along your cheeks before cradling them. “It’s because—” Gently, he pulled you forward, kissing the tip of your nose, then nuzzling it with his own. “—I’m wearing the same outfit I wore on our first date.” His lips found yours in a passionate kiss, remembering him sitting in the bar on your first date in his white button-up under the black leather jacket and jeans, and that it was exactly what he wore here—all of the thought he put into this morning making you go so soft you were practically goo as you melted into him, pressing yourself closer, and allowing his tongue to plunder your mouth.
Happiness was wafting off the both of you, the sun shining in an orange glow behind you as the waves crashed and rolled.
Javier Peña was your person—he was the love of your life, your soulmate, your best friend, and his newest title, your fiancé.
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dejwrld · 3 months
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��‧₊˚ ʚ₊˚‧ ✿ ꒱ 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐈 / the story of how the ushijima's rekindled an old flame that kick-started their love story.
┊ •° ੈ ⋆° ┊ warning readers discretion is advised — female reader, her/she pronouns, black reader (with descriptors), influencer!reader, profanity, alcohol usage, intoxication (both reader and ushijima), flashback in italics, mentions of making out, mentions of fingering, tendou makes an appearance, i just around using ushijima & wakatoshi a lot, it's late but we here, mdni
╰┈➤ song for this part: we might even be falling in love (interlude) by victoria monet
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Wakatoshi’s fingers lingered on your lower back as the crowd cheered for the excitement of the wedding that was just a couple of days away. His lips grazed upon the shell of your ear at the flash of the photographer’s camera. This felt so unreal, you were about to get married in a couple of days to the love of your life. You felt this feeling of warmth rush over your body with each second of Wakatoshi’s fingertips tracing alongside the lining of your dress. 
“Who would have thought?” His words whisper in your ears with a grin. “Wouldn’t think I would be about to marry the cute girl who I help carry coffee to her internship building.” 
You bite back a smile before you turn to wrap your arms around his neck. Your high heels give you enough height so you won’t have to stand on your tippy toes. The diamond ring on your finger twinkles under the restaurant light before you place a quick peck on his lip.
“Yeah, just some years ago we rekindled in Paris,” You said.
His lips were against your ear once more, “Ah, I remember Paris like it was yesterday. But I could have sworn you told me, what happened in Paris stays-“
His words and your pending embarrassment of remembering the events in Paris made your cheeks heat up. Your eyes trail to your fiancé while he’s getting dragged by his teammates away from you. His chestnut-colored eyes never leave you while a foolish grin spreads on his face before he disappears into the celebratory dinner crowd. Even if he was swallowed up by a sea of people, you still could see him in the crowd with a huge grin as he gloated about being a married man in a couple of days.
What a memory that was.
Your first fashion week as an influencer and blogger had just wrapped up leaving you to explore Paris. You wanted to celebrate the huge opportunities that were graced upon you. Landing a brand deal with a well-known and successful black luxury brand was something huge for you. It felt like a dream if you were going to be honest with yourself. So, you had to celebrate until your last day in Paris. You shopped a lot. Went out clubbing with some other influencers that were here also. Now you stand outside this chocolate shop gazing at the huge chocolate fountain that was in front of the display window that looks like it’s been cleaned countless times during the day.
You went to snap a picture of it for your social media accounts, but a figure inside the store caught your attention. His large frame was hunched over the counter as he was talking to another man with a red buzz-cut hairstyle. Even though the sign on the door was turned to closed, he was inside as if he had special privileges. He wore some light khaki-colored slacks, a black polo that was tucked in and secured with a belt, a beige wool overcoat, and a pair of white Alexander McQueen shoes. His dark olive-brown hair wasn’t messy in the sense that it looked like he just rolled out of bed, but more of him constantly running his fingers through it. He looked familiar. 
When the red-haired guy noticed you staring, you immediately fled. Although, the aesthetically pleasing chocolate fountain would be wonderful for your Paris photo dump for your socials—nothing is more embarrassing than being caught staring at a possible stranger through a window like a creep. You thought you were walking fast enough to put distance between yourself and the shop, but when you felt someone grab a hold of your elbow—the feeling of despair engulfed you so quickly. Until you saw who grabbed you. 
The man who you were staring at. That sense of familiarity wasn’t nothing because you knew him. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi. 
“I knew you looked familiar.” Your voice came out like a whisper as if you didn’t believe he was standing in front of you.
It’s been years since the last time you saw him. You remembered how kind he was when you two first met. Helping you carry baked goods and coffee orders in your internship building. Then two weeks later from that interaction, you saw him again at a farmer’s market in California. Then after that, the next time you saw him was when he was a part of Japan’s volleyball Olympics team. You didn’t want to admit that you thought about him a lot. Who wouldn’t? He was an attractive and genuine guy. The volleyball part was just an extra point. 
“Last time we saw each other, I remember specifically you talked my father’s head off over-”
“Marketing.” You finished his sentence, the distant memory of you practically forcing him to be the third wheel with his day with his father made you cringe. “I’m sorry about that by the way. Thinking back on it, it was extremely intrusive.” 
“Eh, it’s fine. My father still talks about you up to this day, you know? Quote on quote said I should date a girl like you. I can see why he would say that.” His eyes scan over your face to your body and now even though you are covered in a sweater dress—you feel bare. 
The heat that spread from your fingertips to your cheeks made you want to fan yourself. “It’s good to see you again, Ushijima.”
“Wakatoshi..” He corrects. 
Your lips curve into a smile of warmth before speaking again, “Wakatoshi.” 
You liked how that felt, and you can tell that he enjoyed you saying it. The tip of his ears was as red as your purse that was hanging on your shoulder. Soon that deep crimson color imparts across his cheeks. He looks down at his shoes in embarrassment before attempting to speak through the fact that he is blushing in front of you.
“Are you free tonight? Meeting my friend and his co-workers at this bar not too far away from here.” Wakatoshi questions. 
“Yes, I’m just enjoying the last couple of days here before I head back.”
“And when is that?”
“Two days.”
“Great.” was the only thing that left his mouth before he grabbed your hand and walked through the crowd of people towards the bar.
Here you two sat in a bar full of people and that feeling of it only being you two returned. Thighs briefly brushed against each other while you were in a booth together, practically ignoring the environment around each other. Even though the two of you could only send wide grins toward each other, you still felt this strange feeling of comfort wiggle up your spine. Even growing comfortable to lean back further in your seat into Ushijima’s arm that was resting on the back of the booth seat.
“Okay, you have half a million followers. How can I build my following?” Tendou slides his phone across the table to show you his Instagram account.
You glance at his phone briefly. He had a pretty decent following for a chocolatier. From your conversations with him, while you were here with him and Ushijima, he had a bright and energetic personality that you were sure would win people over. You scrolled through his photos of different chocolate he’s made and even some fun photo dumps. His likes on his photos were extremely stable considering the platform’s strange algorithm. Quite obvious it was actual people liking his photos and not bots. 
“You have a decent following and interesting stuff on your page. Have you tried recording a day in your life video?” You asked. “I think it would be cool for people to see the life of a chocolatier.” You shrug your shoulders and slide your phone to him.
“I never thought to do that,” Tendou snatches up his phone to glance through his Instagram again. Soon a young woman caught his attention and he abruptly excused himself, uttering how he had to use his French to good use. 
“So, how’s your social media looking?” You questioned before your eyes looked up at Ushijima. “Do you even have any social media pages? You look like a very reserved guy..” Your words trail off realizing that maybe this was a bit intrusive that came off.
“Not a social media person, but my manager insists I make an Instagram account to connect with fans.” He pulls his phone out, unlocking it swiftly to show you his page.
He had more followers than you and verified. But he had only two photos on his page. One was dated back to a year when he first signed to the Schweiden Alders and the other was with his dad, who you assumed was in California. 
“You only have two pictures. Why? If you mind me asking.” 
“I just don’t see the point of having millions of people to be able to see important details of my life every day. That’s how people begin to construct their own opinions about you even though they merely only see what you post on the internet.” He sips from his beer bottle. 
You hummed at his answer, letting it debrief in your head. You never thought about it that way considering your career choice. Granted, you don’t share a lot about your personal life—but you were a very public person. Over a half million people knew you were in Paris at the moment, but for Ushijima, no one knew he was here unless they were Tendou, his close friends, and maybe some volleyball fans. 
“But your job must be quite interesting though. You have half a million people wanting details on your outfits and such.” He tries to lighten the atmosphere because he can tell that his words are causing you to think deeply.
“I’m grateful for that since they do help a girl eat, but I see why you’re so private. You’re like an all-star volleyball player. I’m sure social media could throw your game off.”
“It does, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Sports journalists are much harsher, you know.” His fingers traced alongside the rim of his beer bottle.
“How’s your parents?” You asked. “I’m sure your dad is loving the Cali weather,” You add. 
“They’re good. We can officially be in a room together without any back and forth. Think they do it just for me though,” his shoulders shrug and you manage to take note of how broad his shoulders are. 
Maybe you were gawking at his appearance. The last time you saw him, he had height on him. Maybe he grew a bit taller over the years. You definitely can tell whatever workout plan he had made him gain more muscle too. 
“That’s good to hear. I’m sure they’re super proud to see how far you have come.” You cheesed at him and he finished the last bit of his beer before the two of you were interrupted. 
These two young men stood with a huge smile on their faces. Faces as red as the red Sharpie one of them held in their hand. You knew they weren’t there for you, so you only laughed as Ushijima waited for them to spit out what they wanted. 
“We’re huge fans. Can we get some pictures and an autograph?” One asked. 
Ushijima looked at you with an apologetic look that you simply giggled at before letting him talk to his fans. In the meantime, you watch as he talks to the two guys as if he knew them for years. A huge smile on his face and his eyes twinkling like the night stars, seeing him like this felt nice. It brought comfort to you in a sense. During the time of them talking, a waitress placed shots down on the table that the fans brought. In return, you volunteered to take the picture of the trio and watch as Ushijima scribbled his autograph on a spare napkin on the table you two sat at. 
“We’re sorry for interrupting your date. Thanks for the picture and autograph.” One of the guys says before leaving—not giving either you or Ushijima time to correct him that this wasn’t a date. 
You went to make a joke about it, but your phone interrupted that. You quickly down the shot in front of you and make your escape out of the booth. 
“I have to take this call.” You seem to yell over the loud music playing in the bar. You went to stand up to take the phone call outside, but you felt Ushijima tug you back.
“Let me go with you,” You felt his hand grab yours instantly as he slid from outside the booth.
“I’m not going to get lost, you know?” You glance back at him briefly before leading him out of the bar. 
The two walked right by Tendou who was talking with a co-worker and as soon as he saw you two walking towards the door, his bright red eyebrows raised in curiosity. Most likely thinking you two were calling it a night after the extensive round of shots Ushijima fan brought him after he autographed a napkin for him. 
You thought it was strange for someone from one of the brands you work for to call you so late at night. Especially when you had spoken to them earlier—correction, you even did your part of the deal and finally posted the product review they were hounding you for. You listened to the agent talk about how they wanted you to post a review on their newest lipstick line that was being released in two weeks. But as they were throwing out their demands through your tipsy hiccups, they weren’t mentioning anything about increasing your pay.
You were a bit intoxicated and on the phone, with someone from a company you were a brand ambassador for. The night Paris wind brushed against your smooth brown legs under your sweater dress and you thought your body was going to shiver, but the closeness of Ushijima was like a personal heater. His eyes stared down at you with lust and charm while you were listening to the person on the other end. 
They do say some wines can be classified as an aphrodisiac. Perhaps it was the alcohol because you wanted him. You yearned for him just as much as you did years ago when you first met him. The heat that pooled in between your thighs crept up on you when you noticed Ushijima’s eyes scan over your lip gloss-covered lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
You couldn’t quite remember if you said yes. But you remembered your timid nods as you leaned to meet him halfway to close the gap between you two. You remembered ending the phone call without a care (and was sure you wouldn’t hear the last of it during your next Zoom meeting). And you remembered how Wakatoshi's lips felt. Soft, smooth, and plushable. He was a stern kisser, it went well with his personality. You could feel his fingertips on the back of your neck locking you in place for him to deepen the kiss. His tongue traced alongside your full lips aching to taste all the alcohol that stained your tongue. His knee breaks apart from your thighs as soon as your lips gasp apart to let him in. Your fingers interlock in his brown hair tugging him closer and your left thigh lifts just a bit for his free hand to grab upon.
Was it cliche to say you’ve never been kissed like this before? The way your lips moved with each other, you would have thought that the two of you had done this before. Perhaps in another life, you two were former lovers. That would explain the chemistry you two bounced off each other within the night and right now under the bright moon that gave you little light in the space you were camped out. 
During the heated makeout session, you could feel his fingerings up the dress you wore and your body instantly heated up. It was Wakatoshi doing this to you, of course, your body would feel like it was running a fever. But the idea of doing this here in an alley as drunken strangers walk by turned you on. Yes, it was scandalous if someone snapped a picture. There goes your brand deals and maybe a decrease in followers, but this was Wakatoshi. You would do anything to feel his expensive fingers rub against your clit. 
After the alleyway interaction, he spent the remaining two days with you. Even though he technically was supposed to leave the next morning—he extended your fairytale of making you feel like the most important woman in the world. Embracing those last forty-eight hours with you as if it were his last specks of air escaping his lungs. 
You remembered his last words before you were boarding your plane. A foolish grin on your glowing face and fingers intertwined with his like a love-sick character from a romance novel. 
“Is it odd to say I want us to work?” He admits. “And we only just rekindled two days ago.” 
“Then I’ll see you at your game next week.” 
“Let’s make this work, Wakatoshi.”
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kyriethesquishysquid · 9 months
When The Lights Go Out (John Price/Fem!Reader)
Summary: Captain Price and our lovely reader are neighbors in an apartment complex. Being a single mom to a four-year-old little girl, the reader tries to deny her feelings for the Captain, too afraid of rejection and ruining their friendship. It seems that fate has other plans for them when the apartment building loses power one fateful night. (Yeah, I’m bad at summaries, sue me lol)
Word count: (Somehow) ~9.5k
A/N: Uhh... sorry this came out a lot longer than I expected lol. Some use of Y/N. Reader’s description is left rather vague but there are details as to her being short, chubby, and with hair long enough to pull back. 
TW: Alcohol use. A few angry lines about infidelity of the ex-husband. Porn with minor plot. Romance and smut. Size kink, slight age gap (reader is somewhere around 25ish-30ish), dom/sub themes, M!dom, F!sub, some daddy kink, voice kink, dirty talk, squirting, and loottss of pet names (I’m a whore for pet names) including good girl, princess, darling, love, and daddy.
“This is pathetic,” you muttered glumly.
Throwing back the last bit of wine in your glass, you set it down and started filling it up again. Alone, on a Friday night, drinking at home and daydreaming about your hunk of a neighbor. God, you needed a hobby. Of course, being a single mom and working full time didn’t exactly give you the time to do much anyway, but you always felt the full brunt of loneliness on the few nights you were alone with your thoughts. Emma was with your parents at their beachside home for the weekend and there you were at home, lonely and wishing you had the balls to ask the man down the hall on a date. As you started sipping on your second glass, you let your thoughts wander back to the last time you had seen him a little over a week ago.
“Picey! It’s Picey!” Emma’s little voice cheered, drawing your gaze up from your phone. 
A flush warmed your cheeks gently when you met your neighbor's eyes as he entered the elevator, empathetically taking in his tired and pensive expression. You managed a little smile and a wave despite the way your heart began racing at the proximity of his form beside yours. 
Standing at about six feet tall with broad shoulders and muscular arms that easily rivaled the thickness of your thighs, Captain Price was one of the, if not the, hottest men you’d ever seen. That wasn’t even counting the beautiful mutton chops and mustache combo he sported or the way his intense blue eyes crinkled at the edges when he blessed you with his bright smile. Yeah, safe to say, you were helplessly smitten with the older military man. 
“Hey, munchkin!” Price replied, all traces of exhaustion lifting immediately as he ruffled her hair, “Hello, munchkin’s mum.”
“Hello, Captain. It’s good to see you made it home safe,” you said sweetly.
Before he could respond, Emma reached out towards the captain with little grabby hands. There was a moment where you considered pulling your daughter away, not wanting to make Price feel awkward, but then he lifted his hands in waiting. You thought your heart would explode, watching him set the toddler on his hip as if she belonged there naturally while she started babbling to him about cookies. 
“Chocolate chip, huh? You’re gonna sneak me some over, aye?” he asked in a conspiratorial whisper, eyes flickering to meet yours with mirth.
“As long as you promise you’re gonna be there tonight,” you replied coyly, “No running out on another mission without telling us, got it?”
Mastering your best stern mom look, you challenged his gaze only for the big man to break into a grin. The two of you had a little system going on. You brought him dinner and sweets on the nights he was home, and he’d let you know when he was heading out of town so you didn’t freak out when you didn’t see him for a while. It started after the first time you’d made the landlord do a wellness check when you hadn’t seen him for over a week. Safe to say, you were mortified when he confronted you about it, but he took it in stride; said it was nice to have someone outside of work looking out for him. This last trip was the first time since then that he’d left without warning and you couldn’t deny that it had made you sick with worry.
“I figured you’d be upset over that but, in my defense, I got the call at two in the mornin’ and I wasn’t about to wake up the lil missus just for that,” he explained.
Your conversation was interrupted by the ding of the lift, gazes turning forward as the doors opened onto your floor. He waved you forward and followed you down to your end of the hall, all the while engaging Emma in a conversation about her newest love- Dora. A pang of sadness tugged at your heartstrings when you stopped at your door and had to unlock it, signaling the end of your impromptu hang-out with the Captain. 
“Will you be home around six?” you asked as you took Emma back from him. 
“Should be.”
Giving him a little nod, you replied, “Good, expect a delivery around then.”
He had to leave that next morning for another mission and still wasn’t back yet. Logically, you knew that he could be gone anywhere from a few days to a couple of months at a time, but that didn’t make you worry any less each time. 
“Good god, I need to get laid,” you mused, eyes darting to your phone on the charger, “Would Tinder be worth it?” 
You were debating the pros and cons of downloading the dating app when there was a sudden pop and everything went black around you, your dim phone screen the only source of light in your pitch-black apartment. A little scream fled your lips as the darkness immediately closed in around you like an assailant, the shadows mimicking fingers against your skin and evoking terrifying thoughts.
“Shit, shit, shit, fuck, shit!”
Jumping off of the bar stool, you made a mad dash across the kitchen in hopes of finding all the candles you had hiding in the storage closet. Of course, it was just your luck that you forgot that you had left one of the cabinets open just enough to catch your knee, the unexpected impact sending you flying across the floor with a shriek. Almost instantly, you could feel the bruises rising under your skin but even those were nothing compared to the blinding pain across your knee. Stifling curses under your breath, you turned your phone light on again to assess the damage and couldn’t help but whimper at the sight of blood dripping down your leg. A simple gash but painful nonetheless. 
“I swear to god, as if tonight couldn’t get any wo-”
The sudden thunder of pounding on your front door almost sent you into another panic until you heard the voice. 
“Y/N? Are you okay in there?” 
Captain Price. Groaning in relief, you managed to force yourself up to your feet and hobbled over to the door, sliding open the top lock and deadbolt before yanking it open. Jesus, the man seemed even bigger in the dark, his shadowed form dominating the doorway with ease.
“Hey, Price,” you huffed lamely, barely able to make out his face in the dim backup lighting from the hallway. 
He moved as if to reach out for you but then suddenly pulled away as if he thought better of it, hands resting on his hips as he looked over you. 
“I was comin’ to check on you and the little one when I heard you yell, you alright?” he asked, voice as uncertain as you felt. 
“Mm, define alright,” you joked softly, gesturing down to your leg as you flashed your phone light onto the wound, “I panicked when the power went out, and I was going for the candles when I… well, I tripped.”
It sounded much stupider when you said it out loud, you realized. Way to embarrass yourself in front of the hottest guy alive, self. He cleared his throat and you quickly turned off the phone in mortification when you realized how much skin you were showing, almost scandalous having been dressed down into a tiny little pajama set for a quiet night alone. 
“I- I see,” he muttered quietly, “Do you need help cleanin’ that up?” 
Your head nearly spun with whiplash as suggestive thoughts raced through your brain but you managed a little shrug after a moment. 
“If you don’t mind, sure, I wouldn’t be opposed to the company anyway. I hate the dark,” you admitted softly. 
Thankfully, he didn’t comment on your childish fear, just followed you in and shut the door behind him. You were about to run to the bathroom to grab the first aid kit when his hands were suddenly on your sides, steering you to the kitchen island stool with the firm instruction to ‘sit and relax’.
“I’ll grab the bandages. Where do you keep them?” he asked once you sat. 
Cheeks warming, you drew your legs up into the seat and rested your cheek on your knee, wrapping around yourself for protection against the sudden onslaught of lust rocketing through your body. While you logically knew he had to be commanding for his career in the military, hearing that authoritarian tone directed your way was nothing less than arousing. 
“First aid kit is in the bathroom, cabinet above the toilet,” you explained, hoping your voice didn’t betray your inner panic.
He stalked off without another word and you immediately wished you could see his form better. The man had an ass that made your knees weak. You were ashamed to think about how often you’d taken sneak peeks as he walked away, or how often you’d pictured riding one of his thick thighs until-
“You said you have candles?” 
You nearly fell out of your chair as you flinched in reaction to the sudden addition of his voice to your not-so-innocent thoughts of said man. It was obvious he was trying not to let his amusement show but you caught the way his shoulders shook in laughter as he set the kit on the island next to you. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized kindly, “Candles?” 
Embarrassed and frustrated beyond belief, you told him exactly where the candles were before dragging your wine glass over, hoping to drink away the awkwardness and lust making a home in your stomach. In the time it took him to get back to the island, you had finished your second glass of wine and began to pour a third. You were gonna need all the liquid courage you could get if you were going to survive being alone with him in close quarters for the first time ever. He lit the candles and set them evenly across the island's top, the flames highlighting and shadowing his handsome face in flickering light. 
“Alright, let’s see that cut,” he sighed, taking a seat across from you.
A wave of gratefulness swelled in your chest as you realized you had shaved yesterday. No hairy legs to make things worse. That was one point in your favor. Allowing him to take your leg into his hands, you watched intently as he rested your calf against his thigh, fingers tracing gently around the edge of the gash with a sigh. 
“Got yourself good, didn’t ya? Good news is you won’t need stitches,” he explained.
“That’s a relief.”
Honestly, you hadn’t even thought about the possibility of stitches. Your lip ached under the pressure of your teeth as you gnawed on the plump flesh in an attempt to calm the blood pounding through your veins. Sure, it wasn’t under the best circumstances, but you’d longed to feel those very fingers on you for months now- and here he was, touching your bare legs, in a dark room lit up romantically by candlelight, staring at you as if… wait, why was he staring?! His lips moved and you belatedly realized he’d been talking to you while you zoned out thinking about all the ways you wanted him to fuck you seven ways from Sunday.
“Sorry, what?” you asked bluntly, a weak smile curling up your lips. 
“I said this might sting,” he repeated with a little chuckle, “Just how many glasses of wine have you had there, darlin’?” 
Heat lit up your cheeks as you gave a little shrug in response. 
“I just started on number three; I’m not drunk,” you assured him.
He lifted an eyebrow to express his obvious disagreement and, before you could stop it, you poked your tongue out at him teasingly. There was a sudden pause as if the world stilled when his eyes met yours, and you instinctively pulled your tongue back in as something dark passed through his eyes.
“Better watch that tongue now, love,” he rumbled softly.
Fuck, letting him in had definitely been a bad decision. Between the wine circulating in your system, your fear of the dark, and the intimacy of his skin against yours, you were undoubtedly going to make a stupid mistake. Oh but how you wanted to. 
Nibbling on your lower lip, you shifted in your seat to allow him to angle your leg up more and quickly quipped, “Or what, sir?” 
The way he fumbled the little alcohol packet would have been hilarious if it weren’t for the intense look he pinned you with after. Your laughter died on your lips before it could even exit. It was hard to tell exactly what he was thinking in the dim candlelight but, with the way he was slowly stroking your calf muscle almost subconsciously, you hoped it was good. The silence was deafening. While he wasn’t more than five or ten years older than you, you suddenly felt much younger, much smaller beneath his gaze. Was this his disappointed captain look? Had you actually upset him? 
“Uh, s-sorry, sir,” you whispered softly.
He let out a low sigh before suddenly leaning forward, fingers gently touching your chin while his thumb pried your lip free from your teeth. 
“I need you to stop bitin’ your lip like that,” he demanded.
It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, your head swimming on cloud nine, and your skin sparking at every point his body touched yours. You barely managed a little hum of agreement when he tapped your chin softly, obviously expecting an answer. Fuck what you wouldn’t give to kiss him right now. 
“Good girl, now, sit back and let me fix you up.”
Every fiber of your being felt on fire and it took all of your might not to moan at that panty-wetting line. He had to know what he was doing, right? Nobody was unintentionally that sexy. Nobody. Swallowing hard, you nodded once and did as told, letting your hands rest on your lap as he cleaned and bandaged up the wound. It was funny. You had almost expected him to have a heavy hand, between his size and his career, but he was nothing short of tender. Almost as if he was afraid he would hurt you. 
“There, all done,” he murmured, gently patting your foot but not removing it from his lap, “Does it still hurt?”
Shaking your head quickly, you picked up the mostly empty wine bottle and tilted it his way. There was maybe one glass worth left.
“Drink?” you offered meekly, “As payment for patching me up?” 
He was obviously hesitant but finally took it after you shook the bottle insistently at him. 
“Yeah! Don’t leave me to drink alone like the fool I am,” you chuckled with a grin, “Glad to see you’re back home safe, by the way.”
“In the nick of time too, it seems,” he hummed warmly.
You nodded in agreement, letting your body relax against the low back of the chair as you sipped on your drink and not-so-subtly eyefucked him. He was dressed down more than usual, neither in his fatigues nor usual casual clothes. And yet somehow he was still the most delectable man you’d ever seen, in his tight black henley and sporty grey sweatpants; maybe even more so than usual. He looked almost approachable like that. You had to wonder if he knew the internet’s obsession with those pants or the reason why. His own ‘physique’ wasn’t lost in your appreciation of how well they fit his massive thighs. 
“Where’s kiddo?” he asked suddenly. 
It took you a second to understand what he had asked, leaving you to blink owlishly in confusion until it finally registered and a relaxed smile crossed your face. 
“My parents took her with them to their beach house this weekend, something about an early birthday gift for her and wanting to give me a “break”,” you snorted, remembering your mom’s exact reasoning.
Lifting your hands into the air, you made air quotes as you mimicked her high-pitched voice.
“Go see one of those young men who keep asking you out at work”, you squeaked before letting out a fake laugh, “As if I’d do that.” 
“Why’s that?” 
Rolling your eyes, you immediately retorted, “Well, one, I don’t date customers. Sets a bad example for the next guy that wants in my pants. And two, I dunno… I guess I just have a specific type. Besides, there’s only one man I want right now and, well, I’m certain he doesn’t exactly feel the same way.”
A deep warmth crossed your face down your neck, leaving you overheated as you looked over said man lustfully. Hopefully, you weren’t too obvious but, fuck, maybe if you were you’d get an answer. Was chancing your friendship, his connection with Emma, worth the one percent chance he’d fuck you? No, you decided with a frown, it really wasn’t. 
Price snorted, took a drink of the wine, and muttered, “Well, that’s just stupid. Either he’s blind or you just don’t know he’s interested.”
“Yeah right, Captain. I’m a single divorced mom. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re not exactly a hot commodity these days. Plus, I’m chubby and out of shape, and he’s like the epitome of godlike,” your words trailed off slowly as you let your eyes run down and up his body pointedly, “Guys like him don’t go for ladies like me, as much as I’m selfish and wish he would.”
The sigh he let out made your heart flutter. God, what would that deep rumble sound like in bed, or was he a quiet one? You hoped he wasn’t. His voice was the epitome of sexual energy and you’d want to hear him talking you through every second. 
“It’s John, and you’re blind,” he retorted blandly, earning a confused look from you. 
“What do you mean? About myself? No, I’m pretty sure-” 
“Oh, fuck it!” 
Suddenly your leg was tossed aside when he jumped to his feet, pushing to stand between your thighs as he gripped them tight and dragged you to the edge of the chair until he was slotted perfectly against the apex of your thighs. One hand moved to cup your face and dragged you into a soft kiss, his other digging tight into the plush of your hip. 
All you could do was blink in awe. Was- Was this real? Had you passed out when you fell? There was no way Price was kissing you right now.
He pulled back as if he’d been stung and let out a curse. 
“Shit, did I misread that?” he asked, brows furrowed in worry. 
Eyes wide and mouth parted, you hesitantly reached up and covered his hand with yours, taking in the sensation of his skin against yours. 
“Did- Did you just kiss me or am I dreaming?” you asked weakly. 
Relief filled his face and you watched as he broke into laughter, shoulders bouncing with the motion as he leaned in again until your eyes could barely focus on his. 
“Yes, I kissed you, is that alright, love?” 
“More than alright,” you whispered.
This time you were able to react, disbelief thrown to the side to make room for desire. Hands resting gently against his cheeks, you stroked your thumbs along the oddly soft hairs and shivered in excitement. He was gentle and sweet, both everything you’d expected and yet somehow not nearly as rough. You’d always questioned what kind of lover he was, seeing as he was someone with a heart of gold in one of the most dangerous fields of work.
Your thoughts were brought back to the moment when you felt his lips part against yours. Without a second thought, you leaned up and sunk your teeth into his plump lower lip, nearly moaning at the groan he let out in reply. The hand that had been idle on your face wrapped around the nape of your neck and squeezed tight until you released your hold. 
“You’re gonna be trouble, aren’t you?” he breathed out huskily, eyes searching your face hungrily. 
“No trouble at all,” you replied cheekily. 
“Hmm, we’ll see about that,” he scoffed, “Just remember, brats don’t get what they want, aye?” 
You could practically feel your body humming and your eyes dilated as you took in a shaky breath.
“I- I won’t be a brat,” you whispered back, comically quiet in the silent room. 
“Good girl.”
 That was the second time he’d used those words against you. There was definitely more to Price than you’d expected and, god, you wanted to explore it all, but at another time. Right now, the way he praised you felt sweeter than cotton candy on your tongue and you craved that more than breath itself. The saccharine tenderness of his words was replaced with the smoky taste of tobacco and sharp notes of your red wine when his mouth met yours once more.
A little whine escaped your mouth into his when he drew back just enough to bite your lip and sucked softly on the tender flesh. When he finally pulled away, you could only stare at him with adoration. 
“You have to stop lookin’ at me like that, princess,” he groaned. 
Oh. Oh, that nickname. Fuck, this man was ticking off all your secret kinks without even knowing it. 
“Forgive me if I’m a little starstruck,” you replied with a nervous giggle, nails scraping gently along his jaw, “I’ve only been thinking about this for months.”
“Months, huh?” he asked, leveling you with a deadly smirk.
You let out a little breath and nodded, explaining, “Ever since the first time I saw you, even before I knew what a sweetheart you were, all I could imagine was how good it’d feel if you’d pin me up against the wall in the elevator or-”
His groan silenced you immediately, your lips hanging open as you watched entranced by the way his head tipped back. 
“Come on, up we go,” he purred suddenly, fingers sliding down to grab your ass.
You instinctively clung to him with a cry of shock when he lifted you from the chair onto his waist, eyes wide as you met his gaze. 
“John! Don’t, I’m heav-”
“Princess, I train with men twice your size every day,” he cut you off smoothly, “Believe me when I say your weight is nothin’. Besides, what’s the point in having muscles if not to carry around beautiful women, hmm?”
Warmth flooded your cheeks and you buried your face in his neck, unable to meet his eyes as he said such sweet things. True to his word, he was able to carry you from the kitchen all the way into your bedroom without breaking a sweat. The instant your knees met the bed, he was on you again, lips gently kissing down the soft column of your throat. When he reached the thickest part of the muscle connecting your neck and shoulder, his teeth dug in hard, his lips sucking your sensitive flesh taut until you were nearly clawing at him, afraid he would break the skin. He pulled back with a pop and you deflated against him, whimpering his name breathlessly. 
It felt good, really fucking good, but you needed more. Slipping your hands beneath his shirt, you rested your palms against his abdomen and drew the fabric up as you soaked in the feeling of raw power under your fingers.
“Shirt off,” you managed to huff through whimpers, “Please.”
Price jerked back hastily and tore the shirt off, giving you an unintentional but lovely show as he threw it aside. He wasn’t built as in a super compact six-pack, but he was broad, solid, the defining lines of his core muscles showing with each sharp intake of breath. You let your fingers trace over each dip of his obliques, up to his toned shoulders and then back down to rest against the thicket of hair covering his tense pecs as you eyed every inch of bare skin. This man was, undeniably, a fucking god. 
Eyes flickering up to meet his, you flashed him a small smile as you leaned forward, copying his previous motions on your neck against his. His low rumble vibrated deliciously against your lips as you made your way down his neck, stopping against his shoulder to suck on the tender flesh and leave a love bite that surely matched the one on you. 
He startled a squeak out of you when his hand suddenly came into contact with your ass, the smack loud and sharp in the air. 
“I thought you weren’t goin’ to be a brat,” he asked teasingly. 
 You shot him a pout and replied, “I wasn’t. It’s only fair that I get to leave marks on you if you’re going to leave them on me.” 
Lifting a brow, he smirked and shook his head. 
“As long as you leave them out of sight,” he compromised after a moment of thought, “Gotta have some kind of professionalism at work.”
At that, your eyes widened and shame lit up your cheeks. You hadn’t thought about that at all. While your hickies could be covered up with makeup, it’s not like you’d really get in trouble for having them at work, but as a soldier- a captain no less- you could only imagine what rules they had there. 
“Fuck, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think about that! You won’t get in trou-”
“Shh, shh, princess, it’s fine,” he assured you quickly, drawing you up into a gentle kiss, “My shirt’ll cover it.” 
“You’re sure?” you asked meekly. 
“I promise, you’re fine.” 
With one last kiss, he released your face and you went back to your previous task. Now, though, you made sure to keep any biting to areas that would be covered by his clothes. There were little scars scattered across his skin, little reminders that he had been hurt so many times before, and each one made your heart clench with the need to kiss them away. It wasn’t until you reached the drawstring of his sweats that he finally stopped you and pulled you back up. 
“Hey,” you groaned in frustration. 
“Uh-uh. Don’t pout at me. What do you want, darlin’? I need you to tell me,” he muttered, breath catching in his throat as you slid your fingers across his waistband. 
“I want to taste you finally,” you replied, “I’ve dreamed about it for so long.”
His moan would have made you collapse against the bed if he weren’t holding onto your hips so tightly. Fuck, you knew he’d sound good like that. 
“First, this shirt comes off,” he replied, fingers hooking under your tank top. 
Lifting your arms, you let him tear the fabric away and were rewarded with a guttural moan when his gaze found your bare breasts. You weren’t even given the chance to put your arms back down before he was knelt on the bed, arm hooked around your back to drag you forward with a growl as he pressed open-mouthed kisses against your chest. 
“Ah, fuck!” you gasped weakly, fingers sinking into his short hair for support. 
“You- are- bloody- gorgeous,” he hissed out between wet kisses, “How you think I could ever resist you baffles me.” 
Any embarrassment you would have felt from his comment was washed away the instant his mouth was on your nipple, fingers mimicking the motion on the other one. Each stroke of his tongue across your sensitive bud felt directly connected to your clit. Within moments, you felt both on the brink of orgasm and yet leagues away, your breaths coming out hot and heavy as you pulled him closer still. 
“John, please,” you whined, free hand tugging at his pants symbolically. 
He grunted, giving a slight shake of his head as he latched onto your breast with fervor, sucking so hard you felt dizzy with need. When he finally pulled back, you almost fell back.  
“Head off the end of the bed then, love,” he instructed gently. 
It took you a second to organize your thoughts but you finally nodded as he walked around to the end. Laying on your back, you quickly scooted farther down the mattress until your head fell off and you were left face-to-face with his bulge in those damned grey sweats. Oh, what a sight that was. You’d take a picture if you could. 
Lifting up just enough to meet his gaze, you hesitantly reached for his pants and asked, “Can I?” 
“Go ahead.”
Twisting your hands, you dragged your nails softly down the plains of his abdomen, enjoying the way his muscles clenched against your fingers before you grabbed the waistband and tugged it down. You instinctively froze with an audible gasp as you watched his cock slap against his belly, the tip resting right below his navel. While you could tell he was big through his clothes, you’d underestimated just how big. And fuck was he beautiful, thick and veiny and delectable. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, John,” you bit out in disbelief with a laugh, “This is supposed to fit in me?”
Allowing one hand to keep tugging his sweats down, the other came up to wrap around his base. Despite never having been with a man quite as big as him, you knew you could do it, but you also understood it was going to take some getting used to. One wrong move and you’d be in pain for days after. 
“Don’t worry, princess, we’ll make it fit,” he purred warmly.
A muted curse left your lips as your core clenched in need. This man was going to be the death of you. Wiggling so your neck was better supported by the edge of the bed, you used your hold on his dick to lead him forward, parting your lips invitingly the moment he was close enough. His taste was overwhelming when he finally pushed between your lips. A hungry moan escaped before you could stop it and your fingers dug into his thighs, urging him forward. 
He slowly inched closer, pulling out and sliding back in with each step until he was able to lean over your body, one hand resting beside you on the bed to balance himself while the other busied itself plucking at your nipples. It was hard to take at first, your anxiety telling you that you wouldn’t be able to actually handle his full size, but you breathed through it all and focused on keeping your muscles relaxed.
“Fuck, look at you,” he sighed, scratching his short nails down your stomach, “You’re absolutely stunnin’, love.” 
You flinched in surprise when his fingers slipped beneath your shorts but the shock was cut short by rampant desire as he slid his digits along your slit with a groan. The motion flexed his hips forward and buried him further into your mouth, head pressing uncomfortably against your throat. 
“Can you take more, darlin’?” he asked softly. 
Humming out positively, you quickly swallowed before craning your neck back farther, hoping to open yourself more. 
“That’s my girl, relax your throat for me. Tap me if it gets to be too much.”
After letting you take in a deep breath, he began to push deeper. Almost instantly you felt tears flood your eyes. It took every bit of your resolve not to give into the desperate need to gag around him as he pushed in slowly, but you held strong. You’d give everything you could to this man and you wouldn’t complain for a single second. 
He jerked back suddenly and thrust in just as quickly, then again, until he got comfortable with fucking your mouth. Pressing your tongue against his cock, you were easily lost in the motions, reminding yourself to suck in a breath every other thrust when you could; so lost that you practically jumped into the air when you felt his fingers start moving against your clit. Your entire body melted into the mattress as you gave over to primal desires, brain too full of cotton to do more than allow you to just feel. 
“So fuckin’ wet for me, love,” he groaned quietly, “I can’t wait to see how wet you get when I make you come.” 
The moan you let out was garbled by his cock but it made him groan your name in return, his hips stuttering in their pace. You nearly whined at the loss of his hand in your shorts but then it was over your neck, wet fingers wrapping around your throat and pressing against the sides as he thrust in as far as possible and held there. You couldn’t breathe, and yet you found you weren’t scared. 
“God, look at that. I can see your throat bulgin’ around my cock. I can fuckin’ feel it when I press right here. What a pretty fuckin’ sight you make.” 
A broken whine fell from your lips when he pulled back suddenly, leaving your blurry eyes staring at his erection wantingly until he took your hands and guided you up. You were barely upright before his mouth crashed against yours, biting, brutal, and perfect. 
“John, please,” you whimpered against his lips, nails finding a home in his arms as you tried to pull him onto the bed. 
“I already told you, you need to use your words, princess,” he reminded you firmly. 
Wiping away the few tears that had fallen, you nodded and said, “I want you to fuck me, please.” 
The smirk that curved up his lips made your heart thump. 
“I will, I promise, but not before I have those beautiful thighs wrapped around my head,” he retorted, “Lay down.”  
Apparently, you took too long to move in your shock because the next thing you knew, you were shoved back onto the bed. A giggle escaped quietly as you situated the pillow beneath your head but you went silent as you caught the beautiful sight of an entirely naked Captain John Price scaling up the bed over you. Who the fuck gave him the right to be so goddamn gorgeous? He snagged your shorts and tore them off, tossing them away without a second thought before he leaned down over you. 
“You and those eyes, darlin’,” he sighed softly, lips pressing softly on your sternum. 
“What do you mean?” you asked. 
A sharp gasp caught your breath when he turned his head and rubbed his beard against your sensitive skin, teasing across your flesh until he took your hardening peak between his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. 
When he released you, there was a twinkle in his gaze. 
“I used to tell myself I was just seein’ things, but now, now I know,” he murmured, beard trailing across the expanse of your chest until his mouth was hoving over your other nipple, “You’re eyes are so damn beautiful, so expressive. I can see every thought goin’ on behind them and it drives me crazy.” 
You licked your lips nervously and asked, “That’s good, right?” 
His response came in the form of a growl as his teeth sunk into your breast, tearing a squeal from your chest as you instinctively arched into his touch. 
“Very good. I like seein’ what I do to you.”
Butterflies twitched up a storm in your belly as he slowly kissed down your abdomen, taking care to plant his lips on every little spot, even those you hated. When he lifted your legs up onto his shoulder, you couldn’t help the little whimper you let out, feeling beyond exposed to him, a little overwhelmed by the intimacy. It had been years since you’d been with anyone, since even before your ex-husband had left you and Emma, and now you were here with the sexiest man you’d ever laid eyes on lying between your legs, practically salivating at the chance to eat you out when the man you’d been married to couldn’t even be bothered to do more than stick his dick in. What a fucking upgrade. 
“Don’t be quiet, love, I want to hear ya,” he ordered lowly, lips trailing up the inside of your right thigh, “Is that understood?” 
“Yes sir,” you whispered back, grinning as you saw the reaction clear in his eyes. 
“Good girl.” 
He moved slow, so slow that you want to whine and beg him to move faster, but the tingle of his beard and teeth against your skin felt too good.  When he finally kissed down your mound and his lips brushed against your slit, you couldn’t hold back a moan.
“That’a girl,” he hummed.
His arms hooked around your legs, pinning them open as one hand dipped to part your lips and his tongue immediately went to the place you craved it most. Instinctively your legs fought to close against the sudden tendrils of pleasure but he easily held them in place. 
“Uh-uh, this is mine,” he growled, punctuating his words with a little nibble against your clit.
“Fuck!” you gasped.
Your fingers clung to the sheets for some semblance of restraint as your eyes rolled back and a low moan crawled from your throat. With slow, heavy motions, he lapped at your clit, teasing you up the precipice at a pace that made you delirious for more. Gradually the leisurely licks turned into more precise, quick strokes and you lost your ability to stay silent. 
“Please, please more,” you whimpered. 
His moan was loud in the quiet room and the heated cadence twisted the knot in your core tighter. 
“More what?” he asked huskily.
Though his tongue was no longer at work, he didn’t stop teasing you, letting his fingertips rub your clit oh so gently as he kissed up the inside of your thigh. 
“Hmm, princess? Tell me exactly what you want,” he encouraged. 
Brows furrowing, you whimpered and battled through the sensations long enough to reply. 
“I want you in me,” you gasped. 
He chuckled and gave a gentle bite into the meat of your thigh before saying, “I need more to go on. Use your words, little one. What part of me do you want inside of you?” 
You slapped a hand over your face in mortification and bit out, “I want your dick in me! Please fuck me!” 
“Oh baby, I told you. Not until I’m done with you. You’re going to come undone on my tongue first, then I’ll gladly fuck you.”
Was this man hand-crafted by the gods specifically to give you a heart attack? How did he manage to roll up dominance and sweetness so perfectly? Your thoughts spun out of control when John brought your attention back to him, removing his hold on one of your legs with a little smack to your hip. 
“My fingers will have to do for now,” he purred.
Even warned, the breach of his fingers into your cunt set off a miniature explosion. Your walls clamped down tight without thought and your legs shook in restraint as the blissful ecstasy edged rapidly closer. When he added his tongue back into the mix, your brain shut off entirely. Curses and whimpers of desperation filled the air as your nails scrambled for purchase against your breasts. 
“Jo-John, fuck yes, please- I-”
“That’s it, love, come for daddy.”
Those words beautifully timed with the flicking of his tongue finally sent you over the edge with a scream. Ecstasy erupted in your core, shocks of pleasure vibrating through your body as he worked you endlessly through it. You instinctively tried to push him away but he snagged your wrist tight, pinning it down against your stomach as he held your hips down against the bed, not giving you even an inch as you thrashed in his hold.  
“J-John,l fuckohmygod!”
It was too much, burning and hot and so fucking good. His tongue continued to swirl and dance as he deepened the curl of his fingers with a hungry groan. Before you could stop it, you felt a familiar, debauched pleasure release within. With a cry of shock, you thrashed under him with guilt and indulgence as he pushed you into that rarely achieved euphoria that painted your thighs and his face with slick. It wasn’t until you were frantically jerking at your bonds and begging him through tears, nearly collapsing in on yourself under the stimulation, that he finally drew away with an animalistic growl.
All you could do was lay there, panting and whimpering, and try not to cry like a baby. Never had anyone been able to make you come like that. 
“Hey, look at me, princess,” John cooed softly.
You could feel him crawling over you again, his body radiating heat across your rapidly cooling skin, and you instinctively smiled softly at the comfort he brought. 
“Love, let me see those beautiful eyes, hmm?” he urged, hand gently stroking your cheek. 
After another second or two, you managed to flutter your eyelids open only to find him with worry in his gaze. It was unbearably endearing until you realized just how wet his facial hair was and your cheeks burned hot. 
“S-Sorry,” you whispered, reaching up to get rid of the evidence. 
John chuckled when he caught your hand before you got anywhere near him, slamming it to the bed beside your head as he leaned in and caught your lips in a soft kiss. 
“Don’t ever apologize for enjoying yourself, darlin’,” he replied warmly, “If I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t do it. Fuck, I could live off that sweet little cunt, princess. And the way you say my name? God.”
It felt so weird to hear such good things about yourself and it made you want to shrink away but he was having none of that. 
“I need to know if you want to continue. If you want to stop, just say-”
“No! I- I want more,” you cut him off quickly, legs wrapping loosely around his hips, “Please.” 
Gone was the worry, replaced by wanton lust as a smirk filled his lips. 
“You sure?” 
Swallowing hard, you nibbled on your lower lip and whispered, “Please… daddy.”
If you didn't know better, you’d have thought you’d slapped him by the groan he let out, his hips subconsciously grinding against your cunt. 
“Oh, uh, it might be a little late but… I’m am clean and I’m on birth control,” you added meekly, shuddering under the heat in his gaze, “I- I got tested after Daz cheated and I haven’t been with anyone since then so… It’s- It’s safe if… I just don’t have condoms so…”
You let your voice trail off awkwardly, his silence worrying you until he let out a low sigh. He stretched forward and pressed his lips to your forehead gently as he murmured your name. 
“You’re gonna kill me, you know that?” he murmured, then asked again, “You’re sure?”
“Completely, please, fuck me,” you assured him. 
He moaned softly before lifting back up onto his hands, staring down at you with pure unadulterated passion and desire. 
“You said it’s been a while, aye?” 
When you nodded, he suddenly slipped off to the side, grabbing your hands before you could complain about the loss and drawing you up onto your knees. 
“Come, sit on my lap, we’re gonna do it like this so you can control how fast we go,” he explained as he patted his thighs, “Stretched you out a bit but the last thing I wanna do is hurt you, darlin’.”
The thought of sitting on him was less than ideal but you gave into him at his gentle insistence. With his help, you crawled onto his lap, hovering with his cock just against your lips. 
“Have you done it this way before?” he asked. 
“No, I don’t think so,” you replied shyly.
“Alright, so you’ll start like this, it’ll let you control how deep we go until you’re comfortable, and then once you’re ready, I’ll help you put your legs behind me.” 
Your lips quirked up at the mental image and you couldn’t help but giggle. 
“I know, it sounds silly, but I promise, it’ll be best for you,” he explained with a boyish grin, “And plus, it’ll let me see your beautiful face and these gorgeous tits.” 
With a little nod, you carefully widened your kneeling stance and took hold of his cock, guiding him to your entrance. Just feeling his head against you was enough to light that fire in your core again. 
“Oh fuck,” you whimpered as you lowered your hips. 
Your nails were sure to leave marks on his shoulders as you held on for deal life, relishing in the burning stretch of your walls accommodating his size. He didn’t seem to be faring much better if the hiss he let out was any indication. 
“There you go, slow and steady, princess,” he purred encouragingly, hands resting on your hips to help guide you. 
 With a surge of confidence, you silenced him with the sudden drop of your hips, groaning when it felt like the air had been knocked out of you. His name came out as a prayer as you wiggled your hips, impatiently trying to get him in inch by inch. It was a good thing you were soaking wet because otherwise, you wouldn’t wanna think about how hard it’d be to get even that far. After a moment, it felt like too much and you had to pause, taking in deep steadying breaths. 
“I know, princess, I know. But you’re taking it so fuckin’ well,” John groaned, “Just take your time. There’s no rush, baby.”
Baby. Fuck. Out of all the names, that one felt the most intimate for some reason. It made your toes curl and pushed you past the hump, giving you the power to keep going. Mama didn’t raise no quitter, as the saying goes. A grin crawled across your lips at the look of pure devastation and pleasure that crossed his face when you finally wiggled again. His head fell back and a devilish growl escaped his clenched teeth. Fingers clawed at your plush bottom and held you in place as you teasingly swayed your hips. It was clear you were more than ready before he was, which you’d take as a massive compliment.
“You feel so fucking good, daddy,” you murmured, grabbing one hand and bringing it to your mouth.
Those beautiful crystal blue eyes had barely met yours before you sucked his thumb between your lips and clenched your core tight. 
“Fuck!!” he hissed, thighs jumping under yours, “You- God!”
Swirling your tongue around his thumb and sucking on it like a lollipop, you let your hips settle down further, burying him deliciously deeper in your core until there was no more space between you. Your eyelids fluttered shut against the sudden surge of pleasure igniting in your belly, trying to fight it back. You wanted to focus on him. It was just so hard when he filled you to the absolute maximum that your body could handle. Once you didn’t feel so close to the edge, you rocked your hips left and right and back and forth, watching his face closely and soaking up the unrivaled lust that showed. 
“Come here, balance on me, and let’s swing this leg out,” he said hoarsely.
With his instruction, you were able to sit with your legs crisscrossed behind his back and it only pushed him that much further into your cunt, your walls greedily sucking in every inch. The moment you were stable, he was quick to advance on the opportunity, free hand palming your back and jerking you toward him with a hungry moan. Before you could react, he had you melting in the palm of his hands, lips hungrily sucking at your left breast while his fingers plucked the right. All your fight, your will to do this entirely on your own, flitted away slowly with each stroke. 
When you finally started moving again, you almost came immediately, a panicked gasp catching in your chest at the way your clit rubbed against his pubis. His warm chuckle barely filtered through your haze until his fingers snarled in the hair at the base of your neck and he jerked you into an achingly sweet kiss, his other arm wrapping around your back. 
“That’s it, beautiful, just like that,” he cooed gently. 
Of all the fantasies you’d had about John, nothing had ever quite stood up to this. There was something more to this than just raw, animalistic sex and it made your heart beat just a little bit harder. 
Every rock of your hips was aided by him, drawing you that much closer and easing the strain on your legs. Soft praises spilled from his lips, encouraging little moans telling you how good you felt, how beautiful you were, how he wanted to stay like that forever. It was almost enough to make you cry but the ever-growing pressure in your core kept your senses on high, making your brain focus more on the pleasure than the intimacy you didn’t know you craved from the big man. Your forehead pressed gently against his as your eyes rolled back and you clawed at his shoulders. There was so much to take in, the passion and emotion both physical and mental, and you were starting to lose grip on all facets of control. Thankfully, he seemed to match your sentiment, hands suddenly pulling you to a halt as he let out a groan. 
“I want you on hands and knees,” he demanded gruffly, “Can you do that?” 
Nodding hastily, you carefully untangled yourself from him and grabbed a pillow, shoving it beneath your hips to help keep you at the perfect angle. 
“Tell me you want this,” he demanded gravelly with a sharp smack to your ass. 
With a whimper, you wiggled your hips at him and gasped, “I want you in me. Fuck me, please!”
He lined his cock up and immediately slammed in with a heady groan, all sense of worry and compassion gone. Your nails tore into the sheets as he stretched through your walls without hesitation. It was so much at once. That other position had truly babied you against his size. Now, now you were feeling every single fucking inch. Your body instinctively fought against the depths he reached but, mentally, you wanted nothing more than to keep him there for the rest of all time. 
“Fuck, oh my god, it’s- mmm- s’too much!”
“Relax, little one. I know it’s a lot,” he purred, hands stroking along your back lovingly.
“Mmmm, yesss. Hurts so good,” you whimpered mindlessly.
“Yeah, but you can take it; can’t you, princess?” he groaned as he started to rock his hips. 
Those dirty words were spoken in such a sweet, soothing tone that it made your heart do backflips, a seductive check-in on your mental state and willingness. You nodded against the mattress with a little moan. 
“I can- Fuck, I can handle it,” you cried, “Take me, use me.”
He let out a rumbling moan and leaned forward, fingers snarling in your hair and yanking back with a sigh. 
“That’s right. This tight little pussy takes me so damn well. Gonna fuck you and make you come so hard you can’t walk afterward,” he snarled. 
You felt like a marionette doll, bent and twisted to his desires, and it felt so fucking satisfying. Every stroke of his cock did unbelievable things to that bundle of nerves deep in your core, and as he moved faster, you could feel your climax taking hold. 
“Yeahhh, I can feel you tightenin’ love. You feel so fuckin’ good,” he groaned, “That’s it, be a good girl and come for daddy now.”
All at once everything coalesced and your vision went black as your world slammed down around you. As he fucked you from one climax right into the next, you felt the tears you’d been fighting finally fall, streaming down your cheeks under the paralyzing rapture. It felt like it was never-ending but then he pulled out, leaving you a babbling mess. 
Your question was cut off as he grabbed your hips and tossed you over onto your back. The instant you were facing him, he lifted you up and you were quick to wrap your legs around his hips for balance, one hand on the bed and the other hooked around his neck. As he ducked down, you welcomed his kiss as if it were life-saving. 
No words were spoken beyond grunts and moans of euphoria but there was no denying the conversation flowing between your bodies. Overwhelming and heart-pounding, desire filled your veins and urged you forward to nibble at his throat. 
“Come with me, John, please.” 
The cry that left his lips as you bit into his neck was devastating and immediately he buried himself as far as possible into you, sending you over once more as his hips shuddered against yours. You thought mindlessly about how there was no better sensation in the world than the twitching of his cock when he came inside you as you trailed your tongue up his neck with a moan. It was the most primal, instinctive claim one could ever have over another.
“Jesus,” he sighed shakily.
You managed a little whimper of agreement as he slowly pulled out. As soon as he moved back, you collapsed onto the bed with a whine. 
“Are you okay?” he asked, voice somewhere between amused and actually worried.
You flashed him a thumbs-up and caught his gaze with a loopy smile. His answering smirk made your body react and a groan escaped again. 
“Stop being so sexy. It almost hurts,” you whined.   
Laughter filled the room joyously as he plopped down onto the bed next to you. As he drew you in closer, one hand found yours and brought it to his lips. Eyes fluttering open, a rush of embarrassment flooded your cheeks as you realized how intently he was watching you. 
“What?” you asked curiously. 
“Just admirnin’ you, darlin’,” he replied easily, “You sure you’re okay?”
A hum of agreement left your lips before you flipped your hand over and laced your fingers between his. You weren’t certain where this put the two of you, but it certainly seemed like more than a one-night stand. You hoped.
“When does Emma get back?” he asked. 
You thought about it for a moment before replying, “Should be back Sunday night, why?” 
He drew your hand to his mouth once more, this time pressing little kisses to each fingertip. 
“Unless you’ve got other things to do, how would you feel about me staying tonight and I can make us breakfast in the morning?” 
You bit your lower lip in hopes of containing some of the surely stupid joy rolling off of you in waved as you gave a little nod. He smiled back warmly but there was a look of uncertainty that passed through his gaze as his other hand sunk into your hair, drawing goosebumps across your skin as he played with the strands. 
“And then, if you can put up with me for long enough, I want to take you and the munchkin out for dinner Sunday night. How’s that sound?” 
At that, you could no longer contain your excitement. Rolling to face him, you leaned up and caught his mouth in a sweet kiss, trying to convey just how happy that idea made you. 
“I’d love to, and I know Emma would be ecstatic. She really adores you,” you admitted warmly. 
“Good, now, we’ve got plenty of time until morning and the electricity isn’t even back on yet,” he murmured deviously, fingers tauntingly sliding down your stomach to your thighs, “What say we work on conquering your hatred of the dark, aye?”
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chubbycelebs · 2 months
My Chocolate Factory Experience (pt 1)
The corridor was going on for ages. We’d just entered the factory and we’ve spent the first 10 minutes just walking down the corridor. All 6 of us, never had met any of them before. This was our first time meeting after being the 5 lucky winners of Wonka’s Chocolate Factory tour. As I looked down the line of boys I realised it was a good mix of very sexy men. All of them could’ve been my type. 
Next to me a man called Aidan. Aidan was a rather tall guy, a bit more filled out than me, sporting a slight belly, that was pressed against his white shirt, jiggle slightly as we walked through the factory. His low cut T-shirt let the tops of his chest hair poke out that connected to a lush thick beard covering his face. His thick body and beard hair made up for the lack of on his head as he was completely bald, making his head look slightly egg like with his chubby face. From the brief conversations I’d had with him he seemed like a bit of a loser, not doing much with his life apart from getting take out and playing video games so it was no shock to him when he won his ticket. “I get a bar like everyday so to be honest wasn’t much of a shock when I opened one and it had a ticket in. I’m a sucker for these Wonka bars. Could eat them all day!” It was obvious he used to be quite good looking when he was younger, but his thinned hair and slowed metabolism made him look like a chubby loser. 
Next to Aidan was an older man, Simon who was probably around 40 years old. Simon was quite chatty so was we were walking he told us a lot about his life. He worked on a farm, which made his naturally dirty look make some sense. He had a scruffy face, an untamed beard and messy hair. His outfit was no better, having several holes in it and seemed a little too snug around parts of his body. Simon said he spent a lot of the afternoon on his front deck drinking beer and eating bbq food which was evident in his figure. He had a rounded gut, thick hips and strong arms. I could picture him actually being good looking back when he was younger and more clean. But there was something quite attractive about his scruffy dad bod look. He said he was lucky to have won the competition to this factory, “I don’t eat much chcolate me” he said in a very Yorkshire accent, “but me son got me a bar and I opened it and there it was. The golden ticket. I offered it to him but he said nah. Heard stories about people coming here and changing but I don’t care. How often do you get to come somewhere like this eh?”
Next to him waddled the largest man here, Brian. Brain was a competitive eater who spent all day everyday expanding his stomach to each as much food as he could. Just by the looks of him he was probably around 300lbs. His limbs were rounded and he walked like his legs were too fat to be in this much use. He had a huge rounded gut that stuck right out and a large chest that sat on top of them. He covered his body the best he could with oversized clothes but I think he just wore them so he had some growing room today. He had a very round head and thick long brown hair. He had put his hair in a bun but I could tell it was very well looked after. Brian didn’t speak much to us all as he was huffing and puffing just walking down the long corridor let alone talking. We all knew how he got the ticket anyway it was obvious.
To my other side was my personal favourite guest on the tour, Jamie. To me Jamie was the sexiest one there. 
His body was one of a man that seemed so strong and well built with a few hints of his greedy side. His arms were thick and his legs were so strong. Even his chest seemed to be pumped just by looking through his shirt. His stomach didn’t resemble abs however, to my delight he had a very sexy rounded stomach. It pushed against his top and every so often I’d look down to catch a glance. Hi stomach wasn’t the only thick thing about him however. He had the cutest and most perfect fat ass. It was so perfectly rounded and filled his jeans to the point they were slightly stretched. Oh the things I would do to this man. Jamie described his surprise when he won the ticket to the factory. “I hardly ever eat sweet stuff” I call bullshit “but the one day I do decide to reward my self with a chocolate bar I win a ticket! Must be the universe telling me something!” I think his blissful ignorance of his greedy habits was cute. 
Then there’s me, Declan, a tall skinny guy, with messy brown hair and a defined face. There was nothing special about me compared to my bigger companions. I had a sprinkling of hair on my chest that lead down to my skinny hairy stomach. If anything I was too skinny and longed to be a bit bigger. I wasn’t skinny due to lack of trying. Infact the reason I even got to the factory was during one of my feeding sessions. “I had a friend over and we had ordered food for the evening and we were still hungry and I got the chocolate bar and won!” I couldn’t tell the group from the get go that I was with a feeder who was desperately trying to plump me up. Once I won the ticket however he encouraged me to go. Just like Simons son he had heard rumours of this factory changing people and I was here to explore what exactly would happen to us boys. 
We were now approaching the end of the corridor and came to a grand brown door. Wonka, who had been very silent on our trip down the corridor, turned his head and looked at us all. “This my dear friends is possible the best room in the factory.” Wonka turned the keys in the doorway and placed his hand on handle. “This is my chocolate meadow.” Wonka pushed the door forward and a bright light blinded us all. Once our eyes adjusted we saw the most beautiful place. It was a huge room, with the brightest green grass and lush bushes and flowers. The outer wall was filled with large trees and that swirled upwards. There was something almost not real about it. It all seemed slightly fake. Past the opening of the meadow we saw the river. The river was chocolate. The thick river rushed through the scene and filled the air with its chocolatey goodness. “This room is just any old meadow my friends no. Everything in this room is edible. The grass the dirt the trees everything. I recommend you try everything. You’ll never get a chance like this again.” I heard a round of bellies rumbling. I looked down the line. Brian had his mouth wide open, almost drooling. Simon and Aidan were pointing and things in the room saying “I’m having that first!” “No way I’m gonna scoff that.” “Well then? What are you waiting for boys? Fill your bellies!” Wonka shouted as he moved into the room. With these words we all jumped forward and made our way into the room. I don’t think I’d ever see Brian run but his fat ass ran so fast towards the largest cherry bush there was. Aidan and Simon ran straight into the woods, grabbing on branches and low hanging fruits. I followed Jamie to the edge of the forest where he had sat him self down by a cluster of mushrooms. I watched as he picked one up and it burst with thick cream. He licked his hand and ate the whole thing in one. “Omg you’ve got to try this man!” He said his mouth still filled with cream. I sat next to him and grabbed one and started eating it. Oh he was so right it was so thick and rich and buttery and light. I’d never tasted anything like it. 
I looked over at Brian and saw that he had eaten his way through the base of a tree and it had fallen into the meadow. He was going to town eating the whole trunk of the tree. “I’ve never seen anyone eat so much in my life” I said, kinda in shock, kind of impressed by how quickly Brian had devoured nearly a whole tree. 
“I don’t know. Some days I get like that” Jamie said as he started grabbing handfuls of dirt. “I just get so hungry nothing can fill me up. Why I’ve still got this” he pats his belly and then gives it a little shake. My eyes are fixated on his gut now. Blood was rushing through my body. The thought of filling Jamie up, growing him large as he can’t control his urge to eat. 
“Don’t think there’s any need to get rid of it though. It suits you. In fact it really looks hot on you” I say unable to hold back my urges. 
“Ya think so?” Jamie says now lifting his shirt up. His stomach was rolled over the top of his jeans. His hairy belly was perfectly rounded and sat so cutely on his lap. I don’t think I’d ever seen a more perfect person to fatten up. 
“Oh that gut is perfect” I say in response. I pry my eyes away to see Jamie smirking. I reach over to a mushroom and pick it off the ground. I bring it to his mouth and watch as he licks my hand clear of the cream. He pays extra attention to the tips of my fingers, sucking every last drop of the thick cream. 
Jamie reaches out and grabs a handful of chocolatey dirt. “Your turn” he says almost threateningly. My heart skips. I let him push his hand against my lips and I open my mouth to allow for his fingers to enter. I lick every little bit of the dirt off his hand. In this moment it was common knowledge that we were both into this and we wanted to see where this could go.
Just then as we begin to lean closer to each other, we heard a huge splash. We both look over at the river bank. We don’t see anyone but the ripples on the surface of the river. We get up and run to the bank and see a chocolate covered Brian flapping around in the river. He is covered head to toe in thick chocolate. He was gasping for air everytime he came up, each gasp filling his mouth with more chocolate. Me and Jamie watched in shock as he kept flapping around. I was so interesting now to see what would happen to this hog. This is why I came here. 
Wonka slowly approached us and looked into the river. “Oh dear oh dear. Belly too big he rolled right in there. I knew this hog would cause some issues” Wonka mocked the fat man. As the three of us kept on watching the man desperately try and get above the chocolate we noticed something was changing.
“Is he..?” Jamie starts. 
“Getting fatter? Why yes my dear boy he is.” Brian was most definitely growing wider by the second. His oversized clothes had very much seen better days. His belly was expanding at such a rapid speed it struggled to keep up. It moved from the base of his belly up to his belly button and now moving upwards towards his huge chest. I’d never seen a man this fat before and I’ve seen a lot of fat men. “My chocolate is the smoothest and richest in the business and that is due to its high fat content. That’s why a lot of my customers have a bit of a gut going on” Wonka pokes Jamie’s slightly extended belly. He turns red in his cheeks. “However the volume in which our friend here is consuming my chocolate well let’s just say he’s going to be quite the whale when we get him out.” We carry on watching as the seams to Brains clothes start to stretch and rip. His wide hips are the first to break through, his soft fat bushing through and busting his trousers right off, exposing his monstrously huge legs. His jumper, which was too big for the man about 10 minutes ago, was no ripping as his chest got too big to contain. His huge moobs wobbled free as his jumper fell to shreds into the river. His belly was getting so wide he took up a lot of the surface of the river. “I think it’s time we let this fatty rest don’t you? Put up the dam!” Wonka shouts into the room. Just then about 10 very sexy and well build men come out of the woods and start working on constructing a damn at the top of the river. 
“Where did they come from?” I ask looking around me to see if any more of these sexy men will come out to save the whale. 
“These are my workers. I’ve hired men in the peak most form of human capability as it takes a lot of work to run my factory. And a lot of work to take care of you greedy boys huh?” Wonka jokes giving us both a nudge. I can see a glint of fear in Jamie’s eyes as he realises that we might not make it out this factory the same size we came in. 
After a while the dam left the river running dry and all that was left was Brain at the bottom, probably 10x the size he was when he arrived. Brian was laid in his back, covered in chocolate. His naked body looked like a pile of melted chocolate ice cream. He was the fattest man I’d ever seen. His hairy gut and chest stuck upwards like huge globs of fat, yet also spread so far out he was probably wider then he is taller. His limbs so huge we could hardly see them. His head was just a little pin compared to his huge body. We heard his groaning as he tried to push him self up. “There’s no use fat ass” Wonka shouted to him. “You're too much of a  lard arse to move your self now. I’ll get my workers to come and move your huge body.” The workers made their way down the river bank and into the bottom of it. We watched as the circled Brian’s huge body. The comparison in size from the immaculately shaped workers and the glob of fat that was Brian was insane. “Right then we should probably leave them to deal with the hog. Should we carry on or do you guys want to carry on- wait. There were 5 of you. Where are the other 2?” 
New story series starting! Hope you guys enjoy this one. I’m trying something that I haven’t seen anyone done yet (not really this part probs part 2/3 is where it gets new) so stay tuned to see how our greedy boys end up!
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naivegh0ul · 9 months
Could you possibly do a soap platonic fic where ghost has a 9 year old daughter and she is the total opposite of ghost, she just rambles and she meets soap at base and they instantly become infatuated with each other and ghost finds them talking about sharks in immense detail to each other???
Oh my gosh that is such a cute idea! 🥹🥹🥹
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Soap had no idea Ghost had a daughter. I mean, why would he, of all people, have a kid? Ghost is a lone wolf, "I work alone," may as well be his catchphrase at this point.
So, one night when the squad goes out for drinks, Ghost having been forced to come, Soap is curious as Ghost gets a call. Soap was surprised Ghost even had a phone, he just imagined he brought a radio everywhere with him, like the strict soldier he is.
Soap watched as Ghost stepped away from the bartop, murmuring a low, "Hey, sweetheart." into his phone. He assumed that maybe Ghost had a girl back home, but when Soap listened in further, he was shocked.
"I know, I know. Daddy will be home soon, alright? Behave for the babysitter. Alright, I love you too, sweetheart. Bye."
Wow, was all Soap could think. No way The Ghost has a child. Impossible, simply impossible. But, the way Ghost spoke to whoever was on the other line...
Soap had to investigate this.
For the next few weeks, Soap kept a close eye on Ghost, trying to listen in on his phone calls, peering around him when he was texting someone.
It was a little creepy, yeah, but Soap needed to know whether or not Ghost actually has a little mini-me or not.
Ghost seemed a little off one day, constantly on his phone, being mean to the recruits, (Well, meaner than usual.) It got Soap curious again. Ghost left the base around 2pm, and Soap watched with raised eyebrows.
To his knowledge, Ghost hadn't been called out on a mission, and he had left the base wearing civilian clothes, this all got the wheels turning in Soap's brain.
Ghost came back around 4pm, and Soap immediately went to greet him. Then, he saw it. Actually, he saw her. A little girl, huddled behind Ghost's back, clutching onto his jacket with a shark plushie in her small hand.
The little girl looked up at Soap with wide eyes, a twinkle of curiosity visible. "Hey, lass, I'm Soap. What's your name?" Soap said. The girl glanced up at Ghost as if to see if it was okay to talk to the strange man, and Ghost nodded down at her.
"Beth." She answered, smiling a little up at Soap. "Do you like sharks?" Beth pointed at Soap's mohawk, clearly thinking that it looked like a shark fin.
Ghost chuckled under breath, and Soap nodded. "I do. Does this little fella have a name?" Soap crouched down in front of Beth and gestured to the shark plushie she was holding.
"Sharkie!" Beth exclaimed with a happy smile. She seemed excited to be talking about her plushie. Beth toddled over to Soap and held up the toy, showing it to him while telling him facts about sharks.
Soap looked over at Ghost, smiling to himself as he saw the proud look in Ghost's eyes as he stared down at his little girl. Ghost stepped closer to the two and placed a hand on Beth's head before kneeling down.
"Daddy's gotta go finish some work, alright? I'll be back as soon as I can, you stay with Soap." Ghost said, stroking his daughter's hair lovingly. He lent down and pressed a kiss to the top of her head through his mask before walking away.
Soap felt his heart swell with happiness at the thought of Ghost trusting him enough to let him look after his daughter. "Alright, you little menace, what do you say we go get some ice cream?" Soap smiled as the little girl squealed in excitement and nodded, grabbing Soap's hand.
The entire car ride to the ice cream parlour, Beth was chattering away in the backseat, telling Soap all about sharks. "Did you know that baby sharks are called pups? Like little dogs! Isn't that cool?"
Soap pulled into the parking lot and helped Beth out, walking into the shop with her on his hip. "Mr. Soap, can I have chocolate ice cream?" Beth asked. She tugged on Soap's sleeve, looking at him hopefully.
"Of course you can, lass." Soap smiled, ruffling Beth's mousy brown hair. Soap ordered the two of them some ice cream, getting strawberry for himself and chocolate for Beth.
Beth kept talking the whole time, excitedly telling Soap about sharks, and about that one time when Ghost took her to an aquarium and she got to see a shark in person.
"It was so cool! It was kinda big and scary, but I know my Daddy could fight it off." Beth giggled at the story, beaming as she praised her father.
It was cute, to watch this little girl who is somehow Ghost's daughter despite being the complete opposite of him, ramble about sharks. "Do you work with my Daddy, Mr. Soap?" Beth asked curiously as she nibbled on her chocolate ice cream, smearing some around her lips.
"Yeah, I do. He's my friend, as well." Soap took a bite of his own ice cream, looking over at Beth as she scooped up some of her ice cream and pretending to feed it to her shark plushie, staining the shark's face a little.
Soap checked his watch after a while, his eyes widening as he realised they'd been gone for quite a while. "Let's go back, yeah? I bet Ghost- your dad is missing you." Soap said, catching himself when he referred to Ghost by his callsign, unsure if Beth knew about that.
The girl seemed oblivious and nodded her head, wiping her mouth on her sleeve before she hopped off her chair, shark plushie in hand.
The two headed back to base and Soap took Beth to the 141's common room, putting on some random kids show on the old TV for Beth to watch.
Soap sat back, watching as Beth sat cross legged on the floor and looked up at the TV, watching eagerly as Octonauts played. Beth seemed to be really enjoying the show, giggling loudly, it made Soap smile.
Beth continued to tell Soap about shark facts, pulling one off the top of her head each time a shark would show up on screen. She is actually quite smart, she knows more about sharks than any adult Soap knows.
Neither of them noticed when Ghost entered the room, Soap being too engrossed in the facts Beth is telling him. Ghost watched from the doorway, smiling under his mask as his little girl taught Soap about sharks.
(ok but why is this over 1k words. i think i've become obsessed with parent!ghost and little beth 🥹)
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soobinskii · 1 month
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knee socks - n.riki
warnings : exbf!niki | angst/fluff, hurt/comfort , not proofread.
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you absolutely hated your ex-boyfriend, nishimura riki, otherwise known as niki. you couldn't stand seeing him, hearing his voice or even thinking about him. the slightest hint towards niki would send you into an internal rage.
on a day where you were just miserable, of course the thought of not missing niki as much as you thought clouded your head. as you dropped a hot dish all over yourself, of course a little voice in the back of your head asked "what would niki think of this?" you didn't really care what he would think, right? all those times when your bed was empty and just felt so cold, so vacant. when you would try to hug your pillow to shut out your thoughts of the man you once loved.
directly after the breakup, the illness you had seem to come down with. all the coughing and sneezing due to the chilly weather. drinking cup after cup of hot tea, ingesting cough drops like you were a child with candy. the following tuesday, it seemed to rain a little bit harder as you sat in a corner of your living room, all bundled up in a coat. all you could ask yourself is "where is niki? why did he leave?" you couldn't seem to accept the fact that he was truly done with you, just like that.
then, a few months later, you think you're finally over him. finally over all the memories, the joy, tears, and all of the inbetween. that night if you weren't up until midnight, glancing at the new clock on your nightstand; zeros lined up showing you the start of a new day. maybe if you didn't check the notifications on your phone then, you wouldn't have seen the text from him. even if the number was blocked, you still knew who it was.
all of a sudden it was bringing up all of the old feelings. the sorrow, ecstasy, all of them. you felt like you were at a loss for words when the words on your screen said "(y/n), i miss you. can i please come over?" you almost felt betrayed, like he had abandoned you for nearly half a year and, now he wants to come back. just like that?
you decide to respond with the most dull answer you could provide (or so you thought). "what do you want?" it was either going to be the worst or best decision of your year, possibly even your life. it could bring back the old gloom, or it could create yet another chapter in your life alongside nishimura riki.
"i just need to talk to you," he replies. "i need to see you."
you decide to give in, allowing him into your space, allowing old feelings to be brought up again. to be quite frank, you want to see him aswell but, you'd never admit that if someone asked. you'd always brush off questions that have something to do with him, changing the subject or even completely ignoring the inquiry as a whole.
as soon as you saw niki at your front door, you'd immediately noticed his new haircut. the fresh undercut suiting his chiseled features as if he was sculpted by the gods themselves. you immediately recognize his familiar cologne, and the outfit he wears if he wishes to "impress someone casually" as he'd put it. your heart immediately swelled up woefully at the sight of him.
you allowed him in, as he stepped through the doorway, he handed you a bar of your favorite chocolate. you inspected it as you ventured over to the living room, unsure if this was all real or a hopeless illusion created in your slumber. as he sat on the couch he let out a breath that seemed like he had held it in for the six months that he hadn't seen you. the two of you sat together, the air thick and tense as you set the bar of chocolate onto the coffee table. you moved slowly and hesitantly, as if he was going to break if you moved any faster.
"i am so sorry, (y/n). i know it's late but i really just wanted to give this a chance and now felt like the right time." niki started, "i just wanted to tell you that i shouldn't have gotten that angry, that you were right, i needed to calm down. i should've just taken a breath and backed away or something. i would give anything just to have you back, and i deeply regret shouting at you like that"
as he rambled on about being apologetic, a few select words stuck out to you. 'i would do anything to have you back' the only words that described how you felt for these past months. the only words you wished he would randomly say to you on lonely nights. words that you cried over day after day, desperately trying to figure things out. the only words that made you stop him from talking, that made you go on autopilot and grab his hand. exactly how you used to do it when he was upset over something.
the feeling of your hand on his, resting over his knuckles made him stutter and stumble over his words. it made niki look at you with a glint of confusion and hope in his eyes. when you locked eyes with him, you could feel all of his emotions drain into you as you teared up. "you want me back?" you whispered to him, with droplets threatening to fall down your cheeks. he nodded, glossy eyes shimmering in the dim light of the lamps on the table.
you cupped his face in your hands, eyes wide and searching for confirmation. confirmation of reality yet again. niki did something that you never expected.
you never expected it when he first broke up with you, nor when he texted you a few hours ago… he kissed you. his plump lips against yours felt exactly how they always did. his chapstick tasted the same, and in that moment you had forgotten about all of the old memories; willing to make new ones instead of dwelling on the past.
neither of you had never expected that night to end with drifting off to a (finally) peaceful sleep in the other's arms.
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a/n : this was just something quick i wrote in about an hour, sorry if its all over the place. i hope you enjoyed & please consider reblogging !! <3
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deonsx · 10 months
If They Are Jealous Of You From Another Man
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai, Jouno
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Story: You Got Too Close With Your Boy Childhood Friend And It Made Them Angry
Dazai Osamu
Finally, you heard that your friend, whom you haven't seen since you were little, is back and you invited him to the cafe. It was late afternoon, dazai and atsushi from the agency were talking
As darkness fell, your friend walked through the door and immediately waved at you, "My dear!" "You are here!" You quickly got up from the coffee table and greeted him, he came and hugged you right away
you felt your boyfriend's freezing stare on your back, your friend extended his hand to meet dazai But Osamu didn't hold out his hand, you looked at him for what's wrong. "Your boyfriend?" your friend asked you, you shook your head to soften the atmosphere "Yes, he's very tired today so he's depressed" you looked at him but he wasn't smiling at all
You sat next to your boyfriend and started talking to your childhood friend but dazai looked very unhappy about it "Bella I'm so tired why don't we go home.." he pouted and laid his head on your shoulder
"But we dont seeing S/o for a long time. I'll go again tomorrow, let's talk some more?"
Dazai's gaze went from tired to chaotic like in the old days "Next time maybe? I should take care of my boyfriend now" you smiled nervously, didn't want anything to happen
You took him by the hand and took your boyfriend out of the cafe and you started to go home "dazai why did you treat him like that I can't believe you did this" His eyes hardened and his brows furrowed
Why do I have to share you?
Chuuya Nakahara
Your boyfriend was at work and you received a message on your phone, when you looked at the screen, you saw that your friend, who has been one of your best friends for a long time, texted you "I'm in Yokohama for a while! How about meeting up and reliving old moments?"
"Of course I'm giving you a Location!!" You chose a favorite cafe with your boyfriend near your house so you and your friend would have the best meals together
You were finally having dinner with your friend. "This is a place with really good tastes ,s/o" Hours passed by talking and you looked at your phone hours later and saw so many calls and texts all at once, all from chuuya, your boyfriend
“Oh my god..” You spoke in a nervous voice, the thought of something happening to chuuya shuddered at him, until he saw the engine suddenly stop in front of the cafe
As soon as you saw him you got up from the table your friend told the man he didn't know "there are punks even here” "He's my boyfriend don't talk such nonsense ever again" You quickly left the cafe and went to the chuuya at the engine "Are you okay? I'm sorry now I've seen the calls, I'm sorry my phone was silent" chuuya did not speak, his eyes were looking at his friend sitting at the table with the glass between you in the cafe and watching you
"My love?" Your friend came out of the cafe while his eyes squinted and continued to watch him "s/o? are you going?" Chuuya finally spoke, "It's none of your business." Chuuya hissed at the man with an angry sauce tone, "I'm sorry but s/o is my friend, it's my duty to protect him" Chuuya's talent quickly kicked in, red lines all over the place
"Who are you protecting from whom? She is my woman”
Ranpo Edogawa
You were arguing with Ranpo at the agency for fun, the topic was chocolates "I know you ate them!!!" "There's no way you can prove it" Ranpo ate all the chocolates in the house and you took them in your bag to work but now you can't find them
"Look at the piece of Chocolate in your mouth!" Ranpo straightened up quickly and frowned and averted his eyes "This is...This is Coffee-" you interrupted "you don't like coffee" Ranpo hid his eyes like a little kid
Just then, the office door opened again, you thought it was a random customer, but you were quickly greeted with a hug from your waist "who are you!?—“
You saw him when you turned your back You told his old childhood friend about his workplace when you used to talk on the phone "I miss you!!"
"You're here?" You pull back slowly, you didn't want to be misunderstood in front of your boyfriend "I wanted to see you at work but you don't want to see me?” Your boyfriend smiled and got up from his chair and put his hand on your shoulder, "I'm Ranpo! Nice to meet you"
"And you? I didn't know you had a boyfriend, I'm happy for you" Your friend smiled, Ranpo said, "But weren't we going to have Chocolate together I was offended” Ranpo kept the atmosphere steady with his usual cheerfulness "Hm?? why don't I know about this, my love?"
"We're at work right now so I won't be able to chat much. See you later?" your friend nodded. You talked for a while, but then your friend left and when you were done, you and your boyfriend were on your way home. "What have you got?" you asked him
"Are you meeting him tonight?" You nodded "I won't be able to see him again. he's a little upset today anyway." He showed you what he was hiding, chocolate sauce "What are you planning to do with it?”
"I'll add the sauce to my favorite dish and my plan is to eat it until morning"
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Fyodor Dostoyevski
You made a meal plan with your boyfriend, or rather you did it, you finally thought of a nice dinner place together, it's a very nice stylish and quiet place where only the important people will be
You went to the restaurant, you were above the clouds, it was such a high-rise building that the view fascinated everyone, the waiter approached you and said, "Is your order ready, ma'am?"
"No I'm Waiting For My Boyfriend" the waiter walked away, soon you got a notification on your phone, you looked at the messages "Dear, I can't come because of a new job, get everything you want,next time we will eat together"
All depressed with a call overshadowed by your boyfriend's message, the caller was your childhood friend "S/o been a long time I came to yokohama are you nearby?"
Instead of sitting down sad, you wanted to call him and talk about old memories and lift your spirits and now he was here you were having dinner with him "This place looks so expensive, I wonder if we should run away without paying the bill" he chuckled
"It's okay Fyodor so my darling will pay for everything we have to eat tonight" your eyes fell on the table sadly "You look sad?" "Because he hasn't made time for me for a long time, anyway, let's not get discouraged" your friend chuckled. "Someone rich? Or sugardaddy?" he joked. "No, he's a handsome young gentleman"
"My my.. Why is my beautiful woman sitting with a different man?" You turned around with a hand on your shoulder, "Fyodor..?" Your eyes sparkled as you looked at him. He pulled out a chair at the round table and sat next to you "Who is this guy?" he squinted his eyes at him "My childhood friend" You looked as if you were still waiting for an answer from him
Your friend held out his hand to meet him, but Fyodor didn't answer "I think we won't mind if we get up." Fyodor said very clearly to the boy, "s/o? are you going?" fyodor didn't let you speak he took your hand Your friend obviously didn't like Fyodor. "Where are you taking her?"
"You're so curious, it's sickening, but since you want to know so much..." he grinned
"Where her moans can't be heard by anyone but me"
Nikolai Gogol
You lived in the same house as Nikolai and he gifted you a beautiful bracelet that shines silver like a diamond While you were sitting at home, your phone got a text message that your old childhood friend is getting married: "S/o! guess who's finally getting married?"
He called you to choose special rings for his girlfriend. It's been a long time since we saw each other. You accepted his offer and went to the location he threw
The position he threw at you was a jeweler, finally you saw your friend and hugged you "It's been a long time since I've seen you s/o" After 1-2 hours, you finally got everything ready. You said "I'm going to meet my boyfriend now" but your friend had a surprise for you "Close your eyes s/o" you closed your eyes and a necklace on the boy's neck a gold silver light monument of beauty
"Oh.. I'm really sorry I can't take this" You said with a smile "I can't take it back, there's no way I can take it back, introduce me to your boyfriend sometime" He bids you farewell, You finally went home, saw your boyfriend lying in bed, sat at the table across the bed and straightened yourself in the mirror "Aren't we going out? I thought we were going to dinner?" you ask
Nikolai wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck, her silver necklace caught her eye "What is this?" you took a deep breath "Someone who used to be my friend took it"
"Is it a man?" He lightly ran his fingers over the necklace, you nodded, he left you with more kisses "We're not going out to dinner tonight honey" he carried you to bed with kisses as nikolai grabbed your necklace as he took off your top and quickly ripped it off "nikolay!?"
"My hands will look better on your neck than that necklace"
Jouno Saigiku
Jouno mentioned that he was going on a mission, he was going to go on a trip the next day and he was taking a shower right now
a notification from his phone and a 2 times call tone caught your attention, normally you would never wonder but nowadays a number was calling him every night and it was making you suspicious
You picked up your phone and quickly opened it because she told you her password, and you saw messages from a girl but clicked on the photo instead of the messages forgot to look at the messages for a while and heard your boyfriend came out of my bathroom
You dropped the phone quickly, didn't want to talk, but you couldn't keep it inside you put your hand on his shoulder while jouno was drying his hair "Dear?" looked at you
"Is there something you want to tell me, jouno?" He turned slightly when she called him by name, "What do you mean?" He asked in a serious tone "I just wanted to make sure you were okay" you didn't want to talk and say you hoped he wasn't cheating on you
The next day you said goodbye to your boyfriend and gave him a deep kiss, you were in a very unhappy situation, you called your childhood friend and found out he was in Yokohama, then you decided to meet up
You went to the movies with him, you really had fun, but there was always a bitterness on you, you got up to buy popcorn "s/o?" he asked you "I'm going to go get something" he nodded to you
Just then, a familiar burgundy cloak caught your attention "Jouno??" "Why would you s/he with a man?" He looked at you nervously, why was he here? did he lie or.. you answered his question "My friend came because I was depressed"
"Depression? Is it because of me?" You shook your head no. "You answer me, who is that woman?" "Woman?" He asked you confused, while you filled your eyes "Are you cheating on me?" your voice trembled.. He laughed and knelt in front of you suddenly, "Do you want to know what I was talking about with that woman?"
You were on a silent balcony, the moon was shining on you, he put his hand in his pocket, And took out a box "You..Jouno.." He slowly opened the box and the wedding ring inside shone, making you forget everything
"What's your answer my love?”
I may have slipped into a bit of romance, but I really wanted the marriage proposal while I was writing it
Request Are Open
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thatdammchickennugget · 2 months
Love Is Embarrassing - Part Eight
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>> when are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad? <<
pairing - theodore nott x fem! reader
summary - when you agree to help Theo out with a bet, you learn that maybe the bad boy isn't actually that bad
warnings - a little angsty, jealous!theo, mention of y/n
wordcount - 3.7k
a/n - okay, I finally managed to finish this last chapter. thank you so much to everyone who is still reading and commenting, even though it took me months to wrap this up. I love and appreciate you 💕
series masterlist
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The fluorescent lights of the grocery store cast a bright glow over the aisles, illuminating the colorful array of products lining the shelves. Theo strolled through the store, while you sat in the cart, snacks and essentials piled high around you.
The grocery store aisles became their battleground as they playfully bantered over the best candy for their movie night. With each turn down a new aisle, the debate intensified. Theo's arguments for the tangy delight of sour candies clashed with your unwavering devotion to the sweet satisfaction of chocolate. 
Your banter echoed through the grocery store aisles, drawing amused glances from other shoppers. You grinned mischievously from your perch in the cart, throwing playful jabs at Theo's taste in candy while he retaliated with mock indignation.
As you rounded the corner into the snack aisle, a familiar voice called out, interrupting your lively debate. "Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n!"
You turned to see a young man standing before you, a wide smile spread across his face. He was tall and lanky, with tousled red hair that seemed to defy gravity, and a pair of bright blue eyes that sparkled with warmth and familiarity. It took you a moment to recognise who was talking to you. He was someone you used to go to school with, a friendly face from your hometown that you hadn't seen in years. You remembered his mother used to be friends with yours and wondered if they still talked.
"Jake! Wow, it's been forever," you exclaimed, genuinely pleased to see him.
Theo's expression shifted imperceptibly, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features as he observed the exchange between you and Jake. He remained silent, pushing the cart forward as you engaged in conversation with your old friend.
"Hey, yeah, it really has," Jake replied with a grin, his eyes scanning over Theo before returning to you. "Looks like you've got some company." 
You nodded, gesturing toward the tall boy behind you. "Yeah, this is Theo. He's a friend from college. We’re visiting for the holidays." 
"Nice to meet you, Theo," Jake said, extending a hand. 
Theo shook it with a polite smile, though you couldn't help but notice the slight tensing of his jaw. "Likewise." 
"So, what brings you guys to the grocery store?" Jake asked, falling into step beside the cart as you continued down the aisle. 
"We're stocking up for a movie night," you explained, reaching for a bag of popcorn on the shelf. "Trying to decide on the best snacks." 
Jake chuckled. "Ah, the eternal struggle. Sweet or savory?" 
"Exactly," you agreed. "We've been debating it all afternoon." 
"Well, if you ask me, you can't go wrong with a good mix of both," Jake suggested, grabbing a bag of chips from the shelf. "Cover all your bases, you know?" 
You laughed, nodding in agreement as you took the bag from his hands, stashing down at your feet. "That's true."
As you caught up with Jake, sharing stories and reminiscing about the past, Theo's demeanor became increasingly guarded. He made casual remarks, joining in the conversation, but there was a subtle tension in his voice that betrayed his unease.
You couldn't help but notice the shift in Theo's demeanor, sensing the underlying tension beneath his attempts to appear unaffected. Despite his efforts to hide it, his jealousy simmered just beneath the surface, evident in the way he subtly tightened his grip on the cart handle. You assumed he was growing tired of being in the store and wanted to go home.
"So, Y/n, it's been ages since we hung out," Jake said, his tone filled with enthusiasm as he glanced between you and Theo. "Mind if I crash your movie night?" 
You hesitated, exchanging a quick glance with Theo before responding. "Uh, well, my mom wouldn't really be a fan of that...Danny hasn’t been feeling well and she doesn’t really want the house to be even fuller, you know." 
Theo's grip on the cart tightened slightly, a subtle indication of his discomfort with the idea. You could sense his unease, and while you didn't want to upset him, you also didn't want to leave Jake hanging. "But we should definitely catch up sometime this week," you continued, offering Jake a friendly smile. "How about we grab coffee or something?" 
Jake's expression brightened at the suggestion, seemingly unfazed by the rejection of the movie night invitation. "That sounds great! I'll shoot you a text and we'll figure out a time." 
"Sounds like a plan," you agreed, relieved that Jake was understanding. 
Jake bid you farewell with a friendly wave before heading off to finish his own shopping. As he disappeared around the corner, you turned your attention back to Theo, who had fallen unusually quiet. "Hey, you okay?" you asked, noticing the tension in his shoulders. 
Theo shrugged, his gaze fixed on the items lining the shelves. "Yeah, just tired, I guess." 
You frowned, not entirely convinced by his response. "Are you sure? You seemed a little... off back there." 
He forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm fine, really. Let's just finish up here and head home." 
Deciding not to press the issue further for now, you nodded, though a sense of unease lingered in the back of your mind. Theo's sudden change in demeanor had caught you off guard, and while you wanted to believe his explanation, you couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering him.
Later that night, as you settled in for movie night, the tension between you and Theo remained palpable. He had taken a seat next to Danny, much to your little brother's excitement, leaving you to occupy the spot on the other side of the couch. You tried to brush off the unease gnawing at you, attributing it to Theo's earlier mood and hoping that he would warm up as the evening progressed.
Throughout the movie, Theo seemed distant, his attention focused solely on the screen. You caught glimpses of his profile in the dim glow of the television, his features drawn and unreadable. Despite your attempts to engage him in conversation or share a joke, he remained reserved, his responses curt and unenthusiastic.
As the movie played on, the atmosphere in the room grew increasingly strained. You stole glances at Theo, hoping for some sign that he was feeling better, but he remained aloof, his gaze fixed on the screen.
"That girl reminds me so much of Pansy," you reached around Danny and nudged him gently, trying to draw him into the moment.
He offered a half-hearted chuckle in response, but his eyes never left the television. Your heart sank further at his lack of engagement, the distance between you feeling more pronounced than ever.
When your mom suggested playing a game after the movie, you saw an opportunity to break the tension. "That sounds like fun, doesn't it?" you glanced over at Theo, hoping for a spark of enthusiasm.
But he shook his head, his expression apologetic. "I think I'm gonna call it a night, actually. I'm feeling pretty tired."
Disappointment washed over you as you watched him stand up and make his way towards the stairs. "Oh, okay. Well, goodnight, then," you forced a smile, trying to hide the hurt in your voice.
"Night," Theo replied softly, his tone devoid of its usual warmth as he disappeared upstairs.
After the game ended, you made your way upstairs, feeling a heavy weight in your chest. The events of the evening lingered in your mind, leaving you with a sense of unease that refused to dissipate.
Entering your room, you found Theo already lying in bed, his back turned towards you. You hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. Quietly, you slipped under the covers, careful not to disturb him. Tentatively, you reached out to him, your fingers lightly brushing against his back as they had the night before.
To your surprise, he recoiled at your touch, pushing your hand away before shifting further away from you. The rejection stung, a sharp pang of hurt piercing through your chest as you withdrew your hand, feeling the distance between you grow even wider.
Heart heavy with disappointment and confusion, you lay there in silence. Eventually, exhaustion overtook you, and you drifted off to sleep, the ache of unspoken words weighing heavily on your mind.
The next morning, you awoke to find Theo's side of the bed empty, a cold reminder of the distance that had grown between you overnight. Pushing aside the covers, you reluctantly dragged yourself out of bed, a sense of foreboding settling in the pit of your stomach.
Descending the stairs, you followed the sound of soft conversation to the living room, where you found Theo seated beside your mother, a smile gracing his features as they engaged in lively conversation. Your mother sat in her favorite armchair, her knitting needles in her hands, while Theo held the yarn for her, his expression one of genuine warmth.
You stood there for a moment, watching the scene unfold before you, a wave of conflicting emotions washing over you. Confusion battled with longing, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at the easy camaraderie between Theo and your mother. You couldn’t figure out why he was suddenly acting so cold towards you, all of it reminding you of those last weeks you shared with Grady.
As you observed them, a sudden realization dawned upon you, crystal clear and undeniable. It hit you with the force of a revelation, leaving you breathless and reeling. In that moment, you understood the depth of your feelings for Theo, the profound connection that had blossomed between you, unnoticed and unspoken.
You had fallen for him, deeply and irrevocably, in a way you had never imagined possible. The realization was both exhilarating and terrifying, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within you as you grappled with the newfound truth.
Caught in the whirlwind of emotions, you barely noticed your mother's gaze turning toward you, her warm smile inviting you to join them. You hesitated for a moment, uncertain whether you were ready to face Theo right now.
"Good morning, sweetheart," she greeted you, her voice soft and comforting. "Come join us."
With a small nod, you crossed the room to take a seat beside Theo, trying to ignore the chasm of distance that seemed to have grown between you overnight. His smile faltered slightly as you approached, and the view felt like a kick to your stomach.
"Morning," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you glanced at the boy beside you, searching for any sign of the warmth that had usually filled his gaze when looking at you.
He met your eyes briefly before turning his attention back to your mother, his smile returning, albeit slightly forced. "Morning, trouble."
Despite the tension lingering in the air, your mother seemed oblivious to it. She continued to chat animatedly, her happy voice filling the room.
As the conversation lulled, you seized the opportunity to broach the subject of spending the day together. "Hey, do you want to do anything today?" you asked tentatively, nudging the side of his leg with yours. 
He hesitated for a moment before he spoke. "Actually, I'll be pretty busy today," he replied, his tone carefully neutral. "Your mom and I have been talking about some things she's been procrastinating on fixing around the house, and I promised her I'd do some of it today."
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at his response, though you tried to mask it with a supportive smile. "That's sweet of you," you said softly. "Do you need any help?"
He shook his head, his gaze flickering briefly to meet yours. "Thanks, but I think I'd rather do it alone," he said, his tone gentle but firm.
You swallowed back the hurt that threatened to rise in your throat, forcing a smile as you nodded in understanding. "Okay, just let me know if you change your mind," you replied, though the words felt hollow on your tongue.
Sitting there, the realization of your feelings for him weighing heavily on your mind, you found yourself contemplating your next move. Your mind drifted back to Jake and the casual invitation you had extended to catch up over coffee. 
With Theo occupied for the day, the prospect of spending time with an old friend seemed more appealing than ever.Fishing your phone out of your pocket, you scrolled through your contacts until you found Jake's number. With a hesitant finger hovering over the screen, you debated whether to send the text.
"Since you're going to be busy today, I might text Jake and see if he wants to hang out. Is that okay?"
Theo's expression shifted slightly, a hint of surprise flickering in his eyes before he shook his head. "Yeah, that sounds fine.”
You sighed inwardly, feeling a twinge of disappointment at Theo's response, but you nodded, trying to hide any trace of your feelings. "Alright, I'll let you get to it then," you said, forcing a smile.
Walking back upstairs and entering your room, you sank onto the edge of the bed, the familiar comfort of the space offering little solace. Resting your head in your hands, you allowed yourself a moment of vulnerability, the realization of your feelings for Theo crashing over you like a tidal wave.
As you stepped into the quiet house, the familiar creak of the front door seemed to echo in the silence. The subdued atmosphere enveloped you like a heavy blanket, casting a pall over your spirits as you made your way to the kitchen.
There, you found Theo sitting alone at the table, a steaming mug of hot chocolate cradled in his hands. The soft glow of the overhead light illuminated his features, casting shadows across his face that seemed to deepen the lines of tension etched there.
"Hey," you greeted him softly, your voice breaking the stillness of the room.
He looked up, his gaze meeting yours briefly before flicking away. "Hey," he replied, his tone guarded.
Sensing the tension in the air, you hesitated for a moment before taking a seat opposite him at the table. The silence stretched between you, thick and heavy.
Finally, unable to bear the weight of the silence any longer, you spoke up. "I just got back from hanging out with Jake," you said, trying to keep your tone light despite the undercurrent of unease.
Theo's grip on his mug tightened slightly, though he maintained his composure. "Oh, did you have fun?" he asked, his words laced with a hint of passive-aggression.
You bristled at the tone of his question, sensing the underlying tension beneath his seemingly casual inquiry. "Yeah, it was nice," you replied carefully, not wanting to escalate the situation.
Theo's lips twitched into a tight smile, though his eyes betrayed the turmoil swirling within him. "Good to know," he muttered, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
The atmosphere in the kitchen grew increasingly strained. You wanted to reach out to him, to bridge the gap between you, but you didn't know where to begin. As you tried to come up with something else to say, your body froze when you heard him scoff.
The noise cut through the tense silence like a knife, leaving you feeling like you'd been slapped. The suddenness of it startled you, and you couldn't help but recoil slightly, a mixture of confusion and hurt flashing across your features.
"What?" you demanded, your voice sharper than intended as you searched his face for any hint of an explanation.
Theo hesitated, his gaze darting away from yours as if seeking refuge in the shadows of the room. "Nothing," he muttered, his tone defensive. "Forget it."
But you couldn't forget it, couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong between you. "No, I won't forget it," you insisted, your voice rising with each word as you stood up from your chair to round the table. "You've been acting weird since yesterday, and I don’t know what happened. Tell me what's going on, Theo."
His jaw tightened, and for a moment, it seemed like he might refuse to answer. But then, with a heavy sigh, he relented, his words dripping with frustration. "Fine, you want to know what's going on? I'll tell you. I'm tired of this."
Theo's words hung in the air like a heavy cloud. You stood there, staring at him, waiting for him to continue, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Tired of what?" you prompted, your voice barely above a whisper, though it carried the weight of a thousand unanswered questions.
His gaze met yours, and for a moment, you saw the storm raging behind his eyes. "Tired of pretending," he replied, his voice low and filled with bitterness. "Tired of pretending that you're mine when you're not."
His words hit you like a punch to the gut, leaving you reeling with disbelief. "What do you mean?" you demanded, your voice rising in pitch as you struggled to comprehend his words.
Theo stood up from his chair, his movements tense and controlled. "You know exactly what I mean," he shot back, his frustration boiling over into anger. "You keep stringing me along, making me think that there's something between us when there's not."
His accusations cut deep, slicing through the fragile facade of your relationship and leaving you exposed and vulnerable. "That's not fair," you protested, your voice trembling. "I've never tried to lead you on, Theo. I care about you more than anything."
"Then why do you keep pushing me away? Why do you keep going from being all over me when we’re alone to introducing me as your ‘friend’" he countered, his voice rising with each word as he took a step closer to you, his eyes burning with intensity. "Why do you keep pretending like there's nothing between us when we both know that's not true?"
"I'm not pretending," you insisted, your voice cracking as you met his gaze head-on. "I'm just... scared."
Theo's expression softened slightly at your words, a flicker of understanding crossing his features. "Scared of what?" he asked, his voice softer now, almost pleading.
"Scared of losing you," you admitted, the words spilling out before you could stop them. "Scared of ruining what we have because I'm too afraid to admit how much you mean to me."
Theo's anger seemed to evaporate in an instant, replaced by a raw vulnerability that mirrored your own. "I'm scared too," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to take your hand in his. "Scared of letting you go because I'm too afraid to admit that I love you."
In that moment, time seemed to stand still as you and Theo stood there, locked in each other's gaze, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air between you. The tension that had once divided you now seemed to dissolve, leaving only the raw vulnerability of your shared emotions.
Without a word, you closed the distance between you, wrapping your arms around Theo in a tight embrace. He responded eagerly, pulling you close as if he never wanted to let you go.
"I love you," you whispered against his chest, the words spilling forth from your heart without hesitation.
Theo pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours with an intensity that took your breath away. "I love you too," he replied, his voice filled with a mixture of relief and longing.
Without another word, Theo cupped your face gently in his hands, his touch tender and reassuring. His thumbs brushed lightly against your cheeks, tracing the curve of your jawline as if committing every detail of your face to memory. You leaned into his touch, savoring the warmth of his hands against your skin.
Drawing you closer, Theo's arms enveloped you, pulling you flush against his chest. You could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat echoing in the space between you.
With a gentle tilt of his head, Theo closed the remaining distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a soft, tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the pent-up emotions, all the longing, and all the unspoken words that had lingered between you.
As the kiss deepened, you melted into Theo's embrace, your hands finding their way to the back of his neck, fingers tangling in the soft strands of his hair. His arms tightened around you, holding you close as if he never wanted to let you go.
Lost in the sweetness of the moment, you felt as if the rest of the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you suspended in time. Every brush of Theo's lips against yours sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire within you that burned with an intensity you had never known.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, you found yourselves lost in each other's gaze once more, jumping at the sound of a voice clearing behind you, bringing you back out of your stupor.
Turning around, you found your mother standing in the doorway, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she observed the scene before her, the tension that had filled the room moments ago now replaced with an air of affection.
"I've been wondering when you two would finally make it official," she teased, her voice filled with amusement.
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but you couldn't help but smile at her playful tone. "Alright, let me do this right this time," you said, gesturing to the boy beside you. "Mom, this is Theo. My boyfriend."
Your mother's smirk widened into a knowing grin as she glanced between you and Theo. "Well, it's about time," she chuckled. With a final wink in your direction, she turned and retreated from the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone again.
You turned back to Theo, a sense of warmth spreading through your chest. "Well, was that better?" you joked, a hint of relief in your voice.
Theo chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners as his hands found your waist again. "Perfect.” With a playful grin, he pulled you into another sweet kiss.
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tw1l1te · 3 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼- 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 1
These are from the FinalPromise!Au. Some will be directly from the og Linked Universe, as I don't envision my story as straying tooooo far from the original. I might add more in the future, but these are the ones that I am thinking of for now! This is part 1/3, which includes Time, Twilight, and Wild! :3
Warnings: mention of scars
Mans in his early 30s in terms of appearance (actual age is unclear)
Speaks Hylian well but writing? Not so much. Growing up in Kokiri Forest doesn't really help in terms of school smarts, so he had Wars and Sky teach him a bit later down the line.
Has a slight Southern accent, way less prominent than Twilight's though. It comes out more when he's tired or being more flirty (Or doing it on purpose to fluster Y/n.)
Him and Malon are exes? It was a situationship, they didn't really put a word on it. She was there after his quest to support him and keep a roof over his head. They're more like family/friends now
Very tall. We're talking over 6 foot here, and he will also use that to tower over Y/n. They're into that
Also pretty muscular. He was more lean muscle when he was a teen/young adult, but he's bulked up especially since donning the armor.
Has rib tattoos, similar to the Deity markings on his face.
Only has his lobes pierced, however he wants to experiment with more piercings like Twilight.
Has some scarring on his stomach from the battle at the Water Temple, its faded over the years but its still noticeable if you look hard enough
Doesn't sleep well, so takes over night watch a lot. Twilight has to stop him from not sleeping for over 48-hours as that gets him into dangerous mental space territory.
I wanna say he's one of the first member of the chain to feel something for Y/n. I see a lot of pics placing him last usually, but I feel like he's one of the first, especially having tons of time to think about it at night and being the eldest.
Although he's one of the earliest to reveal his feelings to Y/n, he's still processing and taking it slow in terms of bringing it up to the rest of the group.
Time's his great great grandfather?? Some great, he's not quite sure
Twilight's in his early/mid 20's
His hair is a brown-gray mix, the grey becoming more prominent ever since his first time shifting into his Wolf form.
Southern drawl, need I say more
Ears are pierced, has double lobe piercings and an upper cartilage piecing
Pretty tall, close to 6 foot, maybe 5' 11"
Other than the Twili markings on his face, he has a small tattoo of a hoof to commemorate for Epona on his ankle
His markings do extend down his spine and upper arms which make a delicious sight when he's training or above Y/n
Some scarring on his legs and arms from his journey, one longer scar on his right ear from a close call with a Twilight creature once.
Senses are like tripled ever since becoming Wolfie, mr. cowboy can smell things like a mile away.
Similar to Time in terms of build, maybe slightly leaner because of his height
However his voice is the deepest of the group. Mans got the range in octaves and that sexy rasp that he will use to his advantage
Like his ancestor, one of the first to have/admit feelings toward Y/n
However, having a Wolf form also speeds up the feelings of protectiveness obsessiveness... and certain other things.
Has such a sweet tooth.
Loves chocolate so much but ever since Wolfie happened, he can barely eat any 'cause he got that dog in him
Protective of Wild too, other than Y/n, he's probably the only other person that knows what he's been through
18-19 years old, his adventure has just recently finished
His hair is longer than in his quest to save the princess, though definitely more choppy and wolf cut-like when not in his ponytail
Definitely more lean muscle in terms of build, and is probably average in height
Has triple pieced lobes and a few cartilage piercings, plans on getting more
Left side of his body is heavily scarred, partially deaf in his left ear. Also tends to lose feeling in his left arm and leg, so he prefers to use his right side
Can actually read and speak Hylian How do you think he read everyone's diaries
As we all know, he's one of the best cooks in Hyrule and can cook almost anything, but his favorite thing to make has got to be meat curry and a simple nut cake.
After you came along and introduced him to your foods??? Oh boy he's never been so excited-
Somehow made your favorite foods better than they already were
Closer with Twilight and Legend
Takes longer to catch feelings for you, as the mere concept of feeling toward another person is still a confusing topic for him since his slumber
One of the last ones to catch feelings for you, partially in denial because his belief of not being good enough for you/being very harsh on himself
Twilight almost immediately catches onto Wild's attraction towards you, Wild's not the best at masking nervousness around you
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sixzeroes · 1 year
summary | na jaemin has always been the bane of your existence—but he’s also been the centre of your sexual desires.
characters | villain!jaemin x hero!reader(f).
genres | smut, pwnp, bnha au, non-idol au.
warnings | profanity, brief description of blood, jaemin talks about murdering reader, slight hostage situation, sex, rough sex?, mentions of blowjob, use of ‘princess,’ giselle (and ten) lowkey cockblocking at the end.
word count | 2.2k.
so, this was actually posted on one of my old accounts before i decided to delete that and move here without anyone knowing. it did get around 400 notes, so if you recognise this, i am the original writer of it!! i don’t associate myself with that account or pseudonym anymore, but i just couldn’t let this one sit in my files so yeah :))
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It’s too early to bid goodbye to the world. There are many things you’ve yet to experience, and millions of people cheering you on. You still need to reach the number one spot. You still need to watch the new Disney movie releasing next week. You still need to try out the mint chocolate fusion that’s been the craze the past few days. You still need to travel to Greece and admire the Athena Parthenon. You still need to—
Bottom line is, there’s hundreds of thousands of reasons as to why your life must be prolonged. You’re a heroine, and your career has just begun. 
No, you truly can’t die yet.
But Na Jaemin seems to think the opposite. 
The room—prison—you’re confined to is dark, only a sliver of moonlight slipping through the barred window. In the middle of the room stands a chair, a blond man sitting with his chest against the back. His arms cross over the top rail, one foot tapping against the ground in a rather erratic rhythm. His all-too-familiar smile is terrifying, and you resist shuddering under his wicked gaze. 
“Maybe I’ll slit your throat,” he muses, watching your every action. Ice forms along his hand, creating a claw-like silhouette in the dim light. You gulp, a little intimidated by his power. 
“As if I’d let you,” you huff, sharpening your glower to prove his presence isn’t feared. “You’ve got nothing on me.”
That’s a huge lie. Both you and Jaemin know it. The blonde laughs at your revelation, the ice melting off of his skin. It hits the ground—drip, drip—and forms a puddle at his feet. “Your courage hasn’t changed, Y/N, but neither has the gap between you and I. You may be dubbed a strong hero, but you know better than everyone that you can’t beat me.” 
He hasn’t stabbed you yet, but the harsh reality of his words burn a humiliating pain in your heart. 
“What use is strength if your intelligence can’t keep up?” you sneer, referring to your high school era just like he had. “Don’t forget, you were always second to me in every theoretical exam.” 
You barely flinch when an icicle crumbles against the wall beside your head. The skin over your left cheekbone breaks apart into a cut, a thin stream of blood tracing the curve of your face. Jaemin tosses the chair away, the loud bang leaving a ringing in your ears. He’s mad, and it’s because of you. 
You can’t die yet, but you’re about to. 
Fuck. All because you refused to follow Ten’s suicidal mission. Well, it’s not like yours isn’t life-threatening either, but there’s less lives getting claimed. 
“You know, you always pissed me off,” growls Jaemin, crouching in front of you. Even though he’s left you untied, you make no move to attack him in hopes of escaping. And that’s the thing—you can’t escape, and you know. He knows. Na Jaemin is too strong for you to outrun. 
You spit, “The feeling’s mutual.”
There’s no way you and Jaemin could ever get along with each other, much less develop feelings opposite to the word hate. In high school, it was always a battle between the two of you. Na Jaemin—first in practical exams, second in theoretical. And you—first in theoretical exams, second in practical. To be frank, the two of you would’ve been a formidable pair if it wasn’t for his egoistic attitude and your competitive personality. If it was doubtful then, it’s impossible now. 
After all, Jaemin’s become the very villain he once wished to eradicate. 
“I saw you on television, all your interviews, the blurry cuts of you fighting. Made me wanna wipe that stupid smile off of your fucking face.” 
The rivalry between you and Jaemin wasn’t unnoticed by your peers during the three years of high school. But what most failed to detect was the sexual tension that brimmed beneath the surface of the enmity. 
“I saw you too, on Wanted posters.” you hiss, wiping the blood on your cheek. It’s a little dried. “Looking all smug for a hero turned evil.” 
Jaemin chuckles, prodding his inner cheek with his tongue. He looks to the side, then he glares straight into your eyes. “What can I say? The criminals are less corrupt than the righteous hero industry.” The blond man mimics quotation marks with his hand at the word righteous. “You, too, are a waste as a hero. Why don’t you join me? Wipe the damn system and build a new one from scratch. Doyoung doesn’t bite, you know. He likes pretty girls like you. I do, too.” 
You don’t retaliate with phrases that glorify the hero industry. Jaemin’s right, albeit you refuse to outright acknowledge it. Instead, you snap, “Fuck you.”
He licks his lips. “Is that consent?”
Yes. “No.” 
Your head jerks backwards as Jaemin grabs your face with force, a throb lingering from the impact against the wall. His fingers dig into your cheeks, thumb dipped in your drying blood. Your hands grip his forearm and he tugs you forwards, decreasing the proximity between his face and yours. It’s faint, but a peach scent surrounds the man. 
Jaemin runs his thumb against your lips, and a metallic taste overrides your senses. “I’ll ask again, Y/N. Is”—he parts your lips with the push of his thumb—“that”—his nail grazes your tongue—“consent?” 
A beat.
Before you can release the entire breath, his hand wraps around your throat in a rough yet careful choke. With brute strength, Jaemin lifts you onto your feet, your knees buckling at the sudden exertion. There’s no time to adjust as his lips latch onto yours, snagging whatever oxygen you have left. He’s always been impatient, and even during foreplay, he shows no patience. 
Your heavy pants fill the silence as he devours your lips, his tongue sliding against your tongue. Your lips that were chapped are now moist, saliva leaking from the corner of your lips. His empty hand situates itself on your hip, and you gasp when he runs it up under your shirt. 
“Would’ve been sexier if you had your flimsy costume on,” he muttered against your lips. “Always wanted to strip you of that red abomination.” 
“Sh—Shut up,” you groan, his hand grasping your breast. Your eyes flutter when he pushes aside your bra and pinches your nipple. The act leaves your core throbbing, aching for more. “Fuck, finger me.”
Jaemin kisses your chin. “If you blow me after, sure.”
You make the effort to glare at him. “I fucking hate y—oh.” Your jaw slacks as he shoves the hand on your neck into the warmth of your underwear, knuckles grazing the damp fabric. 
“So wet, princess,” he jeers, using the nickname you loathed during the start of your youth. “I wonder who you’re so aroused for?”
“Jeno, obviously,” you scoff, and Jaemin pulls away from you, his touch leaving your skin. “Wh—hey!”
The blonde distances himself from you, licking his fingers clean of your essence. “Hm?” he hums, an eyebrow raised. “I’m not about to fuck a girl who’s got another man’s name on her mind.” 
You lean against the wall for support. “Holy fuck, you’re so lame.”
“Run to Jeno, then.”
Fuck. You swallow his saliva from the messy kiss, and with it, your pride. “Shit. Fine, I’m sorry. Can you fuck me now? I’ll even suck your dick.” 
Jaemin beams, and it has your pussy dripping. “Of course! Since my princess asked so nicely,” he sings, daintily taking your hands in his. Your heart stutters as he places gentle kisses along your knuckles, and then the pad of your fingers. It’s sweet, until he throws your hands up and restrains them against the wall with ice. 
“How pretty,” he muses, trailing his pointer finger down your cheek. Jaemin bunches your shirt and bra so it sits atop your chest, revealing your bare breasts. You shiver from the chill, but are warmed right away when his hands roam your torso. A gasp rips from your throat when the man teases your pants down, sliding two long fingers into your cunt. Soft and shaky moans tumble from your lips, prompting Jaemin to move his fingers. His thumb—the blood clad one—circles your clit, fingers pulsing in and out of you with ease. He’s cruel, dragging the tip of his digits against the soft flesh of your walls. 
As Jaemin fingers you, he seals your lips with his once again in a breathless kiss. Your tongue meshes with his, teeth clashing every so often. One hand returns to your neck, laying at the base in a tough hold. “Oh—” you mewl, “I’m so—”
Jaemin removes his fingers, and you fall limp, the restraints preventing you from crumpling to the floor. Your mind is hazy, but you manage to say, “You’re such a bitch.” 
“Mhm, I am, princess.” he coos, unbuckling the belt looped around his jeans. Like you, he’s in casual attire, having dressed in civilian clothing when kidnapping you in the mall. He unzips the fly, head thrown back as he frees his hard dick. You whimper, biting your lower lip at the sight. “Aren’t you so honest?” 
“Fuck,” you groan, touch-deprived. “It’s huge.”
“Can you make a condom?” he asks, slapping his length against your bare stomach. The precum smears all over your pretty skin. “I didn’t bring one, and I’d rather not get you pregnant.” 
Jaemin’s either dumb or clever for relying on you to whip out protection. But you obey, formulating a packaged condom with whatever lipids left in your body. It pops out of your arm, and Jaemin catches it with a lopsided grin. He rips the packet open with his teeth, tossing the foil aside whilst rolling the plastic over his dick. You watch, counting down the seconds until he’s inside. 
“Are you ready?” he whispers, lips grazing your ear. 
Your answer is all he needs as he pushes into you, easily slipping in with the help of your lubrication. You release a shaky moan, eyes rolling back from pure pleasure. Jaemin hauls one of your legs over his bicep, and he catches your face in his hand. Your lustful gaze meets his, and you feel a thrill run down your spine at the look in his eyes. 
He’s hungry—sex hungry, and you’re his doll to ruin. 
Slowly, Jaemin pulls out before thrusting, the tip of his dick prodding your cervix. You cry out, hitting the ice wrapped around your wrists. Over and over and over again, Jaemin pounds into you, groaning the dirtiest words as does. Your back hits the wall every time his hips meet yours, but the pain drowns in the plethora of pleasure. 
“So tight,” he rasps, speed increasing by the second. “You feel so, so fucking good.”
“Ah, oh my—god,” you whine, chasing his lips. He grants you a kiss, and you murmur, “Harder, fuck me harder.” 
Challenges are a way to rile Jaemin up, and it seems he’s taken your plea as one. The villain grips your thighs as he lets out a low, guttural growl. He thrusts faster, at a speed you can’t comprehend. You’re seeing stars, tasting stars, in an absolute bliss no writer can describe. Jaemin stutters each time you clench around his dick, your pussy sending him into overdrive. 
“Hey, cum for me.” he mutters, biting your lower lip. 
You pant, running out of breath. “I’m close,” you chant, relishing the way his entire length fits inside of you. You beg, “Please—please don’t stop.”
“Keep asking.”
“Finish me off, Jaemin,” you moan. “I’m so close!”
Jaemin reaches for the restraints, melting them with his left hand. In one swift motion, he turns you so your cheek lays flat against the wall, ass out for him to see. He whistles, fondling the soft flesh. Your mewls don’t stop, spilling endlessly as he continues to slam into you. 
“Jaemin!” you cry, clenching around his dick. “Close—close—so close—”
“Let it out, princess.”
And you do, orgasming with his dick still inside. You whimper when he keeps thrusting, chasing his high while simultaneously overstimulating you. Your mind is hazy when he draws his dick out, the condom full of his cum. Support is gone as Jaemin backs away, and you fall to the ground, recovering from the wild fuck you just had. 
“Shit, maybe I should’ve come on your face,” he mutters, fixing his pants. Shirtless, he crouches so his eyes are parallel to yours. “You good?” 
You spit and it lands on his chin. “I’m still trapped, asshole.” 
“If you blow me—”
His words are cut short when the window explodes, the building crumbling from the impact. Both you and Jaemin glance over to the gaping hole in the wall, a confused Giselle standing atop the debris. She scans your half-naked body, then his lack of shirt, and analyzes the scene in no time. 
“Ten! They fucked!” 
A snicker flies from Jaemin’s lips as he tosses his shirt back on, ruffling his blond hair in amusement. The man glimpses Giselle’s preoccupied state and looks back at you. With a wink, he says, “I’ll contact you for that blowjob. Later, princess.” 
You simply blink as he runs off, escaping before he’s forced to engage in a (tedious) fight. When reality hits you and your mind registers his words, a disturbed scowl settles on your face. 
You can’t die yet.
And for now, Na Jaemin seems to think the same as he hints at an upcoming rendezvous.
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drchucktingle · 10 months
here we are again talkin on camp damascus and unwrapping every little secret and hidden layer of this book. think of this time together like an old time ENGLISH CLASS where the dang teacher says 'well by THIS SYMBOLISM the author was actually commenting on how good chocolate milk is' only this time we get to talk on TINGLERS and your teacher is the buckaroo himself, chuck tingle.
as man name of chuck i have a lot of easter eggs in my books, and this post is just ONE OF MANY where we pull apart every layer. if you have a reading club for this book it might be a fun companion to trot through once you are all finished. if that is the case you should start with the first deconstructing damascus post. i will leave links to them all here IN ORDER
HOWEVER these deconstructing damascus posts SHOULD NOT BE READ UNLESS YOU ARE DONE WITH THE BOOK. there are heckin spoilers EVERYWHERE in these posts so do not peek at them until you are ready.
alright below this line the dang spoilers begin. BIG TIME SPOILER WARNING. lets trot
we have taken lots of time to discuss the various layers of symbolism in this book, but for FINAL POST of deconstructing damascus i would like to talk about the literal layer, specifically ONE BIG THEME that weaves throughout the story of rose, saul, willow and kingdom of the pine.
that theme is CAPITALISM.
kingdom of the pine, the church in this story, is intentionally NOT THAT STRANGE in their beliefs. it would be very easy for me to write a book where the christian sect are revealed as some twisted monsters performing all kinds of dark rituals in the name of evil itself, but when the big reveal comes it is something much more HORRIFIC and unexpected.
kindgom of the pine members are not snarling, oozing, otherworldly, creatures. the members are just people, and their beliefs are horrifically STANDARD. kingdom of the pine worships CAPITALISM.
these church members believe in the traditional tenants of CHRISTIANITY along with the traditional tenants of BUSINESS. what makes them scary is that they whole heartedly believe that 'the ends justify the means'
lets start with prophet cobel, the founder of the church. his visions came during THE INDUSTREAL REVOLUTION, occuring when he was injured by a manufacturing machine and lost his hand. the coma from prophet cobels accident is where he received his message from god. he realized that, for a church to succeed, it needed to act like a BUSINESS.
many buckaroos have asked 'WHY is the church called kingdom of the pine?' and this is EXACTLY WHY. many churches are named for spiritual aspects. this sect could have easily been 'kingdom of the holy word' 'kingdom of the spirit' 'kingdom of HIS name' EXCEPT prophet cobel knew the importance of MATERIAL and CURRENCY and GOODS. he is not just worshipping JESUS, he is worshipping THE CROSS ITSELF. so 'the pine' in kingdom of the pine is symbolic of worshipping through a PRODUCT, in this case the little wooden cross that you might sell during a fundraiser. not kingdom of the son, the father, or the holy spirit, but kingdom of the PINE. THE WOOD ITSELF. THE PRODUCT.
by combining christianity and capitalism, prophet cobel created a monster, but not one that creeps through a dark swamp with sharp teeth and red eyes. he created something much more existentially dangerous AND not all that unheard of in reality. this isnt an imaginary monster that lurks under your bed. IT IS A MONSTER THAT IS ALREADY HERE.
capitalism is the answer for ANOTHER big question regarding camp damascus: why are the demons wearing red polos?
demons in this story are dressed like minimum wave workers at a big box story because THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE. yes they spend their time torturing unfortunate folks in their dungeon, but NOBODY IS FREE FROM THE CAPITALISTIC SYSTEM NOT EVEN ON OTHER TIMELINES LIKE HECK ITSELF. the demons are AT WORK. some buckaroos do not notice that kingdom of the pine counselors are always in green and white (the pine material GREEN and the holy spirit WHITE, like we talked on earlier). meanwhile demons are in RED because they are contracted out. THEY HAVE BEEN HIRED IN THEIR OWN WAY and when you consider the collars around their necks, THEY ARE NOT TREATED FAIRLY BY THEIR EMPLOYERS. THEY ARE CONTROLLED IN A SYSTEM OF THEIR OWN AND COMPELLED TO WORK.
this is why they have name tags. THEY ARE AT WORK.
this is why they are constantly smiling until the collars come off. THEY HAVE CUSTOMER SERVICE SMILES.
okay buds. thank you for reading the deconstructing damascus series it was very fun for me to go deep on this book for anyone who enjoys this kind of analysis. i hope it puts a little more joy into your trot, and now if someone says 'this part of camp damascus didnt make sense to me' you can said 'LETS TALK BUD'. i am very much looking forward to doing this again when my next horror novel BURY YOUR GAYS comes out. keep a dang eye out for that one.
i will end with one more thing that did not really fit into the other catagories.
question of: is there any meaning behind willow being a big wu tang fan?
you mean besides her being the crocodile (which has ticking clock in mouth in peter pan) so rhythm itself is a very important part of her character? (as shown in her steady clicking camera shutter and the steady beat of her musical preferences?)
well now that we've discussed the theme of INFANTILIZATION in deconstructing damascus part one, and how all the young people in kingdom of the pine are kept childlike as long as possible as the FOREVER CHILDREN of never never land, i will point you towards this iconic quote from the wu tang clans ODB at the 1998 grammy awards:
LOVE IS REAL thank you for reading buckaroos - chuck
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scaras-silly-girl · 8 months
okay wait I was onto smth!! maybe!!!
Halloween/Fall Hcs with genshin men!🕸
written w fem reader in mind, established relationships, modern au, light sex joke, ft scara, ajax, lyney
if you're going to want to be out and about on halloween, this is not the guy for you. 100% wants to stay in the whole time
will watch scary movies/play horror games with you, he will any day honestly but- he gets such an ego boost if you hide yourself in his shirt during gorey or freaky parts of movies. he gets so happy that he feels like he can protect you
he will not, under any circumstances, hand out candy to trick or treaters. he will slam the door in a 6 year olds face lmao he thinks it's stupid and will be honest about it. if you have a young sibling, he'll come with you to take them trick or treating (and complain a lot)
he doesn't care for anything sweet, probably opting for sour candies like sweettarts or those weird hard ball things. but maybe if he's feeling generous, he'll buy you some of your favorite treats. even if he hates the sticky sweet gummies and pixie stix you adore, you can bet everything he'll stand in line for hours the day before halloween.
he thinks dressing up is stupid, but you could talk him into a basic couples costume. maybe ghostface and casey (tbh ive never watched scream movies so im going off google) he would probably do that pumpkin head trend with you, he'll feel stupid the whole time but it's worth it to make you happy.
he'd want to carve pumpkins, and he will, but carving them gets difficult for him. it takes a lot of strength to do that, but he will do his best and attempt to help you. maybe it's best to skip this and just paint pumpkins...
you can take him to starbucks for a pumpkin spice latte all you want, but he'll insist on paying and get the worst tasting black coffee every time!! it's even worse because he genuinely likes bitter coffee
overall 10/10 fall boyfie, he doesn't like all the chaos and celebrations, but does enjoy quality time with you<3
he was literally made for this. he adores autumn and winter. considering he's from shneznaya, he could wear a t-shirt any time in fall and be fine, no matter where you live.
he'll take you to all his friends parties, if your up for it. and you have to have matching costumes, any couple you can think of is a valid costume option. he will be ken. he will wear the fucking roller skating costume. a little off topic but he saw the barbie movie and loved it.
spends halloween hitting up parties and showing off your costumes and takes teucer out to trick or treat at the end of the night. it's literally so cute to see him walking with teucer, eventually carrying him home when it gets too late.
he's so sweet to kids while giving out candy. i think he's the type to have candy bars and other allergy safe options, lollipops and goldfish maybe. the neighborhood kids love his house because of how rich he is, king sized chocolate bars for all. he's such a family man and adores kids so he's made for this.
he goes mad when decorating for halloween, pushing the line between too scary for kids and too cute. somehow it always works out. I feel like he'd be good at decorations because he takes side jobs at haunted houses. he'd be really good at playing a slasher i think.
you'll go to the haunted house he's working at with a group of friends, and he'll end up sneaking up on you from behind, pressing his fake knife to your throat and whispering "boo" it nearly gives you a heart attack but it's mad funny. he definitely gets in trouble for kissing one of the customers, but it's worth it.
if you prefer a calmer way to celebrate, he'll skip most of the parties and have a nice night with you after teucer gets tired out from a sugar rush. you'll snuggle up on the couch together watch whatever scary movies you'd like, he definitely puts up a bunch of candles for the fun atmosphere.
he'll buy you literally anything halloween or fall related. you want a cute new reath for autumn? only the best one on the market for you. want some overpriced seasonal drink? you're having a large and he'll get one too! it's honestly just an excuse to spoil you at this point
he's a 9/10 in this department. would be a 10 if he didn't make jokes about skeletons and boners...
the halloween boyfriend of the century. he has so much fun with holiday stuff and dressing up makes it even better
he's a performer, he's extra, so he has to win any costume contests! lynette is sick of this nonsense by now but it warms her heart to see you having so much fun helping lyney with his autumnal nonsense.
he's not necessarily one for big halloween celebrations, opting to spend his time hanging out with you and his siblings, possibly telling scary stories. lynette is rather unphased but poor freminet is always freaked out afterwards. there's definitely more than enough marshmallows for all the smores you intend to eat while this goes on.
he'll let you snuggle up next to him around the fire pit if you get a little freaked out. he gets to entertain and be with his lover, two of his favorite things. he'll even roast a few marshmallows for you! but it's expected that you return the gesture.
he'll definitely buy all kinds of dumb halloween decorations from the closest dollar store. don't be suprised when you find plastic spiders placed around the house. he loves to decorate outside of the house, it's slightly obnoxious but you're used to it at this point.
he'll happily take you out for whatever over the top seasonal drink you want, he does this for lynette every year as well. unsurprisingly, she typically becomes the third wheel to these drink based outings. but it's worth it to see lyney fawning over you like a puppy.
as previously mentioned, he dresses up and goes hard on halloween costumes. he'll be the one begging you to match for halloween. he seriously goes hard, the time and dedication of a seasoned cosplayer goes into his costumes.
he's the type to take you to fall festivals and engage in the classic fair games, throwing darts, bobbing for apples, even silly haunted houses. you might end up dragging him into a haunted house, lyney won't get too scared... or at least that's what he says, but he holds your hand the whole time.
a solid 9/10 fall boyfriend, definitely gets into all aspects of october and fall as a whole. he gets a little too carried away and might forget about your scary movie date... but it's okay because now you, him, and both of his siblings all have matching costumes!!
shit i sorta lost motivation with lyneys uhhh it's fineee i just wanted this out for halloween lol
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41. “Sleep.  I’ll keep you safe.”
This one hurts so good
Unedited fic is unedited. Set in 1918, at the end of the war when Matt is trying to limp his way through the absolute slog of shit that was the proto-blitzkrieg of the last months of the war. Alfred is trying to pretend he's not avoiding trench duty at the Meuse–Argonne because of the trauma of the American Civil War. I was inspired by my Canadian great-grandfather coming home with American buttons on his coat instead of British or Canadian maple leaves that I inherited and made into earrings, lol.
October, 1918
“Give me a hand, Mattie, fuck.” Alfred cursed all the way up as the tailgate of the troop truck dropped. He was stuck on the single cobblestone that managed to give any traction under the three inches of mud. But it may as well have been concrete, for all he could leverage himself out. In the silvery light of the following truck waiting for its turn to round the corner of the checkpoint, Matt was only a hunched-over figure and a pair of gloved hands that grasped him by the wrists and managed to swing him free. His pack landed with a thud ten seconds before he did, and he was pulled roughly to his feet, and his ass finally found a bench. Almost instantly, the cold wood bit through his layers. Matt had disappeared down the benches and into the dark shelter of the canvas cover.
A‌ soldier, looking beat to shit, offered him a light, and he handed out cigarettes, bribing his way into goodwill. They were all lightly dusted in snow, and sleet battered collars turned up even as it got dryer.
“You’re under Lieutenant Williams, yeah? Where’d he get too?”
Weary soldiers nodded up under the cover.
“Mattie!” Alfred handed his cigarette to another man and cupped two hands over his mouth to shout over the engines. “What’re you avoiding me for? Get your sorry ass down here before I‌ start telling embarrassing stories about you.”‌
No response, no movement. Soldiers looked confused.
“Well, kiddo, guess I’m just going to have to start telling folks about—”
“Just what the fuck is so important—”‌ Matt appeared, just like that, steadying himself on the shoulder of one of his men. They glanced up, a little protective, a little annoyed. Alfred didn’t register it. Matt was a trembling pillar, his face a bright, sharp point above his uniform like a flame over a candle dyed dark with soot.
“You look like shit.”‌ Alfred raised a hand to grab Mattie’s shoulder and he slapped the hand away with a dark expression. The message was clear. He was a leader here, an officer of the ‌British army, not Alfred’s baby brother. Another word and Alfred would be tossed off the back of the truck to enforce the silence.
"Don't use me as a distraction to get out of combat." Matt snapped and disappeared back under the canvas, and Alfred let him. At least it was warmer there. He wasn't avoiding anything.
Soldiers stared at him, and he felt sweaty despite the fall air. He wasn't avoiding anything. Just because he'd had six planes shot out from under him in as many weeks and the thought of another stint in a trench made him want to die didn't mean he didn't care. He offered up cigarettes with a smile, bribing his own Americans up with him.
“Headed up to the line anyways,” He made small talk with the soldiers around him, as popular for his cigarette supply as he was for the chocolate constantly in his coat pockets. Some of them were Americans, volunteering before the US joined the war. Boys from New York, Wisconsin, and other places had easily slid across the border without needing real paperwork. The convoy slid north on the icy roads, following the advance to leapfrog ahead of the infantry currently on the front line and pushing forward to relieve the men presently fighting their way back into Belgium. He dozed between them, one of them. He didn't much like his own under a British flag, but it felt... Solid somehow, that it was with Matt. At least it wasn't the sour old fart. He was thinking about Christmas when he was startled awake.
He awoke to coughing. Everyone had a bit of one, the rough soldier’s coughs that everyone had at some point. But this was horrible, and it was constant, drawing into someone’s lungs. And he recognized it. Alfred was instantly on his feet, weaving through the legs of sleepy men. He flung open a canvas flap and took the lantern swinging on the canvas, support in hand.
Matt was sitting, barely supported between two soldiers, his helmet off, the pale of before replaced with a violent flush, mouth open to breathe, trying to suck in air. His chin was tucked into his chest, and the coughing had not stopped.
“You don’t look so good, sir.” One of the sergeants said. Matt looked up.
“Just cold.” He said, trying to smile. “Everyone’s just cold. We’ll get moving and warm up, eh?”
The laugh he forced just turned into more coughing. Alfred stood there, lantern in hand. The soldiers around Matt looked protective, staring at him like he was an enemy they needed to hide their vulnerable commander from. Then, one sidled up to him. A boy from Wisconsin with a crop of ruddy curls. He pat Alfred on the arm and knew instantly he was a mechanic’s son from Green Bay, nestled right against Canada’s belly on the Great Lakes.
“We took the edge of a gas shell last week, and he’s been coughing like that since. Won’t listen to anyone and get a rest because there’s a shortage of officers.”
“Christ’s sake,” Alfred muttered. He sidled between bodies and inserted himself between his brother and one sergeant. He popped Matt’s helmet on and got close. The professional kind of close, resisting the urge to cradle Matt like he had their entire lives.
“There’s a casualty clearing half a mile up the road. Get fed, get dry, get some sober sack time, and I’ll make sure I get you in a goddamn staff car and back up the line before they’re assaulting anything, all right?‌ Hand to God, I‌ will get you back up here if you get some fucking rest.”
Matt was still, sweating now and fading to pale. He was shaking. And then he nodded.
“Hallelujah, you stupid bastard.” Alfred muttered.
He got Matt down the end of the truck as it jolted along, hands under his brother’s arms. His coat flapped open, and Alfred batted it away from him, annoyed.
“Button your fucking coat before you get pneumonia.”‌
A deep, curdled-chest cough was his response.
“Can’t.” Matt gasped. “Got caught on a bit of wire while we were digging funk holes, tugged right off.”
Alfred sighed.
“Okay, you poor dumb fuck. Give it here.”
Matt looked confused, and Alfred resisted the urge to feel his forehead. Instead, he shrugged his great coat off.
“Swap me.” He said. Matt just stared. Alfred huffed.
“You’re freezing.”
“I’m used to it.” He said and crossed his arms over his unfastened coat. “I‌ was fucking born cold, I’ll die cold, and there’s not fuck all anyone can do about it in between.”
“Except give you a decent fucking coat you melodramatic shit.” Alfred was this close to smacking upside the head. He felt guilty for even having the thought as Matt exploded into coughing again. He dipped forward, collapsing into the bench at the far end of the truck bed, and Alfred gripped him by the waist, suddenly frightened he’d vomit or tumble over the tailgate and into the mud-churned roads. He pulled him back and took the opportunity to pull his coat off and wrap him in the better American one. Matt glared the entire time, but words were constricted by the endless wheezing when he went to speak. Alfred shoved his arms into the coat sleeves and buttoned it up, the American eagles shining in the lantern light. Matt glared daggers for a split second before he dragged in an inhale so violent he gagged. Every other soldier in the truck looked away. Alfred's chest hurt just listening.
At the next crossroads, American Red Cross nurses half-staffed the Casualty Clearing Station, and Alfred gave their commander his best, crooked, beaming smile and a wink. They gave him one of the visitor’s huts with a stove, a corrugated roof and two cots with clean sheets. Matt could barely stay on his feet. The mud sucked at his boots, and Alfred hauled him along. He considered picking Matt up entirely but wasn’t fully convinced the brass knuckles he’d mailed Matt years back had been lost somewhere along the way and wouldn’t end up embedded in his kidneys. At least not the way Matt was glaring.
He deposited Matt on a bed, dumped water from the pitcher and wash basin into a tin pot resting on the stove and cranked the stove as high as he could. It’d been almost 200 years since he’d needed someone to boil water and strange herbal plants and shove him and all the steam it could produce under a blanket.
Matt immediately listed to the side like a poorly loaded plane.
“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Alfred hadn’t even sat down yet. “Don’t be stubborn. Just breathe some fucking steam until you don’t sound like you’re about to die.”
“Sorry,” Came a very faint croak.
He frowned and peeked under the wool blanket. Matt had collapsed onto his side, and his eyes were squeezed shut, breathing too shallow to make him cough, but it still didn’t sound like he was getting enough of it.
“Hey.” Alfred pushed what was left of Matt’s damp curls off his forehead. He looked so strange with hair this short. It’d been shorn when Francis gave him up, and the look on him still made him look just as abandoned, even fully grown and in British green. The thought was as gone as quickly as it came.
“You are burning.” Alfred pressed a hand to his forehead. Matt’s eyes hadn’t opened. He made a gentle sound of acknowledgment but didn’t speak, like it didn’t surprise him.
“Have you had the flu yet?”‌
“Is this—?”‌
“No.” He said. “This just… happens sometimes. I‌ didn’t take the pills because I just— wanted some sleep.”
Still wearing Matt’s coat, Alfred stuck his hand in the pocket. Unmarked bottles of pills. He only recognized the contents of one of the bottles as aspirin.
“Do I‌ want to know what’s in these?”
“Can I ask where you got them?”
“Zee, Uncle Alasdair, Dad.”
“Let me guess, none of them knew who else was giving you what. God I am going to ban everything when we get home. Temperance is just the begin—”
Alfred was feeling uncharacteristically like a responsible older brother, ready to give Matt a whole hellfire and brimstone Baptist lecture for a moment before Matt spoke.
“I’m just glad you’re here.” He found his brother looking up at him, gratitude as evident on his face as misery.
The heavy eyes and distinctly sick flush belied an expression Alfred didn't see often. It came fast on the heels of father's anger or Matt's fear dissolving. Grateful, instantly secure and safe usually snuggled up in Alfred's side, burrowed there against his own madness or the household's hostility. He blinked and Alfred felt horrible as he teared up and then exhaled, pushing away the emotion.
But there was still something small to him. “I miss you more when I’m this pathetic. I feel better.”
"I know." Alfred pushed sweaty hair off his feverish face and gave him a tap on the chin. "Get some sleep kiddo, you know I'll keep you safe."
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