#cassie is not special forces
scaryspears · 1 month
Havik Rant + Wasted Plotential and Theory
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Warning: This is a long post, so read if you have the time.
I love Havik in the 3d era, and I guess it's because there's so little of him that sets him up for mystery, but I mainly love his face. The way half his face is ridden of flesh and his eyes glow as if he's some kind of Skeletor adjacent creature. I always look at him and go "How did it get to this point?", but in a way where I'm laughing about it, 'cause what did bro do to his face?
I hope Titan Havik will be a great break from the cartoonish evil that is Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and the others. (Don't get me wrong with Shang Tsung, I love him, but his belief system is equivalent to a power ranger villain. He's basically Valtor if he was successful. I'm not talking about MK1 Shang btw.)
I also can't picture Havik working with or for villains like Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok. Havik wants to spread chaos, yes, but I don't think he views this as enslavement and feeding off misery. Another thing I'd like to note is his voice and delivery, courtesy of George C. Cole. Havik is calm, patient and almost kind. Shao Kahn actively sounds dominant, Shang Tsung is calm but cruel and impatient, with Quan Chi being condescending.
In the small glimpses that I've seen Havik through the later games (before MK1) he seems like a pretty chill guy. Now get this, Chaos is his way of life because that's the world he comes from. Chaos is basically the equivalent of freedom, so Havik wants to share that freedom. In Deceptions Konquest mode he describes water in a way you only expect from a scholar with a love and sense for nature, and I interpreted this as him believing everything should go naturally. In a Christian perspective, humans are naturally evil, and it's in our nature to be attracted to wicked things. Havik wants us to embrace who we are, and our deep desires.
In Noob Saibot's MK9 ending he meets Havik and shares an 'understanding' with him. Havik helps him with taking over the Netherealm before saying goodbye and returning to the Chaosrealm, no back stabbing or anything. Next there's Joker's ending in MK11, and we all know how Joker is. But there's also Mileena (before NRS let fans bully them into making her dlc), whose bloodlust is fuelled by her Tarkatan blood, a trait she cannot help because it's instinctual. Finally, in MK: Deception's Konquest mode he agrees to train Shujinko if Shujinko helps him in return, and he does but in his own way. Experience instead of practice. Havik doesn't come off as evil but chaotic neutral.
Wasted Plotential
I try not to complain about anything these days because I know NRS are gonna disappoint us anyways, but if I was to really complain about things then I'll start with the storymode, and with the previous games.
MKX could've just been about Sub Zero and Scorpion finding out about Quan Chi and stopping Shinnok. How? Idk, Johnny uses the amulet to trap Shinnok, the Special Forces find Sektor's files and reveal them to Scorpion, who gets his revenge and yada yada. Helps them free Sub Zero and Jax, blah blah.
Scorpion defeating Shinnok is more believable since he's stronger and cooler (sorry Johnny), and has more familiarity with the Neatherealm. (What was the point of building up Johnny just to nerf him in MK11?)
Johnny and Sonya get divorced earlier on because of their differing views on the world (and parenting), so Cassie becomes a UFC fighter or a pro wrestler (as a reference to Johnny's quote in his MK9 chapter about possibly winning a belt in the tournament). I remember coming up with an idea where Jacqui leaves the Special Forces and gets trained by the Shirai-Ryu, but saw an AU fanart design where she was trained by the Lin Kuei, which sounds so much better since it separates her from Takeda. Jacqui shares strong ideals with her father but his overbearing reluctance caused her to be more rebellious and find another way to defend Earthrealm without him possibly intercepting. Instead of being a Jax variant she shares more similarity to Human Cyrax (technology + ninjutsu assassination), and that can introduce a little beef with Frost and have them both deliver lines that feel more personal since they have the same teacher, but have different morals that make them butt heads. Johnny ends up leading the Kombat kids with the Wu Shi instead of the Special Forces, edging Sonya to check on Cassie more often by trying to be involved with their missions. (During MK9 Johnny was glued to Raiden's side and his focus was more on the tournament than on Sonya. After Cyrax defeats him it's Raiden that checks on him.) Instead of Cassie saving the day, have Scorpion save the day because Shinnok is Quan Chi's master, and Scorpion needs to fix his mess. Also because Scorpion would have better control with his powers and has more experience.
The next game can introduce Havik, with the chaos happening in small ways at first, like trees slowly decaying and technology acting against them. Havik is a lesser evil than Shao Kahn, Quan Chi and Shinnok, but he's nothing Scorpion or Sub Zero have handled before since he's less predictable and isn't paranoid about someone threatening his power. Bro just wants to spread some joy and laughter (sarcasm). I'm pretty sure Havik wouldn't even have an army, and I doubt his minions will be anything like the aggressive jobbers that are seen in Outworld. With Shao Kahn it's power and being served, but with Havik it would be everyone serves each other, meaning they will inflict pain on each other and themselves = This game can be about the heroes and villains turning on themselves, by being more honest and less co-operative.
The Special Forces start being wary of the Wu Shi, Sonya interrogates Dark Raiden on information he could be withholding about the realms, Raiden counters back with how she is trying to enlist the Kombat kids behind his back when they are already content with their current positions.
Frost has stolen Sektor's body parts from the Special Forces, and plans to cyberise herself with them. Jacqui and Cassie are sent to stop Frost's cyber initiation plans. Cassie defeats Frost, but Jacqui has the need to rehabilitate her, which sets her at odds with Cassie who doesn't believe Frost is worthy of it, and that they must follow Raiden's orders.
Noob Saibot is working under revenant Liu Kang, but just like his MK9 ending, he starts plotting against him and the other revenants. Noob confronts Hanzo about his loyalty to Quan Chi, and how Hanzo worked with him even after Noob was killed. Noob's revenge is forcing Hanzo to shift between himself and Scorpion, ensuring that the Lin Kuei and Shirai-Ryu will never have peace with Hanzo continuously reliving the past and trying to kill Sub Zero.
Kung Lao reports that the head of Shinnok is missing, and Liu Kang accuses Kung Lao of having something to do with it, and so the revenants turn on themselves. A civil war begins in Neatherealm.
Hotaru meets up with the heroes and tells them that Havik is behind their plight, and offers Seidos help if Earthrealm helps them with the resistance in Seido. Kung Jin and Takeda are sent to aid and they witness the injustice and lunacy of Seidos rules. Kung Jin being Kung Jin speaks against this, and Hotaru has a problem with it, Takeda tries his best to keep the peace. Kung Jin defeats Darrius, Dairou and whatever. Although Hotaru keeps his word about the help thing, he is overbearing when it comes to the rules and their strategy, even getting in the way of the Special Forces.
Skarlet teams up with Tanya to find Mileena's soul (Because why not?They're sisters). Ermac doesn't have it, so they must find it through the Neatherealm. They meet Noob, who admits that he consumed it, but points out the location of the Flesh Pits for a calling of clues. Skarlet combines her power with Noob's to give life to the clones encased in glass (blood + shadow). The clones unleash chaos throughout Outworld, but Skarlet is not finished in her revenge.
Johnny reveals to Dairou that Darrius is behind his family's murder, and sets him free to let him get revenge. Sonya argues that he's made a terrible mistake, but Johnny says that she let Kano live and how that keeps screwing everyone over.
Johnny decides to get a drink at a bar, and Havik will show up, calm and collected. Johnny compliments his costume, and Havik expresses that his fake-ness is an interesting weapon.
I don't know what else.
I think Havik's hero equivalent would be Johnny Cage, which is where he would come in as the hero instead of defeating a former elder god. Havik isn't Godlike, I'd say his power level is identical to Edenian/Outworld, and if Sonya can handle defeating Kitana and Jade at the same time, then Johnny can handle his own against Havik. Just like Havik, Johnny has a separation from the other heroes concerning his traits and/or beliefs, even sometimes clashing with Cassie, who is always noted to be much like him in personality. Johnny has an easy going attitude that pisses off just about everyone around him, to the point . I think he would be the first to pick up on the odd energy surrounding everyone.
First off he likes to give everyone a nickname, much to their displeasure. Very adamant on giving them those names, but Havik would arguably (probably) be more accepting. I'm quite certain that Havik's name is a title given to him or a name he's made up himself. There are some fans who speculate that he doesn't even have a name given at birth and made up 'Havik' to be his name, suggesting that the name is somewhat earned through experience.
Chaosrealm doesn't have a real name, like Edenia and Seido, it's simply called Chaosrealm. They don't have a name for themselves, simply a representation of what they embody.
"Grandmaster Blueberry Ice, eh?"
"Only Johnny Cage may use that name and live."
Johnny's humour is fuelled by his insensitivity, even while fighting on the side of good he is self-serving, superficial and has a self confidence that almost everyone is eager to stomp on (he's basically a normal person). Even when he clearly doesn't mean to be insensitive (speaking the truth or what's on his mind), people still get offended by what he's said and express some form of aggression. Hell, Bi Han kicked the hell out of him just for touching his arm in MK1.
Now I'm going to get really technical here: In MK11 Skarlet was present and you could tell she was a stand-in for Mileena, which is shown in her sibling rivalry with Kitana. Now let's say Joker was a stand-in for Havik, and in his ending he voices his displeasure about the roster "But these nincompoops? They didn't really get me. Not even that pretty boy, Ninja Mine. Goodnight, sweet Prince!" meaning Joker saw some potential in Johnny Cage. Saw something that suggested that they are similar.
Johnny Cage's humour aside, there has to be something else.
Now let's get into Johnny's MK9 ending: Johnny starts to have spasms where a burst of energy would escape him and destroy everything around him, so he is sent to Seido to learn how to better control it.
Next, to Havik and Johnny's Armageddon endings: Johnny becomes enlightened, freed from vanity and leaves the acting business. What seemed like the joys of life before became meaningless to him, and wanted no part in the shallow lifestyle. Then there's Havik, whose dream for chaos becomes absolute.
(As a bonus let's compare Johnny's ending to Hotaru's, where everyone was forced to bow to Hotaru or be changed into someone they're not. Havik gets the worst end of it by being turned into Hotaru's 2nd in command. What's even funnier is that in the Armageddon intro I can spot Hotaru as the one who impaled Li Mei, but Li Mei is on the side of good while Hotaru is suspiciously on the opposite, despite being against the forces of evil. Why would he be on the same side as Havik when they are enemies? I would also like to point out that Johnny was fighting Darrius, a man resisting the Order of Seido.)
I already wrote something similar to this in another post I made like a year ago, but I'm gonna say this anyway. Johnny found out by himself that all the luxuries and fame that he sought in life weren't worth it. In his MK11 ending he ends up going on adventures with Cassie after coming to this realisation, choosing a life where he can always spend time with those he loves, not ruling over the world or being a dictator. There's chaos within Johnny, but there is a want or need for peace and stability.
Johnny should've been the one that was super pissed about being in a death tournament. Up until that point Johnny has never killed anyone, yet suddenly is expected to in exchange for his own life. How does he, a Hollyweird actor, fit into all this? He got tricked into this yet was able to adapt. He's fine with it, or pretends to be, handling it better than everyone else around. The "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." quote from MK9 always runs through my head when I think about his dedication to defending Earthrealm and trusting Raiden.
When the tournament took place Johnny didn't really know Raiden personally, but Johnny trusted him. Johnny had no reason to be loyal to Raiden, yet he was, unlike Liu Kang who ended up losing faith and rebelling. Johnny has all the recipes to let his ego get to him and potentially betray Raiden, but he never does so.
If Havik and Johnny were to have anything in common, I would say it's a strong sense of faith in what they believe in. Johnny fights for the betterment of Earthrealm, Havik fights for havoc.
I'm very certain that even though Johnny changed over the years, the people around him still hold a dislike towards him to some degree. My first candidates for this are Sonya and Jax.
Read this if you can be bothered: [No matter what, Jax cannot stand Johnny, even at an age where they're more familiar with each other.]
Sonya and Jax are basically the order to Johnny's chaos. Being around them has also influenced (turned) him into someone he wasn't, which was a self hating Special Forces aid (What are is credentials?). It was Hotaru's Armageddon ending but slower.
The reason I haven't listed Kuai Liang is because... I think Kuai Liang has a bit of a friendship with Johnny. He's fond of him, but he won't admit it. He even helps Johnny in sending the Kombat kids into a fake mission with the Lin Kuei.
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zoetheneko · 8 months
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Special Forces as meme charts
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raphlsnts · 6 months
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mklegends-smokescreen · 2 months
Mortal Kombat Legends: Blood Bound
Chapter 1: A new assignment
A week later, after the shit whatever I was on during the part 8 chapters, our hero Gains the feeling of depression... though its not really depression and more him hanging or laying in random places and making sounds out of boredom.
ROBIN: uuuuuuuuuugh, there's nothing to DOO!
Everyone is starting to get annoyed by this, esspecially Sonya, which he doesn't mind. He likes the thrill of the fight but sitting still and doing nothing is not his specialty. He tried contacting Billie but he never got an awnser from her. Until his boredom was finally cured by a knock on his door.
SONYA: Nico, suit up, we got a job for you.
ROBIN: wait, really?
SONYA: Yes, really.
ROBIN: OH, uhm, okay ma'am.
He puts on his red, white and black outfit, his feathered cape and heads to the main entrance along with Cassie, Jaqui, Takeda and Kung Jin, to see what this supposed "job" is.
ROBIN: I'm here, Ma'am. Red Robin reporting for duty
SONYA: Firstly don't do that. Secondly: we've been getting some strange readings comming from Outworld, and we need you to go there and find out what that's about.
Nico was glad he was finally going to his place, to his people, esspecialy now that there's something to do, but he was a bit confused.
ROBIN: (reffering to the Kombat Kids) Wait, why don't they come with me?
CASSIE: Yeah, that's a good question.
SONYA: The five of you have proven yourselves multiple times, but we still need some of you here in case of an emergency. Nico, I hope you’re ready for your first solo mission.
ROBIN: Wait, I got a weird feeling of Deja vu right now–
SONYA: Get the job done first, break the fourth wall later.
ROBIN: Cool. Now, could you get me a car or something?
SONYA: Don’t worry, we got you covered.
As she said that, she gestured to a large ship,similar to the one the Kombat Kids used to get to Outworld a year or so ago.
ROBIN: Fancy.
SONYA: Don’t be so modest, bird boy. Now hop on.
Nico jumps on and takes course for Outworld, with no idea on what to expect... or does he? Who knows. All I know for sure is that I want this to be better than the previous book and I’ll kill myself if it becomes as shitty as Requiem Mirror's first half was.
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alvindraperzzz · 2 years
Ngl, I think it’s weird how chummy Kon and Steph are in the preview panels of Tim’s upcoming special. 
I know, I know, it’s a new universe, multiple reboots removed from the post Crisis / pre Flashpoint universe I typically read. But it is odd seeing how friendly Young Justice has been with Steph since 2019, when pre-Nu52, most of them either wouldn’t have a clue who she is, or if they did know her, canonically did not like her… and vice versa. Steph and Young Justice were not friendly, for several reasons:
The Greta incident, wherein Greta attacked Steph in a bout of jealousy and resentment
Greta snubbed Steph’s peace offering during the Zandia thing
The second Greta incident
Steph makes no mention of Tim’s closest friends despite them being a huge part of his life, and expresses zero interest in meeting them
The fact that there are a lot of girls on the team and Steph gets pissy and jealous over every girl Tim interacts with
Superboy is pissed when he finds out she replaced Tim as Robin, and is a jerk to Steph about it
Wonder Girl knows how badly Steph hurt Tim when she “died,” and dislikes Steph for swanning back in acting like nothing happened
Steph betrayed Tim, sabotaged his investigation, hired assassins to attack him, and in doing so not only got people hurt/killed but greatly damaged Tim’s trust — not an interaction with YJ, but plenty of reason for them to despise her
Seriously, every single one on one interaction between Steph and the members of Young Justice pre reboot was negative. Betraying Tim would do nothing to endear her to them (in fact, may even elevate from cool distance or vague dislike to actual animosity). The rest of them probably don’t even know who she is (I don’t think she’s ever exchanged a single word with Bart).
This is strictly from a pre-Nu52 standpoint — like I said, we’re currently several reboots away from this. But it is why I think Steph being tight with Kon and the rest of YJ is weird, especially now that they have a hodgepodge of memories to draw from.
Schrodinger’s canon, and all that
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woozi · 7 months
i'm so fucking sad i won't be around to gif dino's solo as it comes out 😔
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cagcd · 7 months
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It's very funny to think that all the ppl that care about Johnny give him weapons for his protection and he just ... never uses them
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soapybutt17 · 2 months
The Next of Kin
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Summary: Simon needed to update his contact information, as dodgy as he was for giving everyone even a glimpse of his private life, he did so. Who would have ever thought that it would become handy after an injury left him high on painkillers and needy for his girls back home. Character: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Wife!Reader. OC Daughter (Cassandra "Cassie" Riley). John Price. Word Count: 1,615 Chapter Warnings: Mentions of Injuries. Drug Consumption. Slight Angst. Mostly fluff.
Masterlist || Request are Open
It was the annual checkup in the base, something that Simon had dreaded the most knowing what it entails. Not only was his current and past injuries being monitored but he was all too certain about the wacky doctor would also make an appearance to check on his mental state. It wasn’t a fun time as any of his other team mates point it out to be.
“Should we update your emergency contact, Lieutenant Riley?” The nurse had inquired dealing with his medical records.
A part of him wanted to say no, but remembering what was waiting for him home, he could not allow himself to break his wife’s heart as well as his own daughter if the time ever comes that he dies in the middle of battle. He would want to ensure if ever that was to happen, you would know and hope that you would move on.
“Yes,” He agreed accepting the clipboard and pen handed to him.
Without an ounce of hesitation, he wrote your name and your number under his emergency contacts.
His handwriting was decent and readable at best, chicken scratch at worst as Johnny had eloquently pointed out during reports. But there was this special care with the way he wrote your first name and his last name that you were more than happy to take as soon as you married all those years ago. Your number was ingrained to his brain as he wrote it, having forced himself to memorize in the event he didn’t have his personal phone with him and simply a burner phone for missions.
What truly took him a second to write was the blank space dedicated to his relationship with you. No one knew he was in a relationship, nor did anyone know about his marriage. It took him a full two minutes before he found himself slowly opening the flood gates of his personal life that he had tried his best to hide from the world.
“Never knew you were married, Lieutenant.”
“Never planned on letting anyone know about it.” He spoke honestly, the cold demeanor and tone enough to stop the conversation from going further about his personal life.
Little did Simon know that the upcoming mission would lead to him having to make use of the emergency contact.
When you had begun your relationship with one Simon Riley, you had always accepted that he would always be gone for uncertain amounts of months in a year, you had accepted that part of him. How mission would always mean the world was a little safer from the dangers of man. You accepted all the big and small flaws that came with Simon and even in your eventual marriage and the birth of your daughter, you had come to accept the danger that would come in missions that would place him badly bruised or beaten beyond repair. You would always be there to tend to each and every single wounds and be the shoulder for him to cry on when he was good and ready.
But nothing could have ever prepared you for another unknown call coming from your phone. You’ve always expected it to be your husband, checking up on you before the mission begins like he always does. But the voice of an unknown man was the last thing you would have expected.
He called himself John Price and you know the man from your husband’s few conversations when he talks about the people he works with. You had feared for the worst as soon as he had explained that your husband has just gotten out of surgery after a mission. A few broken bones and a superficial gunshot wound. But it was enough to worry you as Simon himself has been asking for you as soon as he was out of surgery and in lucid consciousness.
On most days you were calm and collected, but it was the panic of seeing the worse of your husband that had you carrying your two year old and a baby bag towards your car with a mission. The Captain had asked if you could possibly have someone come get him but you know no one else better to check up on him but yourself and your daughter that was all the more excited about being in the car.
The travel was rather long and rather tedious knowing you and your husband had agreed to live away from the city and away from any dangers that may come to you and the baby while he was gone. You had appreciated the distance, the peaceful tranquility that came with being away from the bustle and noise of the city but not this time. It had meant a longer journey and a more hectic one since the base was all the way across the other side.
Once you had arrived to the base, all eyes were on you. Many eyes had lingered on you when they heard your last name. You know for a fact that your husband’s name and reputation beholds him, but you never knew nor did you ever try to question to what extent. It unnerved you more was how avoidant everyone had been of you aside from one of the soldiers tasked with bringing you and your daughter to your husband.
Outside the infirmary room was a rugged man. The man exudes an air or control and intensity and rugged strength, but not as much as your husband did. His posture was upright, suggesting discipline and years of military training. Dressed in an all too familiar tactical gear, he gives off a no-nonsense vibe that immediately commands attention.
“Ma’am, my name is John Price.” The man introduced the moment he caught sight of you.
You spoke your name and your daughter that was surprisingly all too mum in the whole situation, you were surprised that she wasn’t crying at being in an unfamiliar environment like she usually was.
“It is best to assume that you two are Simon’s wife and daughter, I presume?” He inquired.
You took a moment to think if it was alright to agree with his statement. Knowing your husband and the array of precaution he had come to give you, you were uncertain if you could trust the man with such a fact.
“Yes.” You spoke, dealing with the consequence later as there was something more important that needed your attention. “How’s he doing?” You inquired wanting to change the subject now.
“Stable. A little loopy from the drugs, but he’ll make a fast recovery.”
You nodded, hesitation of asking if you would be allowed to see him now in his state.
“He was looking for you.” He opened the door for you and you were welcomed with your husband in bed with his mask still on.
“Dada!” Your daughter squealed upon the sight of your husband groggy still.
You watched as his head turned to look at you and your daughter.
“Love…” He grunted wincing at the pain that you were certain that was coming in full force now.
“I’m here, Baby.” You whispered approaching him, cupping his cheeks gently. “Me and Cassie are here.” You assured trying your best to hide the tears that were fighting to fall at the sight of him.
When Simon Riley had opened his eyes, the first thing that he had come to notice was the pain that surrounded his entire body. The next thing that he noticed was the warmth that wrapped around his calloused hand.
Turning his head he saw the most beautiful sight that he had the fortune of seeing in his life. His wife and daughter. The more pressing matter was the fact that you were asleep in an all too familiar uncomfortable plastic chair with one hand on him, and your other arm held onto your baby sleeping on your chest.
“Baby…” He grunted harsher than he intended.
Slowly blinking away, your eyes immediately turned down towards your daughter before your eyes met his own.
“How are you holding up?” You inquired immediately, trying your best not to wake your sleeping daughter still cradled snuggly on your chest.
“Like a bitch.” He muttered appreciating being able to swear with his daughter still asleep. “But I’ll live.”
“I’m glad.” You sighed, rubbing his hand tenderly. “I was so worried about you when your boss called me. I thought something worse has happened.” You whispered.
“I didn’t really want to worry you—or have you see me like this.” He muttered.
“I know.” You nodded gently letting go of his hand to cup his cheeks that still was covered with his mask. “But I’m still as glad to be here right now knowing you’re alright. Me and Cassie get to see you’re alright.”
At the mention of your daughter, Simon noticed his daughter begin to get fussy from your chest. Gently pushing himself up until he sat on his bed much to your protest, he took your now crying daughter into his arms, gently laying her onto his chest and how quick she was sated in his warmth.
“Daddy’s here, Angel. I’m here.” He began to whisper, pulling off his balaclava to kiss his daughter onto top of her head. “I’m not going soon for a while. I promise.”
He has yet to tell you about the doctor’s insistence that he takes a few months off. It would be something he would tell when you get home. Once he finishes up with the paper works, he’ll let you know of the good news. For now, all that’s important was he had you and his daughter here with him, even in his most vulnerable state.
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celaenaeiln · 21 days
“batman loves his nightwing” this and “batsibs love nightwing that”, what about the batsibs’ friends / team loving nightwing ‼️‼️
YES!!! They love him!
The thing about Dick Grayson is that he has such a unique quality that just draws people in and holds them captive.
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Titans (2016) Issue #26
He has a charisma that's intense. People from all walks of life find themselves just constantly looking at him for friendship, advice, love, guidance, and just something that calls them to him.
It's the impact he has on people that's astounding.
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Titans (2016) Issue #27
They love him so much and they respect him so much that his absence is like a huge gaping hole in their chest. People feel lost without him because they've come to rely so heavily on him. Gar and Steel literally only joined because Dick asked.
This is something Roy catches on to and is well-aware of. He practically hounds Dick into creating the Outsiders with him.
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Outsiders (2003) Issue #1
But you think Roy is the only one to capitalize on Dick's Nightwing effect? Hell no.
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Titans East Special
Dick isn't just a person. He's a home. He's the guiding hand and the ship's steer control. He's special to people because he's everything they want him to be. He's their lover, best friend, brother, and partner. Whatever role they're missing in life they find it him him because he makes himself versatile enough to fill whatever they're looking for.
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Dark Crisis Issue #1
We say batsibs' teams but he's the whole Justice community's everything. He fills the connections of both Batman's side and Superman's side.
He IS the most well-connected person in the entire community.
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #23
Look at what Kon says -
"Nightwing and Starfire brought wave two. Which is just about everyone whose ever been a Titan. It's a natural thing when Nightwing shows up. None of us are conscious of it, really--but we all look to him for orders. Robin's lucky."
The sheer respect. That Kon has for Nightwing is indomitable. Oh, but you think that's all?
Do you know what the superhero community says about Nightwing? Kon will tell you what they think -
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Teen Titans (2003) Issue #33
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The Titans (1999) Issue #39
He calls. They answer.
Hero-worship of Nightwing is canonically universal. Renaming this the Nightwing Effect
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The Titans (1999)
Red Condor
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Nightwing (2016) Annual #3
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #75
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #49
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Supergirl (2005) Issue #3
And sometimes this means more than friendship love but still born out of respect. It's so funny to me how Dick goes around friendzoning people.
Even when people don't like what he wants they still do it because they respect him. Because he had an impact on them and they were were moved
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Titans (2003) Issue #89
Aquaman, Ollie, John (Green Lantern)
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JLA (1997) Issue #121
Kyle Rayner
Even people he's just met are like - this guy's pretty good!
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Green Lantern (1990) Issue #81
Coming from a Green Lantern comic!! Not even a Wondergirl, Wonderwoman, Batman, or Nightwing writer. A green lantern!
Speaking of which, when Hal Jordon dies, a list of people are selected to be The Hal Jordon's replacement and guess who it is?
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #642
Hal forces his soul back into his body and comes back to life but DC does a "what-if" thing and shows what it would be like if Dick actually became a Green Lantern.
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
AND BRUCE'S REACTION!! His most favorite son combined with one of his least favorite people 🤣🤣
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
But Bruce's faith in Dick actually elavtes his opinion of Hal.
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Superman/Batman Issue #61
But anyway, shows to prove that no matter who Dick is and what identity he takes, he will always be the love of the hero community. Because in this world, each member is a combination of the Justice League AND the Titans.
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Superman/Batman Issue #60
Yet Dick is still the center of it all.
A literal god
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #49
Jon and the hero community
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Justice League: Road to Dark Crisis Issue #1
"It would mean a LOT to people if you came and said--" "You're all overreacting." "We need you."
"You're all overreacting." - Clearly, this isn't the first time someone has already come to Dick about being the center of the community.
Not just by the batfam, but for everyone Dick is the most beloved person in the community. That is a fact.
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danny-chase · 1 year
Things every Dick vs Tim Red Robin fallout gets wrong no matter who's side they take
1. They still loved each other
2. Dick went after Tim after Tim stormed out of the cave. He didn't just leave it at that
3. They didn't have 0 contact, Dick called Tim back to Gotham for Blackest Night. They weren't talking because Tim didn't want to talk
4. Alfred gave Damian the Robin costume initially without Dick's knowledge, and his first mission as Robin was saving Tim's life after he got beat up by Jason (again). He apparently left this mess for Dick to clean up, and I don't think anyone ever told Tim that's how Damian ended up with the mantle
5. Dick helped in the process of bringing Bruce back to the current time, Tim presented his evidence when he got home, and Dick checked it out and solved the time puzzle in Bruce's ancestral home. Tim didn't magically pop back with Bruce after doing everything by himself, it was a coordinated effort that involved the Justice League
6. Tim and Damian started to get along. Not during Red Robin, but during Batman: Gates of Gotham
7. They were both grieving, Dick just masked it better
8. Tim didn't feel like he could ask for help because he knew sounded insane (and was feeling/acting insane). He was doing one of those 'i push away everyone i love because i hate myself' things, which he also did to Steph (who he fired as Spoiler under god knows who's authority) and Cassie. Dick wasn't special in this treatment, and he can't force Tim to stay, so he trusted Tim's judgement and let him leave. It is a "Tim's a sad boy" comic, but he's also very much a part of causing his own problems
9. They still loved each other. They never stopped loving each other. They never hated one another. Both in this era asked the other "Do you trust me?" And the other replied "Yes" and did the thing they asked. *shakes everyone who's ever written about this* that's the whole point, it's about miscommunication, and being in a bad place, but having what you need where you started waiting for you the whole time
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partycatty · 3 months
anything with Lord Raiden.... please.... GILF fuckers need something 😞
lord raiden > you unwind me
raiden can't seem to control himself... only when you're around.
warnings: idk it's kinda mushy ig, possibly ooc raiden. i played 8-12 and yet for some reason he's one of the hardest characters to recreate on paper.
notes: not stopping til we can power all of chicago.
[ masterlist ]
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• you can't say you didn't notice how touchy he was, i mean, it was considerably obvious considering the distance he kept from the others.
• hands behind his back, posture straight, eyes down and concealed by the width of his hat. he was an enigma, yet you somehow made him twitch like no other.
• he was visibly unsettled around you, falling quiet with tight lips or even stuttering over his words momentarily before forgetting his mortal crowd.
• "if we were to attack from the northern border—" raiden's thick arm stretched past you, just barely brushing against your arm but his towering form sending warmth down your back.
• "excellent observation," his hand would fall to your shoulder, squeezing tight. you've had to pull away before his nails dig in on several occasions.
• "your form is off," the telltale indication of flirting in most men, his large hands on your hips as he corrects your mistakes in the thickest silence you've ever been in. jesus, does he even breathe?
• the smoky air of netherrealm flooded your senses, making you lose your momentum in the siege. raiden would often check on you from a distance as he obliterated demons and the like, but when he noticed a flying creature honing in on your position, he quickly teleported to your side and pulled you in close, teleporting you elsewhere on the battlefield. your body was significantly more... mortal than his. and with his incredible form, you were no more than chest height. the rest of the battle was a hot blur.
• you have also been a victim of electrocutions on multiple occasions, to the point where you almost had to host an intervention. he was so on edge around you, for a reason you couldn't pinpoint.
• "lord raiden," you welcomed yourself into the room with a bow, holding a metallic item he requested you retrieve. "i have the—" as he reaches out to grab whatever it was, the current from his fingertips reaches what felt like your entire nervous system and you jolted, yelping at the sudden shock.
• you'd walk into the surveillance room, hoping for an update on the spy cameras assembled at the black dragon's hideout. while it wasn't even raiden's priority, you observe that he stuck around anyway. you were dressed more down than unusual, relishing in the cool air on a hot summer day with a tank top with your work pants. when raiden locks eyes with you, the surveillance monitors go haywire, eventually blue screening. everyone knows who to blame.
• you can't really say you're opposed to it, either. he was a large man that was good with his hands, well-spoken, mature, what wasn't to like? he was the perfect eye candy during debriefings, though you knew better than to act on your little crush.
• "not sure what sparky's issue is over there," johnny murmured, pointing a thumb in raiden's direction. you both glance over, realizing raiden was quite literally doing nothing but standing there pretending to be useful. "he's short circuited more times than i can count in the last week alone. do you know how many monitors we've had to replace?"
• "it's hard being a protector of an entire realm," you attempt to justify his behavior. "you should talk to him."
• "yeah, because the god of thunder needs a therapist," johnny sarcastically chuckled, crossing his arms. "you give it a shot. he likes you."
• "he likes all of us," you defend yourself. "that's kind of his job." johnny shoots you a knowing look before turning to find cassie. you decide to take the moment of rare silence in the special forces to approach raiden with casual intent.
• "lord raiden," you smile politely, lowering your head for a moment. "on behalf of the special forces, i'd like to have a word with you." he gives you a hum of agreement, yet he's the one that grabs your arm and pulls you aside, out of earshot of others. he locks the door behind him as you two stand in the hallway.
• "er..." you feel yourself beginning to sweat, the seven foot tall man stares blankly at you, jaw clenched and arms crossed as he awaits your words. "i... we... have noticed a significant number of incidents pertaining to you or your powers. we were just wondering if everything is alright, and if you need anything, we—"
• "that is more than enough," raiden holds a hand out at you, and you swallow thickly as he uses your full name. a thunder god is not someone to be in trouble with. he pauses for a long time, eyes darting between yours. his lips part as he struggles to articulate his thoughts. "though i must admit i agree with your observations. i have been... unwound as of late."
• "unwound?" you repeat, perplexed at his wording. "is there something wrong, lord raiden?"
• he hums for a moment, lowering his head. "you will have to forgive me." your heart flutters at his usage of you, rather than the SF.
• "i do," your voice lowers into a more gentle tone and you feel the human urge to place a comforting hand on his arm. when you try, though, you feel your hairs raise up the closer you get. "sorry." as you pull away, a flush to your cheeks, raiden grabs your hand and squeezes it a little too tightly. that funny feeling disappears, and is replaced by a new one.
• "i have been earthrealm's protector for billions of years," he starts after a long pause. "i have seen the horrors afflicted by corrupted gods, i have taken part in the bloodiest battles of mankind. i have gained it all, and lost it all."
• you're stone still, wondering where he's going with this sudden burst.
• "but nothing... nothing," he squeezes even harder. "has torn me apart, piece by piece, more than one... little mortal." the glow of his eyes feels like it burns into yours as your cheeks heat up.
• "i feel as if i have known for since the dawn of time," he confesses, his face eerily still. "you'll have to forgive my bluntness. this is not my strong suit."
• "what isn't?" you had a feeling, but you needed to hear it to be sure.
• "...feelings, i suppose," he averts his gaze, clearly turmoiled by this realization. "it's you. you unwind me."
• "...me?" you reply incredulously. sure, you liked him, but what the hell do you do when a thunder god confesses to you? "you like me?"
• "if that is how you choose to word it, then yes."
• "oh." your eyes focus on his hand enveloping yours so easily. it's a few moments before he tugs ever so slightly, and the static feeling returns to your skin.
• "forgive me," he insists again, a wave of shame overtaking him. "i suppose it was a ridiculous ask of you to return those feelings. i would advise for you to for—"
• "i like you, too," you mutter, never once envisioning the time where you'd have to say such a thing. "i just didn't... expect it from you."
• raiden never smiles, as kind of a man as he is. you had maybe seen it once or twice, but it never quite reached his eyes. this time, however, he was glowing more so than usual as his lips curled upward. at first, it looked strange on him, but it quickly warmed your heart to know that you struck a chord in him.
• "that... brings me joy," he admits, and you can tell he's physically restraining himself from a full-on grin.
• well, what now? you two fall silent for a moment, electricity (for once, not real electricity) coursing through your veins as you relish in the moment. you wonder if he's waiting for a kiss, or for you to say something. these internal questions are answered when he takes a step closer, looming over your figure. his hands can't quite figure out where to land, eventually settling on the sides of your face. he drinks in every detail, every crease and flutter of color in your eyes like he just might forget if he looks away.
• you raise yourself on your tippy toes, eyes flicking between his glowing pupils to his lips. just as you decide to close your eyes and move in for a kiss, you feel him physically pull you away.
• "not here," he gently insists, dropping his hands to slide down your arms and hold yours. "i would rather it be memorable."
• "i'm sure it'll be memorable anywhere," you insist, almost feeling desperate for a kiss from him. you wonder if it'll feel staticky. "if it's with you, i mean."
• "you're too kind," he runs his thumbs over your knuckles. "we have time, my dear. all the time we need."
• raiden wanted to take it slow, you assume. who knows when the last time he had feelings was, or if ever. mutually agreeing to keep things under wraps, you shake your giddy feelings and reenter the room with your coworkers, glancing up at raiden. his lip twitches though his face is stoic as always.
• "did he take it well?" johnny asks in a low voice. "or did he strike you down, or something?"
• "...he's fine," you try to wave it off, sweating at your temples. "peachy, actually."
• your eyes find raiden again, standing across the room. this time, he's not pretending to do anything. he's just staring back with a friendlier glint within the glow.
• "he seems in better spirits," johnny shrugs as he follows your gaze. "told you he liked you."
• "i guess you did."
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theemissuniverse · 7 months
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SUMMARY : Cassie painfully has a crush on you and it’s obvious to everyone except you. But when your friends tell you, you tease the hell out of her. (Your ability is heightened senses)
WARNINGS : mentions of sh and sh scars
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In the original timeline, you died. Plain and simple. You died by the hands of Sindel when you preformed your greatest move. She died along with you.
Now the time rip had brought you three: you, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang into the present despite circumstances. You two spontaneously were alive now.
It took some getting used to. Being in a timeline completely different from your own but you had managed to find comfort in it.
Currently, you and your best friends were at the base as you were instructed by Raiden to help out the special forces as needed. You and Kung Lao were play fighting, messing around and Liu Kang shook his head as the two of you played.
Further from you three, Cassie was watching you in awe as you fought Kung Lao. You were easily winning too. Jacqui saw her best friend staring and shook her head. “You’ve been obsessed with her since she got here.”
Cassie scoffed at the claim. “I have not. It’s just…she’s literally the best female fighter. Hell, thee best fighter. I’m just amazed is all.”
“Amazed? That’s an odd replacement for love-struck.”
Cassie quickly shushed her friend. “Not love-struck! Just impressed.”
“Really? Okay.”
You and Kung Lao had stopped fighting at that point and were just laughing. Jacqui took that as her chance to push Cassie over to you.
Cassie lost her balance and almost fell when you quickly saw this with your fast reflexes. You immediately caught her, sort of bridal style.
Cassie’s hand was on your chest and you held her tightly. “Whoa. You know for a Commander you’re pretty clumsy.”
She couldn’t even say a word to you. She was just hopelessly lost in your eyes. You were the embodiment of beauty to her. She felt her heart skip beats. You didn’t catch on though and raised a brow at her. You heard her heart beating fast with your heightened hearing. “You okay, Commander?”
She hated the fact you didn’t call her by her name. Cassie snapped out of it and nodded. “Oh yeah. Cool. Cool as ice.”
You carefully picked her up and held her until she was at her feet. You let go of her. “Hey, you got anything to drink? I’m thirsty.”
Cassie took her soda off the table and waved it around in her hand. “I have this. But I drank out of it-“
You didn’t care and took the soda from her anyway. You quickly drunk it in front of her. Every drop until it was all gone. You then simply threw the can somewhere.
“You have to excuse (Y/N) as she has no home training.” Liu Kang said.
“Blah blah blah. My name is Liu Kang. Look at me with my fire balls and self righteousness. Blah blah blah.” You mocked his voice as you made a hand motion like it was your puppet for him.
Kung Lao snickered some while Cassie almost busted out in full laughter. Liu Kang crossed his arms almost offended. “I do not sound like that.”
“You kinda do…” Kung Lao trailed off.
Liu Kang huffed at the two of you and you smirked at him, sticking your tongue out which made him playfully roll his eyes at you.
Cassie was never this nervous about anything. Ever. She was always sure of herself so the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach made her uncomfortable.
She felt like you were out of her league. You were a powerful warrior and you were the best female fighter of Earthrealm. Even though she did defeat Shinnok, you probably would’ve done it with ease.
“So, Cassie. You defeated Shinnok? That’s a way better status than what Liu Kang did. He just beat up a sorcerer. Boo-Hoo.” You said while leaning on the desk.
Liu Kang gave you a look. “Apparently in the original timeline I would’ve killed Shao Kahn.”
“Yeah and after he killed me!” Kung Lao said. “Which by the way, you sucked at because according to everyone else - he came back after that.”
“Boys, boys, this isn’t a pissing contest.” Cassie told him but with a smug look. “But yeah. It’s true. I beat him. I’m a badass.”
“So I became a revenant?” You questioned. “Was I a hot one?”
“(Y/N).” Liu Kang scolded at you.
“What? I’m asking the real questions.”
Cassie was so caught up in all of your beauty that what she said didn’t mean to come out her mouth. “You’re always hot.”
The monks turned to her curiously, as they knew of her overwhelming crush on you. (Even though you didn’t know.) You watched as Cassie covered her mouth when she said that.
You didn’t take it as much. You just thought she was being a girls girl and complimenting you. “Sweet.” You saw Jax, the Jax from your timeline walking with a bag of chips. “Dibs.” You snatched the bag out of his hands. He gave you an irritated look and you flipped him off. He rolled his eyes at you before walking away.
“I’m just going to go over there.” Cassie pointed back to Jacqui and walked over to her.
You ate your chips like nothing was happening. Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a look. “Now can I tell her?”
Liu Kang shook his head. “No, Kung Lao.”
“I can’t keep doing this. I’m about to have a stroke.”
You looked at your friend weirdly as you ate your chips. “What are you about to have a stroke about?”
Kung Lao snatched the chips away from you. “You.”
Kung Lao placed them on the table behind the three of you before looking back at you. “I refuse to believe you’re that naive (Y/N).”
“I love her Lao but…she is.” Liu Kang stated simply.
You stopped leaning on the table and turned to face them. “What are you dorks going on about?”
Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a final look and he finally nodded, motioning for him to say it. Kung Lao faces you again. “The Cage likes you.”
You scoffed as if it was obvious. “Of course she does. Where’s the surprise in that?” It was at that point Kung Lao flicked your head. You held your head in pain. “Ow!”
“I mean she has a crush on you, you airhead.”
“She does not…” You were about to say but then you started thinking. And then you put the puzzle pieces together. It made sense why you could hear her heart beating fast when she was around you. Why she would stutter and sometimes say things that came off as flirtatious but would immediately get embarrassed by.
You felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
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You didn’t really know how to go about confronting Cassie about her crush on you. You didn’t really have a problem with her. You thought she was pretty, fun loving and adventurous. Honestly, Cassie was your type.
It didn’t really cross your mind to think of her romantically as you never really saw someone in a romantic light unless you knew they really liked you.
You were currently at the temple, meditating. You used to argue about doing such a thing but Liu Kang showed you the pros of meditating. When you tried it, it eased your stress away.
With your heightened senses, you smelled a familiar perfume. It smelled of cherries and delight. You didn’t need to open your eyes. You already knew who it was. “What brings you here, Commander?”
Cassie stopped in her tracks. She didn’t expect for you to guess who she was. “Wow. Those heightened senses really are a blessing huh?”
“And a curse. I smell Kung Lao all the time.”
Cassie placed her hands on her hips as she examined you. “I just came to check on you.”
“Oh you wanted to check on me?”
Cassie felt a familiar heat come to her face and changed the subject. “I didn’t take it you were the type to meditate.”
“It helps with the pain.” You opened your eyes and motioned to her to sit with you. “Join me.” You patted your hand on the other mat.
Cassie looked at you curiously. She didn’t understand how it actually worked but she would indulge with you.
She sat on the mat across from you. “So do I just close my eyes or-“
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and then take one out.”
Cassie looked unsure but did what you said. She closed her eyes and took one deep breath in and out. “Okay. Now what?”
“Think about what brings you peace.”
Cassie did what you said. She was trying to think. Actually, really hard but nothing was coming to her head. “What exactly is the purpose of this?”
“It enhances your emotional awareness, compassion and mental calmness.” You peeked your eyes open to look at her. “It is the reason why Mr. Chosen One is a very calm monk.” You said, referring to Liu Kang.
Cassie had peeked her eyes to look at you and snickered at what you said before both of you closed your eyes.
There was silence for a moment. Then Cassie had thought about what you had said earlier. “What pain do you have?”
“You said that meditating helps with the pain. Like physical? Mental?”
You sighed a little, regretting that you had said that. But you did trust Cassie and you didn’t really make it a plan to hide your scars. A lot of people just didn’t notice.
“Look at my arms.”
Cassie followed your direction. She opened her eyes and looked at your arms and when she did, she saw them. It clicked in her head.
She carefully took your arm and rubbed on your scars lovingly. “How did I not notice?”
“I distract people by telling a lot of jokes. If you tell a lot of jokes then people won’t care enough to actually hear you. They just…they just think that’s what you are. A joke.”
Cassie peered up at what you said. She tilted her head at you even though you couldn’t see her do it. “Is that what you think people see you as? A joke?”
You bit your lip a little. You didn’t really want to reveal the most important part of history to Cassie but she made it so comfortable for you that you felt like you had to. “Liu Kang was not suppose to win the tournament the first time around. I was. Raiden did not believe in me that I could defeat Shang Tsung and Goro so he made me lose the challenge to Scorpion so I would be forced to be out of the tournament.”
Cassie was actually shocked. Then she wondered how the roles would be different if you were the chosen one and not Liu Kang. Would everything in her timeline be erased? “Wow. Do you hate Liu Kang for it?”
“Nah. He’s my best friend. I know it’s not his fault that he’s good.” You took in another deep breath before letting it out. “Everybody hears the jokes and after that they stop listening. But I guess that’s a good thing because when nobody expects you to be the best, when they go up against you then it’s an easy challenge.”
Cassie was similar to you. A fun loving free spirit but she definitely wasn’t exactly like you. She knew how tone it down and when to be serious. You didn’t.
You seemed to do it as a defense mechanism and Cassie couldn’t blame you there. I mean, she almost did the same thing.
“Sometimes I just want to disappear.” You said.
Cassie turned her attention back on your scars and rubbed all over them. You didn’t open your eyes still. You placed your hand over her hand that was on top of your scars. “Relax, cupcake. I’m disappearing yet.”
Yet. Cassie didn’t like those words. You could feel her having a frown on her face. You finally opened your eyes. It was only then you took in Cassie’s beauty.
She was absolutely gorgeous to you and you didn’t understand how you didn’t see it sooner. From her hair, to her cute cheekbones, to those pretty eyes.
You placed your right hand on her cheek and gently caressed her face. “You’re so pretty.”
Cassie wasn’t expecting you to say that. She didn’t even know what to say. Her heart started to beat faster and her forehead started to sweat.
You heard her heart beating faster and you chuckled a little. You leaned in close, your lips gently grazing Cassie’s. “You know I can hear your heart beating fast right?”
‘Ah shit.’ “Really?” Cassie let out a nervous laugh.
Instead of leaning in more to close the distance, you pulled away. You then stood up from the ground and held a hand out for Cassie to take. “Spar with me.”
Cassie felt her heart rate calm down a little. She took your hand and you helped her up. “Spar with you? I don’t know (Y/N). I don’t want to hurt you.” She joked at you.
You looked at her a little amused. “You? Hurt me?”
“Um, do I have to remind you that I’m the badass that defeated Shinnok? This is going to be easy.”
“Oh is it? Let’s make this interesting.” You grabbed your hand wraps out of your pocket and started to place them around the palm of your hands. “If I win, I want something from you.”
Cassie looked at you a little worried. “What would that something be?”
“That’s the surprise, sweetheart. What do you want if you win?”
Cassie was thinking a little. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted from you. (Well she did she just didn’t want to say it out loud.) Then she thought about it. “I want you to teach me See No Evil.”
See No Evil was a powerful move that you had come up with in kombat. Only very skilled fighters could mimic your fighting move. You raised a brow when she had said that. “I didn’t even know you knew about it.” You said as in the original timeline, you did not get the chance to preform the move as you were taken from it and placed in this one.
Though in Cassie’s timeline, you preformed it when you were battling Sindel. “You forgot about the crazy time jump. Remember?”
“Right. That.” You finished wrapping your hands. “Alright. Fine. Let’s do this.”
You watched as Cassie got into her fighting stance and you chuckled to yourself a little as it reminded you of Johnny and Sonya combined to be honest. You got in your fighting stance as well.
Cassie wasted no time. She immediately tried to kick you in the stomach but you block it. She then tried to hit you in the chest and you blocked it again. Cassie then tried to do a spin kick on you but you dodged it.
She huffed. This was going to be tougher than she thought. (She should’ve expected that from her idol.) She tried to charge at you and kick you again but you grabbed her leg.
Instead of throwing her off of you, you pulled Cassie closer to you. Real close so her leg was actually wrapped around your waist. You looked down at her, your right hand on her chin. “Is this the sum of the great Shinnok’s defeater might? I thought you’d be more of a challenge.”
That infuriated Cassie and you knew it would. Cassie kicked at your legs and then kicked you in the stomach.
You almost lost your balance but you stood on the ground. “Not gonna lie - the way you just did that was kinda hot.”
Cassie got a little flustered. Were you doing this on purpose? Flirting with her so you could throw her off?
She went to kick at you but you dodged it. She tried to punch you in the chest but you grabbed her hand. You made Cassie punch herself in her face.
Cassie fell to the ground and hissed a little at the pain. “Ugh. What the fuck.” You laughed slightly. Cassie stood up from the ground. “How are you so good at this? You’ve blocked every hit.”
You snickered. You were gonna win the match. You knew that but you’d help her out so she could get some confidence. “Remember, I have fast reflexes.” You walked over to her and got behind her. “You’re a special one. You use your legs more in kombat than your hands so I learn to typically block you there. Also, you’re just like your father. You get frustrated really easily.”
At this point you were directly behind her. You breath was directly on her neck which gave her goosebumps. Your hands wrapped around her waist. “You get a little nervous when you get close to me. Your heart starts beating faster. That’s how I know I have all the control in the fight.”
The way your hands were pressed on Cassie’s body made her go crazy. She just wanted to keep your hands on her forever.
But she couldn’t. She wanted to win to prove to you that she was ‘badass.’
Cassie elbowed you in the gut and then flipped you over on your back. She then got on top of you with her arm on your neck. “How’s that for control?”
You coughed a little at her arm being on your neck. Your hands went to her hips. “I didn’t know you were a top, Cassie.”
Cassie tried to push away the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach knowing you were only saying this to throw her off. “I’m not surprised that you’re a bottom.”
You laughed slightly. You switched the positions so you were on top of Cassie. “I kinda like this. Maybe we should stop fighting.”
Cassie wanted to so bad to give in but she knew (or more so thought) you didn’t mean any of what you said and were just saying that to throw her off her game.
She kicked you in the stomach, making you fall on your back. Cassie quickly stood up from the ground and you followed.
Instead of kicking so much, Cassie made it a point to change it up. She tried to punch you three times. The forth one she had landed a hit on you.
You felt your chest a little. You were a little impressed. It was very hard for an opponent to land a hit on you because of your fast reflexes. You got back in your fighting stance.
Cassie tried to kick you but you blocked it. She punched you in the gut and then kicked you at your feet.
Cassie tried to stomp on you but you moved quickly and swept her own feet, making Cassie fall.
You got up from the ground. Cassie groaned in pain before getting back up. “Did I tell you how hot you look in that uniform? Cause you do.”
Cassie now could ignore your remarks and went to hit you. You blocked the hit. She kicked you at your leg and you almost fell down.
She tried to punch you in the face but you grabbed her fist. Then you pressed her against the wall.
Your arm went on her neck and you started to lightly press down. “I would give up if I were you. The last time I did this to someone they didn’t enjoy it. You probably would though.”
Cassie felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as you sort of choked her. She tried to figure out a way to escape but she couldn’t. Cassie tapped on your arm as her way of tapping out.
You release your grip on her neck but you didn’t back away from her. You still had her pressed to the wall. “Who’s the greatest of all time?”
Cassie let out a laugh before slapping your shoulder. “I am not telling you that you’re the greatest of all time.”
“Don’t be a poor sport about it.” You looked at Cassie and noticed that she had a disappointed look on her face. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re still good. Liu Kang and Kung Lao can’t even land a hit on me when we train together.”
Cassie felt a little better that you thought she was good despite her losing. She noticed how close you two were and also noticed that you didn’t back away. “So…what did you want? You know your prize if you won.”
You brought Cassie’s chin up so she was looking directly in your eyes. “I want a lot but I won’t be greedy.” You did something that Cassie wasn’t expecting.
You kissed her.
Cassie had to snap herself out of shock and kiss you back. Her hands wrapped around your neck and she pulled you in closer to kiss you.
Your hands went on Cassie’s hips. For her being a Commander you were a bit surprised at how soft her lips were. They felt like Heaven to you.
The two of you continued to kiss each other but it soon turned sloppy. You took your chance to stick your tongue in her mouth and Cassie moaned.
“Oh my gods. My eyes. They’re burning! They’re burning!”
You heard a familiar voice. The two of you pulled away and you looked to see Kung Lao covering his eyes as Liu Kang shook his head at his dramatics.
You rolled your eyes some and backed away from Cassie a little while Cassie looked beyond embarrassed. “You’re so over dramatic.”
“It’s like I just watched my sister kiss her girlfriend.” Kung Lao said still with his hands over his eyes.
You prevented yourself from rolling your eyes again and sighed. “What do you want Dumb and Dumber?”
“Raiden would like to speak to all three of us.” Liu Kang said before removing Kung Lao’s hands from his eyes.
“Of course the prehistoric bird wants to.” You looked over to Cassie. “I’ll see you later, Cassie. Maybe we can spar again later.” You said before kissing her cheek and beginning to walk over to your two friends.
Kung Lao groaned in pain. “Ugh. Don’t flirt with her in front of me. It’s bad enough I see Liu Kang and Kitana.”
You wrapped both your arms around their shoulders and began to walk with them. “What is that suppose to mean?” Liu Kang questioned him.
“It means he wants to claw his eyes out when he sees you two painfully flirt with each other.” You said.
“We do not painfully flirt with each other.”
“Tell that to my eyes.” Kung Lao said.
“I cannot stand the two of you.” Liu Kang commented.
Cassie watched as you walked away from her. She smiled and felt the cheek that you kissed. “She called me Cassie.”
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raphlsnts · 6 months
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mklegends-smokescreen · 8 months
Mortal Kombat Legends: Smoke Screen chapter 10: Mission Complete
The next day, the Earthrealm warriors get ready to leave for home. The Special Forces and the ninjas all gathered for their final goodbyes, and the kahn and her sister walked forward, thanking the Earthrealm warriors once again.
Kitana: And as for you, Robin, what do you say? Will you stay here, or leave to join these warriors?
the caped crusader gave some thought, but then he looked over at Smoke, who nodded his head as if to say yes, and he finally made his decision.
Robin: actually, I think I might leave, your majesty, 'cause, I've sort of always wanted to see what lies beyond this Realm. I know I have duties here, but I'm leaving that behind me... For now at least, but I will send you messages when I can. I've met a lot of people in my life, but I may have found my real friends right here.
Kitana and Mileena looked at Robin, scoffing, but happy that their close friend made the right choice.
Kitana: Very well, you may go with them, but do send us messages once a week.
Robin: I'll try, your highness. Thank you. Now, shall we go, everyone? I can't wait to get to Earthrealm, see all the things I've missed out on.
Hanzo Hasashi used his amulet to open the portal to the Special Forces Headquarters.
Smoke: (to Robin) You made the right choice, Robin. Trust me. You'll love it.
The caped crusader smiled, and nodded his head. As they all walked through the portal, the image cuts to the inside of the S.F. HQ, where Sonya and Johnny waited for them.
Johnny: Yo, Cass, good job! We were worried, but we had faith. Nice job. And uh... Who's the new guy?
Kabal: (reffering to Robin) He's just a friend.
Sonya: Tremor.
Tremor: General.
Sonya: Can someone explain why this Black Dragon scumbag is here?
Robin: Hey, Rocky Road's a good guy now. Don't worry, I got some dirt on him that I can share. I got a feeling you're gonna like this.
Sonya: I'll be the judge of that. You guys need a ride home, or are you good?
Sub Zero: It is alright, we can make it back safely.
Cassie: Oh come on! At least stay for the party!
The other ninjas and Tremor looked at eachother and shrugged. Smoke was the only one to say yes. As the image fades out, we see Kano in the cell with a note book and a pencil, drawing something, as he is very good at it. He looks over to see his cell is right next to Hsu Hao's (hey, remember that guy? I do).
Kano: What did I do to deserve this.
Hsu Hao: You know, I can hear you.
Kano: I hope you can hear me.
The image fades away into the Outside of the HQ, close to midnight, with fireworks flying through the air and music playing in the background. Johnny and Sonya are dancing together, while Cassie is introducing Robin and Tremor to her team, the Kombat Kids. Kabal and Stryker are cracking jokes, and the other ninjas are drinking. Jax is talking to Kenshi and Sub Zero, and Hanzo Hasashi is watching over everything.
Tremor and Robin, somehow, still feels unwelcome. He makes a rock chair to sit on it alone for a bit. Smoke, ever observant, notices this and walks up to them.
Smoke: What's wrong, Robin? Are you alright? You're not having fun?
Robin: (looks at him) I am, I'm just not used to any of this, is all.
Tremor: And I just... I guess I don't feel welcome. I'm sorry, its just, I'm not the easiest person to talk to. I was never taught how to be friendly, and its kinda hard for me. Sorry. Maybe its a good idea if I leave.
Robin: Nonsense. Everyone needs a little help every now and then. If ya want, we could teach you how to fit in. Ya know, if you'd like. (Looks at Smoke) Would you?
Tomas: (looks at Robin and nods) Of course. But first, let's enjoy the party. Tomorrow we can get started. Sound good, Tremor?
Tremor: Yeah, yeah, sounds good.
Robin: (to Tremor) can I trust you with something, big fella?
Tremor: Yes.
Smoke: Great. I'll be over at the food section if you need me.
Robin: (leans in to whisper) you wanna know a secret? I'm not so sure about these people, myself. I'm not one for crowds. You wanna know why I came along? Its because I was hoping I could find a place I can belong. A family, since mine is lost to me. So, I'm gonna tell you this: I can understand how you're feeling. And we all need a friend or two.
Tremor: (in disbelief) Really?
Robin: Yeah, really. Trust me. I got plenty of dirt on these guys.
Tremor: Well, we have plenty of time to get to know eachother, and we can start tomorrow.
Robin: Agreed. (sticks out his hand) Partners?
Tremor: Sure. Why not? (shakes his hand)
And the image fades to next morning.
The next morning, everyone says their final goodbyes. Kabal gives everyone a quick high five, Robin and Tremor join the Special Forces and Smoke and Sub Zero head home to the Lin Kuei Temple.
Robin: (narrating) Well, that's basically it. The ninja dudes head back home, and Tremor and I go on a few duo missions, but occasionally with the Kombat Kids. After that, they give me the offer of a lifetime: a spot in their team. And, I don't know, they made it clear they really want me on their squad. So, I took it, and now, I'm a member of the Kombat Kids. We've been a team for three months, and they're a great team to be on. I've met many interesting people, and made some good friends. Tremor also got a fresh start, as the Special Forces erased any and all of his records of being in the Black Dragon, and now he's a S.F. Super solider. He and I sometimes take road trips to revisit our Lin Kuei buddies. I don't know what's gonna happen next, but one thing is certain: whatever the future brings, I'll be ready for it. I've lived a long life, and there's no better way to end it, than fighting alongside my best friends.
The End
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blankandhappytales · 7 months
Masterlist of stories and flash fiction..
It's about time I got up off my butt and put together an easy to reference list. I'll improve the tags and descriptions in the future, but for now these are all the ones I could find in my search for all my pieces. 😁
Untilted (I'll get round to it!): You could save your friend from being turned into a drone, but why bother when you know she'll be so much hotter as one?
A Change in Perspective: (Slow corruption, tech control, chipped, masturbation, second tense) - You find yourself implanted with a control chip, but every attempt to get it removed just seems to slide out from between your fingers. All is Fair in Love & Hypnotism: (Slice of life, humour, hypnosis, self-care) - A Domme decides to lightly punish her sub for not taking care of herself.
All that Glitters: (Forced femme, rubber, tech-control) - Finn finds a higher calling beyond corporate sabotage
Bambi Betrayal: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, bambification) - Charity attempts to reason with Lex who is under the control of the Bambi virus.
Family Affair: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, minor incest themes) - Charity introduces the joy of Bambi to the local strip club.
Bambi: Banded: (f/f, brainwashing, tech control, betrayal, forced femme.) - A mind control headband? Why not. All shall be blonde and ditzy!
Betrayal is a Dish Best Served Obediently: (Dollification, tech-control, objectification, betrayal) - Rae discovers what has become of her friend after betraying her to the Dolls.
Bimbo Chip: (Tech-control, chipped, VR, Bimbofication) - Emma surrenders to the chip in the back of her neck.
Broadcast Control: (Tech-control) - The radio station prepares for a very special test broadcast.
Chasing the Score: (Tech-control, subtle indoctrination, gaming. f/f) - Getting the high score can open you up to all sorts of interesting messaging.
Cock goes in: (m/f, conditioning, hypnosis) - Alex has provided a rather more-ish way to empty out her mind.
Cocktails and Broomsticks: (Magic, witchcraft, oral fixation) - Your Mistress decides to have a little fun with you whilst out for drinks.
Cum to the Darkside: (f/f, corruption, betrayal, tech control, twinning) - Do you hope that your best friend would ever betray you to oodles of mind control?
Darkest Desires: (tg, succubus, corruption, enthrallment) - George finds out that being damned has some perks and benefits.
Darkest Desires
Hostile Takeover pt.1
Domestic Bliss: (slice of life, maids, hypnosis, very short, f/f) - A parental visit causes a minor argument between Domme and Sub.
Down Slope Doll: (f/f, headphones, brainwashing, tech-control) - If you go down to the slopes today, be none of your friends have other ideas about having some 'fun' with you.
Droned: (f/f, Hive, Assimilation, tech-control, betrayal) - Mia becomes a little more intimate with the hive than she'd like.
Halfway Down the Stairs: (f/f, headphones, tech-control) - Megan finds just enough of herself to try and sneak out of the brainwashing facility to try and save her friends.
Her Perfect Doll: (Forced femme, hypnosis, Fem Domme) - Finn discovers just how deep his hypnotic conditioning goes.
Factory Reset: (Tech control, robotization, damsel in distress, objectification, female solo.): A nosy reporter find herself on a factory production line after asking too many questions.
Franchised Perfection: (Tech-control, transformation, celebrity, forced fem) - The Kardashian brand finds a fresh, new way to franchise itself to the masses.
Looper: (Tattoo, self-induction): A very special tattoo helps Melissa see the hypnotic side of life.
Mal-Adjusted: (Tech control, hypno-virus, corruption, female solo, betrayal): Cassie finds herself under assault by a powerful computer virus hell bent on spreading it's influence.
Nesting Instincts: (Tentacles, corruption, transformation, breast growth, Hive) A researcher is given a fresh purpose when captured by a tentacle nest.
Perfect Pink Kitty: (rubber, slice of life(ish), kitty ears, tech control) - Jake starts to regret agreeing to playing with Jamie as his insecurities get the better of him, but the cute kitty ears he's wearing have other ideas.
Positive Reinforcement: (f/f, slice of life, hypno-positivity) - Martha has a novel way of helping to convince Aya that her coursework really should get done. Repetition Knows Best: (f/f, slice of life, mind control, hypnosis) - Ella toys with her friends mind, building on all the ground work she's laid so far.
Seductive Reasoning: (f/f, hypnosis, conditioning, cougar seduction) - Melissa finds out she really is into older women.
Sisterhood: (gender neutral, assimilation, transformation, bimbofication) - You've been targeted for Bimbofication. Resistance is futile.
Switching Off: (masturbation, headphones, self-conditioning, very short) - Anna helps herself become even more enamored with her Bimbo conditioning.
Symbosis: (conditoning, bimbotization) - Willow learns to accept a new mindset.
The Human Element: (tech-control, objectification, robotization, dollification) - Sometimes it's the human element of your newly minted doll which proves problematic.
The Bonding: (Tentacles, hentai, kidnapping) - If you go down to the woods today... Remember to close your windows, okay? Okay! Their are things that go squelch in the woods, otherwise.
Workplace Distraction: (m/f, very short, work place fun) - Who doesn't want to get hypno-triggered like a good little corporate drone?
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fantastic-nonsense · 6 months
I have a fun [citation needed] hypothetical for you. Say you have been granted the authority to make FIVE editorial directives for DC comics that will be followed for at least the next five years. What are you demanding?
No company events.
No major events with ten thousand tie-in comics.
No big crossover events.
No big gimmick events.
No event comics.
Okay, I kid, but only slightly. I'm actually going cheat slightly and give you five plus an extra one that needs a bit more explanation:
No company-wide crossover events or gimmick events that derail major ongoing stories in individual books shall be made. If an event comic is published, any tie-ins will be published separately from the character's ongoing/mini (for reference: like the Blackest Night tie-in specials).
Institute a lore consistency team within the Archives department. Mandate that every single creative team MUST read and utilize a character/story bible before writing any scripts. The scripts will be looked over by a member of the lore team as well as the book editor before being approved for publication.
The Young Justice generation is finally allowed to grow up and, where necessary, get new hero names. In particular, Tim Drake finally gets to age and stop being Robin. He picks 'Blackbird' as his new name, gets a cool new red-and-black costume, and stars in a rebooted Young Justice book alongside his friends.
Barbara Gordon has to formally retire from the Batgirl role and become Oracle full time again. This is handled in a way that is respectful of her character and her disability. Cassandra Cain will be Batgirl full-time again while Stephanie Brown goes back to Spoiler; Cass gets a Batgirl solo ongoing while Steph would join a rebooted Gotham Knights team book that includes her, Kate, Helena, Luke Fox, and Jean-Paul Valley.
Wonder Woman's established lore is acknowledged, respected, and re-emphasized. Diana is a clay baby again, Cassie is Zeus's daughter again, The Return of Donna Troy is acknowledged as the definitive explanation of Donna's multiple-choice backstory (while the fire origin stays the definitive origin), Artemis gets her original origin back, etc. Full acceptance of the Rucka Rebirth retcon to reset Diana's origins and childhood back to the post-Crisis status quo. No references to the Zeus origin or the New 52 Amazons are allowed to be made except in context of Rucka's "it was a lie" explanation.
In priority order, those editorial mandates probably fall out to be something like 2>1>5>3 and 4 in a tie; 3 and 4 are kinda interchangable since they collectively would fix a wide swath of what's wrong with the Bat books right now.
My "extra" mandate would be that writers must utilize existing characters where possible for their stories. No new "major" heroes are to be introduced unless a writer can prove that a book needs a new character to fill an identified gap. Prioritization should go to a) characters who used to be used on a regular basis in a given book but have not been seen in 10+ years and b) characters introduced within the past 5-7 years.
I'd want this one for two reasons: one, there's a ton of pre-existing characters who used to be staple or regularly recurring characters who have failed to get regular appearances since 2011, for a variety of reasons. Forcing writers to use them instead of creating new characters would allow DC to rebuild some continuity, bring back old favorites, and provide closure to lingering storylines that were cut short or never followed up on. Two, there's a hell of a lot of new characters have been introduced and discarded without actually building them out properly the last few years. I would honestly only put this one in place for around 3 years...long enough to force DC to actually flesh out the underutilized newbies and provide some closure and new beginnings for some old favorites.
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