#childhood best friends to lovers to strangers to friends to lovers
bee-the-loser-recs · 3 days
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☼ My Scoups One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Matilda By @milfgyuu 1.8k, wedding day au, lovers, familial trauma, fluff, cute, relationships with the in-laws, adorable, slight angst, comfort
𖤓 Unexpected By @onlymingyus 4.4k, smut, relationship between Seungcheol & reader, inviting Minghao for a night, threesome, slight angst & fluff, unmentioned feelings/crush
𖤓 Feels like home By @trbld-writer 6.6k, best friends to lovers, fluff, cute, Christmas market date, snow, love confessions, oblivious idiots
𖤓 Take it trouble, make it double By @sluttywoozi 4.7k, Seungcheol x reader x Jeonghan, college au, frat party, frat bros, ex Seungcheol, campus crush Jeonghan, poly arrangement, fluff, smut
𖤓 Cheol thoughts By @nonranghaes Non-specified au, wingman Hoshi, mutual feelings, fluff, slight crack, arm wrestling, Hoshi sets them up
𖤓 Always only you By @honeyhotteoks 14.2k, non-idol au, childhood friends to lovers, brother's best friend au, shitty dates, Mingyu is reader's brother, fluff, smut, slight angst, curvy reader, slut shaming by date
𖤓 Kick in the right direction By @amourane 0.9k, college au, star soccer player Seungcheol, mascot reader, bumbling idiot Scoups, cute, reader is hit by a ball, freezing up in front of a crush, fluff
𖤓 What a man (what a mighty good man) By @idyllic-ghost 2k, idol au, drunk house party with members & their partners, karaoke, embarrassing drunk moments, fluff, comedic humour, second hand embarrassment, down bad!reader
𖤓 09:57pm By @idyllic-ghost Established relationship, marriage, cute moments between partners, slow dancing in the kitchen, straight up fluff, anniversaries
𖤓 Baby, it's cold outside By @idyllic-ghost 5.8k, CEO!Scoups, bookstore owner reader, high school sweethearts to strangers to lovers, romance, smut, fluff, reconnecting after years, still being in love, "hard" conversations about relationship dynamics
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angelsdvsts · 1 day
a few tropes/plots that i'm craving ... give this a ♡ if you're interested in any of the plots below & i'll come to you for muse !
♡ coworkers ♡ roommates ♡ sunshine x grumpy ♡ unholy girl x innocent boy ♡ assistant x boss ♡ best friend's brother/sister ♡ enemies to lovers ♡ second chance romance ♡ fake relationships ♡ figure skater x hockey player ♡ athletic x cheerleader ♡ coach's daughter ♡ nerd x jock (like hailey & james from oth) ♡ childhood friends to strangers to lovers ♡ protector x innocent ♡ neighbors ♡ secret relationship ♡ band member x fan ♡ arrange marriage ♡ summer romance ♡ royalty x regular person ♡ celebrity x regular person ♡ bodyguard x celebrity / mayor's daughter / etc. ♡ influencers who fans ship them which leads to them fake dating ♡ fwb -- but one of them just recently got into a relationship ♡ your bf doesn't give you enough attention, let me ♡ also if anyone wanna create like a lil village of our muses -- friendships, exes, crushes, family -- etc. PLS ill give u my left kidney <3
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pestopastaenjoyer · 2 years
i love takari as much as the next person whose watched the adventure saga unfold since childhood but honestly what would make so much sense to me and what would feel so natural for them is dating for awhile, breaking up mutually for work and career things, living their own lives, and then meeting again as older adults and falling back in love LIKE ???? it’s cheesy. it’s my fav trope ever. it’s cliche. idgaf.
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lilystyles · 7 months
no strings attached.
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this series is completed!! a @lilystyles series.
y/n and harry have always known each other and been in each other's lives, but harry's rapid rise in fame causes a drift between them. what happens when they find their way back to each other and act on the feelings they have always had?
or y/n is a virgin and she doesn't want to be, and harry is an old friend who doesn't mind helping her out.
virgin!reader x friendswbenefits!h
* * * * *
old friends
harry and y/n are old friends who reunite and quickly pick right back up where they left off. new tensions arise and a deal is struck up. (5k)
song for this chapter 'Old Friends' by Simon & Garfunkle.
watermelon sugar, highhhh
harry found a new muse for a new song. it's called watermelon sugar, dedicated to the sweetness between y/n's thighs. (5k)
song for this chapter 'Watermelon Sugar' by H.
y/n calls harry drunk and scared, harry picks her up and helps take care of her. the next morning y/n worries she'll scare him off, but of course, harry eases those worries. (4.5k)
song for this chapter 'Back to the Old House' by The Smiths.
y/n and harry go to dinner and something stronger blooms between them. (11.6k!!)
song for this chapter 'Hungry Eyes' by Eric Carmen.
rock the boat, baby!
y/n and harry are reminded of their teenage years and take a trip down memory lane on a camping trip. (8.7k)
song for this chapter 'Rock the Boat' by Hues Corporation.
one of us
karaoke night leads to a run-in with paparazzi. y/n's face is splashed everywhere, and harry doesn't know what to do. (5.3k)
song for this chapter 'One Of Us' by Abba.
stuck in the middle with you
y/n is the maid of honour and harry is the best man, what happens when they are forced to share a room? do they reconcile their issues or are they too far gone? (10.6k)
song for this chapter 'Silver Springs' by Fleetwood Mac.
* * * * *
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blurbs for nostrings!H
can be found on my blurbs masterlist right here
more blurbs are coming soon upon request! please use my asks box.
just leave me a prompt or idea - maybe something you want to happen or thought about happening with nostrings!H :)
thank you for reading, this was my first ever series on tumblr love my babies sm 🫶🫶🫶🫶
so many more fics are coming soon i pinky swear! love u all so muchhhhhhh
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belbel19 · 5 months
obssessed with pricefield since 2016
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
A continuation of the childhood sweethearts first kiss fic...
Eddie is 10 when he get his first kiss. A lot of people wouldn't consider it a real first, It's a dry press of chapped lips, chaste and sweet, but it remains the best kiss he's ever had, the one that means the most.
It's the summer before he moves to Hawkins--spending the school break with his Uncle Wayne--before he's known to the town as a loser weirdo freak, and he makes a friend. A boy golden bright as the sun, who steals Eddie's heart at first glance and keeps taking it again and again and again--not by force, but by his pure kindness, by his surprisingly wicked sense of humor, by the joyful way he experiences the world.
They run through the woods of Hawkins, ride bikes until the streetlights glow, swim until they fall asleep on a pool lounger, spend their nights in a tent in the wide Harrington backyard. He's not known around town yet, so the parents don't hate him, call him trash, fear for their child's reputation. He's just a boy still, his faded clothes and worn tennis shoes can be blamed on northing more than the consequences of a summer spent outdoors. Though, maybe it's just that Mr. and Mrs. Harrington aren't around enough to notice.
On his last night before he returns home to his parents, they make a fort in Steve's bedroom, find all the blankets and pillows in the house, create a cozy structure just big enough for two. They share all their secrets, their hopes and dreams, and as night becomes morning, Steve whispers, "Eddie...can I kiss you?"
Yes is the only possible answer he can give, and as Steve's mouth touches his, Eddie knows he will never love anyone else, not for as long as he lives, not if they never even see each other again.
He belongs to Steve Harrington, body and soul.
Eddie moves to Hawkins a year later. His first day of school, two months into the semester, he sees Steve in the hallway. Eddie's whole face lights up as he sees his friend, but--Steve's eyes slide right past him. He sees Eddie, no doubt about it, but there's no light of recognition, no excitement, no joyful reunion.
After a few years he accepts that Steve will never acknowledge him. He almost succeeds in not letting it bother him, and it's for that reason that it doesn't break his heart when Steve falls for Nancy Wheeler. It doesn't kill him to see Steve's beaten face after his fight with Jonathan Byers. It doesn't keep him up at night, watching Steve lose all his other friends. He doesn't hate jocks and rant on cafeteria tabletops just in the hope that Steve will look his way.
Everything changes after Nancy and Steve break-up and Hargrove beats the shit out of him. Whatever high school social cachet Steve still has disappears overnight, but dethroned King Steve still doesn't notice Eddie. He's made his peace with it. Moved on. He's an adult now, basically. He's going to graduate high school and move to the big city and he'll meet so many guys and never ever think about Steve Harrington ever again.
He's smoking a cigarette in the little-used bathroom up by the auditorium. His eyes are half-closed, imagining shapes in the tendrils of smoke.
The door bangs open, shocking him upright, the cigarette falling to the floor.
Steve Harrington stumbles inside, hands covering his face, blood pouring through his fingers.
"Steve!" Eddie yelps, can't help it when there's blood, when Steve is hurt.
Like always, he doesn't even bother to look at Eddie. It shouldn't shred his heart to pieces but Eddie's always been weak for Steve.
"What happened?" He asks, even though he knows he shouldn't care.
"Doesn't matter," Steve answers. He's standing at the sink, blood splattering the white porcelain red.
Acting against each one of his sharply honed instincts, Eddie rushes to the nearest paper towel dispenser, ripping half the roll off.
"Move your hands. Relax your head." He's surprised when Steve does as he says.
Eddie uses the paper towels to staunch the flow, pinches at the bridge of Steve's nose with his thumb and index finger. "How do you not know how to fix a bloody nose?" he mutters.
"I know how," Steve argues. "I just--" he pauses, swallows hard. "Why are you helping me?"
He doesn't know how to answer this question. He shouldn't be helping Steve.
"I don't know."
They don't talk again, not until the bleeding stops, and then Steve says, "It was Hagan, the motherfucker. He shoved me into a locker and I didn't have time to get my hands up."
"He's a dick," Eddie agrees. "It's not broken, though."
Steve shrugs. They fall silent again, neither moving. "Thanks," he says. He doesn't look at Eddie.
"Would have done it for anyone."
Those hazel eyes stay fixed to the linoleum as Steve nods. Eddie doesn't know what to do next. If he should leave or press for more that he shouldn't want.
But then Steve lets out a gulping kind of sob, is falling against Eddie's chest, and Eddie wraps his arms around him, holds him so tight even he can't breathe.
"Oh, Stevie," he whispers, and without really thinking, he pulls them into the nearest stall, shutting the door behind him.
Between his cries Steve repeats, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Eddie can't tell him that it's okay, so he combs his fingers through Steve's hair and holds him, fighting off his own tears.
Eventually the sobs stop and the tears dry up, but Steve doesn't break their embrace.
"I shouldn't have ignored you, Eddie," Steve says into the quiet. "You didn't deserve it."
"Why did you?" Thinks it's his right to an explanation, after everything.
"I wrote to you. After you left. Was gonna visit Wayne and get your address, but then my dad found them. He said, 'boys don't write letters,' and ripped them up. He told me if you ever showed up in Hawkins again we weren't allowed to be friends. The next week he'd signed me up for every available sports league in town.
"I was so excited when I saw you at school, Eds. I couldn't believe you were here. I panicked, though, and decided to pretend like I didn't recognize you. It was easy, not having to decide what to do, so I just...kept doing it. I wanted my dad to be proud of me."
"I'm sorry he did that to you, Stevie. For what it's worth, I would've loved to get those letters. I would've written back."
Steve laughs a little. "I know. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I've regretted it every day, but I had no idea how to make it right."
Eddie shouldn't want more. He knows that he's lucky they've even had this moment, but he always needs to push.
"You could try now," he says.
"To make it right. You could try now."
A smile illuminates Steve's perfect face. "You mean it?"
Steve's hand slips against Eddie's cheek, moving up to card through his hair. His thoughts scatter like fractures of light, as Steve touches him in a way he only imagined in the midnight depths of his wildest fantasies.
Their second kiss is just as soft and sweet as the first, their lips coming together in a gentle press.
They separate, and his fingers immediately go to his mouth. "You--did you--" He squeezes his eyes shut, takes a few deep breaths. "You can't kiss me like that unless you mean it, Steve. You can't just--"
"I meant it. I meant every second. I never stopped missing you. I hated that I made it impossible to be your friend. It's been eating me up for years. I want to make it right."
"I need time," he says. His voice trembles. " I want that too, Steve, but after everything, I need to know I can trust you."
Steve nods and gives him a small smile. "I'll do anything, Eds."
They hangout almost everyday, and Eddie finds that, underneath all that King Steve bullshit, he's still the boy Eddie fell head over heels for at 10, golden and bright and so lovely. Still mean, still funny, still owns Eddie's heart.
Steve doesn't kiss him again, and that's for the best no matter how much Eddie longs for it.
A little over a month later, Steve invites Eddie to his house again.
He follows Steve up to his bedroom--just as terribly plaid, just as empty of things that made it Steve's--except there's a pillow fort built against the bed.
"What's this?" Eddie raises an eyebrow and stifles a smile.
Steve rolls his eyes. "You know what. C'mon, get in."
They're a little too big for a fort now, but they squish inside, limbs tangling until they end up in a giggling heap.
"A fort, Stevie?" Eddie asks once he can talk again.
Steve's smile is soft. "These last few weeks have been the best of my life. You're my best friend. And I was just wondering--" he falters here for the first time, breath stuttering. "Can I kiss you?"
Sparks erupt in Eddie's chest, his smile so big that it hurts. What a fool he was, to think he would ever stop loving Steve Harrington.
"Please," he answers.
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sixeyescurseuser · 2 months
Modern AU where Satosugu were best friends in high school but Gojo who went off to the best uni for his medical studies and Geto who went off on his own to find his calling. 
Gojo got really busy with uni so he couldn’t reach out as often and Geto had known (read: assumed) he was no longer a priority in Gojo’s life. So they drifted apart. 
Ten years later, a lot has changed. Geto is now a respected tattoo artist whose style is very bold and usually black/white. He has his own tattoos that really speak to his identity over the years, being an artist, struggling to find his path, joining a gang, coming out as gay, etc.
Satoru was always in the back of his mind; the best friend who he never thought he’d part from. A lot of his art portfolio pieces were sketches he had refined that were originally inspired by Satoru... 
Meanwhile, Gojo has been studying to become a neurosurgeon, and is currently in residency. He’s very sharp, swamped with work, and takes great pride in helping his patients.
Gojo could not give less of a fuck about tattooing his skin, which is why he didn’t pay much attention to Shoko as she was showing their colleagues the social media page of the tattoo parlor she recently went to. The place is called Ink Domain, with three tattoo artists and one piercer to pick from. 
Who would’ve thought that when Shoko scrolls past the tattoo designs and onto a post introducing the employees, Gojo does the most wicked double-take that leaves a sting in his neck. 
Discreetly, Gojo scans the picture: he sees a man with purple makeup and twin buns, a younger man with pink hair smiling widely next to him, another man with pink hair and black markings on his face, and a woman with long blond hair who has her arm around the shoulders of a man in a baseball cap and black a face mask pulled over the lower-half of his face.
Black side bangs peek out from the cap.
Gojo stares hard at the last figure, a rush of complicated feelings pooling in his gut.
“Who did you say did your tattoo again?” Gojo shakily asks, holding his breath.
The moment the name “Geto Suguru” leaves Shoko’s lips, Gojo feels as if the air has been punched out of his gut.
Gojo thinks long and hard about what his next steps should be. Long and hard meaning he books a consultation appointment with Suguru for the next week.
Gojo is sweating. 
Why did he do that? Especially on one of the few days he doesn’t have to go in at the crack ass of dawn into the hospital? To get a consultation for a tattoo he hasn’t given a second thought about, with the best friend he lost touch with nearly a decade ago?
Gojo isn’t sure what he’s hoping to get out of this. He just… he’s missed Suguru, and wants to see how he’s doing.
When Gojo walks into the studio fifteen minutes before his appointment, a boy with pink hair and the name tag “Yuji” greets him. 
“Hi, welcome to Ink Domain. Do you have an appointment?” Yuji asks.
“Yes, a consultation appointment with Geto,” Gojo answers, feeling light-headed and ready to pass out. “My name is Kento Nanami.”
“Okay, checking you in riiight now, and yep! You’re good to go. You can wait on the couch, Geto-san will be with you shortly,” Yuji says brightly.
Gojo waits while anxiously tapping away at his phone, checking his calendar to make sure his shifts are all in order, then takes a look around and sees all the portraits of the artist’s past work - pictures of small moments that they seemed to want to frame. 
Before Gojo knows it, a tap on his shoulder has him looking up into familiar soft hazel eyes, narrowing in mischief.
Gojo swallows thickly, eyes sliding from Suguru’s signature bun and bangs combo, to the tattoos that peek out from his black t-shirt, and the muscles that strain the said t-shirt.
Suguru looks good. No, MORE than good. He looks fucking delectable, giving Gojo the same expression he’d give when he’d catch Gojo stealing his clothes whenever Gojo had slept over.
Oh ho ho, Gojo was screwed.
“Sorry for the wait, Kento,” Geto says while smirking. “Ready for your consultation appointment?”
Gojo stands up abruptly, choking out a weak “yep” to Geto’s question while the rest of his mind is too scrambled to say anything else. Geto chuckles, lifting his chin slightly once he noticed Gojo had surpassed him in height.
“All right, follow me into the back.”
Once they arrive at Geto’s station, Gojo plops his bum onto the patient seat.
Geto rummages around for his sketchbook, lightly lecturing: “Whose poor soul did you commit identity fraud against, Satoru?”
Gojo gives a small smile, happy to see Geto isn’t angry with him. 
“A friend. And a co-worker,” Gojo answers, crossing a leg over the other. Geto hums, searching his station for a pen, a pencil, and a sharpie. 
“Where is work for you?” Geto asks. He pauses for a moment, then remembers he had placed the sharpie in his bun, and proceeds to pull it out.
“JR Tokyo Hospital.”
“In Shibuya?”
Gojo nods, eyes following the way Geto’s biceps bulge when he brings a water bottle to his mouth, gulping it down quickly.
“I’m in residency right now. Gonna be a neurosurgeon,” Gojo says.
Geto’s eyes widen, and he puts his water bottle down.
“A neurosurgeon? Satoru, that’s- that’s amazing,” Geto says, voice filled with awe. He scoots his roller-chair close enough so their knees are a hair away from touching. “I always knew you were going to excel at whatever you pursued. But neuroscience? God, that’s incredible. You’re incredible.”
“Okay, okay stop. Enough about me. Believe it or not, I’m very much interested in what you’ve been up to. A tattoo artist? You never talked about wanting to tattoo!” Gojo exclaims.
Geto’s eyes crinkle, becoming bashful under the slightest amount of praise. As per usual.
“Yeah, well, I must say it was quite a road to get to this point. Doesn’t feel real, sometimes. Getting to do art and make a living out of it? And also loving what I do? I never imagined it before either, trust me,” Geto says, gaze becoming softer as he reflects on the past decade of his life.
It’s bittersweet, thinking about how much time has passed, spent without Satoru by his side. 
It’s never too late though. Satoru is here now, in his shop, listening to his every word.
Satoru and his brilliant brain, and drive to be the best, bound to do great things, which now includes being a fucking neurosurgeon! He’s insane, Geto thinks. Insane in the best way possible. 
Geto is so proud of him.
“But we can save that story for another time. After all, it’s a tattoo consultation you’re here for, isn’t it?” Geto questions, readying his pencil on his sketch pad.
Gojo wants to melt into the ground. Can't Suguru just drop it already?
But after sending a pleading lookover to his former best friend, expressing that he did not fucking come all this way (into a tattoo parlor) for a stupid tattoo, Geto still won’t bite. 
He’s gonna make me say it, Gojo thinks with vengeance. This bastard.
“What if we…skip the consultation part and…just talk?” Gojo suggests. He belatedly shoots two finger guns Suguru’s way for effect.
Geto raises a brow. “But you paid for a consultation.”
“No, I paid for your time,” Gojo clarifies, leg bouncing nervously waiting for Geto’s reaction. “And I would love to use it to catch up.”
Geto’s blinks once, then twice. Slowly, a fond smile spreads across his lips. He puts down the sketch pad, pen, and pencil - and slips the sharpie back into his bun.
“There’s this cafe down the street that I know you’ll love. Give me five minutes and we can head over together,” Geto says, standing up to reset his station.
“Gah! You remember! I hope they have mochi, maybe some cheesecake!” Gojo cheers, standing up as well. He readjusts his pants that had slipped down a little while he sat, then makes his way back to the front.
A hand on his wrist stops him.
“Satoru,” Geto says in his honeyed voice. Crystal blue eyes lock on the face that’s been the subject of bone-deep nostalgia and yearning that’s already made a home in Gojo’s heart. “I’ve missed you.”
Instead of answering, Gojo wastes no time in wrapping his arms around Geto’s shoulders, bringing him in for a long hug. Geto melts into the hug, as if it was the most natural thing on earth, holding Gojo’s waist because he was precious precious precious. 
He still smells the same, Gojo thinks. A little more mature, a little more cinnamon-y, but still the same Suguru.
“I missed you more,” Gojo murmurs, nudging his nose in Geto’s neck. “I’m sorry for losing touch.”
“Don’t be. I didn’t do the best job either,” Geto responds, rubbing comfortingly up and down Gojo’s back. “But we’re here now. You found me again, Satoru.”
“Hehe, I did, didn’t I?”
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apocalyptic-byler · 9 months
byler is gonna be childhood best friends to lovers
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jwirecs · 11 months
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of may-june! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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After All These Years || @neolovesneo​​​​💕✅
↳ (there wasnt a summary but think about it, skaterboy!mark. alexa play sk8ter boi by avril lavigne)
Cave Me In || @haespoir​​​💕✅
↳ haechan introduces you to his dealer friend, and mark lee makes it so hard to keep the relationship strictly business. not that you minded anyways.
Head Over Heels || @febtoapril​​​​​💕✅
↳ jeno couldn't hide his feelings for you any longer. so what was the next step? confess.
Hey Angel || @jjsneo​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ you're jaemin's bestfriend — so of course he loves to call you up late at night and hear your voice. he's definitely not calling because the sound of your voice turns him on — yeah definitely not that.
Going For The Gold || @sehunniepotwrites​​​🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ 10,305 individual athletes participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games. 10,305 frustrated athletes trapped inside the bubble they called the Olympic Village with no means of leaving the grounds or releasing their pent up stress. Amongst the almost indestructible cardboard beds that were rumored to prevent athlete contact and the condom supply they supposedly cannot use, the message the Olympic organizers tried to send were mixed. Many athletes saw this as a challenge, one athlete being Team Korea’s one and only, John Suh. The famed swimmer was ready and willing to take on this challenge but he couldn’t do it alone. He needed a partner for it and you—best friend, fellow teammate, and competitive swimmer—were the perfect match. (*INTERNALLY SCREAMS INTO A PILLOW* < me when i read this at night in bed. AH. ily.)
My Best Friend Is No Longer my Best Friend! (He’s My Boyfriend) || @ilrjsm​​​💕✅
↳ You’ve known him for most of your life. And truth be told, who wouldn’t have a (major!!) crush on this pretty boy? Out of all the instances you’ve fallen in love with Huang Renjun, you’ve never once regretted it.
Puppy Love || @writemekpop​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ When your boyfriend Jeno wakes up cuddly and horny, you know something is wrong - he's switched bodies with your dog Lucky! You finally realise why he's been so cold. Can you forgive him?
Room For Two || @mochidoie​​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ It's Johnny Suh's birthday trip and as your childhood best friend, Johnny books a hotel room with only one bed for you and Doyoung to share. The catch: you're completely head over heels for Kim Doyoung.
These Secrets That I Have || @prodbymaui​​​​🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ Joking that your best friend is the infamous superhero bitten by a spider has been a habit for the group. It was all a joke, until it wasn't.
Whatcha Packin’ || @jjsneo​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ the idea of you walking in on him naked is one that would typically get doyoung hard as a rock in an instant. but after a freezing cold wet snowball fight — when his dick is not at it’s full potential — the idea becomes his nightmare. and now he’s determined to prove to you that he has a huge cock.
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Give Me The Greenlight || @fadedncity​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ (there wasnt a summary but growing up i was waaaaaaaaay too into the movies of street racing aka fast and furious so like soft spot for these aus.)
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Bet || @tqmies​💕💔✅💯
↳ "why are you mad?” “i’m not mad, i just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
Cold Brew || @xiaojunsmintchoco​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ at the coffee shop you work at, there's always this regular who comes and orders the same cup of cold brew coffee every morning without fail. you end up having a rather rude interaction with him one morning when you accidentally spill his coffee on him before his job interview – which turns out to be for the very same coffee shop you're working at. it doesn't matter to you that he got the job, but the fact that he's always on the same shift as you never fails to get on your nerves. Will the two of you sort out your feud, or will the both of you continue to brew these cold feelings towards each other?
Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-Mark || @onyourhyuck​​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Wherein one night you were saved by Spider-Man from a bunch of men harassing you and you find out it’s your enemy all along.
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10:46PM || @nctsplug02​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Anon Req: mark lee smut wherein he's a soft dom who praises you for studying hard for your final exams. (also can you please add a sweet gesture). i sorta feel he's that type. thank you!
Blackout || @springseasonie​​​​ 🔞💕✅
↳ The powerful storm outside knocks your power out even though Doyoung assured you it would be fine. Luckily, he bought candles the day before just in case this happened. But even with the candles to light the dark house, you were still a bit anxious about the storm, so Doyoung decided to distract you for a bit
Floating To You || @lelengerine​​​​💕✅💯💯
↳ The time when your boyfriend had to resort to alternative methods just to make sure you stay safe while shopping
Let Him Look || @catboyieejeno​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ The boys invite you and Yuta on a trip for Mark's birthday, but when Jaehyun makes a few too many plays at you, Yuta reminds you that you belong to him.
Nail Painting || @tywritesxpop​​​​💕✅💯💯💯
↳ (the most softest yuta drabble/fic that i have ever read. i love it)
Promise You || @ethereal-engene​​​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ The first and last time your boyfriend answers a call from a sasaeng who keeps calling your phone.
Weekly Food Shopping || @m-arkmywords​​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Friday evening spent grocery shopping and then cooking that leads to... other things as your boyfriend comes to spend the weekend.
Xoxo || @yeow6n​​​​💕✅
↳ in which, your little niece has a crush on your boyfriend.
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Energizer Bunny || @smileysuh​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ You’ve heard about predator hybrids having prey fetishes-with bunnies being an often glorified playmate option-but you’ve never truly witnessed it firsthand, not like you have tonight
Big Bear & Bee || @smileysuh​​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ You swallow thickly, leaning back against Johnny while you gain your courage. You know he’s not the type to force anything on you, and something tells you that if you don’t make this first move, you might just miss your chance. Turning in his arms, you look up into the bear hybrid’s chocolate brown eyes. Then you’re kissing him, putting all the passion that’s been brewing into the meeting of your lips. You thread your fingers through his soft hair, eager to get close to him, closer than you’ve ever been before. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i love it.)
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Broken Melodies || @zchnlswrld​​💔🔄💯
↳ watch NCT Dream navigate their love lives as they figure out how to lose someone, accept someone and get someone back. it can’t be that hard, can it?
Boy’s A Liar || @writemekpop​​​​ 💔✅💯
↳ One day, your nudes show up everywhere in college. Did your boyfriend Haechan share them?
Candy || @sixzeroes​​​​💕🔄💯💯
↳ huang renjun, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, and na jaemin are a couple of buds in their senior year of high school. not a single one of them is taken and all of them probably have questionable rizz. but that’s alright, because love is love and having good rizz does not correlate with scoring a romantic relationship. (that’s why all four of them were able to find a girlfriend by the summer after graduating.)
Chasing Stars || @prodbymaui​​​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ When your relationship got announced, it made noises louder that anyone could've imagined. Of course it will, a pair containing a supermodel and a CEO of one of the most successful enterprise that made a name in both the fashion and business industry. But soon enough, everyone witnessed how the perfect relationship they had been envying crumbled down into tiny pieces until there's nothing left to pick up.
Kisses || @writingzen​​​​💕✅
↳ type of kisses with dojaejung
Laser Pointer || @multifandom-02​​​​💔✅
↳ While performing, Boyoung momentarily loses her eye sight.
Manifesting Mayhem || @suhnshinehaos​​​​​💕✅
↳ the one where all of haechan’s friends is in a relationship and yn just happens to know how to manifest romance
Perfume || @onyourhyuck​​​​​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ Where you are a witch who makes potions and you get werewolf!Jaehyun obsessed with your perfume scent.
Pull Up || @writemekpop​​​​​💕✅
↳ Tough boy Chenle assumes that you're his girl, but what if he's wrong?
Rent A Boyfriend || @onyourhyuck​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ You want to make your ex boyfriend jealous so you end up renting your ex boyfriend Kim Doyoung to be your new boyfriend.
Sunshine || @bangbangchanie​ 💔✅💯💯💯💯
↳ You’re the sunshine of the group, and Donghyuck hates it. (i know for a fact that if i need to cry, this will be my go to fic to re-read and to cry to. pt 2)
Sweet Life || @ningningsdream​​​ 💕🔄💯
↳ a collection of roommates-to-lovers with ot7!dream
The Marriage And Baby Project || @tyonfs​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ mark lee has had the biggest crush on you for years, so, naturally, he’s over the moon when you’re both partnered for a group project. however, he underestimates just how close two people can get when they have to pretend they’re married for a month while taking care of a fake baby.
The Walls Are Thin || @springseasonie​​​​ 🔞✅
↳ both Jaemin and Jeno have always had a thing for you and were never shy about it either. You always play hard to get, but all of your playing was going to catch up with you sooner or later.
Work It || @ofjunemoment​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Jaemin can’t quite keep a part time job; every time he gets hired, he somehow fucks up enough to be fired straight away. But he just can’t get fired from his job with you, not until he successfully asks you out on a date, anyway.
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NCT 127 Reaction || @thatsseonini​​​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you in a fight (stop haechan is literally all bark but no bite. but thats okay cause hes still a cutie. man fights with words, not fists)
NCT Dream Reaction || @yangtaros​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you kissing them to shut them up
NCT Dream Reaction || @j0hnj4ej3n​​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you sleeping on the couch
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Treacherous || @suhnshinehaos​​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ after a couple of instances of accidental matching clothing, yangyang finds himself in a dating rumor with possibly the most famous person on campus : yn, the bassist of an up and coming band. yangyang doesn’t seem to have a problem with it. unfortunately yn, who has also built up a reputation for being cold as winter, does.
The Villain In Your Story || @ningningsdream​​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ girls’ code prevents you from liking the guy your friend likes right? (its been a while since i’ve read an nct smau and im glad that i’ve come across this one. highly recommend if someone is looking for a new nct smau to read thats completed!)
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Cant Handle This || @hannie-dul-set​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ how are you supposed to explain that you and na jaemin started dating just to prove each other wrong and ended up catching feelings.
Golden Hour || @onyourhyuck​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ You’re a waiter and Mark Lee the local biker and infamous bad boy loves the eggs your diner makes, but now he wants a taste of you.
Love Jones || @lisired​​​​🔞💔✅
↳ After breaking off your engagement to your fiance, you move to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. There in the fairytale land where stars go to shine you meet Haechan, an aspiring photographer with a penchant for mischief and flirtation.
Who’s Bad? || @haechrry​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Lee Donghyuck saw you while you were on your working hours, with a pretty frown on your face, and decided to shoot his shot disturbing the peace of your mind. But one thing was sure: he found something to sink his teeth into, and you were on the same page as him.
Wi-Fi || @dongfuck​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ (there wasnt a summary but if i didnt have wifi, i would honestly steal wifi from my neighbors if its not pw protected..🤡)
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Mark BF Texts || @ohdudehesflirting​​​​💕✅
↳ (name says it all, its cute af)
NCT Dream Texts || @hugs2doie​​​​​💕✅
NCT Dream Reactions/Texts || @fullsunstrawberry​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ ACCIDENTALLY SENDING RISKY TEXT TO THE GROUPCHAT (i cackled a lil too hard that i choked on my spit)
Thanks For The Flowers Prank || @ohmygs-blog​​​💕✅
↳ Anon Req: ok this is my first submission on tumble in a looong time hi!! since reqs are open, what are your thoughts on pranking tje dreamies with that flower prank? when they didn’t send you any flowers but you send a photo of a bouquet and are like thanks for the flowers babe
Text Prank + Dreamies || @yongislong​​​​💕✅
↳ fake break up prank on nonidol!dreamies
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12:07PM || @gyeomsweetgyeom​​​​💕✅
↳ dad!johnny
6:17PM || @febtoapril​​​​💕✅
↳ one bed for two
8:06PM || @nctmiami​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ evenings with taeil
9:26PM || @yoonmeowzz​​​​💕✅💯💯💯
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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goldfishontheceiling · 2 months
guys wake up new nowen AU just dropped /hj
doordash AU
picture this:
march 25th. Owen and his girlfriend Izzy decide to order some good old doordash because why not, and the dasher rings the doorbell, drops off the food, and is about to get into the car when-
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(ramshackle pilot refrence teehee, GO WATCH IT ITS ON YOUTUBE I LOVE IT)
anyway, Eva grabs the food, Owen stops the dasher/Noah from leaving and asks if it's really him, Noah says some sarcastic remark about how "no, i'm just a stranger with the exact same name, exact same hair, and exact same childhood best friend from 10 years ago," they reunite. but now Noah has to go do another order, so they exchange numbers and Izzy makes a group chat titled "team e-scope."
(nobody questions the group chat name because it's Izzy, she winks at the 4th wall /j)
and all the sudden, Owen starts ordering doordash more, and keeps asking for a certain employee. at this point Owen knows Noah's schedule better then Noah does because he wants to see his little buddy!
but what's this? this is a nowen AU? so why are Owen and Izzy still together?
WELL NOT ANYMORE *hits ozzy with the break up beam*
and during that period of time, between Izzy breaking up with him and his desire to be closer with his childhood best friend, Owen develops a litttttle crush. just a little.
and at the same time, Noah realizes just how much he loves Owen. his smile, his warmth, both physical and personality, the way his touch was slowly helping Noah out of the cold touch starved house he locked himself in. and the more he thinks about it, the emptier his apartment feels.
and Noah develops a littttttle crush. just a little.
they're both scared to love again. Owen doesn't want to build walls, but the other part of him wants that extra protection, even if the construction hurts more then not having them does. Noah doesn't want Owen to put walls up, because he knows from experience (how's Emma doing now?) it's not worth it. he doesn't want to lose him the same way he almost lost himself (does Owen wonder if Izzy's moved on by now the same way Noah wondered?)
but it's okay, because they're working on taking walls down together, one brick at a time.
but right now it's march 25th, so Owen's just going to plan another doordash order. he just reunited with his Noah! surely he works tomorrow too, right?
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⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚of wolf's blood and dragon's wrath — Aemond Targaryen⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚
"If a she-wolf is what they fear, then a she-wolf I shall be."
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⋆.˚ ☾⭒. Aiana was always a guest at King's Landing, as the honorable Lord Rickon Stark's darling daughter. But whenever she was in the warmth of the Capital, the Prince Aemond and her shook hand in hand and took an oath of camaraderie in the cruel world that surrounded them, hiding away under tables as they created a world of their own.
But a child's conflict left them both wounded deeper than the rest.
Aiana Stark grew up to be the notorious Huntswoman of the North. The She-Wolf, with her chin held high and her spine straightened against the hurling insults of men, just as she was called the Hearth to the Cold for her unwavering kindness and personal work as a healer to the sick and wounded.
Aemond would come to be known as the "One-Eyed" Prince, and feared for his dragon Vhagar. He might excel in swordsmanship and studies of the histories, but he hid behind his eyepatch, miserable his comrade no longer thought the same of him. A fucking Targaryen Prince, who longs for the She-Wolf in the North. ⋆.˚ ☾⭒.
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⋆.˚ ☾⭒. Tropes:
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childhood best friends, to strangers, to lovers
oblivious puppy love
unequal social status (prince and lady)
best friend's brother
second chance
sharing emotional scars
⋆.˚ ☾⭒. Inspired songs (*wink wink*):
Let her go by Passenger
The One That Got Away by Katy Perry
Chemtrails Over the Country Club Lana Del Rey
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want by Deftones
How to Save a Life by The Fray
I Will Always Love You by Dolly Parton
Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye, Kimbra
Now That We Don't Talk (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Mr. Brightside by The Killers
All I Wanted by Paramore
illicit affairs by Taylor Swift
The Great War by Taylor Swift
Forever and Always (Piano Version) (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift
Rescue by Lauren Daigle
Let the Light In by Lana Del Rey
Work Song by Hozier
Evermore by Josh Groban
⋆.˚ ☾⭒. a/n: major canon divergence bc who doesn't want to feed their delusions accordingly and go above and beyond for it, for example:
narrative will switch back and forth between aemond and aiana, and aiana will have a whole thing happening in winterfell. i don't want to spoil much lol
little sister to cregan, big sister to rodrik (not at all a real character to GRRM's work during this timeline, as well as so many more characters.)
⋆.˚ ☾⭒. only posted on ao3 (4 chapters so far), but idk if i should also post here? i think it'll be more aesthetically pleasing but idk what do you guys think? ⋆.˚ ☾⭒.
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unamused-boss · 8 months
California Dreaming pt3
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Billy Hargrove x Reader
Last part! Warning: Kinda short, but I still hope you love it!
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common.... and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. And sometimes dreams come true.
You couldn't stand the time you had away from Billy. Your best friend and boyfriend were gone all in one on the same day. You've been writing to Billy which is a plus. Turns out he joined the basketball team. He's been to every party thrown in town, but he says they're all a bust. Met a guy named Munson that gets him weed, but Billy quotes "It's nothing like the shit in Cali...". You can't help but laugh at his sarcastic tones through the letters.
You know he misses it here. He tells you in every letter the love that he holds for you, that nothing will change. He admitted to going on some dates with girl to get you off his mind. He felt guilty, he wanted your forgiveness even though you told him to try an move on to at least have fun. Billy said ,once again, in his letter that he wants no one else but you. Your eyes were something he missed most of all. He said that you had a light in them that he felt only he saw. You always giggled when it came to the gushy stuff in his letters. Billy was a flirt with girls but he was a romantic with you.
Since graduating high school early you've had a lot of time on your hands. You were still gonna walk at graduation, you just weren't going to do anything else. Cause by god you are getting that dumb piece of paper in front of everyone. It was a couple of days before the week up spring break but for you it was a regular working Wednesday. You currently work at some clothing store in the mall and oh so excitedly deal with mother's trying to get some sort of deal out of you.
The time was 5:00pm you are now pulling into your driveway of your house for the night. Happy that your got off early you notice your parents aren't home yet. You make your way down to the mailbox to check for anything. Which you find a bunch of letters piled onto one another. You begin to sift through it.
"Bill, Bill, Coupon, post card from Aunt Shelly, Bill...y." You stop at, what you thought was another bill but was actually, a letter from Billy. You rush up to your front door to be able to read the letter. Throwing everything onto the kitchen table an make your way to your room. You bounce on your bed at tear open the letter...
Hello Y/N, I hope you are happy with what you're doing. I just read your letter. God I wish I could graduate early to get this shit hole. Anyways, Max is doing good. She still with those little balls of snot for friends. Hopefully you wrote her, so she can stop asking me to check the mail for your letters. I miss you very much. Spring break is about to start, since the public pool opened I got a job there. Hopefully I can get enough money to be able to come an see you and to stay with you. You probably already know me, I'm not really good at this writing shit. But if it's for you, I'll do it. I love you, -Billy
You smiled down at the words on the paper.
"I love you too." You said down to the paper. That feeling came back again. The feeling of wanting to see him. You can't help it, you miss him so much. You go over to your landline in the kitchen to lunch in a number you have memorized by heart now.
"Santa Monica airport, what can I help you with today?" The droned out employee said.
"Hey, I wanna know if you have any direct flights to Hawkins Indiana?"
"Hold on, let me check..." You hear a faint typing for a few seconds.
"Anything?" You question.
"None to Hawkins but we have one to Indianapolis flying out this Friday at 5:00am." They said.
"Perfect!" You shouted. "How much?"
"That will be a hundred an thirty dollars..."
"I've got that!" You race around to your purse to fish out your debit card to pay for the ticket. You give them the info to send the ticket via email for you to print out. It would be thirty more dollar but you didn't care.
"Alright, thank you choosing Santa Monica airlines tod-." You didn't even let them finish. You hung up the phone right away to go pack an call off work for the next week or so. You couldn't stop giggling the whole time. Seeing Billy and Max is going to be the best thing to happen to you in the past few months. Then you hear your front door open and shut. Then you realized something...
"Hey mom, I gotta tell you something!" You shouted running out of your room.
You were honestly shitting your pants the whole way to Hawkins from Santa Monica. You currently stand outside of Hawkins High School waiting for Billy. You slept during your flight over at 5 am but once you were on the ground you couldn't hold still. Your stuff is at the motel just outside of town for the next week.
You passionately waited for Billy to walk out of the school. You could see his car from a mile away. Plus with is reputation it wasn't hard to find out about him. You turned your wrist to look at your watch, 3:15 it read. the bell rang and school was out for spring break. Students passed by you, giving you weird looks.
"Who is that?" "Does Billy know them?" "Probably a desperate Ex." Were some of the things that were thrown around you. As if you couldn't hear the. 'Geez do these people know how to shut up...'
"Billy. Who's that?" An oddly pitchy voice said breaking you out of your thoughts.
Billy ripped his head around to you. You being the last person he would see by his car. The girl he, once had his arm around, was with was now forgotten. Billy thought he was gonna vomit at the sight of you.
"Shit.." You mutter.
"Holy fuck..." He said.
"Billy who is this?" The girl said once again getting annoyed. Billy turned back to her.
"Why are you still here?" He questioned. The girl now looked perplexed. She thought Billy was gonna take her out but now he wants nothing to do with her. Before she could say anything Billy spoke, "Go the hell away. Ya stupid cow..." He muttered the last part.
Billy walked up to you, star struck. He now had you trapped between him and the car with his hands on your hips. Holding you gently. You were smiling up at him.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"I wanted to see you." you said. "Is that so bad?" You teased him. When you both could call one another you would constantly tease him over the phone.
"No!" He answered quickly. "It's actually great, cause I was loosing my damn mind being away from you." You giggled at him. He his lips down to your temple, kissing you gently. To the students around you it was shocking to see Billy Hargrove be gentle with anybody. But to you this was your Billy.
"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouted out to you. You turned to her direction to see Max running full speed to you. You part from Billy momentarily to hug Max.
"Hey MadMax!" You exclaimed. Even though Billy thought Max was a pain in the ass most of the time; he loved seeing you two together. He was happy that she got to see you.
"How long are you here for?" She questioned.
"I'm here for all of spring break." You smiled. They both looked at you dumb founded. You were gonna be with them for a week.
"Yes!" Billy said excitedly, pulling you into a hug. You laughed as he squeezed you.
"How about we go on a date tonight?" You asked him.
"Hell yeah!" He shouted. Crashing his lips onto yours. Desperation and love pouring into the moment. He missed your lips. How soft they were and smooth. He missed you so much.
"ew..." It was faint but you both knew it was from Max.
"Get in the car shit bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You sternly said, mighty sapping his arm. He huffed at you, looking at you with soft eyes. The eye you fell in love with.
"Let's take Max home and we can go on our , much needed, date."
"You took the words right out of my mouth." Billy smiled.And that's how it went for the next week. You spent your time with Billy and Max, well more so Billy. Billy held you so close not wanting to let you go when you both cuddled. You met Max's friends and some more people around Hawkins with your small time there. You had some sleepovers with Max, trying to make up for lost time. Neil wouldn't do anything while you where here in town, so that meant a safe environment for Max and Billy even though it was for a week. You found the town cute, but you prefer Santa Monica.
Most of all, you and Billy got time alone. To be with each other in each others arms. Going on cute dates, walks, drives, everything. You became the envy of the town. The one that swooped Billy Hargrove off hid feet the spring break of 85'. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He would stay in this shithole town if it meant being with you.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to.
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
When it came time for you to go home, it was full of tears and heart felt kisses. You didn't want to leave them again but you had to. 
"Once I graduate I'll be back, I promise." You said.
That promise was made two months ago. In those two months you also visited Billy three more times over the summer. In your last visit you brought him back home with you. To California. You got him far away from his pain. 
You both have an apartment near the beach, like you both wanted. You stared college; while Billy started work at a car restoration shop. Billy could surf everyday while you laid in the sun. You both loved each other even more with every day that passed.
A California dream come true.
I know its a cheesy ending but I hope you like it.
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snixx · 7 months
good god my obsession with infidelity is becoming a little bit concerning but hot women (so like all women) cheating on their mid-ass boyfriends/husbands with either their homoerotic girl best friend or "the other woman" in their relationship (who they used to scorn as cheap and a homewrecker as a scapegoat for the boyfriend's ungratefulness) ESPECIALLY in historical settings will always be a top tier trope for me and i will never not eat it up
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lillypad910 · 1 year
When We Were Young
Pairing: Eddie Munson x childhood friend!f!girly girl!Reader
Word count: 5352
Warnings: pet names (Doll, it’s my fav ok), small age gap (Eddie is two years older than you), near death experience, first kiss (of multiple), there are some heated moments but no smut, angst sometimes but fluff
Summary: You moved to Hawkins, Indiana with your family when you were still little. Moving into a mobile home in the trailer park, you met Eddie and Wayne Munson. You become friends quickly, learning you love him early on. But what happens in 1986, when your whole world crumbles?
A/N: This is a story I wrote a while ago, this jumps years so please enjoy! Might write another one like this if it does good cause I really enjoyed it, give me character ideas? 👀
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It was late May when your family moved to Hawkins, Indiana a small town where everyone knew each other. You were young, about seven, and freshly out of second grade.
The smell of cigarettes filled the air when your car pulled into the trailer park, the moving truck following after. Your dad parked outside your new home, a small mobile, the sides covered in mildew and dark green vines.
Your parents were greeted by a man, welcoming you all to the town, introducing himself as Wayne Munson, a new neighbor. A boy walks up to you, his clothes too big for him, and his hair buzzed. He smelled of cigarette smoke with a hint of mahogany. “Name’s Eddie,” the kid holds out his hand, which was covered in a thin layer of dirt from playing out on the roads. You introduced yourself, and took his hand, which made him smile. “You look like a doll in that dress.” He gestures to the frilly dress your mom made you, the puffed sleeves trimmed in a cream colored lace. “I like dolls.” You squeezed the teddy you have been holding for the whole ride to your chest. Eddie didn’t stop smiling.
The next week, after everything had been moved in, Eddie invited you to play outside with the other kids, which your mom agreed to let you. “She looks like a toy.” One of the older kids snickered, nudging some of the others. You looked down at your white bloomers under your short pink puffy dress. Your parents didn’t have money, but your mother always made you cute clothes. “She looks like a doll.” Eddie corrects them, as if it was the most obvious thing.
You followed Eddie around the entire summer, like a lost puppy follows a friendly person when they receive food from them. You liked being around him, and he liked being around you.
You would come over for lunch with him and hang out in his room where he showed you a bunch of cool comic posters and some cool fantasy movies and books. The joy and excitement on his face making you giggle. He was older than you by two years, but he didn’t let it get to his head. He enjoyed your company, he enjoyed making someone laugh and smile. You were his best friend.
As the summer breeze brushed in through your cracked open window you could hear voices from outside. You ignore them, the soft whispers of who you assume was someone simply passing by. “Doll,” the name you recognize and reply to peaks through the opening, sinking into your ears.
You crawl over to the window and sit yourself in front of the glass pane, peering out into the night. Eddie stands there with a few other children of the park, his baggy clothes still not fitting him properly even at 13. “What?” You ask, opening your window more. He gestures for you to come on, waving his hands. “We’re going to sneak out to the arcade, wanna come?” He asks. You glance over at the older kids, they all are at least 12, besides Markus Flinch, the 15 year old who lives with his mom at the front of the trailer park. “My mom would be mad, Eds.” You tell him. He tilts his head, “She doesn’t have to know! Come on!” He steps closer to the window and holds out his hand to you. The familiar scent of smoke and wood hits you. You roll your eyes at the older boy, before holding up your finger to him. “One second.”
You slip on your Mary Janes, the one pair of shoes you begged your mom for and she got you, even though they were a little over priced, before climbing out the window. Eddie helped you onto the ground, placing his hands on your waist and letting you use his body as a safety net.
You climbed onto the back of his bike, gripping his shoulders as he started to peddle. The other kids following after you.
Pulling into the arcade, Eddie stopped his bike and let you hop off, placing the bike into the rakes with the other kids. He grabbed your hand and pulled you inside, following the older kids in. You all crowded around a couple machines, wasting all the saved quarters you had to save princesses and fight dragons. You slipped away to explore.
Stopping in front of the claw machine, you eyed a stuffed animal, a small cat that was laying down. Eddie spotted you and walked over. “You want the cat?” He asked you, and took your silence as a yes. He shoved in a quarter and did his best to snatch the cat from the pile. It took him a whole two dollars and a “borrowed” quarter from Jimmy Hanker, before he finally dropped the cat into the retrieve hole. He reached down, sticking his arm into the machine and pulled out the stuffed cat before handing it to you. “Here you go, Doll!” He smiles brightly, and you take it, holding the cat to your chest.
The ride home was calm and quiet as everyone was sleepy from the night’s events. Eddie now two dollars poorer, and in debt to Jimmy down the dirt road, but it was worth it to see you smile.
The hot air of late June seeps from the glass of the window as you sat in Eddie’s room, the boy now 14 and you 12. The room had changed a bit since you were younger, a couple more things in the room, more of a mess, and a brand new guitar he got for Christmas sitting in his lap while he strums it carefully. You pan over the girly magazine you brought over from your house, the cute male actors catching your eye. “John Travolta is pretty cute.” You say looking at the picture of him and Olivia Newton-John, dressed as their characters from the newest movie Grease that released last week.
“I thought Rizo was cool, had some attitude.” Eddie chuckles at the thought. You turn around, looking up at him from the floor at the foot of his bed. “Hey Eddie,” you start but stop yourself, turning around back to the floor, “Nevermind.” Eddie tilts his head confused. He sits his guitar down, leaning it against the nightstand before crawling over his bed and leaning over your small seated form.
“What’s up?” He asks. “Nothing, I was just-“ you look up to him, immediately going silent from the way he was so close to you. “I was gonna ask something, but it’s dumb.” Eddie couldn’t help himself from chuckling. “Doll, anything you have to say isn’t dumb.” He reminds you. You feel your cheeks heat up, but you keep your eyes on the magazine in your lap. “Have you ever kissed anyone?” You ask.
Eddie thought for a moment, he had, a girl in his class, Karrie Jones. She was a girl who was dared to kiss him during spin the bottle at Markus’ house, but you didn’t need to know all that.
“I have, why?” You scrunch into yourself. “I was just wondering.” You simply express, turning around to him, finally. You climb onto your knees and prop your elbows onto his bed in front of him, your training bra becoming slightly visible as your shirt gets pulled down a bit. “Have you?” He asks. You shrug, “I mean, no. No one has asked to. All the boys in my grade kinda suck.” Eddie chuckles at your statement. “You don’t have a crush on anyone?” “Not really.” You express. Eddie thinks for a moment.
His eyes scan over your cheeks, which are softly dusted in pink, your lips with the pink colored gloss your mom bought you for your birthday this past year. He wanted you to be his first kiss, but Karrie Jones took that privilege from you. He didn’t like Karrie Jones.
“I could be your first kiss.” The words fumble out of his mouth faster than his brain could process them. He watches your cheeks flush a darker pink tone. “I mean- I didn’t mean to- only if you want me to be“ “Okay.” You stare at him.
You watch the tips of his ears go red, and his brown doe eyes widen. He wasn’t expecting a yes. He thinks for a while, trying to figure out how to go about this. You look up at him more, trying to figure out what you’re supposed to do, if anything.
Eddie leans down and presses a soft peck on your lips before pulling away, his bare shoulders now red. You feel your face and ears go warm. He stares at you for a moment, before pulling away and grabbing his guitar again and starting to play once more, a smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. You turn back to your magazine, a smile now plastered across your face.
The summer sun blares on your skin as Eddie drives down the road, the windows rolled down, letting the wind whip your hair around. The loud metal music blares through the speakers as you shuffle through the other cassette tapes he owns, trying to find the mixtape you made for him last year with a mix of some of your favorite songs. You hear the flick of a lighter and look up at your best friend only to give him a glare.
Eddie lights a cigarette held in his lips, before flicking the lighter closed. “Eddie,” he freezes and glances at you. “What?” He asks, before throwing the lighter on his dashboard. “You know I hate you smoking.” “Yet you still love me.” He smirks at you, a playful glint in his eye, which makes you roll your own.
Your friends in school thought it was weird that your best friend was a junior boy, though it made it worse to them that said boy was Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson. You didn’t care, you never have. You enjoyed Eddie’s childish but playful behavior, his quirky manors and flirty nature. His hair has grown out way more than the buzz it used to be since you met him, and honestly he looks great. You would be the first to say it.
He pulls into the driveway of the lake house. It has been abandoned for a few weeks now, since Rick was arrested again. You grab out your bag from the back seat and Eddie unlocks the house, gesturing you to go in. “Ladies first.” “Oh thank you, Eddie the Banished, how kind of thee.” You snicker, carrying your bag into the house. “Of course, my lady, it is my honor to welcome you to my humble abode! Might we enjoy the house?” He smirks. You can’t help but giggle.
You sit curled up on the couch, your feet propped up on Eddie’s lap. Pizza boxes are emptied out on the coffee table as he puts on Halloween. You both groan at the stupid babysitter. “Why does she have to call over her boyfriend? She’s working. And in a horror film!” You gesture to the screen. Eddie laughs at your outburst. “What?” You ask, “the number 1 rule of surviving a horror film is not having sex and she’s totally gonna have sex!” You explain. Eddie smiles and shakes his head.
When the movie ends you glance out towards the lake, it’s dark. “Night swimming?” You look over at your best friend, a cheeky grin on your face. Eddie snickers before agreeing and you both go to your separate rooms to change.
You come out in your mom’s old bathing suit, one she never wore as a teen in 1959 cause it didn’t fit. It’s a red and white polka dotted one piece that haltered around your neck into a bow.
Eddie walks out of his room and stares at you as you stand in the living room, pulling your hair up in a ponytail so it doesn’t get wet.
Eddie can’t help but stare, he’s a horny teenage boy whose best friend is the one person he really wants, so yes, seeing you in a cute swim suit stopped his breathing.
“Ready?” He asks, pulling two beach towels from the closet. You smile at him and nod, securing your hair in your scrunchy.
Eddie leads you out to the water’s edge, sitting the towels out on the shore before quickly running out into the water, making you giggle. “It’s actually pretty warm, I thought it would be colder.” He lowers down into the shallow water. You step into the water only to have your feet feel slightly chilled, but not at all what you thought it would be. Before you can react, Eddie snatches you up and pulls you out deeper into the lake. “Eddie!” You slap his shoulder as he holds you around your hips, holding you against his body. “That’s my name, Doll, don’t wear it out.” He grins from ear to ear, proud of himself.
You glare at him, but your eyes soften when you meet his doe eyes, the soft stare back at you. “You know, it’s kinda weird, I think I’ve brought, what, three other girls out here- hey!” You smack your palm against his head, “You couldn’t pull three different girls, Munson.” He removes one hand from your back and places it against his chest, head tilting back. “You wound me, my lady.” “All in a days work.”
You both swish around in the water for a while, enjoying the extra warmth his body pressed against yours gives you. His hands secure you against him, holding around your waist while you lay your head on his shoulder.
You never feel uncomfortable around Eddie, no matter how you look or feel. He was comfort. The comfort you feel from the scent of his cheap cologne and the stench of cigarettes that comes from him. It all was Eddie. Though he’s changed a lot from that first day in late May, he’s still Eddie, your Eddie. And you love him.
You snuggle your face into his neck, the lake water reaching to your shoulder blades. You feel safe here with Eddie, like no one could touch you.
Eddie was doing his best to stay calm as your nose touches his neck. His hand presses firmly against the small of your back, enjoying your chest press against his own. He felt peaceful, with you stationed in his arms, snuggled into him to radiate more warmth.
“Hey, Doll,” Eddie pulls you both more into the shallow area, making sure he’s able to support you both in the water. You hum in response, but when he doesn’t answer, you sit up and look down at him. He stares at you, eyes unreadable. “What’s up?” You ask. He hesitates for a moment, glancing around the lake as if checking to make sure you’re alone. “Can I kiss you…?” The question lingers in the air for a while, an innocent ask.
You haven’t kissed anyone since Eddie kissed you that one time in his room. You haven’t dated anyone, even held hands with anyone, only Eddie. Yes, you want him to kiss you.
“You can.” You tell him. His eyes glitter as they catch the lamp light at the shore of the lake. He leans in to you, pressing a soft but sweet kiss to your lips. You hesitate a moment before kissing back.
Eddie’s lips are soft, pillowy even. He tastes like tobacco, but something minty lingers on the edge of his breath.
Your lips are squishy and soft too, Eddie notes to himself. A sweet taste, pleasing to him.
You lay your arm around his neck as you allow yourself to sink into the kiss more. Eddie places and hand firmly on the side of your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek as he deepens the kiss, pressing his tongue to swipe across your lower lip.
You let him pull you both to shore, before laying you down on the ground, your back pressing into the soft dirt, before towering over you and kissing you again. Your legs naturally go around his hips, but he doesn’t lower himself. He keeps his hips elevated but his shoulders and head are lowered to you. When you both pull away, you’re breathless. Eddie stands before giving you a hand to lift you on your feet.
The kiss wasn’t talk about ever again, a lingering dismissal that happened and went. You both went back into the house, and enjoyed the rest of your weekend as two best friends would normally, with movies and board games.
Eddie couldn’t help but notice as a guy started walking you to classes, but not just any guy, Steve “the hair” Harrington. You knew Steve through one of your other friends, but Eddie didn’t know much about the guy.
As he watched you stand in front of your locker, giggling with the guy, he couldn’t help the feeling of his stomach twisting. The undeniable feeling of jealousy.
Why were you talking to other guys? Were you dating him?
Eddie didn’t like the idea of you dating someone else, someone that wasn’t him. He just didn’t. He doesn’t have the courage to ask you out himself, but he doesn’t wanna see you walking around with other guys.
When the end of May rolled over into early June, the weather began to rain a bit more than usual during this time of year.
You always came over to his place when it rained, you both would sit on his couch and watch movies until it stopped. When you were both younger, you would run around in the mud and jump in puddles, but you haven’t been doing that since you got one of your dresses ruined by the mud splashing up.
Today you didn’t come.
Eddie sits outside, in the doorway of his trailer, a cigarette between his lips as the rain hits the concrete under his feet. His front is wet from the rain splashing up but he doesn’t care. The weather is humid and warm, making the rain the same.
He watches a car pull into the trailer park, before parking outside your home. Eddie watches you step out, your face the same as the day your dress got all muddy and ruined. He knows somethings wrong.
Then Steve steps out of the driver’s side.
He reaches out and grabs your arm, trying to pull you back to him, but you pull your arm away. “Come on, (y/n), it was just a joke.” He tries to laugh off the prank his friends pulled on you. “A joke? Steve, they took photos of me changing in your room!” You yell at him.
Steve shrugs, “At least they didn’t post them anywhere.” You stare at him in disbelief. “Are you serious? What the hell, Steve? Principals? Morals? The law? I’m a minor, Steve!” “So are we! It was just some fun, I’ll tell them to trash them, it’s not that big of a deal, (y/n)!”
The brunette tries to pull you in by your waist but you shove him away, walking towards your front door. “No, Steve. Because it’s basic respect! It’s everything!” You whip around to face him, his face not even looking hurt.
“I’m done. We’re done. God, Steve,” you look away from him, “I can’t believe I’ve dated you for so long only to realize now that you don’t respect me.”
You laugh at yourself, completely shocked at your own stupidity. You were blinded by infatuation, but now you see clearly. “Just, we’re done. Go home, Harrington.” You shove your door open and make it inside, slamming it shut in your now-ex’s face.
You lock it, and finally breath. You press your back to the door as your hair drips water onto the vinyl tile beneath you. You hear the car door open and slam shut, the rush of rain hitting the metal of the hood. It starts, and you hear the gravel crunch under the tires as Steve Harrington leaves, out of your life.
You feel almost relief. As if this huge burden was pulling you done for the past 4 months. You stand in the dark of your house, breathing, your chest rising and falling to a normal pace.
Stepping into your room after a couple minutes, you flick on the nightstand light, before throwing yourself into your desk chair. You look up at your ceiling. You should be crying, that’s the normal response to a break up right? But you can’t, you don’t feel sad.
A tap comes from your window and you peer up at it to see the long haired dork you call your best friend. You walk over, opening the window and pulling the metal head into your room. “You could have used the door, Eds.” You tell him, giggling as he shakes his head like a dog, hair soaking wet from the heavy downpour outside. “Yeah, but that’s not nearly as fun.” He smiles at you.
You gesture him to follow you to your bathroom, which he happily obeys, Reeboks leaving a wet print in the carpet of your room.
You lead him into the bathroom and sit him down on the toilet lid, pulling out a towel. “So why was Harrington here?” He asks. You run the towel through his hair, raising your brow. “You spying on me, Munson?” He tilts his head back to look at you, doe eyes soft and glittering from the bare light bulbs above your mirror. “Well someone has to keep an eye on you.” You roll your eyes at his statement.
Eddie has always been protective of you, you knew that. Ever since your first day of third grade and some girl made fun of your dress. Eddie made it seem like your clothes were cool, being he was older, kids listened. He was always there when you felt down, felt insecure, he was the boy who asked to be your first kiss, and honestly you hope he will be your last.
But that’s just a daydream, a flicker of imagination in your mind, tainting your reality.
Pulling out your hairdryer, you give him a quick blowdown, ruffling his hair. Eddie always enjoyed these moments, you pampering him, treating him almost like a child. He could see you doing it to your own kids in the future, their dark curls flipping around from the burst of air the dryer let out.
But that’s just a daydream of his. A flicker of imagination in his mind, tainting his reality.
You finish and unplug the hair tool, before pulling him back to your room. Eddie immediately walks over to your dresser, opening the bottom right drawer, his drawer. A few pairs of extra boxers, some pants, jeans and sweats, and a couple old band tees lie inside. He pulls out an old tee, a band he hadn’t listened to since freshman year.
He removes his soaked one and replaces it. It smells like you, soft daisy and honey, a hint of orange, and the plush warmth of something deeper, some kind of wood. But it was you. You’ve worn this shirt, and he could tell. He watched as you tugged a large tee over your own head, another shirt he recognized as his own, though the image was faded from multiple washes.
After throwing on some sweats, he lays down across your bed and you join him, leaning back against his shoulder. Your shorts scrunch at your thighs, lifting to show your entire leg. He places his hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb in circles over your soft skin. “Ed,” you look up at him and he hums in response. “Can I kiss you…?”
Eddie freezes at the question and looks down at you, a small smile forms on his face. “Only if you want to, Doll.” He places his hand on your cheek and softly moves his fingers down across your jaw before tipping your chin up. He leans down and places a soft kiss on your lips and you instantly lean into him more.
Your hand places onto his chest, softly pushing him down before throwing your leg across his lap, straddling him. Eddie hums into the kiss, gripping your thighs and leaning forward against your pressure on his chest. He kisses you sloppily, licking your bottom lip and you let him, opening your mouth slightly. His tongue fights yours, and your hands grip firmly at his shoulders when his move to your lower back, pulling you closer.
He pulls away finally, you both panting as your foreheads press together. “I think you’re gonna be the death of me, Doll.” He chuckles softly, making you giggle. “Eddie,” you throw your arms around his neck and give his cheek a soft peck, “do all men suck…?” Your voice sounds sad, but your face appears relaxed. Eddie thinks for a moment.
“Do I suck?” He questions back, eyes widening, anticipating your answer. You can’t help but let out a small laugh. “Fair point, Munson.” You lay your head onto his shoulder and he leans his head against yours, placing soft kisses on your cheek and forehead as you doze off.
You’re in the Upside Down, Eddie and Dustin pressed to your back. The bats outside bang on the walls and roof of Eddie’s trailer. “I think it’s time to scoot.” You tell them. Eddie nods and you all move towards the makeshift rope from earlier.
You let Dustin climb up first as the banging becomes harder. Your heart races as you watch Dustin drop onto Eddie’s mattress. “Ed,” you look over at him. He’s staring at the door of the trailer, “Ed.” You call out again, making him turn to you. “Come on,” you tell him, hand on the rope. “You first.” He steps closer. You stare at him, time practically stopping. “You’re- you’re gonna be right behind me right?” You ask him. He nods. “Guys, come on!” Dustin calls out.
You climb up the rope, fear pulling at your heart. You drop down and take Dustin’s hand to get to your feet. “Come on, Eddie!” Dustin yells. Eddie stands on the other side of the gate staring at you. “Eddie,” you simply say. “I’m sorry.”
He cuts the rope.
Your heart stops. As he runs out of view you feel the world stop around you, everything in slow motion. You can’t loose him. You refuse to. He’s everything to you. He’s all you’ve wanted since you can remember.
“(Y/n)!” Dustin calls out your name. You look over at the freshman as he moves a chair on top of the mattress. You quickly step up and pull yourself through the gate, Dustin helping to push you through. He follows after you but you don’t wait.
You bust through the trailer door and see your best friend on the ground, the demobats biting at his stomach, chest, everywhere they can. You grab anything you can get your hands on, which seems to be a bat on the ground by the trailer, and begin swatting at them, knocking them off of his tattered body.
Dustin runs out and begins helping you, but before long they all fall to the ground, you run over to Eddie as he breaths heavily, he’s coughing. “Doll?” He speaks out as you quickly fall to his side, pulling his head onto your lap. “Right here, Eds, you’re gonna be ok.” You fumble out your words tears coming out of your eyes. “I didn’t run away this time.” Eddie smiles, Dustin stares at his body, eyes wide and worried. “No, no you didn’t, Eddie. You did really good.” Your voice is cracking, every emotion that has been hidden away for years now being pulled forward.
“You have to leave, get out of here.” Eddie chokes out. “No, I’m not leaving you, Eddie. I can’t-” Eddie lifts his hand and he smiles at you. “You know whats really stupid?” You let your tears fall down your face. “I did this without ever telling you.”
You stare at him confused, forehead crinkling. “Tell me what, Eds?” You run your fingers over his cheek. His smile grows, “I love you, (y/n). I’ve loved you forever.” He coughs a bit leaning into your touch. “I-“ You hesitate, taken aback by his sudden declaration of love. “You fucking idiot.” You cry harder, tears dripping down on his cheeks. “God, why are you so fucking stupid…?” He chuckles, which turns into a cough. “(Y/n), please go…” His eyes flutter closed and your heart stops.
“Eds..? No. No no no no, Eddie!?” You pay your palms against his cheeks, “Please, no, no no. Wake up. Come on, Eds, don’t die on me!” You quickly get to your feet, pulling his shoulders off the dirt and to your chest, you look over at Dustin. “(Y/n), what are you doing…?” “I can’t leave him, Dustin. I refuse! We need to get him to a hospital!” Dustin stands there, shock and fear stopping him from moving.
“Dustin!!” You yell at him and he quickly reacts, grabbing at Eddie’s feet.
You sit in the hospital room, the sun of a new day shinning in through the curtains. It’s been a week since the events of the Upside Down. Eddie has been unconscious but alive, laying in the hospital bed in front of you. He’s been proven innocent, the old lab workers covering up the accident of the Upside Down.
You stare out the window, your body still weak from the events of that night. “Doll…?” The voice catches you off guard, whipping your head around you look towards the bed. “Eddie…?” You stand quickly, moving over to be by him. He smiles at you, happy to see you are ok. “Am I dreaming…?” He asks. Your eyes water, tears slowly falling down your cheeks, “No, Eds, I’m here. I’m right here. We’re ok, Dustin and I pulled you out.” You grip his hand happy to hear his voice again, happy to see him awake again.
He grips your hand tightly, “hey, it’s ok. I’m ok.” He smiles at you, making you laugh a bit. “I’m supposed to be saying that, Eds, you’re the one in a hospital bed.” Eddie stares at you, his brown doe eyes soft as he smiles up at you. “Eddie,” you cup his cheek, leaning down and pressing your lips to his.
His eyes widen, but he kisses you back, bringing his free hand up to your cheek. “What was that for…?” You smile pressing your foreheads together. “I love you, Eddie Munson. I should have told you that so long ago. I’ve loved you since when I was 11 and you won me that cat plush from the claw machine, loved you when you gave me my first kiss all those years ago. Hell, I loved you when we were in that lake at night, and you held me so close to you. God, why didn’t I tell you soon?” You cry, tears streaming down your face.
He grins at you, teeth showing, “I love you, (y/n), so much. God, never let me do something like that again. Could’ve died and never had this moment.” He laughs, and you do too. You give him another kiss, this time letting it last longer.
“I’ll go get the doctor now, let them know you’re awake.” You smile and pull away from him.
Eddie stays in the hospital for another couple of days after waking up, for checkups and tests. You finally become his girlfriend after years of being best friends.
As much as your world was turned upside down within the last month, being able to call him yours, finally, made it all worth it. You’d fight a thousand more demobats to be able to go back in time and live every moment of your life with him again. Because finally, after so long, you knew how much you both loved each other. It was all gonna be ok.
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lilystyles · 4 months
when not in rome.
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a @lilystyles blurb!
my masterlist & no strings attached masterlist & blurbs masterlist
authors note idk this was a random thing i wrote at 2AM because i just missed them, i am still working on style so don't worry that should be out soon. also this is set way before no strings, i love writing about them in their previous moments!
brief description harry surprises y/n at her graduation (also listen to love of my life by h whilst readinggg)
warnings! angsty? fluffy? drunk y/n and harry (2.1k)
younger!lhh!nostrings!h x reader
* * * * *
University has a funny way of making you feel like you might never cross the finish line. Y/n like everyone else had multiple days where she would just sob and scream from the stress of it all. Exams were totally a torture device.
When Y/n graduated with her first degree before deciding to write her thesis Harry surprised her.
He’d been touring the world with One Direction for months now and she hadn’t seen him since Paris the year before, when he’d surprised her by flying her to join them in their Paris show and they’d had a wild few drunken nights that she felt blurred the lines of friendship into something more.
But after their few days, when the champagne ran out, and she came back home, she sobered and realised that nothing would ever happen between them. And if you spent a few nights with Harry in a limo drinking champagne and dealing with his wandering hands you too would fall for him. Just a bit. It's only natural.
She missed him, though, loads. He was one of her best friends after all.
Around a month ago they phoned each other, it was late for her and the morning for him, she’d been studying and they talked for hours catching up till the sky turned bright for her and her eyes drooped shut. The time between their phone calls had grown longer and longer now, and she missed him. She’d mentioned that she was graduating soon and that they were both supposed to be graduating if he’d stayed in Uni. She remembers them staying up late at parties discussing their futures and how post-graduation Harry was insistent that they’d still be roommates. She realised now that their dream definitely wasn’t a possibility anymore.
He’d told her that instead of being there graduating like they’d suspected he was going to be, he was in Rome at some fashion show gala thing, and his date was this sexy model named Rosalie who had her sex tape leaked a couple of months ago. She was happy for him, but a part of her couldn’t help but be disappointed. She felt like he was drifting away from her every day, but she couldn’t find in herself to be cross with him. He was swept up by the fame of it all, and how on earth could she be mad that he was literally a rockstar? She knew that he was still Harry and she was still Y/n but they weren’t Harry and Y/n anymore. Not like before.
And honestly, she’d probably leave everything and everyone behind, party all night, and sleep with sexy models too if she had the chance to be famous. But she couldn’t sing for shit. So instead she did what she was doing, and shoved her nose in a book rather than in lines off a bathroom sink, and she was rather content with the peacefulness of it all.
All thoughts of Harry were swept away from her mind when she walked across the stage in the grande hall. She was finally graduating! Thank god! She thought. She had a sash that showed she was an honours student, and she was blooming with pride, when they called her name her list of achievements was longer than the four painful years she’d spent studying in their grande libraries. She was so glad to shake the hand of one of her favourite professors and leave, the next year ahead she planned to travel and work overseas, she was excited about that.
But honestly, she was even more excited to get absolutely shit-faced at the graduation after-ball party. She found herself a few pints down, sitting by the edge of one of the fountains, when she nearly fell in at the absolutely shocking sight in front of her.
There was just no way it could be true. I mean he was in Rome, and she was drunk in London. She’d seen photos on her Twitter of him wrapping his tattooed arms around that Rosalie model girl, so how could he be here in London just like that? It was not real, surely. She must be hallucinating and the second-hand smoke of all the spliffs had finally got to her brain. But suddenly the man turned around and Jesus Christ it was him. It was Harry. His eyes were pinched as he searched the crowd and when he finally saw her they lit up, all green like a forest, and his mouth kicked up into that devilish grin of his.
He saw her dumb-struck expression and laughed softly walking toward his best friend. He was dressed in a suit jacket like everyone else, and since they were all drunk none of them noticed it was the Harry Styles of the One Direction AKA the biggest band in the world. To them, he was just some random twat who just graduated too.
His hair had grown all long and curly, and he just looked so much more like a man than when he’d left. Had he gotten taller? More strong? The arms of his jacket strained and Y/n sighed at the sight of him.
She didn't think she'd changed much, but Harry thought she looked even more beautiful than before, if possible.
When he stood right in front of her, her mouth was still wide in utter shock. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He laughed. “Is that all you hafta’ say? Come on, hug your best friend!”
She sprang up from her seat and the silky long dress, which was a teal blue colour. All smooth and tight on her skin was hiked up slightly. Her gown and cap were long gone, as she wrapped her arms around his neck and shoulders. He lifted her up off the floor and spun them around. 
She smelt like peaches and sweetness, and God, he could've stayed holding her for weeks.
She giggled and felt her face hurt from smiling so big. “Oh my God, I can’t believe you!”
When he placed her down, his hands did not leave the curve of her waist. “Surprise, babe.”
“What the- shit- I thought you were in Rome! How’d you even get here?” She asked 
He smiled. “I was, got a flight this afternoon. It was the only one coming home, sorry for missing the graduation part.”
She just smiled up at him. “You’re crazy.”
He shook his head landing a hand on her shoulder. “I knew how important it was to you, and I missed you. Sue me.”
She laughed, eyes welling with slight tears. Maybe he wasn’t drifting too far from her after all. “Oh, god, don’t make me cry, you know how I get after a few pints, H.”
He laughed, arms outstretched for her to cuddle him. “Aw, pet, c’mere.”
She smacked his chest playfully but cuddled him nonetheless. “Let’s go get royally fucked, mate,” She whispered and they pulled apart, hands interlocking as she lead him off to one of the pubs where everyone was buying drinks.
It was called The Ducks Nuts.
A few of her mates were inside. Ones Harry didn’t know, but she’d already spent a good portion of the night with them. So she told them her old friend had surprised her and they’d be here and there.
Harry ordered them some shots and eventually the night was just a blur of hands touching each other, as they got so drunk Y/n felt her world spinning. They’d hopped around multiple different pubs and bars and Y/n was so tired. Her heels itched her feet with pain and she ripped them off, along with her bag. As they walked with little purpose she threw her things at him and began to dance in the middle of the road.
Harry was holding her things as she danced in the street showing her best Elton John impression, and he silently decided that was what made her so perfect. She was just herself. And he loved that about her, he loved everything about her.
He laughed and told her what a realistic impression it was, and how they’d met at some award show to back up that comment. She was infinitely jealous, she loved Elton.
On her way back toward him she landed in his arms after losing her footing he shook his head at her.
“You are very drunk, Lovie. Aren't ya'?" He said, in a soft tone one that made her tummy turn in flips.
She sighed as they walked in a direction with no destination in mind. “You aren’t drunk enough, you need to get on my level.”
He noticed her shiver under his arm and quickly ripped his coat off. It swallowed her form and she smiled gratefully hugging the coat around herself. It felt like a warm embrace, and that smell filled her nose and suddenly she was home in her old flat with him, home in Holmes Chapel, home with him. Just home.
“Smells good.” She giggled as she sniffed the shoulder pad, her cheek brushing against the soft material all dog-like. “N’ soft too.”
“Why thanks, it’s Gucci.” He replied. 
She rolled her eyes. “Come on then, money-bags, let’s get you as drunk as me.”
They strolled into a tavern near her flat and drank so much tequila that they had to practically carry each other home.
As Harry looked up at the stars and moon, feeling the cool air nip her skin he sighed. He hadn’t gotten this drunk, and been this happy in such a long time. He was giggling contently, as she leaned into him and he silently wished that the night would never end.
He never wanted his time with her to end either. He loved spending time with her, whether they were on an adventure or doing nothing at all. Y/n made it worthwhile.
When they reached the shitbox of a flat she lived in Harry followed calmly behind her, and when one of her neighbours spat a comment about drunken youths he sighed, “I wish you would’ve taken up my offer,”
She looked up at him as she played with the jammy door that never seemed to open on the first try. Shoving her shoulder into it as she managed to finally wedge it open, stumbling inside ungracefully.
And with a roll of her eyes, she ushered him inside. “There is zero chance I’d let my all-of-sudden bazillionaire rockstar friend buy me a flat, just cause he can afford shoes worth more than my entire life savings. Anyway, how could I ever pay it back? I have two p to my name and a packet of noodles in my possessions, Harry.”
He laughed. “Think of it as a graduation present then,”
She sighed. “Just shut up and sit down, and I’ll get some wine.”
It was almost 4AM now, and neither cared. They were beyond drunk, but Y/n missed him and if force-feeding him wine would get him to spend a whole 24 hours with her, she totally would.
When she sat down with two mugs spilling with a cherry red wine, that was the cheapest shit she’d ever bought, Harry laughed. Her wobbly legs forced her to land awkwardly on one thigh practically on top of his. He smiled, one that showed his kind eyes. 
Green pools of emerald she wished to swim in for eternity. She laughed at the thought, she really got poetic when she was drunk, huh?
“God, remind me to get you drunk more often.” He whispered.
She sighed. “Oh shut up, and fill me in on life then. Who are you shagging?”
He looked at her pointedly. “Who are you shagging?”
A blush crept up her neck, and suddenly the only secret she had kept from him was threatening to slip past her drunken red-stained lips.
“None of your business, but there’s this hot guy in my physics who I would totally shag,”
He laughed, but underneath it, he felt a jealousy creep up his spine, he knew he had no right since he’d been balls deep in two Italian models this morning, turns out threesomes are a really good cure for hangovers by the way. But despite that, he felt an itch he couldn’t scratch that resembled something pretty close to jealousy.
“What’s he like?” Harry asked.
She shrugged. “Dunno, tall, glasses, got that whole nerdy silent thing going for him.”
“That’s what you like then, silent types?” He asked, running a hand through his long curls, and she reached out to play with one.
She shook her head, and said distractedly, “I don’t know.”
“Makes sense why you never dated me then.” 
During primary school, Harry dated every girl in their class including Daisy and Penny, except Y/n who told him she didn’t fancy him. It was an ongoing topic of discussion between them. Why wasn't he good enough? He always asked.
She laughed at that comment. “I know you too well for that, and I get the unfiltered you, and I lived with you which was basically like being married to you. We bickered too much to ever date, Haz.”
He looked at her with hooded eyes, and for some reason that stung, but trying to be light-hearted he said. “Never say never, what if we needed to repopulate the earth?”
She looked over at him and placed a hand on his and kissed his cheek, all soft and slow, and for a moment he thought she might actually kiss him for real but instead, she said. “There’ll be no hope for humanity then.”
He sighed, fake pouting before a couple of minutes of silence passed and he turned to her and said. “Come with me to Brazil.”
Her eyes widened, “What?"
“I leave tomorrow night, come with me.” He said.
She frowned. “What? Come with you? You can't be serious.”
He nodded. “Please? I miss you! And we can party for a whole week together, or sleep, or do whatever the fuck you want! Just come, pack a bikini and something sparkly, and I’ll take care of the rest.”
Y/n and Harry did end up going to Brazil but that’s a story for another time.
She stood up from the couch holding her hand out to him, and he slid his into hers. Cool rings grazing the soft skin of her palm.
“Let’s just go to sleep, you're talking like a crazy person.” She said, softly pushing a lock of his hair away from his eyes.
He sighed at her, “But m’ serious, Love.”
“Alright, ask me again tomorrow. That is if you even remember...now come on, let’s listen to Fleetwood Mac and sleep until tomorrow evening.”
Y/n's room was cosy and welcoming. Harry felt his eyes droop at the sight. A tiny lamp shining over them in an orange glow, her cot-like bed covered in blankets and the scent of her likely covering those sheets.
That night they slept in Y/n’s twin bed, cuddling, with Stevie Nicks serenading them to sleep. Cheeks plump and pink from too much alcohol, hands wandering scandalously, and the love in air was thick and obvious.
Before Y/n fell asleep she pecked his lips, in a quick kiss, one that it barely even touched him and said, “Night, mate,”
His lips burned like wildfire, and from that night on, he did think humanity had a chance if it was up to them. Whether or not she believed that.
“Night, Love.”
i have been a bit slack with updates lately...second year of uni is crazy and im already soooo busy, but i missed them and i wanted to write a lil sum for y'all until my next proper update :) BIG LOVEEEE
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puppiesandnightlock · 4 months
alright you guys you should know by know im indesicive so its up to YOU THE FANDOM to help me choose a title for the A Robin's Song(the name y'all chose last time) sequel
*also this is not as damian centric as the og so keep in mind a robins flight is like the least likely to work and if it wins i might just choose the 2nd highest one*
for context, this is the sequel summary
Jon and Damian had made peace with the fact that they would never reconnect. Every little part of their childhood history, built up since preschool had come crashing down, both leaving hidden feelings unsaid. But now, five years later, they have the opportunity to fix everything that had gone wrong, and maybe, just maybe, they could make it something more. 
Sometimes, all you need is a second chance. 
p.s. check out the og here!
edit: so i did a mini poll with the top three and this was the winner!
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