wrenhavoc · 3 months
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Me when I finally got anti-depressants
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enrichedenclosure · 6 months
Can I Call You Back?
I’m in class at the moment, Is between 4 and 4:30, An okay time to call you back? I’ll be getting home about then.
I’m at work at the moment, Is tomorrow or maybe Thursday, An okay time to call you back? I won’t get off until late.
I’m in bed at the moment, Is next week, in a fortnight, in a month, An okay time to call you back? I’m exhausted all the time.
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massivekryptonitechaos · 11 months
My Weight Loss Tips
•Cardio. It pushes you into autophagy faster. 16 hours of fasting before working out is best (but i don't advice you to do it! look for help please!).
•Caffeine. Black coffee, tea (black or green). Lots of water too. I CAN'T STRESS IT ENOUGH: DRINK DRINK DRINK.
•Five meals a day. I aim for a total of 900-1000kcal generally but sometimes I go up to 1200kcal. Which is very little. If you exercise, please eat enough calories that you are burning.
•Only eating whole foods, nothing overly processed. This means no zero kcal food, halo top, weight loss bars, fibre 1 stuff, etc. Avoid take outs and if you are going to restaurants and situations where you're unable to prepare your food yourself, eat small portions and make veggies your bestfriend.
•Track calories and macros and log it.
•Stay active, in and outside the gym. Clean a lot, walk to where you need to go if it's not time sensitive, take multiple trips when putting stuff away, go the extra mile at work and do the physically demanding work your coworkers avoid.
•Eat enough to stay active, that means don't fast for too long if you're planning on being very active within those fasting hours. It could limit the calories you're able to burn off through activity and actually negatively impact your weekly deficit, plus impact your ability to function and get things done.
•Have goals outside of weight loss you can focus on. Obsessing over just one aspect of your life will cause you to neglect others- plus keeping your mind off of food and eating is a side effect of this.
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heartsicken-queen · 2 years
You don’t know how lonely you are until you crave for affection.
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The Importance Of Validation In The Mental Health Community
DISCLAIMER: I can not diagnose any of the conditions you have through a screen. If you display behaviors similar to those associated with the conditions I describe, it does not automatically mean that you have these conditions. If you are worried about your own mental health, please seek out a medical professional qualified to help you.
I discuss serious topics in this post. I don’t believe any material would be too triggering for someone to read but I can’t pretend to know how my words affect everyone so read at your own discretion.
I discuss topics including but not limited to: cognitive distortion, depression, anxiety, habitual lying, histrionic personality disorder, the idea of faking symptoms, and past internalized homophobia (Very briefly. You’d have to squint to see it)
I once walked in on my mother and sister reading my diary together when I was little and laughing about what I’d written. From then on, I got into the habit of hiding my diaries in places I knew nobody would find them. Well, after doing some Spring cleaning recently, I managed to unearth a lost diary of mine from at least eight years ago.
Among the entries of confessions of lies I told my parents and admissions of crushes I had on the “wrong” gender, I found something rather disturbing. Don’t worry, this isn’t just a post about my whole diary. Instead, it’s one little collection of words that continued to come up on the many pages.
I spoke to my diary like it was a person. Feeling like I had to resort to speaking to empty pages probably should have been my first warning sign that I needed therapy but that’s not the point I’m getting to. See, I would often apologize to my diary for rambling or instruct my diary not to tell anyone the secrets I was about to write. This is important because the thing that I kept saying in my most vulnerable entries was:
“I don’t know if I’m just making this up for attention, but...”
A child who knew that nobody but herself would ever read her diary was actively prefacing each entry with the fact that I may be a delusion pick-me girl. That’s...concerning, to say the least. The reason I said it was because there were so many people whose opinions I valued that convinced me to think that way.
I grew up with an older sibling who was a habitual liar. As such, they paved the way for me with parents that had little faith in whatever I told them. Most stories I told about teachers that treated me unfairly or random “malfunctions” as I was keen on calling them (ticks and stims) were met with a lecture about the dangers of crying wolf.
This created a disconnect in my own mind; an experience I wish could say was exclusive to me. I viewed myself as such an unreliable narrator that in a way, I caused my own mental illness on top of the ones that I actually did have but nobody believed me about.
That’s why it’s so important in the mental health community that we don’t ever accuse anyone of faking their symptoms. It can not only worsen the problem but open the door to new problems that I’ve been unable to even find a name for. A mental illness that convinces you that you are faking your own mental illness.
It’s a lot more common than you might think.
The closest thing we have to a similar diagnosis (to my knowledge) is anosognosia, a condition in which you are cognitively unaware of a medical condition such as a mental illness. But you can see how this is not the same as what I’m describing. What I’m talking about is the denial of your own mental illness even when you are aware of your symptoms.
Maybe if imposter syndrome and anosognosia had a child with a depressive disorder, that would relate more to this symbiotic curse of your mind concocting new mental illnesses based on your pre-existing ones.
Let’s say that someone is faking their symptoms. Let’s say we have a 100% guaranteed way to prove that someone does not actually have a condition such as depression or anxiety and we somehow know for a fact that their symptoms are inauthentic.
Why are they faking it? That should be the next question we ask instead of diving in with some kind of persecution. Their reason for faking one mental illness could be its own mental illness.
May I introduce you to: histrionic personality disorder.
This would be a mental condition where someone has a distorted sense of self, unstable emotions, and a detrimental desire for approval. This disorder can make a person display attention-seeking behaviors. It’s not like it’s an easy one to treat but that’s because personality disorders as a whole are...complicated.
But I digress.
What do you think would happen if a person with histrionic personality disorder were suddenly met with a barrage of hate for acting out to get attention? While nobody can say for certain, know that it could be cataclysmic. 
In conclusion, don’t take it upon yourself to determine whether or not someone’s mental health conditions/symptoms are authentic and especially do not try to tell them that they’re faking. It can have some real consequences that nobody seems willing to talk about lately.
But I also harbor the unpopular opinion that even a psychological professional can’t determine if a person’s mental health symptoms are “real” or not so don’t feel the need to agree with me.
In fact, feel free to voice your own opinion as you are always welcome. If you want a response, let me know. If my responding would make you uncomfortable, also let me know. My inbox is always open for asks and anonymity is always an option there.
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aqgarts · 3 months
Guess who just got diagnosed with depression, anxiety and a hint of the ADHD/Tism?
Booyakaya :p
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sk196 · 5 months
Functional Neurotic Disorder
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therealityofiam · 6 months
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kingofkingsschizo · 7 months
This is a prime example when you hear of someone in this case two people suffering from a mental illness. What my significant other told me about two girls she works with, I knew I had to give my experience to her to tell them that they need to both go see a doctor immediately. One of her coworkers has depression And she cut her medication. She cut it out. Never stop taking a medication without talking it over with your doctor. In most instances when you suffer from depression and you think you’re better or for some reason you want to cut your medication you can find yourself in deep depression, even worse, suicidal. Now the other girl that works with my significant other, she said she’s been hearing voices. and seeing visual hallucinations, no telling what other hallucinations she’s having she’s really young and this could be the start of schizophrenia and a young person that starts out around the age of 20 when they’re entering college like what happened to me. This girl, having these symptoms clearly needs to go see a doctor immediately she can fall deep into delusion and find herself fighting battles inside her head that only she knows . If you suspect yourself of having symptoms like hallucinations, which is hearing voices seeing visual, anything crawling on your skin, smelling things, people saying there aren’t there you need to go see a doctor fast because you may have schizophrenia. I told my significant other and I urged her to talk to these two girls and tell them to go get help. I will talk to her tonight and see if she told them anything because I’m really concerned 
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octolight · 7 months
Yo all
Ive been rusty as hell (massive depressive episode I'm technically not over) BUT! Im gonna get back to writing the project ive been working on, restarting, going on and off and then restarting again! Cus, i think i might have it this time maybe??? Usually I'm really secretive about my projects but what the hell, I might as well post about something lol
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onegirlloveyou · 1 year
Mám depku ale že hroznú. Pomoc ľudia...
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Today is one of those days i just want to have become skinny and dead, so that i would have accomplished somenthing in my life.
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heartsicken-queen · 11 months
It still hurts knowing you blocked me because I didn't do anything to deserve that.
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420molly · 1 year
Depresja zaczyna się powoli
Natrętne myśli do których próbujemy się przyzwyczaić albo je odganiamy
Z zewnątrz wyglądamy tak samo
Ale w środku jest zupełnie inaczej
Toczymy walkę którą coraz trudniej umiemy wygrać
Z trudem się uśmiechamy i coraz ciężej umiemy to ukryć
Depresja jest jak zamknięty pokój
Bez okien
Bez drzwi
Pochłania nas do końca
Bez granic
Aż w końcu kładziemy się na podłodze i po prostu dajemy się jej poddać
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grimfreeman · 1 year
Lost Marbles
An untreated injury, addiction, and depression contributed to me losing my god damn marbles. While living in madness, you do the opposite of what realty expects of you. You live in alternate realm, doing anything to distract yourself from the fact that you're stuck in a hole eighteen feet below the earth with no voice because you were screaming at the top of your lungs and no one is around to hear you.
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sk196 · 7 months
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