#dick grayson x wife! reader
morgansunflower · 1 year
About the Fanfic you writing "little-wing" can you a second part? 💗🐈
Little-Wing 2
Dick Grayson X Wife! Reader
Kid! Jason Todd X dad! Dick & mom! Reader
Warnings:heavy angst, sniper, major character injury & suggestive content
Grayson recovers from his accident but it isn't the last of the family's troubles.
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Grayson laid in icu after his surgery. The accident caused his lungs to collapse and because of that he now had a chest tube between his ribs. He had broken his right arm and right leg. He has been unconscious for 9 hours. The Dr still wouldn't allow me to see him yet. I went to the vending machine to get Jason and I a snack. My hands are still shaken each time I use them as I remained on edge.
"may I offer my assistance?" I hear Alfred say.
I look to him with my eyes shaken. I reach hugging him. Alfred and I walk to the waiting room. My heart sinks not seeing Jason. I quickly call him.
"pick up! Pick up! Pick up! You better be in the bathroom"
Jason's P. O. V
"you don't have to answer I'll text her" Bruce offered. "however I advise you to talk to her"
I nodded crouching further up as I lay my head down on my knees. I couldn't stop imagining him being angry or upset and him not paying perfectly attention while driving his motorcycle and then crashing. We sat together in the back of the hospital. Bruce took his phone out texting my mom. This is my fault. I raise to my feet. Bruce stands with me. He reaches down drying the tears, off of my cheeks. Bruce placed his hand on my back as we went to the waiting room. I see Mom with Alfred. She gently rubbed her thumb against my cheek.
"you want to go talk?" she suggested
I nodded holding her hand. Mom and I went outside. She stayed quiet letting me have control in the conversation. We sat on the bench. She let go of my hand and began to rub my forehead. I can't keep this bottled inside.
"if I hadn't had upset him he wouldn't be here. We both know how he gets upset and c-can't focus!"
"oh Jason baby. This was not your fault. You mean the world to Grayson and I. It was an accident by another vehicle, not him. You are our boy. You--" she stammered as I quickly embrace her.
I let myself fall apart for a minute. She kisses my temple gently rocking us. We walk to the waiting room.
"I really hate being here again.."
"what do you mean?" she asked me
"you know my biological mother was really bad into that.. poison.. I spent a lot of time in this building waiting knowing her chances were slim each time.. I.. You and Grayson.. I don't want to lose either of you. You're all I've got left"
She motherly cups my face and kissed my head.
"I'm so sorry that happened to you. You did nothing to deserve that. We love you too and we're always going to be here for you"
6 hours later the Dr said he was awake and was now in recovery. Mom and I went to see him. I stood from afar as she slowly walked to him. He looked terrible. My hands want to shake.
Y/N's P. O. V
Grayson softly smiled "H.. Hey"
I slowly walk to him as I can't hold my tears back. I lean down to his lips he uses his good hand to touch my face. He deepened the kiss. I part so we could breathe. I began rubbing his forehead soothingly.
"you scared me boy blunder"
"me too" he mumbled he looked in the direction of our son "Jay?.."
Jason walked closer with his arms folded. Grayson reaches to him wincing outwardly. Jason moved his hand back down.
"don't" he snapped
Dick opened his hand to Jason. He held his hand taking a deep breath forcing tears back. I gently rub Jason's back as he began to cry.
"I'm.. OK" Dick forced outwardly as his breathing was shallow. "can't keep your old man down" he softly laughed
Grayson's P. O. V
It broke my heart that I couldn't properly console him. I'd never seen him this upset. For the last few weeks we practically lived at the hospital as I slowly began to recover. Jason barely spoke to me, I could see all over him how upset he was. I tried getting through to him but he'd try to make me stop worried I was over exerting myself.. So my breath is really shallow.. I'm fine. Trying to convince my wife of that fact when I'm finally ready to go on patrol was hard. Especially with her being followed last night by someone we couldn't find after the fact.. While on patrol. I hear a bullet hit the wall right beside my chest. I quickly moved out of his line of range.
I quickly touch my intercom "are you okay?!"
Jason shouts on my intercom "did the bullet hit you?! Are you bleeding?!" I sigh in relief, he didn't shoot him...
"I'm ok stay lo--"
Jason appears panicked gripping my wrist looking for a injury that wasn't there. I tried to get him to hear me "are you hurt?!" Jason practically yelled
"son, son, son, calm down" he began to loose his breath, I quickly kneel down to his eye level "hey, hey shhh I'm ok, I'm ok son" anxiety attack. I guide him to the back of the alleyway "hey Robin look at me" he looks at me as his eyes water "focus on my breathing, ok?" I follow through with the breathing exercise Bruce taught me. Jason mimicked me calming down "there you go, good job kiddo. You feel better? You ok?"
Jason looks down in shame. I knew he was trying to stay strong. I didn't know exactly where it anxiety originated from. Losing his mom? His dad abusing him? It didn't matter to me what, mattered was making sure I am here for him. I use a spy-bug to look for the sniper but he was gone. He left no trace of his existence.
"hey don't feel bad. You are allowed to feel scared or worried. It's OK, it's OK" I dry his tears "everything's going to be OK kiddo.. Let's go home"
"but the sniper?"
"he's gone besides I'm more concerned about you right now"
I lift Jason into my arms and take him home. I lay him in his bed. He had fallen asleep. I take his shoes off following by with his gear. I lay his blanket on him. He grips my wrist. I kneel down to him. His lips tremble as he tightly closed his eyes. I reach hugging him Jason buried his face in my neck. I hold him as I lay on his bed. He needs me. He needed to feel protected
"I don't want you to die Dad" he cried
"H-hey don't you dare worry about a thing like that kiddo. I'm right here" I hug him tighter "I am right here son"
... I feel a soft blanket laid on me. I reach for her hand pulling it down to motion her to lay with us. She kisses my neck and then laid on the other side of Jason. She kisses his sleeping face. He was so emotional that he was sniffing and stuttering while he slept. Y/N rubs her thumb against my face. I move my arm under her neck so she could lay on my shoulder.... I smell bacon being cooked in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen seeing her flip the pancake onto the plate with bacon.
"hey honey" she greeted
"hey sexy. Let me change and then I'll enjoy your delicious food!!" I excitedly said
I change clothes quickly craving the food but Y/N more. I come back into the kitchen and kiss her. She gives me a plate of food.
"I looove you"
She chuckled kissing my cheek and sits with me on the kitchen table. We enjoy the food and each other's presence in the early morning.
"there's a sniper in Bludhaven. He took a shot at me--" she quickly cut me off
"wait what?! You were shot at? Are you ok?"
"I'm ok baby. Honest" I ensure taking her hand as she deeply breaths in and out. "I couldn't find him--" I see her face fall "hey I'm ok"
"no patrol tonight" she said with haist
I sighed, this is not going to go over well "Baby--"
"don't Baby me Grayson!! You were shot last night. I need a break from you almost getting killed" she pleaded
"Y/N you know exactly how my line of work is dangerous. I am constantly in danger to make this world a little bit better sometimes I get hurt other times I am lucky"
"it's not luck dammit Grayson!" her eyes start to shake. I rub her arm letting her let get her anguish out "don't you see that someone is trying to kill you!!" she shouted shakily "Grayson maybe the accident wasn't an accident.. You were shot at by a sniper right after you went back to patrol. Before that I was being followed.. I need to know that my husband and my son are OK"
"hey c'mere" we lean to each other. I hug her and kiss her "I get it I know I'm probably being targeted but I'm not going to find out by just standing here. I'll do a little bit of detective work from home ok"
"okay" she nodded drying her tears
I lay her head down on my shoulder and rub her back. I could feel the weight of her emotions. I kiss her head.
"I love you" I whisper in her ear.
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millyhelp · 5 months
Lock the door.
DILF!Dick Grayson x wife!fem!reader
Request: hiii!! I love ur work for dick soooo much I'm actually foaming at the mouth😵‍💫 I was wondering if u could do these prompts 35. “Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear. Trying to tell me something?” 21. “Go and lock the door for me. I don’t want anyone to walk in while I’m balls deep.” with dilf!dick fucking his wife after putting their kid to sleep. thank you!!
warnings: boobsmilk kink!, breeding kink!, p in v sex, Dick called the reader "mama". Johnny is 2yo here. 18+ minors dni!
notes: I had to do this as a request and not just as a prompt! I just loved the idea!!
Taglist: @harleycao , @spectr3inl0ve , @sparklytoaster
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You and Dick were putting Johnny to sleep. Today was one of the rare occasions where Dick arrived home from the station early and spent some extra time with Johnny and you.
“Lavenders blue, dilly, dilly. Lavender's green. When you are king, dilly, dilly. I shall be queen…” Your voice sounded sweet throughout the room, making the little boy sleep.
Dick watched the two of you closely with a smile on his face, he felt like the most accomplished man in the world. His eyes couldn't help but notice the blue pajamas hugging your body. He sighed and got up slowly so as not to wake Johnny and walked over to you on the other side of the boy's small bed. Dick needs you tonight.
He extended a hand to you and before you took it, you kissed Johonny's forehead and turned off the lamp. Taking Dick's hand, he guides you out of Johnny's room and closes the door silently.
The hand before yours takes place on your waist and guides you to the bedroom. Dick's bare chest presses into your back as the two of you walk to your shared bedroom.
Upon arriving at the bedroom, Dick plants a kiss on your neck and runs his nose along the extension shortly after.
“My favorite..." He finally said something and his voice sounded hoarse and low. You smiled and turned to look at him.
"Yes, the Chanel you gave me for my birthday." You giggled. Dick always loved the smell of perfume on you, and of course, you only wore this one for him. “I missed you…”
Dick’s hands went directly to your waist again, this time, pulling you into him.
“Yeah?...” He kissed your lips “Did my beautiful wife miss me?”
“Mhm” You looked into the intense blue eyes.
“And how much did she missed me?..." Dick's eyes looked at your mouth and your eyes waiting for a response.
“Why don't you find out?" You looked at his lips.
Dick attacked your lips in a needy way. His tongue dancing next to yours brought whimpers from your throat.
Dick's hands began to roam your body, squeezing, pinching and pulling. At some point he puts both hands on your ass inside your little pajama shorts.
“Ooh, you’re not wearing any underwear.” His mouth was swollen from the kiss. He looked into her eyes, the pupils taking over the blue. “Trying to tell me something?”
“Yes... I told you to find out how much I missed you." Your fingers played with the hair on the back of his neck. "Does that answer your question?"
"Oh yes, that does." He nodded his head with a smile. Still with his hands on your ass, he pulls you up to give you momentum so you can jump onto his lap, wrapping your legs around his hips.
He carried you to the bed and laid you down on it. Kisses were planted on your neck. Nimble fingers began to unbutton your pajama shirt so he could have more access to your collarbone.
“Oh God!” Dick groaned "No bra? My prayers have been answered."
You gave a small laugh. Dick loved your breasts, especially because you still breastfed Johnny sometimes. The little boy was only two years old and only nursed in the afternoon, but today, for some reason, Johnny didn't want to.
Your breasts were swollen and round from the milk. Dick could swear he felt drool run down the corner of his lip.
“Can I?” Dick looked into your eyes. His eyes sparkled with lust and anticipation.
When you nodded, Dick's lips closed around your left breast. The contact of his lips on your sensitive nipple made you moan.
Sucking the milk and licking the tip of your nipple, Dick felt high and very horny. His fingers guided themselves inside your pajama shorts.
He ran his fingers through her wet folds and moaned with his mouth on her nipple. Another whimper was heard from you.
“Hmm I need to fuck you!” He said after releasing your nipple with a 'pop' of his mouth. He ran his tongue across his bottom lip. The scene was totally sexy. “Go and lock the door for me. I don’t want to Johnny walk in while I’m balls deep.”
You nodded and stood up. Dick slapped your ass as you went to lock the bedroom door.
"My wife is so sexy..." Dick looked at you as if he was going to fuck you, and he really was.
Walking back to him. Dick pulls on his pajama button-down shirt making them pop.
“It's okay, mama. I can give you another one.” And he was really going to give you another one, but before that, his lips went towards your right breast. This one he hadn't attacked yet.
Dick squeezed and the pressure of the milk in his mouth was greater. He moaned at the sensation. You could feel Dick's cock poking your thigh through the fabric of his sweatpants.
“Dick, please.” You sighed. “I need you…”
Licking your nipple, he pulls away from your breast.
“Needing me, mama? Where do you need me?”
“Inside. I need you Inside.” Your hand passed over Dick's hard, needy cock. He trembled under your touch.
“Can you ride me? Huh?” Dick pulled up his sweatpants. He had no underwear on, which made his hard and heavy dick hit his stomach as soon as it was freed.
You nodded and took off your shorts. Straddling his lap, he fit the tip into your wet folds.
You slowly went down on his length. Dick and you always fit together. It was as if he was tailor-made just for you. His big cock, from the first time together, always filled you up.
A moan left your lips and Dick returned his attention to your breasts.
You started to move up, down and roll on top of Dick's cock. With one hand on your hip and the other on your other breast, Dick helped you.
"I'm going to keep you with my children... do you know why?" He grunted and looked into your eyes as you moved up and down. You shook your head. “So I can continue to suck that sweet milk of yours! You are so good to me, mama! So good!"
You moaned at his words. Dick could only imagine your belly being round and big again. You being sensitive and very horny during pregnancy. He wants it all again.
With his hands on either side of your hips, Dick helped you bounce faster on his dick. He felt you tighten more and more around him, the tip hitting the bottom of your uterus.
"Dick! Oh-Mhmmm!" You're close and Dick was too. Dick's hands still tightened on his hips.
“Close?” He asks and you respond with a whimper. “Good…”
Dick takes his hands to your boxes and he stands up with his dick still inside you. The grip on your thighs is firm.
He starts fucking you standing up. You weren't supported by anything other than Dick's strong grip on your thighs.
Deep and quick thrusts made wet noises thanks to the new position.
"I'm going to fill you with my children. Do you like how that sounds?" Dick grunted looking at your face which was red and sweaty. "Are you close, mama? I know you are. Cum for me! Let me feel you!"
Dick's pelvis hit her clitoris, causing friction. Your orgasm exploded hard and Dick came to you with grunts.
He sat back down while he still had his cock inside you. Your face rested between his neck and his thumb stroked your back to calm the spasms of your orgasm.
"You really missed me, mama." Dick whispered and you let out a small laugh.
“I did, and-”
Knock knock
A small knock on the door was heard, and soon after a crying voice.
“Mommy! Mommy!” Johnny's voice echoed behind the door.
“Fuck…” Dick sighed "I'll sort this out, lay in bed and I'll come clean you up as soon as I'm done with Johnny."
Dick pulled out of you making you shudder and he put his sweatpants back on.
In the end, Johnny just woke up startled by Mommy's screams. Dick took a while to convince the little boy that his mother was sleeping and that it was all his dreams. The two-year-old boy didn't stay long and fell asleep in Dick's arms.
Poor Johnny.
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I'm slowly coming back heheheh
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randomperson3736 · 3 months
Love me for eternity
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Paring(s): Tim drake x wife! Reader, Dick Grayson x sister-in-law! reader
Warning(s): love, first love type of love, kinda sad backstop ig
Genre: fluffy
Summary: y/n faked her death to protect her husband, Tim and their son s/n only to have them find her again 17 years later.
Word bank: y/n- your name, s/n- your sons name
"Dad please just listen to me!" S/n whisper yelled at Tim as he walked behind him, through the hall of the warehouse. "I have to tell you something very important. And I know for a fact your gonna love it."
"S/n... can this please just wait until we're out of this creepy warehouse?" Tim sighed heavy as he continued to walk down the halls, S/n following close behind. "Dad-" S/n could barely finish speaking before he walked into Tim's back. He stared ahead of Tim and saw Dick standing in front of one of the doors, a shocked pale look upon his face.
Dick turned around and patted Tim on the shoulder before mumbling out, "Ah...., You may want to take this one..." He sat down on the cold floor and leaned against the wall. "Oh boy..."
Tim just rolled his eyes before pulling out his Bo staff and heading towards the door, S/n right on his heels. "Woah! Dad, could you put the staff away please?" Tim just ignored his son and pushed through the door before freezing in his place.
His eyes were wide, as he stared at who was behind the door. His long-lost love. His flower. his darling wife. His beautiful Y/n, who he had thought he had lost forever. His Bo staff had fallen from his grip and made contact with the hard floor; his words stuck in his throat. S/n and Dick stood behind him, unsure of what to do or say.
"I know what your gonna say Tim..." Y/N stared sadly at Tim as she spoke. "How could I have done this? Stay away all these years, and why didn't I come back to you? To our son?" She weakly pointed at S/n who was still behind Tim, trying to keep her tears at bay. "I-I had to do this Tim.... it was for your own safety.... our son's safety." Tim heard all her words but didn't listen and just walked towards her.
Y/n backed away as she saw Tim walking towards her. "I know that I left you to raise S/n alone.... but I thought he be better off without me..." Her back hit the wall. "And I was wrong. I see that now, but...." Tim was now face to face with her now. "Oh, stop being so Tim, Tim.... Go on... shout! Scream! say something!" Tears fell from her eyes as Tim gently placed his hand on her cheek. She gasped quietly.
Tim's eyed were soft as a small, pained smile filled his lips as he gently held her cheek. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you..." Y/n stared shocked at Tim for a moment before her lips slowly met his and the sparks flew, just like how they did all those years ago. S/n smiled as he saw his parents finally together again. "They really are like eternal love...." he mumbled under his breathe just so only Dick could hear.
Dick held back tears in his own eyes as he watched his younger brother finally happy again. "Yea.... Those two could be apart for thousand years and still find a way back to each other.... their love never dying."
S/n just hummed as he watched his parents a little longer before turning to his uncle. He stood there dumb found as he watched Dick slowly letting his teats fall. "Ah... Uncle? You need a hug or something?" Dick looked at S/n before nodding, wiping away his fallen tears slowly.
"There, there" S/n patted Dick's back as he held back laughter. "Not a word of this to Jason, got it?" Dick threat as he sniffed. "Sure thing...."
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.⋆。Learned Behaviours。⋆.
Dick Grayson x plus size reader
The one where Alice has picked up some bad habits
Warnings: pregnant reader, fluff, dad!dick
WC: 1.1k
Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
The Graysons
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Nap time was sacred in the Grayson household. After lunch had been devoured and playtime had been played, you would all gather in the living room and toss blankets and pillows onto the floor before all curling up together for a nap.
It started when Alice was barely a week old. Neither you or Dick had any energy to step foot from the small square of warmth between the coffee table and the couch that had become Alice's spot. The both of you frequently fell asleep next to each other on the floor, watching over your little one as she slumbered on. And thus family nap time was born.
Now that Alice was almost 4, naps were a little less vital for her but as you hit the 6 month mark of your pregnancy and Dick started going back to his duty as Nightwing- naps were a necessity to the grown-ups. So you threw on some Bluey for your daughter to watch and curled around her little body as your husband wrapped an arm around your pregnant belly and nuzzled his nose into the back of your head. 
You both were passed out before the theme song ended.
A soft crunching brought you back from sleep. You groaned, now feeling uncomfortable as your front is cold while your back is overheating. You shoved Dick away from you, getting immediate relief from his furnace-like body but something was still wrong.
The TV was paused on an image of the cartoon dogs your daughter loved so much, but she was nowhere to be seen. “Ali?” You called, your voice raspy with sleep, but you were met with more soft crunching.
You groaned and sat up, your stomach churned as your baby woke up with you. “I know I know.” You whispered to them, standing cautiously, taking note that the sun had long-since set. Dick was still asleep at your feet, now curled around a pillow instead of your soft body. 
A thud came from the kitchen, distracting you from the sight of your handsome husband. A dull blue light filtered into the living room from behind the huge L-shaped couch. Now curious, you stepped around Dick quietly and tip-toed into the fully renovated kitchen.
Your brows scrunched in confusion- the fridge was wide open, providing the light you had seen from the living room but all other lights were off. “Ali?” You called out again, causing the crunching to stop. 
There was a clatter of dishes and then the fridge slammed shut. “'M here mommy!” Alice called back in a sickly sweet voice that she always used when she was in trouble. You smiled as she rounded the kitchen island. She wore an oversized hoodie, it flaring out around her legs from where it covered the black tutu she wore constantly these days. 
Her dark hair was in cute little buns at the top of her head, still somehow perfectly styled even after a day of play with her father. “What are you up to, baby bird?” You rub a hand over her head as she clutched at your pyjama pants.
“Nothin'.” She responded but her eyes darted over to the fridge.
You sighed. “Were you doing something you weren't supposed to?” She shook her head reluctantly. “Then I guess you wouldn't mind if I got a snack would you?” Her eyes went wide.
“Lemme get it for you mommy! You need rest!” She attempted to shove your legs to send you back to the couch but stopped when she saw your raised eyebrow. Alice scurried off, once again disappearing behind the island counter.
One of the cabinets slammed open, there was a rustle of plastic and then she returned, her tiny arms laden with her favourite snacks almost as if she were giving up an offering. “Here mommy! Now go sit.” You laughed under your breath at her antics.
“Alice, it's ok if you were hungry and wanted to get yourself a snack but you know not to go into the fridge without daddy or I to help you, you could’ve made a very big mess.” Her head lolled forward in shame. She dropped all her snacks to the floor in favour of \lifting her chunky hands above her head.
You did not hesitate to scoop her up and sit her on her wide hip. Immediately, she burrowed her face into your neck. “Sorry momma.” She murmured, her breath warming your skin. Placing a kiss to her soft forehead, you walked into the kitchen.
“That's ok baby, I know you were probably getting really hungry while daddy and I slept huh?” She nodded. The kitchen floor was spotless, which was surprising considering your daughter was about as graceful as a drunk giraffe, but there was a suspicious looking spoon on the ground.
Ignoring it for now, you went to the large fridge and carefully pulled open the door, bracing yourself for what you were about to find.
One of Dick's boxes of cereals sat on the second lowest shelf, slowly leaking milk onto the glass below while the half-empty jug sat open next to it. Unable to stop yourself, you laughed aloud, jostling your daughter who now rested on your chest.
It was an incredibly familiar sight from long before Alice was born. Dick used to frequently pour milk directly into bags of cereal in order to eat directly out of the box to cut down on dishes. 
You gave Alice a loving squeeze and set her down on the tile floor. “Good job not making a mess baby but maybe next time we can use a bowl and not the box.” She nodded in agreement, her smile returning now that she knew she wasn't in trouble. “Ok, let mommy clear this up. How about you wake up dad and get him to order us some pizza?”
Her little feet slapped against the floor as she ran off back to where her dad continued to slumber. With some effort, you retrieved the spoon and threw it into the sink before grabbing the soggy cardboard and throwing it into the trash just in time to hear a pained cry from Dick.
Standing on your toes, you were able to see that she had slid on her knees onto the blankets and then directly into his gut, violently waking him. “Hey there birdie.” He groaned.
“Mommy says we get pizza!” She shouted at him.
“Oh does she? And is mommy paying for this pizza?” His arms wound around her, tugging the small girl to his chest as she giggled.
“Daddy's paying cause obviously someone's been eating directly from the cereal box again and his little clone has picked up the habit.” At least he looked shameful as he glanced at you with a shy smile.
“Ok daddy's getting pizza!” Alice cheered and you rolled your eyes, somehow not being annoyed at all.
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The Graysons
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
sunset anew | dick grayson
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Summary: You're a little nervous to become the Mrs. Grayson. Luckily, your husband-to-be knows just what to say to soothe your worries. 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x fem!reader 
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings/tags: wedding, anxious reader, the batfam actually gets along, fluff!! (dick is my wife.)
If you like this fic and want to see more, please let me know through reblogs ♡
the divider
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Contrary to popular belief, Gotham isn't a complete eyesore. 
Sure, it's no vacation spot, and it's probably not the ideal place to settle down. But there are beautiful parts within the grunge. 
Your wedding planner had shown you multiple locations, from Napa to the Bahamas. Bruce had insisted cost was no problem.
But that wasn't what made you choose Gotham. 
Your forearms rest on the polished stone-top railing that surrounds the rooftop of the nicest hotel in the city. Thirty-two floors, all rented out for you. 
You look down at the tiny cars and people below. Your heart swoops. 
Your heels are in one hand. The sun crests the horizon; soon, yellow will melt into buttery orange and pink. It’s the first sunset you knew. The only sunset you know. And it’s the same one you saw the first time you met your almost-husband.
You'd come up here so you wouldn't miss it. Just this one time.
“Found her!”
You jump as the roof access door opens. Damian and Duke walk out. Duke gives you a warm smile.
"Jesus, you guys," you say, hand on your chest. “Way to scare a girl.”
“Sorry. You look really nice,” Duke says, smoothing his bowtie. 
Damian crosses his arms, clearly unimpressed.
“Frightening you is the least of our concerns. We thought you’d run. Which would be understandable, considering the family you’re marrying into, but Father spent a lot renting the hotel. Plus, Grayson would’ve been inconsolable, and extremely annoying.”
“Dude,” Duke says, elbowing Damian. “Chill out. It’s not like she was actually going to leave him at the altar.” He squints at you. “Were you?”
“No! I wasn’t going to leave him at the altar, oh my God.”
Damian nods. “Good." He taps his watch and speaks into it. "Grayson, our work is done. Come to the roof.”
Duke gives you a wave and they wordlessly leave the way they came. You sigh and start to slip your heels back on. There’s some whispering at the bottom of the stairs, and Damian shouts “no!” before it’s silent. 
You have one heel on when Dick emerges.
He’s unfairly handsome in his tux, hair somehow both neat and tousled. He also has what looks to be Damian’s tie wrapped around his eyes. You step out of your heel, unsure.
"Hey, sweetheart," he says, sounding genuinely apologetic. "Sorry about that. Didn't mean to scare you."
"It’s okay, baby. Why are you blindfolded?"
"Bad luck to see the bride, duh."
You can't help your idiotic grin at that. "I think it'll be fine, Gray. You didn’t have to take his tie.”
"Maybe you haven't met my family; we're not known for our good luck streaks.”
"I'm madly in love with you,” you say, feeling gooey.
Dick beams, and you nearly forget about the sunset altogether. 
"I'm madly in love with you too." 
You kiss him and he blindly returns it, following your lips even after you step back. You cluck your tongue and nudge him away. He obeys, though not without sliding his hand onto your waist and tugging you away from the roof. You follow because he's such a worrier.
Dick reaches for your hand and squeezes. 
"You okay?" he asks.
"Yeah. Sorry I disappeared. I didn’t know the calvary would be sent after me.”
“Yeah, uh…” Dick rubs the back of his neck. “Sorry about that. Again. I got worried.”
The guilt sinks its claws deeper. You frown and touch his cheek. 
“I would never leave you at the altar, Dick.”
“I know! I know that. They’re idiots; don’t listen to ‘em, whatever they said."
You cup his face with both hands and kiss him again. He squeezes your wrists and you can feel the relief rolling off him in waves, as much as he tries to hide it. 
“Was my absence noticeable?” you ask.
"Just to us. Don’t worry about it. The Wayne family are professional crowd entertainers."
"I take it Bruce is doing card tricks?"
"Yep,” Dick says. “He’s pretty good too. Might retire the suit." 
You laugh. "Sorry I'm missing it."
"Trust me, you'll get your fill soon."
“We can go down now,” you offer, even though you’re still waiting for that sunset. 
He shakes his head. “There’s no rush.”
You smile and rest your head on Dick's shoulder. He accepts you instantly and wraps his arm around your waist.
"You feel really beautiful," he says. 
"I'm serious!"
"I know. That's why I'm so damn sweet on you, Gray."
"I've got a shot with you, then?" he asks. 
"Oh, big time." 
He nuzzles your neck. You breathe in his scent: wine from earlier, detergent, the hair gel he uses to effortlessly capture the bed head look. 
"We didn't have to do this today, you know,” he says, voice vibrating through you. 
You pick your head up in alarm. 
"What're you talking about?" 
"If-if you're getting cold feet, I mean," he adds. "Second thoughts. We can always reschedule."
"Dick, no, I'm not getting second thoughts. I want to marry you today. I will marry you, okay? We've been together for almost four years."
"So? You know how long Batman and Catwoman have been skirting around each other? We've all got a wager going. Including Alfred!"
You snort. "Okay, well, excuse me if I don't want your family to bet on how long it's going to take us to marry."
"Afraid that ship's sailed."
"Of course it has."
You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in. His arms drape over your hips. You trace the shape of his lips with your index, up his Cupid's bow and up the tip of his nose. Dick has such a lovely nose. You've always thought so. 
“So who bet that I’d actually made a run for it?”
“That feels like a trick question,” he says. 
“Jason adores you, actually. He didn’t doubt your loyalty once.”
“Damian had his doubts." 
“Damian's thirteen, he doesn’t know shit.”
You snort and kiss his cheek. “Well, I forgive him. He was protecting you, that’s all.”
"If it helps, everyone else was certain of your loyalty," Dick says, letting you paw at his face. “Myself included.”
"That does help, actually.”
Dick stops your hand in its journey and rests your palm on his cheek. 
"What were you thinking about?" he asks quietly. 
You stiffen a little. "Nothing. Just needed some air."
"You sure?" 
You know what he's doing: feeling your pulse to see if it changes, listening to your breathing, watching if your shoulders tense. He's a detective first, and a damn good one. 
You slump in defeat. 
"What if I'm not… good at this? At being… us?”
"What?" Dick asks in disbelief. "What are you talking about? Of course you’ll be good at it. The real worry is me, babe. I mean, you're incredible. I'm the one who runs around in spandex at night." 
"Gray, I'm serious," you say, resting your head on his heart. "All those people who’ve been watching us, waiting for the future Mrs. Grayson to slip up. I just—I can't help but wonder if it's prophetic. I wonder if maybe you deserve more." 
"Hey. Now I can't predict the future. But even if I could, I don't believe there is a timeline out there where I could ever want or need anyone but you. And you're not alone in this, you know? I'm scared too. I'm terrified I'm putting you in danger. Of fucking up completely. But I also know that sometimes… we get good things, you know? It's not all doom and gloom. I mean, you being in my life is proof of that." 
God, he always knows how to make your heart ache just right. 
"I really want us to work," you whisper, clutching his suit coat. "I just don't wanna let you down, Gray." 
"Baby," Dick says, curling around you. "Sweetheart, where did this come from? What makes you think that? You've never let me down, not once. I love you. It's okay if you feel like you don't know what you're doing, 'cause I don't know either." 
You reach to untie the tie. Dick lightly grabs your hand, but you continue to tug anyway. 
"Wait, babe—"
"Dick, it's okay. I want to see your eyes. Please?" 
He lets you pull it off. He squints at the light, adjusting. Then his gaze drops to you and his lips part.
"Wow," Dick says, hands sliding up your arms. 
You smile. "Like it? Selina helped me pick the dress, so it's all thanks to her."
"Fuck, baby. I wanna marry you right now. Screw everyone down there. Let's elope."
You laugh, combing back his hair with your fingertips and tucking loose strands behind his ears. 
"Gray, you know we can't do that. What about Bruce? He'd be devastated and more than rightfully pissed."
He shrugs. "So what? I'm the favorite, I can get away with it."
"Well, what about Alfred? You'd break his heart."
Dick pauses, mulling that over. You kiss his chin. 
"Damn it," he says. "You're right. I couldn't do that to him. He's arguably more excited about our wedding than we are." 
"Mmhm. But I appreciate your attempt to be spontaneously romantic," you say, smiling. 
Dick tugs you closer still, rubbing your back. 
"I would elope," he says. "If you really wanted to. You could convince me to do just about anything. Even if it unleashed Alfie's wrath."
"Don't tell me that," you chide playfully. "You'll give a girl all sorts of notions." 
"Oh, I'm counting on it."
Dick starts to kiss up your neck and you happily let him, eyes slipping closed. It's good, until—
You jump. Dick immediately pushes you behind him. 
The roof access door swings out so hard it slams against the wall. Jason glares, bowtie already loosened. 
"Are you fucking kidding me? You're gonna miss your own wedding, dumbass!" He nods at you. "Hey, future sis. Looking good." 
"Thanks, Todd." 
"Mm. Everything okay?" 
You smile. "Everything's wonderful."
"Yeah, I'm okay too, thanks," Dick says, scowling. 
"I know you're fine, idiot. Now come put a ring on it before Alfred hunts you down himself." 
Jason turns on his heel, shaking his head. "Responsible one, my ass…"
You look at Dick, grinning. 
"Seems like we should go do the marriage thing," you say.
"Seems like." He squeezes your hip. "Do you feel better?"
"Yeah, Gray. I do. Thanks. I love you."
"Love you too, baby. Let's go marry the hell out of each other." 
The sunset has morphed into a violet night. But you don't mind that you missed it; you know there will be countless sunsets to come. 
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richardsgraysons · 29 days
Heyyy…. May i request a wife reader x dick grayson… she is mad at him and is giving him a silent treatment, but he is so done with this that he starts annoying her by saying Mrs. Grayson after every sentense and closing tightly lids
anon this is so adorable. i am going feral. also i am so severely sorry for my IA-ness.
tags — just overall fluff. some light swearing
In hindsight, you should've known that this would entail not just dating, but also marrying a vigilante. How could someone blame you, anyways? You were sitting at home, about to go to bed, when Nightwing crashed into your apartment after being chucked across the city by some villain or the other.
He had a major concussion. You didn't know how to treat thrown vigilantes who definitely had a couple of broken ribs and a torn ACL.
What you did know was how to comfort a man who was clearly in pain, who was trying to stifle his screams, because let's face it, the vigilante life should clearly not be glamorized.
He felt bad for the wreckage in your apartment. Every week, there'd be thousands of dollars at your doorstep from him, ready to pay it off. He had to be rich. There was no way he was giving your entire salary in four months and a half.
Eventually, you figured out his secret identity. And instead of being angry about it, Dick Grayson felt awfully in love with a girl who was as intelligent as he hoped she'd be. Sure she wasn't a supermodel, but she made him laugh. She made him think. She wasn't easy to get along with at times, but she made him better.
Three years later, he put a ring on it.
"I told you," you snapped, "you just keep going in stupid situations, and normally, I wouldn't mind, but it's like you refuse my help or anyone else's."
Dick knew he had a really bad hero complex. He couldn't stand anyone else getting hurt because of his issues. "I can handle it," he responded. "And isn't it just annoying that you've been mad at me for the past two days? Can't you just give it a rest?"
"I'll give it a rest when you start accepting help from others," you responded, your brows furrowing. "God, you're so—you're so—ugh!"
Dick rolled his eyes and then smirked at you, that stupid boyish smirk that made your heart tingle and everything else disappear. "I'm so what, sweetheart? What am I, Mrs. Grayson?"
You glared at him. "Dick!" You huffed, both saying his name and the insult. "That's it. I want a cooling down period. Leave me and the kitchen alone!"
He grinned, looking back at you, a mischievous glance in his eye. "Oh, I will, Mrs. Grayson. I will."
* * *
Making dinner was one of your forms of therapy. Dick was starting to go out for patrol, much to your distaste, no doubt about to pick a fight with someone who would give him considerable damage.
You didn't want him to go, you wanted to keep him here and kiss him forever, but he would leave anyways. It's my moral duty to the people of Bludhaven to keep them safe, he had said to you one night. I could never bring it to myself to disappoint these people. To make them unsafe. I'm going to do whatever I can to make sure people are as safe as can be.
And though you really disliked it, you knew that was one of the core reasons why you were so undoubtedly in love with him.
You turned around to grab the jar of pickles, still steaming from the fight, only to find that it was incredibly hard to open.
"What. The. Hell?" You hissed. You had opened it up just a day ago, and put it easily back, making sure it wasn't that hard.
Your face turned red and you looked at it again before trying to open it up, straining and groaning, only for your muscles to give out. There was only one explanation for this.
Your stupid, lovable, husband.
And after a few minutes of recollecting your pride, you stomped over to your bedroom where he was dressing. He was in the midst of putting the top half of his suit on, and your mouth turned a little dry when you saw him shirtless.
You were pretty sure that when the first time you saw him shirtless, literal heart eyes came out of your eyes. You gawked for a couple of seconds, admiring the contour of his muscles, only for him to turn around and smirk at you.
He knew what you were doing. Dammit.
"Hi, Mrs. Grayson," he teased. "Enjoying the view?"
"Shut up," you snapped, and held out the jar. "Open this up right now and stop screwing with my jars."
He smirked at you. "What's the magic word?"
"The magic word is 'I will beat you up if you don't open the jar up right now'," you responded, glaring at him. "Now. Open."
He laughed, tossing his head back, his voice echoing off the room before taking the jar. You watched intently as his triceps flexed when he opened the jar up with ease and returned it back.
"Thank you," you said, your voice having an edge to it. You were about to turn around before he grabbed you by the arm.
"What, no good luck kiss?" Dick asked huskily in your ear. It sent shivers down your spine.
"Even if I give you one, you'll still end up badly injured."
"C'mon," he murmured, planting a light kiss on your neck, his hands dancing on your waist. He squeezed your sides slightly. "I always fight better when my girl kisses me."
You looked up at him and snorted. "In your dreams," you responded, but he took this moment to crash his lips against you. You felt dizzy and couldn't help but to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
When the both of you stopped, he laughed, looking at you breathless, his blue eyes twinkling in the night sky.
"Knew you couldn't be mad at me for that long, Mrs. Grayson."
"Shut up," you grumbled, punching his shoulder lightly. "Go save Bludhaven, Boy Wonder."
He stepped out the window and then turned back at him, smirking. "You know I am, sweetheart. And when I come back, I'm gonna finish what I started."
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i-yap · 8 days
So I was reading ur dick Grayson x reader thoughts and it gave me an idea.. what if reader has dreamed of their wedding their entire life. Like it’s all they ever wanted. But then Dick gets called in for a mission and doesn’t even tell her and just leaves her standing there. I mean obviously she’s like pissed and stuff but like I just want to see how you think dick would react and I think it would take her a bit to forgive him if she ever does.
Dick x y/n- missed wedding
Honesty I think that the whole ditching without informing was early in the relationship or for events he knows he can make up for. You also get used to it with time understanding the work he does is important and that you'll always be the most important thing in his life no matter what.
BUT- if some big crisis does happen and dick has no way of getting out of it..
You are of course heartbroken, it is your wedding and the groom missing. what will you tell your family? are you not important to him? is this even a good idea? will he continue to prioritize hero work over you ? what if you were going into labour? what happens if you have kids? are you really cut out for this heroes wife work??
the wedding nerves, the shock and the embarrassment is a potent mixture . Once you calm down you do more logically appraise the situation.
I think Dick will do the biggest gesture ever , something private but sweet. he will take all your hitting crying and screaming with patience then sit you down and explain that if he hadn't left - you guys may not have had a honeymoon. He plans the whole wedding to perfection to be held by the end of the week( alfred helped)
Dick genuienly would try his hardest to not ditch you on your wedding. if this was really the last option and no other super hero was available and the whole world was about to end..i think you can excuse him this one time . after all you did marry an amazing, kind, heroic guy who everyone needs. just don't forget he needs you the most and he will never do anything to jeopardize what you guys have. he will never prioritize something over you .
(my first request yayy)
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denileisariver · 6 months
☆ i know your wife, and she wouldn't mind ☆
pairings: batman x f!reader, nightwing x f!reader
warnings: smut! cheating, reader is a home-wrecker, bruce is married dick just has a gf, unprotected sex, doggystyle, angst, basically pwp, bruce hates himself whats new, mean bruce?, slut dick grayson (like father like son), oral sex (f!receiving), no physical descriptions of reader besides genitalia.
a/n: just had some thoughts. probably poorly paced but whatever. maybe tumblr will actually show my post in the tags this time :).
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bruce wayne aka batman ☆
you knew he was married. from the moment you met him, you noticed that metal band around his ring finger. he talked to you about his kids, how he loved his family dearly, and yet-
"mmgh! ah- fuck!", he had you on all fours, ass in the air, girthy cock pounding relentlessly at your tiny hole. bruce fucked like he hated you, pushing and pulling to contort your body in any way he pleased. grip on you so tight you'd find bruises on your hips and arms when you looked yourself over in the mirror, not that you minded.
in fact, you relished in it. you knew there was a part of him that did hate you. and hated himself even more. you could feel it whenever you ended up in his bed, when he would kiss you. it always started off slow, ashamed because he knew he shouldn't have been doing it in the first place.
could feel it when he tore your clothes off, pushing you onto the bed. roughly tweaking one of your nipples in one hand, your bottom lip caught in his teeth. always, always so angry.
"that's it, fucking take it," bruce grunts, almost a low growl, with each hard thrust. one of his heavy hands hold your face down into the mattress. you'd sometimes stare at the photo of his family on the nightstand. the image blurry because of your tears. "dirty fuckin' girl.."
all of it was too much. the filthy combination of his fat cock, thick fingers toying with your clit, the rhythmic sound of skin slapping, and the loud headboard banging against the wall. it drove you into a frenzy, drool spilling from your mouth onto his pillow, a ring of slick 'n' sticky cum forming at the base of bruce's cock. "c-cumming!"
he always rode out your orgasm for as long as possible, only slowing down when your body was falling limp in his arms. you'd thank him, and he was only soft on you for so long before putting his walls back up soon after.
he hated you. no, hated himself. hated how he only would start to feel guilty after you were gone and his sheets were ruined with your juices. hated the fact that he was a bad husband, and even worse, that he knew he'd do it all over again.
dick grayson aka nightwing ☆
you assumed he only did it to blow off steam. he'd pull you into a room after a mission, still amped up with adrenaline. you never really fucked outside of this, almost always the same. he'd find you, chest heaving with that look in his eyes.
at first you just thought his little girlfriend wasn't satisfying him enough, and you were fine with that. he'd eat your poor pussy like a starved man, and you were more than welcome to serve it to him. "s-shit- right there, grayson,"
if you had worried about getting caught earlier, that certainly was the last thing on your mind now. he gently spread open your pussy lips with his thumbs, fucking into you with his tongue. you heard talk about him, knew that he was well known for being a player, and an even better fuck. dick hummed low sending vibrations straight to your core, tongue alternating between lapping at your clit and teasing your fluttering cunt.
"Oh, fuck-" you put your hand over your mouth to muffle your moans. he wasn't exactly subtle, you didn't know if he was even trying to hide the fact that he was sleeping with you. anyone of the other heroes could easily hear you, including his girlfriend. you talked to her almost regularly, she was even fucking nice to you. if only she saw you now..
you start moving your hips, grinding your face against his mouth, head falling back in ecstasy. his groans only entice you even more, holding onto his wet hair to keep him in place. dick's gloved fingers ease their way into your slick cunt, two at the same time, slow and arched upwards to push at that sensitive spot deep inside you.
you don't need to let him know when you're about to cum. your hips begin to falter, legs starting to shake from your gradually building orgasm. all the signs to let him know to flick his tongue just a bit faster, push it against your clit a bit harder. your pussy clamps down on his fingers and he holds them in place inside you, gently grinding the tips of his fingers to brush up against your g-spot.
"so beautiful, baby.." he'd compliment, licking your pussy juices off his fingers, that devious smirk on his face. everytime you're telling yourself it's the last. the both of you already know it's not.
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morgansunflower · 4 months
My Sweet Boy 2/2
Requested by @fanfiction-24824
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Kryptonian! Kent! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language and angst
Arthur's notes! Part 2 of my sweet boy! Conner is a clone of Batman and Y/N. Early! Adopted Tim. Jason didn't die by Joker but was severely injured. Third P. O. V
Reader and Clark recover from Doomsday's attack.. During which Jason continues to struggle to feel he is not a burden and decides it's best he leaves the only family he's ever loved
Conner was now living on his own and married to M'gann. Dick was no longer in Gotham as he was in Bludhaven. A little boy boldly tried to steal Batman's tires which led to the Wayne's adopting him. Only a year after that did they adopt Tim after Jason befriended him and discovered the poor child was being neglected. Then soon thereafter Y/N was pregnant and had her first child Damian.
Jason had only recovered physically from the bombing and Joker's brutality.. He tried to be strong but felt fragile. He wants to fall apart and be held by his parents.. Though he buries his fears down once a threat arrives to hurt those whom he loves.
When Dooms-day came to earth and the mad monster finally fell to the ground. Bruce along side his family search through in the debris from the brutal altercation. They were looking for both Kent siblings. Deep inside Bruce's heart was in agony with a similar fear he did when he searched for his son.
"Clark" she cried seeing her brother laying there only a few feet away, just as battered as she was.
Both the Kryptonians suits were torn and they both had been deeply bruised. The broken bones of the two siblings nearly mirror each other. She cries in pain, crawling to him and then tried scooting closer to him. He turned his head to her.
"Y/N" he gasps overcome with relief
He began to crawl to her wincing as he breathes heavily. They finally made it to each other as the twins both softly smile to each other.. Tears fall down both of their faces. He holds her hand listening the first heartbeat he ever heard.
"MOM!! UNCLE CLARK!!" Conner cried "DAD THERE OVER HERE!!" he shouts to Bruce
"LOIS THEY'RE HERE!!" Bruce shouts to his sister-in-law
Bruce began running to the Kryptonians along with Lois who was running behind him
Inside Wayne Manor upstairs in the bedroom of Mr and Mrs. Wayne. On the large bed, Bruce's eyes begin to slowly open. The sunlight shun through the windows to their bed, to his wife's sleeping face. He looked to his wife who laid sleeping by him.
Her knuckles were bandaged from the thin layer of skin that had been damaged from repeatedly punching the tough skin of Doomsday.
Had it not been for both Kryptonians one of the the Kent siblings would have not made it out alive.
Back at the Kent farm Clark was recovering just as his sister is, from their near death experience. Lois doted to him in any way she could.
After checking on his mom which of course led to his hair being pulled by his baby brother. Tim carried a cup of hot chocolate for Jason, while walking to his big brother's room. He knocks on Jason's door.
"hey Jay. I got you some hot chocolate.." Tim waits.. "Jason?!"
He knew Jason would be furious if he just opened the door and let himself in.. Though what if he's having another panic attack? What if he's not ok? What if he needs help?
Tim accepted that angering his brother was worth it, just to ensure he's OK. He opened the door. He's not in his bed, not in his chair and he's not in his bathroom. He's not out on the balcony. He takes a deep breath and puts the mug of chocolate on his brothers nightstand.
Tim calls Jason.. Repeatedly as it continues going to voice mail. OK he can panic now. Tim runs to his parents room
"mom! Dad! Alfred!" he yelled
The door opens as both Bruce, Y/N and Alfred whom was holding Damian. Hurry to their loved one.
"son what's wrong?" Bruce asked him directly
"J-Jason's gone and he won't answer my phone calls" Tim blurted out his throat shaking
Y/N gasps "Tim don't panic baby we will find him" Y/N promised "he probably went out to get some fresh air" she ensures Tim, unable to even believe her own words.
She began to try to listen for his heartbeat that wasn't near her. She listened more carefully but unfortunately it caused her mind to race and her head aching to a harsh throb. The pain caused the injured Kryptonian to wince. Bruce looks to her face, studying her clenched jaw and weakened breath.
"you're in pain"
"...no I'm not...." she lied
"you are going back to bed to rest. We will find Jason without you overexerting yourself"
"dammit!" she cursed furious that he was right "please find my baby" she begged now in tears
Bruce gives her a sweet kiss and then bolts to the Bat-cave. Bruce called both his oldest sons. Dick quickly went to Gotham but not quite as quickly as Conner.
Conner knew his brothers well enough that he knew their Heartbeats individually. So finding his brother wasn't too difficult. He touches his intercom telling the family, that he found him. He sits next to his little brother. He needs to get him back home, but first they need to talk.
"you don't have to be strong all the time Jason.. I don't know if you're going to fully ever be OK.. But you can't let the fear run you or trick you into believing running is the right thing to do. You gotta let people in. You have let your family in.."
"I know.. I just hate being scared all the fucking time" Jason cried "I feel so small Conner. Like I'm back in that--" he sighed heavily Conner gently rubbed his back to comfort him "I know there trying to be there for me and I want to be OK but--" he lightly shakes his head "but I don't want to burden them or mom and I just want it to be over... She almost died Conner... How can I tell them how damaged I feel, when she is in pain to"
He softly sighed "it's OK that you're not OK and they will understand. Just so you know.. I know how you feel"
"it's hard to sleep.." he admits and then stammered by his, statement. He used his hand to dry his runny nose from his emotions "what are you talking about?" he looks to his older brother seeing his past reflection of trauma.. He, truly understands.
Conner takes a deep breath in and out preparing to express his pain "well back in.. Cadmus.. When I messed up or didn't do well enough in their eyes. They weren't exactly kind or understanding with my results. I still struggle with feeling like I'm back in that pod sometimes.. It helps to think about things that calm you down and when that, doesn't work listening to music.. And if even that doesn't work you can lean on Mom or Dad" he shrugged "or anyone of us. We're family we gotta stick together especially when we've been through so much. You are never ever going to be a burden to any of us. We, love you Jason don't forget that"
"I know I just thought if I left.. It'd be easier on everyone.. I'm sorry you go through this to.. I knew you went through shit but I didn't.. I didn't really get it"
"it's not your fault you didn't know Buddy..." Conner rubs his forehead and stands, offering his hand to Jason "c'mon let's go home everyone is worried about you especially Mom"
"oh no!!!" Jason exclaimed in guilt, he was so worried about burdening them, he didn't think of how much he worried them "I'm in such deep shit"
Jason takes Conner's hand standing onto his feet with his brother.
"it's alright and cool it down with the cussing kid" Conner said ruffling his hair as Jason snickered.
"thanks Conner" Jason softly said
"what are big brothers for?" he smiled hugging his little brother.
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millyhelp · 5 months
Sweet mornings.
DILF!Dick Grayson x Wife!fem!reader
Request: No thoughts, just Dilf!Dick Grayson and Y/n having a lazy fluffy morning, and then sleepy Johnny waddles into their room to cuddle.
warnings: fluff, fluff, fluff. Johnny is 5 years old.
notes: I LOVED WRITING THIS!! I love dilf!dick so much! you have no idea!
Taglist: @harleycao , @spectr3inl0ve , @sparklytoaster
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Arrows of light were passing through the white curtains illuminating the room. Your soft and calm snoring tickled Dick's ears, who had his face in his neck and his grip on your waist. He was waking up.
The smell of your shampoo filled his nostrils. He slightly opened his eyes to get used to the brightness of the morning sun.
Slowly and sweetly, Dick began planting kisses on her neck. Of course he wanted to let you sleep, but after you forced him to wake you up every morning right after him, he just agreed and did it.
"Morning, mama." The voice, hoarse from lack of use during the night, made you shiver.
You opened your eyes slowly and turned to Dick. You hid your face in his warm, bare chest.
"Hmmm, morning." You respond muffled. You lift your face to look at him. "I wanna sleep moreeee."
Dick laughed at your little drama. He wouldn't deny it, he also wanted to sleep more, however, now you and him had Johnny to worry about.
"We have to get up before-" You interrupt him
"Before our little acrobat wakes up." Dick smiles and you laugh. "I already memorized that."
"But before..." Dick looked closely at your lips. "My morning kiss."
Dick's lips touched yours in a delicate way. You two had already been married for five years, morning breath was no longer the problem.
"Ha!" A small body throws itself between the two of you making you break the kiss quickly. "Good morning, mommy! good morning, daddy!"
Johnny's sweet voice sounded happy and wide awake.
"Someone woke up earlier than expected." Dick said and you laughed "Good morning my big boy!"
"Good morning, my love" You said with a smile on your lips and kissed Johnny's forehead.
The little body entered the duvet next to you and Dick and snuggled into your arms.
"I had such a cool dream!" He started talking "I dreamed that Grandpa Bruce took me to a giant candy factory! Did you believe that mommy?!"
He said and looked at you with shining eyes.
"And what else?" Dick asked and Johnny smiled looking at his father
"Uncle Jay was there too! He helped me eat a lot of candieesss!" Johnny smiled but the smile was taken over by a pout "But I woke up before taking candies for you and mommy."
"It's okay, my love" You said and kissed the little boy's cheek.
"Can we sleepy more, mommy? I want to bring candies for you and daddy!" Johnny yawned.
Dick sighed in relief.
"Sure!" You smiled and Johnny laid on your chest
"I'll bring, mommy..." Johnny yawned again "I'll bring candies..."
Johnny's eyes closed and he fell into a heavy sleep as he hugged your body.
Dick smiled at the sight and noticed that you had fallen asleep next to the little boy.
Well, what was left for him was sleep too. Dick hugged Johnny's body close to yours, and lightly fell asleep with a smile on his face, feeling like the happiest man in the world.
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your-nanas-house · 9 months
Dick grayson x blackwidow reader smut (😈😈) where there cocky enemys and kinda hate love sitch and he's tied up she's nearest to help and things get spicy 🤭🤭
Right away 😈
Tied up
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◇ Pairing: Dick Grayson X fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: angst, slightly smut, enemies to lovers
◇ Summary: Dick is tied up and Blackwidow helps him.
◇ Notes: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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Bruce's voice boomed in the empty room where Dick had been tied up, wearing his Nightwing suit, and the mask still on. His light-blue-covered phone was somewhat away from him, which was why the boy had had to ask the google assistant to put the call on speakerphone while he tried to free himself.
He was assured that someone would arrive in a short time to help him though, too bad that that someone was the one he considered his enemy— she called herself 'Blackwidow' when she was wearing her heroine costume and simply Y/n when she was wearing her everyday clothes.
Dick could already hear her heels in the distance getting closer and closer until the young woman was in sight; her gaze on him accompanied by an amused smile, her hand was on her hip and her head was slightly tilted.
"Well...Well—" the snort that came out of Dick's mouth interrupted her, his blue eyes on her all the time, following her action suspiciously 
"Hello Y/n," he muttered annoyed a few minutes later after the realization that she was not going to help him immediately, finding the situation, the young man had gotten himself into, too amusing
"Are you going to help me or what!" Dick asked, annoyed, still uncomfortably tied to the wall of that abandoned building.
Y/n slowly approached, a dangerous but still amused look behind the blank mask of her face. She did not open her mouth, merely walked slowly around him and then pressed her body against his in an attempt to reach the higher ropes to untie or cut them.
Their bodies were pressed against each other, her slight movements causing a pleasant friction at Dick's crotch as he tried to hide his blushing and his growing arousal not wanting to receive any teasing.
Things got worse, however, when Dick moved his hips, poking her directly on her lower belly making her feel his rock-hard boner which was just waiting for attention from someone. 
Luckily for him nothing bad happened, not like he had imagined when he was previously trying to hide it in total embarrassment; in fact, things took an even more positive turn as Y/n's hand, that had previously been busy cutting the ropes, slowly moved to her chest, caressing his symbol before continuing on its path, which was unknown to Dick but that stopped exactly where he hoped.
The young man tried to open his mouth to say something but Y/n's lips ensured that he didn't speak as her hand stopped on his boner- she squeezed it gently, muffling the moan of pleasure Dick let escape in the kiss, and then began massaging his cock through the fabric, speeding up her palm movements only when she noticed a difference in the tone of his moans.
"I have to admit, you look very sexy tied up like this," Y/n joked before moving her hand away as soon as Dick's release wetted the fabric of his suit.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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Could I request a Dick x wife!reader? They’re newly married and just had a baby. They make it a competition to take care of the baby when it cries. So much so that Dick pulls his wife out of the way to run to the nursery. It’s all fun and games
The Baby Race
Dick Grayson x plus size reader
Dickie and Dove are always competing on who gets to take care of the baby.
Warnings: Fucking all the fluff, some references to sex, talks about boobs/breastfeeding
WC: 557
A/N: I loved this idea so so much and I fell in love with our little Alice so… here’s the start of the Grayson’s universe! Get ready for more stories involving our perfect little family!
Minors DNI
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The cry came through the baby monitor’s speaker a mere ten minutes after silence had settled over the small apartment. There was a brief moment of quiet as you and your husband looked at each other, tensing in preparation for the argument about to ensue. 
Another wail shattered the tension and you both made a break for it. “Don’t you dare go near my baby, Grayson!” You scrambled on the hardwood floors, your socked feet not getting proper traction.
“Don’t you mean our baby, I did have a hand in making her!” Dick taunted, vaulting over the couch he was just laying on to make a mad dash towards the nursery. As delicately as he could, he pulled you to the side as he slid by, forcing you back down onto his recliner. You landed with a grunt, taking only a second to right yourself before you were back on your feet and chasing your new husband.
“I don’t think a five minute workout gives you the right to claim that you made her, especially since I was the one growing her for 9 months!” You darted forward, only just fast enough to grab the back of Dick’s shirt and yank him backwards, sending him flying past you.
He huffed in frustration before overtaking you once more. Damn his vigilante strength, you cursed to yourself. “It was six minutes and you know it!” He left into your daughter’s bedroom and slammed the door, the distinct sound of the lock clicking into place following. You had lost but, you were smiling, like an idiot in fact.
Dick was an incredible father, doting and kind, with a sense of humour that never failed to cheer you up, even in the middle of a difficult labour. With a bit of a struggle, you fished the key for the door off of the frame and quietly entered the nursery.
Alice was fully awake and staring at her father with an intensity that rivaled Tim and a cup of coffee. Her little hands were balled up into fists, her brows furrowed, her lips puckered as she grunted. You knew that face very well. “Unless you have a pair of boobs under that shirt, you better hand her over to me.” 
Your husband looked at you briefly, then turned away. “How do you know that I don’t?” You sighed and made your way over to them, wrapping your soft arms around his torso to rest your chin on his shoulder.
“I’ve seen you shirtless hundreds of times Dickie, I think I would know that.” You could feel the sadness radiating from him, disappointed that he couldn’t feed his daughter. With a small peck to his clean shaven cheek, you briefly cupped the back of Alice’s head. “I’ll go get a bottle ready for her but I’m feeding her next time.”
“Yeah sure.” He said absentmindedly, his gaze fixed upon the perfect little life in his arms. But you didn’t take any offense to his dismissal, knowing that you did the same thing. When you had her in your hold, it was impossible to look away from those big eyes that looked so much like yours. “Hey Dove?” You looked back at your husband. “Thank you.”
You shrugged and walked out. “I’ll beat you one of these days Grayson!”
“Don’t count on it Grayson!”
The Grayson's Masterlist | DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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@im-a-slut-for-fluff @alexxavicry @ravenwings73 @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @silverfire475 @psychadelichues @mvyalx @faefanatic @km-ffluv
Dick Grayson
@jason-todds-bitch @honkytonkbabe @nini-trash-forever @itsbqueenthings @batmaninamaiddress @getoutofthere @blasianbitch @theweepingvulcan91 @luvvvjada @im-a-satanic-ritual @m0nster-fvcker @onlystarshere
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ii-larb-you · 2 years
DC fic recs
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Bruce Wayne
no other shade of blue - @embrassemoi
so damn charming - @drifterbruce
dark knight and deep bruises - @spilledkauffie
pick a color - @defaulttwig
I won’t drown, Batman - @twinklelilstarkey
morning routine - @moonlitdesertdreams
slice of life: cooking lessons - @ellana-ravenwood
jason todd and the haunted manor - ^^
all for us series masterlist - @the-daydreaming-show
her cafe - @reveluving
raising baby birds for dummies - @disgrays-on
at ease - @moonlitdesertdreams
“I want to see my little boy!” - @dragon-chica
long overdue - @apocalypse-shuffle
the circus - @imaginingmarvelandeverything
"carrying the other one in their arms" - @ragingbookdragon
batsis meet the batboys - ^^
mercenary - @unofficial-jaytodd-wife
Poly!Jason Todd x reader x Roy Harper
pick me up - @rev-wrath
bedtime with the boys - @dccomicsimagines
Jason Todd
learning to love slowly (2) - @to-the-stars8 (there are like multiple parts for this so go read them, I linked this one tho cause its my favorite)
"things must be catastrophic if you're calling me at this hours" - @embrassemoi
of soup and snowstorms - @makethatelevenrings
one-shot (featuring dami and tim) - @veronica-17-hood (MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FAVORITE FAVORITE WRTITEON THIS APP!!)
one-shot (featuring dami) - ^^
elopement - @dccomicsimagines
a baby in the family - @ellana-ravenwood
slumber party? - @moonlitdesertdreams
Poly!Damian Wayne x reader x Jon Kent
blurb #18 - @quillsareswords
myo pizza night - @unmotivatedwrit3r
Damian Wayne
cuddly damian - @ssak-i
what's a lock to a bat? - @unmotivatedwrit3r
gala with damian - @veronica-17-hood
protect you - @catxsnow
cutest softest damian thing ever - @quillsareswords (love all their writing!! It’s absolutely adorable)
“Don’t say a word about this” - @thesuperiorrobin
lipstick stains - ^^
my beloved - @glittering-moonlillie
Wally West
"hold still. this might sting a little." - @agentofkrypton
happy new years - @butwhyduh
Dick Grayson
cuddlebug - @ghost-soap (love all of their writing)
animal instinct - @cipheress-to-k-pop
much loved sister in law - @lazydoodlesandfanfic
Cassandra Cain
the girlfriend theives - @spvilers
Tim Drake
one-shot - @veronica-17-hood
Roy Harper
tired - @rev-wrath
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
DC Comics
Dick Grayson x fem!reader
One More Favor (Titans!Dick Grayson)
5k+ words | angst to fluff | When Dick takes Rachel out of Detroit, he needs help, but he'll have to call in a few favors first.
Honeymoon Suite
2.6k+ words | fluff | Batman sends you and Dick undercover as newlyweds. At the end of the mission, neither of you want things to change.
Jason Todd x fem!reader
The Man Under the Hood
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | After a terrifying encounter with Red Hood, Jason is left to pick up the pieces.
Love, The Man Under the Hood 1.8k+ words | angst to fluff | After learning that Jason Todd is the Red Hood, he tells you everything.
1.5k words | fluff | Gotham winters are brutal, but your best friend Jason Todd and work friend Red Hood know how to combat the cold. Unfortunately, you're falling in love with both of them.
Lost Time
1.3k+ words | fluff | Jason comes home to you, his wife, after a mission and makes up for lost time.
Bruce Wayne x fem!reader
Family Name
6.6k+ words | angst to fluff | ex-Army/SWAT!reader | After ten years away, you return to Gotham. When you discover you know the true identity of the Joker, you join Batman's fight to save Gotham.
Crushes Aren't Just for Kids
3.1k+ words | fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When all adults are banished from earth, you join Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and Green Lantern in a unique fight to save the world. Along the way, some hidden feelings are revealed.
Butterflies Aren't Just for Kids 1.6k+ words | fluff | Bruce hasn't asked you out yet, despite the League's interest in your new relationship. When he finally has enough and takes you away from their prying eyes and endless questions, you tell him why you hid your feelings for so long.
Black Mercy
2.3k+ words | angst to fluff | JLU Batman x JL!reader | When you and Bruce find Superman in the Fortress of Solitude, you encounter the Black Mercy. Bruce faces his heart's greatest desire, and you encourage him to find happiness.
What You Want
2.9k+ words | angst / hurt/comfort | You are Joker's daughter, and you let him think for you. Bruce Wayne, however, sees who you really are and encourages you to be better.
Hal Jordan x fem!reader
Me or the Ring
3.5k+ words | angst | When the Guardians suspect you, a woman from earth, of working with the Star Sapphires to commit mass murder, Hal Jordan volunteers to find evidence. He accidentally falls for you in the process, but you find out why he let you get so close and pull away.
Me and the Ring 2.9k+ words | angst to fluff | After Hal broke your heart and failed his mission, the Guardians send Kyle to pick up where he left off. You can't trust Hal, but that doesn't mean you don't love him.
/ Blurbs/Celebration Fics
Christmas '23 | Dick (Haley's Holiday)(A League Christmas) | Jason (Special Edition)
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Dick Grayson x Reader
Title: Reunited
Pairings: Dick Grayson and F!Reader (mentioned as the black widower, couldn’t think of a superhero name)
Warnings: None
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After a long work out, all I wanted to do was get into the shower and relax for the rest of the night. As I opened the door to my apartment, I sensed something was off. I tossed my duffle bag down on the ground and went to the kitchen and pulled out my handgun from underneath the counter. 
I loaded it quietly and I looked around the dark apartment. Taking a few slow steps, I turned the corner to go into my bedroom, and had a gun pressed to someone’s head. “It’s not smart to come into an apartment that has guns.” I say and the person turned around slowly and swept my legs out from underneath me. 
The gun flew down the hall, and I punched the person in the face, and twisted around their torso, bringing them down to the ground. Once I was on top of them, the voice chuckled, “Y/N, it’s just me. It’s Dick.” I flipped on the light switch, and sure enough, Dick was underneath me. 
I jumped up to my feet, “Oh my gosh...I thought you were an intruder.” Dick stood up and he smiled, while pulling me into a hug. His cologne was a mix of bourbon and oak, the familiar scent made me think back to when we were dating. 
But the sound of footsteps made me look around Dick’s shoulder. A girl with black and purple hair, slowly approached the two of us. “Hi, what’s your name?” I asked and she looked at Dick.
“This is Rachel. She’s the reason I’m here, Y/N. I need your help.” he said, and I looked down at my feet. I honestly had hoped he was here for me... But I knew what he meant; he needed a place to lay low, and time to figure things out. 
“Okay. Well, you guys can stay here with me until we figure things out.” I turned on the lamps and closed all of the blinds and curtains. Dick was getting some things from his car, and Rachel was sitting quietly on the couch. 
I sat down next to her, “You can watch some TV if you want. I also have some books in the spare room, and I can order you a pizza if you’d like.” I say, and she gave me a small smile.
“Thank you.” she whispered, and something to the side caught her attention. Rachel picked up a picture that was tucked underneath a book on the coffee table. When I caught a glimpse of the picture, it was a picture of me and Dick. We were at some party, and he was smiling down at me, while I smiled at the camera. 
She smiled, “So, I’m assuming you two were a thing?” she questioned, and I nodded. “But not anymore?” I nodded yet again, knowing her next question was going to be: why?
“Um, well, we uh... I’m not sure actually. We just grew apart, disagreed on some things, and he moved.” I said before standing up. “I will go order you a pizza before it gets too late.” I tried to change the subject before it had to get any deeper. 
Seeing Dick was hard enough and talking about the past wasn’t making matters any better. When we broke up, it wasn’t on good terms. Dick was angry. He couldn’t control himself when it came to dealing with criminals, and I didn’t agree with how he handled some things. 
“Dick, you can’t just go around beating them like a sociopath! Bruce says we need to-”
“I don’t care what Bruce says, Y/N. That guy was beating his wife! She was his personal punching bag and they let him go unscathed!” Dick yelled, and I flinched. He had never yelled at me like that before. After he had seen my worried expression, his face softened. Dick rubbed his face out of irritation, “Look, Y/N, I’m sorry-”
Before he could finish, I raised my hand up in the air, “Maybe we need to re-evaluate this situation in the morning, alright?” I said before walking to the bedroom and closing the door. I leaned against the bedroom door as I heard glass hit the wall and shatter. Shaking my head, I looked at the picture of when we were truly happy. 
Before the black widower and Robin consumed our every ounce of being and controlled every aspect of our life. I took the picture and slammed it shut between pages of an old book. 
The next day, we never re-evaluated the situation; instead, we decided to break-up. Our pride got in the way of apologizing to one another, and neither of us really said sorry, or try to find common ground.
After eating, Rachel fell asleep in the spare bedroom, and Dick was making a spot to sleep on my bedroom floor. After I turned off the lights, and climbed into bed, I looked over at Dick. “You know, you can just sleep up here. There’s plenty of space.” I say while looking up at the ceiling.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” he said, and I didn’t even question why. But after I had closed my eyes and got comfortable, I felt the other side of the bed dip. “Is this the same mattress?” he asked, and I propped myself up on my arm. 
“Yep. Same mattress and pillows.” I say and he looked at me with a smile. He laid back and groaned, “You have no idea how much I missed this mattress and- is this my pillow?” he asked, and I chuckled.
“Mhm. I couldn’t get rid of it.” I say and Dick turned on his side to face me. I laid back down, and we were staring at each other. The moon was shining in through the window, and I could see half of his face. His brown eyes still made my heart skip a beat, “Has-” he cleared his throat. “Has anyone else slept in this bed?” he asked, and I shook my head.
“As hard as it is to believe, I couldn’t bring myself to move on, Dick.” I whispered, and I stared at his lips. “The pillow- I kept it because it smells like you. It comforted me and I felt safe. I’m sorry I didn’t say sorry, Dick. And for just letting you go.” 
He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, “I’m sorry for yelling at you. You didn’t deserve that, Y/N/N.”
We looked into each other’s eyes, and then at each other’s lips. I moved in closer to him, and his lips lingered over mine, and they were barely touching. But when our eyes met again, he whispered, “Fuck it” and pulled me by the back of my neck to kiss him. 
The kisses were hungry, and his lips were soft. He tasted like fresh mint, and I melted against his touch. His fingertips pressed into my thighs, dragging me closer to his body, and before I knew it he was on top of me. 
Our lips never disconnected, and he grabbed the buttons of my night shirt and ripped it open. He lifted up my back, so he could get rid of the pajama top, and work on getting my shorts off. 
I laid bare underneath him, and he began to pull off his own shirt and sweatpants. “You look beautiful.” he whispered as he pressed kisses along my thighs, all the way up to my chest.
It was like our first time over again- I was shy and scared for him to see my body. I was vulnerable in front of him all over again. But at the same time, we were picking up where we left off. His abs were more defined now, and my hand traced along the all too familiar scars on his chest.
His brown eyes looked down into mine, “I’m sorry, Y/N. I should’ve never left. I should’ve fought for us.” He whispered and I connected our lips again. 
I hope you guys enjoyed this! ❤️
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i-yap · 5 days
Hi! You mentioned in a prev oneshot that you were Indian, as a fellow south asian it is so nice to have someone into the fandom as well !!! May I have a request if batboys with an south asian so who does Indian classical dance like bharatnatyam or odissi please?
Heyyy I have never professionally learned classical Indian dances but I love watching them so ill try my best. Im sorry if its offensive, Im doing fem reader cuz gn wasn't requested..hope that okay too
Batboys x Dancer!Y/N
Dick grayson
He loved the story the dances depicted. He learned all the meanings and history behind all the hand movements and music.
Dick had probably been to India for a mission so he does know a little about indian history but now he has a much stronger motivation to learn everything and anything about that culture .
Also we all know dick has a thing for strong powerful women. And Bharatnatyam or Odssi or any indian classical dance for that matter REQUIRES SO MUCH STRENGTH . The facial expressions, the precise movement and the beauty of it all..he is whipped.
'He also loves when you get in touch with your culture. Dick is like a culture connoisseur and having a beautiful south asian girlfriend who is proud and expressive of her heritage makes him so proud.
He for sure has videos on videos which he show or boast about to anyone- even at galas , his favorite thing to talk about you and he is just so proud.
Jason Todd
I dont think todd will take the time to look into the difference meanings or stories these dances depict.
I have mentioned how much he stares and now he has a new found excuse to stress. Its like those movie montages of the wife through the husbands eyes where there is like a light glow behind her and he is just laughing (and then she dies or something)- idk if you know what I'm talking about but that exact thing happens with him.
you are like his salvation , so beautiful, golden poised and graceful. Its like a beggar seeing a goddess , a murderer on the steps of church or a ray of sunshine in the cold cold dark city - it becomes his way to spirituality.
He doesn't talk that much about it. the whole experience feels too surreal for him and he loves to see that side of you. when your practicing and don't have the routine perfected, he loves seeing the side of you no one else would get to see.
Tim drake-
This boy probably went to the ballet as a kid and I mean western rich parents-gotham city- I don't think he knows anything about indian classical dance so when he sees it for the first time he is shocked
He Is so intrigued , It just makes you so much cooler. He will love dropping in the middle of his patrols to watch you train and bring you snacks
He also loves doing your makeup for you , and the whole outfit....it looks super complicated and he is good with assembling stuff so he'll be really into it.
He would tbh encourage you to use your skill to start and internet channel and use that to promote movements. Also if you are into the idea of teaching immigrant kids on how to dance, he'll help find the means because being connected to your roots are just so important.
Rather than boring ass ballet in galas , he will promote other styles of dance especially indian classical.
Will cheer like a madman after your performances , even if they are at rich gotham galas. "WOHOO THATS MY GIRL THATS REAL ART YOU SEE THAT YOU RICH PRICKS"
Yea just because you have this super serious super cool skill doesn't mean you both wont be sitting in a dinner eating greasy food in the whole costume+makeup after performances. Youre still teenage dirtbags after all
Damian wayne-
he will draw you . loves sitting and sketching you dance .
He too is really into strong women and appreciates the beauty and precise art of indian dance.
Itll remind him of his home, like up in the mountains. Maybe dance is taught as a way of developing balance and precision. So to him you look like a strong fighter.
It just brings nostalgia and you look so ethereal while you dance. I think out of all batboys he would be most appreciative of the art
these are comparatively shorter but i didnt have too many thoughts. hope its okay tho
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