#elysian: valentines
elysianhqs · 3 months
Olá, estrelinhas! Animados com o evento de Dia dos Namorados que vem por aí? Nós também estamos. Como tínhamos avisado, iremos ter uma pequena competição dentro do nosso evento que vai começar agora dia 9/2, e uma task para entrarmos no clima de forma divertida.
Em IC, os personagens foram avisados por cartas no palácio que estão todos (com exceção da princesa da França e as selecionadas) convidados a participarem do concurso. O concurso é baseado em popularidade: os que receberem mais votos, ganharão os prêmios. Todos estão competindo contra todos, então pode ter um rei e uma rainha, dois reis, duas rainhas, duas realezas, um rei e uma realeza, e assim por diante, o título é como o vencedor preferir.
Os prêmios para cada vencedor:
O poder de conceder uma vantagem para a Selecionada de sua escolha (escolha bem que pode ter uma futura rainha te devendo uma!);
Um voucher de 500 francos para uma noite incrível no melhor restaurante de Paris, com direito a motorista da família real;
Virar capa da revista francesa de maior circulação;
Um ensaio fotográfico para um calendário sexy.
Como vai funcionar? Bem simples: Até o dia 15 de fevereiro, postem POVs, edits, o que acharem melhor, de um anúncio IC do seu personagem que gostaria de ganhar votos para o concurso. Pode participar com quantos chars quiser: a entrada é esse anúncio IC que mencionei.
Os votos são por chars. Ou seja, até o dia 15 podem declarar o voto dos chars de vocês no nosso chat; e tentem, por favor, manter a opinião IC dos personagens de vocês, e obviamente sem votarem nos seus próprios chars (selecionadas não participam, mas votam). Não precisa esperar até dia 15, podem ir declarando votos conforme seus chars forem convencidos pelo pitch dos outros, não importa o argumento. Pode mudar o voto à vontade até dia 15! Dia 16 postaremos o resultado dos vencedores, a ser anunciado em IC no meio do evento. Usem a tag #elysian: competition para postar as tasks, e marquem a central para podermos ler tudo.
Para dar uma ajudinha a quebrar o gelo nos solteiros do Elysian, principalmente para aquelas realezas que estão procurando um casamento, que tal divulgarmos os perfis de aplicativos de namoro dos nossos personagens? Ou, se já estão de casal, postar como seria o perfil (ou até perfil de casal, quem sabe!). Alguns templates de aplicativos para edits constam na lista abaixo:
Template 1
Template 2
Template 3
Template 4
Template 5
Template 6
Quem não se interessar muito no perfil de namoro, temos outra opção também: já viram aqueles memes de valentines, que são cards com frases simples e uma imagem do lado? Alguns exemplos: Esse, esse, esse, esse, esse e esse. Façam um card bobinho de valentine's desses com o personagem de vocês! A intenção desse é ser mais leve e dar risada, então podem caprichar na farofa.
Os personagens que completarem as tasks (qualquer uma das versões, ou as duas!), ganharão no meio do evento uma rosa com uma mensagem secreta de um desconhecido. Como sempre, se sintam livres para agirem em IC. Usem a tag #elysianhqstask para postar as tasks, e marquem a central para podermos ler tudo.
Esperamos vocês dia 9 para a revelação do evento de verdade! Até lá!
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bernwrd · 2 months
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ooc: o guarda até recebeu o convite para participar da competição, mas foi algo tão insignificante para si que esqueceu rapidamente sobre. o problema era que alguns colegas de trabalho tiveram a brilhante ideia de inscrevê-lo e fazer propagandas / pedir voto apenas pelo prazer da comédia. no meio para o final do evento, bernard notou alguns dos cartazes espalhados e ficou furioso, fazendo uma busca para arrancar todos eles, rezando para ninguém ter levado a sério e votado mesmo nele.
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theodwre · 2 months
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ooc: o post foi feito no instagram pessoal do príncipe, marcando todas as pessoas presentes no evento. se você não o seguia antes, parabéns! agora você pode segui-lo se quiser (por tempo limitado). a descrição da foto era simples, apenas pedindo votos, que era a chance dele ser rei e dizendo que os prêmios seriam muito bem aproveitados, com os detalhes na foto. evidentemente, a foto foi editada as pressas e propositalmente de um jeito bobo e divertido (como o próprio theo). há quem diga que foi theodore mesmo quem teve a ideia e editou tudo, mas existe uma certa dúvida se ele seria capaz de fazer algo assim.
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cutexiora-blog · 1 year
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Happy Valentine day for everyone! (well, except for someone i guess)
+ some memes xd
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apcomplexhq · 3 months
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Dentro da mitologia grega sempre foram contadas inúmeras histórias de romances, em sua maioria trágicas ou de natureza questionável, no entanto, entre elas existia uma em específico ao qual Nikos sempre teve maior admiração. Muitos poderiam desconsiderar este conto, junto de tantos outros, por se tratar de uma relação extraconjugal, incapazes de enxergar o além que vinha diante de tudo que era retratado: como poderia ter amor no meio de tanto temor? A beleza existente perante a guerra e o vínculo puro e profundo que possuíam?
Levando como inspiração para aquela data cheia de significados, foi determinado como parte da bela decoração temporária, que estará pronta no dia 14, uma estátua em mármore dos dois deuses vindos da história escolhida no centro da Ágora: um homem com um elmo, impondo a tão famosa lança afiada, abraçado a mulher de sua vida, dona de beleza inexplicável e que mantinha uma rosa em suas mãos. Sob seus pés, tendo a escrita em relevo nomeando-os como Ares, o Deus da guerra e Afrodite, a Deusa do amor. Em complemento, pelas árvores e arbustos do complexo, seria possível ver a adição de flores artificiais, fitas em tons de vermelho, além, é claro, de alguns balões com frases doces enrolados nos postes de luz, juntamente de todos os blocos possuírem adesivos em formato de coração pelo chão e, como mesma finalidade, vários deles pendurados em gravetos que foram postos no jardim, decorando as laterais de todo o caminho pela natureza ali presente.
Funcionários com crachás de nomes fictícios, fazendo referência aos três dos cinco filhos que foram frutos deste casal de deuses: Eros (erotismo), Anteros (amor recíproco) e Harmonia (personificação da paz), estarão passeando pelos blocos, durante todo o período deste evento, distribuindo balões em formato de coração e panfletos que constariam a explicação de todas as atividades propostas, e ajudando com a divulgação em massa de todos os descontos existentes pelos estabelecimentos do condomínio, dando ideias de encontros perfeitos para se ter com sua cara metade, dentre elas:
Os casais resultantes do Tinder realizado pelo fofoqueiro mais conhecido do condomínio possuem direito a ganhar os seguintes itens após irem a um encontro: ✦ Ursinhos de pelúcia, sendo um para cada pessoa do casal 🧸; ✦ Cesta Cúpido Chocolatudo da Sugary Nymph, com guloseimas escolhidas a dedo do cardápio mais docinho do complexo 🍫.
Disponível durante todos os dias em frente ao prédio da assembleia, onde os casais e solteiros poderão realizar uma doação generosa para ONGs, onde a cada dia em que for realizada, ganharão os seguintes brindes: ✦ Permissão para utilização da cabine fotográfica, onde poderão tirar até 2 polaroids decoradas com o tema de dia dos namorados a cada doação diária 📸; ✦ 1 cadeado personalizado com o nome do casal ou do solteiro 🔒; ✦ Mapa com rota de passeio romântico, com destino final na Torre Namsan, localizada no centro de Seul. Para que sejam colocados os cadeados como uma forma de desejar um longo futuro ao romance e/ou o encontro de sua alma gêmea 🗺️.
Na postagem de uma bela fotinha utilizando a cor vermelha, será encaminhado, no dia seguinte a postagem, os seguintes brindes definidos pelo Nikos para a sua casa/apartamento: ✦ Kit “Benção de Afrodite”, obtendo três itens sortidos da sex shop Erostic 🐚; ✦ Um mini buquê de rosas vermelhas 🌹.
Possui tanto sentimento dentro de você que precisa urgentemente expor para tudo e todos? Como se precisasse gritar ao mundo? Basta enviar a seguinte ficha diretamente para o conhecido Momusinho. 🚙 ✦ Nome do Romântico (remetente): ✦ Nome da Vítima da Telemensagem (destinatário): ✦ Bloco que o carro vai passar a mensagem: ✦ Deseja que o carro pare na frente de algum estabelecimento específico? Se sim, qual?: ✦ Mensagem:
Quer saber o que o futuro guarda para o seu relacionamento? Ou, até mesmo, o que vocês, solteirões e solteironas, poderão enfrentar? Basta enviar seus nomes para que seu desejo seja repassado a cartomante especial do condomínio, conhecida como Saturno e, no dia seguinte, poderá receber em seu apartamento/casa os seguintes brindes após consulta: ✦ Kit Aromático com Velas nos aromas de Crème Brûlée, Frutas Vermelhas, Milkshake de Morango e Flor de Cerejeira 🕯️; ✦ 1 Perfume Íntimo Importado “Puzzy”, fragrância aleatória 🪷.
Todos os casais poderão ter acesso a um ticket, retirado na recepção do condomínio, que darão a eles 20% de desconto em qualquer compra nas lojas e estabelecimentos do condomínio. Desde que estejam juntos 🏷️.
Locais: Assembleia (estande de doações), recepção (voucher), todos os blocos (telemensagem e dates). Duração do Evento: do dia 14/02/24 (quarta-feira) até o dia 19/02/24 (segunda-feira).
E, para incentivar a interação e diversão dos moradores, Nikos, do qual pegou ciência do suposto chá de revelação organizado por uma das condôminas: Tanaka Kuina, resolveu adicionar o convite entregue por ela no o panfleto.
OBSERVAÇÕES OOC! ✦ Para a telemensagem, conforme descrito no texto, vocês precisam enviar a ficha na DM do nosso fofoqueiro MOMUS, para que nós façamos a postagem de um turno miúdo do carro em nosso discord; ✦ Aos que estão morrendo de vontade de saber as leituras de nossa taróloga, que se trata apenas de uma brincadeira, ok? Basta mandarem mensagem para a DM do SÍNDICO PARK, podem mandar a qualquer horário, no entanto, só terão a resposta de noite; ✦ Os estabelecimentos n��o só podem, como devem fazer postagem de decorações, descontos, promoções ou cardápios e serviços especiais para esse período dos valentine’s! Já vimos que o Ambrosia Garden e o Nectar Cafe estão seguindo esses passos, continuem assim; ✦ Vocês podem ver o convite do chá da senhorita Kuku clicando aqui. Ele será feito através de narrações pequenas com nossos NPC's no dia e horário estabelecido, no discord. Vocês podem interagir com o ocorrido, até porque teremos plotdrop como resultado; ✦ Todos vocês estão livres para passearem com seus amores OU se juntarem com seus amigos e fingirem que são um casal para desfrutar das promoções e atividades; ✦ Aproveitem para participar através de turnos no servidor principal do DISCORD, adoramos quando vocês jogam por lá; ✦ Também podem participar através de selfparas/povs, tweets e postagem de fotos conforme mencionado acima; ✦ Não precisam ser vítimas do trabalho sempre, os NPC’s estão aí para serem utilizados como auxílio, eles podem ocupar algum de seus horários para aproveitarem dos eventos; ✦ Cuidado para que Deimos e Fobos não ataquem seus relacionamentos; ✦ Qualquer dúvida podem nos mandar através de ASK ou DM.
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disdoorted-crows · 5 months
i made a list of folk songs the mechs used in their music and now you can have it too
have you ever been listening to a folk playlist and thought, 'hey, i think i've heard this one on a mechs album!'? well, you probably have! the mechs' songs, especially their early stuff like once upon a time in space, often contained tunes from popular folk songs!
disclaimer: i got a lot of this information from either the genius lyrics page for the song or the lyric video from TheVoidSings, who of course has lyric videos for (i believe) all the mechs songs out there. so, shoutout to them for doing the research! i just compiled it. also, this is an incomplete list; it's just all the ones i could find.
the queens court - the deserter
tim goes crazy - battle hymn of the republic
the recruiters song - pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag
gassed last night - bombed last night
the toy soldiers song - over the hills and far away
blood and whiskey - o were I on Parnassus hill
pump shanty - pump shanty
cinders song - haul away joe
rose red - rose red
old king cole - old king cole
laid in blood - fifteen men on a dead man's chest
our boy jack - bella ciao
sleeping beauty - let all mortal flesh keep silence (picardy)
broken horses - skibbereen
sirens - gently johnny
riddle of the sphinx - greensleeves
favoured son - the rocky road to dublin
underworld blues - last kind words blues
ties that bind - blue in green
elysian fields - i am a poor wayfaring stranger
one eyed jacks - the house of the rising sun/when jonny comes marching home
iphis - house carpenter
pellinore and the beast - barbara allen
gunfight at the dolorous guard - my funny valentine
empty trail - when the levee breaks
the hanged man rusts - lannigan's ball
hellfire - dem bones (💀💀💀)
skin and bone - the raggle taggle gypsies
holder of the grail - the rising of the moon
peacemaker - sinnerman
once and future king - the snow it melts the soonest
thor - drowsy maggie
ragnarok I runaway - crazy train
drop dead - matty groves
lost in the cosmos - bonny grovewoodside
chop of their heads - mouse round (mending song)
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
⟸ back to navi
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reacting to you noticing their peepee is hard : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya
reacting to monoma hitting on you : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya
you reacting to mha characters getting hit on : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi
reacting to you having nightmares : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi
them asking you to be their valentine : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi, t.shigaraki
asking the mha boys the 100$ 700$ question : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi
sending them "choke me" : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi, t.shigaraki
mha boys accidentally texting you after your date :̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, k.takami, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi
mha boys reacting to the send d*ck meme : ̗̀➛ i.midoriya, dabi, s.todoroki, k.bakugo
asking if you can borrow their hoodie : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, i.midoriya, s.todoroki, d.kaminari
boyfriend texts : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo
mha babes being needy during your finals : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo. i.midoriya, s.todoroki, dabi, e.kirishima
"someone broke into my house" : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, i.midoriya, d.kaminari, dabi, s.todoroki
"my period is late" : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya
boyfriend texts : ̗̀➛ i.midoriya
asking them to draw a heart with the tip of their d!ck : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, d.kaminari
they react to your new haircut : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, dabi
"my mom wants to see your face" : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, d.kaminari, e.kirishima, s.todoroki, i.midoriya, k.takami, n.monoma, dabi
sending an embarrassing picture of them : ̗̀➛ k.bakugo, i.midoriya, d.kaminari, s.todoroki, k.takami
asking them to buy a period product that doesn't exist
: ̗̀➛i.midoriya, k.bakugo, s.todoroki
the league of villains reacts to your crush on dabi : ̗̀➛ dabi, k.takami, t.shigaraki, h.toga, twice
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disney trips with your rich boyfriend : ̗̀➛ shoto todoroki
with a s/o who rambles a lot : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya, bakugo katsuki, shoto todoroki, tomura shigaraki
with a s/o who is only nice to them : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya, bakugo katsuki, shoto todoroki, tenya iida
bakugo x same!personality reader : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
bakugo x quiet! reader : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
bakugo and izuku in love with the same person : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo, izuku midoriya (bakugo ending)
bakugo and izuku in love with the same person : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya ending
bakugo with a loving but aggressive s/o : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
elysian : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
ibara x fire!quirk reader : ̗̀➛ ibara shiozaki
mha boys as texters : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, denki kaminari
with a socially anxious s/o : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima
character as a partner : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo
character as a partner : ̗̀➛ villain izuku midoriya
character as a partner : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya
character as a partner : ̗̀➛ shoto todoroki
main three falling in love at first sight : ̗̀➛k.bakugo, s.todoroki, i.midoriya
shopping w them : ̗̀➛ s.todoroki, k.bakugo, i.midoriya
moving in headcanons : ̗̀➛ s.todoroki, i.midoriya
how they react when you're on your period : ̗̀➛ s.todoroki, k.bakugo, i.midoriya, e.kirishima
pro hero husband izuku headcanons : ̗̀➛ i.midoriya
meeting inko as izu's partner : ̗̀➛ i.midoriya
watching horror movies (halloween special) : ̗̀➛ i.midoriya, s.todoroki, k.bakugo
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himitsu part 1 part 2 : ̗̀➛ dabi (angst)
forelsket : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo (fluff)
goodbye letter : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo (angst)
going through his phone : ̗̀➛katsuki bakugo (fluff)
"you can stand under my umbrella" : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya (fluff)
taking care of u when you're sick : ̗̀➛ izuku midoriya (fluff)
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with an s/o who gets scared easily : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo, tomura shigaraki
their s/o laughs with someone else : ̗̀➛ shoto todoroki, katsuki bakugo, keigo takami
offering you a plushie : ̗̀➛ katsuki bakugo, eijiro kirishima
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© izukuisbaby. do not copy, modify, translate, repost or take my ideas/concept without giving credits but comments, feedback, reblogs and asks are very much welcome !💌
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forourpoets · 3 months
happy valentine's day to all my loves i appreciate you guys sooo much and i genuinely love you guys soon much <33
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tagging all my moots <3
@bellybumm @daydream-of-a-wallflower @dizzyntrr @demigoddess-of-ghosts @elysian-art-and-life @folklore-girl @gloriouslydepressing @in-the-sweet-november-rain @lost-in-reveriie @lovings4turn @reputationgf @sleepinginmygrave @sp1rit-realm
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
Genshin Impact (all women):
La Signora
Breeding her (NSFW)
Pining with Signora (SFW)
Caring for her after a tiring work day (SFW)
Semi-public sex in Tsaritsa's throne room (NSFW)
Making up for missed time (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2022 (SFW)
Vampire! Signora (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Shopping with Her (Suggestive SFW)
Threesome (NSFW)
Sex with Her (NSFW)
Mirror sex with her (NSFW)
Sex with CWoF Signora (NSFW)
More sex with CWoF Signora (NSFW)
Calling her mommy (NSFW)
Needy Signora pleasuring herself thinking of you (NSFW)
Opera singer Rosalyne (SFW)
Thoughts on her lips (Mild NSFW)
With a demon!Reader (NSFW)
Walking on you wearing underwear (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Pranking gone wrong (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2022 (SFW)
Reward for helping out (NSFW)
CEO! Ningguang comes home late (NSFW)
Popular s/o making her jealous (SFW)
Making up for missed time (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Shopping with Her (Suggestive SFW)
Threesome (NSFW)
Strip TCG with dom Ningguang (NSFW)
School AU (NSFW)
Being pampered by her (SFW)
Threesome with Yelan and male! reader (NSFW)
Ningguang birthday 2023 (SFW)
Walking on you wearing underwear (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Lisa Minci
Valentine's Day 2022 (SFW)
Reward for helping out (NSFW)
Her birthday (SFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Shopping with Her (Suggestive SFW)
Threesome (NSFW)
Sex with Her (NSFW)
Face sitting (NSFW)
With g!p reader (NSFW)
Walking on you wearing underwear (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Raiden Ei
Ei tending to sick reader (SFW)
Teasing short reader during sex (NSFW)
Celebrating your birthday with her (SFW)
Popular s/o making her jealous (SFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Calling her mommy (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Yae Miko
Reward for helping out (NSFW)
Teasing short reader during sex (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Calling her mommy (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Jean Gunnhildr
Unexpected jealously from her (SFW)
Making up for missed time (NSFW)
Valentine's Day 2023 (SFW)
Sex with Her (NSFW)
Assissting during NNN (Suggestive Fluff)
Threesome (NSFW)
School AU
Caring for her with g!p reader (NSFW)
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Honkai Impact 3rd:
Last day with Eden in the Elysian Realm (SFW)
A moment before a show (NSFW)
Sub Aponia with dom reader (NSFW)
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Honkai Star Rail (all women):
Naked cuddling with Himeko (NSFW)
Dealing with her wet dreams about you (NSFW)
Dealing with anger issues (SFW)
Losing virginity to her (NSFW)
Jealous Himeko (Suggestive SFW)
Giving her another chance (NSFW)
Interrogation sex (NSFW)
Jealous Cocolia in different scenarios (SFW)
Losing virginity to her (NSFW)
Dealing with anger issues (SFW)
Rivals to lovers with a short-tempered reader (NSFW)
Jealous Kafka (Suggestive SFW)
Dealing with anger issues (SFW)
Pampering injured reader (NSFW)
Jealous Natasha (Suggestive SFW)
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Path to Nowhere (all women):
Reuniting with old friend (SFW)
Releasing stress during work (NSFW)
Teaching new things (NSFW)
Banquet with her (NSFW)
Bai Yi
A night with her (NSFW)
Her kinks (NSFW)
Relaxing massage for your boss (NSFW)
Her kinks (NSFW)
The night from her interrogation (SFW)
Service top! Zoya rewarding you (NSFW)
Fem!chief with vampire sinner!Reader (NSFW)
Them walking on you wearing underwear (NSFW)
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fruitymocha · 1 year
That dream where Albedo crafted you from the finest marble
Featuring: Albedo x gn!Reader (they/them and you/your used)
Warnings: Reader has existential crises at least once per POV switch, slight religious themes,
A/N: here’s you guys’ early Valentine’s gift from me to you. yes, I finally decided to do an explicitly romantic piece (that isn’t yandere). And yes, this is inspired by the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea (actually, it’s more of an au/retelling). It was too good of a concept to pass up on writing. Also you guys have no idea how long it took to find the perfect title (I went through a lot of different ones before settling on this one). By the way, this story kinda takes place in an au where everyone from Mondstadt is living in a sort of Ancient Greece type location instead of regular Mondstadt. I hope I’ve done this concept justice, and without further ado…
Let me make your dream come true…
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The reds, pinks, golds, and oranges of the dawn filtered through the windows, coloring the blank canvases, parchments, and sketchbooks, as well as the stocks of clay, glass, metal, wood, and marble.
That’s when Albedo knew he had stayed up too late, pouring over his artistic endeavors. Well, it’s nothing new, of course. It is what he is known for, after all. Albedo, the recluse Renaissance man. He is the epitome of the genius stereotype. A brilliant mind who is awake far beyond reasonable hours, slaving away at the latest inspiration, theory, or idea. A brilliant mind that seemingly has that spark of madness. A brilliant mind who lives for his work. And the two closest colleagues he has, Sucrose and Timaeus, are unable to stop him, though they try with logical reasoning and kind words.
Sucrose walked into the ivory and caramel-colored studio early in the morning to greet Albedo, who had decided to work with her in her endeavors to study biology. Now imagine her surprise to see her mentor with bruise-like dark circles under his eyes, carefully scanning the details of a work in progress sketch. Perhaps a new painting idea, or perhaps he finally decided on a new project for his chalk pastels. It didn’t matter, really. Clearly, Albedo was in desperate need of rest. She cleared her throat, which did nothing to catch the attention of the pale-haired man. Sucrose figured it must have been because her voice was too quiet, or because Albedo was in his own little world, or a combination of the two. With this in mind, the mint haired girl stepped closer to get his attention and let him know she had arrived. In this process, she was able to get a glimpse of a still-life sketch from over his shoulder. A single cecilia in a vase. She barely got to appreciate the sketch before the sketchbook was abruptly pulled away from her gaze and slammed shut by none other than Albedo himself.
“It was uninspired anyway,” he muttered to himself. “I need a grander idea,”
“Um, Mr Albedo-?”
“I knew you were there, Sucrose, I just needed to get everything on paper before I forgot the concept while focusing on our biology studies,” he explained.
“Uh- shouldn’t you get some rest?”
“I’ll be just fine, Sucrose,” he assured her, but Sucrose wasn’t entirely convinced.
“Are you sure, Mr Albedo? You have some pretty dark circles under your eyes-”
“A sip or two of wine should suffice, Sucrose,” Albedo interrupted her concerns, and Sucrose could do nothing but relent. After all, Albedo is the one supervising her, not the other way around.
After going through a couple scientific experiments with Sucrose and Timaeus assisting him, Albedo made his way back to his isolated studio up in the mountains. Luckily, summer was approaching, meaning the mountain winds didn’t have that wintry bite to them. Instead, they were cool and relaxing as the zephyrs flowed through his fluffy hair.
Many criticized Albedo for his lifestyle, and that notion never truly left his mind, unless he was drowning his mind in academia or the arts to express his passions for such subjects. They called him a loner. Now that wasn’t necessarily true. He enjoyed the company of Sucrose and her biology endeavors. He appreciated Timaeus and his dedication to alchemy. He admired the Traveling Twins, who knew their fair share of the world and the different cultures they’ve been exposed to. And he liked to be in their company, too. Though neither Albedo nor the twins were astronomers in any sense, they did like to occasionally talk about or study the stars together.
But the nearby villagers don’t know that about Albedo because they don’t care to. They just like to point fingers and call him the loner mad genius simply because silence and alone time bring him peace and happiness. He’s perfectly content skipping out on large feasts and village-wide worship of the Gods, but evidently that’s frowned upon. Some have even started the rumor that he’s sworn himself to never fall in love. That never actually happened, he simply isn’t interested in any of the local villagers. No, he can’t imagine ever thinking of any local villager in a romantic light. In the past, he still held hope that he’d meet someone different. Someone with whom he could share mutual appreciation and respect.
Someone who wouldn’t judge him for his behavior. Someone who would instead try to be empathetic and understand things from his perspective.
But no, no one in this tiny communal village has that sort of grace or kindness to them. He’s given up on that fantasy. Perhaps he should seriously consider adopting a nomadic lifestyle for a bit and explore the world with Aether and Lumine. Maybe only then would he find someone to suit his tastes, wants, and needs.
Before he knew it, Albedo had arrived at the door of his secluded studio, roof supported by towering columns. Caryatid columns, the columns made to look like women supporting the roofs of buildings with just their heads.
It was then that Albedo had been struck with inspiration.
He rushed into the studio, pulling out his sketchbook and using his stylus to sketch a figure. A figure that did not yet have a definite appearance, simply a vaguely human body in a vaguely anatomically accurate pose. Leaning forward, with robes and a vague sketch of hair billowing around the body as if the wind were caressing the figure. A hand outstretched in an almost theatrical manner. The figure was just like the frescoes of nymphs and angels on the ceilings of some temples of worship.
And then drowsiness hit Albedo like a spell. He knew he wouldn’t get anything substantial down in this state, so he decided to leave the details for tomorrow. Besides, he had big plans for this concept. He knew he’d need to be absolutely focused on each and every detail. But first, he’d need materials. Yes, he’d need a supplier to get him an appropriately sized block of the finest marble…
For next couple days, Albedo was hard at work, trying to vividly imagine the perfect being to encapsulate in marble. What body type should they have? What kind of hair type, and how long? What would the shape of their eyes be? What about face shape? Nose? Lips? He tried to mix and match many different combinations of features, but it always seemed like something was off. Missing. But what?
Just then, a knock was heard at the door.
“Come in,” Albedo called out to the visitor as he took one last look at the sixth facial rough draft. The door opened to reveal Aether and Lumine. “Ah, it’s you two. Welcome to the studio. What brings you here?”
“Sucrose told us you were busy at work with a ‘grand project’. May we inquire as to what that project is?” Lumine asked.
Albedo thought for a moment. This project, as grand as he believes it to be, is a project he holds dear to his heart. To reveal everything would be to lay his heart out for all to see. He would be completely vulnerable. But he still trusted the twins with his feelings, so he gave them just enough information.
“I was inspired by the Caryatids outside the studio. I was…overcome with a desire to sculpt a person,” he explained carefully.
“So are you going to find a model?” Aether asked.
“No,” Albedo said immediately, perhaps slightly harsh in tone. He cleared his throat, and attempted to prevent a misunderstanding from arising due to his carelessness. “I’d rather not base the image on someone else. This is a being of my own creation. A muse that has yet to exist,”
“Do you know what the statue’s gonna look like yet, Albedo?” Aether asked, as Lumine eyed the sketchbook left open on the page of drafts.
“I’m guessing it’s a work in progress,” Lumine said, still eyeing the drafts. Albedo grabbed the sketchbook, promptly closing it.
“I’m still working out the details, but I think I have a general idea…” Albedo looked away briefly, almost in a timid manner.
“So, would this…muse to-be…be your ideal person?” Lumine inquired.
“Like, romantically? Would they be your dream lover?” Lumine pressed on.
“That’s- that is not the intention I had for this project. I simply felt like creating a human sculpture,” Albedo was nothing short of bewildered by Lumine’s suggestion.
“Lumine! You can’t just make assumptions like that! Sorry, Albedo,” Aether apologized awkwardly. Albedo simply sighed.
“It’s quite alright. I’m used to…strange assumptions… at this point,”
Of course that didn’t make it any less jarring for him to think about this odd suggestion. However, Albedo wasn’t about to let Aether or Lumine carry the burden of guilt for stirring emotions he’s certain they didn’t mean to provoke. And so, he bid the twins farewell at sunset so they’d have enough time to get to the village before nightfall. Meanwhile, on the seventh draft, Albedo took features he’d liked from the previous six, as they’d all had similar faces, but slightly different auras to them.
As night fell, Albedo looked at the finished seventh draft. Something still felt missing, though the model was perfect. But what was missing? Albedo decided to take a break and look out the window to calm his mind. The stars were twinkling, painting the indigo sky with light.
Huh. Light.
Albedo turned back to the seventh draft. That’s it. Of course! Each draft had an aura, but it was missing a light. And so, Albedo focused on adding that light to those eyes.
And there was his muse. His greatest project. Perhaps even his magnum opus. Only time will tell, but one look at the seventh draft, and he knew it was the final draft. His muse was finally complete. Now all that was left was for the marble shipment to arrive.
The marble had arrived. Now of course Albedo never neglected his alchemical studies nor Sucrose and Timaeus’ occasional request for help or clarification. However, just thinking about getting to shape the fine marble sitting in his studio was enough to make him feel giddy. Everything was there, he just needed to put in the work.
So when he got back to his studio at the end of the day, and saw the giant block of marble sitting under his skylight, he was itching to get on the oddly shaped (but perfectly stable and practical) wooden platform and grab hold of his mallet and chisel.
And that’s exactly what he did.
For the next few weeks, he slaved away at the slab of marble, getting every detail down. Every edge, every curve, every crease and every mark. And of course, he never forgot to give his muse that light in their eyes. And finally, his muse was finished.
At the foot of the statue, Albedo gazed at those light-filled eyes. And right then and there, he felt a strange fondness. Like he wanted to cherish it for himself. The magnum opus no one would be able to freely gaze at. No one but Albedo himself, the creator. But he realized he forgot one thing: a name.
He tried many different ones with many different origins, meanings, and sounds. But eventually he settled on one.
“Hello, Y/N. My name is Albedo, and I am your creator,”
You were nothing but a marble statue. A hand reaching out for nothing, yet outstretched so delicately. You could not express your emotions on your face, nor speak, nor move. And yet, you knew that you were conscious. Sentient. You could feel and think just as your Creator could. Or, at least it seemed to work similarly for you based on what your Creator vocalized to you.
Mostly, he wallowed in loneliness and misunderstanding, but he always told you that he felt at ease with you. Sometimes, though, he’d get visitors.
A short, mint haired girl named Sucrose, who evidently studies biology and alchemy under your Creator’s supervision. She was soft-spoken and kind. She always referred to your Creator as “Mr Albedo”. As for how she treated you, she was in awe. She quite liked your robes and your expression, and sometimes she would talk to you, as well. You liked her presence, and perhaps if you could move or speak, you would’ve liked to be her friend. Friend is the right word, yes? At least, Creator calls her “friend” and you think you’d like to spend time with Sucrose the same way he does.
A young man with brown hair named Timaeus, who also studies alchemy, but evidently does most of his work in the village. Apparently, the village is filled with people, but your Creator has said many times before that the people there make assumptions about him. You’d like to go to the village anyway, though, if only to see Timaeus’ work (and maybe make those villagers understand that they were wrong about Creator).
Blonde haired twins. The boy, Aether, had his hair in a braid, and primarily wore gold and dark brown. He was kind, and always willing to help. He simply referred to your Creator as Albedo. Aether would sometimes put things in your outstretched marble hand, such as flowers. You really appreciated that. In fact, he, Sucrose, or your Creator himself would take the time to explain what it was you were holding. You wished you could go outside so that you could see the flowers growing in their natural habitats. Maybe you could even go with Aether, or Sucrose, or-… well, as much as you’d like the idea, you doubted Creator would humor you just to take you to see flowers. But it would be the perfect opportunity to let Creator take a break, Y/N! Your inner self told you. No, you knew your best bet was convincing Aether or Sucrose. Lumine, the pale haired one cut in a bob, wearing white and pale blue, would tell you stories. Stories of foreign lands, epic battles for survival, and sometimes more mundane events such as strange, funny, or recent things they witnessed or heard from others. You’d never seen the faces of the people Lumine talked about, like Jean, Klee, Diluc, or Venti. But, due to all the stories you’d heard about them, you already felt connected to them in some way, like distant friends.
Even so, you still longed for a way to leave the studio in the mountains, and see all these people for yourself. See the world for yourself. Oh, how you longed for someone to grant you true life. Perhaps Creator, who in theory could figure out a way to create life someday. Or Sucrose, who specializes in studying life and living organisms. Or even the patron god of this nation that everyone talks about. What was his name? Ah yes, you remembered now: Barbatos. Perhaps he could extend his divine touch and bless you from the heavens, or wherever it is that he resides.
But for now, you’d simply have to remain content with what you had.
Albedo, in the end, allowed his closest friends to see his masterpiece. But as the days went by, he felt more and more of an attachment to the marble statue in the center of the studio. As the days went by, your presence only became more and more lovely. Why or how, Albedo couldn’t put his finger on, but he knew he was falling hard and deep. For you. You, who embodied everything divine and perfect and Elysian. You, an entity Albedo couldn’t fully break away from.
And so, he started to come up to you in your delicately crafted glory. He stood upon your platform, and gently rested his face on your outstretched hand. “Oh, Y/N, how I wish you were truly alive…” he murmured, staring at your unmoving eyes. “Perhaps then, you and I could form a true bond. Not one of Creator and the Created, but simply two souls that belong side by side,”
Obviously, you did not move, nor make noise. You were a statue, after all. Nothing more. Were the villagers right? Was Albedo truly so isolated he grew an attachment to a human-shaped object by accident? No, it couldn’t be, for he already had close friends he saw fairly often. And yet there was something about you that drew him in, statue or not.
He recalled Lumine saying something about inventing an ideal partner. At the time, it sounded absurd, and absolutely was not his intention. But now, Albedo wasn’t so sure of himself. Maybe it wasn’t the intention, but did Albedo end up creating a dream person by accident? Is that what you are to him? He didn’t exactly know, but he knew one thing: he did care for you immensely. You were precious to him, that was undeniable, and he couldn’t imagine that ever changing.
Before he knew it, it was nighttime once again. “Y/N, I’d better get some rest. It is already late. Good night,” he said, gently running his thumb across your outstretched palm before stepping off the platform you stood on, and making his way to the corner of the studio where he often slept, not too far from the skylight, which you now stood under.
Days went on like this. You wondered what he meant when he spoke to you about bonds. You were his Creation, but it seemed he wanted something different from you. Would he prefer it if you considered him a friend, like Sucrose and the twins were to you and him? Or was there something else still? As much as you tried, you couldn’t easily make that transition in your mind. You managed to stop referring to him as “Creator” in your head, but you could not quite bring yourself to refer to him by his name. It felt too special for you to use, as you were but a being of marble. You were not human.
As the days passed, you would watch him work on his art projects. Sometimes, he would sketch things in the studio that he brought from the outside world, such as fruit or flowers. Sometimes he’d use chalk pastels or charcoal and draw something, or someone. There were even times when he’d do something more hands on, such as pottery, glass blowing, or wood carving. He did like to experiment in every sense of the word, it seemed. But he put the most effort into his paintings and his marble sculptures. And no matter what he worked on that day, he’d always show you what he accomplished with a shining light in his eyes. Genuine passion. He’d ramble to you about what inspired the art piece, explain his thought process, and share what the piece was supposed to represent. It seemed every piece had a story. A purpose. If you were a Creation in the same way that his paintings were, then what did you represent? What was your story? What was your purpose? He never did tell you, even if he did show you great care and kindness.
Every day was like this.
Until Sucrose and the twins came to inform the lone sculptor of the coming celebration. Down in the village, seven days would be given for the people to dedicate themselves to their patron god, Barbatos. Seven days to appreciate what he stood for: the winds and freedom. The temples would also be open to accept confessions and prayers from all who sought out guidance. At least, that’s what Sucrose told you.
Funny how no one knew of your sentience, yet they treated you as a living being and friend anyway. Was it your human design that prompted this? You found this to be likely. But you secretly hoped that someone had noticed the spark of life in your marble eyes, no matter how faint. If those around you truly understood you, you would be less lonely inside. Sure they talked to you, and acted like you could hear them (which you could, but they didn’t know that), but it was a one-way path. They couldn’t hear your thoughts. You couldn’t express your emotions to them. They had you, but you didn’t truly have them, did you?
In any case, Sucrose, Aether, and Lumine all suggested that your creator at least spend one day of the festival down in the village. He said that he’d consider it, but your weren’t entirely sure he meant it. After they left, the alchemist sighed and slumped into his painting chair.
“As if I want to go to the village… then again, if I don’t go I’ll get more criticism… hm…” he continued to mutter to himself about the good and bad sides of going to the village. You want him to go though. Just once. Even if you will be lonely up in the studio on your own. It’s okay, as long as he lives life. He sighed again.
“Just one day. I’ll go for just one day. And I’ll bring you something from the village. That way, you can also celebrate and show respect to Barbatos,” he said to you in that smooth, calming voice of his. You’ll miss him dearly, of course. But you’re also so happy that he decided to enjoy himself, at least for one day. And you’ll even get a small thing so you can celebrate too, even if you are stuck in your marble form.
But it seemed the festival wouldn’t be happening for a while. So you and he waited.
And as the time passed, you began to notice smaller details and habits. The more you stared into his eyes, the more you felt drawn by their bright hue. His pale hair looked quite nice from where you stood. Perhaps if you could move your fingers, you’d like to see for yourself just how his hair feels. You imagine it to be soft and pleasant to the touch. Your heart seemed to overflow with a certain feeling whenever he came up to you and gently held your outstretched hand, or looked deeply into your eyes.
But you knew it was not the same as your fondness for Sucrose, Aether, and Lumine. With them, you simply wanted to spend time, have a good laugh, and share conversations and memories. With your sculptor, you wanted… more. You didn’t know exactly what you wanted from him, but you knew you wanted to be closer to him than any other. You cared for him very much, and wished for nothing but time and closeness. Together. He always tells you that you were a gift from above: a glimpse of divinity. However, you couldn’t help but think of him in a similar way. While appearance is trivial compared to character, you could not deny the way his appearance seemed to exude grace, wisdom, and compassion. There was a dreamlike gentleness to his very soul that bled out into his outward appearance, and you would be a fool to lie and tell yourself it was an illusion. The only problem was that you didn’t have a word for this sentiment. You knew it was more than friendship, but what could be more than friendship?
Is this the type of bond he wanted? Or were you being too much? How could you ever know?
Unless you somehow prayed to Barbatos for guidance. After all, you already knew how the ritual worked after watching your dear sculptor openly pray in your line of sight multiple times. Perhaps if you managed to do so during the festival, you’d be more likely to receive an answer?
All you have to do is wait.
Albedo felt like he was losing his mind. Only slightly, but the feeling was there nonetheless. He felt an unusual attachment to Y/N, his beloved muse. They were nothing but a statue, and yet it was as if they had a soul all their own. And not just a “soul” of art, meant to convey the story or purpose of an art piece. No. Albedo felt a certain aura coming from Y/N. Almost as if they were conscious. Sentient. Alive.
Regardless, Albedo found himself becoming more wistful and forlorn at the fact that you were not technically a person. Simply a creation he thought up one day and gave a marble vessel to. He found himself wishing you did have a human body. He could feel it in his bones that if Y/N were to become a being of flesh and blood, they would stick by him. But would they love you? His inner voice interjected. Would they know what love even is?
Albedo had no way of knowing the answer.
Unless he decided to seek guidance from Barbatos, that is. Perhaps on the day he decides to go to the village, he can stop by one of the shrines of depths and pray. What he would ask of the Wind God, Albedo didn’t know, exactly. But he knew he had to ask about Y/N.
And so, the first day of the Festival began after your patient waiting. The sculptor had left, not for the village, but to get fresh air and create art outside. He reasoned with you that doing outdoor activities amidst the mountain breezes would show sufficient appreciation for the Anemo God’s wind currents. Oh, how you wished you could feel such a thing against your skin. The most you could do was listen to its whispers from the inside.
But you had plans for this first day. You decided you would attempt to sleep. While you had no need for it, not being truly alive, you wanted to experience what he referred to as “dreams”. You decided to try and calm your mind… let it wander.
But you did not seek to dream for the sake of dreaming. No. You sought to use dreams to communicate with others. Perhaps through your dream, you could contact the great Wind God and ask to be granted life. And, at night, as an added bonus, you could try to communicate with your sculptor— no— Albedo, through these dreams. Your heart fills with joy at the thought of finally being able to express your thoughts and feelings, and truly form a bond with him. However, try as your instincts might, your current marble vessel cannot move to express the joy and energy that fills you to the brim. It feels as if a whirlwind were trapped, encased within a jar made of thick glass, difficult to break through. Oh how you could not wait to make this first attempt at contact.
When Albedo returned, you had noticed that his hair had become tousled playfully by the winds outside, and he was none the wiser as to the state of his pale locks. He once again decided to show you his latest creation, as he always did.
“Look at this latest painting, Y/N. It depicts the winds blowing against a field of wildflowers. Yes, this location is on the mountain. I decided to paint this in honor of the first day of the festival, since the wind’s effect on the wildflowers is technically the focus. I… I wish you could have seen it for yourself instead of a painted recreation. But, it can’t be helped. You are a being of Elysian marble, after all. I couldn’t possibly risk the elements damaging you,” he set the painting on his previously empty easel, and poured himself a glass of wine. As he took delicate sips of the red drink, he glanced at you every now and then.
“Tomorrow, I will go outside with Aether and Lumine. We will see if we can find something suitable for you to hold for the rest of the festival. But for now, I must get ready for bed. Good night, my dear Y/N,” he said. And when he rested his head upon the pillow of his bed, you too, prepared for a night of dreams.
Albedo was in a sea of grass and wildflowers, rippling like waves due to the cool winds. But there was something else. In the center was a circle of cobblestone, and a marble pedestal. Just in front was a plaque that had your name on it, a short description of how you came to be underneath, as well as your creator’s name.
But you were gone. The Elysian figure was missing from their rightful place. Albedo, unaware he was dreaming, quickly became concerned with your whereabouts.
Meanwhile, you walked barefoot among the wildflowers. Yes, walked! Your skin was no longer pale marble, but a lovely and healthy shade of (s/c). Your hair was well kept and (h/c), with the perfect (hair type) locks. You, unfortunately, could not see your eyes, as there was nothing around that could reflect your face back to you. But no matter. Perhaps in another dream a mirror or other reflective surface would be more readily available to you. You excitedly flexed your fingers and toes and arms and legs, and you stuck out your tongue, moved your eyebrows, smiled widely. You did all those things you saw everyone else do and more. You twirled in the dream-wind, spinning on the balls of your feet, and soon enough you jumped and swayed your arms, playing around with the freedom of movement you never had as a marble statue. And all the colors and sounds around you were so pleasant and vibrant and comforting to you. If this is what it meant to live, then surely the Wind God would not fault you for your desire of true life.
Everything was in so much detail you could almost feel the wind and smell the flowers. It was all perfect. Albedo truly did have a vivid and artistic vision, even asleep! But you soon noticed him concerned over your whereabouts, and you noticed your vacant pedestal. So you decided to approach him carefully.
And soon enough, the both of you locked eyes in this wondrous dreamscape Albedo created. Or did you create it? Was it a combination of both? Surely it must have been, or perhaps it didn’t matter. It could have been orchestrated by Barbatos himself for all you care. What mattered was that you both froze at the eye contact.
“…Y/N?” Albedo asked tentatively.
“Indeed. I’m here,” you smiled widely. You decided you liked your voice. Surely you must find a way to use it more when you are granted life.
There was only one problem.
You knew Albedo didn’t recognize you as sentient. He had not reached a point of lucidity in this dreamscape. Even if he did, he likely thought you were a figment of his subconscious reflecting his desires back to him. But he’d understand someday, you were sure of it.
“I want to ask you something. Before you wake,” you said tentatively.
“Of course, what is it?” you could tell Albedo was still somewhat bewildered by your human form in this dream world.
“Is there something beyond friendship?”
Albedo paused for just a second before responding.
“Yes, of course. Love,”
Love. Is this the answer you were looking for? Is this what you felt for him?
“What does it mean… to love?” You asked him. Albedo chuckled and smiled.
“Why don’t we sit down?” You caught a starry glint in his eyes. Not of mischief, but of genuine happiness. The same glint he always had when he showed you his art pieces. But somehow, it was stronger. Was it because he could finally talk to you? You sat down across from him, among the rippling wildflowers.
“Love can have different forms, actually. You can have philia: ‘love’ for your friends. Though that really is known as friendship,”
“Like with Sucrose and Aether and Lumine!” You said excitedly. “I’d like to be friends with them when I am granted life,”
“Right. Then there’s storge: love for your family,” you stopped smiling.
“But…as your Creation…I have no family,” Albedo gently placed a hand on top of yours.
“Family doesn’t have to mean blood related. Sure, most people mean that when they say family, but in your case, you can choose. Whoever you feel can support you and stick by you like a parent with their child, or a sibling with their fellow sibling, or whatever you want to imagine,”
“So, storge is love for someone who guides you through this world with love, right?”
“It’s a little more complicated than that, but once you’re granted life, we can talk more about the world,” Albedo promised.
“Is there an example in the real world you can give me?” You asked.
“I suppose I’m like an older brother to Klee, if we’re listing people you already know…” you smiled once again.
“Okay. Is there anything else?”
“Oh there’s more than just two. I’m just getting started,”
“What’s next?”
“There’s agape: the love people have for humanity itself,”
“You can love everyone?”
“Well, not every single individual, no. It really means something more along the lines of compassion or empathy. Where you’d be willing to help or care for others when they need it,”
“Ah, okay, so would that apply to the village?”
“Actually, yes. Mostly,”
“Except they don’t really like you,”
“Hold on, there, they don’t hate me. They just don’t know me that well,”
“…If you say so…” you said. And then you felt it. Your fingers and hands and wrists became stiff, as did your toes and feet and ankles. You looked down at your hands, terrified of the lack of movement. You were slowly turning back into marble and you could feel it. You began to panic. “Why is this happening? I’m dreaming- I can’t- I don’t-”
Albedo grabbed you and held you close, running his fingers through your hair. “Hey, you’re okay, I promise,” he said to you. It crawled up your arms and calves.
“No… I don’t want to be a statue… I want to live!”
“You will be granted life. I will make sure of it,” you felt in go to your upper arms and thighs. There was no way for you to move now.
“Every day… I just want to live like you. I want to leave the mountain and meet people… I want to actually talk to Sucrose… and Aether… and Lumine… and you. I want to meet everyone you all talk about… I want to know what it is you mean when you say you want to create a bond with me…”
It was up to your midsection, creeping too close to your heart for comfort.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N, you’re going to be okay, you’ll be alive soon,” he promised. You couldn’t stop the tears from flowing, and barely choked back the sobs wrecking your throat.
“I need you to listen to me… I can hear you… and I can see you in the real world. I may not be able to speak to you, or move, or show my emotion on my face… but I am sentient… I can think and feel just like you, out there… please believe me…” it soon reached your neck.
“…you’re not dying, Y/N… you’re okay, as long as you haven’t been chipped away, or destroyed…” you saw a glint of lucidity. He now knew this was a dream. But he never confirmed that he believed in your sentience.
“…don’t you believe me…? I may not have a vessel of flesh and blood… but in my mind I’m real… I’m a person… I’m alive in my mind… why won’t you believe me…?” It made its way to your jaw, and now you’d hair was solid and unmoving. Albedo said nothing. He simply put his chin on the top of your head and held you close.
And then your crying stopped. Albedo closed his eyes, and held you, but soon enough, your presence was gone altogether. Your platform and plaque were also gone. And the wildflowers suddenly didn’t look so vibrant or beautiful to Albedo anymore.
Your consciousness returned to the marble vessel in the studio. You were stuck once again. You wish you could cry or scream or throw a fit. But you couldn’t let it out. All you could do was try to bear the emotional pressure that filled you to the brim. You could hear Albedo’s soft breaths behind you. He must still be asleep.
He didn’t believe you, did he?
Was it really a good idea to follow him into his dreams?
Perhaps tomorrow night, you should attempt contact with the Wind God instead.
You could hear Albedo tossing and turning in his sleep behind you.
The second day arrived, and a new face burst through the studio. A little girl with blonde pigtails and a red dress. She was very excitable, and you almost worried she’d crash into one of your creator’s works.
“Klee, be careful!” Albedo warned her, though his voice still maintained that calm and collected demeanor.
So this is Klee.
“Okay!” She said, ceasing to run, though she still jumped in place a bit. Then she noticed you in the middle of the studio. Of course. “Who is this person?” She asked.
“Y/N, my latest marble sculpture. Aren’t they lovely?”
“They’re very nice looking! I wish they were a real person, then you wouldn’t be so lonely up here,” if you had the ability to laugh, you would have.
“I’m not lonely, Klee. Sucrose and the twins visit me often, and Timaeus stops by sometimes as well,”
Sucrose, who accompanied Klee during her trip to the studio, nodded her head in agreement.
“But when they’re not here and I’m not here you’re alone,” You found it particularly satisfying how Klee essentially voiced your unheard concerns in your stead. You tell him, Klee!
“…Y/N keeps me company…”
“Mr Albedo, Y/N is a statue,” Sucrose pointed out.
“Regardless,” Albedo interrupted, wanting to move on, “we should be getting ready to go down to the village,”
“Yay, festival day!” Klee got all energetic and excited again.
“After today there are still five more days, Klee. So don’t feel like you need to do everything all at once today,” Sucrose reminded her gently.
“Okay!” She said. Albedo then looked up at me as Klee was busy talking to Sucrose.
“Are you truly… sentient? Have I truly created a conscious being?” He asked softly, looking up at me. Of course I couldn’t respond. He took a deep breath and sighed.
“Okay, here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to tell you a code word here in our waking world, and if you know the word when you gain true life, I will know for sure that you were right,”
You waited in anticipation for the word he would give you.
“…I’m sorry I can’t wholeheartedly believe in your sentience. I just have no way of proving it,”
So what’s the code word?
“Hmm… let’s see if I can come up with a good code word…” Albedo pondered for a moment before turning to you.
“I’ve got it,” he said with confidence. “Elysian,”
Elysian, huh? I can remember that…
“If you come to life, and you say this word, I will know you are sentient,” Albedo confirms.
“Albedo, are you coming? We’re going out to the town again,” Sucrose called.
He turned to look at Sucrose and Klee.
He turned back to you.
“Goodbye, Y/N,”
And with that, you were all alone.
So you decided to try and sleep again.
When you opened your eyes, you were in an empty plane, with nothing but teal surrounding you, and a few cecilia flowers on the ground, creating a path to a short figure. They wore white garments that didn’t cover much of the body. Then again, you only wore a simple white robe. Who were you to judge? You loved the freeing feeling of being able to move once more, and ran over to the figure. They also had large white wings protruding from their back. Their hair was dark with longer teal ends, braided. Their eyes were a similar color.
“Who are you?” You asked them.
“I am Barbatos, God of Wind and Freedom,”
“I am Y/N… a marble creation made by Albedo,”
“Albedo… I am familiar with him and his… reserved tendencies,”
“Barbatos… may I ask a question?”
“Of course, Y/N,” he chuckled.
“What is stronger than friendship?”
“Why, love of course,”
“But what does it mean to love?”
“To love someone is to care for them. To see the inside and outside equally, and to accept their imperfections. But you want to know two types in particular: eros and pragma,”
“What do those mean?”
“Eros is the romantic or physical type of love. To find someone physically attractive, and initiate physical displays of affection. It’s sensual in nature. Pragma is a long term type of affection. The kind where you want to be with someone forever,”
“Is that how I feel about Albedo?”
“I don’t know, is it? Only you can know for sure, Y/N,”
You thought for a moment, almost scared of the epiphany you’d reached. You’d need time to digest it all. But you had one more thing to ask.
“If it isn’t too much to ask, I would like you to grant me freedom of my own,”
“What do you mean, Y/N? Are you unhappy with your life?”
“I want to be like the others. I want to live life as a human. I don’t want to be an unmoving statue for eternity,”
“Hmmm… I shall see what I can do, dear Y/N,”
“Thank you, Barbatos,”
He simply smiled as he played his lyre, and soon enough, you awoke.
As the days of the festival inched by, Albedo started to wonder what he should do. He had come to the strange conclusion that he had fallen in love with Y/N, his marble creation. But he had no idea how to cope with this latest discovery. So he visited the Temple of Barbatos in a time when the winds were strong and the sun was high.
“Lord Barbatos, hear my prayer,” he said to the towering winged statue as he placed his offering of cecilias. “May you grant me the freedom to find love similar in spirit to Y/N, my magnum opus,”
Barbatos, from the winds above, indeed heard Albedo’s prayer. Though he knew what Albedo truly wanted to say. He wanted Y/N themselves, not a mere facsimile. And with his prior knowledge of Y/N’s desire to have the same freedoms as a living human, he crafted his perfect plan for the two yearning souls.
When Albedo arrived back in his studio, he knelt at your feet.
“Y/N… you’ve stolen my heart. I cannot lie to myself, or to you. Oh how I wish you were made of warm flesh instead of cold marble,” he rose to step onto the platform, and cupped your cheek. “I fear I shall not be happy with anyone else except you,”
Barbatos, who watched from above, watched in anticipation, and enacted the plan.
Albedo kissed you on your marble lips, and the generous Barbatos granted you your ultimate freedom: humanity.
When Albedo separated from you, he leaped away in shock, and you stepped down from your platform. You looked at your hands, bending your fingers excitedly. You touched your hair, your robes, everything. You smiled.
“I’m alive!”
“Whats the code word?” Albedo asked, his voice nothing more than a wind’s whisper in awe.
You smiled wider.
Albedo leaped into your arms.
“So you were conscious the whole time,” he whispered.
“And I love you too,”
“Forever?” He asked.
“Forever,” you nodded.
~dream realized~
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Visuals courtesy of the lovely @princess-paramour
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North Star Masterlist
(Ongoing Series) - A biography of George’s life, with a heavy dose of romance
Prologue - British boy meets American girl. Intro to our soon-to-be sweethearts.
Chapter 1 - The Exchange Student - Y/N arrives at Hogwarts.
Chapter 2 - Breakfast - Y/N and George meet for the first time.
Chapter 3 - Lunch - The second meeting, in which we learn a little about Y/N.
Chapter 4 - Dinner & Other Disasters - Y/N embarrasses herself and George remembers a promise.
Chapter 5 - Family Affairs, Part 1 - The arrival of a letter brings Y/N's past to light and reveals George's greatest fear.
Chapter 6 - Family Affairs, Part 2 - George opens up about his greatest fear.
Chapter 7 - Big Brother - An overprotective Fred confronts George and Y/N about the nature of their relationship.
Chapter 8 - Little Brother - George confesses his true feelings.
Chapter 9 - The American - Y/N comes to terms with her feelings for George.
Chapter 10 - Fieldtrip - Short blurb. The girls attending the Yule Ball get the day off to go shopping in muggle London for their dresses, while the boys have to stay behind.
Chapter 11 - The Very Nearly Yule Ball - Y/N comes down with the flu and has to miss the Yule Ball. George happily takes care of her.
Chapter 12 - The Letter - Y/N receives some surprising news from her mother. Depressed Y/N, protective, sweet George.
Chapter 13 - To Dance the Dance, Part 1 - George puts his plan into action. Y/N sinks further into depression.
Chapter 14 - To Dance the Dance, Part 2 - 18+only. George and Y/N take their relationship to the next level.
Chapter 15 - Tales From Across the Pond Y/N regales the group with stories about attending Ilvermorny and living as a magical person in the United States.
Chapter 16 - The Very Nearly Birthday Party - Y/N takes care of a very sick George on his birthday.
Chapter 17 - The Burrow - George takes Y/N to the Burrow for Spring Break. Things don't go as expected and Y/N begins to question whether or not she and George should stay together. Multiple POVs.
Chapter 18 - Sisters - Ginny and Y/N talk through recent events at the Burrow.
Chapter 19 - Truce - Molly and Y/N go tête à tête.
Chapter 20 - Blood and Sacrifice - Two letters addressed to Y/N arrive at the Burrow on the last day of Spring Break, prompting a few interesting discussions.
Chapter 21 - A Quiet Moment - George struggles with his anxiety.
Chapter 22 - Untitled - Summer vacation begins at the House of Black
Chapter 23 - The Long, Dark Teatime of the Soul - Y/N and Sirius' insomnia leads to an unexpected late night chat
Chapter 24 - North Star - Y/N's impending departure prompts her and George to create a binding spell
Chapter 25 - The Twelve Days of Christmas - After nearly five months apart, George surprises Y/N with twelve days of Christmas romance, pure fluff
Chapter 26 - Halfway Out of the Darkness - George and Y/N write love letters to one another
Chapter 27 - So Far Away - George and Y/N struggle through Valentines Day.
Chapter 28 - The Waiting Game - The last few weeks apart creep on forever for George and Y/N
Chapter 29 - Homecoming ‐ Y/N and George are reunited after a long year apart.
Chapter 30 - Bliss - Just a cute bit of fluff.
Chapter 31 - Settling In - Things don't go as smoothly as George and Y/N had hoped upon her return
Chapter 32 - The Request - George and Y/N discuss Remus Lupin's request
Chapter 33 - The Compromise - With Fred's encouragement, George comes up with an idea
Chapter 34 - Elysian Days - Fred is mercilessly teased. George and Y/N talk about the future.
Chapter 35 - Tea for Two - Molly and Y/N have a heart to heart.
Chapter 36 - Hello Lovely - George and Y/N go owl shopping
Chapter 37 - The Gathering Storm - The war intensifies. Fred makes a surprising decision.
Chapter 38 - The Proposal - George makes a proposal.
Chapter 39 - The Point of No Return - It's the moment you've all been waiting for.
Chapter 40 - The Very Short Engagement - Plot Twist!
Chapter 41 - The Circles of Eternity - With this ring...
Chapter 42 - The Honeymoon - short, but sweet.
Chapter 43 - Christmas Eve - George and Y/N survive the shop's first Christmas shopping madness.
Chapter 44 - To Drive the Cold Winter Away ‐ Christmas day at the Burrow
Chapter 45 - One More Week - George and Y/N impatiently await their "official" wedding day
Chapter 46 - The Discovery - Molly finds out George and Y/N eloped.
Chapter 47 - Three Kisses and A Wedding - The title says it all.
Chapter 48 - For Now - A night out. The rising darkness weighs heavy on Y/N's mind.
Chapter 49 - Two April Fools - George and Fred celebrate their birthday
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elysianhqs · 3 months
Oi estrelinhas, tudo bom? Icarus aqui vindo dar uma palavrinha sobre algo que vieram nos questionar no nosso chat: como os personagens devem se vestir para o evento do Valentine's? Esse é um evento ao ar livre, então recomenda-se roupas mais leves. Ainda estamos no inverno, mas como estamos bem no final, encaminhando para o outono, não está mais tão gelado assim. A maior parte da neve já derreteu, e não faz mais tanto frio quanto fez no evento das festas de fim de ano. Dito isso, o dress code são roupas esporte fino, e se protegendo o suficiente do vento chato. Como o evento traz uma sensação de mais informalidade e mais de romance, a ideia é se vestirem como se estivessem indo para um encontro, com roupas que se sentem muito bem, podendo agir mais livres agora do que em eventos que pedem por um rigor mais formal. Inclusive, é um evento oficial televisionado, então os personagens devem estar querendo mostrar os melhores ângulos! Não há necessariamente "cores oficiais" do evento, até porque a ideia é se vestirem como os personagens acharem que precisam se vestir com os trajes de esporte fino que possuem, mas caso precisem de inspiração ou estejam em dúvida, acho bacana focar nas cores que remetem amor ou paixão (vermelho, rosa, magenta) e os clássicos dourado e prata. Sobre os personagens que postaram os looks até o momento, eu achei todos condizentes; talvez possam querer colocar uma jaqueta ou casacos chiques por cima das roupas quando estiverem passeando nos eventos ao ar livre, mas tudo está condizente ao meu ver. Espero que isso tenha respondido às perguntas de vocês. Mas se não, podem vir falar conosco! Estamos sempre à disposição.
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cyrereads · 7 months
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October Releases (2023) - Indie Authors Edition
Here is a list of a few indie authors who have releases this Oct! Please check them out and support our small authors <3
The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle - Steve Hugh Westenra (Oct. 13th) A washed-up thirty-year-old actor and reluctant cryptid investigator, Tyler is used to playing the Scully to his best friend Josh’s Mulder on their stupidly popular YouTube channel. But when Tyler receives previously unseen footage of the B movie bombshell mother who abandoned him eighteen years ago— genre(s): horror
Posthaste Manor - Carson Winter, Jolie Toomajan (Oct. 18th) Everyone has a story about Posthaste Manor. None of the stories end well, but that doesn’t stop the hopeful from hoping and the desperate from trying. This composite novel stands as both history and eulogy of one very haunted house, as recounted by artists, real estate agents, and beloved family pets; by the debauched, the dead and the dying, and anyone looking for one last chance. genre(s): horror
Blood & Flowers - mars adler (Oct. 31 🎃) No one has been able to set foot in the D’Arcy family’s ancestral home for the last twenty years. The family was forced to relocate, and the only place they could find was close to their rival family, the Kanes. Proximity and years of anger have brought the situation to a boiling point, and it’s only so long before all-out war ensues. As a last attempt at peace, the Kane patriarch sends his half-witch, half-vampire advisor, Elio, to help one of the D’Arcy sons try to unravel the house’s mysteries. The only problem? Elio and Valerian D’Arcy hate each other. Years of mediating for their families have left them embroiled in a bitter rivalry, and unable to trust each other. genre(s): vampire, queer, novelette
Δάιος: A Call Me Icarus Novel - Andromeda Ruins (OUT NOW!) The Elysians are here to protect us. They uphold order, they keep citizens safe… unless you are their kid. When you are the child of an Elysian you get to see what they are truly like. You get to see their fears, their anger, their hatred. You get to be subjected to their wants and whims. Most importantly, you get to be trained by the ‘best of the best’ to become an Elysian yourself. At least that’s what we were told. We weren’t told what that training would cost us. What it would do to our bodies and our minds. How it would make us into what the Elysians really are, mindless abominations. genre(s): retelling
Herald of the Witch's Mark - Kellen Graves (Oct. 20) Saffron finally has the one thing he's always a chance to attend school. To be able to do so alongside Prince Cylvan, even while glamoured as a high fey and pretending not to know one another, Saffron is eager to finally experience the education he's always dreamed of. But the expectations of being a perfect fey lord are suffocating enough, and are only made more difficult as the unfettered rowan magic in his body runs wild. genre(s): fantasy, queer, romance, m/m
The Witch of Borygen Marsh - Lysander Arden (Oct. 31 🎃) Corliss is a witch, but their specialty is black magic and necromancy. And there's nothing sexy about that-or is there? Atticus makes a deal with them, but can he survive three nights in that dark cabin in the marshes? The appearance of an undead ex-boyfriend, nightmares that plague the two of them, and the promise of ultimate pleasure may be more than Atticus can handle.
In The Garden Of Echo - H.S. Wolfe (Oct. 31 🎃) Echo and Ender have existed nearly as long as the earth itself. They’re hungry, in love, and indestructible. For centuries they’ve wandered across continents feeding from their favorite food source - humans. But the mess they’ve left in their wake starts their prey on the path of discovering that they are not what they seem. After being forced to curb their feeding and go into hiding, a tragic incident leads Echo and Ender to learn about what they are, and the power they are truly capable of. genre(s): horror, queer
Rosemary & Iron - Dorian Valentine (Oct. 22) When a ritual to restore Mana goes wrong and sends him into the distant past, Célestin Edevane seeks the help of a strange man inhabiting an even stranger estate in order to prevent the calamity that destroyed Mana. Faced with a fascinating world unlike his own, filled with vampires, fae, witches and old gods and an unexpected love affair...will he even want to return to his time? genre(s): fantasy, queer, vampires, romance
The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil - M.N. Bennet (OUT NOW!) Apprentice mage Wally spends his days cataloging rare artifacts and dreaming about finally mastering his magics and living the adventures he’s always desired. Bez, a once mighty devil who craves the freedom of the outside world again, despises his confinement inside a powerful object. His only company now comes from the mages working within the archives he’s stored. Among them, the most annoying of them all, an anxious and considerate Walter. genre(s): fantasy, queer, paranormal, m/m, romance
As The Light Goes Out - Olive J Kelley (Oct. 31 🎃) When Boston born and bred Simon Abbott buys an obsolete lighthouse on the coast of Maine, he envisions turning it into a short-term rental with nothing but a HGTV understanding of renovation and heaps of gay audacity. The current caretaker of the lighthouse, Bruce Cadogan, sees right through Simon’s confidence and, in a last ditch attempt to save his quaint New England hometown’s charm, asks for three days to convince Simon not to go through with his plan, or he’ll help him with the renovations himself. genre(s): contemporary, mental health, queer, novella
Knight - Elle Samhain (Oct. 31 🎃) Avery isn’t sure she should even still be alive after Morgana’s Legion left two Reapers dead… and one Saved. She and her friends have located the fifth and final Knight of Od placed in the realm of the living by the Beldam - the Knight of Spirit. The oddball Princess Yumi has waited with bated breath and uncertain heart for the Berserker Witch. Can she be trusted to resist the demon she harbors? The ragtag band of Reapers must confront the monsters of their own pasts before they can ever hope to save the future.
Reborn - Seth Haddon (Oct. 24) When the Rezwyn Empire mysteriously cuts diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of Usleth, merchant lord Oren Radek is sent to investigate. But when he discovers a coup brewing against the emperor, Radek's life and his country's safety is suddenly under threat. Izra Dziove, visionary advisor to the Rezwyn Emperor, is trying to hold the turbulent Rezwyn court together while being plagued by dreams of his fated man. But when Izra’s adversaries launch an attack on the diplomatic party from Usleth, he is forced to take action to protect them and prevent a war. genre(s): fantasy, queer, m/m, romance
King of Hell - Morgan Dante (Oct. 17) Still need to scratch that Good Omens or Supernatural itch? Laurențiu, a vampire staked by his ex-lover's husband, only craves one thing: revenge. In Hell, as a courtier for one of the kings of Hell, he's consumed by it and willing to make a deal to kill the man, Anthony, who turned him into a vampire and abandoned him. genre(s): queer, romance, fantasy, vampires
Devour - Dae Storm (Oct. 17) When Renee Reynolds finds herself dumped by her long-term boyfriend in the middle of the pouring rain on her birthday, she wishes she could escape from her life. Standing furious in the middle of the street, Renee sees something she was never meant to, bringing herself to the attention of a very hungry... feline monster. Unable to outrun the creature from beyond the realm of her beliefs, Renee is left in the claws of her captor: Hale. Hale cannot let a human go knowing what she is; but there's something different about this one.
Outfield Assist - Cat Giraldo (Oct. 17) Outfield Assist is an MMF polyamorous romance with a guaranteed HEA. It's book 2 in the Dominating the Diamond series and can be read out of order or as a standalone.
The Ghosts of Reeser Morrigan - Amara Lynn (Oct. 13) Robert Wutherford is a warlock who runs a shop in the town of Yverwood, though his services as a warlock mostly go unneeded in a town filled to the brim with magically gifted. He spends most of his days with his nose stuck in romance novels, wishing he were in one. When a mysterious client shows up at his door claiming to be in need of his services, Wutherford doesn't believe him. Reeser Morrigan has a ghost problem, so he claims. A warlock couldn't be what he needs… Wutherford agrees to observe Reeser for one night to assess the situation. Once Wutherford witnesses what the true problem is—that Reeser is visited by a new spirit out to devour his soul each night—he realizes he might be the only one who can help, as he possesses the rare wender affinity with souls.
a special thank you to Monster Manor on twt for providing some of the titles on this.
please SHARE and spread the word so we can show our indie authors some much deserved love <3
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oathofkaslana · 27 days
gay hi3 moments from the top of my head (some details inaccurate) also some of these are awful and i hate them ok i need it to be known i dont like all of these.
kiana counting down how long it’s been since she’s seen mei to the minute.
the “i gain the power of 100 men when mei’s around!”
bronya seele kiss in azure waters where seele goes "i gave you my first kiss sm sm" and im pretty sure makes her promise to give one to her when they reunite
FUCK. COOKING W VALKS MANHUA WHERE SEELE GOES "the sea is so beautiful i feel like i could stare at it forever" AND BRONYA GOES "duh because the water is azure blue. just like your eyes" AND GOES LIKE AN INCH IN HER FACE.
i feel like i have to put everything in azure waters oh my god i feel sick i miss them so much.
kiana licking mei’s wound in escape from nagazora
kiana and mei in a hot spring and kiana touching mei’s boobs saying she’s been wanting to. i think also in escape from nagazora.
kiana getting unnecessarily jealous over bronya whenever mei shows her any attention
bronseele ad where bronya complains about having her license revoked and seele going “good! now i know you’re not picking up other girls”
kiana and mei being compared to a canonical m/f couple, owl and ana.
shakespeare mentions how it’s interesting to see real couples play a part and one of the couples being bianka and rita in durandal’s visual novel.
speaking of that play. biankas cgaracter makes a line about having sex w his wife (played by rita) and rita teases bianka about wanting it afterwards and bianka blushes
biankas one birthday cutscene where the narrator was talking abt how there’s this feeling she can’t put into words and how captivated she is by rita’s radiant smile ← GET A ROOM!!!!!
elysia calling her fight w mei a first date
eden saying that forever being apart of elysia makes her happy because its the most romantic ending
mei saying her favorite colors are orange and red (kiana and her's key colors)
mei coming back to the elysian realm after briefly talking to kiana and eden and elysia both notice how much happier she is and elysia goes "tell me about her" (HER.)
elysia voice. i like pretty girls.
every single elysia and kiana interaction in ch 34 idc if its mei's dream ("im so weak for pretty girls like kiana" "unless kiana prefers something more bold like purring in my arms" <- WHAT IS WRONG W HER!!!!!!!!!!!!)
natasha intenbtionally taking her hood off after mei told her that elysia says she doesnt meet natasha bc of her hood
elymei horn scene.
mei dreaming about having a japanese wedding with kiana.
kiamei matching rings named after chinese numbers symbolic of love that were given out for white day.
kiamei stigmata showing them getting married that was given out for valentines day.
reburn kiss where kiana kisses mei's battered mech while crying after i love you in german flashes on screen.
kiana going "this treasure called love" and immediately getting a text from mei.
"this is a story about love it will end with love" as kiana and mei walk with each other past durandal and rita to meet with bronya whos with seele AS CANON IN D STARTS PLAYING. YK THE FUCKING MARRIAGE CEREMONY SONG.
theresa thinking sakura (a woman) kissed her and going "wait! im not like kiana and mei!"
kallen voice "the herrscher girl is innocent and i am in love with her"
^upon learning that kiana blushing and going "theres onthing wrong with falling in love with a herrscher!" while thinking of mei
moon shadow where kiana's heart starts racing bc she thinks fu hua's fallen in love with her and the wlw symbol is drawn behind her as she blushes and says "ive given my body and soul to mei but--"
fu hua later being teased by a coworker who suggested that hua likes kiana
sakukallen "love at first sight" line in sakura samsara
also in that same event, bronya blushing and avoiding seele the next day and going "sorry bronya cant forget because thats a precious memory for bronya"
susannah fawning over durandal, rita, and sushang
susannah talking about how pretty sushang is and how she likes her voice i hate them oh my god susannah get up
tesla being jealous of welt joyce when ein teasingly gives him special attention in the visual novel
tesla getting jealous when planck (i think) hugs ein tightly and kisses ein on the head
tesla edison fingering joke after edison sniffs her neck.
bronya's bridge interactions w seele. my god i love them so mcuh.
sakura and kallen having heart reactions when you put them in bed next to each other
sakukallen "yae sakura shall fade, beloved, your kin shall live. in the far east 500 years ago where sakura blossoms bloom, yae sakura waits for her one true love"
gratitude arc where kallen loves sakura so much that protecting sakura becomes a part of the oath she genetically passes on to theresa
the 4koma on the sight where kiana and mei are told to get a room, apply for a marriage certificate(? i think), and have heart eyes towards each other while the wlw signs are behind them
kiana voice "this has nothing to do with me going lesbo!!!"
4koma kiana voice "im a lesbian everyone knows that"
elysia and aponia's "girl games"??????????? <- on thin ice but cmon no way that wasnt an innuendo
elysia's interaction w HoO mei where she talks about wanting to touch a particular thing but gets cut off by mei telling her she cant touch her horns again (SHE DOES NOT HAVE HORNS IN HER HoO SUIT)
kiana smiling when she sees mei's boobs in the anniversary vlog short thing.
the shenzhou island event where kiana points a camera at mei's boobs and goes "hehe mei is so pretty"
durarita matching earrings in their matching battlesuits
and ok im blanking now yay this is definitely not all when i say off the top of my head i really mean off the top of my head.
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thebohogypsy · 3 months
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#Elysian Cruz
Feeling very Valentine Day-ish!
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svndrenched · 3 months
@elysian-noctuary liked for a valentine's card
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for Yu
this one gave me the giggles
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