#emotionally immature
family-trauma · 1 year
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I can totally see this in my family members who say emotionally abusive things to others at home and dismiss that they are being toxic at all. I think emotional immaturity and lack of self awareness does tend to cause people to say very toxic things and not realize or accept that what they are doing is wrong.
The past few days have been very difficult for me. My mental health has been at an all time low leading me to stay in bed even during work hours. I realize how depressed or burnt out I have been but I also feel like I have 0 energy to get up and do anything I need to. Living in a negative and toxic environment really does bring down one's soul and energy down, to even try doing basic things to stay afloat.
Taking it 1 day at a time this week....
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cat-eye-nebula · 2 years
Ghosting is associated with negative mental health effects on the person on the receiving end and has been described by mental health professionals as a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse or cruelty. (X)
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ladyy--lazarus · 9 months
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snonkerdoodledreams · 11 months
An inability to have uncomfortable conversations is what makes everything a stalemate.
I cannot have these conversations with my mother without making her upset. I haven't tried, because that would cause the biggest ass blowout anyone has seen. When she is upset, she gets extremely defensive and attacks anything she can in hopes of riling up the other person. She does not absorb what the other person is saying.
It would be nice if she was willing to listen, and/or somehow realized, the issues she has.
Unfortunately, she cannot.
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ramyeongif · 8 months
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emotionally immature
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liesmultixxx · 5 months
don’t you just love it when your parents say you’re emotionally immature?💀
like… what does that even mean? just because i have a stuffed animal in my room doesn’t mean i’m a child 😭 i do everything on my own & yeah sure sometimes i need help or freak out but that’s… kind of normal isn’t it? this is my first time living on my own- cut me some slack, i literally turned 18 this year😭
and of course i’m also not ready for a relationship or anything like that😀 i’m not there yet, but everyone else MY AGE is
so that makes perfect sense
anyways sorry for ranting, i love my parents i really do, but sometimes i hate how they think me so incapable of everything
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blackbeauti · 6 months
Stop going the extra mile to understand and learn him, when he ain't doing shit to try and understand YOU.
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twoheadedfather · 1 year
how do people just let themselves feel things??? like you don't have a 56 minute argument in your head about whether or not you should feel the thing you feel and by the time you're doing arguing with yourself in your head you don't even feel the thing anymore???
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spookysalem13 · 1 year
This song reminds me of my abusive family. My family is infested with narcissists. These ones like to scream and use their fists, which makes things so much worse!
Last night, as I'm helping take care of my sick Grandma, another family blow out due to selfish, entitled, immature narcissists. Raging out in the way they love to do, throwing their fists as if it's how people communicate. Trying to fight whatever touches their ego. God forbid someone asks them a question 🤦‍♀️
They greatly upset my Grandmother, yet again, like they always do when they pop around.
There's no changing narcissists, I just wish I didn't have to put up with them. Why won't they let me snip the damn chord?! They don't deserve us, our love, our kindness. All they do is abuse, lie, and manipulate. It absolutely disgusts me.
How can adults not control their mouths? But me, a 23 year old be able to stand there with self-control as they blow the house up in rage and try to physically hurt my mother?! And yet as they leave, they say we are the toxic ones.... it's true. "The devil doesn't bargain"
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c0rp53fuck3r · 1 year
So I'm curious on something and I tried to look it up but the answers I found on the internet were really anti npd and biased so I'm going to ask here. Hopefully someone with npd could answer.
What's the difference between someone with npd and someone who's emotionally irresponsible/immature?
I'm asking for personal reasons as I feel someone I know had npd but I don't want to ask them to look into it because I know they'll take it as an insult because of the negative stigma with npd.
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family-trauma · 2 years
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This is totally true!! It's a waste of time and energy majority of the time to try to change someone. Emotionally immature individuals are sometimes pointless to even try to talk to or convince to see their point of view. When you care of someone who has these setbacks, it's really hard to tell yourself that it's worth spending time on them to help them see differently. 😞
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gracegrove · 7 months
I am tired of the big meanies in this world. Why can I not be allowed to exist and thrive? Why is this such an unexcusable act?
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An emotionally immature parent may never give you the validation, love, or acceptance you want. Grieve that fact while granting those things to yourself. The healing starts within.
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serendipitousdaze · 1 year
 in one ear and out the other we didn’t listen to each other we placed our hearts at a distance now you’re just left reminiscing us
but you never edged any closer now im stuck wishing there was closure and you don’t make apologies despite how fucking cruel you can be
i still wonder was it worth being alone then again at least you’ve got your phone
to call her up if your bed’s getting too cold she’s a placeholder for the one you cannot hold
go sink into the abyss that was your bed who knew the catalyst would be demons in your head guess i should’ve left you sooner instead of trusting someone with a heart that’s already dead
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hecho-a-mano · 2 years
I know I'm swinging at a hornet's nest here but anyway.
Charlie Puth to me is the best example of a talented successful musician who knows his music theory (he even knows a lot about jazz) but is also an incredibly immature asshole. Just look at the way he goes about break-up songs and his past relationships cisnsissb
And him trying to do this fuckboy persona when we all know he's just a nerd (positive) is just ugly to watch. The guy is 30!
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pindanda · 2 years
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