#fiction is NOT important
kuzakat · 6 months
Something really funny about that stupid callout post for me n harpy is that... MULTIPLE people have been reblogging it going Ohhhh so disgusting!!! when... dude YALL ALSO DRAW SLUGCAT R34!!!!!!!! I see you, hypocrites 🫵🏻🤪
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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more domestics to warm the soul <33
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 5 months
If you are a person who doesn't like Frodo Baggins I am taking you by the shoulders. I am shaking you gently. I am asking you if you've ever had to try to do something overwhelming. I am asking you if you've ever had to carry on in the face of insurmountable despair. I am asking if you've ever carried burdens no one else could know of. I am asking if you've never seen yourself in the monstrous. I'm asking you if you've ever been unable to trust your own mind. I am asking if your mental health has ever made you unreasonable. I'm asking if you've ever been too weak to take care of yourself, too weak to do the right thing in the end, too weak to do what, in your heart of hearts, you want to do. I'm asking if you've ever been too small to make a significant difference and if you tried anyway. I'm asking if you've ever faltered under something heavy placed on your shoulders. I'm asking if you've ever taken the next step despite never wanting to move again.
If you haven't yet, you will.
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beanghostprincess · 1 month
On Luffy's birthday, I wanna remind all of you that one of the things that makes him one of the most influential and ground-breaking shonen protagonists is that he makes things happen. No fate or prophecy or destiny leads his path. He's the one choosing, freely, what he wants to do and he will do it. And in consequence, he makes things happen in the manga that affect everybody around him. The story doesn't tell him what to do and instead, he is the one telling how the story should go. That and the fact that his whole character is meant to spread the message of following your dreams and living with laughter and joy are the reasons why celebrating his existence is so important to so many.
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satelliteduster · 2 years
oh my god i forgot to post my absolute favorite strip from gay comix (issue #2, 1981)
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kimslovebin · 3 months
hi again, im gonna link the KOSA masterpost and try and get the kosa tag to go on trending, we need more people to talk about how dangerous KOSA is and can affect all of us. If we can get the tiktok ban tag to trend, so we can with the stop kosa tag.
if this bill passes (which I'm guaranteed it won't since it violates the first amendment and it has been shut down before.) it can affect queer people, palestinians, and more. you would need your ID to use socials, your parents can see what your doing online, you will NOT have any privacy if this bill ends up passing. (Which again it won't, we need to keep speaking up about it.)
also if you have an issue with me talking about this so much then just block me and move on, this is serious and should be more well known.
small edit: if this post has any misinfo then please let me know, a lot of misinformation has been going around and I don't want to spread something that is false !!
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sentient-forest · 1 year
#cecilsweep and Welcome to Night Vale trending #1 in 2023
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justsalpals · 26 days
The newest Very Important People makes me feel like I'm losing my mind but in a surreal emotional way that's probably positive
You put rocks in the bag. You carry it as long as you can. And then you find somewhere you love and you put the rocks down.
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thecryptidzenith · 2 months
Thinking about. Rizbert. Erizabeth. Rizwalda. Riz has to be short for something because... because why? Is he 'too good' for a short name? (a goblin name?) Isn't he surrounded by non-goblins who cannot think outside their cultural perceptions of what a name is supposed to be? Riz both as a name and as a person seems short & lesser but don't worry, he's really something greater, something larger and longer than can be expressed with his native name. As if something small cannot be powerful and important without secretly being large. As if there is only one way to be great. It's like Sklonda said, his name is Riz. Just Riz, as if there's anything 'just' about it.
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mcflymemes · 9 months
please don't mistake silence for hatred. please don't mistake unanswered plotting messages as indifference, or a lack of enthusiasm towards you. considering the ages of most roleplayers, many of us have bills to pay, families to take care of, medical conditions to treat, appointments to make, classes to take, homes to clean, and lives to live away from the computer that are far, far more important than writing on tumblr — life has a tendency to get in the way of hobbies and fun things like this. be patient with your fellow writers. if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. of course you can set your boundaries, keep your space comfortable, and softblock whoever you wish, but do so while recognizing it's probably not hatred or apathy that keeps them from leaping into your dms with message after message. they probably love this hobby just as much as you... but sometimes life gets in the way.
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What am I doing? Oh, I'm just doing some educated research, learning about topics that fascinate me.
*Goes back to my screen where there are 5 tabs on my computer, all different things related to the character I'm currently fixated on.*
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tzarrz · 9 months
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to all people who said PART 1 made them laugh - i lov u 💗 this is for u
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paris-in-space · 5 months
Feeling emotional about Lucy Westenra
She was the loveliest, kind and caring character, who did absolutely nothing wrong, she was surrounded by people who adored her, there was so much love towards her by these men and woman who would risk their own lives to protect and save her and yet it wasn’t enough, in spite of their love she couldn’t be saved, and instead died to become a corrupted inversion of herself, having to be staked by her fiancé on the night that should have been their wedding night. And that is the unfair tragedy of Dracula. (And it’s also what drives the narrative!!)
And yet if that didn’t hurt enough the media treats her like a slut who deserves it.
Angry at the world that a beautiful tragedy gets twisted into some sort of sexual cautionary tale, because that is not what her story should be. Put some Damned respect on Lucy Westenra’s name.
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
Thinking about how Leo says he uses his jokes to cope and y’know, thinking harder on it I think it may very well be because of what else uses one-liners and puns and that type of humor.
Specifically, 80’s action movies and campy sci-fi. Even more specifically, the protagonists of these.
So I can imagine why, exactly, Leo leans toward this brand of humor. It’s directly linked to things he loves! But even more than that is why I think it’s used as a coping mechanism.
In these genres, these quips tend to be said by the winner - or, if not a winner, then someone who will stay alive. So there’s a confidence behind them, an assurance, almost, that even if things go wrong, things aren’t ever too serious. There’s no bad endings here! It’s all good fun, even if the stakes seem high.
Leo canonically has been known to steer his brothers away from the more brutal villains and toward more fun, lighthearted activities and not-so-dangerous criminals. So for Leo, these jokes definitely make things less heavy, make the situations they find themselves in less intense.
It’s kinda not just coping, but also can be seen as a form of escapism. A safety blanket. A way for Leo to defuse the tension of knowing just how dangerous their lives are and replace that with a levity which implies that things will be okay.
Unfortunately, levity alone does not alter reality.
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
Aftercare: Safeword (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Daddy Steve/Sir Eddie & Sub reader, SMUT, As the title suggests the safe word is used here, the smut they are engaging in isn't too rough she just feels uncomfortable mostly with how they are grabbing her and seem "not all there", choking, mentions of overstimulation without praise, brief dp, later on more romantic softer smut, dirty talk, etc, FLUFF, they love each other <3, aftercare after use of the safe word, ANGST, mentions of past toxic relationships, both boys talk about things that are stressing them out.
More than anything this is them teaching her more about aftercare and how there is nothing wrong with needing to use a safe word. That no matter what they still love her. That goes for you beautiful souls to! Its ok to use your word if you have one and if your partner gets mad at you for it, like Eleven says, dump their ass!
Word Count: 3779
Something was off. They both seemed out of sorts when they got home from work but you didn’t think anything of it at the time. You just did what you could to make them feel better. Eddie came home first and bypassed you entirely to fall onto his bed. You crawled in beside him and laid your head on his chest as he remained still, not even playing with your hair like he normally did. 
Steve soon followed, finding you both and curling up behind you as he threw his arm around your waist; his breathing ragged almost like he was angry. After a while, without saying a word, they tugged off your clothes, and began to use you. That was the best way to describe their desperate touches and rough kisses. 
Their vacant eyes rarely met yours as they made you cum repeatedly. You cried at the overstimulation and where they would usually coo and comfort you, this time they were silent.
They were both inside of you thrusting aggressively. You were already extremely sore and knew you would be for the next few days to come. 
You thought you could make it to the end and allow them to finish but they made you promise if ever you felt uncomfortable to use the safe word. Eddie’s fingers were gripping your bicep a bit too tightly and Steve’s hand around your throat was starting to cut off your air supply. 
You tried to say “red” but it wasn’t coming out loud enough to be heard. Going to plan B, you squeezed your eyes shut as you lifted your palm above you and smacked Eddie’s headboard three times as hard as you could. 
They stopped moving, freezing in place, and you tapped at the hand around your neck signaling the concern. 
“Shit. Fucking…Y/N, I’m so sorry.” He released his grip and gradually pulled out of you before running out of the room to the kitchen. 
Eddie pulled out as well, brushing your hair out of your face as you coughed trying to collect air.
“It’s ok, sweetheart. Everything’s ok.”
Steve quickly came back, sinking to his knees by the mattress as he handed you a glass of water. 
“Here, honey, drink this. Good girl. What else do you need, baby?”
It was then that you started to bawl and their hearts broke as you hugged your arms around your body. Eddie kept whispering that you were safe as he gently petted your head while Steve covered you with a throw blanket and rubbed your back. 
���I’m sorry.”, you whimper as you wipe your eyes with your fist. “I tried. I really did but you both were hurting me.”
“Hey, hey, hey. No reason to be sorry. We’re so proud of you for using the safe word and getting our attention. I know you said it used to be hard for you before, pretty girl.” Steve grinned at you comfortingly as he continued to try and calm you down. 
“I-I-I ruined everything.”
“No, princess. You didn’t ruin anything. You feeling safe and comfortable is more important to us than anything else.”
You softly smile at them as you slide to the edge and try to get up but your legs betray you as you fall back down. 
“Baby, we got you. Where are you trying to go?”
“Bath. Hurts.”
“Ok, I’m going to carry you. Is that alright?”
You nod as Steve lifts you into his arms and Eddie runs ahead to get your bath started in your bathroom since your tub is bigger (and cleaner) than his. The boy continues to hold you in his arms until everything is in place before gently lowering you into the water. 
Your eyes shift towards them before quickly looking away as your bottom lip quivers. 
“Talk to us, princess. What do you need?”
“Sit with me… hold me…hurting.”
They climb in without hesitation and promptly collect you in their arms. It was always slightly amusing for them to see how you behaved in this headspace. Eddie had only ever really dealt with brats who threw tantrums. You were far from a brat and due to your history with your exes, you seemed to close into yourself and close off. That was hard for them because they needed you to be vocal and tell them what you needed so they could help make you feel better.
They never wanted to push you this far and they knew they fucked up. 
Eddie pressed your head to his chest while Steve laid his own on your shoulder. You sat with them until the water got cold and even then they didn’t move till you said you were ready. They carefully dried you off before putting some baggy clothes on you and carrying you to the living room. 
“Are you hungry, baby? We have some frozen pizza in there I think.” The metalhead sighs when you don’t respond. “How about we make it and then if you’re hungry later at least it will be ready.”
Steve immediately headed for the kitchen and your eyes turn to watch him, noticing his hands shake as he carefully reads the box he’s holding. Eddie pushes some of your hair behind your ear before telling you he’ll be right back and heading towards his friend. They whisper to each other but you just barely make out what they are saying. 
“Harrington, you have to calm down. She’s not upset with us but herself. She thinks she did something wrong by using her safe word.”
“Eddie, she couldn’t even say the word because of me. I didn’t mean to hurt her.”
“I know and she knows that to but in her headspace right now she doesn’t understand that. She sees you panicking and she thinks it’s because you didn’t get to cum.”, he sighs. “Blame those fucking idiots she dated. I imagine if she didn’t know what aftercare was, if she had used the safe word with any of them they would have just left her there.”
Steve’s fist clenched at the thought but when his gaze shifted to you he noticed you watching them and flashed you a big Harrington smile with a wink. To his relief, you softly smiled in return. 
Eddie came back to sit beside you, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv.
“I don’t know what would be on right now but—” Your hand reached out to stop him and his smile grew when you curled up into his side. “’Unsolved Mysteries’. Let’s see who got kidnapped by aliens tonight.”
“Aliens aren’t real, Ed.”, Steve scolded as he came around the corner and flopped down on the couch. 
“Pfft. Non-believer.” The longhaired boy rolls his eyes as you grin but he doesn’t miss the slight wince when his fingers run down your arm. 
By the time the show ended, you had returned to your old self as you giggled at their banter and ate the food they offered.
“Steve, I agree with Eddie there totally is aliens out there but I’m going to need you to make sure if I disappear you search through the human world first! Don’t let him get distracted!”
“Honey, if you went missing I would move heaven and earth to find you.”
That made you genuinely smile as Eddie continued to play with your hair. The other man bounced back beside you, holding an icepack and gestured for your arm. 
“Oh, it’s ok. I’m ok.”
“Sweetheart, you’re right. It is ok. Let Stevie see your arm.”
“I don’t want you guys to be sad. You do so much for me…I can…I can take care of it myself.”
“My love, do you remember what we told you after we play rough?”
“But, but—”
“What did we say, Y/N?”
“Aftercare is important afterwards. Not just for me but you guys to. But, Steve, you guys made me cum so many times and neither of you got finish.”
“Princess, that is literally the last thing on our minds right now. All we care about is that you feel safe and that you aren’t in pain. You didn’t do anything wrong by giving us the signal and getting our attention. Can you say that for me?”
“I did nothing wrong by signaling for us to stop.”
“Good girl.”, Eddie kisses your temple. “You still deserve to be taken care of after no matter what, babe. It’s just a little bit different because Steve and I need to see you and hear from you to fully understand so this doesn’t happen again.”
You nodded in understanding as you lifted up your sleeve. “Eddie was holding me to tightly and it hurt.”
The metalhead shifted his body to sit across from you on the coffee table so he could get a better look before Steve covered it with ice. Purple fingerprints were starting to form around your bicep and he could see the little indents from his fingernails digging into your skin. 
“Sweetie, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even realize.”
You turned a bit and pulled down your collar exposing your throat a bit more. They could both see the imprint of where Steve’s hand had been. 
“I couldn’t breathe.”
“I didn’t realize either. Shit…I was so lost in my own head, honey—”
“That bothered me the most. You two were so quiet and your eyes seemed so vacant. Eddie usually you give me a kiss when you come home but you went straight to your bedroom. When we lay together, you play with my hair or touch my skin but neither of you did that. When you kept making me cum and I started to cry, you both soothe me or praise me but you didn’t this this time. It felt…weird like…I was with two different men.”
They both exhaled heavily as they absorbed what you were saying. 
“I almost got fired today.” You and Steve sat at attention at his comment. “Someone broke into the record store and stole a bunch of shit but instead of leaving it there they spray painted ‘Freak’ on the wall as well as some satanist symbols, I don’t even know.”, Eddie rolled his eyes. “My boss said this isn’t the kind of attention he wants and he may have to let me go. I had to beg literally almost on my knees for him to keep me on.”
“Baby, I’m so sorry.”, you comforted. 
“I hate this fucking town. They’re never going to see me as anything else than fucking trailer trash. I felt so helpless and I took that out on you, sweetheart. I am so fucking sorry.”
“My dad showed up at the video store today and embarrassed me in front of Robin. He said that if I couldn’t get into college then I should come intern with him and learn the trade. Like that asshole would ever hand over his company to me. I’m never going to be good enough for him.”
“You’re good enough for us, Stevie. You’re more than enough.”, you coo as you reach for his hand. 
“I took that out on you to, honey. I’m sorry. I needed to feel more in control and… God this fucking kills me.”, he sighs as his fingers trace the skin along your neck. “This is never going to happen again, Y/N. I promise.”
“Me to.”, Eddie follows. “And we are really proud of you for using your safe word and following those steps we put in place.”
“I love you.”
The metalhead climbs back on to the sofa as both boys wrap their arms obnoxiously around you making you giggle.
The next couple of days they continued to look after you making sure you were alright and constantly trying to make up for hurting you. Steve came home one day with flowers while Eddie bought you a cute little silver bracelet he knew you’d love. 
That Friday evening when you got off of work, you walked into your apartment met with dimmed lights and candles lit on the table. 
“Um, what is happening?”, you smile as you walk towards the counter that has a note with your name on it. 
“Baby Girl,
In your room is present #1 of the evening. Go put it on, beautiful.
We love you. 
-Eddie X Steve”
You blush as you run excitedly towards your bedroom to find a flat box with a bow on top. Gasping when you pull it open, you hold up the gorgeous red dress with matching flats and spin around giddily as you quickly put it on. 
While you’re a adjusting your make up in the bathroom, a clearing throat grabs your attention. 
“Oh wow.”, you grin as your eyes fall upon Eddie in a suit. “You look handsome.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. I’m not as good looking as you though.” The metalhead extends his elbow and you gladly loop your arm through his as he leads you back out into the living room where an equally well-dressed Steve was waiting. 
“Oh, baby, you look amazing.”, you coo as he grins in your direction. 
“Me? That dress looked gorgeous in the store but it looks even better on you.”
He comes around to kiss your cheek before guiding you to your table that was fancied up with a white tablecloth. Beaming over at them, you watched as they moved about the kitchen, whispering to each other, and finally coming back to you with a plate of delicious looking food.
“Did you guys make this?”
“Princess, the apartment is still standing and isn’t on fire so no.”, Eddie chuckled. “We ordered it from your favorite place but instead of eating out of Styrofoam we upped the ante by putting it on plates.”
You giggled when he winked at you and patiently waited for them to take a seat so you could eat together. 
“Not that I don’t appreciate this but may I ask why?”
“We just…we love you and we wanted to show you how much we appreciate you.”, Steve smiles as he reaches for your hand.
“We also wanted to show you how proud we are of you. We know you’ve been through a lot, Y/N but you’ve come so far in being more open with us and you’ve even shown us some things as well. Like Harrington said, we love you…so much.”
“I love you to.”
The three of you continued to talk as you ate your meal. Eddie said he was able to smooth things over with his boss and stayed behind a few extra hours to help get his store back in order. Steve told his dad to politely fuck off and asked Robin to help him search for some career options that would work best for him. You were always so proud of them, never caring what they did for a living but just wanted them to be happy. 
“Thank you so much for dinner. It was really good.”, you beam at them as they clear the table and start cleaning up the area. 
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, honey. We were thinking once we get everything put away here, maybe, we could watch a movie or something.”
“Baby, we got all dressed up, you went all out on dinner, and now you just want to sit down and watch a movie?”
“Oh, um, I mean did you want to go somewhere, sweetheart?”
Leaning over the counter, you look up at them with big doe eyes.
“My bedroom…or the couch…Hell, even the counter here. I don’t care.”, you giggle.
“How are you feeling?”, Steve asks as his eyes shift towards your neck. The bruises had long since faded but you could tell he could still see them almost as if that image would never go away.
“Horny it seems.”, Eddie laughs making you smile.
Coming around to their side, the metalhead lifts you onto the island and you reach for the other boy, clasping your arms around his neck.
“I’m feeling much better, Daddy. I promise. You don’t have to keep punishing yourself for what happened. You both took such good care of me. Please, let me take care of you.”
As you bring his lips to yours, his palms slide down to the small of your back and pull you towards the edge closer to his waist. A whimper escapes your throat as the growing bulge in his pants steadily grinds against your uncovered core; the fabric of his slacks rubbing just enough on your clit to have you opening your legs wider to allow him more access.
“Does that feel good, baby girl? Fuck. I can feel you soaking through my pants.”
“Y-You should take them off then.”, you breathily laugh as he rests his forehead on yours, smiling at your neediness. “Please, Daddy. I want you so bad.”
A low growl emits from Steve’s throat as he quickly fumbles with his belt buckle and frees his leaking cock from its confinement. Your mouth falls open as you both watch him guide his length into you entrance and your hands cup his face as your legs wrap around his waist. 
“Yes, baby. You feel so good.”, you moan as your fingers unbutton the top half of his shirt so your hands can roam his chest, making him mewl as his head falls into your neck and he thrusts into you at a bit faster.
Eddie’s own fingers come from the side and delicately move your hair behind your ear.
“You’re so beautiful, princess. I like watching your face when we’re fucking you. I love that you’re ours.”
Your eyes fluttered shut as you hugged Steve tighter to your body. 
“Don’t—mmm—don’t worry about me tonight. I want you both to cum.”
Freezing completely, the man in your arms tilted back so his gaze could meet yours. 
“Honey, what do you think helps get us there? We like making you fall apart.”
“That’s an understatement.”, Eddie adds making Steve chuckle. 
“It fucking drives me crazy feeling your soft hands and nails drag along my skin.”, he whispers, gradually pumping into you again as his palms cling to your hips. “Those tiny whimpers you make when I hit that spot inside of you right there.”
Between his last couple of words, he thrust into you roughly making your toes curl against him. 
“That’s it, pretty girl. Cum for me. Cum for Daddy.” 
Going back his original rhythm, you nuzzled your face into his shoulder, muffling your moans as you did what he asked. 
“Fuck, Y/N. The way your pussy grips me when you cum.” Placing his hand on the back of your head and his other arm wrapped around your back, he presses you to him while chasing his high. Steve’s heavy pants warm your ear and both of you groan as he fills you up. 
Releasing you from his hold, he leans back to tenderly kiss your lips before backing away so Eddie could take his place. After light heartedly giggling through his teeth, he grabs a napkin off the counter and dabs at your forehead. 
“So sweaty.”
“Aren’t you about to make me sweatier?”, you tease.
Grinning, he takes you in his arms and carries you into the living room where he playfully tosses you down on the sofa where he lifts off your dress. 
“Wait.”, you plead as he began unbuttoning his shirt. “Leave it on like he did. It’s…kind of hot…makes me feel…small. In a good way!”
“Whatever you want, baby.”
As he takes a seat on the couch, he pulls down his pants and boxers enough to free his cock before motioning for you to come sit on his lap. After positioning you with your back against his chest and placing your legs on either side of his own, Eddie takes hold of his length as you lift your hips slightly and slide down onto him. 
“Oh my god.”
“Atta girl, princess. Fuck. So fucking wet and warm.”, he murmurs in your ear as your head leans against his shoulder.
Ring lined fingers dig into your thighs as your roll your lower body slowly, enjoying the feeling of his cock stretching your walls and rubbing your g-spot just so. 
“Ride my dick, sweetheart. Make yourself cum.”
Tilting forward, you balance your hands on his knees as you bounce on his lap. 
“Yes. You feel so good, Sir.”
“You know, Y/N, I love watching you come undone to. The way your body moves and trembles. The way you moan my name or title. How your pussy trenches my cock. Shit, baby.”
Tugging your hair, he yanks you against him again as he brings his fingers around to massage your clit.
“FUCK! Please, Sir, please.”, you beg. 
As your orgasm washes over you, his digits move faster as he roughly thrusts up into you to elongate your high. Falling limply against him, Eddie holds you to him until his rhythm starts to falter and you feel his spend warm your insides. 
While he tries to catch his breath, your lips lazily trail along his jaw line till he turns to meet your mouth with his own.
Lost in your bliss, you allow them to carry you to your bathroom and take care of you. As you stood in the shower your arms remained around them as they cleaned you and placed soft kisses along your skin. 
“Thank you for always listening and taking care of me. Even before we got together you guys have always been good friends to me.”
After changing your clothes and placing you under the covers in your bed, they climb in on either side of you and take you in their arms. 
“You’re welcome. I don’t know about Stevie but I wish I had told you earlier how I felt about you…could have saved you from a lot of heartache.”, Eddie sighs. 
“I was afraid you wouldn’t like me the same way and I’d lose you. That’s why I never said anything but, yeah, I wish I had said something sooner. I remember once you told us you thought you didn’t deserve to be happy and that just killed me. I thought ‘we could make her happy.’”
“You do…both of you…you always have. I know we can’t go back in time but I have you now and that’s all I care about. For the past view months, I’ve actually felt the safest I’ve ever been. Not just physically but mentally and emotionally. I can be open with your guys about anything and I know you still love me. I hope you know you can do that same with me. I’m always here for you no matter what.”
Series here
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daily-prompts · 4 months
I think having a writing playlist is so important, if only because it trains your brain to get into the right headspace for your wip.
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