#finished this one at 2 am lmao hope it’s good
coffeeghoulie · 7 months
Kinktober Day #28: Stupification
The Ghostober prompts were put together by @kroas-adtam, and divider made by @gothdaddyissues, thank you both so much!
Pairing: Cirrus/Mountain
Contains: 1.9k of Mountain getting Cirrus out of her head after a long, stressful day on tour.
Special thanks to @askingforthesun for letting me bounce ideas off of them, I may or may not have stolen that dialogue, sorry :).
Read under the cut or on AO3!
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Before they left for tour, Aether had taken Cirrus gently by the arm, smiling at her the way he had when she was fresh summoned, and asked her to watch over the pack the way he had in his absence. Cirrus was not one to say no, especially not to Aether.
She took her new role in the pack seriously, helping keep her mates in line, well behaved for Papa and the roadies. They listen to her, admire her, respect her.
But when things go wrong, they go very wrong, and Cirrus takes the weight of that on herself.
It's nearing the end of the tour, everyone at wit's end, when a particularly rough Ritual hits them. Equipment that had been reliable for weeks suddenly on the fritz, Swiss and Dew nearly unglamoured on stage, snapping and rutting and pissing each other off. The tipping point is when Papa does a headcount at the end of the night, and comes up one ghoul short.
It takes half an hour to find Aeon, who's managed to get lost in the identical winding corridors of the venue. Cirrus nearly scruffs him and drags him back to the bus, at the end of her rope, but he looks so genuinely disappointed in himself, she can't find the energy.
Her hands ache, her glamour feels too tight, and her head, oh her head. Even with earpieces in, her elevated ghoul hearing means her ears ring after every Ritual. And the thoughts. She didn't do enough to keep her mates behaving on stage. She didn't do enough to help the roadies with the equipment. She didn't keep a close enough eye on one of their newest pack members. It won't stop.
Cirrus realizes what she has to do to stop it by the time they finally get to the hotel.
She puts a hand on Rain's shoulder, clutching her duffle bag. He looks exhausted, ready to take a long bath and sleep. "Yeah, breeze? What's up?" he yawns.
"I know you're assigned a room with Mountain, gup, but would you like to room with Dew?" She asks, holding out her keycard. "I need to talk to Mounty."
Rain's eyes widen in understanding, and he leans in to press his forehead against hers reassuringly. "Of course, breeze. Get some sleep, okay?"
She nods, smiling with all the warmth she can muster, which isn't really a lot. "You too." Cirrus kisses him sweet on the cheek before swapping keycards with him. She slinks into the elevator, slumping against the back wall. She finds Rain's room number, and waits for a solid moment to try and collect herself before unlocking the door.
Mountain looks up from his bag as the door opens. He looks exhausted, still sweaty from the Ritual, and Cirrus feels her heart sink as his face falls from his normal easy smile. "Cir?" he asks, tossing aside the hoodie he had pulled out of his bag. "I thought Rain was rooming with me tonight, jasmine."
Cirrus's shoulders slump, feeling the cracks race up her fragile porcelain facade. "Mount," she whispers, hands shaking as she steps forward. "Mount, I need-"
The earth ghoul rises to his feet, slowly as not to startle her. "I know, jasmine," he breathes, cupping her face in one of his massive hands. "You need me to help you get out of your head?"
She nods, breathing a sigh of relief. "Please, nothing went right and it was my fault."
Mountain nods, eyes flicking up as he thinks. "Cirrus," he says, a devastating look in his eye. "Nothing that happened tonight was your fault."
Cirrus shakes her head, her dark hair falling in front of her face. "I know, Mount. My brain doesn't. Won't stop telling me it is."
"Alright," he nods firmly, pulling at a hair tie on his wrist and throwing his hair loosely up out of his face. "We'll get it to stop. I want you to strip for me, unglamour yourself, and kneel on the center of the bed."
Cirrus nods, eyes fluttering shut in relief. She tosses her bag onto the spare queen bed that they both know they won't be using, and she works at the buttons of her shirt. She can already feel the buzzing at the front of her mind start to quiet, and though it's not much, she could cry with relief.
Mountain takes a step back, arms crossed as he silently watches her undress. His tail sways slowly behind him, nodding as she climbs up onto the mattress, her own tail wrapped around her thigh.
"Tell me how to stop this," Mountain says, eyes raking heavily up and down her body. Cirrus shivers.
"Yellow to pause, red to stop. One snap for yellow, two for red," Cirrus recites, eyes focused on a point on the far wall.
"Good girl," Mountain says, running clawed fingers through her hair. He's tall enough that even though she's kneeling up on the mattress, he towers over her like she's on the floor. Cirrus leans into the touch, eyes fluttering shut.
"Ah," Mountain tuts, pushing her upright gently. "Stay still. Be good and do what you're told."
She opens her mouth to reply, but he tightens his grip in her hair. Not enough to hurt, but enough to get the message across that he doesn't want her to speak right now.
"Trust me, jasmine. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you," he coos, rubbing his thumb against her jaw. "All you need to do is listen to me, kneel there and look pretty."
Cirrus nods, feeling the mattress dip behind her as Mountain settles. He rests a giant hand on the small of her back, sliding it upwards until it rests between her shoulder blades, pushing her down until she catches herself on her elbows.
She can't see what he's doing, and she can feel the weight of his gaze on the back of her head as he pushes her into the mattress.
"Shh, jasmine, turn off that brain. I can hear those gears turning, sweetheart," he says, voice so low it rumbles soothingly. Cirrus keens, craning her neck to look back at him. He's taken his shirt off, sweat slick chest shining in the lamplight.
She tries, damn it all she tries, but the more she focuses on not thinking, the more her brain wants to think. "Mount," she whines, tail beginning to thrash anxiously behind her. Waves of distress start to roll off of her, the air in the hotel room suddenly smelling stale.
"Oh, jas," he hums, hand still square between her shoulder blades. "Now. If I were Aeth, or maybe Aeon, I'd be able to go in there and turn it all off for you. I can still do that, but it's going to take a little bit of effort on my part. Color, sweet girl?"
"Green," she hums.
He nudges her knees apart, watching for any kind of reaction. She whines, tail beating against the mattress softly as she feels his gaze on her core. Mountain runs a long finger along her folds, just barely ghosting over her clit. "Already so wet for me, pretty girl. So eager to go brainless for me."
She nods into the mattress, feeling her head starting to go fuzzy as Mountain teases at her entrance.
"Just focus on what you're feeling. Get out of that pretty head and let yourself feel good," he hums, carefully pressing his middle finger inside of her. Cirrus keens at the stretch, her joints relaxing as she slumps into the mattress.
Mountain's other hand comes up to her hip, grabbing it tight enough to hold her up as he fingers her. "That's it. Good girl, jas. No thoughts in that pretty little head, good girls don't need thoughts, such a silly idea. Just let me do all the thinking, turn that useless brain right off. We'll turn it back on when we need it, okay, sweetheart?" he rambles, not expecting an answer.
Cirrus can't respond, whining into the mattress as she focuses on Mountain's fingers inside of her.
"Oh, is the pretty girl drooling for it?" Mountain asks, grinning as he sees the spit shining on her lips. "Oh, sweetheart, jasmine, I've barely gotten started." He ducks down, removing his fingers, and licks a stripe up from her clit to her entrance, moaning as he gets a taste of her.
She keens as his stubble scrapes against the insides of her thighs, rocking back on her knees to try and get more.
Mountain chuckles against her cunt, grabbing her gently by the ass, dimpling the flesh as he opens her to him. "That's it, baby, it's all quiet in there, isn't it?" He asks before diving in. He eats at her like he's fresh from the Pit and starving, lapping hungrily at her slick.
Cirrus shouts, and Mountain winces at the noise complaint they're bound to get, but shrugs it off, licking and sucking at her clit, a ghoul on a mission. But since he's no Rain, he pulls back, chest heaving as he catches his breath. "Cum whenever you like, sweet girl. Don't have to ask. You deserve to feel good." He dives back in, with fingers and tongue this time, determined to get her floating.
It doesn't take much longer until Cirrus is cumming over his tongue with a shriek, just barely aware enough not to rip through the bedding with her claws. Her limbs give out, collapsing onto her stomach as her entire body trembles.
"Good girl," Mountain coos, working her through it, rubbing her clit gently. "So good, sweetheart. Float as long as you need. Nice and quiet."
She doesn't know how long it takes until she's back in her body. Mountain's rearranged her so she's laying against the pillows on her back, drowning in his hoodie, long enough to be a thigh length dress on her. He's not there, but the light is on in the bathroom, and she can hear the sink running.
"Mount?" she asks, surprised at how hoarse her voice is.
"Just a sec, jasmine," Mountain calls from the bathroom. He comes back out with a glass of water and a clean face, sitting on the edge of the mattress next to her. He takes her hand, dwarfed by his, and helps her drink. Mountain sets the empty glass down on the nightstand, turning back to her and smoothing her dark navy hair off of her forehead, petting over her short horn. "How're you feeling, sweetheart?"
Cirrus hums, leaning into Mountain's touch. "Better," she whispers, shutting her eyes. "So much better, Mounty."
He smiles warmly down at her. "Cirrus," he says, leaning down to kiss right between her horns. "You did so good for me."
Cirrus smiles, trying her best to keep her eyes open. The adrenaline rush from the Ritual and then from the orgasm Mountain had wrung from her was starting to crash.
Mountain's observant enough to notice, laying down next to her, helping her roll onto her stomach and hooking one of her legs over his, cushioning her head on his bare chest. He starts to purr, a low rumble that buzzes soothingly through her. "You work so hard for our pack, Cir. You do so good, and yeah, sometimes things go wrong. But that's just how things are. It's not your fault, jasmine. Tomorrow will be better."
"Yeah," Cirrus whispers, warm and safe where's she's tucked against Mountain's stomach. "Tomorrow will be better."
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empresskylo · 11 months
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beneath the mask ✩ chapter 2 ⬅ ch. 1
➠𝐌𝐃𝐍𝐈; 𝟏𝟖+ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓; 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 ➠SIMON "GHOST" RILEY X AFAB!READER ➠CHAPTER TAGS | afab!reader. kinda mean!ghost. drinking. wc 2.3k. ➠AUTHOR'S NOTE | so glad you're all liking the story so far! hope you like this chapter as well. like i mentioned before, i havent actually played this game lmao so pls excuse any plot inaccuracies. i'm going off of wikipedia and lets plays of the game on youtube. there will definitely be plot points that don't quite line up with the actual game. oh and just fyi, i do not have a tag list. sorry!!
𝐛𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐜𝐨𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ✩ 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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you awoke the following morning with a splitting headache, someone shaking you back and forth only increasing the pain. you squinted your eyes open to see your friend leaning over you. 
“what?” you said through gritted teeth, not holding back any snark. 
“smith and jamerson got pulled into something early this morning. you’re the only medic on base and gaz is bleeding out in the infirmary.”
you shot up in bed, almost slamming foreheads with your friend. “shit. why didn’t you start with that?” you hissed, stumbling out of bed and blindly yanking on clothes.
it didn’t take you long to appear in the cold and barren infirmary, a laughing gaz stretched out on a bed filling your vision when you came storming in. 
he was laughing?  
“gaz,” you began, approaching him. he looked away from ghost, who had apparently been bearable enough to make kyle laugh whilst ‘bleeding out’. 
gaz mimicked you and repeated your name, a stupid grin on his face. 
“i was told you were bleeding out,” you said with a bit of annoyance on your tongue as you slowly strolled up to the man. 
“well, i am bleeding,” he said, holding his hand up, poorly wrapped in white linen that had turned a rusty red. 
you rolled your eyes and grabbed his hand, turning it over in your own. “did you do this?” you asked, referring to the shitty bandage job. 
“not bad, right?” he said with a cheeky grin.
“you’ve got to be kidding, gaz,” your fingers came up to grip the bridge of your nose. “look at it. it's so loose that dirt and debris have gotten into it. you’ll get an infection if i don’t redo it.” you shook your head. “how long has it been like this?”
“several hours, i think.” gaz looked at ghost who ever so slightly shook with a silent laugh. “i dont know, i think i did a pretty fabulous job, but if you insist.” his words were soft and airy and you cocked a brow at him. 
“he’s doped up,” ghost’s guttural voice said from beside you. that would explain gaz’s nonchalance. “got properly decked in the ribs. wouldn’t be surprised if he broke a couple.”
your eyes narrowed at gaz. “gaz,” you said exhaustedly with a hint of reprimand. he looked at you with puppy-dog eyes and you stifled a giggle. 
you went to work on gaz, checking his ribs for fractures and cleaning and rebandaging his hand. you were trying excruciatingly hard to not think about ghost’s eyes on you as you moved about the room. you could feel his glare like flames licking your skin.
finished with gaz, you switched gears and went to ghost’s bedside. he had refused to sit still and had his feet hanging over the edge while he cleaned one of his guns. he looked up at you and you could have sworn you saw something like reverence in his eyes. 
you went to change ghost’s bandages now, gaz already snoring behind you, making you smile to yourself. 
“goin’ back t’my room today,” ghost told you.
“that’s not a good idea, l.t.” you gently nudged his chest and he sat the gun down beside him and laid back. your fingertips lit like a match at just the small physical contact. 
“well good thing I wasn’t askin’.”
why did he always have to be so blunt? you grit your teeth as you finished up, avoiding any unnecessary contact with his skin. 
“i’ll only need to keep an eye on you the next two days. just to make sure there's no infection. then it’s easy sailing from there. i’ll show you how to clean–”
“i’m not daft. been hurt before. didn’t have some medic on call then, either.”
some medic. you weren’t sure why that stung. you felt stupid all of a sudden; of course he’s been injured before. he likely knew the drill like the back of his hand. you suspected under all his gear there were battle wounds that would take a full day just for him to go over the story behind each one.
“well, only two more days with me. then i’ll be out of your hair,” you mumbled.
you felt pathetic for wanting him to reply. to assure you that you didn’t annoy him or that he didn’t mind seeing you. but he just remained silent until you turned and left the room. 
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you found soap later that day digging through papers sprawled out on the coffee table before him. “didn’t know you could read,” you teased. 
he looked up at you with a grin. you stood behind him to get a look at what he was reading. “jus’ goin’ over the dossier for our next mission.”
“ our ?” you questioned.
“since you’re the only medic available at the moment. yes, you’ll be coming along for the ride.”
“oh, don’t i feel so special,” you said sarcastically. 
“i woulda asked for you regardless.”
“didn’t know you could make medic requests.”
“ya can’t.”
you collapsed next to him on the couch, sighing before you glazed over the words on the sheets. 
“wait, ‘Hassan’?” you said perking up and pointing to the man’s name. “this seems serious.” you looked at soap with concern. 
“not gonna be an easy one, that’s for sure.”
“but, soap, i can barely use a gun, let alone fight. this seems like i might get killed if…” you trailed off, your heart beginning to race. you weren’t used to going along for intimate missions like this. you usually were held back at base or brought alongside a slew of other medics. but with everyone else gone… 
“don’t worry, lass,” he said bumping your shoulder with his own. “we’ll get ya trained up. it’s not for another two weeks when Hassan should be in Al Mazrah.”
that didn’t exactly make you feel any better. these men have been training their whole life. and you got two weeks?
soap could see the worry spread across your visage. “you’ll have me, gaz, price, and ghost to protect ya.”
“no,” you shook your head. “i can’t become a liability. you guys will have far more important things to focus on.”
“yer not a liability . we need you. there's a good chance that if we capture Hassan, he’ll be hurt. it’s crucial we keep him alive.”
“and that’s where i come in,” you said gloomily. 
“you’re there for us too,” he said smiling at you. soap always did appreciate everything the medics did for the team. he never treated you any differently than the other soldiers. you leaned against him, your heart racing at the idea of what was to come. 
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it was late at night when ghost was due for another cleaning. you made it to his door and softly knocked. you paused a moment but didn’t hear anything in return so you quietly pushed the door open. 
the room was dark but you could see the faint silhouette of ghost hunched over on the edge of his bed. your hand hit the wall, searching for the light switch.
“wait,” his deep voice rumbled. you paused all movement and heard the soft rustle of fabric as ghost shuffled. you saw the illuminated outline of him as he pulled his mask over his face. your heart skipped a beat realizing he was sitting in here without it on. “okay.”
you ticked the light switch and met his eyes immediately. he had on his thin balaclava as opposed to the usual hard plastic of his skull mask. it felt like he was naked.
“why don’t you let anyone see you?” you asked timidly. 
“why do you wanna see so bad?” he retorted, clearly already irritated with you. 
“i..” you paused, thinking momentarily. “it’s not that i want to see what you look like. but don’t you find it, i don’t know,” you gestured your hands around nervously, “a bit lonely?”
“i feel like i’d be lonely if i was always guarded.”
ghost appraised you for a moment, making you squirm uncomfortably. “well, i’m not lonely,” he grunted. okay, end of conversation, you thought. 
you shifted the strap of your bag on your shoulder, “right. i’m sorry. i didn’t mean–”
“quit fuckin’ apologizing.”
you sucked in a sharp breath. “okay. sor–” before you could finish your sentence you stopped yourself. 
you watched ghost roll his eyes. why did upsetting him make you feel so disconcerted? you tried to wipe your face of all expression but you knew he would be able to tell his words wounded you. it wasn’t fair– he could read everything on your face, but all he gave you was his eyes.
you bit your lip then approached him, wanting to get this over with. “if you wanna take off your shirt,” you said absentmindedly as you set your med bag down on his bed beside him. 
he sat back slightly and hiked up his shirt, obviously not wanting to remove it fully. you weren’t sure why, but that made your face heat. it was a statement you’ve made a thousand times to men who had injuries on their torso or when you had to examine their chest. you hadn’t even thought about it when you said it. but when ghost clearly didn’t want to completely shed his clothes, you felt embarrassed, like you had asked for too much. and in a way, he was right. he didn’t need to completely be bare-chested for you to work on him. the wound was quite low on his abdomen. 
you swallowed your embarrassment and cleaned and rebandaged his stitches. you saw an array of goosebumps rise on ghost’s skin from your featherlight touches as you worked. you finished quickly before shoving all your supplies forcibly in your med bag. you needed out of there asap. 
you threw your bag on your shoulder and went to leave when ghost’s bare hands grabbed your wrist. he twirled you so effortlessly to face him again that it almost infuriated you. 
you sucked in a breath of air as you looked at him a bit dumbfounded. ghost thought for a moment, his hand still firmly around your wrist. 
“i don’t mean to be such an arse,” he grunted.
in a breathy tone you spoke back, “it’s fine. i don’t think that, you’re just—“
he cut you off. “no. i don’t have to be so fuckin' upfront with you all the time. you’re just tryin’ to do your job. i gotta remind myself your not one of my men.”
you nodded, holding in the hurt that echoed through you. he was being upfront with you? what did that mean? that he regrets just being honest? that wasn’t what you wanted to hear. you hated yourself for wanting him to say something along the lines of him just lashing out and he didn’t mean the shit he said to you. but he did mean the shit he said, he just regretted saying it out loud.
“not one of your men, right,” you repeated back. you weren’t one of his men. you were just a starstruck woman who had no fucking business working with the most elite men in the world. awesome. 
ghost’s eyes darted between yours as if he wanted to say something more. that maybe he didn’t like the sullen tone you used when repeating his words back to him. as if he might have actually not intended for that implication. you could have sworn you saw his lips move under his mask like he was contemplating telling you he didn’t mean it like that.
but he was silent. 
“really. it’s fine,” you mumbled. “i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
ghost breathed your name, all too easily deciphering the hurt in your words. you wanted to bash your head against the wall for being so obvious. he was right. you weren’t meant for this line of work. you were too soft.
oh my god, were you going to cry?!
you ignored the flutter in your belly when he said your name and scurried out of the room, wanting to drown out your embarrassment with a swig of whiskey. this seemed to be a pattern with you two–ghost saying something a bit too real, you getting hurt and running out of the room like a baby.
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you found soap back where you left him and you waltzed over to him with a bottle of whiskey in hand. he looked up at you and gave you a cheeky grin. 
his smile shifted to something of concern when you deflated next to him on the sectional. 
“ghost give ya a hard time?” 
“no,” you lied. “just been a long day.”
soap took the bottle from you and took a drag. “long week, more like it.” 
you chuckled before taking a sip. you passed the bottle back and forth a few more times until your body buzzed and your mouth wouldn’t let you swallow any more of the foul liquid.
“how do you guys drink this shit?” you asked, making a face of disgust.
“years of self-hatred,” he grinned.
you slouched against him. 
“do you think i’m cut out for this? 
he flipped through the pages of the dossier before glancing at you. “cut out for what?”
you gestured around you. “this. working with you guys. working for the best of the best.”
“'course i fuckin’ do.” he gave you a quizzical look. “why would you even ask that?”
you shrugged, keeping your eyes off of him.
your name escaped his lips making you finally look up at him. “you’re here for a reason. price doesn’t let just anyone join his team. i’ve seen what you can do, lass. you’re part of the best of the best .”
you smiled making him grin at you in return. “no more of this shit, okay?” he said softly, his scottish accent getting heavier the more he drank. you found it comforting.
“okay,” you agreed. 
“now, lets find price so we can steal all his money with a few games of cards,” he said, lightly tapping your shoulder with his fist.
you laughed knowing good and well price could beat the two of you blindfolded.
chapter 3 ➡
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
OP Men Reacting To You Saying a Dirty Pickup Line (NSFW)
Ft. Sanji, Law, Zoro, Ace, Shanks, Luffy
I may make a Part 2
Black Fem Reader in Mind
Sanji: “They Say Kissing is a Love Language…Want to Have a Conversation with Me?”
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Cigarette drops quick af
His eyes grew wide and he nearly slapped his self trying to prevent any nose bleeds
Sanji stutters in his movements, should he—?
He didn’t want to have a blood fest and ruin this opportunity but he was taking too long to decide
Now you could just laugh and say just kidding but he actually looked too cute to pass up this chance so you pull him in between your legs on the counter and kiss him
Y’all had a very long and messy conversation
Law: “I Know I’m 5’10, But With You I’d Be at Least 6’5””
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“How the hell would you be 6’5”—-“
Squints his eyes at you because clearly you’ve said a riddle and he just don’t get it yet
You sit at his desk just swinging your feet hoping he’d understand, but he just gives you an annoyed look because he can’t figure it out.
“Im talking about your cock—“
“Alright get out.”
Zoro: “The Tongue is The Strongest Muscle in The Body, Wanna Work it Out?”
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This mf has no clue what a flirt or a joke is and looks at you like your crazy
“What am I ganna be Doing? Tongue curl ups?”
“I’m flirting you dipshit!”
“You’re fucking terrible at Doing so what the hell does that even mean?!—“
No pussy for Zoro for the next month
Ace “I Just Got Black Bed Sheets Want to Make Them White?”
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“How will we—-OHOHOHOOOO!”
He is such a dumbass lmao
He has pink cheeks but he is a giggling mess all day
He ends up repeating the pickup line while you both are alone and damn near has a wheezing fit
Never again.
Shanks: “Please don’t let this go to your head, but do you want some?”
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Well aren’t you adorable..
He chuckles in his drink and sets it down, pulling you close so your ear is by his mouth he whispers
“Remember how you said I should start wearing more jewelry? Well, I’m curious on what would look nicer; your necklace above my face or your anklet on top of my shoulders?”
You in fact did figure out both looked good on him that night
Luffy: “The Only Meat I Want in My Mouth is Yours.”
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“I just finished my meat Y/N and I just asked you if you wanted some and you said NO!”
Why would you even try to give this man a pickup line it’s already hard enough to date this man
You point at his crotch and he just looks down and then back at you in confusion
“There’s no meat there Y/—“
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aaakikoo · 10 months
Low effort scenarios with my favorite fictional man. Bakugou.
an -> low effort is what I do best lmao, I hope you enjoy this. I have alresdy done these with more effort put in them 😭 I’ll list some below.
here and here.
another an -> requests currently open, or if you want to send ideas, thirsts or suggestions feel free to do that too. Comments and rblogs r appreciated!
paring -> k.Bakugou x f!reader
warnings -> language, idk tell me if there is any other.
“Babe please just one bite” you said as the blond was slurping on his noodles. “Fuck off, get your own.”
“You made the last pack! I am not heading to the store for a packet of noodles!” You said in defense but he didn’t seem to care as he continued chewing.
“Babe please!” You held him by the shoulders as you whined further. “I said no.” He said taking another bite.
“Fine.” You huffed and sat your ass back down on the couch. after Bakugou had finished slurping and munching on his noodles he came and sat with you on the couch.
At first you didn’t pay him any mind until he made a mistake and placed his arm around your waist.
You quickly slapped his arm away. “I’m mad at you.” You said leaving the living room and heading to your shared bedroom.
On your way you heard him scoff but you didn’t care.
A few minutes later he came in to apologize but it wasn’t successful.
“Why do I have to apologize after eating something I ate, and paid for? Do I have to share everything with you.” He asked in annoyance.
“Well you could’ve gave me one singular bite!” You said in defense and he scoffed and left the room annoyed at your behavior.
About half an hour later he came in, this time you didn’t bother to look at him. He didn’t say anything either, he came in and picked you off of the bed.
“W-what? Hey, what are you doing??” You asked surprised, no answer. “Put me down!” Still no answer.
He walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen placing you on one of the island chairs.
“What are-“ you words were swallowed up as you saw what was in front of you.
“Stop being mad at me now okay?”
He had bought you more noodles, made them for you, cut you fresh vegetables to have with, seasoned it, and put chopsticks on the side for you to eat.
You didn’t replay, only offering him a little hidden smile as you began munching.
The man still sat across from you on the island. “Thank you. Best boyfriend ever.”
“Huge mood swing.”
It was a Sunday afternoon and you were both chilling on the couch.
Tomorrow was your day off so you were in a good mood, scrolling on whatever expensive brands site, checking out their latest drops and most hottest items.
Also Bakugou told you he will be taking you out after his shift, by 7pm. So you were trying to see if you could make a steal for the date.
Currently, Bakugou’s eyes were glued on the tv and your eyes were glued on your phone.
The guy in the show Bakugou is watching had made a pretty funny joke and Bakugou looked down at you to see if you had catched that.
Instead he finds you eyeing a dark red pair of high pump heels. He saw you like it and add it to your list and he thought that was it.
He continued watching the series like nothing happened and you closed your phone and now focusing on the tv.
The next day you woke up to an empty bed like always when it is your day off, currently 9am and you headed down to make yourself breakfast.
After you had eaten you clean up a bit and chatted with your friends for a little. Until the doorbell rang and there was a mailman, delivering you a package and asking for your autograph.
You had told him that you didn’t purchase anything but he kept on insisting that this was the right address.
You took a look on the address and it was correct then you saw that it was bought with your boyfriends name. So you gave the mailman your autograph.
After you closed and locked your door you took the box into the living room. Wondering what your boyfriend could’ve possibly purchased. He always asks for your opinion before he purchases anything.
Curiosity got the best out of you and you opened the brown box, the box revealing another box inside. A more expensive looking one. Matt black box with golden letters from the expensive brand you were looking at earlier.
You opened the black box, now this time the box revealed a white stretchy bag, you opened the box and your jaw dropped at the sight.
The dark red pumps you were looking at yesterday. Before you could properly make up your thoughts your boyfriend messaged you.
[ wear em today ]
Is all he sent to you, you wondered how he knew that you had gotten them, then you remembered he gets a notification when a package is delivered.
Your heart was filled with warmth.
By 17:30 you started getting ready, quick shower, blowing your hair, picking your outfit. A long black silky dress and gold jewelry everywhere from your ears, wrists to your neck and fingers. Elegant makeup and your hair out up in a golden butterfly claw clip. Along with of course the new heels.
By 18:50 you received a text. Which meant to head outside. And so you did.
When you stepped outside you were met with your boyfriend dressed in black suit pants and a white dress shirt with a dark red tie to match his eyes and your new bought heels.
He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on your temple. “Thank you.” You said and pecked his lips.
“Nothing but the best for you.”
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Pretty Girl |2|
Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter Two: Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse!
Summary: Tara and you decide to do movie night at her place. Joking around with each other quickly turns into arguing
Warning(s): Mentions of drinking, Swearing, Clueless!R, Jealous!Tara
Notes: Part two of this. Actually thinking of turning this into either a series or mini series. I re-wrote this a couple times, hope you enjoy. Part three won't come as soon as this one but it will come at some point
Previous part|Next Part
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A week has passed since you decided to be bold. Well..bold is a bit of a stretch. After you ran you stumbled a few times and almost tripped face first down the stairs. You’re fine.
You’re at a local pizza shop, waiting in line to order. You and Tara decided to do another movie night at her place this time. Sam’ll be at her therapy session so it’s the perfect time for you to come over and hang out. As far as you know it’s just going to be the two of you.
Like it’s always been..so why were you catching yourself focusing on that part? 
You finished ordering the food when your phone buzzed. You take it out of your pocket to see messages from Tara.
  Tara 💜
Hey, we’re still on for later right?
noooo need to worry about the
big and scary Sam Carpenter
Ha. Ha. you’re hilarious 
yeah we’re still on
is it just gonna be us?
As far as I know
why? scared this is secretly just my 
plan to seduce and kill you?
and who exactly revealed my diabolical 
plan to you??
I'm just that good
but don’t say that
shit around Sam lmao 
wouldn’t dream of it, darling
Food’s ready so imma get going
but I’ll see you in a bit 
Looking forward to it<3
You smile and put your phone back in your pocket, after you grab the food you make your way to your car and wait a bit before leaving.
As you raise your fist up to the door to knock, it opens and you're met with Tara’s lit up face.
“Did you even check who it was, what if I was a deranged sociopath?” You jokingly ask, slightly raising your eyebrows. 
“Don’t worry, I knew it was you” Tara replied, with a smirk. You tilted your head.
“Were you tracking me, Carpenter?” You chuckled a bit. She only smirked while she helped you bring in the food.
You shook your head at her and mumbled,“Of course..” Tara couldn’t help but smile in response.
“Since when is it a crime to make sure you didn’t get kidnapped or something on the way here?” She defends, walking to the kitchen to grab utensils and a couple of cups. You playfully rolled your eyes at her comment.
“Well, I’m not kidnapped. And I’m here. So movie night can commence. I was thinking we can start with Beetlejuice” You suggest as you start to lay out the food.
“Sounds like the perfect plan to me,” She says genuinely, coming back from the kitchen.
The credits roll, Tara and you both lay on the coach with her head on your chest and your arm slung over her. You both were comfortable, neither of you wanted to move. But the remote was on the other side of the coffee table. Damn it.
You shuffle over to it, causing Tara to whine a little. This causes you to smile a bit at her pouting. “Only a second, not even.” You state, getting up to reach for the remote. You eventually go back to the couch and she immediately curls up next to you again. 
“You’re such a baby sometimes” You tease, putting your arm back around her. She sends you a glare but it doesn’t make you back down from your words.
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
“Am. not.”
“Are. Too.”
“You’re beyond annoying sometimes, Y/N Y/L/N” She huffed, crossing her arms but still curled up next to you.
“Aww, you’re just a bit drunk so I won’t take that to heart” You continued to tease. Tara rolled her eyes but tried to bite back a smile. 
“You do know you’re a dork though, right?” Tara asks, smirking while looking up at you. She figured she’d cut in on the teasing.
“Wait- you think I’m a dork, Carpenter? I’m astonished” You say a bit dramatically but jokingly, raising your eyebrows slightly.
“A huge one to be honest with you” She responds as her grip on you tightens gently. You’re too clueless to notice how she snuggled up closer to you. 
“Well it takes one to know one, doesn’t it?” Tara gently shoves your side as you only smile in response. “Not as big of one as you, that’s for sure.”
“But it’s safe to say you still like this dork, at least you like me enough to stalk me-” 
“-Is this still about me tracking you? Should’ve known you were gonna have a field day with that. At least it wasn’t some random doing it like that chick who’s always staring at you in our film class” Tara remarked with a slight scowl.
"Think her name's Isabella or something" Tara answered, with disinterest.
"Oh, I helped her with an assignment once. What’s wrong with her though? She’s cute” You respond, unaware of why she brought her up.
“Y/N, she stares at you like all the time. It’s fucking weird” Tara held a bitterness in her tone that you caught.
“Is it? I don’t know, maybe I’d want to give her my number-” Did you actually? Not really. But you wanted to test the waters. See why Tara seemed so annoyed just because a girl was staring at you. 
“-To some random girl you don’t even know? That’s what it sounds like. And it sounds fucking ridiculous” You were so unsure as to why she was being so bitter about this topic. Weren’t you two just joking a minute ago?
“Why are you being so defensive about this, Carpenter?” You ask, wanting an answer. But she doesn’t give you one. 
“I’m not being defensive Y/N” Tara was now fully off of you and the volume of her voice rose. “You always go for the first person who gives you attention-”
“That’s not true” Your patience was starting to grow slim as you tried to keep calm.
“Yes it is! It’s like every week it’s a new person”
“Why the hell do you care so much about who I go out with?” You asked, wanting to know what her excuse was for lashing out so suddenly.
Tara sighed in frustration,“It’s just that-” before she could finish her sentence the door starts to unlock and Sam enters.
Sam looked and saw Y/N which caused her to go into “Scolding Mode” but she stopped herself before she said anything when she saw your annoyed faces. You both seemed annoyed- no, you’re pissed at each other. 
“The hell happened with you two?” Sam asked, a bit softer than how her usual tone was around you. 
The older Carpenter was only met with silence as you started gathering your things. “What do you think you’re doing?” Tara asked with sternness in her voice.
“Leaving. I need to cool down for the night but when you wanna talk like damn adults you know where to find me” You retorted before leaving, slamming the door shut.
Sam looked over to Tara, still confused about what had happened.
"Shit" was all Tara could say, she knew she messed up. But she refused to admit to herself the reason she lashed out.
Sam wasn't dumb, she knew her sister. You weren't the type of friends to be this pissed at each other over nonsense.
"You wanna talk about it?" Sam walked over to Tara and sat down beside her on the couch. The spot was still warm from when you were sitting there.
"Not in the slightest" was all Tara responded with before going to her room and shutting the door. She thought about the conversation over and over again. But not once did she consider being the first to contact you.
Tara was too stubborn for that, but so were you.
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eddieboi23 · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x Gn Reader
(Wednesday )
Summary: your eating lunch with Wednesday, and your hunger knows No limits…. reader being a menace
Tw: sharing food from mouth, kissing, threats,
(Y/n)=your name
-this is thoughts-
“This is talking”
Pt 2
(You and Wednesday are already dating)
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It was the start of lunch time ,and everyone was eating.
Y/n, Wednesday, enid, and some of their friends were sitting together.
You were the closest next to Wednesday, while everyone else was a bit away, paying attention to Enid loudly blabbing about something.
Todays lunch was fries and nuggets(or vegan options maybe, but fries will be a big part of this),
Your favorite of course.
Unfortunately for you, you has finished all your fries, so you searched the table of friends to see who you could steal from.
Fortunately and unfortunately, the only person with some was your girlfriend, Wednesday.
You considered just starving at that point, because you’d surely loose a finger if you asked.
You did really want the fries though, so you did the unthinkable, you snatched one before she had a chance to react.
She slowly turned her head to you, staring you down with her unblinking eyes.
“What do you think your doing?”
You chuckle nervously and hold up the fry. “Im starving and you’ve barely touched them, its not a problem is it?”
She stares at you. “You are not starving, I watched you scarf your food like a dog ,just a second ago. If you want to keep your hand, you will give it back.”
You just about gave up, then had an idea, you put the fry sticking out of your mouth. “Then come get it.” You say with a smirk. Wednesday stares in almost disbelief.
She attempts to grab it but you pull away. “Not with your hands, your mouth.” You wiggle your eyebrows.
she sighs “I am not going to play this childish game.”
You shrug, “maybe I’ll take more of them, since I got this one soooo easily.”
Wednesday scoffs. “You will do no such thing.”
“Idkkk, maybe if you play the game I wont.”
She furrows her eyebrows , and frowns. Then to your surprise she leans in, attempting to grab the fry with her mouth.
You pull the fry Into your mouth a little and she scowls.
You chuckle. “Whoops try again!” She rolls her eyes, “this is foolish.”
Despite her words she trys again.
Except this time while shes trying to get, you suck it into your mouth, which makes Wednesday accidentally kiss you.
You feel her stiff up, then lean into the kiss, feeling her soft lips, you kiss back.
She pulls away after a moment and you furrow your eyebrows. “Wait did you-“
She opens her mouth, and between her teeth is the fry, the corners of her mouth barely quirk up. “I win.”
You blush, and nervously chuckle, “oh, damn.“
She eats the fry ,then slides her plate between the both of you, looking away with a bored expression.
“The consolation prize, as if you deserve it.”
You gasp, “yEsss I love you!” You start chowing down, missing the blush and curious smile Wednesday is aiming at you.
She wonders when you will realize ,thats the first time you said you love her. And all because of some fries.
How curious
(I used a prompt generator for this and it turned out pretty well?
I hope my writing is good, if not, I wasted like 5 yrs of reading fanfics LMAO)
(This took me like, 4 days to do 😀😭)
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atlabeth · 7 months
between colleagues pt 2 - anthony lockwood
part one
summary: the morning after and some shopping. this is still a great plan. right?
a/n: lol this took forever to come out but ive been busy asf and dealing with a lot of personal issues but i am really loving these two and they made me feel better so i hope you all enjoy!! they really are just two idiots in love lmao the shop scene was v fun
wc: 4.1k
warning(s): fem!reader, small mention of death in regards to a case, reader freaking tf out for a second. but basically no warnings this is all fluff
also im aware i use this gif a lot but it's like my favorite one of him so uhhhh yeah
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Your shoulder was stiff when you woke up, and you had to stifle a groan of discomfort as you rolled onto your back. So much for staying off your injured side, you thought disdainfully. Typical of you to sabotage yourself in your sleep. 
A glance over at the other empty bed proved Lucy was awake, and a glance at the clock on the wall proved she might have been awake for quite some time. 
It was six in the bloody evening. Lockwood’s call with the Caldecotts must have gone well if you were able to sleep for 14 hours. You normally would have had the sense to be a little bit ashamed of sleeping an entire day away, but after the job you’d had and the arrangement you made with Lockwood, you felt like you deserved it. 
You pulled yourself out of bed and went through the paces of making yourself presentable at the very least, then threw on a sweatshirt and made your way downstairs. Lockwood was alone in the kitchen, sitting at the table with a half-eaten piece of toast in front of him and the agency’s case binder in his lap. 
“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” Lockwood said, glancing up from the files on his lap with a smile. You rolled your eyes at him as you walked into the kitchen. 
“Would you believe me if I said I was still tired?” You took a cup from the cabinet and filled it at the tap, taking a sip as you glanced out the window. Night had already fallen, and you could see the flickering of ghost lamps in the distance. 
“You know, I think I would,” he said. “You didn’t make it the full 24 hours you promised—I think you’ve still got some in you.” 
You chuckled and shook your head. “Where’s Lucy and George?” 
“Grocery shopping,” he said, and he looked at the clock. “It’s taking them an awful long while, though.” 
“Why are they shopping at night?” you asked. 
Lockwood shrugged. “George really wanted to make pad thai, but we have none of the ingredients. Apparently, it’s important enough to warrant a night trip to the store. Lucy offered to go with him, and I made them take their rapiers, so it should be fine.” 
“Of course you did,” you mused. “Did you tell them about our little arrangement?” 
His eyes filled with amusement. “No. I figured you would want the honor.” 
You sighed and let your head fall back. “Kind as always, Lockwood.” 
“You should probably start calling me Anthony,” he said. “Just to get used to it.” 
“What,” you said dryly, looking back down at him, “girlfriends don’t usually call their boyfriends by their last name?” 
“I think your family may frown upon it.” Lockwood checked his watch, then set the binder on the table and stood up. “If you get a kettle going, I’ll make us tea.” 
“Bored of write-ups already?” you asked, crouching down to pull the kettle out of a cabinet. Lockwood chuckled as he took the tin of tea bags out of the closet, and he turned the burner on just as you finished filling the pot up. 
“I try to do my part, but they’re really not my forte,” he said. “You and George are much better at them.” 
“And it comes from filing reports since the tender age of eight,” you said solemnly as you set the kettle on the stovetop.
Just then, the sound of a lock clicking open drew your attention, and you smiled as Lucy and George came inside. George had a reusable bag in one hand and her rapier in another, and Lucy also had hers drawn. 
Your brows knit together. “Run into any ghosts?” 
“Good morning to you too,” George said. You gave him a mocking look in return. 
“No,” Lucy answered, pushing the door shut with her foot, “just being careful. Because somebody swore he saw a Spectre and refused to let a Visitor run away with his goods.”
“I am starving,” George enunciated. “I wasn’t going to let a ghost ruin all my hard work.” 
Lockwood smiled. “Well, I’m glad you’re both intact.”
“I’m glad you’re finally up,” George said with a look at you. “I thought you’d never come out.”
“She slept like a brick,” Lucy said. “I knocked over all the bottles in the shower and she never even stirred.”
You shrugged. “Last night was exhausting. For many reasons.”
The kettle went off and you turned the burner back down. Lockwood took two more mugs out of the cabinet and set tea bags in them, then poured the boiling water into all four. You handed him the sugar container with a pointed look. 
“Remember, half—” 
“Half a teaspoon,” he nodded, taking it from you with a wry smile. “I remember.” 
“Good,” you said. “You’re always a little heavy handed.” 
“Are you saying I add extra sweetness into your life?” Lockwood asked, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“How did you know?” 
“You know, we’re also here,” Lucy spoke up, though when you turned to her she was barely hiding a smile. 
“As if I could ever forget you, Lucy Carlyle,” you said. “How’s your day been?” 
“Quiet without you,” she said. “Lockwood’s been on the phone all day, and even though George didn’t sleep quite as long as you, he still woke up at two in the afternoon.” 
“Oh, please,” George said over his shoulder, in the midst of rifling through his groceries, “I earned it. We all did, after the night we had.” 
“True,” she said, tilting her head. “I actually didn’t have any nightmares for once— I’ve never slept so soundly.” 
“See?” You gestured at her. “The charms I put on the walls are working.” 
Lucy gave you a look. “You can’t seriously believe that.” 
“No ghosts have gotten into our room!” you exclaimed. “And both of our nightmares have been getting better. That dragon is protecting us.” 
Lockwood bit back a smile. “I still cannot believe you bought that.” 
“Seriously,” George said, still organizing ingredients. “A week’s wages, just gone.” 
You frowned. “My iron dragon is incredible, thank you very much. Besides, I’m supporting local businesses.” You glanced at Lockwood. “So the supply calls were made?”
“Every last one of them,” he confirmed as he stirred sugar into your tea. “Satchell’s was very happy to get our business again. Salt bombs will be in on Friday, flares come next week, and we’re getting brand new chains tomorrow. Plus a couple new silver glass containers from Sunrise.”
“That’s smart,” you said. “I think I threw our last square container in the furnaces last week.” 
George frowned. “We went into the disaster that was last night without any silver glass?”
Lockwood cleared his throat as he handed you your mug, then set the other two on the table for Lucy and George. “Everything worked out in the end.”
Lucy just sighed. “We cut things too close for comfort.”
“The Lockwood & Co motto,” you said before taking a sip of tea. Perfectly sweetened. “How about the Caldecotts?”
“Rescheduled for tomorrow at half past noon,” Lockwood said. “Do you think you’ll be awake by then?”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly. “I didn’t forget our deal that quickly.”
George raised his eyebrows. “What deal?”
“Oh, nothing,” you said. “Just sold my soul for a favor from Lockwood.”
Lucy frowned, eyeing the two of you. “Elaborate.”
Lockwood hid his smile with a sip of tea as he also looked at you. So this was still your treat. 
You shrugged. “We’re going to a wedding together.”
“Not exactly selling your soul,” George said. “Congrats.”
You rolled your eyes. “We’re going together.” 
“Congrats,” he said again. “Are we just emphasizing words now?” 
“We’re going as a couple,” Lockwood said. 
Lucy’s eyes widened and George nearly choked on his tea as they blurted out the same thing. “What?” 
“A fake couple,” you added hastily, “to fool my family.”
“…Oh,” Lucy said, glancing at George. “That’s…”
“Less exciting,” he finished. 
Lockwood made a face. “Less exciting? George, we’re going to be lying to her whole family for a whole weekend. I’d say that’s quite exciting.” 
He glanced at Lucy for a moment before he sighed and looked back at Lockwood with a shake of his head. “Sure.” 
“Anyways,” you segued, “I just thought you two should know. It’s not for another month and half, but between the usual ghost-hunting we’re going to be doing a fair bit of planning together.”
“Spend all the time together that you want,” Lucy said. “George and I are good enough at holding down the fort, right?”
“It was just Lockwood and I for months at the beginning of all this, and half the time I was on my own because of investigatory whims,” George said. “At least you’re usually sort of predictable, Luce.”
She frowned. “I take offense to that.”
Lockwood chuckled and shook his head as he set the other two cups of tea down on the table for them. “We won’t impede work at all, I promise. I’ll make sure everything still goes as smoothly as possible.”
“What Lucy said,” George said, finally satisfied with the order of all the ingredients as he got to work. “Spend as much time together as you want.” 
“Maybe you will,” you said haughtily. “Maybe Lockwood’s lying and we’ll completely abandon our duties.” 
“We won’t,” Lockwood assured, and you merely smiled as you took another sip of tea. 
“Speaking of work,” Lucy said, “we ran into Kipps and Godwin on the way to the store.” 
Lockwood’s expression hardened and he set his mug down a bit too forcefully. “Why didn’t you say that earlier?” 
“Because it was nothing,” George said, looking up from cutting vegetables. You were glad he was the one with a knife and not Lockwood. “Just typical Kipps posturing.” 
“He told us about some job they got,” Lucy said. “Some ridiculously rich widow hired Fittes to find and clear out the ghost of her husband, and they were put on the case.” 
“What was her name?” Lockwood asked. 
“I wasn’t really paying attention, if I’m being honest,” she said. 
“Agnes Colville,” George said. 
“That bastard!” Lockwood’s jaw clenched and he moved across the room to a stack of newspapers on the floor, toppling over from the height. He crouched down and began rifling through them, and after a second he pulled out one and held it up for you all to see. The look in his eye was only slightly crazed, which was admittedly progress. “He stole it from us!”
“I do remember seeing her in the paper,” you said after taking a moment to scan the cover. Her husband died of old age, and it was only because of their impressive fortune that anyone knew of it. “A tragedy.” 
“I talked to her first,” he insisted, still crouched on the ground. “I called her right after I got this paper, and she told me she wasn’t looking for any agents.” 
“She changed her mind, I guess,” Lucy said with a shrug. 
“Or Kipps bothered her until she changed it,” Lockwood grumbled. 
“Great,” George said wryly as he pushed garlic off his knife. “We’re going to be working double time to make up for this, aren’t we?” 
“Sharp as always,” Lockwood said, and he finally stood up as he set the newspaper back down. He pointed a finger at you. “After we go dress shopping tomorrow, it’s straight to the archives to pick up a better case than Kipps.”
You raised an eyebrow. “We’re going dress shopping tomorrow?”
“Did I not tell you?” He frowned. “Caldecotts then dress shopping. And now archives.”
“No,” you said, “you absolutely didn’t.”
Lockwood shrugged. “Well, now you know. We’re going dress shopping.”
“Awfully eager to get into this boyfriend role,” George said.
“I take my job seriously.”
“I already have a dress, Lockwood,” you said. “Dorothy Perkins, remember?”
“This is a special occasion,” he said. “You deserve something nice.”
You felt your cheeks warm and you looked right at him. “You’ll pay?”
“Of course,” he said. “Business expenses, remember?”
You laughed and shook your head. “Yeah. Alright, we can go dress shopping. But if I’m getting a new dress, you’re getting a new suit.”
“Fair’s fair,” he said.
“Do we get any new clothes on your bill?” George asked. “Or is that just reserved for your fake girlfriend?” 
“Oh, come off it, George,” Lucy said. “Let them have some fun together.” 
“Thank you, Lucy,” you said as you sat down across from her. 
“Of course,” she said. “You’re saving me from the Caldecotts and a day in the archives. I should really be thanking you.” 
You turned to look at Lockwood. “You’re not going to use this as an excuse to get me to come along on all your errands with you, are you?” 
“Do try and be supportive, love,” Lockwood said. “It’s only right as my girlfriend.” 
You groaned as you leaned back in your chair, trying your best to ignore Lucy’s smile. “Maybe this wasn’t such a great idea.” 
“Another Lockwood & Co motto,” George mused. “How fitting.” 
“Is that Anthony Lockwood walking through my door?” 
You looked up when you walked through the door after Lockwood, a grin already on his face as the boutique saleswoman, a kindly older woman, greeted him. A worker at an upscale clothing store knew him by name—already a good sign. 
“Ms. Bridgeston,” Lockwood said, “it’s been too long.” 
“It certainly has, young man!” She pulled him into a hug and he returned it, and the woman looked at you when she pulled away. “And who is this darling girl with you?” 
Lockwood said your name with a gesture, and you smiled and held out your hand. “I’m his associate.” 
“And my girlfriend,” he added as she shook your hand. You shot him a look over her shoulder with wide, questioning eyes. 
“Practicing,” he mouthed at you with a shrug. He was so ridiculous that you had to stifle a laugh. 
“Yes,” you said, looking back at her with a smile, “his girlfriend, too.” 
“Well, it is wonderful to meet you, dear.” Ms. Bridgeston smiled at Lockwood. “Anthony here has wonderful taste in apparel—he was right to bring you here.” 
“I believe it,” you said with a glance around. “We’re actually in the market for wedding clothes—my cousin is getting married soon.” 
“Oh, congratulations!” She clasped her hands together, eyes shining as she looked between both of you. “Is there anything you need help with, or would you just like to look around?” 
“We’re good to just look,” Lockwood said, “but we’ll certainly let you know if we need anything.” 
Ms. Bridgeston nodded with another smile. “Certainly. I’ll be in the back stocking if you need me.” 
“Thank you,” you said, and you looked at Lockwood as she walked off. “Any ideas?” 
He shook his head. “Get whatever you’d like. This is a very special occasion.” 
You chuckled and nodded, going off to look at a rack of dresses. The agency had been doing well for itself lately. You supposed you could splurge on a nicer dress after nearly dying a couple dozen times. “What are you going for?” 
“Oh, I’m not getting anything here,” he said. “I’ve already got a suit at home, and I’ll get a pocket square that matches whatever color you’re wearing. We’re shopping for you—I’m just having fun here.”
“How exquisite,” you mused as you ran your finger over velvet. “We’ve only been fake dating for a day and you’re already all in.” 
“Consider it getting in character,” Lockwood said. “We’ll already have gotten all our mistakes out of the way by wedding time.” 
“Wise as always.” You took the maroon dress off the rack and continued moving down the line, and you glanced over at Lockwood. “You’ve already got what you want?” 
“Most of my wardrobe is black and white.” He held up a navy suit. “This is different.” 
“Hardly,” you said with a chuckle. “Dark blue is almost black.” 
“This is my version of fun,” Lockwood said wryly, and you smiled as he went into the dressing room. 
You spent the next while picking out dresses that struck your fancy, and by the time Lockwood was done, you had five in your arms. When he walked out, you nearly dropped them all. 
You didn’t know what was wrong with you. 
Perhaps it was lingering sleep deprivation from the near 24 hours you spent awake the other day. Perhaps it was lingering anger from your dealings with the Caldecotts—no amount of money could make dealing with Lorena worth it, but all those zeroes did help—or perhaps you were just already losing your mind. 
Despite your complaints, you weren’t averse to the day Lockwood had planned out. Seeing as you’d spent entire days rooting through the archives with him on wild goose chases, an afternoon after an interview and some shopping wasn’t the worst it could get.
But now, standing in the back of the store as Lockwood emerged, you were beginning to question the wisdom of this decision. 
Because you honest to God didn’t know what was wrong with you. You saw Lockwood in suits every day, or at least something suit-adjacent. Slacks, a jacket and tie, a million white dress shirts that you always end up folding. Pristine shoes, so shiny you can see your reflection in them, getting ruined by cobwebs and plasma over and over—you’ve spent many a night sitting with Lockwood talking as he polished his most recent pair of shoes, determined to get them back to their former glory. 
The point was that you were used to it. You were used to seeing Lockwood dressed up—when you first joined the agency, you honestly thought he slept in suits as well until you ran into him one night on a mission for midnight tea.
So why were you unable to look away from him when he emerged from the dressing room? Why were you rendered absolutely and completely speechless? 
It was nothing special, at least for Lockwood. Just a tuxedo. Navy blue rather than black like he always wore, but far nicer than the usuals. He was fussing with his bowtie as he walked out, muttering things under his breath, and thankfully not looking at you at all. You felt your eyes widen, your breath stolen from you for a moment, and all you could do was stare. Very classy of you, but you could hardly be blamed. He was stunning.  
You didn’t even realize he was saying something until you heard your name for what had to have been the third time, and you blinked and snapped out of your stupor. 
He gave that damn smile and inclined his head slightly, holding up one end of the tie hanging around his neck. “Could you help me with this? I don’t know what’s wrong with me this morning.” 
At least you had that in common. You cleared your throat and nodded, taking a deep breath as you walked up to him in the hopes that you looked far more composed than you felt. “Yeah. Of course.” 
You felt his eyes on you the entire time and you tried your hardest not to focus on it. You’d done Lockwood’s ties millions of times, usually before a particularly important interview or a particularly difficult night. He always said it was good luck, and you always rolled your eyes with a smile. 
“So?” Lockwood spoke after a moment, still watching you.  
“It’s good,” you said with a nod as you finished tying the bow, making sure it was straight before you stepped away. “You look good.” 
“Thank you,” Lockwood said, looking at himself in the mirror with a slight smile. “For the compliment and the help. 
“It’s what I’m here for,” you said. 
“And as much as I appreciate that,” he said, turning that smile on you, “we’re here so you can get a dress too. Did you pick any out while I was getting ready?” 
You nodded and picked up the hangers you’d set down to help Lockwood. “Which one do you want to see first?” 
“Definitely the maroon one,” he said with a nod. “Goes well with your eyes.” 
“You’re too kind,” you said, and he chuckled as he pressed his hand to his heart. 
You went behind the curtain, purposefully taking your time as you undressed so you could try and compose yourself further. It was just a suit, and he was just Lockwood, and this was just a fun little ruse to get your mum off your back for once. 
Just a suit. Just a ruse. Just Lockwood. 
You let out a deep breath and nodded, finally feeling like yourself again. You stepped into the dress and pulled it up, adjusting it around your figure before you zipped it up in the back, but you couldn’t get it all the way up. 
“Lockwood,” you called, “can you help me?” 
“Of course,” you heard him respond. 
You pushed the curtain aside and stepped back out, making some more minute adjustments along the way. When you looked up, Lockwood’s eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted. 
“Lockwood,” you said, staring at him. 
He blinked and seemed to focus back in, his head perking up. “What?” 
“My zipper.” 
“Right.” Lockwood moved just a bit too quick around you, and you shivered as his fingers brushed your bare back for a moment while he pulled the zipper the rest of the way up. “Sorry.”
“Your hands are always cold,” you said. “It’s fine.” 
“That’s—” he cleared his throat, and you turned just to see him shake his head. “Right. Yeah. Thanks.” 
You raised your eyebrows, the slightest smile tugging at you. “For what?” 
His own rose. “Hm?” 
“You thanked me. For what?” 
Lockwood shook his head again. “Don’t worry about it.” 
You chuckled and nodded, holding out the skirt of your dress with your hands. “So? What do you think?” 
“You look incredible,” he said, “obviously. It’s an honor to be your fake boyfriend.” 
“You’re gonna make me blush,” you said, but your cheeks already felt too warm for comfort. 
Lockwood grinned. “Good.” 
You had to turn away at that point. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, teasing you like this. “You’re taking your role way too seriously,” you said, busying yourself with rifling through the rest of the dresses you picked out. 
“I told you,” he said, “I take my job seriously. And as someone who takes their job seriously, I think that dress is definitely the one.” 
“Really?” You held up a sparkling blue dress against you and looked at him. “What about this one?” 
He shook his head. “Maroon is definitely the one.” 
“I agree, dear.” You looked up to see Ms. Bridgeston walking out carrying two boxes, that same adoring twinkle in her eye. “You look beautiful.” 
“Thank you.” You looked back in the mirror for another good, long moment, and you nodded decisively. “I agree. This is the one.” 
“Wonderful choice,” she said. 
“Perfect choice,” Lockwood said with a grin. “If you get changed, I can go ahead and pay for everything. We’ve already used up half our day—we’ve got to get to the archives.” 
You eyed him. “You didn’t just say this was the one so we could spend eight hours in the archives, did you?” 
“No,” he assured. “That is the one—trust me, love. You just happened to pick out the best one first.” 
You chuckled and shook your head as you started going back to the dressing room. “Whatever you say.” 
Soon enough, you and Lockwood were both back in your regular clothes, dress bag in tow, walking down the streets of London. 
“You seriously don’t mind spending all that money for this?” you asked, glancing over at him. 
“Of course not,” he said. “I can always take it out of your paycheck, if it’ll make you feel better.” 
You laughed and hit him on the arm, earning a chuckle in response. “As long as you seriously weren’t lying to me about liking this dress to get me to the archives.” 
“I would never lie to you about something like that,” Lockwood said, and he held up his pointer and middle finger. “Agent’s honor.” 
You smiled inwardly. “Thank you, then. I suppose I can handle spending the rest of the day in the archives with you with compliments like that.” 
“Thank you, then,” he repeated. “We do have to make a stop for tea, first.” 
“Naturally,” you agreed. 
As you continued on your way, not exactly arm in arm but close enough for your hands to brush every so often, you found your mind drifting back to Lockwood in that damned suit. You cleared your throat and shook your head, trying to physically push the thought away. 
“Everything alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Just got something in my throat.” 
Lockwood nodded, thankfully oblivious to your inner struggle. You let out a deep breath. 
This was definitely still a good idea.
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vinnyhongnsfwgurl · 4 months
1st Vinny Hong FanFic? I literally have no idea what this should be LOL
Hello all Windbreaker fans and Vinny Hong lovers. This is my first Vinny Hong x female reader fanfic. I hope you enjoy and comments/feedback is always welcome! Thanks :3
So, I didn't realize what kind of fanfic this would be after I finished writing it LMAO. Complete despair and heartbreak hahaha. I just chose to write and not think to hard. tbh I'm pretty happy with it. Let me know what you think :) .... also I did not proof read haha I am lazy.
I think I'll do a part 2 to this one!
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"y/n? ...... y/n?"
You're head snaps up to look at your mother sitting in the hospital bed next to you. She looked at you slightly worried.
She tilted her head as she asked "Are you okay? I called your name multiple times."
You sat up straighter in your chair and nodded. "Yes. Sorry. I, uh, just got lost in my thoughts for a moment." A lot had happened in the past couple of weeks. My mother got very sick and ended up in the hospital for a second time, nearly dying due to a brain aneurysm. It had put a lot of stress on every part of our lives, mostly financially. We weren't poor, but we certainly did not have the luxury to not work and stay in the hospital for extended periods.
I had thought about picking up extra hours at my part-time job, but I knew it wouldn't help much and I knew my studies would suffer. I was already struggling to keep my grades up. Besides my part-time job, I had to train for the upcoming final race of League of Streets. I was a part of Hummingbird and it was amazing but like my personal life, it was a mess. So much had happened with our team.
The most recent event was Vinny leaving our team deciding to ride with the Ghost crew. He started doing small races for money, which were broadcasted online. I had seen a few. Everyone was confused and upset including me. The whole reason we created Hummingbird was to compete in LOS and win the price money for Vinny's mother but I guess he had different plans in mind.
"It'll be okay honey" my mom said as she reached for my hand. I let let her hold my hand. It was warm and reassuring.
I smiled. "I know mom. I'm glad you're alright .... I was really scared actually." I could feel the pressure behind my eyes build up.
My mom started tearing up. "I know. I know y/n. but it's okay, I'm okay." She squeezed my hand.
I just nodded. "yeah."
After a few minutes and making sure my mother didn't need anything, I hugged her goodbye and started making my way out of the hospital. I took a seat on a bench that was stationed right next to the entrance of hospital. I had taken a bus here and planned on taking it to get back home. It only took me ten minutes to get to the bus stop, so I had a bit of time before I had to leave. I was really tired and too stressed. I found myself looking for more quiet moments out of my day.
I looked out toward the street across from the hospital. It was already dark out, but there was quite a bit of traffic. Honking interrupted the empty, docile night every now and than.
I heard footsteps come around the corner that ended abruptly once they caught up to the bench I was sitting at. As I turned my head to see what or who it was, I hear a familiar voice.
"What are you doing here?"
Vinny. It was all I thought as my eyes met his. His red eye seemed strikingly brighter than it usually was. Maybe it's just because I hadn't seen him in awhile.
"Oh. I was visiting my mom. She recently had surgery." I explained. ".... Are you hear to see your mom?" I asked.
He was quiet for a second before answering my question. "Yeah, she's staying here."
"MMm that's good. Glad to hear she is getting treatment" I said.
"What about your mom? Is she okay?"
"oh yeah! The surgery went well, so everything is good." I gave a sheepish thumbs up. I always became painfully aware of how awkward I felt when interacting with Vinny. I was a fairly shy person and it didn't help how handsome I thought he was. It took time in the beginning for us to get along and establish a relationship. It wasn't hard for me to figure out soon after that I was falling in love with him.
There was a lot I learned about him after Hummingbird was formed and the more I learned the more I desired to be near him. He was hot headed and pretty reserved, but it never really bothered me. I always went out of my way to greet him at practice and I chat with him when I could. I never cared if it was just small talk.
He just stared at me for a moment before saying "Good to hear that."
I knew what what was coming next, or what wasn't. This would be the end of our conversation. I didn't want it to be.
"How have you been?" I asked.
"I'm fine." He said plainly.
"And Jack?" following it up with a smile.
"He's fine too."
Man of few words I thought. I was used to it but I always wondered what actually behind those words: I'm fine.
"Are you really doing fine? I know I'm probably not the first person you think of when you want to talk to someone, but you're my friend. I'm here for you." I blurted out without much thinking.
When I had mentioned how confusing and upset I was when he left our crew, it was an understatement. I was sad and hurt. I also felt so helpless. He left us all behind and had no desire to return.
I looked down at the backpack I held in my arms. There was so much I wanted to say, but none of it seemed enough.
"I'm sorry for everything that's happened. I know you're having a hard time. I wish you hadn't had to leave the team."
"I don't know why you're apologizing, y/n. You don't need to." He replied.
Vinny walked up closer to me until he stood just a few inches from my feet. I looked up and he gaze had softened just a bit.
"You don't need to worry about me. Just focus on yourself. You have a lot going on."
There was a moment of silence as Vinny and I held each other's gaze.
Then Vinny turned to leave. "I'll see you later y/n."
Before he took another step, I reached for his hand. It was a light grasp, just enough to stop him.
"Come back to Hummingbird ..... at least, at some point. We'll wait for you. It's nothing without you"
Vinny just stared at me before pulling his hand away from my mine.
"It doesn't matter if it's not tomorrow, or the next day, or weeks from now! J-just come back. Please." I could feel a increase in my heart rate and the pressure behind my eyes building up again.
Vinny sighed and turned away from me.
"There's no reason for me to come back." He said sternly. "There's nothing you or the others can offer me." He continued has he started walking away.
Something warm slid down the right side of me cheek. I blinked and more came out. I was crying.
I just stood there as I continued to watch him walk away. My crying only worsened and I could feel a lump form in my throat.
I can't give up on you Vinny I thought as I recollected the memories of us together and how much our relationship progressed.
I just can't Vinny. I won't. I love you.
After he was well out of my sight, I finally left for the bus station. I cried the entire way.
For once, I wished it wasn't so quiet out.
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detonade · 2 months
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Good morning and happy birthday to Isagi Yoichi. Rambling under the cut :
Hello hi uhh hey, yeah this is my very first post. It's been a while since i started editing panels from mangas i like and uh, i decided to do one for Isagi's birthday!!! I definitely could do better, but i had 2 days to finish this and this is the longest time i've ever spent on an edit let alone a personal project. I think i did alright. Maybe. Idk the standards (well i do, kinda, i think)
Like, the overall sillhouette of the first panel, especially Kaiser's arm position and hand is kinda wonky, idrk how to do Isagi's hair sprout and i think i failed him (on his birthday too??? I could've done better), shading's awful but i did consciously refused to learn how to shade soo, also the abibas, bastard munchen's sword thingy and Kaiser's rose tattoo is, lmao. Kaiser's hair is also a bitch fuck i forgot his rat tail.
But this edit is not for Kaiser!!! This is dedicated for Isagi Yoichi!!! This is for the blue lock mascot birthday!!! The egoist himself!!! I might fix it later though, haha, who knows. (God i hope i don't have any more motivation to do so, because i am exhausted)
I don't even have a banner yet, why am i this dedicated to Isagi, he's not even on my fav list??? (Might as well add him to be it at this point, because he's one of the major reasons i enjoyed a sports manga to it's fullest) Why is my first post about some blue man's birthday, my whole blog is a mess (of nothingness, because it's so empty) right now, the only thing you'll find is just, this
Anyway this year's april fools joke is actually me!!! I spent hours on this and i look at it and go 'eh'. I don't, know, if i'm, proud, of this, like at all??? For god sake i forgot Kaiser's rat tail and i don't feel like adding it now, this took me 16 hours, which is longer than actual art that i made from scratch???
There should be a version where Kaiser instead said 'How does it feel, to forgot to add my rat tail? ... You clown' to me. That'd fit too.
And uh once again, happy birthday to Isagi. I can't believe i mentioned Kaiser's name more than his in a post that's supposed to be about him and his birthday
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reegis · 5 months
Yo! Do you have any notes/tips for your coloring process? I've always had trouble with that part of drawings looking good lmao and I really like yours! If not for your specific style, do you have any tips with that in general?
Iv gotten a few asks about how I color but iv always avoided answering because
A) I am absolutely awful at explaining things, and
B) I am a very Very lazy artist you should probably Not do the things that I do
BUT i feel bad gatekeeping(?) my horrible technique if it helps anybody ig ill try and explain so
✨✨✨Welcome to Reegis’ Probably Not Reputable (But Very Long Winded) Art Advice✨✨✨✨
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line art of a random character for the example, just pic whatever colors you have in mind for your base colors, you can try using palette generators or basing it off of existing palettes/characters/whatever I have absolutely no idea how color theory works (& this is why you shouldnt listen to me) so im solely going off of vibes. but it is Rough so onto step 2 & 3
(edit to add i usually start off with the skin hair & clothes on separate clipping layers and merge them together towards the end.. i think i forgot to say that at all here oops)
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I abuse the hellll out of layer blending modes. overlay, saturation & multiply mainly, but also difference, brightness & screen. (just doodle something & try all of em out to get a feel for them honestly ik theres a Lot and they can be intimidating) for this i just wanted a more cohesive warmer tone to start with so i added a peachy overlay & a slight ombré to the hair to add a bit more interest to the character.
then just the most basic of rendering, some blush & highlights just wherever i think theyd go.
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Another thing they tell you Not to do, my next step is to block out all my shading in a vaguely purpleish multiply layer!!! i cant be assed to do it any other way im sorry…. once i have the basic shading down, i lock the layer & go in with air brush eraser & also airbrush in other colors wherever I think the purple is maybe too harsh/clashing
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still wasnt 100% happy with the colors so messed around with some more layer filter/modes/whatever you call them then colored in my line art! i think this is honestly the saving grace for all of my art shshsdhhf color your lines people. doesnt have to be all (i dont, i like the contrast) but it usually helps to make some at least a little less harsh
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then with a little more color tweaking im done! one random sleepy dude, fully colored (by my standards)
and then if a piece needs more dramatic lighting you justttt
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im so serious play around with layer settings! these are just basic multiply & add(glow), there as so many others you can abuse the shit out of & nobody will know or care in your finished piece.
was this?? in any way helpful???? I hope so.
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sakasakiii · 3 months
hi!!! how long does an average panel of one of your comics take??
i love your work so much!! it got me into silmblr hehe
HI NONNIE!!! thank u sooooso much for checking in and for ur lovely ask! it means a lot to hear that my silly ol scribbles were what introduced u to the glorious landscape that is the tolkien fandom! on tumblr no less!! i hope you stay a real long time, and have a blast while you're at it 💖💖
now onto your question! that's some good food for thought uhhhh i can try to estimate?? its been a while but i shld have some rough ideas abt each that i can share! the time frame each comic/panel takes is highly dependent on WHAT kind of comic it is. i hv two kinds of comics I usually do: 1) full-length, and 2) goofy/4koma.
i have a few full-length comics laying about in my archive, but my most recent one/best example is Ghosts which was around uh.... 7 pages excluding the bonus panels! in terms of the process, i usually divide it into 5 stages:
Drafting: this is either the fastest stage OR the slowest depending entirely whether i know what im doing LMAO,, if i have a set idea for what i want to happen, i might get drafts done in a few hours, but if i flounder, it can take a few days 🤔
Lineart: relatively simple enough once i hv the draft down, so id say anything ranging from an hour to half a day if theres nothing else going on irl
Block colouring (main actors): there are DEFINITELY easier and more professional ways to do this with mass-selection and the lasso fill/bucket tool, but idk how to do that on SAI (my art program) so i colour everything by hand HAHA which makes the process longer.... half a day to a day?
Shading: THE WORST!!! definintely my least favourite bc i find it tedious due to all the details/prettification of elves that i am legally obliged to pour into this stage 😭😭 as a result, it can take days!!!
Background + Lighting + Final Rendering: similar to the previous stage haha it just depends on how much effort i wanna put into the final product looking nice. roughly a few days? it kind of meshes with stage 4 anyways haha
just for fun, i hope this process gif for page 6 can illustrate that 👇
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these are just rough estimates, bc all in all, the time it takes so finish a page is really dependent on how free I am hahaha. Also, I usually work on full-length comics like Ghost which have more than one page all at once, which means I drafted all 7 pages at once, then did the lineart for all 7 pages at once, coloured at once, shaded rendered bla bla bla 😚 iirc, i think it took me 11 days in total to finish Ghosts before the end of June last year!
For goofy/4-koma, its usually just one page with less detailed/more cartoonish/chibi character styles so it takes a day or two days at most! again, it all boils down to how free i am hehe
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YEAH SORRY THIS ENDED UP BEING AN INFO DUMP but thank you so much again for asking and letting me ramble! <3 i ended up having a lot of fun looking back on my drafts n thinking back on my processes.... theres defininitely room for improvement, but thats another worry for another day heheh 😎
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orbleglorb · 1 month
blaseball in the tumblr universe, part 4
(part 3 might be needed for context)
[ID 1: divider to show that there is a new post]
[ID 2: divider to show that a new reblog has been added to a post /end IDs]
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anonymous asked:
so what exactly did you think was going to happen when you made your tumblr username Official Jessica Telephone?
☎️ official-jessica-telephone
idk man i thought maybe before sending an ask, which you have to click on my profile to do, people would see my header that says "not jessica telephone" in all caps. maybe they'd even read my bio that says i'm a 17 year old transmasc named michael living in the uk.
#telephone calls #please please please it is not that hard.
620 notes
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🦞 marketplace-shellfish 🔁
👛 antique-handbags Follow
Working in ILB offices is so fun. Why did my boss just ask me who Donald Trump is.
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👛 antique-handbags
Wrong blog but too late to delete now :P
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🦞 marketplace-shellfish
Wait. So Parker IIIII knows who Ronald Reagan is, but not Donald Trump?
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👛 antique-handbags
The Game Band (and me and some others, but mostly TGB) give Commish school lessons on off hours. They've only made it to around the 80s or 90s in history in the eleven-ish years he's been around. I usually do English and Math with him so IDK what's going on there.
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🦞 marketplace-shellfish
Amazing. What the fuck
#I hope that's not supposed to be confidential #Would rather not get fired #<- Prev honestly I don't think anyone but maybe your coworkers could figure out who you are? #You're pretty good at not sharing personal details outside of this post #Or maybe I've missed a couple of posts idk
9,821 notes
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anonymous asked:
You're one to get up on a soapbox about respecting celebrities. You literally named yourself after Mike Townsend.
☎️ official-jessica-telephone
i literally named myself after michael the distortion tma
#telephone calls #hitting my head against the wall #also i hate being called mike. lmao #canceling my parents for naming my sister after my grandmother
499 notes
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🐶 catgirlfirefighter 🔁
🌼 buildmeupbuttercup Follow
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🐶 catgirlfirefighter
what if this was my last straw
21,573 notes
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☕️ eyesinthedark11
im sorry but the reader is so funny to me. giant eyeball that comes outta nowhere and says "your team is gonna suck absolute shit this season. here's a card and a riddle. fuck you" and then the coin is so clearly trying to get this guy away from blaseball but it doesn't care. comes every earlsiesta and is like "your team has a chance of sucking so bad it hurts. over under under over" and then LEAVES. do we think the coin and the reader are divorced
#i am NOT maintagging this shit
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20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @the-real-azalea-scroggs! Had to wait until I was of my phone because doing these is a nightmare on mobile lmao
1. How many works do you have on A03?
18 as of a few days ago!
2. What's your total A03 word count?
157,937! Which is. Only a fraction of the word count in my Docs folder. Be prepared.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for The Legend of Zelda; specifically Linked Universe! In fact, that's all that's posted on my Ao3 currently, since my fall into that fandom began with me uploading there! Pre-Ao3 I wrote for Black Cat (Anime/Manga), Megaman NT Warrior, various Pokémon things, Assassin's Creed, Yugioh, Final Fantasy XIV and Octopath Traveler! Some of these I still write privately, but I haven't gotten around to re-posting any.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Whistling on Deaf Ears - My longest fic on Ao3, focusing on Wild and Twilight's friendship and how good intentions can lead to disaster.
Iconoclasm - Warriors deals with the room full of portraits in Cia's palace. The Chain also deals with it, but with a bit more fire.
Deserving - Twilight finally tells Rusl that he was the wolf in the village during TP, but that also means dealing with some heavier topics. Colin half overhears them and forms his own conclusions.
Something Greater - The start of the "Hyrule can see magical auras" series! In this one we deal with Legend and his many rings.
Ocean Magic - Mermaid Legend and Zora Time have a race and then fight one of the Big Octos from WW! Fun times.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one!! I love comments, they give me an excuse to ramble about my fic more!! I am always down to ramble about every single insignificant detail of any line and/or section. If you ever want more background info about one of my fics, look to the comments!
So please, I adore comments, I treat them like treasures, not responding to them would be a CRIME.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There's no contest; Inevitable, my (so far) only MCD fic.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm, that's hard to quantify. I usually try to end fics on a hopeful note regardless. I'd say possibly either Deserving, where Twilight reconnects with his family, or Shimmering Blue, Striking White, where Time meets the Fierce Deity settled down on Satori Mountain and they both get closure.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, no! I've been blessed with mostly amazing and patient readers, even when my upload schedule isn't the best.
9. Do you write smut?
No, not really. I've attempted it, but I'm too asexual for it lol
10. Do you write crossovers?
Very, very rarely. Mostly privately, and only very specific ones. Only a single one has had an actual plot, so far (more on that one in question 15!).
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also a nope! I tend to write for smaller fandoms, where these things don't tend to happen a lot!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! But it's been a while. Over a decade, in fact! I tried to find the fic to link it here, but it was on the German fanfic website fanfiktion.de, and my friend who posted it back then must have deactivated her account, because it's nowhere to be seen (I still have the Word file though!). It was a Multi-Crossover that started as an RP in a forum, and we took turns turning the RP into prose one chapter each. "If a Hero Turns to Dark" was its title. We were edgy teenagers.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Hissssss. Bad question. Shoo. They are all equally important!!
But it's probably TenRose from Doctor Who.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
One of the very few crossovers I've ever worked on; a crossover fic between Assassin's Creed and Doctor Who, that I have mapped out in both chronological and timeline order, and yes, those are different. I only ever wrote about a quarter of it, since my primary audience of it disappeared when we graduated. I doubt I'll ever pick it back up properly, and if I do it'll probably go through heavy rewrites first since it's so old. Finishing it is a nice thought, but realistically, after 9 years it'll never be high priority enough for it to actually happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, especially arguments, and emotional impact. I've been told I do really well making characters feel alive and believable! Also I like to believe I'm decent at setting a scene and giving it the vibe I want it to have!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with dialogue tags when nothing much is happening besides the talking. I always feel it's too bland, and fall back on the same phrases. My scene transitions could use some work too.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done this with Japanese phrases, because I was a massive weeb. Usually I followed them up with their own translations, though; I'm not the biggest fan of footnote translations, unless they are properly linked to. Simple dialogue tags are my favourite way of indicating a language switch.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Black Cat the Manga/Anime! It's a series about an assassin turned bounty hunter trying to live a life separate from his murdery past, but getting dragged back into things by still wanting to avenge his best friend's death. The series has a special place in my heart and my bookshelf, it left an imprint on 13-year-old me that will never leave.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably Jailbreak, uncharacteristically enough! It's one of the only fics I never got stuck in once. Writing it was a great feeling from start to finish. I love writing all of my fics, but that was a special few days.
Tagging @ahrva @nowhere-to-go-but-down @silvercaptain24 and @aeghina! And anyone who wants to do it, really, go wild
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wizard-finix · 3 months
Ao3 tag game!
*cracks knuckles* lets do this
How many works do you have on AO3?
24 works! I would have never expected to have that many 5 years ago, hahaha
What's your total AO3 word count?
186,291! oh wow, almost 200k!! (unsurprisingly PT minato takes up over a third of that LMAO)
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
10 fandoms! I'm counting Persona 3, 4, and 5 and separate, but I'm grouping all the Zelda fandoms together since it's all Linked Universe fic.
Here's the breakdown!
The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms (6)
Persona 5 (5)
Persona 3 (5)
SPY x FAMILY (Anime) (3)
Wizard101 (Video Game) (3)
SPY x FAMILY (Manga) (3)
Runescape (Video Games) (3)
Pirate101 (Video Game) (3)
Persona 4 (2)
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom (2)
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Manga (1)
Star Wars - All Media Types (1)
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (1)
Top five fics by kudos:
The Ghost of Mementos/Stygian Ringlet (Persona3/5) - to the surprise of absolutely no one, since this is currently my longest fic. I'm very happy with Stygian Ringlet being the top because I love my boys :)
True Crime Special on the Midnight Channel (Persona 4/5) - my Ren has a TV Dungeon fic! also very proud of the dungeon concept for this one, I really need to finish the last two chapters
Dark Clouds on the Horizon (Linked Universe/TOTK) - I feel like this one got a lot of momentum partially because it was directly in the wake of TOTK's release, but I'm happy with how it turned out :)
Strangers Are Just Friends You Haven't Met (Persona 3/SPY x FAMILY) - this was a collab series with mewrose and a few others in the marigolds discord! we were throwing ideas at the wall to see what stuck and I really had a lot of fun with Shinjiro-related prompts, because I LOVE him and hitting him with the isekai baseball bat into a universe with Anya brings me great joy
Salt Tears and Raindrops (Linked Universe/TOTK) - directly related to Dark Clouds, and I'm glad people enjoyed good ol' fashioned angst >:) (I do need to post more of my wips, I do have a couple more roleswap AU wips that I want to post)
Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I almost always do because I really appreciate them and its my way of saying thanks for the comment! If I don't comment it's because I lost track of it or because I can't think of a response.
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Probably Salt Tears and Raindrops. I was in a Mood and decided to go for the tried-and-true method of putting fictional characters I like through the emotional wringer. That's how I got the rough draft for this fic :)
Do you write crossovers?
*looks at my persona fics and recent LU fics*
...I think it's safe to say most of my fics these days fall under crossovers lmao
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
I wouldn't say I have? One or two comments that came off as rude, but no actual hate, thankfully. If I did, I forgot about it. I've been blessed by wonderfully nice readers <3
Do you write smut?
Nope. I don't read it, so I wouldn't know how to write it anyway.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of? I sure hope not.
I have seen a couple short fics slightly imitate Ghost of Mementos though, which I thought was really sweet that they liked it enough to inspire their own writing.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, but I'd definitely be open to it!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RYOMINA. Hands down. I love them so much, I am so mentally unwell about these two
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
My two Runescape fics, Whispers in the Temple and Welcome to the Jungle. I absolutely loved going hogwild with rewriting old quests in Runescape, but I psyched myself out of Welcome to the Jungle because I got overly anxious about accidentally doing bad representation.
(in hindsight, it probably wouldn't have been as big a deal as I thought; it's hard to make it worse considering how bad Legend's Quest was with the british-african stereotypes. that quest DID NOT age well.)
I also want to finish Snake in the Grass; that was my first attempt at a genuine mystery plot and I really liked playing with Warriors in that fic in the context of the gang trying to figure out who the heck is trying to murder him.
What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at dialogue! I try to make sure it matches the character's speech patterns and personality. Really well-written dialogue can tell you who's speaking without actually telling who it is. (For example, the way I write them: Minato speaks as few words as possible and has very little filter with his observations when he does share them, and Shinjiro is pretty rough around the edges, with shortened words and the occasional swear. Warriors is good with words and wit, but he has a certain military-esque directness and doesn't dance around the topic.)
I do try hard to keep the plot clear and understandable over everything else, so probably that as well.
Also, now that I think about it, maybe fight sequences? I don't do them much, but I do enjoy the challenge of making a clear sequence of what happens in a fight and trying to make it understandable. Fight sequences are easy to skip or gloss over, but I think of them like their own miniature plot. What happens? What surprises are there? What are their movesets? How do they get the upper hand? (and of course, what looks cool as fuck)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. I tend to over-proofread since I beta my own work, and often I'll go back to tweak stuff if I had additional thoughts to add to it, or extra insight. Lately, it takes longer to write chapters than I'd like.
Also, dialogue-heavy scenes often get very chaotic in my WIPs because of the way I rough out fics. I'll throw together a bunch of dialogue bits I think would be cool to include, and sometimes they'll clash or get really messy, especially if there's lots of characters (looking at the latest two chapters of Stygian Ringlet)
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's cool! It adds flavor to fics. If it's more than one short phrase though, or if it's story important, then I do prefer that there is a translation in the author's notes. I haven't done any non-English dialogue in fics, save for one memorable adventure into trying to figure out how Latin grammar structure works for a character that didn't speak English.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Wizard101 and Pirate101. I was obsessed with those two for YEARS. I really, really liked pirate stories in high school, and having a cast of crewmates that accompany you throughout the game really inspired me to write my first fic featuring my OC. (I was also into One Piece at the time, but I never wrote for it.)
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Stygian Ringlet. It's really dear to my heart. I have poured so much love and effort into that fic, and the reception on it has completely blown me away.
THANKS FOR THE TAG!! Uhhhmmm for tags I'm going to go with @skyward-floored, @catreginae and @breannasfluff (but only if you want to!! no obligation of course)
and of course any other writers that want to do it as well!! go forth
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stealingpotatoes · 8 months
you know what time of the day it is!
good mornin its askposting yay!!!! feat: last 4 jedi au, jedi survivor, and fix it au!!
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@just-prime LMAO THAT'D BE SO FUNNY i love hcs abt things the skywalkers can and can't do bc they're genetically part force. BUT THATS SO FUNNY EVERYONE DISCOVERING IT they thought it was bad finding out vader was his dad now they find out he's A QUARTER THE LEGIT FORCE??
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@sirathurheit GOOD FOR HIM!!!! thank u for the info!!
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aww thank u!! and said in that post yesterday!! its a custom version of sergey kolesov's eliptical 45 brush!!
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@quynhorlose the problem is if it's an average imperial prison, they're literally all Ken
if it's a new republic prison they'd actually be a mix (luke is barbie) and if it was inquisitorius then good luck getting any of them to stay still for the picture
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Rex definitely gets his job back but it's gonna be a bit shortlived bc no war! now they don't need most the clones!! and anakin and a group of jedi and senators are now going to smack anyone who says these guys don't get human rights
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@frontierghost THAT'D BE SO FUNNY LMAOOOO just dropping that on poor soka
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@gettingcomfyinyourwalls i'm fairly sure you don't get to choose the colour (unless you're playing the Jedi games) and you can only get red if you corrupt the kyber ): but it'd be really funny if luke got his green and kept trying to find out how to change it to blue like his old one
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@imperial-spy imp-- ahh!! im suspicious of your username now!! ok being fr I AM LOVING IT SO MUCH!!!! the only spoiler i knew was that merrical kiss and i THINK get together. oh yeah and i found out through several asks n stuff that cal got a gun and i have now both seen the merrical kiss AND gotten cal's gun (which is so useful. i'm a gunsaber truther now)!!
i'm about 13 hours in now!!! just finished jedha part 2 and got merrin back (i hope we kiss again. tho if she wants to share a bed, all cal has is a shitty cot) excited to see what happens next!!!!!! and praying nothing too traumatic happens to my boy bc if anyone on the mantis dies or even gets hurt too bad i'm going fucking darkside
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yourlocalshrimp318 · 3 months
My mom likes Good Omens and is very dissatisfied by the ending
Good day folks! I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news. Depends on how you interpret it.
Bad news: I was too tired to write the post on season two ep1 and 2. Good news: I made notes on my mother’s reaction. Bad news: i didn’t write much to it because I was very fucking tired. Maybe good news: we watched episode 3 to 6 this evening, means I can finish this series, also means I’ve got a lot to remember and I am bad at that. Good news: you folks get a whole post on watching season 2 with my mom! A little more good news: she didn’t disown me and I was not grounded. She didn’t even cry. She just really wants a season 3. same, mom, same.
For the first two episodes: *checks phone for notes* as far as I see, she is a shipper. Very much. She is also not further concerned on the angels having typically male names and being played by woman. Which was quite surprising to me. She referred to Micheal as he.
„Has Gabriel lost his mind? And why the fuck is he naked? Didn’t need to see that.“
She complimented the music, it’s very fitting.
She was quite upset that Aziraphale and Crowley just won’t communicate. How right she was.
„Very interesting, I am really excited for the next episodes.“ these shall come now.
So uhhh. Wait, lemme check Wikipedia so I have an overview. Okay I checked Wikipedia and unlike for season one there is no overview thingy for each episode in season two. Very sad. I also got carried away. Anyway this will now come in order of what I remember, very sorry for that. It was much today.
In episode three when the boys were in Edinburgh, she paused to explain to me that it was very common for people stealing corpses. Yes mother I know. I am infected with good omens brainrot, I know a whole lot shit. But thanks.
„Damn Beelzebub looks disgusting.“ nah, when they come to earth they no longer look disgusting. She understood that, when she saw Beelzebub.
We agreed that the punishment for uhmmm German right-orientated people is very okay. Zombies are very ugly. „What is Mycroft doing there?“ (I also watched Sherlock with my mom btw. Interest on that? I’m sure I’ll remember a little bit)
Her reaction to „Jane Austen had balls.“ was amusing. She pulled a 🤨 and continued. Well okay.
(Fuck I have dementia or smth.) (fuck I am incompetent of using the internet, Wikipedia has information on each episode.)
Shax has a very bad taste in clothing. According to my mom. She is right. I think.
„Jim/James/Gabriels coat is so very stylish!“ yea. Please folks, do tell me, did it have a use or deeper meaning?
Before we watched episode 6 I organised tissues. I was surprised we didn’t need them.
„Oh man, the thing with Jim/James/Gabriel and Beelzebub is so cute!“ very much yes.
So. Final fifteen. It was very quiet in the living room. During and after the final fifteen. She didn’t cry (I was so close to cry) but she looked very dissatisfied. I mean I get it. But I was sad, she was like: „when does season three come? Do we know what happens next? That’s just so mean!“
After we turned the TV off we talked about it. She said it was just very tragic, the red-haired one loved Blondie so much and the fact that that Crowley waited at the car to see if Azi changed his mind is heartbreaking. Crowley deserves better. We hope he’s fine. Sadly we don’t know.
I am glad to say that my mom is not infected by the brainrot, which is both good I guess? Yea. I hope I captured most of it but it was a lot and I am tired.
Good day/night Folks!
(Just spend another 15 minutes on tumblr and I really hope I don’t dream of a weird mixture of Good Omens, Merlin and Lord of the Ring lmao)
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