godsofhumanity · 8 months
Odin: There’s a thin line between being a genius and being a fucking idiot. Frigg: Loki uses that line as a skipping rope.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 months
Hail Frigg Prayer
Written to the feel and scheme of the Catholic Hail Mary. I grew up Catholic and often miss the flow of the Hail Mary in prayer so I altered it to fit All Mother.
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Hail Frigg, full of grace divine,
The All Mother, forever shine.
Blessed art thou in wisdom's light,
Guidance and comfort, day and night.
Holy Frigg, source of strength and might,
In your embrace, we find respite.
All-knowing Mother, hear our plea,
Guide us on life's vast, unknown sea.
Frigg, with love, your children bless,
In your wisdom, we find success.
Support us in each trial we face,
Grant us your mercy and embrace.
Patron | Instagram
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queenofswords · 1 year
working with norse deities
óðinn: "don't worry, i'll get it done. just don't ask me how."
frigg: "secrets are worth gold. yours are diamond. share with discretion."
loki: "i'll break your bone so it'll heal right this time."
sigyn: "would you rather be right or be loved?"
angrboða: "you are the only god you have to live with."
freyja: "go loud. we'll deal with the consequences."
freyr: "...we gotta? okay. baby, hold my beer."
njǫrðr: "can i interest you in some chill the fuck out in this trying time?"
hel: "i'll hold you through it—and you still have to do this."
fenrir: "...can we bite them? we could, in fact, bite them."
jǫrmungandr: "this too shall pass."
gullveig: "fuck around. find out. remember."
þórr: "not everything is a nail, but a screw still bows to a hammer."
sif: "everything is a little more possible with a belly full of warm food."
skaði: "there is always an opportune moment. find it."
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catfindr · 8 months
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mistress-of-words · 5 months
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isa-sketches · 10 months
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Norse Goddesses collection post in order: 1. Hel 2. Frigg 3. Idun 4. Frøya 5. Skadi
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lost-opium-artblog · 1 year
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Týr meeting his little brother Baldr for the first time.
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begglog · 11 months
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went on an absolute FIELD DAY with signalis and developed my own personal story for it... god the game is such a masterpiece
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tired0artist · 4 months
| freya |
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hi! i recently bought a small sketchbook, but i haven’t used it much, until today! so here’s a small sketch of freya that i made while i was out!
honestly, the world needs more freya content 💗💗💗
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mymelodymia · 5 months
i'm still here // dad!thor odinson x daughter!reader
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Summary: your brought back after 5 years...
Warnings: literally a single cuss word from rocket, fear of being alone, crying, character death mentioned, overall fluff,
Age: 16
A/N: hope yall like this one too 🥰
+•°+*°•+pt 1 here+•°+*°•+
You felt weightless, like you were floating. You gained physical consciousness soon after this. You were laying flat on your back on the forest floor, arms curled up as if you were trying to hold something.
You sat up and looked around to see more avengers also confused. You looked around and realized, your dad wasn't there like he was before you passed out.
"Dad?" You whimpered out, trying to find him. You whipped your head around as you heard sparkling behind you.
"Who the h3ll are you?" Rabbit asked (srry i love calling him that)
"Come on its been five years, we...the avengers need you" strange told you all. You blinked at him a few times in confusion, "its been how long!?" You shouted, eyes wide.
Strange helped you up and you all fell into the portal.
You had just started fighting the alien dogs. Not knowing what to do. You soon found yourself outnumbered by these dogs. You were trying to get them away but it did nothing.
You were pinned on the ground, they kept trying to get to you but tony flew by and blasted them for you. "Thanks!" You yelled at him, he nodded in response before flying off to the distance.
You stood up to brush yourself off, and your father was standing a few feet away from you, just staring in shock.
You gasped as you made eye contact with him, tears welled up in his eyes.
He pulled you Into a strong hug quickly. He squeezed you so hard you thought you might d!e.
He pulled away to look at your face, he let out a sad chuckle as he looked at you, innocently looking back up at him.
He held you to his chest as he sobbed. Yes, your father always acted like nothing and no one could make him cry, or even make him emotional. But when it came to you, he was a verryyy delicate flower.
"Im still here." He whispered to you.
He had lost everyone in his life, his mother, his father, his brother, his best friend, his lover, and the one person he couldn't let go of, You. But you, unlike anyone, came back to him. And healed his broken heart. He was the only person you had as well, after losing your uncle and watching it happen before your eyes hurt like no other.
Another space dog ran at you two and tony, once again, swept past and blasted it. "Second time! Not helping you anymore" he quickly spoke before flying away.
"We should help" you told thor. "Yes, we should" he smiled sadly, finally having something in life.
You both continued to fight together. You looked to your left after a while, to see tony, on his knees, with the stones.
Tony acted like your father when thor wasn't around, he was also your best-est friend, other then thor. Even once accidentally calling him dad. And though he would always deny it, he saw you as his daughter.
You gasped and covered your mouth as he said the words, "i.... am.. iron man" and snapped. You ran over to him immediately, Peter got to him before you. He sobbed out a small, pained "tony..." you held him as he cried.
You were the first one to Kneel before tony, a helpless tiny human, had saved the universe on his own. Everyone followed your actions.
You sobbed for days after this tragic event, your dad had to hold you up on his funeral because you were crying so much.
"Im still here" thor muttered to you as he held you close too him. It took a while to get over but eventually, it happened.
You found out through pepper that you and peter were the god parents for morgan 😭 thor was with every step of your healing, he thought leaving your side was a bad idea. Or he just missed you over the years lol.
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @yummyangy // @zebralover // @carellmcu
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jove999 · 2 years
havi x frigg 
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I support one(1) mad le$bean...
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notthesomefather · 3 months
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Altar for Frigge and Sol 🩷☀️
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ilikedetectives · 2 years
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Frigg and Kara the Valkyrie Concept Art by Satanasov !
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godsofhumanity · 6 months
Odin: Njord dropped off donuts, so there go my plans to eat healthy today. Frigg: You could just not eat them. Odin: Don't be ridiculous.
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mythos-soup · 6 months
Frigg [walking into her room]: Hi Odin Odin [in bed with some random icelandic priest]: Hi honey Frigg: hi random dude my husband is boinking The random guy: hi
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ravenousnightwind · 9 months
In moments of great tragedy and anguish, I only had the gods to look to. I never expected help. I just would talk to them about how bad it was. Sometimes, I'd ask for things. Sometimes, I'd plead with them for things I needed.
It was in these moments I could feel peace. Even if nothing came of it. It was the only thing I could do with those emotions. Then, sometimes, years later, things might happen. Here and there. Little things building up to a conclusion.
When I asked Odin to help me through my trauma, he did. Sending me spiraling in my own head. Realization after realization threatening to drive me insane. Testing my resolve against myself.
When I asked Loki to help me speak better to people, I got better. Knowing instinctively, almost. The words flooding from my mouth that shoved into the ears of others like a spear. Casting like a spell.
When I asked Frigg for stability, she made me go through things to find how I could balance my desires and my finances. How to move forward in life with mental illness. She taught me patience and calming. She taught me how not to worry about silly rituals and offerings or tools. She showed me better, more mindful ways to see the world and nature, and herself. As well as the other gods. It was through Frigg that I started worshipping again, it was through her that I found my spirit, my craft again. It was she who showed me how to be who I am and to embrace my own brand of witchcraft and magic, heathenry as a whole.
Odin may have been my interest in heathenry through his stories and myths. He helped me dive into my own head. Helped me find the deeper reasons. In myself as well as within history. Searching for the truth in the lies. In the end, it was Frigg, though, who showed me I didn't need all that bullshit to be or perform. She guided me with a gentle hand because she knew how fragile I was, how untrusting I became. It was through her I rediscovered my own beliefs, and by extension, I found myself and the wholeness I feel now.
To say the gods never help, to say the gods never do for people, I think it's wrong. Maybe it could all just be in my head? But for me, they exist, and they're the reasons why I am the way I am today. All of them. Without them..I am not sure I would of had the strength or the wisdom to do what do now.
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