#halloween hc
andrew 100% went as a vampire for Halloween one year and his costume was basically just his usual all black, with slight reddish purple rubbed under his eyes and small fake fangs that you only really saw when he spoke (because he doesn’t smile) except for the one time he flashed them at Neil saying something along the lines of “don’t make me kill you”
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Since Halloween is upon us, do you have any HCs about what Leon, Ada, and their girls do for the holiday?
sobbing because i wanted to get this out before halloween
this is specifically for aeon twins hehe
i see them homeschooling for a while so they don't have many friends outside of just kids from the neighbourhood so they don't go trick or treating for a while
fighty one hears about halloween though and leon starts the spooky stories but they're not that scary
soft one gets scared too easily and hides behind ada
they do carve pumpkins hehe, fighty one just kinda stabby into hers and soft one does a design with ada.
they force leon to dress up as a prince one year when they're princesses
ada's a queen ofc
ada mostly watches as they do crafts, if they're in school at this point, they bring home some crafts to recreate. ada's much more artistic than all of them though, she just wants them to have fun and not make a huge mess
there's so much glitter on fighty one
soft one likes making spider webs out of cotton balls and leaving little spiders around to scare leon
ada does dress up for leon later
i see lots of princesses, one year fighty one wants to be a dragon, one year it snows so they're stuck in their jackets. one year soft one is a caterpillar
leon is always forced into some sort of costume every year
although i do hc that ada has a bit of a sweet tooth, she has more self control than the girls
they both have way too much, the terrible tummyache of 20something makes it so that they remember not to eat too much again
leon checks their candies
ada steals their candies
they wouldn't be the type to stay at home and hand out any, they would walk with the girls and go treat or treating if they wanted to. if they go into a haunted house of sorts, they're marginally scared but obviously aeon is not lol
leon does get jumpscared at some point though
ada does a lot of helping them into their costumes, mommy just has a better eye for it, but leon helps too
one year they wanna be zombies and aeon are both NOT INTO IT LOL
i think of more later!!! but also
pumpkin pie, ada doesn't like it, leon does, the twins only eat with PILES OF WHIPPED CREAM
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two-bitches · 2 years
So I have already seen some posts abt The Outsiders hcs today so I’m gonna do hcs from when they were kids
Darry: when he was really little he liked Halloween but when he got older he thought he was to cool for Halloween, their mom would make him take Soda and Pony trick or treating and he would get so embarrassed, he was Superman 3 years in a row, only went trick or treating until he was 9, they could never afford actual costumes so Mrs.Curtis would hand make them for all her kids.
Soda: LOVED Halloween so so much (he still does obvi), trick or treating was his favorite part and was the last one in the gang to stop, when he got old enough he would take Pony around when Darry would rather go to a party, he would always eat all of his candy the second got home and get sick a couple of hours after(still did it every year and never learned his lesson)
Pony: he liked Halloween as a kid but stopped trick or treating sooner then the kids his age because he didn’t want Darry and Soda to make fun of him, always wanted to trade his candy with Soda as a kid, he tried to trade with Steve one year but gave him like 6 pieces for one bar and realized he was being screwed over, Darry always stole his leftover candy when he went to sleep.
Johnny: he was indifferent abt Halloween, it wasn’t his favorite but not his least, like handing out candy at the Curtis’s rather than go trick or treating, would secretly steal some candy when Mrs.Curtis wasn’t looking and shove it in his pocket, Mrs.Curtis always offered to make him an outfit so he could go with the other kids but he never wanted to put her out.
Two-Bit: almost love’s Halloween as much as Soda, he never really went over to the Curtis’s as a kid because his mom wanted him to take his little sister trick or treating, though he secretly didn’t mind because he would get candy longer then the other kids because he had an excuse,just like Darry he stole her candy when she went to sleep.
Steve: when his mom was alive she took him trick or treating but after he always went with Soda, scared Pony every year and he always came up with something different for each year, one time he went to far and Pony started crying and Darry put a end to it, he never scared Pony again, likes carving pumpkins because he can get all dirty scooping the guts out.
Dallas: he never went trick or treating and by the time he knew the Curtis’s the only people who were still going was Pony and Soda and he was to embarrassed to ask, always thought Halloween was dumb and never got the point of the holiday, he secretly enjoys eating candy and watching horror movies, he would never tell anyone though.
Extra part because I want to:
Mr and Mrs. Curtis: Mr.Curtis always had so much fun scaring the neighborhood kids, never too bad tho, Mrs.Curtis always complained and thought he was going to really scare a kid one day and they would be in trouble with other parents, always welcomed the entire gang to their house every year since they knew them, Mrs.Curtis always make some Halloween themed dinner, Mr.Curtis would always wear some form of costume every year, Mrs.Curtis thought it was stupid but never tried to stop him. Just the best parents tbh
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txemrn · 2 years
A super fun ask (hopefully) for the middle of the week. Does your MC love / hate / barely tolerate Halloween? What was their most memorable Halloween to date? Feel free to expand into an hc or fic.
Hey, anon!
This is a super fun Ask! Thank you so much for sending it my way and including me! 👻
Tatum loves Halloween (and holidays in general). During her childhood, she wasn't able to participate in lots of activities due to lack of funds (like baking, buying candy for friends, dressing up in elaborate costumes, etc), but she would always dream of the day she could fully celebrate.
I wrote in a Halloween fic last year that Ethan and Tatum made a compromise back in med school when it came to couple's costumes: he agreed to dress up only if he could wear scrubs. So, he wears the same thing every year, pretending to be a veterinarian while she dresses up like an animal--usually a cat.
A little HC Hallween Fluff...
Rather than traditional trick-or-treating, Ethan and Tatum take baby Ramsey to various harvest festivals, including a trunk-or-treat put on by Edenbrook. The Ramseys always sponsor a trunk. Tatum chooses the theme, going all out decorating and putting together a game for children to play while at their booth.
When baby Ramsey was 4, Ethan took him around before the event to see his/her aunts and uncles, and collected tons of candy, small toys and snacks. He/she really wanted to help mom "run the booth".
At the end of the night, Tatum was carrying a very sleepy Baby Ramsey back to the loft, but she couldn't find his goodie bag. She asks Ethan to look for it before bringing the rest of the supplies upstairs, but even he came up empty handed.
What happened to baby Ramsey's candy stash? He/She gave it away during trunk-or-treat. He/She has more fun giving out treats (he/she possibly expresses love through the language of gift-giving like his/hers mom!).
Thanks again for the cute questions! 🖤
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
With Halloween coming up and all that, I can’t get the thought out of my brain that if Takasugi had a child, then somehow, said child would totally think of their father as someone who celebrates Halloween all year long, because of his bandages. In their brain, it’d be as if he is semi cosplaying a mummy. And knowing how Takasugi is an enabler for moronic behavior, I can see his kid stealing his bandages and wrapping them around their body, so that they both mimic and “scare” him. Even if that really annoys Takasugi, you can’t convince me that part of him wouldn’t find it endearing in the slightest and play along.
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orleans-jester · 2 years
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And what about the self-professed Queen of Halloweentown?
Oogie Boogie will be going all out, dressed as Dreamer from Hellraiser 3. She had considered going as Deep Throat, but that seemed a little too on the nose, too open to jokes. No, she is the Dreamer. She’s been experimenting with what she can do with fears, creating whole lives rather than simple nightmares, upping her game.
For Halloween, there will be many people having nightmares. Targeted people. Just for the fun of it. Delta’s castle is too protected for her mind powers to extend to those that she would really enjoy playing with inside, but there are still plenty outside of that castle. Sally was her most fun target, but the city at large may feel a dark cloud over them, causing their dreams to be bleak, isolating and cold.
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angelatsumu · 7 months
happy halloween <3 ft. simon <3
your husband simon has never been the type to enjoy costumes and "crossplaying"--he misunderstood the term cosplay and argues with you when you correct him--but seeing your face light up when you suggested he be the Darth Vader to your Padme made him cave. every year is the same, truly. you scroll on Pinterest and find a "cute couple costume babyyyy" and you pout up at him, and suddenly he's dressed as some goddamned masked character from a show or movie he'd never seen. last year--through teary eyes and cunt full of cock--you asked him to be the Iron Man to your Pepper Pots. through the haze of his desire he'd mumbled an agreement. this year you were so kind as to ask him before he'd been balls deep inside of you. your look was just the same, bashful and full of wonder. your husband would give you a kidney, so of course he doesn't draw the line here.
so, here you were on Halloween night seated on your silly little porch waiting for trick-or-treaters. he's fingering through the buckets of candy in search of another sour one when you swat his hand away, eyes glaring at him. he gruffs at you, muttering like a damn child while he places them down and steps away. "this is silly," he comments mostly to himself, thinking about how easily he lets his sweet little wife boss him around during this time of year. you're beaming though, and he can't help but feel his heart strings tugged when he catches a glimpse of you happily rearranging your costume as trick-or-treaters approach. you giddily run over to your husband, dragging him to the front of the porch to greet the newcomers.
A pink tint dusts your husband's cheeks as he relishes in the excited gasps and giggles from the children as they grasp at candy and cheer about his costume. he's always been uncomfortable with such innocent attention, but he can't lie about how loved it makes him feel to step into this Pickett fence life with you. the little ones run off with a rushed goodbye, cheering for your husband once more, and Simon pulls you in close to have you place chaste and gentle kisses along his lovely costumed face.
likes + rbs appreciated <3
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gojoshooter · 7 months
On halloween night with boyfriend Sukuna
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a/n: i couldn't wait to post this!! enjoyyy <3
Sukuna waiting outside in the car tapping his shoes impatiently as you do the final touches for your halloween party look because the obvious — does he need to try? He's good to go with a bloody wifebeater and skinny jeans to show off his thick thighs.
You literally painted yourself a vampire with bullet in the head and he mumbles “cute” as you enter the car... fix your man?
Okay you did look kinda cute. He's pulling and kissing your plush blood-red lips and grazing his tongue along those fake little fangs. Cute cute cute he coos.
Your pointy black nails are slightly smaller than his real ones, he notes, and they go nowhere else than his big palm that clasp yours all the way to the party. Oh damn your little red dress with black lace all over, that made him trip on nothing with how intense his gaze runs down your height.
He actually puts makeup to not go overboard the intimidation bar. You had to convince your madman to not show up in his true form — he's handsome both ways for sure, but that's not normal to find the father of mf special grade curses goofing at a sorcerer's.
Bold of you to think that would stop his menace genes, cause once you leave his side, he's coming for your two bestfriends. If passive bullying Yuji in his human-earthworm costume who runs almost in tears to Gojo wasn't enough, he calling out Megumi for his (actually pretty) devine dogs mask. Though the most reaction he got out of your raven hair friend was a pissed frown when your boyfriend calls him a “fury brat”.
And as if one personification of headache was less, there comes Gojo Satoru, your former teacher in his highschool uniform with a fake 'Inverted Spear of Heaven' up his neck to save his favourite student. That's a pretty cool idea — you mentally compliment.
“Sukuna-san... I won't appreciate troubling my students in my own house, you know. I'm here though... if you want to take this outside.” Despite the little rivalry they've been up on, it amazes you how similar their challenging look of intimation is, just a little bit cute.
“Coming from your biggest L-taker costume I suppose, Gojo-san?” oh, burn. That's enough, you're on cue as soon as Megumi holds down Gojo from jumping your boyfriend.
“Knock it off, Suku” you warn him, tugging subtly at his tattooed arm. You're more mad at the fact his chuckle did something to your beating little heart. “Can't take you seriously in this cute ass makeup, babe.” Megumi sighs as he walks his sensei away. As much stinky Sukuna's affection seems, atleast he's off the hook thanks to you.
“Alright, show me what your tiny fangs do and maybe I'll stop” he's provoking you now, of course his thousand years d!ck loves to rile you up, you know that. And you're not backing down today.
“When we're home.” your pretty squinted eyes rival his smirk when you press a finger on his chest, and his tall frame over your smaller one. Did he just notice your dark red contacts? Fuck, if not already, he's aroused now.
“Feisty? now that's my type of halloween” he complies with his signature killer smirk.
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p.s.: happy halloween >-<!! how can I not write about Suku ^^ been days since i posted lmfao put up with my not so creative ass😭😭 likes & rbs are appreciated babies<3
tags: @anubisisthebomb @dianagracesworld @4sat0ruu @stellagrangerreads12 @momochina-sama @xxkay15xx @nanamikentoseyebags @tojisun @whodoesthatanymore
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hyperfocuscentre · 1 month
you say ‘the prophecy is remus coded’ but what if i said that it’s lily coded? it’s about lily losing faith in dumbledore, lily trying to find a way to keep harry safe from the prophecy, lily BEGGING for her sons life.
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elipri · 9 months
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Take a wild guess whose idea this was…
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ivy-and-ivory · 1 year
I’m sorry but the canon titans tower fight is so funny to me. Jason why are you wearing a Robin costume. Jason where did you get the adult-sized Robin costume. Did you buy it Jason. Jason did you buy an adult-sized Robin costume to beat up your little brother. Jason did you buy it from Spirit Halloween. Jason please. Please.
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bldylst · 8 months
░⃞🔪; 𝐒ʟᴀsʜᴇʀs 𝚓𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜.
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬; ʙʀᴀʜᴀᴍs ʜᴇᴇʟsʜɪʀᴇ, sᴛᴜ ᴍᴀᴛᴄʜᴇʀ, ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ.
𝐓𝐖: 𝗠𝗗𝗡𝗜 - chubby reader mentions, mentions of sᴇx, mentions of blood.
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𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐡𝐦𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐞
— Brahams is quite jealous on the scale of 1/10 he is a 10, he will also get very clingy and will undoubtedly kill the person who has stolen his attention. He will be watching you behind the walls and will take you with him.
— he will keep you in one of the rooms of the mansion until you learn your lesson or he will even take you behind the walls for a long time, he will probably fuck you.
— He will cling to you with all his strength until your plump, soft body aches from all the pressure in the hug.
— He will force you to have sex, even if you don't want to, he will be rough and very angry, your body will hurt and believe me, he won't get tired until you are his.
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𝐬𝐭𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫
— Stu seems not to be the jealous type, however he is, although he hides it quite well with jokes and his 1/10 school sense of humor is a safe 8 more than a 9.
— He will kiss you and look at the person who has caught your attention with warning, he will hug you tightly while doing so.
— You will know that he is jealous when he becomes more joking and playful telling sexual anecdotes about the two of you (if you are sexually active), he will even make you horny and try to prove that you are his.
— Without a doubt the next day you will see on the news that there is a dead man with a heart carved into his chest and in your room there will be a note stained with blood.
— Oh, there will definitely be sex and he won't be nice and playful, he will be rough and threaten you with his knife.
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mramur · 10 months
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txemrn · 2 years
Wait so, Ethan has never worn something other than the "veterinarian" costume? 😂
If he has...
Have they ever done a couple costume? How many Halloweens did it take to convince Ethan to wear one?
If they have to choose, which one would be their favorite costume they have worn?
Has Baby Ramsey ever made him wear something else? If so, what was it?
Hey, anon!
Thank you so much for your sweet Ask! And before I go further, I love how absolutely and adorably festive this Ask is! 👻🎃🖤🧡
So thus far in my HC, yes, Ethan has only worn scrubs, pretending to be a veterinarian for Halloween. LOL Laaaaame... 🤣
I wrote a silly fic last year of Ethan and Tatum's first Halloween as a couple, and Tatum is VERY gung ho with decorating and being festive with holidays... and she was doing it to his apartment. He was trying to let it go, but then she pulled out a couple's costume for a Halloween party coming up... the costume?
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Ethan drew the line, and they got into a fight where he crossed the line, and she ended up going by herself to the party as a cat. But then, Ethan showed up to apologize, dressed in his scrubs. And they made up and all is well with the world. LOL
Now, that's just tradition: Ethan wears scrubs with a white coat, and Tatum dresses up like an animal.
I'll be honest: I haven't really thought too much into the future with baby Ramsey and Halloween, so this isn't really set in stone, but I think he/she will be wearing their own choice of costume. BUT... if asked by baby Ramsey, Ethan would dress up (depending on what it is, it might be reluctantly LOL). We will see what the future holds!
Thank you again for the sweet Ask!
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darlingofsatoru · 7 months
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⊹ synopsis: Various Jjk characters & how they’d react to you in certain halloween outfits.
⊹warnings: Implied fem!reader, very short drabbles, Reader uses makeup+ wears dresses in most, potentially ooc characters.
Satoru can’t help but pause as you step out your room, eyes darting all over you shamelessly as you rummage through your handbag.
There’s only a few words that he can even think to describe you in that moment: Pretty, gorgeous, ethereal even..
“… I agr.. ee .. so I s— Satoru??” Your voice awakens him out of his thoughts, suddenly right in front of him.
He’s not even sure how that got past his senses but he lets out a content sigh, adjusting the collar on his outfit before beginning to admire your outfit once more.
An all white dress, no straps and a feather-like look to it along with matching wings
So this is why you told him to dress as a devil, matching outfits..
“…Huh, even prettier up close. I better keep you near today, huh, don’t want anyone stealing you!” He grins playfully, gently tugging you towards his embrace.
Halloween has always been fun but he’s sure it’ll be 10x better with you here.
Truthfully, Sukuna has no interest in halloween.
It’s a silly tradition and he barely bothered to dress up, the only reason he did a little bit being you.
By barely bothered, he simply means that he’s wearing a light change of outfit that could probably be considered creepy (as if Sukuna himself isn’t scary enough) if you looked at it long enough.
Thinking of you, he groans as he gets up from his feet and goes to open his mouth to speak, stopping when he noticed you come into the room excitedly.
A white dress stained with fake blood (that doesn’t really look accurate to Sukuna, but he can appreciate the effect a bit, he supposes), not too long but also not too short for a wedding dress, paired with a classic veil covering your lipstick covered lips.
“Not half as bad as the deranged outfits most wear, I might even like yours, dare I say.” He smirks, enjoying the lift of spirit in your face from his words alone.
Maybe he doesn’t detest Halloween entirely..
Yuji smiles widely, adjusting his top-hat excitedly.
He feels like Halloween was ages ago so the prospect of dressing up, especially with you, is great and has definitely put him into a good mood for the last week or so.
He actually wasn’t sure if a magician was scary but you’d suggested it could be, saying he could pull out weapons on unsuspecting bystanders (which, in his opinion, did sound pretty creepy).
“Hey, you okay in there?” He yells to you, rummaging the cupboard for the trick or treat buckets.
“Yeah, I’ll be out in a minute!” You shout back, taking a few moments before you emerge with a broomstick in hand.
Yuji blinks for a few minutes once he catches sight of you but quickly smiles wider, waving enthusiastically.
He’s seen plenty witch costumes in his life but they don’t seem to compare with yours, the lovely black and purple dress having a matching hat and broomstick to come with it.
“Woah, a witch? That’s cool, the dark purple really suits you, you know?!” He immediately starts, gaining an appreciative smile from you.
He finds himself paying more attention to your smile, the pretty shade of purple once more showing but on your lips this time.
“Oh yeah, ah, I forgot to ask about the trick or treat buckets.. Where are they again?”
Nobara leans forward in the mirror, enjoying putting a bit more makeup than usual.
It’s not that she couldn’t but more that there’s no reason. What’s the point of being dolled up every day anyway, it’ll just ruin the fun of it!
So she works gently on her eyeliner, making sure not to smudge it whilst her mind wanders to what you’re doing..
Probably getting ready like she is or on your way here, likely the latter since Nobara happened to be a tiny bit later in getting ready today.
The doorbell goes before she gets to dwell on it, making a classic ‘ding-dong’ sound.
“One second, I’ll be right there!” She yells down the hall, quickly getting to the door and opening it.
It reveals just who she expected, you in a rather pretty nurse costume.
“I’ll grab my bag and we can get going!”
This Halloween is definitely gonna be the best, Nobara thinks.
Choso crosses his arms, embarrassment itching on his face at dressing up in general.
Being half-curse meant he didn’t do these things much if not at all, getting into a skeleton jumpsuit-like outfit.
“You still sulking?” Your voice echoes the hall immediately, his face picking quickly.
You’ve always known how to calm him, even unintentionally..
“It’s just a bit itchy, I’m not sulking.” He replies, pulling at the sleeves.
You nod in understanding, meeting his gaze as he finally looks up.
“…Ah.” He murmurs, eyes trying to be discreet as he studies your outfit.
A classic vampire suit, coloured black and red with a large collar.
“Do you think it’s alright? It took ages to find an eyeshadow to match the shade of red.” You sigh, gesturing to your eyes.
Choso nods, embarrassment seeping onto him as he notices he has a small blush engulfing his cheeks now.
“I think it’s more than alright,” He says, pushing the skeleton hood up.
Megumi sighs, growing bored of the high volume of noise rather easily.
He’d been dragged to this party by Nobara and Yuji to have some fun but it was anything but so far, having only felt bored the whole night.
Plus there was the fact you were apparently going to show up, likely dressed up like most people at this unpleasant party are.
“Megumi, hey!! You look pretty gloomy, you know?” A familiar voice awakens him out of his thoughts, revealing itself to be you immediately.
“I almost thought you weren’t coming.. Not that I blame you, it stinks like alcohol and sweat in here.” Megumi breathes out, taking a quick glance at you before avoiding your gaze and outfit entirely, cheeks too likely to heat up in front of you if he looked straight at you.
You chuckle and shrug, “I sort of expected something different but it’s not too bad, might loose my cat ears here though.”
He nods, he wouldn’t be surprised if anyone lost something in here, there’s people all over the place.
“So.. Wanna step outside? It’s pretty warm, you look like you’re melting.” You suggest, gaining a nod of approval from Megumi.
Maybe it isn’t so bad, at this overcrowded party, he’ll need to make sure to keep an eye out for your cat eats though..
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A/n: First work, hope it’s not too boring!! Might not post for a bit after this but I do have a few drafts :D
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orleans-jester · 2 years
Halloween 2022
Frank: Eric Draven.
Frank mostly goes along with what Delta wants. If it’s up to him, he’d just spend the night either in the castle or walking around and watching the drunks, seeing what sort of freaks show up on Halloween.
Figaro: Magic Mike (One of those plush muscle costumes with a ‘Hi my name is MIKE’ sticker, a Michael Myers mask with Mike Tyson’s tattoo drawn on it, A Mickey Mouse sorcerer’s hat, really tight green leggings and Air Jordans
Gepetto: Adam Ant from Prince Charming Diana - Boy George inspired
On the actual Halloween night, there’s the Funkytown special. The dolls get all dressed up in their costumes, they have the house decorated, and they hand out candy to the kids. Many of them ask what Figaro is supposed to be. They explain it thoroughly. They either leave confused or amused. Willem is more than welcome to take part in this tradition again.
Wiggins: Inigo Montoya
Sitting outside of the office at the trailer park with a jack’o’lantern shaped bucket, handing out candy to the kids in the park. He has backups in case the Beagles rob him.
Rory: Dorothy Gale (for the tips)
Rory will be working through many bars throughout the city, popping in and out. Hardly noticed by anyone except for those who are observant. He does his job well enough to blend in.
Thomas:  Sriracha since he’s pretty hot.
Of course, whatever Valerie might have planned. But given the fact that she is still heavily pregnant and it’s unlikely that they’ll go out clubbing or anything of the sort, he’s more than happy to lounge on the couch and eat the Halloween candy that he picked up that day, posing for a couple of pictures.
Aphrodite: Poison Ivy Bubbles - Post-Apocalyptic Look
They’ll both be wandering Halloweentown for the natural festivities of the town. Not together, just the staff of the school enjoying the holiday.
Jock: Dandy old Gent.
He decides to walk around the city and take advantage of the drunks, get some sips, deal some drugs, end up taking the ‘Deceased’ truck back to the police station and waking up uncomfortably naked in a body bag.
Petey: Taco Iain: Guy Fieri
This pair is going trick or treating in the safer neighborhoods. Iain got invited to a couple of the university parties but ditched them for this. They’ll head out in the early evening, stopping in at Funkytown of course and saying hi to their friends there, hanging out for a little bit and Petey interacts with the dolls, wanting to brush their hair out. But then keep on going so they could be home before dark and watch the scariest movie that Petey can handle - Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.
Ace: Inflatable Alien Abduction Suit Bambi - Jennifer Check Valentin - Vampire Nicolai - Dinosaur
Obviously, Halloween is a big deal for Halloweentown students. Ace will be with Libi, doing whatever Wonderland stuff they can bring to the town. Bambi will be attending her first costume party. Valentin and Nicolai will still be poking around the aftermath of the Devil’s Night Carnival.
GoGo: Suki - Fast and the Furious
If Scout doesn’t feel like many any plans, then she’d just head out and do her usual puttering around on her bike, testing it on the road, maybe stop into a few garages to see if her mechanic friends were handing out any goodies for the season. She’d walk away with a cup-holder for the handlebars, some pin-up girl stickers and a sound suppressor for her muffler.
Livvy: Lola Bunny
If Willem is handing out treats at Funkytown, she’d stop in and say hi. Give him a little treat of a makeout session. And then she was going out with her cousin and his friends for the night to the human parties, just because she wasn’t going to the big Halloween bashes with the girls anymore.
Elsa - Holly Golightly, iconic black dress with pearls. Sally - Molly Ringwald from The Breakfast Club
The two older women will both be handing out candy. Not together, of course, in their respective homes, but neither of them lived exciting social lives. Sally would just want to stay in with her fiance and Elsa planned on curling up with The Turn of the Screw once the sun goes down.
Maddy - Mama Bear
Maddy’s getting a little too big to be waddling around town but she wants to get dressed up anyways. Even if it’s just to find a place to park their rears and hand out full sized candy bars and talk to the kids, that would be a perfect way to spend Halloween.
Clopin - David Bowie, red overalls look.
Why would Clopin ever skimp on Halloween? Just because they were caught in their Peruvian home and the council was still trying to see everything that they were doing, doesn’t mean they won’t celebrate. It’ll hardly be the worst Halloween ever either. He’d dress up flashy, and act the part all through the day. Videocall Valerie and give her a little ‘Rebel Rebel serenade’. They might not have much candy but Kuzco is more than enough to sate his sweet tooth.
Ellie - Skate-boarding Sheet Ghost
Ellie will mostly be doing bakery stuff, tired after the events of the carnival. It’s a busy time of year. Everybody wants treats for their parties so she was called in to help with deliveries but that wasn’t too bad. She made time and a half. More money to sink into the crib. Maybe some new mattresses one day. What a goal. If her crew is busy, then she’d probably just go around town and people watch beneath the lazy sheet she cut up.
Gabby - Mummy
Gabby dressed up for the Haunted Ranch, something that happens each year at Woody’s. Maybe a little more hardcore than some of the others who wear masks, but she gets into it. And then she spends the night protecting the place. Sitting on the roof, feet dangling off the side, katanas strapped against her bandages, smoking. Now’s the time when the veil is thinnest and she’s sent a lot of fuckers down to Hell. Each Halloween, she awaits to see if she gets any visitors.
Also best bet that Pierre is gonna take advantage and wander, see what’s going on with people. Mostly stick around Seven since he’s the only one that doesn’t make him feel totally unwanted.
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