#i don’t even remember how to shave anymore
undyinglantern · 1 year
the amount of surprised pika “wait people actually shave their arms?” comments on posts about body hair are so funny like I unironically am so happy for you that you weren’t laughed at by a classmate for having hairy arms “like a man” in like 4th grade this is why I wish body hair conversations would stop centering around armpit hair
#okay that’s the tldr but the way I actually remember it is that the classmate (a boy) pointed out my arm hair and ask why so hairy#and I genuinely was so confused I was just like idk??? and then later at home that day I asked my mom about it and she was like#It’s bc your dads side of the family is hairy so then I later talked to that guy again like ‘I take after my dad’ or whatever#And /then/ is when he laughed and was like ‘but you’re a girl’ about it#Granted I’m non-binary but like I didn’t know that in elementary#Plus I didn’t stop shaving until around mid 2010s and was still self conscious about it for years#Like I remember feeling embarrassed during college (2018ish) if I had to use the rest room and someone else was in there when I would roll#My sleeves up to wash my hands#Anyways I eventually stopped caring about it sometime within the last year or 2 but see how long that took? It really shouldnt#Like some of us just genetically have more darker thicker visible body hair than others and we shouldn’t be shamed for it#One thing at a time though because even I’m still working through leg hair shame#I don’t shave them anymore but I also haven’t worn shorts outside of my bedroom in years#I’ll literally switch into shorts if it’s too hot right before bed and switch back into pants before stepping out of my room in the morning#I’ve been feeling cute the past few days and it’s starting to warm up again plus also had a convo w mom recently so#I might change that soon but only within the house still bc baby steps <3#Anyways I’m just rambling now so I should stop. Good night !!
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fairyysoup · 4 months
his hands
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pairing(s): hairdresser!eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: How do you make getting a haircut an erotic experience? You have Eddie Munson as your hairdresser, of course.
cw: explicit, smut, unprotected piv sex, mirror sex, workplace sex, hand kink, choking, dumbification, dom!eddie, touch-starved!reader, semi-sort-of subspace happenings, referring to genitals with gendered pronouns, slight body worship, getting weirdly horny over a head massage, sexual tension, negative self talk, hair cut/style mentioned but no description of hair color/type, the aftercare is the haircut lol, implied 90s au, eddie's like 30, reader's age unspecified, eddie is employee of the month in my heart, not proofread, no beta we die like men
a/n: this is weird. and came from an interesting experience i had at the hair salon. and yes that is corpse's hand in that pic i didn't want to spend all day looking for a header pic shut up shut up shut up
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Your hands twitch on the copy of Elle magazine in your lap. The familiar waiting area of your local salon has new furniture, which still smells a bit like the cellophane it came wrapped in, and hasn’t been worn out by patrons just yet. You’d asked for your usual stylist, Melissa. Except, you haven’t been here in so long, and apparently Melissa doesn’t work here anymore. 
“We have a new stylist in her place,” the greeter at the front desk told you kindly. “I could fit you in if you’d like that same station?” 
The station doesn’t matter to you; they all look the same and have the same tools. Obviously, when it comes to getting your hair cut, the stylist makes the difference. But, since you’re a couple months too late to catch up with Melissa, a new stylist is who you’ll be working with. 
The PA still plays some sort of weird pop-rock fusion that mixes Nat King Cole with Billy Idol, but you just try to focus on it to keep your leg from bouncing. You always get anxious like this when you come in for an appointment, even though you always tell yourself the same thing. It’s just hair. If you don’t like it, it’ll grow back. Or, if worst comes to worst, you could always shave it.
You hear your name being called, and you look up to the person who’d just approached the waiting area around the partition that blocks off the styling area. You blink, your mind going fuzzy as you try to make sense of what you see.
“Looks like I’ll be cutting your hair today,” the man standing at the end of the row of chairs says, with a grin that puts boyish dimples on his cheeks. “I’m Eddie.”
Eddie the Hairdresser is a bit more than you can handle right now. Between his long, curly hair, and the shirt he wears that gives you a view of the tattoos crawling up his arms, you think your knees might already be made out of jelly as you try to stand. But then he sticks out his hand for you to shake, and he’s wearing big, chunky rings that glint in the light, and you think you might swoon like a Victorian damsel.
“I’m, uh–” you begin intelligently, as you fit your hand into his big one. He squeezes just the tiniest bit and smirks at you. “I– I’m trying to, uh–”
“First time?” Eddie asks you with a tilt of his head. His brown eyes crease at the edges with mirth.
“Oh, um, no,” you mutter, looking everywhere but at his dimples. He has a tattoo on his neck of a dragon. You stare at it for a moment too long. “I used to come and see Melissa, forever ago.” 
“Oh! Yeah, Melissa was great. She trained me,” Eddie starts jabbering as he tilts his head and leads you around the partition. You’re met with the smell of hairspray and the sound of blow dryers getting louder. “She’s a hard act to follow, but I hope I can do well enough. Let’s get you started with a wash, hm?” 
You smile as he winks at you conspiratorially. You always feel a little bit awkward as you sit in the chair for the wash sinks, but Eddie ushers you into it with a little wave of his hand and gently– more gently than you can remember even Melissa being– lifts the ends of your hair and places a soft towel around your shoulders.
“What kept you away all this time?” Eddie asks pleasantly as he tests the water temperature. “Melissa’s been gone for a while.”
“Yeah, I, uh, I was working a lot,” you stumble into an explanation, your cheeks heating up a bit. It’s hard not to feel like you need to repent for not coming in to get a trim every month. “Last time I came in, I got my hair cut really short, so it wasn’t like I needed to come in for a trim for a long time, and by the time I really needed one it was long enough that I could do it myself… so, I just kept doing that.”
“So, what are we doing today?” Eddie inquires as his fingertips brush along your temples to tuck your hair back behind your ears and into the wash basin. With gentle prompting, he tilts your head back into the bin and begins to wet the ends of your hair.
“I figured it’s time I go short again,” you tell him, more confident than you really feel about it. It was a split second decision, one that you made because the reflection in the mirror was looking back at you with such a dead expression that you decided you needed a change in a bad way. For a lighter note, you supplement, “I’m tired of brushing tangles out of my hair every morning, and the other day I had a whole bird’s nest at the back of my neck, y’know.”
“Pssh, I know all about tangles. You saw my hair,” Eddie chuckles as the lukewarm water touches your scalp. Goosebumps rise on your arms while he rambles on, “I have to comb my hair wet or else I look like I got electrocuted. I never used to care about that sort of thing before I went to school for this, but once you start learning about proper treatment it’s kind of hard to ignore. I used to wash my hair with bar soap. Dry as hell, no conditioner. I’m surprised I got it long to begin with.” 
You find yourself smiling just thinking about it. “Bar soap? With those curls?”
“Don’t tell anyone, my reputation will be ruined,” Eddie leans down and whispers to you while he reaches for a bottle of shampoo. You hear a crack of a bottle cap, and then his hands are in your hair again, working the sweet smelling soap into your roots. “I’m trying to get employee of the month, but they’re never gonna give it to me if they know I used to sabotage my own hair with Irish Spring.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” you tell him sweetly, but you’re barely paying attention to his words anymore. His fingers are pressing into areas on your head that haven’t had a proper massage in forever, and months of tension headaches are being brought to the forefront of your mind. 
You never consider how oddly intimate having someone wash your hair is until you’re in the thick of it. Eddie’s thumbs massage circles into your occipitals with just a perfect amount of pressure, and the muscles down the back of your neck slowly melt and relax, moving with the swell of his fingertips. You suddenly feel very relaxed and very sleepy, and your eyelids drift closed as Eddie’s thumbs trace the line of your skull up to your hairline.
It even takes a moment for you to tune into the fact that he’s humming. Under his breath, he’s singing along to the notes of the song on the PA. He’s doing it in such a way that you’re sure he’s not even aware of it, himself, and you’d comment on it if you weren’t afraid that you’d embarrass him. His fingers are massaging circles around your temples now, and while you’re trying to focus on the sound of him harmonizing with the music, your mind is again trying to distract you with the feeling developing at the base of your spine. A ticklish, warm feeling spreads between your hips, disrupting the lull you find yourself in and forcing you to blink your eyes open. 
Oh, no. We’re not doing that right now.
You can’t say you’re surprised that this is your response. His hands are all over your head and you haven’t been touched by anyone in… well, a very long time, to say the least. You’re probably a little starved for it, all things considered. But this is really the wrong time and place to be getting turned on by a guy’s touch.
You shift in your seat, trying not to be too obvious about it when Eddie pulls his hands away and begins rinsing your hair again. Crossing your legs would be a dead giveaway, but the warm feeling is turning into a subtle throb between your legs, and Eddie’s hands are back on your head, now gently combing the conditioner through the length of your hair as though he’s petting you.
After a few torturous minutes of trying to ignore the blooming arousal deep in your gut, Eddie cuts the water and wraps your hair in the towel to secure it. 
“Now comes the hard part,” Eddie says, probably not meaning to make it sound so suggestive, but your mind seems to be taking its sweet time loitering in the gutter. 
You stare dazedly up at the ceiling. Now is the hard part?
Eddie leads you to what used to be Melissa’s station, and swings the swivel chair around for you with a flourish. “Step into my office, sweetheart. I’ll get you all dressed up in a sexy robe and everything.” 
You stifle a giggle as you slide into the seat. His “office” is one table in a row of other tables, and two feet away an older woman is getting her hair bleached by a girl with an undercut. As Eddie spins you around, the stylist shoots him a look. 
“He’s a shameless flirt,” she tells you, making eye contact with you in the mirror. Eddie lays a smock across your front and buttons it at the back of your neck.
“I’ll have you know, I’ve been minding my manners very well,” Eddie huffs with feigned indignation as he unwraps your hair and tosses the towel onto the table in front of you. He still winks at you in the mirror when he leans around you to pick up a comb. “So far.”
You can’t help the way that your jaw clenches. He’s really not going to make this easy on you. You wonder if he knows where your mind has been for the last ten minutes.
Eddie moves around to the back of your chair and presses on a lever to raise it up, but nothing happens. 
“Dammit,” Eddie curses under his breath, and turns to his coworker, who’s still loading tinfoil into the woman’s hair until she looks like something from Close Encounters. “I can’t believe you gave me the crap chair.”
“Early birds get the good chairs,” the stylist replies. 
Eddie sighs and turns back to you, and finds you looking at him curiously in the mirror. “This is the only broken chair in the whole salon, and everyone hates it, so it tends to move around. You never know if you’ll get the crap chair.”
“That’s sabotage,” you giggle.
“I know! So I have to bend down to style you, I’m sorry.”
“I think I can handle it.” You watch him give you a look in the mirror that makes you shift in your seat again. 
“So,” he begins, looking down at your head as he begins detangling your hair. “We’re going short?”
“That’s the plan,” you say with a puff of your chest. Please, god, don’t let it be horrible. 
“How short?” he prompts, eyeing you in the mirror. “Shoulder length? Close cropped?”
You reach up a slightly shaky hand and pinch the length that you want between two fingers. “Here’s good.”
Eddie nods, looking somewhat pleased. “Are we doing layers?”
“Yeah, I think layers would be good for the long term.” 
“Gives you more flexibility,” he agrees. He picks up a pair of scissors and begins measuring out the length that you want. “I’ll start with the length and then we’ll move to bangs, all right?” 
“That… sounds good.” You’re temporarily discombobulated by Eddie taking the sides of your head and tilting your head down just the slightest bit. 
“Stay just like that for me, okay?” he says quietly.
You blink down at the table in front of you, feeling your mouth go dry. “No problem.” Your hands nervously twitch beneath the cover of the smock across your body.
He goes back to humming along with the music on the PA, and you don’t have the heart to interrupt him. You’re trying to focus on anything but the nerves in your system and the way his touch keeps making you want to jump out of your seat.
After a moment, he stops humming and dusts a bit of hair off of your shoulder. “There we go. Good girl.” 
You blink up at Eddie in the mirror, and then see the transformation from long hair to short on your head. 
“How does it feel?” Eddie asks, leaning down to pinch the ends of the front and measure the evenness of the length. You stare at his fingers, and the tattoo of a bat just above his thumb on his left hand.
“Ten pounds lighter,” you joke. It feels like you’ve swallowed a lump of hot coal, but he doesn’t need to know that. Eddie grins, and his dimples make a glorious reappearance. 
“I’m not done with you yet,” he murmurs, and again positions your head where he wants it, staring directly forward. “Honestly, even if you wanted to stop here, it would suit you. I don’t think there’s a way to make you look bad, sweetheart.”
“You’ve never seen me with a hangover,” you scoff, trying to ignore how your heart skips a beat. 
Eddie smirks at you in the mirror while he starts working on giving your hair layers. “My guess is that you still look just as cute, but with a bit more of a grumpy look around here.” He gestures to your brow with one finger, and reaches over to set aside the texturizing scissors. 
“So, what I’m hearing is, you think I’m cute?” you say, still trying to play up the confidence that you don’t really have. Your hand squeezes your thigh under the smock you wear, your nails digging in for purchase.
“No, I think you’re gorgeous,” Eddie says swiftly, like it’s just a matter of fact. “But, I think you’d also be cute when you’re hungover. Plus, with this hair, you’d probably look all unkempt and I love the mental image that’s creating.”
His hands fluff the layers that he’s put into your hair, ruffling them gently and carding his fingers through them to measure their length. You’re sure that he’s not aware of the moon-eyed look you’re giving him in the mirror. 
Except, then he moves around you to start working on your bangs, and the smirk that comes across his face when he looks down at yours is enough to make you lose your composure. He knows everything that’s going on in your head, you’re sure of it. 
Cocky bastard.  
“I like your tattoos,” you murmur, just loud enough for him to hear over the music and the sounds of blow dryers all around you. He’s face to face with you, so close that you can count the freckles on his pale face.
Eddie’s eyes light up. “Yeah? What about ‘em?” 
“Well,” you lick your lips, your eyes flicking down to the one on his neck, and the one peeking out of his collar. “They’re colorful, and they look like you put a lot of thought into picking out each one. They’re pretty.”
“Hmm. You flatter me,” he remarks, trying to hide his grin and failing. If you look closely, there’s just the slightest pink tint to his cheeks that wasn’t there before. He finishes trimming your bangs, and just before he stands up, he chucks you lightly under the chin. “Keep it up and you might get a freebie.”
A free what? You’re imagining he means some sort of a free hair wash or something, but you can’t keep your mind from going to unprecedented places. 
“All right. Bear with me, I’m gonna blow dry you now.” He turns your chair away from the mirror to get you a bit closer to the blow dryer, and for a few minutes, there’s a lull in the conversation. 
Then, all at once, the blow dryer shuts off, and Eddie leans down towards you. “Ready, sweetheart?”
“Eddie, you’re gonna make me nervous.”
“Well, we don’t want that.” You just barely turn your head to look at him; just enough that your noses barely brush. You steal a breath that comes from his mouth, and then, Eddie turns you to the mirror. “Like I said,” he murmurs, “There’s not a way to make you look bad.”
“Holy shit,” you breathe. And holy shit is right– he’s done a complete number on you. Your hair is voluminous, framing your face in a way that you haven’t seen it before.  
“What do you think?” he asks, and for a moment, you think it’s a rhetorical question.
“I think you’re way better than Melissa,” you tell him, once you realize that it’s not rhetorical and he’s really asking you what you think. You’re sure that he’d make adjustments if you needed, but you don’t need him to. He’s read you like a book. He’s made you look better than you could ever have hoped for. 
“I’m gonna need that in writing,” he tells you, with the most serious expression you’ve ever seen. “For employee of the month, and all.”
“Tell me where to sign.”
He jerks his head, and all at once the fog lifts. You follow him to the front desk like a lost puppy, feeling like you don’t actually want to leave. You want to sit in his chair while he cuts your hair until you have none left. You want to keep his attention on you and stare at his smile, his hair, his eyes, his tattoos, for the rest of time. 
“I look forward to next time, princess,” he tells you, but you’re hyperfocused on the touch of his hand to your lower back. 
You watch him telling something to the girl at the front desk, his hand wrapped around the edge of the table and distracting you for the umpteenth time. You watch his silver rings glint in the light, and you think about them weaving through your hair; you think about his fingers and how they’d feel on places besides your head.
“So, when did you want to schedule an appointment?” 
You blink a few times, and in a dazed glow you come back to where you are. At the front desk. Paying for your haircut. “Sorry, what?” 
“The… next appointment? For your trim?” The secretary tilts her head, smiling at you kindly. “When did you want to come in?”
“Oh,” you murmur, looking down at the keyboard that she’s typing on. Eddie has disappeared back around the partition with a sweet smile and a wave cast in your direction. You just want him to come back again. “What would you suggest? Y’know, for this kind of a cut?”
“Hmm,” the girl hums, and sizes you up. Not in a way that makes you doubt yourself, but in a way that tells you she’s taking your question seriously. “Probably about four weeks. See if the length is something you’re happy with?” 
“Great. Four weeks from now. With Eddie.” You peer down at the rack of business cards on the deck, and pick up the one farthest to the right. 
Eddie Munson, Stylist. Set an appointment today!
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By four weeks, your hair has already reached your shoulders, and the ease of maintenance is starting to wear off. When you get a call reminding you about your appointment with Eddie, your head reels with the knowledge that you’ll see him again.
You calmly assert to yourself that this time, there will be no mooning over him. He’s just your hairdresser. You figure he just has a job to do, tips to earn, and so on. You don’t know if he’s available, you don’t know if he’s single or if he even likes you the way that you like him. You don’t know anything about him, really.
False. You know that he used to wash his hair with bar soap.
You snicker to yourself as you sit in the waiting area yet again. The only available slot for him today was 6:30; pretty close to closing time, but for a Wednesday you figured it was best for you to come late, since you’d have time to get yourself together after work.
You’ve never been in the salon so late. It’s getting dark outside, and the overhead lights cast a semi-yellow glow around the waiting area. Business is dying down now. Not as many people love the idea of getting their hair cut so late, you suppose, but it was either this or wait another week to get an appointment with Eddie, and with the rate that your hair is growing, you’d probably be going insane by then.
“Hey, you,” Eddie says, popping his head around the partition with a grin that makes you nearly melt in your seat. His curly hair hangs in a curtain out in midair, and his long neck stretches out for you to take a gander at. “Just couldn’t stay away, huh?”
You smile at him. “Well, you’re the only person I trust with my head.”
What the fuck did you just say?
Eddie smirks, glowing pink around the ears. “I’ll keep that in mind, princess. Let me clean up my station real quick and I’ll getcha goin’, all right?”
You swallow back the lump in your throat. “Yeah, sure, no worries.”
When Eddie disappears again, you slide down in your seat and clap your hand across your eyes. You’re sort of glad that nobody was in the waiting room to see that ridiculous exchange, but you still have to sit with your embarrassment while Eddie cuts your hair. Again.
There will be no pining. There will be no getting weirdly turned on by him washing your hair. Nope, not happening this time.
This time, when Eddie ushers you back behind the partition, there’s only one two other stylists who are there cleaning their stations. The PA has been turned way down, so you can barely register what it’s playing at all.
“You actually came at a good time,” Eddie tells you as you trail after him toward the wash station. “You’re the last person for the night, so I can really take my time with you.”
“O-oh.. really?” You beat back your perverted thoughts with a stick. “To do what?”
“Oh, y’know,” Eddie shrugs as he lays a towel around your shoulders again, just as gentle as he was the last time. “We could do something totally crazy. Who knows what’ll happen?”
His voice is animated, pleasantly filling the empty space where your thoughts might become too much if you let them wander. 
Over the past month, after you’d recovered from your last meeting with Eddie, and as you were preparing for this one, you came up with a few things that you could ask him about– just to keep your mind from going to places you didn’t want them to. To save yourself the embarrassment and the ordeal of having to play whack-a-mole with your libido, and all. 
“Did you get employee of the month?” you begin with.
Eddie laughs, and then sighs. “No, our manicurist got it. I’ll get it this time, I just gotta stay on my A-game.” His blunt nails rake your hair away from your forehead and temples, and a lukewarm stream of water hits the crown of your skull.
You nearly want to jump out of your skin at the feeling. “Was it because they gave you the crap chair too many times?”
“Probably. But I got here early today, so the good news is you don’t have to sit in the crap chair this time.” 
“Aww, I kind of liked the crap chair. Kept me grounded.” You hear him huff a laugh as he starts lathering shampoo through your hair. Trying to keep your mind running so you don’t focus too hard on how good his rings feel scraping against your scalp, you ask, “How’d you get into this line of work?”
“Honestly, it’s kind of a weird story,” Eddie starts, beginning to massage his fingertips into your skull in a way that makes your toes curl in your shoes. You tighten your hands on the arms of your chair and take a deep breath. “So, it took me three tries to graduate high school, right? I was terrible at it. And, y’know, I figured I’d only end up working in a garage or something for the rest of my life. But I was cutting my mane all on my own, and eventually I started cutting my friends’ hair too, because they were all in college and it’s cheaper than going to a salon. I mean–” he chuckles, and begins rinsing your hair– “believe me. I know all about it. And it just came to me really easily, ‘cause I used to be great at drawing and crafting and stuff. And it’s kind of the same thing– once you learn the medium, it’s smooth sailing from there.”
The salon has gone eerily quiet, and by the time Eddie wraps your head and sits you up, you realize that the other stylists have gone, and you and Eddie are the last people in the building. You’d be a little nervous about it, but you got Eddie on a roll, and honestly, he makes it so easy to listen to him.
“Anyways, one day my friend Robin says to me, ‘You should totally get your credential for this,’ and I said, ‘You have to go to school for this shit?’” You blow a raspberry of a laugh, no longer feeling anxious as he sits you down on his not-crap styling chair. He drapes a smock over you, and cracks a grin at you in the mirror. “I know! So, I’ve never been great at school, and I can’t afford to pay for beauty school tuition on the pay I was making at the time, so my friends… they pooled together some money to at least pay for my first semester. And then– get this– I got on the fucking Dean’s list.”
“No way.”
“I did! Yours truly!” He does a little bow, and while you’re still giggling, he begins detangling your hair. “So, I got grants. And I finished top of my class, because as it turns out, when you don’t hate what you’re studying it’s really easy to do well. I got my certification framed and everything. Show that to my damn high school principal.” He shakes his head, but the smile is still on his face when he says, “But now I just have to get that fucking employee of the month.” 
“Anything I can do to help?” you offer, admiring his face in the mirror again without even realizing you’re doing it. You love seeing him grin, showing off his dimples and the smile lines around his eyes.
“Oh, you know,” he shrugs with a cute scrunch of his nose. “Just make sure you write my boss a letter saying how fantastic and amazing I am and how there’s no other hair stylist like me and how you’ll never find anyone as cool and sexy anywhere else. Something subtle like that oughta do it.” 
“Shouldn’t be difficult,” you tell him smoothly. “I already had that one drafted.”
He chuckles, his eyes sparkling when he reaches for his scissors, but you still notice the faint blush on his cheeks that he tries to hide behind his curtain of hair. “Flattery. You know what that gets you with me.”
A freebie. You hear his voice echoing in your head, and you swallow past the dryness in your throat. “Like… what? A mohawk?”
“Would you want a mohawk?” he asks you, pausing his movements to peer at you. “Because that’d be metal as hell, I’d be so down.” 
You laugh. “I appreciate it, but I think… probably not today.”
Eddie hums, and returns to smoothing your hair back away from your face. “So we’re just doing the same as last time?” 
“Yeah, not too flashy.” 
“Gotcha. It’s a shame, though. I’m always up for a challenge.” 
“Well, I think that short hair is just easier to maintain,” you tell him, at a loss for what else to say. He glances up at you in the mirror, and locks eyes with you. “And it doesn’t make my neck look as stumpy as it is.”
Eddie tilts his head with a confused pout, and then he reaches down and wraps his hands loosely around your throat. Your breath stalls in your chest, your eyes focused on the sight of his hands on you, his thumbs gently stroking the nape of your neck and his ring clad fingers pressed just below your chin. His fingers link and hold you, creating a necklace that you’ll never be able to find anywhere else.
Oh, shit. Oh, fucking hell. Everything below your waist draws up tight and hard, your thighs clamping together like that’s going to somehow will away the hold that Eddie has on you.
You lift your eyes and find his in the mirror, dark and focused in on you. You hold each others’ gaze for a prolonged moment, not saying anything, you barely even daring to breathe. You can’t imagine what the expression on your face looks like. You’re too busy staring at the one on his– like there are a million thoughts running through his head, and you’re desperate to know every single one of them.
“Nah, I think you’re perfect.” And just like that, Eddie moves on like nothing happened, picking up his scissors again. Like he didn’t just fry your brain. Like you’re not halfway to cardiac arrest.
You’re dumbstruck as he starts trimming the ends of your hair. You told yourself there would be no mooning over him. No pining. But here, you are, turned on beyond belief, and having to deal with the heartbeat pulsing between your legs, and not shift around, because you don’t want to fuck him up. 
When he pinches the ends of the front to see if they’re level, you’re staring directly at him in the mirror. Not even trying to hide it, either. If you did try, you’d most certainly fail. Eddie frowns in concentration, a bit of a crease to his brow as he peers at his hands.
Eddie tuts. “I’m trying to figure out– is it–?” He grabs the back of your chair, and suddenly you’re being swiveled around to face him. “Sometimes these mirrors don’t even help a guy out at the worst goddamn times…”
Your breathing is way heavier than it needs to be. Is it hot in here? Did they crank up the heat in this place specifically to spite you? Eddie’s face is so close to yours, and you’re not sure if the fact that you aren’t in the crap chair is helping. You’re higher up now, and he doesn’t have to bend down as far to get level with you, and his eyes are the color of dark chocolate, and you–
Eddie’s hand comes up and snips the tip off the right side. “There we go. One side was all fucked.”
“Well, we don’t want anything getting fucked, do we?” you mutter under your breath. What’s left of it.
Eddie pauses and his eyes flick up to yours. His eyelashes are long and flutter as he holds your gaze again, while you try hard not to look away. There’s that unreadable expression on his face from earlier, morphing slowly into something like amusement, but that could also just be your mind playing tricks on you. Don’t look at his lips. Don’t look at his lips. Don’t look at his li–
“Screw it.” Eddie tosses his scissors to the ground and his hands come up to grip your face, smoothing your hair back tenderly before he kisses you. 
You open your mouth and Eddie is in it, searching, feeling. His hands hold your head firm and you feel the metal of his rings digging into your cheeks, and you’re splitting apart at the seams from the way he’s completely invading your senses. He smells like warm, spicy cologne and hairspray. He tastes like cigarettes and cherry coke. He moans into you, and the sound is like heaven. 
You lift your legs and wrap them around his waist, and he grunts before he pulls away just the tiniest bit to give you breathing room. 
“This is highly unprofessional, Mr. Munson,” you whisper to him, as if you don’t have him caged in with your thighs.
“I don’t… actually fucking care,” Eddie admits, his nose just nudging against yours. “Got so fuckin’ hard the minute I saw you. What am I gonna do with you, huh?”
“Dunno,” you murmur against his mouth, “I’m waiting for you to tell me.” 
“C’mere.” He pulls you out of your seat, and you practically trip over the smock he clipped around your neck. 
“Get me out of this thing,” you giggle, letting your forehead fall onto his shoulder. You inhale a deep breath of his cologne, feeling his chest shake with his laugh. 
“Aww, but you look so cute,” Eddie coos, but his hands come up to undo the button at the back of your neck. The fabric slides to the ground, and Eddie kicks it aside as he crowds you back against the table. Your ass hits the edge of it and your hand falls onto a comb when you try to steady yourself. He pulls you flush to his body, his hands caging you in. Eddie’s tongue dances over your bottom lip and you moan, lifting your hands to tangle in the fabric of his shirt.
He ducks his head to help you pull his shirt off before he tosses it somewhere to the side. You’re distracted by his tattoos, each one of them beautiful and detailed, standing out against his pale skin.
Then, you remember something that he told you earlier, and you connect some dots that you hadn’t even realized were there. “Did you draw these?” 
Eddie’s grin could blind the sun. He blushes pink down his neck and shoulders. “Yeah, I did.” 
“They’re gorgeous. I meant what I said before– I really like them.” 
He sucks in a deep breath, and then his lips are on you, everywhere they can manage. On your face, your neck, trying to get at your collarbone but your shirt is in the way. He fists it in his hands, making a petulant noise in the back of his throat. “Help me out here, sweetheart.”
Your shirt lands somewhere near his. You don’t see exactly where, because he’s pulling the straps of your bra down your shoulders so that he can mouth kisses across your breasts, pulling down on the cups until he can graze his teeth over your nipple. It takes you so off guard that you bite back a squeal, tugging at his hair and rubbing your thighs together to stave off the incessant throbbing between them.
When you look down at him, his eyes are so dark that they’re almost black. Your heart thuds erratically in your chest, your breath not coming even though you gasp and pull at the air with everything you have. You can’t really fathom why he has you so worked up– just that it’s been so long since anyone touched you like this, and now that you have it it’s like every little point of contact is on fire.
Eddie grazes his teeth across your breast, and your knees nearly buckle out from under you. You grab his face, guiding him back up to you. 
“What were you thinking when you grabbed my throat?” you ask him, your voice hoarse in the back of your throat. 
His hands are on you now, grabbing at your waist and hips, squeezing like he’ll never let go. “I can show you, if you want,” Eddie answers, and he sounds just as wrecked as you. Maybe more. 
There’s absolutely no way you’re going to refuse that. Not with the way you’ve been lusting after him since meeting him. You nod. “Eddie, please–”
He kisses you hard again before mumbling against your lips, “Turn around and take off your pants.”
You do what he asks without a second’s hesitation. You watch him in the mirror as he follows your movements, undoing his own belt, and you kick your jeans and underwear off without thinking about why you’re here, without wondering about the repercussions. You figure you can probably do that later.
Right now, Eddie’s smoothing his hand up your spine, and the feeling of his fingers dancing along your skin sends shivers through your body. His fingers weave through the hair at the nape of your neck, and he pulls just slightly, until you bare your neck. 
Your breath hitches in your throat. Your heart hammers as you watch him, dark eyes and hair and rosy cheeks in the mirror, his carnation colored lips twisting into a wicked grin at you. He kisses your shoulder so gently it’s like the fluttering of a feather. 
“‘Stumpy neck,’” Eddie scoffs under his breath, and you tremble. “You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.”
He bends you forward until you’re face to face with yourself in the mirror– but you’re looking at him, gazing into your eyes while he teases himself at your entrance.
“Oh my god,” you groan, dropping your head almost immediately at the feeling. Your head is spinning, your body rigid with anticipation and breaking out in a cool sweat already. 
“Mm-mm,” Eddie hums condescendingly, and a hand clamps around your throat, hoisting your head up again. A gasp tears from your lips. In the mirror, his eyes are blazing. “You look at me while I fuck you. That’s the only way this is gonna happen. Got it?”
You nod. You want to shrink away from the heat in his gaze, but you want him to fuck you way more than that. You shudder as he leans forward, pressing in until his chin nearly rests on your shoulder.
“I need to hear you say it, baby.” His thumb strokes lightly along your pulse point, and you make a soft noise in the back of your throat without thinking. “Tell me you understand.” 
“I understand,” you tell him, barely a whisper, but he hears it all the same. 
“Good girl.” 
Eddie grins, kisses the nape of your neck, and pulls back. When he does, you’re barely able to take a breath before he pushes his hard cock into you, and the noise you make is almost embarrassing in its volume. 
“Ohhh, you’re absolutely soaked, baby. She’s practically dripping– is this just for me?” Eddie murmurs in your ear, grinding his hips up against your ass for emphasis. The lewd noise that it makes has your toes curling and the tips of your ears burning.
“Fuck,” you moan, ginding back against him to push him deeper. He’s so thick and you’re so sensitive that your mind is completely blanking at the feeling. 
Eddie notices, and he chuckles as grabs your waist with one hand as he thrusts his hips forward. “I’ve barely gotten my cock in you, princess. Don’t go getting all dumb on me already.” His voice goes straight between your legs and your cunt pulses around him, making him hiss through his teeth. The hand on your throat tightens just slightly. “I asked you a question.”
You keen, your mind reeling as you search for words. You manage to nod, babbling out, “Yes, it’s– it’s all for you, Eddie, been wanting you so bad, s’all I can think about–”
Eddie coos, grabbing your chin to shut you up while a particularly hard thrust of his hips knocks the wind out of you. He turns his head and grazes his lips against your cheek, eyeing you in the mirror as he says, “I knew it.” 
Your eyes are on him, on his hand around your neck, on his rings pressed into your skin. All that your fucked-out mind can think is that it’s hot, and you like him and his strong hands and his pretty eyes and the way his cock is reaching places inside you that make thoughts really difficult to come by.
Eddie whispers something against your skin, and you miss it because you’re hooked on the way his eyelashes flutter for just a moment while his lips are pressed against your cheek. You lift your hand, until it rests over his against your throat, his fingers just barely laced with yours. 
“Again,” you say– it comes out like a command, but you mean it like a question. You don’t know what the fuck he just said. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he repeats, and his voice nearly cracks with the desperation in it. His sweat slick chest is pressed against your back, his thrusts rocking your hips into the table and jostling it into the wall, but his voice is so tender. “So perfect for me.” 
Your mouth falls open, your hand tightening on his. You pull, until he loosens his grip and his hand comes away with yours. You kiss his palm, then his fingertips, holding his gaze in the mirror as you slowly, gently swirl your tongue around his middle and forefinger. 
Eddie’s eyes narrow coyly at you, while his thrusts make you mewl and clutch at the table with your free hand. You suck his two fingers deep into your mouth, earning a pleased groan from him in your ear– a sound which you want to hear again and again, no matter what it takes. 
“Look at you, sweet little thing, gettin’ my fingers all wet like that,” he whispers to you, biting his lip as you grind back against him. “Wanna do something with ‘em?”
You moan, letting his fingers slide from your mouth with a wet pop. You guide his hand down your chest, down your stomach, until his fingers slide between your legs. 
“There you go,” Eddie coos, taking over from your guidance as his fingers start rubbing small circles against your clit. “Atta girl, showin’ me what you want. Just needed me to fuck you stupid first, hm?”
Your cunt pulses, and you cum with a loud moan that echoes off of the mirror in front of you and around the empty space. Eddie cries out, and you feel his warmth fill you as he cums. He slows until he stills inside you, and then he holds you, panting against your cheek, his arm wrapped around your middle and his hand on your throat.
You haven’t moved your hand away from his, you realize, after a few moments of bliss in the aftershocks. You drop your hand to the table with a thud, earning a soft, breathless chuckle from him. 
“Can I take you out to dinner?” Eddie asks you, nuzzling into the crook of your neck.
“I think you can do whatever you want with me,” you murmur dazedly, just barely shifting and making him hiss. He’s still inside you, trying to hold you steady while he calms himself down. 
“Good.” There’s a kiss to your cheek, and Eddie grunts as he slowly eases out of you. “I still need to finish your goddamn haircut.”
“Eddie, we’re naked.” 
“And?” His hands are moving quicker than your mind is, yanking a kleenex from the table so that he can bend down and wipe the insides of your thighs. You jump at the sudden touch, but he clamps a hand around your hip to hold you still. “The sooner I finish your hair, the sooner I close up, and the sooner we go get dinner. You like Italian?”
“I didn’t think your pillow talk would involve finishing my haircut,” you grumble, but there’s a smile worming it’s way onto your face even as you say it. 
“That’s the name of the game, sweetheart,” Eddie says, tossing the tissue into the trash. He picks up your underwear, and the smock from the floor. “Now, sit your cute ass down. I’m not gonna get employee of the month by dishing out orgasms and not bangs, y’know.”
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mrsparrasblog · 25 days
You're losing me pt 4.
prev part. part 1 next part
TW: Drug use, mentioned rape, mention of violence, medic is the worst human on earth
Simon sat down next to Johnny on his bed, holding the Scotsman's hand while giving him a reassuring nod. "We have the whole day time."
"It's complicated."
"I will understand."
"Promise to believe me."
"Promise." Simon didn't know exactly what had happened or how Johnny got this way. He always admired Johnny for his confidence and the way he made everything seem so easy. Seeing his boyfriend like this broke his heart. He knew Johnny would never cheat on you; he loved you, everyone loved you. He remembered that one day Johnny got piss drunk on a mission and a bird approached him. He showed her pictures of you for 10 minutes, telling everyone he had the most beautiful lass on earth. This man wouldn’t cheat, especially not with her, definitely not his type.
Simon thought she had just gone into Johnny's bed at night, removing her clothes and gaslighting him that he cheated. But when Johnny told him everything about the drugs, about the rape, about the way she tried to blackmail him, he felt like he needed to throw up. He was too young to protect his mother from this. He couldn’t do anything when it happened to him. He didn’t know you when it happened to you. But this time, he was going to kill the rapist. "You’re a good man. Don’t let her manipulate you into something you aren’t."
"I feel like shit."
"This won’t go away easy, love."
"I don’t know what to do." And he really didn’t know. Everything seemed and felt so lost. Simon believed him, right? But what if she tells everyone he raped her? It will be over with his military career. After she pulled that stunt you wouldn’t believe him anymore. The look in your eyes almost broke him completely. This was wrong. It went too easy for her like she had done this many times before or had been planning this for years. It was too easy.
"Let me fix it for you, Johnny." He was determined to do this. Through his head already went 1000 ideas on how to kill her. But every way was too easy, too nice for her. Rip her head off. Sell her off to the black market so she will experience first-hand the crimes she did to others. Burn her alive. Many possibilities.
"Don’t kill her, Lieutenant."
"You know she will do it again. Not only to you but to others."
"Do you think she already did this?" Johnny fiddled with his wrist. The bracelet that you bought him to help with his ADHD was gone. It always calmed him. You told him how you searched through whole Etsy to find some gems that should calm him down. He didn’t believe this shit, but it indeed calmed him down since it reminded him of you. And right now, you were the only thing he needed. He needed you to tell him that he isn’t dirty, that he isn’t at fault, that he is a good man.
"Would explain why she was transferred so fast to us from her old unit."
"Fuck." This needed to stop. He couldn’t let that happen to more innocent people.
"Let’s talk to Price, then I’ll take care of her, and after that, we get our girl back." Simon missed you just as much as Johnny did. For a split second, he was afraid that you were mad and disappointed that he didn’t check on you. But that wasn’t the selfless girl he fell in love with. He knew you would understand if you only knew. He could already imagine how you would apologize even though you didn’t do anything wrong. You were different than the medic scum.
"Do you think she’ll take us back?"
"Yes, promise." He placed a small kiss on the shaved part of Johnny's mohawk, a small gesture that the Scot always loved. Simon always knew how to calm him down. With that, they left in the direction of Price's office.
He woke up with an immense headache and the urge to throw up. John really drank too much the last few days, but this will end now. He will concentrate on you and the job again. You forgave him for lying, at least that was the last thing he remembered before you brought him to his bed. On his bedside table stood a glass of water and one of your self-made brownies with a small note. "Take care of yourself, bear." You always jokingly called him a bear because that was what he was to you. John was the big cuddly bear who always kept you safe.
He knew by the amount of alcohol he drank yesterday, he should probably head to the medical department for some meds. He would never tell anyone, though. He was a hypocrite sometimes, always letting the other hungover soldiers run miles to torture them for being so irresponsible to drink before training. But he could afford the luxury of taking meds against his hangover.
So John went to the medical. He was annoyed when he only saw her there.
"Hello, Captain." She smiled brightly, which made him almost throw up on the spot. There was always a difference between the real, sweet-like-a-cake, like his girl, and the artificial acting sweetness she faked. It was disgusting. "Is there another medic or nurse in here today?"
"No, sorry, Captain."
"I'll go then."
"Come on, Captain, be professional. What do you need?"
"Just something against my hangover." He can be professional and still respect you, right? You won’t be mad he talked to her.
"That was easy. I'll bring you something."
She came back, still with that creepy artificial sweet smile. In her hand was a glass of water with, judging by the displaced white particles, meds. "Just some pain meds against headache and dehydration. Drink up, Captain, and then stay here for 20 minutes for the next med."
John drank it up. After a few minutes of sitting in the chair, he felt his limbs tingle weirdly. This must be one of those side effects of the meds.
"How are you feeling, baby?" Weird name.
"Don’t call me that." He tried to leave, but it felt like his body didn’t do the things he wanted anymore like he was paralyzed.
"I wouldn’t do that, John."
"What was in there?" This can’t be fucking true. This is one of those weird drunk dreams.
"Oh, baby, just some mild paralyzer. Don’t worry, it only lasts three hours, and you can still talk. That’s great, isn’t it? Oh, and Viagra."
Fuck, this is true. This is how she got Johnny. She is fucking sick. "What do you want?"
"You know, I really tried to be nice, but you all only talk about her all the time, so I took matters into my own hands." She said as she slowly sat down on his lap. John tried hard to do anything, but he wasn’t able to move.
"Look, you’re a pretty girl. You don’t need us. There is someone who loves you." He tried to be nice, and use his words to come out of this situation, but she already removed his pants. He knew it was over there until he heard the sudden voices of Johnny and Simon. He knew she could never outsmart them, and she knew it too.
"Fuck, fuck," she screamed, gathering the remaining meds and her things. She ran out of the room the second she saw the door open.
"Fucking hell, Captain, you're okay?"
"That fucking cunt drugged me. Get a fucking nurse here." This all didn’t go like Simon's plan. It felt like she was always a step ahead of them.
Kyle didn't notice any of the drama going on in medical as he used his time in the gym. Well, more of texting you instead of being productive, until.
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"Fucking hell."
Tag list: @littlechomper @ab12305 @darkangel4121
A/N: I know you are waiting for her downfall, it will come promise.
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hughes86-43 · 3 months
You coming in from a late night at work to find Quinn hughes asleep on the couch, as he was trying to wait up for you
Waiting Up | Q. Hughes
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warnings - none!
love this idea, thanks for requesting!
You just walked in through front doors of yours and Quinn’s apartment when you spotted him on the couch. He was underneath one of your big, cozy blankets fast asleep, and the tv was on in the background filling the silence. He must’ve been waiting up on you to get home.
Usually you’re the one waiting up on him to get home from either practice or games that you couldn’t make it to. Today, however, you had to stay over a bit at work at your marketing job since you have a big proposal coming at the end of the week and had paperwork piled up.
Not wanting to wake Quinn up just yet, you walk into your guys’ shared bedroom to change out of your work clothes and into comfy pajamas and throwing one of Quinn’s hoodies over it. After that, you make your way into the shared bathroom to wash your face to get rid of your makeup from the day.
Walking back into the living room, you take another moment to look at your gorgeous boyfriend who is still sleeping peacefully. Deciding now is a good time to wake him up as you were getting hungry for dinner, you walk over to him and bend down so you’re eye level with him. You lay your hand on his cheek, rubbing circles with your thumb over it. “Quinn baby, I’m home.”
Upon hearing your voice and feeling your touch, he opens his eyes. With a faint smile he says, “Hi baby, I tried waiting up on you but I guess I fell asleep, so happy to see you.”
“I’m happy to see you too, now scoot over, I wanna lay down under the covers too!” Quinn laughs but waits not a second more to pull you under the covers with him. He just got back into town yesterday from a roadie, so he has missed you so much, and you have equally missed him the same amount. You were upset that you had to work late, but now you have time to enjoy moments with your sweet boyfriend.
“How was work anyway? I know you said it was a bit stressful, but did it let up any today?” He say while intertwining your hands together.
“It was better today than it has been, but what can you do when you have a major proposal coming up. During our lunch break though, we all went to that taco place in town that has those birria tacos that you like, and now I have my coworkers obsessed with them,” You say with a smile on your face.
“Hey! Those tacos are the best, everybody needs to know about those!”
“You’re right,” you say laughing. “I’m glad you’re home, it makes coming home from work better.”
“I’m glad I’m home too, just hate that I was asleep when you walked through the door.” As if you could get any closer to him, he pulls you back into him and wraps his arms around you even more.
“It’s okay, I got to admire your lovely face for a bit when I walked in. Also, please never shave because the beard is looking so good.” You say shyly.
“Oh, yeah? I guess I could grow it out a bit, for you anyway,” He says with a wink, and then he starts tickling your sides and that causes you to start laughing. He could listen to your laugh forever.
“Okay stop! I take it back! If you’re going to tickle me, then I don’t need the beard anymore!”
“Hmmm I bet. I’ll let you rethink that decision,” he says pulling back from tickling you and now just admiring your face that is now slightly pink from laughing so hard.
“Okay, never mind, I love the beard too much for you to get rid of it!” Then you pull him into a kiss, instantly melting under him.
Suddenly needing air, you two pull apart. Now remembering why you needed to wake him up, you say, “I’m hungry, what do you want to eat? I’m down for anything that you are, just not tacos!”
“Hmmm, I think I want some macaroni and cheese honestly. I haven’t had it in a while, and you make the best out there. If you get all the ingredients together, I’ll help you make it.” He says, rubbing his hands up and down your leg that has made it out from under the covers.
“Sounds perfect Quinny! Now let’s go eat before I starve!” Sadly you leave the warmth from him and from being under the blanket and make your way to the kitchen to get the ingredients.
As soon as you make it into the kitchen, Quinn grabs your hand and pulls you back into him. “I just wanted to say that I love you so much.”
Giving him a big smile, you pull him into a deep hug, “I love you so much too.” In that moment, you know you’ll always have someone to go home to, even when he is away for games, he will always be your home.
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lunarw0rks · 9 months
do you think any of the 141 guys would be ok with a hairy girl? i don’t shave down there and this guy i was going to hook up with was grossed out by it so i’m a bit upset yk? :( if this is weird just ignore! <3 thank you!
a/n: not a weird request, anon! it's easy to be ashamed about it, i know i have before, but you have to remember that it grows for a reason! <3 don't be ashamed of body hair just because of some douche!!! what matters is that you're healthy and do what you want with your body and what naturally comes with it :) you deserve better than a prick who's grossed out by hair of all things. ☆ if it's any consolation, the cod men wouldn't be. hope my writing helps you feel better ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ⭑ ✧˖ warning(s); hurt/comfort but horny, nsfw °.🪐⋆。°✩ ‧₊˚ ⋅ જ⁀➴๋࣭ ⭑๋࣭ ⭑
『 price 』
── I feel like price is quite hairy; everywhere. it's not like he has the time, or the desire to be waxed. he's old enough, that he just doesn't care anymore. beyond some trimming and cleaning up — he won't bother. now, with a partner? absolutely loves it. it's something for him to brush his fingertips over when he cuddles you. and it just proves you're a natural woman, which is all he can ask for.
☆ if you even think about being insecure, he'll shut you up, one way or another. first, it's a gentle scold, reassurance that he loves the way you are. something like body hair isn't going to get in the way of that.
☆ if it ever did, you have his full permission to ring his neck <33 if being verbal doesn't work... there are other forms of worship he'd inflict on you ;)
☆ you catch him in a good mood; he'll eat you out until you're convinced, no matter the amount of hair. a bad mood; he'll have you bent over until the doubt is fucked out of you. it's never bothered him before, there isn't a chance it's going to when you're screaming his name.
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
『 simon 』
── at first, you thought you had soiled the intimate mood and his completely. like it was a point of no return, but it wasn't. simon was just shocked, and he couldn't help his natural scowl. for him to even be close enough to be intimate with someone, is a massive milestone. for him to notice your body hair? not a chance. he won't mention it unless you do, and in this case you did.
☆ you'd made a comment about your hair, how you hadn't shaved. "is that really what you think of me?" his words came out a bit firmer than he wanted them to. he didn't mean it that way, but he couldn't help his disbelief. he was with you for a reason, why the hell would some body hair be a concern?
☆ before you can respond again, even think about looking more upset. he's all over you once more — but he's taking his time. not that he's one to rush often, but this time he knows he should take this slow. simon touches you like you'll shatter, his roaming mouth even gentler.
☆ truly a night to remember, but not because of its lust. that would be the second thing on a list of fond memories. his tenderness would be; the hardened lieutenant reassuring you until you have no choice but to believe him.
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
『 soap 』
── though he's well groomed, and prides himself on the hair all over his body, his significant other being hairy doesn't bother him a bit. finds it incredibly attractive, someone with small features that make them, them. you would be the you he loved so much if you suddenly changed yourself for him. soap has a hard enough time believing that he deserves you in the first place, so your insecurity about something so small has him dumbfounded.
☆ shocking him into silence? not an easy task, but you did it. and now... he has to make his best effort to show you how little the hair bothers him. soap could drone on and on with verbal praises, but that only does so much. what better convincing, than raw actions?
☆ his silence is almost eerie; the cloud of desire and longing that fogged his eyes. you were his, no matter how you looked, and he was going to make sure you knew it once the night was over.
☆ absolutely ruins you, like he had done many times before, only tonight is especially messy. pulls out all the stops — prolonged foreplay, hands guiding you, etc... forces you to keep eye contact with him, and on your body as he pleasures you. and still, he doesn't say anything except praises for your natural self, right into your ear. "fuck, look at you, bonnie. good f' me, aren't ye, pretty girl?"
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
『 gaz 』
── it was a blissful moment until you expressed discomfort towards him dealing with your hair. he's irritated, but not an ounce of it is towards you. who made you feel that way? how could someone like you be insecure? did he need to do more to ensure you knew he paid little mind to something so trivial? he was laser-focused now, and it wasn't going to break. you'd never seen him like this, it was daunting, almost.
☆ he made it clear, that this wasn't a burden of his. "don't ever say that again, sweetheart. don't even think it." gaz whispers into your ear, hand running over your frame from top to bottom. "look at yourself, so goddamn gorgeous, hair or not — you don't see it. I'm gonna make sure you do, no exceptions." though his expression was stern, his speech couldn't have been more tender.
☆ you won't even lift a finger, unless it's to hold onto him for dear life, to paint a picture. yes, he's being tender and reassuring, but that doesn't mean gaz rearranging your guts. his attention to every detail on your body, his whispers of praise, his skilled mouth kissing every inch of your flesh.
☆ you'll think twice before you doubt yourself again. and he's a damn persistent man — so good luck to you if you do ;)
♡˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ♡
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glcnpowell · 5 months
birthdays || 12/365 || also on ao3
He’s thirteen and Mav buys him his first leather jacket.
There are patches on the sleeves already - old squadron patches that Mav’s collected, sewn into the fabric by his mother. Her smile is just as bright as Maverick’s, her laughter infectious as she squeezes Bradley in a hug.
“Isn’t it sharp, baby? Looks so good on you.”
“I love it,” Bradley gushes, turning to hug Mav for the third time since unwrapping the box. “Thanks, Mav. This is awesome.”
Mav’s eyes are shining, his hand ruffling through Bradley’s curls. “You’re welcome, Bradley. Happy birthday.”
He’s sixteen and Mav takes him up in the Mustang for the first time.
The sky feels like home. Bradley realizes he shouldn’t feel hurt anymore by Mav leaving so often — how could Mav be kept from this? How could anyone?
Bradley feels the phantom thrum of the controls underneath his hands. He can see his future, knows instinctively that this is where he’s meant to be.
“I’ll be a pilot,” Bradley says into the headset, confident despite the slight crack in his still-changing voice. “Just like you, Mav. No backseat for me. I’m gonna fly.”
“I know you are, kid,” Mav laughs, guiding them back toward the hangar. “Can’t wait to see it.”
He’s seventeen and he realizes his mom isn’t going to make it to his eighteenth.
She’s tired. So goddamn tired. Bradley wishes he could do more, but he isn’t prepared for this. All the time in the world couldn’t prepare him for this.
He’s living in a world that constantly refuses to equip him. It isn’t fair.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart,” Carole whispers, smiling as best as she can manage, her frail fingers tangled with his. “I’m so proud of you.”
“I’m proud of you, too,” Bradley whispers, hugging her close. “I bet — I bet I’ll be able to hear you, y’know? Up in the sky. The way Mav hears Dad.”
With his head resting on her chest, he can’t see her expression, but he feels her fingers tighten around his reflexively.
“You don’t have to be in the sky to hear me, baby,” Carole says, and it’s the strongest her voice has sounded in weeks.
He’s nineteen and he’s alone.
Shitty food network reruns, cheap beer, the low thump of music from one of the apartments downstairs. There are messages on his answering machine that he’s ignoring and a card left in the mailbox downstairs.
“Happy birthday, Bradley,” he mumbles to himself, popping the tab on another can of beer. “What’s one more.”
He’s twenty-four and swaying in the middle of a dance floor, tequila thrumming through his veins, when the realization hits him.
He’s officially reached an age his father never did.
Bradley thinks he mumbles an apology to the girl he’s been dancing with, but he isn’t sure. He walks on unsteady feet to the bathroom, ducking into one of the stalls and slamming the door shut, resting his sweaty forehead against the metal as he desperately tries to catch his breath.
He doesn’t know what a Bradshaw man is supposed to look like at twenty-four. He’s never seen it. It makes his stomach roll. The tequila burns even more on its way back up.
He’s wiping his mouth with a towel at the sink when he catches sight of his own reflection, sweat shining on his skin and stubble grown in around his cheeks. He brushes his fingers over his top lip, scratching against the hair there, and distantly remembers the way his dad’s mustache would scratch against his cheek.
When he shaves the next morning, he leaves the hair on his top lip alone.
He’s thirty-two and there’s another card in his mailbox, but there’s a text from a new number this time, too.
Happy birthday, Bradley. Heard from Ice about Top Gun. Congrats.
Bradley reads the text multiple times throughout the day. Blocks the number. Unblocks it.
At 11:58pm, annoyingly sober and exhausted, he finally replies.
Guess I didn’t need your help getting here after all.
Maverick doesn’t text him again.
He’s thirty-six and officially retired from active duty. Maverick’s hangar has become a second home to him again, just like it was when his mom was at her sickest.
“I’m older than her now,” Bradley says quietly, seated on the couch and watching the sun as it sets over the desert. “You realize that? I’m officially older than momma ever was.”
“I know, kid,” Maverick says, reaching over to clink his beer bottle against Bradley’s empty one. “It’s a hell of a thing, huh? Feels — undeserved, almost.”
“Does it go away?” Bradley asks. “It hasn’t with my dad. Guessing it won’t go away with her, either, will it?”
Maverick smiles, meeting his eyes. “Not completely. But your parents - they’d be so proud of where you are now. You’ve given them a hell of a legacy.”
Bradley’s quiet for a bit, long enough for Maverick to grab another bottle for them both. He speaks again when Maverick’s settled back with his book.
“I’ve hated my birthday ever since Mom died,” Bradley says. “Tried to avoid it, usually. Preferred spending it drunk or alone.”
Maverick glances at him. “Well, you aren’t drunk. Certainly aren’t alone.”
“Nah,” Bradley says, shaking his head. “And this is the first time in years I haven’t wanted to be. It’s the best birthday I’ve had in years, Mav.”
Maverick grins. “Wanna make it better?”
“My birthday gift.”
Bradley snorts. “You get me another jacket?”
(Because he still has the one Mav got for him at thirteen. Treasured it even when they weren’t speaking.)
“Better,” Maverick replies. “Thought I’d let you fly a loop in the Mustang.”
Immediately, Bradley’s jumping up and heading toward the plane to get her ready to fly. Maverick follows him, laughing the entire way.
The sky feels like home. And just like he thought, he hears his momma’s voice in the roar of the wind.
Don’t you look sharp, baby. Thirty-six looks good on you.
179 notes · View notes
Strawberries and Cream
I’m doing so good with this
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x Reader
Word count: 6.4k
🔪remember to reblog🔪
Notes: Im currently writing this while finishing chapter one lmao. No because if you ever see a “/“ in my work you better tell me RIGHT NEYOW because I don’t write things in order I skip whole scenes and then go back to that slash and write in what happens until it gets to the scene I wrote and if that’s there that means it’s about to get CONFUSING and I just forgot to write it. P.S I love it but I’m so sick of reading this chapter 🤣🤣🤣
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Episode 2: Zoo Daze
Eddie takes his time shaving, his hands are shaking so badly he’s afraid he’s gonna slice his throat or something. Buck is sitting on his bed, looking over outfit options.
“So like… this is just a friend thing?” He asks Eddie as he makes a face at the green T-shirt, tossing it aside. He grabs the navy blue shirt and lays it over the jeans then takes a white sling bag from the closet. He pulls out his phone, clicking a few buttons before taking a picture.
“Yeah, just a friend thing” Eddie calls out from the bathroom “I just…I don’t wanna move too fast for her”
“Did you already imagine the dog?” Buck teases as he settles on Eddie’s beat-up Chuck Taylor’s, Eddie calls them “vintage” Buck calls him cheap.
“Leave Captain Barkley out of this, what did he ever do to you” Eddie walks out of the bathroom, wiping his face with a towel.
“Does she get to redecorate the house too? Because I know my cousin, you’re gonna be buried in stuffed animals”
“If that’s what she wants” Eddie tosses the towel down and looks over Buck's choices, shrugging as he starts getting dressed. “Trust me, I already know our styles are gonna fit. And even if they don’t we’ll just have a unique style together y’know? I’m easygoing, okay, you know that.”
Buck tosses him his cologne and Eddie sprays it on, putting on the teeniest, tiniest bit extra just so it’ll cling to you too. He fixes his hair one last time in the mirror and turns to Buck, his arms open.
“How do I look?” He does a spin, before crossing his arms over his chest. Buck studies him, narrowing his eyes before he gets up and goes through Eddie’s dresser, he grabs a nicer-looking watch and hands it to him
“This is gonna be weird” He stands against Eddie, leaning into his neck and inhaling slowly. His hands trail up his sides and he puts his hands on his chest. He smirks as his eyes roll back and he pulls away.
“Okay cool, you didn’t put too much on” He gives him a double thumbs up and Eddie rolls his eyes, chuckling.
“Pervert, you know you just wanted to feel me up”
“Are you gonna blame me?!” Buck throws his hands in the air in defense “And I swear I was making sure you didn’t put on too much cologne okay? And that’s probably the way Y/N would feel you up if you guys kiss so I gotta make sure your shirt is soft enough bro I’m looking out for you okay”
“Mhm I bet you are”
It’s cute how things are almost the same at Maddie’s house. She’s sitting on her bed, looking through all the clothes you brought over, phone in hand. You’re in the bathroom doing your hair, braiding it back.
“So it’s just a friend thing right?” She asks as she picks up a pink dress, tossing it aside.
“Yeah, that’s what we agreed on,” You say, coming out and taking off your robe, you toss it on the bed and Maddie hands you a blue and white gingham dress, with spaghetti straps and a tie in front. It’s short and playful, but still extremely cute
“Oh, and these!” She gets up, goes to her closet, and pulls out a pair of matching light blue Chuck Taylor’s “Chim got them for me before the pregnancy, they don’t exactly fit anymore” she chuckles as she tosses them on the floor in front of you
“You’re sure this isn’t too dressy?” You sound a bit worried as she ties the little bow in front and smiles at you
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s not too dressy. You look really good” She turns you around and grabs a white bow from the bed, putting it in your hair. She brushes off your shoulders and nods approvingly as she pushes you towards the mirror
“See? You look amazing! He’s gonna go crazy over you”
“We’re just friends Mads” You roll your eyes playfully “He’s not gonna go crazy over me”
“Hey, Eddie can appreciate beauty when he sees it, alright.” She smirks, Chim walks in, a smoothie in his hand.
“Oh heyyy, lookin' good Y/N I see what you’re doing there”
You giggle and Maddie pats your butt “See! You’re gonna be just fine, girly!”
Maddie helps you put on makeup, just a light, natural, look. She hands you the tube of strawberry lipgloss and you put it on, blowing a little kiss towards Chim who wolf whistles at you
“Okay. Maybe he’ll go a tiny bit crazy” You giggle as you spray your perfume over yourself. “He should be here soon, he said he’d be here at 10… is he normally on time?” You pack up your white mini backpack, stuffing a few snacks in there too.
“Usually yeah,” Chim says, swinging his feet as he sits on the bed. “Especially on dates”
“Does he date often?” You apply a little glitter to your collarbones just for funsies.
“No, not…for a while. But that’s kinda his story to tell. You’re the first in a while”
“I’m not the first” Your cheeks flush “It’s just two friends hanging out okay? And… that’s sort of good to know, at least I know what topic to avoid. Not that I’m trying to start a conversation about a relationship.”
Maddie rolls her eyes but allows it. It’s wildly clear to everyone you’re both smitten… hopefully, this is a good little push.
“Anyway” Maddie interrupts, the doorbell rings, there’s a weird commotion and then the front door slams.
“It’s me! It’s actually us, I asked for a ride” Buck says as he comes jogging into the bedroom. He stops when he sees you, absolutely melting. He clasps his hands together
“Awwwww oh my god. You look like a doll!!!” He comes over and hugs you, squeezing you. “Our baby is growing up!!!” He wipes a fake tear and you pat his back gingerly
“Thanks, Dad.” You snicker and Maddie pushes Buck away, threatening to punch him if he ruins your makeup.
“Hey isn’t Eddie outside” Chim points, getting up to get the door
“Oh my god, I totally forgot about that,” Buck says, his hands on his hips. “Wait- Wait Chim you gotta be cool you gotta be a dad! This is great practice!”
“Yeah. Yeah okay, a dad!” He grabs his smoothie cup and straightens out his shirt before smoothing his hair back.
“Oh my god. Let Eddie in!!!” Maddie yells at them and they both scramble out of the bedroom.
Maddie walks in front of you as you come out of the bedroom, Eddie hugs her and kisses her on the cheek before seeing you.
“Hey Y/N, you ready to…-“ he short circuits for a second, just staring at you. Buck shakes Chim and they hold onto each other.
He’s not even really being dramatic, god how could he be? If this is you for a “friend” date what the hell would you look like on a real date? He can practically see little puppy Captain Barkley Diaz now.
“Am I ready to?…-“ you smile up at him, batting your eyelashes teasingly. Earth isn’t even possible right now. He comes as close as Jupiter is as he looks down at you. You’re even matching, he’s not sure if it was on purpose or not but it’s cute it’s literally so damn cute.
“Um- uh. The… zoo are you ready to go to the zoo” He asks calmly, almost monotonously like he’d been practicing it on the way over.
“I’m ready!” You tell him excitedly, taking his hand and yanking on it.
“Let’s jet!”
Maddie and the boys wave you both off as you walk out, he opens the door for you, taking your hand and helping you up into the car. It’s Buck’s jeep, he practically demanded the two of you take it and said he cleaned it just for this occasion.
Eddie gets in, making sure you’re buckled in before turning on the jeep “You can play whatever you want”
You fiddle around with your phone for a second, hooking it up to the aux, and start scrolling through your playlists
“Okay this is just intimidating,” You say as you put on a random playlist
“Oh come on, you don’t want to show me who you are through music?” He smirks as he starts driving
“What if you think my music is trash?”
“I’m not gonna think your music is trash” he reassures you by turning up the volume.
It’s a fun mix of everything you like, you catch him mumbling along to “Oops…I did it again” he fully denies that one, but he does however proudly sing backups to “Wannabe and Too Much” by the Spice Girls. You’re both just messing around and having a good time… but of course, he can sing. His voice gives you chills and whilst you’re not so bad yourself it’s just a lot to handle.
“Sporty Spice carried those vocals,” Eddie says as he opens the car door for you, helping you out
“Buck says the same thing” You snort as you walk towards the entrance.
You guys stand in line together, you’re looking around the main lobby, it’s a pretty nice one. You look up at him, smiling widely
“I’m literally so excited, I hope they have elephants, I’ve always wanted to see an elephant!!”
“I’m pretty sure they do, we’ll get a map for you” Eddie takes your hand, his phone is scanned for the tickets and you head inside.
You’re like a child again, running around to each exhibit and pulling Eddie after you. He’s happy to take pictures of you with all the animals and you do the same. A woman comes over and offers to take a picture of the two of you, your cheeks flush as he hands her the phone and puts his arms around you, setting his head on your shoulder. You look at him just in time for the lady to take the picture
“Oh my god, you guys are so cute!!” She squeals, handing him back his phone
“Thank you” He smirks haughtily at you and you give his chest a whack.
“People are gonna think we’re together”
“Is that so bad?”
It’s not so bad, not really. You roll your eyes and look down at the map, your mouth drops open and you practically shove it in his face
“Look!!! They do have elephants!” You squeal as you grab his hand, and yank him with you. He stumbles after you, tripping over his own feet. It doesn’t even bother him in the least, watching you so excited and happy makes him feel giddy. Especially knowing he’s the one who brought you here.
You stop in front of the elephants, your head tilting up to stare at them
“Oh my god…” you say softly, staring at the gigantic animal in front of you. Your eyes are wide and sparkly… Eddie takes a picture of you, one he’ll keep to himself. You look euphoric and he knows he’s going to be hugging his phone to his chest and kicking his feet whenever he sees it again.
He wishes he could freeze this moment in time for you, you look over at him and his heart skips a beat at the smile on your face
“Isn’t it cool?” You giggle and he nods, a bit dumbly
The butterflies around him don’t compare to the ones raging in his stomach, throwing an all-out rave.
You both sit in front of the elephants for a while, he eventually puts his arms around you and you lean into him, just watching them mess around in their habitat
“You wanna stay here all day? Or would you rather check out more animals”
“I wouldn’t mind seeing some Tigers”
You and Eddie end up on The Bridge, it’s a large structure high over the outdoor area for big cats. You find a place near a pair of binoculars and look down over the edge. You read from the information panel in front of you, learning all about Sean and Rhonda the tigers that live there.
Eddie is busy listening to you and looking through the binoculars when he gets eyes on Sean
“Huh… I wonder why he’s pacing like that. Been doing that for a while” Eddie aims the little binoculars at him again before stepping aside and giving you a chance to look through them at the tiger. He seems to be almost studying something. You look around for a bit, looking through the trees.
“Hey…Eddie?” You point towards a particularly odd-looking branch. “That- that kind of looks really easy for him to jump onto don’t you think?”
Eddie looks where you’re pointing, and he reaches out for your hand “Yeah it kind of freaking do-“
All hell breaks loose before he can even finish his sentence. The tiger takes a running start and jumps onto the tree, scaling it easily and heading straight for that branch. He’s out of his enclosure within 20 seconds. The bridge shakes as he lands.
You’re knocked over almost immediately as people start running and screaming, pushing each other out of the way to get away. The tiger roars before racing off in the opposite direction.
“Eddie?!”You scream for him. You’re on the ground, trying to push yourself up when you feel strong hands yank you up by your waist and you get thrown over someone’s shoulder.
You’re struggling a bit, before Eddie sets you down and pulls you with him, running to a little alcove outside the tiger exhibit. He hurries along, trying the doors until one finally gives.
“In here!” Eddie finds an unlocked supply closet and shoves you in first before rushing in behind you and slamming the door shut. You collapse on your butt, propped against the wall. You’re panting harshly, your hands shaking as Eddie gets down, crawling over to you
“Hey, hey look at me, are you okay?” He puts his hands on your face, his eyes searching your body frantically. You can feel his hands shaking just as hard as yours as he feels over your face. You’re a bit scuffed up and dirty but the tiger didn’t rip you to shreds so really it seems like a win.
“I’m- y-yeah no, no I’m okay. I’m okay. I think. I-“
He yanks you against his chest, burying his face in your neck as he holds you.
“Don’t ever let go of my hand again, do you understand me?” He pants, one hand on the back of your head and the other, fingers splayed across your back, squishing you against him. “God please never let go”
It takes a while for Eddie to calm down, you’re just sitting in his lap as he holds you close, rocking you slowly. You’re not sure who’s being comforted more, you or him. You can hear both of your phones blowing up in your pockets, the fire fam has gotten wind of what happened but neither of you wants to move to answer them. He rubs your side lovingly, his head on top of yours
“You doin' okay?” He asks, a bit more level-headed this time, his voice soft and even.
“Yeah but-“ You point to your knee, it’s pretty scraped up and bloody. He frowns, as he looks it over, he should have asked sooner. It’s not too bad but it definitely needs to be taken care of. He sets you down on the floor and takes off his bag.
“Are you doing okay?” You ask and he looks up at you, a grimace on his face and you decide not to push him on it. You look around the supply closet, it’s cool and dark, and there’s a window letting in a bit of light. You’re sort of hoping the Tiger isn’t smart enough to open doors, even if in theory that would be super cool.
“You know this has got to be the coolest day of my life” You snicker as Eddie takes out the supplies from his emergency kit. He’s finally able to part with you for the time being, he’s gotta put this first. This is his job, he can do it.
“Coolest huh? Why is that?”
He’s so concentrated on what he’s doing, using his “Fireman’s” voice. He pulls the antiseptic from the bag, his movements are fluid and practiced, he doesn’t even warn you when he goes to disinfect the wound, just immediately blots it.
You hiss in pain, jerking a little and he looks up at you “Why was it so cool?” He asks again softly, rubbing your leg. It’s distracting, he didn’t want to use that particular disinfectant because he knew it would sting but it was the best he had. He doesn’t stop blotting at it, but he does blow on it as he goes.
“A whole ass Tiger escaped its enclosure! And I got to see it happen!!” You tell him, watching him carefully as he cleans you up.
“I’m gonna be so real, I nearly shit my pants. That was terrifying.”
You laugh together as he reaches back in the kit, getting a large tan bandaid.
“You know, death by tiger? Would have been literally the most metal way to go out” You say, watching his skilled hands. Is it weird to say he’s super hot when he’s being all “hero, rescue, firefighter guy?”
“I think the only way it would be cooler was if you died fighting the tiger to save a child”
Your head falls back and you cover your mouth laughing.
“I’m glad you saved me though… Thank you. I could have gotten trampled… you’re like… really strong”
“Hey it’s my job to be strong,” He says, smiling as he looks up at you. He puts the bandaid on you and then reaches back into his kit, putting a cute Hello Kitty bandaid over the large tan one. “And I’ll always save you Y/N. I promise”
The announcement comes over the speakers that the tiger has been contained and that Investigators want to talk to everyone on the bridge. Eddie knows he shouldn’t. But he sneaks the two of you out of the zoo anyway, he’ll call the zoo later and tell them what happened. It’s well- a zoo in there right now and he just needs peace, and he can tell you’re just as frazzled. He helps you into the jeep and then gets in, slamming the door shut. It’s silent, there’s no screaming, no running…no growling. Just silence.
You lean your head on his shoulder, your hand still in his, and you rub soothing circles on the back of his hand. It’s a good 20 minutes before he finally turns on the car. It kind of seems like the chaos and screaming got to him and you’re a bit worried.
“I know a really good diner if you’re hungry, best diner you’ll ever go to I promise” He finally speaks up. He sets your hand on his thigh and you squeeze it lightly, leaving it there
“Yeah okay sounds good, but if you’re lying I’m gonna spray you with the hose.”
He snorts as he pulls out of the parking lot and rolls his eyes “How are you even gonna get the hose?”
“You honestly think Buck wouldn’t give it to me? And be there right behind me as I’m spraying you down? Like Chim and Hen wouldn’t be filming it!”
“I think at least Bobby would save me!!”
You giggle and slap his thigh playfully “He’s gonna be the one controlling the water”
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You plop down in the booth across from Eddie, leaning back against the plush seating. The waitress drops two menus in front of you both and promises to come back soon with water to get you started.
“Do you know what you want?” Eddie asks as he leans forward, his arms on the table, his hand cradling his chin.
“Probably that burger” you shrug, laying your head down on your arm on the table. You’re both exhausted. Now that the adrenaline has worn off it’s time for a serious nap
“Yeah, same” he agrees, laying his head down with you. He reaches over, taking your hand in his as he closes his eyes. You smile softly as he rubs circles with his thumb over it. The waitress hesitantly approaches the table setting your water down
“You two seem exhausted” She smiles as she takes out her book
“You have no idea” Eddie chuckles, sitting up. He orders for the two of you, two bacon cheeseburgers with grilled onions and two strawberry lemonades. It’s like he knows how to read your heart at this point
The waitress- Annie, writes down your orders and sticks her pen back in her book
“That’ll be out soon! Oh my god have you two heard about the tiger escaping at the zoo? It’s all over everything already”
“Oh trust me. We heard” Eddie tells her, handing her the menus while she talks about it for a little bit before walking away to put in the orders, you look up at Eddie and shake your head
“I’m 90 percent sure I’m gonna have tiger PTSD”
He snorts and intertwines your fingers together again, shaking your hand a little. “As someone who actively denies? PTSD yeah no definitely can confirm absolute tiger PTSD”
You giggle, watching your hands together before looking at him curiously “Actively denies…-?” You leave it open-ended and he nods
“Don’t wanna talk about it though. Please if that’s okay”
“No no, it’s fine” you reassure him, squeezing his hand “Just…. I’m here for you. I’m sure you probably hear that a lot. But I do mean it, Eddie. You’re not alone”
“Eh… sometimes it feels like it” He admits, staring at your hands “No one knows what I went through you know? It’s just rough I guess. I don’t know, I’ll get over it.”
You look at him, a sad smile on your face “You won’t get over it Eddie… not, not without help. But you know what, I just met you. This is kind of our first hangout. I'm not going to go down this road with you right now unless you’d like to. It’s not exactly my place”
“Hey we survived a wild tiger mauling together, I think it’s your place” he jokes with you, lightening the mood, you giggle and shake your head
“I’m glad I escaped with my arm. He really went to town on it.”
Lunch is nice, Eddie was right this is the best diner you’ve ever been to.
“Oh my god” You moan around your bite and he nods, laughing as he bites his burger. “Told you I knew what I was talking about”
“I promise to never doubt you again, you know until I completely forget this moment” You steal an onion ring and he smirks, taking one of your fries.
“Don’t worry I’ll remember it for you”
You two eat together in silence, a “companionable” silence. You’re looking out the window and he’s on his phone for a bit before slipping it back in his pocket. It’s nice to be around him…everything is always so good when it comes to him.
“What should we do after this?” You ask as you dip a fry in ketchup. He watches you for a bit before shrugging
“If you wanted, We could go out somewhere else. Or maybe we could just hang out somewhere… something laid back. I- I want to keep hanging out with you, I do. But-”
“We just got semi-attacked by a tiger and now we’re sitting here staring off into space”
“Yeahhh..” He sighs, grabbing an onion ring. He tears it in half, giving you one.
“If uh… if you’re up for it maybe we could just… go relax at my place? For a bit? It’s close to here and the couch is pretty comfy”
You grin widely, taking the half of onion ring and tossing it into your mouth
“Sounds good to me”
“Here we are, home sweet home” Eddie pulls into his driveway and shuts off the car. It’s around 4 pm but neither of you wanted the day to end and honestly, maybe you’re just still wanting to be by his side for a bit. He gets out and comes around, opening the door for you.
“Such a gentleman” You tease as you hop out, he flicks you off and shuts the door, locking it behind him. He lets you in the front door first, and you look around. It's very clean and put together, definitely a bit masculine in decoration. You slip off your shoes and go into the house
“Nice place you got here,” you tell him and he smiles, putting his hand on your lower back and guiding you over to the living room
“Thanks, Buck crashes here like… a lot. So you’ll probably find some of his stuff too if you feel like changing, or I can offer you something. Not that you’re not still looking absolutely stunning you know, just if you wanted to change. Can I get you something to drink?”
You look around the living room already spotting a pair of your cousin's shoes
“Yeah sure, thanks. And maybe I’ll change, I haven’t decided yet. You can though if you want to”
He walks away to get the drinks and you look at the pictures he has around, some of them are of the team and his friends. One of him in a military uniform with a group of people. Huh…that explains a little at least.
“So this is where I would be staying huh?” You smirk playfully as Eddie comes back into the living room, he hands you a bottle of tea and you crack it open. You turn away from the photos pretending you haven’t gotten that far.
“Yeah, I suppose it is” he chuckles. He motions with his bottle and you follow after him, he’s got a spare room, it’s a pretty decent size. “This would be your room… I mean if you wanted. I’d even give you the main if you wanted it”
You look around the room, it’s simple, bright, and airy. He says that and you whirl around “There’s no way in hell I’d take your bedroom from you! Especially if I was staying here”
He puts his hands up in defense and laughs lightly “Hey I’m an easygoing guy alright? I just want you to be comfortable- or no-. I would want you to be comfortable”
“Comfortable is this, Eddie. I wouldn’t take your bedroom away from you”
“Who knows,” he turns on his heel as he leaves the room “Maybe we can just share mine”
Your mouth drops open and you race after him “Hey! Hey, you get back here!”
Eddie refuses to acknowledge anything you say on the topic of what he just said, acting innocent and batting his eyelashes
“I think you’re hearing things” His voice was high-pitched and sweet. You shove him down onto the couch and sit next to him crossing your arms over your chest and huffing. It gets a few giggles out of him but he still doesn’t address it no matter how much you pout.
Eventually, like a toddler, you tire yourself out and just sit on the couch with him. There is a seat between you but it just feels like more than that. You pull your feet up on the couch and lay your head on the armrest staring at the SpongeBob episode on screen. The fish on screen is screaming about chocolate and you hear Eddie chuckle
“Are you joking?” You giggle as you turn your head to look at him
“This is literally classic SpongeBob. I'm not supposed to find it funny?” He asks, clearly wounded as he takes the throw blanket from the back of the couch, he opens his arm to you. “C’mere hater” he motions with his hand and you push up from the armrest, scooting across the mile-long seat in between the two of you and curling up into his side. He throws the blanket over the two of you and you grab onto his shirt.
“Yeah okay, I guess… I mean I still quote the paper skin thing so”
Eddie snickers as his hand lays on your thigh, he rubs soft, soothing circles, that send chills up your spine
“I’m like pretty sure Buck and I were literally just screaming chocolate last week anyway”
You cuddle together, watching SpongeBob for a few hours. It’s comforting and mind-numbing, it feels good to be in his arms. Eventually, you do take him up on his offer and he gives you a t-shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. You change into them and plop back down with him, his outfit almost identical. It’s around nine when he pulls out his phone and starts scrolling
“Chinese sound good?” He asks and you look up at him, your eyes a little sleepy
“For what”
“Dinner?” It sounds like a question more than an answer “I figured it’s been a while since we ate…and I didn’t go grocery shopping so like..-“
“Okay yeah, that sounds good. What’s your cash app?” You pull out your phone and he takes it from you immediately, tossing it across the couch
“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you pay for it so just shut up and say thank you”
“Why didn’t you just not tell me your cash app??” You look at him, and he stops for a second, narrowing his eyes as he thinks.
“Mmm…yeah that was probably a better idea”
You sit up and snatch your phone from the other side of the couch, punching him in the side is a given, and then you lay back against him. He’s laid on the couch, his head comfortably resting on the pillows and you’re on top of him a bit, most of your body buried into the side of the couch.
He runs his fingers down your arm, just stroking it softly. It’s nice, it kinda tickles and you wriggle against him
“You know if I were to stay somewhere I wouldn’t mind if it was here. It’s pretty nice. You do a really good job taking care of your house”
Eddie’s heart flutters, and jumps and does like a roundhouse kick he’s not sure he just knows it’s going wild and he must have an entire butterfly farm in there cause god you’re making him all shy and giddy
“Oh? Well thanks that means a lot”
His voice is cool and even, even though he’s trying his best not to just squeeze the life out of you. Instead, he decides to squish the life out of you. He turns over and puts his arms and legs around you, you push at his chest and groan
“Eddie, you're squishing me! Get off!” Your voice is muffled as it’s buried in his chest
“Hmm my couch my rules, I’m pretty comfy right here” He purrs, holding onto you like a koala bear. You struggle underneath him until you finally give in. He’s warm and soft and overwhelms your senses, his cologne sticks to your body and you rarely wanna take this dress off
“Eddie get your fat butt off of me” you hiss and he snickers, wiggling his hips
“Wait, you think my butt is fat? Like what kinda fat? Like P-h-a-t? Or like is it Thicc with two C’s”
You’re laughing like a hyena into his chest as he goes about all the possible meanings and you slap his chest
“Double C’s maybe even triple when you’re in your work pants,” you tell him, winking dramatically
“That is literally the nicest damn compliment I have ever gotten in my entire life” He wipes a fake tear and rolls off of you, pulls you back onto him, and hugs you tightly to his chest
“Don’t worry, I like your ass too” His voice is so flirty and light. You feel his hands flow down your back, stopping just before they slide under the waistband of the basketball shorts. He easily turns his attention back toward the TV and you’re left a blushing mess on his chest.
Once the food arrives, you wander into the dining room with him, he goes to the kitchen, grabs a couple of bowls, and hands you one.
“You know most people just eat it right out of the carton,” You tell him as you spoon some rice into your bowl
“Yeah on tv maybe” he teases, using chopsticks to put an egg roll in your bowl “But we’re sharing”
You hold a piece of orange chicken up to his mouth and he takes it off your chopsticks “Yeah but how are we supposed to be cute and feed each other” you snicker and he rolls his eyes, chewing his bite
“Oh yeah because our diner experience wasn’t cute enough, holding hands at the table, stealing fries”
“Oh, so you wanted to be cute with me?” Your response is fast and cheeky and his mouth drops open
“I-Okay you know what, shut up and eat your egg roll!” He shoves your head away and you squeal laughing.
He lets you pick whatever you want to watch and you just continue with SpongeBob. You get comfy on the couch with him, your bowl in your lap as you eat together again.
“I realize now, that it’s been 650 hours… but did you ever text everyone back that we were okay?”
Eddie had texted everyone, he handled the entire storm for you, aka Buck’s 57 messages. Maddie was next in line with 34.
“Yeah of course, I told them you were okay too and just needed to shut your phone off” he scrolls through his phone for a second before showing you a picture, you’re staring out of the window of the diner. It’s a pretty picture, and surprisingly photogenic.
“Oh…Thanks” you say shyly, smiling softly at him, leaning you over, putting your head on his shoulder
“You’re the bestest friend a girl could have Eddie”
He kisses your head and lays his cheek on it “You’re welcome sugar cube, anything for you”
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Eddie turns down the covers on the bed as you get ready in the bathroom. He smoothly asked you to stay the night… if awkwardly stumbling through his sentence and wringing his hands while dropping the bowl he was washing was smooth.
You’d agreed, giggling at him as you helped pick up the pieces. You said it was too late to be driving anyway and he was glad you agreed. Just a nice, happy, friendly, sleepover. A little tiny sleepover between best friends. “Bestest” she’d said.
You come out of the bathroom in just the t-shirt he’d lent you, you stuff your bra and dress into your mini backpack and put your hands on your hips
“Guess this’ll be a test drive huh?” You tease as you crawl into bed. He tucks you in and it makes you giggle when he leans down and kisses your head
“You know I am serious Y/N, if you need a place to stay my door is always open”
“I think I believe you…” You say quietly as he sits on the edge of your bed “But I just don’t know… it’s a big step, moving across the country. I- I don’t even have a job here and-“
“Hey don’t worry about that,” He says quietly shushing you “I can… I can take care of you”
You look up at him, your cheeks flushed “What are you, my sugar daddy?” you joke as you pull the covers up higher on your neck. He snickers and gets off the bed, going to the door
“Yeah sure I’m totally sugar daddy material” he snorts, his hand pauses on the light switch
“Just….just think about it okay?”
You nod at him, blushing “Yeah okay Eddie… I will.”
He shuts off the lights and closes the door, you’re plunged into darkness…alone with your thoughts.
It’s a couple of hours before your brain finally slows down…Eddie wants you to move in with him? Or at least he’s willing to let you. And like….he wants to take care of you… that’s. That’s fun. What a good friend, what an amazing friend.
That word is getting kinda interesting, and used incredibly loosely at this point. Eddie isn’t your boyfriend…he’s your friend but like…. What if he was your boyfriend?
You frown, no. No, it’s not time to think like that, it's time to sleep.
Your eyes pop open angrily. Now it’s three in the morning and this is getting stupid. Maybe it’s because it’s pitch black? That seems reasonable, you’re used to a nightlight. Not that you wish he was there with you no sir, not that.
Not even that you’re kind of freezing… and he certainly wouldn’t want you to freeze to death…
“Eddie? Are you awake?” You ask quietly, poking your head through his door. You can see him in bed, the moonlight streaming through the bedroom window. He stirs a little and turns over
“Yeah” his voice is deep and raspy with sleep “I’m awake sugar cube, is everything okay?”
“Did I wake you?” You step into his room, shutting the door.
“I mean… yeah but I don’t wanna say it” he snickers, sitting up in bed. You pad over softly and climb in with him. You climb over him messily and he rolls his eyes as you slip under the covers. You lay on the other side of the bed, facing him. He lays down and faces you
You smile softly “Just thought you could use some company”
“Aren’t you so thoughtful?” He teases, reaching out for you. You shyly shuffle into his arms, your head resting on his chest
“This okay?” He asks quietly, you can hear his heart beating and it’s soothing. His bare chest is soft against your cheek.
“Uh huh… it’s nice”
“Yeah it is, isn’t it? He whispers into your hair. It doesn’t take long for you both to fall asleep. He didn’t even bother asking why you were there; he just knew he wanted you there. It had been a while since anyone had warmed his bed, and he hadn’t realized how deep the craving was until you were safely nestled in his arms. Friends was starting to become a very useless word, very quickly
And that didn’t bother him one bit.
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kayentokk · 9 months
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He Will Always Be There
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-Pairing; Geto Suguru x Fem! Reader
-Synopsis; Your classic best friend love story, where the boy watches the girl date asses and then finally confesses. 
-Contains; slow burn(?), kisses, cheating, fluff, mutual pinning(kinda), friends to lovers, hurt comfort, Suguru being fine asf
-wc; 2k
-A/N; Honestly idek where I pulled this one from. Prolly cuz of all the JJK stuff goin on rn, and I really wanted to try writing one of those cliche tropes lol. 
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You were throwing a party, fun right? Yeah no, you didn’t think you’d have to constantly check on the overly drunk college students who would always just barely make it to the bathroom in time. You also didn’t think that while ushering one into the bathroom you’d find your boyfriend, and some girl making out.  
At first when you looked up and saw the scene you were confused, but then you remembered the drunk girl and you really didn’t want her to like in your apartment. So you shooed them out the way and lifted the toilet seat for her too…you know.
You grabbed a hair tie off of your counter and tied her hair back for her, because girlie rules 101, and then made your way into the living room which was basically just a crowded sea of drunk people. You were so zoned out that you didn’t even hear your boyf-ex-boyfriend talking to you the whole time. You only became conscious when he made a grab at your arm.
“Babe, come on you know it wasn’t like that we were just-“
“Yeah babe, I promise, she doesn’t even mean anything to me,” just then the girl emerged from the bathroom.
“Really? Because that’s not what you said the last three times,” and with that she walked off.
You chuckled, not even knowing how to react at this point. You decided you’d had enough of this party. Ignoring your ex’s insistent babbling, you grabbed the microphone from the people doing karaoke. 
“HEY! Everybody! Attention, Attention please.”
When the room got quiet you stood on the table, and said the one thing that makes all college students scatter from a party. 
“My parents are surprise visiting tonight, so everybody out! Take your empty cups and throw them away! Take Ubers don’t drunk drive, and take all the food and snacks you want!” You said while the heard of students rushed out the door with all the food and snacks they could. 
Efficient, you thought. When you got down from the table you immediately went to cleaning up, completely ignoring your ex, who was apparently still talking. You were only a little tipsy but couldn’t help feeling annoyed and still zoned out.
“Listen,” you said cutting him off. “I don’t need to hear your “explanation,” okay? It’s simple, I didn’t put out so you found it somewhere else.”
“No I swear that’s not how-“
“Can you just go?”
At this point you were about to loose your shit, why couldn’t he just fucking leave? Just then, saving you from your troubles, your best friend emerged from the bathroom holding the drunk girl, who was puking in your toilet, up.
He stood tall and brooding, with his all black get up on, over your now ex, “Listen man, a word of advice, I’d leave before she goes apeshit on you,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
It took your ex a minute to take in the sight. A lean but muscular figure in black sweatpants and a hoodie that had neon purple accents on the front, a clean shaved face with perfectly slanted piercing black orbs, and beautiful long flowing hair. When he finally got his thoughts together he responded.  
“Who the fuck are you? I can handle my girl-“
Before he could even say anything in response, you started laughing. Everybody’s head turned to you, even the drunk girl, because you seriously couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Get. Out.” Was all you said after you caught your breath, and that time he got the hint.
“We’ll talk about it! I’ll text you,” he said not getting the blatant message that you didn’t want to talk and that you guys were done. 
Just before he walked out the door though, your friend handed him the drunk girl with a gruff, “Make sure she gets to her dorm asshat.”
After they left, you sighed and continued throwing the empty cans into the garbage bag, and after a minute of watching you incessantly clean your friend grabbed the broom and started sweeping the floor. 
He didn’t ask you what happened, because he saw, and he didn’t make you talk about it, you would tell him soon enough when you felt like it. There wasn’t any uncomfortable silence between the two of you either. You didn’t have to constantly worry about what he was thinking, you didn’t have to not be yourself, and you didn’t have to worry about him dropping you for the “next best thing.” 
You liked that, It was peaceful, and he knew it. Deep down he’d do anything you asked of him, just to keep you happy. He did have to admit though it was killing him that he didn’t punch that asshole ex of yours, same with all of your other exes. 
Ever since you were old enough to date, it was like the classic boy best friend story, he watched you date people who weren’t good enough for you, you guys broke up, he swooped in to comfort you. This time though, he could tell something was different, you didn’t show any sign that something was wrong. Maybe you weren’t that upset-
As soon as he paused sweeping to think he heard it. Over the clanking of the trash in the garbage bag you were holding, he heard it and it almost ripped him to shreds from the inside out. You were sobbing, your body softly shaking, and your chest heaving. He’s seen you cry before, and it always hurt some part of him deep down. 
He makes his was over to you, long strides full of urgency and worry. You almost didn’t notice he had left his spot in the kitchen until he took the trash bag from your hand and set it down. He tugged gently at your arm until you turned to face him. Your pretty eyes all puffy and red, your nose sniffling to find breaths, and your plump lips merged into a pout. Even while crying he thought you looked pretty. 
He pulled you into his body, hands engulfing your back, while you sobbed with your face squished into his hoodie. Somewhere along the way he had brought you into your bathroom and propped you up onto the counter. 
Finally pulling your head out of his chest you noticed the tear stains and shiny lip gloss that was smeared into it. 
“M’sorry Sugu, your hoodie s’all messed up now.”
He just gave you a slight smile while grabbing the makeup wipes from the cabinet behind your head. 
God, he must think you’re so pathetic, constantly having to clean up after you and always having to reassure you. That must get so tiring, especially because you’re constantly dating fuck-boys who don’t really care about you and when those relationships end…well, this happens. 
You’re slightly tipsy when you ask, so you’ll just blame it on the cheap liquor later but you really wanted to know, “Sugu, why are you still here?”
Because, that’s what friends are for.
“Because I was helping you clean,” he says feigning ignorance while wiping off the remnants of your smudged makeup.
“No like, like- here” you were getting frustrated, the words weren’t coming out correctly. He knew what you meant though. 
“Because,” he gruffly replied. 
I want to be here for you. 
I care about you.
I love you. 
“S’not and answer,” you said with a pout.
“Why not?”
“Because, it’s just not.”
A low rumble came from him then, and when you saw he was laughing at your response, you couldn’t help but laugh too. 
When he was done you hopped off the counter and walked into your room collapsing on your comfy carpet. Your arms and legs were spread out like a starfish, you looked silly.
“What are you doing?”
You didn’t respond, just scooted over and patted the spot next to you. He reluctantly laid down next to you. His arms propped up behind his head gazing up at your bedroom ceiling. It was pretty at night, because of the cute stars and constellations lighting your ceiling. 
After a while you broke the silence.
“Hm,” he grunted turning his head to face you.
“Promise you’ll always stay?” It felt like a stupid question. People break promises all the time, you knew that first handedly. So you’ll blame it on being tipsy again. 
To Geto the answer to that question was obvious, of course.
“Who else would help you clean up after all these ragers you’re throwing?” He said in a joking manner. 
You wanted to throw a fit about how that’s not what you meant and he knew it, but in a way you knew what he meant. So you were content with his answer. 
“The stars on my ceiling are dimming, you’ll have to help me replace them again, it’s such a shame because they’re so pretty.”
“Yeah, such a shame, so pretty.” 
You turned onto your side facing him, but he was already looking at you. You swear you saw his eyes sparkle at that moment, and you started into a fit of laughter. 
“What? I got somethin’ on m’face?”
“No,” you said through giggles and when you finally calmed down you said without thought, “I love you.”
You shocked yourself, maybe you weren’t just tipsy, maybe you were more drunk than you thought. A slight gasp came out of your mouth and your hands immediately went to cover it. Geto’s pupils dilated and an unreadable look crossed his face.
With the countless thoughts running through your head, the main one was why the fuck did I just say that? You can’t exactly blame this one on being drunk. 
You hurriedly sat up and turned to him, “I-I mean in like a best friend way you know? Cuz like friends say that to each other, of-of course I don’t expect you to say it back or anything like that I just was-,” you nervously rambled on. 
When you stopped, you noticed he too was sitting up now and way closer to you. When did that happen? 
You cleared your throat and just gave a final, “I’m sorry-“ but before you could finish his lips were on yours. 
It was a slow, tender kiss. His soft lips on your plump previously glossed ones was the perfect mix. When he pulled away you almost followed, holding back a whine from coming out. 
“I love you too.”
Was all he said and you sat, one again, in comfortable silence. Just gazing at each other. You don’t know why you’ve never noticed before, the way he looked at you, but it’s apparent now. It’s apparent, and you couldn’t be happier. 
Except for now, all the thoughts are going through your head. What happens to us after this? What if we break up- well are we actually together? Does this ruin our friendship?
He could tell that lots of things were running through your head because you facial expression changed into one of worry. Trying to calm you he reached his hand up to your face and stroked your cheek. Your gaze was now back on him and you thoughts had ceased.
“What are you worried about?” He asked, quietly as if he couldn’t be any louder.
“Well, you’ve always been my friend….and now-,” you sighed frustrated. “Now, everything’s different..”
“Do you regret me kissing-“
“No! No, it’s just- most of my past relationships haven’t been the best…you’ve seen. Our relationship was the only one I could always count on…don’t you think it would be different?”
“Hmm,” he said pondering, “I see.”
“But- but I still-“
“I know,” he said removing his hand from the side of your face. “It would change our relationship quite a bit…”
He didn’t know what to say, all he could think was shit he fucked this up. He didn’t want to come on too strong, and he definitely didn’t want your relationship to be tarnished just because you started dating, did you even want to date him?
You quickly stopped his thoughts by saying, “but I want to try.” 
The silence was back, but this time it was full of relief. You guys didn’t know what the relationship would bring, or if it would even turn out the way you hoped, but you knew one thing. That Suguru would always be there. 
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@/cafekitsune for the divider
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tabbedtabby · 5 months
i bet on losing dogs
johanna mason x fem reader
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summary: After Johanna fails her Block exam to participate in the invasion of the Capitol, you go say your farewells to her, bearing a gift.
a/n: i haven’t posted on tumblr since like 2021 so sorry if this looks ugly LMAO idk how to be aesthetic on here. anyway if you have any thoughts lmk!
cw: angst, not proofread
words: 1.9k
Your hands fumble with the bulletproof vest covering you as you exit the Block. You have passed your personal assessment, it seems. The one that decides whether you’re fit enough to storm the Capitol with the rest of the victors; well, considering they pass it, too. The Block throws you into a simulated version of what a battle in the Capitol would be like, and personally preys on the weakness of each person who enters. So, in your case, it was fully checking an area before entering it. You’re not the most careful person in the world, you’ll admit.
You take the vest off, and see only a handful more soldiers waiting for their assessment, including Katniss. You had trained with her. She fought hard for this, and you know how badly she wants to go to the Capitol herself. You know how she feels. You, too, are a victim of Snow’s treachery.
You glance around, searching for Johanna. She’s pretty easy to spot, with the shaved head and everything. So when you don’t see her, you frown. She’d gone in only a couple more people before you did, but you don’t remember seeing her leave the Block, either. There is one face you recognize, though. Haymitch. You assume he’s waiting for Katniss, but when he walks up to you, you realize you’re mistaken.
“Johanna’s back in the hospital.”
You ask the question, but you’re not really waiting for an explanation. You’re already shoving past everyone to get to the elevator. Of course. Johanna’s greatest weakness. They flooded the streets during her assessment.
When the elevator door opens into the hospital sector, you already know where to look. Johanna’s sitting up in a hospital bed, her eyes wide and her chest rising and falling rapidly. They must have stripped her of her soldier uniform, because she’s back in the same hospital gown she was given when rescued from the Capitol. What little hair she’s managed to grow from then until now is damp and spiky, and your suspicions are confirmed.
When Johanna sees you, your heart almost shatters. You’ve never seen her so empty of life. Not even when she’d first came back from the Capitol. She’s completely stripped of her anger, her abrasiveness, her bold personality. All that’s left is fear.
You don’t say anything to her. You just sit down at the foot of her bed. She wouldn’t want your pity, you know this. Instead, your hands close around something in the pocket of your pants. Something you’ve been meaning to give to Johanna, and there couldn’t be a better moment than now, now that you’ll be storming the Capitol without her.
“Here.” you say, your hand extending towards her. She stares blankly at you for a moment, almost certainly pumped full of morphling.
Johanna’s hands unfurl the handkerchief to reveal a set of rusted golden earrings shaped like little suns. Your mother’s. The only fine thing you’d ever owned before becoming a victor that you could never bring yourself to sell. The things that comforted you while being hunted in the arena, and again when you were reaped a second time for the Quarter Quell. Your lifeline at one point.
Her eyes glisten over with tears, but she quickly squeezes them shut. “I can’t take these, (Y/N).” she croaks out.
“Yes, you can, stupid. I’m giving them to you,” you tell her gently, a small smile on your lips as you stare into Johanna’s eyes. Even on the morphling, her eyes are filled with emotion.
“She died a long time before the rest of my family. I don’t need them anymore.” you don’t mention how there’s a good chance you might die in the Capitol, and you want those earrings to be passed on to someone else you care about. And the fact that Johanna has nothing to her name except District 13’s depressing dark green jumpsuit makes you feel sad.
“He has to die.” Johanna responds after a couple of minutes, her voice still hoarse. But she doesn’t say it with her normal ferocity. The contact with her method of torture has truly broken her.
“I know. Katniss is going to kill him, Johanna.” you say, placing one of your hands over hers. She stares up at you.
“And then… we’ll be free. Forever. We’ll go to District Seven and do whatever we’d like for the rest of our stupid lives. Get some real food. These bland-ass meals here are killing me,” you joke, and that makes the corner of Johanna’s mouth twitch up. But you can sense her considering your offer, too. Of course, she was always going to go home to District 7, but she can’t deny the idea of you coming with her excites her. Someone to fill that lonely old house that has gone so long without another resident besides herself.
Johanna’s hand clutches around the fabric that holds your parting gift. You squeeze her other hand, cold and damp. You don’t mind warming her up.
But there’s something in the air that neither of you address. That looming reality that you may not come back. Neither you nor Johanna have spoken about how you felt about each other, but you’re all each other has at this point. You share a room here in District 13 and hold each other through nightmares when they inevitably come each night. But that’s about the extent of how far your relationship has gone.
Before you think about it, you lean down and press your lips onto hers. Admittedly, you’ve wanted to for months now. But nothing could compare to how it felt in reality. Although brief, the feeling of her soft and faintly warm lips sends goosebucks running up your neck. Johanna’s lips are a wet and warm abyss that you never want to escape. You are forced to pull away anyway.
“Damn, brainless,” Johanna whispers, the hint of a smirk on her lips. You can’t stop the grin that spreads onto your face. She sounds more like her old self. Sarcastic. Witty. When you look into those deep green eyes, you know she will be able to put herself back together again. Just as she has done before, again and again. She has rebuilt herself into the woman you’re afraid you’ve fallen in love with as you stare into those eyes.
Almost on queue, the hospital quarter’s door opens, revealing a sympathetic looking Katniss and Finnick. Katniss holds a small bundle of something in her hands, and you realize they’ve come to say their own farewells to Johanna. The four of you have become somewhat of friends after going through training together.
Katniss’ gift ends up being a wad of pine needles to remind Johanna of home, which receives an emotional response from Johanna. She misses District 7 badly. You promise yourself the minute that Snow is dead, you will take her home. Home to the thick trunks of the trees and the sound of pine needles crunching under sturdy boots.
Eventually, you realize you need to get going. Katniss and Finnick have finished their goodbyes, and are already heading towards the door. You give Johanna one last look as you follow them out.
“I’ll see you soon.” you say, flashing her a promising smile before the door closes behind you.
Finnick was right. The last thing you thought of was her lips.
Bright green leaves rustle lightly, their branches flickering across the sky. The wind flows through them effortlessly, causing the deep emerald forest to appear alive in its movements. Birdsong ricochets on the sturdy trunks of the trees, filling the canopy with the hopeful sound of music.
One of the birds flitters down to the rock in front of where Johanna sits, its tiny feet hopping on the smooth gray. Its black, beady eyes stare up at her in question before launching back up into the leaves.
This is where she spends most of her days. Sitting at the base of a tree, head leaned back. Staring up into where the leaves catch the sunlight. Watching as the sun moves across the sky before it sets beyond the horizon. Only then does she take the trek back home.
She still lives in the Victor’s Village in District 7. After all, where else was she supposed to go? She yearned for her home. Even more so after your promise to go back with her once the war ended. How it was foolish of her to believe she’d ever share those walls with another body again. Snow took her family. She never truly came to terms with it, but it had been long enough that she could stand to be in that house again without reliving it all. That conversation after she’d become a victor, and the consequences that came soon after. It stung like a rotting wound every time she entered her own home. It was hard to sleep knowing she lived in a murder site.
Johanna tried, she really did. She tried not to let herself love again. Because as soon as she did, Snow’s offer would be on the table again. And this time, she would know what would happen if her answer was no. It would mean another bleeding body on the floor. Another soul to haunt those walls. More screams to ricochet inside her skull every time she closed her eyes. It would never be worth it. No matter how badly she wanted someone to care about her. Most days it would have helped more than anything to just know that there was someone out there who gave a shit about her.
But she couldn’t help it. Johanna couldn’t help that feeling she got around you. And, damn it, she tried. Lord knows she did. But you were so kind, and more than anything, unafraid. Unafraid of her anger and ferocity. You weren’t scared of her like everyone else; you were curious. You wanted to know Johanna, why she acted the way she did. Not immediately write her off like everyone else. No. You were different.
In the Quarter Quell, she had begun to get to know you. But it wasn’t until Johanna was rescued from the Capitol—she hates that word, rescued—that she began to be truly afraid of what she was feeling. The way her face would get hot every time you’d give her one of those wide, genuine grins that Johanna didn’t know was possible to be found on the face of a victor. She hated the feeling of skin against her own more than anything, but with you, she craved it. That’s when she knew she was in trouble; or rather that you were. Loving Johanna Mason is a death sentence.
And, unfortunately, you were guilty of that crime. Blown up into a million tiny pieces at the hands of the same bomb that killed Katniss’ little sister. She tries to reach out to Johanna. Or rather, she thinks Peeta encourages her to. But she can’t bring herself to answer. Not when Katniss gets the pleasure of living out the rest of her life with Peeta. Johanna doesn’t care if her sister is dead. She’s lost more and still has ended up alone.
So, that’s her fate. She doesn’t try again. To love. To care. Not about other people. Not about anything. But to sit alone under forest canopy, an axe still held firmly in her calloused hands. Some habits are hard to break.
So Johanna rots in that empty house that is too big for her, but too small for her grief, until the large doses of morphling will eventually get to her. She will die alone and unwanted. Her happy ending.
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Reality Check
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Chapter Eight of the Through the Scope series | Chapter Nine
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 5.2K
Chapter Overview: The morning after & the days that follow your and Frankie's hookup are joyful, but not everyone is joining in on the love
TW: Brief mentions of sexual assault & Brunson (iykyk)
Notes: i got it done by the hair of my chinny chin chin LMAOO ,, honestly i usually ramble in my notes but i dont have a lot to say today (': thank you to everyone who has liked and/or reblogged my story so far ! it means so much !! let me know if you want to be added to the tag list as well !! as usual...my asks are always open & happy reading <3
*no use of y/n & female presenting reader*
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Frankie’s alarm blares earlier than either of you want it too. Maybe it wouldn’t have felt so early if you had gone to bed sooner. You jump a little when you hear it going off and feel the man holding you stir behind you. The arm that he had wrapped around your waist detaches slowly to silence the unwelcome sound. You smile to yourself as you hear him breathe out deeply and snuggle his body closer to yours under the duvet.
“I sent it to snooze.” He yawns. “We only have a few more minutes of this.” 
He is clearly more awake than he sounds as his lips quickly find your shoulder. You stretch your neck out to allow him access and he greedily accepts your invitation. 
“I don’t want to go back to reality.” You can feel your heart rate already accelerating as he continues to adorn your skin. 
“Let’s stay here, in bed, all day. I have vacation hours, remember?”
“But I don’t.” You sigh and shift your body to where you can look at him. “And Benny can’t manage the gym all by himself anymore.” 
As you wait for him to say something, you allow your eyes to wander all over his face. His hair looks so curly and soft against the pillow. His eyes don’t look as sad as they do during the daytime. They appear youthful and doe-like.
“What are you doing?” He smiles.
“I’m trying to memorize what you look like first thing in the morning.” You bring your hand out from under the covers and caress his beard. “Does it always grow like this?” You gingerly brush your thumb over the sparse patch.
“Ever since I can remember. It made shaving easier, but it isn’t the most manly, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Oh? What would you say then?” He pokes at your ribs hidden beneath the sheets.
“I would say that any woman would love their very own special spot to kiss you.” 
You lean forward and kiss him softly. Your lips fit perfectly in the patch just like you thought they would. 
“But I don’t want any woman to kiss me. I just want one.”
He swallows your mouth with his and you willingly let him. Before you know it, he has you situated on top of him as the two of you kiss. His scent is huskier in the morning. It hasn’t been tainted by a long day of work. You break apart so you can look at him. He doesn’t fight with you as he has a particularly good view of your breasts from how you are sitting. Since he was laying on the left side of his body before, you weren’t able to see how the red flowers you left on his neck have grown this morning. But now you have a clear view.
“Don’t be mad at me, but I think you’re going to have a hard time covering these up.” You reach your hand down and trace each one with your finger. “I might have gotten a little carried away.” 
“You weren’t the only one.” His own hand comes up and brushes against your collar bone. The slight pain you feel makes you realize that you didn’t end the night blemish free. “Let’s call it even, hmm?” 
You’re leaning down to kiss him when the alarm goes off again. “Guess it’s time to get moving.” Not one to leave a task unfinished, you place your lips sweetly on the edge of his nose before sliding off his torso to land where you slept. You throw your legs over the side of the bed and stretch your arms high above your head. A soreness in your abs and in between your legs demands to be felt as you use your muscles for the first time since last night. That delicious ache serves as a physical reminder that what happened in this bed is real. That the man lying next to you is real. That this moment is so very real.
It also serves as a reminder that he didn’t pull out. While you knew it was safe, he didn’t. You turn your head over your shoulder and falter at what you see. He’s just staring at you. A childish grin on his face as he holds his head up with his hand. The covers have fallen just above his waist to give you a teasing view of that tummy you have grown so fond of. 
“Hey, about last night…” You worry when you see his smile flicker ever so slightly. “I just wanted to let you know that I have the implant. So, we are completely safe since we clearly weren’t safe last night.” 
“God bless modern medicine.” He laughs lightly. 
“I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head.” You give him a cheeky look.
“He sounds like quite the catch.” 
“Biggest fish I ever saw.” 
A comfortable laughter engulfs the two of you as you each search for the clothes that were discarded the night prior. You realize, a little grossed out, that you hadn’t showered since Saturday morning. 
“Do you mind if I use your shower before we leave? I promise I’ll be quick.” 
He nods and leads you into the bathroom. He shows you where the shampoo and conditioner are and even takes two towels. One for your body and one for your hair. Then he starts the water for you and makes a comment about how other people’s showers are always weirdly difficult to operate. While you were sure you could have managed on your own, you graciously stand back and allow him to take care of you. It’s nice to not have to be in control all the time.
“I think you’re all set. I’ll go get started on some coffee.” He taps the screen of his phone that he set down on the counter. “It’s not even 6:30 yet, you can take some extra time in here if you’d like.” 
He closes the door behind him as he leaves the bathroom. Instead of heading straight for the kitchen like he said he would, he sits down on your side of the bed and buries his head in his hands. When he heard you say Hey, about last night… he was sure you were going to tell him it was a one time thing, a simple fling. Now that you had gotten it out of your system, you didn’t want to be around him anymore. He tried to keep his emotions under lock and key, but he could tell by your hesitation that you had seen something flash across his face. When you revealed that you were only referring to your birth control he was more relieved than he would like to admit. Then the guilt crept in. He scolded himself for acting like a boy fumbling around in the dark and forgetting protection like that. He was always so good with it. He could barely keep himself afloat, but a kid too? How could he have been so careless?
Your playful remark had kept him from totally spinning out. I was going to say something before hand, but some guy fucked the thought right out of my head. He knew that you told him about it because you didn’t want him to worry. He had never had a partner that brought up the events of the night during the day to soothe him. Whenever Rochelle brought it up, it was to criticize something he did or didn’t do. It registered in his brain that he was subconsciously waiting for you to do the same because it is all he has ever known. But, you didn’t. You talked to him without annoyance and without contempt. You made him feel good about himself. He only hoped that he made you feel the exact same way. With a smile on his face, he treks to the kitchen.
You stare at the bruise on your collar bone in the mirror. You don’t think you have ever seen anything so lovely in your entire life. He had given you a small piece of him to carry around. While you knew it would fade, that made you cherish it all the more. The bathroom mirror starts to fog up and you know it's time to get in. You pick up the towels that are on the counter so you can drape them over the shower curtain and find something that peaks your interest. His dog tags lay haphazardly on the countertop. You pick up the cool metal and inspect it. There are random numbers debossed into it, you assume it related to his military group, and his name indented underneath them.
“Francisco Morales.” The name feels like velvet on your tongue. “That’s going to be fun to use.” 
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you lay your towels out, and hop into the embrace of the warm water.
“It’s going to be so nice to change into the extra set of clothes that I keep in my trunk.” You say walking into the kitchen. 
“You keep a change of clothes in your trunk?” He doesn’t turn around to face you as he is pouring coffee, but you can tell by his back shaking that he's laughing to himself. 
“Luck favors the prepared,” You walk up beside him and hop up on the counter. “Francisco.” 
That got his attention. He looks at you, completely shocked, as he sets the coffee pot down. 
“How did you-?”
“You really shouldn’t leave your dog tags lying about.” He moves his body in between your legs and grips your thighs. “Strangers might read them and find out all your secrets.” 
“Or maybe,” His lips brush against yours. “I should tie these strangers to the headboard so they don’t go wandering off.” 
Try as you might to stop it, goosebumps litter your skin at his words. You know he feels them against his palms when he smiles against you and bites at your lower lip. 
“Come on,” He whispers. “As much as I want to stay here with you, we have to get to work.” 
“Tease.” You taunt as you scoot off your ledge. 
You watch patiently as he puts lids on two to-go cups and plucks an orange from his fruit basket. 
“I know you don’t like to eat first thing in the morning, but you should still have something in your stomach.”
“Thank you.” You take the items from him. “Thank you for the whole weekend actually. You really saved me after the bar.”
“You never have to thank me. Anything that I do for you, I do because I want to.”
The two of you pull into Brass Knuckles’ parking lot before Benny. Your tote sat balanced on your right leg the whole car ride. Frankie had claimed the left one for himself the second he started driving. Even though you haven't touched your phone the entire weekend, you still had no desire to with Frankie sitting next to you. 
“When can I see you again?” He says as he puts his truck in park.
“As much as I want to see you tonight, I have to visit my dad. He’s going to be wondering who I have been choosing to spend my nights with over him. What about Tuesday?”
You notice the color drains out of his face when you mention that day.
“I actually have a…a meeting on Tuesday. It's for work. They like to have weekly progress meetings to keep us all on track.” 
“Oh, is that why you had to leave around 5 o’clock on Tuesday when you helped me with my car?” 
“Yeah, exactly.” He sounds like he is trying to convince himself more than you at this point, but you decide not to say anything. “What about Wednesday?”
“Third times the charm. Wednesday sounds perfect.” You smile.
He leans over the center console to kiss you before you get out. He tells you that he will wait until you’re inside the shop before he leaves, but you encourage him to go anyway. After a bit of coaxing he finally gives in. You wait and wave by your car as he drives off into the early morning air. You could feel it in your heart that you were in way deeper than you anticipated.
“Okay,” You dig the gym keys out of your tote. “First things first: time to change.” 
You unlock the door to the gym and find your house keys right where you left them so many days ago. Who knew that one simple mistake would lead to the events of this past weekend. After retrieving them, you jog out to your car, pop the trunk, and grab your spare clothes. Finally, you lock your car and head back inside to the safety of the gym. You opt to lock it just in case, plus Benny has a key so he can let himself in. 
As you make your way to the locker room, you pull out your phone to see what you missed. There was one text from your dad. He knew that you had plans Saturday night, so there weren't any messages from that day. However, the text you did receive from him was late Sunday evening, presumably after his group poker tournament, that asked about your next visit.
Dad: Coming to see your old man on Monday?
You heart the message and tell him that you are going to swing by after work like usual so he better be prepared to show you all the work he has been doing. Next, you check on Robbie.
“Oh God, I’m so fucking dead.”
There were 30 unread messages and 6 missed calls from your best friend. You never told her that you were going out that night. The texts weren’t about your absence at first though. The earlier ones ranged from updates on tests she took, her saying she would have to miss your usual Sunday evening call so she could study, and her conferming dates for when she was going to drive down to see you. As the evening went on, they started to get a little more specific. She asked where you were because you weren’t answering, then she said that she knew because she tracked your location. When you still didn’t respond, most likely due to inebriation, she said she was getting worried. Guilt racked your body to know she was concerned and you weren’t there to reassure her. She texted again after you made it to Frankie’s house and correctly guessed where you were. Robbie said that she hopped that you finally grew some balls and fucked him. God, you can’t wait to tell her. The last text she sent was very late Sunday night, or technically early Monday morning, saying that if she didn’t hear from you by the end of the day she was going to call the Florida police and file a missing persons report.
You decide that the best plan of action is to call her. She is more than likely awake at this time anyway. Texas was only an hour behind Florida and it was already 7:15 am. Setting your fresh clothes on a shelf in the locker room you press ‘call’ and select speaker mode while you start to undress. She answers on the third ring.
“You better have a really fucking good explanation as to why you went completely ghost on me this weekend! I was so worried! You never do that!”
“Robbie, I’m so so sorry that I didn’t call or text you back.” You toss your old shirt into your tote. “Truth be told, I didn’t get on my phone at all this weekend. You could say I was a bit preoccupied.”
“You didn’t…”
“I did!” You yell into the speaker.
You’re sure that all of the dogs in the surrounding area can hear both you and Robbie’s high pitched celebratory shrieks. She sounds even happier than you do if you’re being honest.
“I want to know everything! Don’t you dare skimp on the details! Oh my God I’m so glad this finally fucking happened!”
You try your best to recount everything that went down while you continue changing. She sounds like she’s going to go into cardiac arrest when you tell her about the saved bottle cap and sticky note. When you finally get to the part where you had sex she is having a full blown conniption on the other end of the phone. 
“Robbie, I’ve never been with a man that was so eager to eat me out like that. He was, holy shit, he was relentless like…”
Her loud and incoherent rambling through the speaker cuts you off and sends you into a fit of laughter. 
“I had no idea it could feel that amazing! Oh God and when he fucked me? I didn’t think it was possible for me to feel …safe.” You take a shaky breath and push down memories that threaten to bubble to the surface. “I really didn’t think I could feel safe doing that again after what happened.”
She’s quiet, for the first time in the conversation, while she processes what you said. 
“I’m so happy that he was able to provide that for you, babe. And I’m sorry that you had that feeling of safety stolen from you regarding sex. That wasn’t fair and it wasn’t your fault.”
“I guess I just kinda closed myself off from the possibilities of letting another man in like that again.” You clear your throat to chase away the feeling of being choked up. “I’m sorry again for disappearing on you.”
“It better not happen again!” She says with false seriousness. “Ugh, I need a man that will fuck me like that. I’m in a serious drought right now.”
“Well,” You say in a sing-songy manner. “Like I said a while back, I have a guy here that could treat you the way you deserve.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. What was his name again? Will?” 
You hear the faint sound of keys jingling and a lock opening and are shocked at how time has gotten away from you.
“Hey, I hear Benny coming into the gym so that means I’m gonna have to help him prep for the day. Call you later?”
“Yes, please!”
You hang up and toss the rest of your discarded clothes into your tote. Before you leave you look at your face in the mirror. Honestly, with the lack of sleep coupled with the absence of makeup, you don’t look half bad today. 
“Morning, Benny!” You shout as you exit the locker room. 
“Ahh! What the fuck?” You have to stifle laughter after seeing him jump nearly a foot in the air. “I didn’t know you were here?!”
“I was back there changing.” You swing your very full bag over your shoulder in confirmation. “I figured it would be weird if I was still wearing Saturday’s clothes on Monday.”
“I thought Fish was goin’ to take you to pick up your car after we left?”
All you can do is stand there and try to suppress a devious smile that you feel forming on your lips.
“No fucking way! You two never left that house did you?!”
“In my defense,” You say, walking to the lobby. “He made a very compelling argument not to leave.”
“I knew he had it in him to seal the deal! Come on,” He wraps his arm around your shoulder and walks with you. “Tell me everything while we open up. I need to make sure he treated you well.”
“Everything.” You raise one of your eyebrows.
“Well skip the sex stuff.”
You’re blown away with how far your dad has come in his physical therapy in only a little over a month. He can actually walk on his own now. Technically, it's only short distances and with a cane for support, but he’s walking by himself nonetheless. You watch peacefully as Miss. Maggie walks next to him and sweetly utters quiet encouragement. When he finally makes it back to his chair, Miss. Maggie lets the two of you know that she’s going to take her break and will be back in about 20 minutes.
“So,” He props his cane up against the arm of the chair. “What did you get up to this weekend? I was a little shocked that you texted me saying that you had plans.”
“What? I can’t have plans now?” You joke.
“No, no. I just didn’t know you had made any friends that you cared enough about to make plans with.”
“Remember that guy who hired me? Benny? I’ve gotten pretty close with him and his group of friends. They actually surprised me on Saturday by taking me to a bar they frequent to celebrate my ‘one month anniversary’ working at the gym.” 
“That’s mighty kind of them, sweet pea. I’m proud you have stuck it out this long. Did you have fun?”
“I did! It was nice to get out and do something.”
“Because spending your weekends with your dad is such a drag, right?”
“You know that's not what I mean.” You cock your head to the side.
“I know it wasn’t, but I hope it made you realize that. I don’t want you to spend the short time that you have here tethered to me. I want you to still have a life.”
“I’m literally here for you.” You counter.
“And I’m grateful for that, but you worry about everyone else around you before you worry about yourself. You can’t fully help people until you help yourself. Plus, you ditching me on Saturday gave me an opportunity.” He winks.
“I asked Maggie to coffee on Wednesday after her shift. It will be here in the cafeteria we have, so it won’t be in a fancy place or even particularly good coffee, but that won’t matter. The location is irrelevant as long as you’re with the right person. Remember that.” 
“I’m really happy for you, dad.” You reach out your hand and squeeze his. “I’ll remember. I promise.”
Ever since Frankie dropped you off Monday morning, the two of you have been texting like two middle school girls who have just gotten phones. Granted it's only Tuesday now, but you didn’t even text Robbie this much. They weren’t anything particularly deep, yet it was sweet to know that he wanted to share what he was doing during the day with you. He sent you a picture of the sun when he got to work yesterday, then a photo of the sandwich he picked up for lunch with a ‘6/10’ texted below it, and later on during the evening he sent you a picture of the moon and said ‘I thought you would like this’. Today you were a little bit surprised to see his name pop up with ‘good morning!’ next to it. Surely this meant y’all were more than just a one night stand. You spin yourself around in your desk chair as you let hundreds of ‘what if’ scenarios play out in your head. You didn’t want to assume anything, but this felt special to you. It felt really, really good. Your spinning comes to a halt when you hear your phone chime.
Frankie: I’m sorry that I can’t see you tonight because of my stupid meeting, but maybe I can make it up to you?
You: How do you plan on doing that?
Frankie: Since I can’t be there in person to make it up to you the way I really want too…I have something else up my sleeve.
You: You’re not going to tell me what it is, are you?
Frankie: Where’s the fun in that? Trust me, you’ll know it when you see it.
Before you have a chance to respond, the doorbell announces that a customer has walked in. A little part of you hoped it was the man behind the screen, but you were sorely mistaken. 
“Good afternoon to my favorite receptionist in the whole gym!”
“I’m the only receptionist in the whole gym, Brunson.” Your fingers are itching to text Frankie back, but instead you direct them to your computer keys.
“That doesn’t matter, darlin’. You’d still be my favorite even if you weren’t.” 
You could tell he thought that was a real winner of a line by the smug grin on his face.
“Oh, wow. Lucky me.” You yawn as you shift your gaze to the computer screen.
“So, are you going to come see me fight this Friday? I’m sure you’ve seen me in here training for it.”
“Well, since I work here I’ll be there by default.” You say without looking up at him. “And believe it or not, I’m not actually the one training you so I have no idea what goes on behind that brick wall.”
“I need a sweet little thing like you in my corner.” He either doesn’t pick up on your annoyance or chooses to ignore it. “Waiting on me with a fresh towel to wipe my face and some water for me to drink in between rounds.”
“Would you look at that? You’re all checked in for your session! I’m sure Benny would be more than happy to see you now.” You smile sickeningly sweet. “Enjoy your workout.”
“See you soon, darlin’.” He says as he heads back.
“Not if I can help it.” You mutter under your breath.
The doorbell’s cheery jingle rings out again as soon as Brunson has thankfully left your line of sight. When you turn to face the guest, you recognize her. It’s the woman who unfortunately walked in on you telling Benny that you would kick his ass last Thursday. Her hair is a golden color and is as straight as an arrow while her eyebrows were as dark as the night sky. She was about your height and dawned what looked like very expensive workout gear. 
“Good afternoon, Ma’am! How may I help you today?”
She looks a little uncomfortable as she approaches your desk. “I’m just here to sign up for a membership actually. My friend originally recommended that I come to this gym and I liked it so much the last time I was here that I figured I would make it official.”
“That’s wonderful to hear!” You chalk her awkwardness up to this being a male dominated gym. “Let me get the paperwork for you to fill out.” You grab a pen out of your holder and then the membership document out of your desk’s filing basket and hand it to her. “Once you finish this, your physical copy of the membership card should be mailed to you in about a week's time. If you decide to pay us a visit before then, I can just check you in manually through our computer system.” 
You gesture to a few chairs placed against the front glass wall of the building for her to sit in while she works on the form. Movement from out in the parking lot catches your eye and you see a delivery man approaching the gym with an enormous vase of flowers. You watch, confused, as he walks inside. 
“I have a delivery for uhhh…” He looks down at his work tablet and looks back up as he says your name.
“That’s me. You can set them down right here if you’d like.” You wave your hand to the open left corner of your desk.
He tips his hat to you and walks out the door before you even get a chance to ask who sent them. Lucky for you, you already had a feeling who the culprit is. You stand up so you can inspect them closer. The flowers were massive lilies, but not at all like the ones you used to have on your kitchen table. These had petals that were a striking deep pink in the center that were encircled by a lighter shade of pink that eventually faded into white at the edges. Each petal also had a beautiful freckled pattern on them that was an almost mauve in color. Their scent was intoxicating. Within only a few seconds, the entire lobby smelled like a field of them. You see a small note attached to the neck of the vase by some string. 
Stargazer lilies for my estrella -Frankie
“Wow, someone must really like you.” 
“Do you really think so?” You poke your head around the bouquet to look at the woman seated across from you. “It’s still the early stage, the very early stage, for me and this guy.” Your cheeks already hurt from how hard you’re smiling. 
“By the looks of that arrangement I would definitely say so. What’s the occasion? Anniversary? Birthday?”
“Nothing like that.” You feel a mix of bashfulness and pride talking about Frankie. “We weren’t able to see each other this evening because of a work meeting he has to go to every Tuesday. He sent these to make up for it.”
“That’s so sweet! Who’s the lucky guy?”
Before you have a chance to answer, Benny walks into the lobby, but is stopped in his tracks by the newest addition to your desk.
“Did Fish send those?!”
“Yeah, he did.” You blush under his surprise. 
“I’ve never seen him act like this over someone before and I’ve known him for a long time.” Benny looks at you with genuine gratefulness in his eyes as he comes around to grab a water bottle from the mini fridge. “I fully support whatever is going on between the two of you.” He gives the top of your head a quick kiss before he rounds the brick wall again. 
“Fish?” The woman has a strange look on her face.
“Oh! It’s just a nickname of sorts that his friends have for him.”
“Interesting.” She beams as she comes up to hand you her finished paperwork.
“It was nice to talk with you,” You glance down at what she wrote. “Georgina!”
“I enjoyed it too! I’m sure I’ll see you around!”
You sit back down in your chair and, unfortunately, you miss her pulling out her phone and dialing a number because you’re busy sending Frankie a thank you text for sending you flowers that look like he plucked them out of the night sky. 
“You will never guess what just happened!” Georgina squeals into her speaker.
“Spit it out, George!” A woman barks on the other end.
“I was just at Brass Knuckles, right? Getting a membership like you asked to do? When I was signing up this delivery guy came in holding this gigantic vase of flowers for the new receptionist.” 
“Why the fuck would that concern me?”
“It should concern you because they were from Frankie, Rochelle.” 
“Did she say that explicitly?” Her tone has gone from mild annoyance to full blown anger.
“That guy Benny did. The one that runs the gym? He called him ‘fish’. That’s Frankie, right?” When Rochelle doesn’t answer right away, she presses on. “I thought the two of you were going to rekindle the relationship or something?”
“He never gave me a straightforward answer.” She grumbles. “Now I know why. George, I think it’s time that I had a little heart-to-heart with Frankie.”
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{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @mxtokko @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 @golden-library @pati-et-vivere @mashomasho @lilmizmoz @angstylittlepascal @sofiparallel @selflcontrol @adriennemichelle98 @painitemoondust @pedritosgirl2000 @tpwkmera }
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demondamage · 10 months
Soo this was for an ask on my NSFWhump accoutnt for @bookerbluedragon but it ended up being cute and fluffy so uhhh enjoy
No major content warnings Words: 801 Characters: Warren and Aziphem
“Is it supposed to be cracking at the base?”
“I mean it looks kind of raw, are you sure you don't want like- a little lotion or something?”
Another shrug.
“Azzi- Do you have any idea how your horns are supposed to be treated” Warren sighed, putting down the razor he had been using to clean up the demon’s side shave. “And don’t you dare shrug again.”
Aziphem paused for a moment before throwing up a quick shrug and hopping off the barstool they had set up for a haircut. In all honesty he was not thrilled about letting the human touch his hair. Kotarou had been far too fond of playing with it. That said- he had become awfully shaggy without the regular maintenance. 
“I bailed out of the underworld first chance I got. How am I supposed to know how my horns work?” He shrugged, turning to the mirror by the sink. He did look much better, but he could see what Warren was worried about. The skin around the base of his horns was… cracked and damaged. “Ew– sorry you had to see that.”
“It’s not gross.” Warren tried to reassure him. “Trust me, I’ve seen worse. But- it is concerning. Has it always been like that?”
“I mean- yeah? I never really– got to look at it? Mirrors weren’t really an option for me but I do remember it hurting.” Aziphem leaned in, starting to rub at the painful skin. “I just- had more important things to deal with?”
“Azzi don’t pick at it-” Warren sighed, remnants of a losing battle about this topic weighing on his voice. He had been trying to get the demon to just stop irritating his injuries- but years of doing so was hard to undo. “Can I put a little ointment on it? Please?”
Aziphem hmmed for a moment, staring down the little pot of hand cream. It didn’t… look dangerous. And he had seen the human use it before…
“I get to put it on you first.” Aziphem crossed his arms, still untrusting of anything deemed medicine. Even if it was an over the counter hand cream Warren had got at their ill fated CVS trip. 
At least Warren would humor him. The human popped the top off of the little jar, holding it out. “I’ve put this on in front of you– too many times to count? Cmon, it doesn’t hurt.”
That didn’t stop Aziphem from cautiously sniffing it, dipping a finger in it to examine closer.
“Don’t lick it.”
“I’m not going to lick it.”
“I watched you eat my sugar scrub yesterday.”
“I– may have done that yes.” Aziphem shrunk in embarrassment, cream still on his finger. “It tasted funny.” 
“I would imagine it did,” Warren rolled his big brown eyes, but held out his arm to Aziphem. “Now, go on. Test it so we can get on with our night.”
With an unneeded amount of caution, Aziphem reached out and gently rubbed a small swatch on Warren’s exposed forearm, staring at it intently as if he expected it to burn. Instead it simply rubbed in, as moisturizers tended to.
“See?” Warren finished rubbing in the lotion. “It will not hurt you.”
It took Aziphem a few moments to agree, watching the human’s skin for any sign of red marks or bumps. Finally satisfied, he returned to the barstool after brushing a few remaining locks of hair off of it. “Fine. I’ll allow it.’
“Will you now?” Warren stifled a little chuckle. “You’re not scared of the hand cream anymore?”
“I will bite you human-”
“You keep saying that and yet you never have.” Warren rested a hand on Aziphem’s horn, gently tilting his head and applying the lotion to the base. “Let me know if it hurts.”
Horns were tools, strong appendages used for bashing and goring opponents. Much like his claws and fangs, these were weapons hardened by decades of use.
And yet Warren’s hands made them feel so soft.
The human started at the base, applying a heavy coat on the cracked skin before working his fingers up. The deep grooves were spider webbed with cracks and flaked with dirt, but Warren didn’t seem to mind. He was so gentle and tender, like a rusted and battle forged blade being cleaned for the first time in decades. Aziphem cooed softly, melting into Warren’s touch with eyes closed.
Aziphem immediately pouted as Warren pulled his hands away, like a puppy no longer being pet. The big needy eyes must have clued him in to what he needed.
“Good? I’ve never heard you make that noise Azzi-”
“Shuddup.” The demon nuzzled his horn back into the human’s hand, desperate for Warren to continue. “Please?”
“Only if you keep making those cute little sounds.”
Warziphem writing tag: @whumpsday @whumpinthepot @quietly-by-myself @whatwhumpcomments @mel-the-pirate @dont-look-me-in-the-eye @roblingoblin285 @emcscared-whumps @looptheloup
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padfootagain · 9 months
The Moustache
The Moustache
Hello! Today, we’re answering an anonymous request: “Helloooo! You see I woke up from my nap thinking about this… You see how Ben had a mustache in the cabinet of curiosities when he played old william? I don’t really know if it was fake or he had to grow it, but for the shake of this idea lets gonna pretend he had to grow it. I remember years ago reading a Sebastian Stan fic where he also had to grow the mustache for the I, Tonya film and reader be like “I’m not kissing you until you shave that thing off your face” and I thought it would be fun reading something like that Ben? If you’re down for it. Reader being playful and turning her face when he tries to kiss her or something like that🙈 I’m not really fan of guy’s with mustaches but I guess we always can make exceptions….”
I have no idea what the fanfic the anon is referring to, but the idea is absolutely adorable, so let’s goooo!
Thank you for your request, anon! I hope you enjoy your fic!
I hope you all like this cute little fic! Tell me what you think of it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: absolute fluffiness that will leave your teeth rotten
Summary: Ben needs to grow a moustache for his role in Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosity. You’re not a fan, although… perhaps you don’t hate it as much as pretend you do.
Word count: 1611
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You’ve never liked moustaches.
It’s simply not your thing. You don’t find it aesthetically pleasing, it tickles when you kiss…
Still, as Ben is getting ready to work for his next Netflix show and he has to grow a moustache… you don’t mind it that much.
You would be lying if you claimed that you didn’t prefer him with a full beard or a clean-shaven face, still… it must be Ben’s magic playing with your head cause you still find him dashing this morning, as you see him shaving his cheeks, shaping his moustache with care.
It’s rather late in the morning, but it’s Sunday and you both enjoy these days slow-paced and lazy, filled with blankets, cuddles and cups of tea.
You have lingered in bed for a long while with Ben this morning, taking your time to wake up under his kisses, holding onto him tight as he whispered sweet nothings in your ear. The sun was fully risen when you summoned enough strength to get up and prepare a breakfast for two, Ben making his famous pancakes and you cutting fruits and preparing your favourite beverages and stealing touches as you walked by him.
Now, you’re coming out of the shower that you shared with Ben. The habit domestic and loving, of hands running through hair, and palms massaging tired shoulders, and fingers rubbing soft caresses as well as soap on the other’s skin.
Ben’s hair is still a wet mess, dark strands falling before his eyes. He’s wearing nothing but a towel hanging low on his hips, and you can’t help but stare at him as he gets ready.
You put on your underwear while stealing glances, but Ben is too focused to notice the way you gawk at him, admiring the few droplets lingering over the small of his back and along his spine.
He frowns after a while though, staring at his own reflection scrunching his nose in focus.
He turns to you, a slight tilt of the head as he asks you a question.
“Did I make my moustache even? I can’t tell anymore, I’ve been staring at it for too long…”
You chuckle at that, but examine his work all the same, taking the scissors he offers to make the shape perfect.
“Will no one make sure you’ve done a good job on set anyway?”
“At make-up? Of course. But I still have to live for a whole week without any professional help and still try my best to not look ridiculous.”
“But you have my help!” you chime.
“Yeah… that’s what I’m saying.”
You swat his upper arm playfully as you protest, making him laugh.
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”
“You shouldn’t play that game with me when I’m holding the scissors. The fate of your facial hair is in my hands, after all.”
He fakes fear, in a not-so-convincing way, especially for a talented actor…
“Please, have mercy, don’t take it out on the moustache!”
“Stop talking, you’re moving your lips.”
It’s quiet for a few minutes while you shape his moustache the best you can, and you have a proud smile as you put down the scissors.
“Done! Look! What do you think?”
He smiles as he looks at his reflection once more.
“Quite good! Well done!” Ben leans to give you a kiss, but he frowns hard when you scrunch your nose as you pull away.
“This thing tickles. When are you getting rid of it?”
He laughs at that.
“In a couple of months, I would say.”
“Two months?! Wow… that’s a lot…”
“You hate it that much?”
His tone is playful still, and yet you don’t fail to recognize the hesitation in his gaze.
You roll your eyes.
“You’re always gorgeous, baby,” you reassure him, and it earns you a bright grin.
“But?” he adds, raising a brow.
“But… I’m not a fan of the moustache.”
“Really?” he asks, touching the hair above his lip. “I thought it gave me some… mature charm.”
“You don’t need a moustache to look mature.”
“Are you implying that I’m old?”
“Of course!”
You can’t refrain your laughter this time, shaking your head at the outrage in his eyes.
“No, you’re not old! Besides, you’re aging gracefully.”
“Getting better, like a fine wine?” he teases, and you nod.
“So, if I wanted to keep my moustache after the movie was done…?”
“Well, you’re free to do whatever you want with your facial hair,” you answer cautiously.
“But you won’t like it.”
You know he’s teasing, not being truly serious.
“I might refuse to kiss you as often as I do now.”
He looks at you with shock, a hand on his heart.
“That would be awfully cruel of you, love!”
“But it tickles! And it’s…”
You merely shake your head.
“Actually, I’m not sure I want to kiss you anymore, now that you have that thing on your face,” you tease him, and Ben knows what you’re doing. He still plays along, gasping.
“No kisses! That would be too cruel. Besides, we both know you wouldn’t hold for more than five minutes! You love my kisses too much for that.”
As if to prove a point, he drops a couple of pecks on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you to pull you close. When you feel him tugging at the clasp of your bra, you pull away though.
“Is that a challenge? Cause I can totally resist the urge of kissing you for a whole day. Especially when you’re sporting that thing.”
“Thing? It’s not alive, you know?”
“Are you sure?”
You both laugh at that while you put on a shirt and some jeans, and Ben gets dressed as well.
“I bet you can last an hour, and then you’ll give up and come cuddle and steal kisses,” he challenges you, and you raise an eyebrow, meeting his confident gaze.
“You think you’re this charming, huh?”
“I am. To you, at least.”
He rolls his eyes, but when he answers, the words are more genuine, less playful.
“I simply assume that you’re as obsessed with me as I am with you.”
You grin at that, and you lean to kiss him, before you remember his challenge. You shake yourself out of your urge, and narrow your eyes at him.
“Hmmm… Almost fell for this one,” you admit, making him laugh.
“You would have held on for a grand thirty seconds, then. That would have been a record, you’re all over me all the time when we’re alone.”
“That’s not true!”
“Yes, it is. And I’m all over you as well, and I like it that way.”
It’s his time to lean closer, but you turn your head away, his lips landing on your cheek instead of your lips, making you giggle as he gives you a big smooch anyway.
“No! No kisses!”
You both laugh at that as you walk out of the bathroom.
It turns out it’s easy to last for an hour without kissing him, because Ben spends some time working and you spend some time reading. Even if you’ve both settled in the living room, you’re both busy with your own tasks, and merely hold hands from time to time.
The real struggle comes after this quiet time, when Ben starts seriously losing focus and sets himself on a cuddling mission, lying down and resting his head on your laps so you can run your fingers through his dark hair. He heaves a content sigh at the feeling.
But the moment lasts just a few minutes as Ben grows restless and is soon playing with your hand, then lifting the hem of your shirt to kiss your stomach.
“Stop! It tickles!” you complain in a laughter you can’t hold back, pushing him off of you and almost making him fall off the couch.
He rolls his eyes.
“I usually have a beard and you’re perfectly fine with that!”
“But it doesn’t feel the same.”
He gives you a look and scoffs.
“You’re being dramatic.”
“And you’re irritating.”
He scrunches his nose, moving his moustache in the process, and you can’t help but laugh at him for it. It earns you another dramatic eye-roll.
“Come on, I want kisses,” he complains, leaning closer, but you turn away, laughing.
“No! No kisses while you have that moustache!”
“I’ll have it for two months, you can’t hold that promise, love.”
“I can! I will!”
But Ben grows annoyed now, because, after all, he does want his kisses. His tone is less humorous when he speaks again.
“Love, please. Darling, I want to kiss you. I’m not joking now.”
You pout.
You nod, and he smiles again as he leans closer…
…for his lips to meet the cover of your book.
You explode in laughter, and if he didn’t love this sound so much, he would be mad at you right now.
“You’re so cruel…”
But you take his face in your hands in a tender hold, and he can’t keep scowling.
“Sorry, baby. That’s enough teasing. And I need more than you having a stupid moustache to not want to kiss you anymore.”
“Good to know.”
And you yield. You kiss him, forgetting about this challenge of his, and it’s worth it. Despite the moustache, you adore his kisses more than anything in this world.
He chuckles against your lips as you melt into his arms.
“So much for holding on for a whole day…”
“You were getting too needy and moody.”
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“Let me kiss you again…”
You smile, nodding, bumping your nose into his in the process.
“Please, do.”
Taglist : @sergeantbuckybarnes @wolfmoonmusic @reg-arcturus-black
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Ok so here is the request… so Loki and reader had a baby and recovery and life with the baby is going really well. All super fluffy and adorable! Loki has made it clear with the constant cuddles and little touches that he misses making love to her. Her reactions show that she does too but she is very nervous about it after birth. After the appointment where she is cleared she tells Loki how she wants too she’s just nervous that it won’t be as good for him anymore. Loki being Loki decides to make a very special night for her to show her that there truly is nothing to worry about. He has no intention on doing anything until she is 100% ready (consent is sexy af) and after feeling all the love he has given her she no longer is nervous. So super tender fluffy smut maybe??? Sorry if the request is lengthy 😅 but it’s something I have been thinking about since I’m on bed rest… If you don’t like it that’s totally fine and it won’t hurt my feelings at all! 🥰
This is such a cute request and I hope you'll like this 🥰 I tried to make it as fluffy as possible.
Warning: 18+ Smut, Sex, Unprotected Sex, Lactation kink, Slight Breeding kink, husband Loki, dad loki
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"Are you missing dada baby? He'll be back soon" you cooed at your newborn and your princess let out the cutest sound you have ever heard, your heart beat sped as you rocked the little bundle of joy in your arms. You were trying to make her fall asleep, you saw your gynaec yesterday and she finally cleared you to have sex with your husband. The last few weeks have been hard for both of you, not just him. You missed having him inside you like that and the way he has been so clingy to you, you knew how much he was missing it too.
Loki has been nothing but supportive of you, ever since you met him, he always uplifted you, you remembered the day you told him that you both were having a baby, his eyes teared up and then couldn't hold it back, he cried as he clutched onto you, a baby, he had made a baby with you and he couldn't have gotten more blessed than this.
As she finally slept, you placed her in her crib and got yourself ready for the night, you shaved everywhere and showered, put on a two layered nightgown and waited for him to return from a meeting at the tower. 
When he came back he showered too and went to see the princess, he didn't want to wake her up so he came back to you soon after, he kissed you softly and looked at the sexy attire you had on, you told him yesterday about what your doctor said and he was over the moon.
"She's sleeping, it's a miracle" you chuckled as he said that, you felt overly nervous, before becoming a mother you felt confident about your body, the confidence that loki built in you because of how sweet he was with you, he absolutely thoroughly worshiped you but now you felt like that shy insecure girl again. Your body had changed after pregnancy, you had put on extra weight, your breasts felt saggy due to the breast feeding, your stomach has turned a lot softer and you didn't even want to think about your vagina, what if it feels different for him? What if he isn't as attracted to you as he used to be ? He was nothing but supportive, he'd never hurt you like that but the fear still plagued your mind.
"I know that look, stop overthinking my love" he untied the strings of the robe and pulled it down from your shoulders slowly, his lips latched onto your neck, he was so enamored by you, he has been since met you, you became his whole world and now you had given him a princess, the day his daughter was born he was the happiest man on earth. He wanted to show you tonight how much he adored his wife, how much he loved you. In case you had a doubt. 
"I'm just nervous" you smiled but your eyes teared up with an overflowing bundle of emotions in your head.
"I know..but it's me hmm? Your husband, the man who loves you, the man who just wants to worship you, my goddess you are beautiful. My love for you and my lust towards this voluptuous body of yours has only grown in the last few months, I thought I made it very clear with all the touching" he mumbled softly and you smiled again, his words soothed the worries you had in your mind. But he knew his wife, he knew he'd have to show you how badly he wanted to stay snuggled around you, how his cock ached to be surrounded by your warmth, words won't be enough tonight. 
He unzipped your nightie and pulled the straps down, the sight of your bare breasts made his mouth salivate, oh he was so thirsty for you and he was going to have his fill. They looked different than before, but norns if the sight didn't make him strain his pants painfully. 
"May I?" He asked you and you bit on your lips, he cupped your breasts and you shivered, they were sore and he knew that, he wasn't going to be anything but gentle with you tonight. 
"So heavy" he mumbled as his tongue took a swipe over your nipples, you threw your head back, just the sight of his lips on your breasts made you gush uncontrollably. 
As he sucked on your right nipple in his mouth, you clutched your fingers around his hair, droplets of milk came out of your nipples and he looked at you with such an awestruck look in his eyes. 
"This is enchanting, you're magic my love, and so fucking beautiful, norns can I ..please?" Your eyes flickered as he asked for your permission to suck the milk right from its source, 
"You want to suck on my breasts? Want me to feed you the milk?" You asked him and his eyes darkened,
"When you put it like that, look how hard that made me for you" you moaned as he placed your palm on his bulge.
"Yess please" you never thought something like this would turn you on so bad but it was loki. What did you expect? Everything he did to you brought only pleasure. 
You laid down on your back, the rest of the material was ripped apart by his strong hands, your panties were soaked but he didn't take them off just yet, he pumped your breasts with his hand and the milk came out in small droplets, he sucked on it hungrily and you moaned, this felt filthy but sweet at the sweet time. 
"Do you like it?" You asked him as you slowly took his shirt off and he looked up at you, 
"You taste so sweet my darling, you don't have to use those silly contraptions from now on, I'd happily do it from now whenever you need relief" he was referring to the breast pump, once he was done with your right breast he focused his attention on the left one, the sound of his suckles made you dampen those panties beyond belief. 
"Mmm touch me while I drink from you baby, touch my cock please" you pulled his trousers down and wrapped your hand around his cock, giving him small strokes, he humped his hips into your fist, he was so desperate for you. He has longed for this moment, this was the longest he had gone without having you like this. 
"Fuck baby I need you please " you whined underneath him and the sound of your whimpers made him out his head up and kiss you immediately,
"You have me love" he slid down your panties, and his fingers rubbed over your soaked drenched lips, 
"Mmm spread those beautiful legs for me sweetheart, open up for me, show me your cunt" he whispered in your ear, his voice was soft but his words were nasty, a combination you have always enjoyed. You complied to his command immediately, your knees folded up and he got between them, 
"Look at you, all spread out for the father of your child" you moaned as his cock rubbed against your clit, 
"Hubby please, please fuck me I have waited so long" he smiled as he noticed your desperation that equally matched his, 
"Tell me if it hurts or feels uncomfortable, Don't hide from me baby, okay?" He told you and you nodded, he entered you slowly and you clutched onto his hands, his fingers clasped around yours, 
"Oh norns..fuck ..my sweet gorgeous wifey, you're divine..ohh yess" he mumbled as your walls wrapped around him, this is what you felt nervous about, but more or less it felt the same to you and from his reaction to having his cock inside you, your worries vanished immediately
"Goddd lo ..I have missed you inside me and..please move please" you whined again and he moved his hips back and forth slowly, his cock angled upwards to touch that sweet spot that always made your toes curl
"I love you darling, and if even for a moment you thought that I wouldn't want to ruin the mother of my child like this then I hope this proves you wrong" his placed his palm the bed, on either side of you as he leaned over you, his hips thrusted inside you slowly, the curls of his long raven hair fell on his face, so you pushed it back with your fingers and pulled him down to kiss him deeply. 
"Thank you lo, god I'm the luckiest woman in the world, thank you thank you" you mumbled incoherently.
He shook his head as you said that 
"Nooo you have given me everything I have ever desired in life, love, acceptance, a beautiful daughter, a family, you are everything to me my little dove, everything " your eyes teared up as he whispered softly, his pace Increased and you could feel the sensations building up in the pit of your stomach, 
"I love you so much..I'm so close please" you whispered, your voice came out all strained from the mind numbing sensations you were feeling.
"Mmm i want to get you all plump and round again, fill your womb with my seed and keep you all swelled up, show everyone that you belong to me for eternity ..cum with me love..let go " you came on his command, the loud moan erupted from your throat, he growled as he felt your walls tightening around him and it milked his orgasm out of him, you felt the familiar coldness filling you up, his hips kept moving slowly as you both rode through your orgasm.
He sat back on his knees, his hand fixed his hair as his breathing leveled back to normal, he grabbed your ankles and placed them on his shoulders, then his lips placed little kisses all over your skin,
"That was so good" he smiled and pulled out as you said that, his cum seeped out of you but he used his fingers to keep them in. He went to the bathroom to clean himself up and brought a wet towel to clean you then he climbed back into the bed with you, you snuggled into him and his arm wrapped around you protectively. 
He had dreamt of this life, his own little family and the day he met you he knew he had found it all, he'd never not wake up with you in his arms and feel anything less than gratitude. 
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not experience-is (vent tw) sorry but
I need to come out. I can’t keep living like this. I’m 16, I shouldn’t have to live like this.
It hurts. This feeling.
My family… is weird, when it comes to queer stuff. Well, my brother is alright, but my parents kind of suck? Like they love me and all, just hate what I am. It hurts. It sucks.
I want to go to school as a guy. I want people to look at me and call me “he”
but if I come out people will only laugh. It never goes well for queer kids at my school. Never physical bullying, just picking on people until they leave the school.
I don’t really care about the people at school though tbh. I’m just scared.
But I’m missing out. As I’m getting older we’re expected to be maturing. I’m meant to like make up and dresses and shave my legs, and it’s becoming clearer and clearer to everyone around me why I’m not doing any of those things. It’s not a cute kid phase to them anymore, it’s some gay agenda. I just feel like I’m missing out. On the shaving my face and wearing suits and growing taller and being a boy who’s becoming a man. I’m missing out and have to settle for a girl who can’t yet become a boy.
I hate it.
There are a couple of teachers at my school who I could tell, I think. But I don’t know if I want to.
I’m so scared. Coming out is scary, but staying closeted seems worse. I just. Don’t know.
I’m sorry for venting.
No need to be sorry, vents are always welcome <3 I am mostly closeted myself, and I understand how much it can hurt and how awful it can feel. It's not just about the way you view yourself but how others see you, and knowing that they likely don't recognize you as who you really are is really horrible. Coming out is terrifying, and please *DO NOT COME OUT IF IT IS UNSAFE TO DO SO*, however if you are in a situation where coming out is possible, I do recommend that you come out to at least one person. In the future, they may be able to help you come out to more. Additionally, coming out doesn't have to be big or in person. Out of the people I have come out to, almost all have been through sending them messages online, because it's less scary that way for me. Lastly, remember that when you are older, you can live the boyhood you missed out on. Even if it's late, it will come and it will be brilliant. You will be able to shave your face/wear suits /grow taller/become a man soon enough, and I can't wait for you to get there :)
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harlowcomehome · 11 months
Jack Harlow one sentence concepts:
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“Wait? Are you seriously making me wear this?”
“Not too much now.”
“If you throw me in Jackman, I will divorce you.”
“Please don’t shave, I like it better long”
“You’re being dramatic, it’s not even that big of a deal.”
“Say that shit to my face!”
“I love you this much!”
"We talked about this, remember?"
“What do you mean it’s not big enough?”
“Just shut up and kiss me”
“Clearly you’re angry at something.”
“You sir don’t know how to play nice.”
“You have changed my life forever.”
“I’m tired of waiting for you. I want you now”
“Did you really just do that?”
“My wife is hot as hell so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
"You don't know how long I've loved you.”
“Please, god, get me a coffee and then I’ll think”
“You’re so fucking kissable right now.”
“Don’t you ever say that again”
“Can I get a smile from you?”
"How can Lucky have done it? He doesn't have thumbs."
“I’m tired of it being our lil secret.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Maybe this is for the best.”
“So, like are you gonna kiss me or?”
"I'm just asking that you stand up for me, Jack!"
“Daddy, I wanna hug you I’m sad.”
“Come closer.”
“Daddy hold my hand so you don’t get lost okay?”
“But I wanna match outfits with you….”
"Your belly button is so cute!"
“Daddy snores so loud, make him shush, mommy.”
“Bro? No I’m not your bro I’m babe or baby but not bro.”
"I can't believe you thought I wouldn't notice!"
"Feel better, Mommy."
"Jade, what did you do?"
"Stop snoring, I can't focus."
“But mommy said to ask you.”
"Daddy, be serious.”
“Jade, I need a hug.”
“Time for cuddles!”
"Were you having a nightmare baby?"
“Not gonna lie, that gave me the ick.” Warning: suggestive
“Shut up and kiss me.”
”How did you even get in there?”
“I’m cold.”
“I want you.”
“What a pleasant surprise to walk into.”
“Shh mommy is asleep.”
“Jack, you can’t just say that in front of the kids!”
“But, you love me though right?”
“Don’t look at me like that, I thought we were going for tacos.”
“So you just weren’t going to say hi?”
“Just ten more minutes?”
“I won’t tell if you don’t.”
“I love it when you’re naked.”
“I am NOT jealous.”
“We need to leave before you end up pregnant.”
“I can tell you’re getting sick.”
“We were made for each other.”
“I’m not afraid anymore.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“You’re in big trouble mister.”
“That’s now what I heard.”
“Baby, you’re kidding right?”
“Baby please don’t leave.”
“Since when are you not picky?”
“Jack, your hands are so cold!”
“It’s just a bad dream.”
“Baby I’m so tired, can we take a break?”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“I thought you loved me.”
“I trust you.”
“I don’t know who snores louder, you or daddy.”
“I’m sorry but I have to do this.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It’s literally so cold and you decide to wear that?”
“Baby, just hear me out.”
“You’re making me blush.”
“Daddy had a bad dream again.”
“Just shush and hold me please.”
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flowerpottlady · 11 months
Day 5 of my domestic Jily series! Inspired by @jilymicrofics
Lily stepped from the bathtub, ever so carefully, still completely unused to the added weight tacked onto her midsection. She stuck a blind hand out, reaching for a clean towel from the pile on the counter, and wrapped herself in it - wondering just how much bigger her bump would grow before she would have to charm the towels to accommodate for her new size. 
She could hear James pacing from the next room over, ready to leave over half an hour ago, when Lily decided she needed a quick shower before venturing out into the Muggle world - a secret date that James had planned on his rare night off from Order duties. 
Lily decided to take her time though, it wasn’t often she got the chance to dress up, and at thirty weeks pregnant it took a while to do almost anything nowadays. She picked up her wand first, using it to quickly dry her hair, marveling at the thickness of it, the shine, that pregnancy had given her auburn locks. She dabbed some makeup on, deciding that a spot of pale pink blush on her cheekbones helped to take away from the slightly chubby cheeks she had recently developed. 
After outlining her eyes with a charcoal pencil, brushing some golden eyeshadow across her lids, and swiping the dark mascara over her eyelashes - Lily took a moment to stare at her, relishing in how unnatural she felt in her body.  Like it wasn’t hers anymore. 
Her once flat stomach bulged from her. Her body changed in unimaginable ways, all for her child. While her back hurt, her breasts ached, and she was certain there was a foot lodged into her spleen - Lily wouldn’t give it up for anything. She loved it, carrying a new life inside of her, creating another human being - from the purest form of love that Lily shared with James.
She rubbed her hand down her swollen belly, imagining the baby that would soon be in her arms.  Wondering what it would feel like to see its red face, to feel their skin against hers. “I’m so ready for you sweetheart,” she whispered, hoping her baby would hear her. 
“Lil?” James’ voice came through the door - only slightly apprehensive. “I don’t want to rush you, but I am getting very hungry.”
“Almost finished!” Lily yelled back, snapping her attention to the pale blue dress hanging against the door. She dropped her towel, kicking it toward the corner of the bathroom - and slipped on the silky slip, giggling at the way it clung to her bump. 
The blue dress was next, and Lily reached towards it, fondly remembering the last time she wore that dress - at Alice and Frank Longbottom’s wedding before her seventh year. She danced until her feet hurt; James twirling her, laughing with her, whispering in her ear. He had kissed her on the cheek at the end of the night, and Lily was certain that was the moment she had fallen in love with him. 
It was a simple dress, and Lily smiled widely when she realized it still fit her - even better than before. The strapless top exposed her pale shoulders, lightly dusted with freckles, and did wonders for her boobs - exposing her cleavage in a way that she knew would drive James wild.  It fell mid-thigh, the empire waistline swinging around her bump and - 
“Lily!” James shouted through the door again, interrupting the time she spent simply admiring herself. “Love I know you must be hungry too, are you almost done yet?” 
She rolled her eyes, tucking her hair behind her ear and opening the door wide. James was standing there, leaning suavely against the doorframe - dark hair mused perfectly, his strong jawline freshly shaved. The dark gray button-down shirt he wore perfectly accented his pecs, his sleeves already slightly rolled up.  He smirked at her, hazel eyes moving up and down behind his round specs, drinking her in. 
She was so getting laid. 
 “What? I’m ready, and starving, let's go.” 
He grinned, bearing his perfectly white teeth, “You’re cute.” James said softly, stepping forward to peck her cheek. “I’m very lucky I married you.” 
“I’m very lucky to have married you too.” She whispered back, grasping his hand. “Now c’mon, will you tell me where you are taking me yet?” 
“Not till we get there.” 
Lily could only roll her eyes then, smoothing her dress down her bump. “Well, I hope it has chocolate cake. Little Harry is very hungry for some chocolate cake.” 
“Well, I hope little Josephine, is equally as hungry.” James said knowingly, “Because you know, you are having a girl.” 
“Even if we are having a girl, we are not giving her my second name. We are in the 1980s now, dear, not the 1880s.” 
“Right, of course. Silly me. My parents are Euphemia and Fleamont. It’s easy to forget.” James laughed, grabbing Lily’s purse and guiding her out the front door. 
She was silent for a moment, a small contemplative smile stretched across her face. 
“What’s that look for?” James asked, turning to look at his wife after locking their door. 
“Oh, nothing really…” Lily began, shrugging her shoulders. “I’m just really happy to be doing this with you.” 
“Getting dinner?” 
“You know what I mean,” she said softly. 
“I do,” his hand reached for her bump, pressing a hard kiss into her cheek. “I’m very happy to be doing this with you too.” 
Start from the beginning here! 31 Days of Potters
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