#i got my fallopian tubes out
Good news everyone! The spay surgery was a success! I am now sterilized, going to eat some Mac and cheese and shrimps and pass the fuck out for a while, love you all
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smokeweedeattherich · 1 month
I figured it's time I talk about my surgical transition experience. There's plenty of false narratives out there and I want to counter what I can with truth and personal experience.
The first procedure I received this year in late January was a transvaginal ovarian-hysterectomy. That means they cut out my uterus and ovaries (and the connecting fallopian tubes) without making any abdominal incisions (removed through the vagina). I'd had a consultation with the surgeon performing the operation a few months prior where we discussed any concerns and went over potential side effects as well as specifying I wanted my ovaries removed as well. When the day of the procedure came I went to the hospital, the nurses were really kind and I got to see the surgeon again one last time for any last minute concerns before I went into the surgical suite.
Waking up post surgery I was elated to learn the surgery had gone super smoothly, the surgeon said I'd lost less than a teaspoon of blood. I stayed in hospital for the remainder of the day and ended up going home around 9pm. They'd given me a pain meds prescription, and that kept things during recovery at a quiet 2-3 on the pain scale. Most of what I felt was a general soreness in the area, it was a lot like the sensation of period cramps. It took only 3 weeks before I felt pretty much 100% I still wasn't fully healed but by then there wasn't any pain, even slight.
Now I'm just nearing the end of my 2 month full recovery time and I'm clear to have penetrative sex. The worst part of the recovery I'd say was the basically instant menopause I had to go through for a while. The hot flashes were the worst, get a fan for yourself if you're planning on getting this procedure.
The end of February is when I got my second procedure, a double masectomy aka top surgery. Normally transition surgeries wouldn't be so close together in timeline but I had school starting in May but I couldn't emotionally afford to wait until the semester is over to get the surgery done. Additionally, political circumstances also lead to me making the decision to push up the date of my surgery, I was terrified that if I was to wait another year that it might be illegal by then.
Similar to the first operation, I'd had a consultation appointment several months prior that addressed any questions and concerns to help me decide if the procedure was right for me. I was way less nervous this time around because I'd already been through one surgery and had a better idea of what to expect in terms of pain and recovery.
The experience of check-in and preparation for the second surgery was pretty much the same as the first with one exception, I decided to forego the nipple grafts last minute (and I don't regret the decision. less risk of complication/infection, I wouldn't likely retain sensation, getting nipple tattoos instead gives me direct control over size and shape) so I had to meet with the surgeon beforehand the day of. My direct input was accommodated and my questions answered the day of, it was awesome.
I went under anesthesia feeling a sense of peace that I'd wake up feeling more like myself than I had since before puberty. I'm a month recovered now and I'm just so pleased with the results! The pain was so worth it!
Feel free to ask respectful questions about my experiences.
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beezit · 8 months
Insides outside!
Almost a week ago I got a hysterectomy as a part of my surgical transition.
I got a total hysterectomy, so I had my Cervix, Uterus, and Fallopian tubes removed, but I kept my Ovaries
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They take it all out through the Vaginal open and stitching close where the Cervix used to be.
So I’m left with no scars except for a few pokes on my belly that are no bigger then the drain holes you get during top surgery. (So about the size of a pencil eraser)
The scars on on my stomach where for the camera and gas so they can see what they are doing.
I know hysterectomies aren’t talked about as much as top-surgery is in the trans community, so I’m open to questions in comments or DMs (:
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queenshelby · 9 months
Yes! Mr Murphy (Rewritten)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Lots of Angst, Age Gap, Teacher x Student, Pregnancy Loss, Infertility
Your PoV (starting with a little flashback)
It was Saturday, at around 5 o’clock, when everything changed and you struggled to stand up straight, experiencing more pain in your abdomen than you had ever experienced before, all whilst watching Nina perform the chorography for her solo.
It felt like someone took a knife, stabbed you and then twisted it around, making you drop to the ground rather suddenly.
Nina, however, did not notice right away as she was focused on the music and her performance, thereby following your instructions to forget the world around her when being on stage and, unfortunately for you, she did not react when you tried to call out for her.
The pain was so intense that you could barely speak and the level of pain made it clear to you that you absolutely needed to see a medical professional right away.
“Nina!” you thus called out again, unable to move and, just as she noticed you having collapsed, you saw big red puddle of blood on the floor.
The bleeding was heavier than anything you had ever experienced and the cramping was torture, causing you to tare your nails through the ground as Nina jumped off stage.
“Oh shit” she cursed, unsure what to do.
“I need you to call an ambulance” you barely managed to say as you got even more intense pains around your shoulders and clavicle now, making your breathing rather difficult.
“Okay. I am getting my phone. Don’t move” Nina told you before racing to her locker while you tried very hard not to pass out.
It took literally everything in you to keep breathing and push through a moment that had you believing that you were living your last minutes of life while Nina called triple nine and it was just before the ambulance arrived that the pain went to a whole new level, causing you to finally pass out.
Waking up in the hospital, you had Emma by your side. She was your next of kin and held your hand when the doctors gave you the news which more than stunned you.
“We stopped the bleeding for now, but we must operate immediately” was what a man dressed in blue had told you and you still were not sure what was going on.
“Why?” you barely managed to say in your dazed state, causing Emma to hold on to your hand more firmly now.
“You are experiencing pregnancy complications, resulting in the rupture of one of your fallopian tubes” he explained, causing you to shake your head while the nurses rushed around to get you ready for surgery.
“I am not pregnant” you told him, still confused and somewhat besides yourself.
“You are. You have, what we call, an ectopic pregnancy and we put you on a blood transfusion in order to stabilise you for surgery. We will need operate now, remove the pregnancy, and see whether we can repair the rupture as you are still bleeding in to your abdomen. We need to act now as this condition is life threatening but we may need to remove your tube if we cannot repair it” the doctor explained to you and, all you could do by this point, was to nod.
“Okay, just do what you have to do” you then said while unable to grasp the fact that you were pregnant and, of course, since you had the implant put in at nineteen, you did not even consider the idea of pregnancy or miscarriage.
“The theatre is ready, doctor” you then heard one of the nurses say and, after that, everything happened so fast that there was not even time to think.
You were shocked and scared and completely heartbroken. You never wanted to have children but this came as a surprise and you did not know how to handle it. It was not fair, and you were not ready for it.
You just wanted to break into tears and sob in protest. The tears began to well, but as they began to fill your eyes, you turned within to impart a little wisdom upon yourself.
“You can do anything” you said to yourself which was exactly what your mother told you the last time you saw her. It was when you were taken away by the Department of Immigration and placed into the Forster care system, following which you had never seen her again. But, with this wisdom in mind, you turned to joking with your medical staff as you were poked, questioned, and drugged.
As you were wheeled away and the weight of anaesthesia began to bear down on you, you had complete acceptance of what was happening and trusted that everything was as it should be. Then there was nothing…
Awakening from surgery was like coming back to life. The drugs had your brain filled with a thick mental fog that had you feeling as though you were waking from a ten-year coma. You were in and out and barely capable of a clear and coherent thoughts, but it only took a second for you to realise that you were experiencing the worst nausea of your life. You made this clear to the nurse standing over you and as you again fell back out of consciousness, she injected something into your IV.
You came to it again moments or minutes later without any nausea and managed to ask where Emma was before you drifted off again and then, the next time you opened your eyes, you saw the nurse walking in with her and Connie who wanted to check on you after what Nina had told her.
“Is Nina okay?” was the first thing you managed to say, seeing that the last you remembered of her was her calling an ambulance which, at thirteen years of age, must have been a pretty big deal.  
“She is fine. But, how about you?” Connie asked, not knowing what had happened to you.
“I am okay, I think” you told her while Emma advised her that you probably needed some rest now and, without informing her of the procedure performed, Connie chose to give you some privacy.
“Thanks for checking in on me. I appreciate it” you said nonetheless and she nodded.
“Any time! Please me know if you need anything, alright?” she then said before Emma took the seat next to your bed for the rest of the night until, the next morning, you were woken by the nurses again, performing some tests.
While the nurses took your vitals, the head surgeon came in and gave you an update which was something that did not happen the night before due to an influx of emergency patients.
He informed you that, despite their best efforts, your left fallopian tube had to be removed. In addition to that, your uterus had been perforated as the pregnancy was attached to the left-hand side of it and you were informed that you would need some bed rest for about two weeks which included a five-day hospital stay.
The surgery itself was not easy and a large incision had to be made on your abdomen due to the severe bleeding you were experiencing, now leaving you permanently scarred.
“Okay” was all you told him in response to what he had to say and he was rather surprised by how well you took it, knowing that most women in your position would have been frantic.
“You may not be able to have children without further medical intervention” you were then told by the doctor and, again, you nodded and replied with a simple “okay” as, the truth was, that the relief of surviving something that had you so close to death had you more than happy to face whatever awaited you after surgery and that even included the prospects of infertility.
“A counsellor will be available for you when you leave hospital” he then went on to say and you to chuckle.
“Honestly, I have been through counselling so many times in my life, I can assure you that I won’t need it” you said and it was at this point that the doctor decided to give you some more space as well, allowing you to come to terms with what happened to you at your very own pace.
Several minutes later, you were finally served your first meal since your surgery and you could not recall the last time porridge tasted so good. You were starving and, just as you ate your mushy oats, Emma read through a magazine that had just been delivered to the hospital that morning.
“Anything interesting?” you asked as Emma zipped through it, page after page, until she gasped heavily, causing your eyebrows to furrow.
“What is it?” you wanted to know but Emma knew that now was not the time to tell you as she read through the short article quickly.
“Nothing, just some gossip about…no one really…” she said while closing the paper and dropping it to the floor, not wanting you to see its content…
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maaarine · 17 days
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‘I was only a child’: Greenlandic women tell of trauma of forced contraception (Miranda Bryant, The Guardian, March 29 2024)
"Hedvig Frederiksen had been at her new school in Paamiut, Greenland, for only a couple of days when she was summoned from her dorm to the local hospital by a Danish caretaker.
She was 14 and had no idea what was going on.
“But back then [1974], when a Danish person said something, their word was law, you had to listen to them,” said Frederiksen, speaking from her home in Nuuk, Greenland’s capital.
About a dozen girls went to the hospital, some as young as 13.
One by one they went into the doctor’s room and one by one they came out crying. Frederiksen was terrified but felt compelled to stay put.
Her daughter Aviaja Fontain told the story as Frederiksen quietly wept.
“When she came in [to the doctor’s room], her memory just disappears and she thinks it’s because of the trauma, what happened in there.
Her friend from the same dorm said the doctor didn’t have a helper; he was alone putting spirals [contraceptive coils] inside girls.”
Frederiksen, now 63, is one of 143 Greenlandic women who this month announced they were suing the Danish state, demanding a collective payment of close to 43m Danish kroner (£4.9m) for what they describe as a violation of their human rights.
They accuse Danish doctors of fitting girls as young as 12 with intrauterine devices (IUDs) in an attempt to reduce the population of the former colony, now an autonomous Danish territory.
It is believed that 4,500 women and girls were affected between 1966 and 1970, with many more procedures carried out without consent in subsequent decades, but it has taken a long time for the reports to surface – and to be taken seriously. (…)
After a visit last year, the UN special rapporteur on the rights of Indigenous peoples, Francisco Calí Tzay, highlighted the scandal as a particularly disturbing element of Denmark’s colonial legacy, condemning the structural and systemic racial discrimination inflicted on Greenland’s Inuit people and its ongoing repercussions.
“Despite significant progress, the Inuit people still face barriers to fully enjoying their human rights in both Denmark and Greenland,” Calí Tzay said, adding that he was “particularly appalled” by the testimonies of women forcibly fitted with IUDs.
Greenland ceased being a Danish colony in 1953, although it did not have its own government and parliament until 1979.
Healthcare and living conditions improved, life expectancy increased and the Greenlandic population grew.
It was then that the Danish authorities are believed to have staged their drastic intervention.
The programme of involuntary birth control would go on to halve the birthrate within a few years. (…)
She remembers the cold tools he used to insert the IUD, the shock she felt and “tremendous pain”.
She said he told her that the reason it was being fitted was “so I shouldn’t get pregnant”. “I was only a child,” she said.
“I was only 14. And when I was back at the dorm I cried in the evening because I couldn’t talk with my parents and I hadn’t given any consent, nor did my parents.”
Contraceptive coils are now a safe and highly effective form of birth control.
But Larsen, like many of the women who have come forward since the 60s and 70s, went on to experience serious reproductive difficulties – a consequence, they say, of being forcibly fitted, with no consent or information, with unsophisticated devices that were often too big for their young bodies, bringing with them additional risk of infection.
For Larsen, that experience felt like an assault. She was in so much pain that “afterwards I felt like I had shattered glass in my abdomen”.
Later, after she got married and tried to get pregnant, she found that she could not.
Years later when she was examined at a hospital, they found her fallopian tubes were closed because of the coil, which had caused severe bleeding and left her sterile. (…)
After being fitted with the coil, Frederiksen remembers, she was in a huge amount of pain.
All the girls walked back to their dorms crying and feeling ashamed, she said, and they started getting extremely painful periods.
The coil remained inside her for eight or nine years because the doctor did not tell her when it should be removed.
After having it taken out she became pregnant with Aviaja, but the next time she became pregnant her fallopian tube ruptured and she lost a lot of blood.
Her lawyer has said this is a common side-effect in women who were forcibly fitted with coils. Many years later, Frederiksen had two more children.
While she is happy about the legal case and the support they have received, she is filled with anger and sadness when looking back on what she endured as such a young child.
“If that had not happened to me, I wouldn’t be as shy and ashamed for many years,” she said. “And if that had not happened, my life could have been very different.”"
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catierambles · 10 months
Feral Instincts Ch.13
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Pairing: The Rogue’s Gallery (Geralt, Syverson, Mike, August Walker, Walter Marshall) x Stephanie Daniels (OFC)
WC 1662
Warnings: Mentions of violence, douchbaggery, and intimacy aids.
@mclsquared , @brattymum96 , @ouroboros113 , @peaches1958 , @summersong69 , @eldarwen333 , @omgkatinka , @identity2212 , @lucypaulette , @teamfan7asy , @ms-betsy-fangirl ,@pagina16ps , @enchantedbytomandhenry , @foxyjwls007 , @nofoolywang , @margauxmargaux07 , @mrsevans90 , @ilikemilkchocolateh , @lizzystuffsthings , @km-ffluv , @cavilllover , @deandoesthingstome , @write-r-die , @livisss , @miss-rebel-without-applause , @kebabgirl67 , @squeezyvalkyrie , @luminescentlily , @ellethespaceunicorn , @niknoca
They eventually got Hunter to open up while Stephanie and Geralt were gone, the wolf being a bit nervous around male Alphas. Unsurprising, given his experience with male Alphas. He was a Null, a wolf who didn't fall within the pack hierarchy but still in possession of his wits. Not a Beta, or an Omega, and definitely not an Alpha. It was uncomplicated as he didn't have to worry about pack politics, but it seemed his current Alpha, Frank, treated the Nulls about as well as he treated everyone else. All of the money from his meager paychecks from his job at the archery range downtown went to him, Frank only giving him enough to survive, but just barely. Rice and instant ramen were staples, so a meal of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast was a feast for him and he ate quite a bit before relaxing into a full stupor.
Hunter had been shocked to learn that Stephanie's current pack was made up of all Alphas save for a single Beta. Sy told him what Geralt had told Stephanie; it got a little tense around the full moon, but they made it work. More time passed and the two still hadn't returned, a scowl gracing August's face the more time went by.
"Easy, Walker." Sy said, picking up on his agitation. "You know how much of a hassle transfering territory can be. Council needs to be called, records updated."
"They may have also needed to call a clean-up crew." Mike said, "Ya know, if the asshole didn't submit."
"She's never fought for territory before." August pointed out.
"You honestly think Geralt would let anything happen to her?" Sy asked, "He said he would step in if shit went pear-shaped. The guy hunts down and takes out ferals for a living, some asshole Alpha with a mean streak ain't shit for him."
"So, um, is he her Mate?" Hunter asked and they looked at him. "Just wondering."
"Not really?" Sy said, "She said it was complicated and that's kinda true."
"She's with all of us!" Mike called from the kitchen as he was loading the dishwasher.
"Oh." Hunter said, "I've heard of female Alphas. Never met one before. Can they have more than one Mate?"
"Not uncommon for them." August said, "I've met a couple, they all had multiple partners of mostly Alphas. Ensured strong children."
"But Steph got her tubes tied years ago, according to her." Mike said, walking into the living room.
"Wouldn’t getting infected have reversed that? It fixes everything else." Hunter said.
"Unless it can reattach fallopian tubes with surgical precision, I doubt it." They hadn't even heard her and Geralt return, August jumping up from his seat and going to her, taking her hands in his and seeing her bruised and bloodied knuckles. "Remind me to wrap my hands next time."
"How'd it go?" Sy asked, the question aimed at Geralt.
"She was beautiful." Geralt said with a small smile. "Like a ghost, never where he thought she was going to be. Looked like she was dancing."
"Is he…" Hunter let the question trail off.
"He's still alive." Stephanie said, "Like any other bully, he backed down when he realized I was just going to push back harder. Legal stuff has been started and the Council has been notified. I also had him confess to everything he did to you guys, just for good measure."
"He'll be blacklisted from having territory or leading a pack ever again." Geralt said.
"That's why you guys were gone so long?" Hunter asked.
"Well, that, and we oversaw him packing his shit." Stephanie said.
"He's gone?" Hunter asked and she nodded.
"Don't worry, I had him transfer over all the money he took. I'll get everyone's info and transfer it back to you guys." She said and he went quiet, staring down at his hands. "Hunter?" She went to him, kneeling in front of him. "You're okay now, no one is going to hurt you anymore."
"Thank you." He said, barely above a whisper. "I came to you wanting to save myself, but you saved all of us."
"I don't like bullies." Stephanie said, "And I especially don't like bullies in positions of power."
"Thank you." He said again and she reached up, brushing the hair out of his face. "What happens now?"
"Technically I own all of his territory now, which is this building and the one next door." She said.
"You're our landlord now?" Hunter asked.
"Kind of but not really. Geralt's contact on the Council explained it to me. Individual Alpha wolves can't own rental properties, unless they owned it before the decision was made to go public. The…human government, weird to say, doesn't want Alpha wolves discriminating against non-wolves when it comes to housing, and the Council isn't fighting it, because that also means the Alpha can't expand their pack beyond their means and cause issues and territorial disputes. Keeps everything nice and contained." Stephanie explained.
"So the Council owns the buildings." Hunter said and she nodded.
"They own the physical properties, and therefore, legally, are the landlords. Kind of like a rental agency owning a property, but hiring someone to oversee the day to day on the property itself." Stephanie said, "Rent payments went to the Council, but they had no idea Frank was taking all of the pack's money and only giving back enough to just barely get by."
"What he do with the extra cash?" Hunter asked.
"Spent it." Geralt said, "Had some pretty pricey electronics in his apartment, computer equipment, those kinds of things."
"You said you made him give the money back, but if he spent it…"
"I cleaned him out." Stephanie said, "I took almost everything in his checking and savings. Left him enough for a bus ticket out of town and a burger."
"What'll happen to him?" Hunter asked.
"Don't know, don't care." Stephanie said, "Consider it karma. He made it so you guys had barely enough to survive and now he's in that same position."
"Blacklisted or not, the Council has resources for Alphas without packs or territories." Geralt said with a shrug, "They'll get him set up with employment and a place to live in his hometown, but then he's on his own. Talking with my contact, he'll have his wages garnished until he pays back everything he took for the length of time he ran this pack."
"I think that's the most I've ever heard you say at one time." Stephanie said after a pause, looking at him, and he snorted.
"You're our Alpha now." Hunter said and she turned her attention back to him, giving him a small nod. "I should tell the others."
"How many are in the pack?" Geralt asked.
"About a dozen." Hunter said, "And that includes the kids."
"He was takin’ from families?" Sy asked and Hunter nodded, making him scowl.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of introductions. She knew most of them just from living in the same building, and they were as surprised as Hunter when they learned she was a wolf, and an Alpha at that. Banking information was taken down, money was transferred, divided up as evenly as possible as there was no easy way of determining who surrendered how much. Families got extra just because they had kids that they needed to provide for. A future trip to Costco was planned using her membership card so they could get bulk essentials. Walter showed up mid-afternoon and was brought up to speed on what had happened.
“I have an idea.” Stephanie said a bit sheepishly as she sat curled up in Walter’s lap once everyone had left, and they looked at her.
“What’s up, babe?” Sy asked.
“August said that female Alphas have a tendency to unite packs, right?”
“I did say that, yes.” August said.
“I’m not green enough not to realize when I’m in over my head, so I thought…”
“You want to merge your new pack with ours.” Geralt said and she nodded. “It’s a good idea. Didn’t want to lose you anyway.”
“Our territories ain’t exactly touchin’, but it’s not unheard of.” Sy said, “You’d control this territory, we’d control ours, but we’d step in if you needed somethin’. Kinda like cops crossin’ jurisdictions to help each out.”
“One of us should be here.” August said, “There’s now an open unit in the building, unless you were planning on moving into it.”
“You know, I kinda was.” Stephanie admitted, “His soundsystem is nice and his computer is more powerful than mine. Also, the unit is bigger than this one.”
“Rock-paper-scissors for it?” Sy suggested and she snorted, tucking her face into Walter’s neck. “You move into the former Alphas place along with Mikey, and one of us moves into this one. If somethin’ goes sideways, we’d actually be in a position to do fuck all about it.”
“And by “something” you mean Jordan.” Stephanie said and he nodded. “Sounds like a plan. I hate packing.”
“Well it ain’t like you don’t got helpers.” Sy said.
“As if I’d let you guys go through my stuff!”
“Doll, we’ve seen you with your legs in the air, goin’ through your skivvies shouldn’t embarrass you.” Sy said.
“Maybe I don’t want you guys to find my sex toys.” Stephanie said.
“Toys?” Walter asked, “Plural?”
“Sizes, shapes,” She paused, “Thicknesses.”
“I’ve been here for almost three weeks and I haven’t found anything!” Mike said and she shot him a look.
“I know how to hide my shit.” She said, “Jordan was weird about dildos and vibrators, so I hid them from him.”
“You have a monster dildo, don’t you.” Sy said and she snorted.
“Monster as in big, or monster as in not modeled after human anatomy?” She asked, “Because I plead the fifth.”
“Doll, you a dirty girl.” Sy said and she snorted again, picking her head up to blow him a kiss.
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avesblues2 · 1 year
Update after procedure.
Finally feeling better, just enough, to type an update. I'm sensitive to anesthesia so it makes me pretty nauseous! I'm still super tired and will nap after this text lol!
The procedure was about two hours. I didn't get to hear the results because I was knocked out but the doctor contacted my husband and gave him an overview, which i can call to get more details or what to my post op.
He said it was a very bad case of endometriosis. I was/am diagnosed with SEVERE stage 4 endometriosis. However, he was able to remove all of it.
The cyst in my ovary was huge but he removed it from the root and my ovary is still there! No cysts on the other ovary.
I had severe scar tissue along my whole uterus and in other places. Along with adhesions EVERYWHERE. My Fallopian tubes were also blocked because of this but he cleared them without hurting the tubes in anyway! So my tubes are now cleared.
He was able to get everything completely out.
However, this information I will find out at post op is when we can start trying! Because it was so severe, he does want to a wait a little bit but not sure what that timeline is! he wants me to take it easy for the next weeks because of the severity and just relax and I should stop feeling nauseous by tomorrow as well.
The Lord has answered my prayers
-the staff was so incredible, the most loving and kind and supportive hospital staff I've ever countered (I've had three other surgeries lol)
-The lord allowed me to keep my tubes and ovaries!
-my tubes are cleared
-the endo is gone!
Downside, endometriosis does come back however we will be going over different methods and medications to minimize it.
Finally, he is EXTREMELY optimistic I can now get pregnant with ease!
Thank you for your prayers. All the love and support I got brings me to tears, even right now. I'm so overwhelmed with peace and joy and feel so so loved. Thank you thank you
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imzsuzsis-blog · 2 months
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I saw that Lando was angry and sad, but I knew it was my fucking fault, since coming out, I haven't called him even once.
"Lando, wait, this is my fault, yes, I made a mistake. I should have called you or written to you, but you kissed me. I don't know where to put this, sorry." Looking ahead, I knew this would be hard to digest, even if Logan was watching us. ,,What now?"
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"Oscar, are you aware that Lando has a boyfriend?" I laughed at Oscar, who completely freezes upon hearing the news. "Boyfriend?" Who?" I was hoping something or someone from the background would film us or take photos. "I don't know if the birds are fluttering whether it's a Formula 2 guy or Charles' younger brother, I don't know the details either, only that they got together in the penultimate race." My reaction was a slap in the face, but a good one for Logan. "You got this on behalf of Charles, he would do the same for Arthur, damn he loves girls." "It's half true that he's bisexual and Charles knows it." "Fuck or not, Logan"
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He giggled at them, his two cubs came last year and are already rumored to be cute. "Is it okay, boys, that the rumor is about my younger brother?" I beat them in the back. "I didn't say that he is with him centrally, but it could also be that he is dating a Formula 2 guy right now, Lando, don't say stupid things." I shook my head because that's what I heard, because they always said that to each other. ,,With who? Ollie?” ,.I don't think Paul or Zak. But they also say that Lando is a transboy and that he will have surgeries, but I think this is just a rumor." Lando was born a girl but claimed to be a boy and they already had and did he already have surgery? What?" ,, It's stopping, I see, I'm here too, fuck you!!! Yes, I was born as a girl, I went through hormone treatment first, ok, I went to a psychologist for a long time before that and only then did I have surgery, you bastards know what a horrible feeling it is when your breasts are taken off you for the fuck, but in the meantime you still menstruated every month because you can't do anything with the fallopian tubes, you stupid idiots . What if I have a boyfriend? Get it! Between you?!”
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I started sobbing holding my face again, fuck you stupid American bastard Logan. "Logan, if you do this shit, I'll tell you and your brother Summer Pertty and I'll spit at Jenny Han, you fucking know that I love both the book and the series, you bastard!!!!" I cut my neck and buried my face in my palm, not only sobbing, I started burping. "There's nothing wrong with Lando, he just knows what he's told, it's all rumours." "It's not the OSC, it's true that I got together with one of the F2 drivers and I should have said that, it was even time to coming out a couple of years ago and I wasn't brave enough to stand up and admit it." I cut my beasball hat to the ground, then fell to my knees and howled and burped more than when I was one of the many girls. "Lando?" Osc and Charles hugged me and I hid between them and began to tremble, I could tell this secret was big, but damn big. "What's going on?" "Alex, not now..."
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"Is everything okay, Lando?" "Don't fuck me Alex!!!!! Logan, your fucking teammate found out about everything and told Ocsar first and then to Charles, he hates me like a dick!!!!!" "I missed what you were saying?" I'm sorry, but you know that apart from drinking beer, we almost never meet anywhere, buddy." "He said that the fact that I wasn't born a boy has nothing to do with it, I'm a trans boy at the age of twenty-four, I'm more of a trans boy, but I wasn't born a boy, this fucking big thing." "You could have said that even in your old age, Lando, that you were born in the wrong body, and I'll accept you anyway, right?" "I'm gay, I'm gay, and if no one is paying attention or if they don't take me seriously, I'll put on make-up for a more serious date with my boyfriend." "Do you have a boyfriend since you and the mysterious guy started dating?" I crouched down in front of him and caressed his face and he was looking at himself, playing with his lips, I knew he could say something but he didn't dare. "It's been going on for half a year, but it's very secret and he's an F2 guy." I looked up at him and my stomach couldn't take it anymore and I threw up shaking, but this morning vomiting has been going on for three weeks, but I don't understand why it's taking so long, I'm out of it, Sorry, but I'm looking for a pharmacy and taking a pregnancy test, because this is what's causing me to freak out . I'm really sorry guys.” I shouted and ran away.
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"Old friend Lando, where are you running again?" Based on the videos, you've been running around the city all week, is that how much you train, my friend?" I ran after Lando, who didn't even notice until I poked him twice on the shoulder, "I'm sorry Carlos, I'm just running to the pharmacy, Max suddenly had an upset stomach and in the middle of the night he sat on the toilet or threw up, I'll take him something to the hotel to make him better, I'm a true childhood friend in this case .” I smiled and crossed my fingers because I lied again. "Nana, you've been lying since you told me you're a trans boy and the first pregnancy worry..." "I'm sorry, I might have failed because I'm three weeks late and I'm nervous, I'm going to get myself tested and yes..." "Landooo, you were NonoRris again and a younger one I liked you boy, who is it?" ,,Fuck Carlos!!!!! Ollie what about you???? heh????” "You idiot, when you got together you were only seventeen, almost pedophilia, are you normal???" I looked in front of me, I put my harp on my lips and showed my middle finger, then I kicked him, "Fuck and he went in too and his family knows him, stupid animal!!!!" Sobbing, I ran on, I didn't care about anyone and nothing, it's not that he's right, it could be a scandal, and we got together, Charile and I, Nick from Heartsopper, and on top of that, it's a secret, which is even sexier, everyone in our relationship can get in on it.
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"Thank you, ma'am, one of my friend's girlfriends is going to have a dowry, she is worried that she is pregnant." I ended up coming out of one of these local Asda-like places with an embarrassed face because the pharmacy I was in didn't have a test anywhere, and suddenly there was a shortage of items everywhere. "Lando, what's wrong with me?" "Nothing, nothing Ollie, I just bought myself an apple mini chocolate cake, suddenly I wanted it." "Well, I'll believe it if it's called a pregnancy test and it's not seven days old because that's what's written on it, you're so naive, Landi, a few times, that you've also accepted that boys can be pregnant, come on, let's add that to the list to a WAG.” "I can't be pregnant. How can I say this, I feel inside that it's over, but I was born as a girl and I've already undergone quite a few operations, but my fallopian tubes and uterus have not been removed yet, so the story is long enough." "Wait, are you a transgender man? I don't believe this, but, but why now? It is customary to say this before the first sexual experience or before you meet the family, not just out of nowhere. No, we didn't break up, but don't come up with it like this, but another time." I kissed Landi's forehead, who started to cry and read the instructions on the test box, what and how to do it, "What if it showed more than two or three weeks?" I was shaking, I didn't know what the hell to do now, not because I'm official for the opening ceremony, they specifically asked me to cheer up the people, yes, in the afternoon, so I thought I'd run a little more on the track. "But when in the evening, but what about our date?" "Afterwards" "It's good before bed, but when the hell are we so well divided?" They tell us when and what we can eat, get up, exercise or when we have free time. what the hell will happen if I make it past the fifth month? From then on, I can't even sit in a car according to the rules."
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"Lando, are you waiting for him?" but since when?" I pulled him aside in a shopping center where he was looking at the map for some reason. he's not used to going to places like this, only when he's hungry, and that's rare. "George, let me go, I have to pee, I'm serious!!!!" He snapped at me and I started backing away with raised hands when I noticed that he was looking for the nearest Sephora. ,,Sephora seriously? what do you put on makeup for? you are a boy?" "Bastard, if you're a transgender boy and I'm gay, fuck me and I've run out of foundation and I want to buy a new one." "A bit expensive, isn't it? For the sake of your fans, if you can use it, for example, there are cheaper ones at the other store.” "I've tried everything and the only thing that works is the contour, I don't know who it is. It made my skin break out and I use powder, especially loose powder there." Fuck you, you admitted that you spend hundreds of thousands just on make-up because your skin sucks." ,,So what? Do you remember the etiquette rules here?” ,,What do you mean?" "Here you can pee in the toilet and take a pregnancy test because I might be pregnant." "You can't do that anywhere, in fact, I think it's disgusting." "Thank you for your opinion and then your hotel after the date." "Who are you going on a date with?" Ollie, my boyfriemd, we're in the same class, okay? although knowing you, his age will be a problem." "How old is the gentleman?" ,,18" "Here????" "So much and we've already gone to bed, what's wrong with you?" "You stupid Mclaren, he's a member of Ferrari, how could you fuck with him... Let's face it, you can't be blonder."
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speleoseismite · 4 months
it's been so long since i've posted a personal update here LOL...uhm. well i had a hysterectomy and also got my cervix and fallopian tubes out this was probably seven days ago. and i completed my first watch of space runaway ideon and be invoked. i have started laughing more this ridiculous giggle. but its fun. i unlocked my twitter so im too shy to link it but if you want it feel free to dm and ask for it. ok everyone lets love life and if you cant i will love it for you.
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
lol every part of this process has been lightly to moderately brutal in such a special way. it’s like each time I encounter the medical system I am waiting with bated breath to find out how they will cause me new anxiety and/or distress. the ultrasound tech was very kind, as was the doctor, but I feel like when you are a medical professional you see so many cases you forget that each person you see is experiencing this situation for the first time and for them it is not a “case” it is just their life and they are often receiving quite painful news in a state of heightened anxiety. today they scanned me for 15 minutes and didn’t see anything irregular, so the tech seemed lightly optimistic that my original scan had missed something, which of course gave me a very painful flicker of hope because maybe they were wrong and the pregnancy was viable after all. then she had the doctor come in and scan with her for another 15 minutes, and at one point he very nicely said to me “please stop breathing, ms. [redacted]” which I know was so they could get a better image but also what a funny and painfully apt metaphor for what it feels like to be a patient lol. please stop breathing as your normal human functions and reactions are getting in the way of our important work. so I stopped breathing and then finally they got the image and it is indeed an ectopic pregnancy and I will indeed likely need surgery to remove my fallopian tube. and then as the very nice tech was putting her equipment away she turned to me brightly and said “I’ve been doing this 12 years and I’ve never seen a live one before!” and I said “I’m sorry?” and she said “oh usually when we see patients they’ve already ruptured and they’re in excruciating pain and we see blood everywhere on the scan! I’ve never seen a live embryo still growing!” and I was inwardly just like oh I’m so happy for you, I’m so delighted you got to see my little doomed ticking time-bomb baby before it ruptured and died! it was wonderful for me too I’m definitely in a state right now where I can appreciate the chance to see an unusual medical phenomenon up close and I’m especially looking forward to the part where they surgically remove a piece of my reproductive system along with the mass of cells I had hoped would be my baby! just like come ON I know we are all fascinating medical puzzles to you but it costs zero dollars to gently say “I’m so sorry, I know this isn’t the news you were hoping for” like a normal human being.
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portlandvalentine · 1 year
Oh hi, if anyone’s still reading. I worked at the pharmacy for 11 miserable months, but was finally able to transfer to a new job at the hospital. There was a whole thing where my boss at the pharmacy actually tried to block my transfer, claiming that if I left it would harm patients, because everyone else would be more busy and a pharmacist might make a mistake and kill someone and that would be on me! I was a fucking pharmacy cashier! I mean that job title doesn’t really convey my MANY duties at the pharmacy; it was more like I was running the front end of the pharmacy, distributing medications, being the first and only human most patients dealt with directly/being the punching bag for hundreds of patients every day, etc. And it’s true that me leaving created more work for others, but guess what, that’s not my fucking problem!
I had to get the union involved and eventually I was able to start my new job. I’ve been there almost three months now and it is pretty much awesome! I mean, as far as jobs go. I work as a hospital transporter now. Basically I move medical equipment, blood, specimens, etc around the hospital. I don’t have to deal with patients! Most of my coworkers primarily move patients and they (potentially) make a little more money for it, but after the pharmacy I don’t ever want to deal with patients again. I work alone and I’m walking around pretty much nonstop all day. I walk 10-13 miles a day and I love it. I’m often moving heavy ass hospital beds long distances and I feel like I’m getting so strong. I go to basically every single part of the huge hospital campus. It’s routine enough to be comfortable, but at the same time varied enough to keep things interesting. An app assigns me a job, I do the job, then the app assigns me my next job. There’s no balancing 13 different urgent tasks at a time like at the pharmacy while also being yelled at by patients. Occasionally I get to transport an entire organ or a severed limb! Those are my favorite jobs: if the app is sending me to pick up a specimen in the OR I know it’s gonna be good. Sometimes it’s just a fallopian tube or a section of a bowel or just a little chunk of unidentifiable flesh but I love to check them all out. I didn’t know I was so interested in seeing people’s insides. I wear scrubs now and sometimes I feel like an extra on Grey’s Anatomy, haha.
I’m so glad I finally got out of the pharmacy. It feels like I escaped an abusive relationship. I’m happier now than I thought possible. I still miss working at the bike valet sometimes, but I think I actually like my new job even more. There are a few things I don’t like about it, but overall it’s just about as perfect as a job could be for me.
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sweeethinny · 2 years
Lily need's help (M)
I put that this story as Mature not because it contains sexual content, but because of the subject TW: Image and eating disorder.
because I wanted to write about it, and because sometimes writing about my own demons makes me get them off my chest :) as always: I'm not and never have been pregnant, sorry for anything.
Lily loved the idea of ​​building a bigger family with James.
Just the idea made her so excited, it was so good to have dreams and plans, and to think of more little human beings with their faces made her very happy.
But there was one thing she hated: being pregnant.
She sat down across from Joe, her therapist—whom Harry and James almost forced her to go to—and sighed, swallowing hard and placing her hand on her not-so-large-yet belly.
‘’How are we today? What do you want to talk about?”’ What did she want to talk about? Well, let's see... Her mood was bad and she didn't know if it was the pregnancy hormones or if she was finally going crazy for good, she was having unnecessary fights with James just because...yes, and she hated more and more things even if it didn't make sense.
But there was something she hated at the top of the list, even if she felt guilty about it. Well, wasn't that why James encouraged her to go for help? To have a safe place to vent?
''I hate being pregnant.'' Lily felt awful, what would Joe think of her? She must have loved all of this, she must have been more than happy to be able to conceive a child, there were so many other women who had problems with their uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries. “Like…a lot.”
''Okay,'' Joe, as usual, was even something that irritated Lily, seemed understanding, writing it down in the notebook he always had at his side, and looking at her as if to say ''you can go on, I'm here.''
‘’I… it’s a lot, you know? I love having kids, I really do, I love Harry and I love this baby, but… I wish I didn't have to be the only one to suffer. Only I feel the pain, only I vomit, only I have to take a child out of me, only me… James supports me, he's my best friend, but at the end of the day, he can sleep without worries, he doesn't feel this both physical and mental pressure, his breasts don't hurt and feel tender, and he doesn't have a thousand moods in one day…And,'' Lily swallowed, stopping. ''That's it.''
''You seem to want to talk more, are you nervous?'' Joe was always very understanding, she would have liked him to think she was an idiot sometimes. But she also liked him to be understanding and would be sad if he were different. It was difficult.
''I...'' Lily's eyes filled with tears, it was such a deep and internal pain that it was as if someone was trying to rip out her heart without having even cut some veins and arteries. ''The first time I got pregnant, I was very young, and I remember that my body went through some changes that were irreversible, you know? I was never the same, my body was never the same,'' Lily looked up over Joe's head, his bookshelf was full of books, colorful things (he treated some children) and some decorative arts that were quite interesting. There was something about his office that was cozy, she didn't know if it was the half-open curtains, the herb freshener, the fluffy white rug she loved to step on only in her socks, the salmon-colored armchairs with cushions made from the same terry cloth as the rug she sometimes hugged, or the decor not so colorful but not so sober.
She always felt that inside there she was one hundred percent safe, her secrets wouldn't slip through the windows or through the doors, and nothing she said would scare Joe. Once, Lily had said that she felt like a huge, scary dog, meeting another huge, scary dog, but that instead of attacking her, he just sat there and stared at her as if waiting to be able to play, and she felt both comfortable and uncomfortable.
Joe said that Lily had some trust issues and that trusting him scared her as much as it relieved her.
 ''James says I'm still beautiful,'' she continued, but she could barely speak without feeling her throat burn and her tongue seem to swell in her mouth. ''But I can't see that, I feel like I've gotten better over the years but being pregnant again... it's all over again, you know? And I should like it, I should be happy, every woman likes being a mother and being pregnant, and I feel awful about it,'' Lily wiped the tears that ran like lava down her face. ''I don't want James to touch me because I'm afraid he'll realize all this that... that this baby is doing to my body.''
''And what's the baby doing?'' Lily hated when he did that, forced her to say what she didn't want to say and kept swallowing without knowing how to vocalize because it was always the cruelest things she could think of herself. 
''It's making me fat.'' Tears hurt her face like razors ripping through her cheeks and leaving her to bleed in front of Joe as he just watched. ''I hate to feel that because I feel like I'm not a good mother. I'm selfish. Cruel. A bad mother. I should love that my body is changing to be able to give life to another human, but I just hate it. I hate and hate and hate...'' Now she was crying like a child, hands hiding her face, elbows on her knees, sobbing loudly and barely able to breathe. ''Sorry,'' She managed to mumble through the waterfall of tears.
As usual, in a way that almost irritated her but also soothed her, Joe was understanding. ''Alright, Lily, we'll take as long as it takes. Let me know when you're ready to talk or listen to me.''
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kuwdora · 4 months
January 15 - if you made a painting embodying a character, who would it be? @sassaffrassa
I cannot remember if I told you about this one specifically, sass, or just foamed at the mouth about my other art ideas. Can I describe this coherently? Guess we’ll find out.
I would love to paint Ciri from the witcher books. This is nothing in my skill set right now. And it it probablyyyyy too many ideas to fit into one piece and could probably be 2-4 pieces. But maybe it’s just one very busy single piece. But it's Ciri and lots of things from the witcher books.
Stylistically I want to make a painting that’s surrealist/eldritch horror with fantasy vibes. Composition-wise I’m, ahhhh, inspired by the old Star Wars posters and Bosch.
I want Ciri’s face with her very huge scar prominent to be a main focus. I want horrifyingly exaggerated uterus to be a focus as well, fallopian tubes reaching out with tentacle-like horrors, ovaries dripping with blood, with disdain and rage.
In the background behind Ciri rises the Tower of Swallows—or maybe Ard Gaeth behind her. Stars in the background. Space and time, you know.
Ciri is flanked by all the people pursuing her for good and ill, so Eredin and Emhyr and Vilgefortz on one side, Yen, Geralt and the Hansa on the right. The fallopian tubes are wrapped around Vilgefortz neck because fuck that guy (I can hold many different kinds of feelings about shitty villain characters). But really fuck that guy and choke him out with a fallopian tube. Or maybe wrapped around all of them, Eredin, Emhyr and Vilgefortz.
On the right Yen has a bloodied lip and messy hair a la her captivity scene, or maybe her scrutinizing expression I think she’s wearing when she’s speaking with Freya in Skellige. Geralt is below Yen and is looking exhausted and determined and wearing a headband, jowly and pale. And beside him is the rest of the Hansa. Cahir with wet eyes looking up at Ciri like she’s hung the moon. Regis looking poised and mindful at Geralt, Dandelion holding his memoirs. Milva cropped hair with her bow Angouleme with a cheeky expression and maybe a knife.
Also have a smaller Vysogota over one Ciri’s shoulder, and Kelpie over her other. Maybe Mistle somewhere, too. Definitely need Ihuarraquax somewhere because fuck yeah unicorns.
Below Ciri and her exaggerated uterus is maybe moment from Ciri’s final fight with Bonhart, her balancing carefully on the beam and Bonhart thinking he’s got her but we know he doesn’t but the stakes are still high.
And just below that is Ciri riding Kelpie over the lake, and Avallach standing on the edge of the water watching her. And if I continue to be maximal I’d want to find a place for some compositional elements about The Spiral. Maybe a reflection in the water of the lake, or something anchored to Avallac’h in the scene.
To layer it even more like this is a Bosch painting meets meets Kahlo and Dali, I would have Nimue with a magnifying glass that she’s looking through from the corner of the painting, examining this Whole Scene with a dreamy-eyed Tilly at her side. Maybe reaching through the looking glass into the scene. Throw in an ouroboros somewhere. Maybe framing the whole painting??
Anyway. This is a lot. My brain is a lot and it is what it is… and hey now! I made a post about it, so it’s out of my head! I cannot and will not paint this, but if anyone is inspired oh my god have at it and run with the ideas if it moves you.
January posting meme + claim a date - can still prompt me.
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jupiterjames · 11 months
Hi! I saw your insurance call and am in awe! Also looking for advice, but if you don't have the spoons feel free to ignore! I recently got my fallopian tubes removed and since my insurance is ACA-compliant they have to cover it 100% but they don't want to. I've called multiple times, sent a written complaint I'm waiting to hear back from, but do you have any advice on how to deal with it?
As a former insurance lackey, yes I might be able to place some stones here! Disclaimer as always, this isn't legal or medical advice since I'm not your rep, blah blah. Okay!
So, few things. There are definitely differences between "don't want to cover" and "refuse to cover." Now, since you mentioned they are ACA-compliant, then they are most likely refusing to cover and it COULD be for a variety of reasons.
1) They determined the procedue was not medically necessary.
2) Your doctor/hospital/someone in billing somewhere coded the procedure wrong on the claim, thus allowing the "must cover" to "doesn't need to cover."
3) Someone failed a step in the approval and/or pre-approval process which allowed insurance to deny out of hand.
4) Whoever processed the claim done fucked up and rejected it due to human error.
Now, in 3 out of 4 scenarios, the solution is the same. Filing a compliant does sweet fuck-all. Filing an APPEAL forces them to respond, usually by reevaluating or at least resubmitting the claim internally.
HOWEVER, if the procedure was coded wrong (which doctors and admins at hospitals do all the ding dong day), then you need to speak to the billing and coding to get the hospital or doctor to resubmit the claim wirh the proper codes that will trigger acceptance of the claim for ACA-compliance.
If the claim was rejected out of clinician review at the insurance company as being medically unnecessary or "elective" NOW you need to call the doctor who ordered the procedure, and have them call your insurance for a peer to peer review of the case. That can overturn the rejection because WOW doctors don't like being told by someone who hasn't even looked at your charts, that they're wrong. And they'll fight about it.
And if a paperwork error like improper coding, not getting the necessary pre-approvals, etc. is the issue, then you can absolutely contact your providers and get that fixed and get copies of all pre-approvals plus your records of the medical necessity to file a formal appeal with your insurance if they're gonna be particularly stubborn.
I know this sounds like a lot and a pain in the ass (it is) but an appeal form can usually be found on your insurer's website (if they're a bigger one. Smaller ones you might have to call or email for the form) and are straightforward. But doing that part, even if you don't have all the backing evidence you need yet, is IMPERATIVE to do within whatever timeframe your insurer allows for appeals. There is ALWAYS a time limit, and filing in a timely manner also hits the pause button on them trying to collect payment until a decision is rendered. Ideally. Not saying some insurers aren't super shitty about harassing you for payment regardless. But they SHOULDN'T with an active appeal.
Since I don't know specifically what happened with your claim (and please don't tell me if you do know, as I am a stranger on the internet and you should protect your PPI and HIPPA info as much as possible), I can't really point you in a solid direction, but a good first step is seeing how the procedure was coded and if a coding error is the issue first. That's easiest to fix if your care team doesn't suck at paperwork because they will get everything redone and resubmitted for you.
I hope this helps and isn't super confusing and that you recover well and stay as healthy as possible!
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imzsuzsis-blog · 1 month
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"Yes, I told you several times, brother, I'm pregnant." With that, I fell back on my bed, tired, I hadn't really recovered from the transition from the European time zone to Japan, and suddenly I had a lot of jet lag. I stared at the ceiling and rubbed my eyes and caressed my belly to see if he was doing well in there with just one more bean on the embryo or was I zygoted or something, I don't understand that, it's not my job, it's just that he grows and develops there.
,,Who is?" I stood up and opened the door. Osc was looking at me with a downcast face and teary eyes, and he was clutching a tiny plushie and a bunch of flowers and he couldn't look at me. Osc? Is there a problem? Come tell me calmly, something happened to me too. I almost got into a fight with the whole family because they didn't have a problem with good Ollie, but I made the mistake of my life and gave my number to a strange man in his forties whom I met at a gas station with the letter L and I stupidly asked him out on a date." I kissed his hair and let the crying boy in. I laid him on the bed and he handed over the cute plush dog and the artificial rose. "A,a,I came for the kiss, I was a stupid bastard, it's my fault that your relationship ended, I was really secretly in love all along and I will be with you Lando, you are such a beautiful boy."
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I couldn't watch Lando, even though he said these things, I didn't understand what he meant. "Lando, didn't you meet a guy? There is something else in the background, I know you well. I suspect you were hiding something from them or that they are against it... Who did you do it with? Your uterus or your fallopian tubes? They put you to bed and you're pregnant." "I'm pregnant with the second one, I think I'm in the fifth week, but I'm not sure. I should go to a Gynecologist, i.e. DR Yin, to find out exactly how many weeks I am, because the test is not accurate." "It was meant to be a joke, no, no, no, no, Lando, you can lose your seat because of this. In fact, many people will make their voices heard if the whole thing is revealed, yes, and they can instruct centrally. To be honest, Lando, this is not the world of video games, especially not The Sims4. Where you can compete with a big belly, this is not the fucking reality here, everything has to be matched with Stim and you can't get into the car with a growing belly, it doesn't matter. This is going to be a fucking big scandal!!!!!” I looked at it and slapped it, and even the Bombon and I cut a pillow for it, it also hung out properly. "Fuck, I'm terrified because I want to keep the little one inside me and protect it!!!! Believe me, hiding is harder than you think. And most of all, I don't want the whole field to know about it now. Just because a fucking big scandal could break out and I would be at the center of it and I hate that!!!!!" He got up and ran out the door sobbing, panting after me, but I didn't see Charles anywhere, not even on the street, for some reason, "Lando, didn't you see him?" He ran away sobbing and said that he and almost the whole family would get together because of that. He gave him number to a guy in his forties and told him about him pregnancy."
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"Come on, what? Did Lando run off sobbing and catch up with his family? I don't understand this and on top of that it seems like a mess." "Well, it's true, I went up to him as you said and that was the end of it." "I hope it wasn't a mess?" "But he told me that he was pregnant and that she was afraid that she didn't want to miscarry." ,,Okay, I understand, but there will be a scandal... He is fighting with one of the passers-by, I don't even know Swedish. Lando, how long have you been able to speak Swedish?" I tapped him on the shoulder. When angrly slapped him with his palm. "That's it for you, right-wing Monaco bastard!!!!" ,,Now what's the problem?" "You had fucking sex on the beach in broad daylight, you idiot!!!!"
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I stood there blinking, I seriously said such nonsense again. "Fuck me, I'm sorry guys, it wasn't intentional, but I'm such an idiot bitch these days." "No problem... But what was this language?" Because I only took out from the translator that you are pregnant and that you got into trouble with the family because you want to go on a date with Loki." "Lando, you know that Loki only exists in your fucking form, Jesus." "Shut up Charles, I really met him somewhere and I'm going on a date with him." "We won't shut up, he doesn't exist!!!!!" ,,Alex, Osc has to shut up with him and he's really cute and I think it's acceptable if you don't like the prima donna look." "Come back, prima queen, don't be a whore, fuck me openly!!!" They scurried back, but I didn't get too excited, even when a taxi hit them right in front of them.
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thessalian · 5 months
Thess vs the Human Digestive System
So New Girl is back today, and back to the usual tricks. She was blatant enough about it today for me to spot the pattern.
See, I was typing away, we'd got down to 260-odd, things were about as good as they get even with the really obvious cherry-picking of bits of dictation ... and then suddenly, I pop out of what was for once a fairly simple bit of dictation to find that the queue has forty more items in it than when I last looked, many of them timestamped for before the one I just finished typing. They're not even all that long, so I wonder, what the fuck is the problem?
I start in on the first one of these - a gallbladder, fairly short and straightforward, especially if you've been doing them for years. Come out of that one a couple of minutes later, and the queue is suddenly down by twenty, and I see by the timestamps that more cherry-picking has been done later in the day. So I look at this and go, "Okay, most of the ones that got thrown back were the same couple of doctors, and their accents aren't that bad, and they're not that long, so again I ask what the fuck?" But it's no good asking questions of these people, so back to the typing.
Another gallbladder.
And another.
And another.
Half a dozen of them, all told.
So I think what New Girl is doing is picking them up, listening just long enough to figure out what they are, and then just ... not doing the ones she doesn't want to do. Maybe she's not comfortable with them - but if so, the only way for her to gain comfort with them is to do them. Maybe she just doesn't want to do them. Maybe all she really wants to do is the really simple ones, like spot biopsies of various parts of the colon and oesophagus, which are honestly the easiest ones to do.
Well, tough shit, no pun intended. Why should she get the easy spot biopsies when I'm typing up all the resections (which is when you actually take out a whole segment of bowel, usually because there's a tumour or perforation in there)? I get the whole bowel resections. I get the kidneys. The testes. The hysterectomy specimens and ovaries and fallopian tubes. The placentas. The breasts (well, the mastectomies and major excisions, anyway; they're fine doing the little core biopsies). Any skin biopsy that's not a straight-up punch. The livers and gallbladders. In short, all the complicated stuff. And New Girl not only cherry-picks the short ones, but also cherry-picks the short ones that are even remotely more than "number of specimens, measurements of specimens, done".
I cannot express enough how absolutely sick to the back teeth I am of bowel resection specimens. Don't even get me started on placentas and the fucking pancreas.
So it's still going to be an overtime night and after this one anterior resection that I don't want to do but am now stuck with, I'm stuck with a fifteen minute monstrosity of multiple skin excision biopsies.
I mean, I feel really bad for the patients whose bodies used to contain these pieces of tissue, and the doctors are just doing their jobs, and I feel bad about kvetching. However ... my colleagues need to share the fucking load, and they don't, and I'm tired and in a lot of pain and just so FED THE FUCK UP.
I'd say, "Hey, at least it's the weekend", but guess who's going to have to do overtime on Saturday too, because we're only into dictations from about 1pm on Thursday (again, because I've had all the 5-10 minute ones all day and the other two are fucking dawdling, and have been since Scruffmen went on his half-day annual leave). I want this bullshit cleared out as much as possible so maybe I won't have to do this shit next week too.
Right. VENT BREAK over. I will stuff an apple into my face and keep going.
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