#i know it said *a plant* but c'mon i can't pick just one!
trensu · 9 months
Steve had always wanted to be a skilled fighter. The schools that churned out the best fighters all happened to be schools for holy warriors. It was possible that Steve maybe sort of lied a little (with the help of his friends Robin and Dustin) to get into this school by claiming he was full to the brim of religious fervor but hadn’t decided who to pledge his sword to yet. It shouldn’t have worked, if he were honest with himself, but by some stroke of luck it did, and he finished his training as one of the top combatants. 
The issue now was that he had to pick a god whose crest to carry. There were all sorts of gods. Gods of water, gods of air, gods of agriculture, war gods, cat gods, plant gods...the list was endless. And while Steve was one of the best fighters around, he was most definitely not one of the best researchers. Thankfully Dustin and Robin were very clever and knew where to find details about the many gods in existence.
“So what kind of god do you want to follow? Maybe we can start there,” Robin asked.
“Uh…a good one?”
“You’re no help at all, you know that?” Dustin grumbled.
They suggested a local god known as Carver who stood for righteousness, but Steve turned that down. It didn't feel like a good fit. They suggested a love god by the name of Chrissy, who valued love of all kinds, romantic, platonic, familial...Steve had been tempted, very tempted, because Steve had always carried an excess of love in his heart. Robin had vetoed that one stating that Steve was already too reckless with his love and she wouldn't stand by and watch him break his own heart over and over again.
Dustin suggested a god of knowledge, Clarke, who blessed and guided those with curiosity, imagination, and a knack for invention. Steve shot that one down immediately. He was never one to be overly imaginative or curious; he preferred to deal with concrete things. Out of their quickly dwindling list, Robin reluctantly suggested Hargrove, a war god favored by a nearby kingdom, but if Carver was ill-fitting, then Hargrove was outright repellent to Steve.
"C'mon, Steve, you gotta pick someone!" Dustin huffed in frustration. 
Robin thunked her head against the table in the library where they were looking up deities. She was obviously at her wit's end too. Steve, however, just dug his heels in with a particularly stubborn scowl.
"I can't just pick anyone!" Steve said. "If I'm going to pledge my sword to someone, it has to be someone...someone good. Someone that, I don't know, someone I can believe in, even when--no especially when things go wrong. That’s the whole point!"
"Yeah, I get that," Robin sighed, a mix of fond and annoyed, "but this is the eighth book we've gone through and the only one left here is called the King of Darkness which is hardly going to--huh."
Robin paused mid-rant to look at the page more closely. Steve and Dustin both huddled around her to peek into the book as well. Dustin also made a sound of curiosity.
"That's weird," Dustin said.
"Right?" Robin asked enthusiastically.
"What? What's weird?" Steve didn't get what caught their attention.
"This god only has a couple of sentences," Dustin explained, "And they don't really make sense. Something about dark creatures and the undeserving? The grammar and structure is all weird though."
"It looks like a half-assed translation," Robin added with a nod. "We should find the original text."
"Yeah! And if we can make a better translation, we could get it added to the next edition and they'd have to put our names on the book," Dustin said excitedly. Robin's eyes lit up at the thought and they both rushed off to the stacks to track down any original sources.
"Guys! Guys, what about my..."
The librarian hushed Steve, irritated. Steve groaned in defeat.
"...godly choices. Yeah, fine," Steve slumped back on his seat. "I need to find non-nerd friends."
Two days later, Robin and Dustin finished translating a slim, dusty book. They were nearly vibrating in their seats as Steve reviewed their notes on what they found. Dustin gripped his arm and gave him a shake.
"So? What do you think?" he asked excitedly.
Robin slung her arm across Steve's shoulders. With more tenderness than Steve expected, she said, "I know it doesn't seem like it, he doesn't really fit with your whole style, but it could work."
"Yeah," Steve said with a hopeful smile. "Yeah, this feels right."
It took longer than Steve would've liked, but eventually he managed to track down a small, crumbling shrine. It was an alcove carved near the entrance--no more than a crack in the stone really--of a cave at the edge of a lush forest. He almost missed it, it was so drowned in overgrown crawling vines and weeds. It bore a modest statue, no bigger than Steve, standing atop an equally modest plinth. There was a spot that obviously held a plaque once, but it must’ve been dug out by thieves at some point.
The sight of it made something in Steve's chest twinge; a strange pang of melancholy at seeing a god so forgotten and abandoned. It surprised him as he had never been particularly religious, but there was just something about this one that drew him in.
It was the middle of the day, so Steve quickly made camp and took advantage of the light to begin clearing the shrine. He started where the plaque had been, scrubbing off the dirt and moss that had filled the indentation. He knew a good smith; he could commission a new plaque to be made. After that, he weeded the immediate area around the plinth where worshipers would typically lay their offerings and pray.
By the time he finished that, it was late afternoon and he decided that was good enough for today. He had to eat and get a few hours of sleep so he could be alert once night fell. When he curled up on his bedroll, he couldn't help the grin that spread on his face. He was going to offer himself to his god tonight, and with any luck, his god would accept him.
He woke to a multitude of high pitched squeaks and the sound of many, many flapping wings. The sun had just fully set, and the stars that could be seen through the canopy burned brightly. Steve took his time to fasten on his armor and scabbard properly, and fixed his hair so not a strand was out of place. He took a few deep breaths to calm an unexpected bout of nerves before going to the shrine and kneeling.
His god had no official prayers. Or rather, the prayers for his god were forgotten. Robin and Dustin did their best to find anything prayer-like but it had been in vain. They suspected that most of the god's holy items and lore were purposely lost. Lacking that, Steve decided it was best that he introduce himself.
"Um, hi," he started and immediately winced. "Sorry. I'm not used to...this. I couldn't find any of your…holy words? Prayers? The right ways to speak to you, I guess.
"I'm Steve. Steve Harrington. I'm a fighter. I finished my training a few weeks back. I was the top of my cohort when it came to combat. I'm good with my sword and I know how to take a hit. I can turn just about anything into a weapon if it's needed."
Here Steve paused for a moment, straining to hear but there was nothing other than the typical sounds of a night out in the woods. Steve took a breath and plowed forward.
"I want to be more than a fighter, though. I don't want to just wave a sword around for nothing. I want it to...to matter. So I spent a lot of time trying to decide who to wield my sword for. It took me a while, but I found you. I want to be your shield and sword, if you'll have me."
Steve stopped again to listen. Nothing. Robin warned him this might happen. Gods didn't always accept warriors who offered themselves to them, and forgotten gods weren't always reachable. It was fine, though; he’d try again tomorrow night. Steve turned in just before dawn, eager for night again.
Steve worked on clearing the vines tangled around the statue's legs and feet. He yanked out the thick, scraggly vines, and carefully picked apart the prickling thorny ones. There was a particular gnarl of vines that didn't seem like they had a stranglehold on his god's statue. They were healthy and strong, and the way they curled and grew looked more like a caress than an invasion. He decided to leave those on, though he gently rearranged them while removing the more invasive vines so they looked more decorative.
When night arrived with the sound of squeaks and wings, Steve went to kneel at the shrine. He introduced himself again, gave the same spiel as the night before. Still he heard nothing. He scratched the back of his neck in mild insecurity.
“I guess I should tell you I didn’t find you on my own. My friends Robin and Dustin helped me. They’re way smarter than me, you know? Total nerds. I can swing a sword like nothing, but books and research? Yeah, that never works out for me, so they helped me look up all sorts of gods.
“There’s a lot of them. Way more than I thought. Dustin and Robin both recommended me ones or vetoed others. They were getting frustrated with me because I kept rejecting the ones they gave me. 
“Then Robin found you. Kind of by accident, to be honest. But she did her research thing and I knew that I wanted to carry your symbol. It took me forever to find this shrine. Robin said this was probably the only shrine you had left, so I had to find it. 
“Dustin kept saying it was on the other side of the forest, but obviously he was wrong. Not that he’ll ever admit it, the little shit, but whatever. I’m sorry your shrine was abandoned like this, but I promise I’ll fix it up. I’m good with my hands, I can do it.”
There was no response to his admittedly disorganized ramble. It was fine, he told himself. He needed to be patient. He’d come back the next night.
Around the statue’s waist there was another tangled mess of vines, except these vines had died and rotted to dark sludge. There was fungus growing on it, and it reeked. It was gross. Steve scrubbed at it for hours because the rot had stained the stone. He was able to get rid of the rot and most of the stains before going to catch a few hours of sleep in the afternoon.
Night fell and Steve was kneeling for the third time. He repeated most of what he said the previous two nights. There was still no response. He thought maybe he was pushing too hard. He’d never been the super talkative type anyway. He could share the quiet night with his god, if that was what his god wanted.
A few hours passed when he was startled out of his near meditative state by the sound of snapping twigs. He leapt to his feet, hand on his scabbard. Someone–a man by the look of it–stumbled out of the woods. He was pale and dark haired, dressed in ragged clothes that were probably awful even when they were new. He looked like a vagabond. 
Steve stepped in front of the shrine, protectively. The stranger grinned at him and Steve could already tell he was not going to enjoy the conversation that was about to happen.
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” Steve asked firmly, cutting the man off before he could speak. The smile only grew wider.
“I could ask you the same thing, sir,” the man said, adopting the annoyed huff of a wealthy lord. Steve scowled.
“I asked first.”
“I asked second!”
“You didn’t ask me anything,” Steve responded, somewhat smug. The man paused and then snorted a laugh.
“Yeah, okay.” He raised his hands in mock surrender. “You got me.”
“So what?”
“What are you doing here? Who are you?” Steve repeated shortly. The teasing grin was back, and Steve felt his scowl deepen.
“Nothing and no one, m’lord,” the man bows mockingly.
“I’m not a lord.”
“Huh. Could’ve fooled me. You’re certainly as demanding as any lord I’ve ever met.”
“Oh fuck you,” Steve snapped. “I’m a holy warrior.”
The man laughed at him outright.
“Well that doesn’t sound very holy warrior-ish. Are your type allowed to swear?”
Steve grinded his teeth and decided it was not worth it to continue this conversation for much longer.
“Look, if you’re here to steal, I’ve got nothing on me.”
“That’s exactly what someone with something to steal would say.”
“Well, I don’t! I’m on a pilgrimage and I don’t want to spill blood on holy ground. So.” Steve wrapped a hand around the hilt of his sword. “Leave. Please.”
“Holy ground? Here?” the man barks out a laugh. “Don’t you know what this place is?”
“Yes,” Steve says shortly, placing himself more firmly between the shrine and the man. “Please leave. There shouldn’t be violence done here.”
“Oh, it’s far too late for that. This place used to belong to the King of Darkness. It’s said he was so evil that nothing grew here until he was run out and defeated by the god of righteousness. You know the one. Really plays up the holier than thou thing by making his hair all gold and glowy? Gotta say, you could give him a run for his money though.”
“You’re wrong.”
“No really! Your hair is great. Way better than Carver, even with the glowy thing.” 
“Not that!” Steve said in frustration. This guy really liked the sound of his own voice and Steve was starting to get a headache. It was near dawn and all he wanted was to spend the last hour or so in the quiet night with his god.
“So you agree your hair is better than a god’s?” The man tsks at him. “That’s pretty blasphemous. Are you sure you’re a holy warrior?”
“No! I mean, yes. Wait,” Steve growls at his own bumbling. “No, I’m not better than any god. But I am a holy warrior. Kind of.”
“Kind of.”
“Look, I’m working on it so I need you to leave. You’ve insulted him enough already.”
“Your god is the King of Dark–”
“Call him that again, and I will draw my sword,” Steve said, voice steely. “He’s the Lord of Night, and I won’t let you insult him at his own shrine.”
The man goes quiet for the first time since he showed up. He looked almost surprised, his mocking grin gone. His eyes flicked over to the dilapidated statue and then back at Steve.
“Lord of Night doesn’t sound much different than what I called him,” the man said lightly.
“Well, it is,” Steve told him. “Now, will you please leave?”
The man stared at him for a moment before shrugging. “Yeah, alright.” And then he left as suddenly as he had arrived.
The tension that had built up in Steve’s shoulders drained away. He went back to kneel in front of the shrine again when he noticed the barest hint of sunrise on the horizon. He cursed under his breath then was hit with a wave of embarrassment at cursing in front of the shrine and the whole situation that had transpired.
“I’m sorry about that,” Steve said, abashed. “It won’t happen again, I promise.”
It happened again.
now with an additional snippet here and here
ps: i do not do those reader tag list things. if you'd like to keep up with my stuff, follow my writing tag: trensu tells stories
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tarjapearce · 7 months
This is a bit of Mama's side of the aftermath 💔-
Pt. 4
At every step you gave further from the burning mess, the deeper the knife he had plunged with his words buried inside your heart.
He doesn't love you.
Your eyes closed, almost loosing your footing in the process of stair descending.
He's disgusted by you
Mind kept chanting the terrible truths and doubts mostly of your family planted in that little brief time you had shared. A constant and eternal reminder to not come close again.
You had to stop for a minute to catch your breath so your brain could alternate between weeping and breathing.
Fucking Normal
His words still rang in your head, his tone as glacial as a blizzard. But even so, the blizzard felt safer since you would close your eyes to shield yourself from the snow. But how could you shield yourself from his piercing and judging glare? You had no armor against that cause in truth, you never felt needing it whenever you were with him.
He had disarmed you bit by bit, stashing your emotional armor behind in a vault only he knew the combination of, cause he made sure you'd never need it again, but now, you were left bare before him. Stripped, bare and shunned.
Was this one of his tactics? To make you feel loved, cared for and needed, to then just discard you?
He never loved you
Nausea clawed at your throat as the anxiety drilled and forced itself into your brain and guts.
You went home in a cab.
"Sweetie? W-What's wrong? You ok?"
Jess' words only reopened the wounds, fresh blood oozing from them as you clung to her and sobbed onto her shoulder as soon as she opened her apartment door.
"What happened, babe?"
You just hugged her as your breakdown spilled from the seams, unable to hold it anymore.
"M-Miguel..." Your throat choked as you tried to wipe your tears.
"He never... He doesn't..." You tried to hold your breath and voice steady so you could properly talk. But none of it was happening.
"He doesn't love me" You blurted and Jessica's eyes went wide.
"What are you talking about? He lo-"
"H-He thinks I'm just like my family, Jess..."
Your throat constricted again and she held you tightly.
"I know you warned me about him"
Jessica shook her head as she caressed your hair and sighed upon hearing your mourning heart speaking for you.
"I should've listened"
"I'm here with you, Sweetheart."
"He knows our of everyone that I'd never hurt him..."
"I know you wouldn't. You don't have to justify yourself to me, babe. He better apologizes. He needs to"
Your head shook.
"He doesn't want me. I can't be with someone that doesn't want me."
"C'mon, don't say that. We both know you love him"
"That's exactly the problem Jess! I know I love him, and right now I wish I didn't cause he hurt me with his stupid thinking that I'd judge him! He-" You sniffed and gave a shaky breath, "How can I trust him when he said I was just like them knowing that I don't get along with my family?! That I barely talk to them!" More sniffling came as Jess pulled the tissue box for you.
"You... you should've seen the way he looked at me."
You had to breath in between choked sobs to make coherence of your words.
"It hurt and still hurts so bad..."
Jessica's lips pursed in a straight line as she saw the few belongings you had left on Miguel's with you. Your necklace gone too. A necklace she had helped Miguel pick for you, to officially ask you to date him.
Despite the anger coursing through her veins like molten lava, she knew that the only thing she could do for you was to be there as a friend. She'd deal with him later. Right now, all she could do was to drive you home, provide you tissues and a shoulder to cry upon, and help you to get the remnants of his presence out of your apartment. Our of your system. Out of your life.
Each item had a little of his essence still etched to them. A couple of hoodies that smelled like him. Faded cinammon and leather like with a tiny tone of your lavender detergent. A pair of his sunglasses that had his greasy fingertips imprinted on the black glass, and the t-shirt you had shared your body for the first time with him.
A t shirt you had begged him to keep, due the meaningful moment shared with him. As corny as he thought it was, he allowed you to keep it, after praising how good your thighs looked when you wore it.
And now, it was tossed to the box of mementos, ready to be sent back to their righ owner.
"Is bad..."
"You think!?" Sarcasm dripped, laced with venom on her voice. Jessica sighed and rubbed her temples as Peter was probably rubbing his face.
"Look, I'll see what I can do, ok?"
"You're not understanding, Peter. She just packed in his stuff, she wasn't wearing that necklace. And she was definitely having an anxiety attack when she came to me. I don't..."
She had to take a sharp inhale of air before speaking again
"I give two shits he's our friend. But he crossed the line. I'll give you his things for you to hand them over to him."
"Right. Right."
Peter sighed once more.
"I swear... Sometimes Miguel just..."
"He's acting like an ass, stop coddling him!"
"Im not. He's had it rough."
"And so his now ex girlfriend! And she doesn't go around, treating people like shit just cause he's unable to properly manage and sort his emotions!."
Peter just rose his brows in surprise at her words.
"W-What happened anyways?"
"They went to meet her family. Things didn't go well, I think, and they had a fight back home. She said that he told her that her family believes him a freak. You know how he is regarding that."
"Shoot... I'll try to talk some sense into him. If I find him that is. You know he just... isolates."
Jessica rolled her eyes.
"Let me know if anything happens. She's asleep now. Had to give her some sleep gummies. Babe needs a break."
"Of course. Nights then."
Peter hung up and Jess pulled the box on the living room. As much as he wanted to give Miguel a piece of her mind, she knew this was something he had to solve on his own.
At least, for tonight your broken heart could find some fake and momentary peace. Jessica just stared at your sleeping form and then at one of your pictures with him in your mirror. A small strip of kissing booth pictures, something you had probably bribed him to try.
A soft yet genuine smile on Miguel's face as you kissed his cheek with a loving grin.
"Dammit, Miguel"
Jessica Mumbled, unsure of trespassing your intimate bubble and hide the picture away. She just closed your door and let you rest instead.
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pov: matty taking care of you after a night of too much drinking
mostly fluffy thoughts but with some slight smutty mentions.
this was something i tried to write months before i started this blog just to see if i could do it. that's when i quickly found out writing full fics is not my thing, lol. nothing special, just a stream of consciousness ramble really.
warning: smutty thoughts if you squint, alcohol. grammatical errors, typos.
masterlist here.
“c'mon, it's time to go home, love.” there’s this ungodly pounding inside your head, a confirmation that, yes, one too many pints were consumed this… evening? night? hard to tell, really. you have no idea what time it is or where you’re right now—all that registers is the warm feeling of his arm on your waist, leading you toward the exit of whatever this place might be.
the cold air bites your skin as soon as the door opens. wearing a short dress feels like a silly choice now, but he said you looked beautiful so that makes it all right of course. you lean into him as he drapes his coat around your shoulders, the same leather garment he's let you wear countless times before because he knows you love it so.
“okay, your flat's just a few blocks away. let's walk, get some fresh air. it will do you good.” his lips brush the top of your head before you both start to slowly stumble alongside the dimly lit streets of london. “i like it when you kiss me, matty.” he leans down to plant a soft peck on your cheek and for a fleeting moment it makes you wonder if maybe he feels the same way. just maybe.
walking never felt so difficult. perhaps it was when you were a child, but obviously you have no recollection. his arm around your shoulders continues to guide you as you just focus on placing one foot in front of the other until you reach your destination. it was a fast trek but you don't mind. in fact, you are thankful for it.
“don't think i’ve ever had this much trouble openin’ a fuckin’ door.” none of the keys seem to work, ugh. he chuckles behind you (rude) and grabs them from your shaky hands, unlocking and swinging the door open with ease (show off). you try to walk on your own, but it doesn't quite go as planned as you stumble on the mat right behind the entrance.
"shit, are you alri—“ you cannot help but quietly laugh at yourself and the embarrassing situation you're in, and it catches you by surprise when he picks you up, one arm under your knees and the other one around your waist. he gently places you on the green couch so you're finally sitting down, your drunk mind spinning as you gaze at the boy kneeled down in front of you, working on getting the patent heels off your feet.
“m’sorry you have to see me like this.” for a split second you wonder how it happened, how did you get to this state, but quickly realize that’s too much thinking for your clouded mind to process. you’ll figure it out later. it’s not often you get flat out drunk, especially outside the confine of the four off-white walls you call home. you prefer to drink in your flat as you don't like the thought of making a fool out of yourself in front of others. much like right now. oh well. it probably won't be the last time.
with your shoes off now (thank you, matthew), you slowly stand up and somehow manage walk over to your bedroom successfully without tripping over your feet. you sit down on the floor, facing your full length mirror as you take your earrings off and try to undress. “matty?” you attempt to reach the zipper on the back of your black dress, but your limbs just can't seem to bend far enough “please help me take this bloody thing off!” you give up after a few seconds and get distracted by the red marks on your knees from where you fell just a few minutes ago.
“hold on, darling."
you lazily stare back at yourself in the mirror as matty walks through the room to set a glass of water on the bedside table. he takes a few steps and kneels behind you, fumbling his fingers to undo the pesky zipper. it's maybe the alcohol in your system or some wishful thinking, but you seem to notice a blush on his cheeks when he realizes you aren't wearing a bra as the straps of your dress fall to the sides. for a moment you catch his eyes gazing at your reflection, making you smile as a warmth, familiar sensation in your navel continues to grow.
a smile of his own tugs at the corner of his lips when he holds your elbows to raise you up on your feet, your silk dress sliding and pooling at your ankles in the process. he turns you around so your eyes finally meet, big brown loving eyes looking straight at you.
your head finds his chest, you can hear his gentle heartbeat, a soft repeating thud that you never grow tired of. "i think i could jus' fall 'sleep right here..."
“unfortunately, i don’t think that’s really going to work here, love. c'mon, get your arms up so i can put this shirt on.” you obey by raising your flimsy limbs up to the best of your ability while matty attempts to get the fabric on you. it takes a few tries, but he manages.
you now find yourself dressed in nothing but your shirt and underwear. you watch as he pulls the covers off the bed, getting your spot ready. once it’s set, he grabs your hand and slowly brings you over.
“please stay.” it wasn’t much of a question as much as it was a plea for him to keep you company.
he doesn’t argue with you, he knows better than that. he nods. “i'll just be on the sofa in the other room but let me know if you need anythi—" you shake your head. "this bed is big enough for you, too." you lazily pat the extra pillow besides your head. you get scared as he doesn't say much, but you breathe again once he starts to walk over in your direction, lifting the covers and making himself at home next to you. he doesn't bother getting undressed, but maybe that's best for your (and his own) sake.
you rest your head on his chest, letting your body melt into his as your lids grow heavy from the mix of alcohol and exhaustion. “thank you for keeping me safe, matty.” you feel as he brings you slightly closer, one hand running through your hair while the other grabs on to your shoulder, his lips softly planting a kiss on your forehead. “always, darling.”
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kisscara · 1 year
Hey hey~! Can I perhaps request a light angst about reader getting really sick(not to the point where it’s fatal) but ends up coughing a lot and scara/wanderer gets scared because of what happened with the kid in his third betrayal??
promise me? [scaramouche x gn!reader] ⎯⎯ angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, fatui!scaramouche
a/n: HURRAY an angsty req to get myself fired up and i hope you like this anonnie :3
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scaramouche idly stands outside of the bedroom door. he looks down at the bowl of soup in his hands. his heart makes little tugs of pain each time he hears you cough and endless thoughts run through his mind as he recalls the way he lost someone else in the exact same way.
but you wouldn't. you'd never. all you've ever been to him is loving and understanding. surely, there's no way that you'll leave him so abruptly. then again, that's the way he thought with them. scaramouche hesitates before using one hand to push the door open. he enters the room with his eyes fixated on your figure.
"oh, scara, i told you that you didn't have to stay back today. aren't you-" you stop short to cough before continuing with a strained voice, "aren't you busy?" scaramouche mutters, "are you an idiot? i'm not leaving you home alone in this state." he sets down the bowl onto the drawer by the bed and sits with you.
you notice the way he avoids looking into your eyes as he slowly mixes the soup with a spoon. "i'll be okay, scara. you know me and my immune system." you make a futile attempt at comforting him. scaramouche lightly scoffs, "i never said i was worried."
you sink in your spot with a pout. "liar." at that, he finally looks up to meet your gaze but you turn your head the other way with your eyes closed. scaramouche huffs as he tries to feed you the soup, "don't be difficult, (name)." you lie down on the bed, eyes still closed, and you slip under the blankets.
"i'm not looking at you 'til you believe me." you say, voice muffled by the sheets. scaramouche deadpans, "c'mon, i do believe you. i... i'm not worried about anything, okay? worrying's for weaklings such as you." he puts the bowl back onto the drawer and pulls the blanket off, only to find nothing.
scaramouche looks around and notices your head of (color) hair at the side of the bed. he gets onto the mattress and peers to where you were sitting on the floor. "i don't like it when you think like that, scara." you murmur, picking at your nails. he joins you on the floor. "think like what?"
you finally look at him and your soft gaze is one full of sorrow. "like i'm going to leave you." scaramouche gulps at your words and looks away, only to be stopped by your hand gently cupping his cheek to face you. "i love you and you know that, or do you?" you query.
he tightly holds your hand holding his face, "i do! i do know that, i just..." scaramouche's eyes scan yours for anything. 'say something, please.' he's begging and tears blur his vision. you wipe a falling tear, "if you know i love you, then why can't you put your full trust in me?"
you sniffle as your own tears peek at the corner of your eyes, "it hurts me to know that you think i'll leave you in the blink of an eye." scaramouche shakes his head and his vulnerable side comes out into the light. "no, no, it's... i don't want you to end up like him." there's parts where his voice cuts off and you sigh.
"i promise you," you push your lips against his and whisper, "i won't leave you but you have to promise me that you'll do the same and that you'll trust me from now on." scaramouche falls silent. you tear up even more, "promise me, kunikuzushi." he wavers before holding your face in his hands. "i promise, (name)."
you thinly exhale, "thank you." scaramouche gives you one last kiss of reassurance. "i promise." he plants kisses all over your face and neck before returning to your lips. you laugh and hold him back by his shoulders, "dear, you're going to get sick." scaramouche mumbles, "i can't get sick so,"
he wraps your waist in his arms, "let's stay together just a little while longer." you bury your face in his neck, "okay." you pull away and get back onto the bed, "now, are you still going to feed me?" you smile as he sits by you. "yes, now come here. i'm going back to work tomorrow, so you better be well by the morning."
you sit on his lap and he holds a spoonful of the soup in front of your mouth. you carefully sip it as to not spill any and burn your tongue from the heat, no less. scaramouche is bound to get another spoonful but you stop him by hugging his torso. "i feel better already."
scaramouche's pupils dilate.
he rolls his eyes, "that's not going to work on me. i know you hate ginger soup but you have to take this." you whine, "but seriously, it tastes bad..." scaramouche tsks, "do you want to stay sick forever?" you look at him and grin, "yeah. so then, you'll stay home everyday and take care of me!"
scaramouche places a hand on your head, "no. finish eating or i'll make you take medicine instead." you panic and sit up, "but that's not fair! i had one spoon, that should be enough!" scaramouche squints at you, "a spoon of soup is not the same thing as a spoon of medicine."
you grip fistfuls of your hair in frustration, "i thought the fatui were stupid!" scaramouche scoffs, "not me, because i chose you." you pause and sputter out in a laugh, "you're so corny." he gets out of the bed, "medicine it is."
© kisscara
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coldfanbou · 1 year
Last Resort
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I made this story attached to the Police Joy fic, which you can read if you want. Rough sex and just a smidge of self-degradation.
Length 1.3K
Joy X mreader
Previous Part
After Officer Joy accepted your invitation, she became a slave to you. She wouldn't do anything whenever you committed a robbery, and eventually, she lost her job. As her life spiraled downwards, she tried to pick up the pieces, looking for any job but either being refused or fired soon after starting due to missing work too often. When you weren't fucking her, she was less submissive to you and often talked back. "You know, officer, you still have a couple of options."
"Shut up; what options could I possibly have? I can't hold any job down with you fucking me constantly."
"You act like you don't beg for it. Half the time, you're cum drunk, and the rest begging for more. You're addicted to my cum. You do have an option, though, porn."
"I can't do that. What if someone I know finds it?"
"So you're just going to be homeless? Because that's what's going to happen if you don't. We've already established you can't hold a job. Just think, film videos of you getting fucked, sell them, and you'll have some money."
You cup her cheek, "C'mon Joy. You get to knock out two birds with one stone. You make money, and you get the cock you love."
Joy looked down with shame. "I-I'll do it."
With a smile on your face, you tell her, "We should get started then." The debut of Joy as an adult video actress would begin with her sitting on a couch in nothing but a tank top and shorts. "We'll start simple, you'll introduce yourself, and then we'll get straight to the sex."
"Right," she said as she moved from side to side on the couch. With pursed lips, her hands dug into the couch cushions as the camera started rolling. 
As you called action Joy's expression changed, and she wore a happy mask. "So, what's your name?"
"My name is Joy."
"And why did you decide to do porn?"
"Well, I just love being fucked, and I could use the money."
"Well then, you're in luck." At this point, you walk into frame with your cock already hard. Joy's hands unfurl and reach for your cock, grabbing onto the shaft. As she strokes your cock her smiles turn genuine, and Joy forgets about the camera. You take another step toward her, hinting that she should do more as your cock stands at attention close to her mouth. She plants a kiss on the head of your cock; she can't stay away from it for long as she opens her mouth and takes you inside. Joy's tongue swirls slowly as her lips wrap tightly around your shaft. You coo as she begins to bob her head, reaching the base of your cock. The sensation of her lips being stretched around your cock was enjoyable. You place your hand on the back of her head and start thrusting in and out. As you hit the back of Joy's throat, tears start falling from her eyes as she struggles to breathe. Despite her smacking your thigh to signal that she's choking, you continue to thrust, only letting her off your cock so you can slap her face with it. "So, how does it feel?"
Through heavy breaths, Joy says, "it feels so good having your cock down my throat." Her tongue runs the length of your cock as she returns for more. Joy's soft hand starts to fondle your balls adding to your pleasure. At the same time, she slides her hand into her shorts and starts to finger herself. You return to using her mouth as you, please. Feeling your orgasm approach, you give Joy a warning. "Give it to me," Joy moans as well as she can because of your cock. Shoving her face into your pelvis, you unleash a torrent of semen, which flows down Joy's throat as she greedily drinks it all. Joy's fingers increase in speed as she pushes herself to her orgasm. Her hips rock back and forth as she rubs her clit. Joy pushed herself over the edge wetting her shorts with her juices; her loud moan disrupted her cum drinking forcing her back as the last remaining spurt of cum hits her face. You walk over to the camera, picking it up, and record Joy's bliss-filled face as she looks toward you. Joy opens her mouth to show you her empty mouth. 
"Such a good girl." You return the camera to its previous place before sitting on the couch. Joy drops her shorts and throws off her top before positioning herself to face the camera. You pull her back, aligning yourself with her pussy. You make sure your first thrust pounds against her cervix. 
"Oh fuck!" She moans as her back arcs, and her eyes roll into the back of her head. Joy's tongue laps at the air as she slowly comes back to reality. Despite having taken your cock multiple times, she still struggled when you did that. Placing your hands on her ass, you lift her and drop her back down on your cock. Joy pants as you use her body, her hands kneading at her breasts to draw more pleasure. 
"Why don't you tell everyone what you are?"
"Hi, everyone! I'm Joy, and I'm a little fuck doll who loves big cocks." She says, throwing up a peace sign. Increasing the pace, Joy begins to fill the room with her moans, your low grunts running in the background as Joy's pussy tightens around your cock. "Oh god, fuck me harder, drill my pussy!" She screams as you continue to fuck her. Joy pinches her nipples, rolling them between her fingers as she nears her orgasm. "Fuck I'm cumming; I'm going to cum! I'm-ahh!" Joy's head swings back as her body shakes violently. She begins to squirt as you continue to thrust into her. Her nectar shoots forward, and Joy's hair covers her face as she expresses her thanks for your cock. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Give me more; I want more." You wrap your hand around her body and grab at her throat; your other hand is at her hip as you start to fuck her with increasing fervor. 
"You want more? You dirty cumslut?"
"Yes! Yes! Give me more!" She manages to get out. As your grip on her throat gets tighter, Joy's face is filled with happiness as she cums on your cock again. Her tight pussy grows tighter as she constricts around your cock. It holds your cock snuggly, making it difficult to pull out. Despite that, you continue to pound away at her body. 
"I'm going to cum!" You roar out.
"Cum inside me! Fill my pussy with your cum!" She tries to yell. You let your grip soften to let her breathe as you bury your cock deep in her pussy and flood her womb with your semen. You pick Joy up and drop her onto the couch. Going back to the camera, you move close to Joy. She has her eyes half-lidded and is panting. Joy gives you a peace sign, and as you lower to get a view of her pussy she spreads her lips for the camera. Semen runs out from her and flows down onto the couch as you end the recording. 
Putting away the camera, you say, "Congratulations on your debut, Joy. We'll need to film a lot more things to make you some money. You'll really love having so much sex." Slapping Joy's cheek playfully, you leave her on the couch. You spent the next few months making porn with Joy which got her a large following, making it so she wouldn't need to worry about money anytime soon.
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leavingsunsets · 3 months
"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴋɪɴᴅ ᴏꜰ ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ɪ ᴀᴍ?"
[ɢᴇɴ ᴀꜱᴀɢɪʀɪ]
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"What kind of flower you'd be?" you ask, giving him a confused look.
"What's with the sudden question?"
Gen merely tilts his head with an amused expression. "I'm just curious. You've been looking at flowers lately, haven't you?" he queries, but still keeps his gaze on the shimmering surface of the water.
"A little birdie told me you're well versed in flower language too."
Your eyes roll in exasperation. "I bet it was tattletale Chrome who told you."
"Maybee~" he teases.
Sighing, you plant your hands on your hips. "Listen, I'm not an expert at it, I only know the few basics. Like roses, sunflowers, orchids, and stuff like that."
"That's still sufficient enough, you know? Besides, I'm not asking for a whole arrangement. Just one, one you think would describe me the most." he assures, smiling at you patiently, and tucking his hands into his sleeves.
The way he springs up this question out of nowhere is weird, but not too odd. Maybe he really is just curious? You put that thought aside for now and focus on thinking of flowers instead.
"I think..." you mutter, cupping your chin pensively in thought. Your gaze lifts up to the clear sky while you sift through your memories.
"....A Gardenia."
Gen blinks, eyes widening slightly in surprise. "A Gardenia...?"
Then, he breaks into a awkward chuckle. "How does a Gardenia make you think of me?"
At this question, you turn your head away. The reasoning was quite embarrassing, but you knew that you couldn't leave the mentalist unanswered.
"Uhm, clarity... hope, and... yeah." you mutter out, sweating.
"Hm. I don't really know what a 'yeah' is." the man drawls, amused.
"You... You get what I mean!"
"Mmmm. No, I don't."
Scoffing, you cross your arms. "Liar. Weren't you the one who started going on about flower language in front of Hyoga?"
"Well, there's just sooo many flowers... Can't you remind what Gardenias mean again?" he says cheekily.
Groaning, you bury your face in your hand. "C'mon man. You know."
"I'm afraid you'll have to spell it out for me." the mentalist says with a smug smirk on his face.
At this point, you're tired of the roundabouting. Groaning even louder, you turn your head to the side, away from him.
"...It means 'you're lovely'." a dust of pink coats your cheeks in embarrassment as you say this.
"Aweee, was that so hard to sayyy~?" Gen teases loudly, going all up in your side. "You could've just went on and said you liked me~!"
"Wh- I DIDN'T SAY THAT!" you nearly screech at him, face erupting in a bright shade of red as you stumble back. The man cackles at your reaction.
"Ohh, but you're mushy enough to tell me I'm lovely?" he leans in, sporting an even more smug look.
You roll your eyes in exaggerated exasperation. "Don't inflate your head over it. It was just a random pick."
"Ho, you say, but the fact remains that that was the first thing you thought of when asked what flower I reminded you of, the most."
"Okay, and?" You argue, feeling defensive.
"A red Camellia."
His voice suddenly changes, turning a little softened, though still confident in tone. This makes you pause, raising a brow. "What about red Camellias?"
"It reminds me of you."
It's silent, for a little while. Your face is blank, staring. Gen seems to get even more hesitant as the seconds tick by, a tint of regret in his face.
"Uhm, and they mean...?" you speak up, breaking the silence.
Gen blinks in confusion, as if he hadn't expected you to ask. "O-oh, you don't know what they mean?"
"I did tell you I only knew some floriography."
He nods, in a daze, as if in realization. "Oh... I see, I see..."
If you weren't mistaken, his expression seems to be a mix of relief, but also a tinge of disappointment. Though, he quickly shakes it off once he snaps out of it.
"Aha, well, I would tell you! Buuuut I think I heard Kohaku calling for us already! Seems Senku's got another session of grueling labor awaiting us, huh?" he rambles suddenly, shifting the topic. His gestures are weirdly exaggerated, but you dismiss it for the bigger topic.
You groan, already getting flashbacks to the torturous furnace pumping.
"Ghh, please, just let it be something else, like an announcement or something..."
Gen shrugs, already sauntering off, back to the where the others were. "Well, we have to get back to find out. C'mon." he beckons.
With a big, defeated sigh, you trudge after him, stepping off the rocky riverbank, and to the dirt path.
Following after him, you still grumble about how sore your arms would be after working, again.
"I should treat myself to like, 10 fruits after this, as reward." you keep on mumbling to yourself, not taking notice of the man's unusual silence.
Meanwhile, walking ahead of you, the mentalist lifts up his sleeves, attempting to cover the burning red that coats his cheeks.
[P.S. A red Camellia can symbolize love, passion, or a deep desire for someone.]
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nyx22-blogs · 1 year
Riley Poole Taking Care Of Sick Reader
{For my friend @captainannamerica I tried to make it similar to your situation 😂 feel better ❤️}
Warnings: Couple of swear words, fluff
You woke up this morning feeling miserable. You were dizzy and seeing shapes moving all over the room. And the worst part was the power in your area had gone out, meaning no electricity.
How great
You pulled the blanket down and reached for your phone.
No Wi-Fi
"Ugh shit." You threw your head back on your pillow and groaned at the pain in your head. You needed medicine and you could barely move. Maybe you could just go to your grandma's old people home and stay there until you get better.
You heard faint knocking at your door and that's when it hit you.
You had a date planned out with Riley today and he was going to pick you up... and now you're sick.
You heard Riley open the door and he walked in the house.
"Y/n? Are you home?"
"Yeah, I'm upstairs!" You yelled and you started coughing.
He walked up the stairs and opened your door, you could only imagine what the hell he was thinking as he came in to your room. You were sure you looked sick.
"Hey honey.. are you feeling sick?" He cooed as he put his hand on your forehead.
"Mhm." You snuggled into his touch and pouted.
"Oh my sweet baby come here." He had his arms out for a hug which you gladly accepted.
"You know what...why don't you try and get some rest while I go out and see if I can get you some medicine." He said tucking you back into bed and giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Hmm ok." You said sleepily.
About 8 minutes later he came back to you all sleep and sound. He gently shook you and called your name.
"Y/n.. lovey you gotta wake up and take your medicine." He crooned and you got up and braced yourself in his chest.
He poured the medicine in the little cup and put it against your lips. You drank it and it tasted god awful.
"Riley.. what is this-?"
"Tylenol, cold and flu."
"Ugh, it tastes awful."
"Last time I checked grape medicine doesn't taste well hun. Now c'mon, I brought some snacks. You pick out the snack you want and I'll go get a cloth."
"Why the cloth?"
"Well I'm assuming you don't want to take a cold shower right now, right?
"Good, I'll just wipe your skin down with it to keep you cool, ok?"
He left the room and you tried your best to peel off the hoodie you went to sleep with, but the damn thing was too tight. Or you were just too weak to take it off.
"Hey lovey, you ready?" He came in the room with a mildly wet cloth and sat on the bed.
"Can't get it off." You pouted.
"M'kay come here." He helped you get the sweater off and he started to gently rub you down with the cloth. You felt a lot better from the cool cloth and when he finished he brought you one of his loose t-shirts that you had kept to wear.
After that you picked out a snack and munched on it while he brushed out your dampened hair and braided it loosely.
"Wanna get some sleep love?" He said.
"Yeah, can you cuddle me?"
"Of course sweetheart, c'mere let me hold you." He stretched out his arms and you snuggled into your boyfriend. His embrace made you feel so much better and right about now the power outage and the sickness didn't really bother you as much as it did before.
"Love you baby.." you said as you drifted off to sleep.
"Love you too my sunshine." He said and he planted a sweet kiss on your forehead before he fell asleep himself.
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Saw this prompt and my brain went into overdrive at the idea of enemies to lovers
The prompt: You are a supervillain. Your nemesis calls you to say, "This is embarrassing, but I really need a date to my friend's wedding because my ex is going to be there. Would you go with me?"
My first attempt at creative writing in years:
"Well that's kind of desperate, and not just the part where you're asking me of all people." I adjusted the pens on my desk as I belittled my nemesis, who had rather rudely burst into my office with a gust of wind and blinding light.
"I mean really, the oh so powerful and heroic," I scoffed, "Dawnstar can't get himself a date and has to resort to asking Rhetoric, that, oh what was the phrase you used again?" I tapped my chin as if in though for a moment and snapped my fingers as a rose from my seat to check on a plant he almost knocked over in his haste to make my day more complicated. "Ah right, that avaricious monster mobster lady is what you called me." Assured that my shenzhen nongke orchid was unharmed I turned back to the righteous hypocrite loitering in my office.
"That was six years ago and I've apologized four times already dammit." He sighed tiredly, and my sometimes enemy, sometimes ally turned a painfully earnest expression towards me. "You may be a criminal but you run a tight ship, have an actual code of conduct, and I understand better now that the world can't be so neatly portioned off into good and bad. You are also one of the most sought after people in the city, are stupid rich, and I need to show him that I've moved on!" With this last exclamation he gracelessly half fell, half threw himself onto my hand crafted, vegan leather couch.
"And this isn't just me saying things," he continued talking, now lounging and airing his frustrations as if he were in his therapist's office, "I really am over him, but he's got half out social circle convinced that I'm still pining after him like a forlorn maiden in a two dollar bodice ripper. He said that he dumped me! I was the one who said the relationship wasn't working out!" Moodily he turned over onto his stomach and groaned into a pillow, "Never date a reporter…"
I activate the coffee machine I had built into my cherry wood desk, knowing that I would need the boost to deal with this disaster of a man. "So you grand plan to show everyone that you've moved onto bigger and much better things is by asking your, and I quote, "Arch Nemesis" to be your date to the wedding of the decade?" As the smooth scent of espresso began to waft up from the desk I opened up hidden compartment number six on my desk, tossing a few of the hard candies I keep in it at his head.
"I was sixteen! You were the most dangerous person I'd ever met and I got over excited." He started picking up the candies that had bounced off onto the floor and began unwrapping them. "We haven't even seriously fought since the red bridge incident two years ago. Shadow Keeper has you listed as a League Associate. C'mon, we've teamed up together before, and I know you haven't been seeing anyone since that summer thing with Lady Obscura, help me out here." Cheeks filled with candy he made the most pitiful looking pair of puppy dog eyes I'd ever seen at me.
"We haven't fought seriously since the red bridge because I spent three months running a cost-benefit analysis on adjusting my operations to fall a bit more in line with your ideas of ethical, and found that I'd save fifteen percent more time and money by doing so." Idly I took my mug from it's position under the coffee machine and took a fortifying sip. "You will also recall that every time that we've teamed up the world was at stake. As I live here I have a vested interest in ensuring it does not get taken over by a zombie outbreak, or inter-dimensional demons." Leaning back in my seat I hold eye contact with him.
"What exactly do I get out of this arrangement? You weren't wrong you know, all those years ago when you called me avaricious." I smile at him, happy to be in the familiar position of holding all the power in a deal. "I do things because I gain something by doing them. You used to cry from dawn till dusk that I was heartless and wanted to take over the world. I do want the world, I want to own all of it and I would do such a good job taking care of it." I take another long sip of my coffee, drawing out the tension. "What can you give me Dawn? What makes this little ruse worth my while?"
Shoulders tense he looked down at his hands, biting his lip in contemplation. After a few false starts he spoke. "I don't really have anything material to offer you, at least nothing that you couldn't buy a bigger, nicer version of." He looked back at me again, face and posture set as if he were staring down the end of the world once more. "I've known you for a decade now, and I like to think that I've gained a bit of insight into how you think. We both agree you're greedy, and more than a little controlling. You also have a dramatic streak a mile wide." With those words he flashed a sly grin at me, rather at odds with the goodie goodie boy-scout persona he maintains for the press.
"Think of the drama Rhe! The scandal! It would be the biggest story of the year, and you would be the one orchestrating it all." He leap up from his seat and giddily leaned over my desk, bracing himself on his hands and looming over me even more than usual. "People love a good enemies-to-lovers story, they'd eat it up. Tell me you wouldn't relish the opportunity to meticulously plan out every bit of the backstory I know you're already drafting in your head!" I had to squint a bit as he began to literally glow in his excitement. "Think of looks on everyone's faces when you roll up to that wedding with me as your new arm candy. Ex-boyfriend who? I'm living my best life as the sugar-baby of the richest person on this side of the Mississippi, and you are clearly basking in the glory of another successful thirty-seven point plan."
I took one of my pens and use the pointy end to push his face away from where it had gotten dangerously close to mine, leaving a dot black ink on his forehead. He continued to beam at me as I stared at him, considering his proposal. I do love a good spectacle, and so many of my plans lately had needed to be boringly practical.
"If I agree to this," I tapped him on the head with the pen as he began to vibrate in excitement, "If I agree to this, you need to understand that we're playing the long game here." I took a hold of his chin and leaned in until our faces were mere inches apart. "I have a reputation, and this will be a very public declaration that you are mine." He had stilled the moment I touched him, and seemed to barely be breathing as I spoke. "Do you think you can handle that Dawn? Can you handle being mine?"
He slowly blinked, and the reality of what this scheme would mean for him seemed to sink in. For a long moment he looked at me before sighing and relaxing into my hand with a small smile. "I'm always up for a challenge Rhe."
"Good." With a grin I released him and glided towards the door, "Now come on, we need to begin phase one of this performance!"
(part 2 here)
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kashi-prompts · 2 years
Kakashi and Reader visit a puppy shelter? I need fluff. haha
Prompt: Above
Rating: E
Pairing: Kakashi x Reader
You could hear the breeze against the trees, rustling them as the mid-morning wore on. You held your cup of tea close, your gaze fixed toward the sky as you frowned.
You had just finished putting away your late cat's little toys. The tiny bed he would curl up and sleep in broke your heart as you tucked it away in a closet, too broken to find the strength to throw it away.
"Hey," you felt a hand slide up between your shoulder blades, "everything okay?"
You nodded solemnly, a weak smile crossing your lips as you turned to look at Kakashi. He planted a soft kiss on your temple.
"I'm sorry again about Rufus," the corner of his mask scrunched in a frown, "I know he meant a lot to you."
"He did," you nodded, taking a sip of your tea, "he always greeted me at the door, like a dog would."
"Hm, yes," Kakashi looked out the window himself, seemingly pondering your words. You looked over at him, your eyebrows knitted together.
"Do you mind if we go somewhere?" Kakashi asked, turning around to head towards your apartment door. "It'll do you good to get out of the house after this week."
"Where?" you sighed, placing your tea down on the counter. The string of the teabag swayed as you set it down. He smiled at you, a warm smile that you couldn't resist.
"Just trust me," he said with a small chuckle, "It'll be worth it."
"What is this place?" you asked, stepping in front of a rather dated looking store front. You looked around, searching for a name of the place.
'Dog Shelter', the sign read.
Gently, you felt a hand on the small of your back and you looked back at him, your somber eyes wide as you searched his face.
"Oh, Kashi," you frowned, "please, I can't-"
"We're just looking," he lifted a hand assuredly, "Maybe it'll lift your spirits to pet a dog. And if you don't want to stay, that is fine too."
You looked back at the door, seeing the receptionist through the glass window smile at you both warmly. You sighed, picking at your fingertips.
"Okay, fine," you yielded, looking over at him reluctantly.
"It'll be fun," he said, kissing the top of your head. "C'mon."
The pair entered the shelter, the smell of dog a both funky yet comforting smell to you. The sounds of dogs yipping behind the receptionist desk filled your ears.
"Hello! How can I help you?" the woman asked, looking between the two of you.
"Could we just look at some of the dogs you have for adoption?" Kakashi responded, clearly excited himself. You looked over at him, the sight of him giddy over animals warming your heart.
"Of course, you can go right on back. Although I must warn, we were just wiped out, actually. Someone came and adopted most of the shelter dogs. Truly a wonderful thing!"
"That is wonderful," you smiled.
"However, we do have some puppies that just arrived this morning. Brand new little guys, with little specks! Go on back and take a look."
Clearly, the receptionist was giddy as well. Kakashi raised his eyebrows at you with excitement. You followed him toward the back, past the receptionist who waved happily to you.
The sounds of little yips filled your ears. Kakashi stopped at a large window, looking in and beaming immediately. You laughed lightly at his enthusiasm. He looked back at you, waving you over to the window and sliding a hand around your waist.
Inside were 5 small puppies, all looking to be about 8 weeks old. They jumped and played with each other, wrestling and gently biting the ears of one another. One toppled over its brother, hopping back on top of him, its wet nose sniffing the others ear.
"Oh, they're so precious!" you managed, a hand sliding up to your mouth in awe of how adorable they were. Each had little specks of black on white short fur, like little dalmatians. They scampered around. Another laid peacefully on its side next to its food bowl, sleeping with its little potbelly sticking out.
"Could we go pet them?" you asked him, looking over as his eyes followed the two wrestling. He looked down at you, still smiling.
"I don't see why not," amused his plan had worked.
Carefully, he opened the door and slid his body inside, followed closely by you. You quickly closed the door as one little puppy eyed the escape route closely.
"Hello little fellas!" you heard yourself cooing, kneeling down. One scampered over to you, its two little front paws perching up on your knee as he reached up to sniff your face. You petted him down his back, his little tail wagging incessantly as you caressed his soft fur.
"Well how cute are you!" You laughed, a lick sliding across your nose.
The other 3 dogs immediately went to Kakashi, all sniffing his feet. The one that had been sleeping perked its head up, wobbling over to him as well.
"Well aren't you special," you laughed, watching him attempt to give attention to all four dogs at once. They yipped at him, their little feet jumping off the floor at each noise.
"They know I'm a dog person," he shrugged coolly, clearly enjoying himself.
The one you had been petting took its feet off your knee and sat before you, its little paws politely tucked in front of him. He looked up at you with wide, puppy eyes. Little black orbs above a tiny pink nose.
You petted his head again, watching as he turned from you suddenly. You frowned, thinking he would join Kakashi's fan club to your right, but quickly he came back with a soft toy in his mouth.
"Oh," you laughed, "you're bringing this to me?"
The pup set it down at your feet and barked, it's little voice squeaky.
"He wants you to throw it," Kakashi offered. You picked it up and gently tossed it across the room, a foreign concept to someone who always had cats. The pup's little feet scampered across the tiled floor, skidding to a halt in front of the stuffed toy before returning it. Without hesitation, it jumped on your lap, kissing your nose again.
"I think he likes you," Kakashi said, fending off one pup that was in a riveting game of tug of war with his glove.
"I think so too," you replied quietly. You looked down at the pup, petting its spine as it stared up at you lovingly. Your heart fluttered happily as you sat petting him in silence while Kakashi roughhoused with the other siblings.
"Maybe you should bring him home," Kakashi offered awhile later once he had worn them all out. He smiled softly at you. You grinned down at the dog. "Give him a nice home, with a wonderful owner."
You laughed, your heart warming immediately as you stared down at the little pup, watching him gnaw at your fingers.
"I think I will, actually," you nodded, "a new friend."
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dzamie-oc · 1 year
Named and Forgotten
Y'know, I don't write my ocs very often. Time to change that. Local Mary-Sue bothers his rival specifically to show off how medium-aware he is. This cat causes problems on purpose.
Kenneth could barely keep himself from burying his head in his hands. "Alright," he said to the cheetah-colored mistake of reality he considered his rival, "casting aside your "Fictional Relativity" nonsense, why should I believe you that we're fictional, too? I feel pretty real, after all."
"Well, I figured you might enjoy being correct about something for a change," Dzamie replied. Kenneth glared at him, hoping that maybe, this time, the katul would simply suddenly die and stay dead. Instead, he just shrugged. "But I figure you're asking for proof, so how's this?"
Dzamie snapped his fingers, and a green, three-ring binder appeared in his hand. "This," he gestured at it, "is a list of the named and forgotten." When he set it on Kenneth's desk, it kicked up a small gust that nearly blew off a few papers. "I suppose I could magically automate its update, but, honestly, it's more fun to catch the narrative looking away and do it manually before it comes back."
Despite himself, Kenneth reached for the binder, flipping it open to the first page. It was filled with names and short descriptions, in handwriting neater than he had expected. Strangely, the first few entries were listed as being meerkats. Normal meerkats. "You've been hanging out with Eris too much; her chaos has infected your brain." He turned the page. "…hey, wait, I recognize some of these names."
"Your old katul-hunting gang, right? The ones you razed my home village with?" The clearly-insane cat spoke as though discussing tomorrow's weather.
"Yeah. Huh, I wonder what happened to them."
"No clue, hopefully died. No offense taken, by the way."
"Unfortunate, I wish you'd taken some and left. So, how does this prove your point?"
Dzamie summoned a chair, gave it a second thought, then instead turned himself into a massive, blue snake - presumably, Kenneth thought with more than a twinge of annoyance, to rest in a way that would bother him the most. "Read some names out," he requested.
Kenneth raised an eyebrow, but looked back at the paper and read aloud all the names of his old buddies.
The snake shook his head, slowly. "Try again. Choose one name, and read for me the entire entry. Starting with the name."
"I don't see what this is supposed to prove. I'll start with-" Kenneth stopped, strangely. He knew the guy, he'd spent months, maybe years with him slaughtering the furred pests before, admittedly, mellowing out.
"The guy's name is-" and again. It wasn't like he couldn't read; the letters were perfectly legible, to the point where he almost envied his rival's penmanship.
"What? I know we've not talked in awhile, but c'mon, I know-" Kenneth worked his jaw. Did his old friend get himself cursed?
"Alright, then, I'll skip him and move onto-"
"Er, how about-"
"Okay, last one! Really simple Joe-Schmo type name! Right there, on the page! His name is-"
Kenneth slammed the binder shut, and he threw the thing at the katul. "Alright, you do it, then! Whatever the hell is wrong with this thing, anyway?!"
The blue snake rubbed his snout where the binder had hit against his coils, then turned back into the bipedal cheetah that Kenneth knew and loathed. "Oh, I can't directly say their names, either," he admitted, picking up and de-summoning the binder. "I just like knowing things that the narrative doesn't. Bit of a reversal, for once."
"And this is proof?"
"It's strong evidence. Unless you think someone individually cursed every single person in there not to have a name you can directly acknowledge. Including the meerkats."
Kenneth finally gave into the urge and planted his face directly into his hands. "Y'know what? I do not care. Please tell me you came here for something other than philosophy? I just cleaned and I'd prefer not to get your blood over everything."
Dzamie waved a hand dismissively. "Like you could land a good hit. Oh, that's right! I initially stopped by to mention that HM finally made good on his idle threat to eat an entire orphanage."
"By Fyoor's fire, why do you even-"
"Anyway, good luck with whatever politics stuff arises from that! I'm gonna go be literally anywhere else!" With a snap of his fingers, Dzamie was gone just a split-second before dozens of magical blades zipped through the space he used to be. Kenneth reinforced the soundproofing spell around his office, gripped his head tightly, and screamed.
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Can I get a uhhhhhhh Deidoro content with a side of fries?
(Pull up to the second window pls🍟)
~In Denial~
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"Just admit it and I'll leave you alone." You teased him while bundled closely together on the couch. He shifted his weight underneath the thick blankets to shove you to the side, smirking when he heard you laugh. "Piss off. I aint admitting to nothing." The energy between the two of you had been light and playful all day but you knew later this evening you would be a little sad to go. You had a small trip to take with family (or friends) and he couldn't tag along due to being needed at the Hassaikai for a couple of days. This meant you two would be away from each other for a week. Short time? For most maybe so, but you knew you'd miss him by Tuesday and it was already Monday today! The only thing you wonder if whether or not he would miss you? That's exactly why you were trying to squeeze the info out of him before your ride arrived to pick you up.
"C'mon Dei, I know you're gonna miss me! We haven't been away from each other this long before. You'll probably fucking die without me so just admit it and get some closure hmmm?" He rolled his eyes at you and took another sip of his drink. "Shut up. I survived without you and I can damn sure do it again. It's you that'll miss me the most. Look at you? I know you can't make it a full 24 hours without seeing my handsome mug. Be real sweet for me and I might let cha give me a goodbye kiss." He teased you right back. You scoffed when suddenly a horn honked from outside your shared home. Immediately the tone shifted if even just a little bit. "Welp...that's my ride." You frowned and his eyes trailed to the bags sitting by the door. "Let me help you get your crap out then." He stood up from the couch and you followed behind. "There's more in the bedroom."
"HUH???" You chuckled at his reaction and passed him by, lugging a case to the car outside. He dutifully helped you load all your luggage into the vehicle until it was all said and done. Finally the two of you stood with each other by the backdoors of the car, just staring. He kept his hand on the handle but hadn't opened the door for you yet. With one free hand he rubbed the back of his head and looked to the ground with a sigh. "Aw geez, I guess this is it then huh..." You nodded at him. "Y/N listen...be careful or whatever. I just want you to come home safe." His eyes softened considerably when he looked to you. You smiled and gently cupped his cheeks in your hands. "Of course I'll be safe. You know I will." You smiled before planting a sweet kiss on his lips. Once satisfied with the kiss he then nodded once and opened the door for you to get inside. He watched the car slowly pull away from the house, your hand on the glass of the window as you waved him goodbye. Although he didn't admit to you that he'd miss you on your trip, you still had a small feeling you were right about him being in denial.
This was especially true by the way he was already calling you at the airport to make sure you were safe and unharmed.
"Hurry up and come home soon. Love ya..."
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ofhope · 10 months
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@ultlie sent in this...
❝ oi, Momo-chan! you didn’t happen to stumble upon a stray pile of playing cards, have you? there’s a few spades in there that need to be laced with oil from the poison ivy sprout that I’ve been growing in the greenhouse! I thought it would be funny to up the ante when we play solitaire! ❞
for Kaito Momota.
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Admittedly, his response was less of a response at first, and more a breath of 'wh,' followed by 'Kokichi,' (said neither in hostility or in fondness), before, eventually, Kaito found his footing again.
“Where the hell did you even get poison ivy from in the first place?!”
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... Of course, that's even with Kokichi's explanation of in the greenhouse. Blink blink, and a few other questions emerge, all with varying degrees of urgency: why did Kokichi think that was a good idea in the first place? Wouldn't itchy hands just ruin any pla...
Oh. All shock dispelled, only to be replaced with a none-too-bemused deadpan glare. This was another one of his antics, and ruining any plays was a part of his game-plan. If it weren't for the threat of Kokichi potentially spreading any of whatever he may have had on his hands, in his pocket, or anywhere else on his person, Kaito would've picked him up by the scruff of the neck and, promptly, placed him someplace he wouldn't cause trouble.
Unfortunately hell was too far away, thus: there is no place wherein Kokichi can't cause trouble.
“You're no fun at all, you know that? Why can't you just, I dunno', place higher bets or some shit instead of giving people a rash?! Besides, who had the wise idea of giving someone like you some, uh, poison ivy seeds to plant in the greenhouse?!” it did come from seeds, right? “C'mon, we're going to go buy a new deck of cards.”
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crxssjae · 5 months
Just Come Kiss Me and Bite Me (Pt.1)
Sami had no trouble with Jey, who is half-vampire, half-human, and, of course, his boyfriend. At times, the tension of thirst drifts between them, which they can't deny even if they're far away.
Also posted on AO3 here.
Other WWE fics and samijey/jeysami fics are posted on my WWE masterlist here.
Read part two here.
Word Count: 1,981
Warning(s): 18+, NSFW, explicit language, blood
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In all honesty, vampire situations aren't shocking to Sami.
Confused stares and questions are thrown, curious as to why he isn't scared of vampires, before receiving a retort, "None of your business." Nobody needed to know. Not all vampires are dangerous and bloodthirsty.
His boyfriend, Jey, is recognized by others as ordinary, but in reality, he has a secret Sami notice: half-vampire and half-human. Ask him. Flick of the tongue, unapologetic, its truth unseen.
To their experience, yes, it's one hell of a struggle over one place: Sami's house.
Leaving the bathroom in a black hoodie, draped in a navy t-shirt—and sweatpants, Sami's lips curled a smile. Relaxed, legs crossed while reclining on the couch, Jey's gaze mirrored an exchanged affection glint in their eyes, blooming Sami's heart. He couldn't help wanting his hands to caress Jey's face, though his mind reminded him of self-control.
"Ay, baby," Jey said with a grin stretching his face, revealing the fangs. "Where are you goin'?"
"To the store. Kev's picking me up since I don't feel like driving." Sami approached the couch as Jey swung his legs, offering to sit beside him. He did so, positioning Jey's legs onto his lap. "I'll pick up your blood packet after we get everything needed. You haven't drunk any all day."
"I thought you'd gotten those groceries like, what, six days?"
"Yeah, but someone had the fridge open. One of the juices was half-filled yesterday."
Jey stifled a huff. "C'mon, you lookin' like I'm the one to blame. Ask KO."
"He wasn't here."
"Y-Yea, he was! He snuck in and took some chips!"
"Kevin never eats chips." Sami chimed, brow arched in suspension. "The last time I saw the chips, some crumbs were left on the floor. It ain't him, so who was it?"
Averting his gaze with lips pursed, Jey mumbled other excuses, much to Sami's amusement. Sami had to giggle. He couldn't hold back the smile, adored the witness of him squirming while losing the bet each time.
He took a glimpse into Jey's eyes, no crimson hue. Good, at least it would've been often due to abstaining from a packet of blood. The fact he shrugged the drawbacks in a breeze astonished yet worried Sami. Six hours, no, six days since Jey refused to drink blood, sometimes awhile behind his back.
"You aight?"
Jey's voice rang, forcing Sami to whip his head and glance at him. His hand cradled Jey's cheek. "Sorry. You okay when I'm gone, right?"
"I'll be fine." Jey planted soft kisses on the palm; warmth relaxed his body. "Wantin' you when you come back," he murmured.
"Don't worry," Sami said. "I'm good at getting in curfews on time. But mostly," A teasing smile played between his lips, "I couldn't wait to get my hands on you."
Jey chuckled. "Then how 'bout we do it now? No need givin' me a packet."
Sami sighed, eyebrows knitted. "You need it, Jey. What would happen if— if you lost control without blood longer than any day and went berserk? Still human, still eating like one, but being a vampire is a part of you, too. You can't just deny and neglect the other side in one snap."
He hated disclosing the truth; disgusted, hell, panicked him if Jey ignored, though bowed to fate. Suffering is enough, nothing more, nothing less. Sami didn't need an image of Jey in an uncontrollable state; joy as a vampire and a human with freedom is what he wished.
"Maybe…" Jey trailed off a moment, then continued. "Maybe you're right. But I wish… I wish I could be human; no vampire shit, no bloodsuckin' every twenty-four-seven."
"And yet, you're doing great throughout your life," Sami assured him. "Human, vampire, anything apart, I don't care as long as you live like you want. If others judge you for being a vampire, screw them. You ain't dangerous—you're you, a good person."
"Dammit, man." With a mumble, he sat up with his voice quivering, pulling Sami into an embrace. Both never let go. "You tryna make me cry or somethin'?"
"I had to. But deep down," Sami whispered, "I am proud of being your boyfriend. You'll always be my amazing man in the world."
Jey lifted his head, eyes sparked. "M'yo favorite half-vampire, half-human boyfriend in the world?"
"No doubt!" Sami beamed, giving him a quick smooch on the lips. "Gotta go, okay?"
"I promise."
Both released their hug, though neither wanted to be separated. Sami stood off the couch and strolled to the door, took a glimpse over his shoulder at Jey; love, affection—then another word became bleak in his mind. A tingle crept down his spine and marked an unnoticeable trace between them before Sami opened the door, leaving the house with a question.
What was this feeling?
Sami has a habit of saying thank you to Kevin. It sounded somewhat cliché, and neither cared—until he kept his mouth shut, though that was too much.
They went back to the car after getting groceries in their hands at the store, receiving the blood packet from another store, rare to search. Several months back, Kevin helped when Sami explained the whole story, aware of the toll of stress within. He saw the worry glint in Sami's eyes, the thought of him and Jey never seeing eye to eye due to personality differences.
Sami wondered if they wouldn't; fights occurred any moment whenever Kevin argued first, while Jey argued back in a playful atmosphere. Brother figures, yet never curled their fists along with foolish grins stretched their faces.
Good thing Kevin got his and Jey's back till now.
"Thank you," he repeated in a hushed tone, couldn't help smiling.
Ears perked, Kevin looked at him. "For the two hundred and tenth time, you're welcome. Gotta give you a new record." he joked.
Sami hummed in a cheerful response.
"By the way, how is he?"
His expression became brooded, afraid to tell Kevin about earlier with Jey. "He's doing… good."
Flickering images of Jey drifted in his thoughts due to the same unnoticed tingle; his hands grazed his skin along his gruff voice whispered in his ear. Why is he visualizing him now? Sami did not have the faintest idea what it was.
Would be wise to keep the secret to himself.
"Earth to Sami? Hello?"
Sami's eyes darted at Kevin, startled. "I'm fine," he stammered. "I'm fine, I'm good."
"Doesn't look like you are. Weird trances, lying your ass off, which is what you're currently doing." Kevin pointed out in a calm tone. "Yeah, something's going on after picking you up twenty minutes ago."
"Nothing is going on. Seriously, it's— it's fine. I'm fine, you're fine, we're all fine. Perfectly healthy, perfectly—"
"Sami!" Kevin grasped his shoulders, gaze hardened. "Deep breaths, you're overreacting. Calm down."
Doing what he told, Sami took some time inhaling, exhaling, and soothing the pounding heart in his chest. He settled a few minutes later, ready to continue.
"Good. Is everything okay between the two of you?" Kevin asked, releasing his grip on Sami's shoulders.
Sami shook his head. "We're fine, but Jey isn't, I don't think. Earlier, I had this weird feeling. Just one time we looked at each other after you picked me up from the house— and it's still there."
"Did you both fuck it out yet?"
"Kev! Are you jumping past that now?!"
"Relax," Kevin stifled a chuckle due to the bewildered look from Sami, "Sorry. Look, I'm not trying to embarrass you. Did either of you talk or mention about it together?"
"Umm…" Sami trailed off before answering. "We have, not fully. I wasn't sure how Jey would react if we went all the way as long as we have the same agreement, though he said he wanted to do it before I mentioned him needing to drink his packet."
He felt like an idiot again. Sami knew a glare and a scream went next.
To his surprise, Kevin didn't; a faint, proud smile twitched on his lips.
"I get it. This feeling you have is something you and Jey can't keep yourselves," Kevin said.
Sami blinked and nodded, silent for a few seconds.
He ruffled his hair. "But seriously, it's normal for us as humans. Once I dropped you off at your house, both of you had to discuss. If you two agree, do what's necessary. If not, control yourself until the time is right. Trust me, it would be a mess having mixed answers."
"What happens if it goes wrong…?"
"Work it out, listen to each other, and take your time. Jey's also human, not a full-on vampire. He's still him."
Sami pondered, glad to have a supporting friend, and the friend is Kevin.
And a boyfriend, who is half-vampire, half-human, Jey.
After Kevin assisted him with groceries, setting them on the table counter in the kitchen, Sami rushed straight to the living room, a blood packet in hand. He slipped off his shoes and positioned them beside the couch, eyes scanning the room.
Most often, Jey would yell across the hallway, reminding he was either in the bathroom or the bedroom. Silence crept through the whole house; crickets chirped outside at night. Doubts clouded in; he knew what the consequences were.
Has he gone out of control?
"Jey! I'm back!" he shouted.
No response.
"Jey…? Everything okay?"
Screw it.
Chewing on the bottom lip, unable to recall where his boyfriend was, Sami went to the bedroom at the right, hoping he was in there. He burst through the door, searching. Inside, blankets alongside pillows scattered on the king-sized bed, with no tears. Streaks of moonlight peered the window into the room, a shadow peeking beside the wall.
Sami's eyebrows furrowed. Before he followed it, his eyes met a known gaze, and Sami's mouth went dry. A pair of crimson hues stared back, a lustful gleam Sami couldn't look away caught in a spell. The shadow shrunk, closer each step until plucked off its figure, revealing its true identity.
"Jey…" Sami whispered, wide-eyed. "You're okay."
His black jacket was open, and his bare tattooed chest glistened in the light, different than usual. The way he stalked Sami like a predator found its prey, lips grew a wide, coy smirk. His demeanor changed in a snap. Kind, sweet, and loving is the Jey he experienced. The current Jey in front of him, however, is the dark, lustful man awoken in the night.
Maybe bloodthirsty fitted better.
Even if the signs behind the half-vampire nature gave a warning that Jey didn't drink blood, Sami never denied how good he looked when in an unusual state. His instincts told him to give the blood packet fast, but his body disobeyed as the packet slipped from his palm and onto the floor.
"So damn good for me." A growl rumbled in Jey's throat, his hands shot out, pinned beside Sami's head on the way, and cornered him. "You have no idea."
"A-Are you," Sami murmured, unfazed by the action Jey did. "Are you okay? Do you need blood?"
Jey hummed. "Naw, but I want yours."
Sami blinked, processing what he said. "Excuse me?"
"You didn't hear me, baby? Yours, meaning, your blood."
Oh. Oh god, is that hot or not? Wait, is that why…? Sami wondered. Feeling he'd taken too long, he cleared his throat. "Uh, my blood? You want my blood?"
"Yea. But," Jey's voice became husky, "I wanna do somethin' between us."
A rush of pleasure coursed through his body. Sami let out a shallow breath. "And that is?"
"Lovin' me."
Their bodies mashed together. Sami's eyes fluttered closed when Jey's lips grazed against the crook of Sami's neck. The unnoticed trace was a thirst for desire all along, including blood.
Even more.
"And lettin' me taste you."
With that, Jey sank his teeth into his neck.
Thank you for reading!
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Natalie yelled that out, as she leapt awake and rushed to get her clothes on. "Knew I shouldn't have worked overnight...", she muttered to herself, as she rushed to get herself dressed. As soon as she was, she rushed downstairs and through the door, finding Eda and King waiting for her with a bag of potions to sell.
"There you are, Nat. Told ya working overtime would have consequences," said Eda, to which Natalie responded, "Yeah, I know, I know. Let's get going." With that, the trio set out to the market.
"OK, Owlbert should be coming in with some new stuff, so that'll be good," said Natalie, and just as she finished, Owlbert arrived with a black bag, containing human loot. Eda and Natalie scrounged through it, finding mostly throwaways. However, one that wasn't was a book of The Good Witch Azura. Natalie noticed it, and gently picked it up.
"Hey, isn't that the book you told me you read a lot," asked Eda, to which her daughter softly replied, "Yeah...I loved those times. Me, her, mami and papi all snuggled together, reading it...It felt like time stood still." A tear fell from her eye, which she promptly wiped away. "Uh, if it's OK, I'd like to-"
Before she could finish, the book was snatched from her. Natalie immediately went to grab it back, before seeing who snatched it from her.
Luz Noceda.
Immediately, she felt tears coming. "...Luz?" "Uh...yeah? And you are-", Luz said, before she was cut off by Natalie grabbing her and planting her in a hug. "It's you...it's really you...", muttered out the now weeping Natalie. Luz still looked at her in confusion. "Um...excuse me, but do I know you?" Natalie couldn't care about those words, as she kept the hug in.
"C'mon, Natalie, we got stuff to sell! Or, preferably, destroy," said King. Luz looked to him, and said, "Natalie? Nice name. That was actually the name of my-"
It clicked.
"Older...sister..." Luz looked to Natalie, tears forming in her eyes now. "...Nattie?" Natalie looked to her baby sister, and nodded, saying, "Hey, Luzzie...It's me." Luz hugged Natalie as tight as she could, and Natalie did the same.
Later, at the Owl House...
"I can't believe it. You've been alive all this time!", said Luz, as Natalie gave her a cup of coffee and replied, "Well, technically not if you factor in that job where some guy zapped me. That stopped my heart for about 4 minutes...Was really dark." Luz just looked at her sister in worried shock.
"Hey, point is, your sister's alive. That's good, right?", said Eda, to which Luz replied, "Yeah, it is! Now I can tell mami that-"
Luz was caught off guard by Natalie's yell, as she continued, "Wait, mami isn't here, right? Oh no, what if she's still angry with me? What if she-", before King quickly squeezed her hand, and helped her breathe, calming her down. "Thank you, King..."
"Wh...Are you...scared of mami?", asked Luz, to which Natalie just solemnly nodded. Luz quickly hugged her sister again.
Natalie just held on. She finally had her sister back.
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sageblogsthings · 2 years
hi sage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you're good bestie!!!🐑 & 🍃 (sheep and leaf)
hi varan!!!!!!!!!! i hope you're doing well too, i've missed you!
🐑 Sheep: What is a comfort item you own?
i have a huge fox plushie that i got during my freshman?? year of undergrad bc i decided y'know what hugging a big fox would do wonders for my mental health and guess what? i was totally right lol
🍃 Leaf: What is a plant you find beautiful?
all of themmmm!!! i think my favorite plants in general are ferns and ivies, no particular type they're all lovely <3 also hemlock trees!! i think my first level of maslow's hierarchy of needs is reading a book under a hemlock until i fall asleep lol
gentle cottagecore emoji asks!
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nessaxc · 3 years
Dressed Up || Gojo Satoru
Shoko has you and Gojo dress up for an important event. Gojo can't help himself when he sees you.
~ Rating: Explicit
~ Warning: NSFW 18+ ~ Dressing Room Sex, Sexual Content, Sexual dialogue, Shameless Smut, Oral Sex, Cunnilingus
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“So which one, the pink or the black?” Shoko presented two fashionable and frilly dresses before you, her eyebrows furrowed as she waited for an answer. You looked at both of them with your hand over your chin, deep in thought.
“It’s so hard to choose, I love them both!” you whined and Shoko chuckled in response. Gojo appeared behind you and then suddenly joined your side. He was already in his black suit and his matching tie, bending over as he looked at the two dresses and said, “Pick the black one, that way we’ll match.”
“Now now, let Y/N choose. If she likes the pink then she can wear that, it’s up to her.” Shoko assured.
“The black one will do!” you smiled and snatched it from Shoko’s hand.
“If you say so. I don’t want to sound pushy, but hurry and get dressed, we have to get going.” Shoko said with a smug smirk before walking away.
“Be right back, Satoru.” you winked playfully at Gojo and made your way to the dressing room, closing the door behind you and stripping down to your underwear. Gojo stood by the door and said, “Ah, no need to be coy, princess. C'mon and let me in there, I wanna see.” he chuckled.
“Gimme a minute!” you called out, slipping into the dress and then posing in front of the mirror, swaying around just to see it flow. You traced your pink lipstick on the shape of your lips and then puckered them.
“You know, I don’t like waiting long.” he said in an impatient tone and you only laughed in response. You finished up the final touches of your makeup and then you started brushing your hair. You smoothed your fingers over the hair afterwards, trying to make sure everything was perfect.
“Ooh, time’s up! Here I come!” he barged the door open and he immediately settled his gaze upon your outfit.
“Hey, I didn’t say you could come in, meanie.” you complained, but he didn’t answer. He couldn’t keep his eyes off your delicate curves and the sheer openness of the dress. You were wearing a sinfully tight black dress that glittered in the dim lighting. The wide cut of the collar allowed his eyes access on your prominent collar bone and softly sloped shoulders. It was fastened simply with a strap around the neck and a thick satin ribbon around the waist. The hem of the dress ended a few inches above your knees, exposing a generous amount of your legs. You took a moment to walk towards the mirror, giving him the view of your exposed back and how the dress had a low cut on it.
“Do you like it? It’s a little tight, I might ask Ieiri if I can pick another one, she’s got tons of them.” you said softly and your cheeks flushed up when you noticed that animal-like look in his eyes, full with lust. He strides forward and slams the door shut once he’s in.
“This one will do, baby, for now. Though, I can’t promise that you won’t need a new one after I’m done with you.” he grinned and pushed you forward, your back against the wall. You looked up at him and then back down, taking a long look at him and how the suit hugged the contours of his body so perfectly. You locked eyes with him for what seemed like ages and then suddenly he crashed his lips against yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pushed your body against his, the kiss warmed the area between your thighs, and you pulled away from his lips to tug at your dress.
“We don’t have much time, so let’s hurry up.” you urged and he didn’t waste any time untying the laces of the sides of your dress and he once he finished with that, he ripped the rest off and then peeled it down your body. You shimmied, swaying your hips from side to side as you wiggled out of it. He noted the movements of your breasts as you did so and grabbed one with his hand, gently squeezing your flesh, massaging it in his palm.
“That’s a good girl.” he praised.
A soft moan left your lips when he bent down to kiss at your neck as he kneaded your breast. You arched your back, giving yourself to him. You cried his name out as his fingers pinched and pulled your nipple. He lowered his head down to catch it in his mouth. The combination of the swirls of his tongue and the sucks of his lips made you whine and grind your hips against his.
Your breaths hitched and you placed your hand on the top of his head, impatiently pushing it down, needing to feel these sensations below. He chuckled and moved the hand, kissing your navel to your mound. A grin spread across his face when he noticed the sheen between your lips and he lapped at the wetness eagerly, teasing you.
“Satoru!” you uttered his name softly, bucking your hips to his face. “Hurry, p-please.” you whined and it only made him want to take it even slower, but his own hunger got the best of him. He pushed his tongue between your lips, fully tasting your sweetness. He groaned into you, the vibrations enhancing your reactions.
He devoured you, penetrating you with his tongue while he massaged your clit with his thumb. You cried out even louder, tears welling in your ears from the pleasure and you felt a shiver run down your spine when he switched from his tongue to suck on you with his mouth.
“Oh fuck! Please, I-” you reached out to grab at his hair, grinding into his mouth as you came. He swallowed your essence and took a deep breath when he pulled away from you. He came back up with a grin on his face, he wiped your wetness from his mouth with one swipe and began to undress himself.
“Mmm, always so quick to cum when I eat you out. How do you expect me to behave when we go out tonight?” he laughed impishly.
“Yeah, like you ever behave. I’ve never heard of such a thing.” you added as you giggled with him.
He clenched his jaw as he moved his hands to his trousers. His member begged to be released, it twitched and pressed against the material, wanting to burst through the fabric. You helped him remove them and you quickly took him in your mouth.
He hissed your name out when he felt you down there, you two were running out of time for any more play and he needed you now.
“Off,” he demanded. You ignored his command and bobbed your head swiftly, tightening your mouth around him. He grunted, suppressing the moan he wanted to release. He grabbed at the base of your neck suddenly, with a firm grip.
“What did I say? Off. Now.” he growled. You sucked on it one last time before pulling away, smirking at him as you left a trail of saliva at the tip and then licking your lips afterwards.
“Get back up here, Y/N.” he ordered and let go of your neck. You instantly obeyed, pressing your back up against the wall. He kept his body over yours, his eyes staring you down.
“Open up, now.” he instructed and you spread your legs against the cold wall, panting quietly. You reached between him and put your hand over his, guiding him to your entrance. With one thrust, he entered you and you both sharply gasped.
You both moved together. His thrusts met with the upward movement of your hips and he leaned in to give you sloppy kisses, painting each other’s lips with spittle. He pulled away to reach down to your neck, biting at it and leaving a red, fresh bruise upon your skin.
You gripped at his back, scratching him with your nails and leaving marks all over which only urged him to quicken his pace and fuck you harder. Your moans changed into high-pitched cries, they grew in volume as he pounded into you. You didn’t care who could hear you, all you could think about was how badly you needed him and that you never wanted him to stop.
“On your knees.” he said as he removed himself. You willingly got on all fours and turned around, arching your back to present for him. He lowered himself down and you yelped when he entered you again, not wasting any time. His thrusts were barbaric, he relished in the tightness of you and the warmth of your wetness. He slapped your ass suddenly, branding your skin with a red print. You mewled softly, not caring who heard you because all you could think about was how good he felt. You threw your head back and you couldn’t control the way it bobbled as your body slapped against him.
Your body tensed as you scratched at the floor and you felt your walls tighten around him, breathing heavily upon meeting each thrust. You writhed and moaned with each slam of his hips into yours, legs shaking, body humming with the beginnings of her orgasm. Your hand trembled as you reached between your spread legs and began stroking your clit with your fingers at the same pace in which he thrust into you.
“Ah! Don’t stop! Faster!” you begged. He gave in to your wishes and his thrusts hit harder and faster. Your moans grew louder, reverberating throughout the small room as you felt his member jerk deep in her wet heat. Your eyes fluttered and your whole body was on fire, after one more thrust you suddenly came. The cum varnished both of your thighs and his pelvis, your bodies glistened with the mix of it and your sweat.
He slowed his pace, inch by inch he slid in and out of you, savoring the feeling of you. He kept going until he couldn’t anymore. He grunted as his body shook and he spilled his seed inside, filling you up completely. You gasped when he did and your head drooped down, trying to catch your breath. You could hear him panting lowly from behind you and he turned your head to him with his hand, brushing the sweaty strands of your hair away and then planting a quick kiss on your lips.
“Looks like you’re gonna have to get a new dress, baby.” he said through his ragged breathing.
“It’s all your fault, Satoru.” you pouted and whimpered to yourself. You both hastily dressed in your clothes and fixed your hair before exiting the dressing room.
Shoko was outside, making her way to check up on you. She cleared her throat and chuckled when she saw you two. She looked down at your dress, immediately noticing the rips in it.
“So, you want the pink one now, I presume?” Shoko guessed with a smug smile on her face.
“Yes please.” you nodded and Gojo couldn’t keep himself from laughing as he stood next to you.
“Must I remind you both to conduct yourselves?” Shoko shook her head as she fetched the pink dress for you.
“Won’t happen again, don’t worry. We’ll behave from now on.” Gojo lied and turned to look at you, winking.
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