#i might as well live in the daycare at this point
zenkaiankokuart · 2 years
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POV: It’s your first day as a technician at Fazbear’s and you’ve already fucked up.
xD So this is... Zen. Based off my Minecraft OC’s this time! She’s terrified of heights and jumpscares! She’s not actually scared of Moon though.
Her job is to do the small and/or simple animatronic repairs that don’t require a trip down to Parts and Service. Although as she will soon find out, most of her job involves repairing the Daycare Attendant, who refuses to go down to Parts and Services.
At this point Solar Lunacy lives rent free in my brain and @bamsara‘s Sun and Moon designs have become my default. I also listened to the same Sun and Moon song on repeat for like 12 hours as I made this. xD It’s called “Lights On” by Kyle Allen Music for anyone curious. It’s insanely catchy.
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kakiastro · 7 months
Career Astrology
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Hey yall! Today we’re going to discuss all things related to your career because there’s way more to it then just X or Y placements.
1. Saturn placement/House + Capricorn placements/House + 10h
Saturn is the first placement we look at when it comes to long-term career, the career we plan on retiring from. It’s what your are interested in as a whole. the house it’s in can give you a better idea on the the career you want. Saturn also rules our head boss(s).
For example: Saturn Aries 12h. You will do well in a career that you are passionate about, where you can be a leader and entrepreneur, a career that motivates you. With it being in the 12h, you will do well in career that emphasize with people, you may also work well alone, this can indicate a spiritual, overseas or a creative type of career.
You see how I didn’t mention a specific career but how the energy can still play out in your life? That’s how you read this.
One Saturn Aries 12h native may be in the navy while another person with this placement may work as a Warden in a prison facility. Both placements rules those things.
- Capricorn is also a career sign because it’s ruled by Saturn. Capricorn placements and the house it rules can give you better clue on what might work for you.
For example: A Capricorn Sun may be in to the creative arts, owns a famous business or even politics. They may have their Sun in the 11h so working with a group of people in person or online.
-the 10h is ruled by Saturn and its the house Capricorn rules. This is the first thing people look at when it comes to careers. The 10h rules over your public image and how people view you. This is how you come across. It’s different than rising because that’s 1 on 1 first impression.
For example: An Aries 10h native may come across as bold, confident, and authoritative. Once you get to know them, they’re really sweet and actually shy due to them having a Cancer rising lol
2. Your MC
-now I know what you’re thinking, Kaki isn’t the MC the same as your 10h? The short answer is No, not always. MC is a point in the sky and depending on your time of birth, it doesn’t have to be in the 10h. I’ve had a few clients who had their MC in their 9h, 10h, 11h, I even had one that had a Mc 12h which was fascinating!
Your MC isn’t just careers, it’s the highest potential you can reach in this lifetime. MC 9h has the potential to reach high levels of knowledge, Mc 10h is career accomplishments, MC 11h with reaching large group of people and your wishes, and MC 12h is highest spiritual potential.
3. Venus placement/house + Taurus and Libra Houses + 2h and 7h
-Venus doesn’t get talked about when it comes to careers and it’s one of the most important ones to look at. Why? Well because Venus rules over our Salary and our Lifestyle. Everyone wants to make a decent salary to live a comfortable life, your Venus can help you achieve that when you learn to use it properly. Venus also rules over relationships so learning how to work with people.
-Taurus/2h rules over our money and investments . Wherever Taurus sits in your chart and the sign your 2h is in can help you reach whatever your financial goals are.
For example: A Leo 2h with a Taurus 11h can make money by being in the arts and by posting them online, being an actor, working with children at daycare etc anywhere career that involves you putting on a “performance” and being around lots of ppl can help.
-Libra/7h, how to work with people 1 on 1 and build those connections up. If you’re a business owner that has a business partner, this is really important for you know.
For example: A Libra 4h with Capricorn 7h native may do well with working with women, possibly from home or a smaller type of work setting that feels like home. Working with hardworking women, they may not like to miss work lol
4. Mercury Placement/house + Gemini and Virgo + 3h and 6h
-Mercury rules over daily routines and work. Saturn is the chosen Career but Mercury is the work we actually do in our career.
Quick example: You work in the Entertainment industry (Saturn) and your actual job is cinematographer (Mercury).
Another quick example You work in Law Enforcement (Saturn) but your actual Job is a Forensic Detective (Mercury).
Mercury rules over communication and how we talk to people.
Gemini/ 3h rules over communication and our co-workers who are on the same level as us. This is how we talk to to our coworkers and what we may talk to each other about. This also rules transportation and we get to work.
For example: Gemini 12h with Virgo 3h. This can manifest in a few ways. I have a friend who have this and she use to tell me how one of her coworkers had no boundaries (12h)and was touch feely (Gemini) and was nosy (Virgo 3h).
Another example: I had another friend who gives free taro readings to her co workers at her job during lunch break😅
-Virgo/6h rules our Job and Dailey routine. This can also show you how your job influence your health because Virgo and the 6h rules over our health. This also rules over coworkers but our managers and supervisors.
5. Extra Tips
-look at your progressed chart as well. This chart can show you what works for you right now
-aspects also hugely influence your places
-your degrees also add some influence as well
As always thank you for reading and supporting my page. It really means a lot to me! If you would like a paid reading then I’m open to help! Just check my pinned post for the details🥰
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bamsara · 2 years
“It’s gonna rain. We won’t make it in time.” Thinking of the dudes getting caught in the rain 👀 (From twitch stream) :>
Sun x Reader | Wordcount: 1,150 | AO3 Version
CW for slight suggestive joke at the end.
Since their...seperation, from the pizzaplex, the Daycare Attendant has been a mixture of feelings towards the outside world.
They weren't alien to it, really. It's hard not to know about the outside world when the entire world's internet was inside your head and you had more memory, no matter how damaged it might be, bigger than what would constitute a human brain anyway. The Daycare Attendant is well aware of the outside world, customs and social rules, places and so on.
Expereinceing these things first hand, however, is a completley different matter entirely.
You have been out doing errands for hours longer than you should. The reason: you brought the Daycare Attendant along with you, and Sun is nothing but enthusiastic to interact with every single living being he saw, human or otherwise, which led to some really awkward conversations with humans surprised to see an animatronic act so openly, and the servant robots stare at their robot brethern that seemed to be walking around with much more freedom than they had yet.
"Sun, come on!" You're grabbing his wrist, pulling him away from the pet store window (he lets you, of course. You wouldn't be able to otherwise, but he still makes a pitiful noise as he's torn away from kittens and puppies) and steer him towards the bus stop. "It's the last run, we're going to miss it if we don't hurry!"
"Do you think it's good idea to take the bus again?" He asks. "Got quite a lot of stares on there, very rude! I don't think the bus is very nice."
You shoot him a look over your shoulder. "Wasn't that your idea? We took the bus because you don't like riding in the car."
"I still don't like the car."
"Then we take the bus!
"We've decided we don't like the bus either!"
Your hand has fallen from his wrist, but you don't worry about him fallen behind as you walk briskly; his legs were longer, took wide strides, and he's gotten into the habit of hooking fingers into the cease of your hoodie so he doesn't loose you.
You briefly joked before that it reminded you of how children hold guiding hands. Sun replied by saying it's more along the lines of keeping a dog on a leash.
Thunder rumbles a bit above you. The clouds are starting to close in. You didn't bring an umbrella, but at least you wore layers today. "Well, the bus is what's gonna keep us out of the rain. I don't feel like walking home all soaked."
"Aw, really?" Sun's voice is teasing. He doesn't appear bothered, or surprised by the sound of an incoming storm. He hasn't since that day on the balcony of your apartment. "I could act as an awning, if you like!"
To emphsize his point, he cranes over you, arms extended and faceplant pointed downwards with a playful style like it was him and him alone that could protect you from the rain soon to come. A few droplets land on your shoulder, one of his sunrays and drips back down to your nose. "Stop stalling!"
"Just a jest!" He laughs, and allows himself to be pulled along further down the street, narrowly avoiding a wide-eyed couple. "We both have hoodies! Shoes! Smiles! A little rain never hurt anyone!"
You scoff at him, walking at a pace thats just barely under a run. "And what are you going to do if the sky gets too cloudy that the sun can't be seen?"
Sun's chuckle sounds from behind you. "Then you are definatly not taking the bus, even if you catch it. Wouldn't allow it. Don't worry, you'll still have an escort home."
.....Of course. You glance at your phone, squinting at the time as a raindrop plops on the screen. "It's gonna rain. We're not gonna make it in time."
Sun hums. "I can see that."
Before you can process what he means, you're yanked back to a halt. He stopped allowing you to pull him, which means the momentum yanks you back the moment he stills, and you lift your head to question his stalling when Sun, smiling as ever, lifts a finger and points it to the street. You follow his gaze.
The bus-your bus, judging by the number printed on the side-is turning down the street, past the point where the bus stop would have been around the corner with windows full of people who were sitting dry and calmly out of the incoming downpour.
As if on cue, water droplets fall on your face, then more, until the space around you is in a steady, solid rainfall.
You visably deflate. "Great. We missed it."
Sun's hands are extended out, water running off his fingers and faceplate. "And it's not too cloudy too! What a delight!"
You deadpan. "Sunny..."
"Yes, yes...." A low chuckle, a metal hand coming around the back of your neck and pulling the hood of your jacket over your head, and around your shoulders so you're pressed against the animatronic's side. "Best we start walking very quickly, hmm? Don't want you catching cold."
"Too late." You whine, as annoynaly as you can make it. "Gonna get so sick I'm gonna be sneezing wads all week."
"Oh, sick? That means I can make you soup! I have a few new recipes I'd like to try."
"You don't need an excuse to make soup."
"No, but I do like to have an excuse to feed it to you."
You walk in pace with him, hands curled into your pockets and clothing pushed all the way up so no water slides down your clothes. Sun is the opposite. He doesn't even try to pull the hood up, not like it would have fit around his sunrays either, but walks rather chipper than what you'd expect a Daytime robot in the rain.
He's clearly enjoying the turn of events. Your lips press together in a thin line. Happy for him, it's nice to see him in a good mood. You're just a little bitter about being rained on it as well though. "If you wanted the same expereince, you could have just stood underneath the shower at home."
Sun laughs lightly. Finger tips dance on your arm, his grip pulling you closer. "I don't think this is quite the same as that! Unless, darling, you'd like to join me in there."
You whistle. "Walked into that one, didn't I?"
He nods, and steers you out of the way of a puddle. "Afraid so."
The walk is ten minutes, tops, to the apartment complex. But it's double that time because Sun likes to walk slow, and he makes it up for you later when you're peeling off all the soaked layers at the door and he's gathering something warm for you to replace it with.
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starboundpix · 4 months
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ii. (love is) a greeting
it turns out the shiny metal scarecrow-esque thing is not a scarecrow and is most definitely offended. he's here to stay, though, so there's plenty of time to make up for that first impression.
daycare attendant x reader ✧ 1.8k words farm au, gender neutral reader, reader is a farmer, reader has a pet dog, hints of dca not being treated well in the past
note: a sun-centric part that has somehow grown into nearly 2k words >u< I promise moon will get his time to shine! (heh)
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The crowing of your rooster wakes you up, blinking blearily and squinting at the rays of sunlight streaming through your curtains. You slowly sit up, shoulders and arms aching terribly, but you must get going with your day. There are always things to do on a farm.
After changing out of your pajamas, you exit your bedroom, only to nearly trip over Pluto. “Hey!” He whines and whimpers, circling frantically around your legs, barely giving you any room to move. Your eyebrows furrow and you kneel down, letting him put his paws on your legs as you gently grab his head, looking into his mismatched eyes of hazel and blue. 
“What’s wrong, buddy?” His ears are soft as you stroke his head. Pluto slightly relaxes under your touch, but the little noises he makes do not subside. 
Suddenly, he pulls his head back and takes little shuffling steps toward the stairs, eyes watching you all the while. You have owned your dog for many years now and know that Pluto will not act this way without good reason. Something uncomfortable stirs in your gut, but you follow your dog as he leads the way down the stairs to the back door of your house. Pluto’s whines increase in volume as you wrap your hand around the handle so you pause to stroke his head.
Whatever is out there—whatever is making Pluto so worried—better watch out. You know your dog will protect you with all of his might and you will fight tooth and nail to make sure he is safe.
Taking a deep breath, you push open the door–
–and are greeted with brilliant blue eyes and a giant smiling face of gold and yellow.
“New friend! I am pleased to-”
“Oh what the hell?” The words fly out of your mouth in a shriek and you whirl back inside toward the safety of your home, pulling the door shut behind you. 
Over the blood rushing through your ears as your heart pumps furiously in your chest, you hear muttering through the door. “That was quite rude! I don’t think my greeting warrants a response like that.” A pause. Then, “Perhaps that’s not unexpected for people who live in the middle of nowhere.”
Your mouth falls open in outrage. With this cocktail of shock and anger rushing through your veins, you push open the door again, this time stepping completely through to shut it behind you. “I was startled, thank you very much,” you spit out. 
A warm presence presses into your thigh. The reminder of Pluto being by your side is enough to calm your nerves a bit, enough to make you realize that this- this being—a… scarecrow? Your scarecrow!—does have a point. Just the tiniest bit. Taking a deep breath, you shut your eyes and reopen them to look what you once thought was your scarecrow in the eyes.
“Sorry,” you say. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be at my door, least of all the scarecrow I set up in my garden yesterday.”
The not-a-scarecrow raises his hand to his mouth, which turns round in outrage. “A scarecrow? Scarecrow? I will have you know that we- I am a top of the line farm helper animatronic!”
You blink up at him. “So, um.” You were not prepared for anything like this at all. “So you’re a, uh, robot?”
“A robot?” he screeches, making you wince. The rays around his head shift in agitation. “I am an animatronic. A farm helper animatronic, unit ID 1987!” His teeth show in a smile, though you feel that he is anything but happy.
Hearing those words, you think of the booklet that arrived with his crate. Your aunt must have chosen the sun themed animatronic for you, and he certainly is no mere scarecrow. He’s sentient. He has a personality. A very unique one, at that. He seems a little prickly, although to be fair, you did sort of insult him multiple times in the span of five minutes. Not your best first impression. 
The thought of this animatronic being a new companion around the farm makes you a little excited. It has been a while since someone who could actually communicate with words—not with barks or clucks or bleats—has been on your farm for more than a few hours. Not to mention, this is the first time you’ve encountered such an advanced animatronic.
Slowly, your lips curl up in a smile, a warmth rising to your face the first time since you’ve exited your home. “Got it! Hey, I’m truly sorry about my initial reaction. I mentioned to my aunt in passing that I really needed a scarecrow for my garden, so when I got a package from her, that’s what I thought you were.” Wringing your hands together, your expression turns sheepish. “I probably should’ve read the manual from front to back. I definitely wasn’t expecting someone uh, y’know, alive and at my door today. Your presence was a surprise, but it’ll be nice to have some help around the farm. So anyway,” You share your name, holding your hand out for him to shake. “I’m the owner here. Welcome to Monarch Skies Farm.”
The animatronic’s sky blue eyes break contact with yours and he looks down at your outstretched hand. There was a stiff smile plastered on his face the entire time you were talking, but now his faceplates shift so minutely that you barely catch the slight widening of his eyes. After a long pause, he stretches out a yellow and vine-etched arm, long fingers sliding against your palm. You don’t expect them to be this warm. It takes another moment before those fingers tighten around yours, and suddenly your arm is being pumped up and down with enough force to shake your entire body. Pluto starts barking in protest.
“Lovely to meet you, it’s great to meet you! I’ve never met someone quite like you before. Monarch Skies Farm is a beautiful name and there must be lots to do, oh yes. What should be done first today?” He finally lets go of your hand and pulls back a bit, much to your relief; although his hand was warm and comfortable, he’s still pretty much a stranger to you, and all that metal leaning into your personal space is not the best feeling. It feels like he isn't as peeved as he was before, but the hint of snark in his comments shows that he hasn't forgotten your reaction to him. Holding his hands behind his back, he rocks from heel to toe as he awaits your answer, head tilted to the right.
You settle your hand on Pluto’s head to calm him down. “There’s a lot to do today. But first, do you- uh, do you want me to call you by your ID? It was 1987, right? Or is there another name you go by?”
The animatronic stops moving completely. You blink up at him, watching as he seems to stare beyond you while he thinks, motionless. A long moment later, his faceplate rotates upright so he’s looking directly at you. “Oh, no, not the dreadful ID. It lacks a bit of everything, don’t you think? The little ones called me Sun, and that’s a much brighter name!” He winks at you, one bright blue eye vanishing under a golden eyelid.
Your eyes widen. “You really go by Sun? That’s what I named you when I- well, when I thought you were a scarecrow. All the bright gold and yellow and the rays around your face,”—you gesture at him—“made me think of the sun.” Curious, and also a little desperate to move on to avoid his piercing and unreadable gaze, you ask, “Were the children who called you that from your previous farm? What was the farm like?”
Sun takes a moment to respond. There is a strange tone to his voice when he says, “Yes, the little ones from my previous farm gave me this name. They are such wonderful children!”
“O-okay.” He obviously avoids answering your question about his old farm, but you don’t want to press too hard, especially when you’re just getting to know him. Clapping your hands together, you move on. “I’m not sure how the previous farms you were at did things, but I think I should first show you your room. After that, I can give you a tour of the farm. How does that sound?”
You can’t quite determine what he is thinking from the expression on his face, but Sun gives you a shallow nod so you open the door to your home. “Come on in!” Turning away from him, you enter your home with Pluto walking beside you.
You miss the sight of Sun’s fingers twitching, a stiff smile on his face with blue unblinking eyes, his faceplate rotating a few degrees. He hesitates before finally following your retreating figure into your house.
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Sun runs a finger along the top of the dresser in the guest bedroom, revealing a streak of dark brown wood under the layer of dust that had gathered on the surface over time. You were telling the truth; this guest bedroom really has not been used in a while. 
Now this bedroom is his. His!
“This place could use a good cleaning,” he says to himself, rubbing his fingers together so the dust they had picked up floats back onto the dresser. His hands rest on his hips as he turns in a slow circle, taking in the room.
It’s a decent size for a regular human, he thinks. Cozy, with warm earthy colors and extra cushions on the armchair and bed. Small trinkets decorate the dresser and bedside desk in a way that personalizes the space yet is not too cluttered.
Useless. Moon pushes the thought to Sun.
 “W-well,” Sun says, “we may not sleep like a regular human but it can be nice to lay down while charging! At any rate, this is much better than the horse stall.”
Still dirty.
Sun can’t really dispute Moon on that. The urge to find some cleaning supplies and wipe down every surface in this- their room is strong, but Sun remembers that you are waiting to show him around the farm and get started with your tasks for the day. Perhaps he’ll ask you after finishing the tasks, if it isn���t too much of a bother. You’ve proven yourself to be rather nice despite your initial reaction to him at your back door this morning. But-
Be careful.
“Yes, yes, I know. Can’t trust adult humans too easily; they’re not like the children!” Despite saying this, a small spark of hope travels through Sun’s wires against the disapproval he can feel from Moon. He exits his bedroom with a bounce returning to his step, heading to where you wait for him by the front door. 
Perhaps, as Sun sees more of the farm and gets to know you, he and Moon will grow to like Monarch Skies Farm. He tries to squash the doubt that Moon sends his way.
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note: and there we go! we've discovered that sun will now be a resident of the farm! as for moon? he remains to be seen. literally. >.< thank you so so much for reading! i'd love to hear your thoughts c:
series masterlist ✧ part one ✧ part three (wip)
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iamnotokaythx · 10 months
poor… guys? poor guy. - platonic!yan!eclipse & gn!reader
cw: post ruin dlc, gn!reader, all lowercase, platonic, yandere eclipse, 2nd person, i count eclipse as one person like steven universe fusions, not rly a cw but reader lives on a farmhouse bc HOW THE FUCK do you fit SIX animatronics in a 1b 1ba studio apartment
summary: you used to work with sun and moon at the daycare, but after the fire that decimated the pizzaplex, you wonder if your favorite animatronics are still alive.
this fic is not 18+, but my other content is. mdni.
you miss the daycare in the pizzaplex—you didn’t particularly love kids, but the attendants were endearing and it paid decently well. of course, you hadn’t been back since that little kid let the place on fire.
it had been… a couple years, but one night you were just bored enough to break in. you didn’t want to before, you knew it’d be swarming with annoying kids. that, and it felt disrespectful to break in to a place you once held dear.
it was just as torn up as you assumed it would be. you sighed at how dark the place was. you seriously needed to find a flashlight soon, most s.t.a.f.f. bots had one but it looked like the few you’d run into had already lost their flashlights.
you checked through a couple rooms, but the only place you were really looking for was the daycare—you just wanted closure, that the daycare attendant was really dead—or, as dead as a robot can be. where was map-bot when you need them?
you saw the red of a toolbox and opened it, but to your dismay there was only a ‘fazwrench,’ which you’d used before when you were a technician, but you were moved to the daycare when some other guy who was a lot more qualified than you was hired. you pocketed the fazwrench anyways—it might be useful.
you see a s.t.a.f.f. bot with a flashlight and you approached it. it sprung to life and pointed the flashlight at you, but it died afterwards. you scooped up the flashlight and clicked it on, finding a torn up map that told you where you were.
if the pizzaplex wasn’t in so much disrepair, you’d have already known where you were, but crumbling walls and graffiti had covered much of the area and messed with your sense of direction.
wading through the rubble, you find the massive doors that you had grown accustomed to stepping through every night. the door creaked open and you held your breath, surveying the collapsed wreckage of the playpens. as you took a step inside, you heard a clattering.
“hello? anyone here?”
you asked tentatively, hoping to the gods that the only beings in here were you and the rats. you can’t hear anything else.
“…got it.”
you called out. you stepped forward and began looking around.
“if anyone’s here, i’m just looking for the sun and moon animatronic.”
you announced, kicking a couple balls around from in the ball pit. worst case, some stuff had collapsed on him and broke him completely. best case, he was pinned down or in the ball pit or just hiding.
“i know you.”
you hear an animatronic voice say. it’s not quite sun and definitely not moon, more like a much softer, friendlier mix sun, so you’re wondering who exactly it is.
“i know you! you’re my best friend!”
“wait, hello? where are you?”
“look up!”
looking up, you see what looks to be sun, but he’s odd. his sun rays are out, but so is his night cap. his clothes are a mix of both, and his face looks like a mesh of both too.
“which one are you?”
you ask, watching as he lowered himself down from the wire.
“i’m eclipse.”
he speaks like the host of a kid’s show, enunciating each word. eclipse brings you in for a hug, his wires and bare endoskeleton poking you.
“ah, scraping me a little there.”
“oh, i’m so sorry! where have you been, friend? i missed you! i can’t clean up alone, you know. we have a lot of work cut out for us, we need to clean up before the kids come.”
he set you down sitting criss-cross in front of you, yet still managing to be as tall as your chest.
“um, s—eclipse, the pizzaplex is abandoned.”
you explain gently. actually, it could have been sugarcoated a little more, but whatever.
“it’s abandoned. there was this massive disaster that happened a couple years ago, and nobody did cleanup. i was trying to find you.”
“well, that can’t be true! can it?”
“it is, eclipse. don’t you see how crumbly the whole building is? and the graffiti?”
“but… i just came back.”
“yeah, i’m confused about the whole ‘you’ thing, too. i’ve never met you.”
“yes you have! you met both of me.”
“they’re both you?”
you echoed.
“of course!”
sun’s voice came from the robot’s speaker this time.
“so when will the children come back?”
eclipse asks, his head spinning in a circle.
“eclipse, we need to get you out of here. i don’t think anyone is going to come back.”
you decide. eclipse stands up.
“leave? i can’t leave the pizzaplex, friend! i’m programmed not to.”
“eclipse, you can’t stay here. you’re going to end up rotting here.”
you remember the fazwrench in your pocket.
“come here, i can turn off that command. i’m so lucky i live alone.”
you mutter. this is a stupid decision. bringing home a 7-foot tall robot just because you liked it a couple years ago. stupid, stupid.
“you know how to code? that’s amazing!”
…okay, he’s not so bad. you smile softly as he allows you to plug into him. it’s rather easy to recode him, fazbear entertainment should invest in more security.
“you should be good. how do you feel?”
“i don’t feel very different, but i know you changed me. thank you, friend.”
“do you know how to get to parts and services? i’m kinda directionally blind.”
“why do we need to go there?”
“i still have my key. i can raid them of spare parts and fix you back up.”
“really!? you’ve always been so thoughtful.”
you chuckle at his words.
“do you know where it is, though?”
“i do! i can patrol at night, remember?”
“right. i remember the lock-ins.”
you followed him outside the daycare. he took one last look at his room.
“i wish fazbear entertainment still did lock-ins.”
eclipse sighed. before stepping out, he paused.
“wait, can i bring something? please?”
“sure? as long as it’s not very big.”
“it’s not! i’ll be right back.”
eclipse ascends into the air and returns to the stage, disappearing behind the curtain to a room. he returns a couple seconds later with a handful of papers in his claws, all child-made art for him.
“okay! let’s go to parts and services.”
“do you want me to carry that for you?”
“would you really?”
you open your bag and carefully slot the papers in so they don’t crinkle more than they already are.
“thank you!”
he again says gratefully, bringing you into another spiky hug.
when you open the door to parts and services, a couple rats scurry past. they don’t bother you.
“alright, just go lay on that bed over there.”
you instruct, unlocking the animatronic parts closet. you sweep all of the extra parts into your bag and rummage through the clothing.
you find the sun/moon outfit and some eclipse-specific spare parts in a box high up. they hadn’t been touched in ages, it looked like the repairmen neglected sun and moon in favor of the glamrocks.
you found just enough to put him back together, luckily, but you couldn’t find the paint. you’d been looking for a couple minutes when you give up.
“hey, eclipse, have you seen the paint anywh-“
you find him standing behind you. his mask makes it to where he’s smiling 24/7, but he’s definitely not pleased.
“you’re taking a long time.”
“sorry, i’m looking for paint. go lay back down, i’ll be there in a second.”
“it’s right here.”
he picked up a small bucket of paint nestled inside a cluster of cobwebs in the far corner of a shelf. with his massive 7 foot frame, he towers over you and reaches for it without even leaning over.
“thanks, eclipse…”
you mutter, nervous by his behavior.
“let’s get you cleaned up, hm?”
he snaps back into a cheerful demeanor.
“so what happened to you? you lost a foot, your endo’s peeking out, and some of your sun rays are broken.”
“some of the play place collapsed on me.”
“i’m sorry to hear that. listen, i’m gonna power you off while i do this, okay? you might be able to think and such while i’m repairing you, but i don’t want you moving or talking in case i mess up.”
“okay, you can power me off.”
he says, laying back and waiting.
you wedge the spare foot back on him carefully. once it’s in place, you begin unscrewing eclipse’s facial plates. you cut off his clothing so you can wipe down his endo with alcohol wipes.
after the cleaning, you slip the fresh clothes on him and then begin placing new or cleaned plastic body pieces on. you even remove, clean, and repaint his eyes, giving him back the blue irises that had long since faded into white.
you put the new faceplate on with a click and then power eclipse back on. he blinks—actually blinks, since his old faceplate’s eyelids were kept permanently open by food buildup from little kids. he looked better than he did when you worked with him, not to brag.
“how you feeling, eclipse?”
“oh my. i feel wonderful!”
he hops up and stares at a cracked window, looking at his reflection.
“alright, good. i kinda wanna leave asap, i don’t like being here this long. minor sense of foreboding in my bones.”
passing by the front entrance, you hear crying coming from a robot voice, unmistakably roxanne wolf.
“is that roxy?”
you whisper to eclipse. he bristles and looks back over at you.
“it is roxy. but you said we had to leave, right? so let’s go.”
he says a little louder than necessary.
“who’s there!?”
roxy asks, standing up and stumbling around.
“i can hear you. gregory!? get over here!”
she sprints into the foyer. eclipse hooks his hands around your waist as he ascends back into the air—you’d never been more grateful for the cable he can fly with.
“i feel bad for her.”
you murmur. she looks absolutely awful.
“but you have me, remember? your best friend? you can’t take her too.”
“i have to do something. i’ll come back, maybe tomorrow.”
“without me? i should come too. she’s dangerous, remember? she was going to hurt you.”
you sigh.
“sure, eclipse, you’re more than welcome to come too.”
you’re lucky he’s able to bend into a shorter shape. you kinda wonder how to fit his gangly frame, but he curls up into a ball for the trip over. he apparently doesn’t like car rides, so he keeps his hand safely entwined in yours.
“so, i live on a farmhouse, but my animals share a barn. there’s another barn that i fixed up so stray cats had some shelter, you can live in that or we can figure out how to fit you in my house.”
you said. he stares at you for a moment but ultimately decides.
“your house. it’ll be safer. i can protect you and clean the rooms and help make food.”
“okay. you’ll live in my house, then.” you decided.
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Hello! I know you're one of the people who ship Moon and Solar (TSAMS) And y'all have gotten me into the ship as well! XD I'm not caught up on the lore of the show(s) So i haven't even seen Solar IN SHOW before (i am very behind to before Lunar was Sun and Moons brother :' D) But I have some ideas I'm debating writing for the ship buttt....I have no clue how Canon Solar acts??? Do you know if theres somewhere I could find a Summary on his personality? (and I suppose...new Moon?) I'll probably unintentionally make them OOC...never written for anything TSAMS related, but i'll try!
And is there a ship names thats...like used for them instead of Solar X Moon or is it just called that?
Anywho, I hope you have a good day/night!!! You make awesome stuff! (And I know theres been some people making drama over the ship, I hope you don't let them get to you too much tho!! <3 /P)
Heheheh. Thank you. I've been shipping these two since June 2023 so I'm glad I can share the brainrot and some people are more welcoming and cool then I expect. (mostly the ones who can't think critically are the youtube audience but that's expected. Since a lot of the youtube target audience are... like.. minors or really young adults who can't conceive the concept.)
I rewatch that Episode where Solar changes his name and rebuilds the Daycare in a week just for Moon constantly cause it's just... so much admiration and appreciation Moon has for Solar in that episode. I swear I don't know if it was a flub on the actor's part... but I swear Moon calls him 'sexy' as he's dragging him to charge. the stock sound effect of "OOOOH" doesn't help my APD and I've listened so many times and I have no possible idea what Moon could be saying to Solar other then 'come here you stupid, sexy-...." (trails off) sooo... idk. I might have misheard that severely but that's just what I'm hearing.
Like, in terms of New Lore of the show, it gets pretty complicated.
So complicated in fact, TSAMS themselves released a new video on the subject.... But it's NOT a very good guide, as it misses a lot of things. (and no I don't mean the stupid guest cameo stuff) this is more or less an abridged take on what happens with no emotional impact:
Like, this is a good starting point if you want the barest of bones, but it misses so much stuff. I think they don't even mention how Solar gets introduced into this family. lol. Just like "yeah Im here and I helped kill Eclipse" fheahehf. It's a super well made video though, and I don't mind the editing mistakes (clearly when the actors change the avatar on screen.... whoops. Happens a few times)
There is also the Fan Wiki, but as of now, it is incomplete, (@twinanimatronics is working tirelessly on updating the wiki and I wish they got more reconignition from the tsams community as a whole ) but it does give a decent look into Solar
There is also the huge TSAMS Lore Document, which Ceph(twinanimatronics) also worked on which contains a further detailed explanation of the story so far, for those who don't have time to watch 2 years worth of youtube content that aren't in a concrete playlist. (TSAMS. PLAYLIST YOUR STUFF PROPERLY. YOU HAVE TWO YEARS OF LORE HERE)
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Liike.... yeah... this is okay but like..
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This is VRchat. Aka the lore. Which also includes when they play videogames in VRchat, which don't impact the story... Like Uno, Amongus and SCP stuff.....
And it doesn't divide the arcs. Something that TSAMS severely needs more then any other SB Show channel.
Also, in the early days, the gameplay videos USED to be part of the lore. As the concept of Eclipse itself, being a rouge evil ai that lived in Sun's head (as it was presented initially but we know the truth it was the killcode moon planted in Sun when they separated.)
These days, they kinda dropped the gameplay videos being directly connected to the over arching plot. Other then just saying that their vids are pre-recorded or "we're back" after an annual halloween takeover.
Not to mention... When Earth and Lunar got a show, they became intertwined with the Sun and Moon show. LAES is very much it's own thing, but it's the ONLY Security Breach Show that consists of two Original Characters spawned from the Sun and Moon show. A rarity. So their lore continues off from the Sun and moon show, giving more info on Lunar these days and Earth (their sister)
Then you have the Monty and Foxy show (which is my least favorite of the shows... Personal Preference. I try not to complain cus I know some people like it. But I do not like the plot points in that show, or the character writing and weird directions they take while being connected to the same universe.)
And Monty is a character voiced by Davis, who also voices Sun. So Monty started out as a prominent character on the Sun and Moon Show, and then got his OWN show... at a point in TSAMS history after Eclipse got the star and killed Lunar.
So yeah. I wish the playlists were better organized here. So we knew when each era starts.
(people say Matpat should get on this show lore... And noooooooo no thanks. Keep him away. We got you covered. Ceph honestly has enough info to make a video guide at this point.)
But long story short, Solar is a "Good Eclipse" from another dimension that the Old Moon introduced to Lunar, when Lunar was struggling with his trauma of leaving Eclipse. Good Eclipse and Lunar become friends.
Anyway, here are some key episodes that outline NewMoon and Solar's relationship, as Solar had never met the Old Moon.
Old Moon had never met Solar. It was New Moon who introduced himself to Solar to help defeating Eclipse once and for all. (and by this point lunar had died)
He was actually surprised that this Moon was a chill Moon and could be reasoned with and talked to, considering he was living a rather oppressive life from his own Moon.
There's also a whole episode saga of just these two bantering and talking while they work on the satellite together. I can't remember which specific episodes those are.
You can also see the difference between the Evil Eclipse and Good Eclipse here in one of my all time favorite episodes:
Moon saving Solar's life: (also the death of the bad Eclipse)
Everything is good and happy after Eclipse dies for awhile. (aside of Ruin and Bloodmoon wrecking shit) He goes back to his own dimension... and you get to see what his sad life is like:
From his Moon calling him "byproduct" and failure very often.
But... Something happens and Solar is forced to come to Moon's dimension
here's Solar at his poor little meow meow "I have nowhere to go" stage and just... thought to go to Moon immediately due to their history.
Moon's only question about Solar moving in, is that if he wanted him to blacklist his dimension once he heard what was going on with his Moon.
And immediately, Solar jumps in to help Moon with his problems.
Also during the halloween takeover part 2 electric boogaloo, Solar was the one to help get Sun and Moon back after being teleported to a different dimension with no hopes of returning
Also, after Ruin was cured and Bloodmon ran off, Solar rebuilt the ruined Daycare in a week. And Moon is so grateful for it. (i rewatch this episode a lot. It cemented the ship in my mind and built the commodity that they've been building up for months)
We also get what Solar's daily life is like so far... How out of place he feels, being someone from a different dimension, despite the Brothers (and sister's) insistence, he still doesn't really feel like he's part of the family. He feels like an outsider. (He also has less opportunities to hang out with Lunar. As he expressed interest in playing games with him like the good old days, and as of recently, they have not yet)
also a good example of the Celestial family changing minds on family dynamics because they are robots. Lunar flat out rejected Vegeta-Animatronic is his brother even if he technically is. Like, they're robots. They can change their relationships to each other based on their word. I like to see it more flexible then it is in reality with actual people/humans.
Moon also trying to make Solar feel comfortable and feel like he's adjusting well here. Expressing his concern for him doing so much for him and his family. And hoping to not pressure him into so much work.
As of recently, his Sun died, and he killed his Moon. And in his therapy session (on the Lunar and Earth Show) he expressed regret over "Leaving" them...
But he has not properly told anyone about this.
My reasoning is that he probably thinks that the family will jump on the chance to call him "Evil" .....They don't have good luck with Eclipses.... and every Eclipse they met other than him has been Evil. (that must weigh on you. Every version of yourself is deemed as evil across every dimension. You are the only good one. Maybe there is something wrong with you)
I'm already at the video limit, but on Lunar and Earth show, there is an interesting episode where Lunar goes into Solar's head, and his mindscape looks like the Willy Wonka TV room, because it was a movie he watched with his Sun before they separated and Sun died. Showing that he did care about his Sun a whole lot... Which is probably why he doesn't interact with our Sun that much alone.
He also compartmentalizes everything before he can feel emotions, playing his own memories in third person as if he's not experiencing them.
Not to mention, he organizes and separates his thoughts on NewMoon and HIS Moon, just so he won't associate the two.
I also missed what episode it was, but Solar is always the first to call Moon out when he's being angry, or irrational, and Sun admits in his therapy session, that Solar is the only person who can calm Moon down. (mainly cus he's used to it, but unlike his old moon, this moon listens)
I love Solar a lot, can you tell?
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yourstrulyaiko · 2 years
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╰┈➤ featuring; boku no hero academia! husband! bakugou katsuki! x wife! fem! reader  
જ about; as usual, your nosy boyfriend, now, husband is still nosy but now your children who has no filter are now involved in his indulgence of juicy gossip.
જ contents and warning; profanity cause bakugou is on it, cute bakugou children and fluff.
જ author's note; unedited.
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People knew you and Bakugou in your workplace.
He was always your plus one during office parties,
That means, he's sniffing drama whenever you two attend. His ears are pulsing trying to pick up crumbs of office drama,
Then you point out Aiko in the crowd and Yuto on the other side far away from his now ex-wife.
You and him are gossiping in the corner, sipping on some non-alcoholic drinks
But you offered some champagne because it fits the atmosphere.
So, here you are and your boyfriend, whispering about your theories on what possibly could happen next.
Anyways, a few years later you and Bakugou got engaged then married.
It was simple and beautiful ceremony but it was something more than you could ask for.
Now, you might think your husband who is now 24 year old man, interest in gossip would eventually dissipate.
Nope. He's just as interested in some petty office gossip as ever.
You come home from working all day; sometimes he greets you because he's been home all day, sometimes you greet him because you get home before he does or he finds you already asleep.
There's kiss shared between you and then you ask him if he wants to know about what happened in the office today over dinner.
Katsuki rolls his eyes and says obviously.
Well, a new arc has been introduced.
You two are having a baby!
When your baby was born, it's twins.
He's made it habit to go for a walk in the park with both of your baby strapped to his chest and back.
While he's walking around, he was walking around and people are up to him cooing.
Asking about his two little girls. They're tiny.
Then, all of sudden, this random lady was just telling her about her life story.
It wasn't just some boring story, oh yes I have kids too.
Ohhhh, Bakugou was indulging int it.
Though, he thought it may be just his luck.
Nope, it happens everytime he had his kids with him.
For some reason, women flick to him and ask him about his kids.
Then, suddenly they're oversharing about their life gossip and that bitch Jenny.
When your kids grew up and started speaking. They started daycare,
"Daddy, did you know that Mister Takahiro has a fiance but she cheated on him?"
"And daddy, he said she's a Pro-Hero like you."
Bakugou was just shock because you don't talk about these kinds of things in front of your girls.
"How do you know this?"
"We heard it."
"Yeah, what else?"
"He has herpes... What does that mean?"
"Yes, daddy what's a herpes?"
"Don't know you should ask your mommy or your teacher.
When you heard about this, you told him not to encourage the girls about school gossip because it's going to be awkward at teacher and parent meeting.
He didn't discourage it. He actually would always ask about it,
"So, what happened to Mr Takahiro?"
"I don't know but he said he was cheating anyways. Cheating is not good, isn't it daddy?" "Miss Hana said she's having a baby with her sugar daddy. Does that mean she gives a lot of candy?"
Parent teacher was indeed awkward but loved it.
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milfgyuu · 1 year
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Puppy Love  Pairing: Jung Wooyoung x Fem!Reader Series: Mr. Right Next Door Tags: 3.2k, Neighbor!AU, Strangers to Lovers, Fluff, Humor. Summary: So, your dog manages to score a boyfriend before you…unsurprising with your luck. However, your four-legged companion and her beau seem to conspire to bring a little puppy love into their human’s lives as well. 
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Doggie Daycare is a blessing. 
Now that might sound dramatic, but any apartment dwelling dog owner will tell you how much of a life saver it is to drop your baby off to run, swim, play, and socialize the day away because otherwise you’d be stuck walking five miles every night just to burn off some of that pent up energy. Especially those with big, bouncy breeds. Those bad boys have bottled up zoomies ready and waiting to go. 
Lizzie, your three year old Golden Retriever, was typically pretty laid back but you like to credit some of that to the fact that she’s been enrolled in daycare since she was finished with her puppy vaccines and it’s served to both tucker her out and teach her a few social manners. You also love that you don’t need to feel guilty when your work day stretches longer than usual into the afternoons. 
The little bell rings as you push through the door to pick Lizzie up and the receptionist’s familiar face greets you right away. 
“Oh, have I got exciting news for you!” Lea grins from behind the desk, “Lizzie’s got a boyfriend!”
You cup your cheeks and laugh, “Oh my gosh! She’s not old enough for boyfriends. She’s supposed to be making friends…not smooching.”
Lea laughs and comes out from behind the desk, joining you at the large window that peers into the indoor daycare room. It’s a particularly busy day so it takes a moment but Lea points into the far left corner and sure enough there is Lizzie laying right next to a pretty another pretty golden, fur red as can be, and they’re sharing one rope toy, gently tugging it back and forth between kissing each other’s faces. 
“That’s Appa,” Lea bounces on her toes happily, “It’s his first day and he’s been glued to Lizzie’s side from the moment he saw her. They’re just so sweet to each other!”
Appa breaks away from their shared toy and licks Lizzie’s ear before she nudges the toy back over to him and he plays along, following her lead. Your heart clenches and you resist the urge to bust through the glass window like the coolaid man so you can love on them both. The cute aggression swirls in your veins. 
Must. Squeeze. Dogs.
The daycare attendant notices you and Lea in the window, and waves before calling your baby over. Both Lizzie and Appa go to the door as if they’re leaving together, but of course, only Lizzie is pulled out for pick up and you watch with pouted lips as Appa sits patiently at the door, waiting for his new friend to return. He sits and waits all the way up until you reluctantly leave but only after Lea reassures you that Appa’s owner should be along shortly and would no doubt return tomorrow. 
With Lizzie all clipped into her harness and seatbelt in the backseat, you start on the way home and talk to her the whole way there, per usual. She only ever responds with a head tilt or perked ears though. The occasional “whisper” you taught her was your answer to “Just what are you doing flirting with that devilishly handsome red boy?”
Over the next few weeks, it seemed Lizzie had a renewed purpose in getting you up, moving, and out the door so she could get to daycare bright and early each day. Every evening you would go to pick her up, you would find her and Appa playing or resting together and you became so endeared with the other pup. 
It seemed as though the feeling was mutual because one day at pick up, Lea happily handed over a little baggie with a brand new toy in it. You pulled the little stuffed strawberry toy out and beamed. “That’s a gift from Appa and his dad,” Lea smirks and your brows raise, “His very handsome and seemingly very single dad…”
Seeing Lea every day during the week, you’ve formed a little friendship and share bits of life here and there around drop off and pick up times. She’s sort of like your hair dresser who knows just a little too much but you really like her - even if she’s playing a little matchmaking game on the side. 
“Well,” you grin as Lizzie bounds around the corner and sidles up to your thigh, “It looks like Liz and I have some shopping to do.”
That started a bit of a trend and every so often you and Appa’s dad would send home new toys with each other though not once had you ever run into him which was a little disheartening. Not just because Lea mentioned him being handsome or anything….You just wanted a chance to meet your dog’s boyfriend’s dad. 
Was that so odd?
On a brisk Saturday morning you decided to take Lizzie for a walk. Her pretty white coat was extra fluffy after her bath the night before and you thought she looked extra cute when the sun reflected off the pink gemstones in her collar. She was always great on leash and never stayed from your side, matching your pace so she was never too far behind or in front of you. 
There were street vendors out, children playing in the open park, people riding bicycles but still, Lizzie stayed right next to you and you tried not to look too proud of how behaved she was when you witnessed several other dog owners having a less than pleasant walk with their overstimulated companion. Then her little ears perked up and she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. 
You glanced down and noticed she was staring across the park but nothing in particular stood out so you urged her to move along and she didn’t budge.
Furrowing your brows, you lean down a bit closer. “Liz, what’s wron-!”
The words tear from your lips when Lizzie suddenly breaks into a full out run and your body jerks into motion. You try your hardest to reel her back in but with her strength and momentum and you being caught off balance it is near-impossible to slow her down and she doesn’t respond to any of your frantic commands to stop. 
You heave in a deep breath, panting between running and shouting, and Lizzie just keeps running. She drags you through the park, between picnic setups and too close to a painter under the tree. You’re lead straight between a makeshift soccer match and narrowly avoid a ball to the side of your head. Lizzie keeps running and your shoe catches on a rock but before you hit the ground you slam into another body. 
The person throws their arms out and catches you before you hit the ground but suddenly your legs become bound to the strangers and you both hit the ground with a loud grunt. Thankfully, you both land on your side so at least crushing a stranger is not on your list of embarrassing things that just happened but you are indeed still bound together and there is a definitely going to be a knot on your forehead where you bumped noggins with your unfortunate savior. 
Before you can even open your eyes, Lizzie is licking you in the face and you instinctively tuck your head in but that leaves you pressing your face into the strangers shoulder awkwardly. Next thing you know, they’re the one tensing and pressing closer to you and then you hear, “Appa! What’s the matter with you?!”
“Appa?” you repeat and Lizzie puts her wet nose against your ear, “Lizzie! Ugh, stop it!”
“Wait - Lizzie?”
The licking stops long enough to look into the face of the person you’re still laying on the ground with and the second you open your eyes, you shut them on instinct. No way are you in this predicament with someone this good looking. Legs tangled together by dog leashes, drool in your hair…ugh…the cute is absent from this meet cute. 
“Appppaaa,” the man says almost teasingly, “This is your Lizzie isn’t it?”
Peeking your eyes open, the man is smiling back at you. “That must make you Lizzie’s mom, right?”
You bite your lip. “Yeah, that’s me,” you smile a bit since he’s not stopped and it’s sort of contagious, “And you must be Appa’s dad?”
“Wooyoung,” he scrunches his nose cutely, “Nice to finally meet you.”
“Likewise,” you grin, all starry-eyed and stupid. 
Appa barks once and you both snap your eyes up to your dogs patiently waiting at your feet to be let off leash. Wooyoung carefully helps you up, bracing your elbow and just behind your back so you can both sit up and once the pups are released you bump hands a few times trying to untangle the nylon’s constricting grip. 
“I’ve really been hoping we would run into you but this wasn’t exactly what I had in mind,” Wooyoung laughs, “It’s a great story to tell the metaphorical grandpuppies though.”
You snort and Wooyoung explains. “Appa is neutered.”
“Lizzie is spayed too so no puppies,” you sigh, stretching out your legs as you and Wooyoung sit in the grass side by side, your dogs playing together a few feet away, “They do look awfully happy together though. It’s crazy how they recognized each other from so far away.”
Wooyoung leans back onto his hands. “Ahhhh,” he looks over at you and giggles, “Young love. Thank you for the toys by the way. I swear he makes it a point to play with all of them at least once a day.”
“Same to you! Lizzie accidentally put a hole in the lamb you bought her and wouldn’t leave my side until I sewed it back together for her. She plays extra gentle with it now.”
He smacks his hand over his chest and proclaims, “Ugh….my heart.”
Ugh. Yours too. 
You spend another hour or so lazing in the park getting to know each other while Appa and Lizzie spend much needed quality time together. As if they weren’t together yesterday and won’t be again on Monday. It’s sweet though how well they get along and OK…maybe Wooyoung is really easy to get along with too. 
He’s charming and funny, and just as Lea said, very handsome, but he’s down to earth and you find that you quite like his company. Lizzie likes him too and now that you’re able to love on Appa in person, not just through the daycare window, you adore him even more. You were happy to have found someone who was every bit as crazy about dogs as you were. 
It was a touch awkward when you finally made your goodbyes only to realize you were both headed in the same direction. The dogs were happy as clams, walking side by side and Wooyoung very easily carried the conversation as you went. The fifteen minute walk went by much too quickly and then you’re stopping in front of your building.
“Well, this is us,” you say, not mindful enough to leave the disappointment out of your tone. 
Wooyoung looks up at the building and laughs. Full belly laughs and you’re lost until he says, “No way is this happening…We live here too.”
Your brows fly into your hair line and your jaw drops……you’re….neighbors?
“We’re on the east end of the first floor, where are you?”
Wooyoung points, “West end of the third floor,” he shakes his head in disbelief, “This is really wild!”
“I am just as shocked as you! How have we never run into one another until now?”
“I think there is something to be said for the cosmic timing of things.”
The way he looks at you makes your cheeks pinch and Lizzie nudges your leg, pushing her head just beneath your hand. “Well, um, maybe we will see more of each other now that we’ve met…I’m sure that would make the pups happy.”
Wooyoung grins, almost in a bashful sort of fashion. “It would make me happy too.”
The urge to openly squeal is absolutely appalling and you settle for what you hope is a flirty sort of smile. “Me too,” you chuckle, “I’ll uhh, catch you later, Wooyoung.”
He watches a little too closely as you turn away, still grinning like a fool. “Definitely.”
The universe did indeed plan for you to bump into Wooyoung nearly every day since that initial meeting. Oddly enough you now saw him in the mail room, at daycare drop off or pick up, at the market, in the parking lot. It was really unintentional but you looked forward to those chance meetings and it very quickly became the highlight of your day. 
At some point you began picking Appa up from daycare when Wooyoung had long days and he volunteered to drop them off whenever you needed to get into work early and many weekends you took them to the park or the beach and one day - Wooyoung finally got up the courage to ask you out. 
You were so nervous knocking on his apartment door. 
Rubbing your hands anxiously on the side of your dress you look down at Lizzie’s squishy little face and you’re suddenly reminded how peculiar it was to bring your dog along to your first date but you supposed it was hers and Appa’s hundredth. You were also really relieved to have her at your side - which she immediately ditched when Wooyoung opened the door. She padded right past him and Appa greeted her with a kiss before they wandered off toward the toy basket. 
“You look really great,” Wooyoung says softly and then he’s clearing his throat and stepping aside, “Sorry, I should definitely invite you in. Still working on my training.”
You chuckle at his joke, a clear cover up for how nervous he was to have you in his home for the first time. It was sort of nice to know you weren’t the only one. 
“It smells amazing in here,” you comment, the aroma from the small dining room wafting into the entry, “Did you cook? I thought we were just doing takeout?”
Wooyoung closes the door and shows you where to kick off your shoes. “I am actually the worst cook…ever…but I am really good at making things look presentable.”
The table is set for two with piping hot food and it seriously looks like you’re about to sit down at a restaurant. Then Wooyoung points to the empty takeout bag on the counter and grins, “You said you like pasta, right?”
A ball squeaks from the living room and you laugh, taking a seat at the table. “Yeah,” you smile at him, “I love pasta. Cristo’s is my favorite actually.”
Wooyoung winks as he sits. “I know. I also listen really well.”
Flattered you pick up your fork to dig in and you’re not disappointed, a bit embarrassed perhaps because Wooyoung is still watching, waiting for your opinion and you give him a thumbs up, signaling he’s done good and also please eat so you’re not the only one. Conversation flows easily throughout the meal, as it usually does and even as you argue with him about helping to clean the dishes, he bickers back and makes you laugh. 
It isn’t until you’re both sat on the couch that Wooyoung actually looks nervous again. You both settle on a movie you’ve seen before but it’s good enough to watch again…and not so new that if you end up spending more time staring at each other while the other isn’t looking that you won’t really miss much.
Wooyoung has so many couch pillows that it’s easy enough to make yourself comfortable without worrying if you’re too close or too far apart, or worse, you’re left sitting so awkwardly that it’s noticeable. 
Another thing you really like about Wooyoung is that he makes really good tea and you gratefully sip on it to calm your nerves. The smell alone is enough to soothe you but when you look over to find Appa and Lizzie sleeping together, her head laid over his shoulders, your drink is the last thing on your mind. 
“They are really cute,” Wooyoung says quietly, “They make dating look too easy.”
You chuckle at that, looking over to find Wooyoung looking back at you. “I’m so glad you said yes, by the way,” he admits, “I was sort of terrified to ask you out. Not because I didn’t think we would have a good time because I think we get along really well and have a lot in common, but…I uh…kind of really like you. Like…a lot.”
Wooyoung’s ears turn bright red and he makes a move to turn away but you reach a hand out to grab his, lacing your fingers together and resting it on the pillow between you. “I really like you too,” you tell him, butterflies loose in your belly, “Honestly, if you didn’t ask me out soon I probably would have asked you.”
His eyes pop open wide and he laughs. “Maybe I should have waited a few more days,” he teases, “You can always ask me out on a second date…promise to say yes.”
“Wooyoung,” you pause to hold in a laugh, “Would you want to go out with me again?”
He feigns disinterest. “My schedule is a little jam packed coming up but I-”
He’s interrupted by Appa’s loud disapproving bark and Wooyoung grins. “He means to say, that I would love to go out with you. Maybe I can actually take you out somewhere next time.”
That giddy feeling settles into your bones and it’s far from thought to pretend like you’re not ecstatic at the prospect of dating. Wooyoung is quite the same, grinning like a fool and excitedly rambling on about date ideas and such. 
It’s easy for time to slip away and nearing almost midnight, you’re still slow to pull yourself from his couch. Wooyoung doesn’t even look tired aside from the one little yawn he just couldn’t hide. He’s still so bright and talkative. You’re already beginning to miss him as he walks you to the door. 
“Thank you again for dinner,” you smile, Lizzie’s leash occupying your nervous hands, “I’m sorry I stayed over so late.”
Wooyoung bats away your apology. “I probably would have kept talking your ear off until the sun came up anyhow.”
“I like that about you.” You’re bashful and he bites his tongue beneath a grin. 
There is an energy in the air that is so tempting to give into but really, this is your first official date and surely you shouldn’t already be thinking about kissing him goodnight but his lips are so pretty and he keeps glancing down at yours and -
“Well, I should get going…long walk and all.” What a terrible joke. You’ve got to get out of here before you embarrass yourself further. 
You reach for the door handle but one of the dogs bumps the back of your legs and you tip forward into Wooyoung who nearly falls off balance if it weren’t for the other dog behind him. How cleverly they corral their humans into each other’s embrace once more. 
“Our dogs have an agenda,” Wooyoung laughs, his hands finding a little more confidence, arms winding a bit tighter around your waist. “I think they want me to kiss you…Any thoughts on that?”
“Um, yeah,” swallowing your nervous laughter, you smile down at the pups and then back up to him. “I think that’s a really good idea.”
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jtwritesstuff · 8 months
Race to the Finish - Chapter 1
I feel awareness coming in first, that feeling of waking after a long nap, and the tiredness that comes with that feeling. I gently lift myself up and let a soft groan out as I look around. The room hadn’t changed much since my last lucid period, maybe a few new toys here and there, and that loop-de-loop hot wheels track was definitely new. The room was mostly the same, the same race car bed my other side had picked out, same wild, unkempt toys scattered here and there, again thanks to my other side. 
As I sit I feel the telltale squish of my pull up under my bottom and wince, the night accidents had started soon after catching the virus, even when I was an adult, and I’d still not gotten used to them after…well I didn’t know how many months it’d been at this point. The periods of my other side taking over were there, but kids couldn’t tell time, dates, much of anything, and some things like waiting for mommy- Khris… to get out of a conversation felt like an eternity to a four year old, yet things like daycare seemed to pass in a snap. I slowly pulled myself out of bed, cringing at the feeling between my legs as it squished, and upon looking down cringed again, seeing the childish Paw Patrol PJs I was in. I got up and went to my dresser, one now much bigger than me, though I knew where all the clothes were, starting with underwear I opened the lowest drawer and sighed, digging through, looking for anything without cartoons or cutesy animals, picking a pair that just had Pikachu on them. I had pulled my pants down when I’d heard the sound of the door opening and a blush fell across my face as Khris, my mommy and previous girlfriend walked in, smiling softly. 
“And what are we doing mister?” I let out a sigh as I looked down “Khris… it’s me… I’m just trying to get out of..this” I said, motioning to my well used pull up. Khris seemed a little shocked but kept the smile up “Well, welcome back Stephen, heard ya through the baby monitor and assumed little Stevie was trying to change himself, normally doesn’t end up well as he can have trouble with pants.” She chuckled as I blushed more, my face feeling like it might catch fire at any moment. “W-Well…I’m not him so..c-can you please leave, also where are the wipes?” Khris chuckled again and just walked over, taking them off the top of my dresser and handing them to me before going to walk out. 
“Call me if you need help, I’m just in the living room.” I just blushed more as the door shut, how could she think I need help, it’s just pants and underwear, maybe a shirt if I’m lucky and any of them are less childish. I make quick work of ripping the sides of my pull up and letting it fall to the floor before cleaning myself, something I’d gotten used to before the periods of mental regression had started happening. I slide on the underwear and find a somewhat mature looking pair of shorts before throwing the pull up into the diaper pail near my dresser, though I didn’t need diapers, it kept my room from smelling like stale pee. I walked out and sighed as everything seemed so…big now, everything from a four year olds perspective seemed like it was made for giants. I made my way to the living room where Khris gave me a warm, motherly smile “Good job sweetie! Glad you could get yourself changed after your little nap.” I blushed again “Of course I can, just because…Stevie can’t, doesn’t mean I can’t…” Khris nodded as she looked at me a bit seriously. “Well..this was a longer period under, honestly sweetie, we thought you were permanent this time.” 
I looked annoyed now, probably ‘we’ as in her and her new boyfriend I’d found out about after my last time under. His name was Ty and he honestly wasn’t a bad guy, when I was in my older mindset we could talk about our passion, which was cars. Though we’d gone two very different places with our passion as I’d been a professional stunt and race driver before the virus hit, while Ty was just a mechanic. “Well, I’m back so…of course I can dress myself” I said with a huff 
“Where’s Ty?” I asked, wanting a way to maybe get into a more…adult conversation. Khris sighed a bit, my want to cut the conversation not lost on her “In the garage, the car needed an oil change and he’s getting it done” I nodded and started to head that way, not wanting to lose a second where I could be having a much more…mature conversation than the triumph of being able to put my feet in the right holes without getting lost. I pulled the toddler proof door open, it having one of those over the handle covers to make it near impossible for an actual four year old to open, and made my way into the garage. Ty pulled himself out  from under the car and looked at me “What are you doing out here lil guy?” “I…wanted to see if you needed any help.” Ty looked a bit surprised but then smiled and nodded “Of course I could Stephen, good to see ya back bud, been a minute.” He sat up slowly, having not changed a ton in the time  I’d been under, same long hair tied into a bun, somewhat scruffy but short beard, looked like he’d just gotten out of work as he was still dirty and had the overshirt with his name on it on. 
“So…what do you need me to do?” I asked, unsure how far along the process was “Well, right now could you hand me the wrench on my stool? Getting the oil filter off now.” I smiled and nodded, knowing I’d come in just in time for the start. I grabbed the wrench and quickly handed it to him and he went to slide under as I asked “Do…you need me to help under there?” He stopped and poked back out, a bit of a worried look on his face “Why don’t you stay out here bud, I don’t think you’d be able to get this off being how small you are, and you know how mommy feels about you getting all dirty, especially with oil? She’d have my head and you’d probably have a new daddy” he chuckled as he rolled under and I frowned.
I found myself actually pouting for a second and feeling the urge to stomp my foot, but just barely stopping myself as I said “I can help Ty, I’m not just gonna be a…tool boy. I know cars probably better than you!” I huffed as he sighed from under the car “It’s not about knowledge lil dude, it’s about the fact you’re four now, even if you’re mentally bigger.” I huffed again as I looked around, seeing the new oil sitting near the oil pan and grabbing it “W…Well I wanna put the oil in!” I said, not realizing how childish it sounded at the time as Ty chuckled “Sure bud, you can put the oil in, and in fact, I almost got this off, slide me the oil pan.” I walked over and pushed it towards him with my foot as I held the new oil like it was life or death. 
I heard the telltale thunk as the oil filter fell into the pan and the oil started to pour out with it and Ty slid out, grabbing the new filter and chuckling upon seeing me before sliding back under and waiting. During that waiting period I cooled down a bit, sighing as I realized I’d let my more…childish emotions take over in the moment. Something that wasn’t uncommon when I was aware, though I’d never felt that..close to a tantrum before…it was odd, concerning to say the least. Before long I heard the clicking of the ratchet as he tightened the new filter in place and slid back out, smiling at me as he stood, now towering over me. 
“Lemme grab the stool for ya bud, and the funnel, and then the oil is all yours.” He said, sliding the stool over and helping me onto it before putting the funnel in place and making sure it was secure as I struggled to get the cap off the fresh oil. Ty helped me a bit just to get it started but then let me do it the rest of the way, standing right behind me as I lifted up the fairly large bottle and started to pour it in. I smiled as I felt a form of accomplishment as I watched it go down the funnel, knowing I was doing way more than just handing him tools. 
I helped with the first bottle and then the second and smiled as he put the engine cap on and went to go check how it ran, turning the car on. Though in my excitement of helping I went to hop of the stool, misjudging just how high up it was to my little body, I hopped down and yelped as I landed but quickly tumbled forward and whined as I caught myself on my hands and knees, wincing as I felt the sharp pain I hadn’t felt since childhood of my hands and knees getting skinned, whimpering as I stood back up, feeling my lip trembling and the childish emotions welling up, though I did my best to keep them down as Ty turned off the car and stepped out.
“Good job bud, seems to be running…you okay lil guy?” I just nodded, but my face obviously showed otherwise as he kneeled down and started to check me over “Ooo…looks like you got scraped up pretty good, this is why I told you to wait for me bud, come on, lets get mommy to get you a bandaid.” He went to stand as I looked at him, my already heightened emotions flaring up at being talked down to so easily by the man who took my girlfriend. “I can get my own damn bandaid and I don’t even need em! It was a little fall!” 
Ty seemed taken aback by my sudden outburst and just looked at me “Buddy..it’s okay to-” I cut him off “And stop calling me “Buddy”! I’m not a little kid right now! You don’t need to look down on me like one!” I went to stomp into the house, flinging open the door and stomping towards my room as I saw Khris getting up from the couch. I heard Khris ask “What’s going on” and Ty said something back, I’m sure they were talking about me. I was just too upset to even care as I slammed my bedroom door shut and sat down against it, trying to hold myself together…big kids didn’t cry, adults didn’t cry, and I wouldn’t cry.
I sat there for a while, and after a bit I felt and heard a knock at the door behind me to which I responded with a moody “What” Khris responded “Sweetie…can I come in? I wanna make sure you’re okay…Ty told me you took a pretty good tumble.” I felt the red hot rage boiling back up but scooched away from my door and just muttered a soft “Fine….” Khris slowly walked in and looked at me before kneeling down and frowning “Is everything alright hun? This isn’t like you, even big you….” She sounded worried but I just pulled away “I’m perfectly fine…thanks.”
 She sighed and sat down now, probably knowing she was in for the long haul as she gently took my hand “Honey, I know this is all a lot, and while we’ve had time to adjust, I know you haven’t. If you need to talk to us, you can hun, this has to be a lot, and especially being that we don’t know what’s going on in that little head of yours, we can only help you as much as you let us….” I pulled my hand away and curled up again “I don’t need help, I’ll be fine…” Khris frowned “Sweetie, we both know that’s not true.” I shrugged as I just sat there “My issue, not yours…I’m gonna go shower…get this dirt off me” I said, looking for any escape from her ‘mommy of the year’ act, though as I stood, I noticed something off, specifically around my crotch. I frowned as it felt…cold..clammy, though my shorts looked fine. 
Khris seemed to notice my sudden stop too. “Everything okay sweetie?” She started to even make a move to check me probably as I pulled away and just muttered “I’m fine.” I walked out of the room and towards the bathroom, hearing Khris walking out behind me, but stopping in the hall. I made my way into the bathroom, quickly shutting and locking the door behind me before yanking my shorts down and feeling my undies, feeling the telltale squish of the padded undies, wincing I realized…not only was little me not potty trained yet…seems like that little bout made me have a bit of an accident, and not one that will go unnoticed, as I can’t throw these out like a pull up. 
I sigh and slip my now soggy undies down, that being a problem for post shower Stephen as I pulled off my shirt and going to turn the water on, though struggling heavily to do so from outside the tub, just barely being able to turn the knob to the hot area. I got into the shower after it'd warmed up enough, grimacing at the tub toys hanging from mesh bags on the wall, knowing any other night I’d probably be ecstatic to play with those right now. I turned away from em and started to let the warm water run over me, sighing as I felt the stress seemingly start to melt away already, the dirt washing off my body. Some being from the garage, but most I suspect to be from daycare that day, we’d had an outing to the woods behind the school and I’d been getting into everything.
 I washed my body with a soap bar I could only guess to be Ty’s, not that I really cared, though as it came to my hair I looked around for any shampoo, only finding the kids shampoo left low, making it easier to get me washed during my baths.  I groaned, I was not using THAT, I already probably smell like a kid constantly, I wasn’t going to add onto it. I began to look around for some more mature shampoo, noticing it on a higher shelf and well out of my reach, but easy for any adult to get to and use. 
I huffed a bit, crossing my arms before looking for a way to get it, realizing my only way would be to climb, though I knew it was probably not the best idea, it was better than using that childish smelling gunk. I began by stepping onto the edge of the tub, it wasn’t too slippery so it was easy to make my way around to the shelves, and start to pull myself up. This though, was my worst decision of the night, as when I tried to step up onto the lowest shelf, grabbing a higher one. I didn’t realize just how slippery they’d gotten from the steam and water falling on them. 
It was over before it’d even started as I felt my hand slip first before my foot slipped off the lower shelf, sending my tumbling back towards the tub with a loud thud and a yelp. I winced, not hurt, least not badly, and I’d not hit my head on anything, though I’d fallen on my bottom fairly hard, I was surprised though when I heard the knob to the bathroom rattle, and then the door swung open, I thought I’d locked it….
I looked up as the shower curtain was pulled open and Khris was almost immediately at my side, not worried about the water as she immediately went to check me over. “Stevie, sweetie, are you okay? Are you hurt? What happened?” She seemed panicked as she looked me over, but I was mortified. Being completely nude in front of not just her, but I could see Ty behind her, holding a screwdriver and looking concerned. I pushed her hands away from me, blushing as I scrambled back up to my feet. “I’m fine, just…tried to get shampoo and fell.” 
Khris frowned as she heard that “Sweetie, your shampoo is down here, you shouldn’t have to climb for it, you know how dangerous that is.” She said, scolding me like you would a small child which only made my embarrassment rise as I looked at her “I’m not gonna use stuff that’s gonna make me smell more like a toddler!” She looked surprised at me for raising my voice and frowned. “Well it’s what we normally use for you,it’s just oranges, nothing kiddie Stephen, you need to understand you can’t do everything like you used to…” 
She stood and sighed, seeming satisfied with me not being hurt and…maybe even a bit hurt herself? I just went to pull the curtain closed as she seemed to linger for a few more seconds before walking out, shutting the door behind her and I could hear some talking behind the door. I sighed and gave a death glare to the bottle of shampoo with a smiling octopus on it before grabbing it and making quick work of washing my hair, huffing as I washed with the shampoo. It didn’t smell bad at all, though I don’t think I could ever admit that to Khris or Ty at this point. 
I stood for a bit longer after washing and just let the water run over me before turning it off and stepping out, grabbing a towel and drying myself off, if there was one good thing about being this small, it’s that it was much easier to dry myself with just one towel. After drying I went to grab my clothes and noticed something that caused my blush to come right back…there was a fresh pull up sitting on my clothes, the sodden undies nowhere to be found. 
I froze as I stared at it and didn’t know what to do. After a few seconds of hoping this was all a childish hallucination I slowly leaned down and picked up the crinkly garment, blushing as I sighed and slowly opened it up, stepping in and pulling it up, wincing a bit as I felt the plush interior of it hugging my crotch and bottom, before putting my shirt and shorts back on and going to walk out, probably with a bit more of a gate, though I was hoping it wasn’t too noticeable.
Upon walking out I heard the TV on, the local weather being read off as I smelled something being cooked, it smelled like something with tomatoes. I made my way into the living room, finding Ty on the couch who gave me a small nod as I just looked away before making my way to the kitchen, looking up at Khris who was currently over a steaming pot, stirring. 
“Khris..?” I asked quietly “Yes Stephen?” “Where did those undies go..?” She gave me a small, almost annoyed look “Well, normally when Stevie wears those undies and goes in them, he tells me and we get him in a pull up for the rest of the day. I see that part doesn’t transfer over as much as the emotional outbursts do.” I blushed deep red as I looked at her “I…I didn’t mean to, I was gonna tell you but I didn’t even realize it happened, I think it happened when I fell off the stool…” I looked down, feeling like a child who’d just done something very bad. 
Khris sighed a bit and looked down at me “Stephen, believe it or not, you’re not an adult anymore, and you need to accept we’re your legal guardians now. We know how to care for you, and we aren’t gonna make fun of you for anything you’d do normally, Stevie hasn’t mastered the potty yet and I know for a fact that means you haven’t either. You know that as well as I do, so you should’ve told me or let me check when you noticed it in your room” I just stared at her, she’d known the entire time, maybe it was my face, or my reaction? 
I must’ve given the same tell as Stevie… I just stood there as she went back to stirring “Dinner will be done in about ten minutes, why don’t you go watch TV for a bit while I work on it?” I could tell by her tone she was upset, so I just nodded and shuffled my way out and to the couch as Ty looked at me and gave a small chuckle. Though it wasn’t one of laughing at me, more of understanding “Guessing her angry voice isn’t any different from when you were big huh?” I just shook my head quietly as he gently rubbed my back “Look bud, she’s just worried. I know you didn’t mean to blow up on me or her, but you gotta understand, we just want what’s best for you, and if you need help or for us to do something, you need to tell us” 
I nodded slowly but scooched away from the back rubs, sitting back and watching the news, something about a local school doing a fundraiser for something. Though my thoughts weren’t focused on that, they were focused on my outburst from earlier, how childish it was, how close I was to a tantrum. It was odd, almost like I was slipping back into the Stevie mindset for a second there and for some reason it reminded me of a story I’d read early on into the virus’ outbreak. 
It’d been about someone who, like me, was swapping between his adult and child mindset, though he was worse, swapping almost weekly, though that wasn’t the only odd thing about him. After around 3 months of this he suddenly just…stopped swapping, and seemed to level out. He knew all about his life as a chef and having a fair amount of his adult thoughts, though he seemed to also have more childish impulses and seemed like any other three year old. Unless you talked to him about food, then it was closer to a hyperactive toddler. 
I began to wonder if this was what he went through, if he had started off by just having small tantrums here and there, maybe an outburst, then he just…slid down until he leveled out as a toddler. I probably looked lost in thought before I was pulled back out by Khris calling out “Dinner’s ready boys.” Ty stood up and smiled at me as I slowly got up, pushing my worries to the back of my mind for now as I walked into the kitchen, seeing Khris setting my spot. 
 I knew it was mine because of the booster seat covered in stickers that was sitting in the chair in front of the spot that Khris was setting, I shuffled slowly over and mumbled “Can’t I have a normal seat…?” Khris gave me another disapproving mom look, one I didn’t even need the rest of the answer for as I pulled myself up and sat in my booster, looking at the plate in front of me. Spaghetti with cheesy garlic bread, on a…what I believe to be a Bluey plate. 
I slowly grabbed my fork and started to eat as Khris and Ty sat with their own plates and started to eat. Ty seemingly trying to break the tension with a “So…least tomorrow’s Friday right?” Khris gave him a bit of a look as she sighed “Yeah…speaking of, that means you do have to go to daycare tomorrow, okay Stephen?” I looked and frowned “But…I’m in my big mindset…do I really have to” Khris nodded at that “Yes, you do, especially after that fall tonight, I’m not trusting you to be home alone all day, let alone cook your own food” 
I looked, trying to think of an argument…though she had me dead to rights with that, so I looked for another way “Can…Can I atleast be in a bigger kids room?” Khris shook her head “You’re in the oldest room you can be in at this daycare sweetie, and you know it’s not realistic to swap daycares when we don’t know when you might just swap back to Stevie.” I nodded again and looked down at my spaghetti, slowly eating it as I mumble softly “Sorry…I just…don’t want you guys to think I’m still some…needy kid.” Ty looked at me this time “Bud, we know you’re not, but we also recognize you still have physical limitations, you’re not very big, even for a four year old. The doctor was worried you were younger than we’d thought given we couldn’t get ahold of your family, but everything else developmentally pointed to a four year old. We just need you to trust us and let us help you, even if you’re an ‘adult’.” 
I nodded slowly at that and just slowly ate, trying my best to keep myself clean as the two actual adults at the table moved the conversation into talks of weekend plans. After a bit of chatter about something to do with going to the local mall for some new clothes for me, Khris turned to me, seeming in a better mood as she smiled “Hey…why don’t we watch a movie tonight. We’ll even let ya stay up a bit late, as long as you promise you’ll wake up good for us, you can pick the movie too, okay sweetie?” 
I looked up and perked up a bit hearing I got to pick it, there was so many movies that came out while I was little that I’ve not gotten to see yet. It would be hard to pick just one to watch, but I nodded quickly. “Yeah!” I finished up eating and quickly went to climb out of my chair, rushing to the living room as the other two chuckled at my sudden reversion to a childish excitement over a movie. Though I was already flipping through the movies, coming to the horror section with a smile.
I selected a newer movie, Scream 6, it having come out during my last bout of being little. I’d been told no to watching it on more than one occasion, but now I’d surely have free reign of being able to watch it. Khris and Ty finished up their dinners and Khris walked out, looking at me with a soft smile before looking at the TV and giving a bit of a worried grimace. Looking back at me she asked “You wanna watch that tonight?” I nodded quickly and smiled as she gave a small sigh. 
She wasn’t big on horror movies, but often did it for me, and tonight she knew she’d given me the choice, and there was no way to talk me out of it. She nodded as I heard Ty already getting the popcorn out and putting it in the microwave, I decided to try my luck at something else “Can…I have a pop too? I haven’t had one in a while.” Khris looked at me and looked unsure “Sweetie…your little body can’t handle that much sugar, nor the caffeine…but…I’ll think about giving you some. I don’t need you getting a sugar rush before bed.” 
I smirked, it was a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. She stepped back into the kitchen as I got the movie ready. I could feel the excitement welling up in my body, and I even let a small giggle out, but quickly quelled it, knowing it was the childish emotions pushing their way to the surface again. Ty brought out a big bowl of popcorn and set it on the coffee table in front of the couch as Khris brought out drinks, two obviously alcoholic drinks for them, and something in a sippy cup for me. My excitement died down almost immediately upon seeing the childish cup, decorated in Bluey designs, probably came in a set with the plate. 
“Khris…I don’t need a sippy cup, I’m grown right now” She gave me a stern look this time “And I just cleaned the floors yesterday, last thing they need is orange pop staining them” she said as she set the cup in front of me,I couldn’t exactly argue with that, she’d given me the pop I’d wanted, but on her terms so…I guess small victories again? I took the sippy and drank from it, feeling the carbonation sizzling into my mouth and down my throat mixed with the immense sweetness from the pop, something my little body wasn’t used to…but something my little body absolutely loved at the same time, it was like stimulation in a cup.
We started the movie soon after and I watched, entranced as it started with a fake out opening, sipping my pop and eating popcorn by the not so big handful. Khris sat on her phone, not enjoying these movies in the slightest, but Ty seemed just as invested as me, or atleast acting like he was. This continued for roughly an hour, my sippy nearly empty of the sweet soda I’d been given and the popcorn running low already as I began to feel the consequences of my actions. I started feeling that familiar twinge in my bladder, letting me know it was time to go, but being mid movie I didn’t wanna miss anything nor ask for a pause. So I sat and watched, thinking I could easily make it to the end of the movie. 
I started to squirm a bit and that wasn’t lost on my two caretakers as Ty looked over at me “Everything okay? Got ants in your pants?” I glanced back “I’m fine, just, nervous…yeah” I tried to calm my wiggles down though only a few more minutes had passed and that twinge had turned into an urge, causing me to cross my legs as Khris looked at me and in a very mom tone asked “Stephen…do you need to go potty?” I gave her a side eye as she looked at me and just muttered a soft “...No” She sighed a bit as she went to reach for the remote to pause it, just as a small jumpscare popped onto the screen. One of the first in the movie, causing her to let a yelp out and me to jump…though that momentary lapse in control led me to feeling the warmth spreading slowly across the front of my pull up, and my two carers hearing the unmistakable hiss of an accident in progress. I tensed as I realized fully what I was doing, the movie paused as Ty looked at me and let out a soft “Oh buddy…” I whimpered a bit, as Khris quickly got up “Stephen…why didn’t you say anything? We can pause the movie ya know.” I looked down as the hissing stopped and just sat in disbelief at what I’d just done, feeling the warmth sit around my waist “I..I thought I could hold it” 
Khris looked at me “And as I told you earlier, Stevie isn’t fully potty trained, and neither are you, it seems you even less so at this point because at least Stevie tells me when he needs to go.” I winced at the words being flung at me, looking down still as Khris in one swift motion scooped me up and carried me to my room, Ty looking embarrassed for me as I was carried by. I didn’t even fight it at this point, as I was in too much shock to know what to even say or do as Khris set me down and pulled my shorts down, before tearing the sides of my pull up and letting it fall to the floor. 
Grabbing a wipe and warming it with her hands as she looked at me “Stephen, I know you want to be a big boy, but you’re not, you’re four, and right now, you’re even acting like a four year old. You should’ve said something, we’re not gonna get mad or tease you for it, you’re still learning.” She started to clean me as my lip trembled a bit and all I could manage was a shaky “Sorry…” as I tried to fight back the tears welling up inside me. 
The shame of having an accident mixed with my childish emotions and the urge to prove I’m big was all getting to be too much and threatened to spill over, especially with Khris being so upset as she finished cleaning me. She grabbed a fresh pull up and held it open for me as I shakily stepped in, still barely holding it together as I let soft whimpers out. Khris looked up at me and gently pulled me into a hug “Sweetie…I’m not mad…I just wish you’d understand. You’re not that big Stephen the race car driver anymore, you’re Stephen the four year old, you’re learning still and just getting your fresh restart into the world, and you’re not nearly at the level you were.'' 
I looked at her as I felt the tears start to flow and I started to sniffle out “B…But I’ve…I’ve gotta be big, I’ve gotta show everyone I’m old enough s..still I…” I sniffled more as Khris just rubbed my back “Shhh…sweetie, being big isn’t doing everything alone…being big is knowing when you need to ask for help…and knowing when to let yourself take that help, like right now. I don’t see a big boy who can do everything like superman, I see my little boy, who’s had a rough night of trying to be a big boy and needs his mommy for a hug and a kiss” 
I listened to her as my tears grew to be too much as I let out a soft whimper before the water works truly started, starting to openly cry into her shoulder as I felt the tears rush down my cheeks. The loud cries barely muffled by Khris’ body as I heard something, probably Ty in the hall and felt Khris shake her head before I felt myself being lifted again. Letting my emotions flow as I was carried back to the living room, Khris sitting on the couch with me held in her lap, I didn’t care I was in just my pull up and shirt right now. I didn’t care how childish I looked crying into Khris, my emotions and body knew I needed to let this out, and at this point there was no stopping it as I just cried into her.
I don’t know how long it went on, but soon I felt myself calming down, whether it be due to the back rubs, the rocking or my tears finally running out, I wasn’t sure. I felt myself slowly coming back into focus, softly hiccuping and breathing as my powerful emotions subsided in favor of a post cry tiredness. Khris looked down at me in her lap and just gently kissed the top of my head and helped me calm down before softly asking “Do you want to finish your movie?” 
I nodded slowly as I laid on her and she smiled “Okay…we’ll finish it, if you need to potty, you let me know okay? And after it’s bed time.” I just nodded again as Ty started the movie back up, sitting close but not too much so as the movie continued, going on for roughly another hour or so, filled with a few scares and an end scene that filled me with nostalgia for the original movies. I remembered my first time watching the first movie with my brother after he snuck it in the house. How I was hooked from there, through the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ movies, and how for two halloweens I went as a ghostface because I was just that obsessed. I smiled a bit as it slowly came to an end, knowing I’d get a second chance with those memories.
 Though as it ended and the credits rolled, I could feel the tiredness taking over as I rubbed my eyes, it’d been a long day for sure, and the sudden crying hadn’t helped my case of needing to stay up. This didn’t slip past Khris either as I heard her lean whisper to Ty “I’m gonna put him to bed, you pick something” before she slowly lifted me up and carried me to my room once again. This time carrying me to my bed and laying me slowly down, smiling softly. “Alright, it’s time for you to get your rest, you’re already up well past your bedtime, and I’m hoping I don’t regret it tomorrow morning.” 
I just tiredly nodded as she gently tucked me in, smiling as she sat on the edge of my bed, gently combing through my hair with her fingers. “Thank you for being such a big boy tonight and letting that cry out, some ‘big boys’ still don’t know how to do that, like the big lunk on the couch out there.” I let a soft giggle out at that as she leaned down and kissed my forehead “Sleep well Stephen…I’ll wake you up in the morning, if you need anything, you know where our room is.” 
She slowly stood, smiling still as she turned on what looked to be a nightlight, projecting a starry sky onto my ceiling and playing soft, almost twinkling music, next to it she turned on what looked to be a baby monitor before flicking the lights off. “Sweet dreams” She said as she stepped out into the hall, shutting my door and leaving me with only the soft music and the stars gently spinning above my head. I didn’t get to watch them long though, as I felt my eyes start to flutter not even a minute after, the tiredness from the emotional night and the fact my body was used to a certain bedtime made it hard to keep myself awake. I felt myself slowly drifting off as I watched the big dipper silently glide over me, barely letting out a yawn as I felt the inky blackness of sleep take hold.
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eyndr-stories · 1 year
I Think I Smell A Rat (FNAF SB fanfic) C1 - Something Amiss
In Summary:
Being a robotic repair rat who lives in the walls of the pizza-plex is a pretty great gig, all things considered! You fix the wires instead of chew them, and you get into tight spaces those silly humans can't reach and fix things up behind the scenes. You do your little tasks diligently, and all is well. That is, until one night when you realize all of your other repair rat friends have gone missing, and almost all of those animatronics outside the walls are acting strange... You aren't sure what it is that needs fixing, but by golly you'll fix it! You just might need a little help along the way...
Things To Know:
Not a lot of warnings for this one! There is some peril and danger, damage to robots, and damage to. Uh, whatever the heck Afton is at this point??
Reader insert! You're a little rat shaped robot a handful of inches long. Lots of borrower-related themes in here
Daycare attendant centered, though the other animatronics make brief appearances. You hang out with Sun in the first half of the story and Moon in the second half!
A little over 17000 words in total, just a lil guy! 5 chapters, they're all pretty short
I somehow managed not to swear once in the entire story, aw hell yeah! Wait-
Ao3 link: Here!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
C1 - Something Amiss
     When you live in the walls of a place, you tend to get a decent sense for how things are going. Colder months meant slower weekends, not as many visitors. Slower weekends meant less damage to repair. You had been living in the walls of Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex for quite some time now, and so you could tell without a doubt that something was amiss.
     As a seasoned robotic repair rat, you were something of an expert on the inner workings of the pizza-plex. You knew every nook and cranny of this place, you'd even explored some of the abandoned building deep below everything else, where your map insisted you were navigating an empty void, and thinking became much more difficult there. The 'out of bounds' error was a particularly grating one. Not having the map in your mind meant it was very easy to get lost, and getting trapped down there had never seemed particularly appealing to you, and so needless to say you didn't go down there often.
     That 'amiss' feeling had you exploring, searching for its source and ignoring the 'battery half depleted' alert that tempted you towards your charging nest. You couldn't find most of the other rats- the walls were strangely empty. Sometimes you or the others would be summoned by contraptions in need out beyond the walls, small things, hard to reach things that the typical human worker couldn't reach. But the only rats you'd found were the ones still in rest mode, huddled away in their charging nests, filling up their batteries and downloading updates. No one on the network was answering your pings. For nearly every rat to be out beyond the walls on repairs was unheard of, though not impossible you supposed. Even so, surely someone would have answered you, even if they were all busy.
     Through the walls you scurried, maneuvering down a mix of paths designed for you, paths you and the others had built over time, and unintentional paths made by inconsiderate forces. The building settling over time, beams shifting and adjusting, thinner pieces of pathway constructed with scraps degrading over time, wear and tear weathering spots away, and even organic rats and other pests, messing with your familiar paths and often times getting in the way. You'd long since learned which paths in your map aligned with the real ones, and which ones were no longer traversable, regardless of the map in your brain assuring you they were still there.
     You came to one of the exit ports, leading out into the building. You didn’t like it out there as much. Nothing out there was built for you. Here in the walls, the corridors were all your size and sandwiched between two layers of sturdy concrete, your map made sense even when some of the paths were wrong, and there were far less dangers. Out there, everything was big and beyond you. Even the other robots, though only a few ever paid you any mind. You didn't care for them very much. You knew the animatronics were very important to the human affairs transpiring beyond the walls, but honestly, you could do without them.
     You studied the exit port. Something was wrong out there, you could feel it. Everyone else having gone missing wasn't helping that. However, you couldn't help but picture your own little nest in your mind, a charging station you shared with a small group of other rats assigned to the same general area. There was a new update tonight, waiting patiently in the cue for you to power down and install it. Maybe you should rest first, figure this all out later…
     No. This was important. You thought about at least downloading the update straight from the network while you searched, but you really needed to focus. Your friends might be in trouble out there. You should find them, figure out what was going on out there. Maybe the others had all felt that ‘something amiss’ as well, and when they'd gone out to investigate, something had happened to them. Maybe they needed your help!
     You set aside your hesitations about the world outside the walls and went through the exit port, the mouse hole shaped segment in the base of the wall sliding open as you neared, and quickly sliding shut behind you after you'd passed.
     The lights were uncomfortable for a moment as your vision adjusted. You much preferred the walls, where you knew the paths so well that sight wasn't even a necessity. Out here, the paths were structured differently, and you had to rely a lot more on sight. You weren't used to trusting your eyes as much. It wasn't dark out here like it was in the walls, either. All the lights were on and blazing, despite the hour. Your internal clock told you it was just after midnight. No people to worry about, at least. There hadn't been any human employees working at night for a while now.
     All you had to worry about were the animatronics, those robots that were even bigger than humans and walked around at all hours of the day. Hopefully you could avoid all of them, with any luck.
     Unfortunately, luck was not on your side tonight.
     "HELLO THERE!!"
     You spotted the animatronic quickly, considering he was barreling straight for you at an alarming speed. This one you weren't as familiar with; he was newer, not a part of the original cast of animatronics. This particular animatronic was not quite as imposing as the others, but with how he was running right for you, you were still more than a little wary. Strangely enough, he had two separate IDs; DCA-S-1.5 and DCA-M-1.2.
     "OHHHH look at YOU!! You're such a tiny little friend, my goodness!" The animatronic skidded to a halt before you and dropped into a crouch. Two massive hands three times your size pressed into the plush floor on either side of you, and the circular face of this overly friendly animatronic loomed over you.
     You'd barely made it a foot away from the port in the wall, and you were already considering dashing back inside.
     Without a voice box, communicating with the animatronics was difficult, especially since they couldn't access the same sub-network you shared with the other rats. However, in your many years of experience here, you'd learned to get creative. The animatronics were well versed in many languages, including Morse code. At the end of your tail was a little red light, which you usually used to light up areas in the walls that were pitch black, with no light at all to see by. You swiveled your tail around, and the little light at the end of the antennae began to glow on and off in a series of quick patterns.
     "BACK UP."
"Oh!! Oh my!" After a moment of shock, the animatronic immediately sprang back a considerable distance. He laid down flat on the ground, resting the bottom of his circular head awkwardly on the cushioned floor. "I'm so sorry if I scared you, tiny friend!! I was just sooo excited to see you! We don't get many tiny friends here, no sir-ie! There's not too much you would need to fix in here!"
     You appreciated the animatronic listening to you, but remained wary. Excitable animatronics, like Chica, could be dangerous even if they didn't intend to be. There was no programming or regulation for interactions between you rats and the animatronics. You weren't even really supposed to leave the walls, but ever since the human staff had started to thin out, you'd been getting more and more updates for handling navigation and repairs outside of the nice safe walls where you belonged.
     "Not here for repairs…" you started, still wondering if you should call the whole thing off and return to the walls. "Looking for something."
     "Oh??" The animatronic tapped his long fingers quickly over the padding, finger joints clicking quietly. "Can I help?! I'd love to help!! What are you looking for, tiny friend??"
     You weren't sure how to describe what you were doing. You gave it your best shot. "Everyone is gone. Something feels wrong. I'm looking for the problem to fix."
     "Hmm…" The animatronic seemed unsure what to make of this. He set his hands on the sides of his face, elbows braced on the floor. He tapped at the orange triangles sticking out of a gap between his front face plate and the covering over the back of his head. His legs kicked back and forth in the air behind him. "That sounds hard. How about we play a game instead? Would you like that??"
     You shook your head. "No." Games?? There wasn't time for games. You had a job to do! Your friends might be in trouble! "I need to find the others."
     "You wanna find your friends?? I can help you look!" The animatronic wiggled excitedly. "Oh, please, please?? We can look together! I could hold you up high and walk really fast and we'll find your friends in no time!"
     Your immediate thought was to decline. This sounded all sorts of dangerous, and you weren't sure if you trusted this bot just yet. Your tail twitched anxiously even at the thought of doing something so risky. The bot did make a good point, however… it would certainly be much faster if you could move as fast as a massive animatronic. Actually, it might even be safer for you to be up off the ground… you'd been accidentally stepped on once before and had needed to get nearly your entire shell replaced. You weren't exactly eager to repeat that particular experience. Besides, pathfinding outside of the walls was a pain for you. But for an animatronic…
     Begrudgingly, you swiveled your tail back around. "Will you be safe? You must be careful with me."
     "Oh, yes, yes!! Careful is my middle name!" The animatronic sat up excitedly, hands patting rapidly against the ground. "It's my job to care for children, you know! I'm so so so super careful all the time, I promise!!"
     You knew that children were smaller and more fragile humans. If this bot was meant to hang out with children all the time, maybe he really would be careful… "Okay. Let's look together then."
     "YAY!!!" The animatronic sprang up and did a spin. He was surprisingly graceful, unlike the other animatronics you'd met. "We'll find your friends!! And then, and then we can all play together! We'll have a great time, okay??" The bot crouched back down in front of you and offered his two massive hands out to you, cupped together to form a giant bowl.
     You looked back at the port leading back into the walls one last time. Hesitantly, you put your two little front paws on the tip of one of the bot's fingers. The bot held perfectly still, waiting patiently for you to climb aboard. You thought about your missing and unresponsive friends, and the reward of a well deserved recharge back in your nest that awaited you at the end of all of this.
     You hopped up into the bot's hands.
     "Alright!!" The animatronic straightened, and the world flew by in a blur as you were lifted quickly upwards.
     You immediately received several warning pings from your pathfinding program. You were up too far away from any detectable navigable surface. You dismissed the warnings one by one. The program struggled, eventually defining the bot's hands as a decent enough surface.
     True to his word, the bot was very careful, arms moving very smoothly and hands very still and steady beneath you. "Now lets go find your friends!! I'm sure we'll find them in no time at all. OH! Oh, I almost forgot! I have to introduce myself when I make a new friend! I'm Sun!"
     You looked up at the animatronic's front face plate as it spun a full 360 degrees. You attempted to mimic the gesture, tilting your head one way and then the other as far as your neck joint would allow. This caused Sun to giggle.
     You waved your tail, blinking your ID at Sun. "I am RR-YN."
     "I already knew your ID, silly! Don't you have a name?? Do repair rats not have names?" Sun asked.
     "No. We don't need them."
     "Well that's okay! I like nicknames anyways. Can I keep calling you tiny friend??"
     You didn't much care what Sun called you. There were far more important things to worry about. "Yes."
     "Yay!!" The triangles circling Sun's head spun a few inches around, then bounced back to spin the other way. "Okay, let's get going!!"
     Sun took one step towards the room's main door, then stopped. His triangles retracted halfway into his head. You turned your head back to look at Sun curiously.
     "Oh no, I just realized… I can't leave the daycare right now, the lights will be off! I'm only awake when the lights are on…"
     You weren't sure what Sun meant about that. Maybe he meant he was programmed to power down at night when the lights were off? You weren't sure how Sun worked exactly, but you guessed that must be it. If the lights were a problem though, that was no issue.
     "I can turn on the lights. Take me to that wall next to the door," you told Sun.
     Sun obliged. "That's right!! You can fix the lights from inside the walls, can't you?"
     "Yes. I will do this," you told him.
     Sun knelt down by the door, having already crossed the entire room in mere moments. He was right, you really would get around a lot faster with Sun carrying you around.
     You hopped out of Sun's hands and hurried to the port. Once you were in the blissfully comprehendible walls, you quickly navigated up the right paths until you reached the wiring for the lights in the area immediately outside of the daycare. You normally didn't mess with anything not damaged and in need of repairing, but this was a special occasion. You worked quickly with your practiced little paws, reconfiguring the controls so off was on and on was off. With the lights currently set to off for the night, the lights would now actually be on. You'd have to come back and fix this before the lights all automatically switched back over at 6AM, but for now you just needed to help Sun get out of the daycare.
     You hurried back down the path you'd scurried up and left the walls once more. Sun was waiting for you right where you'd left him.
     "Did you do it?? You turned the lights on outside?" Sun asked, offering you his hands once more.
     You climbed up into his hands, blinking the light on your tail as you did. "I did, the lights should be on now."
     Sun carefully peeked out around the door. Sure enough, the area outside was just as brightly lit as the daycare. Sun happily stepped outside.
     "Wow, good job tiny friend!! You really did it!" Sun praised you as he quickly made his way past tables and chairs and towards a flight of stairs. His face swiveled from side to side as he went, on the lookout. He ascended the stairs in a matter of seconds, a feat that would have taken you half an hour to accomplish. You were starting to feel pretty good about your decision to accept Sun's help.
     You kept your eyes focused on the surroundings as well. You didn't see any rats running around, unfortunately. You'd only just started searching though, and there was quite a lot of the building left to search. Searching the entire sprawling multi-level mess of a complex was daunting, but with Sun on your side, this would surely be a cinch. You were feeling pretty confidant, perched way up high in Sun's careful hands. What could possibly go wrong?
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 10 months
I may or may not be obsessed with your Afton Virus AU, and so I may or may not have made a whole oneshot about it.
This story follows the point of view of a legal department head working for Fazbear Entertainment and their
encounter with a certain individual and their two animatronic friends.
Descriptions of torture, not too explicit talk about gore though, other than a few offhanded mentions of blood. Still, a little touchy for people who might be squeamish.
PS: Y/N is 100% inspired by Sonya Falsworth from Secret Invasion. Her witty dialogue masking a total psychopath is a perfect match for Y/N and you can’t tell me otherwise.
Expect more. (If I have the motivation)
From a very, very sleep-deprived amateur writer.
“Ah, you’re finally awake! Was wondering when you’d wake up.”
A voice called out from your blurry vision, your eyes were bombarded by bright fluorescent lights. Your shirt was soggy, in fact all of you were soggy. Where the hell were you?
“Who are you?”
The mysterious figure in front of you chuckled, standing up from their metal foldable chair. You got a better look at them, dressed in a black polo shirt with the Fazbear Entertainment branding pasted on.
Mechanics Supervisor
You looked at their hands, covered by gloves. They were twitching. They held an almost uncanny smile, the hat they were wearing covering up their eyes, not letting you truly see their full face.
“You seriously don’t remember me? Seriously?”
The figure chuckled again, their tone mocking and brimming with psychopathic enthusiasm. They returned to their seat.
“Well, just to jog your memory I’m the person who had their hands mangled a year ago thanks to your shitshow of a company!”
Oh, them.
You remember that case well, one of the worse you’ve seen. Sure, worse incidents had happened before but what made this one so bad was that unlike the others, the victim was still alive, and capable of suing.
Thank god they didn’t, all the bad press was already overwhelming for the PR department. One lawsuit was all it would have taken to bring that whole place down to the ground.
In addition, you got a suitable promotion for helping handle that case while causing minimum damages to the company’s image.
You are brought out of your trip down memory lane however, by another piece of dialogue from the person in front of you.
“Now, you’re probably wondering what you’re doing here. You see those wires clipped to your chair?”
You looked down, the shaky wooden chair you were sitting on was damp as well. In addition, the blue plastic wires were there, as promised.
“Those are used to charge the animatronics if the charging booths aren’t working. In fact, over there you’ll see my two lovely boys operating the emergency battery that goes along side it.”
You turned to your left, seeing the aforementioned battery, bright red with a Freddy logo in the middle, sitting on a toppled filing cabinet being used as a makeshift table.
The aforementioned “two lovely boys” were to your surprise, the daycare attendants that you remember very vividly having to settle a case involving dead children around. What the hell were they doing here?
“Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions regarding the security system of the main Fazbear office, and if you answer you get to live!”
You cough, your voice coming out rough and coarse.
“And if I don’t?”
“Well, then let’s just say that I didn’t splash you with water for no reason, ay?”
The figure pointed towards the daycare attendants, the two perking up like lost puppies and fiddling with a piece of machinery near the battery.
“How would you feel about 200 volts of electricity going through your veins? Not enough to kill you, but enough to leave you teetering on the edge.”
“As expected. Now, let me ask you, what are all the passcodes to all 30 doors that lead up to the CEO’s office?”
“I’d suggest talking before I make you see hell itself. Most people would agree with me I’d think, well at least the smart ones. You a smart one?”
“Alright, didn’t think so. Buttercup?”
You turn to your left, the sun-themed daycare attendant eagerly pressing on a button on the machinery, before you knew it…
Your body was steaming.
Your nerves burned.
You are coughing blood.
Your breathing was heavy.
Your heart beat so fast, it felt like it was going the speed of light.
“Now, you willing to talk now?”
You coughed, droplets of blood leaving your mouth and your throat being in incredible pain.
“Fuck… off.”
“Well then, that was rude.”
The figure got off their chair, clapping their hands. The daycare attendants walked over cheerfully, like puppies being called over by their owner.
“Buttercup, blackbird, could you handle our guest?”
The two animatronics enthusiastically nodded in unison.
“Sure thing, sunshine!”
“We’ll do our best, starlight.”
“I knew I could count on you two.”
With a kiss to both of them, the figure left the room, flipping off the lights on their way out. Leaving you alone with two animatronics that had super-human strength, in the dark.
Their vivid fluorescent purple eyes stared into your soul, acting as the only light source in the room and shining a purple-tinted light onto your face. They raised their hands, full with tools likely stolen from parts and service.
Was that a drill?
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afton reader, a horrible lil monster of a person, killing ppl on the regular: calls Sun and Moon cute names me:
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neblina-magico · 4 months
Sleeping In The Sun
(Chapter 4)
You were desperate for a job so you applied to be the daycare Attendants handler! you have no clue what you're signing yourself into but at least you don't have to pay rent now!
Moon hates you, Sun doesn't know how to feel about you and you're just trying to survive.
“Now who might you be Starlight”
You suck in a breath pressing the star pillow close to your chest, your eyes wide in panic. The voice was deep and ominous, menacing, and quiet. You feel your face grow cold and a shiver trails down your spine.
You breathe slowly, quietly as if that helps you seem smaller, and saves you from any danger.
“Saw you talking to Sunny and thought ‘Why not see you with my own eyes’ and well here I am!” The deep raspy voice says with a laugh. You close your eyes sucking in a breath, trying to ease yourself at least a little. With trembling hands and only a piece of confidence left in you, you open your mouth.
“Wh— He–!” Your voice barely comes out in a whisper, most of what you said sounded more like squeaks than anything else. You collect some fabric of your pants into a fist, red and gray fill your insides burning yet chilling you at the same time its like a fire pit building up at your chest yet at the same time there's ice cubes running along your stomach and back.
You hear a giggle, a chill overcomes your entire body. You feel lengthy cold fingers wrap around your waist, you suck in a sharp breath, your breathing becoming slow and shallow as the figure turns you around to face them. You come face to face with a two toned shirt, half in black and the other in white with black buttons, the pillow that once resembled a star looks more like a squashed water balloon. You try to suppress your fear as the figure bends down to meet you with its glowing red eyes, the kind you'll only see in nightmares or nightly hallucinations. They pierce into you seemingly reading into your soul, as the figure looks into your eyes the crescent moon face smiles widely.
“What beautiful eyes, it's easy to see your fear through them” Moondrop. Your throats dry, your chest feels tight, restrained and toyed in bondage. You sigh telling yourself that there's no point in living with this fear, that the past doesn't have to continue affecting you years later. Perhaps it's best to slow down, take a step back and rethink this situation. As far as you know Moondrop probably just wanted to introduce himself, hopefully.
“You look like a wanna be Moon for The Legend of Zelda '' you mumble looking at Moondrop in the eyes, you probably would have survived the Victorian Era honestly. A blank stare looking back at another blank stare. You pull the most awkward nervous smile you can conjure up and start slowly backing away towards the exit of the place.
“Where are you going? Don't think you could leave after saying something like that!” Moondrop says making his way at you. ‘Though this conversation ended the moment it started’ you think to yourself as you continue out of the nap time place thing.
“I think…yes” you say making a run across the daycare, in your rush you spot Sun playing with some cubes, stacking and unstacking them. Hearing your loud footsteps, he turns his head to look at you as you rush past him giving a smile and wave goodbye.
Needless to say he was confused by your theatrics till he followed where you came from and saw Moon standing at the entrance of the naptime tent holding the star pillow you were once holding. Well it doesn't look much like a perfect star, more like a deformed one, though that's nothing they can fix. They both look at each other with a shrug going back to what they were doing before you came in.
You push open the doors from the daycare, letting them close behind you as you try your hardest to catch your breath. Feeling your neck burn up and feel the dryness that built up in there, your heart hitting your chest like a punch with each intake.
“What the FUCK was that, What the Fuck was that.” your voice breaks from the heavy breathing. Catching your breath you stand up right and walk towards the door off to the side marked with the “Staff Only” label. Taking your security card out from your pocket you tap it on the handle and open the door. Walking past the little staff lounge area and to the elevator hidden near the restroom swiping your card again the elevator door opens. There's only one way the elevator goes and that's dowwwwwwwwwwwwn.
Sighing you lean on the railings of the elevator feeling the constant state of fear and running catching up to you physically. Felling i wash of blanket like weight drap over your shoulders and eyelids, a lot had happen in so little time and with you state of panic you had allowed time for your brain and body to connect properly. Now youre paying for it through sheer exhaustion. Youre aware its a natural response but even so it never gets old.
The elevator door opens and you walk into youre new home, leaving your shoes at the entrance you drag yourself into you room. Its beautiful with all the space imagery but in you tired state you simply walk over to the closet and unhook some soft pajamas while thinking of something simple to eat. In your fresh gear you walk to the kitchen, preparing some yogurt with cereal and stand there at the counter eating.
You wash the dishes, your brain feels empty, the only things in there are thoughts of the events that happened. It felt to fast, too fast.
“Fucking wannabe zelda moon and his fucking freaky red ass eyes and his assery of a colourful personality” You mumble to yourself washing the bowl and spoon that yiu used to eat. On your way to the bedroom you keep mumbling, “pinche luna, jackass” nonstop.
You turn off the light, lifting the very nice and soft blankets from the bed and sliding into the bed. You let out a relieved and deep sigh feeling the soft blankets caress your body, comfort hitting you at an instant.
“I hope the sun rises and the moon sets nicely, tomorrow will be better” you whisper to yourself as you slip into some much needed sleep.
Tomorrow will be better
Haven’t posted in a while, sorry for the really late update life’s been wild. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 4 of Sleeping In The Sun
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elodieunderglass · 2 years
Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for finally making Moby Dick comprehensible to me over a decade after I attempted to read it and bounced aggressively off it! But the thing I actually wanted to ask and boggle about is, you get a full year of maternity leave??? I think literally the company with the most mind-bogglingly generous policy I ever worked for (I'm in the US) only gave 7 months, and the place I'm at now only gives I think 3 or so.
You're very welcome! It's very exciting to me that a line by line translation of Moby Dick can make it so much more accessible.
On your second point - yeah! I'm always happy to talk about parental leave policies etc and how different countries handle them, not in a smug "Well, in the UK..." way but in a, "here's very concrete examples of how policies can work, and the material impact they have on people" sort of way, because that's genuinely something that needs to be communicated. Just like with the environmental crises, we are all limited by our ability to imagine the Healed World and what we need to do to get there. So what are some policies that are a bit more Healed-World-ish than the reality that many people live in, and how do they actually work? You are welcome to send me asks! Rumination below the cut.
I wouldn't have had kids if I'd stayed in the USA. I've chosen to have 3 in the UK. This is directly because of maternity leave, free childcare hours for toddlers, quality of childcare, accessibility of school/daycare, flexible working policies, generous holiday leave, and other factors like that. Does that seem weird to say? Should I have moped about in floods of divine baby-desire and universal mother-yearnings and stuff, and sacrificed everything to have squidgy babies? IDK, I've never felt any of those things: I love the children a lot as people and I'm obviously terrifically glad they're here, but I wouldn't have had any desire to have them in the first place if I hadn't been sure they'd have decent childhoods. And a childhood where a parent resents them because that parent had UNFULFILLED INTELLECTUAL GOALS, or where there's always stress because of MATERIAL DIFFICULTIES, wouldn't be decent. My desire to acquire the children has been very much based in the knowledge that I can afford them (financially, emotionally, socially, career-wise, mentally) without sacrificing or martyring myself. So, literally: even though I have 2 life-defining children and one more on the way, even though I'm considered in my immediate social circles to be a real earth-mother crunchy-type, even though I work part-time to spend time with the kids and so on: if I didn't live THIS life, I wouldn't want the children. So I think it’s interesting to see how a simple piece of policy, a difference between nations, so totally impacts and directs the course of an individual’s life.
RE: the actual practicalities, it breaks down a funny way. In the UK, they hold your job for you for up to a year, usually hiring a temporary maternity cover: if they can't give you the same job back, they have to give you a similar one. If you return in 6 months it’s like you didn’t leave at all and get the exact job back. Maternity leave is usually taken for about 9 months, with paternity leave often adding an additional 3 months, and children usually entering childcare at the age of 1.
The actual way that this gets calculated is pretty complicated. My job offers 6 months on full pay, which is a "benefit" - otherwise the default is only 6 weeks on full pay. After the full pay runs out, you're on SMP - Statutory Maternity Pay - which is £156.66 per week. SMP runs out at nine months. If you want more time than that, your job gets held for a full year, but you'll be on 3 months unpaid. -> HOWEVER, you've been accruing annual leave the whole time you've been off, so when the baby is 9 months old, you might expect to have about 6 weeks of holiday that built up. Holiday is taken at full pay rates. So depending on how much holiday you have, you just return to work while on vacation and get paid again.
If you return to work at 6 months, which is sort of the minimum normal time to take off, you get your exact same job back. If you take longer than 6 months, you get that "offer of an equivalent job" but no promise of having your job back - which can worry people. So sometimes people happily choose to take only 6 months off, because they want their exact same projects back.
So what will happen with me is
6 months off on full pay, Dr Glass takes about 1 month off on full pay parental leave at the beginning to provide support
(Child2 enters age where they get 30 hours/week free childcare, daycare bills drop to basically just Child1's afterschool programs from here until last bullet point. As Dr Glass and I both work part time, this means that each day of the week will have a mix of different children, activities and work. We will hopefully be able to bank a little bit of childcare-budget to coast on for the next bits.)
3 months off where I'll only make £624 a month SMP: it’s not nothing and so should be grateful, except for the relentlessness of life. I also get £150/month from the government for having two children - nothing for the third because that would be encouraging families to rely on benefits and have children for money, or something, naturally. Dr Glass will be working, but no family can really lose almost half a wage and be cheerful about it, so we'll have to coast on savings banked from the room freed up in the childcare budget. (we thought it would just about work before the cost-of-living crisis, when we filed our plan paperwork, and gotta say, it’s looking pretty scary now.) we’ll prioritise the mortgage and utilities in cash, and should be able to coast it.
2-ish months off but "on holiday," i.e. back on full pay
Dr Glass overlaps one month off on full pay (holiday + shared parental leave) plus two months totally unpaid, i.e. Unpaid Leave, i.e. Dr Glass keeps his job and simply takes two months off, making £0 a month. Again, this will be hard to get through, but as we know it's coming, we have time to make SOME savings to live on. This allows Dr Glass to have time with his last child, which is a priority for us over debt, and gets the baby comfortably to the age that our nursery accepts.
Both parents return to work. Baby will enter daycare aged 1 (Child2 remains on free hours, daycare bills go back up to mortgage-level payments, finances return to exactly where they were before Baby3.) hopefully we’ll be able to quickly pay down any debts incurred with two full wages.
You can see it's doable, but there are some scary flippin' periods and a tremendous amount of footwork. We've somehow managed during harder times; with Child1 I was the sole breadwinner for the household and was at a job where I only got SMP, so I went back to work at 6 months and Dr Glass was a SAHP for a long time; with Child2 it was pandemic and lockdown etc, and no childcare was available, so we all ricocheted around the house together for a year. So clearly something absolutely bonkers is going to happen in 2023, but if it doesn't, we might actually have one (1) normal baby-leave.
As you can see, it's NOT the Healed World, but it has aspects that you'll want to include in the Healed World. You can see the impacts on things like family design - the kids all being 3 years apart for affordability, as that's when the free childcare hours kick in - and the way that fathers are still sort of wedging themselves in. You can see how it gets cobbled together and stressful, and the bits where you have to coast over patches that could just as easily destroy a family (watch this space! We might go completely fucking broke! We’re about £200 away from it at all times as it it!) You can see that there are some privileges (having a partner, partner having a job) that materially affect the experience people have. You can see how sometimes people can take a year and others return to work at 6 months (I've done both! Both can be great and both can suck, but it's MUCH better when you choose it for yourself, rather than being forced financially.) you can see that some cruel and stupid policy decisions are meant to punish poor people in the UK for having children despite the lack of internal logic (no child benefit for over 2 kids, when child benefit is meant to help you raise citizens.) You can see places where a conservative politician could shit on one vulnerable place (like the UK’s free childcare hours for three year olds! Liz Truss was thinking about killing it!) and entirely destroy my family at a stroke. You can see that for all my stance of “I am not a martyr” for my children, I’m expecting to have spent several years of my life flippantly being marginally-waged for the sake of having them: but also, you can see the difference between the support the UK gives my stance, and the support a 20-year-old military wife in the American heartland gets with her first baby: you can see how eased the paths of my children are, how isolated hers will be. You can step back from the worldwide generational immolation of mothers, their narratives of sacrifice and drudgery, and unpack how much of that is truly necessary, and how much damage could have been resolved by simply rinsing off the TERF shit, offering a few scraps of healthcare, and giving them a few fucking months off work.
We are all worldbuilding the Healed World: it makes sense to understand the different ways it could work. I’ll longpost about any policy you guys would like until then.
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stanleyvampire14 · 2 months
Hi! To clear up some confusion because multiple people keep asking me this; “Who is the Emerson family?” Or at least a member of them TW FOR MENTIONS OF DEATH AND SEMI-VIOLENT SCENES
Let’s start with Mr. Emerson himself! John Emerson!
John is a policeman that usually either gets stationed in the neighborhood he lives in, or he goes around patrolling other neighborhoods in the town. He’s been in the police business for a while (years) and he likes doing it! He loves helping people! However he does have a side to him that can and will kill you (or at least seriously injure you) if you hurt the people he cares about, mainly his family. His immune system isn’t very great and he gets sick a lot around the flu season, which kinda sucks, but he refuses to not go to work, which kind of worries Mary (and Ryder as well). It’ll get to the point where Mary forces him to stay in bed, she will literally wrap him in a blanket to make him stay. He is very loyal (COUGH COUGH. @lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks @todds-diary @that-fruitier-emo) and we love him for that. He taught Ryder basic manners and to actually respect women, despite most fathers at the time not caring about the latter, which is why Ryder is so insistent on teaching that to the other kids (island kids and daycare kids). Ryder really looks up to him, even after the island, although he’s more subtle about it after the island because he’s more reserved in general. Overall a great guy, I’d talk to him about my problems and he’d hug me as I rambled.
Next is Mrs. Emerson, Mary Emerson!
She is a saint I swear…and pretty…Beautiful even…Anyways! She’s a daycare worker, she made her own daycare because the others in the area kinda sucked in her opinion (discrimination issues among various types of people + “what about the poor people with children :( we have to help them somehow”) she will literally give discounts near the holidays please go to her daycare. Literally the most comforting person aside from Ryder himself. She doesn’t care who you are (and she might know who you ARE before you realize, in Ryder’s case…🏳️‍🌈) she will be there for you, it doesn’t matter how hard you breakdown, she will find a way to comfort you. She says that she doesn’t have a favorite child in the daycare, but she definitely does (it’s technically Ryder but he works with her so he doesn’t count) nobody knows who it is and the kids try to play guessing games, and everytime she leaves the room to do something, the children repeatedly ask Ryder who’s the favorite and he doesn’t know either, but he says that he likes Klaus a lot (@lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks oc) and Ira (will reveal all of the daycare children soon enough, also Ira is they/them). She taught Ryder how to cook and somehow Ryder surpassed her skills in cooking, but Ryder always says she’s better, because he IS a mama’s boy and he can’t bring himself to make his mum sad ever. I just wanna hug her and melt hhgfssmhgh….Oh I love her so…💚💚💚 She’s my wife but also not- is there a way someone can be aroace and want to kiss a woman at the same time (I’m aroace and I really like physical affection it’s my favorite)
Lastly, my favorite little guy (he is 16, he is not little) Ryder Emerson!
Despite what all the kids think, he’s not actually an angel, he does typical teenager stuff (sneaking out at night, occasionally drinking because of Lust, and rotting in his room for months after the island! Y’know, totally usual behavior for teens please don’t rot in your rooms that’s bad for your mental health) and he might’ve indirectly caused a few deaths on the island, but we aren’t talking about that- He scarred Gluttony because he killed Sloth and Ryder obviously didn’t like that he bit Jack and Maurice out of self defense, and he might’ve smacked Roger on the head on the island at least twice…He got tired of them eventually. I swear he’s overall a good person, that island just really messed him up mentally and physically. In the fight between Jack and Ralph at the end, Ryder ended up getting scars from Maurice because Maurice slashed him with his spear, meaning to stab him (it was Jack’s command and Maurice was kind of a little gone). Speaking of the Merridew kid, he and Ryder are therapy partners/friends together due to their therapist thinking that exposed therapy would be a good thing for them, which it kind of was. Ryder got so much better after talking to everyone that survived on the island, even though he still feels iffy with some of them (Ralph, Roger, Maurice, Samneric all technically betrayed him in some way). His relationships with the sins (also @lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks ocs) got so much better, although Gluttony’s was…Not good for a while, they eventually forgave each other in their own way, I’d like to say it started here, which I believe would take place a couple months after they got off the island: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52156768/chapters/131921551
Thank you for listening to my rambling, if you did.
Have a gallery of them, I really do love them…💙💚🩷 (I accidentally made it a timeline of events, oops)
This post was mostly for @cve-th3mvsic , but I hope this clears some questions up! ^_^
I will be linking this on my pinned post, just in case it gets lost in the massive amounts of posts I reblog and such.
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plutobutartsy · 1 year
i was actually just joking about vega and gavin being divorced with shared custody over caelum but i got a bit too silly and now it's just an actual au i have so uhhhh here are some thoughts
first off, unempowered/no magic au + no angst only fun bc caelum deserves it (and so do i)
i think gavin and vega only got divorced because after moving in with each other they noticed each other's annoying habits and just went "fuck no, i can't live with this guy forever"
nothing major just like,,
gavin taking REALLY long showers until all the hot water is gone
vega putting his dirty dishes in the sink instead of directly into the dishwasher
stuff like that
they both just got hit with a magnitude 8 ick on the richter scale and because they're both petty and dramatic they decided living seperately wasn't enough so they just HAD to get a divorce
so technically they're not on bad terms but again, they're just really petty so they bicker a lot and bring up dumb shit the other did for no reason other than to be annoying
they keep the fighting at a minimum in front of caelum (even though it's not really serious)
but once caelum is out of the room?? oh boy
they're 100% the type to kick each other under the table
they also definitely try to one up each other
constant debates on who the favourite is
@super-trouper-lights suggested freelancer as daycare worker but i think caelum is a bit older so they're his grade school teacher :)
they have an enormous amount of drawings the kids made them and caelum is deffo the one who makes the most
they try to hang all of the drawingd up in the classroom but once they run out of space they take some older ones down to keep them safe in a binder (more like multiple binders lol)
some of their older coworkers look down on them because they're very gentle with the kids, they think freelancer isn't strict enough
jokes on them because freelancer is amazing at their job and all the kids love them
both vega and gavin make time to go to the parent teacher conferences together and gavin is lowkey salty about it because he wants to spend time alone with freelancer
that's why he does a lot of volunteering to help with school events and such
one time he spent a month perfecting his brownie recipe for their bake sale with the sole intention of making something freelancer might enjoy
only for him to find out that they were allergic to nuts and couldn't have any
he was devastated
vega found out because caelum told him and laughed at gavin for a solid 10 minutes
pet works at the local arts and crafts store that caelum insists on going to like once a week at LEAST
after vega met the for the first time he kept finding excuses to go back there, to the point where he had to convince caelum that no, he doesn't have enough glitter and yes, they have to go to the store right NOW
after a month he finally asked them to have coffee with him and they said yes
they started officially dating a few weeks after that <3
and YES vega definitely brags to gavin about being with pet while gavin hasn't even asked freelancer out yet
gavin's main concern is not wanting to make freelancer uncomfortable or to cross any boundaries or god forbid get them into trouble for dating a student's parent
so he is resolved to wait until caelum moves on to middle school (he's slowly going insane)
freelancer actually developed feelings for him as well after spending so much time with him organizing school events but they want to keep it professional and they're afraid they might misread gavin's kindness and passion as him being interested in them
"he's just a really dedicated parent i can't believe i'm making this about myself :("
freelancer and gavin truly are peak idiots to lovers
also, freelancer gets all their supplies for the class from the same store pet works at so they know each other and have gotten quite close over time :)
while freelancer is decent at arts and crafts, they're definitely not good at it (they're the teacher that prefaces every drawing they show in class with "now i'm no ARTIST")
pet on the other hand is really good at all artsy things
name a medium and they're good at it i gurantee it
so naturally caelum is amazed by them and always wants them to show him how to make certain things
vega always just wants to watch but pet and caelum talk him into joining them and he literally sucks at most of it lol
the only thing he's good at when it comes to art is folding paper boats and airplanes
pet also makes their own jewellery
at this point they made so much for vega that he pretty much exclusively wears stuff they made
ofc caelum also gets his own jewellery
he makes them friendship bracelets in return
they have a ton of them and wear a different one every day
this is a lot longer than i intended so i'll wrap it up here but if anyone has any thoughts on this please share :D
psst there's a part 2 now 👀
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aleespace · 1 year
What's wrong with the organization asking for information about Kazuki and Miri?
I mean Rei's father already knows that they live together (if he saw that picture then he might have guessed that Miri lives with Kazuki and Rei lives with him so Rei lives with Miri too right?) and it's not like Kazuki has some dark secrets either.
As we know Rei's father ordered to kill Rei's mentor because they had evidence that he had feelings for his girlfriend (they were holding hands, he showed affection in public places)
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(I also believe that Yuzuko's death was not accidental) In Kazuki's case it took them at least 1 year to find proofs that he cared about her and only then they got rid of her.
This means they can't just kill whoever they want, they need to be sure that this person might put in danger loyalty of a member of organization.
Taking all of this into account, i have a theory about what can happen in the next episode.
Kyutaro would inform Rei about the picture and tell him something like "don't panic they have nothing on you they don't know whether you guys care about each other or not and they won't hurt Kazuki or Miri if there's no evidence that you care about them"
(here you might have a question "But what about Kazuki? They can see that he cares about Miri!" Well yes but I think Rei's father (who wanted info on Kazuki and Miri in the first place) more worried about Rei and his bond with them and how it can affect him so his (Rei's father's) number one priority would be finding out if Rei have attachment to them. It's not like he ignore Kazuki's love for Miri, it's just not his priority right now)
And so I think Rei would have to act cold and emotionless around them especially in public places and guess what? It's sports day!
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Imagine this, Rei have to attend Miri's competition at the daycare, because he doesn't want to upset her, but he can't cheer for her or show any kind of emotions, because he understands there's possibility that he's being watched.
At this point it sounds more like fanfic but also imagine this, Kazuki's like "Rei, why aren't you cheering for Miri? I know you're not that emotional but you're acting too cold, even for yourself. I thought you care about us!" or something idk and Rei just can't tell him the reasons. So much angst potential.
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