#i will most likely update this post in the future with links to each post i make
nothorses · 4 months
Let's Talk About Baeddels.
An (updated) retrospective on Tumblr's movement to make gender essentialism trans-friendly.
This post contains excepts from a longer article on Medium. If you have the time, please read the full article! I also request that you link the longer article if you use this as a source.
All links have been updated with archived versions of posts that have since been deleted (and otherwise might be deleted or lost sometime in the future). I have revised some sections, and included more context and examples, in order to clarify and strengthen arguments.
Transmisogyny is real, and requires much more acknowledgement than it currently receives. The trans community is very much capable of transmisogyny, and often does enact or enable it; likewise, trans people also often enact and enable transphobia against other parts of the trans community. Trans women suffer at least as much as the rest of us, and trans women — as a class — are not privileged, and do not hold the power to oppress anyone else.
If you take only one thing away from this post, take this:
Trans people all need to work on being better allies to each other. None of us can gain anything without the rest of us.
Establishing an Ideology
The first post on Baeddelism was by Tumblr user @unobject, on October 2nd, 2013:
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The post was quickly liked by @lezzyharpy, also one of the first to call themselves “Baeddels”.
This post first provided the name and defining ideology of the Baeddel movement. The implication of the post was, essentially, that because the root of the word “bad” was “baeddel”, and because “baeddel” referred to intersex people and “womanish men”, this old English slur was proof that transmisogyny was the worst form of bigotry; and even, perhaps, the root of all bigotry. (It’s worth noting that this interpretation of the etymology has been problematized.)
While @unobject was the first person to make this connection, @autogynephile (“Eve”) eventually became, in essence, the figurehead of the movement. Of the other Baeddels, some of them were explicitly aware and supportive of the ideology behind Baeddelism, some of them were young or newly-out trans women seduced by the personalities involved, and some of them were tangential enough to the movement that their understanding of it was wholly different from the understanding those at the core of the movement held and promoted. Baeddelism was a sort of trend, for a time, and many participants wore the name without entirely knowing what it meant.
It’s important to acknowledge that as much as there were dedicated members of Baeddelism, and as much as there was a unified ideology behind it, there were also individual Baeddels who did not understand — let alone support — the ideology.
The Ideology
Baeddels essentially built upon the foundation of @monetizeyourcat’s ideology that had been gaining traction on Tumblr in the years prior, with some additions that ultimately defined their movement:
Transmisogyny is the form of oppression from which all (or most) other forms of oppression stem.
Privilege is granted on the basis of assigned sex. (“AFAB” or “Assigned Female at Birth” vs. “AMAB” or “Assigned Male at Birth”)
These fundamentals of Baeddelism were essentially a rebranded form of Radical Feminism. In particular, they drew from the Radical Feminist idea that misogyny was the “primary” form of oppression; that which all other oppression stemmed from. Baeddels only tweaked this idea to replace “misogyny” with “transmisogyny”, which led to the rest of the conclusions Baeddels drew:
There is no “transphobia”
All “transphobia” stems from transmisogyny first, and transphobia as it impacts non-trans-women (or, sometimes, non-transfeminine people) is incidental.
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There is no “Trans”
If “transphobia” isn’t real, what else is left of the transgender identity?
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While this is by no means the dominant understanding of transgender identity or community, the equivocation of oppression to identity is, in many ways, core to Baeddel ideology (and we see the lasting impact of this in still-widely-used “TME/TMA” termingology). By this logic, if transphobia doesn’t exist, neither does trans identity or trans community (though they obviously believed that transmisogyny, and subsequently trans women, do). Therefore, there are no “trans men”, and belief in the existence of “nonbinary people” is highly contingent on whether an individual believes in the oppression of nonbinary people.
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“AFAB Privilege”
The idea that within the queer and/or trans community, people who were AFAB/CAFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) receive unique privilege and positions of power that people who were AMAB/CAMAB (Assigned Male at Birth, a counterpart to “AFAB” and “CAFAB”) do not.
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Trans Lesbian Separatism
… was what the movement was ultimately defined by, as the logical conclusion of their other beliefs (much like Lesbian Separatism was the logical conclusion of Radical Feminist beliefs).
Baeddels believed that only trans women can understand, or be truly safe for, other trans women; therefore, contact with anyone who was not a trans woman was deemed “dangerous” and highly discouraged.
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Trans Men
… also played an important role in Baeddel ideology, and the resulting treatment of trans men is what is often remembered today. Baeddels generally believed the following, either explicitly or implictly:
Trans men are not oppressed, or experience so little oppression that it hardly matters.
Trans men do not experience misogyny, even prior to transition.
Trans men have access to male privilege, or trans men have an easier time passing, and frequently go “stealth”; thus benefiting from male privilege as well as cis privilege.
Trans men are often (or always) misogynistic and transmisogynistic, and are not held accountable for this.
Trans men oppress cis women.
Trans women enacting violence on trans men is “punching up” at oppressors, and therefore not only permitted, but encouraged.
Trans men are inherently violent, or become aggressive and violent when they go on testosterone HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy)
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The impact of this ideology is often discussed among transmasculine people because of the depth of harm it caused, directly and indirectly — and it was very much intended to. Harm caused to transmascs was not only permitted or excused, it was often actively celebrated.
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Nonbinary People
… are often overlooked when summarizing Baeddelism, but Baeddels did have plenty to say about them. Baeddel ideology relied on the idea that privilege was granted on the bases of assigned sex, and nonbinary people’s genders were thus treated as irrelevent; they essentially did not believe nonbinary people truly existed.
CAFAB nonbinary people are either trans men attempting to invade women’s spaces, or cis women pretending to be trans.
CAMAB nonbinary people are actually just trans women who haven’t accepted it yet. They must transition, or they are transmisogynistic.
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Intersex People
Intersex experiences, and intersex history, were often co-opted and erased by Baeddelism. This was often more a byproduct of their beliefs than an overtly-stated idea, but most notably, the term “Baeddel” itself is likely more applicable- if not exclusively applicable- to intersex people, rather than trans women. Making their reclamation of it as a “transmisogynistic slur”, or their claim that the word’s existence means that “transmisogyny is the root of all oppression”, incredibly ignorant- if not actively harmful misinformation.
Notably, Baeddels also believed that intersex people- being “more androgynous” (a harmful misonception)- were able to pass more easily as the opposite assigned sex, and that intersex people (even within transfemme spaces) had “intersex privilege”. Some even believed, and openly claimed, that intersex people were “hermaphroditic”; a slur against intersex people, and typically implying that the individual has both sets of reproductive systems simultaneously.
Trans Women
… did not receive universally positive treatment, either. Baeddelism was very much a cult-like group built around the firmly-held conviction that they were absolutely correct, and that anyone who disagreed with them was The Enemy. Trans women who disagreed with them were generally seen as brainwashed and self-hating, and trans women who did agree with them were expected to subjugate themselves to the ringleaders of the movement.
Within Baeddel circles, trans women were most frequently victimized by the abusers allowed to run rampant because “trans women do not, and cannot, harm anyone else.” — including, apparently, each other.
“They were also bad shitty abusive people in general. “… a bunch of them passed around a pile of smear campaigns and false rumors about virtually any trans woman that they had a even the slightest animosity for. Including the victim of the kinkster rapist. They’ve done other fucked stuff, like chased two twoc off this site for trying to make a zine, but yeah. That’s like, just some of it. I’m not up for going over the messy details of the whole shitparade. “Full disclosure, I made a lot of excuses for these sacks of crap, even while they were out there spreading false crap about me […] I wasn’t aware of the worst shit they were doing until much much later.” - @punlich
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Inside the Movement
Though individual Baeddels often existed in vastly different social circles from each other- particularly offline- those who lived through the movement highlight commonalities in their experiences.
One interviewee recounts the manipulation present in their initial involvement with the movement:
“It came to me at a point where I was very quick to weaponize anything anyone told me about their experiences, because I was always a fighter. I’ve been an activist for a long time, you know, and when these trans women would come to me with their experiences I would believe them. I wanted to. But the way they acted didn’t add up when compared to what they were saying. I felt really lonely there, and stupid all the time. I felt like I was being a bad trans person.” […] “Online they were more willing to say things that were, for lack of a better word, stupid. They would say things that lacked any kind of logical sense. But in person, they would go into this kind of toxic femininity- this weaponization of weakness. And I think that’s because online they were often in these echochambers, but in person they had to rely on much more subtle manipulation.” - Vera
It seems at points that the environment created within this movement- and the social circles that composed it- was almost cult-like in nature and in need for control.
“It was very isolating. I didn’t see my friends for a while, I was kind of just living with them, cooking and cleaning for them, starving myself, and slowly growing crazy. I was just being consumed by this weird academia and theory that had no basis, because everything was online and Tumblr-based.” - Vera
Perhaps most chilling, however, are the patterns in their attitudes toward sexual assault. One interviewer recounts being subject to sexual assault, and upon posting about their experience to a Facebook group, being met with hostility from Baeddels present in the group- who quickly used their social influence to have them banned from some of their only support systems at the time.
“I ended up with pretty much no one to talk to about the experience at a time when I was already really, really struggling, and it’s one of several factors that led to me dropping out. “The Baeddel who got me banned also messaged me directly at some point during all of this, and I tried to get her to understand the pain she was causing me. She basically laughed it offand said it was my fault. She seemed to find a lot of joy in how much it hurt me, and blocked me soon after.” - Anonymous
Another recounts sexual consent violations from a friend-turned-Baeddel:
“[My ex-friend] had previously been fetish-mining me for her mommy kink. I was freshly estranged from my own mum, and she stepped in to be like, “I’m your new mum now,” and would pester me to call her “mum” in Welsh- as at that point she was going by a Welsh name. I played along, but it transpired that she was basically using that to get off, and she had a thing for infantilising transmascs and being this mum/mom figure.” - Luke
And yet another interviewee discusses verbal sexual harassment during interactions with another Baeddel:
“I had one [Baeddel] directly tell me that I’m beneath her as a trans man, and that I should “Shut my smelly cooch up” and only use my voice to uplift trans women. I was a minor at the time. “She then sicced her followers on me, and they bombarded me with messages telling me I’d “never be a real man”, that I needed to “sit on the side and allow them to have the spotlight”, and even telling me to kill myself- because I was inherently toxic to them. I was 16 years old, pre everything, and I couldn’t even pass at the time. They didn’t seem to care that I was a minor, or a newly hatched egg.” - Anonymous
While Baeddel ideology itself does not explicitly condone or excuse sexual assault, it’s striking how common these stories are; especially considering how small in numbers actual Baeddels were.
It was, in fact, this exact problem that would eventually cause the movement to dissolve.
The Downfall of Baeddelism
Sometime between the group’s formation in 2013 and their downfall near the end of 2014, @autogynephile (also “Eve”), the defacto “ringleader” of the Baeddel movement, began what Baeddels referred to as a “transbian safehouse”.
This was apparently intended as a place for unhoused trans woman lesbians and trans women who, in general, had sworn off contact with men; the ultimate goal of the lesbian separatist ideology at the core of the Baeddel movement. It was thus also referred to as a “commune” by some, and as a “cult” by others.
One occupant of the “safehouse”- Elle- later posted to Tumblr that they had been raped by Eve during their stay, and detailed their experiences.
The Baeddels, rather than believing the victim and ousting the rapist from their movement, chose to close ranks around Eve instead.
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Various reasons were given for this:
The victim must be lying
The victim- and anyone who believed them- was simply transmisogynistic.
Anyone who disagrees with the Baeddels is an Enemy Of The Movement, a “carceral thinker”, and a danger to trans women as a whole.
Trans women are incapable of sexually abusing anyone.
“Standing with Eve” was the ultimate sign of loyalty to the movement, and thus a mark of pride and honor.
It was okay to keep being a Baeddel no matter what, because Rape Accusations Should Be A Personal Matter.
(You can read more about Eve’s own denial of these events here and here.)
Years later, even people involved in the initial group have spoken out against the movement and actions of those involved:
“I was in ~the Baeddels~ for years and like… we straight up did horrible shit. “We harassed anyone that disagreed for any reason, our politics were terrible, our isolationism made an environmental ripe for abuse that I have firsthand experience of, there is nothing in that group worth salvaging or defending. “Also acting like people are just bringing this up out of the blue is silly like… it’s being brought up because people are still trying to defend the shit we did instead of fucking recognizing that it was wrong. “Creating this myth that hate on the Baeddels is just a way of keeping trans women in line is a tacit defense of the horrid shit we did.” - @lezzyharpy
“like I’m sorry but I served my time in shitty awful Baeddel group in early mid 2012s and it fucking sucked ass.” “… Like it’s straight up cult-like the way you build this self-reinforcing network wherein ayone on the outside looking in with any criticism is unsafe, not to be trusted, only there to hurt trans women, and the only people you can trust is this self-selected group of trans women.” - @lezzyharpy
Why It Matters, and Why Baeddelism Never Really Fell
Baeddelism itself has seen multiple attempts at resurgences by various individuals, including documented experiences with self-proclaimed Baeddels as recently as 2018- well after the movement first “fell” in 2014.
Most proponents of “Baeddelism 2.0”, a revival of the original movement, argue that the abuse that occurred within the original movement was either completely fabricated by detractors (sound familiar?) or, at minimum, not actually inherent to the ideology.
And, of course, there are some original Baeddels still active on Tumblr today.
Baeddelism never actually went away.
“Baeddelism” was only one name for a set of beliefs that existed long before the specific term did, and hasn’t gone anywhere since the original Baeddel movement died down.
What the Baeddels did was put a name to the ideology @monetizeyourcat was cultivating before them, and what Cat did was popularize, centralize, and justify a way of thinking that had existed before she ever made her blog.
This ideology has since been referred to, loosely, as “TIRF-ism”: Trans-Inclusive Radical Feminism.
It is rare that anyone actually refers to themselves as a “TIRF”, and there is no real centralized TIRF movement; rather, a loose collection of radical feminist beliefs circulates various transgender spaces. The validity of these beliefs is generally taken for granted: of course (trans) women are The Most Oppressed People; of course (trans) women are Inherently and Unequivocally Victims In All Situations; of course (trans) men are Inherently Oppressors; of course (trans) men are Dangerous and Evil… and so on.
Like Radical Feminism, and subsequently Trans-Exlcusive Radical Feminism (TERF-ism), those ideas are fundamentally dangerous.
The defining tenants of radical feminism are that misogyny is the root of all oppression, and that rather than misogyny being an issue of power and control on a society-wide level, it is instead, or also, a matter of oppression and privilege on an individual level: men are always oppressors, and women are always victims.
These beliefs fundamentally exclude and erase the experiences of other marginalized people.
Namely, people of color and indigenous people, who’s experiences with and concepts of gender do not fall within the strict and rigid lines that white, western, colonialist people’s do.
Radical feminism is not a redeemable ideology. It cannot be reshaped into something good. It is fundamentally broken, and the movements born from it- lesbian separatism, political lesbianism, TERF-ism, TIRF-ism, and Baeddelism- are proof enough of that. They each promote only surface-level variations of what is fundamentally cult-like thinking: only the in-group can be victimized. Only the in-group is safe; the out-group is inherently and universally dangerous. Only the in-group understands you. All members of the in-group are, fundamentally, incapable of abuse.
We cannot allow these ideas to be perpetuated within or without the trans community.
Learn the Signs & Prevent Harm
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Here’s what we can do to prevent this from happening again:
Learn what Baeddel ideology and TIRFism look like, even detached from the name.
Learn what radical feminism looks like, even detached from the name. Even from people who claim to oppose radical feminism.
Act on dogwhistles. Call them what they are.
Do not allow people to downplay the harm all forms of Radical Feminism have caused. Remind each other that Radical Feminism is not a redeemable ideology, and seek out other branches of feminism instead.
Remember the harm that has been caused. Remember that it will be caused again if these things are allowed to go unchecked.
Listen to and uplift marginalized people. Allow them to speak to their own experiences, identify their own needs, and name their own oppression.
Remember who the real oppressors are, and do not pit marginalized people against each other. The people perpetuating and benefiting from transphobia are cis people- and more specifically, cis people in power.
Build solidarity with other marginalized people. One group of trans people cannot gain liberation without liberating all trans people, and one group of trans people cannot be targeted without the rest of us suffering as well.
Remember that there is no group or identity incapable of enacting abuse, violence, harassment, or other harm against another. Victimhood should not be determined based solely on an individual’s identity.
Remember that there are no acceptable targets for violence, cruelty, harassment, and abuse.
For more context and a list of red flags, read the rest of the article here:
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lightweaver-chosen-if · 2 months
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I know it took awhile but… tadaah!
New 20k words of content just dropped, bringing the game to 50k! Each playthrough is around 22k~ words with mini paths to explore.
I tried to edit this as much as I could, but with the new amount of branches I'm starting to get cross-eyed after re-reading the game so many times. As always feedback is always welcome! I'm having some trouble in linking scenes together with code. So if there are parts where it seems weirdly formatted or abrupt, please let me know in the forums.
IMPORTANT: Please use a new save! A lot has changed since the last update so it's most likely broken. The game passed both the quick and random test, so if you encounter any errors please make sure you didn't use an old save before reporting game breaking bugs.
What's New:
Continue the tour with A and L!
Learn about future events
Officially become a Launwyce Academy student
MC lore ;)
Meet and interact with your potential pet 🐶😺
Meet and interact with J
What's Edited:
World lore
More physical banter variations for A and L when they have different genders
Hope everyone enjoys the update! :D PS: Ignore the main re-post, just wanted to transfer the main post to this account. PPS: omg I just realized it's April 1 - this is not an April fools joke !!!
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lazyjellyfish300 · 5 months
~Lazy Jellyfish Writings~
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Hello! I'm Jelly! Jellyfish, JJ, any variation of those also welcomed🪼♎🇹🇴 I like to write for fun and started this blog in Nov '23 thanks to my Miguel O'Hara (ATSV) fixation. I also write for Peter B. and Ben Reilly, though not as often. Just starting to write for Nanami Kento(JJK).
I love to gush/talk about Miguel and I mainly write for him at the moment and for the unforeseeable future 🤧. I'm happy to become moots and love to support fellow writers. I do get delulu on here and sometimes yap about self ship thoughts. 😁Requests are closed but on the rare occasion I open them I take fluffy ideas only, which I can sometimes make suggestive but that is solely my discretion.
I am also on AO3 and Instagram under the same user: lazyjellyfish300. 🪼
Masterlist below the cut:
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Most of my reader POVS are fem or AFAB, sorry. Since I am a cis female that is the pov I feel I can write the most accurately. I try to exclude reader's appearance as much as possible except clothing. I describe curvy body parts. You might have superficial things like tattoos or piercings once in a while but that's it. I try to do gender neutral every once in a while where I can.) My rating system is my humble opinion & might not be totally correct, read at your own risk.
Updated as of: 6/10/24
🌶️-suggestive 🌶️🌶️-moderate smut
🌶️🌶️🌶️-very smutty 💖-fluff 💔-angst 🔥-slow burn/smut doesn't happen right away
Miguel O'Hara(Reader x Miguel)
-DD series🌶️🌶️🌶️🔥💔💖 (ongoing-9 chapters/11-links for the chapters will be in each post, Miguel is your Uber Driver with a twist on the og Miguel O'Hara comic) DD series art I have commissioned from the artist @/ejpuki on insta
-As you slept 🌶️💔💖(Twilight AU with Miguel Cullen. He visits you while you sleep, TW: STALKERISH)
-Have I found You?- 💔💖Twilight AU Miguel Cullen, inspired by ending prom scene of the first Twilight movie
-In Between the Bookshelves-💖🔥🌶️🌶️🌶️ Librarian!Miguel AU, a trip to the library has a spicy conclusion
-In a Vial around your pretty little neck 🌶️🌶️💖(you & Miguel wear vials of each other's blood)
-The Stuffed Rabbit- 🌶️💖you go to Build-A-Bear and plan a Valentine's Day surprise for Miguel(same universe as in a vial around your pretty little neck)
-With New Eyes, Every Time-🌶️💖 with Miguel about your date to the aquarium, inspired by one of my moots.
-A Boardwalk Date-💖💔 a boardwalk date with Miguel in Seaside Heights, New Jersey.
-Books and Puzzles -🌶️💖 Bookstore, coffee and puzzle building date with Miguel
-Miguel Parenting Headcanons🌶️💖 (two parts which are linked in the post)
-Mom and Dad are Fighting on Christmas🌶️🌶️💔💖 (Jerry Maguire inspired, angsty piece with Miguel) also a Valentines spinoff: Mom and Dad are Fighting on Valentine's Day 🌶️🌶️💔💖
-Mom and Dad are Getting Along-quick blurb as an ending to the other two mom and Dad are fighting pieces, on a quiet Mother's Day morning 🌶️💖
-Mom and Dad are having a Family Movie Night-request, fluffy blurb🌶️💖
-Blurred Lines -🌶️🌶️💔💖, (2 parts)you become his fwb reluctantly in hopes he'll eventually fall in love with you too, but it's not that simple.
-Relationship Weight🌶️🌶️💖soft Miguel reassuring insecure reader
-Bedtime Giggles- 💖short fluffy blurb with Mig
-Breakfast for dinner 💖🌶️-short fluffy blurb with Mig
-What's Mine is Yours 💖-fluffy blurb, Miguel starts to love everything you love as his partner
-An Easter Proposal(s)-💖🌶️ 3 short separate stories about getting engaged to Miguel on Easter, based off 3 different rings to choose from.
-Fortune Cookies💖-fluffy blurb with Mig sharing takeout & fortune cookies
-A Box of Chocolates💖🌶️-trip to the choclatier on your birthday with your boyfriend Miguel
-I'm Here -💖🌶️fluffy blurb with Mig, helping you with your back pain, inspired by another Tumblr user.
-Fell in Love with You in Stages- fluffy blurb where Miguel takes care of you, his friend and crush he's had for a while when you break your ankle-request💖🌶️
-I know -short fluffy blurb. Miguel agonizes about telling you he's Spider-Man. But you already know. 💖💔
-I hate you. You hate me. (Right?)- you're called the Black Cat assassin and your next victim is Miguel, short fluffy slight angst one shot. 💖💔
-Stood Up- short fluffy angsty request, you and your boss Miguel have secret crushes on each other. You get stood up on a date and he's there to comfort you. 💖💔🌶️
-Only We Know-request-fluffy short fic, going to Comic Con with Miguel. Friends to Lovers 💖🌶️
-Miguel loves your tattoos- drabble in outline format💖🌶️
-A Day Off At Miguel's💖 -longer fluffy blurb where your boyfriend cheats & Miguel's there to cheer you up.
-Gentleman 💖🌶️🌶️🌶️💔🔥 -chapters 4/?-mini series where you're a broke college student intern at Alchemax and Miguel becomes your sugar daddy
-Long Distance 🌶️🌶️🌶️-naughty dialogue on the phone with him
-Silent - 🌶️🌶️💖 smutty short blurb exploring Miguel's quiet side in the bedroom
-Can we always be this close? -fluffy angsty drabble about slow dancing 💖💔
-Love Across Dimensions💖💔-fluffy angsty headcanon outline of your relationship. A spinoff from Long Distance. Along with smutty pt 2.🌶️🌶️🌶️💖💔
-Still and All -angsty, heavier piece(lots of TW in description). You have a lifelong STI and you need to tell Miguel when you start dating him. 🌶️🌶️💔💖🔥
-The Woman He Didn't Choose - series ongoing 7 chapters/?-angsty Bachelor AU where you made the final two but he chose the other woman. 🌶️🌶️💔🔥
-A Night in a Hotel Room with Miguel and Nanami-🌶️🌶️🌶️💖 Threesome crossover fic featuring Nanami Kento from JJK.
-Traitor- angsty blurb about your breakup with Miguel inspired by some break up songs🌶️🌶️💔
-Just A Little Carried Away -NSFW Mig blurb 🌶️🌶️🌶️
-Mirror-NSFW Husband!Miguel short blurb 💖🌶️🌶️🌶️
-Hot Tub with a View-Husband Miguel!drabble about doing the nasty in a hot tub on vacay 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Camping with Miguel-camping trip that turns into more than just friends. 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Possessive Miguel drabbles-links to both in this post. One is SFW the other is NSFW but more suggestive & no smut 💖🌶️
-Hand holding during sex-short NSFW Miguel thought🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Calling him Daddy-smutty blurb 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Praise and a HJ-getting Miguel off while you praise him drabble🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Miguel's shoulders in the dark NSFW drabble 🌶️🌶️
-Intimacy with Miguel NSFW drabble 🌶️🌶️
-Miguel's obsessed with your legs drabble-NSFW headcanon format 🌶️🌶️💖
-Intertwining Souls with Miguel O'Hara-cuddling naked with him blurb🌶️💖
-Titty Massage-Miguel holds your tits when stressed drabble🌶️🌶️💖
-Tell Me-hopeless romantic NSFW Miguel blurb where you tell him how much you love him during intimacy 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-In Your Name-NSFW Villain! Miguel drabble🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Apology-drabble, rainy, middle of the night makeup sex 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-One Cabin-🌶️🌶️💖(3 blurbs linked in the post) with Miguel playing on the one bed trope. Instead what if you had to share a cabin with him on a mission?
Peter B. Parker x Reader
-DBF!Peter B. Parker comes to dinner -your dad's new friend from work comes over for dinner one evening with a spicy conclusion.🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Down Bad-short blurbs where you're a stripper and he takes you home-2 parts linked in the post 🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
-Eating You Out on Your Honeymoon -short NSFW blurb🌶️🌶️🌶️💖
Ben Reilly x Reader
Dating Headcanons-gn!reader x Ben 🌶️💖
Traitor epilogue- Spider-Woman Reader x Ben 🌶️💖💔 this fic is technically a pairing with Miguel, however the epilogue has a happy ending with Ben after your breakup. 🫶🏽
Nanami Kento x Reader
-A Night in a Hotel Room with Miguel and Nanami-🌶️🌶️🌶️💖 Threesome crossover fic between ATSV Miguel and Nanami. Miguel is your boyfriend and he decides to share you for a night.
-Nanami can't help but leave kisses on your body-fluffy suggestive blurb 💖🌶️
-Nanami doesn't say I Love You-🌶️🌶️💖 about Nanami's expressions of love he says besides I love you blurb
-Making out and car sex -quick blurb 🌶️🌶️💖
-Calling him daddy-drabble 🌶️🌶️💖
Carlisle Cullen
Random Headcanons 🌶️💖 (not reader pov)
Gallery (art I've commissioned from artists to accompany my fics/just for fun)
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Art by the amazing ejpuki on Instagram based on Part 1 of my Miguel series DD in which he meets you as your Uber Driver after a drunken night out, and your relationship grows based on the og Miguel O'Hara comic with a twist. Please check out ejpuki on insta and support 🖤
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Art by the amazing ejpuki on Instagram based on Part 3 of my Miguel series DD in which he meets you as your Uber Driver after a drunken night out, and your relationship grows based on the og Miguel O'Hara comic with a twist. Please check out ejpuki on insta and support 🖤
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AJ DiSpirito, a composer who's scored or contributed music to many of Glitch Productions' shows (most recently Murder Drones), has run into an issue regarding his work's availability. On YouTube, direct links to the official, automatically-generated uploads for each song (different from the videos AJ himself posted, which are one per album) will lead to this error:
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What's worse is that this is not confined to a single website or composer - it appears to have affected nearly every single streaming platform that previously hosted his work, as well as other Glitch soundtracks:
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I did some investigating myself, and I can say two things with utmost certainty. The first is that, as he says in the above tweet, The Amazing Digital Circus's soundtracks were both pulled from YouTube in the same manner as his work on Murder Drones:
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The second is that every single Glitch-related release on Qobuz - including their other shows, Meta Runner, Sunset Paradise, and SMG4 - has been delisted.
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(The reason I highlight Qobuz specifically was simply because I had been meaning to buy Murder Drones' soundtrack there in the future, since it is the only place I know of where it can be purchased instead of just streamed.)
Finally, as mentioned at the very start of this post, this is likely tied to what appears to be a copyright troll reuploading DiSpirito's music for Glitch on YouTube and Amazon Music (among other places). "Urza's Destiny Beats" uses different names and (AI-generated) artwork for their uploads, but the actual music is undeniably stolen. Just a few examples:
"Festering Wound" is actually "Eternal Dream"
"Barrin, Master Wizard" is actually "The Knife Dance"
"Trumpet Blast" is actually "Solver Uzi"
In short, this is a pretty open and shut case. Considering both that and the many different artists who've been impacted, I'm hoping DistroKid (and/or any other relevant authorities) correct the problem soon - though I haven't heard great things about their track record for responsiveness.
Update #1: All Glitch music has been delisted from Spotify. Gooseworx (creator and co-composer of TADC) and the Lerdwichagul brothers (co-founders and heads of Glitch itself) are aware of the situation.
Update #2 (June 5th, 2024): The affected music is beginning to reappear! It's back up on YouTube and Apple Music, with other services likely to follow.
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greensun · 10 months
THE BIG QSMPSTUCK LOREDUMP AKA: I finally get to do all the lorebabble I wanted to do.
SOME NOTES: 1. I have a very specific version of qsmpstuck going on with my art I make that I made with a group of friends (thanks Slimercord!) 2. There are other people who made other classpects and takes on QSMP characters that are more character based, mine is not that case, it looks at how QSMP as a whole would work as a full sburb session, and balancing how many people would be on each aspect or class to carry that motif of Homestuck's balancing/equal duality theme. This means I am looking at and using Classpects as a narrative & plot device, not necessarily a personality test like how someone would classpect a real person (This is how the Extended Zodiac works, and why I choose to ignore it for character classpecting. It works great for classpecting real life people though, so by all means you can use the EZ for you and your friends!). 3. AND WITH THAT! It means two people per aspect and and class, with the exception of space and time having three people, and knights and heirs having three people. 4. FAIR WARNING: IF YOU HAVE NEVER READ HOMESTUCK, THERE IS LOTS OF DEATH IN IT, WITH LOTS OF RESURRECTIONS. I WILL BE DISCUSSING DEATH IN A VERY JOKING MANNER HERE! 5. For posterity in case things change in the future: This post was made August 2nd 2023, after the French were added, and right before the Election arc finished. I'm sure if I came back to this after QSMP is over my classpecting would be different. (Updated August 20, 2023)
I'll add this again at the bottom but if you want more of my notes and thought processes or just more qsmpstuck in general here's the link to my tag for all qsmpstuck on this blog, and here's the link to all qsmpstuck on my regular mcyt blog. (my regular blog includes other people's qsmpstuck takes & reblogs however! But every classpect analysis I reblogged in there w/ an anonymous ask sent to the OP was me on anon lol)
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HERE WE GO! The big ol google doc sheet I had to make for this. Every note on that godtier order list is how we decided the character would godtier, and we still aren't even technically done! I have so much information built up for this AU I am not sure I could include all of it in this post.
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Anyway, in terms of classpects, the way we went about deciding was 1. Finding symbolic meanings we felt fit the characters best 2. If the classpect was funny and had a fun double entendre to the character 3. If we really struggled, we went and picked up Dahni Witch of Light's classpect analyses and found which class fit a character best within an aspect we had a vague idea of. I find Dahni's analyses to be the best at classpecting non-homestuck characters with, because they give enough leeway in interpretation and are somewhat broad, while still applying as a fictional character's story arc, rather than solely a personality test. We also basically ignored most classpect's assigned "role" concept thingy, they were too nebulous in meaning to help much, with the only ones we kept being Sylphs are the passive creation class with Maids as the active creation class, and then Bards are passive destruction, Princes are active destruction.
AND NOW BACK TO THE CUBES YOU CARE ABOUT: As stated before, we did lay it out so we (mostly) only had two per aspect and class, to get that true fan session balancing spirit. Space/time and knight/heir are the only ones with three members. Here's how the outfits look!
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My favorites here & their reasonings are: - Etoiles: Sylph of Blood - We all agreed him getting a classpect that is at least somewhat silly would be fitting, but all immediately came to the conclusion that he would hands down be a blood player. From his love of fighting, and the way he goes about befriending everyone he meets to help them, he's just so blood player. To balance out our initial silly classpecting idea, we made him a Sylph! It fits, like, really well! He creates friendship, he helps people, like. What more could you want from a classpect for him. - Mariana: Maid of Doom - I sent these two asks to this other person about this and liked their reasonings lol. - Spreen: Prince of Breath - Look I'm a Spreengirl I think he would play a great active destruction class and he takes away other's freedom (in minecraft). He kills people. He's just so Prince to me. It's really funny. - BBH: Knight of Life - Do you know how funny it is to take a guy who's whole thing is that he's like entirely black and red themed and put him in the burlap sack outfit. Also Knight & Space player frog breeding combo. He's working with Foolish on those frogs. - Foolish: Page of Space - This guy is the ultimate builder of all time ever. He was hands down the easiest to look at and go Oh he is THE space player here. - Fit: Prince of Space - Y'know 2b2t and hacked clients and griefing people? Prince of Space. Plus since he's a space player, soooo - Philza: Knight of Rage - Another great Space & Knight combo. This guy is such a hater on QSMP (positive) he doubts easily distrusts whenever necessary. Such a rage player. - Missa: Bard of Time - Missa is really failgirl I know quite a few people haven't like... watched much of his MC stuff. However you should check out when he had to be placed in a box to fish by himself so he wouldn't die a third time in Minecraft Extremo. He's a perfect Bard, and then he does music. Great set up for a Time player. Wouldn't want it any other way. - Antoine: Seer of Void - truly. Truly. A guy I looked at for two minutes and immediately knew what classpect he needed. That scene where he just like lightly questioned Cellbit after he escaped the federation and it made Cellbit so nervous he started just saying things that made him look way more nervous than necessary? Core Antoine moment for me. The fact he has a basement filled with so much writing on every candidate? The fact he hides his true face so much? We don't even know what's going on there? Void Player. Seer. So fitting it's beautiful to me. - Felps: Maid of Breath - Look, breath is THE aspect of freedom and doing what you want at your own pace. I think I would be committing a cardinal sin if I DIDN'T make Felps a breath player. - Tazercraft: Witch of Doom & Page of Time - They get to do a fucked up glitch timeloop. With these two classpects they can literally do whatever they want forever. Witch of Doom is a classpect that you give to a character if you know they can rip everything to shreds, have fun doing it, but wouldn't (usually) use it to actively hurt people out of true malice (for no reason) (a witch can DEFINITELY respond negatively if push comes to shove). Page of Time is so funny as a classpect also. Just like... Look up what the Page godtier outfit looks like. You'll see what I mean... And why Pac is a page. - Rubius: Waste of Breath - This classpect sounds really mean, sorry. I promise I like Rubius. He's supposed to be a stand in for what the Hussie author insert was in Homestuck, opposing Doc Scratch and fighting him. Hussie was a Waste of Space, I wanted to keep the pun with waste here. Breath worked the best. The federation has a Lord of Blood ability to counter him. Neither of these two count for the main classpect total.
One day I might post a copy of the google sheet and link it for more in-depth reasonings for every character, but like... almost everyone had reasonings like this where we spent waaay too long analyzing everyone LMAO. This is getting long as is, so I'll cut off classpecting here.
I am about to say something that will make people either really mad or really happy. There is no canon true definition of what assigns you a dreaming moon in Homestuck's text. The only thing we can glean from canon about which moon you get is that Prospit humans make their bed in the morning, and Derse humans don't. Needless to say, this doesn't help when you want to individually give each person a dreaming moon, but it IS great news for me: it makes assigning dreaming moons based on dividing the cast in half really, really easy. That is how it worked for the troll session, it was cut in half with teams, and then assigned based on red team vs blue team. So that is what I did here. All of the English speakers were given Prospit, and all of the Hispanic side were given Derse. This has lore relevance. We'll get back to it in a moment.
Also for note, the Federation is Prospit, with Dersite carapacians being a more nebulous identity against the Federation. Hispanic side was given Derse because they just seem more like Derse guys. Plus the whole Time on Derse/Space on Prospit theme going on in original HS canon is something I kinda wanted to go along with.
Quackity was given dual dreamer, with one of his dreamselves being ElQuackity, hence why he isn't listed. To balance this, we had to make another dual dreamer, and figured handing it to Kameto, who basically is permanently lost in the void, would be a good balance.
The French and Brazilian sessions were assigned using the "well this character would make sense here" method.
Server/Client Orders & Session Chains
If anyone needs a brief refresher, a client is the person you get into a sburb session, and a server is the person gets you into the session. Everyone is a client and a server to someone different. (tl;dr John was Rose's client, Rose was John's Server.) THAT BEING SAID! It means the loop for sessions close once you're all connected to both a client and a server. There are three separate sessions here, and one of them is a mobius double reacharound.
For clarity, the arrows mean: Client <- Server
The Original session, the mobius double reacharound, is the Spanish-English session. The order is
Quackity <- Mariana <- Spreen <- Roier <- Missa <- Vegetta <- Maxo <- Luzu (<- BBH)
BBH <- Foolish <- Slimecicle <- Jaiden <- DanTDM <- Fit <- Philza <- Wilbur (<- Quackity)
Because of the nature of a Mobius Double Reacharound, it means BBH and Quackity enter the session first, by technicality. The first person in a session is also the person who does the ectobiology. Unlike the troll session which only had Karkat as the ectobiologist, if Q!Quackity were the sole ectobiologist, no clones would be made and everyone would be stuck in a paradox, so I think it's funnier if BBH and Q had to work together on Ectobiology. I find their dynamic hilarious. Anyway, Luzu and Wilbur had to be the last in their respective chains, because no one else would be able to enter.
The next chain is the Brazilian closed Session, which is
Forever <- Mike <- Pac <- Felps <- Cellbit (<- Forever)
As previously mentioned, Pac e Mike (uou uou) have very good classpects to make up for the fact they have no space player. I'll come back to this.
The final chain is the French closed session. It goes
Baghera <- Antoine <- Etoiles <- AyPierre <- Kameto (<- Baghera)
They have balanced moons! They have a space player! They have a seer even! Both light and void! However, in missing a time player, they are forever doomed to fail the session.
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Now I can finally explain actual lore. My apologies for making you read about 1000 words before this.
The Hispanic-English session is glitched. There is not a planet for each person. They have to share planets with a person from the opposite dreaming moon, generating lands that are a combination of two different aspects entirely. The planetary pairings for this prime session are the same pairings used for the initial egg pairings.
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I really love designing lands for Sburb AUs it's my favorite thing in the world. The first one is the Land of Acid and Alcohol, Slimecicle (Heir of Heart) and Mariana's (Maid of Doom) land. Its oceans are acid and gasoline, and then covered in bottles that are a Russian roulette of alcoholic beverages, and then Molotov cocktails! The second is the Land of Steam and Dreams, Roier (Witch of Blood) and Jaiden's (Seer of Hope) land. It's filled with buildings built in an industrial revolution style architecture, playing on how people could believe in social mobility and "making it" in that time period, while also being reliant on heavy metallic machinery! I have a lot of fun conceptualizing lands.
The session's glitches don't stop at the planetary pairings on their own however, and it continues when Luzu attempts to enter the session. The session glitches from him being BBH's client, where it refuses to match pairings if they're connected directly, as the game would be unable to generate the gates above each player's house, it would simply loop back to connecting with the same Land. Luzu ends up being paired onto Quackity's land because of this, because the Game still detects him as having a dreamself on the opposite moon, even if he technically has both.
This causes BBH and Wilbur's land to glitch, and they end up paired together (as a bit of a nod back to how BBH and Wilbur were initially intended to be paired, before admins just made a new egg for Wilbur). We'll get back to this in a bit.
Some other lands from the AH session I enjoy are - The Land of Lush Forests and Iridescent Lakes, also known as LOLFAIL, BBH and Wilbur's land, which is a double Life player land, so the oceans are filled with gemstones and the land is covered in the most dense forest imaginable. It has the most difficult underlings spawn on it compared to any other land in the Anglo-Hispanic session. - The Land of Frogs and Typhoons, Spreen and Fit's land, which every space player is guaranteed frogs as part of their land, combined with Spreen being a breath player, it is a constant hurricane with frogs in it. They do not work on trying to calm the storm. They just start killing the frogs. There are so many frogs. The frogs are constantly flying at anyone who enters the land. Fit's slogan is FTF. Thank you to crow qsmp-yaoi for saying this idea because it truly brings me to tears every time I think about them being hit by those frogs flying at Mach 10. - The Land of Synapses and Static, Maxo and DanTDM's land. It's a darkened land, caused by Maxo's void, and then covered in a blanket of constant fog so thick a lighthouse can barely cut through it. The land also has mimicking noises to make familiar sounds to any player that steps on it, caused by Dan's Mind. It is an overbearingly lonely land. One where you understand what it truly feels like to be alone. One where you can lose someone as soon as you take your eyes off of them. Maxo last saw Dan on this land. No one else has seen him since.
I'm going to stop myself here, but I might come back and draw some more Land illustrations for these, haha.
With the planetary partners, you might have seen this coming. Each planet in the combined session is missing a Denizen. Instead, what each player finds at the heart of the land is a little egg they need to help raise. They all find eggs at different points, however. Some people find their egg before they godtier, some find them afterward.
All of the eggs correspond to the land of their respective parents, however Luzu joins into the session too late to ever meet Tilin, second to last of the chain, she's already dead by that point.
And then the final major glitch in starting this session, when Wilbur joins as the final member of the chain, and enters, the only land open is BBH's land. Due to the nature of Sburb already knowing how things would end, it was always going to be this way, and there was no other option on who's planet he would join. The game glitches again, and detecting a second Prospit player, spawns in a new Denizen: Tallulah.
The eggs generally follow how they were in QSMP proper. Some of them die early. Some of them don't. Juanaflippa is as tragic as she is in canon. Two dads who are just bad at raising a child and it would have never worked out. Slime still kills Tilin by accident. Spreen doesn't care about Ramon, ditched him etc you know how it goes. The eggs are partially a planet quest too, so it's best if the eggs do live here.
Also in the glitches with this, there's a lack of consorts on any of the combined planets. There are a few, but not really as common as canon proper would have.
The Brazil Session is a closed session between the five Brazilians. One of the requirements to complete Sburb is that you need a Space player (required to have forge in order to complete the final genesis frog & launch it into creating a new universe) and a Time player (required to keep the session in the proper timeline). The Brazilians have a time player (Pac), so they're halfway there!
There's some hiccups along the way. Mostly just Cellbit accidentally killing Felps and having to sprite him so Mike could make him a robot body to live in, but same old same old etc. Pac and Mike also kill each other by accident, but some other stuff happens there.
They still don't have the main aspect to actually continue the session, realize this, and also have a guy with one of the most conceptually powerful classpects to exist in terms of being able to glitch a game and save everyone. They manage to contact the primary session, reaching out to two grieving parents who are desperate to do anything to revive their daughter, one of whom is also a very powerful Doom player.
Brazilian Lands (brief edition)! - Land of Vultures and Culture, Forever's land, is a Hope land based around having Forever work to help save consorts who are hiding beneath intense structures and live in very isolate communities from each other. There's also massive megafauna in the skies that are always trying to kill them. - Land of Electronics and Experiments, Mike's land, is a pretty typical doom land, based around Chume labs, and has a constant lightning storm overhead - Land of Dancefloors and Dollhouses, Pac's land, is a combination of a land quest he has to get through, and a typical time land. All time lands have a clockwork or a music theme, I think him having a hot pink land that's massive amounts of dollhouse rooms attached to each other he has to make it through is just a fun concept. - Land of Cloud and Sky, Felps's world, is just a land with everything high in the sky. His whole quest is about him harnessing his ability to go with the flow to connect his consorts together. This is hard when he's sprited himself after dying upon entering due to Cellbit fucking up and accidentally killing him, and living in a robot body built by Mike. Aradia style. - Land of Searchlight and Bone, Cellbit's world, is a giant panopticon style prison. With so many bones, both decorating the prison, and filling the prison cells. His final moment is when he gets to the office of the panopticon, and it is his quest bed. He has a whole ordeal over it.
RICARLYSON! So these guys have regular consorts and Denizens, Richarlyson spawns in the heart of Skaia, and gives the quest for the other five guys to raise him.
Pac (Page of Time) has the ability to manipulate time as he wants once he realizes his abilities. Mike (Witch of Doom) can rip a hole in the universe so big it saves all of the players and sets them smack in the middle of another session, especially a previously contacted session with the connection being a Maid of Doom. With a time player land as well, they get a scratch construct on the Land of Dancefloors and Dollhouses, setting up their ability to scratch their session and set loose a whole new universe where theirs once stood.
The French session has probably the most normal planets of everything going on here, what really starts their journey going awry is that they have no time player.
Antoine, being a Seer of Void, can see something is going wrong. He makes contact with people outside of their session in an attempt to restore things to balance. He goes off into the veil and contacts the horrorterrors, and sets up a connection between two Doom players who seem they both desperately need it.
While he's doing that, the rest of the French proceed to have the most normal Sburb session out of anyone. Etoiles is having a great time on his planet. Aypierre gets a genesis tadpole. Kameto has two backup lives.
French Planets (Brief Edition) - Land of Apples and Airplanes, Baghera's land! It's probably the nicest land of anyone's. There are many jokes about how she doesn't get why everyone keeps complaining about their lands being horrible until she reaches theirs. - Land of Sham and Soil, Antoine's land, it's a dark land with tall dirt towers that make it impossible to see where you step. You'd need to be someone who could find where you're going in the pitch dark to even survive here. - Land of Bonds and Breakouts, Etoiles's land, is a land of a giant maze dungeon labyrinth. It's a nightmare for everyone but him. He loves it. - Land of Bogs and Frogs, AyPierre's land, is a land with frogs in a very thick swamp. I'll be honest i Just need to cook on this one some more. - Land of Hidden Leaves and War, Kameto's land, is a Naruto joke.
POMME! Is like Richas she's in the middle of Skaia. An easter egg if you will.
The French session is brought into the primary session when Antoine manages to contact with everyone else fully, rather than quietly watch from the outside. Etoiles and Baghera lose their original selves, and are their dreamselves when the universes collide in, and were unable to godtier, due to not knowing about the quest slabs.
GODTIERING! & the rest of the chronological story
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THIS is the order of the godtiers from the beginning of the Spanish-English session. Anyone in the other sessions who godtier before their universe collide event has a red numeral to keep them distinct. I feel pretty strongly almost everyone would godtier here, they're all characters based on gamers. Sburb au works exceptionally well when you know everyone's gaming style.
Also, yeah I have notes listed on each godtier order for how each person dies. Like it's that detailed atp.
Spreen has the highest kill count out of everyone on purpose. I think he'd be down to cut his friends down knowing they'd be revived immortal afterward. As well as, the federation is Prospit in this scenario, they want everyone to godtier. I think him playing to what they want out of him feels his style. Anyway, he sprites his own dreamself due to ElQuackity messing with timeloops. To make his living player self trust him, Spreensprite convinces him to godtier Roier first. It is himself he's talking to, after all. Roier becomes the first godtier in any universe, and not out of his own volition. After seeing it really did work with Roier, Spreen godtiers himself. He gets li'l bear ears ala Jade getting doggy ears with her dreamself sprited, he threw in a Rubius cubito to his kernelsprite first. I like the bear ears I'm biased .3. q!Spreen being really fun in a Sburb concept is why I got hooked on this au after all.
After the first lore is repeated, BBH godtiers himself by decapitating himself with a sendificator to fuck with Foolish. He's kinda bitter about getting beige clothes. He befriends the midnight crew at least. This is before he has Dapper. He finds out about godtiering from Roier by accident and then is like. Oh I have the BEST idea.
Vegetta is killed by Spreen by request, wanting to be stronger to protect Leo, and then Spreen godtiers Missa in order to use his time powers on Derse to throw his dreamself at the kernelsprite, locking the time loop. Anyway, Missa is essentially locked in a tower on Derse's moon after this, now permanently in his Dreamself's body, who hadn't awoken prior. Fit realizes people are walking around in weird clothes, hears about it vaguely from BBH, sends a text to Spreen who'd been ghosting him, and goes like. Hey man. Wanna kill me? And gets his first reply in months.
Phil is attacked by an overpowered monster and almost dies, and Missa manages to get the message to Fit that this is happening through time shenanigans, and Fit manages to get him to his questbed before he fully dies and loses his dreamself. Phil is not happy about this and could not be angrier. He doesn't blame Fit though it's like a self anger thing.
THE BRAZILIAN CASCADE HAPPENS! PEOPLE DIE. By which I mean Slimecicle and Mariana work together to try to help the Brazilians into the session in a bid at saving Juanaflippa, hoping one of them have the ability to revive her. Slimecicle is murdered in the crypts of Prospit by Quackity in a duel, where he cuts off Quackity's arm in exchange for Quackity cutting down his life. Truly one of those luck moments where Charlie dies on his questslab. Mariana is murdered at the same time by Spreen, who is now fully working under orders from the Federation.
Pre-cascade, Pac and Mike both godtier, because they stumble into a stable timeloop, by Mike accidentally glitching Pac's questslab into throwing it at him and killing him. He godtiers with this. Now, as a fully godtiered page of time, they make it to Mike's questbed, and godtier!Mike nudges Pac's slab at Past!Mike to pick up and throw when fucking around with powers.
Felps godtiers in the cascade along with Mariana and Slimecicle, they leave behind Derse and its moon, and they both get destroyed. Where his body sleeping on the quest slab godtiers. Aradia style. Except... as a Maid of Breath, his robot sprite body doesn't explode. He just sort of... exists in both. When one falls asleep the other wakes up. The rest of the Brazilian session just assumes the Cascade fucked with his robot body's energy sources. He kind of just figures each side is a weird dream he keeps having.
Cellbit is staunchly anti-godtier, while Forever wants someone he trusts to godtier him. Cellbit refuses to godtier Forever, and causes a major fight between them. Then Spreen murders Cellbit into his godtier under orders from the Federation, which is preceded by a long Scooby-doo-esque chase, where BBH sees them both, and decides to follow. BBH is a fully godtiered Knight of Life here, he has resurrection powers for other players, and Spreen is functionally immortal as well. BBH 100% catches up to him after he kills Cellbit, and proceeds to put Spreen in a torment nexus of dying and undeath. Thus ends the Killing Spree(n).
AND THEN THE FRENCH CASCADE HAPPENS! The final session connects, and Baghera sacrifices herself to make it happen. After they make it in, they learn about Quest slabs, and there's a whole thing with Etoiles dramatically getting her to her questslab before she fully dies. Etoiles then proceeds to go kill himself on the questslab immediately after. Felps is also hanging out with the French, they found him hanging out in the void and take him with them. They lose Kameto in the void however, nobody's really sure where he went.
Pre-French Cascade, Antoine is the only French player to godtier, and no one will explain how it happened. It seems like no one really knows, but Etoiles keeps saying more fantastical descriptions every time someone asks. He's never taken his seer hood off of his face.
Back in the order of the godtiers, Forever befriends Baghera, and eventually her and Etoiles and Cellbit help him godtier. It's a whole event. Richas is having a blast.
Bobby dies, and Jaiden decides to godtier in order to get into the Federation's good graces, as well as out of guilt of feeling that if she were stronger and godtiered she could have saved him. Roier godtiers her.
AyPierre is godtiered in a tragic accident with one of his many machines. Etoiles helps pull him to his quest bed. He's a Thief of Space he has fun with it.
Foolish is the second to last person to godtier, and he is godtiered by Pomme by accident. He wanted his godtier to be as cool as possible, and somehow managed to not godtier by this point. It's just very him. He's down with the page pants.
Quackity is the final member to godtier. BBH kills ElQ at one end of the universe with the aid of Maximus. Slimecicle kills the regular QQ in one final duel.
At the end of the universe, the only people left alive and able to contact the rest of the sessions to never godtier are Wilbur and Maxo.
DanTDM disappears on the Land of Synapses and Static, never to be seen again, along with Turnip following soon after.
Luzu finds a glitch and is absorbed by it not long after he enters.
Nobody is really sure if Kameto godtiered or not.
We're currently working on figuring out sprites for everyone, so hey! I might come back and add an update on that, but this post is so long my computer is lagging. I have a gaming laptop. It shouldn't be doing that. Here's some stuff on the sprites we do have + some misc notes.
Cellbit's flashlightkind is like how Kanaya's lipstick works. It's a chainsaw.
Spreen has Spreensprite, BBH has Skeppysprite, Missa has a sprite that is a mysterious skull sprited twice called Skullskullsprite, and Roier has his dog with a spiderman called Dogmansprite, and Jaiden has Arisprite, who's Miku & Ari combined :D (thanks icarus!)
It is 5 am as I finish typing this and queue it. I think I started typing this at 5 pm yesterday. Feel free to comment any thoughts you have or play around in this au! Also feel free to @ me if you do, either on my main mcyt blog (@etoilesbienne), or here!
qsmpstuck tag on my art blog / qsmpstuck tag on my regular mcyt talk blog
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here’s a bird’s eye view of my comic Eyan Eternal
For people who don't know what it is. Bc I think some of you might find it's right up your alley. Well this is an updated one anyway. I do actually have a volume of this out in print right now, but the low def, basic version is online and complete, and tbh, I just want people to read it. I took almost two years to complete this and quite literally poured every waking moment (after work and when I wasn’t fixing stuff in my house) into this to try and finish it.
Here is one of these at a glance things! 
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If that’s enough to intrigue you, take a look at my chapter masterpost which has convenient links to every chapter post so you don’t have to go figuring out where they are and what order they go in!: https://www.tumblr.com/featureenvyproductions/717516139934154752/eyan-eternal-tumblr-chapter-masterpost?source=share
If you like it and want to support me you can also buy a copy of the first print volume, which collects chapters 1-5 and has a smidge of bonus content (only available in the US right now, but that’s not going to be forever, and I’m working on an e-book as well): https://www.etsy.com/FeatureEnvy/listing/1447399615/eyan-eternal?utm_source=Copy&utm_medium=ListingManager&utm_campaign=Share&utm_term=so.lmsm&share_time=1683565699335
And now here is a more detailed break down if you need more info than that...
*Jonathan Frakes asks you things meme voice* have you ever wondered what you’d find if you REALLY lived forever?
Well, meet Eyan, an immortal vampire.
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He’s slowly finding out the answer to that question...
...And it appears to be unbearable isolation.
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Eons into the distant future, when most stars have faded in the night sky and the cosmic event horizon has confined any remaining beings to an isolated pocket of the universe, Eyan roams interstellar space in a repurposed generation ship in search of anything that could be considered alive/sentient in the way he is.
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So far, he’s out of luck.
That is until he runs into an unexpected former rival on a remote planet - Zero, a sentient android he never expected to be the only other person left alive.
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Well. That is, if either of them can really be considered “alive”. What does that mean anyway, when the humans who defined what it means to be alive are all gone?
This is something they’ll have to explore and define for themselves as they attempt to set aside their myriad of differences and try to work together on one of the few ways left to escape the dark fate of ultimate isolation - The Grand Encoder, a machine that can upload minds to a special medium - if it even works for them anyway. In the process, they slowly come to accept that maybe they’d had each other all wrong and weren’t seeing the bigger picture.
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You may not find any action-packed Star Wars like escapades here in this sci fi drama. You also won’t find ponderings about the origins of vampires or what gave rise to robot sentience - It’s integral to the plot that these things just ARE. But you will find a thoughtful exploration of identity and how it can cause us to define ourselves and relate to (or abandon) each other depending on the framework within which we are doing that exploration and within which we are compelled to exist. It asks the question, what if the frameworks within which we defined our existence and purpose no LONGER existed...Where would we go from there?
And as two immortal guys who are the only folks left in the universe (as far as they know), Eyan and Zero are just the right people to mull over that.
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There is both textual and allegorical queerness in this story - both main characters should be considered gay men, even if it’s The Future TM and terms/exact scopes of identities may not be EXACTLY 1-1 with today’s...But I want to be perfectly clear that it was my intent to make them gay because I wanted to see more gay guys in sci fi and I don’t want anyone erasing that. As for the allegorical stuff - I myself am a trans gay man in my late 30s, so this act of re-exploring and re-framing myself and evaluating how and why queer folks interact with each other the way we do is something I’m very familiar with, and I feel like other folks might relate. (I also peppered in some neurodivergent-person-in-a-neurotypical-world moods tbh.)
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Of course it’s not all serious. I do have a bit of fun with some old school vampire tropes, tossing Eyan around and putting him in Situations.
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Anyway if this all sounds interesting to you, take a look at my tag and site (above)! I’d appreciate it! I also like to hear from people and see if there’s anything about it you related to! :)
I also do everything. Every last monotonous step (well, aside from literally loading up a printing press to churn out volumes lol - BUT REST ASSURED IF I HAD $10K TO PISS INTO THE WIND I WOULD DO THAT TOO). So if there’s ANYTHING you want to know about my process, I’m happy to tell you so please ask, especially if you’re like trying to get started on your own comic or trying to go to print :) 
Edit before I go ahead and blaze this: I want to say, to be honest, the creation of comic was initially motivated almost entirely by the isolation/loneliness I’ve felt in my life. It’s not as bad as some folks’ and I know that, but it is a really prevalent thread throughout my life and sometimes is almost unbearable, and my comic began as an exploration of that loneliness, as well as a narrative exercise to try and express the depth of it at its worst point. I’m putting this out here because ultimately I don’t know...maybe someone will catch my drift and understand the feeling I’m trying to illustrate, and maybe they’ll want to see the plot that came of those feelings. I am not above the need to feel seen lol, especially if other people out there feel like they can resonate with this experience as well.
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autismprotocol · 2 months
TMAG Theory Board Update (EP 11-12)
Hi guys sorry about the late posting I've just started a new quarter of college and its been pretty hectic. also got into my school design BFA program so pretty stoked about that! Anyways lets get into the Episode Breakdowns because even though not a lot of lore related things happened I still have a lot to talk about
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For the breakdown I'll separate each by episode in sequential order
What Happened in Episode 11: Marked
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Celias Rude Awakening- we jump right into the weirdness straight away with Celia waking up on the side of the interstate. she indicates that this is not a weird occurrence and ends the scene by telling someone named Jack that she's "on her way." If you remember episode 8 after Celia and Sam talk to Gerry and Gertrude, she mentions stuff about wanting help with her own mystery. When Sam asks about it she says she's looking into Time travel, other dimentions and teleportation. Many people have theorized that maybe Celia is just a super heavy sleepwalker, but I think the she teleports random places out of nowhere. This could be a side effect of her reality hopping if this Celia is originally from The archives universe.
As for the identity of Jack I'm not quite sure about that yet. I cross referenced the name Jack with past episodes of TMA. The only thing that came up was Jack Barnabas from the statement about dating Agnes Montague (aka an avatar of the desolation and Jesus-like figure for the cult of the lightless flame) So Unless Celia is secretly Agnes of Agnes reincarnated , I can't find any way to link Barnabas to Celia. (if anyone has a theory feel free to send it my way.)
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Sam Lore- this one is pretty minor story-wise but I thought it was interesting. Before the statement for the episode is presented we get some classic Sam and Alice Banter ™ most of it is pretty lighthearted but I noticed Sam mention something that could indicate he might be an amputee.
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These could not mean anything and I find it weird that it hasn't been mentioned until now but thought it was kind of cool and I will probably be drawing sam with a prothetic leg in the future cause I really like this head-canon. It also begs to question if he is missing a leg. it might have anything to do with his past as a Magnus institute test subject but then again could just be a fun character detail added by Jonny and/or Alex .
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The Statement- Getting into the statement we get another Ink5oul appearance. Also possible Ink5oul identifying as she/they. (and lets be honest being a fear avatar is pretty non binary core). I found this Episode gave me a feeling of a hybrid between the Vast, Buried and the Flesh some people are theorizing that is might be a new entity called the Deep but I think that the fear of the ocean could easily apply to the vast or buried. Not much to say about this story though pretty standard Magnus horror that also gave us a hint to what Ink5oul's goal could be/which entity they serve.
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Post Bonzo- Gwen has a debrief with Lena after her first Externals Liason assignment and her meeting with Mr. Bonzo. Undoubtedly Gwen is still pretty shaken from her encounter, even arriving late to work due to sleeplessness. Gwen is able to ask Lena a few questions mainly she wanted to know who's name was written on the letter given to Bonzo
Lena is largely unhelpful but tells Gwen she should have worked it out by now and if not to pay close attention to the case load for the next couple of days. before the latest episode my guess was Klaus because that is the only person mentioned so far that the OIAR intends to kill. but more on that later
Marked- Now were getting to my favorite thing about this episode. This episode title can have two meanings. The first is the more literal interpretation. Tattoos are marking of the body and the case this episode was all about tattoos so easily a good name would be marked. But I believe this is a red herring meant to misguide listeners who have not consumed all 200 episodes of TMA because if you know the world of Magnus Archives the term Marked takes on a entirely different meaning.
In TMA the term marked is used to indicate that somebody has been influenced by one or more or the fears and are one their way to becoming an Avatar. I think this could be a coded way to tell the audience someone in the OIAR has been marked. I have two potential candidates
Alice Dyer- Alice has been having dreams about the Institute after her and Sam's adventure into the ruins. also she mentions feeling like someone's watching her (common to people influenced or fed upon by the Ceaseless Watcher/The Eye) My guess if she is marked it would be by the Eye.
Gwendolyn Bouchard: Probably the most likely culprit. The main way an entitly tends to mark people is through encounters with other avatars. Gwen has just had an encounter with Mr Bonzo last episode who I strongly believe must be an avatar of some sort.
What Happened in Episode 12: Getting Off
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Aww Sam!!- Sam asked Celia out and it was adorably awkward. not much to say I just loved this interaction and I'm longing for a new Magnus brand office romance hopefully is wont be an agonizing slowburn that ends tragically like a certain pair of morons from Archives (I love you Jon and Martin but Jesus christ)
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It's Bonzo time bitches!!- Probably one of the most gruesome Magnus statement I've ever listened to (good work Alex) Mr Bonzo completely annihilated some poor dude at his bachelor party. Based on the date of the Incident the I can confidently say that whoever Baz (the groom) was he was our mystery person the OIAR sent Mr Bonzo to get rid of. Along with some of the bloodiest imagery we learned a few things about Bonzo. The most interesting detail is that Bonzo has to be summoned by playing his theme song I think the CD of his theme song acts somewhat like the tapes did in TMA by materialising out of nowhere. Also fun fact you know that torn seam that is right down Bonzo's middle? that is actually is his mouth lined with rows sharp teeth so I guess I know that now (so fun) Moral of the story dont f*ck with Mr. Bonzo
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Alice knows something: Theres been this recurring audio glitch throughout TMAGP thatnks to a few extremly observent fans we have started to relize that these glitches are not at all random and are actually letting the audience know when a character is lying (i actually reposted somones deepdive into all the istances of this glitch so far if you guys are intrested in knowing more) why i bring this up now is becuase since we know when any charater is lying we also know when they are being truthful if there is no glitch when they say somthing and at the end of this episode this interaction occurs
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Alice goes ahead and makes a joke about this to annoy Gwen but the fact theres no audio glitch when she says "I know" means she does actually know who is behind the OIAR and is activly refusing to share it with Gwen or the others. What do you know Alice!?
and that's about it im already loving these next batch of episodes and am so excited to learn more (ERROR has to show up somtime )
thanks to everyone who resonded the poll on the last update I will continue to include drawings into the breakdown even if it takes me a little bit of time to post. anyways I wrote this all in one sitting and I'm about ready to pass out so thanks again and the ask box and comments are always open for discussion and theory crafting.
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enigma2meagain · 1 year
“Stop Internet Censorship” Master List
The following is a master list for all of the major Internet Censorship and Surveillance Bills between 2022 to 2023, with the most major bills that are currently active posted below. They will each link to the Tumblr posts that I have made in the past related to them, with all of the relevant information associated.
This was made because I feel people need to get a sense for just how interconnected they really are, how much Congress and third parties are trying to desperately gain full control and access to our information and silencing anything they don’t want to see and hear, and having a centralized hub of information for them will make it easier for people to find them.
The Major Bills:
EARN IT Act: 2022 version of EARN IT Act
                      2023 version of EARN IT Act (No text yet, but it’s pretending to be about preventing child abuse online this time)
     Enigma2Me Post on EARN IT Act
     fullhalalalchemist Post on EARN IT
     Condemnation of the EARN IT Act 2020 Coalition Letter
     Engadget: EARN IT Act reintroduced for the Third Time
Kids Online Safety Act: Current Draft of 2023 KOSA bill
     Enigma2Me Post on Kids Online Safety Act
     STOP KOSA LinkTree
RESTRICT Act: Read Bill Here.
       Enigma2Me Post On RESTRICT Act
      LoganGalbraith’s Post on RESTRICT Act
       Truthout Article 4/02/2023: Restrict Act Critics Call the Far-Reaching “TikTok Ban” Bill a “Patriot Act 2.0”  
      Electronic Frontier Foundation: Take Action on STOP CSAM/EARN IT
      TechDirt Post Against STOP CSAM Act
So if you’ve seen the above, you’re probably asking: What can we do about it?
1) Spread the Word online!
Twitter Hashtags
For Earn It: #EARNITAct, #STOPTheEARNITAct, #NoEarnItAct
For KOSA: #KOSA, #KidsOnlineSafetyAct, STOPKOSA
2) PLEASE call your Senators.
Find your 2 senators numbers here. Fax them, email them. Tell them they MUST oppose this bill. Calmly make it clear to them that if they support this bill, then you will vote for someone else who doesn’t go along with this blatant act of authoritarian intent.
3) CONTACT any major human rights and cybersecurity related organizations and let them know about this bill. Get this out to any local news groups that you can.
The following Google Doc contains a list of every major organization we could think of to contact, and will be updated as we find more allies in the fight against censorship and surveillance.
Also Contact the organizations on these 2020 letters to get them to publicly speak out against the EARN IT Act like they did back then.
But for those who want to have official organizations to work with (and who usually have petitions except TechDirt), the following usually are up to date on info:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Fight For the Future
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pooce-art · 11 months
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This is today's 123 Rhodes Island translation! This time it's Rangers! kinda another semi-unpopular opp today also :/
Today TL notes wise it's kind of uninteresting, most of the stuff can be translated pretty literally and give a pretty accurate meaning.
The most interesting thing is the 噔 SFX and 惊醒. they both appeared before, I just didn't really talk about it. 噔 just means "the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground" I used it before literally but in this case its more like *Vine boom* for the case of 惊醒 it means to wake up, but it's more like a suddenly waking up from a bad dream or situation.
Other than that the interesting things are like how Rangers calls himself "老夫“ which is a pronoun used by men over 70, and me translating 正好 as "you're just in time" while it can mean like "just" as in just right it can also mean "just in time" by itself, and I felt like that made more sense in this situation.
But this comic is actually special in a different way, as it's the last 123 Rhodes missing if you solely look at global content. Tomorrow is from the CN executor event. So now I started to think about what to translate when I catch up to the comics. I noticed that the A-1 reserve manga is still about half untranslated so I might translate that next
If that happens It might be a long while until you get an update after I finish 123 Rhodes, since they're a lot more complicated words wise , 31 pages long each and I'll also be trying to learn to typeset in gimp(cus I'm a cheap idiot)
But that's for the future and as always, feel free to tell me any issues, this is just for practice, and feel free to use my TLs or to post them elsewhere as long as you credit me.
Link to OG comic :https://terra-historicus.hypergryph.com/comic/6253/episode/3173
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
i have been doing cpn posts here and there about wyb’s alleged song list and here is another one. i’m just gonna name it wyb’s playlist cpn from now on. so the explanation is, some people know wyb’s personal qq music account so if you follow him you can see what he has been listening to. i am not really familiar with the app so idk how the settings work if he can hide some. no one is saying how they found out about the account, which makes sense for privacy. in a similar way that some fans know zz/wyb’s gaming account till now. feel free to not believe it cause i understand that things like this can be sus & people on the internet tend to lie.
for me personally tho, i love this cause i think music really speaks of what someone is feeling. and you have wyb who is not exactly big on social media so we rarely know anything. aside from his now extensive movie list, his playlist is something that is interesting too. not necessarily cpn-wise all the time.
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this post will cover golden hour & some recent eason chan tracks added. 🎶🎵
The first one is GOLDEN HOUR which was used in ZZ’s vlog in Milan. It was a pretty popular song back then but it became more know because of ZZ’s post and even the singer reacted to it. Since then, it’s been a favorite among BXGs considering the meaning of it too.
This is what WYB’s playlist looked like on 3/28/23 People who follow said he hasn’t updated it for a week and then suddenly this track is added in. A piano version of Golden Hour. They say WYB usually adds relaxing music like piano tracks and some of nature, but not often. So it’s interesting how this one was added. At the time, they just don’t know the relevance. ( this screenshot was taken 00:38 3/29 but it has been this way since 3/28 )
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and um hello to the rihanna songs! he is such a fanboy! as he should. and also kendrick! 👋🏼
then XZS posts the vlog with that BGM the next day.
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dude, what are the chances. these vlogs are edited real time, we know that xzs team were working hard to feed content so the song must have been decided then and there. wyb listening to that the day before, next day it’s the BGM for ZZ’s vlog? i’m just thinking about ZZ sending it to him first to watch then WYB decided to add the song to his playlist. Or maybe they have already been lovin it and decided to use it on ZZ’s vlog.
so sweet!!!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹
the most recent one is this updated 2/13 ( the 3rd track i blurred sung by faye wong, i already talked about here ) :
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The first one is this song ⬇️⬇️⬇️ which is about accompanying someone as a form of love. and isn’t that so them? it’s a known message that they both believe in, accompanying that person is a way of showing your love. screenshot 1 is from YT of a native speaker translating the title and that’s the one i’m going with.
also, sorry but i’m linking R1SE’s cover of the song cause it’s beautiful. 🫶🏼
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AND THESE LINES! WYB is such a romantic! I cannot! It’s so him! Someone who will like and love this one thing and will stick to it till the end. 🥹
Accompanying you to turn loneliness into bravery
I lost again and again, I didn’t leave
Accompanying is the longest love confession
How long is the future
Stay with you until the story is finished
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This is the second one, cloudy day. Which he was also allegedly listening to back in 3/2022 when he was filming and they haven’t seen each other for month.
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What does the sky look like
What is love like
Several clouds forgot where to go on a cloudy day
Missing and loneliness
Blowed into the left ear
Maybe I can’t remember, but I can’t forget the time
That secret happiness
What to say to the cloudy day
From what i can gather, it’s about thinking of love and the good things even if it’s a cloudy day. Usually it must feel sad, but this person still chooses to see the good in it. Again, this is so WYB. He sees it and does not mope, he remembers the blue sky and white clouds instead.
Eason Chan is a famous singer that a lot of people listen to so i know that WYB is not the only person in China who probably has one of his songs on his playlist. Compared to Golden Hour which was unusual and the timing being sus. However for this, the fact that it’s added close to Valentines Day? Is this what he is feeling? So freakin in love! ♥️🥹
Anyway, I hope they had fun with the time they had together last CNY break ( allegedly ) and that their love endures & flourishes in the years to come! 🫶🏼
sources: one // two
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azurecrystalz · 1 year
A Guide to Reading Crazy:B Stories!!
A quick note: I won't be linking any stories for the sake of the fact that this is meant to be a guide not a directory. However, if there is something on this list you can't find anywhere and want translated, please don't hesitate to drop an ask and I'll consider it !! Last Updated: Launch Day (1-24-2023)
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I'll be making edits to this frequently if any suggestions + new stories come up !! I also invite other unit producers to make their own story guides and I can maybe host a guide masterlist so that anyone can reference it!!
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Things to Know Before Reading This Guide
This is going to be an ongoing post that will be updated frequently, so if there's any errors, questions, suggestions, concerns, etc drop an ask/dm on here/twitter !! For the time being, I'll leave Double Face sort of out of this until I compile information about them. Please do not repost this guide anywhere. You can link it in whatever you'd like and share it with your friends but don't repost it please and thanks.
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Getting to Know Crazy:B
The Importance of the Main Story: A majority of Crazy:B’s content lies in the main story. I highly recommend, before reading any Crazy:B story, to read the main story first. The main story not only gives you an idea of who each character is, but it also gives you insight on how existing characters think of them and hints at multiple things that still need to be elaborated on in future events. Plus, most Crazy:B stories go back and reference “MDM”, which is like it’s own arc in the main story that has a huge impact on the characterization of Crazy:B (both individually and as a whole). It’s available on the English Enstars server, please try to read it if you get the chance. It’s not like a requirement to read it, but you’d be missing out on references and characterization if you don’t.
Rinne Idol Story 3: If for any reason you can’t read the main story, this is a good story to start. It’s a very basic, one-chapter story that includes all four members of Crazy:B and it introduces them and their dynamics on a semi-basic level. Nothing is explained here but the story brings up enough unexplained points that make you curious enough to learn more.
Reading the First Idol Story of Each Member: If you can't read the Rinne Idol Story since you haven't unlocked it or something, read the basic introduction idol stories. Every idol in the game has one and it gives you a feel for their personalities on a basic level. Crazy:B has the advantage of having theirs voiced too. So, if all else is no good, start there.
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Specific Pair Dynamics:
The following explains what stories to read when looking for development between two specific characters:
Bold indicates major development, italics indicates semi-major development, and no edit indicates very brief but still important development
Rinne + Niki: Hot Limit, Sweets Hunter, A Cup's Worth By Yourself, Niki Idol Story 2
Rinne + HiMERU: Nightclub, The "Runrun" Calamity, Prerequisites for a Win
Rinne + Kohaku: Sudden Death, Honeybee
HiMERU + Niki: Ariadne, Lucky SCRAMBLE
HiMERU + Kohaku: Honeybee, Romantic? Date, HiMERU Idol Story 2
Stories that hint at Kaname: Obbligato, Past, Present, And..., Ariadne, Roaring Sea Marina, A Pursuit in Plain Sight, HiMERU Idol Story 2
Niki + Kohaku: Spider, Secret Service, Kohaku Idol Story 2
Rinne + Crazy:B as a whole: The Bee's Knees, A New Game making the Rounds
HiMERU + Crazy:B as a whole: Ariadne, Romantic? Date, Lucky SCRAMBLE
Kohaku + Crazy:B as a whole: Spider, Honeybee, A Spring Evening's Respite, Sakura Sakura
Niki + Crazy:B as a whole: Hot Limit
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Specific Members:
The following explains what stories to read when looking for development of a specific character:
Bold indicates major development, italics indicates semi-major development, non-edited indicates very brief but still important development. It is not recommended to read the ones marked with ** immediately.
Rinne: Main Story, Nightclub, AOSOBI
HiMERU: Obbligato**, Ariadne, Past, Present, And..., HiMERU Idol Story 3
Niki: Hot Limit
Kohaku: Sudden Death**, Spider, Honeybee
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Fun Stories
Not everyone wants to read 42 chapters of a Reminiscence story, or sometimes you’re in the mood for something silly. The following is a list of lighter stories for each member that aren’t too heavy on the feels. These stories can either be from cards belonging to them or stories they appear in.
HiMERU: Lucky SCRAMBLE, The Principles of Sex Appeal
Niki: Sweet Sweet Hunger, Sweets Hunter, Sweets Box
Kohaku: Spider, Fruitful October, Storm Cloud FUMBLE, Lullaby
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Lore Heavy Stories
The following explains the stories to read if you want full background closure on a specific member, meaning you want a story that explains a large part of their individual origins. These are more informational (and emotionally heavy) stories that need not only a good grasp on the member themselves to understand, but other characters in relationship to them as well.
Rinne: Select sections of Main Story
HiMERU: Obbligato
Niki: N/A
Kohaku: Sudden Death
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Other Story Appearances
This is a list that contains idol stories that Crazy:B members make appearances in. The card and story don't belong to them but they still have dialogue in it.
Return Trip Service (Yuuta 3* Featuring Rinne)
The Principles of Sex Appeal (Jun 3* Featuring HiMERU)
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Other Units Interacted With
2wink: Nightclub, A Spring Evening's Respite, Love Letter, FUSION Unit Collection 07 Live Story
Knights: Sudden Death
Most, if not all other units: Main Story
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Stories Not Yet Sorted into the Guide
As far as my knowledge goes, the stories I haven't included featuring any of the four members are: Decadence, White Tiger, Nighthead (Shuffle) , Butlers (Shuffle) , A-Z (Shuffle) , Black Snow (Shuffle), Bankara, Chill Yellow, Easter (Shuffle)
Thanks for reading!! If there's anything missing from this that you'd like to suggest, please don't hesitate to ask!!
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tgmsunmontue · 7 months
WIP FIC List - pinned post
All completed fics can be found at: ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN, however if you prefer an up-to-date list you can visit this Tumblr post, as it lists all my TG/TG:M fics and links to both AO3 and the first Tumblr post for that fic.
*ACTIVE WIPS - (updating at least once a week)
Online and Anonymous - 10/16 - WIP - Hangster who are anonymous Grindr buddies for YEARS, but then 'decide' to meet. (Tumblr post)
Sagas of Solitude 7/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby Bradley Bradshaw who has to keep his relationship with Mav and Ice a secret when he starts at the USNA. Featuring married Ice and Mav (but not to each other). Prologue He Remembers and Lonely Nights are both set in this verse.
*Active WIPs, versus WIPs listed below - more writing time and energy is spent working on the above, while the below are fics I work on sporadically (or in the weekends).
A) Hangster Elves/Dragon Rider AU
B) Bradshaw Twins - chaptered fic following a Hangster one night stand. (Tumblr post)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 2/? - Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
G) Celebrity Chef Bradley. Heading into this little world.
H) From the top 1/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together. AU divergent ish.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 3/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
J) Barista Jake? Fleshing this out into a proper length fic? (HERE)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 4/?Transformers cross-over for help me @yeagrave is 110% to blame for me adding this... (related to this post)
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yeehaww-sims · 2 years
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Happy belated pride month everyone! I had intended to have this done during June, but ended up getting busy and having to delay it a bit. Better late than never!! I present: The biggest CC project I’ve done so far.
BGC, 3 .package versions
Merged, unmerged, and 500 swatch version. Note that the 500 swatch version has some issues and will not be maintained.
There’s also a file labeled REQUESTS, this is for flag requests I get in the future, and is an optional download.
500 swatches, including remakes and variations/alternatives.
I realize this is a LOT of flags. It’s a lot for me to even remember. Feel free to remove swatches you’re not going to use, the original will always remain up if you want any back!
This is NOT an override, it’s a separate object
In BB it’s separated into 5 different objects, 100 swatches each.
75-79 Simoleons, to keep them in order, in the Wall Decorations, Paintings & Posters, and Outdoor Wall Decoration Categories
The CC wrench icon covers up some flag names in the thumbnails, and I didn’t realize this until I finished all 500, and I don’t want to do them all again. An image is included in the folder to help with this, and you can find CC wrench icon replacers HERE: [x] [x] [x] [x]
Don’t claim it as your own, and please feel free to tag me if you use it!
Most textures were sourced from Pride-Flags Deviant art, LGBTA Wiki, Tumblr, Twitter, or google search. Most flags will have the term definitions/sources linked.
Don’t download this if you’re a T[SW]ERF/Queerphobe/Bigot or anything like that, fuck you.
[ @maxismatchccworld @ts4pride @emilyccfinds @mmfinds @sssvitlanz ]
Below is a list of every flag I’ve included, as well as the download link, just in case it needs to be edited/updated in the future. A recolor file is included in the zip. Other information and term sources are also below.
NOTE: IF LINKS ARE NOT WORKING/SHOWING UP ON MY BLOG, OPEN THE PAGE IN THE DASHBOARD. You can do this by clicking the Eye icon in the top right corner of my blog. I don’t know why it’s happening either. This will also show all the links to all the flag’s sources/definitions.
Or just copy/paste the link: https://simfileshare.net/folder/165549/ https://www.mediafire.com/folder/w14lc3zrc46zw/Pride_Flags_v2
See also: Original 83 swatch post [HERE] 103 swatch update post [HERE] Pride Hoodies [HERE] Pronoun Hoodies [HERE]
And if you would like a flag added: Flag Requests
DISCLAIMER: I will not be taking any flags/terms out. Some flags included are reclaimed, uncensored slurs that people genuinely, in good faith, are and identify as. These include D-ke [y], f-gg-t [a,o], F-mb-y [e,o], and Q---r [uee]. There are also some “controversial” flags/indentities, such as Bi Lesbian and similar terms. I personally support these terms, and any good faith identity. As well as this, a couple of the flags included are by creators who are absolutely terrible people, such as the person who made the original bigender flag and the lipstick lesbian flag, among a few others. I chose to include these still for many reasons, one being some people still choose to use these flags for many non-bigoted, often reclaimed, reasons. Another being for gameplay that takes place in specific times, those flags are the ones that would’ve been used then. I am aware of the history of these flags, I respect the people that choose to use/reclaim them, and hope that you understand this decision. Some flags were also added for occult sims, along with being real terms. I just thought they were fun. I am nonbinary, and self-describe as an inclusionist, so if you don’t care for/disagree with a term, just delete it from the file. I do not care, I will not be involved in any discourse, and if you message me about it, I will just ignore you. Please respect my boundaries. Thank you. 🧡🧡🧡
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Top row: 🏳‍🌈 Rainbow, Original Gilbert Baker, Gilbert Baker’s Diversity Flag, Philly Pride, Progress Pride, Gilbert Baker Progress flag, QPOC Pride, Gay Anarchy, Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism
Bottom row: Gay & Jewish, Gay & Muslim, Gay & Pagan, Gay & Christian, Gay & Hindu, Gay & Sikh, Gay & Buddhist, Gay & Confucianism, Gay & Shinto, Gay & Taoism [Note: I ended up making all the religious gay flags except for Pagan and Buddhist, if anyone would like a full version of them let me know!]
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Top row: Gay & Druidism, COEXIST, Rainbow Love, Gay Furry, Abinary, Abrogender, Abrosexual, Aceflux x2, Asexual Spectrum
Bottom row: Achillean, AegoAroAce x2 [x] [x], Aegoromantic, Aegosexual, Aemotional, Aesthetigender, Agender, Agenderflux/Librafluid, Aliengender
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Top row: Aliengender, AlloAce, AlloAro, Altersex, Amatopunk, Ambiamorous, Analterous, Anarchogender x2, Androgynous
Bottom Row: Angeligender x2, Angenital, Angled AroAce, Anthetic, Apagender/Gender Apathetic [originally requested by @maddylena13​], Aphysical, Aplatonic x2, Aponian
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Top row: Aporagender, Apothiromantic, Apothisexual, AroAce, AroAce Spectrum x2, Aroflux x2, Aromantic, Aromantic Spectrum
Bottom Row: Asensual, Asexual, Aurorasexual/Genderfluid Lesbian, Aurorian, Autiace, Autiaro, Autigender, Autisexual, Bear Brotherhood, Bellusromantic
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Top row: Bellussexual, Bi Gay, Bigender x3, Bi Lesbian x2 [x] [x], Bisexual, Boyflux, Buggender
Bottom Row: Bungender x2, Bunnygender x2, Butch, Butch Lesbian, Caedromantic, Caedsexual, Calypsian, Cassgender
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Top row: Catgender x4, requested by @fridgethesimmer​, Halloween Catgender x2, requested by @darkheartthestccat​, Ceterosexual x2, Cinthean, Cisn’t
Bottom row: Cupioromantic, Cupiosexual, Daimogender, Demialterous, Demi-Bi, Demiboy, Demiflux, Demi-Gay, Demigender/Deminonbinary, Demigirl
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Top row: Demi-Omni, Demi-Pan, Demiplatonic, Demi-Ply, Demiromantic, Demisensual, Demisexual, Demiromantic, Doggender x2
Bottom Row: Doggender x4, Dollboy x2, Dollgender x3 Drag Community
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Top row: Drag Community, Dreadromantic x2, Dyke, Eclipsian, Enbian, Enboric, Ethical Non-Monogamy/ENM, Fa’afafine, Faegender
Bottom row: Faggot, Faunagender x2, Faygender, Femaric, Femboy, Feminamoric, Floragender x3
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Top row: Fluidflux x2, Frayromantic, Fraysexual, Futch x3 [x] [x] [x], Gai, Galaxian, Gay Man/MLM
Bottom row: Gay Man/MLM, Gay Man Double Mars, Gay Man by Pequodz x2, Gay Man by Sleepygender [both requested by anonymous], It/Its gay x2 [x] [The second was made by a user called magiciansrabbit, but it appears they have deactivated and I no longer can find the source], Neopronoun Gay, She/Her gay x2 [x] [x]
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Top row: They/them gay, [pronouns & gay flags requested by anonymous] GENDERANARCHY x6, Genderfae, Genderfaun, Genderflor
Bottom row: Genderfluid, Genderflux, Genderfrith, Genderfruct, Gender Hoarder, Genderless, GenderNH/Gender Non-Human, Genderpunk x2, Genderqueer
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Top row: Gendersatyr, Genderselkie, Gendersylph, Gendervoid x5, Ghostgender x2 [I cannot for the life of me find the source for this one] [x]
Bottom row: Ghostgender x2 [Again, I cannot find the proper source for this one] [x], Ghostgender [the other definition], Girlflux, Gender Non-Conforming/GNC, Greygender, Greyromantic, Greysexual, Heartless Aromantic, Heteroflexible
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Top row: Hijra x2 [x] [x], Homoflexible, Intergender x2, Intersex x2, Juparian x2, Juxera
Bottom row: Juxera, Kenochoric, Kingender, Lavender Boy, Leather Community, Lesbian x5 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [APL’s originally requested by anonymous]
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Top row: Labrys Lesbian x2, Trans Labrys Lesbian x2, Lesbian Double Venus, Lesbian Anarchist, He/Him Lesbian x4
Bottom row: It/Its Lesbian x4, Neopronoun Lesbian x2, They/Them Lesbian x4 [pronouns & gay flags requested by anonymous]
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Top row: Lesboy, Librafeminine, Libramasculine, Libranonbinary, Lithosexual, Loveless Aromantic x2 [x] [x], Loveloose Aromantic, Lovequeer, Lunagender
Bottom row: Lunagender, Lunarian x2, Lunettian x2, Magicgender x2, apparently mislabeled in their thumbnails oops [x] [x], Māhū, Marsic, Mascic
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Top row: Maverique, Mercurian x2, Mergender x2, Mermaidgender x3 [x] [x], MOGAI, Moobloomio [requested by @fridgethesimmer​]
Bottom row: Moobloomgender x2 [requested by @fridgethesimmer​], Moongender x3, Multisexual Spectrum/M-Spec, M-Spec Gay, M-Spec Lesbian, Multigender, Multisexual
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Top row: Muxe, Nebularian, Nebularomantic, Nebulasexual, Neptunian, Neptunic, Neurogender, Neutric, Neutrois, Non-SAM Aromantic
Bottom row: Nonbinary, Nonbinary Boy, Nonbinary Girl, Novarian, Nuumian, Objectum Sexual, Obligender, Omnisexual, Omni Gay, Omni Lesbian
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Top row: Orchidromantic, Orchidsexual, Oriented Aroace, Pan Gay, Pan Lesbian x2 [x] [x], Panromantic, Pangender, Paraboy
Bottom row: Paragender, Paragirl, Paranonbinary, Plantgender x4 [x] [x], Plato-Ambivalent, Plato-Indifferent, Plato-Negative
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Top row: Plato-Positive, Polyamorous Relationship Collector, Polyamorous x5 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x], Polygender, Polysexual, Ply Gay
Bottom row: Ply Lesbian x2 [x] [x], Pomogender, Pomoromantic, Pomosexual x2, Proxvir x2, Pupgender x2
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Top row: Pupgender x2, Queer Anarchy, Queer x2 [chevrons originally requested by anonymous], Queerplatonic x2 [x] [x], Questioning, Quoiromantic, Quoisexual
Bottom row: Quoigender, Relationship Anarchy x3, Robotgender x4, [x] [x] [x] Robotogender x2
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Top row: Romance-Ambivalent, Romance-Indifferent, Romance-Negative, Romance-Positive, Roseromantic, Rosesexual, Dual Rose, Sapphillean x2, Sapphic
Bottom row: Saturnic, Sex-Ambivalent, Sex-Indifferent, Sex-Negative, Sex-Positive, Singualarian, Solarian x2, Solaric, Sonnian
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Top row: Spacialian, Stargender x2, Stellarian x2, Stellaric, Straight Gay x3 [x] [x], Straight Lesbian
Bottom row: Straight Lesbian, Strayt, Sungender x2, Systemfluid, T4T/Trans for Trans, Technosexual x2 [x] [x], Term Collector, Terraric
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Top row: Torensexual, Toric, Therian, Tomboy, Transgender, Trans Man, Trans Woman, Transandrogynous, Transaporine, Transfeminine
Bottom row: Transfeminine, Transfemme Gay, Trans Gay x5 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [requested by anonymous], TransHet, Trans Lesbian x2 [x] [x] [requested by anonymous]
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Top row: Trans Lesbian x3 [x] [x] [x] [requested by anonymous], Transmasculine x2, Transmasc Gay, TransNeuFem x2, TransNeuMasc x2
Bottom row: Transneutral AFAB, Transneutral AMAB, Transneutral x2, Transoutherine, Transxenine, Black & Trans, Trigender, Trixensexual, Trixic
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Top row: Twink, Two-Spirit x5 [x] [x] [x] [x] [x], Unlabeled x2, Unlabeled Gender, Uranic
Bottom row: Vampiregender x7 [x] [x] [x], Venusian x2, Venusic
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Top row: Viramoric, Voidpunk, Voidrian, Warlockgender, Weregender x2, Werewolfgender x3 [x] [x], Witchgender
Bottom row: Witchgender, Wizardgender x3 [x] [x], Xenic, Xenogender x3 [x] [x] [x], Xyric, Zodiacgender
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kay-elle-cee · 3 months
Thank you for the tag @aidanchaser, this is really neat and I don't think I've seen this tag before!
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you're looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
(Alrighty, so we know my main focus for the foreseeable future are my 2 AUs, but I'll throw in some smaller fics that might get worked on here and there)
In Search of Something More — Regency Jily AU, strangers-to-married-to-lovers.
in the latter days (working title) — This is my first war AU fic. I believe I've been pretty tight lipped about it as far as plot goes, and want to keep it that way until I'm 100% certain I actually like it (lol) but I will divulge the fact that the Order fractures.
restless waves-verse Microfics/oneshots (Pirate Jily)
Post-Dead Man's Chest Willabeth angst (POTC, not Jily)
Currently untitled Alight With Happiness fest fic for day 3, Thrice Defied, featuring a Jily wedding of sorts.
Upcoming Scenes and Details
I'm really excited to write the small ways in which James and Lily start getting closer and get to actually know one another though they're already married.
I have a fight I'm really excited to write. It's an argument that gets really nasty and does end with tears and you know I'm rubbing my hands together greedily.
Look I'm SO EXCITED to get to baby Harry in this universe, but I also really want to circle back and write Lily and James' first I love you moment because it's been VERY CLEAR in my head since I outlined the original story.
I have most of this written, but I'm excited to look at it with fresh eyes and really dial up the angst with misunderstanding.
Hi hello I am so ready to write Lily fighting Death Eaters while wearing a billowy-sleeved wedding gown you don't even KNOW. It's been in my head as a single image for about 18 months now and it's finally HAPPENING.
Tagging @charmsandtealeaves @jfleamont @nodirectionhome-ao3 @isahorcrux @athenasparrow @eastwindmlk @tinyluminaryzombie @jamesunderwater @annabtg @alittlebitofeverything23
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vintagetvstars · 3 months
Hello and welcome to the Hot Vintage TV Stars Bracket! We will be splitting things off into two tournaments, a women’s and a men’s tournament.
We are starting off with the Hot Vintage TV Women’s Bracket!
The Semifinals of the Hot Vintage TV Women’s Bracket begins on Thursday, June 13th!
Here’s a link to a master list of all the polls so far: Hot Vintage TV Ladies - Master Poll List
Want to check who is still in the running for Prime Time and who has been banished to the Graveyard Slot? Check out these two lists to see where your fav ended up: Prime Time Contenders and Graveyard Girlies They’ll be updated daily as polls go down.
We are now accepting propaganda for later rounds! Here is the link for submitting additional propaganda to be added to future rounds: Additional Propaganda Form
We are now accepting additional propaganda! To send in additional propaganda for the current round please send in an ask with it attached or tag me in a post you’d like reblogged.
Tags we use:
#breaking news - Important updates
#today’s news - Smaller updates
#station letters - Answered Asks
#tv ladies semifinals - Current Rounds tag
#propaganda - Additional Propaganda (Also tagged with relevant actor/actress)
#tv ladies 1 / #tv ladies 2 / #tv ladies 3 / #tv ladies 4 / # tv ladies quarter finals - Past Rounds tag
There are two of us now! I, Mod vintage started this blog and write most of the text posts you’ll see. Mod Violet joined early on to help keep polls running smoothly behind the scenes. We’ll both start answering asks from now on and will sign our replies accordingly.
PSA: If I see you being repeatedly rude in the comments/tags/reblogs/asks you will get blocked. Please try to stay civil and polite! This tournament is all in the spirit of fun and a celebration of some of tumblrs fav vintage tv stars.
Q: What is Vintage?
A: The term Vintage has many definitions but for the purposes of this tournament we are using the definition that defines vintage as being at least 20 years old but less than 100 years old. Here is an excellent article explaining how this term and similar terms are defined by collectors and historians: What's the Difference Between Antique and Vintage? Experts Weigh In
Q: Why 1950 - 2004?
A: It’s hard to put an exact date on when television became widely used and popular but by 1950 it certainly had so we used that as a general start date. 2004 is the latest anything can currently be considered vintage.
Q: Why are performers that are still working or shows that continued after the cut off in this tournament?
A: This tournament is meant as a fun celebration of some of tumblrs favorite attractive performers and the vintage tv shows they performed in. We aren’t celebrating the whole careers of anyone or even the entirety of the shows they were on. We’re celebrating them from a specific moment in their career. As long as a show aired partially within our timeframe we are happy to celebrate their time on it during the seasons of it that would be considered vintage.
Q: How did you pick the match ups?
A: Match ups were picked by hand based on what data was available for each round and paired to try and balance things by giving each performer a reasonable chance whenever possible. A team of two of us sit down and plan out each pairing before getting feedback from fellow vintage tv enthusiasts and adjusting as needed. We know things won’t be perfect but we hope the tournament as a whole is fun and exciting for you!
Q: Where do the poll pics and propaganda come from?
A: All the pictures and propaganda used in the tournament are provided by fellow tumblr users who submitted it before the tournament began. None of the propaganda comes from me or reflects my opinions as I don’t want to sway the vote (though I’m happy to share my hot takes at the conclusion of each tournament). If you’d like to submit additional propaganda there are instructions on how to do so earlier in this pinned post.
Q: When does the Men’s tournament start or when are you taking submissions for it?
A: We will begin taking submissions for the Men’s tournament as soon as the Women’s tournament concludes. Then after a few weeks of submissions we’ll start the Men’s tournament. I’ll be sure to update with an exact date as soon as it has been determined. For now please enjoy the Hot Vintage TV Ladies Tournament!
Submission rules below the cut
Submission Rules:
Only stars in TV shows that aired between 1950 and 2004 are considered sufficiently vintage and therefore eligible.
Stars have to have been either a lead in a show or successfully arguably leading material (as an example someone who was never a lead but had many reoccurring guest star spots). If their name shows up in the opening credits they are probably eligible.
Stars that are primarily known for playing themselves in reality based and nonfiction shows are not eligible. This poll is about celebrating hot actors and actresses and while I’m sure there are plenty of attractive reality tv stars, news anchors, show hosts, and documentary subjects out there, that feels like a very different genre so they will unfortunately be excluded from this bracket.
Only live action TV stars are eligible. I love cartoons and vocal performances but this is focused on who is the hottest so we need to actually see them on screen to be eligible. If the star also did voice work please only include their live action performances for propaganda. Yes, this does exclude the muppets (but if enough of you really want to vote on who is the hottest muppet we can do that for a future poll).
I hope this doesn’t need to be said but please submit only human performers over the age of 18. If they started work before becoming an adult please only include their work from when they became an adult for propaganda.
Propaganda must be from within our tournaments time period of 1950 to 2004. So please don’t send us any modern pictures as we won’t be able to use them. Same goes for propaganda that from before our tournament or propaganda that’s clearly from a stars movie career. Some theater stuff is allowed for purposes of showing off a stars singing talents but most will not be permitted.
For photo propaganda please limit yourself to no more than 5 photos per submission. I have to check and download everything myself and depending on how many submissions I get that could be quite a lot of work so I’m trying to keep things down to a reasonable number while still giving everyone a chance to show some variety in their submitted photos.
For video propaganda please try to keep things around 6 minutes in length or shorter. I plan to watch all submitted videos so I can try and label them with content warnings so keeping things shorter will let me get through them faster and get polls up quicker! Also we just want to see a lil snippet of what makes them so attractive, we can save watching their full performances for later as I hope this poll will introduce us all to many new tv shows to binge!
No negative propaganda please! This is about how hot these vintage TV stars are, not how good they were as a person. It’s fine to include aspects about their personal life in propaganda but please try to keep it mostly focused on why this makes them attractive as a person. I won’t be posting anything that is hateful or overly negative. Though you are certainly welcome to do your own research and judge them on their values and actions if you wish.
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aaabsinthe · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if it was okay to request sfw and nsfw headcanons for Hanzo with a female s/o? Maybe she likes to draw too? (sometimes him as well) Thank you in advance! Have a nice day 🍵
Hanzo x Female Reader Relationship Headcanons
Hey anon, of course! To be completely honest, I think Hanzo is one of the only characters I haven’t really had a chance to get a feel for writing for - as such please forgive me if the quality isn’t fantastic - I’m sure I’ll be writing a lot more for him in the future. PS, I'd definitely like to do one for a reader who draws as a separate post - keep your eye out for that one ;)
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SFW Headcanons
I feel like Hanzo is the kind of guy who needs to know someone really well before he even considers dating an option.
I’m talking friends for at least six months to a year before he even lets his guard down around you - the entire time before that, you only really see the tip of the iceberg of his personality and sense of humour, which really are what you fall in love with.
Hanzo is a long term commitment that requires a lot of patience and dedication. There was an embarrassing amount of unnoticed pining on your part for a while before the two of you finally got together.
The first few months were definitely rocky, Hanzo grew up in an unloving household and as a result, he never really had an example of what a healthy relationship should look like. All he really had was teachings from a young age that he would marry someone of his father’s choosing and that was that. There was no explanation of courting or most importantly, of love.
It’s all a learning experience for him and he’s eager to learn to ensure he is able to give you the best and only the best.
Honestly the plus side of this though is how loyal and gentle he is behind closed doors.
If he’s with you, he’s with you - mind, body and spirit.
Hanzo first tries to show his love the only way he knows with spontaneous gift giving. In the beginning his gifts seemed almost random - if you even offhandedly mention wanting or needing something, he's on to it.
Protective at times to a fault.
You come to learn with time that Hanzo's actions are never without an underlying reaction as he begins to open up to you about his past.
With enough compassion and patience, Hanzo eventually begins to drop these behaviours or at the very least checks himself when they happen and continues to work on them.
He definitely still needs you to update him on what you're up to if you're out and about for any reason without him - purely out of concern for you being safe without him present.
Eventually discovers his love language to be acts of service.
Absolutely frets over you when you are sick or injured.
I honestly headcanon Hanzo to be an amazing cook who likes his kitchen prepped and cleaned in a very particular way.
Can and will make you just about anything you ask for.
Loves self care for the both of you, especially together.
Hot baths and showers are his absolute favourite - so you can comb each other's hair - especially loves it if you trace his tattoo with your fingers when it's your turn.
Gives the best massages.
Hanzo is really uncomfortable with PDA and will pretty much never initiate.
If you need comfort or physical touch from him in public, the most he will be comfortable with is linking arms or hand holding. If you need any more from him than that, he will find somewhere private for the two of you.
In private is a different story though, he is incredibly touch starved.
Some part of him will always be touching you - most of the time intertwining legs or arms but on particularly hard days, he just needs to hold you even if that means waddling around with his arms linked around your waist.
Hanzo the clingy penguin.
NSFW Headcanons (18+)
Hanzo is the kind of guy who makes love, it's not 'sex' to him, it's something deeper and more spiritual.
Unfortunately for you, this means waiting a while for the first time between the two of you.
It was worth every second of waiting.
There's no denying that Hanzo is a dom pretty much 90% of the time.
There is a part of him that you can eventually ease out of hiding with enough trust and comfort where he actually discovers he loves being submissive every now and then.
He draws the line at pegging - it's just not happening.
However, his focus is always on you and your pleasure. If you need to be on top or in charge for that, he is more than happy to oblige.
This man worships the ground you walk on so obviously, praise and worship kinks big time.
Other than that, fairly vanilla unless you are particularly kinky.
Really the only kink he refuses to engage with is pain play. Seeing you in pain is the absolute opposite of what turns him on, not to mention it's just triggering for him in general inflicting pain on the people he cares about the most.
Communication is absolutely key with Hanzo.
Will not initiate anything without explicit consent, even rock hard and struggling to contain himself - explicit consent always.
Absolute god of foreplay and aftercare.
Your pleasure is so important to him, he needs you to communicate what you need and want.
He's blunt as a hammer with you, you're going to need to do the same no matter how awkward it is.
This man is weak for eye contact. Stare in to his eyes while you suck his dick and he physically twitches.
Throw literally everything to the wind however when he's feeling jealous and pissed off about it.
You can always tell you're in for it just by the fiery, blown out look in his eyes.
Of course he still asks for explicit consent, with significantly less patience.
Will take you on any available surface.
Has broken very expensive china and vases purely because they dared to be in the way.
Expect to be bruised after he marks from the nape of your neck to your core.
If not from his tongue and lips, then from the absolutely bruising grip he inflicts on your hips whilst hoisting you up against a wall, bending you the kitchen counter.
Praises you for how well you take his cock whilst chanting "mine" like a mantra.
After he's had a chance to physically work through his jealousy, he won't let you out of his sight or arms for the rest of the night.
Lays the most gentle feather light kisses on each and every bruise.
Will carry you to the bathroom to make sure you pee before you pass out if necessary.
Provides breakfast in bed the morning after, all the way you like it.
247 notes · View notes