#i’m a sagittarius this makes so much sense ❤️
devoutlywished · 2 years
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middlenamesage · 4 months
Tumblr is VERY Piscean and I think it’s absolutely beautiful.
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Today I woke up thinking about how Tumblr has been the only website out there where I can share longer writings of mine and get them noticed and appreciated by merely including hashtags. The niche as a writer that I am falling into is extremely unconventional- it’s vulnerable personal accounts of my life, contextualized by astrology that naturally most want to come from me. And I am very grateful for anyone who resonates with my frequency and appreciates my messages, because I know I’m basically out here trauma dumping😂, and to happen across other people who are here for both that and astrology, is surely a rarity!
I was feeling grateful enough for Tumblr this morning to get the idea to look up when this site was launched. I was curious just what were the open-minded dynamics, so accepting of emotional vulnerability, that characterize Tumblr. To my pleasant surprise, Google informed me that Tumblr was launched at the very beginning of Pisces Season- meaning that it’s just about to have its birthday.
But that wasn’t all. Tumblr’s conception chart (with time unknown, but at least city known) is likely the most Piscean chart I have personally ever seen. 💖 Every single personal planet except Mars is in Pisces (and maybe it’s a good thing Mars didn’t join this party😂). All this Piscean energy seems to create a realm where I can find others as if I’m divinely guided by the Universal spirit which connects us all.
There’s vast yet connected territory here, because Pisces is the very undercurrent that runs through all of society. It’s the 12th and final sign, so it holds a little understanding of them all. 💧
Pisces holds so much power, it just holds it graciously. And often inconspicuously.
Pisces also explains why I was just realizing I see so many emojis included in informative astro Tumblr posts, compared to other sites. I’d been wondering if Cancer had a hand in this somehow (I myself am a Cancer Mercury, and please don’t ask me to not include emojis in my writing😂). But Pisces really makes a lot of sense too. Both Cancer and Pisces energy want to show expression in emotional terms… and emojis are so good for that. ❤️
And jeez, Tumblr still has relevance after seventeen years?! What other social media sites can you manage to say that about?? 🤔 This really shows the fluid and mutable ability of Pisces to adapt.
The Moon and Venus in Pisces in Tumblr’s conception chart really create an expression of Pisces energy that’s especially accepting and open to emotional vulnerability. And personally, they are trine my Moon in Scorpio, explaining even more why Tumblr-ites can stomach any sharing of my trauma. 😂 As if that wasn’t beautiful enough, the Pisces Sun in this chart is on my Pisces ascendant. No wonder I feel this is the only site I’ve so far found that gives me and my writing a place to shine. 🌞
Mercury retrograde in Pisces could be seen by some as indicative of a site where not the most comprehensively informative nor practical writing is shared. But I see it as indicative of a site where writing that makes people reflect on their emotions, grow their imagination, and even feel open to the web of Spirit connecting us all, is shared. I’ve long been fascinated and often admired a Mercury in “detriment” because it brings Jupiter’s realm up into Mercury’s realm; merging areas that can relate to the concepts of “left brain” and “right brain”, sometimes in amazing ways. And Mercury retrograde just gives us more opportunities for inward reflection. I love that posts can stay relevant here for ages, as we keep coming back to reflect upon them.
Jupiter is at home in Sagittarius in Tumblr’s profoundly Piscean conception chart, and aspecting some of those Pisces placements, so I think you can say this chart is extremely Jupiterian in every way. Personally, I’m so here for the expansive energy. 🏹 There are many ways to grow your philosophies hanging around on this site.
And I should mention that Uranus is also with the group of powerful forces for love and oneness hanging out in Pisces, because this is a revolution.
Thanks to the North Node also in Pisces in Tumblr’s chart, lending extra forward motion to this whole movement, I’d say exploring Jupiter territory, most colored by the loving, accepting, and spirit-recognizing side of Jupiter that is Pisces, is a perfectly appropriate direction for this site to only go deeper in.
Happy Birthday (tomorrow), Tumblr! Thanks for providing a meeting ground for beautiful, inclusive souls who can learn from each other.
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evangelinesbible · 2 years
- If Gemini was a smell it’d be a Granny Smith. (I mean that in a nice way)
- I’m sorry but the whole Pisces placements loves feet/ has cute feet thing ain’t it. First of all I’m literally bigfoot second of all if anyones foot is near me I will wreak havoc. I HATE FEET SM
- Leo, Libra, and Virgo placements start wearing regal colors (purple, blues and gold). Just do it.
- Soooooo my Apollo Asteroid conjuncts my North Node and POF in Taurus 9H, asteroid 1998 BU48 (Leo 12H) conjuncts my ASC (Virgo), asteroid Aura conjuncts my moon in the 4H, and I have no idea how to interpret it any of it. Lovely…
- Leo, Taurus, Virgo, Cancer,and Capricorn Venus’s are my fav don’t hate me
- y’all ever looked at your Venus return chart? Wild. Should I post about Venus returns?
- Sagittarius placements just don’t give a fuck. They’re hilarious in that way.
- Aries Lilith? I love you ❤️
- North Node in the MC persona chart is very interesting. A lot of celebrities have north node conjunct a planet or import asteroids in their charts or it’s in a fame degree
- Beyoncé - Cancer NN conjunct mercury
- Doja Cat - Libra NN conjunct Chiron
- Michael Jackson - Libra NN conjunct Juno
- Naomi Campbell - Aquarius NN conjunct Pallas (and it’s a 28°)
Marylin Monroe - Gemini NN 29°
Whitney Houston - Cancer NN 11° conjunct Fama in 10H
- Venus will be in my 1st house and conjunct my Jupiter in September and I’m ready for my glow up ✨
- being a Leo moon in my moon persona chart makes so much sense, maybe that’s why people think I’m a Leo when first meeting me idk 🤷🏽‍♀️
- Michael Jackson has mercury conjunct Uranus in Leo in his FAMA PC CHART and he is very recognized and remembered for his unique voice.
- Pallas conjunct Venus people = too artistic for your own good. Still very talented tho.
- MC with positive aspects/ conjunct to personal planets = fame indicator
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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camill45 · 1 year
trying to guess stray kids rising signs because i’m bored
(wrote a whole essay for hyunjins because his chart is to confusing) ALSO I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL. THIS IS JUST SOMETHING FUN I WANTED TO DO. also probably some grammar mistakes i’m sorry😪
bangchan- confirmed gemini rising!❤️it really comes out when he has to talk in award shows and or interviews because he’s always given me a very social person (i hope that makes sense)
lee know- confirmed gemini or scorpio rising (i feel like he’s more of a gemini rising) even though they are more know to be sociable (like i said for bangchan) i think his HEAVY SCORPIO PLACEMENTS makes him much more of a quiet person when it comes to meeting new people.
changbin-taurus rising. i know he gives off scorpio rising to a lot of people but he’s never given me the intense aura scorpios do (i mean you can usually tell when someone has scorpio placements in their chart) he’s always given me that very approachable, cancer like energy. which could come from his cancer mercury. so to go with that i would say taurus or maybe (very unlikely though) cancer rising.
hyunjin- okay. this is the one i keep going all over the place for. because, depending on the time. he could be a libra moon, and even more instead of a pisces sun, a aries sun. (if they do a fancall someone please ask him for his birth time 😪) i’m just going to say, i did consider him a taurus rising at one point but it just didn’t fit to me. he’s very hard working like one but i think it comes from his virgo moon. he doesn’t really give me a leo rising either. (i know his hair is a big thing but still, he’s never given me that. besides people talk about his hair more than he does himself.) personally, i think he’s a sagittarius rising or cancer rising. while i don’t think his midheaven is in virgo (he definitely has a fire sign mid heaven, but maybe it’s just the mars in aries, possible aries sun, or even the possible fire sign rising in him making me think that) i think he fits more of a cancer rising. his midheaven would be in aries which, to me makes more sense than virgo if he was a sagittarius rising. midheaven is usually all about career, so with his aries midheaven he’s very firery on stage, which is very true! also cancers are know for their rounder faces like the moon, (example itzy’s chaeryeong) and sometimes hyunjins face seems rounder (mainly in predebut photos/ videos.) plus his visuals are very soft, which could come from all that pisces in him!😭 this is to hard with so many factors to consider. (if you couldn’t tell i have a cancer moon and rising😭)
han-okay, i can only picture han with TWO rising signs. aquarius or leo. honestly after hyunjin, his rising sign is so confusing for me too… he has the possible chance to have the exact same chart as felix but they give really different vibes in the way that i know that han is a pisces moon. someone please ask them for their birth times!!
felix-maybe it’s the libra mercury and venus BUT, he just gives me libra rising. in interviews a lot he’s much more calm, with still having a personality that makes everyone wanna be around him. i’m sorry i don’t know any libras so this might not be accurate for him and chan! my second guess is cancer. i don’t have an explanation for this one but i get that vibe off of him too. (like hyunjin)
seungminn-okay so. majority of the placements in our charts are trine (besides our conjunct moons and his venus being libra with mine in pisces) i don’t why i had to mention that but i did.😭 but with that said i can only see seungmin with three rising signs: taurus, gemini, sagittarius. i know a a few people with sagittarius placements and they act like him so much it’s crazy😭 with taurus, he is really calm! i have never seen him get crazy all that much. which is the same thing i have seen with alot of taurus risings (example seulgi from red velvet, i don’t see her ever get to loud) and with gemini, again i don’t know i just wouldn’t be surprised if he was like a lot people in stray kids.
i.n-okay, three options again. sagittarius, capricorn, or aries. with aries it might be his aries venus but i know a lot of aries and they act just like him (karina from æspa also has a aries venus and you can see it with her cancer moon but that’s a story for another) he’s usually, well specially during video on the skz chanel, doing his own thing and keeping to himself. which i have noticed a lot of people with aries placements do. now with sagittarius, again i don’t have a explanation for this one, just gut feelings (i am no professional in astrology just have to clarify). capricorn, again that independence, and also very down to earth like one. edit: nevermind i can see him being a taurus rising, idk why but i js thought of it
that’s it!!❤️ i’ll probably redo it once i learn about more rising signs. also if you like, ask me to do other groups or just ask me abt stuff in general! i’ll try my best to do it. might do a girl group, won’t say which one though!!! BYEEE🤭
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ang3lik · 1 year
hello, could I get a ❤️ for the fandom scream?
My name is Mira! I’m 18 and my pronouns are she/her. (Oh and I’m pansexual) I’m an artist, I rlly love to paint and draw! I don’t really know my “vibe” but I tend to wear more teals, pinks, blues, purples, and sometimes orange 🫣 I lean towards skirts, tank tops, shorts, but ripped jeans and oversized sweatshirts are also my friends
My hair is a light brown it used to be blonde when I was younger not too sure what happened with that ahjdhd and I have a curtain bangs! <33 I absolutely love talking about the moon I think she’s just a gorgeous thing and I love the beach! They both give me a lot of comfort
OH OMG AND I LOVE MUSIC! 9 times out of 10 if you see my I’ll most likely have my headphones on
I have a few close friends I usually like a small to medium size group of friends! I think I’m both an introvert and extrovert. I like talking to new people but it gets hard trying to make a friend out of them if that makes any sense
I get hyper a lot like just bursts of energy sometimes and I can talk for hours when that happens but also if I’m around quieter people I tend not to bug them too much but get excited when they want to talk to meee!
That’s all I can think of right now! Thank you so much in advance if you do this 🤍
other info: it’s Mira again I had asked for a ❤️ and forgot to mention I’m a Sagittarius if that helps you at all !
i ship you with… chad meeks-martin!
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chad gives you his letterman jacket all the time!! he likes giving you it like before a party do you can where it around, and when you go home, if your tired, he’ll take your shoes off and your makeup, and sit you in between his thighs whilst he brushes your hair!
night time and beach dates!! he likes to go swimming with you at nighttime at the beach, when the moon is high in the sky. he also likes going on sunrise walks or a jog and if you come with him, you sit in the sand and watch the sunrise together!
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hello sunshine!! Please take as much time as you need with this, thank you for such a wonderful event.
My pronouns are they/them. Fandoms are haikyuu, tears of themis and txt. I would prefer a romantic matchup and my MBTI is ENFP. I am a Sagittarius (sun,mercury &venus) Leo Moon and Aquarius (Rising & Mars). What I value most in a relationship is emotional support, teamwork and communication. I always liked people with gentle eyes or eyes that are the most noticeable part of someone. Anyone with an aura that comes off shy and introverted but still sure of themselves is very attractive to me. Personality would be someone who’s kindness + sincerity + integrity shines through even if they are a bit apprehensive towards people or situations. Big heart energy, if I must say.
My personality is I am a good balance of emotions and logic. I love making people laugh and loosen up and I’m always ready to lend an ear. Sincerity is my favourite attribute in someone so it’s what I try to be everyday. The therapist friend and mom of the group most times. Troubles can weigh on me for days but I always remain optimistic despite. I am an ambivert with more introverted hobbies like writing, watching new shows and finding new music, reading poetry & non fiction, taking long walks and learning new languages.
Currently I am in a degree studying Cognitive Science with a minor in Computer Science. Random things that are very dear to me are my dogs, early mornings, my dark blue windbreaker, fruits and the 2001 movie, Artificial Intelligence. The quote I always live by is, “Follow your heart but take your brain with you.”
For the scenario, I would like a scenario about 3am late night talking, giggling under the covers about stupid jokes and talking about the most random topics. Thank you so much for doing this, take care of yourself. ❤️
1000 Follower Matchup Event #13
My event is now CLOSED but I will be doing more events like these in the future. You can check out the masterlist to this event here.
Note: 100000 years late, but it's finally here. Hope you enjoy. Also side note to anyone looking through my masterlist, I need to fix all the links on my account so they don't go straight to google (on mobile) and some just don't work so I'll need to work on that soon. In the meantime if you can't find your matchup that I've already posted you can try searching for it like Matchup #1 or something. idk. or send me an ask and I'll try and find it for you
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I match you with SUGAWARA, SOOBIN, and LUKE
Runner-ups were Asahi, Taehyun, and Vyn
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I instantly thought Suga was a great match for you because you said you like someone with gentle eyes and I just LOVE Sugawara’s eyes. They look so comforting, like you can just open up to him about your deepest darkest secrets and he’d listen unconditionally. 
Study dates are in your future with Suga, I’m not sure if he’s incredibly smart, but I’m pretty sure he isn’t failing like our beloved Tanaka or Kageyama lol. So you’d both have tons of study dates, though he does get distracted MANY times by your beauty and just stares at you with loving eyes until you catch him and make him focus on his work again. Cute~ He appreciates how intelligent you are, but also how laid back you can be. You’re the only person who’s ever really there for him so the fact that you can also listen to his worries and make him feel better on his bad days is so so special to him. He’d go out of his way to show you little signs of his thanks–nothing crazy, just things like bringing you flowers, buying you breakfast in the morning before your classes, little things to show he was thinking of you!
3am’s with Sugawara:
For some reason, I headcanon that this man can’t stay up late for the life of him
So 3am’s with Suga are delirious; he’s just rambling on about something and isn’t fully making sense, so you’re just laughing at him and he gets pouty because his half-awake self thinks you’re making fun of him
You had proposed the idea of a sleepover to him, and he was really trying his best to stay awake
Cue him jolting up and running to the bathroom to throw cold water over his face every few minutes
You do try and tell him that it’s okay for him to just fall asleep, but he refuses, he NEEDS to stay awake
Mission failed though because he does end up falling asleep as you just admire his sleeping face, deciding to end your attempt at an all nighter and just sleep with him as well
He does wake up early though and uses the time to admire you as you sleep
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Okay so I had originally had Taehyun as my first choice, but after months of letting this matchup sit, I thought Soobin would be a better choice. Now excuse me if any of this is wrong, it’s been a long time since I delved into anything-txt-related, but I do still keep up with their music. I just haven’t had time to watch their other stuff SIGH. But again the eyes part made me choose him. Soobin has the cutest, most gentlest eyes in the whole world. Literally if he ever looks at me and asks me for anything, I’d have to give it to him, how can you say no? And let me just say, he definitely uses that to his advantage.
With the boys he’s a cheeky menace, but with you, he’s just so incredibly sweet (but still has his playful moments whenever he isn’t being shy). I’d like to think he’d be a gentleman with his s/o and treat them with so much love and care. He loves how intelligent you are and likes to watch you study instead of doing any studying himself lol. Really soft with you.
3a.m’s with Soobin:
I think he’s used to staying up late so being up at this time is no issue for him
He’ll think of something fun for the two of you to do together, whether it be playing games, or making a late night meal if you’re craving it
I picture cute convenience store runs as you both giggle in the dark of the night, as if only the two of you exist in the world–not a worry in sight
Soobin is more of a listener, so when you return to the comfort of your bed, he looks in awe at everything you tell him, listening to every little detail and jumping in to respond whenever it feels right to do so
It’s like staying up late with your best friend
You both make a bet on who can stay up the longest, whoever falls asleep first has to buy the other food the next day–something cute like that
Overall, it’s a fun night
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Your very own golden retriever, protective boyfriend. Shy, yet confident Luke, he’s perfect for you. He’d love your dogs, since I’m pretty sure he’s a dog person–love that. He’s a detective (and very in-shape) so he loves going on morning walks with you and your dogs. Early mornings are his favorite time of day to spend with you, seeing your face each morning is like the equivalent of drinking coffee for other people.
He’s typically busy with work, but whenever he’s free, he loves watching movies with you and just staying home to spend lots of time with you doing all your favorite things. He’s fascinated that you love learning different languages so he probably asks you to teach him a new word each day just so he can be included in that part of your life. In return he’ll let you in on some detective secrets (nothing classified though, sorry).
Best partner you could have really.
3a.m’s with Luke:
I need to replay every chapter of tot i swear
But I think Luke is the type to stay up late doing detective work (research and thinking things through) so he’s used to staying up
On the rare free nights that he gets, he’d feel super relaxed finally not having any work to do so he might feel a little drowsy as he listens to you chat about your day and other little things that come to your mind
He listens to every word though, refusing to fall asleep and leave you speaking to yourself
Use this opportunity to get him to say cute things without a filter, he’s usually not as confident with his words of affection when he’s wide awake (even though he does really care for you, he’s not fully used to it yet)
Throws the covers over the two of you and cuddles into you
Doesn’t fall asleep until you do first, no matter how tired he is
Not that thrilling, but definitely still tons of fun
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Posted: 5/25/2023
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
HI good luck on your exams, i’m sure you’ll do amazing!!! in the meantime, could i request a ❤️ with a harry potter boy? (preferably not a gryffindor)
i’m a hufflepuff (probably the most stereotypical hufflepuff you could meet), enfp, sagittarius sun, capricorn moon & rising! generally i’m a very happy person?? or cheerful at least. i’m always smiling and all that. i think i try to be the “sunshine” of the group if that makes sense???? i like when people acknowledge my happiness. with that i’m unfortunately an awful overthinker and always care SO MUCH about what other people think of me and its so annoying. oh and im super talkative, it gets annoying for other people sometimes! i don’t know if that means i need someone as open and extroverted as me or if i need an introvert who will listen to everything i need to say hahah
when it comes to my looks; my hair is brown, a-little-longer-than-shoulder length and quite wavy and i have bangs which i love love love with all my heart they’re basically my personality at this point😭 my eyes are blue, i have some freckles here and there. i’m 172cm (5”7 is that??) and quite slim. i should probably wear glasses but i definitely do not do that.
i love movies! like crazy, i watched over 250 last year. i write quite a lot and i think in the future i would like to be a film journalist or something. i also really really like learning new languages! i probably take it from my mom, she’s an english teacher (i live in europe, english is a foreign language in my country). besides my native language i know english, french, i learned german a while ago and now i’m learning italian 🕺 sorry i’m writing so much omg, i just wanna add that i love music - taylor swift owns my heart (<3<3 you are in love, gold rush & call it what you want) and i really love everything love-related like weddings, cute dates and all that.
First of all, I absolutely love your energy!!!
From what I understand you have a lot of love to give and you aren’t afraid to do that.
You are extremely precious and sweet and I bet you are a very good friend.
The ideal boy for you, would listen to you and chill you when you overthink and stress about what other people have to say about you.
That doesn’t mean that he would act like a therapist ,no you are perfectly capable of calming yourself (strong independent woman/man vibes only); it is just that his energy and his way of thinking would mute everything else- help you see the world differently.
You ideal partner would also need to care about learning, and encourage you as well. He would admire your passion and the thirst for knowledge. Also, he would be a softie-who would prefer to stay in and cuddle with you, while you’re watching movies together rather than being the party-animal type (although you would drag him to parties and gatherings and he’d come because he loves you)
He would also have to be artistic.
I don’t know if you can tell where I’m going with this but I think Regulus Black would be perfect for you.
He is emotional and sensitive, he is intelligent and quiet. He is so so soft.
You would help him come out of his shell and he would help you feel more present and grounded when your thoughts get the best of you.
If it weren’t for the War he would be a soft-painter and we all know it.
Not to mention he is so so gifted; has an affinity for anything artistic.
Also, his younger sibling energy would def match your personality!!!
The more I picture you two, the more invested I am ❤️
I wish you the greatest of luck and I look forward to one day reading your articles
I would love to hear what you think of this and mr Black
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trulies · 2 years
hello love! 🦋 could i please request a romantic matchup from either marvel or the hunger games? my name is noelle & i’m a bisexual cis female (she/her pronouns). i’m also an entp & gryffindor! i LOVE to travel & i value experiences over possessions. my family is the most important part of my life & it’s hard for me to live so far from them. i’m a people person and a “sigma female,” but i enjoy having some quiet time to myself. i think i’m pretty kind & caring, but do not cross me 👀 also, my dream job is either a comedian or working in film <3 i’m also considered the funny one who would do anything for a laugh & the ‘wild child.’ i like to go out and party a lot with friends. i also struggle/have struggled with substance abuse & various eating disorders. i love to read and write (especially scripts & poetry). i love to make mixtape cds and i also enjoy going on spontaneous adventures! i have a navel piercing, a sagittarius arrow tattoo below my neck & my style is very 70s mixed with early 2000s. i thrift pretty much everything i own. i’m 5’3 & have darker blonde hair with blue eyes, i’m pretty chubby but i have an ass that won’t quit (: thank you so so much!! ❤️
We match you with...
Matt Murdock!!
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Matt has been through a lot throughout his life. He's lost family, friends, even his eye sight. Although his other senses were greatly heightened, it's still hard sometimes. Frankly, he can never escape the darkness, both because of his vision and because of the crime he fights every day both as a vigilante and as a lawyer.
In his life full of uncertainty, it helps that he can rely on your loyalty and dedication to him and to your relationship. If doubt ever seeped into his mind, your abundance of good attributes always said otherwise.
Ever since he met you, you always brought so much life and color to his dark world through your music, your jokes, and your vivaciousness. Yet he cares about you just the same whenever you're going through something and don't feel like yourself.
Losing his vision did benefit Matt in some ways. It slowed things down and forced him to look at the world in a very analytical and contemplative way. Matt offers his wisdom, insight, and a pair of open arms as you fight your battles. Despite his reputation as a vigilante - daring, violent, scary - you see a side to his persona that not everyone does. You see someone who gives off such serenity, depth, and softness.
I hope you are happy with this result! 😊 I especially enjoyed making it because this match just seemed to work so well in my opinion.
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Past Life 🎻 Karmic Spread June 2022 - Capricorn
Gender I’m Picking Up On (in the past life): Male
Who You Were: 5 Swords rev
What You Did: 4 Swords
How It Ended: 4 Pentacles
What Karma Was Brought With You: Knight of Pentacles rev
Who You Brought With You: 3 Swords
Additional energy: King of Wands
Past Life Oracle: Wisdom & Karmic Relationship
Dreaming Way: Snake, Lilies & Anchor
Charm: Guitar 🎸 on 4 Pentacles, Black Diamond 💎 on 4 Swords, Star ⭐️ on Snake
Blood Diamonds, somewhere in the early 1900s in Africa. I pulled what I call “boujee Diamond” and heard clearly no, blood Diamond. And that rang a bell, I can feel the time period...not so much the region. I assume Africa. You may have pulled the strings or made the decisions from somewhere else though, it feels more like that. It’s shameful how much I don’t know about this topic. You’ve put me to work Cap, I’m learning all about this later simply because shame on me 💯 You weren’t someone mining for them, or if you were, you were much higher up the chain, and you may have known people that did because you had compassion for them, you were someone that healed conflicts and put stressful situations to rest, regarding this industry in some way. You may have had a lot of health problems as well, or one that caused you a lot of problems throughout your life, which feels like a long life. You were a very wise leader, someone respected, and someone with enough power that people would listen to you when you told them to do something, what the plan is going to be, etc. Essentially, a good boss, in a very difficult position. And “good” is well...you weren’t the worst of them, and you weren’t the head guy. Again, I don’t know nearly enough about this, you were someone in charge, or became in charge, that healed a lot of the pain in the industry. Maybe not entirely, but you did good things, made good decisions, the worst of it wasn’t on you but more the opposite, you tried to come in and make a very painful & difficult situation better while still pleasing everyone else at the same time. Or at least you saw it that way.
You had a very difficult love in your past life, and you’ve brought them along with you to this one. There are three of you in both lives, and you’ve been hurt by the same person with the same other person, twice. Could be a Libra, but doesn’t have to be, they come up as 3 Swords, someone that has already broken your heart in this life, and King of Wands is here too, which feels like with who they did that. Both times. You’re somehow spiritually connected to both of these people. This relationship is a karmic, not your soulmate ❤️
Snake, Lilies, and Anchor all talk about this particular story, this unfortunate situation is your destiny. Lord knows why, I don’t get it either. Snake is of course, a deceptive sneaky & lying but very charming person. This is the 3rd party character. In the past life, you were married to someone, and Anchor shows you not leaving them, or maybe you couldn’t for whatever reason, the age or religion etc. It destroyed you nonetheless. There’s an energy here of you having to leave, perhaps for work or travel, being gone for quite some time, and then coming back to finding this face to face. That may be what happened this time as well, Spirit is pointing out it’s almost exactly the same story both times, idk if you married them this time. A telling factor was this other person was a musician of some kind, and I can’t even fathom how to describe that otherwise. They were very well known, famous in some sense, not worldwide but definitely locally, very popular, charming, a sneaky Devil of sorts, and yours wasn’t the only lives they’d wormed their way in and out of with a smile. I think that’s the past story, idk who they are now, could be a Leo, Aries or Sagittarius. Someone very charismatic.
You actually lived a very long life but remained very unhappy, jealous, narrow-minded, greedy, just low vibrational in general. You never got over it, you stayed mad forever, even though you seemed to have stayed with this person, you never forgave them. You seemed to have to deal with this 3rd party always too, like they didn’t go away as much as you’d hoped. Whether literally or in your own mind. You’ve brought this negative outlook to this life with you, you don’t seem to enjoy many things and you don’t dedicate much to a personal life, you just work yourself to death and don’t even enjoy the money that you’re working so hard for. You’re a homebody, when you’re not working, and you avoid love like the plague. It’s part of your life path to overcome this. This person may continue breaking your heart for lives to come if you don’t realize that your outlook is one of someone grieving. Are you actually grieving? Or are you just used to it? You didn’t forgive them, and probably haven’t still...so do it consciously, for you. It’s clearly a lesson that keeps repeating to teach you something. So do the opposite. Try new things. Allow happiness, joy, and spontaneity into your world. Get out of the house. Form relationships. Any. If for no other reason but so they don’t even follow you into the next life, or at least don’t do what they’ve been doing...maybe someone better for you will ❤️
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selreneelf · 10 months
Hello Selrene, how are you? 🧚‍♀️ I'm here to join your free readings. My question is how is the relationship with my future husband?
Thank you so much! ♥︎ Have a lovely Leo season. 🦁
My identifiers are Pat,she, Pisces Sun
Hi Pat! I’m having an amazing Leo season! I hope that you are too! ❤️
(The bachelorette, The frontrunner, 9 of mirrors, and some oracles!)
Now I’m not gonna lie to you.
Initially, everything is gonna be a dream. You two compliment each other, and balance each other out. I’m getting this really sweet, loving energy from you and he’s really fiery and passionate. Which makes sense because you’ve got a Pisces sun and he has prominent Leo and/or Sagittarius placements! He’s going to try his best to win your love. You could have more than one person interested in you at the time that you two meet, but obviously he’s gonna be the one who gets your heart. He’s gonna be absolutely thrilled about it, by the way feeling like he won the lottery lol. I’m getting that you two are going to mirror each other, and I pulled a twin flame card as well which also makes sense considering what I’m getting from the other cards.
Like all relationships, things are going to get a little rocky, especially since this could be a twin flame relationship. Once you two get together, you’re going to be blindsided by something, like something is going to change and you’re not going to be happy about that.
Thank you so much for letting me read you today, you’re so sweet!
(For entertainment purposes only, please leave feedback! Tips are optional!)
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 years
🫖Handling Guilt for 🐞🐍⛲🐝ALL SIGNS
With the elements/signs of the zodiac, you can freely use your Sun, Moon, Rising/Ascendant, or even your Stellium (❗️)
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Main theme: First off, there are many reasons people suffer from lifelong bouts of guilt, and so, when you really think about it, you're really not the only one hiding shame and pain. Beginning with this perspective, you can learn to be gentler, more merciful towards yourself. People make mistakes, sometimes, we hurt each other in an attempt to avoid getting hurt ourselves. Human beings are weak like that; many people are like that, actually. But, as long as you're alive, there's always enough time to make peace with sorrow, and gradually learn to be softer and softer...
Happy Holidays; full post is open for public reading~!🎄Just click the access link👻
Message for 🐞Aries Leo Sagittarius
I guess it isn't breaking news, but Fire Signs tend to have temper tantrums. Depending on the planets or houses ruled by Fire in your natal chart, you can tend to hurt people in those areas when you feel especially threatened. It's all just ego-play and you're often almost unconscious when you lash out. It's like a fight or flight mode suddenly activated. This isn't justifying your selfish behaviour though.
However, more than anything else, try to understand that most of the time you're just trying to protect your fiery ego-pride. This isn't saying it's a wonderful trait, but you just hate feeling like people don't acknowledge your earnest contribution. You do tend to have a charitable heart and you work really hard, too. It's fathomable you tend to feel really insulted when underappreciated.
Oracle Healing🔻❤️🎄
Patience. Here’s a Priestess of Patience card, too. Just as you wish for your feelings and points of view to be understood by others, so they would expect the same, wouldn’t you think? To overcome feelings of guilt from previous behaviours, you can begin with trying to find a point of balance in terms of holding multiple perspectives. Learning to do so will help you cultivate patience, as well as compassion.
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🎄
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Message for 🐍Taurus Virgo Capricorn
Do you sometimes feel guilty for neglecting the people close to you? Because you're always busy securing security itself and ensuring stability? Well, pause now and tell them how much they mean to you then. But that's sometimes the difficult part because you feel like you're not that good at conveying cheesy feelings LOL
You and I both know you're often preoccupied with work or career pursuits because you want to ensure a secure foundation for all the people you hold dear. You feel that weighing sense of duty—like you need to be a pillar for everyone. I think your sense of guilt mainly comes up when you feel like the other party doesn't understand why you're being a bit distant.
But... not everybody shares your work ethic... and sometimes, it's not enough to tell someone they're in your heart or you're thinking about them as you continue to drown yourself in work. Most of the time, they just wish you could be physically closer, sometimes.
Oracle Healing🔻💚🎄
I don't know if you're gonna like this but... people can't be strong alone, you know. Maybe some of your dearest people notice that you're always trying to be strong alone and that makes them worry even more about you. Maybe, that's also why they wish you were closer, or confide more in them. And you may already feel this yourself, and so, basically, what you need is learn to be a bit more vulnerable so you can feel more... human?
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Message for ⛲Gemini Libra Aquarius
Hmm… this is kinda sad, but you sometimes beat yourself up for not being assertive enough as a person. The fact that you overthink, too much, and end up disservicing yourself. I’m almost laughing here because it looks like a funny cycle of you just continually making the same mistakes over and over again even after overthinking everything, every time. I hope you’re seeing this comical pattern.
If other Signs often battle with guilt relating to other people, your sense of guilt is often about you not being good or kind enough to yourself. Wondering why you weren’t prioritising yourself in that situation kind of scenario. Or, one way or another, you prioritised yourself so hard one time you were practically being a meanie to someone else; that kind of scenario as well sometimes.
Oracle Healing🔻💙🎄
What you’re lacking is balance, my dear. Like, if you’ve been leaning towards one side, when your patience gets bust, you swing SO hard to the other side. Then you feel like you’ve done something extreme and feel bad about it. It’s a lot to do with the imbalance you feel in your Sacral chakra, though.
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🎄
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Message for 🐝Cancer Scorpio Pisces
You often feel guilty that you aren't sweet enough? Hahah people with strong Water influences often feel regretful after trying to toughen up in front of other people, I guess. It isn't in your nature to be as aggressively assertive as other Signs, irrespective of other placements in your natal chart. If Water is dominant, take it or leave it, your heart is sensitive, and you want to be kind and sweet to other people most of the time.
Alas, the world is full of savages and you need to survive it, too. So, whether it's subconscious, semi-conscious, or conscious, there have been times you felt the need to throw away your sensitive empathy. You thought it was just getting in the way of acting professional—whatever the fuck that means.
Oracle Healing🔻💛🎄
Water Signs often struggle to fit into this aggressive world. You may often feel unsafe and may have developed unhealthy coping mechanisms that are only furthering your sense of imbalance. People act the most aggressively when their overall sense of wellbeing is threatened, right? An imbalanced Root chakra causes one to constantly feel unsafe, unsatisfied, and... fearful. When you're afraid, you bark and bite.
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🎄
☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Feel free to support me on Patreon if you love this kind of content🍑I create stories and tarot readings that calm the mind & heal from within🍒
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
Ask game❤️
initials: TK
ASC: Sagittarius
Your aura: (I know nothing about auras the first colour that came to mind was blue/purple)
Question: when will I be happy again?
(I’ve been in a place of stagnancy and unhappiness for a long time and not sure how to get myself out of it, seems like nothing I’m doing or have done to push myself out of this has worked)
I hope that’s not too vague ❤️🙏🏽 love your blog
♇ Thank you so much for participating in my game, and the auras blue and purple is what I get a lot so that makes sense. And I hope this era of stagnancy and unhappiness will disappear soon.
♇ Your Question - When Will I Be Happy Again?
My Answer ⬎
Ten of Cups
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♇ Happiness will come to you for sure, your difficult time will end soon; I know this is cliché to say but specifically for you, I hear that this period of stillness had to happen for you to appreciate what is coming for you in the future. I'm hearing spend more time with your loved ones as well. Do stuff that will fulfil and make your inner-child happy, blessings and blissful times are coming your way.
If you want in depth readings, here is my paid reading list.
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myherokatsuki · 3 years
This is amazing Joz! Congrats on your milestone! ❤️ Can I request a match-up for your event?
First things first, I'm a sagittarius! I love telling stories to people and act them out to make them laugh! When I get excited I talk too much, I can't stop laughing and saying the first thing that comes to my mind when I'm nervous and sometimes I get angry in a heartbeat and cry but I get over it pretty quickly! I can't hold grudges and I'd like to believe I'm funny! When I'm interested in something I will get obsessed over it for a time but then I'll drop it because I get bored easily and move on to the next distraction! Also, I have no idea if I'm an extrovert or an introvert! I think I might be both, depending on the situation!
As for hobbies, I like reading, watching movies/tv shows/anime and going out with friends in quiet little cafés and talk about whatever comes to our minds!
Bonus important info:  Alone time is a must! Like, I can't function properly if I can't spend a couple hours every day alone in my room to relax and and just be! I don't mind other people being in the same room as me, but please don't talk to me! I have to talk to a lot of people every day because of my job and it's exhausting!
Is that enough info about me? Oh god, I think it's too much! I'm excited to see who you think is the best match for me! 🙃
If all the spots are taken, consider this a get-to-know-me ask!
Thank you so much, Raffy!  <3
I’m going to match you with Kaminari!
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You’re both funny and enjoy making people laugh.  I feel like your sense of humours would align well and the two of you together would always be entertaining. 
He also gives me the impression that his interests are a little all over the place and ever shifting, so you’d probably introduce each other to new things, new shows, etc, and geek out about them until you grow bored and move onto the next new thing. 
Plus if you ever needed your alone time, he’d be more than content to just hang out in your space, playing a video game or something til you’re ready to be social again.
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tinywitchgoblin · 3 years
Hello, I’m so sorry to bother you but I was wondering if I could have a Bad Batch ship please? I am a light skinned Latina who is 6’ tall, plus size,brown eyes, I have long dark brown hair that I have to treat with color because I have to hide my early grey hairs, I wear big round bubble style glasses, and my aesthetic for how I look is very eclectic and weird which changes from day to day. I have so much make up and I try to stay with whatever theme I choose that day. Such as one day I can wear a lot of vintage clothing, next day goth, then go to very sparkly and colorful. I am also an Asexual. I have been described by others as kind, down to earth, compassionate, smart, witty, and sarcastic. However I don’t always feel like that due to weird self esteem issues. I am also a Sagittarius, Ravenclaw, and an INTP if that helps any.
I like to do all sorts of art whether it be sketches, painting, cross stitching, knitting or things such as singing, dancing, and theatre. My favorite type of art however is the culinary arts, I just got my degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. I have a heightened sense of taste and smell, as well as a good attention to detail so all that goes into my baking. I tend to have drastic moodswings, which can cause me to go from happy to extremely numb in seconds. I don’t understand a lot of “ normal people “ or “ regular things” things. I tend to take things literally sometimes, obsess over a specific thing for months on end, and when I people say “ You know what I mean.” Most of the time I pretend I do. I sincerely apologize for this being very long. I stumbled upon your blog earlier this week and I thoroughly enjoy your blog as well as your writing!❤️🤍🖤
Good morning! I ship you with...
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You met Tech when the bad batch was on a mission on a planet in the mid rim. Your eclectic nature is what made you stand out to him, and he just had to get to know you better. When he found out that you're into the culinary arts, he immediately wanted to bake with you. He'd read on the holonet that baking is essentially a chemistry experiment you can eat, and we all know how Tech feels about his experiments! The first time you baked together, you started off with a simple cake, but as time went on, the two of you ended up making so many different desserts. Wrecker wanted to be involved too, but to placate him, you gave him the role of "quality assurance" (read: taste tester). He was pretty happy with that job. Another thing the two of you relate to each other over is taking what everyone says at face value. To Tech, beating around the bush or being passive-aggressive is just foolish and a waste of everyone's time, and he appreciated your openness.
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levmada · 2 years
Omg hi wait your event is SO cute, AND CONGRATS!!!! I LOVE IT SM.. and i couldn’t help but wanna join!!! If that’s okay
my fav; is Levi
Fav colors are Yellow and forest green! ,, My sun sign is pisces, ascendant Capricorn and moon is sagittarius!
current fave songs rn are. One point perspective by Arctic monkeys ,Cunk by Jack Stauber, The Urge by the Blossoms AND M.T.M.E by Alexandra Savior! ( i recommend you listen to these if you have the time because they’re truly amazing and i feel like you’d like them!)
Fav characteristics abt myself is that i’m mostly self reliant, i trust myself when making decisions and i know what’s good for me, If that makes sense! and i think i’m loyal, from what my friends tell me,
fav books :: beautiful world, where are you by Sally Rooney - The strength in our scars by Bianca sparacino
And fav movies are Gone girl (2014) and better days (2019)
I hope i didnt go overboard 😭😭 I love this idea sm!! ❤️❤️
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no you’re totally good!! thank you for submitting :)) right in the knick of time (before the deadline) too 🙏 (your music taste is incredible btw)
𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚒 𝙰𝚌𝚔𝚎𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗
hehe i really love Arctic Monkeys and Jack Stauber already, but I listened to all the songs you gave me and liked them a lot :3 your taste is a lot of more indie/alternative stuff, so I recommend you listen to this one ↓
There Is a Light that Never Goes Out by The Smiths
Especially as a song for Levi, the subject is perfect too :3
(included 2!)
𝘏𝘦 𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘮𝘦, 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘧𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘪𝘱 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘥 𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬. 𝘐 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘧𝘵 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘴𝘬𝘺 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘩𝘪𝘴. “𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨,” 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘥.
“𝘏𝘮?” 𝘐 𝘢𝘴𝘬𝘦𝘥, 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘰𝘭 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩 𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵.
“𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘺. 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶.” 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘢 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦. 𝘐𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦. 𝘘𝘶𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭, 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘰𝘴.
–𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 #𝟏𝟏𝟑
𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘴; 𝘴𝘩𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘯𝘦𝘭.
𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘳 𝘧𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘧𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴—
𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸.
𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺'𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩
–𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧, 𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐧 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 |𝐞.𝐣.|
1: taking your star signs into account, I wanted something that reflects a deep emotional connection, but is also pretty light/gentle (especially with a capricorn ascendant hehe).
2: this is mainly one that I feel reflects who Levi is a lot. Very loyal, loves very deeply despite how little he sees himself as for going through so much.
⭐︎Aesthetic Board⭐︎
this one was very fun :3 i ended up with a couple different variations too, below the cut. lots of forest scenery and golden hour-vibe images hehe
i hope you like them anon :)
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𝕋𝕙𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝟝𝟘𝟘 𝕗𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣𝕤!
more styles below the cut ↓
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laacunaaaaa · 2 years
My favorite to least favorite sun signs and why❤️
1.) Sagittarius: I love my sister sign, you just get me and I love our endless conversations (also my love is a Sagittarius so yes I’m bias) you’re also hilarious, honest (which my Scorpio moon loves) and I’m inspired by your ‘I don’t give a fuck’ attitude ❤️
2.) Taurus: Most of my family is Taurus and I know how to calm you guys down. I love the steadiness of your nature and know can always count on you! I love that you just want to chill at home cause babies, I hate going out too ❤️
3.) Aquarius: I love that you think outside of the box, your innovative ideas and we can really talk about anything. Also your a fixed sign and I do love that because again I can always count on you guys.
4.) Scorpio: Maybe I’m a bit bias cause I have a Scorpio moon and my best friend of 22 years is a Scorpio, but what the fuck ever. You guys say what needs to be said, yeah you keep a lot of your true feelings hidden, but once you really trust someone you’ll let 90% of it out there 😂 But I love your darker nature, I really connect with it because again, I have a Scorpio moon. I love deep talks and your loyalty, and you guys crack me up❤️
5.)Capricorn: Obviously we all have different aspects in our chart that poses influence on our overall personality, and with Capricorns it’s definitely a hit or miss with me. But one of my favorite people in the world is a Capricorn. You guys have an excellent sense of dark humor, you’re deep thinkers and really take your time planning things out. I’ve had a Capricorn have my back since the time I was born and I can’t ever forget that, so because of that your in my top 5.❤️
6.) Gemini: I’m a gemini sun myself and I like the conversations with my fellow Geminis. I love that we always see two sides to every story. Some people with narrow minded views will see this as us being two faced, but we simply don’t always place importance over personal feelings vs. the truth. We’re very open minded and will always want info on everything before we make a move. And I love that we’re goofy and can talk about anything!
7.) Aries: Don’t know too many of you, but I love the fire in your soul. You’re so passionate about everything you do and you don’t take shit from NOBODY. You’re always ready to have a loved ones back and can talk shit and back it up lol.
8.) Virgo: Again I haven’t met too many of you but I love how your words cut through all the bullshit. You’re on point and witty as hell (my fellow mercurial) and I’m sorry you usually have stomach problems from so much anxiety, I hope you guys have a good day 🥺💕
9.) Pisces: I grew up with a lot of Pisces, I love your sense of humor and appreciate at times your dreamy outlook on life. Unfortunately reality isn’t your favorite place to exist, so you hate to have your bubble popped and I’m usually Edward scissor hands in these situations, so we can only be around each other for so long 😅
10.) Libra: I’m not close to any Libra’s and never have been. Nothing against you guys, we just never really hung out. I’ve hung out with one Libra once at a party and she was super fun and funny! She was very sweet and open about a lot of things so that was very refreshing! But that’s all I got on you guys so far so I’m sorry 😅💕
11.) Leo: I love our conversations and we have a lot of fun together, but that’s as far as it goes. I can’t take the selfishness babies I’m sorry. I love your bad bitch attitudes and your fashion sense is amazing, but I don’t trust you guys and trust is everything for me personally. I’ve had way too many Leo suns down right fuck me over, talk shit, stab me in the back and put my life in danger. I don’t hate any of you, I just know to keep my distance.
12.) Cancer: I love that you guys know how to articulate your feelings (it’s something I struggle with) and that you have a good handle on emotional knowledge, unfortunately sometimes you use that against people. Obviously every cancer will be different based on your chart, but the cancers I have met burned me badly, were slightly obsessive and kinda scary. Also mean as fuck when they didn’t get their way with me. So because of those personal experiences you are my least favorite. But again, not every cancer is like this, so don’t think I hate you guys I just keep my distance❤️
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