#i'm posting a lot less often so im setting these to a week now
splatoonsongpolls · 10 months
Omitted songs are the boss fight themes, and the "onward" songs, due to their inclusion in previous polls. I'll take the winners of a few polls and put them together sometime.
The Octoplush songs from Splatoon 3 are here
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being-addie · 1 year
Habits I've successfully developed since my first post🤍
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If you've been here since the beginning, you'll know of my first and most popular post where I discuss developing certain habits to improve my life.
Here it is: https://www.tumblr.com/being-addie/714114582776610816/healthy-habits-im-developing-for-2023?source=share
So far, I've managed to do a lot and I'm so proud of myself. If you did some of them too, I'm really proud of you <3. It's difficult but we did it!
Here's what I managed to accomplish:
⭐Got my sleep schedule right: I FINALLY am sleeping 7-8 hours a night and it's so much better because I wake up at 5:30 am every morning and I'm more alert these days.
⭐Working out: Started going to the gym 5 days a week. I'm also looking into some hip-hop classes in the evenings.
⭐Water: I've tried drinking more water, and it's certainly working. I'm not perfect, but we're getting there!
⭐Digital detoxing: I did it. I successfully deleted social media and I'm so freaking proud of myself. It's 100% not easy and while I do get the occasional bursts of jealousy and FOMO, I'm getting better <3
⭐Creative work: I've started to learn how to crochet, and I'm planning on starting knitting soon. I also want to begin making my own jewellery (possibly try my hand at making clothes as well)
⭐Portfolio: I've begun work on my portfolio and I'm really excited with all the ideas I'm getting.
⭐Clean room: My room is so much cleaner now that I'm tidying up on a regular basis.
⭐Friendships: Currently in a really great place with two separate friend groups who value me, and I'm really grateful to past me for cutting out people I thought were my "friends".
Of course, I'm not perfect, I will be struggling with some things. I did particularly have problems with some of these:
💛My to-do list: More often than not, my to-do list lies incomplete because I just don't want to do it lol. Discipline is key, and I'm working on it.
💛Food: I've had to go out so much, and I've been consuming less-than-ideal healthy food. It's been difficult because I'm out so many hours due to classes that I literally need to buy those sugary protein bars to eat. 10 hours a day of nonstop commuting, sitting for 2-hour classes is no joke. We've also had a ton of birthdays and outings so I'm trying not to give into temptation and buy a bag of chips on a whim.
💛Self-care: I was so busy, I burned out, oof. I overworked myself to the point of a mental breakdown, and I'm still so busy, I'm finding it difficult to set aside time to even do my Everything Shower. I'm going to try and cut my day into manageable chunks so I can decompress.
Learning myself over the last few months has been interesting, to say the least. Paying attention to your mind and body's cues allows you to be more aware of what you're doing and WHY. Here's your sign to start implementing habits you've been sleeping on.
Don't wait, just start. xoxo
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Besties, I'm afraid it's not much of a tea and I apologize in advance for the disappointment because I don't see this being an interesting peek into their relationship, but here we go:
Aside from their dating timeline, I've only heard about how T doesn't attend her events as much as she does his — but I honestly think it might be because of his schedule.
Circa 2022, B was working as an AD on a project and was expected to tag along until the end of production, but left a while before opening night to be with him in Europe (around the start of TBOSAS shooting. Apparently, she was there from day one and had pictures from the set all over her stories) — and this kind of struck me as the “cool” type of girlfriend who makes the relationship revolve around her partner, to be honest.
Another thing is that a lot of his fans showed up to watch her play, A LOT. It was sold out for more than one night in NY, which I think is cool if you're actually interested in it, but I have a feeling some were just hoping to meet him there and that kind of crosses the line, not to mention it smells like stalker behavior — Don't do that, kids.
P.S: I wish I had some hacking skills to delete R's social media for at least a week.
Oh thank you for coming back and sharing :) any info is something so we appreciate it
1. Yeah, T definitely won’t have time to go to her shows anymore
2. BB was on set the whole time? That’s an awkward and interesting factor.
3. BB was smart for posting the link in her bio so while people showed up for T, at least the production got money and attention from it so I’m happy for them
A few side notes:
1. If BB was there the whole time, now I’m VERY curious why R and BB don’t follow each other. The video of the four of them is even more awkward now.
2. This changes a few things for the tarot card reads we’ve done 👀
3. I hope BB doesn’t follow him to every project he does and focuses on her career. I’m not even saying this for zeglyth purposes but it’s the same thing we tell R here: Focus more on yourself and less on your man.
4. Is she with him for BTK? She follows a few actress from there so I’m guessing she visits often.
Also I’m not directing any of these questions at you, Anon, lol but writing down what comes to mind.
P.S.S: me too!
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
ur writing is. so good. i go batshit crazy everytime u post a drabble or fic or lil previews of ur wips it tugs on every heartstring i have
i genuinely enjoy every lil detail (i'm still thinking of that one mulan reference u made in privacy to this day!!! and i'd read privacy the day u posted it and god that's such a long time to be thinking abt a fic but ur works will perhaps just live forever in me!) im sure u've heard this so often too but married and time out are probably some of the best jenori fics i've read ever!
i truly enjoy ur writing, i do, i hope this lightens a pin in ur heart people drive deep into u everytime they send u hurtful words... i hope it eases u just the littlest bit knowing someone out there enjoys ur writing... i enjoy them so much...
this going to sound really, really pretentious, but there’s, like, a lot of references in privacy - like there’s a small micro aggression in it (this one happened to me and it was like awkward lol); the are a few Shakespeare allusions; there are other, like, symbols related to yellow (Renjun’s surname) and romantic love; and of course, there’s the basic list of references/allusions at the beginning of the fic, like, bridgerton, reign, baekhyun. there’s actually a reference to my old homework from when I majored in EAAH in college. And, like, i get that they’re overlooked because this is just fanfiction; it’s really not, like, that serious or anything; it’s actually stupid, but it’s also kinda fun, for me, when I’m writing, to make stupid allusions and references like that; it’s a reason why I like writing, but it’s stupid. everything is so covered by subtext that it ends up not mattering at the end of the day. this isn’t to be like “oh I’m so different and so smart and blah”; it’s just, like, i enjoy writing because I get to do some of these things purposefully, but it just … goes unnoticed, and I get it; I’m not running a literature class; I’m honestly just lucky if someone likes the fic enough to say something.
I’m glad you like the detail … I’m actually trying to do it less in fics … sorry; again, this has to do with the pretentious thing. my writing is really … too complicated, so I’m trying to cut out all the allusions and references and stuff; I only really used that line from Mulan to set up the microaggression part (because people in China actually did not like the movie in the 90s; this was a whole thought process when I put that line in; sorry, it’s stupid).
i have … so many WIPs, finished works, and stuff; I’m just not posting. Most of these are really unpopular fics from my old blog like trt, candy (the baekhyun one, not the recent dream release … obviously; sorry, I’m dumb), etc. And, like, i have other finished fics, like, all the kinktober fics are finished now - the ones that were supposed to be published at the end of each week; yeah. Idk, maybe it’s just me lol; it even took you months to send an ask about privacy; I’m just really off putting and not the best person, so, like, idk. There’s just so much … silence about my fics if there’s not someone telling me that they hate it, and I get it. I deleted my last blog because everyone kept telling me that no one owes me comments or interactions for my fics, and people keep doing it here, but it just kind sucks lol … like I have to wait months for someone to say something about my fics, and i already feel awful about being pretentious. But again, this is my problem.
I know that people only really read my jeno fics for the smut, and that’s fine. I feel really … like, awful and pretentious when I talk about the jeno fics because there’s a lot in them that I want to talk about and stuff, but, like, i get it. It’s really dumb; this isn’t a literature class; it’s supposed to be, like, a fantasy escape and stuff. Idk, i just feel really … awful after I post stuff, even my WIPs - like, I’m just gatekeeping boring quote-unquote “plot twists” that really won’t, like, be that surprising or anything. the fics are only good because there’s constant smut and it checks the boxes for common kinks.
Sorry, sorry, i know that I’m being super negative, and you’re being really nice (thank you by the way). I just … feel bad, but this is my own issue because I’m too focused on external validation. This ask kind of, like, touches the other anon asks that I have and that aren’t the … nicest, so idk; sorry, it’s not you; it’s just me being dramatic and pretentious and just really a bad person overall.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
no worries about rambling! There was a time period where I had a few more voices and (not saying it's the same) I miss mine too. I'm pretty sure we got like this out of loneliness too, we never really fit in growing up (to a more extreme way.
We spent majority of our time alone and it was common for us to spend days to weeks at school without saying more than a word or two. At one of the schools I was at after a year of bullying the next grade thought I was mute :/)
Goals idk they are hard to set? For me at least anyways. The other guy really wants us to go into animation or psychology, and like I know I'd enjoy that, but I also know we don't have the money. We weren't exactly helped into any post secondary and it would take a long time to get the money for it so it remains more a "what if" than a "one day" sort of thing.
I admittedly aim low and just want to survive, I don't really have goals beyond that (idk why). That stance will probably and maybe has left us with less opportunities though so ?? If we lived where we used to there was a really epic and not horribly expensive animation program we could have done but where we are now it's all either super expensive or not worth the money.
hmm other life goals is hard because we were forced to rely on ourselves a lot, including like for friends, family, parents, teachers, etc? We never found a group of people we fit into and we have trust issues so it's a challenge there lol (at best we were tolerated, but pretty much got bullied in the different schools and our home life was questionable). So like we've never thought too much about goals past "what will the next day bring and will we survive it".
Plus it is so much easier being friends with your head partner than it is to try and make friends IRL when it's practically impossible LMAO
we both agree that it would be nice to move out from where we are now (ran away to some random place lol) but I take more of a stance of "it would be nice but idk" while my head partner is more like "I am filled with a deep and unending desire to reshape reality to get the hell out of here" so that might answer your question in a way??
(to add, we aren't in a terrible situation. Just renting a room from some creepy guy plus whatever the hell the local parts of the ""family"" has going on).
IDK if I have DID specifically but we're making it work. We do need to get more food soon though so if you have recs for easy things to make feel free to share haha (half joking, you don't have to!!)
THAT is actually completely fair. FUNFACT about me: I'm dead set on graphic design now, but before my mom forced me to apply to colleges, I desperately wanted to learn how to wrap cars. I had a graphic design internship and at one point they brought us to this local design company and they talked about all these specific niche jobs and ONE of these jobs was wrapping cars.
as in, like, applying decals and full body car wraps and shit. I really like the idea of learning a trade/skill like that and just doing THAT as a job instead of. this whole big conceptual graphic design stuff. Plus the course cost a couple thousand and compared to college that's. WELL. That's a fantastic price to be fully certified in a job!
downside would be working with Car People which isn't great cuz I'm trans and I PLAN to be visibly transgender for a long time so. that prolly wouldn't have been great.
but i didn't have a choice so im in DEBT now instead :) but its not really that bad. I like my college, it's a really good school and i love the professors. I just also like to COMPLAIN.
nobody thought I was mute when I joined high school but I would often go entire days without speaking hah. I also got bullied but didn't realize it was bullying until later hah.
and because I couldn't just make up friends in my mind, I instead focused on my characters becoming friends with each other. escapism and all that.
man idk about food. I just raided my college's food pantry for mac & cheese on the way out though so maybe that? Mac & cheese, various noodles are also pretty cheap, and so is soup. idk I kind of dont like food though (I have avoidant restrictive food intake disorder lol) so I mostly eat heavily processed or very bland food.
oh, another question! Which one of y'all is in charge most of the time? Is it a voice in your head situation, or can y'all actually switch who controls your body?
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locally339 · 2 years
feeling like i should at least explain this shitty ass drama I've been in for the last who knows long before NuggetB0iYT comes after me with his gang or whatever you want to call it. more or less, this just feels like someone trying to milk the fuck out of things that aren't even worth riling up anyone over in my opinion.
for all i know this happened a few months ago and my memory is often foggy over things like this so this is as much as i can remember clearly about what happened to me, my friends, and even my boyfriend.
i was on discord, in my boyfriend's server (we weren't dating yet) and i was just hanging out with some friends. the server was always nearly quiet due to Nugget spamming mute on literally anyone he could, but we eventually moved on from that.
for what i know, SpacyQuaser5617 was his favorite to harass. almost daily i could see Nugget talking about things like how Spacy is a baby or how he'd like to hurt him. nearly pushed him to suicide but in the end, Spacy was still alive, and everyone eventually moved on from that (now that im thinking about it i should have tried to help Spacy before he blocked me for whatever reason)
I was in a bad mood at the time and nothing was really helping to calm me down or whatever so I dm'ed a few people, and then I went to the server I usually went before it was deleted by Nugget.
Spacy's 1 week mute had finally expired, and he actually got to speak for a minute. all he says before probably being muted again was something like "i'm back"
Nugget is online and just responds with "welcome to hell"
all I said in response to that was just 8 simple words, and thats what set off the ticking timebomb.
"well, with you here, I can see why"
and I ended up getting backlash after backlash for that. random dms from random people that were most likely alt accounts of him and his friends, and some of the people i knew well weren't spared the backlash either. I swear I saw a channel celebrating one of my friends getting really sick as well.
sometime when I started dating my current boyfriend, videos started surfacing about him harassing someone in perfect English.
it was obviously sketchy with some of the claims.
1. the harassment claims were weird because he was speaking proper english, correct grammar and everything despite him at the time not knowing English that well. (he is Brazilian)
2. the rule 34 accusations seemed more like an inside joke that went too far instead of something to be taken seriously. (if anyone really has any proof William Cat draws rule 34 could you please link here? the one image he has on rule 34 doesn't count since it doesn't match any of his artstyles.)
3. him forcing a relationship on two people that i have looked up countless times and don't show any results. maybe they do exist but there was no proof that i could find of this being real so for now this stays debunked.
there is a few more things i would like to point out, for anyone really looking for some proper dirt on Nugget, but i can't prove too much as usually when he does this kind of thing, it's gone before i can screenshot it.
he has posted NSFW art of bob x opheebop in a server with mostly minors.
he has (if you already haven't gotten the hint) harassed multiple people over and over again, me being one of the victims obviously.
and he has drawn some questionable art of characters, minor characters. (i only have one image but if you ask around there might be a few more people who have more proof than i do)
one more thing to address, he has attempted to try and resolve this, but all he said was the equivalent of that he's black and i'm not.
do whatever you want with this information. if you're gonna take my side, go ahead. if you're gonna take Nuggets side, all i can say is good luck defending someone who's only excuse of why he should keep doing things like this is that he's black. there's a lot more to be addressed, but that's all i can remember. you can dm me on Twitter for the proof. till then i feel like I've said enough.
Locally_Blob is my Twitter username. dm me and if im awake i'll show you the proof.
this probably won't go anywhere as always, but i don't really care if it does anymore. I've tried again and again but it always just vanishes from whatever i post it on. so thanks to whoever keeps spam reporting it to make it disappear or whatever is going on just to protect someone who really needs a wake-up call at this point.
if Nugget can expose my boyfriend for things that happened half a year ago, i can expose Nugget for things that happened half a year ago.
locally339 signing off. goodnight.
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elminx · 2 years
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2021 has an incredibly intense year in so many ways (I'm sure many of you can relate). I still remember the before-me and I'm getting acquainted with who this after-me is going to be but living in the constant liminality of this moment has been an on-going challenge. I've been counting my days by moon cycles because time hasn't mattered otherwise in a very long time.
Except now somebody decided that tomorrow is different. That day - in the middle of this fog - that day is the right day to start anew.
I don't do resolutions but I'm fond of goals. I set myself a lofty three: to walk to the cemetery every single day with my camera, to read 28 books, and to write a post a week on my blog. I accomplished the third, missed the second by almost ten, and walked to the cemetery many days of the year but certainly not all, and surprisingly few times with my camera.
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My other big goal of the year was to pick one plant to focus on every month whether for eating, growing, or other forms of magic. In the Winter months when plant life is scarce around here, the pickings where easy. I worked with citrus quite a bit but focused much of my time and attention of the beautiful towering evergreens which dominate the winter landscape here in Southern New England.
I fell instantly in love with using Eastern White Pine as a road opener and used a combination of different evergreens together to create powerful protection and healing products. I still haven't posted publicly about the protection candles that I made out of evergreen oil in the early springtime.
Then, all it once spring kicked in and I found myself having to choose between working with dandelion or working with violet (both of whom decided to bloom in Dora's garden at the exact same time). It was obvious that one botanical a month wasn't going to cut it. I made it work though. As I count out my botanical allies of the year, the total is more than twelve. I just had to let what wanted to come to me, come to me. My partner needed an anti-itch salve more than anything this Summer and an overabundance of jewelweed pretty much fell into my hands.
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My recollections of the year go much like that. We realized we needed something, and found a way to make it work. I've been trying hard to localize my craft and have found chicory growling in the ditches and mugwort in the fallow fields. I stumbled upon bags of $3 fresh peaches at the local flower stand and my friends handed us bags of their yard pears.
I found that I had to seek out a lot less than was expected. That I could trust in what nature provided. My bestie had too many nasturtium and my neighbor down the street was weeding out her deadnettle. I did travel to the beaches of Cape Cod for some rose hips but otherwise, the earth, right where I was living, provided. In more abundance than I found that I had time for on some days.
I promised myself that 2021 would be a year of learning and it certainly was. But I didn't do so with my nose in a book nearly as much as I imagined - instead I walked a frozen lake in the dead of Winter to discover Bearberry deep in the woods. And I returned to watch the frog's eggs grow in the vernal pool for four weeks running while I visited my friends baby goats.
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I spent my time chasing bees and butterflies and making friends with my neighborhood trees. I visited the ocean three times and lost myself in the wildness as often as I possibly could.
I find myself wondering where the time gone but then I see snippets of my many adventures in photographs and my journals. I fiddled endlessly with kitchen projects: eastern white pine vodka, a failed winter gin, another failed violet liqueur, but a win on dandelion jelly, and beautiful evergreen candles. Plus, my evergreen salve! We ate the evergreens, and lamb's quarters, and nasturtium with glee. My peony jam didn't set but the strawberry and rosehips were a complete success. I brandied pears and made everything imaginable out of apples and cranberries.
It doesn't feel like enough but I think that is what makes me a bit of a scientist as well as a witch. There is always another herb to try, something that if I only had time to experiment with it, I might make such beautiful and ephemeral magic.
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I confess, I do not understand how we are here again already. It seems like only yesterday that it was the new years last and I was wandering around hoping to find spruce for my kitchen projects.
And so, I make my goals again. To go outside with my camera every single day (and walk to the cemetery when I can), to live in the moment and in touch with what the universe is giving me, to read two books a month, and to continue to share it all with you.
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yournewapartment · 6 years
Need help on this topic, im so lost.. I'm 20, female and have NEVER had a romantic relationship of any kind. I blame living in the country and lack of a dating pool. But I would like to try and find someone.. I want a relationship thats aimed toward marriage, but I don't know if I'm ready or how to start or if I'm actually attracted to anyone which scares me. I know girls don't turn me on but I'm not even sure if guys do and if I can't love or feel for anyone I'm scare of being alone forever
I know it’s frustrating, but try to remember- there is no set schedule for meeting someone, falling in love, and getting married. You have so much time! I know it might not seem like that right now, but I promise that that special someone is out there waiting for you. You’ll meet them when the time is right. And please remember, you don’t have to decide who/what that person is right now. Just feel it out as you go along, and listen to what feels right.
I’ve combined three posts for you. Advice on finding someone, dating someone, and then having sex with said person (if you so choose).
I hope you find this helpful! Hit me up with any specific questions.
Finding That “Special Someone(s)”
1. The first step is deciding what you’re looking for in a relationship. It’s best to be as specific as possible, while knowing that you can always adjust with time. One of the things you need to be definitive about is whether you’re looking for a committed relationship or not. No judgment either way, but you need to know what makes you comfortable. Some other things to consider:
Monogamy or Polyamory 
To sex or not to sex
Are you willing to LDR?
What sort of activities are you looking to do with this person? Hiking, gaming, exploring, etc.
Does age matter to you?
2. Once you know what you’re looking for, start looking for people who fit that criteria. This might seem like an obvious notion, but really, so many people form unrealistic expectations with people/persons who don’t fit their ideal. I’m not saying that they need to be 100% what you’re looking for. Nobody will be! But if you’re looking for a committed relationship and get involved with someone who is not ready to settle down, you can’t expect them to suddenly come around to your way of thinking. Start off with someone on the same page as you.
3. How do you meet such a person? Use your environment! You’re around so many people all day, people who may not be of interest to you, but people who know people. Find out if your friends know anyone who fits your picture. Friends are a great way to meet people. Also, hate to say it, but go to parties! Go to parties with you friends and socialize. Is there someone cute in your Physics class? Find out if she wants to go over homework with you at the campus cafe.
4. I also recommend frequenting places that you enjoy, and scoping out potential cuties. If you like to read, hang out at Barnes and Nobles to find a guy who likes to read. If you like hiking, join an outdoor adventure group. Feed your soul, while on The Hunt.
5. I highly recommend befriending any person you’re interested in. Put yourself in social situations with this person, to see if you’re socially compatible. We all know people who are sexy as all fuck but share nothing in common with us. Start with the shared experiences and work from there, I guarantee you that this method creates better and longer lasting relationships.
Dating Tips
1. Figure out what you’re looking for in a partner. There are lots of fish in the sea, and every one is different! You may be attracted to someone but not sexually or socially compatible with them. If you know exactly what you’re looking for, you may find it easier to zero in on the person(s) that interest you the most. Remember that you can always and should always adjust your wants/needs as time goes on.
Here are some ideas to get you started, but this is by no means a complete list:
Are you ready to commit to certain relationships? Or are you in the mood to explore different people with no particular ties?
Are you interested in one person? Or multiple people?
Are you interested in sex?
Are you bold and looking for someone to get out of your comfort zone with? Or are you confident and happy with where you are sexually? Or a mixture of the two?
2. Choose your “perfect date” ahead of time. I’m not a super spontaneous person, and I envy those that are. But I feel much less anxious when I already have a date planned in my head. Plans can always be adjusted, but I like to have a plan. In my mind, the “perfect date” has three parts…
One: The shared activity. Start your date off with an activity for you to do as a couple. Something public like a movie or a visit to a museum or hiking. While this may not seem super romantic to you, this is a great way to bond in a non-sexual way. And a public venue and a pre-determined activity takes some of that anxious pressure off. You don’t have to talk a lot (if at all). Keep it light!
Two: Dinner. This takes a bit of research. Find out if your intended is an adventurous eater or if they have any food preferences. I like to experience new things, and I want to be with a person who is open to that. So I think this meal should be something new and exciting. Possibly food from a different culture that they’ve never tried, or else something gastro and experimental. But not too expensive. Stay under $50 for this first date. And TIP!!
Three: Romance. Now is the time for you to spend some one-on-one time together, if you’re both feeling it. You could invite them back to your place, or take a romantic walk in the park if you’re not ready. But somewhere semi-private where you can have a deep conversation and really get to know each other.
And that’s it! Rinse and repeat!
3. Please ignore any societal notions you ever had about communication. Text or call whenever you want to! If you really like them, do it right away. If someone is really put off by how quickly you contacted them after a date, then they are not for you.
4. Be open about your experiences. If you’re a virgin or haven’t dated before, tell the other person. If they really like you, they’ll remember that these are life experiences that everyone develops at different times and they won’t care. Don’t be with someone who thinks that inexperience is a bad thing. Everyone is different!
5. There is no timeline for when you should sleep with a person. Well, actually there is, but it’s called “your personal judgment”. The same goes for any oral sex you may or may not want to have. If she eats you out, you’re not required to do the same to her. If he gives you a rim job and then she licks your balls, you’re not required to suck his dick or her tits.
6. Safe sex is so important! Please use condoms or some form of birth control. Some STDs will stay with you for life, and not everyone is honest about them. I’d also suggest that if you are getting serious with someone, that both of you get checked out by a doctor. Your health insurance should cover a yearly visit!
7. Please use caution before sending anyone naughty pictures of yourself. Just Skype them and do some naughty cam stuff.
8. Remember that fights are totally natural. Fighting every day is not, but occasional fights are bound to happen. It’s so important to talk through problems! Don’t keep them bottled up and festering inside, if you can’t be honest about how you feel then why are you with them? Compromise when you can but stay true to yourself. A couple is a unit, but it’s the individuals that make it successful.
9. Go traveling and vacationing together. People are often at their most anxious when traveling, and I would absolutely recommend that you spend some time together to see if you can work through the stress. Also, if you’re going to move in with someone spend some time living with them first. Before my boyfriend and I moved in together, I spent two nights out of the week living at his parent’s house and he spent one night living at mine.
10. During the first few months of dating or being with someone, you’ll probably want to spend all your free time with them. Think “Glue” by the Velvet Underground. Spend that time with them, but stay true to what makes you passionate. Keep painting, running, cooking, whatever.
General Sex Tips
1. I would highly recommend that you spend some time “getting to know yourself” before having sex. Feel around down there, see what feels good and what doesn’t. See if you can get yourself turned on. The more experience you have knowing what works for you, the better you’ll be able to communicate with your partner or partners and have an enjoyable experience.
2. If you have a vagina, odds are that your first time having sex is going to be slightly painful. This is totally natural, and will go away as time goes by. But be prepared to be upfront with your partner and to ask them to go slowly or use more lube if things do start hurting.
3. Condoms! There are many different kinds (ribbed, flavored, hot and cold). Magnum are large condoms, so if you are buying condoms and don’t have a monster dick, you probably should not use them. An ill-fitting condom is an ineffective condom! Also make sure to always store condoms correctly and to throw them out after their expiration date. Only one condom at a time folks, wearing two condoms is not twice as protective. They’re more likely to rip.
4. If you have a vagina, you should be peeing and/or showering immediately after sex to prevent UTIs. These are no joke! They are extremely painful infections that cause you to pee blood. Always pee after sex. Pee twice. People with penises can also get UTIs, but it’s far harder.
5. Did you know that only 25% of people with vaginas can have vaginal orgasms? So if you can’t, don’t stress! There are all sorts of different orgasms to be had, and they are all equally amazing. If you’re not cumming, you’re not being stimulated properly. Try a new position, a new technique, try having your partner or partners stimulate you in a different area. The page I linked above is a bit gender specific, but it has really useful information, so please ignore these terms.
6. Foreplay is so important! Vaginas take an average of 20 minutes to get properly revved up and horny. The reason you’re “dry” down there is because you’re not properly stimulated. You can always use lube in a pinch or ask your partner to go down on you, but you’ll find that sex is easier and more enjoyable when you are literally “wet down there”.
7. Period sex. Oh how I love period sex. Vaginas are at their most sensitive during this part of the cycle, so achieving an orgasm can be easier. If you’re going to have period sex, throw a towel down first. Blood comes out super easily in the wash, you don’t have to do anything special to the cloth to get it clean. You will probably want to shower afterwards!
8. Communication is key. You cannot just lie back and think of England and hope that you’ll achieve a magical orgasm. It’s not like that. What turns your partner or partners on may not turn you on. This is absolutely fine! You may not even want to cum or be able to cum during your first time having sex, and this is fine too. Tell them what works and what doesn’t and be AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE.
9. On a similar note, you are not obligated to do anything to anybody else or to yourself that you are not comfortable with. You do not need to give blowjobs or hand jobs or even have sex with someone if you aren’t 100% into it. If someone is pressuring you and thinks that sex equates a happy relationship, then I would advise you to ditch them and get on with your life.
10. Protection! Please use protection. Whether this is condoms, birth control, an IUD, whatever. The pull out method does not work. I am a product of the pull out method. Not everyone with a penis has precum, but many do. Don’t take the chance! I am on birth control and I love it, but that’s a whole different post.
11. Dildos come in all different shapes and sizes. You can get ones that are smaller and thinner than actual penises and ones that are comically large. Make sure to use lube! Wash them with dish soap in your sink and leave to dry. Some dildos that are “hyper realistic” come with a powder that you have to put on them. These are incredible dildos, I highly recommend them. They feel so life like!
12. Edible underwear does not taste all that good. Neither do flavored condoms.
13. Black sheets or black blankets and sex are not a good mix. You will see cum stains. They wash out super easily, you don’t need to do anything special to clean them. Just keep them out of sight when your friends and Aunt Kathy come over.
14. If you start having sex and decide that you want to stop having sex then please tell your partner and stop. You are not obligated to keep going if you feel uncomfortable. Your body = your choice.
15. If you have a vagina then you will want to make an OBGYN appointment shortly after you start having sex. These are vagina doctors and they can check your vagina out to make sure that everything is okay. You should probably get your vagina checked out often if you have multiple partners. If you are in a relationship with one person and use protection, then once a year is fine.
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queerascat · 7 years
i found an old post about a poc ace and went on their blog and they know say they don't identify as ace because aces are bad, basically. and like, i'm literally crying. idk what to do, that just really struck me. someone who wrote about being queer, ace and a poc like me shitting on me and telling me my identity is inherently problematic when it's the reason i can't access mental health atm, which is something i need cause the 'discourse' & the violent abuse i faced on this website for (cont)
(suicide ideation, death threat and conversion tw) including death threats, caused me to fall back into suicidal ideation. and the only therapist available to me suggested conversion therapy (i live in a small central american country, there’s not much knowledge about these things- she thinks if i can be converted to straight, i will no longer suffer from my orientation). this is horrible tbh. i’m sorry to unload but as another poc ace i feel safe around you. i guess what i’m trying to say is that this ‘discourse’, which is just a bunch of people thinking they can gaslight and abuse aces or call the ‘bad’ or ‘cringy’ and don’t want to have any sort of intra community discussion but literally deny us our experiences and be abusive, is harming my mental health. friends i trusted turned out to be acephobic, send me literal death threats. in what kind of WORLD is that fucking ok? idk where im going with this, im sorry. do you know of any ways i can deal with this wave of ace and aro hatred that’s spread this website? i don’t know how to go about it. and now in the spanish speaking online lgbtq+ community, enbyphobes have copied it to exclude enbys for ‘being actually cis’ and are calling us ‘cisnb’ after regs in english calling aces and aros ‘cishet’ so that’s just fucking great :( that’s because the community is only now starting to realize enbys exist. and it’s also learning that about aspecs, so im starting to hear it in spanish too. i just can’t escape it.
i genuinely feel like i’m in no place to be giving any sort of advice on things of this nature– especially right now when i’m just managing to keep my own head above water for various reasons, but…
i’d first like to say that venting has been (and continues to be) a significant part of self-care / coping for me personally and i am beyond flattered that you feel safe enough to vent your feelings to me. no need to apologize, anon. i don’t know if i can be of any help to you, but i hope that the very act of venting in and of itself has been a step in the right direction for coping for you like it often is for me.
i also want to say that i’m very sorry to hear about all of the shit that you’ve been (and continue to be) put through. while i haven’t had your exact experiences, i can very much relate to feeling like you can’t escape “discourse” or otherwise harmful ideology as both it itself and the effects of it pervades other aspects and intersections of your life both on and outside of Tumblr. not to mention how it feels to finally find that rare, illusive something or someone that you share important but seemingly less common intersections with only to discover that that thing or person contributes to the very thing that’s, for lack of a better expression, fucking you up.
…ah, yes. like those old posts by a formerly self-identified ace and queer person of color who now not only advocates against asexuality but who does so in a way that blatantly shits on aces of color by pitching them against other QPOC, among other things. that’s some fucked up shit, ain’t it?
cough. anyway… my personal coping and self-care strategies.
my go-to strategies for coping and self-care certainly don’t work for everyone or in all situations, but with Tumblr and social media-related thing in general i often try to:
remove myself from the source of the distress.
even if only temporarily for a few hours, days, a week– whatever, i do what i can to mentally and / or physically check myself out of whatever it is that’s negatively affecting me and do my best to turn my attention to other things. i go to Starbucks, read a book, clean my apartment, focus on a personal project, catch up on shows, turn off my computer and my phone and finally make myself food– whatever. i focus on things that are actually tangible and perhaps offer some form of self-gratification even if it’s just in the form of tasting good because goddamnit, the time and cost required to get a caramel macchiato is (and quite frankly should be) far more worth it to me than the time and (mental) cost spent giving a damn about someone else’s bullshit. or so i tell myself.
if the source of the distress is outside of the internet, as might be the case with a therapist, i cut that person (or thing) out of my life even if it’s just by silently breaking off communication with them by not returning their calls or not going to their therapy sessions temporarily or indefinitely. as i said above, that person / those people / that thing is not worth the time or (mental) cost required of me by dealing with them.
limit or manage my exposure to the source of the distress when removing myself from it completely isn’t possible.
i feel like this often ends up being more taxing than simply removing myself all together, but blocking / unfollowing immediately upon coming across something or someone that can potentially or does set you off is important. blocking applies to more than just people, blogs or posts but also blacklisting tags, keywords etc using something like Xkit for Tumblr, the native block & mute features on Twitter, etc. if the distress comes in the form of asks, instant messages, etc then i disable those things at least temporarily, especially when blocking an IP fails to get the job done. i also avoid browsing through tags, which can be tough when you actively want to find something to help yourself feel better about yourself / your experiences / etc…
when the source of the distress isn’t online-based, i try to manage / limit my exposure by avoiding the person or thing in question when possible. again, actively avoiding someone or something requires effort on my part and can in and of itself be taxing, so it’s not ideal… but i do what i can.
while venting is by no means The Solution to anything and comes with its own set of risks / problems when done publicly, venting can be done in so many different ways. it’s a relatively easy form of instantly relief for me regardless of how small that relief may ultimately be. whether it be tweeting, journaling (online or pen & paper), venting on sites specifically made for that purpose, scribbling feelings onto a piece of paper and then immediately ripping that paper to shreds, typing heatedly into a text document and then closing it without saving– whatever, it helps for me to take even a moment out of my day to acknowledge how i feel and speak those feelings into existence beyond just the mess that is my own head at times. even if those feelings only exist in the world for seconds before i delete or physically destroy them because Anxiety And Shit, it still helps.
but perhaps most importantly is to:
focus on the fact that no matter what anyone else says or does, i am The Authority on who i am, how i feel, etc.
i know who i am, but i also know that who i am is not the problem even when others make me feel otherwise. regardless of how i may feel about the things that i face in regards to my sexuality, my gender, my race, etc, i try to keep in mind that those things that i face are a product of the society that i live in and the people who insist on interjecting their own personal bullshit into my life. imho, this is as true of Tumblr “discourse” as it is of life in general.
while it may not be possible to escape society or shitty people all together, there is a lot more to society and life in general than the bullshit that we find ourselves faced with at times. i try my best to look beyond or through “discourse” on Tumblr and see the communities of people both on an off Tumblr who, like me, are against such bullshit. while shitty therapists and shitty people in general may rebrand and rehash the same old tired, hurtful shit that’s been said to others for forever, i try to look past that and focus instead on the fact that a lot of people aren’t like that and have actually learned from the past and and are better for it. i try to focus on a future where i will have access to competent mental health resources and care even though i do not have that now…
…….i’m not sure why i ended up writing this short novel of a post that ultimately amounts to nothing, but yeah. anon, no matter how hard things get, please know that you’re never going at it alone. there are others out there struggling, coping, surviving in spite of the same or similar things, it’s just that if hardly anyone talks about it we end up feeling alone in it, unaware of others’ company…
….which is one reason why despite the potential risks, venting publicly even in the form of anonymous asks can be worth it sometimes and i very much welcome such asks on this blog.
all the best, anon.
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Hey op, I saw your post about discovering you were autistic. Something similar is happening to me except I haven't gone for a diagnosis yet. Would it be okay for you to talk about how you knew?
For me there are things that...fit really well, that hit very close to home, but others not so, so Im not sure if whatever it is that I've got (because clearly, something is there.) I'm not very sure if the autistic spectrum can be so wide as for me to be included in it.
Any tips?
Of course, happy to help.
For me there were three kind of bigger indicators.
First, and after discussing this one with my therapist, it seems to be very consistent across autistic people: I've always felt different. Like I knew that I was at the very least slightly off in comparison to other people. (Please excuse the phrasing, I couldn't think of another way to put it properly).
Second, linked with the first: I have always experienced this thing I like to describe as 'not feeling like a real person'. All that really means is that I see the way other people are out laughing boldly with friends or joking or just straight up experiencing the world, and I think "man, I wish I could be a real person." And it always made me sad because I was consciously realising that I cannot and do not experience the world in the same way most neurotypical people do. It was just this huge feeling of otherness. (My therapist indicated that this is very common)
Third: masking. Now, this one made me feel bad for a really long time because I had no clue what was going on until my ex-girlfriend was like "oh, yeah, that's masking." For me, one of the biggest ways I mask is to copy mannerisms and speech patterns of people I'm around. I do it the most when I really like someone (friend like or romantically) or when a person makes me so extremely uncomfortable that I guess my brain is like "you need to mimic them for safety reasons." The reason this one bothered me so much is that I always felt like I just couldn't have my own personality, why was I always copying other people, surely they've all noticed and think I'm a fucking weirdo. It was very upsetting until I learned it was masking. Finding that out has helped me to accept it when I do it, even though I am trying to mask less.
So, those are the big three. There are lots of other minor things. I have ocd, which very commonly goes hand in hand with Autism. I got that need for rigid schedule and following the same patterns almost daily (slight variations are okay, but people planning stuff and not telling me when I've already set up my personal schedule for the day in my head, big no no). I eat the same foods on repeat and have an extremely difficult time changing it up. When I like food or dislike it, the primary reason is texture. (My fiance actually pointed this one out. Apparently I talk about the texture of food a ton).
I'm sure you've probably come across information about the emotionality of Autistic people. The common trope is that we are very emotionless. However, thats not accurate at all. There are two main big categories of where we can fall: tending to not feel emotions very strongly (the trope), and feeling emotions very intensely, more intensely than neurotypical society says is appropriate 🙄. I fall into this category, and I hate it because I have spent so much time trying to just not feel my emotions because they are so intense and my expression of them is 'inappropriate' that it has caused a great many mental health issues for me. So the eye roll face is because I think that the appropriate expression of emotion dictated by most of society is stupid. Along with this one, I have a hard time verbalizing and verbally identifying how I am feeling. As a result, I tend to just tell people I am upset. My therapist says this is somewhat common amongst Autistic individuals. I cannot recall the reasoning she gave for it being common, but I am including it because it was brought up in the process of discussing all this.
I also have this huge tendency to overexplain my reasons for things I've done or said because I do not want to be misunderstood/I have experienced misunderstanding so many times that I learned to do this at some point (I consider this to be part of my masking). This one seems to be pretty common, at least from tiktok. I've seen a lot of Autistic people on tiktok mention it.
Side note in relation to this but still relevant to the post imo, I hate that society tends to think you are lying the more detail you provide. I have a tendency to find all details absolutely vital. So when telling someone about what happened in a situation, I relay as much information as I can. Apparently, that means you are lying. It frustrates me a lot.
In that same vein, another thing my therapist said is fairly common: many Autistic people like to ask why continuously. Not as in just repeating "why," but rather that someone will say "I don't know" or provide an answer, but we often are still seeking a further reason. I've done this my entire life, and booooy does it aggravate people. For me it is just that I want to know the reasoning behind things. I want to know as much information as possible about the topic, and, as mentioned above, I tend to find every single detail absolutely important. That just leads to continuously asking why.
So another one for me, of which I am unsure the commonality: I have a very difficult time maintaining friendships unless I see someone most days of the week. I would say about 5 out of the 7 makes it the easiest for me, but it has worked out on less than that, rarely. The reason for this is that I forget to talk to people when I cannot physically see them. I mean, I just don't think about it for weeks on end. Then I will for a second, but won't message them because I'm doing something, and then forget about it again for ages. Part of this is that I prefer in person communication because I can try to read people's body language and facial expressions. The other part is tone of voice is more clear in person than via text. Now, this one bothered me when I was trying to figure out if I was autistic because it is common for Autistic people to not recognise facial cues and body language the same way as neurotypical people. Turns out, according to my testing results paperwork, i just have a higher ability to recognise facial expressions than most people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. So, I just vary a bit from the average.
Within this same vein is the commonly known 'eye contact issue'. The stereotype is that we cannot and do not make eye contact. This is so false. Many Autistic people do not make eye contact well, yes, but not all. For example, I do. I told one of my brothers I was getting tested for Autism and his response was, and I quote literally here, "I don't think you're Autistic because you make eye contact." What he didn't know is the reason why I make eye contact. I do it because I was taught repeatedly that it is how you show people you are listening. So, basically, I'm masking when I make eye contact because I'm solely doing it to show someone I am listening to them. In fact, 😆 I commonly am sitting there telling myself to make eye contact in order to indicate that I am present and interested in what the other person is saying. I also have a harder time masking this way when attempting to talk about things that are important and emotionally relevant to me. In therapy, I rarely make eye contact with my therapist because it is so difficult to talk about things in general that I cannot also make eye contact. Lastly, for this one, the more comfortable I am with someone, the less I make eye contact with them. My fiance, for example, not very common at all that I do it.
There is also the very common special interests phenomenon. The media tends to show this as a math or science thing, but it really isn't. I follow one tiktoker whose special interest is bugs and, I believe, art. I highly recommend her. Her handle is: soundoftheforest. For me, it's language/linguistics and ancient egypt, Greece and Rome. Really, I'd say ancient anywhere history, but those are the big three. Egypt has been my longest interest, besides language. I actually remember the moment I was like "this is it for life." I was 7 and had finished my library books but was bored at daycare. So I went to the book shelf and picked up a book about King Tut. It was the page I read about the day Howard Carter found the tomb. And I just knew me and Ancient Egypt were meant to be forever. As for language, I've literally always been fascinated by it. I started speaking very early and with more complex words than is usual. And I just continued to love language from there. I ended up studying ancient Greek and Latin in college. Also, I info dump about these all the time, almost anytime I possibly can because they're so fucking cool. 😁
Another side note, it is common for Autistic individuals to have delays in speaking, I just did not. It is not something required for the diagnosis. It is just very common.
This one is a little bit weird, and might just be a me thing, but I've discussed it with my therapist. She indicated that it very much aligns with Autism. I cannot, or can but with extreme apprehension and knowledge that I will leave depressed; I simply cannot go into buildings of certain lighting, age, and design. It seems to be buildings that look and/or feel like they were built in the 1960s or 1970s. We haven't really figured out why that is a thing, but it is. I once didn't bother to finish applying for a job to teach Latin that I'd basically been guaranteed so long as I sent in the app because when I went for the interview I saw the building and knew I could not teach there, even part time, because the building would depress me constantly. It's a weird one, but if you have anything at all where you just cannot do it because you know it will affect you like this, I'd bring it up in discussing potentially being Autistic.
I nearly forgot to mention this one, but you've probably heard about the sensory issues that many Autistic people deal with. I have some with touching things, but it is less common an issue for me than my sound sensitivity issues. I am very sensitive to sound. If I had to give a 4th big reason, this would be it because I get overstimulated and overwhelmed by sound multiple times a day. Its rough. If you also have this issue, I cannot recommend enough noise cancelling headphones and chew stim toys when you don't have your headphones. It's really helpful.
This last one I'm going to mention is something that I think I do just to help prevent burnout from masking, but is also part of me specifically. I am an introvert. So that plays a role in this. I spend the vast majority of my time completely by myself. I do mean even when at home with my fiance. We are often in different rooms. I have no problem with it. It doesn't feel like it is bad for our relationship, thankfully. I just prefer to be alone most of the time. The more time I spend around people, the more time afterwards I need alone. That is partially my introvertedness but also me needing to because I am socially exhausted from masking and trying to read all the social cues and not make weird errors when in social settings 😳, which I do a lot. I think I just default to spending time by myself when I am not required to engage with people in order to ensure that I can later. Plus, in discussing this one with my therapist, we concluded that I do this at least in part to prevent burnout and overstimulation.
As for the testing itself. I discussed this with my therapist for a while when waiting to get tested, and by the time I did get tested, I had a nice long list of stuff to bring up. I would definitely recommend compiling a list of the symptoms/signs you feel are indicative for yourself. It was very quick after I first brought it up in therapy that I decided I needed the official diagnosis for myself. So my therapist gave me recommendations of who to see. I also looked myself because the recommended people were so booked they couldn't even schedule further out. Once I got it scheduled, I had to wait like 3 months for the appointments. So, if you are seeking the official diagnosis, don't give up because it's a long wait. From what I've seen others saying, it's pretty common to have to wait a bit to be seen.
There were 3 appointments, an intake, a testing, and a feedback appointment. The intake appointment involved me talking to the doctor about my experiences and why I thought I might be autistic. She asked me a few questions about the more commonly known signs of autism if I did not mention them. The testing appointment took about 4 hours and involved a self report personality assessment, several verbal and memory activities, a teaching activity, two story telling/creating activities, and (the part I thought was most difficult) an activity in which I had to identify the emotion being expressed by just the eye and eyebrow area of black and white photos of people. I also had a take home assessment for someone who knew me really well. It was related to executive functioning abilities and emotional regulation abilities. I cannot speak on the feedback appointment because of technical issues resulting in not actually having that appointment. I have rescheduled it and will be doing that later this month.
If you have anything more specific you want to ask me about, please do. I am happy to answer.
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Watch "EXCLUSIVE: Ex Girlfriend of Paul Pelosi Jr Discusses Abuse, Fraud Allegations" on YouTube
So this guy in the interview is a Ben Clan Human Trafficker
Paul Paleosi Jr is only 20 years old.
The Paul she is talking about WAS Paul then he was killed in 1987 and taken over by aliens.
PPJ hasn't tried to contact her due to his old body being taken over by a Zulu alien.
Because they study intently, the Zulululu would mimic the good and romantic parts of the true person. But the rest of the time be taken down to the evil soul status.
So unfortunately her stories are 100% true and thusly sad
But the person soul is incorrect.
This is why we crested dna4u after 1991 when I blockaded the ability to overtake souls due to my daughters being kidnapped and one being overtaken by Zulululu and the other murdered for refusing.
So dna4u is decades into the making with Galaxies and planets helping as much as possible.
Check out the Google photos of this "51 year old man"
He told me "by the time you find me, I'll only be 20, shes makingbme lie about my age" she being Nancy Pelosi.
She in a long story Tree will post from that I wrote in a private email. With his information included, also abducted me. She's a real bitch
The minute men brought her to the aavuatuin studios and i was supposed to be picked up but I was blocked in traffic, so she was to sit in the lot and wait, she rolled under the plane for shade and was ran over by two planes when they thought they would have that chance to get me in a small window..
Still i haven't been able to be picked up.
Nancy has plenty of clones, tho. So I'm sure some hank ktch will be running her mouth soon.
But she was the worst 'clone' in the baby selling an human marketing trade.
She was mpst often in my Google with a sunk in face... Because she had plates of steel around her skull. Denise does, too as well as Billy and Nathaniel. Nathaniel in the back of his skull, Billy in the front.
She's photographed in my Google as the State Rep but ain't the one that goes to the Chairman Floor.
She's my father's soul mate but not my mother of birth..
In 2003 we banned the ability to get pregnant by anyone but our soul mates.
So Nancy's metal face was her backup. She gave her body to a Saturn good soul, so in thought she would be able to return to it in such times when she is attacked
Not only was and is that not possible but now we have destroyed the shell body. So her Saturn that tricked her to letting a guy her body is now free to work as ghost. And get much more done!.
And Paul and Karina are extra protected by those that waited to kill Nancy and with great and extreme force shoved the Saturn Soul Filled body into a sedan and dropped her to the lot, while invisible
Dino that she killed long ago.
They are extremely violent and more quickly than me with blinders to any other existence to stop them from destroying
So you will immediately die if you mess with my brother or my sister in law and any of my siblings and their children and soulmate.
We have the location of the people who kidnapped my niece and nephew. And so killing them and recapturing my family will continue
They were not reported as stolen. And time is up in order for them to do so.
We have earned experience due to Clayton Millicant, Clay Millican's evil twin.
Thusly we know exactly how to handle this
And I'm quite sure since Donald Trump hates her, that we will earn a monthly stipend instead of a one time payment if he continues to trust in our work
It just takes time
I had Clay and Aubrina murdered yesterday morning and had time to bring them back to life. So these Bastards that kept getting in my way to prevent my appearing at my own property and not being a POW still remain to be tedious. Just so you know, they killed a 12 year old girl last week in order to rape her so they arent made fun of how they can't perform quality sex. Since 2003, sex with a non soulmate is dull, boring and ugh gross. But these idiots don't realize that.
So they killed a 31 year old virgin and a 6 year old crippled child whom could barely walk. Its true she was on the Plane ladder because I taught her due to her disability and crippleness her super skill is to climb ladders because its less pain for her compared to our flat foot selves
She had been locked in a cage and starved and beaten and abused. And her way of sitting in that small space crippled her back and legs and feet and especially ankles.
She had been exercising in my personal bathtub and swimming pool to maximize her strength and ability to move distances greater than 4 feet without pain.
She worked diligently and as much as possible and was able to walk 16 feet on flat foot then walk 24 feet on tip toe and rest then walk 6 to 7 feet flat foot then stop. With minimal pain.
Due to her happiness and flexing her ankles ih the water for 3 to 6 or 8 hours per day.
She worked hard and got ecperiabce to gain health. And she was climbing that ladder of the plane to kill the people up there as they were the same type of people whom abused her. And were friends with them.
And they grabbed her by her neck and threw her 75 feet to the ground.
And so Clay climbed up, not in order to kill but just ask why they were there. He knew i would need to know in order to handle the situation.
And they just threw him down and broke his wrist in a way it was crumbled bones. Then not realizing it was broke. It was unhealed after he was back to life.
And it was extra painful. So don't think they both won't kill now.
He was in 7 to 8 hours of extreme pain and he was of harmless intent, trying to find the solution.
I gave a 6 year old child a revolver in order to protect herself. And she did. We were able to heal her better than the other healing methods we used due to her death.
That doesn't make it fine that they had the nerve to do that shit.
Im just better than they are. I keep warning you ass holes you need to be good in ACTION not by acting.
You don't you'll die.
Again as I said if you're not invited to my personal property including what APPEARS to be a business, you will be a trespasser with violent offence and die.
Im not playing. So Bobby and Edward were murdered for murdering both a pissed off child and a concerned man.
So y'all need to fuck off. Jesse and Alex are presumed to be still looking for Annabelle.
As they kidnapped Annabelle as an infant due ti my having twins. I do have my other daughter, Annabelle's twin safe.
Josie is still in an unknown location and Jesse, Alex and several others are attempting to find her And Annabelle.
Snoop was also a hostile take over but he was my friend. However he was killed by Bobby. And so yes i have friends that are illegal alien. But there is a REAL SNOOP. Out there. That looks like young snoop and less bug eyed.
Smooth, sweet skin and a smooth grace. Still tiny though like his old body. But not old. He was sent to Saturn from TSJ.
We became quality friends before we moved. He went to Venus to help the transition of the rescue pods but they beat him and so i had to go. Because i don't put up with that shit. And so then i took him in as well, not recognizing him due to his swollen facial features from bruising. And he became our Venus representative while sending Data to Saturn from me in order to help Save Saturn. They finished their exponents in 1989, they last was begun and completed in early 1990 due to an experience with Michael Jackson.
Then Jupiter finished.
But also we willingly took the opposite of their good to see the bad in small controlled experiments in order to help. Small traditional studies in the 1960's, and our research allowed them to succeed faster...
Unfortunately this lazy bitch from Uranus kept sending her ass holes here. And so we are in year 81 of trying to fix all supreme galaxies and planets with life.
So we will.
This bitch died by severe torture from the Galaxy Council and Echinecea took over with my life model. And so upon completion we get a ring and a moon. So Uranus has a ring, 4 of them. And i have a tatto of it and irs rings. It is the only planet i have a tattoo of
Its because i fixed it, with my heart and my life experiences, and so with only mine alone its saved 54 galaxies from incompletion.
Now they ain't got that swirl like Jupiter or Saturn because its simply my model and not a combo of theirs and ours. Like Saturn and Jupiter.
Our rings will be a figure 8 around our moon and Earth and then we will gain a moon as i posted yesterday that is being shielded and held by Jupiter inside their ring set and it is the color of my eyes from TSJ.
Mostly i have brown because i just want to kill people and bury them in the dirt, otherwise they're green because id rather bury them in the sea aka good things. Drown them in the spirit of love.
So adding pink is the sunset and sunrise... Truly i do want to live another day.
It hasn't been pink in a long time, so. Sont think I sont think y'all suicidal. If i want to play dumb.
Alright snot heads..
I sent Alex a series of maps. There is new information for them.
Trump get on that monthly stipend..
We need it to keep your people alive.
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