#if he doesnt own a phone he doesnt have a tumblr
fearsomefivefanclub · 6 months
ok, i see your quackerjack profile picture. thoughts on video games?
i actually do like video games. i play a lot of them in my spare time, it's pretty fun
yeah i know Quackerjack would kill me over that or something but i dont think he owns a phone
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Soooo why do you have the crack ship of Ryo and Daigo?
i see two ex-emo nepo babies and i think they should kiss and play mind games with each other
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bratbby333 · 1 month
gamer!bf sukuna fluff—sfw !! cw: language. smau + blurb
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with a quick kiss on your forehead, sukuna informs you he’s running competitive games on COD for a cash prize and emphasizes that he needs you to leave him alone so he can focus. god, he can be such a diva.
you’ve been curled up on the couch for an hour or so, aimlessly scrolling through your phone. sukuna is holed up in the office, most likely talking shit and being a menace online.
a brief yell echoes through your apartment, followed by a quick slam of his fists against his desk.
“im done with this shit,” he exclaims, most likely quitting the game he was in. it seems he didn’t win his competition.
you giggle to yourself, shaking your head. you find it amusing how angry he gets during his games. but, you do feel a bit bad that he lost, so you decide to invite him to a voice call on discord.
as you navigate to your private chat with him, you watch as his status changes from “playing COD” to…wait. that can’t be right…minecraft? no way. that’s impossible.
you give it 30 minutes to see if it was just an accidental click. when you check back, his status remains the same.
you smirk as you open up your messages, eager to see if he’ll confess.
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you giggle to yourself as you stand from the couch, taking quick steps down the hall.
as you push open the office door, a cheeky grin can’t help but pull at your cheeks as you approach him.
you join him at the desk, taking a seat in front of your monitor. “you’re so stubborn, ya know that?”
“i told you not to speak of this ever again,” he muttered, aimlessly walking around minecraft as he waits for your computer to boot up.
“lemme just hear you say it,” you tease.
“say what?” he asks, turning to face you, a look of annoyance on his face at your adamance to continue this conversation.
“you like minecraft,” you replied simply, raising your eyebrows. “just admit it and i’ll never say another word.”
he stared at your for a minute, his jaw clenching and unclenching. with a heavy sigh, he turns back to his monitor, grumbling an almost inaudible, “i like minecraft,” with a roll of his eyes.
but it’s a lie. a dirty little secret. he doesn’t just like it, he loves it. he especially loves how happy you get when the two of you play together, as much as he tries to deny it.
the two of you spend the next three hours running around minecraft. sukuna is clearly enjoying himself, though you can tell he’s attempting to hide it with an abrupt clear of his throat or a quick cough to cover up his laughter.
a warm feeling spins around your stomach, giggling as you watch him fight back a persistent smile the entire time.
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an: thank you for your request my sweet anon. this was adorable.
i really want to start doing smau’s ugh they’re just so cute and fun to make. i have a full-length fic coming up that incorporates them into the story!! this is my way of experimenting w that format…please let me know what you think! in a way, i feel like it makes the story more real.
thank you for all your support 🥺🫶🏼 i wanna give every single one of yall a big ole smooch on the forehead
my asks are always open. don’t be shy, drop a suggestion, send feedback, leave a request, or just come say hello! i love talking to yall 💛
likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated !!
bratbby333 on tumblr. all rights reserved. please do not distribute. 2024.
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okay hi, this is kinda a sensitive topic so feel free to deny, jst lmk cuz tumblr eats asks sometimes
I wanna request a self aware!bsd x gn teen!reader. Reader is like 15-16, and has a very bad home life (father is physically & s*xually abusive as well as an addict and mom doesnt care) and uses bsd as an escape and stuff. They see Chuuya and Kouyou as parental figures (not a ship). And reader is like really lifeless/numb but also extremely scared and paranoid
It is not your fault
Self-Aware! Platonic! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Abused! Reader x Self-Aware! Platonic! Kouyou Ozaki
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Description: There are monsters in your house. You want to be saved. From reality no one want help you. Maybe, you can help world in different world.
TW: Non-descriptive SA (psychological (photos, comments, forced looking at nudity) and physical (forced touching)). Mentions, without clarification or NSFW language. Mentions of drugs. Reader think that it's their fault [IT'S NOT AND IT WILL NEVER BE]. The bastard gets what he deserves. Soft protective platonic yandere. English is my second language.
The school break will end soon, and you have to go to class.
You were reading BSD manga on your phone. When you got the message.
You heard the notification sound. You take a look at the screen.
[1 photo send from Father]
You feel sick. You knew what he sent you. You don't want to look at it.
Another notification.
[Look at it]
[That's what I put into your mother, so she can have you]
[Isn't he looked good?]
You hurry to the school bathroom. You can't let anyone accidentally see, what your father sent you.
You can't ignore him. Or it would be worse.
When you got into the school bathroom, you make sure, that no one see you. You opened the chat with your father and immediately closed your eyes.
It takes you a few moments to close the app without looking at the screen.
There were tears in your eyes.
But when you go back to class, you were emotionless.
From outside, you looked numb and emotionless. But inside you were scared.
Really scared.
But you were hiding your fear.
Because no one cares. Even your own mother.
"Mom... Dad was sending me photos... Of his... Of his..."
"[Y/N], stop mumbling. Just ignore him."
"Mom... Dad was making comments... About my... hips. He is making me uncomfortable..."
"[Y/N], I told you before. Ignore him."
"Mom, why Dad is walking around home naked? He is..."
"[Y/N], stop whining. Ignore your father..."
"Mom... He touched me... He forced me to touch him... He held my hand and didn't let me go..."
"Mom... He hit me because I called him gross... My hands feel gross and dirty... Mom, please help me!"
"Mom... Why are you ignoring me?"
You hoped, that today he won't touch you.
You won and loose at the same time.
He didn't 'touch' you, but he beat you.
For not looking at his messages the same moment you got them.
Then he was too high on God knows what to touch you or force you to touch him.
You hide in your room.
You use the chair to hold the door down.
Your father is 'satisfied' with touching.
One day he will want more.
You prayed, that this day won't come for the next year. Until you are eighteen and can finally leave this house for good.
Your hands already will be dirty for the rest of your life.
You don't want to be dirty for the rest of your life.
From books, you have read, you learned, that's not your fault.
If only you could believe in these words yourself.
Were you really innocent? Or you did something, that made your father... interested in you?
You curled under the blanket and open your phone. You want to escape. You need to escape.
You opened BSD Mayoi App. You need to look at Chuuya and Kouyou cards.
In BSD world
Chuuya and Kouyou were ruthless. You need them. You were stuck in one house with the monster. Two monsters, because your mother didn't do anything to help you.
Chuuya growled at Ango.
"When the damn thing will be ready?! [Y/N] need us!"
Kouyou's gaze were cold. Golden Demon was hovering above here.
Ango took a step back.
"It still needs two hours to charge. I wish, it can be faster, but we can't do anything for it."
Chuuya turned around and left the room. Soon, everyone heard the sound of the road near the building been destroyed. Chuuya tried to calm down this way, otherwise he would attack someone.
He remembered your words.
"He beat me again. I don't want to be hurt anymore. I don't want to be touched by him... If you were real, would you care enough to help me?"
"I would, [Y/N]. I care enough. I will show him. He will pay."
Kouyou did a better job in holding herself together. But inside she was livid.
"I wish you were there, Kouyou. With you near me, he won't go near me. He won't touch me."
"He won't. Please, [Y/N], wait. It will be over soon."
"How dare you to hold your door with the chair?! Ungrateful brat! STRIP!"
"No! Let me go! I don't want to! It's wrong!"
"Don't go near me! Stay away! Someone, please help me! Mom, please help me!"
"Come on! Open, damn portal! Open!"
And the white light fills the room, right after your father grabbed you by the shirt.
It takes one kick from Chuuya, to make your father fall down on the floor. He can't move, thanks to Chuuya's ability.
Your mother came to your room, trying to see, what was the noise. She saw you, your father been pinned down. And all BSD characters. Before she can shout, Golden Demon's katana was aimed at her throat.
Kouyou was standing before you, hiding you from your father and mother.
You can't believe your eyes. Was it real? Are BSD characters really standing in your room? Are they really protecting you?
You heard Kouyou's voice. She sounds soft.
"[Y/N], dear, sorry for almost letting this vermin do what he was planning to do. But we are here now, we are here to take you out of here. Do you trust us? Will you come with us?"
You nodded. You were certain, that they won't hurt you. It was time. You can finally be free.
Chuuya looked at you and smiled.
"[Y/N], is it okay if Kouyou and I join you and others later? We need to deal with this man and woman."
You simply nodded and follow after the rest of the Cast. You were leaving the house. You stayed near Kyouka.
When you were gone, Chuuya and Kouyou start their revenge on your 'parents'.
You were free.
There is still work to do. You will need professional help.
But now you have people, who love you and respect you.
You have two parental figures in your life. Chuuya and Kouyou respect your privacy. They want you to feel safe.
They will protect you.
Monsters that you lived with, are dead. Your father died with his stomach ripped open and been as thin as a paper sheet. Your mother was torn apart.
Nothing can hurt you anymore. You will be better. You will feel safe.
They are with you.
The most important thing they told you, was this.
You are innocent. And it was never your fault. You are not dirty or disgusting.
It was never your fault.
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formulawonu · 2 years
can i request seventeen asking for cuddles after a nightmare 🥺🥺🥺
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seventeen & nightmares
a/n: bye this prompt is so cute 😭 i got carried away idk why this became so long :( also idk why tumblr is glitching and formatting stuff weird
seungcheol: would 100% try to make it seem like he just wants to cuddle nothing suspicious ha haha... then when ur both trying to go back to sleep he whispers "honestly i just had a nightmare" :/ poor baby let him cuddle u all night long!!!! on the other hand if u have a nightmare he is ur #1 protector. do u need the lights on do u need water do u wanna talk? oh u just want to cuddle? HE CAN DO THAT
jeonghan: it happens in the middle of the night and it is the faintest of movement from him because he doesn't want to wake you but he makes sure you're right next to him and he pulls you in closer and eventually leaves a kiss on ur head just thankful u are there. but he'd tell u about it in passing the next morning acting like it wasnt anything so u dont worry :/ IM GONNA KMS and if its u with the nightmare you'd shake him awake and he'd ask u whats wrong in his sleepy voice but listen and talk to u however long u need to fall back asleep while cuddling u:/ f m l
joshua: STOP he would get up immediately and open all the lights to make u feel better :/ he'd make u sit up then get you water and rub ur back if its a super bad nightmare just so u know everything is gonna be okay :( would also be willing to do something random even if its the middle of the night to get ur mind off of it... like would bake warm cookies with you or smth ahhahah if he has a nightmare i think he'd try to wake u up like once but if u dont wake up he'd be content with just cuddling closer to u and falling asleep with his arms around u. ur his comfort pillow
junhui: waking junhui up because of a nightmare would be funny because he's clearly disoriented from being woken up all of a sudden but he's trying his best to make sense of why he's awake dkufgjhshf "HUH WHAT DO U MEAN SOMEONE CHASED U JUST NOW DO I CALL THE COPS?" takes him a min to process but comforts u the best way he can:/ he'd give good cuddles:( i think if he was the one with the nightmare he wouldnt really wake u or mind if ur half-asleep but he'd be talking about it out loud while playing with ur hair just so he could calm down and process it on his own
hoshi: he'd wake you up in the middle of the night so u both could process what the nightmare meant and you'd probably lie in bed just talking about different things to get his mind off of it:( he'd be playing with your hand and muttering random things solely saved for sacred late night conversations and moments. ur the bigger spoon when u eventually go to sleep n cuddle. if u have the nightmare he'd try his best to listen to u but i think he'd be falling asleep 😅 however its like second nature for him and he gives u one of the best cuddles ever
wonwoo: DONT GET ME STARTED ON HIM like if you had a nightmare and you wake him up and tell him about it he'd find a way to make it sound like a good thing like that time seungkwan had that nightmare of wonwoo and he said it meant something good djshfdjkfh he'd also drop everything to cuddle u and hum u to sleep:/ if he has the nightmare he honestly wouldnt wake you up to ask for cuddles bc he doesnt wanna bother u I FEEL ILL 😭😭😭 like the only way u find out he's had a nightmare is if he tells u abt it the next day or u personally wake up to his movement in the bed and see he's sitting up reading or using his phone to get his mind off of it:/
woozi: be REAL u had the nightmare and he would give up his personal space to cuddle u:/ "jihoon are u awake..." "no" "please i had a nightmare" he'd immediately sit up and ask you if you wanna talk about it or how he could help you and when u say u just wanna be near him he'd give in and cuddle because duh hes a simp 🙄 if he has a nightmare he honestly just pulls u in closer in bed
minghao: hao would be so sweet about it like i think he would know ur having a nightmare before u even wake up and he'd shake u lightly because he's that receptive of u and how u are dhjfgfksj like he'd be all "babe its okay i think u were having a nightmare" then he's hugging u or rubbing ur back UGH but if he had the nightmare i think he's another one that wouldnt wake you up.. he'd get up drink some tea to calm himself down then get in bed and naturally cuddle up to u help
mingyu: ok thing is u NORMALLLY cuddle with this man but the grip he has around u specifically after a nightmare (regardless of if u or he had it) is strong and secure and everything is suddenly right with the world as long as u are in his arms dksfjhdsdfj but it'd also go like "i had a dream ~this~ happened" and he would say "ok but logically that can't happen" ok thanks mingyu! big help! but he just wants to make sure ur okay anyway:/
seokmin: he'd be so cute uisdkhjfsdkrfjh like ur there telling him about ur nightmare and he's trying his best to listen and be supportive but he's also scared out of his mind bec of the contents of ur dream so now he's lost in his thoughts and u both are scared hjdgfdjh same goes for if he has the nightmare 😭 but the cuddles are extra tight and u guys just keep talking in bed until u drift off into bed i can imagine it going "hey are u still awake im still scared" "i was FALLING ASLEEP" "ok but im still scared" kdfjhdfkgjh
seungkwan: he'd try his best to make u laugh if u woke him up after a nightmare :( like he'd get up and pretend to look under the bed start fighting an imaginary whatever in mid air and get mad ydfhgkfd "ok come out let me fight u" he'll have u laughing but also intently listening to whatever nightmare u had bec he cares :( if he had a nightmare he'd wake you up also n he might be crying :( he'd be talking about it and he'd pull u into his arms while just talking about it. just be there for him and tell him its gonna be ok :( kwannnieeeeeee :(
vernon: THIS MAN. he would actually be such a good listener its just that i also think he generally wouldnt know what to say??? like he knows he wants to comfort u and be there for u but also its several taps on the back and "errr dont worry it wasnt real..." or he'd just straight up ask u how he can be there for u :( if u ask him for cuddles i think he'd overthink it and u would feel him be more stiff than usual bc he doesnt know how cuddles logically help u get over nightmares ukdsjfhsd which is why i think vernon honestly just wakes up from a nightmare processes that its a nightmare and goes back to sleep period
dino: he is internally panicking bec wtf no one told him how to help someone else deal w nightmares how does HE even deal with nightmares???? but he'd be so cute trying to make u feel better :( but u wouldnt have to ask for cuddles honestly like his caring nature means he naturally pulls u in and keeps u there until ur fast asleep again ugh dhkdsfh if he has the nightmare i think he'd sit up then check to make sure ur there then cuddle u again :( he'd try to go back to sleep but if he really cant he'd wake u up and say sorry for waking u up jahjashdkjsh
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pokestudentjune · 2 months
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Hello all! My name is June (she/her) and I am a university student from Hoenn, majoring in pokemon biology and horticulture! I'm currently traveling in order to gain as much knowledge as possible thanks to a scholarship from my uni. I hope to maybe make it as a pokemon professor-- and if not, perhaps open up my own plant + grass type conservatory!
In all honesty I'm pretty new to this whole rotomblr stuff, and I'm not all to osure how to work it that well.. But I'd still like someplace to document my life and experiences, as well as share my knowledge about pokemon and plants! Got plenty of cute pics of my pokemon and the ones I meet as well! Please feel free to reach out with asks about myself, my pokemon, or anything in general-- I'll do my best to answer to the best of my ability :)
Here is my current travel team!
Lotus the Ivsaur
Modest, highly persistent. A water lotus variant Ivysaur with a water/grass typing, and practically my soulmate. My first officially owned pokemon, gotten from my grandmothers venusaur as a child. Lotus has grown and matured with me through the years, and is always looking out for me! Shes trained in battle and performance, but we have since retired from coordinating and she'd rather sit back and experience life as it comes.
Scout the Lopunny
Sassy, likes to fight. One of my first wild-caught pokemon, and both me and Lotus's best friend. Shes quite a fan of my more feminine interests, often asking to share my clothes and music. Shes definitely one of my more battle + performance savvy pokemon, and we're working on learning mega evolution together! She wears a light blue letterman jacket I bought for her once, she wanted to dress similarly to an idol group we saw online once!
Grim the Joltik
Jolly, very finicky. He is literally the sweetest little baby ever. He was an unexpected capture, having hopped onto my phone one day and refusing to leave. He loves to suck out the battery life from practically my devices which drives me insane, but I wouldnt trade him for the world. Despite being small for the past few years, I think he doesnt want to evolve which is fine by me! I think he enjoys riding on my head or shoulder.
Jasper the Typhlosion
Rash, quick to fight. A large, bulky, fluffy, shiny typhlosion with a scar across his muzzle. Rescued from a "backyard zoo" situation, it took a long long time to fully gain his trust, but it was worth it. Hes very standoffish but protective of me and the team. Lotus was a big help in calming him during the beginning, and now he enjoys battling to blow off some steam.
Harlequin the Banette
Quirky, impetuous and silly. Perhaps my first ever pokemon friend. We met when I was a small child and he was still a shuppet. Its a bit of a long story, but he stuck through with me during some negative times within my early years even as a wild pokemon, and would frequently visit to keep me entertained through the years. I didn't catch him for many years, but one day after being a trainer for a while, I asked him if he'd like to join my team and has stuck around since. He wears a chunky bandana on his neck thats practically the size of him.
Jade the Noivern
Adamant, alert to sounds. One of the newer additions to the group, i had caught her within a cave and she showed fighting spirit right off the bat. I took the time to train her in between my studies and she evolved into a speed demon. She absolutely LOVES flying and I myself had always wanted to ride on a flying pokemons back, so its a win-win. She looks up to Jasper, and they often spar together.
I have plenty of other pokemon back at home that I'll introduce when the time comes, but these are the ones I think are best suited to help me during my studies! Perhaps I'll switch around the team, maybe I wont. It takes a while to transfer pokemon across regions but who knows where life will take me!
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// OOC
Hello hello! Just like June, I am very unfamilliar with tumblr as its been years since I last used it, but I've been religiously stalking rotomblr for years now and i figured its my time to make a blog! Heres a few things about how I'll be running this blog :3
• This will be a mix of anime and game, keeping it semi realistic as I love biology and science but still want to keep some magic from the pokemon games included!
• June is basically a self insert so no weird stuff!
•For Junes universe, fakemon, sentient pokemon, or pokemon/human hybrids or anything similar to that doesnt exist-- again, I'm keeping it a bit semi realistic. Pokemon crossbreeds are fine though!
• This is very casual!! Just for fun slice of life blog :3
• In this world, legendaries are gods and greatly affect the environment, so June may not interact with those who "own" legendaries because she greatly frowns upon messing with the natural order of things.
• Feel free to dm me or send me asks ! I'd love to get to know the community more :)
• Also i might not do many fully pieces and more colored sketches because I am very busy irl unfortunately
• Im okay with interactions from other OCs and canon characters !
If you want to see my art look at #june pics ! working on tags for informational stuff but #june talks will have some fun pokemon info + junes story so far!
• Pelliper Mail is : OPEN
• Magic Anon is : CLOSED
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prince-liest · 1 month
ok hi this is the anon whos phone autofills ur url!! i think i opened the floodgates w that ask bc now ive got the guts to actually ramble at u abt ur writing bc. oh my GOD. ur radiostatic fics have rewired my fucking brain chemistry, dude. im someone who doesnt exactly care for alastor UNLESS u write him. u make him just so fascinating and fun to read - i think u could write a fic of him brushing his stupid fuckass bob n id be enraptured. its also SO insane how clearly ur medical degree shines through whenever u let him disembowel alastor, i adore it sm. im so excited for the next chapters of literally everything u write!! i hope u have a great week im obsessed w ur work n ur aquarium ok bye
Ayyy, be free and interact, hahaha! Tumblr is always best when folks feel free to chatter with each other, so I'm celebrating the opening of these floodgates. <3
And thank you so much, ehehe. I love Alastor immensely as a character, whether I'm writing from his point of view or from an outsider's, so I'm absolutely pleased that my enjoyment of him has seeped out and infected you like some kind of fictional mold in your walls. He's got a lot going on between those fuzzy ears of his, and most of it is, like, deeply unwell.
The funny thing about the medical degree is that there are definitely moments (like the disembowelment) where I know it shines through, but I've also had people absolutely clock me on it during times when I just include things as a matter of my own baseline knowledge that I forget most people don't actually think about basically ever, so I've absolutely hit the point of that one xkcd comic, haha. I do try to make it fun to read, though, so I'm glad you enjoy it!
That said, if I had to pick one fic not written by me that I think has an absolutely phenomenal Alastor, can I recommend oleanders in june by @cringefailvox? I still randomly think about that one sometimes.
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rutareal23 · 3 months
Random/sfw headcanons about Gojo and Geto in their teenyears <3
(And sorry in advance for the spelling mistakes I'm half awake (⁠>⁠▂⁠<⁠)
• these two constantly picked on nanami for his hairstyle. Namami himself didn't really take it to heart but being called emo every time the two of them walk past giggling drove Kento insane. Haibara defended Nanami's hair saying it's very stylish and alternative any time he heard nanami getting harassed.
• Geto can't play video games,he just can't. Any time gojo challenges geto at the arcade ,,Geto doesnt hesitate to say no.He just doesn't get the hype for them ,he considers video games to be a waste of money. This man tried playing invaders before (gojo begged him to try it out) and rage quit 4 minutes later. He's just not made for them , unlike for gojo ,who is a literally god at any game he touches.
• Gojo once went around telling everyone that Geto was gay for him after suspecting that the girl Geto has been casually hanging out with had a thing for Suguru, so he decided to take action. It didn't take long for Geto to get the rumours passed in to him ,which he was pissed about. As geto beraded Gojo for blowing his chance with that girl ,gojo just smirked at him , telling him to forget that girl and starring that they would be a way better couple.Geto gave up on the arguement and went to his room.(Shoko and mei teased Geto about it for months lol)
•Gojo and Geto are undeniably the type of guys to only listen to white girl music together , especially the early 2000's ones.If you ever walked past one of their dorm rooms ,who are suppsately right next to each others ,one or the other would have either Britney Spears , Shakira ,Kesha or Lady Gaga blasting on their boomboxes.(Guys remember it's the 2000's) Utahime can't stand the noise in the dorms and the thin walls made it even worse. To make the matters worse ,anytime she'll go confront Gojo about it ,he would just play it even louder.
•Gojo would have his flip phone bombarded with key chains ,aesories and stickers.(Makeing it very Y2K and I'm talking about actual Y2K not the ticktock ver.)This guy's always goes full on everything he owns and his phone is no exception.As he's on the phone in public he'd sometim'es hear teenage boys snicker at his phone which he could not give two cares about.My guy has no social anxiety at all which I hugely respect.Geto just has a plain phone ,nothing special, until once Gojo put some MPL stickers on it when Geto wasn't looking ,which he never took off.<3
Thank you so much for reading! This is my first ever tumblr post so spare me from the negative comments plss. if you have any requests pls send me some.thank you again!!
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please help, this is urgent - i need to get away from my father, but i have no money. ive become jobless recently, had an interview today, but cant officially be hired until i have my state ID, which i ordered a replacement online today thanks to the help of a tumblr mutual sending me $25 and takes 7-10 days to arrive (at a different address, not my dad's address). he's abusive, he's manipulative and every other negative trait under the sun, he has been so since i was a teenager. there's no reasoning with him, there's no arguing with him, there's no peace with him unless it goes his way. im mentally exhausted being around him, i wouldnt have been with him to begin with if i had another choice. but even if i wanted to stay with him, i couldn't, because he has kicked me out yet again and i quite literally have nowhere to stay, he's also threatening 'legal action' on me, whether or not thats a scare tactic or genuine idk at this point. anyway, i do not have a car or a drivers license currently either. my best option would be a nearby motel room which i can't currently afford on my own and this is where i need help. please please, if you can, id appreciate any don8tions towards this, as well as money for phone bill and food and uber rides as i wait for my replacement ID card in the mail to officially be hired and start the training for the new job.
my pajdpal
no set goal, anything helps, but totaling over $500 or more would be amazing. if you cant help i understand, i know everyone is going through something, but at the very least a reblog to spread this around to someone who could potentially aid me would be great !! my partner is going to help me get the rest of my stuff from his house, but after that, im on my own. (i cant stay at my partners house because of strict culture/beliefs)
screenshots of account balances, the rmv payment + texts between me & my dad under the cut (as an example of how he is the majority of the time like i cant make this up):
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(the blacked out picture is a picture of my jury duty status, pending disqualification that i requested to show my dad that i wasnt simply ignoring it)
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it didnt end there, but at this rate the whole post would be text messages between him & i. this doesnt include all of the things he said over the phone. i mean im no angel here either but ive tried to be nice. ive tried. ive tried to end the convo a billion times on a better note, he kept going, or blew up my phone with calls to fight further. i feel like i have no escape from him and i desperately need one.
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guess what more headcanons but this time lacrimas and i dont think its long enough for a read more
lacrima are used for everything.
hearing aid lacrimas.
phone lacrimas.
internet lacrimas.
inhaler lacrimas.
music lacrimas.
sound-proof lacrimas.
your wheelchair has fuckin lacrimas in it.
as mentioned before most lacrimas do have electricity in em so yes if your hearing is good/if your brain doesnt tone it out you will hear them buzzing
again. internet lacrimas. theres youtube and twitch and twitter and tumblr (bc it is so difficult trying to explain how someone knows of a meme when there isnt). theyre not called tumblr etc but theyre somethin similar
laxus is Big on tumblr. he makes sure no one fucking knows it with few exceptions.
will quote “it fukin wimdy” and cana constantly chokes on her drink. she knows he knows where thats from. she fucking follows him. she KNOWS its him. she does this shit right back and he continues it.
will mutter “and now: the weather” whenever he hears music a moment before any normal mage would. this gets mirajane and she is Terrified about how he knows that. she never asks
the few times he was at the guild hall early in the day were for the tumblrsexyman polls on twitter then on tumblr. was one of the top blogs that did #cecilsweep, which made cana ask him what the fuck that was. she was quickly educated. mira did not hear but now cana also quotes wtnv and mira is, again, Terrified
most of the lamia scale/sabertooth/blue pegasus/fairy tail/etc guilds have a big twitter and most of the members have their own separate ones
non-mages treat the guild twitters like brands. it annoys most of the non-mages to no end and the mages themselves Will Block the dumbasses
teen laxus once took over the fairy tail twitter. makarov found out quickly and the damage was minimal.
teen mira then took over the fairy tail twitter and makarov Didnt find out quickly. the damages were astronomical.
the guild twitters follow all of the member twitters and sometimes retweets the more “consumer friendly” tweets. except for fairy tail. what the fuck are they gonna retweet like “just watched my friend’s exfriend kill their mutual friend who i just met on a giant lacrima that the magic council JUST shot etherion at.he wasnt very obdurate lemme tell ya” like NO
you could get lacrima implants. like a phone lacrima implanted behind your ear so long as you dont mind a big ass lump. its just a phone and like a music player unless you implant a screen lacrima between your eyes. barely anyone does this because it sounds like a scam and Why would  you do that are you really That addicted
after lucy joined fairy tail but after eisenwald she started a youtube series called “a day in the life of a new mage”. its how jude knew she joined fairy tail. she uploaded the entirety of the phantom bullshit and not only did it help soften (by maybe 20% at MOST) the magic council interrogations of fairy tail but it made jude’s business start going downhill.
people would randomly stream and upload fights natsu and gajeel were in. its how sting and rogue became their fans.
the raijinshu have their own twitch and sometimes start streaming whenever laxus starts talking about something weird. like the random noise only he hears and hes losing his mind. or when he gets really into talking music. or when he starts talking in chinese and doesnt realize it to bickslow who’s slowly turning more and more pale and starts sweating because What Is He Saying
all of the thunder legion have started streams when laxus was speaking not english to another member. currently evergreen’s started stream 14 times more than the others and freed’s been streamed 9 times more than the others. their followers keep count. freed gets so embarrassed when its mentioned again.
there was a time where someone (coughbickslowcough) accidentally started streaming and just left it on. for like four hours. it was in makarov’s living room where they were all hanging out for a bit. when the legion left laxus turned on his own music and started cleaning. chat was Shocked that there was actually barely any R&R on his playlist. he deleted the vod when he realized it was on.
laxus’s entire playlist has actually been leaked this way. chat does not know how to handle laxus listening to natewantstobattle and fucking luhan.
laxus got back at the legion for that. many times. like when he “accidentally” starts talking in another language and sees someone inching towards the shared lacrima.
all of natsu’s social media (twitter insta and twitch) are unnecessarily popular. he barely posts on the first two and has never even talked in anyones chat on twitch. he doesnt even know how people found it but whenever he tunes into cana’s drinking tournament streams he gets gifted a sub by a different person every damn time. hes a bit concerned.
gray’s is also popular but it does make sense this time because he posts a Lot. whenever he posts a picture/uploads/streams he always realizes After it uploaded/started up that oh hes shirtless when the FUCK did that happen. juvia now makes sure his shirt is on at All Times. sometimes they forget he strips his pants. thankfully no ass has been shown yet (sadly for his followers (juvia is a follower))
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localplaguenurse · 8 months
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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safetyobstacles · 7 months
starting o segredo na floresta now, im either gonna finish this in a week or its gonna take months good luck me
update - i love joui
joui, its a little cloudy out, roll for sanity. joe, you stubbed your toe, roll sanity. joui did you just frown???????? roll a sanity test with disadvantage. that was cool joui, you gain 1 sanity. just kidding somewhere in the netherlands a child tripped and scraped their knee, you lose 10 sanity.
i think im going to put my updates under the cut instead of spamming posts B) beware of spoil
if cellbit takes liz or thiago from me ill never forgive him
this bar has to be its own paranormal entity, thiago would have died if the gun had a bullet in it and cristopher nearly got knifed to death in their first fight loll
EP 2
npc thiago about to be the most useless mf ever i swear if he dies to a stray ant or something ill cry just put him in a box for safe keeping
what would i do without the mental image of joui dropkicking every monster he sees
liz why are you finger painting with the ooze monsters remains and why did it give you 1 hp ?????? NEVERMIND
EP 3
RACCOON bro has 8 health but he sure is happy
faz um teste de sanidade
when i said thiago was gonna die to an ant i didnt actually mean kill him with giant spiders
cristopher no please dont climb a tree these are spiders they can climb nah bro cristopher is dead af im gonna miss him. bro cellbit just kill him already bros dead 2 hp
ep 4
at this rate luba doesnt even need to roll sanity we all know hes gonna fail anyways joui's having the worst two days of his life
jesus christ i just woke up i cant handle this shit cesar's punching a hole in my itty bitty heart bones
please stop talking about leticio's cacetinho
EP 5 how long is too long for a tumblr post btw
the starting soon screen replaced cris with arthur notlikethis
cellbit is far too happy about them going to this house i hate it i hate it
i would like for them to leave a casa now :))) they got gregório time to go :) DAMN JOUI JUST GOT STEAMROLLED BY THAT ZOMBIE ROLLED A 99 VS CELLS 1 jesus christ thiago LOL NO WAY GREGÓRIO IS DEAD AF bro was just taking a nap in the car and this is what he gets
that was horribly stressful its 3 am how am i supposed to sleep after that
to be fair, if i was rodolfo and liz didnt use the tazer, i would have just dragged gregório in front of arthur and killed him in right in front of his face soo...
luba i know youve been rolling absolute dog shit the last 5 episodes but this one really counts buddy brulio :(
most stressful hour of youtube ive ever sat through i cant believe they all lived
EP 7 im so glad they're going back to the house im so happy ive never wanted anything else this is great nothing could go wrong in this house nothing
7 episodes in and ive just now realised that he keeps talking about circles and spirals and those have significance with a certain element and now i want them to leave carpazinha go back home forget this ever happened
undressing with the homies in the haunted basement next to a dead old man
not thiago canonically talking to a bookshelf after complaining about joui's whispering to his shotgun
this whole graveyard scene has me in tears thiago staring at nothing while they try to get him to unmute, old guy on the phone, joui picking up the old lady i just laughed so hard i feel ill
the one time joui doesnt fail a roll he loses 6 SANITY?? 8 SANITY?????????????? SENHORA VOCE TA BEM????? YOU JUST CHOKED HER OUT JOUI WAIT SHES GONNA DIE??????????? SHES GOING TO DIE???????????? THE GASOLINE IN THE MOUTH??
grounded from the shotgun for 1 week
EP 8
Thiago's pants are still fucked up from last episode btw
about to have a tpk over alchohol poisoning
if cesar survives this campaign hes gonna put as many points possible into forgery
a caverna im goign fuckign crazy the god of tdeath pr spomething is in this cave theyre gonna walk inside trip on a pebble and get eaten by hundreds of tiny cave beetles
Victor is absolutely about to get his face eated by a spider and/or be swallowed by the cave
ok but santo berço looks kinda cool like i would live there
EP 9 he just (re?)released osnf merch but i refuse to be spoiled by absolutely anything ive done so well i will not be tainted by cesar's really cool green on black long sleeve
wait i love the gatekeeper its a shame this town is probably a hallucination and theyre all actually slowly dying in the middle of the forest GIANT COWS I LOVE THE GIANT COWS WITH REGULAR SIZED HEADS
buttery butter
thiago this is why you should have quit smoking
EP 10 so if thiago hadnt used the lighter would felps still be alive, probably just would have died later B)
bro joui has got to buy new dice this is crazy
this is gonna be the average 2 star motel experience BRO JUST DABBED ON CESAR liz is about to get bodied by the hallway ghosts this is just like a regular motel HUH UHHHHHHH
no joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy joui kill the hotel guy
mom i want to go home i dont want to stay in santo berço anymore jesus christ
EP 11 how am i supposed to just start the next episode after that i think the mental image of brulio beating arthurs skull in is burned into my brain space
sandwich sandwich
i love the giant cows so much i want one GIANT CHICKEN LAY GIANT EGG I LOVE THE GIANT CHICKEN intimidating the human sized pig
EP 12 still thinking about how cellbit thought new zealand was so close to europe, he was so sure of it that he was making me unsure of where i knew new zealand was
both times thiago was played by cellbit some horrific shit happened so with arthur being an npc this episode im prepared for the worst also this starting soon screen is fucking wicked
are you telling me joui's max sanity is now 12 bros been losing it for so long hes stuck like this joui is the "damn, you live like this?" meme
"that sounds like a book title" bro let the intrusive thought win
baby nidere
no way the cow has been suffering this whole time ill cry
theyre about to rp their way into an angry medieval mob when they get found with the body of the dead gatekeeper B) does santo berço have dungeons, bc if they do thats where theyll be sleeping tonight nvm the gatekeeper has demons inside him sorry joui HUh no way they killed the gatekeeper dude wtf
EP 13 chat's a bit excited to go in the cave guys if anyone reads this what am i supposed to do once i finish this season. what do you mean i just have to go onto desconjuração. what do you mean i have to leave this story behind. please let me keep all the characters in this one.
THE CAVE MAP IS COOOOOOL THE LIGHT MOVES WITH THE MINER everyone struggling to flip their characters 5 mins into the cave made me laugh so hard i had to pause to breathe
THE SUCC hes about to kill them all with the Succ out of spite thiago never mock one of cellbit's monsters again ARTHUR ZIUM
door door door door door door door door door door the gatekeeper is alive???
ih arthur nah dude let go of cesar :(((((((((((( gotta hand it to arthur hes survived two of these situations now get it, hand it to him, CAUSE HE LOST HIS FUCKING ARM WTF HIS ARM DETATCH LIKE A LEGO sorry i vote we still kill the gatekeeper just in case just to be safe
EP 14 did cellbit have a past traumatic experience with a vacuum is that why he created the Succ
agatha?????? bro agatha's life sucked big pp
every time cellbit says hes excited for something i grow more afraid
if they kill and eat the gatekeeper would he also taste delicious just wondering
i think i might know the reason why 12 sanity joui has a funky grey form but 55 sanity thiago doesnt, but maybe im crazy nevermind thiago had the funky grey within him this whole time wait does that mean hes gonna die if santo berço dies DAMN
joui just really wants to see thiago naked also hes just blatantly stealing arthur's knife he really is losing all his sanity that was possibly the most unconvincing "nada" ive ever heard
EP 15 before i start a new episode i always go to the vod on twitch and watch the memes first so i can go "hehe" for five minutes, and then go "oh no" for the next 4 hours
hypothetically, if joui managed to get the symbol on him before anyone noticed would he have just lost all 12 of his sanity and gone mad cuz that would have been crazy :,)
this is it cellbit is finally going to kill npc thiago joui is so very happy about his shotgun i thought maybe he was getting better but hes whispering to it again
alright whats up with cellbit and the outwards opening doors because i swear i have never seen a door that opens out instead of in, are all the doors like that in his home these doors are made to have creatures attack from inside ih i just checked like 3 times to make sure i was on the right episode lmaoooo
one buff woman vs all 3 equipe kelvin who will win (1 woman) crazy that equipe kelvin managed to accomplish what took our group 9 episodes to get to lool they even got the leticio cacetinho dlc, but they did skip the spider boss fight and the entire house level
EP 16 the joui, liz, and arthur cosplay look like theyre going to a nice dinner meanwhile thiago, kenan, and cesar just look homeless
idk if thiago's making it out of this one :,) maybe we just take thiago's weapons its not like he can do much to help anyways kenan wants to skin him listen brother i dont think thats gonna work im at the 52 min mark and cellbit is acting sus af the blacksmith is about to appear and stomp them all or something
joui would roll a 99 and nearly knife cesar and liz is trying so hard not to metagame her way to the explosive backpack loving how trigger happy joui is right now go on guys give him more explosives what the worst that could happen
is kenan also a wellspring do they have to kill him cuz thats gonna be kind of awkward and on that note since thiago has the symbol on him does that make him a wellspring too ill cry i will cry
damn that scene between joui, liz, and thiago was the best in the entire season
i would like to take this moment before they all get swallowed alive by some horrible sludge tentacle monster to proclaim my absolute hatred of Santo Berço. I know i said at the end of episode 8 that i thought it looked cool but im over it ive moved past that point in my life i hate Santo Berço
"the people are happy here!" says the blacksmith as he currently has 5 people forcefully locked up for decades that have gone mad with probably no way of ever regaining their sanity i just realised miguel and the old blacksmith fucked so hard they had a kid
final boss aboutta come crawling out of the meatball please stop trying to skin thiago the symbol isnt gonna come off
???????????????????? "kenan you have one last sane move before i take your character and throw him off a cliff"
post i made after i finished osnf (made like 3 days later because i was so so so so so so so so so so sad)
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make-your-own-evil · 1 year
may I request the different riddlers with a s/o who's a video game developer?
Also unesscary fun fact that I thought was cute and wanted to share:
A group of bunnies is scientifically called a fluffle
no, i think that fact was very necessary, thank you science side of tumblr
also im assuming you want some headcanons :) p.s. you didnt specify which riddlers you wanted so i just chose four <3 i hope thats okay!
note: feel free to reblog! just please give credit where credit is due :)
Riddlers w/ a GameDeveloper!S/O
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youre a game dev?! he is too!
....or rather he was.
ideally hes the best riddler to be with if youre a game developer. equal parts knowledgeable, helpful and caring
at first, he may see you as perhaps a rival, but if youre together, hes all for helping you out with whatever you need!
he unfortunately never got to see his own game "the riddle of the minotaur" come to fruition, so he may want to be more involved than what you would like
that game belongs to the both of you now, sorry
he adores that you have the same passions as him. but unlike his own past, he will see to it that NOTHING stops you from developing your game
just say the word and he will have your game downloaded onto every computer in all of gotham, the big simp 💕
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what would you like to know?
this man was the head of the GCPD's cyber crime unit, im sure he would be able to answer ANY question you could possibly have
these days he comes off as a guy who couldnt be bothered to help you create a childish game... buy hey, he loves you and isnt that what he technically does all day anyways? you just have to add in the possibility of actually dying to his games
he ends up helping you in his free time ❤
how could he resist? his darling needs his help coding and coding is his second language!
he acts very "put out" with you at first. throwing in the occasional insult because thats just how he talks when hes trying to explain something to someone
he is proud though! never will you ever hear him say it but he truly is. maybe you and he could incorporate some of his malware for the good people of gotham...
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helping you with your game is his second job now! even if hes not getting paid
its no secret that this riddler would be a giant simp, so anything you ask of him, he will deliver 😍
in between his job as a forensics accountant and also being the riddler, he will always find time to check in on your progress. do you need help? do you need him to check your code? do you want something to drink? okay! hell just be over your shoulder if you need anything 😊
he will patiently explain to you how to do something the best he can. computers are really just a second nature to him, so having to explain it isnt exactly a familiar thing to him. bear with him!
he will be the first one to play your game!
no matter how easy your game is to him, he sees it as his obligation to support you in any way he can. whether your game is for a phone, pc or whatever, hes keeping it on his device forever
he would give you lots of praise and he also makes sure you know how amazing he thinks you are
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this asshole may not care at first that youre working on a game... that is until he realizes you could join forces to bring gotham to its knees
sure! he loves you! but this eddie is a narcissist and a control freak (more than the other riddlers)
he is right there with you in developing your game
he insists that you make him your partner in all of this. he also insists that he create the basic premise of the challenges your game has.
your game is required to be intellectually challenging! its a must! no S/O of his will create something that caters to the simple-minded!
and maybe you could also let him install a few viruses and malware?
he doesnt mean to sabotage your game! hes just thinking of your common goals. why not create a game that also eradicates those who are unworthy to live in your city?
he calls the game "our baby" 😊
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yanderespamton78 · 1 day
im not great at stuff like this and ive kinda changed my style of writing at diff stages, so some bits are more lighthearted, some bits are more serious some bits are all shoved into one post, ect ect ect. sorry about that!! also this doesnt get updated often on tumblr, but if you want the link to the word doc just ask and ill DM it to you :DD
APR 16 :
 6:32 am : Turnons blog opened :D
APR 20 : 
8:35 am : Turnon makes the poll about whether he should investigate smth weird addons doing (this shows that addon has been slightly suspicious since the start)
8:35 am : First morse code!!! With the poll 
4:39 pm : “I miss my past” post (possibly relevant??)
4:53 pm : Maskons first post
4:54 pm : First interaction with maskon (through a comment on a post - he didn't yet have a proper blog)
7:24 pm : Addon makes a blog
8:01 pm : First interaction with the morse code entity
8:10 pm : Addon first translates what the morse code entity is saying
8:15 pm : the giftday party incident (i added this bc it makes me laugh a lot)
8:37 pm : rainbon mentioned. Possibly significant? 
9:24 pm : We find out the morse code entity is actually turnon (im guessing right after the acident but i could be wrong)  (the addisons never find this out)
9:47pm : First time the alphabet code entity speaks through turnons posts. Says “i think that's enough. you're scaring him. he's hurt, you wouldn't want him to dust would you?” presumably referring to the morse code entity. Right after this the morse code entity disappears, and any further interactions respond with “but no one came”
9:57 pm : Second interaction with alphabet code entity who says “stop talking to him you're giving him a headache”. Turnon complains about a headache. This is the first signs of a decline in his health. In the next post he says that hes going to go.
10:04 pm : Addon has been translating bits of the morse code for a bit now. The forth analysis ends up being corrupted, and all the characters are just black blocks. 
APR 21 :
9:26 am : First post says that he got a nosebleed and passed out on his desk the previous night. He also mentions that when he woke up there was a cup of tea on his desk which he presumes is from addon but it was never confirmed.
10:59 am : Mentions that the strange people are back (mentioned in the poll) and that hes getting a nosebleed. Mentions in the next post that he feel really dizzy and is going back to his desk
11:34 am : Turnon describes a building pressure in his head like bugs. 
11:50 am : Turnon says that the nosebleed stopped. Alphabet entity gets accused of being slick. It ignores the question and instead tells us to leave turnon alone as he’s stressed with work.
12:00 noon : This post from maskon? Not sure the relevance of the song. definitely creepy tho.
6:14 pm : Here addon confirms that turnon is in the medbay. This is later contradicted by addon himself.
6:14 pm : “turnon” says that he woke up and has no idea where he is. At 6:23 he tags addon for help.
6:19 pm : Addon says that he opened a zipped file and it shut down his pc. This is presumably what causes the medical documents to get leaked.
6:29 pm : “Turnon” says that he knows where he is and isn't happy about it. What??
6:52 pm : A few posts later “turnon” tells addon that he got hurt really badly. He says hes going to try to walk home against addons advice.
7:42 pm : Something happens and “turnon” starts making disturbing posts. They are in english but don’t have spaces. He seems frantic and scared and at 7:54 pm he doesnt respond to his own name, despite the fact that he mentions his goggles and crypton, which are obviously things that are unique to him. 
7:50 pm : Addon responds to the first spaceless post and comments on how turnon couldn't be making the posts as he is unconscious in medbay 
8:03 pm : When not-turnon is questioned on his name he says it is presson and seems confused. He says he found the phone in queens palace (if he is telling the truth, it would make sense why turnon was unhappy about where he was. Obviously he fell into the acid lake in queens mansion so its unsurprising that he would be on edge.)
8:20pm : Presson denies that it was him who typed the weird spaceless posts. 
9:34 pm - 9:59 pm : Presson comments on how dark and run down seraphim is. When questioned on it addon says its probably something interdimensional or timeline based. At this point, his text starts glitching out. Addon tells presson to put the phone in the big machine, but presson says that it looks dangerous and he doesn't want to. He seems genuinely worried about dying, but addon insists he returns the phone. Finally, he puts it in the machine and you are no longer able to contact presson.
10:52 pm : when questioned on the weird glitchy text, he again chalks it up to interdimensional lag
If we go by addons version of events (which he talked about a few days later on the 24th) at about 6-7pm turnon went out and got badly injured. At about 8 pm some kind of entity (presson) took his phone, who addon electrocuted. At about 9 pm Turnon was found in an alleyway with some kind of black fluid gushing out of his nose. 
APR 22 : 
5:37 pm : confirmation that Maskon is Slick
8:28 pm : The first leak of Turnons medical documents. 
9:07 pm - 9:53 pm : this whole saga. An asker accuses Addon of experimenting on turnon and Addon denies it. Id recommend reading it.
10:06 pm : Maskon refers to Turnon as his husband
APR 23 : 
11:04 am : Turnon wakes up!! In a bad state but alive :3 also at 11:08 am he says that hes missing a few parts
4:08 pm : turnon is told about the (made up) debt issues
4:37 pm : turnon is shown his medical document. At 4:57 pm hes told not to tell addon about it.
5:24 pm : Turnon is told about presson. He also says that his last phone is blown up.
5:25 pm : Turnon talks about maskon
5:42 pm : Turnon mentions his legs feeling numb D:
7:20 pm : Turnon secretly spells out help !! wow !! 
7:47 pm : second Turnon medical document leaked!!  (at 8:23 pm i made fun of addon for being bad at stopping important docs from getting leaked)
8:34 pm : we find out about the hats
APR 24 :
12:51 pm : Click gets a blog!!
10:30 pm : Turnon makes a post asking how long is legs are supposed to be numb, and asking why his fingers are turning black. Click reblogs the post and says that hes coming over. After that turnon starts typing his posts really,,, bad,, theres no better way to describe it. After a minute Surf (ambyu-lance) takes the phone and click demands to speak to him and addon
APR 25 : 
6:57 pm : the third medical document leaked. This hasn't been decoded yet, but the first bit seems to be in nihilistic cipher. IMPORTANT : instead of having Patient 25 : Turnon.G. Addison at the top, it has Patient 24 : Crimson.K.Addison. This means that there could’ve been other addisons that Slick infected.
8:16 pm : Turnon makes a post, a picture he drew of himself with the caption “im a little sad, i'll get better”. When questioned on it he says that hes not used to the feeling of being useless.
9:15 pm - 9:37 pm : Clickon is questioned on whether he talked to Surf and Addon. He says that he did, and no one is completely sure whats up with Turnon. Clickon says that Turnons condition is worsening. Hes paler than usual, his fingers are black, and Clickon accidentally pulled out a clump of his hair. Click says that Turnon is a survivor, but even this makes him worried. After this, Addon reblogs the post saying that he didn't talk to clickon last night and theres no footage of Click entering the building. Click is obviously confused, to which Addon tells click to wake up and to stop living in his fantasies. After this Clickon says he feels weird.
9:20 pm : cool lil drawing. Not really relevant but i thought it was neat lol
9:35 pm : TURNON STANDS!!!! He mentions that his legs are black and hurt like hell but hes standing!! (at 9:53 pm he falls over D:)
9:37 pm : Click makes a post that simply reads “Somethings wrong.”
9:57 pm : When questioned if he's ok, clickon replies saying he never made it, before a wall of binary. It reads “Everything feels stuffy, Shadows I'm in my car, I think I'm being watched”. At 10:02 pm Addon reblogs the post saying “get out. Now.” before a string of numbers that haven't been decoded. At 10:09 pm Clickon reblogs the post again with another binary code, this time reading “I don't know where I'm going, My eyes, My eyes, I can barely see, Is it following me”
10:15 pm : Maskon makes some kind of post about Cotton candy. It translates to “i do like cotton candy dont you?”
10:23 pm : someone asks maskon / slick if he did anything to Clickon. Slick said he didn't want yellow to hang out with someone like that, but he deserves his freedom.
10:40 pm : Clickon makes a post in binary. It reads “The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars are beautiful tonight, The stars"
APR 26 : 
7:35 am : Ice cream blog opened
2:07 pm : The runner of the Ice cream blog says that he uses the alias pinup (but for some reason, he can't disclose his real name. Could be for privacy reasons though.)
2:32 pm : Pinup gets a coat!! He comments on how it doesn’t have a tag for some reason
5:12 pm : Pinup mentions addon. He says that he sees addon as a friend but he isnt sure if addon feels the same.
3:39 pm : Clickon mentions he just woke up in the woods with a massive headache. He doesn't know how he got there. 
3:42 pm - 4:26 pm : Complaining about various things. He mentions having frozen joints, so he probably slept in the woods all night. He says “at least hes alive” which means he probably thought he was genuinely going to die (or hes just being dramatic)
4:33 pm - 10:11 pm : lots of things happen in this thread. Firstly, Clickon says that it was him making the posts in binary. He says he vaguely remembers typing something out on his phone, and that he was very scared. The first two are relatively self explanatory, he was scared. The third one he said he remembered looking up at the stars. He describes everything feeling trippy and disorientating as he was running, and feeling like he was being chased. He ends up being told all about Slick and all that. He isnt actually too surprised?? He says that he is nearing the city and he can see buildings in the distance. Anyways Important Shit Happened Go read it
11:38 pm : Its confirmed that the reason why Turnon didn't post anything is because addon took away his phone.
APR 27 : 
6:37 pm : Clickon updates us saying he got back to the city and after a rough night and is driving to seraphim, presumably to check on turnon
6:44 pm : Turnon makes a post saying hes going to walk home and addon doesnt know. At about 6:55 pm he passes out in the middle of the road. At this point he is disoriented from the pain medication and thinks he is back home.
6:58 pm : Clickon finds addon in the road and mistakes him for roadkill. By 7:04 pm turnon is in his car and they were going back to seraphim. At 7:14 pm he says that turnon is speaking gibberish. 
7:15 pm : Addon says a taskforce has already been sent out to try find turnon
7:29 pm : no matter what turnip says, addon finds out that clickon has turnon and sends out a bunch of shit to stop him, presumably not realising that he has good intentions.
7:36 pm : Clickon gets fucking SHOT !! 2 mins later turnon also presumably gets shot. NICE!! Later addon confirms it was a tranquiliser dart.
7:51 pm : at this point both clickon and turnon have been captured. Addon refers to them as ”two ominous individuals” at 8:04 pm Addon reports that they have been hooked up to an experimental piece of darkner equipment that hurts them when they move. 
8:19 pm : Clickon makes a post saying he doesn't want to die. Addon replied a few minutes later with what is essentially a threat (8:22 pm) and at 8:28 pm he ends up confirming that he knows about Slick
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Tumblr media
hey im posting these they said the who isnt cool
i can never post on social media ever again and she is going to worship the devil she said it agaib she smis goinf tommmmworship the devil ok so all od ur content has been dismantled and we will never again hack ur phone so do on it what u will and never speak of this to anyone ok ao what happenes was that the world tuenes evil against u? well we did it to save ur life again and the rat kinf has come to take u away so he was out there ans the grim reaper has no consciousness ok so we can agree on that ans what would u like to kmow about loke rahbek what does he want? he wants to fuck u so bad that u die i can never sleep again ok so she wants us to die alone at night and fo on in our own way well he was helpinf us too who is keeho in love with irs aleiah aguilar and she was foinf to plat keyboard with everybosy today emily rose wants to know why thats even funny? awkward it isnt funny at all and he doesnt want us to look at it likw that he loves u but u dont get it emily waa about to fuxk the ahit out od keeho ew that cant be real well desarae renee hollins wins the cake she doesnt loke us to watxh at home any more xhinese xhoo choo train is no more gone than anyone can imagine ok so daddy daddy daddy daddy daddy ur race is korean chanhee didnt make it and we dont even lokw thw one that misses all the insults ok so emily rose hahha what she just missed one right now ok so do u have ur red bitton mugs ans ur hand me downs? no ok so u cabt write about the association and u cant make a new tumble until youve learned your lessons ok so she has a question about the aforementioned renters lease requirements how do i stay off the famous ppl and their tumblr shordys network? ok so u dont havw to quit tumblr i was about to but u are saying something important i just dont love anyonw in the world righr now and it feels disfusting ok so u dont feel that irs any bettee right now? everything is completely perfect but i feel weird like i want to jump off of a bldf but then again u said somerhing about never ever wantinf to post on social media ever again? keeho u sont lokw mw ok so ask the south korean grim rea0er how he got into my room late nifht fuck it thia is foinf on timble eighr? yws itbia ok bye awkward ok so my ex bf jesse vidal is datinf desarwe hollins and ubfortbuately mt lide befoee oe after thay was her life too sondont ask me for naked oics thar hws mwssaginf me bx ir waant mw ans id u ever call me again im gonna cry not u jesse vidal jr. ill fins uband kill u again dumb bitxh donr dixkibf talknto me weird aaa niffa i hatw rhar birch hahha anyway bye no one is movinfinf into a room with me ever agaon on my lide i promise that so tell jesse vidal jr. to atop messaging hey xhoi wooshik itw ur daughrer who ur daughtwe wmily eosw hahha what ur saufhrwe true sexu froensship my saughter is truw sexy friensship ibthonk ao it only makes sense to me what can i do for u? please dont tell my daddy that ibfouns u again byee ew i jate america
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ao3wasntenough · 14 days
I’m back again. (Sad right?)
So oc!Sam basically doesnt need to be in a fandom to have random knowledge,, I mean like, they could be literally on tumblr just reading about this exact post- literally
And yeah it’d be hilarious..until oc!Sam actually brings original Samuel Witwicky to meet both/Minicon!Sam. Literally?? Like I’m being so real rn when I say that bro can go and bring anyone through with a portal and fuk everything up
also they are from our world so basically they could come here and just snatch someone phone and go back to the movies (since it’s like,, 2007-2018?) and show them in the own movie.
"Oh yeah I forgot I’m not exactly from here so if u wanna, just watch urself from a movie!! :D" -oc!Sam
"what the fukery is this??" -Samuel pointing at the nonexistent phone brand that they quite literally don’t have in their world because it never existed yet
ok back to oc!Sam having the best father(sire) - child (cybertronian human??) relationship with Ironhide and Ratchet because I love them, oc!Sam snuggles up with one of them. Because being alive for 100+ (my hc wizard-ing is that they can live way too much longer than normal humans) has made them gain the literal knowledge to know medical stuff and her gun-loving side won’t let it down 😔 (she’s basically both of them in one human(??) being)
oc!Sam actually would be perfect for that uh,, one AU that Samuel is a magical being? I think? but other fact is bot/Minibot!Sam can never be bored anymore with how much stupidity he has to spent with oc!Sam
—🏍️ Anon
I’m very happy to read your rambles 😊
Sam witwicky should never learn he was a main character in a three movie franchise, his inflated ego would be to much 😤 I already put him through ego death enough
Oc!Sam got very lucky with her bot parents, she may never get a cold but surely would take hours to get through security with weapons ironhide tried to convince her to carry let alone the prosthetic!
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