#kaeya found in the dawn winery next morning
fallingdownhell · 3 months
I saw your request is open soo...
Can i request gn reader with Ayato, Kazuha, Diluc, and Kaeya where the reader is pranking them by shouting their full name (since we know their full name) what is going to be their reaction?
Feel free to ignore or decline this request^^
I love this! So much! Thank you for your request<3 Characters Included: Kazuha; Diluc; Ayato; Kaeya Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; pranking the boys by calling their full names; not proofread yet Word count: 2,6k words Have fun with this one<3
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This morning was peaceful, Kazuha thought as he layed in bed, the morning rays of the sun shining in through the open window. He let them warm his body as he slowly woke up more and more from his slumber.
When he extended a hand to feel for your sleeping body next to him, he found the space empty. Cold at that, indicating that you've been gone for a while.
A groan left him, Kazuha hated it when he woke up without you next to him. He'd much rather spend his morning cuddling you in bed than doing anything else.
But then the next moment, the smell of something cooking hit him, and he knew that you were already out and about making breakfast for the both of you.
So, with a sigh, Kazuha decided to get up and get himself ready before heading down to join you in the kitchen.
He got up from bed and stretched his body out first, then headed into the adjacent bathroom. Taking a shower first thing in the morning always felt refreshing to him and it most often than not was the last push he needed to fully wake up.
Once that was done and he headed out of the shower again, Kazuha got dressed and combed through some tight knots of his hair. He was still in the middle of doing so, when suddenly, the silence of the house was interrupted by a shout of his name.
"Kaedehara Kazuha! Get down here!", your voice shoutet and instantly, Kazuha's body froze up. There were a million thoughts in his head, and yet also, not a single one except for: he had somehow fucked up.
The tone in which you had shouted his name sounded mad and if that wasn't a clear indication about your mood, the use of his full name certainly was.
To not make your mood any worse, he hurried to put the comb away and throw the last piece of clothing on while he already hurried out of the bathroom and towards you into the kitchen. He was preparing himself internally for whatever it was that he did that pissed you off so much and already had a million apologies on his tongue.
But, to his surprise, when he got to the kitchen, he found you there, utterly calm as you put the food on two plates for each of you. You didn't even notice him coming in.
"(Name), my love..", he carefully spoke, just in case, but in reality, he was so confused.
"Oh, good. Food's ready!", you look up and smile at Kazuha, which then throws him completely out of loop. He just stands there and stares at you.
"Is something the matter, dear?", you ask him, that smile still on your lips as you sit down at the table. That's when the puzzle pieces fall for Kazuha and he visibly relaxes, letting out a drawn out breath.
"Please, don't do that again, love. I was scared for my life."
You laugh at that, apologizing for scaring him that much. He doesn't really care as long as you apologize with a cuddle session afterwards.
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Since you moved in with Diluc at Dawn Winery, the time you spend together has improved significantly compared to before, but it still wasn't nearly enough as to what both of you would want it to be.
He still had lots of work to do, managing the Winery, the Angel's Share, and all the business he likes to take over as the Dark Night Hero. Even so, the fact that the two of you are now living under the same roof has changed things for the better.
You know get to see him every morning, since Diluc has made it a point to stay in bed until both of you have to get up for work. You always eat dinner together and he makes an effort to spend every other evening with you. He really tries his best for you.
He even moved his office next to your shared bedroom, so that there aren't too many rooms between you and when you want to see the other, you only have to go into the adjacent room and not wander the entire mansion.
Tonight was a night Diluc had dedicated to his work, which he made you aware of and you were okay with, since you told him that you could use the time to continue the book you were currently reading.
Diluc was hunged over stacks of papers, trying to sort them from most to least important before he went into looking over them. He had worked through a good portion of it already, thinking that he was making great progress. When he looked at the clock on the wall, it told him that it was already almost midnight.
But not to worry. In about an hour or so, he would be done and could join you in bed. Or so he thought. But when he wanted to continue his work after a short break, he suddenly heard you yelling from next door.
"Diluc Ragnvindr!", your voice shoutet his name and he immediately picked up on the tone of your voice. You sounded upset..
Instantly, he began thinking back, trying to figure out what could have made you angry at him. You were fine when he last saw you at dinner, smiling and laughing with him. Then he went to his office afterwards. He couldn't possibly have done or said anything to upset you... right?
His body, that had faced towards the door that lead to your shared bedroom, began to act on his own and he got up and walked over there. Diluc gently knocked on the door, opening it a bit and sticking his head through the gap.
You were laying on the bed, comfortably tucked in and reading your book.
"Everything okay, my love?", Diluc softly spoke up, not sure what to do but he definitely didn't want to make you further upset.
At the sound of his voice, you perk up and face him, a smile spreading on your lips. You place the book down on the nightstand before extending an arm towards him.
"I'm cold. Come cuddle with me." you say in a small pout, which confused Diluc even more. You sounded so mad just now when you yelled his name. Not just his name, but his full name! So why.. were you acting like nothing was wrong?
Still, he complied to your request, his work and papers forgotten for now as he joined you in bed. You made yourself comfortable in his arms, your head and part of your upper body resting on his chest as he began to play with some stands of your hair. Everything was peaceful, but Diluc's mind was still running, trying to make sense of everything. In the end, he decided to just ask you about it.
"Are you mad at me?"
"No? Why would I be?", you asked him, but your voice sounded sleepy already
"Because you were yelling earlier. And you used my full name. Not just my name or a petname. So I thought..", he got interrupted by a chuckle coming from you.
"I'm sorry, baby. I was just messing with you a bit. Just wanted you here to cuddle with you."
A joke... that's what it was. He couldn't help the relief that washed over him hearing that, and the tension finally left his body. He's not mad at you, but please, don't do that again if you don't want him to have a heart attack next time..
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Being the spouse of the head of the Kamisatio Clan was the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Although Ayato was a busy man with much work, he always made sure to make time for you to spend with him, just the two of you.
Every day, he made that effort, even though this sometimes meant even more stress for him with certain work if he put if off too long. But to him, it was worth it when he did it for you. He's a loyal man in that regard.
One of the downsides to this however, is the fact that this man often times overworks himself without even realising it. Before you came around, it was Ayaka's and Thoma's job - but mostly Thoma's - to take care of Ayato and remind him to take frequent breaks in between.
Now, you like to take over that part for Thoma, taking every chance you get to see your boyfriend, even if it's only a few seconds to remind him of a break or to bring him something to drink with some snacks.
Ayato really appreaciates you doing this for him, smiling every time and stealing a quick kiss before you're gone again. He thanks Celestia each and every day for you being so understanding with his work.
But that doesn't mean that there aren't still days where breaks just aren't possible and he has to power through or else it would never get done.
Today was such a day. Ayato leaned back and let out a heavy sigh as he finally finished with work for today. He has been sitting in this room - his office - the entire day, cramped up and not able to take even a single break. Come to think of it, he was so focused on his work that he didn't even know if you've come in here at all today to check on him. He's sure you did, as you did it every day, but he didn't even notice..
Not to worry. He would simply rest here for a few minutes, trying to come down before he would set out to search for you. Being in your presence was exactly what he needed to recharge some of his engery again.
Closing his eyes and listening to the silence around him, Ayato took a deep breath, calming down more and more the longer he continued to do so. Just a bit longer and he'll-!
"Kamisato Ayato!", a voice suddenly called out his name. And not just any voice, but yours.
His eyes immediately snapped open at the use of his full government name. No cute nickname, nor petname, not anything.
At first, he was too stunned to react, trying to figure out if what he heard was actually real or just something his brain made up. For a few seconds, he sat there and listened to the silence that followed. Just as he was about to relax again, he heard your voice calling him again.
"Kamisato Ayato! Get over here, now!", you shouted for him again, this time your voice sounded a bit more aggressive than before. Now he was certain that this was not his brain playing tricks on him...
Not knowing what had happened but also not wanting to upset you even more, Ayato quickly got up and exited the room. He didn't know where you were, but you sounded rather close, so there weren't too many options available. After looking through some rooms, he found you in the dining room, placing down plates full of steaming food on the table.
"Darling? Are you okay?", Ayato asked as he entered the room, wandering over to you and catching you in his arms, holding your face in his hands.
You smile up at him, circling your arms around his neck and pulling him down for a quick kiss. "Everythings fine. But you've been in there the whole day and dinner is ready so I figured I had to get you out of there somehow."
It then clicks in his head, that you weren't actually mad at him and it was just a trick to lure him out.
"Oh, you little devil~", Ayato smiles down at you, gently poking your nose which made you giggle.
"Hey, it was effective, wasn't it?", you defended yourself and he had to agree with you there. After all, no matter what, you'd always be his top priority..
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You and Kaeya had a great relationship going. Both of you had busy jobs but you still tried to spend as much time together as possible. As a rule of thumb, you've come to an arrangement that every other day, one of you would spend the night over at the others place, since you're not living together at this point.
It's worked out great for you two and sometimes, even though you're together, you can still do your own things, and just enjoy each others presence.
Like today, for example.
You two were at your place, both on the couch. Kaeya was sitting comfortable at one end of the sofa, studying over some plans and things he had to look over for Jean for the knights, while you were laying down, head placed on Kaeya's lap while reading a book.
There was a comfortable silence as each of you was doing his own thing, though every now and then, Kaeya would reach down to brush through your hair. You knew he liked to do that as it calmed him down. And you enjoyed it, so no reason for you to complain about it.
However, it was getting late already, the fire also slowly dying down, so you decided to end your book for today. You told Kaeya that you'd go to the bathroom first, so he had a bit more time to study through the plans. He smiled at you and nodded while you headed towards the bathroom.
Kaeya sits there for quite some time, but he's not really focusing on the reports all that much anymore. He's getting tired and listening to the water running from the bathroom, he can't wait to get into bed with you.
So, deciding to leave it be for today, he places the papers down on the table and lets his head fall back to relax a bit until you were done in the bathroom. He wouldn't have minded to join you in there, either...
As he sat there, relaxing and thinking, he closed his eyes for a bit. But the longer he had them closed, his eyes grew heavier and heavier..
He was about to fall asleep, when suddenly..
"Kaeya Alberich!", you voice sounded from the bathroom and Kaeya's eyes snapped open at the use of his full name.
You'd never done that before, not even when you were mad at him beyond anything. What could he have done that could possibly bring out such a reaction in you?
Quickly, he got up and headed to the bathroom where he heard you from, but things weren't adding up for him. Everything was fine until a few minutes ago. You'd never done this, so why now, so suddenly?
There hasn't been any arguments the past weeks, everything was going smoothly. Unless he said or did something genuinely horrible..
But he was pretty sure that he didn't..
But if not, then there was only one other possiblity...
Rounding the corner, Kaeya knew immediately what was up when he saw you standing there, smiling brightly at him, looking like you were quite proud with yourself.
"Yes, my dear?", he asked, smirking as he leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed in front of his chest.
"Would you be so kind and help me with my hair?", you ask, your voice ever so sweet again, like you didn't do anything at all.
"Of course.", he leads you to the bed and makes you sit and face away from him before he goes to work on your hair, gently tangling out all the knots that had formed in them.
He won't say anything about it or hold it against you, but if you keep doing this over and over again, he might have to come up with something to teach you a lesson not to scare him like that again..
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yuusishi · 2 months
Hi how’s it going? I saw that your requests were open and I was wondering if I could request a headcannon of how Kaeya, Diluc, and Dainsleif react to reader saying “I can get it, just don’t ask how”? Can be either platonic or romantic, whichever you prefer. Thanks in advanced!
pairings : Kaeya Alberich , Diluc Ragnvindr , Dainsleif x gn!reader
genre : fluff
cws/tws : implied violence but it’s rlly short
a/n : warning this is lowkey ass cuz I didn’t really know how to go about the whole plot so sorry if it’s messy 😭. I’ll be putting the headers later cuz I’m not on my pc rn and that’s where I make them !!
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He thought you were just trying to lighten up the mood seeing his stressed expression upon walking in his office, but seeing your dead serious face he couldn't help but get curious about what your "way of finding the missing artifact" could be.
You weren't part of the knights, just a simple adventurer from the guild, and definitely not on par with the Traveler.
He mentally weighed his options until giving up and leaving it in your hands.
He really wasn't expecting much, possibly a lead or two, but the entire missing artifact that the knights were searching for for weeks showing up at his office definitely woke him up without any need for caffeine that morning. It was safely tucked in a basket too...
Letting out an amused chuckle, he walked towards the basket. The fragile artifact was encased in a bundle of blankets to prevent any breakage, as well as a note tucked in the corner.
“I spent all night getting this so you owe me! The map to the thieves’ den is on the back of this note” signed with your name, even then he could probably recognize your handwriting at a glance without the need for your signature.
Sure enough a shockingly detailed map was drawn at the back of the small note. That was the day Kaeya considered recommending you to Jean as the Knights’ private investigator.
You need to have one hell of a way with words if you were to ask Diluc to even remotely involve you in his investigations. He’s well aware the dangers his nighttime escapades pose if he were to bring others with him, that’s the whole reason he works alone in the first place.
He had mentioned in passing that his messenger owl had gone missing for the past few days, no longer answering his calls or bringing back any letters, that’s when you had an amazing conversation with Dawn Winery’s owner.
“I can give you the lead but…” “But…?” “I want to go instead” “Not a chance” “Please!” “Then tell me how you’ll be doing it” “I can’t tell you” “Then it’s still a no” “I promise I can do it myself! The only thing you have to do is swear not to ask questions tomorrow morning”
A heavy sigh left Diluc’s lips as you wait expectantly for his answer, “Should you harm yourself in any way while you’re out, you’re getting banned from the tavern, alright?”
If he had to be honest, he stayed up later than usual that night (at least when he doesn’t need to be the darknight hero). He wished you would stroll up to Dawn Winery in the middle of the night and said that you gave up on the investigation, but you didn’t.
He had work the next morning, he went to sleep and hoped to the archons that putting faith in your abilities was a good idea. Sure enough, that very morning he found his owl on a bench outside Dawn Winery with a note attached to its foot.
“No questions, alright? Just get me something from Good Hunter as a thanks!” Usually he’d find your letters amusing, but he couldn’t help but let his heart drop ever so slightly upon seeing the speck of blood on the corner of the page.
You had met Dainsleif enough times to be considered more than an acquaintance to him. As he travels across Teyvat, he still manages to frequent the tavern you work in. Every couple months you’d see the familiar tuft of blonde hair accompanying his eccentric appearance.
You were just an ordinary bartender, so Dainsleif wouldn’t dare try to involve you in his plans against the Abyss even if you held a vision. All of his plans managed to endanger even the Traveler after all.
He mentioned something about a precious item related to Khaenri’ah that he needed, and just his luck you knew a couple visitors to the tavern that could aid him. But they weren’t the most approachable people.
“I can get you a couple leads, only catch is that no questions will be asked, ‘kay?” A bad feeling buried itself in your stomach every time he mentioned something about the fallen kingdom, yet you still offered.
After giving the offer a moment’s thought, he agreed, warning you to be careful.
The next week he came back, but you weren’t there, instead Dainsleif was greeted by another bartender covering your shift. Curious, he asked what happened with you, the only answer he received was that you managed to overwork yourself and got sick. The bartender swiftly handed him a paper filled with leads for the item.
He swore to come back to properly repay you after he completes his investigation.
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animekpopsimp · 7 months
Stalker (Diluc and Kaeya x Sister Reader)
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(Y/N) sighed, glancing around the area, trying to spot a familiar face amongst the small crowd. Not spotting the person she dreaded seeing, she felt a sense of relief, the sixteen year old was hoping to make it back to Dawn Winery without any issues. Usually that wasn't a problem, but someone had been making themselves too comfortable with being around her.
Albert was well known amongst the people of Mondstat for being the proudest member of Barbara's fan club, which (Y/N) found weird, considering both she and the deaconess were the same age. However, he had recently started to notice her as well, something she wished had never happened. Because as soon as he did, he started acting the same way he did when he was around Barbara. At first, it seemed like he was just being nice, but the way (Y/N) saw it, he was being a creep.
The young girl contemplated telling either of her brothers, even if they didn't speak unless they had to, she knew there was one thing they agreed on. Keeping her safe, that included keeping creeps away from her. However she didn't want to worry them, both of them had busy lives. Diluc was either working at Angel's Share or Dawn Winery, Kaeya, being the Calvary Captain usually had something to take care of. So in (Y/N)'s mind, it was best to just try and avoid Albert all together. At first it was easy enough, but he was becoming more persistent.
"Oh, would you like some help carrying that" the familiar voice reached (Y/N)'s ears. She cringed, looking to the side, as soon as she did, she spotted Albert standing there. (Y/N) felt a shiver of disgust go up her spine, but she did her best to hide it. She plastered a smile on her face, trying to be polite.
"No thank you, I can handle it" she spoke. Without another word, (Y/N) quickly made her way back to Dawn Winery. The first person that greeted her was Adaline.
"Is everything alright (Y/N)?" The woman asked, the young woman always appreciated Adaline, she was like a mom.
"I'm fine" she tried to play things off, she was able to go inside without too many questions which she was happy about.
(Y/N) heard a knock on her bedroom door the next morning and when she opened it, she saw Diluc standing there. He had a serious expression on his face and his arms were crossed over his chest.
"What's going on?" He asked, (Y/N) looked up at her brother, a nervous expression on her face.
"I don't know what you're talking about" she spoke, trying to sound convincing.
"Adaline told me you were acting uncomfortable yesterday when you came back, is someone bothering you?" Diluc continued to question her. The young woman took a deep breath, she knew it was impossible to lie to him. She stayed quiet, but that's all Diluc needed to know he was right.
"Albert..." (Y/N) mumbled, her voice quiet. Diluc raised an eyebrow, silently telling her to speak up.
"Albert has been bothering me" she finally spoke in an audible voice. Diluc knew about Albert, and from what he had heard, he was a creep. He clenched his fist and nodded, his expression never changing.
"I see..." He spoke before turning and walking down the hallway. (Y/N) watched him walk away, looking nervous.
(Y/N) was back in Mondstat, and oddly enough, Albert hadn't made an appearance. Suddenly, she spotted him looking around with a terrified expression on his face. Looking around, he locked eyes with her, his eyes going wide. To (Y/N)'s surprise, instead of approaching her, he ran off without saying anything. (Y/N) watched as he disappeared from view. Still, she was relieved to be left alone. Nearby, both Diluc and Kaeya sat at a table near Good Hunter with satisfied smiles on their faces. There was one thing the two of them could always agree on, no one messed with their sister.
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wri0thesley · 1 year
cw: angst, illness, child neglect, starvation mention,
kaeya is very aware of how fragile the mortal condition is.
the way he grew up - always hiding, always running, the weight of not just a legacy, but being the saviour of that legacy on his back. never enough to eat, never easy access to knowledge or medication or anything of that sort, though his father did used to tell him about how khaenri'ah was once a hotbed of innovention and wisdom--
seeing people die next to him in cold hard parts of the abyss and teyvat and the wreckage of what should have been part of his inheritance. from perfectly ordinary things; a common cold turned into pneumonia, a body wracked by hunger pangs until it couldn't take it any longer, water that should have been pure and safe but simply was not.
he carries all of this inside of him like a ball of fear in his chest. he carried it inside of him in the dawn winery, when he was the second ragnvindr brother (with crepus practically forcing sweet treats and food down his skinny little throat, medicines and check-ups and doctors and murmurs that kaeya pretends he didn't hear about how if crepus didn't find him when he did, he probably would have been soon for celestia), when diluc caught a fever and kaeya sat by his bedside petrified that his newly found sibling would slip away like so many others had. when the maids he was used to seeing weren't there one morning and crepus said they were taking a day off, they were under the weater.
and he carries it inside of himself now, watching you when you're sick. oh, he covers it - he pokes at your hot cheeks and clicks his tongue at your sweaty forehead, pretends to be casual and joking when he says "oh, come on, now of all times? sweetheart, i've got things to do!". he brings you soup and medicines and pretends to be your nurse when he spoons it down your throat, winks at you, pretends that this is all water off a duck's back--
but you do not see how fear stoops his shoulders in the middle of the night as he sits next to you in bed, counting the seconds between your breaths, tensing when your chest rattles with a cough as he wonders is-this-it-are-they-going-to-leave-me-like-everyone-does. you do not hear his nightmares, your name on his lips as he wakes up from a dream in which he buries your lifeless body. you do not see that tightly woven knot of fear inside of him, because he keeps it hidden.
but he kisses your knuckles when you sleep and murmurs that he loves you, raw and real and open and honest in a way so few ever see - because a part of him, still, fears that this chill, this cold, this fever or illness . . . this will be it, and that kiss is the last one he'll ever give you.
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helioptrixx · 2 years
spoilers for the hidden strife event
it’s very early in the morning but oenobiqbfilksd the lore dumping they did at the end of the hidden strife event is ridiculous. (proceeds to list everything off)
first things first, there are the many letters, nine of which are kaeya’s (letter in beautiful handwriting, and i’m sorry, just the fact his handwriting is described as beautiful). the tidily written letter is from alice (mentioned again but not seen smh); the letter with clear handwriting is from one of the dawn winery staff, possibly elzer, but definitely not adelinde as she’s mentioned in the letter; the letter with elegant handwriting is from jean, i believe; the letter with rough handwriting is from varka; the neatly written letter is from albedo; and the new letter is from an unknown informant.
anyway, eroch is dottore confirmed?? varka’s letter says that eroch took the credit for the defeat of ursa, and didn’t dottore get it too? unless that happened after, in which case what the heck was varka doing because he says in his letter that he believed the credit should go the crepus. anyway, apparently jean was tasked with dealing with eroch, and kaeya describes that he became some obstacle for some reason, but that was all dealt with. (eroch is dottore confirmed?????)
what’s interesting is that, contrary to popular belief, diluc did not leave on his sojourn straightaway after crepus’ death. the letters describe him being holed up in the winery for quite a bit of time and that no one really knew he was going to leave, except jean somehow found out and was going to write a letter, and kaeya found out and dissuaded her from writing a letter, and varka didn’t know.
make sure you don’t teleport away after leaving the winery the first time, instead, go to the right and you’ll find kaeya and adelinde talking. finally, kaeya makes an appearance instead of just being mentioned lmao. and apparently kaeya and diluc have a code from their childhood??
also, if you teleport to the knights hq, next to one of the doors on the roof there’s a investigation pot where hyv dumps a ton more kaeya/khaenri’ah lore for like no reason at all but who am i to complain. anyway, the alberich clan is confirmed to not be of royal blood, but considering that they’re regents and it wasn’t uncommon for royals to marry close families (like knights) kaeya could still have royal blood. the “one-eyed king irmin” is likely the figure who the statuettes were made in the memory of (the black serpent knight drops), which possibly explains why, despite the khaenri’ahn lore, it’s the right eye exposed rather than the left (like pierro, dain, and kaeya all have). also, the wording of “restore khaenri’ah to life” kind of implies the alberich clan took over after the cataclysm and attempted to revive khaenri’ah but failed. i’m unsure what exactly this means; “restore to life” like rebuild? or bring back people? and does this mean that kaeya was, in fact, present five hundred years ago, or is at least older than his appearance might suggest? also the description of the paper itself is curious. it’s described to have the same message written twice, one with the penmanship of a child and then copied by an adult. kaeya and his “father”? also, i don’t understand what kaeya means when he describes his “father’s” handwriting as “grieving as a smoking pile of ash”. this could be some weird translation thing idk.
also, in one of the annotations kaeya makes to the note, he writes father in quotation marks (”father”) which could men that he is not an alberich by blood or the man he refers to as father isn’t his birth father (the two of which aren’t mutually exclusive), or he no longer thinks of that man as his father (since the annotation was made after he settled in mond).
and diluc scarred kaeya’s eye confirmed!! also, crepus is again called kaeya’s adoptive father (in english, at least, idk about chinese) so make of that what you will. [edit: someone on twitter said the direct translation from chinese is “godfather” but that doesn’t seem quite right in context either so idk.] we know that kaeya wore his eyepatch before, though, and in the note it says he was playing at being a one-eyed pirate, and we can see he wears it in the manga, but that’s probably some weird metaphor for something, because there’s no way he’d just wear an eyepatch for however many years for now good reason, right?? currently, he could be wearing his eyepatch to cover whatever scar he has, but that doesn’t explain why he wore it before.
apparently, according to kaeya, diluc thought he blinded kaeya, but he didn’t and actually knew otherwise, according to his letter. and maybe they still care about each other? diluc outright tells him in the second letter to “take care” and in general their letters to each other are pretty courteous. does this mean that the cold fronts they put up towards each other in public are just a ruse? are they actually fine?? if so, will we, you know, be able to see them actually interact civilly????? at least it’s canon that their relationship was rocky for some time after crepus’ death/kaeya’s confession, of course it was, but the timeline of the letters is a bit murky, and their falling out might not have been as bad as everyone assumes it was. kaeya still sends diluc letters presumably not long after his reveal and it’s obvious by their tone that he still cares. past diluc cared enough to at least keep the letters along with everyone else’s, and he responds to kaeya’s later letters.
also also i almost forgot but the seashells???? slkjfnalksdhs i’m dead don’t talk to me i actually need to see these interact nicely hyv plssss
i just. what. my brain is fried and i am both content and unsatisfied. all the vague lore is annoying but i’m v glad we even got anything, because i wasn’t expecting much going into the event considering it’s a combat-based event but like. exceeds expectations, whoa, i incoherently rambled for a while so maybe i’ll come back and clean this after i get some sleep but i’ll probably just end up screaming some more.
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starrysky28 · 1 year
First Snow (Reupload)
Title: First Snow (Reupload)
Rating: G
Words: 1640
Warnings: None
Summary: It's the first snow of the winter season, and a young Diluc wants nothing more than to spend it with his newly adopted brother.
13 years ago…
As the soft winter morning light began to shine through the Dawn Winery’s curtains, a 9-year-old Diluc Ragnvindr awoke.
The young boy combed his fingers through his red hair that was messier than ever with sleep, and yawned. It also wasn’t long before he noticed a lump in his bed and tufts of blue hair sticking out of the covers. It seems his little brother Kaeya had snuck into his bed again.
Kaeya happened to be the newest edition to the Ragnvindr household. He was a sweet but timid young boy, who also had a small mischievous streak and had seemed to have developed a slight attachment to Diluc since he was found on a dark, rainy evening earlier in the year.
Though Diluc had just woken up, he already had a feeling that something was different. More specifically, something outside. He slipped out of bed, and ran over to the window next to his bed, where he peered open the thick curtain.
To his surprise, the ground was covered by a blanket of white snow and snowflakes dropped slowly from the sky. Though Diluc had seen this before, a first snow of the season was just as special as the last to a kid his age.
“Wow!!”, he gasped with excitement.
It was at this moment that Kaeya began to stir, ”Mmmn…Di..luc?”
“Kaeya! Wake up! Come and look at the snow!!”, he began to jump up and down.
“Snow?”, Kaeya sounded confused.
”Yeah, there’s snow on th-“
Then, Diluc realized that perhaps Kaeya had never even seen snow before. 
“Oh, um…just…come and look!”, he tried to explain, but just went right back to being excited.
Kaeya slipped out of the bed and made his way towards the window, where he saw thick white stuff on the ground as opposed to the usual green.
”It’s so cool, right?!”, he asked Kaeya.
Diluc looked over at his brother to see a bright smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. Kaeya was absolutely mesmerized by the snow.
Then, Diluc had an idea, “Hey, maybe father will let us pl-“
“I assume you kids saw the snow?”, Crepus chuckled from behind the children.
“Yeah!”, the brother’s heads swiveled around and exclaimed.
Their father kneeled down to their level for hugs as the duo ran to him to jump into his arms.
Then he posed an idea to the little ones, “How about…after you’re done eating the breakfast Adelinde is cooking, you can go outside to play?”
They looked at each other, then back at their father, and nodded their heads in unison.
Crepus laughed once more, “Alright then, it’s a plan”
”Yay!!”, the boys cheered.
With the plan in mind, they rushed downstairs and quickly wolfed down the breakfast Adelinde made for them so they could play outside as soon as possible.
“C’mon, Kaeya! Hurry up!”, Diluc called out to his brother, who was trudging along behind him in a snowsuit and jacket that was much too big for him.
“Now, Diluc, we’re in no rush here”, his father reminded him.
“Father, don’t you want to play with us too?”, Diluc asked him.
”I’d love to…but I have some leftover paperwork to do”
“Aw…”, Diluc sighed.
”Don’t worry, you’ll have Kaeya to play with. Besides, I took out some old sleds while you were getting dressed. Why don’t you two go sledding?”, Crepus suggested.
Diluc’s expression immediately changed upon learning this, “Yeah, Kaeya! Let’s go sledding!”
While Kaeya wasn’t too sure what “sledding” was either, he simply copied his elder brother in happily running over to grab one of the small sleds resting on the side of the manor.
However, when Diluc happened to pick the largest hill on the property to sled on, Kaeya wasn’t so sure.
“How about we have a race to see who gets down there first!”
“O-Okay…”, Kaeya muttered.
Even at 9 years old, Diluc could sense his uncertainty, ”What’s wrong, Kae?”
“Um…this hill is really big…”, he replied.
Diluc then began to reassure his younger brother, “Oh! It’s really not that bad! Here, I’ll go first to show you!”
He climbed onto the little sled and after rowing himself forward, he began to slide down.
Then, he made sure to reassure him once more once he made it down, “See! It’s fun!”
”Um…”, Kaeya was still unsure
”Whats wrong now?”
”Will you…go down with me this time?”, he asked.
“Oh, sure! Now we can race!”, said Diluc.
Kaeya watched as he trudged his way up the hill to him, his snow boots making large imprints in the white fluffy snow.
As the two plopped down on their sleds, holding on to the straw rope that attatched to them, Diluc began to count down.
”Ready, Kaeya?”
He nodded.
”Okay! 3..2..1…GO!”
The brothers began to slide down the hill. A smile was pasted upon Kaeya’s face, now realizing how fun sledding could be. 
However, what they didn’t notice was the unnoticeable bump in the patch of the hill they were sledding on. 
Crepus, who was watching from the inside, coffee in hand, saw as the sleds whooshed into the air slightly, launching the two boys onto the ground beside them.
“Oh…”, he cringed, watching to see if either of them were hurt. 
Luckily, he sighed in relief as he heard audible laughter from outside afterwards.
“They’re so cute, aren’t they”, commented a woman’s voice from behind him.
”Goodness, Adelinde, don’t scare me like that!”, he laughed.
She shared his laughter, “Sorry, Master Crepus”
They quietly watched as the boys laid in the snow beginning to make snow angels for a moment before Crepus spoke again.
“Y’know…this reminds me a little of…”
“Heidi?”, Adelinde added.
Heidi was Crepus’ late wife and Diluc’s mother. If there was one thing she loved, it was the first snow of the winter season.
”Me and her used to take walks and play in the snow every year since we first met…I can’t believe it’s been almost 10 years”, he reminisced. 
After Heidi’s passing of a sudden illness shortly after Diluc was born, Crepus couldn’t stand walking alone that winter. While he never remarried, he did hire Adelinde to take care of the house and be there to serve as a mother figure to Diluc.
A somber look crossed Crepus’ face at that moment.
”Hey, don’t worry about that, Master Crepus. Heidi may be gone, but she’d be so proud of the sons you raised”, Adelinde comforted, placing a hand on his shoulder.
Crepus smiled, “I feel like I don’t thank you enough for what you do, Adelinde. So, thank you”
“So, what are you going to name your snow angel, Kae?”, Diluc asked.
“I…have to name it?”
“Of course! That’s what Father always used to do!”
Kaeya thought for a moment before choosing a name.
”I’ll name mine…Diluc!”
He was surprised by this, ”Diluc? Like after me?”
“Mm hm!”
”Cool! Father said that you should always name snow angels after people you care about. He always named his Heidi!”, 
“And if you’re naming yours Diluc then…”, he started.
”I’ll name mine Kaeya!”, Diluc exclaimed with a bright smile on his face 
“…But”, Kaeya began to add.
”Mine still turned out better”
”Did not!”, Diluc playfully argued.
Suddenly, a giant wad of snow hit Diluc in the face.
”Did you just…”
”Did too”, Kaeya smirked, quite similar to how he would as an adult.
Diluc smirked back, beginning to roll up another ball of snow ”Oh, it’s on” 
He chucked the ball of snow at Kaeya, which then started a full-on snowball fight between the two.
After about 20 minutes of chucking snow at each other, Diluc surrendered and Kaeya was ultimately declared the snowball fight champion. 
“Boys! Come on in! Adelinde has something special for you both!”, Their father called from atop the hill.
”Okay!”, The brothers called back in unison.
They ran up the hill as fast as they could to get to whatever surprise was in store for them, and when they got into the house? Two big mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows sitting on the coffee table next to the fireplace.
”Hot chocolate!”, Diluc cheered.
”Now, what do we say when someone does something nice for us, Diluc?”, Crepus asked him, encouraging him to use his manners.
”Thank you, Adelinde!”, he exclaimed, already licking the marshmallows off the top of the drink.
”You’re welcome, Diluc”, Adelinde said with a smile.
While Diluc was going to town on eating the toppings, Kaeya looked down at his mug, blinking in confusion.
”Don’t you like hot chocolate, Kaeya?”, he asked.
”Um…what do I do?”
”You drink it!”
Diluc then panicked as Kaeya took a massive sip of the hot chocolate.
”Ahh! Kaeya! Not like that! You’ll burn your tongue!”, he cried. 
”Ouch! So hot!”, Kaeya said with a scrunched up face.
”Just eat the toppings first if it’s too hot, okay?”, Diluc told him.
While Crepus went back to finishing up some paperwork, Adelinde couldn’t help but notice that the house was eerily silent.
She initially thought that Diluc and Kaeya had gone back outside after drinking their hot chocolate, but she didn’t see them out there. 
In fact, she didn’t see them anywhere. That is, until she looked in the room downstairs with the fireplace. 
There, she found the two half-drank mugs of hot chocolate and the two boys snuggled up together on the couch, asleep.
Adelinde, who was silently squeeing, grabbed the biggest and softest blanket she could find and carefully placed it around them.
”What a day you two have had already…sleep well”, she whispered.
With that, Adelinde left the room to let the two brothers rest.
The End
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lurlia · 2 years
synopsis: your lover had turn into a baby.. he’s the cutest he’s ever been !!
characters: diluc
cw: ragbros <333, short little oneshot
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diluc was chatting away happily with his brother for the first time in years (he’ll never tell kaeya that though), when he felt nauseous. before kaeya knew it diluc had fell on the floor, kaeya worried, he immediately jumped over the counter and found a toddler in his brother’s clothing..
diluc had started whining, then whining turned into crying. it was a matter of seconds before he started clawing at kaeya’s rat tail, kaeya had grabbed his now younger brother’s juice box and held it towards his mouth. diluc had calmed down a little, a tiny fingers were twirling kaeya’s hair as it seemed to calm him. the bell had rung alerting kaeya that you had walked inside the tavern.
“hello kaeya, where’s dilu..” you froze in place as you saw your lover a baby?? you face went to shock to confusion, “kaeya how did this happen?” you sat down on a chair next to him. “he jus’ got nauseous, i don’t know what from but after that all i saw was a child.” kaeya sighed, looking at his baby brother seeing he was dozing off. he made grabby hands to you, showing that he wanted to be held by you.
you awed at him, taking him out of kaeya’s hands and played with his fat cheeks. “kaeya, i have this little one now, go rest.” you pat him on his back and waved him bye, no questioning him stealing a few bottles wines and heading off. you too held baby diluc softly and made your way back to dawn winery.
once you arrived diluc started whining again, punching your chest with his little baby hands. “you hungry luc?” you cooed at him walking into the kitchen n’ whipping up some crushed grapes. even though he was hungry, he was still tired. you fed him a bit of the grapes then stopped when you saw him close his eyes for a little too long. you smiled at him and picked him up, carrying him to your shared bedroom changing him into old clothes from the past. he snuggled into your chest and went to sleep peacefully.
it was morning time all you felt was warmth on your chest when you woke up, rubbing your eyes and adjusting to the bright natural light. you looked down to see not baby diluc, but a naked grown one, you immediately laughed and poked his sides waking him up. “y/n, why am i naked?” diluc groaned and saw the shredded clothing underneath him. “you were a baby, luc!”
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byeolies · 2 years
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You and Venti had Been friend ever since you met him at Diluc’s Bar. Diluc couldn’t handle you two so he avoids being in your presences. As usual, the both of you were chatting away with the occasional laughter.
“Hey Venti, Come sing for us! “ One of the drunken man said with the chorus of people agreeing with him.
“Play that one tune that you usually play!” Another one shouted.
Oh boy.. Seems like the Dawn Winery will be rowdy today. Quietly among the noise, the door to the entrance opens revealing the famous traveler and his emergency food. “Hey Y/N! I see the bar is lively as always?” Paimon spoke for the traveler.
The traveler may be silent but you knew he had his own reasons for not speaking. The duo took an empty seat next to yours while watching the chaos unfold. Poor Dilucs gonna need some aspirin later..
After Ventis performance and his usual, asking for payment from Diluc in Dandelion wine, You walked with Venti. The air was crisp with the usual clambering of the smith. You guys stopped under the big tree, Vanessa’s rumored tree.
“Y/N, I’m the anemo archon. You’ve been my trustworthy friend. Although 2nd to the traveler, I trust you keep my secret.” Venti said in an unusual tone than his cheery one.
It was silent, way too silent. You couldn’t tell if it was because he’s drunk that’s he’s now telling you this. There’s a saying that a person true feelings come out when they’re drunk.
He just smiled waved you off saying how it’s late and that you should get back home. Walking home helped you reflect on the info bomb, which then helped you create a plan.
The next morning, you took the long travel to the headquarters of the Knights of Favonius, looking for a certain maid. On the way there you bump into Kaeya who told you where that certain person is. He probably had an idea of what you were doing.
You found Noelle hanging the wet clothes to dry in the sun. You called out to her, asking her you can a second of her time. Noelle elegantly walked towards you asking what’s wrong. “Can I ask you a favor Noelle?-“
The sun came to rest, meaning it’s time to head towards the bar. You headed towards the bar and took your usual spot next to a drunk bard.
“I’ll get your usual” Diluc drying a cup, put it away and started making your usual drink. You placed down a red rose next to Venti’s drink. Earlier you had asked Noelle to teach you how to make fake red roses out of tablecloth.
In your opinion, it was hard but Noelle was there with you step by step. It seems that Venti understood the message and drank his wine with a small smile on his face.
Post is an continuation of this idea. Thank you for reading this p ost :))❤️.
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atherea · 3 years
Some headcanons for my kaebedo spy x family au but with a twist because my brain refuses to switch off tonight
Albedo is the hitman, Klee is an esper and Kaeya is the spy.
Albedo is Klee's brother and they both escaped from a Fatui lab (after destroying it and their records, of course) and live in Mondstadt.
He's known as the Chalk Prince in the hitman world and earns a lot of money with his high profile targets. His 'normal job' is some desk job
He tries to keep his hitman job a secret from Klee but he doesn't know that she can read minds, only that she's been experimented on.
Klee tries VERY hard to not let Albedo know that she knows because she's a very considerate little sister that doesn't want him to have a breakdown, thank you very much. Also she thinks it's very cool
Yes she's still an arsonist child, who else would have blown up that lab? Also she goes to school with Qiqi and Diona (and Timmy) as classmates.
Kaeya is a Khaenriahn spy known as Eclipse, he's been deep undercover as Diluc's adopted brother and is a superintendent of the favonius police force. Or part of the Dawn Winery business, I haven't decided. He hasn't outed himself to his brother, so their relationship is amicable, if a bit strained recently
Kaeya's been commissioned to spy on some high ranking diplomat and the parameters are that he needs a family in order to get into their good graces, lest they get suspicious. So he can't even start the mission till he finds a family somehow lmao
Albedo on the other hand, has been looking for a partner, since talks about the Fatui sending envoys to Mondstadt are circling and he needs someone as a safeguard to make it look like he and Klee were Mondstadt citizens all along
Kaebedo meet cute with Klee finding out Kaeya's a spy. Cue "Oh Big Brother Al-beee-do, isn't it so lonely without someone else back home?? I wish I had another big brother!" Albedo is flustered. Kaeya... thinks about it. It's also a nice coincidence that Albedo's sister goes to the same school as his target's child
Shenanigans ensue, Kaeya's being chased down by his latest target with Albedo being caught up in the crossfire, which end up in them agreeing to a fake relationship and some very new feelings in the process.
Yes they get fake married, Kaeya gets concussed and slips up. Diluc's now convinced his brother's eloped without telling him and "oh gods, I'm terribly sorry Albedo, I guess we're husbands now?"
"Hm, I guess this will take some getting used to, husband."
"Guh- I mean yes. You're right."
bonus under the cut:
Sucrose and Timeus are Albedo's coworkers! They babysit Klee sometimes, and she always loves Miss Sucrose's candies. Albedo's kind of like a mentor to them, despite being newer to the job.
Klee still has Dodoco, and its a little stuffed toy and Klee's only memento of her mum
Also, Alice is both Klee and Albedo's biological mother in this au, and they were outlanders trying to look for a place to settle before Klee and Albedo got taken and eventually experimented on.
Diluc and Kaeya are overprotective siblings for each other, no I don't take criticism
Also Diluc still has his Darknight hero persona, and Kaeya and his agency totally know
Dainsleif is Kaeya's handler. He is Tired of Kaeya's antics, which now includes trying to goad him into making a pretend family. Which. That's a hard no from him. His coworkers are basically grown-ass children anyway.
Childe is a fellow spy who's infiltrated the Fatui, with his former mentor, Skirk as his handler. He keeps asking Kaeya to fight him. Or even worse, "Comrade, I want to fight your smoking hot brother!"
"Never, ever describe him as that again. I think I just threw up a little."
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lunargrapejuice · 2 years
when it's lonely
diluc ragnvindr x reader ft kaeya | 11.1k+ words - i am a little sorry this got away from me
warnings: angst/comfort, arguing, unhealthy coping, alcohol consumption, kaeya being a little shit (in the best way), mentions of cheating, lots of crying
what is it with me diluc & the rain?
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with aching bones and sore muscles you make your way back to the winery, slowly trudging through the dirt path until you see your home and push past the large mahogany doors. all you want after this incredibly long day of tough commissions is to curl up in the arms of your beloved, breathe in the sweet scent of wine with a hint of smoke that clings to his clothes and tell him about your never ending day. but dilucs responsibilities have pulled him into the city long before your last commission was over and will continue to keep him from you well into the night.
you thought by now you’d be used to this; waking up and often times going to bed alone, coming home to what felt like an empty house despite the staff that passes by you each time you walk through the doors, having dinner without the man you love by your sides even though you’ve prepared him a plate. having plenty of time to yourself was part of loving diluc ragnvindr, you knew that before you married but as of late it’s been worse, so much lonelier than ever before.
you don’t quite remember when or why your standing dinner dates stopped or when the last time was that you were able to convince him to take an afternoon off to have lunch and take a walk around the property with you or to come to bed with you after a hard day when you both needed the rest. at some point you stopped asking. his apologies were always sincere and from the heart but that didn’t stop how much it stung when he was unable to step away or be persuaded. but truthfully you wanted to stop yourself from being upset at him more so than stop hearing the rejections.
these days the most you saw of diluc was in passing, you heading out of the city towards a commission as he heads towards the tavern, a quick kiss on the forehead in the stairway of the winery as you head in one direction and him the other. the closest and longest you’ve been around him is in your sleep, in the morning the only evidence he was there at all is the ruffled sheets next to you and the lingering warmth his arms bring when he finally finds his way home to you.
it sucks, to say the least but you do everything you can to distract yourself from the loneliness and smile through the aching in your chest because you know what is taking diluc away from you is important and much bigger than yourself. how can one compare the lives of those that fill that city of mondstadt and all of the responsibility that comes with being the owner of the dawn winery to a lonely housewife who likes to play adventurer? you don’t feel as though you can, so instead you take what you can; those little moments when he smiles at you in passing, the warm hand that always seems to find the small of your back when you’re within arms reach, the strong arms that hold you tight in the short time under the setting moon that diluc calls ‘sleep’. and when you’re not soaking up every drop of diluc you can get, you’re distracting yourself.
it started with taking on work around the winery. at first it was nice seeing him more but you soon found out just how hard it is to have your lover so close and yet so far away, within view but never close enough to touch. so instead you’ve chosen to fill your time with commissions and that has worked too, for a while but you can feel it wearing you down. both in mind and body you're exhausted, on the verge of breaking down and each night you still return to a bed without diluc.
tonight was no different and as much as you don’t want to admit it, it hurts. for once you want to be selfish and take him away from the world to a place where it’s only you two, even if it’s only for a little while. but you can’t and you aren’t sure it’s wise to ask, not when a part of you is worried it will be another ‘no’. in reality it sounds so much gentler coming from his lips than it does your thoughts.
you just want one little night, one meal together, a walk through the grape fields, anything. just a little of diluc's presence and the love that you yearn for. but what happens when you want more, when you need more? one request will turn into two.. then three and who knows when it will end and how much trouble it will bring diluc.
were you nothing but trouble and dead weight for him?
you don’t realize you’ve started to cry until you feel the wet spot pooling on your pillow as you try to sleep. you're drained from so much work, your eyes are heavy and your aching body screams for rest but as you lay there, tears falling endlessly, sleep doesn’t come.
how could it when you can’t keep your mind from running wild with thoughts of diluc? the images of him only make you miss him more and the echo of your own voice reminding you it's selfish to take him away from his duty makes it impossible to sleep.
he won't, he can’t love you if you can’t support his responsibilities.
you’re only a bother to him. his duties are much more important than you, they always have been.
it’s your fault if you tear him away from his work and something goes wrong.. or if people get hurt.. he could be there to help them if not for you..
the words and the heartbreak they bring never seem to cease.
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it’s fine, you tell yourself during the quiet walks between commissions or on your way back to town when your mind has a will of its own and can’t find anything else to give your full attention to. i’m fine. it's a lie and you know it but telling yourself over and over again until you believe it’s true is sure to work, isn’t it? everything will be -
“well if it isn’t our little busy adventure bee, finally taking a break,” the familiar teasing voice interrupts you from your thoughts as kaeya makes his way over to where you stand next to the adventurers guild kiosk. “though you look rather gloomy. what, someone come steal all your honey?”
gloomy was not quite how you'd describe how you feel and you were letting it get the better of you while you took a rest between commissions until kaeya showed up. his joke may have been terrible but his presence is a comfort.
“i’m not gloomy, just tired.” you bring your attention back to the map you were supposed to be looking over before.
you can feel his eye on you as he studies you like he doesn’t believe you. it’s eerily similar to the way diluc stares at you when you’re lying or withholding information. were you a bad liar? or did this have something to do with skills picked up between brothers?
“why don’t you stop busying then, little bee?”
you know you could use a break, maybe even a few days off but there’s nothing else to distract you and you desperately didn’t want to feel the truth of your loneliness when there was nothing left for you to do but wait for diluc to return to you. stopping wasn’t an option until you could give your mind something else just as demanding as working to focus on.
“can’t and don’t want to. it’s nothing i can’t handle anyways. why don’t you get busy? i know you’ve got work to do,” you retort. you hope it’s enough to change the conversation away from you.
“haha. lovely sister, since we’re both not busy let's go get a drink. what do you say?”
now who's changing the conversation?
it didn’t sound like a bad idea though. kaeya may be your brother by marriage but more than that he is a dear friend and potentially someone that could keep your mind from wandering to the aching in your chest. due to your ever busy schedule you haven’t seen him in a while either, it would be nice to catch up.
“alright, fine. let's go to the cat's tail, yeah?”
a few more commissions and a few drinks had you stumbling into bed that night. your heart felt lighter on the walk home after spending many hours with kaeya but as soon as you opened the door to the manor, the loneliness came flooding back and no one was there to help when the damn of your emotions cracked yet again. another night of crying yourself to sleep. how much longer could you go on like this?
the burning afternoon sun in your eyes coming from the small crack in the curtains is what wakes you up and you half debate trying to go back to sleep so you don’t have to face the day but somehow that seems worse, like you’ll actually have to face the loneliness all while watching diluc from afar. so you get up and not thirty minutes later you're dressed and getting ready to head to see katherine about more commissions despite your sore body and slightly hungover mind. just as you’re getting ready to leave you run into your beloved as he heads from the cellar back to his office. you can feel your chest burning by just looking at him. how badly you want to sink your fingers into his thick vermillion hair while you sit in his lap and kiss him until it hurts to breathe.
“morning ‘luc,” you say, your voice still tired and weary. you hope he doesn’t notice.
“good morning darling,” he greets you with a soft smile that could melt your heart. it almost has you forgetting about how tired and upset you feel, almost gives you the courage to ask him to take the rest of the day off to be with you but you bite your tongue. “are you feeling alright?”
the question has your heart racing. such a simple question but you aren’t sure you want to share the truthful answer, not when you know it will make diluc question why you aren’t feeling okay and then you’ll have to admit to missing him as much as you do, though you could probably get away with not telling you you cried yourself to sleep the past 2 nights.
selfish, the word echoes in your mind.
his hand touches your cheek, pulling you from your thoughts as to how to answer his question. gently, he brings your face up so your eyes meet, his ruby orbs staring deeply into your own.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, his brows knitting as he studies your face. he doesn’t even try to hide the worry behind his eyes.
“n- nothing.. i’m a bit tired, that’s all,” you give a reassuring smile that's half sincere.
your stomach flips, nausea creeping up on you quickly under his piercing gaze that tells you he’s questioning the truth of your words. maybe you really were a bad liar. “you did seem rather restless last night,” his expression softens and tenderly he rubs his thumb along your cheek, the leather of his gloves warming up your skin. “why don’t you rest more? i’m sure the guild can survive without you for one day. i can have adelinde prepare you some tea to help.”
his touch melts away some of the worry, makes you feel lighter, like things might be okay. it gives you the little push you need to ask a request that you worried was asking too much a few nights before but now, under his warmth, your heart tells you maybe it’ll be okay, it’s okay to be selfish. “thank you but i’m alright..” you grab onto his hand that rests on your cheek and hold it in both yours, squeezing his fingers in hopes to stop the shaking slowly creeping on your own. “i actually wanted to ask-”
the door to the cellar opens abruptly and loudly and not a moment later you're cut off by connor. he apologizes profusely for interrupting before promptly informing diluc of an issue that needs his immediate attention. as quickly as he came, he hurries back down the cellar to wait for the young master's help.
your heart sinks and doubt starts to cloud your mind. was this the universe telling you it’s better not to ask?
to your surprise, diluc doesn’t leave your side. instead he squeezes your hand and looks at you expectedly.
“you should probably get going before the whole place is in shambles,” you say with a half smile, slowly pulling your hand from his.
“it can wait a moment,” he says, reaching for your hand again before it falls to your side, his fingers rubbing up and down the back of your hand. “what did you want to ask me?”
your cheeks burn as red as the hair on dilucs head under his undivided attention, you haven’t had it in so long. you have to tear your eyes away from him. you hate that you’re so nervous to ask your own husband to have dinner with you.
his hand squeezes yours again, an encouragement to continue to ask whatever you need of him. he’s always told you, if it’s within his power he’d give you whatever you asked for.
“i.. i was hoping we could maybe have dinner together soon?” the words come out in a hesitant whisper. you want to run away, take it back, go back to pretending you’re alright.
biting the inside of your lip, you look up and meet his tender, loving gaze. the small smile on his lips makes you weak in the knees, and grateful that you asked.
“of course, i’ll move some things around. how about the day after tomorrow?”
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the warm sun kisses your exposed skin and the sweet smell of the wine grown at your very own home invades your senses. it’s far too early in the afternoon for such a drink but kaeya is the last person to pay mind to those kinds of formalities; sharing lunch with a loved one was always a good enough reason to celebrate with a drink- his words, not yours. your own drink of choice for this occasion is something much lighter, simple lavender tea steeped to perfection thanks to diona.
“have you invited me out again because perhaps you’ve finally come to your senses and realized how badly you want me? hmm?” kaeya asks before taking a sip of his wine.
you roll your eyes, it’s the only reasonable response to his stupid and pointless flirting. “after not getting to see you for so long, i thought i’d catch up on lost time. is that so wrong?”
kaeya can hear by the hesitance in your tone that there’s more to this story than you’re letting on to, just like he had for the past few days. he doesn’t mind if you’re spending time with him and have another secret agenda for doing so but he can accurately assume what has brought you to him. “and so you could talk to me about something going on with my brother?”
you shake your hands in denial and a failed attempt to hide your reddening cheeks. “no, no. it’s nothing like that. things between diluc and i.. they’re good.”
he raises an eyebrow questioningly. did you even believe the words coming out of your mouth? you’ve always been a little hesitant to share your troubles with others and even more so sharing the private troubles between you and your beloved with his teasing, trouble making brother of all people but nonetheless, kaeya was your friend and one of your closest friends at that. it’s only natural to share worries that weigh down your heart with those close to you so they can help you, if you accept and want it.
kaeya wasn’t oblivious to your hesitation to share the private affairs between you and diluc and he understands why but as your friend and someone who cares for his brother very much, even if they both have an odd way of showing it, he can serious-up and try to remain neutral if it meant he could help you two. after all, he wanted to see you and his brother make it. he knows how much you both love each other, how much diluc needs you but also how stubborn love- and his brother- can be.
your eyes shift from his, instead looking at the wooden table and the swirling tea inside your cup, your leg bouncing up and down lightly.
“he.. hasn’t been around much lately,” - the words you’ve been trying so hard to tell kaeya since he first started to try to get you to open up. he could sweet talk almost anyone into anything but being in love with his brother made that tactic not so easy to use on you. it’s a breath of fresh air to let out your troubles, even if only a little. “i couldn’t tell you the last time i saw him for more than five minutes,” a defeated smile falls on your lips and there’s no hiding the sadness behind it.
“ah.. so you have come to confess after all and tell me you wish to spend time with me instead? what an honor.”
that gets your head perking up and your smile looking less sorrowful. you shake your head and continue to open up.
so his sweet words do work on you after all, just in a different way than most.
“i miss him deeply but it’s okay.. i know how important his duties are to him,” but it never stops the aching in your chest when you find yourself missing him or feeling like you burden him. you smile, trying not to let on to just how badly you’re feeling, how you’re torn between your own desires and the duty your husband places on himself for reasons you are all too understandable of. “besides, we’re having dinner together tonight, i’m sure i’ll feel a lot better after that.” you couldn’t be more ready to melt into his embrace for the evening after a delicious dinner, having all your worries vaporize under his burning touch.
“i’m sure you will too.”
your mood seems to lift quite a bit throughout your meal and another few glasses before kaeya has to return to work and you hurry off to buy ingredients for what is sure to be a yummy dinner.
on his way back to the knights headquarters kaeya recalls how little he’s seen his brother as of late as well. it wasn’t a secret the man nearly worked himself to the brink of death, sometimes almost literally when playing the role of the dark knight hero- though that was still a secret to most. even when going to the angels share and diluc was bartending, it was busy enough that kaeya didn’t get much of a chance to tease or poke any kind of fun at this brother.
kaeya hasn’t seen you a lot either until he stopped you that day at the kiosk. all you seem to be doing nowadays is taking commission after commission with the guild, no doubt a tactic to ease the loneliness of having your significant other at arm's reach but never being able to touch them or have a moment alone with them. he’s all too familiar with the ways one uses to distract from pain.
people may not notice the subtle changes in your choices to take on more work or the way your smile seems a little more strained but after spending some time with you over lunch, kaeya sees how apparent it is now. had his brother taken the few moments needed to see how much his absence was affecting you?
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kaeya takes it upon himself to personally do a little extra patrolling tonight. with the dark knight hero having a night off he can show diluc how safe the city is under the care of the knights of favonius.
it’s a quiet night with the moon and stars shining brightly upon the city of freedom, the citizens within sleeping soundly under the watchful eyes of the knights. the only thing that could make the shimmering silver light better would be a glass of wine in his hand, or maybe the whole bottle, as he strolls through the quiet streets. of course that doesn’t befit a knight on duty but that won't stop him from rewarding himself when he gets home.
his chipper grin falls when he rounds a corner near the edge of the city and sees a mop of bright red hair emerging from the alleyway. was kaeya going to personally have to force diluc to notice what he’s doing to his relationship, the best thing that’s happened to his brother in his personal belief, by overworking himself?
“well, well, if it isn’t our very own vigilante taking it upon himself to do a knight's work,” there's a hint of charm in his voice but coldness behind it can be felt in the air that lingers between the two men.
“come to finally turn me in?” diluc sneers, keeping his familiar stoic look on his face.
“not at all dear brother,” he takes a step closer to diluc, narrowing his icy gaze even further. “but, i am here to scold you if you being in the city right now means you missed dinner with y/n tonight.”
dilucs jaw noticeably tenses but other than that, there’s no hint of guilt or regret on his face. kaeya hopes that means diluc kept his word to you.
“what business of that is yours?” diluc doesn’t waver under kaeyas intense, bone chilling stare.
“maybe it’s none of my business,” he admits but truthfully kaeya doesn’t care if he’s over stepping. he could handle the burning flames that are his brother if it meant he made diluc see the error of his ways, see what he was doing to his wife and marriage and likely his own happiness. no one was blind to the way diluc lit up when you were around and kaeya wonders when the last time anyone saw that light. if it’s as bad as you refuse to admit out loud, it’s been a while, probably too long. “but i’ll happily make it my business if you aren’t doing your duty as a husband and someone who loves y/n. if you don’t shape up i may have to come steal her away.”
diluc closes what little distance is left between them, letting his shoulder brush against kaeyas as he passes by. he knows kaeya is only trying to egg him on, trying to get a reaction out of him but diluc won't let him win that easily, not when it comes to you. “don’t say such things about my wife.”
“we’ll see how much longer she stays your wife when you’ve put so many other things before her.”
now he’s just being petty, pouring alcohol on the fire just to see how big he can make it. they both know it but no apology leaves kaeya lips as diluc walks off, heat radiating off of him like a forest engulfed in flames.
diluc can’t calm the sinking pit that is his stomach as he makes his way to the entrance of the city at what feels like a snail's pace. if not for kaeya the moment he was reminded of your dinner plans tonight he would have ran full speed to the winery, quickly making his way to your shared bed and into your arms to apologize profusely, for the depths of his heart, for forgetting. his pace quickens as soon as he's out of the city walls, only getting faster and faster the closer he comes to home.
he recalls the uncertainty in your voice and eyes when you had asked him to have dinner with you. how long had it been since you asked that simple request of him? how could he have forgotten the promise he made to you? truthfully, all of the recent days have become a blur of nothing but paperwork, orders and maintenance repairs, on top of his regular shifts at the bar and his nightly duty to protect the city. he somehow stumbles into bed after repeating this busy routine day after day and gets up just to do it all over again. but where had you fit into all of this?
a kiss on the cheek in passing, holding you in his arms for the few hours of rest he can get is enough to hold him over, but how long could either of you really last like that? had he spent so much time wrapped up in work that he unknowingly pushed you to the brink of no return and into kaeyas arms? he had noticed you taking up more work with the guild and earlier today adelinde made a comment about how you’ve been returning later than usual to the manner recently. was that your work or his brothers doing?
kaeyas words burn in the back of his mind.
his whole body feels tight when he enters into the dark stillness of the manor. he checks the kitchen first, even though he knows it’s far too late for you to be waiting there for him. you’ve left a plate of what smells like one amazing meal but he doesn’t have a single bit of an appetite. how could he? he’s still half worried you may not be in your shared bed.
quietly he makes his way up the stairs and towards the master bedroom. the tightness in his chest only worsens when he sees flickering candle light seeping through the bottom of the closed door. he’s always had a love hate relationship with you staying up in wait until he comes home. on one hand, he wishes you’d take care of yourself and have a normal sleep schedule but he loved seeing your smile when he walked through the door and the ‘welcome home’ that comes from your lips sounds so angelic that it wraps around his entire being with cashmere and brings him a warmth no flames could ever compare to.
there’s no loving smile or sweet ‘welcome home’ for diluc tonight and regretfully he admits to himself he can’t remember the last time he heard those words though missing them tonight doesn’t look like it’s from a lack of trying. he enters quietly and immediately his eyes find you. your fingers loosely hold onto the book you fell asleep reading as you lay on top of the duvet dressed in your silk pajamas, your head resting against your pillow. it might bring him some solace had he found you resting peacefully but the furrow of your brows and the frown on your lips tells him you’re having far from peaceful dreams. he can’t help but blame himself for that as well.
he’s far too lost in his emotions and his guilt to care about showering or preparing for bed properly. he changes into his night clothes within minutes, ruby eyes unable to leave your sleeping form as he moves quietly across the room and into bed. the moment you awaken he wants to apologize, promise you that tomorrow you’ll have him all to yourself and keep good on that promise, tell you how much he loves you and apologize some more. but for now he’ll have to settle with tucking you under the covers and holding you against his chest, whispering his confessions of love and his apologies to your unconscious self, hoping that even through sleep you can feel his love and sincerity.
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the quietness of the winery in the early morning before any maids or other staff show up is uneasy, though maybe it was just the lingering sadness in your heart from your missed dinner with diluc that adds the layer of glum over the misty, gray morning.
you waited eagerly, for what you realize now was far too long, hoping that any moment he’d walk through the heavy doors and you’d finally be in his arms but as the sun set and the food became cold, your hopes died and your heart throbbed. words no longer describe how much you missed him.
you’ve always known that keeping the city and it’s people safe was his priority, how much he felt like he alone had to shoulder the burden on top of his regular responsibilities. how could you ask a man with such a strong resolve to stop for little you? surely easing your loneliness wasn’t as important as the lives of the citizens diluc fought so hard to keep safe. it was best that you give him space, allow him to work and love him from a distance as you have been, even if it hurts.
it’s odd for you to be up before him, you wondered if you should wake him along with you but the dark bags under his sleeping eyes told you he needed the rest. so you silently slipped from his arms and tiptoed around the room for your things before heading to the guest bathroom to get ready for another day of commissions to keep you busy, maybe stop by the knights headquarters to spend time with kaeya. you know it’s just a distraction but it was enough for now and until you could work through accepting that most of diluc doesn’t belong to you and be okay with the little of himself he could give to you.
you’re lacing up your boots near the front door when you hear the master bedroom door open and the patter of dilucs bare feet on the cold hardwood. he calls your name, his voice low, still laced with sleep.
“down here,” you call back, meeting him at the bottom of the stairs once your shoes are on.
he looks as exhausted as you feel, dark bags under his eyes, untamed red locks cascading down his exposed chest which rises and falls with his quick breaths.
the air between you is stiff; neither of you know what to say or if it’s okay to touch the other even though you both desperately want to.
waking up without you had him out of bed in seconds looking for you, an unsettling worry weighing down his chest that him arriving home to you last night was a dream and kaeya was right. having you stand in front of him, dressed to leave even though it’s still early in the morning with your eyes full of such anguish has him worried this is only a delayed goodbye.
he opens his mouth to speak, to say anything at all, hopefully something to get you to stay but no words come out and you speak first instead.
“i have a lot to do at the guild so i should get going. there's breakfast ready in the kitchen, be sure you eat, okay?” you give the best smile you can muster but everything behind your eyes betrays any smile you could give him.
he hadn’t meant to forget about your dinner, his already weary mind too clouded with thoughts of work, of duty, to remember much else. he hasn’t meant to be neglectful of you all this time while work and other responsibilities took his time. it’s no excuse, he knows it’s not and he wishes you would yell at him, scream that he’s hurt you, tell him it’s over if that’s what you wish. your half hearted smile and broken, unsparkling eyes are so much worse than any words you could yell at him for disappointing you. “y/n, i-”
“i should really get going,” the words leave your mouth before you can stop them but you decide quickly it’s for the best. you aren’t sure you could get through a conversation without breaking down and crying over how much you miss him but you don’t want to burden him, not before he has to go through a full day of work. his stoic expression is nowhere to be found, only worry draws the pretty lines that create the man you love. it’s not hard to tell he’s remembered the dinner he’d forgotten but you don’t want to talk about it. he had other things to worry about.
“y/n, don’t-”
“you don’t have to worry about me diluc, i’m fine, everythings fine.”
who you’re trying to convince with those words you aren’t entirely sure.
your broken smile tears dilucs heart in two. how could he not worry about you, especially now after he’s hurt you? he’s worried now more than ever and he hates himself for only seeing the pain he’s caused you thanks to the words of his brother. is it too late to make amends or had his darkness already consumed you?
he wants to reach out for you, call for you to stay when you head towards the door without as much as a hug goodbye but he’s frozen in place, no words leave him as he watches you walk out the door and into the rising morning. move, go after her, what are you doing standing here?
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you’re on the front of his mind the whole day. papers got signed, orders got approved all under his watch but he hardly read the words on the parchment. all he could see was the face of the person he loved most in the world trying so hard to hide the sadness that lay behind her eyes and the reply in his mind how he only watched as she walked away.
how had he not noticed your pain sonner? why didn’t he chase after you this morning or any morning you left the manor with that same look in your eyes?
he thought the bustle of the tavern would distract him enough until you stopped taking commissions and he could talk to you. he’s had enough time to think about what he wants to say, how he’s going to try to make this up to you as long as you’re willing to give him the chance to do so but he couldn’t have been more wrong.
as the night creeps on and the customers drink until their lips are loose, little secrets and rumors escape easily when they think no one is listening. it’s almost always bullshit or nothing of significance but every once in a while it’s good intel and even fewer times than that, it’s rumors of the ragnvindr household itself.
in most of those instances it’s rumors of the ever elusive young master or some of the older gentleman who frequent the tavern speaking of his late father but tonight it’s of something, someone, diluc thought people wouldn’t have the guts to speak ill about on his own property, you.
“did you see captain kaeya with that h/c woman earlier? i’ve been seeing them alot together recently, has he finally decided to settle down?”
“are you blind or just stupid?! that’s master dilucs wife yer talkin’ about.”
a third person chimes in. “they looked pretty chummy to me and i’ve never seen her with master diluc.”
“keep your voices down!”
as if that could really help them, diluc scoffs, the glass in his hand threatening to break under his intense grip. he knows he should walk away or even more so get them to shut up about you but his mind is running a million miles an hour. had you really been spending so much time with kaeya that people actually think you’re with him? he knows you’re not a cheater, he doesn’t doubt it for a second but his brother's intentions are a different story altogether. kaeyas flirted with you too many times to count and he already told diluc once before he’d come to steal you away, maybe he wasn’t joking as he thought and even worse, perhaps diluc deserved it.
the gnawing feeling in his chest only worsens when the loud patrons leave and he’s left with silent snores of the passed out drunks and the scrub of the wet rag in his hand against the bartop; the perfect opportunity for his insecurities and worries to toture him with thoughts of losing you, beating himself up for being a terrible spouse and lover. you deserved so much better, he always thought that and yet, he dragged you into the darkness anyways.
he’s worked out a particularly hard stain in his frustrations, only looking up from the wooden surface when he hears commotion outside the back door. his heart rate picks up when he hears your voice clearly.
“kaeya! stop! i can take myself home!” it's obvious you’re drunk as your words slightly slur and you're far louder than you need to be.
“no, you can’t. you’ll pass out drunk on the side of the road and become treasure hoarder bait in no time,” kaeya tries to reason with you, diluc knows from experience that it’s a foolish attempt while you’re in this state. his voice becomes muffled as he begins to whisper.
you’ve finally decided to lower your voice too and diluc can’t make out your muffled words through the door but it doesn’t matter, it’s his duty to ensure you get home safely. he’s been so focused on his work he’d let his duties as a husband fall but not this, never his duty to keep you safe. even when you’re upset at him, even if you decide you want to leave him, he’ll always protect you.
it’s another minute before kaeya enters the tavern with you in tow, heading straight for the bar. diluc seethes at the sight of kaeyas hands on you.
“a glass of wine for me and a cup of water for this one,” kaeya orders as he helps you sit up right in the stool right across from diluc and then takes the seat next to you.
diluc pours your drinks in silence, watching you intently as you avoid his eyes and instead draw circles with the tip of your finger against the top of the bar. he places the glass of water in front of you and almost jumps over the bar to get kaeya as far away from you as possible when the tan hand of the calvary captain comes to rest on your shoulder.
“this is the special drink i was telling you about,” he teases and pushes the glass closer to you with his other hand. “i know you’ll love it.”
you swat kaaeyas hand away from your shoulder. “no water or.. any drinks. i’m goin’ home,” you declare, pushing the glass away from you and start to get up from your seat with wobbly legs.
“that sounds like a perfect job for a knight such as myself,” kaeya says with a devious smile. “shall we go then lovely lady ragnvindr?”
diluc stares flaming daggers in his brothers direction as he rounds the bar to come stop you. you’re moving slow and it only takes him a few strides to be standing in front of you. you collide with his chest when you try to take a step towards the door and would have toppled backwards had it not been for dilucs hands on your shoulders holding you upright.
“’m fine,” you argue, not meeting his eyes. “let me go,” but your movements betray your words. you don’t try to get out of his grasp, if anything he’d say you’re leaning into it.
diluc knows how to play this game, your stubborn drunkenness hasn’t gotten the better of him yet and it wasn’t going to start now. “i’ll let you go, you can even go home but you’ve got to have a glass of water first, got it?”
you finally look at him with narrowed eyes but they don’t hold any anger behind them. he lets go of you but stays close enough to catch you in case you’re too drunk to stand straight for long. at this distance he can smell the hard liquor on you mixed with your normal, sweet scent. you’ve never been one to drink away your sorrows like so many others he’s seen but he fears he’s driven you to under the current circumstances.
“fine. one glass of water.”
it’s quiet between the three of you, an overwhelming feeling of an intense unspoken battle between fire and ice seeping into every corner of the tavern. it feels like it might catch the whole bar on fire, or freeze it over completely, when kaeya keeps his hands on you when you start to sway or when he tries to coax you into drinking more water using honied words and a tone that is too flirtatious for your husbands liking.
“i’m closing up,” diluc looks at kaeya with unamused eyes after a while. “leave.” diluc can’t help but notice how oddly quiet kaeya is before he departs, how he avoids dilucs gaze but seemed to be observing the both of you intently. diluc doesn’t like it, not one bit. kaeya has no business sticking his nose into your marriage or whatever other plan he may be brewing in his mind and, even though diluc knows it’s his jealousy, his possessiveness speaking, he doesn’t feel as though it’s kaeyas business to be spending this much time with you or being this close to you. you being friends with him or not, it was too much for someone as untrustworthy as his brother.
in silence diluc finishes cleaning up, observing you as you rest your head on your arms that lay across the counter. he talks you into taking one more sip of water before he locks up the tavern and you both head home. he supports your weight as you walk side by side to the gate and over the bridge to the path leading towards the winery, his strong arm wrapped around your middle to keep you steady.
you're quiet, unusual for your drunk self but he understands your pain didn’t go away simply because you had one too many to drink. in this case- as in most cases- it’s likely only making it worse. the night air outside the walls of mond is warm, almost refreshing and welcoming but it does little to help the strained silence between you. you both know there’s no point in talking while one of you is drunk, no matter how badly you both want to spill your hearts out.
“’m sorry for troubling you ‘luc,” you say quietly after a while, trying to take your weight off of him and walk on your own.
his chest burns uncomfortably at the sadness in your voice, the spot where you leaned on his side slowly turning cold. he instantly misses your touch. despite the uncomfortableness within him, his tone remains as it always is. “escorting you home is never a trouble for me. all that matters is that you get home safe.”
you get a few steps ahead of him, legs still a little uneasy but he keeps a close eye on you.
“.. could have made it on my own.. or kaeya could have taken me.”
his jaw clenches at the mention of his brothers name. he knows the other night when kaeya made the comment about coming to steal you away he was only pushing dilucs buttons, only trying to make him feel bad but hearing kaeyas words repeat in his mind and you sounding as if you’d prefer his brother's company over his own stings more than he wishes it would.
not a minute after saying that you’d make it home on your own, you lose your footing on some loose ground and begin to topple forward but your body never meets the cold ground.
your e/c orbs, glossy and sparkling against the moonlight, stare wide in surprise at diluc hovering above you. his bright red hair cascades down one shoulder, the tips of his luscious locks tickling your chin. you stay like that for a moment longer than you should, lost in each other's gaze while his arms hold you just a few inches above the ground, your delicate fingers grip onto him for more stability even though you know he’d never drop you.
“come again about making it home on your own?” he asks as he lifts you into his arm bridal style and continues down the path as if nothing happened, as if his heart isn’t about to pound right out his chest.
he half expected you to fight it and wiggle out of his arms but relief washes over him when you do the opposite and snuggle into his embrace instead. it’s quickly replaced with anxious panic when he looks down to check on you and sees a tear rolling down your cheek.
“i’m sorry..” you whisper, burying your face into his chest.
“what is it you’re sorry for?” diluc doesn’t understand. he should be the one apologizing, not you.
you only shake your head, repeating your apology as your fingers come up to grab onto his coat and you pull yourself further into his embrace.
a few hours earlier
as the day turns to night, kaeya has every plan to turn from calvary captain into, well a drunk cavalry captain. what he hadn’t expected though was for you to be knocking on his door just as he gets ready to quench his thirst, with a bottle of wine and hard liquor in each hand, your lightless eyes contradicting the smile on your lips.
he was never one to say no to free drinks, especially when shared with a loved one but it doesn’t take him long, not even half a glass of wine on his part, for you to spill the beans about diluc missing your special dinner and how you’re here to get drunk and forget about it. he does not like the way you’re choosing to cope with your predicament but truthfully he doesn’t like the way diluc is dealing with it either.
two fools, he thinks to himself but chooses to drink with you anyways. was he going to have to fix this himself? he can’t help but chuckle at the idea, oh how badly it could go in the all right ways.
he isn’t sure how many drinks you’ve poured yourself by the time you make it to the cats tail and down a few more. you aren’t shitfaced but you’re sure going to feel this in the morning, kaeyas even willing to bet you throw up before the night's end. should he stop you? probably. he knows better than anyone in this city, better than even diluc, that drinking away your pain doesn’t fix a damn thing. he’s spent plenty of time trying. is he going to stop you though? only when it really is too much but until then, he’ll watch and wait until you’re ready to go see the one person you’ve been avoiding- not that you’d call it avoiding but at this point, kaeya certainly would.
you’re too busy tracing the stars in the sky, making yourself a little a dizzy in the process, to notice kaeyas arm around you as you walk through the middle of mond and to the angels share. he promised you a special drink so you let him guide you where he pleases without a second thought. it’s only when he comes to a stop at the back door of the tavern do you register where you are.
“why did you bring me here?” you ask but you’re too annoyed and too drunk to wait for an answer.
you start to walk off, kicking a chair that’s out of place in the process. kaeya grabs ahold of your arm, partly so you don’t fall and partly because there was no way in hell he’s letting you leave the city in this state. diluc would have his head and while kaeya did plan on getting under dilucs skin tonight, being a little bit of a bad brother for the sake of love, he did not mean like this.
“kaeya! stop!” you yell and try to pull yourself away from him, almost falling down again in the process. “i can take myself home!”
“no you can’t,” that much he is certain of. “you’ll pass out drunk on the side of the road and become treasure hoarder bait in no time,” he can see you trying to reason with yourself behind your cloudy eyes, now he’s just got you to take the bait before you convince yourself you can still do it. “diluc can take you home, don’t you want that?”
you stop fighting kaeyas grasp at the mention of your beloved. you did want that, you really really did but not even being drunk was enough to make you forget why you had been distancing yourself from diluc.
stubbornly you hold in your tears, your voice nothing more than a whisper. “i’m not trying to bother him.”
“is that what you think you’ll be doing?”
you don’t answer, not with your words at least but your eyes tell him all he needs to know.
“come on. there is an extra special drink in there waiting for you so let's get moving.”
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every day you try to keep in mind that a new day brings the chance of change, of something good and new but today, as everyday of late, it only brings familiar, gut wrenching heartbreak.
“where are you going?” diluc asks sternly when you try to slip from the bedroom without a word, dressed to leave yet again. he understands you’re upset with him, you have every right to be as much as he wishes you weren’t but the avoidance is too much, like you don’t wish to resolve the turmoil that bubbles between your hearts. why are you avoiding him so?
he couldn’t and wouldn’t let this go on any further. his heart couldn’t take it and he knows yours can’t either.
“i’m heading to mond,” you answer shakily, your hand lingering on the doorknob. your heart races as diluc steps closer to you, his arm folded, face stoic and hard to read, that is until you mention a certain someone. “i promised kaeya-”
“do we not have more important things to discuss than kaeya?” he interrupts, his expression turning harsh as his hand comes up to push the door closed. your heart feels like it’s going to explode under his gaze and you let go of the doorknob when you meet ruby eyes that swirl with flickers of flames you don’t know the intentions of.
“i don’t know diluc.. do we?” you hate the way your voice sounds as it comes out, it’s so different from your normal soft tone with him. you swallow your nerves, try to be calm, but more words you don’t like the sound of come out. “what’s got you so upset at just the mention of his name?”
“it’s not his name that bothers me as much as it is how close you’ve grown with him.” the air in the room begins to feel almost too hot to breathe.
“you’re upset at me for spending time with my friend?” you glare up at diluc, dropping your bag on the floor. your arms come to rest at your side, hands clenching into fist. after everything that’s been putting you through, does he really have the right to be upset about this?
“you know he’s not trustworthy,” he states as a cold, hard fact.
“i know that’s what you believe,” you reply back just as coldly. “but he’s still my friend and lately he seems like the only person i can lean on.” your eyes widen when you hear them.. that isn’t true. in your heart you know you could have avoided this all if you’d chosen to lean on diluc.
“is that so?” he takes a step closer to you. “perhaps there’s more going on between you then meets the eyes then?” he doesn’t mean it but the vile words came out before he could stop them and as the thought of kaeya taking you away from him, anyone taking you from him- including his own stubbornness- he can’t stop any words from spilling past his lips, no matter how much he knows they’re a lie. “you and kaeya-“
“what the hell are you trying to say?” your eyes burn with a fury he’s never seen from you before.
“you know full well-”
“no- i don’t know diluc!” you hear the scattering footsteps of the maids just arriving to work outside the door as you raise your voice to a volume that hardly ever echos off the walls of the manor. “are you really standing here telling me that i’m cheating on you and with kaeya of all people? what the- i-” you can’t stop the words from leaving you either “i- i can’t fucking believe you,” he takes a step closer, you take a step back. “you can’t bother to give me the time of day or even keep a simple promise to have dinner with me and then you come and accuse me of cheating on you? that's fucking rich.”
the eerie calm in his voice, how it doesn’t raise even a little makes your bones shiver. “why is it that the first person you find solace in during my absence is him? does that not say anything at all?”
“no diluc it doesn’t,” your voice shakes, from fear or anger or any mix of the two you don’t know but you wish it would stop. you wish all of this would stop but you can’t will your mouth to cease moving. “kaeya is my friend, the only person that i’ve felt gives a shit about me these days-”
“that's not true. you know-“
“no i don’t!”
“have you even tried to talk to me about what's troubling you? why rely on kaeya when i’m right here?”
“because you aren’t there diluc! you couldn’t even be there when all i asked for was one dinner!”
you don’t know how long you stand there spewing venom at each other, words that you don’t mean but that falls like an avalanche, unstoppable and drowning everything in its path in bitter cold. any hope of logic has been thrown out the window and left to rot in the grounds of the vineyard.
your tears can’t be stopped, the bile in your throat rising with every word until it threatens to come out. you’re shaking, red in the face and when diluc begins to raise his voice too, you can barely stand it. time moves by so slowly, every painful second and hurtful word- even when they’re your own- are a slap to the face.
you can’t keep doing this and at some point your fits unclench, your eyes drop to the ground and with a heart full of lead and ice, you admit defeat. “i can’t do this,” your throat hurts after yelling for so long and your tears don’t help. your turn on the balls of your feet, not grabbing your bag or anything before opening the door. you try to take a step but dilucs firm grip on your wrist stops you.
“we aren’t done,” his chest is heaving, you can feel how hot his breath is from this distance but you don’t dare look him in the eyes.
“yes, we are. at least for right now.” now it’s your calm voice that suffocates the entire room. you don’t look back as you pull your hand away from his grip, walk down the stairs and out the front doors. theres not a single worker of the winery in sight and no heavy footsteps following behind you. biting your bottom lip, you try to hold your head up high but it’s incredibly hard to do when all you want is to curl into a ball and sob until you have no tears left. you do your best and when the click of the door closing behind you comes, you let your head fall, curling your arms into your chest. letting your feet carry you to an unknown destination as tears leave a trail in wake, each one a sign of your broken heart and your wishes that soon, when your mind is more clear, you can make up and be in his arms again.
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dilucs not sure how many stages of grief he goes through as he paces the length of your shared bedroom for what feels like hours before he listens to his heart over his mind. each minute with you gone more painful than the last. listening to his heart, following and expressing his feelings, he is not very good at doing it but it was what he knew he needed to do for you. he would do anything for you.
could you find it in your heart to forgive him for turning the tables at what the real issue was? you're so kind and you’ve shown him time and time again that your love for him was unwavering, you’re likely to forgive him but diluc isn’t certain he deserves it and even if you did, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. he’ll remember for a long while the pain in your eyes and the tears that fell down the cheeks he only ever wanted to pepper kisses to, all this pain caused because of his actions and words.
when the worst starts to creep up on him, thoughts that you might not return at all, he takes a seat on the edge of the bed. resting his head in his hands, silent tears stain the fabric of his dark pants.
he’s been a fool to let his duty to you as a husband, as the person who loves you more than anything else in all of teyvat and celestia, fall between the cracks. it’s his most important job, nothing in this world meant more to him than you did. and as more time passes with you not returning home, his determination to do something to prove the love he had for you and how sorry he was brought him back to his feet and out the door, just in time to get caught in the pouring rain.
he dislikes the rain and the way it taunts him. was it so determined to sweep you even further away from him? could he find you, wherever you are, through the thick veil of rain that soaks the ground beneath his feet and would you accept him once he did? he’ll spend as long as it takes trying. wherever you are, he would find you and make this right. that much he knows for certain.
walking from place to place in search of you felt like traveling for miles, like the path to you was one that spread so far into the distance there wasn't any end in sight. the rain doesn’t stop as he searches for you. all of the usual places you spend your time around reading or working don’t have any evidence that you’ve been there at all but his feet keep moving. he had to find you and fix this.
it’s when he’s heading back to the winery to see if you’d return home that he hears sniffles. it’s so quiet, almost completely drowned out by the rain but somehow he hears it and let’s it guide him in hopes it will lead him to you.
his heart sinks at the sight of your figure hiding from the rain under a travelers tent; knees curled into your chest, head resting between you legs, you're soaked to the bone and your back rising with every hiccup caused by your sobs.
quickly he makes his way to your side, reaching out for you but his hands never find you. what if his touch only made it worse? “y/n..”
your head shoots up, your tear filled eyes finding his as he shrugs off his coat and rests it on your shoulders. the warmth of his coat isn’t nearly enough to stop your tears but it helps more than he knows.
“diluc!” your crying grows louder but it’s not for the reason he fears. messily you rise to your knees and fling your arms around his neck, with all your strength pull him as close to you as possible. your legs straddle his as he sinks his knees into the ground, one hand on the small of your back, the other tangling in your hair. you can feel his racing heart beating against your own.
he returns the gesture tenfold, his arms wrap around you so tightly it steals the air from your lungs but you don’t care. you would happily suffocate in his arms.
“i’m so sorry.” you say at the same time.
the rain around you rages on but the only thing you two can hear is the sound of each other. he has so much to say but for now, he’ll let you speak.
“diluc.. i- i would never cheat on you-“
“i know.”
“- but i was still in the wrong. i.. i didn’t want to bother you but.. i’ve been so.. lonely,” it hurts to say out loud but after your time wandering alone with your thoughts you know it all needs to be said if things were going to be made right. you held back your feelings for so long but it didn’t help and all you wanted now was to confide in him so you let your heart do the talking. “i was spending time with kaeya to try to help my loneliness.. so i wasn’t causing trouble for you- but really.. i only caused more trouble by doing that and i didn’t mean to.. i’m sorry.. i.. i miss you so much it hurts and- and i just couldn’t get the words out before. you have so much more important things-“
“you are the most important thing to me,” he didn’t want to interrupt after he had waited so long for you to tell him how you’re feeling but the words couldn’t be stopped and this time he’s grateful for it. he pulls away from you but doesn’t go far, his arms remain around you and he brings his forehead to rest on yours. “you are never a bother, telling me how you feel could never cause trouble for me. i wish for you to tell me everything that goes on in the heart i love, even if you think it’s not worth telling. your worries are my worries.. i know i’m stubborn and can be absent more than i’d like to be but please y/n,” his hand tangles more into your hair as his nose touches yours. his breath warms your cheeks and his words warm your heart. “don’t feel as though you have to bear anything alone. nothing in this whole world is more important to me than you are and i can’t apologize enough for failing you.”
“you haven’t failed me.”
“please.. allow me the chance to make it up to you, to prove my undying love for you..” his words flow as freely as the tears down his cheeks. “y/n.. i love you so much. words don’t begin to desc-”
your lips meeting his own cuts him off but no more words need to be said. his hand grips onto your wet shirt under his coat, growing tighter with each kiss you share. it’s been so long since you shared such an intimate display of your affections. the way you both refuse to pull away, even when you need the air, shows just how determined you both are to make up for every lost moment, how no matter what stood in your way you would always, always have each, love each other and that neither of you would let something like this happen again.
under soaking wet clothes and the touch of your beloved, you begin to shiver.
“let's get you out of the cold darling.” strong hands travel down to thighs and effortlessly he stands up with you in his arms. he knows you can walk but he wasn’t ready to be that far away from you. your legs wrap around him, your face buried in the crook of his neck as he makes his way back to the winery. everything diluc wanted to say before his whispers into your ears with each step he takes towards your home. every word he spoke filled your heart with the flame that has been missing for so long and reminded you just how brightly his own heart burned for you.
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several days later
as kaeya's work day draws to an end he makes one lap around the city before heading to the angels share. the bar is loud, music playing from inside can be heard out the door and the chatter of patrons joins the noise. when he enters the tavern, the bards music matches the brightness that brings the bar to life. nothing has changed from how it normally looks, there aren’t even more patrons than usual but it feels more lively than it has for a while. when he sees the bartender, a normally unseen smile on his face as he pours drinks and listens to his pretty wife laugh and talk about her day, kaeya understands what's brought the glowing atmosphere.
he can’t help but have a glass of wine to congratulate himself for helping you two find your way. though he was expecting to have to flirt with you more to get it to this point. all but pin you up against the bar and pretend to go into a kiss for diluc to shape up is how far he happily would have gone but he’s glad to see one night of getting on his brothers nerves finally got you to talk.
towards the end of the night when you’re helping clean up and most of the other patrons have left the bar, kaeyas glass gets a refill he wasn’t expecting. he looks at diluc questioningly but diluc isn’t looking back at him, instead his ruby eyes remain on your figure across the room.
“this ones on the house.. ahem.. for keeping y/n company in my absence.. but your services are no longer needed.”
“hehe, what a pity.”
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genshin impact masterlist | main masterlist
2K notes · View notes
kazuhasmaid · 2 years
Hello! May I ask for a scenario with the main tall men(Diluc, Zhongli, Childe, Kaeya, Thoma) + Albedo where the reader got isekai'd in Teyvat and they have an electronic device with them, if it's okay?
It goes like when they met the reader, they noticed that they have a phone/tablet/laptop with them and is curious of what the device is. :00
You don't have to do all of them! 3 characters are fine!
Have a great day! :D
how they would react to an isekai'd!reader with a device 📱
Diluc, Childe, Kaeya x isekai'd!reader
genre: fluff/crack
a/n: THIS HAS BEEN SITTING IN MY INBOX FOR SO LONG, ITS TIME TO DO IT JUSTICE. 🤧 if you want a part 2, please lmk! :)
implied omniscient reader's viewpoint references: just the reader having their phone and having exclusive skills for being the reader who's stayed till the end.
no beta read we die like dragonli - lowercase intended.
favoritism™ shows.
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having your life taken away and suddenly waking up inside the game you treasured for so long, one might count itself as a blessing for having tevyat as the next worl you get to live in, that's until you find a shock to yourself that your device is with you? perhaps this was the way the archons in tevyat tend to you, to survive in this world, having records of events that are yet to take events in this magnificent, vast world you've yet to see- not with your screen any longer but with your very own eyes. wait. wait a minute? who's that-
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you wake up in a cedar wood oaked manor, and to your beliefs, in shock, may i add, this is the dawn winery that you've just woken up in.
where diluc ragvindr himself, the wine tycoon, the uncrowned king of mondstat takes himself home.
you shift over to see the windows, and the bright sunlight the day has to offer, your thoughts were intruded as a knock begins to fill up the room.
"come in,"
and to your surprise, the diluc ragvindr that many fawned on excused himself for interrupting your morning, archons he was way beautiful than you thought of him to be. he was breathtaking, more in the fact that concerned washed over his face when he noticed you were no longer moving,
right. right. diluc ragvindr. tevyat. no big deal. right right. might as well try to imprint a good impression on the ragvindr hm?
"apologies ma-"
..there were many cautions to be aware of, like number one, attempting to forget and reset your background knowledge of everyone in tevyat.
diluc tilted his head in curiosity,
"ehrm, my name is y/n and may i please ask who you are and how i wound up here?"
straight to the point, he thought.
"my name is diluc ragvindr, you're currently at the dawn winery manor, and how you wound up here.. is quite the story, i found you while i was out- being batman patrolling last night." he picked his words carefully,
to this, you nodded, still in confusion that you've wounded up in tevyat but still had the idea of being reincarnated into another world like the amountful isekai manwhas you've read. though the way you've died and left the world is still blurry in your mind, no matter how much you try to force yourself to think back to it.
"i see, well then, i apologize for the inconveniences i might've caused and I'll be on my way-"
diluc ragvindr held up a familiar device, that..
hey wait a minute.
that's your phone-
even the case and the model-
now you know damn well a phone cant be in tevyat when the technology isnt as advanced to having a phone,
"so what's this device i found with you?" he waved it around in his hands, carefully inspecting it.
hm, diluc wasn't one to be left behind in technology advances as he himself, invests in technology that may help his business grow,
now how in tevyat were you supposed to explain to a fictional character that the world you're now in is a videogame setting where it could be played from your device?
struggling to come up with an answer, you started speaking in hopes that it's enough for the red-headed man to believe you.
"mr. diluc ragvindr, i dont think you'd believe me even if i told you"
"oh? do pray tell."
"we all have our secrets and that happens to be mine. it'd be quite unfair to use it against me."
"apologies, im just making sure that this device is safe.."
"i understand, though, i really do need it back."
you see his frown enhancen, and to this you compromise,
"if.. i was to show you what it does, can i be on my way after this? no questions after."
diluc nodded almost instantly.
he handed you the phone and you started to turn it on,
the screen glowed at the wallpaper of a white screen, thank the archons that your wallpaper was resetted or it mightve arose suspicion if it was your diluc wallpaper now, wouldn't it?
you planned to tamper with the widget and app name of genshin impact so that no one gets a clue but it seems that its all encoded in diluc's eyes. that they do not know of the alphabet you use. this advancement was an advantage such as to that no one else would be able to operate it, but you.
you showed diluc the applications, the camera, the notes, recorder, music, settings, games and everything basic you could possibly introduce to someone who had never seen a phone.
diluc was impressed with the advancement of this technology, stunned that a mere stranger had such a magnificent device that did multiple task to aid a lot in terms of business.
he let you leave the manor safely and had offered you a place to stay, and to this- you couldn't exactly turn the offer down as safety and security of your vulnerable state was important.
the pyro visioned man had started to warm up to you as if you've lived in the manor for a longer while than what it seems to be,
there was a time he'd sit with you at the balcony as he sipped grape juice, looking over to you, tampering with your phone,
an idea came across your head,
"master diluc, how would you like to be entertained by my device?"
his curiosity peaked even more.
you had entertained him in such a way that one may think you're advertising the technology,
you had shown him the emailing system, though it was clear to you that your phone has been boundaries as the addresses that were saved were welkin systems where they had aided you a fk ton of mora, competing with the numbers of the wine tycoon itself, it drove you quite shocking once you've figured it out,
diluc was amazed at the fact that he could just send documents in a click away not taking anymore days to wait for a response as it took some time to deliver and write proposal, business partnerings, offers and such.
oh how he'd love to have such a more light work,
an application you next showed him was the chess game you've had, and as you already know, diluc is one to play chess, you've challenged him to a game of chess...
"hm? oh well then, I'll just take my set out- oh.. you mean?? you can.. simulate the game?... in.. your device? ... that's amazing."
the diluc ragvindr was too stunned to speak. (LMFAO)
you two started a match and to his surprise, you won the match- and in diluc's eyes, you were, one of the individuals that have managed to beat him in such a strategical game. not only has his eye caught your device but.. to you as well.
'just how more special could this person be?'
oh boy. now this is chaotic, how did you end up in the third round knockout with childe?
in all seriousness though, while he was on his way back from the northland bank, he stumbled upon you in a secluded alleyway, all alone in the dark, unconscious, it seems.
childe looked around for anyone who may be able to recognize this person as he himself, is not one to be closely familiar to the association of liyueans.
to his dismay, nobody was around, not when it was hours past midnight, he decided he'd be the one to help you then, well if you actually need it.
"hey.." he tapped your shoulder, once, twice and-
oh there we go.
"what..where... you."
"m-me?" the dumbstruck harbinger stuttered as the tone in your voice showed familiarity.
"oh.. right, nevermind." you got up and took yourself out of the alleyway and it was finally clear to you that you were in liyue. you had an idea of how it might've happened.
you walked away, leaving the harbinger himself as you started to walk through liyue, awe in your eyes as childe stared at you.
"hey wait!" the harbinger had caught up to you,
you didn't look forward to getting yourself involved with him, not when it's the first day in a new world.
no matter how much you've liked him.
ahem. he was a favorite to you.
"what is it?"
"you dropped this." he hands you your phone.
he watched your eyes widen in confusion, you snatch the phone away and quickly said your thank you,
"hey wait a minute,"
you turn to him.
"are.. are you not from here?" he asks.
"..well not from liyue really."
"figures. im childe by the way, i dont live here in liyue also, more of a business involved travelling job."
"ah i see.."
'well no kidding, don't you look to accomplish what the tsasritsa orders?' you thought.
hm. it really doesnt seem like he's out to get me. it doesn't hurt to make an acquaintance, as long as i don't get on his bad side right?
"my name is y/n, nice to meet you."
"well uhm.. i noticed you were passed out in the alleyway there and i notice that you're not really in clothing that's warm enough to go through the breeze that sets in liyue during its nights"
he was right, it really was cold and all you had were battered up clothing.
"right uh.. can i treat you tonight? what do you say to free food, and clothing and a new..friend, perhaps?"
you nod and smile slightly at his attempt.
you knew he was a bloodthirsty harbinger, but deep known you know that he's a good man and a good brother and son to his family who just happens to serve in the line of violence and loyalty to tsaritsa.
childe walked you to a clothing store in liyue that were willing to help you get new clothing-
the harbinger couldnt help but also gift you new accessories, a new satchel and a few of the jackets and tops you eyed earlier but dropped them, due to the price, it was already enough of what he gave to you.
"mr.childe...no. no. this is too much."
why was he offering a stranger this much help?
"...y/n, it's fine, ill have you know a secret, the price tag means nothing to me, if that's what you're worried about" he winks to you, a friendly smile painting his face anew.
"how do you suppose i repay you then, mr.childe?"
"please call me just childe and you dont need to repay me, im only doing what a decent person would do.. and ive got the mora to support my genuine intentions."
"thank you." you look down to the ground,tears welling up in your eyes, it overwhelmed you to wake up in such a new world but a kind soul like childe leading you to the vast world of tevyat and offering help to you- a stranger warmed up your heart.
you took a deep breath and offered a smile at him,
"thank you childe."
childe's eyes widened upon seeing a genuine smile from you, returning back the gesture as he says,
"you're always welcome, y/n. now should we head on to get some food? im starving.."
you and him shared talks, jokes and laughter, familiarizing himself to you and you to him, in.. a more personal level as you've really met him now with your own eyes.
you two ate a meal together, enough to fill both of you up, you suppose the both of you were growing more tired as his eyes were half-lidded, a yawn escaping his lips,
"hey by the way, what was that thing you dropped earlier?"
"oh this? ...just a device i suppose."
"ive never seen anything like it, and i, for one are actually quite updated about new technology, what does it do?"
"hmm.. uh.. well i dont know if i can tell you childe.. but let's just say its a device that can do multiple tasks?"
"like what?"
"writing down reminders for yourself, having a calendar, taking photographs away from a click."
you operated the phone and showed him the basics of what the phone could do,
"where'd you get it? i'd love to get my hands on one.."
you gulped.
'please- if this phone ends up with me getting murdered-'
"hey childe, remember when you asked me, 'are you not from here' well the answer i suppose, is yes.. quite literally. i come from a different world.."
his jaw drops to the information you've let him grasp.
"oh. i see. i suppose you're the second outlander ive met. i've met a traveller who came searching for their twin sibling.. they've made quite the reputation in all of tevyat too."
you were surprised that he hadn't threatened you yet or something along the lines.
now that you think of it, can't an outlander threaten the goals of the one you serve?
you shrug the thought off and kept conversing with childe as the night begins to age.
youve managed to show him a game from your phone,
"hey childe look at this."
you showed him a timed fishing game in which the player has to catch as much fish as they can in the given time as a challenge.
at the first game, he'd caught 5 fishes as you stood with 25 fishes, the gap of the score making him scoff,
he made his way next to you and asked for a rematch.
you suppose this was the only duel he'd ever ask you on. well hopefully.
you'd done 5 matches with you getting better at each game,
he'd slumped over and pouted "i literally fish back in my home country, this just disappoints me!"
he'd earned a laugh from you, a first he'd heard from you.
he stared at you as light pink blushed over his face, smiling at you,
'what a kind soul..' is all what he managed to think as you both gave each other comfort and warmth in the coldness that surrounded liyue during its midnights, sharing a quiet but a memorable night in the new world you've woken up to.
the cavalry captain had heard reports from one of the knights that someone was found in the woods, sleeping near the wolvendom area, which wasn't the ideal area to be around.
the captain had requested for the knights to look for this person, including himself, he'd been curious as to who this person may be, all what the knight said was that they flee after taking a sight of them.
maybe this person was a tourist? perhaps a lost one as well.
his thoughts had been interrupted when he hears the leaves from a tree make some noises.
then a rectangular object fell infront of him.
he stepped back and examined the object,
"hey if you're here, you better come get this object-
or not. I'll keep it confi-"
"NO!" a person leapt down from the tree and approached him, dressed messily, with a disheveled appearance.
your eyes widen at the sight of the cavalry captain who smirked at you, knowing his bait worked better than he thought he would've done.
"so, are you from around this region of mondstat?"
"well..? then you're from?"
"it's complicated."
just then, a knight came to tell him that jean is concerned on whether or not this person may threaten mondstat's safety, and to this he had to oblige to the grandmaster's request and had asked you to come with him inside the city gates for some interrogation,
"nothing too heavy." he says,
"as long as you're innocent of any ill intentions" he adds.
of course, as 'lazy' as others assume of him, he wants nothing but to protect his hometown.
as you get to the favonius headquarters, you were welcomed by the absence of the acting grandmaster as something had come up urgently in need of attention,
leaving matters in the best of kaeya's judgement, you two sat in his office as he questioned you about your whereabouts and what you've been doing lurking around the woods to arise suspicion.
"it's.. quite unbelievable really."
"please enlighten me" he offered a pleasant smile,
"...would it be believable if i was to say that this is not my world.?"
his eyes widen for a second, "... you're.. not from tevyat?"
you shook your head as his mouth agapes, laughter arising from him,
"another outlander??"
you sheepishly smiled at him, how were you to be composed when kaeya, all in his glory was infront of you, resting his chin on the palm of his right hand?
"i guess so.."
kaeya began to tell you about how they've managed to find another outlander like you outside of mondstat, of course you knew of this.
kaeya had used his judgement and for the time being you two were together it was safe enough for him to assume that you had no ill intentions. though all he waited for was the presence of the acting grandmaster.
jean gunnhildr hadn't returned at the night that you two waited for, kaeya resolved to letting you in to his own home as it would be too much of a bother to disturb others into taking in a stranger- an outlander even, he had promised himself to keep an eye close to you and provide you with shelter. he had noticed your appearance, and your stomach grumbling had made him order a small feast for you and him. he had wondered how long you've gone without any food.
you two had shared a meal, and to your surprise, the conversation that you had interacted were genuinely comforting, in the warmth of his home and an actual shelter to stay in for the time being.
as you got up to help him clean up your dishes, your phone had dropped from your pocket and onto the wooden floor.
it had been days since you found out that your phone had come along with you. information about tevyat and the lore behind into the archives were saved in a way that you had assumed that this was a way you'd look for, to survive and overcome challenges in the new world you now live in.
to this, kaeya had turned his attention to you, asking you what you had dropped.
you thought it was no harm to explain and show him what the device does,
"hm. its a device from my world, it's called a "phone"
he had squinted his eyes at the sight of your phone,
"whats the purpose of it? why is it so rectangular?"
to this, you had laughed at his questions, you didn't expect the cavalry captain to tilt his head and look at you in a way you had found adorable.
"well it does function in many categories, come look"
kaeya wiped his hands as he made his way next to you, watching you operate your phone as you begin to show him some examples of what a phone could do,
and to your expectation, you were right.
kaeya had completely become smitten with the camera feature in your phone where he had learned to take a selfie, of you and him in his kitchen.
he had asked if it was possible to print into a picture,
you had thought of ways to avoid breaking his heart that your phone may be too advanced for the technology available, unless he could request to commission it to an artist for a physical copy.
he has noted himself to get a kamera,
the next morning, jean had greeted you and questioned you, even welcoming you into mondstat, taking note that you had become familiar with the cavalry captain as he had no guard up when he was with you, completely out of any suspicion. ironically.
once jean had let you go, kaeya had offered to tour you around mondstat, the breeze settling in, with the morning sun gracing the sides of yours and his face.
he had definitely hoped to get more captures of you and him with your camera. he wished for the two of you to get along together and possibly become better acquaintances as the cavalry captain had been attracted to the energy you radiate around him. no words in khaenr'iahn and mondstatian could form words for the warmth he felt though it was as small as sharing a moment.
he went crazy after you showed him that phones could record videos too- someone help this man pls.
part 2
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©kazuhasmaid please do not copy, paste or repost. plagiarizing or republishing in a different language will not be tolerated.
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senpiecakes · 2 years
Sleepless Nights Part 1
Notes: Can't sleep, decided to take advantage of the situation. Also, I just started working so I might not be able to upload as frequently. 
Summary: Staying up late with them :)
Warning/s: None
Themes: Fluff and Comfort :)
Character/s: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli
(I Headcanon that he has reading glasses)
Diluc doesn’t get much sleep in general. He’s a pretty busy man- with juggling tavern duties as well as Dark Knight Hero patrols for nights in a row, Diluc is exhausted most of the time. You always encourage him to get enough rest so he can function enough to keep Dawn Winery up and running during the day and have enough energy for his nighttime work. It’s a rigorous schedule that Diluc has gotten used to by now and you can never wrap your head around how can someone stay sane with all of those responsibilities. Most of the time, you encourage Diluc to take breaks from patrolling and filing Winery paperwork, which he appreciates, but we all know that he’s incredibly stubborn. Diluc only relented when you began staying up with him or staying awake to wait for him to get home.
In the long hours of the night, when Diluc would come home after his rounds, he’d find you sitting by the coffee table reviewing some shipments and orders with two cups of coffee in hand. 
“I thought you needed some help.” You’d say, taking a sip of coffee. “Here, I made you your favorite.” Diluc could only sigh and sit across from you, taking pleasure in the way you’re so willing to help him out. (Plus, he loves the way you make his coffee)
“It’s late. This is bad for you, you know.” Diluc would say, putting on his reading glasses before skimming over the paperwork himself. “You’re so stubborn sometimes.”
“Says you.” And you two would spend hours on nights like those just catching up on things you’ve missed, things you’ve been dying to talk about. Playful banter coupled with domestic responsibilities always seemed like a good combination.
Some nights, you would wake up to find Diluc awake, arched over his desk looking visibly tired but oddly handsome. More so than usual. His gentle face illuminated by the soft flicker of candlelight, his fire red hair unkept- falling down his shoulders, to his broad back tight against a white button up he has yet to change out of. Then again, the same button up would be undone and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. You relished at the sight. He wouldn’t notice you staring at him anyways with how busy he was. Slowly, you would creep into his office and run your fingers through his hair. Immediately, Diluc’s tense shoulders would relax and he, melting at your touch, would sigh in content as he would take it as a sign to finally take a break.
“Mm, sweetheart, you should be asleep by now.” Diluc would mumble, voice ragged and low. Your heart flutters as he presses a soft kiss on your palm, eyes closing and cheeks red with the heat.
“Let’s get you to bed, Diluc.” You’d whisper. It doesn’t take much to get him to comply if it was you. Steadily, you help him to his feet as you two stumble to your shared bedroom. Once you finally get him settled, Diluc pulls you in a languid embrace, his eyes slowly fluttering close. His arms would never leave yours until the morning when he would wake up early for the day. When Diluc would see you beside him deep in sleep, he’d smile, and wish for those types of nights to never leave his life. Like a dream he had so long a go now fulfilled with you. 
It wasn’t rare to see Kaeya up and about at night. He would go on late-night patrols and the usual trip to the Taverns after his shift and those drinking parties lasted well into the next day. You’d accompany him on his Tavern-hopping some nights but mostly, you’d be the one to drag him home. It also was uncommon for you to stay up late to wait for Kaeya to come back, make sure he gets to your bed in one piece and that he won’t end up in some place undesirable. It became such a habit that you found yourself unable to sleep early- laying awake into the night to either escort your lover home or to greet him after his knightly responsibilities. You didn’t mind however, you had Kaeya to wait for and you enjoyed the quiet evenings by yourself. 
He, however, did mind. Kaeya often worried about you not having enough rest when he’d see you in the mornings drowsy and sometimes out of it. On nights where you sit up awake would Kaeya be really bothered; how come you weren’t snuggling up in his arms? Why was your attention instead on a book and not at him? Kaeya would purposefully make it so that he can cut his drinking trips short (miraculously), finish his patrols and work quickly to come home to you earlier and make sure you’d get enough sleep. (And to spend time with you but he wouldn’t say that out loud).
“Hypocrite.” You’d tell him as he rushes you into bed with him. 
“Just making sure we both get enough beauty sleep.” Kaeya would tell you with a grin. It wasn’t easy however to immediately switch between bouts of sleeping early and sleeping late. You always had to adjust to it as Kaeya can’t always finish his duties as quickly as both of you would like. In the later hours, you two would stay awake to try and fix your sleeping schedules together- catching up and doing other things. Oftentimes, it was you who had it rough with sleeping early. Kaeya was used to the late nights- he was always a night owl- and he made sure to help you fall asleep as peacefully as he could.
“Trouble sleeping, gorgeous?” Kaeya asks, brushing away your hair while he props himself up with his arm. You smile lightly and huddle yourself in Kaeya’s chest.
“I could ask the same.” You say. Kaeya chuckles and you hear him hum a little tune, feeling his voice reverberating in his throat and carried out by the silence of the night. It was a comforting thing that he always did when you couldn’t sleep. Every now and again, Kaeya’s fingers would move from playing with your hair to smoothing down your back as you slowly feel yourself growing sleepy. 
“Thank you, Kaeya.” You mumble, snuggling close beside him as he wraps a protective arm around you. This part of the day was always Kaeya’s favorite. A serene night coupled with the comfort of your presence, free of all stresses and duties. It’s only you and him, and Kaeya is ever grateful to have you be the one to wake up to in the morning. 
You’d often see Zhongli working of paperworks for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, sometimes staring out the window looking reminiscent. You wonder if it’s because he drinks too much caffeine from tea or if he just doesn’t like sleeping. You didn’t know that Zhongli was an Archon, adeptus to be exact, and you know that they don’t need much sleep as vitality runs through their veins. And so, Zhongli uses his time to either finish up his consultant work or feel a little more nostalgic. Either way, you’d always find yourself wanting to accompany him. 
Tonight, he was working. Zhongli’s long hair was now undone after a long, yet languid day. He still wears his daily attire but coat now stripped off and a white button shirt up underneath it, hugging onto him tight. Zhongli’s golden eyes are sharp and serious as he skims over some papers. You can’t help but smile lightly to yourself seeing your lover look so rugged but handsome. Zhongli sees you by the doorframe, a small smile on your lips as you watch his gaze soften at the sight of you.
“What are you doing up, darling?” Zhongli asks, sitting up from his desk as he sets down his paperwork and walks over to you. You lay a tired head on his chest and close your eyes, listening to how fast his heartbeat goes when you do. Zhongli stays silent as he places a hand on your head, the other on your back as he sways you both to the faint music. You could tell how tired he was with how he leaned against you for some support. Adepti or not, this new mortal vessel still needs rest from time to time.
“Come to bed with me.” You say, looking up at him. Zhongli tries to protest but you wrap your arms around him securely. He has no way out of this and how could he possibly resist such a tempting repose next to the person he loves? Zhongli chuckles and basically guides you both back to the bedroom while your face is still buried in his chest. He doesn’t bother changing out of his work clothes as you had no intention of letting go.
“Tell me your stories.” You say drowsily, laying on your side to study Zhongli’s features against the gentle glow of the moonlight. You see him smile and close his eyes, an expression you know means evocation. 
“How could I resist you?” Zhongli says as he continues on with his tales. You listen to them, his stories of old, fables unknown by historians, legendary feats of the Geo Archon during the prime of Liyue. You listen to his deep voice, ever so captivating and soothing, lulling you to sleep slowly. Zhongli notices you drifting as he sighs in content and places an endearing hand on your cheek, thumb brushing at the surface. On most nights, he would sneak off to finish work, but tonight felt a little more special. Zhongli gave into his weariness and decided to sleep in with you. He needed the rest- it was the first time he’s ever felt so peaceful in a thousand years. 
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
protostellar [ kaeya x reader ]
prompt: nobody should spend their birthday alone. pairing: kaeya x gn!reader warnings: none a/n: i hope this makes someone cry happy birthday kaeya!
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the beginning of a birthday signals the end of another year of life and for kaeya alberich, the pompous celebration of such an event has long since turned into a lonesome affair. he traipses through the dimly lit streets of mondstadt alone. the morning is just beginning to blossom its fiery red-orange petals in the sky, not yet ready to settle into the mature blue that signals daytime.
the color reminds kaeya of a simpler time. it reminds him of secrets that were best left kept close to the heart rather than the mouth.
it reminds him of regret.
but it is only temporary, fading away into the brilliant unending blue, the color that stains the blue petals of the forget-me-nots that hide away this time of year. winter in mondstadt is never an arduous affair, yet the most fragile of flowers cannot stand the minor changes in the wind. there's a beauty in the way they can hide away from the world, an event that kaeya wishes he could partake in himself, but his feet are too worn from the mondstadtian trails and hands too calloused from the wielding of his sword to hide away now.
the trek to his adolescent home is a lonesome one. usually, the journey would be accompanied by the soft clip-clop of four hooves on the soil below him, but the departure of varka meant the loss of kaeya's only confidants and loyal companions.
there's a wistfulness in kaeya's heart that he wishes he could wrench out and freeze, but even with a cryo vision, kaeya still remains the woeful child he always was, even if his tears are no longer shed and the saddened expressions no longer mar his face. the brilliance of the cloudless sky above cannot always stay and kaeya watches as it morphs to an ambiguous gray and decreases in saturation.
as the evening hurtles upon the world, kaeya's feet finally come to a pause. did he really walk here all on his own? he stares at the manor before him in a daze.
confronted with the scenery of his past, kaeya laughs bitterly to himself. for a time that should be celebrating learned experiences and looking forward to the next year to come, all kaeya wishes to do is cry. he remembers the uneasy feeling he had when master crepus originally took his hand, promising to help find his father.
little did kaeya know, crepus would become that man.
but crepus is no longer and kaeya no longer has a family. kaeya is no longer branded with the brilliant blaze of the ragnvindr name. there is no claim for him to lay upon this winery that sprawls out before him and yet, like an impudent child, he wishes to throw a tantrum until everything goes back to the way it was, until he gets what he wants. but he knows that cannot be the case, so he turns from the initial path and instead makes his way past the trellises of grapevines.
even in this weather, they still bear fruit. perhaps such an ability is found within the aura of the crystalflies that flutter above or perhaps it is just the innate desires of mondstadtians to escape the solemn nature of this world through the devilish joys of the wine that the grapes produce. in a very unlawful act, kaeya plucks an unripe grape off the vine and relishes in the bitterness that spreads across his tongue.
he resides in the field for a while. if he closes his eyes, kaeya can pretend that it is summer once more and nothing is wrong. night approaches and kaeya is left standing in the once familiar fields alone. crystalflies and lit lanterns illuminate the way for him, yet kaeya's attention does not fully focus on the dimly lit scenery before him until he hears the crunching of footsteps.
kaeya expects a tired gardener to shoo him out of dawn winery's most precious asset. and yet, he is surprised to see you. even with the poor lighting, he'd recognize your silhouette anywhere. you blink around aimlessly, seemingly searching for something amongst the leafy vines, but can't quite seem to find it.
"hey," he calls softly. the use of his own voice startles himself, but not as much as it startles you. you jump lightly in your own shoes before turning in his direction and grinning at him. the whites of your teeth shine in the moonlight.
"hi!" you call back. even with the single syllable, kaeya can tell you're out of breath. "just the person i was looking for!"
huh? kaeya approaches you curiously and you straighten in posture, hiding the object in your hands behind your back.
"why are you looking for me here?" kaeya asks cautiously. you grin at him, meeting his mesmerizing gaze.
"it's your birthday, isn't it? of course i'm going to come see you. granted, i'm a bit late since i had to finish work and all."
kaeya feels his heart skip a beat at your words. they're spoken with an earnest kindness he doesn't deserve. you continue to ramble on as kaeya watches you blabber on, focusing more on memorizing the way your features look in the soft yellow glow of the lantern and the way your hair reflects the moonlight from above ever-so-slightly.
"well, i actually went to your office early to surprise you with a birthday cupcake! but i bumped into lisa, who told me that jean gave you the day off, so i couldn't surprise you over your lunch break. then i bumped into klee, who was looking for trouble with nobody to supervise her, so i gave her the cupcake and sat with her for the rest of my lunch break as she told me a story about dodoco. and ummm..." you trail off, trying to keep track of your story.
"oh right!" you continue, perking back up with a light laugh. "then i ran into albedo later, who told me that he didn't know where you were, but pointed me in the direction of angel's share, which i thought was weird because i know you like wine, but drinking at 3 pm doesn't really seem to be your thing. so, i went there and i realized why he pointed me there! you weren't there, but diluc was! diluc told me you were here and so i finished my patrol around the city and came here!"
kaeya nods slowly at your story. there's a pang in his heart as you mention his brother, but kaeya shoves it aside, refusing to focus on the past when you're in front of him.
"you went to all this effort for me?" kaeya's tone is teasing, hiding the awestruck feeling that blossoms within him as you grin up at him. there's a childlike wonder in your gaze and kaeya wonders what he ever did to deserve the way you look at him with such innocent trust, as if you would wholeheartedly trust him to hold your heart without breaking it.
"yeah, why wouldn't i?" you ask, genuinely confused, yet a bit flustered at his tone nonetheless. "you're my best friend!"
there's something crawling in the back of his mind at your words. a part of him wants to cry as you state the affection that he's longed for, yet a deeper part within him is selfish, wanting more than to be your best friend. after everything you've done for him, he still wants more. he wants to call you his own.
and yet, you smile at him, blissfully cheery and unaware of the conflict within him. the silence is peculiar, yet you chalk it up to kaeya being tired after such a long day.
"oh!" you chirp and even the crystalflies around the vineyard seem to pay attention to your words. "i almost forgot! here's your gift!"
you move the object you hid behind you to the front, presenting kaeya with a delicate, small bouquet of calla lilies. gently, kaeya takes the bouquet, but before he can take the bouquet, you begin to speak once more, albeit nervously this time.
"i... had to improvise a second gift because klee ate your first one. i know you don't like grand gestures, but i know these are your favorite, so i hope this is okay!"
kaeya holds the bouquet in one hand quietly, staring down at the orange blossoms. he brings his other hand up to gently toy with the petals and remains silent for a few more long moments.
"thank you," he says, genuinely. the charismatic act is dropped and, for the first time, you see kaeya without the suave personality he presents to everyone else. "it's perfect."
you let out a shaky sigh of relief. "happy birthday, kaeya."
he looks back up at you. your smile is smaller this time, a bit more shy and reserved. it's a far cry from the typical one you have on patrols together, but to kaeya, it's far more meaningful.
"there is one more thing i want, if you'd be so kind to indulge," kaeya breathes and you tilt your head curiously.
"anything for the birthday boy!" you tease, but there's a vulnerability in your eyes as you look at kaeya.
"perhaps it's easier if i show you." his voice drops to sultry murmur as kaeya takes a step closer to you, feet crunching over fallen, wilted leaves as he closes the distance between the two of you.
"oh," you whisper, looking up at him as he gazes down at you with an intensity you've never seen from him before. it sends a thrill through you. "okay."
kaeya's free hand reaches up and cups your jaw, thumb running across your cheek. the cool touch sends a pleasant shiver through you. instinctively, you lean slightly into his touch and kaeya feels his heart melt. crystalflies bat their magical wings near the two of you, their anemo glow reflected in your irises. kaeya's gaze flits up to your hair, where a sweet crystalfly rests, before flickering back down to your lips.
you swallow thickly before nodding up at him, silently giving him the permission that he searches for. kaeya contradicts the fast beating of his heart as he slowly moves in, finally pressing his lips against your own as your eyes flutter shut. his other arm wraps around you, gently managing the bouquet while using his arm to cradle you close to him.
the stars are your witness as kaeya confesses yet another secret to one he loves. as his lips sing soundless praises against your own, he only hopes that this time, it won't end in ruin.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
That Flower Shop in Mondstadt (Various Mondstadt Characters)
“Oh! Mr. Diluc!” Diluc comes to your flower boutique every morning to pick up new flowers to replace to freshen up his winery which was just next door to your boutique. You always wonder why such a wealthy man would wanna buy flowers from your plain, humble shop. He had all the money in the world to buy much more beautiful flowers from much more famous and luxurious flower boutiques, so why buy here? Well, you weren’t one to question him, and you didn’t mind him.
“Good morning,” he simply stated as he went back to looking at the flowers.
“Those windwheel asters....did they come in yesterday?”
“Yeah! My family is constantly harvesting flowers, and I’m trying my best to help them!”
Your family run a farm all the way back in Liyue where they not just sell flowers, but fruits and vegetables too. 
“Are you perhaps preparing for the Windblume Festival to take place? You sure have a loaded amount of it, as well as cecilias.”
“Well, I told them that and asked if they can import more of those flowers to, you know..”
You giggled at his statement.
Your shop was at hot topic during the Windblume Festival. Not only were your flowers good quality, but they were cheap too, something you prided over your shop.
“Anyways, I would like to buy these windwheel asters.”
After paying for his flowers, you greeted him.
“Hope you have a nice Windblume Festival, Diluc!”
It wasn’t visible, but his face was printed with a small smile on his delicate features.
“You too.”
“Good afternoon, y/n!”
“Hi, y/n!”
“Jean! Barbara! Welcome!”
Jean and Barbara, the two beautiful sisters, would always come here to visit your boutique to check out new flowers and, of course check up on their best friend, you. Always in the early afternoon.
“So, y/n. What tea have you brewed today?”
“Some osmanthus tea.”
Your family love delivering herbs to you, just so you won’t miss the taste of home. You found that really sweet, and also a great opportunity to share this earthy tea to others not from Liyue.
“Ooh! Nice!”
You poured the tea into three teacups as the smell of the osmanthus tea wafted through the air which helped calm the atmosphere of the tranquil boutique.
“One for you and one for you.”
“Thanks y/n!”
“Thank you very much, y/n.”
“Hope you have a wonderful Windblume Festival!”
“You too!”
You three giggled.
“See you got super excited over the Windblume decorations of your store, y/n!”
“Yes, hello Venti.”
The bard would come to your boutique randomly, but always in the afternoon. He likes coming to your boutique to talk about many things and he even offered to play some music for some “boutique jazz” is what he liked to call.
“Say, I like those turquoise and gold banners you have this year!”
“You don’t say?”
“Mhm! Anyways, do you still have some of that, ahem, osmanthus wine of yours your family is also well known for?~” he raised his eyebrows with that, oh so, suggestive smirk. He might be cute, but he was very much a mischievous bard.
“Yes, yes, I do,” you smiled and rolled your eyes, taking out the auburn bottle with a yellow gold and white label on it.
“Ahahahaha! Wonderful! As thanks, I’d like to invite you to be one of my pupils!”
Oh, you know this. He always does it every Windblume Festival where he would get people and teach people on how to write a good poem. Looks like you made pre-payment for a class you haven’t attend yet.
“Oh, no, I really shouldn’t! Ahehe...”
“Oh where’s the fun, y/n? It’ll be way more fun than last year! Promise!”
You sighed. That’s what he said every year. But you couldn’t resist thos adorable puppy eyes he was giving you. Ah, he’s lucky he’s cute.
“Alright, fine.”
“That’s the spirit, y/n! Meet you at five in the evening! Have a wonderful Windblume Festival!”
Albedo came here to buy your flowers and use them for experiements.
Sometimes he came with Sucrose but it looks like today he came alone.
“Any flowers you would like to buy?”
“Hmmm, yes. Those qinxings and wolfhooks over there.”
As he finished paying, he asked you, “So, y/n. Have any plans for today’s Windblume Festival?”
“Oh, eh, yeah. Just recently. Venti asked me to participate in his poetry class,” you sighed.
He simply chuckled. “Well, that’s nice.”
He gave you an amber stone, on it, or more like inside it, was a cecilia.
“I was experimenting with minerals and in the process I made this. I found it quite beautiful, so I thought maybe I should give it to you for the Windblume Festival.”
You smiled softly. “Yeah, it really is beautiful. Thank you so much, Albedo!”
“You too!”
“Oh yeah, tell Sucrose I said hi!”
“Why if it isn’t the Lady Silk Flower herself, y/n!”
“Please stop calling me that...”
Kaeya was that flirtatious knight, as well as Diluc’s brother. He would always be at Diluc’s winery to drink together with Venti and Rosaria. He’s not really there to buy flowers, more so of your osmanthus wine you sold, but he’s not really a regular customer, nor was he a rare visitor. Usually in the evening. But as charming as he is, why did he want to learn poetry when he’s a natural at being a poetic and constructive flirter?
“Well, Venti, what do you say?”
You groaned internally. Great, now there’s homework.
“So, Silk Flower, what are you going to be writing about?” Kaeya asked as he gave you a playful smirk.
As much as this guy was pulling at your nerves, you couldn’t help but swoon internally of how fine he looks. That damn knight.
“Love,” you said as your facial features remain stoic.
“Ahahaha! Oh you!”
There was a comfortable silence between the both of you.
“Why not tomorrow at seven in the evening I invite you over to the Dawn Winery? Hm?~ Don’t worry, the drinks are on me.”
“I don’t really drink, but, if you want, I can bring a bottle of my family’s osmanthus wine?” you offered.
He simply let out a soft chuckle before he used his hand and gently grab your chin and tilted you up to face him.
“I just want you, though.~”
You blushed a crimson red before you pushed him away. “Oh shush! You want my wine or not?!”
“Of course , of course!” he laughed
Dawn Winery was filled with all the familiar faces. From Diluc to Sucrose and even Albedo was there, smiling.
“What’s going on?”
“It’s a thank you party of course!”
“Thank you party?”
“Yes,” now Diluc got your attention, “Before Windblume, I saw you working day in and out to import and export flowers, and of course your family wine. We just wanted to thank you and that we appreciate your hard work, y/n. You’re flowers and presence really freshen and lighten our day.”
“Mhm! Now come sit down and be merry with us, y/n!” Venti exclaimed with that drunk smile of his.
“You-you guys...you really didn’t have to do this.”
“Of course we had to, y/n,” Jean smiled warmly.
Barbara nodded. “Yeah! You deserve it!”
Albedo simply nodded.
Diluc cut you off as he pat your head to which you instantly shut up and looked at him with a slightly red face.
“Yes. Yes you do, y/n. Now, let us enjoy this moment together. All of us.”
Now he really smiled.
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livingalifeofasimp · 3 years
Yandere genshin impact boys with gn s/o who is now also an adventure like aether. Not to mention they were in relationship with him. So.....headcannon? Like I don't want where they will make aether and s/o break up. I want they to suffer! 😌 Have a great day and night!
This request really is interesting!. I hope you like ~
Warning : Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, it's purely for entertainment purpose and nothing else. It must not be romanticized in real life. Arts are not mine only the content is.
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➳You were just an enemy, not a strong opponent but strong enough to surprise him and is constantly improving. Your presence was a mere amusement to him or a stranger  who crossed his paths one or two times. You meet Childe when he challenges you and Aether in one of your adventures.
➳You thought he was a guy full of himself but unfortunately you and Aether got forced to work with Childe in a case, unwillingly you supported Aether's decision. Honestly you never expected to see how much he cares for the people he loves and protects them, there was so much more than he shows.
➳It changed your attitude and perspective of him. Sometimes he can be a jerk . Still, you let your guards down since you both will be working partners even if it's for a limited amount of time.
➥Never have Childe lost a battle so miserably in a battlefield of love. It feels way far worse than losing a battle almost like he lost his heart and himself.
➥He wasn't able to understand how his hobby of teasing and testing you turned into a habit of being near you all the time, making him addicted to your presence next to him. Everytime when you were in danger, Childe jumped in the scene to protect you, even after knowing you could handle it, without caring about his situation.
➥He should have observed how protective and lovingly Aether looks at you and what's more worst to him is that you look at Aether the same way. Not a single detail went past his observation yet, this? Maybe he never wanted to observe or know such a thing between you both.
➥He saved you, why did you run to save Aether risking your life again?, everything became clear when he saw you both hugging and holding hands. Friends ain't like that. No longer, Childe was a cheerful, determined guy like he was before. Shutting himself away from the world falling into abyss, no tears were left to cry. People who knew him got concerned about his health.
➥What a great despair he is it? His situation is so laughable not even he knew how crazy his love for you is making him. He wants to make you feel the same pain, will you be able to take it?. But how can he hurt you, he loves you so much. How can he fall in love with his friend's girl? Knowing how happy they are together and he is just an extra.
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➳As a foreigner in Mondstadt, you searched for a job and luckily found a vacant seat in Dawn winery, since it's only for a few months you got along with the fate, it's better than nothing, besides payment was quite high and could cover up your expenditures. 
➳You discovered that it was owned by a young man which was quite surprising to you. At first you did not have a good option on Diluc, your boss who you never actually interacted with but everyone's past eventually finds their way to other's ears and it was the same in your case.
➳What a miserable past he had gone through, not that it's your business nevertheless it changed the way you saw him. You felt bad for him when he had to work alone on holidays so sometimes you volunteered. One of the reasons was extra pay, he was a good boss to you.  
➥Diluc didn't knew what he was feeling for you is. Is it friendship? companionship? or love?. It was for sure that his heart fluttered every time he saw you, you made him dress nice for you and behave differently in a way you don't think bad of him, so he tried and tried, sometimes made jokes to make you laugh.
➥It was so frustrating for him to see you sad. And now after all this when he saw you with a blonde guy who came to pick you after your shift made him lose his sanity. Who is he to you? Why are you so happy to see him? You never smiled like that at him.
➥It was exactly what he thought, you had a lover before he came into the scene. Again he was left alone in the darkness, alone, he is so afraid of being alone. Tears continually rolled down his cheeks, hitting floor . Why is everything so cruel to him? What did he ever do wrong? Why can't he live happily even if just for once?
➥When his heart finally fluttered for someone and he had a reason to wake up the next morning, you disappear, making his life far more miserable than it was. But does it matter? He is as miserable as he was before, did anything even changed? Diluc falled on his knees he was a fool to think he could ever be loved.
➥What is he supposed to do with these immense feelings for you?.  Diluc is aware of how destructive it is, if he loses control then he will hurt you, you will never smile again. He couldn't bear it and he doesn't want to live in a world where he can't have you, so he destroys himself before he can destroy you, taking his breath away himself.
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➳Certainly you got dragged by your friends, after all you came back to your hometown from a long adventure. They wanted to catch up with you so how could you reject them? At the end you accepted their invitation. That's where you meet Kaeya, friend of your friends though you didn't pay him any attention because your friends kept on questioning you. 
➳It was a sunny day when you decided to run errands, buying all the stuffs that was mentioned in your list, you got tired and visted the same place, you went few days ago with your friends. You liked the cocktail, it was of your favorite flavor. The drink was fresh so you thought of ordering it again, coincidentally meeting Kaeya and slowly you both became friends, helping and making fun of eachother.
➥This is not what he thought would happen! This is not how it was supposed to be! Kaeya's heart broke so bad, every moment it became harder to breathe, panic rose, he couldn't help but cover his mouth. A chuckle escapes his mouth.
➥For a minute how can he even think he deserves someone like you, look at you how happy you are, you are someone else's, so pure and perfect. Why didn't he realize it earlier? Why did he misunderstood your kindness for love?.
➥Kaeya wanted to purpose you, he was willing to be loyal to only you and keep eyes only for you. So when he heard from his friends who are your friends as well that you already had a lover for years and that you love him very much, it made him depressed.
➥Kaeya sat dissolved in own his sadness, a hand slides through his chest to his jaw, turning his face towards herself attempting to kiss him. As Kaeya's vision shifts on her, he realizes she is not you. Oh how good would it be, if you were the one he was holding, kissing and hugging.
➥He can't believe he became so miserable, constantly wanting to have you to himself. Kaeya pushes her hand away, his hands holded another glass of wine as he takes it down in one gulp imagining your smiling face towards him and hearing your sweet voice which are music to him.
➥Another woman leaned towards him, Kaeya chuckled to himself how dare he dreamed about you, you deserve so much better, not someone who is as dirty as him.
➥He knows it isn't possible to forget about  you so he tries to find comfort in some other women and this time he pulled her towards him, kissing her deeply, tears falled down his eyes. Oh how good it would be if she was you. 
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➳By the time you went back to meet your grandma, everything around the corner changed. You were happy to be able to meet her and see all those places you used to go when you was a kid, reminiscing and meeting all your old neighbors and childhood friends. They are still as fun as they were before.
➳When you got home you saw a handsome stranger in the living room and was shocked, he didn't seem to be a guy who could harm you or your grandma, by the way where is she?. Zhongli decides to introduce himself to free you from any discomfort.
➳Then suddenly your Grandma came in with a tray of food and started complimenting Zhongli saying that he is kind enough to help her with everything when no one is here with her. You thanked Zhongli for being so nice to your Grandma. You didn't knew that your Grandma was rooting for you both because she thought Zhongli is a good guy who can keep you happy all your life.
➳Strangely you always found yourself alone with Zhongli most of the time, and when you knew why these coincidences happened, you explained to your Grandma that you already had someone and humbly rejected Zhongli.
➥Zhongli holded his head with his hands so hard, hoping to stop his thoughts about you. It was not his plan to love because they are gonna die anyways like his friends did. So why isn't he able to think you are dead for him. Your face, laugh, smiles and everything, even a smallest detail constantly hovers over his mind.
➥This is not what he is expected to do, but he just can't stop thinking about you and the more he thinks about you, the more sinful it becomes, desiring to tear down your perfect picture with your loved one and pull you to him. He can easily take you to himself, you will eventually love him, if you get to know him, his love, you surely will love him, right?.
➥Zhongli notices that his thoughts are becoming so corrupt, he must stop it. Zhongli threw all the expensive objects placed on the table with a shout losing his composure. Does she know how much he is going through? Tears threatened to fall down from his eyes, so Zhongli raised his head to prevent them from falling.
➥He never experienced such feelings, so much pain for not getting a chance to be with the person he wants the most. He is supposed to happily accept your decision and wish a good life for you and Aether but his heart wants to take you for himself and make you love only him; however, he must do what is right. Perhaps what's best for him is to think you are dead and grieve. Since he hardly believes he can ever stop feeling what he feels for you. He is such a fool for you.
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“A wildfire starting, I'd sweep up the forest floor.”
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Written by: 🍡
Fandom: Genshin Impact (SAGAU)
Character(s): Diluc, Kaeya (mentioned), Traveler (mentioned)
Warnings: canon typical violence, sagau typical horror, character death (but non permanent because fried eggs), descriptions of bones breaking?, sagau typical puppet talk (but only at the end)
Summary: Diluc’s been having some strange dreams lately, or, the standard five-stars work somewhat differently and also how I think co-op works (yes this is based on me and 🦷’s co-op shenanigans)
A/N: running out of ideas if anyone reading this has any character ideas for the next fic hmu /hj
And my body'd breathe life into the corners,
Be a darker soil.
It started out slowly, the dreams. Diluc had always been a fairly restless sleeper, what with his ‘Darknight Hero’ thing, as well as his winery and Angel’s Share duties. So strange dreams or nightmares were nothing new of the sort. They always left him feeling rather empty however, reaching out for something that his heart knew was unattainable. It was easier to suppress these thoughts, than to act on them anyhow.
Then the Traveler’s arrival only exacerbated this feeling and these dreams. How funny, that this outlander was the catalyst for all these strange and fantastical events. Diluc found them more suspicious than interesting anyways, in the beginning at the least. Though he could begrudgingly respect them, if only for their help against the Abyss Order and the Fatui.
Then again, maybe not. His dreams got worse, even after fighting beside the outlander. Diluc could always recall parts of these dreams, of a red world and sky, stuck in an eternal twilight with only his constellation burning bright. Still, they were always in a haze, and it always felt like that he was waiting for something. Part of him feared what he was waiting for.
Once, he had felt a sudden concentration of elemental energy, but just as suddenly as it appeared, it had disappeared. Diluc shook it off, he was more on edge after that, though nothing really happened. So he shelved that event in the back of his mind. Perhaps he’d investigate it later instead.
The dream that night was strange. Well, stranger than usual. The sky was no longer fully red, now like the color of fire. It hurt to look at, but at the same time, he was fascinated. Now he could see that his constellation was a molten gold. It almost looked alive. And Diluc himself felt more alive, even in this dream.
And then, he woke up. Just like that. The emptiness in his heart returned, and yet, part of him knew that something in the world had changed. Even if he didn’t know what. Though, that didn’t mean the dreams stopped. If anything, things only got stranger from there. Well, even more so.
Sometimes he’d find himself in Liyue, or in Cape Oath. Sometimes with Kaeya, in the same dream-like haze as he was, though with a strange glint in his eyes. What they would do varied, sometimes they’d be raiding treasure hoarder camps, sometimes he’d find himself fighting the Cryo Regisvine for with Kaeya. Diluc remembers taking a picture with his brother at one of the Statues of the Seven in Liyue. He remembers seeing a thin star-like veil covering the both of them. Thin strings connecting them to the sky.
He didn’t like thinking about that photo. Even as he kept it hidden pressed in a journal.
Diluc remembered dying, and watching his brother die as well. Over, and over, and over again. Yet, he looked on with indifference, ignoring how he could remember the sound and feeling of bones snapping and crunching and twisting into odd positions, as they missed a landing with their gliders. Diluc looked on, even as every part of him screamed. He loved Kaeya once, he loved his brother once. He still does.
After all that, after everything. He always wakes up, in the same room, on the same sunny mornings, in the same Dawn Winery. And when Diluc runs into Kaeya, he finds that both of them Remember, a weariness in Kaeya’s eyes, the leftover dustings of stardust on his shoulders. On their shared shoulders.
In the beginning, he had once believed that none of those dreams happened. That they were just dreams. That he was still... himself, but on a slow shift in the Angel’s Share, he had checked his pocket out of habit. Only to find a treasure hoarder’s insignia, the cool metal shocking him enough that he almost threw it across the room. Fear and paranoia settling in his gut, of this faceless puppet master, of things outside of his control.
Though these days, Diluc had began to look forward to these excursions, with his brother and with this faceless being. It was almost freeing, to be a puppet, with no responsibilities, but to be a god’s lens into this world.
It was nice.
Promise me,
That you'll start where I end.
And I promise to give you,
Everything that I am.
Now playing: Boreas by The Oh Hellos
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