#latest updates in information technology
petterparker6245 · 2 years
Are you seeking for the most recent technology update?  All Day Technology is the ideal location for you. You can keep yourself updated on advanced technology updates. For more details visit their website today
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martin-james2121 · 4 months
This Data Privacy Day, Explore These Essential Tips For Staying Safe On Social Media
In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, allowing us to connect with friends, family, and communities across the globe. However, as we immerse ourselves in the digital landscape, it’s important to prioritize our online safety and security.
From protecting personal information to avoiding scams and cyberbullying, staying safe on social media requires alertness and awareness. By following some essential tips and adopting safe browsing habits, you can protect your digital identity, maintain your privacy, and enjoy a positive and secure social media experience.
Check out this list of essential tips and practices for safeguarding your digital identity and enjoying a positive and secure social media experience.
1. Guard Your Personal Information
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Protecting your personal information is paramount when it comes to online safety. Be cautious about sharing sensitive details such as your full name, address, phone number, and financial information on social media platforms.
To Read More Click Here...
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Google employees reportedly joked about playing drinking games and made up a song to the tune of 'Old MacDonald
Google employees reportedly joked about playing drinking games and made up a song to the tune of 'Old MacDonald' to mockIn this article, we explore some of the amusing incidents that unfolded during Google I/O, including jokes, drinking games, and a creative song that left attendees entertained.
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In addition to the drinking games, reports suggest that Google employees composed a playful song to the tune of "Old MacDonald" to satirize the numerous references to AI throughout the conference.
Read more: https://www.bikeflame.com/2023/05/google-employees-reportedly-joked-about.html
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technewsonline01 · 1 year
Tech Upside - Read Technology News and Updates Today
The international Technology news website TechUpside, formerly known as Technology Upside, was established in Bellevue, WA 98005 United States in 2022.
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justtechinfo01 · 1 year
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tamizhtechie · 2 years
Tamizh Techie
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kkginfo · 2 years
CPU cooler for gaming system - KKG INFO
CPU cooler for gaming system – KKG INFO
We know that gaming has become an important pastime in today’s world and people are crazy about gaming war. Most people have started playing games on computer. Because of the heavy software working inside it, the heat is very fast. Every day millions of gaming people have started playing on PC. The longer you play games, the heavier the computer becomes and the faster your computer heats up.…
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learnwithmearticles · 2 months
KOSA Update
Following up on a previous post about the KOSA bill - a bill that would drastically change how the internet functions, in some ways enforcing the collection of private information and restricting access to educational material based on anyone’s belief that it might be harmful to children.
As of March 2024, the bill has gone through revision to reduce the ability to target marginalized communities. However, the language used in the bill is still broad and would be ultimately harmful to children and adult internet users.
Press releases like that of the American Civil Liberties Union invoke the First Amendment to highlight both the bill’s continued call for requiring or incentivizing age verification and its goal of censoring many different topics of conversation in online spaces.
If the U.S. government seeks to control, censor, and otherwise interfere with the world of the internet, then it would have to be a government program akin to public education or certain libraries. Let that government take over the responsibilities of running and funding the internet in that case if they want that power. Otherwise, the internet does not fall under federal jurisdiction.
In response to reaching out regarding this bill, one Congressman wrote that platforms like TikTok have come under scrutiny for “leaving users’ data vulnerable to access by the Chinese Communist Party, by collecting personal information on children in violation of federal law”. This Congressman does not state in this response whether he supports the KOSA bill in particular, but we hope that he is aware that this proposed bill would, by federal law, necessitate the collection of personal information of minors if websites are to follow its requirements. Additionally, TikTok’s data collection is comparable to that of other sites such as Instagram and Facebook, which are just as able to be infiltrated by political enemies of the U.S.
This update is not about the U.S. government’s ultimatum to the company ByteDance that will likely end in a U.S. ban on TikTok. Still, that news is relevant to internet users, especially those who value choice and self-determination.
In the aforementioned Congressman’s response, he also mentions the Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act (H.R. 4755). That bill, passed in 2023, calls for organizations like the National Science Foundation to conduct and support research into technologies for mitigating privacy risks. Bills like this one are far more conducive to achieving online safety than the proposed KOSA bill. It seeks to enhance our understanding of data handling and online privacy, while the KOSA bill is more so blindly punching towards a problem that we do not yet have a clear view of.
As before, resources to further learn about and speak out against the bill are below.
3. https://www.stopkosa.com/
4. Privacy Enhancing Technology Research Act
5. KOSA Bill Post-Revision6.https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/analyzing-kosas-constitutional-problems-depth#
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aph-mable · 10 months
My Uncle is a Nut.
 Chapter 2
Lex stares down at his computer screen as he looks over the latest news about DALV Co.
Afterall, it's not that often that one of the guests at a Gala takes it upon themselves to save the day before any heroes show up.
Luthor was now interested in the very same young man that achieved this. Daniel Fenton, Vlad's Godson and the second youngest Co CEO next to Tim Drake-Wayne.
Even with a basic internet search on the boy there was plenty of information to find, both about his family and what connections they had.
Daniel's parents; Madeline and Jack Fenton. Doctors in both biology and engineering, working with the government, as well as the most well known pioneers in Ecto science, a very unique study.
They own a weapons workshop together and quite frankly put some of Gothams own mad scientists to shame with their inventions.
There is only one other child besides Daniel, who is quite a bright young lady named Jasmine Fenton, who’s currently working towards getting her degree in psychology.
Meanwhile Daniel Fenton has his own achievements that were not to be ignored. 
He was on the fast track to becoming an astronaut in his early teens, only to have that dream crushed after an accident that left him wheelchair bound and his grades to temporarily suffer, yet he continued to push forward.
There was news articles about how Daniel risked his life to save an endangered species of gorilla, he had been seen at many protests fighting for the rights of metas and the meta adjacent, and with him now as Co CEO of DALV co he was incharge over and currently the main inventor of the technology being made and sold. 
That last part is what caught Lex’s attention the most, especially since he was now a business partner with Vlad Master’s (much to his distaste), yet the man made very high quality technology that has proven him an asset for now.
So to find out it was the man’s Godson who was the one making the inventions provided something he desperately desired, a different person to make a deal with. 
Because in all honesty, Vlad Masters, both as a business partner and a villain in arms, was just horrible to deal with.
Vlad at the best of the times was attention seeking or grumbling about not getting his way, maybe bragging about his achievements as mayor. But at his worst? 
Luthar has seen that pompous dragon get very, very petty. somehow stealing others wealth, companies, even passion projects, just because he wanted to. And somehow, he always got away with it.
Yet at the last gala Lex got a glimpse into how much worse Masters could be. The entire night the man had been strangely territorial over his charge, much to the boy’s annoyance. Lex could have sworn he’d seen Vlad’s eyes go red when he was being held back from reaching his godson later into the night. His protectiveness was not like that of a parent’s, but rather a beast whose treasure was being messed with.
That in itself is worrisome, especially since it will affect Lex’s plans to become business partners with Daniel instead of his godfather. Add in the fact that Vlad is obviously a controlling narcissist… well, lex has always enjoyed a good challenge now and then. For now, all he has to do is schedule a meeting with the young Co CEO at a time Masters will be busy, and go from there.
Reaching for his phone Luthor dialed his secretary’s number as he smugly leaned back in his chair.
“Eve, can you get me Vlad Master’s schedule? I Have a meeting in mind.” 
Danny was busy tinkering away at his work desk, music playing from a small speaker as he hyper focused on his latest invention. 
It was supposed to be an updated version of the phantom thermos, making it not just easier to capture ghosts, but allowing it much more space and durability as well as the ability to catch more than just ghosts.
He had long since retired the fenton thermos back to being a normal thermos for holding liquid, and maybe an emergency projectile if needed. He wanted a much more successful capture device and is slowly trying to move away from using Fenton works weapons all together.
By now all of team phantom made their own weapons and devices, both being much more ecto friendly as well as complementing their fighting style.
Danny still mostly used his powers and hand to hand combat to take down ghosts, but it’s still useful to have gadgets just in case he couldn't use his abilities.
Danny's mind starts to race with new ideas and possible upgrades to various inventions, including some exciting upgrades to his chair when a notification caught his eye, someone had entered the lab.
With a groan he puts his thermos away and dramatically flops further back into his chair just as whoever was planning to bother him approached….
Only to see a bald man in a suit raise an eyebrow as he kept a respectable distance.
Danny pulls his goggles up as he scans the man, he could have sworn he’d seen him before… oh right, the Gala Vlad dragged him to.
Turning his chair, Danny crosses his arms as he got a better view of the man, now remembering his name; Lex Luthor, one of Vlad’s newest business partners that was supposed to hash out plans with his Godfather. 
Mr. Luthor relaxed as Danny gave him his full attention, he even gave out a small chuckle under his breath as he read the boy's shirt that said ‘I’m not a mourning person’.
Not so subtly he switched his chuckle to a fake clearing of his throat as he offered out his hand.   
“You must be Daniel Fenton, I have to say you definitely made a name for yourself, especially after the previous Gala.” he kept a smug smile that he tried to hide as a genuine one. 
Danny took the guy's hand and shook it firmly as he was trying to figure out what, exactly, he wanted. 
“Yup that's me, though I prefer to be called Danny. Soo, who are you and what are you doing in my lab?”
“Straight to the point, I like it.” Mr. Luthor glanced over at Dann’s work bench before taking a much more relaxed slouched, “My name is Lex Luthor, and I’m here to offer a business partnership with you.” 
This made Danny freeze up in surprise, because who the hell is crazy enough to make a business deal with a teenager? Lex Luthor, Apparently! 
His face scrunched a bit as he leaned back in his chair, not fully believing that's what the man wanted, or at the very least it’s not as cut and dry as he’s making it sound. There has to be a catch here. 
“Why? Aren't you already Vlad’s business partner? You're already working with us.” 
Luthor nods as he walks around and explains his reasoning, “It’s true that i'm a partner of DALV co, but the details have yet to be fully hashed out, meaning I’m not quite a business partner with Mr. Master’s himself yet. And I’ll be honest here with you, I really don’t want to deal with him.” 
Once more Danny was surprised, yet he started to relax when he heard Lex wasn’t as friendly with Vlad as he first thought. 
“Really? That must be why he was trying suck up to you all night at the gala, I just assumed that was Vlad trying to flirt.” 
Danny couldn’t help but burst out laughing as he saw Lex’s face scrunch up in disgust after hearing that.
“Noted, and I really hope it’s not the case. I’m already thinking less of him as is, only to have that bar lowered to a tripwire is the reason why I’d rather not deal with him.  Hence why I wanted to come in and make a deal with you instead, since you're less of a.. What's the proper word here?”
“Narcissistic parasite?”
Lex snapped his fingers and grinned, “yes that! At the very least it’s obvious who here actually runs the show when it comes to the technological department. So what do you say, ready to make your first legit big deal in the business world?” once more he offers out a hand.
Danny rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms, raising an eyebrow and staring at the looming man. 
“Flattery will get you into many places, but I want to make a few things very clear; I don’t take deals unless I have control over the conditions. I’m not dumb enough to just say yes to someone who managed to get into my lab without Vlad trailing behind. So my rules or nothing.” 
“Very well, tell me your conditions, I’ll get my lawyer to write up a contract once we both agree.” Luthor mimics Danny’s cross-armed possession as the teen brainstormed.
Danny looked down at his lap in thought as his fingers tapped on his arm rests before he quickly shot back his answer. 
"If we are working together I want lab safety to be a top priority, meaning if I'm calling out something as unsafe you take it seriously. Next is schedules and restrictions.
 I'm still in online school and want to hang out with my friends and family, so no last minute meetings unless I can join in online or barring guests from seeing me, obviously you can look into them to be sure they aren't a security risk but beyond that they are welcomed. 
Lastly, as long as it's not in the lab I can eat whenever and wherever I want, I'm of course putting it on Vlad's tab if it's anything expensive.
Sound like a fair deal?" 
Lex humed for a moment as he tapped his chin before agreeing with a small nod.
"I'll agree to those terms if you agree to mine.
I'll go along with the lab safety protocol as long as you don't question what purpose we are collaborating on, well as long as it doesn't violate the rule of course.
Second is we have to work together at my labs in Matroplas, and I'm okay with meeting online if there is a time crunch or it's trivial, guests will need to be checked by security to be sure they aren't smuggling anything in or out.
Lastly for the budget, whenever we are collaborating it's a 50/50 split unless we agree on otherwise.
So what do you say, we got a deal?"
Lex holds out his hand for Danny to shake, which he does with no hesitation.
"Excellent! Now, how about we get some lunch while we work out travel plans" Luther claps his hands as he leads the way.
"Sure, as long as it's on yours or Vlad's dime I don't care." Danny follows after, placing the security protocol on as they leave.
As they ride the elevator down Danny thinks, Lex may be a nutty billionaire, but he’s not as bad as the fruitloop…
He’s a cheerio.
End of chapter 2 for now.
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hayatheauthor · 11 months
Writing Believable Teenage Characters: Dos and Don'ts
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Creating compelling teenage characters is crucial for engaging young adult readers and immersing them in your story. However, it can be challenging to capture the authentic essence of teenage experiences. In this blog post, I’ll explore essential dos and don'ts for crafting believable teenage characters that resonate with your audience. 
By understanding the unique mindset of teenagers, conducting thorough research, developing distinct personalities, mastering dialogue and communication, and navigating relationships and social dynamics, you'll be equipped to bring your teenage characters to life. I would also like to mention that a lot of these tips stem from the fact that I myself am a teenager, so I speak from experience. 
Understanding the Teenage Mindset
To create convincing teenage characters, it's crucial to grasp the complexities of the teenage mindset. Teenagers are undergoing a significant period of growth and self-discovery, facing numerous emotional and psychological changes. Here are some key aspects to consider:
Emotional rollercoaster: Adolescence is often characterized by intense emotions and mood swings. Your teenage characters should exhibit a range of emotions, such as excitement, fear, anger, and insecurity. Explore their emotional landscapes and provide relatable experiences for readers.
Identity formation: Teenagers are exploring their identities and seeking independence. They might question societal norms, challenge authority, and embark on journeys of self-discovery. Show your characters' struggles, personal growth, and the conflicts they face while finding their place in the world.
Peer pressure and self-image: Teenagers often experience the influence of peer pressure and societal expectations, which can impact their self-esteem and decision-making. Highlight the conflicts arising from these pressures and their impact on your characters' choices.
Evolving identities: It's important to acknowledge that the teenage years are a transformative phase, and who teenagers are during this period might differ significantly from who they become as adults. If you're writing a long-term story that spans several years, consider the potential growth and changes your teenage characters will undergo.
Research and Observation
In order to create authentic teenage characters, conducting thorough research and observation is vital. This enables you to understand the nuances of teenage behavior, language, and experiences. Here are some key steps to consider:
Immerse yourself in teenage culture
Dive into the world of teenagers by exploring contemporary media, such as books, movies, TV shows, and music targeted at young adults. Pay attention to how teenagers are portrayed and the themes that resonate with them.
Example: By reading popular young adult novels like "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green or watching coming-of-age films like "Eighth Grade," you can gain valuable insights into the lives and struggles of teenagers.
Engage with real teenagers
Interact with teenagers in various settings to observe their behavior, conversations, and interests. Volunteer at youth organizations, attend school events, or join online communities where teenagers discuss their experiences. Take note of their mannerisms, slang, and current trends.
Conduct interviews or surveys
Reach out to teenagers for interviews or surveys to gather firsthand information about their lives, experiences, and opinions. This allows you to capture diverse viewpoints and ensure your characters reflect the realities of teenage existence.
Stay updated on evolving trends
Teenage culture is dynamic and constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, technological advancements, and social media platforms that shape teenagers' lives. Incorporate these elements into your storytelling to add authenticity and relevance.
Developing Unique Personalities
To create believable teenage characters, it is crucial to develop distinct and authentic personalities. Avoid falling into the trap of using stereotypes or clichés. Here are some dos and don'ts for developing unique teenage characters:
Avoid stereotypes and clichés
Do: Challenge common stereotypes associated with teenagers, such as the rebellious troublemaker or the socially awkward nerd. Instead, aim for multifaceted and diverse characters.
Don't: Rely on one-dimensional clichés that flatten the depth of your characters and make them predictable.
Example: Instead of portraying the teenage girl as a shallow cheerleader, consider a character who balances her cheerleading passion with academic ambitions and a talent for playing the guitar.
Individual motivations and aspirations
Do: Give each teenage character their own motivations, desires, and goals that drive their actions and decisions. This adds complexity and realism to their personalities.
Don't: Make your characters solely defined by their relationships or generic goals like popularity or romantic interests.
Example: Rather than having a character whose sole purpose is to pursue a romantic relationship, create a character who aspires to become an environmental activist and fights for climate justice.
Embrace a range of emotions and conflicts
Do: Explore a broad spectrum of emotions and internal conflicts that reflect the emotional rollercoaster of teenage years. Show their vulnerability, fears, and inner growth.
Don't: Present your characters as emotionless or overly dramatic caricatures.
Example: Allow your character to experience moments of doubt, heartbreak, and self-discovery. Let them wrestle with ethical dilemmas, confront their fears, and learn from their mistakes.
Show growth and change
Do: Portray character development and growth over time. Teenagers evolve, learn from their experiences, and develop a deeper understanding of themselves and the world.
Don't: Keep your characters static throughout the story, ignoring their potential for growth and transformation.
Example: Begin with a shy and reserved character who gradually gains confidence and finds their voice, evolving into a leader who inspires change in their community.
Dialogue and Communication
Creating authentic dialogue and communication for your teenage characters is essential to make them believable. It helps readers connect with the characters and enhances the overall realism of your story. Here are some dos and don'ts for portraying teenage dialogue and communication:
Portraying authentic teenage dialogue and slang
Do: Pay attention to the vocabulary and speech patterns commonly used by teenagers. Incorporate slang and colloquialisms that are prevalent among the target age group and location. This helps establish a sense of realism and relatability.
Don't: Overdo the use of slang or rely on stereotypes. Avoid using excessive amounts of trendy slang that may quickly become outdated or confusing for readers. Remember to strike a balance between authenticity and readability.
Example: Avoid using every popular slang term in every sentence. Instead, sprinkle them sparingly and purposefully throughout the dialogue.
Balancing realism with readability
Do: Aim for dialogue that feels natural and mirrors real-life conversations. Use contractions, pauses, interruptions, and hesitations to mimic the ebb and flow of spoken language. Consider the rhythm, pacing, and tone of teenage conversations.
Example: "I can't believe she did that! It's, like, totally unfair," Lisa exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration and disbelief.
Don't: Overcomplicate dialogue or make it overly formal or stilted. Avoid unnatural speech patterns or overly polished language that doesn't reflect how teenagers typically communicate with each other.
Example: "I cannot fathom the injustice of her actions. It is thoroughly unfair," Lisa protested, her tone composed and articulate.
Addressing the role of technology and social media
Do: Incorporate technology and social media platforms into your characters' communication. Depict texting, instant messaging, social media interactions, and the use of emojis or GIFs. These elements reflect the reality of how teenagers communicate and form relationships in the digital age.
Example: Emma sent a quick Snapchat to her best friend, sharing a funny meme they had discovered, and eagerly awaited her response.
Don't: Ignore the influence of technology or limit your characters' communication to face-to-face interactions alone. Technology plays a significant role in how teenagers connect and express themselves, so it should be integrated into your storytelling.
Adapting slang to match the era
Do: Recognize that slang and language usage evolve over time. If your story is set in a different time period, research and incorporate the appropriate slang and language of that era. This attention to historical context enhances the authenticity of your characters and setting.
Example: In a story set in the 1990s, a character might say, "That's phat!" to express excitement, reflecting the slang of that era.
Don't: Use modern-day slang and language for characters in historical or past settings, as it will undermine the authenticity of the narrative and make it less believable.
Remember, the key is to strike a balance between authenticity and readability when crafting teenage dialogue and communication. By incorporating realistic language, capturing the nuances of technology and social media, and considering the appropriate slang for the era, you can create engaging and relatable teenage characters.
Navigating Relationships and Social Dynamics
One of the essential aspects of creating believable teenage characters is accurately portraying their relationships and navigating the complex dynamics of adolescence. Here are some dos and don'ts for capturing authentic relationships and social interactions:
Depicting the complexities of friendships and peer groups
Do: Showcase the diverse nature of friendships and the dynamics within peer groups. Explore the highs and lows, loyalty, conflicts, and the evolving nature of these relationships.
Example: Showcasing a group of friends who support each other through challenges, celebrate successes together, but also experience occasional disagreements and conflicts.
Don't: Present stereotypical or one-dimensional friendships. Avoid relying solely on cliques or popular group dynamics without exploring the complexities and individuality within them.
Exploring romantic relationships and the challenges they present
Do: Develop romantic relationships that are realistic and nuanced. Highlight the ups and downs, the emotional intensity, the exploration of boundaries, and the growth that comes with these experiences.
Example: Depicting a budding romance where the characters navigate uncertainties, communication challenges, and personal growth while discovering their feelings for each other.
Don't: Romanticize or trivialize relationships. Avoid portraying idealized or overly simplistic love stories without addressing the complexities and challenges that arise in teenage romances.
Incorporating familial relationships and dynamics
Do: Include meaningful interactions between teenage characters and their family members. Explore the influences, conflicts, and support systems within these relationships, capturing the range of emotions experienced in familial dynamics.
Example: Showcasing a strained relationship between a teenager and their parent due to contrasting values, but also moments of understanding and eventual reconciliation.
Don't: Neglect the importance of familial relationships or portray them as insignificant or nonexistent. Avoid relying solely on negative or stereotypical family dynamics without showcasing positive aspects as well.
By authentically depicting the complexities of friendships and peer groups, exploring realistic romantic relationships and their challenges, and incorporating meaningful familial relationships and dynamics, you'll bring depth and relatability to your teenage characters.
Creating believable teenage characters requires a thoughtful approach that captures their unique mindset, conducts thorough research, develops distinct personalities, masters dialogue and communication, and navigates relationships and social dynamics. By following the dos and avoiding the don'ts, you can craft teenage characters that resonate with readers, providing them with relatable experiences and enriching your storytelling.
Remember, authenticity and attention to detail are key. Embrace the diversity and complexity of teenage experiences, staying true to their emotions, motivations, and growth throughout your narrative. By doing so, you'll create memorable characters that captivate your audience and bring your stories to life.
I hope this blog on Writing Believable Teenage Characters will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and follow my blog for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of Haya’s book blog where I post writing and publishing tips for authors every Monday and Thursday! And don’t forget to head over to my TikTok and Instagram profiles @hayatheauthor to learn more about my WIP and writing journey! 
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startistdoodles · 2 years
Would be cool if Porygon2 had an alternative evo where it becomes what it was supposed to look like and do as the next stage of Porygon's evo line ever-evolving programming, who knows what cool things an hypothetical Porygon3 could do. Like being able to understand and communicate with both humans and Pokémon, like a translator? And maybe it could resemble a living being more both in behaviour and appearance!
Omg I love this idea!! I came up with a little design and even made a bit of lore too :)
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With many recent advances in technology, Silph Co. is happy to announce their latest upgrade to Porygon2: PorygonHD!
Its antenna allows it to connect to the internet and access a special database that contains information it can use to assist its trainer. So far, this database includes language, identification of objects/plants and basic healthcare, but Silph Co. will continue to add more information so your PorygonHD can be as helpul as possible.
Please note that frequent usage of this database requires lots of energy. This will result in your PorygonHD running low on energy and sleeping to recharge.
Additionally, Silph Co. has sent out this warning: Trainers, please refrain from allowing your PorygonHD to be in close contact with a Porygon-Z. It appears that contact with each other may result in your PorygonHD getting a virus and corrupting as well. Please be cautious until engineers can develop a patch update. Thank you.
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kennedyhansens-blog · 9 months
Trending Technology News and Updates | Living Upside
Get the latest Trending Technology News and Updates on Living Upside.
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captainmalewriter · 2 years
OnlyRentals Ad
Have you ever thought to yourself:
Wow! This OnlyFans creator's content is great, but I really wish I could get a more immersive experience. If only I could get closer to them, that'd be amazing!
Well, your prayers have been answered! Introducing the latest (unofficial) upcoming update to OnlyFans- OnlyRentals! With this update, content creators can opt-in to give their fans an all-immersive experience by giving fans a much closer look at their bodies!
OnlyRentals works by facilitating a body takeover between the fan (the possessor) and the creator (the possessed). For a specified period of time at a set price, the fan can possess the creator’s body and will the liberty to explore their new bodies to their heart’s desire. The possession can last 30 minutes, 1 hour, 24 hours or even longer! All of the conditions depend on what the creator and the fan mutually agree upon. The fan gets to enjoy themselves in a new rented out body and the creator gets to enjoy a bigger payout for their services, everybody wins!
Concerned about the safety behind this process? Don’t be! We at OnlyRentals always prioritize customer safety above all else. Using state of the art technology and cutting edge computer programming, OnlyRentals facilitates all interactions and transactions between users to ensure *100% customer safety! 
Still skeptical? We also provide certified customer’s feedback on our website for your viewing so that you can make the informed choice! Let’s have a look at one previous user’s story now:
Jeremy: I’ve been subscribed to Luis’ OnlyFans for a while now. He always makes the best videos, I always cum within minutes of watching his content. But after a while... I felt like I wasn’t getting the full value of my 10.99 per month subscription. I was thinking of unsubscribing, but then the OnlyRentals update came out and I saw that Luis was participating in it! I just had to check it for myself! 
Jeremy: I sent Luis a private message and he got back to me pretty quickly. I told him that I was interested in renting out his body through OnlyRentals. We discussed out the details, and once we agreed upon a deal, we went through with the body rental! I was kinda scared at first, but OnlyRentals makes body possessions as easy as drinking a cup of water! I could feel myself become lighter and lighter until I was basically nothing but mist, then I was instantly teleported into Luis’ room. He was already waiting for me to arrive, just like we had planned. I came in and proceeded to go down Luis’ nose; his chest puffed up as he inhaled my entire spirit into his body. Within a minute, I found myself inside Luis’ body! 
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Jeremy: It felt amazing to move around with a new body! I almost felt like I was dreaming! Luis, the same man I had been admiring from a phone screen for so long, was right in front of me! His sculpted muscles, his deep V-line, his massive pecs, all of it was mine for the next hour! I never even imagined how sensitive Luis’ body was. I was moaning like crazy while I was pinching my new nipples, and that got my new dick hard pretty quick too. I knew I rented out Luis for the hour, but God I couldn’t even last 10 minutes jerking myself off from inside his body. His dick was even longer and girthier in person!
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Jeremy: Yeah, I definitely made the right choice renting out Luis’ body. I honestly don’t regret spending a little more money on an updated service I already paid for anyway. I’m definitely gonna be using OnlyRentals regularly, both with Luis and with other creators I’ve had my eye on for a while! But for now... I’ve still got 40 minutes left before I have to go back to my original body, so I’m just gonna hang out in Luis’ house naked. Thanks OnlyRentals, you made my wildest fantasy come to life!
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Hahaha, you’re welcome, Jeremy! We’re happy to hear you enjoyed using our services! 
Stories like Jeremy’s are exactly why we do what we do here at OnlyRentals. Jeremy had his happy ending, and now you can too! 
But of course, we at OnlyRentals understand why a person can be skeptical about a business practice like ours. We take pride in our work at OnlyRentals, and we are confident you’ll come to love it once you try it.  Which is why on launch day we will be offering all new customers a “free sample” of our service! New accounts will be allowed to contact any participating creator and set up a body possession for free! We’ll take care of the costs for the first possession as a free sample for our customers (because we love you <3 ) 
More details about OnlyRentals’ free trial run will be released as launching day comes closer. Try out OnlyRentals, no purchase necessary and only basic information needed to register for an account! We hope to see you all at launching day :)
*Disclaimer: OnlyRentals is not responsible for any property damage done by the possessor while renting out a body. OnlyRentals also strongly disapproves of permanent body possessions; in the event that a permanent possession should occur, OnlyRentals and its associates cannot be held legally accountable. Sí hablamos español.
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izicodes · 1 year
Improving Your Work Ethic
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I had a meeting with my manager on Friday on three key skills I need to look out for when working. She said being in school/apprenticeship and working in a company are two different situations. There are skills you only learn by working in a team with real-life projects. She mentioned; Work Ethic, Communication and Time Management.
I decided I would talk about each one and give tips that she mentioned and others I found out myself and over searching online. This post will be about improving your work ethic. The advice my manager gave is from a Senior Software Developer's point of view but the advice can be carried over to other industries you work in!
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What is Work Ethic?
Work ethic refers to the values and principles that guide how a person approaches their work or responsibilities. It involves having a positive attitude, being diligent, and demonstrating a strong commitment to doing your best.
Imagine that school project you had to complete. Having a good work ethic means that you approach the project with enthusiasm and dedication. It means taking responsibility for completing your work on time and putting in the necessary effort to produce high-quality results!
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Tips To Improving Your Work Ethic
This is a long list but worth while to think upon! Here are all of the tips that my manager gave me and some extra notes I made afterwards:
Understand Expectations
Do you know what is expected of your role and responsibilities at work? If you don’t, you need to. Not just what the job description said when you applied but directly from your team manager or your boss!
Be Punctual
Arrive on time for meetings, scrums, and work-related commitments. Being punctual demonstrates respect for others' time and shows your dedication to the team.
Meet Deadlines
If you know me, you’ll know I struggle with this a lot. Consistently meet the deadlines for your tasks and projects. Plan and prioritize your work to ensure timely delivery. If you’re struggling with the project/work somewhere, ask for help.
Take Initiative
Show initiative by seeking opportunities to contribute beyond your assigned tasks. Take ownership of challenges, propose solutions, and actively participate in team discussions. I like this because I always come up with new add ons a project!
Be Accountable
Take responsibility for your actions and outcomes. Admit and learn from mistakes, and avoid making excuses. It may be hard but just say you messed up and it won’t happen again.
Practice Self-Discipline
Develop self-discipline to stay focused and motivated in your work. Minimize distractions and maintain a strong work ethic even when faced with challenging tasks. This is why if you struggle with this, do a Studyblr study challenge to stay on track and be motivated!
Be Proactive In Learning
Continuously expand your knowledge and skills by staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies. Seek out learning opportunities and take advantage of professional development resources. Especially in my field of Tech, something new is happening all the time! My workplace gave us Pluralsight for free so we can be studying on the site as we work!
Communicate Effectively
Work on your communication skills to convey information clearly and professionally. Keep your team members, stakeholders or anyone necessary informed about your progress, challenges, and achievements!
Get Feedback
Actively seek feedback from your teammates, supervisors, and mentors. Constructive criticism can be good, see it as an opportunity for growth and improvement!
Collaborate Effectively
Practise positive and productive collaboration with your team members. Contribute to team discussions, listen actively, and support others when needed.
Be Adaptable
Changes at work, project or whatever can be scary, and sometimes quite annoying, however, embrace change! Be open to new ideas, technologies, and processes. Learn to adapt quickly to shifting priorities and evolving project requirements!
Take Care Of Your Well-Being
Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. I had a time when I was mentally stressed from my apprenticeship, I took a week-long holiday off and rested at home. You should maintain a healthy work-life balance, manage stress effectively, and take breaks when needed. You're not you when you're tired, mentally strained and hungry...!
Reflect And Improve
Regularly reflect on your work ethic and areas for improvement. Set personal goals and actively work towards enhancing your work ethic over time.
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Improving your work ethic is an ongoing process that requires self-awareness, discipline, and a commitment to personal growth. Some people can do it alone whilst other people need a little push, such as myself and my manager.
Think over the tips I gave and see how you can change things to improve your own work ethic. If you're not working, this can be applied to a school setting or something you can be wary of when looking to start working!
Hope this helped you and thanks for reading! 👩🏾‍🎓💗
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alitheakorogane · 2 years
Corrupted Game!SAGAU, but loosely based on Wreck-It Ralph...
Link of my concept of the Corrupted Game!SAGAU (Imposter AU): here.
Never thought that my concept of SAGAU can be similar to Wreck-It Ralph's, especially with the story of Vanellope Von Schweetz, the main female character of the movie...
I forgot that she is also a video game character who had a similar fate to the Reader/Player/Divine Creator in SAGAU fics: an outcast who was hunted by every single character just because they're special and in the playable characters' words, "an anomaly to the game that deserves to be executed/deleted"...but found out that they are actually prominent characters to their respective worlds.
I love the movie, and I will be adding some conceptual SAGAU ideas also inspired by the film.
The concept is still a regular Imposter!AU but with some touches that I have discussed in my last SAGAU posts (link is shown above).
The developers of Genshin Impact intended to introduce AI for the developers' incoming virtual reality project, and the latest updates are more like the beta test for that project. (Based on Hoyoverse's actual plan is to create a virtual world by 2030, with Genshin Impact as the "prototype".)
The AI was designed to create the characters, whether playable or non-playable, very interactive in the digital world. The technology allows for the characters to gain 'sentience', to allow them to talk and interact with the players without any difficulty.
Unfortunately, because it was slightly unfinished, the code was vulnerable to hacks and computer bugs that could possibly attack the code, and eventually, the game installed by the player.
The hacker, who is also a Genshin player, eventually finds out about it and made a computer bug to try how it will affect the game and warn others about the danger it causes. Then they posted it on some shady website under the guise of a private server or something....and the unlucky player takes the bait (when I thought about the idea, a similar creepypasta had been trending in Tiktok at the same time: a Russian player encountering the Faceless Ayato because they downloaded a questionable copy of the game from a shady website.)
The characters (Vessels), the lore... it all changed and twisted to something different when the AI was attacked by the virus. The characters were now sentient, but the virus had made their personalities deviate from their actual personalities in the original lore, and the AI added one thing to the now-changed lore: the existence of the "Creator", the Almother of Celestia and Teyvat who made the fantasy world by the flick of their hand.
The virus, now knowing the existence of the Creator, created an Imposter who acts, looks, and sounds like the player, taken from the files and sensitive private information saved in their computer. Just like real-life malware does: stealing your identity online... intending to infect the game and the computer, and finally sending the infected codes at a fixed time, this time on World Wide Web.
Since they are now sentient, the AI can recognize the virus now spreading on the game, and release their last resort to combat the imposter and the virus itself: bringing the real Creator to Teyvat by any means. The golden blood now rushing in the player's veins acts like an identity of the real Creator.
The 'Creator' (or the actual Imposter), now sensing the player's presence, had decided to prevent the player from destroying the 'Creator' and the virus itself.
Fortunately for them, they had the ability to access the game codes by accessing a certain backdoor, so they hacked the coding of the game to lock all memories of the player's previous status and eventually replace the player with the Imposter in the Teyvatians' memories, therefore, branding the player as an Imposter instead of the actual one.
They also made nearly all Teyvatians submissive to them by changing and corrupting their codes and game files, overriding their actual in-game personalities with obsessive adoration for the 'Divine Creator', therefore creating a cult. This way, they could leave the 'Divine Creator' Imposter to take full control of the game without anyone standing in their way.
Unfortunately for the 'Almother' Imposter, not everyone was affected by the reformatting of the memories. Some Chosen Vessels, the inhuman Weekly Bosses, gods (like Osial), the Abyss Order, and the Twins (Lumine and Aether) can still recognize the real Creator's aura due to the AI's influence, which now resided as the Irminsul. That means Lesser Lord Kusanali, out of all the Archons, knows who is the real Creator immediately due to her connection to the Tree.
The Abyss Order doesn't like the Divine Creator much because to them, they were MIA when Khaenri'ah was destroyed 500 years ago. But they had thoughts to help the player in their journey, maybe because they may be the key to the re-establishment of Khaenri'ah and the permanent removal of their curse...or they were now hunted by the Archons, the ones they hated the most. Well, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they say.
Now they are now seen as the Supreme Almother and Creator of Celestia and the Seven Nations. Compared to the records and tombs depicting the Creator, they act in a very cruel manner to their subjects, but the Teyvatians, especially their acolytes, still loved them blindly (mainly due to the reformatted memories).
In order to keep the Imposter/player (actual Divine Creator) from ruining their plans of ruling Teyvat and infecting the game, the now Almother of Teyvat immediately takes action by forcing their Acolytes to get rid of them, dead or alive. They then create a set of harsh rules to which everyone, including the Archons, in the land of Teyvat takes heed.
The Withering appears once again since the parts of the Irminsul were corrupted again, this time by the computer malware. Since the AI now resides within the Irminsul (as a temporary measure) and the malware had slowly attacked the vulnerable part of the codes that make up the AI, corrupted parts in the form of the Withering appear on the Tree once again, possibly forming into Marana if untreated.
The Traveler and their Abyss Twin cross paths with the player every now and then, with different purposes. Since they are technically Outsiders/Descenders, they never really knew who the Almother of Teyvat is (and they are technically the MCs of Genshin Impact which happens to have more codes and files encoded on them because of them resonating with different elements, therefore randomized kits in their builds, which the virus had difficulty to replace).
The Traveler just seeks the player out to seek answers about their sibling and the truth of the world. The Abyss Twin seeks the player out to seek answers about the key to revive Khaenri'ah or to convince the player to join their cause. Because having the Creator on your side increases your chance of a successful plan against every single pathetic creature on Teyvat.
All the player had to do is to seek the Irminsul in Sumeru, as the AI knew about the total antivirus cure and a reset button to all of this. The virus' creation never knew that there is actually a way to combat the oncoming infection of the game.
All the player had to do is to avoid the corrupted Acolytes and the Abyss Order's plans, seek the Irminsul for answers and find the 'reset' mode of the game to reverse every single damage the virus' nefariously did that had made it to the game. And to stay alive and sane in all of this shit.
More to add on later reblogs, whenever another idea pops up for this concept!!
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creature-wizard · 9 months
So kind of New Age anons to send me updates on whatever BS is they think's going on right now in my inbox. Saves me the trouble of combing through their videos and sites.
Highights from the latest include:
The Annu-Elohim, Drakonian and Elite Anunnaki Races that began to digress from their original “Christos” blueprint set forth in dominion conquest of the stellar system the Star Gates of our Time Matrix.
This is essentially fancied-up whining about Jews not accepting Jesus. It all goes with David Icke's conspiracy theory that Judaism was created in Babylon by reptilian entities.
The Gold Order Seraphei-Seraphin reptilian Omicron Race from D-10 Lyra-Vega began to digress and became known as the “Fallen Seraphim”, the forefathers of the contemporary D-10 Orion-Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legion.
Fancy way of saying "Jews are demonic." Old antisemitic bullshit with a space-age paint job.
The fallen ones began their quest for universal dominion with the intention of destroying all races but their own and claim dominion of out Time Matrices.
Fancy way of saying "Jews want take over the world." Typical Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion bullshit.
Through removing the 12th DNA Strand Template form their genetic blueprint, the Annu-Elohim successfully blocked the Density-5 Breneau Founders races from incarnating into their race line, so they were freed to create a legion of self-contained Fallen Angelic dominion forces within or Time Matrix.
Spiritual eugenics BS. New Agers often assert that their ideological opponents have defective genes.
The Fallen Angelics’ Legion Galactic Federation (not the Galactic Federation of 'free/light' Planets) intention was, and continues to be today, oppressive, exploiting dominion of our Time Matrix and its life-fields, and the operational control over the 12 Primary Star Gates of the Universal Templar Complex in our Time Matrices.
Fancied-up way of saying "Jews are oppressing and exploiting the world!" Standard Protocols BS.
In their misguided contemporary quest for dominion, "take over of Earth’s Star Gates the Hall of Amenti", the Anunnaki Fallen Angelic Legions hope to infiltrate, highjack and rob earth humans of their dormant Diamond “Christed living light Human Race” potentially ascension process through governments bureaucracy, narrative information, PSYOPS, altering articles and factual information, television and internet misinformation, show distraction, rewritten transcription, distraction away from the facts in covert genetic manipulation via distorted teachings of DNA, bio-energetic field and Soul/Spirit (Merkaba) activation and hybridization programs.
Fancy way of claiming Jews are manipulating the media and spreading false religion. Also sourced from that old Czarist hoax, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
The Elite Anunnaki are attempting to perpetrate this deception of humans right now in order to prevent Earth humans from actualizing the dormant DNA - 12 Strand potential, through which humans can reclaim the Original true light Human heritage to serve as conscious guardians of the Hall of AMENTI 12 Star Gates.
More spiritual eugenics - "the worthy believers have superior genes."
Portions of the earth human populations carry the 9, 10 and 11-Strand DNA Template mutations resulting from ancient race hybridization with Anunnaki and Drakonian Fallen Angelic Legions.
Spiritual eugenics again - claiming that some people (read: their ideological opponents) are innately evil because they carry inferior DNA.
"All humans and the Fallen Angelic who chose to do so can reverse mutate DNA Template distortions and bring dormant DNA template potentials into activation through self-generated DNA BIO REGENESIS technologies, naturally, through which the 12-Strand DNA Living Light Human potential can be progressively restored and reactivated within the current operational DNA".
Conversion rhetoric - you can "fix" your "bad" DNA by accepting New Age doctrine.
And YOU, earthling humans are distracted by the Anti-Christ (power trigger elites, governments), by a sequence low frequency wave of the American 2024 election movement/show involves modern DNA highjacking program.
New Age to normal person translation: "Biden is part of the Jewish agenda!" More Protocols-derived nonsense.
All in all, things haven't really changed much; they're still spouting the same antisemitic conspiracy bullshit they've been spouting for years.
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