#lgbtqia all the way
aunti-maim · 11 months
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A few designs I intend to put on T-shirts and buttons
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aliosne · 2 months
Saw a post about working class butches in physical labour jobs and wanted to make my own, so: I love you butches who do childcare or early education. I love you butch nurses. I love you butch house cleaners and janitorial staff. I love you service industry butches. I love you butches who do sex work. I love you working class butches who do “feminine” jobs you are cool as hell
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scarlct-vvitch · 1 year
i know i attract more ace followers than anything else lmao so y'all better show up for this one
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felixfeliccis · 5 months
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mistydragonflyart · 2 years
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Cheers to always learning new things about ourselves and happy pride month!!
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procrastiel · 14 days
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A sweater with inverted new pan pride flag. A shirt underneath with the inverted old pan pride flag. And all this to the unofficial soundtrack of the Bisexual anthem on the insta story that morning:
Psst, hey, David. Are you trying to give us a hint?
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yellowbrickramble · 9 months
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Ozma right now: 🐥🐥🐥🐥🐥
This is based largely on my own relationship with dresses and the mirror when I was Ozma's age, but I'm perhaps channeling a bit of the spirit of Edward Einhorn's short story, "Ozma Sees Herself", found in Oz Story Magazine #3.
As part of my quest for quasi-historical accuracy, I decided it was okay to give Salye Soforth some anachronistic 70's punk fashion after researching the history of safety pins to make sure they existed in 1904. Also, she's drinking a brand of root beer that no longer exists. I did enough research to make sure I didn't use the logo from the 1960s or 2000s, though I'm not 100% sure it was available in ready-to-drink bottles by then (they only sold it as extract and syrup early on).
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If you like my comics, please support me on Patreon! (link in bio)
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ib3li3v3you · 4 months
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This this right here has me going insane
Blaming @coldblooded-angel for this brainrot
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wormswurld · 5 months
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barry. STOP IT. put that tongue AWAY!!!
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Unpopular opinion, but you should not have to tell your partner that you are trans if you've fully medically transitioned before you met. Cuz everybody's always saying trans men are man and trans women are women, bc it's true, and if that's the case, and they have fully medically transitioned and have all the parts of the gender they identify with and that their partner sees them as then it should not matter. They have always been the gender that they are now they just had different physical body parts, so it should not matter, because that's in the past now.
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aunti-maim · 1 year
Heaven forbid we just let people be who they want to be.
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Do you know this queer character?
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Nuriko is Transgender, Genderqueer, and/or Genderfluid and Queer and uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
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levbolton · 1 year
I don’t care what gender I was assigned at birth, that’s not my fault
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AN APP WHERE I CAN GO "Hey, I don't like nor do I ever want to have sex, but I really want a romantic relationship with someone who I can love and cherish and give the world to☺️"
Sincerely, a Polyamorous Panromantic Asexual person✌️
Disclaimer: This is from the perspective of an asexual person which is why the above quote references a romantic relationship. It's why i added the "Sincerely..." at the end. If this were from the perspective of an aro person, the wording would be platonic relationship or whatever someone's preferences are. It's not meant to erase aro identity or put aros and allos together, the quoted phrase is just from my own personal perspective as this post was made in a moment of irritation and wasn't expected to be seen by others. Usually my ace rants don't get notes at all, so the fact that this has a lot of a attention is unexpected. Again, why I used the words "An app where I can go..." was because this was my POV. Aro people are valid and don't need a romantic relationship to be seen and heard.
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eclaire-went-bam · 17 days
although i think it's important to acknowledge the complexities of aro & ace identities, & to be welcoming of aroace identities that may be sex/romance favourable/hypersexual & seek those relationships, i think it's still important to acknowledge that completely romance/sex repulsed aroaces are still a minority in the ace community despite being the stereotype. & we should still listen to those voices,
#i don't have like. Aro Ace Spectrum Demographics but i definitely notice the grand majority of users i (Personally) see are acespec#but a very Few amount of people are the stereotypical romance-repulsed sex-repulsed aroace#& although it's a good thing that those on other parts of the spectrum are recognising their identity & learning more abt themselves#we should still recognise that's a majority in the ace community & should still strive to make apothi aroace ppl feel welcome in spaces#maybe it's just been my experience with the h4zbin h0tel fandom (censoring bcs i don't want drama) but#i Definitely see a lotta people taking apothi aroace ppl expressing discomfort w/ al4stor being shown in ship art (by allos)#& turning it into “you guys know there are OTHER ace identities right 🙄🙄” or “that's just how the internet is !”#which yes i think almost all of us are Well aware of other ace identities. espec if we're active in ace communities#& no the internet doesn't Have to be that way. just like how the internet is a whole lot less homophobic than how it used to be#instead of actually ??? listening to our points ? a lot of people only seem to listen to us when we absolutely hamfist the whole “it's ok to#be x y or z too!“ into every single message#just so people don't immediately antagonise us for raining on their fictional ship or sumn#this make sense ?#aromantic#asexual#aroace#sex repulsed#romance repulsed#lgbtqia#idk if this comes off as whiney since it's from said apothi aroace individual. “listen to me NOW !!!” but uhhm if so ? idgaf whatever
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enden-k · 5 months
omg waittt what's that game called im. asking for a friend, 👉🏽👈🏽
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a date with death !
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