#like i said: walking robbery waiting to happen
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once again i have shitposted
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amberlynnmurdock · 4 months
Neighbor Pt. 6
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Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: On a random midnight, she comes to Matt's apartment to feel less lonely. Matt lets her in.
Words: just under 3k!
Genres: FLUFF with a dash of angst because of course... they are just two lost souls confiding in the other <3
A/N: I sort of had trouble with this chapter but she's finally here lol. This picks up from Pt. 5... hope you like it!!!
Part 5
Matt felt rejuvenated the next morning. 
Maybe it wasn’t stress he had been feeling the past few weeks… maybe it was something else, something he hadn’t felt in a while. Something that made him need sweet relief that throwing punches and taking hits couldn’t provide. He needed something more sensual—intimate. Something else to get his anxiety and frustration out. Even if it was a brush of contact. Something as simple as a touch. 
Yeah, it had been a while since he’d felt that. And it felt so good to listen to her like that… despite how wrong it was. That was until she said his name out loud. Matt pondered the question all morning as he lay in bed waiting for his alarm to go off. What did it mean? Did she like him like that? What should he do next?
  Nothing, he decided. It was wrong he knew she felt that way about him… it was wrong he continued to listen to her. It was wrong of him to think he could ever make her happy when he leads the life he leads. But God, did it feel so good to think that for a moment—just a moment—it might be possible. 
He rolls out of bed as soon as he hears his automated alarm go off. Wake up, wake up! Matt slams the alarm with his fist, harder than he intended to. He sits for a moment on the edge of his bed, feeling achy all over. Other people in the apartment are waking up right now, too. Downstairs, someone turns their stove on and begins to cook bacon. Another apartment opens its windows to the cool winter air. And her—she’s awake now, too. She turned her TV on to the news.
“Daredevil took down an armed robbery and saved an old woman at the corner bodega…“ 
Matt tunes it out immediately. 
It was strange to hear news about himself playing in her apartment. It made him uncomfortable. There he was, imagining a future with her and playing with the idea of being intimate with her, all the while having one of the biggest secrets ever. 
After a hot shower and brewing coffee, Matt was just about to be on his way out. He heard her shuffling behind her door, slipping her boots on, and zipping up her coat. They always walked out at the same time, an unspoken ritual. Maybe it was safer to keep it like this, Matt thought. Maybe this was as far as they’d ever go. 
Matt took a deep breath as he stepped out, unsurprisingly at the same time as she did. Matt heard her heart rate quicken as she saw him. 
“G’morning, Matt,” she said softly, as casually as she could.
“Morning,” he smiled. Act natural. “Sleep well?” 
She paused, ever so slightly, and locked her door. “I did, better than I normally do. You?”
“Same,” Matt answered, picking up on her hesitation. Maybe he should leave the conversation at this, not push anything further. From the way she was speaking quietly to her slight quiver, Matt knew she was nervous. He didn’t want to make her feel that way. 
“I hope you have a good day, Matt,” she smiled, walking ahead of him down the stairs. Before Matt could give a response, she was already out the door. Matt slowly followed behind, somehow feeling guilty about it all over again. 
She weighed heavy on his mind all day—did he do something wrong unknowingly? All of this was confusing—he heard her say his name at her most intimate, and this morning she seemed to want to avoid him altogether. What happened?
Maybe he was overthinking it. Maybe there wasn’t anything wrong. 
Matt walked up the steps to his apartment slowly, one hand using his cane to guide himself, the other holding onto the rail. He passed the floors of the other apartments. They were all so loud to him. Fran had the TV on a bit higher than usual. Someone’s dog was barking begging to be fed. Another was on the phone having a heated conversation with an in-law. All day, Matt was consumed by conversations he wished not to be part of. Sounds he wished he could drown out and turn off.
Finally, he reached the floor of his apartment—and hers. He liked that he shared this floor with only her. He paused at the top of the steps and pressed his fingertips against the wall. She was inside, home already from work. From the sound of her soft breathing and very still movement, Matt knew she was sleeping. A part of him melted inside. Tired from a long day of work himself, he walked as quietly as he could to his apartment and opened the door slowly to avoid making any sound.
He wasted no time changing into his Daredevil gear and waiting on his roof.
Matt felt accomplished when he arrived back on his rooftop after a night out as Daredevil. He stopped another robbery and saved an old couple’s bodega. He saved an old man from being mugged. He saved a young girl and her mother from an abusive ex-boyfriend. 
Entering his apartment, he stripped himself of his Daredevil gear and locked it away in his old trunk. He paused, hand still on the locked trunk that held his most detrimental secret. This trunk used to belong to his father. He pushed it inside the closet and closed the door. He made a sign of the cross and stalked off to the bathroom. 
It was shortly past midnight. After washing off in the shower, Matt changed into sweatpants. He lay in bed and shut his eyes. His thoughts always drifted to the same thing: was there more to this life, than just keeping a secret? 
After reciting a prayer and just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard a gentle knocking on his door. His eyes shot open and his senses were fully engaged in the source of the sound. More knocks came. It was her. She shivered under her cardigan and shifted in her slippers from foot to foot, anxiously. Was something wrong? Why was she at his door so late?
Matt threw on a shirt quickly and walked over to open his door. Just as she was about to turn around and retreat to her apartment, thinking this is stupid, Matt opened his door. She stood there with her arms tucked around her frame and shivered from the cold in the hallway.
“Hi,” she said in a tired voice, “I’m sorry, Matt. I know it’s late. But I heard your shower go off and assumed you were awake and—God, I realize how creepy that sounds that I heard your water running so I knew you were awake—never mind. I’ve spoken too much,” she rambled nervously, shivering from the cold in the hallway. Matt was surprised by her presence; he wasn’t upset at all. He welcomed her sudden appearance but couldn’t help but wonder why she was there. 
Not to mention her apologizing for hearing his water running, and assuming he was awake. After all the things he’s heard her do through her apartment… Matt was in no place to judge (not that he would, anyway).
“It's okay,” Matt whispered her name. “I was awake. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” she said, and Matt didn’t have to listen to her heartbeat to know she was lying. It was in her voice, her mannerisms. The way she answered quickly without really considering his question. “I just—“ and she was shivering so much.
“You can come in,” Matt opened the door wider. “It’s cold in the hall.” 
“Okay,” she stepped inside his apartment and away from him as he shut his large, old door. Matt locked it and turned around to smile at her. It was then Matt realized he forgot to put his glasses on. 
“I’m sorry, let me get my glasses on,” Matt said sheepishly, reaching for them on the side table. 
“It’s okay,” she said, “you don’t have to put them on.” She paused, looking at his handsome face in the low glow of his apartment. He wasn’t hard to look at at all—from his warm hazel eyes to his plump lips. 
“Are you sure you won’t be uncomfortable?” He asked. 
“Yeah,” she answered. “I’m barging in on your place—you don’t have to sacrifice your comfort for mine.” 
He smiled at that and then offered her to take a seat on his couch. He allowed her a moment to get a sense of her surroundings—she’d never been in his apartment before. Her heartbeat was steady. She looked around his living room and squinted at the windows when the large screen across the street flashed bright purple and pink lights. 
“Wow,” she said, looking back at his dark apartment. “Those are bright.”
“So I’ve heard,” Matt said lightly with a warm smile. “Do you want any water?”
“I’m okay. Thank you.”
She curled up on the corner of his brown leather couch, tucking her feet in underneath her legs. She was still shivering. Matt offered her the blanket that lay on it and she took it gracefully. 
“I’m sorry to bother you,” she said sheepishly wrapping the blanket around her shoulders, “truthfully, I couldn’t sleep and I could use a friend to talk to.”
A friend? Matt’s heart jumped at this. She considered him a friend. 
“I’m glad you came,” Matt replied. 
“On Christmas, you told me that any time I felt lonely, I could come by. So… this is one of those times.”
“Yeah,” Matt nodded. “Felt lonely tonight?”
“Not anymore,” she sighed, pleasantly, like his presence alone was enough to cure whatever it was she was feeling. “I took a long nap after work to avoid it and woke up feeling worse than I did before. Like a harrowing, deep hole in my chest.” 
Matt knew that feeling all too well—a hole he’d been trying to fill since he was 11. It occurred to him in that moment Matt hardly knew anything about her. Where she came from, what her story was. She knew bits and pieces of him but he didn’t know anything more than that she lived alone and worked at a bookstore. 
“I understand,” Matt said. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Maybe another time,” she said, pushing the matter away. “I just wanted to get my mind off it.”
Matt was happy she was comfortable enough to come to him this late at night for nothing more than just another person to talk to. He could be that person for her—he wanted to be that person for her. 
“I didn’t know you had hazel eyes,” she said softly. “You shouldn’t hide them as much as you do behind those red glasses.” 
Matt blushed—unfamiliar with this feeling in his chest, like a bubbling warmth spread over that harrowing hole she was talking about just moments ago. “Oh,” he said. “People can get uncomfortable when they see my eyes.”
“Then screw them,” she said defiantly. “Like I said…you shouldn’t sacrifice your comfort for theirs.” 
“Thank you,” Matt replied. “For understanding that part.” 
“Were you—“
“Born blind?” Matt had finished this question so many times, that it became a habit to interject whenever anyone began to ask it. “No. It was an accident when I was a kid.”
“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I don’t mind,” Matt shrugged. He wanted to open up to her, as much as he could—without revealing his biggest secret of all. “I saw an old man crossing the street. A large truck with chemical containers was coming down the block at the same time. I pushed the old man out of the way. The truck lost control, and swerved to avoid hitting us. Well, it did bump me a little, and all the chemicals fell over, leaking everywhere. Some of it got in my eyes and—“
“That was it,” she finished his sentence. “Wow.” 
“That was it,” Matt repeated. His gaze fell on the carpet. He sat at the opposite end of the couch. 
“So, little Matt was a hero?” He could hear the smile in her voice when she said this. Matt chuckled. 
“I did what anyone else would have.”
“How many adults were there, do you remember?”
“It was on a random corner in Hell’s Kitchen. Plenty of people were walking around.”
“So, you did what anyone else would have avoided.”
Matt blushed, looked away from the general direction he was looking in. It felt different to be called a hero when it was coming from her lips. 
“Sure,” he finally said. “We can go with that.”
“Do you…” her voice trailed off, unsure how to phrase her next question without sounding offensive. 
“You can ask me anything,” Matt assured her. “You know a lot about me that some of my closest friends don’t know. Nothing’s off the table.”
“Do you miss having sight? That’s probably a silly question. Do you remember the last thing you saw?”
“The sky,” Matt answered, a flash of blue appearing in his mind. “That was the last thing I saw. And I do miss having sight,” Matt took a deep breath. “But there are other ways to see.”
“Absolutely,” she agreed. “How do you see in other ways?”
What a loaded question, he thought. 
“Touch, for one. I can get a sense of something when I touch it. Smell—easy to distinguish what’s on my plate. I still know what a majority of things look like.”
“But not people,” she stated. 
“Not people,” Matt affirmed. “But there’s a way for me to paint a picture in my mind.”
“How? A person describes what they look like?”
“Descriptions help,” Matt answered, “but touching their face helps a hell of a lot more.” 
She was silent for a moment, understanding his answers and pondering them. She wondered what he would think of her if he could see. Matt felt as if she was wondering that very thought.
“Do you want to touch my face?” She asked in a hesitant voice. “Or I can describe to you what I look like.”
Matt felt his heart grow in his chest. How could he answer that question, without revealing his true feelings for her right then and there? It had been months of being her neighbor that he hoped and prayed he could cross that threshold with her. Hell, it was a miracle she was in his apartment at that moment. 
“Only if you’re comfortable,” Matt finally said, shifting in his seat. 
“I am,” she whispered, leaning forward. “Come here.”
Matt moved closer to her on his couch until his left knee was touching her right. When he sat close enough to her, she grabbed his hand and wrapped her fingers around his wrist to guide him. 
Starting with her hair, she gently brushed his fingers through it. It was soft. Every thread of her hair felt like water slipping gently through his fingers. Matt held his breath as his fingers grazed her neck. He had to close his eyes for this part. Matt gently placed his hand on the side of her neck, feeling how soft her skin felt on his fingertips. Like Braille, he ran his fingers ever so lightly on her skin, goosebumps following his touch. 
He moved his hand to the side of her face, cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand. He gently ran his thumb over her brow bone, smoothing it out. Then he traced his thumb under her eye in a sweeping motion. His gaze fell on her chin. He traced the pad of his thumb down the bridge of her nose, stopping at her cupid’s bow. She gently let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding. Matt gently let out a breath too. He took his other hand and cupped the other side of her face in his palm, feeling her cheeks heat against him. Her heart was pounding in her chest, a steady boom boom, boom boom, he had come to memorize to help him fall asleep. He caressed her chin with his thumb and traced her jawline before slowly running his hand down the length of her neck, retreating to his thigh. 
“Beautiful,” Matt whispered. It was all he could say. 
“Matt…” she uttered his name, trailing off, losing her words. Her heart felt like a cement block in her chest. He swallowed hard, resisting the urge to touch her again. She reached for his hand and placed it on her face, desperate to feel how gently he held her again, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. 
She turns her head into his hand and kisses his palm. Matt moves his fingers to the back of her head and guides her lips to his, a kiss that should’ve happened a long time ago. Her lips molded to his, the taste of her bringing him back to life, filling that empty hole in his chest again. He hoped it had the same effect on her. Her hand moved to hold his face, a plan to not break the kiss. A plan that didn’t matter if it worked or not, because Matt wasn’t going to let go anytime soon. He wasn’t going to let go of her. 
When she eventually did pull back, he only wanted more. 
“Thank you,” she whispered breathlessly, “for letting me in.” 
Letting her into his apartment, or letting her into his heart—both answers were suitable. 
Eventually, she did go back to her apartment, for reasons they didn’t need to say out loud. But it would be a while until they brought up this night again. 
TAGS: @mattmurdocksstarlight @yentroucnagol @danzer8705 @allllium @i-marvel-bitch @babygrlmurdock @writtenbyred @uncle-eggy @marvelcinematiquniverse @sweetbee0108
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adventuringblind · 9 months
Can I request an angst fic where reader is charles sister and she gets into accident (car accident or like wrong place wring time robbery, anything really) while he's in a race (lorenzo, arthur and their mother is with them) and xavi (🤢) is the one who answers charles' phone and decided not to say anything even after charles finishes the race and then the entire leclerc family find out after a reporter tells charles that "your nerves must be made of steel" and then everyone is confused and the reporter is all like "did no one tell you about your sister?" And like full angst when they find out that the accident hurt reader really bad (has problems with sight or maybe walking permanently, only if you're comfortable writing that) end it however you want, only if you want and if you are comfortable with this kind of stuff
Like Steel
Platonic!charles Leclerc x Sister!Reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Summary: Charles and his twin sister have always been close. Even being able to sense when something is wrong with the other. When Charles get confirmation after a race he was right, someone is to blame for his not knowing.
Warnings: car accidents, driving under the influence, hospitals
Notes: Xavi needs to get fired so my boy can have a chance. Also I don’t care if people smoke weed, but the amount of times I’ve almost been hit because someone was hotboxing their car is absolutely ridiculous.
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To say Charles is close with his twin is an understatement. They are practically glued at the hip. They know what the other is thinking or feeling before any communication is had. Their connection to each other was concerning at first. But anyone could see that the Leclerc twins are just close.
Charles had been there through all of her breakups. Both with guys he did and didn’t like. She had been there through every step in his racing career.
It’s funny to say steps now, he thinks. Since his sister can no longer take any.
She’d gotten a job as the admin for the Ferrari instagram. She loved chasing around Charles and Carlos so the fans could see what they got up to in their down time.
She has a contagious smile that everyone can’t help but love. Her and Daniel were menaces to the paddock while he did media things for Redbull.
She’d been on her way to the paddock for her brothers home race. Monaco was the only race on the calendar where she got to wake up at home to go to work in the morning. She had a few PR things to do around the city first before she could head to the track. So she’d left pretty early. Deciding to walk since everything is so close together.
Charles knew she hated being late. Maybe that’s why the alarm bells were going off before he got in the car.
He’d waiting for her to show at the meetings. Then again while he was getting ready. He search before he got into his car. Then looked for her when her when he got to his grid box.
He felt it in the pit of his stomach that something had happened.
He’d managed to end the race in in first. Something that didn’t happen often so he was ecstatic. The thing every driver craves was once again in his hands. His family was there when he got out of his car. All except the one person he wanted to celebrate with most. Maybe she’d just gotten caught up in her duties?
It was his turn to interview. The smile on his face and cheers of the crowd made the endorphins in his brain skyrocket.
“Congratulations Charles! You must have nerves like steel out there!”
Nerves? Why nerves? He’s not nervous.
The reporter caught onto his confusion. “We’re you not made aware of your sister?”
“No what happened? Where is she?”
The reporter signaled to turn the camera elsewhere. Then walked to Charles to let him know in a normal conversation fashion. He’s grateful because not many would do that. “She was hit by a car this morning and is in the hospital.”
His heart sank. He looked to his family and by their shocked expressions they also didn’t know.
“Your race engineer Xavi said he got word off it right before the race. We figured you’d been told already. I’m sorry for the mix-up.”
“No it’s okay that’s not on you.” The he’s walking away. His team doesn’t try to stop him and he tells Carlos to stand in his place on the podium. He’s lost to many people already. He refuses to also lose his sister.
He doesn’t remember the car ride. Only the angry feeling knowing at his insides. He saw the call Xavi had answered in his call log. They didn’t call anyone else since technically, he picked up.
The rage towards his race engineer is not helping him think clearly. If she dies and Charles isn't there for her, he's never going to forgive himself.
He broke.
He saw her in the bed with machines and tubes everywhere, and he broke. He sobbed into his mother's arms. Lorenzo and Aruther trying to console each other next to them.
It's ridiculous, he thinks, how one person can attract so much death. Maybe it's to soon to say she's dead but by the look of things, she's halfway there.
He stays with her. Her hurts for her. Their stupidly strong connection makes this all the more difficult.
Pascale has forced him to leave her bedside on multiple occasions. But he always goes begrudgingly and under the stipulation that someone will get him if there are any updates.
It’s a month before she finally wakes up. Coughing and panicking. Charles is at her side immediately. Fate is certainly on his side today.
“What happened?” She asks after she could finally talk again. Though her voice is raspy and dry.
“You were walking to the track and got hit by a car. They were smoking marijuana so they didn’t see you.” Oh how Charles raged about that too when he found out. The stupidity of people sometimes amazes him.
The next words out of her mouth make him think that fate is just playing games with him at some point.
“Charlie, I can’t feel my legs.”
Turns out the car they hit her shattered a part of her spine, leaving her paralyzed. Now bound to a wheelchair.
Charles had to go back to traveling while she was doing physical therapy. She’s doing her best to learn how to do life now with her new set of circumstances. She did think it was funny getting to zoom around in her wheelchair and whizzing past her brother.
Her first appearance back at the paddock is a surprise to all. Mainly because she intended it to be that way.
She navigates down the busy path towards the Ferrari hospitality, her mother trying to keep up.
She missed being here. Seeing everyone so excited about the sport.
She came to a skidding halt at the door. Curse the stairs. Why don't they have a ramp? She'll be having words with Charles about this later.
"Maman! Can you help me please!"
It takes effort. She's still not quite used to everything but she's learning.
She successfully gets inside the door and into the main area of hospitality. Hugs greet her as some of the staff make their way over.
Now, the next part of this plan. Her mother calls Charles and puts it on speaker.
"Charlie, I just got word about your sister. I'm in hospitality-" She puts on her best worried parent voice.
"I'm on my way."
It takes approximately three minutes, and Charles is barreling through the door of security. His oblivieness becomes obvious as he misses her sitting in the middle of the room and is worriedly hugging his mom and asking her frantic questions.
"Is she- why are you laughing?"
Pascale is crying from laughing so hard. She gestures to where her daughter is waving and trying to get her brothers attention.
"Oh my god. You scared me so bad! Don't ever do that again!" He scolds them both. Then her embraces his sister.
"I'm excited to see you here!"
"Any news about Xavi?"
"He finally quit a couple days ago. I basically ignored him the last few races."
"And you've been doing better? You've won twice this month."
"And if I ever see him again, I'll make sure he never wants to be near an F1 car again."
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sanguineterrain · 8 months
hii i love your work and wanted to send a request in :)
can you do “you’re just going to leave me here?!” and “i’m gonna come back for you , do you hear me?” for jason and reader? 💛
maybe they’re on a date and there’s a robbery nearby or a villain crashes a gala they are attending? also maybe the reader knows he’s red hood? or it’s early in their relationship that he hasn’t told them yet? idk if that makes sense, but if you pick this up i can’t wait to see where you take it! 💛
OH IT'S EMOTIONAL ANGST TIME! hurt no comfort 😈 thanks for requesting nonnie 🥰
jason todd x gn!reader | tw: angst, reader feels hurt, lying to protect a superhero identity (is red hood a hero? he is to ME.) i may write a pt 2 to this if there's interest 😎
Jason checks his phone for the fourth time tonight. You haven't even received your entrees yet.
"Everything okay?" you ask lightly.
Jason looks up, eyes wide. "Oh. Yes. Sorry, baby. Sorry."
You nod, trying to smile. "It's okay."
He puts his phone in his pocket. You try to relax and focus on your date. This place is upscale, much pricier than you're used to, but Jason had insisted. He'd said he hadn't been doing his due diligence of being your boyfriend and should take you out on more "proper" dates. You'd told him that was silly, of course; you'd be content to go anywhere with him.
But he's been acutely distracted these past few weeks, and you're starting to form terrible explanations in your head for why that might be.
You try to ignore it. You just want to spend time with your boyfriend; it's been so long.
"Oh my God, guess what happened at work today," you say.
Jason leans in, smiling. "Tell me. Was it Peggy from Marketing again?"
"Yes!" You laugh, shaking your head. "She's such a pain. I was in my cubicle when—"
Jason's watch starts to blare, the beep shrill and insistent. He curses and quickly taps at the screen. You slump back in your chair.
"Shit," he says and looks up at you.
You suddenly feel exhausted.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," Jason begins, rising from his chair. "God, fuck—you have no idea how sorry I am. It's my family, they—something's happened with my brother. He needs my help, unfortunately."
"So you're just going to leave me here?" you ask, mouth dropping open in shock. "Jay, we planned tonight two weeks ago!"
He winces. "I know. Fuck, I know, sweetheart. I'm so, so sorry. I'm gonna come back for you, okay? It'll be an hour, tops. Look, order anything you want. I'll leave my card, it's on me—"
You shake your head and stand. "No, Jason. I'm—look, I know your family is important to you, but you've done this a lot this past month, and it's not just hurtful, but it's starting to feel a little intentional. I don't know if I'm some kind of placeholder or, or—"
"Hey, no, no. You're not a placeholder. Please don't say that," Jason begs, reaching for your hand.
You keep your hand out of reach, eyes beginning to heat up.
"I'm going home," you say. "I hope your brother's okay."
"Sweetheart, please, come on. I don't wanna fight."
"Me neither," you say tiredly. "So we won't. Good night, Jason."
His watch beeps again, this time with a phone call. You walk out. It's a nicer part of Gotham, so getting a cab here isn't a problem.
Jason catches up to you instantly. He looks terrified, and it breaks your heart, but you don't have the energy tonight.
"Can I–can I call you tonight?" he asks, voice cracking.
A cab pulls up to the curb. The valet opens the door for you. Jason takes a step forward.
"I'd rather you didn't," you say quietly. "I need some time to myself, Jay."
Jason takes a step back.
"I'm sorry," he says again, desperate.
You sigh. "I know you are."
You get into the car. The valet closes the door. Jason watches you through the window, tugging at his curls like he does when he's stressed.
That night, your bed feels cold. You toss and turn for hours, trying to shake the feeling of a phantom arm snaked around your waist.
Jason doesn't call, like you'd requested. You cry anyway.
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astxroiid · 2 months
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new york private life // tasm! peter parker
❥ childhood crush, date nights, vigilantes, apprehension, sweet young love.
wc: 1.5k
navigation ✩ empire state of mind (II) ✩ manhattan longing (III)
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"Hey, um... I'm Peter."
A familiar face stands in front of you, one you've known all your life.
"We went to high school together. I, uh, was wondering if maybe you'd want to maybe hang out sometime." The walls of the college cafeteria seem to be closing in around Peter. His hands twitching nervously as he shifted his feet uneasily.
"Oh!" you're caught a little off guard. "Well, I'm free tomorrow. Where will we be going?"
Peter smiles to himself a little. "There's this sushi place that just opened up a few blocks over... if you like sushi, that is."
The amount of anxiety radiating off this poor boy is so potent you can practically taste it.
"I love it," you grin up at the boy from your seat. "Pick me up at 5:30? we could be there by 6."
"Th-that sounds great!" His eyes light up as an excited smile spreads across his face. He's never gotten a this positive of a response before. This feels good.
"I'll pick you up at 5:30 then. Thank you," he says, trying not to be too happy about this, but he is. Very.
“Sounds like a date to me.” you smile, stand from your seat and kiss his cheek before walking away with a bounce in your step.
A date?! A kiss to his cheek! He's never felt so alive before! His cheeks burn red as you walk away. He can't believe that you said yes.
When 5:30 comes around the next day, you’re waiting by the entrance of your house, ready to meet up with Peter. You’re a bit nervous, but mostly excited. You felt a strange flutter in your stomach, your heart beating fast and body tingling.
When 5:45 comes, you start to worry. Where could Peter be?
5:50. Your heart begins to sink. Was this all a joke?
5:55. Is he... not coming?
6:00. You're officially distraught. Your mind immediately starts running to various conclusions. Is he busy? Did something happen to him? Or did he simply change his mind?
6:15. Maybe he forgot? Maybe he's late? Maybe he lost track of time?
6:30. Your eyes are puffy and red. Tears start to stream down your face as you realize he’s probably not coming.
7:00. Anger replaces sadness. Did he do this on purpose?! What the hell?! What was the point of even asking you out?
8:00. Sadness returns. After all your emotions drained your energy and tears blurred your eyes, you cant help but come back ton the thought: Why did he do this? He can't even have the courtesy to at least call you?
Just as the thought come to mind, your phone rings. It's Peter.
Your eyes widen and you quickly pick up the phone. You desperately hope that this might just change things, but you also can't help and start to feel anxious, afraid of what he might have to say.
"Hey," Your voice cracks as you hold the phone to your ear.
Peter's heart sinks at your tone, immediately feeling at fault. "Hey," he echoes in a small tone. "I'm sorry I didn't show up today..." he says, almost inaudible for a moment. He sounds... shaky. Nervous. "Something came up..."
In what world is that a good excuse for leaving a girl waiting for you for two and a half hours? He mentally cringes, wishing he could explain better. How? 'Hey, sorry I basically ghosted you , I'm Spiderman and I had to stop a robbery?!' it almost sounds made up.
"oh..." the same, tearful tone etched into your voice from before. "it's okay, I guess."
He gulps at the sadness in your voice, feeling worse now, not sure how to handle this situation.
"My aunt called me. She had some things she needed help with," he said, trying his best to avoid giving details. "I lost track of time and only just realized how late it was. I was rushing as fast as I could but I know I missed our date. I'm sorry, I should have at least sent you a text."
“It’s okay.” you sound only slightly more cheerful. “How about you make it up to me come over with some takeout and we watch a movie?”
"Really?" he asks, sounding surprised. After the tense conversation you both just had, he didn't think the night - or relationship for that matter - would be salvageable. "I mean sure," he says, not being able to hide the joy in his voice or the smile on his face. "What kind food do you want?"
“You pick.” You smile “Come over as soon as you can.”
About 20 minutes later Peter knocks on your door. You open it to reveal the sweetest looking boy with flowers an Thai food in hand, appearing a little guilty but still excited.
You couldn't resist smiling back at him, feeling much less mad about what happened earlier.
"Sorry for the wait," Peter apologizes as he hands you the bouquet of tulips. You gladly take them.
Walking over to the kitchen and filling a vase with water, you call out to Peter, who's still standing in the doorway.  
“You can come in Pete! You can set the food down over there," you gesture to the coffee table, covered in candles and books for your college classes.
Pete?! He smiles warmly as he enters into the living room and he watches you set the flowers in the vase. Peter glances around your apartment, your home is quite cozy.
Dark blue curtains hang around each window, soft lights from the New York night glowing through. Every surface in your home is decorated with mixtures of candles, lamps, books, or cute little trinkets.
The whole place smells like cherries and coffee. The soft music playing in the background bringing the whole mood together.
He goes ahead and sets the food down on the coffee table and he looks around the room. "Your place is nice," he says softly. He loves it. he could get used to spending more time here.
“Why thank you.” You blush, placing the flowers down “Oh! I was thinking about watching some of the Star Wars movies - is that okay?” You plop on the couch, patting next to you for Peter to sit.
"Star Wars is always okay with me," Peter replies, happy that you're not upset anymore. He sits down next to you and he can't help but notice how close you're both sitting next to each other. His heart flutters.
"The Empire Strikes Back is my favorite," Peter replies excitedly, happy to be sharing one of his interests with you.
He smiles, feeling very happy with the current state of things.
"That's my favorite too!" You smile brightly, looking into his eyes.
There was an odd and almost indescribable intimacy between you two, as if your shared love of Star Wars had brought you closer together in some unknown way.
“Really?” Peter asks, feeling thrilled by this coincidence.
You nod, giggling at Peter's excitement.
"What's your favorite character?" Peter asks. He's trying to watch the movie, although it's hard to take his eyes off of you for too long.
"Hmmm..." you place your finger on your chin, feigning deep thought. "Obi Wan, hands down the best in my opinion. What about you?"
"Definitely Han Solo," he replies, smiling. You notice how his cheeks are a bit red right now.
Is he blushing?
"He's cocky and always in the middle of trouble, but so charismatic and charming," Peter adds. He leans closer, getting a little more comfortable on the couch.
"Who's your least favorite?"
You notice him moving closer but don’t mind at all “Kylo Ren, I think. His character is just too underdone - they could’ve done better. What about you, Pete? Who’s your least favorite?” You lean in close to him, placing Your hand on his shoulder.
"Totally agree," Peter says quickly, gulping. "Kylo Ren sucks."
Chills take over Peter's body as your hand rests on his shoulder.
You're sitting awfully close, and the thought of it makes his head rush. He wishes he could take his eyes off of you.
Your heart begins to pound. He's getting so lost in the atmosphere.
You smile and turn your head back to the TV watching along as Han Solo grabs Leia, kissing her deeply. There's an ache in your chest for something similar.
Please kiss me. Peter's mind races and begs. Just go for it! He silently urges himself.
He's dying to turn his head towards you. The closeness is sending him into a spiral of emotion. If only he could find the courage to make a move. As he glances your way, he notices you're not looking at him; your attention is elsewhere. A wave of disappointment washes through him.
Peter looks to his fidgeting hands, now incredibly insecure.
Is he reading the signals wrong? His heart sinks. Does she not feel the same way?
His breath is shaky and he's afraid of ruining the evening.
Peter decides it's best to focus on the movie and not his growing, aching feelings.
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I hope y'all enjoyed my first fic in a loooong time lmao, big thanks to character.ai for helping me come up with this!
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bloatedandalone04 · 8 months
He’s Got My Name
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➪the one where everything a.j. does, he does for you.
Warnings: spoilers for takers 2010, once again - no one will read this, swearing, heists, robbing of a bank, mentions of guns, kissing, brief angst if you squint, mentions of cancer, reader is very ill, alcohol consumption, smoking, mentions of blood, pda, indication of smut
Word Count: 3.8k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine♡
“Alright, sweetheart, it’s your turn,” John’s voice sounded throughout your ear piece. You quickly pulled open the door to the stairwell and made your way up to the floor that held a plethora of offices. “You remember what to say?”
“Of course,” you state quietly as you confidently walk down the rows of desks. The employees even didn’t give you a second glance as you passed by them and towards one of the empty cubicles. Your skirt and suit jacket made you look like you actually worked here, as did your heels and high bun. After glancing around at the few employees that were near, you pick up the phone from the desk and bring it to your ear that didn’t have the earpiece. 
You dial the number and wait a few seconds before you hear a voice answer, “News 14 hotline,”
“Hi, yes, I’m from the FedCal bank, downtown LA,” you say quickly in a panicked voice, making the pitch sound a bit higher for good measure. “There’s a robbery in progress.”
“Are they still in the bank?”
“Yes,” you answer sharply and make eye contact with a man across the room who was also on the phone. He gives you a concerned look, and you knew you had to wrap this up. “They’re a few floors above mine.”
The person was in the middle of asking another question when you hung up, dropped the phone back down onto the desk and stood up straight. Smoothing out your jacket, you stride back over to the door, smiling brightly at the few employees who looked up at you. 
You could hear the faint sounds of the guys upstairs as they robbed the place, and you all but slammed the door behind you once you were back in the stairwell. As you hopped down the stairs, you reached into your pocket when you felt your phone begin to vibrate. “Yes, my love?” You answer as you reach down to rid your feet of the heels, holding both of them in one hand as you continue to descend. 
“Angel,” A.J.’s voice rang through the phone and had you grinning to yourself. “Did you call the hotline?”
“I did,” you confirm as you neared the bottom floor, holding the phone away from you as a cough raked through your body. After swallowing the small amount of blood that pooled in your mouth, you bring it back to you. “They should be here any minute now.”
“Perfect,” he said. “You’re perfect.”
“So I’ve heard,” you tease as you enter the lobby of the bank, swinging your heels in your hand. You got a few odd looks as you walked along the marbled floor in your bare feet, but your lack of shoes would be the last thing on their mind once they found out what was happening just a few floors above them.
“Alright, get out of there, pretty girl,” A.J. said and you could just picture him blowing out the smoke from his cigarette. “Don’t get caught up when the cops arrive.”
“I won’t,” you promise and stick to it as you push open the front entrance of the bank and step out onto the sidewalk. “Be careful.”
“I will,” came his reply and you grinned when you noticed someone on the phone across the street, panic evident on their face as they were undoubtedly talking to the police and reporting the robbery. When you hear the unmistakable sound of a helicopter approaching, you knew he had to go. “I’ll see you later, baby.”
“See you soon,” you say and end the call, reaching up to let your hair down.  Turning the corner just in time to see the news chopper fly over the roof of the bank, you knew it was only a matter of seconds before A.J. began to play his role of an injured security guard in order to secure their ride out of there.
 Hours go by since the robbery, and after blowing up the news helicopter and parting ways, the group reunited a few hours later at the club they frequented. A.J. fell back against the leather armchair as John announced that Ghost was back and out of jail. “So I walk into my house and he’s standing there, drinking my whiskey. I was going to shoot him in the back of his head,”
“You should’ve,” Jake says as he hands A.J. a tall glass of bourbon. “The guy’s been out twenty four hours and already wants to do a job. He’s crazy.”
“Or he’s got huge balls,” Jesse offers from his spot on the stool. 
“Yeah, Ghost doesn’t play when it comes to money,” John adds, glancing over at Gordon. “He’s too smart for that.”
“The bastard’s not that smart,” A.J. rasps as he drinks the bourbon. “He’s clever, not smart.”
As the five of them conversed about the return of their former member, Rachel entered the room in a small black dress, looking nothing short of beautiful, but she wasn’t who A.J. was waiting for. 
Rachel smiled at the guys before sitting on Jake’s lap, and he grinned at the way his best friend got all flustered around his new fiancée. It was the same way A.J. acted around you when you first got engaged a few months back, and it was still how he acted now. 
He just couldn’t get enough of you. And that was obvious as his face lit up under the blue lights when he saw you enter the room a few seconds later. You were wearing a silver dress that sparkled under the LED lights and the slit in the fabric had him biting down hard on his lip as he caught sight of the exposed skin of your leg and a bit of your thigh. 
“Hi, boys,” you greet, purposely looking at everyone else other than A.J. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” John said back as you smiled at him.
“Another successful heist?” You ask, already knowing the answer as you step further into the room. 
“You know it,” A.J. answers and you finally meet his eye. He looked so unbelievably fine in this lighting, and you held back a moan when beckoned you over to him with a curl of his finger. “C’mere, baby.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. 
You were crossing the room within seconds and sitting down on his lap, your legs draped over his thighs as he placed his free hand on your lower back. His lips attach to your neck as your arm wraps around his shoulder, your left hand coming to rest on his chest. Your big engagement ring was on full display and it sparkled under the blue lights of the VIP room. “I missed you today,” you said, already breathless at the feeling of his lips on your neck. 
“Mmm,” he hummed and brushed his nose against yours, turning your head so you were facing him. He kissed you softly, a groan leaving the back of his throat as he pulled you tighter against him. While you were a bit shy at first about kissing him like this in public, A.J. couldn’t care less, and he proved that by guiding you into countless makeout sessions that took place in front of the guys or just in the general public. After two and a half years, you grew to love engaging in PDA with him. “I missed you.”
You adjusted his bowtie as the other four guys fell into a conversation you couldn’t be bothered to listen in on, and neither could A.J. You were on his lap and wearing the most sinful dress he had ever seen on you, and he’s seen you in a lot of sinful dresses, how could he focus on anything else? 
“I hear you blew up the chopper after hijacking it,” you trail off, your mouth directly next to his ear as you two fell into your own little world. 
A.J. ran his hand up and down your hip, running his nose along your jaw as he nodded. “I did,”
You hummed and leaned closer to him. “I wish I could’ve been there to see that,” you whisper and make your voice as seductive as possible. You trace the skin below his ear with your tongue and feel the grunt that vibrated against his chest. “You know how sexy I find it when you do stuff like that.”
“I do,” he said and allowed your hand to grip the side of his face and turn his head so you could press your lips to his in a searing kiss. You run your tongue along his lower lip before his mouth opens and it brushes against his. He noisily breaks the kiss and you reach up to fix his hat that had become crooked during the whole event. “I wish you were there, too, baby, but this one was a bit too risky for you to have been able to stay. I would’ve loved to have had you on my lap while we were in the air, just like this, but I didn’t even like having you in the building with everything that’s going on right now.”
You shake your head and trace your index finger over the maze of freckles on his face. “You don’t need to worry about me,”
He gives you a pointed look and you sigh, eyeing the half empty glass in his hand.
You reached for it, but he was quicker and held it far away from you, his hand moving to tightly grip your waist in a warning. “C’mon,” you whine, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. “Just a sip.”
While they usually worked on him, nothing you could ever do would get him to allow you to drink even a drop of alcohol. “Not a chance, pretty girl,” 
You huffed and slumped against him, watching him down the rest of the bourbon before he set the glass on the table next to the chair. 
“Don’t get all upset with me,” he says once he sat back against the chair, his hand resuming its movement on your hip. His lips were glistening with remnants of the booze and you eyed them with a sense of want. 
And he knew that.
With a sigh, he uses his now free hand to brush away the fallen strands of hair from your face. “Alright,” he murmured, watching the way your eyes lit up. He was never good at denying you completely of the things you desired. “Have your taste.”
Once again, you didn’t need to be told twice. 
You lean in and eagerly press your lips to his, your tongue shooting out to run along his bourbon coated mouth. This way you weren’t actually consuming the drink, but you were getting the faintest taste of it. 
The kiss quickly heats up, and you were mainly licking his lips at this point. Once you are satisfied you pull away and press your forehead against his, knocking his hat out of place again. “Mm,” you hummed as you ran your tongue over your own lips, and A.J. held back a moan at the sight. “Thank you.”
He just grabbed his hat and tossed it next to the glass on the table. A.J. took your hand in his, his thumb turning the ring on your finger a few times as you snuggled up against him. “How are you feeling today?” He asked quietly so the others wouldn’t hear.
You lace your fingers with his and bring your joined hands up to your mouth to be able to press a kiss to the back of his. “I’m fine, Jay, really,” you tell him, glancing into his worry filled eyes. “It’s a better day today. It’s good.”
He wasn’t sure if he should believe your words, but you never gave him a reason to worry about you ever being untruthful to him, so he accepted your answer and pulled you even closer to him, suddenly wanting to take you back home and end the night early. 
And he would’ve done that, except when you excused yourself a few minutes later and he was met with the sight of Ghost, he knew his night had just begun. 
A.J.’s body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, as was yours, and he was struggling to hold himself above you while he got you to yet another release. 
It was nearing four in the morning, and a few minutes after he brought you to your peak, he was there as well and was finally able to collapse on the bed next to you. He falls onto his back and glances at out the window, the still open blinds doing nothing to keep out the four am moon. If your shared apartment was on one of the lower floors of the building, A.J. would’ve put the time aside to close the blinds and shield your body from any prying eyes, but seeing as it was on the thirteenth floor out of twenty, he didn’t feel the need. 
He huffs out uneven breaths, his arm blindly wrapping around your waist when he feels you move to lay your head on his bare chest. 
He had a long day, and it was nearing the end, with a new day just a few hours from now. After another successful heist, counting just how much money they received from said heist, finding out about a former ally being released from prison, and being roped into another job from said ally, he was finally able to end his day in the way he had grown so accustomed to. 
A.J. loved spending hours on end with you wrapped up in the sheets, and that was before he allowed body to fully relax and welcome sleep to take over. As cliché as it sounded, your bodies really did fit so well together. He couldn’t remember the last time he had let himself fall this deeply for someone, in fact, he was sure he had never felt the things he did with you before.
Long story short; you had become his entire world just five months into the relationship. You were everything to him.
Once his breathing went back to normal, A.J. turned his head and ran his fingers through your hair, which was a bit damp from sweat. Your eyes were already on him, and he couldn’t help himself as he leaned down to press what felt like the millionth kiss of the night to your lips.
He sighed when he pulled away. “I should tell you before you find out from someone else,” he began.
You lifted your head so it was resting higher on his shoulder now. “Tell me what?”
A.J. ran his free hand through his messy, post-sex hair. “Ghost is out now,” he says and you furrow your brows. “Let him out this morning.”
You bit down on your kiss swollen lip. “Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Because he was released during the heist. I didn’t find out about it until a few hours ago,” he explained, running his fingers up and down your bare back. “He showed up at the club tonight.”
You prop yourself up on your elbow. “He did?” You ask and he nods. “Where was I?”
“Bathroom,” he hummed, his eyes flickering all over your face. He wanted to tell you how beautiful you looked, but held off as it wasn’t really the time to get into that right now. Damn Ghost. Still, he asked, “You took your meds, right? After you had that bourbon?”
You scoffed. “I didn’t even get a fair taste of it,”
“But you still thanked me for it,” he grinned and you rolled your eyes. “You took them, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed and tangled your legs with his. “What did Ghost want? When he came to the club?” 
A.J. sighed again. “He wants us to help him do a job,”
“A job? He hasn’t even been out for a day yet,”
“Yeah, well, no one ever accused him of being smart,”
You laughed quietly, your hand tracing over the ink on his left arm. Underneath the faded Yak, in much more vibrant and fresher ink, was your first and middle name. It was in a cursive font, and the two names were spaced out enough that it wrapped around half of his bicep, and could be easily read to anyone who looked at him head on. “Can I ask you to promise me something?”
“You know you can, pretty girl,” he answered quietly. 
“Don’t do anything too reckless, please,” you mumbled against the side of his neck. “You never do more than one job a year, let alone one right after the other. Just, please, be careful. Nothing too crazy, please.”
A.J. laughed, but not in a mocking way. He couldn’t deny the warm feeling that took over his body at your undying concern for him, despite him doing this kind of work for many years now. He was a rookie at it during the early years, but now he was more experienced, and he had you to come home to. “You worried about me, pretty girl?” 
“I always am,” you reply and watch his mouth open, but you cut him off before he could even say anything, “And, yeah, I know you’ll always come back to me and I know about the risks and blah blah blah. Still doesn’t change anything.”
A.J. laughed again, rolling you onto your back and hovering over you once more. “I appreciate your concern, baby. And I love you for it,” he leaned down to press a lingering kiss to your lips, and you held back the tiny moan that threatened to escape. “And I promise I won’t do anything too reckless or crazy this time around. I’ve got you to come back to, remember?”
Once A.J. finished explaining Ghost’s plan to you, you shake your head and look up from your place on the ottoman. “I don’t like it,” you say and lift your head to meet his eyes. “I don’t like it at all. It seems like he’s making you guys do all the work while he gets the easy job.”
A.J. nods, lifting his hand in a form of gesture to his words, “Well, he was in jail, baby,” he points out. “It makes sense that he’d want to be more careful this time around.” 
“Still,” you mumble. “I don’t like him getting you to do his dirty work. This was his idea, right? He came up with it? So why isn’t he more involved in it? Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be more active in this? He knows you guys have already done your job for the year. I mean, he came up with the rule to never do more than one heist a year.”
“Yeah, well, if Ghost needs money, then he’s getting money,” he muttered. “And with the amount he says are in these trucks, I’m not opposed to going all in on this one.”
You raise a brow and fold your arms across your chest. “How much did he say is in them?”
He met your eye as he said, “Twenty million,”
Your eyes widen and you blow out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Jesus,”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m not jumping at the idea of turning this one down,”
Nodding, you play with your ring. “I get it, really, I do,” you start, trying to figure out how to voice your concerns about the whole thing. “But why do you need that much money? You got a lot from the bank yesterday, isn’t that more than enough to get you through the year?”
“It is,” he agreed and brought the whiskey glass up to his lips. “Well over being more than enough to get us through the year.”
Your heart swelled when he corrected your mistake of not including yourself in your prior question. “Then why are you so adamant on doing this job? You know you don’t owe him anything, right? Ghost got himself into prison, not you or the other guys.”
“I know, pretty girl, and that’s not why I’m doing this,” he finished the drink and set the glass down on the mini bar you and he had in the living room of your apartment. “Think about it. Twenty million? Think about how much that will help with your medication and treatment and bills. I’ve saved up most of the cost, but with this, you could be cancer free by the end of the year.” 
You winced at that, hating the fact that he was doing this for you, to make sure you get the treatment you were required to have to save your life. You were already two surgeries in, and well over a hundred thousand dollars in medical bills, but this was too much. 
It was a risky job, and you had an awful feeling about all of it. “You can’t do this for me, A.J.,” you begged, staring up at him. 
He just gave you a look that left no room for arguments. “I can,” he said and you felt so small under his gaze. “And I am. If it means getting you back into that hospital for what could be your final few months of treatment, then I’m doing it. No questions.”
“A.J., think about this,” you pleaded. “You don’t need to do this for me. You can’t.”
“I need you,” he grunted, running his hand through his hair. His hat had been discarded a little while ago, but his hair was still a bit messy from it. “I’m not doing this without you.”
“Doing what?” You asked desperately. 
“Living,” he answered like it was the easiest question he had ever been asked during the twenty nine years of his life. “You’re sick, and the meds aren’t working. Not as much as the surgery will. This will save you, don’t you get that?”
You shook your head and looked down at the floor, unsure of what to say. 
A.J. stepped towards you and crouched down, taking your hands in his. “You won’t have to be in pain anymore, and we can finally continue our lives together, debt and cancer free. Don’t you want that?”
You furrowed your brows. “Of course I want that,” 
He nodded and laced your fingers together. “Then that’s it,” he stated. “I’m doing this job, and I’m getting you the money that is needed to keep you in my life.”
You wanted to fight him on this some more, but you knew his mind was made up. And it had been since the minute Ghost told him about the plan. 
So, instead of fighting him, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your lips to his. He stands up with you in his arms, his lips meshing against yours in a needy kiss. “I love you,” you murmur against his mouth. “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” he said back and gently guided you towards the couch, letting his body hover over yours once you landed on the cushion with a soft thud.
Part 2
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superums · 6 months
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42 songs — 42! miles morales x reader
spidey!reader. angst, no happy ending. for general audiences. (cannon) character death. reader is a but of a loser here. some fluff. reader has a (loving) mom. gender neautral reader. no pronouns. no y/n. childhood friends to crushes to enemies. jeff is a father figure to the reader
color coded text: miles. you/spidey. your mom. jeff.
inspired by: 24 songs by playboi carti
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pre-spidey headcannons
crime is off the charts in this universe, every other day there's a riot, a robbery, accidental killings, purposeful killings, people on the news begging for help, bombings, and general terrorist attacks caused by mutated mad scientists and victims of freak accidents
in the daytime, you can sort of ignore the turmoil the city is in since everyone feels safer when the sun is out. At night time there's a curfew for teenagers and even some young adults because of all the crime that happens.
you feel uneasy a lot of the time because of the political climate but the crush you have on your mom's best friend's son, miles morales, makes you forget about it even if it's just a bit.
you've had a crush on him ever since you could remember; you couldn't even remember when it started.
for the longest time you wanted to confess to him but every time you tried to he would always get distracted by the pretty girls at school.
your hands were sweating as you held onto your backpack strap with two tickets for the museum. you found miles alone in a classroom putting things in his backpack.
"hey, miles." you saw him turn in your direction before smiling a bit. getting closer to where you stood a few feet in front of him you felt a little shiver go up your spine as you saw miles' big brown eyes look directly into yours.
"yeah?" his accent made your heart race a little. looking down at your shoes you began to ask. "y-yeah i was wondering if..." the sound of ruffling pom poms in the door cut you off.
"hey miles are you still coming?" michelle jones stood at the door waving at the boy with her two friends behind her. "uh... yeah im comin, my fault." miles continued getting his things together before walking past you. "can this wait? i gotta get ready for practice?" he said as he walked past you to join the three cheerleaders.
your embarrassment never left you as you watched him leave you in the dust. "yeah... my fault." you muttered to yourself as he left the class room to join the cheerleaders.
you ended up going to the museum by yourself (not wanting to waste any money), little did you know you were going to get bit by a radioactive spider at the vending machine
post spidey & cannon event headcanons
being spidey is not easy in universe 42. the crime was bad before but now it the gotten worse. during your second week of being spidey you had to fight villains that other spidermen would shiver at the green goblin, the sandman, and many more.
after 4 months you've been beaten down, almost died a few times, even almost got your secret identity exposed at least twice but you always get back up because you love your city and everything who lives in it—it's just too bad your new york doesn't feel the same about you.
The people of your new york really like jonah jameson and respect his opinion so when he talked bad about you the public opinion of spidey quickly soured.
you work with the police aka hang criminals upside down with your webs and leave a little note as you swing away when you hear the sirens coming towards you.
you struggle to balance your school life with your spidey life so you end up isolating yourself like all the spidey’s before you have. so now you only interact with miles in passing. when you do have the time to actually talk to him your spidey senses pull you in another direction
your parents worry about you a lot, at first they thought you were fine because your grades were good and you had a few friends but now you sometimes walk with a limp and sometimes your friends (miles specifically) come by to check up on you it's just too bad you're never there
every blunder you made as spidey would always met with a loud rant from jonah jameson. like when you got knocked out by rhino slamming his head into yours multiple times or when you accidentally let the green goblin blow up an entire block because you were getting pestered by protesters who were trying to rip your mask off
speaking of blunders your mom calls you sometimes when you're fighting crime because she's scared about if you're safe and you always try to calm her down but it never works because there's always screaming and explosions going on in the back
most of the time you end you hanging up abruptly because you have to stop the villain or else more people get hurt but you always make sure to face time her when you get away from the chaos so she doesn't get too scared about you
almost a year after becoming spidey you were invited to jeff’s promotional party and your mom stressed that you be there. You haven’t been able to make it to outings recently—canceling at the last minute, not showing up without a warning or leaving early without a trace, it was starting to feel like you were only someone she could talk to on the phone and never in person.
and throw in the fact that the morales family have been friends with your family for years, almost like a second home and none of them have seen you not even miles— it was starting to worry everyone.
when the morales family invited yours to jeffs promotion party your mother practically begged you to come
when you got to the party you and your mom had an argument about your latest disappearances. she brought up how your school was calling her about missing school ans how you were flaking out on her and while you tried to argue that you had more than just her to worry about, your argument immediately fell flat when she asked you ‘like what?’
after congratulating jeff on his promotion you left to sit under the water tower and watch the streets of new york. you knew you couldn't keep lying to your mom forever, she was worried about you and you just wanted to keep her safe. looking out to the city you didn't notice the foot steps coming from behind you.
“you aint gon say hi to me?” a familiar voice said from the right of you. turning your head you saw miles leaning on one of the metal rods that held the tower up. “you were busy with everyone else. i thought you’d be too busy to talk to me.”
“you coulda still came to say hey or sum’ you're like a ghost now.” miles looked down at you causing you to shake your head before looking ahead. “tuh… anyway, i heard you made the basketball team.” you changed the subject as you turned your head around, not being able to see the bashful look on his face. “”yeah it was easy.” “i bet. you're like good at everything.”
the boy looked at his feet trying not to smile when he heard your praise. “also! i noticed your new hairstyle. it's really good on you….” you messed with your fingers a little before turning back to him. “yeah?” the boy would be blushing if his melanin allowed it.
you stayed at the tower for most of the gathering. your mom even coming to get you so you could watch jeff blow out his candles. after that though you had to leave the sounds of police sirens started to go off as the sun began to set, you had to go back to your job.
cannon event & 'cannon event'
as you work to keep the city safe there's always something you can't stop and that is death. unfortunately, you can't save everyone even if you try to. believe me you tried everything but nothing could stop him slipping through your fingers
it was a cold winter when it happened, everyone getting ready for winter break the christmas lights were beginning to be put on display it was almost perfect until norman osborne broke out of jail
if was like he wouldn't go down. it didn't natter what you did—final blow after final blow the man would get back up and destroy even more buildings.
you tried your best to keep everyone safe, multitasking between saving people and knocking down the green goblin. your bones were screaming as you swung across the city, webbing buildings together, destroying rubble before it could hit the civilians below, you did all you know.
but that wasn't enough.
your web couldn't stop the tip of the daily bugle antenna from hitting him. you almost moved in slow motion; jumping off of green goblins glider to chase after the rod.
the man you've seen all your life stood still, paralyzed with fear. your webbing got sloppy after hours of fighting, your left web missed, the other right one ran out of fluid—you couldn't stop the antenna from hitting jeff.
the green goblin laughed maniacally as he flew off into the snowy sky, leaving you shivering holding the man you saw as a father figure.
"spidey...." his voice was weak, the tip of the bar was lodged into his heart, he wasn't going to make it. "i'm sorry..." your voice was weak as you held onto him, you heard his slowing heartbeat above the chaotic city.
"im sorry... i'm sorry" you sung apologies to him as you saw the life draining from his body. "spidey... i was growing to like you." jeff started, looking directly into your mask where your eyes would be. "i know i don't got much time..." he heaved once. twice. thee times.
"but please, don't lose yourself cus a' me." his blinking started to slow down. holding him tighter your couldn't handle this. "please, please stay with me. the paramedics are almost here!" your begged the man who just gave you a sad smile. "remember.... with great power comes great responsibility."
the man stopped breathing in your arms. you almost screamed into the sky if it wasn't for the sirens getting closer. "freeze spidey!" you heard them cock their guns, they were going to shoot you. "w-wait you dont understand!" you tried to explain through tears but you knew you had to go.
a gun-shot from your right made you leave before you could get a word out, a few of them hit you but not enough to be anything fatal
you ran to your house and practically tire your shit off of you. you cried for days, and didn't go to school for at-least three. your mom didn't know why you were so upset but didn't budge, seeing g how depressed you were
spidey didn't show up for a while. almost disappearing entirely besides a few sightings. though the press around the hero in the mask got worse
“Spidey? More like spider menace! look around you New York—that fraudulent freak trying to call themselves a hero is a danger to our livelihoods!” a booming voice echoed through the snowy streets of new york. “The green goblin, the lizard all of them—this is all their fault!” “spidey has brought nothing but uncertainty and harm to this city!”
news reporters seemed to go on and on about you on every channel, every jumbotron, and street corner—spidey was the topic of discussion. they're a killer, a sorry excuse for a hero. who are they? where are they?
*the sinking feeling in your stomach never disappeared as you saw miles at school. he was darker, less talkative, more angry—you cant help but think it's your fault.
you almost quit being spidey but you knew the people needed you even if they acted like they didn't. the robberies, rampaging villaians everyone needed you.
you went back to fighting crime even acter you saw the headlines on the billboards calling you a murderer, a fraud.
in less than a month a new face was making noise on the news. the press called him the prowler. he's been stealing money from museums and the daily bugle; anything he can get his hands on.
his LED mask was the only thing they got as he sped away on his bike.
the prowler began to leave messages 'bring me spidey.' and a simple spider drawing with a red X over it. he wanted you dead, and you knew he wouldn't stop until he had it.
in hindsight it was like dejavu. you're back where you started. fighting on a building in the snow.
"i've been waiting on you spidey." you bearly escaped his claws. stream came from your mouth as you jumped back from him."who are you?!" you knew you were being played with but you couldn't help it. the masked man laughed before swiping at you again.your other cuts from him stung, his claws were full of poison.
"you ruined my life." he managed to punch you, poisonous gas exploded in your face from the impact. "you got me all wrong!" you fought back, bearly noticing you began to crack his mask. "you'll pay for what you did to me." he bunched your face repeatedly.
"no!" bringing your leg up you managed to kick him in his face, knocking him back. getting on-top of him you repeatedly hit him in his face. you didn't even notice the familiar brown eyes being unveiled to you until it was too late.
you froze in place when you saw his face. miles. he knocked you off of him again, smirking, he began to laugh. "this'll be the last face you see, spidey."
"miles?" you felt like throwing up all over again, looking at the boy you've loved for almost all your life talk down to you. you were almost living the worst day of your life all over again.
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4crew · 5 months
Gun Park x Fem!Reader
A/N : this is my first EVER writing and my first language is not english, so if it's bad I'll try to fix it as much as I can, but for now this is what I got. If a lot of you guys like it, I'll make sure to keep writing.
Starting with 14 years old Gun (with no UI) to 20 :)
This? Just a Prologue. Gun is a bit ooc sry
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Yamazaki Yuzuru.
The man that got feared by all. Who knew he would have such a soft spot for a simple woman like you?
You were his everything since the beginning.
The Yakuza clan of his back in Japan, always been the villain in everybody eyes. Sometimes he hated how all the eyes were looking at him while he's walking down the hallway of the school.
God, how he just wanted to snap at them
But you.
You were . . Different
Since the day that you came into the school, looking all innocent. All those soft smiles and those sweet laugh of yours when all the others kids making friends with you, and complimenting you.
Since the day you sat down next to him in the class, trying to make friends with him. Not knowing who he is. Like really? Does this girl knows anything?
" I already tell you my name " You said, still trying to make friends with him for the last 10 minutes.
" Yuzuru " is all he answer.
But when you gave him that stupid gorgeous smile of yours. He couldn't help but glance at you once more, admiring thoes innocent eyes.
He knew you'll stay away from him when the rumors about his clan spread across the school. Why? Because everybody does.
What he didn't expect is that even all the rumors of the Yamazaki Clan spread all around school, into your little innocent, peaceful mind. You still talk to him.
He was surprised, and impressed even though he didn't wanted to admit.
You still sitting next to him in class. Offering him your pen when he forgot his. Wanting to sit together while having lunch. Even fixing his tie when he was too busy focusing on you something else.
Eventually you became friends.
Both you and him don't remember how long but. .
Long enough you make him fall in love with you.
His first thought, was that it's was just a simple crush, nothing much really! There's nothing wrong with how you offering him your pen and giving him that smile of yours. There's nothing wrong with how you laugh when he tries to help you with your works but ended up forgetting to done his. There's nothing wrong with how his heart skipped a beat when you walk side by side with him and your fingers lingering with his.
There's nothing wrong, right?
Hah yes. Yes, there's something wrong.
All of those feelings were gettig stronger at that one evening that he decided to walk you home after school again.
He wasn't worry oh yes he was, he just thought maybe he could do a little walk before going home.
But when you reach your home and you turn around to give him a little pecks on his cheek, whispering those three words into his ears. He freezes.
Even when you went into your house, closing the door shut. He's still standing there, thinking what just happened.
And when he got home. He couldn't stop thinking about you. He knew in the morning he needed to ask you about the kiss that you gave him that evening, but for now he needs some rest.
The sun rises and as usual he was waiting for you at the gate. Waiting to see does innocent eyes light up everytime you see him, or those stupidly gorgeous smile of yours when he walk into class with you.
But instead, you never came.
He was worried. Did something happened? Did you wake up late? Were you called in sick? He needed to check on you.
So, he decided to walked to your home, where he left you yesterday evening.
And when he went there. .
His heart breaks in to millions pieces.
There were police officers everywhere, all the neighbors around the streets freaking out, and your mother and father . . are on their knees crying.
And you were.
You were dead.
The report said there's a robbery happenedat midnight, your parents were working all night that they didn't have time to check on you.
Of course you did locked all the doors and windows but. . Criminals these days aren't stupid.
His fist clenched with rage. Anger fills in his chest.
He didn't have time to confess. Why did you have to leave so soon?
God pray for those men, cause he'll hunt down those fuckers who messed what was his.
All he wanted to do was to walk up to your now colded body and wrapped his arms around yours, not wanting to let you go.
But real eyes, realize.
If he really did love you, he'll let you go.
So, he did.
He turned around, and walk away from the scene. Fuck the school. He was going to find those fuckers first.
Before he could go anywhere further, he stopped. Glancing back at your body. Opening and closing his mouth, before he finally speaks.
" I love you too "
Before walking off, completely. Fading away into the shadow.
– ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ6 YEARS LATER ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ—
It's was another boring days that he needed to accompany Charles's daughter, Crystal. As her bodyguard.
There's a school festival going on. Crystal wanted to see the concert, but when they got their and Crystal seem to get upset with something about the school she ended up wanting to leave.
Not before a young man who came up to talk to her. She told him that she didn't like the school, that everybody only looks on the outside more than the inside.
But when the young man tries to touch her, his hand came up wrapping around his weist tightly. " She already has enough of all of you, step aside pretty boy " He said.
Before the young man snatched his wrist out off of his. " You little– " His cursed, before the fight was about to begun.
" Daniel! " A female voice shouted out, a very familiar one. His obsidian eyes shot up to see a young woman.
Who look exactly like you.
" I'm sorry! Whatever happened really! Just let him be " You said, trying to calm both of them down. Standing between two of them but your eyes we're lock with his.
His eyes were blocked from his glasses, the light of the sun shines on it just right, but that's doesn't make his body language any harder to read.
He supposed to fight back, he supposed to say something and threatening both of you, but instead. He freezes.
As you gently tilt your head to the side waiting for him to say anything.
Before Crystal came up and accept the apologies, and also apologize for saying something mean to Daniel, she was just a bit upset from what she sees.
You nodded, and accept her apologies as well. You were about to open your mouth and say something in return, before a man voice shot up.
" Tell me your name " The man who was just attacking Daniel before asked.
You gave him a questioning look before you gave him your name.
And he freezes even more.
Aren't you. . Aren't you're dead?
Before he could ask you anything more you were already walking off with that young man, Crystal was trying to asked if he was okay but he only gave her a simple nodded.
But when he glances at you once more, admiring those gorgeous smiles and does innocent eyes that he missed so much.
He knew he still has his chance.
He just need to make you remember him. Needed to make you remember everything.
Even a thousand years, he'll always wait for you.
He'll always love you.
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( It's bad, I know. I'M SORRY! IT'S MY FIRST FIC AHHHHH )
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j0kers-light · 3 months
Bit of an old trend, but I clearly remember this trend where girlfriend’s would pull their partner in by the belt to give them a goodbye kiss when parting ways for one reason or another- Wonder how J would react if Y/N pulled such a bold move? 👀
Hey hi @unholiiness I love you mi love!!! 🖤✨
This was such an adorable request, don't hate me but I turned it into a head canon! I remember this trend 🤭 hopefully I did well with this scenario if not, do let me know and I can try it again!!
This could go one or two ways. Either you catch Joker in a bad mood and he gives you The Look™ that's when you stop, back away, and run to the your room. Don't mess with that man when he's unpredictable, just don't.
But if you do happen to catch Joker in a good mood then huzzah! Joker will be wholly unprepared. However there's still a problem! Its all about finding the right time to do it that's tricky.
If you pull said stunt at home, it'll just lead to Joker picking you up and having his way with you. All you can do is squeal and kick your feet, after being tossed over his shoulders. There are consequences to your silly little stunts. Not like you're complaining
But that's considering he has time to spare. If you wait till Joker is ready to leave (to terrorize Gotham City no doubt) and hook your finger into his belt to tug him close, he'll allow it— but there's a deep, ominous growl that escapes him while you do it.
It spells nothing but trouble and you should be scared... but your panties are instantly wet from hearing it. And it goes something like this
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"Mmm, Bunny... you're ahhh playing a dangerous game there."
His eyes fluttered shut the second your hands touched him but they soon open, giving you a clear view to the fire within.
You know Joker is rushing to a last minute heist. He has no time to spare but you and your little antics... he can’t help but to stick around.
You bat your eyelashes and tug him more closer so his chest bumps into yours. He had you cornered— your back to the front door but there's no other place you'd rather be. With your fingers toying with his belt, it’s you that has him cornered.
"I didn't get my goodbye kiss, J." You pout. You can tell he's listening but his fiery gaze is burning holes into your lips.
You’re wearing that lip balm he loves so much. It made your lips so glossy and feel incredible. And don't get him started on the taste...
You know you're a vixen and your widening smile confirms it. "Well?"
"Well whaT?" Joker fired right back. He had a few minutes to spare, but after that, he really needed to go.
It’s time to go big or go home.
"Either you be late to the robbery orrrr...." You stood on your tippy toes to brush your lips against Joker's in a phantom kiss, "You give me what I want, Daddy."
It took seconds for Joker to react. That title was the match to his gasoline tank every time.
He made you swallow his groan as your lips finally met his in a dance of old. For a split second you were weightless until your back slammed into the door and Joker's hands slid down to your waist to hold you steady.
Hands roamed wildly to claw at clothes but in the end, there was no time for what you and Joker truly desired.
He ripped himself away, panting heavily and you weren't any better. Your head was swimming and no doubt, a doepy smile was plastered on your face.
Joker considered staying here with you but business came first. He planned this heist for too long to bail out now.
Joker sat you back down on your feet and set about righting his clothes the best he could.
You took pride in shaking up a man like Joker. He looked frazzled and his hazy green eyes quickly found your e/c ones.
He shook his head, "This isn't over, Princess. When I get back—"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna get it. I’ve heard it before. Have fun causing mayhem. Don't get caught." You stepped aside so Joker could finally walk out the door, but not before playfully smacking his butt.
Thankfully the door slammed closed before he could grab ahold of you.
You were so gonna get it later.
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torscrawls · 1 year
Spilt Coffee
Tim just wanted to get a coffee before work. Was that too much to ask for?
The universe seemed to think so as it first threw a potential new friend in line with him (yay!) and then promptly followed it up with an armed robbery (boo!).
But maybe he wasn't the only one in the coffee shop with a hidden side.
Words: 2 254
Can be read on AO3!
“Hey, is that any good?”
 Tim stood at the counter, waiting for his morning wake up kick-in-the-teeth, when the sudden question startled him out of his half sleeping apathy.
 He turned around and found himself eye to eye with a very tired looking stranger who stood in line to order. He looked to be around Tim’s own age and had black hair and blue eyes, a combination that Tim was very familiar with. As was the bone-deep tiredness practically oozing from the strangers' very being.
 Tim raised an eyebrow, guessing he was referring to the coffee order that Tim had just placed. “The Deathly Darkness?”
 The stranger nodded, eyes half open and underlined with almost impressively deep bags.
 Tim shrugged. “If you don’t mind a heart attack, but you look like you might need it. No offense.”
 “None taken,” the stranger said lazily and with a hopeful grin spreading over his face.
 Tim had the dawning realization that he was speaking to a kindred soul and despite the criminally early hour, he found himself laughing, “I have to warn you though, the fine print says that the shop isn’t liable for any health issues. I don’t want to be accused of causing your death.”
 He sent the barista a wink and they smiled back at him, more than used to his shenanigans and no doubt grateful that he took the time to inform the new guy so that they didn’t have to.
 The stranger waved him off, eyes still half closed and a carefree smile on his face. “Don’t worry, I don’t tend to stay dead.”
 “That's… great?” Tim blinked at the strange phrasing, unsure how to respond.
 The stranger opened his mouth to answer, but whatever he said was lost in the sudden sound of screaming voices from behind them.
 “Everyone, get down on the floor!” A man in a very tacky black ski mask screamed as he waved a handgun in the air. He was backed up by another, bigger, man with a bag and a baseball bat of all things.
 Tim had to suppress the sigh that almost escaped him.
 Of course it had to happen while he was actually, maybe, making a new friend for once—Alfred would be so proud of him.
 And of course it had to happen before Tim had even had his morning coffee.
 Speaking of his coffee, Tim watched in genuine horror and grief as his cup dropped to the ground beside the hunkering barista who had practically thrown themselves on the floor behind the counter before having the time to safely hand it over.
 The black liquid spread across the floor in a very accurate imitation of blood. Which it was. His lifeblood.
 “I said, get down!” The man with the gun screamed again as he aimed the weapon at Tim and the stranger, who were now the only people left standing besides the robbers.
 This time, Tim didn’t even try to suppress the sigh as he lowered himself carefully to the floor. It wouldn’t do to get shot in a café first thing in the morning. Alfred would kill him, regardless of whether Tim made a new friend or not.
 And it certainly wouldn't do to reveal his identity to spare a coffee-shop a few dollars. Bruce would have his hide. Even though it was the best coffee in town. Hmm… Maybe he could just…
 His scheming thoughts were interrupted by the man quickly walking over towards where Tim lay and he felt himself tense up, ready to fight back. What if this wasn’t just an ordinary robbery? Tim knew that he was a very well-known and public person, a very rich person, and that meant that sometimes people decided to try and use that against him. Or against Bruce. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
 But he would not be taken hostage today, thank you very much. He was planning on having a nice, completely normal day for once. Besides, his siblings would never let him live it down if he allowed himself to be taken hostage by a couple of idiots in ski-masks.
 He readied himself to subdue the man with the gun as fast as possible, but just as he was about to jump up, the man—
 The man walked right past him.
 Instead, the robber stopped just to his right.
 That was when Tim realized that the stranger he had been talking to and bonding with over coffee hadn’t laid down with everyone else.
 Tim risked a glance up and saw the stranger still staring up at the menu with a thoughtful frown and dead eyes, seemingly completely oblivious to what was going on around him as he swayed slightly on his feet.
 “Dude!” Tim managed to hiss out before the gun-man stepped in front of him and aimed the gun right at the stranger’s head.
 “Get. Down.”
 The boy blinked and slowly seemed to focus on the barrel in front of his face.
 Tim expected fear, expected a scream, expected wide eyes and panic. What he didn’t expect was for the boy to smile and simply go back to looking at the menu. As if nothing out of the ordinary was happening.
 Movement out of the corner of his eye told Tim that the big man with the baseball bat had approached the standoff as well and Tim readied himself to intervene once again.
 Maybe he could have just sat this one out, but it was looking increasingly unlikely; a robbery with no one getting hurt was one thing, but a civilian casualty under his watch was something completely different.
 “Are you not listening?!” The gun-man raised his weapon up high and brought it down on the boy’s head.
 Tim winced, knowing how much a hit like that hurt, but the boy didn't even stumble. 
 “What the fuck…?” the gun-man breathed out, looking from his clearly metallic gun, to the boy, and back. 
 Tim had to agree with the statement. What the fuck? Maybe he wasn’t the only one in the coffee shop with a hidden side. Or, Tim thought a bit maniacally, maybe he was too tired to feel it.
 At least the hit to the head made the boy blink and focus on the robber as he slowly said, “You have to wait your turn like everyone else.
 The robber blinked. “...What?”
 And Tim couldn’t fault him for his confusion. Did… Did the guy think the robbers wanted coffee?
 He must be even more dead on his feet than Tim had first assumed.
 The boy gestured at the counter and then frowned as he finally noticed it was empty, the barista lying flat on the ground behind it and out of sight. “Hey, did they go on a break?”
 He then turned in Tim’s direction and blinked slowly at the empty space where Tim had been standing before slowly looking down at the ground. “Dude, what are you doing down there?”
 Tim only stared incredulously before pointedly gesturing at the man aiming a gun at the boy’s face. 
 It took a few more seconds before Danny followed his line of sight and frowned. “Oh.”
 The gun-man shook off his confusion and donned a somewhat strained evil smirk. “Yeah, oh you brat. Get down on the floor.”
 Tim had to give it to him, he and his buddy were goal oriented. A+ for effort. If it had been him, he would have simply walked out by now and called it a day.
 The boy was back to frowning at the robber. "That's a bit rude, don't you think? Besides, I'm waiting for my coffee.”
 At least his reactions were so outlandish that the gun-man and his baseball-carrying friend looked more surprised than angry. The baseball-man hefted his weapon and angrily asked, “Are you stupid or something?”
 A light bulb seemed to go off behind the boy’s eyes as he glanced from the baseball bat, to the gun, and then to the ski masks. “Oh, this is a robbery.”
 And the statement was followed by a wide grin and he seemed almost delighted as he said, “It's been so long since I've seen a good old-fashioned robbery.” Then he gave a slight frown and muttered, “At least by humans.”
 Tim really didn’t have the time or brainpower to unpack all of that this early in the day.
 His weird cheeriness seemed to unsettle the robbers—as well as Tim—as the big man with a baseball bat stepped up next to his companion and growled, "Hey, Kevin, we don’t have time for this. We really need to get a move on." 
 “Don't fucking call me by my—“ the gun-man cut himself off with a sharp sigh before raising the gun high. "Never mind, just take him out.”
 The big guy raised the steel bat high and, before Tim had the time to interfere, brought it down across the boy’s face. The resounding clang made Tim instinctively close his eyes in sympathy. There went his coffee-soulmate.
 But when he squinted them open again and looked up, it wasn't the guy’s face that had a new indent, it was the metal bat.
 Well, that explained some things.
 The boy had to be a meta. It had been a while since Tim had seen one in Gotham, not many dared cross the Bat and his clear dislike of them being in his city. Maybe this guy was new. Or too tired to remember to hide.
 Whatever the case, Tim had a brief moment of relief that his coffee-buddy was still up and standing.
 The big guy stared down at his weapon with wide eyes as the gun-man took a short step backwards. “You freak!”
 “Wow, that's the best you've got?” the boy said in a bored tone of voice before turning towards the counter and asking to the empty air above the cowering barista, "Don't you have an automatic alarm in here? Or a gun?"
 It was Tim's turn to blink. Why would the coffee shop have a gun?! 
 At least the hit to the head seemed to have woken the guy up, if just slightly.
 “Don't even think about it!” the gun-man snarled before whipping the gun around to aim at the barista over the counter. “I'm not gonna go to jail for robbing a fucking café!”
 The barista’s terrified shout rang out in the café and Tim had just made the executive decision to step in when the boy moved.
 As soon as the gun was trained on someone else, all signs of tiredness disappeared from him as if they had never been there in the first place and even Tim—who prized himself on being very well accustomed to different fighting styles and used to crisis situations—had a hard time following what happened next.
 He could have sworn the boy’s hand went through the gun at one point.
 It was all brutally effective, relying more on speed and strength than finesse, and it was scarily effective. The guy moved as if he didn't have to make the conscious decision to do so; as if his body spoke the language of violence without effort.
 Before Tim had the time to do more than push himself up off the floor, the two robbers had taken his place on the grimy tiles. The gun-man clutched at his arm with a scream and the big man was moaning as he cradled his left knee. 
 “Stop whining, I didn't hit you that hard.” The tired guy gave a huge yawn before he reached down and snagged the baseball bat from where it had fallen next to the big man, effortlessly bent it in half, and then dropped it to the floor where Tim's eyes followed it as it rolled to a clattering stop with a distinctly metallic sound, a hand shaped indent at either end from where the boy had grabbed it.
 Then the boy grabbed for something at his waist before he suddenly stopped and frowned. Tim had a split second of hope that he had finally realized what had just happened, and that he might finally say something that wasn't completely off the rails. But his hope was dashed when the guy turned to face Tim, opened his mouth and said, “What do I do with them? Leave them here? I can't really suck them into my thermos…”
 And he sounded so genuine in his question, as if his normal go-to action was to suck criminals into a soup container. 
 How in the world was Tim supposed to explain this to his family? The only words that found their way out of his mouth were, “Your what?”
 The guy, completely without sympathy for Tim’s plight, waved him off and turned back to the counter, leaned over it to look down at the wide-eyed barista hiding there and said, “I would like a Deathly Darkness, thanks.”
 His eyes caught on where Tim’s dropped coffee was still laying spread out across the tiles and the sad look that crossed his face was the most expressive Tim had seen him yet. He cast a quick glance Tim's way, and added, "Make that two cups of Deathly Darkness, please." 
 Okay. Maybe Tim didn’t have to tell his family just yet. The guy didn't seem like such a bad person and it would be a shame if Bruce chased him out of town before they had the time to talk.
 Anyone who would buy him coffee was a good guy in Tim’s book.
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TTD - First Meeting 2/4
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 and end
Part 2, sequel of this. This Hero and Villain have now their own tag and masterlist.
Hero woke up and they didn’t like that very much.
The ground was hard under their head, and they winced. Their fingers unwillingly clenched and grasped some gravel.
Wait a minute. That meant they weren’t in a room. Not theirs, anyways. Come to think of it, where were they and what happened ? Their head hurt. They touched their forehead gently. There was no blood, and it looked like it was in its usual shape. Still, it hurt.
Maybe the next step was standing up, come to think of it. So they did. Stretching up, they clasped their tongue, trying to focus. It had been a while since they had felt this sluggish. They were in a little street. Okay. That was an important piece of information. So, they were going back from their last job (stopping a robbery, nothing serious) when – when – they forgot.
How could have they forgotten ?
They stayed still. Apart from them, there was no one in the street. Everything was quiet. And, possibly, very wrong. Something was missing. Hero was quite sure that it wasn’t a street before, but a dead end. What was blocking the way before was a two-storeyed building, full of people. Now it was... gone. It hadn’t been demolished or anything. There weren’t ruins or even rubble around. There just wasn’t a trace of it, as if it never existed. It was the right street though, and if they struggled very hard to remember, they were inside just before. There were just fragments of memories. A thief sulking in a corner, their hands tied up behind their back. A smile from an old lady. A warm cup of tea into their hands and the odor of the mint.
The next minutes were used to frantically search for the people who lived there, anyone. After a lot of swearing and some tears, they had to renounce. They sat on the ground, vaguely entertaining the idea of curling up and never getting up ever, when their phone rang.
“Are you okay ?” asked Other Hero. “There was an attack from Supervillain in your area.”
“Yes. Just where I was, in fact.”
“Oh shit ! How did you survive ?”
“I think my powers protected me. But a whole building is gone and I – I don’t understand what happened.”
“ It’s your first time with this guy, uh ? You’d better sit down, buddy, I’m gonna break it to you.”
Other Hero had that tone she always had when they passed their regular tests, just before obtaining the highest grades. Hero listened.
“His power is very simple, actually,” she declared. As you saw – or rather as you didn’t see - he can make things disappear. He only has to look at the zone, and everything is gone.”
“A whole building ? What about the people ?”
“I’m sorry, have I stuttered ? Gone.”
A drop of sweat slowly trickled down Hero’s forehead.
“I don’t see how I could fight that”, they finally said. Is there a way ? Has he got a weakness ?”
“Oh, you can’t. With your powers, that is. It’s best if you don’t try. At least you’re protected, but you haven’t got what it takes to bring him down.”
“You do.”
“Of course, but I’ve got my area to protect, you know. Tell you what though, I’ll call the agency and ask them if they can send you backup.”
“Thanks, but -”
They didn’t have the time to finish their sentence. Other Hero had hung up. Having backup was good, but with this kind of threat it couldn’t hurt to have a plan B.
The warehouse they had visited a couple of weeks ago was not far, and still standing. With a bit of luck, it was still Villain’s lair. Hero hadn’t come back since. It wasn’t as if this villain seemed like a serious threat anyway. Even the place itself wasn’t that threatening, past the first impression. So they opened the door without much thought, and because they were still dizzy, they walked on a button without noticing. They only had time to gasp and protect their head with their arms when a huge cage just fell right on them.
There was a series of clicks, and when they opened their eyes again, they were surrounded by heavy metal bars. Spotlights illuminated their trap one by one while a booming laugh resonated in the room:
“You’re mine now ! Miiiiine !”
A dark shape appeared at the end of the corridor. The spotlights were strong, but they couldn’t lighten it up. Light seemed to avoid the black silhouette.
“I knew you’ve come back to taunt me, nemesis, but that was your downfall ! See what I could do in your absence ! Tell me, prisoner, am I harmless now ?”
Hero didn’t answer. They were still staring at the darkness. Villain had to clear their throat to get their attention.
“I said ! Am ! I ! Harmless ?”
“Uh ? Oh, uh, yes. I mean, no – I mean – what was the question again ?”
A grunt of frustration came out of the silhouette:
“You are into my claws ! How can you not pay attention to every one of my words ? I am the master of your life – nay, the master of your very fate ! Be awed !”
“I kinda am.”
The shape stopped its walk:
“You – you are ?”
“Yes. Do you control shadows ?”
“Only mine, but as it is the best, I do not care what others could offer me.”
“ And yet you could darken this whole warehouse”, whispered Hero. “And all the buildings you go to. I suppose you can make it as big as you wish. That’s impressive.”
“Extremely. I’m glad you’ve finally come to your senses. Imprisonment quickly taught you some manners.”
“Actually, I didn’t come to fight you. I came for two things. A warning, first.”
“Ah, it is to laugh ! They’re nothing but a pitiful prisoner, a mere prey at my mercy, but still they try to rebel ! Such audacity.”
“Supervillain is here.”
“You have to be more precise.”
“The one who can make everything disappear.”
“...shit. I mean, curses !”
“And he’s here to stay if I don’t do anything to stop him.”
“So you want to beg for your freedom ? What if all of that was an outrageous lie to deceive me as a way to mock me once more? ”
“That’s the thing, Villain. Even if I were free, I couldn’t defeat him. I’m not powerful enough. That’s the second thing I wanted to tell you. I need your help.”
“ Excuse me ?”
“Supervillain needs to see to use his power. But if the whole area is in your shadow, he’ll be helpless.”
“A poor plan, if I might say so. I only need to cover his eyes to blind him.”
“If you succeed to find him first, that is.”
“That wouldn’t be a problem. If memory serves, he had an awfully tacky magenta suit, even flashier than your orange jacket. But wait ! Why should I listen to you ? Why should I expose myself to the cruel outside and the crueler sun ?”
“Your warehouse might be on his way. And that’s the kind of act that can grant you a pardon from the agency.”
The silhouette recoiled:
“I neither need nor want a pardon. I am a devious malevolent being of pure darkness and I intend to stay that way.”
Hero wiped his forehead. They were getting tired.
“Okay, fine. We’re running out of time. What do you want ?”
“For starters, I want you to kneel.”
Hero tilted their head, confused:
“Why ?”
“You know. To acknowledge my superiority and your defeat, all of that good stuff.”
“Oh. Okay, if you want.”
Hero politely obeyed while the laugh resonated once more:
“Yes...yes ! Muahaha I am the unflinching and unbowed victor of our perilous fight !”
“Uh-uh, sure. If there something else ? I think that we’re running out of time here.”
“Pledge your allegiance to me.”
“What ? But I’m a hero. I can’t.”
“Then I won’t help.”
Hero actually felt a twinge of remorse. That was a promise they were going to break, but then again, it was going to be made under duress.
“What would you make me do ?”
A moment of silence ensued.
“I don’t actually know”, admitted Villain. “It would be my first time someone would submit to me, I don’t go outside much. The very thought of another soul touching my tools and my creations makes even my dark soul shudder.”
“I could go shopping for you. This way you won’t have to scare citizens.”
“Using your own money to trade for the goods I decide you to get to sustain my mortal body ?” asked the voice which was suddenly a lot more cheerful.
“You really don’t like to go outside, uh ?”
“Hush, prisoner. It is decided, then. I shall fight this obnoxious magenta menace who…!”
Despite the heavy doors, a piercing scream from outside made them both start. Hero jumped on their feet.
“...And the sooner, the better.”
Sequel here
Back to These Two Dorks masterlist.
Or back to Hero x Villain Masterlist.
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helpinghanikan · 10 months
Happiness that won't last
Reader x Miguel
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Gabriella passed out maybe ten minutes after Miguel left. Curled up into your side, blankly watching a reality show that never had anything important to show. Sooner rather than later you would carry her to bed.
Why Miguel had to stop by the main lab so late you didn’t understand. He had started working from home after Gabriella came along. More than happy to take a hit to his career in exchange for being the main caregiver. That he had to stop by the lab once every few weeks seemed to be a small price to pay.
You’re still watching that stupid show when the door finally opens. Two hours later than he said he would, but the sarcastic comment died in your throat after seeing him at the doorway.
“Babe?” You ask, turning the tv off to focus on him.
He stood at the living room doorway for just a moment. You couldn’t really make a diagnosis, but he was definitely troubled. Even in the low-lit room, you could see how large his eyes were. How his favorite jacket was missing and the wet dirt on his sleeves. He Looks down at you on the couch and then up the stairs leading to the bedrooms.
“Is Gabriella…?” He asks but starts to trail off.
“She’s in bed. Did something happen at the lab? Are you okay?” You stand to meet him, but he walks right past you. Heading up the stairs without answering any questions.
You didn’t follow him up, instead heading towards the kitchen to wait. It wasn’t unusual for Miguel to check on Gabriella. He’s lived in Nueva York longer than you. It’s a dangerous place, even in the rich areas you lived and worked in. If looking in on his kid gave him some piece of mind then who were you to stop him?
In the time it took for you to make hot chocolate Miguel came back down. In the much brighter kitchen, you could see him much clearer. He looks tired, and not just from the late hour. His worry lines are more pronounced, his gray hair starting to solidify, and he just wouldn’t look you in the eye when he came in.
“Hot chocolate? Marshmallows are already in.” You say, sliding the mug towards him.
He takes the mug but asks; “Do we have coffee instead?”
“We agreed on no caffeine after ten, remember? I don’t want either of us falling asleep behind the wheel again.” You say, toasting your mug towards him to end the discussion.
“Yeah, you’re right. I-yeah, I’m sorry.” He says taking a long drink only to instantly start coughing at the hot liquid.
You don’t need to be married to him to know that something is up. But it does help, especially when you see that said ring is missing from his finger. “What happened?” You asked, waiting for the hard truth of an affair.
For the first time that night, he makes eye contact. By the look in his eyes, it might have been easier if he just confessed to cheating.
“It was a robbery. I walked right into it.” He says, gripping the mug harder than necessary.
“Oh, shit,” You whispered walking around the counters to be at his side.
“I didn’t really try or think when I turned the corner. He was just there. and he just took everything and ran with it.” Miguel explains.
You don’t bother asking if he had reported it. Sometimes the only thing police were useful for was making things more complicated.
“Oh, babe. I’m so sorry. Are you hurt?” That is all you can say, reaching your hand out to take the mug from him.
He doesn’t respond. Instead turning to look at you.
His hand raises slowly at first. As if scared to touch you. Then the warmth of his large hand is against your cheek. You lean into it, keening against him as he pulled you closer.
Miguel tended to kiss like a man with somewhere to go. You’d get a quick peck before heading out the door. Maybe a heavier kiss when you got home. That kiss usually being interrupted by Gabriella making an “ew” noise.
This time was different. His kiss was chaste at first, but it lingered. As you step closer into his space his lips open for a more heated kiss.
You let him lead where the night would go. It’s been a while but not long enough for you to try and squeeze anything from him. This leads to both of his hands on your hips with you found comfort in his shoulders.
When the kiss dies down his forehead rests against yours.
“I’ll take tomorrow off. They still owe me for last week.” You said, “Is there anything I can do for you now?”
“Nothing, I’m just so tired.” He says, refusing to open his eyes.
You take his hand. Leading him from the kitchen and up the stairs. No time for pajamas, just strip off your pants and bra. Miguel loses everything but his briefs. Although you were both practically naked there wasn’t a second of sexual tension in the room.
You take a moment to rattle off an email. Your supervisor would understand the need for a day off. He had a family, and you were a pretty good worker that has earned a bit of leeway.
Miguel is awkward while getting ready for bed. First, he accidentally opens your side of the dresser. Second, he seems to hesitate while getting dressed. Glancing your way as if he were expecting you to leave the room while he undressed. He gets over that quickly and changes while facing away.
“Come here,” You order from the bed. Arms open for him to come into.
As usual, Miguel is the little spoon. Lying on the side of the bed facing the large window overlooking the city. Miguel can enjoy the view while having the warmth of your body against his back.
You should have demanded he take a shower before getting into bed. Sweat and dirt have seeped into his very being. Tomorrow you’d need to wash the sheets with the rest of the laundry. That doesn’t stop you from pressing a kiss between his shoulder blades.
“I love you,” You whisper.
“Thank you,” He says, “I love you, too.”
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nicomundthered · 1 year
To Be Hunted
pairing: Arthur Morgan x fem!reader
warnings: angst with happy ending, animal death briefly mentioned.
summary: from the prompt- Arthur teaching the reader (his girlfriend) to hunt.
word count: 5,217
a/n: repost from ao3.
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It was late July, and hot as the fire Uncle just crudely pissed beside. Everyone sat miserably waiting for the scouting party to return. Dutch decided it was best to move camps, needing to be closer to some sort of wealth, so the ‘men of the camp’ were out searching for greener pastures. Or really just some place the gang had yet to tap dry.
You had been riding with said gang for the past eight months. 
After your life didn’t quite end up as you planned, you kinda stuck with the mindset of: this world is rough so you gotta be tough. 
Which really had already built you up too much. In truth you were found walking aimlessly in the Heartlands, after your horse had collapsed, dead. 
If it hadn't been for Arthur being kind enough to take you to the gang, who knows where you’d be by now. 
The fact was nobody gave damn about you, until he found you.
And you’ve enjoyed your stay for the most part. You had food, a place to sleep, and probably the most beneficial you had constant protection. However, you didn’t want to sound ungrateful or spoiled or anything, but Dutch was very protective of the ladies, and did not want them involved with much of anything. A little pickpocketing here, a little playing a damsel in distress there. But that was really it. 
As a general rule he wanted all of you doing the domestic work, while the men got their hands dirty.
He meant it nobly you supposed, but for a woman like yourself, it didn’t sit right. You missed doing things, and going places. Even if it were risky or out of your comfort zone. You just felt like you could do, and perhaps be more. 
That was all until you started going steady with Arthur. Then little, by little, you had picked up more responsibilities. Small, unimportant things if you looked at the big picture, but better than cleaning Bill’s soiled union suit.
You mainly helped steal livestock. Always late into the night, and always with Arthur by your side. And on the very rarest of occasions you’ve helped with some homestead robberies. They were a little more intense, and you could tell that they made Arthur a nervous wreck. 
He had given you one of his revolvers and had shown you all the basics, but you still weren't great. If practice makes perfect, then how the hell were supposed to learn?
Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard horses and laid your eyes on Arthur leading the group. His freshly cleaned blue shirt was brown with mud and his coat was missing. 
They hitched their horses, all looking very irritated, and seemed to be avoiding Arthur’s gaze.
“What the hell happened?” You called out while making your way to them, eyes worriedly searching Arthur for injuries. 
“Damn O’driscoll’s.” Arthur stormed past you infuriated. He made his way to his tent and threw his hat onto his bed. Then he kicked the side of his trunk while muttering all kinds of things, then sat down with his hands in his hair, and his elbows resting on his legs.
You were frozen to the spot, not sure what you should or shouldn't do. This was, for sure, uncharted territory. Arthur didn't lose his cool. 
Hosea walked up and stood beside you. “We were ambushed. Those damn Irish bastards somehow knew...If it hadn’t been for his quick thinkin’ I reckon we’d all be dead right about now.” He gently patted your shoulder and left you alone.
Your relationship was still pretty new. You’ve known that you’ve liked him since meeting him but it didn’t get serious until a few weeks ago. 
And boy did it get serious, fast.
At first he seemed reluctant. He liked you, but you had to keep convincing him that you wanted the relationship. And then, after some questioning, and maybe even an ultimatum, he had told you about Mary and the damage that she’d done...and then, then he told you about Isaac. 
You're not saying that you fully understood. You couldn’t, you had never had nor lost a child. But it helped you recognize and understand certain behaviors and tendencies of his. When he’d pull away from you, or why it took him so long to kiss you. Or, sometimes why he needed space. He was, at times, the most self loathing person that you'd ever met. It didn't necessarily hurt your relationship but it did make it, at times very challenging.
It happened the first time, a couple of days after he told you about his son. In a way, the confession freed him. He touched you more, albeit in private, but that was fine by you. 
Then he asked if you wanted to take a trip to Strawberry. 
You were excited, not having left camp in what felt like months. He bought you dinner, and offered to buy you a new outfit, but you declined. You hoped to soon earn your own money and buy your own clothes. He worked too hard for the gang to waste his money on a dress, when people in the camp were hungry.
He was anxious about something, and you weren't sure what it was until he nervously rubbed the back of his neck and stated that it was getting late, and that he could buy a room if you wanted.
You blushed and nodded ‘yes’ that you wanted to stay. He moved so quickly to pay that he almost tripped over his chair.
He grabbed your hand, his palm was uncharacteristically sweaty, and the other couldn’t stop fidgeting with his collar. As he led you up the stairs into the small yet cozy room. 
It was your first time sharing a bed and you were worried it would be awkward. Especially because of how different he was acting.
You both stripped down to your underclothes. He complimented you and told you how beautiful you were. You both got under the covers, you were too worried that you were somehow pressuring him into this. 
But in reality he was just waiting for you to make the next move. 
The room was cold and Arthur was warm, and before either of you knew it you were snuggled closely, drifting off to sleep.
You woke to the sun creeping in from around the dark drapes. Disoriented at first until you felt his strong arms holding you firm against his body. You turned slightly, just enough to look at his face.
He looked so peaceful, something you weren't used to seeing. Dutch was gonna work him to death. And that was the thought that urged you forward. You softly kissed his brow, and then placed one on either side of his slightly parted mouth.
His eyes opened slowly and when they locked with yours, he could no longer hold himself back. His mouth explored, and his full concentration was solely on you. 
The only way to describe that morning was, you, for the first time in your life felt complete. 
Ever since your trip to Strawberry your relationship was different. He had developed an appetite that only you could satisfy. He still wasn't keen on public affection, he just wasn't comfortable with all the wondering eyes. 
So you were the one that insisted on letting the camp know he was yours. It made you proud, and you knew that deep down Arthur was thankful for your boldness. So you’d grab his hand or reach up to kiss him anytime you felt that he needed it, or whenever you did, it didn't matter who it was in front of.
Though, you were still not sharing a tent. You wanted to, but didn’t want to push him into anything he wasn’t ready for. 
That was the imbalance of your relationship. He sometimes wouldn’t talk, and sometimes neither would you.
As you watched him sitting on his cot, you realized that for as long as you've known him, you couldn’t recall ever seeing him like this. You didn’t know what he needed, and you didn’t want to make the wrong move. He truly was fragile. More so than anyone knew, anyone but you.
You slowly walked over to him, his head still hung low. “Arthur, you ok?”
He looked up hesitantly, the untrained eye wouldn't have noticed, but you saw the extra moisture in his eyes.
He plastered on a fake half smile and said “Would you want to go hunting with me tomorrow?”
You were taken aback and felt your eyebrows pinch together. “Arthur?...”
You gasped as he suddenly reached forward and grabbed both of your hands. “I just really think we should go hunting.”
“O..ok. Whatever you want to do tomorrow sounds good to me.” You tried to smile, but you felt it fall flat. Something wasn't right, and you were more than worried about him.
He stood abruptly “Good, we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” He kissed you on the top of your head and pulled you into a fierce hug that almost winded you. Then as quick as it happened, he let go, and walked across the camp to Charles.
You couldn’t sleep. Anxiety found its place in your chest, your breath was short, and your heartbeat felt a few beats quicker. 
The hours ticked by slowly until the moon disappeared and the sun lit the sky a soft pink. 
You sensed his presence and heard his footsteps, before you heard him gently calling your name. You turned over slowly pretending you had just had a good night's sleep.
He looked fully prepared for the day. Hat and coat were already on, and you looked over to your horses only to see that they both were saddled and ready.
“You about ready to go?” 
You stood slowly, feeling probably how you looked, tired. When you studied his features from under the brim of his hat, you noticed that he didn’t look much better.
“Let me change and eat something.”
“Here.” He passed you a can of biscuits. 
You looked at him a little angry at his impatience.
“Stew ain’t done yet, and I want to get out of here before Miss Grimshaw gets mad at me for takin’ ya.”
You nodded accepting both the biscuits and the explanation. 
You wore your favorite outfit. It was a black buttoned up top with dark jeans that you liked to tuck into your black boots. It matched perfectly with your black hat that had a green ribbon around the base. You liked to call it your ‘outlaw’ uniform, because you always wore it when you were ‘outlawing’ (plus it made you feel badass), but Arthur hated that. 
He hated what he felt that he made you into one. He hadn’t though, you would have become one, one way or another, either that or died. It was truly inevitable. 
When you met him at your horses, he looked you up and down, a not so subtle frown on his face. He had grown to hate the outfit. It wasn’t that you didn't look great, it was the implications of it.
“I don’t want to hear it. I didn’t want to ruin any of my other clothes.”
He exhaled out of his nose and moved his horse forward, not even waiting for you to mount.
You stroked your horse lovingly, stuck one foot into the stirrups and then swung the other leg over until you were sitting high on his back.
You didn’t rush to catch up to Arthur. If he wanted to ride with you he’d have to slow down to your pace. You were gonna savor every second away from those annoying people you called your family. You weren't going to let his strange mood ruin your fun.
After a few minutes he seemed annoyed that you weren't beside him, so he turned around making a big circle and until you were riding alongside him.
It was then you noticed that he had two bows and what seemed like an excessive amount of arrows. You felt a thrill, more than a little excited to learn something new.
He led you to a spot not too far away from camp, maybe forty five minutes. And if you considered your slow pace, not far at all.
He offered to help you off of your horse, the first sign of your Arthur that you've seen in what felt like a long time. You accepted his hand as he helped you down. 
He smiled at you as his hands naturally found your hips. He looked like he wanted to say something but instead he reached behind him and handed you the bow. “Charles made this for ya.”
“For me?” You looked at the dark wood with little vine-like carvings. “Wow, it's so beautiful.” 
He swallowed thickly, and his eyes wandered not being able to look at you for too long. “You can thank him when we get back”.
“Oh I definitely will. I’ve always wanted my own bow.”
He looked back to you, the same strange expression on his handsome face.
“We’ll follow the sun a bit.” He pulled out his binoculars and looked ahead. “There’s always deer around these parts.”
“Should I be taking notes?” You were trying to poke fun to lighten the dark mood, but either he didn’t hear the humor in your voice, or maybe he didn't think it was funny.
“Nah, you've got a good memory.”
He then taught you how to hide your horses, but to never hitch them. That way they'd be able to come when you whistled. Which was very important when you had a large animal carcass. 
Then he led you, on foot, through some trees, until you came upon an area of dense brush. He crouched and you copied him. 
“Alright. Now I’m gonna teach you about tracking.”
You nodded like the diligent student you were. You liked ‘instructor’ Arthur. He was demanding and intense. It turned you on…
“You even listenin’ to me?”
You blushed and ducked your head. “Of course I am.”
“Then what did I just finish sayin’?” He stood, cocked his hips to the side, and then placed both hands on his gun belt.
You stood and tilted your head in an attempt of defiance.. “You were talkin’ about tracking.”
“What about it?”
After your long pause, he grew slightly frustrated. He took off his hat and pulled out his handkerchief to wipe his face and back of his neck. Then he messed with the fold of his hat before placing it back on his head.
He did the action to calm himself down. You suspected that it stopped him from fussing at you.
“Look, if you ain’t gonna take this seriously…”
“I want to learn.” 
“Ok then.” He went on to explain how to track, and all the things you could find that animals left behind. Fur, droppings, and all kinds of fun stuff like that.
After tracking for a few minutes, he found a trail. He expertly followed it, speaking lowly, but still giving you plenty of pointers along the way.
Then he looked back at you and brought one finger to his lips. You quietly caught up. There were five deer, spread far enough apart to see individually, peacefully grazing on grass.
He whispered so softly you could barely hear him. He explained how to pick the right one to kill. You wanted to make sure it wasn’t sick, or had a fawn nearby. 
He grabbed his bow, briefly showing you how to hold it, grabbed an arrow, and stood. Then he pulled the arrow back with his strong arm, gave a quick whistle, and when the deer looked up he let go. Killing the animal instantly.
The whole process was a bit sad to you. But the way that Arthur handled it, was the most humane way to do it. You needed to eat, the deer was food, and Arthur didn’t let it suffer.
You had never killed anything so seeing the animal laying there was a different experience. You ate animal every time you ate stew, and to eat stew someone had to do the exact thing you had just witnessed. 
It was something that you’d get better at, you’d already felt less squeamish the more you looked at the dead animal. 
“If we come across some more before it gets too late, I’ll teach you how to skin it, and the cleanest way to get its meat.”
Before you could protest the morbid idea, not quite trusting your adjusting stomach to go that far, he whistled loudly and after a few seconds you heard his horse galloping.
He took the arrow out, wiped the blood off, and placed the deer on the back of his horse. You went ahead and whistled for your horse as well, for some reason you wanted them to stay together. Then you both lead them to a secluded area, so you could continue your hunt.
“Ok, this next one is all you.” He gestured for you to take the lead.
You gulped. You had paid attention, you truly did. But having to remember things on the spot made you slightly nervous. That and the fact that Arthur wasn't himself. He was more intimidating and serious and that made you more than a little anxious. You didn't want to disappoint him.
At first you were doing great. After a few minutes of looking for droppings, you had found some, and that made the trail pretty clear. So you followed and followed, until you lost it completely.
He was positive and encouraged you. Afterall, this was your first time doing so. Frankly, he just seemed happy that you’d remembered some of his lessons. 
Then a couple of hours later, you had lost count on how many animal turds you had inspected, you had finally found a small herd.
You smiled back at him, and as he caught up looking at what you'd found, he briefly let a smile escape through whatever was going through his head.
“Now what?” You stood close to him and whispered.
He nodded to your bow, which you pulled out, and went a step ahead and retrieved an arrow as well.
He stood behind you, so close that you could feel his breath on the back of your neck. He gently placed your arms where they needed to go pressed his body firmly against yours, pulling the bow back. 
You held your breath as you felt his strong arms guide you, and when you felt his warm-calloused hands grip your hand and then your hip, you couldn’t help it, a little moan escaped as you looked up at him.
Unfortunately for you, this was at the same time he chose to release your arrow. It flew and fell a good ways away from the deer, causing the herd to disperse.
“Goddamnit!” He yelled.
You jumped at the unexpected outburst. 
“Why can’t you just pay attention!?” He threw your bow down and started walking the opposite way, back towards the horses.
You stood frozen for a moment, and tried to understand what had just happened. Then when you were over the initial shock you picked up your bow and followed.
When you caught up you walked backwards so that you were facing him. “What the hell was that Arthur?” You were angry and your voice let it show.
His brows were pinched tightly and the brim of his hat was pushed down lower than usual.
He ignored you, and continued walking with long strides.
“Hey.” He didn’t stop. 
“Hey!” You stopped in front of him, causing him to run into you before he looked up and stopped.
“What?” He had the nerve to grumble at you.
You took a deep breath and calmed down before speaking. “Look, I don’t know what's going on with you…”
“It’s nothin’.” He cut you off sharply.
“Well it's obviously something.” You took off your hat so he could see your expressions more clearly. “I know that I ain’t a natural or nothin’ but you don’t have to treat me like an idiot. This was my first time, and you know that.” 
“You were distracted. You weren’t even paying any attention.” His voice was harsh and absolute. His eyes avoided yours.
“Yeah that's cause this guy who i've been courting had his big strong arms on me.” You said in a southerbell voice, while fanning yourself with your hat dramatically. You regretted it immediately when he didn't even smirk.
“Look I’m not going to apologize that I'm attracted to you.” You took a step forward getting just in his space. “And when you put your hands on me, I think of all the things those hands have done and can do.”
“A lot of killing.” He murmured
“Yeah...that’s true. But that ain’t quite what I was thinkin’.” You stood on your toes and kissed him. 
It was the first time he hadn’t eagerly responded to one of your kisses, and an icey fear shot through your veins. 
You took a giant step back. It all made sense now. “Are you trying to break up with me?” Your voice sounded dead to your own ears.
That got his attention. His whole face crumbled, and your Arthur came back. He took off his hat so that you could see him as he could you. “God no. How could you even ask that?”
“Well you seemed to be pretty annoyed with me.”
“I...I ain’t annoyed.” He sighed and shook his head.
You placed your hands on your hips, and raised an eyebrow.
“I’m really not.”
“You could have fooled me.”
“It’s not an easy thing for me to explain.”
Your face cooled down and your hands dropped by your side. “It’s ok we got time.” You looked up at him pleadingly. “Talk to me, please.”
He took a deep breath and nodded his head. He knew that he had to come clean, but he wasn’t sure he could do it. He looked around for a comfortable spot. “Fine. Let's go sit under that tree.” 
He walked you over to a smooth boulder, under a big tree. You sat down side by side, thighs barely touching. 
He placed his hands in his lap, as his fingers played with a tear in his pants. 
You wanted him to speak first, no you needed him to speak first. Even though he said he wasn't ending things with you, it still felt like it. So you waited and waited, until he finally cleared his throat a few times and started to speak.
“Yesterday, when we was out lookin’ for a new camp.” He paused and worked his jaw a few times. “Everything was fine one minute. Bill was saying all these ignorant things and Hosea was schoolin’ him…” His eyes squinted at the memory. “And then out of nowhere, we were surrounded by O’driscoll’s.”
You laid your hand on his thigh, and without a second thought he grabbed a hold of it tightly. You felt a little less scared at the reassurance. His hand in your hand made the world feel right again.
“Dutch froze. He looked so shocked and angry. Like he couldn’t believe this was happenin’ to him.” His gaze was on the horizon, it looked as though he was reliving every detail.
“And then what happened?” You asked as your thumb rubbed circles on the back of his hand.
“He, he pulled out his guns and just started shootin’ em’.” 
Your eyes widened. “Without trying to talk to them first?”
He shook his head. “He didn’t even try.”
“That doesn't sound like Dutch.”
“No it doesn't.” He sighed heavily. “Everyone but Dutch ran for cover. He just stood there in the middle of the field. Guns blazing. He looked insane, I don’t think he even blinked. I told everyone to cover him, while Charles and I went around them and flanked the bastards.” 
“I’m glad at least you had a plan.” You said proudly. You knew that it wasn't important to him, but you always felt that he would make a good leader. He had something most leaders didn't, he actually cared about people.
He gave a humorless chuckle. “I suppose.”
“Why did you show up so dirty?”
“I came up on a group of them. I started shooting and then this sonofabitch tackled me from behind. We fell off of a small cliff and landed in mud.”
You panicked slightly. “You said you were ok.”
He turned, his piercing eyes stared straight into yours. “I’m fine...I know that we only fell for a few seconds but, but for the first time in my life...I was scared I was gonna die.”
“Cause he…”
“Cause I was afraid I couldn’t get back to you.” His eyes welled with tears and he quickly looked away in frustration. “Damnit, I’ve just never felt this way before, and I don't really know what i'm saying or how to say it.”
You sat quietly trying to take the confession in. Did you make him weak?
“...and if all of us would have died. What would have happened to y'all back at camp?”
“We would have figured something out.”
“None of you can even hunt.”
Then all the pieces fell into place, and the picture was clear. “Arthur I’m a grown woman..”
“And you're mine to look out for.” He squinted like he didn’t like how that sounded. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“No you are right. I am yours. Always. But you don't have to always look out for me.” 
“I do though.” He turned fully towards you taking both your hands, reminding you of yesterday. “Look if I die out there, doing god knows what.”
You violently shook your head as tears welled up in your eyes.
“It, it could happen. And we both need to face them facts. If I were to not come back...I, I can’t die thinkin’ that you was left alone, not knowing how to defend yourself, or how to find food.” He leaned into your palm as you wiped a tear. “I ain’t strong enough for that. It scares the living shit out of me.”
He returned the favor and wiped some of your falling tears. “Don’t worry about me like that. I’d figure it out, you know I would.”
“I can’t help it. Leaving you would be the most difficult thing I’ve ever done, and knowing that I made you an outlaw. Knowin’ that you couldn’t find honest work, or an honest husband because of me...”
“It ain’t your fault. You saved me.”
He pulled you to him. Unable to continue. He just wanted to forget everything. 
The hug was fierce and you held on for dear life, and you heard him whisper, mostly to himself “and you saved me.” He was anchoring you at this very moment, without it you don’t think you would have been strong enough to stay upright.
“And I couldn’t help but think that I never would have gotten the chance.”
“What chance?” 
He pulled back so he could look at you. “To tell ya how much you mean to me.”
You smiled. “I would have known.”
“I love you.”
You smiled wide. Your whole body felt warm and your heartbeat quickened. “I love you too Arthur. So very much.”
He kissed you. It wasn’t gentle but it also wasn’t rough. A perfect balance. 
He kissed you until you felt his ridgid shoulders soften, and all the stress of yesterday disappear. 
He looked in your eyes and spoke softly. “I’m so lucky.”
“Make me a promise then, please.”
“Anything.” He responded resolutely.
“If you ever have something like that going on in your mind you talk to me. Ok?”
His eyes hardened a little.
“I’ve spent the last twenty four hours worried about you. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn't eat. I even left the biscuits you gave me back at camp. And if you would have just told me how serious this was to you I would have been a better student.”
He smiled. “You were a fine student. I was just a little impatient is all.”
“No I most certainly wasn't. I was far too distracted by the teacher. Even if he was a little impatient.” You winked playfully. 
He smirked.
You turned serious again. “Promise me. Please?”
“Alright I promise. But you have to know by now I ain’t an easy man to live with. Sometimes I bottle up and I’m not exactly sure why. And I'm definitely not used to being loved...It feels amazin’ don't get me wrong, I just ain’t used to.”
“Then I guess I got to work on you then.” 
Grinning at your playful tone, he started kissing you again.
It was much, much later before you both returned to camp. The sky was purple and stars were becoming visible. The campfire was blazing, and, thankfully, the night air was much cooler.
You brought back two deer carcasses. Mr. Pearson was very happy and began prepping them right away.
After dropping off the deer, Arthur grabbed a beer, while you walked over to your bedroll. You packed all of your stuff and just as you stood, Karen walked up with a knowing look about her. 
“And where do you think you're going?”
You stood proudly. “Arthur and I are sharing a cot.”
“About damn time.” She laughed while sashaying away, looking for trouble. 
On your way to his wagon you passed by Charles, who was carrying a load of firewood.
“Oh Charles, thank you so much for the bow. It is the most beautiful one i've ever seen.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you liked it. Arthur made me build it so fast I was worried I wouldn’t have time to add the details.”
“It’s perfect, honest. Thank you.”
“You are very welcome. Anytime you need something like that let me know. All I ask is to give me some time in advance.”
You chuckled. “Ok no problem.”
You made your way over to his wagon and paused while looking at all of his stuff. It wasn’t the first time you studied his pictures, but it was the first time you noticed Mary's was missing. 
At the start of a vulgar campfire song you looked over to your strange family. Arthur was probably on his second beer by now, and judging by the way he was enjoying himself it would be far from his last. 
You sat a few of your beloved trinkets down on the table next to his flower in a jar. Set a picture of your parents next to the one of his mother, and placed your bow next to his in the corner. Then you shoved the rest of your things, and your clothes under his cot. You’d have to get some storage of your own soon.
You stood back admiring your work. Everything of yours looked somehow better mingled with his.
Satisfied with how everything looked, you made your way over to the campfire. He saved you a seat, greeted you with a big slightly drunken smile, and offered you a fresh beer.
After a few bars and a few beers, you found yourself happily singing along.
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⚠️WARNING: Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 below the cut!
DO NOT CLICK BELOW THE CUT IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS! I’m live-blogging this because I need emotional support apparently
Eight battery operated candles,,, no more open flames in the bookshop I see
“It all looked so simple in Jane Austen :(” Aziraphale have I mentioned that I love you
Bees :)
Oh god Angel Crowley look is infinitely worse in context for some reason
Maggie has BALLS and I love her
Shax I am going to fight you
oh no
Oh no
That was an invitation
This is vampire rules isn’t it
OH no
never thought I would be happy to see that circle light up
“You can all leave now and nobody will be hurt” “you’ll be hurt”
Hey uh. Did the theme song change? That guitar riff is new?
Wait yeah things have DEFINITELY changed in the theme song, unless I’m crazy I don’t think the Bentley drove through the theater before?
Crowley is so fuckin smug lmao
Crowley has adopted Muriel hasn’t he
“I don’t have clearance. You’d have to be a throne or a dominion or above.” Crowley just opened the fucking file. “I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.” COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL GUESS ITS TIME TO REVISIT THAT ASK ABOUT THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN
Aziraphale really said siege warfare o_o
“Does what you say make sense in your head?” Nina I love you
MOTHERFUCKERS IT WAS AN ARMAGEDDON PLOT!! I WAS RIGHT!! … and wrong, Gabriel was a dissenter!!
Gabriel is a major asshole but he is uh. An asshole opposed to Armageddon: The Sequel
“Why all the fire extinguishers?” I AM CRYING
Oh no. Saraquel is sharp o_o
Oh my god they were coworkers
He is Crowley’s emotional support Angel and it happens to be mutual thank you very much 🙄
Nina and Maggie my beloveds
What the fuck happened for Gabriel to be against Armageddon, I need to know
“Junior recording Angel, 38th class” congrats Muriel, you’re no longer the lowest ranking Angel in heaven!
He’s letting them throw books, they’re desperate, Crowley HURRY
Okay so his memory was in the matchbox that was in the box but fell out?
oh that. That killed a lot of demons.
Yes I believe you did in fact just start a war. Holy shit.
“Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well” yes hm you two do work very well together don’t you 👀
This is some ineffable bureaucracy if I’ve ever seen it
Everyday playing in the background 👀
bobbing my head along to Everyday with Gabriel and Beelzebub :)
I am going insane.
I was not expecting these two to get together before azicrow
The Metatron is a surprise homie
Don’t call Muriel dim >:(
“We need a little us time” 👀
oh my god if they just convinced Crowley to have an honest conversation
Metatron. What was that. Stay the fuck away from them. Mind your fucking business.
Muriel was given The Crow Road :)
No. Noooo no no no no.
Don’t you dare. What happened to the “I regret nothing” on your playlist.
“Well obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR OWN SIDE?!?!?!
I’m going to simply pass away now.
nooo not the glasses 😭😭😭😭😭
No nightengales,,, we could’ve been us
“I forgive you” cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I have been stabbed in the chest
The second coming?!?!?! Fuck
I am unwell
I am going to need so much fanfic after this
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meowriddler · 9 months
Baker reader x Edward headcanons
A/n: here is some random headcanons I wrote.
Warning: I didn’t proofread this 👍😃 and it’s my first time writing headcanons ( I have no idea what I’m doing)
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-Imagine you’re working in a bakery. It's pretty lonely. There weren't many customers throughout the day, which made you a bit sad.
- And bored terribly bored
- Normally, every day would be filled with people, but ever since that robbery that happened a few blocks from where you are, no one wants to be close to this place.
- It's been about a week now without customers coming in, and that isn't really good for the business but is worse for your boredom.
-But one day a new customer walked in. He was dressed in a slightly too big on him windbreaker, which made him appear smaller than he actually is.
-It was Also in the middle of summer, so what the hell-
- He had brown flattened hair, and he wore glasses.
-He was cute, but in a dorky kind of way.
-You still welcomed him in with a bright smile, and you were excited to finally have a customer.
-“Welcome in! How can I help you?"
-Edward was not ready for such a heartwarming welcome. He isn't sure how to react.
-He just wanted something sweet from your bakery, but after seeing you react so brightly to his presence, he isn't sure what to pick.
-Is there any "you" option?' He thought that to himself ( of course not having the balls to actually say that out loud lmaoo)
-He could barely stutter out his order without looking like a complete idiot.
-But that was ok; you still gave him a warm smile and took his order, which might’ve made his heart beat a bit quicker than usual, but you will never know that.
-After that incident, he couldn’t stop coming back for the sweets ( you)
-Our boy here becomes infatuated by u ( good luck on trying to get rid of him now! )
-He soon became your favorite customer. He was always quiet and polite, and his voice was as tame as his looks, never wanting to draw too much attention to himself.
-The way his face lights up every time you ask him to tell you one of his riddles or really talk to him about any of his interests ( which involved puzzles and riddles)
-Yeah, you totally aren’t falling for him or anything, right?
-You insisted on giving him baked goods for free, but he can't accept that; that isn't fair.
-But with your insistance (basically forcing him to accept it), he eventually took them.
-He even lets you test out new recipes on him (even the bad ones, but he won’t tell you that). He would always compliment your baking skills, always letting you know how ur pastries were the best thing he ever had in his life (which was true) with rosy cheeks and that cute little smile of his that you adore.
-Eventually he asks you out because he couldn’t take it anymore, even if there was a chance of you rejecting him (which would literally destroy him).
-He was shaking like a leaf while sweating buckets because, god, look at you, with that glint in your eyes staring back at his, seeming to be quite apprehensive while he tries to form actual words.
"Hey, I w-was wondering if you, um, would you know? Um, how can I say this?" he mumbles to himself (he practiced this like a million times in front of his bathroom mirror). He glances back at you while, of course, you offer him your kind smile, waiting for him to continue being so patient (god, he wanted you so badly).
He takes a deep breath and finally spits the words out that have been clinging to the back of his throat since the first time he met you.
"I-I wanted to know if you would like to go out with me if you wanted too! I-I'm not trying to force you or anything; you can always say no."
"Edward!" you call out to him. "I already said yes!" you exclaimed while giggling at his awkward confession.
(He wishes he could record your laugh just so he could play it on repeat.)
Anyway, back to more important matters:
He looks at you through his glasses as they slip down the bridge of his nose, trying to process what you just said.
Wait, you actually said yes.
Edward felt like dropping down on his knees. Maybe God is actually real!
But wait, he didn’t really plan that far.
You can tell he started to panic over the date, so you suggested a movie over at his apartment. Maybe you can even make him a treat.
He wanted to impress you by making your favorite cake, which shouldn’t be hard for him.
That was a lie. It was horrible. The cake looked like it was about to collapse on itself; it also looked half baked, maybe even raw, and he’s literally covered from head to toe in flour.
He felt like crying at this point. If you were coming in any minute, maybe he could try making another one.
He heard a knock at his door. It’s too late now; you're already here. 💀
He walks to his door with his head hanging low in shame. He opens the door to reveal
Standing there, looking more radiant than ever and also so very pretty (could he say that out loud?)
"Hey Eddie I brought you your favorite pumpkin. Wait, why are you covered in flour?" Now looking more confused, instead of answering you, he might as well show you.
He stands aside for you to come in, and what a surprise it was.
It looked like a cake (a deformed one), but still a cake!
He stands there awkwardly waiting for your response, which made him nervous as hell; he couldn’t read your face.
What if you don’t like him anymore? Do you even like him? Oh my god, what if you hate him so much now because of this? God, he was such a dumbass to have thought someone would actually like him. -
“I love it!"
“Wait, what was that?”
“I said I loved it." Now, looking back at Eddie, smiling so hard, your cheeks are starting to hurt. No guy has ever tried making you something so sweet, even if it looked raw. But It was still sweet.
You went up to him, wrapping your arms around his waist (he’s tall, ok?) absolutely smothering him with affection, not caring about the flour he was covered in.
Edward lets out a gasp, not expecting this reaction at all, especially having you this close (he can almost smell that fruity scented shampoo you always use; it adds to your already aching sweetness). He hesitates before wrapping his warm arms around you, completely engulfing you in his embrace.
He wishes to stay like this forever just standing here, feeling you around him.
Nothing good lasts forever, though. As you sadly pull away, your scent still lingers where your body was pressed up against his (giving him not-so-family-friendly thoughts).
As you look up at Eddie, you find him giving you a goofy smile while his cheeks are tinted red (god, you really are in love with this nerd).
You break the comforting silence first: "How about you go change while I get everything ready, ok?"
It takes him a few minutes to snap back (honestly, he’s really touch starved) just by a hug, you got him all spaced out on cloud nine.
He comes back fresh and clean ( also after giving himself a prep talk).
You guys end up chilling on the couch, sharing the best pumpkin pie ever (in Edward’s words, not urs), while watching a cheesy rom-com movie.
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Thank u for reading and I hope u enjoyed this don’t forget to drink water
If u guys enjoyed this concept I might do a full fic 👹 but who knows lol
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faerietells · 1 year
"(name), I really think we should go back now..."
Huh. Who would've thought that a seven feet tall drider could be a scaredy-cat? When you asked him to accompany you to find out about this strange lady people had been talking about, you thought he’d be the perfect person to go with due to his intimidating appearance. After all, if this woman turns out to be a sketchy person or a criminal, she most likely would think twice before attacking a creature that could easily give her a fast pass to the afterlife with his bare hands, right?
That’s what you thought anyway before the both of you entered the woods. Then you were reminded that he’s practically scared of everything and now you’re questioning your decision.
You’d be lying if you don’t find it at least a bit amusing, though. He might be the deadliest thing in this forest, yet somehow he’s more scared of the dark forest than you are. You should be the one shaking and whimpering since you can barely see anything, not the other way around. It’s also a bit goofy since he literally has to really lower himself just to be able to reach your shirt, but it seems that he prefers to walk awkwardly like that rather than risking getting separated with you somehow. You doubt that would happen, but since the contact seems to bring a bit of comfort to him, you said nothing of it and just let him grab onto your shirt like his life depends on it.
“It’d be fine! I bet it’s just one of those robbery schemes where a woman pretends to need help just to lead anyone who attempts to help to her accomplices,” you said in attempt to make the situation less scary since he’s been so terrified of the possibility that the two of you might see a ghost. It doesn’t seem to work that well, though, because although he now looks at you with utter bewilderment on his face, you can tell that he’s still terrified.
“I’m sorry, how is that fine??”
“You’re scared because you think this lady is a ghost, right? Wouldn’t it be better if she isn’t?”
“But then we’d get robbed! How is that better?”
You turned your head to him slowly to give him time to rethink what he’d just said, but he still doesn’t seem to realize that no one in their right mind would try to rob a drider.
“Sometimes I think you forget that you could easily chomp someone’s head off,” you remind him since he seems to have forgotten that he has sharp claws and venomous fangs that could tear into someone like they’re made of warm butter. “Trust me, when she sees you, she wouldn’t even attempt to talk to us. She’d probably try to run, and that’s where you should stop her with your web so we can bring her to the city watch.”
Well, you certainly have it all planned out. Although Asa highly doubts that your plan would go as smoothly as you think it would since he’s more likely to snatch you off the ground and start running when he sees the lady, he also knows that he’d feel really bad if it turns out the woman is indeed part of a band of robbers and he does nothing to help stop her and her accomplices. He shakes his head, trying to will himself to ignore his fears and go along with your plan as best as he could. As he takes in a deep breath, he tries to encourage himself silently— if you, a human, could be this brave, he should have some courage too. Not to mention, this might be his chance to prove to you that he’s reliable. If he can prove that you can rely on him, perhaps then he’d be worthy to be your—
Wait, what was that?
His train of thoughts abruptly stops when he spotted something. It was only a brief glimpse, but he’s pretty sure he saw a woman. Was he imagining it? No, he could’ve sworn he saw her standing by the river, but now she’s not there anymore. It’s definitely strange— normally, he’d be able to catch someone’s scent easily even before he even spots them but this time, he didn’t catch any other scent except for yours. How is that possible? Even now, he doesn’t catch any unfamiliar or odd scent in the air even as he took in a deep breath.
An unpleasant chill went down his spine as he’s now convinced that the woman the two of you are looking for might not be a human after all and his fearful grip on your shirt tightened, stopping you in your track. “Hey!” you protested as you swatted his hand, worried that he’d accidentally rip your shirt from pulling too hard. But as you look up, your irritation is quickly replaced by concern as he looks pale, fear etched onto his features as he seems to freeze in place.
“What? What is it?” You followed his gaze out of curiosity and concern, only to frown in confusion as you see nothing except for the river. He’s played in rivers before, so you doubt that’s what scared him, but at the same time you see nothing there. Did he spot something? He does have night vision, so there’s always a possibility that he saw something in the dark where the light from your torch can’t reach.
You turn your head to look at him again, this time with questioning look. What did he see? His adam apple bob as he swallowed thickly— his throat suddenly feels really dry as he feels incredibly hesitant to look away from that exact spot. What if that woman shows up again when he looks away? And what if the longer he looks away from that spot, the closer she gets to the both of you? He doesn’t know what think or do, but now he feels like the two of you need to get out of there now.
“(name)…” You already knew that he’s terrified, but this just seals it. Fear is practically oozing from his shaky voice, making him sound as though he’s about to cry. You decide that perhaps he sounds like that because he is about to cry, judging from his glassy eyes when he finally turns to look at you.
He was about to explain what he saw— he really did— but then he made a mistake of subconsciously taking a glance at that spot. His voice died in his throat as that he sees her again, and this time she doesn’t immediately vanish so he unfortunately gets a better look of her. She looks just like how people had described her— fancy red dress, long black hair and sad eyes. But there’s one part that they seem to conveniently forget to mention, or perhaps they just simply didn’t see it due to the lack of light.
The lady has a hole on her chest that went through her back and now that he could see her clearly, it seems that her so-called red dress isn’t actually a fancy red dress like how people described it— it’s actually a white nightgown that only seems red from a glance because the blood from the gaping hole on her chest had soaked through it.
To say that he feels faint would be a major understatement after he witnessed that.
He was right. The lady isn’t just some sketchy person hanging out in the woods for whatever reason, she is a ghost. She has to be. There’s no way a human would be alive after receiving that kind of injury.
Upon realizing that, he quickly decided that both of you are no longer welcome in this forest, and this is when you learn something new about your beloved drider friend. While he has always been a scaredy-cat, what he lacks in courage he apparently makes up in reaction speed. You didn’t even have the time to react when he suddenly scoops you up by the waist and holds you close to his chest as he makes a run for it.
“What the fuck is going on??” you yell in confusion, your voice muffled against his broad chest as he held your head in place, worried that if you see even a glimpse of the woman, you’d want to try to capture her instead of running like any sane person would do. He didn’t answer your question right away either— not because he doesn’t want to, but because he’s too scared to say anything about it while the two of you still haven’t reached the city.
Needless to say, that was the last time the both of you stepped any foot in the forest for a very long time.
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