#love you sanne!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry this is so long
sanguineterrain · 9 months
Sanne I am BEGGING for “This is real. I’m real. Look at me.” with Dick 🥺🤍
SEXY! love this prompt, thank u for requesting 🥰
"this is real. i'm real. look at me." — dick grayson x gn!reader | tw: fear toxin, hallucinations, panicked reader | 500 words
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
"How long?"
"I don't know—"
"Well, how much did they inhale?"
"I don't know, Bruce!"
Everything is cloudy, warped. If you turn your head too fast, shadows loom over you. You cover your eyes and whimper, trying to shut out the monsters.
The Joker laughs, distantly, and you cry, thrashing. Someone holds down your shoulders and you cry louder. Your hand connects with skin. Someone grunts.
"Shit. Dick, come here!"
Cool hands rest on your face and pull at your hands. You scream and try to fight. The Joker laughs get closer.
"Don't let him get me," you beg. "Don't—he's here, don't... don't let him..."
"Baby, baby, I'm right here."
Your hands are pried off your face. You catch flashes of red, black, and blue. A familiar blue.
But then you meet milky white eyes, and in the haze of the toxin, the eyes turn sinister. You fight, pushing at the eyes, and another pair of hands holds down your legs.
"Let go, let go!" you scream. "Let go!"
"Tim, is it ready or not?"
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
The milky eyes suddenly disappear, replaced by blue.
"Honey, I'm right here," the blue eyes say, and you feel a hand on your cheek. "You're safe. It's me, it's Dick. Can you hear me?"
"Dick," you say, thrashing again. "Dick, he's here. You have to run, he's gonna—"
"No one's here, baby. You're in the Cave. You're safe, okay? I'm not gonna let anybody get you."
Your eyes scrunch up with tears, and the blue eyes blur. There's a pinch in your arm. You flinch and launch forward.
"I'm scared! I'm scared, don't hurt me—"
"Baby, hey. This is real. I'm real. Look at me."
Fingers brush away the tears under your lashes. The blue eyes come back into focus. They connect to a face.
"He's gonna get you," you say, chest aching with how shallow your breaths are.
Dick cups the back of your head. Behind him, you see Scarecrow himself. You start to wriggle, but Dick holds you tighter.
"I've got you. No one's there, baby. Close your eyes for me, okay, sweetheart? Listen to my voice."
"He-he'll kill you—"
"No one's gonna hurt me or you. I need you to slow your breathing. Come on, honey, slow breaths. Breathe with me."
You bury your face in a warm neck. He breathes and you breathe with him as best as you can, clinging to his suit. You close your eyes and cling hard. Dick rubs your back in circles.
"That's it. Good job. I got you. I'm here. No one's gonna get you."
"It feels so real," you whisper.
"I know, baby, I know. I'm sorry." Dick sounds choked, and he clears his throat. "It'll go away soon."
"Don't leave," you say instantly, hugging him tighter. Your eyes are squeezed shut so hard it almost hurts.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right here the whole time. You still breathing?"
That reminds you to feel his breath and follow them. You thread your fingers through his hair. He smells like home. The gas can create a lot of things, but it can't take away the jasmine detergent Alfred uses, or the spiced cologne Dick dabs behind his ears.
"I'm-I'm breathing," you say.
"Good, you're doing so good. You're safe."
Dick doesn't leave your side for the rest of the night.
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kazumist · 6 months
masterlist / prev ep / next ep / timestamps don't matter
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not too long after you sent kunikuzushi that message, you see a familiar car approaching you.
you see, kunikuzushi actually has three rules that everyone (even his parents) has to follow whenever they’re going to ride his car:
one, always shake off the dirt off of your shoes before stepping in. especially if it’s raining. he absolutely loathed the idea of getting his precious car dirtied. 
“just get in already. the rain might get stronger if you don’t hurry up," he says, awkwardly holding an umbrella over your head so that you won’t get wet as you get in the passenger seat. “but i thought you hated—”
“it’s fine. wiping off the raindrops is more annoying.”
two, never eat or drink anything in his car. the idea of doing so is already enough to make kunikuzushi shudder.
“here’s your drink. i didn’t actually get you coffee though, so that’s just hot chocolate.” the grande sized drink was offered. “huh? i didn’t actually expect you to actually do it, but i asked for coffee," you say, taking a sip. the hot temperature of the drink was enough to make you feel comfortable in the cold weather that the rain is causing.
“and let me guess, if i actually got you coffee, that’d be your third cup today, no?”
“thought so.”
and last but not least, three. always ask for permission if you want to play music in his car. although this one is simply common decency at this point, kunikuzushi started to get annoyed when your other friends would play music all of a sudden without notifying him first.
“here,” he says, his phone in his hand.
“what am i supposed to do with your phone?”
“play music, obviously. why else would i give it to you right now?”
“oh. okay, uhm.” it was awkward to say, at least.
this behavior or treatment from him isn’t new. but you didn’t expect to still receive it after... well, everything. scrolling through his list of liked songs on spotify, you decided to just hit shuffle. soon after, the little screen on his car says, “the way you look at me — christian bautista”.
with the calming piano tunes starting to play during the ride, the exhaustion from everything you did today started to sink in, and you eventually started to feel drowsy. choosing to close your eyes a bit, you unknowingly started to doze off.
what you weren’t aware of, though, is that the driver next to you would glance at you from time to time when the light was red. he would switch lanes as well, choosing lanes that would have just a bit of traffic just so he could admire the person next to him sleeping peacefully more.
kunikuzushi was content with this—to have you this close. the distance was enough for him to be sure that he could never love someone else after you.
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“huh? that’s weird. why did kuni turn right? he should’ve gone left since he was taking (name) home.” lyney says, looking at the life 360 of your friend group at the moment.
lynette just looks at his screen and proceeds to drink her tea. “leave them be, lyney. i’m sure kuni knows what he’s doing.”
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extra notes.
omg heyyyy sorry for ghosting </3 i'll try to update more these days hehehe
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taglist (open): @yinyinggie @blue-b3rries @ryuryuryuyurboat @your-local-reblogging-kazoo @lilikags @haliyamori @diorlumx @mamafly @zuunotsane @iloveosamuu @featuredtofu @kana-de @xiaoderrrr @f1orent1ne @alhaitie @yelleloww @brain-r0tt @jamieexistss @danfelions @e0nssadrift @lovemari @kunikissr @chluuvr @lazy-sanns @lxkeeeee @swivy123 @sketcheeee @quacking-simp @tiredslepz @vxcmx @kichiy0shi @yingofthemoon @feiherp @sicut-sol @mayuumine @xiaosoneandonly @xtobefreex @bananasquash @im-the-ruler-here @hiraethhv @yumiaur @oughhhhmamamia @beriiov @cindywasneverhere @klanxii @fangygf @draclula @aromaticism @shotosjupiter @lovelykrystal @lyzisbitchingagain @riraaya
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shanieveh · 1 year
scaramouche x gn!reader smau
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You were about to reply when you hear a commotion on the other side of the room. And there you see a guy begging for forgiveness to a familiar silhouette. You normally don't mind but curiosity always killed the cat.
The person was kneeling down as you scooter over to the heads of students and see what was going on. You see the silhouette more vividly, his shirt now stained with orange juice.
"I suggest you be careful next time, or you'll regret it." His eyes then fixated on the person kneeling, went up met your gaze.
And blue stares instantly showed you home.
As yours widened, his icy cold eyes never left your side. But his emotionless persona can't last long as he dare not move when he saw you. The guy that knelt cease his begging but he can't help but to hear none of that.
"When we meet again, know that I still love you so."
Echoes that still remember the past, hit his brain like a motorcycle at high speed. The ice was starting to melt, but what felt like seconds the frozen and barren gaze turned ablaze and he looked hurt.
"Excuse me, can I go through?"
The crowd was surpised by his sudden manners, unlike the rude facade shown minutes prior. But you were not surprised at all, you know him. You knew him. You deserved this chill, but that gaze felt like those for an enemy and worse a stranger.
It was like he never loved you.
"Uhm sure, go ahead." it was a short reply, your eyes stared at the juice filled floor.
It was like he didnt know you.
Or did he even?
The people focused on you, but you didn't care. He slipped away from your sight, and you didn't bother to look back. You left him. Abandoned. And now he came back. But not for you.
It was like he didn't care.
Tears swelled up your eyes as the bell rang and it was the start of a new day. And as you flip to familiar pages, he was your new seatmate. And there silence became your loudest complaint. But those blue eyes never left you, not even once.
Not even at all.
Your past has caught up to you, a little beat of your heart is relieved no matter the consequences. Atleast he was fine, the same as old, and you can see him from afar knowing it will never be the same as it was.
And you deserve it.
This pain.
As it shatters your heart into a million pieces.
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flashback 1. masterpost. flashback 3.
SUMMARY: you were childhood bestfriends with scaramouche, and with many unanswered confessions and one sided goodbyes, you both meet again, but now he wears a cold glance even turning agressive when his eyes wander yours, and it all came down the day he became the top of your class, beating you and rejoicing in success. his smile was because of your pain. maybe you could turn back time where promises actually never broke, and love was a beautiful thing.
TAGLIST: @yukiipc @wanderchive @user11918163805279 @gekkow @moon-320 @meowmeowmau @mine-lu @sunaaa @lxkeeeee @faaariiii-world @lazy-sanns @starlightaura @ynverse @ukinya @peachysunflowerOx @creammpuff @scarlightsworld @sakurapeach @sketcheeee @divinechicha @trasshy-artist @virette @kyouzki @redsrrrr @ahseya
NOTE: i can't add some of you so sorry idk if its my device or what :((
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faela404 · 1 year
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! suggestive?? but nothing happens dw, kissing, mentions of dating?
masterlist - prev | next
☆ your eyes ☆
“i would like to show you, just how close we are, my dear” his eyes flickered down to my lips, “if you will let me?”
my heart was beating a mile a minute, in fact it was moving so fast, i was convinced that at any moment it would grow wings and fly far away from me
though knowing my luck, it would fall into the same trap as icarus and fly far too close to the sun
kazuha is a kind man, i have liked him for far too long now to pass up this opportunity. though i know, i must speak now or else he will think he has gotten the wrong impression
and believe me
he hasn’t
though my voice has begun to fail me, i wish i could say more to him but, this predicament is making it harder and harder to speak, though i suppose we can talk about all of this later.
for now, i don’t want to think about anything, i just want to be here, with him.
“mhm” it’s all i can trust my voice to let out
a small smile graces his delicate face, as he carefully rests his hand against my cheek
it all happened so fast
one moment he’s holding my face, looking at me with those eyes
those eyes
they’re magnificent
then the next, his lips are against mine.
my eyes widen for only a mere second before closing, my lashes hitting his soft cheeks.
our lips slot together, moving against eachother in perfect tandem
i can feel my face getting hot, my need for air quickly being overtaken by a need i’ve never felt so strongly before
a need for him
i reach my arms up to rest against his waist
he pours so much love, so much passion into our kiss, it only feels fair to give back what he is giving
he pulls my face closer to his, as if we weren’t already close enough for his liking. i don’t object, i want to be closer to him as well
however, a want can quickly be overtaken by a need
specifically, a need for air.
oh how i wish we didn’t need air, so i could feel his soft lips for even longer
slowly we pull apart from one another, our foreheads resting gently against eachothers
he leans fowards a few times, pecking my lips again and again, before he stops in order to speak
“y/n, i think it’s quite clear how i feel for you”
he starts, his voice breathier than usual
“and there is no doubt in my mind, i want to spend every waking minute with you, though before i can ask such a question, i would like to take you out? on a date?”
he sounds almost unsure of himself.
he can’t seriously think i’ll say no after what we just did, can he?
i decide to finally trust my voice again
“i would love to go on a date with you, kazuha”
my voice also coming out breathy
“though before we talk about that” i reached my hands to hold the back of his head, entertwining my hands into his hair “i would also like to show you how close we are”
i lean in close again, capturing his lips in another kiss.
i don’t think we’re going to get very far from this spot for a while.
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a/n - it’s here! the long awaited kiss woo
ngl i had to close this so many times cause it was just v embarrassing to write- so im v sorry it’s short but, i hope you enjoyed!
i also do have to tell you that the last chapter is more of a filler, not their date, that will be in the summer part! woo
taglist - open! (only 5 spots left!!) @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper @serafinaspost @richxelle @ansaturn @neigesprincess @atlaincorrect @ilovekazuha271 @obeythehemmings @4leyn3 @giggles8899 @samyayaya @zomzomb1e @duckyyyx @luminescent-light @scarletttcroww @jasxiao2317 @kanaqwqbear @floating-inthevoid @forget-artemis @fishformaira @hangecanweholdhands @eurekatanya @tamikahoshiko @jan-penakulu @anon-who-cried @qtdenks
bold = blog not found
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phyot · 2 years
Who r u again? ♡ 24. goodbyes
warning: maybe a bit angsty (not really)
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This is it. Your plane was now landing and the gates were opening. Your last night in lyiue. You're gonna miss it and you're sure of it. That's not even the main problem right now. It's a shame that you never get the chance to say goodbye to Xiao. Or get Hu Tao her car-money back.
You picked up your suitcase and started heading towards your gate. You enjoyed the almost empty airport but it was yet reminding you of your current situation.
Steps echo in your head, giving the fever dream vibe while you're slowly stepping toward the end. This moment was lasting forever.
Heavy footsteps caught your attention. Well not really. They were simply there, not loud enough to catch your interest. You didn't bother looking. Maybe you should have. It caught you by surprise. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you in for a tight hug.
"Please don't go"
"Xiao? What are you doing here-"
"I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Oh... Why tho"
"Isn't it obvious? You're leaving and we probably won't see each other again"
"Don't say that,"
You let go of your bag and hugged him back
"I wish you lived here name..."
"Me too xiao me too,"
You pulled him even closer, making sure there was no space left between you two. It was so warm you never wanted to let go. The hug brought you back to that one night when he held your hand on the bus. The feeling was so familiar.
You felt that way whenever you were around him. Whenever you hung out with him it made your head spin. Whenever he looked at you, smiled, or just was there. You fell so painfully hard for him. There are no words that would explain how deep your love for this guy is. And you hated it. The only thing you have will be taken away from you.
"The gate for flight 341100 will close in 5 minutes"
"I need to go now xiao"
You pulled away from him. Looked at him for the last time. Felt like this for the last time. Tearing your heart out would be easier than leaving him there.
You stood in line while he started heading out.
"Hey xiao,"
He turned around
"Remember that one time when you asked me if I liked you? Well I lied"
Last thing you said before the lady that was checking passports interrupted you.
You didn't catch his reaction and maybe it's better if you didn't. You just wanted him to know. But deep inside this tore him apart. He promised himself that he would never let anyone do this to him and here he was. Standing in the middle of an airport, looking her way even tho she's been gone for a long time.
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Previous | masterlist | next
a/n: i hate writing chapters like this 🧍ANYWAY SORRY FOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES...
summary: [name] spends every summer since 9th grade at her best friend's house which is in another country. She also helps her in one of the local bubble tea shop. One day she met a random costumer and things started going uphill after that.
taglist is open!!
taglist: @mangobee @kazekonbini @cherbyti @minkoy @plinkuro @bubblyclouds @edenwrites @lazy-sanns @lucid404 @sukunasrealgf @venus-is-incorrect @wonderland-fan @dainsleif-when-playable @pooonyo @milza12 @stanshizuki @scaranaris-lil-niko @cotton-eee @roguebox @shirmxie @layla240 @lez-zuha @zannivrs @sashiette @itsyourgirlria @skimm0nzz @sunsethw4 @dazaisfavgf
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Introduction? Introduction.
I figured that now I am getting more connected to some of you here, it's time to be a little less anonymous. I am ready to overshare.
My name is Sanne (she/her), I'm 28 and I am from/live in the Netherlands. I live with my boyfriend, who is from Lithuania, like Arnas, and the same age as him too, which simply amuses me endlessly at this point. We also have pet rats named Salem and Thor (yes, we had a Loki too).
I love movies, series, books and music. Music wise I am a metalhead at heart. I am an occultist and a pagan, and in general I love all things spooky. Our house is 24/7 in Halloween mode basically, and so am I. (If anyone from twitter is here right now who happens to follow me, you will know exactly who I am by this description lmao).
I only found TLK very, very recently. I am usually not a fan of period pieces, but one evening I was bored and this popped up on Netflix and I decided to give it a go. Many factors made me fall in love with the show and I binged it within two weeks, only a few weeks before the movie got released. It became a part of my life real quick.
A little fun fact: I was diagnosed with adhd only last year (fuck my life, right?) so it is easy for me to completely get lost into one thing. However, I know when something is going to stick with me and when something is just a quick hyperfixation.
And TLK? My dudes, it's a keeper.
Because of my adhd it is very hard for me to stay focused on something for a long time without getting distracted. The fact that I was able to binge this show with no interruption is insane to me. I started reading the books shortly after (I am currently reading the 4th book) and as much as I love reading: it is not easy for me either. The amount of half read books I have is something I will never tell. But I swear (on Thor's hammer) this whole series is made for people with adhd, because I have never read books so fast, so easily.
And I know it's impossible to tell, but my fave character is Sihtric. Why? I am not sure, it just happened.
I have never been into fanfics, but I was so eager to read more of him (and other characters) that I found myself searching for fics. But I was a little surprised by how "limited" results popped up, so here I am, doing god's work (just kidding). I am on sick leave for several reasons, and these lil fics give me some purpose during the day and keep me from bad habits, I've noticed, so I am just having fun here. I have no experience writing fics, I only write poetry, so to see nice and loving comments about my fics has been quite overwhelming and heartwarming!
Look at me, oversharing. Is anyone still reading this? Probably not.
I was lucky my bank account less lucky to see that Arnas, Mark, Alexander and Timothy will attend a comic con in Germany next week. I told myself not to go due to the finances, but with some luck (fate, perhaps?) I found out last week that I could make it. Alas, I got my tickets. For now I only have tickets secured for Arnas, but I will get a duo op with Mark and Arnas asap (because: faves).
I would love to meet Alexander and Timothy too, but the entire group op is just too expensive for me, unfortunately. I will travel alone and attend the con on my own and I am literally terrified. I have never been to cons alone (social anxiety has entered the chat) and the chances of getting a sensory overload and a meltdown are huge.
However, the fact that I made the decision to go there is really saying something about what this show, these characters and these people became to mean to me, in such a short period. Destiny really is all, I guess! Anyway, I have rambled for way too long. Sorry.
Feel free to introduce yourself to me!!
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stevebabey · 2 years
do you have any recent fic recs !! particularly tasm peter if you’ve been reading that … but if not just in general !
oho nonnie i'm sorry i took so long to respond!! unfortunately i'm not a big tasm peter fan sorry but i am always reading !!!!
my two tags i usually reblog with are fic recs and steve x reader but tumblr's tagging system is shit sometimes sorry
lucky for u @spideystevie DOES love tasm peter as well as mister harrington. her masterlist is here!! i personally adore i knew & be okay but i love miss allie and i read everything she does <3
forever recommending almost paradise by @hawkinsindiana - i could sing praises for that girl and her fic for WEEEEEEKS. its criminal that it doesn't get the hype it deserves because its a long multi-chap fic but if you like slow burn, bucket loads of hurt/comfort, correct characterisation of steve and a compelling addition to the party then what are u even waiting for?
this lil fic from @appocalipse did indeed reduce me to a gooey mess. amy's writing is just.... leaves me speechless every time
keep my hand in yours by @harringtown is simply *chefs kiss* she be SO talented
we've all seen da farmers market au from @familyvideostevie but stilllll putting it in bcos i also love everything emma writes <3 u can find the masterlist here
somebody to you by @sanguineterrain - are u seeing the pattern of what makes me fall apart??? anyways sanne did this so good, making me kick me feet and blush hehe
whether they count as recent... bleh im sorry!! at the v least i hope u find some good writing from this & make sum writers day <3
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albino-whumpee · 2 years
The reason
Whumptober Day 6 - Proof of Life “I've got a pulse”
Idk if it´s ok to post this when I haven´t even posted the other important stuff, but honestly, this year´s prompt was too good and the chapter was almost finished anyways, so here you go. Have a big dose of angst. 
CW// Big warning for explicit suicide attempt, suicidal whumpee, blood, overdose, self loathing, past pet whump, ghosts, grief, guilt, death, implied murder, victim self blaming, emotional whump, angst. 
Life seemed to pass in front of his eyes without him actually being part of it. Not ever since they went to his house and read that man´s letter. Not ever, since they went to the lake where the crushed tent still stood and he screamed his throat raw.
Ever since he came out of that box, life progressively had lost its meaning.
The albino boy was at Sarahi´s house now, sitting on the ground crossed leg staring at the ashes on the fireplace. No cat roaming the pristine living room to make him company existed any longer. Momo rested above the fireplace in a wooden urn. A silver plaque with the cat’s name adorning it on top. Annie hadn’t had such luxuries.
Aware of the silence, his hand went under his shirt. Thin fingers hovered under the black, long sleeved shirt that became like a second skin. He passed his hand right over his abdomen, where he was forced to carve his own name. Not the name of the role he thought he played for his owner, but his real name. The one he had quit, and later, fiercely wished to get back not knowing he already had.
Now that he remembered it, he didn't know what to do with it.
His fingertips wandered around the edges of the scarred skin, tracing each of the letters before he stuck out his hand with a sigh.
Whoever Albus Serra Muller was, he was no longer part of this world. 
A pet had come to take his place. 
And that pet was sick of it.
The box boy watched the ashes for a little longer. Molding a pinch of it between his fingers and watching it stain them, remembering the satisfaction of seeing the books with his drawings thrown into the fire, despite the shocked faces of everyone around him. 
A sting of shame attacked him when he remembered it had been Sann who gave him those with a last spark of hope on his face. Sann refused to give up on him and yet... and yet, he had thrown them into the fire in front of him. 
He was sorry, but at the same time, he didn't regret burning them. He wouldn't need them anymore anyways. His resolve to continue had been turned to ashes over and over again, he was just so tired of burning.
“You said you had enough,” Albus whispered, remembering the weight, the cold tip of the revolver against his forehead “one on you, the next on me... but you put it down before it was my turn again...” he said through gritted teeth while a venomous fury lit his stomach on fire. He shoved it down; tasting the impulse to scratch himself bloody right there and then, so strong his hands slammed against his arm.
But before he could dig his nails in, he remembered Sann’s smiling face. How tightly he hugged him at the lake until he had no voice to scream and his eyes dried. How, in his anger, he had tried to push Sann away by throwing despicable words at him…. only to watch him sit down with him.
Tears rolled down his cheeks when he remembered Sann had told him with that new, husky voice of his, he would not give up on him. Not because he owed him. Because he loved him. Because he deserved a life that wasn´t filled with pain and orders. Because he wanted to live that life Albus had given him, with Albus.
“Damn it” He sniffed, furiously wiping off the tears on his face, before dragging air.
His chest tightened suddenly, as a broken sob broke the silence. He pulled his knees to his chest and chattering his teeth from the strain of trying to keep himself quiet. 
Everything he had tried to keep buried resurfaced and stared back, like waiting for him to do something about things he just couldn't change anymore. Getting dragged by a whirlpool of endless darkness, he had long drowned in.
Overwhelmed, he gasped for air and immediately, having barely anything to grab, he pulled on his hair.
After a moment, he let out a giggle under his breath. What an irony it was, that the only thing he could control about himself was how much he cut off. Be it memories, hair or skin. At least, he had managed to stop anyone from pulling him by the hair again. With a victorious grin, he let his arms fall down.
For a long moment he stayed quiet, curled into himself, crying his eyes out until his head felt like bursting. His brain struggled to keep away the painful memories of Annie and the facility. Pushing the memories of her at the lake screaming his name in terror, in a plead that fell into deaf, useless ears; the memories of the handlers putting him under the drip to forget her, memories from when he had escaped the facility and brought the tragedy that lead Sann to be Sirius replacement and took all of Santiago’s dreams. That forced Sarahi to buy him.
Resurging with that blinding pain, the memory of the albino woman leaving at night, hurriedly walking off to the street with a simple black backpack before looking up and mouthing she would come back for them appeared on his head. As if to remind him that if he had stopped her then, she would still be alive. Maybe things would’ve been different then.
He tightened his grip on his hair, the skin under beginning to throb. 
He pushed all those memories and truths away. 
Did he have the right to be crying like that? He had done nothing for others but bringing them pain. It was almost as if he couldn´t stop people from getting hurt regardless of what choice he made. 
The boy then continued to cry inconsolably.
At some point, snot rolled over his lip and he wiped it away with his shirt, just like he had done with his bile in the disobedience cells after sucking a handler off for the who-knows-which time. He remembered wiping the grime off his face just like that time when the boy on the other cell gave him back the food he had handed him seconds before.
He gave it back, but he only left the scraps. Albus thought to himself, unable to put a smile on his face. Everyone else just ate it without a second thought...But, he didn´t...What was his number..? Albus racked his brain for a moment and as he realized, his eyes slowly widened.
In the middle of the darkness, after a moment of his realization, associating the story the other boy told him about what had happened an eternity ago, he laughed. His whole body shook with him as the tears began to roll down indiscriminately.
“Ah, so that’s how we met...” he said, voice cracking with each word “I remember now...That’s how...your voice sounded....”
The words caught on his throat couldn’t be forced out anymore. At that very moment, something switched off inside of him. In that last gasp for breath, as his face went blank and his eyes unfocused, he waited a second before he rose to his feet and walked to the kitchen. Static thrummed in his ears as he grabbed everything inside the drawer containing all of Claude’s medication.
Albus was going to grab the glass next to the sink, when he saw the knife.
He stared at it for a while, considering leaving it there, but in the end, he took it too, before stepping into the living room’s bathroom. Switching the light on and silently closing the door behind him. Head heavy, but looking completely unbothered, he opened the tap all the way and heard the water run for a moment before pulling his eyes up. As he stared at his reflection in the mirror, he downed the first bottle.
He didn’t scream when by his third, he pushed his shirt up and ruined the “A” marked on his abdomen with the knife, before moving to the next letter. Not caring about the blood spilling into the floor or the pain of scratching the letters scarring his skin. 
He was too tired to care anymore.
Completely swallowed by despair, he didn’t notice he hadn’t closed the door right. A ray of light illuminated the hallway towards the rooms, and the sound of the empty pill cases hitting the floor when he threw them, slowly forced Sann’s eyes open.
In the middle of the night, Sann’s eyelids fluttered at the sound of water flowing. It took him a moment in his drowsy state to realize it wasn’t raining. Instinctively, his hands searched for his partner’s warmth in their bed. Finding his spot going cold next to him forced his head up. Sann blinked confused at the empty spot and turned his head towards the bathroom door.
There was no light under the door frame, but the sound of water didn’t stop. 
Sann frowned and groaned as he pushed himself up into his elbows, rubbing his eyes before looking around the empty room again, noticing the light coming from the hallway.
He waited a second, hoping he had just woken up from a nightmare and he would be back soon, but the water wouldn’t stop. In his half asleep state, he took his phone, ignoring the messages from his mother and Robin and focused on the hour marked on the clock. Too early... Sann thought to himself, sighing on his pillow before he rolled to his side.
“Al?” Sann asked, swinging his feet over the bed and stepping into the hallway, the phone still in his hand as he yawned, following the source of the light and frowning when he noticed it was coming from the bathroom. Albus never used any other bathrooms but his own. He went to open it with a bad feeling pulling a knot on his stomach “Albus?”
The water from the sink was still running when Sann dropped his phone on the floor and stopped knowing how to breathe for a solid minute. Standing stunned on the room’s door frame, only to find the mess of pill cartridges and blood that was on the floor around a bloodied Albus. 
Too shocked to move, he saw the boy look up at him with teary eyes. 
“He told me to swallow” 
“W-What?” Sann croaked out, the rest of his body unable to move. 
“Back then at the disobedience cells. He told me to swallow,” he retold with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes “He would be proud now...” his arms pointed at the floor vaguely “I swallowed so much I won't have to do it ever again” Albus smiled as Sann gave him an horrified look. “I’m...free”
Sann’s chest tightened up in pressure that knocked the air out of his lungs when he dropped to his knees next to Albus. Watching the blood on his shirt, on his abdomen, dripping onto the floor, right next to the kitchen knife on his left hand. Shaking his head, he uncovered his abdomen only to see the web of welts made by the knife.
“No, no...” Sann whispered under his breath, seeing the wound and then fishing out one of the empty flasks. Recognizing them as Cloude’s strongest sleep medication “No, no, no, Albus, no!” He threw the case away to cup the boy’s face, unable to hold down a whine under Sann’s bruising hold. “T-tell me you didn’t s-swallow them all,” the albino tried to turn his head away but Sann forced him to look back at him “Albus! Tell me how many you swallowed!” He shouted in desperation, making the other flinch. “P-ple-ase answer me, how m-many?”
It took him a long excruciating moment to reply, voice barely above a whisper “...All of them”
Sann’s stomach flipped as his jaw dropped. Letting go, his face began to twist into pained misunderstanding, but it stopped halfway. Dropped to turn into agony as he tilted his head to his left, tears welling on his eyes before letting out a broken, ragged sob instead of the scream that wanted to push through his barely recovered throat.
“I’m sorry...” Sann sobbed, face going a bright red as he pulled Albus into a hug so tight Albus whimpered “I’m sorry, I´m so sorry, Al”
“Don´t...” Albus replied pulling Sann´s head up to face him, red staining Sann´s cheek and jaw, right over the scar from Robert´s knife. “Don´t. That´s not it” he smiled before planting a kiss on his forehead “It´s me who should apologize” Albus´ voice cracked, tears beginning to well up on his eyes “I know I can´t…I can´t apologize in a way that matters. This is the only way to make it up to you” Albus grabbed Sann´s hands into his own and gave it a kiss “You deserve a better life” he panted as the tears streamed down “I can´t let myself ruin it again” 
Sann kept staring at him in shock. But then his eyes, rimmed red from crying, suddenly narrowed, an emotion on them Albus had rarely seen in Sann.
“I´m not gonna let you die” Sann said, almost growling.
Albus froze before he followed Sann´s hands reaching for towels “Don´t...” he weakly begged before Sann pressed them tight against his stomach, reaping a yelp out of him “Sann! No, Please!” 
It was as if the boy couldn't hear him when he took the knife and threw it away, the sound of it falling into the floor piercing through the silence in what was supposed to be just another night before the boy passed his arms under Albus and lifted him up in one go. Readjusting his grip and making him wince before Sann dashed through the hallway screaming at Claude for help. 
“N-No..!” Albus cried in the boy's arms, weakly pushing against his chest in an attempt to break free. But the pills were beginning to work and the world began to darken around the edges. “Stop..!” He mumbled, feeling another set of hands on him forcing his feeble, thin arms away from his stomach, before hearing a woman scream. “Nononono, ssstop!” he slurred as he was hurriedly carried outside to Sann´s reworked van. 
He could barely understand what Sann screamed at Sarahi and Claude, both in their pajamas, but when Sarahi and him locked eyes, he tried to convey to her to please stop Sann in a look alone. He knew how horror looked on his ex-owner´s face, so he was shocked into silence when he saw her slam the door open and get inside the car to hold him. 
He couldn´t understand what she said, his vision swimming as the car began to move. He didn´t understand why she, who hated dirty things, who hated him the most, didn´t do anything when he vomited on her feet. Why she wiped the bile off and carded her fingers through his hair with such a pained expression. 
Albus tried to push her hand away, then. 
“Why don´t you hate me?!” he wanted to scream, and he did try, but she seemed to not understand a word. “Why won´t you let me die?” he cried, digging his palms into his eyes. “Stop the car!” he screamed as he hurled into the front seats, feeling strong hands pull him back intot he seat. He couldn´t really feel his fingers anymore but he fought against the person holding him down as hard as he could “Can´t you see? Don´t you know there´s no place for me in this god forsaken world?!” he shouted at the person pushing him down into the seat. Crying out when they pressed their knee against his stomach. 
Albus´ world became a mix of shadows and flickering lights. He felt light suddenly, as if he had been hauled up and then his head began to spin wildly. He couldn´t see, but he felt hands over hands holding him down. 
“S-Stop!! I´m a murderer!!! Why save me?!” he tried to swat the hands away, but quick enough, his wrists were held in an iron grip. So, he tried to kick everyone away. Satisfaction filling him for an instant when his feet landed on someone's face before his feet  were restrained, too. He laughed grimly, then. No, he was panting, struggling to drag air in. The world blurred as he shook his head from side to side. “I…-n´t wanna…save…no…” his consciousness was slipping. He could hear screams. Was it Sann? He couldn´t tell. “...lease…please…” he begged as he felt something being put over his face.
A warmth overcame him suddenly. The world was a void of white, blinding light when he looked up. His eyelids were too heavy to keep open anymore. So he begged. His voice became impossible to decipher even for him as the seconds ticked by. 
“If this is not suffering enough, I-,” he couldn't tell if he had his eyes open or not. “I don't know how else to atone” he said, curling into himself. 
He cried so harshly, he screamed until he had no voice, he didn´t open his eyes. He didn´t wanna see the world around him was slowly flooded with the sea. 
“Oh, Albus” an albino woman knelt next to him, pulling him into a hug. “You have suffered too much, for too long” she told him, carding her fingers through his hair as he hugged her back. “It was hard, wasn´t it?” she saw him nod against her chest “You did your best and still, it came down to this. I´m very sorry, son. I´m sorry you had to grow too fast because of me. I´m sorry I left you behind,” she apologized. The boy stayed quiet. “Lemme take a look at you, Albie” she said putting her fingers under his chin before lifting it. 
“Can I go with you now, mom?” he cried. 
It wasn´t the first time he saw that beach at sunset. That time too, all those years ago, he saw his mother before waking up to the start of his nightmare. He held tight to her. 
“I can´t go back anymore” he told her, hiding his face in the crook of her neck. He pressed into the hug even tighter. “I hurt so many people…They wouldn´t want me back, anyway. So please, mom. Please…” the albino sobbed against her chest when she passed her hand through his hair. 
“You didn´t know what would happen, Al” another voice said next to him. His eyes shook as they landed on the young girl kneeling next to his mother. 
The girl smiled. “Stupid brother, you thought you were my personal bodyguard” she huffed, making him mute. How much he missed her. “You are four feet tall, who´re you gonna scare? The ants?” she sighed loud and long “How much did you miss because of me?”
“Annie…!” the boy jumped to hug her. He held her so tight, tears streamed down explosively. “I- I want- I-I-I promised you, and yet I! Annie, I´m- I´m so, so sorry. I´m sorry…I´m so sorry!” he cried as snot ran down his face. He kept mumbling apologies until he was pushed away. 
“I get it, ok? It´s ok. It was really, really hard. I´m sorry I wasn´t there to protect you” she said, hugging him back. His eyes widened before closing shut again, pulling his arms around her small figure. “I´m sorry too, Albus.” the boy emerged from her chest with a confused look “Mom and I can´t let you come yet”
She pressed a finger over his lips. “Let me finish, stupid brother” 
Albus smacked his lips closed before wiping the snot and tears off. Annie stared at him for a long moment before getting a serious look. She was merely a kid…
“Al,” she called suddenly, catching his attention. “That day, you saved a life. I won´t ever feel anything more than pride for you for that” he wanted to tell her to explain what the hell was she talking about. The two people he should have done everything to save were right there, cold, dead. And he should join them, so what was she..? “That Christmas, you saved someone else. Me? You saved me more than once. If you hadn´t taken most of dad´s beatings, if you didn´t blame yourself for me, if you hadn´t eaten that poisoned food…”
“That was..!”
“Al,” she cut him off before breaking into a smile “I would´ve died much, much earlier if it wasn´t for you. You saved us. Even if you were hurting, you pushed through. For us” she said setting a cold hand on his shoulder. 
“But you…”
She shook her head. “I won´t ever blame you for what happened. You don´t have to bear that pain anymore, ok? You´re not alone anymore, either” Albus frowned at her, before she sighed through her nose. She clicked her tongue behind him, making him turn around. 
“ALBUS!! WAKE UP! PLEASE!” he heard Sann scream from above the stretcher his body was on. “You can´t do this to me, you can´t. Please..!” he begged as he continued doing CPR even when doctors tried to pull him down. 
Albus´ head turned towards the monitor next to him and a shudder went down his back as he saw the flatline. 
“DON´T YOU DARE DIE ON ME, ALBUS!!” Sann continued to scream, “SOMEBODY! ANYBODY, HELP! HELP HIM, PLEASE!!” Sann howled as he punched his torax, making his body jerk back. He gave him some more compressions before he bent down to blow air into him. Albus watched his own scarred chest bloat before Sann continued giving him CPR. “Wake up, wake up, wake up. Please, Al” Sann whispered, his voice worn to a hoarse croak. Tears spilled over his cheeks into the corpse below him. Stopping his compressions for a second, he cupped his face and kissed him harshly. “I can´t lose you again…” he cried in a shaky voice. 
Albus´ hand tried to wipe the tears streaming down his face, but he could only watch him wipe them off before restarting his efforts, nurses looking at him with pity as he screamed for help and nobody came. 
“See?” Annie said, holding his hand. 
“You do have someone who wants you back” his mother said, taking his other hand. 
Albus stayed quiet for a long moment, eyes refusing to leave Sann as he was forced down the stretcher and he kicked and pushed to climb on it again. Not even a bloody cough stopped him. 
“...After everything I did…I caused him so much pain, I can´t just-” he stepped back, but the two women held him strong. 
“He told you already, didn´t he?” His mother told him as he watched his corpse curl into himself in a gasp. 
“W-WE HAVE A PULSE!” one of the doctors screamed in clear astonishment. 
The monitor began beeping again as doctors and nurses, stunned for a moment, began to swarm his body. Pushing Sann to the side before he made way to stand by his head, ripping the segufix around one of his wrists and frantically kissing his hand before squeezing it tight, refusing to leave his side. 
“He won´t give up on you” Annie finished her mother´s phrase before both pushed Albus towards the stretcher. He could only take a quick look back at them having big smiles on their faces. His vision swam as he tried to stretch his hand towards them. “He searched for you, not to see you kill yourself for him. He searched because he wanted to live that life you gave him, with you. So don´t give up on this life so easily, ok?” were the last words he heard before the world became pitch black.
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ncityzen · 4 years
erola have so much fun!! i cant believe youre seeing them im SO excited to hear how your night was!! i love you! be safe and have the best time!!!! dont jop too hard!
sanne I love you more you're the best 🥺💖💌💞💗💐 if you don't mind I'll use your ask to sort of info dump about last night because I need to do it somewhere with some sort of justification shdj ilu :(( 💖
first of all I met a few tumblr friends, most of them for a very short time (basically @ten-l and @tvonq), but they were all very nice and I now can't ever say embarrassing stuff on here because I know you guys are real people so there's that djdk special mention to ru @gameohver because she was there with me the whole time and she's the loveliest 💞💖💞
NOW omg right from the start they came in singing 'I can't stand the rain' and suddenly the sound stopped and we all started singing mean-girls-jingle-bell-rock-style I almost thought it was intentional for a sec but mark was like wait we'll have to go backstage for a sec (which didn't happen) and they had to perform the whole song all over again which I felt a bit bad about bc they looked so sweaty already djsmd
MARK LEE omg since the very beginning I noticed his VOICE sounds so different irl 😳😳😳 you've obviously also heard him and can comment on it, maybe it was just last night, but I said it to ru and she was thinking the same thing. I wouldn't know how to describe it, just DIFFERENT (which can't really be appreciated in my videos, I checked 😔)
I still don't think I've fully processed the fact that taeyong was there. I was frantically looking for him when they came up and then sort of became unable to feel anything about it because I pretty much still can't believe he was there lmao
Taemin was really cute and made a huge effort to speak English most of the time like??? I was impressed!!!!
Ten was also really smiley and cute and now I take back every "bad" thing I've ever said about him. I'm honestly a bit mad we didn't sing happy birthday for him or anything (even if it was technically the day before) like I was waiting for someone to start :(((
YUKHEI IS SUCH A JOY TO SEE OMGGGG at first I was too focused on the others to properly watch him but omggg he's SO cute and HIS SOLO ISTG. I knew what the song sounded like but I'm not lying it was the best surprise of the evening JUST HOW MUCH OF A BOP IT WAS FJDJNW i had so much fun during his solo and the images on the screen behind him were hilarious, honestly one of my fave parts of the evening??? He was so smiley the whole time I feel like I definitely appreciate him more now dhdjfjnf
Taemin solo. Need I say more. Still a bit bitter they didn't include move or want in there but I got to see danger and goodbye and one doesn't complain before God's perfect work of art.
Kai and baekhyun were sort of teasing each other the whole time, and you could tell they were grateful to get to be there (sm is honestly so dumb not to have brought exo to London before like???? capitalist thinking where???) There were lots of exo-ls around and they got REALLY loud cheers every time. I didn't know kai's stage sjdk but it was very cool to watch and UN VILLAGE BEST SONG
Mark talked about our safety in both his speeches he's honestly so sweet :( I turned to ru the first time he told us to be safe and stuff and I was like he should apply this to himself as well bc like if I'm exhausted today I can't even imagine how they must be and they have to keep going
Mark also tried to say something in a British accent lmaooooo emphasis on tried dhdj and he talked about chips ("chips are fries right?") like twice (I also had chips yesterday coincidence??? 🤔🤔🤔) Yukhei went to the Tate Modern with kai and almost fell asleep, and taeyong bought loads of clothes AND HE DID HIS UGLY LAUGH THING I CAN'T BELIEVE I HEARD THAT IN REAL LIFE HESDHDHDJFB
Taeyong cutest. Genuinely my brain still hasn't processed the fact that they were there.
@notyuta here are all the details shdkd
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taro-im · 3 years
Hello! Kita and Atsumu for the scenario you falling out of their crush for them, please 👉👈
ofcccc! :)
angst to fluff
Sorry these are kind of long so I made them separate!!!! :)
link to Atsumu’s
When you fall out of your crush for them but they start falling for you
Kita Shinsuke
Tumblr media
both of you are second years in Fukorodani and became seat neighbors, that’s how the both of you became friends and that’s how your feelings for him developed more, Kita played volleyball and you would always go see him during practice, you would always stay there but he thought it was annoying, he could sort of could tell that you were interested in him but he wouldn’t say a thing…
After 7 months your feelings for him have developed more that you can’t even look at him straight in the face anymore, when you sleep all you could think of is him, you decided to confess to Kita Shinuske tommorow
Today now morning, you decided to wake up early to walk to school with Kita
“Shinsuke sann!!!” You said running towards him “oh hi l/n” he said looking at you “why don’t you call me by my first name ?” You said teasingly pouting “because I’m uncomfortable with calling you that” he said bluntly which slightly hurt you “oh yeah sure! Shin san” you said faking a smile, it was hard to find the right time to confess to him it was like all of your confidence was gone after seeing him, now it was after school you waited for him to finish practice anxious on what’s going to happen
“L/n your waiting for me again?” He said looking at you “yeahhh of course I am Shin san!” You said hiding the anxious feeling you have “alright then let’s go” he said walking behind you which was the first time he ever did that, the walk home was quiet usually he would feel guilty and walk you home first then he would walk back to his house, it was the middle of the walk and both of you were talking about school till you said “hey Shinsuke san?” You said stopping “yes l/n?” He said looking at you in the eyes “I really like you” you said straight into his eyes, but he just sighed and your heart dropped… “l/n… Im really uncomfortable around you and your making it worser, I don’t have feelings for you in that way” he said every word stabbing your heart, that was your fault for wearing your heart on your sleeve “no hard feelings l/-“ he said getting cut off by you “haha I understand Kita well my mom wanted me to come home early today so I’ll be off now bye see ya tommorow Kita!!!!” You said running off as fast as you can holding in your tears
How stupid of you were to say that to him, of course he was going to do that you were the only one annoying him he was the one trying to push you away, you were just embarrassing yourself…
it was now morning you woke up earlier to avoid him and ran to school, it was really hard to study today but you managed to avoid him, meanwhile on Kita’s end he was confused on why you didn’t wait for him this morning or why you didn’t say good morning to him like you usually do, was he too harsh?… yes definitely yes
School has now ended, usually by now you would sit at the bleachers and see Kita practice but no you went straight home today, He was expecting you to be at the bleachers watching him but you didn’t, and practice finished and he didn’t see you waiting for him either he regretted saying those harsh words to you but it was true he doesn’t like you that way.. oh but only if he knew that was going to be a lie
It’s now the next day you weren’t able to sleep that much but then you did and accidentally woke up sort of late, once you opened your door you saw Kita standing there waiting for you “hi Kita what are you doing here?” You said heart clenching “just wanted to walk with you L/n” he said noticing that you call him by his last name now “we’re going to walk aren’t we come on let’s go” you said giving him a smile which made him blush not knowing why, these days for no reason he’s been walking and taking you from home to school which was slightly weird maybe he was feeling guilty on what he said you don’t want his pity “Kita san I can walk alone” you said with a cheery voice “o-oh ok yeah” he said with a little pain in his heart, he never thought you could act this way, the weird uncomfortable sensation he had in his chest when he was with you he doesn’t know what it is but whenever he was away from you he felt more relieved, but when he was away from you he could only think about you
It’s now been a year since that happened your feelings for him have mostly faded but some still there, but Kita noticed that pain after a few months and found out it was that he liked you… but now he loves you, but you probably don’t even like him romantically anymore, after that happened both of you became closer and every moment with you felt so tranquil, but the thing is that he noticed you and lower classmen Osamu Miya have been talking a lot lately maybe you moved on and it wasn’t your fault he was being a jerk towards you when you told him your feelings but whatever he has to tell you even if you reject him like he did towards you
“Y/n can we talk?” Kita said quietly “um yeah sure” you said walking out of your conversation with Osamu “so what is it?” You said shivering from the windy atmosphere different from inside the gym “I’m sorry” he said “why are you saying sorry you did nothing wrong?” you said confused “I’m sorry for what happened last year” he said avoiding your stare “are we really brining this up? I was just a dumb girl back then” you said lying still remembering every word he said in a passive aggressive tone“so you didn’t mean it?” He said getting quieter heart throbbing “I-I did mean it Shinsuke san but that was a year ago and I’m a different person now don’t worry I won’t do that again” you said looking away from him “but I like you” he said getting closer towards you, his voice louder, you blushed at what he said “Kita san why are you doing this?” You said looking away “because i mistaken my feelings for you last year as annoyance” he said “What you said was really mean, but I can’t believe I’m saying this but I still like you” you said getting closer to him in awkward silence “I really like you” he said pulling you into a hug “of course you do” you said teasing him “don’t push it” he said with a little grin
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theysangastheyslew · 2 years
I wanna know if you have any headcanon regarding Hange's backstory? I'm so mad that we didn't get any glimpse of her past :<
Same, anon, same. We know, like, 2 things about them from before their time in the SC and it's not fair 😔
Though Idk... while sometimes Yams seemed to be very fond of Hange (enough have them be a driving force in the story + pairing them with the most popular character), other times it kinda felt like he didn't care very much about them at all (no backstory, killing them to get them out of the way, invalidating said death even more w/ the flying titan) so I'm kinda scared of what he would do to if he did reveal their history.
As far as HCs go I don't really have anything concrete but here are a few rough ideas:
• Probably goes without saying she was a rambunctious child who questioned everything and always went off exploring and making friends with all kinds of creepy crawlies
•Her parents blamed her bad vision on her staying up all night reading books in poor lighting.
• I love to think that maybe after a long, hard day of poking at the walls and getting chased by the MPs, little Hange would find herself lost in the tunnels that lead to the Underground and would receive help from a young, unnamed stranger who (gruffly) led her back to safety ;)
•Even though it would have no bearing on the plot I do like the idea of Miche being their cousin, and that maybe him enlisting in the military is what sparked their interest in joining too.
• I don't like to throw unnecessary angst into things but... I think a lot about their reaction to getting manhandled by Sannes and later Eren. Hange's a strong, capable soldier who can easily throw people around if needed but the way she just kinda shuts down when they grab her makes me question if she was abused/assaulted at some point as a child. I mean I'd hope not but still it makes me wonder ☹
Sorry that's all I got for now >_< If I think of more I'll add them haha
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i-mybrunettelady · 3 years
For the hurt/comfort one, I'd love an 8 for Branne and a 21 for Trammander (I'm a naughty naughty one, sorry ^^)
Okay a lovely combo except for 21 + Trammander but I hope you like pain because that is all angst all pain dawg
Icebrood saga spoilers & HoT spoilers, all vague!
bruised all over + Branne
There was a moot. Sanne knows that much, there was a moot. Ordinarily, she loves a good moot. Who doesn't? Drinking, fun, friends, cousins, roasts, and ale-fueled fights due to said roasts. It makes sense, she knows that much, that some people are a word away from getting their face smashed in by someone three times their size. She's a small norn, she's been face smashed before in her more wild years.
She's just forgotten how sore it makes her feel afterwards.
"What in Wolf's name happened there, Sanne?" Braham asks, looking up from Garm's sleeping form against the fire. "Who did you-"
"Just so you know, I won the fight," she bites out against a swollen lip. Her head throbs; her magic healed the worst of the damage, but one night isn't enough for the whole thing. "Did you bring me back home?"
"Yeah. Took your advice, decided to stay in, and who'd have thought, a kid comes running and tells me you're in a fight with someone." His voice holds an amused correction. "You don't have a right to tell me to not do it now. For... 2 months."
"Two weeks. Spirits know every norn alive will hold moots every night now that Jormag's dead." She curls on the blankets, tries turning on her side but it protests and she huffs. "Two weeks, Eirsson."
"Two months, Bjornsdottir. I'm not backing down from that one. D'you want me to get Nyra involved?"
"Leave her out of this. I don't want her to know about it." Sanne sighs and closes her eyes. Hair tickles her face and back. Braham lets out a little chuckle and comes close, removing it from her eyes.
"Do we have that serum your mother made?" he asks. "The one for general aches?"
"Maybe?" It takes her shamefully long to get up. She doesn't want to admit she'd have just had to retry if it wasn't for him helping her up and she does her best to not make a sound. Her pride aches, but she knows there's no serum for broken pride.
She isn't even sure if she won that fight, if she was honest with herself. She just really, really wants it to be the case.
The stuff tastes awful on her tongue. Memories of her mother forcing it into her mouth after her first transformation to ease the growing pains of a spirit connection come to life and Sanne loudly swallows. It's plant-like and tastes of snow.
"Bear's claws, the aftertaste is horrible!"
"Let's gang up on your mother to make it tastier next time," Braham agrees. "It tastes like Shiverpeaks grass." She sees his hands itch to get off the bed and help her, but is thankful he stays there.
"The cow drink," she says. "I always called it cow drink when I was a kid." With a deep breath, she heads back, even if her body protests. Garm snores away, oblivious to her pain. Once she's near enough, she just lets herself lean forward and hopes he'll catch her.
He does. He lightly smells of sweat and meat and she curls up against him. Her hair makes a golden veil across her back and wind howls and plays with the papers of her newest song and letters he receives on the desk.
"Takes about 15 minutes to kick in," she says.
"That's fine," Braham replies. "I don't mind."
She hides a stupid little smile against his neck.
fear for the worst + Trammander
His daughter's room has become a bit of conundrum. It is wide, with big ornaments and columns and a giant bed. Its furniture is expensive, well-made, sturdy; the curtains proudly show handmade weaving of iris, commonly associated with Gwen Thackeray. Books smell heavy and old on subjects of anything you could think of, from history to philosophy, from literature to medicine.
Yet it all pales in comparison to her, seated on the chair with hunched shoulders. Her hair drapes over the table, unkempt, and her shirt reveals a wide bandage over her right shoulder; she is stiff, yet even as he approaches he can almost hear the heavy intake and release of breath. She seems to be made of them, like she's trying to release something that finds its way back into her bloodstream again.
William Ainsaph flinches when he hears the remnants of Caladbolg hit the ground and Nyra's desperate shout.
"I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to," she chants as she drops to her knees loudly and reaches out to find it. "I didn't mean to, I didn't mean to-"
"Hey, hey," he runs over, and kneels beside her, gently helping her up, "Hey, calm down."
Her eyes are big and purple and bloodshot as she looks up at him. She's pale and dark circles strip her face to the the sea of loathing that floats in her eyes. Her voice is rough as she rasps, "I can reach it," before giving him a slight push and dropping down to get the sword again.
"The doctors said you should rest," William says. He's never had the force behind his words like Nyra does, but he tries anyway. "Let me do it."
"I can do it," she hisses angrily. "I'm not incompetent, if I'm able to murder I can get a fucking sword from the floor where I pushed it to, even if costs me."
"Nobody's saying you're incompetent," William tries again and his guts twist under the blow of her words. "You just need time to recover and you'll be up and running in no time, but till then you should-"
"I will get it," she yells, "I don't need you to-"
"Alysannyra, please-"
"I WILL GET IT," she repeats and extends her hand as far as it could go, and as her fingers touch the hilt, it seems all rage evaporates from her body and she just stays there, forehead to the ground. "I did it," she whimpers. "I did it."
William feels the tears gather in his eyes. "You did it," he whispers and helps her up. She's putty in his hands and a tear slips down her cheek.
They're alike, with same brown hair and same little nose and the same little pointed chin. Some blonde strands stand against the light from the window, Antonia's legacy, but her shoulders are big and wide. Nyra shakes there on the floor, pulling her lower lip against her teeth.
William just hugs her close, trying his damnest not to cry and hopes to the gods it's enough, even if temporarily.
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lamatisse · 4 years
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sim dump 01
finally, here they are! sorry it took me this long. i wanted to give them outfits but i ended up just putting the same black underwear on all of them. i hope that’s okay? i said i was going to give draftgirl some decent clothes on, but i figured it was much easier for people to download this with fewer stuff in it. well, i know i like it better that way! uniformity tickles my fancy...people dress up sims how they see fit anyway.
.。*゚+.*.。 download & details under the cut .。*゚+.*.。
note: please check out my resources to see my defaults!
ELLE (aka draftgirl) — download
hair / face overlay / blush / eyebrows n27 / belly overlay / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh
presets: lips / nose / body
ZARA — download
hair / face overlay / skintone #13 / blush / eyebrows n9 / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / shoulders
presets: nose / eyes / lips / body
AMONDI — download
hair / face overlay / skintint* / blush / eyebrows n15 / cleavage / undies / contacts / eyelashes
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / lip up
presets: lips / nose / eyes / body
SANNE — download
hair / face overlay / blush / eyebrows n21 / belly overlay / cleavage / undies / eyelashes / contacts
sliders: hip shape / eye width / eyelids / nosetip / septum width / mouth scale / arm thickness / belly & breast / calf / thigh / shoulders / nose alar
presets: eyes / nose / lips / body
SFS — download (merged)
Patreon (free) — download (merged & separate)
* amondi’s skintint - a very important cc! this sim has a light ea skintone but with a skintint to make her darker. i wasn’t quite satisfied with the darker skintones i have in my mods folder at the moment so i just went with this. i do also recommend this cc especially for cas simmers! (i currently have a wip skintones with 96 shades so please look forward to that!) update: bare skintones finally out! amondi's tray files aren't updated, so please just give her a similar skintone if you plan to download this cc, thank you!
give my babies lots of love! i hope you like them!! they currently don’t have any last names so i just gave them all “matisse” in reference to my url.
please don’t upload them anywhere else
please don’t put them behind any paywall
please don’t claim them as your own
a simple credit would be very nice!
if any links are broken or wrong, please send me a message! i would be happy to change them!!
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faela404 · 1 year
☆ The Library ☆
kazuha x gn! reader
prompt: - you and kazuha attend the same university, him being a english lit major and you being a person in stem😎 your paths never crossed until that day in the library…
*this is an smau so please do expect a lot of twitter posts and messages to read, there will be proper writing too but, it will mostly be that!!*
warning! jealousy
masterlist - prev | next
☆ why stand when you can sit ☆
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finally, we can finally talk
i’ve missed y/n far too much these past few weeks
but i’m not sure what to say to them
i mean i’m not even too sure what they’re mad about
but, that doesn’t matter. i’ll ask y/n when i see them, there’s only a few minutes left of this class anyway so i’ll just ask them about it then.
we can talk it over, hopefully it’s something i can fix easily but, even if it’s not i swear, i will spend as long as i need to trying to fix this
y/n is the one person in my life right now that i can’t loose.
i won’t let it happen.
they mean far too much to me.
so when i see them i’ll tell them that and we-
“kaedehara kazuha.” a voice booms next to me
“i gave you your warning last time you lost focus in my class, i will not give you another chance” oh shit.
“you will stay here until you understand every part of this lecture, am i understood?” oh shit oh shit. no no. i can’t stay behind, y/n’s waiting for me.
“can’t we do this another time, professor? i really need to get going-“ i started, praying that my teacher will let this go just once
but, of course the world could never be that great
“no, kazuha. now sit back down”
oh shit.
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a/n - omg, im so sorry this was late! i had a lot of things going on but it’s finally here wooo! don’t worry the next chapter will be out on time! i love you all <33
taglist - open! ! @kazuhaprnt @ryhie @scaraapologist @thissoulisnotok @kazuhalvrr @rifran @sleepyhamster1001 @mccnstruck @micahmxi @whipped-for-fictionals @sashiette @kozumieee @lazy-sanns @mangobee @lez-zuha @kaoyamamegami @hedonesstuff @oliver-s-worlds @phoenix-eclipses @lisaslittle-helper @serafinaspost @richxelle @ansaturn @neigesprincess @atlaincorrect @ilovekazuha271 @obeythehemmings @4leyn3 @giggles8899 @samyayaya @zomzomb1e @duckyyyx @luminescent-light @scarletttcroww @jasxiao2317 @kanaqwqbear @floating-inthevoid @forget-artemis @fishformaira
bold= blog not found
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myrwritesfootie · 3 years
Like The Old Days - Chapter Two - Mason Mount
Who: Mason Mount x Original Female Character Words: 1629 Disclaimer: I do not know Mason Mount or anyone else mentioned in these writings. Note: So the first chapter was just mainly an introduction, this chapter is nearly double of the previous chapter and I hope you all like it.
July 31st, 2017. Arnhem, Netherlands
The weather was quite chilly for a day in the middle of the summer. Not that it was a strange occurance in the Netherlands. It was one of the things I disliked the most about living in this country. I am someone who preferred the sun and the warmth. Unfortunately that was not going to happen anytime soon.
Despite the dreary weather, I knew that I would have to enjoy the summer as much as possible before it was over and before I would start on my last year of education. Just one more year and then it was time to find work. Something I just didn’t want to think about just yet. I actually liked my school years until now.
The voice of my friend next to me pulled me out of my thoughts.
“Iris? This is like the third time you blanked on me, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Marie asked and I quickly blinked, a guilty expression on my face. “I’m sorry Mar. What were you saying again?”
The blonde sighed - clearly exaggarating, the smile on her lips giving that away as well as she looked at me  over the edge of her sunglasses, bright blue eyes looking into my own hazel ones. “I was asking if you were up for going out for a drink this afternoon, after I finished work. It shouldn’t be a long day and they say that the weather will only get better by the end of the day. Pretty please?”
I couldn’t help but chuckle. It was an ever returning question from Marie whenever the weather was nice in the city. “Fine, we are going out for a drink, but we are going to bring our own drinks and we are going to the park,” I encountered. Marie squinted her eyes for a moment, but then nodded. “Deal. I’ll ask Frances, Yvette and Sanne as well to see if they want to come.”
Even now I could already tell that the park was going to be packed. The park in the middle of the city was one of the most beautiful places in Arnhem, at least in my opinion. Whenever the sun was shining, it was busy. The slight slope in the grass made it a perfect place for sunbathing but also to have some barbecues in the summer. It was as if a big part of the city made its way into the park and my friends and I were definitely no exception.
The morning at our secondary school was one that finished pretty quickly. Marie and I were busy with our second year, with two more years to follow after this. After that university would probably follow if we were to choose for that, but so far I have not been interested in that. It meant more years at school while I knew what I wanted the most; I wanted to do something physical. I wanted to mean something for people, I wanted to travel. I did not want to get back in the school benches once more when I was done with this level of education.
So while Marie left to get to her job, I went back home. A home where a young brother had been bouncing around the house for some time now because our local football team Vitesse had been having a good pre-season so far and new names had been signed. With the Johan Cruijff Shield coming up at the start of the season, the football vibe was big in our house, with my brother bouncing off the walls. I liked football too but I had to admit that I didn’t like our own competition much. That’s what you get when you get hooked on the Premier League. The pace and level of that league was so much higher than our Eredivisie so who can really blame me, right? So where Sam - my younger brother - had a yellow and black obsession, I had a red one. A Liverpool shaped one.
The moment I walked into the house, it was clear that my mum was pissed off. “Sam de Jong, how many times do I have to tell you that you don’t get to kick that ball around inside.” The sight of shattered pieces on the floor that had previously been a longdrink glass came into my view as I walked into the living room.
“I’m sorry mum! I was trying to score the winning goal.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the words of my ten year old brother. As soon as I saw the look on my mother’s face, I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.
“I just came by to let you know I’ll be at the park for the afternoon and also probably for dinner,” I quickly said, before leaving the room again so I could get upstairs, not wanting to witness the disaster that Sam was about to face.
It was only a short visit at home. While I freshened up after school - and listened to my mother yell at Sam while making him clean up the mess that he had made, I quickly looked through some messages on my phone where the other girls already showed that they had bought drinks and food already for the park.
Once I got the message from Marie that she was on her way to the park, I left the house as well. The park was only a short walk from my house but because I was known as the lazy one of my friends (and it was probably true as well), I picked the bike as my form of transport to the sunny greenery in the centre of the city. It didn't take long for me to find my friends, who had perched themselves on a large blanket in the grass. Many people had thought the same thing as we did. Other little groups had formed on the grass, some guys were kicking a football around while yelling at each other. In English. Which wasn't that rare here in Arnhem.
As I reached my friends, I just heard the last bit of a sentence Francis had said. "- is pretty cute." I rolled my eyes at the words, Francis was probably one of the biggest guy crazy people I had met but I loved her for it. I followed her gaze and found the footballing guys on the end of it. Oh, and Francis had a preference for athletes.
"Of course you have found the cutest guy in the entire park already," Marie said as she waved at me, holding out a glass with some fizzy drink in it. I looked over my shoulder and had to agree with Francis, however. The brown haired young man standing closest to us was not bad on the eyes. They were probably around the same age as us.
It was always good to spend free afternoons in the sun with my friends. For a moment there was not a worry in the world - although my mother would counter that at my age I did not have any worries. Laughing seemed to be the best remedy against long boring school days. I tried my best to zoom back into the story that Marie was telling. "So my brothers were in the backyard, mum kept yelling at them to grey inside for dinner, that they had to stop fooling around. They didn't listen at all, continued playing rugby and next moment, the ball went through the window. Mum was livid." I shook my head, a laugh escaping me as I thought back at the scene between my own brother and mother. 
"Your brothers aren't the only ones good at breaking glass. Sam wanted to score the winning goal for the Johan Cruijff Shield and thought it was a good idea to do that inside. I walked in on -"
Before I could finish my sentence, this time I was interrupted by a sudden football hitting in the middle of our picnic cloth and knocking glasses over, the ball ending in my lap. I was too surprised to jump up like some of the other girls were doing. 
"I'm so sorry ladies, my friend over there did a terrible job controlling the ball." A male voice spoke up in a British accent. It had to be one of the guys who had been kicking the ball around just a few meters away from us. A look up confirmed that it was the cute brown haired one who had come over to collect the ball in my lap. From up close he was even closer. Dark eyes matched his hair and a smile was on his lips, a shy one at that. He was our age, maybe just a bit older but when he smiled he had crinkles next to his eyes. It was Marie who found her voice back as the first one, of course she was. 
"You can definitely say that. He should learn how to play football." The guy standing with us left out a chuckle, even though I did not understand why it was so funny what Marie had said. 
"I'll let my friend Mitchell know." His gaze moved in my direction, since I had the ball. "I really am sorry…" he trailed off, not knowing which name to add to the end of the sentence. A very smooth way to ask for my name although I didn't even realise it. I scrambled onto my feet finally with the ball in my hands. "It's Iris. Here's your ball back." I held out the ball to him, his fingertips brushing mine for just a second as he took it from me. 
"Thank you Iris. I'm Mason."
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Do you think Erwin knows that Djel Sannes tortured his dad? How do you think he would reacts toward him? Also, it's quite tragic what Sannes said to Hange during SNK. The manga was way clearer than the anime in which they talk about a teacher.
I wish we could have seen more Erwin story in a book like "No regrets".
By the way I love your Tumblr so much. Lot of love from a French Eruri fan.
Hello, thank you for your kind words ♡
This is an interesting question, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to answer. I’m sure that Erwin did know that Sannes and was involved in his father death. Intelligence was one of Erwin's most powerful weapons and he made it his business to know everything. Considering the guilt he felt over his father’s death, I am sure that he would have done everything in his power to discover the truth about how he died, as soon as it was within his power to do so. The interesting thing about Erwin though is that despite the enormous burden of guilt he carried, he was not a vengeful man. It’s notable that Erwin’s dream was not to avenge his father’s death, but to prove that his theories were true. So I suspect Erwin kept a close eye on Sannes, but took no action against him until he became an even greater threat. As far as I can recall, it’s not clear in the manga whose idea it was to torture Sannes. I’m inclined to think the whole plot to trick Sannes into revealing the truth about the Reiss family was dreamt up by Hanji, possibly aided and abetted by Levi. However I am quite sure that they would not have gone ahead without Erwin’s approval. If Erwin sanctioned the plan, did he think back to his father’s death? It’s certainly possible.
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Of course the other great unanswered question surrounding Erwin’s father’s death is whether Kenny was involved. One of the fan theories to explain why kid Levi inexplicably appeared in Mr Smith’s classroom is that Kenny placed him there to spy on the teacher and his son. It’s as good a theory as any but I guess we’ll never know for sure!
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I really would love a spin off manga that covered more of Erwin’s back story. I have no interest in an SnK sequel but I am absolutely here for Veterans spin offs!
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