#lucid dreaming for beginners
uniqueinsights · 1 year
In this video, we explore the world of Lucid Dreaming and dive deep into what it is, how it works, and how you can achieve it. From the benefits of Lucid Dreaming to the techniques and strategies for achieving it, this video has everything you need to know. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and exploration as we discover the power of Lucid Dreaming.
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lunar-witches · 1 year
Types of Dream Work
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Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal is the foundation of dream work in witchcraft. It involves writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if you can only remember a few details. This practice helps you remember your dreams more vividly, identify patterns or recurring themes, and develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind.
Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream. It can be used for manifestation, healing, and exploring your inner world. To practice lucid dreaming, you can use reality checks, set intentions before you go to sleep, and practice visualization techniques.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is the practice of leaving your physical body and traveling to different realms or dimensions. It can be used for spiritual exploration, connecting with spirit guides, or receiving messages from the universe. To practice astral projection, you can use meditation, visualization, among other journeying techniques. It's important to practice caution and preparation, and work with an experienced practitioner or teacher if possible.
Dream Incubation: Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before you go to sleep to dream about a specific topic or question. It can be used for divination, problem-solving, or spiritual exploration. To practice dream incubation, you can use visualization, affirmations, or ritual to set your intention.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols and messages in your dreams to gain insight into your subconscious mind. It can be used for spiritual growth, self-awareness, and problem-solving. To practice dream interpretation, you can use books, online resources, or work with a dream interpreter or witch.
Dream Protection: Dream protection is the practice of protecting yourself from negative energies or entities that may enter your dreams. It can be used for spiritual protection, emotional healing, or to prevent nightmares. To practice dream protection, you can use visualization, affirmations, or protection spells or talismans.
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andromedasdomain · 7 months
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𓆩♡𓆪I've been enjoying making these graphs 𓆩♡𓆪
𓆩♡𓆪You can print them for your grimoire as well𓆩♡
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prismonautic · 3 months
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read the document in its entirety and make a decision if you want any spiritual information to be discovered in your sleep / astral travels.
once you have chosen to have truths revealed to you in your dream, repeat the incantation - “ivaliem” (ee-val-ee-ehm) before you go to sleep. when you repeat this incantation, you agree to having the astral energies surrounding you read + translated into symbolism that your conscious mind will understand within your dreams. your dreams are a window to the astrals, and what’s happening astrally is bound to happen in your physical reality. instead of being blindsided by stealthy attacks, get some intel with this spell and stop them in their tracks.
ivaliem is a one-word-spell. when you activate it via chanting it intentionally (whether it be inside your head or out loud), all of the commands i’ve embedded into “ivaliem” will be embedded into your subconscious, manifesting into your reality. i like to call my one word spells “.exes,” since they’re comparable to executable programs that your computer (your subconscious) will open and run in your reality.
this clarity spell is good for people seeking confirmation regarding people/environments/energies that they’ve been feeling suspicious about lately. the dream that follows after casting this clarity spell will be the confirmation message of your inquiry.
the spell is designed to get the energy signature of who you’re dealing with EVEN if they intentionally cloak themselves energetically + give you a clear and direct link to them and their workings against you. this makes it easier for you to accurately target them in your shielding/protection/return to sender rituals.
from experience, i’ve learned that the more that this one word spell is repeated, the stronger its energy becomes in your life. if you really want to have one-word-spells pack a punch, repeat it more than 20 times. i’ve found 10 to be the bare minimum to get some effects from the spell.
if you want the spell to be stronger, affirm it in your head until you completely fall asleep — AVOID THIS IF YOU’RE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH VERY VIVID DREAMS, ESPECIALLY WITH HEAVIER TOPICS!
IF YOU ARE INJURED IN A DREAM / HAVE DESTROYED VALUABLES IN YOUR DREAM / EAT ANYTHING IN YOUR DREAM: make sure to establish protection against this person and prioritize healing any damage you’ve experienced from this person’s works.
the symbolism below is what ivaliem will show you if applicable entities are connected to you astrally (e.g best friend talking shit? ivaliem will show them with black lipstick on in your dreams — and whatever else happens in the dream is additional context on top of that symbolism).
the list of correspondences below will be updated periodically. for those who want to regularly use ivaliem in your protection spell routines, it’s a good idea to check back here for updates every once in a while :)
☆ a person with black lipstick / a black mask over their mouth / a black mask covering their entire face.
black lipstick indicates that the person is spreading gossip against you in the dark, and it’s strong enough to affect anything revolving around your energy. if it’s black lipstick, it’s rooted in pure prejudice, malice, and/or envy that makes them act out against you. it’s a THEM issue, and you haven’t done anything to justify anything they’ve done to you so far.
if you’re getting a person in black lipstick as opposed to a black mask, you’ve already had some doubts regarding their position in your life. this dream is also telling you that you need to trust your intuition regarding how people feel about you in life — if you have a bad feeling about someone and something is telling you to distance from them, DO IT! it will later be revealed to you why you felt that in the first place. listen the first time in order to avoid finding out the hard way.
when you perceive an opponent in your dream realm who has black lipstick, the best course of action == a transmutation, return to sender, and truth spell bundled together to
A) stop the gossip and its effects in its tracks
B) remove any damage inflicted upon you towards the caster
C) have your name cleared of any slander if applicable to your situation.
a black mask around the mouth indicates that someone you wouldn’t expect to go against you is speaking against/looking down on your goals in silence.
for a lot of you, this is a long-term relationship in your life — whether it be a partner, colleague, friend, or family that you believed would support you no matter what. if this applies to you, it’s likely that you’re being blinded to the true character of this person by all the history you have with them.
just because someone has been around you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have your best interests in mind. just because someone has been in proximity for you for a long time, DOESN’T mean that they have the quality characteristics they need to even deserve being connected to you.
this correspondence will be most common for people who have big dreams that people would naturally cast doubt on / project their limiting beliefs onto you.
for those who get a person with a black mouth mask, you might wake up from this dream feeling betrayed and in disbelief, and possibly even guilty — you might end up in denial about their status in your life too. questioning their character is a wake-up call.
the best course of action for a person who has a black mouth mask in your dream:
A) a return to sender spell that transmutes all the negativity that they sent towards you in the dark into a situation that exposes their true feelings and intentions for you.
B) once this exposing situation manifests, you will know how to go about this connection. however you go about it, make sure that you are prioritizing having genuine MUTUAL connections in your life that respect you for who will stick with you with REAL love through thick and thin. you need to surround yourself with more integral people.
C) until that situation manifests, be watchful towards that person’s character, not just how they operate around you. just because they do things for you don’t mean they someone of upstanding character. look for where their authenticity lies, and if they’re someone who really stands on their values, or just goes to people based no how much someone’s presence benefits them. are they here for you through the thick and thin, or do they disappear the moment things start to get hard?
when you’re working against someone with a black face mask that covers their entire face, it’s a severe and intentional version of having a black mask cover their mouth.
this person knows their negative feelings towards you and still intentionally acting on their malice towards you. THIS IS NOT YOUR ALLY. they’re only seeking to get something out of you then discard/betray you. this dream will be more common for the people who are very giving, even to the point of being over-giving and stretching yourself thin for others — often for the sake of approval.
the best course of action for a fully masked person:
A) cast a general banishing of people who are actively working against you and your goals / leeching off of your energy for their own selfish purposes.
B) after the banishing, look at who falls away from your life. note that it’s a good thing they’ve fallen away, because their presence would end up being damaging to your path in the future.
C) whatever voids they have left in your current life after being banished, fill the voids by planting the seed of attracting more integral and authentic people into your community.
NOTE: your social circles will experience a heavy purge if there’s a lot of people just using you and keeping you around for the sake of convenience. walk into the dark fearlessly - you’ll come out of it a newly healed person.
• someone spreading a disease to you that affects your appearance / sense of sight, hearing, and balance
• an ambush against your home
• you getting put in prison
stay tuned!
if you have any questions, please message me.
if you like this work, access my other works through my linktree!
last updated: 2/5/2024
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cedarbeing · 1 year
✨💤Lucid Dreaming💤✨
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I see a lot of people talking about lucid dreaming recently. The truth of it is, you don’t need fancy teas, to eat specific foods, or have specific crystals, although if you want to do all that, go right ahead, it probably won’t hurt you anyways.
The easiest way to lucid dream, in my experience, is to count your fingers
..yes, that’s it.
So you want to lucid dream? count your fingers, everyday and multiple times a day. It may seem silly but it WORKS. you’ll cement this practice as a habit to your brain, you’ll focus on it daily, it’ll become mundane. so, after a week or so, maybe even earlier if you’re lucky, you will start doing this in your dreams. That’s where the fun begins.
Ever notice how AI generated images cannot correctly replicate hands? our brain is similar in that when we’re sleeping and you try to focus on your hands, its just wrong. too many fingers, not enough, or, in my case: fingers growing off of fingers. Once you realize your hands are quite incorrect, it jolts your conscious awake: Tah dah! lucid dreaming! 
Now, this is where the actual difficulty comes in. It is difficult to stay lucid, especially when you’re excited about it! practice ways to calm down while you’re dreaming. Sometimes it just takes a few times initiating lucid dreaming to get full control of it, other times it may be more difficult and require more effort outside in the waking world. (practice calming strategies the same way as counting fingers). It’ll be different for everyone, some may struggle with a certain aspect while others will not. Lucidity often flows in and out. You should let it! I find overtime it lasts longer if you’re not fighting for it to stay.
If you’re having a hard time getting started, try waking yourself up during the middle of sleep, early in the AM. Even if you’re up for a few short minutes, this is usually enough to get things jumpstarted, disturbing the sleep cycle allows your brain to wake up which may be of help when you initially fall back into REM sleep.
It’s not a magic thing, we don’t need crystals, herbs or spells to start. You really don’t need anything other than your effort to practice. That being said, it can be used as a magical tool. I saw someone recently mention doing spell work within lucid dreams, it really peaked my interest! It’s something I definitely intend on trying soon.
Things to remember:
its okay if you don’t get it right away, can’t hold onto the dream, or can’t lucid dream all the time. It’s not really realistic to constantly be conscious while dreaming. Just remember to keep practicing! You will get the hang of it. (lucid dreaming too frequently probably isn’t too great for you anyways, there’s some interesting but limited research on this.)
I highly suggest keeping a dream journal, even if it’s just fragments or very small fuzzy memories. I Often find journaling helps dreams become more vivid over time as you’re more focused on the details of them. I like to journal as soon as my eyes open, so I keep my book and pen under my pillow :) 
Happy Dreaming! 
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dark-points · 1 year
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My self poppet is finally done! I decided it would be better to make it my fursona because she is the ideal creature, is much easier to do than a human one, and I had the perfect tiny buttons for nipples. Made of felt, stuffed with an obsidian heart and a lock of my hair etc. Her tail has a button joint so can be moved around, and I’m very proud of her yarn hair!
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ceasendesistbitch · 2 months
If you need a solid app for dream journaling, interpretation or even Lucid dreaming try Oniri.
The journal function is incredibly detailed and provides statistics. And interpretations are AI driven so it can get surprisingly in depth (always take AI with a grain of salt tho.)
Honestly, it’s probably one of the best apps I’ve used for any reason.
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thefierylotus · 2 years
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I think I was a witch's servant in my past life (my body had a severe deformation which may have led to living in the forest with the witch)
Is there any way I can confirm these memories? Any meditation practice?
I don't have witchcraft knowledge in this current life nor I have the means to actually try any magic :(
Yes! There are many guided guided and or not guided meditations you can do to connect with the memories in your past life, you can also try looking for the answers in your dreams as well try lucid dreaming but set your intent before hand! And remind no matter what it is you're doing always take the procautions to protect yourself! As far as learning witchcraft and magick, I believe everyone has a little magick in them, it's never to late to research and start your spiritual path! You don't need money or really anything other than yourself to start. Research is the most important first step! And doing craft on a budget is super easy! If you need any advice, or tips don't hesitate to ask. Blessed be lovely 🖤🖤
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mylittleventbook · 1 year
Awaken Dead
Dragging me into a state of sleepiness , the gate of the other side welcomed my Presence.
Like any other - deformed trees, hoof less horses, walking snakes, i watched Myself lived this unrealistic reality in a distance.
But with a blink of an eye my body sinks into the comfort of my bed except im in the hands of what beholds the darkness with pleasance 
My orbs swims about the room , disfigured objects lurking at me .
Perspiration absorbed the skin beneath my lips and nose the stinging sensation of warm water boiled beneath my eye gushing down the boarder of my nose.
Fear painted on my expression each moment ticked by, breaths seized in my chest releasing captured shivers racing on my pale skin.
In an attempted of freedom my spirit fought to wake my paralyzed - muscles and brain likewise - still processing though numb.
Street’s light gaping in on the walls through clustered spaces by the curtains.
i began begging as if i was being dragged to hell , “Mommy help me” the voices screamed in my head but couldn’t seep through my lips.
Likewise, the multitude of dark aura’s that collided with me but never made contact with my skin felt like it was a battle for my life: snatched from me though my defenseless body welcomed it.
Within this my vison began to dazzle into the reality i belonged and mourned for.
Its like a dream was never real but the emotional scars left my mind in paranoia or was it the reality i faced and now in my dreaming state?
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tia-222 · 4 months
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So there's been a new technique that was developed from @rima shifting on tiktok and it's been getting really popular. If you wondering, " can we use shifting techniques to enter the void state? ", yes you can! Don't worry, you won't shift realities lol, but you can use them to affirm for the void state <3 . The original creator ( rima) has said after using this technique, she's shifted to multiple parallel realities on the first day using this.
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♡ How does this technique work?
It's involves the Wim hof breathing technique and pink noise. It's very easy to do and you will get into the void state on your first try using this ♡. Wait, ik some of y'all think that wim hof breathing is very fast pace, but there's an alternative which is the beginners one and people still shifted using that. Wim hof breathing is the best when you're trying to relax and release all stress/ doubts because it makes your thought process slow down by releasing dmt NATURALLY. This technique works by putting your body and mind into a deep trance state, whereby after you can start affirming for the void state. And don't worry, if you fall asleep because this method also helps you to lucid dream. If you do so happen to fall asleep while attempting this method, you're might find yourself in a lucid dream, you can affirm for a portal or dream character to take you straight into the void state.
♡ Technique in full detail :
1. You attempt this technique before bed, morning or during the day. Whatever time suits you the best <3.
2. Go to YouTube and search " wim hof breathing " or " wim hof breathing for beginner's ".
3. Play the meditation and follow all the steps, it's guided for you ♡. It's completely ok to take breaks any part of the video.
4. After the meditation finishes play the pink nosie. You can make a YouTube playlist and add these 2 videos. So the pink noise will automatically play after the meditation finishes. Also loves, you don't have 2 add the pink nosie, you can add your fav subliminal or theta waves, etc.
5. Start affirming for the void state, you will reach the void really fast because you already in a trance like state.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
Click on the images to see the results of this technique. You can see the full comment section on the video, just search " Wim hof pink breathing method "on tiktok.
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vixenvoider · 8 months
in this post i will explain in depth how i entered the void state and what i manifested. i will be open to questions but if you ask something that i explain in this post i won't answer it just fyi, so even though this will be long, if you are truly curious i encourage you to read the whole thing. i am sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes that might be present.
overall story: i have been trying to enter the void for around 2 months now, and finally entered through a lucid dream. one thing i want to note before i tell my story is that i have been lucid dreaming my whole life (so if you never have, i don't know what good steps are for beginners).
the beginning: my journey started when i inadvertently came across a post about how someone else entered the void state and manifested their dream body and face. i was not into manifesting before, in fact, i actually had a problem with the whole concept of the law of attraction and didn't know there were other types of manifestation and never looked deeply into it. that being said, i have always been an open-minded person and also, a more or less spiritual person. i believe in a lot of "out there" things because a lot of said things have been proven to me (through experiences i find hard to explain so i'm not going to). i'm sharing this to let you know that due how deeply i naturally believe in such things i never really had a problem with my void concept, even though i experienced doubts (so for this area i really can't give much advice).
so after learning about the existence of the void state i searched "void state" on tumblr and skimmed some info here and there on it, what i came across included some basic methods on how to enter the void but i didn't fully understand them yet. that same night i followed a shifting guided meditation but i couldn't really get "into" it, i was a naturally anxious person who found it hard to relax so it just wasn't working, but i did see it through and try my best and i think in the long run it helped me. in the guided meditation i listened to, the person makes you walk through a door to get to your desired reality and even though the meditation didn't work, that imagery worked it's way into my subconscious and i had a lucid dream that night. i did not manifest anything that night but it was on purpose (i think). in my lucid dream i woke up in my bedroom. i looked in the mirror and decided i would change what i saw to a more desired appearance and it worked (i looked exactly like the person i was thinking of), then, i decided (with intention) to open my bedroom door and enter my dream house and it worked. at this point in the dream i thought that entering the void must be super easy since i was already basically close and could have done it there if i wanted to BUT i chose to wake up because i wanted to enter the void when i actually knew for sure what i wanted my manifestations to be. i knew i was going to want a lot if i really thought about it and i also didn't want to actually look like someone else (my whole lucid dream i was more trying to test my imagination and build my confidence). the next day i started making a void state list and writing down everything i genuinely wanted for myself.
experiencing doubts: things started to go wrong after that hahah, after my first beginner's luck(?) experience i was struggling to lucid dream (even though i've always naturally been a lucid dreamer, the times it occurs is still random and i couldn't make them happen) and meditations were only getting me so close. all in all, over the past 2 months i had 5 failed lucid dreams and several close, but failed, meditation attempts. this instilled some doubts in me, especially the lucid dreams, because apparently once you lucid dream it's meant to be quite simple but when i would affirm for the void in my dreams i would just wake up or the dream would continue.
another thing that caused me to doubt the void was questioning some of the stories on here. most of them i initially don't believe anyway because it's known there's many liars in the community and there seems to be a trend of people posting void success stories in an attempt to enter to the void (to act as if it already happened) but they technically haven't in reality yet. that being said, i did have some blogs i mostly trusted and then one day one of the blogs i trusted answered an anonymous ask about a success story and it really looked like they sent it to themselves. the reason i thought this was because the op of the blog spells a commonly used word wrong all the time but it's not a spelling mistake people commonly make (in fact, i know no one who makes this spelling mistake) but then the anon that sent them the success story made the exact same spelling mistake. it made me worry that perhaps there were no true success stories because why was this person who supposedly mastered the void bothering with sending asks to themselves to validate their blog? i mean this was all speculation but it still caused me to think.
that being said again, i still basically believed, i just wavered a little, but i definitely believed enough to keep persisting (because why not?)
the success: finally, after almost 2 months i entered the void through a lucid dream. when i realised i was dreaming i tried to make myself stay super grounded in the dream but i also thought about not taking too long since i didn't want to wake up. i did this because i realised the very first night when i had my lucid dream, i didn't get excited and try immediately, i hung around in my dream for a while and just enjoyed things (as i explained). so i wandered around the dream a bit and just looked at things, touched things, tried to feel the temperature and take note of it and then when i felt calm and not too excited i closed my eyes and affirmed for the void and entered. when i got the void i just said "i have everything on my void list" (a few times to make sure) and then stated i was exiting the void state. the void feels how pretty much everyone describes, you just know it's happening and you are pure consciousness.
what i manifested: my void state list ended up being super long and i manifested a lot of personal things that i won't share, which is what i'm sure would be the same for most people, but i'll include a list of things that others might find interesting or encouraging:
desired appearance (including body, face, height etc)
money (i came up with a plan that of how it would make sense in my country to have acquired it)
got rid of my anxiety disorder (having this was probably the most debilitating part of my life, it's also why i know meditation never truly worked for me since i could never relax and it's crazy to feel not severely stressed constantly for the first time in my life)
got rid of my autoimmune disease and fixed my eyesight (i manifested being healthy overall in general)
feel comfortable instantly, i will no longer get too itchy, feel dirty after a long day, be too hot or too cold etc. (can't really attest to this one yet but i have felt no discomfort)
dream living space and whatever bed i sleep in to always be super comfortable
opinion on the void state: overall the point is that the void state is real and you can get anything you want, getting to the void is also easy but it's just about trying to go for it and not getting discouraged. i don't want to share too much of my opinion on this because i actually find it really toxic. some people will get mad if you say you "entered" or "got to" the void because you technically are always the void, and personally, i don't find these slight changes in language to be important unless you are very sensitive to it. for me, it doesn't matter if i think about the void as something i enter or something i am because i believe it exists and that's all i need to know at the end of the day. if you want to see it as something you are, or a state or anything else, i don't think it matters as long as you believe manifestation is possible, you are the creator of your reality, you get to decide what language or thought process works for you :)
common questions: i'm going to answer some question i feel like i will get if people find this post so i'm just going to answer them here. remember that these answers are just my opinion.
question: how come people don't manifest to end world hunger, for everyone to have money, to become the next "big thing", to be a real life superhero, for everyone to be happy etc. truthfully, i think people do manifest that but i don't think they stay in this reality. a lot of people think that using the void at all means you shift your reality, idk if i believe in that, but i would have to assume the people that use the void to manifest very extreme things ultimately have to shift realities. so this would mean the reason you're not seeing these results is because these people are no longer in this reality. if you pay attention i think you will also notice that most void success stories that seem to come from reliable sources (though this is still all personal judgement) seem to be rather humble, these people just manifest to be the prettier version of themselves, to live in a nice place, to be around good people and other similar things. i think people with mostly humble desires stay in this reality and people with more fantastical desires (to be the most famous person ever, to be a multibillionaire, world peace) go elsewhere.
question: why would someone even have humble desires? i can't speak for every single person but i think it's just the desire to stick to the familiar. we want better lives but also want to feel at "home" still, i wanted to still feel like ME. maybe it seems stupid and selfish but if we really are shifting realities every time then there really is no way to actually solve world hunger anyway, it will always exist in this reality even if you or i personally go to another one. at the end of the day, life isn't fair and i am just grateful to have discovered the void to live happily and am sharing this so you can too.
question: i'm worried about the wrong people finding out about the void state. honestly, me too! but i think this falls in line with my past two answers, if someone terrible happened to stumble upon this post and entered the void, i don't think they'd stay here, they will go to some other reality more likely, so i really don't think we have to worry about someone super evil getting to the void and doing something super heinous or whatever. but honestly i do understand the worry. at first when i discovered the void i thought i wouldn't share my success story once i entered because i wanted to keep the void as quiet as possible. but just remember two things: most people do not know about the void and if they do a lot of them will give up and not persist. second, someone really evil finding it will probably leave this reality (my theory).
question: why do people not show better proof. truthfully, i don't know, for me it's because i really do want to live a private life and a lot of stuff i manifested can't be proven anyway. if i show my bank account, it could be photoshop, if i show my new face it means nothing because i revised to always look this way, i can't prove i no longer have my autoimmune disease and the list goes on. i think people with more dramatic proof also want to maintain their privacy or go to other realities. perhaps there's even been people to show dramatic proof in this reality but they had to revise that they didn't because it was a mistake.
question: do you have any overall tips? just keep persisting. and personally, i think it's okay to try several methods at once. i know some people say if you try several then it "cancels out" like, if you try lucid dreaming and it doesn't work so you meditate it means you don't "believe" lucid dreaming can work for you so then that's why it takes you so long but i think you can just tell yourself "every method works for me so i will just keep persisting". another thing i recommend trying for a few days is setting your alarm to go off at different times so day 1 is 8am, day 2 is 7am, day 3 is 9am and so forth. each day set the intention to wake up BEFORE your alarm goes off, once you successfully start waking up a few minutes before your alarm everyday this is your tangible proof that your intentions are working. this isn't really a method but more so a confidence booster that worked for me to remind myself i'm in control and powerful. if you also try this i think after a few days you will feel more confident intending to lucid dream, for your meditations to work, for subliminals to work (whatever is your personal vibe) and you will get there easier hopefully!
question: did you ever do any official lucid dreaming methods. personally the only way i ever had a lucid dream was by intending before sleeping that i would lucid dream. but methods where you wake up by setting your alarm early and going back to sleep and stuff didn't work for me. i tried but due to my anxiety i would always wake up super alert or even stressed, so i could never relax enough. but they are successful for many people so there is no harm in trying.
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gorgeouslypink · 11 months
Command Your Mind to Wake Up Method
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Hi guys! In this post, I am going to outline a method that is compiled from my own experiences during my void state journey as well as other's experiences while I coached them. Anyone can do this and you can modify it to fit your needs.
1. Set an alarm to wake up in 5 hours, 30 minutes (I believe that this is the best time to wake up in order to get into the void state. It is normally recommended to set your alarm for 4-6 hours but I found from my experience that 6 hours was a complete enough sleep cycle for me so I would need lesser sleep for this method to work. I also realized that it takes me a while to fall asleep so 5 hours 30 minutes is perfect).
2. Upon hearing your alarm, get up and do something anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes (I've seen a lot of people say to try not moving in order to retain relaxation and be calmer to tap into the void easier but I feel like all that would do is help you go back to sleep. During this time, I would just go brush my teeth, pee, and then get back in bed but I've heard of people even reading Neville's book. You can do anything you want. Maybe don't start dancing to some heavy metal, but just anything relaxing. Personally, for me, if I stay awake for more than 10 minutes, I snap out of that trance like state you experience when you just wake up so figure out how it is for you and what you want to do).
3. Get back in bed and start affirming that you will wake up again as you fall asleep (Once you do this, you will start waking up again. I am pretty sure most of you have experienced sleep on a very important day when you really had to wake up or when you get up and off your alarm but then fall asleep and you know how your mind just wakes you up. That's what you're doing here basically).
4. When you consciously wake up again, try not to move your body and affirm for the void ( The reason that I recommend this method is because doing this it enables you tap into that mind awake, body asleep state. Your body is asleep because you were just sleeping but your mind is awake because we basically commanded it to wake up. I've noticed that this method is most beginner friendly because it's something most people have already done before and it makes it so easy to tap into that deep theta state without snapping out of it or just falling asleep. I've noticed affirming for the void at this point makes it incredibly easy to lucid dream, enter sleep paralysis, or in this case, enter the void state. If you accidentally end up in sleep paralysis, just affirm for the void).
if you are unable to wake up without an alarm, i recommend this instead: click here
good luck everyone 💗
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pinkchrissysposts · 24 days
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Guys i have come to decide that my time have come to an end in this amazing app tumblr I feel honoured to be a part of this beautiful community but before I go I would like to give some tips to everyone who.are still in their void/manifestation/shifting journey.
So as we know this is your journey to seize your power no one is gonna be there to help you except yourself. If you have been in this journey for a long time the only thing you are lacking is trust with yourself. Start building trust with yourself,it will become easier to persist. Consistency and persistence is needed of course but also trust within yourself.
I was also someone who struggled alot as a beginner for years but I slowly learned different things that are key to manifest/enter void/shift. Now don't ask what is the key because it has been mentioned in almost every loa post you read.
Follow your own style of manifesting,if you feel frustrated over methods then choose one which resonates with you,what matters is you feeling satisfied at the end.
Now this is for my a+ p girlies, I know I said it multiple times but don't affirm to get in 3D,affirm to make it your dominant thought,your goal should be making the affirmation your dominant thought that's it. It becomes thousand times easier because you also start to detach from the old story,your attention will be more on believing in that affirmation rather then seeing it in the 3D. Like this😤🤌
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When we hear about horror stories,we don't see the ghost but we still believe it exist right? We start reaffirming unconscious like there is ghost in the kitchen stuff like that. (That was one shitty example ☠️💀)
I get a LOTS of ask about robotic affirming and saturation,guys it's simple they both quite similar. Well in robotic affirming you just have to chant it without really focusing on it as it saturate you and it's mostly helps with mental diet.
But during saturation try to be more focus on the affirmation,it like focus affirming.
Moving on to void,I will really recommend using the distraction method or zone out method they both are same nothing different. Also just read the masterlist from my old account @graychrissy it had mostly void post with my documented void journey. Also read rotten's shifting guide then use the gateway tape it is available in spotify too,it can be instant to reach the focus 10,but some may need practice but it's easy nothing overcomplicated just a hemi sync (Turing off left side of the brain).
NEVER BE AFRAID OF YOUR EMOTIONS,seriously it's something everyone dm me about it's really not important,your emotions are also 3D,it won't mess up your manifestation so just calm down.
Also since the link in master list aren't working I will make a new one,I will be changing the whole lay out of my blog then you guys can use it. Goodbye~~~~~~~;)
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dark-points · 1 year
I saw four dream entities in tonight’s lucid dream, two were very helpful and gave me some results and I was very pleased (everyone was really into making me hallucinate bouncing my feet and feeling up my chest haha), one was somewhat helpful at first but warned me about Circe and told me about something my dad did in ‘62 that upset her (I don’t know what that was but apparently it was bad but I don’t think he was alive so that might have been a lie plus he would have been a literal child if he was wtf) then asked me to sell my soul to her instead, and then one claimed to be Circe but was a middle aged lady with short hair behind like almost like an ice cream shop glass case.
She seemed like maybe genuine, but gave me some warning flags (did not know about the thing I made her, was completely against animal products, all her attempt at giving me results failed despite constantly bouncing my feet), I started to get suspicious. No one has EVER gotten the amount of fingers and toes right for more than a second, it tends to like flash between ridiculous amounts. I asked her to prove it by doing the correct amount of toes. She couldn’t. I confronted her about it and she confirmed she was not and she was lying. I don’t remember what she said but she confirmed it and was smug. She also doubled down on no animal products when I am pretty sure me of all people would not have gotten the go ahead and positive signs seeing that I’m heavily into vulture culture and I already set aside things for her related to that before I got a positive reading about what I had done so far. Plus, she’s GREEK. I have the Greek Magical Papyri, full of ridiculous and oddly specific animal parts.
I woke up completely sweaty and upset like always when I have a bad entity experience, I guess the dream entities have not completely changed for the better. Very sad and nervous that I’ll be duped again. I should have known it wouldn’t have been that easy and wouldn’t have happened that soon.
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jolynesmom · 13 days
Hey, I’m really sorry to dump this onto you. I really apologize. I don’t know who to talk about this anymore.
I’m 26. Struggling with the void state. I basically messed up my entire life and career and I only found out of the void state like 8 months ago. But I find myself getting so frustrated.
I know it’s easy and it’s basically us. But I can’t seem to grasp this and achieve it. Do you have any tips about this please?
hiya, you really don’t need to apologize! I totally get you and it can take some pressure off when you talk out your worries;
I understand where your frustration comes from, it took me 4 years to finally get any results in my journey, I was just so desperate to get out of here I kept persevering even when I felt like giving up
I don’t know if you want to use the void state to shift or manifest something here but let me tell you something!!
even if it takes you 10 years to get your desires, after you get them, those years will feel so insignificant and short lived compared to the life you live after
why does it matter you messed up your life and career when you can fix everything overnight? the 3D be damned, it’s so irrelevant I literally just laugh when I think how powerless it is compared to me or you
I suggest you take a step back and relax. find the source of your frustrations and address it. treat everything with indifference and keep persisting. even with not entering the void yet, you can manifest a better life here and now. when something negative comes my way i manifest it away immediately, I don’t stay sad or stressed for more than 10 minutes. even if I fail entering the void or shifting, I remind myself I have all the time in the world to achieve it
entertaining the void is very easy: you just need an alternate state of consciousness (hypnogogia, lucid dreaming, sats etc) and intention. you don’t even need to have a positive mindset or fully believe it. if you’ve read my post on how to I entered the void, I mentioned how I didn’t think I can enter the void without doing yoga nidra then entered it a few minutes later because I simply wanted to get into the void
your thoughts create your reality. just state what you want, keep persisting and watch how your desires come to you
repetition and persistence are the keys; you don't have to fully believe the things you want to manifest, you just have to persist with the new thought
if you desire something, just immerse yourself in the idea that it's already yours in your imagination. affirm it, feel it, and don't let the current reality bother you. focus on your imagined reality (4D), persist in it, and over time, your outer reality (3D) will align with what you've imagined. that's when your desires come to life
here is some advice I can give regarding the void and manifesting, but I’ll also link some posts I hope you’ll find useful:
—the void state is nothing special, it’s just a deep meditative state just like when you zoom out in class and can’t hear, see or feel anything
—meditate; find a meditation you find comfortable doing and do it any time you can (I suggest doing it at least one time per day, especially in the morning). I like doing wim hof breathing method and listening to white, pink and brown noise. you can also use guided meditations on youtube. meditation can help you also release stress
—affirm daily for your desires. even if you get negative thoughts, ignore them and continue affirming
—be delusion regarding your desires. even if it feels icky at the beginning, keep on persisting
—if you can lucid dream use it to get into the void. it’s so easy and quick
—cici’s meditation guide for beginners
—the void state is easy
—jani’s law of assumption guide
—the best and fastest way to manifest
—enter the void on command by turning off your left brain side
—lucid dreaming guide
—void method: wake back to bed
—void method: pink hof breathing method
—void method: distraction method
—void method: lullaby method
—meditations to enter the void state
I wish you the best!! I hope only positive things come your way from now on 🤍
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