#massive breakfast radishes
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off to a lovely start for the long weekend ✨
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cdragons · 7 months
Fall Family Chaos Fun - An Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Halloween Oneshot
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Pairings: Sephia x Ikaris Word Count: ~2.1k Summary: A lil'l slice of insight to how Ikaris' and Sephia's home life goes in the fall with their three gremlins angels. This fic also introduces a lot of new characters that will make strong appearances in future works of this AU! Warning(s): Heavy petting on Ikaris' part (man's a horndog for our Sephie), Aggie is a menace who takes after her Aunt Kaety, Ikaris is older than dirt and doesn't understand teens, Laurie being a teen, and Sephia & Arthur just being adorable
Notes: Yes, I know that Halloween has technically passed, but I had midterms and projects during the time so I'm using the rest of the season as a Free Fall fics pass until December. So this oneshot was beta read by the ever-so lovely @ethereal-athalia, who has so graciously sacrificed herself agreed to beta read all of my fics for the upcoming future while my usual beta reader @valeskafics, is currently really busy with law school until the foreseeable future! Even so, please go visit her blog because she is one of the best writers on Tumblr, especially if you are a fan of Ewan Mitchell, and the HOTD/GOT universe! If you have read any of my past works, you know that my girl @ethereal-athalia is pretty much the co-parent of this Eternals AU idea, and I absolutely love sharing ideas with her, and making connections to make these fics more interesting. Anyway, please be kind and enjoy!
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Somewhere deep in an enchanted forest hidden from most of the world, there stood an impressive house. This house was the home to a very special family. It was built by a beautiful woman and her besotted husband, and became their home for them and their three incredible children. Every day the home was laughter and peace and a calming air-
-unless it was October, December, summer, or… actually, it hard to remember when the word “calm” could be used to describe their home.
“Which one Aggie?”
“The one that had the pretty gold swirls and stars! I need it to match with Hamy!”
“Aggie sweetie, I put it on the chair next to Pope Butterscotch the Golden Sheep!”
“Thanks mommy!”
“Mama? Have you seen Bun-Bun?”
“Bun-Bun had an accident with the breakfast this morning, so I put him in the wash! But he should be waiting for you in the dryer!”
“Thanks, Da!”
A frazzled Ikaris crouched on top of the stairwell, scrubbing away the evidence of markers and crayons from the wall-paint. When the colored outlines were only just barely visible, he made his way down the stairwell to find the one person whose sole presence would wash away all his fatigue. Standing over the massive sink - bathed in golden sunlight - stood the love of his eternal and immortal life. You were washing the vegetables that came from their gardens. Ikaris saw an array of vegetables – carrots that ranged from yellow to dark purple, deep red beetroots and radishes, a mountain of spinach, and a pumpkin of impressive size (just to new a few).
With sweat running down her brow and small streaks of dirt on your cheek, you was a vision of pure beauty. Ikaris could spend all his time listing all the parts he loved about you, and the Earth would long be dead from war and famine and any other forms of destruction that came from humanity. No time with you would be enough- it would never be enough. Wrapping his arms around your waist, Ikaris lowered his head until his nose was pressed into the crook of your neck.
Taking in a deep breath, your natural essence of clean and fresh aromas overtook his senses as a wave of calm washed over him. Your natural perfume mixed with the notes of your sweat formed a new sweet and tantalizing fragrance that caused a growl to emerge deep from his throat as Ikaris started to lay kisses over your skin. Given your deep connection to the Earth, your scent always seemed to change with the seasons. As the autumn chill chased away the summer breeze, gone were the fresh and soft fragrances of grapefruit and sandalwood. But Ikaris did not mind the loss as he took notice of notes of patchouli and orange. Reaching behind you to stroke your husband’s hair, you let a light chuckle escape under your breath.
“If you’re hoping to get lucky,” you teased with a mirthful smirk, “I would suggest that you wait until I am not sweating like a pig with dirt all over me.”
“Please,” Ikaris scoffed, “you say that if I haven’t taken you in the dirt a thousand times by now, each time leaving you more flushed with sweat than you washing some greens.” He emphasized his point by creeping his hands under your the massive green and cream flannel you stole from his closet until he reached your breasts. His eyes widened slightly at the lack of a certain apparel, until the corners of his mouth curled to a lecherous grin.
“No bra today?” He whispered with a low and husky tone. “Such a naughty flower, I wonder if I touched you down there, would I find your cunt bare and dripping, or your underwear soaked?” He pinched your nipple to emphasize his point, and let his ears drink in your soft mewling.
“Ikaris,” you rasped, “our kids could walk in any moment-”
Lightly chuckling at the immediate downfallen expression on your husband’s face in response to their children’s call to him. Turning your head to press a kiss on his furrowed brow, you reassured him that you would play the mediator this time.
“And while I’m at it,” you reasoned, “you can check on our less problematic son.”
“Laurie?” Ikaris’ expression immediately shifted to worry. “Is he alright? Has he experienced any chest pains or breathing troubles? He barely finished his breakfast this morning. Do I need to call Kaet-”
“No, no, no,” you reassured, already on damage control to prevent her husband from hovering over their firstborn like he had when Laurie was still a baby. “He’s just been holed up in his room all day, and I want to make sure that he isn’t overly stressed about anything.” You pressed her palm on his face, and stroked your thumb across his cheek. “Don’t worry so much, it might just be teen angst – Sersi told us that it’s very common at his age!”
Still a bit disturbed at his son’s unusual behavior, Ikaris quickly kissed your palm before making his way up the deep mahogany stairwell. Thinking over the past few months, Ikaris was making mental notes of his son’s strange behavior. He knew that it wasn’t his studies or his athletics at school, but he was acting more secretive. He would come home later than usual, check his phone more frequently, and even finish his meals as quickly as possible to dash to his room.
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Quickly flying past the many rooms – including the one that was currently occupied by his two youngest children, who were still arguing over the correct ownership over a particularly shiny ribbon – he finally made it to the end of the hall where his first child’s room was located. On the deep red-stained wood was a little piece of signage that was covered in laurel leaves with the only negative space spelling out “Laurie.” Softly knocking three times twice (a little signal between father and son) before a soft voice was heard through the door.
“Come in,” called out his son as Ikaris gently opened the door, a faint creak screeched out from the worn-down hinge and its pin. At first glance, the main focus of the room would be the queen-sized bed frame with a hand-embroidered eggshell-white cotton quilt, or the thousands of stars that were painted on the ceiling, or even the gilded golden crossbow hanging over his bed. But all the Eternal could focus on was the sight of his eldest child, Laurus Orion Harris, or “Laurie” as was so lovingly dubbed by his glorious wife. And he couldn’t help but feel immense pride in the fact that he had any part (even if it was only genetically) in creating the child in front of him.
“Everything alright dad?” Laurie asked.
“Yeah, everything’s okay,” Ikaris replied, “well, your mother is trying to separate your brother and sister over a very sparkly ribbon. But other than that, everything is fine.” He paused for a minute to notice that his eldest was acting a bit antsy, as if he was expecting something very important. “But are you sure there isn’t anything bothering you?”
“Huh, what do you mean?”
“Well, it’s just unusual for you to be holed up in your room. It’s usually not because of your studies because your Aunt Sersi always tells your mum and me how well you’re doing. At the very least, you’d probably be outside enjoying the changing leaves with your horse.” Ikaris tried not to seem too intrusive, his son had the right to his own privacy after all, and he trusted him to always make good choices. But with everything he had seen for the past few months, he wanted to make sure that Laurie wasn’t involved in anything dangerous. “I just want you to know that if there’s anything that’s at all bothering you, me or your mum are always going to be there to listen.”
Laurie took in what his dad said, and decided that it wouldn’t hurt to tell him a little bit. “Well, now that you mention it. I was just wondering…do you think Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena will bring Mara and Uriel over for Hamish’s birthday?”
And suddenly everything was clear for Ikaris. It was no wonder his child had been acting so nervous lately.
“Laurie,” he began, “are you worried over how you’ll act around Thena’s new ward?”
When his fourteen-year-old son’s face turned bright red, Ikaris knew he hit the nail on the head.
“You know, if you’re really that worried, I can ask Thena and Gil to maybe reconsider coming this year. I am sure they’ll understand, it’s only been a little over a year since-”
“NO! That’s alright!” Laurie was so panicked that he didn’t even notice his voice cracking, “I don’t want to do that to Hamish, he looks forward to all of us coming together for his birthday. And I rarely see Uncle Gil and Aunt Thena that much as it is – plus, Aggie seems to be alright with her, and Arthur is already getting along with Uriel really well. So…I just want to make sure that she knows that she’s welcome and…safe with us.”
“Oh my sweet boy,” mentally sorrowed Ikaris, “that little fire hellion has got him petrified.” No matter how long since it’s been since he last fought, the Eternal would tell when someone was trying to put on a brave face. Not wanting to embarrass his son, Ikaris decided that it would be best to just drop the matter for now. Worst case scenario, he would no issue to take matters in his own hands if that little flame demon tried to pull anything on Laurie like she had the first time.
“Alright,” he relented, “but you shouldn’t worry so much. I’m sure that you two will soon be good friends. But if there is anything that happens with her that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable, you tell me or you mum straight away. Do you understand that?”
“Yeah dad, I understand.”
“Good, I want you to know that-”
Letting out a deep sigh before walking over to the foot of the bed next to his son, Ikaris swept aside a bit of his unruly curls to drop a quick kiss on the top of his forehead. A wave of rosemary and frankincense wafted into his nose.
“Seems like your mum needs some help,” he chuckled, “remember what I told you. I love you.”
“Love you too dad,” replied Laurie as he watched his father walk out of his room and closing the door. He tried his best to gather his thoughts for the upcoming holiday, but that was easier said than done.
“Agalia Sersi Harris!” He heard his mother yell out – which happened very rarely. “You tell Germain to lower your brother on the ground this instant young lady!”
Not being able to hold back the laugh escape his throat, Laurie let out a series of soft chuckles. He thought back to all of the comments his friends at his school would make about his family.
They would marvel over how his mum would always make sure his lunches would look so delicious, and laugh whenever he never rejected her hugs and kisses.
Sometimes, they’d jealously gripe over how close he would be with his dad because he would always be there for his games and always act so proud of how he played – even if he did terribly.
There was the occasional snide comment about how Aggie would act so uppity and prissy, and then they’d immediately piss themselves at the sight of her barreling toward them at full speed to deliver her fury.
And then they would talk about how weird it’d be whenever Little Ari would always try to play with them, and Laurie would never brush him off and make sure that there was a way to include him.
It made the young man sad to realize that it wasn’t considered “normal” to be so close to your own parents and siblings. But if being a “normal” meant having to pretend that he didn’t have most incredible family in the history of the world, then he would gladly wear the title “freak” proudly.
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I hope you enjoyed reading this fic! Please drop a like if you did enjoy it, and also a reblog or comment if you look forward to reading more!
Tagging: @valeskafics, @ethereal-athalia, @aphroditesmoon, @3vergr3en, @its-actually-minicika, @asa-do-your-thing, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @hypnoticmistake, @vikingqueen28, @tacorice, @deanthomaswhore, @angelnyx, @getawaycardotmp3, @redheadspark, @sunphyre, @bambiandbam, @diaryofapillowprincess, @karimac, @spacetalbot, @beananacake, @snowprincesa1, @littledoveofchaos, @prettyvintageafternoon, @themeanestlittlewitch
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attor · 1 year
suuuuuuch a beautiful day so far first day ive felt really good and present in a long time...woke up and didnt feel scared or angry for the first time in years, its warm and sunny out and the leaves on the oak are doubling in size every day, had an almond croissant with the fluffiest marzipan for breakfast, went to the market and bought the most beautiful long french radishes+the lady at the stall gave me extra greens for free cause nobody wanted them, got myself a pair of millefiori cups on ebay cause i miss my grandma and she always has her water with her crescent shaped ice in the summer in this bubbly little millefiori cup, finished sculpting this absolutely massive 50lbs wine jar last night which ive been coil throwing on the kick wheel for the last three days, going in at 1 to meet with my old writing prof to get some notes on a piece im working on...going to try and get the dishes done+kitchen cleaned before i leave so i can come home and make jingalov hats and trout for dinner. still recovering from a cold but full of so much vibrant energy. feeling like a piece of colorful glass rn
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theeslytherinslut · 3 years
A Shit Tutor (4/?)
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x reader, Draco Malfoy x slytherin!reader 
Word Count: 1,581 
Warnings: language, none
A/N: sorry for the hiatus guys! Some of you guys now but I’m in college and nearing the end of the semester so the workload is getting more intense. And on top of that I’m working on writing an actual book lol. So a lot going on rn but I’ll try to work out a more regular posting schedule. Anyway, thanks for reading!!!
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“Up! Up! Up!” your alarm clock chirped, excited to fulfill its role. 
“Alright,” you moaned into your pillow, turning onto your side. 
“Did you hear me? It’s time to get up!” it chirped once more. 
“I heard you! I’ll be up in a minute,” you whined, eyes still heavy with sleep. 
“The first to rise is always most wise!” it sang; your mother thought the clock was quite funny, especially knowing how grumpy you were in the mornings.  
“Fucking fine! I’m up! You obnoxiously cheerful sodding clock,” you grumped, rolling out of your bed. 
“Always such a pleasure,” the clock quipped back before the gears resembling eyes slid closed once more. 
“I was just about to wake you myself,” Jal said, poking her head around the corner, grinning at you as she braided her hair back. You merely grunted in response, attempting to rub the sleep from your eyes. “You always were a graceful riser.”
Shooting her a glare, she grinned and disappeared back into her section of the room. Yawning, you pulled a brush through your hair and clipped it up and out of your face, dawning your uniform for the day. Just as you were finished tying your tie, Jal called out to you. 
“C’mon, we’ve already missed breakfast. I’m not being late to McGonagall for you,” she warned. Realizing she was right, you cursed under your breath and slung your bag onto your shoulder, jogging after Jal. 
The morning had been hell, you’d forgotten your report for McGonagall in your dorms, and even though it was done, the witch had taken 5 points for not having with you. In Ancient Runes, you’d been half asleep when Professor Babbling called on you--you gave the wrong answer. Jal’s snickers all throughout were of no help to your mood, and by lunch, you were positively bitchy. 
“Sweet Salazar, someone’s got their knickers in a bunch this morning, haven’t they?” Jal said, looking amused at your grumpy face. 
“It would help if you weren’t so goddamn giggly. Old McGonagall takes 5 points, and it’s somehow funny to you,” you pouted, lowering your eyes at her as the two of you stepped into the Great Hall. As you walked past the Gryffindor table, you could’ve sworn you heard the gangly redhead say your name, but when you turned to throw daggers, the bushy-haired girl that was always with them quickly hushed him up so you couldn’t be sure. 
“If you weren’t the one getting points taken, you wouldn’t be so bitchy,” Jal sighed as you glared at the three. Harry looked up and started at the malice in your face, but the girl with them snapped her fingers and called his attention once more. 
“Yeah, well, it was me, wasn’t it?” you grumped as the two of you came to the Slytherin table; just as you were about to slide onto the bench, you heard your name. 
“Y/N!” a nearby voice called. Shocked, you looked to find a pale hand waving you up the table. Looking over at Jal, she wore the look you imagined was on your face as well and shrugged. 
“Go on,” she said after a moment, waving you on. 
“Y/N!” the voice called again. 
“Go!” she called again, waving her hands at you as she moved to sit. 
“Come with me!” you called, suddenly intensely nervous. 
“What?” she said, suddenly looking scared. 
“Come on!” you hissed, grasping her wrist tightly and dragging her along with you. She resisted for a minute, but as the two of you got closer, she recovered and walked with you. 
“Yes?” you said, stopping in front of Draco as he smirked at you. Turning around in his seat across from Draco, you felt Jal stiffen as Blaise’s eyes traveled along her figure. 
“Jaltrece, right?” he smirked, his voice like butter. Looking at him now, you could definitely see the appeal. His jaw was simply unforgiving and the muscles tensed as he looked at Jal; she seemed to have lost her voice. His dark eyes were alight with amusement at her awkwardness, and it was a moment before you could pull your eyes from him. As fair as Blaise was dark, sitting across from him was Draco, grinning at you in amusement as well. 
“Jal,” she choked out after an awkward pause. Clearing her throat, she spoke again. “It’s Jal.” 
“Jal,” he repeated, and you could have sworn you saw her knees tremble a bit. “Care to sit?” 
Words failing her, she nodded dumbly and slid into the spot next to him. Gesturing with his own arm, Draco beckoned you to the other side of the table. Walking around it, you smiled sheepishly and slid into the spot next to him. 
“Thought we might sit together. How’s your morning?” he asked as he buttered a biscuit. 
“Pretty shit, honestly. Forgot my Transfiguration report, so McGonagall took 5 points, then I gave the wrong answer in Ancient Runes, not to mention the bloody staircase changed on the way here, so I got lost for a bit,” you sighed. 
“I’ll never understand why they made the sodding staircases change--as if the castle wasn't confusing enough,” he agreed, shaking his head. “Father says it was Rowena Ravenclaw who insisted on it; I thought the Ravenclaws were supposed to be intelligent.” 
“Nothing says intelligence like unnecessarily enchanting the staircases in an utterly massive castle to get you lost,” you sighed, filling your plate. He laughed lightly, and you snuck a look at him as he did so; his true smiles were so rare. “Besides, have you seen that one Ravenclaw?” 
“Which one?” he asked, grinning. 
“The airhead; the one who wears bloody radishes for jewelry,” you laughed.
“The one who follows after Potter and his followers like a bloody puppy dog? Loony?” he asked, looking annoyed as he spoke of Harry. 
“Loony?” you laughed.
“You haven’t heard her nickname? I thought everyone had,” he laughed back, lifting his goblet to his lips. 
“Evidently not. Nobody tells me anything--that’s incredible, Loony, ha!” you laughed again. Draco smiled at you and seemed to study your face. Feeling slightly uncomfortable at his intense attention, you let your Y/C/H hair curtain over your face. 
“So, were you planning on a Hogsmeade trip this weekend? It’s the first of the year,” he asked conversationally. 
“Probably. Jal here is a sugar addict; she never misses a Honeydukes trip,” you teased. She scowled darkly at you. 
“Blaise keeps a stash of pepper imps underneath his bed; he isn’t the only sugar addict,” Draco said, grinning as well at his friend. 
“Careful, Malfoy. I think what you keep hidden under your bed is a bit more interesting,” Blaise said darkly. Obviously, your interest was piqued. Looking at Draco, you found his features paler than normal and started a bit at the intensity in his glare. Nobody glared like a Malfoy glared. 
“Touche, Zabini,” he muttered darkly, his smugness leaking back into his face as he noticed you watching. “Fancy a partner?” 
“Sorry?” you asked, almost choking on your chip. 
“To Hogsmeade? How would you fancy accompanying me?” Draco asked, turning on his charm as he smirked at you. Dazed, you felt your heart rate pick up in your chest. 
“Er, yeah. Yes, I, uh, I suppose that would be alright,” you said, trying to sound appeasingly nonchalant. Looking up, you saw Jal smirking and knew you failed. 
“Excellent, I’ll meet you in the courtyard after breakfast on Saturday?” he smiled. 
“It’s a date,” you smiled back, but then your insides turned ice cold. “Shit, er, didn’t mean it like that. Was just trying to be funny.” 
Your face was positively burning hot; it seemed it had leeched all of the blood from your body. Cursing yourself internally, you bit the inside of your cheek and hoped to Godric he’d let it go.
“It’s a date,” he repeated and delivered a swift kiss to your cheek. Shocked, you actually choked on the chip headed down your throat this time. Coughing violently, you were all too aware of the eyes now watching you. Despite all your coughing, your body couldn’t seem to dislodge the piece of food, and breathing was impossible; though, if you were to die right there, you didn’t think you'd mind too much. I mean, here you were actually choking to death because Draco Malfoy had asked you on a date and gave your cheek a kiss. 
“Apapneo,” you heard suddenly. Surprised, but cherishing the air now flowing to your lungs, you gave a grateful smile to your savior. 
“Try to chew next time, yes?” 
To your utter annoyance, Snape was the one who happened to be passing by to get to the staff table at the time of your choking. 
“Right, thank you, Professor,” you forced through grit teeth. Without another word, Snape began making his way up once more. 
“You are the only Slytherin I’ve ever met that Snape actively dislikes,” Blaise said after a moment. 
“You’re telling me!” you sighed exasperatedly. “All because I’m not too good at Potions,” 
The three of them gave you a look, and you rolled your eyes. 
“Alright, alright. I’m rubbish, I know, thank you,” you said, offering them your favorite finger. And because why wouldn’t you be, you were caught. 
“Ms. Y/L/N!” you heard. Closing your eyes, you let out a deep breath; it was simply not your day. “Another 5 from Slytherin,” McGonagall quipped. 
“I am on a roll today,” you sighed. If you didn’t start finding humor in the events of the day, someone was going to be dead by sunrise. 
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So I Don’t Forget Again: A Breath of The Wild fanfiction
Entry 208: Zora’s Domain
 Sidon made me breakfast. He made things I had taught him to make back at Hateno, he had to wake up very early to get the ingredients on time. He tried to hide it, but I could see he was a little sleepy through the whole day, he’s had such little rest. I really appreciate this, him just focusing on me, almost like there’s nothing else, but I don’t want him to push himself. Though I want to thank him all the same. He just makes me feel so special and safe, in a way unlike anything else, I guess. I feel like he really sees me, like he truly wants me. I don’t know how to describe this, but I want to. I want to pour these feelings into these pages, have him read this so he can know just how much he means to me, how he’s an irreplaceable part of my life, how he
I just want him to know as amazing as he finds me, I find him to be just the same. He’s much more eloquent with words than me, so maybe he’d know how to write this, but I want to at least try, even if this is just kinda incoherent thoughts by now.
We went to market, it’s a bit away from town, but that’s because it’s more of a trading area so Hylians and Gorons and others can get there easier than going through the canyon to the town. We did some shopping but we heard a lot of rumors. A new hero appearing, one who couldn’t be the reincarnated one. A hero who did not wield the blade of evil’s bane but a trident, instead of working in service of the princesses, or royalty, or goddess they worked for the people, a blond gender ambiguous Hylian who slew a massive, fearsome beast all to get ingredients for a medicine for a gerudo woman’s sick husband they didn’t even know, a person who helped the descendants of the champions calm all the Divine Beasts soon after their rampages began, a person who is a brother to the strong gorons, a person who had begun to teach others how to fend for themselves, on and on it went, even false or exaggerated tales. They were all about one simple person who served the people for their sake and nothing else. This person was not grand or flashy, they were only recognized since tridents are an uncommon weapon and even more uncommon for hylians outside of the royal family to be blond, two odd, eye catching characteristics and people made the connections from there. Sidon told me it just seemed fitting that the “Hero of the People” would wish to use all his peoples’ fighting styles, a person who was strong with all their power, their best qualities united.
I guess it is fitting. Before being the chosen hero or whatever felt like a burden, but this time, it felt different, it didn’t feel bad, like there’s this cumbersome weight I just can’t carry. I’m being called a hero for things I have done already, not things I’m expected to do, I think that’s the difference. I think Sidon could tell too. He admitted he was a little nervous about this, but if I did react badly, he wanted to be beside me so he could comfort me and not have me over hear this some other place far away and for my thoughts to go dark again. And we had the whole day to be together so we could do something fun to get my mind off it.
We had a lovely walk back. Bossa Nova kept trying to steal some of the ingredients we ended up running part of the way as he chased us. He even tried nibbling on my hair to get my attention. Sidon tried scolding him, but Bossa Nova didn’t care. After gifting a Hearty Radish he calmed down, but Sidon said I shouldn’t spoil him, that he’ll just take advantage of that and eat through all my non-meat supplies sooner or later. But then he just looked at me for a moment, smiled and shook his head before turning back to the trail ahead. When I asked him what that meant he told me he couldn’t find my behavior endearing and that I need to learn how to say ‘no’ sometimes. I guess he is a prince, he has to make decisions for his people, and he’ll likely have to say ‘no’ sometimes, but how can you say no to a cute hungry capybara! Besides I don’t think he would have stopped trying to knock us over till he was fed so I don’t think it could have been THAT bad. Just a treat. He’s a good boy, he needs the love. Sidon then gasped and said this must be why Bossa Nova likes me more now. It was clear he was play acting, playing up the moment but his reaction did get Bossa Nova to charge at him and knock him into the river for hugs. Much of the fruit started floating down river and it took a while to collect it all.
We cooked lunch together, a fusion between Rito and Zora cuisine. I always love cooking with him, well I just like cooking, but especially with him. Food reflects it’s culture and traditions, cooking is literally making something to help the other keep living and making it enjoyable all the while. I don’t think I need food, not anymore at least, but I can still enjoy it, making it and tasting it with others. Eating and cooking with others feels different than on your own, it only makes sense, food reflects people and so more people would surely make it taste better. All this to say I just really enjoyed lunch. And Bossa Nova still ate his meal so giving him his treat was not spoiling him! He didn’t eat his whole thing though, but that’s not the point! He still ate it… I guess it’s because I don’t get hungry I don’t see the point in having scheduled meals. Sidon said that was not the point, the point being Bossa Nova acting bratty to get whatever he wants. But could it be so bad, all he ever wants is food or extra affection.
Sidon asked if I knew how long I can hold my breath for. Much of his kingdom is underwater and he wanted to show more of it to me. Zoras really are made for the water, even the shape of their heads are kind of like arrows so they can effortlessly pierce through it. I know fish need fins to swim, I wonder how fins help Zora swim. They’re just stunning racing past, or at least Sidon is. Even with my complete zora armor set swimming can be a struggle but for him it’s effortless, he can go in circles and make twists and turns so quickly. Light seems much starker underwater, either bright or dark, I notice his glowy parts much more, I still can’t tell if they’re always glowing or if the glow activates when he’s in shade.
His home underwater looks similarish to land with similar plants, but there are also very different ones I don’t even know where to begin describing them. Some are kind of like flat dishes and others more spindly, then there are others that are wrinkly, I’ve never seen plants like those in the rivers before. There are some like stone, Sidon says they’re called coral and are plants oddly enough. Many of these only grow in the domain, but there are similar ones in the ocean. I wondered if any could be used in cooking, as they are plants zoras have never tried and Sidon was rather keen on assisting me if I tried working with them.
His kingdom underwater is so much larger than on the surface. Sidon and his people could so easily be separated from the rest of the world and be just fine. Their most important places like the throne room are on the surface so others can more easily reach them. That is something he’s always had been so appreciative of his ancestors for doing. His people, they’ve always been distant from the rest of Hyrule whether they lived solely underwater or some place out of reach or hidden away, of all times this current era is likely the closest they have been to others even with being separated by a distant canyon still. He doesn’t like this distance, even if it is better than before. After the champions fell and the hylians had no leader, everyone mostly went their own ways and more of a divide was created between everyone, sure there’s trade and the mail service but other than that, nothing, no alliance promises or at least documents stating they were at peace with one another, there’s nothing except for the few individuals who sought out pay from others, that’s why he finds what I’m doing to be so incredible. This legend I’m making just by being myself, becoming something or someone everyone can connect too or want to strive for. A kind of hero he could only have dreamed of. I told him I can’t do anything like uniting everyone, I’ve just lived with them and gotten to know them, he however, someone who knows how to lead others, someone who can understand and relate to others so easily or through his sheer determination, his hunger to know others better, wanting those connections, he could become someone who could lead and unite hyrule. He told me uniting hyrule again was going to be a monumental task, surely one he could not handle on his own, he’d definitely need someone who’s on good terms with everyone, and more importantly a partner by his side, someone he could lean on during the rough days, someone who could emotionally support him and just be by his side, just someone precious to him to keep close.
How tenderly he held my hands and stroked them with his thumbs, and just that way he looked at me. I don’t know what I was feeling but it was so warm, and soft, and like my chest was fluttering. Just… how he wants me, not just for what I can do, he just wants me. He wants me to be there because he just wants to share his life with me, I just happen to get some additional satisfaction since I know I get to help, but even if I couldn’t I KNOW he’d want me to be there with him and it just…
It means so much to me.
Today was just so nice.
After leading me to my room he collapsed on the bed. I don’t know about him, but I know swimming definitely takes a lot of energy and he was already working with little sleep, at least this way I know for certain he’s getting rest. I hope nobody comes here looking for him. For now, I guess I should get some sleep myself.
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owillofthewisps · 4 years
beckoning light - part four
notes: in a classic writer move, i knew exactly what i wanted to do in this chapter and just couldn’t get it out of my head. in some ways this is the fic that takes the most out of me, because i can see it so well and i want to get it down as i see it. life, of course, rarely works that way. hopefully the next chapter will be faster!
anyway this is my thousandth post on this blog. it feels right that it’s beckoning light. and yes i may have stopped posting just so that could happen, i’m just like that.
rating: light mature? (just some dirty thoughts, really. some brief descriptions of wounds.)
pairing: geralt of rivia/fem reader
word count: 3.5k
part one ∙ part two ∙ part three
the wisps have never led you astray, but you hadn’t expected them to lead you to him. 
The sun pools over you, a warm pond of golden light.
It warms the house despite the breeze stirring through your open shutters, a cool lick of wind that plays over your skin like a soft kiss. The forest breathes, the leaves fluttering with each exhale, sending the dappled sunlight dancing over the ground. You can hear the pulse of it, the forest song fading into a heartbeat as familiar as your own.
You hum to yourself. The gaps between the trees are still shaded, dark maws of space, the little saplings rising like teeth, sharp with growth. The forest will swallow you whole one day, you know.
There is the faintest hint of movement in that velvet night space between the trees, and your hands slow, the knife heavy in your grasp. Asha nudges you, calls you back, her blocky head solid against your hip. “Nuisance,” you tell her, but you trail your fingertips over the velvet slip of her ears. The grumble that leaves her resonates like a summer storm thick with thunder. She nudges you again, her nose smudging cold through the thin fabric of your shift.
“Nuisance,” you say again, but you are betrayed by the honeyed warmth of affection that lines your voice. She huffs and you relent. You slice off a small hunk of sausage, smeared greasy with slick fat, and give it to her. “Satisfied?”
Her tail thumps against the floor, a whip crack of noise, and she licks at your fingers before nosing at you once more.
“I suppose not,” you say. You bump her with your hip. “But that’s quite enough. Go on then.”
Asha grouses, a rumble of a sound, but she obeys. She pauses just long enough for you to lean down and press a kiss against the crown of her head.
You dip your fingers into a nearby bowl of water to rinse them before returning to your task. The breeze trickles in through the window, tugs at your sleeves with playful fingers, but your knife is steady as it slides through the rest of the sausage. You pluck a bundle of fresh thyme from your shelves and crush the delicate leaves beneath the flat of the knife. The woody, earthen smell of it wafts up, a forest all its own. You breathe it in, this hint of the wild, and feel Geralt’s eyes upon you.
You don’t think you have words for it, for the sunscorch of his amber eyes and how they’ve burned themselves into the marrow of your bones.
“Tell me, Witcher,” you say, “is breakfast so fascinating that you can’t look away? I know that food on the road leaves much to be desired, but this seems excessive.”
“It’s not breakfast that I’m looking at.”
You glance over your shoulder.
In the daylight, even ensconced in the cradle of your bed and your worn, rumpled blankets, Geralt brings to mind the statues that stood proud in the summer-scented courtyards of the marquess’s estate. The breadth of him is mesmerizing, the slope of his shoulders a mountain range of muscle.
Your gazes meet. Geralt’s eyes are tinder sparks, a flare of heat catching against the kindling of your desire, and the air thickens, goes syrupy at the edges. It’s the breath before a storm, the sultry promise of something on the horizon drawing near. You swallow. His golden eyes dip to the play of your throat, drag a trail of phantom touch across your skin.
He stops cleaning his sword, his grip tightening around his broadsword’s hilt - your piece of the bargain struck, a trade for him remaining abed until Hadrian arrives - and you shift. You think of how his fingers would press indents into the plump of your thigh as he pulls you to him, as he settles the heat of your slick cunt against the thick line of his cock. The kindling catches alight low in your belly.
Geralt inhales, his jaw sharpening as he grits his teeth. 
The sun glistens against him, catches on the thin sheen of sweat on his chest, and you focus on the swath of bandages across his chest. Miniscule blossoms of dark crimson have sprouted in the cotton, tiny clusters of ruby flowers.There are not many of them, but they are there. It dampens the edges of the heat.
“Funny,” you say lightly, turning back to the cutting board, “because you look hungry.”
“I’ve no doubt you can sate my appetite.”
“Then I’d best finish making breakfast.”
Geralt grunts.
His eyes linger as you work. The pan nestled into the hearthfire spits as you drop the sausage into it, the thyme going crisp, the small leaves furling back onto themselves in a last bid of protection. Asha moves closer to the hearth, ever hopeful. You crack the dove eggs into the pan. She snuffles at the shells when you discard them, heaving a mournful sigh that has a smile flirting at your lips.
“Here,” you tell Geralt, handing him a plate piled high, “eat.”
You wave off his thanks. As is your habit, you clean while you eat, stepping around Asha’s massive frame as she trails after you forlornly.
“I feed you,” you tell her, ignoring the way her velvet ears perk up at the sound of your voice. “Stop acting as if I don’t.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you think you see the faintest flicker of a smile on Geralt’s lips.
It is not long until you are taking back an empty plate from Geralt. The sun has risen higher, the shadows shifting as it treks across the deep blue of the late morning sky. It glints off of Geralt’s broadsword, and you take a moment to appreciate the way his forearm bunches as he glides the cleaning rag against the flat of his sword, his thick fingers deft.
You eye him meditatively. “I don’t suppose you’ll stay abed if I go tend the garden?”
He grunts.
“That’s not an answer,” you tell him, scooping up a basket. You should change, likely, but your chemise covers enough, and hearth has already spit soot-streaks onto it.
He keeps at his sword, keeps those long, rhythmic strokes.
You sigh. “Keep to the bed,” you tell him. “It will help with the pain, as I understand it.”
“Witchers are used to pain.”
“That doesn’t mean you should suffer it needlessly,” you say mildly. It is an assumption and overstep in the same breath, but you are not always kind enough nor wise enough to curb yourself. “Used to pain’ differs from ‘deserves pain’, and you do not deserve it, no matter what they tell you.”
His hands go still for a breath, his knuckles curving into hard peaks, whitening like snow-capped mountains.
“I do not know if you are punishing yourself,” you say, “but if you are, consider who you are doing it for.”
Before he can respond, you dart out the door with Asha romping wild at your heels.
“Careful,” you say absently, tugging up another ruby red radish and shaking the thick loam off of it. The soil is still laden with the morning dew’s touch, sweetly damp and cool. You let your fingers sink home, curl them into the soil like roots to anchor you in the earth. You pinch the radish stem between your fingers and tug. “There’s cow parsnip nearby, it’ll give you an awful rash.”
“I suppose I should be used to that.”
You raise a brow. “To having an awful rash?”
Jaskier makes a deeply offended noise. “That seems uncalled for!”
You laugh, sitting back on your heels. You wipe at the sweat on the side of your neck. The dirt smears there, but you leave it for now. “What else was I supposed to think?”
The bard sputters. “Not that!”
You pull up another few radishes, twisting their leafy greens through your fingers. “What should you be used to, then, Jaskier?”
He peers down at you, his cerulean eyes gleaming like the sea waves beneath the afternoon sun. “The way you knew I was coming. Geralt’s impossible to sneak up on, what with his Witcher nonsense, the enhanced senses and all. Doesn’t stop him from pretending he can’t hear me when I’m talking to him, though.”
“Oh,” you say, “I hadn’t realized you were trying to sneak up on me.”
“I wasn’t,” Jaskier says, “but you seemed far away.”
You smooth the dirt back into place, covering the small divots that used to house the radishes. There are more radishes nearby, but it won’t hurt to harvest them another day. “I was, but the trees told me you were coming.”
Jaskier eyes you, rolling a brass button between his deft fingers. He seems to be honoring the burgeoning season, his fine doublet the faded burnt orange of fallen autumn leaves. “Right,” he huffs, settling his hands on his hips. “Has anyone told you that you’re hard to read, woodwife? Your face, though pretty, is a mystery to me, and I cannot quite tell if you are serious.”
You bite down on your smile. “Oh, didn’t the villagers tell you about that, the trees and their gossip?”
“Well yes,” he says, pulling you to your feet when you hold out a hand. He braces you as you stumble. He’s broader than you thought, the cut of his clothes cloaking his apparent strength. “But they also told me that you feed the forest - wouldn’t say what, which is a bit unnerving, I’d be concerned about Geralt but he’s so thorny anything that eats him tends to spit him back out again - and that you’re part tree yourself, so you can see how it might get a little difficult to sort out.”
You scoop up your basket and tuck it into the crook of your hip. “Even if I could talk to trees, they wouldn’t have needed to tell me. You’re not quiet,” you say with a smile. “I think most would hear you coming. Is Hadrian inside?”
“Yes, he said something about how I should wait because of your hellbeast.”
“He exaggerates. She’s likely running through the woods anyway.”
“Having seen the size of your hound, I thought I should defer to his knowledge.”
You nudge the door open with your foot. “Understandable, I suppose,” you say. You duck inside the house and Jaskier follows.
You pay your three visitors little mind as you put away the garden’s harvest. It’s a meager one, but that’s not uncommon at this time, too early for most fall crops to be fully grown. And meager does not mean poor; the radishes are rotund little things, gleaming under the layer of dirt, and the carrots are full bodied and the color of a setting sun. You wipe the dirt from them as best you can and then tuck some away. You glance at the bed.
Hadrian is examining Geralt with careful fingers.
The Witcher is stoic, but there’s a hint of pain tucked into the corner of his lips. You are sure he can feel your eyes, but he keeps his amber gaze trained on the foot of the bed.
Hadrian moves with quick delicacy, checking at the whitening edges of the wound, where the skin is pulling tight with the promise of a thick scar. The very center of the gash is still wine red, deeply claret, the type of color that has teeth. You think again that none but a Witcher could have survived it. You know little of wounds, but you had known it was a terrible one as soon as you’d set eyes on it, and you have never seen something so perilous lose its relentless bite so quickly.
There’s a fragile intimacy to Hadrian’s probing fingers, and you glance away. You pull Jaskier - propped up on a small stool near the bed, plucking at his lute, his wide eyes darting between the strings and the river of stark stitches winding their way across Geralt’s torso - into some of your daily chores. He protests, but it’s half-hearted.
You’ve just bundled the linens into the laundry tub when Hadrian comes outside. You’ve left Jaskier chattering at Roach as he brushes her, the horse clearly delighted by his presence.
Hadrian kneels beside you, helps you push the fabric down into the water, the cloth fading into something ethereal as it dampens, diaphanous and eerie. He hisses at the heat of it, pulling back with a curse. You laugh quietly and knead at the linens, the steaming water lapping at your wrists like waves against a shoreline. You blot your hands dry against your shift once the linens are sodden and sit back on your heels.
“What’s this?” you ask, leaning over and tugging at the ribbon wound around Hadrian’s ponytail. It slips like silk through his hair. It’s a pretty little thing, carefully embroidered, little clusters of sunshine bright calendula blossoms and bundles of sage stitched into the smooth fabric. “Are you being courted, healer?”
He brushes you away with his long, delicate fingers. “Stop that, gnat,” he says.
“I’ll consider that a yes. What’s their name?”
Hadrian ignores you, reaching past you for the washing bat. He wipes away the thin layer of dust that’s accumulated from beating out the linens before slipping it into the tub, spinning the washing around in a slow, wide circle.
“The Witcher could ride,” he says after a moment, the click of the bat against the sides of the tub a steady beat that cuts through the forest’s song. “Not far, and the wound would likely open again, but if you wish it, he does not need to stay here.”
You hum quietly, watching the wisps of steam curl into the air to fade like smoke. “All of these years and yet you know me so little, it seems.”
He sighs. “I do not mean it as a slight,” he says. “I am only offering a choice that was not there before.”
“It is no choice.”
“I suspected as much.”
He hands you the laundry bat and pushes to his feet, his lanky frame unfolding like a fan, a graceful flick of lean muscle. “I’ve left a few tins of salve inside. The way he heals is far beyond my understanding, but it is still a terrible wound, and they cannot hurt.”
Hadrian studies you for a moment, pierces through you with his slate gaze, the color of the winter sea, when the whitecaps have teeth. “The forest may betray you one day,” he says.
You watch the laundry water, the swirl of fabric spectral. “Perhaps,” you say. “But not yet.”
Hadrian sighs. The sound is a forlorn winter breeze ghosting through bare branches. “Try to wait until he’s healed to fuck him.”
You laugh, the sound swelling up from somewhere deep inside. “I’ll try.”
“Where’s Jaskier?” Hadrian asks.
“Talking to the horse last I saw him,” you say, getting to your feet. “Help me with this.”
Between the two of you, it’s easy to carry the washtub to the forest’s edge. It’s the briefest taste of the wild, moss creeping high on slim tree trunks, mushrooms opening like flowers where they are nestled into the curve of roots. The last of the summer wildflowers are struggling, going crisp at the edges. The forest has little mercy.
You switch the washing to your other tub, tuck the tallow soap and washboard in with the sodden fabric.
“Do you want me to stay until you’re back?” Hadrian asks.
“No,” you say, hefting the second washtub up onto your hip as Hadrian tilts the other on its side, the water rushing out like a river, sluicing through the undergrowth and winding along networks of roots. “You can if you’d like, though. Take that back to the house.”
“Of course, Your Highness,” Hadrian lilts, “right away.”
You swat at him. “Please.”
“Better,” he says, hoisting the tub up. “Be safe, gnat.”
He trots back towards your house, the ribbon in his hair fluttering behind him like a ship’s sail. You watch him for a moment more, watch the way the sun catches on his charcoal hair.
The forest sings as you step into the treeline. You weave your way across the cobwebs of roots that puncture through the thick loam, moss gleaming wet on their outstretched limbs. Sleek saplings whisper in the wind, swaying like dancers. Something chitters in the undergrowth, the sound spiraling high in agitation, a warning in a language far beyond your tongue.
Sunlight cascades through gaps in the canopy, anoints the forest floor with a golden kiss. Small flowers are speckled through the undergrowth, their blossoms turned up in worship, little faces raised to the sun. You venture deeper into the forest, the ancient trees swelling above you. They creak and groan in the wind, sleeping giants tossing in their beds.
The hair at the nape of your neck is damp with sweat. You heft the washtub higher, ignoring the moan of your muscles. You can hear the stream now, the quiet burble of it, and know it will not be long.
The glen is a sumptuous one, teeming with greenery even as autumn sets in, the ferns fat with fronds, fed by the stream’s sweet water. You kneel at the stream’s edge and get to work.
You sing to yourself as you scrub at the washing, the stream a steadfast companion. The forest murmurs around you.
You slip into the stream once the washing is done, leaving your dirty shift on the bank. The water enfolds you with icy fingers. It’s a chill bite of sensation against your sweat-slick skin, something that edges on gnawing, but it fades into something kinder. You turn your face towards the canopy and let the water flow over you like a blessing.
Something crashes in the underbrush.
You duck low in the water, scanning the edges of the glen as the rustling grows louder. Your dagger is tucked beneath your shift on the shore.
The ferns whisper in the wind, and then there is something hurtling from the undergrowth, massive and lightning quick, and as it plummets into the stream, you spit out scream that’s half curse. Just as the water surges around it, you catch sight of a familiar brindled pattern, and then the hound is on you.
“You’re the worst,” you tell Asha, shoving water at her.
She snuffles happily, ducking her muzzle beneath the water.
“Fine,” you say, “we’re going home.” You wade to the shore and put on a damp chemise, shoving your dirty one under the washboard before piling the rest of the washing in. “C’mon,” you call.
Asha trots next to you as you wind your way back through the labyrinth of the woods, through the drape of moss and the scratch of the pricker bushes.
“Should we visit?” you ask her. She pants, nudging at you to get you around a sapling. “I saw it, thank you.”
The forest opens into the cozy meadow your home is tucked into. You can see the smoke wisping out from your chimney steadily, fading into the afternoon sky. The shutters are flung wide; one of them sways in the breeze, the hinges creaking. You consider your home for a moment, and then you put down the washtub and walk back into the forest.
It is a familiar path. You think you could walk it blindfolded, twisted roots and eroding soil and sprouting trees bedamned. The ferns thicken, their fronds trailing over you like fingers, catching at your hair. You push your way through them, duck beneath their overgrown greenery, and then - they fall away.
You step into the small meadow, a little ring of wildflowers and swaying tall grass with a small copse of trees in the center. The forest prowls along the edge of it with wild roots, waiting for an opening.
The trees are humming.
It’s a slow, soft sound, rippling through you like a lullaby. It draws you near, lures you close to the copse, to the twisted trees with their wrinkled, worn bark, their branches arcing high. The soil at their roots shifts, rises and falls as if they’re breathing.
You breathe with them.
They whisper to you, their leaves tracing across your cheek, across the back of your hand, fluttering over you like fingertips. The sunlight glistens against the silver sheen of their leaves, the light draping warm over you. Things go soft at the edges, like morning mist swathing the meadow when you first rise. You murmur to the trees.
The sun begins to dip in the sky, a steady downhill march. You rise from your bed of roots, skim your fingers against a hint of moss cushioning the rough scrape of bark.
You press a farewell kiss against the trunk, against the cheekbone curve of it, and the tree croons.
It is a long, lonely walk home.
taglist: @fairytale07 @whitewolfandthefox @inber @tutuwho @ambivertomnivore @raspberrydreamclouds @waitingtobeimpressed @imsoft-barnes @msgeorgiarae @ayamenimthiriel @rabenherz-blog @writingstudent @hina-chans-stuff @beautifuluniversityhoagieslime @bumblingandblooming @sageandberries-png @bucksgoat @alwayshave-faith @nonamejustshame @1950schick @riviawitch3r @yespolkadotkitty @restingnurseface @consultingdetextive @theunwantedomega
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ericakate · 3 years
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Walked to the beach today (10.5km, 1hr 50min), then from one end of it to the other. Only got 85 active minutes despite 29 flights of stairs/lots of hills which was a little surprising, but an indication I’m getting fitter. Last year walking up one hill put me out of breath now the same route doesn’t even register as exercise. Didn’t see many people out walking, but the beach itself was quite busy even for a Saturday.
Food was:
Breakfast - mushrooms, rice and cheese in a mini-pita, filter coffee
Lunch - 8x salmon and avo sushi, Venti Iced Green Tea Latte
Dinner - crumbed lamb chop, capsicum, radish, lettuce, lemon vinaigrette
Snacks - boxed fruit salad, green apple, peanut butter
Took my measurements and my waist is down 2cm since last month. Not a lot, but it’s progress and means I’ve lost 4.8inches so far. My mum commented this week that my exercise clothes looked ‘two sizes too big’ and I should bin them. These were the ones I bought in January when I started my journey ~12kgs heavier and massively unfit. Size XL when I now buy a M. It felt good that people are starting to notice the physical changes because I sure can feel them.
I still have no idea on my weight since gyms are still closed and I don’t own a scale, but with three months left in the year I want to drop another 3kgs from my last recorded weight in August. This would add up to -15kg in 2021. I originally wanted to drop 20kgs in 2021, but as they say, shoot for the stars and land on a cloud — I will be very happy with -15kgs!
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cloveroctobers · 4 years
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IG info/bio: @/OFFICIALRAHIMJARVIS | 130k followers | pro🏌🏿, & yes i was on that dating show...don’t obsess over other people, obsess over water, stay hydrated friends!
22 (23) years old
From Birmingham, England
Pisces sun? + Virgo moon + Cancer rising
Parents are both Afro-Antiguan and Barbudans + migrated to The UK once they were pregnant with their first child
They’ve been married for over 20 years
He gets his height from both of his parents
His mother keeps her hair buzzed short, cooks the best Antiguan food + loves creole seasoning, she’s 5’11, & works as a bank teller
His father is 6’5, works as a substance a*use counselor & does not believe in tough love as a way of showing you care about your children. He learned that the hard way growing up
Ibrahim is a pro golfer & dislikes tiger woods, “he’s a proper arsehole, typical American yeah?”
Got into the craft thanks to his maternal grandfather who was also into golf along with other sports & taught him all he needed to know. At first Ibrahim didn’t like it, found it rather boring & would rather stick to video gaming but his grandfather wanted to break his grandchildren out of staying in the house all the time
It kept him fit and also relieved any anxiety Ibrahim had in life and he had a good amount
He’s got an incredible swing, thanks to his long arms
He’s 6’3
Has three older brothers: Jesse (27) , Keithroy (25), and Reuben (24)
He loves working out and spotting other people, feels likes it’s a team effort & he’s a team player
Drinks gallons of water on a daily and nothing else, it’s even better if he puts fruit in it
Always eating fruit, for breakfast/with or after his dinner. Rather eat fruits than vegetables...yes he’s an adult but he can’t stand broccoli or radishes
Canon: hates seeing other people test their fruit to see if it’s ripe or not. But it’s fine when he does it himself, he just thinks about all the germs that are on other peoples hands when they’re doing so; it physically makes him sick & irritated if he ends up touching the fruit that’s mushy/lumpy
He’s a big fan of comics. Always has been since he’s a kid and has a huge collection of them, his oldest ones are packed away in a couple of crates (in his loft room that he uses as a extra storage room) since he no longer has space in his room. Yes he has no shame (and shouldn’t) of having them on display even tho his oldest brothers clown him for it
Massive fan of black panther & was hyped when it first came to theaters. Saw it three times in one day
Was heartbroken when Chadwick Boseman p*ssed
He’s awkward at expressing himself & sometimes it makes him feel misunderstood & it’s frustrating
Hates people that come up with these ideas of him instead of allowing him to collect his thoughts and speak them the right way
Yet he can be the type of person that wants to ignore issues and hope they go away
He wishes people had enough patience like he did with others in the world
He seeks advice from his dad, since he’s a counselor & everything yet it’s slightly different?
Can be a sweetie & very romantic in relationships
Will do the most (he won’t see it that way) & drop $ on you if he wants to...buying things, trying & failing to DIY, doing wealthy ppl shit, expensive trips— canon: taking his girl to Spain? Was it? Or Italy? I don’t remember... the whole 9
Had 1 gf before the villa. He broke up with her for being too flashy with his things & found that she wouldn’t have liked him if he didn’t have a bit of money
His parents live with him. “They’re basically my roommates until or if they find a house they like.” He didn’t go overboard once he got his first paycheck, he didn’t need a mansion but he did go big enough, industrial style but homey with some minor modern touches for his dream home—he didn’t want it to feel cold or penthouse-like
Isn’t too flashy on the socials but will post something every now & then if he feels the need to show it
Doesn’t post much of his face, mostly what he’s doing in the moment...lots of golfing pics!
Dresses like a dad but it works for him. Loves a good snug polo & plaid trousers/regular that are cut above the ankle, “those are highwaters innit?!” “No mum, it’s the style.” Rolled up jeans, tall white socks & some patterned, baggy sweaters, fancy hats, picks oxfords over sneakers, etc...
Definitely takes the time to iron/steam/press his underwear & socks
Enjoys getting his hair braided, isn’t tender-headed at all (must be nice)
Only grows his hair out during the fall/winter seasons or cuts/gets a shape up
When he posts about his tournaments or time at the golf course, he can always count on Bobby to comment the usual... @/returnofdamckenzie: do you ever have moments where you Reenact troy bolton on the lovely green grass? @/officialrahimjarvis: Idk whether to block u or have a laugh mate, yes i had to look him up!
Dated Jo for about 5 months after the villa until she broke up with him, finding that their lifestyles were too hectic for them to continue, at least that was her public statement to the fans but they really grew apart & the “love” was no longer there
Ibrahim seemed to be more upset about it than Jo in the beginning resulting in snappy replies for awhile, which again stems from him not knowing how to express himself
She checked up on him A LOT, almost as if they never broke up but Ibrahim felt like he needed his space now. They talked it out the best they could over dinner and got closure but that didn’t mean it didn’t sting. He just didn’t think it was needed to be calling each other everyday to see how they were both holding up. If they were done, then that’s what they should be
Jo didn’t see it that way. She still cared for Ibrahim, that didn’t mean that they had to stop talking in her view. She wanted to know how he was coping, and was known for “sticking her foot in her mouth” so that was also a flaw in their relationship
She would say certain things that touched on how she was feeling but didn’t express them at the right times & then there was Ibrahim who didn’t know HOW to say the things he felt which left jo to assume things
Ibrahim was back to the single life and he hated it. He wanted someone he could come back home to, someone that wanted to be with him for the long run. A part of him feels like Jo wasn’t planning to be with him for the long run in the first place and in a way that was okay? Sometimes you don’t know where you’re going in relationships but there should be some sort of goal? Maybe? At least that’s what he thought. Yeah they had fun but he wanted more someday
He was still young he didn’t need to be hung up about it right? Sike. He didn’t know how to take things lightly. That wasn’t how he was built. And to get comments about his ex relationship and have fans dragging him about his choices in the villa A YEAR later!!! Was disheartening
Shannon seemed to be doing well. He thought they would still be friends, at least that’s what she showed before she left the villa. Before he got her dumped. They talked a couple of times since then, jo personally wasn’t a fan of that—Shannon didn’t care but it was clear there was some tension still there
Until he contacted her just to realize she probably had his number blocked but her IG was public and she had a new man & was traveling about
His dad and Reuben were the only ones rooting for them
He had no choice but to be happy for her. Who was he to come in between that? Not that he wanted to but it’s a natural reaction to wonder after a fresh breakup, “what if?”
Talks to Priya every so often now. He seems to find comfort in her, it’s the same for her on her end
His mother has a feeling Priya is the one her son will end up with. Even if she is older...Keithroy also liked her the best
While Jesse seemed to be the only one who supported his relationship with jo
I honestly thought he would have liked Hannah in the beginning but idk if it was him or Gary that said she was too unrealistic when it came to love? I think they both said something along those lines which is odd since it seems Ibrahim has no problem treating his girl like a princess
Probably only has one special dish that he can cook the best & it’s gumbo. otherwise hes out of the kitchen or having his personal chef cook for the family
Goes live on twitch—when he has time, playing many games with the boys from the villa, which pleases the fans
Talks to them all as much as he can
Noah seems to be the first to always text back since Bobby is the one who’ll start off responding in minutes then forget to text back cause he’s off doing handstands or booping people on the nose or some shit, Gary always ends up busy doing something with his nan or for Lottie—but Noah’s always around
They seem to be the closest outside the villa, they mesh well & hang out the most when they can
he likes having his sound on & LOUD when he texts! There’s something so satisfying about hearing the clicking of texting to him
Watches a lot of sports on the Telly, it doesn’t have to be just golf. Usually watching that sport sends him right to sleep while the others keep him active/vocal...yes he’s a tv yeller
Holds sports parties at his home & invites all of his family & mates, he HATES having to clean up afterwards. If it wasn’t for his mum he would save the cleaning until the next day yet he doesn’t mind cleaning his car twice a week
Continues to make his violet man drink & wouldn’t be opposed to someone giving him a endorsement deal for it
Is the “I love everybody!” Drunk
Enjoys yard work over cleaning the house
Has his own customized golf cart that he keeps in his garage
He likes driving that more than his Buick suv tbh
Wants kids some day, not too many, not too little just right— he’ll probably have two but for rn his Doberman pinscher is his bby
Either ends up with Priya with slight insecurities that she’s too good for him or he falls in love with a tennis player, either way I’m fine with both
Crushes/his type? : Jojo Levesque, SERENA WILLIAMS, China McClain, Brie Larson, Victoria Pedretti, Nathalie Emmanuel, & Keke Palmer
Listens to: Aminé, Big Sean, Frank Ocean, Brent Faiyaz, Pink $weats, B Young, Ali Gatie, Russ, Raveena, Jessie Reyez, Rayana Jay, Cosima, TianaMajor9 etc...
Anthem = Lucky Daye, “Buying Time”
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workbuffer30 · 2 years
Culinart Catering Service
Many of the occasions require a great sense of style and attention to element. At Grenfell Catering we invite that sort of consideration, as it suits our personal catering philosophy perfectly. Relax in your huge day and know that your meals and drinks will be taken care of. If you may be doing an workplace lunch, our company events caterer can come proper to your office. There is almost nothing our business catering providers won’t do. We are looking for a private chef to work Tues-Saturday from 7am - 3pm to cook breakfast and lunch and depart dinner prepared. It works with clients in San Francisco and far of the Bay Area. The firm partners with local farmers and utilizes native, seasonal components in its cuisine. Along with its customizable menus, Taste Catering provides the entire needed providers that go into the planning of an event. These embody décor, bar service, photography, music, entertainment, calligraphy, and audiovisual tools. Some of its specialties within catering are weddings, company, and personal events. The company works with dozens of venues, both throughout the city of San Francisco and the surrounding areas. Is food mainly falls under the class of California Cuisine, and is made with local and sustainable elements. From that time, a venue is picked out from an in depth listing, and the theme of the party and food particulars are labored out. Culinary Eye may even ensure that all of the smaller requirements are taken care of, similar to permits, lighting, a/v, images, and valet providers. 12th Street Catering is a Philadelphia primarily based full service catering company that believes you eat with your eyes first, then with your mouth. We are devoted to creating outstanding meals with beautiful décor to match. Appetizers Menu We believe that food can inspire, spark dialog and convey folks together. Our goal is to offer one of the best food in your group in a convenient-to-use, easy-to-order format. A deposit will be required for the chafing dishes and utensils for all supply orders. The good news is there are a lot of ways to create a cultured and gratifying menu based on greens, regardless of the occasion sort. For instance, these vegetarian wedding menu ideas look completely gorgeous. When trying to find catering menu ideas for big teams, ensure you take the time of day into account. Hamachi crudo is deeply flavorful and is paired nicely with recent components. Here, it's blended in single-serving salads with shaved daikon, radishes, cucumbers, jalapeños, and ponzu. The last a quantity of months have been challenging for us all on many fronts. We’ve adjusted to new routines and watched our communities and economies wrestle, and that’s weighed heavily on our hearts. When we’ve wanted each other most, we’ve needed to keep our distance to guard ourselves and our neighbors. Thankfully, we’re discovering new methods to remain related and spend time together. Times have modified, however the celebrations haven’t stopped. Wholesale Restaurant Supplies Online In the world of foodservice, these new realities include updating client preferences and understanding what they are prepared to pay top dollar for. Having the best plastic or paper food containers for your products is important not solely to you, but to your clients as properly. By ensuring you may have the proper size and materials containers, you can save space and cash whereas offering your clients the freshest merchandise possible! These carryout bins make it easy for patrons to convey house leftovers without worrying about their meals spilling out. For more helpful meals and beverage transport options, remember to take a glance at our individually wrapped plastic utensils, 6 pack bottle carriers, and custom reusable to-go containers. This contains, but just isn't restricted to, plates, cups, bowls, trays, hinged or lidded containers, however doesn't embody single-use disposable packaging for unprepared meals. Karat® presents a massive selection of high-quality and cost-effective disposable meals and beverage products. Karat completes all your operational wants with cups, meals containers, utensils, and extra. We ship a dependable and reliable selection of supplies to assist hold your operations operating smoothly and effectively. Karat offers one of the industry’s quickest turnaround occasions for custom-printed disposable goods. When it involves providing disposable cups and containers, PFS Sales provides the high-quality merchandise you need at the costs that you just love. In addition to paper or plastic plates and cups, we provide hot or cold beverage containers, souffle cups, foam carriers, and french fry containers on a wholesale foundation. At PFS Sales, we now have been a proud distributor of restaurant, bar, and catering supplies in North Carolina for over 30 years. We provide a list of greater than 5,000 different types of high-quality products, all designed to increase your income, fulfill your clients, and help make your catering or restaurant enterprise successful. Plus, we work together with your group to schedule deliveries so that you're by no means stuck with out the important gadgets you should run your small business effectively. Products feature totally different ply development, stylish embossing, eco-friendly supplies, more than 30 solid colour selections plus elegant patterned napkins for any big day or celebration. Look to us for the comfort and versatility of disposable merchandise and aggressive bulk pricing for all of your occasion planning wants. Superior Equipment carries all kinds of top quality, fashionable, and beautiful specialty baggage for any objective, all sold at wholesale prices. Backstage Catering In other words, the fruit and the vegetable belong collectively in a pie greater than anywhere else. TO REQUEST A RECIPE Do your favourite St. Louis-area restaurant a giant favor by making a recipe request. When printed, the space allotted is the equivalent of a half-page or three-quarter-page ad, with no cost to the restaurant. Is there a dish that you simply especially love from a St. Louis-area restaurant? Send your recipe request to [email protected]. I cooked the potatoes in the microwave earlier than adding them to the soup. I suppose it's one of the best I've tasted and I'd love to try to make it for my special somebody. I only had red skinned potatoes readily available. Even though I sliced them thinly they took forever to cook dinner and I ended up utilizing a potato masher to get a greater consistency. But it was okay with some added milk to make up for the lengthy cook time. I’d positively try it once more with russets. Our signature ideas, hand-cut and marinated with our secret recipe. Moist shortcake layered with whipped cream and strawberry filling. Served with 外燴 or butter sauce and heat Rustic Garlic Bread. Wicked Whisk Catering Convenience is every little thing when you’re serving meals buffet style. Have a couple of serving utensil obtainable for big bowls and trays. Have a quantity of rows of cups out there so friends can seize more than one at a time if needed. Place napkins firstly of the desk and at the finish of the desk in case somebody forgets to seize one earlier. Details like these make the general experience far more organized and nice for everyone. Drinks can make table clothes moist which is a bad look when blended with hot, contemporary food. Just have a couple of flavors of espresso and add-ins like different flavored sugars, creams, whipped topics, maybe even some adult drinks. Let your friends combine up their favorite espresso concoctions, Don’t overlook the ice and a few favourite snacks that go properly with espresso. Deviled eggs are an excellent appetizer option should you're on a budget. Creatively curated bites suitable for being handed by service employees or to be displayed on buffets. From birthday and retirement events to massive backyard BBQs, social occasions cowl a variety of events . Appetizers, bartenders and balloons are simply some of what you might see catered at events like these. When deciding on catering menu ideas, take into account viewers preferences of what they’ll like and what they’ve already seen, as properly as their food tastes. Affordable Finest Catering Recipes You can serve them in varied ways like a fruit salad, coated in chocolate, or with cocktails. For the drinks, offering mimosa or including fruit like pineapple and berries to other cocktails can make issues extra attention-grabbing as nicely. It’s great for your staff to get together to take pleasure in lunch and have a possibility to chat and get to know one another higher. Food can often be saved heat, although it’s typically prepared off-site or within the venues kitchen. Use of Wedding Spot is subject to our terms of use and privacy coverage. Or use some spicy pico de gallo for somewhat extra kick! Here’s a slow-roasted recipe and a delicious fast one. You can either use a flaky dough to serve them in or use the actual mushroom cap because the container for the delicious filling. Please give us a name today to learn extra, or to schedule service. If you’re on the lookout for a model new spin on the basic, try ordering banh mi. A taco truck can range between $8-$20 per individual, depending on the catering bundle you select. Burgers and BBQ may begin around $12-$15 per individual. Plated Sit Down Dinner Menus This “Lite” dessert line was quickly discovered being served and bought in eating places, Costco, and gourmet retail food shops. Plated sit-down meals are incorrectly assumed to be more expensive than catering alternate options due to the reality that service costs tend to be greater. That mentioned, the quantity and variety of the meal is rather more controlled, which implies you won’t be coping with any surprising costs associated to servings. We pride ourselves on creating food and drinks that finest express your persona as a couple. We hearken to your story and ideas to create an inspiring menu that compliments your wedding ceremony. A sit-down meal requires more servers, both for beautiful plating within the kitchen and to serve the meal to every guest. Additionally, with a pre-planned meal, friends are limited to what you picked during your tasting. But along with your great style, we know we can create a scrumptious plated meal that everybody will get pleasure from. Your visitors can nibble on hors d'oeuvres, passed by our staff as they circulate by way of the room. We’ll additionally set up a cocktail bar or cross cocktails, beer, and wine—whatever you favor. If you're feeling like you presumably can only invite a handful of friends to affordably feed everybody, you have another option – just serve dessert! Everyone’s favourite a part of a marriage feast is the cake and sweets, so set up a killer dessert desk on your friends to enjoy. From macaron towers and donut partitions to s'mores makers and ice cream bars, there are such a lot of methods to create a fun and interactive dessert reception you and your friends will love. During a table service meal, you'll need at least one, if not two, servers per desk for a plated meal. Nothing is worse than going to a sit-down occasion and having part of the room on their dessert while the others still have salad plates on the desk. Fifty One Greatest Summer Season Picnic Food Concepts These top canapés, small bites and finger meals are positive to please a crowd. Including our best ever guacamole, plus sausage rolls and candy treats like cakes and brownies. This vintage napkin holder not only holds the napkins, nevertheless it additionally holds miniature fruits and flowers. It made our list of quick catering ideas as a end result of it’s doubtless you may have an organizational construction like this around your personal home or office already. A mail sorter makes a super napkin or cutlery holder. This enjoyable, warm-weather dessert is Instagram-worthy. No matter what the occasion, brunch is the place it’s at. The best of both worlds, brunch is for individuals who aren’t breakfast individuals, for many who love breakfast any time of the day, and for many who like a lighter lunch. With an array of muffins, recent fruit, quiche, Stromboli, breakfast calzones, and, in fact, mimosas, you’re sure to have a selection that everyone will get pleasure from. You can create an incredibly easy app with solely bread, cream cheese, chives, and bacon. It's received a high melting point , and its natural salty taste goes nice with all kinds of condiments. “Effective splurging” is spending money on those things people will discover. We have included donut walls and bagel walls earlier in the publish. If you might be on the lookout for one thing scrumptious and pleasing to the eye with out the over-the-top sugar binge though, here’s a more healthy rendition with a salad wall. If your buffet or meals unfold is extensive and flat, look for alternatives to go tall. This example incorporates an ornamental tree and dramatic lighting but you would simply tie some goodies on the tree and make it useful in addition to beautiful. Make something more special with this beautiful, edible artwork. Fresh green salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and cheeses that can feed a crowd. I don’t often put together baked potato however it seems very useful in the party. The dishes you employ to display your meals can really make an announcement at a gathering. There are TONS of how to get cheap platters and dishes! Thrift stores, dollar retailer, Target, Walmart, clearance, and even getting artistic and making some your self. I've even made a stand out of dollar store items and glue!
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legalcornet5 · 2 years
Party Catering
We recycle our used cooking oil, print on 100% post-consumer recycled paper, and help educate our shoppers and workers on other ways to make occasions eco-friendly. With the start of the season right around the nook, soccer followers need to begin getting ready for recreation day kickoff. The first sport may not be the most important game of the year, however it may be one of the exciting. After preseason, you only have a small idea of how you team goes to do for the rest of the season, and that first sport will hopefully start that season off right. Making the plans for an occasion will cause a lot of stress and make you feel such as you haven’t relaxed in years. Celine and Company can present an event coordinator that may work with you to make certain that your meeting or event will run smoothly—including scheduling, dining and bar providers. For instance, our breakfast menu for the August 2019 WomanUP occasion boasted vegan herbed potatoes, gluten-free shrimp and grits, gluten-free protein balls, vegan muffins, and extra. We’re kicking off the list with the breaking of the bread. But they are often particularly difficult to serve at a buffet as a end result of no one likes the chilly and soggy ones at the backside of the tray. This is an superior alternative that turns mini portions of french fries into hors-d'œuvres which are individually dished out. Using this tray makes them cell and creates a surprising show. The newspaper wrappers are a cute twist too and could be branded to your event or a reprint of a big day in history. This is one of the finest catering ideas to convey out the love for desserts in your guests. Entertain with ease with our meal delivery options. When we’ve needed one another most, we’ve needed to keep our distance to guard ourselves and our neighbors. Thankfully, we’re discovering new ways to remain related and spend time together. Times have changed, but the celebrations haven’t stopped. With social distancing, masks and other necessary measures in place to keep our community protected, micro-events have turn into a preferred method to get collectively. 7 Elements For An Excellent Caterer Host your occasion outdoors of the most well-liked season, day, and time. Some allergy symptoms and dietary requests could be life-threatening. Take time to talk to the attendee and perceive the severity of any allergic reactions. Most caterers are acquainted with the commonest venues. However, there’s a development in direction of using inventive spaces today. If you’re going with a unique venue or dry hire, make sure your caterer knows precisely what to anticipate. With massive groups, you want to avoid the traces if at all potential. Want some photos of your event on Instagram? We’re undecided what’s in it, but it appears to be most of the fridge. It serves as a break in your occasion and should be a respite. Here are a number of lunch catering menu ideas to captivate your audience. With lasagna bechamel, everybody will be happy! The bright sweet potato and subtle cauliflower flavors combine right into a dish that's second to none. I LOVE this recipe, Creamy Sweet Cheese-y Pasta with stunning colourful snappy sweet peas. Served chilly or at room temperature, the right addition to any celebration, giant get collectively, household perform, Church Social or PotLuck. Twisted Radish was launched to convey bespoke fashion and high­ high quality delicacies to Southern Wisconsin. Please contact us to start creating your memorable experience. Thorough cooking of such animal meals reduces the danger of illness. For further information, contact your physician or public health division. The Environmental Impact Of Cleansing Products Airlines do not acquire, retailer or get rid of cabin waste themselves. This is carried out by contractors – cleaners and caterers – on their behalf. We know that sustainability is at the core of some of our customer's values, which is why we inventory a big number of commercial cleaning provides that are totally recyclable or have been previously recycled. Our eco-friendly merchandise are fully EU Ecolabel accredited, so that you may be assured of green credentials at each stage of manufacturing. We go further to stock products that may even aid you in your recycling practices, enhancing the efficiency of your processes and contributing towards a greener future. However, this would be a disadvantage in operations such as cultured dairy products, cheese, beer, etc., where microbial starter cultures are used. Temperature can be positively associated to microbial kill by a chemical sanitizer. Avoid excessive temperatures (above 55°C [131°F]) due to the corrosive nature of most chemical sanitizers. As with any heat therapy, the effectiveness of thermal sanitizing is dependant upon a quantity of components including preliminary contamination load, humidity, pH, temperature, and time. The major mode of action for HP is thru creating an oxidizing environment and era of singlet or superoxide oxygen . HP is fairly broad spectrum with slightly greater activity in opposition to gram-negative than gram-positive organisms. An advantage of QACs in some applications is that they go away a residual antimicrobial film. A Guide To Restaurant Furniture Everything people want, from kitchen to relaxation room to desk - for over 30 years. Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your merchandise. You could wish to upload a listing of items and portions within the field supplied. If you want a patio heater that will last the rugged circumstances of a industrial space then these patio heaters are what you might be looking for. They have thicker steel shells to handle the more abusive setting. And they also produce a considerable amount of heat to maximize their heating range and effectivity. Your best furniture items ought to supply some flexibility. This may mean purchasing tables with leaves that fold up or down or chairs that may be joined together to kind benches. Restaurant furnishings that options easy-roll casters are also good choices. These allow you to accommodate unusual situations, such as giant eating parties or dining parties that characteristic odd numbers of guests. Your eating room tables should have the ability to accommodate extra than simply the four-person nuclear family. If you want workplace furniture that works simply as hard as you do, then you could have discovered the proper provider with Superior Equipment. What makes the Bolero chairs particular is that they're stable. Very helpful if you want to clear your establishment, for instance. We have made a choice of durable and naturally high-quality chairs. Choosing furniture for business foodservice operations is dependent not only on the sort of restaurant but also its scale and menu. While a quick-service restaurant would go along with easy and sturdy designs, a white-tablecloth institution is more doubtless to supply more snug seating for longer stays. Create comfortable seating arrangements all through your catering hall by choosing from our banquet furnishings choice. We provide quite lots of tables and chairs to select from, along with appropriate desk linens to cover and shield your tables. Complete your seating space with our banquet dinnerware and banquet table decor for a gorgeous tabletop setup. A restaurant that caters to families with babies has completely different furnishings wants than one that targets the young, single, nightclub set. Buffalo Catering Company, Full Service Catering, Weddings, Graduations, Occasions No Worries has been acknowledged by Texas Meetings + Events as the Best Caterer in Texas 2011! We can provide distinctive food with an enormous number of menu decisions, plus every little thing you will want on your event! We provide custom, reasonably priced catering for any celebration, and we will tailor our providers to match your finances. Premiere Catering provides full-service wedding ceremony reception catering. We provide the Portland, Gresham & Salem areas reasonably priced buffet catering services at its greatest — every thing wanted for successful wedding receptions, company events, vacation &private events. If you’re in search of one thing and can’t find it on our menu, then our experienced culinary employees is more than desperate to work with you to develop a personalized menu. Often occasions, great food might help make an event even more memorable. Finding the right caterer is essential to the success of any occasion, massive or small. Our massive choice of tasty appetizers and small dishes to spectacular primary courses and do-it-yourself Italian desserts can be served in quite a lot of ways to go nicely with your event wants. Perhaps you are internet hosting a enterprise outing and need to make an impression. Hiring a catering service can go a good distance in course of attaining that goal. Our enterprise is exclusively catering and personal chef dinners, giving the utmost consideration to your particular occasion wants. I have by no means had such a nice expertise working with a bunch of individuals. Michele and her employees are all so very sort, professional and accommodating. I guarantee you will not find a company more able to making your event an distinctive experience. Choose 12th Street Catering in your occasion and you will not be disenchanted. This contains providing desserts and different baked items in addition to bartending and beverage services. Red Maple Catering supplies non-public chef companies and luxurious catering in Dallas, Park City, and Vail. Whatever the event, we will present a particular meal that makes it unforgettable. Be sure to tell us of any dietary preferences and we’ll build them into the menu. Tips On How To Order Food In Korean San Oua are northern Thai sausages created from pork, garlic, chili, kaffir lime leaves and lemongrass. I discovered a few distributors promoting these coiled up golden brown sausages in the recent market in Chiang Mai. San oua tasted almost like all sausage within the US however with a extra lemony style and spiciness. This was highlighted by completely different researches and articles about meals that was created by completely different culinary historians of the Philippines . For pancit dishes in Luzon, there are different food pairings which may be developed by the group based mostly on their historic and cultural context. Because of its savory and salty style, individuals think about it as a viand. It is often paired with steamed rice especially during breakfast, lunch and dinner. To the Chinese, the finest way to specific your love for an additional is with the present of meals; the noodle. In Terry Durack’s, “Noodle”, his chapter “Crossing the Bridge” tells of a brief trade of affection shared between a boy and his family’s chef. The chef loves the boy as his personal son and what higher way to express this affection than through a piping sizzling bowl of his notorious noodle soup. The story writes that the boy, unable to cross his exams, is shipped to a cottage over the bridge in the course of the coldest time of yr. The chef, who adores the boy as his personal, would trek to convey him meals every day, nonetheless, the winds would chill the food before it reached the younger boy. Omakase means to depart the details to the chef, so even in case you are new to kaiseki dining, you presumably can loosen up within the information that you’re within the palms of an skilled. A must-try rice dish is the Clay Pot Sea Bream Rice, which is made by cooking Koshihikari rice in a savory kelp stock with freshly-sourced sea bream. There's also Daifuku, a treat made by filling mochi with ingredients like strawberries and ice cream. Rice flour produced from sticky rice may even be used to make chewy dumplings like Dango, which is a popular festival meals enjoyed at Japan’s many festivals. Kamameshi is an identical blended rice dish cooked in an iron pot. Traditionally, individuals would eat this dish communally from the pot, however right now individually-portioned iron pots such as the one pictured above are additionally obtainable. Whats The Most Well-liked Kind Of Catering For Wedding Receptions? Creative Catering can present the mandatory personnel to serve both kind of party. A plated meal is extra formal, so if you’re on the lookout for a really formal wedding option, that is the method in which to go. When considering meal selections, it’s good to concentrate to the completely different needs of your guests. Think about who' 外燴 attending your wedding ceremony and what you know about their dietary preferences. A plated sit-down dinner could be fairly cost-effective because you primarily can control the worth. A broad assortment of break items, snacks, beverages, and hors d’oeuvres are additionally available to help fill in those areas between occasions and keep your guests energized and engaged. And, what get together would be full without Cocktail and Bar Service? A number of wines, spirits, and domestic and imported beers can be found, and our attentive bar staff is available to serve your guests with fashion. Buffet tables are an off-the-cuff option that enable extra selections for guests and require less serving workers. A serve-yourself-style meal, nonetheless, means guests are more likely to eat extra meals, which can eat away at the price range. Outlined under are five hottest meal options together with execs and cons for every that can assist you figure out the most effective service style for your wedding reception and your price range. The first course is often served with about one or two options. The most traditional and formal option—the plated dinner—is arguably the most popular. In this type of catering, visitors keep seated at their tables and choose from two or three completely different choices on the menu. Servers can be found to attend on the tables and serve the meals. Jobs At Eating Service's Caterers often work in numerous settings including weddings, graduations, professional events, and heaps of extra. Caterers can either work in non-public companies or within giant public companies and the distinctive responsibilities of particular person caterers can differ within every organization. Catering cooks are extremely collaborative, since they work with a group of kitchen staff and servers to deliver a excessive level of client service. Effective communication within the kitchen helps forestall delays and keep away from errors that may influence service. Additionally, speaking with servers earlier than and during an occasion can improve visitor experiences and foster a constructive environment for each hosts and visitors. Increased overall performance through organization of tasks and teamwork which includes communication and optimistic angle influence that motivates and encourage staff. Browse through our resume examples to identify one of the simplest ways to word your resume. Then select from 12+ resume templates to create your caterer resume. Experience in using numerous elements and cooking strategies is also essential. This Cook job description template is optimized for posting on online job boards or careers pages and easy to customise for your firm. A Successful Catering Manager has the power to wear many hats. They aren't just a chef but additionally concerned in menu design and finances management. As people become more excited about where their food comes from, they're additionally changing into extra interested in local components. This is resulting in an elevated demand for domestically sourced merchandise, such as produce, meat, and dairy. Experience in set-up and group of an off-site kitchen.
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dentalsleepmaster · 4 years
16 Top-rated Tourist Attractions In Lone Tree - Planetware
We usually reserved those daydreams for biscuits, pancakes Tyler Tysdal and Lone Tree, or hash (find our faves below ). But after that we fed on a heaping serving of Onefold's stunning deep-fried rice with Chinese sausage(" lap cheong" ), and also all that altered. Garnished with sauted slices of sweet, meaningful lap cheong (or duck, ham, or bacon) and two deep-fried eggs, it's a rewarding shock that we intend to eat on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food writer in Denver has actually proclaimed Kyle Foster's biscuitsand right here we go once again. They are baked to get as well as have crusty sides that ruin just so when you attack into them. They hurt inside, salty, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite flaky texture Denver business broker, yet they're also somehow pillowy and also certainly hold extra butter than a regular biscuit. Foster is, basically, a biscuit brilliant. As well as please inform Foster that, this time, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Celebrity Kitchen on Mississippi Method for the very best dim sum in town. You'll wait for a table on weekend break early mornings, yet the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and also congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you're going to spend your weekend break early mornings enjoying Premier League matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a" banger"( sausage)," rashers"( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, and also toastat this 12-year-old Five Points pub.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Opportunity's Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a - business broker in Denver.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Boulevard forwhat else?a steaming bowl of its signature brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, as well as flank, is a traditional Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora's Sunburst Grill, where a passionate plate of" tocino "( Filipino-style bacon healed with pineapple juice), eggs, as well as rice prices simply$ 7. Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain cup of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
Where To Eat And Drink In Denver - Eater Denver
's bright, bustling area on Central Street is a gorgeous means to welcome the day. The beans originate from Denver's Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been attracting neighborhood java fans with its artisan, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe're positive avocado salute has nothing to do with millennials 'reduced homeownership prices, but paying even more than$ 10 for the fashionable staple isn't an excellent concept for anyone's purse. Fortunately, Steuben's Avocado Goddess Toast will only establish you back$ 5and it's absolutely divine. The cooking area salutes ciabatta, slathers it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, tops it with thin slices of buttery avocado, as well as garnishes everything with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Virtually. steubens.com LoDoWe have actually consumed scores of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community recognized for the dish, is even more than a little frustrating. Thank goodness for Urban.
Farmer, after that, where the Denver omelet obtains its due. Available throughout weekend break breakfast and weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus 'model is studded with portions of roasted environment-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as regional ham and also covered with a generous( if ultramodern) pour of barnaise sauce. Finally, we can claim an omelet deserving of our city's reputation. urbanfarmerdenver.com Multiple locationsNot only is the Article's fried poultry consistently stunning, with a fantastically crunchy, completely experienced crust and also juicy meat withina mighty great meal all on its ownbut the homey restaurant's a.m. food selection likewise grants our want multiple brunch-acceptable methods to consume the simple bird. postbrewing.com Photo by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt's simple to put pancakesfilled with chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped lotion or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed visitors might consider temptingon a breakfast menu.
What's even more challenging is to make a pancake that tastes good solo. Wendell's, the high end diner that took control of the initial DJ's Coffee shop space on Tennyson Street in 2015, has achieved the last with its massive buttermilk elegances, which are lightened with whipped egg whites as well as seasoned with brandy, vanilla paste, as well as lemon enthusiasm. wendellsbreakfast. TIVIS Capital.com Approach: To assign a rate each for each and every of these meals, we completed the average expense of an entre, a coffee, as well as an alcoholic drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) elastic trousers before taking on the Sunday breakfast buffet at this hotel near the Park Meadows shopping center. The cost consists of online jazz, bottomless mimosas, and an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, and carved beef ribs. Its closeness to matine reveals at the neighboring Denver Doing Arts Complex merely includes in the appeal.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek astonishment inside the Halcyon hotel offers distinct, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from a roving cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye salute with caper lotion cheese and smoked salmon )with a rally top. investor and entrepreneur Tyler Tysdal. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a large lineup of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside area is ideal for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon trip.
26 Cool And Unusual Things To Do In Denver - Atlas Obscura
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as you question between getting the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and also grits. Get hold of a coffee from Crema Bodega, an alcoholic drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus mixture called Dead Presidentsand a large cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakeshop to take pleasure in at one of the food hall's lengthy neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Obtain the many bang for the least dollar at the Sloan's Lake station of this preferred counter-service place. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Platte Management). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt's virtually difficult to select just one thing from Annette's breakfast food selection, yet when pushed to do so, chef Caroline Glover's waffles float over the rest. Their light texture comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests over night for ultimate taste growth and also loft. Also much better, the topping combinations alter regular and with the periods, from apples with salted sugar as well as whipped cream in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd as well as whipped lotion in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are often riotous affairs, especially if you go throughout brunch, when the restaurant supplies rotating amusement with motifs like burlesque, yoga exercise, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you obtain three beautiful deep-fried orbs that are crispy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated exteriors, feather-soft within, and also kindly filled with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dance may not be everyone's thing, but we're rather certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian and vegan Denverites need not experience via boring tofu shuffles as well as butter-free toast, thanks to Cap Hill's hipster organization, City, O' City, where the whole a.m. My individual fave would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not enjoy mozzarella cheese, avocado and fried plantains!.?. !? Photo thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the very best brunch option in Denver. It's a gooey and also divine mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and syrup.
Tyler Tysdal is a long-lasting business owner helping fellow entrepreneurs sell their service for optimum worth as Managing Director of Freedom Factory, the World's Best Business Broker. Freedom Factory helps entrepreneurs with the greatest deal of their lives.Image politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not only housed in the stylish and also homey neighborhood of Wash Park, but it has an awesome food selection that is continuously transforming. Every active ingredient they use is regional and homemade, and while they always have sandwiches and salads, they switch over up their specials and sides so you can try something new every time you go.
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Photo courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not distinguish this image, this is the very best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, homemade dough as well as neighborhood, natural components baked with each other in a conventional brick stove makes these pizzas taste like they're appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Basic components and also conventional techniques make Pizzeria Area a must.
20 Best Things To Do In Denver Including Outdoor Activities
You get to pick the base, healthy protein, kind of curry, veggies and flavors to develop a custom-made Indian curry bowl that has unbelievable taste as well as spice. The active ingredients as well as options are amazingly fresh and continuously changing, allowing you to switch it up every time you go, however I very suggest the coconut curry as well as chicken.
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Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce as well as tomatoes make this cheeseburger a must-have. They throw on a few of their unique sauce for the best combination of mouthwatering as well as tasty, as well as their newly baked bun is the cherry ahead. While their delicious burgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger's truffle french fries are my favorite fries in Denver, hands down.
I would certainly do anything at any kind of provide moment to consume these french fries as well as I mean anything individuals. Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver establishment. They make their homemade gelato as well as cones on website every day, and have a wide variety of scrumptious flavors available (business broker in Denver).
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Whether it's a summer's evening or awesome afternoon, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with satisfied children, family members, as well as big groups of friends - Lone Tree. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a nationwide track record for dishing out insanely excellent biscuits, as well as this credibility might not be more exact. Their biscuit french toast has the excellent degree of sweetness and is deliciously indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most rewarding method to begin the day.
from https://dentalsleepmasters0.blogspot.com/2020/05/16-top-rated-tourist-attractions-in.html
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runnowrelay · 4 years
11 Best Places To Visit In Denver (2020 Guide)
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ultreiadenver.com City Park WestUntil just recently, fried rice had not been the first, or perhaps 2nd Tyler Tysdal and Platte Management, point we believed about when we contemplated a huge , brunch-y dishof carbohydrates. We commonly booked those visions for biscuits, pancakes, or hash (discover our favorites listed below ). But then we fed on a heaping offering of Onefold’s magnificent fried rice with Chinese sausage(” lap cheong” ), and all that transformed. Garnished with sauted pieces of wonderful, meaty lap cheong (or duck, pork, or bacon) and 2 deep-fried eggs, it’s an enjoyable shock that we mean to consume on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food author in Denver has actually proclaimed Kyle Foster’s biscuitsand below we go once more. They are baked to get as well as have crusty sides that smash so when you attack into them. They hurt inside, salted, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite half-cracked texture, yet they’re additionally somehow pillowy and also certainly hold more butter than a typical biscuit. Foster is, put simply, a biscuit wizard. And also please inform Foster that, this time around, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Star Kitchen area on Mississippi Method for the best dim amount around. You’ll wait on a table on weekend break early mornings, yet the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and also congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you’re mosting likely to invest your weekend break mornings viewing Premier Organization matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a” banger”( sausage),” rashers”( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, as well as toastat this 12-year-old Five Factors club.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Method’s Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a – Lone Tree.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Blvd forwhat else?a steaming dish of its signature brothy noodle soup, a typical breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, and flank, is a classic Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora’s Sunburst Grill, where a hearty plate of” tocino “( Filipino-style bacon cured with pineapple juice), eggs, and rice prices just$ 7. Photo by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain mug of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
25 Best Places To Visit In Denver On A Date – Vacationidea.com
‘s intense, busy room on Central Street is a gorgeous way to greet the day. The beans originate from Denver’s Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been seducing local java lovers with its craftsmen, direct-trade coffees considering that 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe’re certain avocado salute has absolutely nothing to do with millennials ‘reduced homeownership prices, however paying greater than$ 10 for the stylish staple isn’t a fantastic idea for any person’s purse. Luckily, Steuben’s Avocado Siren Toast will just establish you back$ 5and it’s absolutely magnificent. The kitchen toasts ciabatta, rubs it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, covers it with slim slices of buttery avocado, and also garnishes all of it with cut radish and a drizzle of olive oil. Virtually. steubens.com LoDoWe’ve eaten ratings of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community known for the meal, is greater than a little frustrating. Say thanks to benefits for Urban.
Farmer, after that, where the Denver omelet obtains its due. Available throughout weekend brunch as well as weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus ‘iteration is studded with chunks of baked green chiles, red pepper, as well as local pork and covered with a charitable( if nontraditional) pour of barnaise sauce. Finally, we can lay case to an omelet worthwhile of our city’s excellent name. urbanfarmerdenver.com Several locationsNot just is the Article’s fried hen regularly incredible, with a superbly crunchy, completely skilled crust and also juicy meat withina mighty fine dish all on its ownbut the pleasant dining establishment’s a.m. food selection additionally approves our long for multiple brunch-acceptable methods to consume the humble bird. postbrewing.com Image by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt’s easy to place pancakesfilled with delicious chocolate chips or jam, soaked in fudge sauce or whipped lotion or whatever outrageous spice sweet-toothed visitors may take into consideration temptingon a brunch menu.
What’s harder is to make a pancake that tastes good solo. Wendell’s, the upscale diner that took control of the original DJ’s Cafe area on Tennyson Street in 2015, has actually accomplished the last with its massive buttermilk beauties, which are lightened with whipped egg whites and seasoned with brandy, vanilla paste, and lemon zest. wendellsbreakfast. Colorado resident Tyler Tysdal.com Technique: To appoint a price per person for each and every of these dishes, we completed the average price of an entre, a coffee, and also a mixed drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) elastic trousers before taking on the Sunday breakfast buffet at this resort near the Park Meadows mall. The price consists of online jazz, endless mimosas, as well as an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, and also sculpted prime rib. Its closeness to matine reveals at the close-by Denver Executing Arts Complex just includes to the charm.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek stunner inside the Halcyon hotel uses distinct, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark chicken Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from an unquiet cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary as well as the Fettster (seeded rye toast with caper cream cheese and smoked salmon )with an agitate top. Freedom Factory. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a huge roster of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside area is perfect for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon flight.
25 Best Places To Visit In Denver On A Date – Vacationidea.com
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as you question between purchasing the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp as well as grits. Get hold of a coffee from Crema Bodega, an alcoholic drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, as well as citrus concoction called Dead Presidentsand an enormous cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakeshop to appreciate at one of the food hall’s long neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Get one of the most bang for the least dollar at the Sloan’s Lake station of this preferred counter-service spot. riseandshinedenver.com Photo by Aaron Colussi (Freedom Factory). Prop designing by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt’s nearly difficult to choose simply one product from Annette’s breakfast food selection, however when pushed to do so, cook Caroline Glover’s waffles drift over the rest. Their light structure comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests overnight for best taste advancement and also loft. Even much better, the covering mixes change regular and with the seasons, from apples with salted caramel and also whipped cream in the autumn to blackberries with lemon curd and whipped cream in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are commonly riotous events, specifically if you go during breakfast, when the restaurant offers rotating home entertainment with themes like burlesque, yoga, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you get three beautiful deep-fried orbs that are crispy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated exteriors, feather-soft within, as well as generously filled up with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dance might not be every person’s thing, however we’re rather certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian and also vegan Denverites need not experience via boring tofu scrambles as well as butter-free salute, many thanks to Cap Hill’s hipster institution, City, O’ City, where the entire a.m. My individual favorite would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who doesn’t like mozzarella cheese, avocado as well as fried plantains!.?. !? Image courtesy of @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french salute is the very best brunch option in Denver. It’s a gooey as well as divine mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and also maple syrup.
In 15 years of managing assets and backing several entrepreneurs, Tyler Tysdal’s business managed or co-managed, non-discretionary, roughly $1.7 billion in assets for ultra-wealthy households in industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, realty, sports and entertainment, specialized loaning, spirits, innovation, durable goods, water, and services business. His team advised clients to buy nearly 100 entrepreneurial companies, funds, personal loaning deals, and genuine estate. Ty’s performance history with the private equity capital he released under the first billionaire client was over 100% yearly returns. Which was throughout the Great Recession of 2008-2010. He has created numerous millions in wealth for clients. However, provided his lessons from working with a handful of the certified, extremely sophisticated individuals who might not appear to be pleased on the upside or understand the possible downside of a deal, he is back to work exclusively with entrepreneurs to help them sell their business.Image courtesy of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not just housed in the trendy as well as homey community of Clean Park, yet it has a killer menu that is frequently changing. Every active ingredient they make use of is local as well as homemade, as well as while they always have sandwiches as well as salads, they switch over up their specials as well as sides so you can try something brand-new whenever you go.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not inform from this image, this is the most effective darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, home made dough as well as local, natural components baked together in a traditional brick stove makes these pizzas taste like they’re right out of Naples, Italy. Straightforward components and conventional methods make Restaurant Location a must.
18 Best Things To Do In Denver – U.s. News Travel
You reach pick the base, healthy protein, sort of curry, veggies as well as flavorings to create a customized Indian curry bowl that has extraordinary taste as well as flavor. The active ingredients as well as alternatives are unbelievably fresh as well as constantly transforming, enabling you to change it up every single time you go, yet I extremely advise the coconut curry and poultry.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce and tomatoes make this cheeseburger an essential. They throw on a few of their special sauce for the very best combination of savory and also zesty, and also their newly baked bun is the cherry ahead. While their delicious hamburgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger’s truffle french fries are my preferred fries in Denver, hands down.
I would do anything at any kind of provide moment to eat these french fries and also I suggest anything individuals. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver facility. They make their homemade gelato and also cones on site each day, and have a myriad of tasty tastes readily available (Tyler Tysdal).
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Whether it’s a summer’s evening or amazing afternoon, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with happy kids, family members, as well as big groups of close friends – Tyler Tysdal. Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a national credibility for providing remarkably great biscuits, and this credibility could not be a lot more accurate. Their biscuit french salute has the ideal level of sweetness and also is deliciously indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most gratifying method to start the day.
Originally posted on https://adamgarcia0.blogspot.com/2020/05/11-best-places-to-visit-in-denver-2020.html
syndicated from 11 Best Places To Visit In Denver (2020 Guide)
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weightlossfitness2 · 4 years
Weeknight Rescue // February 2020 // Week 6
I’ve acquired a busy week forward, so have lined up some fast and simple recipes for the menu this time round. As at all times, your procuring listing is on the backside of the web page.
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“Umami” as a result of this hen is such a taste bomb. It’s hen accomplished adobo model which you can have effervescent on the range in a matter of minutes. I normally serve it with brown rice and veggies accomplished in a fast stir fry. If you’re pressed for time, choose up a package deal of warmth and serve brown rice from the freezer part of the market. 
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This is an effective weeknight pizza, since its crust is one you stir collectively like batter, without having to knead or rise. Make a double batch and freeze the extras for varsity lunches.
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A easy pot of beans like this may be reworked into dinner very quickly. Make them the middle of a DIY taco bar, do up burrito bowls like these, or whirl them into a fast soup like this.
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The dish serves 4, however the portion is on the smaller facet, so if in case you have youngsters or hearty appetites, you may wish to scale up the recipe (worse case you’ve gotten leftovers, that are nice for varsity or work lunches). If you want a brief lower, purchase basil pesto on the market and assemble the remainder in line with the recipe.
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A longtime weblog favourite, that is savory, candy, and slightly bit spicy. It may make a convert of parents who haven’t but taken to tofu. Serve over cooked brown rice and it’s a whole meal.  Need a facet? Sliced cucumbers and radishes doused with rice vinegar, a pinch of sugar, and a crack of black pepper will do. 
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Nothing beats do-it-yourself in the case of salad dressing and this can be a good one to shake up in a jar and stash in your fridge.
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Topping heat quinoa with crisp fruit and toasted nuts is considered one of my favourite fixes for a comfy breakfast when it’s chilly out. Make extra quinoa than you want and benefit from the leftovers for lunch or dinner the subsequent day.
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Umami Chicken 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil 5 hen legs and thighs (bone-in, skin-on, separated, ~three lbs) 10 massive garlic cloves 1/three cup soy sauce (or gluten free Tamari) 1/four cup apple cider vinegar Steamed brown rice (optionally available)
Greek Pizza with Pourable Crust 2 eggs 2/three cup milk 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil three/four cup rye flour (or whole-wheat flour) three/four cup all-purpose flour three tablespoons basil pesto three/four cup shredded part-skim Mozzarella cheese Large handful child spinach (or different delicate greens comparable to child kale) 1/three cup kalamata olives or different favourite olives 1 cup recent ripe tomato or cherry tomatoes half cup crumbled feta cheese
Instant Pot Black Beans 1 pound dried black beans three massive garlic cloves 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1 teaspoon floor cumin 1 teaspoon crushed purple pepper flakes
Pesto Pasta with Chicken 12 ounces boneless, skinless hen breasts Cooking spray eight ounces raw fusilli or rotini 2 garlic cloves 2 cups basil leaves 1/four cup shelled dry-roasted pistachios 2 tablespoons recent lemon juice 1 half tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1 ounce grated recent Parmesan cheese (~1/four cup)
Brown Sugar Baby Boy Choy with Pork and Tofu three cloves garlic 1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil 1/three pound floor pork 6 child boy Choy (about 2 bunches) 2 tablespoons soy sauce (or GF Tamari) 1 tablespoon seasoned rice wine vinegar 2 tablespoons brown sugar 12 ounces agency tofu 1 to 2 pinches purple pepper flakes 2 to three cups cooked brown rice
Balsamic Vinaigrette 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar 2 teaspoons white wine vinegar three/four teaspoon soy sauce 1 half coarse or complete grain Dijon mustard (comparable to Maille or Grey Poupon) 1/three cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon garlic or 2 teaspoons shallot (optionally available)
Breakfast Quinoa 1 cup quinoa 1 cup diced apples/pears, berries, banana, or mango half to 1 cup milk 1/three cup chopped nuts or complete seeds Maple syrup or honey (optionally available) Cinnamon (optionally available)
The post Weeknight Rescue // February 2020 // Week 6 appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/weeknight-rescue-february-2020-week-6/
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jeepsister72-blog · 5 years
Avocado toast, nachos & vegan donuts Omaha
Avocado toast, nachos, and vegan donuts Omaha. How to not go hungry as a vegan in Nebraska. Donuts from Hello Sugar and Farine + Four, and nachos at Modern Love.
This past weekend David and I went to Omaha for a couple of days, because he was speaking at their local BritishFest about his work on Doctor Who: Shada. When we weren’t getting TARDIS flying lessons, we sampled the Omaha vegan food scene.
(For an extensive list of vegan options in Omaha, check out this post on vegan Omaha restaurants.)
Vegan donuts Omaha at Hello Sugar
Our first morning in Omaha while I was out getting coffee, Kayla, a person on Instagram who lives in the area, told me that I needed to pick up vegan donuts from Hello Sugar.
Hello Sugar sells doughnuts at a couple of different farmers markets. (Keep an eye on Hello Sugar’s Instagram for the menu, as well as locations & times.)
I happened to be fairly close to the farmers market at the time, and so I made a beeline there.
In addition to selling non-vegan doughnuts, Hello Sugar had several vegan doughnuts on offer including chocolate almond sea salt, raspberry jam filled, lemon pistachio, apple fritters, glazed with sprinkles, and triple berry.
David’s favorite doughnut is raspberry jam filled, and so that was a no brainer. I asked what the other big sellers were and was told that people always come back for the apple fritters and lemon pistachio. So I grabbed those as well.
The doughnuts were wonderfully fresh and full of bounce, light, and airy. For us, the big winner was the raspberry jam filled, but I’d happily eat any of them all over again.
Farine + Four
I visited the bakery Farine + Four for breakfast two mornings while we were there.
(The second day, we’d planned on going to Saddle Creek Breakfast Club, because they have an inviting vegan brunch menu, in addition to their standard menu. However, when we arrived, the area in front of the restaurant was positively packed with throngs of people waiting for a table. It looked like it would be a really long wait, so we skipped it. But I’d like to go another time!)
Farine + Four has a rotating menu. They handwrite the menu on the counter in front of the cash register. So if there’s a line, you can’t really see it until you place an order. It would be nice if they had a menu board higher up, where it could be seen from a distance.
I got a rosemary bagel with vegan cream cheese for me, and an everything bagel with vegan cream cheese to-go for David.
The bagels were wonderful – chewy on the outside and soft on the inside. As a rosemary fan, I was all over the plethora of dried rosemary on top.
But the cream cheese was a little perplexing. I’m still trying to figure it out. I wonder if they might have given me the wrong thing, because it looks like they actually ladled it on. Perhaps it was donut glaze by mistake? The flavor was sweet and pleasant, but it didn’t look like cream cheese in any way, and it made my bagel soggy.
Out of curiosity, I googled their vegan cream cheese after the fact, and in other pictures, it looks the way a person would expect cream cheese to look.
Inspired by this experience, I’ve decided to start a country band called Soggy Bagel Bottoms. Look for my record in stores.
The confusing cream cheese wasn’t enough to keep us from going again the next day, and I’m really glad we did.
This time they had vegan donut holes on the menu in three flavors – lemon & lavender, cardamom, and vanilla. (Because we hadn’t had enough donuts, right?) You can get just one flavor or a mixture of all three. I’m not really into lavender or cardamom, and so I went with vanilla alone.
They fry the donuts fresh when you order, and so they actually come hot to the table. They were coated in sugar and reminded me of churros in ball-form.
David ordered avocado toast, and it was topped with thinly sliced radishes & pea tendrils.
I ordered the zucchini avocado toast, which had loopy zucchini ribbons, marinated onions, and pea tendrils.
I have vegan avocado toast for breakfast probably 3 mornings a week, and it’s always delicious. But wow, they really took avocado toast to the next level.
First, instead of just toasting the bread in a toaster, it was oiled and toasted in a skillet. So it was really crunchy and crisp on the outside. Then the onions were pickled, and there was an extra savory richness to the toast that I couldn’t put my finger on. Some kind of flavored oil, perhaps?
Anyway, I can’t recommend their avocado toast highly enough. It might not seem like something a person needs to go out of their way for on a trip, but you really do.
While we were there, we also picked up a fresh loaf of sourdough bread to give the cat sitter (a.k.a. my parents) as a thank you gift, and it was exceptional.
Modern Love Omaha
Obviously, any trip to Omaha must involve at least one visit to Modern Love, if not more than that.
When we first rolled into town Friday night, we went straight to Modern Love for our 8 o’clock reservation. I’d seen on Facebook that they were offering their seitan reuben as a weekday-only special. So I knew this was my big chance to finally score my favorite sandwich from one of my favorite restaurants.
When we arrived, Isa, the owner of Modern Love & cookbook author extraordinaire, came out to say hi. She asked if I’d planned on ordering the reuben, and then gave me the bad news that they were out of them.
As luck would have it, though, they did have some stray ingredients laying around, and there was enough to put together a reuben amuse-bouche. So even though I was disappointed about missing the reuben, I was excited I’d get a taste at least.
We placed our orders, and I felt confident much deliciousness awaited us…
Once it was ready, Isa brought the reuben amuse-bouche to the table and laughed, “It’s not really an amuse-bouche.”
It was like a full-sized sandwich with two onion rings piled on top! The bread was nice and charred around the edges, and it was filled with seitan, sauerkraut, and thin slices of smoky beet. The cheesy layer had a nice pop of miso. So good!
David and I ordered a nacho platter appetizer as well.
This thing was positively massive with walnut chorizo, big dollops of guacamole, hot sauce, pico de gallo, and cashew-based queso. There wasn’t a dry chip in the bunch.
By the time my dinner order of mushroom stroganoff arrived, I immediately asked for a to-go box. That worked out well, though, because then lunch the next day was sorted.
For his main course, David had ordered the chickpea bacon ranch sandwich.
It was layered with chickpea cutlets, avocado, mushroom bacon, greens, tomato, and ranch dressing. On the side was purple potato salad.
Isa’s chickpea cutlets are a vegan classic. When I first went vegan, I made them all the time. They’re also a good & easy vegan Thanksgiving main dish option.
The chickpea cutlets at the restaurant were a little different than the ones in Veganomicon. The chickpeas themselves aren’t as prominent. They’re more blended into the cutlet. The cutlets are thin and uniform in a way that reminded me of Milanese.
David also had his sandwich for lunch the next day. That hadn’t been our initial plan, but it was super convenient!
Even though there are other vegan options to be had in Omaha, we couldn’t resist the opportunity of going back to Modern Love another time while we were there.
For my main dish, I got the kale Caesar salad, which was dressed with a tahini caper dressing. This super nooch-y salad was topped with smoked mushrooms, capers, pepita parmesan, and croutons. I also added cornmeal-crusted tofu.
David ordered the mushroom stroganoff I’d ordered the night before with added chickpea cutlets.
The thing I really love about this stroganoff is that they don’t skimp on mushrooms.
Sometimes you’ll order a pasta dish with mushrooms, and there will only be a handful of cremini mushrooms. But with this one, even after finishing the noodles, there were still loads of wild mushrooms at the bottom, including oyster mushrooms.
(By the way, she has a similar mushroom stroganoff recipe in Isa Does It, one of my favorite cookbooks.)
Choosing dessert was a real dilemma with strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, and an old school sundae all in the line-up. But ultimately, I had to go with the one that I never see anywhere else – peanut butter Snickers pie.
Look at that.
It really tasted like a Snickers bar with a thick layer of chocolate ganache, whole peanuts, a gooey peanut butter custard interior, salted maple caramel, and a big dollop of coconut whip to finish it off. Incredible.
I imagine by the next time we get to Omaha, Modern Love will be in their new, larger location, where the seitan reuben will be on the regular menu! (They’re just waiting on furniture now. So it shouldn’t be too long!) I’m excited to get back again, whenever that happens.
And that ends our excursion to Omaha! For more vegan options in Nebraska and beyond, check out my vegan travel page.
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/2018/08/09/vegan_donuts_omaha/
0 notes
One Devonshire Gardens - Glasgow’s iconic Luxury Hotel
Having lived in Glasgow for many years before returning to Edinburgh, I have always loved the West End – making the leap over from my home in the Merchant City many a time to explore the bohemian vibe, restaurants and bars. It’s great to be back!
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You can’t help but be impressed with the grand Victorian terraced buildings and leafy streets – a world away from the bustling city centre.  Upon arrival, we were greeted by concierge, (the only Hotel du Vin hotel to have one), and escorted to reception – made up of two low antique desks where you are encouraged to sit down and check-in. I much prefer this relaxed approach, rather than the massive reception desks creating a barrier between the guest and employee.
We were greeted by Nicole from Events, who gave us a tour of their recently completed refurbishment. 
On viewing their new rooms, you are immediately smitten with the sheer size, high ceilings and individuality. If I was to use one word to assess them – it would be fresh. There is a great mix between bold design statements, bright, fresh accents, 70’s furniture design and a nod to art deco.
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As you walk from one townhouse to the other (there are 5), they flow through to each seamlessly, an easy flow of shades of green and I love the feeling that you do not feel like you are in a 49 bedroomed hotel – but someone’s grand home.
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Townhouse No.5, accommodates their function suites full of Victorian features, with classic, neutral décor and well-appointed furniture and fittings. This Townhouse can be hired exclusively with 11 bedrooms and the honeymoon Suite.  The bright, airy Glenlivet room can accommodate 80 guests for a seated wedding breakfast, opening out to accommodate a total of 120 guests for an evening reception. From the moment you enter your private mosaic floored hallway with chandelier and grand staircase, until you discover the secret garden to the rear, you cannot help but be impressed.
Now. Can we just talk about the room we stayed in???
The Vettriano Suite – the Honeymoon Suite…..It’s. Just. Enormous!
I’m not going to talk about the humongous, inviting, luxurious bed, or the roll-top bath in the bedroom, or the decor and finishes, the massive bathroom with double sinks and double shower located on the floor below – no, nothing.  I’ll show you.
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After relaxing with a glass of Champagne in the bar, we went though for dinner.
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Now. If you know the history of this Hotel, you will know its reputation for delivering one of the finest dining experiences in Glasgow. Hotel du Vin is a food and beverage led collection of hotels, but One Devonshire Gardens has always been renowned for fine dining - previously awarded a Michelin Star and 3 AA Rosettes. Previous chefs include Gordon Ramsay and Andrew Fairlie - now, Head Chef, Gary Townsend is at the helm.
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It’s called a Bistro – I call it fine dining at its best
From the comprehensive wine list, we choose a white wine from Saumur, in the Loire Valley, where we once had the pleasure of holidaying in. Oh yes, and another glass of Champagne courtesy of ODG.
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To start, we had:
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Orkney Brown Crab – Sea Bream – Avocado – Radish – Puffed Buckwheat
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Torched East Coast Mackerel – Cucumber – Oyster Emulsion – Crème Fraiche
And for mains:
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Poulet Noir – Black Winter Truffle – Hispi Cabbage – Parmesan Gnocchi – Vin Jaune Sauce
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Goosnargh Duck Breast, Leg and Heart – Broccoli – Peanuts – Shitake Mushrooms – Coriander and Lime
To our disappointment – we just had no room for dessert.
Our evening ended with me, with wine in my bedroom, in my bathtub.
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Sure, I’ve never been to a wedding at One Devonshire Gardens, but if our overnight experience is anything to go by – if you book your wedding here, you are in safe hands. For me, the most important thing when booking a wedding venue is, of course the standard of venue, but also the service, the passion and the food and beverage offering – we experienced all these – in bucketloads.
It’s time to discover – or re-discover – luxury in Glasgow’s West End.
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****Wedding Open Afternoon****
Sunday 26th May | 2pm - 4pm
Sublime Weddings
One Devonshire Gardens will open its doors to you, for viewing House 5 to see it set as the perfect stage for your wedding.
Explore the secret garden and take the opportunity to view our exquisite private suites and bedrooms.  Tailor everything, no matter the request with our wedding co-ordinators to make your dream come true.  Come along to meet the team at our next Wedding Open Afternoon and enjoy a glass of fizz and canapes, whilst we show you around and discuss your special day.
Refurbishment Detail……
Anita Rosato Interior Design Ltd, have an established and successful history in creating beautiful environments for Individual Hotels. Recent commercial projects include: The Lygon Arms, Chewton Glen Hotel and Spa, The Bristol Warsaw, The Park Tower Knightsbridge (both Luxury Collection Hotels), as well as designs for a number of Marriott Hotels, the most recent of which is The Marriott Kensington currently going through the detail phase.
The new rooms, whilst contemporary, and eclectic still provide a nod to the heritage of the building, they are inviting, spacious and comfortable; they have been decluttered and received new arrangements of furniture and lighting.
The Classical styled bathrooms have been refreshed; Contemporary, monochrome, wallcovering is inspired by the extraordinary local Tropical Gardens. Existing Antiques items were preserved and re- invented and giving new use to old pieces. New additional antique pieces were curated by the Anita Rosato team and placed in juxtaposition with contemporary elements.
Some of the curated pieces were mid-century items which give a modern and eclectic look. Artwork, already belonging to the Hotel has been given a new lease of life; collated into new groups and re -distributed across the rooms to form new and different collections within every room.
New items of furniture were resourced from around the world and quality decorative lighting provided a sculptural touch. Manufacturers from the USA, France and Spain were used in addition to the items bought from the UK.’
One Devonshire Gardens | Hotel du Vin Glasgow
1 Devonshire Gardens | Glasgow | G12 0UX
0141 576 2265 | [email protected] | WEBSITE
Member of www.luxuryscottishwedding.com - Scotland’s Luxury Online Directory for Weddings
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applecut3-blog · 5 years
Avocado toast, nachos & vegan donuts Omaha
Avocado toast, nachos, and vegan donuts Omaha. How to not go hungry as a vegan in Nebraska. Donuts from Hello Sugar and Farine + Four, and nachos at Modern Love.
This past weekend David and I went to Omaha for a couple of days, because he was speaking at their local BritishFest about his work on Doctor Who: Shada. When we weren’t getting TARDIS flying lessons, we sampled the Omaha vegan food scene.
(For an extensive list of vegan options in Omaha, check out this post on vegan Omaha restaurants.)
Vegan donuts Omaha at Hello Sugar
Our first morning in Omaha while I was out getting coffee, Kayla, a person on Instagram who lives in the area, told me that I needed to pick up vegan donuts from Hello Sugar.
Hello Sugar sells doughnuts at a couple of different farmers markets. (Keep an eye on Hello Sugar’s Instagram for the menu, as well as locations & times.)
I happened to be fairly close to the farmers market at the time, and so I made a beeline there.
In addition to selling non-vegan doughnuts, Hello Sugar had several vegan doughnuts on offer including chocolate almond sea salt, raspberry jam filled, lemon pistachio, apple fritters, glazed with sprinkles, and triple berry.
David’s favorite doughnut is raspberry jam filled, and so that was a no brainer. I asked what the other big sellers were and was told that people always come back for the apple fritters and lemon pistachio. So I grabbed those as well.
The doughnuts were wonderfully fresh and full of bounce, light, and airy. For us, the big winner was the raspberry jam filled, but I’d happily eat any of them all over again.
Farine + Four
I visited the bakery Farine + Four for breakfast two mornings while we were there.
(The second day, we’d planned on going to Saddle Creek Breakfast Club, because they have an inviting vegan brunch menu, in addition to their standard menu. However, when we arrived, the area in front of the restaurant was positively packed with throngs of people waiting for a table. It looked like it would be a really long wait, so we skipped it. But I’d like to go another time!)
Farine + Four has a rotating menu. They handwrite the menu on the counter in front of the cash register. So if there’s a line, you can’t really see it until you place an order. It would be nice if they had a menu board higher up, where it could be seen from a distance.
I got a rosemary bagel with vegan cream cheese for me, and an everything bagel with vegan cream cheese to-go for David.
The bagels were wonderful – chewy on the outside and soft on the inside. As a rosemary fan, I was all over the plethora of dried rosemary on top.
But the cream cheese was a little perplexing. I’m still trying to figure it out. I wonder if they might have given me the wrong thing, because it looks like they actually ladled it on. Perhaps it was donut glaze by mistake? The flavor was sweet and pleasant, but it didn’t look like cream cheese in any way, and it made my bagel soggy.
Out of curiosity, I googled their vegan cream cheese after the fact, and in other pictures, it looks the way a person would expect cream cheese to look.
Inspired by this experience, I’ve decided to start a country band called Soggy Bagel Bottoms. Look for my record in stores.
The confusing cream cheese wasn’t enough to keep us from going again the next day, and I’m really glad we did.
This time they had vegan donut holes on the menu in three flavors – lemon & lavender, cardamom, and vanilla. (Because we hadn’t had enough donuts, right?) You can get just one flavor or a mixture of all three. I’m not really into lavender or cardamom, and so I went with vanilla alone.
They fry the donuts fresh when you order, and so they actually come hot to the table. They were coated in sugar and reminded me of churros in ball-form.
David ordered avocado toast, and it was topped with thinly sliced radishes & pea tendrils.
I ordered the zucchini avocado toast, which had loopy zucchini ribbons, marinated onions, and pea tendrils.
I have vegan avocado toast for breakfast probably 3 mornings a week, and it’s always delicious. But wow, they really took avocado toast to the next level.
First, instead of just toasting the bread in a toaster, it was oiled and toasted in a skillet. So it was really crunchy and crisp on the outside. Then the onions were pickled, and there was an extra savory richness to the toast that I couldn’t put my finger on. Some kind of flavored oil, perhaps?
Anyway, I can’t recommend their avocado toast highly enough. It might not seem like something a person needs to go out of their way for on a trip, but you really do.
While we were there, we also picked up a fresh loaf of sourdough bread to give the cat sitter (a.k.a. my parents) as a thank you gift, and it was exceptional.
Modern Love Omaha
Obviously, any trip to Omaha must involve at least one visit to Modern Love, if not more than that.
When we first rolled into town Friday night, we went straight to Modern Love for our 8 o’clock reservation. I’d seen on Facebook that they were offering their seitan reuben as a weekday-only special. So I knew this was my big chance to finally score my favorite sandwich from one of my favorite restaurants.
When we arrived, Isa, the owner of Modern Love & cookbook author extraordinaire, came out to say hi. She asked if I’d planned on ordering the reuben, and then gave me the bad news that they were out of them.
As luck would have it, though, they did have some stray ingredients laying around, and there was enough to put together a reuben amuse-bouche. So even though I was disappointed about missing the reuben, I was excited I’d get a taste at least.
We placed our orders, and I felt confident much deliciousness awaited us…
Once it was ready, Isa brought the reuben amuse-bouche to the table and laughed, “It’s not really an amuse-bouche.”
It was like a full-sized sandwich with two onion rings piled on top! The bread was nice and charred around the edges, and it was filled with seitan, sauerkraut, and thin slices of smoky beet. The cheesy layer had a nice pop of miso. So good!
David and I ordered a nacho platter appetizer as well.
This thing was positively massive with walnut chorizo, big dollops of guacamole, hot sauce, pico de gallo, and cashew-based queso. There wasn’t a dry chip in the bunch.
By the time my dinner order of mushroom stroganoff arrived, I immediately asked for a to-go box. That worked out well, though, because then lunch the next day was sorted.
For his main course, David had ordered the chickpea bacon ranch sandwich.
It was layered with chickpea cutlets, avocado, mushroom bacon, greens, tomato, and ranch dressing. On the side was purple potato salad.
Isa’s chickpea cutlets are a vegan classic. When I first went vegan, I made them all the time. They’re also a good & easy vegan Thanksgiving main dish option.
The chickpea cutlets at the restaurant were a little different than the ones in Veganomicon. The chickpeas themselves aren’t as prominent. They’re more blended into the cutlet. The cutlets are thin and uniform in a way that reminded me of Milanese.
David also had his sandwich for lunch the next day. That hadn’t been our initial plan, but it was super convenient!
Even though there are other vegan options to be had in Omaha, we couldn’t resist the opportunity of going back to Modern Love another time while we were there.
For my main dish, I got the kale Caesar salad, which was dressed with a tahini caper dressing. This super nooch-y salad was topped with smoked mushrooms, capers, pepita parmesan, and croutons. I also added cornmeal-crusted tofu.
David ordered the mushroom stroganoff I’d ordered the night before with added chickpea cutlets.
The thing I really love about this stroganoff is that they don’t skimp on mushrooms.
Sometimes you’ll order a pasta dish with mushrooms, and there will only be a handful of cremini mushrooms. But with this one, even after finishing the noodles, there were still loads of wild mushrooms at the bottom, including oyster mushrooms.
(By the way, she has a similar mushroom stroganoff recipe in Isa Does It, one of my favorite cookbooks.)
Choosing dessert was a real dilemma with strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, and an old school sundae all in the line-up. But ultimately, I had to go with the one that I never see anywhere else – peanut butter Snickers pie.
Look at that.
It really tasted like a Snickers bar with a thick layer of chocolate ganache, whole peanuts, a gooey peanut butter custard interior, salted maple caramel, and a big dollop of coconut whip to finish it off. Incredible.
I imagine by the next time we get to Omaha, Modern Love will be in their new, larger location, where the seitan reuben will be on the regular menu! (They’re just waiting on furniture now. So it shouldn’t be too long!) I’m excited to get back again, whenever that happens.
And that ends our excursion to Omaha! For more vegan options in Nebraska and beyond, check out my vegan travel page.
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Source: https://cadryskitchen.com/2018/08/09/vegan_donuts_omaha/
0 notes