#mickes mouse gif
princemick · 1 year
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the schumacher men and the camera
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How Max was looking at me in the moment when we did that Mick Mouse scene I had to throw everything away and just be there with Max present saying these lines to Max. All of my preparation out the window. Very very present and that was my 2nd big acting lesson was with Max. And the lesson was being present. I felt so alive in that scene with him and Mick Mouse. Cause I was discovering things for the first time. -Rebecca Reid 
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The Mouse and The Bear (König x Reader)
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(A/N: I'm too drunk to proofread this rn, I tried to keep this GN but it might've ended up being a fem! Reader. I'll come back and fix this later lol
Warnings: Swearing, mention of death, mention of injury, slightly angsty but not really, lots of fluff)
"Don't look now, but I think someone has their eye on you." Soap says with a smirk as he walks up next to you in the kitchen. You rolled your eyes in response, knowing that meant any moment now you were going to have some annoying asshole approaching you.
"Spare me." You say under your breath, Soap just laughs in response as he finishes pouring his coffee and heads off. You picked up your lunch, going to find somewhere to sit where hopefully whoever decided you were their new love interest would leave you alone. You were met with a sight you didn't expect. Instead of the usual bombardment of unwanted flirting you caught the almost nervous gaze of KorTac's gentle giant. The second he realized you caught him looking, his eyes snapped down to the mug in front of him. You hadn't had a lot of interaction with König but the few you had he had been nothing but pleasant.  A soft smile finds its way to your lips as you start heading in his direction. "Hey König." You greet him pleasantly, "is this seat taken?" He shakes his head, a look of pure disbelief in his eyes over the fact you were standing in front of him. You slide into the chair opposite him. Normally if there was someone at base checking you out you wouldn't bother indulging their infatuation but König made you curious.
"I'm sorry for staring." He admits immediately, acting like a child getting caught doing something they're not supposed to.
"König I'm not mad." You reassure him.
"It's still rude… I know how much I hate it when people stare at me." He seemed to relax slightly now that he knew you weren't upset with him. Before you could ask him why he was looking at you he answered the question on his own. "I've never seen you without your gear on… I never realized how small you are- not that it's a bad thing of course! I know you're more than capable of handling yourself-"
"König," you cut him off before his rambling got him too flustered "it's okay." You smile at him and he shifts awkwardly in his seat. This was the first time you really allowed yourself to look at him. Bright blue eyes looking anywhere besides at you, he hunched over the table in an attempt to make himself look smaller and less threatening. "Du brauchst keine Angst vor mir zu haben." (You don't need to be afraid of me.) You joke in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"You speak German?" He sounded shocked.
"A little, I used to live in Berlin when I was younger." You explain. He nods, leaning forward slightly to give you his undivided attention as you speak. You sat and talked with him for a while, you definitely couldn't complain about the company. He was very attentive, asking you questions that prompted you to keep talking. He had a loud, boisterous laugh that made your heart soar everytime you coaxed it out of him
"Mick, we got takedown training, let's go." Your time with him was cut short by Price informing you to head down to the base's gym.
"I'll be right there." You call back. You turn your attention back to König, who was fidgeting with his mug again. "This was nice, thank you for the company." You smile at him, nervous eyes moving down to the table.
"Maybe… maybe we could do this again sometime?" He asks softly.
"Are you asking me on a date?" You retort immediately. His eyes snap up to you, already trying to stammer out a response in his flustered state. You giggle, reaching out and placing one of your hands on top of his, which looked child sized compared to his. "If we ever have downtime together I would love to." He nods, giving you a quiet goodbye as you cleaned up the table and prepared to head to training. You were unable to keep the dumb grin off your face for the rest of the day.
A few days later you found yourself in the kitchen again. You groaned internally as a high pitch whistle met your ears. "You come around here often sweetheart?" You recognized him, some obnoxious Private that often got in trouble for disrespecting the chain of command. He wasn't worth the energy, you just kept going about what you were doing prior to his interruption. "Maybe you didn't hear me," he tries to sound threatening. He steps uncomfortably close to you, "I asked you a question."
"You really shouldn't be speaking to a Sergeant that way." The Private turned, ready to cuss out whoever had interrupted his terrible attempt at picking you up. You saw all the color drain from his face at the sight before him. You couldn't stop yourself from breathing out a laugh. The Private slowly starts to back up with every heavy footstep that echoed through the kitchen. König steps in front of you, blocking off your pursuer. "Are you alright?" He glances back over his shoulder at you. You nod and his attention immediately turns back to the Private. "I suggest you get out of here kotzbrocken (lump of puke) before I tell your superior officer that you were getting aggressive with a Sergeant." As if on cue his Captain entered the kitchen. König very calmly explained the situation to him, the Captain grabbing his subordinate by the collar and pulling him off.
"Do you want to fucking die? Because messing with her is a good way to get there." You hear him angrily mutter to the Private as he pulls him out of the room.
"You're sure you're alright?" He asks in a much gentler tone than he was using before.
"I'm fine König, thank you." You smile at him, turning back to what you were doing before you were interrupted. You groaned as you looked through the cabinet. "He always does this to me, he knows I can't reach that shelf." You stood on your toes, struggling to reach your favorite mug that you knew Ghost put on the top shelf on purpose. König reached over you, grabbing the mug with ease before lowering it into your hands. You turned to thank him only to be startled slightly by his close proximity. You knew he was a big man, being 6'10, there wasn't anything about him that was small. But you had never witnessed your height difference with him this close up. You stood about his stomach height, the nearly 2 foot difference causing you to have to look straight up to see his mask covered face. Seeing your flustered appearance he quickly stepped back.
"Sorry, I just figured I'd have an easier time reaching it." He says bashfully.
You swallowed thickly, the mug in your hands becoming the most interesting thing in the room at the moment. "It's alright, I appreciate the help." You start making the tea you had originally come in here for, both of you sitting in silence. You didn't have to look up at him to know that König had his eyes on you. He was leaning up against the counter a couple feet away from you, just studying your movements as you flit around the kitchen. You hear König chuckle, your eyes drifting over to him. "What's so funny?" You ask him with a smile
"Don't take this as an insult, but you remind me of a mouse. You're so small and fast." You both laugh at his joke, he wasn't wrong.
"I mean, I don't have the codename Mickey for nothing." He studies you for a moment, you could tell he was thinking about whether or not he should say something.
"Would it be okay if I called you Maus?" He asks quietly. Normally you would object to someone calling you that. But hearing it from König, his deep voice that paired so wonderfully with his accent, you loved the way it sounded coming from him.
"I wouldn't be opposed… but only you get to call me that." You see the corners of his eyes crinkle in a smile.
"Deal." You searched through the fridge, finding a container of leftovers you had cooked the other night.
"Would you like to join me for lunch?" You ask, holding up the container.
"I would love to." It became a ritual for the two of you to have lunch together. You enjoyed the fact that he was company outside of your team and the usual annoying flirts around the base. Even though you hated to admit it, you had found yourself rather smitten with the Austrian giant. König was kind, but never in a way that made you think he was only being nice to you because you were cute. He was always making you laugh, cracking small jokes and telling you stories. He loved to see you smile, it was one of his favorite parts of his day.
"Good morning Maus." You smile as you hear König enter the kitchen behind you. You pull down a secondary mug from the cabinet.
"Good morning Bärchen." You greet him softly as you pour him a cup of coffee alongside yours. You hear him chuckle as he approaches you.
"Bärchen, huh? Mouse and Bear, that seems pretty fitting." He nods his thanks as you handed him his coffee. "Ready for the debriefing today?" Price had informed you yesterday that Task Force 141 and KorTac were going to be teaming up together for a mission. You were more than happy to work alongside them, the whole team was incredible. But you were still worried. 
"As ready as I'll ever be." You sigh, taking a long sip of your drink. "Just… promise me, wherever we end up tomorrow, that you'll be careful." You couldn't look at him. The fear you were feeling in your chest, it was too real of an emotion for you. You weren't going to say that you were never scared to go on a mission, that would be a lie. This however was new, you had another person besides yourself to be worried about.
König smiles down at you, carefully reaching out to tuck some stray hair behind your ear. "Maus, you have my word." The threat of tears welled up thick in your throat. "I'm not going anywhere, liebling." Someone calls from down the hall that it was time for your meeting. You feel König place a hand on your lower back, keeping you close while ushering you further. You came out of your debriefing feeling even worse than when you went in, this wasn't going to be your run of the mill mission you were used to. This was going to be dangerous for even the most skilled soldier. The second everyone had broken off to try and enjoy the rest of their day König pulled you aside. "Look at me, it's going to be okay." He could tell you were on the verge of panicking, despite knowing that would only make the situation worse.
"König do you know the statistics of how many people get hurt going on missions like these. Do you know how many people die?" You said it, the one word that was forbidden in your line of work. He drops down on one knee, gently taking your face in his hands.
"I know, and I know it's scary, but I don't want you to be thinking about that." He sighs, stroking your cheek. He wanted to make you feel better, he hated seeing you so anxious. "Let me take you on a date… it will give us something to do instead of sitting around worrying." You froze, your mind going blank. He wanted to take you on a date?
"I…I don't have anything to wear. If we're going on a date I want to look nice." You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. König was right about one thing, it would be a welcomed distraction.
"You already look beautiful Maus." You blushed at his compliment. He held out his hand to you and you took it without hesitation. His skin was warm and calloused, his hand completely engulfing your own as he let his fingers completely close around it. The two of you got permission to head into the city for the evening. König had been stationed in this area before so he knew exactly where he wanted to take you. Before you left he changed out of his sniper hood and into a cloth mask that covered the lower half of his face. You finally got a chance to get an idea of what he looked like underneath. You were shocked to find out that König had dark blonde hair that he kept relatively long compared to usual military standards. He had freckles that peaked just above where his mask. You could also more clearly make out the wrinkles by his eyes that shows how much he genuinely smiles. When the two of you headed into town you were honestly a bit surprised when you ended up at a food truck that served some local specialty. He ordered for you and paid for your meal, the entire time keeping his hand on the small of your back so he could ensure that you were still there next to him. You wandered into a park to look for a place to sit and made it just in time to catch the sunset. You let your head fall to rest on König's arm, he sat next to you completely rigid.
"Thank you for taking me out, I needed to keep my mind off of tomorrow." He glances down at you, bright blue eyes trained on your face.
"I'm hoping you'll let me take you on another date after this mission is over." You picked up on the nervousness in his voice immediately.
"König, I don't know if you've noticed, but I kind of like you a lot… of course I'll go on another date with you." The hand that was situated in his lap began to reach out for yours, slowly moving his finger over so it would bump into the side of your hand.
"I'm really happy I met you (Y/N)." He says softly.
You smile, eyes never leaving the horizon. "I am too."
The next morning everyone was on edge. You all sat silently in the back of the truck, the usual attempt to lighten the mood vacant. As you neared your destination Ghost finally spoke up. "Team A, we're going to sweep their safe house, any hostages I want brought to me directly. Team B, you're in charge of sweeping the rest of their compound. This is a capture or kill mission, our number one priority is getting us and the hostages out safely. You glanced across the isle at König. He tried to give you a reassuring nod but you could tell how nervous he was really feeling. The truck came to a rough stop, jolting your body forward in the process. Everyone piled out and began separating into their teams. A giant gloved hand came to rest on the top of your head as König gave you a gentle pat. "Be careful out there, Bärchen." You say softly, unable to look at him knowing it would probably make you cry.
"You too Maus." He runs off to join his team.
"Come on Mickey, we got a house to clean." Soap says as he approaches you. He could tell how stressed you were feeling. Even if he didn't know the extent of your relationship with König he knew how much you cared about him. "He's gonna be alright, man's a fuckin' tank, there's no stopping him." You nodded heading off with him to handle your half of the mission. Team A consisted of you, Ghost, Johnny, Gaz, and a couple of privates from the base. Team B consisted of KorTac, Price and a few other soldiers.
"Mick, I need to know you're here with me sweetheart, you're looking a little spacey." Ghost says quietly as you wait for the perfect moment to storm the safe house.
"I'm with you lieutenant, just another day at the office." You tried your best to sound confident. To give your team the Mickey they needed right now. Soap was right, König would be fine. All of this would be over in less than an hour.
"Move in." You got your cue. You looked at Soap, the two of you exchanging an affirming nod before you made your way up to the safe house. He taps your shoulder, motioning that he'll start his sweep to the right you start to your left. You found nothing but a couple low grade officers guarding the hostages, which meant everyone incredibly dangerous was either not here or in the same building as Team B. You quickly and quietly escorted the hostages outside so you could get them some medical attention "Team A has successfully completed their sweep. Team B what's your status?" Ghost's voice booms over the comms. It was silent for a while… too long.
"Ghost, we've been hit." Price's panicked voice was the only thing you could hear. "They found out we're here."
"Do you need medical? We're heading to your location now." You readied yours as fast as you possibly could.
"Ghost, I need you to listen to me. I don't know how many men I've already lost, if you come over here your whole team could be taken out." You could hear gunfire in the background. You were going to attempt to make a run for it. You needed to help them, you needed to get out who you could. The second you tried to bolt Ghost latched onto your collar, pulling you to the ground.
"Let me go, I need to help them." You say through gritted teeth, fighting back tears.
"Mick, you know that's only going to make things worse." Ghost jumps back on comms. "Price, do you have a casualty count?"
"At least four." Any drive you had to stand back up left your body. That was half of their team, just gone.
"Anyone from KorTac?" Ghost remained motionless by your side, prepared to drag you out of there if needed.
"I don't know, I lost them in the fire fight." You were shaking. Throughout all your years in the military you had never felt like this during a mission.
"We'll rendezvous back at base, I need to get these hostages medical attention." Price confirmed and the comms went silent again. Ghost hauled you to your feet, attempting to steady you by the shoulders when you almost fell over. "Hold it together Mickey, come on." His gruff voice shocks you back to reality. You felt like you were in a fog, you were going through the motions of securing the hostages but you weren't really there. The second you were back to base you made your way to the common room, sat down, and waited. Your teammates tried everything they could think of to comfort you but it wasn't any use. All you wanted was König, or at the very least to know he was okay. After about an hour of waiting, Price finally found you. You stood, hurrying over to him. He looked a little worse for wear but overall he seemed fine.
"Price, is König okay?" Ghost was the first one to speak up. You couldn't bring yourself to say it knowing that there was a very high chance he didn't make it back at all.
"He was hit, but he's okay. He actually asked if I could send you down to him." You thanked Price, telling him how happy you were that he was safe but you had to go see him. You ran down to the infirmary, ignoring the calls from the nurses that you had to check in before you could enter as you pushed through the doors. You just needed to see what state he was in. You were met with the sight of König sitting up in bed, pleasantly chatting with the doctor that was going over what he would have to do for his wound care. The top half of his body was wrapped in a bandage that showed he was shot in the shoulder, sniper hood still on. His eyes landed on you and you saw his whole body relax. You waited for the doctor to leave before you approached him.
"Maus." You saw the corners of his eyes crinkle up. It was hard to be mad with the shirtless mass of muscle in front of you. You had a whole speech planned about how worried you were how he could've been seriously hurt. But now that you saw him sitting in front of you none of that really mattered. You sat on the edge of the infirmary bed, tears pricking at your eyes.
"You said you were going to be careful." Your voice cracked as you spoke. He grabbed your hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"I know, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you worry." You felt the first year slip into your cheek and that was enough to open the floodgates. Your body wracked with sobs, König pulled you to him, wrapping an arm around you.
"I thought I lost you." He quietly hushed you, running his fingers through your hair. You stayed like that for a while, both of you remaining silent until König.
"I think after my contract's up I'm going to call it." You shot up, in pure disbelief at what you were hearing. "I got hit today because I got careless. I was trying so hard to get this over with quickly to get back to you that I let my guard down. I don't want something to happen to me out in the field or have you worried like this all the time. (Y/N), I'm in love with you, I don't want to miss the opportunity to explore what we have before it even starts." Hearing him say that made you start crying all over again. Once you had finally calmed down you sat up, wiping your eyes.
"I think this might be my final tour too." You smile at him. He grabs the top of his hood, fully pulling it off his head. You gently caress his face, "you're so handsome under there." You hiccup a laugh through your remaining tears.
"I'm glad you think so." He chuckles. He holds you close, lips gently finding yours for what was the softest first kiss you had ever had. König gently cradled you in his arms, taking his time to fully memorize every single aspect of what kissing you felt like. 
"I love you Bärchen." You say softly. He gazed down at you with the most loved filled expression of adoration.
"I love you too, mein mouse." He whispers, pulling you in for one more short, sweet kiss.
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thisismeracing · 4 months
King of my heart | MS47 | Part. 24 (ending)
― Pairing: Mick Schumacher x hamilton!reader ― Word count: 1.2k ― Warnings: none I guess. ― Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he threw caution carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
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▸ my masterlist | my taglist | patreon guide ▸ support my writing by reblogging, leaving a comment (don’t forget to follow me if you like the piece), or buying me a coffee
part. 23 | series masterlist 
Mick paced around the room again, and for the looks of it, it wouldn’t take him long to dig a hole in the exact spot his racing boots were hitting.
“We don’t have much time, Mick, you gotta get ready,” Gary, his engineer, knocked on the door, opening it just enough to look at the German.
“Where’s Yn?” 
“You mean Yn Hamilton?” he asked, just to make sure and Mick tried to keep his eyes from rolling, too stressed to answer properly, but too polite to give a rude answer to Gannon who was friendly most of the time. The engineer took on the driver's silence, and tried, “I think she’s with Lewis. Want me to get her?” 
“Get who?” just from Yn’s voice Mick could guess she was smiling. That bright and big smile he loved so much. The only smile that would be able to calm his racing heart.
Gary waved to Yn opening the door wider for her, he motioned ‘5 minutes’ to Mick and left the lovers alone giving them as much privacy as a small driver’s room could. 
“Hey, mouse, what's the matter?” she walked inside and towards him, tipping her face up so their lips could meet in a quick peck. 
Mick, however, had other plans.
His hands found purchase on her waist, bringing her body impossibly closer, and his tongue took advantage of the surprised gasp she let out to sneak inside her mouth, tasting her sweetness. Yn grasped his blonde locks between her fingers, and corresponded the kiss as much as she could, feeling how nervous he was.
When the air made itself scarce, the driver hid his face in the crook of her neck. 
“I’m nervous, what if I fuck it up? What if I crash? What if the car is shitty? What if–” Mick started, voice trembling, finally letting his walls down, and showing someone how vulnerable he was feeling.
Sure they had this conversation before, and sure Mick Schumacher knew he was a great racing driver, but he was also a human being and, of course, he had his own insecurities and doubts. 
Yn held his face between her hands, leveling it with her own, and looking him in the eyes. His big blue orbs looked at her with adoration and fear all mixed in one, and she smiled sympathetically. 
“Close your eyes,” she commanded in a soft tone and he obeyed. “Hear this rustling of people walking around from one side of the other working non-stop?” Mick nods keeping his eyes shut, they’re chest to chest so listening to her soothing voice and feeling her breath evens his. “They’ve been working for a while now so everything is perfect for their number one driver. They’re not sure if the car will beat that Red Bull witchcraft, but they’re doing their best, and they counting on you to do your best as well. It doesn’t matter if this combo doesn’t get you a podium today, there’s always next Sunday. They got the will to make it happen, and they got the driver to do so too. Leave the past in the past, get in that car, and do what you love doing, do what you know you can do, and also what you don’t know you can do yet. We’ll be here watching, rooting, working, and praying.” 
Her comforting words and soft tone made Mick lean even more on her touch. He smiled, nodded, and kissed her forehead. 
“Here,” she was quick to answer, already knowing he was going to ask from where she would watch the race. Lewis was racing as well, and before Sunday rolled around Yn was asked this question by a lot of people, her brother included. “I’ll watch it from here, you may see me cheering when Lew overtakes others, but I’ll be here rooting for you too. And I don’t care about the outcome, you’re my number one.” She whispered the last part and Mick smiled, kissing her yet again. 
“I love you.”
“I love you,” she echoed back, lacing her hands around his large shoulders and enjoying his warmth. “You’re also looking hot as fuck in this new racing suit, please tell me you can sneak one in your bag tonight.”
Mick laughed and nibbled on her neck just enough to make her whine, but before he could give Hamilton a witty answer, there was a knock on the door. 
“Go out there and kick ass,” she kissed his chin, and smiled, turning to the door.
And that was exactly what Mick did. He turned the first race of the season into a show. His show. Everyone watched on the edge of their seats as time after time he overtook cars and climbed up to the podium. A fight for the podium went on on the last turn – Lewis, Mick, and Max were fighting for first place, and in the last seconds the Schumacher overtook his future-in-law, hatching the first place and surprising everyone.
The camera panned on Yn watching the race from the Porsche’s garage, and the way she smiled and cheered when Mick got his first win of the season on the first race of the season during his first year with a team that was racing for the first time. It was a first, and how sweet it tasted for everyone. Even for Lewis, who ended up getting second place, but celebrated as if that was his win too. 
The team ran for the celebration, and Mick went straight for Yn once the car was parked and the helmet was off. There wasn’t much thinking into it, he just saw her there crying and smiling wearing his team’s merch, his number on her body, his initial dangling from a chain around her neck, Mick couldn’t do anything but kiss her lips in front of the cameras. The cheers and flashes faded during the seconds their lips were sealed, he hugged her close, before jumping on top of the crew. Lewis walked to his sister after the congrats from his own team, he hugged her and they smiled as brightly as ever. 
After the podium celebration and interviews, Mick walked back to his garage finding Yn and Lewis there. They were side by side talking, both smiling, and Mick couldn’t help but remember the first time he saw Yn. That day she was talking with Lewis too, it was also the beginning of the season, and now, just like before Mick felt like he could stare at her forever. Yn looked stunning wearing Porsche’s shirt and baggy jeans, the colors of the shirt creating the perfect contrast with her black skin. Her curls were tied on top of her head after the long day. She was stunning, and now he was the one walking into the room, walking to her, his girlfriend. 
His heart was doing somersaults inside his chest. 
After so many days of worrying and agonizing about the future, he was here with a seat on a great team. After so many days of fear about his relationship, Yn was here, as sure as ever about their commitment. After so many times unsure of the future, Mick was happy with the unknown, happy to discover it with Yn, happy to build his own legacy, happy to experience life to the fullest, and even happier to rule the kingdom of Yn’s heart because he knew damn well she was the queen of his heart, body, and soul. 
She was the one he had been waiting for.
“There he is,” Yn said taking Mick from his thoughts and walking towards him again. “My number one,” she whispered hugging him, “the king of my heart.” 
And nothing ever felt as right as being in her arms.
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────── ⋆🪩 VOICEMAIL: Hi, honeybees! I hope you guys liked this. I know it's been a while since I last updated, but it's finally here, and I'm happy to end (or give a pause to it, considering I won't stop thinking about mickyn in the context of komh) this journey. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who liked, reblogged, commented, sent asks, and gave me the motivation needed to get this together. This wouldn't be possible without you, thank you! <3 I hope to see you guys in a new series soon. Meanwhile, make sure to tune in to my account and read all the new blurbs and pieces coming. I may post a bonus piece (or rather a smau epilogue) hihi.
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©thisismeracing ― do not copy, steal, or translate my work; do not repost on a different media platform.
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rebelwrites · 2 years
Before Sunrise He's Your Child
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Charles Leclerc Masterlist
Summary: The season was now over and it was finally time to go on that family vacation
Warnings: Children
A/N Kept this one short and sweet
Requested By Anon // hii, i would like to ask for a fic with dad charles, something like the reader and him with the kids on vacation
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
The sound of your son letting the door to his room slam stirred your sleep, you didn’t need to open your eyes to check the time to know it was far too early for him to be awake. Burying your head into the soft pillow you reach your arm out nudging your husband trying to get him to wake.
“Your son is awake.” you groaned, continuing to tap his bare torso.
“My son?” he mumbled, still half asleep as he reached for his phone, checking the time, squinting at the brightness of the screen.
“Before sunrise he’s your child.”
Charles couldn’t help but let out a throaty chuckle as you quoted the lion king to him. Propping himself up against the headboard he palmed at his eyes trying to rub the sleep away. The only sound that could be heard was your soft breathing signaling you had fallen back asleep and the sound of CJ wandering around the living room of the hotel room. Charles leant over pressing a kiss against your bare shoulder, silently thanking himself for reminding you to put your vest top on just in case he ended up in bed with you guys after your late night activities.
“Papa.” CJ squealed running into the bedroom.
Charles winced at how loud the mini version of himself was being, especially this early in the morning.
“Maman dort encore, petit homme, tu dois chuchoter d'accord. Mama's still sleeping, little man, you gotta whisper okay.” Charles said softly, pulling his finger to his lips.
“Sorry, Papa.” he whispered, as he made his way over the side of the bed where Charles was.
“Why are you awake so early?” Charles asked, wrapping his arms around the six year old, scooping him up and lifting him onto the bed.
CJ snuggled between his father’s legs as Charles pulled the duvet over the both of them, hoping to get his son to settle back down considering it was just gone 4am.
“Je suis excité, papa. Nous sommes à Disney. I'm excited, dad. We are at Disney.” CJ whispered. “I didn’t want to be late for breakfast with Mickey Mouse.”
Charles swore his heart burst at the cuteness of his son, for the last month he had been so excited for this two week trip.
“I would never let you be late to have breakfast with Mickey.” Charles hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of his son’s head. He heard the tiny yawn that escaped from CJ’s lips making him chuckle. “How about we try and get some more sleep, little man. Then you won’t be tired meeting Mickey.”
“Pinky promise we won’t be late?” CJ asked, leaning his head back looking up at his father.
“Je promets. I promise.” Charles smiled, moving so CJ could snuggle between the pair of you.
Charles laid there wrapping his arms protectively around his son, stroking his dark hair trying to lull him back to sleep. Soon enough his son was flat out, leaving Charles lying there with a large smile on his face. This was the time he was looking forward to, no stress about racing, no stressing you out when there were bad crashes. He could finally spend some uninterrupted time with his family.
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@chibsytelford @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @stillbreathin @angywritesstuff @miamedyu @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @micks-afterglow @livo67 @buendiabebeta @pleasedontfollowinlost @ferrarifwendvale @hungryhungarian @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @sunf1owerrq @queenslife @panicforspec @inesramoss30 @justme2042 @liv67 @sessgjarg
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toobz-drawz · 1 year
Hi! Can I request a (The Dirt) Mick Mars x reader if that’s okay where the reader and Mick are in their hotel room together and are cuddling and relaxing and watching a movie on the tv. Just enjoying each other’s company and slightly teasing each other. Basically just cute couple things (fluff).
Mick and the reader at one of the boys parties together.
I hope this request isn’t weird I just wanted to give you an option! 😊 Thank You!
Speak Of The Devil
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Mick Mars (The Dirt) x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, and pure fluff.
Summary: You decided to watch a horror movie with your boyfriend, but goes not exactly as you plan.
Characters: 2,294
The TV was playing “Children Of The Corn”, you had thought it was a good idea to rent out the movie and watch it at the hotel room with your boyfriend Mick. Boy..You were wrong about picking this movie out of all things. Throughout the movie you had been on edge, clutching the blankets or either the bowl of popcorn settled between you two, from Mick’s prospective you were scared out of your wits, anticipating what would happen next, and eyes so big he thought they’d pop right out of their sockets. 
Mick wrapped his arm around your lower back and pulled you into his embrace. “What were you saying earlier?…Oh, yeah, “I bet this movie is going to be corny and that I won’t get scared at all” is that right?” Mick had a big cheesy grin on his face, you looked up at him and pushed him away. “It’s not my fault I’m easy to scare!” You protested against his remark on what you said earlier before starting this whole movie. “Oh I know, honey.” He pulled you back in, kissing you on your forehead. “I won’t let the boogie man or kids with weapons hurt you.” You hated when he teased you like this, but you were an absolute sucker for him. “I hate you.” You’d sighed, leaning into his form as you watched the movie and ate more popcorn. “I love you too.” If you thought he was done with just that, you were wrong, because throughout the whole movie he had been teasing you and poking fun at you for jumping and almost having a heart attack at a tiny jump scare. In his eyes he’s seen enough scary movies that they don’t affect him anymore, but seeing you frightened as a mouse just made this movie a bit more bearable. 
When the movie was over you had been passed out, leaving mick with a whole mess he had to clean up after you twos movie night. It was rather difficult for him to get out of bed with you on him and his back, though he managed to get out. Once he was out, he tucked you into bed, then started grabbing the bowl of what used to hold popcorn and start putting trash, bits n pieces of crumbs, and other little things to throw away. He couldn’t stop thinking about how jumpy you were and the comments you made throughout the movie while cleaning up. After cleaning up, he lifted up the blanket, climbed right back into bed, and  held you close making sure no monsters would get at you in your sleep. 
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ian-galagher · 10 months
for your followers: africa spoilers approximately as big as rafiki's tree.
in nosho's theater today and long overdue: the lion king (1994).
- africa, as per ian's expectations.
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- inyoni and sarabi are one and the same, i do not take criticism.
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- ian x mickey before they had out together for the first time, symbolic image.
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- ian, full of hopes and dreams, wanting to be as great a wildlife photographer as mickey.
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- ian, after getting the car out of the mud.
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- jan: "had to break his little heart. poor mick's never gotten over it, as you can see […] but i guess he's gotten himself a new toy to play with…" ian: "sounds to me like you're jealous." jan:
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- "mom?"
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- ian and mickey in the city.
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- "but i don't want to ruin-" / "then don't."
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- mickey taking ian to god's window.
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- mickey x mandy, symbolic image.
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- it's surprisingly hard to find a gif of scar obscured with fog in the ravine. anyway, chapter eleven. stalking figures. you know what i mean.
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- "you and your stupid face distracted me."
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- the tourist situation. it's still giving me eye twitches.
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- ian and mandy going shopping.
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- mandy and ian conspirating with the make-up.
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- mickey: mandy is driving, isn't she. ian x mandy: don't be mad!
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- ian / inyoni / mandy vs mickey.
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- the braai. point made.
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- prediction: ian, day thirty.
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- bonus: inyoni if she caught jan harassing mickey and ian.
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- bonus bonus: jan: exists. the gang:
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- bonus x3: me: theorises. you:
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- bonus x4: i wanted to say jan is ed, but then i felt bad for ed.
Noshoooooooooooooooooooo! 😁🧡💚
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This is the BEST one yet! 😁 I do think that every time but this is THE LION KING!!!!! 😁🥰🦁🪶🦒
EVERY ONE of these movies has those pretty intro shots 😂😂😂
YEEEEESSSS Inyoni = Sarabi! 😭
Ian in the rain! 😭
Scar with that mouse 😂 why am I not surprised Jan is already popping up 😂 seeing as Becki thinks you needn't be afraid he'll come back at all 😂😂😂
Again, these fit soooo well it's scary 😂 then again... this IS the Lion King, the most referenced movie of all in Africa 😂😂😂
MOM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
Okay but them in the city 🥰
You joke but that gif of God's window IS the one I used but for chapter 4 because I couldn't wait to use it and because they had that view from the hotel 😂😂😂 and I got to chapter 7 and went, darn can't I use it again? 😂
Mickey and Mandy fighting 😂😂😂 it's sooo them 😂
THE FIGURE 😭😭 it fits so well!!
Zazu flying into that rhino's butt 😂😂😂 and the tourists! 😂😂😂 and the braai! 😂😂😂
Mandy and Ian as baaaabies 😭🥹🧡
Oh we're now doing predictions are we?! 😭😭😭
Rafiki as Inyoni is perfection 😂😂😂
THE GANG 😭😭😭 that's us 🥹🧡💖💚💙❤️ ignore the fact that we've outgrown the trio sized group 😂 @francesrose3 @juliakayyy @thisdivorce
You CANNOT do that to Ed 😂😂
Okay but you got me spot on there 😂 that IS what I look like 😂 sitting on my rock laughing evilly 😂 mwuahahah! 😁
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nikosasaki · 2 years
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mara's endless oc list ⋆ Alex & Michael ‘Mick’ Warren
There was something wrong with the Warren siblings. Everyone in Millwood seemed to know it, and while they were usually tolerated, nobody dared to be affiliated with the two teenagers. Between Alex's business dealing in mind-altering substances and Mick earning himself some extra cash by writing his classmates' essays, the only superlative the two Warrens had earned was 'most likely to end up in jail'.
When Karen Beasley supposedly kills herself, that prediction only seems to solidify itself even more. Karen dies, and suddenly Kelly and Alex seem extremely close, and Mick suddenly seems to be everywhere. Imogen, Tabitha, Mouse, Faran, and Noa become convinced that the two Warrens are involved, if not responsible for the death of Karen and the threatening messages all of them receive.
What the liars don't know about is that Alex and Mick are being haunted in their own right, and all of them might have more in common than they ever suspected.
taglist; @kendelias @chlobenet @bravelittleflower @eddiemunscns  @lizziesxltzmxn @wokenhardies @delicateblackrose @eddysocs @heavenlysurf @arrthurpendragon  @villanele @nolanhollogay @stanshollaand @lovehermioneforever @raith-way @kiara-carrera @hiddenqveendom @decennia @luucypevensie @waterloou  @connietheecunning @aaudace @foxesandmagic @jvstjewels @samwilsonns @ginevrastilinski @sunlitscrib
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hotdogdance · 11 months
✨ You have entered the Tumblr home of the one, the only, Mickey Mouse!
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Now, don’t be intimidated. I’m just here to make some friends- as well as address your questions, comments, and concerns!
Tell me about your day! Ask me for advice! I’m just a regular guy. A regular guy who is buzzing to interact with some people outside of work!!!
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// Real Pinned:
Hi! I found myself nostalgic for the 2017ish toon roleplay scene and decided to bounce back with an old muse in a much more casual setting.
Mun is an adult. Feel free to approach me with multi-para third person shenanigans, but this is mostly just me pretending that Mickey is real and has his own blog. Come play along if you’d like.
I’m not affiliated in any way with the Walt Disney Company, if that was unclear.
My Mick is the classy Walt Disney World type with added Paul Rudish/Plane Crazy influence in regard to the chaos and anxiety. Would absolutely love to interact with canon characters from Mickey’s world, if there’s anyone out there.
One last thing…forgive me if I’m a little awkward out of character. I haven’t done this in a long time.
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disneyestrela · 4 years
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My favorite moments from Mickey Mouse 2013 (21/?) - S01E13
Mickey and Donald making a Potato park for Goofy.
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princemick · 1 year
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MICK -- 12HR SXS Race 2022
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givemegifs · 2 years
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0 notes
scarisd3ad · 2 years
𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴? || 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝘁 𝟮
Pt 1 told ya I’d make a part two probably gonna make this a full length fanfic like red where it starts at season one. I might also make oneshots with Michele, liv, Steve, hopper, and el! Let me know if that would be somthing you guys would want!
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Part one! Masterlist! Request box!
Steve and I had been ‘dating’ for a week and a half, everything had been going good. Everyone believed we were dating.
I sat on Steve’s lap at our normal lunch table, Liv, and Michele sat in front of us. I had a lunch tray in front of me that I never really bothered to touch so Steve would pick off of it from time to time. “Mick what’d you get on the math test?” I asked “a, c my dads gonna beat my ass! what about you?” she groaned as she popped a cherry tomato into her mouth.
“B” I replied “shit you’ve gotta tutor me hopper” she said. I rolled my eyes, I hated being called by my last name. Everyone called my dad by our last name I wanted to be my own person not just chief Jim hoppers daughter.
“You comin over tonight?” I asked turning my head back a bit to make eye contact with Steve. “Mhm” he nodded. El had taken a liking to Steve, most of the time when Steve came over he sat in front of the tv with el explaining the cartoons that were playing on the tv. “Ooo..he’s coming over?” Michele asked wiggling her eyebrows mockingly “shut up mick you’re so dirty minded” I scoffed “oh come on, it’s not like you two aren’t all over each other here” she said rolling her eyes. “You’re an idiot mick” I replied.
Steve pulled up to my house both of us getting out. I dug around in my pocket until I found my house key. I unlocked the front door and opened it. As the door slowly opened I could see El sitting in front of the tv. As the door creaked her head snapped towards us. “Y/n!” She exclaimed.
She must’ve gotten rather bored while dad was at work and I was at a school. Steve and I both walked into the house. Steve walked over to the couch and sat down with el while I went into our room to drop my bag. I walked back into the living room to see Steve explaining a tv show to el.
“Yeah the cat chases the mouse but he never catches the mouse” Steve explained “isn’t that kind of…stupid?” El asked “yeah kinda but I entertains kids” Steve replied. I fell back onto the couch beside Steve. His arm instantly wrapped around my shoulder. “We don’t have to pretend here” I whispered, he shook his head and kept his arm around me.
“Y/n?” El asked turning her head towards me “Hm?” I hummed “I’m hungry” she replied. I nodded and instantly got up. Steve trailed behind me like a lost puppy. “Steve you don’t gotta follow me everywhere” I laughed “I wanna help” he replied. “Making a couple egos don’t take much help” I giggled as I grabbed the box out of the freezer and walked over to the counter.
Steves arms wrapped around my waiste making my eyes widen and my face to flush. Why was he making this so hard! He was all over me at school and now he’s all over me at my house, in the privacy of my own house! It’s not like el cared she doesn’t even know the basics of a relationship let alone what people do in a romantic one.
“Steve? Why are you doing this?” I asked pulling a few waffles out of the box and putting them in the toaster. “Doing what?” He asked I could feel the smirk on his lips against my neck. “No one’s here we don’t have to pretend” I said my cheeks flushing red. “What if I don’t want to pretend anymore?” His voice low in almost a whisper tone.
“W..what do you mean?” I stuttered. He quickly turned me around towards him “I don’t want to pretend anymore y/n/n. I’m in love with you” he said trying to press his lips to mine. I quickly pushed him away. What was he doing? He’s going to ruin all his chances of getting back with Nancy! His eyebrows furrowed together, a frown now also on his face.
“What is it baby? Do you not like me like that?” He asked I shook my head “no, no I do I really do…but what..what about Nancy I thought..I thought you wanted to be with her” I said quietly. He placed his hand on my cheek caressing it “I did but I think I’ve found something a bit better” he said smiling sweetly down at me. “Really?” I asked my cheeks flushing red, “yeah, can I kiss you?” He asked.
I nodded and he dove down pressing a long passionate kiss onto my lips. The sound of the waffles popping up in the toaster. We both pulled away, Steve groaned as I turned around and grabbed up the waffles and placing them on a plate. “El!” I shouted, I grabbed Steve’s hand as I walked back into the living room.
I handed El her plate, her eyes never leaving the tv. “Steve and I are going in the room okay” i said leading Steve into El and I’s room. I stood at the door contemplating if I was going to follow the rules. Fuck it, he wasn’t home yet he wouldn’t be home for a good amount of time. I shut the door all the way before turning back around towards Steve. He smiled as he pulled me back into a kiss. I parted the kiss “so are we actually together?” I asked he smiled “do you wanna be my girlfriend?” He asked, his hand on my cheek caressing it.
“Yes” I said quietly, he smiled before pulled me back into a kiss. Steve pulled me down onto my bed, sitting me on his lap. His lips slowly trailed down to my neck where he sucked and bit until he was satisfied.
My fingers raked through his hair. “I love you” he moaned into my neck. We quickly pulled apart when we heard my dads car pull up. “Shit!” I muttered as I quickly got off of Steve lap examining my neck. “Steve!” I shouted as I ran my fingers over the very obvious hickey on my neck.
“Just do this…” he said fixing my hair just enough to hide the hickey. “Y/n?!” I head the front door open, “let’s go let’s go” I grabbed his hand and quickly walked out of my room. “Why was the door closed?” He asked his eyebrows furrowed together “I..um it must’ve closed on its own…own..sorry” I stammered. “Mkay..” dad raised his eyebrows as he looked both Steve and I up and down.
“What is he doing here?” Dad asked, “I..we were doing homework” I said fidgeting with Steve’s hand. “Okay well Um keep the door open” he said as he slumped down onto the couch next to el. “How was your day kid?” He asked El as she simply shrugged and stuffed a ego into her mouth. Dad sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.
“God dammit” he groaned. Steve led me back into my room, I made sure to leave the door open atleast three inches. Steve pulled me down onto my bed again. He pressed his lips to mine again. The kiss slowly got more heated. His hands ran up my shirt, letting his hand rest on my boob “hey!” My dad shouted making Steve and I quickly jump apart. “Leave, you need to leave!” My dad shouted as he flung open the door. “Dad..it wasn’t what it was looked like” I said my face turning a bright red. My dad just caught me making out with my boyfriend, who wouldn’t be embarrassed.
“No! Fuck this shit, get out of my house!” Steve nodded quickly before running out. “Grounded you are grounded do you understand that?!” My dad shouted “dad! This is unfair!” I cried out “you’re grounded! Do you understand that, that means no, phone!” He grabbed up the phone that sat on my bedside table unplugging it. “No tv, you come straight home after school, and you’re not aloud to see him anymore!” He shouted.
“I hate you! You’re ruining my life!” I shouted as I tried pushing him out of the room. “No, no! We’re gonna talk about this!” He said stopping me from pushing him out of the room. “No! I don’t want to talk to you! You’re an asshole, I hate you!” I said tears welling up in my eyes.
“I hate you! I hate you! Get out!” I cried, his face softened as he saw me crying. He started to back up, I never really cried. I think the last times I genuinely cried was when Sara died, and when mom left. He quickly backed off leaving to go back to his spot on the couch. “Dammit!” I heard him shout then somthing thud as it hit the floor. I fell down onto my bed broken sobs falling from my lips. Somehow I fell asleep, when I woke up El was already in bed and it was dark out. I slowly got up and started towards my door, when I heard my dad speaking to someone on the phone I cracked the door open just enough to see him.
“She hates me now” he sighed “I just it hasn’t been the same since you know Sara, and her mom leaving. I don’t know…I just don’t wanna ruin our relationship” he said a sob falling from his lips “I just fuck don’t want her to hate me. She’s all I have left I can’t lose her too” he cried.
“Yeah..yeah I’ll try. I’ll talk to you later Joyce” he said before hanging up the phone. He sighed as he walked back over to the couch and sat back down. “God dammit” he mumbled, “dad?” I said as I walked out of the room. His head snapped back towards me, I sat down next to him. He was upset because of me, it was all my fault.
“I’m sorry dad” I mumbled I mumbled leaning into his side as tears welled up into my eyes. His arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. He silently sobbed as I leaned into his chest also crying. “I love you so much you know that right?” He said pressing a kiss on top of my head “I love you too” I replied.
“I know you’re a teenager now and you want more freedom, I know I can be a little overbearing at times, I’m sorry” he said. “I just don’t want you to get hurt, you’re all I have left I don’t want you to see your all torn up because of a boy” he added. I grabbed his hand “we’ve gone through to much to let a teenage boy tear us apart” i said “yeah we have” dad sighed. “Soo..am I still grounded?” I asked praying I wasn’t. Dad rolled his eyes and chuckled “no you aren’t” I sighed relieved I was suppose to go to micks for a sleepover on Friday and I couldn’t miss it again.
“Can I still see Steve?” I asked, “yes…but you’re not aloud at his house alone” I nodded. “I love you dad” I said leaning my jeans onto his shoulder “I love you too y/n/n”
I woke up the next day and everything was back to normal, I could hear the sizzle of the pan in the kitchen. El was still asleep well until my alarm clock started to scream at me to wake up. Her eyes slowly blinked open. After a few seconds of her just laying there she sat up. “Halloween?” She asked I nodded “Yep today’s Halloween” I laughed. She slowly stood up and sat on my bed. “You and hop were mad at each other last night?” She asked I nodded “yeah but we figured it out” I replied.
I sat at the kitchen table, watching dad cook breakfast. “She’s just a kid” I sighed leaning back into my chair “yes I know that but shes different y/n” he replied flipping the French toast in the pan. I watched as el snuck up behind him a sheet over her head. “Oh Jesus!” He jumped as he turned his head back “ghost” she said “yeah I see that” he said grabbing the pan up and setting it on the counter.
“Sure isss” he said placing a piece of French toast on each plate. “But right now it’s breakfast. Okay?” He said placing the pan, and spatula in the sink. “Come on let’s eat” he grabbed up three plates. “They wouldn’t see me” she said. Dads eyebrows furrowed together “who wouldn’t see you?” He asked as he started towards the table “the bad men” she replied “what are you talking about?” He asked as he placed each plate on the table.
“Trick..or..treat” the poor girl just wanted to be a normal kid “you wanna go trick or treating?” They both stayed silent for a few seconds before he shook his head “you know the rules” he said as he stood up. “Yes but..” he grabbed her by her shoulder trying to get her to the table “yes so you know the answer” he said.
“No..but..I..they wouldn’t see me”
“Hey! I don’t care!” He kneeled down in front of her “I don’t care” his two hands placed on her shoulders. “Alright? You go out there ghost or not it’s a risk we don’t take risks, alright? They’re stupid. And?” He said taking both hands off her shoulders “we are not stupid” she spat. If you wanted my opinion I think he’s too harsh on her.
She was barely twelve and lived in a lab her whole life, she just wanted to see the world, and when she did she got tooken right back up and was now stuck in a stupid old cabin. “Exactly now you take that off and sit down and eat” he said before walking back over to they table. “You’re foods getting cold” he said, she ripped the cloth off before sitting down a frown on her face. I felt bad for her. Dad poured a bit of syrup on his and her food.
He sighed letting his head sit in his hands. “Alright look, how bout I get off early tonight and I buy us a bunch of candy and we can sit around and get fat, and we can watch a scary movie together” he sighed. “How’s that for a compromise?” He asked, het eyebrows knitted together in confusion “co..compromise?” She asked “c..o..m promise..compromise” she just stared at him “how bout that’s your word for the day? Yeah? It’s something like it’s kids in between it’s like halfway happy” he explained.
“By five one five?” She asked “five fifteen” he corrected “yeah sure” he nodded. “Promise?” He leaned closer setting his elbows on the table (which my mom always hated) “yes….I promise” he said quietly “halfway happy” she said shrugging her shoulders before digging into her food. He leaned his hand over before ruffling her short hair making her giggle. “Eat y/n” he said, I shook my head, “come on y/n you’ve gotta eat something honey” he said softly. I wasn’t normally hungry in the morning, well i wasn’t normally hungry at all but that was something we could get into another day.
“I’m not hungry” I mumbled. “Can I have it?” El asked I was about to nod when dad said “no, y/n did you eat any last night?” I shook my head “come on y/n/n you’ve gotta eat something, just one bit hun” he said. I groaned before cutting a tiny sliver off and popping it into my mouth.
“I’ll drive you” dad said grabbing up his keys before walking out the door. “Lock the door” dad said as we walked out the door. We both got into his car and he started it up “here” he placed a few bills into my hand “buy something for lunch please you need to eat” he said I nodded. Mom always said boys only like skinny girl I guess I always kinda took that to heart.
We pulled up to the school, “bye honey I love you” he said as I stared to get out of the car “I love you too dad” I said as I walked up to the school. I waited till dads car drove off before walking up to mick. “Here” I said handing her the money “thanks!” She smiled. Mick always took the money no questions asked that’s what I liked about her she didn’t worry much about me. “Let’s go! I heard harrington’s looking for you” she said wrapping her arm around my shoulder as we walking into the building. We both walked up to my locker where we saw Steve waiting. His eyes lit up when he saw me “I was so worried!” He said wrapping his arms around me. I giggled as he pressed a kiss to my lips this time it was real not just because everyone was here.
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thisismeracing · 1 year
King of my heart | MS47 | part. 09
Social media version
Pairing: hamilton!reader (she/her) x mick schumacher
Warnings: curse words, mentions of food and alcohol, fluff, not proofread etc etc. Minors DNI!
word count: 3.3k
part. 08 | series masterlist | part 10 | taglist
Summary: Mick Schumacher rode a lousy wave for quite some time, so when the sky gets cleaner and the sun brighter he just knows something terrible may be in store for him. Whereas y/n was just so magnetic, and the possibilities of life with her seemed better than anything his mind could ever create, that’s why, for the first time in forever, he throws cautious carelessly through the window, hoping to get to the finish line before it catches up on him.
A/n: Just like Mick is doing on this gif y'all may need to put some seatbelts on for this chapter...just saying.
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After some days away to tend to the Paris Fashion Week, one of these days with her brother, who had to leave early for media duties with Mercedes, Y/n was back to the travel schedule, now going to China. 
“Look who decided to show up,” Charles joked when Y/n stepped into the room, walking closer to their table where Lewis, Mick, Carlos, and some other pilots were just chatting after dinner. 
“You’re just jealous she has style and was at a fashion week,” Pierre pokes, and Y/n can’t help but laugh. 
“You’re talking as if our work wasn’t as exciting,” Charles grumbles.
“You mean going vroom vroom in circles? The greatest adventure in the world!” The youngest Hamilton pokes fun at the monégasque. 
“Still, you���re here almost every race cheering as if it was your national team,” Charles raises his brows and smirks at Yn, who in return rolls her eyes playfully.
“Fair enough. Maybe you have a point.”
It was a series of hugs, kisses, and some more quirky remarks before Yn finally greeted everyone and sat down between Mick and Lando.
“Have you eaten?” the blonde asks after she settles, and Y/n gives him a soft smile that goes unnoticed by everyone but her brother.
“I had dinner and took a good nap. The flight was just exhausting.” She explained, grabbing the attention of Charles and now Carlos, who were bickering about something Y/n could not catch. 
“Speaking about flight and work, can you tell your friends the launch date of your new shoe collection? I promise I won’t tell the media, but Isa is on my line asking about it all the time. You should see,” Carlos starts a new subject, and Y/n smiles brightly. She never really met Isa, so it was cute that her friend's girlfriend knew about her and her brand and was excited to get herself a pair of shoes. 
Soon the waiter was bringing dessert, and before Lewis could suggest she ask for a plate of their vegan cake, Mick pushed his between them in a silent offer. 
“You’re the best, Mouse,” she whispered before bringing her chair closer. 
The table was the usual chaos of laughter and loud voices talking about anything and everything, but Mick and Y/n were too busy with the intimacy of sharing a treat and a spoon. Schumacher was surprised by the way she seemed unbothered, passing him the silver spoon after licking it. He was even more surprised by the fact that once again, he found something so mundane to be sexy just because it was Yn. 
“You saw the new songs I added to our playlist?” she asked, voice low. It was their conversation, their own private bubble after a week without communicating considerably.
“I was listening to it while training, I gotta confess that some of those Taylor Swift bridges worked better than I thought they would with lifting and cardio,” there’s an edge to his voice and he’s speaking all of it with a funny smile on his face, lips curved slightly, dimples showing, brows almost furrowed.
“I think you’re kinda Taylor coded…” she shares out loud, and this time his furrowed brows indicated more confusion than humor. 
“Is that a good thing?” 
“It’s a huge red flag for me,” she answers, and although he knows it was a joke, Mick can’t help but notice the way there may be a subtle truth to her statement when her eyes dart to the plate instead of keeping the stare at his blue ones. When the German is about to question why, someone calls Y/n asking if she’s going to the party, and their bubble is abruptly gone. 
It’s only a matter of minutes before everyone is done with dessert and Ubering to the party. Lewis, Y/n, and Pierre shared a car that, for some reason, took forever to get to the club. So when the group got inside, there was already a line of shots laid down for the other guys. Y/n took the seconds before they noticed their presence to observe Schumacher, how his white button-down hugged his torso perfectly, how it gave a sultry draw to his back, and how the first few buttons were messily open as if he got hot when they arrived. She watched his blonde hair glow under the neon lights and his shoulders relax. 
“You guys started the shots without us??? The disrespect, honestly,” Gasly complains, and it’s not even a minute before Y/n finds herself doing double shots with her brother and friend to catch up on the others. 
Her body is already sizzling and light, but there’s not much time to consider when a known song starts blasting in the club, and Y/n sees herself on the dance floor with a certain monegásque and his best friend. She waves to her brother to join, and the rest follow along. They jump, drink, laugh and attempt the worst dance moves ever seen until Ferrari by James Hype starts playing. 
“Wait! That’s not fair! There’s no club music with Mercedes!!!” Y/n screams over the music, and Charles double in laughter. “Lew, you gotta write a song about Mercedes!” 
“He drives a Ferrari too every once in a while, you know,” Carlos tries to reason, and Y/n rolls her eyes with fake disgust ripping off a wheeze from Mick. 
Their eyes met for a split second, and it felt natural when Y/n’s body started gravitating toward Mick, especially when she spotted a girl attempting to approach him. She tried to tell herself he was her friend, so she just wanted to be near him, not interrupt or make herself known she was close with the other guys too, after all, she had just danced half of the alcohol in her body with Charles. Admitting, if she saw a girl get close to Leclerc, the odds are high Y/n would not be around. She would give him space. But still, she felt like walking the small distance to Mick, and although she was the one who got beside him, he was the one who grabbed her hand and laced their fingers. Yn’s stomach did a somersault fluttering in a weird and new sensation, and Mick must have seen the tsunami of thoughts somehow because he looked down at her with a small smile on his pink lips, and for some reason, she knew not to worry about anything. 
They danced to more songs before Y/n and Pierre dragged some of the guys out of the dance floor and into the bar to order new drinks and another round of shots. Her hands are free of Mick’s for a second, though their bodies still stand close. It’s a chaotic mess of almost spilled vodkas, empty cups, and faces, but it’s just a couple of minutes before they are back on the dance floor, jumping up and down and bending their bodies in laughter about the slight turn of air around. 
Life feels brighter, the world lighter, especially because Yn has some of her friends and her brother, who are as happy as her, around, and happiness usually works like that. It sips from others into you, and when you finally stop to take a look, your heart feels warm. Right now, so does her body. 
This time, when her cup is empty, and her feet start to feel tired, Yn only drags Mick off the dance floor. The rest of their friends are still dancing or making rounds around the club to talk with old friends. It feels good when their fingers are linked again, and this time Mick’s closer, trying to shield her from some of the wildest partygoers. 
Just as the blonde sat at one of the stools to order, Yn put her frame between his open legs, leaning on him for a bit of balance and rest from her heels. 
“You ok?” he asked before placing a hand on her waist to keep her secure. 
“Absolutely!” Yn beams, turning to the barman. “Two Moscow Mules extra cold, please,” and then she’s looking at Mick again.
His eyes scan her face, and his free hand carefully pushes one lonely curl behind her ear. The second her lips part to tell him something, his hands still hovering over her face, Lando is behind them with a disposable camera moving his arms aggressively for them to pose. Yn just turns her body to the Britsh and plasters a huge smile that grows bigger when Mick’s chin rested on her shoulder, his hands tightening around her. Yn could almost feel him smiling too. The flash goes almost unnoticed with all the neon lights, but her nose still scrunches a bit with the extra glow. 
Lando says something else, and although neither one understood a word, they still posed when the camera faced them again. Now their friend is included in the rustic project-of-selfie the way people would do before the frontal camera or mobile display existed. 
“Love you twooooo,” he says before disappearing to register more moments, and Yn is sure of it when she sees the camera light going on again just a few meters ahead. 
Yn turned to Mick again, a grin still on her flushed face, eyes staring directly at him. He watched her curious gaze on him. The way her expressions would slightly change every time her eyes landed on a feature he assumed she never noticed. Yn traced his chin, and Mick couldn’t help but smile, which drew her attention to his dimples. She traced them too. He thought she was a work of art, but he was the one being studied as one. 
When her lips found his jaw like she did every time she tried to kiss him, standing on her tiptoes, Mick brought her closer just the way he liked. He knew it was probably the alcohol lowering all their inhibitions, he felt half of his mind fighting, but at some point, the German gave up trying to lie to himself or contain his caring actions. And so he kissed her naked shoulder and rested his head there while the whole club seemed to go around their own business. Yn’s hand carded through his mop of blonde hair, and Mick sighed because the way her nails scratched his scalp felt magic. 
“You look stunning today,” he tipped his head a bit so his mouth was closer to her ear. They were so close he didn’t even need to scream to be heard over the music, and he was sure she got his words correctly when he saw the goosebumps on her black skin. 
“You look way too good too. So much it should be illegal.” She quips, and Mick's fingers squeeze her waist, making Y/n jump slightly and giggle. 
Y/n withdraws some centimeters, their faces only inches apart now, their bodies still touching. She takes the time to analyze his face one more time as if she would never get tired of doing so, his flushed cheeks, his pink lips, and the way his blue eyes seemed a bit droopy because of the drunkenness all appeared extraordinary to her. Yn studied everything with gusto again, and this time when their skin met, Mick involuntarily closed his eyes. It was as if he wanted to direct all his senses to that spot, to memorize the way she caressed his face, because now, he realized, she wasn’t examining him anymore; she was giving him affection. And so the blonde took everything she gave. The scratch of her nails, the point of her finger on some spots, the softness of her palm with his jaw. It was only seconds after he opened his eyes again and found hers on his chin, he could almost see the gears running on her head, and then her fingers traced the contour of his lips.
Schumacher wanted nothing more than to grab her neck and bring her closer. To kill the gap that separates their mouths and bodies. He wanted to taste the strawberry lipgloss he saw her reapply. He wanted to know how the combination of it with her lime drink was going to taste. He wanted so many things with Yn that it was starting to physically pain him. The way she stared at him, smiled to him, and not simply at him, talked with him, and made him feel alive was just too much. 
Mick wanted her as more than his friend. And so he gave up the war against himself and finally accepted his fate: he was attracted to Yn. His heart somersaulted when he thought that maybe, just maybe, she felt the same. 
Mick closed the gap between their bodies and dipped his head to kiss her neck, preventing them from going to anything more compromising or that maybe they would regret afterward. He had no idea if the timing was right if Lewis was watching, if someone was talking, if Y/n really wanted it, or if she had just drunk too much.
“Let’s try not to do it while drunk, ok, Schatz?” he mumbled, kissing her shoulder again and, this time,  bringing the sleeve of her black shirt up to cover a bit of her skin.
“Is that a German equivalent to babe?” she questioned, and his drunk mind was confused for a bit before he chuckled.
“Something like that,” he withdraws to take a long gulp of his drink before dropping his eyes to her again.
“Can you keep calling me that from now on?” Yn asked, and he was able to hear it solemnly because he was staring at her lips. It was almost like a whisper as if she was afraid to admit it or ashamed of him denying her. 
Y/n wanted Mick to call her babe. 
She wanted the guy she met a couple of months ago, her friend, to call her like a partner would call their significant other. 
He grabbed his drink again and took another long gulp. Heck, not kissing Yn was going to be harder than he presumed. 
“I can do whatever you want me to, babe.” It was his time to almost whisper, and she smiled. A big happy smile. His body nearly slipped to the ground like a puddle. 
“Will you stay with me tonight?” 
“Of course, Schatz,” 
Y/n rested her head on his chest and enjoyed the feeling of his fingers playing with her curls, the way every once in a while they would travel to her neck and shoulders, and how his other hand would keep her secure and close to him. The lights in the club kept glowing neon around them, the music was still louder, and people were chatting and drinking, but Yn felt as satisfied as ever only watching everything from her spot with Mick.
 “We ran out of ginger juice, restock is on its way, but I could only get one for now,” the barman profusely apologizes, and Yn just smiles without much care before declaring it was no big deal.
“Do you mind sharing?” she asks Mick once he is up and ready to follow her to the dance floor. To anyone looking from the outside, he looked like the puppy boyfriend happily following his girl.
“If you don’t, then I don’t.”
“Smart answer,” she quips before lacing their fingers, and they start the track to the packed dance floor. 
They find part of their group again, and it’s a couple of songs before some of them are ready to sit for a bit. Most are high on alcohol, laughing and smiling at anything and everything. Mick drops someone drinks while they’re walking to their secluded space, and after apologizing profusely he’s laughing hysterically with Pierre and Yn.
Now, sitting at the foam seats, one arm across the back of the seat supporting Yn’s head, Mick starts an excited conversation with Charles and Esteban. Yn drags her body closer to his, draping her legs over his lap and sipping her drink while watching the lights flicker over the dance floor down the stairs. Eventually, her attention goes to the button of his white button down, and then her eyes found his golden chain playing with it for a second before Pierre mentions a new topic, and she dives in with them chatting nonstop. 
It's hours and many drinks later before both of them start getting sleepy, and bid their goodbyes to half of the group that decided to stay. Yn cannot find Lewis to tell him she’s leaving, so when she and Mick walk outside to wait for their Uber, Mick snaps a picture of them to send the older Hamilton a message telling him they’re on their way to the hotel. Now when it comes to coming and going, some things got a bit easier since people discovered Yn was a Hamilton which means she would stay at the same hotels without the fear of being discovered. 
“What did he say?” she asks after getting inside the car.
Mick turns his screen to her, and Yn frowns, “I think that’s not the messaging app, Mouse.”
The blonde stared at his screen searching for answers, “Fuck, I posted on Instagram,” he drunkenly cursed before Yn burst into laughter.
“Here, give it to me,” she extends her hand, and he hands her the phone before dropping his head at the seat rest and closing his eyes. 
“Sorry,” he mumbles again, and she just pecks his cheeks before deleting the picture from Instagram and sending a text full of drunk typos to Lewis. 
“It’s ok. I think now he got the message.” 
The drive to their hotel is fast, and the Uber driver is nice enough to stop at the back entrance, though chances were low of any fan standing there in the middle of the night. The pair walked hand in hand to the elevator and, in seconds, into Mick’s room. He switched the lights on and Yn made her way to the bathroom. He dozed off and woke up to Yn wearing one of his shirts and speaking about him showering. The German agreed with everything, although his mind did not process every sentence. Mick made his way to the bathroom and tripped on Yn’s clothes on the ground only to catch himself on the marble counter. 
He did everything from core memory, undressed, brushed his teeth, and got into the shower. When he emerged from the bathroom, Yn was sound asleep on his bed. He smiled, and his drunk mind still thought about how cold she would be with only a shirt, so he dropped the covers on top of her body and took one from the wardrobe for him.
Mick remembers lying on the couch in his room. He remembers watching Yn for a second and then finally falling asleep. That’s why he’s confused when he feels a weight on his chest. 
“If you’re not coming to bed, then I’m sleeping on the couch with you,” she states, and Mick chuckles. “I feel like an asshole, Mouse. If you’re not coming, then I’m going to my room. I won’t let you sleep on the couch in your own room,” he can feel the touch of sleep in her voice, her body cold against his.
There’s not much for him to do, not much thinking. His sleepy mind is foggy, and it gives too much space to his wishes, and right at that moment, his biggest wish was just to hold Yn and get some sleep, so he stands up with her, and they get comfortable on the bed. 
Her body against his feels like a natural fit again, and he holds her close before both doze off. Now, after the whole day sharing small items, they shared the biggest one, and not because of the size of the bed, but because of the size of their trust in one another, the size of the courage they had to be vulnerable, and especially the size of the warm feeling engulfing their intertwined bodies. 
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I hope you guys like it 💜 make sure to like and reblog, and feel free to let me know your thoughts on this chapter (and the whole series) in the comments or my inbox. feedback is highly appreciated and makes me more excited about writing and posting 🥹. thanks for all the love on the past chapters!!! *mwah*
taglist: @sachaa-ff @ferrariloverr
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peakyblinders1919 · 2 years
I Second That
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“Shh, we… we’re gonn’ wake the neighbors…” Michael laughed as your rough Brunei accent slipped through your gin-coated lips.
“Our neighbors are my family. We… we got Arthur on our left and my mother on our right.” The way his laugh coursed through the house was a sign that he too, was feeling the effects of the bartender's heavy pour.
Loosely throwing your arms over his shoulder, you pull him in for a quick, sloppy kiss. “Then that means we’ll have to be very, very, quiet, no? Think you can handle it Mr. Gray?”
“I’m not worried about me, hm? I’m worried about your pretty little mouth, soon-to-be Mrs. Gray.”
“ME!” He shushed you quickly with a finger, her eyes full of drunken lust as you playfully nipped at him. “Me?” You whispered. “I’ll be quiet, I promise’.”
“Is that a fucking cock?”
“I believe it’s called a rooster love,” Michael grumbled, turning to lazily throw an arm over your middle, a hand graciously shielding your eyes from the sun.
“A cock, a rooster, whatever it is it’s gonn’ be dead in a minute if it doesn’t stop it’s clucking.”
Michael managed to muster enough energy to laugh at that Brummie accent again, nuzzling into her.
“I think it means it’s time to get up love.”
“I don’t wanna,” she whined. “Last night tired me out…”
“I tired you out, aye?”
“Oh please Mick, I barely remember it. What was in that gin and tonic last night, aye?”
“Nothing but gin and tonic I’m afraid missus.” He began trailing kissing down your neck, over to your jaw. “I saw the real missus come out last night, hm? Running her mouth, hiking up her stockings to dance on the bar, smoking cigars, cursing like a sailor…” He teased, running his nose up and down your arm.
“Oh no. No… see, this is why you can’t take me back home. That was the old Y/N Y/L/N. That… that’s not the future Y/N Gray. Forgive me?” Finally opening an eye against the morning sun, you looked over at him, a smile on his lips.
“No need to be forgiven. I like Y/N Y/L/N. And I love my soon-to-be bride. Especially when doing what she was doing last night…” the lust from last night lingered on his lips.
“Spare me the embarrassment and just keep it to yourself, hm?”
There was the cock-a-do-da-doodling again, louder this time as if the damn thing was crowing outside their bedroom window.
“We’ve got a family meetin’ in twenty.” He answered your annoyed groan once he’d gotten out of bed, leaving the sheets cold.
“We? I thought Tommy wouldn’t let me come until I was officially Mrs. Gray?”
“Here, put this on, I’ve got twenty minutes to cherish you. So that’ll leave me about five minutes to convince Tommy my fiancè should be in attendance at the family meeting.”
You would have been ready faster if not for the sight in front of you; the sun illuminating him from behind like some Catholic savor, expensive black trousers hanging loosely off his hips, a thin sheen of sweat glistening his muscular figure.
“What’re you waitin’ for doll?” He teased while attempting his best Brummie accent on you.
Standing, it was his turn to drink in your figure; curls trailing your face decorated like a painting, cream satin bloomers trimmed with lace leaving little to the imagination, nimble fingers buttoning up his white linen shirt so it, along with his cologne, hung from your frame.
He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, but he could certainly live in sin if it meant being with you. Big hands rested on your small hips, lips connecting with your neck.
“I like how my shirt looks on you.”
“Mr. Gray it seems you’ve only got 4 minutes to convince him now.”
Quickly heading downstairs, more so as a childish game of cat and mouse, Michael chasing you for another quick fix, when you suddenly stopped short, causing Michael’s front to bump, hard, into your back.
“Love? What’s wrong?”
“You didn’t tell me the family meeting today was here,” you whispered over your shoulder.
“It isn’t.”
“Then why is your entire family staring at me?”
“Because you’re indecent darling,” the words sprawled out of Polly’s lips like the smoke from her lips.
“I’m allowed to dress however I want in my house, I wouldn’t call it indecent. Unprepared’s more like it.”
“What’re you all doing here?” Michae’s gruff voice protested, moving to stand in front of you. “How’d you even get in?” He asked astonished.
“I own all the buildings on this block Michae, I’ve got keys. Now that your here, we can begin.”
“Let us change, please.”
“Hurry up. We’ve got a lot to discuss, like how these walls are too damn thin, or how I shouldn’t have the bedroom next to my sons. A mother doesn’t need to hear what’s meant to stay in the bedroom.”
“What… what is she talking about Michael?”
His face was blushing quickly, a hard thing to achieve. “I… I thought you wanted me to keep it to myself…” He whispered.
“Tell me.”
“Oh, if you don’t I will. You said something along the lines of how riding without a horse is better than riding with so, if you two would just get ready we can begin this meeting, starting with the motion to switch houses as long as we’re here in Birmingham.”
“I second that!” It was the first time you and Polly seemed to be in agreeance.
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austarus · 3 years
Harrison Wells (Eobard Thawne) x Reader Ballistic Confrontations (2/3)
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to its rightful owner.
Word Count: 4578
Part 1   Part 3
Oliver’s eyes narrowed at the doppelganger he had struck down. What a fool. Oliver-X nudged the body with his foot before giving the unconscious Thawne doppelganger a rough kick to the chest. The impact of the sound was drowned out by the alarm. The body had lurched to the side and the man’s glasses flew off his face, yet still no response. A cruel smirk crossed the Dark Arrow’s features, secretly feeling satisfied on taking out his pent-up rage towards Thawne against a weak mirror image. A damned fool to not be prepared for a secondary attack. He should have known better. Oliver hummed to his thoughts, his eyes showing nothing but utter coldness. Ruthlessness. This was his path after all. Weak, just like the rest of this world. It’s so-called ‘heroes’. Pathetic. Oliver looked on with no remorse as he walked through the halls, boots.
“Such a shame.”
This is what needs to be done. An image of his Kara drifted to his mind, the way her body convulsed. The blood that lingered. Her smile fading. But Oliver-X shook it away. She would be fine with their forces at the warehouse, there was enough action going on in order to legitimize the scope of their distraction while he infiltrated his doppelgangers base of operation. Thawne’s labs- or as Oliver thought of it, Thawne’s Castle of Cards. He is the only one among them that knows it tech and secrets inside-out. The Queen doppelganger cracked his neck, readjusting the bow in his hand as he braced himself to face-off with the lackeys that were left over in this forsaken excuse for a laboratory. Everything is going according to plan.
Mick and Frost had already left, planning to intercept the Earth-Xers in the Speed Lab. Meanwhile you were to stay with the ladies as backup. Electricity hummed through your veins as adrenaline pumped. Multiple camera feeds showed your friends either fighting or getting dragged to the Pipeline. Still radio silence from the others. You gritted your teeth as your eyes focused on the screen where the fiends threw Harry into a cell like ragdoll. Their first victim. One thing was for sure, Oliver-X was here directing the grunts while his cohorts were distracting the dispatched heroes. Felicity had her tablet handy in case she needed to work her tech magic, shutting down the Cortex mainframe from being accessed by Oliver-X and his cronies. Iris had quickly suggested the vents were the best place to hide until they can determine what necessary steps you three would need to take to get to the others. The three of you would not succumb to the position of sitting ducks. Unfortunately, Iris didn’t have enough time to grab a laser rifle from the closet.
You climbed into the vents first with quiet movements, Felicity following and Iris behind her to seal the vent. Closing your eyes for a moment, you focused- tuning out Iris and Felicity’s hushed words of worry for their men and your friends. You tuned out the dull thrum of electricity that emitted from the labs’ computer system, focusing on one type. Cellular electricity. Human generated electricity. Snapping your eyes open, you lead them down a few routes. The two women chalked it up to your knowledge of the ventilation system as you’d hid here multiple times to escape the tension in the Cortex, but really it had been the intensity of electricity that steered you. The multiple electrical signals that spiked made you keen on navigating away from those corridors and rooms. More Nazi’s would be on guard there. One little scuffle with the wrong group could alert Oliver-X. You breathed a sigh of relief as the neural electricity passed by, unaware of what lies just above.
Iris didn’t know, neither did Felicity. No, they would never know. No one would. No one would ever know that you could shatter a person’s nervous system with a flick of the wrist. Never know that you can put the one of the most vital organs into cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest usually resulted from an electrical disturbance in the heart. It's not the same as a heart attack. Shutting down cells, yet overstimulating neurons. How would the human body fare? They were… morbid curiosities that haunted you. But rather giving into those conjectures you settled for a milder solution, immersing yourself into the field of electrical neurophysiology rather than contemplating how a person can expire by your will. Eobard had been intrigued with your desire to understand the physiological field that your powers can be derived from. He helped you, of course, entertaining the electricity that sparked in your eyes with understanding. You breezed through medical articles and journals, understanding the neural circuitry and it’s outlets. Yet, your intent wasn’t to kill (not to his surprise), just to render an adversary unconscious for a period of time. Or in a speedster’s case, the ability to jumpstart their heart and motor functions. Stimulating a failing organ, should the situation arise. Even in a way to hypothetically understand how a speedster’s body can siphon off your generated electricity without harming their natural laws of the Speedforce.
But like any meta, there were hypothetical limits and lines drawn, even to a possible conclusion of short-circuiting your own body without careful proctoring. You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t wanted to push your abilities further than that, but you hesitated. The desire was strong, but the darkness was too powerful. Could you afford the hypothetical blood on your hands? Would you be able to sleep at night, knowing that you’d be just another monster? Questions like that swirled in your head, but it’s the remembrance of your friends that you didn’t give into that… dark instinct.
You’d done it before. Once. On accident of course, but you were overwhelmed with anger and terror and fear that night. Trudging on, that moment resurfaced to the front of your mind. Your skin prickled as you remembered the sensation. Feeling the meta’s heart stop and mind short-circuit with neural electricity. The body shut down. The electricity out as if you’d turn off the lights inside the intruder’s body. You didn’t mean to. You were just scared. There was just… so much blood. Blood on the ground. Blood on Harry. Harry’s blood. Your breath hitched for a moment, but the two ladies behind you were none-the-wiser. Swallowing harshly, you pushed the image of the dead meta and Harry’s half-terrified/half-surprised face. You both never talked about that incident, nor did he ever bring it up to the others. It wasn’t his right to, after all. Two years had past, but that incident remained with you. You’d sworn that a moment like that wouldn’t occur. The guilt was too great on your conscious even if it was for self-defense. But…
Looking down from the vent opening, you realized your electrical instincts had brought you close to the entrance of the Time Vault. It was the one place Felicity and Iris can at least hold off in. You just needed to buy them some time. Felicity is more than capable of utilizing Gideon into locking the Time Vault, especially without Eobard around. After a few minutes had passed, you deemed that it was safe enough to drop down. You found the panel entrance, unlocking the pebbled room with your handprint to the side of the panel. Felicity and Iris jumped down, your plan dawning on them. You eased them in with a push. The fake panel wall reintegrated shut. You didn’t have much time.
“Find a way to get in contact with the Legends,” You spoke as the door had shut. “Smalls and Tinman should be aboard with Amaya.”
“What are you going to do?” Iris frowned as Felicity got to work.
“Buy you some time,” you breathed, pulling out your gloves. “It’s all that we can work with at the moment before the Dark Archer decides to play Cat and Mouse with us. If anything goes south, don’t look for me.” You needed to make sure.
“Iris, please.” Your eyes trained on her, reluctance present in her demeanor. “Trust me.” She nodded. You left.
Now, who would be the cat and who would be the mouse, I wonder? You mused, climbing into the nearest low vent.
“Excellent, I will rendezvous at the warehouse,” Oliver-X nodded, his hand on his comm system. The heroes have been detained, her doppelganger seized. His own doppelganger caught. No more tricks. The labs were secure, remnants of the Earth-1 fighters detained. All is going according to plan. His lips twitched up.
“Did you know that the human body can only generate between 10 and 100 millivolts?”
You jumped down from the vent, landing perfectly on stable footing. The Dark Archer had his arrow and bow drawn in an instant, readily aimed at you. He watched you with careful, stormy eyes. You both stood in silence. One move and he could off me, but so could I. Your gloved fingers fidgeted; a subtle flicker of electricity honed there. “Such a fickle thing, really, when there’s an electrical imbalance within the body. Various things can go wrong.”
The Dark Archer’s eyes narrowed, noting the underlying threat in your words. “You’d be smarter to run. Wouldn’t want to end up like the others.”
“I don’t run from danger.” You smiled wickedly.
“Such naïve words from a hero.”
The dead meta flashed through you mind again. The blood on your hands. Would you do it again? For your friends? Your family? “I’m no hero.” Yes.
You two had circled each other in the dimly light room, tension thick in the air. Dust collected here and there, white sheets covered table and monitors. Oliver-X was amused, to say the least, his eyes locked on you with every intent to-
“-To my knowledge you have a speedster in your arsenal.”
He didn’t blink. “What of it?”
You rolled your eyes. Really, such a man with little words. “Take me to him.” Your hand balled into a fist The bulb behind Oliver-X shattered instantly, yet he did not flinch or look back.
As fun as this could be, I’m not here to play games.
“You are in no place to make such demands.”
Neither is he.
“It’s not a demand, just an innocent request. Indulge me, breacher.” You held your head higher, “You’re not the only one with a love.” You sensed his hesitation as he understood. So, you pushed. “The radiation is killing her, isn’t it? Flew too close to the sun, like poor Icarus.” You couldn’t help but taunt him. Oh, it felt good. Felicity had given you the run down, reiterating Alex’s hypothesis in regarding what she found in Kara-X’s blood cells. It didn’t take a genius to understand why they came here. Why they’d come now. With Eobard in tow. “Too much is too much, in the end. But… that’s why you’re here, right? To fix your love before- well, before the radiation eats at her.” You huffed a laugh and paused. Another lightbulb burst. Each out releasing electrical energy. “Right?”
An arrow whizzed past your head, hitting the wall behind you. The Dark Archer’s patience was running thin. You swallowed thickly but didn’t cower. Fear tickled the back of your mind, but you pushed it away. You needed emotions to overwhelm him into slipping. It clouded rational thinking in even the most skilled assailants. Eobard had drilled that into you.
Breep, breep, breep.
The SS alarm rang against his person. You tilted your head at him, curiously watching what he’d do next. If he chose to fight, then so would you with every ounce of energy in your system and that surrounding you. That comm, you could use that. That’s assuming it didn’t self-destruct when out of his reach.
Oliver-X grunted. His time was running, he needed to get to the rendezvous point. “Fortunately for you, I’m in a good mood. However, one foot out of line and you’ll be joining your friends on this earth’s makeshift cells.” He grabbed you by the upper arm and dragged you to walk with him. “That or an arrow to the heart.” Blunt just like Ollie. Well, this is better than being dead. Yay for progress.
Yawning, you shifted a bit in your seat. Your hands were bound behind you and there were two Nazi soldier guards to each side. In a sense, you were absolutely bored. Neither soldier paid you any mind and your hands were getting kind of numb from how long it’s been held back there. Basically Oliver-X dumped you onto them and gave them permission to kill should you escape your babysitters. Great. How long has it been? An hour? Two hours? Where were the others?
“So,” You broke the set silence. “Does this job give you guys any benefits, or do you guys have to like… find your own medical insurer? Does your Earth even do that?”
“Silence, we do not acknowledge such petty talk from someone of your caliber.” Soldier 1 had his finger on the trigger as he turned to you.
Someone’s crabby today. “Well, that was rude. I was just asking a question. Are you guys always this ill-mannered?”
“No, Ian just didn’t have his coffee today and he’s pulling some overtime.” Soldier 2 spoke up from polishing his weapon. Interesting, meaning that it’d be easier to take him out since he’s running on lack of sleep and is exhausted. This guy, though, seems more alert so I’ll maybe have to take his buddy hostage before whacking him.
“Devon! You’re not supposed to be fraternizing with the enemy?”
“How is it fraternizing if it has nothing to do with the General’s heart?”
I think he’s talking about Kara-X. “Devon does have a point,” you piped up. “Honestly, just-”
You blinked and Eobard had sped into the room, wind blowing as he had entered. Negative electricity deliciously licked in the air. Your heart skipped a bit as his red eyes met yours, but your mind anchored you. “Get out,” his distorted voice had hissed at the guards, both who had which shuffled out like ants. You weren’t going to miss them, though their bickering did entertain you. In an instant you were free from the power dampening cuffs and Eobard had drawn his cowl down from over his head along with his techy face shield-mask thing. Just seemed excessive. He took a step towards you with a hand outstretched, but you leaped from your chair and stepped back with a hardened look.
“Don’t touch me.”
A flicker of pain resonated in his eyes, something hollow hit your own heart, but this needed to be done. You needed answers from him, so you kept your distance. “This… isn’t the welcome back reunion I was expecting.”
“Screw whatever it was you were expecting,” You spat, eyeing the SS on his chest in lightning bolt form with disgust. It replaced his Reverse Flash insignia. “Nazi’s, Eobard? Really? What the hell are you doing?”
“You’re angry. Understandable.”
“Of course, I’m angry! You were gone. All of a sudden, three years ago. Erased from existence. And now you’re just… here. With Nazi’s no less. You hate them!”
He licked his lips, frustration present in his tone. He did hate them, every last one of them. “I was just trying to survive.”
“Really? Really? Like this?”
“I had no choice. I just needed some time. Time that-”
You shook your head at him, anger sparking within you. “-No, do not give me the whole ‘time’ bullshit. You can save that for Barry. You owe me an explanation before I decide to over-write every one of your friends’ brains here.”
“They are not my friends,” Eobard retaliated fiercely, he took a breath to calm down. “Did Barry not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You questioned through gritted teeth.
“You want an explanation,” Eobard had spoken before he whisked you away to the top of one of the Central City towers. The air was crisp, drizzle cascading onto the city. You regained your footing; Eobard gripped your upper arms to steady you before letting go. Message received that you didn’t want him to touch you. “Fine, I’ll give you an explanation. When Barry saved his mother and changed the timeline, he had pulled me from that night and caged me. Like an animal. But,” The yellow speedster started chuckling to himself, doing the little pace he did when he did his monologues. Yes, he does it frequently. “He needed me. He needed me to fix his mistakes. He was losing his speed, his memories of the previous life he had. And oh, did I relish in making him say what he needed me to do the most.” You just rolled your eyes, arms crossing.
“Get to the point, Thawne.”
“One thing led to another and certain… things happened with the Legends and I ended up in the Speedforce after the Black Flash got me, after being erased again. Or so I thought. I… The Speedforce works in mysterious ways, you see. It punished me in for my deeds by sending me to the most miserable place in the multiverse.”
“Precisely. You’ve seen just how ruthless they are, anyone with powers that had opposed them were decimated. I couldn’t die. Not again. I wouldn’t allow it to happen again. Not like that and certainly not at their hands.”
“But others can?”
That stung him. Eobard paused for a moment before his eyes reconnected with yours. “No matter what I could do, they would have found me out. To the expense of those lives, they were already targeted for death regardless of how they can plea or be helped. There’s a resistance group, it’s only a gamble of fate if they’re snuffed out or snuff out the Reich. I was confined to their labs because of my intellect and speed. My task was simple. Find a solution to Overgirl. Fast.”
“And that was to come here. To cut open Kara for her.”
“Here’s the tricky part that they don’t know,” Eobard grinned wickedly, giving you that little look that says he’s got a wildcard up his sleeve, “a heart that they’re so desperately chasing after won’t save Kara-X.”
Enlightenment flared up in your mind. Eobard took a step towards you, this time you didn’t back away. He recognized that look. “A heart won’t stop the cells in her body from replicating and contaminating the heart cells once more. You threw them a bone to get here.”
Eobard nodded, “I studied her anatomy, I’ve made the calculations. Even with a new heart she’d just revert back to her previous radioactive state. The heart would be a temporary fix, but her internal organs are all infected. Festering.” The man in the yellow suit rubbed his lips with two fingers, a move he does when his nerves were getting out of his control. When things were going south, and he needed to recalculate and try a different approach. “I manipulated the calculations in order to seem like the heart would be a reasonable solution along with pumping Kara-X with new blood. Didn’t take long, of course. But I made sure I was the only scientist working on this project. I couldn’t have a liability if others were involved, else they would have made sure I would never run again.” The speedster had marked those words grimly.
Your throat went dry. Death had been haunting Eobard since he had gotten stuck in your time, it even followed him to Earth-X, the place of his punishment. You could have lost him without knowing. You did. Back when he get involved with the Legends, apparently. The speedster stepped closer, the back of his gloved hand brushing against your cheek. You flinched back to reality at the situation, back to the reality of him. Eobard’s heart tugged at the idea that you were seeing him as the rest of those monsters. While he was one, he wasn’t like the ones from Earth-X.
“And Oliver-X is too blinded by his love for her that he’d go to any extent to get her back to 100%.” You summed up. Like how Eobard had done anything to come back here. You gingerly took his hand. What a mess.
“There wasn’t a moment when I hadn’t thought of you while there. But I needed a way back, I needed to get back here. Back to you. I wanted to come back, needed to or else I was going to go insane without you. I was going to lose my sanity and myself there. But the thought of you kept me together. And I would do anything. Even if it did mean ‘allying’ myself with them,” he had done air quotes around that word, “in order to get back here. To my Earth. To you.”
His words echoed in your mind. Anything could be anything. “That won’t excuse what you’ve done. What… what you’d been doing.” I can’t fathom the thought of him… carrying out those heinous crimes and missions. Yes, Eobard is no stranger to committing a felony or five. But to the degree of these Earth-Xers?
“No, it doesn’t.” He wanted to ask. Eobard so desperately wanted to ask for forgiveness, but he stopped himself. “But I hadn’t participated in anything regarding their goals. Just the Overgirl project. Oliver-X wouldn’t have allowed me to anyway.”
“What do you mean?”
“You already understand the type of radioactive issue Kara-X is experiencing, provided by Oliver’s Kryptonite arrow.”
“Yeah, Felicity gave me the run down. Her cells have too much solar radiation. Cells subjected to such energy can be fatal to her system. The cells are essentially overwhelmed and overworked that they’re misfunctioning. There’s no regulation in her system or that regulation is waning.”
“The project was the cause… of her imminent downfall. She wanted to be stronger, fly higher, hit harder, so she ordered I subject her to solar rays.”
“Eo, did you-”
“Yes, I did.” He had said it without hesitation. The most logical thing he could have done. Oliver-X, he could handle in a fight. Only a bow and arrow with some fists being thrown, no problem. But Overgirl… “Solar radiation exposure in concentrated time increments were implicated to avoid suspicion on my part. And like I had predicted she demanded a higher dosage when given smaller amounts. Kara-X isn’t a patient person, when she demanded results, she demanded them now. I delivered. She is her own double-edged sword.”
“She was your death sentence,” You deadpanned, you squeezed his hand and he winced. She had broken his wrist earlier when he and Oliver-X were at it. She was not pleased with her threat. “Should you have slipped up.”
“When things don’t go her way she’d take it out on me,” Eobard mused, pulling his hand back to take off his gloves. Recovering bruises and dark spots were on his wrist. Your heart sunk further. “Blamed me for her sickness when even Queen understands it was her lust for power that drove her to this extent.” The genius saw hate flash in your eyes as he felt the electricity spark in the air. “It was either I take her out or the Flash and his friends given her remaining time.”
“Either one would have driven her to her death.”
“Quite frankly, it’d be better for the latter, but since Barry and his entourage were sent away.”
“What do you mean they were sent away?”
“I think it’s best if I don’t tell you, or else they’ll think something’s up if your reaction isn’t sincere.”
You pursed your lips and deeply frowned. You had gotten your answers, more than that, but then that led to ‘Where the hell did they get taken to?’ And then it hit you like how Weather Wizard hit Barry with an ice ball. Eobard raised an eyebrow at you, knowing you’d figure it out on your own.
“I’m afraid so, t-” Breep, breep, breep. Eobard cursed, shutting off the alarm on his person. “We need to go back. Now.” Eobard swooped you up, your arms interlocked around his neck before he sped you back to the labs. Chit-chat over. Back to facing the real problem. Overgirl.
What awaited you was a scene you were not prepared for. Kara strapped down to a gurney under red light, one you can assume is dampening her Kryptonian strength to a mere human. She squirmed and grunted, but to no avail. She could not break free. Overgirl was smirking over her, such cruelty and intense demeanor a strange contrast to the kind and soft-hearted Kara you knew. Oliver-X watched with indifferent eyes as guards were stationed outside the med bay.
“I would stop squirming if I were you,” Kara-X mused. “Wouldn’t want your heart to give out already?”
“At least I have a heart.” Kara retorted.
Upon your entrance with Eobard, Oliver-X’s eyes narrowed slightly while Kara-X crinkled her nose. Kara’s eyes went wide but blinked her surprise away as she glared at the speedster beside you. She hadn’t forgotten how he said he’d carve her open from earlier.
“Kara,” you whispered, her eyes were brought back to you and you shook your head subtly.
“Well, well. I didn’t know you liked to play with the rats, Eobard.” Overgirl sneered at you and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes at her. Eobard gritted his teeth but remained silent. You’ve had worse scathing comments thrown your way since being with Eobard before the accelerator explosion. Being called a rat wasn’t anything. Kara-X frowned at your lack of response. “Now, who’s this little… rodent?”
“That’s none of your-“
“-His love.” Oliver-X cut Eobard off. Kara’s eyebrows went up from where she laid.
Kara-X drawled in morbid amusement with a clap of her hands, “How touching.” A twisted smile ran across her lips as her eyes scanned you and Eobard carefully. Eobard had placed restraints on you once more but had whispered to you that they were loose enough for you to slip out should hostilities arise. “Who knew that the bastard speedster had a heart. Such emotions. A person that actually ate up his lies and loved him. Just another monster. Interesting, interesting. Makes this all the easier to-”
“You lay one hand on her, and I’ll personally see to it that you never get your new heart and he dies an excruciating painful and slow death.” Eobard didn’t smirk at the Kryptonian-X. His words were slow and they were lethal. Rather his signature smirk appeared, “After all, I’m the only one fully equipped and to successfully perform your surgery before your time runs out.” He glanced at the wall clock, the second hand moving along with each tick. “Tick tock, time is ticking. For you.” Kara glanced between you and Eobard then to Oliver-X and her doppelganger.
“You insolent-”
“Kara,” The Dark Archer stopped her, a hand gripping her upper arm harshly. She looked him dead in the eye, so much hate, so much anger. Clouded emotions. Oliver-X’s own eyes challenged her in a silent match, “Enough. Let’s go.”
The pair left you and Eobard with Kara, but not before throwing disgusted looks your way. You turned back to Eobard, who had changed back into his normal choice of all-black clothing. You gave him a pointed look, which he understood perfectly.
Now what do we do?
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