#my fantasies in bed are my fave characters getting a good nights sleep and a hug
ikol-art · 6 months
So where is my 'Arthur lives' fanfic where he realizes as he asks Merlin to hold him while he's dying that he was an idiot for refusing Merlin's hugs all those years and now that he's still alive he plans to make up for that?
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zadien · 1 year
💥 🍬 😎 💎 🔥🚦💌 🎨
Sorry i got carried away 😅 (feel free to ignore any duplicates)
💥What is one canon thing that you wish you could change? I’d have Ian in Beyblade more and give Hilary a story arc for herself - and have the whole show be more cohesive. But honestly, I don’t generally want to change canon so much. People made their decisions for a reason, I have to go with it. Like obviously I’d love canon FF7 to be a little more blatant with their intentions and while I’d love for Zack and Aerith to, you know, live I know that the story would not work without their deaths. So it would be pointless. I do think shipping drama would be less volatile if certain things were made explicit from the beginning but that’s minor stuff really.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom? I write for multiple but also I don’t. Beyblade is the one true fandom and everything else is like a one night stand. I do write for FFVII when the moment takes me and Fall Ball Fling is currently my fave since it’s the one I’m writing. SLTS is obviously my first love of Beyblade, though honestly, I think my fave fic for Beyblade is Time After Time. It’s something I really enjoy rereading myself. Kai and Amber as adults making adult decisions while in the shadows Gavvy exists.
😎What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon-compliant to wildly original? Depends on the fandom I’m reading for. Like Beyblade, I’m happy with either, though I tend to read more original stuff because you can do way more with it and you’re not constrained to the canon character relationships. For Final Fantasy, it’s such a complete story in canon that I don’t need to read anything more in that world, so again wildly original is good for that fandom. For Haikyuu, I'd want canon but also how can you improve on canon for that show??? For other fandoms, I really want canon compliant. I want canon-compliant to explain what the hell canon was doing and fix it — within reason.
💎Do you often write about a relationship or focus on an individual? Oh, it’s always a relationship of some sort. It’s either friendship, familial or romantic. I have to have some kind of relationship in the fic because none of my characters are wildly entertaining on their own. Also, I love dialogue and you get better dialogue exploring a relationship than exploring an individual.
🔥Have you included any sexy scenes in your fics? If yes, do you find them easy or difficult to write? Yes, I have, there's The Phoenix and Ember Reunion and Time After Time. And they’re horrible to write. God, I hate writing them but they’re also fun. I just find that when I’m writing them, I’m very concerned about how it reads, is it too clinical? Is the chemistry coming across? Will the reader understand why this is occurring? As someone who has on MANY occasions watched a show and wondered, why is this happening now? I don’t want a reader to feel that way about my scenes. I do feel I write them very unsexily, which I want to work on. But I also don’t write very fiery passionate characters either so there’s no cause for a blaze on the page.
🚦What sort of endings do you prefer to write: ambiguous, bad, happily ever after, etc.? HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!! Because life is shitty enough. And if I can’t find it, I’m gonna live vicariously through my characters who will. It’s all about how they find it.
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write? Bed sharing. It tends to pop up in mostly everything I write. I just love the idea of people letting down their guard when sleeping and ending up cuddling, even if it’s platonic cuddles or puppy piles. It’s such an expression of trust.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see? I think Saving probably is the most visual fanfic I’ve written, but I got fan art for that and commissioned a piece from Lucy so that was amazing! But I’d love something for SLTS, I just don’t know what I’d want. I never really think about fanart for my stuff because it’s not the kind of writing that would inspire fan art, you know? OH! No, I’d love to see jock Tyson and diligent student Hilary because their dynamic in SLTS gives me life. They’re so much fun. For Fall Ball Fling, there’s a scene involving the iconic Water Tower which would be cute but I’m sure there’s tons of fan art of them and the water tower - I just want Tifa in her new outfit from Ever Crisis because she’s stunning.
Thanks for asking!!! 💖
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ladyloveandjustice · 3 years
My Top Five Favorite Anime of 2020
Better late than never! Without further ado, here are my picks! They aren’t in a strict ranked order, though I put my big faves nearer to the bottom.
(Bonus shoutout to Chihayafuru season 3 (review here), which I mainly didn’t pick for this because it technically only finished in 2020, plus I didn’t want the list to be like, only winter season. The karuta kids are still very good though!) 
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle
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Top-tier comedy comfort food about a princess who repeatedly blows her demon captors’ expectations out of the water (and blows stuff up in general) as she wreaks havoc in her single-minded quest for a good night’s sleep. Fantastical, colorful, silly and occasionally heartwarming, this is the perfect show to chucklingly relax to in bed before drifting off to dreamland yourself.
See a quick review here.
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!
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Katarina Claes is reincarnated as the villainess in her favorite otome game (dating sim) and panics when she remembers that only bad endings await the villainess character. In her efforts to escape her grim fate, she obliviously ends up seducing everyone around her- pretty boys and pretty girls alike! She’s even got the game’s heroine falling for her!
This is another anime that functions as pure comfort food, from it’s high energy theme song and fun comedic antics, to its charming but incredibly dense lead- and it has the nice, much-sought-after bonus of being a relationship hijinks comedy that’s inclusive towards queer characters rather than tearing them down. The plot itself and dramatic bits aren’t that impressive, but it make up for it with a fun premise, strong ensemble cast, and lots of smiles.
There are also a few caveats to acknowledge, so check out a full review of the show here. I also recommend the article “World Building a Queer Paradise in My Next Life as a Villainess” as a good read.
Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 2
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This season took the tale of a bibliophile reincarnated as a peasant girl in a medieval fantasy world where the books are too expensive for her to afford and expanded it far beyond the original premise, taking a broader look at the society she lives in and how fundamentally broken it is. We watch our main character grapple with the harmful systems propped up by the nobility and discover just how dangerous it is for her to navigate them as a commoner, even a “special one”. You can’t tear down unjust hierarchies so easily, turns out. The nuanced attention the story pays to this balancing act of Myne trying to make some positive changes while not getting herself killed in the process is what makes this season a compelling watch. The season’s quietly beautiful finale that finally lets us take a peek at the baggage Myne is carrying from her previous life is also just a stellar production from top to bottom- it’s visually and emotionally arresting.
See a quick review of the series here.
 Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun/Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
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A lovely ghost story full of heart, humor and intrigue. It follows a girl named Nene as she befriends a ghost boy in her school and discovers a whole supernatural world. While there are some caveats to be aware of, this anime made my heart sing with its compelling ghost drama, atmospheric mythological adventures and super fun character dynamics. Not to mention it’s bold visual designs- while the animation is limited, this show is awesome to look at. This is Exactly My Stuff and I’d like it injected directly into my veins. 
Full review here.
Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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A visual feast of wonderful animation that features characters with bold, distinctive designs and equally bold, distinctive and lovable personalities, Keep Your Hands off Eizouken is both an anime about awesome girls on a journey of creative triumph, and a strong example of creative triumph itself. A great show I whole-heartedly recommend, it’s sure to be remembered for years to come.
Full review here. 
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Hi Hi! All right with you? So happy that this is open! Thank you for all the hard work, guys, lots of love for you! So, I would like it very much if you would give me a compilation of supernatural andreil of any kind, or with powers and these superhero moves! Bonus if in the fic Andrew decides to protect Neil!
We have trawled through our posts and dug up as much of our previously recommended fics with supernatural/superpower elements as possible.  We’ve probably missed something, but you can always check our supernatural or superheroes/superpowers tag for more.
This list by no means represents all there is to find out there (and let’s be grateful to those hard working authors who add daily to the aftg tag on ao3), but hopefully we’ve given you a good starting point.  
As for a protective Andrew, the fics we’ve chosen to highlight in this post should fulfil that requirement. Enjoy the read! - S
Previous recommendations
supernatural elements:
supernatural/monster/spooky fics here
cryptids/adventurecore/supernatural here
horror/supernatural fics here
cryptidcore fics here
staff recs oct 2020 (Halloween/spookiness) here
autumnal/spooky fics here
Neil with wings and magic here
immortal Andreil here
immortal Neil/Andrew here
demon!Neil here
angels & demons here
werewolf aus here 
vampire Neil here
vampire Andrew here
vampire aus here
shadowhunters aus here
daemon aus here
harry potter aus here, here and here
fairie aus here
fave fantasy fics here
magic/urban fantasy here
Neil as a fantasy creature here
Neil as a familiar here
Neil as a shapeshifter here
long fae aus here
Cursed! here
‘The Corpse Road’ here
‘The Ghost In You’ here
‘Abram Isn’t Dead’ here
‘F.O.X.E.S. Division’ here
‘A Hole In The World’ here
‘Who You Gonna Call?’ here
‘devil’s got us all in his pockets’ here
‘Spookies & Cream’ here
‘(don’t fear) the reaper’ here
‘The Monsters Under the Bed’ here
‘I just wanted to protect you’ here
‘The War Behind Your Face; And I’ll Express My Inner Rage’ here
‘Fang and Claw and Tooth and Nail’ here
‘Sunday in a Six-Day-War’ and ‘Bump in the Night’ here
‘Haunted: Not Clickbait’ here
‘the haunted walls of the wesninski house’ here
‘some ghosts are real enough (to be felt)’ here (since updated)
‘dangerous magics’ here
‘Not all that glitters is gold’ here
‘Since the beginning’ series here
‘Magesong’ here (now complete)
‘Raise Your Spirits’ and ‘cover me (the enchanted ink remix)’  here
‘Heartlines’ here
‘Under A Sea of Mist’ here
‘Blood On My Name’ and ‘Unbound’ here
‘Ghosts That We Knew’ here (now complete)
‘running with the wolves’ here
‘high up in the hills of california’ series here
‘great minds against themselves conspire’ here
‘Sent to Drain’ here
superpowers AUs here
Foxes with superpowers here
more powered foxes here
My Hero Academia aus here
Spider-Man aus here
Sense8 aus here
‘The Darkest Hearts’ here
‘heaven and hell (were words to me)’ here
‘The Fall’ here 
‘We could be heroes’ here
‘Andrew is Not Emused’ here 
‘The 148’ here
Andrew as Neil’s protector:
band aid on a broken heart by thatsabitgay [Rated T, 8405 words, complete, 2020]
Neil casually kicked one of the dead bodies' arms out of the way and grimaced when the act caused him to stain his sneakers with blood. "Aw, shit. These were new as well."
Dagger glanced behind him at Neil from where he was crouched before another corpse. He was checking for a pulse, Neil presumed. "A tragedy. Quite possibly the worst thing that could have happened." His voice was as monotonous as ever.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced torture
The Problem with Flying by TheBashfulPoet [Rated G, 4798 words, complete, Aftg Exchange 2019]
Andrew has a problem and it starts and ends with Neil fucking Josten. At first, he was only annoying — always popping into Andrew’s life at the most inconvenient times and making it more complicated at every turn. Then he was amusing, a break from the mundane that were people and his daily life. But now, now he was just a problem — a problem Andrew was finding that he didn’t know how to handle or solve.
Or 3 times Andrew has to hide his secret identity from Neil + 1 time he didn't
tw: cartoon violence
Run for Cover by rorschachs [Rated T, 64549 words, complete 2019]
Part 1 of The Others AU 
Neil thought that the most dangerous part of his new job would be his werewolf boss. Andrew Minyard seems determined to prove him wrong.
tw: canon-typical violence, tw: blood, tw: self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture
Every Time a Bell Rings by fuzzballsheltiepants [Rated M, 56704 words, complete, 2018]
Nathaniel has been lost since his mother died. According to the authorities, he died too, in the shootout that killed his father. In reality, he's been dragging  himself along from town to town, sleeping on the streets, lacking even a name. He's not sure how he's been surviving, or if it's even worth it anymore.
Andrew has been stuck in the waiting room of the Afterlife, reading the same stupid pamphlets and listening to the same terrible music, ever since he was collateral damage in the car wreck that eliminated his mother. Until he gets a chance to take over the guardianship of one particularly difficult person and possibly earn his wings--if he can keep the idiot alive.
Basically, an It's a Wonderful Life AU featuring our favorite Foxes.
tw: depression, tw: suicide attempt, tw: temporary major character death
some more recent wips to enjoy:
Here With You by likearecord [Rated T, 9543 words, incomplete, last updated April 2021]
It turns out, there's no more imaginative torturer than your own mind.
Almost no one escapes on their own.
But how can you trust a stranger in hell?
In Andrew's defense, I don't know what this is either.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
North Star by justadreamfox [Rated T, 8371 words, incomplete, last updated April 2021]
The world as they knew it ended in ice and snow, sparing only the strong and clever. What's left has been forged through a bloody war for territory - shifter against shifter. The battles have mostly been fought, but they're not done yet - there are lingering threats to address and a New World to build.
But really, Andrew just wants more than a few stolen moments with Neil and time to figure out what this really means.
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devil-kindred · 4 years
Get to Know Me - raisinghellinotherworlds
Saw @pd3 do this and though I’d give it a go!
1. Name : Siren (it’s a pseudonym!)
2. Nationality: American
3. Age: 27
4. Birthday: January 29th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign): Aquarius
6. Gender: Female
7. Sexuality: Heterosexual
More below the cut
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
For the record this is the only recent picture of myself I like and this is about as much of my face as you’ll ever see bc I know my angles.
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9. What do you/did you study?: I went to school for a Bachelors in Arts with and emphasis on Sciences but never finished it bc 1) college is expensive and 2) I don’t know what I want to do career-wise so there’s not a point in going back anymore.
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?: I’m a service desk associate at a department store. Something where I could deal with less people bc boy does this job push my patience sometimes.
11. What is your birth order?: Firstborn/Oldest.
12. How many siblings do you have?: Technically four, but only two living.
13. Do you have good relations with your family?: My immediate family. My siblings are closer to each other (but they’re only two years apart) but we get along. I also have a good relationship with my parents though I’m not as close to my mom as I could be it’s hard to forget the not nice things your parent say to you as a kid.
14. How many friends do you have?: Lots though only a few I see/talk to on a regular basis.
15. Your relationship status: Single.
16. What do you look for in a SO?: Intelligent, kind, has a sense of humor.
17. Do you have a crush?: I guess.
18. When was your first kiss?: WHY *sighs* I was... 25.
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?: I’ve... never been in an actual relationship? I’d like to say serious.
20. What are your deal breakers? Being rude, cheating, and treating me like a child/you know what’s best for me/someone in need of saving (new flash, i am not your princess peach/some damsel in distress. If you need to rescue someone I am not your girl).
21. How was your day?: It’s still early into the day and I go to work in about an hour and a half and I get to close so we’ll see!
22. Favourite food & drink: French Fries. Or anything with potatoes. I’m a fiend. And Dr. Pepper or Coffee.
23. What position do you sleep in?: On my side/stomach on the part of the bed that’s against the wall.
24. What was your last dream about?: It was... highly NSFT and no, I will not go into detail.
25. Your fears: I’m not a fan of spiders or bugs of any kind really, I hate clowns, and I don’t like thunderstorms. Or tornados.
26. Your dreams: Move, either out of state or out of the country.
27. Your goals: See above.
28. Any pets?: A bird, Momo.
29. What are your hobbies?: Writing, playing video games, and reading (fanfic or books)
30. Any cool places in your area?: I’m sure there are but I live in a town surrounded by corn and other farmland so... it’s anyone’s best guess.
31. What was your last awkward situation?: The other day when a customer stared at me for a solid three minutes when I explained that due to the pandemic we’re no longer offering one of our services in an effort to reduce contact.
32. What is your last regret?: That I didn’t realize the true nature of some people who I no longer speak to sooner.
33. Language/s you can speak: English, Spanish (I’m so rusty though), a little bit of French, and a teeny tiny bit of Japanese.
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.): I believe in my many things so yes.
35. Have any quirks?: Uh... I mess with my hair when I’m nervous? & the more nervous I get my (already high) voice gets higher and will go up several octaves the more nervous I get?
36. Your pet peeves: People in my apartment building slamming the front door all the damn time.
37. Ideal vacation: Somewhere with nice scenery and where it’s calm.
38. Any scars?: Quite a few small ones on my head from a car accident when I was just a baby (I went through a window- got a few scrapes but other than that was unharmed) and one on my hand (it’s on both sides of my hand too) from when I was toddler and got bit by a dog.
39. What does your last text message say?: “I’ll let you know when I get some gameplay posted!” I have a sideblog for casual TS4 gameplay. Was telling a friend that I was going to post new stuff soon.
40. Last 5 things from your search history: No thanks! It’s all just checking if a word is really a word and spelling anyways.
41. What’s your [Device] background?: Lockscreen is a wallpaper from FFXV ft. The Chocobros; Hope Screen is Sam & Evie.
42. What do you daydream about?: Writing mostly.
43. Describe your dream home: Decent amount of space, a library room to hold all my books... good lighting, comfy.... preferably NOT in the middle of nowhere.
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion: I am not a fan. Particularly of Christianity but everyone has their own beliefs and in that regard, to each their own. Just don’t try to convert me bc the answer is f*ck no.
45. Your personality type: INFP.
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done?: Climbed onto the roof of the shed when I was little because I got something stuck up there.
47. Are you happy with your current life?: For the most part!
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life: Gymnastics, Ballet, etc.
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?: Lots of t-shirts, jeans, shorts, flats, boots, etc.
50. Favourite colour to wear?: Black or Blue.
51. How would you describe your style?: Extremely casual.
52. Are you happy with your current looks?: Kinda? I really need to cut my hair because it’s gotten so long it’s annoying. But I can put up with it until it’s safe again bc pandemic. My hair is not that important I assure you.
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?: Oh God, could I be taller? Like at least 5’3”? Which is still teeny but better than my 4’9” ass.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?: I have 3 piercings and three tattoos (two finished, one in progress)
55. Do you get complimented often?: Maybe? I’m oblivious to the point that you could have a flashing neon sign with the compliment written on it and it would probably still go over my head.
56. Favourite aesthetic?: Biker Chic!
57. A popular trend that you dislike: Neon.
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?: Blessed Be - Spiritbox.
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like: If I like a song, I like it. But if I have to pick one, I know everyone hates Despacitio. I know, ok but I really like the original version bc I like the sound. Latin music always has a fun groove to it.
60. Favourite genre?: Rock & Metal.
61. Favourite artist/band/genre?: Type O Negative, Pallbearer, Ice Nine Kills. Give me all the goth rock/metal and just fun metal in general.
62. Hated popular songs/artists?: Oh boy... don’t hate me but I um... don’t care too much for T Swift? And I’m not a fan of country.
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5: Devil’s // Door - VCTMS, Karasu - The GazettE, Path - Apocalyptica, I Walk the Line - Halsey, Drumming Song - Florence + the Machine
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?: I can kinda play bass but I’m still learning so it’s just like... the very bare basics.
65. Do you like karaoke?: I’m very self-conscious so no.
66. Own any albums?: Yes, though majority are digital.
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?: Yes. I have it on for background noise in my room in which case I don’t pay attention to it, but I have XM radio in my car where I listen to Octane/Liquid Metal/Turbo.
68. Favourite movie/series?: The Dark Knight trilogy or Hellraiser or Nightbreed.
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc: Horror, Sci-fi, and fantasy.
70. Your fictional crush/es: Too many. Look at my OCs and their SO’s and you’ll find a bunch of them.
71. Which fictional character is you?: My friends would say Mira Jane from Fairy Tail. My bestie says Mercedes from Fire Emblem Three Houses (minus the devout part bc... I do not have nice feelings re-religion. You do you though!).
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so: Yes, and once again you’ll be reading for eternity. So I’ll sum it up as too many to list.
73. Favourite greek god?: Apollo.
74. A legend from where you live that you like: It’s said that before big disasters happen in the town I live in + the surrounding areas, that you’ll see a panther. Supposedly one has been seen before at least 4 different bad things that have happened over the years. I’m in the midwest though so take that as you will.
75. Do you like art?: I do but I don’t really have a favorite. ... I am kinda partial to Van Gogh though.
76. Can you share your other social media?: I have a Pinterest but since my other social media has my name (which I also share with an OC whoops. That’s what I get for being indecisive and going the first name the name generator gave me) I’d rather not. If you ask and we’re friends I’ll probably give it to you but...
77. Favourite youtubers?: I don’t really watch too many anymore but I’ve been watching a lot of jacksepticeye’s gameplay. Aside that I tend to just watch channels like PlayStation Access or Outsidexbox.
78. Favourite platform?: Instagram
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?: More than I should, I’m sure.
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite? Uh, if I had to list them all you’d literally be reading this for eternity. To sum it up, I mostly play RPGs/JRPGs, open-world, survival horror (my fave), and a few (emphasis on few) FPS. Favorites are (once again with a limit): Bioshock, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Until Dawn, Silent Hill 2, and Fatal Frame.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts): do you know how f*cking hard this question is as someone who’s a bookworm? Ok, ok um... Gotta have a limit or I’ll never shut up... um... Three favorites: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern, Horns by Joe Hill, and American Gods by Neil Gaiman.
82. Do you play board/card games?: On occasion! They’re best with bigger groups but alas, my apartment is rather small and I don’t have a lot of space for multiple people so I don’t play them often.
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema? No, but it sounds fun.
84. Favourite holiday: Halloween!
85. Are you into dramas?: As in, tv dramas? Kinda? I have a friend on lived in SK for a time and got into K-dramas so I watch them with her from time-to-time when she visits.
Would you use a Death Note if you had one?: No.
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?: Oh boy... make everyone get along, ensure everyone could live their life to the best possible, etc.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?: Possibly.
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?: I’m going with mythical instead of strictly paranormal but... a vampire!
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?: As in to my body? Cremate me. To my stuff, give my books to a good home and take care of my bird.
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?: Most people call me by my middle name already since I got tired of people calling me the wrong name (& I like my middle name better) and insisting my first name was actually a nickname (it’s not, it’s the same as the musician I’m named after) so if I were to eventually be bothered enough, I’d have it legally changed to my middle name.
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?: I don’t know to be honest. I’m fairly happy with my life so I think I’d just not switch.
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo: 🌊
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true: I took karate classes for several years, I’ve never dyed my hair, I’ve had two jobs thus far.
95. Cold or hot?: Cold I guess? If we’re talking in reference to seasons give me cool (aka Fall).
96. Be a hero or be a villain?: Hero because being a villain would mean I’d have to be mean to people and I can’t even pick the mean options in video games without feeling guilty so...
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?: um... no? I’m not quite certain what this means but I’m going to go with no?
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?: Shapeshifting!
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?: Immortal.
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bookgeekgrrl · 4 years
Sunday reading recap (29-Nov-2020)
this week i consciously made an effort to go to bed earlier in an effort to get more sleep. which was only slightly successful.
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Hail, Caesar!
Behind The Seams: a fun YT channel dedicated to discussing “what costumes say about our favorite characters, stories, and society.” I watched the MMFR and Kiera Knightley episodes.
EW’s interview with Riz Ahmed and Darius Marder for Sound of Metal
💜 When The Line Connects (Hark_bananas, need_more_meta) - 44K, canon-divergent Stucky - "It's a fluff pie with fluff stuffing drenched in fluff sauce and sprinkled with fluff. Low on action, high on conversation. May contain traces of humor." + a few of my fave tags for this: chaotic gay pining; idiots to boyfriends; a severe case of not-my-boyfriend delusion; one overprotective goat; flagrant abuse of ebay
The Hymn of Winter's Champion (The_Omni_Princess, TheFlailing) - 46K, Stucky viking fantasy AU
👂 The Doorbell Rang (Nero Wolfe #41) (Rex Stout (author), Michael Prichard (narrator))
💜 While Our Bones Keep Looking Back (emptydistractions) - 60K, A/B/O AU; canon-divergent for WS - really well integrated canon into this AU
👂💜 Death of a Doxy (Nero Wolfe #42) (Rex Stout (author), Michael Prichard (narrator)) - this has possibly my fave ‘guest star’ character, Julie Jaquette
plus 229K of shorter fic so shorter work shout out  💜💜💜
Alexa, that's not Despacito (Deisderium) - 8K, modern Stucky AU inspired by this tweet: "The other day I had a crafty midday shower wank to pornhub on my phone while fam downstairs but the sound didn't work. Later I realised phone was paired to Alexa in the kitchen." - love me some oblivious roommates to lovers!
Here Comes Santa Claus (AidaRonan) - 6K - “Bucky attacks an intruder on Christmas Eve and is distressed to find out that Santa is real and also unnecessarily hot.(Or almost 7000 words of Hot Santa Steve porn that no one asked for.)” - we may not have asked for it, and maybe we didn’t deserve it, but we definitely needed it. WHAT AN EARLY XMAS GIFT. I know you think you don’t want hot Santa porn, but I promise you that you actually do. What’s tremendous here is this this should be irredeemably absurd but it’s not - I mean, it’s absurd but it’s also hot as hell and sweet as fuck. I cannot get this image out of my mind: “He’s removed the too-tight sweater, though the slacks remain, suspenders hanging down by his sides, cock tucked back inside the open V. So good I read it twice in one day.
Unpretty posted a couple of backdated works/tumblr fics to their Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts DC universe series. [If you haven’t read it, “Empty Graves”, about Martha Kent disposing of every time traveler that tries to come to kill Clark, is tremendous.]
Pastel Batman - 812 words - “It started last night, when a man dressed as The Batman broke into Chick-fil-A headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. The costume, described by witnesses as a modified Lycra bodysuit, was a shade of pink not typically associated with Gotham's favorite urban legend. Despite the color, the culprit went unnoticed until he was speeding through Atlanta in the Batmobile.”
Gone Fishing - 15K - Clark takes Bruce on a off-the-grid fishing trip, which goes about as well as you might expect. There’s so much awkward UST, a gas-station-cashier-as-nemesis, drunk superheroes and a little necromancy. 
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todorosy · 5 years
Keep You // Dabi
Author’s Note: For Dabi being my fave character in bnha, I never write about him lol. Here’s this little angsty nsfwish thing.
TW: angst, NSFWish
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Dabi was never so fond of his birthday. It was up until his 12 birthday when they would stop celebrating. Dad was always too busy dealing with Shouto, Mom was too “ill” to pay attention. His other siblings tried their best to lighten the day with surprise gifts and goodies, but he had always resented the day. 
“Don’t be such a downer!” Spinners says, popping his collar in the mirror. “Tonight we are going to fucking go out and have a good fucking time whether you like it or not. Shit, we might even buy you a prostitute.” He cackles.
“Hard pass, lizard. I can’t get my own bitch without buying one.” Dabi rolls his eyes.
“Shut up, you two. I just want to get stupid drunk tonight without having to hear you blabber about pointless shit.” Shigaraki rolls his eyes. “Kurogiri make the portal, I’m ready to get out of here.
“If you guys get caught doing stupid shit, I’m just going to pretend like I don’t know you. Don’t embarrass me.”
“Dabi, we know we wouldn’t embarrass you on your birthday!” Twice gives him a good pat on the back. “At least not yet. The night just started!”
They had arrived at the grimy underground club. Sleezy guys blowing their hot beer breath into slutty girls’ ears. Nothing about this place sounded appealing to Dabi. Frankly, he just wanted to get stupid drunk. So intoxicated he wouldn’t be able to remember the moment he woke up on this dreaded day.
“Happy birthday, sweetheart.” The bartender says in her sultry voice as she laid out a row of shots for him.
“You know me too well.” He lets out a low chuckle.
“Maybe after my shift I can give you your present?” She leans over and runs her index finger up his neck.
“Maybe next time.” He bluntly says, shaking her hand off of him. Normally he would gladly accept any of the women throwing themselves at him. However, tonight was not the night. A part of him wanted to go home and sulk, a part of him wanted to light the city on fire, a part of him wanted to disappear. Nothing about tonight felt normal.
Nonetheless, he downed his shots like a breathe of fresh air.
“That girl.” Kurogiri says, breaking Dabi’s silent bubble and turning to Shigaraki. “She’s the one.” he whispers 
On the stage, there was a lone girl dancing on the cheap poles. The way her hair hung down to her shoulder blades, the way she carried herself across the stage and down to the crowd. You were the life of the party.
“Around back after she’s done.” Shigaraki swirls his drink with his pinky. “Let Dabi have the night of his life."
You and the man by the bar had been exchanging glances  for the past two songs. He seemed rough- damn near broken, but whole enough to catch your attention. Your final song was over. You had been in the suffocating club for the past several hours and the only thing on your mind was taking off these killer heels.
You were dead tired. You wanted to go home but the offer was too good to turn down. Your heels gave your blisters, your makeup felt heavy on your skin, but you continued to powder your nose and forehead.
Just one night. Just one more night. Then I’ll finally be done. 
You sat on the foreign bed. letting the soft comforter cushion your nearly nude body. You felt disgusting. Used. Worthless. Never in a million years would you imagine selling your body like this, but it was worth the money.
Once you heard the bedroom door jiggle, you straighten your posture and pouted your lips. You had to look desirable no matter how undesirable you really thought you were.
Once the door opened, your eyes met with blazing blue one.
“Took you long enough.” You lowly say, standing up and slowly walking over to him. “Happy birthday.” You whisper in his ear, pushing his jacket off of his shoulders.
He suddenly bursts out in laughter, leaving you paused in your tracks.
“God, they are so fucking pathetic. Hiring someone like you. Sorry for wasting your time, but I’m not interested. My friends are just a bunch of dickheads.” He chuckles.
You deadpanned. He was drunk, it was his birthday, and you were anything but a narcissist, but you knew you looked hot. You weren’t complaining, though.
“Not interested? But it’s your birthday. They paid for the night.” You cocked your eyebrow. “Aren’t you drunk too?”
“Why? Planning on taking advantage of me?” He sets the rest of his things on the bedside desk. “I’m not nearly as drunk as I wish I was.”
“Well, that’s fine with me. If you’re not interested, mind if I change in here? I don’t feel too comfortable leaving the building in this whole getup.” You ask as you begin taking off your heels. 
“Who says you’re leaving? You got paid for the night, right?” He smirked. “I wouldn’t want them to have their money wasted. You can do what you need to do, but some distraction for the night wouldn’t hurt.”
You slowly nodded your head, remembering the pocket in which you left your pepper spray in your duffle bag just in case this guy got too creepy.
“Feel free to take a shower too. You smell like shit.” He points to the door that extended from his bedroom. “I’ll be getting a drink out there” He closes the door behind him without saying another word.
After removing every speck of makeup off of your face and changing into something much more comfortable, you walked out of the bedroom to find the man leaning up against the kitchen counter with a glass of whiskey in his hand.
“What’s a pretty face like that doing in a disgusting industry like that?” He eyes, obviously eyeing your body up and down.
“Paying bills.” You roll your eyes. “What’s a sleezy guy like you doing turning down a birthday present like this? On your birthday too?”
He laughs. His eyes twinkle at your snarky comeback.
“Birthdays aren’t my cup of tea.” He shrugs.
“No kidding.” You take a seat at the counter, facing him. You take the glass of whiskey from his hands and down the rest of the dark liquor. “What about it got you do traumatized?...If you don’t mind telling me.”
“Shitty childhood. Abusive dad. Sick mom. No support. The list goes on and on.” Dabi silently cursed at himself for the sudden openness. He wanted to forget about everything, not relive it through this stranger.
You purse your lips, pouring yourself another drink.
“My mom got sick on my birthday.” You sigh. “I dropped out of college to take care of her, and it eventually lead me to this job. All I needed was some quick money so here I am. Getting paid to sleep with birthday boys like you.”
“Sounds fucked. The only thing about aging is that you’re closer to dying everyday, I guess.” He shugs.
“I wouldn’t say it like that. You’re closer to finding something to live for.” You lowly say.
“That’s stupidly cheesy.” He rolls his eyes.
“What can I say? I’m an optimist. Good things are coming. I have hope that my mom will get better and I have hope that you’ll find something good out of your birthday.” You shrug.
“What’s your name?” He lowly asks, leaning close enough so that you could smell the liquor off his breath. “Not your stripper name either. Your real name.”
“Y/N, huh?” He repeats, twirling a strand of your hand between his finger,
You two were close enough to touch noses. You were able to see the depth of his blazing eyes, the scars that ran across his jawline, the overgrown hair that shadowed his forehead.
“Dabi. That’s my name.”
“Dabi.” You say, letting it roll off your tongue. “How intoxicating.”
“Can you...can you do me a favor, Y/N?” He smirks.
“Anything. I’m being paid, after all.” You rest your head on the palm of your hand, looking up at the tall man with a smirk playing at your lips.
“Help me forget about the rest of this bullshit day.” He licks his lips. "Not as someone who got hired to fuck me, not as someone who pities me, but as someone who cares. Or at least can pretend to, at least."
“You want to have sex?” You cock an eyebrow. You internally groan. You just wanted one night to yourself and not have to do any sort of performance for anyone. You genuinely thought this guy was different too. 
“No.” He scoffs. “Unless you wanted to, sweetheart, but I was thinking about something different. Something more human.” 
You couldn’t keep yourself from smiling. “Alright, how about this. I’m no wife, but we’ll be human for a night and then you’ll never see me again. How does that sound.”
Dabi didn’t particularly know what “normal” felt like, but nothing like having a stranger rummage through his fridge and closet to throw unnecessary items out define it for him. He didn’t lay a finger on her that night. They sat and discussed of stars and philosophy and the future for Japan as they sat on the living room floor. Nothing had felt so normal. So human.
They had managed to clean the whole apartment, throw out half of the contents in his fridge, light a plant on fire, go through a blunt, and made a pleasant late night dinner.
Dabi felt his blood run thicker, the alcohol clearing out of his head, and his limbs feeling a little less heavy.
You felt time running out. You felt your little fantasy coming close to an end, causing your heart to be a ticking timebomb.
You two had eventually fallen asleep on the living room floor. You had woken up before him. Seeing him sprawled out on the floor, still in his jeans, made you smile. He seemed like a bad guy but you had known better. Just damaged goods.
You were to sadly face your reality.
As hard as you tried to push it out of your head tonight, Decent Birthday. Maybe not a happy birthday, but you have many many many more opportunities in the future for it to be a happy one. Everyday is a chance to redeem your past. I hope you take the opportunity to do so. Thank you for the night.
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uhhdenki · 4 years
ITS FUCKIN UHHHH kiribaku fic rec time
they’re all sfw i think, listed in no particular order. none of them are unfinished, most of them are mutual pining because i’m a sucker for that. if there’s angst it won’t be too heavy and if it is i’ll give a warning :)
1) 2am knows all secrets by Unbreakable_Red_Riot on AO3, 15/15 chapters, 59k words
okay if ur searching for a list of kiribaku fics it’s more than likely that you’ve read this one. it’s a classic, it’s a fave, it’s very popular BUT FOR GOOD REASON. basically bakugou suffers from nightmares, kirishima is a good bro, it develops from there
2) ‘Cause The Dark’s Not Taking Prisoners Tonight by imatrisarahtops on AO3, 10/10 chapters, 52.4k words
very similar concept to the previous one but written differently, more focus on what they do to combat the insomnia (dear god that makes it sound like it’s gonna be nsfw it’s not). quality platonic affection between kiri and kami, quality dadzawa, what more could you want? ALSO each chapter starts with a twenty one pilots lyric about sleep and as the biggest clikkie i appreciate that
3) winter doesn’t linger here by drifting_i on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 14.1k words
some sweet domestic winter kiribaku. plenty of mutual pining, staying at kiri’s for christmas, kirishima has lesbian parents, the whole shabang
4) fatal flaws by poetic_leapard on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 13.7k words
a common trope that i LOVE: mutual pining while bakugo tutors kirishima. eventual getting together, bakugo is bad at words and feelings (bless his heart), 1A has to figure out their fatal flaw (you’ll NEVER guess what kirishima’s is)
5) Ready To Climb This Mountain Inside by cherryredriots on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 5.8k words
i think this is the shortest of the list? the boys go mountain climbing, ends up with a few confessions. straight up fluff and kiribaku quality time, really nice sweet ending and read overall
6) houdini by chonideno on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 14.1k words
another fairly popular one but GOD i love it. a late night in the dorms leads to kaminari suggesting a game of spin the bottle seven minutes in heaven - guess which pair it lands on! it’s basically fourteen thousand words of the boys making out but it stays completely sfw, if you were worried
7) Love Notes by PurplePersnickity on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 5.5k words
a short but cute story of bakugo Not being able to communicate like a regular human so instead leaves a series of anonymous notes for kiri to find. sliiighhttllyy ooc bakugou if you squint, only putting that there because i know some people have a problem with ooc :)
8) ‘cause i love you for infinity by multi class maps on AO3, 9/9 chapters, 23.2k words
ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE ALL TIME FAVES FROM ANY FANDOM. criminally underrated. no quirks au, demon (but not technically demon more like spirit) bakugo au, reincarnation au. an absolutely beautiful fic. features tokoyami and yaoyorozu as central characters, which is rare. slight angst with a happy ending, mentions of death but nothing graphic
9) Tonight, We’re the Sea by idratherhaveyou on AO3, 11/11 chapters, 60.7k words
pretty popular fic but omg do i love it. no quirks au. kirishima’s grandmother has a bad fall so he moves to a quiet seaside town to take care of her where he makes friends with ashido and kaminari and falls in love with the artist bakugo, who’s studying under the famous artist Yagi Toshiniri. i LOVE kiri’s grandmother in this. slowburn, pining, hurt/comfort, angst if you squint.
10) The Beauty of a Beast by starofjems on AO3, 15/15 chapters, 101.6k words
okay i’m not usually the biggest fan of fantasy aus but FUCK this is the exception, i’m so in love with this fic. beauty and the beast au, kirishima is the prince cursed by a witch that wanted to punish his father for his selfishness. bakugou is a kingdom-renowned monster hunter who hears about this apparently vicious beast. no quirks but still powers, both bakugo and kirishima need true love to break their curses. fairy mina, wizard kaminari, knights uraraka, midoriya and iida, dragon tetsutetsu, prince todoroki, monoma and kendou are in it too but i can’t remember what they are off the top of my head - guess you’ll have to read and find out!
11) heart stains on the carpet by cityboys on AO3, 4/4 chapters, 25.9k words
a lovely fake dating turns real dating fic. no quirks au. bakugou is a chemistry student working on nitroglycerin based products that someone is trying to steal and weaponise. kirishima is assigned to be bakugou’s bodyguard and has to be by his side 24/7, including moving in. technically college au, platonic kacchako, a really good read
12) the fool’s rush by chonideno on AO3, 4/4 chapters, 40.7k words
same writer as number six on this list! i ADORE the vibes of this fic, it’s lovely. after UA, fresh on the scene pro heroes kirishima and bakugou get an apartment together and try and work around the unresolved feelings between them. slowburn, fluff, mutual pining, a LOT of hurt/comfort because i love it. mentions of blood/wounds and mentions of alcohol.
13) neon season by chonideno on AO3, 1/1 chapters, 26.3k words
another chonideno fic! the vibe of this fic is just gorgeous. kiribaku road trip fic. the boys share a car, food, hotel rooms, beds, and each other. mutual pining, denial of feelings, happy ending. there’s also implied sexual content but nothing major. this is probably the most angst-heavy of the list because of miscommunication and general dumbassery but it has a happy ending.
14) quote love unquote by newamsterdam on AO3, 28/28 chapters, 135.7k words
this is a LOONGG one so buckle yourself in. fake dating turned real dating trope again. celebrity au where bakugo (among other bnha characters) is a famous actor and kirishima is in a small rock band and has been a long time fan (as well as having an intense crush) of bakugo for years. when kirishima bumps into bakugou at a party, the press take pictures and rumours about the two of them spiral, kicking kirishima’s band into the spotlight and helping them reach new levels of fame - with one exception. bakugou’s manager sero hanta insists that they fake a relationship for the press, and we all know where that’s bound to lead.
15) This Song is Dumb (And So Am I) by notoraeous on AO3, 6/6 chapters, 50.1k words
lord okay i haven’t read this one in a while and it’s very late night let’s see what i can remember for the summary. kirishima and bakugo and kaminari move in together after graduation, kami moves out for his career. unrequited but not really unrequited love, kirishima almost gets married to a woman, UNBELIEVABLY jealous bakugou. this is actually fairly angst-heavy, but i promise there’s a happy ending. i only cried a few times, promise
16) Roses are red and they taste like shit by Unbreakable_Red_Riot on AO3, 6/6 chapters, 47.8k words
a GORGEOUS hanahaki au. if you’re not familiar, hanahaki (literally translates to like “to cough up flowers) is a fictional disease often used in fanfiction where the sufferer painfully coughs up flower petals when they think they have an unrequited love. bakugou starts coughing up petals and it only gets more intense. kinda angsty, happy ending. tw for mentions of improper use of medications, depression-like symptoms, obviously several descriptions of throwing up
aaand that concludes my list for now!! there’s definitely ones i’ve missed off that i must’ve forgotten to bookmark so i’ll likely be adding to this over time or maybe posting an updated version. i hope you enjoy!!
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noccalula-writes · 4 years
What are your favorite games and franchises? Top 5?
OH BOY have I got feelings on this subject. 
Please keep in mind - I’m a storyteller and a writer. I fucking /love/ a good story. I DM a DnD game and my biggest weakness is that I don’t often include enough combat because I am so much more interested in telling a story. So for me, there’s got to be an emotional investment for a game to really land. I also hyperfixate like a motherfucker so I often refuse to pick up new things purely because there’s not enough space in my head for them at the time, so I’m slow getting to things as they come out. 
So, I’m first and foremost a survival horror bitch. I cut my teeth on Parasite Eve before I played any others - my mother scrimped and saved and fought her way through Wal-mart back in like 1998 to get me the original Playstation gaming console and Tekken 2 (which was my first PS game, I played it in an arcade near her barber shop as a child - Tomb Raider 2 was my second). The old Playstation discs at that time came with demos for different games, including Metal Gear Solid, which I replayed until I could have done it in my sleep because poverty meant I wasn’t likely to get another game anytime soon. I mention this because the Parasite Eve trailer used to give me nightmares but I was super, super hooked. 
I am a huge Silent Hill fan. Huge. That is a tragedy I could write a whole ‘nother post about, because as excited as I am to finally get my hands on Death Stranding (again, poverty, so it’ll be another minute before we can get a PS4), we’ll never get another SH game again unless some major reconciliation happens with Kojima and Konami, which is unlikely (and also hard to hope for - I’m happy Kojima now has the creative freedom to go as balls to the wall as he wants). 
I am an equally huge Resident Evil fan. I’ve always maintained that my first fandom was The X Files, but my wife pointed out a few nights ago that my RE love started around the same time in the late 90′s, so now it’s a chicken and egg kind of thing. Point being, it’s either The or One Of my longest lasting fandoms/interests. RE and Silent Hill get compared to one another a lot - RE7 did nothing to help that - but they really are apples and oranges to me. Fruit, sure, but two totally different tones and experiences. 
I’ve been a huge Tomb Raider fan for forever - my first high school boyfriend was loaded and bought me Angel of Darkness to come play at his house and while it was def critically panned, I do recall enjoying it - so that’s been fun to get those games remade with updated graphics. I’ve only played the one but the others are def on The List. 
So now that I’ve talked for an hour, my Top 5 fave games ever - 
#1 - Resident Evil 3 I am beyond jazzed for this remake, and a lot of people in the 90′s complained about RE3′s lack of clear cut boss battles, but I don’t know what they’re talking about. The entire fucking game is a boss battle - Jill vs. Raccoon City, and of course, Nemesis, who used to give my mother nightmares and caused me to sleep with a leaf-stabber by my bed for years. Jill is far and away my favorite protagonist in RE; she’s got a resilience of the spirit that somehow isn’t conflated with naivety, which is uncommon in ‘nice’ female protags. She’s savvy but she’s still kind, and she’s committed as fuck to survival - not to mention, as zealotous a Chris and Jill shipper as I am, she and Carlos had hella chemistry and I’m excited to see where that goes (JD Pardo would have made a fuck of a Carlos Oliviera, btw). It was An Experience and it’s forever at my #1. 
#2 - The Last of Us 
There is no comparison for emotional weight in video games, as far as I’m concerned. SPOILERS if you don’t already know the ending (this game came out in what, 2014?) but to me one of the biggest thing in the game’s favor is that the protagonist made the wrong choice. He had an option to potentially eradicate the cordyceps fungus and maybe save the world, turn the tides back for humanity, and with the weight of the world in the balance, he chose to save Ellie instead. It was, on a global scale, the wrong choice - but it was the human choice. It was the thing that a dad who never properly grieved his dead daughter would do for the surrogate daughter he inherited by accident. As for Ellie, there is no other character quite like her in games, and she’s fucking quality LGBT representation, especially considering how little we see queer children in media. I still cry every time, we play this game twice a year like clockwork and every single time, I still cry. 
#3 - Silent Hill 3 
All of SH’s games will have a special place in my heart - and if you wanna talk shit about Downpour, I’ll meet you in the Denny’s parking lot at 11, you better square the fuck up because I will defend Murphy with fists - but 3 is the best, hands down. I felt like it did the best job of streamlining the series’ ... uhm... somewhat complicated lore into something more understandable. SPOILERS: The villains are horrific - the Missionaries strike fear into my heart every time I play, and Claudia eating a miscarried god fetus to become god herself? Fucked up on a level you rarely see. I suppose if you didn’t catch it in the last sentence - your protag Heather vomits up a fetal god late in the game. Yes, you read that right. The best thing about this game though? Heather. I could climb up my feminist soapbox and talk about Heather as a subversion to video game tropes all fucking day - she’s a nonsexualized teenage girl whose father is killed for her character development. She’s self-sufficient, tough but still vulnerable, and hard as nails in a fight. As I might have mentioned a time or six, she also voluntarily aborts a god because Fuck Your Plans, She’s Got Her Own. 
#4 - Final Fantasy X 
Listen. I don’t know how much of this is because of actually enjoying playing the game and how much of it is emotional attachment. As most of you who follow me know, my mother died when I was sixteen. When I was about fourteen, I dated a rich kid who used to bring his PS2 to our very not-rich house and play games for us to watch - the sort of neophyte version of Watching Guys Play Videogames, if you will, which is another rant for another time. He got a Gamecube specifically so I could play RE Zero and Hunter The Reckoning. He was a neckbeard but he was also desperate to keep me from ditching so he did the smart thing and plied my very poor ass with money and food. The #1 game in the watching roster, though, was FFX - and if you know anything about the game, you know how heavily spirituality features into the story. My mother, very caught up in a very Eastern Philosphy Meets Quantum Physics internal seeking about the nature of things, was hooked from the word Go. She used to sit and watch Trey play for hours - we all did, but having her join us and love it that much? Wonderful. Half my memories of this game are both of us crying - crying when Yuna dances to send the souls, crying when Yuna reveals she’s on a suicide mission, crying when she and Tidus fall in love anyway, crying when she sends her Aeons to die in the final fight, crying over ‘the fayts are waking up’, crying when the big reveal about Auron comes up, crying crying crying. My wife bought it in 2011 and I watched her play through it again and while it suffers from the same issue as all FF games - too much filler and weird battle scenarios - it was cathartic. I miss my mom. 
#5 - Resident Evil 6 
Eat my entire ass. You already knew this was coming. I will defend this game to my grave for the fact that we have complex, interesting narratives surrounding female characters who have actual personalities. Was it perfect? No. Did it take RE out of horror territory and move it more into action? Woefully, yes. Is this series deeply problematic for where it chooses to set down your mostly-white protags and have them kill their way through? Big time. Don’t gloss those facts. But it’s got emotional punch in spades and a few weird character breaks that ended up being kind of brilliant - Chris has been so resiliently relentless in his fight against bioterrorism that a major PTSD break was inevitable. Leon would of course risk life and limb to help Helena, even though she implicated herself in something terrible. The icing on the cake to me was a grown up Sherry Birkin, wide eyed and believing like hell in the fight she thought she was on the right side of and getting knocked down only to get back up. Ada’s entire side campaign was brilliant. I hate some of the control choices they made in this game - the running from the Haos scenes near the end of Chris and Piers’ campaign makes me want to eat my own fist - but so it goes with most RE games (until RE4, moving your protag was like driving a tank). Jake and Sherry are My Unsinkable Ship. There are at least six scenes across this game that never get easier to watch - when the bomb hits the city and the cut scene of the mass infections begin, I still get sick to my stomach - and that, to me, is the mark that this game struck a hell of a chord in terms of storytelling. 
This was long. 
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whatshehassaid · 5 years
1. coffee mugs, teacups, wine glasses, water bottles, or soda cans?
Coffee mugs and wine glasses
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
3. bubblegum or cotton candy?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
Quiet, sensitive, shy, creative
5. do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Soda bottles, glass ones
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
It differs, usually it’s closest boho/pastel. I just wear whatever I like.
7. earbuds or headphones?
8. movies or tv shows?
Depends. I like both
9. favorite smell in the summer?
Freshly cut grass, peaches
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
11. what you have for breakfast on an average day?
Depends on how I feel... sometimes just toast & coffee, sometimes fruit & coffee...
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Changes all the time, right now it’s one of my own on Spotify called Indie & More
13. lanyard or key ring?
Key ring
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
Fuzzy Peaches
15. favorite book you read as a school assignment?
Um... technically I read it in high school, but not for an assignment, just because I wanted to: 1984 by George Orwell... (I was kind of protesting my own English teacher for not putting it on the list of books lmao)
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
I dunno, half laying down, I guess?
17. most frequently worn pair of shoes?
I have a pair of thigh high faux suede go-go boots I wear a lot... either those or sandals
18. ideal weather?
Warm but not TOO warm. Warm with a nice breeze
19. sleeping position?
I sleep on my stomach a lot.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
In bed
21. obsession from childhood?
Ancient Egypt
22. role model?
I don’t... really have one?
23. strange habits?
I wouldn’t call it a strange habit, but I run my hands through/play with my hair a lot
24. favorite crystal?
Rose quartz or opal stones
25. first song you remember hearing?
Oh jeez, I dunno... first one I think of is Love Song by Sky, but that’s DEFINITELY not the first since it was made like, 7 years after I was born
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Read outside in the sun
27. favorite activity to do in cold weather?
Read inside with hot tea (lol)
28. five songs to describe you?
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
Cherry by Lana Del Rey
The Show by Lenka
Q.U.E.E.N. (feat. Erykah Badu) by Janelle Monae
Lovely (feat. Khalid) by Billie Eilish
29. best way to bond with you?
Hmmm, be honest and open, I guess?
30. places that you find sacred?
I... don’t know? My bedroom is my favorite spot....?
31. what outfit do you wear to kick ass and take names?
Hahaha, I don’t really kick ass and take names.
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
Uhhhhhhhhh............ I don’t know?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Those Wayfair commercials are...... quite sticky
35. average time you fall asleep?
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
It’s either that Numa Numa video, the Can Haz Cheeseburger cat or the He-man what’s going on video
37. suitcase or duffel bag?
38. lemonade or tea?
Why not both?
39. lemon cake or lemon meringue pie?
Again, why not both?
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
I haven’t been in school in almost a decade so... Um... I don’t know? I can’t remember anything really
41. last person you texted?
....wouldn’t you like to know.....
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
I like both
43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket?
Hoodies and leather (faux) jackets are my fave.
44. favorite scent for soap?
I like shea butter and cocoa butter...
45. which genre: sci-fi, fantasy or superhero?
Sci-fi fantasy (I do like some superhero stuff too though)
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
BIG T-SHIRTS (no pants or socks, I HATE sleeping in pants and socks)
47. favorite type of cheese?
I love cheese so... either goat cheese or mozzarella
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
Oh, that one’s easy. Cherry.
49. what saying or quote do you live by?
I don’t really live by a specific quote or saying
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
It’s a tie between scenes from Bridesmaids, Night at the Roxbury & Dumb and Dumber
51. current stresses?
Health stuff (for both me and my mum), money issues, crush issues...... lol
52. favorite font?
I’m boring. Arial
53. what is the current state of your hands?
Uh, I have nice nails right now and my hands are moisturized... I have a huge burn on my thumb though. (Weirdest questions....)
54. what did you learn from your first job?
That companies and your bosses don’t give two shits about you.
55. favorite fairy tale?
Disney version of Beauty and the Beast.... I guess?
56. favorite tradition?
Getting Chinese food on Christmas Eve
57. the three biggest struggles you’ve overcome?
Abuse, Crohn’s disease emergency surgery, Anxiety (still overcoming that one every day)
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
Video editing, drawing, graphic design, and writing (though I don’t write a lot anymore).
59. if you were a video game character, what would your catchphrase be?
Uh... ow?
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
61. favorite line you heard from a book/movie/tv show/etc.?
Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light
62. seven characters you relate to?
Audrey Horne (Twin Peaks)
Aria Montgomery (Pretty Little Liars)
I don’t... really have many others....
63. five songs that would play in your club?
Stuff by Janelle Monae and Beyonce for sure
64. favorite website from your childhood?
Miniclip and Candystand lmao
65. any permanent scars?
Yes. Surgery scar on my abdomen
66. favorite flower(s)?
Hibiscus and sunflowers
67. good luck charms?
Nah, not really
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
One of those vomit flavored Bertie Botts Every Flavored Beans
69. a fun fact that you don’t know how you learned?
I have no idea. I can’t think of anything
70. left or right handed?
Right handed (I am, anyway)
71. least favorite pattern?
Those really old school Italian lady florals... hahaha
72. worst subject?
Math, I really was bad at math and I still am
73. favorite weird flavor combo?
Is cheddar and apple a weird flavor combo?
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
Well..... I’m always taking advil ‘cause I’m always at a level 5. Thanks, chronic illness!
75. when did you lose your first tooth?
I have no idea, ask my mother
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
Poutine (how Canadian of me)
77. best plant to grow on a windowsill?
Never done it, so I wouldn’t know.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
My grocery store has pretty good sushi, so sushi.
79. which looks better, your school id photo or your driver’s license photo?
Don’t have either, so... hahahaha!
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
Jewel tones.
81. fireflies or lightning bugs?
82. pc or console?
83. writing or drawing?
84. podcasts or talk radio?
84. barbie or polly pocket?
I’ve always been a Polly Pocket girl, but OG Polly Pocket
85. fairy tales or mythology?
86. cookies or cupcakes?
87. your greatest fear?
Abandonment, Loss...
88. your greatest wish?
Love and contentment
89. who would you put before everyone else?
Does it sound selfish to say myself? I mean that in the best possible way ‘cause only I can take care of myself
90. luckiest mistake?
Ummmmmmm, no idea...
91. boxes or bags?
What is with these questions? It depends, I guess.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
93. nicknames?
Sarie, Sar, my dad called me Turkey as a kid (god knows why)
94. favorite season?
95. favorite app on your phone?
96. desktop background?
It’s Gustav Klimt’s “The Kiss”
97. how many phone numbers do you have memorized?
Not many anymore...
98. favorite historical era?
Ancient Egypt... uh... Victorian era and 1920′s... but just the aesthetic... not... the uh.. lol, reality.
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lucacangettathisass · 5 years
‘There’s just nothing inside you, nothing at all.’
The Southern Raiders Episode And Kataang Zutara Katara
so a few years ago (i wanna say 2014? smthn like that) @irresistible-revolution mentioned wanting to write a meta about the southern raiders episode of atla and how it’s really about katara and not kataang or zutara. i’ve just finished the episode and i have my own thoughts on that so i’ve decided to get them out and dedicate the following meta/word vomit to her.
(also @gameofdooweeoo since u seem to enjoy my word vomits and @mythaelogy since u asked for content. i know it isnt the meta i was talking about, but hopefully this can tide u over until then.)
spoilers ahead obvi.
so, i think we can all agree that atla is a far more mature show than what is usually aimed at children. from the themes of war, imperialism, lost innocence, and compassion and the lack thereof (still working on that meta, gonna finish the show before i really knuckle down and get started on it), among many others, it’s safe to say that it’s an incredibly mature show, and an episode that best exemplifies that is ‘the southern raiders’.
quick recap: when they were still children, katara and sokka’s mother, kya, was killed during a raid on the southern water tribe to find waterbenders (the show only has katara and sokka say their mother was taken from them which implies imprisonment, which did happen to previous benders, but it’s far more heavily implied that she actually died. kinda weird how they kept that ambiguous considering all the other stuff that was included but eh.), and the raid was lead by yohn ra. years later, after joining the gaang, zuko offers katara, who still harbours hatred and anger towards yohn ra, a chance at revenge and closure. now, here’s where some of the shipping wars and conflicts arise.
full disclosure, i ship both of these ships and have done for years, so i never really focused on that aspect of the episode, however i can see why other people did.
i don’t involve myself in shipping discourse, but from what i’ve seen there are some zutara shippers (as well as non shippers) who say that zuko is helping katara deal with her emotions, while aang invalidates them. i would like to respectfully disagree.
in this point in time, zuko is still dealing with his own intense emotional trauma and learning to let go of his anger as well as trying to get katara to like and trust him, and he sees this as a way to accomplish the latter. he was raised in an environment that encouraged aggression and violence, and no doubt getting revenge would’ve been part of that. and i don’t just mean his homelife/childhood, but we’ve seen how society in the fire nation is also geared towards violence (as is typical of imperialist, warmongering nations, but that’s a meta for another day), so it would make sense for him to jump to that as a course of action. i also believe he’s living his own revenge fantasy vicariously through katara, he was unable to save his mother as a child, and perhaps sees this as a way to make up for that (even though he was, y’know, a child). this is not to say that zuko’s thinking was inherently wrong. his thinking and view of the world had been so thoroughly warped by that stage, that to him, getting an eye for an eye was more than fair for katara. he may have changed sides, but it takes far more than that to undo such intense cultural conditioning. his feelings and opinion on how katara should deal with her grief are every bit as valid as aang’s.
another moment for disclosure; i 100% agree with aang in this instance, no question. revenge is all well and good, but an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and whatnot. one of the biggest messages of atla is how violence begets violence and that breaking that cycle is the only way forward (this will be further discussed in that ‘atla and compassion’ meta), and aang has shown this attitude throughout the series. despite the fact that he’s literally the most powerful bender in the world, aang has consistently shown to value non violent approaches to conflicts, as he was taught by the monks (who, as we all know, were based off buddhist monks). and when he tells katara he understands what she’s going through, he means it. don’t forget, he’s the last airbender, the lone survivor of a genocide. when he went to the southern air temple and saw the destruction, he was enraged and went into the avatar state over it. he carries that weight and anger and loss and grief with him every day, the same way katara carries hers. he knows this pain, knows it all too well, and he doesn’t want it to drag katara down. she’s a lively, vibrant, compassionate soul, which he (and myself and i’m sure many others) loves, choosing to exact revenge on someone, however ‘deserving’ of it they may be, could easily twist that. if she does it then, what’s stopping her from doing it again and again and again? and what’s to stop anyone else from trying to exact revenge on her? the cycle continues, the wheel spins, and nothing is changed. in the end he does concede that this is something she needs to do and accepts that, although not without some trepidation, because it’s about her and her feelings. and he’s right.
now for katara.
here’s the thing about katara: as a character, she truly is one of a kind. she’s a young woman (of colour) who is shown to be kind, loving, compassionate, friendly, and brave, all the good things a person should aspire to be. but the writers don’t try to kid themselves or us into believing that that’s all she is. she’s also ruthless, can hold a grudge like nobody’s business (obvi as a grudge is the catalyst for this episode), and possess a temper that is honestly rarely seen in a female character (ur fave could never, as the kids say). and that side of her is on full display this episode. the writers never once make katara seem ridiculous or vindictive or petty for holding onto this anger, they are totally honest about it. sometimes even kind, sweet people we love and hold dear to us are capable of extreme hate and violence, and we need to reconcile that. and we also need to deal with our grief and anger in our own ways.
the loss of her mother is significant to katara in ways that are different to sokka. this is not to say that losing his mother didn’t affect sokka, of course it did, but it was different for them both. katara had become the mother to both her and sokka (sokka himself said in ‘the runaway’ that when he tries to picture his mother’s face, he sees katara), which is a huge responsibility. there was of course gran gran and hakoda, but sokka’s comment is very revealing. katara and sokka lost more than their mother that day, they lost their innocence, and katara specifically lost her chance at girlhood. she had to, or at least felt like she had to, step up and replace her mother, a responsibility that was no doubt kicked up a notch once hakoda left for war (possibly another reason why she resented hakoda for leaving? discuss.). after all gran gran was an old woman, expecting her to care for two children, one of which was their tribe’s last waterbender, is somewhat unrealistic. and while there is a feeling that everyone in the southern water tribe would’ve pitched in and raised all the kids together, katara still felt the need to become the new mother (and considering sokka’s pre-series sexism, it’s unlikely he was a big help), while not knowing what to do. sure she would’ve learned from gran gran and the other women, but there’s more to motherhood, self imposed or not, than just tasks. there’s being an emotional support, a voice of reason, an example of bravery. being all of these things is taxing on an adult, nevermind a heavily traumatized child. yohn ra made katara grow up too fast. he ripped her girlhood away from her. it’s only fair she rips what’s left of his life from him.
when we meet yohn ra, he is far from the fierce raider commander from the flashbacks. he’s now an old man, living with his (implied to be abusive) mother, and tending to a garden. while he still displays some skill at firebending, it’s clear that he’s no match for zuko and katara, who in a previous scene expressed a willingness to bloodbend despite her reservations about it in ‘the puppet master’ (a prime example of just how fierce she can be). katara is able to stop some of the rain, creating a dome of cover for the three of them, after revealing that she was the last waterbender in the southern water tribe, not her mother. she creates a flurry of sharp icicles, all of which look like they could easily impale yohn ra, and throws them at him.
and then she stops. she calls off the attack.
yohn ra takes the opportunity to try and placate katara, admitting that what he did was wrong (was he sincere or just trying to save his ass? discuss.) and beg for mercy, offering up his own mother’s life (an eye for an eye). katara says that before, she couldn’t imagine why someone would do something like take away a person’s mother. and she says that she’s understands now.
‘there’s nothing inside you, nothing at all. you’re pathetic and sad and empty.’
it’s something that i’m sure many victims/survivors wish they could say to the people who traumatized them. you did this horrible thing to me, nothing you do or say can undo it or untraumatize me. you’re pathetic, sad, empty. you’re nothing. for katara, it’s no doubt a cathartic moment. throughout the years, despite not knowing his name, yohn ra was the monster that lurked under her bed. the shadows that seemed to move on dark nights. the nightmares that chased away pleasant dreams and sleep.
yohn ra cries, begging for mercy.
and katara grants it.
she tells him that as much as she hates him, she can’t do it. she can’t bring herself to take a life the way he did. yohn ra may be pathetic and sad and empty, but she is not. she has her family, her friends, her promise to aang to help him defeat ozai and end the war. a war that took her mother and brought her to that moment. she has things and people to live for and love, she has happiness and joy, she has fulfillment. she is not yohn ra. she will not act like she is.
i haven’t read any interviews/discussions from the writers on the episode that talk about why katara spared yohn ra instead of killing him. perhaps it was to help foreshadow aang’s show of mercy to ozai. maybe it was to keep katara’s status as a heroine and not have her ‘go over to the dark side’ so to speak. i don’t know, and to be perfectly honest, i don’t really care (death of the author babey!!!!!!). for me, this episode was about katara growing as a person, learning that exacting violence on someone for the violence they exacted on u (whether directly or indirectly) is never good and will not lead to a sustainable society. to kill yohn ra, despite the things he’s done, would solve nothing. her mother is still dead. she is never getting her girlhood back. and she would never be able to undo killing yohn ra. by sparing yohn ra, she showed the kind of grace and mercy that many real world adults are unable to show, and that’s extremely powerful. i can only imagine the kind of strength that goes into that kind of restraint.
she hasn’t forgiven him. perhaps, despite aang’s hopes, she never will. but she can learn to let the anger and grief go, and fill herself with other things, like forgiveness for zuko, and love for aang.
she will not be nothing. or pathetic. or sad. or empty.
she will not be him.
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theimpossiblescheme · 5 years
Rules: Answer the soft Q&A’s and tag 5 of your most recent followers and 3 of your biggest fans/fave blog/users! I was tagged forever ago by the wonderful @saferincages—thank you so much, dear! ♥
what’s the smell of your shampoo?: I bounce between a lot of different shampoos to keep my hair healthy (I have really thick, curly hair that’s stupidly high-maintenance, and I don’t always have time to wash it), but right now I’m using a strawberry/blueberry blend.
what’s your aesthetic?: Appreciation of platonic love, gentleness and kindness to everyone, fairy tales and folk legends, packed theaters right before the curtain rises, flowers of every color, raspberry tea and strawberry acai, ever-falling and rising anxiety, flowing Gothic dresses and beautiful haunted castles, urban fantasy with fantastical creatures and everyday magic found everywhere, optimism about human nature and the possibility of redemption, late green and pink spring right before golden summer, warmth and comfort, stacks upon stacks of beautiful and well-loved books, somewhere between Rococo and German Expressionist art, Old Hollywood and campy old horror and science fiction, the well-behaved women who don’t make history, Silver and Bronze Age comic books, electroswing and neon-noir straight out of Bioshock, escapism into adventures and characters, gentle storms outside…
what is your favourite time of the day?: I think I like the afternoon best—there’s the most potential to make something of the day before the sun goes down.
what do you like the most about the beach?: I haven’t been to an beach in over five years (Alaska more has cliffs and rock beds than actual sandy beaches), but I remember very vividly going to visit the Santa Monica pier with my mom and sister when we were visiting California in the fall.  It was way too cold to go swimming or anything like that, but I could have sat on the pier and watched the tide come in for hours.
what do you worry about constantly?: There’s nothing I don’t worry about, honestly—anxiety is a bitch and a half. I used to worry about my grades to the point of making myself sick, but now that I’ve gotten to my final semester of college, I’m even more worried about paying for grad school and finding a job in my chosen field.  I know that acting isn’t exactly a stable workforce, but I would hate myself for the rest of my life if I didn’t spend at least part of my life doing it.
what is a song you’ve cried to before?: “Beautiful Times” by Owl City—it was recommended by @askarkham as a sort of anti-suicide/coping with depression song, and it’s such a beautiful song that can overwhelm you the first time you listen to it.
what are some relaxing tips for your followers?: I would say not to care about what anyone thinks of you, but I know that isn’t always practical.  In our personal and practical lives, there are always going to be people we want to be happy and pleased with us, whether they’re loved ones or employers.  So I would advise making a list of the people you really care about.  Maybe your parents are on there, your partners, your bosses, your siblings, your best friends, your favorite teachers and coworkers… these are the people that really matter.  Everybody else can go fly a kite.  You don’t need the weight of everyone in the world’s approval on your shoulders, so it’s best to narrow it down to the ones you really love and value and let the rest of them go.
what are some things that make you tear up?: Beautiful music, powerful and bittersweet moments in movies and books (I tear up every single damn time at “I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you!” from The Return of the King), posts about recovery and coping with depression and panic, hugs from people I love, accounts of sickness and pain (I have terrible mind over matter and can feel sick very easily), unexpected stress, and feeling like I’ve let people down.
what is your favourite from each of the five senses?: sight: My family and friends coming to see me, either in real life or online| smell: Sugar, lavender, and sandalwood | touch: Dog and cat fur, the warmth of a fireplace| taste: Berries and lemonade, vanilla and cream cheese| sound: Live showtunes and orchestras tuning up
what is one alternate reality you’d want to be in?: Any reality where I’m a successful theater actress and not just a starving artist is great for me.  Although Jess’s idea of a bakery with flowers and good books and food and this beautiful aura sounds perfect as a sidegig.
what are some troubles you face on a day to day basis?: One of the reasons I was really sure I have depression as well as anxiety (I’m on an actual antidepressant now, which is awesome) is that I’m always tired.  No matter how much sleep I get the previous night, I constantly have no energy and thus very little motivation to get up and do things, even if it’s just finishing homework or eating more than one meal a day.  I try to give myself a firm kick in the ass to get things done every day and to be there for my friends here online because they deserve the best, and I need to be the closest to my best that I can be. It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.
what is one scene of a book that’s made you really sad?: The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander was one of the first times I can remember a book really delivering a huge gut-punch.  Adaon’s death was definitely upsetting because it just seemed so wrong that he’d seen it coming all this time and had so long to come to terms with it, and the really dour Empire Strikes Back-style ending where the day had tentatively been won, but at a great cost.  It was the first time a book I’d read had really tackled the idea of people being both good and evil and the inherent tragedy of that idea—nine-year-old me was really taken aback.  That entire series is still one of my formative influences.
say something to all your followers: You guys are honestly too wonderful.  I know I can be inconsistent and random and engage a little too much in The Discourse than is healthy, and I can disappear for long periods of time without even meaning to.  I know I need to try harder at being more active again, and every single one of you guys have been absolutely lovely.  I can’t express how grateful I am—bless you all.
tagging: @enygmass, @hawkeyesout-punks, @cosetteskywalker, @un-fledged, @songofthesstars, @purplezprout, @katelyn-pace, and @midnightalex12—have fun, my dears!  💖✨🌼
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Hello lovely, I am incredibly bored as of late. And would greatly appreciate the best darn johnlock fan fics you have. Thank you
Hi Nonny!
Well, I’m currently working on a “Fave Fics of All Time” fic rec list (which may have to be broken up… there’s… A Lot™), but you know what I haven’t done in awhile? One of my “Last XX Bookmarked Fics” Lists! I think I’m due! 
Here are my last “Bookmarked” fic lists:
Top 20 Fave 40K+ w. Fics (April 2017)
I-J’s Last 50 Bookmarked Fics (June 2017)
Last Bookmarked Fics July 2017 
Now, here’s all the newest stuff I’ve bookmarked in the last few months, in word count order, as always :)
I-J’s Last 30 Bookmarked Fics (November 2017)
Whispers in the Dark by coloured_ink (G, 833 w. || Bed Sharing, Anxious Sherlock, Anxiety, Caring John, Spooning, Little Spoon Sherlock) – Sherlock has anxiety attacks. Good thing John always knows what to do.
Ex by Itsallfine (T, 1,248 w. || Love Confessions, Coming Out, Exes, First Kiss) – One night, in the midst of their post-case high and on the cusp of something more, John and Sherlock run into John’s ex. His ex-boyfriend.
The Cure for Snoring by Goddess_of_the_Night (G, 1,278 w. || Bed Sharing, Cuddling, Fluff, Domestic, Platonic / Sleepy Cuddles) – Sherlock and John spend the night in Scotland after finishing a case. The sole Inn in town only has one room left…one bed. This would be fine - if not a bit awkward - if Sherlock hadn’t developed a habit of snoring loudly. John suffers through many hours of sleeplessness before he discovers that skin-to-skin contact stops the noise. Part 1 of Dreamscapes
Caught by Salambo06 (E, 1,859 w. || Frottage, First Time / Kiss, Bed Sharing, Wet Dreams, POV John, Masturbation) – A hotel room. They’re here for a case, hadn’t planned to spend the night and ended up sharing a room. No, sharing a bed. Suddenly John is very much aware of his own hand closed around his hard cock and the ragged breathing next to him. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, John dares to turn his head just enough to confirm what he already knows. Sherlock, on his side, watching him.
Your love it feels so good by Hotaru_Tomoe (E, 2,843 w. || Gay Club / Gay Bar, Lingerie, Stripping, Anal) – Sherlock is last at a quiz night and is forced by Anderson to perform in a gay stripclub. John must be with him, because he will have to record the performance. Sherlock takes the task very seriously. Part 20 of The English job
Stay by msdisdain (M, 3,561 w. || First Kiss / Time, Angst / H/C, Bed Sharing, Nightmares, Blow Jobs, Anal) – John’s nightmares are nothing new. Sherlock’s inability to ignore them, however, is.
Christmas at Holmes Cottage by johnlockedstarkid (G, 4,295 w. || Christmas, Fake Relationship, Love Confessions, Holmes Family, Pining, Kisses, Fluff, Allusions to Mystrade) – Sherlock doesn’t want to have to deal with his mother’s wishes for him to find a partner when he goes to visit them for Christmas, so asks John to pose as his boyfriend. Little does he know he’s not the only one who wishes that the relationship could be real.
Forty-four by jamlockk (E, 4,415 w. || John’s Birthday, Fluff, PWP) – John turns forty-four, gets some advice and the best birthday present he could’ve ever hoped for.
a violent flash of purple by hudders-and-hiddles (E, 4,749 w. || Sex Toys, Friends to Lovers, PWP, Love Confessions, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock accidentally drops his towel, he ends up revealing a whole lot more than he’d intended.
Every Little Thing by the_beekeeper_of_sussex (E, 5,066 w. || First Time / Kiss, Fluff, Frottage, Come as Lube, Embarassed Sherlock, Porn With Feelings) – When Sherlock walks in on John making tea wearing nothing but a tight pair of boxer-briefs things get a little heated…physically and emotionally. 
Adjacent by weeesi (E, 5,711 w. || Bed Sharing, Fluff and Smut, Pining Idiots, On a Trip, Frottage) – Sherlock and John spend the night at a hotel in adjoining rooms, and keep finding excuses to visit each other’s rooms, until WHOOPS they’re sharing a bed.
Just a Touch by MissDavis (E, 6,248 w. || Bed Sharing, Masturbation, First Time/Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Sharing a Room) – John has trouble falling asleep these days. There’s one thing he can do that always seems to help, but he’s stuck in this hotel room with Sherlock and doesn’t think he’ll get the chance. How will he ever find relief and a good night’s sleep?
C. sapiens by patternofdefiance (E, 8,813 w. || Tentacles Porn, Magical Realism, Bottomlock, Anal / Tentacle Sex, Pheremones) – “A few weeks ago I would have thought you were impossible,” Sherlock begins, walking into the kitchen in his blue robe, and John – not quite catching on – wants to scoff and argue, No, actually, you are impossible, but then Sherlock continues: “But now I’d say you are improbable.” John thinks this might be flattering, if he could wrap his head around it, but he can’t – Sherlock is standing near, steaming his sun-baked-clean-sand smell, like the beach after rain, an alive smell, an other smell. It’s intoxicating, and John has been studiously avoiding it, but he can’t shift away now it’s so near. Now Sherlock’s so near. And then Sherlock ruins the probable-loveliness of his words and the definite-beauty of his presence by saying: “And by ‘improbable’ I mean ‘not yet scientifically acknowledged.��” Part 1 of Gifts from the Sea
Faerie-Touched by Blind_Author (T, 9,283 w. || Faerie AU || Fantasy, Magical Realism, Pining Sherlock) – In a world of sorcerers and magic, Sherlock is a Faerie-born and John, lacking any kind of magical talent, often seems a bit out of place. But he has a gift all his own…
Better Than One by Innerspace (E, 14,760 w. || Clones, Selfcest, Frottage, PWP, Threesomes, Clone Sex, Slight Dubcon, First Time) – Sherlock has created a clone; said clone is annoyed at Sherlock’s lack of progress with John and proceeds to rectify the situation. John is just going with it.
Everlasting by cypress_tree (M, 16,884 w. || Magical Realism, First Time, Immortality, Angst & Fluff) – Most lives end. A Tuck Everlasting fusion, in which the Holmes brothers have lived for a very, very long time.
Pleasure to Burn by scullyseviltwin (E, 17,863 w. || Firefighter AU, Firefighter John / Arson Investigator Sherlock, Slow Burn, Pining, Case Fic-ish) – “If you’d kindly stop knocking about in there and destroying all of my evidence, it would be most appreciated!” John groaned and for a moment rested his head against the side of the truck. Of course he was the only captain left on the scene, which meant he would have to be the one to deal with the arson investigator.
A Life Well-Lived by Kate_Lear (E, 20,121 w. || Original Male Character, Sherlock Woos John, Jealous Sherlock, Reluctant Bi-John, Past Abuse, Insecure John, Reassuring / Caring Sherlock, Protective Sherlock, Understanding Sherlock) – Written for this prompt on the kinkmeme: ‘John got scared off men by an abusive past relationship. Sherlock has to try and woo him while not scaring him off with protective possessive rage.’
Ghost Stories by SwissMiss (M, 22,256 w. || Pining, Holmes Family, Christmas, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Bed Sharing, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, First Time) – Sherlock’s parents think he and John are a couple. They might be onto something.
The Midas Touch by flawedamythyst (E, 32,231 w. || Magical Realism, John has a Magical Cock, Dub Con, Healer John) – John Watson has a medical condition that means everyone he sleeps with is instantly healed of all illness and injury. This causes complications when Sherlock breaks his arm, and even more complications when Sherlock falls in love with him. Yes, this is a story where John has a literal magic healing cock. It’s a lot less cracky than you’re probably imagining. Warning: Contains complex issues of sexual consent, although not between Sherlock and John.
The Soul Remembers by i_ship_an_armada (E, 43,636 w. || Oblivion AU || Post-Apocalypse, Movie Fusion, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Angst, Dreams, Bittersweet Ending) – John Watson is the lone security repairman stationed on a desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. His dreams are plagued by a tall, dark-haired man, and when his dreams meet reality, he will be forced to question everything he believes is the truth about his life.
The Pieces That Fall to Earth by Itsallfine (M, 49,513 w. || S4 Fix-It, Epistolary, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Parentlock, Past Abuse, Coming Out, Questioning Sexuality, Mental Health Issues / Therapy, Angst, Happy Ending) – John and Sherlock have hit rock bottom, but with all their armor stripped away, they can finally speak honestly, seek healing, and find the truths that matter most.An epistolary post-s4 fix-it fic. Now complete.(This fic is rated T except for one very clearly marked and easily skippable chapter, which is rated M.) Part 1 of The Pieces that Fall to Earth
Spare Change by Ermerness (E, 51,966 w. || Rich Sherlock AU, Virgin Sherlock, First Time, Alternate First Meeting) – The Holmes family is one of the richest and most powerful in England. Sherlock spends his time flying around the world on the family’s private jet drinking a lot and shopping at expensive boutiques as a way of trying to alleviate his endless boredom. His mother decides it’s time he settles down with someone powerful, wealthy and well connected. John Watson happens to be none of those things.
John Watson’s Twelve Days of Christmas by earlgreytea68 (M, 53,464 w. || Christmas, Holmes Family, Fake Relationship, Alternate First Meeting, Falling in Love, Fluff and Angst, Hardcore Pining) – It’s the holiday season. John Watson needs money. Sherlock Holmes needs something else.
Albion and the Woodsman by Glenmore (E, 54,437 w. || Post S3 || Parentlock, Pining Sherlock, Angst, Family, Drug Use, Depression, Sherlock POV) – Sherlock and John are devastated after Mary Morstan makes her final moves. Sherlock relapses at the crack house, John walks around the world … and a lot happens in between. Parentlock, in the good way.
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
Darkling, I Listen by You_Light_The_Sky (T, 73,254 w. || Fairy Tale AU || Loosely Based on Beauty and the Beast, Magical Realism, Suicidal Themes, Romance, Creepiness, Adventure) – No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse… Part 1 of Darkling I Listen + Extras, Deleted Scenes
Secrets and Revelations by Hisstah (E, 85,535 w. || Sentinel / Guides AU, Omegaverse, Aventure, Violence, Anal / Oral, Omega!John / Alpha!Sherlock, Case Fic, Politics, Mild DubCon) – Dr John Watson has some major secrets that he’s kept from his flatmate, Alpha Sentinel Sherlock Holmes. Now the Sentinel Tower is after him. Can John stay out of their hands until he can reveal his secrets to Sherlock? Part 1 of Secrets and Revelations
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird (E, 152,869 w. || Omegaverse / Prime Universe Crossover || OmegaJohn / AlphaSherlock, First Kiss / Time, Friends to Lovers, Established Relationship, Angst, H/C, Dub Con, Humour) – Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship. Prime Sherlock and Prime John are not. So what happens when a freak fold in the universe switches one John for the other?
Performance In a Leading Role by Mad_Lori (E, 156,714 w. || Hollywood / Actor AU, Secret Relationship, Falling in Love, Slow Burn, Romance, Coming Out, Fluff and Angst, Pining) – Sherlock Holmes is an Oscar winner in the midst of a career slump. John Watson is an Everyman actor trapped in the rom-com ghetto. When they are cast as a gay couple in a new independent drama, will they surprise each other? Will their on-screen romance make its way into the real world? Part 1 of Performance in a Leading Role
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statticscribbles · 3 years
Interests Tag
Tagged by : @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines (I love doing these they’re so fun)
Favourite genre?
- Probably Folk or Indie
Fave artist?
- Sleeping At Last, or PVRIS
Fave song?
- It always changed but the like one I always go back to is Two by Sleeping at Last and 
Most listened to song?
-Goosebumps by Bastille
Song currently stuck in your head:
- New kind of Animal by Ghost Machines
5 Fave lyrics:
-1) It's okay if you can't catch your breath You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest -Two by sleeping at last (honestly the entirety of this song does make me tear up)
2)So just trust me, you'll be just fine, I need your trust just for tonight. - Mind over Matter by PVRIS
3) Dust your conscience off, you'd better stop This stubborn mind don't feel too kind -Saving us a Riot by Phoria
4)But even in longing, I still feel the pronging Of misery's poisonous claws - Emotional Anorexic by Svavar Knútur
5) All I want is to keep you safe from the cold To give you all that your heart needs the most- May I by Trading Yesterday
Radio or your own playlist?
- My own playlists all the way!!!
Solo artists or bands?
-I listen to bands more often, but usually only one or two songs from them
Pop or indie?
- Indie! I love pop but I feel like most of the songs are too similar
Louder or silenter volume?
- More silent probably, anything that’s too loud give me a headache
Slow or fast songs?
-Slow song! Unless I’ have to like pump myself up then fast!
Music video or lyrics video?
Lyrics! I like being able to actually know the words, helps me enjoy the song more!
Speakers or headset?
Headsets!! I prefer to keep my music to myself, otherwise I feel rude
Riding a bus in silence or while listening to music?
Music almost always! Unless I’m with friends and such
Driving in silence or with the radio on?
Radio, unless I’m with people and then I’m either talking or using headphones
Fave book genre?
- Hmm probably general fiction or Sci-fi/fantasy
Fave writer?
- Ooo I dunno, I don’t really pay attention to authors (oops)
Fave book series?
-I don’t read many series, probably the Hannibal series or Hunger Games, just cause I can read them both  over and over
Perfect book to ready on a rainy day?
- The Hunger Games
Fave book characters?
- Hmm probably young Hannibal from Hannibal Rising! Or Peeta from the Hunger Games series!!
5 quotes you know by heart
-Oh god I’m sooo bad with book quotes I can’t think of any
Hardcover or paperback?
-Paperback to read!
Buy or rent?
-Buy, I like to highlight and dog ear my books
Standalone novels or book series?
-Standalone, I feel like most series just go downhill after the first or second book
Ebook or physical copy?
-Physical Books, they’re easier for me to read
Reading at night or during the day?
-Usually afternoon, if I read in the morning I’ll read for the entire day
Reading at home or in nature?
-Home, I like to curl up on my bed or on the couch and read
Listening to music while reading or reading in silence?
-Usually with some tv on in the background, or instrumental music
Reading in order or reading the ending first?
-Sometimes I read the last sentence to try see how well it connects to the first sentence, if there’s no connection I want to read it to figure out what happens
Reliable or unreliable narrator?
-Reliable, but depending on the book I don’t mind
Realism or fantasy?
Can I say mix? If I had to pick Fantasy, I want reading to be an escape
One or multiple POVS?
-One, preferably third person(he/she/they)
Judging by the covers or by the summary?
-Cover, if it catches my eye I’ll read the first page or so and then the summary
Re-reading or reading just once?
-Re-reading, sometimes I don’t want to get invested in new characters (hence why I love fanfiction as well)
TV and Movies
Fave TV/movie genre?
- Animated/ Kid or Family (I’m assuming documentaries/reality tv doesn’t count)
Fave movie?
-Princess Mononoke or the Cat Returns
Movie you watch every year?
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory, for christmas!
Comfort movie?
-All of Studio Ghibli, or Prince of Egypt, or Hannibal Rising
Fave TV show?
-The Mandolorian (that counts right?) Or Firefly, I love me a good Sci-fi show
Comfort TV show?
Most rewatched TV show?
5 fave characters?
-1) Riley Blue (sense8)
2) Merlin (BBC Merlin)
3) Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug)
4) Din (Mandolorian)
5) Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games)
TV shows or movies?
- Movies ( I don’t have the attention span for tv much anymore)
Short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more)?
- I prefer short seasons, the longer ones can be good to keep a long arc but usually end up muddled
One episode a week or binging?
-Binging in chunks 
One season or multiple seasons?
- Multiple seasons (although I feel like after three seasons most shows should stop)
One part or saga?
-One part, I feel like Saga’s have become a bit of a cash grab
Half hour or one hour long episodes?
-Half an hour, and hour feels too long, unless it’s like a special
Subtitles on or off?
-On usually, unless I’m rewatching something
Rewatching or watching just once?
- Rewatching all the way, I usually can’t take everything in on the first watch
Downloads or watches online?
- Usually watch online, some movies I’ll download if I like them enough
Tagging: Anyone who wants to!!!
0 notes
jaceythejester · 6 years
Tagged: Ask meme (50) - (96)
Tagged by @cookiespanda 😂😂😂
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?  I had a dream when I was outside and there was this big thunder and lighting, I ran like a shirtless Michael B Jordan was waiting inside the nearest building.
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? I love both.  If I am somewhere that it’s not convenient for me to read, I’ll just listen to an audiobook or a podcast.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? It depends on my mood. Sometimes I play the music loud in the shower. When I write, there are times when I’m so focused that I can’t hear the music.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? Carve pumpkins. I’ve never done it before.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?Rihanna - Diamonds
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) Summer. It’s endless because we only have 2 and a half seasons here.
(56) What Are You Craving Right Now? A&W’s waffle to go.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. Can’t. Something gay and nsfw is sure gonna come up 😂
(58) What Is Your Gender? Female. For some reason, people always think I’m a dude on the internet and on MMORPG ..
(59) Coffee Or Tea? Coffee.
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? No homework because I’m not a student. Just working on Becca’s tattoo theory  video, The Junior Theory video, and Enneagram for TF and TS characters and reading fan fictions submitted from other writers for my Becca x MC x Kaitlyn fan fiction prompt #1.
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? I’m bisexual.
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? I choose not to.
(63) Favourite Pokemon? Don’t have one.
(64) Favourite Social Media? Tumblr, of course. The gayest social media in humankind history.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? I used to like SnapChat more but now that they added some changes ...
(66) Do You Get Homesick? Never. Home is wherever I am.
(67) Are You A Virgin? Is this a real question? 😂
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? Pantene.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? In my car. There was this one time in 2013 when I was still a student in Japan and I flew from Tokyo to another city and I didn’t have much money and I didn’t book any hotel room because I thought I’d sleep in my sitting position on a seat at the airport because my family would arrive the next morning anyway. I didn’t know that the airport wouldn’t be opened for 24 hours. (Fuck) Like others who had the same plan as me, we were all told by the security to get out of the airport. It was midnight and it was so cold, dark and disturbingly quiet outside. I wouldn’t be surprised if some zombies showed up. I stayed outside for 2 hours and it was freezing. 
And all I could think about was; how the fuck do homeless people survive on the streets? I had little money and nowhere to go and didn’t know what to do. Luckily, a Vietnam guy who originally was gonna sleep inside the airport saw me and told me that there was a 24 hour family restaurant nearby. We went there with a Taiwanese girl who couldn’t speak English and Japanese well (and I can’t speak Chinese). She came from Taiwan to see a concert of her favourite Japanese band. The whole thing was unexpected but I got to experience the kindness of strangers at the same time. The 3 of us ordered something to eat and we ended up talking and hanging out until morning. Then after the airport is opened again, we all went our separate ways. From then on, I kinda want to do something big for the homeless (except giving them CPR because I don’t know how) 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? My dad left when I was a kid.
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? Wrinkle in time.
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? Never.
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?    Halsey - “When I sat down to do Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, I noticed that a lot of the mainstream interpretations had been done by men. So I swapped the characters so in my story, I’m Romeo. I wanted to see what would happen if the female in story chose herself.” https://youtu.be/dwTS0gJf3kI from 1:25 on. This gave me an inspiration (not an inspiration to do an interpretation because I’m a woman, but to be bold and add creativity into my original work)     Let me explain. The theme of her latest album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom was inspired by Romeo and Juliet. In her music videos for this album, Halsey is Romeo. She gender swapped the characters. That alone was bold af.  Now that I understand what it feels like to put my work and my youtube videos out there, I know how “worrying about people’s responses/reactions and being afraid of criticism” from the internet feels like. And so I think what Halsey did was really bold and inspiring.    I’m someone who is not shy and compared to most people around me, I am confident. I can go up to a stranger and ask for their phone number for my friends. I did that when I was a student living in Tokyo and I went to Tokyo alone to study and at that time I didn’t know anybody in Japan and I could barely speak their language. But doing that is so much easier than building confidence to start a youtube channel. At first I was so friggin’ nervous. My palms were all sweaty. My confidence went out of the window and I was so worried and afraid. I think we all know how mean people can be on the internet.     Then last night I watched one of Halsey’s old interviews. She just does her thing so confidently and without hesitation (gender swapping Romeo and Juliet for her album) while being in the limelight at the same time.    It’s like she’s so focused on her work that she has no room at all for fears even though she’s so young. I learned something meaningful and useful and I got really inspired. I admire her because she has wisdom to share. Wisdom that can be used in the real world. And she inspires me to focus on my work, not my fears.
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? Purple. Like Danaerys Targaryen’s.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? I liked it. Now I still do and because there’s no swing set near where I live, I have an excuse to be excited.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? A&w waffle to go 😂 that I craved.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? Life is strange, Choices, FFXV, Lineage II.
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? I don’t know how to give CPR so I wouldn’t because I might make that person end up dying faster.
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? When I was younger, I used to not sleep and not eat because I was addicted to MMORPG. (Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, TERA, Rohan and Ragnarok. I would have done the same with NieR Automata on PS4 if I were younger)
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? No. Not anymore after that cute af instagram model got herself a girlfriend. Wait. What?!? 😂😂😂
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? Yes. Meeting new people and keeping in touch are two different things so ..
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. Sometimes I wear 15 rings on my both hands. 
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? Closed. Locked. Secured. 
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? chatting with my bff in Tokyo, getting inspired by Halsey, about to introduce something to TF/TS fandom.
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? A plain shirt and a pair of plain sweats.
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. I’m not good at makeup but my fave red lipstick is Bang by Urban Decay.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? Night person. Night time is when I can connect with my muses the most.
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. That’d take the whole day so I’ll tell you some of my faves. NieR Automata, Persona 5, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn, Dragon Age Inquisition, Life is Strange (what I’m gonna play next)
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. Too nsfw to talk about hahaha
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? Melon fanta in Japan.
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? Piano.
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? I wear both equally. Jeans when I go out, sweats when I’m working on my youtube videos.
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? Clean and presentable. Younger than my age, hopefully.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. Taking a warm bath while listening to my favourite music. I think everyone should play the music loud when they take a bath to prevent them from falling asleep and drowning. I was told that it is one of the top reasons for deaths in Japan.
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? Halsey’s lyrics. I’ve always wanted a tattoo since I was 15 but I never knew what tattoo I really wanted until a few nights ago. 
(96) Favourite YouTuber? Stevie Boebi, a youtuber and a lesbian. I look up to her. When she was a kid, she got abandoned by her real mother then she was raped. It took time for her to open up about her pain and her vulnerability and now she is sharing her story with everyone on her youtube channel. She’s super strong and super inspirational.
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marvelhiddlestan · 7 years
Hide and Seek (Part One)
Hey everyone! I thought it was about time to put some use to this blog and write something. So, as inspired by @mywritingsblog ‘s ‘Amends’ I decided to write a little something about my faves Tom and Seb. I hope you guys enjoy it, it’s my first Marvel fic and I’ve probably done a really crappy job but everyone needs to start somewhere, right?
Y/N meets wealthy photographer Tom Hiddleston and becomes hugely infatuated with him and his charm. She lets him whisk her away to wonderful places, to meet fascinating people and introduces her to a new, beautiful way of life filled with crisp white bed sheets, ocean view houses, limitless glasses of champagne and pure luxury. But when the money and leisure lands Tom into trouble with some bad people, he panics and leaves Y/N to her own devices. Heartbroken and afraid, she gathers what money she can find and moves to a small apartment complex in Brooklyn, where she meets goofy and sweet bartender Sebastian. Y/N and Seb fall for each other hard and fast, both of them seeing a bright future ahead of them. This is all cut short when Tom finds Y/N, telling her three things. One, he still loves her. Two, he’s still in trouble. Three, now she is too. And so is everyone around her. As well as now having to stay alive, she has to choose between the two men that mean the world to her.
Pairing(s): photographer!Tom x Reader and bartender!Sebastian x Reader.
Warnings? strong language, drinking, smoking, tons of fluff and romantic shit, violence, implied smut.
Requests are open for Marvel characters and actors, btw :)
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*not my gif*
part 1 | part 2
τι ένα όμορφο πλάσμα = “what a beautiful creature”
The mesmerizing Greek night sky illuminates the crystal waters, each ripple of wave reflecting the moonlight clearer than a polished diamond. I slowly inhale the crisp air so I can appreciate every scent surrounding the balcony in which I’ve resided. The exotic food from the lively restaurant downstairs, the crackling bonfire over on the beach, the sweet, lingering scent of my perfume… this is where I need to be. Surrounded by culture, laughter and happiness. This is where I thrive. This is where I belong. Suddenly, I hear the snap of a camera and I spin around in shock, my thin, royal blue dress floating around me as I do so. I discover a beautiful slender man with curly, sandy blond hair and brilliant blue eyes that don’t differ from the Grecian ocean. I’ve seen him around the hotel and town, taking pictures of market places and the crowds on the beach. I caught him by the pool the other day laying in the sun and dear God… he was probably hotter than the weather.  
“ τι ένα όμορφο πλάσμα.” He purrs.
“I’m sorry… I don’t speak Greek.” I smile politely.
“You should learn, it’s a wonderful language.” He replies in a sleek British accent.
I’m taken aback by how sultry and calm his voice is and how well it fits to his appearance. His fitted white button-up shirt and casual black jeans with brown dress shoes perfectly portray this suave persona he’s keeping up.
“So you’re not local?” I ask, now desperate to make conversation with this alluring stranger.
“Unfortunately not.” He chuckles lowly, letting his camera hang from his neck.
“Was I just a victim of a privacy invasion?” I raise an eyebrow and nod to his gorgeous vintage-style camera.
The stranger smiles gently and wanders beside me, gazing at me with his sapphire eyes. His sharp jawline and perfectly structured cheekbones make me think that he’s some sort of supermodel, but his kind eyes and calloused hands suggest otherwise.
“I try to capture the wanders of the world. Oceans, buildings, skylines, outstandingly beautiful people,” he smirks. “Hence the invasion of privacy, my dear.” 
“Well when you put it like that, I guess you’re welcome to take as many pictures as you please.” I laugh.
“Actually, I think I’m done for the night. I’d like to have a conversation with the dazzling woman that I’ve so maliciously violated. Does she have a name?” He queries, subtly trailing his eyes up and down my body.
“She does. Y/N.” I tell him.
“Very nice to meet you, Y/N,” he smiles. “I’m Tom.”
Tom leans against the stone balcony and reaches into his breast pocket to get a packet of cigarettes, then holds the carton out to me, followed by my grateful acceptance.
“So… Tom. What do you do?” I ask as he lights our cigarettes. 
“This. Travelling to extraordinary places and trying to immortalize the finer things in life such as yourself.” He flirts.
“Ah, a photographer. Not surprising.” I sigh.
“How so?”
“I just presumed that if you look like that, then there must be a camera involved.” I flirt back.
“Mm. You flatter me,” he laughs. “What about you?”
“I’m a novel writer posing as a travel journalist for the shittiest, lowest paying magazine in America.” I chuckle, taking a long drag of the well-earned cigarette.
Tom grins in amusement at my bitterness over my crappy career, mirroring my actions with his own cigarette.
“Novel writer? How interesting.”
“Not really, I’m clearly nowhere near good enough or you wouldn’t be hearing me bitch about how awful my job is.” I sigh sadly.
“Oh, come on. What kind of stuff do you write?” Tom asks, appearing to be genuinely interested.
“I write about strong women. Doesn’t matter what genre, even though fantasy and action do help. I just remember reading all of these books growing up about these fantastical women and thinking that I wanted to be like them. However, since I don’t have any magical powers or adventures to go on, I just thought that it would be better to create them instead.” I explain, turning to look over the golden sands that meet the deep blue.
“You strike me as a strong woman, Y/N. Don’t doubt yourself like that, you seem absolutely incredible.” Tom tells me in a calm, comforting tone.
“Oh please, you don’t even know me.” I scoff, flicking ash off of the end of my cigarette.
“Maybe so. But I’d like to.” His sultry voice hooks my attention and drags my eyes from the horizon to his now very close form.
“Now why would a beautiful stranger like yourself be interested in little old me?” I hum, my fingers extending to his torso and playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Because you, my darling, are absolutely fascinating,” He whispers seductively, taking one last drag and then throwing his cigarette to the floor. “And if you wanted an adventure, all you had to do is ask.”
I bashfully look to the ground as he continues to eliminate the little space between us, but a sudden wave of confidence surges through me and I look up at him with a challenging expression ghosting across my features.
“Tom, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you’re trying to seduce me.” I accuse him.
“Am  I that transparent?” Tom smirks.
I giggle at both his response and his continued advances, knowing that I’ll probably end up in a hotel room with him at some point tonight, but I try to long out our conversation to see if I can get him to break this elegant facade. Well, if I can wait that long.
“You know,” he starts, brushing my hair behind my shoulder. “I have a bottle of tequila back in my room if you’re interested.”
I dwell on the thought for a moment before throwing my cigarette to the ground and walking back into the hotel. I stop under the marble arch and turn to see a fairly disappointed Tom.
“Are you coming or am I drinking alone?” I ask.
His features lift from their dismayed state and he struts towards me and snakes an arm around my waist, guiding me to his hotel room with a great urgency.
Tom and I reach the top floor after a tortuously tension-filled elevator ride and stroll over to the third door we come to. His room is in perfect condition, not a pillow or item of clothing out of place. On his bedside table, there was a small, leather bound notebook with a fountain pen on top of it, placed directly next to an empty glass and half-full bottle of scotch.
“Tequila and scotch?” I point out. “A man of class, I see?” I laugh, sitting down on the couch at the bottom of his bed.
“I try my best.” He replies, setting his camera down on a small table next to his door and then sauntering over to a tray of bottles and glasses, pouring out two tequilas. He hands me mine and sits down beside me, relaxing into the back of the chair and taking a sip while keeping his gaze fixated on me the entire time. 
“So, did you just bring me up here to drink surprisingly decent hotel tequila or do you have any ulterior motives?” I smirk, holding the crystal glass close to my lips. Tom laughs and rests his drink in his lap, blushing slightly at my rather forward question. 
“You’re a brilliant judge of character, aren’t you?” He winks.
“Helps for when you meet handsome strangers in foreign lands. I like to know if the people I want to sleep with want to sleep with me too.” I tell him with a sly grin.
He gets up again, taking my drink from my hands and setting them both down on the silver tray that he originally retrieved them from.
“Who says I want to sleep with you?” He playfully questions, raising an eyebrow and leaning against the table. I sigh deeply, tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear and smoothing out my dress.
“Well you see Tom, I did have an ulterior motive, but if we’re not on the same page, I guess I’ll leave you be.” 
I begin to walk away, but the second I get close to the door, I’m slammed into the wall as Tom animalistically smothers my neck with aggressive kisses and soft bites and quickly unzips the back of my dress, eager to remove any item of clothing covering my skin. He turns me around and pins my arms above my head with just his left hand as he moves his attack to my lips, eliciting moans from me left and right.
“Fuck,” I groan into the kiss, frustration taking over due to the fact that i can’t touch him.
Tom finally releases my arms and I fumble around with the buttons of his shirt, desperately trying to tear it off, as he slips my dress from my body and grabs my thighs, signaling for me to jump and wrap my legs around his waist. I quite happily oblige and he carries me over to the king sized bed, continuously switching his kisses from my lips to my jaw, to my neck.
“You’re so fucking gorgeous.” Tom mumbles into my neck as he lays me down onto the satin sheets. Various items of clothing fly in different directions, landing in odd spots.
Heavy eyes, sore legs and strong arms. Those are the first things that pop into my head the next morning. In the mirror opposite me, I can already see red and purple love bites adorning my neck and chest, and Tom’s arm draped around my naked torso. I roll over and an unconscious Tom sleeping peacefully and lightly murmuring in his sleep, occasionally shifting around among the sheets. What now? Do I leave? Is this a one night stand? Am I supposed to stay? Do I go freshen up?
My train of thought is interrupted by Tom’s stretches and yawns.
“Morning.” He croaks in his morning voice.
“Morning.” I reply with a smile.
He places two fingers under my chin and places a soft, lingering kiss on my lips.
“Last night was…” I trail off, lost for words.
“Fun?” Tom finishes my sentence for me.
“Yeah, fun.” I laugh.
My neck catches his eye and he averts his attention to the hickeys spread completely across my throat.
“Oh my God… I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize they were that bad.” He chuckles sheepishly, delicately running his fingers over my neck.
“It’s fine, really. Doesn’t bother me.” I shrug, taking his hand from my chest and holding it down by my hips where he starts to gently caress my upper thigh.
“As long as you’re sure.” Tom smiles sweetly.
This is a completely different man from the one I met last night. The Tom last night was flirty and seductive, but this… this Tom is almost a polar opposite. He’s attentive and caring.
“I should probably start preparing for the walk of shame, right?” I sigh and start to sit up, trying to locate my clothes.
“Wait… you should stay.” He pleads.
“Really?” I ask, a little shocked but also kind of relieved.
“Yeah, if that’s alright with you. I thought we could get breakfast. I’d like to get to know the ‘strong woman’ novelist that works for the shittiest, lowest paying magazine in America. If you’d like to get to know the pretentious photographer, that is.”
Persuaded, I relax back into his arms and place a brief kiss on his lips.
“I’d love to,” I whisper. “And pretentious isn’t the word I’d use.” I add with a slight giggle.
“Ah, so what word would the author use?” Tom asks.
I think for a moment, letting out a quizzical hum.
“Aside from aesthetically pleasing?” I smirk, only half joking. “I don’t know yet. It’ll come to me.” 
We stay in bed for the rest of the day, ordering room service, watching movies and to put it delicately- fucking in every spot of the room.
A week later, I wake up in Tom’s hotel room again. I reach over to his side of the bed, but I’m met with nothing but emptiness and the cold. I open my eyes and search the room for him, but all I find is a note on the night stand.
“Darling Y/N,
If you wake up before I’m back, I’ve just gone on a small photography walk around the hotel and on the beach. I won’t be too long, seeing as the idea of you in my bed keeps me distracted and I can’t focus. Back soon.
Tom x
P.S, you look absolutely stunning this morning.”
Smiling like an idiot, I place the note back on the nightstand and roll over back to where I was before. Shortly after, Tom returns in a white shirt and blue suit trousers with his camera and a satisfied grin.
“Ah, you’re awake.” Tom smiles, setting his camera down.
“Yeah, I only read your note like, five minutes ago.” I tell him.
He lays next to me and brushes a strand of hair behind my ear, leaning in to whisper something.
“I was wondering if you needed waking up this morning.”
My breath hitches and my body temperature rises as he slowly climbs on top of me and begins to leave sloppy kisses down my neck.
“I’m sure I can be persuaded…” I mutter.
After a while and round… I’ve lost count if I’m honest, we both get dressed and head downstairs. We order breakfast and discuss both profound and meaningless crap. We don’t realize how long we’ve been sat in the hotel until staff ask us if we need to see the lunch menus. The both of us kindly decline and leave for the beach, where we walk along the shoreline until the sun goes down and the stars appear.
“So, how long are you here for?”Tom asks after our long talk about our childhoods.
“Only another three days.” I sigh, kicking some sand around.
“And then?” I look up at Tom, who has a deeply disappointed look behind his sparkling blue eyes.
We stop walking when we reach a dock and he takes my hands in his.
“And then I go back. Back to Colorado.” I say sadly, looking at the ground again, noticing the ocean that washes up and very nearly touches our feet. He lifts up my chin with his index finger and gazes down into my eyes.
“I’ve had the best time with you for these past few weeks. I’ve never connected with someone so much in such a short amount of time and you’ve been truly wonderful to be around. So thank you, Y/N.” Tom smiles sadly while caressing my hand with his thumb.
“Me too. I’ll miss you when I’m gone. You were by far the best part of this whole trip and I’m so glad that you photographed me without my consent.” I joke, causing him to erupt into a huge smile.
“Do you really have to go? You can’t stay a little longer?” He pleads.
“Tom, I wish I could, but my boss won’t fund my flight if I miss the one she booked for me. I wish I could be with you and not return to the city that constantly sleeps. God, you have no idea how much I just want to stick around and be with you-”
“So do it.” Tom cuts me off.
“Excuse me?”
“Stay with me.”
“What?” I breathe hollowly, completely astounded.
“Stay with me. Quit your job, come traveling with me. I know it’s a lot to ask, but-”
“I’ll do it.” I blurt out.
“Really?” Tom’s eyes widen in shock.
“Yeah, really. I hate my job, I can’t stand my neighbors, and the past week with you has been the best time of my life. I’ll go with you, Tom.”
And with that, he sweeps me off of my feet and kisses me passionately underneath the stars.
“Tom?” I call out, walking through the door of our shared LA home. “Tom, you home?” 
The only sound that meets my ears is that of the echo of my boots hitting the oak floors.
I frown in confusion, thinking that Tom should’ve been home from his meeting by now, seeing as it’s about to get dark. Plus, his car is in the drive- another factors making me even more suspicious about his whereabouts.
“Thomas Hiddleston, I swear to God… you’ll be the death of me.” I mutter under my breath, picking up some mail from the kitchen counter, flicking through bills and letters from Tom’s interested buyers.
I turn around when I hear the sound of the front door opening and shutting, followed by a sweaty, panting Tom, who’s clad in running gear from head to toe. He smiles as soon as he lays his eyes on me and takes out his earphones.
“Hello Darling,” he kisses me on the cheek. “When did you get back?”
“About thirty seconds before you stepped through the door. Where’d you go on your little adventures today?” I ask, jumping up and sitting on the island in the kitchen.
“Just around the woods. How’s your mother? Does she still despise my very existence?” Tom laughs.
“Mm. She still thinks you’re a bad influence, even three years on.” I roll my eyes.
“Maybe I am.” He winks.
“In the best way possible.” I sigh happily, hooking my finger into the neckline of his shirt and pulling him towards me, then placing a soft kiss to his lips.
“She’ll learn to love me, I’m sure.” He replies, tucking a few hairs behind my ear.
“Tom, I’m not even sure if she loves me and I’m her daughter.” I joke.
“Don’t be ridiculous, my love. It’s hard not to love you.”
Tom’s compliment makes my cheeks burn a deep scarlet and causes me to grin from ear to ear.
“You flatter me, Hiddleston,” I giggle. 
“I need a shower, don’t forget that we have that party with the Hemsworths tonight.” He reminds me.
As he walks away, I let out a huff of breath in a fed up fashion. I’m usually always up for these kinds of things, but recently I’ve been more and more reluctant to go. Tom and Chris have been good friends since we took a trip to Australia and Tom was doing a promotional shoot for Chris’s wife Elsa’s new movie at the time, so it’s not like we can’t go because we’re all so close. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m going through a phase where I’m not feeling particularly social and I’ll be back to my lively self once it passes, who knows.
“Want me to join?” I call after him.
“Darling, the day I say ‘no’ to that question, I want you to shoot me.” Tom replies, still heading to the bathroom.
After putting my final diamond earring through my lobe and straightening my dress, I strut downstairs and find a formally suited Tom waiting by the door.
“Someone cleans up nice.” I smirk, adjusting his tie.
“I could say the same… you look absolutely stunning, my dear.” Tom’s blue eyes trail up and down my body, admiring each bump and curve, making me feel even more beautiful as I notice the look of admiration behind his eyes.
“Save it for later, gorgeous.” I smirk and waltz past him and out of the door.
Tom shortly follows and opens up the car door for me in a gentlemanly fashion, which plasters a smile across my lips. Once he sits in the driver’s seat, Tom opens up the roof of the car, then placing his hand on my thigh and lovingly grazing it with his thumb.
“Excited?” He asks with a grin.
“Yeah, I guess.” I flash a half smile as I gently shrug my shoulders.
I turn to Tom, who is looking at me with his classic:
“I know something’s wrong and I’m not going to drop it until you tell me” look.
“What?” I sigh, rubbing my forehead tiresomely.
“What do you man ‘what?’? You love parties! More importantly, you love Chris and Elsa. What’s wrong? And please be honest with me, don’t say you’re fine so I leave it alone.”
“I don’t know, I just haven’t been in a ‘party’ mood lately. It’s like… for once I’d just like it if we stayed at home. I honestly can’t remember the last time we stayed in and just watched a damn movie in our sweats instead of getting all dressed up and making pointless small talk all night with people we either don’t know or don’t like. Is that such a terrible concept?”
Tom sighs and rests his head against the back of the driver’s seat.
“Why didn’t you tell me this before?”
“Because you love these things. I don’t want to be the one to disappoint you.” I say sadly.
“You couldn’t disappoint me, Darling. Yes, I do love these things, but I love you more and if you don’t want to do something, then I’m more than happy to do whatever you prefer.” He smiles softly while still rubbing my hand with his thumb.
“I love you too, Tom.” I tell him in all sincerity, glad that he isn’t angry about my indifference to social events.
“Want me to call and cancel?” He offers.
I dwell on the thought for a moment, but shake my head in defeat.
“No, it might be fun. Plus, I’m never one to argue against you wearing a suit.” I smirk, only half joking.
He laughs in response and blushes a little.
“So.. think we could be a little late?”
After being a half-hour late because of… reasons, Tom and I arrive at Chris and Elsa’s door.
“Oh my God, Tom…” I giggle, smoothing down some of his un-kept sex-hair. 
“Whoops.” He snickers.
The door swings open and we’’re greeted by a grinning Chris and a laughing Elsa, who both somehow become even happier when they see us.
“Hey guys!” Chris exclaims.
“Hey, how are you both?” Tom smiles as Chris engulfs him in a hug.
Elsa grabs my hand and pulls me inside, leading me straight to a table full of alcohol.
“Every time I see you, you get me drunk!” I exclaim.
“Are you objecting?” Elsa giggles.
“Obviously not, but that isn’t the point.” I reply, taking a shot and then wincing at the burning sensation in my throat. Elsa chuckles hysterically at my slight intolerance to the alcohol.
“You are late.” Elsa playfully narrows her eyes and points her glass of Merlot at me accusingly. 
I chuckle lightly as I pour myself a cocktail, flicking the tiny umbrella in as I finish.
“I have my reasons.” I smirk, clinking my glass against hers.
“I bet. And may I say, your ‘reasons’ are looking absolutely dashing this evening,” she nods towards Tom, who’s talking to a number of men in equally flashed out suits. “So tell me, how many times? Three? Four?” She teases.
“It was both a quickie and none of your business! And yes, he does look great tonight.” I smile.
As the night carries on into the early hours of the morning, Tom introduces me to countless people who are interested in his work, none of whom manage to make even half a good impression. Chris breaks out a karaoke machine, much to his kids’ demise. However, the moment that the three children set their eyes on Tom, their moods were instantly turned around. Sasha runs up to Tom, only to be lifted into the air by my adoring boyfriend. Elsa creeps up behind me and watches as my partner cuddles her son in a way that comes so naturally to him. 
“He’s good at that. You next, right?.”
Whoops, there it is. The seven words that strike fear into my heart. Kids? God, I was only just warming up to marriage, never mind kids. Sure marriage is a huge commitment, but at least you can get out of it. Not that I would want to get out of a marriage with Tom, but you never know what can go wrong. But kids… that’s a forever deal. Permanent, constant, infinite.
“Yeah… I um, I need a drink.” I choke out and rush over to the still-overflowing table of alcohol. No Y/N, no more alcohol. You have to drive. My hand edges away from the bourbon and vodka and reaches for water instead.
As I shakily pour the water into a glass, I feel a pair of arms slink around my waist and a head rest on my shoulder.
“Wow Elsa, I never knew you felt that way about me.” I joke, earning a drunken chuckle from Tom.
“What are you thinking about?” He slurs.
I sigh a little and take a sip of my drink.
“I’m thinking about getting you home-”
“Oh yeah?” He mumbles into my neck just before leaving a trail of sloppy kisses.
“And getting you sober, don’t get too excited. You need some sleep,” I turn around and kiss him softly, “so it’s time to say our goodbyes.”
I drag Tom over to the Hemsworth family and we begrudgingly depart, promising each other lunch at some point in the upcoming weeks. Chris and Tom aggressively hug each other, causing Elsa and I to roll our eyes at the ridiculous display of masculinity. 
On our way out of the house, we’re stopped by a man requesting Tom’s presence elsewhere. Tom excuses himself and walks away and I watch them as I unlock the car. The man has lead Tom to a group of people stood in front of a silver Mercedes, all of which are lead by a short, pale man in a white suit. The conversation looks pretty friendly until the short man begins to frown at Tom. He begins to push him backwards slightly and yell profanities that are just barely audible. Everything becomes incredibly heated, but Chris manages to step between Tom and the group before things start to get nasty. From what I gather, he tells them to leave and then turns to Tom once they leave. Chris shakes his head in disappointment as Tom tries to reason with him, but to no success. In the end, Chris just places a hand on Tom’s shoulder and nods over to me. As soon as he does so, I look away as to not look like I’ve been watching them. Moments later, Tom returns by my side with a see-through fake smile playing on his lips.
“Come on then, lets go home.” Tom coughs out.
“Everything okay over there? Looked pretty rough.” I comment, searching for any kind of truth behind his baby blue eyes.
“Yeah, it’s all fine.” He shrugs.
“Didn’t look fine. Are you sure you’re oka-”
“I’m fine, it’s fine. Just a buyer. Couldn’t afford the pieces he wanted. Darling, it’s nothing to worry about. Let’s go home, my love.” Tom caresses my cheek
White sand washes off of my legs as I step into the shower of our shared hotel room in Sao Paulo. The heat from the water cleanses my body of the morning, but unfortunately, not my mind. My fingers wipe away the mascara streaks covering the dark bags of fatigue under my eyes. The one thing I can’t wash away is the heartbreak.
Y/N. I can’t begin to explain how sorry I am. I love you with everything I am and have,  but this is something I have to do. I’m in trouble. I have to leave, because if I don’t, things aren’t going to end well for me. I didn’t want to do this, but I have to. You’re my world and these past three and a half years have been the best of my life. I wish I could explain and I wish I could make it up to you, but I can’t. I don’t want anything bad to happen. I’ll always be your’s. But I’m gone. Possibly forever. I’m sorry it wasn’t under better circumstances. 
I’m sorry.
So here I am. Alone. Brokenhearted. Empty. 
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