#natural food
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Back to my kingdom 😁👌
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forestduck · 1 year
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carnivorousous · 2 years
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healthyboom · 10 months
Weight Loss: The Top 6 Fruits for Effective Weight Loss Snacks
Looking for a tasty and healthy way to shed those extra pounds? Look no further than nature's sweet offerings! Discover the top 6 fruits that make for fantastic weight loss snacks. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, these fruits satisfy your cravings and help boost your metabolism. Dive into the refreshing goodness of juicy apples, which are rich in antioxidants and promote satiety. Indulge in the tropical delight of delicious mangoes, known for their high fiber content. Enjoy the tangy goodness of oranges, bursting with vitamin C and fiber. Dive into the vibrant world of berries packed with antioxidants and low in calories. And remember the hydrating and metabolism-boosting power of watermelon. With these delectable fruits by your side, achieving your weight loss goals has never been tastier or easier!
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suzilight · 10 months
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Melted, pounded, extruded: Why many ultra-processed foods are unhealthy
A growing body of research suggests that the extent of industrial processing that your food undergoes can alter its effects on your body, determining its impact on your appetite, hormones, weight gain, and likelihood of developing obesity and chronic diseases.
Ultra-processed foods make up 58 percent of the calories Americans consume,
Monteiro developed what is now known as the NOVA classification system for identifying ultra-processed foods after noticing startling changes in Brazil’s food system and obesity rates, which skyrocketed from just four percent of adults in 1975 to roughly 26 percent of adults today.
Monteiro discovered that Brazilian families were increasingly replacing homemade meals with cheap and convenient alternatives — things like soft drinks, breakfast cereals and snack bars made by transnational food companies.
Me: Bad Nutrition & Factory Food ==> Weight Gain, Metabolic Disorder==> Heart disease, Diabetes, Fatty Liver, etc==> Medical intervention with procedures and drugs.
At every step Corporations siphon big profits from this cycle of poor health created by their factory food.
I needed this reminder. I've been snacking on chips because it's easy while driving. Stop eating this crap. Grrrrr!
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rawfruitsous · 2 years
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containscure · 1 year
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Gluten is trash This artwork is a statement about my approach to food and lifestyle. Gluten, glutenfree, dietglutenfree and glutenfreebody all underscore my commitment to highlighting the importance of a healthy diet. Health also underscores my concern for health and well-being. Contaiscure shows that it is important to be selective about the ingredients we consume. It is important to prefer healthier foods. Trashfood suggests that you foods that cause intolerance and discomfort, with little nutritional value or with unhealthy ingredients are not good. Freelife, it is important to highlight the desire to lead a life free of unnecessary industrial food charges. Gluten is trash reinforces my position that gluten is not part of a healthy diet for many people like me. Creative highlights my originality in activist creations. Designerativist is what inspires me, it suggests that my activism for health and well-being has always been geared towards raising awareness of the importance of healthier food choices. Nutritionists are important. See one. The united work letterring and drawing for the art has power, it becomes even more unique and personalized, and the black of the art adds a touch of sophistication. In short, this art is a fun and creative way to express positive beliefs about eating and a healthy lifestyle. Att, Contais Cure
shop: Click here
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skandinord · 1 year
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sage-and-symphony · 1 year
I've just realised that I forgot to pack my pre-natal vitamins on my husband's surprise birthday weekend.
... I guess it's up to you now, breakfast buffet eggs.
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darisha · 2 years
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pillowspace · 7 months
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If Cyerce nigricans is a butterfly, then this is a fairy... Cyerce nigricans for comparison:
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forestduck · 1 year
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carnivorousous · 2 years
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goodfoodfs · 27 days
Exploring the Essence of Food: More Than Just Sustenance
Introduction: Food - a simple word that carries a profound significance in our lives. Beyond mere sustenance, it embodies culture, history, and an intimate connection to our identity. From the tantalizing aroma of freshly baked bread to the comforting warmth of a bowl of homemade soup, food transcends the boundaries of language and communicates directly to our senses. In this article, we delve into the multifaceted nature of food, exploring its role in nourishing both body and soul.
Cultural Tapestry: One cannot begin to understand food without acknowledging its role as a cornerstone of cultural identity. Every society, every community, has its own culinary traditions, passed down through generations like cherished heirlooms. Whether it's the rich spices of Indian cuisine, the delicate artistry of Japanese sushi, or the hearty simplicity of Italian pasta, each dish tells a story of heritage and tradition. Food serves as a unifying force, bringing people together to celebrate shared customs and rituals.
Gastronomic Adventure: Food is also a gateway to exploration, offering a tantalizing glimpse into the diverse tapestry of global cuisine. Embarking on a gastronomic adventure allows us to traverse continents without leaving our kitchen, sampling flavors from far-flung corners of the globe. Through food, we can experience the vibrant hustle of a Moroccan souk, the fiery heat of a Thai curry, or the rustic charm of a French bistro. Each bite is an invitation to expand our palate and broaden our horizons.
Nutritional Nourishment: Of course, at its core, food serves a fundamental purpose: to nourish our bodies and sustain life. In an age of convenience and fast-paced living, it's all too easy to overlook the importance of mindful eating. Yet, the nutrients contained within our meals are the building blocks of health, providing the energy and sustenance we need to thrive. By embracing whole, nutrient-rich foods, we can cultivate a deeper appreciation for the profound impact that diet has on our well-being.
Soulful Sustenance: Beyond its physical nourishment, food has the power to feed our souls, stirring emotions and evoking memories long forgotten. Who can resist the warm embrace of a home-cooked meal, lovingly prepared by a doting parent or grandparent? Food has the ability to comfort, to heal, to transport us back to simpler times. It is a language of love, expressed through the act of sharing a meal with cherished friends and family.
Conclusion: In a world fraught with complexity and uncertainty, food remains a constant, a source of comfort and joy in our daily lives. It is a testament to the enduring power of human connection, bridging gaps and forging bonds across cultures and continents. So let us savor each bite, relishing the flavors that make life deliciously vibrant. After all, food is more than just sustenance - it is the very essence of our humanity.
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rawfruitsous · 2 years
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