#nintendo theory
somasoa · 2 months
The Family of the Hero: A Thorough Analysis of the Canonical Bloodline Shared by Every Link in the Legend of Zelda Series - Part 2 of 2
Click HERE for the first part of this article!
Tri Force Heroes
Tri Force Heroes is a black sheep in the series, as it does very little in trying to connect to any kind of overarching lore or story that is present within the Zelda chronology. However, tidbits of information associated with the Knights of Hyrule can still be found even in this entry. 
For starters, we see the return of certain sword techniques, such as the Sword Beam and the Great Spin Attack. These techniques are performable by wearing certain attire, such as the Sword Master Suit - Sword Saint’s Armor (剣聖のよろい) and the Spin Attack Attire -  Great Spinning Slash Attire (大回転斬りの甲冑).
Clothing that doubles the power of the sword. This is a suit for sword users with the soul of a swordsman in it. The power of the sword is doubled! Beam from the sword!
Flavor Text for the Sword Master Suit (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
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Interestingly enough, the Sword Master Suit, which provides Link with double damage and sword beams, is stated to have the soul of a swordsman in it. Swordsman (剣士) in this context is the exact same Japanese term used when describing the Knight’s Crest, or Swordsman’s Emblem (剣士の紋章) from The Wind Waker, and the Swordman’s Scrolls from Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, both of which were items that allowed Link to enhance his swordplay. This further shows how it is possible for the skills of the Knights of Hyrule to be implemented into articles of clothing or other items like scrolls, such that when those items are utilized, the sword skills can be performed by those in possession of said items. More interesting, however, is the description of the Dapper Spinner, or the Mysterious Roll Knight (怪傑ロールナイト).
Launch the High Speed Revolving Slash! The knight spins quickly and gracefully, attracting good luck, and launches a series of special moves in rapid succession.
Flavor Text for the Dapper Spinner (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
この服は俺の…いやみんなの憧れ様の衣装なんだ! あのすばやい回転斬り…子どもの頃よくまねしたもんだよ…
This outfit is my...well, everyone's dream outfit! That quick spinning slash... I used to imitate it when I was a kid…
Daily Riches Owner (Tri Force Heroes) - Translated by Sidier
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When wearing the Dapper Spinner, it’s possible for Link to perform a Quick Spinning Slash (すばやい回転斬り), which allows Link to perform a spin attack without charging up. This is identical to the Quick Spin  (クイック回転) as mentioned in Ocarina of Time and performed in Skyward Sword. The Dapper Spinner’s japanese name, the Mysterious Roll Knight (怪傑ロールナイト), as well as the Japanese description, also explicitly calls the original wearer of the attire a knight. While it’s been proven that the Quick Spin is not specific to the Knights of Hyrule and can be performed by anyone, it still shows that the technique is associated with the concept of knights. 
Breath of the Wild
Breath of the Wild adds our final nail in the coffin on establishing the Knights of Hyrule as descending from the original Hero from Skyward Sword. At the Rito Stable, Link can find the second volume of the Rumor Mill, a book that provides information about locations and items around Hyrule written by a journalist named Traysi. In this book, Link can read the following: 
この剣を手にできる者は勇者の血を受け継ぐ者だけ…なーんて ウワサがあるこの剣名もなき深い森の中に隠されとるっちゅう話やで~気にはなるけど うちのオトンもオカンもどうみても 勇者の血統って感じちゃうしウチにはあんまり関係なさそうやな…
There's a rumor that the only people who can get their hands on this sword are those who inherited the blood of the Hero ... There's a story that this sword is hidden in a deep forest with no name. I'm curious about it, but my father and mother don't seem to have the bloodline of a Hero, so I don't think it has much to do with us ...
Rumor Mill: Volume 2 (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
This tells us that the only people who can wield the Master Sword are those who descended from the Hero. This means that every Link who has wielded the Master Sword - minus the original - descended from the previous Hero, meaning every single Link in the series can trace their bloodline back to the very first Link. In short, the bloodline of the Knights of Hyrule begins and ends with Link, finally bringing us full circle on how the lineage of the Knights of Hyrule is both the bloodline that originated from the Hero as well as generates the Hero. The fact the Knights of Hyrule are connected by blood is also referenced by the fact Link was born into knighthood in Breath of the Wild, as established by Zelda during the events of the game:
……御父上の跡目を継ぐべく 騎士の道を選び 練磨を続け……
...In order to follow in the footsteps of your father, you chose the path of a knight and continued training...
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
Interestingly enough, we also learn in this same conversation that the Knights of Hyrule now undergo a new name - the Imperial Royal Guard Family.
それでも周りの人達から「お前は近衛の家に生まれたのだから絶対に騎士に ならねばならない」と言われたら……
But if the people around you say, "You were born into the Imperial Royal Guard family, you must absolutely become a knight [...]"
Zelda (Breath of the Wild) - Translated using DeepL
This is due to how, in the era of Breath of the Wild, the most elite Knights of Hyrule are given the privilege of becoming members of the Imperial Royal Guard, a group of knights that are shown to protect the royalty of Hylia, as shown in The Champion’s Ballad DLC and Age of Calamity, who we learn in the game that Link was the youngest captain of in the history of Hyrule.
The Knights of Hyrule are also explicitly referenced in certain item descriptions such as the Knight’s set of weapons. 
ハイラル王家に仕えた騎士が使っていた盾金属製の頑丈な作りで 激しい戦闘にも耐えられる重量があるので 扱いにはそれなりの腕前が必要
A shield used by knights in the service of the Hyrule royal family. Made of sturdy metal and heavy enough to withstand fierce combat, it requires a certain amount of skill to handle.
Flavor Text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
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We also see the return of the Hylian Shield, using the design from Skyward Sword. The in-game text describing it mentions its association with the Hero.
勇者が手にしたという伝説と共に古よりハイラル王家に受け継がれてきた盾他を寄せ付けない 圧倒的な防御力と耐久性を誇る
Along with the legend of the Hero that held it in his hands, this shield has been handed down in the Hyrule royal family since ancient times. It boasts overwhelming defense and durability that is unmatched by any other shield.
Flavor Text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
This is interesting, as it establishes that the Hylian Shield is associated primarily with the Hero. This further elaborates on why the Knights of Hyrule are also associated with the shield. The Knights of Hyrule, as the descendants of the Hero, would bear the symbol of the shield associated with the legend of their heroic ancestor, and would come to be associated with the shield as well, as seen in Ocarina of Time.
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The last important aspect of the Knights of Hyrule is actually a slight controversy. We see in the The Champion’s Ballad DLC, as well as the main game’s memories, that Knights of Hyrule are depicted as wearing the Soldier’s Armor, which as the name implies, is stated to be worn by soldiers, not the Imperial Royal Guard’s family. We also observe these knights using weapons  from the Soldier’s set and not the Knight’s set of weapons, further complicating the context. Age of Calamity sheds light on this issue and provides clarification.
Age of Calamity
In Age of Calamity, the Soldier’s Armor issue is explained, where it’s revealed to be the attire of the Knights of Hyrule, who lead the lower ranking soldiers of Hyrule’s military. These lower ranking soldiers wear different armor into battle, such as Hylian Trousers instead of Soldier’s Greaves, and have no red plume on their helmet. This means the Soldier’s Armor is not worn by the basic soldiers of Hyrule but instead the Knights of Hyrule. We also observe Link using weapons from the Soldier’s set at the beginning of the game instead of weapons from the Knight’s set, despite being a Knight of Hyrule. This means that it’s likely the Knights of Hyrule are given the freedom to wield whichever weapon they’d like to, which is also suggested by the fact Link can use a variety of different weapons in Age of Calamity.
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This clarifies the issue of Breath of the Wild, explaining that the Soldier’s Armor is actually the armor of the Knights of Hyrule, and the Knights of Hyrule as seen in the memories are given the freedom to use whichever weapons they want in the same way Link is in Age of Calamity. In fact, Age of Calamity all but confirms this, as the Hylian Captains are depicted almost exclusively using weapons from the Knight’s set, meaning that the knights who use weapons outside of the Knight’s set are a minority.
Speaking of, we also witness the Knights of Hyrule in combat, and we can observe them charging their blade to perform attacks, similar to how Link would when performing a Spin Attack. As we know, the ability to charge one’s blade to perform special sword skills is a technique exclusive to the bloodline of the Knights and has been passed down since antiquity. This shows that the Knights of Hyrule and their techniques still persist in Hyrule even in this far future of the series.
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Tears of the Kingdom
As we move onto the most recent entry into the series at this time, the Knights of Hyrule still hold a presence in the series. Their most prominent appearance is actually the ghostly spirits of knights residing in The Depths, who offer Link weapons. Strangely enough, these ghostly knights most commonly appear under a set of monuments on the surface, which are dedicated to the memory of those who passed in the Great Calamity, the event that occurred 100 years prior that resulted in the fall of Hyrule Kingdom and the deaths of countless people, including a substantial amount of the Knights of Hyrule. 
厄災で失われし御霊 謹んで追悼す-ゼルダ この碑を捧げる-
We respectfully mourn the souls of those lost in the Great Catastrophe. -I, Zelda, dedicate this monument.
Monument (Tears of the Kingdom) - Translated by Sidier
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It’s likely that, given the presence of these spirits under these monuments, that these are spirits of the Knights of Hyrule who had fallen in battle during the Great Calamity 100 years prior, and similar to Four Swords Adventures, the spirits of the knights still desire to aid the Hero in any way they can before passing onto the afterlife. The weapons they offer to Link also vary in origin and culture, again showing that the Knights of Hyrule were not restricted to using any specific weapons in the era of the Breath of the Wild related games.
While we encounter the deceased Knights of Hyrule in the form of their ghosts, we also meet their living descendants. In Breath of the Wild, we encounter a man by the name of Nell at Akkala Citadel.
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We learn that he was a descendant of a member of the Hyrulean military, who died in battle at the siege of Akkala, which resulted in the collapse of the kingdom. Interestingly, Nell is actually wearing a damaged set of Soldier’s Armor. As we learned in Age of Calamity, this is actually the armor of the Knights of Hyrule, and we learn from the description of the armor in Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom that the surviving sets that are undamaged were the ones that went unscathed during the Great Calamity 100 years ago.
あれは アッカレ砦といって大昔 ハイラル王国がまだ健在だったころ…このアッカレ地方を守るために建設されたもので難攻不落の砦と言われていたそれが あの大厄災で ハイラル城が焼かれ王と姫君をなくした ハイラル軍は…なすすべをなくし ここを拠点にして最後の抵抗をしていたそうだだが 暴走したガーディアンの猛攻を止められるわけもなく 結局は陥落した…いわば ここはハイラル王国が滅んだ 最後の地だ [...] 私わたしの先祖せんぞも ここで死しんだと聞きいてな一度いちどは弔とむらいをしたいと 足あしを運はこんだのだが…
It's called Fort Akkale, and it was built a long time ago to protect the Akkale region when the Kingdom of Hyrule was still alive and well. It was said to be an impregnable fortress, but in that Great Catastrophe, Hyrule Castle was burnt down and the king and princess were lost. The Hyrule army, left with nothing to do, apparently used this as their base to make a last stand, but the Guardians went berserk. There was no way to stop the onslaught, and in the end it fell...so to speak, this is the final place where the Kingdom of Hyrule fell. [...] I heard that my ancestors died here, so I came here to offer my condolences...
Nell (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
最前線で戦う兵士のための兜金属製のしっかりした作りで 高い防御力が特徴現存する物は 大厄災時の破損を免れたものである
Helmet for soldiers fighting on the front lines. It is made of metal and has a high defensive strength. The surviving ones were not damaged during the Great Catastrophe.
Flavor text (Breath of the Wild) - Translated by Sidier
 Because of this, we can glean that the armor Nell is wearing was used 100 years ago in the Great Calamity, due to it being damaged. Given that Nell’s armor was used 100 years ago, and he mentions that his ancestor fell in battle against the onslaught of the Calamity, we can deduce that the armor worn by Nell is the armor of his ancestor. As mentioned, the armor is shown to belong to the Knights of Hyrule in Age of Calamity. Therefore, Nell is a member of the Knight’s Family due to being a descendant of a fallen knight. 
However, the connections don’t end there - if we can deduce that Nell is a Knight of Hyrule because of the above, what does that mean for the other characters we see across Tears of the Kingdom who wear ruined armor of the Knights of Hyrule? We see several characters in this entry, such as Sharce, Raseno and Scorpis, wearing damaged versions of the Soldier’s Armor, similar to Nell in Breath of the Wild.
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Given that we can deduce Nell is wearing the armor of his fallen ancestor, we can also reasonably deduce that all of these characters in Tears of the Kingdom are also wearing the armor of their fallen ancestors. This would mean that these specific characters would be descendants of the Knight’s Family, and shows us that, even in the ruined future after the Great Calamity, the Knights of Hyrule have still survived and will undoubtedly flourish again alongside the restoration of Hyrule Kingdom.
Summary of the Knights of Hyrule
Let’s summarize what can be learned from looking at every mainline entry in the series that mentions the Knights of Hyrule.
 The Knights of Hyrule, also known as the Knight’s Family, the Hylian Knights, and the Order of Knights, are a specific bloodline of brave and powerful people who often take up the vocation of knighthood to defend the Royal Family. The Knights of Hyrule faithfully serve the Royal Family, and are given special roles such as protecting the Royal Jewels, helping seal away the Dark Clan from Four Swords Adventures, and protecting the sages in the Imprisoning War. 
The Hero can only appear from this bloodline when either the Royal Family is in danger, or an evil person has acquired the Triforce. This means that all appearances of the Hero are indubitably related by blood. In Skyward Sword, we learn that the Hylian Shield bears the crest of Link’s Crimson Loftwing, representing the Hero and serving as a symbol for him. This shield would later be passed on and known as a shield associated with the Knights of Hyrule, and Breath of the Wild establishes that for one to be the Hero, you must have the blood of the Hero in your veins. This would mean by necessity that Skyward Sword Link was the progenitor of the Knights’ bloodline, and the Knights of Hyrule both begin and end with the Hero.
The Knights of Hyrule also pass down special sword techniques within their family, with the most prominent of them being the Spin Attack and the Great Spin Attack, which only the other Knights of Hyrule are capable of inheriting. It’s suggested that the skills are innate to their bloodline, as some Links are capable of performing these skills without ever being formally taught. Some attacks such as the Quick Spin are associated with them, but we know that it is not exclusive to them. 
The Knights of Hyrule can also be twisted into demonic monsters, as seen by the appearance of Darknuts, who are capable of performing techniques associated with the Knights of Hyrule as seen in The Wind Waker, and are associated with the Knight’s Crest, a symbol which is associated with the Knights of Hyrule as seen in Four Swords Adventures.
In the later era of the timeline, after the Imprisoning War in the backstory of A Link to the Past, the Knights of Hyrule were almost rendered extinct due to the mass casualties they suffered while protecting the sages. However, as seen in games like Oracle of Ages, their ranks are slowly building back up. In the distant future of the series, in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom, we see that the Knights of Hyrule have persisted through history all the way to the present day of Hyrule, a testament to their unyielding loyalty to the Royal Family and unbreakable courage against the Demon Tribe.
Certain specific appearances of the Knights of Hyrule include: the Bumpkin family in A Link to the Past; the Hyrulean Knights in Oracle of Seasons; the ghostly Knights of Hyrule who are freed by the Links in Four Swords Adventures; the Blade Brothers in The Minish Cap; the Hero’s Spirit in Twilight Princess; and the Knights of Hyrule, both dead and alive, present in Breath of the Wild, Age of Calamity, and Tears of the Kingdom. Also, every appearance of Link in the series constitutes an appearance of the Knights, as the Hero can only appear from within their family.
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rasalicious · 6 months
What if Nintendo will never acknowledge Imp Midna ever again because they realized making her so sexy was a mistake.
Nah that won’t happen, I mean they don’t care for how sexy some Splatoon characters are:”Marina~” So they would definitely don’t hold back Midna’s sexappeal
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akakay31 · 3 months
So much for Legends Celebi or B3W3, lmao.
But for real, before anyone starts theorizing about ultimate weapons or ancient wars in Pokémon Legends ZA, there are a few important things to consider first:
1. The game will be set entirely in Lumiose City.
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A bit disappointing, though Lumiose is already a big place, and it’ll only be bigger now that it’s the central focus. A smaller scope will also probably mean a higher-quality product in the end, too. Though it does makes me wonder how catching wild Pokémon will work within an urban city. Maybe the game will be more battle-focused, as opposed to the catching-focused Legends Arceus.
2. The game will (almost certainly) not be about the events of 3,000 years ago.
If it wasn’t already obvious by the limited setting, Legends ZA will most likely have little to do with the events of the ancient war and ultimate weapon. If it’s anything like Legends Arceus, Legends ZA will instead be set in a period based on the latter half of the 19th century, soon after the invention of Poké Balls. Anything set before this period would predate the invention of Poké Balls, and thus have to have drastic changes to its gameplay, which is something I just don’t see happening.
And we know that Legends Arceus is set during the mid-to-late 1800s because of the events it is based on, i.e. the Japanese annexation of Hokkaido in 1869, as well as the subsequent colonization efforts.
Similarly, we can guess that Legends ZA will be set during this same period because of the event it is seemingly based on, Georges-Eugène Haussmann’s renovation of Paris from 1850 to 1870.
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For those unaware, Haussmann’s renovation was an urban renewal project, commissioned by Emperor Napoleon III, that included the demolition of old medieval neighborhoods, the annexation of surrounding suburbs, the construction of new sewers, etc. The renovation was extremely unpopular, what with the whole bulldozing thousands of houses and replacing them with standardized streets and buildings thing, resulting in Haussmann’s dismissal in 1870. However, work on his plans continued until 1927, and ultimately are what made Paris what it is today.
While Legends ZA likely won’t go too far into the nitty-gritty of the real-world events, knowing what the game will be drawing from is essential for any speculation on what we can expect to see.
In fact, using this same method, we can probably even guess what future Legends games will be like by looking for historical events during the mid-to-late 1800s period. Take Unova, for example, which could…
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Oh no.
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paulthebukkit · 1 year
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I wonder...
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prisiidon · 2 years
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NO NO NONO NO NOT SILENT REALMS- not spirit vessel tears again I’m not strong enough. it’s probs somthn else like fuel but i have lasting fear dfhjfdhjf
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el-pada · 8 months
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ok theory rambling time, shoutout to the 3 people that will see this
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gay-for-the-moon · 1 year
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This is the single illustration of the ancient Interlopers that we have pretty much at all. It’s from the Twilight Princess manga. The Interlopers, or the Dark Interlopers as they’re sometimes called, were powerful magic users who tried to take control of the Sacred Realm and were subsequently banished. Banished to the Twilight Realm.
The Interlopers became the Twili. And I think the Zonai were the Interlopers.
We don’t know much about the Zonai, but we do know two things: They were “strong magic wielders” (from the Zelda fandom wiki), and they disappeared. The stories match.
And honestly, what better way to subvert the theme of an endless cycle of light versus dark than to explore the people who discovered the in-between?
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revo-depresso · 8 months
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powdermelonkeg · 2 months
Theory that solves(?) "founding of Hyrule" timeline inconsistencies:
Origin of Hyrule no. 1: Skyward Sword. Zelda, Link, and the Skylians settle the surface world at the game's conclusion. Notably, their dress looks nothing like the Zonai era.
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Origin of Hyrule no. 2: Tears of the Kingdom. Rauru and Sonia are the king and queen who founded Hyrule. Notably, Zonai mechanisms and architecture greatly resemble the pre-Skyward-Sword-era Lanayru mining tech and symbolism, though Skyward Sword's art direction is more cartoony than TotK, so that has to be taken into account.
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That's where it gets cyclical. If TotK's forgotten era came first, then:
Zonai influence should be ALL OVER Skyloft
The Gerudo should not exist, because they're (implied to be) descended from Groose, a Skylian; at the very least, there should have been a whole Gerudo culture in the Sky
Where did the Secret Stones go?
We should have seen Zeldra flying around in the sky, let alone Dinraal, Farosh, and Naydra
But if Skyward Sword came before all things Zonai, then:
The Lanayru Mining Facility (assuming it to be Zonai in origin) should not exist
Hyrule should have already been founded by Rauru's time
Of the two, Skyward Sword being first on the wild surface makes more sense. But if that's the case, there are even more questions:
Where did the Secret Stones come from? Are we to believe that Hylia gave them to the Zonai, since the Golden Trio have already left the Triforce and departed?
What about the Zonai themselves? They supposedly descended from the heavens. Were they just up so high that the Skylians couldn't find them? Did Hylia cleave the ground twice? Did they spontaneously appear up there like mice in grain bins?
Why is there a whole Temple of Time with bells that Rauru, one of two of the LAST of his species, woke up and went to sleep to? In fact, why is there an entire kingdom's worth of structures already built before the Sky Reckoning?
My solution:
The Zonai did exist pre-Skyward Sword, and did descend down from the sky ages ago. They built the Lanayru Mining Facility, utilizing the power of Timeshift Stones in their work. This is not Rauru and Mineru's era.
The Zonai are among the people that stay behind to fight Demise alongside Hylia, while the Skylians were sent up to Skyloft. The people of the Surface are entrusted with the Secret Stones as weapons against Demise, with the caveat that they keep them hidden. That's why they're called Secret Stones despite being well-known to Ganondorf in TotK, it was PARAMOUNT that Demise not know he could get any stronger.
The war ends. Just about every civilization is obliterated by it. The Zonai retreat as far from Demise's seal as they can to lick their wounds. They take the sages' Secret Stones with them, so as to not be caught unawares and lose them to Demise when he eventually reemerges.
Skyward Sword.
The evil is defeated, the Skylians come down to the Surface. That's the signal that it's safe to return now. Shortly after the Skylians officially start to settle, the Zonai, who know how things work, help them build a proper civilization.
Time passes. The Surface is officially a bunch of scattered clans with varying degrees of territory. People are content, though nothing is particularly efficient. The Skylians take on Zonai fashion and building styles as generations pass. The Zonai themselves dwindle.
Rauru, married to the leader of the Hylians, looks to unite the scattered clans under one banner in the name of prosperity and shared resources, idolizing the pre-Skyward era where the gods walked the land. He and Sonia officially name the place Hyrule, and any clan that signs treaty with them is considered within its borders. Mineru, meanwhile, has made her first construct models based on the Lanayru Mine Robots of old, which add to the appeal of joining Hyrule as its subkingdom territories.
Tears of the Kingdom, Zelda's first 12 memories.
Between the Master Sword going back in time and Zeldra's ascent, Zelda and Mineru get to work with as many constructs as possible to protect the Sky Isles they plan to send upwards. They need a TON of Zonaite, and recycling is a priority, leading to the gachapon machines.
Zelda knows enough about her kingdom that she knows where the land is particularly rich is where the people of her time settled, and Zonaite is shown to enrich soil greatly. This is why all the old Zonaite mines are underneath the towns in modern Hyrule, despite changing geography through other eras, and Tarrey Town's new-ness.
Zelda ascends.
The secretive Sheikah clan, having seen the Blood Moon's rise when the Demon King took power, realize that Demise isn't, in fact, all gone. They decide this means that their job serving Hylia isn't truly done, and return to help the fledgling kingdom as best they can. They bring the knowledge of the Master Sword of Skyward Sword days with them.
Ganondorf first shakes the seal he's under without form, leading to the first Calamity and the initial rise of Calamity Ganon. This is 10k years before BotW. This is also the first documented use of the Master Sword to seal the Demon King away, recorded in the tapestry.
The Sheikah are forced to abandon their technology. The Yiga/Sheikah split happens.
Literally all the rest of Hyrulean History happens after this.
Breath of the Wild.
Tears of the Kingdom.
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maddeningtrash · 19 days
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Happy lesbian visibility week!
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retrogamingblog2 · 1 year
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pastelaeqy · 1 year
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second chances
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ghostbny · 8 months
”Oh? Just how long are you planning on keeping this up? We both have forever.”
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“Then you will be forever disappointed.”
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ness-illustration · 1 year
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I think I’ve seen this film before…
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weareswords · 1 year
Zelda fans losing our minds over Ganondorf returning, Zelda becoming Hylia, the Zonai tribe origins, and the potential infinite time loop
Polygon: HUMMUS
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crewtawn · 4 months
Now that Matpat is retiring I can happily say that I hated him. He held transphobic views, consistantly misgendered cannonically trans characters, donated to anti-autistic charities, and villanized/stygmatized mental illnesses.
You were all too busy sucking his dick to realize it, but he doubled down on the things he said, never apologized for half of the abhorent things he said, and his fans consistantly harrassed people who disagreed with his theories or called him out.
MOST OF THIS SHIT ISNT EVEN OUT OF CONTEXT IN THESE VIDEOS; like op says in the description, probably because people were harrassing them. AND IN CONTEXT ITS STILL BAD.
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