#non alcoholic spiced drink
runea-enchanted · 10 months
Manta's Cider (Apples and Pears welcome!)
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Today, late summer is when pears are beginning to be at their best for cider- and I think it's worth taking advantage of. And, I, am your local broke- artist that loves a good spiced drink. This is a non-alcoholic cider, that I tailor to my personal needs. The ingredients list includes a lot of spices you would traditionally add to a spiced drink, but I have some important reasonings for a couple that I include. 5 pears (with seeds and stems removed) 3 apples-I use what I have, so obviously taste will vary, this was made with granny smith, chances are, I'll post variants in the future as I experiment. (with core/stems removed) Today, late summer is when pears are beginning to be at their best for cider- and I think it's worth taking advantage of. And, I, am your local broke- artist that loves a good spiced drink. This is a non-alcoholic cider, that I tailor to my personal needs. The ingredients list includes a lot of spices you would traditionally add to a spiced drink, but I have some important reasonings for a couple that I include. Ingredients (This is a grimoire.-you're getting my commentary, but so you can sift through it easily, I've bolded the amounts for you.)
5 pears (with seeds and stems removed)
3 apples-I use what I have, so obviously taste will vary, this was made with granny smith, chances are, I'll post variants in the future as I experiment. (with core/stems removed)
Turmeric (1/4 tsp) - For joint health, and anti-inflammation, I include this in a lot of my cooking, because as an artist- my wrist starts to hurt if I work and neglect the need to upkeep my wrist's health. So for any of us working with our hands- keep this in mind.
Ginger Root, freshly grated (1 tsp)- another anti-inflammatory choice, but also for flavor. Add more if you're prone to needing your stomach soothed.
Cayenne *the smallest- SMALLEST pinch of this, I don't measure it, because like...it's a pinch. You shouldn't but barely taste it, you should at most feel the olfactory sensory input.
Cloves 1tbsp- I would recommend whole cloves, but if you're me and everything on hand is ground- fine. Ground it is! (I am not here to pretend to be an aesthetic blogger with my shit together. I'm a girlie that likes fall drinks and fun drawings, mmkay?)
Cinnamon 4 cinnamon sticks or 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
Vanilla, 2 tsp (or one vanilla bean pod, split. In this house, we discovered buying vanilla beans from a coop is an option TODAY, so we used vanilla extract here. In the future, I'll update this drink with me using vanilla bean pods instead.
2 teaspoons all spice
1/4 tbsp star anise
1/4 cup maple syrup
1tbsp honey (yet another intentional anti-inflammatory ingredient)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp of lemon juice (another one in here for our tummy ache sufferers)
10 cups water
Place your fruit, sugar, and spices into a large pot, and add water. Put the mixture on medium high heat.
Bring mixture to a boil, uncovered, for 1 hour. (Keep an eye on it and stir it occassionally during this time! You don't want it to boil over!)
(After One Hour)After a bit, you'll want to mash using the back of a wooden spoon, or a potato masher to release the juices and flavors, the fruit will be exceptionally tender then and it will be easy- be careful not to overfill your pot in the earlier phase, otherwise you will be making a hot spiced splash zone.
Next, Reduce heat to low and allow it to simmer for 2 hours
Strain mixture using a mesh sieve, or a cheese cloth. I use a sieve. I need to invest in a cheese cloth.
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bakerstable · 2 years
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Homemade Spiced Apple Cider
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bluesidez · 2 months
The Love Lab presents:
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One Bite for You, One Bite for Me
pairing: Miguel O’Hara x AFAB!Reader
summary: One of the things you and Miguel bond over is delicious food. One day, you notice that your clothes aren’t fitting like they used to. Miguel is there to remind you how beautiful you are.
content warning: established relationship but they’re not married, 18+ so MDNI, non-Spiderman Miguel, LOTS OF MENTIONS OF FOOD AND DRINKS, weight gain, cycles, insecurity about body, alcohol, body worship, unprotected p in v sex (wrap it up 🫵🏾), cunnilingus, lots of praise, a little Spanish (if wrong please lmk)
credit for art + dividers: Me! + @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
a/n: This is actually the first fic I wrote when my Miguel hyperfixation came back in full force. I based it off of this video and a comment saying that girls are usually the ones that gain weight super quick in a relationship. Please know that gaining weight is not a bad thing, especially in this story. Relationship weight can be positive and food is here to nourish your body! Also know that everyone’s body is different. Our bodies will react to things in different, unique ways. If you’re ever feeling icky about your weight/health, please take a step back, breathe, and know that you’re beautiful no matter what. There are also sources out there that can help you if your thoughts overpower your heart. Please don’t hesitate to seek help.
word count: 4.3k
To all my food-lovers and fellow plus-size girlies, kisses to you! You’re beautiful!
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You grinned as you heard Miguel’s shout from the front door. His voice had a giddy tilt as if he made a breakthrough in one of his projects.
“I was finally able to stop by the new Jamaican spot before they sold out and look what I got us,” Miguel says before he slides the take-out bags across the table. “Ribs, oxtails, rice and beans, mac, and your favorite…fried plantains!”
You quickly untie the bags, happy to have a break from your research paper, and immediately get hit with the smell of spices both sweet and savory. “Oh my god! That looks incredible.”
After frantically digging around for a plastic fork, you were finally able to pull a piece of meat off the oxtail. It looked mouth-watering and tender. One bite of the meat and you’re immediately groaning, slumped in your chair. You nod your head and scrunch your face, watching as the juice from the gravy soaks into the pieces of rice stuck at the bottom of the take-out plate.
“That is so fucking good, Mig. No wonder there’s never any combos left by the time you leave work.”
Miguel just watches you eat with a glint in his eyes, happy to see you so relaxed and enjoying the food. He reaches into the second bag, pulling out two bottles of juice, “And to make it better, I got their fruit juice, made fresh daily-”
“Passionfruit and mango flavor!” Your eyes got big as you jumped up and wrapped your arms around his neck. He knew how much of a juice fanatic you were, so this drink was just the cherry on top of the large ice cream sundae that was your generous boyfriend.
“Thank you, baby,” you giggled and gave his cheek a fat smooch. You patted his chest twice and moved back to set up the table, “Now, hurry and wash up so we can eat this before it gets cold! We’ve got shows to watch.”
“Entendido, I’ll be right back”
You and Miguel were walking hand in hand along the Cancun Hotel Zone, taking in all the sights. Miguel’s job had given him a promotion along with an extremely high bonus, so what better way to celebrate than to use his PTO and bring the love of his life on vacation?
Granted, the area you guys were currently in was a little touristy, borderline bougie, but it was all worth it when Miguel got to see your eyes light up as you watched the turquoise waves fade into white foam along the shoreline.
You wobbled a bit while clinging to Miguel’s side, a little tipsy from the frozen paloma you drank to pair with today’s lunch. It was a waterfront restaurant with a live band so the vibes were just right for a little bit of liquid fun.
The downside was that the two of you were supposed to meet up with Miguel’s family later that evening and while you were fine with the confidence boost you were sporting, you wanted to be more alert when speaking with loved ones. Plus, you needed to give a good impression to the relatives you hadn’t met yet. It will be nice to put a face to the names of Miguel’s childhood.
“What do you say we stop and get some ice cream?” Miguel suggested, chuckling at you when you grinned up at him, ecstatic over the proposed plan.
“You know me so well,” you said, arms reaching around his waist, face squished into the side of his chest. “I would absolutely love some ice cream. Cool me down from the inside.”
Miguel chuckled and kissed the top of your head. You were especially cute when you got like this.
“Baby, check this out,” Miguel shouted, finally returning to your table with your food.
The fair was packed full of people, especially due to the pop-up food truck festival happening that same week. You had never seen more people run to get fried turnip greens and loaded fries in your life.
Still, this was just another chance to hang out with Miguel. You really didn’t care where you went with him, as long as you got to see that pretty smile.
You look down at the table and see what he brought back. Before your eyes sat the most un-Miguel order ever: birria pizza and two walking tacos, one Hot Cheetos and the other Dorritos.
“Dorilocos, Miguel. Really?” you raised an eyebrow watching him try to steady the open chip bags over some spread-out napkins.
“Amor, don’t look at me like that! I had to get them because Gabriel kept talking my ear off about this new food truck that made them better than the ones we used to eat on our trips back home. I, for one, don’t believe that for a second, so what better way to test that theory than to eat it with my baby?” Miguel gave the saddest look he could muster and slid his hand across the table, trying to convince you to indulge with him.
“Fine, fine. Don’t give me that look,” you say, pulling off a slice of the pizza, making the cheese stretch as long as you can. “Just don’t complain to me from the bathroom while your stomach fights to digest something it hasn’t had in over a decade!”
Miguel pursed his lips while shoveling as much food as he could on one Doritto, “Shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? That’s a lot of cheese, babe.”
“Oh my god, some queso tears up my stomach one time and you can’t let that go, can you?”
“It was once and yet you were in agony about it for days. I think I’m allowed to remind you at least monthly.”
“Just eat your food and leave me and my iron stomach alone. We’ll see what happens between today and tomorrow,” you quip, pulling your phone out ready to record Miguel’s reaction to send to Gabriel.
Miguel takes a bite and just leans against the table, head slumped on his clean head.
“Dios mio, he was right. This can’t be happening,” he groaned, slightly annoyed that Gabriel wasn’t exaggerating. He was also shocked at the fact that someone even came close to getting the local snack right.
You giggled behind your phone, happy that his reaction worked in your favor. You zoomed in a little more on his face, capturing him smacking his lips and licking off excess sauce. He was so zoned in on his food that he didn’t even notice you with your phone up.
“Is it good, Mig?” you asked, mirth in your voice.
He looked at you ready to answer but his eyes snapped to your camera and started to whine, “Amor, please stop recording!”
With a small smile, you made sure to add the video to your folder full of Miguel. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. You just look so cute, I couldn’t help it.”
Miguel just mumbled to himself while stacking up another chip, neck heated over the interaction. “Here, just try this,” he said, holding a nacho close to your mouth.
You opened your mouth, just barely getting the chip in. Cupping your hand under your head, you begin to hum, the flavors all tangy, spicy, and savory. “I don’t know what your childhood Dorilocos tasted like, but this is really freaking good.”
“Just know that this one is only slightly better. By 0.00001% to be exact,” he said, rubbing sauce off of the corner of your lips and licking it off. The movement was muscle memory for him as he always liked to watch your face when you ate food, especially when it came to any nostalgic or homecooked dishes you never tried before. It warmed his heart to see you find comfort in his favorite foods.
“Well, I can tell you it’s 100% better than the ‘Taco Tuesday’ luncheon my job hosted last month. Nothing but unseasoned ground beef, endless black olives, and store-bought guacamole for two hours,” you respond, shuddering at the memory of soppy taco shells and your coworkers complaining about how spicy the mild salsa was.
“On second thought, this is absolutely a step up. Was the guacamole name brand at least?” He asked, peering up at you with a twist on his lips.
“I’m pretty sure it was a grocery store brand, so no.”
You were at your apartment in your bed, completely covered under the comforter with a fluffy blanket on top.
It was snowing heavily outside and you were freezing. However, your heater tended to make your apartment feel like a sauna, so you kept snatching the blanket off only to put it back on minutes later. Plus, your cycle was here. Your cramps left you lying on your side, rolling back and forth between the cool side of the bed and the warm side.
Physically, you were exhausted, but mentally, you knew you had so much to get done.
Christmas was just around the corner but you still had so many presents left to buy and wrap. Your job was doing the dreaded Secret Santa gift exchange and you were stuck wondering what gift would appeal to the stuck-up director in the accounting department.
You and Miguel were also hosting a small Christmas party amongst your friends, and there was still food left to buy. To top it all off, you were worried about your gift for Miguel, wondering if a silly little apron saying “Kiss me, I’m Irish” would hide the fact that you spent a ridiculous amount of money on some new tech he was eyeing.
You heard the apartment door open and close.
Knowing it was Miguel, you groan out dramatically.
He opens the bedroom door and peaks inside, “Baby?”
You just groan out again, “Everything hurts, Miggy.”
He comes up to bed and sits on the edge, “I know, amor. I’m sorry.” He bends down to kiss your head. “Want me to plug up the heat pack?”
“Yeah,” you say, leaning into his hands. When he gets up to grab the pack, you whine at his absence.
“I know, I know. I’m coming back,” he says, voice soothing.
Instead of turning the pack on, he removes your covers and sits back down on the edge. You shiver a little bit and he’s quick to cover your body with his, rubbing the top of your head as he kisses your temple.
“Are you feeling too bad to eat something for me?” Miguel asks, the timber of his voice settling you.
You shake your head and lean in closer to him.
“I think I want some food,” you reply, squeezing his body. “I haven’t eaten anything yet.”
Miguel tuts as he sits up and pulls you up with him, “That’s no good, baby. You have to eat so you can feel better. Your body needs it.”
You groan again and put your face in his neck, not wanting to move.
“Come on,” Miguel says, rubbing you from your back to your leg. “I got you some soup and a grilled cheese.”
“Did you get the stuff for the hot chocolate bar? For the party?” you whisper.
“Mm hm. Jumbo marshmallows included.”
You nuzzle his neck before you look at him, “Carry me to the kitchen?”
He makes a swift move to wrap your legs around his body and hike you up.
He gets up and holds you close, heading to the kitchen, “Let’s get some food in you, yeah?”
The short spring break trip that Miguel surprised you with has been lovely. Miguel woke you with kisses down your body, taking you to the hilt with his mouth alone. You had to muffle your cries as to not disturb the neighbors in the inn. As his tongue danced inside of you, you gripped his hair with one hand and his head with your thighs. Miguel wouldn’t want it any other way.
After his first course, Miguel treated you to breakfast on the balcony. You two enjoyed looking over the horizon as you ate yogurt parfaits and fluffy omelets.
Later on, the two of you enjoyed a few tours of the vineyard and the city. The sights were beyond compare and the atmosphere was serene.
“Thank you so much for this Miguel,” you say, interrupting the silence.
“Anything for my lady,” he says back. “You’re doing great work this semester so you need the break.” Miguel stopped and turned to you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You leaned up and kissed him, hands warm on the sides of his face.
You both started to makeout for so long that Miguel forgot about the massage he had planned for you before tonight’s farm-to-table dinner.
Needless to say, he laid you out on your bed and oiled your body down. Your head was in your arms as rubbed his hands up and down your back. His hands were heaven and you felt like puddy by the time he flipped you over.
After he massaged your inner thighs he pounded you into the mattress. Something you’re sure the hired masseuse would never be able to do.
Miguel joked and called it the Miguel Magic Massage when you asked if he offered this special regularly. The price? Being his cariño, his amor, his sweetheart.
By the time dinner started, you were glowing. You felt adored and the courses were amazing.
Miguel made sure everyone knew you were his. His hand never left your thigh the entire meal, staring down the older men sitting at the end table who were looking a little too long at the dip of your dress.
You were oblivious, feeding Miguel bites occasionally and humming at how fresh and delicious everything was.
After the last course was over, the men came to you all’s side of the table quickly. All of them started to make conversation with you, plugging in their businesses, and stuffing their business cards in your hands.
It was as if Miguel was invisible. He scowls deeper when they let out hearty laughs at something you said.
“Are you fellas here with your wives?” Miguel asked loudly, completely irritated. “My wife and I have really enjoyed our time here. It’s a beautiful place for couples.”
Some of the men went red in the face flustered at Miguel catching their scheme. Others just scowled, pissed off at being interrupted.
None of them could answer his question.
You looked at Miguel, eyes heavy and relaxed.
“You gentlemen have a great night,” you said, putting your hand in Miguel’s as he guided you to the exit.
“Your wife, huh?” you asked, core on fire. It was hot watching Miguel get so worked up over you.
“Baby, they were looking at you like you were some fresh meat. Like I wasn’t even sitting there,” he grumbled.
“One of them already offered to bring me on a cruise. He’s staying right next to us,” you say, standing outside your room as Miguel swipes his card at the door. You walked your fingers up his chest, heated over the grit you could see from his profile.
He was oh so upset.
“He’s next to us? Right here?” Miguel asked, voice low.
You nodded as you bit your lip, arm around his neck.
Miguel picked you up and dragged you to the bed. You giggled a little to yourself as he plopped you down. Mission accomplished. Silently, you thank those older men. If it weren’t for their overconfidence, Miguel wouldn’t have been tearing at your clothes like he us right now.
Miguel kept you up almost that whole night, making sure that the neighbors heard your cries. Those old geezers were sure to know his name by the next morning. Buying you a ring wasn’t enough. He needed a bat.
It was all worth it to see the tired and flushed looks of their faces when you all checked out the next day.
“What the fuck,” you mumble, looking down at the pair of jeans you were trying to put on.
It was early morning. You had a family reunion that you and Miguel would take a bit of a drive to get to.
You made sure that everything was packed the following night. Some clothes to stay for a few days, a few snacks for the road, a book for you to catch up on, and even a crossword puzzle book for Miguel.
You planned ahead. You were diligent. So why is it that when everything else is going right, your pants decide not to button up?
You pulled at the flaps once more, trying your hardest to connect the button with the hole. It fails as they slip from your grasp. You try again, sucking in your stomach as much as you could. You get the button to snap in this time, but it’s digging unbearably into your skin. The zipper fights against you as you try to pull it up.
You huff out in frustration and the pants snap open again.
Defeated, you let out a watery sigh and look in the mirror.
Your stomach was bigger than you last remembered, fupa a little more prominent. Your thighs were also a little thicker, the jeans hugging them a little tight. Your breasts looked a little big in your shirt. The family name stretches a bit more across your bust than the original design intended. Even your face was a little chubbier than normal. When was the last time your jaw was like this? High school?
When did you get like this?
You felt your throat start to burn, a sob building in your system. You’ve always been fine with your body, loving the dips and curves. Adoring your flaws and finding beauty in what society decides is not worthy.
You knew this. You knew that you were beautiful. Why was it so hard to get that thought into your conscience?
You felt the tears roll down as you peeled the jeans off of your legs. They were especially tight at your hips and you wondered how you even forced them past in the first place.
You didn’t know what to do. It was so hot outside, so you needed something comfortable, but those jeans…you had your mind set to wear those jeans.
You rummage through your closet in frustration, pushing and pulling the clothes across the rack.
By the time Miguel found you, you were squatting in the closet, hot tears covering your face.
“Babe, it’s been almost 30 minutes and we need to head out before the work traffic starts-”
Miguel stopped in the doorway as he noticed the state of the closet, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? ¿Que pasó, cariño?”
You wipe furiously at your face, sniffling loud as you hear Miguel push clothes to the side to get to you.
“My pants don’t fit. I don’t think anything else will fit either,” you say, stuttering out your words as Miguel gets to your side.
You let him pull you up into a standing position. You felt defeated.
Miguel looked at you and wiped away the tears that you missed. You feel horrible as your face scrunches up again, tears forming in your eyes.
“No, no, no,” Miguel says, hugging you close. “Listen to me. I know that this feels like a lot, but this is normal. Your body will always change with you. You’re still the same beautiful, gorgeous woman I met years ago and that’s not changing because you got some extra hips, baby.”
“But Miguel,” you say, voice so sad. “I feel like I just got those pants. And. Nothing else in here goes with this shirt. I’m scared that nothing else will fit-”
“And if that’s the case, I’ll buy you new clothes,” Miguel says, pressing kisses over your face. “If these clothes mean that much to you, I’ll take you to the gym. Let me work out with you, but until then, I’m loving your body as is.”
You stare at Miguel, heart beating at his revelation. He stared right back at you, daring you to question or challenge his words.
“Don’t beat yourself up over something like this. If anyone has ever let you feel insecure about your body, they’re an ass, let me deal with them. If I ever do anything to make you feel insecure, tell me. Yell at me. Question me, because as far as I’m concerned, that’s not me.”
He hiked you up on the closet island in the middle of the room. You shiver a bit as your naked legs hit the wood.
He leans closer, placing his hands on the side of you, “Now, let’s think. Don’t you have a pair of cargo shorts that match the ones I’m wearing right now?”
You whisper out a yes.
“Would you be ok with wearing those? I’m sure they fit perfectly.”
You say yes again, head leaning onto his. You could accessorize it perfectly. It would make a great couple’s look.
Miguel knew this much, he just had to get you to see it.
“I love you, ok?” he says, voice clear.
“I love you, too. Thank you,” you say.
“Anything for my girl,” Miguel says. “My beautiful girl. She’s just for me. I can’t believe it.”
Your heart beats faster as he starts to kiss down your body.
“Her face is so lovely.” A kiss to your cheek and your lips.
“She’s always working so hard.” A kiss to your neck and your collarbone. He pulls your shirt over your head.
“She makes me so happy.” A suck to your breasts as he unclasps your bra.
“Her body is beyond comparison.” A trail of kisses down your stomach, your belly twitching as his breath twinkles on along your skin. “Soft. Amazing. Irresistible.”
“Her thighs are my earmuffs.” A caress to your inner thighs. Your legs snap a bit, ticklish at his ministrations.
“Miguel?” you whimper out.
“I have to relax you before this ride. Can’t have you upset,” he says, kissing his way up your thighs to your panties. “May I?”
You nod your head, fingers grasping at nothing but then a flat surface.
Miguel was swift. He pulled your underwear down and kissed at your clit. You could only hold tight as he pulled your body forward and dove in.
It wasn’t long before you were shaking like a leaf. Miguel sucked at you for minutes, pulling a long orgasm out of your system.
He kneaded your thighs as you trembled around his tongue, humming as your legs squeezed tighter. That was the queue for him to go further, so he added his fingers to the mix, moving his mouth up so that his fingers could pump in and out of you.
It took all of your strength not to let your body drop off the other side of the island.
“Miggy, please,” you wailed. You wanted more.
Miguel looked up at you whining above him. You pull your legs up, holding your hands under your thighs, practically begging for him.
Miguel kissed up your body again. He was swift with removing his clothes. You still had to have these clothes fresh for later and Miguel was about to wear you out.
He moved to push himself inside of you, grunting as you gripped him.
He replaced your hands with his and pulled your legs up by his head. You balanced yourself on the island as he slowly started to thrust.
“So good. Just for me,” Miguel said, watching as your body moved with his movement. “Perfect. And all mine.”
You remained quiet, whimpering softly as he dragged against you.
“You heard me, hermosa?” Miguel said. “You’re beautiful. C’mon. Say it for me.”
“I’m,” you stopped, mind foggy. You didn’t know how you were supposed to respond when he was going so deep.
“Say it.”
You cried out as he snapped harder, “I’m beautiful.”
“That’s right baby,” Miguel praises you, bending further to give you a kiss. “So amazing.”
He praised you until you finished, squeezing at any of you that he got his hands. By the time he was done, your arms felt like jelly from holding you up.
He carried you to the bathroom for a quick shower, never stopping his reassurances of you.
You guys made it in the car an hour and a half off schedule, but it was worth it for the uplifted way you carried yourself throughout the day.
It was worth it to see you happy and healthy.
By the time you made it to the reunion, it was like you were born anew. You greeted your family with smiles and laughter. Miguel couldn’t help but to cheese watching you do your thing.
He felt his heart soar as you caught up with family. Your smile was the biggest as you were out on the floor line dancing your heart out. He was right up behind you when Outstanding came on. The song was really a declaration of how he felt about you.
You giggled as he crooned in your ear.
“You light my fire,” he sang, swinging your hips in time with his.
“I feel alive with you, baby,” he spins you around to him, a smile on his face.
“You blow my mind,” he pulled you out and back in.
“I’m satisfied,” you squeal as he spins you in the air and puts you back down to keep dancing.
Outstanding. You really knock him out.
Another season where Miguel adored you more.
Another season where Miguel wanted you to be forever his.
Another season where he made sure he fed you well.
Another season of you making his heart pound.
Another season of your love reaching to the fullest.
Miguel was excited for the next season with you.
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As always, I hope you enjoyed reading! 💗
Any likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated. Let me know how you feel! 🥺🧁
Until next time,
-Lauro 💗
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themodernwitchsguide · 6 months
altars for greek gods (pt.2)
this post includes zeus, hera, poseidon, hestia, hephaestus, dionysus, ares, demeter, and athena. for part 1 including hades, persephone, artemis, apollo, aphrodite, hermes, and hekate click here.
keep in mind that typical offerings to any god includes meat, wine, grain (usually barley), honey, and incense (myrrh and frankincense would be period appropriate), but i'm listing some specific offerings that can be given if you'd like
colors can be used for candles, banners, decor, whatever you want
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Colors: white, blue, and grey for association with the heavens, yellow and black for association with storms. gold because he's the King of the Gods
Offerings: rain water, oak, olives/olive branches/olive leaves, vervain, cinnamon, laurel. images of himself or lightning bolts are particularly recommended for Zeus
Crystals: diamonds, gold (i think pyrite, aka fool's gold, would be offensive), turquoise, lapis lazuli, celestite, iron/steel, any quartz
Animals: eagle, bull
Colors: blue and white for association with the seas, gray for association with storms, brown for association with the earth/earthquakes
Offerings: coffee, mint, ocean water, salt, seashells
Crystals: coral, petoskey stone, abalone, opal (especially water opal), blue calcite, aquamarine
Animals: horse, bull, dolphin, hippocampus
Colors: red, pink and white for association with love and marriage. gold because she's the Queen of the Gods.
Offerings: iris, rose, patchouli, coconut, cypress, maple, peacock feathers, pomegranate
Crystals: pearls, garnet, citrine, diamonds, lapis lazuli, topaz, opal, moonstone, rose quartz
Animals: peacock, cuckoo, cow
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, brown or white for the hearth/home.
Offerings: tea/coffee (especially if you drink it with her), pine, bread, cider, apples, anything on fire, cinnamon
Crystals: amber, jade, garnet, ruby, carnelian, sunstone, amethyst, honey calcite
Animals: donkey, pig, crane
Colors: red, orange, and yellow for association with fire, metallics for association with metalworking.
Offerings: spicy things, hot beverages, handmade things, dragon's blood incense, seashells, anything on fire
Crystals: metals, fire opal, honey calcite, obsidian, hematite, carnelian
Animals: donkey, dog, crane
Colors: purple and green for association with grapes/wine, leopard/tiger print for his holy animals
Offerings: grapes (or any derivative), alcohol, cinnamon, ivy, pinecones. there's a particular emphasis on non-physical offerings with dionysus, like playing music, partying or sex/masturbation
Crystals: grape agate, leopard jasper, crazy lace agate, tiger's eye, garnet, rose or rutilated quartz, amethyst, jade
Animals: panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent, dolphin
Colors: red and purple for association with war
Offerings: spicy things, yarrow, chocolate, basil, cinnamon
Crystals: bloodstone, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, metals, obsidian, carnelian
Animals: eagle owl, barn owl, poisonous snakes, boar, vulture
Colors: green, brown, and yellow for association with the earth/harvest. black for her ruthlessness
Offerings: oats and grain, anything baked, flowers, spices (like cinnamon or cloves, allspice is good too), leaves that have begun to change colors for fall, mint, poppy
Crystals: jade, tree/moss agate, carnelian, amber, aventurine, rutilated quartz
Animals: serpent, farm animals (especially pig), gecko, turtle-dove
Colors: white and grey/silver for association with wisdom. red for association with war
Offerings: anything handmade, olives/olive oil/olive branches/olive leaves, snake shed, cedar, cypress, cinnamon
Crystals: metals, celestite, fluorite, lapis lazuli, bloodstone, obsidian, iolite
Animals: snakes and owls
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cambion-companion · 1 year
“Just let me finish this and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.” (144) lets get down to bussines
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Part 2 of "Spray of Blood"
Word count: 2724
reader gets lost trying to run back to King's Landing and Aemond, still splattered in blood, has to find her and bring her back to safety.
haha this is a joint effort it seems! Also I have wanted to write reader sitting on Aemond's face so thank you for #86
28. i’m just getting comfy
74. “Do you want me to stay?”
86. “don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”
98. “if we weren’t in public right now i’d have my head between your legs”
Aemond x wife!reader | smutty ending | 18+ only | fluff and a sprinkle of angst | Aemond isn't super happy lmao
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You were lost.
Cursing, you stopped in the middle of the empty street, turning on the spot, surveying your unfamiliar surroundings.
"Fuck me sideways." You muttered, taking a moment to rub your aching temples.
You had indulged in too much spiced wine at the festival, muddling your already questionable orienteering skills.
"If the lady insists." A hissing voice accompanied a slender man emerging from the shadows of a stone building.
He held no weapon, seeming to think you easy prey as he strode forward, already unbuckling his trousers.
You still held the stone you had picked up when Aemond had confronted the men in the market, and so you collected your frayed nerves, taking careful aim as Aemond had taught you.
You threw the shard of brick, it struck true with a dull thud to the man's head. He went down like a sack of flour, hitting the damp cobblestones with a dull thud.
Shaking, you hurried on your way, in the direction you hoped the Red Keep was in. At least you were still walking uphill, that seemed to be a good sign.
After a few minutes of meandering, warm yellow light fell upon your face, a tavern in front of you that appeared cozy and welcoming. As you entered, you noticed a few other patrons, but the dining area and counter was mostly empty. A squat looking man was stacking dishware behind the bar counter as you took a seat.
He gave you a cursory glance with a raised eyebrow, you shifted to hide the fine fabric of your dress beneath the cloak you still wore. You pulled back your hood, wanting to be recognizable if Aemond passed the window searching for you.
"What can I get you?" The bartender asked in a gruff baritone, seeming not to care what brought you to his establishment so long as you had gold.
"Do you have hot tea? Or something non-alcoholic?" You asked. "I just came from the fire festival and had a bit too much to drink there."
"Ah I see!" The man smiled, his ruddy cheeks reflecting the candlelight. "Yes, I can get you some green tea brewed up. Does wonders for a hangover."
"Thank you."
Minutes passed, turning to hours as you sat at the uncomfortable wooden table. You drank several mugs of steaming earthy tea, enjoying the way it warmed your body from the inside out.
"Are ye waiting for someone?" The bartender looked at you quizzically, clearly wondering why you were remaining for so long. All the other patrons had left for their homes by now.
"Yes, my husband."
"You're lost?"
You shifted uneasily in your seat, casting him a wary glance.
He raised his hands, a towel draped over his shoulder. "I mean you no harm miss, but if you'd like directions, I can give them." He glanced outside at the dark streets. "Though perhaps it best if you wait here, it's not safe for anyone to be wandering about right now."
"Where am I?"
He chuckled looked at you with a fatherly smile. "Outskirts of Flea Bottom."
You groaned.
"Not where you intended to be I expect. Not wearing a dress like that."
You shifted your cloak to cover yourself better.
"You have nothing to fear from me." The keeper reiterated. "I'll not cast you out till your husband comes to fetch you."
"Thank you." You lay your head upon your hands, staring glassy eyed out the window, praying to all the gods Aemond would find you.
You had fallen into a doze, jolted awake by the sound of the inn door slamming open and the exclamation of the barkeep still behind his counter.
Aemond, glorious with his shining hair and piercing violet eye, strode into the tavern, his gaze locked onto you.
"My-my prince! What an unexpected..." The tavern keeper trailed off as he watched Aemond walking purposefully toward you.
You rose from your seat, throwing your arms around Aemond's neck as he pulled you against him, his hands at your back, stroking soothingly as he kissed your ear.
You tried your best not to sob. "Aemond, I got lost."
"You're the wife of Aemond Targaryen?"
The two of you broke apart to turn to the front of the room, where the keeper was bowing low.
"He helped keep me safe." You interlocked your fingers with Aemond's.
Your husband stepped up to the rough wood counter, depositing a bag of clinking coins onto its surface. "You have my gratitude."
The man continued to bow, averting his gaze. Aemond made a soft "hmm" in the back of his throat, guiding you out of the warm room into the cool night air.
You didn't get far before he pulled you to a stop, his taut face illuminated silver in the moonlight. "I've been searching for you for hours, Y/N."
He held up a hand to stop you from speaking. "You were not in our rooms. So, I returned to the square as quickly as I could, asking anyone still outside if they had seen you."
You looked down at your feet guiltily as Aemond continued.
"Imagine my surprise when I find a man collapsed upon the ground, a stone beside him and a lump on his forehead."
"He...had ill intentions." You whispered, still studying your shoes.
"Hmm. A shame I left him alive then." Aemond's fingers hooked under your chin, pulling your face to look up at him. "However, that is how I found you sitting in that tavern."
You slowly moved forward, tentatively wrapping your arms around Aemond's waist. You could tell how worn and anxious he was, specks of blood still upon his tunic from the men he'd dispatched earlier that evening.
"Aemond, I'm sorry for getting lost. I...was panicking and a little drunk." You smiled weakly as his face softened, his lilac eye roving your features as you rubbed small circles to the small of his back.
"I had intended this to be a relaxing evening of fun." Aemond said, giving a short laugh of derision. He cupped your face in his hands. You noticed they shook slightly. "I was beside myself with worry, Y/N." He brushed his soft lips to yours gently. "This is not a place for a woman to wander alone."
"You have me safe now, Aemond."
"And safe is where I will keep you."
He kissed you firmly, slanting his mouth over yours, his fingers tangling in your hair as you made a soft noise against him. In the tension of his body against your own you felt how worked up he was from the events of the night, the intensity with which he kissed you promised bruised lips in the morning.
“If we weren’t in public right now I'd have my head between your legs."
"Aemond." You whispered, shocked, as you checked over your shoulder for anyone listening. The streets were luckily empty, though several windows were wide open.
"Come." The prince grasped your hand firmly in his and began leading you in the correct direction of the Red Keep.
You breathed a sigh of relief at the welcome sight of your chambers, lit with the orange glow of a blazing fire in the hearth that you immediately crossed to stand before, warming your hands.
Your large, clawed bathtub sat full of steaming water in the middle of the room.
Aemond came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle, his chin resting on your shoulder.
"I had the servants draw a bath for your return, we are fortunate it seems to still be hot."
You felt him beginning to loosen the ties of your dress. "Do you want me to stay?" He asked, nuzzling into your neck. "I'd understand if you need to be alone. It has been a...difficult evening."
"Please stay, Aemond. I need you with me, especially right now."
He kissed your neck and resumed undoing your dress. You smiled to yourself at his evident eagerness to see you laid bare before him.
The fabric of your dress and undergarments pooled around your feet, you leaned into Aemond's warm touch as he fondled the curves of your ass and hips with one hand, his other reaching around to stroke at your breasts.
You turned to him, allowing his gaze to roam your firelit body. "You are still covered in blood, my lord husband." Your wandering fingers began undoing the clasps of his own clothing, shedding each garment with tender care until he was as naked as you, his thick member already standing at attention.
You smiled coyly at him, allowing him to support your balance as you stepped into the hot water of the bath. You sank down into the silken water, scooting forward enough for Aemond to take his place behind you.
You pressed your back against him, your hands running along his legs as they caged your body, his arms wrapping around your torso.
"I'm just getting comfy." You murmured, leaning back so that your head rested against Aemond's chest, looking up at his adoring gaze.
He had removed his eyepatch, the sapphire gemstone glittering dazzlingly by the reflection of firelight against the water that now lapped against the edges of the wooden tub.
The two of you rested like this together, rubbing each other down with soap and wash cloths. You took your time cleansing Aemond's skin, feeling the knots in his tense muscles and kneading them loose, his eye fluttered shut at your loving attentions.
Only when the water had cooled and the two of you began to shiver, did you exit the bath, helping each other towel down until you were relatively dry. Aemond grabbed your waist, pulling you in for another scorching kiss, one of many he'd bestowed upon you that night.
"Lay on the bed for me."
You obeyed, perhaps misinterpreting his meaning as you wrapped yourself in your nightrobe before getting comfortable in bed. You watched Aemond from your cocoon of blankets as he busied himself trying to get the stains out of his tunic and undershirt.
"Aemond..." You called quietly, trying to entice him over with the lilt of your voice.
"The blood has set into the fabric long enough, Y/N. Give me a moment to try and lift it."
"Aemond." You wiggled beneath the covers, seeking to draw his gaze.
“Just let me finish this and I swear I'll go down on you until you cum at least three times.”
"If you don't come over here now, I'm going to start touching myself."
You knew just what to threaten.
With a growl, Aemond threw down his ruined shirt upon the sofa, striding to the bed and throwing the blankets off your body. "Take that off." His dilated eye took in your tantalizing curves wrapped up in your fluffy nightrobe.
"I'm cold."
"Do not tease me anymore this eve." Aemond crawled over your prone form, dragging his teeth along your bottom lip. "You heard me. Take. It. Off."
You undid the tie around your waist, shifting the fabric off, exposing yourself once more to your husband's eager touch. His fingers rolled your pebbling nipples, tugging at your flesh, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from your lips as you arched into him.
"Already so wet for me." Aemond murmured against your lips, his hand cupping your sex, feeling between your slick folds.
You gasped at the feeling of him exploring you. In a fluid motion, you rolled your entwined bodies over, shifting to sit on his torso, looking down at Aemond's face, his curved lips parted in surprise.
"I want to be on top." You could barely speak, so entranced you were at the sight of him laid beneath you, his silver hair spread out atop the pillows. "Let me do this, please."
You rocked your hips, feeling his hard arousal beneath you as you stroked your vulva along Aemond's shaft. His eyelid fluttered at the sensation, his hands rising to grip your hips as you lost yourself in the feeling of him.
"Don’t be shy now, sit on my face.”
Your mouth parted, Aemond tugged you a little forward by his grip on your hips. "Are-are you sure I won't suffocate you?"
Aemond laughed. "If you do, I couldn't think of a better way to go."
Heat pooled in your belly as you scooted forward, bracing your hands against the bedframe as you hovered on your knees over Aemond's face. "You're sure?"
Aemond rose just enough to tease your entrance with his nose, nuzzling against your swollen clit. You gasped, lowered yourself rather gracelessly onto his angular face.
You quivered, feeling Aemond's tongue working against you as you rocked gently against him. His chin, his nose all pressed against your most sensitive parts. The wet sound of him lapping up your essence filled the darkened room.
"Oh Aemond." You gripped the bedframe tighter, making sure to not actually suffocate your husband with your cunt no matter how he tried to pull you more against his searching mouth, his fingers pressing deep against the flesh of your thighs.
He grunted, the vibration of his voice causing you to clench around the tip of his tongue as he fucked it into you. His nose continued pressing and rubbing against your clit, Aemond moving his whole face with your movements as you began to grind down on him, losing your self control.
His name spilled from your panting mouth, your climax rushing over you like waves upon the sea cliffs. Aemond drank you down eagerly, his tongue lapping you up as though you tasted of the finest wine. You rode out your orgasm on his face, your legs shaking as you lifted yourself off him, collapsing to the mattress as your husband rolled over you once more. His hair was a mess, his lips and chin soaked from your juices. You bit your bottom lip at the lewd sight, his eye tracking the movement.
Aemond kissed you, more gently than you had anticipated, his tongue searching your mouth, allowing you to taste your own release as he lined his cock to your entrance. You gripped the back of his head, gasping against him as he sunk slowly into you. Aemond's breath filled your lungs as his cock stretched you out deliciously, filling you until he was fully seated within your still quivering walls.
Aemond broke your kiss, pulling away enough to watch your face as he began rutting into you. His gentleness gave way to a rougher, more desperate pace, his cock brushing your cervix with every punishing stroke. You clung to him, your legs rising instinctively to allow him deeper access.
"Y/N." Aemond breathed your name like a prayer, his chest still flush against your own as he nibbled the shell of your ear. "I can feel you tightening around me." You cried out as he increased his pace still more, fucking you deep into the mattress. "I need you to come. Show me you're mine." His cock twitched inside you. "Mine alone to claim."
"I am yours, Aemond." You felt your second orgasm of the night begin to rush through your body, your spasming quim already beginning to milk his member. "Forever yours."
Your name, so sweet on Aemond's tongue, filled the night air, mingling with your wordless moans of ecstasy as your husband spilled his hot seed within your clenching cunt. He pushed himself as deep into you as he could, remaining rooted there until you had both come down from the high of your climax.
Your legs were shaking in earnest now, Aemond reluctantly pulled away, his cum spilling out of you onto the now ruined bedsheets. Exhausted, satiated, and heedless of the mess you'd made, Aemond pulled you against him, encasing you in his arms. He placed a kiss to the top of your head as you made a pillow of his chest, his legs still tangled with your own.
Sleep took you quickly, a lock of Aemond's silken hair wrapped around your forefinger as you had a habit of doing when seeking comfort.
Aemond lay awake for a long while after you had drifted off, his mind still alive with the fear and rage that had consumed him mere hours before. Bedding you had taken the edge off, however the many gruesome possibilities of what could have happened remained unbidden and unwelcome.
He held you tighter against his lithe body, feeling the reassuring rise and fall of your chest on his, the light snores emitting from your slack mouth. Eventually exhaustion overtook Aemond, his eye falling closed, his lips still pressed to your head even in sleep.
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phoenixyfriend · 9 months
If you do the thing for "valid" reasons, then you can't pick it. (e.g. if you don't swear because your religion forbids it, or don't drink because of a family history of addiction, then you can't vote for that option, because you don't have the Childish reasoning that the poll is about)
Basically "is this something that someone would feel comfortable making fun of you for, without an 'excuse' on hand that would be socially unacceptable to continue mocking?"
If you can snap at them about being on meds that interact poorly, or having asthma, or not being able to afford real jewelry, it's a "valid" reason and you can't vote for that option. Also it's pretty cultural; I get a lot more shit for the cigarette avoidance in Serbia than in the US, and someone in Germany is less likely to be mocked for the spice thing than someone in Texas.
If it's more than one (very likely), then just pick the one that people feel the most entitled to be dramatic about to your face.
(I was gonna say 'over 25' but half the site is under that age. Then I was gonna say 'over 20' but then I'd have to deal with people talking about underage drinking because America. So instead here.)
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drabblesandimagines · 6 months
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- Final Fantasy XVI masterlist - Barnabas Tharmr Possession (fem reader - possessive, captive) Distracted (fem reader, fluff) Sweets (fem reader - fluff, bit possessive?) Clive Rosfield Prescription (fem reader, fluff) - Bedrest (sequel of sorts to above, more fluff) Pastries (fem reader, fluff) Warm Palms (afab reader, fluff) Pining (fem reader, angst/fluff) Jealous (fem reader, angst/fluff) Dreams (fem reader, fluff) Breathless (fem reader, angst/fluff) Careless (fem reader, fluff) Flustered (gender neutral reader, fluff) Captured (fem reader, angst/fluff Blessing (fem reader, angst/fluff) Fearless (fem reader, fluff) Treasure (fem reader, fluff) Promises (fem reader, fluff, major endgame spoilers) Regrets (fem reader, angst, major endgame spoilers) Under The Weather (fem reader, fluff) Commitment (fem reader, fluff - commissioned piece) Resolutions (fem reader, fluff) Somersaults (fem reader, fluff, pregnancy) Gift (fem reader, fluff - commissioned piece) Libations (fem reader, fluff, mentions of alcohol and drinking) Pendant (fem reader, fluff) Compromises (fem reader, fluff) Sulk (fem reader, commissioned piece)
Snippets (Previews of three potential fics, fem reader)
Safe (Yandere Clive Rosfield x fem reader) 18+ - kidnapping, yandere behaviour, non-con drugging
Joshua Rosfield Lessons (fem reader, fluff) Tranquility (fem reader, fluff) Distraction (fem reader, fluff) Exhale (fem reader, angst) Reunion (fem reader, fluff) Elevation (fem reader, fluff) Lead By Example (fem reader, fluff) Interruptions (fem reader, fluff) Lazy Mornings (fem reader, fluff) Banter (fem reader, fluff) Envy (fem reader, angst/fluff) Bold (fem reader, fluff - commissioned piece) Confirmation (fem reader, fluff) Signs (fem reader, fluff) Binding (fem reader, fluff - marriage) Portrait (fem reader, fluff - commissioned piece) Cidolfus Telemon Spark (fem reader, fluff, bit of spice) Petal (fem reader, fluff)
Gav Jitters (fem reader, fluff)
*last updated 27th May 2024 --
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Commissions/Ko-Fi
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slvtforfiction · 6 months
Truth or drink (pt.2!)
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☆ Colby X reader ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Suggestive (No smut) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Masterlist
☆ Part 1
☆ A like,reblog and comment is always appreciated:) ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Cw: alcohol obvs (idc what u say tequila rose is banging,fight me)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
☆ Hey guys! Before anything else I would ask you to request anything you want because I’ve lost a lot of motivation and it would really help! :D (Please look at pinned post to see if requests are open.)
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Colby 🖤:
Hey doll,you wanna do drink or truth again? Like a part 2 but just us?
Yeah sure,am I gonna get embarrassed again?
Colby 🖤:
Welp we both are so does it matterrr?
Oh god tell me some of the questions then 🤦‍♀️
Colby 🖤:
Maybe some about kinks and maybe something about some other stuff :)
Yay I’m so excited this is going to make me want to really do more videos with you!
Colby 🖤:
Laying on the sarcasm pretty thick
If your asking if I care,I don’t :)
Colby 🖤:
Love you’re always sarcastic,I’ll see you down here in 10 hm?
Okay,omw x
Colby 🖤:
Good girl,see you soon x
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I blushed leaving him on read as I changed my top to a red and black crop top he had gotten me and some black ripped jeans that I got on a shopping trip with him along with some fishnets below them to spice it up.
I walked upstairs to his apartment which was right above mine and knocked his door waiting patiently for an answer.
He quickly answered and I saw the living room already set up with a tripod,camera,2 shot glasses,tequila rose for me and Smirnoff vodka for him.
“Oo my favourite!” I smiled as I realised he had remembered my favourite alcoholic drink.
“Yeah ofcourse.” He said smiling clearly knowing i would say yes to the video idea by the already prepared drinks.
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He finished the intro and grabbed his phone reading out the first question, “Why do you not talk to the last person you “did the dirty” with?” And I looked at him,looked at the shot glass and poured myself a shot downing it immediately.
“I still speak to the person I last slept with so,” I shrugged,not wanting to actually admit on camera that Colby and me were dating and therefore he was my last.
“Same but I don’t think they want to be public so I’m drinking.” He said before taking a shot and smiling at me.
I always seemed to find comfort in his smile no matter what he was smiling at or who he was smiling at,although I thought it was a much better feeling when he was smiling at me.
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“What is your favourite activity with your significant other?” He asked as he looked at me softly,his gaze mesmerising.
“I like just laying on the sofa with them and cuddling,it’s the little things you know what I mean?” I smiled back as he looked at the camera clapping his hands together.
“I don’t really know I think just their presence in anything I do is really special to me,I just like everything I do with them.” He said smiling softly and I smiled,blush running to my cheeks.
I knew after this video I was ready,ready to go on twitter and scream and rave about him being my boyfriend as long as Colby didn’t mind.
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“Name 2 non-vanilla kinks you have.” He said smiling at me before he saw me pick up my drink,watching his smirk fall of his face.
“You know what? If you answer I’ll answer.” I said laughing putting my drink down. “Oh god Uhm okay.” He said laughing nervously clearly not expecting that.
“Can we say ones we said in the last truth or drink video?” I asked and he shook his head. “Nah that’s boring and also you can’t anyways because you said vanilla kinks.” He said smiling at me.
“Okay you say yours then and I’ll say mine I guess.” I said laughing nervously and he looked me dead in the eyes before leaning back on the sofa and putting his hands behind his head,kissing his teeth.
“Okay um,I’m nervous now.” He said laughing before kissing his teeth again and answering “okay um I like tying up my partner and I mean if a girls gonna call me daddy she’s gonna call me daddy.” He said and I giggled to myself.
“I didn’t actually think you would answer.” I whined not wanting to answer. “Well come on you have to answer now.” He said laughing at my embarrassment and im sure by now he had figured out my humiliation kink although I wouldn’t have said that anyways.
“Okay uh I have a size kink and I really like hickeys and stuff so I guess marking?” I laughed nervously as I realised my boyfriend was the one sat next to me probably making mental notes to himself.
Colby cracked up laughing as he clapped his hands together trying to make sure I knew that he was going to use this against me and honestly I was definitely wanting him to tie me up after this video.
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We soon moved on and after about an hour of filming we got to our last question, “What’s one thing you dislike about me?” He asked and I shuffled closer to him to whisper in his ear.
“That you haven’t tied me up underneath you yet.” I then turned round and grabbed my drink,pouring myself another shot,at this point I had had about 10 shots,so what’s another one?
I downed my drink and he quickly downed his before ending the video.
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“Don’t say shit like that to me whilst filming.” He said,I smiled and turned around from the fridge after grabbing myself a bottle of water.
“Hm I’ll think about it.” I said and he continued to walk up to me,cornering his hands around my waist against the counter top.
“Do you want to be tied up like a little slut?” He asked “Is that what you want hm?” And I smiled at him whilst he remained silent and faking his anger.
“Maybe it is..daddy.” I whispered in his ear before kissing down his neck,he picked me up by the waist and carried me upstairs.
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“Wanna cuddle up on the sofa,beautiful?” He asked softly raking his hand through my hair as I laid my head on chest.
“No,wanna stay here.” I mumbled half asleep and fully naked still lying on his chest.
He had his boxers on and got up quickly leaving me on the bed barely able to move.
“Come back Colbs.” I whispered and he smiled, “I will im just going to get you a shirt,okay?” He asked and I smiled sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
“Can we be public? Like us?” I asked quietly scared to even suggest it “Yeah sure,I’d like that.” He smiled looking back at me.
“I’ll post it on twitter tomorrow morning if you still want to yeah?” He asked and I whispered an ‘okay’.
His lights remained off,his LEDS being the source of red light throughout the room and I smiled bashfully again as he lifted up an arm and then another putting me in his xplr shirt.
The room still smelt of sex and my wrists still had marks which Colby would religiously kiss for the next few days.
“Love you Colbs.” I said before falling asleep with an arm wrapped around me and another still taking through my hair.
“I love you too sweetheart.” I heard him whisper before dozing off.
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kingshigarakitomura · 3 months
its kinda sad but you'r my reason to live 🫤
Shigaraki Being Comforting Headcannon
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Shigaraki//non gender specific reader. Detailed description of depression, implied suicidal ideations, mentions of alcohol, PLF arc.
You sat next to Shigaraki at the PLF’s upscale bar. He was alone, playing on his switch, just trying to pass the time while waiting for his injuries to heal and enjoy some peace and quiet.
You felt lonely too, and have looked up to your boss since you joined the league in the very beginning. Proud of how far he’s made it.. how far we’ve all made it.. but you can’t ignore the quiet depression lingering in the background of your mind. Even in moments of celebration, it’s there. It’s always there, following you like an unwanted entity, feeling as though it is forever attached to you.
Today was one of those days where the depression got louder. You could no longer bury it or push it away, it was demanding for you to feel its presence, to acknowledge it and face it. You felt heavy, empty, and alone, even though you were surrounded by people all the time, the feeling of worthlessness embodied your soul.
You were more quiet than usual, normally you talk a lot or at least smile at him and ask about his games, but not today. You just sat there staring at your drink as if you were looking through it. He couldn’t help but notice. “Either drink it or don’t, it’s creepy that you’re just sitting here like this”
Without looking away or moving, a tear falls down your face, changing his tone as one of his comrades is feeling pain. “Hey. Don’t just sit there and cry, tell me what’s wrong?”
You respond in a quiet and shaky voice, continuing to not move an inch, frozen in your tragic state, “it’s kinda sad but.. you’re my reason to live”
He doesn’t say anything.
Shigaraki just stares at you for a moment, his mouth slightly ajar as he is trying to choose his words carefully.
“Why does it have to be sad? I’d say that’s a great reason to exist” he grins.
You don’t react to his shitty joke. He then takes a sip of his drink and his voice becomes more serious.
“Look. That’s the reason I’m trying to change this rotten world. To destroy it. Will there by anything left after? Who knows really… but it’s better than living in a world full of pseudo-hero’s and all the dumbass people who worship the ground they walk on. The rejection felt from those around us will only grow stronger and more powerful each day until we do something about it. That’s why you’re here with the league right? Because you want to make a change too? So don’t do anything stupid to jeopardize that. You’re an important player in this game, you’ve survived this long with the issues you’ve had to face and deal with, what’s a little longer? Get angry, and fight back. I need you.”
Note from author:
It’s my first ever headcannon/short fic so I’m sorry if it’s bad or boring >.< I just wanted to spice up the ask responses a little bit if I can.
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lokisprettygirl · 10 months
Brokenhearted (Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon Modern AU) (18+)
Read Chapter 2 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 3
Summary: Healing comes in waves and you have to hold on to your anchor when it does, but ofcourse Daemon doesn't know how to do that.
Warning: 18+, sex, dirty words are used (consent is given), degradation, reader gets fucked like a hoe, Daemon is mean and toxic, pure disrespectful at times, Reader has a personality, flashbacks of abusive relationship, sexual abuse, Daemon is a big time smoker so if it's something triggering don't read it, he's not the best boyfriend, alcohol drinking, mention of past trauma and therapy, cigarette smoking, possessive behaviour, some violence
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You smiled at his request.. It's been a few months but you never had a night with him where you both just chilled at home and relaxed, in the privacy of your bedrooms you two only had one thing to do and that's how he wanted to keep it.
"Come with me" you grabbed his hand and opened your door, all your friends were in the living room, it has been long time since you all hung out together, drank and gossiped about your love lives but the timing couldn't have been more off. Daemon did come up in the conversation before and they all had their mouths wide open as they finally saw him.
You wanted to introduce him but decided against it when you saw him giving them a look of those of a feral cat. You took him to your bedroom and he immediately pulled you closer to kiss you, just something about the way he was kissing you tonight felt different. He seemed closer in a way but maybe he was just drunk out of his mind so you didn't want to get your hopes up.
"I have friends over, I can't be here with you" you mumbled against his mouth and he groaned before he pulled away,
"Fineee" he stumbled towards the bed and took his black leather jacket off, he sat down on the bed and looked at you but at the same time he was trying to be discreet about it.
"No shoes and dirty socks on my bed" you walked towards him and bent down on your knees to untie the strings of his shoes, he tilted his head and looked at the position and a smile crept on his lips. Why were you being so nice to him when he didn't deserve it at all?
"I'll make something for you to eat" you said to him as you slid his shoes under the bed. He laid down on your bed and sighed as you walked out of the room. He has been here before but he hardly ever stayed the night. It didn't bother him when you stayed at his place but he didn't want to do the same. It felt as if he was crossing a boundary he didn't want to cross..he never knew when a sweet innocent woman would turn around and show him her true colours.
"I love you..you love me?" She said to him and he nodded, he indeed loved her more than anything, he didn't know why or how he fell so hard for her but he did, she was the only woman he had ever come to love truly,
"I love you baby..you know i love you" he smiled as she tied a blindfold over his eyes and laid him down on the bed before she tied his arms up to the headboard, she unbuttoned his shirt and his breath hitched in his chest,
"This is going to hurt just a little but you have to trust me okay?" She mumbled and he nodded, she wanted to spice up their sex life and he wasn't opposed to it, he could always use the safe word if he didn't want to do something, he felt the tip of a knife dragging over his chest and gulped in nervousness.
"Baby..what are you doing..we didn't talk about this" he said as he struggled with the handcuffs,
"Shhhhh be a man and take it, I love you..you know that right, I'd never hurt you more than you deserve" she sliced a layer of his skin and his eyes teared up,
"Red, red, please stop, i want to stop" he said hurriedly as he was starting to panic,
"Shhhhh calm down for me will you? Why are you so fucking pathetic? How will you take a beating in the ring if you can't take this? Do you not trust me?" She taunted him and he shut down immediately, she loved him right? She'd never hurt him deeply or harm him, she told him this was for his own good and he was so in love with her that he couldn't differentiate between love and abuse.
"I'm sorry..I'm sorry" he mumbled over and over again as she made small cuts all over his chest, some far deeper than the others, she didn't stop until she had ruined his perfect skin and made a complete mess of it. He felt hurt but he didn't say a word, he needed this to be stronger, that's what she told him the next morning when she nursed his wounds and then cuddled him like a child.
"Daemon? Daemon?" He looked at you as you called out to him, he wiped his tears and he was hoping you hadn't seen them but the look on your face told him otherwise "Are you okay?" You asked him so he sat up,
"Yeahhh why wouldn't I be okay?" He asked you, his voice was back to being firm so you passed him the chicken soup you had made for him, he was drunk so you didn't want to give him something heavy to eat and then hurl his guts out.
"Just eat and relax okay? I'll try to come back as soon as I can" you told him so he snickered,
"You think I'm dying for your company? Don't you?" You glared at him and walked out as he said that, he seemed vulnerable just a few minutes ago and now he was back to being aloof and you never really understood his mood swings.
He took a deep breath as you stormed out of there, why he had to be such an arse at the most inopportune times? He was so unfair to you he knew that but he couldn't allow you in even if he wanted to. His past had taught him an important lesson and he never wanted to forget that.
He figured he'd apologize to you in his own way when you are done with your little gathering, after an hour or two you finally made your way back to the room and he was half naked in your bed, you were slightly drunk so you walked to his side of the bed and sat down, your fingers itched to trace those scars on his body but you composed yourself. He always hated that.
He looked so peaceful when he was asleep, his silver blonde hair was all over his forehead so you combed them behind with your fingers.
"What are you hiding mister cheese burger??" you mumbled under your breath as you got up, he opened his eyes and watched you take your dress off before you grabbed a towel to take a shower, when you came back he was up and wide awake .
You put on a t-shirt and a pajama for the bed and laid down next to him.
"I am not drunk anymore, I can drive myself back home" he said so you chuckled but his words also worried you,
"Wait...You drove here in that state?"
"Didn't kill anyone if that's your concern" he positioned his body on his elbow towards you, his head was tilted as he stared at you intensely,
"That's exactly what I was worried about" he smiled at your words. You raised your hand forward to trace the scars on his chest but he grabbed your hand and scooted closer to kiss you, that's just how he distracted you all the time, with his touch and his kisses,
"Want me to fuck you ?" He asked you in a straightforward manner so you nodded, it's been a week, you definitely wanted him.
His clothed bulge rubbed between your legs and he really needed a distraction but for some reason those memories were still bothering him, he had often tried to not think of them in his waking state but he was weaker when he was drunk and some days were harder than the others.
Your fingers curled around his neck as you kissed him softly and you could hear him groaning,
"What's wrong?" You asked softly and instead of answering you he kissed you again but he wasn't able to carry on with the act tonight, you heard him punching the headboard before he got off you and laid down on his side of the bed, maintaining as much distance as he can.
You sat up a little to look at him better, his breaths were heavy, he was getting sweatier and he seemed frustrated.
"Daemon –"
"I'll go..i just can't be here right now" he said as he sat up and immediately started to dress himself up, this was a mistake, he knew as soon as he had turned up on your door that he should have left. But for a moment he thought he'd be able to forget about her and what she has done to him.
"Where are my shoes ?" He asked as he frantically looked around in your room,
"Can you just–" you tried to reason with him but he snapped at you.
"Where are my fucking shoes?" You gulped as he raised his voice, you didn't even want to ask why he was so scared of intimacy, you just wanted to comfort him but you knew he won't allow you to do that.
"Under the bed" he stared at you as he noticed your teary eyes before he leaned down to take his shoes out.
He stormed out of your apartment as soon as he could before he would hurt you any further, none of this was your fault but he didn't trust you, he trusted no one.
He banged his fist against the steering wheel and took out his pack of cigarettes to calm down his nerves. He needed to maintain a distance from you but he couldn't. You should have left him by now. Why won't you leave him? And why was he the one to leave whenever he wanted, to hurt you like this? He couldn't even stay away from you for longer than a few days and he knew that as soon as he's completely sober tomorrow he'd try to win you over again and he also knew you'd allow him to weasle his way into your life and your bed again.
Next day when you came back from work there was a bouquet of your favorite flowers on the door so you picked it up, there was a card as well so you opened it to read the note.
Thanks for the meal last night and everything else and I'm Sorry..call me if you want to meet up -- Daemon
You sighed as you went inside your apartment, he was such an asshole but he was a thoughtful asshole. Did he care about you though? You couldn't figure it out, you didn't want to take his outbursts personally, he was clearly struggling with something, you had that certain feeling even the first day you met him, he was all alone smoking as if nothing else mattered in the world.
You pondered over whether to call him or not and then you finally caved in. You sat down on the couch as you dialed his number, after two rings he picked up
"Hey" he was breathing heavily as he whispered,
"Are you having sex or something?" You chuckled to show that you wouldn't be bothered even though deep down your heart had already stopped beating,
"I'm working out lady, I told you when I'm fucking you I'm only fucking you" he snickered as he said it as a matter of fact.
"Well you disappeared for a week so I thought you must have found another source of entertainment"
"You entertain me enough not gonna lie..Does that go both ways? The rule?" He asked
"Are you asking me if I am doing anyone else?"
"No..just you"
"Good I would hate to catch something" you rolled your eyes as he said that "Get ready ..I'm taking you out for dinner"
"What if I don't want to go to a fancy little place?"
"Where do you wanna go then?"
"I can just come see you at your place..we can spend time together "
He was quiet for a good few moments as you said that, maybe he was thinking about what you meant.
"You're not getting your emotions involved..are you?"
"Noo..we can have sex, it's been a while" you mumbled immediately so he sighed.
"Uhhhhuh.. I'll pick you up then"
"I can just take the bus"
"I'll pick you up alright? It's late"
You showered, did a little makeup and put on a dress. You really wanted to quit him cold turkey, but it was impossible. Maybe a few more nights of good sex won't kill you, you just had to keep your emotions at bay in front of him, he didn't need to know that you had started to care deeply about him.
As he arrived at your location he texted you so you grabbed your bag and made your way down, you had to pack a few things for work tomorrow, his condo was right near your restaurant so at least you will get half an hour of extra sleep.
"What would you like to eat?" He asked you as soon as you got in,
"You" he chuckled as you said that before he started to drive,
"Did you get the flowers?"
"Did you get the note?"
"Yeah ...very thoughtful" he smiled as you said that
"No need to get sarcastic, I'm not a bloody writer"
"No I mean it, i wasn't expecting it so soon so it was surprising"
"Well..i appreciate you trying to take care of my drunk arse last night"
"Not an issue"
He had a dark maroon jacket on with a white t shirt underneath, the necklace was hanging loose on his neck, it was new, you hadn't seen it before, his hair was still wet from the shower and you couldn't deny how attracted you felt towards him.
"If you continue to look at me like that, I'd have to pullover and take you right now" you smiled as he said that and you just wanted to keep teasing him so you placed your hand on his thigh and ran your fingers in circles,
"You and your empty threats" his jaw clenched and he turned his head to stare at you, those deep hooded eyes burned into your soul, you watched him turn the wheel around and pull over into the darkest most deserted alley he could find.
"Get out" he told you so you looked at him shocked, you had stopped touching him at this point, was he playing with you? You couldn't really tell with him.
"Get out darling" you looked around in the darkness and reluctantly opened the door to get out, thankfully he got out too so at least he wasn't going to leave you or something. The only light coming into the alley way was from a pole light that was good twenty feet away from you two, he walked towards you and kissed you roughly, his hands wrapped around your waist as he took a few steps behind and pushed you against the wall.
You didn't know how dirty that wall was and frankly? You didn't care at the moment, you didn't care at all, he turned you around on your front and lifted your dress up so he can lower your underwear down, you gasped as you felt his fingers rubbing against your wetness. He wasn't much of a foreplay guy, it felt too intimate to him, whatever that meant.
He bit on your shoulder with his teeth before he pressed his lips right over your ear,
"This is what you wanted, hmmm?"
"Mmmmm yes sir" you moaned as you heard the sound of his zipper going down, he rolled a condom up as quickly as he could and in a moment he was inside you,
"Couldn't wait to get home with me huh? I wanted to fuck you like a lady but you're nothing but a lowly tramp aren't you?" He whispered filthy demeaning words in your ear, his voice was low and whispery and you felt it deep in your core,
"Mmmm ohhh sir please" you moaned even louder as he thrusted in and out of you..you didn't care how loud you were being or if anyone could hear you.
"What are you begging for? I'm already fucking you from behind"
"Mmm don't stopp ..ohh yess please" you mumbled desperately and he snickered again.
"Look at you, moaning like the back alley whore that you are" he took out a dollar bill and slipped it under your cleavage, the action made you feel worthless but not in a bad way.
"Gods" that's all you could say, you truly felt pathetic but in all sorts of good ways.
The first night he took you home after you both went out for drinks, he asked you if you would mind if he was rough with you during sex and used degrading words, you had never really had a guy treat you like that before, they degraded you but unintentionally, like how your ex demanded a blow job even when you weren't in the mood. That felt degrading, this however? Giving your consent to a guy who wanted to treat you like a whore during sex, this never felt degrading outside the bedroom, you were never left feeling used because he was giving you the equal amount of pleasure that he was taking from you.
You had never sucked his cock, not that you didn't want to but he never asked you and that one time you initiated it, he denied it. That probably felt too intimate as well. He had severe issues with what he deemed intimate and you really wanted to figure out why he was the way he was.
"Cum darling…cum with me..be a good little whore and earn your keep" your walls clenched around his girth and you felt him twitching inside you, he put his head down on your shoulder as he came..you placed your hand on his cheek and caressed him mindlessly while you enjoyed your own high.
He pulled out of you once he had calmed down and dumped the condom in the dark alley somewhere, he brought a couple of tissues from his car and wiped you clean, he normally didn't do that especially when you two were in your apartment but he didn't want to make you feel used in such a vulnerable state.
He pulled your underwear up and turned you around, you were still breathing heavily and you looked beautiful, if he was any normal he'd probably kiss you and tell you how pretty you looked right now but he was from normal.
Once you came back to your senses you got in the passenger seat and he began to drive again, a cigarette was already in his mouth as if he needed another high after the orgasm.
"Dinner? What do you want?" He asked you, his tone was casual as if he didn't just fuck you in an alley and shoved a dollar inside your bra. You took it out and shoved it inside his pocket. The gesture made him smile.
"Hmmm a southwest burrito, one chicken taco, a non-alcoholic beverage and a slice of cake, you can pick what kind" he looked at you and shook his head, a smile graced his features, he liked that you weren't worried about eating too much, one of the reasons he got along with you so well was because you both enjoyed food. As he pulled over a take out joint, you got out of the car as well to get some fresh air, your face flushed as you noticed the dirt on your forearms that you must have gotten when you were pressed against the filthy wall. You needed a shower.
"Y/n?" You heard a voice so you looked to the side, it was Randall, a guy you had dated before.
You looked at Daemon and he had turned around to see what was going on, he leaned against the counter of the take out joint and stared at Randall, sometimes he got really possessive, like with that guy at the club, you didn't understand why because he never failed to remind you that this was just sex, nothing more.
His actions were always confusing.
"How are you?" You asked Randall, you wanted to keep things civil and not have another argument breakout because of you,
"You look good baby" you cringed as he called you baby, your eyes met with Daemon and he was glaring at you.
"Don't call me that…I'm not your baby" you said sternly and Randall laughed before he looked at Daemon,
"Daemon Targaryen..i know you man" Randall walked towards him and offered his hand for a casual handshake but Daemon didn't budge.
"How do you know me?"
"My brother is Casey Anderson, you're training him right?" Randall asked him so Daemon nodded, Casey was supposed to debut in the next season.
"Small world huh" Randall chuckled as he looked at y/n and then he leaned into Daemon.
"Be careful with this one..she's a gold digger man" Randall lowered his voice as he spoke to Daemon and he was punched in the face as soon as the words had left his mouth.
You finally had to intervene and you asked Randall to leave before he would get seriously hurt. He already had the huge bruise on his face, the mark from Daemon's ring was imprinted on his face, Daemon didn't even care that this guy was related to an important client.
"Can't you just keep your cool? Why are you so hyper all the time?" you said to Daemon when Randall was out of your sight.
"He called you a bloody gold digger" his accent was so much thicker than usual whenever he was upset or angry.
"And why do you care? Maybe I was" he glared at you as you said that. He shouldn't have cared, he didn't want to but he couldn't deny that he felt protective about you, he had been that way since he met you and saved you from those goons..
"What do you mean?" He asked you as you referred to yourself as a hold digger, you'd have sucked him dry if you were a gold digger.
"Look he was obsessed with me okay and I wasn't..I wanted to break up but he wasn't letting it go..he'd show up at my apartment and my work place like a creep all the time" his face scrunched in disgust as you said that.
"Piece of work isn't he?"
"Yeah..so I pretended to be a gold digger..i told him I'd stay if he buys me fancy stuff everyday and he checked out quickly after that"
Daemon snickered as you said that before his arm wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him and then he trapped you between himself and the counter.
"I know you're not one but if you were I'd gladly buy you diamonds and golds every fucking day.. would you like that?" He grabbed your chin and made you look at him. He indeed loved buying stuff for you, maybe that's how he showed that he cared. Maybe that was his love language.
"If I was a gold digger..yes I'd love that" he smirked as you said that,
"Good girl..if you ever feel threatened by the likes of that arse I just punched, you can always come to me and I'll take care of it yeah?" He said sincerely so you nodded. He stepped away from you as if he wasn't being tender to you just now, you felt so weak in the knees.
He wasn't the best boyfriend, far from it but he had his ways that kept you hooked to him.
Last night when he turned up at your door and the way he reacted to your touch, you could see a vulnerable soft guy hiding behind that hard cold exterior, he never told you anything about his past, he never shared, you never had that sort of conversation with him but for a moment he seemed like he really wanted to open up to you.
As you two reached his place, you took a shower and changed before you ate in silence with him, he was on his phone again and the sound of the tv was killing the awkwardness.
"What do you want to do now?" You asked him so he finally diverted his attention towards you,
"You know why I brought you here right?"
"Mmm but we already did it"
"And you think I won't be able to go again?" He said as he crawled on top of you,
"I don't doubt that you can, but…is it okay if I just ..I am not in the mood again" you said to him so he smiled and got off you quickly.
"What is it that you want then?" He asked in a nonchalant manner,
"Idk just …talk?"
"About what?" He snickered
"Anything "
"Hmmmmm then tell me about that arse, did you fuck him?"
"Why do you want to know that?" Was he jealous? You hoped so
"You wanted to talk..that's what I want to talk about "
"Yeah we fucked..tell me about your ex's" the smile on his face disappeared as you asked him that.
"Been many.. nothing to write home about"
"You never fell in love?"
"Told you I don't do that shit" he quickly answered, he was getting agitated you could tell,
"But you must have –"
"Shut the fuck up darling" he glared at you so you sighed and got up.
"I'm just going to sleep then"
"Do whatever you want.. just keep your mouth where it belongs"
Your eyes teared up, his tone was extremely rude and insensitive.
You didn't want to argue with him and it was late already so you didn't want to pretend to leave either so you just went to his bedroom and tried to sleep. Maybe you should tell him that you cared about him and you won't be able to continue it like this for long.
Daemon didn't come to the room and after a few hours when you woke up and didn't find him in the bed you decided to check on him, you just wanted to make sure he was okay but as you made your way to the living room you found him on the couch shivering, he was curled up in a ball and asking someone to not hurt him..
You brought a blanket and covered his half naked body before you got on your knees to caress his head. Maybe he was having a nightmare, But why? Who was he pleading to over and over again to not hurt him?
"Darling please..I promise I'll never speak to her again..jus calm down..please i promise I'm all yours" he mumbled in his sleep and you couldn't even recognise him at the moment, he looked so vulnerable and so small in the moment as compared to who he was in his day to day life.
He was carrying a baggage from his past and it was weighing heavily upon him, you knew you had to confront him now. You just had to find out his truth even if that would lead to the end of this relationship.
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@simbaaas-stuff @ajthefujoshi
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wooahaes · 6 months
party planning committee
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pairing: non-idol!96z x gn!reader
genre: silly fic. coworkers au.
word count: 1.2k~
warnings: alcohol mentions within fic (no depictions of it being consumed--just mentons of it being purchased). reader is anti-horanghae agenda </3.
daisy's notes: please know my notes for this fic are just:
party planning committee w the 96z ft helpful person who wants to be here (jun), person who wants to spice up the parties and often supplies alcohol (soonyoung), quiet person in charge of the money bc cheol trusts him to be sensible (wonu), and person to rein in soonyoung and (deliberately) fails half the time (jihoon). soonyoung is once again bringing his idea for christmas tigers. motion denied.
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The five of you have shut the door to one of the meeting rooms with a single sign taped up: PARTY PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING IN PROGRESS: KEEP OUT!!!
Yes, this sign was indeed made by you. Jihoon underlined the words and taped it up, so you considered it a joint effort. Now you were sitting at the head of the table with your fellow committee members present. Jun had a notepad open in front of him with ideas he’d already jot down (you saw paper snowflakes? at the top of the list, followed by Christmas cats?). Soonyoung had his own with a list of alcohol he planned to get, having emailed you earlier that he got approval to bust out the booze. Wonwoo had his laptop open, no doubt with the budget written down and ready to look up everything else. And then there was Jihoon, who sat next to Soonyoung, fully prepared to rein him in.
“Alright,” you said, laptop open in front of you. There was a red-and-green powerpoint presentation in front of you, and you’d already hooked up your laptop to the projector. “So… Alongside the approval for drinking… We did get fully approved to throw a little holiday party before the office closes for a short break.”
Jun’s eyes were already twinkling. “We know,” he said, “You sent out the email.” 
“So… How are we going to do this?” You said, clicking onto the tab with decoration ideas you’d put into bullet points. “Because I do have some ideas. We can either go red and green for classic Christmas-y colors, or maybe go a little more classy with this white and gold idea. Minghao in sales offered up the idea of black and gold, too, which I think could look very snazzy—”
Soonyoung’s hand shot up, and when you looked at him, he dropped it back down. “I have a presentation.” 
“... Do you?”
“It’s good!” He said. “It’s very good! Jeonghan and Jihoon helped me put it together!”
Jihoon nodded from his seat, which meant Soonyoung was about to throw out some idea you’d have to shoot down. “It’s very good,” he said with a nod. 
Wonwoo looked up, and he, unlike the currently stoic Jihoon, actually smiled. Wonwoo knew. Wonwoo knew. This only meant one thing.
“Can you send it to me—”
“Already did!” He smiled.
While you went to search your email for it, Jun spoke up again, “I think we could do something cute with cats and dogs. Everyone here can be separated into those categories.”
You didn’t even look up. “Except Jeonghan. He's too unpredictable.”
“Except Jeonghan,” he affirmed, “but we’ll put him as a cat. It doesn’t have to be an entire theme, but we could decorate the desks with something small.” 
The moment you opened up Soonyoung’s presentation, you were greeted with a glaringly bright red and green color scheme… with one jpeg of a tiger in the corner. “My eyes hurt—”
“It’s less bad on the projector, I promise,” Wonwoo pointed out, already rolling his chair over to flip the lights back off. You were starting to think everyone there was in on this.
Jihoon motioned for you to slide your laptop to him as Soonyoung stood up, taking a spot at the front of the room. “We’ve gone through this for the past few years,” he said. “We always talk about color schemes and themes and party games—white elephant or secret santa or whatever!” 
You spoke up, “Because those are two different games—”
“Shh!” Soonyoung pointed at you. “Let me finish!”
Jihoon pressed to the next slide. Already, you had buried your face in your hands, not wanting to see this anymore while Soonyoung burst into giggles.
“We can have Christmas tigers—”
“Soonyoung, please tell me you’re fucking around again.”
“No, no,” Jun said, waving you off, “let him finish. I want to hear more.”
At least that was confirmation: everyone except you and Jun had been in on this. When you looked up, you could see Jeonghan peeking through the blinds. The moment he met your eyes, he immediately disappeared. Was everyone else in the office in on this pitch? They had to know you’d have to say no, right? Minghao would stop it if no one else. 
“Tigers,” Soonyoung said very confidently, “have stripes. You know what else has stripes? Wrapping paper! Some streamers! Instead of orange and black, we’ll make red and green tigers! Or black and gold! Or white and gold—Tigers are versatile for the holidays!” 
Sometimes you wondered how you ended up as the head of this committee. Were you there to defend the world (read: the office) from Soonyoung? Was that why the others appointed you as head of the committee? Because you were the only one strong enough? Jihoon would consider saying yes just for the joke of it. Jun was far too into this idea for your liking. And Wonwoo…
Well, Wonwoo might say yes because it’d be hilarious to see how far Soonyoung would go in terms of setting up for the party and to see how Minghao (among a few others) reacted to Soonyoung’s tiger agenda being brought into work. 
“I’ll even draw the tigers myself!” He said. “We can do so much for this theme, and you’ve never done it the last few years I’ve been pitching it—”
“For good reason,” you said, face buried in your hands again. 
“You’re missing the powerpoint,” Wonwoo said.
It earned a snort from Jihoon. “He was really passionate about it this year.” 
“I like it,” Jun said. “It’s fun. I think these meetings would be boring without this kind of thing.”
He had a point, but… “I’m bringing Minghao into this committee,” you said. “I need backup.” Again, your hands dropped down into your lap as you looked at Soonyoung. “Are you drunk? Are you sober right now?” 
“I’m sober—”
“Because I’m starting to think you’re drunk.”
He waved a hand, laughing, “No, no, I’m sober! I promise!”
“Speaking of,” Wonwoo said. “Soonyoung, can I get the list? I need to mark off what’s out of budget.” 
Soonyoung threw himself back into his chair, smiling like a fox. “I’ll let you in on something,” he said, leaning over as he slid Wonwoo the list. “Cheol said he’d personally pay for anything the company won’t.”
Wonwoo looked up, “What? Is he that desperate for decent drinks?”
“My punch recipe is good, actually,” you rolled your eyes. “If he wants something stronger, he can bring it himself.” 
Jun’s gaze drew back to the neon abomination on the projector screen. “Okay, but… Motion to look at the Christmas tigers again—”
“Motion denied.”
This was going to be a long meeting.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae
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ckret2 · 25 days
Ignoring the snacks and unhealthy food that Goldie usually has easier access to: Among real meals, what do his tastes lean towards? And what human alcoholic drinks are in his ranking?
Bill's favorite food is Maximum Quantity Of Flavor.
Not good flavor. His tastebuds are not programmed to register "good."
There's a reason humans think lots of things taste bad, and it's because when we are babies we'll stick anything in our mouths because we don't know better, so we had to evolve a "yuck gross" instinct to keep non-foods out of our mouths and good foods in our mouths. As they grow older, tiny humans keep getting handed iffy-tasting but safe food by bigger humans, and they can thus gradually develop a taste for things they originally found gross.
Bill? Is not a human baby. Bill has been watching the human race ever since the human race was intelligent enough to draw his face on things—so, about half a million years. Bill know what foods are and aren't edible for humans. Bill understands human nutrition better than humans do. Bill knew about the health consequences of mold spores and bacteria for hundreds of thousands of years before humans were bandying about nonsense like spontaneous generation and miasma theory.
If Bill sticks something unhealthy or inedible in his mouth, it's not because he's ignorant of the health consequences; it's because he knows damn well that he shouldn't eat it, but has decided he wants it in his mouth anyway for his own reason.
So the Axolotl didn't give his body the "yuck gross" instinct. He doesn't need it. He's an adult triangle and if he wants to stick a rotten hot dog in his mouth that's his own personal business.
As a consequence of that, he's not wired to appreciate goodness of flavor combinations, just quantity of flavor. So his personal measure of "good" flavor is the strength and variety of flavor.
So you could just. Give him the hottest pepper, plus frosting and sprinkles to dip it in, and he'd be fucking delighted. Mabel got him hooked on sprinkles.
You know that scene in ratatouille where the rat bites two foods at once and the flavors harmonize perfectly even though they're completely different and he has synesthesia fireworks over how beautiful these flavors are together? Bill's looking for the opposite of that. The goal with his food is to make the most powerfully clashy food combos imaginable, not "surprisingly complimentary" combos.
Remember the condiment soup abomination in chapter 11? He didn't do that out of ignorance; he very successfully created food that's good by his own standards: maximum quantity of flavor. What are condiments except highly concentrated liquid Flavor, meant to be poured on other foods to give them extra taste? Just pour in 5 or 6 condiments that are as different as possible, then throw in some additional protein or grain to add some of those nutrients human bodies need.
So, that's what he likes. Dishes with extremely strong flavors or extremely varied flavors. Ideally, both. So if you wanna treat him? Either go for cuisines that go heavy on the spices; or get some high end, extremely strong condiments and something nice to put them on. He CAN appreciate expensive fancy food (by virtue of the fact he knows that it's expensive & fancy), but it's gotta have that extra flavor.
In other words, he's that guy who talks about 1,000,000-Scoville hot sauces the way wine snobs talk about wines.
AND SPEAKING OF ALCOHOL (see that clever segue i did there)
In general, in a human body, his taste preferences are gonna be the same with drinks. STRONG flavors, CONTRASTING/CLASHING flavors. He'd drink booze so strong it tastes like paint thinner because it tastes like paint thinner. He'd drink straight absinthe for the licorice taste. He'd go for the absurdly sweet drinks, absurdly sour drinks, and drinks mixed with waaaay too much bitters. He could drink perfume and enjoy it.
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rozyrne · 2 months
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rivalries are put aside, and camaraderie takes their place. and for the golden deer, pulling neck and neck with the eagles and lions despite having the fewest contestants in the ring is all the reason to celebrate! or so rosado and hortensia thought. at the post-tournament grand banquet, the elusian pair have set up a golden deer corner, complete with yellow and cervid decor and drapery, and both hosts arrayed in house colors and face paint. "three cheers for knoll! three cheers for hilda! three cheers for eliwood!" "fear the deer!" a celebration lifting up the class heroes who'd carried them from underdog into the spotlight, and for all the deer who cleared the way valiantly to let them get there: —hip-hip hooray!
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—  CUPCAKE DECORATING  ╱  from yellow-sugar icing to pretzel antlers to cookie toppings shaped like deer, there's no shortage of supplies to make your cupcakes look any which way you want.
—  CARAMEL MERINGUES  ╱  a triple layer of chocolate and caramel in glass containers, tied off with a bit of string attached to a spoon. perfect to grab and take with you, or feed to a loved one.
—  DOE POPS  ╱  cake pops shaped like deer heads! and something sticking out of each one. a paper fortune? what does yours say?
—  GOLDEN SPICE CIDER  ╱  a warm and buzzy autumnal drink, perfect for the season and sure to banish any chills. both alcoholic and non-alcoholic varieties available.
—  CROUCHING CHOCOLATE, HIDDEN STAG  ╱  a culinary minigame? a table is arranged with a terrarium-like miniature woodland display, complete with moss, trees, golden deer flags, and a herd of deer themselves. one item in this display is made of chocolate. how many things are you willing to bite to find which one it is?
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—  THIRTY-POINT CROWN  ╱  craft your own glorious headpiece with paint, twigs, and twine to show off your deer pride! who can boast the most impressive rack? ( of antlers, duh. what were you thinking? )
—  WOOD CARVING  ╱  for the dexterous and crafts-minded, a setup with display and instructions to carve your own wooden deer to take home. organizers are not responsible for injuries.
—  DEERLY BELOVED  ╱  a stack of deer-shaped paper and pens greet you. "write a compliment and stick it onto its recipient!" the instructions say. if you're fast, maybe they won't even know it's you.
—  READY-TO-PAINT CERAMICS  ╱  a station of unfired bowls and plates and small vases invites you to decorate them however you want! several stencils are provided for the uninitiated, or you can go where your hart takes you.
—  DECORATE A FRIEND  ╱  from washable paint to stick-on sequins, glitter bombs and pinnable deer tails. find a willing victim to array in deer spirit — or make one.
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—  FÓDLAN CHESS  ╱  a traditional strategy board game using a triangle-shaped board that can be played by two to three people. the objective is to be the first to move all your pieces to one of the other corners by jumping over your opponents' pieces. are you up for the competition?
—  LIMBO  ╱  everyone knows that being a deer isn't just about strength or smarts, but flexibility. challenge mode: wear an antler crown while playing, and don't let it fall off your head!
—  ANTLER TOSS  ╱  you have five tries to land as many rings on the tines as you can for a prize. if a friend is willing, they can wear the antlers on their head for you to aim at instead!
—  DEER PONG  ╱  the classic party game, with alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions. some say that the non-alcoholic one misses the point of the challenge, but at least it lets everyone play, right?
—  HEADLOCK  ╱  in a classic show of strength, stamina, and bravado, it's time to wrestle like the stags do! put on a headdress of real oaken antlers ( not light, that ) and lock heads with your opponent to throw them to the ground! no use of other body parts or implements allowed.
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reblog this ask meme to indicate that your muse is participating! anyone who's reblogged the meme is automatically accepting asks, so no need to double-check.  
please be mindful of not only waiting for interactions to come to you, but try to be proactive about sending to others too. it's not quite polite to always expect others to do the work!  
muses from any house are welcome! it's a celebration meant for everyone.  
this is still narratively part of BOEL, but to keep things separate from the BOEL tags, you may use the tag #GDPride2024 for related posts if you wish!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 9 months
Drunk Sephiroth
@snowbanshee Asked: So it's Christmas party, loud and decadent, already bringing out the worst in some of the attendees. The pink coloured drink in a festive bowl seemed to be quite an attraction, people flocking from every corner of the spacious, generously decorated hall to have their fill.
He didn't know better. Maybe his senses failed him, lulled by the sweet scents of berries. Maybe he simply had nothing to compare it to.
So for the first time in his lifetime, and very much against his will, the Silver Demon of Wutai, the legendary war machine found himself in a remote corner of the buzzing hall, his cheeks pink, his gaze unfocused, and his thoughts a mess. That punch... was an alcoholic drink?
• Sephiroth walks back and proceeds to lift the punch bowl and then drain it like it's a glass of water and he has been thirsty for three lifetimes.
• People look on in horror as he becomes soaked in the drink. Sephiroth gives no fucks. This pink stuff is delightful.
• He slams the punch bowl down and unintentionally shatters it. Then he stumbles off to go find Genesis and Angeal.
• Having witnessed the whole ordeal, Reno grabs a bottle of rum from the table and rushes after him. He taps Sephiroth on the shoulder.
Reno: Yo! Take this!
• Sephiroth barely registers who's he's talking to. He grabs the bottle, pops it open, then downs it in one go before handing it back to the Turk.
Sephiroth: Thanks.
• He leaves.
Rude: Why would you do that?
Reno: This party's boring. That'll be sure to spice things up!
• Sephiroth, dizzy as shit, manges to find them and immediately dangles from Genesis's shoulder.
Sephiroth: Hey Genesisssss
Angeal: Sephiroth! did you drink?
Sephiroth: Oh, I c o n s u m e d.
• He loses balance and falls on top of Angeal and Genesis.
Angeal: Okay buddy, we need to get you home.
Genesis: No, we need to get him water.
Angeal: Good thinking. You go do that.
• Genesis leaves in pursuit of anything non-alcoholic.
Sephiroth: Fuck.
Angeal: WOAH.
Sephiroth: Fuck bitches get money.
Angeal: Sephiroth.
• Sephiroth leans in really close, grabs Angeal by the collar and whispers: Ass.
• Genesis bounces back to them. He shoves a tall glass of a clear liquid in Sephiroth's hand.
Genesis: Here, drink up.
• Sephiroth drowns the contents of the glass in one go, then gives the glass to Angeal, who wrinkles his nose and brings the glass closer to smell it.
Angeal: *sniff sniff* GENESIS!
Genesis: WHAT!?
• They turn around and Sephiroth is nowhere to be seen. Angeal starts panicking.
Genesis: Relax! It's Sephiroth. What real trouble could he possibly get into?
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• The once respectable party turned into a nightclub with flashing neon lights and a clear dancefloor.
• This happened after Sephiroth lost all articles of clothing save for his pants and proceeded to give (drunk) Rufus ShinRa a lap dance.
• All hell broke loose after that.
• No one knows where the pole came from.
• No one knew Director Lazard knew how to work the pole either but the night is full of surprises.
• Genesis is having people do body shots off him.
• Angeal lost his composure after someone brought out barrels filled with alcohol and Banora Whites so people could so apple bobbing.
• Reeve coordinated a drunk human pyramid and Sephiroth was at the top. Hojo appeared to try and grab Sephiroth to preserve his creation's dignity. He backflipped off the top and landed on top of Hojo.
• Turks vs. SOLDIER drinking match. Genesis and Reno got into a who's the better redhead fight. Lots of trash talk. Cissnei and Elena put eyeliner and Glitter on Sephiroth.
• Sephiroth interrupted Genesis's time on the pole to show him how it's done. He may or may not have performed to Lovegame by Lady Gaga.
• And then He blacks out.
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• Every department has hungover zombies roaming it's halls.
• The SOLDIER floor in particular is straight out of The Walking Dead. Zack wished Director Lazard good morning and got an supernatural moan in response.
• Meanwhile Sephiroth is chipper as he strides into the conference room with a coffee cup in hand.
• Angeal and Genesis look up from their fetal positions.
Genesis: What...what in the goddess's name. You're not hungover?
Sephiroth: I was never drunk to begin with.
Angeal & Genesis: HUH!?
Sephiroth: It's a quirk I have from the way I developed. Alcohol doesn't work for me like it does for average SOLDIERs.
Sephiroth: Oh, I was bored.
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bit-dodgy-innit · 2 years
Un Pequeño Enamoramiento (A Little Crush)
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(Gif is not mine - if it’s yours lmk and I’ll credit you!)
Part of my 500 Follower Celebration set in my SHAPE OF YOU AU
The Prompt: Your mom has a crush on Jake and his Latino charm.
Requested by: my not secret love @my-secret-shame
Pairing: Jake x afab!reader, with Marc x afab!reader and Steven x afab!reader,  Reader is engaged to the system, references to past Marc x Layla 
Word Count: 2.9k 
Spice-o-meter: 🌶🌶 - Rated M, references to sexual content and non-graphic depictions of sex 
CW/TW: mentions of abuse, divorce, references to societal judgement regarding D.I.D, mentions of penetrative and oral sex, as well as anal play (hola it’s Jake after all), and thirsty middle-aged women 
A/N: Ohohohoho this came out angstier than I thought it would, but you know I can never get too dark without having fun too! Also remember in the Shape of You, reader’s parent love the boys, but I thought it could be interesting to see how they got there. 
Having your significant other meet your parents tends to be an anxiety-inducing experience, one made even more treacherous by the fact that your boyfriend had Dissociative Identity Disorder, a checkered past as a mercenary, and a failed married under his belt. Marc, as wonderful and considerate as he was, was a tough sell on paper. 
The first time you introduced your then-boyfriend to your parents, you had tried to get them to go easy on Marc, sharing that he didn’t have a relationship with his family anymore, in addition to personally attesting to the growth he’d shown after his divorce. 
It sort of worked. At the very least, your parents steered clear of asking Marc about his, but your dad deployed precisely zero tact when he questioned Marc on why he’d gotten divorced. Your boyfriend handled it like a champ, sitting next to you wearing the blazer you knew hated, answering their questions as honestly as he could, and insisting on paying for dinner. 
But you’d definitely noticed that Marc had been drinking. And not just his customary couple of beers after a long day of work, your boyfriend steadily put down several glasses of hard alcohol. Even crazier was how little he seemed to be affected by the veritable bottle of Jack he’d just pumped into his system. He hadn’t slurred even a single word.  
You had tried to referee the dinner as best as you could and did everything within your means to support Marc afterwards. But he was withdrawn the rest of the evening, responding to all of your questions and affirmations of love monosyllabically. He even turned down your offer to deep throat him in gratitude for pushing through what must have been an intense and maybe triggering meal for him. You went to bed in silence and the next morning, you woke up next to Steven. 
Marc needed space and time to process, you knew this, but it still frustrated you that he wouldn’t so much as share, let alone work through, his feelings with you. Though, he had done something major for you and your relationship last night, you could give him a minute. Thankfully a fire at work helped distract you in the short-term. 
Your mom met you for lunch near your office that afternoon, and when your respective cups of tea and salads arrived, the first thing she said about the night before was, “I can see why you like him. He’s very handsome.”
“He is, but I don’t just like him, mom. I’m in love with him and we’re building a life together.” Geez, couldn’t your mom give you a little credit? You didn’t love Marc only because you were shallow and a whore for his thick cock. 
She winced, and not because her beverage was too hot. “Sweet pea, he seems like a great guy, but it’s clear he has a lot of baggage.” 
You nearly spit your tea out. She had no idea. 
“That’s a lot for you to also shoulder as well, and not just emotionally. If you two get married, there’ll be financial and legal implications. Stuff like that can bubble up in really ugly ways years down the line.”
“I know. I know all of his baggage, and he knows all of mine, and we love and accept each other for it,” you kept going to prevent your mother from interjecting, “and, not that it’s really any of your business, but Marc is…working on what he needs to. Mom, we both want the same things, and besides, I want you to like him, but if you don’t, that’s not going to stop me from marrying him.”
“Oh I’m well aware,” she huffed. Your mom was one to talk, after all you inherited your stubbornness from her. “So you two have discussed getting married?” 
“Yes,” you replied instantly, you wanted there to be no room for doubt, on your parents but also on your end too. Because despite being on the same page with your boyfriend about the next step in your relationship, a ring had yet to appear. “And he hasn’t run for the hills. I wish…Marc takes a minute to warm up. I think it would be good for you to meet him again. Maybe we could have you over for lunch this weekend, and he and Dad can watch a game or something. My gut says last night spooked him, plus he really wanted to make a good impression, but then Dad went and grilled him about his ex-wife.” 
Your mom agreed that a second go was the right move. They came over Sunday, and once she could see your boyfriend in a less stuffy environment, and he started talking baseball with your dad, all was well. 
Even though your parents had accepted Marc, they needed a lot of prep before they met his alters. You knew it was only natural that they had a lot of questions, D.I.D. was so stigmatized and sensationalized in the media, and that had been their only exposure. They became much more open to understanding when Marc gave you permission to explained that he’d suffered so much loss and trauma as a child (they didn’t ever need to know about mercenary work and the stint with Khonshu).
To be honest, you weren’t sure how you would’ve reacted if you knew Marc had D.I.D. upfront. Now, you couldn’t imagine life without Steven and Jake. They were your boys, who all adored and supported you in their distinct and equally beautiful ways. 
Several emailed articles and hour-long conversations later, you believed your parents were ready to meet your other lovers. The introductions would take place when you and your now fiancé spent the holidays with them. You had strategized both with your parents and the boys who should meet who first and how it should all go down. So detailed was your planning, it made D-Day look like the Allies winged it at Normandy. 
Though you knew it would take your mom and dad exactly .23 seconds to fall in love with Steven just like you had, Jake had actually volunteered to go first. His reasoning was “I’m great with moms.” 
You had no clue what that meant, especially given Marc’s dark past with his mother, but he wanted to do it and you weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Mom and Dad were briefed that Jake would be arriving with you, and when they welcomed you into your childhood home with the customary fanfare, you were so nervous you wanted to laugh, cry, and vomit all at the same time.
Turned out you had nothing to worry about however, because Jake had been right. He was great with moms. He greeted yours with a double cheek-kiss, called her Señora, and the woman fucking melted. 
“We’re so happy you’re here,” she giggled (fucking giggled!), “thanks for making the trek. Hopefully it wasn’t too much of a hassle.”
You were too shocked to be annoyed that your own mother hadn’t said hello to you yet. Instead, you looked at your dad flabbergasted. He acknowledged your surprise, murmuring “she did always love Antonio Banderas,” and then promptly dismissed it with a shrug. 
Your mom claimed that she absolutely needed to show you to your room, as if it wasn’t the bedroom you’d slept in until you left for uni and could find it blindfolded. You suspected it was because she wanted to watch Jake carry your suitcases, which…fair. The four of you fancied yourselves quite modern in your relationship, all very much considering each other as partners, but there was something primally tantalizing about watching a hot, strong man carry something heavy for you. 
It was only after Jake had bent over to place your suitcases down and got an eyeful of his denim-clad ass that your mom noticed your engagement ring, having never seen it in person before. 
“Oh sweet pea, it’s stunning!” She gazed at Jake from underneath her eyelashes. “You chose beautifully.” 
“Thank you,” he preened. 
“De nada,” she said, flaunting one of the whopping ten Spanish words she knew. 
“Muy bien!” Jake commended her. 
Finally, finally, she left you two alone to get settled and you faceplanted onto the bed as soon as the door shut.  
“I told you so.” Smug, sexy bastard. 
You turned so you could see him. “It beats the alternative I guess.” 
“Just watch,” Jake began while he unzipped his suitcase, “I’ll help cook dinner and have her eating out of the palm of my hand.” 
“As long as it’s not literally,” you retorted. 
Your cheekiness compelled him to pounce on top of you, the two of you rolling around your bed (thank goodness you’d upgraded to a queen as a teenager) and trading giggly, giddy kisses atop it. 
“I’m happy you’re here,” you whispered, trying to nuzzle impossibly closer to him.
“Yo también,” he concurred, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. “Other than the basics, your parents can’t speak Spanish, si?” 
“Si,” you confirmed. “Only me.” 
“Fantástico. Para que pueda decir lo que quiera delante de ellos, como lo mucho que quiero follarte en esta cama.”
“Jake!” you reproached him. 
“Lo siento,” he apologized half-heartedly, pushing himself off the bed, “Vamos y podemos ayudar tu madre con la cena.”
“Bien,” you consented. “Tengo mucho hambre.” 
Jake was so damn charming and delightful over the next two days he was nearly laying it on too thick. You were thrilled your parents, specifically your mom, approved of him, but there was a perverse little jealous part of you that couldn't help but wonder how they’d feel if your parents knew what your fiancé did to their daughter behind closed doors, and in his past life as an avatar. 
Yet when Jake’s three days of the trip were up – the plan was each alter would front exclusively for a third of the trip, Jake first, Steven second, and Marc last – you understood exactly why your fiancé had gone to such lengths to ingratiate himself with your family. When Steven came downstairs with you for breakfast on his first morning, your parents barely batted an eyelash. 
Marc had shared that historically, Jake had been the system’s protector. He was the one who took over when Marc or Steven had been overwhelmed, and you were shocked to learn that the other two men had only learned of his existence about a year or so before you met Marc. 
Jake’s actions made perfect sense. Even though your parents had left in a good place with Marc during their last visit, he wanted to make sure they couldn’t hold his D.I.D. against them. Jake would warm them up to the idea of three men existing inside of the body their daughter loved so Steven and Marc could have just a smooth visit as he did with their future in-laws. 
Your mom raved about him when the two of you went for an early walk. Your dad had a last-minute work call and Jake was dozing after the morning head you’d treated him to for being fiancé-extraordinaire.
“Oh honey,” she gushed. “I hope you don’t mind me saying this but, he’s so…sexy, but such a gentleman too!” 
“Right?” You’d decided the first night of the stay to not fight your mom’s crush on Jake. “Just wait until you meet Steven tomorrow, he’s just as wonderful, but in a different way.” 
“You know, I can hardly believe they’re all technically the same person,” she mused, then caught herself. “Not that they’re not their own people but they share—“
“I get it,” you cut her short to let her know it was okay. “I always tell them how different they look.”
“It can’t be easy, loving essentially three different people like that,” she remarked, surprising you with her unexpectedly astute observation. 
“I mean, yes and no,” you replied. It was beyond difficult for you to put into words. “They’re all their own people but each part of a whole at the same time. It was definitely an adjustment. But now I wouldn’t want it any other way.” 
“You make a beautiful couple,” she told you, and her endorsement of the man you loved nearly brought you to tears in front of your neighbors' house. 
That night, your parents had a bunch of family over, and you instructed them to introduce your fiancé as Jake and just leave it at that for the time being. It was the holidays, so the alcohol was flowing even more freely than usual, so it really wasn’t a problem. Your extended family, God love ‘em, were never great with names to begin with and you could always tell them that when Marc was drunk his accent came out. 
It wasn’t that you were trying to hide or were ashamed of his D.I.D., but you and your fiancé were realistic about how other people would perceive it and him. It was often easier and less stressful to breeze past the tough conversations and protect your lovers’ peace if you didn’t think others would receive the information in a healthy way. 
One of your relatives had turned on the stereo and somehow the younger cousins, including you and Jake, were dancing in your parent’s living room. Dancing with Jake was one of your very favorite things to do, and while you didn’t get to do enough of it, the pair of you kept it tame given the setting. 
But when Jake showed off a little and twirled you, you couldn’t help but be transported to the dark, sultry underground salsa club the two of you first met at. Sex seemed to pulse in the air along with the bass and writhing bodies there, and it wasn’t long before you and this beguiling stranger who wore the same face as Marc and Steven joined them. After a few hours at that place, you hadn’t just ridden in Jake’s car home, you’d rode him in the car, the whole night blurring into a mix of tequila, salsa music, and sweat. 
The song ended and Jake whispered a question to you, his lips brushing against the delicate skin of your earlobe and making you shiver. You gave him your blessing and when he asked your mom to dance, you figured maybe you could tell her that Jake used to kill on behalf of an Egyptian god and loved to stick his fingers into your asshole because she was smitten with Jake Lockley. 
His dance partner now occupied, your dad engaged you in a little step touch together. He caught you watching your mom and fiancé with shining eyes. 
“He sure does make you happy,” he observed. 
“And he respects you?” 
Your father wasn’t a man of many words, but he knew how to make them count. It made you chuckle to yourself, he was a big softie, but the boys revealed that despite saving the world from a power-hungry Egyptian goddess and literally dying, fulfilling the tradition of asking your father for your hand was one of the scariest things they’d ever done in their life. 
The song ended and you were reunited with your fiancé. He collected you in his arms as a slower, quieter song filled your parent’s living room. 
“You’re quite a tough act to follow Jake Lockley,” you noted while you gazed over his shoulder at your mother, still a bit flustered after her dance with him. 
“Disparates,” he dismissed the notion. “Estarán bien mientras no se pierdan en su propia cabeza.”
It was where Jake differed from his alters. Where Marc and Steven had their unique ways of wrapping themselves around their respective axles and overthinking things, Jake would simply act. He seemed to be more in tune with his instincts, though his tendency toward action could push the envelope toward impulsivity at times. 
“Well, you did a buen trabajo setting the stage for them,” you praised him. 
“Yeah, tell them to thank me, will you?” Jake pulled you closer to amend his previous thought.  “Or better yet, you could thank me for them.” 
“You’re insatiable,” you accused him blithely.  
Jake lips returned to your ear. “Y tú lo encantas.”
As much as you tried to deny it, he was right. Instead of admitting it, you turned your head to connect your lips and whispered “Te amo.” 
“Vamos arriba,” Jake entreated you, his gravelly tone irresistible.
Yet after you excused the two of you, you caught sight of your cousin Rachel as you and Jake were heading up. She beckoned you outside where she and her boyfriend Todd were having a covert couple of beers away from the barrage of questions from your relatives. You joined them, postponing your private expression of gratitude to Jake. 
He didn’t altogether mind, because for once you didn’t give him shit when he had a cigarette with Todd, plus you had all night to sneak in some sex. Mostly though, he was just happy to see you at ease and that he perhaps could be integrated into your family after all. 
Jake, nor Steven or Marc had had a family in a long time, and so he was relieved he took a step closer to joining yours. It was a terrifying proposition to them, especially Marc, but if you were by their side, any of them would walk through fire, go to the Duat and back, or hell, take another bullet or two. Thankfully, tonight merely called for schmoozing with your extended family, and Jake was happy to do it. 
A/N: Wooo! Slowly plowing through these fills! Hope the angst made the sweetness and spiciness worth it. We can’t blame reader’s mom, can we? Also, anyone else need more of Sr. Hernandez and ethnic hips dancing on screen? Because I’ll write and finance one just for him 🙃 
Taglist: @twwcs, @rmoonstoner, @hot-mess-express1, @murdickdocked, @toracainz, @saahmi, @unspokenmoon, @winterbiipp, @avatarofseshat @ilikeoldermenhelp , @losers-club6, @harrys-tittie, @ninebluehearts, @lucianadraven32, @dawnsutopia, @strawberry1042, @nikitawolfxo 
De nada - you’re welcome 
Muy bien - very good 
Yo también - Me too 
Si - yes 
Fantástico. Para que pueda decir lo que quiera delante de ellos, como lo mucho que quiero follarte en esta cama. - Fantastic. So I can say whatever I want in front of them, like how much I want to fuck you in this bed. 
Lo siento - I’m sorry 
Vamos y podemos ayudar tu madre con la cena -  Let’s go and help your mother with dinner. 
Bien - Okay 
Tengo mucho hambre - I am very hungry 
Disparates - Nonsense 
Estarán bien mientras no se pierdan en su propia cabeza. - They’ll be good as long as their don’t get lost in their own head. 
 buen trabajo - good job 
Y tú lo encantas - And you love it. 
Te amo - I love you 
Vamos arriba - Let’s go upstairs 
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kasaron · 10 months
Do you have the apple wine recipe? Thank you!
Sure thing! I'll do you one better, I'll give you my recipe for ANY KIND of fruit wine.
Please note, this will make approx 5 gallons of rather strong, dry wine. It will be about 15% ABV, and I encourage you to BE CAREFUL when drinking it, as it can be stronger than you expect.
Full instructions Below;
Supplies; (These are reusable items or materials which you use to make the wine).
(2) 5 gallon brewing buckets (or a 6 gallon food grade bucket. Regular 5 gallon ones are too small; you can use practically any kind of food grade container, as long as it's glass, stainless steel, or HMPE/UHMPE plastic). you can TECHNICALLY use 1 brewing bucket and 1 regular 5 gallon, cause of lees and other loss, but ehhh. Make sure the bucket lid has a hole to accept your airlock, and is waterproof otherwise.
(1) large plastic tub or container. I like big HDX totes for this.
(1) siphon (get the 24" one. just do it.)
(1) brewing airlock
(1) StarSan (sanitizer)
(1) hydroemeter and matchjing graduated cylinder (this is to measure the potential strength).
(1) waterproof baking scale
(1) pair of nitrile gloves
(1) 24" long stainless steel mixing spoon (ALUMINUM IS BAD DO NOT USE)
(1) Turkey Baster (New, Clean, Unused. Label it for brewing only)
(1) Large stainless steel, glass, or ceramic bowl
Theory (I promise to be brief here).
Alcohol is made when yeast eats sugar and oxygen, the byproduct is more yeast, carbon dioxide, alcohol, and what are called esters (complex aromatic chemicals). Not all yeast are made equal, and many thrive in specific environments, or make specific byproducts.
Some universal rules;
No Vitamin C, Citric Acid, or Citrus Juices. (Kills the yeast.)
No Juices w/ Preservatives. (You can use from concentrate, as long as there's nothing else in it).
No Artifical, or Non-Sugar Sweeteners (It doesn't work).
Nothing With a High Protein Content (Milk, nuts, etc. It will rot. Don't.)
Nothing with a lot of salt. (Also kills the yeast.)
Between 100-70F, for most yeasts.
5 gallons of fruit juice (any blend, any brand, any kind, follow the universal rules.)
Sugar/Sweeteners (I like dark brown sugar and unsulphured molasses, expect to use 4-6 pounds)
Spices, mixins, whatnot (see below).
Sanitize; You will need to make a batch of StarSan (read the instructions!) with warm water in your large plastic container. This is your sanitary solution. This will kill unwanted microorganisms. It is 100% food safe. Do NOT rinse or wipe sanitized items, if a sanitized item touches ANYTHING that isn't sanitized, it is no longer sanitized. You will have to sanitize everything except your ingredients, and that includes your hands, repeatedly, any time they touch anything that is not explicitly sanitized. To sanitize something, immerse it it for approx five seconds, and pour/let drip any remaining star san on or in the object. The residual star san is FINE. Don't worry about it.
Must; Pour your fruit juice into your brewing bucket (AFTER SANITIZING THE BUCKET). This will mix all the fruit juices you may use, this is vital. Meanwhile, put your yeast packet (UNOPENED) into your pocket. Trust me.
Measure; Use your turkey baster to fill your graduated cylinder, and hydrometer. Note (WRITE DOWN) the brix, and specific gravity. Use this calculator: https://www.brewersfriend.com/brix-converter/ to get the current potential ABV. Now, work out what ABV you want, by gradually increasing the brix, until it hits a point you'd like. Take those Brix, and plug them into this calculator: https://www.brewersfriend.com/chaptalization-calculator/ to get how many pounds of sugar to add. Measure that amount of sugar by weight, into your bowl. If you are using liquid sweeteners, you will have to work out how much sugar they have, by weight; that can take some math, but there are ways to find it online. Add that sugar/sweetener to the brewing bucket, and mix until dissolved. Take a second measurement, to confirm that the Brix has gotten to the correct levels.
Mixins; add any spices, or mixins you want. I am very partial to a half or whole cup of coldbrew concentrate, 2 ounces of vanilla extract, and a small bit of cinnamon (very small). You can add black tea, cloves, nutmeg, even citrus zest; just follow the universal rules, and if feasible, sanitize the material. If you can't sanitize it, it should be ok, generally, as long as it's visibly clean and free of gunk.
Mix! Add your yeast. You do NOT need to prep your yeast, save for to get it up to body temperature SLOWLY (put it in your pocket while you work). Put your sanitized lid on your brewing bucket/vessel, and shake vigorously. If this is not feasible, or you are not very physically strong, instead vigorously mix the mixture. Your goal is to aerate the mixture, to add oxygen, which the yeast needs for it's initial growth spurt.
Airlock; Add the airlock, write the Brix, and starting date on the bucket or on a small bit of painter's tape, and store in a room with a stable temperature, away from sunlight. 70-90F is ideal for most yeast.
Wait; Check on the airlock, it it's making bloop noises, it's fermenting. When it stops making bloop noises, or they seriously slow down, the fermentation is done. this will take approx 1-2 months, in my experience.
Check; Make your star san again, sanitize your gear. Open your brewing bucket. If you see mold, when you open the brewing bucket, you failed. Try again. If you see brown/crusty stuff on the sides, thats OK; that's Kroysen, it's normal. Use your baster as before, to check the Brix/SPG. It should now read near zero. If so, it's done, if not, maybe add a bit more yeast, close it up and wait a little longer. If there are any off flavors, make a note of them. that's not unusual, and it's NOT impossible to fix. Google the specific flavor smell or whatever, and you'll find suggestions. If it's rotten eggs/feet smell, see next step.
Rack; When it's ready as above step, use your siphon to siphon the wine from it's current bucket, to a second one. Do your best to not disturb the bucket before or during this step, as a lot of dead yeast has settled to the bottom, and we want it to stay there. This second bucket can be a regular, food-grade 5-gallon bucket; since you will be leaving some stuff behind, and fermentation is done. If the wine smells like rotten eggs, you need to "air rack" it, that means, when you siphon it, let the wine pass through a strainer or collander on the way out, or let it fall from a height, so knock out the sulphur dioxide. APPLE WINE WILL ALWAYS NEED TO BE AIR RACKED.
Enjoy! You can bottle it at this point, or do what I do, which is have a bucket with a spigot that I can grab a glass from whenever I feel like it, in a cool dark place in my basement.
For my apple wine,
5 gal apple wine
4 lbs of brown sugar
12oz mollasses
K1V-1116 yeast
And if you do choose to make your own wine, I implore you to share it with others, and also let me know how it goes!
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