#not intended to be save frog
arandomspud · 3 months
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gemwolfz · 9 months
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have you heard of hatsune mikero
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factual-fantasy · 6 months
I realized we know the least about the river person in ya au.
Care to remedy that?
Well to be honest.. not a whole lot has changed about her. I keep forgetting she exists and I don't have a lot of ideas for how she could interact with the group..
Though speaking of her, recently I tried to dig into her character a little more and I started by making a redesign for her. Although its only the first pass and Isn't official yet-
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And despite my attempts, for now her story and character is still relatively the same..
She was just a lonely boat keeper. She would come home from her shifts to a gloomy house where no one was waiting for her. No family, no friends.. no pets or hobbies.. she didn't really have anything going on except for running the boat. And to be honest.. she was kind'a okay with that in a way. She just accepted that this was her life, and this is how she lives. And its not like she had no joy in her life. Her joy came from running the boat.
She would take all kinds of people down the river, and they would talk to her. They would tell her wonderful things. The children would talk about their hopes and dreams. What they wanted to be when they grew up.. what their favorite food was. They'd tell her about that crazy looking frog they saw on the way here.
The elderly would tell her stories of all the places they'd been and all the things they'd seen. And even if they didn't talk to her directly.. she still overheard some interesting conversations. The young couples would talk about what they were planning on naming their first child. They would talk about what they wanted their house to look like and how many pets they wanted to have.
And sometimes the people on the boat didn't talk at all. Sometimes they looked sad and wouldn't look up from their feet.. So she would sing to them. And when they got off she would tell them "I hope you're day gets better. I enjoyed your company." And the few times she got a smile back made it all worth it.
She put her value of herself and her life on the people around her. Transporting people from point A to point B and occasionally cheering people up.. was all the worth she really felt she had..
But then Jevil and his group came along for a boat ride. Half way down the river Jevil breaks out in a cold sweat and starts to shake. Somethings wrong.
"This world is about to end." The group perks up "What?"
Grabbing Seams sleeve beside him he says louder and frantically "THIS WORLD IS ENDING"
Jevil jumps up and makes a mirror below the water large enough to swallow the boat whole.
As they fall through the mirror, horrible soul breaking sounds can be heard as that timeline collapses in on itself.
The boat probably landed in a snowdin somewhere.. or maybe another waterfall? Or maybe in a dark world.. where ever it landed, Jevil was looking the group over when he saw River Person..
"Where.. am I?"
He had done it again. Ripped someone out of its AU just as it was dying...
I intended for River person to have some kind of survivors guilt. Thinking her life had no real value and that anyone else in her AU deserved to have been saved in her place. Almost the opposite of Grillby.
Grillby hates Jevil becuase he valued his life and lost everything he held dear.. River Person doesn't hate Jevil for saving her at all. She's not sad about losing her life becuase she never really had one.. She's just grieving for all those people who died and wishes any of them could have been saved in her place.
The guilt really eats her up inside..
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pagesfromthevoid · 1 year
Your Kiss, My Cheek | d.d.
Din Djarin x princess!reader, Grogu x princess!reader (familial)
A Cowboy Like Me drabble
In which Grogu reflects on life with his princess and his dad
Word Count: ~770
Warnings: Nada
Author’s Note: You guys have one (1) more drabble after this before I drop part 13 and it’s glory. Enjoy the little semblance of information that you need for context
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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On Sorgan, Grogu sat with Wynta and the other children while listening to Omera tell a story. He wasn’t sure how much longer his father would be gone, or where his princess was. Grogu knew she was taken by someone, and he understood that his dad needed to save her. Grogu missed her; dad was fantastic –caring, protective –and he loved him. But she was soft, and understanding. She let him explore and read to him. She held him when he was scared, kissed his cheeks and promised to keep him safe. Grogu liked his princess almost as much as he liked his dad. 
But his princess was gone, and so was his dad. 
He just didn’t know where they went. But he knew that his dad wouldn’t leave him alone unless there was no choice.
His dad was good like that. 
While Wynta whispered something to him –something about his princess and how she caught a frog the other day – Grogu was thinking about what was going to happen to her and his dad. He had left in such a hurry, and it had been nearly a week since his dad had left. Grogu wondered what was happening. 
“Mando’s back!”
Omera looked up from the children, then to Grogu. He had turned to the voice of one of the cart drivers, who was running into the camp. Omera stood and scooped him up, and Grogu felt relief as he saw their ship break through the trees. It was a fast rescue mission, then. Dad and his princess would be home and while the three of them would have to leave again most likely, he was fine with that –because at least they were together. 
Several of the villagers, along with him and Omera, hurried through the forest to greet him. But when they arrived, and the hatch to the ship lowered, only his dad came into view. Grogu wondered if she was just in the bunk, resting or recovering, but when his dad took him from Omera’s arms –Grogu knew there was something wrong.
“Where is she, Mando?” Omera asked, looking up at him with a deep frown. 
“She’s safe,” he confirmed, looking down at Grogu now. He knew when his dad was upset, or angry. Could feel it, even when he couldn’t see his face. “I have to take the child back with me.”
Grogu looked up at his dad now, blinking up at him in confusion.
“Is that safe?”
“There’s no other choice,” his dad countered, looking back at Omera now. “Calisto intends to use her to bring Grogu to Gideon. I can’t let that happen.” Grogu reached up to touch his dad’s chest plate, trying to get his attention. But he just shook his head. “It’s going to be fine, kid. Don’t worry. We’ll keep you safe and get her back.”
Grogu tilted his head to the side, frowning some as his dad loaded him up onto the ship.
Within the hour, the two were trekking back through space, off to save their princess. His dad had been quiet the entire time and Grogu tried to get his attention, using the Force to pull his toy from the shifter. But his father snatched it back, looking down at him and shaking his head. Grogu grumbled in response, trying again.
“Kid,” dad said, turning to face him. “I need you to stop. I need you to just…just please stop.”
Grogu stared at his dad, eyes wide with surprise. He had heard his dad sound so many ways; feel so many things. Angry, terrifying, defeated, vengeful. But this…this was new. This was fear. And he had never heard his father sound so scared before.
Whoever had his princess was scaring him. And Grogu didn’t like that.
After a moment of staring at each other, his dad pulled him into his lap and sighed. Grogu looked up at him, then back out the window.
“I’m going to marry her when we save her,” his dad explained, leaning back in his seat. Grogu hummed, tilting his head once more. “I asked her to. We’re gonna be a clan of three soon.”
Grogu had interacted with lots of people that his father cared about. Peli and her droids that ran around and let him chase them. Cara and Karga, both who made sure that dad was taking care of him whenever they visited. Of course, there was Omera and her people who Grogu loved. But his dad didn’t love any of them like he loved his princess.
Their princess.
His mom.
Taglist (CLOSED): @r4iner @sgt-morgan @mingeniee @darling1darling @teriolan-blog @venusfalling @double—take @sunshine96 @demisexuallover @mxtokko @ellesvoid @waddafaknik @c-ms1ut @kokoirne @sl-ut @munsons-queen @intense-sneezing @geekrenaissance @dancealongthelightofday @tizylish @ruleroftides @aheadfullofsteverogers
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indulgentandidiotic · 11 months
Renaissance Man (Twisted Wonderland)
Synopsis: It takes a lot to cure your boredom, so you end up catching hobbies and interests like they’re Pokemon. –and how Riddle Rosehearts, Ortho Shroud, Floyd Leech, and Rook Hunt react.
Warnings: Reader is just good at everything idk, talks about specific hobbies to illustrate a point, reader is more artsy (drawing, physical crafts, etc), this is a very big ego stroke have fun, not proofread, verrrrryyyy indulgent :D
GN Reader
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Riddle Rosehearts
He finds you so interesting and talented! Because of your vast knowledge on almost any and every topic, plus your fascination with the arts, he had regarded you as someone who was well-cultured and sophisticated. (That’s wasn’t necessarily the case, though.)
You could be talking to him like you’re a geologist who’d been studying their whole life, rambling on and on about how certain rocks form and where they’re found and oh! did you know that pyrite is comprised of and it can come in this many colors and you can find it in beds of and these countries used it for and and-!
Why! You’re just a fountain of knowledge, aren’t you! But then the next time Riddle sees you, instead of imparting your knowledge of rocks or astrology or tree frogs to the Heartslabyul students, you’re playing poker with them and taking their portion of tarts for the next Unbirthday party!
You having so many hobbies and interests makes you fun to be around, though because of you, he’s had a new rule instated: That no one play any card games with you :/ Or any games for that matter, because no matter what gambling with food and pocket change always gets involved, and you somehow always win!
Not only are you a library of information and great at games, you’re also great in arts and crafts. Riddle often sees you in class with a small bag of crocheting supplies, crocheting away during lectures. Sometimes you instead bring embroidery hoops to create patches, other times you make rugs. And on the occasion, Riddle sees you sewing by hand in class. When you’re not in class, you’re creating art at a larger scale. You’re buying clay and paints and canvases from Sam’s store (he sells everything!) and sculpting tea pots or painting the roses or painting the walls in Ramshackle or! 
You seem to pick up anything to keep your hands busy!
Riddle wonders how you can even keep up with your studies with all the other things you’re doing, but you apply the same effort you to do your hobbies to your studies. 
Riddle is very impressed with you all the time. He admires the things you make and how you put so much effort into everything. Whenever you’ve made things you don’t intend on using, you sometimes gift it to him. He keeps all your gifts displayed in his room on his shelves, or when they’re practical, like tea sets, he’ll use them. Heartslabyul has actually saved quite a bit of money from being able to get free new tea sets and dishes from you!
Overall, despite your trying to take advantage of people with your card/gaming skills, Riddle holds you in high regard. He loves to listen to your ramblings, especially when they’re related to things you’ve been learning in class, like history or potionology. He indulges you because smart people and smart people mix well, and he learns a lot from you. 
Ortho Shroud
Ortho is fascinated by you! Yes, he knows basically everything you talk about, but it’s fun to be able to talk about all these things with someone. What’s the point of having so much information stored in your body when there’s no one to talk to? You’ve become an important companion to Ortho, who often stays by your side in class and outside of it, because every moment with you is full of conversation!
He also gets a burst of pride whenever you ask questions about topics you’re exploring. Again, a lot of the info stored in him is stuff he’d never need to use, so it just. Sits there. He’s so happy whenever he has the chance to put it to good use!!
Though he’s knowledgeable, Ortho doesn’t have the most life/hobby experience. Knowing how to do something in theory is wayyyy different from actually doing it. That’s why he’s also happy whenever you play games with him or show him your arts and crafts. It also benefits you, because you get to show off all your cool game-playing strategies with someone who actually cares, and also teach someone how to do the crafts that you love to do!
Because of your teachings, Ortho now has a lot of handmade knitted and sewn plushies and various ceramics that he displays all around Idia’s room. You’ll find weirdly shaped vases next to Idia’s anime figures on the shelves, and thrown on Idia’s bed are interesting little monster(?) plushes, since Ortho was insistent on making his own sewing patterns.
Overall, Ortho likes you a lot! There’s never a dull moment with you, and you both appreciate each other. It’s very refreshing to be in a friendship where both parties are fully engaged in anything and everything the other says and does. Ortho is very glad to have a friend to spend his free time with, as are you. In a place where others may find you weird, it’s nice to have a friend who’s able to keep up with and indulge in your interests.
Floyd Leech
Whereas Riddle and Ortho could sit listening to your infodumps for hoursss, Floyd prefers to do things. He likes you, because you’re not generally a boring person, but you talk about so many things that many of them are bound to be things he’s not interested in. Floyd’s a slippery fellow, so depending on what your current interest is, he may be utterly invested in every word that falls from your lips or he’ll brush you off entirely.
He much prefers to do crafts with you. If you’re painting the walls of Ramshackle, he wants a hand in that! You better be prepared for a huge mess on all the furniture though, despite the fact that you covered everything with tarp. You’ll also have to be okay with a bright, abstract, and textured painting for a wall.
You’ve introduced Floyd to pottery, and he’s in love with it! He can create any shape he wants with just a bunch of clay and water, and the pottery wheel is so whooshhhh and the texture of everything is fun! He hates waiting for things to get fired though, even with magic helping to speed things up. 
As for sewing and the like, those skills require a lot of patience and delicacy. Floyd could definitely create a masterpiece with a bit of yarn and a needle, but he’s gotta be in the mood, ya know? They’re not his favorite hobbies because of that, but he does enjoy watching your fingers skillfully and swiftly crochet a chain or embroider a patch.
Because of the amount of time Floyd spends hanging around you while you’re painting or sculpting etc, he’s gotten quite a few gifts. He’s got a jacket that he sews all the patches you’ve made for him on, most of them having some sort of sea animal embroidered on it. You’ve given him some of the more interesting glasses and bowls you’ve made, that he randomly serves food and drink to the Mostro Lounge’s customers in. Because he’s always showing off the things you’ve made, he’s actually drummed up business for you!
People want to buy plushes and cutlery and dishes and jacket patches and rugs and the whole works from you! Even Azul now wants business with you, especially so if you prove you can cook. 
Overall, Floyd enjoys your company. You’re not a dull shrimp in the slightest! In fact, you’re very colorful ✨ He isn’t always in the mood for your ramblings, but he’s always game for your little shenanigans, whether it be repainting the whole of Ramshackle inside and out, or using your tendency to gamble during card games to persuade some losing customers into a contract.
Rook Hunt
Magnifique! 💖🤯 Your talent makes you all the more beautiful! 😩 It’s so endearing, your passion for the art is!! 💗❤️‍🔥 And your effort and drive can make even a man such as he shiver in awe!!! Needless to say, Rook is in love with you ✨✨
Actually, sometimes it feels like he’s more invested in your hobbies than you are! He’s just all over you when you’re doing things, from something as “mundane” as gardening to something as grand as testing an old potion you’ve found in the back of NRC’s library that should supposedly turn a cookie into a frog. He’s probably the one who told you there was such a book in the first place!! Granted, the reason you took such hobbies up in the first place was just to keep yourself busy… But still! 
He’s a joy to have around, given his eye 👁️ for beauty and his love for lovely things. When you’re indulging in the arts, if you feel your piece is off, he knows exactly what to add or how to fix it! When you’re hitting burnout, he’s either giving you bursts of inspiration or introducing you to new hobbies.
So far, he’s taken you out hunting, taught you how to use a bow, and given you tips on how to do makeup and style outfits. Now you’ve got three more hobbies! 3️⃣ Because of your efforts and Rook’s teachings, even Vil thinks you’ve got some fashion sense! :D !!
Rook’s favorite part about you isn’t your natural talent, though. Yes, it’s impressive how well you pick up new skills and knowledge, but he’s way more invested in how happy you look when doing or talking about these things. When your eyes are sparkling, your words speed up, and your hands start wringing and enhancing your speech… that’s his favorite part about you. He thinks it’s 🌟true beauty~~~🌟
Overall, Rook thinks you’re one of the most interesting people he’s met. He likes engaging you in your hobbies and current interests, and introducing you to his own. Relationships are give-and-take, so as he listens to you, please listen to him 💪 You both are pretty eccentric, so your times together will surely never be bland 👅
Sorry for the cringe man (gn) but like not rlly
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hopefuloverfury · 8 months
I always get so sad when I think about the bachelors and bachelorttes not being able to achieve their dreams :( so how do you think the game would be different if they had? like before they meet the farmer? (i love your writing by the way,,,)
While I was thinking about this, the main question in my head was “Why would any of them still be in Pelican Town if they achieved their dreams?” Sooo I had to put them through some bullshit to get them all in one place lmao. Thank you for enjoying my writing, it means... way more than any of you probably realize. Anyway, this was fun to think about, and I hope you have fun reading it! <3
Mentions of parental death, abuse, infidelity, dysfunctional familial relationships, and reference to Leah’s shitty ex (FUCK YOU, KEL!)
Sam was the lead singer of his own band, but is now struggling to find his new normal after the members decided to go their separate ways. It certainly doesn’t help that they ended on negative terms, and their fanbase has become fractured due to the controversy surrounding the break-up. Sam has come back to Pelican Town to spend time with his family and figure out which direction he wants to take his career, but his band-mates said ill-intended things about him before they broke up, and he’s struggling to make amends with his perception of himself. He tries to write new songs, but he isn’t liking anything he’s come up with, and it’s reflecting poorly on his self-esteem. He wonders if his fans will still be there waiting once he’s ready to release his solo-music, and is paralyzed with fear about what will happen to him and his career if they aren’t.
Sebastian is a professional coder. He saved up enough money to move away as soon as he turned eighteen, and has only visited for holidays since. He was previously engaged while living in the city, but after his fiancé cheated on him with a coworker, he returned to Pelican Town to pick up the pieces of his heart. During his time away he managed to check himself into therapy, so he’s well-equipped to handle conflicts with his family, and his relationship with his mother and sister have improved dramatically since, which is really nice. He is trying his best to pursue a healthier relationship with Demetrius, but the man really doesn’t make it easy. Robin also added an extension to the house, so he doesn’t live in the basement anymore. His room has a window now, but he still prefers the rain, and discovers with surprise that he likes the rain in Pelican Town more than he ever did in the city. It’s nice to see the frogs again.
Alex is a professional gridball player. His mother passed away before she could see him achieve his dreams, but his father has contacted him many times. Alex knows his father doesn’t actually want a relationship with him, though, because the only times he’s contacted him is to ask for money. Alex blocks his dad’s number after catching sight of him on the news, trying to drag Alex's name through the mud, but eventually moves away when his dad breaks into his apartment and wrecks the place. He settles back into his bedroom at Evelyn and George’s house, and tries not to feel too drained by the legal proceedings. It’s pretty relaxing though, going back home during his off-season. Not to mention he really missed the summers in Pelican Town.
Elliott is a reputable author. He’s written a trilogy or two, a smattering of stand-alone novels, and even has a few broadway credits. But after years of constantly writing, he’s burnt out and tired, and needs a break, so he moves out of his stuffy apartment in the city and into the cabin on the beach. He commissions Robin for expansions and repairs, and it’s turned into quite a nice place, if he should be so bold to say so. He talks to Willy a lot, and after hearing the stories the fisherman has collected over the years, he kind of wants to write a book about pirates or some other kind of adventurer, but nothing is coming to mind. He’s got an excess of inspiration and drive, but the moment his pen hits the paper, his mind goes blank. It’s incredibly irritating.
Shane is one of the most notable film directors of the last decade, and he’s got quite a number of credits under his belt. His IMDb page is massive, and while he doesn’t get recognized on the street very often, anyone who knows anything about film will know his name. He moved to Pelican Town with Jas after the death of her parents. Riddled with grief, he had the presence of mind to recognize some bad habits were developing, and he couldn’t really handle the pressure of celebrity life anymore. He drinks occasionally, but he doesn’t consider himself an alcoholic. He only drinks a few times a week—and compared to his colleagues in the city—that’s nothing.
Harvey is an experienced pilot. He initially wanted to join the Ferngill Republic Air Force, but after many discussions with his parents, he decided to pursue an ATP certification and become an airline pilot instead. However, due to the recent trauma of a severe crash, Harvey is taking a break from flying. He’s become intensely afraid of heights, and the thought of getting in a plane makes him physically sick to his stomach. He’s been working on it, but it’s already been a year, and he’s not any closer to being back in the pilot’s chair. What’s wrong with him?
Maru went to university to pursue a career in STEM, but was quickly disillusioned and decided it wasn’t for her, so she decided to switch gears and abandon her dream school. Robin understood after a short explanation and told her to come back home, but Maru’s relationship with her father has become strained since, and even though they regularly experiment in the lab together, it causes some unnecessary drama in the household. Maru tries not to let it get to her too much, but it does. More positively though, her relationship with Sebastian has improved since they both came home, and they can actually hold a conversation without getting irritated at each other. She likes hanging out with her brother, but wishes that they could've gotten along like this as kids, too. They have a lot of years to catch up on!
Penny was a stay-at-home-mom up until a few months ago, when her partner suddenly decided domestic life wasn’t for them, and yanked the rug out from under her. With nowhere to go and no employment, she trudged back to Pelican Town with her tail between her legs and a toddler on her hip, to move back in with her mother. She teaches Vincent and Jas regularly, and works as a private tutor for a few clients in the town over. Pam chose to take on the majority of childcare for her grandchild, but she’s excelling at it and hasn’t stepped foot in the saloon in a long time. It should be a great thing, but Penny doesn’t know why she’s so bothered by it.
Abigail is an active member of the adventurer’s guild, a highly skilled swordswoman, and she will occasionally dabble with the magical forces of Stardew Valley under the careful guidance of her mentor, Rasmodius. Yes, she knows. No, she doesn’t mention it, and neither does he. She doesn’t live with her parents anymore. When she was looking to move out, she asked to buy the deed to the old farm, but was quickly shot down by Lewis, and decided instead to claim the decrepit cabin south of Rasmodius’ tower. Robin helped her fix it up, and after a few months, it was in good enough repair to move in permanently. She spends most of her days down in the mines, clearing the monsters on the lower floors. She’s never gone past level 20, if only to save herself from her mother’s tearful begging, but Pierre has given up. They don’t speak much.
Haley is a prolific photographer. Her portfolio is hefty, some photos dating back from when she was in high school, but the most recent picture is from three months ago, and she hasn’t picked up her camera since. She doesn’t know why, but nothing looks interesting enough to shoot anymore. The world looks flat and dull, but maybe that’s just the city. When her parents ask her and her sister to watch their house in Pelican Town while they galavant through the archipelago on some “soul-searching-journey,” she accepts without preamble. Maybe she just needs a change of scenery to get her inspiration back. Maybe she’ll find her muse?
Leah is a revered artist, and many of her pieces are in museums and art galleries. She tries to live in the city, but quickly realizes that she hates it, and after a few misses, she moves to Pelican Town. The lush flora and fauna kick her inspiration into overdrive, and with the amount of foraged greens she’s been eating since moving into the cabin next to Marnie’s, she doesn’t think she’s ever felt so good. Unfortunately her ex Kel is determined to sniff her out, and that puts a damper on her shiny new life in Pelican Town. She wishes it was because they actually loved her, but she knows it’s only because they miss the luxurious life Leah’s job afforded them. She tries not to think too hard about that, though.
Emily is a fashion designer! She’s had plenty of shows during different fashion weeks and other events, and many name-brands have collaborated with her. She does do stylist work on the side, and many of her clients are a-list celebrities or high profile professionals. She prefers the countryside, though, so when her parents offered her and her sister their place in Pelican Town, she jumped at the opportunity! Only thing is, it’s been years since her and Haley have occupied the same space, and every resident in town has a dark cloud of thick negative energy hovering over their heads. She’s overwhelmed with guilt, knowing she can’t do anything to help.
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beanzwrites · 3 months
୨⎯ "𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭" ⎯୧
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✎ Made: March 17th, 2024
〣 To see if requests are open or to be updated on upcoming posts, please go see my full masterlist: Here 〣
Here's what I can do:
⤷Fluff & Angst ⤷Platonic ⤷Child Reader/Teen Reader ⤷Gender Neutral Reader/Female Reader ⤷Head cannons & Blurbs
Characters I prefer (but not limited to):
⤷Dean Winchester ⤷Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester x Sister! Reader
Your Love is a Bad Medicine: Dean and his little sister are on their way to get Sam from college.  Dean has to go somewhere, and the youngest Winchester is left in the room by herself. Her anxiety begins to act up while she waits for her brother to come back.
Please Don't be Mad: The youngest Winchester decides to sneak out without her brothers knowing. However, something happens that she ends up having to call Dean.
Sam Winchester x Sister! Reader
You're Beautiful: (Y/n) gets antsy when she doesn't have time to put on makeup; however, her big brother, Sammy, is there to cheer her up.
I Miss Her Too: The brothers open up about their dead sister.
Why Can't I freakin' Have a Pair of $3 Headphones?: Sam buys something that his sister wanted; However, Dean doesn't know.
Dean & Sam x Sister Reader
Coffee Please: The youngest Winchester wakes up exhausted from an awful night of sleep. She has never had coffee before but seeing her brothers have a cup, she wants to see if it will help perk her up too.
Enough Adventuring for One Day: The Winchester's sister gets lost in a store.
Late Night: The youngest Winchester takes care of her brothers after a hunt gone wrong.
Boba, How I've Missed You!: Sam and Dean surprise their younger sister with her favorite treat- Boba!
"Your Frog Prince is Waiting~": As the Winchesters spend more time at the Roadhouse, the youngest gains a little crush on one of the residents.
╎Inspired by episode one╎ Jess Asks for Help: As Dean is trying to convince Sam to join the expedition to find dad, the youngest Winchester helps Sam's girlfriend in the kitchen. Something is Not Right: Dean is taking Sam home just as he promised. However, the youngest Winchester feels that something is not right and asks Dean to go back to get Sam.
╎Inspired by episode three╎ Not Your Fault: The Winchester's sister tries to save Lucas before he falls off the dock but ends up almost drowning herself.
〣 If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! My work is intended for entertainment purposes only. Please do not repost anything without my permission. Thank you! 〣
Last Update: March 17th, 2024 ✎
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shot in the dark neverafter predictions:
Lou has a secret tragic backstory that doesn't get revealed till the end of episode two
a deal is made with a witch
Zac incites the first pvp violence
a pc dies, but the party tries to resurrect them instead of immediately rerolling a new sheet
Goldilocks is a karen
the gang fails to recruit an army of rodents
a running theme is why we tell stories and the propagandistic morality of fairy tales
Brennan kills an innocent woodland creature to demonstrate the rules of an area
a mirror plays a prominent role in episode 11
the dome’s lights go out at one point for an effect Lou immediately curses out
someone makes an intimidation roll on flora
Emily befriends an early horror and utilizes it in the last combat
Murph's frog dies episode 1 but returns in the penultimate episode
Siobhan leaves the party on a solo mish
there's a combat that takes place halfway in a dream and halfway awake
there’s a combat with weaponized aging
there’s a combat inside a giant’s corpse
someone gets poisoned right before having to roll initiative
Rick Perry builds a minor jump scare into a set
the cast goes silent during box of doom rolls
Emily figures out a fairy tale reference full hours before Brennan intended anyone to
Ally finds a way to reference the invasion of Ukraine
two pcs get fused together
I cry when Emily cries
the royal guard is helping fund some horror because it keeps the lower classes in fear
Siobhan adopts an NPC
Humpty Dumpty shows up and is hard to look at
some other nursery rhyme shows up, someone argues it’s not a fairy tale
Lou sings a line of Into the Woods
Ally rolls a nat 20 on a death save
capitalism is bad
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lunelfy · 8 months
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The Journey Continues III
[ previous journal summary ]
• After our last rest, we resumed our investigation in the Shattered Sanctum, all the way through we found our teddy bear druid Halsin in the Worg Pens.
• We acquired a lot of information from Halsin, how to get to the Moonrise Towers, whether to take another route, or go underground, and finally whether to fight off some leaders and save the grove. Options galore xD
• We ignored Minthara and the pleasure torture guy this time around. We've got no room for those scheming buds.
• Saved Volo from the persistent goblin crowd.
• Back at camp while having a short rest, Astarion got sentimental, something about me being "his first" [ long pause ] delicious meal. Ok well, fair enough. You can have another "meal" sometime soon xD
• Returning to the Riverside Teahouse intending to take on the Hag, of course, we are inclined to get distracted and bump into a ton of other fantastic surprises. One of them being a group of explosive frogs. What a blast! They seemed so cute at first sight, tho... :*
• Ah, and the moment we turned around to get another chance at entering the teahouse, a lovely monster-hunter Gandrel was scouting the area for a certain "Astarion". Naturally, we knew of nothing :]
• When we were at last inside the Hag's dungeon for the umpteenth time, and almost entered through the tree illusion, Gale got another magic withdrawal symptom, so, we returned to camp AGAIN.
• At camp, however, Gale invited me to join his magic dance moment, I enjoyed sharing this experience with him. It was a blessed and pleasant one.
• Before taking the opportunity to travel back to the Hag's dungeon, we first took another look at the Blighted Village. Thanks to a tip from a friend @lilypixels, we found an underground secret lab. A mirror like the one in Snow-white, and a screaming book that looks like it's frozen in mortification.
• Blessed with these newfound discoveries, we felt confident enough to face the Hag, and save Mayrina as well. She is a bit of a... naïve one, but, with a heart in the good place. It was worth the fight. And freeing the other bewitched victims, no less.
• Bringing Mayrina's husband back to life... not sure whether that was the best idea but... who knows what options Baldur's Gate will bring her.
• We realized that we needed to have another look in the Shattered Sanctum considering some mind flayer issues, so that will be our next stop. After letting out a sigh of relief from having left the stinky swamp behind.
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egg-emperor · 1 year
I can vividly see Eggman pulling the "you're no daughter of mine" line against Sage if she did something that displeased him or if she failed him one too many times. That's what people aren't picking up on how canonical Eggdaddy works: it's extremely conditional and based entirely on selfish motivations. He likes Sage BECAUSE she's actually competent and effective at doing what he built her to do. He sees himself as her father BECAUSE it makes him feel better about himself to feel like he created life that is superior to natural reproduction. He is proud of her BECAUSE of how she reflects upon himself as her genius creator. And if any of those things stopped being true, if she starts slipping or if he makes something newer and better, then paternal bonds also go out the window. Both because he really would be willing to sever all ties at the drop of a hat, and also because it'd make Sage feel like she has to work twice as hard to try and earn his approval back.
It's all there in the text. This isn't stuff we're just making up lol. It's fine to make up your own fun little ideas, even if I personally chafe at acanonical depictions of the characters people are still more than within their rights to portray them however they want. But this denial about the way the nature of their relationship is portrayed IN THE GAME in the (few) cutscenes he has and in the Egg Memos, is just kind of silly. Ian Flynn literally said himself "you WANT to feel happy for Eggman cuz love is a good thing, but it's coming from this extremely dark place of Dr Frankenstein being happy about his monster." Regardless of what people WANT Eggdaddy to be, the intended interpretation could not be more black and white.
YES THANK YOU. I've brought it up elsewhere but not here yet but one of the biggest things that I can't emphasize enough is that Eggman didn't change and develop into a better person at all in the game and that's not what was happening in the forming of Eggman and Sage's bond. There's a reason Ian Flynn is still emphasizing that he's a "BAD person" and warmed up to the idea of the father daughter dynamic "for all of the wrong reasons"
Eggman's usual personality and outlook are actually the very reasons WHY he even accepted the dynamic and values Sage at all- it's all down to his self-centeredness, selfishness, and ego. The Egg Memos literally had him say it word for word with him saying she's great because she's loyal and efficient, because her father is a genius, and because he made her in an impressive unique way with code and electrons like a true genius too.
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It couldn't be any more blatantly clear than in this memo. It's literally just "me me me" all the way through. She is an extension of himself as his creation and a reflection of his genius with her existence and abilities for him to take pride in, and she's loyal and useful to him so he can value her for something and take pride in it when she accomplishes in that too. It's all about himself and what's in it for him, like always.
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They're literally the specific circumstances he praises her for anything in the game. To the point he can yell at her for doing something he doesn't want one second and praising her highly and saying he's proud of her the next for doing something he does want.
It happens in the scene where he's furious with her for suggesting teaming up with Sonic but she saves him in the next and suddenly he's all like "wow you surpassed expectations I'm so proud"
It's crazy how you can get the second scene to play IMMEDIATELY after the first, I got it in my second playthrough. It creates a parallel to the Eggman and Gamma scene in Adventure.
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Right after raging at them and calling them all dummies, when he finds that one of them did get the right frog then he immediately changes his tune, praises him highly, and pretends he knew he'd be of use to him
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It's literally the same vibes with Sage lol
And he can just go right back to being angry when she does something he doesn't like, like when she tried to urge him to get back into Cyber Space and team up with Sonic again and he keeps snapping at her.
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If that's not conditional and selfish as FUCK then I really don't know what is lol
I see people question why he hasn't scrapped her yet like he would much quicker with other creations but why would he? She can make him angry but she still has potential, he can take pride in her, and he needs her in those times to protect him, try to fight Sonic and gather information for him. Plus she is loyal and when she goes against his exact orders it's still only with his best interests in mind.
And who's to say he wouldn't have reacted in worse ways towards her if he wasn't in a situation where he was reliant on her? We might not even get to find out as he's likely to restore her back to her original red self without all the development she went through only thanks to Sonic and friends- makes sense as he'll want to keep total control because he still only values her for what she was actually created for.
How quickly he can switch from being mad at her to praising her highly when she does something he wants really gives the impression that he's buttering her up to keep her loyal, which he clearly values most. He's smart and cunning, he knows what he's doing and he's always thinking about what's in it for him- so I'm certain it's what he's doing. And it's definitely fact that it's very conditional.
But if she does start slipping and fail to meet expectations, fail him, no longer be of use to him in comparison to a newer creation, etc and he loses the two main qualities that he praises her for, her loyalty and efficiency + his pride in her as his creator as a result, then what's left? I can see him dropping the act immediately and making a deep cut with harsh words like her being no daughter of his because she doesn't reflect his brilliance and genius anymore.
Eggman is saying what he knows Sage wants to hear. He may accept her as his daughter and Orbot and Cubot as being like her siblings because it also makes her happy- and it all keeps her loyal and with the drive to succeed. It's just like how he explained that he designs robots with sentience in The Murder of Sonic, to take advantage of it for selfish benefit as it gives them more of a drive to serve him.
And yeah while it makes me uncomfortable as fuck and makes going into her tags feel like walking into a line of fire on a battlefield unarmed and makes me come out covered in blood lol- people are allowed to do what they want in their fan works. But the way people take issue with us for seeing what it really is in the game and being so vile and aggressive over those who portray it that way is ridiculous.
What you really have in game is Eggman's side being shallow and self centered and conditional as fuck. Sage's flashback montage especially shows that super wholesome family bonding didn't happen. The nicest thing he did was say he's proud of her- for doing what he wants. But any time she doesn't, he thumps things and yells at her. He also cares so much about her fulfilling her original function that he let her go and sacrifice herself to save him.
Much wholesome. Very pure. Happy family.
I really like Ian Flynn's summary and I wish I could shove it in everyone's face a million times over until they finally get it and stop denying that it isn't as wholesome and sweet and especially not deeply heartfelt and selfless on Eggman's side in the actual game. And what he said was right and it's because they want to be happy about it, they want it to come from a genuinely pure place but it just doesn't.
What was intended was so much more interesting to me over how it was sanitized and changed so heavily in fanon and I wish I could analyze it for what it actually is and create based on that without getting shit for it. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of their official dynamic in the main game canon especially. But the small glimpse at them in The Murder of Sonic and in Minecraft is a good sign!
I really like how it's handled in canon because Eggman's massive ego affects literally everything he does like interactions, behaviors, motives, goals, outlook on life, etc, it'd make no sense for his relationships like familial bonds to be a sudden exception. It wasn't with Maria and not even Gerald. In fact his ego and selfishness are the reasons WHY he accepts the dynamic with Sage in the end and that's great!
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The Harpy
Hawks x Reader
Fantasy AU
Word Count: 8.2k
Warnings: Reader is almost choked to death
Desperate for adventure you volunteer to check the monster traps protecting your small village. To your surprise you catch a wounded half bird half man, and decide to nurse him back to health.
Well as much nursing as you can with a half feral man refusing to cooperate.
Link to ao3 here
The small town you’re from leaves no room for imagination. A village nestled between a trade port and a large city. It was close enough that occasionally you got travelers with stories to tell, but they were few and far between. You guess you didn’t blame the weary traveler. Why stop in the middle of nowhere when a better option was so close. So you saved all your money, biding your time until you could leave. You wanted freedom so badly. You’d do anything to escape the monotony of waking every morning just to do the same old job, just to tuck yourself in bed at night. Maybe that was why you volunteered to check the monster traps.
Hardly anyone wanted to traverse up the mountainside lugging a rifle to see if the traps had captured anything- to reset them if necessary. It was a tiring and somewhat dangerous job, but that might’ve been why you liked it. The possibility of adventure. Besides, you hardly saw anything cool. Sometimes it was a bear, a couple times you had caught jackalopes. Once when you were younger it had caught a wyvern, and the whole town trekked the hike to look.
You didn’t expect much from the trap. It was more of the feeling that drew you to the job. Hiking up the mountain, legs burning, rifle strapped to your back, you could pretend that you were anyone else. Maybe you were some adventurer on a perilous mission to save the world. Maybe you were a monster hunter out to kill dangerous beasts to save a town. Whatever you were, you liked the view, and you liked the fresh air.
On your trek around the mountain, most of the traps were remarkably empty. A couple had caught some poor squirrels, which you freed with a huff. When you round the corner of the rocky terrain, looking at the wildflowers blooming on the side of the mountain you hear a low hiss. Instinctually you grab the rifle aiming it at the trapped creature.
To your surprise a very human face glares back at you. Yellow orbs pierce your frame. You freeze. The creature you were looking at was not one you recognized. He looked so human, but something was off. He was so beautiful, so perfect that it was inhuman. Behind him unfurled large red wings. They were gorgeous, but made him look deadly and sharp. The color reminded you of a poisonous frog, a warning to keep others away. You lower your rifle, he was trapped in a net, a metal bear trap caught firmly around one of his vermilion wings.
“Can you understand me?” You ask the creature. Despite their ignorance you knew the towns people never intended to capture and kill sentient creatures. Just the monsters that threatened their simple peace.
He grunts, eyeing you with distaste. He shifts around and flinches when the metal prongs dig deeper into his skin. You lower yourself closer to the ground, like he were a wild animal waiting to attack at any moment. Getting closer you pull a knife from your pocket. His eyes focus on it, feathers fluffing up. You pause a couple feet away from the net.
“I don’t want to hurt you. I’m going to get you free now okay? Can you nod if you understand?” You ask him, searching across his features. He stares back at you, his gaze sharp, deadly, but then he relaxes and nods. You let out a little sigh of relief. There was no guarantee that he wouldn’t lash out at you, but there was something about him that drew you closer. Maybe it was your need for excitement- he was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to you. Maybe his beauty was so intoxicating that you were compelled into doing his bidding. Maybe you were just an idiot. Regardless, you were going to help him. It didn’t seem right to leave him, when your town was the reason he was in pain.
You approach the net slowly watching his form for any signs of aggression. To your surprise he seemed to be at ease, body relaxed against the net. It eases away your tension, your guard lowering slightly. He must know that you’re trying to help.
With practiced ease you cut a rope and the net unfurls around him. No sooner had it fallen the man pounced onto you. You hit your head hard against the rocks as he throws you to the ground. The knife slips from your hands and you struggle to reach it while his hands grip your throat in a tight squeeze. You can’t seem to focus your vision, but you can see his piercing yellow eyes staring back at you. He was a predator, and you felt like prey.
“Stop!” You gasp out, lashing out in any way you can. You claw at his arms, drawing faint lines of red down his skin. You thrash and kick, smacking and punching. Your attempts seem futile as black dots dance across your vision. Was this really the end of you? Almost as suddenly as he pounced he loosens his grip. You gasp, coughing violently. His eyes narrow, a frown setting across his lips.
“What is wrong with you!” You yell at him. “If you wanted to kill me, you should’ve at least waited until I freed you of the bear trap!” He snorts above you. You smack your hands against his arms, venting your frustrations out on the creature. You were sure he understood you now.
“You are an odd human,” he tells you, hands still caging your windpipe. You stop your attack, his voice was melodic, nothing like what you expected.
“I use humor to cope, you over grown robin!” You growl, struggling again underneath him. He smirks, and you go red with frustration. You swing your free leg up, hitting the bear trap caught in his wing. He hisses in pain, hands releasing you. Taking the opportunity you shimmy yourself from underneath him, smacking and hissing and clawing like a wild animal yourself.
When you manage to pull yourself a couple feet from him, just out of range from where he could reach you with the bear trap still lodged firmly in his wing you begin examining your wounds. He noticed that your hair was a mess, from where it had dragged across the ground gathering dirt and twigs. He noticed a faint pinkness forming around your neck where he had choked you. There was blood coating your leg, but he knew it wasn’t yours. It was his. Just like him your breathing was ragged and you sent him your deadliest glare. He thought it was funny. You, a stupid little human trusting him not to lash out like a caged animal, after he had been rotting for a day slowly bleeding and in pain. You looked just as wild as him now.
He watches as you right yourself, picking up your rifle from where you had set it down and pointing it straight at him. He sees you frowning, torn between your options. He thought you were foolish and that you should’ve killed him when you had the chance. Then again, he could say the same for himself. He should’ve killed you when he had the chance, instead of allowing you to kill him now. It hurt his pride to be shot and killed by a weak little human such as yourself.
“Stop looking at me like that!” You groan. Ever since you had picked up your rifle, the bird man had been staring at you. What was it across his features, an emotion you couldn’t place. He looked pitiful to you -lashing out at the only person who tried to help him.
“If you’re going to shoot me, hurry up.” He scoffs, looking away from you toward the blue sky peeking out from behind the tree line. You wondered if he missed it.
“I am going to shoot you,” you tell him, inching closer. His gaze snaps back to you, eyes sharpening.
“Then shoot me.”
“I will.”
You’re close to him now. Keeping your gun trained on him, you step around him, toward his injured wing. He eyes you with what you can definitely identify as malice. You hear a low rumble from his throat, not unlike a violent bird song.
“You’re taking an awfully long time to shoot human.”
“And you seem eager to die for someone who tried to kill me.” You retort, maybe you wanted to die. But he hadn’t killed you before. “Promise not to choke me if I take this off you?”
“Fine.” He huffs, no longer meeting your gaze. You slide the gun across your back and grab the bear trap opening it. It takes a bit to get your grip, and his blood stains your hands. Finally you manage to pry the wretched thing off and he shoots off into the air faster than you can comprehend. He doesn’t get far as you see him tumble down through the trees further into the forest. He lands on the ground a flurry of toned limbs and red feathers.
“A thank you would be nice!” You yell at him. But when you blink he’s gone. You grumble and groan to yourself, wiping his blood on your pants and gathering your things to begin your trek back down the mountain.
When you reach town just before sunset the villagers crowd around your blood covered form. You lie assuring them that the trap accidentally caught a stray deer, which you freed but not before it bled all over you. The dim light hid your forming bruise pretty well, you were grateful. That night you could hardly sleep mind running around the excitement you’d experienced. The creature, he was adventure, he was freedom incarnated.
The next morning you couldn’t stop thinking about the blonde bird man. About his piercing eyes, and the nasty wound inflicting his shoulder. You tried to ignore the nagging feeling to go and check on him. You were sure he hadn’t gotten far, not with those injuries at least. He had almost killed you, and left you a nasty bruise across your neck, but your town was the reason he was hurt in the first place, and you were the only one who knew.
You felt responsible. So you packed a bag with food and water, antibiotics and bandages and began the trek back up the mountain. Your legs ached as you climbed with no breaks, to reach the forest by the flower field. The trap was easy to find, but there was no sign of the bird man. You take a deep breath-
“Are you out there? I brought food and bandages for your wing!” You yell into the empty forest. After a couple of minutes a voice rings out behind you.
“You really are a strange human.” He says. You spin around to face him. He regards your form with scrutiny. “You even forgot your gun.”
“I don’t need it,” you emphasize, pulling your bag out from behind you.
“Sure you don’t,” he agrees, his tone incredulous. You huff pulling a sandwich out of your bag. You toss it toward him and he catches it with ease. His eyes glance between the sandwich and you before he shrugs, plopping himself down on the grass, unwrapping the food and taking a bite. He seems more at ease today, maybe a little less feral. Though you suppose you’d lash out too if there was metal lodged into your arm. You grab your medical supplies from your bag, approaching him slowly, wary that he could attack at any time like yesterday. His eyes narrow as you approach with a water skin and a clean towel. A low trilling noise erupts from his throat. Pausing, you look at him with a firm scowl, he stares back at you equally unamused.
“Let me see your wound, I want to clean it.” You demand, holding your hand out like he was a kid who stole some candy and you wanted it back. He snorts.
“This sandwich is good, but you’re out of your mind if you think I’m letting a human get that close to my wings.” It was careless, the way he said it. As if he didn’t mean a word, but they weighed heavily on your chest.
“If we don’t clean it you’ll get an infection,” You counter, taking a step closer. He shifts his wings away.
“I’ll take my chances.” He remarks, taking another bite of the sandwich.
“You looked like a shitty parakeet yesterday.” You tell him. He snorts. You continue.
“It’s your choice. If you want to risk living like that for the rest of your life, be my guest. Or you can let me help you so that your wound heals correctly.” It felt similar to dealing with the village kids after they scraped their knees. He seems to consider what you tell him, finishing off the last of his sandwich.
“Give it to me, I’ll do it.” He holds an open palm out to you. A small smile graces your lips. You hand over the water and the towel, as well as a small bar of soap. Then you take out the bandages and antibiotic ointment. You watch as he meticulously cleans out the wounds, hardly flinching even when it looks painful.
You notice the red lines trailing down his forearms, from where you scratched him yesterday. They looked significantly better, just pink raised bumps. You wondered if he healed faster than humans did. He uses the ointment next, and then the bandages pulling angry red skin together and patching it up. He turns to meet your gaze smirking. You go red.
“Staring much?” he asks. You open your mouth to retort but his stomach grumbling cuts you off. You look at him, underneath the scraps of cut up dirty clothing he wore, he looked skinny, as if he hadn’t eaten in a while. Wordlessly fishing out your sandwich you hand that to him. He takes it, eyeing you carefully.
“I’ll be back tomorrow with more food, and a clean set of bandages.” You stand up . His eyes narrow at you.
“Why are you helping me?” He asks. His yellow eyes look feral again, each muscle tensed, wings fluffing behind him.
“It’s my responsibility. It was our trap that hurt you, so it’s my job to heal it.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, and you shrug making your way back down the mountain.
You do visit him the next day, and the day after that. Soon enough you had trekked up the mountain every day for a week and a half. He still looks wild sometimes, a caged animal crouched and ready to strike, but sometimes he seemed very human. Day by day you were growing more and more enamored with him, even if he was a little shit.
“What did you bring me today?” He asks, as soon as you pop around the corner. He was chirper today, you could tell by the gleaming in his eyes.
“Chicken since you liked it so much yesterday.” He nods his head in appreciation, moving closer and closer to your form. He was almost hovering next to you, as you unpacked the food and bandages. You had gotten the idea to bring a blanket with you up the mountains, so the both of you had somewhere clean to sit. When you place his chicken down he grabs it with fervor, scarfing it down with a ferocity you’d previously seen in hungry teenagers.
He’s careful not to touch you, like always. Ever since choking you he’d avoided touch like it was the plague, even when you were handing him food or supplies. In the end, you’d just place them on the blanket for him. It wasn’t worth the fight on whatever human cooties you were sure to infect him with. Despite this, he was getting closer and closer to you as he sat. You hoped that meant he was getting comfortable with your presence. At Least then the whole town wasn’t looking at you like a madwoman for nothing.
“Good?” You ask.
“Perfect. This is the one thing you humans get right,” he groans, appreciatively taking another bite. You laugh at that.
“Surely not the only thing.” You roll your eyes. Even as he ate, scarfed down the food in the most unflattering way you could imagine, he looked beautiful. He was ethereal in the way the light caught his golden strands, his golden eyes nearly glowing. The inky markings encasing his orbs only made him look sharper, more dangerous.
“Maybe not the only thing,” he regards you with those eyes of his. You shiver.
“Mhm.” You turn away looking across the floral landscape. The sky was a beautiful blue and completely clear. The wind was warm and mellow, blowing flowers in patterns across the hillside.
“How’s your neck?” He asks. That causes you to pause. You had taken to tying a small scarf around the marks to avoid drawing the villagers attention to something you could not explain. The elders assumed you were hiding a different kind of bruise, but it was better than giving up your secrets.
“I don’t know how it’s any of your business, parakeet.” You turn to the bird man. He clutches his chest, looking awfully demure for a predator. His eyes narrow at the nickname, you knew it was his least favorite.
“You wound me groundling, here I am being considerate. You’re so cold,” he whines. You huff at his nickname, the one he gave you after you told him to stop calling you human.
“You don’t let me see your wound, I won’t let you see mine.”
“That’s hardly fair, you are much weaker than I am, and I gripped you pretty hard.”
“Yeah, and your wing was nearly torn off by a bear trap, oh strong and mighty one,” you roll your eyes at him. He lets out a small laugh.
“I could get used to that nickname.”
You shoot him a pointed glare. He raises his hands yielding.
“Fine, fine, a deal then?” He asks.
“What?” You blink at him owlishly. He grins, his sharp canines protruding.
“Let me see your neck and I’ll let you look at my wing.” He says again, shuffling closer to you. You smile, this was a definite win in your book. You weren’t really hiding your neck, not from him at least. It was just a bruise after all.
“Deal.” The second the words leave your lips, his hands are upon you. It startles you, considering how much he’d kept away before. He unties the knot with nimble fingers, his knuckles brushing against your throat. They were softer than you imagined. He’s not gentle as he yanks your chin upwards, head dipping into the curvature of your neck. He tuts gently, the sound similar to the clacking of a beak.
“I certainly did a number on you, huh groundling.” His sharp fingernails trace across your jugular. You briefly remember how dangerous he was. Gulping nervously you wonder if he ate people.
He regards you with interest. You certainly were an odd human, coming back to help him day after day, despite the way he attacked you, despite the way he treated you. As he inspects the deep purple bruising he realizes how badly he lashed out against you. He was hungry and tired and in pain, and he certainly didn’t trust humans, but that was no excuse. You were clearly a harmless little creature. For all your bark he doubted you had any bite, especially as you kept leaving your weapon behind. He wondered if you were stupid or just optimistic. Whatever the case, he knew he was just exploiting it. A small voice in the back of his head chided, if he was just using you why care about the bruise?
“Okay okay, my turn.” Your voice startles him out of his trace. You carefully pull your chin from his grasp, and he finds himself almost missing the warmth.
“A deals a deal.” He undos the bandage showing you a nasty cut, caked in a layer of dried blood. To your relief the skin doesn’t look nearly as angry and red. It wasn’t getting infected. That was good. You reach your hands out to get a closer look, but he pulls away.
“I said you could look, no touching,” he tilts his head to the side, clearly mocking you. You gasp. He was playing dirty.
“That’s not fair!” You argue back.
“I didn’t say the deal was fair, groundling.”
“Your hands were all over my neck, I deserve at least a closer look!”
“Sorry that’s all you get for today.” He smiles at you cheekily. You narrow your eyes at him.
“You’re the worst bird brain.”
“Only for you my featherless friend.”
You visit the medicine woman once again, for your last set of bandages. From what you could tell, his wing was almost completely healed. The wound didn’t look nearly as deep. It must’ve been due to some healing ability he had. You’d almost like it for yourself, if only to rid yourself of the ugly purple bruise adorning your neck.
“What are you caring for up in the mountains?” She asks you, as you bring the supplies to the counter. You pause, she hadn’t asked you before. Although you knew the town was talking in hushed whispers about how you were being tricked by fey in the forests, or losing yourself to hysteria. Those who knew you well assumed you were finally setting out for your adventure, training and prepping. Those who didn’t regarded you with fearful eyes, as if you were an omen of disaster.
“I’m taking care of a falcon, it broke its wings in one of the bear traps. I’m training it to work for me,” you tell her with a smile you hoped was convincing. She narrows her eyes slightly. You definitely had more bandages than necessary for a falcon.
“There’s nothing good out on the road,” she tells you. You wondered if she thought you were foolish, or brave. “It’s better to stay where you’re safe and cared for. Bandits aren’t the only thing you need to protect yourself from out there. There’s monsters that will devour you whole, and tricksters who’d take your soul.” Her stare was stern, but almost motherly.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You wondered if your bird man was after your soul. When you visited him he was as cheerful as usual, eating his food, and then yours too. He didn’t let you near his wings again, but you didn’t mind. You enjoyed his company, his stories about distant lands. He was the embodiment of freedom to you, all the adventure you’d hoped for in your life. It wouldn’t be a far stretch to say your little crush had developed into something more
The next day your adventure up the mountain comes with a hitch. That morning you decided to finish some of the chores you had been neglecting all week. So by the time you set up the mountain it was later than usual. The usual peace you felt walking along the trail was missing. Instead there was a sense of unease permeating your senses. It almost felt like something was watching you, following you. For the first time since you had found the bird man, you regret not bringing your rifle. You look over your shoulder constantly, but see nothing but empty wilderness behind you. Not even the snapping of a twig or a grunt breath reaches your ears.
Terror fills you. You’re not sure whether you’re just freaking yourself out, or if something was following you, but you clutch your bag tighter and quicken your pace. Maybe you should have turned around, and run straight down the mountain to the safety of your village. Instead you walked, trembling closer and closer to the blonde man waiting for you. You wanted to run, but knew better than to run from a predator. Instead you kept walking, looking behind you as if your gaze alone would keep it from advancing.
The man in question is waiting for you in the flower field, at the edge of the woods. When he sees you he smiles, pearly teeth gleaming. Then his smile drops, eyes narrowing. As you shudder, you turn to look behind you for the last time, seeing nothing. Faintly you hear the rustling of some leaves, just in the tree line. That’s all it takes for your composure to break. On trembling legs you take off in a spring toward your bird. Completely disregarding his personal boundaries you throw yourself toward him. Surprisingly you’re met with open arms. Even more surprising he pulls you closer to him, arms wrapping around you, squeezing you into his chest. His puffed up wings close around you as well, shielding you from view. Completely wrapped in his embrace, you can see nothing but him, expanses of red and gold. You stare up at his face, his tightened jaw, his piercing gaze, slit pupils staring off into the distance.
“Is there something following me?” You ask your voice barely a whisper. He doesn’t respond to you, instead you hear a low screeching sound emitting from his throat. In that moment you remember that he’s not quite human, that he nearly killed you before. You shuffle in his grasp, but he just clutches you tighter, wings unfurling from around you. In a second you’re airborne, a terrified yelp leaves you. You clutch at him, wrapping your arms around his neck, your legs around his waist, anything to prevent him from dropping you.
The flight is shaky, much like walking on a leg after it was broken. His wound pulled open slightly, blood dotting the bandages. He says nothing, landing atop a large tree, miles away from your clearing, and even further from your village. Shakily you loosen your grip on him, planting your feet on the branch. You slowly crouch to the ground, wary that one mis-step would result in your demise. Backing yourself against the trunk, you secure your legs around the branch.
You look up at him, he looks wild, just as wild as the day you first saw him- trapped in the net. His gaze pierces through you, yellow eyes, slit pupils, the look of a predator. Then as easily as taking off a coat, he shakes out his wings, the look on his face morphing from deadly to neutral, then from neutral to teasing.
“You’re quite prone to trouble,” he hums at you, perching on the branch, an easy smile placed on features. You don’t believe it.
“What was that?” You demand. He tilts his head blinking at you owlishly.
“You mean heroically saving you? A thank you would be nice.”
“Heroics my ass. You scared me half to death! You didn’t say anything! What was even following me? How am I supposed to get home now! I don’t even know where I am, or if that thing is still out there. The whole village is going to be worried about me-“
“Slow your roll there troublemaker, one thing at a time,” he shuffles toward you. Reaching a clawed hand toward your face. He sees you freeze, but you don’t pull away from his touch as he tucks stray hairs away from your face. He lets his fingers trail along your face as he pulls away.
He didn’t know what came over him, when he saw you come around the corner, that terrified expression in your eyes. It set every nerve on fire. When you sprinted toward him he wasn’t thinking about how much he still didn’t trust you. He wasn’t thinking about how he was befriending you, lowering your guard to get your help, to survive. He just wanted your food and supplies. It was difficult to hunt without his wings, and medicine was hard for him to come by. He was using you, he knew it. Befriending you to profit his own gains. And when he was completely healed he was going to leave you behind, never to return. He wondered how many days you’d hike around the mountain looking for him without a trace.
Despite this, when you threw yourself into his arms, he didn’t think twice about ushering you into his embrace, shielding you from the unseen entity. It was more than survival at that point. You were in danger and it made him see red. Although he couldn’t see it, he sensed its presence in the trees. A monster, a Hidebehind, that was stalking you up the mountains waiting for the perfect moment to strike. He imagined you screaming as it drug you into its cave, only to eat you alive. He’d find it later, and kill it, but first he had to attend to you.
“You’re bleeding,” your voice tears him from his thoughts. Your hands reach out as if forgetting the arrangement the two of you had. For some reason he lets you, revels in your gentle touches, as you inspect the wound, dabbing it with clean water. He watches you with keen eyes, as you right feathers misplaced by the bandage, his brain purring in delight. He tries to shake away the thought, remember that your friendship was a farce- he was using you, fooling you.
When you were done fixing him up, playing veterinarian, you look up at him. His expression was weirdly vacant, as if he’d slipped off the mask of both monster and man. You weren’t sure what to do with that information, so you settled on what always brought you together.
“Food?” You offer him a sandwich. He eyes you carefully, then relents, taking it and relaxing down into a seated position. He straddles the branch, your knees barely touching. Unlike your previous visits he doesn’t scarf down the food like a savage beast. He waits until you bring out your own sandwich and take a bite. You normally didn’t mind sharing most, of not all your portion of the meal, knowing you’d eat again when you got home- not knowing if this was his only meal for the day, but today you were unsure when you’d get home if ever. Even if you were to climb down the tree, the lowest branch was still a considerable fall from the ground. And even if you managed that you had no idea where you were in the forest. You could ask the bird man to help you, but he wasn’t ever helpful was he.
“Thank you for the food.” He mumbles, surprising you. You can’t help the smile that forms on your face.
“Thank you for saving me from that thing.” You express your gratitude. His eyes widen, and then his wing is blocking your face from view.
“If it’s not too much trouble, could you take me back home? Or atleast to the clearing?” You ask, hoping that his newfound comfort around you would win you some favors, or atleast one. He grins at you wickedly, and you feel all hope begin dying out.
“That’s not fair! I’ll die out here!”
“Hmm, and how does that affect me little troublemaker?”
You open your mouth to retort, but draw a blank. His grin gets wider. He scoots closer to you.
“It would be rude to let me die after saving my life,” you cross your arms pouting. He really was a little shit.
“You never know, that creature may still be out there. Maybe I’m saving your life by keeping you here,” he smiles at you, eyes closed.
“How noble of you,” you deadpan. You were used to the treatment by now. For one reason or another it always felt like he was getting more than he gave. You didn’t mind though. You didn’t mind trading supplies for stories, the tangible for dreams. He excited you, set your heart on fire, frustrated you to no end, but you couldn’t stop coming back.
“Call me Hawks.”
“I’m (Y/N).” You introduce yourself. He smiles, your heart quickens.
“I like troublemaker better, or maybe groundling.” He places a finger to his chin tilting his head as if he was deep in thought.
“Sure thing birdman.”
You spend the rest of that afternoon talking, stuck up on that tree, talking and chatting away. He told you about the time he fought a band of mercenaries trying to capture him for a circus. You told him about your quaint little town. About the flower festival every spring, and the New Years celebration every winter. How it was quiet and safe, but so very boring. Soon enough it was growing dark. Finally you gather the courage to ask the question.
“Is it still out there?” You ask. He tilts his head. “The creature that was stalking me.” He looks around, then shrugs.
“It’s not in this area. Why? Considering using it as an excuse to cuddle up with me all night?” He waggles his eyebrows at you. You scoff pushing him lightly. Cheeks tinted pink, you turn away so he can’t see. He thinks you look adorable.
“No. So that I can get down this godforsaken tree and sleep.” The branch was large, large enough that you could comfortably sit on it, but that didn’t mean you wanted to sleep here. You look down at the climb that awaited you. Hawks follows your gaze then laughs.
“I wouldn’t sleep down there if I was you, turtle dove.” He expertly hops up, landing on his toes with grace. He stands and stretches out his large wings.
“Where else am I supposed to sleep?” You fidget in place. He looked awfully close to taking off.
“Why not sleep with me?” He asks. You choke on your spit.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me groundling, sleep in the trees, with me.” He grabs your arms suddenly pulling you to your feet. He spins you around him, swapping your positions.
Fast, he was fast.
You clutch onto him, stumbling and afraid to fall. He sits, back to the trunk, pulling you down with him. You slip a bit, landing on his chest. Pulling away your cheeks heathen up. He grins wilder.
“Hawks.” You warn.
“I like that say it again,” he purrs. You smack him. He barks out a laugh.
“I’m being serious, what if I fall?”
“I’ll hold you.”
You blink at him owlishly. He liked it. The confused flustered look on your face suited you well.
“Bird man i swear to god if I fall out of this tree tonight-“
“Relax, just come here.” He pulls and prods at you until your back was leaning up against his chest. He wraps his arms around you. His touch almost burns against your skin. It slowly gets dark, dark enough that even as you squinted you could hardly see the outline of your hand in front of you. You weren’t particularly scared of the dark, but knowing that some unseen entity was waiting out in the forest for you set you on edge. Now that it was night you were completely helpless.
You try anything and everything to sleep. Closing your eyes, focusing on your breathing. Hell, you even tried focusing on the heartbeat and breathing of the man behind you but nothing seemed to work. Fear tinged the edge of your senses, the darkness held danger.
“Hawks?” You whisper, terrified of the loudness of your own voice.
“Yes?” He hums back at you.
“You’re not going to let me fall are you?”
“I told you I wouldn’t.” His voice was calm. It had a soothing almost melodic quality to it. Some of the tension leaves your body.
“Are you sure that thing can’t reach us up here?” You ask. This time your voice is quiet just above a whisper. You feel rumbling in his chest, as a soft cooing noise hits your ears. Just as soon as it began it stopped.
“Of course baby bird, you’re safe with me.”
A beat.
“Can you sing me a lullaby?” You tried to remind yourself that being vulnerable was a sign of strength, not weakness.
You feel him tense up beneath you.
“What?” The sounds almost strangled.
“Sing me a lullaby, or tell me a story or something. I can’t stop thinking about that thing, and I can hardly see anything, I’m terrified. I can’t sleep.” When he doesn’t say anything you suspect he just ignored you. You hear a low rumbling trill sound behind you. It takes a moment for you to recognize that this is his lullaby to you. Smiling, you settle back against him and close your eyes. The stress from the day ebbs in making your limbs feel heavy as you drift to bed.
Hawks wakes up earlier than you. Though he expected as much. His eyes fluttered open with the first rays of light. You were still locked into his embrace, shifting slightly in your sleep so that you could curl against him. Your arms were slightly cold to the touch. He was certainly no stranger to sleeping in the trees, but even this was an uncomfortable night for him. He couldn’t imagine how sore you’d be. His mind flitted to the image of you, cocooned in his nest. It tickled a part of his brain no one had before, not even those of his own kind. How did this happen? Days ago he wouldn’t have thought twice about allowing you to die. Sure you were useful, but he was nearly completely healed, and with a little stretching he’d be flying in no time.
So what was it about you that drew him in? Was it the way you acted annoyed and frustrated with his antics, but smiled and helped him anyway. Was it the way your eyes shimmered when he talked about distant lands. When he watched your chest rise and fall in your slumber, breath ghosting across his neck, he was inclined to keep you around- at least a little while longer.
A morning bird song awakens you. It takes you groggy moments to realize that it was the bird man, still behind you.
“I didn’t realize you were a song bird.” Your voice was hoarse and your head pounded. Your neck ached from the sleeping position, even if you hardly slept through the night. It was so cold you kept waking up only to try and snuggle yourself closer to the warmth Hawks emitted. You were tempted to use his wings as blankets, if you weren’t sure it’d wake him up. He was the only thing you could really sense around you, and it was terrifying. But you had survived the night, and would live to tell the tale. It wasn’t the most exciting, but it was your first adventure. Hopefully the first of many.
“I’ll be any bird you want me to be duckling.” He grins at you wolfishly, you force yourself not to roll your eyes.
“How about the kind of bird that can fly me home. Or atleast get me down from this tree.” You weren’t sure why he hadn’t taken you home. He flew decently fine taking you here. His wound opened a little, but from what you could see it was near completely healed. Yesterday it was a mere surface wound, today the scabs were fading away.
“Hawks!” You pull away from him. He was looking at you owlishly, neutrality settling across his features.
“Get me down.” You glare at him pointedly. This was no time for playing games.
“No.” To your surprise his tone isn’t teasing. To your blooming horror he seemed serious.
“Fine,” you huff. “I’ll get down by myself.” True to your word, you did manage to get down mostly. There were several close calls, in which you stumbled and slipped clutching the bark with a terrified squeak. To your chagrin Hawks was watching you, flapping nearby as you cursed and trembled. Sure you had climbed trees as a kid, but never this high up. Hawks was oddly silent as he watched you with his piercing eyes. Finally you made it to the lowest branch. You stood on it clutching the trunk as a lifeline. Peering over the edge the fall looked like more than you could handle comfortably. The ground screamed of breaking a leg or two. You look to the bird man flapping passively next to you.
“You seriously aren’t going to help?” You were more than miffed. His wing was clearly working fine.
“Nope.” He popped the p, grinning.
“You’re such an ass parakeet.” For some reason your bird man was in a mood. He wasn’t necessarily known for his cooperation with you, but this was getting ridiculous.
“Uncalled for. I just don’t see the benefit for me,” he shrugs, leaning back into his wings, hardly paying attention to you. You sigh, he clearly wanted something, but what you didn’t know.
“Okay let's make a deal. You help me down, and in return i'll get you… what? Chicken?” You ask. He peaks over at you, his smile turning predatory. Flying closer to you, your faces inches apart.
“If I help you down, you can give me a… kiss?”
Your whole body goes flush in seconds. You take a step backwards, away from him, completely forgetting where you were. Suddenly your whole world is flipping. Then you feel strong arms wrap around you. Almost as suddenly as you’re falling you’re flying into the air. Hawks is laughing and whooping as you clutch onto him, your heart pounding.
When you had calmed yourself to actually pay attention to what was around you, you realized that Hawks was the personification of wind. The strokes of his wings were sure and steady, yet ferocious and wild. You felt yourself completely enamored with it, with the wide grin on his face. You couldn’t help but scream and laugh in joy along with him. Looking at his glee you wondered how much he missed flying. He looked so alive. You found yourself thinking that despite all the risks you took in trying to save the injured bird, you were glad. You wouldn’t take back anything.
“Which human house is yours?” He asks. You glance down at where he was pointing. You see your tiny village, and your house at the edge, next to the field. It was your grandma’s, before she passed two years ago. You point down toward it.
“That one, with the brown roof!” You try to scream above the roaring winds. He smiles mischievously. Suddenly your stomach was in knots. He swoops into a free dive. Your screams this time are very real as the ground gets closer and closer as you fall faster and faster. At the last possible moment he pulls up, slowing to a stop and placing you down on shaky legs in the middle of the field.
“Now, about my payment,” he stalks toward you. Your cheeks get warm.
“What are you talking about? I never agreed…” your thought trails off as you catch his eye. He was looking at you again, not the look of a man, but the look of an animal.
“I didn’t just set you down, troublemaker, I even took you home. Surely I should get a kiss and more.” His voice is syrupy, as he begins stalking toward your flustered form.
“Hawks,” you try to warn, but it comes out more as a squeak that you intended. It sets his nerves on fire and he’s pounced onto you again. You land on your back, his forearms resting on either side of your head. He leans down nose brushing along your jugular, then you feel something warm and wet trail up your neck. You shudder.
“Hawks what the fu-“
“My name is Keigo.” You snort, how was this the time for introductions.
His face gets closer to yours, breath fanning across your cheeks. You open your mouth to protest, to say anything about the whiplash you were currently experiencing. Before you can say anything however his mouth is on yours. The kiss was hungry and fierce. His hands wander over your shoulder down your waist attaching to your hips, pulling you closer to him, as if there was any room in the first place. It felt good, so good you might’ve passed away and gone to heaven. Soon you’re kissing him back. You start a fight for dominance that you know you won’t win. He does, biting your lower lip and pushing his insistent tongue through your teeth. Your hands tangle into his hair and he groans. Damn that was hot.
A gunshot goes just above your heads. In an instant he’s off you. Then he takes off into the sky, several gunshots following him. He leaves you flushed red with swollen lips in the field. You hear the shouts of the villagers as they rush toward you. Eternally embarrassed you try to fix your messed up hair, wiping the saliva from your lips. Even as their concern hit your ears you could only think about that kiss.
Apparently you had caused a big hullabaloo when you hadn’t come down from the mountain. In fact a search party was just getting ready to track you down when they saw the creature fly into town. They were planning to stay far away from the monster, when one of the village children, who was hiding out in the bushes near you eating raspberries, saw you being attacked. You flushed hot at that, it was certainly one way to describe it. Well that’s when they all got together to scare the creature off.
Harpy. The elders called him. Spirit of the wind.
That was strangely fitting.
What was not fitting, was the claim that harpies stole people from the earth. You had only known Hawks -Keigo, for a week, and he wanted nothing to do with people. It was clear to the elders that you only narrowly avoided being stolen away. He was calling you up the mountain like a siren of the air. He almost kidnapped you away too, but by the grace of god you were returned to the village. Their story was preposterous, but the uncovered bruises adorning your neck only added to their suspicions. You had a little too much humility and embarrassment to explain that he was kissing you in the field, and that he wasn’t about to steal you away. Though you weren’t exactly opposed to the notion.
That was how you found yourself on house arrest. Confined to your home, volunteers watched you at all hours. They were set on preventing you from stepping even a foot outside, for fear he’d swoop down and steal you away in seconds. You tried to explain that he wasn’t that fast but your complaints fell on deaf ears. So you stayed inside for the two most excruciatingly boring days of your life. You wondered if he missed you, the kiss still fresh on your mind.
On his end Hawks was furious. When you hadn’t visited him for two whole days he immediately knew the culprit. It was clearly the other humans that shot at him, keeping you from visiting. It had finally settled into his mind that he wanted you, you were his, and he wasn’t too fond of sharing you with the town you were clearly trying to escape from. He flew around, where the other humans couldn’t see him, hoping to catch sight of you. Wherever they had you, it was inside. It was smart of them, but he knew it wouldn’t last forever. They’d have to let you outside sometime. And when they did he’d be ready. He stalked the town. Waiting patiently for his prey to appear. He wouldn’t make the mistake of leaving you twice.
After five days of being stuck indoors you threw such a big fit, that they agreed to let you outside. You figured they were getting tired of being on constant vigilance. No one had seen your bird man in days. Everyone but you hoped he moved on. So you packed as much money and supplies as you could into your bag and headed out into town square. It was clearly time for you to leave this town behind, and who knew maybe Keigo would let you tag along with him.
No sooner were you in the town square you felt a strong gust of wind. You heard screaming and the sound of gunshots before two hands plucked you from the ground and into the air. Gaining altitude, your village became a tiny speck below you.
“Need a lift groundling?” His voice calls out to you, airy and free.
“Yes I was just thinking about getting out and seeing the world. I wonder if anyone could help me with that?” You try to act coy, but the huge grin settled across your features gives you away.
“I know someone who can help, for a kiss of course.”
“Keigo!” You laugh. He laughs with you, flying you away from your town.
“What, no deal turtle dove?” He smiles at you, golden hair whipping around in the wind.
“Fine it’s a deal.” You roll your eyes.
With your adventure on the horizon you laugh, maybe the villagers were right. Maybe harpies did steal people away, but you found yourself not minding too terribly much.
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silentsockfeet · 1 year
tlou hbo s1 ep2 thoughts (w/ spoilers)
the opener for this ep was honestly scarier than the first imo, seeing the woman inspect the dead body and find all the signs of infected were SO creepy, and then the slow dawning of fear in her throughout the scene, the quickness with which she both proposed bombing the city and accepted her death. such a good building of suspense throughout
and then also the way her bomb suggestion was a lead into the later conversation with joel tess and ellie about how the cities were bombed. i love that we don’t actually know if jakarta was bombed or not, the idea that everyone came to the same conclusion without following from example is even more harrowing of a reality
ellie all curled up in the grass comfy and asleep i would kill for her i would die for her i want to hold her in my hands and protect her from the world
“fine i’ll just throw a fuckin sandwich at them” I LOVE THIS GODDAMN KID
joel and ellie’s back and forth throughout the ep is so fun i think it does such a good job of setting up their chemistry without getting them to connect to early
the little giraffe toy in the weeds :’(((
tess basically immediately adopting ellie im obsessed. i love that we get to see a bit more of their dynamic than the game bc it really highlights that tess is a good person at heart even if she says otherwise. she connects with ellie quickly, and the way her empathy and hope slowly starts shining through as the ep progresses (and even as she begins to accept her fate) really says so much about her character
“there’s no boyfriend that’ll come after you?” “…..no.”
the foreshadowing of ellie guessing at the infected types is awesome, i love the fact that she technically got them both right. related but i wonder how they’re gonna do infected types like the shamblers if spores aren’t gonna be a thing
that little frog vibin on the piano what a talented little guy
THE HOTEL SCENE IS TOO EARLY i wonder if they’re gonna have a hotel basement scene now?? probably not which kinda makes sense, it’s a scene better played than watched. but it would’ve been cool to see how they did it
love the expansion of the fungus lore, the interconnected-ness of the tendrils is so cool and so goddamn creepy
the entire clicker sequence was SO GODDAMN GOOD. the way tess and joel don’t tell ellie (or the audience) anything about what’s going on really forces us to put ourselves in ellie’s shoes so that we’re as terrified as her. and the fact that there doesn’t need to be a word of dialogue said to get us to figure out how the clickers work is so goddamn impressive, a shining example of ‘show don’t tell’ i think
am sad that no bricks or bottles were thrown tho
the rooftop scene. i could cry with how faithful this show is
the change in dialogue at the capital building,, “i never asked you for anything… not to feel the way i felt…” i am in so much pain.
on that note it’s scenes like these that really make me love this show bc there really is something for everyone. connecting back to the infected lore from earlier was so fucking cool and felt like such a natural change and the changes to tess’s dialogue make the scene so fresh and still impactful for people that already know the game
i love the specific line “save who you can save” because i feel like it does the perfect job of emphasizing how much tess buys into the cure while also setting the stage for joel’s decision down the road. like at the end of the game, joel really does save who he can save, it just isn’t in the way tess intended. it’s a way for him to still hear her words and connect with them but also have the intention twisted
okay bear with me but i actually liked the inclusion of the cordyceps kiss, it takes something that is so normal and even beautiful to us but then perverts it like that’s textbook horror baby!
general overview: how in the hell was this ep even better than the first
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fairytale-poll · 9 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Queen Red Riding Hood
General Propaganda:
She's a girlboss who is sometimes a little vain but still loves her friends and will do anything to save her kingdom. Also she was in love with a guy since she was like 8 and he continuously rejected her, and then she found out he was in love with her archenemy. So yeah, she needs this.
She's kinda spoiled and high maintenance but gets better. I just think she's a fun character
i loved the land of stories series as a kid and i especially loved red because shes sooo full of herself and wears beautiful dresses and expensive jewelry and stuff (she became a queen lol) but also she does come to genuinely care for people and her friends and has a good heart (even if she does brag about it) she’s a very funny character x)
She’s a great example of how sudden fame and wealth at a young age can go to your head, and she gets great character development about it. She has an entire giant chamber in her castle full of baskets (it’s unfortunately quite flammable). My most favorite detail about her is when she finds a wolf pup in the woods, she assumes it’s a dog and names him Clawdius (yes, spelled like that). Everyone else knows it’s a wolf but no one wants to be the one to tell her. She learns the truth and gets over it and now Clawdius is her guard wolf. (Oh also she had the original Big Bad Wolf made into a winter coat, and that’s the original reason Clawdius came to her) I love her, she’s married to a giant frog man, she got elected queen, please vote for her.
Queen Red ftw!!!!!!
As you can see from these little excerpts [Mod's note: click on link to look at the excerpts] that I managed to gather in less than ten minutes, you should vote for Queen Red :D
Vote for Queen Red TLoS!!! She's a girlboss who married a frog man :D
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
Queen Red deseves to win so much, she's been through so much shit for the people she loves.
Queen Red Riding Hood is a bimbo who has moments of truly genuine and deep analysis and understanding also c’mon, Clawdius!! Her enemy is the Big Bad Wolf Pack and yet she still has her own good beloved pet wolf
Red riding hood (tlos) deserves to win because she accidentally got her friend put on a wanted list when she was a kid then she got elected queen at a young age let the power get to her head then she fell in love with a giant frog (HUGE) character development and he made her a better person by opening her mind a little and she should win because shes come for far and she deserves it
The Path sisters
General Propaganda:
Each of these girls deal with their personal demons- in this case, "wolves-" as they grow and mature on the path of life. Each of them represent a different stage of a young person's life as they go through the world and the different ways in which that world can turn on that young person when they allow themselves to get lost in a dense forest, culminating in their reflection on the life they led.
the path is just a really cool underrated game idk man
i just really really like the path 🤷‍♂️
I will admit I'm only familiar with The Path through Izzzyzzz's seminal video on the subject but her Vibes are pretty iconic
(Scarlet) Most underrated sister imo. Her story is hauntingly sad and has themes of "lost of childhood" in a completely opposite way from the original Red Riding Hood, a good twist on the story.
(Ruby) The most well-known of the Path girls and the most goth, I get very sad when I see her. I know "teen angst" is a joke but sometimes I see reminders of just how full of despair teenagers can be. Her self-destructive tendencies and her "Charming Wolf" are leading her down a path (pun intended) that could kill her if she is not saved in time. It's so easy to dismiss teenage impulsion but only the survivors can.
(Ginger) Girl is so queer. Love that for her.
(Ginger) lesbiam
(Robin) Little girl sees giant wolf and wants to take it for a ride. Nuff said. (Also her room is the scariest imo. A child learning about death and their own mortality is mundane but terrifying)
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
The Path Sisters are just ones I know too much about because of watching a video essay about them and also I think they parallel the narrative of the original fairytale really well
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What if Sasha had to teach Grime about the Earth and Marcy had to teach Olivia and Yunan about the Earth the same way Anne did for the Plantars in "Hop 'Til You Drop"?
Sasha would try and fail to help Grime deal with his anger issues only for her to burst into anger instead of Grime. She’s trying to protect Grime from the authorities and her parents, it’s likely that she might go to the Boonchuys but have the same adverse reaction she did to the Plantar’s home but then gets called out by Grime to go and deal with her feelings.
“I know that you care about Anne and considering that your parents are a mess that aren’t trustworthy based on why your avoiding going to either of them so it’d be better to go to Anne’s parents for help.”
“But what if they hate me? I mean, I know that they already don’t like me that much, that I’m ‘a bad influence’ but what if I tell them the truth and they hate me even more?”
“Then we find someone else.”
“There is no one else! I’m just scared that they won’t believe that I want to change, to be a better person, someone that’s worthy of their daughter.”
“Then you tell them the truth and then you show them how dedicated you are to your word. Plus I’m sure they’d love to have the new you for a daughter-in-law”
“//// GRIME!!!”
“What? Was that not what you want?”
Marcy trying to teach Olivia and Yunan would be like polar opposites when it comes to their lessons. Olivia would be living in a middle class life without the comforts of palace life (not that she is helpless) and Yunan would have to be taught to not be antagonistic with everyone (also don’t cut anyone up with her claws). Hell, due to her parent’s moving, it’s also likely that Marcy would want to go to the Boonchuys.
“So, once again for the 10th time: Lady Olivia, you don’t have to curtsy nor should you expect others to curtsy. This is LA, the Burger Queen isn’t actually royalty. And Yunan....I have so many notes...frog is this what Anne was feeling when she was taking care of me?”
“Excuse me Master Marcy but being in a foreign land and of someone of my status, I’m a impromptu diplomat and my actions are reflective of Amphibia itself should we need to go seek help from your authorities.”
“and I’m tasked with protecting m’lady from any and all harm. Your world is very dangerous.”
“I know... Anne usually protected me from the real bad dangers but if we’re to survive here while trying to find a way back, then you two are going to have to learn how to lay low. Think of it as playing a undercover scout rogue and your trying not to get caught. I...can’t lose you two. I know that in every story when alien creatures are spotted then the government will hunt them down and either imprison them for study or hunt them down to kill... your all I have left since I’m sure Anne and Sasha wouldn’t want to be my friends anymore.”
“Okay Master Marcy. We’ll try and lay low. We vow that nothing will separate us and that we’ll find a way back to save your friends from Andrias. Don’t worry, I’m sure that your friends will understand and remain with you.”
“And if not then you have us and I can hunt them for sport for hurting you.”
“Yunan! You will do no such thing! Those are Master Marcy’s friends! Those whom she intends to become betrothed to!”
“Wait, what?!!? What are you talking about Olivia?!”
“Oh, are you not in love with them? I figured with how much you’ve gushed about them over tea that you knew about your feelings.”
“I think she’s just now realized it, m’lady...”
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cadrenebula · 10 months
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What has Stefan been up to while I've been too busy this summer with rl things? Helping his cousin set up a cafe in Ishgard. (It was his excuse for being nearby when he went to Story Hall. :D)
Lothaire decided he needed a safe place his mother or anyone she hires would not likely look too closely at. As well as he wanted a safe space for people like Alexois if they have work to do in Ishgard. (Remember Alexois is an assassin known as the Jackal of Coerthas.) The door to the back safe rooms is hidden from the average person and spell locked (courtesy of Stefan) against anyone with ill intentions towards anyone written on the safe list. (Hope you like being turned into a frog if you trigger the spell.)
So Lothaire got both Bran and Stefan to help him with the setup of the business front. Lothaire is good with numbers and can easily run the business as he was trained since he was young to handle the family business of the Aurifore. (He just doesn't want to deal with the black market like his grandfather and father. He wants to actually earn his money in better ways.) However he wanted the help of Bran and Stefan with picking out books, furniture, and sweets for the cafe. As well as overall look of it. He intends for coffee and tea to be free but the sweets and other specialties cost money. Books can be enjoyed there or bought to be taken home.
This also gives Lothaire a safe place to spend time with his older brother, Lancefer.
Why does he allow an assassin to use this as a safe hideout? Alexois helped save his life. As well as Alexois and Lancefer used to be friends a long time ago. (Their friendship is on the mend atm.) Lancefer might not have survived his trauma without his friendship to Alexois. Plus Alexois is an assassin with morals. (He won't kill women or children. Only exception to the women is if they are abusing people or trying to kill him. Trust me he's more than tempted to kill Lady Aurifore for her crimes against her own family.) So Alexois has more than earned Lothaire's respect and trust.
The safe hideout part might eventually include Asher in time. Possibly others of my morally gray characters. He got this idea from Alexois' wife, Sanagi. An while it's main benefit is for my own characters and a couple friends, doesn't mean other can't make a connection with my own kids an consider it their safe space too. (Please note the backrooms haven't been OOCly built yet. XD Coming soon.)
The house is located on Goblin. Empyreum Ward 25 Plot 59. I doubt I'll ICly run it myself (considering it's myself and 2 friends in FC). But it is NPC staffed if people want to use it for RP things. The upstairs is setup as the reading area with the cafe itself being downstairs (cause heat rises so it will help keep the reading area warmer against the chill of Ishgard). It's ICly owned and run by Lord Lothaire of House Aurifore.
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gemwolfz · 10 months
good morning chat (<- it's 12:30 pm) its time for a GEM FROG WATCHPOST (instead of putting it in the bg while i draw because ive accepted i cant draw and read at the same time)
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btw my very legal straming site doesnt have episode descriptions and no way im remembering an episode thats been mentioned by number so i have no idea what im getting into. also im setting a timer to truly see how long my autistic ass can stretch a 15 minute episode. ok lets get started :)
okay first of all intro i havent seen yet lets GOOOO. PURURU SIGHTING IN THERE HEY GIRL!! i actually need to watch some eps with pururu in em btw. like hey show her to me. anyway good intro lots of guys spotted :)
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^ CATEGORY 5 DORORO EVENT HI. experiencing the horrors as usual i see
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i see so this is what we're doing today huh. do you intend to rip my heart out.
im sorry they have a fucking invasion planning chore wheel? thats really funny
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wcdonalds btw. sorry sorry wcdonalds cracks me up every time in any show
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^^ his ass did NOT process what was just said!!!
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he had it right the first several times cmon man.
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hes taking this in stride huh. even in category 5 THE LORE situations the silly grind doesnt stop
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why is zeroro resonance so fucking stupid btw. sorry man.
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screenshot that speaks for itself man
somehow i dont think "my alien ninja partner is in serious trouble i need to leave immediately" will be counted as an excused absence by your teachers but after scaling a building in a single leap i dont think anybodys gonna question you. i love you koyuki
[this image set broke in the editor but it included keroro and tamama calling zeroro SO MEAN for not explaining his plan to them] frankly i respect keroros unwillingness to treat situations with the proper gravity because i do the same thing king
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his ass does not care
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he changed his mind something is terribly wrong
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okay lets be real here the platoon would NOT have found him there. if he hadn't been able to contact koyuki he'd have been fucked. badly. something something being saved again by the person who showed you the warmth and beauty the planet has to offer
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literally yeah the fate of the planet is held by natsumi being able to throw frogs like splat balls. pov youre giroro and the number one person standing between you guys and invasion is decidedly the girl who is constantly personally stopping you from blowing shit up. this is a personal attack
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important and relevant but also im sorry "brat" is incredibly funny word choice coming from tamama
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no reaction i can put into words. btw this episode is labelled as a filler episode. just so you know. i just think thats funny. haha so silly
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aye.......................................... i would be using more reaction images but i have to prioritize screenshots. anyway god.
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they were holding their fucking BREATH. his ass could have died!! badly!!! their deep sigh of relief is not as visible as i'd have hoped but you know. you feel me.
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there are reactions i am making that are sound effects i cannot put into words sorry. im better at posting silly nonsense im sure you understand. hell, post horse staring at the ocean MAN again
he goes "i'm sorry about that, everyone!" as if it was fucking nothing. DUDE. This is why you caught that trauma-eating brain parasite because you just act like shit was NOTHING DUDE...
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gem conclusion:
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anyway i spent an hour watching this ten minute episode. sorry for maybe a weak reaction post i need to stir this episode in my head like a soup. thank you plates for your recommendation. join me in the rbs later as i may watch episode B and experience whatever tonal whiplash this episode came with
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