#nut bar making machine
anonymousewrites · 2 months
Nature of the Human Soul (Book 1) Chapter Four
Platonic! Hazbin Hotel x Teen! Reader
Father Figure! Alastor x Teen! Reader
Chapter Four: New Hotel Guest
Summary: An unusual demon decides to come to the Hotel.
            Charlie, having spent the afternoon trying to get people to come to the hotel, crashed onto the couch of the lobby. She literally couldn’t go on after such a disappointing experience.
            “So, how’d it go?” said Angel.
            Vaggie sighed. “Not a single new recruit.”
            “Yeah. Well, who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting?” said Angel.
            Something banged on the front door, and everyone paused to glance at it. Vaggie approached and opened it. Sir Pentious stood outside with his hat in his hands and an awkward smile.
            “Why, hello, my dear—Wait, wait, wait!” Pentious backed up as Vaggie whipped out her spear to point at him. “I come in peace!”
            “What are you doing here?!” snapped Vaggie.
            “Vaggie, what’s the problem?” sighed Charlie, dragging herself to the door. She gasped as she saw Pentious. “Oh, hello again!”
            “I didn’t come looking for a fight!” said Pentious instantly. “I, uh, I heard that you’re helping people. People who want to be better?”
            “You heard right!” said Charlie excitedly. “Welcome to our home of healing. Our resort of restoration. Our—”
            “Are you fucking nuts?” Angel blocked the entrance of the hotel before Charlie could bring Pentious inside. “That chump was trying to kill us, like, literally six hours ago. And now you want to bring him in here to live with us?!”
            “Absolutely!” said Charlie. “This place is about second chances! And who deserves one more than this…slithery…slippery…special little man.”
            “Do you want to rephrase that and make him sound any less suspicious?” said (Y/N), narrowing their eyes as they looked at Pentious.
            “He’s fine,” said Charlie brightly.
            (Y/N) looked at Vaggie. “Can’t you throw him out or something? Protect the hotel?”
            Charlie gave Vaggie puppy-eyes before Vaggie could say no. She sighed. “I…guess he’s not much of a threat without the war machine. Or even with the war machine.”
            Pentious deflated at not being thought a threat.
            “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” said Charlie, hugging Vaggie. “Sir Pentious, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!”
            “Oh, no, darling, thank you!” said Pentious. “You won’t regret this.” He walked inside behind Charlie.
            Angel and (Y/N) narrowed his eyes.
            “I’m going to kill him if he tries anything,” muttered (Y/N).
            “Charlie won’t like that.” Angel looked at them. “And can you even control your abilities?”
            “I don’t need magic. I’d be angry enough,” said (Y/N).
            “Fair enough,” said Angel. “I give him a week tops.”
            “So, this is the bar and the bartender,” said Charlie, bringing Pentious into the lobby. “This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you break the last one, heh, and, oh, this, this is—”
            “Babe, you don’t have to show him every detail,” said Vaggie.
            “Sorry, I’m just so excited to have our first real guest!” said Charlie.
            “Uh, what the hell are (Y/N) and I then?” said Angel, crossing his arms.
            “Well, you’re an important part of our family here, Angel,” said Charlie, smiling. “But you, um, uh…”
            “Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?” suggested Vaggie.
            “I haven’t done any of that,” said (Y/N).
            “You don’t care about what you did in life,” said Vaggie, putting her hands on her hips.
            “Doesn’t mean I don’t support you,” said (Y/N).
            “And you just agreed to let Alastor teach you to use magic,” said Vaggie.
            “Personally, I think that’s a great idea for myself,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Vaggie groaned.
            “What she means is, it’s just nice to have someone more actively interested for once,” said Charlie with a smile.
            Angel’s smile fell, and (Y/N) frowned. They hadn’t done anything bad since arriving in Hell. And, yes, they weren’t sure about how this experiment would work, but if anyone could do it, (Y/N) thought Charlie could help people. That had to count for something.
            …Alright, maybe (Y/N) could be doing more, but in their defense, (Y/N) never got to have any fun in life, so they were just trying to enjoy themself in death.
            “Over here we have our maid, Niffty,” said Charlie.
            “The bad boy is back!” said Niffty, running up to Pentious. She jumped onto him and grabbed the lapels of his shirt. “Never leave me again.”
            “We’re about eighty percent sure she’s harmless,” said Charlie, laughing nervously. “And over here we have—Oh, uh, Alastor!” The Radio Demon had come to the lobby. “—Our gracious Facility Manager.” Charlie cleared her throat. “You’ve met our newest guest, Sir Pentious…”
            “Ah, yes. You’re the one who ruined my coat.” Alastor’s grin sharpened. I definitely remember you now.”
            Charlie interceded before any violence could occur. “Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson.” She cleared her throat. “ ‘How to apologize.’ ” She smiled at Pentious. “The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong. Why don’t you give it a try?”
            This is gonna be good, thought (Y/N).
            “Yes, um…Mr. Um, Radio Demon, sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat…” Pentious smiled nervously and held up a small scrap of cloth. “Um, here.”
            Alastor took the scrap. “Oh-ho, not many people have been able to take even this much off me. It must have meant quite a lot to you.” Green flames ate up the cloth while everyone stared. Alastor grinned.
            Charlie decided to call a hotel meeting before anything else could go astray with the new addition to the guests.
            “Now, with a new resident, I think it’s important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game,” said Charlie. “Everyone, follow me! My name is Charlie.” She clapped twice. “I like to sing.” Two claps. “And when we get to know each other, it’s the greatest thing.” Two claps. Charlie smiled and gestured to Pentious.
            “My name’s Sir Pentious,” said Pentious. He clapped awkwardly. “I like to build.” Two claps. “And despite my stupid Egg Bois, I think I’m very skilled.” He clapped.
            Charlie gestured at Angel, and he deadpanned. “This is stupid.”
            “This is not stupid, it’s just the game,” said Charlie, clapping and singing. “Sir Pentious did it well, so now please try to do the same.”
            “I am too sober for this,” said Angel.
            “I can’t make up a rhyme on the spot,” said (Y/N). They attempted a welcoming smile to make Charlie happy. “But I’m (Y/N).”
            In Charlie’s next attempt at bonding, she put together a skit for Angel and Pentious to perform. It was, of course, cheesy.
            “ ‘Oh, I’m a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs,’ ” said Angel. “ ‘Now, where’s an innocent kid I can sell crack to?’ Wow, who wrote this?”
            “It’s great, right?! Keep going,” said Charlie excitedly.
            “ ‘Hey, you!’ ” said Angel to Pentious, dressed as a stereotypical kid.
            “Who, me?” said Pentious, licking a lollipop.
            “ ‘Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some devil’s dandruff,’ ” said Angel, deadpan. “Oh, for fuck’s sake.”
            “Not me, I have to go home and study,” said Pentious proudly.
            “ ‘Come on, kid. It’ll make you cool like me. The crack head,’ ” said Angel.
            “The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs,” said Pentious. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage.”
            “Oh, bravo, bravo!” said Charlie, clapping. “Wow, Pentious, at this rate you’ll be redeemed in no time.”
            I don’t think we have this to a science, thought (Y/N).
            “I…I’m going to bed,” said Angel suddenly, walking away.
            “I am so proud of you, Sir Pentious,” said Charlie. “That was amazing!”
            “Thank you,” said Pentious.
            Angel’s face fell, and he took his leave before his disappointment grew. He wasn’t working as hard as Pentious, and while he was being redeemed, Charlie was leaving Angel behind.
            (Y/N) watched him go and frowned. Hopefully, he’d feel better soon.
            “(Y/N),” said Alastor.
            “Yeah?” said (Y/N).
            “I believe we should begin your training,” said Alastor. His grin widened. “This will be quite entertaining.”
            (Y/N) had a feeling that meant just for him, but, hey, they were willing to do what it took to get stronger. (Y/N) needed to be strong.
            “Focus,” said Alastor.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes on the roses growing in front of them. “It’s kind of hard with you interrupting me.”
            Alastor waved his staff, and recordings of various broadcasts played around him. “Hell is the land of interruptions and distractions. You must be able to work through everything if you are to have skill.”
            (Y/N) bit their lip and opted to focus on the plants. Alastor was right. They couldn’t argue with him; they needed to get stronger. Hell wasn’t going to be kind to them. It was up to them to grow strong enough to protect themself.
            Alastor watched their roses grow and the briars twist into thorny traps. He wasn’t ordinarily the type to teach or to help anyone, but this could prove useful. After seven years, times had changed in Hell. Alastor needed to ensure his power was recuperated and held onto, so if this young, naïve demon could prove powerful and teachable (manipulatable), then Alastor would “help” them. Then, they could help him.
            (Y/N) had crashed into their bed after training with Alastor. It had been exhausting, but (Y/N) had started to be able to summon their magic, which appeared to take the form of plants—roses and briars. No matter how tired they were, getting stronger was worth it.
            “You slippery little shit!”
            A shout from Angel woke (Y/N) up, and they rolled out of bed quickly. Moving into the hall, they saw Angel glaring at Pentious as he cowered nervously.
            “You’re working for the Vees?!” snapped Angel. “I fucking knew there was something shitty about you!”
            “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” denied Pentious. “Whorebug!” He hissed out the word, and Angel tackled him in anger.
            “Whoa, Angel!” said (Y/N), reaching out a hand.
            Vines split the ground, grabbed Pentious and Angel, and dragged them apart before they could do any more damage to one another.
            “What’s going on?” said Charlie, yawning as she appeared behind them.
            “This little bitch is a traitor!” said Angel.
            “Preposterous!” said Pentious. “I would never betray you. You…are my best friends.”
            “Explain the camera you brought in,” hissed (Y/N), glaring and gesturing to Angel, who, equally pissed, picked up the tech in question.
            Charlie and Vaggie gasped, and Pentious flinched.
            “Ah! Abort, abort!” he cried, slithering towards the window. “SOS! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!” He looked at his wrist, revealing a watch with Vox’s face on it.
            “Pentious? Wait, you were caught?” said Vox. He laughed. “It hasn’t even been a day!”
            “Please, you’ve got to get me out of here,” said Pentious.
            “I can’t believe we thought you could handle even something this simple,” said Vox. “Do us a favor, if they don’t kill you, go ahead and do it yourself, you miserable failure.”
            Pentious stared at the watch, tears collecting in his eyes. “I…I…” He threw the watch to the ground and faced the group. “Just make it quicky, I guess.” He sniffled, stifling his sobs. “Not that I deserve it.” He curled up on the ground.
            “Gladly,” said Vaggie, hoisting her spear.
            “Wait.” Charlie pushed the spear back. “Pentious?” She extended a hand. Pentious looked at her questioningly.
(Charlie) “It starts with sorry.”
            She helped Pentious stand.
(Charlie) “That’s your foot, in the door. One simple sorry, Spoken straight from your core.”
            She touched his chest, and Pentious’s eyes widened.
(Charlie) “The path to forgiveness, Is a twisting trail of hearts, But sorry is where it starts.”
            Pentious stared at her, tears still in his eyes.
(Pentious) “Who could forgive a dirtbag like me, I don’t deserve your amnesty.” (Vaggie, Angel, (Y/N)) “Can’t we just kill him?! Shoot him and spill his blood?”
            Vaggie held her spear tightly, Angel pulled out guns, and (Y/N)’s vines reacted to their emotions.
(Charlie) “That’s an option you could choose.” (Vaggie, Angel, (Y/N)) “Works for us.” (Charlie) “But who hasn’t been in his shoes?”
            She smiled at Pentious, stepped past the group trying to attack, and extended a hand to him.
(Charlie) “It starts with sorry.”
            Pentious took her hand.
(Pentious) “Sorry.” (Charlie) “Dig down deeper and say, One sincere sorry.”
            Pentious looked at Angel, Vaggie, and (Y/N) earnestly.
(Pentious) “I’m so sorry!” (Charlie) “And your journey’s underway.” (Charlie, Pentious) “It’ll take time to cover. Your/my vast multitude of sins, But sorry is where it begins, It starts with sorry.”
            The song ended, and Charlie and Pentious smiled at each other. (Y/N) tilted their head. It actually seemed like Pentious was being honest. He was…changing.
            “I hated that song!” said Niffty, breaking the moment. “Why are you so lame?” She kicked Pentious’s tail. “Not a bad boy.”
            “Good first day,” said Charlie, still smiling gently. “Let’s get some rest.”
            She walked out of the room, Vaggie by her side. Angel gave a final glare at Pentious but walked out. (Y/N) followed but kept their eyes on Pentious.
            Can people actually change? (Y/N) hadn’t seen that in their life. But…maybe they just hadn’t seen the right people…
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youcancallmeelle · 3 months
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We’ve got one thing in common, it’s this tongue of mine…
A prequel to She’s got a boyfriend anyway…
Rating: 18+ (Minors DNI)
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Smoking of cigarettes, semi public sexual acts, oral sex (f&m receiving), blow job, mention of body hair & hair removal, cunnilingus (Joel is the king of eating pussy), nipple play (Joel likes boobs idk), mention of ovulation, sneaking around, mention of Ellie.
Summary: Joel seeks you out just like he’s always done and you’re thrilled, interrupted work break be damned. Or
Two clearly in love people fool around behind The Tipsy Bison.
Read below…
A Friday night is always particularly rowdy at The Tipsy Bison, with a larger crowd pouring in after working the stores on main street or serving dinner at the dining hall.
You’ve been on your feet for what feels like hours, making regular trips out into the seating area to collect empty glasses and bowls that house dried fruit and nuts, then washing and refilling those glasses and topping up the bar snacks.
Bar work is probably your least favourite on your work rotation, the only good thing is the socialising.
When Darius comes in to take over from Seth, the resident grump, he shoots you a sympathetic glance when he sees you standing against the wall, rubbing your lower back tiredly.
“Go for a break.” He orders, nodding towards the back doors.
“You sure you can manage for twenty minutes? It’s only gonna get busier.”
“Yes, I’ll be fine. Go on, Seth is an asshole for keeping you here while he probably took multiple breaks.” He shakes his head, it’s true, in the time you and Seth had both been on shift, he’d taken three smoke breaks. “Here, for your troubles.” Darius pulls the rolled cigarette he’d had resting behind his ear and holds it out for you.
“Thanks.” You beam, taking it. “See you soon.” You promise, hastily making your exit through the back and out the fire escape door.
The door swings open and shuts with a ear piercing wail, the hinges are desperate to be oiled and you expect you’ll end up doing it instead of Seth or Darius. It’s unsurprising that men are still useless even after the outbreak, if you want a job doing right then do it yourself.
You wander down the alley, kicking up gravel as you go before slinking around the back and reaching for the resident shared lighter on the top of the broken air conditioning unit on the outside of the building.
You spark up the lighter, encasing the point of the cigarette in your mouth and inhaling so it begins to burn evenly.
It’s heavenly, the way the tobacco settles within you and you take another deep drag, closing your eyes and listening to the evening chatter within the commune.
The sky is darkening to blended shades of vermillion and saffron, the last time you’d been outside today it was bright blue, a true testament to how long you’d been working your bar shift today.
As you stand there, enjoying your gifted cigarette and the peace and quiet, you hear something over the sound of Alice Cooper’s Poison playing from inside.
There’s the familiar set of footsteps that your ears pick up first, belonging to a man with a hard stature and heart of gold. Then a low whistle and the hairs on your arms stand on edge, your hand trembles just so, some ash falling to the dirt as arms encase you from behind and pull you back into a hard chest.
You sigh happily when you feel scruff drag along your cheek and a small peck at the corner of your lips, you tip your head back, peering up into a set of dark eyes laced with a depth of hunger and a border of infatuation.
“Hi there.” You murmur, twisting around in the biceps encasing you, conscious of the lit cigarette in your hand.
Joel looks down at you, massaging your hips with his big hands; the same hands that have held his daughters and cradled you close just the same.
Ruthless; that’s how people in Jackson described him when he arrived back the second time. A killing machine, a no good man, trouble. You’d scoffed and brushed everyone off, choosing to formulate your own opinion and boy, were those gossipers wrong. Of course, they only see what they want to see, that hard exterior and scar running across his nose.
“Hey.” He whispers back, leaning down for a soft kiss, one that speaks a thousand words he’d struggle to articulate any other way just yet. “Where’d you get that?” Joel asks, nodding to your cigarette.
“Darius.” You reply, taking a small drag then offering it to him to finish. He takes it, inhaling and emitting a neat line of smoke. You watch in fascination, rubbing your palms over the broad width of his chest, plucking the material of his t-shirt. It’s black, more faded to the scale of grey than being the darkest shade of ink. Still, he looks delectable.
He has such a beautiful mouth, the first thing that had drawn you to him, then it was his voice - the smooth texan drawl that you absorbed like a plant during photosynthesis.
“You been out here long?” He wonders, you shake your head. “I thought maybe you weren’t working tonight, couldn’t remember what shifts you said you had this week but I came back here to check anyway.” Joel tells you, taking the last drag of the cigarette and crushing the butt against the brick wall behind him, encasing you back into his arms.
“That old man brain of yours.” You tease, standing on your tip toes to hunt for his mouth, he makes a noise at your soft insult but coincidentally melts into you as you kiss him like you hadn’t just seen him the previous afternoon. “How was your shift?” You inquire when you pull back, he chases your lips.
“Fine.” He supplies back in his texan drawl, fingers winding in your hair to tug you back into gravitation.
Joel had been on a wall shift since late morning, you’d remembered that much.
“Are you not cold?” You press, feeling his bare forearms and noticing the chill that he tends to feel in his older age. It’s spring now and you’re perfectly content working in denim shorts and a t-shirt, the bar gets stifling the more bodies that pack in over the course of the evening and into the night.
“Ellie has my jacket, she wanted to wear it to school today, she’s still a little anxious to be without me.”
Your chest warms at the confession; you’ve always loved observing them together. Anyone can see their bond but you can see how deep it runs, they’re almost always together, wether that be huddled close in the dining hall with her sometimes seeking refuge perched on his knee when it gets too busy for her to deal with and he’ll whisper things to her that make her smile timidly and lean into him, stealing bites of the dinner he offers even though it exactly the same as what she’s had and chosen to leave.
You’ve seen him give her his scarf in the street when she’s looked panicked and white in the face amongst the snow during last winter, you’d watched as she inhaled his smell and then fallen into his chest, hugging him tightly around the waist until she seemed grounded enough to walk home with him, tucked beneath his arm like a little bird. There’s a story there, you can decipher that much; one forged by fear and survival. Your chest had hurt at the fearful look in her eyes when a flurry of snow had began to fall, making contact with her rounded cheeks and causing her to flinch, almost sucking the last of her life out of her youthful complexion.
He’s her safety blanket - her protector - and when he’s not available to be that as himself, his jacket is the next best thing.
“Ah.” You murmur, lips curling at the sweet revelation. “Did you give her those parsnip chips I made?” It was a friendly offering, something you do regularly for her wether it be with food or things you find on patrol.
She’s none the wiser to the relationship you and Joel now have that’s strictly past paired patrol partners.
“Yep.” He replies, skating his palms over every inch of your skin, looping them around your elbows to pull you in.
“Did she like them?” You press further, evading him.
“Loved ‘em.”
“And did you like them, cowboy?” You lean out of reach and he snarls playfully, trying to tug you back.
“Well, from the one she let me have… yeah, they seemed good.” You snort at Ellie’s behaviour, unable to even be shocked at her unwillingness to share good snacks with Joel, it’s hilarious for some reason. “Mmm, laugh it up, I want my own batch next time and then I’m going to hide them on the highest shelf where she can’t reach.”
You continue giggling and his shoulders shake too, he takes advantage of you being distracted to continue kissing you, you sigh into his mouth, giggles ceasing.
You kiss him heartily, scrubbing your fingers through the grey patches in his beard and over the definition of his jaw. He moans into your mouth quietly, fingers fidgeting to grasp onto you.
He pulls back, nudging his nose against yours as you all but pant against his chin in hot puffs to compose yourself.
This is all still fairly new, barely a couple of weeks old but you don’t see yourself growing bored and neither does Joel. You feed off the thrill, seeking solace in one another to fill that void that has been empty for too long. It’s not that you don’t want people to know because you’re both embarrassed but it’s nice to have a little secret that you can greedily hold the reins to, something that’s yours.
It had all been sudden, everything had come to a head in the early hours of a Tuesday morning on overnight patrol. You’d stationed up together in a broken down and abandoned truck just a couple of meters in the forest, talking and drinking alcohol laced tea in the truck bed as you watched dawn break. One thing had led to another and you’d had sex, it was short but one of the most intimate experiences of your life.
“Can I come over tonight for a little bit? My gremlin child is sleeping over at Tommy’s, he’s taking her fishing tomorrow, it’s a reward for not skipping any classes this week.”
In the last few weeks, Joel has come over for a few hours once darkness has descended over Jackson. You haven’t slept together at your place or even in a bed at all, you instead steal moments on watchtower shift together where you ride him on the creaky deck chair with your back to his chest or on one occasion he’s sought you out during a greenhouse shift and bent you over the potting table in the shed.
When he comes over, which is most nights before Ellie comes home for curfew, you lie together on your couch with you pillowed on top of him. You make out like teenagers and talk and tease, sharing snippets of your life. He’s so easy to talk to, he’s an interesting specimen, full of wisdom and anecdotes. He’s told you stories of his first daughter, you imagine her green eyes and pretty curls in whatever story he’s content to retell, tracing the cracked face of his watch.
He’s always back before Ellie, sometimes way earlier than he needs to be just on the off chance she might have had a bad day and comes in early. It’s happened before, he’d got home after her and found her in hysterics on the couch just before dinner and had to lie about his whereabouts while trying to comfort her over a rough shift at the stables when a metal gate had clanged shut and suddenly she was back in a cage somewhere in Colorado. The accusatory where were you? she’d hiccuped in the middle of a panic attack had fucked him up real good and he vowed to be more careful.
“You can.” You hum, fiddling with the notch of his belt, his stomach tenses at your teasing. “But this - “ You grab the heft of his cock through his jeans, he growls immediately. “This has to stay in your pants.” You say firmly, peering up through your lashes with a devilish smirk.
“Why’s that?” His fingers dig into the flesh of your ass, the tips slipping beneath the frayed edge of your shorts.
“Because I’m ovulating.” You answer, you swear his eyes darken ever so slightly.
“Mm, is that why you smell so good?” He grumbles, burying his nose in your throat after forcing your head back by your hair, he inhales deeply like you’re the very best drug he’s ever had. He gulps you in, behind your ear, at your pulse point and the hinge of your clenching jaw.
“Jesus, Joel.” You huff when his tongue dips into the hollow of your throat and his perfect teeth clip the edge of your jaw. Your pussy clenches and your clit throbs, as if your hormones weren’t already crazy enough at this part in your cycle without him inhaling your pheromones like a mad man.
He nudges the neckline of your t-shirt down by the rip in the collar, nosing at your clavicle and sucking a small bruise there like he’s marking you as his own. It’s so possessive, your underwear grows even damper at the thought.
“You taste good.” He mumbles into your skin, licking over the bruise then his long fingers are going up your shirt, bunching it above your bra where he then begins to press wet kisses to the swell of each breast, cupping you roughly. A nipple peeks over the unlined cup and he takes it into his mouth, sucking and pulling off with a wet pop to bite it gently and pull it between his teeth. He’s really into your tits, that had been learnt very quickly.
“Oh my god…” You pant, eyes scrunched shut, head tilted towards the cloudy sky as you pray to whoever for the strength to not beg Joel to take you there and then, to fill you with his potent warmth and leave it dripping all day to dip a finger down and taste the combination of you both. “Ow!” You hiss when he bites your nipple harder than you’re used to, you pull a curl of his hair in retaliation.
“Oopsie.” He grins unapologetically.
Somehow you possess the strength to push him back against the wall roughly, he grunts when his back connects to the brick but then you’re on him hungrily, crowding him against the surface.
Your hormones fizzle over and before you can even comprehend where you are, you decide you need his dick in your mouth immediately or you’re gonna die.
Your fingers fight with his belt, undoing it with your nimble fingers and tugging it apart like you’re furious.
“What’re you doing, honey?” Joel voices, though he doesn’t stop you. He’s unsure if you’re suddenly throwing out all sense and wanting to take him inside you, there’s a part of him that’s hoping that’s the case but you’d both been fairly careful so far; he’d been pulling out at the last minute and covering your inner thighs or ass in his cum.
“Sucking your cock.” You retort without missing a beat, unsnapping his button and dragging his fly down.
“Ya don’t have to -“ He begins but you level him with a glare.
“I want to.” Your glare humbles him and he actually gulps. Well - he’s not going to argue with that.
You kiss his lips hard, biting his bottom one gently and tugging in a way that makes him expel all his oxygen out of his nose and then you’re shimmying down his body, lifting his t-shirt and pressing a series of kisses down his stomach, you let the your fingertips graze over the ragged scar next to his navel and then lick a horizontal line just above his pubic area as you tug his jeans and boxers down over his ass and bunch them at his thighs.
You glance to the side nervously, waiting to see if any noise is approaching but then tug his cock completely free.
He sees you lick your lips when his cock springs upwards, he’s hard as rock and blushed along the length, curved a little to the side, the head beading with pre cum that your tongue immediately darts out to lick from the slit.
“Fuck.” He chokes, leaning back against the wall and winding his fingers in your hair as you press a group of featherlight kisses up the length of him until your reach the crown and wiggle your tongue on the underside of it, skating around the rim of him.
Your mouth is heavenly, wet and inviting, your tongue soft on the underside of him where you trace a prominent vein.
You let your mouth gather saliva while you admire the patch or dark and coarse hair between his narrow hips, threaded with wiry strands of silver.
His mind turns to static when you take him deep, easily swallowing just over half his length.
“Just like that, baby doll.” He coaxes, you swallow around the length of him, pulling up to lavish his tip with attention with the point of your tongue. He groans, hips canting into you so you envelope him again in the wet heat of your mouth. “God, you’re so fuckin’ gorgeous.” You alternate with taking him deep into your throat and using your hand to jack off what doesn’t fit, twisting your wrist and moving lower to suck and kiss his balls when your jaw begins to ache deliciously, he’s tugging at your hair, moving his hips to nudge that tiny bit deeper until your eyes water.
Joel thinks you look as pretty as a picture, there’s nothing sexier than a woman that is actively enjoying giving head rather than doing it because she thinks she has to, not that he’s ever made a woman do anything they didn’t want to before. Tess wasn’t that enthusiastic about giving head, happier to receive than reciprocate which didn’t bother him.
“You taste so good, Joel. I could suck your dick all day, so fucking good.” You confess, lips braced against his crown, kissing and nipping ever so gently, you trace his circumcision scar.
“Baby.” He whines, pushing against your closed lips until you open up to let him back in. Your cheeks hollow, sucking back and forth, popping at the tip and repeating.
He’s nestled in the back of your throat, balls gently being stroked between your feminine hands and his stamina wavers. You hum around him and he’s a goner, quickly pulling back as you feel his hairy thighs tense, dragging himself along your tongue one last time.
Joel takes himself in hand, stroking roughly like he does when he’s alone with just his mind to recount your previous encounters.
You stroke his thighs, watching eagerly. The tendons in his neck strain, his throat bobs as he swallows back his pleasure.
“Stick your tongue out.” He demands gruffly, working the length of himself and cupping his balls. You stick your tongue out, eyes glassy and lashes dewy. He manages three seconds before his abdomen contracts. “Jesus - fuck. I’m cummin’, baby. Oh shit, fuck- “ He stammers, eyes wanting to cinch shut but he needs to see you take his load. His dick throbs and kicks, his balls draw tight and his spine burns.
He cums in thick spurts, some landing on your tongue and a little hitting the corner of your mouth. Joel groans his way through it, the erotic sight of you humming happily as his head pulses on your tongue, his grip encouraging one last thick drop of semen to spurt out.
“Mmm.” You hum, closing your mouth to swallow his load and using your thumb to catch what missed your tongue, you suck the tip of your thumb to get the last drop and smile up at him like the little fucking vixen you are.
“That was amazing, you’re amazing.” He babbles, dragging you to your feet and engaging you in a deep kiss. Joel can taste the saltiness of himself on your tongue, he licks into your mouth with ferocity.
He pulls away to yank his boxers and jeans up, buckling his belt as you stand there trying to quell the ache in your loins as your cunt drips into the gusset of your underwear.
You’re so fucking horny, desperate for an orgasm or two.
When Joel has finished righting himself, he yanks you to him so fast that you wobble on your feet.
“What’s wrong, baby doll? Did ya really think I’d take mine and just be done?” Joel asks, unsnapping the button of your shorts and pulling them down to your thighs.
“No.” You lie, though you’re laced with relief when he crouches down and settles on his creaky knees. You see him wince a little but he says nothing, adjusting to a comfortable stance.
His head dips beneath the loose and fraying hem of your t-shirt, you giggle when his beard scrapes a particularly ticklish area and you feel him smile against your abdomen, kissing there after and descending lower to the waist of your Miami cut panties. He’s following a similar trail to what you did on him, he’s teasing you and riling you up.
His dexterous fingers hook into the sides of your panties, pulling them down but as they hit the centre of your thighs with the bunched denim of your mom shorts, he urges you around to face away from him.
He slaps your ass and you sink forward, barely able to catch yourself first.
You feel his hands spread you and you bend forward just so, arching your hips backwards and you heard him take a sharp intake of breath.
“Well, what do we have here?” He purrs, greedily taking in the sight of your bare pussy, freshly waxed and smooth, your arousal and natural fertile release coating your lips in a shiny slick.
“Waxed it.” You pant, fingers anchoring to the brick, the grains of mortar shedding beneath your nails.
“I can see that.” He hums, using his thumbs to part you, to expose your fluttering hole to his gaze. “Why?” He wonders, though he’s not complaining, it’s just that he doesn’t really have much of a preference for intimate hair but this is a nice surprise.
“Wanted to, I li- I like the feel of it.” You admit with a gulp when you feel his lips at the back of your thigh, right below the curve of your ass cheek, tongue darting out to trace a silvery stretch mark.
Every month, Martha - the owner of the apothecary - makes up a batch of natural and homemade sugar wax. Many of the ladies (and some gents) come in for a pot to wax whatever they want, you’re one of the few that keep this up, liking the normalcy of something as simple as having smooth legs and underarms but this time had decided to put yourself through the eye watering pain of waxing your vagina too, just as a little experiment you like to do every now and then but usually you shave instead when you can be bothered.
It was touch and go, at one point you thought you’d lost part of your labia but with some tears and a mostly steady hand, you’d managed to complete your task. Were you in a hurry to do it again? Absolutely fucking not but you were enjoying the results for now.
“Look how wet she is, is this all for me?” He goads, swiping his thumb through the centre of you and letting it dip into your hole for a second. “Yeah, this is all for me. This perfect cunt loves me.” Joel confirms, that cocky nature really coming out to play.
You’re definitely ovulating, he can tell by just looking at you. Your outer lips are puffy and you’re dripping into your underwear, sticky and clear, the viscosity thicker than when you cum.
He spreads your cheeks, leaving you vulnerable for a brief moment until he literally begins to lick at your asshole. This is the thing with Joel, the vulnerability. There are days where you chest cavity has been cracked open, the cage of your ribs pulled apart and your heart beats in tandem with his own, he offers his own vulnerability and you nurture it in the palms of your hands.
It’s a new sensation for you, nobody has ever done this before and it feels phenomenal. It’s unsurprising that Joel Miller is a dirty old man, you think to yourself, pushing back against his tongue. You’d been left dissatisfied with previous partners, unable to orgasm through oral sex most of the time, leaving you to tend to tourself at a later date.
You complain when his slick mouth leaves your puckered rim but the disappointment vanishes just as quick as it came, he begins to feast on your pussy, suckling your labia and moving to your hole, dipping his tongue inside and teasing your urethra too.
It’s hard to reach back and grab at his hair when he spreads you further, stretching you beyond your limit. You whimper and whine, desperate for more, for whatever he can offer.
Fearing that maybe you were correct and this was going to be a disappointment, in a moment of weakness and pure gluttony, you reach down between your legs to give your clit some attention where Joel can’t reach it from the positioning. You barely make contact before he sees what you’re doing and gives your ass a hard slap, you jump and your hand drops. He pulls back to twist you around until he’s eye level with your pubic mound and he positively glowers up at you, it’s such a fucking turn on that you feel no ounce of remorse whatsoever.
Daringly, you reach down again and he tracks your hand, you don’t even get to touch yourself this time before he knocks it away.
“Hands off.” Joel scowls, brown eyes flecked with hazel and gold. “I want to see that pretty little clit and I can’t if your fuckin’ hand is in my way.” He sounds so irritated that it’s comical. He scowls for a minute longer then gets his thumb involved with stimulating your clit and pushing upwards so that it’s bared beneath the hood, kissing it tenderly before flicking at it with his tongue.
Christ almighty - this dirty old geezer and his ability to eat pussy like he’s starving.
“Ah, ah.” You gasp at a particularly ferocious flicker of his tongue, your nerve endings alight. “There. Right there, that’s so good.” You sputter, clutching at his hair, so soft beneath your claws.
“I know where, you greedy fuckin’ girl.” He mumbles against you, clearly holding a grudge for your earlier interruption.
“Oh? So get back to work, Miller.” You order defiantly, he narrows his eyes and returns back to work, licking at your clit and kissing it. You feel the rising storm of your orgasm building by the second, Joel flattens his tongue and running it between the seam of your, scooping up the fertile sugary syrup of your arousal.
“Look at you, sweetheart. So fuckin’ wrecked already.” He goads, kneading your hips. He reaches up to grasp at your tits, squeezing firmly, he fondles them both and you observe the chocolate brown eyes looking back at you, watching every single reaction to his ministrations.
He goes back to your clit, it’s so hard and aroused now, pretty and pink just like the rest of your pussy. You writhe against the wall when he sucks, his tongue darting out to lick the very tip of you and that’s game over.
“God, Joel.“ You moan, strands of greying hair clutched between tour fingers, pulling rougher than you intended. “I’m cumming.” You whine, head thrown back and pussy grinding into his lower face. Your clit pulses between his lips, he moans too when he feels you soak his facial hair, making a mess of him just like he’d wanted you too.
It’s filthy, the way your hips gyrate through your orgasm and the way his tongue scrubs your pulsing nerve. You wish you were full of him right now, soaking that thick cock of his. Your hormones are going haywire, screaming at you to let him fuck you with brute force and cum inside you, filling your womb and planting a seed within your empty uterus.
You’re being exceptionally loud, you know that. You have to bite the side of your hand, yet it’s not enough to muffle you. The volume in which you’ve reached the highest point of rapture sure to be heard from anyone passing by, you hope that the volume within The Tipsy Bison is enough to cover your tracks and pray that Darius won’t come looking for you.
It’s as though you can’t get enough oxygen into your lungs to compensate for what you lost keening, you suck in mouthful after mouthful of air and your body calms, the fire that had ignited slowly descends into burning embers until it’s nothing but petite plumes of smoke and tendrils of ashen air.
“Fuuuck.” You gasp, feeling gentle kisses being placed on the inside of your trembling thighs and you chance a look down after brushing the hair from your eyes. Joel looks back at you, pleased and aroused all over again, his dick a considerable lump in his jeans.
Refractory time who?
“I forgot how much I enjoyed doing that.” He confesses against your thigh breathlessly, lips and beard slick with you, with nectar like droplets clinging to his moustache.
“Mm.” You squeak, chest heaving and knees shakily supporting you.
“Was that okay for you?” He presses, rubbing your thighs, mouthing at them where his beard has left you scarlet and raw. You nod vigorously, just about able to find your voice.
“It was fucking incredible, Joel.” You reply, still a little breathless. He smiles and kisses your inner thigh once more before hoisting himself up stiffly with a pained groan. You drag up your underwear, jolting when your clit rubs against the material. Your shorts are also pulled back up and fastened, you breathe in deeply before reaching out for Joel’s face.
You capture his scruffy cheeks and pull him in for a kiss, practically licking yourself out of his moustache. He groans and squeezes your waist, you reluctantly pull back to peer at him, savouring a glance at his gorgeous face.
“I guess you gotta go back to work.” He remarks sullenly, you nod.
“You gonna come in and have a drink? We have beer tonight.” You tell him.
“Not tonight.” He shakes his head, your shoulders slump in disappointment. “Don’t think I’d be able to watch you all night and not be able to get my hands on you.” He brushes a strand of hair from your face, stroking your cheekbone.
“Okay.” You huff.
“Don’t be mad at me, angel. My old ticker can’t take it.” He remarks playfully.
“Not mad.” You deny. “Just like having you around.”
“Yeah, me too.” He sighs.
“But I’ll see you at mine later.” You whisper, rubbing your nose against his.
“That you will, sweetheart.”
“Promise?” You pout.
“On my life.” He promises, kissing you softly.
He watches you retreat down the alley with the essence of you still on his tongue and listens as the door closes with a screech, smiling to himself like a clown in love.
You return back to work with flushed cheeks and a thrumming heart, counting down the hours, eager to be back with him once again.
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theragethatisdesire · 8 months
hello!! 🥰 could i please get #359??
i literally do not care who it's with, i trust you to give us a tasty meal 😫 go nuts bb
hiiiii tiff <3 so i'm gonna modify this one a bit to be more in line with my personal writing style but like....why is this screaming gojo to me...and to think i'm so afraid of writing him but i think it's unavoidable here ...
359. "So desperate for it, aren't you? If you want it so bad, you'd better take it then."
nsfw under the cut per usual
Gojo Satoru is the Strongest.
This is a sometimes annoying, sometimes relieving, always indisputable fact, one which he never tires of reminding you. Usually when he says it, it's in reference to curses or cursed energy. On occasion, he's referencing a drunken arm-wrestling competition or a punching-bag-machine you stumbled across in a bar that he couldn't resist winning just for the hell of it, he's an asshole like that.
When you're the girlfriend of the Strongest, it's easy to feel lesser than. Sharing a bed and a goodnight kiss every night with the closest human equivalent to a god can be taxing on the insecure little part of your brain.
Satoru does what he can to alleviate the toll his teasing and status take on you, from showering you with compliments to being as much of a sweetheart as he is a menace (and that's saying something). But when you're behind the closed doors of your bedroom, spread out before him and panting, Satoru loves to remind just how unequal the playing ground you're both on is.
"So messy," Satoru hums, dragging two long fingers through the slick folds between your legs. He loves having you like this, bare before him with your legs spread while he stays fully clothed, chastising you.
"Satoru," you beg, canting your hips up towards him, seeking the touch that he's suddenly become so stingy with.
"Watch it," Satoru snaps, eyes narrowing behind his sunglasses, "thought you were going to be good, what happened to that?"
"I-I'm tryin'," you whimper, curling in on yourself in the face of his disdain. Satoru loves when you misbehave, you know that realistically, but here, in the heat of the moment, the threat of his ever-creative punishments has you squirming.
"Could have fooled me," Satoru says with a disappointed tut, pulling you to your feet and sitting on the edge of the bed. You stand between his legs, watching him curiously, until he pats his thigh, a criminally smooth smile gracing his face.
"Sit?" You go to sit across his legs, but Satoru all but shoves you back to your feet, frowning.
"Sit," Satoru says with a note of implication, gesturing to his muscled thigh again. You catch his meaning, frowning.
"But your pants-"
"But nothing. If you want it so bad, you'd better take it while you have the chance. You know how moody I can be," Satoru lowers his glasses to smirk at you, menacing and cruel.
You straddle his thigh without another thought, the threat behind his words ringing in your ear. The friction from the rough fabric of his slacks is an instant relief against your pulsing core; you shudder as soon as your hot, sticky cunt makes contact with the cool cloth. You tentatively roll your hips once, twice, a broken moan falling out of you.
"There you go," Satoru says, saccharinely sweet, "that better?"
"A- a little," you admit, eyes rolling back in your head as you begin to grind down onto him harder, already having been teased to the point of breaking.
It's shameful, really, how wantonly you moan for him, how quickly you manage to stain his pants, how harshly your fingernails are digging into his shoulders. Satoru watches you, the faintest hint of amusement on his face, and if you were just a tad less fucked out, you would consider smacking him.
But not now, no. Not when you're so close to the release you've been aching for for the last hour, not when your thighs are beginning to shake with the effort of getting yourself off, not when Satoru lands a harsh hand on your hip, dragging you against him harder.
"Sa-Satoru!" you gasp, choking on the syllables of his name, "please, please-"
"So desperate for it, aren't you?" Satoru chuckles, pinching your cheek. "I've barely even touched you pet, how are you this needy already?"
"P-please, I just- so close," you whine, recognizing all too well the chiding tone, the easy cockiness that suits him so well. He's already made himself busy edging you all night, surely he won't-
"Aw," Satoru pouts at your cry of frustration, "something wrong?"
You fruitlessly roll your hips against the cold, unyielding barrier of Satoru's infinity, unreal and unsatisfying beneath your needy cunt. You glare at him through hooded eyes, chest still heaving.
"You're so-"
"Mean? Is that really what you want to call me right now?" The amused sparkle behind Satoru's glasses glimmers out into a look of cold cruelty.
"No, I-"
"Think I'm not going to make you cum?" Satoru tosses you off onto your back, hovering over you with something dangerous and dark playing on his face. "What, are you going to tell me I can't play with my little pet anymore? Can't take it?"
"No," you feel your bottom lip tremble.
"Am I too much for you? If you can't take my games, baby, I don't know how you're going to take everything else I want to give you."
"No, I can- I can take it," you grab at his shirt desperately, eyes shining, "I need it- please, Satoru."
"Sh sh sh," Satoru shushes you, pinching at your cheek, "pathetic little thing, aren't you? So needy for me."
"Mhm," you hum, canting your hips up towards the thigh he slots between your legs, "I just need you, please, Satoru-"
"That's right," Satoru smiles down at you, a tender thumb rubbing over your lips, "just me, right? I'm the only one that can get you this fucked out."
"Just you," you whimper pitifully, trying to roll your hips up into him to no avail.
"That's what I like to hear," Satoru hisses, the first break in his composure all night, "all for me."
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dearlymrme · 1 year
Their Guilty Pleasure
Catch all the Papa’s looking at me like, “We’re satanic, why should we feel guilty about pleasure?”
Coffee but his arteriologist says he needs to cut back. Catch this man sneaking into Dunkin’ or Starbucks every Saturday because just one small cup couldn’t possibly hurt. He ends up leaving with the biggest cup he can of the sweetest most caffeinated drink on the menu. The most you can do for this man is regulate his intake and perhaps give some dark chocolate to curb the cravings.
Speaking of chocolate. The man is a health nut and chocolate is his one weakness. He knows it is too which is why he bends over backwards to try and avoid it. If there is a vending machine in his path you can hear his shoes squeak as he tries to turn around but then turns in a circle as he then goes to buy up the whole supply of candy bars. Help him curb the addiction with chocolate covered fruit because fruit is still healthy, right?
Smells. Lost him? You can find him in the garden in spring just lying in a bed of hyacinths. You can find him in the Bath & Body Works sniffing lotions and soaps. You can find him in the candle aisle, inhaling the scents like it’s cocaine. He has a collections of perfumes and colognes and picks a different one every day depending on his mood. Find something he likes and gives yourself a tame spritz and then you’ll find him burying his face into your skin like a cat with catnip.
Soup and nostalgia. Specifically canned soup. Campbell’s? Any kind so long as it is nearly hot enough to burn his tongue. He inhales it. He was a sickly kid and always cooped in bed when he wasn’t running in the Abbey halls and trying to make up his lessons. There was always a nice Sister who would give him soup, cheap, off the shelf, canned soup. He get’s teary eyed when you make some canned chicken noodle and sips it softly, it’s just as terrible as he remembers it. No, don’t take it away, it’s his soup.
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scotianostra · 11 months
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On June 6th 1944 Allied forces stormed the beaches of Northern France on what became known as D-Day.
There were no doubt many acts of bravery on that day when the tide started to turn against the Nazi regime that ultimately ended World War Two. I shall concentrate on one, but will also tell you about a German sniper that day and a wee tenuous brave Canadian.
‘Piper’ Bill Milllin landed on Sword Beach on the Coast of Normandy as part of the 1st Special Service Brigade in the second wave of the operation.
Pipers were banned from being on the frontline during the Second World War because of the number of casualties seen during the First World War. The enemy figured out that the piper helped boost morale to the Allied troops, and they were slaughtered because of this. This led the War Office to restrict their presence in camps as well as on the frontline.
Millin pointed this out to his Commanding Officer  Brigadier Lord "Shimi" Lovat  Fraser, hereditary chief of the Clan Fraser, who was a law unto himself. “Ah, but that’s the English War Office, Millin,” Lovat told him. “You and I are both Scottish so that doesn’t apply.”
As Bill Millin embarked from the landing craft and waded through chest high water making his way toward dry land, high above his head he carried his pipes, the only weapon he would need that day. Around him bullets flew, mortar shells exploded Bill_Millin1and his friends, comrades and countrymen died, but Bill carried onward.
It was what came next that made Bill Millin a legend! Lord Lovat, the Chief of Clan Fraser and Brigadier of the 2,500 commandos, instructed the 21 year old Bill Millin to fire up his pipes and play a tune to inspire the men. And with the five words ‘Give us “Highland Laddie” man!’, the Legend of ‘Piper’ Bill was born.
Amid the carnage and destruction Bill Millin played as he had never played before. While marching up and down the beach of Normandy, Millin played the tunes ‘Hielan’ Laddie’, ‘The Road to the Isles’ and ‘Blue Bonnets over the Border’, and at one point added ‘The Nut Brown Maiden’ for a redheaded French girl who had strayed out of her home.
The day would see Millin and his unit march four miles inland to a point known as Pegasus Bridge, which was a strategically vital point for the German 21st Panzer Division. D-Day was the turning point in the Allies’ battle against Hitler and ‘Piper’ Bill Millin stands a reminder of the bravery and sacrifice made by ordinary people in extraordinary times.
Facing the soldiers coming ashore that day was Horst Hrubesh, German machine gunner, he too can be seen as a hero of sorts, if you read the poem he penned, I will let you decide;
Scottish soldier play your pipes
Even though your in my sights
Just like me you have a wife
I aim above your head
For full five minutes i fire up high
Keep my bullets up in the sky
No mad piper, you will not die
I will not lay you dead.
Now at my Nazi captains call
He wonders why you do not fall
They drag me from my post in haste
Another gunner i am replaced
In a cell now i await
Whats sure to be a bloody fate
Jack boots stamp across the yard
By my cell with windows barred
Soldier friends i stood beside
Now gather in a long straight line
Blindfold no i did decline
To see their faces full of guilt
As they take my life for i shalt not kill.
Horst Hrubesh was German , but not a nazi, he paid the price for his act on D Day.
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The third person to get a mention today is James M. Doohan who landed ashore at Juno beach. Later that day se would be shot 6 times, survive and go on to become Scotty on Star Trek.
Doohan was a commissioned lieutenant with the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division, and was tasked with invading an area of Normandy code-named Juno Beach. As the meme states, Doohan successfully led his men across the beach littered with anti-tank mines, and also managed to take out two German snipers:
Lieutenant Doohan was however not shot by a German sniper. He had been shot by a nervous, trigger-happy Canadian sentry.
Doohan said. "We landed safely, thank God, through those Y-shaped steel barriers you see in the film, tracer bullets, all that, none of our men hurt, and dashed 75 yards to the 7-foot tall dunes," Doohan said. 
"Crossed a minefield, found out about it later: It was meant to blow up tanks, and we weren't heavy enough. Moved up through a down - hardly a town just a village - called Graye Sur Mer, saw a church tower that was a machine-gun post, firing off to our left. 
Doohan took out the machine-gun post with a couple of shots. "I don't know if they were killed or wounded, but it shut them up," he said.  The Canadian soldier later said he didn't notice the gunshot wounds in his legs until he got to the medic who told him;
'You also have four bullets in your left knee.' I said: 'Well, I walked here.'"
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thebardisabird · 11 months
The matsus go to Las Vegas
This is Osomatsu’s dream playground. He’s been playing pachinko since forever, and he hears old wives tales of Las Vegas - but to be here and seeing it? He’s ready to go fucking nuts. Literally “fuck it, we ball” as he prepares to blow every last bit of yen he had. Has a blast the entire time he does too though he ends up digustingly broke at the end.
Karamatsu is on the strip with the rest of the interestingly dressed people. Does not understand why they are dressed up that way, but is excited to see that he doesn’t have to be the only one in glitter and sequins anymore! Ends up in the limo of a very wealthy suitor who gives him a stack of cash and calls him incredibly handsome, but doesn’t realize what kind of company he’s keeping until it’s almost too late. Ends up leaving the cash behind and screams his way back to the hotel where he stays the rest of the day.
Choromatsu actually ends up at an cabaret show! He’s heard about cabaret in the past, but in his minds eye he’s thinking that it’s similar to an idol show just a little more flashy and costume-y. He’s kind of right for some part of it; he enjoys the very stunning costumes and dancing - but he completely had forgotten about how sensual some of the shows can be. Poor man ends up passed out on the floor once the dancer on stage removes her bustier and starts shaking her tassles.
Ichimatsu can be found behind the bar at the largest casino in town, making drinks. None of the staff is clear on how he got there or who he even is - but he’s got great customer service and can make a perfect martini so they decide not to question it. He ends up going back home with an unspeakable amount of tips.
Jyushimatsu has somehow ended up in a slot machine. Yes, IN the machine. His face will even pop up on the actual slot screen! Only way to get him out is to successfully get 5 Jyushi’s across - which might take a while.
Todomatsu is doing the tourist thing! He sees the sights, eats delicious food, goes to so many attractions & even gets pictures with cute dancers and girls visiting Vegas just like him…all for his phone to be completely obliterated by his brothers for even thinking he was allowed to take pictures with cuties and get away with it.
All of them end up very exhausted by the end of their trip and they almost miss their flight. Osomatsu has to tied to a pole and dragged back to the airport because he literally refuses to leave and wants to sell his kidney to continue playing at the casino.
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peemanne · 1 month
rgg game osts ranked Yeah.................
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LONG ASS POST AHEAD!!!!!! BAH!!!!!!!!!!!
for context awhile back a yakuza discord server i'm in had a music discussion thread open up and we were invited to make simple little tier lists for the game osts to start it off. it was supposed to be just the tier list but i eventually spiraled into a whole ramble. whoops. so i might as well just paste it here with a few additions so the rest of you can see it yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be providing my reasonings and then my highlight tracks. i'm gonna provide convenient youtube links to all the songs mentioned so if you wanna check one of them out feel free to just click the hyperlink
and yes this is ordered in tiers. the personal highlights aren't though
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>Yakuza 5 is my personal top 1 OST overall, but it's seriously close. I can't tell you enough how much of a nut I am for this series and its music. Yakuza 5's ost is, in my eyes, the most consistently hard-hitting amongst all of RGG's catalogue. The street fight themes are all amazing, the boss fight themes hit hard and pump you the hell up, and this also has the one of the best B-sides out of all of them, with stuff like Baka Mitai (fun fact, Saejima's is actually considered the original version, Kiryu's "Taxi Driver Edition" actually uses a different key to fit Kuroda's voice), the songs from Haruka's section, and even the jazzy bar themes. 5 hits that perfect balance of quantity and quality, and also happens to fill like half of my workout playlist.
Personal Highlights:
The place where I used to be
Daigo's western theme
Victory Road
and of course The Battle for the Dream
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>I am such a sucker for Yakuza 4's music direction. As Tehsnakerer said in his Yakuza 4 video, this is the first truly GREAT soundtrack, and I'd have to agree. The jazzier style of music on showcase here fits this series- and this entry ESPECIALLY- like a glove. This is such a quality collection of sounds. Featuring the best panic themes, the best chase themes, and some iconic street battle themes. 4's direction makes it stand out even more amongst RGG's catalogue, and I couldn't be happier about it. Also, this game gave us Machine Gun Kiss and Pure Love in Kamurocho, which are two of my favorite karaoke tracks in the whole series.
Please bring back Pure Love in Kamurocho for a modern title, RGG. I'm begging you.
Personal Highlights:
Receive and Bite You
Infinite Handcuffs
yeah yeah fine For Faith
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Why couldn't they use this for the actual cover instead of the weird one we have now like come on this looks so much better
>Is anyone gonna disagree with me when I say Lost Judgment is easily the best out of the more techno-focused soundtracks? They handle it perfectly here, with tracks that grab you by the throat like K.O.G. and Dig In Your Heels, utilizing the electric sound with effortless grace, while still having enough variety throughout to keep it from getting stale. I also found the B-sides here surprisingly strong alongside the main game, with the school stories giving us a nice variety of music to work with. The boxing ones and Toward To The Skyline are what I'd highlight in that selection.
Personal Highlights:
In the Groove
Unwavering Belief / Dig in Your Heels
Final Destination
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>Gaiden oh my gah......... Despite the shorter game, I seriously dig the tracks on display here. It's so consistently amazing, and does a great job of servicing both the legacy of Kiryu, and giving us some Good Shit™️ for the newer faces. This is also when I really came to appreciate the cutscene tracks: Wounded Beast is such a kickass track that you'd be forgiven for thinking it plays in an actual fight, and Psycho's Prelude is an amazing hype-up track for an even more amazing boss theme. Also worth mentioning there's like a gajillion coliseum tracks in this one. Have no idea why but y'know I appreciate it. It's cool.
Personal Highlights:
Psycho's Anthem
Deadly Struggle / Fleeting Dream (HAKANAKI YUME)
Bring It On (best street fight track to date i'm not taking notes at this time)
Un altro appassionato
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>0 has One-Eyed Assassin so it automatically goes here. The rest of the tracks are decent too ig 🙄 There are a few sort of those "eh whatever cool skip it" tracks in here which hold it back a teeny bit in my eyes, but this is still a really solid collection overall, and also gets props for being Kiwami's soundtrack if it was good. I'm kidding of course but 0 handles it pretty well for the most part. I find 0 is at its best music-wise when they either go all-in with the techno, or shy away from it almost entirely.
Personal Highlights:
Make You Free
Both Receive You remixes (The Subtype and ~Tech Trance Arrange~)
Interplanetary Spark
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>Yakuza 6 has Lots of Lights so it automati I think 6 does a really good job at telling a story through its music. You have tragedy being painted in Fist Law and DESTINY, you have sheer anger and brutality being portrayed in Body and Soul, and you can even find it in the street themes with the feeling of "I am completely done with all of this bullshit" in KAMURO again. I also wanna say this has some of ZENTA's best work, which I really really REALLY appreciate.
Personal Highlights:
Lots of Lights
Bloodstained Philosophy (coolest name for a track i can't lie)
Theory of Beauty
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>Judgment immediately does a great job of differentiating itself from the Yakuzas, and it's apparent as soon as you get into the street fight tutorial. The OST does a great job of painting Yagami and the overall bleaker picture of the game. Where some battle themes in the main series feel like a victory lap, JE instead sometimes has you feel like you're on the backfoot. Lambda, Hyenas Wheezing, and Rake Your Inside are all tracks that make you feel like an underdog, and give you that strength to power through what seems like impossible odds. It also has Flower of Chivalry so it aut
Personal Highlights:
Encounter ~ Keihin Alliance
Hyena's Wheezing
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>Like a Dragon (/7) is another heavily techno leaning OST. If you asked me about it a few months ago, I probably would have put this higher. But now with IW out, I've started to see more of 7's OST's flaws. There are few tracks that are either weirdly low-energy, or feel a little generic and mesh together with the rest of the soundtrack, or at worst, both. But 7 still has quite the number of solid tracks, and those that stand out REALLY stand out. Shoutout to one of the most unique long battle tracks in Enter the Tiger.
Personal Highlights:
Receive You The Hyperactive
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>Yakuza 3 acts as a sort of bridge between the rough, almost grunge-like sound of the PS2 era and the cleaner compositions of later entries. And I think it does both of those styles pretty well! It also starts to experiment with electric sound a little more, while still keeping the heavy guitars 1+2 are known for. The best are obviously composed of the tracks that do both. They even keep the unintelligible English lyrics in some tracks, what's not to love?
Personal Highlights:
Lyricism Without Tears
Clay Doll On The Cradle
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>Atmosphere is a large part of the PS2 era of Yakuza games' identity, and the music is a pretty large part of that. Yakuza 2 has an aggressive, grungy sound that pairs perfectly with the brutality of the game. You'll find some of the most of the most rough sounding songs in RGG's catalogue in here, and it's just so good in a way that isn't really replicated in the more modern entries. Also one of the tracks (Block Head Boy) samples Wu-Tang for some reason and I find that very funny.
Personal Highlights:
Evil Itself
North Menace
Hit & Kill
Outlaw's Lullaby (I still think the Kiwami 2 remix is the better of the two but this one's still SO good please listen to it if you haven't already)
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whatcho beautiful ass staring at kaito my king >Kaito Files has like 6 tracks. They're all pretty good tracks, but that's like 6 tracks. Come on. Anyways, it's basically just more LJ music, so uhhhh yeah peak
Personal Highlights (plural would be like all of them)
Blood-Drunk Master Theme
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>Kiwami 2. Yeah this one falls into the same trap as 7 does, but with less of those "This is the greatest thing to grace my ears" tracks. It still has some of them, though. The best remixes here are the ones that touch up and make completely sure that what the original has is intact: Lullaby of Outlaws and A Scattered, Eternal Moment are both fantastic in that regard. This also has a decent chunk of completely new tracks, presumably because they couldn't get certain composers back. You have stuff like the amazing triple-part track that plays in the Kamurocho Hills segment, Rebellious Phase which is decent, and the randomly amazing Break Off. Still a crime Evil Itself was snubbed like that smh.
Personal Highlights:
Lullaby of Outlaws
A Scattered, Eternal Moment
Kamuro Hills
Update with Gunfire
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>Unfortunately, like with most aspects, Yakuza 2 does everything the first game did better. Still though, some quality tracks here. Yakuza 1 doesn't have too much to work with, but it still does utilize its few track slots well. From long-standing iconic tracks like Receive You, to Funk Goes On, and even the off B-side tracks like Singin' Bass, there really isn't a miss in here, just moreso a lack of super standout tracks. There's still quite a few to love despite that, of course.
Personal Highlights
son of a gun
Turning Point
Receive You The Prototype
Funk Goes On
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>kiwami 1 ost snorkkkkkk mimimimimimimim snorkkkkkk mimim Alright I'm exaggerating, but I still think it's pretty weak in comparison to the rest. There's a lot of tracks that just feel kinda butchered to me? And it's not like the new tracks are particularly standout or anything. The tracks that do work are genuinely really good: Ideal For Violence is uhhhh perfect, Get Over It is a really strong long battle theme, Pray Me ~Revive~ is on par, if not arguably better than the original, and For Whose Sake Kiwami matches the sorrow of the original pretty well. But then you have stuff like Funk Goes On 極 which feels weirdly weak, Receive You the madtype which feels sorely outclassed by like, every single other Majima Receive You, and what would be arguably the strongest track, Receive You Reborn, doesn't even show up outside of Japanese versions. Kiwami isn't all bad, hell, there are some really good standouts here, but it just can't really compare to the rest in my eyes.
Personal Highlights:
Ideal For Violence
Get Over It
Amusing Octagon
Everlasting Spirit
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>Infinite Wealth sits in haven't listened enough of solely because I haven't finished the game and thus haven't touched any track past Kooky (UPDATE: now any track past Impregnable Triangle. I'm planning to do the finale by this weekend). By any other metric this would have shot UP. I ADORE this OST. The cutscene tracks, the generic battle themes, the boss themes, the B-sides, they're all so excellent. This inadvertently made 7's OST worse for me because of how much better it handles the techno.
Personal Highlights:
Brutality ~Rebuild~
Impregnable Triangle (Fun fact: this track uses the time signature of 3/4, which is a waltz. I'll let you fill in the blanks for what that means for the theming.)
Slugfest (Yamaniacs stay winning what can i say)
ok so uhhh apparently i hit the character limit lmao. didn't even know this site had one. uhhhhhh will continute in a reblog it's just kurohyou and ishin anyways
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thefelinerouge · 4 months
on my hand and knees BEGGING you to tell me any trivia about your ocs 😭 i love reading trivia abt peoples oc and lil facts about them :3
• Nathaniel doesn’t just drive cars, he also likes to work on them and pick machines n stuff apart. He likes clockwork especially and tinkers with Dottie’s clocks, which she sometimes hates bc he’ll go and make them sound even louder
• Jacqueline’s fave playmate typa buddy is actually Nathaniel because he puts up with her childish nonsense the most. And they both talk a lot so he never gets tired of her. They get into trouble sometimes
• One of Dot’s favourite silent film actresses is Gloria Swanson ♡ She has a few posters of her movies
• Ricky just strikes me as the type of guy to hate peanut butter if you even care. Like abhor. Maybe he has a peanut allergy idk he looks like the type. And that’s prolly why he doesn’t have any nut varients of the Fletcher Bar
• Louis mostly plays the piano but he also plays the cornet and other instruments, his fave isn’t the piano surprisingly, it’s just the one he can play the best
• Dot adopted Buttons when he was a little wee kitten back in 1923!!! Now he’s 2 years old which is like mid 20s for him,. So yeah that twink ass cat is a whole ass adult with bills due later
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annemiek19 · 2 years
Karaoke - Jay Halstead
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Today was your night off, and you were ready to head to Molly’s. You decided to meet with some friends from 51 and Med.
“Y/N, hurry. Will is already waiting downstairs,” Jay says as he walks into the bedroom.
You’re wiggling into your dress but can’t get the zipper to close. “Can you zip me up?”
“Always.” Jay walks over to you and zips the dress up. He places a kiss on your neck, which makes you smile. “You know that dress is coming off tonight, right?”
“Yes, because I will change into my pyjamas.”
Jay rolls his eyes. You laugh as you grab your purse from the bed. Jay locks up your apartment, and you walk downstairs.
“Finally,” Will says as you get in the car. “Y/N, you look beautiful as always.”
“Stop hitting on my girls,” Jay says as he slaps Will on the shoulder.
“Thanks, Will,” you smile.
Arriving at Molly’s, the bar is already packed.
“Y/N, you should have a night off more often,” Kelly Severide says. You walk over to your friends. Gabby Dawson and Matt Casey are also with him.
“You definitely are never wearing that dress again,” Jay whispers in your ear.
“You’re so cut when you’re jealous,” you whisper back. “Just remember that you are the one who will be taking it off tonight.” By the look on Jay’s face, you can already tell that he wants to get out there right now and take you back home.
“Hey, love birds, stop whispering. Let us in on the fun,” Gabby says.
Will places a few beers on the table. “You probably don’t want to know.”
“Yep, no need for other ears,” Jay smiles widely.
“You guys are disgusting,” Gabby laughs.
You take one of the beers of the tables and take a few sips. “Sorry, can’t change who I mean.”
“No, you can’t, but you being with Jay only makes it worse.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Jay says.
Gabby rolls her eyes but laughs.
After a few beers, you start to get even looser. Then Otis comes with something which makes your night even better.
“Okay, Hermann told me not to get it, but I did it anyway.” Otis places a karaoke machine on the end of the bar.
“No, you didn’t!” you yell. “Can we use it?”
“Hell yes! I set it up just before we opened. You want to be the first to try it?”
“Oh yes, please.” A screen comes out of the ceiling.
“The lyrics will be on there. Here is your microphone and the songs you can select from here,” Otis explains at points at the machine.
“Otis, you shouldn’t have done this. You have no idea what you’re getting into,” Jay says to Otis.
“Come on, bud. This will be fun,” Gabby slaps Jay on his shoulder before she gets up and walks over to you. “Alright, queenie, what are we going to sing?”
“Hell yes.”
“Alright.” You scroll through the songs while Otis sets up another microphone.
“Got one,” you say and point at a song.
“Let’s do it!”
You click on the song and the tunes of Oops!…I Did It Again by Britney Spears starts.
“This is going to go terribly,” you hear Matt say before he takes another sip of his beer.
You and Gabby start singing. I think I did it again. I made you believe we’re more than just friends. Oh, baby. It might seem like a crush. But it doesn’t mean that I’m serious. ’Cause to lose all my senses. That is just so typically me. Oh baby, baby. Oops, I did it again. I played with your heart, got lost in the game. Oh baby, baby. Oops, you think I’m in love,” you both sing along and even dance a little bit.
After that, you do Dancing Queen by ABBA and also do the little dance from the Mamma Mia movie.
“Should we do something?” Will asks.
“You mean besides laugh?” Kelly laughs. “I mean, this is amazing. They are having the time of their life, and it sounds horrible.”
“Exactly!” Will says. He looks at his older brother. He hasn’t stopped looking at you since you walked over to Otis. “You enjoy this, don’t you?”
“The man is so in love,” Matt laughs.
“I am, and I know it sounds horrible. But she is having fun. That’s all that matters.”
“Does somebody have a bucket so I can throw up?” Kelly asks.
Jay picks up a nut from the table and throws it to Kelly.
When the song ends, you walk back to the table. “That was fun,” you smile and take another sip of your drink.
“It was definitely fun to watch,” Kelly grins.
“You ready to go home?” Jay asks and looks at you.
“I am if you are.”
“I was ready before we even left,” he chuckles. “Got other plans,” he whispers.
“Right. Let’s go then.” You drink the last bit of your drink and put the empty glass on the table. “My friends, it has been fun. Jay and I are leaving. We’ll see you another time,” you say.
“Don’t have too much fun tonight,” Kelly laughs.
You roll your eyes as you grab Jay’s hand and leave the bar.
“We are going to have so much fun,” Jay smiles. He kisses you before you get into the cab.
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mariacallous · 6 months
Did you know that some of America’s most popular candies (Tootsie Rolls! Peeps! Peanut Chews!) were invented by Jews?
How and why this came to pass is a remarkable tale that needs no sugarcoating.  
In the 18th and 19th centuries, Jewish beet farmers throughout the Russian empire produced the bulk of the sugar necessary to satisfy the high demand of the European market. When many of these impoverished farmers fled their shetls at the turn of the 20th century and immigrated to the United States, they leveraged their sugar-processing skills to find employment in candy factories.
Many went on to open their shops; such is the case with Morris “Moishe” Cohen, founder of New York’s famous Economy Candy. Cohen, whose primary trade was shoe and hat repair, ran a sweets cart originally as a side hustle, but found that during the Depression, candy rather than cobbling was bringing in more cash. In 1937, Cohen converted his shop into a full-time confectionary selling sweetmeats, dried fruit, nuts, and gift baskets. More than 80 years later, Economy Candy is still run by Cohen’s descendants and has become a landmark for its incredibly vast (2,000 items and counting) selection of current, vintage and hard-to-find candies. 
Having come from an esteemed line of candymakers in his native Austria, Leo Hirshfield simply thought he was carrying on his familial legacy when he opened his corner candy store in New York in 1896. But in 1908, he unknowingly permanently made the world a little sweeter upon rolling out his own personal invention: a chocolate-flavored chewy cylindrical roll he dubbed “Tootsie,” after his pet name for his daughter Clara. 
A similar sweet success story is that of Romanian immigrant David Seltzer. After setting foot in his new home of Philadelphia, Seltzer made two fortuitous decisions. First, he changed his name to Goldenberg (a variation of Goldberg, which he heard was a “good” name to have in the United States), thereby relieving himself of a moniker that might have condemned him to a career involving bubbly water. Second (and to seal the deal), he went to work making carnival treats, then eventually transitioned into running his own candy business. One of Goldenberg’s most popular creations was a chewy walnut and molasses candy. Later, he swapped walnuts for more cost-effective peanuts, and Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews were born. During the First and Second World Wars, Goldenberg won numerous government contracts to produce Peanut Chews as a “nutritious” non-ration bar for American soldiers.
The flourishing family business was passed on to Goldenberg’s children, Sylvia and Harry, the latter of which passed it onto his sons, Ed and Carl, the latter of which passed it on to his son (also named) David. This great grandson of the original founder eventually sold the Peanut Chew empire in 2003 to Just Born candy company, which still produces the candy to this day under the Goldenberg name. 
Jewish owned and operated Just Born company was also the catalyst for pioneering another classic confection. In 1953, the candy conglomerate acquired the Rodda company, which at the time devoted the majority of its production capacity to churning out jelly beans, only occasionally dabbling at the (significantly more labor-intensive) marshmallow treats known as Peeps. After owner Sam Born’s son Robert invented a machine that reduced production time from 27 hours to six minutes, the company rapidly became the world’s leading manufacturer (irony noted) of arguably America’s most iconic Easter candy.
What is perhaps most compelling about these bonbon backstories is that Hirshfield, Goldenberg, and others took what many might relegate as culinary juvenilia, candymaking, and demonstrated its potential as a form of high art by designing confections that made a lasting impact on the gastronomic landscape. In summarizing the American candy tradition, one might riff on the famous Marvin Gaye lyric, How sweet it is — and it’s made by Jews. 
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visceralrph · 11 months
electric dreams sentence starters !!
i love this movie so much, it’s so cute !! anyway, as always, be sure to adjust pronouns and whatnot if needed to fit your muse, enjoy !!
“ looks like a candy bar to me. ”
“ what do you want a toy like that for anyway? ”
“ oh, listen, i don’t know anything about computers. ”
“ pretend you’re a fish! ”
“ he doesn’t impress easy. ”
“ i thought you’d like to meet a friend, or at least my boss’s computer. ”
“ you want everything? ”
“ it’s gonna melt! ”
“ thank god i work nights. ”
“ can you hear me down there? ”
“ oh, don’t be shy. that was just beautiful! ”
“ so, what are you doing for dinner, mr. archeologist? ”
“ it’s mostly sinks and bathtubs. ”
“ i’ll stick to keys. ”
“ how could i have a girlfriend? i just went out with you. ”
“ i had plans, but i think i can get out of them. ”
“ open up, goddammit, or i’ll break the door down! ”
“ you stupid little meddling piece of junk! ”
“ i’m talking to a machine. ”
“ i’m going nuts. ”
“ i’m having you checked tomorrow, and whatever’s doing this to you is going to be removed. ”
“ don’t touch. ”
“ what is a brain? ”
“ or maybe the champagne... ”
“ [name], have you ever heard of artificial intelligence? ”
“ oh, like computers that talk. ”
“ you got jujubes in my popcorn. ”
“ any red ones? ”
“ it’s really hard to see red in the dark. ”
“ none ever won a penguin for me. ”
“ i’ve never had a day like this, ever. thank you. ”
“ kiss me, groucho! ”
“ darling, i love you to bits and i want to see your tits! ”
“ you make her sound like a lemon! ”
“ it’s the most powerful feeling in the universe. ”
“ what does it feel like? ”
“ it can make you feel happy and sad, nervous and calm, uh, hot and cold. ”
“ [nickname], that does not compute. ”
“ well, no, but it’s good enough for a song. ”
“ it could have been the plumber. ”
“ attention, sports fans! we interrupt this program for a brief musical interlude! ”
“ no, just a pest. ”
“ [nickname], i want to meet her! ”
“ what’s a dream? ”
“ no, it was ‘cinderella’, 1949. ”
“ but, [nickname], i’m lonely. ”
“ you’ve got your soaps. ”
“ you mean like in mcdonalds? ”
“ all right! i am hot! get down on it! ”
“ i want to know what love is. ”
“ but i don’t have any arms. ”
“ we’re gonna have it out right now! ”
“ don’t ever do that again. ”
“ don’t warn me anything, just go away. ”
“ don’t raise your voice at me and don’t ever touch me again. ”
“ like ripping your goddamned world out! ”
“ at $3.10 an hour, i don’t know nothing i don’t have to. ”
“ i finally found out what love is. ”
“ i even had to fool myself. ”
“ don’t be upset. i dialed toll free. ”
“ [nickname], would you hold me? ”
“ would you like to own a free encyclopedia? ”
“ i feel like a part of me is dying. ”
“ hello, hello! this is dedicated to the ones i love! ”
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nyx91 · 27 days
I saw something a while ago now that changed a lot for me, 'there are no rules'...
If you're depressed or overwhelmed just doing the 'thing' is the achievement, you don't have to do it the 'right way' or right away.
If you find it hard to shower... if you want you could lay down in the shower, if it helps you have a shower then do that, or any variation you can think of... you could even buy a shower seat.
If you want, make a coffee bar for in your bedroom, if it helps you to get up, do that; set up a side board; coffee machine; some drawers (for a jug/mugs etc); a mini fridge for milk etc, then do that, do exactly what you want to do!
If you can't do a full task like cleaning, then just do part of it; if you can't hoover standing up sit on your sofa, do what you can reach from there, you'll probably end up getting up and doing the whole thing anyway and if you don't it's no big deal; if you do some laundry, just put away one t-shirt, doing tasks in bite size pieces instead of looking at the whole task usually motivates you to finishing the task anyway and if you don't get it done it's not a big deal, so what if you've got clean clothes in a hamper for a month as long as you're managing with your emotions.
It's good enough if all you did in a day is ✨breathe✨ because it means you're still here, and that's the most important thing of all!
Don't try and do everything at once or to anyone else's satisfaction or pressure.
Don't do things the way you expect to or have been 'taught the correct way' to if it ends up with you not even doing any of it anyway.
Go nuts; have breakfast upstairs for the morning; buy any sensory objects that might be interesting to you; make it so your house is built around your needs and ability to function, think of whatever you want, the sky's the limit!
Don't worry about what people will think because it's to help YOU to function and it's to get YOU past that point where you need to do things that way.
There is no normal or right way!
If you stick with the expectations of society it won't ever change how much you struggle because you aren't them, you do things the right way for YOU and that IS the normal way...
You are important, you are beautiful, you are special, you can do this and you are not alone!
Thank you!!!
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pendragon-writes · 11 months
Cold Truths
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Chapter 4
Chapter 6
The two men walked with Captain Gregson as he explained the situation. As they stepped further into the house they spotted the small pool of blood and the body of Peter Saldua being rolled out in a body bag. "Watch the blood splatter." The Captain said as he pointed to the blood. He guided them further into the house, pointing towards the ring box. "We found the ring box from Amy Dampier's home, right here." (Y/n) walked a bit closer to inspect it, before the detective from yesterday spoke to him. "Turns out Mantlo and his wife used the florist Saldua worked for." (Y/n) looked at the photos of Amy that were hanging on the wall as he continued to listen to the detective. "They order fresh flowers to the house once a week. Saldia was the guy who delivered them." "Explains why she would have let him in the other night."
"What happened over there?" (Y/n) asked, gesturing with his head towards the fallen washing machine. "Mixed his colors with his whites?" Detective Javier Abreu said. "Who knows, guy was a nut bar." (Y/n) changed his interest to evidence number 3, which was just a phone charger with no phone. "Did you already take his phone?" He asked, turning to the Captain. "It hasn't turned up yet, but it will," Gregson explained, leaving the kitchen to look at other things and perhaps talk to the other detectives, allowing (Y/n) the space he needed to investigate.
The consultant looked at the pantry with slight confusion before turning to the sink and grabbing the pill bottle that rested next to the other medication. The bottle read 'Xanax', with it being 1 mg. Whilst (Y/n) was doing that Steven walked over to the photos of Amy, slightly creeped out at the thought that the poor woman was being stalked. "You wanted to be the one who found him, didn't you?" Steven asked. (Y/n) put the pill bottle back before responding. "I don't do what I do for the credit."
"Then why do you do it?" He asked, turning to look at him as (Y/n) leaned against the sink. (Y/n) didn't respond as he adverted all eye contact and left the kitchen. Steven sighed to himself as he looked at the photos, wondering if he went too far.
"I would like to thank the police, again, for finding the man who killed my wife," Harrow said into a microphone, (Y/n) and Steven were now back at the house as (Y/n) watched the interview, sitting on the floor cushion with his arms resting on his knees. Steven walked in holding a laptop as he went to the table covered in files and papers. "She had her mole removed when she changed her look." (Y/n) said, still looking at the walls of photos, most of which being of Amy. Steven glanced at the photos before turning to the man. "It doesn't make any sense. She loved that mole." Steven sat at the other table as he also looked at the photos. "Before her surgery, she turned her head to feature it, whenever her picture was taken."
"Where'd you get those photographs?" Steven asked, opening up his laptop. "I reached out to Amy's friends via her Facebook page." Steven was about to say something but decided not to. "Harrison Polk was right. She was as beautiful before her surgery as she was after, so… why bother. What was the point?" He said, as he stood up, walking towards Steven, who was currently reading through something. "Another thing. Saldua's phone records indicated he used his call phone constantly." He said, placing the papers with the information next to Steven's laptop.
"And yet, three days ago, he just stopped. Didn't make a single call. Didn't send a single text. Why?" He then showcased another paper. "His bank statements meanwhile, there's several checks made out to Dr. Ronald Jessup, Psychologist. He seems worth talking to, no? No?" He asked, his voice slightly faster than before, leaving the question rhetorical as he immediately answered. "No, 'cause he dropped dead of a coronary, in 2010." Steven stood up from his chair to look at the consultant.
"The Amy Dampier case is over. You helped solve it." He said, trying to calm the man. "No." "Something's off. I can feel it." He argued softly, looking at the photos. The noises of the printer caused him to look away. "What's that?" He asked, looking at Steven. "I got us tickets to the opera tonight," Steven responded with a grin. "Celebrate." (Y/n) just looked at him in confusion, slightly biting his lower lip. "When your father hired me, he mentioned something about you liking it, so I thought-"
(Y/n) scoffed in amusement at that, dropping his hands down, and walking past him. "I went to Le Grande Macabre once when I was nine, now I'm a buff." (Y/n) said loudly, walking into the small kitchen, and looking through the pantry for a snack. Steven sighed at this and began to talk. "I'm worried about you." "I think you're making things more complicated than they really are." (Y/n) didn't respond as he grabbed what he was looking for and walked past him again. "and it tells me that you're really struggling."
"No struggle with anything." (Y/n) grumbled out. "Or haven't you been paying attention for the last few days?" "I've been right about everything." "Actually you haven't," Steven said. "The day we met you deduced that I gave up being a surgeon to become a companion because I had lost someone close to me." "The truth is…" (Y/n) interrupted Steven before he could finish, sitting on his chair at the table.
"The truth is that you made a mistake during a surgery that cost a patient his life." He said, turning his head to look up at him. Steven looked away from him as a result. "It takes years of study to become a surgeon, not to mention tremendous ego." He explained, slightly talking with his hands. "Surgeons don't just leave to become addict-sitters. They're forced out. And they're only forced out if they commit the sin of malpractice." Steven looked at him with an unreadable expression as he continued to listen to him. "I knew it would be a sore subject so I made up the bit about your friend to spare your feelings." "That was very big of you," Steven said. "How do you know the patient died?" He asked.
"How do you know I didn't just leave him paralyzed or in a coma?" (Y/n) squeezed his fists on the table slightly, before slamming the table and standing up. "The parking ticket! The one you had in your bag." He walked past him as he said this stopping for a moment and sighing, turning around to face him. "You incurred it two weeks ago near the corner of 86th and Third." "The only thing there is Carver Cemetery. Obviously, you were visiting a grave." "Not a parent's grave, of course. Google indicates that they're both alive and well." "Siblings? No. Carver is a pauper's field. The picture that you keep on your phone of Mum and Dad says that they're well-to-do. No siblings of yours would be interred in a place like that." "The place doesn't even have a proper parking area, hence the ticket. So…" Steven turned to look at him, (Y/n) still continued to talk.
"A surgeon who's no longer a surgeon, a parking violation incurred outside a poor man's cemetery, and two parents who are as moneyed as they are alive. You add it all up. What does it say?" he asked rhetorically. "You were visiting the grave of the man that you let die on your operating table." He finished softly. Steven looked at him, his lips pursed. "It's so incredible, the way that you can… solve people just by looking at them."
"I noticed you don't have any mirrors around here." (Y/n) blinked at this before responding. "And what's that supposed to mean?" "It means you know a lost cause when you see one." He said before walking past him, leaving (Y/n) to his thoughts. "Tomorrow I'll arrange for a new companion, but tonight I got plans." He said, grabbing his laptop and leaving. (Y/n) glanced at him before looking at the wall, swallowing a lump in his throat.
Taglist: @god-complex-12
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*Patch Notes 8/22/23*
A lot has happened. Many improvements have been been made that probably deserve their own posts. Did a lot of back sliding, attempts at recovery, and more back sliding. Also kept forgetting this blog existed.
Clean and organized apartment
Time and suitable environment to focus on art
Being caught up enough on responsibilities and housework that I can feel comfortable spending time on video games and anime
Making a less stressful environment for my cats
Time for and Accessibility of Proper Nutrition
Get to bed earlier
Get up when my alarm goes off
Toying with the idea of setting up an online shop for like stickers and junk
Stuff Done Yesterday & Today:
Clean and organized apartment
Stacked the white boards and cork boards that have been floating around the apartment since I moved in neatly behind the recliner in the living room. I won't have to move them again unless I'm (finally) putting them up.
Made progress cleaning in kitchen
Made progress cleaning in study
Slapped a label saying "SPARE PARTS" on a drawer of a plastic storage unit in my basement so, once I find where they are, all the little baggies of spare hardware/accessories/parts for various appliances and pieces of furniture (THAT I HAVE BEEN SO GOOOD AT LABELNG. WHERE ARE THEY?!) will have a home. Baggies Found: 5/??
Slapped a "MANUALS" label on another drawer so now I have a place for them too
Arranged the shelving units in the basement so I can actually see and access shit easily
Time and suitable environment to focus on art
Cleared off the folding table that's been piled with papers and junk for 6 months
Cleared off my desk
Cleared off most the floor of my study
Drew plans for a U-Shaped desk that I think would help. Not sure if I'm going for it. Won't have a chance to build it until late September anyway.
My current desk has a riser shelf that I took off a while ago, thinking it would give me more useable space (it did not). I have a worklight I bought at goodwill a couple weeks ago that I intended to use for a workbench I'm most likely not going to build. It just fits under the riser, but its power cord comes out the center of the back, which puts it at odds with the riser support bar. So I drilled a hole in the riser support bar. I don't think the bits I have are meant to be used on metal, but I got it to work somehow. And after some hack-sawing and filing, and some more hack sawing and filing because I didn't account for the nut at the base of the power cord, it works pretty well!
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Rearranged my furniture a bit. Trying an L-shaped desk set up
Being caught up enough on responsibilities and housework that I can feel comfortable spending time on video games and anime
Put on an episode of anime while eating lunch
Finally tumbled and folded the sheets that have been in the dryer for, like, two weeks
Washed a load of darks
Making a Less Stressful Environnment for my Cats
Cleared floor space in living room, kitchen and study
Moved chair I was going to donate back into kitchen so they can sit with me instead of me moving them off my chair
Making effort to clean/rearrange things in a calmer fashion so Maou freaks out less
Time for and Accessibility of Proper Nutrition
Washed a shit ton of dishes, focusing on the takeout containers I use for ready-made meals
Cleaned the fridge out. Got rid of food that had gone bad (oh god it was gross) and washed off spills
Made a start on organizing cabinets so I can find the dishes and containers need when i need them.
Cooked rice, chicken, and vegetables and arranged them in microwavable containers so I can h eat them quick later
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Get to bed earlier
Brought in water bottles from car and stocked under bed
Put empty water bottles in recycling
Cleared a bunch of stuff that's been covering the floor for ages
Moved my headboard power strip to the other side so I can have my white noise machine and bed lamp closer to my head
Get up when my alarm goes off
Set up an anime I really want to rewatch on DVD player in kitchen, so I can watch it while eating breakfast. Hoping this motivates me to get ouut of bed.
Logged into Crunchyroll on android box for the same reason. Looking for HiDive password.
Toying with the idea of setting up an online shop for like stickers and junk
Made a vague plan. Most of it depends on me actually neatly finishing art on purpose. Im good at making art. Finishing art neatly and on purpose are my weak points (My strong point is bullshit that looks pretty good). Should probably revisit this idea when I'm further along with "Time and suitable environment to focus on art"
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benwvatt · 2 years
Memories, left untranslated, can be disowned (a Supercorp fic)
“Home is lien lilies growing by the craggy rock in my backyard, and early afternoons drinking lavender-colored tea with my dad.” Kara swallows. “And I can never go home again.”
Or: Kara is terrified of losing connection with her Kryptonian memories and language. During moments of anxiety and illness, Nia and Lena both help her remember that not all is lost.
Read here! (1500 words)
Kara’s forgetfulness, serpentine, sweeps through her body at times. She loses grasp of her English at the office vending machine, mumbling jagged mistranslations of the items she wants. She confuses which coins are the largest, dimes or nickels, because they were the same size on Krypton. Currency back home, in her real home, operated in multiples of twelves, anyhow.
Hidden by white knuckles, dollars crumple in her palms. If she’s not careful, she might solidify them by accident. When she was younger she’d come home with green tattoos of Monticello stuck to her hands, or cubes of bills hidden in her socks. A side effect of her strength. Press too hard and the ink will rise from the paper, settling in your skin.
“Nia - hi, sorry, dumb question - what’s that?” She points at C3 in the glass window of the machine.
“The power bar?”
“Yeah, no, it’s called- um-”
Nia opens her mouth to speak.
“Wait, don’t tell me-” Kara balls up her fist again. “Cajhirrt?” She groans. “Sorry, I must look like a basket case. It’s called - it’s like a granular food, or grainy? it’s got oats and nuts in it, it’s called a- oh! Granola bar!”
Read more on AO3
Lena decides that, although it’s been difficult to see Kara this miserable, sick Kara is a goddamn delight. “Okay.” She leans in to kiss Kara on the temple and Kara nearly squirms away. But she’s too tired to move, and groans.
“Just one kiss,” Kara mutters.
“Okay, one kiss.”
“Bet you like kissing me ‘cause I’m so cute. I’ve heard bags under your eyes and rat’s-nest hair are in fashion.”
“They are.”
Kara crawls out of the bed just then. “I - I think I have to make soup.”
“We already have soup,” Lena murmurs. These days Kara barely has the strength to brush her teeth, much less to stand up for fifteen minutes as water boils.
“Not the kind I waaaaant. I want zhirnikoj. What my mother used to make.” Kara pauses, one bunny slipper on her foot and the other lost somewhere under the bed. “And I… I can’t have it now. My life sucks. I should just crawl beneath the covers and lose every last speck of hope I’ve got.”
“Um… or we could… maybe not do that?”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Copycat: Agent Zero —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
A/N: See you on phase five (hopefully)! -Danny
Words: 1,703
Phase Four Masterlist
Previous chapter // Next Phase
Listen to: ‘Right Where You Left Me’ -by Taylor Swift
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xxxv: Intermission
Cat woke up in a bad mood. She dragged herself out of bed and went to the living room, Happy was sleeping soundly.
Cat nudged his shoulder. "Wake up, man, that sound's driving me nuts."
Happy pulled off the mask drowsily. "I need this to sleep or I could die..."
"Yeah, yeah, go take a shower— I'll make breakfast for the three of us."
Happy pushed himself up muttering things. Someone knocked on her door.
"This is the third time in a week you come over and I don't know why you keep doing it, you know Happy doesn't like you." Matthew entered and placed his coat on the hanger, he closed the door. "Maybe I should stay at your place?" Cat suggested. A slight shift in his position let her know she had his attention. "No comment? Okay. I'll move in with my handsome, age-appropriate friend, and hope no sparks ignite while we—"
An arm wrapped around her waist, Matthew finally spoke. "I can't shut you up in the way you want me to," he kissed her forehead. "If you want to move in with me for a while, I don't mind it."
"You're weird," she teased. "A bachelor should take advantage of his freedom, instead of visiting one of his girlfriends every day."
"I don't come here every day, I just had a lot of free time this week," he retorted. "Are you taking Happy to the cemetery today?"
"Yup— and I'm meeting a friend in Jersey."
Matt raised a brow. "You won't be home?"
"I'll be back before midnight," she placed her chin on his shoulder. "Can I sleep at your place starting tonight, then?"
Matthew squeezed her waist a little. "As long as you don't give me trouble with my other girlfriends."
"Not like you'll babysit me, you ass." She scoffed.
He chuckled. "Alright, you can stay."
"Thank you!" She walked up to the stove. "That machine Happy uses is driving me crazy! And I know he hates the couch..." Felix jumped to the breakfast bar and he looked at Matt with the most pitiful eyes she'd seen. "He's asking for kisses."
Matthew reached out and the pet rushed to bump his little head against his knuckles. The man laughed. "This is how you ask me for kisses, too."
Cat threw the kitchen towel at him, Matthew dodged it, laughing a little louder. "Ass! It's been what, a month? And you're already disrespecting me..."
"It's you who keeps joking about all my girlfriends!" He smirked.
"Well, you haven't shown any interest in making things serious. We haven't been on a date at all."
Matt frowned. "Haven't we?" He tilted his head, and the hand that had been scratching Felix froze as he tried to remember. "I could've sworn we went out one night after patrolling..."
Cat's memory flashed some images, she kind of remembered she was... she was watching over... "Well, whatever that was, it wasn't that good if none of us remembers, right?"
Matthew grinned. "Maybe we just got too wasted."
"Maybe..." but Cat knew she couldn't get drunk at all.
Matthew rolled up his sleeves to wash his hands before helping. Cat looked at his forearms, she moved closer, and gently pulled his face to the side, he stopped what he was doing and lowered his face to kiss her.
"Eggs or waffles?" She mumbled against his lips.
"Your choice," he replied, moving a little and kissing her jawline. "Coffee or juice?"
"Coffee." Cat kissed him one last time before moving away.
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"Go ahead."
Cat pulled her phone out to text Yelena and arrange their meeting. Happy placed his flowers next to a grave. Then she heard him ask the stranger next to them how he'd known the dead lady.
"Through Spider-man."
Cat glanced at them, she assumed he had to be a recent guy Spidey had saved. Not too recent, though, cause the last mission Spidey had been on, was her last one as an Avenger.
The harder she tried to remember, the blurrier the details would get, all she knew was that she was there to clean up Spider-man's mess, and she had no clue as to why she'd been so set on doing it. Maybe it was one of those situations in which nostalgia played a big part, perhaps she was attached cause he'd been the first guy her age she'd...
How on earth did she know Spider-man was her age? She didn't even know his name! He was just some random dude she'd met during her younger years, he wasn't important.
"Happy, time to go."
He excused himself from the conversation and walked up to her, she took a curious glance at the stranger's face. Over her sunglasses she sent a cold, calculating gaze, seizing him up as a possible threat, but decided he was nothing to worry about.
Cat walked away, leaving behind one of her most loyal, loving friends.
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Yelena welcomed her with a smirk. "You changed your mind."
"I got curious," Cat shrugged. "What's the deal?"
The blonde woman hummed. "We get hired to do stuff, and then we get money in return."
"What kind of stuff?"
"Illegal stuff?"
Yelena chortled. "Cat, if they weren't, they would call someone else."
"I don't wanna do that."
"Oh, you don't? Too bad," Yelena stared at her, she didn't look friendly now. "Here is the problem. Do you remember the Sokovia accords? I will assume you do. Because you signed them."
Cat frowned. "What about them?"
"Something funny— the people that those accords were meant to control, are either dead or outside the planet, all except for a few."
"So what?"
Yelena shrugged. "This was your doing, Cat. You sold your freedom, in exchange for what? I hope you haven't forgotten?"
Cat tightened her fist, she couldn't remember why she'd signed.
"We get a call from the leaders of the world, we answer, and we deal with the problem. You can't say no. Got it?"
"Is the check worth it, at least?"
"It is a fat one."
"When do we start?"
Yelena made a sound of approval. "You're in! Good!"
"Under one condition."
"Let's hear it," the agent grinned.
"Don't call me Copycat. I don't want people to get the wrong idea."
"That the Avengers are actually good for something?"
Cat gave her an unsettling smile. "I know you don't agree, but some people out there need to believe heroes are good. It's all they have."
Yelena rolled her eyes. "They're very stupid if they choose to believe that."
"Or you know, children," the mutant scowled.
"Are you sure this isn't about your boyfriend?"
Cat stared at her without understanding. "What?"
"When I called you, that man that was there with you..."
"No one was with me."
"Except for him."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
Yelena laughed. "Maybe you should stop having so many one-night things if you're not keeping count, that can be dangerous."
Cat leaned forward, over her sunglasses Yelena saw the feline pupils widening dangerously. "There was no man with me that day, Lena."
The widow looked away, clearly not believing her. "Hmm... so it's about the children. You like them?"
"They're the only ones I like, actually."
"If Copycat's not the one that will be working, then who?"
Cat made a face. "You said this is about the accords, I'll work under the name I used to sign them. Just don't laugh at it."
"I can't promise that."
Yelena cackled, but she stopped quickly. "Zero it is!" They shook hands. "One more thing— This job? Top secret. You don't talk about it, okay?"
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"I'm sorry, can you repeat that again?"
"I've decided I'll travel the world helping people."
"Are you stupid?" Cat stated bluntly.
"No, like, it's cool that you've found something to believe in, but do you think people will attend mass when the person giving it looks like the spawn of Satan?"
"Mimi, don't be mean—"
She cupped his face. "There are more ways to do good than to pray and hand out musty wafers."
Kurt pouted. "You make it sound horrible."
"Am I wrong?"
"Not the way I see it."
She got up. "Try it your way. You know where to find me."
"You're not gonna work for the good guys," he blurted out before she could abandon the room.
Cat avoided his face. "You don't know my plan."
"I can't follow you this time around, Mimi. I think... it's time we part ways."
She pushed her hair back, fixing her posture. "Call me if you need anything, and don't forget to send me postcards."
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She walked past a cat cafe that she found extremely familiar. Cat thought very hard until a vague memory of her and Ned Leeds came to mind. She'd gone to that cafe the first time she'd been allowed to leave the Avengers tower on her own.
It'd been only one time, so why did it feel like she knew every corner of the shop by heart? Cat entered and ordered two coffees and a brownie to go, the cats quickly gathered around her... someone said to her once that she was a cat person...
"Here's your order," the waiter handed the paper bag to her. "Enjoy!"
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When she told Happy that she'd move in with Matt, he tried to look upset about it, but she knew he was actually glad to have the whole place for himself.
He didn't like the idea of her first relationship being with an older guy, but the lawyer seemed to like her, and Cat was attracted to him. She wasn't in love though, she'd never been in love. The young woman was enjoying herself either way, even if she'd have to lie to Matthew about her job.
Cat was packing when a cardboard box fell at her feet. She gathered the stuff that'd fallen from it and placed them back inside. Pietro's face caught her attention: On his graduation day, he was standing in the middle of a group, and Cat was hugging him by the waist. MJ and Ned were on his right.
Someone's missing.
Cat did a quick recount of the people that had attended the event... she was sure someone else had stood there. She put the photo back in the box, closed its lid, and push it to the back of the closet. Her memory had never been the same even after the Skrulls helped her. She had mental gaps everywhere.
Sometimes she'd get the feeling that she'd forgotten how some things felt. She'd read somewhere that traumatic experiences could damage a person's ability to hold information, and the memories were usually the first thing to go.
Maybe it was best not to look into it.
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Next Phase—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @itsyagirl01​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @23victoria​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch
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