#one day i'll finish some succession fic
sgtjamesrogers · 1 year
ok i gotta know, what's going on with lord of the flies but tomgreg ghfdjsk
AHAHA thank you caitlin it is... somehow That, at some point after i finished season three i thought to myself 'wow i love their fucked up dynamic and off putting vibes... what if they got stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash <3' which will have it all: two men that should have more wilderness knowledge than they actually have, fear of death and mortal injury, an illness that would have been easily curable with antibiotics, and tomgreg finally fighting like chickens
It’s funny, how Tom has always known objectively, logically, that Greg is a quote-unquote, ‘lengthy man’, and yet this feels like the first moment he’s been truly aware of it. Of course he, and truthfully every single Roy sibling has found a way to badger him over it, but watching him drag their life raft ashore somehow hammers the point home in a way Tom hadn’t conceptualized before.
With another half-successful yank of the corded nylon rope wrapped around the raft, the bedraggled pop-up tent above it collapses inward, encasing Tom in the salty embrace of lightweight polyester. He doesn’t move; he simply lifts one hand up to raise the tent from his face to continue watching Greg flounder in the damp sand like a two-legged ferret. 
“You know, this, this would be—” Greg gives the raft another hard yank, “—you could, you know, get out and this wouldn’t take so long.” His voice is hoarse, and he gives a wheezy little cough as he pauses with his hands on his knees. 
Smoke inhalation, Tom thinks absently. Then he giggles, and feels his eyes attempt to well up as the sound rasps out of him. Somehow, he doesn’t seem to have enough moisture in his body for that. He thinks maybe, maybe he might be losing it. But that’s also a thought he’s had before. Tom decides briefly that he should climb out, but before he can move Greg bends down into the raft; not unlike a particularly long-necked goat in search of extra feed pellets at the petting zoo. 
He tears a damp canvas bag from the corner with a harsh velcro rip, tossing it out behind him before he cups the side of Tom’s head like he’s checking a melon at the grocery store. Tom grimaces away from his damp, sandy palm. 
“Hey, stop, stop, you uh…” Greg lowers his voice, as if there’s anyfuckingbody else that can possibly hear him right now. Then Tom imagines that they washed up on a crowded beach on O’ahu, and he’s having a nervous breakdown surrounded by sunbathers covered in Coppertone. A nervous breakdown within five hundred feet of a goddamned Sandals Resort. “You seemed like you were, that you might have gotten somewhat concussed when we—”
Tom cuts him off simply by way of grabbing Greg by the shoulders to hoist himself up; grunting with annoyance as his vision swims for a minute. Maybe he was concussed. Swimming in wet fabric, it feels uncomfortably yonic as he climbs out, eyes squeezing shut against the harshly bright sun overhead. The heat is so much worse out here; Tom can almost imagine it drifting up from the sand in waves. 
His eyelashes, his eyelids themselves already feel crusty with salt as he rubs at them punishingly with the heels of his hands. Fuck, did his eyes hurt. Come to think of it (which was difficult; the thinking part, at present) his whole head hurt. Shielding his eyes with the flat of one hand he peers up at Greg first, who is worrying his chapped bottom lip with his teeth as he watches. 
That familiar friend of Tom’s, the irrational anger that wells up inside of him like a restless old lion at a shitty roadside tourist trap, rattles feebly against the cage where Tom keeps it. Sometimes with greater success than on other occasions. He opens his mouth to snarl at Greg for looking at him with that wounded expression, like his cat just had kittens and Tom was the runt who just wasn’t going to make it. As his eyes adjust properly, the noise temporarily dies in his throat, a flame blown out by an ominously building wind. 
To either side of the raft, as far as Tom can see to his left or his right is simply sand; bare right up to the rocky treeline that seems to be slowly growing consumed by the long hungry roots of the shockingly tall trees looming there. As he looks, a flock of some pacific birds breaks out of the tree line and wheel overhead for the briefest moment before turning back inland; the aviary version of a Lincoln Navigator doing a three-point turn. No beachgoers, no Sandals resort. 
“Fuuuuuuuck,” Tom breathes out, hoarse and reeling. Greg nods clumsily; a marionette whose puppeteer is very exhausted by all of this. 
“That’s- that’s exactly it,” he says, bleak resignation in his tone, in the sloping line of his shoulders. “Yeah, Tom, it’s…it’s fuck alright.”
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prodbymaui · 1 year
Chasing Stars, Losing You
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I'll be damned, cupid's demanding back his arrow
PAIRING: jung jaehyun x reader
GENRE: exes to lovers, slow burn, angst, slice of life, fluff, eventual smut, ceo!jaehyun (yes, we love him), model!reader, mentions of Taeyong, Yuta, Mark and Johnny
WORD COUNT: 14k+ words
WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder, smoking, usage of drugs, self-harming, toxic relationship (?)
SYPNOSIS: When your relationship got announced, it made noises louder that anyone could've imagined. Of course it will, a pair containing a supermodel and a CEO of one of the most successful enterprise that made a name in both the fashion and business industry. But soon enough, everyone witnessed how the perfect relationship they had been envying crumbled down into tiny pieces until there's nothing left to pick up.
TAGS: @lovingvoidgoatee @jaessunflower214 @fluffyjaes @hopefulchick @clblnz @jaehyunsprincess @haebragi @lorenakaspersen @joepomonerof @sadstuffonthestreet @carelessshootanonymous-blog @iraa567 @ethelia
A/N: aaaand it's finally out! it took me forever to finish this fic as this was the longest one I've written after taking a break from writing so bare with me if some scenes seemed to be missing something. and also, this isn't beta read so excuse the grammatical errors, typos and such. anyways, enjoy reading! like and reblogs with comments are highly appreciated! <3
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Walking on soft clouds, that's what you felt every second you were with Jung Jaehyun.
The industry itself had told you to fuck off and go back to little hole you used to hide at.  Stomping over you and shouting you shits to make you realize that you're not fucking worthy of everything they had to offer. The modelling industry, despite you being a supermodel, had broke you into pieces more than one could've ever imagined.
But Jaehyun was there to fix you up, every damn time it happened. Jaehyun who was always there to gather you in his loving arms, whispering praises and assurance. Jaehyun who showered you with nothing but affection. Jaehyun who made you a hot chocolate with snow man marshmallows even though it's summer because he knew it was your favorite.
Jaehyun who cancelled an important meeting with a client because you called him, expressing how much you wanted to watch this movie and that day was your only free time. Jaehyun who, despite having a tight schedule, managed to come to all of your fashion shows to support you. Jaehyun who displayed your magazines in his office proudly.
Everytime he's beside you, everyone disappears together with your worries about the world. With all those giggles, cuddles and just overall having him around-- you couldn't ask for more. Jung Jaehyun was the man that you decided you wanted to be with for the rest of your life.
Jaehyun was your own heart.
Your relationship consisted of right balance of public and private. You don't reveal as much on your social medias but also didn't deprived everyone on getting a glimpse of your life. Any special events that happened, they already expected either of you to post a picture of the other.
Jaehyun and you made sure that you still have the privacy you should own while also happily sharing moments with the fans. It was a decision made by the both of you.
Though it was hard to attain a free time, you two always made sure spend it to the fullest. Not by travelling from country to country, no. You spent it by being in each other's arms, feeling the warmth of one another. Bonding over watching movies or cooking together. Because for you, having the other around was enough.
Your manager even suggested that you should make a youtube channel and upload your vlogs with Jaehyun. She was so sure that everyone would be more than happy to see those videos. You shrugged and said that you'll ask Jaehyun about it.
He agreed, actually. And your first vlog was about one of your cooking slash baking chronicles. Jaehyun, much to everyone's surprise, was very good at baking while you, at the other hand, enjoyed watching him and tasting his products.
''How's the mixing going, chef?'' You giggled beside him, pointing the camera at his handsome face. Blush was evident on his cheeks, still not used to having someone take a video of him if not for business purposes.
''Hey, you have to answer my question,'' You poked his crimson cheeks and squished it with one hand lightly.
Jaehyun smiled, ''It's going fine, they're going smooth now.''
Satisfied, you diverted the camera to the mixing bowl in front of your boyfriend. It didn't took him long before finishing it up and moving to the next part which was chilling the dough.
You propped the lenses so it could face both of you and looked at Jaehyun through the screen. ''So, what're we gonna do while waiting for the dough to rise?'' You asked him with a raise of an eyebrow.
''Stare at it 'til it's done,'' Jaehyun replied with a small snicker. You jokingly shook your head and sighed in disbelief of his humor, in which he whined at. He circled his arms around your waist and buried his face on your neck, muttering something about you now have to give him kisses because you hurt his feelings.
You only chuckled at him, ''Fine, I'll give you kisses later.''
You figured that you'll just put a timelapse of you and Jaehyun watching a movie as you waited for the dough to rise. When the time came, you decided to offer rolling down the dough and shaping it to the shapes you like. It varies from simple circles to stars and clouds. After doing so, you popped to the oven and before you knew it, you and Jaehyun were already packing it to share to your friends and kids at the orphanage.
Arriving at the orphanage, you were met by kids rushing towards the both of you as if you were parents who came from work. ''Oh! careful there, Taehee,'' You softly reminded the little girl, catching her just in time.
Jaehyun sat at the floor and you settled beside him, you don't want to risk breaking the little chairs trying to fit your grown asses to them. ''Mister Jaehyun, what is that?'' The 4 year old boy, looked at the packet with shining eyes.
''This is a cookie, Taeho. You told me last time that you like them right?'' Jaehyun smiled widely with his eyes that only a fool could say that it wasn't genuine. Taeho gasped and fell to the floor dramatically, a hand over his mouth as he processed what Jaehyun said before.
''Hey, everyone, listen! Mister Jaehyun brought us cookies!'' Taeho shouted in excitement, jumping up and down. The children went from being scattered around the room to running towards Jaehyun, tackling him to a hug. Some were even kissing his face to express gratitude.
''I brought cookies too,'' You pouted at the lack of attention given, raising your little packets as well to show them. Taehee and some of the others ran to you, ''Don't be sad, I'll try yours!'' Taehee grinned at you while reaching to the cookies.
The staffs wanted to take a picture and video of both of you to show the world how genuine and kind you were to the kids. But refrained themselves because they knew you weren't doing this for publicity. So they just enjoyed watching you taking care of them, giving each child the same attention.
''Wow, who's that beautiful princess I am seeing?'' Jaehyun exaggeratedly said, rubbing his eyes with his fists to take 'double-look' to Taehee who was twirling around in front of him with a crown on her head. ''You look so pretty, Taehee!'' He complimented, even clapping his hands as if he just finished watching some high-quality theater show.
You snorted at Jaehyun's actions, finding it cute how he tried so hard to praise Taehee in every possible way. Your heart was warm watching the interactions exchanged between them. Admit or not, you had imagine how Jaehyun would be such a good father to your own children.
Snapping out of your little bubble, you turned around when you felt a little tap on your shoulder. Taeho was standing behind you, holding a piece of paper. ''Hey, what's that, buddy?'' You pointed at the bond paper in his hands. He sat on your lap and showed you a drawing, one look from it and you could tell it's a vision of a 'perfect' family.
At first, you though Taeho drew what seemed to be his desire. His want to meet his parents again and be with them. But you were wrong. Taeho took a few inhales and exhales, catching his breath.
He first pointed at the two kids, ''This is me and Taehee,'' You nodded at the mention of his twin. ''This is Mister Jaehyun,'' His finger moved to the male adult. ''And this is you!'' Lastly, at the female adult. ''I drew us!'' Taeho cheered happily.
You paused for a moment before grinning widely, ''Oh that's so cool, Taeho! You did so great!''
''Our teacher at school told us to drew our family but I don't have mommy and daddy so I drew you and Mister Jaehyun,'' He explained. You told him how you were thankful that he considered you as a family and complimented his drawing, telling him he have a future for it.
The visit ended with you bringing home the precious masterpiece of Taeho and a kiss from all the kids. It was already night when you and Jaehyun reached your apartment. Once you finished showering, Jaehyun came next.
''I saved some cookies for you at the fridge,'' Jaehyun muttered, giving you a sweet kiss before entering the shower. You only hummed at him. Minutes went by and Jaehyun went on his way to get his pajamas at the living room inside his small luggage-- getting a peak of the kitchen.
And when Jaehyun saw you throwing out the cookies he made, he said nothing.
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Weeks had past by, fashion week were coming quicker that you had expected. You're booked to the brim and that was what Jaehyun was worrying about. You rarely responded to his texts, not answering his calls most of the time. He couldn't even get the chance to visit you himself as he's busy as well so he made sure to send flowers and letters everyday to your apartment.
''Oh lord, you're gaining weight, dear,'' The designer, seemingly horrified, whispered to your ears as he stared at you through the mirror, tightening the laces of your top with a struggle. You pursed your lips, of course you noticed this as well. It was the lack of exercise, you thought.
The fitting had come to an end with a sound of disappointed 'tsk's was heard from the designer beside you, a few shakes of his head and a sigh. You remained standing in front of your reflection, staring and observing your body. The man came up to your side again, holding your shoulders and smiled softly.
''Listen, dear. You already look pretty, angelic even,'' That pricked out a single thorn of your throat but what he said next poured a ton of thorns right after the relief. ''But you would suit my designs more-- no, you would be more beautiful if you lose weight. Remember what I told you before? Beauty equals to skinny. You're not beautiful if you're not skin and bones.''
And you agreed. Models who doesn't have their ribs showing through their skin have no place in the fashion industry. The clothes wouldn't hang pretty on you if there were fat getting on the way. He was right. You should lose weight.
Travelling around the city, going from places to another. It was safe to say that you were emotionally and physically tired. Even with all of those you still have to keep a good physical appearance for the paparazzis who were hungry for a snap of you at any given time.
You were done for the day and could finally sleep in your own apartment instead of sleeping on a mattress and sharing a hotel room with your manager.  Sighing, you took off your shoes and hang your coat behind the door. Making your way to the kitchen to grab some water.
What surprised you was being met by the back of a man, cooking at your kitchen while humming and whistling to the music being played. You knew that back so well. ''Jae?'' You murmured under your breath but he turned around any way, with that smile of his that you love so much.
''Surprise?'' Jaehyun quirked an eyebrow, smirking at you for a second before placing down the pan at the table, which you didn't noticed was already set. ''Have a seat,'' He gestured and you did.
Seeing all the foods that he prepared, you appreciate it, truly. But you can't deny the nervousness bubbling up inside you, all those comments from countless designers and other models flashing your mind. You gulped as you remembered what they said,
''Lose some weight, will you?''
''You're getting fat, dear.''
''Skin and bones are the only acceptable thing here.''
''Fashion show or laying in your bed with all those fats inside of you?''
''God, you look awful!''
Not being able to take those thoughts anymore, you pushed the plate off the table-- the one Jaehyun was serving you his food. The plate shattered on the floor as your hands shook violently, heavy breaths to accompany your shaky eyes.
Jaehyun rushed to your side, hugging you and whispering comforting things at you like he always did. He caressed your hair while continuously planting kisses on your head, hugging you even tighter. He wanted you to feel nothing but absolute protection in his arms.
A few minutes passed and you still haven't calmed down yet. Jaehyun didn't know what else to do as you haven't panicked this long before. As you tried to control your breath, you felt something coming up to your throat when your eyes glanced at the food in front of you.
Thrashing in Jaehyun's embrace, you ran to the bathroom and threw up whatever you can. It wasn't long when you felt Jaehyun holding up your hair, helping you.
You thought about nothing but the fear of eating the food that has so many calories. Fear of gaining weight and losing validation in your field of work.
The next time you saw Jaehyun was when you came home from visiting another brand, preparing for the nearing show. ''Hi, love,'' Jaehyun greeted you with a hug, ready to smell the scent of vanilla on you but was met with a unpleasant one. ''Why do you,'' You pulled away from him in confusion. ''Are you smoking?'' He questioned with his face scrunched up, not liking the smell one bit.
You chuckled, ''What? Of course not, babe. Why would I smoke?'' You shrugged off his questions just like that, kissing his cheek before walking away to take a bath and get ready for bed.
The next morning, Jaehyun woke up without you beside him and he figured out you've already woken up. He made his way out of the room, stretching and yawning but glad that you two finally have a free time to spend with each other. What happened last night was long forgotten, maybe you were telling the truth. There's no reason for you to even lie to him, right?
Wrong, because the moment Jaehyun stepped a foot to the living room, he saw your figure sitting at the balcony with smoke surrounding you. Clearly, there was an ash tray at the table by your side and clearly, you've finished quite a few already.
He stomped towards you way, opening the door harshly before getting the cig out of your mouth and threw them on the ground. ''What the fu-- Jae!'' You stood up from your chair, shocked and eyes widened. ''Not smoking, huh? Then what is this?'' Jaehyun glared at the remains of your cigarettes that was displayed at the table.
He didn't shouted at you. He didn't forced you to say why and how you've to this point. Only accepting the fact that this was something you used as a coping mechanism.
What he can't accept was he couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't bring himself to help you get out of that addictive nicotine because slowly, he was afraid to admit that he was getting deprived of time to spend with you.
Hours to days, days became weeks and weeks turned into months. It has been so long since Jaehyun last talked to you. Scrolling to your conversations only made his friends give him a pat of pity on his shoulder because of how many messages of his was left unread by you.
His father had told him that the Jung Enterprise was already nearing its peak and as the CEO, it was Jaehyun's job to reach and maintain it. But it wouldn't work if Jaehyun kept cancelling meetings just to stay at your apartment. Waiting like a puppy for you to come home, which you never did.
It must be the exhaustion in him because he supposed, if you're not gonna reply, might as well drown himself in work, right? And so, Jaehyun decided that it'll be better for him to just divert his attention.
His schedules became packed, meetings after meetings. Signing and approving papers. Moving places from one another. Jaehyun forgot what the words; 'eat' and 'sleep' meant.
Slowly, Jaehyun was able to get a taste of power. It was like he was getting suffocated by the amount of glory and yet he's enjoying that said suffocation. The pleasure he got whenever everyone praised how Jung Enterprise kept climbing up to the top, never failing even once along the way.
This was something he had been dreaming since he was introduced to their business.
And you bet, Jung Jaehyun would exchange this for anything else.
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You weren't exactly sure whether to be happy now that you're once again driving back to your apartment. The apartment where you lived all alone, cold even though you're inside your blankets.
While might say otherwise, you would prefer staying a hotel rather than your 'home'. You're just too caught up with all these castings and fittings that you found your apartment a little too 'unfamiliar'. You didn't know how it started but you surely knew where this was leading to.
Because you've been here before, and you knew exactly how to deal with these. But Jaehyun doesn't.
''Oh now, what-- you're into drugs?'' A scoff behind you was heard. You knew you had to explain yourself but you can't afford. Not you've finally got your stomach to stop grumbling about hunger. You got filled without even actually consuming food inside your body. Bonus points for the euphoria you're in, making you feel like on cloud nine.
You hissed but made no effort to face him, continuing to inhale it as the smell of burning leaves infiltrate Jaehyun's nostrils. He pinched the bridge of him nose before walking to your front and throwing the blunt away. Just like what he did with your cigar.
Seeing your blunt being thrown away clicked something inside of you. Standing up, you pushed Jaehyun away. ''What the fuck is wrong with you?!'' Scrambling to search for the thrown weeds with your bloodshot eyes.
''What the fuck is wrong with me? No, what the fuck is wrong with you! Look at yourself! Are you even sleeping?! Are you even eating?!'' Jaehyun spewed out, looking at you as if you're some ridiculous human being.
You glared at him by the mention of eating, ''Why do you fucking care? Just go play in your little office or something..'' You whispered the last sentence harshly before pushing him and made your way out, immediately going to the bathroom.
There you puked even though you hadn't eaten anything for days, bunch of slimy liquids were the only ones that made it out. Just the thought of consuming those calories and gaining weight was something you couldn't bear.
Jaehyun wouldn't understand the pressure of having to stay skinny. He would never. He was born with 2 loving parents and a company for him to inherit the moment he was born. Jaehyun was surrounded by people who loves him while you only have him. Jaehyun would never understand that you don't want to gain weight.
You can't. You need to stay light. You HAVE to stay skinny in order for you to stay relevant in the model industry. You've done a lot to work your way on the top. You've already had a grip of your dream, and you would never let it slip out of your hands.
''I don't know, man. That sounds tough,'' Mark, a friend of his, tilted his head with the emphasize of 'tough'. Jaehyun had told him about the state of your relationship. Days wouldn't pass by without his mind boggling him about it.
Playing with a pen on his fingers, Jaehyun chewed on his bottom lips. ''Do you think it'll be better if we cool off?'' he said lowly and it made Mark froze. The younger took a breath and ran his hand on his face, ''Dude, I mean- it's fine to take a break once in a while and you obviously need it, yes.''
Mark looked down, ''If you think that it'll mend the crack then go for it, but if you think it'll do otherwise, might as well just- you know?''
Jaehyun's eyebrows furrowed, confused, ''Well?''
The younger sighed, feeling himself get older much faster just by having a talk with the CEO, ''What I'm trying to say is that, talk to her first. She could be going through something right now, and she might need someone to be at her side.''
Mark shook his head, giving him a dismissive gesture as he stood up to leave. The door opened at the same time, revealing Jaehyun's secretary, ''Sir? Meeting at 3 minutes,'' He reminded Jaehyun.
Jaehyun nodded, getting a few of his papers before walking towards the door with Mark following behind him.
Thinking about what the younger said, the CEO could feel himself question his worth for you. He can't give help to someone who doesn't want help, Jaehyun thought. Maybe his efforts weren't enough for you to trust him?
Jaehyun wouldn't admit it any time soon but he knew that the cool off suggestion was just something that covers what he truly had in mind.
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It had been a week since you last contacted Jaehyun, ever since then, you hadn't been replying to his texts and calls. It was the epitome of unexpected but welcomed, though. Cutting him like that wasn't intentional but it sure has brought you some fresh air to breath.
Being with Jaehyun these past few weeks was very suffocating for you even when you've only spent the littlest time together. You felt your every move being watched and you actions being limited. Like a child with her parent.
You inhaled and exhaled the smoke, feeling lighter with every hit of the addictive leaves. Smiling to yourself, you felt at ease like this, no one to look at you as if judging every single step you take.
Your attention was diverted when your front door busted open and clear traces of footsteps were heard coming towards you. It was long before it revealed a fuming Jaehyun.
No words were said as he opened his phone and threw it to you without care.
''A week without having any contact with you and this is the first news that'll greet me? What the fuck are you doing to yourself?'' Jaehyun's voice was calm but his tone can be considered as harsher than the last time he talked to you.
Confusion displayed on your face as you stride towards the thrown cellphone that landed at the table, it showed an article. Without even reading the contents of it, you already knew what is was about, looking by the picture below the headlines. Big bold letters accompanied by photos taken as a proof.
Everyone aren't as innocent as they portrayed to be.
And there you are, looking shit as ever. Beside you was someone you know that held a syringe, injecting morphine to your body.
You scoffed at it, ''It's just morphine, why the fuck are they acting like nobody else used drugs?'' Jaehyun couldn't believe what he was hearing, he can feel his ears stinging with every words you say. ''Are you hearing yourself right now? Just because you've seen someone used it, doesn't mean that you gotta do it as well. Be fucking mature for once and think of your health.''
''Ah, you're done with playing as the perfect boyfriend so now you're moving to act as if you're a fucking advisor or something? like a father who 'knows the best for his daughter', huh? Is that it? Or you have an important meeting in about 5 minutes so you're getting rid of me because you couldn't fucking prioritize your girlfriend before you company!''
Every word felt like a thorn stabbing at your heart as you let Jaehyun know what he had put you through when he started to change. That you still have feeling and emotions. That you were hurting as well, just like other normal human being.
Jaehyun let out a sound of disbelief, ''That only happened when you decided it's better to focus on getting high, smoking different shits everyday than to solve things out with your boyfriend like other normal human being. So yes, maybe I did prioritized my company before my girlfriend. 'Cause even drowning myself in work gives me more assurance that I- for the least -worth something than being with my girlfriend who doesn't even wanna fucking talk to me,''
''Oh my god, stop being so fucking far up your ass!'' Screams filled the room as you threw your coat at the man in front you. He was breathing heavily like you are, gripping his hands to a fist.
The way he worded everything, it was like all of these were your fault. It was as if you took the happiness and love away from the relationship who used to be full of it. It was like you've dragged this relationship down with you, ruining both at the same time until they were impossible to fix.
''All these past months, I've been trying to understand all your shenanigans with your modelling! I even cancelled a fucking meeting with a big client for you! And now you're telling me that all I think about is myself?'' It was like venom dripped out of his mouth as he spit out the words. It hurts but you couldn't care less. You're done pretending as if you're still in a happy and healthy relationship.
As weeks passed by, you were falling deep into a hellhole. You, yourself, doesn't even know if you can trust Jaehyun to save you from it. Considering how he was more determined to bring his company to the top rather than helping you out of your cave, you presume that being with Jaehyun further brought you nothing but more pain and suffering.
Yet Jaehyun doesn't know how you both had come to this. Was it so bad for him to want the best for his company? Was it so bad for him to work on his dreams? Ever since you and him became official, his focus was only on you. So how come he became the selfish one here?
''God, that company again-- then go! The door is fucking open for you to leave anytime! I can't deal with this shit anymore. If you continue acting like a fucking God who had done everything to save his people everytime you cancel a fucking meeting, then you find someone else to roleplay with you!''
''Fine then! I can't also deal with someone so narcissistic. So narcissistic that she can't see the efforts of her man to help her because all she sees is herself and how fucking great she is-- fine! I'll fucking leave. Anywhere is better than being here with someone who can't fucking see the value of other people.'' That was the last thing Jaehyun said before walking away, closing the door behind him harshly as remains of him stayed at your condo.
Jaehyun was no longer your own heart. Instead, he was a walking hammer that smashed your heart into pieces.
Social Elite Modelling Agency had announced the break up of the infamous 'perfect relationship' involving Jung Jaehyun and their model, Y/N.
she deserves it
if I was in Jung's place, I would leave her too
she looks like she hadn't eaten for days, hope she's doing okay
Jaehyun seemed like a very good guy, what happened?
first her career and now her relationship, she always ruins everything good.
-> true, I wouldn't be surprised if she was the reason of their break up, she's the epitome of problem.
the guy was like perfect, the problem was her.
the pictures of Y/N are concerning, hope she's gonna be alright someday.
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You scoffed as you slammed the newest Vogue Magazine on the table in front of you, diverting your eyes to the screen in front, followed by a small laugh of mocking, earning a look from your friend. ''THIS is what they call news? This was 2 years ago for goodness' sake!'' Your rants echoed across the room eyes burning a hole through the news casted on your computer's monitor.
''You know media. If they can't find something from the present, they'll dig up the past.'' The deep voice replied to you. Looking at the couch not far from your place, you could see the figure of the man being covered by the same magazine you've been looking at for the past hour.
Shaking your head, you expressed disagreement. ''I just don't understand why it has to be me, Taeyong.'' The said man stood up and walked towards you, sighing as he sat at the chair in front.
''It's because you're still relevant, you're still famous. Media wouldn't care about you and he who must not be named if you both aren't known up 'till to this day.'' A smile appeared on his adonis face, crossing his legs while he leaned to your table.
''Besides, you're not still in love with your ex, aren't you?'' His smile turned into a teasing smirk, eyebrows going up and down as his fingers gestured a heart. You rolled your eyes at his actions, ''Ha ha real funny, yong.''
''Kidding aside, don't pay too much attention with it. It's not worth it. People will eventually get tired of hearing the same news over and over,'' With a tilt of his head, he pointed out.
You sighed and nodded, ''You're right, not worth my time.''
Years had passed since your lowest point of life and you could say that you've learned a lot, including how to manage your own schedules and know what's better for yourself, the real and actually better this time.
After the break up, everyone witnessed how you turned into the worst version of yourself, getting off everyone's radar and suddenly being seen, looking as if you're homeless and had nothing to eat.
Everyone can't almost recognize you whenever they see the photos during that era, except Taeyong, a fellow model. The man was an acquaintance, appeared in your life way before you got into a relationship but with a busy life of both, it's rare that you two contacted.
Not until the news broke out and Taeyong happened to stumble upon it at a website. He didn't hesitated to contact you, though he failed a lot, eventually, he succeeded through a friend who knew you as well. Taeyong refused to tell you who.
It was quite a ride when the red-haired model became your best friend and help you to get through. Starting from stabling your mental health to getting your life back together. You never forget to thank him but he refused it everytime you do. According to him, your recovery was all on you and all he did was support your decisions, therefore, the credits should be given to yourself.
There was even a time where you thought of quitting modelling and start your own fashion business, he didn't even had a second thought before agreeing, gifting you art pencils and a sketchbook. That certain pad was used ever since it was bought, containing an adequate amount of your first sketches.
Taeyong, being great as ever, had become your advisor and best friend despite having a busy schedule that required travelling from one places to another.
His appearance in your life was unexpected but very welcomed and appreciated.
''Have you checked your new project?'' Taeyong asked you as he lazily laid on his back, reaching for the painted stars and moon on the ceiling even though he knew he couldn't touch it. ''I haven't, what's up?'' You don't remember checking it yet, more over remembering to plan checking it as you have quite a lot on your to-do works.
The older man let out a bored groan, ''I think it was a skincare brand,'' You hummed to acknowledge what he was saying, a gesture to say that he can continue. ''I didn't know they are putting you on commercial films nowadays, you tryna' act or something?'' There wasn't any hint of mocking, it was pure and genuine curiosity.
Shaking your head, ''Nah, agency said the company's head was a friend of our CEO, said they were asking for someone that made noises.'' Taeyong scrunched his nose and smiled widely, ''Making noises, huh? Told you, you're still famous as ever. You've always been making noises but hearing it now, I feel like a proud dad.''
Reciprocating his smile, you threw your extra lollipop at him, his favorite. ''And I will always thank you for helping me get back on my feet.''
''Stop,'' The man giggled, disagreeing. He got on his feet and grabbed your hands, dragging you with him to the door. ''Let's go, get some ice cream.''
A sigh of relief escaped your lips as you went out of the bathroom, rubbing your hair gently with a microfiber towel to dry it as soon as possible. Rummaging through your drawer, you chose the comfortable yet still presentable looking clothes, deciding with a white crop top and sweat pants, topping it with a black cropped cardigan.
Just as you were putting on a simple and light makeup, your attention was caught by the knock on your front. The arch of your eyebrows furrowed as you didn't expect any visitors nor any deliveries today, a thought of someone finding out about your address crossed your mind but quickly vanished when you saw the newly dyed blonde hair of the one and only, Lee Taeyong, at the peephole.
''What're you doing here?'' Asked by you the moment the door was opened. Taeyong's small smile changed into a jokingly annoyed face, ''Hello to you too, Taeyong. How are you, Taeyong? Are you doing fine, Taeyong? That's really good, Taeyong! I'm glad that you're okay, Taeyong!'' You laughed at his reaction, giving him a light push inside the apartment, the older immediately jumping to lay down on your couch lazily.
''I was bored, I had nothing to do today,'' Grumbling, he answered your question earlier. You snickered getting your makeup and brought to the living room to finish it there, sitting at the floor, in front of Taeyong as you placed the products on the coffee table. ''Shouldn't you be sleeping, then? You always rant about not having enough time to get a proper sleep or something,'' You mumbled, touching up a few areas here and there.
''Do you think I haven't done that yet? Dude, I was asleep for 15 hours straight,'' Taeyong announced to you, emphasizing the word fifteen. You scoffed, ''So you decided to crash at my place and make a mess?'' Pointing at the messy arrangements of his socks and shoes, plus his cap which was thrown carelessly. He appeared slightly abashed with his smile, sending a peace sign and a flying kiss, earning a grimace from you.
Finally done with the makeup, you groaned in slight pain as you stood up, cleaning your things before putting them back to your room and making your way to get your shoulder bag.
''You've already made a mess but don't make more, alright?'' Warning him while you picked the shoes that matches your outfit but not that eye-catching to blend in, tying your shoes for safety. Taeyong quickly shot up, ''Wait- you're going somewhere?'' His eyes followed you as you walked around to check if you had forgotten something, going towards the door to leave.
''Obviously,'' Muttering while fixing the your face mask and cap hid your face, Taeyong scurry to wear his shoes and cap as well, jogging towards you. ''I'll come with you,'' Silence filled the air along with your stare at him, waiting for him to say that he's joking. But none was said, so you presume that he was indeed serious.
Giving you a nod with a bounce, he gestured a hand to tell you to go ahead and lead the way. So you did, closing the door, making sure it was safely locked before making your way to the parking lot of the building to use your car. You didn't hear anything from Taeyong, only following you and sitting at the passenger seat with a jolly vibe.
The only time he talked was when he asked you to play some music and where were you going. Again, you answered with a 'something', gaining a whine from you in which you laughed.
Arriving at the place, Taeyong made a face that showed a disappointment, clearly looking forward to a 'trip', not even a single thought of visiting a grocery store. You chuckled at his expression, ''What? Dude, I need to eat,'' Pointing with your lips, you told him to get a cart while you went ahead of him to start roaming around.
The blonde male would be lying if he said he didn't enjoyed the peaceful shopping-- always being surrounded with crowds and bodyguards, you two doesn't often experience this kind of comfortable vibe, so it's safe to say that this was a breather for the both of you.
It was not until your peripheral caught a sight of someone hiding in plain sight with a camera obviously angled towards you and Taeyong. You hummed, naturally showing back to it as you tugged your best friend's shirt, ''Dude,'' He furrowed his eyebrows at you, questioning your actions.
A brief widening of your eyes was all it took for Taeyong to realize what you were trying to convey, lowering his cap as he pushed the cart away from the lenses. ''Can't have a peaceful grocery shopping, huh?'' Hearing him tsked, holding you by your waist to guide you at a cashier with an empty line and quickly punched your items. Paying for the foods and drinks mindlessly with his card before carrying the bags and ushering you outside the store.
''Let's go, Yuta needs to know about this,'' The car's engine created a sound and before you knew it, you reached your agency's building and you were heading towards your manager's office.
''This is not a big deal but we're definitely gonna have a hard time shutting down the dating rumors,'' Said by Yuta while he scrolled through the news of the spotting of your apparently-- ''grocery date'' with Taeyong.
Yuta had became your manager through, again, your best friend. He was someone Taeyong trusted and knew for the longest of time so the man decided to recommend the japanese. And now, it was not only Taeyong who trusted Yuta with their whole life, but you as well. The japanese had proven many times that he was worthy of your trust plus friendship by how he protected you from further issues and how he supported you with any decisions, not without talking you down about the consequences, of course.
Yuta never pressured you about your body, never been strict about your diet and never limited you with going out with your friends and doing what you wanted. Yuta was a coworker turned into friend in no time.
Playing with your lower lip, you looked up to him, ''So, what do we do?'' A small snort was picked up by your ears beside, ''Let them think that way, it's not like dating me is bad, isn't it?'' Taeyong suggested with a smirk, earning a smack from you that made him let out a sound of pain.
Your manager only sighed at the childish sight of you and your best friend, shaking his head as he relaxed in his chair, ''Denying it immediately would only cause further suspicions, let it die down for a day or two.''
Taeyong shrugged his shoulders while you nodded. Both neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the plan.
''Can you cover up for me? The appointment?'' Rustling and a sound of engine came from the other line, Yuta's voice filled with anxiousness and worry. Nodding even if he can't see you, you agreed to do as he requested-- telling him not to worry.
You were hanging out at Taeyong's apartment when your manager called, saying something urgent came up which was why he couldn't attend the supposed meeting the the CEO of the skincare brand you were going to model for. Handling your own schedules and attending meetings weren't new to you as you've done them for a while after firing your last handler. So you were no way near of fearing to meet the clients, right?
Wrong. When something in you rang bells of warnings, you didn't hesitate to drag Taeyong with you, not even bothering to tell him where you were going. He could only thank the universe for his fashion taste and good looks that whatever he wore made him look presentable and elegant.
Reaching the building of the address Yuta had sent you, you stride confidently inside, making your way to the reception as you informed about the meeting involving your manager and the CEO. Fortunately, the lady confirmed it with no issues, proceeding to lead you and Taeyong to the elevator, you weren't sure if the employees were gawking at you or the man beside you, stifling their giggles as they stole glances.
''Damn, wonder if this is soundproof or something,'' Taeyong whispered to himself as you both stood in front of what seemed to be a door made out of acoustic plywood. Giving him a look, he almost instantly showed a smirk, knowing well that the look you were giving him meant that he should behave and be formal.
It wasn't long before the doors were pulled open, revealing a huge room with high ceiling and minimalistic designs. There were no picture frames of whatsoever, all of it were office related and some were for aesthetic purposes. The lady in charge of assisting you ushered you inside, staying by your side until the man sitting on the chair right at the center of the room turned around.
You held a breath unconsciously when the man with black jet hair faced you, confusion taking over your emotions as your brain processed the image of Mark Lee sitting in front of you, smirking as if he's in some kind of action movie.
''Mark?'' Looking at him up and down with confusion as you observed his stance. Snapping out of your bubble when you heard a snort beside you, you didn't know whether to greet him formally or informally, considering the fact that he was seated on the very chair that clearly was stated to be for the CEO. His lean body doesn't seem to quiet fit the said chair as it radiated massive intimidating vibes, something that you don't get that much from the young man.
Mark's smirk turned into a friendly smile, standing up before walking towards where you stood, offering his hand for a shake. ''Are you the CEO?'' Taeyong questioned with a quirk of an eyebrow, hands on his pockets like some gangster. You nudged him by your arm, sending him another look of warning, pursing your lips as you made a fist with your hand-- hidden from Mark's sight.
''No, he's not,'' A familiar deep voice coming from the entrance of the room rang your ears, it was so familiar that you could feel yourself froze, eyes widening with size where nervous, shock and a lot of mixed emotions were evident.
Soon, a figure of a man taller than the 3 of you made an appearance, pushing Mark lightly out of the way before sitting on where the younger was earlier. Seeing him take the chair, you've now realized why Mark didn't fit it. It was as clear as the clouds outside the building.
His tall and muscular body bent down, settling down as he relaxed against the chair. Just like what other people might say, it fit him like a puzzle. The way he sat with his arms placed on each side, legs open in a comfortable yet formal way and his eyes burning holes through your soul, making you give out answers without him, even asking the questions.
It explained why the chair seemed to have such a dominating and intimidating aura, it fitted its owner. To say the least, it was like the king was finally placed on his rightful throne.
''Take a seat,'' With a nod and a motion of his hand, the three of you sat in silence, as if puppies that had gotten tamed. ''I apologize if I didn't get to greet you when you walked through my door, but I assume, my friend here already did,'' You could feel yourself gulping, you don't even know why this was so nerve wrecking.
You don't know if it was because of the suffocating atmosphere inside the room. Maybe it was the way his piercing eyes panned at you. Maybe it was because of the memories from before started flooding your mind the moment your eyes met his. Maybe it was the longing feeling inside you as you stared at him, not sued to being so distant.
You're not sure which was the reason but you're hoping it wasn't the last. You couldn't afford to regain the longing and despair that kept you tied to darkness in a lot of months. You wouldn't want to experience being so vulnerable and weak that even a small needle would break you apart. You don't want to lose yourself to Jung Jaehyun once again.
The following days consisted of meetings about the contract you'll have with the brand. During those days, you've learned that Jaehyun was able to extend his company to multiple industries and you just can't deny the proudness inside you. By how the employees and staffs around you talked about him, Jaehyun appeared to be so hardworking that many deemed him to spending all of his time working. Comments about his good looks and body image was greatly spread out as well, earning praises here and there with men and women expressing envy and admiration.
''Dude, can you close your mouth? You're literally drooling,'' Taeyong poked to the side, you jerked and pinched him lightly as a revenge. Rolling your eyes, you leaned to him to whisper, ''I'm not drooling, dumbass.'' But your best friend only gave you a mocking smile, ''Sure, jan. Sure,'' Nodding his head as he made an 'okay' sign with his fingers under the table.
Irritated, you slap his hands lightly, making him laugh a little at your pissed facial expression. ''Taeyong, I swear to God, stop--''
''-- important so I hope everyone is paying attention rather than playing games under the table.'' You turned to look at Jaehyun who was talking in front, his eyes boring to you as he gave you an eyebrow flash, clarifying the fact that he was talking to you. He tilted his head when you didn't answered, putting his hands in his pockets, ''Isn't that right, Miss?''
The stares you received from the employees produced a clearing of your throat, nodding and sitting properly, ''Yes, that's right,'' You swear you could feel Taeyong sniffling a laugh beside you. You couldn't believe he just scolded you for not listening like some teacher.
Once the meeting about the plan for the photoshoot was adjourned, everyone proceeded to spend their small break by having coffee, going back to their respective floors and visitors like you and Taeyong, went out to go back to your agency.
You reached for the door handle when you've heard Mark calling you, turning around, you saw him still settled beside his boss slash friend who appeared to be busy reading something. ''Are you busy? Do you have anything to do after this?'' Though a bit puzzled, you shook your head no, curious as to why he was asking you. ''No, I don't have any schedule after this,'' You cleared up, making Mark smile.
''Would you want to eat meat with us?'' He suggested, looking at you like a younger brother asking for a candy to his older sibling. Facing Taeyong, you gave him the same question as you figured out you don't want to join them unless you have Taeyong by your side, ''Would you?''
''Oh, not him!'' The both of you immediately swirled to see Mark seemingly surprised with what he said as well, ''I mean-- it's not like Taeyong would reject a meat treat, right?'' Anyone could sense the awkwardness at the young man's voice but only a few can see how a certain someone shot him a look.
Taeyong hummed, ''I do have something after this,'' You prayed for him to reject the offer, believing that your best friend knew you well that he knew you wouldn't want to join the two. ''But sure, at dinner?'' Your jaw dropped at his request, in contrast to Mark and Taeyong's questionable grin.
''Sounds great! You two have a safe journey to wherever you're going!'' At least the excitement in Mark's voice made you smile.
Dinner came and the four of you were now seated in a rectangle shaped table with Mark at Jaehyun's side, and Taeyong at yours. It actually surprised you that you-know-who agreed to come, considering that his face doesn't seem impressed when Mark suggested it.
Thanks to Mark and Taeyong for the constant chatting about random things that helped breaking the silence, because if it weren't for them, the awkwardness surrounding your and Jaehyun's side would kill you.
Taking a bite of the fillet mignon, you joined the conversation, ''Since when did you two got this close?'' It was pure and genuine curiosity, not laced with any bits of malice nor mocking so you're not really sure why they seemed to be frozen, taken aback by your comment.
''Since we met him? We bumped into each other a lot after that, so we got close, you know?'' Taeyong nonchalantly replied, hand gestures and all to support his claim. You could only hum, accepting the reason as you don't really have the choice to do so.
''I see,'' Nodding, you didn't pay any attention to them again, munching on your food with hopes of brushing off the uncomfortableness. Minutes had passed by and Mark excused himself for a smoke break, pulling Taeyong with him as according to the young man, he still have a lot to share.
While the two departed from the table, you were left with Jaehyun who was busy typing away on his phone. Which was honestly, something that you're thankful for, because ''God, this is so boring-- I felt like dying.''
''Talk to me, then,'' You swivel around, surprised by Jaehyun's mumble, only to see him still focusing on his screen with his eyebrows scrunched to the middle. Tilting your head a little, you convinced yourself that maybe you've heard him wrong.
Continuing to finish your food, you wondered why the two were taking so long, Taeyong doesn't even smoke, he already quited a long time ago. Thoughts kept running through your head as you chewed, and maybe, you should've kept them to yourself. It was too late before you realized that you've voiced out what you were thinking, ''Super awkward,'' Even prolonging that letter 'a' with the urge to express it passionately.
You, then swore, heard Jaehyun mumbling under his breath again, ''Maybe if you didn't bring your little boyfriend with you,'' But when you gave him a brief glance, he was talking to his phone, the speaker directly at his mouth as if to emphasized that he was on a call.
Feeling like he was targeting you, though knowing it was immature, you still replied without even having the sureness that his comments were to specifically attack you. ''Oh who wouldn't love to bring my boyfriend everywhere? He's just so sweet,'' Hiding your smirk behind the napkin being pat to your lips, looking down a second before peeking at his reaction.
Your smirk widened when you saw how his eyebrow raised in question and his facial expression seemed to be irritated. What made you laugh was the way he so subtly scoffed, whispering ''Sweet, my ass.''
A clearing of throat was heard as the two men sat beside you again. The little test of yours wasn't done but it was enough for you to know that Jung Jaehyun was still affected by you.
The night had come after a very long day and you were unfortunate to not bringing your own car, so you were stuck with waiting for a car that you booked online. Yuta had warned you not to use these kind of apps as it will increase the possibilities of having your address leaked and of course, a stalker. But you don't really have a choice right now, given that it's very dark outside and you've got no one to ask help, Taeyong who was your one call away was currently at the other end of the earth.
Almost pass 20 minutes, you've gotten impatient and near to disturb Yuta to come pick you up when a black BMW car pulled up in front of you. Preventing yourself to squeal in glee, you tiptoe to steal a peek through the passenger side's rolling down windows, expecting a driver looking guy but instead was greeted by a CEO with a stern face, looking ahead and not moving at all.
You blinked the confusion away, not believing what you were seeing, only snapping out of your trance when Jaehyun turned to you, ''Does your manager know you're still here?''
Putting up a facade, you replied with your chin up, ''Yes, he does.''
''Is he picking you up?'' You hated how that eyebrow of his was so intimidating.
''Yes.. Of course, he will,'' You almost pinched yourself when you felt your voice almost shaking, wondering you felt so nervous around him.
Hearing him let out a short scoff, you saw him rolled his eyes a bit before settling his left hand on the window he just rolled down, playing with his lips as he looked ahead. His right hand whose fingers were tapping stopped after a minute. Jaehyun faced you again, his arms remaining where they were, ''I'm only gonna ask this twice, is he picking you up?''
You pondered a bit, thinking of the consequences of whatever decision you might follow. Whilst doing that, it appeared that you were taking quiet a long time when Jaehyun thought your silence meant no so he slowly drove away from where you stood.
''It's okay, I still have a booked car,'' Breathing out, you opened your phone with ease inside you, just to be greeted by the word cancelled at the bottom part in massive bold red text, as if mocking you for making the wrong decision.
It was as though you were cursed with bad luck because of how everything doesn't go to your way today. Before you could even wish that someone you know will pull up in front of you and pick you up, the same BMW car showed again, honking once, rolling down his window.
''Get in,'' was all he said, not even giving a glance. You don't want to risk the chances of getting left alone again despite the urge to reject the offer so you climbed up and settled beside the person whom you didn't expect to have this kind of interaction one more time after those years.
You felt his stare, judging and observing you. Gulping, you didn't know how to react, your eyes shaking as you tried to figure out why Jaehyun was staring at you.
Answers were given yet multiple questions appeared when he slowly leaned towards you, getting closer and closer as seconds passed by until you could feel his breath panning against your cheeks. You turned to face him in confusion, reaching out to put a barrier between the both of you using your palms when you heard a click  you, followed by Jaehyun settling back to his own seat, placing his arm on the open window again while the other was on the handle.
It was only then when you realized that he was buckling the seatbelt for you, the realization made you clear your throat out of nowhere, ''You should've just told me,'' You declared, wanting to convey that you didn't liked what he did one bit.
''I would if you weren't too busy inspecting my car,'' He said nonchalantly, spinning the handle with his right hand, looking side by side to make sure he wasn't gonna hit something. You might hit him though by how the way he replied to you, it irritated you for no reason.
A pregnant silence filled the car as you watched through the window, it was only broken when Jaehyun suddenly spoke, ''Do you want something?'' Your eyes diverted to him full of accusations and hits of malice.
He raised an eyebrow at your expression, ''Don't be so full of yourself, I'm just hungry. It would be disrespectful of me if I didn't asked you,'' God, why was he acting like this? It was like you're dealing with a teenager going through puberty, hence the annoyance and the endless comebacks.
Rolling your eyes, you were about to shake your head to reject the offer when your stomach grumbled loudly, announcing how you haven't eaten anything since morning. Glancing at Jaehyun, you don't know if your eyes were just playing with you but you might've seen him stifling a smile behind the fingers that was playing with his lips.
''Yes, thank you.''
Embarrassment took over you to the point where you just wanted the floor to swallow you and never spit you out. Fronting as something or someone was harder than you thought, especially in front of someone who knew you well. Maybe even more than yourself.
You were definitely more than glad to have reached your building, you've tried to lessen your interaction with that man after the 'grabbing some food' scene but you couldn't avoid it as you had to tell him where you lived.
Mumbling a simple 'thanks' was all you did before getting out of the car and rushing inside the building, sighing in relief when you've entered your apartment. The day was tiring enough for you to immediately washing up and going straight to bed.
Morning came and what had greeted you was multiple calls and texts from your surely angry manager, accompanied by Taeyong's consistent knocks on your door. ''Bro, I swear to God-- if you don't fucking wake up--'' Shooting up, you quickly opened it, scared of what he may do as the last time he said that, he threw a bucket of an ice cold water at your peaceful sleeping figure.
You did your routine much quicker, even skipping a few of them that wasn't crucial to your hygiene before dragging Taeyong out of the couch to your car. Thankfully, you arrived at the photoshoot earlier than you expected, you were still late though. ''You owe me a coffee,'' Whispered by Taeyong before he left you for another schedule.
Bringing Yuta with you to the coffee shop might be a wrong decision as you always ended up paying for the drinks, him reasoning that it was your payment for making him do those extra works, which you agreed to. Zipping your bag open, you rummage through it to look for your wallet but it wasn't where you've always put it.
Tsking, you explored the other parts of your bag, yet no signs of your wallet was seen nor felt. Yuta might've sensed it as he walked towards you to ask what's wrong, you told him about it, resulting in him asking where you've last put it.
''I promise, it was just right here,'' You said with panic, still searching.
''Inside your bag? Where did you put it last night, then?'' Recalling, you've put in on your bedside, given that you were too tired. You still had it when you and Jaehyun brought food-- bells rang inside you as a light bulb seemed to lit up above your head. Jaehyun! You could recall a small tud sound when he buckled your belt, that should be your missing purse.
''I.. I might've left it in my apartment, I'll wire it to you once I get home,'' Giving him a sheepish smile, you received a look full of suspicion from Yuta, nodding at him to assure. With your manager paying for the drinks, you were now left with the problem you didn't want to face.
How were you gonna contact Jaehyun and ask for your purse back?
The sound of a couch rustling barely passed through your ears, getting your attention from the focus of posing in front of the camera to the corner of the room, you slightly caught a sight of someone in a suit with his legs crossed. It was no brainier of who it was sitting with such overpowering aura, there was only one man who you knew could do it.
His were boring to you as you followed the instructions of the director, acting all lovey dovey with your co-model, showing the products through placing them on your partner's face lovingly. ''Can we do more?'' The director requested in which you two followed. Your coworker's, Haechan, arms snaked around your waist, pulling you closer as he rubbed his nose with the product with yours, creating a soft and domestic moment.
The staffs cooed at the actions, absolutely satisfied by the chemistry you're radiating. From your peripheral, you saw the way Jaehyun's jaw tightened, his hands tapping his knee continuously before he made the decision of standing up and leaving the scene.
As if on cue, only a few scenes were took before the director announced the end of the photoshoot, thanking and praising everyone for the job. You made your way to change clothes as the sando and denim shorts were too thin for your liking, the cold breeze of the air condition seeping through the fabric.
Reaching for the hem of your top, you stopped your motions when you heard the door opened, a certain CEO entered. His eyes fell on you, he didn't hesitated nor had second thoughts as he stride to your way slowly, hands caressing his wrist before fixing his cuffs.
Wanting to avoid him, you stepped backwards but was unfortunately met with the edge of the counter where the makeups were placed. Not getting any time to walk away as boh of his hands were settled at either side of your body, caging you in, cornering you as his eyes searched for yours.
The silence thickened, your gulp and breathing were heard along with the buzzing of the AC. Gripping the edge with your hands, you failed to lean backwards as the CEO lowered his head, making you face him directly.
The time slowed down like some disney movie when your brain processed how Jaehyun moved closer and closer, his fingers brushing your waist that electrified your body, pursing your lips as you placed a hand to his chest to stop him.
Not really knowing why, you felt humiliated by how he chuckled lowly at your action, biting his lower lip before bringing his face close enough that you could feel his breath fanning your nose. Your own voice got caught in your throat when you tried to grumble a protest, only producing a squeak.
His lips hovered above yours, forming a smirk, decreasing the distance little by little until there was a centimeter gap left. You gulped for the nth time, it was so close yet still so far. With your hand forming a fist, you scrunched a part of his dress shirt along with it.
Jaehyun's lips moved upwards a bit, stopping once he decided the movement was enough. He observed your face a little, detecting any uncomfortableness. All be damned when he didn't detect anything. Proceeding to place his lips at the tip of your nose lightly and softly, pulling away as the door opened just in time.
''Sir? Have you found your watch?'' Jaehyun hummed at his employee's question, stretching his hand to reach for something behind you, putting it on his wrist and wearing it again.
You heard him whisper before walking out of the room, ''Should've never left something so important,'' It was only you who could sense that he wasn't only talking about the watch.
You left the venue with a lot of thoughts floating in your mind, one of them being what will happen next?
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Taeyong's sharp gasp pierced your ears, hand over his mouth as if he couldn't believe what his screen had projected, ''What's up with you?'' You asked him, giving him a glare mixed with wonder. ''Did you just denied our lovely, perfect and healthy relationship?!'' He pointed at you with so much accusations, mouth wide open, it was as if you've been convicted to a capital crime.
''What relationship?'' Eyebrows scrunched to the middle, you reached to peek what he was looking at, there you saw the big bold letters about how the dating issue between you and Taeyong weren't true. ''Dude, I did not deny nothing,'' It was the truth, you're too caught up with your current projects that you even forgot about the said 'scandal'.
You shushed Taeyong when your phone rang, displaying Yuta's name, sliding the answer button and placing the speaker on your ear. ''The photos came out,'' He announced.
With your eyebrows creased to the middle, you responded, ''And so?'' Not sure as to why he was telling you this. ''Well..'' By the tone, your eyes already rolled to the back of your head, knowing that this meant his usual request. Already detecting your reaction, he urged you to listen first, ''Wait wait! To be fair, this is for your another project, okay? Plus, It's a really really good one. If you want proof, I'm currently with Taeyong!''
''He's right beside me, what're you talking about?'' Screaming at your ear enabled his voice to be heard even without being on speaker, ''Dumbass,'' Taeyong muttered under his breath.
You heard him pause, you could almost hear his reasons being picked, ''I mean-- Taeyong's with me in this project, he was the one who told me about this certain someone wanting you on the runway,'' Shaking your head in disbelief, you don't have any clue as why he was lying to you but having so much trust with the man, you couldn't care less.
''Whatever, what favor would you want me to do this time?'' Yuta let out a small giggle, wondering if he asked favors this frequently that you already knew what was about to come.
''Can you pick up the hard copies?''
''Why do we need the hard ones? Can't you just like-- send it through emails or something, it's 2023.''
''Nah, the company wanted a hard copy.''
''Is it necessary? Really?''
''Yes, it is.''
''Fine, where will I pick it?''
That's how you ended up in front of the oak wood door with the word Chief Executive Officer plastered in it, gripping the sling of your shoulder bag as you changed weight from one leg to another in an attempt to brush off the nervousness bubbling inside of you.
Knocking against it, you saw the light on the door handle turned green, indicating that it was unlocked and you can freely enter. Twisting the handle, you slowly stepped a foot after foot inside the huge room, the same placement of things met your eyes, not even one being moved.
Except for the atmosphere surrounding the space, it was more of one where you could focus on your work and one that could tell anyone not to disturb the person inside. You expected him to be surprised as he looked but it seemed like the opposite when his eyes met yours as you took a seat in front of him placing his pen down as he greeted you formally and you greeting him back. Awkward, to say the least. Yet you're certain, he anticipated your arrival.
''Yuta had told me I had to get the hard copy of the outcome as my agency requested it, your employees led me here,'' You explained, rapping the words and almost stutter in the middle. Jaehyun made a buzzing sound with his mouth-- a hum, nodding before standing up and making his way to one of the drawers settled by the wall. He took out a folder, walking back to you and stretching his forward. You received the folder with a 'thank you', wanting to leave the room right away.
''I'm surprised you came alone today,'' Out of nowhere, Jaehyun commented that gained a snort from you, recalling his childish tantrum about bringing Taeyong with you everywhere. He placed his palms on the table as he leaned backwards, giving his legs time to relax while he put most of his weight on his arms.
''What? Were you expect my little boyfriend to come with me?'' You diverted your eyes at him with a challenging look, seeing how he hid the way he gulp made you gain confidence.
Shaking his head no, Jaehyun replied, ''You mean your best friend?'' Ah, so he'd seen the news as well, huh? You could've mistaken the glare of his for something near hope and assurance, as if he wanted you to confirm that Taeyong was nothing but a friend to you.
There was no reason not to lie, given the fact that he wasn't someone important in your life no more but you didn't. Instead, you did confirmed his claim, wanting to see what his next love will be. Your lips curving up to a smirk, ''Yeah, my best friend-- slash boyfriend.''
Jaehyun reciprocated your smirk, he got on his feet fully once again, taking steps closer to you. His torso faced your head because of his height, you didn't looked up-- you don't want to. But his fingers ever so gently brushed against your chin, tilting them upwards so he could see the view of your face clearly.
''Still lying, I see,'' The way he towered over you and his fingers holding your chin with care, it was too familiar. So familiar that what was about to come next was inevitable, your body already giving in without any protest.
The fingers moved upwards, expanding the skinship from his fingers to his whole palm settling at the side of your face. He bent down to your level, facing you directly as he kept the eye contact, not blinking in fear that he wouldn't catch a glimpse of what he wanted to see from you.
Sounds became mumbled, feeling the whole world stopped spinning as Jaehyun's pillowy lips pressed slowly and softly against yours after years. Your eyes, as if instinctively, closed, memories rushing back at you with the contact you knew your body was longing for.
He pulled away after what seemed to be an eternity, his eyes full of fondness and hope met your doe ones, thumb caressing your cheek gently as he heaved a sigh. ''Tell me to stop,'' Jaehyun whispered, gulping for the nth time.
''Tell me you don't want this,'' The CEO's brown orbs plead you to do so, wanting everything except invade your privacy and disrespect you. Instead of hearing what he wanted, his mouth that was slightly ajar were once again in contact with yours, pouring all your unsaid feelings to the kiss as you circled your arms on his neck.
You heard him mumbled against your lips, ''Fuck,'' His hands snaked around your waist, pulling you up with him and making you settle on top of his table, a much comfortable height for the both of you.
The kiss deepened with passion, the urge to have each other close even when there's no gap to decrease no more. Your hands reached the hem of Jaehyun's dress shirt, tugging at it causing a fond laugh from the man. Taking off his top, the muscled body made you drool, it was definitely more buffed than the last time you saw it. Your hands traveled from his neck to his waist, placing kisses to his chest while he reached out behind you, locking the door with a single click from the buttons beside his telephone.
You licked a stripe on his nipples, earning a groan from him as his hand went through your hair, hesitating to grip them-- not wanting to hurt you. But Jaehyun, out of all people, should know how you love pain in sex. It seemed like he remembered that, because with just one look from you, his lips curved up at the same time as his hand formed a fist, injecting pain with pleasure to you. Your smile told him everything he needed to know.
He kissed you one more time before moving his kisses to your neck, sucking and licking but careful enough not to leave obvious marks, although you slightly wished he did.
Unbuttoning your cropped cardigan, his eyes were blessed to see the sight of your breasts barely covered by your bra, he slowly slid it off your shoulder, appreciation seeping through his pecking of your skin along the way.
He, next, worked on your square pants, not having any difficulty in taking it off as it slid so effortlessly off of you, presenting a sight he longed for so long. Jaehyun traced every curves of your body with pressing his lips softly against them, taking a deep breath as he pulled away for a moment, staring at you with so much admiration that you felt blush creeping up your cheeks.
''So fucking beautiful,'' The CEO unbuckled your bra and held the waistband of your underwear between his fingers, with you taking the initiative of getting your bra off. He kneeled down, giving your inner thigh a few kisses before reaching to the center of your two legs. Jaehyun ate your pussy out as if he was making out with your lips, his tongue were all over and his face turning sideways multiple times in an attempt to reach further.
Cursing, you spread your legs open to give him space, yet his hands stopped you, grabbing each side, putting them on his shoulder, not letting it get far away from him in any way. You forgot how Jaehyun loved the thigh burned he got everytime he ate you out.
Deprivation can be shown by how he sucked on your clit, middle finger working their way in and out of you with a squelching sound. ''Jaehyun, fuck,'' God, how he loved the way you moaned his name. He had been wanting to hear that since then, only settling for porn actors as he couldn't afford having you in his arms again.
But that changed today, you're here right now. Caged in his arms, moaning in pleasure, screaming for more with no hints of protest, Jaehyun couldn't ask for more.
Placing your hand in his strands, you pulled a little and Jaehyun knew you too well to remember that this was a telltale sign of you coming close, he maybe can't see it but he knew that your back was currently arched as you squeezed his head between your legs, jerking a few times before he felt your salty juices on his tongue.
He groaned in satisfaction, licking and wanting for more, he just couldn't get enough of it. As much as he loved the taste of you though, Jaehyun couldn't ignore the ache and throb of his cock inside his pants, as well as your pleas of having him despite just coming down from your previous high.
Getting on his feet, he picked you up with little to no struggle, bringing you as he laid you down on the couch. You failed to notice how his hand were unbuckling his belt, throwing it far from you two, moving to his button and taking off his whole pants.
When you've realized that his bottom were thrown away, your hand palmed his bulge through his boxer almost right away, head still quiet caught by how Jaehyun were eating your neck, surely having a hard time not placing marks.
''Come on, Jae,'' You urged him, kissing him in tongues as you circled your legs on his waist, grinding up against his clothed cock, gaining a low moan from him. ''Want my cock, babe?'' The cockiness in his tone and the annoyingly smirk on his face matched the size of his cock. It was way beyond the average, bonus points that he knew how to use it well.
Nodding, you grind harder, expressing your want with your actions causing Jaehyun to chuckle lowly. You soon, felt his bare tip on your pussy lips, teasing you as it slid up and down but never entering you just yet.
You grumbled in impatience, wanting to slap off the smirk on Jaehyun's face, ''Bratty, huh?'' Dominance took over his deep voice, his hand went to grip your thigh as the other caressed your cheeks. You couldn't take the intimacy of Jaehyun's stare so you decided to look where you two meet.
Gulping, you used the begging expression you knew he loved so much, ''Please, Jae,''
He cursed at the sight of you begging for him, again, ''Fuck, you just know how to get me, don't you?''
Slowly, Jaehyun pushed inside of you, his length stretching your walls with its width and girth, you ignored the ache taking over you, pleading him to go all in.
Yet the CEO only shook his head, kissing you softly, stroking your sides inna comforting manner. It reminded you of your first sex with him, always distracting you from the pain and only letting go when it was time for pleasure.
That was exactly what he need, starting with slow pace before picking it up bits by bits, letting you adjust to his size as his hips jerked harsher each thrust, reaching deeper into you. You threw your head back, exposing yourself fully to Jaehyun, giving him access to everything, his hands went to hold your throat but retreated, moving to your breasts as he fondled them, licking and nibbling, giving the same amount of attention to each.
Maybe it was because of your last orgasm or maybe it was due to how Jaehyun thrusted feverishly inside you, hitting directly to your sweet spot, sending you to an overwhelming feeling of addicting euphoria that you don't ever want to escape from. You don't know which but surely, one of them was the reason you felt another climax crashing down on you once again.
Screaming and chanting Jaehyun like a mantra, you unconsciously dug your nails in Jaehyun's back, earning a hiss from the man as lines of red was painted on his skin, giving him extra pleasure other than the delicious clenching of your walls around his veiny shaft.
''Oh my god, Jaehyun!'' You shut your eyes tightly, holding Jaehyun close as you locked his hips with your legs, grasping his biceps when you've felt your climax finally breaking, your body shaking from the intensity. Feeling overstimulated when Jaehyun's hips didn't stopped from moving, reaching his own high. He immediately pulled away, jerking his cock, with him whining your name, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his mouth fell open, white strings coming out of his tip, landing on your stomach.
When he came back to his senses, he stood up from the couch, walking around to grab some tissues, wiping the remains of him on you, mumbling, ''Sorry for that.''
It was hard for you to determine if he was talking about the cum on your stomach or the relationship that failed, caused by pride and greed.
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''So.. are you two now dating?'' Taeyong asked with confusion evident in his tone, followed by a nod from Mark, Yuta and Johnny. You laughed with Jaehyun, sharing a look before answering, ''I guess? Maybe?''
Mark's eyebrows furrowed, ''What kind of answer is that?'' The man beside you sheepishly smiled, reflecting yours, ''The kind of answer, we will give you everytime you ask us.''
That was the last thing they've received from your pair as you already skipped away from the scene, hands tangled together, wearing smiles brighter as ever. ''They definitely, are back together,'' Johnny declared.
''Congrats to us, and our efforts then!'' Mark cheered, raising his glass of beer for a click in which the others followed. ''Jaehyun owe us a lot,'' Yuta reminded his fellows with a shake of his head.
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Getting back together with Jaehyun, it made you realized a lot of things. Such as your faults, his wrongdoings and the areas you two had lacked to fulfill. You decided to try again, the both of you.
But this time, with much understanding and patience for each other. You've figured out the importance of them in a relationship, playing vital roles in keeping it healthy and functioning.
The love now overpowered the pride.
''I'm so sorry, for not giving you a chance, for not letting you in, for belittling your problems, and for pushing you away.''
''I'm sorry, for pressuring you to open up, for making you feel obligated to share even when you're not ready yet, and for giving up with knowing well how you're going through something severe.''
''I'm sorry for everything, because when you left, it was only then when I realized that-- while I was busy chasing the stars, I was losing you.''
You both decided to try again, but this time, without pride and greed. Replacing it with love and understanding, especially now with Taeho and Taehee officially joining your little family.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
hey love, i have a request if you’re up for it
my birthday is this friday and i was wondering if you could make a Bucky birthday fic, it could be smut, fluff, both, anything i want you to let your creativity run wild
i love your fics and i know this one will be amazing🩷
Bucky's Big Birthday Bash
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PAIRING | Fiancée!Bucky Barnes x Fiancé!Avenger!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've been secretly planning Bucky's birthday, and even though he said he wanted to keep it small, you're gonna give him the best party he has ever had after missing out on 70 years of birthday parties.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Very light angst, swearing, smut [ grinding, oral (M receiving), throat fucking, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), squirting, multiple orgasms, overstimulation ].
A/N | Thank you so much for the request, @multiversefanfics, and I wish you the happiest of all birthdays and that all your birthday wishes may come true! Enjoy my little present from me to you, and I can't wait to see more of your work, too! Yours is just as amazing after all 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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''Hmm, good morning, doll,'' Bucky says as he turns around, reaching out to pull you close to his chest, but to his surprise, he's met with an empty space on your side of the bed.
''Doll?'' he says as he sits up, unsure why your usual space is now cold and lifeless. Usually, you're there every morning to cuddle up to him, share kisses, and start the day slowly.
Right now, something feels off to Bucky, and he can't quite place it.
He gets out of bed and walks through your shared apartment, calling your name a few times before finally spotting the note on the kitchen counter next to a cold cup of coffee. Yours, he presumed.
I'm on an emergency mission with Tony + Steve. I'll call when I can.
Your doll
The handwriting is rushed, and he sighs. He hates mornings like these, even though he knows the feeling. Bucky has also been called out for many emergency missions, making it more lonely.
He pours the mug's contents into the sink and makes some black coffee in that same mug. It's your favorite, but whenever you're not there, he likes to use it as a reminder of you.
When the coffee is gone, he changes into a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie to go for a run through New York; he has to burn off some energy in a different way now that he can't have you first thing in the morning.
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The mission is a success, but you decide not to let Bucky know you're back for just a few more hours, using this time to work on a surprise for Bucky's birthday with Steve in his studio.
You have asked Steve to paint a portrait of you and Bucky from the night you got engaged based on a few photos that somebody took, and he's more than happy to help you out.
''I still find it hard to believe he has been planning on proposing for such a long time,'' you tell Steve while sitting on a chair that's pulled next to him.
''Believe me, I've been there every step of the way, and he was so nervous he couldn't do it the first few times,'' Steve says as he's mixing some paint to finish the night sky in the background.
''Excuse me? Did you say-'' is all you can say because your phone is going off, and you see it's Bucky calling.
''Hold that thought,'' you say as you pick up.
''Hi, Hubby, is everything okay?'' you ask, worried; Bucky usually doesn't call unless it's an absolute emergency.
''Hey, I'm sorry for asking, but when do you think you'll be home? I haven't seen you in almost a week, and JARVIS tells me the mission is done. I miss you and your cuddles,'' Bucky sighs as he admits he's been waiting for your arrival home.
''It's okay. I have a few more errands to run, and then I'll be home. Shouldn't be more than a couple hours,'' you tell him, even though you feel bad for lying.
''Oh, okay. Be careful, and I love you, Bubby,'' he says with the defeat laced through his voice.
''I will, and I love you too, Hubby,'' you say as you hang up.
You look at the canvas again while Steve is working, and tears start welling up in your eyes, thinking about how lucky you are to have met this gorgeous man you'll call your husband soon.
When you sniff softly, Steve suddenly stops and looks at you.
''Are you okay?'' he says as he sets his supplies down and grabs your hand to pull you in for a hug.
''Sorry, yeah. It's just that it's- well, it's hard not telling him what I'm planning for him. I hate keeping secrets, especially from him,'' you sigh as guilt slowly creeps up your spine.
''You should go home and see him. I know he'll be more than happy to see you,'' Steve says, and you know he's right.
''Alright, and thank you again for doing this; you're the best,'' you say as you head out and back to your husband-to-be.
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This time, it was Bucky's turn to be called in for a last-minute mission, and this gave you the perfect opportunity to get everything ready for his birthday without worrying about him finding out.
The painting Steve had done turned out to be perfect, and you thanked him by taking him out for lunch, which he hesitantly accepted.
''Steve, please! Let me repay you for all your hard work with lunch. It's the least I can do!'' you said, and he finally gave in, so the two of you got some delicious bagels for lunch.
Now you're busy as the Compound, where you're decorating one of the smaller ''party rooms'' as Tony calls them, to celebrate his birthday with the Avengers.
Bucky told you that even though he's okay with celebrating his birthday, he doesn't want a huge party or anything. Just dinner with you and a movie is all he needs, but he also knows that's probably different from what he will get.
Sure, with the help of Tony, you've got a reservation at one of the fanciest restaurants in New York on his birthday, but the rest of the evening will be lowkey with some presents, drinks, music, and dancing.
You've got a huge banner that says ''Bucky's Big Birthday Bash!'' in black and gold; it says ''Happy 106th Birthday,'' the colors matching his Vibranium arm.
All the presents from everyone are neatly arranged on a table, and yours, standing in the center of it all, is by far the biggest.
The rest of the room is decorated with little garlands, small triangular flags, and simple decorations. When you're done, you look around the room again, and when you're happy, you lock the door behind you so no one can come in unsupervised.
Later that night, Bucky gets home just in time for his birthday, and you're delighted to have him back right on time.
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It's the morning of Bucky's birthday, and you're planning on surprising him first thing in the morning. You slipped out of bed a little earlier and changed into a gorgeous set of red lingerie and stockings.
You're preparing breakfast for him in the form of pancakes, and you got him his favorite fruit as a dessert, the plums already waiting in a bowl on the kitchen table.
When Bucky's alarm goes off, you're in the bedroom but not lying next to him. Instead, you've seated yourself in the big armchair in the corner, waiting for him to notice you.
''Mornin' doll,'' he says with his deep, rumbling voice, and you can't help but feel yourself grow wet at the sound.
''I'm over here, J. I've been waiting for you to wake up,'' you say, and his eyes scan the room and immediately grow wide when he spots you in your lingerie.
''Well, happy fucking birthday to me!'' he says as you get up and walk over to him.
''Happy fucking birthday indeed,'' you say as you push him down and get seated on his already hard dick, slowly grinding back and forth while you work your tongue into his mouth.
Deep groans come from his chest as you keep the same slow rhythm while precum slowly dribbles from his cock to make a damp patch in his underwear.
''Want me to clean you up?'' you ask with innocence in your eyes, but Bucky is well aware that you're intentions are anything but innocent when he sees the outfit you're wearing, but he's not mad at it.
''Please,'' he says, and you crawl down his body, leaving soft kisses in your path as you work his underwear from his body. You throw it to the side and place your hand around the base of his hard cock.
Your lips wrap softly around the tip, and you suckle, making him buck his hips and work deeper into your mouth.
''Jesus, doll,'' he moans as you take him slowly into your mouth, sucking your cheeks in as you do until your nose is connected with his pubic bone.
You keep bobbing your head up and down until Bucky's hands find their way into your hair, and he starts thrusting up into your mouth and throat until you're gagging around him.
As he does it, your nails are buried into his thighs, and you try to breathe through your nose unsuccessfully.
When you tap his thigh twice, he lets up, and you can finally breathe, a few strings of saliva running down your chin and connecting to his cock, making you look extremely fucked out, combined with the glossed-over eyes.
''You're gonna be the death of me, doll,'' Bucky says, and you just smile before taking him into your mouth again, hollowing your cheeks and sucking until he's shooting his cum deep into your throat, forcing you to take every last drop.
When you let go with a wet pop, he immediately pulls you up and moves your panties to the side so he can slide in with one thrust.
You let out a broken moan, and your head falls onto his shoulder, unable to hold itself up at the pleasure you're feeling.
His hands slide over your sides, down your hips, and onto your ass which he grabs before planting his knees on the bed and fucking you thoroughly.
''F-fuck, Bucky! Y-y-yes!'' you say between his thrusts and your moans, and you can't help but cum quickly, squirting all over his cock, legs, and the bed.
''Fuck, such a little slut for me, huh? Squirting all over me like the dirty fucking slut you are?'' Bucky says that his pace doesn't slow down even a bit, and soon you're overstimulated.
''B-Bucky, please! C-can't!'' you whine as he keeps rutting his hips into you, but he's not done yet. He knows you would use your safeword if he goes too far, so he keeps going.
''C'mon, just need one more, and then I'll cum for you,'' he says, and shortly after you do, feeling the orgasm set your insides on fire as it washes over you with incredible power.
''G-gonna cum, doll!'' he says, and he does, painting your soft, velvet walls with his cum as he keeps slowly thrusting as he works through his orgasm.
''You did perfectly for me, doll, always doing so good. You took me so well,'' he says as the two of you stay like that for a little while. He pulls out and cleans you up with a warm washcloth when he's gone completely soft.
''C'mere Bubby,'' he says as he pulls you close to him, his Vibranium arm soothing as he places it on your heated face.
''Love you so much,'' you babble out, and he smiles as he places a soft kiss on your lips, making sure he's gentle not to overwhelm you.
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The two of you spend the rest of the day eating your breakfast and getting ready for Bucky's birthday dinner you've planned, and when you walk out of your walk-in closet, you show him the red lace dress you bought for this occasion.
Your hair is curled to perfection, and your make-up is light with a bold red lip that matches your dress perfectly. You put on your black heels and twirl a few times to show him the finished outfit.
''Hold on, there's only one thing missing,'' he says, taking off his dog tags and hanging them around your neck, where they fall perfectly between your breasts.
''Now it's perfect,'' he says, and you can't help but smile at him.
He changed into his birthday outfit, too, and after his hair was done, the two of you headed to the restaurant in your car. Since you two are the first to arrive, you decide to head in and get seated so Bucky can adjust to the atmosphere and stay calm later.
''Good evening, we're here for the reservation under the name Stark,'' you tell the lady behind the counter, and she nods when she finds it.
''You two are the first to arrive, but I suspect the rest of them will follow soon,'' she says as she guides you to a private room. Tony went all out for this, and you're making a mental note to thank him later.
''I can't believe you planned this for me; you know I would have been excellent if it was just the two of us, right?'' he asks, and he takes your hand, stroking it with his thumb.
''I know, but tonight is all about you, and even though it's just us and the other Avengers, I still wanted you to have a special night,'' you tell him, leaning in for a soft kiss.
The two of you are wrapped up in some small talk when the rest of the Avengers and Thor and Loki join in. Loki and Bucky may not be friends, but he promised to be there because you asked him to be.
Everyone is celebrating Bucky and you, and when it's Tony's turn, you can't help but thank him profusely for arranging this dinner in the private room.
''Thank you so much for doing this; it means a lot. And I promise to repay you for all of this,'' you say, but Tony laughs softly as he puts his hands on your upper arms.
''You don't have to repay me for anything; I'm doing this because I love you, okay? This night is all about the two of you, so this is all on me,'' he says, and you pull him in for a hug.
''Just know that I'm eternally grateful for everything you do for us,'' you say, and he smiles.
''I know. Now let's enjoy this dinner!'' Tony says as he sits down, and you do the same. It is a five-course meal; of course, Bucky and Steve have no problem eating it all.
When dinner is done, you're all on your way back to the Compound, and Bucky can tell you're getting cold. ''C'mere, you can have my jacket,'' he says as he shrugs it off and puts it on your shoulders.
''It looks better on you anyways,'' he says, and he places a kiss on your cheek, which makes you giggle softly.
Once you arrive at the Compound, everyone goes to the room you've prepared, but you stay behind with Bucky since you want it to be a surprise.
You have the perfect distraction figured out as you push Bucky into a nearby wall and start attacking him with kisses on his jaw and neck before giving a deep kiss on his lips.
Bucky's hands found their way to your hips, and he pulled you closer, reveling in all the attention you gave him. ''Bucky, we should go for one more surprise,'' you say once you finally manage to break apart.
''Do we have to...?'' he asks with a slight pout, which you kiss away.
''Yes, but after that, I'm all yours to do with whatever you want as your birthday present. You can even tie me up, and you can use whatever hole in whichever way you want,'' you whisper in his ear before nibbling softly on his earlobe.
''Fuck...'' he groans out, giggling softly before pulling him to the room where the other Avengers are.
Bucky opens the door, and everyone is there, yelling ''SURPRISE!'' as he walks in.
''Happy birthday, J,'' you say as he looks around the room, and he can't help but smile widely.
He's opening presents and getting everything from a few new knives for his collection to a cleaning kit for his Vibranium arm. Steve gave him a photo album with all their most precious memories, including a few photos from the 40s that he thought were forever lost.
Last up, however, is your present, and you walk over to get it.
''I will tell you in advance that you should thank Steve for this one, not me, because he helped me create it. I asked him to recreate one of our most special moments together as a reminder that you're stuck with me for the rest of our lives!'' you say, and everyone laughs loudly.
Bucky takes it and gives a small peck on your lips before ripping off the wrapping paper. Inside is the canvas Steve worked on from the night the two of you got engaged.
It's the two of you at the hiking trail where Bucky proposed, and the sunset is behind the two of you. Bucky is on one knee with the ring box popped open, and your hands cover your mouth as you realize what's happening.
Bucky has tears in his eyes as he looks at the canvas in front of him, looking back at the moment with nothing but fond memories.
''It is perfect; thank you so much for recreating this memory,'' Bucky says as he puts it on the floor and his arms wrap around you. He lifts you and captures your lips in a deep, loving kiss to thank you for the thoughtful gift.
''I love you so fucking much, and I'm the luckiest man in the universe,'' he says, and the two of you stay like that for a little longer.
After that, it's time for cake, drinks, and music, and the night is filled with laughter, happiness, and the feeling that everything is just how it is supposed to be.
You and Bucky have been dancing almost all night, and now you are sitting in an armchair in the corner, straddling his lap as his hands or on your ass. Neither of you cares as you are too wrapped up in your make-out session, and this night couldn't be more perfect.
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evanbuckleyrecs · 10 days
Buddie AUs over 20k
To catch up on recommending fics in my bookmarks, I'll also try to make some lists instead of posting one fic per post. Though some fics might also still get their own posts even while added in a list.
To start, here are some finished Buddie AUs with more than 20k words
(I made this list in March so it doesn't have any newer fics. Soon I want to spend a day dedicated to catching up to new fics and adding posts to my queue here)
what if you're someone I just want around by ReallySmartLadyMarieCurie
20k, Rated T
"Eddie pauses in his typing, glancing at Buck and trying to figure him out. He seems so eager to help and to please, so willing to take some of the burden in order to make others happy. It’s the sort of presence that Eddie’s been craving in his life. One that he’s missed since Shannon’s fatal accident. And he’s incredibly handsome. He’s got conventional good looks and a beautiful smile, but that pink little splotch above his eye, which Eddie guesses is a birthmark, is really what brings it home."
Or, Eddie Diaz is a successful boxer who's been making a big name for himself in recent years. Buck is a fan, but he certainly never expected to end up at Eddie's house after the man calls 9-1-1 when his son gets sick.
I love the way you spoil me, baby by rosebuddiekin
33,8K, rated E
“I, uh, I was actually at that coffee shop to meet with someone else. You see, for the past few years, I’ve been a sugar daddy on a site that connects people looking for similar things. I was supposed to meet with a prospective baby that day, but then I saw you. And I felt drawn to you, so I messaged the guy I was supposed to be seeing and told him I had to cancel. I just, I thought you should know. That I should be upfront about it from the start.”
Eddie’s fork drops to his plate, making a small clatter. He can feel that his mouth is agape. He’s very glad he hadn’t taken another bite or sip of anything while Buck spoke. Because what the actual fuck? Buck… is a sugar daddy.
OR: Buck is a sugar daddy who wants to spoil Eddie rotten and take care of everything for him. Eddie has never had that sort of relationship but is willing to give it a try. There is plenty of adventure along the way.
Sunny skies & summer high by prettyboybuckley
Sequel to a one shot, 43,8K, rated E

"Well, I kind of want to kiss you right now but that's usually something that happens at the end of a first date, right?" Buck asks, doing a weird movement with his eyebrows in an attempt to be funny.
Eddie chuckles, wrinkling his nose a little.
"I guess, yeah," he mutters. "Think we're doing this a little backward already anyway, so are there any rules to follow?"
He's got a point there, and even then Buck has never really been the kind of guy who follows rules, so he ends up leaning over the center console as he uses one hand to pull Eddie's face towards him. It's a short kiss, a simple peck hello that Eddie chases after when Buck pulls away again.
OR: Buck and Eddie sneak around behind Eddie’s family’s back, spend the summer together, smoke a lot of weed, and fall in love along the way
Kiss me before It's over (if only for a minute) by Bob_loblaws_lawblog
54,2K, Rated E
Evan Buckley is living out his childhood dream as the star hitter for the Philadelphia Phillies. He’s climbing the ranks, improving his stats with every single game – he’s unstoppable.
That is, until the Los Angeles Angels get a new pitcher seemingly out of nowhere. Known for his strong arm and tricky curve balls, Eddie Diaz is one of the few pitchers in the nation who consistently makes Buck strike out, and its infuriating. Even from the sixty feet that separate them between the batter’s box and the pitcher’s mound, the weight of Diaz’s gaze is enough to make Buck’s blood boil.
Because Buck doesn’t get nervous on game day, he never feels calmer than when he steps up to the plate with the bat in his hand – it’s where he belongs. But when he sees Eddie Diaz standing on that mound, his stomach flips and nerves spark across his skin.
Because if there is one thing Buck knows for sure, it is that he hates Eddie Diaz.
… Until he doesn’t.
Traded by princessfbi
23,7K, rated M
Really, it was Lena’s fault. She’d been the one to demand a video when Eddie had finally caved and sent an SOS to the group chat asking if anyone was willing to trade.
“Is anyone interested in trading jerseys with me? Preferably for a smaller size,” Eddie had said because knowing his coworkers, one of them would’ve been a smart ass and gave him an even bigger size. “I ordered an XL because I’m usually a XL but… the way it fits makes me look like I’m fucking one of the players.”
Eddie wasn't trying to go viral. He just wanted to trade his jersey. But then something called Booktok got involved.
Bartender!Eddie Diaz x Hockey Player!Evan Buckley
Snowed Inn by brewrosemilk
31,1K, rated M
Rivaling for a promotion, journalists Evan Buckley and Eddie Diaz get sent to a small town where they are each to write a piece on a once illustrious inn and its rich history. For two talented and overconfident authors, it sounds like an easy assignment - but in between a violent snowstorm, blocked roads, heated stares, and a struggling inn, Buck and Eddie may just have to abandon their rivalry and accept each other as partners.
Don't play games (come my way) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
43,1K, Rated E
Buck hates Eddie Diaz.
Ever since his publishing company and Eddie's merged, the man has been nothing but a pain in Buck's ass. The way he nitpicks all of Buck's company emails, the way he spends half his day bickering with Buck, the way he makes Buck's stomach flip and the way he's started haunting Buck's dreams... yeah, it's one hundred percent hate. Definitely. Buck's sure of it.
Because what the hell else could it be?
Falling slowly; sing your melody (I'll sing it loud) by princessfbi
55,3K, Rated E
Buck didn’t like him at first.
Eddie Diaz was all hard lines and strict rules with a bone structure that could cut through glass and scared away his fans. Which... if you asked Bobby, was the point but still!
He also yelled at Buck which was fine. It’s not like it hurt his feelings.
It didn’t.
It didn’t, Maddie!
It also definitely didn’t turn Buck on either. Nope.
Stop it, Maddie!
After a traumatizing home invasion, Bobby Nash decides to hire a bodyguard for his lead singer.
Musician!Buck Bodyguard!Eddie
More fics to be recommended soon!
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Rolan being a service sub.
That's it.
That's the ask.
“That’s it, that’s the ask.” Thank you prompter… I did not exactly match your short and sweet energy. In fact, this turned out quite long - but I hope you enjoy! (I think I'll also put this up on AO3 as a Rolan x Reader fic, title TBC. If you're on AO3 and want to off-anon yourself, I'll happily mark it as a gift - but no worries if you'd rather not!)
tags - sub Rolan, D/s, brief bloodplay mention, collars, rimming, overstimulation. 2392 words.
Sometimes, Rolan gets in a strange mood. Helping you almost insistently, begging you to take it easy. It’s often when you’ve been out, defending Baldur’s Gate from some new menace - an adventurer’s work is never done - but just as often it seems to accompany him staying up late, as if he fears having neglected you.
Coming back from an exhausting day of fighting ghouls, you find him waiting behind the counter of the closed-up Sundries, ostensibly taking inventory. The moment he sees you, he drops the scroll he’s holding and Misty Steps to your side, before kneeling at your feet.
‘Ah… Rolan?’ you ask, smiling. ‘How about a welcome home kiss?’
Not that he doesn’t look nice like that, you’re just surprised. Even more so when, instead of rising to give you a kiss, he throws his head between your legs, kissing your thigh.
‘You must be tired,’ he says hastily. ‘Allow me to take off your boots. Please.’
There’s a twinge of something so desperate, so needy in that last word, that you feel the heat stir inside you.
‘Well,’ you murmur, stroking his hair. Pulling it a little, until he gasps and the softest whine escapes. ‘Be quick about it. I want a bath.’
Rolan’s breath catches, and he stands up, an anxious frown on his face.
‘I will heat one for you -’
Snatching his wrist in the nick of time - interrupting the beginning of another Misty Step incantation - you pull him close, cupping his face in your hand. His jaw relaxes a little beneath your fingers, but he still looks tense.
‘Is everything alright?’
‘Of course,’ he snaps, and then bites his tongue. ‘I thought you liked me like this,’ he murmurs, looking a little unsure.
‘I do,’ you tell him, stroking his cheek softly. ‘Very much. It’s just… unusual for you. Obeying me without putting up an argument about it.’
‘Must I always be myself?’
It’s asked with a rake of one pointed canine over his lip, his expression tired. Frustrated even - but not at you.
‘Rolan,’ you murmur. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply - I know there’s more to you than that.’
You kiss him gently, lips brushing his, letting the soft pressure of his lips part yours. His are closed, but as your tongue flickers over their surface he tilts his mouth into yours, asking for more.
‘I was just worried. That you felt you had to earn something from me.’
He shakes his head, eyes closed, and frantically seeks another kiss. Your tongue presses deep into him this time, fingers curling in the soft twists of his hair.
When at last you break apart, you keep hold of him there, guiding his head down.
‘Boots first. And then a bath.’
'Of course.’
Sinking to the floor, he begins his deft work on your laces, elegant fingers dancing across the eyelets. When both of them are loose, you put your foot on his thigh and wait for him to tug each one off in succession, watching his brow furrow as if this is the most important task in the world. Perhaps you should sink into that feeling too. Why should he be doing anything else in this moment than worshipping you, serving you, adoring you? You deserve this.
Your heel digs in a little on his thigh, and he whimpers.
‘You’re beautiful,’ you tell him.
His eyes flick up to you, widening into oceans of gilded brilliance.
‘You are beautiful. I am -’
Kicking your other boot off, you bend down, seizing his jaw.
‘- not allowed to refuse a compliment,’ you warn him, finishing his sentence. The cold, silvery blade in your voice does its job. Rolan nods, taking a deep, shivering breath.
'What should I do next?'
'Pour me a bath. A hot one. I'll be down in a moment.'
Heading to your room, you strip off the last of your combat clothes and rummage in a drawer full of trinkets from your travels. There it is. A beautiful collar you found in the Underdark, glowing with Draconic ruins. Admittedly, it might have been intended for a dog; but it looks big enough for Rolan's neck. And he would look so pretty in it.
Scents both woody and floral swirl through the air, rising from the bath tub steam, enveloping you in their heady grasp as you slip through one of the Tower's many magic portals into the cool stone of the Vault bathroom.
Rolan hastens over, eyes downcast.
'I have prepared it for you. Should I -'
'Rolan,' you interrupt. 'Look at me.'
He does. How obedient of him... although before his eyes meet yours, they brush over your naked form, and he subdues an eager flicker in his tail.
'Strip,' you command him.
'Is that collar for me?'
You slip your fingers back into his hair, about to remind him to follow your orders; but you don't get as far as pulling it. He's already rushing to rip off his robes, yanking with an uncharacteristic lack of care at the collar buttons.
'Good,' you whisper, letting him go.
In a moment, his clothes are discarded in a red-and-blue linen pool at his feet, his sharp toenails curling into the ground. Naked, he looks anxiously at you for direction - or approval?
'I told you,' you say, stroking his cheek. 'You're beautiful. Every part of you.'
Your hand slips down, wandering his ridged chest, tracing a lingering trail over the star of his stomach until at last you reach his thickness, his beautiful length already inflamed with so much lust he whines when you touch it.
'Sorry,' he gasps. 'My apologies - I'll be quiet, I promise.'
Your grip tightens, and he sobs.
'Don't be quiet.'
Rolan nods.
'No. I said don't be quiet.' Your fingers squeeze tighter yet, and he chokes out a groan.
'Of course - I'm sorry - anything you say.'
'Good.' You toy with his cock a little more, more tenderly this time, enjoying the pinch between his brows and the arch of his lip that tells you how much he likes it, how easily you could finish him already. Desire leaks from his tip as you thumb it.
'Should I put this collar on you? Would you like that? Would you like to feel owned?'
He shudders. 'Yes - please - yes -'
'Hmmm. The Master of Ramazith's Tower, collared. Perhaps you should wear this beneath your robes.' You tug the collar snugly, buckling it. Rolan's cock twitches.
'Ah - I believe it locks,' he mutters. 'With an incantation.'
'How do you know?' you tease him, forgetting, for a moment, your icily dominant mood.
'I, ah, was organising the drawers and... found it rather interesting.'
'You fucking whore.'
He sobs, buckling against you. 'Gods, please, call me that again!'
'No. I'm getting in the bath.'
'No!' he protests, before he remembers himself. 'I mean - of course - whatever you say -'
'Mhhm. That's right. Now get me a glass of wine.'
The bath is deliciously hot, the water velvet with perfumed oils. Rolan has settled into the luxury of the Tower very enthusiastically, though only Ramazith himself knows how old those perfume bottles are. They might be collecting a little dust, but the smell is so intoxicating, you can't tell they've aged a bit. If you closed your eyes, you could picture yourself in a rose garden at sunset, caressing their silken petals and wrapping Rolan's fingers around the thorns, pressing down just a little until you could lick the blood from his pricked fingers.
Your hand slips down, palming at your groin.
Rolan stops dead as he comes back through the portal, clutching the glass and bottle in his hands tight. His cock throbs at the sight of you.
'Don't come without me,' he begs. 'Please. I want to please you - my body is yours -'
You beckon him closer, plucking the full glass from his fingers.
'Fetch that cushion,' you murmur, gesturing to the chair in the corner.
'As you wish.'
He pads over to get it, the tight curl of his tail tip betraying his arousal even from behind. And what a behind. You feel positively lecherous, drinking in the sight of his beautiful back, his wings and ridges and ass, lust written in the twist of your tongue and the arch of your back.
As Rolan returns to your side, you take a sip of wine, revelling in its rich taste.
'Put that on the floor, and kneel on it.'
His chest rises and falls with each of your instructions, no matter how small. Abruptly, you twist over the side, sloshing water all over him, taking a long look at his pretty cock. It looks even better, slicked with oil and water, glistening at the tip and burgundy-veined along its length.
Rolan's lips fall open, his breath racing. He tilts his hips a little, offering his cock for your gaze.
Well, since you've been invited. You lean further still over the tub's metal rim, pressing your fingers into his open mouth.
'Mmmmmf -'
His hips buck as you stroke his tongue.
'Touch yourself,' you murmur, sinking back into the bath with your fingers still wrapped in their wet, adoring embrace.
'Mmmm - '
Rolan frowns, protesting that commandment in particular; though he keeps sucking your fingers with an assiduous eagerness. Worship, even.
'Touch. Yourself,' you repeat more sharply.
He frowns again, the lines cutting deeper into his face.
'Nnnnn -'
You drag your fingers out of his mouth, and shrug, taking another draft of your wine.
'As you wish. If you won't behave, then you don't get to suck my fingers.'
'No, please,' he gasps. 'I will come - the moment I touch myself - you don't understand how desperate I am -'
'You won't come. Because I told you not to.'
'Ahhhh - I will try - please, just put your fingers back in my mouth - oh!'
Catching his collar in your fingers, you tug him closer.
'Hand on your cock. Now.'
Rolan hesitates, taking a deep breath; then, with an anxious grimace, he reaches slowly down between his legs, wincing as he touches it.
'You're so good, my love. Open your mouth.'
Before you slip your fingers back into him, you soak them in your wine, letting the shining ruby drops slip down their length onto his lips. He whimpers as you explore deeper, fingers pushing back into his throat, testing how well he can take you. Very well. After all, you do punish his argumentative mouth with something much larger, when he's in one of his brattier moods, and though he loves to gag and choke and protest he loves taking you. Today, though his throat hitches and his eyes water, he caresses you quietly, adoringly, bobbing gently on your fingers.
'Put this down,' you tell him, passing the half-finished glass to his free hand. Then, you lean once more over the side, pulling his forehead to your chest, stroking his horns and hair and ears. 'You're so perfect, Rolan. Gods. You're so good at serving me. You're so good at it. I'm going to spoil you for being so good - no, don't come, you can hold on -'
He writhes, and suddenly a hot, wet tear splashes down on the back of your hand.
'Oh, Rolan. Does it hurt? Do you want to come that badly?'
More tears.
His breaths are ragged, piercing the air with desperation; but they only make your blood run hotter.
'Fight it for me.'
'Mmmm! Nnnnngh - ah - fuck!'
He pulls back suddenly, and then slumps onto the floor, whimpering softly.
Jumping out of the bath, you kneel beside him, brushing the hair from his face.
'Breathe,' you whisper, and he nods.
Three squeezes of his hand, firm and deliberate. Three come right back. A smile creeps back onto your lips. He's alright. Deliciously close to the border of too-much - but just on the right side. You stroke his hair a moment longer, holding his hand over his chest; feeling his breath steady to mere fever, instead of delirium.
'I love you,' you murmur. 'Do you want to please me now?'
He nods, and the runes on his collar dance.
Gently, you tug him upright, and he takes his place back on the cushion. The veins on his cock are livid and straining, pretty ruby rivers of want; the temptation to stroke them is strong, but you resist.
Instead, you slip in front of him, putting one knee up on the bath rim. You brace your hands on the bath too, and then cant your hips back until your ass is right in his face.
'Well,' you tease him. 'Go on then.'
He dives in. Hands on your ass, spreading it so that his eager tongue can press in, first flickering and then circling and then pressing in, indecent in his haste to be inside you.
'Fuck, Rolan,' you groan, reaching between your legs again. 'Fuck! You're - so - good - don't - stop!'
If only you could enjoy the heat of his tongue longer, the feeling of it stroking you, caressing you - but you want to come so badly already, so wildly you don't want to wait. Rolan moans and whimpers into your asshole. You can't wait, not when you can feel the soft brush of his sounds on your skin, the squeeze of his fingers as he enjoys you, serving you so firmly his tongue must be aching, but he keeps his touch constant and eager, pressing into you over and over again -
'Fuck!' you shout, coming so hard you almost lurch into the bath. 'Fuck! Oh Gods -'
Twisting round, you drag Rolan to his feet, seizing him tight, and although the words 'come for me' are on your lips, they're already too late, because the moment Rolan's cock presses into your skin he shouts and sobs and claws you, spurting his load across both of your stomachs.
For a moment, you just stand, cradling him in your arms, kissing his exhausted face until he comes back to life with a hazy smile.
'Bath?' you ask him softly.
'Did I - did you -?' he asks hesitantly.
'Like it?' You laugh softly. 'Of course I liked it. Gods, Rolan. I loved it. And I love you.'
'I love you too,' he murmurs, and then groans. 'Gods. Yes. A bath.'
Before he gets in, his fingers reach for his throat. 'Do you mind if I keep this on? For now?'
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myscenic · 3 months
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Pairing: mafia!park jisung x male!reader
Genre: mafia!au, enemies to lovers, fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1k+
Synopsis: jisung (21), the cold mafia, and y/n (19), the outgoing one have always butted heads as partners in their secret organization. although y/n had always secretly admired jisung, but his cold expression washed over it quickly. forced to work together on missions, their ice and fire relationship clashes slowly evolve into respect. beyond work, an unexpected friendship forms through a campfire and private moments where y/n opens up.
𓆰 Note: ahhh my first fic ever!! i immediately thought of mafia jisung when i first saw the concept photo so I decided to write one. it's kinda bad but i hope you don't mind😭
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"mark hyung please swap with me, i don't want to be partnered with the ice prince again," y/n pleaded with their leader as he stared at the assignment board. for the fifth time this month, he had been paired up with jisung for a mission.
jisung overheard the conversation and glared at y/n from across the room. "watch it, rodent, or i'll put you in your place again."
y/n rolled his eyes, ignoring the older's empty threat. their leader just sighed. "sorry kid, you two need to learn how to work together. now stop bothering me and get going, your target leaves in an hour."
groaning, y/n turned away from the board and made his way over to jisung begrudgingly. "hey hyung, ready to go?" he said pointedly, hoping to irk the other.
jisung's eyes narrowed. "don't try me," he shoved past y/n and headed for the doors.
y/n sighed and muttered “this is gonna be shitty like last time…” in a flashback to the time where he almost screwed the mission up and jisung scolded him harshly.
“are you just gonna stand there or what?” jisung sent him a cold look at the door. y/n shivered and rushed to him, wondering how on earth this day could get any worse.
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as they scouted the warehouse from the treeline, jisung gazed at the guard numbers with a calculating look. noticing y/n growing anxious beside him, he turned to the other.
"alright, there's too many for a head on fight. we'll need a diversion to split them up. do you have any smoke bombs or explosives?"
y/n nodded, pulling a few small bombs from his pack for jisung's inspection. jisung hummed in approval. "good, you may be semi-useful after all. here's the plan - i'll draw some away to the south side. when the smoke clears, you sneak in and take down any stragglers silently. think you can manage that?"
his tone held doubt as usual, but y/n was determined to prove himself. "you can count on me, hyung. i won't let you down!" he replied confidently.
jisung raised a brow skeptically. "we'll see about that. just follow my lead and try not to screw this up like last time, got it?" y/n nodded eagerly, focusing intently as jisung laid out the strategy. it was time to show the other what he was capable of.
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while tracking the target, they came across a large group of enemies guarding a warehouse. jisung sighed in frustration, unsure how they would get past such numbers alone. “this was a lot more than i’ve expected.”
but y/n smiled confidently. "leave it to me, hyung." he drew a small smoke bomb from his pack and lit the fuse. tossing it into the midst of the guards, he then grabbed jisung and pulled him into the cover of nearby bushes.
as the area filled with smoke, y/n used the distraction to stealthily sneak behind enemy lines. jisung watched in amazement as y/n took down guard after guard with precise chokes and jabs, too quick to be seen or stopped.
when the smoke cleared, all enemies lay unconscious on the ground. jisung emerged from the bushes in stunned silence. y/n just grinned proudly. "come on hyung, the target's all ours now."
jisung found himself reluctantly impressed, but just nodded and went over to finish the mission.
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the mission was a success, but it had taken longer than expected. jisung and y/n packed up their gear, ready to return to hq and file our report. as they walked through the forest, a comfortable silence fell between them.
much had changed over the months they’d worked together. at first, jisung seemed cold and distant. But little by little, y/n saw glimpses of his kinder nature - his quiet humor, thoughtful insights. they learned to move as one in battle, trusting the other implicitly.
now, an easiness had grown between them y/n hadn't expected to find. he glanced at jisung, his profile illuminated softly by the setting sun. heat rose in y/n’s cheeks but he didn't look away. once they might have been strangers, even enemies - but now, he had become his friend.
they stopped at the edge of the woods. jisung turned to me, eyes bright. "good work today. i’m glad you have my back out there." his words warmed him more than the fire they’d soon light.
words stuck in y/n’s throat so he simply nodded, smiling. they readied camp in a comfortable silence. as the forest awoke with night noises, he watched the firelight play across jisung's face.
y/n’s heartbeat quickened. he cared for him far more than he’d admitted, even to himself. but would jisung accept his feelings? their partnership was too important to lose.
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jisung turned to stoke the fire, unaware of his gaze. y/n took a deep breath to steady his nerves. it was now or never.
"hyung?" his voice was soft.
he faced me, eyes questioning. y/n looked down, fiddling with his hands. "there's something i want to tell you."
silence. y/n glanced up - jisung was watching him patiently, a gentle look in his eyes that bolstered y/n's courage.
"over these past months, working together, i've come to..." y/n hesitated. "care for you. deeply."
jisung tilted his head slightly, continuing to listen without judgment. y/n plunged on. "at first i didn't understand these feelings. but being with you has come to mean everything to me."
y/n searched his face for a reaction, heart in his throat. jisung's expression was unreadable. fear gripped him - had he ruined their friendship?
finally he spoke, voice soft. "you foolish fool." y/n's heart sank - until he continued. "how long have I felt the same?"
joy and surprise bloomed within him. "you - you do?"
he smiled, reaching to brush y/n's cheek in a tender caress. "of course, idiot."
relief and delight swept him. leaning into his touch, y/n smiled back tentatively. he gazed at me with such affection that he knew, in that moment, their bond ran deeper than either of them had understood.
slowly, cautiously, y/n tilted his face up to jisung's. his smile widened as he leaned down to brush his lips against y/n's in a gentle kiss. warmth and rightness pulsed through him, this was the beginning of understanding each other in a whole new way.
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SXF Novelization Fave Parts and some Analysis because I love Analyzing (Overthinking) Mission 1
I finally got my Spy x Family Family Portrait Novel and immediately finished reading it in one day, so without further ado, here are my fave parts, lines, dialogues from the first mission which is centered around Anya and Damian and this chapter just gives me diabetes 😭 (I've been shipping Damianya, yes but all this time it was like an innocent ship and it's not like making me feel butterflies since of course they're just children, but here in the novel, I actually got butterflies in my stomach, they're just so cute and precious here ❤️)
-Yor thinking she needs to teach Anya a lot of survival things about camping because she's worried if she can handle the woods (Yor is such a great mom, worrying for Anya's safety always and I think this just shows her experience regarding the wilderness revealing that her hometown might've been near the woods and she did experiencing hunting for food when she was young)
-Loid hoping that the trip could bring Anya and Damian closer (Be careful what you wish you for Loid 😂)
"Wonderful! That's my girl. You can do it, Anya," Loid said.
I just love it when Loid calls Anya his girl, for she will always and forever be his little girl.
-Loid and Yor sort of having a gentle argument on who should get Bond's milk 😂
Loid: I'll get you some milk Bond
Yor: No, let me do that for you.
Loid: No, I can do it, just sit there and relax
Yor: You're the one who should relax
They ended up getting the milk together. These two idiots. 😭❤️
They remind of that, you hang up first, no you hang up first couple exchanges when they're on the phone. These two are so good in this married couple thing without even trying.
And then stabbed me in angst in the next paragraph.
Ever since escaping from the facility, Anya had bounce between orphanages and foster homes. But now she'd finally found someplace worth treasuring, and if she could bring about world peace, then they'd all be able to keep happily living here together.
She clearly doesn't know about Twilight's plan to leave them after achieving his mission. I wonder how she would react to that. I've written a fanfic about it so if you can check it out if you're interested😊. Sorry for the shameless fic plug.
But I hope that after the success of Strix, Loid would stay with them. Could he really leave them? Can he really do that? He can't even let Anya go during the first week they've been together and he has the choice to just ditch her, choose another child and it was the practical and safe thing for a spy for him to do when Edgar knew about his location. But he saved her and took her in despite his reservations about endangering her and all. Now could he let this little girl go after all this time?
-Anya reading Damian's mind and seeing his thoughts about him drowning when he, Emile and Ewen went camping with Mr. Green, made fun of him and even acted out his lines when he thought that he was really drowning in that shallow lake (She loves trolling Damian that she forgot that doing that could give her off as a telepath😂)
"Lovey-dovey couples are nice, but there's something extra special about bickering, will-they-won't-they romances."
I gotta agree with Becky on this one. Bickering makes any romance stories a thousand times more investing and entertaining to read. That's why academic rivals to lovers is an s-tier trope for me.
-Becky partnering Anya with Damian to fetch some water. Becky is also a fan of forced proximity trope, I see.
-Anya's telepathy elicited a sensation on Damian and it said that it wasn't the first time. I really bet that Damian would be the first to know about Anya's mind ability.
-Anya being confused about her left and right hand 😂 (I mean kids her age really do get confused about that, I don't blame her)
-Damian being gentle in his way of speaking whenever he sees Anya distressed or in tears. I'll never get tired of Damian being soft to Anya, he's really a sweet kid.
"Hey, keep it together!" commanded Damian as Anya started to sob again. He grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly, pulling her close to speak in her ear (because the rain is loud). "I saw a small cave a ways back. Let's head there."
I don't know why but this scene, because of the way it was written, gave me butterflies.
-Anya calling for her Papa to save her when she was so scared. Loid said that Yor was the one that makes Anya feels safe, but she wasn't the only one whom Anya considers to be her safe place. He was also his baby's safe place and she trusts that Papa will always be there to save her.
-My favorite moment: Damian holding her hand and comforting her so she won't be scared, even though he, himself, is terrified too. Ugh, if that wasn't love, I don't what is. And when Anya gripped his hand back to comfort him too, he stopped shaking and Anya thought that his hand was warm. Awww, so preciouss❤️😭
-Anya letting herself to get the blame and willing to be punished but Damian not letting Anya to get the blame for them being lost in the forest. These two are like mini Yor and Loid haha, just young, energetic and extroverted versions of the two 🤣
-Anya being ashamed to face her Papa, because she thought her Operation to get close to Damian failed (since after that incident Damian went back to his mean self again but of course she didn't know Damian's crush on her just get massively deeper after that) but Loid wasn't even worried about that at all, nor did her ask her about Damian when she came home. When he had noticed she was sad, he immediately asked if she didn't have fun at their camping event. And when Anya said that she did, he smiled and said that he was glad that she did, because it's his daughter's happiness that's important to him (Because if she's happy then it would be good for my mission, I can imagine Loid telling this to himself when he just genuinely wanted her to be happy and enjoy her time at school since he never had the chance to do that as a kid)
-Yor and Loid preparing food together for Anya's return. Loid telling Anya that the food was safe to consume when she saw her face that is prepared to face death because he helped Yor to prepare. It was peak father-daughter moment 😂 But he let Yor cooked her specialty dish Southern Stew all by herself since she's the one who can make it the best ❤️
I wonder if Anya told him about her and Damian getting lost in the forest and Damian held her hand to comfort her. I wanna see Loid's reaction to that 😂
So that's it for Mission 1. Up next would be the chapter that got me laughing the most, Mission 2, Yuri babysitting Anya
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beybaldes · 1 year
some word today from my boyfriend so far away
Eddie Roundtree × Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
word count: 2.8k
Request! : Hi !!! Will you plz write one about Eddie growing up w reader and crushing on each other for years as kids and teens and when Eddie and the band go to LA and reader is still finishing HS senior year as 1 year younger than Eddie and they confess feelings and start dating before he leaves and when she finds out Billy's cheating on Camila, she fears Eddie will do the same. She comes visit the band in LA for a week and is cold towards Eddie and he reassures her his love for her and she's her one and only !!
thank you for the request @eddieroundtreestan2224 I hope you enjoy <3
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered vour fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more Eddie fics xoxo
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Eddie loved you more then anything; you were his reason to get up in the morning, his reason to try so hard for the bands success, the reason he got out of bed even when all he wanted to do was sleep. Nothing had ever hurt him more then when he had to leave you behind in Pittsburgh.
He knew it would only be for a year, and that the second you graduated you were going to come out to LA to join them, but it felt like it was going to be an eternity. The day he got into the car and left you crying on your door step broke his heart, but he knew he was doing it for a good reason - that if things went to plan, he was setting up a good and stable future for the two of you.
You'd promised you'd come and visit over each of your breaks and you had - he didn't know when each was, but was always happily surprised to find you on his doorstep with your luggage and a smile on your face. Within seconds you'd retreat into his bedroom in the house and spend the rest of the day curled in each others arms, catching up on everything as though you didn't spend every free moment on the phone together racking up your parents phone bill. Eddie promised he'd pay them back when he got 'rich and famous' so you didn't worry it too much.
Camilla was the only one to know about your upcoming trip to LA, considering she spent most of the time in the house it made it perfect as she'd know who was going to be in the house at any given moment, and could help sneak you in this time before Eddie caught wind of your arrival. So when she called you that night, you weren't surprised to see her number on the screen, however, when you picked it up and found her sobbing down the line, you were shocked to silence.
"Billy- he's-" Camilla couldn't even get the words out between her tears, half a sob quickly turning into a grunt of anger as she took in what she'd saw earlier in the day. "Cheated- I- Baby-"
"Cami?" You whimpered into the phone, hurting because your friend was hurting. Camilla was like your sister, knowing her all your life had given you that closeness, and even though you'd technically known Billy longer, it was an easy choice as to who's side you'd take. "It's okay, baby, breathe."
After a moment of silence, Camilla cleared her throat, sniffling the tears away as she spoke. "He cheated on me. Eddie, Graham - they've all been covering for him."
As if your heart wasn't already aching, now it was breaking. Eddie, your Eddie, would do that? If he'd cover up for Billy - the biggest dick known to man kind - then god knows what he would be doing when you weren't around. Camilla lived with them for gods sake and you? Well, you were halfway across the country and still in high school.
Suddenly it was hard to swallow and your throat was completely dry. "I'm catching the next flight out, I'll be there tomorrow." You hung up the phone before she could ask what you'd do about school but that could wait. It was only a week until spring break anyway and Camilla needed you, your savings would rebuild but her heart might not.
When the phone started ringing again as your were packing your bag, you ignored it - even though you knew it was Eddie and you knew he would worry. After the events that had transpired today you didn't feel like talking to him, not until you could contain your whirring thoughts about whether this meant he would cheat on you.
If Billy couldn't get away with it while living with his pregnant wife, then Eddie would pass with flying colours. Only time would tell.
Eventually the phone stopped ringing, but you didn't care to notice, instead running down stairs with your packed bag and running out the front door, down the block, and to Misses Dunne's house. God knows your parents wouldn't let you skip school for LA, but miss dunne had always taken you to the airport for your trips, and given the current situation, you were sure she'd help cover for you.
You were already at the airport before Eddie gave up on ringing your phone, a lit joint between his lips as he sulked with his arms crossed over his chest in the living room of the LA house.
"What's got your panties in a twist?" Graham asked, walking into the room with a beer in hand, taking a seat next to Karen on the couch.
"Y/n never picked up the phone." Graham winced at Karen's answer, turning to Eddie with a frown on his face.
"Sorry, dude. She probably just forgot, went to sleep or something."
Eddie scoffed, the frown on his face getting deeper at the suggestion you wouldn't wait up for him, his brow creasing tightly. "No. Y/n wouldn't do that. She never forgets."
"Well, don't let it keep you up, dude." Graham patted him on the shoulder, trying to reassure his friend. "She'll call back in the morning, besides, she'll be here next week anyway."
"Yeah, you're right." Eddie didn't feel like Graham was right however, you always picked up the phone - and the only times you didn't you warned him in advance that you weren't going to be available. His mind was moving at a million miles an hour, thinking of every single thing he'd ever done that could've made you not pick up the phone tonight, but his mind was drawing a blank.
In fact, he stayed there, deep in thought, for so long that he passed out on the couch, waking the next morning when Karen came running through the house to answer a knock on the door. Eddie's head fell back into the arm of the couch, closing his eyes tightly and deciding he could steal a few more hours of sleep now that Karen was tending to the door. That wish was quickly ended, however, as Karen let out a scream, people coming running from all directions of the house.
"What are you doing here?!" Karen was wrapped in a tight hug with a shorter figure that he recognised all too well, your suitcase was in the doorway and your eyes met his over her shoulder.
Eddie's entire demeanour lit up when his eyes met yours. That explained why you hadn't picked up the night before.
Eddie sprung up from the couch, jumping over the back of it and pulling you from Karen's arms and into his own. He wrapped you tightly in his hold, cradling your head to the crook of his neck as he took in your presence. You were here, you were really, really here and in his arms again and everything was good. "I thought you weren't coming till next week." Eddie said, pressing a kiss to your head as he pulled out of the hug slightly, getting a good look at your face.
He could swear that every time he saw you, you got more and more beautiful.
"I was gonna come next week." You answer, standing on your tiptoes to press a chaste kiss to his lips. "Camilla called, I got the first flight out."
"How did you get to the airport?" Graham asked, him and Warren stealing you from Eddie's hold and wrapping you in an awkwardly done group hug - the two boys having missed having you around everyday like they were used to, almost as much as Eddie.
"Your mom drove me." You answered, pulling back from the hug and finally pulling your suitcase into the house. "Where's Camilla?"
Eddie and Graham shared a look and suddenly everything Camilla said to you on the phone last night came to the front of your mind. They knew. They hid it. And if they hid it for Billy, who's to know what they were hiding from you?
"I'll take you to her." Karen grabbed your hand and led you out of the living room, the two of you ignoring the longing look Eddie sent your way as you left just as soon as you arrived. He'd just got you back and you were already going to see someone else? Given the current situation he got it, but he still just wanted to spend some time with his girl.
It was gone midnight when you finally left Camilla's room - you'd crawled into the corridor at the dead of night, feeling bad that you'd left Eddie alone all day, but then remembering what he'd done.
He was probably cheating on you too. The voice in your head hadn't stopped since you'd got Camilla's call last night, and you didn't think it was going to any time soon.
You had fully debated just sleeping in Camilla's bed all night with her and Karen, but you'd been away from Eddie for so long all you wanted was to curl into his arms and sleep for a long time. Although you knew he'd probably be asleep by now, you wanted one more night to be his girl, before you had to confront him and potentially find out what Camilla had. The thought alone made you sick to your stomach
"Why are you avoiding me, birdie?" As you carefully shut the door, not wanting to make a sound in case Eddie was already asleep, you were surprised to hear him, wide awake and kind of angry.
You turned around slowly, unbuttoning your jeans and stepping out of them, ready to get something more comfortable on and just go to bed. "I'm not."
Eddie stood from where he'd been sat on the bed, walking up to you. "You've been here all day and this is the first time we've spoken since you arrived." You ignored him, turning your back to him and missing the way his whole face faltered in favour of pulling your shirt and bra off, picking up one of Eddie's shirts off the floor and pulling it hastily over your head. "Did I do something?"
"Are you cheating on me?"
Eddie's heart stopped at the question. His brow creased and a frown took over his lips as he pouted at you, his eyes swarming with an ache you'd been feeling for the past 24 hours. "What?"
"Because Camilla told me that you and Graham were covering Billy's tracks for him." You pushed Eddies chest, pushing him away from you when he tried to reach out and touch you. He let you, keeping the distance you created as he stared longingly at the heartbroken girl before him; he almost didn't recognise you with such hurt swarming in your eyes, clouding you from him. Almost.
"You would've kept doing it too if she hadn't caught him and she never would've known." Another push, but this time Eddie wrapped his hand around your bicep, keeping you closer to his chest as you landed weaker and weaker pushes against him, tears welling in your eyes. "She lives in this damn house, and she didn't know her scum husband was cheating on her - and then it got me thinking. I don't live here, I don't see you everyday, I don't sleep in the same fucking bed as you every night and if you were willing to do it for Billy, I can't see why he wouldn't be willing to do it for you, too."
The pushing had stopped, Eddie holding you against him with one arm, his other hand caressing your cheek, his thumb wiping away at the tears that were beginning to spill over. "Birdie-"
"And then all I could think about was how easy it would be for you to cheat on me out here; you're halfway across the damn country Ed's. And I'm still in stupid fucking Pittsburgh. What could you want with a girl like me when you've clearly got half the country wanting to be with you?" Your words had turned to whispers, your head falling against Eddie's shoulder though his warm hand still cradled your cheek. As you sniffled into the material of his t-shirt he pressed a kiss to your temple, shushing your crying and holding you tight against him - as though he was protecting you from all the thoughts you'd let stir and simmer in your mind.
"I don't want anyone else." Eddie whispered, gently swaying the two of you back and forth in his hold, his hand running through your hair as the tears began to stop. "I just want you, birdie."
Eddie pulled away from you, holding your face between both of his hands and bringing your gaze to meet his own. "I know I shouldn't have covered for Billy, it was shit of me, but part of me truly thought it would hurt Camilla less if she just didn't know. I get how bad that sounds but I didn't know what to do I-"
"You should've told her Ed's." You whimpered, tears springing back to your eyes as you thought back to the phone call and conversation you and Camila had shared - dwelling on how quickly your stomach dropped and how easy it was to think the worst.
"I know." Eddie cooed, his thumb running gently across the flesh under your eye, his forehead pressed to yours in the dark room. "But I need you to know I would never, ever cheat on you, Birdie. I love you more then life itself; I need you like the air I breathe. I've spent every waking moment since moving to LA waiting for you to come back to me - I want nothing more then to spend every night with you in my arms and every day with you by my side."
"And one day, I'm gonna marry you, and we're never gonna have to spend a day apart again, okay?" Eddie pressed a feather light kiss to your lips, punctuating each of his words with another; to your lips, your cheek, the dimple of your smile, you temple, the crinkle of your eye, really anywhere his lips could reach. "I love you, birdie. I don't want anyone else but you, ever, you hear me?"
You were tempted to apologise. Say sorry through tears at the way your brain had jumped to the worst case scenario despite knowing what your Eddie was like, despite knowing he was nothing like Billy. But you didn't, thoughts too hung up on the words he'd just let slip past his lips. Biting your lip between your teeth, you held back a wide smile, rocking on the balls of your feet as you stared dotingly up at Eddie. "You wanna marry me?"
It came out as a bashful murmur, but Eddie still heard it, laughing at your quick change in demeanour. "How could I not? You're my whole world, birdie."
He said it as if it was so simple; as though there was no other possible answer or rhyme or reason. And for Eddie, there wasn't.
Snaking your arms up and over his shoulder, you scratched at the hair at the nape of his neck, using one hand to cup his head and pull it closer to you. Pressing a kiss to his lips, you quickly escalated it; tangling your fingers in his locks and pulling, slipping your tongue in his mouth as he gasped and pressing yourself firmly against him. Pulling back breathless, you murmured praise against the blondes lips. "I missed you, Ed's."
"I know you did, birdie." Eddie pulled you in for another messy kiss; a sudden clash of skin and teeth and tongue. "What you say we start making up for lost time?"
"I'd want nothing more." With that you let him push you back towards his bed, blindly trusting his direction as you let yourself get lost in the feel of him for the first time in months, reassured that your Eddie would never treat you how Billy had Camila - not in this lifetime, nor the next.
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fbfh · 9 months
curiosity is a wonderful thing - ch. 3
wc: 3.1k
pairing: slow burn childhood best friends to lovers ben x reader, audrey x reader
warnings: ben is stressed, audrey is a bad gf, mild claustrophobia/dark spaces/being under ground warning (description of falling down the rabbithole into twonderland but it's fun and you love it so it's not scary lol), mild exposition dumping
summary: ben prepares for the arrival of the Isle kids, and gives audrey the benefit of the doubt a little too much. you have time to sneak away to your favorite place in the world, and the only thing that's missing is ben.
song recs: in a world of my own - kathryn beaumont, welcome to wonderland - scarlett rose, wish you still felt this way - sophie meiers x 90sflav
a/n: i love this fic. i love this series. this started as a comfort daydream and now it's a thing and I hope yall are ready for the next chapter cause it's gonna be good. I hope this brings yall the comfort it brings me <33
tags @yesv01 @magcon7280 @hopefullhearts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl  @sunshineangel-reads @strawberry-cake1 @dustyinkpages @kiara7777
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After about a week of constant meetings, arrangements, and press conferences, a week of even less sleep and even more coffee than usual - something Ben didn’t know was possible to achieve - it’s finally the day he’s been working tirelessly toward. It’s the day the kids from the Isle are finally on their way to Auradon. He rushes back to Auradon Prep with you at his side after a very stressful, successful press conference. Even though he seems totally composed on the surface, you can tell he’s a bundle of nerves. You walk quickly beside him as he goes over the agenda for their arrival. 
“Their rooms are all set up, Fairy Godmother said Jane can help them get settled into their classes - god, what am I forgetting?” Ben rambles, fumbling through all the papers in his bag. His eyes land on his copy of his press conference note cards, and that jogs his memory. 
“Right,” He continues as you look up at him, and he knows he has all your attention. “I don’t think I’m going to have time to write a new speech for their arrival…”
He pauses for a moment, seeing if there’s some little pocket of time he can find to make this date extra special for them. 
“Ben, you’re more jam packed than a tea cake. You can’t overwork yourself and run into the ground, not when you’re this close.”
Ben considers for a moment, realizing you're right. 
"You have a point…" he agrees with a reluctant chuckle. "I'll use the same speech I used for the press conference." He decides. You’re silent for a moment.
“What?” Ben asks, able to read your expression like a book. 
“Nothing, just-” You hesitate, then give him an earnest look, like you don’t want to hurt his feelings. He chuckles and braces himself, knowing whatever you’re about to say will be a necessary - albeit, hard - truth. 
“You don’t think it’s a bit much?” You ask gently. “Too formal, given the circumstances?” 
He considers for a moment. He thought it did great at the press conference, but maybe there are a few parts he can revise for the arrival of the Isle kids. 
“Uh… yeah. I- I can cast eyes over it, we still have a little over an hour. That should be enough to make any tweaks.” He finishes. 
You nod as you follow him into the conference room that he’s turned into a makeshift headquarters for all of his first proclamation business. He sets down his bag and pulls out all his paperwork and his planner. He hears you set your stuff down a few seats away from him and looks up. You’ve been working so hard and helping him out so much with all of this. He couldn’t possibly have accomplished a fraction as much without you. He walks over to you, gathering up your stuff. 
“Look bunny, why don’t you, uh,” he starts, leaning over slightly to make sure no one’s about to walk through the doorway. “Why don’t you head down for a while. You have enough time if you go now.”
Your eyes light up at his words. You’ve been keeping your Wonderland visits to a minimum to help Ben and support him as much as you can, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed.
“Really?” You ask softly. 
“Yeah, I’ll cover for you.” Ben lets out a soft grunt as you tackle him with a hug. He chuckles lightly, giving your back and shoulders a gentle pat before you pull away a moment later. 
“I’ll run my speech by you when you get back-” He begins, then cuts himself off, remembering something. “We got your watch fixed, right?”
You’re glad he remembered, and you fish around in your tea pot bag for a moment before pulling out the weathered bronzy pocket watch. Time works differently in Wonderland, and it’s hard to keep track of. You've tried everything you can think of, and your pocket watch is the only thing that seems to keep you from constantly being late. Granted, you're still late or nearly late a lot, but it’s much better than it used to be. 
“Yes,” you nod, showing him the little ticking hands, currently resting at the words ‘on time’. A fresh bubble of excitement pops inside you and you let out an excited giggle, hugging Ben tightly one more time. 
“Thank you!” you exclaim in a soft whisper before he sends you off. You run over to the corner of the room to summon a rabbit hole. Ben watches in fascination as the tile floor begins to crumble in front of you, giving way to grassy dirt before continuing to crumble, going down, down, down. It’s a large, vaguely irregular circle about half as wide as your wingspan. You look back at Ben with another silent thank you, before jumping straight down into the hole. As soon as the last of you is out of sight, the tiles rebuild themselves without leaving a trace of you. Ben stares at the spot where you disappeared, feeling vaguely melancholic, but mostly happy that you’re getting to spend time doing what you love. That you’re happy. 
“There you are, Bennyboo,” Ben whips his head around at the sound of Audrey’s voice, and he’s relieved she hadn’t shown up sooner. It’s not that sneaking off to Wonderland is a bad thing, but most people tend to discourage you from visiting too often. Wonderland is a timeless domain, like Neverland, and it and all of its inhabitants are much different from those from Auradon - usually referred to as Overland or the Main Land by people from Wonderland and Neverland. 
Wonderland runs on pure, neutral chaos and nonsense, which is a very hard concept for people from Overland to grasp. Overland runs on a fundamental structure of good vs. evil, so it’s easy for people to perceive things from Wonderland as good or bad  when they’re really just made up of madness. The reason people try to keep Wonderland contained is because you can’t fight nonsense with sense, you can’t fight chaos with logic. If something powerful from Wonderland got into Overland, like the Jabberwocky, or any number of powerful plants, animals, or magic, Auradon would be practically defenseless. That’s one of the reasons that Belle and Adam decided to reach out to your mother, and continue to form such a strong bond with her. If Wonderland nonsense managed to get out into Auradon, it would be uncontrollable chaos, and the only person who could stop it would be your mother - and now, you. 
It took Ben a while to understand Wonderland, to understand you. You and your mother are very special cases; Alice was from Overland, but adapted to be part of Wonderland, and Wonderland became a part of her. You, however, were born in Wonderland and raised in Overland. You’ve adapted as well as you can, but you always do much, much better when you can sneak away for regular little trips. Ben has asked to join you before, but it’s too dangerous. People from Overland rarely adapt to Wonderland nonsense and usually end up going mad, which is why your mother is such an asset to the Auradon government - she’s actually able to serve as a liaison between Wonderland and Auradon, and keep an eye on things.  
Unfortunately, there are still a lot of stigmas surrounding Wonderlandians, stigmas Ben has grown to resent more and more over the years, but most of it boils down to Wonderlandians being weird, crazy, dumb, and volatile. The more Ben has come to understand you, the more he hates the small comments and little stares directed toward you. Luckily Ben has been able to protect you from a lot of it. People very quickly found out that if they said anything bad about you or Wonderland, it wouldn’t end well for them. He can’t get rid of the stigmas, but he can protect you from them as much as possible. 
Audrey flounces over, sitting next to him.
"You are never going to believe what Arabella just told me at cheer practice."
“She said-”
“Um, Audrey.” Ben finally manages to interrupt. She looks confused about why she’s not the one talking right now. 
“I want to hear all about this, I really do,” Ben says, “but we’re going to be greeting the kids transferring from the Isle soon-” Audrey huffs, already disinterested.
“And I wanted your feedback on my speech.” He finishes, handing her the papers. 
“Oh, sure. There’s that…” Audrey says, pretending to read it over for a moment. Before she finishes, she sets the papers down on the table, and gives Ben a chipper look.
“I’m sure it’s fine, Bennyboo. You never disappoint.”
She sits on the table in front of him, continuing to tell him all about what Arabella said Herkie did. Ben tries his best to listen, he really does. He just can’t keep his mind off his speech, and he can feel himself beginning to spiral and overthink. He has so much riding on this, he can’t afford for his speech to be fine, he can’t afford for anything about this whole ordeal to be fine. Her words keep echoing in his mind, you never disappoint, Bennyboo. He knows she meant it to be supportive, but he feels like all the pressure he’s been convincing himself he can handle is just reinforced. He was hoping to get some real feedback from Audrey, maybe a little encouragement, but- 
He stops himself before the thought can go any further. Audrey is his girlfriend, and Ben should be able to trust her word. You would never lie to him about something this important, so he chooses to trust that Audrey wouldn’t either. He tries to shut up the worries clouding his mind and tries to pay attention to what Audrey is saying. She’s probably just trying to distract him from worrying, give him something else to think about for a while. You can always tell when he’s overthinking, so Audrey is probably trying to show him that she cares, that there’s nothing to worry about. That if she’s talking about something like cheer team gossip at a time like this, when Ben is getting ready for one of the most important days of his life, then everything must be under control. Besides, if he needs to he can look his speech over by himself after Audrey leaves. He might have time to. It will all be fine. 
The moment you let yourself fall into the dark rabbit hole, your stomach flips as you begin free falling through the darkness. A little dirt sprinkles down on your head from where it closes up above you, and you narrowly manage to avoid some roots snagging in your hair. After a few moments, your descent slows. You spin slowly as you glide down, and in the pitch black darkness, you can feel your internal gyroscope going crazy. You breathe in the heavy, earthy air, and for a few moments, you don't know which way is up or down. You have absolutely no sense of direction for those few beautiful moments, and you don't want to. Soon, your descent speeds up again, and you find yourself tumbling through tree branches, eventually landing on a rough surface in the dark. 
“It should be here somewhere…” you mutter, feeling around for a doorknob. After a moment you feel it, cool aged metal in your hand. You twist it, revealing a beam of light through a doorway. It’s going to be a close call, but you think you’ll just be able to fit. You manage to squeeze through the entrance, exiting out of the door - which is situated in a large tree trunk, and into Wonderland. You crawl forward, taking it all in. You take in a deep breath of the still, earthy, floral air. It’s heavy in your lungs, like a deep dream. You fully exit, and the door slowly closes behind you.
The world is quiet. 
There’s an almost suffocating stillness in the atmosphere of Wonderland, one that would be uncanny and unnerving to you if it weren’t already so deeply comforting. It’s the same grounding sense of peace and stillness you get when you’re young and walk carefully through your dark house at night in search of a cold glass of water. There’s that feeling in Wonderland, everyone is asleep except for me. I ought to be asleep too, I best not wake them. The world around you is still, still, still. It’s as still as a stone, or a lake made of glass. You soak up the familiar surroundings, and you feel like you’re finally visiting an old friend. 
In spite of the pitch black sky, which is barely visible through the treetops, you can see what’s around you just fine. But if you look too far, there’s a darkness off the beaten path, one that stays just at the edges of your sight no matter where you go. It always looks to you like those hazy dark shadows around the edges of old photographs. You look down at the beaten path - this one being made of black and white irregularly shaped checkerboard tiles nestled right into the dirt. They twist and turn, splitting out and reconverging haphazardly into the darkness. They’re a bit worn and dirty, but you suppose any outdoor tiles would get that way eventually. 
You follow it back the way you came, spinning around as you do, and notice the way it splinters into little shards, cracking and fragmenting into a mosaic of sorts before petering out at the base of the tree, with grass and dirt poking up in between. You feel yourself begin to settle, at home with the lack of time flowing around you, and you take in another breath. Your nose and lungs are kissed gently with the smell of damp, freshly turned earth, plant life, and that unmoving sort of smell that shows up after it rains, but still before any birds and animals come out from their hiding. The type of smell when flowers are wet, and have not yet opened themselves back up. 
Reaching into your trusty teapot bag, you fish around in there until you find your camera. It’s old, very old, and completely obsolete ever since the boom of technology that appeared around the time you and Ben were born, but you love it nonetheless. A year or two before you and Ben - and most of the other kids your age - were born, Auradon successfully made an alliance with Atlantis. They traded their protection of Atlantis and a promise to leave them alone, in exchange for a little bit of their technology and power sources. Adam also promised to make sure Rourke never saw the light of day again, a promise Queen Kida was happy to accept. The trade led to light speed innovations based in Atlantean tech; smart phones, computers, video games, and countless other innovations that brought Auradon into its new age. Flash forward to now, Atlantis is the tech capital of the world, and magic is obsolete. Your camera can’t give directions or tell time or backup to cloud storage, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
You snap some pictures of the tiles before you begin exploring. You never know what entrance to Wonderland you’ll fall through, and you love documenting each one. You walk carefully through the forest of dense trees, looking at flocks of haughty looking dodo birds and peonies that gossip to each other, whispering with a laugh as you pass them by. Soon you stumble into something very interesting. You thought it was a cluster of blue bushes, but were surprised to find out they’re really birds. The bird bushes (or maybe bush birds) startle at your presence, squawking and leaving feathers (leaves?) in their wake before they fly off. 
You manage to get a few pictures of them too, and you’re excited to show Ben. You’ve tried taking pictures with your phone before, but Wonderland makes technology… unreliable at best. Plus, there’s no service down here anyway. That’s why you took to journaling, drawing pictures and taking photos and writing down everything you see. This way you can share it with Ben, this way it’s almost like he’s here in your favorite place with you. 
You follow the blue speckled bush birds - as you’d dubbed them - until you lose track of them. It’s no matter though, since you soon hear some lovely singing coming from under a sparkling berry bush growing fruit shaped like bells. You crouch down, lifting up the leaves, and find a choir of inchworms practicing their harmonies. The leader looks up at you in a huff. 
“I’m terribly sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt.” You say. He huffs, and turns back to his choir, conducting with a little twig. You decide to sit and listen for a while as they rehearse under the coverage of glistening pink leaves. You find some oversized, brightly colored mushrooms growing nearby, and sit down on a comfortable one. You pull a teacup out of your bag, trying to decide which tea to drink while you watch the inchworms and listen to their masterpiece slowly come together. 
You zip the lid closed, and pour the spout to the cup, settling on some raspberry tea. With honey, you think, and lemon. You smile as a lemon wedge falls from the spout, plopping gently into your cup. You take a sip, and it’s perfectly brewed as ever. You go through several cups of tea, growing more and more invested in the drama between the inchworms. One is insisting on taking the high harmony, even though it’s obviously out of his range. You’re half way through… one of your cups of tea, you lost count rather quickly. By now the inchworms have perfected their harmonies for the chorus, and the first verse. Your attention is ripped away from the inchworms when your bag starts ringing. You open it up, digging out your pocket watch. The bronze hands have spun all the way past most of the little notches, and you nearly drop your tea when you see where they are. Your eyes follow the hands, which are nearly pointing to the word Late! in fancy script. 
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vassia-sparta · 2 years
Daemon Soulmate AU - How the bond was discovered - Part 1
So sorry it took this long to get this out, but I had originally intended to keep this short. However, inspiration turned this into a long fic, so I'll be cutting it into parts. I have not finished it yet, but I intend it to have three parts.
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Before you met your soulmate, you would have never expected to become the wife of a Targaryen prince. Being the daughter of a minor lord from the Riverlands, you were expected to marry according to your station. House Bracken, or maybe Blackwood, or even Tully, if you could ever be that lucky. Any of those would be great for you.
However, your father, being an ambitious man, took you with him to the capital, hoping you’d catch the eye of a powerful lord, bringing glory and prestige to your house with such a successful match. He made sure you were dressed in modest, yet attractive dresses and a few delicate jewelry, and he instructed you to be within sight of any prospective heirs, either walking up and down the hallways of the Red Keep, or standing close to the courtyard where the knights trained.
You did as he instructed, and you even managed to catch the eye of lord Borros Baratheon, which pleased your father greatly. You future seemed to be set in stone, and you had even tried to make your peace with it. Growing up you had dreamed of marrying for love, finding that one man who would look at you as if you were his entire world. You now knew of course that such thoughts were foolish dreams, so you compromised. After all, most girls would give up almost everything to become the wife of the lord of Storm’s End.
The day of the tourney organized to celebrate Queen Alicent’s nameday dawned, and you got dressed in your best dress, a violet one with silver flowers embroidered on the sleeves and hem. It was your favorite color ever since you could remember, so you chose it to make sure you made a good impression on lord Borros. He was going to compete in the tourney, so maybe if he won, he would crown you his Queen of Love and Beauty, which was as good as a proposal, according to your father.
You sat in the lower seats, closer to the tourney grounds, eager to see the fights. Most girls were quite squeamish, but not you. You longed to see these brave men compete against each other, like those you had read about in your books. There was even a rumor that prince Daemon, the King’s brother, would compete as well. Everyone at court spoke of him, of his rogue and wild ways. But they also spoke of his flirty nature, and his teasing of every pretty maiden he came across. Recently widowed, after his late wife died in a hunting accident not three moons past, he became the target of every unmarried maiden in court. Your father had warned you to stay away from him though, as it was known how he had disrespected the late lady Rhea Royce during their marriage. There were even rumors that he had not even consummated the marriage, preferring the company of whores. Still, you were curious to see the famous man in person.
The matches began, and they were nothing like you expected. You were not prepared for the brutality of the hits, or the scent of blood that filled the arena every time some unfortunate man got badly wounded. Three men died before midday, yet the people cheered even harder every time the horses clashed. You were starting to reconsider on your opinion of these tourneys.
The next match was announced, and you held your breath. Lord Borros was going to compete against prince Daemon. First lord Borros entered the arena, and he rode his horse up to where you sat, dressed in his shining armor, his helmet in the shape of a stag’s head, complete with antlers.
“My lady, may I have the honor of carrying your favor today, so that I may be victorious in this difficult fight?”
You gave him the wreath you had made with a soft smile, and he even kissed it in front of everyone before he made his way to his corner. You knew that you should have felt something when he did that, but there was nothing. Your heart didn’t beat any faster, your cheeks didn’t heat up, absolutely no reaction. As if your body and mind knew that this man was not the one for you. You shook your head, trying to get such silly notions out of your head. You barely knew lord Borros. In time, you would come to love him. At least, you hoped you would.
Prince Daemon entered the arena, clad in his black armor. His helmet, shaped in the head of a dragon, covered his entire face, leaving only his eyes out. The people cheered for him so loud, it was deafening. He was truly the prince of the city, as you had heard some whisper. People loved their King, but they adored their prince.
He didn’t ask for any lady’s favor, only sat on his magnificent black stallion at the opposite side from lord Borros, the beast eager to jump ahead. The squires gave the lances to the two men, and the match began. The two horses raced towards each other, the lances lowering to hit the opponent. The impact was deafening, prince Daemon’s lance shattering against lord Borros’s shield. The storm lord still sat on his horse however, and when he reached the end of the arena he turned his horse around, then set off to attack the prince once more.
The second run was not much different. Prince Daemon’s lance found its mark once more, only this time it was with enough force to knock lord Borros off his horse, sending him to crash on the dirt. The crowds cheered for their prince, while the announcer declared prince Daemon winner of the joust.
Lord Borros got up on his feet, swaying a little, unsteady.
“Warhammer!” he yelled, his squire hurrying to give him the mighty weapon.
“Lord Borros wishes to continue in a contest of arms!” the announcer declared, and the crowd cheered anew.
Of course they would want to see more of this, you thought. The people always thirsted for bloodshed, as long as they could observe from a safe distance.
The dragon prince got off his horse and called for his sword. You had never seen the famous Dark Sister before. It was beautiful. He grabbed it and made his way towards lord Borros, twirling the valyrian steel blade in his hand.
The two men came together in the middle of the field, the clang of their weapons echoing all over the arena. Lord Borros fought angrily, swinging the warhammer at prince Daemon, but the other man was too quick for him. The dragon dodged all the attacks, delivering blows to the storm lord’s sides. At one point, lord Borros almost managed to crush the prince with a blow on his shield, but the hammer lodged into the wood, and the two men wrestled, trying to separate, with little success. Prince Daemon saw an opportunity and kicked Lord Borros’s feet from under him, sending him crashing to the ground. The storm lord lost his grip on his hammer and, before he could grab it once more, the dragon prince jumped on him and placed his blade against his neck, immobilizing him.
“Yield,” he declared.
Lord Borros huffed and puffed, but saw that there was no way to escape.
The prince pushed the blade a bit further, drawing the tiniest amount of blood from his opponent’s neck.
“Yield, or die before your lady’s eyes,” he called out, much to your embarrassment.
Defeated, lord Borros yielded, and the crowds cheered once more for their prince.
Victorious, prince Daemon walked all the way where lord Borros has tossed his lance and removed the wreath you had made. He walked his way toward the seating area, stopping right in front of you. You could feel your blood freezing in your veins, and you wondered what he was going to do. Would he ridicule you in front of everyone? Beside you, your father also stood motionless.
The dragon prince removed his helmet and lifted his gaze to look at you. The moment your eyes locked, the ice in you was replaced with fire. All traces of fear and embarrassment vanished, and a warm feeling filled you from your toes to your head. You wanted to move, to step away from whatever it was he was doing to you, but your body wouldn’t respond. You saw those deep violet eyes, the same color as your dress, staring right into your soul, but you didn’t fear them. You knew, deep in your heart, that he would never hurt you.
The prince seemed to be bereft of speech as well, staring at you, saying nothing. His mouth was slightly open, his chest rising slowly. In the end, he smiled at you, a soft smile that sent a new wave of warmth through you.
After you father coughed a bit loudly, he seemed to return to his senses, and a smirk replaced the soft smile on his face.
“My lady, I believe this is yours,” he offered the wreath to you. His voice sent jolts up and down your spine, like invisible fingers teasing your back.
You took the wreath in your trembling hands, your eyes never leaving his.
“It seems you favor helped me more than your storm lord,” the prince teased you, his eyes full of playfulness.
“Then you should keep it my prince,” you replied, and you could feel your father tensing even more beside you.
You knew that such a move was outrageous, that you would be the talk of the entire court, but you didn’t care. Something in you screamed at you to do it, so you did.
The prince was surprised by your reply, but he quickly recovered, and took the wreath back in his hands.
“Thank you sweet lady,” the prince bowed his head, licking his lips as he gave you one last glance. Then he turned and exited the arena, while the people cheered him once more.
Your father was furious when you returned to your chambers.
“What were you thinking, offering your favor to your intended’s opponent? Do you know how that makes you look in his eyes?” he raged, while you sat on your seat, head down, hands clasped tightly on your lap.
“I apologize father, but I thought it was only right, since prince Daemon defeated lord Borros,” you muttered.
“You foolish girl,” he threw his goblet on the floor, “what if lord Borros decides not to ask for your hand, what will we do then?”
Though you knew you should be horrified at such a prospect, you were actually relieved at the idea. Somehow, you no longer could imagine yourself beside lord Baratheon, playing the role of dutiful wife, raising your children and keeping your house in order.
In your imagination, the man beside you had flowing silver hair, a pair of haunting violet eyes and a playful smirk that promised of many mischiefs.
The warmth you had felt earlier returned, but only until your father’s words broke through your pleasant fantasy.
“Tomorrow night, at the banquet, you will do your very best to get close to lord Borros, and make sure you are far away from the prince. His reputation is more than enough to destroy you, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to let that spoiled brat ruin my plans.”
You had the sudden urge to defend the dragon prince, but you shut your mouth before you could say anything that would further anger your father. Instead, you bowed your head, promising to do your duty, even if you didn’t like it.
The next day, your father had to meet with some important people, so you took the opportunity to escape to the gardens, hoping that the pretty flowers and the quiet would help clear your mind. You had spent your night dreaming of violet eyes, dragonfire and a sultry voice that beckoned to you. You woke up sweaty and with an unexplained ache between your legs. You had no idea what is was, so you did your best to ignore it.
You dressed in a simple light blue dress, tied your hair in a simple braid and made your way down to the gardens, trying to avoid any people. You knew that you had been the talk of the day, so you tried to steer clear of any gossipers, if only to keep the situation from getting worse.
You found a nice secluded spot in the gardens and sat on a stone bench, enjoying the delicate flowers blooming all over you and the birds chirping on the trees. You spent a lot of time just looking around taking in the vibrant colors, the different fragrances and the gentle breeze that caressed your face.
You were so lost in your own little world, that you didn’t hear the footsteps that approached your little spot.
“Good morning my lady,” the voice that had haunted your dreams last night came from your right, and a shiver ran down your spine. You turned to look at him, and your breath paused, just like the day before. What was it about him that made you feel like that?
“Good morning my prince,” you nodded, averting your gaze, even if it hurt you to do so. You remembered your father’s words, and rose from your seat, hoping to leave before anyone saw you with the prince.
“Do I frighten you so much that you want to flee at my very sight?” the dragon prince questioned, making you pause. He was dressed in a white linen shirt and a black leather doublet emblazoned with the sigil of his house. Black pants and boots completed his attire. His sword was absent, but he had a dagger strapped on his belt.
“No my prince, I just thought you might want to be alone, I don’t mean to impose.”
“On the contrary, I was actually looking for you.”
You turned to look at him, and tried really hard not to let those haunting violet eyes consume you whole.
“Why?” was all you were able to reply.
“I was just curious to meet the woman lord Borros is so interested in. If you managed to attract his attention for more than a night, then you must be someone special.”
You felt your cheeks redden at his comment. It was well known that lord Borros frequented the Street of Silk, and had even fathered no less than three bastards, on three different women. And the worst? He kept all three women close to Storm’s End, and visited each of them when he felt like it.
When you had mentioned all that to your father, he had simply shrugged and said: “As long as he decides to marry you and gives you an heir, the rest is irrelevant.”
You gritted your teeth, trying not to let your anger get the best of you. After all, this was a member of the royal family you stood before. No matter what he said, you had to remain calm.
“Excuse me my prince, I think I’ll take my walk in a different place,” you simply replied, avoiding to look at him.
“Why, we are having a pleasant conversation,” the man had the audacity to ask. You could feel the smugness emanating from him, you really could.
“No we don’t,” you flashed your gaze at him. “You’d have to be pleasant for that to happen my prince, and I assure you, you are anything but pleasant. Good day,” you curtsied, abandoning him in the gardens.
You knew that he had enjoyed tormenting you with his cruel words. You wanted nothing more than to hurt him in some way, but instead you decided to take a long walk, hoping to let off some steam. Maybe if you found lord Borros and managed to get him to ask for your hand, you’d soon get married and get as far away from the capital as possible.
Daemon stood in the spot you had left him, watching you as you fled from the gardens, amused. He had no idea why he liked riling you up, but he did. He could feel the anger flowing through you, he relished in the feeling it gave him.
He had caught a glimpse of you just before the tourney had started, when that oaf Baratheon had made a spectacle of asking for your favor. Did he really think that such a pathetic move would be enough to win over the heart of a woman?
Daemon could see that you were not interested in him. You were just doing your duty, as per your station. Yet your father was trying his best to get the storm lord to ask for your hand, despite the foul reputation the oaf had.
It would be a shame, Daemon thought, to let a woman like you be sullied by a man like Borros. It was why he had brought the favor back to you after the match had ended. It was scandalous, to be sure, but Daemon was never known to be a man of discretion. Not to mention that your dress was his favorite shade of purple, so close to the color of his eyes. It almost called to him.
He still remembered that warm feeling that had enveloped him when your eyes met. It was like nothing he had ever felt before. Being a dragon, he was no stranger to warmness and fire; yet this was different. This type of fire was neither harmful, nor scorching. It was the sort you felt when you were near someone you cared, someone you wanted to spend the rest of your life with…
He shook his head, trying to get a grip on his wild emotions. Perhaps it would be best to steer clear of you for the foreseeable future. It was not his place to interfere with the affairs of lords and ladies. He promised to keep away from you, hoping the oaf would ask for your hand soon, and you’d be out of his life soon. Yes, that would be ideal. He left the gardens, heading to the Dragonpit to take Caraxes for a flight, ignoring the pang he felt when he thought of you married to the Baratheon fool. Yes, a flight would surely help him clear his head.
There goes the first one. I'll be posting the second one soon!
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ya-zz · 10 months
👁👄👁 I have a request. Ramattra non-con fic and I'll make it darker. Fem!reader believes Omnics are just bots (aka don't have feelings, wants) and when she meets Ramattra she spits out that he's just a machine to follow her commands, so he fucks her instead?
Draft it and edit it, figured it out- ANYWAY, apologies this took awhile! But here we are! ♥
Hoping no other requests get ghost deleted... I have them all written down anyway.
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Ramattra x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1891
You were there before the uprising, watching on as omnics slowly grew in numbers, completing everyday tasks that humans could already easily do. They were machines made to follow commands and not one had emotions of their own. They simply followed their programming, whether that was cooking, cleaning, serving guests. Omnics were basically slaves to mankind. 
That was until the uprising happened. Omnics all over the world began having their own thoughts and feelings. They were sentient, and many fought to keep that. Lives were lost, both human and machine, and before long, omnics were mixed in with human affairs, living day to day lives much like any other species would. 
While many accepted it, you did not and everyone knew that. It’s probably why many people avoided you, but to hell with them, right? Machines are meant to work, humans are meant to leisure. Omnics don’t have wants or needs, they don’t have their own emotions. That was something you had believed and stuck to. 
That was, until you pissed off the wrong omnic. 
Ramattra arrived at the base some weeks ago, however you were mid mission, not aware there was a new visitor among fellow colleagues. He already had a room made up for him - one fitted with a bed, not that he needed it, a desk for his private workings as well as a wardrobe for his cowls and assortment of clothes he rarely wore. 
He had heard the stories of your disdain for omnics, and hatred coursed through his wires. While he had somewhat grown to be more friendly to humans, he had already begun hating you, and he hadn't even met you. He had heard stories of how you had mistreated omnics, and he knew that you would never accept him for who he was. He was determined to prove you wrong, but he knew that it would be difficult.
There was a tension in the air around him whenever someone mentioned your name, that anger rising within him more. You were a threat to him, a target for him to eliminate one way or another. 
When you returned, hands fumbling with the reports you finished on the ride back, you handed them over to the commander before heading straight to your room. Throwing the bag on the bed, you flop down next to it, groaning at the achiness in your shoulders and back. It was a tough mission, but one that was successful nonetheless. 
You did your job and that’s what mattered most. While you were suffering a few bruises, scrapes and a shallow wound to your arm, nothing major happened to warrant a trip to the med bay. It was almost a perfect no casualty mission, until one member suffered near fatal wounds from a nearby explosion. It was something that made you freeze for a moment before picking yourself back up and continuing the task at hand. 
Heading to the bathroom, you strip off your clothes, letting them pile on the bathroom floor before letting the water run warm for a shower. A bath would be nice, but you wanted to sleep sooner rather than later. 
Letting the water embrace your body instantly soothed some of the achiness in your shoulders. It was a comforting feeling, knowing that you were safe within the confines of your quarters. With shaky arms, you scrub your body, feeling the tightness within the muscles as you stretch and tense, hissing in slight pain. 
Blood seeped through the wound, something of which stung as the water and suds hit the open cut. Sucking in a breath, you analyse it, pulling at the skin. Shallow and not life threatening; a relieved sigh escaped you. 
Minutes pass by, the water turned off and your body dry and clothed as you sit on the edge of the bed, looking down at your hands. With another inhale, you stand, heading to the door. Upon opening it, you freeze. 
“What the hell do you want?” You look up at the omnic before you, the tall, brooding figure blocking your exit. 
“A greeting would be nice, but I assume you’re too crude for that.” He retorts. 
“Excuse me?” Crossing your arms over your chest, you glare up to the white faceplate. 
He huffed, head tilting slightly. “I have heard stories.” 
“So? Is that all you have to say?” His figure gets a little taller as he stands straight. 
You squint, feeling the tension in the air. “What are you getting at?”
“I was hoping the stories were wrong, but I stand corrected.” 
You smirk, taking a step forward. “Why do you care? You’re just a machine built to follow orders that are thrown to you, no matter who they come from-” 
All air got caught in your throat as his hand comes up and grips it tightly, squeezing as he pushes you backwards into your room. The door slams shut behind him and he locks it effortlessly. 
“What-” You choke out, feeling your body being pushed backwards onto the bed. 
“We are more than machine.” Ramattra growls, his vocaliser low. His body pushes against you, full weight trapping you down against the mattress. 
A whimper escapes you as you try to fight back, arms grabbing and hitting the omnic to try and get him off of you. “Get off! What the fuck is wrong with you?”
A sly chuckle escapes the omnic while he watches you squirm. “What is wrong with me? Perhaps, you should rethink your words.” 
You glare up, eyes focussing on the red flickering lights on his forehead. A hand travels down your body, pulling and tugging at the shorts you were wearing. 
“No- Don’t-” With wide eyes and a panic surging through your body, you continue to push against him, but his weight was too much. 
“Oh?” He chuckles once again, one hand keeping you held down on the bed by your throat as the other pulls down the fabric of your shorts and underwear. “Finally realising your mistake?” 
His fingers waste no time in entering you, hard digits pushing and scissoring the soft walls inside. The yelps you release only fuelled him more, thrusting his fingers in further. 
“St-stop!” Your hands grip onto his metal frame, one final attempt to push him off but to no avail. His hand never leaves your throat as the other violently thrusts into you. 
“Someone like you should be punished in every way imaginable.” His vocaliser lowers again, seemingly enjoying the abuse he’s handing out. “Perhaps you should be more mindful of your words.” 
“F-fuck you.” You spit, feeling lightheaded as you feel his hand clamp down harder. 
Between the whimpers and yelping, Ramattra’s circuits grow warm with the feeling of power that he has over you. The coarse mewls escaping your throat only fuel his rage further, removing his fingers from inside of you before he slips off his privacy plate and throwing it to the side.
Dragging his metallic fingers over his cock, coating it with your juices, he wastes no time in lining himself up. He watches your eyes widen, a smug feeling flowing through his wires as he shoves himself inside of you, eliciting a scream from you. He’s quick to move a hand to your mouth, muffling the cries for help and the screaming for him to stop. Tears prick your eyes, slowly rolling down your cheeks as you violently shake your head to the side.
Hands pushed and pulled, trying to get him to let go, but no matter what strength you could muster out, nothing would work. Your breathing was shallow already, growing harsh as his grip never faltered on your neck and mouth.
When he saw you turning red, eyes rolling back, he leans in close, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Scream and you will suffer more than what is happening now.” 
With eyes wide with shock, you nod frantically, wanting to breathe. Wanting to live.
He waited for a moment, and when he deemed you worth enough of air, he let you go; both of his hands moving to grab your wrists, pinning you completely on the bed. 
The air filled your lungs instantly, a few gasps made your head fuzzy as he adjusted himself, pulling out and snapping his hips back to yours. The metal stung as it connected to your bare skin, his pace was relentless as he kept slamming into you, cock hitting deep inside as he didn’t faulter in speed or strength. 
“P-Please… Stop…” You cry out, feeling the bruising grip on your wrists get tighter. Everything hurt, your muscles tightening in your shoulders as your throat scratched with every breath released. 
“Not until you have learnt your lesson.” He snarls, moving your wrists up above your head, gripping them with one had as his other grabs at your chest. Rough hand movements pulled and tugged at your skin, grabbing your breasts as he continued to thrust hard. He pinched, listening to your cries that you tried to keep quiet. 
Ramattra never slowed, cock hitting deep inside, bruising both the inside and outside of your body. His metal frame creaked slightly, fans whirring quickly to try and cool himself down as he grunts. His optics lock onto your eyes, aperture focusing onto your disgruntled face, eyebrows furrowed in pain, eyes shut tight as you bite your lip, wanting the assault to be over. 
The quiet sobs and cries are music to his receptors as his hips snap to yours. He feels your pulse through your wrists as his hand tightens around them.
“Such a pitiful human, but such a good girl for me.” He coos, faceplate hovering above your face as his optics look over you once more before he buries his head into the crook of your neck, feeling the soft hum of your vocals as you whimper. “You are taking me so well. Such a good human… A good pet.” He felt your heartbeat rise suddenly, a chuckle escaping his vocaliser. 
Despite the cries, despite the pain, you could feel him tensing. Not just his hands around your wrists, but his entire body. 
He felt it too, knowing he was close. Circuits sparked inside, fans whirring quicker as his sensors flared up with many errors. Optics flickered alongside the lights on his forehead as he snaps his hips one final time into you, quickly moving his hand to cover your mouth as you scream out. 
His sensors seize up, servos frozen as he temporarily reboots. A warm feeling fills you as you shake your head, nudging his hands away from you as you push his frame back. Panting heavily, with tear stained cheeks you keep pushing before he wakes back up. 
“Get the fuck off of me.” 
Ramattra chuckles, vocaliser clicking as it resets. “I see you still have not learned anything.” He sits up straight, pulling you back to him by your hips. 
“Oh, my sweet little thing.” His thumbs dig into the dips of your hips, pushing against the bone, threatening to bruise. His cock rests against your already bruised cunt as he leans down to glare at you. 
Ramattra’s optics scan you, noticing the shift in demeanour. He thought he got through to you, but not quite. He sighs, leaning further to your ear as his vocaliser lowers.
“Perhaps another lesson is needed.”
Tag list: @satans-codpiece
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memoriesndew · 3 months
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the events of 01/03/2024 || friday
happy new month, everyone. I pray you have a great start to this new month, and that this month will be a month of joy and success for you.
Today wasn't like any other day because I had a little more to do, and I started my day with that (I did not sleep) after I did a few tasks like resetting my notion for the month (like cleaning tracker, skin care tracker and habit tracker — I made my workout plan later in the day)
I realized the time so after I finished the little work I did I decided to work out after working out I took a shower. As far as I'm concerned the day was good I was able to complete my daily tasks and I was actually able to study - just feel really grateful
☆ today's small wins
● I hit 10k steps today - a great way to start the month
● completed today's daily reading - feels good {henry danger}
● I worked out - I did all the videos feeling very proud
● I was on time for most tasks
● did my skincare in the morning and night - hehehhe
● I finally made some study notes
☆ today's self-care
● watched the office - during study breaks
● listened to music - as always hamilton
● read like Adrinette fics - I've completed the one I was reading before {it was a really good read}
● I took a well-deserved afternoon nap
☆ teco's(towards easter camp-out) review
● I did everything under weight loss - except eat after 8pm - I lost track of time studying
● I did 5 instead of 10
● the only thing I didn't do was use rice water
● I read 8 :(
● my mum said next Tuesday but I'll definitely have to remind her
🎧 ceilings ~ Lizzy McAlpine
🎬 the office s5 ep21 ~ was nice
link to the notion template: glow up planner
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sinvulkt · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
Wow, thank you so much for the tag @fanfictasia !! I've wanted to participate in something like this forever!! 🎶✨️✨️
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Right now? 66.
"Yes, as a star wars writer, I am very proud of that. No, I do not intend to change it anytime soon."
I really need to focus on (and finish) some of my WIPs, and that mean trying not to disperse my energy amidst one shots (no matter how much i love monthly challenges and fic exchange events). Also I'm very proud of that 66 count and want to appreciate it xd.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
321k words!!
(More or less 100k / year 🎶 little me would never believe that 0.0
My school exam results sure don't, with how they are dropping 🤣)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Star wars mostly (Vaderkin or my OC Sinvulkt), then Marvel (Dr Strange), Dream SMP (Dream), Le Visiteur du Future (Renard) and more recently Batman (Bruce Wayne) as well as Avatar: the last airbender (Zuko).
Plus the original stories I am supposed to write but almost never end up doing xd (the engagement in fandom compared to original stories make the switch hard xd).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1. Dreamt of a Never Ending Sky (Dream SMP)
669 kudos
2. To Fly Free Under The Morning Sun (Star Wars)
480 kudos
3. On the Edge of Twilight (Star Wars)
380 kudos
4. Scales of Embers (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
353 kudos
5. Crash Landing on Space Australia (Star Wars)
319 kudos
I'll never know how my Dream SMP fic got so much engagement. Good timing at a moment the fandom was in effervescence, I guess. Scales of Embers scoring so high is also a surprise 0.0. I discovered it had that many kudos today. It’s a shame the Dr Strange fandom is small because I think my Dr Strange WIP What If Doctor Strange Lost His Humanity ? would have deserved a place here. It definitely does in my heart.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! As a reader, I always feel super happy when the author shows that they’ve read and appreciated my comments. I know that personality an author who answers make me more likely to want to drop a comment.
As an author, I absolutely want to show how much I love every single comments, so I try to answer them all. But I get a little overwhelmed sometimes, bcs lots of other stuff going on irl or another reason. As such, it can happen that I don't feel the energy to answer a comment on the spot. And if I don't answer it on the spot (using the power of the wiggy dizzy nice happy feeling of getting a comment), I don't necessarily have the energy to answer later on. I currently have something like 60 unanswered comments I think? TT.TT
But rest assured that whether I answered or not, I absolutely adore and cherish every single ones!! Comments are amazing! ✨️.✨️
(This kind of engagement is one of the only reason I managed to settle into such an active rythm of writing after years of trying then dropping the hobby~)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Glance at my fics.
Uhhh... This is a hard question here... Many of them have angsty endings XD
Mostly the ones at the beginning (the worst written ones xd). I wonder why~
Also a lot of them don' have endings yet XD
I'll say amidst the 'old' fics from 2021, Day 8 - Screaming (Star Wars) would be the angstier one (or most horrible one ig xd).
But as far as recent fic go... While I haven't finished writing it bcs its wordcount exploded in my face, I already plotted / drafted it a few months ago and I know the ending, so I'll choose:
Batman’s Downfall (To Stand Alone) (Batman)
I noticed my kind of angst doesn’t have much success around these parts 🫠🤣. Oh well. I cherish it all the same :3.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Sometimes I think I wrote too many fics. It's hard to select one.
Uhhh... My fluffiest works are one shots in Of Feathers and Freedom serie, but they are part of the series so it’s not really an 'ending'.
I'll answer for the crackiest story rather than the happiest ending bcs all my finished fics ending are ominous open ending at best xd.
The Blob Adventures Of Excentrics Jedi (Star Wars)
Because it's cute blob drawings of our crazy team of OC in taaoej, and I love them (although we are all angst lovers in taaoej, so it's more crack-angst, and we don't know the ending bcs there isn't really one. Not yet at least. Hopefully never).
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Just my own innervoice as far as I'm aware. But then I've always been rather clueless when people tried to 'hate on me'. The message usually just got lost somewhere in dreamspace immensity, never computing.
I've found the fandoms communities really welcoming at the very least!!
9. Do you write smut?
I don't really enjoy reading smut. Nor romance for the matter. I don't think I'd enjoy writing it.
But maybe I'll try one day, for the sake of experimenting all genres.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I never did. I don't know why. Maybe I just never felt the need to mix characters and universes. There are amazing crossovers out there though, so who knows, maybe one day I'll try one.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of. In all honesty, I don't think my works are nearly popular enough to get stolen xd.
My writing style isn’t that good yet, and my dislike of romance when the majority of the fandom community is ship-powered means I end up in a corner quite niche. (A corner I love, that being said. Yay Crack, Angst and Gen~)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but maybe I'll translate some of mine in french someday. Be it only so that I do write fiction in my native language from time to time.
Anyone that wanna translate my fics, feel free to!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes, To Fly Free Under The Morning Sun (Star Wars)!!
I’m still waiting for my co-author @purpleopossum to come back to me / get back in star wars mood to continue that one. 🫠
Can’t say my hopes are that high up after all this time, but it’s the redemption | healing part of the serie and I don’t really have fun writing alone redemption | healing part... i prefer doing the whole mayhem that create the injury in the first place. And with how long some of my fics hiatus are (and I got no excuse for those xd), it’s only fair for me to wait. (I did write more other works for the dragon Vader serie in the meantime xd).
I made an oath to myself to never leave a work unfinished though, so we’ll see. If in several years purple still doesn’t wish to continue it, or if she inform me she is dropping the story, I’ll try to make some kind of ending. It’s part of the game i guess.
Alternatively, the The Amazing Adventures Of Excentrics Jedi universe is a group of star wars OCs that we made together with @pat-the-togorian , @asteral-feileacan , @ct2002-rema and Xylian. I don’t know if that count as co-writing? We usually write our OCs pov.
But in all cases, co-writting is very fun and I’d definitely do it again if other opportunities arise in the future.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
The absence of ship is my all-time favorite ship. Otherwise, "main character / digging their own grave" would be my 'favorite ship' since I tend to synch with idiots snarky jerks disasters.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
To Fly Free Under The Morning Sun (Star Wars) that I mentioned for question 13? 🤣
More seriously, I'll answer On the Edge of Twilight (Star Wars)
Because it's my vent fic. I know the main plot line, I vaguely know the current arc, but no one can predict where the next arc will go. It's all pure impulse and while I have a vague idea of 'ending', I refuse to plan a path towards it. This fic specifically, I want to keep pure impulse. So I'd love for it to become some kind of "The NeverEnding Story". :3
16. What’s your writing strengths?
I write.
No seriously, it's not something I did four years ago appart from vent poems here and there. Writing is in itself a huge writing strenght!
Otherwise I'm also a bottomless well of idea. It's pretty neat.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
... romance?
Or dialogues. Lastly I have a lot of frustration around the transition from dialogue / transition / dialogue. I feel like I'm crap at properly timing that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's fun. I do it for games sometimes. Since apparently writing normally is not chllenging enough for my brain sometimes. It did teach me bits of mando'a.
Recently for Sēċan (Star Wars) I decided last minute to put the whole droid dialogue in morse, and I regret none of it.
I'm usually only doing it for one shots though, and never 'official existing' languages until now.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star wars :p
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Now that's another hard question, how am I supposed to select one.
I'm gonna answer the whole Of Feathers And Freedom (Star Wars) serie. Bcs wings. :3
Tag time~ (if you wish to)
@purpleopossum @pat-the-togorian @cinderfeather @beguilewritesstuff @purple-iris @dreaminghour @ravenite-void @trickstress333 @bluntblade @doctorgeekery @stewardofningishzida @jenae-0 @trickstress333 @kittonafoxgirl @pastelcourage @salparadiselost @kefalion @charlottevader @ravenstakeflight @starr234 @aelaer @sarcasticfirefighter @mckiwi @linzerj @sonderwalker @exomal @tonhalszendvics @nephilimswitchlight @firejay112 @only-here-for-the-star-wars @ajedilikehisfather @makaronik @chickadeechickadoo @dirtkid123 @numerousbees1106 @akizumy @25centsoda @udekai @wendingways @silvereddaye @in-company-of-misery @wisechaosglitter @kuraiarcoiris @alright-anakin @wyvunn you're more than welcome to join on the interview fun!! (Or to ignore the tagging if not interested xd).
I know I tagged. I lot of people. Some of you may recognise my pseud, some may not. But I thought it would be interesting to hear the answer of the various authors with whom I interacted on ao3 over the years, so I went and digged up those with tumblr I could find from my inbox 🤣
(Hopefully I didn’t bother any of you >.< - otherwise I apologize. Same for if I accidentally tagged a non-writer.)
I'd love to hear your answers! 🎶
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
@myfairkatiecat Thanks for the tag, sorry this took so long. (@sophieswundergarten thanks for the reminder 💕)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8 so far. It's not a lot, but I make up for it in length.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
417,645 💀
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively tmbs so far, but I plan on doing some Wolf359 fics when I (finally) finish the podcast. Sadly all my ideas are long. I'm sorry.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Since I have so few fics I'll just give the list:
S.O.S., by a lot. I'd like to thank the show's cancellation for my unexpected success.
The Oldest Siblings , mainly due to it's association with SOS (it's the prequel in the series)
Treat Them With(out) Mercy
Who You Were Meant To Be
A Joy To Obey and It Should Have Been Us are tied
The Boys Who Waited
Sirens of the Sea and Sky: dead last with 3 modest kudos. This fic is the equivalent of having a kid in a school recital who screams the whole time and knocks down the set. He might be a disaster, but he's my kid and I'm proud. This fic is ridiculous, but it makes me laugh anyway. I don't know how burnt out finals Bods came up with this, but by golly...she did.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Of course! I think I've responded to every comment I've ever gotten (if not I'm so sorry please let me know). I appreciate every one of them, and I love talking about the ideas in my idea and the fics I write, so please know that every comment you leave totally brightens my day! 🥰
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. Right now "The Boys Who Waited" probably has the angstiest and most ominous ending, but we'll see what happens.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably "A Joy To Obey" since it's my main fluff fic with a nice ending. A great read if you like lighter stuff.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Not yet. If I did, I'm not even sure what I'd do. Depends on the hate. I might cry. I might laugh, honestly. I don't think I'm nearly important, good, or noticeable enough for that so I might be a little flattered ngl (unless it was something vulgar or hateful towards a certain group of people then I'd delete and block the person). I'm sure people have read my writing and not liked it, but I think they just click away.
9. Do you write smut?
No, that's not for me. Especially because I'm writing for a children's fandom, I just don't think that's appropriate.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No, but I've done some AU's on tumblr.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Also this is a small fandom so if a fic of mine DID get stolen, it would be pretty awkward and obvious. Don't plagiarize kids.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honored if anyone wanted to do that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
No, but that could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Why the MV Shortcut, of course! /jk
I don't really have a lot of ships I get super invested in, I prefer platonic relationships. If I think of one I'll let you guys know.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You'll find out. (Don't worry about SOS. I promised I'd finish it and I intend to keep my word).
16. What are your writing strengths?
According to my readers, dialogue, characterization, themes, weaving multiple storylines together, and plot twists.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write a short fic to save my life, and I can't edit to save my life. I also just publish my first drafts because I have no impulse control (sorry).
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Funny enough I’ve done this, but only canon MBS dialogue where I've translated it directly from the show's subtitles. If I made an error, please let me know.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mbs, and so far just mbs. Hoping to expand someday when I magically have more time (and finish Wolf359).
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
SOS, just because of what a fun journey it's been.
Tags: @phtalogreenpoison @oflightningandstars @mvshortcut @sqenthusiast @itsgoghtime @amphibious-entity @mysteriouseggsbenedict and anyone who hasn't been tagged yet but wants to do it (sorry if I accidently double tagged)
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scienceoftheidiot · 2 months
Ok listen I like these posts about how AO3 kudos and hits don't mean much about the quality of your writing and I do stand by it
But it would make me roll my eyes a lot less if the people who made those posts didn't consider a fic with over 200 kudos (TWO. HUNDRED.) "not working" or "low engagement".
Low. Engagement. Two hundred people. Wtf.
Dudes ? I consider myself successful and I only have a couple of fics that are over 200 kudos. Those are the most important ones I've written, be it the one I'm currently writing or the one I have not managed to finish years ago and that is still receiving kudos (in another fandom. Never again. The guilt is still there. Yet I can't). Either way, I cherish each and every kudos I get. That means. Over 200 actual living people. Have read my stuff.
This is the same when I have like 3 or 4 or 20 kudos. That means actual real people have read and liked enough to click a button telling me so. Real people. Fuck, that's awesome.
Not even talking about comments because those have been keeping me actually up and functional these last three-four days (if you read this, thank you SO MUCH, I'll try to reply soon - and churn out a new chapter).
What I mean is : those posts are made by people who want to be nice and are, but honestly are lucky enough to write what most of a big big fandom wants, just as they say themselves. That also means they have their numbers incredibly mixed. They're disconnected from most of fic writers.
My most "working" fics have around 200 kudos and this is an INSANE number. Contrary to the people in these posts, I do not consider myself struggling to get views or kudos or comments because of these numbers - it's the total contrary (even if like all writers I crave them!!! I do!!!! The dopamine surge!!! How people underline their fave parts of the chapter!!! DID I MAKE THEM CRY). I'm actually baffled that my fics and especially the one that I'm currently writing are getting so many people to click on them, given how old the fandom is and what I write about.
I'm not saying be happy with what you got if you want to be famous or anything. Just. Put some perspective behind the numbers.
Two. Hundred. Actual. Real. Living. Individuals.
Is a HELL of a lot.
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indouloureux · 2 years
hello!! im such a big fan of your work, your joe fics makes me feel soft and loved 🥺 i was wondering if i i could please maybe request something about him dating a shy reader who has a stutter and tends to get frustrated about her stutters when she's trying to talk or tell a story? i'll be starting therapy for my stutter next week and i'm feeling a bit nervous 😅 thank you so much! i hope you have the loveliest day ! 😄💖
aaa baby thank u so much i love u :(( good luck with the therapy next week! sending kisses mwah mwah!!
Tumblr media
the gentle dialogue from the low volume of the tv makes him laugh, though you think he only he does that because there's this obnoxious laugh track that follows after a lame joke. albeit you smile at the sound of his baritone giggle, closing the door gently behind you.
you see his head pop up from the couch, the vibrant abstract of his happy socks padding across the floor once he sees you. he smiles brightly, opening his arms, and you meet him halfway.
he grunts when you gently tackle him with a hug, your arms around his torso, swaying gently. he presses his lips on the crown of your head, his warmth radiating through your cold body.
"hey, baby," joseph greets softly, pulling away but keeps his hands on your biceps. "how are you? how's your day?"
you swallow thickly, the words at the tip of your tongue. "i- it-it was good! um- uh, it was a bit b-boring and–"
his eyebrows raise. a silent go on.
you try to speak again. "um- they– were g- this is stupid,"
"hey, baby, no!" joseph bends down lightly, lips twisted into an empathetic pout. "come on, baby. it's not stupid. tell me, come on."
the words refuse to cooperate with your mouth, apparently. your lips clamp shut, hands clenching into a fist and bunches up his shirt. joseph senses your frustration and slowly brings his hands to your shoulders; eyes sympathetic rather than pitying, his lips into a frown.
when you sigh in irritation, removing a hand to place your wrist against your forehead, he speaks up. "you can do this, love. just rehearse it in your mind, yeah? gotta speak slowly so you can enunciate it better. can you try for me, baby?"
you refuse to meet his eyes, suddenly nervous with your cheeks burning in embarrassment. you stare at the button of his nose instead, focusing on the feeling of his hands that move to cup your jaw, and wonder how he's got this very long patience for you.
joseph's always too kind to you. and although he's like this with everyone, it leaves you lovestruck. it's a silly feeling that makes your belly swarm with butterflies to see how patient he is to hear you speak, how bright and happy he gets when you get through your stutter and tell him something that gets him just as excited as you are.
"i..." you look up at him, see his raised eyebrows, the curves on his forehead and the anticipation across his face that makes your heart warm. "my day was o-okay. i saw- i saw a stray dog outside. he- he's so cute, joey. he s-saw me, and his tail star- started wagging, right? a-and he made thes- these small whines and i j-just felt so bad not being a-able to give- give them some food,"
"and i w-was gonna ask if it's o-okay with you if w-we– we can take out some food for- for him?"
joseph smiles proudly, leaning in to press a kiss on your forehead; a long, doting one that singes beautifully against your skin. "atta baby. did well for me, yeah?" you giggle. "we can take food out for him, honey. give me your bag and i'll get my shoes, 'kay? then we can go visit the dog."
your heart aches, feeling proud of yourself for the success of finishing a sentence. but mostly because joseph's thrilled. his kiss tingles against your skin. and when he comes back from the bathroom, your bag gone and a pair of shoes that contrasts rather horrifyingly against his socks, your can't help but smile.
"let's go feed that dog, yeah?" he slings an arm around your shoulder, pressing his lips against your hair and pulling you closer to him. hips flush against one another. "now, why don't you go tell me more."
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