#ooc: oh wait until he finds out she can sign :3
scrappy-urchin · 9 months
At long last... a starter for @bcrnt-petcls
Yellow eyes as wide as two moons stared curiously at Mara. The boy's grey scales were raised oh-so slightly, nervously -- he had never been so close to a fire monster -- what if she burns him?! Compared to the child's stout frame, Mara is as tall as a bean stalk. But instead of curled leaves at the tippy-top of the sky, it's a lick of purple flame that earned his fascination.
Not so distant was his sister, standing there with arms folded and a big ol' toothy grin plastered on her face. Just a moment ago, they could be seen signing at each other frantically as soon as the boy laid eyes on Fire Lady.
"Go ahead and talk to her," she signed.
"But what if she doesn't understand…?"
"Use your tablet and write her a message then, dummy! Why d'you think Dad got that thing for you?" Her signing was brisk, intending to hype up her brother. "Where's your SPIRIT?? Your sense of ADVENTURE???"
Then, when it was obvious his sister wanted him to brave the possibly-not-signing adult interaction on his own, he puffed up his chest and approached Mara.
What to say to the stranger who looked so awesome and cool (no pun intended)?: a stiff little wave and an dolphin-like squeal was all he could muster.
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pfft-me · 2 years
RiseLeo x Reader
(Reader is female in this one)
Hello, Im new to actually writing anything on tumblr and basically poting at all. This was just something that came to mind at like 3 am so I typed it down. The turtles may be ooc, so sorry about that.
So in this Leo is just frustrted and insecure that he cant do couply things with reader, but reader doesnt care cuz she doesnt even like going out.
"Im stupid? Youre the incompetent one" Donnie pointed a finger at Leo. Who was just casually eating his third slice of pizza.
"No you're stupider?" He crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow.
"Leo" i warn the turtle, bitting into my pizza. I was sat in between the twins, ignoring there bickering until now.
"Are you choosing my gosh awful twin over, moi? Your very loving boyfriend?" He pulled me into his plastron, fake tears prominent in his eyes
"Tello was my friend before i even knew of the Hudden City and mutants, Leon" i sighed not wanting to deal with their dramatics, well mainly Leo but my heart was beating for this turtle regardless of how narcissistic he could be.
"Well, well that doesnt excuse anything" he pouted, resting his chin on my head.
"Actually it does. She was very mad at me and refused to talk to me for a while. April had to help me out" Don scrolled through his phone with a slice of pizza in the other.
"If you think about it, she got to know all of us before Leo" Mikey scratched his chin before shrugging.
"Heh, yeah she did. Looks like youre the last turtle Leo" Raph chuckled patting Leo on the shoulder to which he slapped his hand away.
"Yeah, well shes my girlfriend! Who cares if she got to know me last. Its like they say "the best for last" his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me into his lap. I could hear him mumbling into my shoulder, along with his plastron rumbling.
"Dont worry so much about it hun, like you said im yours" i pat his head calming the small growling he was doing for now at least
"Hey, not to cause any drama, but what about that guy who keeps dming you?" Donnie looked up from his phone turning to look at me. My eye twitched a bit
"What!?" The blue masked turtle tightened his grip on me, looking as if he wanted to stab his twin.
"Donnie!" All of us yelled, me more so whining that he even mentioned it. Sure I told Donnie but it seemed that he also told Mikey and Raph.
"What? Im just curious" he shrugged his shoulder with out a care in the world. Sometimes I wished he wasnt so curious. I understood why he asked but at the same time he and I had certain days where we got things off our chest. We also had signs and signals when he usually wanted to talk.
"Who is it? Do you know him? Do we know him? Do you like him?" The more questions he asked the more his grip tightened. It was as if he thought I was going to be taken away.
"Listen its just a classmate. No need to worry" I wiggle myself out of his grip, causing him to whine, but I just spun myself around so my chest was agaisnt his.
"Tello as much as I love how curious you are can you not right now? Didnt you want to show me your newest gadget?"
"Oh, oh yeah. Wait hold on its not ready!" He gasped, quickly running out the main room giggling to himself about the invention.
"Mikey lets go find some stickers to put in my shell" raph took a box of pizza and Mikeys hand pulling the youngest to his room.
"Leon?" I cup his cheek
"No im ok. Im fine. Everythings great" he wouldnt look at me and stared off into space.
"Leon, you know i love you right?" I force him to look at me.
"Oh course I do. You are very honest. Sometimes more than I want you to be" he gave a half hearted chuckle
"Then you shouldnt worry so much, Blue" I kissed his beak.
"I just, i, ugh, i cant help it. Hes a human and im, well im me. A mutant. We cant do things like normal couples and it frustrates me. I want you to be happy and, and, and-" he gripped his head, sliding them down his face. He was pouting and his eyes downcasted.
"Leonardo, I could care less about doing couply stuff. Sure its nice but you know me. Im a homebody. I love staying home with you, to cuddle you, to kiss you, to watch jupiter Jim and lou jitsu re-runs. Oh hun I couldnt ask for someone better, and you know I didnt talk to you because you intimidated me" I lay my head against his plastron.
"I did?" His voice perked up as he sat up straight.
"Yep, you did. I found you so cute and so much fun. You have such an amazing personality that I felt as if i was too boring for someone like you" i sighed
"Babe, you could never be boring. Though you are kind of a nerd. Oww, ok Im sorry" i pinched his arm but kiss him afterward. He hummed bringing his 3 fingers to cup my neck.
"I wouldnt trade you for the world"
"Not even for soup and pasta?" his cheeky smile widened.
"Woah buddy" i slap his shoulder "know your place" he tackled me, laughing as we rolled into the floor. We laid there for a bit before he lifted us up. I was still in hisr arms so I wrapped my legs around his waist. "What wrong?"
"I need some cuddles and some kisses, definitely a lot of kisses, maybe something even more" he wiggles his eyebrow, causing me to slap his shoulder, then look away so he didnt see my blooming face "gotcha" he pecked my cheek and we carried on to the room.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Ask game, please! This is probably OOC but during the event of the first book, or maybe a little before, Adolin flips the bird at his father and decides that he deserves nice things, such as beautiful clothes instead of stuffy uniform and also some stabbing. Renarin approves of his brother being happy. Please.
We can let Adolin snap earlier, as a treat.
1- the reason is this- he wears that lovely embroidery he did, and Dalinar makes a comment about not being a fop (read: gay (remember homophobic blackthorn flashback??)) in earshot of Renarin, who Adolin knows is gay because they're good brothers ya know. And Adolin, who's already resisted stabbing Sadeas once that day in defense of Renarin, snaps. "Is that really the worst thing I can be, Father? I'm perfectly capable of remembering honor in my command, in dueling, in keeping my head while also holding a needle on occasion. You keep the code as much as you wish, Almighty knows it's better than being a drunkard, and I'll practice something called moderation."
2- and honestly Adolin feels back afterwards but like he can't back down?? Because he's not going to look weak or like he's putting his father over his brother, even though Renarin doesn't need him to do this. And, well, it feels good in a way- Sadeas isn't a problem because he wears fashionable silks, he's a problem because he's reprehensible and murderously greedy. If Adolin can be a shining example of honor just as fashionable as him, won't that highlight Sadeas's problems better than his father's ways?
3- Anyway, Navani just shrugs when Dalinar complains to her. She's seen worse in the way of father son relationships and Adolin seems willing to work with him still on everything he's just wearing what clothes he wants. Elhokar is jealous of feeling that freedom under ever closer expectations and disapproval. And, since Adolin participating in trends again means that he becomes something of a leader in them, influencing the rest of the camps, and Sadeas somehow keeps finding himself behind, which he finds annoying.
4- he holds out hope that this is a sign he can turn Adolin against his father though, get a blackthorn 2. He's half right! Unfortunately for him, this means when Adolin comes to his secret meeting to hear him out about ousting his father, he comes armed with a knife and uh. Well. Anyway. You know :)
5- so while Kaladin is sneaking down into the cavern to get spheres for his men, he finds Adolin down there hiding a body. Sadeas's body. And his first reaction is "oh storms no, I'm not getting blamed for this too." Adolin is offended because he wouldn't throw this random guy under the bus, but Kaladin points to his forehead and you know, that everyone would believe Adolin (he doesn't recognize who this is at first, just saw the blue eyes under the hooded cloak), Adolin is like "ok true, but I still wouldn't." Kaladin asks if he even thought this through, and Adolin said he didn't, he just meant to defend his family- but now that he's thinking more clearly, it's likely someone will be called from the princedom to take over, maybe Amaran. (Kaladin: ew. Adolin: wait you don't like him either?) Kaladin figures this guy is crazy anyway and tells him the story. Adolin completely trusts him and reveals his identity, then points out there shouldn't be many bridge runs from Sadeas camp until there's a new leader, so perhaps Kaladin will have some time to meet with him in secret and they figure something out? Kaladin figures he has little left to lose and can at least set his men up well, and agrees.
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yannowhatigiveup · 3 years
My One And Only - Ch 5
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So here’s chapter 5, I made this a while back when I was still quite new in the community so a lot of things are prob gonna be OOC sorry. Also Tysm for all the notes and reblogs!!!! <3
Then Marinette's phone rang. Damian did get a bit suspicious at first but didn't want to invade her privacy. That was until Marinette's voice echoed through the TV's speakers.
"Hi Uncle Jagged!"
The look of astonishment in Damian's eyes made Marinette giggle. He was stunned in silence as he watched Marinette talk to the phone, her voice echoing slightly from the TV.
"Is it alright if Nadja asks you a few questions?"
"Sure I've got a few minutes" Marinette replied.
"Rock n' Roll!"" Jagged exclaimed before holding the phone, now on speaker, in front of Nadja.
"Hello MDC, this is Nadja Chamack and I'm here to ask you a few questions"
"Sure go ahead!"
"What was your first design for Jagged?"
"Oh yes I remember, it was an original design for an accessory he wanted to wear on his upcoming performance"
"It's actually in my hotel room right now" the voice of a proud Jagged Stone echoed somewhere behind the microphone of the phone.
"Interesting. Now for your actually name, what gave you the idea of calling yourself 'MDC'?"
"Actually, it was Uncle Jagged who suggested the idea."
"How many original designs have you made for Jagged Stone after adopting the name 'MDC'?"
"Oh uh I'd say we past the 100 mark but I can't give you an exact number at this very moment"
Nadja nodded "For our final question, Will you be doing commissions?"
"Actually I have considered it Nadja and I might do a test run soon but as of now, no. I have no plans to do commissions publicly in the near future"
"I see, it's been lovely talking to you MDC"
"Same here, goodbye!" Marinette ended the call and turned to face Damian, to see his reaction to the whole thing. He just stared wide eyed at her, Marinette giggled and that seemed to break him out of his trance. "Shaytan" she giggled again. "What are you're thoughts? How did I do?"
He was still silent, quickly piecing everything together before answering. "You did perfectly Habibti" he said, bringing his face closer to Mari's. Her face then turned a bright blush pink. Damian smirked at how red this girl's face was but that was when her blushing went through the roof. She got up, walked to the other side of Damian, sat back down, put her hands on the boy's left shoulder and proceeded to bury her face in his shoulder while letting out a moan of embarrassment. 'Adorable' "Angel it's fine, I was just teasing" He felt Marinette raise her head so he turned to face her only to be dragged down by Marinette herself. She pulled him down so the his body lay flat on the couch but his head landed on Marinette's lap. This time, she was the one to have the mischievous smile on her face.
"I win" she giggled.
Damian chuckled. "Fine, you win", Then the boy thought of something. "Hey can I ask you something?"
"Sure, what is it?"
"I know this is a lot to ask but do you think you can make something for my brothers?" Damian asked .
"You want them to be in you're debt"
"Yeah I want them to be in my debt"
Marinette giggled. "Sure I can make them something, I was going to do that anyway. Do you think I should make them all hats?"
"If you do, fedoras please"
Marinette laughed more. "Fedoras it is! But I might make them something like a jacket too!"
"Hey, are you staying for dinner?" The black-haired boy asked, half-hoping she would say yes.
"If you want me too, then sure"
"Great and there's something I want to discuss with you at dinner"
Adrien and Nino were having a competitive game of table football while Alya was on the couch, on her phone, trying to think of all the possible reasons why Marinette didn't mess her words up with Adrien. The only reasonable explanation was that she liked someone else. That someone could only be Luka as that's the only other guy Marinette liked but it still didn't make sense as Marinette clearly stated that she thought of Luka as a brother. Alya sighed in defeat which was noticed by Nino.
"Got any luck?" He asked.
"Nope, Max said that the voice was too pixelated" Alya had asked Max to try and find out MDC's identity but he hadn't have any luck. "Adrien, is Kagami coming over?"
"Yeah, she said she was on her way" the blonde boy said after winning against Nino for the tenth time. "But before she comes I want to talk to you guys about something"
"Sure dude"
"Go ahead"
Adrien took a big breath. "The thing is I like Kagami, I like her very much but recently I think something's changed. I still like her but I'm beginning to see Marinette as more than just a friend. I think I might be starting to have a crush on her but I'm still not sure as I also like Kagami" Adrien took another big breath, "So what are your thoughts?"
"Well it looks like you've got yourself in a pickle Adrien Agreste" Alya said. "First, before you do anything, do you know if they like you back?"
"Just listen to her I'm no good with this stuff" Nino said.
"Well I have a feeling Kagami likes me but since I've started to like Marinette I've been rejecting her advancements" he chuckled nervously.
"Well I all I can do is see how is plays out, sorry Adrien" Alya said, putting a hand on his shoulder to show her support.
Then they heard the sound of a door opening coming from down stairs. "That must be Kagami, I'll go get her" then Adrien left the room leaving Alya and Nino by themselves.
"The moment Adrien starts liking her, Marinette shows signs of not liking him anymore" Nino sighed.
"The universe just loves to play with love doesn't it?" Alya replied with an exasperated sigh.
Then Kagami came in followed by Adrien. "Hello everyone" Kagami said. Alya knew she need to talk with her.
"Hi Kagami! Can you come with me please? Adrien can we go talk in your bathroom? Thanks!" Without waiting for an answer from anyone she grabbed Kagami's hand a led her to the bathroom. Adrien looked at Nino confused but Nino just shrugged his shoulders and they both went to play table football again. "Sorry for dragging you like that but we need to talk about Marinette"
"Why is something wrong?" Kagami asked worriedly.
"Well not really" Kagami sighed in relief. "You know how Marinette doesn't like Luka anymore right?"
"Does she like him again even after saying he is like a brother to her?" Kagami asked.
"No I don't think she does. As this isn't really a secret I'll tell you, you see Marinette had this huge crush on Adrien" Kagami slowly nodded at Alya's words. "Emphasis on the 'had'. I think she likes someone else now"
"Is that the problem? That Marinette doesn't love Adrien anymore?" Kagami said a little on the harsh side.
Alya shook her head. "That isn't what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to find out is who does she is love now?”
Taglist: @little-bluestar, @miracleofadisaster, @frieddonutsweets
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jbbuckybarnes · 3 years
Scared & Sacred - Ch. 1
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader Description: The Mandalorian had helped you while you were hunted for your family name and you had grown a little closer over the months, but you didn’t expect THIS. How was this possible after just three times of getting so close to him. You had to find a nurse as fast as possible. Warnings: pregnancy, angst, lots of emotions, canon typical violence NOTE BEFORE READING: Din is already heavily questioning what he grew up with in this story. If you don’t like that or think it’s too ooc then please don’t read it.
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Chapter 1 - Scared
You were scared, so scared. You‘d been under Din‘s protection for a couple months now as you were part of a royal family that was hunted by the Empire. Both of you had danced around each other a lot, sharing tiny details here and there. You had grown closer to each other fast. It was amazing how fast two people could develop feelings without talking to each other much. The little gestures here and there were enough. But now you were finished counting the weeks on your holopad and you knew something was wrong. You were healthy after growing up in privilege. You didn‘t just stop having your cycle without a reason. The connection you had to your own body was a gift that you knew others couldn‘t indulge in, but it made you frantic even more. If something was off in your body you would‘ve noticed. 
You hadn‘t been private like this often. Only three times. 3 months ago, after the tension in the Crest had risen way too high. 2 months ago after you got hurt by a mercenary coming for you. 3 weeks ago, when you knew he needed to sleep and wouldn‘t give in so you took it into your own hands. You‘d like to think it was the second time. It was out of pure love, concern and passion. 
It was almost a given that he would react negatively if you told him. You weren‘t in a real relationship, you were constantly on the go with a dangerous job and you happened to be hunted for, not something that got easier with a child. But then you also knew that children are sacred in Din‘s religion. He told you when you were talking about Grogu. He also managed to survive with him, even though he got captured twice...and had magic powers to defend himself somewhat. A sigh left you as you sat up and typed into the holopad to figure out how to be sure that you were with child without a physician.
After you went through all the little things you‘ve found on the databanks, you were pretty sure. Still needed to see a nurse droid somewhere, but the signs were almost all there. All you were missing was nausea, but you knew not everyone had that. Your mother told you once that she never got sick with you. That must be the case with you too. 
„Dank ferrik,“ you murmured and heard a coo below you before you saw Grogu peak up to you. „Oh, hi Grogu.“ He answered with the coo he always made when called by his name. You picked up the little child and went over his big ears as he angled his head. „I‘m okay, just a little overwhelmed.“ You gave a reassuring smile but it didn‘t satisfy him. He wiggled to sit on your lap, put his tiny claws on your tummy and closed his eyes. You could feel a tingle for a couple seconds before he opened his big inky eyes again. „I know.“ You gave a smile with weak eyes and watched him snuggle against you. „I know you‘ll love them.“ You smiled and went over the back of his head, knowing that at least one being was happy about these news.
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The next planet you landed on was a mix between Sorgan and Yavin-4. A little more modern than Sorgan, but not quite as full of people as Yavin-4. You parted ways at the ramp. He was searching for an old friend with Grogu in his arm and you were about to get supplies for the further fly with a blaster and a knife beneath your cloak. He taught you how to shoot right in the beginning of your shared journey and it had saved you a couple times already. 
A ball-droid solemnly rolled past you like a little child and you crouched down in front of it to get its attention. A whirr was audible and you started smiling. „Hey, do you know where I can find a nurse droid?“ The astromech turned its head towards a small grey building and beeped. „Thank you, little one.“ You saw him wobble a bit, happy to have helped you. On the way to the building you got a couple of rations and veggies for the soup you planned on making in the evening.
„How can I help you?“ A small orange-pink woman asked when you stepped into the house. „I was told I could find a nurse droid here?“ You smiled at the old woman. „Yes, you‘re in luck. Second room to the right just got finished. Go ahead.“ You calmly walked towards the room and looked around for threats before stepping in. „What brings you here?“ The nurse droid beeped. „I suspect I might be pregnant. I wanted to make sure it‘s true and it‘s healthy.“ You gave a shy smile. You were told to lay down, the droid hovering next to you and slowly scanning your lower belly a couple times. „Yes, yes. You are with child, human. 2 months old, I don‘t detect any mutations. Do you have any symptoms?“ It looked up at you. „Not yet, thankfully.“ You nodded and the droid hummed. „You will need a lot of rest, dear. I will give you a bacta spray and pain killers, you seem like you travel a lot. You will need it.“ It turned around and went to get the things she mentioned. „It should be checked once a month if possible and bed rest is essential in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy.“ It continued while returning with the supplies. It seemed to have worked here for as long as the women at the front desk. Read you like a book. „Thank you. I‘m very grateful for what you do.“ You bowed your head a little as you took the things. „Stay healthy and come back here if you ever need anything, human.“ You nodded before stepping out. The two things she handed you landing in your bag. On the way back to the ship you got a few buns of bread, a bit of meat and treats for Grogu.
After you had unloaded your back inside of the Crest and put away all the food you sat down in your cot with the things the droid had handed you. An emergency bacta spray, a bottle of pregnancy-friendly painkillers and a tiny booklet. You opened the booklet. *Human babies need to stay in the womb for at least 36 weeks to be birthed without big complications. 40 weeks is ideal. Pregnant women should check up at least once a month and every week in the last two months of pregnancy.* You scanned over all types of information about your body, what you would need in each month, when it would start moving and how to prepare for birth. Now it finally set in fully. You were having a baby. With a man that you‘ve only seen with a damn beskar helmet on. Your eyes went down on yourself before you put a hand on your belly that didn‘t show yet. „We‘re gonna be okay.“ You whispered before you heard the ramp open and hid the booklet away between your pillow and the thin material you called a mattress.
„And?“ You looked up at him when he entered your eyesight. „Not much, just a lead on another Mandalorian.“ He shrugged before grabbing a bottle he got, turning around and lifting the helmet enough to drink a little. The child looked up at him curiously, like he always did when Mando did this. „I‘m gonna make soup in a bit.“ You mentioned and got a little hum back before he went up the ladder to take off again. Grogu slowly made his way over to you as you got up to get the veggies ready. He always liked to help with making food. Mainly because he could steal away little bits of it everytime. You put two different veggies in front of him and pointed at them, „Do you think it‘s a brother or a sister?“ He grabbed the one you pointed at for sister and held it up with babbles coming from his tiny mouth. „I‘d love that too.“ You smiled at him with fondness before grabbing the veggie from his hands to cut it up.
Din came down the ladder shortly after, taking off his main armor and putting away some things you had laying around. He was a little neat freak inside of his ship. Understandable when you‘re locked in here the majority of your life. He organized clothes back to where they belonged, checked through his weapons, made his bed and then went over to make yours. You didn‘t see him for a while after that.
The soup was done in no time, the wait for it to finish being filled with tiny giggles and a hovering ball. You brought Din his food up, slices of bread decorated around it. You knew he appreciated the extra work you put in, even though he never said it. He squeezed your hand before you walked out and got food for yourself and the child. You talked back and forth. It was your favorite part of the day. Grogu babbled between his sips of soup and you answered as if you understood what he said. It made him happy and tired. After you were done you washed both of your dishes together. He was allowed to wash them and you dried them and put them away again. And then his eyes started to get heavy. Every single time. You hummed him to sleep before putting him in his little hammock to sleep. The door hissed and closed and you stood there for a second and justed breathed. Up until you heard a „We should talk.“ and jumped at his voice. „Why, yes, of course.“ You followed him to the cockpit and sat down in your seat and he in the pilot seat facing you.
He sighed, „I found this in your bed while I made it.“ He held up the tiny booklet you had hidden between your pillow and the mattress. Your eyes widened and you couldn‘t form words. „I know you‘re having strong feelings for me, cyare, but we‘re not this far along. It wouldn‘t be safe here anyway. I really want this with you one day, but I don‘t want to get your hopes up. Yeah?“ He explained and put the booklet into your lap. How could you tell him the news after what he had said just now? He wasn‘t ready for this. Hell, neither were you. But you wouldn‘t get rid of it. You couldn‘t. You figured you‘d have to leave before you started showing. He didn‘t need the work and worry of another child around him. You expected it, but it still hurt. „Yeah.“ You nodded, grabbed the booklet and headed out without looking at him again. It wasn‘t like you. Even when you were mad or upset you looked up at him to make sure he was aware. You were direct like that. But right now? It felt like you had just built walls of ice around you. You would need them.
You got into bed, grabbed your holopad and started making a list with what you would need to pack and prepare. You figured two more supply runs where you bought some extra food and another bag would be enough. You‘d take one of his weapons he never used and a couple clothes. Then all you had to do was wait for the right planet to just disappear on, while he was busy. You‘d make your way back to the planet you were on today and go from there. You‘d miss Grogu, you‘d miss HIM, but you would miss yourself the most if you had to decide against your unborn child.
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jeeperso · 3 years
D&D Quotes Without context
Miscellaneous Edition, for those quotable lines from between sessions
"All I wanna do, is fork a giant woman! A giant woman!" "Jonni, I'm pretty sure she is some type of undead, probably a vampire. Are you sure that is a good idea?" "If I don’t get turned into a blueberry it won’t be my worst date." "Okay, but if you have to defend yourself just don't burn the place down for once." "Oh, Nyx. Sweet summer child. I never make promises we both know I won’t even try to keep." "Jonni, if I wake up to my bed surrounded in flames again I'm short-sheeting your next bed every night for at least a month." "I know you're trying to score here, but Lady Dimitrescu's daughters are literally vampires AND bugs. I can overlook one, but as a Paladin, it is my sacred duty to burn this place to the ground and stir the ashes."
"We don't let Marshall make breakfast anymore." "Those waffles are well-fortified." "I'm going to be charitable and call it hardtack." "We can use these waffles as melee weapons." "Well if we need to deflect siege engines they'll be good to have." "This is still carbon based and digestible by human systems without any poisons." "I can't serve this. It'll cause ... death." "Marshal we've been over this. This Pizza has 10% less of a lethal amount of grease." "Plus they signed the waivers when they bought a ticket. It's fine." "And don't forget to push the Cakeon." "Cakeon being slices of cake wrapped in bacon." "The special sauce is a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, ranch, horseradish, cheddar cheese, sour cream, and anything unfortunate enough to fall into the mixing vat."
"You do have a copy of the legal code I requested in my letter? As landed gentry you should actually have legal avenues to... I'm sorry did you say Burning child?"
"First I'm going to nail a crossbow bolt through your heart. Then I'm going to mount your balls to walls on opposite sides of this chamber." "I need Three Barrels of Butter" "Are you serious? Those Claws could crush an elephant in full plate!" "You're Right!" *Turns to first person* "We might need more than three barrels of butter."
"So Ioun is the patron of poor college kids. that scans "
"its hardtack or a mug of molten cheese-fried... something in a woven mug of bacon. your choice."
"Welp, all this coke ain't gonna snort itself..."
"Right hand me that dress and the bail money. I'll get Jonni." OOC: Well I mean they allow men in the city. Its just no men live in the city. "I stand by my statement. I'm allowed to look pretty every now and then." OOC: And dragons are the most unprejudiced lovers of anyone after bards.
OOC: Well I mean come on, its Ravenloft: saying a place is of death and madness is like making the observation the day ends in y. "Going out. Getting laid." "Jonni, she’s a werewolf." "Going out, forking a werewolf." OOC: Well Lycanthropy isn't usually sexually transmitted. Its just that Mercedes is a biter. OOC: ...I don't have an appropriate response to that.
"You seriously think I’d turn on my friends for a pile of gold?!?" "sigh I’ll show you my tits. "Hot damn, let’s get these murders done!" "No, Jonni, stay good. Besides, there are plenty of other girls who will do that without asking you to murder us." "Hmmmm… this is the moral quandary of my life…" "I’ll give you five bucks." "Scales tipped!" "Phew, I thought I was going to have to cover her next trip to the topless bar." "No, no, I have the bail money right here."
Nyx: So what’s the inside of Jonni’s head like? Edmund (with thousand yard stare): Imagine every ladies only smut magazine you’ve ever heard of going on forever into infinity while everything is on fire. Food was good though.
"It’s cool. They stole it." "And you know this how?" "Magic." “90% of Ravenloft deaths are mysterious vanishings.” "Why does everything come out covered in glitter and … is that …" "Lube. I’ve got a few theories." "Please don’t share them."
OOC: This is a plan that ends with Strahd having fewer brides, his castle is in flames, and he’s lost his cape.
OOC: Our team consists of a horny pyromancer, a gnome who can fillete you in five seconds, an HP lovecraft protagonist with actual magic backing them up, a literal slab of iron with a face, and a guy with a "I went to the eternal city of Ryleth and all I got was PTSD and this lousy T shirt". Gorbash smashing his shield into their face: "Have! You! Considered! Therapy!" OOC: Good news is you guys will no longer be the most conspicuous guys at the masquerade now. Jonni: Challenge accepted! "Nyx, the bounty on stealing his fake mustache is still on."
"Vanilla is the king of flavors. What does it say about society where vanilla is considered just 'regular'?" "That they have a lot of vanilla." Lash: "Don’t you want wishes?" Jonni: "Do I need wishes to get to see you naked?" Lash: "No?" Jonni: "Fuck ‘em." Vesh: "Oh dammit its my arranged fiance." Pit Fiend: "Milady." Vesh: "An extra wish to whoever punches this douchecanoe in the nards." Jonni: "I wish…for Bigby’s clenched fist of nard punching."
Soth: "Oh, gods, why am I on fire and why is Immigrant Song playing?" Jonni: "Take a guess." Hazlik: "Okay, so its a partridge, stuffed inside a chicken, stuffed inside a duck, stuffed inside a turkey, and the whole thing is fried on a stick. Congratulations, that's the most horrible thing I have ever seen, and I once crossbred an elephant and an owl." "I give him the 'itis, and we run like we stole something." OOC: ...weirdly Curse of Strahd has stats for Strahd zombies but not Strahd Skeletons. Or Strahd's skeletal Steed. Strahd once went to a branding seminar hosted by Bane and it changed his life.
"Are we on a high enough floor that if I throw him through the window he'll be killed by the fall?" "Oh, but when I say stuff like that it’s all 'Jonni, murder is wrong.'" "When they say pick your battles they don't mean to pick all of them. That's too many battles Jonni. Put some back." OOC: He's technically already got a symbiote. OOC: They can get married. Gorbash: "I'm increasing the rent." Venom: "Can I keep the pool table?" Gorbash: "I'm not a monster." Giant Brain: "Jonni… I have summoned you here for… WHY AM I ALREADY ON FIRE! PUT ME OUT! PUT ME OUT!"
"Hello We're the party-crashers. This is Jonni, she's here to steal your women and burn your shit down. That's Nyx, she's going to repatriate certain items from the premise. Marshal over there, is here to studiously ignore our shenanigans. This is the New Guy. He seems pretty chill. I'm Gorbash... and I have been distracting you."
"Will you walk into my parlour?" said a spider to a fly. Jonni: "Hold up. Trying to sex a spider." Nyx: (throws her hands up) And then Jonni wakes up with a spider venom hangover webbed to a wall waiting to be eaten. Jonni: "Eh, I’ve had worse one night stands. I’m not a fucking blueberry." OOC 1: Hey, where does your weed elf grow [her] crops? OOC 2: She probably just grows them in the room she hasn’t paid rent on. OOC 3: Because I was also considering a circle of spores druid tortle. OOC 2: We could be partners! We could turn this into road to el dorado staring Cheech and Chong. OOC: Wait, I just realized five people are hanging out in a pirate bar, and none of us are rogues. We are gonna need someone to get thieves tools. OOC: We have a barbarian with a big stick.
"Are we Foxhound now? Blunderbuss Octopus." OOC1: You want to put the stoner in charge of food. OOC2: Eyup. OOC1: I see no way this can go wrong! OOC3: We need the four basic food groups. Beans, Bacon, Whisky, and Lard. “We pray to Almighty Darkseid! Give us a sign! Thumbs up, for the triumph of the human spirit! Thumbs down to begin the everlasting reign of darkness!” “Where did you find this guy?” “Me? I thought you hired him.” OOC: Yup, nature, arcana, history, investigation and religon at +6. MJ got baked and watched the Discovery Orb a lot. Tordek: "But we have a cleric, Jozan, over there." Strahd: *sigh* Snaps fingers, and suddenly one of Strahd's brides sucks Jozan out the window, cue screaming. "Oh look, you suddenly have an opening, how fortunate." Tordek: "We also have a druid...." Vadania: "SHUT UP, TORDEK!" Edmund: "I think the first order of business may be to discuss your Human Resources strategy..." Strahd: "I have a guy for that too."
"When someone as smart as him talks with himself, it's not crazy...They call it monologing." "I thought it was soliloquy?" "No, soliloquy is when you're talk at someone else when your talking to yourself." "Most people would run from a demon, you run towards it to study it." Professor: "THIS IS ABSOLUTELY FASCINATING! A FROGHEMOTH, AND RIGHT UP CLOSE, IT WILL BE AMAZING TO SEE THIS PERFECT KILLING MACHINE IN ACTION." OOC: Also note the Professor is Lawful Good, Archie is Chaotic Good, so collectively they balance out to Neutral good. OOC: That's good. "The incinerations will continue until morale improves!" “You never incinerate the women!” “Because I’m fucking them!” “I… was not expecting you to be so honest about that…”
"You got what you wanted....but you lost what you had...." "Yes, I'm familiar with how capitalism works."
OOC: Dragons are like, “That’s Krandor the shiney. He only fucks other dragons. Weirdo.”
Gorbash: "D'awww, so tiny... perfect size... FOR PUNTING!" *boots tiny mind-flayer into the horizon*
"Dracula hasn't been spotted in almost recently. Whats he gonna do, destroy all we know and love like he definitely can?" "... my god you people are too stupid to live." "What are you doing in my house?" Gorbash: "...well Edmund has been reading your books, I've been sorting through your armory, Nyx and Irost has been going through your other shinies, Marshal has been cleaving anything monstrous that gets too close, and Jonni has been lighting things on fire to stave off boredom." Gorbash: "Okay Marshal, Jonni. Rock, paper, scissors over who gets [to kill] the bishop."
Jonni: "Did you really think this would make up for what you did?" Nima: "I… killed everyone you grew up with." Jonni: "Yeah, and I’m still not forgiving you for what you did to Eddie." Nima: "I am missing some key context here…" Nima: "Also I committed identity theft on you by having my new undead army tell everyone you are running the show." Jonni: "Oh, no. You’ve fooled the boar tribe. Who still haven’t figured out shitting in a hole." Nima: "Yeah I noticed that. I ruined two pairs of shoes attacking their camps."
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solange-lol · 4 years
hiii in celebration of AUctober, what are some of your fav solangelo AUs?
Anonymous said to solange-lol:
Hi! Kinda a random question: do you have any favorite riordanverse fanfics that you’d suggest reading? I’m looking for ones to read, but I’ve been having trouble finding new ones! Thanks!
rec list #1 | rec list #2
all recs can be found under the tag ‘lizs solangelo fic recs’ on my blog!
technically its past auctober now, but better late then never to drop my third solangelo rec list!! especially considering the state of the world rn ... lets just say its a celebration of me actually participating in sw for the first time in a while
rec under cut as always!! its not all aus but its the count that thots
Find Another Place to Stay by @unwieldyink
personally i think breakup fics are incredibly underrated, and i also think annie is incredibly underrated, so enjoy ur little cry if you read this one (tw // violence in this one)
Hershey’s kiss by @unwieldyink
we love a godswap!! it’s actually been a while since ive read this one and i reread this while making this rec list and can i just say that zeus!nico and hermes!will are both such valid concepts and this just has a rly good dynamic to it
Actors by @buoyantsaturn
i could talk about this fic for hours but lets just say ao3 has told me ive visted this fic 40 times. im not kidding. fake dating is just a godtier trope
start of something new by jinniefic
if you know me, you know that i fricken LOVE high school musical, and this is literally just the start of the first movie but solangelo and honestly a little more iconic please read even if ur not a hsm fan
paper/plastic by @rosyredlipstick
the fact that this is from 2018 and took this long to get into my rec list is tragic because i think about this fic a lot... a lot. mortal au. very chill, strangers to lovers, very good vibes, will be rereading soon (everything rosy writes is amazing we already knew this)
10:37pm by @buoyantsaturn
surprise another cj fic! fun fact she debated with us for a good half hour about what to title this fic so go read it so you can tell her you like the name (and the fic itself... its a very good fic) (tw // alchohol and drug use for this one)
Sunflower by ChiseHatori
3 days in the infirmary is probably the easiest trope u can find in the solangelo tag but i have to say this one really made me soft just bc it feels a lot more in character than some of the others ive read, and it basically picks up right where they ended in the books
Will You, or Will You Not? by @thebluesideofmyworld
marriage fics... also very soft. just boys bein boys. dual engagements. mortal au. all that good stuff vv soft i loved it
let your heart win by @justanothervampiregirl
this one is short but its also probably one of the most in character fics ive ever read and i really like this style of writing mixed with canon compliance so :)
The Magic of Naomi Solace by Sweetymomo
naomi solace, underratted legend. i aspire to have her relationship with will. lots of familial background if you like that!! and its set at a bnb!!
forget all the shooting stars and silver moons by itotallyreadthatbook
when i saw this in the tag i was SO excited bc we love high school aus here and it was!! very good indeed!! this trope is one ive never seen before and i recommend 10/10 good banter
They won’t always live by Phantomxlegend
will overworking himself and coping with loss always makes me :(( so if ur okay with some will angst then buckle up
“I am fully capable of kicking your ass” by @unwieldyink
i remember i saw the email notification for this one and immediately was like yup absolutely im in and it 100% lives up to its title we love capture the flag solangelo
the night we met by peachyytomlinson
a lil ooc but also very angsty and did make me emotional when i read this late at night. i think i wrote something similar a while back but i just aaaaa will angst man
“look how hard i can cry FWSHHH”  by @buoyantsaturn
call me biased bc i like to claim that i originated the idea of demeter!will and cj dedicated this fic to me but like BRO its so soft and i love it here nico leave the plants along challenge failed
femboy hooters, or the time percy jackson failed to keep a secret by luciethebean
its all fun and games until the fic turns out to genuinely be really good. like, yes the title is exactly what you think it is but it doesnt matter bc its so fricken well written im^@*#&(*)($_$#&^@$(@*)* yeah
Of Ties and Significant Annoyances by seokjinvilla (@thechampagnecocainegasoline)
we dont support jkr in this household but what we do support is this bc this plot is genius and i love it
everything’s going swimmingly by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
fun fact i posed the idea of a sports/team prompt to the sw mod crew literally just so someone would pull through and write a swim au and ethan DID without even knowing. i love them and their writing style is so !!!! please read it
when you smile (the whole world stops) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
another ethan fic!! this is the perfect fic for a rough day where u just want some cuddles bc thats literally the plot of the fic. i love this one with my entire heart its very fluffy 10/10 do reccomend
pumpkin spice (i hate it, it's not nice) (ok maybe it's a little nice) by tsunamiroll (@catboy-ethan)
ethan fic part 3!! bc i binge read these all in one night!! literally again their writing style is so amazing and the witty banter!!!! also we love a retail bookstore au 
Burnt Plastic (and Other Bad Ideas) by More_of_This
so this one isnt exactly romantically solangelo but it is hilarious in my opinion and i absolutely adore well written college aus and while i know nothing about college this fic is so funny to me (if you read the tags there is, in fact, a raccoon involved) (tw // drinking for this one)
all because you kissed me goodnight by @buoyantsaturn
i have been WAITING for a mortal counselors au and im sure theres some out there already but y’all already know im a cj stan! lots of slowburn, friends to lovers, coworkers, all the good stuff (and i named this one and offered cj a lot of materials from my own camp so this one especially hits!! i reccomend for those good ol summer vibes!!) (tw // drinking for this one)
Waiting With You by @buoyantsaturn
oh boy buckle up if u want an angst ride because this fic tore me apart. i keep threatning cj with “dont pull another waiting with you”. that being said, very much feels like a movie while youre reading it, very fluffy in the middle, we love mutual pining. 
Little Italian Boy by @buoyantsaturn
stream little italian boy by grace gilmore. youll get it. thats it.
The Clues by @thebluesideofmyworld
secret dating when done well is legit one of my favorite tropes of all time and this!!! this!!!!!!!!! its outsiders perspective also which is another one of my favorite tropes, and just little views on nicos life and i love it
So Come On, Talk it Out (your voice brought me back from the dead) by @buoyantsaturn
will solace, sponsered by kitkats, cj edition
no but if you read tower of nero you’ll really like this missing pieces pre-ton fic this is a really soft little fic with a bunch of easter eggs from the book in it, so i highly recommend! if you havent read ton yet and are still avoiding spoilers, come back to this one!
reaching for the sun (you, you, you) by moonswords (@tortadelimao)
i just read this one about 2 hours ago for the first time and i am Still thinking about it. its like the getting together that i literally feel like is canon and the vibes are Immaculate (also william “what about me looks straight” solace)
“Are we on a date right now?” by @unwieldyink
overworked will, nico helping out in the infirmary, first dates & hikes, canon compliant, we love to see it (also its an annie fic so ur required by law to read it)
Outrunning karma by Phantomxlgend 
more will angst! featuring angry overworked will!
Everlasting Ring by minyoongurt (@blueblackslowtown)
i was Very excited when i read the summary of this one, and i think minyoongurt did a really good job!! healer will, injured nico, the whole dynamic. also i love the idea of nico only knowing “thank you” “go away” and “fuck you” in sign language. im pretty sure thats canon
The Little Thing by Rainbow_Mess
i belive this is also a pre-toa fic thats just exploring all the stuff we found out about will in ton and its very short and sweet :)
and of course, a few of my recent works for your consideration
who is he (and what is he to you?)
just doing my silly little tasks
i don’t need three bars to tell me we’re meant to connect
truly, madly, deeply
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prompt: hand gagging
whumpee: shawn spencer
fandom: psych
hi welcome to another psych fic! this is set before shawn takes a shot in the dark but like anytime before that. brief setup of the scene is shawn is exploring someplace (not important where) for a case, by himself. jules is out of town for something (which is only relevant for a sec but i wanna make sure it’s not confusing lol). anyway i hope you like this fic!
Shawn doesn’t stop running when the bullet hits him. In fact, he doesn’t even register the impact, too caught up in getting the hell away from this guy with the gun. 
He skids around a corner, nearly losing his balance, then turns down a hallway. He risks a glance over his shoulder and sees his pursuer come around the same corner, then pause for a second and look both ways. Shawn ducks out of sight as the man’s eyes come his way, but he hears more gunshots and approaching footsteps and realizes he hadn’t gotten out of the field of view quickly enough. 
He starts running again, and suddenly realizes that his left arm is wet. Which is weird. He spares a glance at it as his feet fly over the tile, and notices with alarm that it’s red. He thinks it has to be blood, but he doesn’t know from where. He reaches out a hand to touch it and - 
Yeah. That had been a mistake. He barely stops himself from screaming as his hand makes contact with what he is rapidly realizing is a bullet wound in his upper arm. 
He can’t deal with this right now - he’s running for his life and he’s been shot and he might get shot again and maybe even die, and he can’t die right now, but his arm really hurts and it’s making it kind of difficult to think about what he should do. 
Shawn turns another corner and there! - ahead of him, on the right, is a door with a sign on it. He doesn’t pause to read it, just wrenches it open with his good arm and shuts the door behind him, just as he hears the footsteps of the gunman turn the corner after him. 
Shawn stumbles around in the small, dark space, which he can infer is some kind of storage closet. He feels for a lock on the door handle and, disappointingly, finds none. He moves to feel for some kind of implement to defend himself with, instead - a broom, maybe - but his leg hits something on the floor and sends him stumbling forward and his left arm slams into something hard and metallic and he clamps his right hand firmly over his mouth to stop himself from screaming. His blood pounds in his ears from a combination of pain and fear that he’s about to be discovered, and his entire left arm from the elbow to the shoulder feels like it’s on fire or something. He breathes heavily and unevenly into his hand and forces himself to not make any other noise. 
Above the pounding in his ears, Shawn listens. His pursuer’s footsteps approach the closet, and he clamps his hand still harder over his mouth, trying desperately not to breathe at all. The footsteps pass his hiding spot and he feels suddenly, horribly dizzy with a lack of air and he wants to breathe and he wants to scream or maybe cry and he wants out of here and he really wants to not die and to not have a bullet wound in him. God, it hurts. 
The footsteps fade away. Shawn hears a door open and slam and then there’s a muffled curse, as of one who has lost their prey. He moves his hand away from his mouth at long last and breathes, ragged and pained and barely controlled. He’d scream, or maybe at least whimper, but he still can’t be completely sure that the guy is really, truly gone. Maybe he’s trying to trick Shawn, maybe he’s waiting for him to reveal his location and then he’s going to come back and shoot him in the head this time, and that’ll be it. So he can’t do anything more than breathe. He can’t leave this closet, not yet. 
He just has to let someone else know what’s happened. Then they can make sure that the guy really is gone, and then Shawn will be okay. Yeah. That sounds like a good plan.
He texts Lassie with his usable hand. The head detective’s response is quick and quite possibly a little angry.
You got shot?
not on purpose
We’ll be there in ten minutes. Keep pressure on the wound. And don’t try anything stupid. 
Oh. He hadn’t thought of putting pressure on his arm. His dad would be so disappointed...but there’s no time like the present, so Shawn sets down his phone and presses his right hand into his left arm. 
And suddenly really wishes that he had another hand, to muffle the sounds of agony that are absolutely begging to come out of his mouth. Pressing into the wound hurts about a million times more than the wound itself, and he really wants to let go, but he knows he’s supposed to do this and it’s only for a few minutes, but it hurts. He can’t quite stop himself from whimpering in pain, but the door doesn’t come smashing open, so he figures he’s not being too loud. He feels a hot tear run down his cheek and hot blood seeping into his fingertips and he hopes Lassie really had meant ten minutes. 
Almost exactly ten minutes later, Shawn becomes aware of voices in the hallway. He can’t quite place them, and for a second, he panics, and then he hears Lassie’s voice, shouting at someone to do something, and if Lassiter’s here then that means he’s safe. 
“I’m in here!” he shouts, and lets go of his arm to grab at the door handle and let himself out. His bloody fingers refuse to get a grip on the metal, though, and they slide off, but it doesn’t matter - a second later, the door’s opening and he has to step out of the way and then he’s face to face with Lassie and if he didn’t know better he’d say he almost looks worried, and then he remembers his arm but finds he doesn’t really have the energy to scream like he’d wanted to do so badly before. 
“It hurts,” he says, instead, and his voice is barely above a whisper. “Am I dying?” He doesn’t think so, but you can never be too sure.
“You’re fine,” Lassie is saying, but that’s easy for him to say, he’s not the one with a bullet in him. “Or, you’re not dying, anyway.”
That’s all I needed to hear, Shawn thinks, and then another wave of dizziness hits him and everything starts to spin, and then he’s falling and someone’s grabbing him and they hit his hurt arm and he does scream, now, finally, loud and raw and with the force of all the screams he’d forced down before behind it, and then everything fades into nothingness.
He wakes up slowly, uncomfortably, achingly. None of the good stuff, he thinks glumly. Thanks, Dad. He turns to look at his left arm, and is pleased to see that it’s no longer bloody. It’s wrapped in bandages and a sling and he wonders how long that’s going to be on, and how long until he can get out of here, because any amount of time spent in the hospital when he could be out there doing stuff is time wasted.
“You’re here for at least another day,” comes a voice from his right side, as though its owner has read his thoughts, and Shawn jolts in surprise, turning around. 
“Lassie! You scared me.”
Lassiter shrugs. “Sorry,” he says, and there’s hardly any sarcasm at all behind the words. 
Shawn doesn’t know what to focus on first - the fact that he’s apparently stuck here for at least 24 more hours, the fact that Lassie has just spoken to him almost completely nicely, or the fact that Lassie’s even here at all. 
He’s trying to decide what to say when Lassiter speaks again. “O’Hara’s on her way. She said there was some traffic, but that she should be here within the hour. I believe Guster said something about the cafeteria a few minutes ago, and Henry said he'd stop by after dinner. The Chief sends her regards and hopes you’ll be pleased to know that one of our officers apprehended your shooter.”
Now Shawn really doesn’t know what to say. What does Lassie have to go being all nice and…message-delivery-y for? He’s silent for a moment, trying to work out what exactly to say, but in the end figures simple is best. 
Lassie doesn’t say anything, but there’s something that you might call the barest hint of a smile on his face, and it’s more than reply enough.
thanks for reading this! i’m still p new to writing psych and i’ve never written lassie before so i am very sorry if anything seems ooc. i will learn! anyway i hope you liked this :) love u all <3
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Name (Todoroki x Reader)
Pairing: Todoroki x fem!Reader
Anon asked: “suggestion for Todoroki angst : he got in an arranged marriage with S/O because of his dad who offered a large amount of money to her family for this. Indeed it’s not what they are both looking for but Todoroki really acts cold, is sharp, openly criticizes her (a bit OOC ik) ... S/O is hurt but is still trying to be a good wife around the house to make the best of the situation and hide her insecurities. It’s just an idea, if it does not inspire you I hope you will find something better!! xx
Genre: Angst. Just...angst. I’m so sorry in advance plz don’t hate me
Warnings: Grab your tissues, this is a long roller coaster that’s only going downhill OH GOD I’M SO SORRY
Word count: 3,059
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
a/n: (Submission 1/3 for my post asking for todo angst ideas!  Thanks for the ask anon!)
Um. This is...depressing.  Really depressing and really intense.  I didn’t expect it would turn out this way.  But it did.  I had 2 other endings, but I instinctively wrote this one.  I actually had to stop and cry for a few minutes because it was just really painful I mean, I know I said I was ready to but I didn’t actually mEAn it
I tried a different style for this, but I think it suits the story well.  It’s 3rd person limited because I wanted you to experience everyone’s feelings in this (gotta maximize on the angst yknow) and half past tense bc of reasons you’ll find out.
God I’m afraid to post this. Is it bad that I love it, I honestly spent so much time writing this, but it hurts sO mUch?? Y’all are gonna hate me, you’re gonna kill me, oh no, just read the thing already, I’m hiding.
Buy me a coffee?
Shoto didn't know how to react to the news.  It's not that he had his eye on anyone in particular, or that he was even interested in marriage for that matter.  But because he proposed it, the man who had spent his entire childhood controlling every aspect of his life, he refused to accept any other intrusions from the man he should call "father."
The strange man across from his father spoke those words so casually.  "So Endeavor, when are these two tying the knot?"
At first, he thought he had misheard or misunderstood.  And then his father responded just as casually, "The date is set for next month."
The normally calm and collected boy almost burst the entire room into flames.  He clenched the silverware so hard his knuckles turned white and his teeth ground together, but he couldn't say anything in front of his father's guest and his daughter for fear of shaming himself.  The girl across from him offered a sympathetic look, but he turned away, already preparing the earful he's going to give his father.
"I want nothing to do with this!" he whirled on Endeavor as soon as they were home.  "You've made my life a living hell controlling every single thing!  And now you even want to control my marriage?!"
"I'm doing this for you!" Endeavor bellowed right back.  "For the Todoroki name!  For your future!"
"This is all for you!  I want no part-!"
"If you don't agree, you'll never see your mother or the siblings again."
The calm threat was enough to drench Shoto's wrath into submissive fear.  The flaming monster in front of him proved once again that he hasn't an ounce of sympathy for his blood.  He's learned that family is the only thing keeping his son under his thumb and he still actively exploits that weakness.
All the boy can do is swallow and walk away, retreating to the outside world to escape his bitter reality even temporarily.  Shoto doesn't have outbursts often, but there are times when the straw finally breaks the camel's back, and this is one of them.  All he can do is run until he can't run anymore, reaching somewhere secluded enough where he can burst out in flames and ice without hurting anyone, finally getting to a forest where he can do exactly that and scream to his heart's content.  It's the only thing he can do that is under his own control.
In the month that followed up to the wedding, Shoto barely spoke a word to anyone, choosing to isolate himself.  He only came out when he absolutely had to show his face at functions to the bride's family and look presentable.  His mind was always absent, the time flying in a blur of colors and white.  Thankfully, his father did the preparations, so all he had to do was go along with everything.  Shoto was simply playing a role in a play or movie, he was an actor who deserved an award for being in character for a month.
The night of the wedding, he and his newly-wedded wife were whisked away to their new home, being alone for the first time together.  He didn't even know what she looked like nor did he care.  As soon as they walked through the door of their already-furnished house, he released a heavy breath, brushed past her, unbuttoned his tuxedo, and - cold as his ice quirk - instructed, "I'm going to bed.  Don't come up tonight."  It was the first time he had ever spoken directly to her.
His wife, through this entire ordeal, was patient with him.  She didn't want this arrangement either, but she figured they could at least talk and come to a mutual agreement.  The entire month, she never pushed him to speak to her.  She anticipated that he would be rational about this, as she was told by her family, and that they would be able to talk things over when they were finally alone.  Just as she was going to speak her mind the way she had rehearsed it many times, he dismissed her.  She was hurt, but she understood.  He's exhausted after a whole month of stress and preparations, she rationalized, He just wants to rest.  I wouldn't want to talk to a stranger after all that either.
Resolving to try again tomorrow morning, she undressed (with great difficulty), crept into the master bedroom for her clothes while Shoto showers, retrieved her pajamas quietly, and retreated back to the living room.  The girl searched all the closets for a thick enough blanket and settles down to sleep on a couch, the exhaustion putting her right to sleep.
The next morning, the new Mrs. Todoroki woke up bright and early to make breakfast for her husband as an olive branch.  She toiled away in the kitchen, somewhat making a racket even though she wanted to stay quiet so Shoto can sleep.  Just as she finished setting the table and had to face the question of how to wake him, the boy padded down from the room.
"Oh, morning!" she smiled brightly at him.
He murmured a greeting back only to be polite, his face devoid of any real emotions other than coldness.  He sat as far away from her a possible, thanking her for the meal halfheartedly and digging in without another word.
After waiting a few moments to let him satisfy his hunger, she cleared her throat.  "So, um-"
"Your tamagoyaki needs more soy sauce and butter," he stated bluntly.
She blinked at the harsh comment.  It was shocking he said anything to her at all, and the first thing he said was an insult.
"And the miso has no flavor," he continued in the same tone.
The girl finally gathered her wits.  "I'll do better tomorrow.  Thanks for the feedback, I guess?" she laughed nervously, trying to erase the immense tension Shoto bled into the atmosphere.  When he didn't respond, she tried again.  "I know this isn't something either of us wanted, but that doesn't mean we have to live here like enemies.  We could be friends, or even just roommates!"
"I'd rather be strangers," he interjected harshly.
It felt like a stab in the heart.  Here she was, trying to make their lives somewhat bearable together through their common misfortune, and all he wanted to do was live like ghosts in the same house.
Shoto placed his chopsticks down firmly, glaring her straight in the eyes with the iciest hatred she's ever seen.  "Just to be clear, I want no part of you.  You live your life and I live mine.  You can have the bedroom to sleep at night if you want, but it's mine when I come home to shower and prepare for bed.  We will not sleep, talk, or breathe near each other as long as we are in this house."
She dipped her head in defeat, unable to bear the weight of his stare.  "C-Can we at least have our meals together?" she asked feebly.
It's something he respected, coming from family values no matter how broken.  It's the only exception he made to their less-than relationship.
Months passed and she kept her end of the bargain through a suffocating routine.  At first, the girl was kind, trying to get him to open up to her somehow without overstepping her boundaries.  She made excuses for him constantly.  He's just tired.  The least I can do is leave him alone.  I can't comfort him anyway, I'm a stranger.  He's still upset about the whole thing, he'll come around.  She even begged her boss to let her leave a little early every day to make sure she had ample amount of time to get home, shower, and prepare dinner before Shoto returned.  When he did, he wordlessly showered, sat down to dinner, nitpicked at her cooking, finished eating, and went to sleep on the living room couch, all without even sparing her a glance.
But as every day passed, she grew more weary and worn in her efforts to please him.  She tried to fix every little complaint Shoto had about her cooking or the cleanliness of the house or the laundry, but nothing seemed to satisfy him.  She tried to hold onto the silver lining.  At least he never touched me wrong or took advantage of me, she would think bitterly.  He has the decency not to take his anger out on me.
Then the dark thoughts closed in as he continued ignoring her. Surely, Shoto's only disgusted with his father, he doesn't harbor hatred for her personally.  Then she would remember the hate and disgust in his mismatched eyes the first day of their marriage.  She realized no matter how desperately she tried, he wouldn't show her any signs of warmth or appreciation.  No more did she try to make conversation with him during meals or greet him when he came home.  There were days she thought, Why should I even try?  He wouldn't like it either way.  What's the point of getting up today?  Maybe he'll even criticize how I sleep.  But she still rose out of bed every morning and carried out her routine because it could always be worse.
A sliver of hope came in the form of Shoto's birthday.  The girl figured if she did something just a little special, he would acknowledge her even the tiniest bit.  She spent days beforehand researching and testing out the perfect cold soba recipe because she knew it was his favorite.  She lit some candles on the table and bought a small cake for them to share.
When he came home, she was sure he would notice and say something, but he didn't; he went straight up to the bathroom as he usually did without a word.  Though she felt the glimmer lessen in her heart, she didn't give up.  For the first time in a while, she verbalized her thoughts to him.
"I made your favorite for your birthday!" she chirped as he sat down, setting the plate and a cup of dipping sauce in front of him.  She was so eager for him to try it because she was confident she'd gotten it right this time.  If she were a dog, her tail would've wagged in anticipation as he slurped the noodles into his mouth.  She waited patiently for his feedback, leaning forward in excitement as he swallowed.
"The noodles are slightly overcooked.  And the dipping sauce is too strong, you didn't add enough water."
Her hopes came crashing to a halt.  She couldn't even muster anything else to say as he hastily finished his dinner and rose to leave.
She stood up, heart hammering in her chest.  "What about the cake?"  Anything, something!
"I don't want it."  He turned his back to her.
"I got it for you!"  It was the first time she explicitly stated her intentions, the first time she made herself vulnerable.
"You shouldn't have gotten it at all.  It was a waste of time.  Why did you even try?"  The calm and cold words stung her as he got up and left her in the dining room alone.
His words echoed against the empty walls of the dining room.  She looked down at the cake he disregarded, feeling cold and dizzy.  She took a shaky breath in and out before resting her head on the cold glass table to stabilize herself.  The voice stabs through her even as she closed her eyes to block them out.
It was then she felt bluntly in her mind.  He hates me.  
The girl feels nothing but numbing cold, both on her face and inside.  Rolling up to sit, her neck and back cry out in soreness from sleeping on the table, pale light greeting her from the nearby window.  Her face feels strange, and she trudges to the bathroom mirror to check why.  She knows she should be preparing for work, but what's the point?  Her reflection reveals lines across her cheek, probably from sleeping on the edge of the table.  She shuffles to the kitchen because she should probably start breakfast, but why should she?  Leaning against the counter, she can't bring herself to move anywhere.  Her brain buffers as she tries to force herself to think of what to do now.  She doesn't feel sick, but there's a dull, cool feeling in her limbs that she can't face.
The phone rings, catching her off guard.  Glancing at the number, she doesn't hesitate to answer.  "Hello?"
"Hi, baby.  It's me."
Her eyebrows relax, appreciating the sound of a familiar voice.  "Hey, Mom.  What's up?"  She knows her voice sounds weak, she's hoping the woman can't hear it.
"I'm just checking in, you haven't called in a while.  Is something up?  You don't sound good."
"I'm...fine," she stumbles over the word.  "How's dad?"
"He's doing well.  You sure you're not sick, sweetie?"
"I'm not."  She leans her back on the counter.
"Is Shoto there?  How is he?"
And just like that, she feels something dislodge in her throat.  "He's going to work, he probably left early."  She doesn't know, there hasn't been any rustling in the house.
Her mom is silent for a while.  "Tell me the truth.  What happened?"
The sound of her mother's stern voice moves something in her chest.  "It's nothing, I just made a mistake."
"Doing what?"
"I tried making Shoto's favorite dish for his birthday yesterday.  I put so much time and energy into perfecting it for him to enjoy it, but I fell short again."  She laughs bitterly, tears starting to fill her eyes.  "He didn't even want the cake I got for him, he said it was a waste.  I shouldn't have bothered with it."  She blinks and a tear slides down her face.  "I don't know why I was expecting something different to happen, I'm so stupid."
"Honey, where is this coming from?  What's going on?"
She wipes her face, but more spill out of her eyes as she slides down the cabinet onto the cold floor.  "It's just a little frustrating when you're sharing a house with someone you're married to and they barely acknowledge you.  I mean, I expected there to be problems at first given the circumstances, but I didn't expect this."  Her voice shakes with every word.  "God, what did I do to deserve this?  I've lived in this house for 5 months, and never has he even said 'thank you' to me.  Hasn't breathed a word of appreciation to me.  I do so much for him.  I've bent over backwards for him just to make everything done the way he wants it, I've worked my entire routine, my entire life in this house to cater to him, but all he does is complain!"  She sobs into the phone, curling up into a ball as tremors wrack through her body.  "I'm just so tired.  I don't know how much more I can take.  I've made so many excuses for him, but I just can't do anything right.  Why am I even still here?"
Her mother is silent on the other line.  "My baby, if I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have allowed this marriage.  I can't believe you're going through this."
The girl can't formulate words or think anything coherent.  She drops the phone out of her hand, wrapping her legs to her chest as the tremors continue in waves, muffled whimpers the only thing escaping her lips because she's afraid to cry out loud despite being in an empty, lonely house.
Shoto heard something he probably shouldn't have, but he definitely needed to hear.  It bothered him for the rest of the day.  It was a sobering slap in the face that made him feel shame and regret, a hard-to-swallow pill that sat in his stomach the entire day.
On his way back home, the sound of her sobs echoes in his mind.  He curses his behavior from the past few months.  At the very least, he made a lady cry, and at the most, he's been a complete asshole.  It's all his fault, that is something he's completely aware of and is ready to take full responsibility for.  All this time, he was stupidly neglecting her out of spite for his father, but he broke her in the process.  He's angry that he had to hear her crying to realize that.  The only thing he can do now is hurry home to profusely apologize for what he's done and hope they can start over new and she forgives him, which he's prepared for her not to do.
Honestly, he deserves all the hate from her that he's shown her.  After everything she's done for him and all the effort she's put into their imbalanced relationship, he wouldn't be surprised if she yelled at him and called him all sorts of names.
Shoto walks through the door, the atmosphere different.  The house is quiet as usual, but it's more eerie than he remembers, as if that means anything with how aloof he was.  He slips into the bedroom and changes quickly, returning back to the quiet dining room where his dinner waits for him at his place.
He tentatively sits and spares a quick glance at the girl who's supposed to be his wife.  Her eyes are still puffy and she's tugging at her sleeves.  It seems she's avoiding him and he was avoiding her before.  He questions how things should start.   When is the right time to speak his piece.  Would she listen to him now?  He decides to take a bite first and chews slowly.  I guess a 'thank you' is a good place to start-
"We're getting a divorce."
He stops suddenly, almost choking.
"You don't owe me anything, and I don't want anything from you."  She isn't looking at him, voice calm and collected.  "Besides, it's better this way since it's what you wanted."  She rises from her seat smoothly.  "I've already packed for the next few nights.  I'll have some workers come in the following weeks to clear out the rest, and the papers will be delivered promptly."  Her footsteps recede from the room.
Shoto turns around to call out to her, and his minds comes up blank.
He never even bothered to remember her name.
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slash-em-up · 4 years
On the Care and Feeding of Tiny Humans: The Collector/Laid to Rest Crossover
This is all fluff - very OOC, and only semi-ties in to my other Collector and L2R stories. Written to make you feel better on a sad day.
“Why do the butterflies run into the light like that?”
“The butterflies! They keep hitting the light! Why do they do that?”
“... those aren’t butterflies, Addy. They’re Quaker moths.”
“... Oh.”
“Dr. Asa, why do the cracker moths run into the light?”
Asa sighed. This was not at all how he’d been wanting to spend his weekend.
The tiny girl sitting next to him looked up expectantly. Her blonde curls gently fluffed in the warm summer breeze as her feet swung back and forth under Asa’s porch swing.
Addy had come to be in his care under completely unexpected circumstances. She was the child of an... associate of Asa’s named Jesse Cromeans.
Jesse went by the moniker ChromeSkull among some of the bloodier channels; but he had somehow managed to fit a wife (now deceased) and child into his life.
Asa couldn’t understand why or how on multiple levels, but thankfully that wasn’t his problem... until now.
Jesse has run afoul of a particularly rough branch of mafiosos in his day-time business dealings, and they’d brazenly grabbed Addy as leverage.
Thankfully (not in Asa’s opinion), they’d chosen to hold Addy in Illinois, taking her across the country from her father and his corporation and squarely into Asa’s hunting grounds.
One supposedly abandoned warehouse, several highly lethal traps, and a boatload of blood later found Asa confronted by a tiny waifish girl saying he ‘looked just like her daddy’s friend!’ and running at him full speed for a hug.
Highly suspicious and not quite willing to give up a potential catch, Asa had sent a quick text to Jesse.
A: You’re not missing your toddler are you?
Jesse responded almost immediately.
J: Where the fuck are you???
A: Ilinois where do you think?
J: You have Addy?
Asa snapped a quick pic of Addy and sent it off with a ‘whoosh’.
A: I think this is yours, right?
J: Yes, is she hurt??
A: Not as far as I can see.
J: My plane is already on standby, I’ll be there in five hours.
Asa’s phone died. In his hour of need.
His hand tightened around the plastic body, ready to throw or crush it when Addy drew his attention once more.
The small girl was inspecting one of the AR-15s the mafia thugs had been carrying before they expired.
Not an expert on children by any means, even Asa could infer that Jesse would probably not be pleased if his offspring was killed by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Moving purposefully across the floor, Asa snatched the rifle from Addy’s small, pale hands.
“No guns. Don’t touch anything. Your father is coming to get you.”
Momentarily looking put-out that her toy was taken away, Addy perked up at this news.
“Daddy? Oh thank you Mr. Collector!”
Asa held out his arms to avoid another hug from the affectionate girl.
“Don’t call me that. You can call me Dr. Emory or Mr. Emory.... or Asa I suppose; but I prefer Dr. Emory.”
Addy took a moment to digest this new information before blasting Asa with a sunny smile.
“Ok Dr. Asa!”
Another sigh. This looked like it was going to be a long night.
Burkhard and Hellstrom were both going to the pound first thing in the morning.
Asa seethed internally as his prize German Shepherds crawled and whined like lap dogs as Addy handed out kisses and belly rubs with alacrity.
Hellstrom licked furiously at the little girls face, causing her to shriek with laughter.
“Silly Helly!! Stop that!!”
Not to be outdone, Burkhard joined in the fun, lapping at the girls hands and neck until she toppled over onto the living room rug.
That’s about enough of that.
“Hellstrom, Burkhard. Home!” Asa snapped, walking forward. He was more than ready for this nonsense to be over.
As the dogs skittered through the house to their kennel, Addy righted herself and stood, grabbing Asa’s pant leg for leverage.
A gurgle interrupted anything either might have said.
Addy looked down at her dusty dress, holding her small hands to her stomach.
“Dr. Asa, I’m hungry.”
The tall man stiffened. This was exactly what he’d been trying to avoid.
He glanced despairingly at the clock – another 3 hours at least until Jesse arrived to pick up his spawn.
“… are you sure?”
Addy nodded frantically, pouting as her tummy let out another loud rumble.
“… what do you eat?”
The blonde child cocked her head, thinking hard for a second before answering.
“Well sometimes I get to eat Cap’n Crunch, but that’s only in the mornings, and sometimes my nanny makes me french toasties; but those are only yummy with syrup… oh, and daddy makes really gooey mac-n-cheese. He always puts peas in it though. He says they’re good for me. Can you make mac-n-cheese?”
Asa blanched but kept his expression neutral.
“Maybe. Let’s go see.”
As it turns out, Asa could not make mac-n-cheese – at least, not by Addy’s estimation.
The child sat on a chair next to him, watching ingredients go into the pot, and he was reminded of a particularly picky professor from his years in grad school who would stand and critique every analysis he made.
“Daddy doesn’t put that in there…”
Asa pursed his lips in annoyance.
“Well I’m not your daddy, and I do.”
Addy pouted once more and crossed her tiny arms across her chest.
“Can I play with the puppies again?”
“Not until after dinner.”
“Why do you have so many bugs in your house? Nanny says that only dirty houses have bugs.”
“I’m an entomologist. They’re specimens.”
“… what’s an entomomogist?”
“… *sigh* I’m a bug doctor.”
Addy’s eyes grew wide in awe at Asa’s statement.
“A bug doctor? But bugs don’t talk! How do they tell you they’re sick?”
“…You’ll find out when you’re older.”
That was something people said to kids, right?
Nodding sagely, Addy seemed content to accept this answer. Relief spread through Asa and he offered the girl a slight smile as he dished up two plates of his concoction.
Once they were seated at the table, Asa immediately began to eat, expecting no interruptions now that Addy had food in front of her.
A tap on his shoulder proved him wrong once again.
Addy had turned herself to face him and held a spoonful of steaming noodles up towards his face expectantly.
Asa quirked a brow.
“What do you want?”
“It’s too hot.”
“Then wait for it to cool down.”
“Can you blow on it?”
His mouth worked up and down stupidly at the inquiry, quite unprepared to be asked something like that.
Asa hesitantly pursed his lips and blew a stream of air onto the spoon, watching the steam waft off into the ether.
“Thank you, Dr. Asa.”
Addy smiled sweetly, stuck the large spoon into her mouth, and immediately lost half her food onto her skirt.
Addy was curled up fast asleep on the large leather couch when Jesse’s car screeched into the driveway.
The tall man was out of the vehicle and up the porch steps by the time Asa opened the door. Jesse muscled past him, striding quickly over to his daughter and kneeling by her side.
His hand stretched out and gently shook Addy’s shoulder, making the girl moan in annoyance.
The annoyance turned to ecstatic joy as her eyes slid open and saw her fathers face in front of her.
Jesse’s arms were immediately wrapped around his child as she flung herself up into his strong grip.
As she was held, Addy launched into her tales of adventure. From being taken by the ‘bad men’ away from her school, to meeting ‘Dr. Asa’, to petting Burkhard and Hellstrom and even Petunia ‘the nicest spider in the world!’.
“Daddy, can I have a tarantula?”
Jesse’s shoulders shook in relieved laughter as he nodded.
Asa stood in the doorway, leaning casually and observing the pair’s reunion. He didn’t feel much besides relief that Addy would soon be out of his hair.
He suspected the fact that the sweet scene inspired so little in him could be chalked up to his general disengagement from most of what people would consider ‘normal’ emotions. And on top of that seeing a parent and child embrace so freely and obviously affectionately was foreign from an experiential level as well for Asa – big thanks to mother and father for that.
But oh well, he supposed if pressed, he’d admit Addy had only been mildly annoying, which was far better than he’d anticipated. She’d even liked Petunia, which was a mark in her favor. He’d have to send Jesse a list of things they’d need in the house if Addy really wanted her own spider.
His mental list-making was interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.
Jesse stood behind him – towering over Asa as he always did; but his usual intimidating demeanor was neutered by the small blonde girl clinging happily to his shoulder.
Jesse quickly signed to Asa:
‘Thank you. I know you don’t understand this but you’ve done me a great service. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call.’
Asa nodded in acknowledgment, mouth twitching as Jesse slapped him on the shoulder.
“Bye Dr. Asa! Give Helly, Burky, and Petunia kisses from me!”
Jesse’s mouth pressed into a thin line, testing the limits of his fortitude to suppress a smile at his daughters request.
Asa sighed for what he hoped would be the last time that evening.
“Goodbye Addy.”
Jesse nodded his goodbye and stepped out the door to his car, buckling Addy into the backseat before starting the car and speeding off into the night.
Asa watched from his porch until the cars tail lights were no longer visible.
Closing his door, he turned and surveyed the room – seeing the rumpled blanket and pillows he’d wrapped Addy in; the dirty dishes; the paper spread across the floor and covered in childish scribbles – and decided that for once cleanup could wait until the morning.
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otherworldhq · 4 years
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Oh, its a glorious tradition, frequently enjoyed and invoked by the fair folk. There are a great number of prey worthy of a gathering such as this –– but this wild hunt will be a prolonged and unusual thing for those who take up their part as midnight riders. You aren’t hunting a mythical beast, you aren’t hunting souls or children to steal away. You’re tracking and hunting a murderer. Whatever creature it is that plagues the fair folk and their kin will find a bloody end at your hands, you vow this before all the creatures of the Otherworld. It won’t end in a night, it won’t end in a week, but you vow that one way or another it will be finished. 
More unusual still is the synergy and synchronistic achieved in the organisation of the hunt. Two courts, working together in apparent harmony. Allies, at the very least until the sun rises on a new era of peace. Humanity, too, has thrown its hat in the ring. Seer’s with their keen eyes are just as involved as the rest, planning and working in an effort to save those they hold dear. Quick as hunters, they may prove their might to those who considered them weak before now.  
This hunt may last for weeks, it may be brutal and exhausting and drawn out. You may have to fight harder than you ever have before. Those who choose to pick up arms and defend their people may not come out the other side alive. 
Danger lurks in other ways, as well. Detective Colm Ó Conchobhair of the Garda Síochána is an ever present spectre on the streets of Dublin now. He lurks outside of Cafe Flux, he questions drunk humans outside of Loophole. He catches your gaze across a crowded room, and you realise that he must be a person who always saw more than he was meant to. Part of the Otherworld, yet outside it. Gifted with the sight, yet he never embraced it. He sees, but he doesn’t understand and he doesn’t comprehend. You’ll have to be careful, lest he take more notice of you than you hoped. 
Welcome to our second plot drop of our reopening! I’m sure you’ll find this one to be much more detailed and offer a very wide expanse of things for your character to do. Please feel free to take any of the minor plots bellow and run with it. You can decide to have your character investigate certain aspects of the plot, write self para’s about it or pair up and explore the story together! 2-3 people are allowed to pick up each plot point and explore it either on their own or with one another! Just let me know what you want your character to do and I’ll mark your name down next to it. 
All of the following will take place between the dates of June 22nd –– July 5th. 
* TRACKS IN THE WILDS (June 22nd – onwards) –– Poisoned blood and scuffed footprints, the tracks of a wounded thing or a vicious killer? They were found near the stone circle, the morning after your midsummer feast. Yet no one was wounded. Yet no one died. Who do they belong to? Is the killer you hunt the type who likes to lurk and watch and wait for the golden moment of opportunity? Has it picked its next victim and is stalking their every move? The tracks are haphazard, nonsensical, built to confuse. Perhaps they’re calling you in to a trap, perhaps they’re a siren song that promises you glory but will only lead you to your doom. ( Keiran / Nathair / Thorne ) 
* THE ARMORER AND THE ENCHANTER (June 23rd onwards)–– They’re a legend in these parts, written of in myths and legends. All the fair folk know of them, in their far off and solitary home. They belong to neither court, they survive on their own. The earth is their domain, magic runs through their veins. They can craft you weapons and tools that will make you the most formidable warriors in the land, if the price is right. Sometimes they ask you for a dream, or for your fondness memories. Sometimes they ask you to trade your purest love. Sometimes they ask you for your weight in emerald or ruby. The courts will pay any price now, for weapons to aid them in the fight. One must only go and ask for it.  ( Fiadh / Mordred / Open ) 
* THE DAGDA INSTITUTE (June 25th onwards ) –– Zion de Paor first heard their name almost a month ago, when the murders started to ramp up and the police got more and more involved. The Dagda Institute. They want to learn to live forever. They deal in iron and genetics, and it’s very possible they’re linked to the killings. Still –– you’ll never know unless you learn more. The investigation will need many hands, people to keep an eye on them, people to infiltrate and find out as much information as they can. ( Afric / Open / Open ) 
* WHAT SARAH KNOWS (June 25th onwards) –– Sarah O’Neill runs cafe flux with her wife. Sarah O’Neill is a changeling. Detective Colm Ó Conchobhair believes that Sarah O’Neill is connected to the Dagda Institute by a maternal Uncle. She’s the only person you know of that might be aware of what’s going on, that might be able to ferret out some information about the Dagda Institute and what they really want. She might be able to point you toward her Uncle. Problem is, Sarah doesn’t seem willing to talk. This has all scared her, so badly. She haunts her cafe now, offers shadows of smiles and tries to dodge any more reasons for the Detectives to want to speak with her.  ( Dáiríne / Open / Open ) 
* SURVIVOR STORIES (June 29th onwards)–– As the hunt unfolds and you meet more and more people, you realise this: some people have come close to death yet managed to escape it. The fae named Fiadh escaped from those who hunted her and fled to court. Another solitary fae passed trough as he moved to the mountains, seeking shelter in further seclusion. A girl who lives at Hotel Titan swears that a spectre followed her home night after night before it attacked, she can’t even remember how she got away, only that she did. How they describe the spectre that hunts them may be useful, endlessly so. Any details you can follow back to the source have to be a priority, now.  ( Ailis / Katurian / Oz ) 
* DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES (June 27th + July 2nd respectively) –– You almost hoped that the killings had died down. No, not at all. In the weeks after the midsummer festivities, two people are found dead. A changeling named Christopher O’Mara and a solitary fae who went by the name of Willow. Their crime scenes match the others, yet there may be some chance of finding clues if your eyes are sharp enough.  ( Ailis / Zion / Open ) 
* THE WALLS HAVE EYES –– The Seelie and Unseelie Court are working together in perfect harmony, or so it seems. They’ve had to mix and mingle more than they’re comfortable with, more than they have in years. Happiness, prosperity, harmony. But there are snakes in the grass on both sides, keeping their eyes keen and seeking out any signs of weakness from the opposite court. Spies, in a way. Ready to gather information and use it, eventually, to bring the court they hate to their knees. Secrets hold so much value, lets see how many you can find.  ( Maeve / Canaan / Open ) 
* THE DARLINGTON ESTATE (June 26th onwards) –– Ever since word of a hunter stalking residents of Hotel Titan, many members of the otherworld have grown wary of staying there. They’re scared, fucking terrified, and they wish they had somewhere safer to stay in the wilds. Prince Brín of the Seelie Court has offered a new home. The old Darlington Estate, a place reclaimed by the wilds and the otherworld, impossible to find for any human without guidance. It has been reshaped into a safe-house for those who need it, and a gathering place for members of the Wild Hunt.  
This event will run until MAY 1ST, after which all threads should be finishing up! Please tag all your posts with some indicator of the event it belongs to. 
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minaminokyoko · 5 years
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil--A Spoilertastic Review
Disney: *shuffling through records* Hey, Hollywood.
Hollywood: *drunkenly burps, throws empty beer can behind the couch* Yup?
Disney: What’s that really well written, well acted, beautifully shot, feminist movie we made with Angelina Jolie that one time?
Hollywood: Oh, the broad with the wings and the horns? Maleficent.
Disney: Yeah, yeah, her. Do something else with her.
Hollywood: Wait, you don’t want to give it to her? *points to Talent, who is sitting at the table typing* Or her? *points to Effort, who is in the kitchen baking souffle* I mean, they’re the ones who made the first one.
Disney: Nah, you got this. Go for it.
Hollywood: Alright. *farts and a script falls out of his ass* Here you go.
Disney: Thanks, fam.
In case you can’t tell, I’m extremely disappointed in Maleficent: Mistress of Evil.
Overall Grade: C-
As always, spoilers below.
-Probably the only reason a few straggling fans are showing up to Maleficent II is finding out that the legendary Michelle Pfeiffer was cast as the evil queen. She is just as smug and cold and awful as she seemed in the trailer, so kudos. They don’t share enough screen time, but Mal vs. Ingrith at that dinner table was some of the shadiest, pettiest shit I’ve ever seen. Ingrith is That Bitch. You really wanted her to have a harsher fate considering the monstrous shit that she does in this movie.
-Though they are seriously few and far between, I did like the tiny domestic moments we got from Diaval and Maleficent. I’m sad to say that the hype was once again wrong. They were teasing that perhaps Diaval and Mal would get a little more of a romantic spin, but either it was cut for time or they changed their minds. Diaval and Mal are apart the entire movie. It’s the worst. However, the bits we do get of them in the beginning, like him giving her the bad news and her trying out her smile in front of him and her telling him he missed her was nothing short of adorable. I especially loved it when they were served bird and Mal gives him that mean little side-eye. It feels very comfortable and domestic, and less like they’re mistress and servant and a little bit more like the mother and father pair that they actually are. I’m just sad there is so few scenes of them together.
-Expanding Mal’s backstory has very mixed results, but the bits we do see and understand aren’t half bad. The phoenix thing is way under-explained, but it is a neat concept that the dark fae came from a single source. It was also a believable story that they were hunted to near extinction, especially during this era of time when white people were at their most fucking ridiculous killing every new people they found on every fucking continent they found them on. It made sense they hid from them and wanted revenge, since we pretty much see that the humans for the most part are utter shitheads anyway. I also loved the diversity of the dark fae, coming from all continents and all peoples. Nothing drives me crazier than the idea that all fantasy creatures should look like pale white folks. This was very nice to see. 
-At least Diaval didn’t die. I was afraid of that since bad sequels often kill someone you like just to “raise the stakes.”
-Tying the cursed spindle into the sequel isn’t half-bad an idea. It’s kind of neat that it’s how Aurora ends up discovering the truth.
-Fucking everything else in this movie, basically, is a negative point. Goddammit. Why did they squander all this fucking talent?
-Having Mal, Diaval, and Aurora separated the entire time is the first huge mistake. I was hoping from the trailer that Mal getting hurt and finding her own kind was something that happens in the second act. Nope. First act. Fucking hell. All the reasons why Maleficent was a great movie was the dynamic between these characters and the development of their relationships. It was so easy to love them. They were a family. They had struggles and they all put in effort and they won the day. And then this movie happened. Mal and Diaval first and foremost were done dirty, especially since behind the scenes they had been teasing that maybe the hints of romance between them might finally get a brief spotlight, but no. Didn’t happen. Either it was cut for time or they changed their minds. Then Aurora just blindly believing that Mal cursed the king despite knowing her mother for fucking five plus years, not counting how Mal raised her from afar, just massively pisses me off. Aurora has shown no signs of wanting to just be a normal girl. She loves her mother faithfully and it feels very OOC for her to just instantly assume the worst, especially since she should know things about magic by now and would have heard that Mal has to verbally curse someone, not just with a gesture of magic.
-Almost every part of this story has our leads being passive as hell. I hate passive stories and I hate passive characters. Remember, a good story is one in which your protagonists affect the plot and the outcome and each other. This movie is borderline boring. It’s so much of people looking out the window at the sky and fretting and being moody. All of our characters just sit around for two goddamn hours barely doing a thing until the war at the end, as if the movie is just waiting for itself to end. It’s such a fucking shame considering how many creative, engrossing scenes are in the first film. The first film perfectly paced the character development with the three main leads alongside the action. I loved seeing Diaval’s different forms. The action was fantastic and the story was deeply personal. Everything built towards the end goal of showing the full scope of who Mal is as both the hero and the villain. Here, it’s just miscommunication. That’s it. It’s so stupidly basic and it doesn’t do anything but open the door for her backstory. It’s such a lazy method to introduce them. There were much better ways to go about it and I’m sad that none of our beloved three barely does anything over the course of the movie.
-The tone is all over the fucking place. I actually would not recommend this movie for kids. It’s much too harsh for the little ones when we reach the war in the third act. It’s unnecessarily cruel to a bunch of characters. It even has the nerve to outright KILL one of the three fairy godmothers with little to no reverence for what a big fucking deal that should be. It’s a nasty, unpleasant feeling when she dies and when the other moorfolk and the dark fae die as well. And yet some of these scenes have slapped together “wah-wah-wah” moments, like the evil queen simply being turned into a goat. Ha-ha. Yeah. There are dozens of soldiers and innocent townsfolk and fairies dead. But she’s a just a goat. Sure. That’s not a whiplash of a fucking tone at all. What the hell is the matter with this movie? How dare you actually kill a fairy godmother. And it was one of a few stupid sacrifices while we’re at it. I mean, Magical Negro Fae went full Piccolo standing in front of Mal when all he had to do was yank her out of the way. Same for the big tree fae who died. Not to mention the fact that the giant tree fae just had to walk over to that fucking pipe organ and snap that stupid redhead’s neck, easy peasy, in three seconds. Problem solved. Fuck this movie for showing such flagrant deaths for innocent characters.
Oh, excuse me, one second.
*grabs Hollywood by the ear, shoves him into a chair, and breaks his nose*
Hollywood: OW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!
-Magical Negro Fae makes me want to kill something. I’m tired, y’all. I’m tired of writers in Hollywood continually making wise black characters teach white people life lessons and then promptly die to advance their story. Go to hell. All of you who keep writing this wretched cliché go straight to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Take your ass to hell and rot in the lake of fire. Stop. Fucking. Doing. This. To. Black. Characters. You. Fucking. Assholes.
-It feels like there is a movie between the first Maleficent and this one that we missed. Seriously, the characters spout backstory that sounds interesting and important, but it’s off-screen, and we’re constantly fighting to understand something that the characters clearly do. Show, don’t tell. Show me Aurora and Philip being in love. Show me Aurora’s longing for Philip and Mal to get along. Show me Mal wondering about her heritage and feeling like an outcast. Show me the dark fae’s backstory. Show me Lickspittle being forced into betraying his own kind. I cannot connect with these characters if you do not give me a reason to do it like you did in the first film.
-Is it just me or did Hollywood deadass steal a whole bunch of this from the Gargoyles animated series? I’m just saying. Go back and watch that and then watch this and tell me it’s not similar.
-Nitpick: God, Disney, I am so tired of you filming all your live action movies on one sound stage with zero practical effects and zero sets. Yes, we can tell the fucking difference when you film everything indoors and there’s no sets. Can we go back to actually giving a shit about how movies look?
-Nitpick: There’s plotholes everywhere. I already mentioned how the tree fae could have ended that church massacre in a total of 3 seconds, if that. Where have the dark fae been? Why did they just act that one time with those mercs stealing the moorfolk? What was Lickspittle actually doing to the trapped fairies? We never see him experiment on them or anything. How did Magical Negro Fae see Mal fall in total darkness? Was he just hovering around the area? Why? They seem very far away from their stronghold, so how did he see her and why have they never attempted contact with her before even though they apparently know the moors very well? I could go on like this for some time.
-Angelina Jolie is given very little material to work with and it’s depressing considering how emotionally attached I became to Mal in the first movie. Her struggle was so sympathetic and her reaction to Stefan’s cowardice and cruelty was arguably justified. Here, she’s not having some kind of revelation about herself. It’s cookie cutter right and wrong. It’s very little struggle. She’s not barely doing anything for long periods of time and it’s honestly boring and disappointing as hell considering what a force of nature she is in personality and in abilities. They took all the zest and spice out of her. She’s a hollow, empty version of herself here and it’s probably the most insulting thing of all.
-Nitpick: The title is a big fat lie. Mal does not turn evil or become evil. She swats some fools around at the end, but that’s all. I hate misleading titles.
Overall, the word to describe this movie is unnecessary. It’s not bad, but it is nowhere near good at all. It reduces all its characters into passive roles in a dull story that tries to make up for it by heavily loading the ending with very distasteful, cruel war scenes that are frankly too harsh for children. It’s not asking any deep, sympathetic questions from its audience. It’s just spinning its wheels, mostly. If you’re curious, sure, go ahead and rent it. I would warn you from paying full theater price since it adds almost nothing to something that was frankly perfect the way it was already. I went in with low expectations and while the movie didn’t go below them, it was still a letdown. Mostly because I wanted some Maleval scenes to wake up the tiny, dormant fandom, and I highly doubt this is going to do that.
Sigh. You deserved better, Mal. At least we’ll always have the first movie.
Kyo out.
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yourmomswallet · 5 years
Call Girl
I’m reuploading all my stuff. I haven’t written fanfiction in about 6 years, give or take, so Kiryu might be OOC. Not beta read. Here’s my AO3 in case you’d rather read there. Enjoy!
The afternoon sun was blocked out by the shadows of the many buildings of the block, leading wandering eyes to the flashing, marque like lights of Teltel Boys Club. Information on posters surrounded the entrance, listing the building’s phone number and prices. Kiryu walked up the street, determined to get in the telephone club as soon as possible. The pedestrians of Senryo Ave. strolled through past Kiryu, paying no attention to his presence in the seedy location. Triggering the automatic double doors and walking in, the clerk behind the counter greets him warmly.
“Welcome to Teltel Boys Club! Brighten up your day chatting with fun young ladies!” The clerk bows slightly and continues speaking. “We have several deals tailored to your needs!”
The charts behind the clerk are the same as the ones posted on the windows, with the longest course being 3 000 yen and the shortest 1 000 yen, simple chump change for what Kiryu makes.
“The longest course, please,” Kiryu politely orders whilst avoiding eye contact with the man. The clerk still has a friendly smile upon his face as Kiryu orders and tells him how much he owes. His rough hands pull out his wallet and slide the money on the counter, over to the clerk. As Kiryu slips the wallet back into his back pocket, the clerk places the money into the cash register and looks back up to him.
“I’ll show you to your booth. Fingers crossed you meet someone special!” cheers the clerk.
The two men walk into the cramped hallway to a door with a three on it. As they pass by the other booths, Kiryu can hear the many different voices, further fueling his nervousness. The clerk opens the door for Kiryu and wishes him luck. He thanks him and walks into the room. Closing the door, Kiryu takes a deep breath and pulls out the chair to sit down in the small booth. He looks around the wooden table, noticing the paper pad and pencil, as well as an ashtray and, surprisingly, a tissue box.
“... Let’s do this!” Kiryu tries to encourage himself whilst he focused his gaze on the now ringing telephone.
“The karaoke bar was a few blocks down! Where are you taking me?” you question Bianka as she drags you arm in arm down the street.
“Don’t sweat it, honey. Have I ever led you astray?” She rolls her eyes while you look back towards the bar. As you’re about to answer her rhetorical question, she interrupts it.
“Don’t answer that, alright? You know what I meant,” she defends herself, putting up her hand to your face.
Yabuta Bianka, or more known in the office as the busy body. As soon as she met you, you both became connected at the hip, despite not being in the same department. With your great listening skills and her big mouth, it was the perfect beginning for friendship. Walking what she describes as miles to reach your desk became a daily routine, delivering a small snack to share over the latest office scandal while there. It wasn't too long until the two of you were known as the inseparable office twosome.
The last thing you wanted to do was walk miles in your work clothes right after work to get to a mystery destination. Bianka always had her ways of entangling you into her little schemes. As you were guided down the street, your mind could only wonder what exactly she had in store for you. Over the last few weeks, she has been constantly asking about your romantic life. Too many times she had changed the subject to your love life for it to be surface level curiosity. You were always the hard working, quiet person in the workplace, making it difficult to bring about friendships even in your own department. Bianka became worried that your constant working hindered possible close relationships that could be made. In her mind, if you wouldn’t accept one of the employees as a future candidate for significant other, you would need to traverse outside the office. As the only friend she knew you had, she felt it was her obligation to help guide you to someone. And that was exactly what she had planned in the guise of going to the karaoke bar as you two had agreed upon.
You are led by friend into club, unwilling to enter. Your eyes widened as they land on a flashing sign, right above where Bianka had planned on taking you. A terekura.
“No! Absolutely not! You know how I feel about talking to strangers!”
Making a scene while being dragged into a place like a telephone club was not how you imagined your afternoon going. You protest that you both turn back to the bar, offering to even pay for whatever drinks she’d like just so you wouldn’t have to go through with her plan. Much to your demise, she was dead set upon making you meet someone. Bianka was strong enough to drag you towards the automatic doors and push you in. You despised her for dragging you to a terekura without your knowledge. You knew this visit wasn’t for her, considering how she always messaged her girlfriend when she wasn’t working.
“This will be good for you! Trust me! I know how much you’d like a sweetheart to sing karaoke with that isn’t me and go on cute dates with. I get it. I once was a loner, too.” Bianka offered a smile to the clerk behind the counter that welcomes you both.
“I would like the five-minute option, please! For her!” Bianka pulls you closely beside her as she reaches into her purse for her wallet.
“Don’t waste money on this terrible idea! Plus, where are you supposed to go? You have a girlfriend! What would she think if word traveled?” You stammer while she gives the money to the clerk. The older woman told you to follow her to a booth.
“Oh relax. I told Nanka about my plan. I’m going to wait in the lobby for you. And if you come out with no connections, I’ll just pay for another session. Have fun!” She was steadfast on making sure you would meet someone. She pushed you towards the direction the clerk was walking and you had no choice but to follow. The prospect of wasting Bianka’s money and the clerk’s time wasn’t appealing.
“This is your booth, miss. You have five minutes to make a connection. You can do this,” the older lady cheers you on. She must have assumed you were having trouble from what she overheard when you walked in. She begins to walk back to the desk.
“Th-thank you, ma’am.” You turned your head from the door back to Bianka, peering over the clerk to see her waving at you cheekily. Knowing her, by the time you left, the clerk would know everything about you and your love life.
Taking a deep breath, you finally shuffle into the booth and close the door.
You reluctantly sit down and mentally prep yourself, just wishing to just go home. Curse Bianka and her scheming. You knew you shouldn’t have agreed to go with her, even your horoscope warned you, even if it was the vaguest thing you read all day. What you wouldn’t do to just go to your apartment and treat yourself on this Friday afternoon. But you had to make this experience worth your time and Bianka’s money. You wouldn’t get another opportunity like this to make a friend.
Knowing Bianka only wanted the best for you, you dialed the first number you saw. You felt the beginnings of a stomach ache because of your nerves. Rubbing your fingers on your palm made you realize how clammy you were by just talking to someone over the phone. Your hand rubs against your leg to get rid of the moisture on it.
‘Relax. This is just like making a dental appointment, except it’s got nothing to do with your teeth.’ You try to calm yourself down while the other side is ringing. Suddenly, someone picks up.
 Kiryu hesitates to interrupt the woman babbling on about her ex-boyfriend. Eventually, he puts the phone back on its receiver. He sighs and wonders if this idea wasn’t well thought out. The thought of anyone finding a real connection here is little to none. From what seems like desperate sex addicts trying to find a fix to somewhat unenthused, one-word responders, finding someone with an interest to have a conversation was quite difficult.
His watch told him his five minutes were almost up, meaning he would either have to pay for another session or leave without speaking to anyone worthwhile. He didn’t want to give up right then and there, though. This might be the last chance he’d get to meet someone before any serious future events occur.
‘I’m able to pick up one more call. Maybe I can try again-’
His thoughts are interrupted by the phone. Surprised by the rings, he rips the phone off the receiver with such finesse and fervor it would give an onlooker whiplash. He answers, holding the phone to his ear.
“Moshi moshi?”
You find yourself unable to answer after hearing the deep voice greet you. A strong feeling of panic storms over your body, forcing your throat to close up and restrict words from being said. Your mouth opens and closes in an attempt to say something, only to be met with silence.
“Hello? Are you there?”
“Yes! I-I mean yes. Yes, I’m here. Sorry, I don’t know what came over me.” You lightly tap your cheek a few times. You wonder if he can sense your nervousness.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. This whole thing is new to me, too.”
“So, what are you here for, then? Love? A quick fuck?” You cringe at your bluntness, cursing your nerves for making you sound so harsh. He chuckles lightly.
“I’m not here for sex. I’m not sure what exactly I want, but I think I made the wrong decision coming here.” He sounded a bit discouraged.
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, my friend forced me into this. She thinks I need a significant other, but I think I’m in an alright spot. I work an office job, I have friends, and I’m happy. I just don’t understand what she wants from me.” You realize you’re rambling too much in the small amount of time allowed.
“S-Sorry, I tend to, uh, ramble when I’m nervous. Please, what about you?”
“Well, since we’re on the subject of work, I work in real estate.”
“Oh, that must be quite exhausting. Having to appeal to people’s tastes and needs must be tiresome.”
“I guess so. I usually don’t get too much time off, so I have to spend it wisely.”
“I hope I’m not interfering in your sacred break. I feel the same. Work’s gotten awfully busy lately, what with the influx of orders coming in. Ah, I just can’t seem to catch a break.”
“Don’t worry. You’re not interfering at all. In fact, just from our short conversation, you sound like the perfect person I’d like to spend my free time with.”
You blush at his statement. You don’t think you sound all that interesting. Clearing your throat, you try to change the subject.
“How old are you?”
“I’m 20 also. But you sound way more mature than what your voice leads me to believe.”
“I’ve been told I have a voice for acting, but I think they’re exaggerating.”
“Hmph, could’ve fooled me. Your voice is so deep and rich.” You lightly slap your hand over your mouth, surprised by your bluntness. HIs laugh reach your ears and make you blush even more.
“Thank you. You know, hearing you talk has calmed my nerves a bit. Despite my job, I always feel a little on edge when talking to new people.”
“It’s nice to hear that I’m doing something right during this conversation. I usually have trouble talking to strangers on the phone, but much less than talking to someone face to face. I’d much rather speak on the phone.”
“Oh, so you wouldn’t like to meet me in person?” You can hear his little smirk through the phone.
“Th-That’s… I mean, it… it doesn’t seem all that terrible to maybe meet you face to face. You know, what the hell? Why not? We’re not really strangers are we?”
“That’s good to hear. Where should we meet?”
“Umm… How about the theatre, maybe? And we, uh, take it from there?” You felt all the pressure being put upon you. What if he didn’t like the way you looked? This was happening too fast for you to understand. You felt a stomach ache coming on.
“Perfect. My name is Kiryu. I’ll be in a white suit and orange shirt.”
You tell him your name and that you’ll be wearing a blue jacket and pencil skirt, with a white blouse and heels.
“Seen you then. Bye.”
“Bye.” You put the phone back onto the receiver and let out a sigh while looking at it.
‘What did I get myself into?’ You rest your head in your hands and close your eyes.
 As soon as you told Bianka about your success, she was ecstatic and all over you.
“What did I tell you? God, I’m a genius! My mind is... so powerful!” You both walked out the doors to travel to the theatre’s front while she bragged about being right.
“You don’t have to be so braggadocious about this. Anything could go wrong!”
“Okay, first, I don’t know what that means, so nice try.”
“Maybe your mind isn’t that powerful after all…” You’re cut off by her elbow meeting your shoulder.
“Ouch!” You rub your injury as she continues.
“Second! You need to be more positive about this. I can’t be with you the whole time to be your little angel on your shoulder or whatever.” She stops walking as you arrive at the theatre.
“I’ll be watching from over there,” she says, pointing to a bench in the shade.
 Walking down the littered street, Kiryu stops at the theatre.
‘She might be here already.’ he thinks.
A brief scan of the area results in him seeing a blue ensemble and heels from across the street. He walks closer towards the woman before he sees another woman in a similar outfit sitting on a bench scanning him up and down. She then nods at the other woman.
‘Hm? Is this a prank or something?’
Despite his confusion, Kiryu cautiously walks closer to the lady as she stands still.
“Hi! You must be Kiryu-san!” You greet him as you spin around. He looks a bit startled by the surprise acknowledgment. You cringe at how loud you are. Curse your nerves.
“Yeah, that’s me. Y/N, right?” He raises one eyebrow slightly.
“Y-Yes, sorry for being. I’m a little out of my comfort zone.” Your hand finds its way to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear whilst you speak.
“Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m nervous, too,” he admits, thinking it might help you calm down. Whether or not his statement is true, it comforts you to think that he is as nervous as you.
“Not to be rude, but who was that sitting on that bench over there?” Kiryu points to the now empty bench. You turn your head and see Bianka has left.
“Oh! That was just my friend. You know how telekuras can be, full of creeps and all. N-Not that y-you’re a creep! I just need to be cautious is all, yeah?” You want to take your foot out of your mouth, but the words come out too quickly.
“Ha, don’t worry about it. I understand. I promise I’m not here to kidnap you. Other than maybe for a date.” He looks towards you expectantly. You want to jump in the nearby bushes to conceal your flushed face,
“I-I... “ The floor looked very interesting at that moment while you tried to come up with some type of comprehensible response. Damn him and his charisma.
“If you don’t want to, I can leave. I’m fine with what-”
“No! I-I mean yes! I… ugh. I do want to go on a date with you.” You surprise yourself that you can actually speak up before he finishes his statement.
“That’s great. Where would you like to go?” He stands patiently as he awaits your answer. Your hands find your purse strap and play with it as you try to think of a good place to go. He can clearly see how nervous you really are.
“Do you like karaoke? There’s a bar close by.”
“Yes! That’d be great. My friend tricked me into thinking we were going to a bar in the first place when really she wanted to set me up with someone.”
“Well, guess you could say we’re killing two birds with one phone call.” You give him a small smile and roll your eyes.
“Ha ha. Just lead the way, Kiryu-san.”
 “Wow, Kiryu-san! I should have guessed a guy with your voice would have a great singing voice.” You ‘ooh’ed and ‘aah’ed at his performance after he took his seat back at the bar. He chuckles and takes a sip of his now watery booze.
“It’s nothing to make a big deal about. I just really like karaoke.” Swirling the liquid around, he stares at his glass as he tries to sound humble, but you know you have hit a sweet spot by complimenting his singing skills.
“Oh please, stop trying to be humble. You have the voice of an idol!” Your hand somehow landed on his forearm on the table. Looking up, he meets your eyes and you blush as you take your hand away as quickly as you placed it.
The two of you conversed for what seemed like a few minutes but was actually a few hours. And whether it was the alcohol or the sense of freedom gained around Kiryu, you somehow came up with your genius plan. You were just glad you had worn stockings to work.
Deft fingers work some of your blouse’s top buttons while you both continue chatting. You wiggle about in your seat, listening intently as he talks about some little car race he was in, all the while hiking your modest skirt up to a somewhat teasing length. As soon as the bartender turned to serve a customer, you started to edge your small purse off the bar. A thud sounds out as the purse falls, only heard by Kiryu and you as the current karaoke track drowns the sound out.
“Oh! I'm so sorry. I guess I’ve had too much to drink.” Giggling, you start to reach down for the purse. Kiryu watches you bend down, eyes following and lowering to your cleavage. He scolded himself for taking advantage of the situation.
Ever the chivalrous gentleman, Kiryu falls right into your trap.
“I’ve got it.”
You straighten back up, and as he bends down, you are careful not to hit him with your feet as you uncross your left leg from on top of your right when he comes back up with the purse. He pauses for the briefest moment to admire what you put on display just for him.
A black matching panty, stocking, and garter set. All for his eyes.
‘I’m going to die.’
Smirking, you slowly put your right leg over your left after you are sure he gets a good look. You look over your glass in time to see him turn his head away. He gets back up, purse in hand, and you hope you did something to make him break face. Looking at him, you drink in his masculine face, his gelled-up hair, his dark, soulful eyes… Damn him.
A blank, but strong face looks back at you.
‘Dammit, nothing.’ You mentally curse yourself out for thinking such a stupid plan would work. ‘Of course, someone as handsome and captivating as him wouldn’t want anything to do with- Wait! Is that? No. It can’t be.’
Red tinted ears.
‘Gotcha. Hmph, what a perv,’ you joke to yourself and take a sip.
“I should get you home. Before you’re unable to tell me where you live.” Money ends up on the table, enough to pay for both drinks. He stands up and holds out his hand for you to take.
“Wow, you really must want me to take you home, huh, Ladykiller-san!” you joke, loud enough for just him to hear. He groans at your new nickname for him as you laugh at his reaction.
Instead of holding his hand, you wrap your arms around his one and grab your purse. You both walk out of the bar into the now darkened city, illuminated by the artificial lights and sparse stars. Before Kiryu can lift his hand to hail the cab, you pull him down by the coat lapel, mouth centimeters away from his ear.
“By the way, I’m not drunk. And if you’re a good boy in the cab, I might let you get a peek at something else,” you offer in coquettish tone while your hand slithers up his chest to cup the back of his neck. He has no response, even as he hails and rushes you into the cab, other than his ears turning an adorable shade of pink.
As you tell the driver what your address is, your hand drifts towards Kiryu’s left leg. He takes his hand and puts it over yours, interlacing your fingers. While he busies himself with your hand, you begin to unbutton your blouse’s top buttons to reveal your lace bra. Treating yourself to lingerie that morning was a blessing in disguise. The lace edge danced across your cleavage, leaving the observer needy for more.
Kiryu’s eyes widen slightly as his gaze falls upon your breasts, your other hand landing on your entwined hands to make your arms press your breasts together even more. He drinks in how playful yet erotic you look in the passing colourful lights of the city. He can’t seem to take his eyes off of you, trying to keep this scene hidden away in his mind forever.
‘I’m in trouble.’
Looking up at him through your eyelashes, you can sense the want and need on his face, despite his efforts to not show anything. His eyes glaze over and his ears turn a bit pink. Desire falls upon the back seat of the cab, causing a tension between you and Kiryu. You decide to break it by reaching your hand towards his coat lapel. Not taking your eyes off him, you run your hand up and down one side of his chest. You close the gap between your faces, your lips almost touching his cheek as you move to his ear, hoping the cabbie pays no attention to what is going down in his car.
“Mmmmm, Ladykiller-san, are you flexing just for me?”
Interpreting the situation, he finally makes a move. By putting his hand on you inner right thigh, he receives a giggle from you and a teasing scold.
“What’d I say about being a good boy, Kiryu?” You start to draw circles on his chest, dangerously close to his nipple. You flash him a smirk as he doesn’t say a word, instead choosing to inch his hand up even more, fingers finally meeting the top of your stocking. He takes a risk by squeezing your thigh in his hand. Your little moan slips out as you trace your fingers on his shirt collar.
‘What a tacky print. But somehow, he makes it work.’
A hand gently strokes Kiryu’s neck and a thumb passes back and forth over his slightly stubbled jaw. Taking the hint, he leans down slowly as your hand that cups his jaw guides him towards you. He cannot help but grasp your upper thigh a bit harder as he awaits for what comes next. A pair of soft lips just millimetres away from his somewhat chapped ones, the distance starts to close. Eyes closed, you both prepare for what you have been waiting for.
“Hey, horndogs! This is my cab, not a love hotel. Get out!”
Embarrassed beyond belief, you let go of Kiryu in exchange for your purse. Fishing out some cash, you slip it through the slot of the glass as you utter an apology. The driver snatches the money from your hand and waves you off.
Kiryu had already gotten out, his hand awaiting yours to help you out. You close the door after climbing out of the seat. After his touches, your skirt had ridden up quite a bit, which you straightened out. Turning around, you see him staring at you with a small grin. You respond by lifting a brow and grinning back.
“Is there something on your mind?”
“Yeah, actually. You.”
“Oh, you’re such a lady killer! I might just fall over from swooning too hard!” You express yourself through a melodramatic hand press to your forehead. You giggle from your actions and see Kiryu still smiling at you, eyes filled with laughter.
“Stop that. I’m being serious. And I told you not to call me that.” His voice does not allude to him being serious about his complaint.
“Oh, I’m sorry. What would you rather be called?” You take a few steps closer to him and grab his coat with both hands for the nth time that night. You pull him down a bit to make sure your mouth is close enough to his ear. He can feel your warm breath on his earlobe, then your tongue.
“Good boy?” You bite down gently and give it an experimental tug. Hands snap to your lower back and hip, causing you to gasp. He pulls your hips close to his and buries his nose into your neck, groaning as your hands wrap around his toned torso. With how your bodies are connected, you feel every single part of him as well as how warm he is. You hum in enjoyment, reveling in the fact that you make him feel this way. A small smirk makes its way to your lips.
“How naughty, we’re still in public. How about we go to my apartment? I have even more to show you, Ladykiller-san.”
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thejokersenigma · 6 years
Thor x Reader - Oneshot Request - Mew Mew (SMUT)
Ok guys! This is the first time I’ve ever written Thor as a full on character, so I apologise if it’s a bit ooc!
Request: Hey! Would you be able to write a one shot between Thor x Female reader where she can’t pronounce the name of his hammer and he finds it really cute and funny because she keeps calling it mew mew and he ends up falling so crazy for her he kisses her which leads to...;););)
Thank you so much for the request! Hope its not too bad!
Let me know if you want to be tagged in anything!
Pepper Potts groaned from where she stood by the bar. “Thor,” She called back to where he was sat with you and Clint Barton on the sofas, attention on the news channel. “Your hammer is on my paperwork again.” She pointed out.
Thor glanced over, “Opps, sorry!” He grimaced in apology, pushing himself quickly to his feet from the cushion next to you.
“Why do you still have papers?” You asked, glancing briefly after Thor. “I thought Stark upgraded everything in this place that didn’t have a pulse?” You smirked, turning to where Tony sat behind Pepper at the bar.
“Miss Potts here doesn’t trust my security system apparently.” Tony informed you.
“I’m just saying, you can’t hack paper.” Pepper sighed in exasperation, apparently having had this argument numerous times before “Sue me!”
You held your hands up in surrender, now returning your attention back to the large screen where a woman had appeared, the weather forecast displayed behind her. This, apparently, didn’t interest Clint though. “Hey [Y/N],” He grinned, leaning towards you slightly in his armchair, “What’s it called again?”
You scowled, rolling your eyes at the TV, not needing to ask what the agent was referring to and deciding not to let yourself fall victim to his teasing by giving him an answer. Unfortunately, though, Thor had overheard Barton’s question and now paused, his interest piqued as he turned back to you in question. “What’s this?”
You felt your cheeks heat up under gaze eyes, “It’s nothing.” You mumbled embarrassedly.
Thor clearly wasn’t content with this as an answer and now looked to Clint to see what he was missing. “[Y/N] can’t say the name of your hammer.” Clint grinned.
“Really?” Thor asked, glancing back to you, chuckling at the deadly glare you now aimed at the agent. “Well, I do believe a lot of Midgardians struggled with the pronunciation,” He pointed out, then turned back to where the hammer still sat – Pepper still waiting rather impatiently beside it. Thor gave her a rueful smile before lifting it with ease, flipping it carelessly in the air before catching the leather handle again. “But I must confess,” He said, glancing up from the weapon back to you, “I am intrigued to see how you try and say it…” He teased with a wide grin.
Your cheeks seem to burn even hotter as you felt everyone’s eyes on you. “I – uh – “ You stuttered, dropping your head as you cleared your throat and rubbed the back of your neck anxiously. You really didn’t want to, but you didn’t think you had much of a choice. Maybe you’d finally be able to? “Mu – muny – munyer –“ You mumbled gently, your voice getting quieter and then trailing off as you how hopeless your attempts were.
“Manure?” Tony suggested from where he sat, and you felt your heart drop in humiliation. Thor was clearly trying hard not to laugh but failing in his attempt to keep the grin off his face as Clint joined Tony in merciless laughter.
You tried to ignore it, to tune them out as you turned your attention back to the TV screen, but it was difficult. Thor noticed the dejected expression on your face though, and immediately sobered up. “Honestly, [Y/N], it is difficult for most Midgardians to say.” He insisted in an attempt to comfort you. “Perhaps it just requires some practise – maybe I can teach you?”
His kindness only made to heighten your embarrassment – and your blushing – over the situation, unable to believe you couldn’t pronounce a simple word. “Oh, I’ve tried, pal,” Clint informed him, “She’s unteachable.” Thor looked to you, expecting you to angrily protest this judgement, but you didn’t have anything to say– it was true after all – so you just kept your head down, shrugging in defeat.
“Do you want to know what she calls it instead?” Clint mused.
“Don’t you think you’ve already done enough?” You demanded almost hysterically at the agent, finally snapping. Everyone blinked at your outburst in surprise, but you folded your arms and moodily turned away from Clint. “Sorry.” You muttered sullenly after a brief pregnant pause.
At that point, it seemed an unspoken unanimous decision to drop the subject, and the conversation swiftly moved on until you found yourself relaxing again as though nothing had happened.
That was, until the end of the evening when most of the inhabitants of the Avenger’s compound had come and gone for the night, leaving only you, Thor and Steve Rogers in the communal room.
Steve now stood up, stating he was going for the night with the excuse of early training the following morning. You wished him a good evening, then - after stifling a yawn - decided that you also ought to head for your own bed.
Thor – who had long since returned to the seat beside you on the sofa – didn’t seem to show any signs of tiring however, still engrossed in the movie that had been thrown on as background noise just over an hour ago.
You now glanced over at him, shooting him a small, forced smile. The topic of conversation may have moved on, but that didn’t stop the very sight of the god provoking an almost painful recall of the earlier events in your mind. You hoped your expression was explanation enough as to your departure and proceeded to then make movements as to get up.
That was, until you felt the edge of your hoody catch on something.
You glanced down in confusion to see what was holding you back, surprised to see that it was in fact Thor’s hammer – sat between the two of you where he’d casually placed it after retrieving it from Pepper – that was trapping the very bottom of your hoody in a rather immovable way.
You silently cursed, then - keeping your eyes on the tool out of yet even more embarrassment - awkwardly cleared your throat in an attempt to catch Thor’s attention. You honestly just really wanted out of this room and out of the God’s presence right now. “Could you – uh – could you move…” You gestured vaguely at the hammer, “Could you move mew-mew here?” You finally managed out, copping out on your attempt to try the name again and instead automatically settling on the nickname you often called the hammer in your own head.
The minute you realised you’d actually said it out loud though – and to Thor – however, you felt your heart drop through your chest and your cheeks flush ridiculously.
“Wait,” Thor chortled, “What did you just say?”
“I asked if you could move the hammer…” You mumbled in a desperate attempt to hide your slip up.
“Oh I heard that,” He chuckled, “But what did you call it?”
You chewed your bottom lip desperately, still yet to look up at the god’s humoured face but knowing you’d now backed yourself into a corner you couldn’t see a way out of. You supposed it was time to knock the final nail into your coffin. “Mew Mew.” You muttered at your knees, fingers digging subconsciously into the sofa either side of you in your discomfort.
Thor threw back his head in laughter and you risked a glance up through your lashes at him. “I think that is possibly the cutest thing you’ve ever said!” He declared
“Well that can’t exactly be hard.” You mumbled red-faced.
“On the contrary,” Thor grinned humorously, “I find nearly everything you say cute.”
“Great, now I sound like a 3 year old…” You muttered, rolling your eyes.
“I assure you, you definitely are not...” He remarked with a snicker, casting his eyes up and down where you sat appreciatively. You caught this.
“Stop it.” You scowled playfully, swatting your hand in the air at him as a new blush heated more than just your cheeks this time. “Just move this thing, please.” You gestured back down to where the hammer still trapped you in place.
“And lose the sight of your beautiful blushes?” Thor teased innocently “Now why would I do that?”
“Thor.” You whined childishly, though you couldn’t help the smirk pulling at the corners of your mouth at his cheesy grin. “Just let me up!”
“As you command.” He resigned with a shrug, now lifting the hammer.
You were almost surprised and – you had to confess – disappointed, when you found yourself free, but you hid it, nodding smartly to Thor in thanks before pushing yourself to your feet. However, you did not immediately wish Thor a good night and move to the door, instead you paused where you stood.
“Something the matter?” Thor asked in concern as he now leant forward next to you to drop his hammer onto the coffee table.
“Uh – no –“ You said quickly, glancing around and turning on the spot. “I’m – uh – I’m just checking I’ve – uh - got everything.” You lied lamely.
“I believe you do.” Thor informed you, though he didn’t bother to look, his eyes only on you.
“Right...” You murmured, still lingering, though looking anywhere but at Thor, unable to meet his eyes. Curse the god and his ability to turn you into a dithering idiot just by one look. If anyone else had raked their eyes over you like he had you would have had the urge to punch them and leave, not blither like a fool praying for more.
“Are you retiring?” Thor jogged you from your mind.
“Uh – yes?” You tried, not sounding at all certain and having lost all sense of your previous tiredness.
“You don’t have to, you know?” Thor smirked at your peculiar behaviour, leaning back into the sofa again now and swinging one long arm over the top of the cushion where you had sat a moment ago.
You frowned at him slightly, “And what happens if I stay?” You tried carefully.
“Well, we finish watching the movie.” He told you harmlessly, gesturing past you to the screen where you had almost forgotten the film was still playing.
“Right.” You nodded, cursing yourself for your idiocy. Thor didn’t want anything more, you were just feeling particularly alone perhaps – and maybe hormonal? Yes. And tired. All that coupled together just meant you were seeing things that weren’t there and reading into things that didn’t matter. “Yeah, ok.” You finally agreed, sitting back down in your previous seat.
“Not tired anymore then?” Thor asked pleasantly. You noted he hadn’t moved his arm from behind you, but you quickly beat down that thought. He didn’t need to. It meant nothing.
“Uh no - not anymore.” You answered, your voice croaking slightly, and you closed your eyes in embarrassment, honestly wanting the sofa to swallow you. Thor just smirked though, making no comment.
You managed to last about five minutes - in which you paid no attention to the movie – uncomfortably tense and highly aware of Thor’s arm behind you and every slight movement he made. Finally, you snapped, tilting your head slightly towards him. “Did you really mean what you said – that you think I’m cute?” You frowned.
He raised his eyebrows, clearly having been waiting for you to say something, but surprised when that the question you asked. “Without a doubt.” He answered honestly, and you felt your cheeks warm, your heart beating faster for no reason as you looked away for a moment.
“Thor I –“ You started as you turned back to him. But that was all you managed before his lips were on yours. The kiss was firm and unquestionable, Thor’s free hand coming up to cup your cheek, but there was nothing demanding in it and at first you were so surprised that you could do nothing but sit there. When you felt Thor begin to pull away though you seemed to remember yourself, leaning forward after him to return the kiss. Your response encouraged the God, his grip on your cheek tightening slightly as he now tipped your head up for a better angle, deepening the kiss.
You welcomingly parted your lips, instinctively moving your hands forward to his chest, curling your fingers into his linen shirt and his solid muscles underneath. ‘God’ You thought to yourself, then realising that you in fact were with a God.
You pulled back for air then, reluctantly releasing your fingers. What were you doing? You thought madly, ducking your head as you tried to steady you breathing again. When you went to glance back up to Thor – ready to question him over exactly what had just happened – though, his face was closer than you remember, his eyes two warm pools of intense blue, that you completely forgot your need for words or oxygen.
You quickly cast your eyes out into the room, trying to drag up some form of coherent sentence. Your eyes landed on the hammer still sat on the table. “God, I feel like its watching and judging me.” You mumbled under your breath without really thinking.
“Then let’s give it a show…” Thor growled next to you and you glanced back at him in surprise, only for him to capture your lips again. The next thing you knew, Thor’s hands were on slipping down your legs to your ankles and tugging you down him, so you now lay flat on your back on the sofa beneath him. You were quick to get lost in the kiss again, harder to distract yourself back to the reality of the situation when all you see, smell and taste was Thor. Your hand sought out again desperately, roaming up his chest to his shoulders and through his hair, tangling within the strands as you held him to you.
You were lost in the kiss – the movements and his sweet taste of something like whiskey – that you jumped when you felt his hand on your stomach pulling the edge of your t-shirt up. You were quick to follow suit though, disentangling your fingers from his hair to reach for his own shirt. The two of you broke away from each other, only to fling the garments away before you hungrily sought each other again.
This time, Thor’s lips went to your collar bone and throat, paying attention to the sensitive skin there till you were gasping for breath and fighting the urge to moan. You made the most of what you had wished for earlier, running your hands up his now-exposed chest, feeling every hard, defined edge of every muscle, enjoying them flexing beneath your teasingly slow exploration.
Thor began to work his mouth down your body to the valley of your breasts, still held enclosed in your bra. One simple pull from his hands, however, snapped the material easily and you watched too as that was lost – thrown into the room.
“Wait, stop!” You gasped, now turning your eyes back to Thor and closing them at the wave of pleasure as his lips now found one of your taunt nipples. “I can’t!” You tried again, your voice strangled, “You’re – you’re Asgardian!” Thor just hummed against you, flicking his tongue against your bud and you bit your lip hard, sure you would draw blood if he didn’t stop soon, the sensation of his tongue and the vibrations so tormenting and travelling straight down to between your legs. But that only served to remind you – “I’m just human!” You forced out between your teeth.
Thor didn’t stop at this, but he now moved his mouth to the slope of your breast, kissing it tenderly. “I don’t see how that matters…” He mused against you, his breath fanning across your skin.
“I-I beg to differ.” You croaked, trying to remain strong though his touches were quickly making you forget your argument.
“Then beg.” Thor growled playfully, now slipping down your body his lips trailing down your stomach. You were quick to forget your protests then, his fingers now seeking and easily dealing with the buttons of your jeans that blocked his path before he then pressed his mouth to the soft flesh above the edge of your underwear. You could already feel your fingers curling hopeless into the cushions beneath you at what his mouth silently promised.
You were surprised then, though, when Thor now glanced up to meet your gaze, his eyes blue, clear and honest – apparently thinking far more clearly than you were. “Tell me truthfully,” He rumbled, “that you do not want this, and I shall stop.” He assured you gently, “But if it is fear of my strength I assure you that I shall never harm you.”
“I’m not – it’s not - it’s not your strength,” You stammered nervously, “I’m just – I’m just worried I’ll – I’ll disappoint you because, well, I’m just – I’m just a –“
“Human.” He finished for you, quirking a brow in question. “Well, perhaps that is why you cannot understand my love for you.” He murmured, crawling up you again and now placing a soft kiss to your lips.
You pulled back slightly after a moment and Thor rested his forehead on yours. “You love me?” You mumbled, glancing up at him, stunned.
“Undeniably.” He murmured down at you. Your heart didn’t seem to know what to do, faltering one minute, only to then beat out of control as Thor pressed his lips back to yours again.
It started soft and slow again, his mouth molding to yours and you parted your lips as your hands went to cup his face. You felt the heat between the two of you seem to pick up again then, though could sense something still tender in Thor’s touches as his hands now began to roam your body again. You did the same this time, letting your hands fall down his throat to his chest before running them down his sides to his waist.
Thor pulled away from you then though, grinning when you pouted, knowing where your hands would have gone next. “Soon, trust me.” He growled, bowing to press a kiss between your breasts, “But your beauty is already challenge enough,” He mused against your skin. “I am certain that your touch would be too much…” He growled and now slipped a hand down your body, not hesitating this time as his fingers slipped beneath the thin material of your panties. “And I want to worship you first…” He rumbled, and you blushed hotly at his words, jumping slightly as he stroked a long finger across the sensitive nerves. You bit back a groan, closing your eyes at the sensations Thor now elicited in you from his slow strokes, feeling his intense gaze on your face, watching the pleasure flicker across your features.
You felt your hips buck up as his fingers moved even further, slipping them into you for a moment, and you only just managed to catch the moan as it threatened to escape your throat. You could almost sense Thor grinning at your reaction without needing to open your eyes, enjoying your struggles to hold yourself back as you were only too aware you were still in the communal room – even if it was late.
Thor’s strokes became faster and you gasped at the pressure building in your lower stomach. God, you wanted him to keep going, but you wanted – needed - something more. “Thor.” You gasped, clenching your thighs against his hand.
Despite your inability to say more than his name, Thor seemed to perfectly understand what you were begging for, and his hand slipped from you now – much to your body’s disappointment. The next thing you knew, your trousers were gone, Thor having ripped them off your legs and in the back of your mind, a small voice remarked that he must surely have ripped them.
Not that you cared.
Your underwear, he definitely spared no care over, easily snapping the flimsy material and you made no protest over it - only glad that the barrier between you and him were gone. You felt the cool air on your heat for only a moment before Thor’s mouth was on you, the bristle-like hairs on his jaw scratching against your inner thigh.
You moaned again, muffling it only with your hand, biting into the skin of your palm as your hips arched up into his lips. You felt him smirk against you, using his hands to hold your hips down as he continued his slow torture on you. Your free hand went to the back of Thor’s head now, meaning to pull him away in an attempt to stop the powerful tormenting waves of pleasure that ran through you, but instead you found your fingers curling into his hair, holding him in place. Thor shifted his hands so only one was needed to hold you still, the other now moving back to your clit, his thumb rubbing fast circles over the bundle of nerves as his tongue worked deeper.
You gritted your teeth, biting hard on your hand as you suddenly couldn’t hold off any longer, feeling your muscles clench in your bliss. Thor continued his movements as you rode out your pleasure and you whined as he finally pulled back from you, his lips glistening as he trailed kisses down the inside of your thighs.
“You know, I may have to correct myself…” He grinned, looking up at you, “That might be the cutest thing I’ve ever heard you say…”
“Shut up and kiss me.” You grumbled and Thor happily obliged, crawling back up to your lips. You kissed him eagerly for a moment, then you moved your hands down to the buttons of Thor’s trousers again and the god pulled back in dramatic shock.
“You tricked me…” He rumbled with raised brows.
“Erm hmm.” You hummed in agreement, pressing your palm against the noticeable bulge in his pants and glancing up at him expectantly.
“Maybe you’re not cute…” He teased.
“Maybe I’m not.” You grinned, then used one hand to pull his face back down to yours as you now tried to battle his trousers one-handedly with little success. Thor smirked into your lips, pulling away from you and stepping off the sofa to shed the remainder of his clothes till he stood above you completely naked – like a chiselled Norse God.
You scrambled upright and - for a moment - you forgot that you were trying to be confident and take charge and all you could do was look at him. The angelic yet burly beauty of the God.
In that moment, your self esteem plummeted. He could make you feel like heaven, but there was no way you could return that favour.
Thor didn’t give you the chance to linger on this thought for long though, as he now stepped towards you, taking your hand and pulling you to your feet. Before you could ask what he was doing or feel exposed in your nudity, his lips were on yours again, knocking the air from your lungs as he pulled you flushed against his body. You could feel his solid heat against you, knowing he must be painfully hard, but he seemed to have the patience and control of – well of a God – because, even though there was something hot and needy in the kiss, it was still slow and sensual, one hand cupping your face and holding you against his lips, whilst the other went to your hip.
He pulled back from you only slightly, his lips still brushing against yours, “I’ll be gentle.” Thor promised, flicking his eyes up to yours, both of you breathing harshly, eyes heavily lidded and he sounded almost as though he was reassuring himself as much as you.
“I’m not sure I want you to be...” You murmured back with a small cheeky grin, showing him you weren’t worried. Thor grinned at you and the next thing you knew, his hands were on your ass, lifting you up so that you instinctively wrapped your legs around his hips, the length of him now pressing against your crotch. You wrapped your arms around his neck, slowly shifting against him and closing your eyes at the feeling whilst Thor growled against you, the vibrations travelling from his chest to yours. “Please.” You groaned, and Thor didn’t need anything more than that, finding your lips again as he now pushed himself slowly into you.
The gasp that escaped your mouth was swallowed by Thor and he groaned against you. He was huge, and the stretch was painful, but you still had never wanted something as much as this. The effort to hold back for Thor seemed almost painful, but he allowed you a chance to get used to him. “I’m fine.” You reassured him – you weren’t sure if it was true, but you didn’t care either. Thor looked at you uncertainly but began to move nonetheless, though slowly, and you hissed through your teeth at the pull in your muscles. You dropped your head to Thor’s shoulder, your arms around his throat likely to have been strangling him if he wasn’t a super-powered God.
Thor continued his movements, knowing that soon the pain would ebb and, after a few moments, sure enough, you could feel something other than stinging pain - something even better than the bliss you had felt with his mouth on you which seemed to come from even deeper within you. It sparked like electricity. It sparked a fever.  “Oh God.” You moaned in ecstasy, letting your head roll back now. “Yes.” You moaned as Thor picked up speed, forcing himself as deep into you as possible now. You gasped, releasing your hands and now gripping his shoulders instead now, digging your nails into his skin.
Thor moved forward now, lowering you back to the sofa cushions again, but you didn’t release him, your arms and legs still wrapped tightly and holding him to you. Thor placed his hands on the top of the sofa, using it to steady himself as he now drove into you harder and deeper, his breaths escaping his lips in harsh growls. “Thor…” You whimpered desperately, needing more, more of the lightening flashing through your veins. “Please…”
Thor bowed his head to yours and captured your mouth again as he moved one hand to slide between your bodies, finding your clit and circling the nerves again.
It barely took any time before you cried out as the storm finally erupted inside you, unable to help yourself and forgetting where you were. Thor followed only moments later, thrusting one last time deep into you as he groaned, only just managing to hold himself up to keep from collapsing onto you.
Your limbs felt numb and you dropped them from him now as you tried to catch your breath. Thor fell onto the cushions next to you, but not before he pulled you with him and you giggled breathlessly as you now found yourself cradled on his lap. You felt surprisingly at ease, curling into his chest, and your previous exhaustion was quick to wash back over you again.
You still had a worry in the back of your mind now, and, as the afterglow faded, it became all too painfully prominent again. “Was that – was that good for you?” You murmured, unable to face the God, and instead kept your eyes on his chest next to you.
“How can it be possibe for you to need to ask me that?” You glanced up to Thor now, seeing his brows raised and his smirk one of exasperation. You shrugged embarrassedly, unsure how to explain that it just shouldn’t be possible for him to love you.
“Correction.” Thor chuckled, “That is the cutest.”
You batted his chest with a scowl. “You can’t keep saying that.” You scolded lightly.
“Of course, I can…” He grinned, “And I shall. I shall spend every moment you give me trying to find every single cute thing you do…” He murmured down at you.
You swatted his chest, but didn’t say anything, hiding your pleased smile in his solid chest as he placed a kiss to the top of your head. 
Tags for Everything: @angelicshinigami @thatwriterizzy @beautifulbows924 @arkhamsurviour @sheldonsherlocktony @minahraven @wanna-see-my-lease @adaliamalfoy
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #202
BTVS 7x17 Lies My Parents Told Me
Obligatory Soundtrack
Stray thoughts
1)  Tbh, instead of the Spike or the Ripper spin-off, THIS is the spin-off the Buffyverse needs and deserves…
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We don’t get to see much of Nikki Wood but the little we do, I love. She definitely has Buffy’s sass, spunk, and punning powers. And she can kick ass!! I just think it’s such a wonderful premise to have a black slayer fighting demons in the backdrop of 1970s New York.
It’s also neat to see the interactions between Nikki and Spike and how they mirror Spike’s relationship with Buffy in the early seasons – Spike chasing after her in what looks like foreplay to him while the Slayer only feels hatred and disgust towards him yet they’re still pitted against each other as worthy opponents.
2) I truly feel for Robin in this scene, though.
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I mean, getting his ass saved by his mother’s murderer must be very conflicting, to say the least.
3) This is such a sad yet truthful statement…
Hey, any apocalypse I avert without dying? Yeah, those are the easy ones.
4) Oh, Giles, don’t you ever go changing…
BUFFY Maybe you're right. Maybe everything is fine.
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BUFFY Giles, what's wrong?
GILES Have you seen the new library? There's nothing but computers. There's not a book to be seen. I—I don't know where to begin, Buffy. I mean, who do we speak to?
I just love that amidst all the chaos and end-of-the-world-ness, he’s worried about the school not having a library.
5) I think this scene was kind of meta, don’t you?
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SPIKE Oh, bollocks. With all the rubbish people keep sticking in my head, it's a wonder that there's room for my brain.
GILES I don't think it takes up that much space, do you?
7) The CGI, though, it’s so cringey, looks like they did that with MSPaint.
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8) Oh, and the cringefest continues, yikes…
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I mean, where do I start? First, there’s the poem…
Yet her smell, it doth linger, painting pictures in my mind. Her eyes, balls of honey. Angel's harps her laugh. Oh, lark. Grant a sign if crook'd be Cupid's shaft. Hark, the lark, her name it hath spake. "Cecily" it discharges from twixt its wee beak.
I mean, it’s not necessarily bad, but it’s not… good. “Balls of honey”? Really, William? Really?
Then, there’s the fact that he’s obviously obsessed with Cecily and writing what apparently amounts to be a creepy amount of poems about her with HER ACTUAL NAME in them, and then he goes, “Hmmmm, Who is't is this cecily thee speaketh of? I knoweth not whom thee couldst possibly beest talking about. I has't nev'r hath heard such a name. Cecily, thee sayeth?”
And then there’s this, which is almost as cringey and disturbing as what comes later on between these two…
WOMAN She's lovely. You shouldn't be alone. You need a woman in your life.
WILLIAM I have a woman in my life.
WOMAN But you ne… Oh...
She’s like blushing? They’re flirting? I just…
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9) I get everyone freaking out about Spike’s trigger being activated, but the truth is, the trigger seemed to be dormant until they went messing with his head. What I don’t get is Spike wanting them to unchain him, though. It doesn’t make much sense when he had chained himself before and even asked Buffy to off him a couple of times. Why would he want to be free now that he knows he could still hurt people? I understand they were building up the conflict between Buffy/Spike vs Giles/Robin by having him ask to be released and having Buffy agree with him WHEN IT’S OBVIOUS HE SHOULD BE CHAINED UNTIL THEY FIGURE IT OUT AND IT’S COMPLETELY OOC FOR BOTH HIM AND BUFFY TO ARGUE OTHERWISE.
10) I fucking love Drusilla’s reaction here…
WILLIAM We'll ravage this city together, my pet. Lay waste to all of Europe. The three of us will teach those snobs and elitists with their falderal just what—
WILLIAM You, me, and mother. 
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11) And then he goes and does the most sexual thing a vampire can do with a human BUT he’s surprised when that other thing happens? I’m sorry, but your relationship with your mom was weird way before she made a move on you…
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12) I truly don’t get why they can’t read into The First’s actions and realize that it was manipulating them into doing exactly what they were planning to do. It’s so obvious to me, and I expected more from Giles, tbh. I can understand Robin because he had a personal vendetta against Spike and that’s obviously more important to him than the grand scheme of things. But Giles?
ROBIN Mr. Giles... You got a moment?
GILES What's on your mind?
ROBIN The same thing that's on yours. We got ourselves a problem.
GILES Spike.
ROBIN Yeah, if that trigger is still working, then the First must be waiting for just the right time to use it against us.
GILES It does seem doubtful the First simply forgot it had such a powerful weapon.
ROBIN Yeah, a while back, it slipped up. It told Andrew it wasn't time yet for Spike. So, whatever the First's ultimate plan is, it's obvious that Spike must play an integral part in that. Something needs to be done.
GILES Buffy would never allow it
Robin conveniently leaves out the fact that The First contacted him personally and divulged the fact that Spike had killed his mother. It truly doesn’t get more obvious than that! And I understand why Robin wouldn’t care. It was selfish but totally understandable.
On the other hand, Giles’s stance is rather disappointing. Not only because he fails to read between the lines but also because he’s clearly underestimating Buffy’s ability to make the tough calls when push comes to shove. Buffy had always proven that she has what it takes to make sacrifices for the greater good, even if that means dying or killing someone she loves. And at the same time, we know that she finds strength in her emotions and her love for others. So it’s kind of bewildering that Giles doubts her at this point.
There’s also the hypocrisy of him washing his hands clean off her when she needed him the most and was actively asking for his help but trying to dictate her actions and decisions now by deceiving her. I think that’s what gets me angry, really. It’s not his trying to off Spike, as daft a move that was. It’s his lying to her and deceiving her in order to do something he knew she wouldn’t agree to.
13) So, this is for the greater good, Robin? Hmmm…. 
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It looks more like you’re trying to fulfill your revenge fantasy. Or maybe he had a weird crosses fetish?
14) I mean…
ROBIN No, I don't wanna kill you, Spike. I wanna kill the monster who took my mother away from me.
Technically, he could never kill the monster who killed his mother. To begin with, Spike has a soul now and by the show’s standards, he wasn’t the same person who’d killed Nikki. This is the reason why Robin chooses to use the trigger. But the monster that shows up when Spike’s trigger goes off is not the person who’d killed Nikki either. When Spike’s under the influence of the trigger he seems to be a much more primal, instinct-driven, lethal vampire, which is not the pre-soul Spike we’ve known.
15) I really like how the fight is juxtaposed with the scene between Spike and his mom. It’s a really nice way to show how he gets to accept and overcome the burden that makes the trigger work. You can see that he’s beaten not because of Robin’s punches but because of what he’s remembering.
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I mean, who wouldn’t be traumatized…?
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16) I kind of see some of the points both of them make during their final conversation. Spike, as usual, makes some very good observations as regards Robin and his vendetta against him in the sense that he’s trying to put the blame on Spike for getting robbed of his childhood when that’s not really the case. While it’s not true that Nikki “knew what she was signing up for” because being a Slayer is not a career choice or even a calling, she did choose to put her duties as a Slayer before her personal and family life, which is why she ended up getting killed. I think it would be interesting to see how she got that mentality. I can imagine her arriving at the conclusion that she had the chance to make the world a better place for her kid, which makes a lot of sense in my opinion. I can’t help but see her “the mission is what matters” statement as influenced by the Black Power movement, too. The thing is, the fact that Robin grew up without a mom was the result of a number of reasons. That doesn’t take away from the fact that Spike was, indeed, his mom’s murderer, but it feels like Robin was trying to channel his anger into Spike because he couldn’t deal with the fact that he resented his mother for not choosing him over her job. On some level, he must’ve blamed his mother, too. It’s just a very complex issue, and I don’t think Robin would’ve gotten over the whole thing just by killing Spike.
17) I’m not a fan of the resolution, though. The fact that Spike overcomes his trauma by pissing all over Robin’s in the most brutal way feels so wrong and unnecessary, and I don’t understand why the writers made that choice and expected the viewers to see Spike as the hero in that scenario. Of course, I didn’t want him to get killed and I do like how he got rid of the trigger – by being forced to confront what he probably deems his most horrible deed and understanding that what matters about his relationship with his mom is not its ending but everything that came before. But I don’t get why he had to be so brutal with Robin in order to do that? Telling him that his mom didn’t love him and all that? Like, these are all things Robin probably thought himself a million times before, but having someone else spit them out in your face – your mom’s murderer of all people – feels like the ultimate humiliation and I don’t appreciate the writers building up Spike as a “strong/badass” character again by trashing Robin in such a horrible way. I can’t imagine how anyone would cheer for Spike here? It feels wrong to do so.
18) This is the moment you choose to bring this up, Giles? Why wasn’t this an issue before? Why didn’t you question this before?
GILES You want Spike here even after what he's done to you in the past?
It’s such a douche move to bring this up when it suits your purposes instead of showing concern about this because, I don’t know, you’re worried about Buffy reconnecting with her attempted rapist?
BUFFY I'm in the fight of my life.
BUFFY Not you, Richard.
“Not you, Richard” is going to be my new “Take it easy, Joan.” I’m calling it. 
20) I just love how the second Buffy realizes that Giles has been stalling her, she slays the vamp without even looking. It probably was harder for her to not kill him.
21) This also rubs me the wrong way…
BUFFY You try anything again, he'll kill you. More importantly, I'll let him. I have a mission to win this war, to save the world. I don't have time for vendettas. The mission is what matters.
I get that she strongly believes Spike is a warrior they need in this fight, but that doesn’t mean that she shouldn’t stop him from killing Robin, someone who’s also an asset – vendetta or not - but more importantly, an innocent person. This is so unusually cold of Buffy, and I don’t like it at all.
22) I don’t know why Giles assumed that Robin would succeed in killing Spike? If he’d been smart and sneaky about it, of course, but Robin was more concerned about his vendetta and putting on a big show, he was probably the least qualified person to try and kill Spike because of how emotionally involved he was in the whole thing. It’s precisely because of his emotions that he didn’t succeed. And besides, fighter or not, he didn’t stand a chance against William the Bloody, which is the one he wanted to fight. Giles was kind of stupid, tbh. Like, he trusted this guy who he barely even knew with a very important task, one that would cost him his relationship with Buffy. And he didn’t even bother to make sure that Robin would do it in a foolproof way.
23) See the hypocrisy?
BUFFY He's alive. Spike's alive. Wood failed.
GILES Well, that doesn't change anything. What I told you is still true. You need to learn—
24) This is Buffy’s kiss of death, tbh, and I fucking love it, it’s so extra.
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25) I’m kind of torn when it comes to this episode. I feel like it’s a solid episode in the sense that it explores both Robin’s and Spike’s issues with their mothers and Buffy’s relationship with her mentor/father figure. On the other hand, this is an episode that centers around three of my favorite characters in the show – Buffy, Spike, and Giles – and I can’t say that I like any of them in it. I can handle not liking one of them at once, but shaking my head at all of them simultaneously is too much for my poor fangirl heart, you know? I don’t know. They come across as idiotic, brutal, and cold, and it makes me feel uncomfortable. I love these characters, and watching them act so unlike themselves for the sake of the plot… I just get this uncomfortable feeling I can’t shake off. I feel... like second-hand wrongness or something.
26) If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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kawai-kettu · 6 years
We need to talk about The Death Cure (3/5)
We need to talk about the Death Cure :
1. The Movie in General
2. Scene by Scene
3. The characters
4. The pairings
5. Random thoughts
The characters
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- I loved, absolutely loved Teresa in this. I’ve always been fond of her character as played by Kaya Scodelario, but honestly? I’ve felt so bad for her, for how much she’s been trying, to no avail. For the sacrifices she’s made, even if no one acknowledges them : accepting to be hated, to be isolated, to lose people, all for the sake of helping people she doesn’t even know… She really takes after her namesake, Mother Teresa, wanting to help all of humanity, not discriminating between rich and poor, contrary to Janson’ dreams of a transformed society. I liked how incredibly strong she is, focused on her goal ; yet, she has clear limits, that’s for sure, and she’s being eaten alive by her guilt over what she’s doing (that scene of her trying to explain to a vegetative Minho that they’re doing good, I felt so bad for her ç___ç ), but… She still does what (she feels) needs to be done. We get an example of that when she injects the new serum to Shai : everyone except her flinches when witnessing this child’s pain, even though she clearly cares for the child. I also like that though she has sided with WCKD, she’s still different from them, and it’s made clear in the way she’s dressed. For example, for the business meeting, she’s wearing a suit vest, looking business like….. except it’s worn over a dress, a pretty one but not a very formal one, making her look like she tried to look like Ava but isn’t really like her at her core. As for the rest of her outfits, I was under the impression she went for casual and practical, but I need to rewatch to confirm that.
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- I’ve been wanting to shake and strangle Thomas for most of the movie, for his mistakes and errors of judgment ; he’s acting out of good reasons, but he’s also reckless, impulsive and not thinking things through… ….which I loved. I hate perfect characters, and Thomas, in all of his faults, is believable, real and incredibly human (plus a realistic teenager). I’ve also been wanting to hug him so much, he broke my heart. DOB really delivers, with his acting, showing how guilty Thomas feels, how much he really hopes he’ll find a way to atone and make things right for his friends, at least for them, and for everyone if possible. He doesn’t necessarily voice it (though his exchange with Brenda about this is amazing, and totally a character defining moment), but the many shots where he looks broken, right from the start of the movie, speak volumes. He doesn’t care for the rest of the world, for humanity in general, contrary to Teresa, but he would accomplish miracles for his friends (……sadly, sometimes, even miracles are not enough). …….seriously, I hope someone makes sure he’s okay in Paradise, because he’ll need a therapy.
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- Newt…. oh gods, Newt. He’s so very complex too and rendered that way. Capable of thinking silently, but also of voicing doubts, with his clever sense of humour. And despite this, following Thomas’ crazy ideas (which, I wonder, can be seen as a sign Thomas makes him want to live wildly or that following Thomas is a kind of suicide). Not only that, but Newt seems to be the only one to understand how Thomas work, that the guy will focus on his current objectives, disregarding everything else. Therefore, Newt places himself as a defender, a protector, looking for dangers that Thomas doesn’t see, and he intervenes when he thinks the situations needs to. For example when they’re at the protes, Newt is the one looking out for dangers, in this case, the approaching soldiers. For another example, see Newt protecting Thomas from getting shot by Janson :D Or, more subtly…. at the Rebels' HQ, Newt keeps shooting silent glances at Thomas, very quickly, then at Gally, and less often at Fry. On a different and more depressing note, I liked how they played out his illness. Given how in control of himself Newt is, he manages to hide his state and slow the illness far longer than Brenda or Winston did. Yet they needed to show this somehow, so how Newt is very obviously playing with his hand now and then, until it starts to really get worse. And at the very end, I absolutely loved this shot of him looking at the hellish street, the fire, with the music picking up and the image getting blurry, it was an incredible way to symbolize him losing to the virus, really ç___ç
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- Minho was amazing too, we got to see a very different side of him. In previous scenes, we had seen a fighter, a strong, composed character, charismatic and secure in his strength. But in The Death Cure.... Well... At the beginning, he looked so much more vulnerable, tired, weakened .....yet not broken : I loved the way he kept rebelling. Like his death glare at the beginning, when Janson is picking at him knowing Thomas rescue mission failed… But also, later the way he played at Teresa, just to be able to let his rage explode. He’s clearly a ball of frustration and anger and resentment at being treated like an animal. Also, I love how his quick thinking and reflexes are highlighted too, the way he cleverly uses every opportunity and manage to wait for the right moment, even when he’s been tortured for a year and should be definitely broken (he must have been a difficult prisoner, I want to hear all the things he pulled on them XD). He doesn’t let his anger control him, instead acting clever yet also using his instinct, which is clearly what differentiates him from Thomas. Also…. I love how he’s still the powerhouse of the group ; I would have wanted even more of that. Where Thomas is overpowered by Janson, Minho (even when he’s weakened after a year of captivity) still manages to win a fight against at least three men, one of which having a weapon, and another combat trained.
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- Frypan is the cutest guy in this movie, I wanted to protect him from this all and bring him back to a safe place. Seriously, he made me chuckle so much but also made me smile whenever he talked. I felt bad for him, too, worrying for everyone, with his big and soft heart, not built for these crazy adventures but still trying and following the others. I kept watching his reactions, and I wish we’d seen more of him, seriously, he was not used enough. (Which is made it very difficult to get a decent picture of him)
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- I liked Brenda, but I liked her far more in the second part of this movie. When she had to make difficult decisions, decisions that killed her, like leaving Thomas behind, I was happy to see her live by the advice she had given Thomas, accepting that she has to, for the sake of the group of children she’s in charge of. I’ve loved her raw energy and crazy adrenaline-addiction, kinda reminding me of Clara in DW but also underlining how much she’s a spiritual daughter to Jorge. And I loved how brave she was, she really shone in the bus scene, having grown from the presence of both male characters she was linked with (Jorge and Thomas). And she clearly has the shoulders to take control ; it would be awesome to see what she’ll become in the next years, but it’s a given she’ll grow to become even more badass. I think it’s also this survivalist mentality, taking responsibility for the people she saved, that separates her from Thomas, who would endanger the group for the sake of his closest ones, I think. (Also........I prefered her with short hair though.)
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- I’ve been so happy to see Gally again, he’s one of my faves and has been since TMR (He’s complex and interesting and I feel so sad that he’s considered by many to be a bad guy, given that his point of view is VERY sensible, I would have sided with him). In TDC, he doesn't disappoint : all of his lines made me grin, he’s just awesome, right from the moment he's introduced. Okay, I knew he’d be in there, so I recognized him instantly, and I'm not sure if we're supposed not to recognize him. There’s a clear disbelief on his part when he spots Thomas and you don’t need to see his face to get that ; despite the fact that he could have left it at that, he decides to save these old "friends" and confront them and I think that's what is key to me liking his character : he has changed, yet remains the same. Through it all, he reacts with far more composure, he's calmer and not as hot headed, yet he's still sarcastic and defiant. In TMR, he was protecting what took him so much energy to build, with fear and something akin to despair ; in TDC, it’s clear he’s lost what was his most treasured place, his security, and the year was probably horrible to him, but he also seem to have learnt a lot on himself and accepted that his place is not one of a leader and is content in that, in this hellish place. And I like that.
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- I absolutely adore Janson as a bad guy, with his dangerous or fed-up smiles. I treasure all these moments when he’s clearly feeling murderous inside but is trying to control himself (omg, like the “What bus?” line XD). I think he has rough days XD and I love how he’s come to the point of hating Thomas, and that this hate is tangible XD At first viewing, though, I thought he was too reckless in his behaviour at first, given that up to this moment, he had been composed. Well, if he has caught the Flare (and given that he has access to the Serum, we don’t know when exactly he got infested, though I would suppose it’s very recent - see the Random Thoughts theory about that), it would make more sense that he takes bad, reckless decisions. Or maybe he’s just a not very subtle asshole.
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- I like Jorge, but I wish they’d been more subtle with the treatment of his character. Him going berserk at being separated from Brenda? While I love the extremely strong father bond he has for her, it did seem…. OOC, for the guy who was so composed when we met him. Apart from this, he seemed more laid back, compared to the previous film, though still focused on protecting Brenda. I took it as a clue that…. now that he’s sided with the Right Arm, he feels like he’s done all he possibly could to ensure both of their safety and so he’s more relaxed and looking less like a calculating fox (…I liked him as a calculating fox, he wasso much cooler ç__ç).
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- Vince was badass, and the greatest leader they could have picked. In the first two movies, the boys had doubts about Thomas’ crazy plans, but they still followed him after he proved he could get away using nothing but crazy schemes and chance ; there, we can see Vince is okay with risky plans, but he favours controlled risks and accepts some risks depending on the expected gains….. meaning that this time, Thomas doesn’t win when he suggests a wild rescue mission, because Vince is having none of that, putting more importance on the survival of the group, than on one individual. I also liked, very much, the relation he seemed to have formed with Thomas, looking like a surrogate father to him. He seems to care for the kid a lot, despite still, as a leader, not wanting to endanger the group, and seriously, I wanted more scenes between the two, with Vince trying to guide Thomas while still admiring his determination and boldness. Also, did I mention he was badass and not afraid of a challenge? (…….Now I want a viking UA with Vince as the viking chief and Thomas as his adopted son.)
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- I’m still not sure about Ava, and how we’re supposed to read her character. Because for real, she’s still behaving pretty ruthlessly at the beginning. When she has this conversation with Janson about shooting a crowd of citizens, it sounded on first viewing like she was disapproving, but seriously, on second viewing, she’s not. She’s blaming him for not managing to kill Thomas and telling him to deal with that quickly. …….she only seems to buy herself a conscience when she realizes she has lost the fight, that they won’t find a cure in time, and that it was all in vain. I think her sudden evolution is more betraying that she’s afraid of possible consequences in an afterlife, and suddenly wanting to try to be… forgiven her trespasses somehow? (……..well, I still think you’re a bad woman, Ava. I don’t know about afterlife authorities, but I’m not sold T_T)
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- I wish we’d seen Lawrence more, even though…. …..okay, I don’t like him as a character, but he was interesting. I loved his exchange with Thomas about what he could want. Thomas, who is focused on surviving, thinks Lawrence wants time, wants more days to live. Except this only highlights that Thomas is a very…. simple guy, very ‘pure’ kind of soul. He doesn’t spontaneously assume that Lawrence could want something else, could want revenge. I also love that they don’t make it clear right away, what he’s after, but make it cryptic “Is that what I need?” ……also, I hadn’t understood at first viewing that Lawrence was the reason why they took the serum vials with them, but it was, right? (I also wonder if he sees himself as a messiah like figure?)
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- I know we haven’t seen her lots, but I love Harriet. She’s dangerous, yet her smile is beautiful and she seems so protective ç___ç  also, Aris seemed to have grown up sooo much ç___ç I liked hat Harriet didn’t take part to the rescue mission (protect your loved ones, girl, that’s the way to go, you’re the best ç___ç )
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