#past life 1209
Some Days I Don't Know If I Am Wrong Or Right
Characters: Clay, Cylas
Words: 1209
Content warnings: talk about murder and torture, Clay questions a few of Cylas... moral decisions (sorry if this is ooc @rottent33th)
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He looked around with an unreadable expression, somewhere between surprise, shock, and confusion. “It’s... very... pink?” 
“Sure is,” she commented, looking around as well, even though she could basically envision the whole complex with her eyes closed. The room opened into a wide, open kitchen-dining-living room area. As promised, the ceiling was higher than average, all lights out of reach for most people. Baby blue linoleum floors, smooth, mostly curved pastel pink walls, few edges. A small, round table with four chairs a little off to the left.  
Further past it, the floor changed to white and blue tiles as it approached the kitchenette. All pink wood and white countertops, even the oven and fridge were pink. If one were to check inside the locked cupboards and drawers, it would become evident that even the cutlery, baking utensils, and just everything was kept in light shades of pink, blue, and purple. It looked more like a s stereotypical little girl’s dollhouse than an actual living space. 
She gave Clay a moment to take it all in, from the furniture to smaller details such as the fake tulips on the table and empty frames on the walls. 
“Okay. What the hell is this place? Or, what kind of hell is this place?” Clay said, almost sounding bewildered, “You cannot convince me that you picked this... particular combination of furniture, décor, and colours.” 
“Oh, dear gods no,” she huffed with a small laugh, “This actually isn’t my place, I only allowed myself the freedom to... take control of it since the previous owner has no use for it anymore.” 
“And, the previous owner being...?” Clay continued. 
Her expression got a little more serious as she met his eyes, “Well, what do you think?” 
He stared at her for a moment, face blank as emotions fought inside him. The anger he was feeling was something he had rarely, if at all, experienced before in his life. He was torn between wanting to smash something and insisting Cylas show him the piece of shit that had apparently trapped her here. 
“But, why here? Why, of all places you could keep him, would you choose this place?” he almost growled, sounding more like a wild beast than a man. 
“It’s all about the theatrics, the drama, the symbolism,” she said smiling, and walked backwards further into the room, spreading her arms as if presenting her surroundings, “Making the prison guard the prisoner. Locking him up in the cage of his creation. A constant reminder of what he did, what brought him here, and what will happen. Make him feel vulnerable and scared and hopeless just like he did us. Physical pain isn’t the only kind of suffering. Not the worst either.  
Uncertainty, not knowing what is to come, nor being able to predict it, that’s a different kind of torment. Being chained up in a small room with no promise that I’ll come back, no way to know if I’ll give him food or not, if I’ll hurt him or just watch, let him out, if I’ll even acknowledge him. 
Just sitting and waiting for hours on end. With nothing to do but think. 
There’s a special kind of power in denying people death when it’s all they ask for. When they beg for their misery to end, and to just... walk away.” 
She dropped her arms and looked back at Clay, “Anyway, though there is much I could show you, I guess we should focus on the essential, I didn’t bring you hear to listen to my ramblings.” 
They crossed the room, right past the table and kitchenette, and followed a straight hallway. There had been a door to the right just by the entrance, and then two more on each side of the hall. It ended in one last door, but Cylas went straight for the second door on the left. It was painted white, just as all the other doors, but it had pink flower patterns on it, and a sign that said “Emma”. 
Clay followed her and watched in silence as she reached for the door, fiddling with the key because her hands were visibly shaking. She knew that there was nothing to be scared of, especially with another person by her side, but the fear was instinctive. A deep-seated emotional response tied to the room. And still, she refused to change anything about it. 
Unsurprisingly, the walls of the room were pastel pink as well, but the floor was carpet, a darker shade, almost bordering deep red. In the corner, ankle chained to the metal bedframe, cowered the scrawny figure of a man, face gaunt and eyes dull, loose tattered clothes being the only indication that he must have weighed more at some point. Clay wondered whether the man was too weak to move or if he was scared, because even though the chain certainly limited his range, it seemed still long enough to move around the room. 
Cylas, who must have picked up on how his confused gaze was fixed on the shackles offered an explanation. 
“It’s so he can use the bathroom,” she said, nodding towards a door to the left. “Don’t want him pissing and shitting all over the floor. He tried that towards the beginning, to make me angry, I suppose. Only once though.” 
“Do I want to know what you did?” 
She looked up at him and grinned, “Left him for a couple days. Checked in to make sure he doesn’t die but nothing more. Turns out if you’re trapped long enough you literally start drinking your own piss any desire to repeat whatever brought you there kinda just... disappears. He even cleaned up himself once I gave him cleaning stuff. Guess if you gotta be stuck in a room for an indeterminate amount of time oyu don’t necessarily want it smelling like literal shit.” 
“That’s... disgusting,” Clay said. 
“That it was.” 
He wasn’t completely sure how to feel about this revelation; the violent and physically cruel side of her he had witnessed, but this was different. Psychologically tormenting someone and playing mind-games for a couple hours, that he knew. But... days? Weeks? This man must’ve been here for a long time. He was almost scared to ask. 
“You think I’m crazy, yeah? Completely gone, lost all my marbles and got no screws left either?” Cylas said, teasing on the surface, but there was no real humour in it. Only bitterness. 
He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to collect his thoughts. 
“This- He is the guy who tried to kill you and ended up burying you alive?”  
“The one and only,” she replied, a blatantly fake cheerful tone in her voice. 
“After abducting you and holding you captive here, for... how long?” 
“Hmm...” she tilted her head as if she was thinking, “Somewhere around two and a half months? I think just about... sixty-seven days?” 
“Ah,” Clay said, unsure how to respond. It was clear that she knew exactly how long she had been captive, and he could basically watch how she close herself off again, rebuilt whatever walls she had let down for him. She had let him see one of her most vulnerable spots, and he... didn’t know how to react. 
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if it looks like it kinda ended in the middle of nowhere... OneDrive decided to have server issues and it's past 12 am anyway, so
@bluecoolr @myers-meadow @immortal-velociraptor @kalid-raven @slaasherslut
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The Seal Of Zeal (2/3)
Book : Open Heart (set post book 3)
Pairing : Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Meera Bose)
Series Summary : Ethan Ramsey and Meera Bose do not back down from challenges. But what happens when they challenge each other?
Chapter Summary : Ethan and Meera find it difficult to schedule a date night because of the demands of their new roles, until Meera proposes a plan.
Category : Fluff
Warnings : None
Rating : General
Word Count : 1209
Trope : And they were in the Office...
A/N : Hello and welcome back everybody! I so wanted to post this last week but it got very hectic, so better late than never. This is also my early submission for @choicesmonthlychallengejune2022 day 9 : date. Hope you all enjoy this one as well. Happy Reading! ❤️
Catch up on part 1!
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Meera got into the car almost half asleep and let out a long sigh. 
"You look like you had a rough night," Ethan said pulling out of the apartment garage. 
"Says the man who has dark circles deeper than the Grand Canyon." 
"Ouch! That was rude!" Ethan tried feigning offense but ultimately broke into a laugh. Meera joined in a few seconds later.
"I feel like I haven't laughed this much in forever," she said regaining her breath. 
"Yeah tell me about it. Everyday I open my eyes and dread going into work because I'll have to see the fake smiling faces of the board members, and paperwork keeps getting more and more everyday!" 
"Ahh! Paperwork. Is. Literally. The. Worst. I have reached the point where I can't bear the sight of my own signature. Is it possible? Can you be disgusted by your own signature?" 
"Hmm, I think it is," Ethan chuckled. 
"You know, this reminds me we haven't had a date night in ages." 
"Really? Didn't we check out that food carnival like last week?" 
"It's been three weeks to that old man." 
"Wow! Three weeks is a really long time. We should rectify that at the earliest tell me when you are free this week?" Ethan said pulling into the hospital driveway. 
"I am not on call Tuesday and I think I get off early Friday," Meera checked her calendar. 
"No, that doesn't work with me, I can move around somethings and get out on Saturday and maybe Thursday if I am lucky." Ethan checked his. "I'll see if I can reassign some of your cases so that you can get Saturday off." 
"Sorry, won't work, I have a consult at Mass Gen and they have been trying to have me over for weeks. Why don't You make things work for Friday." 
"I would if I could, but the CEO of this med-tech company will be in town only on Friday and the board wants me to have dinner with him." Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose getting out of the car. 
"Great so my boyfriend is now going on dates with some CEO?" Meera chuckled following suit. 
"Come on Meera, meet me halfway here." 
"Halfway? I am dealing with life or death here!" 
The couple walked into the busy hospital atrium. 
"Hey round with interns in five," Jackie shouted walking past Meera. 
"Will be there!" 
"Chief Ramsey someone from HR has been asking for you," Ethan's assistant Margaret walked upto him. 
"I'll see them in my office in ten." 
"Hey I have a new pro-Bono case for the DT I wanted to discuss with you," Harper said crossing the atrium to meet Meera. 
"Let's assemble the team after rounds, will go through it then." 
"Sir Mrs. Wilson's lawsuit has been settled we just need you to sign the paperwork." 
"That's great! Keep it ready for me in my office." 
"Meera I need a consult for a kid up in peds, you can't say no," Sienna said handing both of them coffee and cookies. 
"How can I when your cookie is my breakfast? I'll page you when I'm done with the DT." 
"You are the best," Sienna smiled curtly at them and dissappeared. 
"Medicure pharma wants to let you know that their offer stands if you change your mind." 
"Margaret let them know that Ethan Ramsey doesn't change his mind." 
Margaret nods running up the stairs. 
Ethan and Meera get into the elevator, and let out long sighs. 
"So you ready for your day?" Meera asks. 
"Doesn't leave me with a choice of not being ready," Ethan replies. 
"You know I was thinking why don't we add a little more fun into our day?" 
Ethan looked at his girlfriend puzzled. 
"Whoever finishes with their itenary and clocks out first can decide the day for the date night and the other has to make time for that." 
Ethan's blue eyes sparkled mischievously, "you are a freaking genius." 
"Well I know, thank you very much," Meera gave a little bow as the elevator stopped at her floor with the familiar beep. Ethan cupped her face and pressed his lips to her one last time before parting ways. 
Meera stepped out, "just so you know this genius brain is going to figure out all of her cases in no time and make you change your schedule." 
"We'll see about that," Ethan said just as the elevator doors closed. 
Meera walked toward her office with newfound motivation and joy. 
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The day zoomed by. Meera's brain was working at its fullest. She went through rounds, met with the DT and completed Sienna' s consult in no time. She returned to her office and started with paperwork without stopping for coffee. She didn't need coffee when the adrenaline from her impending win was pulsating through her nerves. 
Soon the sun had set over the Boston horizon and Meera put her signature on the very last paper. She threw her hands in joy and looked at the time, it was half past eight and there was no way Ethan was done before her.
Without wasting a single minute Meera packed up her belongings and made her way to the elevator, doing a little happy dance to the elevator's music. Only to come up to an empty Chief's office. Ethan's assistant had informed her that he was almost done with the day's work when he got called into an emergency board meeting thirty minutes ago. This was maybe the first time Meera felt grateful for Bloom. He had ensured her win, but she missed being able to rub it in Ethan's face. 
She walked over to Ethan's empty desk, overflowing with paperwork. She looked at the framed picture of her in the dog park that was kept on one side of the table. This man was whipped, she thought. 
On the other side she noticed a huge white box with a leading pharmaceutical company's name on it. Filled with curiosity she opened it to reveal a huge spread of donuts. Being chief came with its perks, she chuckled. 
Her stomach growled, reminding that the adrenaline of the day made her forget to take a break for lunch. She picked up the box of donuts and walked over to the couch, making herself comfortable. 
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A couple of hours later Ethan walked out of the conference room, head throbbing with pain. He looked down at his wrist watch taking quick steps towards the elevator. There was no way he was beating Meera now. 
Ethan walked into his office and was welcomed by a soft musical snoring. His eyes made a quick scan before finding the source, his girlfriend, asleep on the couch with an almost finished box of donuts laying on the ground. 
He smiled, she looked so peaceful and cute, but he couldn't help but click a few quick pictures which he knew Varma and Lahela would definitely appreciate. He nudged Meera awake. It took her a few seconds to break the trance before groggily saying, "I won, you lost." 
"I know," he replied, "but let's get you home first," he put down an endearing kiss on her forehead, already cooking up an excuse for the board on missing the dinner with the CEO.
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Thank you so much if you have read till here, it means the world to me. Hope to see you go on other different adventures with me, Ethan and Meera, till then sending love and hugs your way! ❤️
Taglist : @starrystarrytrouble @mm2305 @charisworld @choicesfanaf @potionsprefect @genevievemd  @shanzay44 @little-flowers-on-heaven @schnitzelbutterfingers  @coffeeheartaddict  @gryffindordaughterofathena @chemist-ana @adiehardfan-deactivated20211021 @custaroonie @ireneadlerisseggsy @takemyopenheart @natureblooms24 @mainstreetreader @lawyerlies @a-crepusculo @quixoticdreamer16 @starryeyedrookie @sincerelyscarring @thebluestonedpendant @kit-rookie-princess @wanderingamongthewildflowers @peonierose
+ @openheartfanfics, @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallengejune2022
Please let me know if you want to be added or removed. 💜
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 1 year
How is This Kirishima's Life
How is this Kirishima's Life by Ck141414
Marine biologist Eijirou Kirishima had no idea what he was getting into, landing a job at Japan's most renowned aquarium. He should have known something was off when that Aizawa guy interviewed him. After setting up his bedroom/office, which is right above a massive tank, Kirishima gets the shock of his life when he dunks his feet in and gets pulled in. He looks up to see the most beautiful pair of eyes, but that's over in a second when his shoulder is in a world of pain, he looks down, and it's bloody with teeth marks, and when his brain finally catches up to him that he's not breathing he realizes that the man who pulled him under is not just a regular man but a merman.
Words: 1209, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Language Barrier, Past Abuse, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45818950
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wisdomrays · 1 year
According to al-Ghazzali, the spirit is something created, and therefore it has no eternity in the past. Its being brought into existence is like an effusion or diffusion from a limitless source into the frame of the body. God sometimes forms a body out of clay and endows it with the capacity to receive a spirit as in the case of the Prophet Adam, upon him be peace; sometimes He creates a body out of a human seed—a few drops of fluid coming from a male and female—and causes it to develop so that it can receive the spirit. We should not understand the effusion mentioned as a part detaching from a whole. In accordance with the rule, if we should present Divine truths using parables, we should present them with the most sublime parables—this effusion can be likened to reflections in mirrors. We should point out here that although the Imam, like others who discuss spiritual matters, cannot avoid using comparisons and parables associated with corporeality, the spirit is from the Immaterial Realm of (the Initial Manifestation of) Divine Commands, and it is therefore almost impossible to explain it in terms of corporeality.
Imam al-Ghazzali also discusses the permanence of the spirit after the death of the body. Based on the Qur'anic verses concerning life after death, such as: Do not think at all of those killed in God's cause as dead. Rather, they are alive; with their Lord they have their sustenance (3: 169), and the Prophetic Traditions that mention life in the grave and beyond, he emphasizes life in the grave and rejects any considerations that oppose this. Saying, "A human being is human due to their spirit, not their body," the Imam considers the other-worldly existence as a new creation and existence.
Fakhru'd-Din ar-Razi (1149–1209 CE)
Fakhru'd-Din ar-Razi, one of the great interpreters of the Qur'an, holds the same opinions about the spirit as other Sunni scholars. However, when he goes into detail, he can be seen to have different, individual views. Even though some think that Imam ar-Razi, like Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni, and Imam an-Nawawi,[25] maintains that the spirit is a refined, transparent substance, like the rose oil in roses, he actually always avoids describing the spirit as something corporeal, no matter how refined and transparent it is, and he stresses its freedom from corporeality. In Ma'alimu Usuli'd-Din ("The Sciences of Religious Methodology") and Mafatihu'l-Ghayb ("Keys of the Unseen"), he, like Imam al-Ghazzali, emphatically argues that the spirit is the essential reality of humanity, opposing those who claim that the reality of humanity lies in its corporeal existence; he criticizes materialists, spiritualists, and some theologians who were not able to find a proper style in expressing the truths. Razi's arguments can be summarized as follows:
Despite continuous change in the body, the individual nature and identity remain unchanged. Although the body, like a military barracks, is continuously filled, emptied, and refilled, and the particles or atoms that leave it are replaced with new ones, thus undergoing a constant change and renewal, the individuals remain as themselves and, at every instant, perceive themselves as they have always been. This clearly demonstrates that the essential reality of humanity lies in something other than the body, and which does not change through bodily changes.
Like Ibn Sina and Imam al-Ghazzali, Imam Fakhru'd-Din ar-Razi argues that even at times when people are lost in something, or completely indifferent to or oblivious of their bodies, they never become oblivious of their identity. This state is described as "something known being different from what is unknown." This is a self-evident reality, demonstrating that the essential reality of humanity lies in the spirit, not the body.
Humanity involves the existence of learning and knowing. Knowledge can neither be obtained nor preserved by the body. Therefore, it is the spirit which forms the essence of humanity.
The Qur'an and Prophetic sayings declare that the essence of humanity is the spirit. In the holy Qur'an, God declares, "O you soul at rest! Return to your Lord, well-pleased (with Him and His treatment of you), and well-pleasing to Him!" (89: 27–28), and reminds us that human identity does not consist of only the body. For the address "Return!" is made to the soul at rest, which is dying. This shows that the human identity has an essential element which can receive the Divine address and will return to God after the death of the body.
We also read in the Clear Criterion (the Qur'an): He is the All-Omnipotent over His servants; and He sends to you (angel) guardians (who watch over and keep a record of whatever you do). When death finally approaches any of you, Our envoys (the angels assigned to this duty) take his soul, and they do not neglect (any part of their tasks) (6: 61). This means that every person has an essential substance which will be taken and submitted to God following death.
Based on these and other verses, such as Do not think at all of those killed in God's cause as dead. Rather, they are alive; with their Lord they have their sustenance (3: 161), which is about the martyrs, and The Fire: they are exposed to it morning and evening (40: 46), which describes the state of the Clan of Pharaoh in the intermediate world of the grave, as well as Prophetic declarations like "The Prophets do not really die; they are transferred from one realm to another," and "The grave is either a garden from among the gardens of Paradise, or a pit from among the pits of Hell," Fakhru'd-Din ar-Razi, like earlier scholars who were of the same opinion, confirms both the existence of the spirit and the truth of the life of the grave. According to him, the intermediate realm of the grave is like a waiting room on the way to the Hereafter.
Stressing, like all other Muslim scholars, the existence and immaterial nature of the spirit, ar-Razi is severely opposed to the notion of reincarnation, something which all leading Muslim scholars decisively reject. He regards the arguments of Ibn Sina in its refutation to be insufficient and sets forth new arguments.
Again, like the overwhelming majority of Muslim scholars, ar-Razi believes in the bodily resurrection. That is, all human beings will be resurrected in body and soul in the Hereafter. The following quotation from his illustrious, voluminous commentary on the Qur'an, entitled Mafatihu'l-Ghayb ("Keys of the Unseen"), clearly shows his view:
God Almighty has equipped humankind with an intellect that is able to distinguish good from evil and the willpower to choose between them. He also has warned humankind, which He has created with this nature because of His Justice and Wisdom, against heresy, unbelief, and misguidance. He calls on them to refrain from harming the Prophets, saints, and indeed, all existent beings, and encourages them to do good deeds and attain virtues. A warning and encouragement can be fruitful with the promise of rewards for good deeds and the threat of punishment for evil. However, virtues and good deeds cannot receive their full reward in the world, nor can sins and evils be punished adequately and justly. This concludes that there must be, and is, another realm for the just, sufficient reward and punishment. That realm is the Hereafter.
The human carnal soul continuously drives human beings to satisfy their lusts and desires. This causes a constant conflict between human intellect or reason and the carnal soul. Reason or intellect should be supported in this conflict. Only the Divine promise of reward and the threat of punishment can lead human beings to give such support. But this promise of reward or threat is not completely fulfilled in this world. Therefore, there must be another realm where this Divine pledge will be completely fulfilled. In fact, the Divine pledge is essentially made with respect to that other realm, which is the Hereafter.
Both human reason and the Wisdom of God, the All-Wise, perceive it as necessary for good and evil to be treated differently. However, we cannot observe that this different treatment is fully made in this world. Many an evil person lives happily and comfortably, while numerous virtuous people suffer great hardship and deprivation. The Justice and Wisdom of God, the All-Just and All-Wise, require that there must be another realm where good and evil will receive their due fully. This realm is the Hereafter. It is also a requirement of Divine Justice and Wisdom that the right of the oppressed must be restored from oppressors and rights must be established. However, many oppressors depart from this world without their oppression being punished. Therefore, there must be, and is, another realm where everyone will get their just deserts. This realm is the other world, of which the Qur'an frequently reminds us.
But for the other world, human beings would be more wretched and miserable than animals. Animals have no consciousness or conception of definite time divisions, so therefore they suffer neither pains that arise from past misfortunes nor anxiety for the future. They live only for the moment. If they can find or are offered food, they eat and go; if they cannot find it, they continue to search for it or are content with the amount they have found. But humanity experiences the pains that come from past and present misfortunes, as well as anxieties about the future, all intermingled. Particularly if one's belief and degree of submission are not strong enough to struggle against these pains and anxieties, one writhes with constant, unbearable suffering. Therefore, there must be another realm where humanity, which has been favored with feelings, consciousness, and the faculty of perception, will find absolute, eternal happiness. Otherwise, its faculties, such as reason and consciousness, on account of which it has been given a rank superior to other existent beings, would each be a source of torment for it.
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sero-pairo · 1 year
How is this Kirishima's Life
by Ck141414
Marine biologist Eijirou Kirishima had no idea what he was getting into, landing a job at Japan's most renowned aquarium. He should have known something was off when that Aizawa guy interviewed him. After setting up his bedroom/office, which is right above a massive tank, Kirishima gets the shock of his life when he dunks his feet in and gets pulled in. He looks up to see the most beautiful pair of eyes, but that's over in a second when his shoulder is in a world of pain, he looks down, and it's bloody with teeth marks, and when his brain finally catches up to him that he's not breathing he realizes that the man who pulled him under is not just a regular man but a merman.
Words: 1209, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Language Barrier, Past Abuse, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
from AO3 works tagged 'Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto', https://ift.tt/fWFQKHP
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I get away almost every day with what the girls call murder.
“I saw you last night in my dream. That’s still the closest that you and I have been.”
“How did I fall in love with someone that I don’t know?”
“Gonna have you bound and gagged so God can’t hear your cries.”
“They come down the mountain, High on the loss.”
“Why you comply is beyond reason.”
“When they call your name, you’ll see that it was your heart that they’d been eating.”
“When all their pretty violence hits your hide, remember to smile and take a bow.”
“From summer hare to sweet black Christs, with the knife in hand the high priest said, “give blood. Give blood. Give blood.”
“I gave you the performance of a lifetime. “
“I hope you’ll see that there just isn’t a place here for me. I look around and feel like somebody must be fucking with me. I just can’t take any of you seriously.“
“Forcing all forms of life inside of me to retreat underground. You get dragged down . The bottom begins to feel like the only safe place that you know.”
“ people like us gets so heavy and so lost sometimes.” This line makes me think of childhood, of the shroud that surrounded me before I understood that I was feeling dead people.
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During “nearly lost you”, it was shown to me that the head injury from the last concussion was supposed to do me in. And I remember it, or shall I say remember going all the way away.
And right after, meditation 8 played, so I’m guessing that since Stella’s an 8, and both those songs have an 8 in them In some sense, that Stella was saving My ass yet again. “That was Close “she just said. She also showed me flashes of the fall that happened in Yonkers in 2020.
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“ yeah well, I’m not even guessing what your plans may be. You’re twisted and you’re bent like a Japanese tree. Those are pretty long arms driving from the backseat.” (11:11)
“Walking in my head like I’m shoes on your feet.”
“Why can’t we leave?”
“ you’ve been around enough to be smart enough to stay the fuck away from me because I take full advantage of all the men I meet.”
“ do you get déjà vu?”
“Fatality, boy.”
“ i’m using everything I find.”
“ do anything to keep you tied up.”
“ never seen but always sought after. He shakes me up like no other.”(this played last night too….also once I spun around my apartment a few years ago, or rather got spun by some unfriendly source.)
“ i’m running out of ways to make you see.”
“I won’t be OK and I won’t pretend I am.”
“Just say yes. It’s not a test or a trick of the mind. just love.”
“Life to me is a share:To be, to see, to understand each other. To love one another. I give to you the same test of love. Reviens, cherie.” (Lou you fucking poet.)
“ when she moves my brain screams out this song.”
“Sometimes I would follow you all the way home.”
“I hate to be led.”
“How do you do it, with visions of worst to come, Live in the present? “
“Like a problem you try to work out in your mind.”
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Say hello 2 heaven usually plays when somethings wrong; this time I was told that I was still to be careful, and not go out at night.
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“Metal from the sky came falling where I died.”
“a stranger, They tricked me. And I thought I was leaving Through my window.”
“Now wake up!” They're telling me now.”Let it go. Come on, Play.”
“Meet the light child.”
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“Maybe there’s a past life coming out inside of me.”
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“I won’t need your picture until we say goodbye.” (DAMN)
“I hope I won’t let anyone suffer anymore, like I let you suffer.” (I discovered manu chao with my group of frenchies in france, but I’ve never translated this before.)
“What time is it in Paradise?”
“ i’ve got nobody on my side and Surely that ain’t right. We’ve got a war to fight.”
“ The worlds collide but all I want is a shady lane.”
“The end is always near.”
“ I don’t know how many people believe in astrology I am a Sagittarius the most philosophical of all the signs… Anyway I don’t believe in it I think it’s a bunch of bullshit myself… But I’ll tell you this man… I don’t know what’s going to happen man but I’m gonna have my kicks before the whole Shit house goes up in flames.”
“This should be our finest hour. I wish I’d never ever heard that song before.”(Suffragette City, maybe?)
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“Accident! Accident! Accident!”
I’ve made up my mind to live in memories.”
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“Hello, It’s the most famous woman you know on the IPad, calling from beyond the grave …I just wanna say, hi Dad.”
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“have I ever laid my hands on you before?”
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Are you willing to write about Loki comforting the reader with their parental issues? Like a dad with too big expectations? (Totally not projecting/sarcasm) it's okay if you don't feel comfortable with this. Thank you if you can.
A/N: No, I didn’t also self-project into this prompt, I don’t know WHAT you mean. I hope this helps you feel a little better, friend. Also, enjoy Loki joking about their past decisions.
WC: 1209
Rating: G
TW: None
You heaved a sigh as you flopped face down onto the couch, burying your face into a pillow and screaming.
You’d assumed you were alone in the room, until, when you finally ran out of breath to scream and sat up, you saw Loki watching you from across the room, seated in an armchair and only their eyes visible over the top of their book.
“Feel better?”
You huffed out a laugh, because if you didn’t, you were going to start crying. “Not really, but it felt kinda good.”
Loki said nothing as they placed the bookmark back into their book and closed it, setting it down on the coffee table in front of them as they looked at you. “…is it something you want to talk about?”
You made a grumpy little sound as you leaned back into the couch, staring at the ceiling. “No.”
Loki nodded once, picked up their cup of tea, took a sip, and waited.
They didn’t have to wait very long.
“It’s just my dad again. He’s always… Ugh, I don’t know. It’s like I can never make him feel happy. And I’m pissed off.” You rubbed a hand down your face and let it fall to the couch with a dull thud.
“Because he isn’t happy?”
“No. Yes? Ugh.” You were currently feeling a great many things all at once, and were having trouble processing them so that you could express them, but you knew Loki was going to give you the space you needed to do so for as long as it took.
You opened your eyes and looked back up at the ceiling, watching the fan swing in slow circles for a few long moments, and eventually heaved another sigh.
“…it goes like this. My dad, he… comes from a family where it was very much work hard or get nothing. So he’s been working since he was old enough to be in school. Back then they still didn’t really care so much about child labor. I mean, what where they going to do if the whole family was out there working, you know? And so he’s never really had to not work. And even now that he’s retired, he still works. It’s like that’s all he knows how to do. And I guess… I don’t know, because he was raised that way, he thinks that I should be that way, and that if I’m not constantly working, or even wanting to work, then that means that I just don’t have any drive or any sort of perseverance. And that subsequently means that I’m not really doing anything worthwhile with my life, and therefore wasting it away, and he ‘can’t believe he raised his child like this.’” You stopped, because you had to. You were getting worked up again, and the pure frustration was leaving tears welled up in your eyes.
Loki nodded along as you spoke, and once you fell silent, they hummed softly. “I can see how that would cause some tension between you, yes.”
“And it’s like… I can’t even bring up how it makes me feel to him, because then he likes to tell me that I’m twisting his words or… or that I always make him the bad guy, and… and I’m just so tired of feeling like anything and everything that I ever do will never be enough for him. I’m sick of it. Sick of it.” Unable to hold it in for any longer, you picked up one of the decorative pillows on the couch and pressed it to your face, giving another lengthy scream of utter frustration while Loki only watched you with an expression purposely trained blank.
“…feel any better now?” they asked again, once you’d let the pillow fall back to the couch again, and this time, you huffed out a dry laugh.
“Yeah, actually, I kinda do. I should scream like this more often. You think the others mind?”
Loki shook their head, and it was, in part, out of fondness, and in part due to amusement. “I don’t think the screaming is what’s helping, Y/N.”
“Well, what else would it be, because talking about the whole situation just makes me feel shitty.”
Loki leaned forward, elbows braced atop their knees as they looked at you. “Do you know why that is?”
You tilted your head down to look at them, narrowing your eyes. “I get the feeling you’re about to tell me.”
“Because you don’t talk about it. Y/N, keeping all of this in because you can’t talk to your father about it is doing nothing but letting those emotions fester and mold and the longer you keep them in, the more toxic it becomes to yourself, and to your mental and emotional health.”
You had just enough leftover frustration to be mildly annoyed with them. “Since when did you become a therapist?”
“I’m speaking as someone who knows what it’s like. To have expectations put on you that you can’t quite seem to live up to. To feel like a disappointment, and that nothing you ever do will ever be enough. I get it. Believe you me, I get it more than anyone could.”
You considered that for a long moment, realizing that Loki had to have been telling the truth. You’d never really heard the full story about everything that had ever gone down between Thor and Loki, and even their parents, but you could put two and two together well enough to paint yourself a decent picture.
“…how did you handle it?”
Loki smiled. “Well, I came to Earth and tried to rule all of humanity, so.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh at that, and Loki did, as well, but eventually, they spoke again.
“And you know what? That didn’t help. Nothing ever really helped, until I came here, and had people to talk to, about everything I’d lived through, the trauma I’d grown up with, realized and not. And that… That is what truly helped. Giving myself the permission to not keep it to myself for any longer.”
You nodded slowly, a little stunned at the profundity of the statement, and it took you a few long moments before you spoke again. “…I suppose you have a point.”
Loki nodded, and grinned that insufferable grin that you knew they were making just to get you to smile. “I seldom don’t.” You both shared a genuine smile before they continued. “But I’m serious. Talking about it will help. And it doesn’t have to be with me, or anyone here. We have resources available to us. More than most. And in time… This won’t feel so life-ending anymore. You know?”
You heaved a sigh, and nodded definitively. “…I guess it wouldn’t be so hard to do.”
Loki nodded. “If nothing else, you can always abandon your father on another planet for his sins.” They said it just evenly enough that you couldn’t tell how much of a joke they were saying it as.
“Loki, I say this because I love you: you need help.”
Loki laughed whole-heartedly. “So do you, Y/N. All the best people do.”
All you could do was laugh, feeling like (a bit) of the weight had been lifted off your shoulders.
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I’ve literally never requested anything in my life but please fill the void with fluffy Lambert x reader. Possibly what it’s like at Kaer Morhen in the winter in that cold castle ruin.
Please and thank you!
A/N: Hello, my lovely! Thank you so much for this request! I'm sorry it took so long, I got a bit...lost for a while. But hopefully this is worth the wait. Word Count: 1209 Rating: M (just to be safe) - mild, canon-typical language; heavy kissing; could be spicy cuddling, could be a fade-to-black/implied sexual content
To say that Kaer Mohren was cold on its best day was an understatement. The old keep was huge and drafty, the battle of years past leaving added holes and gaps for the wind to whistle through. But now that a storm had settled over the great mountain castle, howling like an enraged beast for days on end, it was nearly unbearable. 
“I'm sorry,” Lambert muttered, retreating to the large pile of furs and blankets that the two of you had formed as close to the roaring fireplace as you dared. “When I invited you here, I thought the damned winter’d be mild, not the fucking coldest in memory.”
Lambert had been agitated since before the first storm clouds were spotted rolling across the horizon, and you couldn’t quite figure out why. He trained long hours, until past when the sky grew dark and his brothers retreated indoors, and spent the night drinking heavily, often turning down games of cards and dice in favor of pacing the halls. Most nights you went to bed alone, and were lucky if you woke up with him beside you. Lambert was never one to be settle down, or like staying in one place, even on a job, and he preferred the open places of the woods or farmer’s barns, to being in castles and inns, but Kaer Mohren was his home, and you had thought when he invited you, that it would be different here. Eskel was quick to assure you that Lambert always had a burr in his ass, and Coën teased that he was probably just nervous to have you around his much sexier brothers, and you tried to laugh along with their jokes, but you were worried. 
And then the storm hit: a vicious bitter cold descended, leaving you all shivering even in furs and wool and as many layers as you could find; snow piled up in the yards and against the doors, some of the drifts reaching higher than your head, and freezing rain covered everything in sheets of unbreakable ice. There was no getting in or out. You could tell by the way some of them winced or staggered with stiffness that this cold, which sunk to the bone, was able to irritate old injuries regardless of a witcher’s advanced healing and unique physiology. Lambert did his best to hide that he was among them, but sometimes it showed anyway, like now, when raising his arm strained him. You wondered if that was part of what put him on edge, and made a note to try and help, without letting on that you knew.
“Don’t be,” you hummed, pressing close. “If it were warmer, I wouldn't have an excuse to be doing this.”
You had hoped that your amorous gesture would placate him, as it did any other time of year. He huffed, shifting so that you could be fully folded into his embrace without moving away from the heat in front of you. You could feel him starting to relax and smiled, your plan working. Which was good, because you were starting to get sleepy, and if he was still grumpy, he’d be quick to leave you as soon as he was sure you wouldn’t notice, staying up late to train, or more likely drink, and you wanted him to stay.
You inhaled deeply through your nose, trying to fight back a yawn.
“Careful there, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “Don’t want you to suffocate on my stink.”
“You don’t stink,” you replied, pulling back to frown at him. “You don’t really believe Coën and Geralt’s jokes do you?”
He shook his head. “I know my brothers tease, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”
“I like the way you smell,” you protested, snuggling closer again as if to prove your point. “Like campfires, and something spicy, like...trees maybe?”
Lambert laughed, the sound reverberating through you and filling you with warmth. “That makes no sense, you mad thing. Trees don’t have a smell.”
“Yes they do! When you go from a field into a forest, with a lot of pine trees especially, the air gets…ugh. I don't know, it's different. You know what I mean!”
“No, I don’t.” 
You sighed dramatically. “As soon as this storm passes, we’re going to have to find a forest so I can prove it.”
“Oh are we?” he teased, smirking down at you. “And what if you’re proven wrong?”
“Then I’ll never argue with you again,” you promised with a smile, not quite meeting his eyes.
“Bullshit! I’ve never heard such an unkeepable promise in my life!” 
This led you to turn your expression into a pout and you stared at him until he started to squirm. 
“Come on, sweetheart, don’t do that,” he whined. When you didn’t crack, he leaned closer, breath tickling your face. “You know I love ya even if I don’t believe ya. That stubborn head of yours is sexy.”
You felt your resolve wavering, trying not to melt beneath his intense gaze. But you held strong until his hand started trailing over your shoulder and collarbone. His lip stuck out in almost a mirror of yours.
“Sweetheart, please don't be mad,” he murmured, soothing voice nearly turning you to mush. “I'll make it up to ya…”
You hummed curiously. “And just how do you plan to do that? I am, after all, very insulted.”
He grinned wolfishly, and you immediately regretted your question, a shiver of excitement running through you. Lambert wasted no time in launching into a detailed description of all the things he would do to you, for you, to make up for his grievous offense. With each action he described, his surprisingly gentle touch danced over a new part of your body, keeping your senses on edge and sending little licks of fire across your nerves. His breath tickled your face as he went on, and it took all your concentration to focus on his words - knowing he'd slip something in, hoping you'd be too distracted for a snappy comeback. There was a heat pooling in your belly, and you had completely forgotten what you'd even been talking about at the start.
Suddenly you surged forward, capturing his lips with your own in a desperate bid to shut him up, unable to bear any more of his bold teasing. He groaned against you as your fingers tangled into his wild red mane and his big hands pressed into the soft flesh of your sides, pulling at you to draw you even closer. He inhaled sharply as you trailed your tongue across his lip, teasing him physically the way he had with words. His mouth opened for you, the big man more than happy to surrender to your whims, not that he would ever admit it out loud. The kiss deepened, if that were even possible, until you weren’t sure where one of you stopped and the other began. The storm raging around you and the frost forming on even the insides of the windows were forgotten in the tangle of each other. 
“So,” he asked with a smirk as you eventually parted, “am I forgiven?”
“Shut up and kiss me again,” you laughed, shaking your head and knowing he knew the answer. 
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nakachuchu · 3 years
Chocolate Pocky | Fushiguro Toji
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SYNOPSIS: A day in your life with a freeloader.
READER: female
WORDS: 1209
WRITTEN: 04/10/2021
NOTES: Thank you for requesting from my event! "Let's get married." Okay, this was really fun to write and I'm tooting my own horn, but this is so cute and it's my fav. Sorry I couldn't mention chocolate pocky more. I got distracted lol
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You came from a rich family that didn't expect you to run the family business because you weren't the male firstborn.
All that was expected of you was to marry someone and have children, but you didn't like the idea of giving in to what your controlling family wanted.
Because of your upbringing, you connected with Toji. The two of you met in school and the first moment he saw you was when you were tilting back on your chair, eating chocolate pocky with a deadpan expression on your face.
After learning of each other's circumstances, you two naturally clicked with each other. And although you enjoyed how free-spirited he was, the fact that he was a freeloader was getting on your nerves.
You straddled his hips, smacking him repeatedly with a cushion from the couch he was laying on.
"Get a job!" you exclaimed.
He reached forward and engulfed your face with his large hand, pushing you away. Your arms flailed around, unable to reach him anymore.
"I do have a job."
"Freeloading is not a job!"
"You're rich," he retorted.
"That doesn't mean I like having you in my apartment all the time!"
You wrapped your hands around his wrist and pulled his hand off his face. You huffed and looked down at him as he picked his ear while watching television.
"You're literally so gross," you muttered.
In the past, Toji would come by from time to time, but he never stayed this long before. At first, you didn't mind but you would have appreciated if he at least did the chores if he was going to stay at your apartment for free, especially with his kids.
You knew about Tsumiki from his first lover and you had met her before, but when Toji suddenly showed up with not only Tsumiki but another child, you nearly strangled him.
"Let's get married," Toji suddenly said.
You stared at him. The man had the audacity to bring up marriage with you and wouldn't even look at you.
"Why not?"
"You just want to marry me because I'm rich," you retorted.
"Okay, and what's your point?"
You rolled your eyes. "Get on your knees and maybe I'll say yes."
Toji stopped picking his ear and turned to look at you, ignoring the romantic drama on the television.
"I'm not doing that," he said.
"If I give you fifty bucks, would you do it?"
"Hell yeah."
You snorted. "Always the gold digger, Toji."
You opened your mouth to respond but noticed Megumi peeking at you from behind the doorway. Even Tsumiki was right behind him.
"Are you two hungry?" you questioned. "I'll start dinner in a sec."
"I'll help," Tsumiki chimed.
"Thank you, sweetheart," you said. "Megumi?"
He said nothing, but you could see him shuffling around. You smiled at how cute and shy he was, and you swore he was your favorite 7-year-old you have ever encountered.
You climbed off Toji's lap and ignored the way he ogled your ass. He had done it so many times that you had gotten used to it.
Tsumiki followed you into the kitchen, leaving Megumi to shuffle out and sit on the couch with his father.
While you and Tsumiki prepared dinner, Toji was telling Megumi about the romantic drama he was watching.
"So the mother is cheating on the father with his brother and the daughter is dating her math teacher who also happens to be her older sister's fiancé."
Megumi blinked at the television screen.
"Toji, what the heck are you teaching your son?"
"The complications of family," he answered.
You sighed.
"I finished chopping the carrots," said Tsumiki.
"Thank you."
Once the two of you finished preparing dinner, you forced Toji to get off his ass to set the table. You even stood behind him, refusing to help as he set the table begrudgingly.
When he was finally done, the four of you sat down at the dining table to eat. Megumi was a bit of a messy eater, but he tried his best to create the littlest amount of messes possible.
You would often wipe his mouth with a napkin and tell him it was okay to be messy, then you would turn to Toji and say, "Stop being a slob."
For dessert, you allowed the children to have chocolate pocky since it was a bit late for ice cream and you knew any cold desserts always gave Megumi a brain-freeze.
"Hey, let's play the pocky game," Toji suggested.
"Get your gross face away from me," you retorted.
Once the four of you were full, you cleaned the table and stood next to Toji in front of the sink—you were forcing him to wash the dishes.
"Look, I'm just saying. You already cook for me and provide for me, so we should just get married," he said.
"I don't hear anything."
"Bad hearing must come with the age, huh?"
You glared at him. "You di—" You glanced at the children. "Delightful person."
Toji sent you an amused glance to which you rolled your eyes at. You slapped the towel you were holding against his ass before placing it on the counter.
"Where are you going?" he asked as you turned around.
"I need to poop," you said in an obvious tone. "Don't miss me too much, loser."
While you walked away into the bathroom, he was staring at you the whole time while absentmindedly washing the dishes. Once you were gone, Toji turned toward his children and noticed Tsumiki was looking at him with a grin on her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"You're in love with her," she said.
He scoffed. "I'm not."
"Whatever you say, Dad."
He scoffed and finished washing the dishes and when you came back after your business, you tucked Megumi and Tsumiki into bed.
"Good night, Megumi. I love you," you said as you kissed his forehead. You walked over to Tsumiki who was in the next bed over. "Good night, Tsumiki. I love you," you said as you kissed her forehead.
You turned the lights off and left the room, quietly closing the door before walking back into the living room to see Toji watching his romantic drama again.
"Is the episode not finished?" you questioned as you sat next to him.
"Sweetheart, it has fourteen seasons," he retorted.
"And what season are you on?"
"I'm going to die before you finish this damn series," you retorted.
You said that yet you still sat next to him, side pressed against his while his arm splayed behind you on the back of the couch.
Eventually, you fell asleep in the middle of the third episode that had just started. Your head was resting on his shoulder. He stared at you and faintly smiled before picking you up to bring you to bed.
While walking to your room, he ran into Megumi who had woken up to use the bathroom. He was simply standing there silently with a stuffed dog in his hand.
He was looking at his father, blinking at the sight of you in his father's arms and all Toji said was, "I know what you're thinking and it's not like that, you brat.
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merry christmas
warning: death l w: 1209 l im a god
summary: a christmas mission goes so, so wrong
“Merry Christmas,” Bucky said, already up, as Sam rose from the bench on the jet. Alright, maybe being on a jet flying to take down a Hydra base wasn’t the best way to spend Christmas, but a smile slid onto Sam’s face nonetheless. “Sorry its not what it should’ve been.”
“Its fine, really, Buck. Its perfect the way it is.” Poor Joaquin has to deal with them today. Bucky gave him a speculative look. “I’m being honest.” 
“If you say so, Sam. I just- you should be with your family.” 
“I got enough family right here.”
“God, you’re hopeless.” Bucky commented, a fond smile on his face. Sam grinned back, shaking his head. He gets up with a small grunt.
“Hypocrite.” Sam grumbled, pressing a kiss to Bucky’s forehead. Bucky smiled watching as Sam walked away. He’d get him home for Christmas, he knew he would. 
“Sam?” The air had gone dead quiet, as if time was frozen. Bucky could feel the air he let in and out, feel his heart beating inside his chest. 
“I’m here.” Sam croaked out over comms. Bucky’s breath quickened. Sam didn’t sound alright. Sam didn’t sound alright at all. 
“Sam.” Bucky breathed out, running to where Redwing said Sam was. “Sam, stay with me.”
“Who said I was leaving?” Sam's voice was hoarse, as if the air was knocked from his lungs.
After a few twists and turns, he found Sam. Doubled over, gasping for breath, and clutching the knife in his stomach. “Sam.” Bucky felt as if his worlds were colliding, collapsing. He kneeled down beside Sam, staring in disbelief. Sam’s hand was soaked in blood, and his face was twisted in pain. “Sammy, hey, you with me?” 
“It hurts, Buck.” Sam muttered, his voice wobbly, and Bucky has to resist the urge to breakdown. “It hurts so bad.”
“I know, Sammy, I know. Look at me, Sam.” A gentle hand reach to guide Sam’s face to look at Bucky.
“Hey.” Sam croaked out, leaning into Bucky’s touch.
“Hi.” Bucky chocked out. “Medics are on their way, okay? Can you hang on till then?” 
“I don’t know. I can’t-” Sam is gasping for air, tears rolling down his cheeks. The super soldier wipes a few them away with his thumb, finding that the warmth from the dark brown eyes are draining as the seconds past. “I can barely think, Jamie.” 
“Its gonna be okay. I promise you.” Bucky send he’d get him home for Christmas, but not like this. He can’t even imagine coming home with nothing but a message. A message that Sam’s gone. That he let him slip through his fingers. When Bucky was supposed to cover his six. Supposed to make sure he makes it home after every mission. And look where that got them. Broken and battered and barely breathing. 
“Let me go. I can’t keep holding on like this, Buck.” Sam was pleading for the end. The end of time was ticking down at an alarming pace. “Please, take the knife out.”
“You’ll die.” Bucky wasn’t exactly sure when he started crying, when the tears fell from his eyes, seemingly never ending. 
“Please.” Sam’s voice was barely a whisper, and his eyes grew grey, and his joy, his warmth, his life drained from his face like champagne on New Years day. 
“Okay.” It was the least Bucky could do. And the last thing he wanted to do. The knife slid slowly, causing an ear-splitting scream to shake from Sam’s lips. The seconds felt as if they were passing by in hours. The consequences of this knife clattering to the pavement, bloody with Sam’s blood, will be never ending. Bucky knew what this job meant, knew it wasn’t really a job at all, more of a sacrifice that waits in the shadows to strike. It's chosen the worst moment to drag its bloody knife along the lives of the Wilsons. 
“I’m sorry it had to end how it did, Sammy.” Bucky choked out, tears streaming down his face. 
“D-don’t.” Sam stuttered out. “I g-got to s-spend Christmas w-with y-you.” Sam smiled up at him, even though it took all the strength Sam had not to let go. 
“Merry Christmas, Sam. I’m sorry-” Bucky was gonna apologize for not being there when Sam needed him most. For not allowing him to go home for Christmas to his family. For not trying to save him when he could’ve. For taking this mission. For promising that they’ll be home for Christmas, when in reality, Sam would never see his nephews open presents on Christmas morning. Never get to see who they grow into. Sam would never get to scold Sarah for doing too much at once. Never get to drag Bucky out of bed to go to an interview neither of them really wanted to go to. Apologizing for Sam’s life being cut too short, and the people around him losing their lifeline. But Sam interrupted with,
“Shhh. D-don’t. M-merry Christmas. Love you.” And Sam’s eyes grew cold, his breath grew short, a small exhale, and Sam was gone. And with him, so was Bucky. 
“Sam.” Bucky breathed out, pleading for him to come back, even though he knew Sam was gone. 
A wick on a candle dwindles by the fire you light. Bucky hoped he was some small part of that fire. The fire that lit when Sam needed it most. Bucky’s touch, Sarahs smile, AJ and Cass’ laughter, Steves voice, Natashas eyes. Every little thing that broke him and stitched him back together again and again and again, until the flame burns out. Until the harsh reality that Sam, the flame, the fire of so many lives, is gone. The warmth of home and comfort of his brown eyes sink like ships in high tides. And the only thing Bucky could do now is mourn the loss that he has to hold in his heart. Pain that would weave itself into Bucky like vines on trees. Strong and relentless. 
When Bucky goes back to Louisiana to deliver the news, he can’t bare to stay much longer. He packs his bags as Sarah tries to put the pieces of her life back together that have now cracked like glass. As AJ and Cass stand helpless, holding another loss on their young shoulders. 
Maybe Bucky comes back. Comes back on a hot summer day, and Sarah hugs him, and the boys come up, a few inches taller than Bucky last saw. And they’ll laugh and smile, and Bucky will probably cry because thats who he is as a person. But the warm sun that hangs in the blue sky can’t fill the void of Sam’s smile. Bucky can feel it, feel his absence in the community. And it hurts. Hurts to know Bucky isn’t the only one who feels like this. As if his life has been soaked in bleach, dull. Empty. Lost. The feeling of grief is as easily contagious as Bucky predicted.
The death of Sam Wilson hangs heavy over the world. But Bucky must mourn in silence. Loving Sam was one of the greatest adventures Bucky ever chosen to take. But losing him was the worse consequence. No matter how much love, the loss is what you remember.
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musashi · 2 years
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I posted 9,720 times in 2021
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I added 6,628 tags in 2021
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#you fight for good and you keep fighting no matter how bad things get. you believe in people so much and it doesn’t even make u look stupid
My Top Posts in 2021
okay since its fi loving hours, do you have a favorite optional bit of fi dialogue? a favorite statistic? and/or a favorite enemy analysis?
optional fi dialogue:
"On slippery slopes, you may lose your footing and slide down on your backside. Quite gracefully, I'm sure, Master."
"As you may have observed during your time as one, human beings are not a species that can stay underwater for long periods of time."
"However, because of its size and weight, I do not believe it could be carried by a human. No offense intended, I assure you."
"I suggest you cease being scared and speak to her."
"I have identified the item that the... highly unusual man on Fun Fun Island says was lost."
"Master... unless you plan to carry the tub on your back, now is not the time to be picky about who will help you."
(^ she asks if you want to call Scrapper and if you say 'not that guy' this is how she responds. but fun fact, if you tell her 'sure' she asks a second time if you want to call him just to confirm, and if you say 'not that guy' the second time, she has slightly different fialogue where she says 'despite your warranted reservations--' which is so fucking funny to me, Link is like HIM??? and Fi is like "look dude, i know, but--")
"She hates housecleaning but adores antiques. I recommend keeping a safe distance from her."
"Master, your interest in this young woman is clear. I can see your aura shining brightly with joy in her presence. ...I strongly recommend that you do not mention this when you next encounter Zelda."
"You may not know this, but human beings are not a species that can survive in extremely high-temperature environments."
best statistics:
"I can verify with only 40% accuracy that this person is a plant, however--"
The probability of your assessment being correct is... 10%. Rounded up."
"The probability of this life-form being Zelda is 5%, so I must conclude that this is, in fact, not Zelda but a peaceful forest creature known as a Kikwi."
"I sense a large disturbance in this individual's aura. There is an 85% probability that he is experiencing the emotion humans refer to as "love.""
best enemy analyses:
"If you make contact with this type of Chuchu when it is charged, it will give you a shock. Then it will attempt to feed on you. This is not pleasant."
"This bird seemingly jettisons its droppings upon people's heads on purpose. It is unclear if this is due to a carefree attitude or pure malice. Should its droppings land on you, I calculate the probability of your intense aggravation at 100%."
every single bokoblin analysis mentions their underwear. like she. she can't stop infodumping about their underwear.
"This horrifying Bokoblin reanimates after death. Analysis indicates it fears pure, shiny items and will startle at the sight of a sacred shield. It is able to reanimate purely through its hatred of this world...and its attachment to outlandish underpants."
709 notes • Posted 2021-07-04 00:27:54 GMT
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1209 notes • Posted 2021-02-18 03:47:04 GMT
can you guys imagine how Link must’ve felt running down the sealed grounds past all those hoards, fighting for his life to get to zelda, after a lifetime of people telling him he’s late and can’t keep up, only for the first words out of ghirahim’s mouth to be a seething “You’re far too quick, boy!”
1231 notes • Posted 2021-07-25 00:39:45 GMT
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22532 notes • Posted 2021-05-24 20:03:27 GMT
'its not realistic for two characters to talk in the middle of a sword fight' cool I wrote it anyways because it fucks severely
39463 notes • Posted 2021-11-18 00:04:47 GMT
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Out of Time
summary: As Loki lay dying he makes one last phone call to you, pretending that it is just another ordinary day. warnings: character death, blood, poison, angst, language a/n: this was inspired after a similar story by @what-just-happened-bro (read it here). I churned this out in just a few hours and I’m sure that I missed some errors, but I think the effect is still the same! wordcount: 1209 masterlist here
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Loki was meant to have more time.
Was that not the bittersweet draw of falling in love with a Midgardian? He was to spend the rest of your fleeting, mortal existence by your side, basking in the sunlight of your smile, and then when it faded beyond the horizon, he would follow you to the gates of Valhalla where you so rightfully belonged.
You had fought him for the entirety of your relationship on his worthiness to step into that hallowed hall. Between playful fights on your bed as you writhed beneath him, eyes gleaming with mischief and love, and passionate shouting matches that always ended in you falling into the soothing embrace of the other, insistent but gentle as you stroked his hair in your small and tender hand, you’d convinced him that he may have earned his place after all.
If only it would allow him to see you once again.
The dirt and rocks bit into his back as he shifted to survey the slash rending his skin in two. Sweat blurred his vision, but even he could see the inky black toxin dyeing his veins before it disappeared between his leather armor. The acrid amalgamation of metallic blood and pungent poison coated his tongue, a most heart-wrenching death knell.
There wasn’t enough time.
A snap of his fingers called his phone into his trembling hand. The picture of you, smiling into the camera with the sun in your eyes, smudged with blood as he swiped his thumb to unlock it. The one object that he had loathed the most--if he wished to communicate with someone he would do so in person--was now his most precious possession.
Just one more stolen bit of time with you thanks to such primitive technology. Please.
A deep breath, a cough that wracked his prone body, and then he held the phone to his ear.
Norns, please answer.
“Hello- ah shit! Hold on one sec, Loki.”
There you were, his love. He listened to the running of water, your unintelligible muttering, and what sounded like food sizzling. Each second was an eternity that stretched far too long. He didn’t have enough time.
“Darling? Are you there?” His bloodshot eyes darted over the bodies of the dark elves he had slain, a gruesome sight to send him to the end of his days.
Your breath blew into the speaker just before you speak, and his soul sighed in relief. “Sorry, Mischief. I burnt my hand on the pan again. Think you can help me out when you get home?”
Tears burned the backs of his eyes and he turned his face to the cloudless sky so that they rolled streaks down the dirt staining his sharply cut cheeks. He swallowed around the thickness in his throat. “Of course, my love. What are you making?”
“Your favorite.” The sound of you puttering around in the background, tending to the food, tossing a used spoon in the sink, was all so domestic and achingly familiar that he could so easily picture you there. It was one of his favorite sights, you comfortable and content in your home, turning even the most mundane activities into a glorious occasion just by your partaking in them.
His hands knew the softness of your skin beneath his “borrowed” t-shirt you wore as a nightshirt. His nose knew the scent of your hair, a combination of the both of you after he held you flush to his chest throughout the night. He knew the tilt of your head as you’d inspect the food you prepared. He could almost picture you now, face flushed from the heat of the stove as you beamed your happiness into the phone.
It was selfish, to not tell you of the true reason behind his call, but he did not want to hear your voice twisted in despair. He was not strong enough to withstand such pain.
“I forgot to grab some bread from the store,” you admitted with a frustrated sigh. You were always so adorable when you’d purse your lips at your own shortcomings. How he’d kiss any worries or anxieties from your delectable face. He should’ve done so more often. “Can you pick that up on the way home?”
“You and your forgetful mind. What would you do without me?” he jested hollowly, playing off the sob that forced its way past his throat as a quick laugh. He coughed again and pressed his hand over the wound on his chest. The searing agony grounded him, pulled him away from the darkness closing in on the edges of his vision.
He would take all the time he had for you.
“Good thing I’ll never have to find out.”
The surety of your voice, so sweet, so innocent, wrapped around his heart and squeezed. It had only begun to beat again when you’d skipped into his life, chasing away the shadows of his past with a bubbly laugh, sharp tongue, and warm embrace. How cruel was it that he was to lose his life after he had only just begun to live it?
He closed himself off to the sights around him; his eyelids were just too heavy. You stood there in his mind’s eye, swaying your hips back and forth to the faint tune he could hear behind the din of your cooking. An angel sent to guide him towards peace.
“Loki, I gotta g-”
“No!” he pleaded, his voice a high, frightened shout that tore at his parched throat. He eased the harshness of his words with a ragged sigh. “No, darling. I need to know if you need anything else, before you hang up.”
You hummed quietly in thought. Always with a delicate press of your lips together and a gentle furrow of your brow. “Just you. Are you coming home soon?”
Loki had promised to never lie to you, and he had always kept that promise throughout your relationship. He hoped that you’d forgive him for breaking that vow, just this once. “Yes. I cannot wait to be in your arms again, my love. I miss you so terribly.”
“If you miss me so much, come and get me,” you teased, and then your voice lowered with sincerity. “Miss you, too. I love you.”
The darkness began to overwhelm even the perfection of your smiling face in his thoughts. He could not fight it for the wash of ice gripping his trembling, ruined body. Not even the sickly heat of his blood trapped between pallid skin and sweat-slick leather could warm him now. A Frost Giant, and it would be the cold embrace of Death to take him from you. There was an irony there, but he was too weary to find it. All of his strength went into his hushed reply of, “I love you too, little one, more than all the stars in the sky.”
Never before had silence rang so loudly in his ears. He dragged his eyes open and turned his head to the side, staring at the lockscreen on his phone. Staring at you. Red was not your color, no, but nothing could ever detract from your beauty.
Not even his last, rattled breath.
Loki was finally out of time.
Little Bit o’ Loki taglist: @myownviperroom @darealbellabelleoftheball @boubouinscarlet @iamverity @rt8815 @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @ms-cellanies @rosierossette @thathedonistgirl @lokixme @hellethil @myraiswack @birdgirl90 @cateyes315 @weirdfangirl2416
Whole Shebang taglist: @just-the-hiddles @yespolkadotkitty @nonsensicalobsessions @vodka-and-some-sass @he-is-chaotic-she-is-psychotic @myoxisbroken @brokenthelovely @polireader @wiczer @littleredstarfish @the-broken-angel-13 @arch-venus25 @xxloki81xx @jessiejunebug @tinchentitri @sllooney @devilbat @vikkleinpaul @bouquet-o-undercaffeinated-roses @angelus80 @wolfsmom1 @kthemarsian @toozmanykids @princerowanwhitethorngalathynius @sabine-leo @peterman-spideyparker @wegingerangelica​ @bluefrenchfries604​ @catsladen @snoopy3000​ @silverswordthekilljoy @villainousshakespeare​ @kitkatd7​ @nonbinarylowkey​ @lots-of-loki​ @is-it-madness​ @kangaroobunny​ @trippedmetaldetector​ @green-valkyrie​ @what-just-happened-bro​ @salempoe​
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sero-pairo · 1 year
How is this Kirishima's Life
by Ck141414
Marine biologist Eijirou Kirishima had no idea what he was getting into, landing a job at Japan's most renowned aquarium. He should have known something was off when that Aizawa guy interviewed him. After setting up his bedroom/office, which is right above a massive tank, Kirishima gets the shock of his life when he dunks his feet in and gets pulled in. He looks up to see the most beautiful pair of eyes, but that's over in a second when his shoulder is in a world of pain, he looks down, and it's bloody with teeth marks, and when his brain finally catches up to him that he's not breathing he realizes that the man who pulled him under is not just a regular man but a merman.
Words: 1209, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Shinsou Hitoshi, Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Merpeople, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Language Barrier, Past Abuse, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Protective Kirishima Eijirou, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
from AO3 works tagged 'Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto', https://ift.tt/LypQhDe
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libraryofcirclaria · 3 years
Until the twelfth century, the region in East Hobland encompassing present-day Nogliespe (Nully-es-pah) was comprised of freely-migrating clans led by warlords. Beginning in the 1000s, many of these clans took root in permanent settlements and began establishing city-states. And in the late 1090s, three commanding warlords merged and formed the city-state of Nogliespe, the largest city state, and governed over it as a triumverate. In the years that followed, two neighboring city-states, Draveya and Esthera, would join Nogliespe as part of its hierarchy, governing themselves each under a single warlordship loyal to the Nogliespan Triumverate.
In the 1130s, the people under both the greater city-state of Nogliespe and the two satellite city-states carried a revolution for democracy, which succeeded in replacing each of the three Triumverate warlordships and the two subsidiary warlordships in the satellite states with elected consuls. And thus, the super-entity of Nogliespe and its satellite states became a democracy with its established Statutes of Principle. Eight other city-states in the region would follow in reforming into democracies while the remaining seven did not. By the 1200s, half of the city-states outside the Nogliespe super-entity were democracies while the others remained authoritarian regimes.
Rise of Authoritarianism
Change came around in the 1170s when two business figures from Combria and Furthing established heavy industrial companies in Greater Nogliespe, sparking an industrial revolution. As the cityscape transformed from that of an agrarian one to that of a metal urban landscape, industrial development began taking shape in the two satellite states and the other democratic states. Meanwhile, the authoritarian states remained underdeveloped. In the 1180s, the workers in the industrial complexes united and demanded higher wages, creating collective pressure to which the emerging leaders yielded. This led to a rise in living and working standards, giving incentive for those living in the military states to emigrate over into Nogliespe and the democratic ones. Soon, democratic governments began passing ordinances to bar entry for the incoming immigrants. In the 1190s, the businesses began outsourcing jobs to the military states, employing its inhabitants for a fraction of the pay. This led to a loss in jobs in Nogliespe and the democratic states, which in turn led to economic hardship and even civil unrest. And in Nogliespe, such hardship led to the rise to power of a charismatic figure named Mathusen, who won the election to one of the Nogliespe Consul positions in 1202.
Upon officially taking office in 1203, Mathusen enacted a program that constructed mass housing for all Nogliespan inhabitants while providing all of them with jobs in an emerging military industrial complex. However, such housing was lacking in standards (i.e. no heating or running water); and employment was far sub-standard to jobs in the past as Mathusen nullified labor standards. Soon, Yean, the second of the Three Nogliespan Consuls rose in opposition to Mathusen over such living and working conditions, receiving support of the majority of Nogliespan inhabitants. However, Mathusen acted swiftly and had Yean assassinated. To cover up this act, he spawned a riot that gave cause for him to suspend the remaining Consul Offices, including the ones in the satellite states, as well as the remaining democratic institutions of the government. The satellite state of Draveya resisted Mathusen's actions by declaring a new government and threatening to declare independence from the Nogliespe super-entity. Mathusen responded by sending military tanks and infantry into the city-state, which successfully crushed the resistence and subverted the satellite state. Esthera, the second of the two satellite-states staged a similar resistence. Mathusen attempted to overrun the state of Esther in a similar fashion, but the state had formed alliances with the surrounding democratic states, who sent in reinforcements. During that time, these neighboring democratic states united and formed the Western Confederacy of Hobland and formally declared war on Nogliespe.
However, this Confederacy had no formal capital city or even a central government; and its forces were disorganized and lacking in important resources. Furthermore, some states within the Confederacy signed enlisted some of the military states to assist in the conflict against Nogliespe, a move that was adamantly opposed by other states within the Confederacy. Such opposition was to the point that the opposing states began blockading supply lines between military states and their friendly Confederate counter-parts. And this led to the outbreak of a civil war within the Confederacy in the year 1209.
In December 1210, Mathusen took advantage of the ensuing civil conflict and launched an organized frontal offensive against both the Confederacy and the military states. Needless to say, both of the satellite states of Draveya and Esther were defeated; and Mathusen succeeded in felling the remaining Confederate and military states. By the end of the month, the entire region fell under Nogliespan jurisdiction, with Mathusen in direct control.
Life under Mathusen was brutal and oppressive. Acts and speeches of opposition were outlawed and met with capital punishment. Working and living standards were low and continued to worsen over the years, as Mathusen embarked on massive industrial projects. Meanwhile, an opposing faction within the Mathusen Movement left the nation and landed in the Southern neighbor of Notulfa, where they carried out a similar movement that took advantage of existing political tensions and drove the House of Esary from power in 1213. In its place was established a similar authoritarian regime.
Fall of Authoritarianism
It was when Mathusen signed charters to sell tanks and artillery to Northern Canticulan nations at the beginning of the First Continental War in 1221 that opposition against him began to take a firm stand. That year, an underground movement known as the Pan-Democratic Movement formed and infiltrated nearly every rank of Nogliespan society to a certain degree, especially the military. On 3 March 1221, two months after the beginning of the Continental War, Mathusen was assassinated; and over the six weeks that followed, the nation of Nogliespe was embroiled in a civil war. The Pan-Democratic Movement prevailed in that conflict and enacted government motions for the abolition of the Consul offices and establishment of an elected Council led by a Prime Minister. This Council called for elections and referendums to be held in September of 1221, during which the electorate voted to establish every Nogliespan state as a democratically-run entity, and for each of these states to be considered provinces. And thus, the City-State Confederation of Nogliespe was established.
Merger into Krylandia
The new Confederation ushered in revised Statutes of Principle which firmly grounded its democratic institutions and would enact policies to establish a robust economy of free trade and improved living/working standards. In 1273, the Acrean Kingdom fell and gave rise to the Acrean Republic; and in 1275, the totalitarian regime in Notulfa fell and gave rise to the Notulfan Republic. In the wake of this, Nogliespe entered into various trade agreements with the two nations and, along with them, entered into a unbroken period of modernization and peak prosperity that would last for more than a century.
Gyrosakian mega-conglamerates began acquiring East Hoblandish businesses in the 1370s, having taken interest in their value, and began to outsource jobs to other regions while freezing pay raises and making overall working conditions worse for the East Hoblanders. In 1381, workers in the Greater Nogliespe municipality across multiple industries formed a collective organization and succeeded in forming contracts of fair employment. Such a movement became widespread throughout Nogliespe and spread to Notulfa and the Acrean Republic. However, beginning in 1393, the Congress of Circlaria, the majority of which shifted toward Gyrosakian businesses two years previously, enacted measures to nullify such contracts by strengthening a complicated and technical constraint governing the presence of such collective organizations.
This triggered tension between the social classes, which reached a breaking point in 1398, when Notulfan workers staged a nationwide general strike. This spawned a labor movement that spread to Nogliespe, where general strikes led to economic freezes in a growing number of Nogliespan city-states. Nogliespan leaders called a Conference in the city of Boken, located Northwest of Nogliespe in uncharted territory. There, Hoblandish government representatives met with Remikran representatives, Canticulan representatives, and labor movement representatives and began long talks for compromise. In 1399, they reached an agreement to merge all Hoblandish nations into a single nation while preserving the political structure of each Hoblandish nation. In 1400, this took effect, and the new nation was named Krylandia.
And so Nogliespe continues to thrive as a modern economy and society, and has done well to withstand the devastating impacts of the long-running Coughing Affliction pandemic in the last fifteen years. Its democratic government remains the same, being led by an elected Council and Prime Minister; however, every five years, an additional election is held to nominate representatives to the Krylandian Council in Boken.
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al-varian · 3 years
Al’Varian Race sheet - Section 1: Biology
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Skeletal Structure
Al’Vari skeletal structure is highly comparable to humans given similar proportions in correlation to their size however an Al’Vari has 318 bones whereas humans only have 206. The increased number of bones is due to their enlarged side and extra appendages being the wings, gills and tail as well as Horns and spikes. Al’varians have high amounts of iron in their bones, and the exposed keratin plating can emit the scent when damaged.
Al’Varians are classed as Hexapods due to the extra set of lower arms used often in everyday life; though some argue that they are Octopods as they also bear wings containing bones. However, these bones are made mainly of muscle and cartilage. Al’Varian bones are also composed of a high concentration of metallic substances and contain a highly dense amount of a semi-solid gas like substance in the place of Bone marrow. This substance has a Sandy or grain-like texture and holds nutrients stored by the body for future use. Al’Varian bones are more likely to bend than break, however, once the body expires the bones quickly degrade as the vital nutrients needed to upkeep their density is discontinued. 
As well as an Endoskeleton the Al’Varian also have Plates made up of some variety of metal Chitin, These plates cover the gills and spikes - which retract back into the body when not in use - however, are located at weak points of the body, such as the shins, forearms and spine.
Muscular system
Al’Vari Have 1209 Muscles (For reference, Humans have 640), Al’varian’s have Additional Muscle mass due to their increased size and extra appendages. Al’varian Muscles are tougher, being more elastic and flexible Than humans. Al’Varians can flatten or deflate Their muscles when in tight spaces or while under extreme pressure. Al’varian Muscle tissue is somewhat poisonous when ingested in moderate to large amounts, due to the body using Radiation waves and other chemicals to regulate and nourish the body As various food products do for humans. 
To the naked eye, Al’Varian Muscles appear identical to Human muscle tissue, However, when viewed under a microscope it is visibly in a crosshatch or fishnet pattern. Furthermore, when the tissue is observed from a living specimen the layers can be seen moving - the movement is slow but obvious. This is to ensure that Nutritional gasses can be distributed easily through the body, and increases the rate of healing. The movement is in a twisting motion, and the connected vessels remain on the inner side of the muscles to ensure they are not damaged by the movement, Nerves work through the intersections and send the signals as they reach each other.
Organ Systems
Respiratory   There are three sections of the Al’Varian Respiratory System. The first one is - Nose Cavity; The nose cavity is used to detect and identify different scents in both water and air. The nose is connected to both the gills and lungs, with around 500,000,000 Scent receptors an Al’varian can detect and identify a poison by scent.
The second section of the respiratory system is the gills, located on the cheeks, mid-throat - either side of the vocal cords - and just above the shoulders. The gills are connected to the nose by pipes on the lower sides of the nasal cavity trailing down either side of the neck. covered by a chitinous plating that can flare to better expel THe Salavory liquid as well as protect the gills from becoming dry or damaged while out of water. The salivary liquid has a scent similar to that of clean aquarium water, however it is faint and barely recognizable to most
The third section is the lungs. The lungs connect to the nose through a tube separate to the Gills to ensure water cannot damage them the windpipe follows the Nasal cavity up, and down behind the eyes, with the nasal structure it becomes near impossible for the water to enter the windpipe. Oxygen and carbon dioxide - among various other gasses - are a secondary form of nutrients and are not vital to survival, as alvarians can survive in space for an extended amount of time.
Circulatory Al’varian do not have a heart or veins, and cannot ‘bleed out’ as humans do; Instead, they Have one central ‘Habel’ or Soul seed, that pulses constantly to distribute nutrients, anti-bodies and energy throughout the body. Since the muscles are mesh-like in placement the spaces in between act like veins in a way - and can effectively distribute ‘Lunna’ or soul waves around the body. Al’Varian Lunna Is a compact phantom indigo heavy-gas, that has a grainy consistency.
Digestive The Al’varian Digestive system Is highly different from those on earth. The mouth has 32 teeth, including; 8 incisors, 4 canines, 4 premolars, two sets of Carnassial, and 8 molars. Canines on the upper jaw are retractable and function as fangs; The attached venom sack holds a concentrated neural toxin that can Suppress or accelerate neural function and activity, into a given individual. The same toxin is used to ingest solids and liquids into individual molecules that can be redistributed throughout the body through the Habel and Lunna.
Reproductive Al’varian’s are Simultaneous Hermaphrodites, Which is telling of their dual reproductive systems that mimic that of both Male and female reproductive organs on earth. There is no male/female in Varian and the closest are the words Minra/Kunra About parental roles in a family concerning an infant or child.
Al’vari are immensely infertile with a lower reproductive drive of most life on varian with the chance of procreation decreasing over the later courses of life. Al’vari have incredible internal population control, With the need for only three or less offspring throughout their lives with very few having more than 1-3 offspring. Twins are also rather common with a higher survival rate than single or triplets.
While Al’Vari are Profoundly infertile, they are highly efficient at reproducing with other species and can take either role depending on which reproductive organs the other individual possesses. They can also withhold DNA of theirs to prevent producing offspring at the incorrect time. This ensures a higher chance of survival as the offspring has a better-prepared environment to develop in.
Neurological The Al’varian’s Neurological systems are highly complex as the Alvari Are capable of sharing memories, thoughts and information through their Horns. The unique function of the organs and muscles requires most of the bio-electrical energy stored in the neural nodes. An increase or decrease in the Amount of bio-electrical energy aids in the bodily function of the muscles and organ systems. Nerves cannot be damaged as they can in humans; as there is no solid physical cord connecting the brain and the rest of the body. Instead signals pulse, just as the lunna does through the Habel.
Facial Structure
An Al’varian head is adorned with a halo or crown of Keratin and bone which fuses to the skull and is used to better transmit and receive bioelectrical signals used commonly in non-verbal communication. While the Horns are commonly referred to as a full circle they bend down the back of the head slightly and never- usually -touch. Horns can be thicker or thinner than average, but all follow the same general path, ensuring there is no major trauma during growth. The bone usually never grows past the ears of the Al’varian, and are usually cut back to that point as a punishment, as this either hinders or completely disables the individual’s ability to use bioelectrical signals. Many also carve, Peirce or paint their horns past this point, as the individual has no pain receptors after that point.
Al’vari also bear large bottom-heavy manes - much like those found in earth’s Lions. These mains are thick and have a Dense water-proof overcoat and soft undercoat that many other lifeforms have. They protect the gills and ears in cold environments as well as trap air to keep warm in frigid waters. Al’vari Shed their outer-coat annually; Usually in the days leading up to the solar eclipse.
Al’Varian’s have two pairs of eyes - the Main pair being large and forward-facing; with the ability to contract and dilate to improve vision in certain situations. The second pair is significantly smaller and is located at the sides of the head behind the horns and above the ears, these eyes are used to detect abnormal changes in light and colour. THe Al’vari also have three eyelids, one being an inner translucent eyelid, Moving horizontally towards the nasal cavity this eyelid rarely opens and is used to protect the eyes from airborne particles also gives the individual the ability to see clearly when submerged, whether it be water, dirt, sand or some other substance. The Sclera and pupils are black, Their iris can bioluminescent glow, and both pairs are bioluminescent much like the horns. eyes can also see ultraviolet light, making them able to see more light than humans.
Al’varian Memory is eidetic, mainly manifesting as an extreme photographic history. There is a common Neurological disorder where an individual’s brain can replay memories and overlap hallucinations distorting their sense of reality.
Noses tend to be small, pointed, and feline-like, their scent receptors are stronger than many as they have up to 500,000,000 scent receptors. Making their sense of smell, strong enough to sense a poison in a drink.
Ears are located on the side of the head and are large, pointed, furry, and canine-shaped; to hone in on small sounds or frequencies. These factors can also become problematic to certain individuals however they Can use blockers to stop many unpleasant sounds. 
Al’vari have 32 teeth, including; 8 incisors, 4 canines, 4 premolars, two sets of Carnassial, and 8 molars. Canines on the upper jaw are retractable and function as fangs and the attached venom sack holds a concentrated neural toxin that can Suppress or accelerate neural function and activity, into a given individual. The individual will experience sharp pain for as long as the wound is open Alvari Can also retract their tongue which is shaped similarly to their horns and can usually extend to a similar length. 
On the cheeks and 3 sides of an Alvarians throat are three pairs of gills. One pair is located just under the lower jaw, another in line with the vocal cord, and the third just above the shoulders. The gills can filter out Water, gasses, and other substances that could cause damage to the lungs, making the user able to breathe underwater and in environments, most others can’t. Al’vari do not breathe through their mouth, Instead of breathing through their nose and gills. Salavory liquids lubricate the mouth and gills to prevent dryness and damage when out of water. These salivary liquids can be released and once in contact with natural oils found on the mane, fins and tail. Voices are also rather unique since they often sound distorted somewhat and have a flanging effect when they speak.
Outer body
Broad shoulders and large torsos with thick Chitins scale-like plating on their upper tail, and shoulders at the highest concentration. The shins and the back of the upper arms have a smaller concentration. Chitin lies over the skin which consists of; a thin layer of Muscle, a layer of the membrane that has high elasticity and seems to be leathery cartilage and a layer of cartilage that is thick, but elastic and smooth. Beneath the skin is a layer of thick elasticated leathery skin, two layers of a Muscle-Cartilage mix a thick layer of muscle, and a thin layer of chitin. This protects the bone structure and internal organs, the skin can be damaged without causing the Alvari much pain and is commonly compared to removing dead skin.
Al’varians are also a mix of endo and exothermic. They can use sunlight as a source of nutritional value, as they can from a variety of other radiations that can be emitted from sources. internal body temperature is easily regulated by the use of excess heat as energy.
Al’vari also have defensive retractable spikes, located on the spine, upper arm (Close to the elbow.), Back of the upper shin, tail, and wing-tips; Hidden by small chitin plating on the various areas of the body. Hand’s, wings and feet are also tipped with retractable talons.
AL’varian limbs are proportionately thick and extremely muscular with enough strength to carry up to 5 times their weight legs are digitigrade and the muscles are powerful enough to break through 1.5 ft squared block of concrete mid-section appendages function as both arms and wings. Made from cartilage and bone extending from the spine behind the shoulders is attached to a thick three-layered membrane with an extremely thin layer of Chitin scales on the dorsal side and thick leathery skin on the ventral side with a layer of cartilage and muscle in-between. the wing-like Fin can be used to glide or swim - Al’vari can fly, just not in a way that can be compared to most avian species. Membranes are bioluminescent but their light can fluctuate with a given situation. 
The tail is long, slim and powerful, covered in a thick layer of short fur (About 2-5 cm) 4 retractable spikes at the tip. The tail is strong enough to hold and carry 2x the individual’s weight.
Bioluminescent markings on the body can appear as simple shapes and colours. A common practice is to further expand through tattooing means.
Odor would depend on a variety of variables such as occupation and environment. Individuals do not judge others for unpleasant body odour as there is no natural body odor, however the most common odors are that of ash, Mint Iron and Aquarium water. 
 Al’varians have a natural defence mechanism which involves setting their mane alight, the behavior causes no damage to the individual or their surroundings.
Biological Abilities
Al’varians evolved to survive on a hostile planet and have adapted many physical and psychological traits to aid in their survival.
Physical Salivative liquids are present in glands around the mouth, nose and gills, and in natural oils found at a high concentration on the skin. If a significant volume of salivary liquid were to come into contact with this oil, it would instantly combust in a slow-burning fire. This flammability is seen as a defence mechanism that can be seen as aggressive behaviour. The power to throw these flames comes from their Qura*. This behavior leaves the outer coat with a near constant ashy scent.
The Al’varians Venom has a scent that can vary between the scents of peppermint and spearmint through mature individuals, depending on whether the venom is intended to paralyze or aid the individual. young children or adolescents that are yet to have a functional venom sack, the scent is closer to that of catnip. The scent is intended to ward off would-be predators or threats in the same way mint plants do when eaten
Al’varians also have Bioluminescence, mainly on their face - being the eyes, ears and horns. This bioluminescence also appears on the back, fins and tail - mostly in simple patterns like those of creatures on earth, but are invisible in all areas without dim light. Al’Varian tattoos are universal for marital status, essential occupations and Military. Colours are chosen by the individual from a selection of colours; the colours originate from the nations flag. ink used is created from floral matter boiled into a paste, when applied, the paste is absorbed into the skin, and the reaction results in a luminous glow similar to the Al’varians Bioluminescence.
Al’varian’s do not sweat; excess heat is converted into energy through a process called “Thermosynthesis”.
  Mental A Qura is the ability to control and manipulate a variety of numerous different liquids such as Water, oil, lava, among other biological liquids. It is simply the ability to draw and repel liquids in such a way that they can seem to be able to manipulate or 'bend' liquid and related objects. This skill was built by their ancestors who used their Quras to prosper in the ice and snow of their home, to establish houses, to flourish, and to protect themselves.
Diseases and Disorders
Hallucinogenic Memory Recall Disorder Hallucinogenic Memory recall disorder or HMRD Is a trauma-related disorder that causes the individual to have vivid visual, auditory and tactile hallucination memory recall where, even without triggers, an individual can relive memories as they are playing out in their head, this can send individuals with severe episodes into a state of shock of panic if not regulated through medication. This disorder is the result of extensive and continuous trauma, commonly some form of trauma endured in childhood or warfare, it is the most common form of trauma response and is commonly regulated through the use of neural implants and regular medication. There is no permanent cure, only ways to regulate the individual’s condition. The hallucinations are caused by the brain sending bio-electrical signals throughout the body to mimic the initial experience of the event, it can appear slightly different from the real event and can at times be even more traumatic than the initial event, the brain driving on phobias and fears as a psychological coping mechanism.
Irregular stress response Disease Irregular stress response Disease or ISR Disease Is the body’s extreme response to excessive levels of emotions such as excitement and stress. Due to the incorrect development of vital organs such as the Habel, lungs, stomach or others, the brain can have difficulty regulating the organs properly and can reduce them down or even prevent them from functioning in extreme cases. This is a genetic disease and is the result of vastly different biological individuals reproducing and while rare in itself, it's hard to diagnose as there are little visible symptoms. ISR is also more likely in an individual who’s Kunra Has sustained extensive trauma to their lower abdomen and reproductive organs. There are possible reshaping surgery, implants and medications and can be rather easy to regulate.
Neurological inattention Disorder and Neurological Hyperactivity Disorder Despite being on opposite ends of the spectrum NID and NHD Are often grouped due to their overlapping psychological effects on the individual. NID Creates an extensively intelligent individual, however unsociable and unable to efficiently follow directions and tasks. Individuals with NID Also tend to be disorganised, distractive and have slower processing speeds than average. However, NHD Creates a restless and impulsive individual, With impatience, Excessive and increased speech, overactivity and short tempers. Being a genetic chemical imbalance in the brain, these disorders can be easily treated with implants and supplemented medication in certain cases. This Disorder affects the individual's productivity and emotional levels and can negatively affect one's social life. Understanding and awareness of symptoms are imperative to the betterment of the individual's quality of life.
Recessive emotional Deficit Disorder REDD is a common psychological disorder that is caused by major chemical imbalances in the brain, it also creates an Over-analytical thought process, Disturbance in feeding and sleeping patterns, a shift in behaviour or mood swings, Constant feeling of panic or danger and Physical aches and pains. Another major symptom is a lack of motivation and interest in activities, as well as increased temperament and fatigue.
These symptoms tend to be mild, however, all diagnosed individuals have access to stabilisers, implants and supplement medication. It is also common to have other forms of support in the form of companions.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever lost any friends over something small and stupid? I don’t hesitate to unfriend or stop talking to people who go the extra mile to bash on things I happen to be genuinely interested in, especially if those interests never really hurt anyone. For instance, I’ve clicked unfriend on a bunch of people who kept going on about how Friends is unfunny during the time they were promoting the reunion special last month. Having different opinions is completely fine, and it’s more than ok with me that people won’t always like the same things I do; but it doesn’t mean they have to voice it out every hour or so. Anyway, I don’t need to feel negative going through my own feed so it’s easy for me to lose online relationships over those things.
Are you more prone to being the social butterfly, or the wallflower? Honestly I’m right in the middle. I’m ok with initiating things if no one else would, but if someone in a circle proves to be more extroverted than I am, then I usually let them take the lead.
Do you prefer group projects, or would you prefer to work alone? Depends on the work at hand but I am grateful to an extent for group projects because it can let other people shine at tasks I’m not so good at, which can then help make the final output better.
Have you ever had to make yourself a birthday cake because no one else did? No, doesn’t really matter to me.
Would you rather go to a Katy Perry or Taylor Swift concert? Probably Katy’s but with an older setlist. I’m not too keen on her newer stuff.
What pattern do the sheets on your bed have? It has various geometric patterns, so like squares and rectangles and stripes.
Are your days full and fast-paced? Very much so. I can hardly believe we’re already in JUNE; I barely notice the days and weeks passing by anymore.
What languages can you count to ten or higher in? English, Filipino, Spanish, Korean.
Where did you get the underwear you’re wearing? I don’t even remember anymore.
Is it hard for you to let something go that you know isn’t right for you? I’ve felt that way, yeah. It’s acknowledging that that’s the hardest.
Are you good with painting nails with your left hand? I’m not good at painting nails in general lol, my hands tend to shake.
Do you feel uncomfortable sharing drinks with other people? Mmmm with friends not so much. If I was in a crowded bar though I would never share drinks. Too dangerous and besides, it’s pretty disgusting as well.
Do you call any of your friends by their last name? I don’t think any of them go by their last name as their nickname. There were people in high school who were like this, but I’ve since lost contact with them.
How long does it take you to get out of bed in the morning? Depends on how lazy I’m feeling that morning. It can take anywhere between 10 seconds to an hour.
Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Have either of your grandparents ever told you a sexual joke? If they have, it most definitely would have come from my maternal grandfather. Then again he passed away when I was 17 and I doubt he would’ve let such a joke slide when I was that young, so I guess the answer to this would be no.
Do you spend more time outside or inside? I’m answering this survey in the time of the c-word, so you take a guess.
Would you rather give up the computer or the TV? TV. I’ve let go of it a longgggggg time ago lol. I’ve only recently started to use ours again so I can watch from YouTube on a bigger screen, but even then it would still be easy to give it up.
Do you own any fake designer purses? Nope.
Have you ever gotten lost in a department store? LOL yeah, plenty of times. I don’t do a good job of navigating.
Who was the last person to text you before you went to bed last night? Someone from the media but I ignored the text.
Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? Nope.
When was the last time you had a conversation with an ex? Christmas Eve, but it was extremely brief. The last long conversation we had was a little before that.
Do you cry easily? A little bit, yeah.
Are you worried about anything right now? Kind of, but I’m trying not to focus on it.
How do you think tomorrow will be? A loooooot of fucking fun. I can’t wait for tomorrow; I bought a ticket for BTS’ 2-day show for their 8th anniversary and Angela and Hans will be coming over, and we’ll also set up a video call with Reena for both days so we can all watch together. We’ll order in Korean food tomorrow then pizza, wings, and chips for the second show on Monday :D I’m so excited!!
Do you wish you could take one thing back? Nothing major.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown/black.
Have you ever fallen asleep texting someone? Sure.
Have you hugged anyone in the past 72 hours? I have not.
Have you ever given anyone more than three chances? Yes.
What’s the last thing you watched on TV? I think just some BTS performances and music videos that I streamed from YouTube.
Which room in your house tends to be the coldest in the winter time? Downstairs in general.
Who were you with the last time you went out for food? Angela, Hans, Kyelle, Pia, Al, Sam, and Gab.
Were you in a good mood last night? Yeah, I had a great time last night.
Are you trying to grow out your hair? Nope. It’s super long now and I want to have it dramatically trimmed; I just can’t find the time to do it.
Which friend are you most similar to? Not sure, maybe Angela.
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