#plus all the people that came with THOSE people
soleminisanction · 1 day
I think my least favorite internet criticism of Meghan Fitzmartin is the idea that she "just wanted to push her ship," meaning Tim/Bernard. Because honestly? I think that's straight-up bullshit.
Having read the Urban Legends stories, the Pride Special reprint, Tim Drake: Robin and Young Justice Dark Crisis, plus what interviews and social media she's been doing as these comics came out, there is zero evidence to me to back that statement up. If that were true, the Urban Legends stories probably would've been more about bringing Bernard back and re-establishing him as a character. Y'know, building up their relationship.
But it wasn't about their relationship. It was about Tim and his feelings, his internal conflict, what he needed. That's what Fitzmartin even said in the interviews after, that she, "felt like this was something Tim needed." And that's true going into TD:R too -- yeah, Bernard is there and their relationship is a prominent subplot, but he gets about as much page time as Darcy and Detective Williams, and the focus is always on Tim's ongoing story and his developing relationships with all the people around him.
That's why I like that they went with Bernard as his "closet key." Not because I'm super devoted to the pairing or anything -- I truly could take or leave the arrangement -- but because they're tolerably cute together and, more importantly, dating a civilian supporting character comes with far less baggage than establishing a relationship with a fellow hero. By their very nature, superhero stories are more heavily weighted towards the hero characters than their civilian support, that's just a fact, and, with rare exception, civilian love interests tend to act more as sounding boards to develop and reflect the leads. Making Tim's first boyfriend an old civilian friend means the story could be about Tim's personal character growth, internal conflict, and explorations of his sexuality.
I genuinely think that's the only reason Fitzmartin went with Bernard. She only had around 30 pages to tell that Urban Legends story (and I guarantee you, she was assigned that page count before writing), so bringing back a previous civilian friend meant she didn't have to try to establish a whole new relationship on top of introducing a villain faction and telling a superhero-based investigation story. And for whatever reason, Bernard was the most popular of Tim's civilian buddies to rare-pair him with before this all happened. (Just check AO3: Prior to the release of the Urban Legends stories, Tim/Bernard had ~42 fics, Sebastian Ives got 4, and Danny Temple had 1.)
When Meghan Fitzmartin says that she went back, read Tim's old stories, and felt he needed to come out of the closet, I believe her. And I'm happy she felt that way and was allowed to act on those feelings because it's something I felt too, reading those stories. Those feelings that had nothing to do with "ships" or even with characters like Kon or Dick and everything to do with Tim and who he is as a person.
To sweep all that away as "she just wants to push her preferred ship" just feels so... dismissive and rude.
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jo-com · 1 day
can you write a story about how Alex, Charles and reader meet. Maybe she’s friends with someone in their friend group and when a,c and reader meet, a+c almost have love at first sight
🎀 ⊹˚. ♡ ➛ Whipped
Charles Leclerc x Fem!reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
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Summary: Based off the request above!!
Genre: Throuple, Fluff
Note: Thanks for requesting and sorry if i only made it now😭 there are some grammatical errors here.
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ➛ My Masterlist
─────── ─ ˙✧˖°📷 ⋆。˚─ ───────
The loud clink of utensils echoed around the group that mixed well with the faint sounds of people conversing with one another.
Laughter and playful banters were exchanged from the table of friends— one of them telling a joke that caused them to smile from ear to ear.
It was one of those nights where friends gather and boost about the things that happened to them; it was like their very own ritual to catch up every once in a while, but this time it was different.
There was another addition to the group.
“Ah, look whose here. Come y/n take a sit,” one of the girl asked, patting the empty seat besides her.
Y/n happily took the seat and smiled thankfully at her kind gesture. You were kinda nervous, seeing that you don’t know who half the table were, but it was nice to have new friends.
So you took the time to get to know each and every one of them.
While you we’re having a conversation with one girl at the group— two pair of eyes seemed to never left yours.
As if you were the only thing that seem to caught their attention; not even caring if one of their friends are trying to start a discussion with them.
Everything about you were just too mesmerizing— your eyes, your smile, and those laughs that sounds so angelic when it comes out of that pretty mouth of yours.
“Elle est si jolie (she is so pretty)” Alex whispered under her breath, that was loud enough for only she and Charles could hear.
“Je sais, je ne peux pas non plus la quitter des yeux (i know, I can’t take my eyes of her too)” Charles responded, his tone just screams ‘boy inlove’.
Don’t get me wrong, they’re happy with just the two of them, but you just make it so hard to not fall in love with you. I mean come on just look at you! You were built to perfection. God Is this what they call love at first sight?
If it were, then damn. They sure are whipped for you.
➛Message (Alex and Charles)
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“Charles and Alex, you guys have been awfully quite for a while now” Bea exclaimed aloud, earning all the group’s attention to focus on them.
Including yours.
You flickered your eyes and glanced over at them. You’ve noticed their presence for a while now and just like the others you were star struck with their appearance. They were the epitome of luxury and elegance— they give of an aura that just seems so hard to approach them;
“Ah, sorry. Something just came up” charles spoke, his tone laced with sincerity.
As he said those word, his eyes met yours. It felt like he was directly saying it to you. But that’s just silly, imagine the Charles Leclerc saying those to you. Pfft hilarious.
“Oui, quelque chose de beau vient d'attirer notre attention (yes,something beautiful just caught our eye)” Alex spoke, her thick accent dripped with gracefulness.
Just like Charles, her words seems directed towards you. Her eyes latched onto yours— captivating the essence of your beauty.
You looked around, checking if she was looking at anyone else. To your surprise, there were no people at your back. You glanced back but she was no longer staring at you.
Hmm must be a coincidence.
Throughout the night, their eyes stared daggers at your direction— watching you like a hawk.
You could feel the burning gazes that came from them but just shrugged it off as a ‘must be someone at my back’ feeling.
“This was so much fun guys, i hope we could do this again soon”. One of your friends spat, smiling genuinely at all of you.
The night has finally come to an end; even though you felt all eyes on you every time, you still had fun.
All of your friends gathered their stuff and one by one began to leave the place. Saying all their goodbyes before finally taking off. Just as you were about too, two figure stood in your way.
You furrowed your eyebrows, confusingly. What’s going on?
“Uhm can i help you guys?” You asked, looking at them with pure curiosity.
Alex opened her mouth but then closed it again, she gently nudged Charles shoulder implying for him to speak up.
What the hell was going on, they look like high schoolers whose ready to confess.
Charles rolled his eyes and sighed,“Well, this is kinda awkward but me and my girlfriend were kinda hoping to get your number.”
Oh. So it was a confession kinda thing?
Your eyes widened from the sudden question, “but if you don’t want to it’s fine” Alex chimed in, her face turning red from the tense atmosphere.
You let out a giggle, seeing how their acting like teenagers inlove was just so adorable to you. So why not invest your time in these two cutesy couple.
“Here” you said, getting out your phone and showing them your number to which they wrote down.
After that day you guys continued messaging each other back and forth— creating a strong bond between the couple.
And eventually you guys were officially a couple, all three of you.
You were glad you came to that gathering.
Sorry for not updating in a while, hope you guys like this tough!!
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holylulusworld · 2 days
I’m your daddy now (3) - Lloyd Hansen
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Summary: You reached the end of the rope.
Pairing: Lloyd Hansen x Singlemom!Reader (plussized)
Characters: Ari Levinson
Warnings: plus-sized reader, needy Lloyd, Lloyd being Lloyd, groping, daddy Lloyd (not the kinky kind of daddy), some fluff
A/N: This is part of my Traders of love (lust) masterlist series. It’s the prequel to TOL - Like a virgin (Bucky Barnes) and tells the story about Lloyd and his assistant sunshine. It will lead toward Ari’s story. We will see their relationship throughout all other stories. 
Catch up here: TOL - I’m your daddy now (2)
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Ari exhales sharply. He’s not amused by Lloyd’s behavior.
The mustache-wearing bastard is shamelessly groping your ass while purring dirty nothings in your ear. “Plump. Sweet. Begging for cream.”
“Lloyd!” You swat his hand away and straighten your skirt blouse. “We have company. You can’t do such a thing while people are around.” You pucker your lips before striding toward the door. “Remember, we have a business to do.”
Lloyd licks his lips. He watches you walk out of the room, groaning loudly. “A hell of a woman I got myself.”
“Congrats,” Ari rolls his eyes. He knows about Lloyd’s endless stream of women roaming his bedroom. “For how long?”
“I’m gonna marry that chubby bug,” Lloyd grins before he tugs at his pants. He’s got a raging hard-on thanks to the woman ruling his mind and office. – You. It’s even worse since he got a taste of you and your perfect cunt. “She’s perfection.” Lloyd grins as he sniffs at his fingers. “She’s got a cute little shit too. Gotta be a daddy for the poor boy. His old man is a deadbeat.”
“Perfection,” Ari doubts that Lloyd will keep his word and marry you, but he says nothing. He came here for a reason, not to fight with Lloyd. “You should be careful if children are involved.
“I told you,” Lloyd grits his teeth, “I’m going to be a daddy for the little shit. I consider renaming him. Lloyd Jr. would be so cute, don’t you think?” He nods to himself. “I only need to convince my sunshine.”
“Lloyd, I came here for a second time because you want to discuss the details of my request later. I assume you had your hands full with your assistant,” Ari crosses his arms over his wide chest. He quirks a brow and waits for Lloyd to grovel.
“What can I do for you, my sexy friend?” Lloyd chuckles. He just loves to toy with people. Even more, since he found you. “I thought everything got discussed last time. My sunshine and I will join one of the dance classes and check your girl out. Maybe she needs a little money for her studio.”
“Lloyd, this is different from the other girls I paid. I want her to be mine,” Ari hesitates to talk about his feelings to a man offering women to wealthy men. He doesn’t believe Lloyd understands the concept of love.
“Love sweet love,” Lloyd smiles dopily. “I’m telling you, spring let me lose my mind. If only she wasn’t wearing those tight pants when I met her. I wouldn’t be so into that slutty little cupcake I call my own.”
“You are disgusting,” Ari sneers at Lloyd’s behavior. “I’m talking about love, not your libido. You’re lucky if your assistant doesn’t cut your balls off in your sleep.”
“That’s actually a great idea,” you say while walking back inside the office. “I got coffee for you, Mr. Levinson, and a disgustingly sweet coffee monstrosity for you, boss.”
Lloyd dips his head to glance at Ari. “I love it when she calls me boss. Gets me rock-hard every time. You wouldn’t believe how much I’m struggling to not have my way with her right now.”
You place the coffee on the small coffee table. “Lloyd!” You tut and glare at him when he tries to grope your ass. “Christ, you’re unbelievable. We have a client here. He wants our help.”
“All work and no fun,” Lloyd glumly replies. He pouts while staring at your tits. You decided on a light summer dress with a high neckline to avoid catching Lloyd’s attention. No such luck. “I wonder if I can make you forget about business.”
“Boss, do your job,” you point your index finger at him. “I already got a child to take care of. I don’t need a second one.”
“I like that one,” Ari throws in. He slowly sips his coffee while watching you and Lloyd interact. “Can we get back to my problem now?”
You nod and turn to leave Lloyd and Ari to their business. You’re still not used to the kind of business you’re involved in since you accepted the job offer. Lloyd takes the opportunity to grab a handful of your ass.
“Lloyd!” You huff and stomp away. It’s not worth it to get mad at him. He’ll only get horny the more you yell at him. Lloyd is a kinky bastard after all. “I should cut his balls off one day. But not his cock. It’s the best part of him.”
“You forgot my mustache,” Lloyd calls after you. “You know you love it, sunshine.” He turns toward Ari. “She loves it.”
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“So…” You watch Lloyd rummage around his office. He curses under his breath as he goes on his hands and knees to look for something under the couch. “What are you doing?”
“I dropped something important,” he stretches his arm to reach something under the couch. You step closer to get a better look at his ass. It’s not or never. Payback for all the groping.
Smirking you grab his ass with both hands, groping him roughly through his slacks. You have to admit, he’s got a nice ass.
“Sunshine,” he purrs. “We don’t have time to get down and dirty. I need you to help me with something.”
“I swear,” you slap his ass, “if you get your dick out again and call it a surprise, I’ll follow Ari’s suggestion and cut it off.”
Lloyd huffs as he slowly gets back up. He hastily stuffs something in his pocket before looking you up and down. “He said balls, not my dick,” Lloyd smirks when you take a step back. “I see you can’t keep your hands off my perfect ass, huh? Do you want to feel me up some more?”
“We wanted to talk about your client. You remember your client, Ari Levinson, right? You mentioned a dance class and today he talked about it again. What is your plan now?”
“We’ll attend his chosen girl’s dance class and will find out more about her. That woman tries to make my job harder. She’s not on social media and pays cash,” Lloyd pouts. “I thought this would be an easy job, but no, Ari doesn’t want me to threaten her business. It would’ve been so much easier if he just played the knight in shiny armor after manipulating her business.”
“You’re so romantic.”
“Romance is for losers, Y/N. I believe in horniness and my pussy-detector,” Lloyd points at his crotch. “If little Lloyd likes you, it’s true love.” He grins, proud of himself. “Come on, let’s get home. The little shit is waiting for his daddy to read him one of the new books I bought.”
“When did you have the time to buy a book?”
“It’s called online shopping,” he huffs. “I don’t have the time to waste my time in a dusty bookstore.”
You quirk a brow. After you let him do unspeakable things to you for the first time, Lloyd is unstoppable. He wanted you and your son to move in with him. Lloyd even hired an interior designer to turn two of his guestrooms into a bedroom and a playroom for your son.
If only you could believe him that he wants to be more than the guy stuffing your pussy.
“Fine,” you sigh, too tired to argue. “The babysitter wants to go home too. Let’s go. We still need to talk about Mr. Levinson and your plan.”
He wraps one arm around your waist and kisses your cheek. “Does going home include a little action for the tiger in my pants?”
“I thought it was a python?”
“Who cares?” He groans. “There’s a whole jungle in my pants and it all belongs to you, sunshine…”
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“…and then the little ant kicked the evil toad’s ass,” Lloyd closes the book, a big smirk on his face. “Son, how did you like the book?”
“Cool,” your son gasps. He’s still mesmerized by all the voices Lloyd imitated while reading the book he found online to your son. “I like the ant the most.”
“Tomorrow, we will read about his next adventure. I bet he’ll kick more ass.” Lloyd runs his hand over your son’s head, gently patting the little boy. “…can’t believe that deadbeat left a cute little shit like you.”
“Lloyd!” You tut. “You promised to stop calling my son little shit!”
“Our son,” he corrects. “How about you wait in our bedroom for me and the python fighting my pants? I got something to discuss with Lloyd Jr.”
You kiss your son’s forehead and wish him a good night. He refuses to sleep in your bedroom since he has his own room at Lloyd’s house. “We won’t rename my son. This is my last word.”
“If only…” Llyod grins. “Now…go to bed mommy. We men need to talk about something…”
You reluctantly leave the room, looking over your shoulder before you reach the door. “No swear words, Lloyd.”
“I wouldn’t dream of swearing next to our baby boy.”
“You’re a bad liar.”
“I love you too, sugar cake,” he grins. “I’ll be right with you.”
The moment you are out of the room Lloyd gets something out of his pocket. He shows it to your son, smirking. “What do you say, little shit? Will she like the ring?”
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Tags in reblog.
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artdcnaldson · 6 hours
In part 2 you mentioned Patrick x reader having makeup sex after they got into stupid argument…. Can we get a flashback to one of those moments🤭🤭 domestic Patrick starting an argument with reader and reader calling him out about it but they end up making up in a cute way. Like Patrick making it up in a corny but cute way??? Just a suggestion, part 2 was amazing btw!
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Rating: T
Warnings: just a minor argument, language ofc
A/N: thank youuuu!!! No smut in this little blurb, just a snapshot of domestic Patrick x reader in the changeover au 🫶🫶🫶
Also working on art x reader first time and also Patrick x reader first I love you blurbs for the changeover au :) so those will be coming sooooon
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It was easy to let the stupid arguments devolve. It started with a facial expression when you brought up your college roommate’s wedding. An eye roll, an I-don’t-want-to-fucking-deal-with-that. And that became your, “why do you treat my friends and my life as less important?”
“I can’t fucking believe you got that out of me wanting to ditch Katie’s wedding to her dickhead loser fiancé.” Patrick’s words came out so flippant that it infuriated you further. “You don’t even talk to her outside of Facebook comments.”
“I’m sorry, Patrick. I didn’t realize that you’d be so fucking opposed to free food and booze considering you live off of it.”
Patrick set his jaw, glaring at you. It was a low blow, one you knew would sting. “I’m opposed to wasting my time flying out to bum fuck Iowa to because Katie— who has always hated me, by the way— is marrying some dickhead who’s a shill for a corrupt asshole in congress.”
You rolled your eyes. “Maybe she would like you, Patrick, if you ever put in an ounce of effort with anyone besides me.”
“Right, because I need to be friends with the kind of people whose proposal was a flash mob.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Right, because you’re just too cool for stuff like that.”
It was so fucking like him— making fun of the lame proposals your friends got, or their baby names, or their engagement shoots. Sometimes they were lame— flash mobs were fucking stupid— but sometimes they were sweet, and romantic, and there was Patrick acting like he’d rather blow his brains out than ever publicly admit he cared.
“Yeah, I am.” He said back.
You rolled your eyes and stood. “Whatever, Patrick. I’ll RSVP for one, again, and you can bum around my apartment alone.”
You had slammed the bedroom door before he could respond, which left him alone and seething in the living room.
You heard the front door open, then slam shut, signaling that Patrick was going out for a smoke, or a walk, or something.
You opened Facebook and scrolled through your feed. Katie’s engagement photos, a coworker’s new baby, a college friend’s bachelorette weekend. And there you were, fighting so your boyfriend would finally be your plus one to something.
It wasn’t always his fault— he had tournaments, and commitments. But a lot of the time, it was an active dismissal of things you found important— engagement parties, friends visiting the city, the increasingly common baby shower.
You didn’t blame him. Adult stuff sucked, and it was almost always boring and agonizingly slow. But you just wanted him to show up with you for things that were big.
It would be stupid to break up over Katie, who you genuinely weren’t even that close to. She’d been a decent friend Freshman year, you supposed, but that was the extent of it. The invitation to the wedding was probably a formality.
All you wanted was an excuse to show off your super hot, super cool boyfriend. To get tipsy over free booze, then leave the wedding early to fuck in the shitty Best Western hotel room that wedding guests would get a discount rate on.
A few hours later, the front door opened, and you sat up against the headboard, waiting eagerly to see if he’d be the first to break, or if you would.
You heard four gentle knocks against the door, saw Patrick’s sneakers beneath the door. “You can come in,” you said softly.
Patrick slipped into the room and joined you on the bed. He kept space between you, just in case you were still mad, but met your gaze with the sad eyes of a kicked puppy.
“I bought a suit,” was all he said. “And I tried to buy you a huge bouquet of flowers since I was a dickhead, but my card declined since I just bought the suit, so…”
His hand was resting on the empty expanse of mismatched bedsheets between you. You moved your hand into his, tangling your fingers together. “You bought a suit, huh?”
He nodded, squeezing your hand lightly. “I’ll stop being a dick about Katie’s wedding.” He paused, turning away from your gaze. “I think… I’m away so much that when I’m home, I just want it to be me and you.”
You leaned forward and kissed his nose. “I just want to show you off to everyone I know,” you said lightly. Your forehead stayed pressed to his, and you relished in the closeness. “I don’t give a fuck about Katie or her ugly loser fiancé’s stupid wedding.”
Patrick grinned. “Oh? So you just want a hot, professional athlete to be your arm candy, huh?”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re always cheapening the moment.” You leaned forward kissing him sweetly, which always seemed to devolve into a hungry mess of tongues and spit when Patrick was involved.
“Wait—“ you said suddenly, right as Patrick began peeling off your top. “You said your fucking card declined? You drained your bank account for this stupid wedding?”
He paused, his hands warm on your bare skin. “Uh… it felt like a grand gesture kind of moment.” You leaned in and kissed him, pulling your shirt off the rest of the way.
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Not smutty but I neeeeeeeded to write some domestic Patrick x reader 😁🫶 my pookies my babies my loves
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we-stan-cale · 22 hours
I was thinking a bit about character development.
Like, Cale, Choi Han, and Alberu have a beautiful friendship - and it grew over the course of the entire story.
I'm probably going to talk about later parts of the story, so Imma put the rest behind a divider so you can avoid spoilers
In the beginning, Choi Han was loyal to Cale but .. it was kind of shallow.
Choi Han didn't understand why they had to wear those shitty Arm robes, was shocked when Cale created his alibi by drinking, and so on and so forth.
He followed Cale, but he didn't really know Cale that well yet and that was clear.
Oh, and it was much more of a hierarchical relationship. Cale as his legs, Choi Han as Cale's knight.
This slowly began to change, though I think there were a couple of key turning points.
Cale almost dying after the Battle of the Gorge was one of them.
I think that's when Choi Han truly realized he couldn't trust Cale when it came to his health. Not that he hadn't seen signs before, but Cale always brushed things off and I think this was when Choi Han realized that no, it's really not okay, no matter what Cale says.
After that, we see Choi Han start asking more questions...
And Cale (with a clear flashback to his time as a team leader, where his people desperately wanted to help more) actually answered them.
The relationship started to shift, and become less liege and knight, and more colleagues. (This, btw, came from both of them. Choi Han asking more, and Cale telling more. Somewhat. A little bit.)
They definitely grow closer in other ways - Choi Han telling them about his long life after they found the Dragon Village, for example. (Though Cale already knew it, so you also see just how much Cale is still keeping his secrets).
And then...
We get Choi Han receiving Choi Jung Soo's memories.
That causes the biggest shift yet.
Now they aren't just liege and knight.
Now we have Cale thinking of Choi Han as his best friend's elder (even if Choi Han doesn't feel a need for that).
Also, Choi Han now knows. Not just that Cale is a transmigrator, not just about his life as Kim Rok Soo, not just about the cataclysm (and what happened to the Choi family).
He also knows about the tragedy that has pretty much defined Cale. He may not know about the aftermath, or Cale's time as team leader, but he knows that Cale was devastated after losing everyone.
We also see Choi Han (who got Syrem's ancient powers and now knows what it's like to use them) insist that Cale shouldn't absorb the Blood-drenched Rock power, a potential standoff that ended when Cale found another way and used Embrace instead.
They are no longer liege and obedient knight.
And then came the sealed god's test, where Choi Han gave up quite a lot of his potential lifespan, just to join Cale in one of the worst times of Cale's life.
And he was happy for it.
We see Cale truly overcome with emotion. The trust and friendship between the two of them is just beautiful.
And I truly meant to talk about Alberu as well (him joining them also adding to this) but I only realized when writing this just how much I had to say about Cale and Choi Han, so maybe I'll do that another time.
That still wasn't everything. Because we also had the indignity test...
And while I think the author didn't fully finish everything Choi Han saw because it'll probably come up in part 2 (it hasn't yet, but I think I see the author building up to something. Because so far they've all been too busy to really address a few things, plus apparently there's dragons dealing with time? Anyways, I suspect we'll get more on Cale's childhood, and what Choi Han knows, and some other things, but we'll see. It took almost 300 chapters in part 1 before we got all the amazing scenes with Cale and Choi Han and the sealed god's test and instant so I'm willing to let the author build things up again.)
Oh, sorry. What was I saying? Right.
Even though we don't have the full story, we know that Choi Han knows.
And in one of the side stories, he says this:
He didn’t know at first, but that person’s days of rest that Choi Han saw was more of a period of recovery than days of rest. Of course, the person himself thought that he was playing around, but it did not seem like that to Choi Han at all. That was why his people, who at some point realized the meaning of this rest day, tried their best not to bother his recovery.
And again, in the same side story but referring to a moment later in part 1
Cale was mumbling. “Haaaa. It’d be great to be a slacker.” Choi Han knew the meaning of those words. ‘I want to rest. I need to heal.’ That should be the meaning. However, he now knew what Cale would say after that.
And skipping the specific details, what Choi Han probably meant when he said he knew what Cale would say after that
Cale looked toward the east and calmly commented. “There are too many things to do, so I can’t rest.”
Choi Han understands Cale 1000x more than he did when they started.
And Cale understands Choi Han better, too.
Which is probably a topic for a whole other post, considering Cale initially almost seemed to put Choi Han on a pedestal as the hero and protagonist of the story.
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Questioning NPD, and already prof. dx'd autism and OCD culture is (lengthy and vent-ish, but not really with the latter):
📌 Carefully orchestrating this whole ask.
📌 Thinking every day about how much criteria you meet. **It's nearly all of it**, but you're still unsure if the things you've been prev. dx'd with would cancel it out or not.
📌 Stigma and misconceptions making you second-guess yourself.
📌 "-But I don't constantly or overtly seek attention/admiration..." Though I DO desire it, fantasize about seeking it, and get upset or disappointed when I don't receive what I'd like/had expected (when I do so). I'll think about it for a bit and feel a mild (?) sense of entitlement, then scoff "whatever" in my head.
I'm also afraid of people thinking I'm pathetic if I try too hard, so that's why I don't.
📌 ^ Comparing your competence in something afterwards, then being like "🤔🧙‍♂️😏" (silly ass emojis ik) when you notice that you're better or on par with whatever someone/everyone else has presented.
📌 ^ Moral OCD kicks in not long afterwards. I'll be writing a book if I elaborate.
📌 Struggling to find resources on covert presentations of NPD besides "10 signs of a covert narcissist" (it's mostly emotional abuse shit) or "the covert narcissistic mother." 🫠 Like bro please.
📌 Being afraid that by claiming you have "narcissistic traits/tendencies" and potentially learning it's all something different later that you'll seem like a fool (I feel like there's irony in this).
📌 "What if it's just C-PTSD?" (Also questioning) + "What if I suspect what could be C-PTSD is just my OCD and *some trauma.*" The fear of seeming like a fool to people (generally and those you'd seek help from) 2x.
📌 "I'm also aware of how my actions affect others sometimes, and I'm pretty self aware..."
I KNOW it's a misconception/overgeneralization that narcs 'can't have empathy' (also dude how do you think I manage how others potentially perceive me lol). I ALSO KNOW that self-aware narcs exist (like on here, hello...), but man...
A therapist once told me that I seemed too self-aware to be one as the 3 (yes) previous people they had experience with "typically only came in due to other problems like depression or perceiving others having 'the issue,' then were later diagnosed."
Self-doubt plus a lack of resources is a Bitch...
📌 That same one also used Donald Trump as an example of a narc (not that I'd disagree since I've read a bit of that one book about his family that was made by.. I think his Niece? Who's a clinical psych, but lmao...), wasn't aware of certain terms I'd bring up, and would accidentally skip questions (brought a pocket diagnostic manual with me, so I knew).
They were nice, but it made me go "hmm I think I'm more competent." Fear of being 'an arrogant fool' with that one (esp. as they've gone through schooling and I haven't.... *Yet* 😏), but seriously. Makes me teeter between whether I should just go with self diagnosis or seek out a more qualified professional (realized that one didn't specialize in pds besides BPD, so..) whenever I'm more prepared (both bringing up that fear again).
📌 OH AND BEING ASKED "Do you exploit others?..." with a waiting stare. Maybe others have no problem admitting that or other unpleasant things, BUT WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I WANNA SAY THAT!!! 😭 (I actually don't - at least not harmfully or often? But still).
📌 Obsessing/having intrusive memories and thoughts about people who've rejected you, left you out, did relational bullying, and/or perceived you as somehow 'less than' and were condescending towards you. Fantasizing about either winning their approval (more of a younger me thing) or overpowering them; either directly proving them wrong/that you've actually been better than them/putting them in their place or becoming famous for something unique/grand. ALL for **Years** and it sucks because it's likely that I barely exist in their minds, and I've yet to move on.
I've yet to heal/grow from this internalized shame and whatnot in full (plus there's more I could add into it like familial shit, the compassion/thoughtfulness I've had for those people despite what I've mentioned above - like ik they've had their own issues, etc.) I mean, I have been doing better... I've noticed my own growth, but it's been a painfully slow process.
📌 My mom being like "*you're not like your dad!!*" when I talk to her about narc stuff; further feeding my self-doubt/questioning. Also yeah it's likely that my paternal side has tendencies and that my dad has NPD. Way more than me actually LOL (plus I also likely get the OCD from his side, but y'know... Lots of them are old, they're Latinos, and idk what's up w my cousins since I rarely talk to them).
- Uhhhhh can I please claim 🌀🪄?
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halfdeadfullgay · 2 days
The Adventures of a Cat and Her Stray
Summary: Selina wants to make sure that the world doesn’t fail the stray as it had failed her. She hopes she can do better for the stray.
Danny wants a family again after having to leave amity but he is too scared of what could help to those he gets close to.
They both must learn how to accept that someone genuinely cares for them and eventually relearn how to be a part of a family again.
AN: This is inspired by a dpxdc idea/prompt that I posted on Tumblr. It came from rewatching Batman Returns and thinking that Selina Kyle is slightly ghostly it in. None of the other Tim Burton interpretations of Batman characters will be in the fic, just his version of Catwoman.
Catwoman didn’t have a grave. Even if she did, there was nothing to bury and no one would visit. However she did have the spot in the alley where she had fell. It was an unmarked grave like most of the ones in gotham.
It was a simple little thing. A small cat statuette stood along the wall, occasionally a flower was left with and always some food for the alley cats. No one really messed with it, some even left little trinkets. She had no clue, the theory she thought of was that it was a way to avoid getting robbed, like an offering.
She let be it, mainly cause it was people who the world had also failed that were leaving the “offerings”. The people seemed to respect it and she quickly became as cryptic as the Bat. Speaking of the Bat, he didn’t seem to like it as much as she did but they never really did see eye to eye much.
Catwoman listened to the paranoia that ever so slightly slipped through his voice and rolled her eyes. She paid it no mind, she knew that he wouldn’t mess with it unless something actually did call for it. She just continued life as much as she could otherwise.
Selina got a new job under a somewhat better boss along with a new apartment. Robbery and knowing Bruce helped a lot when it came to money but even so, she still wanted to support herself. Life was good for a while or as well as it could be for a woman who had died multiple times.
That was until Selina had started to hear rumors that someone had stolen from Catwoman, someone had stolen from her grave. Someone had stolen her grave marker.
Catwoman had a new item to go after.
Danny needed to run and run he did. It would’ve been easier to fly but he needed to stay under the radar. He fled where Clockwork instructed him to. A cursed city that had ecto, not as much as Amity but just enough. Clockwork helped a bit, mainly slowing down time for just a minute, it wasn’t much but that was all he could do.
He had to say bye to his friends and sister. He couldn’t contact them, too paranoid about them being caught talking to a ghost. Danny didn’t want any of this. He only wanted to be a normal kid but he died and came back. He became his town’s hero although most just saw him as a villain because of the GIW.
Danny was now in Gotham where he didn’t know anyone and had no clue where to go from there. So he stayed in his ghost form for the most part. It was a easy way of avoiding the need to eat, the same with feeling the cold but he could only stay in that form for so long before it started to affect his human one.
Nails got a bit shaper, the same with teeth but that was less noticeable compared to how his eyes began to reflect like a cats. That was less easy to hide but everyone in Gotham seemed to have bigger problems and didn’t really do a second take when his eyes would reflect.
He kept his head down and tried to survive the streets. That’s when he started to get sent on errands for Clock Work, being told that it was just to keep him busy and said errands usually helped others as well. Danny couldn’t really argue against that plus it was an excuse to explore Gotham more.
Most errands just consisted of returning stolen things to the dead, occasionally passing on messages and once in a while; helping a newly formed ghost.
This was like any other errand. Someone stole from an unmarked grave and he was set to return what had been stolen. In this case, it was a cat statuette. Simple enough compared to others. He went out and started looking. Hopefully he could find the statuette before whoever the unmarked gave belonged to would notice.
The statuette was easy to find. The thief had the audacity to pawn it. Catwoman quietly entered the pawn shop. It seemed like a small business, so she planned only getting what was hers back. There were minimal security measures, just an alarm that she was able to disarm quickly.
She was in the shadows, about to pounce and take what’s hers but that was stopped when the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Not in fear but surprise. A wisp of blue breath broke through the air near where her statuette was. A pair of eyes snapped at her direction, reflecting in the slight light like a cat.
Slowly, she watched as a young teen moved close to the statuette. She stepped out of the shadows, quietly watching the teenager as they watched her back. A stray probably. They held up the statuette in her direction and tilted their head slightly.
“Gonna assume this belongs to you?”
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yoke9494 · 3 days
Crackhead Activity. 2.0 (Gojo/Geto)
For those who read (Baby Making. *Gojo*)-- and are hoping the next part would have been drama or smut between the two.
read here.
Sorry. It was neither. The next part was full of hurt and a twist that would make most of you gag. I don't think anyone wants that... I sadly don't want to rewrite it beeecause. Maybe when the manga is done I'll bring the whole fic back..
So here is a cracksmut chapter from my Crackfic! Ft. Gojo/Geto! (Can be read on my AO3 and Wattpad.)
Gojo has an OnlyFans.. He's broke now because his family doesn't want him to date Geto anymore... But you all need money because your baby momma (Megumi) is in jail!
Sukuna lactates in the story.. (second book) his tummy mouth is named Elroy
Megumi's married to a fae prince and had his baby. But YOUR his baby daddy? It's messy.
Nanami's feet pics.
Your voice was muffled.
"Bend it Kento. I need the tip of it."
A hiss came from the other side. It was low and almost ended in a growl. "I can't do that. It physically can't bend that way Y/n."
Both Suguru and Satoru stopped in front of your closed door-- mid knock..
Gojo gasped. "Not Nanami! He was my my backup rebound."
Geto rolled his eyes and knocked. "Y/n? It's Geto and Gojo. Can we come in?"
They both heard some shuffling and a few grunts.
"Come in!"
Now it was Geto's turn to clutch his pearls. "What the-- Are we interrupting something?"
You looked back and smiled. "No? Why?"
Gojo whined. "It sure looks like it.. Can I play?"
Geto hit the back of his head. "What are you guys doing?"
Nanami laid on the floor under you. His legs propped up against your bed. He held onto your calves as you sat on top of him. Pussy on his stomach while you straddled him but backwards? Like in a 69 position that was a little off.
Elroy does some freaky magic shit and his voice echoes off the walls* 👺 "Reverse cowgirling his ass! They'll get it! Over here complicating shit."
Sorry...... 😒
You sat up straighter and Nanami groaned. A small camera was in your hands. "Taking feet pics to sell? Nanami's got some freaky looking dogs that I know will bring in some money." You pointed at his little toe that was missing a nail. "Some chick even offered to pay $200 just to suck on this little one for 10 minutes."
You narrowed your eyes at Nanami. "But Mr. Ticklish over here said nooo!"
They looked down at Nanami. Gojo snorted. "Really? But pictures are okay? I didn't know you'd be into this kind of stuff."
The blond huffed. "I'm not. But she cornered me when I was coming by to ask for more food mix for the shrooms water... Plus if it's for Megumi and Jeremy. I'm willing to help out a little bit."
(If you're wondering.. Where's Jeremy?! His innocent eyes shouldn't be seeing this! He's fine. He's with Sukuna at the moment... Having a lunch date.)
Geto tilted his head. "What's with the position?"
You hummed and held your hand out towards your window and Nanami's feet. "For the perfect picture? When Nanami's feet are in the sunlight at this angle.. It looks like he has Jesus feet."
You turned the camera over. "See!"
Gojo brought down his shades and whistled. "Photo shop some Angel wings behind those bad boys... I'd pay about $80... If I wasn't broke."
You hummed while you looked at the picture. You already had orders lined up. Plus Mechamaru and Miwa were coming later for a couples photoshoot. Who knew people would pay for pictures of feet locked together like their holding hands.
You needed to hurry this up so you continued your work.
"What did you guys need?"
No one heard you.
Gojo and Geto tilted their heads and watched your ass while you bent forward. Did you know your leggings were kind of see through?
Even gentleman Nanami tilted his head up. He had the better view anyways..
"Hello? Or do you guys want to contribute too?"
They all looked away. Geto cleared his throat. "Uh.. shit why were we here again?"
Gojo shrugged--- "wait!-- How much money do we have?"
Much to Nanami's dismay you got off of him and pulled out a shoe box Yuji and Yuta decorated from under your bed. They obviously used all of Rika's good glitter and stickers-- no wonder she was in a bad mood today.
You mumbled to yourself for a minute. "Well, with Inumaki and Panda Dj-ing and bartending at parties, Maki and Nobara's bake sale, Mahito's "bring your ex back" or "hex an ex" spells, Yuji and Sukuna's stripping, And Nanami's feet pics... We're all at $2.567.. why?"
How do they say this without sounding like perverts?
(Geto) "We found a way to make the rest of the money... And then some? Megumi wouldn't have to miss Jeremy's first Halloween."
You stopped with the pictures. " Really?! How?"
Gojo opened his mouth but.. he huffed. "Suguru you say it. I don't want to, She might hit me."
Geto looked at his snow angel. "Excuse me? I don't want to get slapped."
You did the mom stand. "I'll slap you both in a minute if that's what you want?"
(Nanami) "Slap Gojo first. And let me record it."
Gojo snapped his fingers. "Nanami's got the right idea!--- we just need you naked."
You pointed at Nanami with a confused face.
Geto pinched the skin between his brows. "No you dumb beautiful bitch. YOU. Y/n l/n! We need you naked."
Damn he used the whole government name..
You were still a little--
Gojo sighed and brought out his phone. "I made an OnlyFans. Since I'm broke and all.. This old lady has been donating a lot. She even doubled it when Suguru started helping me.. But now she's asking for a girl to be involved.. $35.000. "
Well shit... Stick 4 dicks in your ass, that was a lot of money..
Nanami cleared his throat. "I should get to class. My feet are weird but not $35.000 weird."
You were about to open your mouth but Geto stopped you.
"You don't have to! It was my idea to ask. We can always find someone else. I just don't really want to stick it in some random or one of Gojo's ex's. And---"
You cut him off. "Use a lot of lube for my butt please. That hole has been an exit only for all my sad years already on this earth."
A low hum filled the room before a small puff a air followed it. It started up again. The same pattern lazily repeated itself. *Grmmm. *Puff* Grmmm. *Puff*.
Yuji scrunched up his nose. "I've been sitting here watching your weird tits get milked for over 30 minutes and it still freaks me out."
Sukuna sat on his brother's bed. A breast pump attached to his chest. "You're fucking judgemental. I don't see you complaining about that milk in your cereal."
Yuji's eyes widened as he looked down at his half eaten fruit loops. " No it's fuckin not..."
Sukuna nodded. "How does it taste brother?"
Yuji gagged. "Fuu-- Pervert! Why's your titty milk in an actual milk carton?!!?-- in my mini fridge!?!"
(Elroy 👺) "Teehee. You were slurping that shit up too.."
Before Yuji could throw up-- Junpei walked in with Mahito. Who was holding a milk drunk, and worm version of Jeremy around his shoulders as the baby slept.
"You guys know Gojo has an OnlyFans? It's pretty wild content. "
Both twins shrugged and spoke at the same time. "Figured."
Elroy snorted. 👺 "Why are you looking? We've all seen his dick already."
Junpei shrugged. "I haven't. I was curious if the carpet matches the drapes?"
Everyone else spoke at the same time. "It does. Even his butthole hair is white."
Everyone sort of chuckled.. It was a weird fucking day..
(Yuji) "You could have just asked him? He would have happily showed it to you."
Junpei shrugged. "I like to think I'm helping him out with my subscription. I feel bad for him. I heard He's taking being a broke ass bitch pretty hard."
But something caught Elroy attention. How when the motherfucker has no eyes? Shit. You got me.. just go with it.
👺 "Who's the chick in the video they just uploaded-- wait,.. Sukuna! Isn't that our bitch?"
A new video had popped up. But it only showed the naked body of someone who was obviously between Geto and Gojo.
Sukuna squinted and leaned forward. He really needed to find his glasses.. "Naw, she should have classes today-- Hey... That's not Yaga's class, that's my woman's ass!"
Yuji snorted and finally looked away from his remaining floating cereals. He was half listening cause he was contemplating on finishing it. "Hey, that rhymed!..." Yuji heard slurping noises. "Wait. What's going on?"
++++++🎶Bitches. By: Hollywood Undead.🎶++++++
They couldn't see your face. But most of the room knew it was you.
Yuji's seen your naked ass before. Junie was able to touch a titty (skin to skin) when you shared the tent, he knew it was your nipple going in Geto's mouth... But what sold it? The fading bruises Mahito left on your hips, and the bite mark that Elroy left on your right butt cheek.
(Elroy.)👺 "Gawd damn.. the white haired twinks going to run out of oxygen.."
Yuji tilted his head. "An honorable way to go.."
Sukuna nodded. "And I shall ride into Valhalla. All shiny and chrome." 👅💦
(Mahito) "Witness!"
They would have laughed. But the way Gojo was eating you out had the whole room going quiet.
Just the sound of wet slurping and your muffled moans.
The camera zoomed out so they could finally see the full picture. You sat on top of Geto, he held you at the back of your knees and spread your legs wide for Gojo.
A black blindfold was covering your eyes. Protecting your identity from those who didn't really know you like your friends did.
Gojo ran his tongue up your folds and wrapped his lips around your clit. Your legs were already twitching and your back was arching off of Geto's chest.
Suguru shifted your body upwards. What were they doing? Satoru sat slightly back and grabbed at his boyfriend dick. It was already hard and wet from your dripping cunt but that didn't stop Gojo from using his tongue to wet the tip.
Gojo was a busy man today. Did you know he was usually the pillow princess? But he didn't mind.. Once his boyfriend seemed wet enough he used his free hand to spread you open.
The head of Suguru's cock made the nastiest sound as Gojo slid it inside of you. Using his boyfriend's cock to tease the outside of your entrance. Only his fat head popping in and out-- your body wiggled to try and have Geto slip in deeper but Gojo kept it at just the tip.
His chuckle was cut into a muffled one as he dived back in. Your nails digging into his scalp trying to keep him on your clit-- but Satoru wasn't going to leave his man out. His tongue ran over Suguru's shaft and then swirled around your puffy bud. He was having the time of his life! Before he gave your clit one last suck and let go of it with a sticky *pop*.
Gojo sat up on his knees. His red tip lining up with Geto's.
Sukuna tilted his head. "He better fucking not."
(Mahito) "Are they sharing the same hole? Do they have to literally do everything together?"
(👺) "gaaaaay! The starfish needs love too!"
Yuji shushed them while Junpei turned up the volume.
Your little "ows" were doing something to all of them.
It was either Geto or Gojo that began to whisper to you.
"Shh. It's okay. I know you can take it."
Slowly! They both slipped in. Your pussy was stretched and your body was jerking so much that Satoru had to hold you down at your waist.
You let out a moan that sounded almost like a yelp when Geto thrusted up into you. He was fully in while Gojo was still trying to bully himself the rest of the way.
They both couldn't completely fit. Despite how wet you were, the combined girth was too much.
The room was filled with with low moans as they slowly began to move. Suguru completely buried inside while Satoru was only half way. Only for Geto to pull halfway out so Gojo could sink in deep.
(Junpei) "Holy shit." He did the sign of the cross. "Sorry Lord.." He looked at the ceiling. "We shouldn't be watching this on a Sunday--"
Sukuna's hand went over Junpeis mouth. Why was it wet?! "Shh. You're too fucking loud. Don't make me make Mahito black magic you."
It was already over before it really began. Everyone made a noise, muffled moan? A hiss? A tongue click, someone whined.
But your nails were digging into Suguru's thigh, and Satoru's shoulder. Clear liquid hissed out of your pussy and into Gojo, some on the camera..
They both began to laugh as they slowly pulled out. A matching ring of white around the base of their cocks.
What were they doing now?
You already looked limp while the two of them man handled you. Rolling you around and switching spots.
You weren't so loud anymore, you couldn't be with Gojo's fingers stuffed in your mouth. They could tell you bit down hard when Geto slammed your hips down. Impaling you on his boyfriends dick.
(👺) "Finally some ass play!"
No lube in sight. Only a glob of spit coming from Geto's mouth, extra in his hand from Gojo to slick himself up just for you.
"Remember the safe word?"
You nodded but Satoru reached up and slammed a heavy palm on your ass. "Say it babe. We need to hear it."
A small yelp left your throat before the pained words came out. "Kumquat."
Geto chuckled as his tip lined up with your ass. The tip of his dick struggling---
The video cut off...
The screen went black and only Gojo's annoying chubby ass chibi figure started dancing around on a pink screen... They had to pay extra for the next part?!
Stingy ass!!
Yuji stood up and punched Junpei's laptop. The top half flying to the wall and leaving a crack in it as it exploded into a million pieces...
He did what everyone was thinking,
Except Junie, who gasped. "Yuji! That was the school's laptop! My reports weren't saved!!"
Yuji's shoulders dropped. "Shit! My bad!-- I don't know what came over me? I just got so mad.."
Mahito snorted. "It's probably your brother's milk. The stuff probably has freaky magic properties for humans"
Yuji turned green. "Ugh, fuck Mahito. Why'd you have to go and remind me.."
Someone ran into the door. A muffled chuckle came the other end. "Geez. It's like I was the one who got fucked in all my holes."
They could hear you scoff. "Hurry up and open the door. It hurts to stand."
Geto's voice came next. "I offered to carry you."
You voice again. "Don't talk to me. I'm mad at you and your dick. I probably won't be able to shit right for a week."
(Gojo.) " They'll come out like in either two ways. Taco Bell squirt's OR rabbit poops. I'd stick to soft foods for a while."
Sukuna got up and opened the door.
The three of you frozen when you saw it wasn't just Yuji in the room.
Mahito smiled, was he blushing?. "Hey guy! How was your afternoon?"
Geto just happened to look straight at the busted laptop on the floor. He shook his head. "They saw it."
You already knew this was coming... Eventually it would happen-- you just didn't want to deal with two certain someone's and their jealousy right now. You tried to turn away.
Sukuna caught you like a momma cat picking up it's baby. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?"
"To go die--"
Elroy popped out of his-- wherever? (👺) "I CaN'T TaKE YOu BoTh! ItS GoING To HuRT. Lies woman! I saw your coochie stretch like the Grand Canyon! Loose lips!"
You gasped. Yuji gasped. Junie gasped, Gojo clutched his pearls, Mahito gasped, Sukuna gasped. Even Jeremy gasped in his sleep!
Geto changed the subject. "Should we go get Megumi now? Before the front of the jailhouse closes or some shit."
You kicked Sukuna and he let you go. Damn it, now he's really going to have to kiss ass thanks to Elroy's damn mouth.
You fixed your shirt and took a sleepy Jeremy off of Mahito's shoulders. "Let's go get your momma, baby. At least he knows how to appreciate me!"
Like a hurt puppy, Sukuna chased after you. "You really going to listen to him? Don't be like that. He's not really wrong but--"
You turned around and scoffed. "Are you really gaslighting me right now?"
You just got laid, why were you annoyed? Truth be told you've been irritated since walking this way for some reason?
It couldn't be that time of the month already?
It seemed to only get worse, Elroy started growling..
You stopped in your tracks and looked down at him. Everyone finally caught up but stopped also when Elroy's growls got louder.
Mahito tilted his head.
Yuji poked at Elroy. "You alright? It's not like Y/n won't let you lick the bean anymore. No need to get jealous."
Elroy snapped at his finger. 👺 "It's not that.. I smell.. just straight up bitch in here."
He took a long inhale through his nose? Again, from where? You have no idea?
Mahito smelled his pits. He leaned forward to smell Junpei and Yuji.. "Is it us? Maybe it's the stingy sex these three just had?"
Not that you think about it.. Something did feel off? You eye started to twitch..
"Y/n! Jeremy my baby!"
That feeling melted away!
A dark haired sea urchin was running down the hall!
"Gumi Bear?!!!"
Like that cheap scene in the movies it was like you and Megumi were running to each other in slow motion. Only instead of it being at the beach or some flower field.. It was a dorm hall.
Jeremy perked up when he heard his momma's voice. You and Megumi almost fell over your own feet as you got closer.
(👺) "Clumsy bitches."
Jeremy *poofed* back into his baby form. Same sea urchin hair as his chubby hands reached for Megumi.
He had Jeremy in one arm, you in the other. You felt like you were going to cry.. It had only been 4 days but it felt like he was in the clink for years!
"We were on our way to go get you?!! How did you get out!?"
He looked at everyone who just stood there. No, they were staring--
Megumi let go of you and held Jeremy with both arms. "Uh, yeah. About that.."
Heavy footsteps rounded the corner.
Elroy let out a loud hiss. He was foaming at the mouth.
👺 "You! Fucking fairy bitch!"
Sukuna's body flew forward. He was on the ground with some dude with long hair.
You turned to Megumi.. who was looking at anything but you.
"Gumi? Who's that?"
Yuji jumped in to help his brother... People were opening their doors to see what all the noise was.
Megumi gave you a sheepish smile. "So, Jeremy dad bailed me out. He wants to be in his son's life. You don't have to play dad anymo--"
Megumi didn't get a chance to finish. You were already jumping into the pile. Sore butthole be damned. You were pulling at any hair that wasn't pink.
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gryficowa · 1 day
Watching videos commenting on miracolous episodes talking about racism is interesting (Especially when I'm older than when I watched them + I'm European, specifically Polish)
Note, if you are outraged by Chloe's defense, I'm sorry, but Europe and the US don't really have the same approach (Which can be frustrating for non-white Europeans)
First of all, the text about sushi… Sushi was created in China and then came to Japan, which means that this particular text by Chloe is not entirely racist, I know, shocking, but Thomas didn't do his homework before writing the episode, so it came out strangely
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As for Chloe confusing a Chinese with a Japanese, unfortunately I have an explanation, it is related to the fact that in Europe they speak collectively, i.e. "Asian", so yes, if we assume that Chloe only dealt with Japanese, and not Chinese, it was unconsciously confuses them with each other (I remind you, this is Europe, not the USA, here the topic of racism is more complicated), anyway, I don't believe that she's the only one who confuses Asians with each other, because we're talking about Europe, where such confusion is more "Normal" (however it sounds), why is she the only one? Why don't any adults do this? This is unrealistic and distorts the reality in Europe
Besides, the very fact that the series is written by a Frenchman who has no clue about racism says a lot, hello, you live in a country where Muslims are persecuted (There is a ban on wearing hijabs), so what more can I say about all this?
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It's unrealistic that only Chloe confuses a Chinese and a Japanese with each other, older generations should also have a problem with it, because the action takes place in Europe, not in the USA, plus, older generations are more racist than the younger ones (Because the younger ones have access to for information), so it doesn't make sense that none of the adults are racist, Thomas, do you know what country you live in?
So yes, taking the action in France, i.e. Europe, in practice made Chloe's racism seem even more strange, because they could make it seem that she is not the only person in the whole country who has a problem with it, but it is known that Thomas Astruc prefers to pretend, that in his country and in the whole of Europe racism does not happen (And only a white fourteen-year-old child is the only racist… Yes, it sounds bad)
Europe is not the USA, you could have searched the Internet for information about current acts of racism in your country or Europe itself to present them in your series, but you decided to do something that makes no sense because of the place of action which is France, it looks so unrealistic, when you are European and you know the approach of people from Europe, antagonizing Chloe for racism when she is a fourteen-year-old living in Europe (where such racism is more common, because it is not the USA), to punish her for… As a European, she does not have an attitude like Americans and she took bad examples from adult Europeans
Thomas' attitude towards Chloe is even worse for this reason, he forgets that children are not born racist, they acquire this through adults, the Internet and other media (Like the news), throwing Chloe on the pile for being racist is harmful, yes, we should talk about racism and fight it, but hate a child for being a racist, because adults taught her that? A child's mind is still developing, it shouldn't be done, educating children is necessary, so Thomas, you fucked up the whole series
As a European, I have more reason to criticize this series for how it ignores the very topic of racism in Europe in order to antagonize a child (Fictional, but a child), if you want to show racism, then use information about it, not create worse versions of racism from the 70s -those from America
I had to describe it because it's frustrating how Americans hate Chloe for racism and they have no idea what it looks like in Europe, instead of bashing Thomas for showing racism in such an unrealistic way, they attack a fourteen-year-old cartoon girl, it's fucked up on many levels
Thomas doesn't know anything about racism, especially in Europe, if he did, only Adrien and Marinette would know it's racism, and the adults, including Chloe, wouldn't see it as a problem because they're fucking adult Europeans and we have unrealistic shit that pretends to be that it is progressive because it talks about racism, but the truth is that there is nothing there, no realism in this topic (Compare to US productions from the 70's, even they did it better…), this episode would be better if it showed real racism, and not the one just to show how stupid Chloe is -_-
Yes, I had to get this out of the way because a lot of people in the fandom are Americans and they look at Chloe from an American perspective, the problem is that Chloe is not American, she is French and that changes the perspective, yes, racism is bad, but remember that in Europe operates on different levels and Thomas Astruc presented it so badly that if you are from Europe, you it hurts
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doppiopinkman · 2 days
I am on my hands and knees begging you to tell me some of your Secco headcanons 🙏
Ok! I saved this ask for Secco Saturday!
Here's a bunch of stuff that's not in any sort of order
I think Secco Rottario is around 26 or so during Part 5.
He's canonically not very good with technology. However, I think if you were to dump him in the middle of the woods for a few days with nothing but a bindle and a dream, he'd be okay! He'd be fine! He'd probably even come back carrying food he hunted and foraged for!
Secco from the main universe to me has blonde hair. In the Jorge Joestar universe, he has a mop of dark brown/black hair. Main universe Secco's hair is natural, Jorge Joestar Secco's hair is not.
Secco has a tattoo of a chocolate bar (dedicated to you know who) as well as other smaller tattoos in miscellaneous areas.
Speaking of tattoos! Jorge Joestar Secco has an Evil Dead chainsaw tattoo.
He doesn't talk much around other people, especially around people in Passione. He mostly listens in on other's conversations, using false rumors (i.e., stuff about lobotomy) about him and Cioccolata to his advantage.
Only a select few people in Passione have been able to figure out what the fuck his deal is. Those people are Cioccolata, Tiziano, and Bruno. Cioccolata doesn't need an explanation, Secco trusts this man to the point of joining the mafia with him. Tiziano is a lawyer, so it's kinda his job to pick apart people's personas and arguments, plus his stand is the lie detector stand. And we were there with Bruno.
Secco usually can't find his words for some things. But he knows a scary amount of anatomical vocabulary, all from experience and studying with his doctor. The word 'bitch' has left the room and in its place came 'Scapula', 'Tibia', and 'Vertebral Column'
If you ask Secco to play SSB with you, he's picking Mr. Game & Watch and will be struggling the whole time. If you have the DLC characters, he'll pick Minecraft Zombie and will be struggling the whole time.
He's a little freak at Poker! He's got one hell of a poker face, plus if he's up against people who've never seen him face to face before, he has the added benefit of mystery and intimidation on his side.
Secco probably lies a lot about his life before Passione. From "I lived in an abandoned theme park with 3 roommates" to "I was created in a lab by the Italian government, but I escaped." The truth is probably incredibly mundane in comparison. Again, only Cioccolata knows the truth, and he's NOT spilling the beans. He probably even adds to the lies like a yes and improv scene.
He's not picky at all with food. He ate a dirt off the ground, c'mon now.
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idk-how-to-name-it · 3 hours
Could you do the Mikaelys-Mosses family? Bonus if you include ideas of how the family came to be/Nacha and Francis relationship
Hehe thaaaanks!
Firts, let's start with Nacha! Just look at her!
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Sharpless, with purple blue palette(Like, this palette has gentle and soft vibes. Btw green is associated with something friendly and calm), her face...She is definitely kindhearted and sweet lady! She rarely gets mad or angry
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Though, her messy hair say that maybe she gets nervous, at least sometimes(After all, she is a single mother, you know, it can be stressful).
Talking about Francis:
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Yeah, he also mainly have edgyless shapes as main ones, And his face... Look at his face.
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It right says: "Man, I'm tired of working as a damn milkman just to pay child support. Pls help me".
So, for me he looks apathetic and melancholic.
As for Anastacha...I can describe her with one pic
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Jokes aside, but she really looks quite chilly person(She says "whatever" right with her face, without even opening her mouth!). Plus, her colour palette is also chilly, though, she has some edgy shapes in her design...But, can't help but see her as a person who is used to this whole chaos with doppelgangers and neighbors
Oh, and hcs about Francis and Nacha's relationship!
You see, I hc that Francis probably came from...I haven't made my mind where he is from exactly yet. But I've got a feeling that he came somewhere from East/South-East Europe.
So, when Nacha met him for the first time, she was kinda like "Oh, so you're from East, huh? Gawsh, that is hawt"(Eeeeh, you know that thing whe people romanticizes ethnicity for some reasons...Yeah, Nacha has some flaws. I don't approve this thing btw). That's why they were dating until they realised that they both are incompatible for each other(Nacha's expectations failed, yeah), so they broke up. And soon after that Nacha found out that she is pregnant with Anastacha...
After all of this, they maybe try to stay away from each other. Like, they don't despise and hate each other, but they both just don't want to recall those things from the past. Though, Francis works as a milkman to support Nacha and her daughter financially.
Welp, that's all!
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herefortheships · 21 hours
"Evil" Yuji Itadori Theory is not as insane as you think
So today I was thinking about this new viral theory in the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom about Yuji turning evil or "crashing out" after he realizes Yuta is using Gojo's body to fight Sukuna, another plan of which he was not made aware of. And while it might seem like a far-fetched, unlikely theory, it does make sense if Yuji's story ends up going in that direction, as insane as it may appear to some fans.
(Let me preface by saying: Obviously this is speculation and theorizing; no need to get heated if you don't agree with this post. Not agreeing is totally okay! If you don't want to read about this theory/speculation/character analysis, you don't have to. Just scroll past this. 💜)
In this post I'm going to expand on a comment I used to explain why some fans think this is going to happen or, like myself, at least like this theory. My comment went like this:
"[Yuji could crash out] because he’s witnessed so many deaths of those he loves, back to back, plus he’s lost his friend to Sukuna, and this friend wouldn’t even let him save him (Yuji wasn’t enough to save Megumi despite their friendship and all their efforts and all that was going on), and now he is seeing Yuta use Gojo’s body, plus the sacrifices he himself has had to make like eating his own brothers. It would be understandable if he crashes out and wants to end it all, Jujutsu sorcerers included.
He’s seen his friends and even himself become a monster, he’s lost people he loved and has no family left (except for Sukuna, but Yuji doesn’t know that, plus, it’s Sukuna). Seeing Gojo’s body being used as a weapon and by one of his friends on top of it, who, if his brain has been swapped like this, is likely to die or lose his original body forever, that might be the last straw for Yuji to finally lose it.
He’s a noble and kind soul, but even the kindest most patient people have a limit, and Yuji might finally have reached it.
In the end, it would even be the most believable plot twist this manga would pull. That said, it’s VERY unlikely Gege would go there, but it isn’t like shounen manga hasn’t seen the main character go through a villain arc. AoT did it really well. I believe it’d be a dark ending but a fitting one if Yuji ends up as the Sukuna of his generation, if he ends up the strongest who sacrificed everything. It’s all just theories though and very unlikely, but still interesting to discuss."
Now, to expand on these points:
Yuji has seen friends with whom he was finally finding a home after the death of his grandfather die brutal deaths one after the other right before his eyes. These were people who took him in and gave him a chance after he found himself alone in life. As far as we know, Yuji didn't have where to go after his grandfather's death, as far as family goes. And he had to move to Tokyo when he ate Sukuna's finger. He had to leave the friends he had and the life he knew completely. Yuji now has lost the mentors who were guiding him and giving him a sense of security in this new Jujutsu world he suddenly found himself in. Mentors like Gojo and Nanami were to Yuji almost like "uncle" or "fatherly" figures in a sense. As a matter of fact, without Gojo, Yuji would have been killed, so Gojo is not just a mentor but also someone to whom Yuji owes his life.
Then there came the loss of the closest friend he made in this new Jujutsu world. He lost Nobara. Listen, Gege Akutami can tell me in this story over and over that Megumi is Yuji's most important friend, but the writing is showing me something different. The story has shown me that Nobara was the one Yuji was closest to. Unless the Gege just wanted to make a distinction between best friend, giving that role to Megumi, and love interest, giving that role to Nobara, but that's up to interpretation. He saw Nobara get killed by the very same monster who killed Nanami right in front of him, in the very same night. If it wasn't for Todo, Yuji would not have made it out of Shibuya alive. As a matter of fact, if he wasn't killed, maybe Sukuna would have taken hold of him permanently right there and then, and then all he had to do was find Megumi and transfer without Yuji being capable of doing anything to stop him. Mahito might have failed at killing him, but that night of October 31st permanently altered Yuji's soul.
But Yuji's will is strong and unshakable, something that has perturbed even Sukuna himself. Yuji has suffered through great losses, over and over, and has even been the tool by which a massacre was committed, and yet, he still tries; he still moves forward and doesn't succumb to the suffering. It's one of the reasons Sukuna absolutely loathes Yuji: he could never break him. I also head-canon that Sukuna hates Yuji because he was forced to experience love through him, while trapped inside Yuji's body, but I guess we still have to see the love theme play out in the story to rule that one out. Who will teach Sukuna about love? Yuji already has, but Sukuna has yet to figure that one out. Yuji is technically his nephew, will that play into this theme before the end? That's entirely another post, though.
Even losing his friend Megumi to Sukuna did not take down Yuji; on the contrary, he unleashed more power than Sukuna expected him to have and faced him by himself.
But then, December 24th arrived, and it was time to face Sukuna in the flesh. The plan was to save Megumi's soul and take out Sukuna. Satoru Gojo was the first contender, and while Gojo was the strongest sorcerer of his time, he was to face the most brutal, most powerful and evil sorcerer of all time. Not to mention they gave him a full month heads-up. Oops... And while there was a hope placed in Gojo to finish this, as he always did, there was also a silent knowledge that this might be too big of a task even for him. Not only was Sukuna the most powerful sorcerer just by himself, he had also absorbed into himself one of the most powerful techniques of all: the Ten Shadows, a power that once took out a member of the Gojo clan with the very same abilities Satoru Gojo was born with. Gojo would be facing a Ten Shadows user fused with the most powerful sorcerer to ever live. Contingency plans were made in the event that he was defeated, some of which, to keep it a secret from Sukuna, had to be kept secret from Yuji.
Did Yuji know some plans would be kept from him? Or is he just finding out they kept things from him, right there in the battlefield?
What Yuji did know was that his role was going to be to separate Megumi's soul from Sukuna; to save Megumi as everyone took Sukuna down. And he managed to touch Megumi's soul and talk to him! But what did Megumi do? Megumi refused to be saved. Yuji's friendship was not enough; Yuji's words were not enough; Yuji's and everyone's efforts were not enough. Megumi wasted it all, despite the fact that his friends, mentors (including Gojo, who was Megumi's benefactor and pretty much his adoptive father!) were falling dead one after the other through Sukuna. In the end, for Megumi, there was only one person that mattered, and that was his sister. With her gone, Megumi lost his will to live, and Yuji had to see his remaining closest friend choose death over being saved.
Next Yuji saw more of his colleagues die or get potentially mortally wounded. Higuruma, Kusakabe, Yuta were all injured too badly to keep fighting, or were killed. Even though Sukuna was already handicapped by this point after fighting Gojo, having lost half of his hands and ability to use reverse curse technique, he still was capable of casting a Domain Expansion, and so, the person Yuji lost next was his blood brother, Choso. Choso gave his life for his younger brother, and died right in front of Yuji. One more horrific death Yuji had to witness right in front of him. Once again, if it wasn't for the arrival of Todo right in the perfect moment, Yuji would have collapsed right there.
Choso was his only family left, and they had just recently found each other and started to bond; Yuji, by all effects, is now alone in this world. At least, he still has a few friends around him to keep him from falling apart.
Lots of people in the fandom have been commenting "Yuji hasn't spoken a word since Choso died". That is incorrect, since Yuji has asked where everyone is after Sukuna used Fuga, and he might have also said something to Todo as well, I don't remember. Maybe what they mean is that Yuji has been different since Choso's death and what we did see him say was this short statement: he declared that he was going to destroy Sukuna's heart, as he was clawing his hand right into Sukuna's chest. His eyes looked wild and ready to do exactly as he intended.
And that's when they were interrupted by Yuta, using Gojo's body just like Kenjaku used the bodies of dead people to further his plans.
Listen, even the kindest, most compassionate person has a limit. With everything I have described in this post that Yuji has experienced, and his current state of mind, is it truly that far off to conclude that Yuji might have reached his limit? And we're talking about a powerful half-human, half-curse (Yuji was pretty much a result of Kenjaku's experiments plus now he possesses Sukuna's cursed energy and the abilities and qualities he gained by holding Sukuna's soul and eating the cursed wombs). Yuji is someone who has latent potential within him similar to Sukuna's. After all he's gone through at this point, is it that far-fetched to consider that he might lose his mind and choose to go the darkest path? After seeing Yuta use Gojo's body as a tool, just like Kenjaku used Yuji's mother's body as a tool to create him, used Geto's body to cause so much chaos.
Yuji would NEVER harm or kill his friends, this wouldn't happen, but what happens when he's lost everyone? What happens when the few that are left are doing something so inhumane and monstrous to take out Sukuna? How different are they from someone like Kenjaku or Sukuna? Who is right and who is wrong? What happens when he realizes he is just like them as well, being a product himself of the Jujutsu world, having done a monstrous thing in eating his own brothers. Everything in the Jujutsu world is messed up! Not just the curses, but the sorcerers as well. What happens when, most harrowingly, Yuji realizes that this entire situation with Sukuna is, in part, a result of his actions (eating Sukuna's finger that night at the school)?
Yuji has lived through enough horrible experiences that him crashing out not only makes sense, but is also expected. As unlikely as it would be for Gege to give Yuji a villain arc however short it might be as the series reaches its end.
Yuji choosing to end not just the curses, but also the Jujutsu Sorcerers; choosing to end it all. If Yuji gets such a dark twist in this story, given all that he's lived through, plus his potential in power and his soul connection to Sukuna himself, it wouldn't be far-fetched or out of character; at this point, it would completely make sense.
It is very unlikely something like Yuji having a villain arc will happen, but we cannot say that this theory has no basis in the canon. In fact, depending on how it's handled by Gege, this could be the most logical plot twist to come out of this story as it reaches its ending.
Yuji would end up as the Sukuna of his generation, especially if the ending with him standing alone in the end is the one Gege chooses to write.
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shepherds-of-haven · 11 months
Blade is an amazing commander because he recruited an actual tactical nuke (all-magic mage MC) into his squad.
Riel: it was an incredible stratagem to identify and recruit such a magically-powerful officer into your early ranks... your military prowess certainly lives up to its fame.
Romanced!Blade staring at MC's butt from afar: yeah............. tactics. that's definitely why I did it.
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peridots-pixiwolf · 11 months
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sketches from @mipexch 's whiteboard a couple days ago!!
also feat. a very small reference to @onlineviolence :]
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spider-man-2o99 · 1 year
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makes you read vulture 2099 again makes you read vulture 2099 again makes you read vulture 2099 again makes  you read vulture 2099 again makes you read vulture 2099 again
#talking tag#spider-man 2099#spiderman 2099#miguel o'hara#vulture 2099#marvel#comics#comic panels#something something idk man i justt enjoy these issues theyre Fun#whag do u want from me. the bungled potential is tantalizing when i Want to indulge in ripping and tearing into canon?#as i always say lmao vulture 2099 COULD be a really interesting character. like. the Potential's there#reinforces how Lucky mig was that he came from a life of having as many privileges as he had when he got mutated... and that nobody Saw It.#plus yknow. can also serve as a narrative Mirror for migs worst fears abt himself! what would YOU do if ur intrusive thoughts made manifest-#--called YOU a coward and a capitalist pawn 4 not wanting 2 kill and eat people . and all while wearing THOSE tassled PANTS....#idk man just something real neat 2 me abt how vulture is the only villain mig kills On Purpose and even then he Runs b4 he hits the ground.#his anger burns out so Fast. he cant even like. make himself watch the Cannibal Gang Boss get turned into street pizza yknow#he feels worse about killing the VULTURE than he ever really did about killing the specialist because he actively CHOSE to do it this time#cutting the specialist's throat w/ his talons was just an Accident caused by him lashing out against an enemy determined 2 Kill Him y/k#yeah it still caused him a great amnt of Distress to accidentally Kill Someone but he does not spend any panels shedding tears over the guy.#but the vulture. the VULTURE stays on his mind for the next 30 issues AT LEAST......#god this miserable little man. great power and greater guilt and responsibility both a burden and inherent.
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confinesofmy · 2 months
me and my cousin i'm barely on speaking terms with (but in a relatively casual way) repotted her deceased grandmother's pothos today. this was our first time actually properly repotting it bc last summer it was in such a fragile state and we were so scared to hurt it that we just lifted it out of its pot and placed it in a bigger one but this go round we basically dismantled it entirely. we got eight discrete plants and placed it into four different pots!! in nine months it went from the edge of death to that many plants and like ninety leaves altogether. so if you're bad with plants but still wanna fool with them, i guess you should get a pothos.
#neither of us are corny enough to say it or interested in tearjerker moments but i think we both felt the presence of her grandmother HEAVY#this was the only potted plant of hers still living since she died back in 16 & it was. god. it was no longer variegated from lack of light#it actually had more leaves than i remembered. it had like 20. but for every leaf there were 4 places there should've been and wasn't.#water that touched the soil came back yellow which i've never researched to see what the cause is#but i associate it with like. bogs. and stagnation#like if it was still in that dark corner of my other cousin's living room it fr might be dead now#but in nine months thanks to my other cousin asking for help and thanks to us repotting it and taking our turns with it#it has more than quadrupled in size and is variegated af#i don't know what we'll do in like six months when it wants to do it again...#i'm keeping mine somewhat contained tbh i don't even like pothos i just love it bc it's a piece of my aunt#and it is like objectively so fucking sweet that we've rehabbed it like that#adam yaps#like two weeks ago i asked my other cousin if she'd want a pot of it when we repotted and she once again emphasised#that she didn't want it or any cuttings off it leaving the family or being handed out willy nilly#and i once again tried to explain that it's a pothos. it wants to be split up and thrown all over.#that's a pothos' favourite thing#plus her mom probably gave an ungodly amount of people cuttings off it like come on now#but anyway maybe she'll understand now when she sees and fully comprehends that in 9mos we turned half a plant into 4#at this rate we'll either be giving bits away or throwing bits away. those are the options we will eventually face.#because you can't just repot infinitely. eventually your whole house will be one massive pothos in a hundred pots.
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