#plz watch a movie lo
CAN U PLZ RIGHT SOMETHING ABOUT HARRY CANCELING THE SHOW AND BEING SICK. like he starts saying he feels sick after that show and the next few days it’s you taking care of him and he gets emotional cause he feels like he let everyone down when he cancels it🥹🥹
AN: i love this and had this in mind before you requested it but you requesting it just pushed me to actually write it. hope you enjoy.
This story contains: (some) puke, crying, sickness in general, fever, comfort, fluff
{ boyfriend!harry - current harry era - softrry }
word count: 2,462
Harry tries to hide the fact he feels sick for a few days until after his performance on Wednesday night where the truth comes out and he finally allows you take care of him.
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Harry felt fine on the night Harryween took place. He was full of energy and even went out to a Halloween party after the show still dressed in his Danny Zuko costume. The following day he didn't have a concert but he did have a My Policeman movie premiere to attend that night. Meaning he got to sleep in with you, his girlfriend, until around noon.
At the movie premiere Harry started to notice his limbs feeling weak and his head starting to ache but he ignored it, thinking he may still be a bit hungover from the Halloween party last night. After the premiere he asked if you could drive home because he just felt too sleepy to drive. That's when you had your first inkling something wasn't right. Harry normally never asked you to drive. Especially in LA traffic.
On the drive home to your shared Los Angeles home Harry passed out in the passenger's seat. His head rested against the cool glass of the window and his legs curled up in front of him. You thought he looked adorable and so relaxed but still had that worrying thought that something wasn't quite right with his behavior.
When you arrived home from the movie premiere Harry jumped in the shower and then rushed to get into bed. Whenever you asked if something was wrong he'd just say he was tired and a little hungover from the partying the night before, but you knew that was unlikely the case because his hangovers never last that long. You just tried to ignore your worry for your boyfriend of four years and cuddled him close as you fell asleep together.
The next morning Harry felt even worse than the night before. At this point he internally knew it wasn't just a two day hangover and that it must be him coming down with a sickness. But he knew in order to not let the fans down tonight he must power through the day and give it his best on stage tonight. Luckily whatever bug he'd caught was a slow sickness, meaning even though he felt sick on the inside, the outside of his body didn't present many symptoms yet. Therefore he could hide the fact he was sick for a while longer.
But you knew. Being in a relationship with him for so long you knew when Harry was sick. And you knew he was trying to hide the fact he wasn't feeling good. You allowed this to happen throughout the day because you didn't know just how bad he was truly feeling. You thought at most it was just a little cold coming on, not that he had the flu or anything.
Harry did manage to power through the day and get ready for the concert like he normally does. The crew and his bandmates suspected something was off with him because he didn't talk and make jokes like he normally does but they didn't say anything on the matter. Even Jeff saw how Harry was acting but choose to ignore it because he knew the show must go on, well at least this concert did.
You stood where you normally stood at your boyfriends concerts and watched as Harry got on stage and gave it his best. But after the first song you could hear his voice giving out. And when Harry spoke into the mic for the first time that night his voice cracked and sounded so hoars that it made you feel physically sick to hear. Other than his speaking voice sounding bad when he talked and not really being able to hit all the high notes in his songs, Harry still sung beautifully.
You along with his manager and friend Jeff who stood beside you, assumed his voice was the only thing giving him issues on the stage. Little did everyone else know that Harry was struggling in many other ways. His head was pounding and the bright stage lights wasn't helping with that at all. It was actually making him feel a bit dizzy and nauseous. Then his limbs begun feeling heavy and weak like it did at the My Policeman movie premiere last night. He just wanted to be done performing and crawl into your arms for you to hold him.
It wasn't until Harry skipped his normal little speeches and jumped right into singing again that you KNEW Harry wasn't feeling good at all. At this point it was painful for you to just stand there and watch the last part of his show. So you left early and headed back to his dressing room. You begun packing all your belongings that you'd brought to the venue this evening so that you could leave shortly after he was done on stage.
Not even fifteen minutes later Harry comes bolting in his dressing room and sprinting off into the little bathroom to the left of the room. You stand from the sofa you were sat on and quickly follow him in to make sure everything was okay. As soon as you step inside you see Harry hovering over the toilet, projectile vomiting into the once clear water. "Oh, H!" you mutter as you rush to stand behind his trembling body and run a hand up and down his sweaty clothed back. You didn't realize his stomach was also bothering him.
After what felt like minutes of him puking and dry heaving into the toilet, Harry finally felt his stomach settle and he grabbed a wad of toilet paper to wipe his nose and mouth with. Then he tossed the dirty tissue in the toilet and flushed before he was sick again. He stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the vanity sink to wash the hands that had been gripping the sides of the public toilet.
"Babe, I knew you felt sick but I didn't realize your tummy was feeling sick too." you say in a quiet and calm voice.
Harry turns to you with red, water eyes, from the throwing up and on the verge of actual tears, and replies in a voice almost unrecognizable, "It's not. S'just, m' head is throbbin' and the lights, the stage lights, they...... it was makin' me dizzy and that. Then towards the end.... the dizziness on top of my headache made me very nauseous. Glad I made it in here on time. Really thought I was gonna be sick in front of everyone there for a second."
You step forward and wrap his tall body in a hug. You don't care that he smells like a mixture of sweat and puke, you know he needs this hug right now. Standing in the small bathroom of his dressing room at the Forum, you hold Harry's body tight, well not too tight, and he rests his head on your shoulder. Feeling your warm embrace and knowing he finally and somewhat successfully made it through tonight's concert was just too much and that's when he lets out a sob.
"Baby, H, it's okay. Can you tell me what's wrong? I know you haven't been feeling well today but I wasn't sure what all was bothering you and I can't help if you don't tell me." you whisper while rubbing your hands up and down his back, still holding him to your chest.
Taking a deep breath to try and form some words, Harry whispers back, "M'head hurts s' bad. And.... *sob* and my arms and legs feel s' weak. M'tummy feels better now and until the stage lights started botherin' me m'stomach hasn't bothered me at all today. Think throwing up was a one off thing, thank god. And I'm just s'tired." As you take in this information you carefully lead you both back into the dressing room and onto the couch.
Gently unwrapping his arms off from around you, you settle him in the cushions of the sofa and state quietly, to not disturb his pounding head, "Okay, it's all gonna be okay. I'm gonna go tell Jeff what's the matter and help you out of your clothes to give to Harry Lambert and then we'll head home. I'll take care of you, alright. No need to cry anymore." Harry just nods and sniffles as his way of letting you know he understands what you'd said. It hurts him to speak so he's trying to limit the amount he does say.
It only takes you about five minutes to go explain to Jeff what all is wrong with Harry and then make it back into the dressing room where he's nearly dozed off to sleep. You help him strip from his stage outfit and hang the clothes up for Harry Lambert to see. Then you dress him in some comfy sweats and a hoodie. Harry's shivering even though he's still sweaty from stage which lets you know he most definitely has a fever as well.
With all your bags in one hand, your other side is preoccupied with Harry's body leaning on you for support as you walk out to the back parking lot where your vehicle sits. Luckily no paparazzi is back here and you're able to help settle Harry into the passenger's seat before getting in yourself and driving off towards your home.
Forty-five minutes later you arrive to your Los Angeles home and help a sleepy and sick Harry out of the passengers side door. You leave your bags in the car for now so you can solely focus on getting him inside and taking care of. You'd come back out to grab them later. You help walk him up the stairs and into your bedroom where you help remove his clothes and lead him into the shower.
In his croaky voice, Harry whines, "You're not gettin' in with me?"
"Did you want me to, babe?" you ask softly. He just nods his head and that's when you start to strip out of your concert clothes to join him. Any other day Harry would be getting hard at the sight of you stripping naked in front of him, knowing you're going to shower together, but he feels so sick that that's the last thing on his mind. Once you're completely bare, you open the glass shower door and join your sick boyfriend in the steamy shower.
Though for Harry the warm water feels so good on his freezing body, he's feeling worse and worse as the night goes on and you can see that. So you quickly help wash his brown curls as well as his fever ridden body. He groans every now and then from you accidently bumping into his sore skin. His entire body feels like it's one big bruise at this point. Then you quicky wash yourself off as he sits on the shower bench, waiting for you to finish.
Finally, just finally at one in the morning Harry gets settled into the comfort of his own bed. He is thankful that he got sick during his residency in LA where he actually has a home instead of having to stay in some hotel room. It's much nicer this way. You tuck him into the covers, making sure there aren't too many layers because you don't want his fever to spike higher. Though you did only dress him in some boxers. Then you go down stairs to grab him some medicine for him to take. As well as grabbing your bags you'd left in the backseat of the car earlier.
With your bags set in the fourier and a glass of water in one hand and some medicine in the other hand, you pad your way back up to your bedroom. You have to gently wake Harry up from his ten minutes of sleep so he can sit up and take the medicine. He protests but eventually complies. Once the medicine is in his system, you turn all the lights out and climb into bed as well.
You were gonna slide over and cuddle into his body but Harry beats you to it. Harry slides over to your side of the bed and lays his damp head on your left shoulder and tosses one leg over your waist. Then falls into a deep sleep immediately.
All day Thursday Harry tried to get proper rest and take all his medicine to be well before the next night, which is concert night. You stayed by his side and took care of all his needs. You don't mind though. You love taking care of Harry, whether he's sick or well.
But when Friday morning came around, Harry still just felt awful. He had a cough and his throat was very painful, making it hard to talk or swallow. You knew for a fact there was no way he was going to be able to perform tonight but Harry insisted he'd feel better by the evening. Little did he know you'd called his doctor to make a house visit while he was napping and after his little check up, he was diagnosed with the flu.
His doctor told him that if he wanted to get better quickly that he doesn't need to get on stage tonight and he should rest for the next few days. This crushed him. Harry was going to be letting down so many fans that had traveled to his show and paid money to see him. After you helped him notify Jeff and his bandmates of the issue and the need to cancel his show tonight, you helped him type out his note for his fans and the public to see.
As Harry told you what to type out on his instagram story, he couldn't stop crying. He felt so bad for letting everyone down and was devastated he couldn't perform tonight like he wished he could. You had to keep taking breaks from typing the cancellation notice to comfort Harry and remind him that he'll be sicker if he keeps crying like that.
Once you'd finished and posted the post, you turned off Harry's phone so he couldn't lurk at any negative comments he may receive from rude fans that just didn't understand he couldn't get on stage sick. Later you'd allow him to view the nicer and more positive comments. The ones wishing him get well soons and such. But right now he needed to get more medicine in him and go back to sleep if he wanted to be better in time for the next show that wasn't postponed and rescheduled in January.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @bohogothic // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptresss // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1
// @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran  // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  // @mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghosts // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @theroosterswife24 // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci
let me know if you’d like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
My Masterlist Masterpost
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oso-apestoso · 5 months
:)))) I was tagged by @snikkelerhq
Star Sign(s): Scorpio - I like zodiacs in the way I like "what soup are you?" quizzes.  Do I identify with loaded potato soup? no. But is it fun to read what it MEANS to be a Loaded potato soup? Yes.
Favorite Holidays: I think Halloween and New Years because I get to eat chicken alfredo
Last Meal: Breakfast : Eggs Turkey Cheese Bread
Current Favorite Musician: Current Current I can't stop listening to Thot Squad - they're too funny and the beats go hard when im cleaning
Last Music Listened To: Un Millon de Rosas by La Mafia
Last Movie Watched: Napoleon Dynamite - but briefly Shrek and the Mummy
Last TV Show Watched: My Hero Academia
Last Book/Fic Finished:  Last book - Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo. And Fic...I'll never say.
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: The Devil Wears Prada - Andrea was justtt *squeezes fist* tooo much. I found her insufferable! 
Currently Reading: Currently rereading Haikyuu and too many bl comics to count. I was going to start the Hobbit and Coraline.
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: A reminder for me that I need to do more art. But I've fallen down different rabbit holes, it's hard to keep track.
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: Making Friends and joining my first exchanges last year. I had a blast!
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: Hmm I don't think I've participated in fandoms the way I do with Haikyuu and my other anime corners.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Lightheartedly I say  - Bottoms because that movie was hilarious and it flew so under the radar. I wish it got more attention. I need more Ayo Edebiri Movies >:} !!!! 
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I think just committing to anything even if I don't share it. I get so grid locked in my head that I talk myself out of too many things. BUT THAT WILL CHANGE! I'M WORKING ON IT!!!
I had fun with this thanks for the tag!
I'll Tag @drownmeincolor & @mari-writes
plz don't feel obligated to do this :)
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ideally-idyllic · 5 months
☆•°About me°•☆
Hiii, my name is Idyllic, my pronouns are he/him xe/xem and I'm gay and trans (ftm)! Here's some stuff about me!! :D
Music (fav bands/artists are Los Campesinos!, Djo, Insane Clown Posse, Tom Lehrer, Melanie Martinez, Korn, Limp Bizkit, and Crywank | I also play a lot of instruments, too, but I mainly play acoustic guitar)
Reading (Some fav books are Solitare by Alice Oseman, The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, Zombie Makeout Club: Death Wish by Peter Richardson, and Pet Sematary by Stephen King)
Playing video games (Fav video games are Dialtown, Jazzpunk, FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, Melatonin, Lavalamp, Sally Face, and American Truck Simulator)
Watching tv shows (some fav tv shows are Rick and Morty, South Park, Moral Orel, The Twilight Zone, Smiling Friends, and Hazbin Hotel)
Watching movies (Some fav movies are the John Wick movies, When the Wind Blows, the Scream movies, The Truman Show, Spree, The Outsiders, Kiminonawa/Your Name. , Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, and Misery)
Watching YouTube (Fav content creators are JSchlatt, Charlie Slimecicle, Ted Nivison, Kurzgesagt, Wendigoon, Sam and Colby, Jake Webber, Johnnie Guilbert, BigTugg, and Moist Cr1tikal)
Collecting things (I collect creepy-ass porcelain dolls, quarters, pennies, posters, and chunks of concrete)
Dark science (ex: odd deaths, nuclear weaponry/radiation poising, the anatomy of certain deaths [yk those videos titled: the anatomy of electrocution, ya those], stuff abt the universe that could give people an existential crisis [I don't get existential crises so I watch a SHIT TON of stuff like that] and the effects of strong/deadly drugs)
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Dni/probs getting blocked:
Homophobes/transphobes/racists/ableists...basically all of that kind of stuff
in general shitty people, just don't be a dick
If you don't have any posts or interactions, I will probably block you thinking your a bot
NO SEXUAL CONTENT I am uncomfortable with sexual content and I am a minor, so please, none of that (Jokes are fine, but do not make them/direct them towards me)
Don't ask me about very personal things (such as where I go to school, my age, my real name, my house, my phone number, my discord, etc) You might not get blocked for this, but you won't get the answers and I will be uncomfortable
If you are an anti of anyone I am a fan of, please either don't interact or just don't bring up that person (basically, don't make me sad plz)
If your a supporter of anyone I'm an anti of (ex: Dream and Wilbur soot)
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Other socials!
My Unvale acc (Unvale.io is a website to make and log your OCs n' stuff):
Plz don't judge me, I'm just a little nerdy gay boy!! (╥﹏╥)
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racetrak · 5 years
god if i have to hear one more person talk about marvel or the avengers or something im going to blow my fucking brains out
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lazymfffffffffff · 2 years
Proms suck | MJ x fem!reader
A/N: ok ok I know this is a really cliche concept but I tried my hardest to not make it too cliche , I hope you guys like it also MJ DESERVES THE FREAKING WORLD AND I LOVE HER SMM :,((
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“y/n No!” were the first and much predictable words that came out of your girl friend’s mouth, when you proposed the idea of going to prom. 
“you are not letting me fini-” “nope,nope,nope” she said with closed eyes and an innocent smile.
“come on it will be fun.” you pleaded, “since when has the idea of going to prom been considered as fun, especially by you and me. oh that’s right never.” she replied. “ i mean it hasn’t but i just thought that it might be fun or whatever.” you mumbled and sat down next to her with a disappointed  expression on your face. “y/n whatever happened to us ordering pizza and watching movies till our eye lids gave up and couldn’t open.” She tried convincing you by kissing your cheek. “look i was never against the idea of us having a night in, but don’t you think that its time for a little change. when we grow older and go to college we will look back at these memories and laugh at the stupid cheesy pictures we took when we were high schoolers And i don’t want you missing out on any experience just because you thought it was lame and stupid.” You explained, silently hoping she’d say yes to this. Mj looked at you and your puppy dog eyes and she knew she couldn’t say no. There were a few seconds of silence between you two when you decided to break it and dramatically say “ Plz MJ the light and love of my life, the treasure of my heart plz will you say yes to going to prom with me.” 
“ Fine.” she agreed with red cheeks, to which you squealed and hugged her real tight saying “ i love yaaa!” in a weird silly accent. 
“ Y/N/N, we are going to be late. can you hurry up.” MJ yelled waiting for you by the stairs of your house. “ coming!” you yelled back. You looked at your self in the mirror to see how you looked like and well it wasn’t bad you tried to keep it casual and not wear something too fancy in case MJ thought you were way too extra but she wouldn’t really think that right? She is your girl friend she loves you. The word ‘love’ reminded you that she and you had not really said your ‘ i love yous’ yet. Which freaked you out i mean it is normal for couples to not say i love you when they have only been dating for 3 months right??? Your overthinking was interrupted by your mother coming to your room and saying “ you know she will fall for you even more than she already has when she looks at you.” you turned around to give her a thankful smile. “ really?” you questioned, “really” your mother said. Which boosted your confidence, you thanked your mother and made your way downstairs. “ lets go” you said making MJ who was talking to your brother turn around and freeze in place. she couldn’t take her eyes off of you. God you were perfect she thought as you made your way downstairs. “ Wow! y-ou lo-ok re-ally wonderful, like really pretty.” she stuttered. You smiled at her flustered state and kissed her cheek while saying “ you don’t look too bad yourself .” She was looking breathe taking too and your bones felt like jelly when you saw her in her black coat suite. 
When you and Mj arrived there. It was not what you had expected. Sure there was still music,a whole lot of teenagers who were well extremely horny,but other than that the hall was decorated beautifully. You and Mj made your way towards the table where Peter and Ned were sitting. “ Wow is it just me or did you just come to prom.” Peter said to Mj while you all sat down at the table. “Yeah well, proms can be some times fun too you know.” She tried to lie but she wasn’t fooling any one. “ yeah yeah whatever, this is literally proof of how much she loves you Y/N.” Peter replied. To which both of your and Mj’s cheeks turned red and you mumbled “ Shut up Pete.” “ So you wanna have some fun.” You said to Mj when every one had left the table and given you both some privacy. She got up from her seat stuck her hand out in front of you, indicating the fact that you should grab it and replied “ hell yeah.” And with those words the night began. You both danced crazily on the stage with your friends, drank aLOOOt of punch, took those cheesy couples pictures and watched Peter puke five times the entire night. You couldn’t have wished for anything more. This whole night was perfect. After all of you were wasted sitting on your table a slow song started playing in the background. You could see that Peter and Ned had passed out on the chairs next to your chair with their heads on each other’s shoulders. Now only you and MJ were left. It was pretty awkward for you both because a. You had never been in a REALLY CLICHE ROMANTIC MOMENT WITH HER WITH A ROMANTIC SONG PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND. And b. You both had no idea what to do. The awkward silence was broken when Mj said “ Do maybe wanna you know dance or whatever.” While scratching the back of her head and looking every where else except your face. “ yeah sure.” You replied with a smile on your face. With flustered faces and shaky hands you both made your way towards the dance floor.
She put her hands on your waist and you around her neck and although you both had no idea what you were doing you still starting twirling a little. “ Hey I had a really great time tonight, thx for making me not think proms suck.” Mj Said “ I had a great night too, I mean it was perfect because well we had alot of fun and also because I got to spend it with you.” You replied. You both were looking into each other’s eyes the moment was perfect and all you kept mumbling to your self was ‘ say it Y/N say it’ and so you did. “ hey Mj.” You whispered, to which she replied with a “ yeah.” “ I love you.” You breathed. “ I love you too.” She whispered back and with that she connected her lips to yours, making butterflies erupt in your tummy. It sounds so cliche but it’s true.
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boredfaneliza · 4 years
mermaid au part 1
ok fwt shippers. i heard too many fish tales and i knew i had to make this. inspired off my favorite movie of all. no. it’s not aquaman plz. they’re both similar but really different. LIKE REALLY DIFFERENT IN TERMS OF FRANCHIES LOL
anyways i hope you enjoy
wilbur dragged fundy to a family vacation to freaking malibu aka in the los angles of the fucking united states. they’re mostly going there for techno’s surfering competition.
fundy is the cousin of the sbi family. 
he lives on his own now cuz he’s an adult haha
wilbur sometimes checks up on him and stuff
fundy hates it. the sun is in his eyes. he wants to go home and code all day but nooooo. he needs to get sun. ugh.
they arrive there in the beach house. phil says fundy can stay inside of the beach house, but his laptop is dead. so he’s kinda forced to go on his own will. he’s been dragged into many activities. tommy and tubbo pranking people around (he did enjoy scamming some of them). 
then he relaxed with phil and wilbur. they’re watching techno compete with some guy. a hot guy. a guy who has blonde hair and freckled skin. fundy asks wilbur who that is.
“oh, that’s dream. techno’s rival. apparently, he’s a real charmer. in american 7th grade, i ask him out a pizza hut date, but he brought his friend along. i had fun with it.” now fundy is a bit intrigued. he asks why they’re rivals. “something happen in surfer school or whatever. tommy try to be a rival against dream, but was told off for being a child.”
“i’m not a child.” they all laugh. tommy smacking wilbur as a bonus.
they continue watching the competition. fundy being impressed with dream’s skills. while his family cheers for techno. when the water splashed on the blonde’s hair, it changed color. green and white streaks. how? that’s cool.
 after the competition, techno got first place. the sbi family gave him a group hug. fundy checks that dream is going to his group of friends. they’re going to the other side of shore where the rocks are. maybe he should go follow them and introduce himself... he tell the others he’s going to check something out.
trying to be sneaky and hides behind a huge rock. he overhears their convo. the clout goggles is george and the white bandana is sapnap. competitoon blah blah. apparently they’re into coding and minecraft? ey finally something he and dream got in common. not that fundy cares.
“anyways. i gotta tell my mom about it. i know my sister is disappointed in me.” dream chuckled. he went to sit one of the rocks and grabs something on his neck. what? “i wish to be a merman.” 
holy shit sparkles and glows. his legs turn into a fucking tail. he looks really pretty too.
then the three men look what fundy is peaking out of the rock. glaring at him.
 did he really said it out loud?
to be continued...?
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op-peccatori · 5 years
Could you plz make headcanons of your fav baes? The headcanons would be about Mc being wasted and doing weird/crazy stuff. (Btw love your posts❤) P.s - My fav bois are Lucien and Victor
I wrote this in a hurry, and it’s...well, I hope you like it 😂 I personally go quiet when I’m drunk so I hope I was able to make this fun!
Mr Love Queen’s Choice Headcanons: The boys’ reaction to MC’s drunk antics!
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“The cops are here, this party’s over!”
Jk. So Gavin probably called MC while she was out and, as soon as he realised she’s under the influence, told her he’ll be there to pick her up.
MC thought he’d call her before coming, but received no such call. Instead, she stepped out to get some air and lo and behold, he’s right there. Just waiting outside with endless patience.
MC doesn’t think. She just pounces, overwhelmed by joy. Gavin is literally so taken aback by her delighted reaction that he’s frozen for a whole minute while she blabbers away.
He doesn’t think flying is such a good idea, so you walk. MC keeps talking and talking, insists on holding hands, tries to get him to dance with her in the streets. Anyone who tries to give you the side-eye is treated to Gavin’s murder-look. If his girl wants to sing, she’s going to sing.
even if she seems to be trying to serenade him.
He does finally clamp a hand over her mouth when she says, “Arrest me, officer! I’ve been a bad, bad girl!”
Yeah, he’s just carrying her home. Does he mind MC’s constant kisses and remarks on his handsomeness? No, no he doesn’t.
Does he nearly drop her when she says she wants to have his babies? Yes, yes he does. He turns red and literally does not know what to say.
“Oh, but I guess we need to get married too!” MC pls ur gonna kill him
He’s tempted to play along, but she’s drunk. You can bet he’s going to be fantasising about their wedding for a whole month as if he hadn’t already been doing that
What do you mean Kiro’s not up on the bar dancing with her? Look closely, he’s the one twerking.
Some people do throw cash at them.
They usually party together!!!!
These two getting drunk together is so chaotic, RIP to whoever is with them. They get wild. Their usual thing includes dancing their hearts out and then getting whatever unhealthy food they can get their hands on.
They crack the lamest jokes and fall over laughing until they’re in tears. Okay but – Kiro may look like he’s absolutely wasted but a part of him is always alert. It doesn’t matter that he’s currently attempting to do ballet, he knows who’s watching them.
MC does the cheesiest and lamest dance moves she can think of and Kiro is right there with her! She wants to race? They’ll race. They like to go home and watch animated movies. Tangled is a personal favourite when they’re drunk. MC once declared Kiro to be Rapunzel and herself to be Flynn Rider.
Once insisted on wanting the same hair colour as Helios. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Kiro knew this was a terrible idea.
Honestly? Not a bad look.
Sometimes...they prank call people 😔 Mostly Savin.
A work party! One of those Miracle Finder parties Lucien’s always invited to, except he declines this time. MC’s a bit disheartened, but hey – it’s not gonna stop her from having fun!
She starts out dancing with Kiki and Willow, until eventually she’s on her own (in the crowd), and there are numerous eyes watching, waiting for their chance.
And then she feels hands around her waist, tugging her closer to their owner. Just when she begins to tense, the subtle cologne hits her. She tilts her head back and there he is, smiling down at her.
Only to pause in surprise when she leaps at him, kissing him squarely on the mouth. He wasn’t expecting that. At all.
They dance. People will either stare and drool or look away blushing. As much as Lucien enjoys it, with how delightfully unrestrained MC is being, he does put a stop to it eventually. He doesn’t like sharing her with others :)
Promises your coworkers he’ll keep her safe. The drive home is quite eventful. She keeps saying the dumbest stuff. And oh, the pick up lines. RIP MC.
“If I were a virus, I’d infect you with my love.” too soon
“If I could make my own periodic table...then you would be number one.” *finger guns*
Lucien cringes so hard he can’t help but laugh. Especially when she looks so proud and tells him she’s been waiting for an opportunity to use them (MC ur not supposed to tell him that!). He loves how snuggly she is while he tries to tuck her in.
Oh boy.
MC was a little preoccupied with a game of dare and dare, and therefore unable to answer her phone. Victor, who was calling because he ‘happens to be in the area’ and wanted to know if she needs a ride home, panics and drops by anyway.
He finds her right away, because she’s on the stage. Singing Hit me baby one more time by the legendary Britney Spears. What? No, of course Victor’s not familiar with that song!
He experiences a series of emotions as he stands among the people cheering her on. He’s bewildered. And a little impressed at the high notes. MC’s definitely no professional but...ugh, this is adorable. He needs to film this.
Also, is that Goldman at the front of the crowd?? How come he was invited??
As she staggers off the stage, still laughing wildly, she trips on the stairs – right into Victor’s arms. She’s only half-surprised as she looks up at him. And fuelled by liquid courage, blurts out the first thing on her mind.
“We have got to stop meeting like this.”
He takes her home, hovering in fear that she’ll throw up, makes her eat something light. MC insists on a bedtime story as he tucks her in...insists on telling one. Victor sits there for god knows how long, listening to her tell a story that he suspects is a mix of game of thrones and shrek. She’s near incoherent as she trails off, slowly falling asleep, still holding his hand.
he’s so in love. he’s never going to let her forget this. MC’s new nickname is Britney
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littlemoonbug · 3 years
helluu!! 🧸✨ for da agere asks plz <3 🐛🌱☀️🚀🐳🧃and 🦷!! sorry it’s a lot ,:) i hope u hv a wonderful day🐮🤎
hihii!! is nu a lot nu worry I wuv asks!! tanku!! I hopes chu havs bestest day 💗
(m sowy about los of baby talk I nu having good times n it help me stay little)
🐛 knowing what it was, only umm seven months! I tinks. but in sum ways since waay before
🌱 mhm! I havs mm one blue adult paci my sibbie giv me, six baby pacis an one baby bottle I gots myself an colowin books n cwayons daddy got me! an an stuffies!!
☀️ it make me feel cozy n safe an ion havs to wowy about big pwoblems or icky meanie thoughts no more :) an is super fun!
🚀 I wuv ghibli n disney movies! n watching umm Hilda, Winnie the Pooh, Steven Universe, Bee & Puppycat, Adventure Time an an so more
🐳 when little, I wikes colowin, cuddling an stowy time an walkies wif dada, playing pweten wif my stuffies an watchin catoons!
um um I havs poblem here cause the last two is fo me on tumblr lil squares so I jus gon answer all lil square ones sowyy
🧸 how many stuffies do you have? wuff too many cause am collect tem since baby an I wuv adopting fom thwift stores
🦷 do you believe in santa or the tooth fairy? mhm!! of couse 👉👈 I wote letter to santa last week n dada saids tey talked to Santa an a dwagon stuffie I wann nu hav any left bu bu other fawn stuffie I wikes was lookin for fwen! n tey said dat Santa saids am on good list! ^°^
🧃 what’s your favorite teeny time snack? mmm pocki!!! an apple n other fuits cut up an yogurt an berries an rice honey puffs!!
🧺 do you have any sibbies? mhm! my cutie sibby I sumtimes go to claires or park or toystores wif her or we colow!! (an dada tey take care of us) 💓
tanki for ask!! 🥰🥰
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apolloboe · 3 years
Answer 30 questions, tag 20 mutuals
(tagged by @its-not-a-xylophone​)
I dont normally do these things bc im a strict music blog but idc im procrastinating
Name/Nickname: Dakota/Aiden (will respond to either)
Gender: trans male
Height: 5′0″ (am a shorty)
Current time: 9:21 pm
Birthday: 4/15
Favourite bands: i don’t really listen to bands, but i used to love twenty one pilots, though i dont listen anymore (i could probably sing along if i heard them tho), glass animals is a nice band to listen to rn, unlike pluto too
Favourite solo artists: alvaro soler, watsky, alec benjamin? idk many pop solo artists... ill listen to anything hilary hahn plays shes a soloist does that count
Current earworm: Tchaikovsky violin concerto in D major
Last movie I watched: the emperors new groove, but in spanish
Last show I watched: Wandavision
When I created this blog: march 2018 apparently
What I post about: Music memes, classical music related content, anything and everything oboe related
Last thing I Googled: “porque no los dos” to show my mom a meme
Other blogs: @illuminaiden my personal blog
Do I get asks? no but i would like them plz
Why I chose my URL: it used to be “godlingoboist” bc when i first created this blog, oboejesus and other instrument blogs had “god” or “jesus” in the name and i liked that trend so godling, but apolloboe bc apollo is the god of music and im an absolute nerd and now theres oboe in the name instead of oboist
Following: 150
Followers: 231
Average hours of sleep: during the semester, probably around 7 or less (depending on the amount of homework due the next day) but during the summer or any break, like 10 lol i love sleep
Lucky number: 3 or 9 i just love those multiplication tables
Instruments: oboe is my primary and flute is wayyyyyy less technically advanced but still good, and then piano like i can play after a lot of practice. though the order i learned them in was piano, flute, then oboe so idk 
What am I wearing? socks, basketball shorts (my favorite pair), and a black t shirt with the grim reaper on it
Dream trip: ive dreamed of a roadtrip through europe but i live in america so ive also dreamed of a roadtrip through america, canada, and mexico
Favourite food: i have an insatiable sweet tooth and love chocolate... but also katsudon is superbly amazing to eat 
Nationality: american 
Favourite song(s): see this playlist for my list of songs that i could never skip on shuffle 
Last book read: Currently reading “The Tao of Chess” by  Peter Kurzdorfer. its been a while since ive read books so youll get my current read, not my last read
Top 3 fictional universes to live in: percy jackson, a:tla, merlin 
Favourite colour: purple, though turquoise or seafoam is high up there
Tagging: whoever wants to do this as well! 
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
20 Questions Tag
Tagged by: @untaemedqueen tysm for tagging me! <333
Tagging: @gldnrecs @bulletproofbirdy @jungkookiebus and @randombtsprincessa (only if you want to)
1. what do you prefer to be called name-wise?
Aqua :)
2. when is your birthday?
February 1st
3. where do you live?
California (like an hour outside of Los Angeles)
4. three things you are doing right now?
Drinking coffee, texting some friends and writing :)
5. four fandoms that have peaked your interest.
Hmmm I haven’t gotten into anything new lately besides Among Us but, I really want to start watching anime and Kdramas more so if you guys have any recs plz let me know <333
6. how has the pandemic been treating you?
Yikes. Not very well lol BUT I’m super grateful for the health of my friends and family and I’m hoping things will get better soon.
7. a song you can’t stop listening to right now?
Damage by H.E.R
8. recommend a movie.
Practical Magic is one of my favorites :D
9. how old are you?
10. school, university, occupation, other?
I’m a senior in college (sociology major) and I work for a bookstore and a real estate company!
11. do you prefer heat or cold?
Definitely cold! I’m actually so happy that California finally reached below 70 degrees lmao
12. name one fact others may not know about you.
I have four kitties :)
13. are you shy?
Hmmmm I can be??? It depends on the situation I think.
14. preferred pronouns?
15. biggest pet peeves?
People who lack empathy and compassion. Also rudeness and entitlement gets a big ew from me.
16. what is your favorite “dere” type?
I’m not really into ‘dere’ types.
17. rate your life from 1-10, 1 being crappy and 10 being the best it could be.
Hmmm. Maybe a 6/10? I hope that things will get better soon and I have a feeling they might :)
18. what’s your main blog?
19. list your side blogs and what they’re used for.
I have a side blog called @aquarecs that I use for my fic recs :)
20. is there something people need to know about you before becoming friends?
I don’t think so. I’m pretty open and I love making new friends! My ask box and messages are always open. I just ask that you are 18+ and that you don’t support Donald Trump.
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heartofhubris-a · 4 years
tagged by @uberfluss my fave child 
sign: Sun: aries, Moon: Virgo, Asc: Capricorn
height : 5'9 and usually 3-5 inch heels
last movie I watched: Technically dark shadows but ligit watched was Wonder (2017)
last thing I googled: tubi cause I hit enter before i typed .com
song stuck in my head : Bad Habit by the Kooks
Blogs: yikes let’s go
Movies: @nothingbutyourchains
OC (aes and RP): @blkrse
“Adulting blog with @the-realharleyquin:
Writing blog: @xpcttns
Jareth RP blog: @lightjareth
do I get asks: Maybe once or twice a month
amount of sleep: 8ish hours
lucky number: 4 and 8
what am I wearing: Tanktop with a black shrug and a black and white stripped pencil skirt and some heels
dream job: Librarian in a small Maine town
dream trip: Northern alaska to see the northern lights. Or a roadtrip through midwest USA to see historic/ haunted places 
favorite food: So many but usually lo mein
instruments: Theremin. 
favorite song: don’t have one but junk of the heart (happy) by The Kooks is A+
Tagging uh,, @humanoidstatic @the-quasar-hero @the-realharleyquin @maidservant-hecubus @farisyatriedtowritefiction @withinthecrystal and any of my followers just tag me plz
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purplesurveys · 4 years
LOL was gone for a while to attempt doing that ridiculous 5000 survey myself again and I really thought I was going to breeze through it this time. 2 1/2 weeks and 2500 questions later, I need a fucking break. Need normal surveys plz.
What was the best thing to happen to you this week? Got to visit Gabie today! I brought Cooper as well so that she, her sisters, and their puppy Tofu could finally meet him. Fun day, but I am beat. The blackout yesterday also made me revisit painting, and that felt so good too.
Where do you put your keys when you get home? It always differs, idk why I never picked up a routine. Sometimes I set it on the dining table, other times on the decorative table in the living room, and other times I bring it up with me to my room.
Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? I preferred hot (warm would be more accurate) for the longest time but once I went iced, I never wanted to go back. 
What's your phone background picture? I recently changed my lock screen to one of Audrey Hepburn. My home screen is still Hayley Williams.
If you could move to any country, what would it be? Anywhere with a clean and honest government sounds like heaven.
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? No. Can’t say there’s a lot of them here in the city, and I’ve never seen any in my trip to provinces either.
What's your favourite movie from the 80s? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.
Do you have any posters, paintings or other artwork on your walls? I have at least one of each of these, yes.
What would your dream wedding be like? Huge. I’d want a long guest list, expansive food choices, and acts that can provide good music throughout the evening. I never really throw parties for myself, so I would want at least my own wedding to be big.
Would you ever take a trip to space if given the chance? Yesssssss.
How do you cope with anxiety? I'm lucky to have found different outlets, so that said I usually choose from taking surveys, watching a favorite channel on YouTube, turning to my dogs, going to social media to see dumb memes, or taking a nap altogether. Of course there’ll always be those days where none of these work out and I’ll have to just cry through the anxiety attacks until they’re over.
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? I’m expecting an email from my college, yes. I’m currently applying for civil service eligibility and they’re asking for documents that only the college can provide, so I emailed them a couple of days ago asking for assistance, and that’s considering we’re still under a lockdown and most offices are still under skeleton staffing.
What's the weather like in your part of the world right now? LOVELY. I actually wear oversized sweaters to bed now and I even managed to wear a thick denim jacket out today. The rainy weather has settled beautifully, and I’m perfectly fine with 24ºC-28ºC everyday.
What was the last takeout food you ate? My mom bought me and my siblings a chicken sandwich and chicken nuggets each from McDonald’s last week.
Who makes you laugh the most? Definitely someone from my college barkada. I can’t decide whether it’s Aya, Kate, JM, or Jum; they’re all equally hilarious as fuck.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? See these questions are always weird to me because my country has its own naming customs; it’s basically a mix of American and Spanish customs. We have two first names (where Westerners would understand their second ‘first’ name to be their middle name) and our actual legal middle name is our mother’s maiden surname (which I think doesn’t apply at all in the Western world). So to answer this I’ll go with our own customs and say that no, I don’t know of anyone who has the same middle name as me. It’s not a very common surname anyway.
What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? Had a tooth removed. I don’t think it was a wisdom tooth; it was just a tooth at the back of my mouth that had been in pretty bad shape for years but was only discovered at that time.
What does a successful relationship look like to you? I believe the formula is different for every couple. Like I value constant communication and checkups, but others might not feel the need to be clingy or update their significant others all the time.
What do you like to put on your baked potato? Don’t really have these a lot, but I remember when my mom used to make baked potatoes with bacon and cheese and those were unbelievably good.
What field of science interests you the most? Biology. <3 I’m sure I would’ve taken up medicine if I only wasn’t so bad in the rest of the sciences.
What's the closest shop or restaurant to your house? There aren’t any nearby shops since I live in a gated community, but once you get out of the village’s main gate, the first thing to the left is a McDonald’s. To the right is a small complex with a hair salon, burger place, music school, and one of those boujee stores that sell hype clothing.
Do you have any family that live in another country? So many relatives. We’re Filipinos, man. We migrate everyfuckingwhere. As far as I know I have family living in the US, Canada, Vietnam, Japan, China, Australia, and New Zealand.
What colour is your couch? Gray.
Do you know how to care for plants and keep them alive? Not at all. Every single plant that I’ve been given as a gift or party giveaway has died on me.
What was the most memorable birthday you've had? 18th was awesome. Cruise trip, hotel stay with friends, Tiendesitas + noodle date with Gab. How I got away with three separate celebrations without my parents saying anything about it I’ll never know.
Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Beach. The area where I live is mountainous as it is; as someone who’s always lived and studied in the city, a trip to the beach in the province never gets old.
What do you do for work? I don’t have any yet but I’m waiting for openings for our national agency for either history, or culture and the arts. My plans have shifted recently and I’m now eyeing to work for either instead of rotting away while underpaid at a corporate agency.
Have you ever been to see the circus? No. I wouldn’t be interested either; they all just seem so harsh and unethical. 
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? Sure.
What is the best house you've ever lived in? The one we live in today has been the most comfortable; but I also hold a lot of nostalgia for my dad’s parents’ house in Tondo because of how raw Manila life was there. Life wasn’t pretty, but it did feel real.
What was the first CD you ever bought? The first CD I actively wanted my parents to buy for me was probably the High School Musical soundtrack, heheh.
Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? Yeah, always. Wanna make sure my shirt is tucked in properly (if it is), or that my jeans aren’t cuffed funny or whatever else.
What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? I’ve mentioned this before but it was the Indian dessert gulab jamun. Really did not expect the flavor that came in when it hit my mouth.
Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? I’ve never had a legit job, but when Jeuel quit the org a couple of years ago because of ~irreconcilable differences~ between him and us officers in the executive board it did feel a tad bit dramatic and passive-aggressive.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? Shrek 2 or The Game Plan.
Do you know why your parents named you what they did? The singer named Robyn was really big then and they ended up being fans of the name.
Do you have any bills that need to be paid? None of my own. My parents usually pay the family bills immediately, so I don’t think we have any pending payments for now.
What do you like to dip your fries in? Mayonnaise.
Is your house clean or messy right now? It’s always clean as my mom is extremely tidy.
What was the last email you received? It’s one of the job-hunting websites I’ve signed up for, giving me job alerts for new openings in my chosen industries.
Do you know someone who speaks without a filter? Yeah and I know people who do it responsibly and those who just come off as tactless.
Are you in any social groups? We call our college group the Daydrinkers, since our friendship began when we started constantly hanging out at nearby bars at like 2 PM, during our breaks lol. I used to be in a barkada in high school but Angela and I broke apart from that since we couldn’t deal with Athenna’s toxicity anymore, though I still keep in touch with most of them, like Chelsea and Kaira. Since then Angela and I have formed our own group consisting mostly of Angela’s friends from architecture and Hans’ friends from Ateneo.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Sigh, around 4. I don’t know why it was so few, but it also means that I’m currently drowsy as all hell at 9:03 PM. I will most likely turn in for bed after this.
What's your favourite kind of museum? Those that cover history, so museums that have artifacts and fossils and shit.
Do you believe in alternate universes? I like the idea, and I love literature that explores the idea of alternate realities, multiple universes, pocket universes, etc. Whether or not I believe they exist...idk. I don’t think about it that much in literal terms. < Yeah pretty much. Gaby Dunn wrote an amazing piece on multiverses and that was what got me to find comfort in the idea.
Whose house did you last visit? I was at Gabie’s place this afternoon. We had burritos, talked about career prospects, and puppy-sat our babies.
What games do you play on your smart phone? I turn to 1010 when I’m bored or anxious. I have like 30 other games but I never touch them lol, but I do keep them should the time be right to whip them out.
Have you ever been to Los Angeles? I have not.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Paramore, February 2013. I was a late bloomer; kids my age started going to concerts at least three years before that.
Do you know anyone who is colourblind? I don’t think so.
What's your favourite season and why? The wet season, because it’s colder and I hate the heat during the dry season.
Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? I’m the eldest.
If you had to make something for a potluck, what would you make? I recently watched this phenomenal recipe for 48-hour chocolate chip cookies that looked absolutely bonkers when they were done baking. I’d for sure give those a try for dessert. If that fails I’d just buy the food so that what I bring is more guaranteed to be good.
What kinds of decorations do you put up at Halloween? My family has never cared much for Halloween. It’s not even a legit holiday, so as much as I love Halloween I don’t think I would spend for decorations myself to decorate my own place. The only instance I imagine doing so would be if I have kids of my own who may want to get into the Halloween ~spirit.
How many tabs do you have open right now? In my current window, eight.
What's something you've been meaning to do but keep putting off? Taking another online course, just because it’s great to learn new things and earn free certifications while at it. I haven’t been doing a good job at being consistent with them, though.
What's the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? Facebook since it’s my primary social media now. Literally never thought this day would come.
Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah but it’s been a while.
Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? This was the time I was slowly moving away from my punk phase and inching closer to Athenna’s music tastes, so I was into acts like Hozier, Banks, Daya, Twenty One Pilots, etc.
What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Water, bread, eggs.
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disneydreamlights · 4 years
Pick five random questions (and also do the post apoc question as a sixth ;3) for Ticole, NiNick, Skyuuya, Matt/Luca, and whatever tf your otp for dark materials is?? i haven't been keeping up with your trash so idk what to ask for that one but also indulge yourself in your current trash plz
Yu I’ve been sitting here just like “I’m so sorry you asked” about that HDM pairing for the past ten minutes.
Partially because of the self indulgence and mostly just because they’re a train wreck.
I’m just gonna go in order for once because like...does anybody following me even care about this series? Or is this going to be me being self indulgent like I normally am with my oc ships. XD
2. Who is the most insecure and what makes them feel better?
Absolutely Tip. He lacks self confidence to such a strong degree. One the flip side, Nicole is great at being there to comfort him, either by reminding him that everything’s okay and that  he’s loved or by providing whatever it is he needs and wrapping him in a blanket burrito. 
9. What is the most embarrassing thing they have done in front of each other?
I refuse to take criticism that for Tip this isn’t the time that they were in Dragonspyre after reuniting and Tip started meowing at Nicole because he was very tired and she was just like “That’s cool you’re alive” because she was so relieved to have an alive Tip. 
For Nicole, it probably would have something to do with her falling asleep in the middle of doing something. I have a lot of thoughts on the idea of her spending a lot of super late nights reading once he falls asleep and she just ends up falling asleep in the middle of it because she’s not paying attention to the time. It’s hard in general for Nicole to get embarrassed in front of Tip because he’s just so naive about everything.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
Mostly animated things. I see them watching a lot more wholesome movies and given Nicole’s origins, she’s very obviously a Disney fan. She also gets the final vote since what they’re watching isn’t important to Tip.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Mmm this is an interesting question. On one hand, they’re badass and together nearly unstoppable even in the pre-revival stuff (which is what I’m going to focus on in general because that’s a more fun Ticole anyways) so the chance of anything taking one of them down once they make it to shelter? Unlikely. They probably serve as pillars of emotional stability and comfort for each other as they keep themselves safe from zombies.
But this comes with a stipulation. They’re untouchable so long as everything they love is safe.
It’d be unlikely for anything to happen to Ian or Charles but if it did, it’s pretty likely that Tip at least would fall apart.  So this could end up bad.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Not counting worlds where they almost died??? I don’t think they would. Like literally the only place I could think of would be the bedroom because sex between the two of them? Super daunting there’s a reason I skipped the sex question every time RNG pulled it up.
27. Why do their friends get annoyed with them?
Oh dear god 95% of the annoyance with them I guarantee is directed at Nicole. Nicole is overprotective as shit over Tip and it gets to be ridiculous. The first couple of times she’s angry over somebody hurting Tip it’s scary but afterwards. “Nicole. Nicole plz. I know you’re upset but Nicole listen please shut up Tip’s fine. Nicole.”
I’m honestly surprised Ian hasn’t done anything yet tbh about this.
1. Who makes the first move and how?
I’m like...95% certain the person to take the leap was Nina? I don’t remember it’s been ages since I read the scene.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
They take nights out? *shot*
No in all seriousness, these two when they do go out for the night probably have super romantic times. Nick’s supposed to be a romantic, so I could see him setting up candlelit dinners, figuring out the best showtime to watch the movie Nina’s really wanted to see, really doing the most to make their night out all the more special.
8. What do they like in bed?
Oh my god.
Nina’s not vanilla so her kinks go as far as Nick’s will that is all I will say on the subject.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
They try to keep moving on. I feel like they both alternate who’s functional on different days. Some days it’s both, and when it is they’re valuable resources to wherever they are. When one isn’t, I’d imagine the other just holds them while they try to cope with the fear and loss. There probably is some sex involved in all of this, because they can use it to help them forget that the world is ending and who knows when their next time could be their last.
Thankfully at least, they’re also social creatures. I’d imagine the two of them would stay in groups for as long as possible.
20. Where do they go on holiday?
Nina? Absolutely big amusement park nerd. I don’t think it matters where Nick wants to go she absolutely plans all her vacations around the fact that they might be able to stop by some kind of amusement park.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Somebody please stage an intervention for their sex habits. Please.
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Emphasis first of all in that these touches are always not sexual, but I can see Yuuya just always reaching for her as like small little gestures. Grabbing her hand if he notices she’s starting to panic. Giving her a hug when she seems just a little down. Just all sorts of reassuring small touches that absolutely mean a lot.
7. What do they get up to on a night out?
When they find the time to have a night out uninterrupted, I’d imagine it’s whatever dates Yuuya manages to come up with near where they’re based. This could be anything from beach trips to theme parks to nice dinners. It’s not really a specific thing they plan on a night out so much as just enjoying each other’s company for them.
But that being said I also see them sometimes just enjoying the peaceful nights by relaxing together for once and trading stories and talking. Like of course Yuuya wants to go all out on these dates but it’s despair world. He literally can’t because you always gotta be on guard so they make the most of it however possible.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
Yuuya would be the most doting fuck if Sky got sick. She keeps telling him to stop. He’s gonna get sick. He really needs to stop. Except he absolutely doesn’t and brings her tissues and soup and wraps her in ten thousand blankets and “YUUYA IT’S A COLD I’M NOT DYING I DON’T NEED THIS MANY BLANKETS” except he’s not doing it because he thinks she’s going to die, he’s doing it because she’s Sky and absolutely deserves the best care she could ever get.
Then once he gets sick afterwards she throws a box of tissues at his head. granted she’s also making sure Yuuya has everything he needs for a full recovery from the cold but that’s less relevant.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
They start preparing to kill zombies. They’re the couple who just shows up on a motor cycle with their back towards each other and start shooting. They’re the zombie apocalypse dream team. They’re certified badasses. They’ll be fine.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
First kiss after the prison (and not the peck Sky did to fluster Yuuya after getting together) is probably a little bit after the game??? Like they’re both together and spending time anchoring each other but like so much stuff went down and it’s just a lot to unload? And it’s not so much the where that matters but the when. Because I really would like to imagine like they’ve spent so much time worried and searching for their little siblings who mean the absolute world to them they have kinda put their relationship on the backburner in terms of being overly affectionate. And then they just finally find Sera and Sakuya and Hiyoko and they’re sitting there talking later that night and overwhelmed by emotions over the whole thing and idk who starts it but it’s like a “I’m really so glad we finally succeeded we found them” kiss.
Pre-PoD though? That’s a lot less happy. So I know we discussed that like...some really bad shit goes down and they start off not really getting along and gradually growing to care about each other because of an event that really forces them to understand the other? Well all I can imagine is whatever the terrible thing that happens is that really makes them get along? It happens. And of course even though they’re supposed to not like each other, but the other one of them is still listening to the other and supporting them because that hatred has been gone for a really long time and just like the one who’s hurt realizing that the other one has been there the whole time and they just realize “fuck I really like them” and somewhere in all this the kiss happens. So I guess in their room in the future foundation would be the answer to this.
26. Why do they need to have a serious chat?
Why don’t they? *shot*
Well, for one, there’s definitely some things they need to work out. Yuuya is still a spy. Sky still has her duties as a Keyblade Wielder. Both have ties to literally different worlds and different duties and they need to figure out how to make that work, and how to work on being in a relationship despite the possibility of not seeing each other for months.
There’s also one very specific scenario we discussed, the one that cemented Leone’s hate for his dad because he thought that Yuuya ditched them or died? They definitely have serious talks over that. I mean, Yuuya’s probably around his thirties by that point. He’s not young anymore and death is a very real threat for him, just like it is for Sky. They both probably have to address that. Which speaking of Leone, they also probably have a lot to talk about given he’s their son and has awful darkness issues.
3. Who is the most romantic?
I could write an essay on this but we both know it’s gonna be Luca.
15. When they watch a film what do they choose and why? Who gets the final vote?
The movies vary, but given Luca’s taste? It’s either absolutely shit or a horror movie, there’s no real way around it. And Luca tries to give Matt the final vote because he knows he struggles with keeping attention so he wants to give Matt like...the best chance of being able to keep himself focused and comfortable during the movie, but he ends up with the final vote anyways.
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
So long as Matt and Lila are fine? Luca’s doing awesome the entire time. He serves primarily as the moral support, and encourages his best friend and boyfriend to survive. 
Now why did I mention Lila? Because if something happened to either of them, that’s it. Luca’s shutting down completely. This boy is so reliant on them that he literally would be just done for in a zombie apocalypse. 
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
Whichever one is at fault will like apologize. If Luca’s at fault, he’ll do it after he’s calmed down but if Matt’s the one at fault he’s probably immediately apologizing. Then once they’re both chill I see them talking about it and the make up is probably in the unsaid “we’re working on our issues together.”
That being said this is Luca so true confrontations are probably pretty rare.
22. Where does their first kiss happen?
Luca’s apartment, after Luca nearly fucks up Matt still kisses him anyways. Luca questions if his boyfriend has taste or sanity immediately afterwards.
30. Why does it work (or not work) between them?
This is a twofold question.
It does not work between them the first time because Matt is a cultist who literally betrays Luca’s trust because he’s in fact working against him. This in turn is the last crack on Luca’s faliling mental health and he shatters and they very obviously have a lot to work on.
But once they get back together, because they do have the ability to work through it all? They work because they know better. Luca is all in and he loves Matt, and he brings out the best in Matt I’d like to think. They put forth the effort to be better and make it work because they both love each other, and so it works.
HDM Ship (Ma/sriel)
4. Who can’t keep their hands to themselves?
Asriel. I could elaborate but the scene at the end of S1 really does speak for itself on this one. Of course Marisa doesn’t do the greatest job of this either or else the series wouldn’t exist.
5. Who says ‘I love you’ first?
I really had to think on this one but Marisa. She’s the younger of the two and despite her excellent facade in the series I do think her emotions would be a bit more free than Asriel’s, who’s shown to be emotionally in control for like the entire series. In spite of this it’s still an incredibly rare thing. We’re talking every once in a while, not frequent.
14. When one has a cold, what does the other do?
First of all they tease the other mercilessly. Neither Asriel nor Marisa are particularly doting (not until near the end of their life anyways) so they’re not the type to drop everything to take care of the other, especially since their relationship is secret in the first place. That being said they do make sure to check to make sure the other is alright when sick. Marisa probably brings some medicine and Asriel who funny enough I see as slightly more doting in this instance does his best to bring her things after she’s recovered (since she ya know, has to deal with the whole actually having a husband thing this is an affair why is this the ship hell I sunk into.)
16. When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
God they’re probably studying the zombies to figure out how they came about because they’re like scientists. I hate this. XD
18. When they fight, how do they make up?
They don’t. I ship this but it’s highly dysfunctional. Marisa and Asriel are both stubborn and pigheaded and a part of me would honestly believe for them that fighting is a part of foreplay. Occasionally one might apologize for a fight but it’s not like either of them will really budge on either of their positions (well okay that’s a lie. At the end of TAS Marisa has decided god has to go too but that took three books to get there, and it’s still not so much because she hates religion so much as if he doesn’t die her daughter will and she would do anything for Lyra.)
But on the flipside, they also forgive each other? Like it’s like...they’ll fight, neither will apologize, but both sides will accept it. Because even when their relationship is absolutely at their worst and they hate each other for twelve years, they still care. Asriel is one of the only two things to get an emotional reaction out of Marisa. Marisa is one of the only two things to get an emotional reaction out of Asriel.
It’s really hard to explain, it’s less like they’d ever make up and more like they would just move on from the argument. They only have so much time to waste on it.
21. Where do they get nervous about going with one another?
Um literally everywhere. These two are literally having an affair behind Marisa’s husbands back they aren’t going to go broadcasting it. That being said it’s mostly travels around London that get bad. The farther away they get from Marisa’s home the more likely they are to throw caution to the wind. And of course when they’re doing research they also tend to be a lot less nervous because there’s nothing wrong about it that could cause them trouble (on the surface).
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vagrantblvrd · 5 years
ramwood fahc early days plz
That one where Geoff goes to Los Santos on his own to start up his own crew, right?
Jack was supposed to go with him, but there’s some kind of delay on his end of things.
Dealing with loose ends to a job he was a key member of or he’s just sick and Geoff and everyone else insists he get better first. (“Jack, c’mon man. The last thing we need is you bringing the plague to Los Santos.”)
Geoff leaves it to Jack to put together a support team for them - after Jack’s back on his feet and functioning at 80% capacity at the very least, and don’t think Burnie and the others won’t keep an on you for me Patillo!!1!
So Geoff heads out first to get the lay of the land and all that.
Goes to see the Roosters’ contacts out there, get what information on the local gangs and crews. Current political climate when it comes to things legal and illegal, and goes back to the modest little penthouse to sift through everything he’s learned.
Ends up visiting seedy bars and the whatnot, charming grin as certain parties buy him drinks. (Guy with a face like his out at a place like that all alone? Of course someone’s going to see if he’s interested.)
Most of the time he finds a way to turn them down, sweet and charming and no hard feelings out of it for everyone.
Sometimes he says fuck it and has a very good time indeed because he’s only human and it’s kind of lonely out here. (Not that he’ll ever admit it. Well, unless someone like Jack asks, but still.)
One night he meets this guy, broad shoulder and this little smirk. Quirked eyebrow as glances at the drink that ~magically appeared at Geoff’s table and look okay, look.
Geoff is very much a weak man because this guy’s got some scruff going on and when he asks if Geoff’s new to town, that fucking voice.
Geoff goes home with him, kind of amused at the unbelievably Totally Normal Guy place he has, all these plants and shit. Some books scattered around. Typical bachelor stuff in this quaint little apartment and don’t think Geoff misses the way some strays come out of their hidey spaces when they see it’s the Totally Normal Guy.
(The little blush that hits the guys cheeks when he catches the dopey little grin on Geoff’s face when he greets the strays, all these dogs and a cat or two that look like they’ve had a rough time of it, right? Only they look like someone’s been feeding them, don’t shy away when the guy goes to pet them, and fucking seriously. Geoff would feel more guilty about this whole thing if he wasn’t so sure it’s just going to be a one-night stand kind of deal. No need to worry about dragging this guy into Geoff’s kind of trouble or catching feelings for him.)
So they have their one-night stand and Geoff feels guiltier than he should when he leaves the next morning – didn’t have it in him to sneak out in the middle of the night, no.Pressed a kiss to Totally Normal Guy Geoff’s shoulder when they woke up in the morning and told him he had fun and thanks for everything. But he’s got work and gets the hell out of there before he did something stupid like let Totally Normal Guy’s sleepy face and soft little smile make him want to stay when he absolutely shouldn’t.
Geoff’s old, okay. Got stupid with  it, wants something a little more serious than these one-night stands, but that’s not in the card for someone in his line of work. Dangerous as hell, never mind the ones like Burnie and Hullum, even fucking Gus who make it work for them. Geoff’s track record in that area is kind of shit, so it’s better this way.
He focuses on getting the crew up and running, and his contacts tell him he might want to look into this Vagabond guy.
Some guy making a name for himself these days. Professional and efficient, and smart as hell. Not just a weapon you aim at someone and hope for the best.
There are a few rumors that he’s not all there, kind of strange and whatnot but the stories he gets about that side of things are a mess okay. Conflicting accounts and the whatnot. The main threat Geoff gets out of it is that all the assholes the Vagabond went psycho on double-crossed him in some way, so. You know. (Jack’s not there in person to tell him no, and Geoff fails to mention his decision to look the Vagabond up to Jack when they talk on the phone, so yeah.)
It takes him a bit of work to track the guy down and when he does -
It’s Totally Normal Guy.
There’s this whole Thing the Vagabond set up first though. A meet somewhere, just the two of them and Jack is going to kill Geoff if he ever hears about it, so good thing he won’t.
There’s a whole Thing, but they get ambushed by some people who heard about Geoff being in town and wanted to bag them a Founder.
There’s a pew-pew shootout wherein Geoff and the Vagabond save each others’ lives more than once. All buddy-cop movie shit with witty one-liners and quips and laughter at inappropriate moments? Also, Geoff trying to think why the Vagabond’s voice sounds so familiar?
But you know.
Trying to stay alive and shelving that little mystery for later.
Pew-pew shootout and when it’s over the Vagabond takes Geoff to one of his safehouses because who knows if there are more assholes out there, and also flesh wounds that need tending. (Because plot reasons.)
The Vagabond’s the worst off, all these grazes and cuts and the whatnot, so Geoff grabs the first aide kit and comes out to see the Vagabond just standing there.
Clearly struggling with whether or not to take off his mask -
“Hey, look,” Geoff says, figures it’s the least he can do since the guy saved his life half a dozen times earlier and also, none of his business who the guy is if he doesn’t want Geoff to know. “If you want me to leave - “
There’s this pause, the Vagabond cocking his head as he regards Geoff.
(It makes Geoff wince because one of the assholes had a knife and there’s a trail of blood down the Vagabond’s neck from under the mask and he’s worried about the guy. )
And then the Vagabond sighs, shoulders slumping as he reaches up to take the mask off. All dramatic and shit and Geoff’s half expecting a crack of thunder and flash of lightning even thought it’s a clear night out.
“Uh, hey,” the Vagabond says, only it’s Totally Normal Guy looking back at Geoff.
Kind of sheepishly, fingers fiddling with the dumb mask and doing one hell of a job of not meeting Geoff’s eyes.
“Huh,” Geoff says, maybe possibly internally panicking because oh no, Totally Normal Guy is somehow a million times hotter after everything he did at the pew-pew shootout, and also oh no. “That’s. Okay.”
He was interested in hiring the Vagabond before the whole pew-pew shootout. But then seeing the guy in action ramped that up a whole hell of a lot. He’s everything that reputation he’s been building says he is – but knowing he’s also Totally Normal Guy is just.
It’s a lot.
Because Geoff’s idiot heart and feelings he’s certain he would have caught for Totally Normal Guy in any other situation, but also Vagabond???
The Vagabond winces at Geoff’s reaction, which sets that cut on his face back to bleeding and Geoff curses and he fumbles the first aide kit.
“Okay, okay. So first we’re going to get that fixed, they we’ll talk???”
Geoff would be an idiot not to hire the Vagabond, but apparently they have History and shit and Jack is going to kill him when he finds out.
But first the bleeding.
So he h patches the guy out, gets his real name out of him. (Wouldn’t have pegged the Vagabond as a “Ryan”, but what the fuck does he know?)
Tells Ryan he still wants to hire him if he’s interested. (Tries very hard not to stare at Ryan’s face because it’s an awfully nice one, even with the abuse it suffered earlier.)
“Just work?” Ryan asks, something to it that has Geoff looking hard at him for a long moment.
Trying to untangle all the nuances in those two words, things unsaid, that kind of thing.
Because look.
This life, there are some real pieces of shit in it, okay.
People who do truly despicable things, come up with these arrangements with their subordinates all the fucking time.
“That was the idea, yeah,” Geoff says slowly, hand curling into fists because he’s dealt with those sort of assholes before and it’s always ugly. Makes him fucking furious that Ryan might have reason to ask that question. “No hard feelings if you say no.”
Geoff knows he’d be on the losing side if he tried to strong-arm Ryan into working for him.
Ryan hums, lips twitching into this little smile as he relaxes.
Just like that. Fucking ‘okay’ and this dumb little smile and fucking fuck, what an asshole.
They pull those little jobs Geoff has lined up, members of B-Team arriving in Los Santos ahead of Jack to get things set up.
Always kind of awkward when they meet the Vagabond (Ryan’s got a Thing about his mask and they all respect it, but it’s a bit startling at first.)
Any lingering (sexual) tension between Geoff and Ryan doesn’t quite go away so much as it turns into this Thing neither of them openly address, because idiots.
They work well together and get along too fucking well and Geoff’s being a Good Boss, not taking advantage of shit and trying to forget that one-night stand thing because Professional!
Ryan is just.
Fuck, who knows what that idiot’s thinking?
Gets wary at the oddest times, watches Geoff like he thinks he might turn on him for whatever reason and gives him just enough rope to hang himself if he tries something. (He never does though, and those watchful moments lose that dangerous edge to them. Go all soft and thoughtful and Geoff is even more confused, but again, who the fuck knows what goes on in Ryan’s head.)
Lindsay is all ??? when he notices the shit going on between Geoff and Ryan, but she’s busy with background shit and can’t find the time to effectively interrogate Geoff yet. (Soon though. Soon.)
Eventually Jack comes to Los Santos and while he’s aware there’s some weird shit going on with Geoff and Ryan he needs to be caught up on shit.
Geoff is like, oh no, because Jack will figure everything out so fucking fast the moment he gets time to process everything, but until then!
They recruit Michael and Jeremy. Gavin shows up one day, cheeky grin on his face and this rambling explanation about being bored with the Roosters. (There’s no challenge to things anymore with the Roosters running their city the way they do, and anyways, Geoffrey, didn’t you miss me???)
Find Jeremy in some fighting ring somewhere and Michael and Gavin immediately take a liking to him like he’s a fuckin’ stray. (Also, he helped save Gavin’s life, so points for that.)
Run into the Twins and somehow get bamboozled into bringing them in the crew. (No, really. No one knows how the fuck that happened.) More people for B-Team like Matt and whoever else, and Alfredo mentioning this Fiona person he knows who might be able to help the crew out on a job. (Talented as hell, but she doesn’t work for just anyone. Gotta prove you’re worth it first.)
And on and on, and the whole time Geoff is Suffering because Ryan’s just.
Very much Ryan.
(Completely fails to notice that Ryan is having a similar problem with him.)
Eventually there’s a heist in which the two of them get paired together. Have to play happy husbands at some gala being held on a yacht in international waters just out of Los Santos where (miraculously) no one knows Geoff’s face.
(Combination of the most ridiculous masks he insists on for heists, Matt’s Hacker Magic, and Plot Reasons.)
Since no one knows the Vagabond’s face (outside the crew and a few select others, such as Meg) he’s got a few aliases out there for Reasons.
Identities in case things go to hell for him and he needs to hide out somewhere, a few from past jobs and the like. The one he uses when he’s going around Los Santos as your average civilian who needs to get things done like the grocery shopping or just to watch a movie in the theater.
Conveniently has one that gets Ryan and Geoff on that yacht for the party, only this time he gets to introduce his husband around. (Always off on a business trip or home sick and so on.)
Everyone’s a little taken aback with Geoff, because he’s not at all the kind of man they’d imagined Ryan’s high society alias would marry.
Oh, he cleans up nice, but Ryan insisted he didn’t need to bother hiding his tattoos and the whatnot.
And maybe he didn’t to Ryan, but Geoff knows okay.
He knows.
Knows what all those rich snobs think when they lay eyes on his tattoos, the way they turn their noses up and whatnot.
(Not that he gives a shit, but the hit the reputation of Ryan’s elite rich persona took is a substantial one.)
Ryan doesn’t seem to notice, at least at first.
But then Geoff goes off to grab them punch, and comes back just in time to hear the tail end of Ryan verbally eviscerating someone who clearly took offense to Geoff’s everything.
Cold and cutting and Geoff has absolutely just witnessed a murder as the asshole slinks off with their tail between their legs.
Ryan going all bashful and “Oh, uh. You weren’t supposed to hear that?”
Geoff staring at him for the longest moment before snorting and holding out the cu of punch, and offering Ryan his elbows. Steers them out of the packed room to the bow of the yacht and leans on the railing as he sips at his own drink. (This bubbly sort of warmth in his chest because Ryan had sounded so genuinely furious as he gutted that prick with his words in defense of Geoff. Sounded too damn sincere to be acting.)
And he’s not stupid okay, he’s really not.
Knows this whole Thing of acting like he hasn’t caught feelings for Ryan is going to fall apart on him someday. That Ryan will figure it out and either bolt for it because Geoff remembers that question of his okay, never wants to be like those assholes, or he’ll turn him down. (Which, is the preferable one of the two and completely understandable and the whatnot.)
But Geoff’s idiot everything when it comes to Ryan and this little speck of hope in him that maybe, maybe they could make this thing between them work? (He’s seen how good Ryan is when it comes to their line of work, if anyone’s “safe” for Geoff’s idiot heart, it’s him.)
Geoff thinks about all that as he sips his punch, sun setting over the horizon bathing them in gorgeous colors and this light breeze coming off the ocean. Ryan moving up next to him, slight tension to him that Geoff doesn’t call him on because he’s far from relaxed himself at the moment.
“Defending my honor huh?” Geoff asks, crooked little smile on his face as he looks at Ryan, who blushes harder. Throws back half his punch to try and hide it, and Geoff’s kind of idiot that has him laughing quietly. “Thanks.”
Ryan looks surprised at that, but then he smiles. This small, oddly tentative thing as he leans against the railing next to Geoff and watches the sun set.
“You’re welcome.”
Eventually they have to go back inside, play (mostly) nice until the others who have infiltrated the yacht as crew put the next stage of the heist in motion.
It won’t kick off until the next day, though, so they end up going back to their cabin suite – one bed, but they’re mature adults who can handle sharing it, okay.
(Neither of them mention the fact that they wake up tangled together the next morning, and Geoff absolutely does not feel guilty about how nice it was to wake up to Ryan like that again, hell no. For real.)
They go about things again until one of the others gives the signal and then it’s all heist shenanigans. (A  lot of screaming and yelling, some gunfire, an explosion or two. Chaos and pandemonium as they steal the shinies they were after and make their escape.)
Geoff and Ryan and up in a speedboat together headed for safety, laughing like idiots as B-Team holds off pursuit in their Buzzards.
Get to a safehouse where they lay low for a bit before going back to the penthouse to regroup/debrief/split the loot.
And look, okay.
Maybe they’re a little more aware of this Thing between them after everything – the whole happy husbands thing and then hiding out together in a cramped safehouse and so on.
Maybe it follows them back to the penthouse where everyone is just like. They’ve had enough of watching Geoff and Ryan pine over each other like morons?
Because they totally have been, and it stopped being kinda cute a long, long time ago, and is just kind of sad now.
So like.
Figure your shit out because it is killing them okay, killing them.
Geoff and Ryan staring at one another as the others go off to celebrate a successful heist after their intervention???
Hugely embarrassed and awkward and Geoff is super, super guilty, because -
“So, uh,” Ryan says, clears his throat cheeks this bright, bright red. All awkward and adorable and Geoff’s fuckin’ heart. “I think maybe there was a misunderstanding.”
Geoff all but falls over himself to apologize – for his behavior, what the others said, anything everything, and Ryan is like -
“Geoff, Geoff, shut the fuck up.”
Alarmed by how scared Geoff looks, because okay, look.
There are some shitty people out there, it’s true, but Geoff isn’t one of them and neither are any of his people. (Part of the reason Ryan stayed on way back when, gave the Fake AH Crew the chance he did.)
There’s some fumbling, because words are awkward things sometimes, but what Ryan has to say is that way back when, that question he had for Geoff?
He was trying to ask if maybe Geoff wanted to turn that one-night stand into something more...permanent.
Fucked that one up, though. But hey, mature adults and he could handle the feelings he’d already caught for Geoff if he just wanted them to be in a crew together. (And then he fucked that one up too, because the better he got to know Geoff, the stronger those feelings got.)
Geoff’s absolutely certain he’s got to be dreaming all of this, or hit his head and having some fucking soap opera coma life thing going on.
But no, no.
The look Ryan gives him for asking to pinch him to see if he’s awake is enough to convince him this is real and holy shit, what doe he do now???
“I mean, uh,” Ryan says, clear his throat again, all-over nervous. “We could get coffee?”
He winces as soon as the words are out of his mouth because what is this, some twenty-something television sitcom/terrible romcom?
Geoff stares at him for a long, long moment before he laughs at the utter ridiculousness of the two of them.
“Or,” he says, because it’s been a long fucking week without the whole emotional bullshit on top of it. “We could watch some shitty movie and order takeout and see what happens from there?”
Because they’re both sad old fucks okay.
Ryan gives him this look, hints of that smirk he gave Geoff way back when in that seedy little bar and says yes.
(The rest of the crew refuses to give them a moment of peace when they come back to find them both asleep on the ouch, some terrible movie playing and Geoff’s head on Ryan’s shoulder, because goddamn that’s old people shit.)
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nayakwon · 5 years
Chapter I
JULY 20, 2011
Orange County, Southern California, USA
“If you have gone through this already, you will most certainly recognize each following word: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, acceptance. Although death is the only certainty of all mankind, no one is ever prepared to go through emotional mourning”. 
Genre - angst, darkfic, fluff, smut
Warnings - [18+ but y’all know anyone actually respects this shit anymore] none, for the moment. Oh, and english is not my first language. I’m looking for someone to help me to edit the chapters. If u r interested, plz, inbox me. 
Words - 2k
She knew that from exactly sixty minutes on, a year would be complete. The girl's brown orbs were almost wide-eyed, fixed on the flashing red points that marked the hours on her digital clock by the bed. Even facing the opposite side, she could feel the look of her twin sister on her back, penetrating her ribs, giving the signal that she was also aware of the approaching date in three thousand six hundred seconds.
If you have gone through this already, you will most certainly recognize each following word: denial, anger, negotiation, depression, acceptance. Although death is the only certainty of all mankind, no one is ever prepared to go through emotional mourning. The intense pain, the feeling of revolt, the deep emptiness. The whole family was aware of all these emotions.
Just over a year ago, Naya Valentini and her family had lost two members of their family tree. Under her precise social perception, her favorite uncle and her younger sister. Matteo Valentini was that uncle that it didn’t matter the situation, he could make every single day better. He was the life of family reunions, and after getting divorced, it felt like he was doing better in life than anyone else in the world. That afternoon, in July 2010, he had taken the triplets Max, Graham and Sophie to the movies. Everyone was excited, talking about the debut of My Favorite Evil. What nobody knew was that when they returned, tragedy awaited them. The white van hit the driver's entire side, including the back.
When her parents arrived at the hospital after being notified, the news that Matteo had died instantly frightened them with the idea of the possible death of their sons hammering in the head. Fortunately, the boys would recover quickly, but Sophie had been rushed to the OR. Naya was not together during the emergency, in fact, she and her other siblings had lagged behind to take care of the new foster child of the family, a newborn.
At home, everything was in chaos, and she remembered the scene altogether, which her brain insisted on displaying in slow motion: Liam trying to make Autie stop screaming that she wanted to have gone along, Ethan almost blowing up the microwave while preparing something to eat. Naya tried to finish helping Devyn in the shower, but the baby's crying deconcentrated her.
With parents away from home and the dread of the idea of younger brothers and uncle being involved in an accident, the four elders were able - with much effort - to bring the heavy mattresses downstairs, where they had decided to spend the night together, with the strategy of getting a better look at the younger ones. It was dawn when her father arrived, finding all the children on the floor of their living room, sleeping, except for Lexi, who still was giving Joey a baby formula. Naya still remembered being awakened, and how her father had tried to be as gentle as he could be when telling that Uncle Matt and Sophie had died.
            "I can’t sleep either." She heard her sister's voice over her shoulder.
And in that simple sentence, it was possible to feel the weight. They both knew how difficult it had been for the whole family, especially the matriarch, who had lost her ground altogether. The situation was ten times worse when Moon entered the fourth and more difficult stage of mourning: depression. They knew that, like everyone else, she was struggling to move on, however, every time she looked at the newborn, the image of Sophie in her arms for the first time came back in flashes. Her father had suffered two losses at one time - his daughter and his older brother. The mornings in the kitchen, once livened up by the children's conversations, suddenly became quieter. The children's mother had just recovered from the last phase, acceptance, and the one-year anniversary had already arrived.
             "What do you think will happen today?" Lexi asked, but the silence was the only answer. "I just hope mom doesn’t freak out”.
Naya turned to her twin sister's side, pulling the blanket close to her face, realizing for the first time that night that they were both in the same position.
             “She will not. She is a force of nature.”  And there was definitely a very strong degree of precision in Naya's response. Her mother really was a very inspiring woman, beginning with her life story. Moon never had any kind of contact with her biological father, the only thing she knew was that he was part of USFK, the American Forces of Korea. After a one-night stand, her mother returned to Busan, where Moon was born and eventually, they moved to the United States only because her mother was deluded with life in a foreign country and the hope of marrying the father of her daughter. They didn’t find him and both spent some time in a homeless shelter. Moon was the one who decided to go to school and learn as much English as she could, teaching her mother on her free time after her first job. She ended up in college and became pregnant at a young age, resulting on a marriage with her boyfriend. Still studying, even if it was a distance program, as her children were born, she never for a second of her life gave up the dream of creating her own line of cosmetics. She started from the bottom, reselling some products in Beaufort, deciding to move to Los Angeles to finally open her store and put into practice what she had learned with a chemistry degree.
Nowadays, Moon had two stores in Southern California, and she did her best every day, always encouraging her kids to do the same. Today would also be a day without class. The family would visit the grave of Matteo Valentini, followed by the urn where Naya’s sister's ashes were. Moon was the one who insisted on cremation after Sophie's organ donation, because it was part of her Korean culture, and technically, the Valentini-Kwon family was 50% South Korean and 50% Italian.
             "Do you think about Sophie?" This time it was Naya who broke the moment of reflection.
             “Honestly?” Lexi turned up, staring at the ceiling before continuing. “Not anymore. Of course, I miss her. It must be a lot worse for the boys, I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose you.” She referred to the fact that they shared the mother's womb. "But I believe I've been through it. I guess I’m fine now. How about you?”
             "I'm thinking about her now."
             "But that's because it's the death anniversary."
             "Yes. But I thought the same thing when dad came home that day and told us everything. Sophie was seven. She's gone without knowing what high school is like, or what it's like to kiss someone, or drive a car. She never got a chance to live. Unlike uncle Matt.” Naya adjusted a strand of her own hair. "Thinking about that makes me depressed. She could’ve had the world”.
             “I know.”
             "What about us?"
  ��          “Sorry?” Without understanding the question, Lexi frowned.
             "What I mean is ..." The other one sat on the bed, the blanket dropped into her lap, just as her hair fell on top of her pajamas. "We can have the world, Sophie doesn’t. The question is: what are we doing with our lives?
             “Okay, Nay. Relax a little and get out of this life’s philosophy thing for a moment. You and I ... We're only sixteen. School-type things are our biggest concerns.” Lexi followed the twin, but as she got up, she went to sit on her sister’s bed.
            "But that's the point, Lexi. What if we die? I still have so many things that I want to do and we just… Exist. Sophie, she was seven, there wasn’t much she could have done except .... Bring some message to our family.” To say that seemed the correct interpretation. "And it hurts, but I do not want to end up like her, Lexi. I want to live. I want to decide what I'm going to do, challenge myself more. Because I can die tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow. I want to be like uncle Matt. He did everything he wanted.”
Alexia seemed to understand the meaning of that conversation, the reason of her reflective sister.
            "So, what do you want to do? Unrelated to, you know, with what we have now. Boyfriend, dance, friends, taking all of these things away?
The question took her by surprise, but perhaps her unconscious wanted that to be thrown on the table. What Naya wanted to do with her life? Once she finished her senior year of high school next year, what she would do? A small memory small came to when her interest in old movies began to emerge after a summer vacation at the grandparents' farm. After that, she remembered the godfather playing piano, and how he said she had a good voice. Her dream of being a musical actress began from there, along with an entire week only watching the famous Broadway performances. She actually achieved that.
Still with the thoughts turned to her godfather, she wondered if she should believe him. After so many refusals, she wouldn’t have the audacity of calling him and asking for advice, and not even would step on other people with incredible talent and much better than her because of their connection. The way was to try, go through all the phases of her challenge, as well as what her late sister would never have the opportunity to do.
With a smile sprouting just as a year had passed since the accident, Naya looked at her sister before she laid down again.
            “What? Why are you smiling? Naya?”
            "I've figured out what to do."
            "And you’ll not tell me?"
            “You’ll find out.”
So, the girl looked at the digital clock once again, following the moment when he had just shown 4:01, exactly one minute later after her younger sister was pronounced dead. However, the only thing she could do was smile. She had understood one of her sister’s missions in her short life, and hoped the rest of the family would understand soon enough. With a lighter heart, she whispered before falling asleep.
             "Thank you, Sophie.”
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radfem-moira · 5 years
22, 41 for unusual asks
22. Do you believe in soulmates?
41. Last movie you watched?
Inglourious Basterds. An old favourite of mine (I have a Thing for stories of revenge involving an oppressed person/group or a victim), but rewatching it with my parents over the Christmas break made me realize just how differently I view things now that I’m a radfem. Spoiler under the cut, also tw violence and long rant I guess
It seems like Tarantino really gets off on strangling women and it fucking shows. Yeah, yeah, you’ll say that two different female characters in two different films played by two different women (The Bride in Kill Bill (Uma Thurman) and Bridget von Hammersmarck in Inglorious Basterds (Diane Kruger)) getting drawn-out, lengthy scenes of strangulation might just be a coincidence, or maybe it’s just cause he thinks it looks like a cool death that’s kind of different than all the other super bloody deaths that his other characters undergo.
But watching Kruger’s character getting strangled to death like this was so weird. It was super long, super quiet, and the imagery was just, you know, a man on top of a woman, holding her down with his weight, strangling her for what seemed like forever. I know one of the pitfalls of death by strangulation in fiction is that they always make it seem like it only takes 30 seconds when it actually takes a while (otherwise the victim just passes out). But I don’t know, it was just so… unnecessary. I know people will say that Tarantino = unnecessarily violent deaths, but this was different. All the other characters get gunned down. Even the sole other female character gets shot to death, and even though OF COURSE she had to die while all dolled up, there was plenty of blood. But Kruger’s character got this weirdly romanticized plans of her getting quietly snuffed out by a Nazi lying on top of her. 
So weird in fact, that afterwards, I found myself remembering overhearing something about Thurman saying that Tarantino was abusive, so I went and looked it up. And lo and behold:
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The guy who fake-strangled Kruger’s character? The hands around her neck? Those weren’t those of the actor of the character killing her, Christopher Waltz, who is so fucking good at his job that he literally won an Oscar for this specific role, so fucking good that you’d think he can act out strangling someone, it wasn’t Waltz pretending to strangle Kruger, it was Tarantino!!! I swear I fucking lost my mind when I saw this shit.
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He literally choked a fucking woman on a set! Cut off her airway for the sake of “realism”, an excuse that no one on the Graham Norton Show, where he tried to explain himself, seemed to believe. From the snickering audience (you can hear them laugh at times that clearly weren’t prompted) to the other guests of the show (watch the guy sitting right next to him), everyone knows exactly what this guy had in mind when he did this. He even mentions his stunt guy - you had a stunt guy and you still insisted on doing this yourself? You said you were worried about safety and liability yet you choked someone with your own two fucking hands? And I’m supposed to believe you didn’t enjoy it? While you excitedly stammer through your shitty justifications? Really, Quentin????? “We actually got a really good thing! It was really good!” you say, almost vibrating on a stage, please fucking kill me. With a gun. Please. Spare me the hands. I want a bullet to the head.
As an aside I identify as James McAvoy during this interview:
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Btw that last screenshot is just after Tarantino said “I was able to…” and then McAvoy cut him off with “… enjoy it?” in a really deadpan, no-nonsense way. Anyway I stan this man.
And like, I know Kruger says she doesn’t believe that Tarantino had malicious intentions. Thurman said the same thing about what Tarantino did to her. There’s a risk to acting, a lot of actors do their own stunts, women can do it too. Of course, I’m still going to be critical of this kind of stunt for obvious reasons. But you know, the argument is there.
But I can’t take that image out of my head. That image of this guy, who loves choking women, having the power to do just that on his own sets. In front of dozens of people. Who then broadcasts it to millions of viewers. It makes me sick. And then this interview. Plz keep men like him away from women 2k19.
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