#quarterback liam
louismyfather · 2 months
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End Game
"Após anos sem conseguir chegar a um super bowl, com Louis como quarterback, os Packers não só conseguiram chegar a final como venceram o jogo. A festa para comemorar a vitória é imensa, mas para Louis, a verdadeira comemoração só vai acontecer quando estiver lado de seu namorado Harry."
Tags: Larry tradicional, Harry bottom, Louis Tops, dirty talk, Louis e Harry com um enorme fetiche envolvendo Harry ser um objeto que pertence a Louis (4k de palavras)
Louis pensou que seu coração fosse parar quando a partida se deu oficialmente como iniciada. O quarterback poderia poderia jogar um milhão de partidas e em todas elas se sentiria perdido no meio do campo e acreditando que não deveria estar aí ocupando uma das posições mais importantes dos Packers, graças a Deus, seu treinador pensava diferente e o colocava onde achava que estava qualificado para estar, até porque não era como se demorasse mais que alguns segundos para Louis se situar e fazer seu dever de dar uma vitória ao seu time e estourar garrafas de champanhes.
O que diferenciava aquela partida das outras era que aquela não era uma simples partida que poderia levá-los a uma classificação maior ou fazê-los descer um degrau para tentar subir novamente, Louis e o restante do time conseguiram fazer o que não acontecia a mais de oito anos, levar o Packers a uma final de super bowl. 
Não, aquele definitivamente não era qualquer jogo, se tratava da final do super bowl, sessenta minutos separavam todos aqueles torcedores e jogadores de descobrir quem seria o grande ganhador daquela temporada. Louis, obviamente, torcia para que seu time levasse, mas era difícil acreditar em vitória quando o seu amuleto da sorte não estava ali.
E lá estava Louis mais uma vez pensando em seu namorado Harry, como havia feito só outras bilhões de vezes desde que o deixou em um aeroporto na tarde do dia anterior para viajar para Paris a trabalho. Ah sim, Harry era modelo, um daqueles que posavam para Vogue todo anos e que sempre estavam presentes na lista de modelos mais bem pagos da indústria, Harry Styles era um fenômeno, desbancava outro modelo feminina ou masculino com sua beleza e seu talento de ficar bonito vestindo qualquer coisa, e principalmente vestindo nada, na sincera opinião do jogador de futebol. 
Louis tinha muito orgulho de seu garoto, mas não deixou de ficar um tanto entristecido quando Harry lhe contou que não poderia estar presente na final porque tinha um desfile marcado para a mesma noite. Não era como se tivesse sido algo de última, Harry com certeza teria usado sua clássica desculpa de "agenda cheia" se ele tivesse sido uma escolha de última hora, mas o evento estava marcado há meses, eles apenas não tinham notado que cairia no mesmo dia do jogo, e em partes porque Louis não conseguia acreditar que eles chegariam na final, então que diferença fazia Harry está no país ou não? Mas Harry nunca parou de dizer que daquela vez eles chegariam, dizia isso antes de cada jogo, e no fim eles estavam lá comemorando a vitória. 
A última coisa que Harry disse a Louis antes de viajar foi que da próxima vez que o beijasse, estaria beijando um campeão. Ele basicamente fez sua parte na superstição de Louis que consistia em Harry dizer antes de cada jogo que eles iriam vencer, mas a outra parte se tratava de Harry estar no camarote assistindo ao jogo, lhe mandando beijos e tchauzinhos toda vez que olhava para o belo ser de olhos verdes e cabelos longos vestindo um moletom da cores do uniforme do time.
Quando o primeiro tempo acabou, Louis ainda estava perdido em seus pensamentos, e a primeira coisa que fez ao entrar no vestiário foi pegar seu celular e ver se havia alguma mensagem de Harry. 
⸺ Alguma mensagem do Harry? ⸺ Louis escutou Liam, o tight end do time e seu melhor amigo, chegar em sua frente, ele sabia o quanto o quarterback estava desanimado pela falta de Harry.
⸺ Nada. ⸺ Louis respondeu, finalmente tirando seu capacete, estava tão ansioso pelo namorado, que não teve tempo nem de retirá-lo antes de conferir suas notificações. 
⸺ Será que ele ainda tá no desfile?
⸺ Se duvidar nem começou ainda. ⸺ Louis comentou, não estava chateado por não encontrar nenhuma mensagem de Harry, já o acompanhou em um dos desfiles, e desde a hora que o modelo acordava ao momento que saia da passarela, ele não tinha tempo para perder usando o celular, dentro do camarim então? Era uma correria, era como se precisarem entrar todos prontos em dez segundos pela pressa quando tudo era mais organizado e planejado que qualquer estratégia de jogo que Louis já montou.
O segundo tempo se iniciou um pouco mais favorável para o Packers, Louis se sentiu mais confiante após seus minutos descansando no vestiário, refletiu sobre as palavras de Harry, sobre querer que da próxima vez que o beijasse, beijasse um campeão, com que cara buscaria Harry no aeroporto após uma derrota? Louis preferia nunca saber.
A disputa entre os dois times foi acirrada, foi um jogo definitivamente difícil e em certo momento quase impossível de descobrir quem venceria, e tudo isso fez com que o grito de vitória os torcedores do Packers fosse ensurdecedor quando Louis marcou um touchdown que encerrou a partida, trazendo a vitória. 
Louis pensou que seu coração pularia de sua boca e sairia pulando pelo campo de tanta adrenalina que correu pelas suas veias ao vencer, a torcida gritava seu nome, seus colegas o levantaram acima de suas cabeças, e ele só conseguia agradecer a Harry por sempre ser seu motivo para tentar.
A festa de comemoração foi patrocinada pelo treinador, o caminho até a casa dele foi divertido, Louis levou Liam e outros três jogadores em seu carro, eles passaram o caminho inteiro com sorrisos de orelha a orelha no rosto, gritando por simplesmente por não acreditarem na vitória. Quando estacionou, essa empolgação se multiplicou entre todas as pessoas já festejando, enquanto os garotos retiravam algumas garrafas de bebida do carro, Louis conferiu se seu celular tinha mensagens, infelizmente nenhuma, mas não deixou que isso o abalasse, se Harry estivesse ali, eles estariam ajudando aquela casa virar do avesso, e com certeza era o que ele desejava que Louis fizesse sem ele.
Quem diria que um Karaokê poderia ser tão divertido? Louis nunca foi muito fã da brincadeira, mas após umas cervejas se sentia mais solto, provavelmente porque era fraco para bebida e não tinha o costume de beber para manter sua dieta de atleta. Cantou umas três músicas, até que se sentou em um sofá de frente ao palco improvisado e se concentrou em assistir as "performances" alheias. 
Alguns copos de refrigerante e porções de batata frita depois, Louis se sentia sóbrio novamente, tirou algumas fotos com o time, deu algumas voltas pela casa e quando se sentiu um pouco deslocado e entediado, decidiu que era hora de ir embora. Se despediu do treinador, que falou que ainda estava cedo para ir, mas para o jogador, duas horas era mais que suficiente para aproveitar qualquer festa, acenou para algumas pessoas que viu pelo caminho e logo estava sozinho dentro de seu carro, buscou seu celular no bolso e olhou suas notificações. Nenhuma mensagem de Harry.
Okay, agora Louis se permitia ficar um pouco frustrado.
Nas contagens de Harry, o desfile deveria começar alguns minutos depois do início do jogo, mas quase quatro horas haviam se passado desde o final do jogo, então poxa, nem um "Oi Louuu, deu tudo certo no desfile", que era o que o modelo costumava enviar ao fim de seus desfiles quando estava muito cansado pra falar algo a mais, porque quando ainda tinha disposição ligava por chamada de vídeo e contava o quão incrível o desfile havia sido, e outras vezes até chegavam a ter ligações mais… quentes para matar um pouco da saudade. 
Mas dessa vez, Harry não mandou nada. O que não realmente irritou Louis, seu garoto deveria estar cansado, talvez tivesse acontecido algum imprevisto, saberia tudo no dia seguinte quando fosse buscá-lo no aeroporto.
Louis deu partida em seu carro e seguiu rumo ao seu hotel, uma boa noite de sono curaria qualquer dúvida sobre o paradeiro de Harry. O jogador caminhou preguiçosamente pelo corredor do seu quarto e ao chegar em sua porta, procurou por sua chave nos bolsos, mas antes de encontrá-la, cerrou os olhos ao ver que a porta estava aberta.
Uma pequena fresta permitia Louis de ver a luz baixa de um abajur sendo a única iluminação na sala de recepção que antecedia o cômodo com a cama. 
Tentou se recordar se esquecera de trancar a maldita porta ou se não trancou direito e ela abriu ou se na pior das hipóteses ela havia sido aberta. Por via das dúvidas, Louis terminou de abri-la devagar, caminhando seus olhos pelo carpete até chegar à janela de vista ampla onde em frente estava posicionado o abajur. 
A altura do andar permitia a visão privilegiada de todas as luzes da cidade iluminando parte da sala sem que dentro dela houvesse muita iluminação, e ainda por cima permitia que a silhueta em frente a janela se destacasse entre elas. 
Louis reconheceria aquela silhueta a qualquer distância e iluminação, mas deixar aqueles cachos soltos e aquelas coxas nuas era apelar demais. 
⸺ Harry? ⸺ Louis chamou, com um sorriso de canto já se formando em seu rosto ao enxergar o 28 de sua camisa na camisa verde que o modelo usava. Harry simplesmente estava usando uma camisa de seu uniforme, e ao descer outra vez os olhos pelas coxas grossas, aparentemente usava só ela. 
Harry se virou devagar, revelando seus olhos felinos e tão verdes que poderiam hipnotizar caso Louis já não estivesse, só de contemplar seus lábios contorcidos em um sorrisinho convencido e os cachos modelando em seu rosto desenhado.
⸺ Acho que eu não expliquei o quanto eu precisava beijar um campeão. ⸺ Disse antes de correr na direção de Louis, que segurou o modelo com vontade quando ele rodeou as pernas em sua cintura, pulando em seu colo ao mesmo tempo que atacava seus lábios. 
Louis moveu seus dedos pela pele do interior das coxas de Harry e, Deus, não sabia que sentia tanta falta de tocar seu garoto até tê-lo em seus braços e sentir uma necessidade fora do controle de tocar o máximo que conseguisse, mesmo sabendo que nunca seria o suficiente. 
Harry mordeu o lábio inferior do namorado e saiu de seu colo, rodeou seus braços ao redor do pescoço dele e os girou na sala, trocando suas posições, fazendo com que seu corpo ficasse do lado da porta e o do jogador do lado da janela. Louis segurou a cintura macia sob o tecido sedoso da camisa e os empurrou até que o corpo do modelo estivesse contra a parede. 
⸺ Pensei que só fosse ver você amanhã. ⸺ Louis murmurou ainda desacreditando que Harry, o seu Harry, estava ali com ele.
⸺ Eu não poderia deixar de prestigiar você no dia mais importante da sua vida, amor. ⸺ Harry sorriu, pela primeira vez naquela noite de forma meiga. Acariciou os cabelos do jogador que iniciavam em sua nuca e tocou seus narizes. ⸺ Deixei um jatinho alugado antes mesmo de viajar Paris, precisava ter a certeza que estaria aqui para comemorar com você.
⸺ Como podia ter tanta certeza que eu ia vencer? ⸺ Louis perguntou com humor pela confiança na voz de Harry. 
O modelo sorriu e mordeu os próprios lábios antes de responder. 
⸺ Porque eu não namoro perdedores. 
Louis quis repreender Harry pela sua arrogância nem um pouco filtrada, mas tudo o que conseguiu fazer foi colar seus corpos novamente e beijá-lo com urgência. 
⸺ Mas do que adianta ter vencido se eu ainda não pude aproveitar o meu prêmio? ⸺ Louis reclamou frustrado, fitando o corpo de Harry como se ele o pertencesse. 
Harry abriu um sorriso malicioso e se afastou alguns centímetros de Louis, apenas o suficiente para levar suas mãos para a barra da camisa dos Packers e esticá-las ao puxar a camisa para cima, jogando-a de qualquer jeito no chão enquanto revelava seu corpo nu para o jogador.
⸺ Ele é todo seu. ⸺ Disse com orgulho, recebendo o olhar devoto de Louis em sua pele, nunca cansaria de ser admirado desse jeito. Gemeu surpreso quando teve seu quadril agarrado com brutalidade e seus lábios tomados mais uma vez.
O modelo gemeu deleitoso quando Louis deixou seus lábios e desceu com sua respiração quente por seu pescoço, deixando chupões nas áreas que eram mais sensíveis, mordendo-o para provar o ponto sobre Harry ser seu prêmio, estava marcando-o como dele.
Louis afastou seus toques de repente, fazendo com que Harry formasse um biquinho nos lábios pela falta de toque, teria achado fofo e voltado de imediato, se não tivesse outros planos no momento.
⸺ Ajoelha. ⸺ segurou o queixo de Harry para que ele olhasse em seus olhos enquanto ditava sua ordem, e viu o biquinho mimado se desfazer no mesmo instante, um sorriso sacana tomou seu lugar, e sem que precisasse repetir, o modelo estava se ajoelhando no chão.
O jogador tocou os cachos soltos com cuidado, acariciou-os entre seus dedos antes de firmá-los nos fios para puxar com força para trás. Se Harry desaprovou o ato bruto, ele não demonstrou, mas o pau duro entre suas pernas, dizia que ele mais que aprovava a ação. Louis segurou com a mão direita os cabelos alheios em um rabo de cavalo desajeitado, e com a esquerda abriu o botão e o zíper de sua calça, não a abaixou, apenas a abriu o suficiente para que seu pau pulasse para fora próximos aos lábios carnudos de Harry, que ficariam ainda mais volumosos após recebê-lo em sua boca.
⸺ Abra. ⸺ Louis disse ao pressionar sua glande nos lábios fechados, que se abriram logo após o fim de sua ordem. O jogador introduziu todo o seu comprimento lentamente até que sua pele tocasse o nariz de Harry, não se mexeu por alguns bons segundos, deixou que o modelo sentisse o peso de seu pau dentro de sua boca, mas assumia que era torturante ficar imóvel estando dentro de qualquer buraco de seu garoto, era tudo muito quente e apertado.
⸺ Estar dentro da sua boca é quase tão bom quanto estar dentro de você, amor. ⸺ Louis confessou, se controlando para não se mexer, foi quando Harry apertou sua coxa arranhando-o com as unhas curtas e sentiu o quanto o ar saia apressado em seu nariz. Viu que era o suficiente e soltou o aperto dos cachos para segurar o nariz de Harry, restringindo sua respiração enquanto metia com força em sua garganta, apoiando a mão esquerda na parede. 
Louis acabou soltando o nariz de Harry para voltar a tocar seus cachos, só Deus sabia o quão obcecado ele era pelos cabelos longos do namorado, se dependesse de si, ele estava proibido de cortá-los porque era indescritível a sensação de se agarrar aqueles fios quando fodia sua boca apertada ou quando o comia de quatro. 
Meteu com força repetidas vezes, xingando como Harry não engasgava nenhuma vez sendo a porra da vadia que era, soltou um gemido baixo liberando os cachos de seus dedos e permitindo que Harry trabalhasse por conta própria.
A palma de suas duas mãos encontraram a parede escura assim que Harry iniciou em um ritmo quase tão rápido quanto o anterior, constante, mas dando algumas paradas na glande molhada para lambê-la com a ponta da língua e sentir seu gosto direto da fonte. Harry tirou seu pau da boca para lamber e beijar toda a extensão ao mesmo tempo que revezava entre massagear suas bolas e masturbava seu comprimento.
⸺ Goza para mim. ⸺ Harry pediu quando percebeu que Louis se preparava para se afastar para não gozar com o boquete. ⸺ Eu quero você encha todos os meus buracos, por favor, não despedisse nenhum deles, goze na minha boca e venha outra vez no meu cuzinho. 
⸺ Puta merda, Harry. ⸺ Louis gemeu sentindo ainda mais tesão com as palavras de Harry, ele não costumava fazer o tipo que falava muito durante o sexo, gemia como uma vadia, mas normalmente limitava suas palavras a pedir para ir mais rápido ou mudar de posição.
⸺ Gostou do que ouviu? ⸺ Harry sorriu convencido, começando a punhetar Louis com mais agilidade. Viu ele assentir a sua pergunta e circulou a glande inchada e rosada com a língua antes de voltar a falar. ⸺ Use seu prêmio, campeão, ele é somente seu, marque-o como bem entender, maltrate-o e depois o largue para usar outra vez quando quiser e como bem entender.
Louis tornou segurar os cabelos cacheados quando veio sobre os lábios rosados de seu dono, pintando-os com sua porra, fechou seus olhos e quando os abriu, Harry ainda lambia os próprios lábios engolindo tudo o que recebeu.
⸺ Levanta. ⸺ Louis se apressou em ditar, e quando ele caminhou alguns passos para frente, ficando de costas para si, o agarrou por trás, colando seus corpos.
Definitivamente sentir o corpo nu de Harry encostado no seu ainda vestido, iria para a lista de prazeres pessoas de Louis, a sensação era de como se o dever de Harry ali fosse servi-lo, como se estivesse ali para que Louis o usasse tal qual o próprio modelo havia dito, mas no curto caminho entre a sala e o quarto, não conseguiu manter suas roupas em seu corpo e acabou jogando-as pelo chão com a ajuda de Harry.
Ao chegarem no quarto já com as luzes ligadas, Harry se jogou no meio da cama, abrindo as pernas para que Louis se encaixasse entre elas. 
O jogador se colocou de joelhos no colchão e apertou o interior das coxas de Harry antes de começar a descer para chupa-lo e ser impedido pelo próprio de descer ainda mais.
⸺ Essa noite é sobre você, Lou. ⸺ Harry disse, não que não gostasse da forma como Louis usava sua língua em si, por Deus, ele amava, mas planejou aquela noite diferente.
⸺ Eu ainda preciso te preparar, bebê, não quero te machucar. ⸺ Louis falou atencioso, recebendo um revirar de olhos de resposta. ⸺ O que?
Harry lambeu a ponta de três de seus dedos e os levou pelo caminho entre suas pernas, encontrou a borda de sua entrada e penetrou os três dedos de uma vez, sem resistência alguma.
⸺ Eu estou sempre preparado para você. ⸺ O modelo respondeu, liberando um gemido quando seus dedos alcançaram mais fundo. 
Louis nada mais respondeu aquela declaração, acompanhou os dedos longos deixarem o interior quente se colocarem com os pulsos um acima do outro sobre os cachos espalhados no colchão. O jogador, que não poderia ficar mais duro do que já estava, somente segurou seu pau pela base e o guiou entre as pernas que se rodearam em seu quadril no instante que se afundou aos poucos na entrada apertada.
Como antes, no momento do boquete, Louis passou alguns segundos parado apenas sentindo o aperto de Harry ao seu redor, subiu sua mão direita pela coxa grossa fazendo um caminho lento a cintura curvilínea apenas para sentir o namorado se contrair ao seu redor porque ficava mil vezes mais sensível ao toque quando estava sendo fodido. 
⸺ Me fode de uma vez. ⸺ Harry pediu rebolando como conseguia ao redor do comprimento grosso que o alargava, e se contraiu de propósito algumas vezes para "obrigar" Louis a se mexer. 
⸺ Vadias não deviam se apressar quando sabem que vão conseguir o que querem. ⸺ Louis segurou os dois lados do quadril de Harry e estocou três vezes chocando seus corpos com força por investir tanto o seu quadril quanto o de Harry para pressionarem onde seus corpos se encontravam. 
Harry segurou um gemido, e Louis não gostou de vê-lo se controlar, levantou suas pernas e as colocou entre seus peitorais, investindo ainda mais forte ao conseguir mais acesso. O modelo gemeu alto ao se sentir tão aberto, segurou seus joelhos para mantê-los no lugar, mas logo estava passando-os sobre os ombros de Louis, o sentiu tão fundo que poderia implorar para que ele nunca parasse de meter nele. 
Eles ficaram mais alguns minutos nessa posição até Louis perceber que gostaria ter visão de Harry de quatro. Queria puxar seus cabelos para trás e fode-lo como bem entendesse. 
Harry não demorou a acatar a ordem de ficar de quatro quando ela veio, se empinou ao se colocar em quatro apoios, arqueando sua coluna quando Louis não demorou a estar completamente dentro dele outra vez sem nenhum aviso. Não que fosse assumir em voz alta, mas estava adorando esse Louis que o possuía e o tocava como ele não passasse de um brinquedinho, realmente um prêmio, no qual estava reivindicando como seu.
⸺ A quem você pertence? ⸺ Louis perguntou a Harry ao puxar seus cachos para trás com tanta força que quase fez com que suas mãos deixassem o colchão. ⸺ Responde, vadia! ⸺ O jogador gritou no ouvido do modelo, inclinando-se até que seus rostos estivessem um ao lado do outro. 
⸺ A você! ⸺ Harry respondeu quase sem voz, e um gemido manhoso rompeu seus lábios em seguida.
⸺ De quem é o seu corpo, amor? ⸺ Louis questionou com sua mão deixando o cabelo de Harry para tocar onde seus corpos se uniam, esticou um único dedo e o penetrou ao lado de seu pau, alargando o garoto um pouco mais. ⸺ De quem é esse buraquinho tão apertado?
⸺ É seu, ele é seu. ⸺ Harry respondeu manhoso, deixando que a parte superior de seu corpo caísse sobre a cama e só sua bunda ficasse empinada para cima, para que Louis continuasse o usando. 
⸺ Oh, e o que eu posso fazer possuindo tanto poder? Sendo o seu dono, dono do seu corpo e desse cuzinho tão guloso, o que posso fazer com tudo isso? 
⸺ Me usar o quanto quiser. ⸺ Harry usou suas última energias para se pôr outra vez de quatro e virar o rosto para Louis como se estivesse sobre o controle ali. ⸺ Encha meu cuzinho de porra quantas vezes quiser, me deixe aberto e vazando e depois faça tudo de novo até eu não ter mais nenhuma utilidade. 
Louis sentiu seu baixo ventre revirar e achou que conseguiu o suficiente, praticamente deitou seu corpo sobre o de Harry e começou a trabalhar em estocadas certeiras que alcançaram a próstata do modelo em todas elas ao levar em conta a quantidade de vezes que ele gemeu desesperado e como seu gozo jorrou nos lençóis poucos minutos depois. 
O jogador se sentiu exausto e começou a investir de forma lenta, mas profunda, e com a ajuda de Harry se contraindo, não demorou a despejar toda a sua porra no interior quente que o abrigava.
Já prontos para dormir, Louis sorriu meio abobado ao olhar para Harry deitado do lado direito da cama vestindo um shorts folgado e sua camisa do time.
⸺ O que foi? ⸺ Harry perguntou quando Louis deitou ao seu lado sorrindo sozinho. 
⸺ Só ainda não consigo acreditar que você viajou até aqui só para me ver. ⸺ Louis contou, deitando sua cabeça ao lado da de Harry.
⸺ Eu já disse que não poderia deixar de estar aqui com você no dia mais importante da sua vida. ⸺ Justificou. ⸺ Eu gostaria de ter conseguido chegar a tempo de ver o final do jogo, fiquei frustrado de só ter conseguido chegar bem depois.
⸺ Eu não poderia receber seus parabéns de outra forma melhor. ⸺ Sorriu. ⸺ E eu nem tô falando do sexo maravilhoso que a gente fez, tô falando de chegar aqui e encontrar você, te abraçar estando só nos dois. Tudo que eu precisava.
Foi a vez de Harry sorrir bobo, mas sem esperar que Louis dissesse mais alguma coisa, colou seus lábios nos dele em um selo apaixonado. 
⸺ Você só errou em uma coisa. ⸺Louis falou quando Harry deitou em seu peito para dormir.
⸺ No que? ⸺ Harry perguntou confuso, levantando a cabeça para olhar o namorado. 
⸺ Hoje não foi o dia mais importante da minha vida. O dia mais importante da minha vida foi o dia que você aceitou namorar comigo.
Harry abraçou Louis com força e escondeu seu rosto no pescoço dele para esconder o sorriso apaixonado que se abriu em seus lábios.
⸺ Te amo. ⸺ Harry murmurou baixinho.
Louis sorriu respondendo que o amava de volta, não tendo dúvidas que naquele dia ele realmente havia vencido.
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supercap2319 · 1 month
"So, the traitorous, backstabbing sociopathic chimera bitch is now a jockstrap?" Y/N asked. "Is this some way to get Liam's attention?'
He had been on his way to meet Liam and Mason after Liam was done with lacrosse practice, only to discover Beacon Hills' new high school football team. And who just happened to be on said team? Theo, fucking, Raeken.
Watching him run around in tight football pants as he played the role of quarterback and called out plays, throwing the ball to open teammates before their eyes locked together. Theo gave him one of his famous half-smirks before continuing the practice.
Y/N wasn't sure why he stayed and watched, but when it was time for a break, Theo approached him. "Well, Scott says I should get involved in school. What better way than sports? Full body contact in a homoerotic fashion. And why would I want to impress Liam?"
"Aren't you guys boyfriends?"
"No. Just good friends."
"You're thinking of wrestling. And I don't by this cute school boy act. I know you're up to something, Raeken, and I'm going to find out what it is." Y/N warns.
Theo smirks. "Lucky me. I look forward to having your eyes all over me." He pops his mouthpiece back in with a wink as he jogs to the other players.
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crispy-armpit · 1 year
♱ 𝕱𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕲𝖗𝖊𝖊𝖉'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 ♱
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Welcome to my church.
My name is Adam, otherwise known as Father Greed. I am God's first creation, or as you mortals call it, the first human.
I am a being that is neither man nor animal. I am both serpent and a child of God- the deceiver to have granted Eve the forbidden fruit.
Evil or not, I am merely a convoy. I guide you towards the crossroads of love and obsession, and you shall choose how the tale goes.
So, I must ask you...
Which path will you venture down?
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Yandere Rockstar (he/him)
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General: a mysterious, world-renown superstar with a rough past. he writes his own songs and is the frontman of the band, Ares. he is an 'emotional omnivore'/overwhelmer, obsessive, masochist-sadist yandere.
Physical: 6'5/195 cm tall, tattooed & toned body, 6 ear piercings, 4 facial piercings, pair of nipple piercings, 5 genital piercings (yeah..), 9 inches
Part 1 Part 2
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Yandere Jock (he/him)
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General: the star quarterback of your college's rugby team, the Panthers. he is extremely influential in the school & real world. he is an overprotective & clingy yandere.
Physical: 6'0/183 cm, shoulder-length hair when untied, slim-toned body with a few scars, 7 inches
One shot
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Yandere Sea God (he/she/they)
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General: an ancient ocean deity whose origins are unknown. they are said to be the god of raging tides and safe travels, and have the ability to transform between any gender (prefers male form). they are under an ancient curse. they are a sadistic, possessive, self-indulgent, eliminator yandere.
Physical: 9'7/292 cm, very big muscle body, sparkly skin like a pearl, 18 inches (he has 2 of them..)
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ Yandere Secret Agent (he/they)
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General: a secret agent working for a mysterious government organisation specialising in supernatural threats. he is their most trusted employee. they are a cold-hearted, stalker, visceral yandere.
Physical: 5'10/178 cm, 1 facial piercing +1 tongue + 1 earing (there's a backstory i swear), slim-fit scarred body, 7.5 inches
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Related Asks & Artworks
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neondiamond · 6 months
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🎃 Recently Read Fics - October 2023 🎃
These are all the amazing fics I read over the past month (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 🧡
🎃 Pumpkin Baby by @louisgayvodka (1k, G)
Louis paints Harry’s baby bump for their Halloween themed photoshoot
🎃 let the feeling last by @wecantalktomorrow (1k, G)
Louis had been waiting a long time for the euphoria of moments like these. To feel such pride radiating through the room for him. He spent far too long in the spotlight for an image that had been forced upon him, built to show him in a particular way. A way that was nowhere near an actual representation of himself. He worked as hard as possible to create a safe space for himself and his fans at his shows, one that represented his authentic self.
He knew that his fans heard him. They could hear him screaming at the top of his lungs in the only way he knew how while still tangled in the false sense of leniency that came with his current contracts. It still did not match the feelings that came with moments like tonight, the overwhelming sense of love and belonging.
🎃 us means more than me and you by @starryhaze28 (1k, NR)
the one where Harry is sick and Louis takes care of him.
🎃 Touch the Sky and Kiss the Sun by @londonfoginacup (2k, T)
Louis Tomlinson knows without a shadow of a doubt that Harry Styles is his soulmate.
Harry Styles, Louis is virtually certain, is completely unawares of this fact.
🎃 Lights Are So Bright by @becomeawendybird (2k, G)
Newly first-string quarterback Louis Tomlinson mentions enough times in interviews that he's a fan of mega-famous popstar Harry Styles that people start to notice. At least one person does...
🎃 There and Back Again by @dedtobeginwith (2k, T)
A Keep Driving timestamp, one year later.
🎃 for you, darlin’, for you by @wecantalktomorrow (2k, G)
“Got another tomorrow before I leave,” Harry said quietly, nuzzling Louis’s blanket once more as he got comfortable in their nest. His body was still trembling with the aftermath of his sobs, but the tears had stopped for the moment. “Thank you, you know,” he rubbed his face once more, sinking farther into the comforting scent of his alpha, “you always seem to know what I need before I do.”
That made Louis smile, eyes crinkling in the corners which, in turn, made Harry’s heart race with a fondness for the man before him. “Of course I do, you’re my baby, my mate, my omega. ‘S my job to take care of you. Kept seeing the pictures coming out, and you looked more and more worn out, my love. Could feel it,” Louis breathed out, his hand coming up to prod at his own bondmark absently. The touch to his bondmark makes Harry shiver, bringing his fingers up to rest them against his own mark.
🎃 the blue never-ending sky by @justanothershadeofblue (3k, T)
“What do you suppose it’s like?”
Harry’s voice was dreamy, barely audible from where Louis lay on his back on the off-white carpet of Harry’s bedroom.
“Arizona?” Louis asked, and Harry made an affirmative noise from his position on top of his twin bed. “Wouldn’t know, would I?” Louis jerked his head at the window, dripping with mid-February rain. It was a useless gesture - Harry was busy staring at the ceiling. “On account of being British and all.”
“I bet it’s beautiful,” Harry said, and his voice sounded like he was already gone.
🎃 Got Time (But We’re Only Human) by @galacticlarry (6k, T)
Louis and Harry have been dating for years, but have been keeping it a secret from the public, which is why when they decide to go on a trip with Liam, Niall, and Zayn to celebrate One Direction’s anniversary, they end up at a farm in the middle of nowhere.
What happens when a picture that shouldn’t have been taken starts circulating on the internet, threatening to mess everything up?
🎃 always had that heart of mine by @voulezloux (7k, M)
louis is nesting, though he won’t admit to it. between being ill, the stress of uni, and near drops, the only thing keeping him afloat is harry’s scent. the fact they don’t get along is neither here nor there
🎃 If We Have Each Other by @pocketsunshineharry (23k, M)
AU where Harry is a single father and a one-night stand is going to change his life forever.
🎃 2 a.m. texts by @sun-lt (30k, T)
Harry has just come out and, with his best friend Louis’ support, he might finally be brave enough to go on a date with the guy he’s been chatting with on a dating app. Meanwhile, there’s a cat that wants to murder Louis, a fast-approaching deadline for Harry to find a new place to live, and this minor situation wherein he and Louis can’t seem to stop making out. It’s not a big deal. Louis is just being supportive.
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louisrarepairfest · 25 days
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— Prompts —
[Submit a prompt you'd like to read or write here!]
🫐 The prompt can specify a particular pairing or can use Louis/Character B as the pairing.
🫐 Writers can sign up with one of these prompts or sign up with their own prompt not on this list.
🫐 Prompts will be crossed off as they are chosen during sign ups.
⬇️ Possible prompts below ⬇️
(A) Louis/Character B are uni roommates
(B) Louis/Greg James - Louis takes Clifford to a secluded park and lets him run free for a few hours. A few weeks into going to a park, a friendly dog (Barney) Louis assumes is a stray comes over by him with a stick in his mouth and Louis plays fetch. This becomes a Thing every time. Louis notices Clifford has been gaining weight and can’t figure out why. One day, Clifford doesn’t come back like he usually does. Louis goes looking for him with (Barney) trailing on his heels. He’s just about to give up when (Barney) sprints away and Louis can’t stand the thought of losing two dogs in one day so he runs after him. Cut to…Louis finding a very tall, very handsome man, very excitedly welcoming Barney back with Clifford barely looking up from the almost gone bucket of dog food said very (very) handsome man clearly brought to the park. Confusion ensues since each thinks the other’s dog was a stray. Wild accusations from Louis about Greg making Clifford fat, jokes from Greg about how Barney has taken up finding perfect sticks and running away with his best one. They fall in love and become one big happy family.
( C ) Louis/Character B are musicians vying for the role of band leader at their former high school. They went there at the same time and were rivals then too, though for a totally different reason: they both had secret crushes on one another. When I've of them learns this, it changes everything.
(D) Girl direction! Louis/Character B are star athletes on the college (you choose the) sport team. They're both on the butch side, and it takes them a while to figure out that they're into one another and don't need to femme it up to get the other to like them.
(E) Omegaverse: Alpha Louis has never questioned who he is, a strong Alpha loving Alpha who defies stereotypes. When he meets character B, a beta, he certainly doesn't expect to fall for him (and hard)
(F) Famous Louis returns to his home town for his sister's wedding. When he sees his non-famous ex-boyfriend at the first wedding event of the weekend, sparks fly. Cue a whirlwind romance and a lot of big decisions about what they're both willing to do for love.
(G) Louis is a werewolf who's gotten good at hiding his nature in order to make a quiet life for himself in a small town. Character B is the vampire whose arrival coincides with a couple of murders that threaten his peaceful existence. When it becomes clear that B isn't behind the murders, he and Louis team up to find the real culprit (and maybe accidently fall in love along the way).
(H) Louis/Liam - Bros who get married for insurance purposes and then decide divorce isn’t worth the hassle.
(i) Louis/Charlie Lightening…no plot but sex on the ping pong table. Obviously. 
(J) Louis and his bandmates/opening band let off some steam by having a circle jerk. It might turn into more for some of them.
(L) M/M Louis and Taylor Swift are rival quarterbacks for their town's 2 high school teams. Nobody knows that they've been secretly dating since sharing a NYE kiss. 
(M) Louis/Liam - everyone thinks Louis and Harry are together but it’s actually Louis and Liam
(N) Lilo hot water maintenance au based on this tumblr post
(O) Lilo Robin Hood AU
(P) Lilo Howl’s Moving Castle au
(Q) Louis and either Charlie or Nick from Heartstopper (the Netflixshow), friendship fic. Would love Louis either helping Nick through his sexuality crisis or Louis being there for Charlie through the events of the first season
(R) Omegaverse: Louis is about to turn 25 without having presented. As he debates undergoing the risky process to force a presentation, he meets Character B who helps him realize he doesn't necessarily have to "present" to be the alpha he know he is. (Omegaverse but make it trans and powerful!!)
(T) Louis plays on the uni football team and Liam is on the athletics team. they pass each other to and from training all the time. cue attraction. they are or become friends and are secretly pining for a while before they eventually start dating
(U) Edwardian era Lilo au where they’re both working class. maybe one is a servant and one is a shop assistant, or both servants.
(V) Louis and David Dawson bond over their time with Harry
(W) Louis/Oscar Isaac- edwardian AU where Oscar is a poet and Louis is his muse
(X) Louis/Pedro Pascal AU where Louis is exploring in the arctic and needs a guide
(Y) Louis/Pedro Pascal Gladiator AU
(Z) Michael B. Jordan as a boxer and nurse Louis
(AA) Louis/Sebastian Stan arranged marriage royalty AU. Louis is betrothed to King Sebastian Stan, a widower with two kids who aren't to keen of the King's fiancé.
(BB) Louis/Sam Claflin - something based on the interview where Sam says Louis follows him on Twitter and that they've had a conversation but he doesn't want to get into it.
(CC) 27 dresses take off where Niall is always the best man, never the husband, and Louis is the snarky reporter.
(DD) Zouiam, uni AU - Zayn meets Liam at the library and falls halfway in love during a single conversation. It’s a fairy tale, only back home is Louis - his FWB, the most important person in Zayn’s life, and someone who doesn’t take well to losing out on attention. Louis' a bit put out when he meets Liam at football practice and this annoying, bossy, fit as all hell guy slides right in under all his defences. It could be the start of a beautiful term of fighting and fucking, only back home is Zayn. Zayn not only needs Louis - he’d become a full-time hermit otherwise - but it’s damn convenient having sex on tap right there in his own flat. And, oh yeah, Zayn’s like, his reflection or his shadow or his other half or something. Liam’s quite confused by having two drop dead gorgeous guys alternately sending him go signals, then just as quickly, stop. He figures if either of them settle on go, he’ll be batting a thousand. Then he realises they know each other. Biblically.
(EE) Louis is an actor in a murder mystery troupe. Character B (maybe Nick Grimshaw...?) is the audience member who’s clearly too cool for all this but giving joining in his best shot anyway. Louis is distracted by him all night, and then after the denouement they meet in the bar.
(FF) Louis/Greg James - Louis won’t stop whanging on about not getting to do the breakfast show with his new album, and character X (maybe Niall, or Oli?) eventually realises it's less career-related jealousy and more about who sits behind the mic. He hatches a matchmaking plan.
(HH) Character B joins local amateur dramatics society and suddenly Louis is no longer a shoo-in for every lead role. Cue the drama!
(ii) AU. Preschool teacher Louis / Boxer Sebastian Stan
(JJ) Yellowjackets AU! Girl direction, any pairing from the show, cutting from 1996 to present.
(KK) Louis/Cillian Murphy - 1970s criminal au (preferably with Louis as the criminal), based on this photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvyDkCnWAAk1UwS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
(LL) Louis/Isaac: Louis and his band Rogue Direction are doing their first tour in their beat-up van at questionable bars across the country. One night, Isaac is hurled into his life, fleeing from an abusive boyfriend in parking lot of the band’s gig. Louis can’t help but feel..protective of the scrappy tagalong who’ll do anything to earn his keep.
(MM) Louis/Isaac: Louis fucks Isaac’s gauged ears.
(NN) Omega Louis / Male Alpha / Female Alpha polyamorous relationship
(OO) Louis/Patrick Dempsey. AU Patrick is Louis’ dad’s best friend. Possible tags: age difference, secret relationship, feminine Louis, hung Patrick
(PP) Louis Tomlinson/Alex Turner AU. Is basically based in the Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino where Louis and Alex are imprisoned together; so they must find a way to escape. But while they try to escape they begin to fall in love with each other however it will be difficult for both of them to escape.
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tparker48 · 2 years
Request for Rechtano2
"How did it come to this.." Terry muttered to himself, gazing out of the glass jar that kept him captive. Staring into the open lockers as the doors stretched past the horizon "One minute I'm doing my own homework and now I'm my football team's mess. Dragging me into one of their bets, as if I don't have enough on my plate."
**Slam!** the door further ahead would bash open, the light from the outside shining into the lockers. Loud uproar soon filling the silence as the sounds of cleats clacked along the tiles. Massive figured in footballs gear marched inside as they quickly crowded the locker's walkways.
"Oh man was that a good match, never seen someone fly like that."
"Right?! 26 nearly knocked the quarterback's cleats off with that tackle!"
As the players got closer, many of them would split to the other walk ways as they went to get their normal clothes. Traveling in packs as they tackled a few into the locker doors. It made Terry feel nervous as the giant figures mingled amongst each other. But none sent his emotion through the roof when the captains gathered came towards the jar. "Alright, alright boys. Settle down for a sec." Jace, one of the captain's said. The room quieting down partially before the players gathered in a huddle. "We got a very special treat for you today. A little thank you gift after pummeling our rivals from Osar university. I'd like you to meet, our temporary team nerd." The captain presented.
As the captains moved out of the way, Terry was met with eyes staring at him from the jar as they all looked at him in awe. Backing up to the glass wall behind him as he sheepishly waved.
"This little nerd, is Terry our personal tender" Liam, the second captain announced. "according to our little bet, he is to take care of any need or urge that we see fit. Fun right?" Grabbing the jar, he tilted it forward on its side before shaking Terry out of jar. Presenting him out to the other players as they all surrounded the table. Terry couldn't help but stand as the attention surrounded him. Standing over him like pillars as their helmets hid their faces from sight.
"Oh man. just look at him"
"Our new tender huh? Ohoho this'll be fun"
"He looks so scrawny, I doubt he'd be able to handle a thing. Come here you.." One of the players loomed closer while extending their hand out to grab him. Terry forcing his eyes shut, awaiting the sudden pressure that it would bring.
"Ah ah, no so fast" Jace interrupted, swatting the hand of the other player. pushing Terry backwards before dropping the jar back ontop of him as he placed a hand along the top. "You'll each get your turn with him, but it's gonna be team organized."
"Aww come on"
"Quit your whining, we're not finished. The order is gonna be based on hierarchy. As each day passes, each group will get to take the little nerd with them and have their fun. With each day, we switch. So.." Pulling out a notepad, Liam grabbed a pencil as he started to write down notes. "The quarter backs are the first that get him. Then, the linebackers. And lastly, the captains. You'll each get a day after practice to take him home and do whatever you want. Sound fair?"
"Hell yeah!" The player roared.
"Good, then we can get started. Quarter backs, he's all yours first." Jace announced, moving along with the rest of the players as they went to collect their gear. The quarterbacks slowly coming into view as the three of them casted shadows over the jar.
"Well well, it looks like we get Terry here first boys" the first quarter back mentioned.
"Certainly. oh the plans we have in stored for you, its gonna be a good one."
"W-what did you have in mind?" Terry asked nervously. Yipping as one of them grabbed his entire body. The three of them carrying him off to the far exit. Slamming the door behind them as they left the other players.
As the day shifted into the evening time, the sun would set upon a house near the trees as the quarterbacks gathered together. Kicking open the door, they went inside and prepared for their fun. Terry along with them as a firm grasp still remained around him. "Alright boys, we've arrived. If you gotta use the bathroom now, use it. It's gonna be a long night before we're done."
"Good. Already used it anyway" Rylan confirmed, tossing his gear off towards the couch. Their shoes soon following with them while he relaxed on the couch.
"I see you planned ahead, now we get to the good stuff" Jake said, holding up Terry in his palm as he gave him a firm squeeze.
"Gck! Is squeezing really necessary" Terry wheezed. The hand's grasp constricting him like a snake, just barely holding onto his breath as he was forced to exhale.
"Shut up, nerd"
"heh, he's like a little squeaky in my palm. I could squeeze him all night if I got the chance." Jake mentioned, continuing to squeeze lightly around Terry. Shrugging off the idea before letting go of him.
Terry felt his stomach drop as Jake let go of him. Flailing aimlessly at the empty air to stop his body from spinning in place. But a soft surface would stop him as his body bounced slightly. Landing back down with firm plop as he got back up to his feet. Barely able stand up on his own as his feet sunk into its soft surface. Standing still, he looked around the object he was standing on as the furniture became more spread out. Tassles hanging around the sides as fur trailed around the edges. "A pillow?" Terry asked, focusing up at the sky as the light began to darken. The three quarterbacks soon filling the space as socked feet stood around the pillow. Their legs soon crouching to let the players sit, as the musky air from their bodies washed over him.
"Alright Terry, its time for your daily duties.." Rylan announced, the other two player joining him on the floor as they all stretched out their legs towards the pillow. As Terry observed the three of them, three pairs of feet rushed to greet him as their heels rested along the cushion. Forming a triangle around it as the toes arched overhead like gates.
"Get ready.." Jake soothed through his voice, the three players grabbing onto the tip of their socks before beginning to draw them backwards. Drawing them back like a curtain as their bare skin revealed themselves. The toes being last to exit out of them as their once aligned position spread out more.
"Holy.." Terry gasped as he fell on his rear. Forced to look upward as the walls of feet towered over him. "Look at the size of them.."
Fwomp! As Terry was getting ready to stand, he felt a massive force behind him crash into the pillow. Covering half his body under it as soles laid across his shoulders. "Hey! Don't slack off nerd! You better pull your weight for us or you'll regret it!" Tyler roared, twisting his foot a bit to let his toes prod at their guest underneath. Squeezing their sides around Terry's neck as the warm musk from a day within the sock sunk into his nose.
"Alright, alright!" Terry gritted, flaring his nose to wash the smell out of his nostrils. After another firm press, the toes finally lifted. Sticking him to the bottom of the foot as it displayed him out to the others with a soft wiggle.
"That's more like it." tyler approved.
"Careful Tyler" Rylan tauntered "if you break him before the others have their fun, they'll cause a real fus."
"Hah! Let em!" Tyler responded, rolling his eyes before scrunching his toes together. Letting gravity take way as it peeled Terry off of the bottom of his foot.
"Well I'm not letting you have all the fun. My feet need some action and they're craving for some attention" Jake responded, lifting his feet more onto the cushion as they extended over towards Terry. Their bottom side laid horizontal as they the toes curled down around Him. Barely catching his breath, Terry tried to move out of their path as the toes wiggled closer, but was too slow to escape them as the balled soles squished against him. Their sticky surface sending out a rubbery squeak as the toes wrapped around Terry like a fly trap. "Where do you think your going ?" Jake taunted, raking Terry along his left foot. Before bringing the toes back in aligment as he sandwiched them together.
"Gch...nghh!" Terry gritted underneath the pressure of both feet. The rough skin grinding along his body like sandpaper as the light from the room only seeped through gaps above. slowly starting to massage against each other, he felt his gaze turn from the heel to the front of the toes as he was rolled around in between. Pressed down upon by the balls of the soles as they acted as barriers for his predicament. The more he tried to squeeze through them, the more tighter they became in order to sustain him.. On the outside, Jake would be admiring the display as he laid his hands along the floor behind him. Sitting in a criss-cross position as his legs shaped like a diamond.
"Boy does he feel good. For such a scrawny nerd, that physique of his is really hitting the spot" Jake commented, Terry managing to pushing the feet apart a bit, a simple flex clasping them back down as he returned to grinding his feet together.
" right? He just has that touch with how small he is. No wonder our opponents treasured him so much."
"A foolish mistake on their part, but we sure as hell won't waste it" Rylan responded. Jake letting up the pressure as he unclenched his toes, tossing Terry back onto the cushion as a little gasp came from him below. But he was barely able to have a relaxing point before Rylan's foot scooped him up by his waist, dipping inti a sock he held open as he slipped the entirety of it over his foot. Terry's human shaped outline visibly seen from outside, as the toes proded and curled his form with light scrunches.
"Gch-nch!" Get me out of this thing!" Terry muffled, clawing out at the fabric as flakes stretched out from the bottom. But Rylan's other foot laid across his socked prison as the toes stretched overhead. Curling over his torso to keep his struggling in place.
"Less yappin', more foot rubbin' nerd" Rylan responded, Jake and Tyler drawing their feet more closer, as they pushed their feet against each other. Smothering Terry underneath as his voice became more muffled.
After practice, the quarterbacks delivered Terry to the Linemen for their time. Wrapped up in one of Rylan's used socks, before tumbling into the palms of the lead lineman. Carrying him off into the farther locker rooms as the 8 of them squeezed into a room. As time went by, some of the player's walked by the door to see what's up. Hearing nothing but chuckles and splashing as the floor started to leak out liquid. Though they had questions, they forced themsleves to push on as they went down the rest of the hallway.
Meanwhile inside the room, the linemen would be huddled in a circle. A bucket in the center as one of the players squatted down beside it. The others cheering him on as he as he held his bare ass between his hands. And underneath, Terry, waist deep between the mounds as little droplets trickled out from the crack. "Scrub! Scrub! Scrub! Scrub!" The player's roared.
"You heard him Terry! Keep scrubbing!"
"I am scrubbing- gch! As fast as I can!" Terry responded, using a cloth to wash the behind of number 67. The cloth catching a snag between the folds, forcing him to fumble his fingers into the frowsty flesh to free it. "Don't you guys ever wash back here? I've been scrubbing for so long and it still smells back here."
Bwrrap! The sphincter ahead pushed outward as its center opened. Squeezing out air from inside with a sudden burst erupting towards Terry as droplets inside splashed into his face. "ah, gross!" he gagged, placing the cloth he had in center of the hole. but the orifice only enveloped over it. Clamping around it more as it refused to let go.
"What you thought my ass would smell like roses? A little wash like that won't make it any better" 67 remarked.
"Yeah I can see that! Terry retorted. Placing a foot onto asshole holding his hand captive as he heaved backwards. Managing to move it slightly, but not enough to pull it out as the lips clenched firmly in place.
"Ooo that feels good" the player taunted."
"Dang it, let go-whoah!" Managing to pull himself free, Terry tumbled backwards as his hand slipped out the whole. Sliding across the wet floor to the furthest walls before coming to an abrupt stop. Sluggishly getting back up, he looked at his hand as he looked back at number 26, the tip of the cloth he used still stuck between his Asshole as the cheek closed over it. "Hey! My cloth!" He shouted to him.
"Your what?..Oh that little tissue? Barely even felt it in there." Prying apart a cheek, he fished a finger through his ass as he pinched at the skin inside, plucking out the cloth from his hole as he pulled it out. Its texture was matted beyond belief, covered in tainted brown as the sweat droplets dripped off its fabric. "Here.." He said as he tossed it towards Terry. Watching it splat along the tiled floor. "Now get back to cleaning!"
"I can't wash with it now, its too dirty."
"Well im not wasting my turn on an excuse like that.." Another player announced into the crowd. A bulkier figure parting the circle as the heavy thuds of their feet filled the void. Number 55, the heavy muscle of the group. "If that cloth's out of the picture, there's certainly other ways to clean." He said, approaching Terry closer.
"What? I Don't see anything else I can use." Terry responded back. Caught off guard as number 55's foot stomped closer.
"I'm looking at it." Number 55 claimed, his hands already behind his back as he clasped a handful of his own ass. Spreading them apart, he adjusted his feet to face away from the wall and pointed his back towards the wall, his ass hovering above the little nerd as the bulk of his thighs jiggled heavily in place. Squatting down, he Laid his back against the wall before sliding down its length towards Terry. Stopping just an inch away, as the rows of fat and ass muscle in between displayed itself within.
"Oh..i see" Terry said, feeling his heart sink in response. But was barely able to process it as a finger swooped underneath him. Lifting him upward as the crater of his Asshole crowned around him. Forcing him to place his arms against the flesh wall, he quickly started to push against it to sustain his position he now had. Refusing to go any deeper as the lips of the player's pucker clicked at his nose, and the floor behind him bringing him even more close to it as a swift breeze blew out from its depths. "Grghh!"
"Now that your in position, I can finally get myself comfortable"
"No wait!" Pwop! The weight increased harder on Terry as the floor pushed him upward. Compacting him into the crater and sending him face first into the wrinkles of the hole. It's ring welcoming his nose with a firm squelch, but the rest of his face endured the rest, blinded by pink flesh as the sweat glands coating it soaked into his skin. With a heavy thud, Number 55 sat on the floor. His ass jiggling to an abrupt halt as the room grew slightly quieter. Terry's voice muffled underneath number 55, quickly drown out as the chatter of the other players filled the room.
"Oh dude, wouldn't want to be caught under that ass."
"All that weight's gonna tire him out before the rest of get the chance."
"You're welcome to move me if want him to youreself.." Number 55 responded to the other players, prying the left side of his cheek to adjust the wedge of skin pushing against each other. Terry letting out a yelp for assistance before the thick cheek slammed back down "But I'm already to comfortable to just get up." He said with a firm pat on his belly.
"Ah fine, keep him. But you got an hour with him before I get my shot."
"Your shot? You mean my shot!"
"Hell no, it's me!"
"No, me!"
"Ah here we go.." Number 55 groaned, massaging the side of his brow in annoyance. But soon gazed down at his waist to feel movement underneath.
Further below, Terry would be in disarray as he gazed around his fleshy cage. Able to move his limbs around the flesh of the ass cheeks, but only barely before the player above adjusted himself. The dimmed environment growing slightly lighter through the gaps, before dimming back down. "Why is it always the heavy ones I gotta deal with." He groaned, doing his best to hold the anal muscles up. Some of it starting to spill over his arms due to the increasing heat, decreasing how effective his arms would be as the sphincter droop closer. "No no no no" Terry responded to the sudden shift, moving his hands to block its path as his fingers stretched into the meaty folds. Spreading its center apart as it gaped partially open "go back up you!" He retorted, prodding against it to hoist it up, the evironment letting out a low gurgle higher above as the continued to increase. A burst of gas flowing into him from above as the air grew foul and hotter "ah come on! Again!" He shouted, wrestling with the hole above. As the cheeks around began to cave as well.
"Lively little nerd are ya? I like that, keep it up and I almost take it it easy on you. Almost."
The day after the linemen had their fun with Terry, they dropped him off back in the jar. Leaving a portrait picture of their asses in the frame. Terry's upper half caught underneath one player's, as his bottom half was caught underneath another's. As the Linemen left for their after-practice activities, the captains approached to see Terry. Barely able to hold back their laughter as he slouched against the side of the jar.
"Hoho, looks like Terry here has been through quite the ringer" Liam said, tapping the glass to get his attention.
"I'll say, never seen so much ass compacted in one place" Jace chimed in, looking at the portrait the linemen left behind. Picking up the jar as he shook it around place.
"H-hey! Quit it!" Terry yelled.
"Well, he certainly still has some energy. Not as much as desired, but I guess it'll do."
"Alright, what shall we do with him Jace"
"Hmm.." Puzzled at the question, Jace looked at the jar as he stared at Terry. What is it that they can do? He would like a good foot message, but Terry looked to limp to even stand. And the linemen already tuckered him out enough. Brainstorming, his gaze moved away from the jar as a scrubber layed along the bench. "You know, I think I know what we can do.." Jace replied, grabbing the scrubber and the jar. As him and Liam made they're way to the back room.
As the door closed behind them, the sounds of the lockers filled the void. Player's making their way back, most of them gathering their things as they went home for the night, while the others talked about their time with their little nerd. As they mingled amongst each other, the sounds of the showers lingered from the door the captains entered. Steam Flowing out from underneath, as the scent of axe traveled with it. Inside, Liam and Jace would be stripped as the two of them joined a shower together. Drenched by the water trickling out from the faucet, the suds washing off their legs as jace held the end of the scrubber's handle. Brushing the whiskers around his back while talking to Liam.
"Ah nothing like a good shower after practice ay Liam"
"Totally, with how hot it is I sure worked up a sweat."
"I feel ya, got a bit sweaty out there myself. But nothing a brushing can't fix. Isn't that right, Terry?" Jace asked, drawing the scrubber away from his back before turning it over to face him. Terry strung up at the top of it as the bristles of the brush held the string he was tied to in place.
"I..**coughs**. Yes, entirely."
"You bet" Jace responded, flipping the scrubber upside down before lowering it down between his legs. Sticking the brush into the side of his inner thigh. His balls covering it with a swift roll as suds filled the gap between "and there's plenty of it where that came from." Clasping more of the handle, Jace scrubbed firmly at his thigh. Focusing along the inside of his leg before scrubbing near his taint.
Terry could barely get a word in on the situation as soap and water blocked his words. His vision shrouded with suds, before transitioning to dark wet skin as squeaks sounded in his ear with each glide. "Mph- gch!" He managed to mutter, but not enough to hear past the the shower's roars. Smothered by the inner thigh of the captain as the drooping balls next to him laid along the side of his shoulder.
"You gonna hog him all day there jace, I got some spots too wash as well" Liam playfully said.
"Knock yourself out" Jace responded, tossing the scrubber to Liam as he dosed the brush and Terry with the running water of the faucet. Lathering more soap before lowering the handle behind him.
"Ugh, more soap?" Terry rsponded, the liquid slowly dripping down his torso as he felt a bit of it drip onto his chin. Shifting his head a bit to not get any of it in his nose, he looked upwards as the trajectory of the brush started to shift. Bubbled ass cheeks coming into view as it hastened towards him at full speed. Just as Terry was about speak, the brush plunged in between them before scrubbing its bristles against against one of the slab of muscle. "Grghh!" Terry grunted from the brushing, Liam's cheeks muffling them softly, before suds soon filled the asscrack.
"Mmm, now that's the stuff. That spot's been bothering me all day." Liam sighed softly, rotating the edge of the brush to brush his hole.
"I can tell. watching you out there, heh, one would assume you'd got a wedgie."
"You would be too if you had it" Liam laughed back. "Just like that hard on of yours."
"Hey, it's got a mind of its own. Not my fault it wants attention" Jace replied. "And speak of the devil..." Gazing down, he looked at his cock as it length began to pulse. Erecting partially, it extended outward before arching itself up. "Guess its heard us talking about him. Let's say we get it the attention it seeks." Walking over to the corner, Jace opened a container on the side of the wall. Pulling out a condom as he took off the wrapper. "Think that's enough cleaning duty for that little nerd."
"I hear ya" Liam agreed.
As the two talked among each, Terry would still be wedged between Liam's ass as the faucet drenched water into the crack. He pushed against the slabs of muscle to make room for the water to pass by, but that wasn't good enough as the current continued to wash over him. That is, until the brush started to move again. Dragging him out from the ass as the light from the outside welcomed him once more. Fumbling fingers greeting as it undone the strong string attaching him to the bristles of the scrubber.
"Decent job Terry. would've had you there longer, but Jace here got other plans for you."
"Wha?" Terry asked puzzled, still wiping the water caught on his face "what other plans?" Terry continued to rub his eyes sluggishly as bits of the liquid remained. Finally able to open his eyes as he proceeded to blink furiously to adjust back to the light. But his eyes widened as the maw of the plastic condom came into view. Dumped inside as he hurtled to the bottom with a sudden bounce. He could barely readjust himself, his limbs flailing against the plastic surface to register a hold. But found none as they slipped off with ease. But there was a sound that did register up above, the wet sound of rubber grinding against each other. As he looked up, the opening he came from was filled up by Jace. His waist towering over the condom, and the shaft already making its way down as it touched at Terry's feet. "You wouldn't!" Terry shouted.
"Oh I would" Jace responded back, tugging at the end of the condom as it slipped onto the base of his cock. Taking in the remaining space Terry had left, smothering him in between the cockhead and the plastic wall behind. Gripping firmly around the neck, Jace began to fiercely stroke at the shaft. Gliding up its length with a slow stride, corkscrewing roughly around the head as he gave a firm squeeze at Terry's bulging form. "Grh!..gch!..gch!" He huffed deeply. Focusing on the sensation inside him as a pulse boomed throughout his body. Directing itself towards his shaft as its stiffness grew tighter.
"Well now, didn't know you had that much energy left" Liam admired, washing off the rest of the suds on his body as he watched Jace continue.
"Been saving it, for just the right occasion" Jace responded. As his pace became faster, he focused more along the top of his cock as he could feel the liquid within begin to come out. Oozing pre into the condom as a blotch of cum was visible from with the plastic. With the increased pressure from Terry's pushes, it confirmed it even more. "Aaah!" Jace roared, expunging his seed inside the condom as the end swelled up like a balloon. Terry's bulge becoming lost within it.
For a moment, Jace sat there as he smirked at the condom. Though he couldn't see Terry visibly, he could certainly feel him swimming against him. Little handprints here and there, but not enough to tell the difference from the sways of the seed inside. Taking off the condom, he let his cock slide out with ease. A cum trail following the tip as it broke off once he closed it. Tying the end into a knot before he held at eye level. "Now that, was good" Jace announced, now able to see jostling bulges within as they bumped against the condoms walls.
"I can tell, wouldn't want to be that nerd right now. Gonna be in for quite the swim."
"Indeed, but that's his problem. Now we just gotta give him back to our rivals."
"Oh? How do you want to do it?"
"Oh I've got something in mind.." Jace smiled, grabbing a towel for the two of them as they left the locker.
That following monday, a package arrived in their opponents locker room. A small box with a bow ontop as a note was left on it. "A gift to our generous rivals" it said in underline. The players were puzzled as they gazed at the note, one of them deciding to step forward as they untied the string. Pulling it off, they lifting the lid of it as they took a look inside. The photo with linemen's asses would rest the left side of the box, a used up sock residing the left. And in the center, a used up condom as liquid still remained inside. Soon coming alive as the hand and foot prints punched at the walls.
"Get me out!" Terry's voice yelped out, slightly gargled by the cum inside as the condom stirred in place. The players were disgusted as at the sight as some looked away. But the others continued to stare, as a little note appeared below the condom.
"Here's your nerd back, bet him again and he just come back worse."
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passionforwords · 2 months
« Parfois, l’endroit où l’on se sent le plus seul, c’est au milieu d’une foule. »
Dear Ava de Ilsa Madden-Mills
Les riches et populaires Sharks règnent sur la prestigieuse école de Camden Prep.
Il fut un temps où je voulais faire partie de leur monde... jusqu’à cette fameuse nuit, jusqu’à cette fête où tout a basculé. Celle où je me suis réveillée dans les bois, sans aucun souvenir. Seule et démunie.
Mais désormais, je suis de retour. Et je ne les laisserai plus m’atteindre. Ils ne parviendront pas à me détruire.
Pourtant, la dernière chose à laquelle je m’attendais, c’était de recevoir une lettre d’amour anonyme de l’un de ces types.
Pitié ! Je déteste chacun de ces enfoirés pour ce qu’ils m'ont fait.
La question est, quel Shark est mon admirateur secret ?
Knox, le quarterback balafré ? Dane, son frère jumeau ? Liam, le connard de service ? Ou Chance, l’ex qui m’a larguée... ?
Mais surtout, lequel d’entre eux est responsable de ce qu’il s’est passé cette nuit-là ?
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evilovesyou · 1 year
The lovely @haztobegood @kingsofeverything and @justalarryblog tagged me to do this. Thank you!
Pick any 10 of your fics, scroll somewhere to the mid point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
🐕 whatever you feel like doing in this moment (1.9k | Larry | improv actors)
“I saw you pee with your leg raised up like you’re a dog.”
🎸 they’re laughin’ and drinkin’ and havin’ a party (4.2k | Larry | Hurt/Comfort)
It took him a while to realize that the melody he was hearing wasn’t what Harry was drumming out on his skin, but what Niall had started strumming on his guitar.
🏞 across the river is where my heart is (8.1k | Larry | girl!direction revolution au)
She would later come to think of it like a muscle: her justice muscle, that had been pulled and beaten into a mold that it couldn’t fit and was so sore that she couldn’t ignore it anymore.
📖 The Journal (13.9k | Larry | magic soulmates au)
“If you were born a hundred years after this was written, how did you write it?” Liam asked, confusion shown plainly in the way his eyes were slightly squinted, in the creasing of his forehead and the tilt of his mouth. 
🍎 Must be the Season of the Witch (14.5k | Larry | girl!direction witch au)
“I made an apple. How sick is that?”
💋 starin' back from the lookin' glass (there stood a woman where a half-grown boy had stood) (23.7k | Larry | trans/genderfluid Harry)
“Kiss me,” she whispered, because if she was going to have to let this man go, then she couldn’t without at least giving him her first real kiss. The first one she actually meant.
🌸 Lies & Liability (34.3k | Larry | regency ABO)
Harry could not help himself, he freed his hands and leaned over to hug his saviour and be enveloped in that wonderful scent of cinnamon and sandalwood with that touch of magnolias.
🏈 But I’m the Quarterback (51.9k | Larry | but i’m a cheerleader au)
“I’m not supposed to like you,” Harry said, tears welling up in his eyes again, threatening to drown him. 
❄️ like cranberries on a winter evening (57.7k | Larry, Lewis/Niall, Ziam | advent fic)
”…Everybody knows when you eat the nose of somebody who is fun, you temporarily gain their abilities,” Harry pointed out.
🧛 From What I've Tasted of Desire (71.5k | Larry | twilight au)
“It’s not my fault you look ridiculously attractive right now,” Harry whispered, shrugging slightly and reaching out to brush a strand of hair off of Louis’ forehead with a lightning-fast motion.
This was a lot of fun! I'll tag @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @lululawrence @jacaranda-bloom @fallinglikethis @londonfoginacup @allwaswell16 @hazzabeeforlou and @disgruntledkittenface if you're up for it and haven't done it yet. <3
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simsgalaxy · 4 months
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Introducing Liam Beckett
He was the high school quarterback and the hottest boy in schoo. It was no wonder when he bagged the most popular girl, Liliana. They strated they high school romance and soon after they got pregant. Before even graduating.
He knew he had to marry her and make her an honest woman. He lived on his own ever since he could and he wouldn't let his kids have the same fate. They eloped quickly without telling their families and started their lives together. The kids kept comming even if their relationship went bad. His career was put on hold, deciding to help in the house and not take any responsabilities with the team.
His wife makes more money as a simfluencer and never lets him forget it. He has been demoted to a roomate in his own house, taking care of his kids and keeping the appereances for her fans.
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blithesometrait · 1 year
Teen-A-Day Challenge | Day 5: Freshman
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Liam Chamberlain (he/him) is a freshman and excited to start at Copperdale High! 'New year new me' right, or is that just for New Year's? Oh well! He is ready to make a name for himself and have fun. He's pretty sure he's straight, but that quarterback sure is looking—UH NOPE, TOTALLY TOTALLY STRAIGHT. Anyways...Liam loves gaming and his favourite game is Life is Strange. He is looking forward to joining the robotics club too. He is a geek, socially awkward, and has the computer whiz aspiration.
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seblaine-rph · 1 year
do you have any suggestions for alt fcs for finn?
Personally, I love him as a dopey white guy simply because it means that an exploration of the "idiot white guy learns better" concept is available. His decision making in season one was very, very white hetero male, in my opinion. He didn't like certain things, but he went along with them because they didn't hurt him personally. He was a leader, but not because he really seemed to have earned it but because he was the quarterback, so it was handed to him. When he joined the Glee club, he was forced to be introduced to a minority crowd and eventually learned some good things and became a better person and leader. Aesthetically, he's got to have some muscle but not be super buff or without a little body fat. Someone with a great smile that melts hearts but also a dopey smile that makes people laugh.
This is a list of men of all ethnicities that I could see as Finn, you'll probably want to do a quick Google search for problematic issues before picking for sure because I did not. I just asked Google or comedians under 40:
Devin Druid
Antoine Olivier Pilon
John Boyega
Lucas Hedges
Bowen Yang
Tye Sheridan
Liam James
Hasan Minhaj
Tony Revolori (I looked at a Willow gif hunt and idk for sure if you'll have resources of him smiling, his face is just the right kind of cute)
Charlie Rowe
Nat or Alex Wolff, but more Nat than Alex
Kelvin Harrison Jr.
Connor Jessup
Chad Michael Murray
Manny Jacinto
Marshall Williams played Spencer on Glee, but his look fits
Will Poulter
Cameron Monoghan
Josh Hutcherson
George MacKay
Logan Lerman
Jack Whitehall
Jaboukie Young-White
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ginger-grimm · 2 years
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Full Name: Celeste Margaret Morris
Birthdate: October 9th, 1993
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Species: Human
Family: Miriam Morris, née Lawson (Mother), Steven Morris (Father, deceased), Margaret Lawson (Maternal Grandmother, deceased)
Love Interest: Rachel Berry
Friends: Mike Chang, Artie Abrams, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel, Brittany S. Pierce, Sam Evans, Unique Adams
Likes: Astronomy, acting, everything soft, snack cakes, the color blue, her mother and grandmother, 90s movies, nail polish, energy drinks, vibrant colors
Dislikes: Bullies, action movies, gossip, pretty much any music after 2010, the ocean, heat
Phobias: Spiders
Style: Kinda school girl chic but she mixes it up as well, skirts and blouses with stockings and dress shoes, but will also just dress like an 80s final girl some days, knows how to dress up for fancy functions, always wears rings and necklaces, has a special necklace with her birth stone
Speech: American accent, kind of sultry voice, very sweet speech, 50/50 on cursing
Physical Quirks/Scars: Has a scar on her left shoulder which she acquired when she fell off the roof while stargazing
Personality: Sweet, demure, socially akward, shy, protective, loyal, easily falls in love, bit of a pushover, harmony-seeking
Background: Celeste was born and raised in Liam, Ohio under the watchful eye of her parents. At seven years old, she loses her father to an accident, which throws her mother for a spiral so bad her grandmother moves into town to look after both of them. Margaret Lawson doted on her granddaughter, teaching her what it is like to be a proper lady and always having her tag along on events. Celeste grows to tolerate it, but she has never liked being the center of attention, often opting to stick to the refreshment table at parties instead of socializing. Celeste has always had her head in the stars, just not in the daydreaming way. Okay, maybe in the daydreaming way as well, but her true passion has always been exploring the sky and all of its contents. Then comes the summer before sophomore year of high school, when her grandmother takes her mom and herself to a fancy resort where she, unfortunately at first, runs into one Rachel Berry. Though quickly Rachel becomes her one and only solace in a resort filled mostly with people over the age of thirty. On their last night there, things get hot and heavy, but both of them decide to leave it at that and focus on their respective high school career paths once more. Celeste immerses herself into the astronomers club once more, while also taking on little roles in the plays put on by the local youth center and funded by her grandmother. It is here that she ends up being thrust into the role of Frenchy in Grease and ends up falling in love with being on stage. The Margaret dies, and Miriam is sent into another tailspin which throws Celeste’s entire life off track. There is nothing she can do to help, and school isn’t getting any better with Rachel breathing down her neck about joining the New Directions to buff their numbers. Celeste can’t join them, not when she still has a raging crush on Rachel, who would rather pine after the quarterback who just accidentally impregnated his head-cheerleader girlfriend. Oh, but it wasn’t actually him, rather his best friend which Celeste now knows as well. Now more than anything, Celeste Morris wishes she could just fly to the moon and never come back to Earth.
Faceclaim: Maude Apatow
TAGGING: @waterloou​ @firsthorror ​@eddysocs​ @ocs-supporting-ocs​ @foxesandmagic ​@veetlegeuse​ @decennia​ @hiddenqveendom​ @arrthurpendragon​ @luucypevensie ​@richitozier​ @noratilney​ @jvstjewels ​@oneirataxia-girl​ @wordspin-shares​ @booty-boggins​  
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infiinitys · 11 months
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LIZETH SELENE. THEY/SHE / have you ever heard of EAT ME by demi lovato + royal the serpent, well, it describes JETT CORRIGAN-ORTIZ to a tee! the twenty-six year old, and LOUNGE SINGER @ PROHIBITION LOUNGE + KEYBOARDIST/SYNTH AND BACKING VOCALS FOR FISH BRAINS was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say THEY/SHE are/is more cocky or more ASSERTIVE instead? anyway, they remind me of gromit belts holding up jeans that are most certainly to big for them, tapping in rhythm to the music in their mind, smoking a cigarette outside of a dimly-lit diner & a bullshit meter that never fails them, maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝚃𝚁𝙸𝙶𝙶𝙴𝚁 𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶 : cancer, parental death, hospitals, coma, car crash
It's almost like you know your child is going to be a rock star when you name them Jett, after the infamous Joan Jett. While both of Jett's moms take credit for the name, it was Molly's love of badass female rockers that won the day.
Born into a home to Gloria and Molly Corrigan-Ortiz -- Jett was loved from the very moment their moms held them in the hospital. Having been shoved in boxes by extremely conservative parents in their respective childhoods, Gloria and Molly knew that they always wanted their child to have the freedom to be themselves.
Interests were never chosen for them, and Jett always was given the right to let their moms know that it was onto the next.
Jett has always been a magnetic personality, confident, kind and loud -- something that at times has been a detriment. Occasionally this drove people away.
The interest that stuck out the most was music. From the very moment she touched a piano, it seemed like it was made for them. Classical piano practically became their identity, something that changed when she was fifteen. One thing they'd learn the older they got? They had a killer voice to match. One that grabs a hold of you and never lets you go.
This was when they discovered rock and punk. From there, they started playing the keys for a local rock group out of their high school. This was their ticket into the popular crowd.
In high school - because of their newfound popularity they felt like they had to keep up appearances to keep their "friends" around. By senior year they were the captain of the cheerleading squad, dating the quarterback and even won prom queen.
They were familiar with Jaden Lapointe and Liam Kumar in high school. In a way, Jett was jealous of them. They were completely themselves, who they wanted to be. And fuck, had Jett become so damn used to living a lie. It felt like home.
Graduating felt like sweet relief. They dumped their football-for-brains boyfriend ( not that the decision didn't come with some amount of pain, they had really loved him for a time ) before they went off to Berklee College of Music in Massachusetts.
Those years in college were transformative, as their moms said it would be. Jett stopped playing classical completely and turned their focus to singing and playing the music that they loved. They even released a couple of their own solo songs, something that gained her significant traction online.
However, nothing really ever made them feel complete. There was a point in time when they thought about quitting music all together. However, their moms always encouraged them to keep going. Keep growing.
And so, they continued to work on some solo work, playing some freelance gigs and even landed a couple bands. However, none of them were ever really the right fit. Getting a job at the lounge helped things become a bit more stable as they kept looking.
The answer they had been looking for finally came when they impulsively went out with some friends and ran into Fish Brains a couple of years ago at a gig - completely by chance. They had to reintroduce themselves to Liam and Jaden, considering they looked completely different than they did back then. They were finally themselves. The familiar classmates soon recruited Jett as their keyboardist and background vocalist.
Since high school, Jett had never stayed with a band for more than a couple months. The biggest reason? They didn't believe the band could go the distance. However, they have complete faith in their bandmates and believe that they have a strong career ahead of them.
Three years ago, Gloria and Molly followed their child to Notting Hill with news that would shake them to their very core, Molly had been diagnosed with stage four cancer. Not only did they relocate because of the medical care that would allow Molly to get treated by the best money could buy, it would allow their child to be around their mother.
The inevitable finally came close to a year ago when Molly passed away. Without the band, Jett might have crumbled. However, the only time they allowed themselves to break was at the funeral.
Grieving has been a slow and painful process for them, something that they'd rather die than admit out loud. They never wanted to burden anyone, especially their loved ones. However, they see Molly everywhere they go. In the trees, in the sky, especially in the songs they write.
A couple months ago, Gloria got hit by a drunk driver and was put on life support with some hope for recovery. It's a sliver, but it's enough for Jett. They are currently trying their best to juggle the medical bills alongside daily expenses... but they can't lose Gloria. This is something that has caused them to overextend themselves and have been trying their best to hide it from their bandmates.
Pansexual and puts an extreme emphasis on the fact that they have no preference in gender.
Wears mostly clothing they find in thrift stores.
Hands are littered with rings to the point that it looks like they're wearing silver knuckles.
Making music your day job and your side job doesn't always pay. They currently live in an apartment with two other roommates, people that are very important in her life.
Has a beautiful Persian cat named Iggy. That is their child, he is their everything.
Definitely very particular when it comes to love. At least, that's what they like to say... completely ignoring their crippling fear of losing someone they love and the heartbreak that would follow.
Loves her bandmates. Even Jedi, something they would never tell him to his face. They've never expected them to be anything but themselves.
Has had quite the journey of self acceptance. Identified as nonbinary initially before coming out as genderfluid this past year.
more to come.
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
by larrypowerrr
Louis gostava de conhecer profundamente tudo aquilo que o atraía. Os sentimentos e enigmas de Harry Styles, quarterback e capitão do time de futebol, não eram uma exceção. Principalmente quando Tomlinson é convidado a vivenciar as pequenas e melhores coisas do mundo com Harry antes que seja tarde demais para os dois. Ou, por uma escolha que parece fazer o tempo correr mais rápido a cada respiração, somente para Styles.
Words: 913, Chapters: 1/24, Language: Português brasileiro
Fandoms: Harry's House - Harry Styles (Album), Harry Styles - Fandom, Louis Tomlinson - Fandom, Larry Stylinson - Fandom, One Direction, niall horan - Fandom, liam payne - Fandom, zayn malik - Fandom, Ephemeral fanfic, larrie - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Rape/Non-Con
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson
Relationships: BoyxBoy - Relationship, Larry Stylinson
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/ZLnBwiA
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thepenguinclub · 2 years
The Junior Lit. and Lang. Class of Mr. Sanders and what Happens in It
part of series, this is the first part, with the second part here and the third part here. here is the masterpost.
romantic lamp, pre-relationship, first meetings, virgil and a butt-ton of ocs, soulmate au, genius virgil
Wordcount: 8370
“Everyone’s here,” he said, and he put the attendance on his desk to enter into the database later. He picked up his coffee and took a sip, then came around and sat on the edge of his desk, so he was directly in front of Marcy and Jill’s desks. Jill smiled at him, and he smiled back warmly.
“So?” James asked with thinly veiled curiosity. Steph didn’t even try to hide her curiosity when they followed up with “What happened?”
Virgil took another sip of his coffee, before putting it next to him on the desk and crossing his legs.
“Okay, so,” he started, and everyone leaned forwards slightly, “I might be meeting my soulmates today.”
Virgil is nineteen years old, out of college and teaching a class of High School juniors, which is a fancy way of saying he has access to a room full of teenagers who are happy to give him advice.
Good. He needs it. Because he had no idea what to do with this whole soulmate thing.
I am in pain and bored and not having a great day, so I finished this WIP up and am posting it during my fifth period.
Literally I have whole-ass backstories for these ocs okay I Love Them. Many or based on people I know in real life.
If the quality takes a sudden dive off a cliff, I’m blaming it on the fact that twenty minutes ago when I started to finish this was the first time I opened this doc in months.
Also, this oneshot references a song that plays. It’s called the Sound of the Underground, specifically the cover by Ortopilot. I link the song in the fic when you should listen to it if you would like to do that, but obviously you don’t have to. It’s a good song, though, I recommend it.
Any corrections would be appreciated. Thanks to @rozhanelle for betaing and listening to me rant about my ocs, I love you. <3
WARNINGS: Swearing, mentions of prejudice (homophobia but for soulmates essentially), mentions of loss, grief, descriptions of food, eating and drinking (not alcohol)
Let me know if I missed anything.
The door of the classroom banged against the wall as Virgil shoved it open with more force than necessary. All of the students looked up from whatever they were doing, except for Jill, whose hearing aids were broken and the new ones weren’t going to arrive until Friday. Marcy, Jill’s QPP, nudged her.
Virgil stumbled on his way to his desk, and a few papers from the seemingly hundreds that he was holding fluttered to the floor. He cursed quietly, then cursed loudly when he tripped on his untied boot laces and the papers went everywhere.
“Sanders!” Liam yelled alarmed, at the same time that Jay and Harri both asked if he was okay. All three of the juniors got up from their desks to help him up, and Benny and Lacey helped to pick up the papers on the floor, stopping to trade a whisper between them that made Benny blush through his ears, which caused Lacey to smirk proudly, braces flashing.
Virgil sighed as he accepted Liam’s hand up, and yelped when the football quarterback and wrestler practically threw him across the room. Liam frowned.
“You’re lighter than my sibling is,” he said, and Jay lifted their head up to stick their tongue out, the piercing in it catching the light.
“No one cares, Rock,” they said, and Virgil smiled slightly at the term of endearment. The twins were always entertaining.
He accepted the papers from Harri gratefully, and ze smiled at him. 
“Rough morning?” ze asked, and Dylan barked out a laugh.
“He can’t be hungover, he’s 19,” he said, and Kane, his best friend, fist-bumped him.
Harri rolled zir eyes. “Just because you and your idiot parade drink and drive every night doesn’t mean he has to.” Ze turned to look at Virgil, who was glaring at his desk. “He could have just had a rough night’s sleep.”
Virgil looked at zir and smiled. “Sit down, I’ll tell you about it.” 
Harri, Jay, Liam, Lacey and Benny all went back to their desks, and Virgil finally made his way to his own. He set his papers down on the corner, plugged his laptop, and leaned back on the wall, sipping his coffee.
“Well, Mr. Sanders?” Grace asked, slipping her phone into her pocket. Steph and Kitty followed her example, both sitting up straight and looking at Virgil curiously. The fourth of their group, Bee, looked up from his fidget toy, but didn’t stop pressing the buttons on the sides.
Most of the class was ready to listen, their attention having been grabbed by the loud entrance.
“Let me take attendance first,” he said, and he placed his coffee on the desk in exchange for his attendance clipboard, which he kept in the top drawer. He clicked his purple gel pen a few times experimentally.
“Today let’s do… favorite way to eat potatoes,” Virgil said, and he glanced up to see everyone with their thinking faces on. After being their teacher for a few months now, Virgil was well acquainted with these faces.
He set his pen on the first box. “Bail, Danni.”
“Tater tots,” Danni said, and Virgil placed a check mark next to their name.
“Barns, Kane.”
“Fries, obviously,” he scoffed, and Dylan nodded in approval. Virgil checked the box.
“Berry, Bee.”
Bee took a second, before saying “baked potato.”
Virgil glanced up. “Toppings?”
Bee smiled. “Sour cream, cheese, butter, onion.”
Virgil nodded at him, and smiled back. “Good choice. And I love the hair.”
Bee subconsciously tugged at his newly cut and dyed blue hair. “Thanks.”
Virgil checked the box.
“Carlyle, Benny.”
“Whipped potatoes.”
“Charles, Sarah.”
“Connor, Dylan.”
“Fries, duh.”
Dominguez, Grace and Farrah, Kitty both said mashed, and Garner, James said baked, just butter.
Virgil ‘tsked’ as he shook his head. “You’re missing out, James.”
He checked the box anyway.
“Harris, Vivienne.”
“Tater tots.”
“Jana, Jill.”
Jill smiled when Virgil looked at them, and she signed to Marcy, who translated easily. 
“They said ‘fries.’”
Virgil nodded, and checked the box.
James, Lacey, Jefferson, Miley and Laghari, Abhi all agreed on fries, and Marcus, Danny surprised the room when he said “none.”
Danni Bail turned to their boyfriend with a betrayed look on their face. “Excuse me?”
Danny smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, DB, I’m just not a huge fan of potatoes in general.”
Danni stared at Danny for a few seconds before shaking their head. “I’m breaking up with you.”
“Babe, come on-“
Virgil checked the box.
Reddy, Mahika preferred candied potato skins, Shima, Stephanie liked potato wedges, and Smith, Jay liked tater tots.
“Really?” Liam said, looking at his sibling surprised. “You used to love fries.”
“Too much,” Jay grumbled. “I’ll never forgive myself for making myself hate fries by eating them all the time.”
“Well, I still love fries.”
“I know , Rock, you beg mom for McDonald’s after every football practice.”
“Okay, but you ask for Taco Bell after every track practice, so-“
Virgil checked both of their boxes.
Thorn, Harri preferred potato wedges, Urano, Patrick liked fries, and Washington, Kayla agreed with him.
“White, Marcy?”
“I like tater tots,” she said, pushing up her purple glasses and signing quickly with one hand to Jill.
Virgil checked the last box, then looked up and smiled brightly. 
“Everyone’s here,” he said, and he put the attendance on his desk to enter into the database later. He picked up his coffee and took a sip, then came around and sat on the edge of his desk, so he was directly in front of Marcy and Jill’s desks. Jill smiled at him, and he smiled back warmly.
“So?” James asked with thinly veiled curiosity. Steph didn’t even try to hide her curiosity when they followed up with “What happened?”
Virgil took another sip of his coffee, before putting it next to him on the desk and crossing his legs. 
“Okay, so,” he started, and everyone leaned forwards slightly, “I might be meeting my soulmates today.”
Sarah and Miley squealed loudly from their seats in the back of the room, their hands flapping. Everyone had grins on their faces, smiling widely. Liam laughed a little.
“Congrats, man,” he said. 
“Well?” Kitty asked, wiggling in her chair. “How did it happen?”
Virgil chuckled a little. He loved his students. 
“Have I mentioned that I teach GED classes?” he asked, and a few students nodded as a few others shook their heads. “Okay, well, I teach English classes to people getting their GEDs, y’know, adults trying to get their high school diploma,” Virgil explained. “The classes are at a college about 45 minutes away, in one of the lecture halls, from 7:00-8:30 and 8:45-10:15. Usually, in between classes I go and get a coffee from the Starbucks across the street, but it was closed last night, so I walked a few blocks to another small coffee shop-cafe thingy.”
Everyone in the class was listening attentively, and Virgil smiled. 
“So the barista takes my order, whatever, and when they go to hand me the drink they see my soulmarks.” Virgil lifted his right hand up to show his palm. There was a light blue heart and a dark blue brain stamped neatly in the middle, to show exactly where he and his soulmates would first touch. There was also a third, a red crown on the inside of his fingers on his left hand.
“And they say “are those your soulmarks?” And I’m like, well, shit, they're a purist.” Virgil brought his hand down to his lap. Multiple students flinched at the thought of soulmate purists, the people who thought that you had one soulmate who you had to marry. The more radical ones had been abusing and harassing platonic soulmates, those who were markless, and those with multiple marks since forever, although, thankfully, the purist numbers were thinning out, progressive thinking taking charge.
“Of course, I’ve had to deal with purists my whole life,” Virgil continued, and he saw a few people frown. Liam reached out and grabbed Jay’s hand, and Virgil winced. Liam was markless, and Jay and their soulmate Kian were platonic, so the siblings had first hand experience, just like Virgil did. 
“So I was ready, and I kind of went “yeah, what about it,” but then this person made this face like they had just realized what they said, and they went “oh, shit, that sounded super purist-y, huh? No, I said that ‘cause I know your soulmates, they’re regulars here.”” Virgil smiled widely at his student’s reactions. They ranged from Kayla and Mahika high fiving excitedly, to Danny and Liam both wolf-whistling.
“I was a little skeptical, ‘cause, like, what are the chances? But they said that if I gave them their number they’d give it to my soulmates when they came in this morning, so I did and now I’m just waiting for them to text me,” Virgil finished. 
“And let me guess,” Danny said. “You stayed up all night freaking out about it and forgot to set your alarm, and you only woke up when your mom dropped Thomas off for you to take to school.”
Virgil scowled at him, and the entire class erupted into giggles. 
Thomas was Virgil’s little brother, who was seven. Because Virgil’s mom started her shift at the hospital at 7:30 and Thomas didn’t start school until 8:00, she dropped him off at Virgil’s apartment every day so he could drop Thomas off on his way to the high school. Thomas still ended up being early, as Virgil had to get to his own school around the same time, but it all worked as well as it could. 
His students knew about Thomas because Virgil had talked about him on more than one occasion, and because he had brought Thomas in to sit in the back of the classroom when his school day was canceled at the last minute and they couldn’t find a sitter. All of his students had loved him, and they frequently asked how he was doing.
The downside of his students knowing all about him was that they always saw through his bullshit, which was kind of annoying.
“Okay, okay, everyone,” Virgil said, and he raised his hands to quiet the room. It did quiet, although there were a few scattered sounds of muffled giggling. He got up and walked to the white board, then turned to address the class.
“Hopefully no one needs this reminder,” he said, “but here it is anyway. We have a unit test in two classes.” Virgil turned and wrote the date of the test in purple marker across the whiteboard, both so people could copy it and to give the students time to silently panic about forgetting. He turned around again. “That means it’s not the next class, but the class after that. The test will be on paper and has 25 questions, 15 of which are multiple choice and 10 of which are short answers.”
Virgil pointed his marker sternly. “This means that for those of you who had the surprised pikachu face on when I reminded you of the test,” a few students grinned at him, “I recommend studying. The test date has been on the board for the whole unit, but I suppose I can write it bigger on the board.” Virgil copied the test information under the date, which included which material they were going over.
When he turned around, Vivienne was raising her hand. He pointed at her with the marker. “Madam Harris?”
Vivienne smiled at him and tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. “Are we doing a class review?”
“Yes!” Virgil gestured with the marker at Vivienne. “You, Miss Harris, just earned yourself a candy after providing the perfect segue into what we’re doing today.” He jogged over to his desk and opened the bottom drawer, which had a large bowl full of candy in it. He walked down to where Vivienne sat, and reached over Patrick in order to let her pick her piece.
One of his student’s favorite things that Virgil did was give candy rewards for the most random things, like giving a cool answer for the attendance or even wearing nice shoes. Virgil liked it because it always made whoever earned the candy happy, because who didn’t like random candy?
“So!” he said, after Vivienne had picked out a pink starburst. He walked back to the front of the classroom, put the candy away, and faced everyone again. Virgil tried to only talk when Jill could see him, that way she could read his lips. “As the lovely Vivienne asked, this class and next class will both be review classes. The first half will be a group review, and the second will be an individual/partner review.”
Virgil leaned back on the whiteboard. “As for group review activities, we have two options. We can either do a Ka-”
He was cut off by the ding of a phone. More specifically, he was cut off by the ding of his phone.
Everyone’s gazes were brought to the innocent looking iPhone with the Nightmare Before Christmas case. It dinged again.
They stared at it. It dinged again, and then one more time, before falling silent.
They all continued to stare at it. 
Fifteen seconds later, Dylan groaned. “Are you gonna answer it or what?”
Virgil hesitantly walked towards it, and stuck his hand out to pick it up, still face down. 
“Go on!” Lacey said loudly, and Steph backed her up.
“It’s not gonna bite!” she said, and there were a few scattered laughs. Virgil glared at them without any heat behind it.
“You don’t know that,” he grumbled, and Liam snorted. 
Virgil turned the phone over and it showed his notifications when it recognized his face. Four text notifications, from three unknown numbers, all in a group chat.
Virgil sucked in breath and opened the group chat. He looked up, eyes wide. He didn’t bother to blow his purple-tinted bangs out of his eyes.
“It’s them,” he said, and the room erupted into noise. Juniors in high school competed to yell over each other, some offering words of encouragement and some just squealing.
“Shut up!” Jay yelled, and the room fell silent. They turned to Virgil. “Well?” they said impatiently. “What does it say?”
Virgil looked at the messages. He read the first one out loud. 
““Salutations,”” he started, and Dylan snorted, ““my name is Logan Croft. My pronouns are he/him. Remy, the barista at ‘Bean Factory,’ gave us your number. We confirmed that my partners and I are in fact your soulmate with the picture of your soulmark, as we all have it. The other two numbers in this chat are our other soulmates. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”” Virgil looked up at the class. “That’s the first message.”
Danny shook his head in disbelief. “Only you could get a soulmate that talks like that.”
Kane nodded his agreement. “Who is he, Shakespeare?”
Grace shook her head. “If he was Shakespeare it would have sounded more like ‘dearest soulmate of mine, thou ist a lovely individual whom I have become enraptured with at the mere mention of thou’s existence-’” 
Harri cut her off with a roll of zir eyes and a clearing of ze’s throat. “You were saying?” ze asked, turning to Virgil.
Virgil nodded, then read the second message. 
““Good morning! It is wonderful to meet you! My name is Roman Royal, he/him. We’re all ecstatic to get to know you, as we have been waiting for you for quite a while. I’m sure you are beautiful and lovely, just as our other partners are. Again, it is truly amazing to meet you.””
Miley giggled. “With a last name like Royal, he’s the one who should be Shakespeare.”
“I can’t believe two of your soulmates talk like cartoon characters,” Patrick added quietly. 
“Well?” Marcy prompted. “Are you three-for-three?”
Virgil looked down at the last two messages. ““Hi! I’m Patton Hart, he/him! It’s super super cool to meet you, and, like the other two said, we’re all really excited!”” Virgil looked up. “Then it’s just a message full of emojis ranging from a heart to a cat.”
Jill laughed when Marcy finished translating, and a few students joined her. Virgil scowled playfully at them.
“Hey, those are my soulmates you’re laughing at,” he said, although, truthfully, he kind of wanted to laugh too. They all seemed to have interesting personalities, and Virgil was a little shocked that he was meeting them at all. He’d been waiting nineteen years for this.
Virgil was raised by his mom and dad.
Money was tight. Both his mom and dad worked, but they both had debt from school, and Virgil’s dad’s parents were in the hospital a lot when Virgil was a kid, so the hospital bills just added to the strain.
Virgil was always a smart kid. IQ of 179, certified genius, he knew that the sooner he graduated school the sooner he was less of a financial burden. So when his teachers started offering to bump him up in the classes, he convinced his parents to let him. He took summer classes, night classes, and took tests to skip some classes altogether. For lack of a better term, he worked his fucking ass off. His mom was always worried he was pushing himself, but his dad was always so proud. Sometimes Virgil wondered if he was actually giving off rays of sunlight with the force of his smiles. He was more excited for Virgil to meet his soulmates than Virgil was, even though parents tended to tell him he should be ashamed to have a kid with multiple marks. His dad just glared at them and said that they should be ashamed, and then he would hug Virgil and tell him that he loved Virgil just as he was, and that he would always be proud of Virgil.
His dad died in a car accident when Virgil was eleven. His mom was pregnant with Thomas, and over the agony of overwhelming grief, Virgil promised his father’s grave that he would continue to make him proud.
He graduated high school at 14. He made national news when he was accepted into one of the best colleges in the country on a full-ride scholarship, which they made special adjustments to so he could take the classes online. He needed to raise Thomas, afterall, considering that his mom was working almost 24/7.
Virgil graduated college when most kids were being enrolled, at 18. He got his teaching license, and was hired, and now he was here. In the November before his 20th birthday, with a full time teaching job, as well as a part-time job teaching people as old as triple his age.
He hoped his dad was proud of him.
“Mr. Sanders?” Bee’s soft voice snapped Virgil from his thoughts, and he sent a reassuring smile to the blue-haired boy.
“Sorry,” he said, “I spaced for a second.”
“It’s okay,” Kayla called.
Mahika nodded at her friend. “We’ve all been there.”
Danni smiled at Virgil. “You decided what you're gonna say to your soulmates?”
Virgil’s own smile dropped. “Oh, shit.”
“You totally forgot,” James laughed, and a few students joined in. Virgil stuck his tongue out.
“What do I say?” he asked, and Jay sighed.
“Why don’t you start with ‘hi, I’m Virgil?’” they suggested dryly, but Virgil missed the sarcasm, instead going back to the groupchat to start typing, nodding as he did so.
“Yeah, okay, that makes sense,” he said, and Liam cackled.
“Your name’s Virgil?” Dylan asked. Virgil glanced up from his phone. 
Dylan smirked. “Weird name, where’d you get it? Mordor?”
Virgil smirked back. “Dante’s Inferno, which you will be reading in the spring.”
The majority of the class dissolved into muffled giggles and laugh-turned-coughs.
Dylan dropped his smirk. He stared at Virgil for a second. “I don’t like you,” he finally announced, and Virgil frowned.
“Aw, I’m sorry, honey. Should we go to the court? Make it official?” 
Jill smacked a hand over her mouth when Marcy finished her signing, and Danny didn’t even try and hide his amusement.
“Dylan, how does it feel to be owned by a teacher?” he asked, and Danni smacked him lightly.
Dylan scowled. “He’s nineteen, he barely even counts.”
Liam raised an eyebrow, grinning. “He could be seven and still count as a teacher if he was, y’know, teaching us Lit. & Lang. as a job. Which he is now.” He frowned. “Teaching us, that is. He’s not seven.”
Jay snickered, and Liam flipped them off.
Dylan’s scowl deepened. “I hate this class.”
Virgil bit on his smile. At the beginning of the year he would have believed that and felt bad, but ever since he learned that both Dylan and Kane skipped practically every class other than his, he stopped believing Dylan’s remarks.
This was further proved by the conversation he had heard a few weeks prior. Dylan, Kane and a few of their friends had been vaping outside when Virgil had dropped his stuff just out of their view and had the incredibly good fortune to overhear them.
Their friend had asked if they could skip and go to the shopping center during first, and Kane had declined. When their friend asked why, Dylan replied with “we don’t skip first, that’s Lit. & Lang.”
“What teacher could you possibly have that makes Lit. & Lang. a good class?” their friend had asked, disbelieving.
“Sanders,” Dylan answered simply, and a voice Virgil had recognized as Jacob Harper from his sixth period spoke next.
“Oh, hell yeah. He’s why I don’t skip sixth.”
“No joke?” There was a silence, and Virgil had assumed they were nodding. “Isn’t he the teenager that wears a leather jacket and hoodie and gives out candy for no reason?”
There had been a crinkling of a wrapper. 
“Got this for answering ‘therizinosaurus’ when he asked what my favorite dinosaur was,” Kane said, and was met with silence. “What? I had a dinosaur phase as a kid. Don’t judge me.”
“Damn,” their friend finally had said. “Can I transfer?”
Virgil would be the first to admit that hearing his students like him made him do a little happy dance internally. And sometimes externally, if he was alone.
“Have you sent it?” Marcy asked at Jill’s prompting, and Virgil finished typing before hitting the send button quickly, afraid that if he waited he would talk himself out of it.
““Hi, it’s cool to meet you, I’m Virgil. He/him,”” Virgil read the text he had sent out loud.
“How original,” Dylan muttered, and Danny reached in front of him to snatch Dylan’s red beanie off his head. Dylan’s blonde hair stood up in multiple directions, and he scowled, turned around, and ripped it out of Danny’s hand, who was laughing.
“Boys,” Virgil warned, and they both sighed. Virgil had probably made a mistake sitting the two so close to each other, with Dylan directly in front of Danny, but he hadn’t found enough cause to move everyone around, so they were stuck with each other.
Danni set a hand on their boyfriend’s shoulder, and Kane sent Dylan a look, and both boys calmed down slightly.
Virgil set his phone on his desk. No use wasting class time waiting for them to respond.
“Okay,” Virgil said, clapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention. He stood still for a second. “What was I talking about?”
“Group review activities?” Sarah called from the back, tying off the braid she had been doing and moving to grab another part of her bleach-and-brown hair.
“Thank you, Miss Charles!” Virgil called. She smiled at him, and smiled more when he pulled the candy bowl out. Sarah didn’t like candy much, but Virgil had made sure to stock up on gum too, which she did like. He grabbed a piece and walked down to hand it to her.
“Thanks,” she said sweetly, and he nodded.
When he was back at the board and turned towards the class, he continued.
“So, for the group activity we can either do Jeopardy or Kahoot.” Virgil did jazz hands, and a few students laughed. “Hands raised for Jeopardy?” Ten hands. “And for Kahoot?” Twelve. Virgil nodded. He knew that Grace had trouble deciding things, so when she didn’t raise her hand for either he ignored it. They had a clear winner either way.
“Kahoot it is!” he exclaimed, and there was a smattering of claps and cheers.
Virgil walked over to sit down at his computer and brought up the game on the projected screen over the whiteboard. The awful Kahoot music started, and Virgil quickly muted it. He brought up YouTube.
“Any requests for today?” he called.
“Oh, oh!” Lacey said, waving her hand. “Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds!”
“Teenager, MCR!” Kitty yelled.
Danni joined in. “Rio by Duran Duran?”
“This Is How We Do, Katy Perry” from Miley, and “Killer Queen by Queen” from Abhi (which earned him a Hershey kiss) were also added to the queau.
“Baby Shark,” Kane said.
“No!” everyone yelled, and Kane put his hands up in surrender.
“And I think that’s enough to start off with, yeah?’ Virgil said quickly, before Danny could reach forward and punch Kane, who sat next to Dylan.
Virgil set up the music, and the Kahoot, and a few seconds later the students started to take their phones out to put in the game pin as Primadonna started to play through the speakers in the ceiling. 
After confirming that everyone was in the game, he started it, and sat back to watch his students race to answer the questions. Abhi, James and Patrick were always the most intense about it, which was entertaining. James was in the lead, and Patrick and Abhi were furiously waiting for the next question. Mahika and Kayla had seemed to have teamed up, which had resulted in Sarah and Miley teaming up against them, as they were seating partners respectively, with the aisle in between them. Neither were winning in their group, though, because Vivienne was destroying them. Virgil assumed that she had studied with her soulmate, as Patrick had always been good about studying.
Bee, Kitty, Grace and Steph were all much more calm about it, helping each other if one didn’t know the answer. Lacey and Benny were similar, and Virgil got the idea that they had probably studied with each other too. Danny and Danni were the opposite, each attempting to annihilate the other. With the looks they were giving each other, Virgil would have been concerned for their relationship if he didn’t know that for this exact reason they both agreed to temporarily break up and get back together before and after all Kahoot games.
Dylan and Kane were nonchalant about it, almost seemingly not answering at all, although Virigl could tell that they were by the fact that the number of people answering the questions never went down. Marcy and Jill were as sweet as they always were, signing to each other and giggling lightly after every question. 
And lastly, Jay, Liam and Harri, the first two who were trying to one up the other extremely aggressively and the third who was casually winning over every other student.
Virgil grinned into his coffee cup. He would never admit it outloud, but first period was always his favorite. All of his students had great personalities, and it was always a good way to open the day.
His phone buzzed on his desk, and his stomach swooped. He reached over to grab it and opened the groupchat with his soulmates, to see that all three had responded.
Your name is very interesting. Like the poet?
It’s wonderful to meet you! Gosh I’m so excited! How old are you? Do you have any pets? 💖💖💖
Lovely to meet you Virgil! Would you like to get to know each other online or meet in person?
Virgil blew out a breath.
kinda. mostly from the character from dante’s inferno
i’m 19, and i have a fish. his name is fish. it’s super original ;)
as long as you aren’t, like. serial killers, i’d be down to meet in person. i’m assuming y’all go to the college that the cafe was at
We do. That’s very interesting, is your parent a fan of older literature?
I would die for Fish 🐟🐟
We do! You do as well?
Virgil bit his lip. He didn’t wanna come off as the gifted kid that waved it in people’s faces, he hated when people assumed he was like that.
At one question, about half the class got it wrong, and Virgil made a quick note to go over that point. When he went to the scoreboard, multiple names dropped and rose, and there was a chorus of groans and cheers, with the occasional swear word thrown in. Virgil smiled and clicked to the next question.
yeah, my dad loved it a lot. runs in the family i guess
please dont die before i can meet u, that would kinda suck
no, i dont go there
You are also a fan of literature?
As long as Fish does not require my life, I wont! 😁😺😸
Only visiting?
yeah old books and english is kinda my thing
no i live about 45 minutes away
When would be a good time to meet?🥰🥰💕
ill be on the campus for an appointment around 7
maybe we could get coffee or smth at like 615??
That sounds amazing!
Works for us! 😻😻💗💕
I look forward to meeting you.
Virgil set his phone on his desk after the conversation closed with Patton sending a dog gif, and tuned back into the Kahoot game. Harri was still in the lead, followed by Patrick, Abhi, James and Vivienne.
Virgil added more music to the YouTube queau and sat back in his chair, watching his students be incredibly intense about a review game. He sipped his coffee.
The song switched to a new one , one that all of his students recognized immediately. Some had no reaction, as they were too focused on the Kahoot game, but others started grinning, and Mahika and Kayla got out of their seats in the back of the class to dance as they continued to answer the questions, even though there were only a few left.
They got to the last question, and the scoreboard showed, with Harri in first, James in second, Patrick in third, Abhi in fourth and Vivienne in fifth. Sarah, Miley and Vivienne joined their friends in dancing, and Harri did a little victory boogie as well. Virgil got up and grabbed the candy bowl, shimmying down the aisle. The song ended and started again, and he saw Danny roll his eyes at his partner as they danced in their seat. But he was smiling, as was almost every other student, and Virgil smiled too.
Virgil had discovered the song by accident, but it was so fun to dance to that he had obviously had to introduce it to his students. So now it was tradition to dance to it after every Kahoot match. It was a great way to get rid of the tension that Kahoot brought, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.
Lacey pulled Benny into a waltz hold and led him into a calm sway back and forth, which had Benny as red as his sweater. Jay jumped up and down aggressively in the front of the room with Liam as he did all of the classic dance moves, including, but not limited to, the cabbage patch, the sprinkler, and an interesting attempt at the moonwalk. Those who didn’t want to dance tapped to the beat and mouthed the words along with the song, all with bright grins on their faces,
Steph convinced Grace to dance with them, and they twisted their hips uncoordinated while Bee and Kitty laughed at them. Virgil made his way around the room, handing out the candy to the winners and pausing to dance dorkily with anyone who asked it of him.
The song looped again, and he started to make his way back to his desk. He saw Dylan and Kane talking with each other, both nodding absentmindedly to the beat, and he grinned when Dylan did a little hand movement to the song without even noticing.
Virgil made it so the music would end when the song did, and he danced with Jill and Marcy for the rest of the song. Typically, with Jill’s hearing aids in, they were able to hear the song, but because of their current predicament they couldn’t, and Virgil’s heart squeezed with sympathy when she just smiled and nodded to the song, only slightly off beat. He slipped her a piece of candy (green apple Jolly Rancher, her favorite), and their smile became more genuine. Marcy mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ at him while Jill was looking away, and he winked at her.
As the song wound down, Virgil went to the front of the room to observe his students. 
Vivienne had convinced Patrick to dance with her, despite his many complaints of ‘Viv, c’mon, really,’ and she was dancing gracefully (as actual dancers, she, Mahika, Kayla, Sarah and Miley had the natural upperhand during these dance parties) as Patrick awkwardly bobbed along to the song. Abhi and James laughed at him, and high fived when Abhi got a picture.
Miley, Sarah, Kayla and Mahika were dancing cleanly in the back, switching partners and giggling when one of them did a complicated move, no doubt from a performance they had done together.
Kitty and Bee were holding hands on the table, something Virgil had noticed the QPPs did a lot (which always made him smile, because they were best friends okay-), as Steph and Grace shimmied back and forth.
Lacey and Benny were still slow dancing, and Danny and Danni had graduated to Danni obnoxiously dancing right in front of Danny, who had his head in his hands as his partner did an absolutely offensive rendition of what could only be the dance from the end of High School Musical.
Dylan and Kane were playing rock paper scissors and bobbing along to the music, Marcy and Jill were having what must have been a hilarious conversation in sign language (if Jill and Marcy’s giggles were any indicator), and Harri was politely dancing in zir seat.
Jay was still seemingly performing at their own rock concert, and Liam was vogueing aggressively, and Virgil was absolutely floored with the amount of love he had for his first period Literature and Language class of juniors in High School.
Virgil bit on his smile as he went to his computer and looped the song one more time, because he was meeting his soulmates today, damn it. He was allowed to have an extra bit of dance party.
And Virgil was absolutely not ashamed to admit that the looks of absolute delight on almost every single face in the room when the song came on another time had everything to do with it.
The door of the cafe opened gingerly as Virgil hesitantly pushed at it, and a little bell dinged half-heartedly above his head. He glanced around nervously, looking for a group of three, and it didn’t take long to find them. They had taken a table in the back, next to a window and a plant. A pale man wearing a black dress shirt and a navy tie with glasses reading a book, a man with a deep tan, curly red hair and a baby blue cardigan animatedly talking to a dark skinned man with a winning smile and an expensive looking jacket. 
His soulmates.
Virgil entered the cafe fully, checking his appearance subtly in the mirrored counter as he walked up. He had worn both his hoodie and his dad’s leather jacket, because it was cold, and the black skinny jeans that his students said made his legs look good. Adding the secondhand black lace-up boots he had found and taken care of like they were his babies and the multitude of accessories (his good rings, and he even put in the nice silver dangly earrings his mom had gotten him!) and he had thought he looked good, but, looking at his slightly warped reflection with the feeling of eyes on him, Virgil felt like maybe he actually looked horrible and that this was a bad idea.
“Hey babe, what can I getcha?” Remy, the barista, asked, glancing up from their phone. They then straightened, and grinned. “Yo, soulmate dude!” they said, not loud enough for Virgil to be uncomfortable, but definitely loud enough for his soulmates to hear them. Virgil cringed.
“That’s me,” he responded quietly, giving Remy a small smile. Their grin widened.
“Large black coffee plain, right?” they confirmed, already punching in the order. Virgil nodded anyway, and paid when Remy stuck their hand out for the card. Virgil also placed a five in the tip jar, and when Remy noticed they held their hand up for a high five. Virgil's smile became wider and more genuine as he high fived them.
“You can either wait here or head over,” Remy said, gesturing with their head over to the corner Virgil knew his soulmates were in. Virgil nodded gratefully, debating if he should wait or not. Remy went to make the coffee, and by the time Virgil had decided he should just wait, Remy was calling him over to receive the coffee. Virgil walked over and took the coffee, sipping at it gratefully and appreciating the way the bitterness danced across his tongue. He took another sip, just because he liked the taste and not at all because he was stalling.
Remy must have noticed his not-stalling, because their grin softened. 
“It’s gonna be great,” they said. “Lo, Pat and Ro are awesome, don’t worry about it.”
“Easier said than done,” Virgil muttered into his cup, and Remy shrugged.
“Maybe,” they said. “But it’s worth it, isn’t it?”
Virgil took another sip of his coffee, then steeled himself.
“I’m about to find out,” he responded, turning towards the table. All three men looked away quickly, pretending they hadn’t been watching him. Virgil smiled a little.
“Good luck,” Remy called, and Virgil lifted a hand in thanks before he walked over to the table, stopping at the open seat.
The dark skinned man jumped out of his seat, smiling widely. 
“You must be Virgil,” he said, and Virgil nodded on autopilot. “I’m Roman,” the man continued, and he stuck his hand out. 
Virgil stuck his left one out, as his right one was holding his coffee, then realized Roman was probably asking for a handshake and needed his right one. Before he could do anything about that, though, Roman casually grabbed his fingers and bowed, lifting his hand to plant a light kiss on Virgil’s hand. Virgil blinked, then made a noise which might have qualified as one of those ringtones adults couldn’t hear. Roman‘s smile widened and he released Virgil’s hand, which meant it was free for Virgil to press against his cheeks in an attempt to cool them off and bring them down from the obnoxious red he was sure they were.
“Don’t fluster him, Roman,” the tie-wearing man said, setting his book down and standing up. His tone was admonishing, but he was wearing a grin of his own, which meant Roman just ignored him.
He waited for Virgil to set his coffee down on the table before reaching his own hand out, and Virgil didn’t have time to eye it suspiciously before his own hand was lifting without consent from his brain. 
“I’m Logan,” the man said, and he firmly shook Virgil’s hand. Virgil gave him a small smile, and, when his hand was released, turned to his last soulmate. Or the lack of soulmate, because the last one was no longer seated across from where he was standing, but was standing right next to him, smile still on full display.
“I’m Patton!” he exclaimed happily, and he too held his hand out. Virgil shook it, and Patton responded enthusiastically. He bounced on the balls of his feet, curls bouncing with him, and Virgil was abruptly reminded of an excited puppy.
After Virgil had pulled his hand away, as it seemed Patton was happy to have the handshake last as long as possible, Roman steered Patton into his seat, then pulled Virgil’s out for him. Virgil’s face, he knew, was on fire at this point, but he accepted Roman’s offer politely, and settled into the cheap cafe seating.
When everyone was settled, all three soulmates staring at him expectantly, Virgil cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Uh, hi,” he said, and he waved a little. “I’m Virgil.”
Patton pointed to the hand he had used to wave.
“That’s me!” he said excitedly, and Virgil didn’t need to know he was pointing to the blue heart stamped in the palm. 
He pulled the sleeve of his cardigan back to show the identical mark he had, and Logan then did the same to show his own dark blue brain. Roman finished by showing his red crown, and Virgil lifted his left hand to show the same red crown on the inside of his left fingers. He then showed his purple stormcloud printed on his wrist, and the other three showed the same stormcloud, all on their hands.
“It’s wonderful to meet you, Virgil,” Roman said softly, and Virgil couldn’t have stopped the smile that stretched his lips if he wanted to. The rest of them smiled back.
“So, tell us about yourself?” Logan said after a moment, and the other two nodded. Virgil shrugged a little, smile fading enough for him to feel like he should take another sip of his coffee.
“Not much to tell,” Virgil said, because he was pathetic and didn’t want his soulmates to think he was some spoiled smart kid. 
“We want to hear everything,” Patton said kindly. “Do you have any siblings? Favorite food, color, animal?”
“You said you liked literature,” Logan added. “Is that your major?”
“He said he didn’t go here, Lo,” Roman reminded gently. He turned to Virgil. “You mentioned you live 45 minutes away, are you in online school, or not in school?”
Virgil blinked and took another sip of his coffee to stall for time. When he had swallowed and set his coffee down, he answered.
“I have a little brother, he’s seven,” he started, and Patton smiled at him encouragingly. “Favorite food would be coffee, or my mom’s mac and cheese. Favorite color is black or purple, if you couldn’t tell.” He gestured to his outfit, which was made up of those two colors plus a few white accents, and all three laughed. “My favorite animal is a spider. I do like literature, and I…” he paused, turning the words over in his head.
“It’s okay if you aren’t in school,” Roman said after a second. “We aren’t judgy.”
Virgil smiled at him. “That’s nice of you,” he said. “I am… currently not in school, no.”
Logan tilted his head. 
“I, of course, am not judging, and I respect your decision to not attend a college,” he said simply, “but I am curious why not?” Patton shot him a look, and Logan hurried to continue. “If you are uncomfortable sharing you don’t have to, obviously, I am just curious.”
Both Patton and Roman tensed and looked at him worriedly, as if Logan’s question was going to make him angry.
“You don’t have to answer that, sweetie,” Patton said, and Logan’s slight jump told Virgil Patton had done something under the table. 
“Oh, it’s okay,” Virgil said. “Don’t worry, I’m not offended or anything. I get it.”
Patton and Roman relaxed, and Logan smirked at them smugly. 
“I, uh-” Virgil stopped.
When Virgil had talked to his mom about his worries, she had assured him that his soulmates wouldn’t care, and that they’d be proud of him, like she was. And if they did care, they weren’t worth his time anyways. She made sure he knew that he could be perfectly happy without soulmates, like she was now.
That had then caused a much more tearful conversation about Virgil’s dad, but he didn’t need to think about that.
“I’m not in school,” he repeated, “because I already graduated.”
His soulmate's faces were unchanging for a few seconds before they all donned expressions of surprise. 
“Graduated, as in, graduated college?” Logan asked. Virgil nodded.
“And you said you’re nineteen?” Roman followed, eyebrows raised. Virgil nodded again, then took a sip of his coffee. It was almost gone, and he made a mental note to drink slower if he was going to be using it as a momentary escape from every awkward moment of this interaction.
“So you’re a genius?” Patton asked excitedly, smiling widely. 
Virgil made a so-so gesture with his hand.
“Technically I was when I was, like, 12,” he said slowly. “But those tests were a while ago and a lot of people outgrow that category, and I wouldn’t consider myself a genius anyway-“
“Even though you already graduated college at age 19,” Logan interrupted, voice dry but eyes sparkling interestedly. Virgil felt himself flush, and he ducked his head a little.
“You mentioned literature,” Roman said, blessedly changing the subject. “Is that what you studied?”
Virgil nodded.
“Yeah, classics, English and education,” he listed. “I’m a teacher now.”
“What age do you teach?” Patton asked, leaning forward slightly, voice excited. “I’m studying to be a Kindergarten teacher!”
“That’s really cool,” Virgil smiled, “I have a lot of respect for people who teach little kids, they’re such a handful. I teach eleventh grade, and GED classes in the evenings. That’s why I come to the university, I teach in one of the lecture halls.”
Logan raised his eyebrows, and Virgil had just enough warning from Patton’s fond smile and Roman’s affectionate eye roll before he launched into a paragraph of questions.
The rest of their meeting went well. Virgil tried not to talk about himself too much, and instead managed to learn that Logan was majoring in astronautical engineering, as well as a minor in physics, and Roman was a fine arts major with a minor in dance. All three had known each other in high school and were in a closed relationship, but they made sure Virgil knew he was more than welcome if he decided he wanted to join them.
He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but it made his ribs feel all warm, so he told them he’d get back to them on that point.
All too soon his phone alarm was going off, telling him he needed to leave for his class.
“Sorry,” he apologized with a grimace. “I wish I could stay longer.”
“It’s no biggie!” Patton responded cheerfully, bouncing up out of his seat as Virgil rose from his. “Maybe we can plan another meet up?”
Virgil bobbed his head, grinning a little.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
Roman beamed at him, and swept him into a fast hug that left Virgil’s head spinning, which was ridiculous because it was just a hug.
“Until we meet again, My Dark and Stormy Night,” he proclaimed, and Virgil giggled a little hysterically at the nickname, face flushed bright red.
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat, “yeah, right.”
Logan snorted, amused, and reached his hand out for Virgil to shake, which he did with a small smile. Logan matched it. 
Which left Patton, who rounded the table and also squeezed his arms around Virgil’s middle, before backing up and holding up a fist, which Virgil bumped with his own with a little laugh.
“See you later, gator!” Patton said, and that was so cute, wow Virgil was gay.
“Oh, uh,” Virgil stuttered, wondering how to ask for something his students had demanded. Like a bandaid, fast, just rip it off-
“Would it be okay if we maybe got a selfie?” he asked, cringing out how stupid that sounded. “Uh, my students were asking for one to see what you looked like.”
Roman’s smile widened until it looked almost painful.
“You told your students about us?” he asked teasingly. Virgil shrugged, blushing a little.
“I tell my students everything,” he said honestly, and Patton cooed.
“That is, objectively, adorable of you,” Logan said, and Virgil sputtered, bush ratcheting up a notch. 
“Of course we can get a selfie for your students, sweetie!” Patton exclaimed, and Virgil tried to hide his ridiculously red face by ducking his head with the excuse of getting his phone out.
It didn’t really work, he was still red by the time he had the camera ready, but a man could dream.
Patton crowded against his chest, hair tickling Virgil’s chin, and Logan stood behind Virgil’s shoulder so Virgil had to lift his arm at an angle to get his face clearly. Roman wrapped all three in his arms, pressing the side of his head against Virgil’s, and Logan huffed as he was pulled to his toes in order to set his chin on Virgil’s shoulder.
“Say cheese!” Patton said, smiling widely, and Roman parroted him with a grin. Logan gave a fond closed-lipped smile, and Virgil finished it up with a close-lipped smile of his own, the corners of his mouth ticking up.
He snapped the picture, and they backed up, waiting as Virigl checked it to make sure it wasn’t blurry. It wasn’t, and they said their goodbyes, and before long Virgil was walking out into the November air, leaving his soulmates back in the cafe. 
He ducked his head as he walked, staring at the picture. He sent it to his mom, and the groupchat with his soulmates, before favoriting it for easy access.
Afterall, his students did ask for it, and he was sure they would love it when he showed them tomorrow.
Virgil couldn’t blame them. He kind of loved it too.
Hopefully you enjoyed.
Read my other works on ao3 here. (thepenguinclub)
Comments, kudos, reblogs and notes always make my day, and I appreciate them all.
Have a good day, you are loved, drink water and go to bed at a reasonable time. <3
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louisrarepairfest · 1 year
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[Submit a prompt you'd like to read here!]
✦ The prompt can specify a particular pairing or can use Louis/Character B as the pairing.
✦ Writers can sign up with one of these prompts or sign up with their own prompt not on this list.
✦ Prompts will be crossed off as they are chosen during sign ups.
(A) Louis/Character B are uni roommates
(B) Louis/Greg James - Louis takes Clifford to a secluded park and lets him run free for a few hours. A few weeks into going to a park, a friendly dog (Barney) Louis assumes is a stray comes over by him with a stick in his mouth and Louis plays fetch. This becomes a Thing every time. Louis notices Clifford has been gaining weight and can’t figure out why. One day, Clifford doesn’t come back like he usually does. Louis goes looking for him with (Barney) trailing on his heels. He’s just about to give up when (Barney) sprints away and Louis can’t stand the thought of losing two dogs in one day so he runs after him. Cut to…Louis finding a very tall, very handsome man, very excitedly welcoming Barney back with Clifford barely looking up from the almost gone bucket of dog food said very (very) handsome man clearly brought to the park. Confusion ensues since each thinks the other’s dog was a stray. Wild accusations from Louis about Greg making Clifford fat, jokes from Greg about how Barney has taken up finding perfect sticks and running away with his best one. They fall in love and become one big happy family.
( C ) Louis/Character B are musicians vying for the role of band leader at their former high school. They went there at the same time and were rivals then too, though for a totally different reason: they both had secret crushes on one another. When I've of them learns this, it changes everything.
(D) Girl direction! Louis/Character B are star athletes on the college (you choose the) sport team. They're both on the butch side, and it takes them a while to figure out that they're into one another and don't need to femme it up to get the other to like them.
(E) Omegaverse: Alpha Louis has never questioned who he is, a strong Alpha loving Alpha who defies stereotypes. When he meets character B, a beta, he certainly doesn't expect to fall for him (and hard)
(F) Famous Louis returns to his home town for his sister's wedding. When he sees his non-famous ex-boyfriend at the first wedding event of the weekend, sparks fly. Cue a whirlwind romance and a lot of big decisions about what they're both willing to do for love.
(G) Louis is a werewolf who's gotten good at hiding his nature in order to make a quiet life for himself in a small town. Character B is the vampire whose arrival coincides with a couple of murders that threaten his peaceful existence. When it becomes clear that B isn't behind the murders, he and Louis team up to find the real culprit (and maybe accidently fall in love along the way).
(H) Louis/Liam - Bros who get married for insurance purposes and then decide divorce isn’t worth the hassle.
(i) Louis/Charlie Lightening…no plot but sex on the ping pong table. Obviously. 
(J) Louis and his bandmates/opening band let off some steam by having a circle jerk. It might turn into more for some of them.
(K) Girl direction! Louis and character B are star athletes on the college (you choose the) sport team. They're both on the butch side, and it takes them a while to figure out that they're into one another and don't need to femme it up to get the other to like them.
(L) M/M Louis and Taylor Swift are rival quarterbacks for their town's 2 high school teams. Nobody knows that they've been secretly dating since sharing a NYE kiss. 
(M) Louis/Liam - everyone thinks Louis and Harry are together but it’s actually Louis and Liam
(N) Lilo hot water maintenance au based on this tumblr post
(O) Lilo Robin Hood AU
(P) Lilo Howl’s Moving Castle au
(Q) Louis and either Charlie or Nick from Heartstopper (the Netflixshow), friendship fic. Would love Louis either helping Nick through his sexuality crisis or Louis being there for Charlie through the events of the first season
(R) Omegaverse: Louis is about to turn 25 without having presented. As he debates undergoing the risky process to force a presentation, he meets Character B who helps him realize he doesn't necessarily have to "present" to be the alpha he know he is. (Omegaverse but make it trans and powerful!!)
(S) Person A falls in love with his gym bro, Louis based on this post
(T) Louis plays on the uni football team and Liam is on the athletics team. they pass each other to and from training all the time. cue attraction. they are or become friends and are secretly pining for a while before they eventually start dating
(U) Edwardian era Lilo au where they’re both working class. maybe one is a servant and one is a shop assistant, or both servants.
(V) Louis and David Dawson bond over their time with Harry
(W) Louis/Oscar Isaac- edwardian AU where Oscar is a poet and Louis is his muse
(X) Louis/Pedro Pascal AU where Louis is exploring in the arctic and needs a guide
(Y) Louis/Pedro Pascal Gladiator AU
(Z) Michael B. Jordan as a boxer and nurse Louis
(AA) Louis/Sebastian Stan arranged marriage royalty AU. Louis is betrothed to King Sebastian Stan, a widower with two kids who aren't to keen of the King's fiancé.
(BB) Louis/Sam Claflin - something based on the interview where Sam says Louis follows him on Twitter and that they've had a conversation but he doesn't want to get into it.
(CC) 27 dresses take off where Niall is always the best man, never the husband, and Louis is the snarky reporter.
(DD) Zouiam, uni AU - Zayn meets Liam at the library and falls halfway in love during a single conversation. It’s a fairy tale, only back home is Louis - his FWB, the most important person in Zayn’s life, and someone who doesn’t take well to losing out on attention. Louis' a bit put out when he meets Liam at football practice and this annoying, bossy, fit as all hell guy slides right in under all his defences. It could be the start of a beautiful term of fighting and fucking, only back home is Zayn. Zayn not only needs Louis - he’d become a full-time hermit otherwise - but it’s damn convenient having sex on tap right there in his own flat. And, oh yeah, Zayn’s like, his reflection or his shadow or his other half or something. Liam’s quite confused by having two drop dead gorgeous guys alternately sending him go signals, then just as quickly, stop. He figures if either of them settle on go, he’ll be batting a thousand. Then he realises they know each other. Biblically.
(EE) Louis is an actor in a murder mystery troupe. Character B (maybe Nick Grimshaw...?) is the audience member who’s clearly too cool for all this but giving joining in his best shot anyway. Louis is distracted by him all night, and then after the denouement they meet in the bar.
(FF) Louis/Greg James - Louis won’t stop whanging on about not getting to do the breakfast show with his new album, and character X (maybe Niall, or Oli?) eventually realises it's less career-related jealousy and more about who sits behind the mic. He hatches a matchmaking plan.
(GG) Louis/Zayn/Liam - something soft, canon and present day. Maybe Louis comes home to them after being away on tour. Lots of domesticity.
(HH) Character B joins local amateur dramatics society and suddenly Louis is no longer a shoo-in for every lead role. Cue the drama!
(ii) AU. Preschool teacher Louis / Boxer Sebastian Stan
(JJ) Yellowjackets AU! Girl direction, any pairing from the show, cutting from 1996 to present.
(KK) Louis/Cillian Murphy - 1970s criminal au (preferably with Louis as the criminal), based on this photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FvyDkCnWAAk1UwS?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
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