#raine is fine they are safe and healthy and the two of them are alive and well they're getting married soon
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The fallen
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numinousmysteries · 6 months
Vanquish by Wisdom Hellish Wiles (6/9)
On AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
As they drove, Scully shut her eyes and tried to return to the liminal state where she could feel her son’s presence. Instead of the visions she’d been experiencing all day, though, she was flooded with memories—the same memories that had been haunting her for fifteen years. 
The first time she held William after giving birth. Monica Reyes had handed him to her wrapped in a towel and she reached out to stroke his impossibly soft cheek. She knew she must’ve been losing blood at a rapid rate since her field of vision was narrowing and her head felt light and fuzzy, but the high-pitched wail of her newborn son tethered her in place and kept her from slipping out of consciousness. He’s here, he’s alive, he’s okay, she repeated to herself.
Mulder told her she was awake when he found them and carried them both onto the helicopter he’d arrived in, but the next thing she remembered was waking up in a hospital bed with Mulder sitting beside her holding their baby in his arms.
“What happened?” she asked him, trying to get a grip on her surroundings.
“Hey,” Mulder said, smiling at her. “You’re both okay. You lost a lot of blood but you’re going to be okay.”
Scully reached for the baby and Mulder gently passed the sleeping bundle over to her, helping her sit up so she could support him. 
“Is he alright?” she asked. 
“He’s perfect. Ten out of ten Apgar score, nearly nine pounds. Had a lot to say when we first got here but he’s calmed down now.” 
She felt sore everywhere and exhausted but she also couldn’t remember the last time she was this happy. The thrill of finding out she was pregnant was tempered by Mulder’s disappearance. His eventual return was strained by anxiety over her baby’s health and Mulder’s feelings of not fitting into her life. 
But now she felt relief for the first time in months. All three of them were healthy, safe, and together at last. In that moment, she couldn’t have known how short-lived their reprieve from the darkness would be. 
“You good, Scully?” She heard Mulder ask from the driver’s seat of the car, bringing her back to the present. 
"Yeah,” she said, opening her eyes and turning to him. “I’m fine.”
He grinned at her but raised his eyebrows in doubt. 
“Sorry,” she said. “Force of habit. 
“Just don’t conk out on me again. I’m not ready to check you out of a hospital against medical advice for a third time in one day.” 
“I’m just trying to think where he could be.”
  “Any luck?” Mulder asked. 
Scully shook her head. “Mulder, I want to find him so badly. I know we need to find him, but at the same time I’m afraid. He won’t even know who we are. And how could he not hate me for giving him away?”
“Let’s cross that bridge when we come to it,” Mulder said.
He reached over and squeezed her hand but she didn’t feel reassured. For fifteen years her decision to put their son up for adoption had hovered over the two of them like a dark cloud, heavy with rain that had yet to fall. 
She blamed herself for sending Mulder away shortly after William’s birth and she knew Mulder blamed himself for listening to her and leaving. He never told her she made the wrong choice by giving William up, but she knew he had to resent her. It was a conversation they danced around for over a decade but refused to actually engage in. 
“You never would have let me do it if you had stayed,” she said.
A moment passed. His hand tightened on the steering wheel.
“You can’t say that, Scully. I wasn’t there. I can’t imagine what it must’ve been like for you.”
“But I know you,” she said, feeling conviction swelling within her. “You never compromise when it comes to the people you love. You never take half-measures or seek the easy way out. When I was dying from cancer, you risked everything to find a cure you had no evidence would actually work. The smoking man offered you everything you could have wanted—my health, your sister—and you still never sacrificed your convictions.” 
“No, Mulder, let me finish. If you were there, you would have found a way for us to keep him safe. I know you would have. I just wasn’t strong enough.” Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes welled up with tears.
This is the point in the conversation where one of them would evade or run away—he’d turn to his work or she’d retreat back to her cold new apartment intentionally free of any personal memories. But they were stuck together now in this car, stuck in motion hurtling inevitably toward the absent center of their lives.
Mulder’s silence told her everything she needed to know. He resented her. 
“Please, say something,” she begged. 
“If our intel from the Gunmen is accurate and these visions you’re having are truly coming from William, which I’m inclined to believe they are, then we know he’s alive,” Mulder said, finally, keeping his eyes on the road straight ahead. “That fact alone proves you didn’t make the wrong choice. We can’t change what happened, but we can do everything we can to save him now.” 
Scully nodded. It was comforting to know that her son was alive but she once again felt the heavy burden of protecting him. She’s failed before and she couldn’t afford to fail again. This time, the fate of the planet hung in the balance as well. 
“What if I can’t see him again?” she asked.
“You will,” Mulder said. “I know you will.” 
Miles passed by without any visions. They crossed state lines into Georgia and she realized it was the first time she’s been in the state since William’s birth. In all the criss-crossing of the country they did during their years on the run they never returned here. It wasn't a decision they discussed but rather an unspoken agreement to avoid treading on uncomfortable topics.
She remembered driving down here from DC with Monica and how uncomfortable she felt the entire way. Not only was she heavily pregnant, her back aching and both her legs falling asleep under her weight from hours on the road, but she was terrified of what would happen once she arrived. Would Billy Miles find her and steal her baby away? And how could she know Mulder was safe? 
It was only the kicks and rhythmic motion of her unborn child that gave her the strength to keep going. She had to stay strong for both of them. 
On the road with Mulder now, her hand absentmindedly traveled to her flat stomach. No matter how many years had gone by, she could still vividly remember the feeling of fluttering beneath her skin. 
A sudden bright flash of light interrupted her thoughts. The image of the road in front of her was replaced with a vision of a tarmac full of small planes. A semi-truck pulled up nearly right next to a small jet and was met by a black sedan. Two suited men exited the sedan and walked around to the passenger side of the truck’s cab. There’s a teenage boy inside with his wrists and ankles bound. Scully could the rough plastic ties as if they were on her own body. The boy screamed and she felt goosebumps erupt on her skin. 
"We said don’t do anything stupid,” the shorter suited man said. “This is what you get for not listening.”
The two men were now on either side of the boy dragging him out of the truck and up a small flight of stairs onto the jet. 
“Stop!” The boy screamed and Scully heard the word coming from her own throat. She gasped, opening her eyes and once again finding herself in the car alongside Mulder.
“Scully!” He shouted, abruptly pulling over to the side of the road. “What the fuck was that?” 
  She panted for air and her heart rattled in her chest. “Mulder, turn around.”
"Why? What did you see?”
“They’re putting him on a plane. They’re taking him to Spartanburg. We have to go back to that house.” 
“Shit,” he said. “Are you sure?”
She’s still shaken up and can only nod. 
Mulder grabbed her wrist with one hand and used the other to steer them back onto the road. They were on the highway with no exit in sight, so Mulder drove across the grassy median to the shocked honking of the other vehicles on the road.
“Good to have a badge again, huh, Scully?” He looked over at her with a smile that failed to hide his fear. 
“Just drive,” she said.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: Despite being a muggle, Y/n's mother was an expert in divination. She tried to teach Y/n, who saw it as a mere muggle game. But, oh, what a powerful weapon a muggle game can become in the hands of the right witch.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst (w/ a good ending)
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, death(ish)
A/N: I'm not saying I'm incapable of writing an angsty ending for a Fred Weasley story, but I'd rather not do that, so here comes a stupid story that occurred to me this morning, enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Y/l/n!" I sighed. "Is it true?"
"Your mom is into divination?" George question made me throw my head back in desperation as both twins made their way through the Great Hall to meet me.
I knew that day would be a bumpy one the moment we entered in the Divination classroom. The fact that a muggleborn aced a new subject since class one was strange.
I knew I would have to give some explanation to my friends after. Ron was particularly shocked by the fact that my muggle mother had taught me —against my will, may I say— lots of Divination-related things. I knew Ron, being Ron, would surely tell every soul that would listen about his discovery, but I had hoped for him to wait until the third period at least.
"Secrets spread like wildfire here." I said.
"Are you secretly a soothsayer?"
"Yes, Fred. You see, I have the Sight." I ironically stated, and, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to get closer to the boy I fancied, I added "Want me to read your palm?"
They shared an amused look, fully aware that I was joking. Even in the Wizarding World, divination wasn't something to believe in.
There were supposed to be people able to see the future, such as professor Trelawney, but no student had seen her predict a thing, so she wasn't the best example.
George was the first one to sit down. "Predict my future, oh, you who were gifted with the Sight." I snorted as he laid his palm before my eyes.
I picked his hand on mines, "Hmm..." Fred hovering over my form from behind wasn't ideal for me to concentrate. "Okay so..." I felt one of his hands toying with the clasp of my necklace, brushing my nape. "Will you stop touching my necklace and sit down?" I demanded.
"Yeah Fred, sit down." George reprimanded his brother. "She's trying to see my future." I heard Fred chuntering before he plopped down on my other side, leaning on a tad too close for my liking. "Alright, fortuneteller, is there a love line?"
Of course he would ask about that. "Let's see..." I traced said line, unable to remember to the T what my mom had tried to teach me. "So, the heart line is arched... Which means..."
"That you can't tell a thing?" I slapped Fred's arm.
"Which means he's balanced." I corrected him. "You're able to realize when you need to take care of yourself, and when you should let a someone in." George seemed invested. "You'll have just one serious partner, but they'll be the right one."
"Well, that doesn't sound half bad, huh?" He looked at me with a content smile.
"My turn." Fred spoke, smacking his brother's hand away and replacing it with his left one. "The line of life or whatever." He scooted a bit closer and I felt my heartbeat pick up. "What's my fate?"
"Are you left-handed, Fred?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised, already knowing the answer. "I need your dominant hand." Oh well, that came out wrong.
"Straightforward, are we?" George snorted at his brother's remark as he exchanged hands, turning to straddle the bench to be more comfortable. "Alright, what do you see?" He had leaned on to the point where he only needed to tilt his head down a couple of inches to rest it on my shoulder.
"A hand." I deadpanned, which earned a playful push from him. "Okay, okay— I see..." A puzzled frown took over my gaze. "Wait—" I turned to George. "gimme your hand."
"What?" Fred questioned, shifting his position ever so slightly.
"Uhm..." The frown grew bigger, and I had to remind myself what I was doing was a joke. "You... don't have a lifeline?" I dubiously informed. "I mean— it sorta... Starts? but then it fades away." I widened my eyes and froze, remembering what that meant.
I saw Fred tilting his head slightly. "Is it so bad that you won't tell me what it means?" He asked jokingly in order to lighten my distraught mood.
"It— well, it means that you'll die at a young age." My eyes met his and, despite the amused smile that always danced on his lips, fear slipped out of his orbs now, too.
"Wait what?" George propped himself on his forearms to see his brother's palm. "Can't be. Check mine?"
"I just did, you git." George wasn't even smiling. Maybe he did believe it. "Yours is fine."
The three of us stayed in silence for an instant. Even if none of us believed in divination, the fact that Fred had no lifeline was rather unsettling.
"It's fine." I cleared my throat, turning to my bag and leaving Fred's hand over the table on the process. "Apart from seeing the future, I can fix lifelines." They looked at each other when they saw me grab a sharpie. "Don't move." I demanded, holding down Fred's right hand before tracing a black line where the lifeline was supposed to be. "There. A long, healthy life."
When I looked back at the twins' faces, I saw them ready to laugh. Distress had already left them, and that helped my own evaporate.
"Merlin, Y/n!" Fred dramatically exclaimed. "You've just saved my life!"
"She sure did." George agreed, patting my back.
"Now go and tell Ron to shut up." I didn't want to imagine what would happen if people started to believe I could actually predict their future; the twins were sceptic and even they had somehow fallen for it.
I was so focused on George getting up that I didn't even notice Fred's hand flipping and wrapping around mine.
A soft kiss was placed on my cheek and I felt my face heating up even before meeting Fred's proud grin. "Figured I'd give my savior something in repay." His eyes seemed to flicker to my lips for a second; it's just my imagination, I thought, unaware of Fred's thumb caressing the back of my hand until he removed it in order to stand up.
Four Years Later
One second I was laughing at Percy's joke, and the next one everything was black; not only visually, everything was pitch black in every fucking sense.
I heard nothing, I couldn't touch anything, my voice was gone.
My mind was completely blank, until a thought slipped in my brain: 'you'll die at a young age'.
My head was spiralling now. I was dead. That's what death felt like? Nothing?
Y/n's words kept going on and on, frying my brain. How ironic it was that the voice I would have forever in my mind belonged to the girl I had been in love with since I was fourteen, and the words were what we thought to be her silly prediction.
I had no idea how long it had been, but suddenly I felt it; a tear running down my cheek. A flaming hot tear, burning its way off my face. Then I felt something else, some sort of rope wrapping tight around my right hand and wrist, so tight that it made my pulse speed up.
My pulse.
It dawned on me that my heart was beating fast against my chest. It was beating.
I needed to breathe.
"FRED!" Someone forced my eyes open; It was Percy. I couldn't see him right away because the lights were blinding to my eyes, but I recognised his voice. "FRED SAY SOMETHING!"
"Y/n..." I couldn't hear my own voice, but I felt her name going through my vocal cords.
"HE'S ALIVE!" Ron cried. "you're alive-" my sight was blurry but I could pick out my younger brother's crown in front of me as he sobbed over my chest.
"We gotta get him out of here right now!!" Of course it was Hermione who got everyone moving. As both my brothers managed to pick me up, I felt my eyes closing once more. Not even the fear of not waking up again stopped me from passing out.
I had volunteered as Healer to help Madam Pomfrey during the Battle, that's why it was me who received two Weasleys practically dragging a third one into the improvised infirmary.
I recognised him from his jacket. "Fred..." At first I thought it was his corpse, that's how bad he looked.
"Y/N!!" It was only when Fred seemed to tilt his head up due to Ron's cry that I reacted, rushing to help them. "Keep him alive!" I only nodded, taking Ron's place as he took off.
With one of his arms over my shoulders and the other over his brother's, we managed to carry him to one of the stretchers; his painful weak groans went directly into my ear as we moved him, triggering the tears I was holding to fall.
"—alive, somehow." Y/n's voice, though it sounded far away, let me know she was close. "No, don't wake him up."
"Listen, you gotta get him to St. Mungo." It seemed George the one talking, but his voice was too shaky to tell. "in an hour this is gonna get really ugly, I want him out."
"George, we're besieged." Her tone was hopeless.
"Look at him, You said it— It's a bloody miracle he's still breathing." my brother's voice shattered; all I wanted was to get up, hug him and say I was okay, but I felt my brain spinning once more. "Bill and I will escort you out of the castle so..."
The next time I opened my eyes, terror inundated me; everything was dark again. I gasped for air and propped myself up, instantly regretting it. A stabbing pain attacked every part of my body, triggering a shocked cry out of me.
"What are you doing?!" Y/n whisper-shouted, before placing both her hands over my chest to push me back to the bed again. "Are you mental?" Her fingertips moved out of the way a bandage that covered my eyes. "Oi, listen," when she noticed my shaky hands desperately trying to reach my face, she took them in hers. "You're safe."
I tried to say something —anything—, but my throat was sore, and the only thing that was able to leave it was her name.
"Shhh." She hushed me, letting one of her hands travel to my face. "You have to rest." I would have sworn she was crying, but I couldn't tell. "Everything'll get better." Her thumb stroking my cheek was the most soothing thing I had ever felt, so it wasn't difficult for me to close my eyes, this time willingly, though I was equally scared. "I'll stay by your side." The reassuring squeeze her hand gave me, made me aware that she had noticed my fear.
Before drifting off, I felt Y/n's lips placing a chaste kiss on my forehead, making my heart hammer against my chest.
I was still alive.
A Month Later
It was Ron who sent me an owl the moment Fred finally got out of the hospital. He informed me that, instead of going to the Burrow to rest a few days—as planned—, ha had gone straight to the shop.
That's how I found myself the next morning inside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which was not-so-surprisingly full of people again.
Due to the huge amount of customers, it was relatively difficult for me to spot the twins.
Apparently, I turned out to be easy to spot.
"Y/n!" I turned in the stairs' direction to be met with a very enthusiastic George who, before I could even greet him, engulfed me in a hug.
"I see you can't catch a break." I observed, pulling away with a big smile on my face. That place really made the trick to bring joy to everyone.
"You can't imagine." He replied, his gaze wandering around before pulling my hand. "Oi, Fred! Look who dropped by!" He shouted over the hubbub, leading me to the till counter, behind which I saw the reason why I had come in the first place.
Just as Fred's eyes noticed me, he attempted to rush out of the till. I left George's side as soon as I realized that he, in fact, couldn't really rush out.
"Merlin's beard!" Despite he had just had to grip the counter in order not to fall, he tried again. "Take it easy, will you?" I scolded him, steadying him by his forearms and helping him step back to rest against the till. "Do you want to go back to the hospital?"
"If you're the one taking care of me, I wouldn't complain." The first time his eyes fell on my lips, I missed it because I was still securing him. The second time it was impossible to miss. "You know? Your sharpie saved my life."
I snorted at his nonsensical words. "You're delirious, Weasley." My hands finally left his forearms, just to be picked up on his. "Still suffering from the concussion?" I joked, trying to deviate my own attention from my fast heartbeat.
Another glance at my lips.
"I should get going." George spoke behind me.
"I was going to visit you tomorrow." Fred stated, his gaze now focused on my eyes.
"Sorry to break it to you, love," I pointed out, motioning at him with our hands still held. "But you can barely walk."
"Yeah, but I needed to see you." He looked somehow sheepish; I doubted I had ever seen him like that before. "I'm gonna be as clear and concise as possible—" He cleared his throat and forced himself to look at me. "I'm pretty much in love with you." I didn't know my eye could go as wide as they went. "Thing's I've known for a good couple of years now." He shrugged. "Telling you scared me, but then this happened." He gestured at himself. "And now not being able to tell you scares me even more." His eyes scanned me before looking around. "This wasn't the ideal place to tell you, but I didn't want to wait any longer."
I gulped, trying to process it as fast as possible.
"For Godric's sake, Y/n," he gently tugged my hand. "Say something, please." Fear started to take over him, even if he tried to keep it at bay. "It's alright if you don't feel the same, we can still be friends, I promise—"
"How do I kiss you without hurting you?" I questioned, already feeling the heat on my cheeks.
I could tell by his face that, out of everything I could have said, he was not expecting the answer I had given him. "Ever the caring one." He let go of my hands to cup my cheeks. "Just kiss me," he sounded so happy, it was contagious. "I'll deal with the pain later."
I listened to him and, holding onto his blazer, stood on my tiptoes and crashed my lips against his— only because I had been wanting to kiss him for too fucking long.
I got lost in the kiss and my brain completely dismissed that an entire wall had collapsed over the boy before me just a month ago; my hands went up to his neck, pulling him closer and, consequently, earning a painful groan from him.
"Shit! sorry." I was quick to let go, suddenly very aware of our surroundings, too.
He just shook his head and pulled my back to him, this time by my hips. "I said I'll deal with it later." He spoke against my lips before going in for a second kiss.
I was more gentle now, careful not to cause him too much pain.
To our dismay, we were interrupted.
"You said love confession!" George snapped us out of it; this time the groan Fred let out was from annoyance. "not snogging session in front of our customers! Get to work!"
He huffed, unwillingly separating from me. "If you stick around until lunch time, we can resume this."
I pretended to think about it. "I guess I can find something to do until then." My smile was as wide as his, and it grew wider when he pulled my into a hug, placing a kiss on the crown of my head. "I love you too, by the way."
His laugh reverberated on his chest. "Good to know."
"Freddie! Now!" This time it was me who groaned at George's demands.
"Help me out, love." Fred requested, pulling away from me so I could help him move behind the till counter. "See you in a couple of hours?" I nodded, pecking his cheeks and walking away from the shop.
It was when I started to walk down the Diagon Alley that it clicked.
His lifeline.
The sharpie.
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Oh my gosh, are you taking new promtps? If you are and if you want to write this, may I request "Setting a broken bone" with Qui-Gon and padawan Obi? But only if you have the time to write and like this particular prompt. And, of course, if you are still taking prompts. Thank you!
Yay!! Love getting your requests! 🤍 And stars do I love writing these two. I am a complete sucker. Did I go completely overboard on this one? Yes. Yes I did.
I’m not kidding this was way longer than I intended.
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(Note for anyone who is interested in making a request: I already have prompts for Tampering with Food/Drink and Public Execution/Torture.)
On Florrum, they crashed.
Their ship had reached its intended destination, but their sublight engines malfunctioned as they entered orbit, and there was the clang of metal and a cloud of dust after the fall.
Qui-Gon emerged first, his boots thudding in the hard desert, his blue eyes scanning the horizon cautiously even as he stretched out his senses into the Force. When he was sure, he turned back and proffered his hand into the crooked opening of the broken door, and Obi-Wan leaned into the light, squinting as if the light were blinding.
Qui-Gon frowned and raised his other hand, and though his young Padawan made a noise of protest, he plucked the boy out from the ruined ship and lowered him gently to stand beside him. Obi-Wan shifted slightly, leaning his head toward his Master, and Qui-Gon raised his arm higher, concealing his Padawan from view beneath his billowing sleeve. “Hold on,” he said quietly. “We’ll find shelter.”
“Skalder,” said Obi-Wan, and the hint of red beneath his hair turned into a small trickle down the side of his face.
“What?” Qui-Gon asked him.
The boy stiffened, clinging to his robes in an effort to stay upright. One pale hand emerged from his Master’s shielding arms and gestured into the distance. “Range hills,” he said softly. “Skalder. Can cross the geyser plains safely with…with them.”
Qui-Gon looked, and saw in the middle distance a range of low rises, and moving around them, large lumbering creatures with their heads down low, sniffing out flora to eat. “Skalder,” he repeated. “How do you know this?”
Looking down, he caught a glimpse of a pale face and the flicker of a grin. “I read, Master.”
Qui-Gon laughed and drew his arm higher again, hiding the boy’s concussion-pained eyes from the flat sunlight.
That afternoon, Obi-Wan tied his sash around his eyes and raised himself onto a skalder’s back, blind physically but trusting in the Force, and gestured for his Master to follow suit. The skalder lowed and grunted, but after a few moments of unsteady swaying, the entire herd began to move across the plains. Geysers shot up all around them, but not once did they come close to touching the creatures or the two Jedi.
“Instinct,” said Obi-Wan, his blindfolded eyes gazing ahead into the setting sun.
Qui-Gon watched his Padawan carefully, but Obi-Wan seemed perfectly at ease as he was, as if riding an unfamiliar creature over deserts and sulfuric geysers without the aid of his eyesight was only to be expected in the course of life.
“Let me check your head,” he said.
Obi-Wan did not turn. “It’s fine,” he answered. “I know what I’m doing. Resting my eyes is already helping.”
When they settled in a rock formation with a crevice almost large enough to be considered a cave, Obi-Wan settled himself down in the opening, facing away from their fire, his still-covered eyes towards the night.
Qui-Gon woke two hours after they had lain down to sleep and reached a hand towards the boy’s shoulder, but before he could make contact Obi-Wan spoke, still gazing sightlessly out over Florrum. “I’ve already checked. I’m still fine. Thank you, Master.”
On Akiva, they were led astray into the jungles and abandoned for dead by their so-called guide.
Qui-Gon studied their surroundings, pressing a hand to the moist, auburn bark of the tree beside him, closing his eyes and listening. The Force hummed back at him, so rich and alive in this place that was teeming with natural life, a clean energy untainted even by the cruelty of the people who had deceived them. There were other, kinder people here who still needed their help. They must make it through the jungle.
Qui-Gon’s eyes flew open as a loud rustling crash disturbed his meditation— he blinked at the sight of Obi-Wan, fifteen and scrawny and ridiculous, standing before him with a thoughtful expression as he studied the creature in his hands.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, startled. “Did you kill it?”
The boy looked up at him. “I did, yes. Fenglas are easily startled but they make for good eating. Many of the natives consider them their primary source of sustenance. There is also fruit, but not here. Closer to one of the rivers, there are trees.” He glanced around them with a humored expression, still holding his hunted prize. “Well. The right trees.”
The amusement faded as he caught his Master’s eye again. “Did I…? I’m sorry, I should have asked what you thought first. I was only thinking, the guide stole our bags, all our rations and supplies.”
Qui-Gon lifted a hand to still the rambling explanation, and Obi-Wan dropped his gaze, chastised and red-faced. “Very well, Padawan,” Qui-Gon said after a moment. “You found a problem and then a solution, which is good. But you would do well to consult me first before you hunt for food in unknown territory.”
“It’s not unknown,” said Obi-Wan, and he began gathering dry wood for a fire.
They ate in silence. The jungle creature was not luxury dining, but it was hearty and full of rather more meat than the thing had seemed to have, and had a savory tang that smelled like the wood they had cooked it over.
Qui-Gon rose to douse the fire, but Obi-Wan stopped him quickly with a hand on his shoulder. “The smoke will help protect us,” he said, as if that explained anything, and then he reached into his left boot and pulled out a small folded something that he held up and shook loose. It was fabric — no, a fine mesh netting, so fine that the small bundle turned out to be several square meters of the stuff. The Padawan swirled it through the air and then let it fall, sliding himself onto the ground where he had lain his folded cloak. The net settled over him like a strange sort of shroud.
Qui-Gon stared, bewildered, and Obi-Wan lifted the edge of the netting and gestured to him. “Move your cloak closer, Master, so we can both fit underneath.”
“But why?” Qui-Gon asked.
A crease appeared between the boy’s brows. “The ya-ya flies, Master. They’re venomous. You’re full-grown and healthy so they’d only really make you sick, but it’s better to be safe. The smoke and the net will keep them away.”
Qui-Gon slid beneath the net, his makeshift bed a few inches from Obi-Wan’s. “Did our guide give you this?”
“No,” said Obi-Wan. “I brought it just in case. I’m glad there wasn’t room in my pack, or it would be stolen and we wouldn’t have it at all anyway.”
“What do the natives do about the flies?” Qui-Gon asked next, studying the boy’s features as they flickered in the firelight. He looked unbearably young, still, but tired.
Obi-Wan breathed for a moment, staring upwards through the film of the net at the jungle all around them. “They keep fires burning, sometimes with oils that kill the flies,” he said. “And they weave nets to cover their beds.” He turned his eyes to his Master and added, “If we hunt enough tomorrow, we may be able to trade for another net. Or just maize.”
“The crop they grow here,” Qui-Gon recalled.
His Padawan nodded. “When we find the nearest river, we can collect water in my pouch. It should hold liquid for awhile.”
“And if the water isn’t clean?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “If we can’t reach civilization in time, the risk of unclean water will have to do.”
On Arkanis, it drizzled 60% of the time. On another 39%, it rained in torrential downpours that would have flooded the streets and drowned the population had they not long ago learned to control the water flow, to build stronger than the rain.
And every so often, just once in a long while, the sun came out and lit up the planet in warmth and golden hue.
But it had not been one of those days when Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi had arrived to mediate on export negotiations. Rain had fallen so heavily from the skies that it felt more like swimming than walking — a sensation that turned from hyperbole into frightening reality when the supports beneath a walking bridge gave way.
Qui-Gon reached out and took hold of a screaming entrepreneur, dragging him safely to stable ground.
Obi-Wan slipped and plunged into the waters seething below and did not climb back up.
“Where do the water ways go from here?” Qui-Gon demanded over the roar of the storm. “Where do they go?”
“Out to sea!” the businessman cried back, a look of pained sympathy on his face. “There’s too much water moving too quickly, nobody could swim in that!”
Qui-Gon gazed down into the thundering rivers below, imagining the crushing weight they must bring, the incalculable strength of the waters, and felt the first slivers of grief begin to gouge into his heart like shards of broken glass.
Of all the things to lose the boy to — rain. Or, that he, the Master, had not been aware enough of their surroundings, or that he had reached for the civilian instead of the boy.
Qui-Gon’s eyes burned in the lash of the storm, but he hurried to his feet and shepherded the others inside to warmth and safety. They were immediately bombarded by a rescue team that passed them by to begin repairing the bridge, and by people offering them warm drinks and soft towels and dry clothing. Qui-Gon helped the others first, and then himself, the movements mechanical.
The next few hours passed in a daze. The negotiations were postponed as the city dealt with the crisis, and Qui-Gon was politely escorted to his rooms — the rooms with two beds, where he ought to have been with his apprentice, safe and dry and alive. But Obi-Wan, he thought, the truth slicing into him slowly, a delicate and perfect cut of a knife, had drowned hours ago. Tossed about in water that raged fifteen meters deep, funneled from all over the city and then out, out to the sea. A pale, fragile figure trapped inside. Suffocated. Qui-Gon covered his eyes with one hand and sank onto his bed. He did not remember climbing beneath the sheets, but he woke the next morning tangled in them, still exhausted.
The next day he dragged himself through the opening discussions, his words as sharp and his gaze as penetrating as ever, but his mind constantly distracted by the memory of the boy falling into the water. Obi-Wan had screamed, he remembered that now, although he wished he didn’t. Then he had tumbled in the air, trying to control his descent, and entered the water feet first.
For the following two days, that same image played over and over in his mind, and yet in those two days he still oversaw the mission, and departed the table on his last evening with a mingling feeling of both quiet satisfaction and unrelenting shame. The mission. The boy. The negotiations. His boy.
Hardly able to breathe, the Jedi Master wheeled around and marched up to the nearest aide. “I need to stay another week,” he said. “Please. To be sure.”
The aide concealed her pitying expression flawlessly, but her presence in the Force was brimming with it and he did not want it. He waited just long enough to hear his request confirmed and then fled.
For three days he stayed in the city, exploring the now much calmer waterways, talking to the mechanics and attendants that kept an eye on the entire system. All of them apologized, but no boy had been seen in the waters that night, and no body had been found on the shore.
“It’s been a while since we’ve lost someone to the floods,” one attendant said heavily. “And it’s been even longer since someone has survived that. I’m sorry, Jedi.”
Qui-Gon walked slowly back to his rooms late that night, his shoulders slightly slumped, the only visible sign of his defeat. The idea of staying another night in the half-empty room and then departing for Coruscant alone was unbearable, horrific.
A turbolift chimed, and the door opened.
Qui-Gon froze.
Obi-Wan emerged from the lift, dripping rain water and carrying all of his clothes except for his cloak, which seemed to be missing, and his trousers, which he was still wearing. The boy searched the room for a moment with tired, puffy eyes, and then he saw Qui-Gon.
“You’re still here,” he said, in disbelief. “You’re still here.”
Qui-Gon didn’t answer. In three strides he had covered the space between them and pulled the boy close, feeling cold water beginning to settle into his own clothing. He only held Obi-Wan tighter, dropping his chin to rest on the damp hair, closing his eyes for a moment as he tried to remember how to speak and breathe.
“Obi-Wan,” he said, in a strangled voice. “Obi-Wan, where have you been? I thought— oh, Padawan, where in the galaxy have you been?”
The boy made a small sound of surprise at the fierce embrace, but he didn’t pull away. “I was in the tunnels, Master. I’m sorry.”
“The tunnels?” Qui-Gon asked blankly.
Obi-Wan nodded against his chest. “There are older waterways beneath the current ones. They’re sealed off, but you can open them if you really try. I knew what to do when I fell into the water; I got rid of my cloak and boots, and I floated as best I could and let my feet face forward. I crashed into a support beam, and I couldn’t climb up and out, and I kept falling asleep holding onto it and just trying to keep my head above water.”
Obi-Wan paused and yawned hugely. “So I swam down, using the pillar as a buffer. It wasn’t easy. I nearly messed it up. But I got down there and found an old access hatch, just like I’d hoped, so I climbed into the old tunnels. And then I got trapped in there, and I’ve been trying to find my way out ever since.”
Before Qui-Gon could even begin to process all of this madness, the boy added, almost as an afterthought, “I had no idea I’d find you. I heard the negotiations ended last week, and knew you must have left.”
Qui-Gon’s arms tightened around Obi-Wan’s small frame. “Not without you,” he said, the words coming out shuddering on an exhale. “I wanted to be sure.”
“Oh,” said Obi-Wan. “I’m sorry.”
On Baraan-Fa, they fell from a roof, flung over the edge by the force of an explosion.
Debris rained around them, cracking sickeningly on the ground, and Qui-Gon crouched over his apprentice, shielding him with his body and shielding both of them with the Force. Obi-Wan’s presence in the Force brushed against his, bright but somewhat timid, a newborn flame still learning just how far it could spread.
The din ceased, and they raised their heads slowly. The building was burning, the top of it utterly demolished, and people were beginning to flood the streets, screaming, bleeding, calling for help and offering assistance to one another. Sirens wailed.
Obi-Wan waited for his Master to stand up and turn towards the chaos before he climbed to his feet, and in this way, focused on the tragedy blossoming around them, Qui-Gon did not notice the way the boy swayed on his feet, white to the lips.
He did, however, notice when he turned around to give the boy instructions and found him gone.
For a moment, irrational fear swept over him — images of debris striking flesh and unfriendly hands dragging the boy away swarmed through him.
But these unlikely possibilities were firmly swept aside like the pestering insects they were; the Jedi Master closed his eyes for a moment to center himself, and found to his faint surprise that Obi-Wan was only just around the corner. He followed what his senses were telling him, and scanned the next alleyway carefully, searching.
There. Concealed in a crumbling alcove, half-hidden by a fallen support beam and clouds of dust. A small red-haired figure was struggling with something, his back braced against the wall, head bowed.
A small whimper reached Qui-Gon’s ears.
Obi-Wan’s hands shifted, and through the haze and debris, the unnatural angle of his left leg became visible, and the position of the boy’s hands and the look of pained determination on his young face suddenly made sense.
“Obi-Wan!” Qui-Gon said sharply. He was already moving by the time the boy’s head jerked up to stare at him, his hands still clenched around his leg.
“Master?” asked the boy. “What are you doing here?”
Qui-Gon stopped beside him, dropping to a kneeling position to avoid cracking his head on the crumbling ceiling. “I would ask you the same, but I think I know exactly what you’re doing. So, a new question — why are you here?”
Obi-Wan blinked. “Is that… not often the same thing?” Sweat glistened on his brow, even through the layer of smoke and grime.
“Not usually,” replied the Master. “For instance, I know that what you are doing is setting your broken leg. I would like to know why, however, you did not tell me you were injured, and why your first solution was to set the bone by yourself.”
The blue-green eyes blinked rapidly. There were flakes of stone dust clinging to the eyelashes, and tears rose up unbidden as the eyes began to sting. “I… there was a bombing, Master. Somebody has to help, and that somebody is usually us. I hurt my leg, so I doubled back to fix it while you went on ahead.”
“And did it occur to you that I would prefer to see you taken care of first?”
A bewildered expression clouded the boy’s face. “I… we’re in the middle of an emergency.”
“Exactly.” Qui-Gon gently raised his hands and settled them over the boy’s much smaller ones, easing them away from the damaged leg. “And I cannot focus if you’re inexplicably missing, or suffering alone on a broken limb.”
“But I can fix it!” Obi-Wan insisted. “I know how. I’ve done it before, many times!”
Qui-Gon’s hands, still holding Obi-Wan’s, tightened their grip. His voice, however, remained steady. “Oh? Do you go breaking limbs on every mission we’ve been on and gone through the healing process without my noticing?”
Obi-Wan’s gaze slid from his. A look of mingled shame and wariness crossed his pale features, and the Master noted that it was not the first time he had seen this expression on the boy. He had certainly seen it on Arkanis, on Akiva, on Florrum. And other times and places, too — this look of mingled guilt and mistrust.
“No,” Obi-Wan mumbled. “I broke bones a few times on Melida/Daan. Broken bones were common. I learned how to set my own and other people’s pretty quickly. And I’m grateful,” he added quickly, as if worried he would be interrupted or reprimanded. “It’s a valuable skill.”
Qui-Gon was silent for a long moment.
“Yes, it is,” he said eventually. “Like memorizing waterways on a planet known for flooding, or practicing how to survive falling into fast-moving waters. Or, perhaps, like preparing defenses against mildly venomous insects, or learning how to hunt creatures you’ve never seen before. Or navigate a desert full of geysers.”
The boy did not seem to see a connection. He stared down at his kneeling Master, his hands still trapped gently in his teacher’s, and said nothing.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon said softly. “I am not going to leave you.”
The Padawan’s brow furrowed. Still he said nothing.
“Melida/Daan was not an experience you should ever have had,” the Master continued gently. “You have developed many skills as a Padawan, and I do not deny that learning to set broken bones is one of them. But I think you also learned something that you should never have been taught, and now I must unteach it.”
“What is it, Master?” Obi-Wan asked. His back slid a few inches down the rough wall as his good leg began to collapse beneath him, and Qui-Gon released the boy’s hands to catch him around the waist and under one arm, keeping his broken leg off the ground.
“You learned to handle everything on your own,” said the Master, walking them both slowly back out into the sunlight. “To expect yourself to do things alone, for fear of slowing others down.”
They reached a flat pavement stone free of debris, and Qui-Gon set the boy down gently, careful of the injured leg, watching as Obi-Wan clenched his jaw against the pain. He knelt down beside him again and put one hand at the boy’s back, encouraging him to sit upright, leaning on his palms.
“But you’re part of a team, Obi-Wan. And more than that, you are my student. You are not expected to do everything alone, or care for all of your injuries without assistance, or prepare to survive alone on a strange planet.”
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to protest, but Qui-Gon shook his head and raised a finger to silence him.
“Listen to me, Obi-Wan. There will be times when we are separated, that is true. And there is broken trust between us. But Padawan, please understand me when I say this— I will never leave you, and I will always help you.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, tears and dust still clinging to his eyelashes, breath shuddering with pain and perhaps the threat of tears. His Master smiled slightly, running a hand up and down the boy’s back as if to soothe an illness, and for a few moments they simply stayed that way, waiting.
“Master?” Obi-Wan said quietly. “Can you help me with my leg?”
Qui-Gon nodded. He placed his hands gently where they needed to go, his expression calm. “Hold on to my shoulder, Padawan. When I set your leg, I want you to squeeze my arm as tightly as you can.”
“But that will hurt you,” the boy protested.
Qui-Gon’s lips quirked in a slight smile. “As I said, Obi-Wan, we are a team. Now. Hold on as tightly as you can. I’ve got you.”
Obi-Wan’s eyes flickered from the broken leg to his Master’s patient, open expression.
He smiled. “I know, Master.”
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
The Rest Of Our Lives
Levi Ackerman x Reader
It had all finally came to an end, the world could finally try its best to heal from years upon years of death.
Speaking of healing, he had gone through the worst of it over the years. And finally, he has the rest of his life to heal.
But he can't do it alone...
(Spoiler Warning!!! This story contains spoilers for the end of the Attack on Titan manga!!!)
It had been three years since that fateful battle. So many lives had been lost that day, good and bad, friend and enemy. Even the majority of the human population, eighty percent to be specific, had been wiped out just for the slim chance of peace, and even then, it wasn't completely guaranteed. But for now, all was calm. That day, was the battle between titan and human, heaven and earth. The day the dreaded rumbling had began, and soon ended. It resulted in many deaths and plenty of injuries, the worst landed upon Levi Ackerman. Humanity's strongest soldier was nearly killed, but he wasn't given that title for nothing. He was still living today, though missing a few fingers, a working eye, and finally his permanently damaged leg. It wasn't too much of a problem, as there were no longer any titans to fight. Though, it was somewhat, shameful in his eyes. That after everything, a busted leg is what holds him down. He wasn't even elderly, and yet he needed constant help. He grateful for the help however, though he wished he didn't have to burden people with his problem so much.
But, it wasn't a burden or a problem to her.
She was there by his side for as long as he can remember. She fought by his side during expeditions, comforted him during his low points, and even risked her life over and over to keep him safe and alive. He can't say he's never done the same for her. Maybe it was her constant attention and care, that made him fall in love with her. At the time, it was horrible. He fell in love with someone he could so easily loose, but now in a world free of titans, he could love her as much as he wanted. And the same goes for her. They both confessed their love for each other shortly before the rumbling began, then he proposed to her after everything settled.
And so, here they were, in their own little cabin next to a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall pine trees. They both were outside today, rested on the bench that sat right before the lake. Hand in hand, her head leaning on his shoulder. Their gentle breaths in sync with one another. The calmness of the quiet air, aided to their ease. For once in their lives, they felt no need for worry or panic, or when the next attack from the titans would be. And they would never need for such worries again.
Her eyes slowly opened, she smiled as the first thing she saw, was her soon to be husband. Even with the scars, he was still as handsome as ever. Though, his eyes were distant and somewhat empty. Why? "Levi?" She spoke softly. "Are you ok?" Levi finally blinked, sighing softly he looked down at you. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?" She sits up to meet his gaze. "You seem, a little distant. Are you tired?" Levi shakes his head before placing his hand on his scar. "Just thinking." He muttered. Was that what this was about? This would happen every now and then, Levi would just stare at himself in the mirror. Well, less himself and more at his blinded eye, the two long scars that covered it. It started from the top of his eye down to his lip. He considered himself lucky, that explosion Zeke Yeager caused could have just killed him all together. But it only costed him an eye and a few fingers.
Still she wondered, did he hate how he looked now? He never commented on it before, so she just assumed he didn't care. But the way his overall expression would falter anytime he saw it, or tried to lifted his hand, or even when he tried to stand. "Levi? You know I didn't think less of you because of those scars." She placed her hand on top of his damaged one. "Or your hand. Or your leg. I still love you. I always have and I always will. This doesn't change a thing." Y/n say softly, trying to reassure him. "I...I know that Y/n. But....it's not that...not this time." Levi looks up at the sky. It was a soft orange, signifying the end of the day. "Every time I wake up, I wonder when it will happen." Y/n blinks a few times, not really understanding. "When what will happen?" She asks. "When they will come back. The titans. Before, at any moment, we could die at the hands of those giant bastards." Y/n would be lying if she said she hadn't felt the same at sometimes.
"But Levi, that was before. They're gone now. There are no more titans, we're safe." She explains to him.
"For how long?"
The panic in his voice was clear. Y/n took both of his hands and held them in her own. Her eyes full of sincerity as she spoke. "Levi, I know how you're feeling. But, you were there that day. We both were, the titans are gone. They died along with Eren." It still pained you to say it. Though in the end Eren was acting rash and out of hand, you still remembered him as the same young boy with hope in his heart that one day, the world would be a one without titans. It was a shame that he let it go to his head, and because of that, he was responsible for nearly exterminating all of humanity. Therefore, he had to face the consequences of his actions and pay the ultimate price. Poor kid...
"There are no trace of titans left. We're safe. You're safe. And you will never have to worry about stuff like that ever again." You bring his hands up and kiss them gently. Making sure he felt your love, even through his missing fingers. "And I won't ever leave your side. I'll always be here for you Levi. To care for you, to love you, for the rest of our lives."
A sudden wetness on your hands made you flinch. You look up to expecting to see rain, but instead, you saw Levi, crying. He sniffles a few times before leaning closer to you, until his head rested on your shoulder. You smiles and rub his back in a soothing manor. Through his sobs, you could make out a feint "thank you" from Levi.
You meant every word. You will always be there for him. And he in return would always be there for you. You two will always have each other, for the rest of your lives.
Another year has come to pass, Levi and Y/n had finally married, and proud to call themselves Mr and Mrs Ackerman. And Mrs Ackerman was expecting and due to deliver soon. There were congratulations given all around. From Armin, Jean, Connie, Annie, Reiner, even Falco and Gabi. Even Mikasa. It was a bit surprised that she came to visit. Mikasa had became distant ever since Eren died, she was the one that killed him after all. She had been by Eren side for many many years, and in the end, she was the one that put him to rest. It took quite a toll on her. But she was recovering, slowly but surely.
Y/n wished so desperately that Hanji and Erwin could have been here today. Though, she bet that Hanji would have been pretty sad without having anymore titans to experiment on. But deep down she knew, that they were still here, even if she couldn't see them. Levi knew it as well. They would both regularly visit their graves to pay respects and generally just talk about what's going on in their lives. Hanji would have been so thrilled to know that Levi and Y/n settled down to start a family. From the very beginning, Hanji had always hoped you two would get together. She even went as far as teasing her and Levi, which would normally result in a kick to the back from Levi. Not too hard though, he didn't want to break her spine. And Erwin, he would just be happy to see Levi happy with someone. And of course Levi's former squad would be happy that he was at peace with himself. They all would be so proud of him.
When it came time for Y/n to deliver, it was one of the most stressful and wonderful days of Levi's life. Fortunately, Y/n was just fine afterwards and gave birth to a healthy and beautiful little girl. She resembled Levi the most, with her black hair and her grey-blue eyes. She had some of Y/n's features as well, like her skin tone and her facial features.
"What should we name her?" Y/n spoke softly as she held her baby close. "We haven't came up with a name for her yet?" Levi mutters. They were spending more time preparing themselves for a new addition to their small family, that they hardly had time to think of one. Levi gently stroked his daughter's cheek, she gave a tiny smile in return before her face returned to a more sleepy one. It made Levi's heart race. This was his daughter, he made that! Well, really Y/n did, but it meant just as much to him. Never in his wildest dreams would he ever think that he would have children. Then again, he never thought he would meet someone like Y/n either. Levi's stone expression dropped, a smile of his own made it onto his face.
"Levi, I've actually had one in mind for a while. But, I wasn't sure if...you would be ok with it." Y/n spoke hesitantly. Levi held her hand, such a small gesture, made sure she knew she didn't have to keep anything from him. "I know how close you were to Farlan and Isabell." Levi's breathing halted for a second. "More specifically, how much Isabell looked up to you. I know she saw you as a brother, but...what I'm trying to say is, what if we named her, Isabell?" Y/n looked down at her baby, who was sleeping peacefully in her arms. It was true, Farlan and Isabell were like family to Levi, it was devastating the way they died. He wasn't there to help them, if he was, maybe they would be here today. He missed them dearly...
When Levi didn't respond, Y/n became worried. "I-I mean, we don't have to. I was just-"
"It's perfect." Levi cut her off. "Our little Isabell." He says with another warm smile. Y/n returned the smile before kissing her daughter's head. "Welcome to the world, Isabell." She whispers.
With this, Levi knew he was living for so much more. He had a woman who loved him with all her heart, despite how he looks now. And now, he had a child. Though this world was without titans, it doesn't mean there won't be another danger that was out there, just waiting to snatch his happiness away from him. But Levi wouldn't let it. Levi swore this very day, to protect his wife and daughter with everything he had. Despite injury, despite age, he would never let anything or anyone harm his family. Because for now on, it will be only them, together.
For the rest of their lives.
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(This was not stolen! This story was reposted from my Wattpad account!)
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The trip to Scotland.
cw nausea and vomiting but no details I promise, fainting I think?  I don't really remember, dizziness, food mentions, let me know if I need to add something more I haven't looked at this chapter in a while and I a posting in a rush.
Martin’s hand is damp in his.  The same tacky, salty grit of the Lonely fog.  A little bit of fog trapped between their tangled fingers, or maybe just the anxious sweat of two people who don’t really know each other as well as they should.  
If Jon is being honest, it’s not a comfortable sort of hand holding, but he doesn’t care.  He will keep clinging to Martin’s hand as if that single point of contact can keep Martin weathered to the physical plane.  
It makes packing more difficult, but Jon doesn’t care.  Not as if he hasn’t been living out of a backpack for months, or anything.  (Longer still if you count living off a shelf before most of his belongings were ruined in the flesh attack).  Still, he stuffs in the few items not in his back, and takes a healthy stack of statements and shoves those in, too.  Probably depressing that he can fit those in a single bag with all his earthly belongings.  
Jon doesn’t feel well.  
He hasn’t felt well in a while.  But the exhaustion is getting to him.  Apparently shredding a person with his mind is a bit rough on the body.  Even if the supernatural hunger is more than sated.  
Heh.  The unnatural feeling of being content and full and powerful at the same time as hallow and shakes and weak.  It would be enough to make him dizzy, if he wasn’t already dizzy.  If he hasn’t been dizzy constantly since statements were limited to empty paper, as if he hasn’t been dizzy since his early 20s and his POTS diagnosis.  (And before, but that’s where he was still convinced it was nothing).  
Jon is loathed to let go of Martin’s hand when he starts Daisy’s ancient car.  It’s more than a little beat up.  Jon tries very hard not to remember Mike Crew’s blood in the back seat.  It’s clean now.  Mike’s blood and Jon’s vomit long since scrubbed away.  Nothing quite like being carsick at gunpoint.  
Jon shivers.  
He can’t let himself think about Daisy now.  Such a confusing jumble of anger and fear and sadness and regret and friendship and comradely and resentment.  It’s… it’s too much for him to take in.  
He hasn’t ever been able to reconcile his feelings about Daisy, and now it’s worse.  Worsened with his exhaustion.  They were friends, they were enemies, and he couldn’t give up on her because that would mean that he was also lost.  She hurt him and she loved him in a way.  He couldn’t forgive her and  she was his closest friend for a while.  She was terrible, is terrible, but she was all he had and he loved her for being there.  It’s too much to think about.  And Basira.  Christ, he feels terrible losing Daisy like that, and yes he loved her in a way, but he wasn’t in love with her like Basira is, and he knows the helplessness and emptiness of losing someone he’s in love with.  
He shakes his head roughly.  The bite of headache and way the world sickly twists in and out of focus for a moment distracts him enough to start the car.  He looks over at Martin, pale but solid.  He reaches for Martin’s hand as he drives them to Martin’s flat.  
Jon has to do most of the packing for Martin.  Martin more attached to him than free thinking individual.  Drifting after him, pulled taught by their tethered hands.  A balloon pulled along by the wrist of a small child on a rollercoaster.  Although Jon can’t fault him for that, he thinks that might be an apt description for how he’s feeling.  …Pulled along by unknowable forces beyond his control.  And he’s flapping helplessly in the breeze of a battle far bigger than him.  
No.  Focus.  
Shove clothes and toiletries and tea and books and a few items that Jon judges to look treasured.  A worn stuffed tiger, a few faded pictures, a deck of tarot cards, he even takes the ratty binder that are shoved under the other ones (the nicer ones that Jon has already packed with the essentials), a tattered notebook under a layer of dust, a well loved poetry book, a small box of earrings, and what looks to be Martin’s knitting.  
It’s still a pitifully small amount of luggage for an indefinitely long trip.  The large first aid kit that he found makes him feel a little better.  (Emotionally, but also physically after he downs some paracetamol.  He eyes the dramamine, but he’s going to be driving and he can’t risk getting drowsy.  It’s not like they have time to stop).   
Nausea twists down deep before Jon even starts the car.  Catching at his stomach as he settles Martin’s bags in the back seat.  Still trying to search out the stains that are long gone.  
And oh fuck he killed someone.  
And yeah the bastard deserved it, but Christ he feels sick.  Sitting behind the wheel, staring blankly ahead.  
Martin’s hand in his.  
Martin squeezes his hand.  
Jon squeezes back.  
It’s fine.  He’s fine.  Just… Just drive.  
It’s the next step, and he has always been good at pushing from one step to the next.  Don’t worry about what happens next, just drive.  
Martin is here and… not fine, but alive and whole, and slowly thawing next to him.  
“Hey…”  Jon forces his tight throat and tighter chest to allow the word past.  
They haven’t spoken since Basira told them where to go and gave them a ring of keys.  
This almost shakes Martin out of his stupor.  Almost.  “Hey,” he echos.  
Jon wants to pack so much into a question.  How do you ask everything?  Are you okay?  Do you love me?  Do you know I love you?  Do you need anything?  Are you sure you want to come all this way with me?  Are you okay with moving in with me?  Are you hungry?  If the fog comes for you, will you tell me?  But those are too many words.  Martin starts looking glazed over when there is too much going on.  Too much movement, too many people, too much sound, too many questions.  And Jon wonders if the Lonely only served to magnify this, and if so, did he notice?  Did Martin hide it well?  Did Jon make it worse?  What if he makes it worse now, but what if he makes it worse by not saying anything.  
“You ready?”  This will have to be enough.  
Martin nods, apparently not noticing the pause.  
Jon tries not to jump out of his skin when Martin starts rubbing circles on Jon’s hand.  It’s surprising, but it feels nice.  
More than nice.  
Jon starts the car.  
It’s chilly.  Late September.  And it’s getting dark.  Both in that the sun is going down, and in that storm clouds are gathering.  
Jon knows they can’t stop for the night.  
He just has to get them to Scotland.  Hopefully then it will all be okay.  
They stop at a service station just out of the city.  Jon gets a black coffee.  He buys Martin a tea and a sandwich.  
He knows the coffee won’t do his stomach any favors, and will more likely than not set his heart to hammering, but it will be worth it not to fall asleep at the wheel.  
He can’t let Martin drive until Martin looks like less like a space cadet.  
But Jon hopes the tea brings color back to Martin’s face, even if he can’t quite tell in the sickly light of the service station, or the dim light of the evening as Jon tops up the petrol.  
Highway before and behind, and Jon is throwing up.  Pulled to the wrong side of the road in the dark and the rain.  Trembling as Martin rubs his back and gently pulls back his hair.  
They aren’t even halfway there.  His heart is beating too quickly.  Anxiety?  Caffeine?  POTS?  Nausea?  Who’s to say.  But Jon is miserable, but there isn’t much choice, because being a passenger will make it worse, even if that would mean he could take some medicine.  But Martin is in not fit state to drive.  And Martin must know that, because for all his soothing, he doesn’t offer to drive.  Or he almost offers, but Jon can see the thought die on his lips.  Besides, Jon is fairly certain Martin can’t drive a manual transmission car.  Not that Jon is particularly good at it, and stalled the engine twice leaving London.  
The occasional car and lorry thunders past.  On the side of the road, Jon can feel their movement in his core.  He worries how he will get them safely back on the road, as he spits in the dirt.  
“Sorry.  Let’s go,” he mumbles his embarrassment to Martin.  
He tries to ignore the pitying look that Martin has fixed on him.  
“Sure we can’t stop?”  
Jon shakes his head, and the dizziness threatens to take him down.  He sags against Martin for a moment.  “Can’t risk it.  Perils of being on the run, I’m afraid.”  
Martin frowns at him.  
“I’m fine.  Just… tired and… well, carsick.  We’ll be there by morning.”
“Yeah and the fact that you basically collapsed against me is something I’m just supposed to ignore?”  
Jon waves him off.  
The brief conversation seems to have stolen all of Martin’s words.  He quietly gets back in the car, and Jon shudders and sways without Martin’s warm bulk holding him up.  
He starts the car, and takes Martin’s hand.  
Just a few more hours.  Then they can rest.  
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thebrochtuarachs · 3 years
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Something in the Rain - “Finding Solid Ground”
A/N:  Hi all! This chapter has been in the drafts for quite sometime now but I only had the time to pick up the writing. Thank you so much for your patience with my slow updates but rest assured, I absolutely love this story and daydream about the chapters ahead. As always, your comment and suggestions help a lot moving this story forward. Hope you all are keeping safe and healthy! Till the next one!
AO3  / C1: A Day In June : C2: Definitely, Maybe : C3: So We Meet Again : C4: Friday Lunch
She was 45 minutes late.
Claire was running as fast as she could, catching some curious eyes on her as she raced towards Mrs. Kim’s Korean Street Food Hub to hopefully, still catch Jamie for their lunch.
She got off from her morning surgery quite late due to some complications but she still went as courtesy and because, in all honesty, she still wanted to see him. Their last encounter kind of left them in an awkward place and she was hoping that this meeting could help clarify some things. She has been waiting for this all week but alas, life (and medicine) had other plans.
Claire entered the store and knew instantly that he wasn’t there. The place was empty after the lunch rush and she sighed in disappointment.
“Claire!” Mrs. Kim suddenly called out. “This is for you, left by your friend”, she said while handing her a piece of paper.
“Thank you” Claire replied, opening it on spot.
Hi Claire,
Sorry, I left before you arrived but I have to get back to the office. Don’t worry about the wait, I really don’t mind but I just have a packed schedule today.
Forgive me if this is too forward but here’s my number. No pressure! Just figured we can text or call whenever is a better time to catch up. Just hit me up when you feel like it and I’ll be on the other line.
I do hope to hear from you soon. If not, I’ll be here next Friday, same time :)
Claire did not waste any more time and punched in Jamie’s mobile number to call. After three rings, he answered.
“Jamie? It’s me, Claire.”
“Claire, hi! I see you got my note.”
“I did. I am so sorry. My surgery ran a little bit long and…”
“Don’t worry, I figured that must be it.” he said cheerfully, cutting her off before she went into a long explanation. “I mean, you save lives and all, couldn’t be angry about that.”
Claire sighed relief on the other line and couldn’t believe just how understanding he is. So understanding that she’s starting to wonder if he’s even real. She hasn't really met anyone that chivalrous and it captures her.
“Oh, wow. Thank you - and thank you for the note and your number. My guilt would’ve eaten me alive if I couldn’t apologize to you.”
“You don’t think it was too forward?”
“No, not at all. To be honest, I was going to ask it last week before we got, erm, interrupted.”
“Well, that’s good to know. And in any case, I would’ve given it.” Jamie said.
She could hear his smile from the other line and she couldn’t help but smile too.
“Anyhow,” Claire followed. “I am so sorry I missed you today. To make up for it, would you happen to be doing anything tomorrow?”
“Hmm, let me check." Jamie checked his board calendar. "Nope, my weekend is free. Anything you had in mind?”
“Well, if you’re up for it, I’d like to invite you to the center tomorrow, see what we’re doing with the kids. Fair warning though, they get a little rowdy sometimes.”
“I’m game! Text me the details and what time to meet you.”
“Really? Great! Sure, I’ll text you the details in a bit”
“Will wait for it. Claire, sorry to cut this short but I have to run to a meeting. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Oh no, please. Go ahead. I’ll see you tomorrow, Alright, bye!”
It was a Saturday, two weeks since their encounter by the crossing, and now she’s waiting for him to arrive and bring him to one of the most special places for her.
Claire hadn’t absolutely thought through what inviting Jamie to the center would mean. Reflecting on yesterday, a part of Claire thought she may have panicked and this invite might’ve been a mistake. On another end was a part of her that was excited to see him and if she was really being honest, spend time with him, and show her the work they have been doing.
She had told her their meeting story and the extended invite to her friends and staff but left out the part about their lunches. She messaged the team on WhatsApp about their upcoming guest and her inbox has blown with messages asking her for more details about the man himself. She messaged that they’ll be able to find out for themselves tomorrow when they meet him and turned off her phone.
“Claire?” Deep in thought she hadn’t seen or hear Jamie arrive. “You okay?”
“Yeah, sorry. Spaced out there for a bit” she embarrassingly admitted.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Jamie asked as Claire pointed the way in.
“Erm, nothing much. Just thinking about giving you fair warning about everyone upstairs. They’re quite curious about you, Jamie Fraser.” she said jokingly the half truth.
Jamie got a bit nervous suddenly and Claire felt it. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll save you if they get too rowdy. Be ready to answer questions though." She said, smiling, hoping to ease his thoughts.
“Is any topic off limits? Should I not mention anything to them?”
“I leave it to you. But if you ask me, just be yourself and charm everyone away”
Jamie chuckled and Claire turned to him. “What?”
“You think I’m charming?”
Claire laughed and smacked him in the arm. “Oh, bug off!”
“I’ll take that as a yes”
“Anyway!” Claire interrupted. “Today’s event is just art and crafts and a story session. The rest, the kids can do and play how ever they like. I usually just play with any kid who asks me to and time just flies and suddenly, the afternoon is done.”
“Got it. I honestly hope I can help more than distract or whatever”
“Pssh, you’ll be fine, Jamie. You’ll be fine”
The moment the elevator doors opened, a line of people greeted Jamie and Claire at the entrance.
“Hello, everyone” Claire greeted but to her surprise, no one spoke or moved. Everyone was just looking at Jamie. “This is Jamie. Jamie Fraser, our guest for today”
She ushered them closer to the stunned group and began to introduce them one by one.
Mary, the receptionist and admin assistant.
Mrs. Graham, the secretariat and head of operations.
Joe, also a surgeon from Claire’s hospital.
Frank, the history professor he’d met a week earlier.
Geilis, a botanist and herbalist.
“It’s nice to meet you all. Thank you for having me this afternoon.” Jamie said and it was only then that the ice was broken.
“Hi, Jamie was it? Can I call you Jamie?” Mrs. Graham prodded.
“Yes, Mam”
“Alright, this way. Let me show you around”
As Mrs. Graham swept Jamie away for a short tour, the rest of the group crowded Claire with questions.
“Okay, he is even more handsome than in the pictures!” Geilis excitedly said.
“Pictures?” Claire asked.
“Ugh, I sometimes forget you’re a doctor who needs to catch up to the times” Geilis pinched her nose jokingly. “Jamie was named one of Scotland’s most eligible bachelors in a tatler magazine last year. There’s pretty striking photos of him in a tux and in casual clothes.”
“I remember that issue. Gail had one lying in the house and I happen to peruse it one time. You’re right, the pictures don’t do him justice.” Joe chimed in.
“I had no idea. I mean, I just literally bumped into the guy on the street!” Claire said, a curiosity pooling in her mind. She had to look for that magazine later.
“Such a meet-cute story. Ugh, Claire! It’s like something out of the books or movies” Geilis added.
“Psh, he seems too manly for me. I mean, who is that fit and that put together.” Frank mused.
“I think he’s quite charming” Joe added.
“If you ask me, Claire, I don’t know what’s going on between you two but keep it going” Geilis added.
“Aish, nothing is going on. I just extended a polite invite to make up for - “ Claire stopped as Jamie and Mrs. Graham arrived back, thankful for the Interruption.
“Make up for what?” Geilis asked, not missing that info.
“Oh, nothing.”
“Mhm” Geilis hummed raising an eyebrow to Claire. She’ll pull it out of her later.
It was a long but fun afternoon for everyone.
Afterwards, one by one, the space cleared out, the kids were picked up, saying goodbye to the staff with some even approaching and waving at Jamie as they left, leaving him with a heartwarming feeling.
“Well, another successful weekend, folks!” Frank called out and the team gave themselves applause.
“Great job to Joe and Mary for taking on the storytelling and painting sessions this afternoon and I would also like to thank our guest, Jamie, for being patient and helpful with the kids” Mrs. Graham added, earning another group applause.
“Thank ye, I hope I helped at all today but otherwise, I enjoyed today and thank ye for inviting me.” Jamie shared.
“Come join us anytime” Joe patted him on the back. “Alright, everyone, have a goodnight. See you all next week, I’ll bring Gail and Lenny along.” With that he made a way for the elevator and it was everyone’s cue to leave.
Claire approached Jamie just as he was going to her. “Well, how are you and how was it?” she asked. If she expected to spend time with Jamie, well, it didn’t happen. First, he was whisked away by Mrs. Graham. Afterwards, it was Joe asking help to build his set. Next up was Mary who got him assisting on getting and serving the food, and the rest of the time, it was kids calling out on Jamie here and there and he was more than happy to oblige.
“Fun and a little bit tiring” he replied and Claire gave a small laugh. “But in all honesty, thank ye for inviting me to come here. Made me miss my niece and nephew”
“I’m glad you had fun and I’m glad you got to see what we’re doing here.”
Jamie might be overthinking things but he knew that Claire sharing this part of her to him seems like a big thing and he intends to cherish that.
“Anyway, I’d like to offer to drive ye home...or to the nearest bus stop” he added, panicking he put her in a tight spot.
Claire paused, eyed him jokingly, intentionally making him more flush and nervous.
“I’d take that offer but” she began and Jamie swallowed the lump on his throat, “I actually live nearby so we don’t need to drive”
“Okay,” Jamie sighed in relief which Claire found very cute. “Lead the way, then”
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I dont know whats real anymore (Delia x reader)
warnings: talking about death
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You have to take these pills, Y / N .." Cordelia said firmly, holding out the two pills.
She watched the tears well up in your eyes and how you moved as far away from her as you could on the bed. You sat frightened in the corner of the bed, knees wrapped around your chest and your arms around your shoulders.
"Please Cordelia .. I can't .." you whispered.
"Honey, you're sick ... and if you don't take these pills you won't get well ...", her voice softened.
"The doctors said that too .." you whimpered softly and pushed me further into the corner.
The doctors? Cordelia frowned. Four days ago you showed up at the academy in the middle of the night. Your clothes soaked from the rain and tears made their way on your face. You didn't need to be a doctor to predict your cold in advance.
You haven't said much about yourself since you've been here. She knew your name and that you ran away from home. What she also knew was why you had come to the academy; you could talk to the dead and because you could no longer help yourself, you came to her.
"I don't know which doctors you're talking about .." Cordelia began and sat down on the bed. "These two pills only ensure that your fever is lowered and you can sleep ... nothing more .."
"I don't believe you .." you whispered, your eyes glittering. She got up, grabbed the wrapping of the pills, and tossed them into your lap before she sat down again.
"Please .. subsided on your own .." she said and bit her lip.
With trembling hands you examined the packaging and found that Cordelia was right. Without a word, you held out your hand to her and she let the two pills fall into the palm of your hand. She watched with satisfaction as you washed the pills down with a glass of water.
"Thanks Y / N..I just want to help you ..", she said and got up. "You should sleep now and let me know when you wake up .."
As she started to leave, your hand grabbed her wrist. She spun around and looked into your pleading eyes.
"Please don't go .." you whispered. "If you go, they talk to me .."
By they you meant the dead in this house.
Cordelia squeezed your hand gently and gave you a warm smile before she sat in the chair in the other corner of the room. You turned away from her because you were uncomfortable sleeping in front of her, but even with your body against the wall you could feel her gaze on your back and although it made you feel uncomfortable, it was still better than to be yelled by the ghosts of this house. Even now they were standing in this room and whispering things to you. Bad things. But it was much easier to ignore the dead in the presence of someone who couldn't hear them.
Cordelia sat cross-legged in the chair, her head in her hands, and watched your breathing slow down and become a steady rhythm.
After a few minutes, when she assumed you were asleep, she got up and let out a sigh. You had been here for just four days and she could safely say that no one had been this complicated in a long time. The problem was, that she couldn't figure you out and she didn't want to talk to you until you were really healthy.
Weeks passed. You got well and started moving around the academy and taking classes. Everyone was nice to you, but you knew that most of them just found you weird for talking to people, that they couldn't see. It was not uncommon to see you arguing with someone who didn't exist to them and of course the other witches thought it was strange. Cordelia had tried to talk to you several times, but you always avoided her and she couldn't explain why.
It was Saturday afternoon and most of the girls weren't home. Cordelia was walking down the corridors of the academy as she often did when she heard your screams.
"Leave me alone .." you screamed.
Alarmed, Cordelia ran to your room and threw the door open.
You stood in the middle of the room with both hands wrapped around a knife and held it trembling in front of you.
"Y / N ..", Cordelia began slowly and entered the room. "Take the knife down .."
"I dont know what's real anymore ..", you sobbed and held the knife to your throat.
"Please Y / N." Cordelia's voice was low as she kept walking towards you. "Look at me, I'm real .." She wanted to grab your hand, but you back away.
"They're yelling at me, Cordelia ... they want me to kill .."
"Who should you kill Y / N?", She was almost in front of you.
"You!" You screamed.
Cordelia stopped. She was confused. "Me?" You nodded. "Yes ... all the others too.. I'm scared ... "
She was standing in front of you and had her hands around your wrists as she led your hand with the knife away from your neck. "I'm so sorry .." you uttered and started to cry. Cordelia, who had taken the knife from your hand, tossed the blade away and wrapped her arms around you.
"You don't have to apologize honey .." she whispered against your ear "Everything will be fine..". Her left hand wandered through your hair while her right pressed you against her.
"I just want to be normal .." you sobbed into her chest.
The next 5 minutes remained like this, you cried yourself in her arms while she whispered the sweet things in your ear.
When your crying subsided, she pulled back to study your face.
"I think we should finally talk .." she said softly and sat down on your bed.
You nodded slowly and sat down next to her. "So .. what brought you here?"
"Uhm .. I think it all started when my grandma died .." you started playing nervously with your fingers. "My parents told me, she was dead, but she was right behind them. At first I thought it was supposed to be funny, but then I realized that they were serious ... well and when I told them I could still see her and then talked to her, my parents took me to a doctor. But the doctor just said it was my own way of dealing with her death. It was weird to be at her funeral, even though she was still alive to me .. "you laughed nervously.
"One night two complete strangers were standing in my room, claiming to be the deceased owner of our house, then I realized that something was wrong. It got worse because there were more and more dead people talking to me and it became difficult to distinguish who was really alive and who was dead. At some point I could no longer hide it from my parents and they took me again to a doctor, who diagnosed me with schizophrenia. From then on my life became pure hell. I forgot how many nights I had to spend in clinics, but I remember every moment when doctors chained me to the bed and forcibly injected medicine into me. Then I was only allowed to leave the house under supervision and all objects were removed from my room, that I could hurt myself with. It was all bad, but worst of all were my parents. They no longer saw me, their daughter, they just saw this disease and the monster doctors made me ... and I tried so hard to improve, but it was impossible to ignore them, the dead ... and then one day I found this academy at Internet and somehow I felt like it was the only place, where I wouldn't be considered sick .."
When you were done you carefully looked up at Cordelia. She was lost in thought and was staring intently into your eyes, as if this enabled her to look into your head.
"Cordelia, I-" you started, but she cut you off.
"What do they say to you, the dead?"
"Um different things .. most of them want me to kill somebody .. they want their revenge. It's like I'm their bridge from the dead to the world of the living .. They yell at me and promise to leave me alone if I kill for them ... Then there is something else, when I was locked in my room after I was released from the clinic, sometimes they told me death was my salvation and how free I would be if I were one of them..Sometimes I am myself not sure if they told me that or if I did .. "you said. She didn't answer and just kept staring into your eyes.
After a while she cleared her throat and sat up straight. "I want to be honest with you..I can't make it stop or make them leave you alone..but I can teach you how to ignore them and how to gain control over them .."
You nodded quickly. "There's just one more thing .." you started. "It is incredibly difficult to sleep when dead people scream at you with their plans for revenge ...". You smiled at her crookedly.
"How long haven't you slept?" She frowned. Only now did she notice your dark circles.
"Couple of days .." you mumbled. "Since I stopped taking sleeping pills, I wanted to ask if I-"
"No Y / N." She said firmly. "I'll see what I can do, maybe there is some spell that can help and until then come to me if you can't sleep .."
When she got up from your bed, you got up too.
"Thanks Cordelia .." you said and meant it.
"I haven't done anything yet. I'm just sorry, that we didn't talk to each other earlier ...", she said and bent down to reach for your knife. "And as long as the situation doesn't improve, such items have no business in your room, understand?" She asked sharply.
You nodded quickly.
"Good ..", she smiled again. "I'll go now and see what I can do to help you .."
Again some time passed, Cordelia began to teach you privately because you couldn't get along with most of the other girls and you didn't feel like telling the others about your past. For that you got very close to Cordelia and started to trust her completely. Your ghost problem was also progressing, it got easier to ignore the dead. Because you had not left the academy since your arrival, you now knew which of the people were still alive here and which were not. In addition, Cordelia had made a list for you at the beginning with all the names of the other witches and at first it really helped you to find your way around who was dead and who wasn't, but now you don't need the list anymore. But the list was still hanging over your bed, simply because you liked the thought of Cordelia did it for you.
As beautiful as it was, there was still a problem: as much as you could ignore it during the day, the way the dead screamed for you, it was all the more difficult at night. Still yelling in your face, they were standing in the corner of your room and staring at you. Even though you stopped talking to them, they still wouldn't leave you alone, because they knew it was robbing you of sleep. Cordelia had said you could come to her if you couldn't sleep, but somehow the thought felt weird and you didn't want to burden her any more.
That's why you looked for another way to find sleep: sleeping pills. It wasn't particularly difficult, you knew where Cordelia kept the pills and it was not uncommon for one of the other witches to take a pill when she couldn't sleep.
You usually got the pills while the others were in class, but you couldn't today, because Cordelia had rescheduled your class until the morning, so you snuck through the academy after everyone went to bed. Only to find that the pills were gone. You let out a frustrated sigh.
"Are you looking for something, Honey?"
Cordelia's warm voice behind you made you whirl around. She stood behind you, only dressed in a dressing gown, her perfectly manicured fingers holding the sleeping pills in her hand.
"Cordelia ..", you mumbled and wanted to come up with some explanation, but she got before you.
"How long have you been taking this?", Her voice was emotionless.
"Few weeks ..." you muttered, looking away from her.
"A few of weeks ??" she uttered aloud.
"I'm sor-" you started, but she interrupted you.
"You always say, that you are sorry .." she hissed and grabbed your hand. "Come with me .. I don't feel like waking up the other girls with my screams ..."
Without a word she pulled you through the corridors of the academy to her room.
"Sit down .." she growled softly after closing the door. She pointed to her bed and you sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Didn't I make it clear that you shouldn't take these pills?" She paced up and down her room.
"yes .." you answered quietly.
"I didn't hear you ..", she stopped and glared at you.
"Shit .. yeah damn .." you yelled at her while your eyes filled with tears.
"Hopefully you are aware, that if you are addicted to these pills now, I will have to take you to a doctor ..", her voice was soft and dangerous. At her words your eyes widened. "No..Delia please don't .." you pleaded.
"Don't call me like that .. It's your own fault ..". Cordelia put her hands on her hips and chewed her lower lip.
"I know .." you said.
"Oh you know? ..Argh Y / N.." She ran through her blonde curls. "It is my top priority to make sure that my girls are okay and that means for you that you follow my rules .."
You nodded guiltily.
She stared down at you. You didn't have to look into her face to be aware of the flames that burned in her eyes.
"Is that your pajamas?" She finally asked.
"What?" You let out confused and lift your head.
"Whether these are your pajamas .." she said impatiently.
"Perfect .." she muttered
"I don't quite understand-" you said, still confused, and watched her pull the curtains over the window.
"You sleep here today, you idiot .."
You stared at her in amazement. Were you serious?
"You really don't have to-"
"You think, I would do this for you? ", she laughed. "Do you think it would be nice for me to send you to your room, knowing that you couldn't sleep for the rest of the night? "
You didn't answer and watched her go to the other side of the bed. "In your first week here when you were sick, you wanted me to stay with you until you fell asleep, because then they would leave you alone .." she said, pulling off her coat to reveal a nightgown bring to. You still didn't know what she was getting at.
"And because I don't feel like watching you fall asleep, because I'm also tired, that should work too .." she finished, lifted the covers and climbed into the bed.
You were still sitting lost on the edge of the bed.
"Honey, you shouldn't watch me sleeping, you should sleep yourself, so move your pretty little ass now into my bed ...", she said with closed eyes.
You blushed at her words, but did what she said and lay down next to her under the sheet before she turned off the light.
Now you both lay stiffly next to each other in the dark and stared at the ceiling.
"I'm sorry that I was just so angry ..." Cordelia began, her voice finally back to normal. "It's just ..-", she paused and looked for the right words. "Why didn't you come to me? I thought you trust me .." Her voice was full of regret and disappointment, and when you heard her that way, you couldn't help but feel bad.
"It's not that I don't trust you .." you whispered.
"But?" She asked before sitting up and leaning over you. The blond curls tickled your face.
"You've done so much for me and I'm really grateful for it, but I didn't mean to worry you any more than I already do .. I know I shouldn't say that, but you shouldn't waste your affection on me, Delia .. ". If it had been light, Cordelia would have seen the tears running down your face. Why were you just so emotional?
"God Y / N, you're so stupid .." she sighed, before leaning down and gently pressing her lips to yours.
To say you were surprised would have been an understatement and to say you didn't want it would be a lie.
It just seemed so impossible.
She was like an angel of God with broken wings, but so beautiful. And you were just that little heap of misery that knocked on her door in the pouring rain.
"Was that just something to get me to sleep?" You smiled softly as she pulled back.
"No .." she laughed and pushed your hair back from your face. "Definitely not.."
From then on, things finally got better. You would still hear the pleading cries of the dead, but Cordelia would always be there to ground you.
love of my life google translate
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hadesglance · 4 years
All hail the new Queen... - 31 (Hades Original Story) End Book 1
You fought your way through the maze of the underworld to make a deal with the King…intrigued the lonely king listens…
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five  Part Six Part Seven  Part Eight   Part Nine  Part Ten  Part Eleven Part Twelve  Part Thirteen  Part Fourteen  Part Fifteen  Part Sixteen Part Seventeen  Part Eighteen  Part Nineteen   Part Twenty  Part Twenty-One   Part Twenty-Two  Part Twenty-Three  Part Twenty-Four  Part Twenty-Five  Part Twenty-Six  Part Twenty-Seven  Part Twenty-Eight  Part Twenty-Nine  Part -Thirty
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Hades sat on the bench looking down into the book turning a page. He didn’t need to read it…he lived it, but it looked better to turn a page every once in a while when one lingered in the mortal realm. He sighed as he felt the air shift next to him, “Zeus…what are you doing here?”
“I was going to ask you the same thing.” His younger brother looked around the area taking in the green forest behind them as people milled about selecting picnic tables for lunch, “This is a cheery spot…no wonder they built the hospital next to this forest. It’s beautiful. Probably why it does so well too. Demeter always says nature is a natural healer.”
“Zeus…” Hades looked at him with a glare.
Zeus sighed before looking at the old god, “I came…because I’m worried about you. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”
“I’m still keeping everything in check…you don’t have to worry…” Hades looked back to the book for once focusing on the words to try and drown out what was about to be said.
“I’m not worried about your duties…” Zeus frowned, “I’m worried about my brother who won’t stop torturing himself over a woman who can’t remember him. It’s been a year…”
Hades took in a deep breath licking his lips before he spoke, “I promised her father…a mortal man, who had the ability to see through all my bullshit and accept me as a broken child…and treat me like a son…that I would protect her. I don’t break my promises or my deals…”
“That doesn’t mean you have to come here every week to see her.” Zeus sat up turning to him with a frown, “Hades…Y/N is fine. She’s thriving. She’s passed all her courses, the MCAT, and has made it into medical school…”
“For someone who doesn’t want me to have anything to do with her, you know an awful lot about her situation.” Hades shut the book looking at him finally.
Zeus looked away smiling a little, “…well…she is family…it would be wrong for me not to know what’s going on with her…but she doesn’t need us anymore, brother.”
Hades stared at him for a long time before looking toward the hospital. He felt his cheek twitch as he saw you rolling out a patient. You had started volunteering here once a week on an off day. You just sat with patients who didn’t have anyone or had been there a long time. Always giving your time to those who felt alone and needed hope.
He had only come to see you for a moment, and it had turned into something more of a habit. You had run right into him as you left a room at one point. Of course, you apologized profusely to which he simple shook his head telling you it was his fault. He had been in a memory forgetting where he was. You smiled at him and asked if he was lost…he fumbled through and told you he was just leaving. He apologized again and ran out of the place.
Ever since he took off, he’d been drawn back there, painfully aware of what he was doing to himself…but he didn’t care. His heart belonged to you even when you didn’t know you had it, “In some way…she’ll always need us. She still believes.”
“But not like she did.” Hades frowned at his brother’s words. Zeus looked at him before shaking his head, “Fine…do what you want, but seriously…if you must be here...maybe you should try to find her again instead of sitting by. Engage her…”
“She’s safer…” Hades opened his book again as he spoke.
“Yes, yes…that same old argument…” Zeus rolled his eyes, “I don’t care. You love her, more then you’ve loved anyone or anything…I only wish to see you happy, brother.”
Hades sighed before raising his head looking at him, “I know. In a way, I am happy. It’s just bittersweet, knowing she is safe, happy, and healthy…reaching her goals and dreams…”
Zeus stood up looking down at him, “Fair enough…I’m off, world to run you know?”
Hades watched him walk away surprised. It wasn’t like Zeus to give up so easily. Perhaps maturity had finally reached him, now that he had a mission to deal with. Finding their father was certainly more important than his love life.
“He’s not listening to me!” Zeus groaned as he fell onto the couch, arm draping over his face dramatically, “He’s just so…so…”
“Righteous?” Hera offered as she wrote notes at her desk.
“Yes!” He flipped over watching her and muttered into his arms, “Help me…”
“Excuse me?” Her hand stopped mid-sentence as she looked up to him, “Could you repeat that?”
“Ugh…” He sat up before putting his hands together in a pleading motion, “My dearest…beautiful…most intelligent wife…please help me save my brother’s marriage from the shambles our father left it in.”
Hera smirked before looking down to her work finishing her prior thought then put the pen down, “Alright, but we do it my way. Do you understand?”
Zeus was regretting agreeing to do it her way…it was…slow…
“Stop tapping your leg.” Hera looked at him across the table, “You said you’d do it my way…”
“I…did…” He stopped his leg watching her unwrap the hospital sandwich, “I just didn’t think it’d take weeks.”
“Love takes time dear, and there’s no guarantee what we’re about to attempt is going to work.” She sighed, “It took so long because I had to find a good distraction for Hades. We don’t need to him appearing and trying to stop us.”
“Oh, and what distraction did you give him?” Zeus finally began opening up the sandwich.
Hera smirked, “Poseidon. I told him what we were attempting to do, and he told me not to worry…he would handle it. Natural disaster was due to happen apparently…”
Zeus laughed a little his eyes glancing past her he cleared his throat, “She’s coming…”
“Just follow my lead.” Hera whispered to him glancing over as you took a seat at a nearby table, “You can’t be serious…”
He made a face before clearing his throat, “No…No I’m quite serious.”
“It’s been a year and it’s he still loves her…” Hera looked away from him shaking her head, “Why doesn’t he just talk to her?”
“Heh…I’ve asked him…” Zeus leaned back in his seat, “He’s says he’s protecting her. The distance is supposed to help her. He’s afraid he’ll hurt her again.”
“What a load of rubbish…” He glanced over seeing you looking at them quickly looking away as Hera began to speak, “It doesn’t make sense…they seemed so happy. I mean the first time he brought her over. She was so alive, and right away I could see her being a part of the family. It was just an accident…he had no control over any of it and he certainly didn’t mean for it to happen…”
“Yeah…he knows, but it doesn’t stop him from wanting to protect her…” He leaned forward reaching for Hera’s hand before he smiled, “Do you remember when they got stuck in the rain?”
“I don’t recall that…” Hera shook her head smiling at him.
“Ah you know big brother Nick…” He looked down, “She came to see me with some concerns…rode her bike to the park we met at. I guess on the way back it started to storm, and her bike broke down…it was a series of events one after another…he freaked out when he couldn’t get a hold of her. “
“So, he goes out and finds her stranded under a bridge. It’s pouring by this point…he’s in that once suit he wears all the time…” Zeus rolled his eyes.
“Oh, the black one, blue shirt…” Hera rattled off.
“That’s the one.” He nodded.
“I bought him that.” She smirked a little.
“Anyways… so they’re there…wet…cars are going by not helping and you know Nick...” He smiled laughing a little, “He’s gotta be so gallant, so he gives her his coat and they then I guess he looked into her eyes…and it was magic.”
“He said that.” Hera leaned forward leaning on her hand when he let go of hers, “What was so magically about it?”
“He said it was the first time, that he saw how much she cared about him. Living together for months, but he was so scared to see it…” Zeus looked down at his hands, “You know how much he went through after the war…how closed off he was. She could see all of it and she didn’t run away. Every scar…every dark spot… She never ran away from him…”
“To find someone who understands that…then to lose her…” Hera frowned reaching over taking Zeus’ hand in hers again, “I can’t imagine that pain. Isn’t there a way…to bring them back together?”
“I’ve tried…it’s something she has to do on her own…I thought he’d run after her, but he’s resigned himself to watching her from afar.” Zeus told her shaking his head.
“But he loves her, right? Love like that doesn’t just fade away, it leaves a mark…like a handprint…it lingers…” Hera glanced over to you sitting there. It was obvious that you’d been listening to bits of their conversation.
“I would hope so…even if their relationship started out as just some ridiculous deal…it grew into so much more.” He sighed heavily, “I know she’s left her mark on him and it won’t fade any time soon…”
“That’s right…she asked him for help, and he said he would if she would go with him…” Hera shook her head, “She was so brave. She didn’t even know him.”
“Yeah, he said the same thing. So human…” Zeus told her stopping as he felt a rumble under his feet.
“Dear…” Hera looked at him tilted her head with concern.
“I don’t know…” He looked around as everyone began to stand up. The rumbling intensified, “Hera…”
He stood up with her ready to whisk them away to safety, but she smiled looking toward you, “Something rises…”
Zeus followed her gaze looking at you as you sat there a soft aura beginning to move around you. A glow he recognized instantly, “Hera…”
“Everyone assumed it was about Cronus rising…” Hera smiled proudly at you, “But it was her sacrifices. It was her belief in us…in Hades…yes Cronus is out there, and he doesn’t need belief to use his powers…but Y/N…she never gave up hope for any of us…she was our hope. She is hope.”
“…hope…” Zeus smiled as you stood up looking over at them recognition evident in your eyes, “Y/N…”
“Where is he?” Tears streamed down you face as you looked at them, “Where is Hades?”
“Home…he’s at home.” Hera told you stepping forward pulling you into a hug, “You only need to think of him and I’m sure you’ll get there.”
Zeus stepped next to his wife as her arms fell to her sides, “My wife…so smart…catching all the details and knowing exactly how to bring out everything…”
“I like to pride myself in knowing a thing or two about true love.” She turned to Zeus giving him a kiss on the cheek, “Come…there’s much to plan for now…”
Hades stood in the tower looking out over the Styx’s shaking his head as he watched the souls move about. Why did his brothers always provide him with so much work? At least Poseidon had the courtesy to warn him this time…and he couldn’t blame him either…
Poseidon’s realm was the oceans themselves and humanity was slowly destroying it. So, every once in a great while he would bring forth a natural disaster to try and bring balance…it normally cost a great deal of life.
Maybe Zeus was right…he had not been prepared for this and he should have been. Building the Underworld was a massive undertaking at times. Souls needed a place to rest and the beaches were already so full from the wars humanity brought on themselves…
He looked up as his realm shook. Whatever quaked his realm was enough to send pieces of it flying…What was that? He moved to the other side of the tower to see if he could see what would cause such a disturbance.
His eyes scanned the rivers for any damage, but none could be found. He stood there watching souls of different colors moving toward Elysium getting lost in their peace. What would it be like to drift away to someplace eternal like that?
He tensed when he heard the door creak open. He quickly pushed himself out of sight behind a pillar. No one could come here without his knowledge and yet he didn’t feel anyone in his realm that shouldn’t be there.
He summoned his bident taking in a few deep breaths as he heard the person’s footsteps echo against the walls. Finally, they stopped and spoke making his heart thump hard against his chest, “Hades?”
He stepped out wincing a little as light blinded him. Slowly his eyes adjusted, and he saw you standing there in the center of the room. The bident dropped from his hand as he stepped out, he had to be dreaming, “Y/N….”
You turned quickly smile on your face. It was you…and it was more…He didn’t understand it and he didn’t care as you ran forward jumping into his arms giving him a kiss. Warmth spread through him like never before as your lips moved against his.
In a single moment, his world fell back into place. Tears fell from his eyes as he began to hold you. He could feel you…touch you…taste you. Finally, he pulled away to look at your face, “How? How is this possible?”
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“I don’t know.” You whispered as his hands took hold of your face staring at you in awe and disbelief, “I don’t know…”
“This…shouldn’t…” He shook his head as he wiped away one f your tears. As it touched his thumb it seemed to glitter and glow into his skin sending warmth up his arm. His eyes widened as he felt your power surge into him as the words spilled from his mouth, “You’ve become a goddess…”
You shook your head before pushing up on your toes kissing him again. His arms slinked around your waist pulling your closer. Every touch seemed twice as sensitive than it used to be. He moaned against your mouth as you pulled away you nudged his nose with his, “How can I remember everything…I shouldn’t be able to…Cronus…”
His hands found your face again as he pressed his forehead against yours shaking his head, “I don’t know…I don’t care…you’re here…You’re here and I’m never letting you go again.”
“I’m home.” You whispered against his lips as he captured yours again. Gods it was better then before. Unable to control himself any longer he scooped you up before pushing your back up against one of the pillars.
Year long desires began to unfold from him, and you didn’t seem in any hurry to stop him. The dance was sensual and needy as his fingers traced your skin removing each article of clothing that kept you from him. He expected with each blink for you to disappear, but you never did.
Instead, you gave him constant reassurance as your own fingers danced across his scarred body. Clinging to him as his lips met with your skin burning his love to you in every way. When your lips met his skin sensations burst forth tingling like electric currents…what was it? Then I slowly came to him as you called out his name against his throat.
Love…he felt loved…every movement…every touch…every moan was unabated love for him.
You sat on top of him afterwards tracing his scars on his chest as he stared up at you. He reached up cupping your face and you smiled leaning into his touch. You looked so at peace and it made his heart soar. His hand trailed up your arm stopping over the mark he’d given you so long ago…it burned brightly still.
“I love you.” He whispered watching your eyes twinkle at his words, “So much…”
“And I love you.” You leaned forward kissing him before you spoke again. Your eyes were filled with such pain and saddness, “I’m so sorry…I had to get you away from him…”
He shook his head wrapping his arms around you as he sat up, “Never apologize for that…you did nothing wrong…except love a fool…”
“Hades…” You took his face in your hands caressing his cheek with your thumbs before he kissed your palms, “None of us knew what he had planned…”
“And we still don’t.” He sighed before pulling you closer, resting his head in the crook of his neck. He still couldn’t fathom that you were here with him. As a goddess no less, “How do you feel?”
“You didn’t hurt me…if that’s what you’re worried about…” You ran a hand through his hair getting him to shiver.
“I didn’t mean that…” He raised his head a little kissing your neck feeling your body tense instinctively to his touch, “I meant your powers…it has to feel strange…”
“I…” You looked down at him searching his face, “I don’t know…I mean…should I feel different?”
“I don’t know…I have never been human then a god before.” He smiled a little brushing your hair from your face, “But I imagine things are about to get very weird…for all of us.”
“What do you mean?” You mean you bit your bottom lip as your forehead rested against his.
“It’s been over a hundred years since we’ve had the birth of a new god…” He absently let his fingers trail up and down your thigh, “And Gy was just there…you… you however have become a goddess. Not just immortal…but as far as I can tell you are everything. You have belief…”
You stared into his eyes, “I don’t know what that means…”
He let out a sigh nodding before leaning up kissing you. As much as he desired to stay here with only you, it was time to find some answers. He pulled away nodding, “It’s time to find your answers…we need to go to Olympus…”
Standing with you he snapped his fingers dressing you both. You looked down at yourself wearing somewhat of matching clothes of his, but in your fashion, “Why do I get the feeling there is a lot more to it than just…hello…I’m goddess now…”
“As with anything to do with the gods…” He stepped to you before pulling you to his side smirking, “We must make a show of it…a coming out party if you will, but…”
“But…always a but…” You sighed hanging you head a little.
He lifted your chin meeting your eyes with his seeing such power behind them now, “But…I fear there may be a bigger concern. You have your memories back. It is likely Cronus knows and he will retaliate…”
You took in a deep breath nodding before you reached up touching his concerned face, “Then we’ll fight him together.”
Thank you my lovelies! It has been a wild ride hasn’t it! I have every intention beginning book two soon! I just want to start editing this book one first for a bit!(Thinking about sending it in and getting serious about it...we’ll see *shrugs*) 
Too each and every single one of you I cannot express how much it means to me that you followed me along and I hope you continue to do so! Bigger and better things await our dear Hades as he goes up against Cronus and whoever else he broke out of jail...questions still need answering *eyebrow wiggle*
If you have questions please ask away! As I’m starting to edit it again, I’d love to hear from you about things that didn’t make sense. Things that maybe should have more emphasis, etc... I appreciate it advance!
Love you!
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aj-writes-here · 4 years
[Part 1] Yay! Finally I can send one of my fave writers a request ❤ How about a Levi x reader scenario where reader gets pregnant before the Liberio invasion but doesn't tell Levi cuz she knows he won't let her participate in the battle so after the battle she gets heavily injured (but she won't lose her child) & Levi finds out she was pregnant after they get back. He scolds her (the ANGST part) & leaves her alone when she's crying, (deep down he's sad) to get prepared for babysitting Zeke in-
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Thank you for the compliment🥺💕 Here is the finished piece, I got a little carried away with the end because I have no idea what will happen with the manga and I tried to provide a happy ending because I’m almost sure Isayama will makes us suffer. Also, it is a little longer than I expected so I hope you don't mind 😅. Hope you like it and that this is what you were expecting!
By the way, I have 3 more requests and I’ll keep going tomorrow✍🏻
Warnings: Slight NSFW, angst and spoilers from the manga
Against all Odds
She felt her own hips bucking up against Levi, her back was arched as he was still kissing her neck and breathing the scent of her skin. y/n fingers grabbed his hair and scratched his undercut, as a gasp left her mouth she used now her hands to mark his back with her nails. His thrusts were rough but the intervals were far away from each other, sweat was covering both of the lovers on the bed as the orangish light filled the room, making the bodies look as if they were glowing. Levi's movements became faster, his face still on her neck when he reached for his end, feeling how her walls clenched around him making him know she had followed him. He held his body by laying his hands on the bed again, looking at his lover with an uncommon soft expression on his face. y/n used her hand to get rid of some messy hairs that were stuck on his forehead because of the sweat, the same hand touched his cheek, pulling him closer so they could kiss slowly but deep, both trying to recover their energy.
That was the last peaceful moment they could share.
y/n went back to the present time, it was hard to believe that this battle had her more worried that expeditions, more than titans. This time? It was a raid on Liberio. A fight against other human beings, the ones that called the people inside the wall monsters, and there was no way to going back. Who were the bad ones and the good ones? Were even good or bad people? Mostly not, everything was part of different beliefs and different points on how the story was told, but if this is how things are going to be, y/n had decided to fight against the ones she called family.
Tybur's speech was abruptly interrupted when Eren showed up in his titan form in front of everyone. Then it happened. Titan War Hammer was fighting against Eren, and after Mikasa showed up the rest of the team was in charge of using the ODM so they could defeat the soldiers on the top of buildings.
They were fast, almost unnoticeable when they were moving through the air, it was hard for the Marleyans to comprehend what were they. But those creatures flying up in the sky? They were also humans trying to win and protect.
The mayhem began, civilians were running in despair, the city was being destroyed. Everything went fast, and while the titan shifters were fighting for their sides, the Survey Corps were using all their knowledge to take down the rest of the soldiers. How had it happened? y/n thought, how the hell are we done yet? She looked at the dirigible coming closer, that was their key to leave that place, and when she was about to get there, she heard a gunshot. Then two and then three. She looked at the zone near the ribs covered in blood, the black suit was brighter now on that zone, her hip and her thigh were also bleeding out. The last thing she heard before falling to the ground was a male voice, the soldier screaming in agony after another gunshot, then silence followed after a second shot.
''Y/n! Stay here, look at me goddamit!'' Jean screamed as he carefully tried to lift her from the floor. For her, everything went black. He cursed loudly again and held her tightly before going up to the zeppelin with the help of Connie and Sasha.
Things were not easy there either, Levi had just kicked Eren again and After leaving y/n on a safe part Jean opened the door so he could let Levi know what had happened. His expressionless eyes were open in panic, rushing to see what had happened. Levi sat on the floor with her head on his legs, trying to wake her up but it didn't work. Hanji had worked faster than ever and she was able to stop the major bleedings of her wounds. y/n eyes opened for a small fraction of a second, looking at Levi as if she was trying to say something, but her eyes were out of orbit. She went to the battle hiding a secret, something that she was aware of if Levi knew, she was not going to be there but she had to, how the hell was she going to leave her friends alone on that one? She simply couldn't. So she hid it.
She hid her one-month pregnancy.
Another gunshot.
''Sasha!?'' Connie and Jean screamed.
Her eyes slowly opened, feeling bothered by the sun rays trespassing the windows. She recognized that room, it was the room she shared with Levi. Sitting up with an expression of pain on her face, y/n noticed Levi standing in front of a large window. Arms crossed, his expression darker and serious than the usual.
''Levi?'' She asked.
''Why the fuck didn't you tell me.'' y/n sigh closing her eyes, he knew. Of course, the nurses had to have told him. The poor nurse had no idea Levi was unaware of that situation, so she just told him her secret. 
''Listen... I'' She tried to speak but he turned on his feet to look at her and speak.
''There's nothing to listen. Are you aware of how fucking dangerous that was, y/n?'' His face looked... Scared, angry, worried. ''You almost die. The two of you''
''I had to be there! I've been training my ass off for years, I've taught them, I've been by there side since they were just young cadets. I was no leaving my team, Levi'' y/n felt her eyes drowning in tears, they were her squad, her friends. 
''Yeah, and you and that creature don't matter, right?'' His voice was stoic, but she could notice his feelings. 
''This didn't suppose to happened'' Looking at her bandages she said, holding back her tears as much as possible.
''But it did. I don't understand how the hell could you be so reckless knowing you're pregnant. What if you hadn't been so lucky?’’
''It was wrong, I know. There's no need to do all of this scolding, for fuck's sake'' she cleaned the tears running down her cheek, she felt guilty and she couldn't help it.
''You are the only one who knows all of my shit. All that I've been through. And yet, knowing what you mean to me you go like a fucking martyr.'' He denied with his head, walking towards the door.
''Wait, are you leaving?'' y/n furrowed her eyebrows and her mouth was still open, but words didn't come out.
'' I have to look after the furry and filthy beast.''
That was the last thing he said before he closed the door, leaving the room only with the injured woman on the bed. The last thing he wanted to do was babysit Zeke in the forest, he wanted to kiss her, to hold her, to be with her. Damn it, he had just find out he was going to become a father. He was sad, y/n was the most important person to him, and firstly she didn't tell him from the beginning, instead she put on her suit and went to an uncertain battle. Secondly, when she was unconscious on his lap he felt his world crashing down, the only woman he had loved with such intensity was about to die. His head was a thought mass producer at that point, but fortunately she had survived. Thirdly, the words of the nurse were still roaming in his head, ''The baby is fine, growing healthy since the last control of the Squad Leader'' so she knew. All that time she knew and she didn't say a word. He walked down the hallways thinking, thinking and thinking. He was going to be a father, a father in that world so merciless.
''It is almost impossible to see with this rain!'' A soldier scream, his horse galloping fast among the drops of rain.
''We can still find something, we can't give up now'' Hanji screamed back.
y/n remained silent while riding her horse. Some doctors recommended not to ever ride a horse when pregnant, but others said that it was fine if the woman has been riding before, and she has. She had great abilities when it came to horse riding, and it was thanks to those abilities she could speed up in the middle of the rain and find something. She stopped and made her comrades a sign when she saw something.
It was a pure mess, pieces of broken wood were all over the grass, and there, laying and covered in blood was a body.
It was him.
Hanji was the first to reach him, calling y/n right after so she could get nearer. Guilt appeared again, his last memory was an argument, not a kiss, not a hug. And it was an argument because of her fault and now she was not sure if he was going to wake up again. y/n wasn't sure if it was the rain on her cheeks or if it were her tears, but she was feeling broken. How was she going to explain to her kid everything?  And then she noticed.
He was breathing. He was fucking breathing, she told to herself one she could see his chest moving up and down slowly, Levi was alive. Wounded but alive. y/n sighed in relief, and they were able to move his body somewhere safer and dryer, away from the mud.
While Hanji was stitching his face, y/n was bandaging his hand to stop the bleeding of his two fingers used to be. After a few moments, his face was bandaged as well, all that she could see was one eye. And that's all she needed to know he was alive.
y/n had his healthy hand grabbed lightly, and her heart jumped when her hand was squeezed weakly. She looked at him in a second, and his eye was stuck on her face, he wanted to talk but he was too weak to say a word yet.
''It's ok, Levi. You don't need to talk''
She gave him a soft smile, and he just nodded, squeezing her hand a bit tighter and he closed his eyes.
The war was not over yet, there were many things yet to come, things that could be seen as impossible. But at that very exact moment y/n could only think about Levi. She walked into the room and she found him sitting on the bed, his face still covered by the bandages, looking at the trees out the window. y/n sat next to him, and Levi turned his head to her. He was getting better, and he was able to let out some words as well. And so he did.
''I shouldn't have said that before I left'' His voice was low as usual.
''Don't keep killing yourself with that thought, Levi'' y/n said holding his hand. 
''We're ok, a couple of more scars but fine'' she laughed just a bit, using her hand to caress his hair. 
''Tch, at the cost of that damn furry beast escaping again'' after seconds of silence, he spoke again ''Are you... Ok?'' Levi asked, not so sure about how to approach the baby's topic. He had no idea how fathers were supposed to act'' 
''According to the nurse, yes. And I'm feeling better so... I think I am. We are''
She laid her hand on her still flat stomach at her barely two months. He still couldn't believe that she had another life inside her. A life that the two of them had made. Things had been hard, truly complicated, and just now they had the chance to spend some time together.
In an action that, I must say, happens once in a blue he moved his body how he could and hold her tight, his hand on the back of her head pulling her close to him. She held him back, feeling finally relieved of having him again. His body, his scent, his hands, his heart. He was alive and he was fine. And honestly? He felt the same, Levi felt his world crashing down when he saw her at the edge of death, so having her and his unborn child safe was all he could ask for.
They didn't need words, they were well aware of what they wanted to say. And with that tight hug both felt their pieces back together.
No one said things were going to be easy, and they weren't. A lot happened since that day. The war didn't stop, more lives were lost, and they had to fight with all of their strength and will to carry on and survive. Nothing was for granted.
And I would be lying if I said how everything ended because I can't do it. It simply happened, and having no idea of how they were still alive, they were. Against all odds. The island recovered, agriculture was growing again and while some people decided to stay there, some others decided to went beyond their horizons and discover the world. y/n and Levi were in the first group. Maybe one day they could go to Marley, or to somewhere else but by now they were fine at their home. A home on a good space of land, where trees would swing with the wind and birds were back on their branches. An inside that home, some eager footsteps were fast.
''You said that we were horse riding today!'' Farlan grabbed Levi's arm and tried to push him out of bed. 
''y/n, tell the brat something before I tie him to a chair'' The black haired man said with a grumpy voice.
''Before ten in the morning, he is your brat.'' y/n answered with the side of her face on the pillow.
''Come on dad, don't be a grumpy old man'' The nine year old said, still grabbing his arm.
''Tch, fine. Go and have breakfast, I'll be there soon'' That was all he needed to say and Farlan ran to the kitchen. 
''Even your son calls you grumpy'' y/n laughed happily and looked at him, leaving a kiss on his cheek. Right over the scar that was across his face.
''That's because he hears you'' He raised an eyebrow.
''Yeah, whatever you say'' She kept the smile on her face and looked at him ''We made it'' It was almost a whisper, a whisper that caught his attention.
''It's hard to believe. But those monkey brained soldiers did a good job. And the rest of the population did too.'' 
''Are you ever going to stop with the monkey jokes?'' y/n said reaching his lips, kissing him slowly.
''Never.'' Levi spoke almost touching her lips, his hand moving to his waist in a teasing way before deepened the kiss, her hand moving up his back.
''Dad, I'm ready!'' Farlan screamed from the kitchen.
''I swear I'll tie him to a chair.'' He said with his eyes closed.
''Go, you got things to do today.'' y/n broke the kiss and pushed him lightly while laughing.
''Tch, shut up.''
The future was uncertain, and no one could predict what was going to happen, but no matter what future days would bring, something was certain: They were going to be able to face anything, against all odds.
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talesmaniac89 · 4 years
Well, Hello There Stranger - Part 1
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Pairing: Dean x Reader (established relationship)
Summary: Sam informs you that Dean’s suffering from temporary memory loss and has forgotten you. Yet, when you meet your boyfriend, it isn’t the cold eyes of a stranger that meets yours.
Triggers: Fear, Worry, Temporary Memory Loss (Next part is fluffy, I swear!)
Y/N = Your name | Y/E/C = Your eye colour
Read Part 2 Here
“(Y/N), before you go in there… There’s something you should know,” Sam was standing at the door when you nearly threw yourself out of the car as soon as you’d parked the beat-up old truck next to Dean’s Impala. Your phone with the many missed calls from Sam as you’d chosen to focus on the road lying forgotten in the car, telling the same story the younger Winchester was clearly going to force you to stop to listen to.
The big guy had to physically reach out to stop you from trying to rush past him and into the room. Your earlier conversation with the younger Winchester still ringing in your ears and making you deaf to his words. 
“I know you’re a few hours away, but you need to come back to the motel (Y/N). Dean got hit, and… Shit...  Just come,”
Dean was in there, and something was wrong. Hell… You might not have been given enough information to know what was wrong, but that was all you needed. Your Dean, the man you loved more than life itself, was in trouble. There was no way you weren’t going to be by his side. 
“(Y/N)! Listen to me!” Sam stood in your way once more, stubbornly separating you from your boyfriend with just his body and the flimsy motel room door. It hurt you, physically and mentally, to hold your body still and stop from rushing past him to be with Dean. But, as you squared your jaw and set your pained, angry eyes in the youngest Winchester, your anger quickly faltered a little at the worry that has stained his hazel eyes. Quickly replaced with the whispers of soon to be heartbreak.
Oh God… No.
A thousand different scenarios were playing out behind the door and in your mind. Each was as true as the next until you could see what was hiding behind the thin motel room door with your own eyes. Like some twisted and cruel form of Schrodinger's Cat, with your heart playing the part of the feline. Unwilling to let you know whether your heart was broken or whole until you opened the door and confirmed yourself. 
“Dean’s alright… Or, well, he will be,” Sam hurried to add the words as an arm reached out to steady you. Clearly seeing the pain darken your (Y/E/C) eyes as your heart acted the part of Schrodinger's plaything; not whole nor shattered, just somewhere in the painfully grey middle. 
“Then just let me see him Sammy! I need to see him,” 
You could hear the barely controlled hysteria through the shake of your own voice as you looked up at the hunter who was forcefully holding you in place. Unwilling to let you run to your boyfriend’s side. Though your whole body, every fucking gasp of air, was crying out to him. Aching to be near him.
Yet, even with the promise of Dean’s life being safe, Sam didn’t release the hold on your shoulders. Nor did any of the worry in his eyes subside. Dean was alright, or would be, yet something was still wrong. And if Sam wasn’t worried about his brother’s life… That could only mean that worry was focused elsewhere.
“What’s wrong with him?” You added, much more quietly, as you realised the truth hiding behind the hesitant worry in Sam’s eyes. He wasn’t worried for Dean’s safety; he was worried about how you would react to whatever was on the other side of the door.
“Hear me out… Please, don’t think it’s as bad as it sounds…” Sam’s words were still hesitant. His hands finally dropping from your shoulders, now that he knew you weren’t going to run in guns blazing to save your boyfriend from whatever threat, real or imagined, that was out to hurt him.
“Spit it out Winchester,” You flinched at the harsh steely cut in your tone as soon as it left you. But you couldn’t control it, not until you could see that Dean was in fact alive and well with your own eyes. 
“The curse… It rebounded when we were trying to get it under lock and key,” The younger hunter’s voice barely rose above a whisper as he relayed the news to you. The knot in your stomach growing into a tangled mess that resembled the collection of protective charms on your side of the bed you shared with Dean. 
“Dean was hit…”
“What does that mean Sam?” Your words came out shaky and breathless as you tried to remember the finer details of the curse. The small, unassuming book that hid the curse had just one word printed on its cover in pretty cursive letters.
That was exactly it. The damned curse stole people’s memories. In the back of your mind, empty eyes and vacant souls stared back at you from the many lives the curse had already stolen. Painting a warped image of the man on the other side of the door. Forest green eyes empty, like a long-forgotten field left to wither. Unable to even remember his own name.
“It’s… Not as bad as it sounds. The curse didn’t manage to fully work, it’s just some backlash. Cas says it should correct itself within the next 24 to 48 hours. At first it was correcting itself faster, but it’s slowed down and...” Sam said, speaking over the broken sob that threatened to explode into the empty motel parking lot. 
“He just… (Y/N), Dean can’t remember anything from the last four years,”
The worry in Sam’s eyes suddenly made sense. Four years ago, Dean Winchester didn’t have the faintest clue who you were. You’d met him on a hunt, two years and five months ago, the two of you were soon coming up on your two-year anniversary. Two years of blissful happiness by the side of your soldier. So, that meant, the man hiding behind that door, your Dean Winchester, didn’t have the faintest clue who you were. Of what the two of you shared. 
You’d been discarded by his mind. The picture-perfect memories you shared were nothing more than a crumpled and faded polaroid to the hunter, with your smiling face scratched out and forcefully removed from the equation.
He wouldn’t remember the quiet nights spent wrapped in each other's arms soothing away the pain of another lost friend or ghosted kisses over still forming bruises. All the empty promises of an apple pie life after you finally managed to get rid of all the evil bastards. He’d have forgotten all your inside jokes, all your little shared quirks, the comforting morning routine you’d easily slipped into as you woke up by his side every day. All of it, every little memory that was more precious to you than life itself, was lost to him. 
Dean couldn’t remember you. He couldn’t remember ever meeting you, or… Loving you. 
“Oh…” Was all you managed to push out, suddenly unsure if you wanted to enter the small motel room. If what would meet you were the eyes of a stranger. 
A man who’d look at you like you were just another piece of a puzzle he couldn’t make fit. Another case. Would you be able to deal with watching his green eyes, that usually burned like a forest fire, look at you with the blank disinterest of glancing over a stranger he’d pass by on the road? 
“But! It’s only for a day or two. Castiel is sure his memories will return, and soon. Hell, he’s already showing signs of getting better. Before you came… It was 14 years,” Sam’s eyes were pained as memories of earlier hours, while he waited for you to join them, sprung unwanted up in his warm eyes. So much had happened in those fourteen years. And with Dean’s memories gone, it’d been up to Sammy to be the strong one. To weather every question. 
“Things were returning faster, but still… The memories started slowing down at around the six-year mark and now…”
“I’m sorry Sam,” You whispered, unable to think up any words of comfort that wouldn’t just add to the man you considered a brother’s hurt. 
“Don’t be… It’s, hell, this is going to sound kinda mean, but… It’s kind of funny,” Sam gave a choked laugh. A small sad smile replacing earlier worry, though you could still see some pain in his eyes. 
“Funny?” For a second you worried the curse backfiring had led to some unwanted side effects as you gave Sam an incredulous look. 
“I mean, yeah, at first it sucked. Not knowing if he’d get better. But now… He’s not really digging into the future or asking loads of serious questions. He’s just making outdated early 2000s jokes and asking if the Office is still on or if Led Zeppelin has made a comeback,” Sam said, a tired whispered laugh betraying the mixed emotions behind the words. 
“So… Dean knows that he… He knows?” You stopped yourself from vocalising the amnesia. Unable to deal with how just the thought of his forgotten love for you sent sharp shots of pain through your very core.
“Yeah, we told him. I couldn’t just let him be. I mean, he didn’t know who Cas was at first, but I needed to make him understand that he was a friend, and that he’d lost his memories,” Sam said with a shrug. “I just… I didn’t want you to go in there not knowing. He will remember you (Y/N), it’ll just take a little while longer,”
“Thanks Sammy, I’ll be fine… Just knowing he’s healthy and that he’ll be right as rain soon is already enough,” You sighed, steeling your heart for what waited in the motel room at the same time as your body visibly calmed down. The tension that had rested there since you jumped in your car and broke every speed limit to make it to Dean’s side finally gone. 
Sure, it would probably still hurt a bit to see no recognition in Dean’s eyes. Or feel the warmth of his love seeping through you, like you always did when his eyes met yours. But it was only temporary. You were a big girl, and you’d get through this bump in the road as well. No use crying or screaming, it was only a few hours, it wouldn’t hurt… Not too bad at least.
Who were you kidding? 
It would hurt like hell. But it would hurt a lot more not to be by his side. Not when he needed you there. Even if he didn’t know it right now. Even if it wasn’t temporary, you still would’ve stayed. You’d help him make new memories. After all, the best part about your memories was making them with him.
“If you’re sure…” You shook away Sam’s hesitant question with a small shaky smile. Choosing to reach for the door instead of letting him talk you out of it. No, you weren’t sure. Shit, you were basically never sure about anything. As a hunter, over two thirds of your life was uncertainty. But you wouldn’t let that stop you. 
Not when the person on the other side of the door was your Dean Winchester.
Taking a careful breath to swallow the sob that threatened to act as a knock and signal your arrival you let the cold motel doorknob ground you. Mentally preparing yourself to meet his blank eyes head on and wait…
Wait for your Dean to come back home. To come back to you.
Next Part
Dean Winchester Tags: @ria132love​
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feeling-uncomfy · 3 years
Mafia AU part two, featuring a tiny tsundere and a tall himbo. What more can I say? They're a mess
So, warnings are as follows-
- gore/blood
- mentions of abuse(brief)
- kidnapping/drug mention
If there are anymore, they'll be specified at the beginning of the part-
Hope you enjoy! :D
After the fiasco that was Tokoyami getting kidnapped, Hawks had become paranoid. He downright refused to let his little brother out of the apartment they shared for the first two weeks, and his little brother was practically stabled to his side when he was allowed back in the building.
Tokoyami didn't mind at first, though after a while he started to get annoyed. He wanted to have just one moment of peace, and the only way he could get it was by going to the bathroom. But if he took too long, Hawks would freak out and break the door down.
It was like he'd developed some form of separation anxiety, he couldn't stand being apart from his little brother. It ended up turning into an argument between him and Endeavor, and what a sight that was. Hawks and Endeavor rarely fought, but when they did, it was lengthy and loud.
Todoroki and Tokoyami never usually minded, but at this rate it had been a week and they were still arguing over letting someone come over and help upgrade the security.
"Will they ever shut up?" Todoroki asked, raising his voice to be heard over the yelling. Tokoyami shrugged, looking over at his older brother and Endeavor. "I hope so, I'm getting tired of the yelling," for some reason, both of them froze after Tokoyami's words. Ah, right, the last time this had happened, Dabi had made an appearance.
Luckily, he was nowhere to be seen, and they both relaxed. Hawks stopped yelling, a true miracle, and Tokoyami looked over.
Hawks seemed to be thinking about something, whatever it was, he was obviously putting a lot of thought and consideration into it. This could either be great for the company, or an absolute disaster for it.
Most likely the latter, knowing Hawks.
Hawks sighed. Endeavor had suggested asking Gang Orca, another high ranking class boss in this world Hawks had grown to call his, to come help with the security. He was very skilled in negotiations, very persistent and persuasive. One thing Hawks knew the man prided himself on was security. Best of the best.
And he wasn't bluffing, either. Hawks had heard stories, seen things. That man was bigger than the three fully decked bodyguards that followed him around. But Hawks knew that it didn't change a thing. If needed, the guards would lay down their life for him, and surprisingly, Hawks was told the favour would be returned. He didn't dare question it.
He'd only met the man once, and he'd describe him as something like a helicopter parent. He was paranoid like all hell, and kept a close eye on the hallway leading up to where he was staying, though Hawks never figured out why. Nor was he told. Apparently it was one of the reasons he was gunned at so much, no one knew what he was hiding.
He'd seen him fight. It was friendly, and yet Hawks still winces at the memories. The man did not hold back, for whatever reason. Apparently the two had a dispute and settled it over a fight. It was brutal even despite the rules set up. Hawks swears he can still hear the sound of teeth cracking.
Aside from that, he was a respected and respectful man. He was polite when others were, and knew what he was talking about. A real leader, and under that wall of brute force Hawks was told there was a soft side to him. One that obviously wasn't shown often.
Hawks knew having his type of security would insure his little brother's safety, he knew it'd be ten times safer. But that didn't mean he was comfortable with this high ranking man who could easily snap his spine in two wandering the place he kept his plans.
Hawks sighed again. Logically he knew he couldn't turn it down. But that didn't mean he had to he comfortable! He didn't like the fact that if he wanted his workplace safe, everything would have to change. Everywhere would be searched and moved.
Endeavor spoke up. "Hawks. Any security I have to offer, or anyone else has to offer would pale in comparison. You want better security, let him do his job." Hawks bit the inside of his cheek to avoid immediately snapping back. Once he was composed, he started speaking. "I'm aware of that, but forgive me if I don't want someone who could easily use all these details against me to snoop!"
Endeavor fired back immediately with a response. "He's not going to snoop, he asks that all important files and documents are taken out, stored correctly, and then once he's done you can put them back," well, that made Hawks feel a little better, but he wasn't convinced.
"He completely reorganised your office! What's to say he won't do that to mine?!" Endeavor gave him a deadpanned stare. "Your office could use reorganising."
The gasp that tore out of Hawks's throat made Tokoyami and Todoroki turn their heads quickly, only to see Hawks with his hand placed dramatically over his heart. "Reorganising?! I'll have you know it's an 'organised mess' bitch! I know where everything is!" Hawks yelled indignantly, honestly offended.
Endeavor just stared at him with a look that screamed 'bitch really?' making Hawks even more mad. Before the petty argument could continue, Endeavor forced them back on topic. Right, security, letting Gang Orca go through his organised chaos.
The only reason he was even considered it was because he wanted Fumikage safe. Other than that? He didn't care, he didn't want to know. Yes, his security was shit, he was aware. But fully decked out bodyguards? Was it really necessary?
Not for him, for Fumikage. Hawks reminded himself that he was doing this for his brother's sake. His safety came first. Always.
"Fine. He can come help." The words were forced out, and it actually hurt Hawks to say, but he said it. Wasn't that enough?
Endeavor nodded and pat his shoulder. "I will have him meet you tomorrow at the earliest," he turned to Todoroki. "Shouto, we're leaving."
Tokoyami and Todoroki seemed to have a mental conversation before Todoroki snorted and stood up, walking over to his father and standing by his side. Tokoyami stood and made his way over to his brother's side. It felt like second nature at this point.
Hawks and Tokoyami said their goodbyes, and the Todoroki's left. Tokoyami looked up at his brother. "Do you want to tell me what that was about?" Tokoyami was, as of late, not in the bests of moods. He was irritated with the constant having to stand by his brother's side and then not get to know why he was even there.
Hawks pat his head. "We're upping our security, that's all," Tokoyami sighed. "The security here is fine, I don't see why you're bothering." Hawks looked down at his brother. His literal will to live, at some points. Hawks brought him in for a hug. "I'm not gonna risk losing you like that again. Ever."
For Hawks, this was a promise. A promise never to let his brother be put through that again. A promise to make up for what happened, he was serious. Never again.
For Tokoyami, it simply felt repeated. He'd heard those words so many times over the past four weeks that Tokoyami wasn't even sure if he meant it at this point.
Nevertheless, Tokoyami was reassured slightly. He trusted Hawks, he trusted his brother. He knew he wouldn't let them down. He knew that Kiego wouldn't let it happen again.
At the end of the day, he trusted his brother.
Hawks pulled back first, and the two went home as normal. Tokoyami curled up on the couch, checking his phone, as normal. Hawks was taking calls and ordering food for them. There was a small dispute on the kind of food. Spicy or plain? Choices were difficult sometimes.
A compromise was made, normally they'd take turns and get one over the other, but recently they've been getting a little bit of both, and now they couldn't remember the order they went in, so the two just agreed to get both each time.
So they sat there, eating their meals, playing video games until Tokoyami couldn't keep his eyes open. Hawks called it quits then and the pair went to sleep as normal. And, almost like a schedule, Tokoyami's nightmares began.
They were all identical, but they scared him shitless without fail every time. The noise of the drill, the pain he felt when it dug into his bones, the face of his kidnapper standing over him one second, laying dead the next.
The word "murderer" kept playing over and over and over again and it wouldn't stop. He couldn't stop it. How much longer until he killed Hawks? Todoroki? He couldn't- he didn't want to—
Tokoyami opened his eyes to the roof, again. He looked around expecting to see the body of Shigaraki, only to him Hawks laying lifeless. No, no surely he didn't do that. Tokoyami wouldn't.
Would he?
Tokoyami ran to his brother's side, shaking him as the rain fell. "Kiego...?" Tokoyami's voice cracked, and when he didn't get a response, he shook harder. "Kiego! Kiego get up! Please–"
Over and over, until Tokoyami couldn't tell the difference between "Kiego" and "Murderer" he screamed.
"Kiego!" Tokoyami sat up with a start, looking around the room. Not a roof, but rain hammered down on his windows like tomorrow wasn't coming. Maybe, a terrible part of Tokoyami thought, maybe Kiego's tomorrow wasn't coming.
Before Tokoyami could even work on untangling himself from the bed sheets, the door burst open. "Fumikage-?! What's wrong!?" Kiego was there, he was alive- he wasn't—
Tokoyami let out a dry sob, curling into himself. One look at the shitty weather and Kiego knew what was wrong. "Hey, it's okay.." helping his brother out of the mess of bed sheets, Kiego noted the tremors and the eye bags his younger brother sported, making him look older.
Kiego hated that his little brother looked like that, he shouldn't. He should be happy, healthy, and not afraid of getting kidnapped every second day. It's not fair on him, but they both knew life wasn't fair.
Kiego gently coaxed his brother to move out from under the sheets, and the two sat there hugging. They weren't sure how long, long enough for Tokoyami to fall asleep again, that's for sure.
Hawks was woken by his phone the next morning, and froze when he saw Gang Orca's ID flash across his screen. He didn't give him his number, or name for that matter. Nevertheless, he picked up.
"Hello?" Hawks's voice was soft, not wanting to wake up his brother. A deep voice answered, sounding like he's been awake for hours. Maybe he was.
"This is Hawks, correct?" Hawks blinked tiredly before answering. He sounded as intimidating as they made him out to be. "Yeah, that's me. What's up?" Gang Orca moved something on his line. "I was told you needed an update on your security?"
Hawks paused. "Yeah.. I do," Endeavor really wasn't pulling his leg when he said that earliest would be tomorrow. "Very well, I will be down to you're office if that's alright with you?" Harks agreed, shaking Tokoyami awake. Gang Orca was silent on his end.
Hawks thought of saying something, but he was beaten to it. "I'm going to be bringing.. my-.. son," Hawks blinked in surprise. "You have a son?" Hawks couldn't keep the blatant surprise out of his voice. Hawks didn't think to question the hesitation when Gang Orca said 'son' though in hindsight, he probably should have. He could then feel the guy's glare on him.
"Yes. Is there a problem?" Hawks did not like the threatening undertone of his words. He didn't like it at all. "No, sir. Just taken by surprise." That was true, but still, it felt like a lie. Gang Orca sighed. "We'll be over in twenty, tops."
[And that's part one! Hope you're ready, I'm not all that good with writing ships, but I'm getting better (I hope)]
[See you at part two!]
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lifeofstar · 3 years
NIGHTMARE [the devil judge] x oc
Gaon. Bomb. Explosion. 
Those were the only thoughts that clouded Yuna's mind as she slammed her car door and raced towards the building. The rain was crashing down and within seconds she was soaked. But Yuna didn't care. 
After hearing the call across the radio of a bomb explosion in Kang Yohan's office, Yuna had known instantly that Gaon was there since he had mentioned it earlier in the group chat that Suhyeon, Gaon and Yuna shared. She had tried to get in touch with Suhyeon but she wasn't accepting her calls. 
As she entered the building, she found some uniformed officers. 
"Detective Kim." Yuna showed her ID badge to them, breathless from running. "Any updates?" 
"Unfortunately both Judge Kim and Judge Kang are unable to be located, Detective. They've disappeared from the premises. We're still searching at the moment." The uniformed officer explained.
"What?" Yuna blurted, frowning. At least she knew they were both alive. Well, she could assume of course since there weren't any corpses found. She shook her head. Why did she always think so negatively? 
Whatever had happened, she had a feeling that Kang Yohan was the culprit. 
The next morning, she made her way back to the supreme court to talk to Kang Yohan as she couldn't find Gaon anywhere - not even at his house. She assumed that she had to make an appointment to see him but, damn the appointment, she thought -  she was a police officer and she had police business to attend to. Yuna had already called ahead to ask whether Kang Yohan was at the office today, confirming that he had been found.
Flashing her ID badge at everyone she saw, she made her way to Kang Yohan’s temporary office, striding with purpose. The supreme court brought back memories of times she had testified for various trials including murders and assault. It brought back memories of the times she had fought for justice, fought for women and fought for the people. 
Reaching Yohan’s office, she knocked on the door politely and waited for a sign to come in. 
“Come in, please.” 
His voice was like stone. Cold and hard. Taking a deep breath in, she stepped inside. He was sitting behind a desk, leaning forward on his elbows, eyeing her as she walked inside.
“Hello, Judge Kang,” she said, pulling out her ID and holding it in front of her, “Detective Kim Yuna. I’m sorry to disturb you this morning.” 
“Not at all, detective.” He put his hand out in front of her for her to shake. Yuna swallowed. There it was, she thought, her fear put into one thing - a simple handshake. 
But it wasn’t just a handshake. A handshake meant that someone was touching her and she hated when someone touched her. She hated shaking hands with people and standing in crowds. 
She realised it had been far too long when more than ten seconds had passed and she was frozen. Clearing her throat, she reached forward and slipped her hand into his, giving it a shake. At once, a warmth spread through her which was unlike something she had felt before. It felt familiar. She tried not to frown. She also tried to ignore the fact that Kang Yohan had probably noticed her sharp intake of breath as her hand had touched his. She was uncomfortable. 
They let go of each other’s hands. Suddenly, their eyes met. 
Something washed over her. She wasn’t sure what it was but he felt it too. It was like walking into an old memory or being bathed in nostalgia. 
“We’ve met before,” Yohan stated, blunt. 
Yes, Yuna thought, we have. 
“The charity event,” said Yohan, a smile tugging at his lips, “You arrested one of the guests for assault and suspicion of murder.” 
Yuna frowned. She wasn’t sure that was the first time they’d met, but she nodded anyway. “Yes, I did.” 
Yohan stood up straighter, smirking at the memory. “You were merciless. Quite a show you put on.” 
Yuna thought back to how the guy managed to kick her leg and attempted to punch her before she grabbed his arm and shoved him back so hard he fell down. He had pulled out a knife as he stood up, panting, yet Yuna swung her leg at him in a kick and it fell out of his hands. It was easy from then onwards, all she did was grab his arms, yank him backwards and cuff him. 
She glared at him, not sure why she was offended. “It wasn’t a show, Mr Kang. I was doing my job.”
A laugh escaped Yohan. “I’m sorry, Detective. I didn’t mean to offend you. I was only saying that I was impressed.” 
“Oh,” heat flooded her cheeks. 
“After all, being merciless is the way to uphold the law, is it not?" He said, smiling, but not quite with warmth. 
"I suppose so…" she responded. 
"I seemed to have distracted you from your police business. What was it you were here for?" Yohan asked, leaning against his desk. 
Yuna came to her senses. "I've come regarding the bomb incident from yesterday. You and Judge Kim were nowhere to be found."
"Judge Kim is in a safe location," Yohan stated, as blunt as ever. 
Yuna frowned. "And that location is…?"
"I can't reveal that information." Professionalism laced Yohan's voice. "For safety reasons, of course." 
"Of course...but...is he alright? Is he injured?" 
She realised her questions came out too quickly, with too much concern. 
Yohan raised an eyebrow.
Yuna cleared her throat. "What I mean, is that you look completely intact. But I don't know whether Judge Kim is injured or not." 
"He's fine. I promise you, he's in a safe place." Yohan reassured her, again, with his professional voice and looked at her inquisitively. "Are you siblings?" 
Yuna let out a dry laugh.
"No, although I can see why you would think that," she told him, referring to the fact that they shared the surname Kim, "he's a friend of mine. I think of him as a younger brother. He's family." 
Yohan nodded in understanding. "Hm, I see. Well, he's perfectly fine and safe, I promise you, Detective." 
Yuna narrowed her eyes, looking at him suspiciously. 
She crossed her arms. "He's at your house, isn't he, Judge Kang?" 
Yohan blinked, visibly taken aback. "No. He's not."
Now it was Yuna's turn to smirk. "Sure." 
"He's not." Yohan insisted. 
"He's not." 
"Detective," Yohan sighed, "it's for his safety. Surely you understand?" 
She crossed her arms. "I understand but you're not a police officer, Judge Kang. Surely he would be safer with me." 
"Trust me," Yohan said, "he's safer with me." 
"Alright, but I need a statement from him."
"Which I can get for you." 
Yuna pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.
"Judge Kang, I think you're forgetting who the detective is here." 
"I’m not." Yohan smiled.
"Okay, alright," Yuna gave up, "I will call him and you will make sure he accepts or I will come to your house." 
"Excellent. I'll make sure Judge Kim gives you a statement." Yohan agreed. 
"In the meantime, may I take your statement? What do you remember from yesterday and do you have any people in mind who may have planted the bomb?" Yuna took out her phone to make notes. 
Yohan told her everything he remembered, as well as any potential suspects he had in mind. 
"Thank you for your time then, Mr Kang, I do appreciate it." Yuna said, putting her phone away. 
"Anytime," Yohan replied, taking something out of his pocket and handing it to her, "here's my card." 
Yuna took the card from his hand and smiled, reaching into her own back pocket of her jeans to take out her card. 
"Since we're exchanging cards." She told him. 
He took it and returned her smile. "It was nice to meet you, Detective Kim." 
“Likewise, Judge Kang.” 
“And are you sure you’re eating properly?” 
“Sleeping well?” 
“Is Kang Yohan taking care of your injuries properly?”
Yuna could hear Gaon’s laughter through the phone. “Jeez. You and Suhyeon. I’ve got two mothers checking up on me constantly.” 
“Hey, you punk. We just want to make sure you’re healthy and well.” Yuna snapped. 
“I know, Noona,” Gaon said, “I promise I’m fine.” 
“Hm, alright then.” 
“I need to tell you something,” Gaon told her, “about Yohan.” 
part 03 (next)
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spoon-writes · 3 years
Ends of the Earth | Chapter 20
Fandom: The Mandalorian
Pairing: Mando x OC
Read on FFN or AO3
Summary: When Sinead's husband is ripped from her, she escapes the Hutt Empire and goes on a quest to find him. Since being a runaway slave in the Outer Rim isn't exactly easy, she makes the Mandalorian an offer he can't refuse, and soon they travel across the galaxy looking for her missing husband.
A/N: Hello guys! I literally just finished watching chapter 13 and hooooo boy. Hoo boy. No spoilers here but … boyWould love to hear your thoughts both on the chapter and well, the chapter.
Chapter index
Chapter 20 - Back on Track
When Din woke the next morning, it took a couple of seconds for his brain to reboot and a couple more for sensation to return to his body. It had always been like this when he slept in his armor, but he didn't remember it feeling like he had gone three rounds with a Mudhorn when he was younger.
Sunlight streamed through the windows, and a breeze blew in through the partially opened door that smelled of resin and clean earth. Somewhere, a bird was chirping.
His eyes landed on Sinead kneeling before the cold fireplace where the remaining wood had been arranged in a precarious pyramid. A thin wisp of smoke curled into the air as she tried to light it with his firestarter, her stare so intense that it looked like she was trying to light it with concentration alone. Her hair hung loosely down her back in the same soft waves as the night before, and she had rolled up the sleeves of her shirt, revealing toned forearms.
The flame caught for a second before winking out.
With a huff, she looked up at the ceiling before getting to her feet. "Who needs fire anyway," she said in a whisper.
For one staggering moment, Din thought she was talking to him. Did she know he was watching her?
Before he could respond, there came a cooing from the end of the bed, and Din finally noticed the child sitting in a beam of sunlight, watching Sinead just as intently as Din was.
"That's right." She turned and rifled through the pack, where she pulled out some bantha jerky and two ration bars. The kid held his hands out in a grabbing motion, and she gave him the jerky, which he wasted no time ripping through. "You're hungry, huh?" She smiled down at him.
The mattress barely dipped as the child crawled up toward Din's head, trilling what almost sounded like a melody.
"Oh no, you don't," Sinead said as she grabbed the kid and pulled him away. "Your old man needs all the rest he can get."
Old man?
His stomach clenched with guilt, doubt, regret, every emotion that came to him when he had a moment alone. The look Sinead had given him when she heard of his plan to leave the child had shaken him more than he wanted to admit.
Holding the kid with one arm, Sinead leaned over the bed and waved a hand in front of his helmeted face,  an unreadable look in her eyes. Din almost laughed out loud when suddenly she moved closer until she was all he could see, staring into his helmet with narrowed eyes. His mouth went dry, and his muscles flexed as if he was gearing up to run.
With a slight shake of the head she stood, and Din let himself relax. She placed one of the ration bars on the musty bed and left the cabin, leaving the door ajar behind her.
When he was sure she wouldn't come back, Din sat up in the bed and winced as his back cramped. Slipping off his helmet, he allowed himself a moment to feel the fresh air on his face.
The wood Sinead had left in the fireplace had been stacked in such a way that ensured it would never catch fire.
He quickly ate the ration bar and slipped the helmet back on, gearing up to stand. When he finally moved, his tendons twanged with discomfort. He couldn't wait until all this was over and they were back in the Crest.
Grabbing the pack, he went outside. Faint wisps of mist still clung to the shadow, but otherwise, there were no signs of the rain from the day before. The little clearing was awash with sunlight.
Sinead and the child were in sight of the hut, standing beside a scummy pond Din had missed in the darkness and rain the day before. The child moved through the tall grass that lined the pond while Sinead watched him with an amused look on her face. She turned her head when he neared. "Sleep well?"
Din shrugged and kept his eyes on the kid. "Fine." Even if he tried, he couldn’t look directly at her.
"The bed wasn't half bad. You should get one for the ship, you know, instead of a bunk that would be too short for an Ugnaught."
He ignored her. "You're ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," she said and stretched her arms above her head. "How long to the settlement?"
"About five hours. If it keeps dry."
"I'm really starting to regret this excursion. I should've just stayed in the ship with the kid."
"Told you." Din stopped the child just moments before he stumbled into the pond, gathering him into his arms.
Sinead rolled her eyes, the corners of her mouth quirking up in a smile. "You did."
The cabin had only just disappeared when they found a path leading in the direction of the settlement. It was narrow and barely noticeable between tufts of coarse grass and anthills, but it was too direct to be made by animals, and as they walked, Din noticed small signs of sentient life; a burnt-out torch tossed to the side, a cairn where the path divided.
“What do we do,” Sinead said, shifting the kid to her other arm, “if we get to the settlement and there’s no mechanic? Or if there is one who knows shit-all about starships?”
“Hm.” Din looked up at the blue sky visible between the leaves. “Go to the next place, I guess.”
“And how far is that?”
“About five days.”
Sinead sighed theatrically.
“Not a fan of hiking?”
“Let’s just say I get why my parents never took me camping.”
“With any luck we’ll be on our way soon.”
He glanced at her, unsure of what to say. An unreadable emotion flitted across her face before she cleared her throat. “What kind of freak weather phenomenon do you think is gonna happen today? I’m thinking giant waterspout.”
“There isn’t a big enough body of water near here.”
She flashed him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I’m sure it’ll find a way.”
… … … … …
Sinead was just about ready to give up and lie down flat on her face when the first house finally came into view. Her body ached after the walk through the wilderness, and the thought of a hot meal – not ration bars or flavorless jerky – was the only thing propelling her forward.
Now they just needed a mechanic who knew their way around a starship, and they were good to go.
Back on the trail of Kyen the Pirate.
There was no real defining boundary between the forest and the village; gradually, houses started popping up between the trees, getting closer and closer together until the path became a dirt road that led to the heart of the settlement. The houses themselves were squat and thatched with dark straw, making them look like overgrown mushrooms. The inhabitants, a mix of different species, stopped in their tracks and stared as Sinead and Mando walked by.
“You’d think they’d never seen an outsider before,” Sinead whispered to Mando.
“Stay on guard.”
She gave him a look. "Relax. I doubt these people know how to hold a blaster, much less shoot one."
Mando grunted a reply, keeping his eyes on a group of men standing around a workbench that was piled high with bits of wood.
As they walked, a flock of villagers gathered to trail behind at a safe distance, murmuring amongst themselves. Mando kept looking back at their impromptu tail, hand inching closer to his blaster every time.
Sinead smiled at a young Zabrak child sitting on the curb in front of a house. "Just remember I'll never forgive you if you get us thrown out before the ship's repaired."
"At least you'll be alive to hold a grudge."
"Look, I’m all for healthy paranoia, but this is weird, not dangerous.”
He made a noise and scanned the gathering crowd, but at least he didn’t draw his blaster.
The center of the settlement turned out to be a small square with a well in the center. It seemed like the entire village was there, pushing each other to get a better view of the strangers. Worry crept up Sinead's spine as it became clear just how outnumbered they were.
“What now?” Mando said tightly.
She took a deep breath and addressed the crowd. "Our ship crashed a day's travel from here. We're looking for a capable mechanic or someone willing to haul it to one. Pay's in New Republic credits."
An ancient Ithorian shuffled through the crowd, leaning heavily on a walking stick, and the onlookers moved out of the way for him. The Ithorian had a translator fixed over both mouths, and when he warbled in Ithorese, there was a slight delay before the translator garbled in a scratchy voice: "Welcome, strangers, to our village. It is not often we see new faces here."
That was obvious.
Sinead stepped forward. "We're honored by such a warm welcome." Strange welcome, anyway. "As I said, our ship is in need of repair. It's about a day's travel north of here."
"Do not tell me you were caught in the storm last night." The Ithorian stopped his slow shuffle and peered at them. Even bent low with age, he was a head taller than Sinead.
"We managed not to be swept away."
"Not everyone can say that. Fand-Dala storms are not to be trifled with." It was hard to gauge on such an alien face, but if she were to guess, he was being friendly.
"Well, yeah. Barely managed," said Sinead. "I don't suppose there's a mechanic 'round here who can fix the ship? It doesn't look like you have much need for starships."
The Ithorian made a noise that sounded like it came from deep in his chest, and it took a moment for Sinead to realize that he was laughing. "We have one of those, yes. She mostly works on hovercarts now, but I am sure she can repair your ship."
Sinead and Mando exchanged a glance; hovercarts and starships were very different when it came to the finer workings, and just because she could fix one didn’t mean she could fix the other.
"Follow me, please." The Ithorian led them through the parted crowd and down a winding street, his steps slow and careful. Sinead walked beside him while Mando took up the rear.
The Ithorian told them his name that sounded like a deep trilling moan spoken with both his mouths which the translator didn't even bother trying to parse. He laughed when he saw Sinead's frozen smile. "But you can call me Dibs."
"Pleased to meet you, Dibs. I'm Jesha, and this is ..." she looked back at Mando. "Uh, the Mandalorian."
"Yes, I can see that. What are you doing all the way out here? This system seldom sees a lot of travelers."
"We were on our way to Neth when the ship started to die. It was lucky we made it to the planet, or else we'd still be floating in space."
"Lucky indeed. Let us hope that Zlii can get you up and away before the next storm hits."
Dibs stopped outside a small house close to the edge of the settlement. Loud music came from the other side. "She must be in her workshop, then." He led them down a dirt path between two houses and into the backyard, where the music was much louder, bouncing between the walls until it was an unintelligible wail. A shack stood against the back of the house, not much more than some branches and a tarp to keep the rain out. One side was open, and Sinead saw a workbench overflowing with mechanical parts, tools, and schematics. Open crates spilled their content across the ground. If Peli Motto's workshop had been chaotic, this was an outright calamity.
A hovercart stood on supports in the middle of the courtyard, and two legs stuck out beneath it, clad in a dark jumpsuit. Dibs walked over and prodded them with his cane. There was no point in trying to talk over the music.
Green hands shot out from under the hovercart, and a small, angry-looking Rodian emerged, oil smeared across her hands and face. Her eyes narrowed when she saw Sinead and Mando.
Knocking the walking stick to the side, she got up and leaned into the hovercart to shut off the music. A deafening silence followed.
"All right," the mechanic said, her constellation eyes cold. "What'd you want?" She stared unblinkingly at Mando.
Dibs didn't seem perturbed in the least, but maybe Ithorians just showed it differently. "They are strangers-"
"You don't say. And here I thought we'd always had a Mandalorian."
Dibs laughed and looked at Sinead. "Do not be discouraged by her words, she means well. I am sure she can help you on your way."
She narrowed her eyes. "Help with what, exactly?"
Sinead stifled a sigh. This was going to be an ordeal. "Our ship crashed in the forest north of here."
"Too bad."
"Zlii ..." Dibs said. "I told them you can help. Let it not be known that we do not extend our assistance when needed. And they will pay." He shot a look at Sinead, who nodded.
Zlii sighed with her whole body. "What makes you think I can help?"
Dibs leaned on his walking stick. "Did you not work in a spaceport? I am sure you will enjoy the challenge."
"Starting to regret telling you that," she mumbled. 
Mando cleared his throat impatiently, and Sinead stepped in before Zlii had a chance to respond. “Will you give it a look? That’s all I’m asking.”
“How many credits d’you got?”
Mango pulled out a pouch. “600 to look at it, 200 more to fix it.”
Zlii took a moment to consider. “Exactly how crashed is it?”
“The energy cycler and cooling unit are fried,” Mando said.
“Okay.” Zlii pushed off the hovercraft. “Seems pretty straightforward.” She went into the shack where there was a loud bang as she shifted through the piles of junk.
“Guess that means she’ll help.” Sinead looked at Mando, who shrugged.
“Zlii has always been a prickly one,” Dibs said, his translator pronouncing every word slow and clear. “She came to us not many cycles ago. She is a capable mechanic, but I am afraid her skills are not being put to their full use.”
The young Rodian in question came out of the makeshift workshop carrying a large pack overflowing with tools and spare parts. “I can hear you, you know.” She glanced at the kid and made an unimpressed harumph. “Well, are we going then? You better find a speeder bike that can take us because I’m not walking a day lugging this.”
“I believe I can help you with that,” said Dibs.
… … … … …
The trip back to the ship only took a couple of hours thanks to an old human and his landspeeder that could move through the forest quickly, levitating above every hole or treacherous root. It would have been a pleasant ride if it hadn't been for Zlii's sullen silence and Mando's short and reluctant answers to even the most mundane questions. In the end, Sinead had sat back and stewed in silence while the shadows grew longer. If Zlii was as good as Dibs had implied, they wouldn't be stuck on the planet for much longer.
The kid sat beside Mando, and the settlement was barely out of sight before he crawled up onto the rim of the landspeeder, ears flapping in the wind. The only thing keeping him from flying out was the death grip Mando had on the back of the kid’s robe. He giggled whenever the landspeeder swerved between the trees.
Out of the corner of her eyes, Sinead saw Zlii watch the kid with something akin to interest; She could see the question forming on the Rodian’s lips before Zlii noticed Sinead watching and her face fell into the usual scowl.
At last, they made it to the ship, and everyone got out. The Razor Crest sat where they'd left it, dark and out of place in the middle of the forest. A bird had started building a nest in the crook of one of the turbines.
"This it?" Zlii jumped down, throwing the big pack over her shoulder. "You sure it's worth it? Could probably get more selling it for scrap."
"Just see what you can do." Mando pushed a button, and the ship came to life, the cargo door opening with a hiss.
Sinead stayed in the landspeeder while Zlii worked, and Mando watched her silently. Her legs were still sore from all the walking, and the kid had found his way into her lap, where he dozed on and off, sometimes awoken by Zlii's snippy questions or Mando's curt answers. Their driver had reclined in the front seat and pulled his hat down over his eyes, effectively shutting out the entire circus.
Zlii went back and forth between her pack where she pulled out more and more complicated tools that Sinead didn't know the names of. When she wasn't busy snarking at Mando, she was muttering to herself and banging on various parts of the ship, listening to the sound with concentration.
The sun had gone down when Zlii stepped back, wiping a hand across her forehead that left a streak of oil. "Done all I can for her. She just needed a bit of convincing, is all,"
"And we won’t fall out of the sky again?" Sinead struggled to her feet.
"Not right away. The energy cycler is back on, but the cooling unit needs replacing as soon as possible. For whatever shit you put her through, she runs pretty well.” That was the first positive thing Sinead had heard her say.
Mando handed over the rest of the credits, and Zlii carefully counted them, glaring at Mando now and then. "It’s all here." She sounded disappointed.
"You think we'd cheat you?" Sinead said.
"Wouldn't be the first to try. Hey, Onaas!"
The driver lurched into a sitting position and lifted his hat off with a finger. "Yeh?"
"We're leaving." The pack landed heavily on the speeder, and Zlii soon followed.
"What if it breaks down again?" Sinead leaned against the speeder. 
"Guess that means you’ll suffocate in space," Zlii spat.
"Is that really any way to talk to your customers?" She didn't know why she was needling her, just that it had been a long day, and Zlii seemed like someone easy to needle.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, princess. Next time feel free to choose any of the other mechanics."
Sinead opened her mouth, but Mando broke in before she had the chance to reply. “Thank you for coming all the way out here.”
“If it means getting you off the planet.” Zlii leaned back in her seat. “Ready to go?”
Onaas grunted and touched his hat in a brief goodbye before the landspeeder came to life and sped off into the darkness, leaving Mando and Sinead to board the ship.
Back on Kyen's trail.
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xxx-cat-xxx · 4 years
All my Marvel fanfiction
Happy end-of-the-year season! I thought this is a good occasion to compile all the stuff I’ve written to date and spam your dash with my MCU hurt/comfort fics. This is probably the last time I’m gonna put all the fics on one list, because there’s just so freaking many of them now.
I´d be incredibly happy about a reblog to make this blog reach a few more potential readers. Thank you all for sticking around with me so far!
P.S. If you don´t know where to start, the ones I like most are bolded.
Whumping both Tony and Peter
What We Lose in the Fire We Gain in the Flood - The universe is saved, Thanos is defeated, the Vanished are returned, and Tony has survived (though with severe radiation burns and one less arm). Everything should be good now - except that it isn’t. (My big 2019 Irondad project - 13.5k words, holy shit!)
One of These Days - Tony gets injured, and a guilt-stricken Peter runs away. Luckily, there´s people looking after both of them.
Away from the Sun - Peter gets injured, and Tony gets injured, and neither of them are quite over Titan yet.
Shadow of the Day - Tony and Peter are stranded in the desert after a plane crash.
Whumping Tony Stark
Thougher Than The Rest - A Pepperony h/c fic that takes place just after the final battle in Iron Man 3.
Just a Bend in the Road - A post-Endgame sickfic with the whole Iron Fam (in the AU where Tony is alive, of course).
Peter Parker and Bruce Banner’s Guide on How To Make Iron Man Sleep - When Tony and Bruce both get a cold, Peter is there to look after his favourite superhero couple. Fluff.
When All is Said and Done - My 4.5th Tony vs. Migraine fic, this time featuring Bruce as caretaker. Science Boyfriends.
Stairway to Heaven (almost) - When the Hulk breaks the elevators in Stark Tower, Peter and Tony have to climb to the top in order to repair them. 93 floors shouldn’t be an issue, Tony tells himself, and completely ignores his heart condition. Turns out that was a bad idea.
When the Walls Come Down - After rescuing Iron Man from his latest kidnapping experience, Clint and Tony are stuck in a crappy motel room. Tony insists he is fine. Clint knows he’s not.
Going Out in Style - Here’s what happened the night after Tony’s disastrous birthday party in IM2.
Say When - Some angsty Endgame and Infinity War canon, including lots of Tony Whump and Irondad feels.
Told You So  - Three times Tony and Bruce take care of each other. Sweet hurt/comfort and Science Boyfriends.
New Beginning - While recovering from the injuries sustained during Civil War, Tony becomes addicted to morphine. In typical Stark fashion, he decides to quit cold turkey and deal with the withdrawal symptoms on his own. Fortunately, Bruce won’t let that happen.
The first time Tony tells Pepper he loves her - I promise, the content is a hundred times less cheesy than the title suggests. TWs for alcohol and drug abuse.
settle our bones (like wood) over time, over time - Tony is down with the flu, so Rhodey helps out by looking after Morgan (and her dad).
let our hearts (like doors) open wide, open wide - Pepper is pregnant, Tony freaks out, Bruce Banner is a good bro and Peter Parker the best Spider-son.
Endgame Drabble inspired by that Tony/Pepper hug
Leave out all the Rest - Irondad, Spiderson, and the rest of the family. This is long and a bit sad, but I´m proud of it. TWs for illness and death.
Not Us - Endgame trailer inspired Steve & Tony something where Tony has pneumonia and everyone is sad.
Sleeping at last - 5 times Tony couldn´t sleep (and the one time he could). Featuring a severely sleep-deprived Tony and various people (and AIs) looking after him.
Safe - Tony, Bruce and Clint are stuck in a “shithole of a safehouse”. Then Tony gets sick, and Clint gets two memorable photographs.
Lose another one - Tony´s arc reactor acts up, Peter worries and receives a sad hug.
Game Face - Tony & Migraine & Steve. This one is whump for whump´s sake, with detailed descriptions of vomiting.
Science Brothers Birthday Drabble - Tony gets carbon monoxide poisoning while preparing a surprise for Bruce.
Behind closed doors - After Ultron, Tony feels like the other Avengers are distancing from him. When he gets appendicitis, he tries to hide it from his teammates.
Just because I´m losing doesn´t mean I´m lost - Tony´s fever is so high that he becomes delirious, but that doesn´t stop him from trying to lead Peter and Clint on a mission - until they find out about it.
Tenderness - Tony with a bad migraine and Pepper looking after him.
Always Gold - Tony is injured while protecting Peter in a battle, but he has to pull through to get everyone to safety.
Devils and Dust - Steve witnesses Tony falling apart on Peter´s birthday party.
Lights and Sounds - Tony has a migraine while spending the day with Peter.
I don´t need to be the hero tonight - Tony attempts a picnic with Peter and May while being in a bad shape both physically and mentally due to a battle lost the day before.
And when it hits, it hits you hard. - Tony returns to earth after Infinity War.
Cracks in the surface - Tony is badly injured on a mission with only Peter there to take care of him.
Where my demons hide - Tony gets beaten down by fever and anxiety, and Peter is trying to be there for him despite Tony´s best attempts at keeping him away.
Whumping Peter Parker
spacesick - Peter and Bruce get motionsick while trying out Tony’s new spaceship. This is very crack and kind of gross.
Headlights on Dark Roads - When Peter is stranded in the middle of a forest at night with serious injuries after one hell of a week, he doesn’t call anyone for help. But Tony comes to his rescue nevertheless. 
Surprises - All Tony wanted was a peaceful night to work on Peter’s birthday gift. But his kids make sure that this doesn’t happen.
Too Close to Home - When Peter gets drunk at an Avengers party, he is not the only one to feel the consequences.
At least I didn’t puke on you - Peter accidently takes Steve’s emergency pills that are designed to make him sick in case he gets poisoned. Cue Tony and Steve spending a night on the bathroom floor with a very pukey Peter Parker.
When you fall like a statue - A worried and exasperated Irondad taking care of Peter and Cap, who both faint after forgetting to eat for 36 hours.
Spiderpox - Peter gets Chickenpox while staying with the Barton Fam. Tony and Clint test their parenting skills.
If you´re still bleeding - Peter is sick and emotionally affected by a movie he saw. Tony tries to figure out how to talk to him about being okay with his feelings despite not being okay with his own.
Blue skies fade to grey - Peter is sick at school with Ned, MJ and eventually Tony taking care of him (well, trying to…in their own particular ways).
Saltwater - Peter gets seasick on a cruise with the Avengers, who try their best to take care of him.
Seen the rain - After a mission, Peter battles sickness caused by motion and guilt. Tony, pretty worn out himself, tries his best to help him through it.
A hand upon my forehead - When Peter gets mildly sick after a mission, Tony discovers that human company isn´t necessarily a bad thing.
Thunder Road - Peter gets carsick around the Avengers and receives help from an unexpected caretaker.
Other stuff with lots of feelings
Fixed It - In which Pepper faints for the first time in her life.
Asleep - A post-Iron Man 2 ficlet for the Pepperony Week prompt ‘Sharing a Bed’.
Hero - My one and probably only Stucky fic.
Lightning Crashes - Peter and Morgan meet after Tony’s funeral.
Human Touch - Tony and Peter take care of Bruce after a mission.
Spectacular - Peter has a special mission: buying reading glasses for Tony, who, of course, doesn´t need them at all.
Precious - Pregnant Tony/Pepper Christmas drabble.
When September ends - Tony, Peter and the old piano.
Red in my Ledger (Natasha series)
Perfect Cuts - When a mission goes badly, Nat and Tony cope in not exactly healthy ways. TWs for self-harm, alcohol abuse.
Holding Water in your Hands - During the missing five years, Natasha is holding position at the empty Avengers compound and trying to hold herself together. Rhodey finds her on a bad day.
OC Whump
Concussion Fic
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feedmecookiesnow · 4 years
Hi there! Can I have #21 & #37 with winterhawk?
21: “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop to feel the rain?”
37: “Wanna dance?”
Congrats! You get a ficlet instead of a drabble because I’m tired of policing my word count. Also because I had an idea and wanted to combine these.
“One of these days,” Clint says, ducking into the cave next to Bucky, “we’re gonna have a mission where everything goes right. Everything. The universe owes us that much.”
“Agreed,” Bucky says, looking up at the sky. “Are we safe here? That’s a nasty storm coming.”
“I’m sure it’s fine.” Clint drops his pack a little deeper into the cave and looks around. “Well. This is cozy.”
“I’ve stayed in worse.”
“Lucky you.”
Bucky sets his pack next to Clint’s and sits on the ground, digging out a ration bar. “Hungry?”
“Nah.” Clint wanders over to the mouth of the cave and leans against the rock, looking up at it. There’s lightning flickering ominously across the sky, and the thunderhead is intimidating as hell. Bucky’s not scared of much, but he has a very healthy respect for nature, and storms, and he doesn’t like the look of this.
“Should we go further in?” he asks.
“I can’t,” Clint says. “I’m from Iowa. According to Midwest law, I have to stand on the front porch and admire all giant approaching storms. Or in this case, the front rock.”
Bucky snorts. “Seriously?”
“Yep. It’s like a Midwest tradition. Sky goes scary, we all stand out on the porch and look at it. I knew a guy once who was mowing his lawn during a tornado.”
Bucky gapes at him. “And he’s still alive?”
Clint waves a hand. “He’s fine. No big deal.”
Bucky disagrees with that, but he doesn’t really feel like arguing. So he just settles against the cave wall and takes another bite of the ration bar.
Ten minutes later, the storm hits. It’s a spectacular thing, full of thunder and lightning arcs, and an impressive downpour of rain. It’s insanely loud, too, pounding on the rocks with an intensity that Bucky can feel in his bones.
“Clint, get back in here,” he calls, but Clint doesn’t appear to hear him. He’s staring up at the sky with a wondrous---almost delighted---expression on his face. Bucky’s never seen him look like that before. He’s edging closer to where the rain is pouring off the outcropping, sticking his hand into the little waterfall that’s cascading down.
Bucky gets up and walks over. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm, and you want to stop to feel the rain?”
“I miss storms,” Clint says. “We don’t get them like this in New York.” He sticks his whole hand in the water, cupping it in his palm. Then he flicks it at Bucky.
“Hey!” Bucky protests, wiping his eyes.
Clint grins at him with that what’re-you-gonna-do-about-it look that Bucky loves so much, and tilts his head. “Got a little something on your face,” he says, and then ducks as Bucky splashes him back.
There’s an impromptu water fight after that, which only ends when Clint tackles him out into the actual rain. They land in a pile of mud, and Bucky rolls with it, twisting so that he ends up on top. He pins Clint’s wrists to the ground by his head and smirks down at him. “Got ya.”
“Rude,” Clint says, squinting against the rain pouring on his face.
Bucky leans forward to block it. “You started it.”
“That’s fair.” He squirms under Bucky’s grip. “Let me up, cyborg boy.”
“Why? I kind of like you like this.”
Clint scowls. It’s cute. “You’re heavy.”
“You calling me fat?”
“Dude, you’re like ninety-nine percent muscle. You’re heavy. Get off.”
Bucky laughs and stands up. Clint gets his feet and wipes the mud from his face. Except there’s mud on his hands, so really he just ends up making it worse. “Ugh,” he mutters. “Gross.”
“Come on, we can rinse off over here.”
“Yeah.” Clint takes two steps towards the cave, then slips in the mud. “Aw, shit.”
Bucky rolls his eyes even as he catches Clint and pulls him upright. “How is it you can shoot moving targets with your eyes closed, but you can’t walk in a straight line without falling over?”
“Mud is slippery,” Clint protests as he wobbles again and grabs Bucky’s shoulders for support. He loops his arms around Bucky’s neck and grins at him. “Wanna dance?”
“You’ll probably just fall,” Bucky tells him, grinning back and putting his hands on Clint’s waist anyway. The rain is still pouring down, and there’s thunder and lightning above them, but it all seems to fade away when he looks at Clint’s face.
“Doesn’t matter,” Clint says softly. “If I fall.”
“Oh? Why not?”
“Because you’re always there to catch me.” He dips his head and kisses Bucky, warm and soft against the chill of the rain falling around them.
Bucky shivers. “Damn right,” he murmurs, kissing him back. “And I always will be.”
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