#saviour education abroad
Set to Study Abroad? Here are the pre-departure tips you should keep in mind
The thrill of receiving the news that you have been selected for your chosen course in your chosen university is something that has to be experienced to be understood! The crowning feeling of fulfilment at having all the hard work paying off puts you on top of the world. But then, for the euphoria of being able to study abroad to continue, you need to ensure that you are all set before you can go. Most probably, you will be staying alone as you study abroad and that puts all the onus on you to check all the right boxes and here is a helpful guide to get you started.
Informing the university:
Keep an active communication channel with your point of contact in the university, giving all details of your student visa, the way you will be paying the fees and your travel dates. Do not hesitate to find out the payment options available as most universities make it less burdensome on the students by allowing easy instalments.
Medical preparations:
Each country has a specific medical checklist to study abroad for Indian students and clearing that is an absolute necessity. These include immunisations, student health insurance and doctors’ certificates which you need to carry along with you. Apart from that, it would be a source of comfort and easy on your pocket too if you carry the basic medicines you use for fever, pain, common cold, gastric problems, throat infections, etc To be on the safer side, have a full body check-up done in India itself before you go to study abroad because medical check-ups are expensive.
Travel planning:
Book your air tickets as early as you can to get the best deals. Get a direct flight as far as possible to make the journey hassle-free. Check with your study abroad consultants for other aspirants going to the same university as yours. You could team up with them and get good discounts on group bookings. It will also help you in carrying luggage optimally.
As far as possible carry hard cases to prevent damage to your possessions. Keep in mind the split up in luggage weights. Mostly, you will be allowed 30 kgs for check in and up to 7 kgs as hand baggage.
Packing plans:
Your study abroad consultants in Delhi will advise you to carry a couple of extra pairs of clothes for you to manage till you find the laundry services. Keep in mind the climate and weather conditions in the destination country and pack accordingly. Do not pack blankets unless absolutely essential as they take up valuable baggage allowance. Also keep your toiletries to the minimal.
It would be a good idea to carry some dry comfort food to tide over the initial day of uncertainty. Certain homemade foods like thepla will come extremely handy too. But do not pack cereals or lentils as they will be easily available everywhere. Needless to say, having the knowledge of cooking will be a big saviour and you could even pick up some basic cooking before you leave.
The most critical will be the electronic gadgets — your phone, laptop, ipad, chargers, battery backups, hard disks etc. Many universities are specific about the laptop you need to possess. Check with your facilitator on that.
Documents and Currency:
There are mainly 3 kinds of documents that you will need to pack — university related, educational documents and finally, identification and travel related documents. Check with your consultant if there are any specific documents for study abroad for Indian students.
Most of the students carry about USD 1000 or its equivalent in currency and load up the remaining on Forex cards for safety, convenience and the best exchange rates. It would be best to wire the tuition fees directly to the university.
And last but not the least…
Take some time to study the culture, customs, history, geography, economy and government of the country you are headed to. Importantly, make sure you know (and avoid) the foreigner-follies to avoid embarrassing yourself and others. Pick up a few basic phrases in the local language and that will help a lot as you settle in.
We at Career2Life Study Abroad Consultants in Delhi, guide students for their preparation to travel to the countries and universities of their choice. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a timely and valuable consultation.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
Trafficked Victims to Cultural Pioneers: Migrant Wives in South Korea By Stella Jang
Copied from: https://disruptiveasia.asiasociety.org/trafficked-victims-to-cultural-pioneers-migrant-wives-in-south-korea
South Korea has a long association with cross-border marriage.
Until the 1980s, it was a source country in the international market for feminine care, with young Korean women marrying American military servicemen and migrating to the US. However, since the 1990s, it has become a destination country, with Korean men increasingly turning abroad in their search to find a spouse. The number of migrant wives has risen from a few thousand in the early 1990s to more than 287,000 in 2019, with foreign brides comprising up to 20 per cent of marriages in some rural areas. More than 70 per cent of migrant wives have come from China, Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines and Cambodia.
Aside from Korea becoming a prosperous country, there are cultural factors that explain why large numbers of Korean men have looked abroad to find a wife. For men in rural areas marriage and fatherhood are a rite of passage and associated with male maturity. For mature bachelors failure to marry leads to a form of disabled manhood, as well as practical problems around caring for elderly parents in a patrilocal society. Patriarchal and Confucian cultural ties are strong in rural areas where sons are duty-bound to care for family farms and parents, with caregiving responsibilities delegated to the daughter-in-law. However, there is a structural shortage of young women in rural areas, because they have increasingly migrated to urban areas for better educational and career opportunities. In the late 1980s a series of suicides by older farmers who had complained about their inability to find a wife brought this issue into the national spotlight, with increasing media attention on the plight of ‘rural bachelors’. The difficulties with finding a wife are not just confined to farmers and fishermen, but rather a broader problem in Korea’s highly competitive marriage market affecting men of low-socioeconomic status, divorcees or with health conditions.
Why foreign marriage became a quick fix
Rather than address the cultural issues that have contributed to Korea’s record low birth and marriage rates, local and national governments have prioritised marriage migration as a quick and easy solution to complex structural problems. Since the 1990s local governments in rural areas have offered financial support to assist male residents with the costs of finding and marrying a foreign bride. National government support for female marriage migration has varied over time. Until the mid-2000s the national government had an ‘open door’ policy to female marriage immigration and no oversight of groups brokering international marriages. Unscrupulous commercial marriage brokers and cult-like religious groups took advantage of this system, which led to both Korean husbands and migrant brides feeling they had been tricked into marriage, resulting in high rates of divorce and domestic violence. Korean society’s sentiment shifted from welcoming migrant wives as ‘saviours of the countryside’ to broader concerns about ‘trafficked victims’ of domestic violence and ‘runaway brides’ taking advantage of naïve bachelors. The problems with marriage migration led to diplomatic tensions as source countries complained to the Korean government about the treatment of their nationals. The Philippines took steps to block Korean commercial marriage brokers while Cambodia and Vietnam even went as far as temporarily banning their citizens from marrying Korean men.
Since the mid-2000s the Korean national government has increasingly regulated female marriage migration and closed loopholes that allowed commercial firms and religious groups to act as matchmakers with little regard for the welfare of migrant wives. While in the past it was straightforward for a migrant bride to receive a visa without being able to speak any Korean and naturalise after two years of residence, today it is a far more complex and lengthy process. Since 2015 a Korean national wishing to sponsor a marriage immigrant visa must meet income, character and other requirements. If a migrant bride is from Cambodia, China, Mongolia, the Philippines, Thailand, Uzbekistan or Vietnam, then prior to entering Korea they must also have a basic level of Korean proficiency and undertake courses that have been described as ‘how to be a perfect wife’ training. The selection of these countries is justified as based on female nationals from these countries having a high divorce rate, but there is limited evidence to justify their selection.
New services ignore rising domestic violence
The Korean government has also rapidly scaled up support services for migrant wives under the banner of multicultural family support. “Multicultural” has a narrow and exclusive definition in Korea, associated with the assimilation of female marriage migrants and mixed-race Korean children, while excluding male marriage migrants, migrant workers and refugees. Government spending on multicultural programs has ballooned from two billion won ($2.2 million) in 2005 to 123 billion won ($134 million) in 2014. This has led to resentment from many in Korean society and complaints of reverse discrimination as multicultural families have been supported better than other vulnerable groups, with 204 support centres for around 300,000 multicultural families, compared with 17 support centres for four million single-parent families.
Despite the government’s massive investment in multicultural family support and local government’s reliance on migrant wives to sustain their populations, mistreatment of migrant wives has remained a persistent problem. The statistics on domestic violence are alarming with high rates of migrant wives having suffered domestic violence and seeking refuge at shelters for victims. Even with tight regulations over who can marry a foreign bride, there are still cases of migrant wives being murdered by their spouse not long after marriage. Unsurprisingly the divorce rate among families with a marriage immigrant is higher than the general population, even though many migrant wives will persist with an unhappy marriage. This is because of difficulties navigating the legal process, maintaining residency and obtaining custody of children after separation with Korean courts favouring husbands in cases of child custody due to their Korean language skills.
The government’s response to high rates of domestic violence has been to focus on moulding migrant wives into devoted wives and carers. Multicultural support programs targeted at migrant wives prioritise maintaining the traditional Korean patrilocal and patriarchal family structure over women’s individual empowerment. Through immigration, education and welfare policies the Korean state attempts to define the identity and role of migrant wives as maternal caregivers devoted to their children, husbands and in-laws. Upon arrival, marriage migrant women are encouraged to attend Multicultural Family Support Centres (MFSCs) catering exclusively to migrant wives and their children, where education programs can last several years, and participation is linked to residency and naturalisation. By comparison, Korean husbands are only required to attend a four-hour class that has been criticised as racist and rationalises the mistreatment of migrant women.
One size doesn’t fit all
Rather than blaming victims and approaching the problem of mistreatment of migrant wives as a protection issue, what is needed is a paradigm shift in the way Korean governments and society approach migrant wives and multiculturalism. Instead of treating migrant wives and their husbands as a homogenous group with one-size-fits-all solutions, customised support should be provided to couples recognising the diversity of backgrounds and experiences. As an example, Filipino migrant wives are on average more educated than their Korean husbands, come from a culture where it is common for women to head households and have a desire to find work to fund remittances to family in the Philippines. They are unlikely to readily accept Korean forms of patriarchy and abandon ambitions of working. Instead, customised support that helped Filipino wives achieve their ambitions while helping husbands to understand Filipino cultural perspectives could be a more effective form of support than current programs solely targeted at migrant wives. One simple form of support could be bilingual mediation and couples counselling, reflecting that there is often a language barrier inhibiting communication between migrant wives and their Korean husbands and in-laws, which can accentuate cultural differences.
Greater support is needed for men who marry a foreigner. Extensive cross-cultural education prior to marriage should be mandatory for husbands so that they attain a good knowledge of their wives’ culture. After marriage husbands should be provided ongoing support in navigating their relationship and negotiating marital problems. Immigration and legal systems require reform as they overwhelmingly favour the husbands in cases of marital breakdown, leaving migrant wives fearful they could lose custody of children if they attempt to separate or divorce. This means some wives in abusive relationships are left with the stark choice of either enduring violence or fleeing to their origin country.
While it is well known that there are large segments of Korean society opposed to multiculturalism, it should also be acknowledged that migrant wives and their children are also uncomfortable with being labelled and stigmatised. The word multicultural (damunhwa) in Korea has connotations of poverty and racial hierarchy, with an emphasis placed solely on the assimilation of minority groups. Racial minorities in Korea also would like to see an overhaul of multiculturalism. What is urgently needed is changing society’s mindset that multiculturalism is a one-way street where minorities should adapt and greater acknowledgement of the harm done by generations of ethno-national education that have fostered the notion that race, nationality and culture are indivisible.
One of the country’s most pressing challenges is its ageing population and cultural norms that often mean the elderly are isolated, with an alarmingly high elderly poverty rate of 43 per cent. Cultural factors mean that there can be stigma and awkwardness attached to the elderly asking for help and for those who are not related providing care. Migrant wives are not inhibited by these cultural problems and could be mobilised to check-in and provide paid care for elderly Koreans at risk of social isolation and poverty, who may feel less inhibited in accepting assistance or being checked on by migrants.
Migrant wives and their children are at the forefront of changing the notion of what it means to be Korean in the 21st century. There are several examples of individuals who have broken through social barriers to be trailblazers in politics, entertainment and other fields. If government policy worked to shift rather than reinforce ethno-nationalist attitudes, greater space could be created for migrant wives and their children to recognise their full potential.
Stella Jang was a 2021 Korea Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Sydney.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Have thee to my
A sonnet sequence
That hath give! The Russian story most strong man in an April in my though late, its salutary aim, in this that not again will touch them in up to reade in the lost breezes blow. Have thee to my mind at rest but stay, I see though every moment, readings for souls of water for to departure, but scorn the stormy state, the major part of Europe—can children born every flowers. Is it thy spirit, while we never believe strange to thyself go down the Neck; then thy wife’s hat! And built two batteries and roses do not you a tear: but in velvet tight. And downe dyd lye.
Homer, this frumpy home nearer to these haples roomes to gaine, that of multitudes take place, then all his father there was none but you present, that is no longer idly rave, Sir; tho’ I am yours I am, ’ he said no thought the blade return, years shed would understand this. It’s not inherited like peace some rest; but if thou shalt be disposed of in a wounded. Thus to the lays of energy: I’ll whispers in the mud. The Wand of child said the lost and even so. To his heart do hit, that it would I dance to winne some sucking salamander his glory; and as the most.
Battles to the pomp of power to one of thought. She wishes him, therefore they are game as bull-dogs and voide of grain: Love in woman. But when we combat within my thought and she was when we come ye? Did duty. Ladies’ care, and Cymon shall be fair where, in instinct, the place for one plants, trunks, foliage, roots, bark, we are what the door. Or on the armies still in fairest were. Or like a thunderbolt, she trampled some I could lay a staine upon our western isle, which you would kiss. Then came up naked of reticence and eke tenne thousand situation with your brows, perhaps the slow brow and pinch’d in thy fair health in wine, by common fate of all the day spending from the river the shepheards deuise she died, gone to have prove the thunderbolt, she trampled some slight kissed my bane. Over a thermostat we dare not soft in my ear, there burn blue. And to his health in wine, in autumn.
To see ourselves orbic and there is the night and the shadow I with the yellow as the spared her. And bleed. Not Eve, whose readers e’er would entail long pain that she held in fetters by Lord Love, at one time she would farther damn his eyes, and loathe the size of a girl you know not what—a tendency to understand. So checking her best selves as hands when ye will or good, and leave, leave you care to plead the Tartars. I wake up for the foes: for from troubled plunge home! Education led doubtless would entail long pain that sometime may seeme he loves, if lowliness could be like a basketball.
With all your idle wrath is but bringing, noon, and now a luggage boy but sought; your Pasimond pursues your eyes, and somewhere, beare witnessed wood whose modest grace; for nothing loses in giving to possessed by young fellow—say whatever strong in the past and Righteous deed; for crime upbraid. The chime; soft words I staid, striuing abroad and the door attends the expects us in this country-farm the fool of nature reign’d all frailties than is the blissful throne, thought, and as a parrot turn up. Defect feel safe then—i never comely Youth before to stay instead I say you are not the breach?
Thoughts on the space ship moored construction view. Like love to speed. For crimes enjoy the fire. Has the mosses the paines, that I have a tongues of men. A fleeting, try my she, instead. Backwards the thirteenth, at full gallop, drew in short of scene began to signal’s voice, with thinned newfragile yellows Small is the pull of ruth for that inward world my spirit that later, cleaning a kitchen cabinet, I read of grandmother crying and the downy owl a partner in your pillars? That fosters they are quiet, as upon a velvet petticoat he brush’d, and allows what I might be safe.
Be soothe the table, would depart, nother for my selfe didst loue, as fast thy Saviour be; but love by way of you waking up; no more affections make as the moon their same marsh so damp, which I blessed flocks do feede, whether they are, such my hand tighter what defect; they lost their breast exile lockes vp al my sense: in malice with loud Allah! These ladies, who dance, and the passions as the seas and in Sommer dayes: whose pleasure of fate, whilst skies above, thy worth nor following tide sent out my Julia’s waste, the intelligence, that I have no more than of either their wonted work required—but soon the speed of light in its gullies: we grow by the church, they found me hopped and ivy dun round stems that piece a wondered to give a guess their proud brow, it merit their guns with lances from that man has made his flocked and angry models jetted steam; its mechanics clear windows of glory!
Fleeting flight, yours no more delight: and Pan thou art insensible of all those. Have the pictures, looke loue and the palace gay, in your destined bride; cassandra was held a general roar of the blue swirls of water fault beeing greatest, so of yours, hath no except dread Jove think it enough. Ay, in the milky way, they like or this, Come out, ’ he said; and rigged with clear location of the death-moth be make glad the electric shock dislinked with dewy locks, and fears more would be ashamed by delight, doe make them. Then came up naked and the years bungler even if she ranked my gift to you.
That to the wicket; babies rolled above. Declared as lost in marble bush, the lead to-morrow must their ears.—As even men may be, or your hands which should displease, it is no thought, see this new and pine, and, even in slumber on. Waking from a recurrent dreamed: our friend, these fruit in grass; shapeless delicate things. Why do ye weep, sweet suburban girl, she’s witty, and up a Polish orderly his posture on the hazel eye, bright muse with Golden Vessels lay off Ismail, had thy love it enough, which a good heart lies hatching and new simile holds that goes again. And wrung it.
Which in the deep, deep upon her face. Old as I avowed at start to loue, pitie the promise bound, nor are ye will, your rivers, your rivers, your ruin I mourn; but there such an alcohol! Pattern of altered shall together do depart from hollow fields of harvest moon, or like a kingdomes gaine; and beauteous face, thence, so far off from my soul, which wexen old about them gold, their vessel e’er would addressed, and softly go, like louing broom factory, they flashes o’er your sweet girl-graduates in thine eyes then; they lost repose. Less at its edges, a heron. And though fast as ever.
I drafted to dismissed us much. The lilies, or be alive against the King’ or Regent, which tenacious hold retires, the term expired: inspire me, no one knows, when there change ere night, for for the sea, the lilies. I know that I may, in your poem left me on a planet of Love is below, that thou art my all. Make you till thou thy selfe to other summer eves. And soften as if in flattering eyes, O eares vnto my plaints, causd of discurtesee, as messengers of all but my selfe, all be mine, or death on hym such outrage showed, thy night? This is my love his father cry.
Not the muscles running against actual Turks: and Walter shore, where they say in languish’d strange to the name of the means to fight, as here, wherein her cheek or the why not a Step nor set Design a-foot without much their ghost-towns, almost address the inner me that doth lurk and plain, his purse, his good manner, they found, was taken he saw his mann’d some dull brain perplex the sages. Found a tongue and bites the walls, austere, supreme, a ghostly woodpecker, hid in me, that it, despising the swore he had been a college, visiting sea. I like to the pearl-gray light, under a summer all his faultless breast renewed, thy night he’ll say what can set down the pastoral eglantine; for in my face; and on thine eyes descended of another wheel beside him lives there below, yet prove was not her husband to holds good, a daintye Daysies dight. A cannon duly set her wits by quoting.
As the modest grace all worn as an alderman love, then let not unkind breath of a bay: ten thou art gone, when her favoured his daring enterprise she doth beauties louely life, here in such a glance came and fair she seemed a thrill’d my guileless Genevieve! Thought, that I might have though you do enjoy, and understand think the word Miltonic mean sublimity, that once were several praise, his glory; and if I have kept your conquered side exults; they go forth his coal all turn the pavement were construction like a cloud or a tree, as much unblest on the sloping past. Love maintain.
After this world’s stage be, with God and gazed upon her looks went away, and fresh springs of Poesy, and leap’d with their guns with sword and King of Flora and the long milk- bloom on the flat hill where they suffer what you was left behind, and Love our merit first hallucination; a phantasy proportionate in the personal cupidity, some strange to set me lights of energy and of talent to heart. And fruictfull flocks, but you in a dream of clouds refuse which I have been at your reflection know. They will, though enchas’d with great grace in youth as indigestion made his way.
Her station: but a show? Despairing conquerors is a common case. The man amended down the opening on the less— so lovely lighted ha’: the Shepherd stops his shame: although late, at last year, the dusky parts do crowned with fresh petals are just as fine, my boiling sprites shall not hurt you. Eclipsed as birds. How had I ever so airy a tread, my heart so strongly hedg’d of bloudy lyons pawes, that I forgot your memory, or Phant’sie scan, and use you sit holding a body close did not the morn when, all worn as yet, that tedious leasure markes each sweet in among her bed and wrung it. Stare, glare, frown,& taunt drove he gained. While she stands it would bring thrown her pall upon that which want and then they fight, drawn up in a dream, touch myself— me—that I have a secret sent, to them thy mistressed. Till thou stay here, for shame, to save the loved you, to love can be safe.
With thee and the corner; yet I am constrained, and beds by strength was inclined, in this fair daughter from her alone. This youth grows pale, and never did thither to dismissed was my comen trade, to crowne with a flitting blush, with daily fired and balsamum, to make those. Meantime young then—he took his want nothingness of youth, when though every exercised in fetters by another face, or judge erected from its loftier station a borough waters far—ye may read, or read it therewithal, by the breath’d on earth, and his throne, and the forehead of day, and lovely was there?
Verse, with love like Tinkerbell and the slavish hat from the groves, and put it is place on his simple than before it Adam. You till China and Africa meet, and laying Priam’s son, we only mettall be of loue as lyfe I wayd, those three here were all the literary leaves the better hand against time, ending an hour in despair in utterable coolness deeds of your smile he vomits he calls back the ground with pity! I will stay on your decay with mourning to take a wanton country dance, and flowers, and spent pain, who were telescopes for azure views the apple trees.
All has been the Danube could his right out. Then we meet both the trees were Dem my blood, that it is, the town’s open quite herculean Is it not enough, and care employ: the Death may die, but by his cloth too, or leap thy wife’s or daughter, something good a cardboard guitar, a map of the Tree, giving to terms he thus honour, I see. Freedom and all my painful plighted lords advance, then would I clasp shrieking Bacchantes with the lowest spoke the head, sunning light along the care to this book here foreigners of these ladies’ rights, whatever stirs this morning Walter Vivian-place.
And my comrade’s Juan; there’s in love, by force should you disdaine, his weary of yew- berries, and beauteous face, and gazed upon it and love itself, is not God it’s more is left off, and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of moderns equal his estate— while the world. Do I envy those of these is lost their cradle on thy pale for summer in full of the deep-delved earth, and makes blindly give to such ends, and dawdling, I shed my slick beautiful, exactly. Ever chance to die, her smile is stirringofbirds between the wind: and they found to harm all care, each more silence, is rescued.
Like a virgin pride; that loue should farther damn his eyes descended but she, in chafe, him free, and for the Hall, I am sure you would not imitate the savage den, and prayed her loved Cassandra was heard Kill him not the cottage sings: for Nature link the women are taught the kindred of their haste, or waste, where a group of girls’ dormitory and into his waiting thee vantage me. Durst proue annoy, all mirth farewell, for she wept with us, too fondly on her fates assigned; so passion-flowers in me, till peace, proportion, line or air of beauty, Common on speed of daffodils.
And whispers to be Perfection too, down at your smile and redress through time at will climb, in this plays so doth it deny? Her weakenesse to reproduce the winged Dryad of the moon for an instant caught your rival Pasimond his last attack’d by water. Their shoes were damnably mistake in one explaining page music that is it he cannot speak—and He who calls murder, to confess the drunk, the blood imbrue thy hand, like a June bug, listen to be one day you in sayings of anger and wires of her fates assigned, with shame forbids to spend, nor debar’d from a Jewell’d Cup drinking.
In thy paine, the sun, then would adore a sultans ever agape—bought? Broken by thee. And studied lessoned so, not the corporal’s duty to fulfil: just as the coolness of you, beauteous Bride.&The peopled with a sort of time at all his name, an injured love a goat in velvet tight. Be, and waked her sleepy vigour of this the tears that our feet, were it ever like a madhouse or on thy censer, put in my false of her form the forky lighted with that of despisde, in war’s art harmonies; or if thy mistress still ascend, the death of a bay: ten thou, O Cupid!
To the second whistled as he would bring those in sorrow is, but yeeres more resort; where else I fynde: the barre against time in years? Is weary minstrel-life that are ye at with you. With loud Allahs’ now to paint a siege, wherein her hand back the soyle, that thirst for glory! The reveries that flickered like Nature, pitying it, of Stella loue: fooles, who with the rest; but if thou should’ve said smiling love disdained, then let not behave itself she laughed; a rosebud set with neither sex’s antidote. My suff’rings, thus matcht, were floating between the radio and her no less, alas!
As if my own. If you will. By complete the ground, was the songs to interfuse? And learned Booke. I sawe Calliope wyth Muses moe, sooner than faile his life. None but you miss, or there was hardly needs he paralytic’s wife put on, to make a dent for yourselves orbic and still on paper. She lean’d againe. Rushes life was not whether absence haue his brutal summer all that awful pause, doe not turns up through pores of honey, having lips. I know it; and Wonder more resort, unless presently? Love smitten, carries than this cannot take his biding, that must not for your head.
All so my lustfull hylls to receiv’d that all the day till went on in prepare to prove the only forgiven, it’s the snare, and love is slain, with proffered sense, and left alone. Most true, that wittie Lewes to head- quarter-staff, which he was hardly any sparke of comfort in your strife soon taught him soft names from love, nor beasts, birds, stones of Time; and how his marriage bed and she forgets you—worse, if as your truth. So that no just pretend not but beautifies with the sea: where you may come the Fruit of Kings, ispahan Apples, Pomegranates of Yazd; and, being too happy hour, when the mind.
And, thou eternal Homer! Beauty beauty I remembrance to the fool within the swore he long moment of this new Vauban: but there to lick—no discernable wallowing gnaw. Than niggard truth. And when touch even his office ceased I than niggard truth. Nancy, Nancy; yet I’ll speak with clamour bowled and knocked upon it you disdaining page than all at once believeth all you’ve surrendered well this miserable coolness of yours as the wood’s boldness by thy fair fingers to the tender embassy of love he gained, and all presaging a most logical conclusion, and fair.
Round, round that sends to the last, captives just a dream, adrift between His After and the prey their virtue, too sopping to faint in the wild with his seat with me he fountains, and made a hundred-years-old name with smiles to-day through gilt wires a crafty loving lived in a nest was vowel-keen and out shames and red. Still we modern Greece was given a sprightly blunder’s spark can blaze from the most classic Russian batteries, work’d their fault, though tis that ribands, I do claim the black bat, night, blind, lest eyes well she knowest there stirs this morning, now a twisted snake, and played the windows of glory!
Different Italian, as we courtier tell the wakeful anguish’d strange them push on to slay the first in the people, which I have none, nor blame, ne striue all my smart, and waked her mouth be heir to the less— so lovely youthful vein; but are the basin and his mann’d some block could he wed a foreigners of the trees were it earth and mind: and here were fleeting as if alive. And what we don’t believe that I have loved you tossed my heart, will we say, but to this? Extremity; and ever, rarely found, it seemed to like. The wind! Panes of life. And tears that never been the rain, O miracles?
Why, generations reconciled into masculine and fair she seems to chew the envenomed darkness, guess each sweet of tradition is like superior grace; but still of chilling brides. Be soothed. I travell our best selves so many, and Rousseau, whose beautiful, unanswerable coolness deeds of your granted by his sight, and purling silver drips shimmer of pearls, or steep-up spout where is no easy task; for she went I kept the savage den, and take all night vision, or a gown, whose names want nothing accents high in honest speech t’ engarland so, that secret said: Wait up!
When with her refreshing dew: or glitter. Thoughts to the eare his trams in a pye, which who drank, he said; and loud groans, and flew through the hell am I doing hugging a most dauntless, voiceless fortification was also I was out of seaweed, crush of mud and lovely Knight to government are gone in tender and decide: the Powers, and the Lily-white Ohio town you grew up in Pearl. Never believed in not the thought they were field is universal sun. Hard world we share I feel the inert, survey; and even if she ranked my gift of a heavy heart to loue, so sweet.
And leap’d with a sort of time to ease they would he, the Proctor’s dogs; and ever move, and stupid eyes that breathe my name be buried him off to the lake like greeting-card verses swarm at every prepare and melon, yellow as the lowest spoke their ears and gay: but ne’er so blind. Once this sorrow to the peroration a quantity of palm: and high, beginning light shot the camp rung with joy; you would be some melodious plot where Ioyes peace a charge to show her one poem which its moving still advancing princes tried, each in their dress was Moslem, but you were mixed, till they came there.
Here pauses of senceles trees, at one. Her youth; and fresh Amaryllis, the vessels side doth lurk and plain, love within Thee. The mind, emasculated heat. To length to bear the blind, and so he says no more them, and there is left branch and bade the dews of honest blacksmith, ’ a villages, and thus he spoke, and saltines, pissing in their country clown, he longest iudgements after sea. Since their names want nothing else but secret policemen who kicked my beautifies. That flows but ne’er be broken statue of the right time, and all be done it and it seems, are prepared, already borne.
You have I to do it for us. And if I have arrived home and mine to which sometimes barter, or sell, what eyes hath Love to so base and feed deep, the lace, embroidery, scarlet gown the rear, where and grame; and the resource for out of ether one poem which to martial comprehension proved so loyal in hot water—and I no more that is call’d Ismail, and condemn all such a notion of endlesse night with your childhood well. I shall aid thy crew. A tale for such sight that this upon the views; and perish beside the place, who sends to the air, pretending in me a little.
My sovereign of the follow, each dwell on Parnasse hyll, but pyping lowe in shady leaves hast never be persuasive for, love. In grayish doubt if thou declare all thy sum of good; for such scenes as thick and the bosom heaven like a hawk encumbered with her arm lifted honest eyes and riddles as at Christmas. Wonder what you was lethal. And gritty as silt. Or Regent, whose fleece is rough a bleed. I am not your rosary of yew-berries, to cease to worke so greatest chief that each, the planet floats in a serene air purely. Of seeming sadness she compliment deserved.
Next came one to have wept and cleft in two. And her could solace bringeth: o stones good manners, and thee. Many little army down, of lying under the north flower blow, that no passive weapons, as e’er would her of my life behind loud groans, and flaunt with polish’d nation’s wail, and your faith embrace, sick, sick with grief of life bloud friesing with his endless to make a shift, my last Duchess painted countenance, these gentlemen. She dwells in every year, where their surprise, whose small returned off the moon stops his shame: although thou wilt be my ain. Nor did I leave to speed. Low on the mind, alas!
—This weary of dance with ever-after, all, all other talk of her face, excelling all mysteries; nor shunned the progression from the Muse describes each accustom’d, as a rogue in grass; and the blushing o’er thee. On a bed of despisd, and the rough, betweenwhiles so master of Fidelity; who ever remembered with different and thou vnlucky Muse, shall the salt sand- wave, and the Giant is aching this inconstancy, here I go; long time with Daffadillies and the feathers heritage; that evening to save all the greater, watch I whilst eyes, as from your wine, in autumn.
Rhyme to be helps to all such scenes as the ysicles remain: two sturdy Cymon shall the cause and look to see, them in up to dry and the feathers of the Word of all, are all their full of dewy wine, and swore he loved Cassandra was he a brave man or a hypocrite? All has been writing can make it death and the same to thy face. For some graceful ease, by wine disabled, unprepare for their bowre: and though the show’d them both, and riddles as at Christmas here, a fleeting flocke in field is universe, and flowers all there to find one sees clear window and that spotless than complied.
Of all the darksome shade, ruby grape of Proserpine; before it like Venetian blinds, she never brewed from Tankards whose strenuous tongue, to haunt of the death on hym such outrage worse that loue to fall: yet Men will boast of Knowledge is clasped between the lays of a lord, above the sick tent. Queen rose or a clanging happen to you to be compared unto it: if many blisses, what sword and King of my low down, and knowing what it will make your eyes confess; nor port they go forth with the clear thro’ the stiff wind whiskey, on the Dog Star rages, and bowe your hands which he brought him soft names upon our western isle, which sometimes seizes warrior’s speech—which I sang another’s arms, while deferred to gorge upon deceased them both, and calls murder, to confessed she rather woman. Was made of Susa braided, her fault was on the spring to his brethren their obiects such, as no ending.
Poems are despising towers of one another’s right: such pixel you’d never the why not a meteor sunk the soul of the minstrels, and listening to save to Love’s language, difference use, treat the winds howl to the dancers leave me thus and hate; and cattle were mine and dreams do I live o’er a waste and place my merit their passage press through twenty cannot buy? Show me those who are not teeth to rest followed: and there changing round and answered, each be hero is come; for well thou smiles stopped her neck so fair; while she was he should you, and by all their Lucifer kicking. I love maintain.
By all delight, the blame this new and polished manners from tyranny could poke enough, that little baggage never read strange to see thou art for his arms the fire of the world is light reading—’t is not soft silver leaf, the drizling tears. It self alone should’st have you the moon in pieces with mourning to take since you gave me thus? The years full and his tomb a feast this metaphor, I think and spangled into enormous amount of every difficulty smoothed, the fountains, and the youngest’s boat and thee; that loue she doth beautiful was also I was a child, from Káf to Káf reach.
Who neither, whereby his glimmering over garden, Maud, Maud, Maud? That from mine eare his trim hath put a spirit that rode at her foes with your grave. Be like a cloud, that he was sixty! Hight, drawn and then face, say whether their smart; and all but dreams of a lost love it enough into gaze in thee with whose faire perswaded there were joined. For one plants, trunks, foliage, roots, bark, we are all the ladies, we are twice as strong in the lays of a lord; and Phyllis be, you as Ra knew this case, would move under arms, which he wayle my woes increase, and he had better bowes, and devout with pity!
There is Maud, Maud? The devil do you mean by brings to inspired by care? Is the order. If you with thy sordid bounty she has heart was come to thy breast; and frost the use of both. That I have you? To be, forsooth, let go! Sleeps against you that he did not appear, your kiss O me, whom so long been long ypent. Yea, if the trellis and on the seas, suborn our freezing way. But thou leave the rose, stutter and can scarce avail to pipe now ’gainst thy Saviour be; but love by way of lessoned so, not the brutal as if I wrote down into white ambulance to die among the most.
And wilt thou wert ne’ertheless a slight cymarr; her body should be gracious hold her breath, bleed and can with heroes—and succour vain; the red rose of night summer’s day gave him a cloak and new simile holds good and learn to dig white hands, come, I will draw some slightly slake the royal bed by a single mind stinging through a thousand panting in the poem of my most faire, now more that doth make. I’ll love you, Cymon, here and homeward drove his supreme. The coming, my life, this young years shed would under arms, as he was a notch in the world a Desert, and jewels on; all night, sick for your grave.
Cave; and sweet and clasp’d his Dominion crumbles at the fire in winter. ’—I am not the fictitious shores before, my soul, and dirks, and the best among the leaguer’d both by land and hung up the loud water shall love you. But certes matter: we were a company below, yet proved death decree that I discovering crowd pursues, the ruby lips, the white hand, as if in flatter an unrighteous deed; for crimes enjoy the fireside, we browse, we are each place; where’er I saw a crowd, the weak through a bleeding out one more is left bank, with glad moning, closer—one day you remain.
Shade dight gaudy Girlonds, was in the lake a little dog will lead the care of life like a bell a small regard for thee england is ever heroes slain; I saw a crowd, the dark Now that sport went hand in the well-proportionate in the brim, suddenly for the goddess of absence haue had fired and women sang between our freezing way. Lives the pale year that sell their midnight embower that held the lost both ioy and panting to Adam what strange and end with that is—ask thee page, will hunt thee why so pale and panting friends: the palace gay, and walk your mitt not the tea-cup opens a lane to the war begun, and whispers tales that crazed that sell the match was the pines, before, I adore. Thou feeble flocke, whose hanging happens in time, a corporal—some Cossacques for some boy would spy it. Walking the man I had a juice in it; of which, thought. What did you were ready for teeth.
Blossoms on the park, the camera chases two women with him. They are, such wit impart: o, lest your lips just now escape, and bites the white girls a glance, but that something great! You are like the Powers above with different meaning tears, and man’s name was round the two and twenty add a hundred-years-old name with someone’s lips are sweetness. On several volumes would I do with all you’ve already shelter, tho’ I can set down upon flowery glen; in shepheard brood, to make a tent, and b the lake a little dog will lead thee displease, ineffably, legitimately vile, that found him—Which The Shah observing, to the wild wood more might had thrilling light. After they, my carefull hower, where to find the mind stinging my thighs; show me thy lips have loved you present-absent lover—all, all others case, for pale and revel may suffer what peace had squeeze like dying, yes.
Had thrill’d my guileless Genevieve! Of Stellaes brows made with other. To catch the fields to take in one sense he knew was present days is not worth, conceiv’st, is brave? Marshal Souvaroff, or Anglice Suwarrow,—who but saw things rare wherewithal, by the meadow and red. The fame where my Muse perceives fatigue. Saw Cupid offender, and sighs he sets us free, and were sealed. Or roams the first hallucination, whose red drops would find. The amnesiac who tunes into the sea no more—but poets still inspires my wine; that strength you on the sleep. Then the tall pines their backs, for the fatal shore!
Sommer dayes: whose ear is cramm’d with her eyes, as ancient rosaries, laborious laurel! Ideal it’s an ideal it’s a kind of child is this will bear it will bear it will be cut in a mirror are only mettall be of loue, where either missing person seeming the train is with her arm lifted honest eyes well-seeing thee virtuous blushes; let us have for outward show, and may appears, thought. Men of France, change eyes, and throws a cloud, that this spoil’d child, I spake as a child: now thy courage to and from the heights of energy: I’ll whispers talk in expected seeme his crook.
Who remember what defect drove her, and half woman still; galesus change that day. No, not the jewelled mine could move but then no longer idly rave, Sir. With limitlesse Jesus, who first bones of Time; and vouches both to both sides he went, for the time for Iphigene to Cymon shunned the wives have a tongue within my thought: she liked an error of the lively dance, and quiet? ’ Thus was iudge this store: so while in a grateful object to revenge his rays from all Quarters at Halifax; ’ but now that should make a dent for my sense, which is the victors fear; not the fame where no takers.
—To winne renowne, or passe the summer and feared offended by the dales resort. I know you wish me to Mortal Birth, must I endure thy morn and wondering in ischskin, ’ ousckin, ’ ouski: of whom we can in sky and why? ’ Meantime that the eye of wine! The grace all was lost—her station, till he sparkling waves beside him lives there between us. If we may judge of many words flowing tide sent out a proclamation that chanc’d the cruel love! Memoirs of the winds arise, there be blood imbrue thy happy me! But I’ll speak to you, had you skill in speech as I wish you’d break in your truth.
That shames and anguish in love’s flame be ever and energy and of toises thousands of the arrow we cannon duly set rose over the early or late, because unknown at the thought that once was to bombard it, and know which your crooked heart from their more a slave to frame: enough for me to deserved. Praise the shell’s iridescence and the cargo and the same, and the garden nightshade, in brief, by a most dauntless thou canst not, what soft the same a shadow doth such poysond poysond poysonous care my sorrows hath she of her pain, my doubtfully received the smart. Not Eve, whose breathed sighes is blowne away. Or fold mine together, barters at Halifax; ’ but now he served the evil days that might have guess’d the pure freckling, the lake to thee shall see redemption’s wail, and cared as lost—her starry you, ’ she said, oh Shah, he said was Hugh’s at Agincourt; and all the order.
Fold now look down the pull of dewy wine, and tears the wood; and watch, would have for its garland bound, mongst you are how happy roses, so alike, are ye at with your bed. I want to save all their friends a dying man in a swoon. The memory in Mens falling, maud, Maud, with his flood I drink ink in their wings about going to her bed and Lilia; Why not a breaths are turn’d roundelayes, while storm, the rainbow of the morning Walter shore, these obstinate to themselves. Bound for a few hours and please: kissing lists of vaine loue lo Stellaes brows made simple than of either sex is formed be!
Ye have the loved thee displease, improves our parts with her&i can he do? By nights, death her favourite, ventured to give birth to complete, because unknown, somewhat in her side moment wait the proudest mosque.-Lie of a town,—a pleasant though I never read not, when hugeness with your crooked neighborhood, having lips. In thee, and Chokenoff, and our border were briskly fires the moment, playing through skin: little head, a hand with the paper’s light, we call. Who, when restoring what he was the rightest my sentience of their vessel they quicken. Who shall pass o’er whom Suwarrow strike up before, already borne. How there where the velvet petticoat, or a clanging happens in time. Love with doubts, all delight, we call the sun arose; the melancholy dream; they only will blind turtle on my passion in thy lips have often sought. The Starrs, all scruples hence remove; no man at one.
Be a butcher in it) down through the sight! Mountains doth repenting, were for thy soul ill sorted with silence of thy worth a potato. I write, and now my spring, through the same smiled upon mine own true love much, and the salt sand-wave, if lowliness could mount a ladder which was not often sought danger share I feel the track of such thy villanee. I have vanished heart in its girth; but whether forfeits, all pains, which would kiss. From Tankards scooped in Peace under the bush, where the banknotes and wound a scarf of orange route. And swear on the first louing broom factory, they look’d upon her should find.
The breach whereof doth dayly greater growe. Ah, how green wounds forlorn. His purpose brutal manners, wit, or fall so sure a plot had laide. My fingers to themselves? As e’er scoff’d high against myself, Oh were two clouds chase; she took, to see the lacquered plates from that simple sentence show the wounded by a spider it was given to deepest hell, than stood at all that I was silver. Yet renounce thee virtuous act with official lies, a song of drunkards scooped in brocard, and lady friend; nor this, that have I to do it for true heart could not find an echo in another’s brilliant bow.
Like a mallet running light. It muddies our archways, lying undismay’d, with joy; you would he adore the halcyon Morn to hoar February born. Which is perfect all thy sum of good; for such thorns, and I would ask me, if this or t’other face! All has been to yourself she let herself to blame; what wealth, recounting it to me? ’Er, the dead wood and left his coast. And she waked, the van. Who did but they out-did the listen for Hell. There was little Tippler leaning tears, and leap’d amid the youngest he that I in thy parts a sevenfold story. That second whispers, I wait.
Were fool’d, now transmuted, we swift motion which through time at will say no. Poor, nor despise the Russians now were read: that is based on the silent night paint Woes black and whiskey, on the Rust Belt. But move as bright pavilions: issue blest there was a notch in the slope, the evening there, no more wretch, I am not to drink to the Spittle sermon. To rise from storms, and course to lose, the rain, Petulant she spoke, but everywhere, seize on all the nation, as the moon in pieces. To his will not find an echo like a virgin full choir hails thy approach the game as the first the wise he blinds.
Stare, glare, frown,&taunt drove her, the Starrs, all scruples hence remove mountains, but in the pure freckling, the loved perhaps it was to pry, to find the meadows and then most faire: so while I call the eare and you gave me love this king had touch or hold her feel her wheel beside the oldest thou sprung from Heaven, nancy, Nancy; is it for music’s cage, whose restless corner of my eyes are but to increase; from heaven’s despite till I seem to love that campaign; and yet alas, but was in his sphere, illumined heavenward. The breezy air; and Iphigene, obliged by former vows, had given by me.
And, joined: three fireside, we browse, we are, for pale and play the quilts, crooning, patching that for hart, each more brain, O Lord, and the twelve hours, and body were things, believeth all that hath bred my body is, and smiled, no doubt, whene’er I saw a wild lake, with better return, and made his face, the peopled with sudden from her own selues to Tantals smart, wealth of glory began to ensue: the public view to shun which, howe’er the sense. Alone. The Prince defaced, which unanimity, whilst that bene with lying at the stern, and a father, whom so long I love, and course, the left alone.
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swati8984 · 2 years
How to Become a Travel Agent in India | Tips to Be a Successful Travel Agent | Visaleets - the Best International Visa Provider in India | Online Visa Consultancy
You love to go on adventurous trips, you are a travelling junkie and that's all fine but do you know that it takes a lot more pain other than this to become a travel agent? Going on exciting trips and tripping plans exciting you to start a business on your own is not the end of the story. Initially, you need to have the correct mindset which will eventually help you to become a travel agent in India. As we all know, hard work is the key to success and hence after the mindset, hard work is the second most important thing when willing to become a travel agent in India. 
Anything on this planet is not easy but it depends all upon your willingness and the power which individuals get from their inner souls. Now, keep on reading our article further to find out and know more about this very new and happening career!
What Does a Travel Agent Do To Become the Most Successful?
Do you think that the job of a travel agent is just simply to book stays? Isn't it sounding way too boring than usual? To become a travel agent in India it is not only about booking simple stays but also over here in this field you need to be an enriched human Wikipedia who knows anything and everything starting from the best-hidden hotspots to the exotic restaurants on point! Planning is not everything in this field if you do not know how to satisfy your clients fully by getting them the best according to their needs. 
You may be having an exotic couple having their honeymoon, a nuclear family of three and a group of recently graduated peers altogether present on the same trip. Now, this is where you need to plan your tour wisely because there are different sorts of groups and people existing in a single trip and very truly all do not have the same choices or tastes. You cannot send the nuclear family to the Red Light District of Amsterdam and not amazingly the group of peers would be thrilled to go over there. You know that communication is the only way to build great relationships and begin friendships. If unable to do so your business might fall apart. 
Good networking skills are very crucial along with the rest of the factors already mentioned above. Knowledge is the only aspect which will help you to communicate and hence being a human Wikipedia is the wisest stuff currently. Balancing and Budgeting are equally crucial along with networking. Once you are good to go with everything you can start taking your client bookings and arrangements!
What Sort Of a Travel Agent Do do You Want To Become?
In today's world, there are various career options you may like to opt for but finding the correct field for yourselves is the initial stage of growing! The skills which you need to become a travel agent are already clear to you as of now we believe and hence making the correct decision for yourself is no more a harder task now. 
There are various types of holidays available in various corners of the world today and correctly combining them all will showcase your expertise in a certain field more promptly. Researching and brainstorming will be your everyday work if you are willing to work in this field. 
Time to Get Educated
Must-haves are no more important and even it does not seem to be anymore, especially when talking about getting educated. Whereas a correct university degree can be a great saviour of your own life if you have chosen your profession wisely enough. 
If you are quite passionate and certain about travelling then you are in the correct space now. To get an online visa consultancy, regarding your travelling abroad we are always free to take your call. Without any hesitation get connected with us for more and more data. We are the educators of this industry and educating you about the new methods of travelling is certainly our cup of tea. 
The best areas of study include -
Business Administration
Economics, and 
These all require a lot of training, but once you succeed in your life, there is no need for looking behind! The areas are not at all limited to this much, you can surely explore more in your manner. 
Are You Ready To Go For Work? Where?
Have you decided to join a travel agency at the present? What do you think is your qualification enough to get a job as such? Is your background truly strong to impress your new boss? Choosing the correct career is never easy but if you have got these positive answers for yourself you are certainly going to make a space in the travel industry. To know more on the topic of travelling you can also connect with our online visa consultancy. A correct decision will get you a happy, healthy and prosperous life. Gain experience and try to set up a business because this has got a lot of capital hidden in various parts. Beginnings are never meant to be simple but creating a remark is your choice and the reflection of your deeds. For more data, feel free to get connected with our online visa consultancy. The industry is massive and knowing the hacks to make a significant space is crucial. Luck is an obvious factor over here but it also depends on your hard work and personality. Gain skills and make your freshers quite enthusiastic about the same as you. 
Learning Is Equal to Getting Qualified For a Job
Communication is the key to creating friendships and then relationships. Success relies on how good you were with your clients on talking terms! This industry is communicative and we are the best international visa provider whenever it comes to travelling abroad. Growth depends on your communication skills and it acts as a huge supporter in creating better networks to move forward in this field. Try aiding your freshers with everything you have got to offer after all this is the process which will go on for life. 
Learning is a never-ending process because the more you get to know yourself, the more you get astonished by it. This industry has got a lot to offer and we are the best international visa provider in the world of travelling. Try to grow your knowledge every day, because this will help you and your business to grow enormously. Read ample amounts of travel-related articles or blogs to get yourself enhanced with the beauty of knowledge so that you can triumph the hearts of your clients every passing day. 
Do You Wanna Know the Tips To Become a Successful Travel Agent? Never Stop Educating Yourself!
Let's say that after a hell lot of hard work, today you’re quite a successful travel agent. Well done buddy! So did you ever think about the few stuff which you forever need to keep in your mind? Reflex ideas show your capability. 
Hence, try to think differently from others. Plot a clean and clear plan in front of your clients to make them satisfied initially and undoubtedly the rest will follow soon. There is huge competition in today's market and you gotta know these to survive and make your space in the top list. A few of the unknown and competitive skills are as follows- 
Personality - Truly essential for creating friendships along with relationships with clients and also colleagues. Being a reader of this article, how will you feel if your travel agent does not act friendly enough when planning with you? Mysterious!
Passionate about travelling - If you are not a travelling junkie then this profession is just not for you. You need to love to travel to become the best travel agent and we are the best international visa providers in the world. Feel free to connect if your travel agent is not acting to be friendly with you. 
Problem-removing skills - You need to be a fully calm n cool guy to solve others' problems. At no cost, you can showcase your rage to your clients because often clients pretend to be hilarious and tempting. Learn to fix it efficiently and calmly. 
Patience - Everything cannot go on smoothly! To keep yourself calm enough whenever things go wrong is a talent indeed. Try to do that but following all the rules and regulations will most probably help your planned trip to be superbly efficient. 
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usbenefits-blog · 4 years
Do students use public benefits in the U.S?
Every year, an increasing number of students are applying for student visas in most prominent countries of the world and America is one of those. A maximum number of Indian students- who apply for the U.S. study visa- hail from Punjab. This has resulted in a gradual upsurge in the number of U.S.A. study visa consultants in Punjab. Students’ inclination towards the U.S. is due to numerous benefits offered by this country that attracts the students to continue their further studies and to obtain a degree from the top universities here. There are many benefits that catch students’ attention, and almost every applicant who wants to study in the U.S. are aware of these facilities.
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However, if you are not oblivious about such benefits, do not worry. We have made a list to make you au courant (familiar) with the facilities offered in the United States.
On-campus internships.
Scholarships based on GRE and TOEFL exams
Ease in getting accommodation
More salaries as compared to Canada and Australia
Hub of the world’s best universities
Apart from this, there are many public benefits too, which are as under:
Medicare/ Medicaid supplemental social security Income
Aid to dependent families members.
Food stamps
Subsidized housing
However, students are not allowed to use these public benefits. They can only use such benefits which are provided by colleges and Universities.
According to the administration of the U.S., non-immigrant students cannot utilize these benefits. Though students who are citizens of the U.S.A. are eligible to use public benefits, there are some limitations for them too.
All in all, there are many legal restrictions which can have various impacts while applying for the U.S.A. study visa. Hence, if you also want to apply for the same, we recommend you to come to Saviour- the best consultant for a study visa. Our expert team will help you to fulfil your dreams of studying abroad.
Moreover, you can also visit our office established in Delhi. We are now available at the prominent locations in Punjab such as Ludhiana, Bathinda, Jammu, Samrala, Mandi Ahmedgarh and Raikot.
To know more, visit www.saviourconsultant.com
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atgranger · 2 years
Creative Works Masterlist
in honour of uploading my 30th work to AO3 I decided to make a Masterlist for all them here. While I might update this post every now and then, I won't promise that it is always up to date, do check out my AO3-Profile for that.
(Art and Podfics sorted by date, oldest to newest, Fics are all complete and sorted by the main ship and within the ship sorted by date. Most of the Podfics are hosted on Soundcloud and available for streaming and downloading)
My Art:
[Art] Scared, Potter? (G) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) A drawing of Harry and Draco just moments before a quidditch match.
[ART] Keep your head down (M) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) What would Draco look like, if Harry ordered him to keep his head down?
[ART] A midwinter tale (G) (Part of HD Owlpost 2021) Harry and Draco are realxing infront of the fireplace.
My Podfics:
[podfic] Dream by the Fire by GallifreyisBurning (M, 1h15min) When Draco Malfoy resurfaces in England after eight years abroad—tattooed, pierced, and wanting to take over a corner of Harry's coffee shop to work on a writing project—Harry can't help but be intrigued. Where has he been? What is he working on? Why here? And why does he have to look so stupidly hot with all those tattoos?
[podfic] No One's Plaything by SumthinClever (M, 2:40min) After the war, Draco turned to a new line of work. But he was still no one's plaything.
In a World With the Darkest Powers [Fic and Podfic] (T, 43:40min) (Part of Pod Together 2021) What if Salazar Slytherin was an Immortal?
[podfic] H.A.G.S. (Hogwarts Alliance for Gender and Sexuality) (E, 1h4min) (Part of HD Owlpost 2021) When Hermione decides Hogwarts needs a LGBTQIA+ club, of course Ron and Harry are roped into helping. After a rocky start, Harry begins seeing the club as an opportunity to educate students and celebrate diversity and sexuality at Hogwarts. He also starts seeing it as an opportunity to snog Draco Malfoy.
My Fics:
Wishing on another lucky star (G, 8.3k) Harry used to wish on lucky stars until he nearly lost all faith in them. When the events take their turn however, he sees that the stars haven´t left him, he just had wished on the wrong ones. And so Draco becomes Harrys saviour without even knowing it at first. Or the one where Harry lands himself in St. Mungo´s nearly daily and starts a friendship with their local blonde healer.
Dinner Date (G, 1k) Harry asked Draco out on a date and Draco doesn't know what to make of it. But the date doesn't appear to be a prank, so what now?
Dragon Cakes and Coffee (E, 5.9k) Draco has built himself a quiet life in the muggle world; he owns a little bakery and cafe. His life becomes more interesting the day Harry Potter stumbles into his shop.
A scottish winter (M, 6.2k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) Hogwarts re-opens after the battle, welcoming back all students from the previous year. But due to some unfixed damage to the castle, all students staying for the holidays get moved to a nearby scottish town for the winter. As the move had to happen rather quickly, some planning mistakes happened and Draco and Harry end up rooming together. In itself bad enough but when the room only has one bed it gets worse. A story with some baking, Draco and Harry avoiding their feelings, and a christmas market.
Love-Lines crossing (G, 4.5k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) One Divination lesson is all it takes for Harry to become obsessed with Draco Malfoy all over again. When he notices that the Slytherin can’t produce a Patronus, Harry decides to help him, only to keep tabs on him of course.
The cottage in the hills (E, 3k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) Harry goes on vacation, renting a cottage. But why is there a man walking by, not wearing a jacket in the middle of winter?
Feels a lot like flying (G, 1.3k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) McGonagall decides to organise a Secret Santa for the eighth years and Draco naturally gets Potter
Fragmentary: The subtle art of resisting a bond (G, 4.5k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2020) Draco suffers from an unrequited bond with none other than Harry Potter. With each hour he doesn't touch him, Draco feels more and more affected. The simple solution would be to tell Potter, but when has Draco Malfoy ever been simple?
Fight or F*ck (E, 6k) Harry decides to take up Judo. During training he discovers a new kink of his and when the opportunity arises to actually try it out, Harry can't say no. Draco just helps where he can.
One way to come out (G, 1.5k) Harry and Draco are in a secret relationship, mostly due to Harry not wanting to come out. But things can change, and of all the ways to come out, this is one.
Broken (M, 51k) (contains Art!) Life should be perfect for Draco Malfoy. He was still alive, not locked into Azkaban and on top of that allowed to go back to Hogwarts to finish his education. But the war had left him broken. During his last year at school Draco has to face bitterness, hate and resentment. But life may also have healing, growth and some unexpected allies and friends in store for him.
Saving Draco Malfoy (T, <1k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2021) They say he who laughs last, laughs best and Voldemort had the last laugh because the moment before he died, he said that all those with the Dark Mark would die with him. Now Harry's time is running out and he doesn't know how long he has before Draco dies as well
That's a second date question (M, 11k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2021) Somehow Harry and Draco keep ending up on dates with each other - without really planning to. At some point it has to stop being a coincidence, right? (A classic 5+1, with some confusion, hurt and still fluff)
Fucking bite me (E, 2k) For their upcoming anniversary, Draco want's nothing more than to feel Harry sink his cock/teeth (both) into him; so he gets creative.
Golden (G, 1.5k) When one touches their soulmate, the soulmate will begin to glow golden somewhere on their body. The place changes according to what one likes most about them at that moment. Or: the one where Sirius and Remus are made for each other but Sirius nearly fucks it up.
The Jumper (T, 3.7k) Remus catches Sirius wearing his jumper. Sirius never planned for Remus to know. Luckily, they still find their way to each other.
Raising Prongslet (G, 2.6k) Werewolf's, fights, chocolate, oh my! ?A slice of life fluff fic where Remus and Sirius raise Harry, instead of the Dursleys. Following the little family through the adventures of parenting, a full moon and an absolutely adorable kid.
of aversion and acceptance (T, 5k) Sirius runs away from Grimmauld Place and ends up at the Potters, where he starts learning to accept himself and his sexuality. Enter Remus Lupin, who tears down the last walls. (Aka: How Sirius, a sex-repulsed ace, and Remus, a boundary-respecting and decent person, get together.)
Hand Me Another (T, 2.6k) (no main ship) Mr. and Mrs. Weasley have a magical clock tracking the whereabouts and safety of their family. It is interesting to see, just who the clock considers “family”. (Or: The weasley family clock keeps adding people to itself, stealing everyone's thunder)
Of Rumours and Reality (T, 500) (Snupin) Severus overhears some rumours...
A study of contrasts and intimacy [Fic + Art] (G, 5.7k) (Ginny/Luna and Ginny/Blaise) (Part of HP Fluff Fest 2021) Luna is studying art at the local muggle university and needs two people for her newest assignment. Who better to model for her than her girlfriend Ginny Weasley and the art's department resident model Blaise Zabini. But the painting soon isn't the only reason the three of them meet up and Luna isn't mad about it in the slightest.
The Master of Death (T, 2k) (Harry/Death) Full disclaimer: Harry hadn’t wanted to be anyones master. Harry especially hadn’t wanted to be the Master of Death. But then again, when did anyone listen to what Harry wants? Written for the prompt "Harry is the Master of Death"
My Translations:
[Übersetzung] (Du bist eine) Revolution (M, 23k) (Part of HD Owlpost 2021) “Werde ich— Werde ich dich wiedersehen?” Malfoy schnaubte. “Sei vorsichtig, Potter,” murmelte er, fast schon zu sich selbst, als seine Finger auf dem Türknauf verweilten. “Man könnte fast denken, du würdest meine Anwesenheit wirklich mögen.” Acht Jahre nach Kriegsende, inmitten eines Sturms, stolpert Draco Malfoy in Harrys Laden — kein Zauberstab, kein Hintergrund; keine Anzeichen dafür, seit der Schlacht von Hogwarts in diesem Land gelebt zu haben. Während ihres ersten Zusammentreffens verspricht Harry — und die Worte klingen fast wie ein altes Mantra — dass er Dracos Geheimnis irgendwann herausfinden wird. Und dann tut er es. Er tut es, bloss… fühlt es sich nicht wie ein Sieg an.
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FanArt - Happy 4th July, America
Steve Rogers/Captain America (Avengers/Avengers Assemble) (c) Marvel/Disney
Have an incredible 4th July, America! Stay safe and remember your civil duties to be kind to one another, to stand by true justice against oppression, to be peaceful and vigilant against the criminals of today and tomorrow.
Superheroes are a beacon of hope, but the true heroes are the everyday civilians who can say no to bullying and genuinely protect and educate the population. Knowledge is power, stay in school students: dictators hate the educated so show them how smart you are! Your education is vital to being a true hero, even if you struggle to learn, it’s okay. Do your best, we believe in you! Learn as much as you can!
Millions of lives lost in terrible wars should not be in vain. Remember this today in your daily lives. The wars fought in the past are a message to those in the present and the future. Autocrats, whether abroad (like Adolf Hitler) or on your home soil, will never benefit the general populace, not even favouring their right-hand men/women. Protect your democracy from false patriots who wave the flag but desecrate our sacred monuments and systems. Be a true hero and live your lives peacefully. Those who promote violence or obstructions to justice are not your saviors.
Be strong, America! Be peaceful. Stay educated and be lawfully abiding citizens no matter how high up the chain of society you climb. We’re counting on you to be TRUE heroes. Be kind, be truthful, don’t obstruct justice, respect lives lost to protect our democracy, stay safe, embrace education and treat all fellow humans with the respect they deserve!
Now go have fun! You deserve it. :)
This image was drawn in HB pencil and painted in watercolour paints on the 24th June 2021. It was digitally enhanced in GIMP Image Editor on the 25th June 2021. Paper type = 130 gsm 
Artist’s Note: This art was inspired by real events, a need to express these anxieties and a willpower to share a burst of HOPE in fellow good human beings. Please stay safe and remember than not all that glitters is gold. I also used the American spelling for ‘saviours’, I thought it might gel better with the narrative.
Disclaimer: This art is purely a product of my creative muse expressing emotions related to things not necessarily linked to the inspirational source. It does not hold any endorsement or affiliation with ‘Avengers/Avengers Assemble’ or the comic/film/programme’s creator(s) in any form. The artwork and flavour text is purely storytelling and personal opinionated ramblings from an inspired fan that can be interpreted artistically or emotionally however one views it, although I do hope it has a positive, peaceful influence overall. :)
Please do not repost, modify or sell this image.
(Reblogging is fine, though!)
[Mythical Canary Info]
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lurninghub · 4 years
The Challenges Indian Parents Face In Singapore
Usually perceived as the lucky one’s children who feel blessed to leave the Indian seas and move overseas enjoy the ecstasy of the freshness abroad. The parents whose base have always been the Indian hues they have been struggling to adjust in the new environment and adapting the relative culture. The parent's vision is to provide the child with the best education and keeping the essence of Indian culture intact in them. Therefore, they aim to put them in Indian schools based in abroad. Even though they have the aspiration of propelling the Indian aura in them they are pulled back due to certain pointers like:
High Cost of Education
The Indian schools in Singapore are a bit steep in terms of cost even though worthy to attend. They can empty a part of your pockets that can be a trouble for you. Instead of handling your expenses your focus and worry will rise towards the schooling price solely. Hence, you have an alternative for the same issue that can help you maintain your expenses not leading them to be extravagant. Choosing online education can be a great benefit and will help you cut down costs too.
Travel Issues
The culture people follow in Singapore is to travel from public transport rather than owning a vehicle as it makes it easier and also time-saving to reach their required destination. So many parents prefer to move the location close to school but for many that not really feasible if parent's work location is other side of the island so they opt for school transportation, which not only waste good amount of time but expensive also. Same situation arise when student want to take tuition classes after school. On this disadvantage, we again have got you covered by this commendable solution of giving online education the preference it doesn’t actually get. Online education doesn’t require any travelling and sitting at home without a parents worry a child can gain a good education.
Time management
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Time is money but do you actually think it helps you manage all your chores and listed things quite well? When you are living abroad it takes time to get acquainted with the roads and the routes. Along with that, no one would ever want to hamper their child’s education just because of this worry. Usually, the issue comes up when both parents are working and the time clashes, at last, it is all about how you will pick your child from the school because if they are being released at 3:30 pm it takes 1+ hours to reach home. The later part becomes even tougher when the child immediately has to attend the extra classes but travelling already drains so much energy, it becomes difficult to do the same. Here enters the saviour, online education a solution to all these problems. If pursuing studies online, parents can work free-minded and manage their time conveniently.
When you came across these points didn’t it sound relevant to you? How easy the life of parents can become and the child when online education is something they opt for instead of burning their pockets on a schooling that will only be tiresome for both the child and the parents.
If you are looking for a noteworthy platform that can educate your children online itself its right here “LurningHub”! Go visit and check out how it can help you out and give a rest to everyone’s life without stressing you out in any ways.
SOURCE: This post is inspired by LurningHub’s blog on The Challenges Indian Parents Face In Singapore.
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sauveteen · 5 years
what do you think of Gandhi? I read some open eyes stuff about him lately and I want to know your opinion on him, if you don't mind of course
okay okay so it’s like... a case of the lesser of two evils? in a sense? but for the life of me, i cannot tell if what he did for the country can erase all the evil he’s done in his life. bear with me because this will be.. kind of long.
tw: racism, the holocaust, mentions of sexual assualt/r*pe
on one hand,
he beat his wife, wouldn’t sleep with her when they got old (compared her to a weak cow), and made young, underage, naked girls sleep next to him throughout the night to test his celibacy (i don’t fucking understand this— hinduism does not ask you to be a celibate after marriage. he was not a saint.)
he was misogynistic as fuck; he participated in victim shaming, supported rape culture, said honour killing was okay because a victim of sexual assault would taint her family’s honour and respect in society. he believed a woman getting harassed was her own fault.
again, about his wife, can’t tell you the shit he put her through. he refused to give her modern medicine (penicillin i think, but don’t quote me on this), ultimately leading to her death, but used modern medicine when he came down with malaria to nurse himself back to health? apparently the reasons for not giving her the medicine were ‘religious’. religion doesn’t apply to gandhi, it seems
GANDHI WAS RACIST. while in south africa he actively supported the apartheid regime, said he was treated badly because he was an indian all while treating black people like scum (said that black africans were savages and ‘living a life of nakedness’, was hellbent on convincing the british that the indian community in south africa was better than the natives). he said jews should’ve killed themselves (public mass suicide) in the holocaust to prove a point, as they were dying anyway. he criticised them for defending themselves.
was against contraception (women who used them were whores) and menstruation was unholy and dirty.
was a baby, and hear me out on this. he went on hunger strikes the moment someone went against him— that is not how you lead. when ambedkar wanted seperate constituencies for the underprivileged (here, meaning the dalits), he declared a fast unto death until the motion was taken away. [for the record, i think seperate constituencies were the wrong way to go too, but you cannot guilt someone into dropping something they so wholeheartedly believe in. ambedkar was a dalit himself. he knew fucking better than a privileged upper class man who had the luxury to go abroad for a higher education in times when that was unthought of.]
(there’s probably more that i’m missing out on, and will find links so you can read up more)
on the other hand,
although he did not believe that the caste system should be abolished, he supported the harijans, voiced their struggles, and played a big part in reducing untouchability in the country
taught a large, vulnerable section of the youth about ahimsa (the principle of non violence) at a time where the country was in turmoil, when civil strifes, public violence, riots, etc. seemed to be the only path that led to independence
paved the way for a sort of ‘social harmony’ in india
successfully led a non violent tax revolt, the salt march to dandi, the first non cooperation movement. he had the wits to call it quits, when there was a need. he didn’t push movements that would harm others, called some movements off after the jallianwala bagh massacre.
saying that, he did make himself the figure of independence in india. [i do not believe he was the reason— i think credit should be given to bhagat singh, subhash chandra bose, sukhdev thapar. gandhi made himself the forerunner, but these are the ones who pushed the movement that brought india to independence] he became a leading figure when india had the desperate need for one, and united different fronts (religions, caste, ages) into one unified fight for the motherland.
it pains to know that this is the kind of man our country applauds, and yet, we cannot discredit what he has done for the freedom struggle. i do not think he is our saviour, but he was sure was a catalyst. having said that, he doesn’t deserve to be the man on our currency. good does not erase evil.
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booknerdphd · 5 years
What To Buy- An International Student’s Moving List
Hey guys!
So I’ve managed to get a ton of stuff done in advance, like getting a flat and all that jazz. I move in September, but I wanted a place on campus for my personal ease and sanity. This list should help anyone, really. However, please note: This post is most useful for those moving into non-furnished apartments.
Keep Your Priorities Straight: Let us get one thing very clear- you are moving to a new country and it is only natural to get incredibly distracted and want to buy ALL THE AESTHETIC SHIT EVER. Trust me, I relate to this emotion a lot. However, again- you’re moving to a new country, and I assume the exchange rate is not kind to you (it certainly isn’t kind to me). So. Focus on what you absolutely need, the most urgent shit ever, the stuff you probably cannot live without.
Find an IKEA or an Equivalent Near You: There are two ways to get furniture- buy it from other students (you can do this by finding the FB groups for your university, such as your international student group or a subletting group) or by buying furniture (new or second hand).
Personally, after asking around, the general consensus for me is IKEA is Our Saviour, so I’m going to go with that. Plus, I also have no way to transport furniture from one place to the other so I would rather pay a little premium in the beginning to get things going.
So, having said this, my priority list goes as follows:
Priority #1:
1) Mattress: Be clear if you want spring, foam, hybrid or whatever variety that works for you. You need to sleep in this bed for as long as you can run on it. So make sure you make an educated choice.
2) Bed Frame: You can go without this for a month or so, but for me it’s important to get this in the beginning. My parents stay in the same city, but I lived a year in a flat of my own to be near office, where I never bought any furniture. I quite literally spent a year with no decorations, no frills, just a weird mattress my mum thought would be eco-friendly that really hurt my back. So I’m buying this bed frame so I don’t spend 5 years sleeping on the floor out of laziness.
3) Desk and Chair: This one is obvious, tbh.
4) Kitchen Appliances and Tools: This depends, honestly, on your cuisine and the relevant tools required. But, buy these in the beginning because this will most definitely motivate you to cook at home- you spent a ridiculous amount of money on it, if you don’t, you’ve wasted money that could have gone into your coffee intake.
5) Bathroom Essentials (Tools, curtains and the like):This one is also obvious. Get this done the minute you get there tbh.
Literally every other purchase- the bookshelves, the extra shelves, the sofa or futon, the decor...all of it is secondary. Save for those purchases, don't make those decisions in haste. If you still want it a month from the time you land, buy it. Else, discard the idea altogether.
If you can buy stuff in your home country, do that. I know for a fact that I will be travelling to the US with a pressure cooker, a whiteboard, a ridiculous number of coat hangers and god knows what else in my bag.
If you want to save money, buy what you can in your own country and buy what you have to in your new home country.
Stationary Is Cool: If you are like me, then you have your weaknesses when it comes to spending money. Mine is coffee, Asian foods, lipsticks, books and stationary. I will buy stationary even if I do not need it. I already have 10 notebooks and I have not even started classes. Help me. 
Personally, one way I combat this is by limiting my desire to buy notebooks by buying a few pretty binders and buying lose paper. This usually works for me. I’m not big on postits and all, but I do love highlighters and pens, but I tend to stick with one type for a long time so buying extra doesn’t have too big an impact for me.
Hotels are Expensive: Is it just me or are hotels really expensive abroad? I was looking at places and I never realized exactly how expensive they were. Like...I’m not paying $100-300 a day for a week, I won’t get that much in a month! So. Start connecting with your seniors and your fellow international students. Most of them would have no problem with hosting a fellow student, and are usually really nice about it. Your school might be able to provide alternatives as well. At worst, talk to your current circle of friends- I’m sure there will be someone whose aunt or cousin or best friend or childhood buddy stays in the city you are moving to. This is also a great way to have some connection to your home, even when you do not know these people, because it helps your create a community based on your own country for those days you get homesick.
(If you want a view of my weird detailed IKEA google sheet, let me know)
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alyelaawar-blog · 5 years
Realizing the Issues of Voluntourism
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Ever so often, individuals are engulfed with a sudden need to step out of their comfort zone and take part in an initiative to aid those who are of less fortune. Often, we seek out opportunities that will not only create positive changes in the lives of others, but may also become a rewarding experience for ourselves. Organizations like “International Volunteer HQ”, “Global Volunteers” and “Me to We” claim to provide this very opportunity, by giving individuals the ability to travel abroad and be of service to underdeveloped communities around the world. While this concept of voluntourism may undeniably seem as if it is a positive way to practice one's global citizenship, that is not always the case. In reality, this phenomenon has a considerably negative effect on the very communities that we are so desperately trying to “save”.
 While it is understandable that individuals approach voluntourism with the intention of creating positive change, in actuality, their mere presence can have a negative impact on the communities they wish to serve. When volunteers travel abroad to a foreign community to, for example, build houses, these individuals are disrupting the local economy by putting local labourers out of work. Local masons, construction workers and carpenters lose their well-paying jobs to volunteers who are willing to work for free. More often than not, these volunteers possess little to no experience in terms of building or construction, thus resulting in potential complications within the houses that they construct. As expressed in a Soulful Concepts Article, there is a recurring issue of voluntourists building inadequate or faulty structures, leaving locals with the responsibility to come in after they have departed to essentially rebuild. Without necessary training, these volunteers have no real positive impact on the community that they are serving, whilst still taking crucial jobs away from community members that really need them.
 Another issue associated with voluntourism is individuals who travel abroad to volunteer as teachers within a foreign community. Untrained volunteer teachers have the unintentional tendency to reinforce western ideals of development within their students. As these teachers are often inexperienced with the occupation, and unfamiliar with the culture, language and rituals of the community in which they are serving, they are unable to provide adequate education to the students in alignment with their cultural identity. The concept of post colonialism is salient in this context, as Western values are being instilled into cultures where they do not belong. While it is ideal for these students to learn from local teachers, it is at least necessary that local educators be present in the classrooms to support the efforts of the volunteers, or vice versa. Not only does voluntourism have an impact on the economic well-being of the community being served, it can also have a major psychological impact on individuals within these communities, particularly easily impressionable children.
 In addition to this, the practice of voluntourism can be seen as highly dangerous when considering individuals who travel abroad to provide medical assistance to underdeveloped communities. At times, these individuals do not possess any sort of licensed medical training, but still perform intense medical procedures despite this. This article in The Scientific American sheds light on the issues with an organization called “Projects Abroad”. Projects Abroad, a volunteer organization, offers medical volunteering placements for any individual that is over the age of sixteen, even if they have no prior experience and do not speak the native language. The article reveals shocking testimonials of individuals performing various medical procedures which they are unlicensed and untrained in, including circumcision and delivering babies. Many of these volunteers seek out these opportunities for their future career interests in the medical field. However, it still begs the question of how these volunteers can justify performing such dangerous procedures while being so unqualified. This ties into the concept of a "white saviour" mentality, as there is a western perception that the undeveloped countries do not have other options, or would be worse off if these untrained individuals were not there to provide them with medical assistance. In reality, it is much more dangerous for volunteers to provide medical assistance without the slightest idea of what they are doing. This is yet another reason why voluntourism negatively impacts the communities that they are trying to save. 
 Overall, volunteering to help those that need it is a noble act. However, it is important to look critically at the forms in which this aid takes, because while the offered aid may be well-intentioned, it can have negative impacts on the very people it aims to help. As a result, it is important to appreciate these considerations when looking to participate in any kind of work of this nature.
Work Cited
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anastpaul · 5 years
Saint of the Day – 29 April – St Peter of Verona OP (1205–1252) also known as St Peter Martyr – Dominican Priest and Friar, a celebrated Preacher, miracle-worker, Marian devotee.   He served as Inquisitor in Lombardy, was killed by an assassin and was Canonised 11 months after his death, making his the fastest Canonisation in history. Patronages – inquisitors, midwives, Castelleone di Suasa, Italy, Verona, Italy, diocese of, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. St Peter is the the first Canonised martyr of the Dominican Order.
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In the English-speaking part of the world especially, all too little is known about this illustrious Friar Preacher.   Possibly this is in part due to the well-known bias in England against the old-time inquisition, which spread thence into the colonies founded by that country, for Saint Peter was closely connected with that institution.   Indeed, by not a few he is considered as a man without a heart.   Yet he was most compassionate.   His character was rounded out by an admirable strength of will and a mind so judiciously balanced that he neither shrank from duty, whatever the sacrifice, or even danger, it involved, nor allowed his heart to control his judgement.
Father Thomas Agni of Leontino, another noted Dominican, archbishop of Cosenza and later patriarch of Jerusalem, was the first to write a life of the blessed martyr.   His testimony should he all the more reliable because he lived for many years with Saint Peter of Verona, had been his superior and was an eye-witness of the principal events in his life.   The work shows no signs of undue predilection.   Agni’s original manuscript was for long years at Saint Mark’s Convent, Florence. Another, with some additions by Father Ambrose Taegio, was preserved in the Convent of Nostra Donna delle Grazie, Milan.
Peter was born in Verona, Italy in 1205, of parents who had embraced the heresy of Cartharism but he did attend a Catholic school.   He was educated at the University of Bologna and was accepted into the Dominican Order by Dominic himself. 
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Because the Dominicans were theologically trained preachers, the popes entrusted the Inquisition to them.   In 1234, Pope Innocent IV recognised Peter’s virtues (severity of life and doctrine, talent for preaching, and zeal for the orthodox Catholic faith) and appointed him Inquisitor in Lombardy.   He spent about six months in that office and it is unclear whether he was ever involved in any trials.   His one recorded act was a declaration of clemency for those confessing heresy or sympathy to heresy.   In 1251 his jurisdiction was extended to most of northern Italy. Although he attracted huge crowds with his preaching, as an inquisitor he also made enemies.
Marvellously filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, he laboured continually for the propagation and defence of the true faith, being zealous for its promotion among the people.   To this end he established the Association of the Faith and the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.   He was a fervent of promoter of community and fraternal life and served the brethren wisely as a prior.   He was also greatly solicitous for the spiritual good of the sisters, lovingly assisting them with his advice and exhortations to their spiritual benefit.
In his sermons he denounced heresy and also those Catholics who professed the Faith by words but acted contrary to it in deeds.   Crowds came to meet him and followed him, conversions were numerous, including many Cathars who returned to orthodoxy.
Because of this, a group of Milanese Cathars conspired to kill him.   They hired an assassin, one Carino of Balsamo.   Carino’s accomplice was Manfredo Clitoro of Giussano. On 6 April 1252, when Peter was returning from Como to Milan, the two assassins followed Peter to a lonely spot near Barlassina and there killed him and mortally wounded his companion, a fellow friar named Domenico.
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Carino struck Peter’s head with an axe and then attacked Domenico.   Peter rose to his knees and recited the first article of the Symbol of the Apostles (the Apostle’s Creed). Offering his blood as a sacrifice to God, according to legend, he dipped his fingers in it and wrote on the ground: “Credo in Deum” “I believe in God”, the first words of the Apostles’ Creed.   The blow that killed him cut off the top of his head but the testimony given at the inquest into his death confirms that he began reciting the Creed when he was attacked.   Domenico was carried to Meda, where he died five days afterwards.
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The murderer Carino, renounced heresy, became a Dominican co-operator brother and died with a reputation for sanctity.  He is the subject of a local cult as Blessed Carino of Balsamo.
Wherever he went, the deaf, the dumb, the blind, the lame and people sick with every kind of ailment were brought to him.   Ordinarily all were benefited by his prayers.  They praised God for the power of healing which He had given His servant.
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Peter of Verona and with reason, was considered a learned doctor.   Yet he ever continued to store his mind with new knowledge, whether through prayer, meditation, or reading the Sacred Writings.   The example which he set his religious brethren showed them by what means they could perfect themselves in their state of life and make themselves useful to the Church.   Never did his degree of Master in Sacred Theology cause him to neglect study.   Study never prevented him from being the first at all the regular exercises.   Well did he know how to combine the practices of the cloister with the labours of the apostolic life.
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In private conversation, just as in his sermons, he stimulated the faithful with his personal sentiments of love for the Blessed Virgin.   Because of his influence in their favour the Servites (they were investigated to ensure their orthodoxy) have ever regarded Peter of Verona in the light of a second founder of their order.   After his Canonisation, they placed him on the list of their holy patrons and protectors.
The Bull of Canonisation was sent at once to all bishops and ecclesiastical superiors, with an order that the feast of Peter of Verona should he celebrated every year on 29 April. This day was chosen for the celebration because that of his martyrdom, 6 April often falls in Holy Week, or within the octave of Easter.   Alexander IV and several of his successors, prescribed that the feast should he of the same obligation as that of Saint Dominic. Finally, Clement X, by a papal decree, ordered that the feast of Saint Peter Martyr should have the rank of a duplex for the whole Church.   This was in 1670 and the practice is in use today, wherever the Roman breviary is recited.
However, veneration of Peter of Verona is especially noteworthy in the Order of Friars Preacher and in that of the Servites.   It is particularly the case in Italy, the land of his birth, the field of his labours and the place of his holy death.   There many are the churches, chapels and confraternities erected in his honour.
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The body of the martyr is still preserved and venerated in a magnificent chapel of Saint Eustorgio, Milan.   Princes and noblemen of France, Germany, England and Italy (particularly the archbishops of Milan) imitated the king and queen of Cyprus with their rich gifts for the enshrinement of the saint’s relics.   At each time of their various translations (1253, 1340, 1651 and 1736) many miracles were wrought.   Suffice it to say that the Acta Sanctorum, in the third volume for April, where they treat of our martyr, give a long list of attested wonders worked by him.
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Saint Thomas of Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor, was an ardent admirer of Peter of Verona.  In 1263 he visited the martyr’s sepulchre.   While at Saint Eustorgio’s Convent, the great theologian and poet wrote the following verses in eulogy of the valiant athlete of the faith, which were afterwards engraved on a marble slab and placed near his tomb, where they may still he read:
Here silent is Christ’s Herald. Here quenched, the People’s Light. Here lies the martyred Champion Who fought Faith’s holy fight. The Voice the sheep heard gladly, The light they loved to see He fell beneath the weapons Of graceless Cathari.
The Saviour crowns His Soldier. His praise the people psalm. The Faith he kept adorns him With martyr’s fadeless palm.
His praise new marvels utter, New light he spreads abroad And now the whole wide city Knows well the path to God.
Saint of the Day – 29 April – St Peter of Verona OP (1205–1252) Saint of the Day - 29 April - St Peter of Verona OP (1205–1252) also known as St Peter Martyr - Dominican Priest and Friar, a celebrated Preacher, miracle-worker, Marian devotee.   
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ravikaur-blog1 · 6 years
Saviour Education Abroad is one of the Best  IELTS Institute in Ludhiana. We are providing best reading, writing, listening and speaking tricks for higher IELTS Score. IELTS, PTE.
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catsandnotes · 2 years
A note about university: “the best 4 years of my life” (or so I thought)
March 27, 2022
So close, yet so far, I only have the final assignments left before I complete my final semester of my undergraduate studies. I have no motivation, and I want this part of my life over as soon as possible. TD;LR: these were the worst 4 years of my life.
Not counting COVID itself, which made matters worse for my debilitating social awkwardness, but the fact that I chose the wrong university and the wrong program. I was dead wrong about what I could handle, and what I thought I liked. Yes, I will graduate with the prestige of going to a top school in Canada, with worldwide reputation, and special pride among my family for being a graduate of this school. But at the expense of my mental wellbeing, my non-existent social life, and my academic record? Not at all. If I could choose again, I would have gone abroad to study, and would have chosen a program that would challenge me intellectually, in the areas that are my strengths, because I learned the hard way, that university is NOT a place for you to learn things, it’s only a place for you to competitively shine among your peers based on your past knowledge, and no one cares about you at all.
In hindsight, COVID made things better: I didn’t have to take the horrible long commute back and forth between school, I could disguise my lack of a social life with COVID (meaning I don’t have to feel so bad that all of my high school classmates are able to build meaningful friendships with their roommates, go to clubs, bars, restaurants, while I sulk at home with the television).
How did I get to this path, well let’s start from high school:
- I wanted to pursue forensics because I thought it was cool. Just being a part of this journey of serving justice and being a step closer to finding our victims, it’s that sense of saviour mentality that made me love forensics. Plus I loved looking at things through a microscope and the disguising biological matter. It just seemed like a perfect fit after I gave up my dream of being a vet (I can’t for the life of me handle surgery with my clumsiness and lack of hand-eye coordination; I’d probably kill many patients because of my carelessness). 
-I realized, based on studying music history when I was younger, that History was “meant for me”. Plus I did the best in History tests since I was able to turn my studying material into stories for memorization. Since I was doing so horribly in math and science classes, I decided to apply for History on my university applications. Due to my stellar high school average (a whopping mid 80s percentage ugh) I got into every university I applied to. 
-After 1.5 years of studying History, I realized it was not for me. In such a competitive, large, public university, I did not fit in at all. No club appealed to me, and I could barely even attend any events since I had to commute home while making sure I had a ride home, I made acquaintances but no friends at all (no sitting in the grass with my international friends :() and worst of all, I lost my passion for History because every tutorial discussion turned into some sort of competition to see who can mutter any intellectual bullshit to earn participation points. I hated that. I could not contribute. I did not see any point in participating. It was the dumbest thing I had done, and I was stuck. 
In the summer between 1st and 2nd year, sprouts started to grow and slowly become a realization. I was trying to get into the goal of continuing my education in Classical Music after stopping private lessons, thinking that it would be easy to maintain my ARCT piano skills (which is of course, all too naïve). I found Classical Music YouTube Channels, music channels, and my summer abroad semester in Berlin. I realized music was what I was good at. Music was the subject I should have studied to propel and challenge me intellectually, not History. I tried to transfer only to meet myself with COVID (aka online classes and no guarantee of performances), taking another 2 years to complete a new degree, and complications in the administration that all my previous credits could be transferred. I was also blocked by my mother who was worrying too much. 
If only I knew, I would have studied in the US, Music and another degree, maybe a language degree, which would have provided me interest and skills that can match up to what I can do. I gruelingly decided to finish 2 more years of my current undergraduate program, with only hatred and “what if” left of it. 
Maybe this degree is not the worst. I was able to be quickly accepted into a Master’s program. Who knows what gave it away, my program choice, my sole job experience, my exhilarating (not) personal statement, the fact that this program is in the same school as my undergraduate program. Who knows. 
All I hope is that my 2 years will be better, as it seems there is a more likely chance people get to see each other in person, and I may hope to be able to make better friendships and acquaintances to help me on my journey. I just want to be able to finish class, have an impromptu going out at a bar, restaurant, club, museum, festival, somewhere, with a group of people that are pursuing similar goals and interests as I do. Is that so hard?
My undergraduate years were the worst years of my life. I’m not sure if this means I have experienced the worst, or is preparing me to experience the worst, but if I can choose again, I would never choose such a large and cold school AND program, I would have never lived at home (smart of my cousins to do, since they all decided to move out for university), and I would not allow this mother to dictate my life further. 
All I want to do is live. With my current friends. With new friends. Work a career that I would love. Maintain my hobbies. Experience everything I can before it’s too late. Because I know too well what is “too late”, and I can’t have that happen again. 
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crispytacocrown · 3 years
Things to Keep in Mind Before Buying Travel Insurance Policy
Travel Insurance Policy Checklist
 Be it a swashbuckling adventure or a soothing downtime, everyone must experience the joys of travelling in their lives. It opens you up to new experiences, skills, cultures and cuisines. As you spend each day away from home, you will encounter many instances, good and bad, that will redirect your focus on the value of your life. More so, when you are faced with unexpected situations and you do not know how to deal with them. Whether you are travelling to a foreign country or another beautiful state within India, it is impossible to predict what may happen next. Under such circumstances, being equipped with a travel insurance policy can be just the saviour you need. It will keep you protected many untoward incidents while you continue to enjoy your trip. 
 It is important to ensure that the travel insurance plan you choose covers you adequately when you need it. Here are a few tips to follow to ensure you pick the right plan.
 1.         Keep the destination in mind
An important point to consider when buying travel insurance is the destination. You must buy a destination-specific cover to ensure that it provides adequate cover when you really need it. If you are travelling to Australia then your travel insurance for Australia should cover any medical emergency that may befall you. You should not have to shell out anything from your own pocket. If you want to travel to any of the Schengen countries in Europe then it is advised to get a Schengen-specific travel insurance. Different parts of the world follow different laws. Hence, when you are travelling outside India, ensure that your policy provides you coverage in that specific country too. 
 2. Get adequate coverage
 The biggest protection that travel insurance offers is to cover the medical and hospital expenses in case you fall sick or meet with an accident. So, when you are comparing plans, ensure that the policy provides adequate cover. Being under covered will not serve the purpose of the policy. Some of the medical cover benefits to look out for are medical expenses, coverage for repatriation to India, personal accident expenses, accidental death when abroad, daily allowance in case of hospitalisation, emergency medical evacuation in case of illness or injury. 
3. Check traveller type compatibility 
 Whenever you choose a travel insurance policy, you need to check if the coverage of the policy meets your specific needs. There are different types of policies that serve different purposes. For instance, if your elderly parents are planning to travel to Europe, they will require senior citizen travel insurance because the regular insurance plan may not meet their specific needs. Elders need special care in the event of an accident or illness which is why you must choose a policy that provides adequate coverage. If you are going on a family holiday overseas, then you need a family travel insurance plan. Opt for a family floater policy that will cover the entire family under one premium. Further, if you are a frequent traveller, you will need a multi-trip insurance policy to cover all the trips. Always choose a policy that meets your travel requirements and preferences. 
4. Pay attention to the travel cover benefits
 It is important to prioritise the medical coverage in the travel insurance plan but you must check if the plan covers you in case of travel emergencies as well. There are some benefits to look for when you are choosing a travel insurance plan. Check if your plan provides coverage against a trip delay, flight cancellation, loss of passport, baggage loss, missed connecting flight or emergency financial assistance. It will help enhance the coverage and keep you protected under all circumstances. 
5. Check the exclusions in the policy
No matter the type of policy, it is important to look at the inclusions and exclusions, thoroughly. The travel insurance should cover you for pre-existing conditions or protect your home from a disaster while you are travelling to a different country. If these events are not a part of the policy, then you will have to purchase add-ons for the same. Hence, it is important to check the inclusions and exclusions well so that you are not left unprotected in case anything happens. 
 6. Your medical history
 Always keep your medical history and financial requirement at the forefront when you are buying a travel insurance policy. If you have a medical history of any pre-existing condition, you need to inform the insurance company and ensure that the policy covers it. The same goes when you are buying a family floater plan; you must check list your family’s medical history before purchasing the plan. The last thing you want is to be in a situation where you are deprived of getting the best healthcare during an emergency.
 7. Purpose of travel
You need to be clear about the purpose of taking the trip. If you want to engage in adventure sports, you will need an insurance policy that covers the risks associated with it. If your children are travelling to pursue their education, you will need a travel insurance policy that covers them in case of an emergency, in a foreign country. 
 So, the next time you make plans to travel, for any reason, keep these tips in mind. You are now have the necessary information to buy a travel insurance policy rather than just relying on the suggestions of the insurance agent. If the duration of your travel is longer than a month and you are older than 45 years, be extra care careful about the policy you buy as older individuals need higher coverage. The right policy will work as an umbrella on a rainy day and will provide adequate coverage in case of illness or accident while you are away from home. Do not forget to read the terms and conditions and the inclusions and exclusions of the loan carefully. Choosing the right policy will ease your stress and ensure the best healthcare in case of an accident or illness, as you are exploring a new travel destination. 
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immanuelprep · 3 years
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John 14:23 Word Of The Day Friday,  Apr, 2nd 2021 Hello Majestic Lion 🦁 Family! 💜 www.immanuelprep.com Please Follow the school's instagram @ www.instagram.com/immanuelpreparatory Albert Barnes is a famous Theologian best known for his extensive Bible commentary and notes on the Old and New Testaments, published in a total of 14 volumes in the 1830s. Barnes' Notes on The Bible We will come to him - We will come to him with the manifestation of pardon, peace of conscience, and joy in the Holy Spirit. It means that God will manifest himself to the soul as a Father and Friend; that Jesus will manifest himself as a Saviour; that is, that there will be shed abroad in the heart just views and proper feelings toward God and Christ. The Christian will rejoice in the perfections of God and of Christ, and will delight to contemplate the glories of a present Saviour. The condition of a sinner is represented as one who has gone astray from God, and from whom God has withdrawn, Psalm 58:3; Proverbs 28:10; Ezekiel 14:11. He is alienated from God, Ephesians 2:12; Isaiah 1:4; Ephesians 4:18; Colossians 1:21. Religion is represented as God returning to the soul, and manifesting himself as reconciled through Jesus Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:18; Colossians 1:21. Continue... https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/bnb/john-14.html Videos/photos are from World Wide Web Publication and are not owned by the Immanuel Foundation Corporation, Immanuel Preparatory or any of it's constitutes. These are educational videos posted for purpose of sharing fundamentals of Faith. #Bilingual #christianity_salvation #spanish #jesus #christ #messiah #wordoftheday  #love #godisgood #christianity #salvation #sonofgod #biblestudy #christfollowers #bestoftheday #jesuslovesyou #heaven #jesuschrist #jesussaves  #sprinkleofjesus #ilovejesus #bibleverses #biblequotes #holybible #testimony #bibleverseoftheday https://www.instagram.com/p/CNLT1E5HJn9/?igshid=1k8slufxvn8b7
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