#she will also ask random townspeople if they want it
jacarandaaaas · 6 months
quick doodle of an isa hc that I did earlier in the week!💖🌵💫
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so my headcanon is that isa being the creative icon she is, can never keep her hair the same! In fact she finds it incredibly boring and changes it at LEAST once a week! I hc that she uses those pollen pod plant things from wecid for hair dye! (she tried pink last week and didn’t like it much so she’s going back to teal for a few days) I also imagine she will use this pollen hair dye on anyone who lets her! luisa loves it, mirabel tolerates it and dolores hasn’t given in (yet) she has also tried to get alma involved and got a “we’ll see” response. Just a chill little doodle because I feel I always take art so seriously it sucks the fun out of it and after thr doodle requests from last week I’ve found sometimes it’s more fun to post the messier less serious stuff! 🫶
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demonpiratehuntress · 5 months
vampire shenanigans (Straw Hats + Ace, Law, Kaku)
featuring - Zoro x F!Reader, Ace x F!Reader, Law x F!Reader, Usopp x F!Reader, Luffy x F!Reader, Kaku x F!Reader, Sanji x F!Reader
summary - your crew's stop at a nearby island takes a dark (but also kind of funny) turn when the town's vampire king tries to make you his wife. your boyfriend is NOT amused.
warnings - none
a/n - one of my stupid, random ideas
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You were bad with directions. Because while everyone had been exploring the new island you'd stopped at, you had somehow gotten yourself lost. And found yourself deep in the woods, in front of an evil-looking castle that practically oozed danger. It was obvious enough to you not to go in, but before you could turn and walk away your vision went dark.
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"Wait, where's (Name)?"
Zoro was the first to notice your absence when the group met up in the town square, looking around worriedly. Even he and Luffy had found their way here before you, which never happened.
"Maybe she lost track of time?" Robin suggested. "She's probably in one of these shops."
After a while of looking around and asking shopkeepers about you, though, they had no luck finding you. Until a pale, eerily skinny girl came running from the forest, attracting the townspeople's attention.
"The king has chosen his bride!" She cried out, then collapsed.
The Straw Hats were confused. What happened to her, and who was this 'king'? Also where did she come from and why did all the villagers look frightened by her words? Questioning a few of them yielded nothing except 'vampire'.
"Wait a minute..." Nami started, frowning. "That must be (Name)!"
"What?" Zoro demanded, almost growling.
"Well, think of it, she's been gone so long and it's odd for her to be the last one to come back. Maybe that's because she was kidnapped by this king."
"Oh hell no," Zoro grumbled, "He is NOT marrying MY girlfriend. Only I can do that."
Before the other Straw Hats could even react to that, the green-haired swordsman was trudging up the hill and entering the forest. They hastily followed, giving each other uneasy looks as they got to the spooky castle.
"Give me back my woman!" Zoro was yelling at someone, "The only person who's going to marry her is me!"
Your eyes widened at his words, a blush falling over your cheeks as you watched your boyfriend challenge the annoyed vampire beside you.
I'm pretty sure we all know who wins this fight. An angry Zoro is NOT to be trifled with, after all.
"So, you're going to marry me huh?"
Zoro's cheeks turned slightly pink, "Someday, yeah."
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The minute Ace lost sight of you, he flew into a frenzy. He was panicking like he'd lost a child, running all over town looking for you. He knew of your tendency to get lost, and it always scared him. Especially when he took his eyes off you for one second and then looked back to see you had vanished. The poor man wants to cry when he doesn't find you anywhere, and Marco has to calm him down and assure him that they will find you.
A nearby couple talking in hushed tones caught Ace's attention, as well as the fact that they kept glancing at him and Marco not-so-secretly. He went over to them.
"Hi, have you seen a woman with-"
"She was taken by the vampire king," someone behind them spoke. The couple rushed off, frightened by the newcomer. Ace turned to see a young woman coming towards him and Marco. She held an umbrella over her head, despite the sun being out.
"Um...vampire king?" The commander questioned.
"He takes a woman once every few years, marries them and turns them, and then leaves them," she explained. "So if you've lost your friend and can't find her anywhere in town, that must be where she is." The woman's tone was sad, as if she knew this from experience.
"Thank you," Ace nodded and sprinted off before Marco could protest or suggest telling Whitebeard what happened.
"Ace! You don't even know where he lives!"
Somehow, Ace found the place and by the time Marco had caught up with the pissed 2nd division commander he saw Ace challenging a man who was holding you hostage. This must have been the vampire king.
"Give her back!" Ace was aggressively demanding, flames dancing along his arms and legs, his eyes just as fiery. "If she's going to be anyone's wife, she'll be my wife!"
You blushed HEAVILY at that. You and Ace had spoken a lot about marriage, but you hadn't thought he was serious about it. Your heart warmed at the thought, and once he had taken care of the king - fire was a pretty convenient weapon against vampires - you immediately kissed him when he came close.
"There's only one person I would ever say yes to, Ace. And that's you."
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You had split off with Bepo to find something to gift Law for your anniversary. When the bear came running back to Law with tears streaming down his face, the doctor knew the worst must have happened. And it was only confirmed when Bepo repeatedly apologised through his tears before finally telling Law you had been kidnapped.
"Kidnapped?" The surgeon frowned. "By who?"
"I couldn't see him very well," Bepo was sobbing, the poor bear, "But he was tall and pale. With red eyes."
Law cursed. He knew what that might mean, and he felt ridiculous putting you and his crew in this position in the first place. He had, for once, forgotten to check what island this was, and now you were paying the price for his negligence.
"Come on, I know where she is."
The crew followed their captain through the forest, getting frightened by the spooky atmosphere but still trudging through. You were one of them, after all, and that was their motivation. Especially Bepo and Law. The captain was practically fuming, and steam would have come out of his ears if possible. How dare someone kidnap you? Was this stupid vampire king not aware of who you were with?
It was almost as if he sensed Law's presence, because the doors swung open for the Heart pirates to enter. They found you in the dining room, you looking relieved to see them and the vampire smirking smugly at Law.
"A pretty thing, you had," he began, "Such a shame she's mine now. But I am generous, so I'll let you stay for the wedding."
Bepo was outraged, but Law held him back, "Wedding? I haven't planned one with her yet, but I appreciate you letting us use your facilities for it."
Your face turned beet-red, never having expected to hear that from Law. He 'room, shambled' the vampire and then quickly walked over to you.
"Are you okay?"
You smiled up at him, "I'm perfect."
"That you are," he smiled back and kissed your cheek, a rare display in front of the crew just because he was so relieved you were okay.
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You and Kaku had just been trying to have a nice vacation. But you should have really done your research first, because apparently women disappeared a lot on this island, but the islanders wouldn't tell Kaku why or where you had gone. He remained calm on the outside, but internally he was panicking and freaking out completely. How had he lost you??
He searched everywhere in the town, but found nothing. You were nowhere in sight, as if you had just vanished into thin air. One moment you were next to him, the next you were gone. You might have wandered off, but to where??
"Go look in the forest," someone spoke from beside him as he looked again through a store window. "She might be there."
He turned to look at who had spoken, and found himself facing a very scary looking woman. She might have been scary because she looked like all the blood had been drained from her body, and her skin was paler than any normal human's.
Kaku wanted to ask why she looked like that and how she knew where you were, but decided that finding you took top priority. He thanked her and went off to the forest, and it wasn't long before he realised the answers to the questions he wanted to ask that lady.
He was standing in front of a gothic castle, one that looked like it belonged to a vampire - and Kaku soon found out it did.
"I can't give her back," the vampire said coolly, smirking, "She is my bride."
Kaku glared, a sight so scary you'd hid your face the first time you saw it. Kaku was normally cute and shy, but when he got angry and when he glared he was the scariest person in the world. It was probably the unhinged look in his eyes.
"She will be no one's bride but mine," the CP9 assassin growled, drawing his swords.
It was a very intense fight, but you only had one thing on your mind. When Kaku tossed the ripped off head of the vampire aside, making sure to light it on fire, he turned only to have you crash into him and engulf him in a hug.
"Your bride, huh? I look forward to it."
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God help anyone who tries to marry you with this guy around. Even if said person was an immortal being capable of draining his body of blood. But he didn't know that's what the crew faced, when you suddenly just didn't return from a store you had gone to look at. Everyone had split up to explore, but you hadn't come back yet and Sanji was getting agitated.
"I'm sure she's fine," Chopper tried to assure him, "(Name) can handle herself."
An old man suddenly came up to them then, looking so sad that Sanji almost gave him a hug.
"Your friend is gone," he spoke dejectedly, "He comes and takes any woman he chooses, and you never see that poor girl again." Then he walked off, as if what he'd said had made perfect sense.
Sanji looked around, trying to see if anyone looked suspicious, until something caught his eye from the forest. As if drawn to it, he suddenly went in that direction and found himself in front of a very eerie castle a few minutes later.
"(Name) is in there?"
"Who dares talk about my bride?"
"I think not," the vampire finally showed his face, pulling you along, "She will marry me and become my wife."
"If (Name) is going to marry anyone it's going to be me!" Sanji cried and then attacked.
Once that was over, you went over to him and grinned, "Marriage, huh? I didn't think playboys had that in their vocabulary."
"Oh, ha ha," he replied sarcastically, sweeping you into his arms and peppering your face with kissed, "I mean it, you know."
You smiled, "Good, cause I want it."
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I'm going to be honest with you, Luffy is lost with you too. He sticks to you like actual glue, so it's no surprise when he ends up by the castle with you. The only difference is that he's knocked out and left outside, while you were taken inside to face god-knows-what. When Luffy finally woke up, the rest of the crew was surrounding him.
"Luffy, what happened?" Chopper asked, concerned as he checked Luffy's vitals and made sure he was okay.
"I don't know," the captain frowned, "(Name) and I got lost, and came here to this creepy castle. Then I woke up now."
"Wait, so you don't know what happened to (Name)?!" Sanji panicked. "You idiot, you were supposed to protect her!"
Zoro glared at the cook, "Calm down, stupid cook. Take a look at this castle, something weird lives in there."
Luffy's eyes widened then, realising just now what he had said. He shot to his feet, head whipping around wildly as if that would help him locate you, "Where's (Name)?! Is she in there?"
The crew groaned collectively, knowing that Luffy was about to get them into possibly another life-threatening fight. However, before that could happen, the doors swung open and you walked out, but you were not alone. A tall, pale man was with you, a wicked grin on his face as his eyes gleamed red.
"Say goodbye to your friends, my bride."
"Bride?!" Nami and Sanji screeched in unison, followed by Sanji fainting.
"(Name) is not your bride!" Luffy argued, clenching his fists. "She should not be forced to marry you! She should be able to marry who she wants to, and that will be me!"
Your heart swelled at his words, and when he had gotten rid of your captor you walked over and kissed his cheek, "You're right, it will be you."
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"(Name)? (Name)!"
The crew found Usopp spinning in circles and frantically calling your name, as if summoning you through some weird ritual. They all raised their eyebrows, waiting for the sniper to stop and notice them.
"Oh, hey guys! Have you seen (Name)?" He asked them, his eyes wide with panic. "I think I lost her."
"You think YOU WHAT?!" Sanji yelled, eyes blazing.
Usopp laughed nervously, backing away slowly, "I swear she was just right next to me! Hurry up and help me find her!"
That didn't take long, because when they wandered into the forest and found a creepy castle, Luffy pulled them all inside and said you must be hiding in there. More like kidnapped, which is what they found out when they walked in on you sitting at a very very long table, across from a very very pale man with glittering red eyes.
"V-v-v-" Usopp couldn't even get the full word out of his mouth. "What are you doing with my girlfriend!" He took aim at the vampire.
The vampire laughed and dusted himself off, "She's not your girlfriend anymore, sadly. She is mine. And tomorrow, we shall be wed in front of the entire town."
Usopp's blood boiled. People and monsters alike could walk all over him if they wanted to, which they did, but you were a different story. When it came to you, hell hath no fury like an angry, protective Usopp.
A barrage of exploding stars is what led the vampire to his unexpected end, his cockiness getting the better of him.
Usopp glared at his burning body, "Sorry but the only person who can wed this pretty woman is me. And it'll be in front of our crew."
You beamed and threw your arms around the sniper, kissing him passionately, "Agreed."
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bu11seye · 3 months
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permanent interactions call .
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by liking this post you are giving me permission to just throw jessie into your inbox randomly , tag you in random starters , and make your muse a more constant person in jessie's life ! this also means more ooc communication for plotting , and establishing more dynamic and fleshed out relationships for our characters . * if we are already actively shipping , by liking this you are giving me permission to up our interactions . multis please list which muses you'd like this for , or say whole blog !
things that jessie can and will probably do for your muse :
bake them treats .
tend to their pets injuries !
steal some things for them !
make them things !
help them with mundane tasks !
listen to their problems and give unwanted advice !
talk their ear off .
things that i ( mimi ) can and will probably do for our muses :
send unprompted memes, asks , and random scenarios for our muses to interact .
hop into your inbox ( through here or discord ) to talk about things that remind me of our characters .
create a tag for us here on tumblr and reblog things for our muses .
create pinterest boards and edits for our muses .
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please be aware that i am looking for platonic relationships before shipping , but we can see where things go . jessie will most likely reference your character in threads with others depending on the relationship we create .
below are some platonic and kinda random dynamics i want to explore based on verse !!
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wanted connections main verse : best friend , found family , coworkers -- other vets ; bartenders or just odd job workers , friendly and not so friendly neighbors , club / party / drinking buddies , villain that jessie can just scheme against like they're in a cartoon , roomie , annoying classmate she follows on socials , the owner of a place she frequently visits , old classmates and townspeople of where she grew up , friends of her parents ( older muses ) , unrequited crushes ( both sides are welcome ) , friends of her older brother woody , new partners of her older brother woody , more gay friends to do more gay things with , flings that stay flings -- no romantic ties , college friend group .
wanted connections vampire verse : all of the dynamics above , owner of a bunker or safe house , connections for when she stays certain places and needs to start over , personal blood bags , someone to look after her different houses and her pets while she is away . other sires of her now deceased maker father adam ( bio in progress but can be given on request ) to bond with , other vampires from his sireline that hate that she killed him / are after her , family of victims that jessie herself has killed , designers and rich celebrity circles where she would have more access to wealth and money through connections rather than compulsion , old flames and relationships from the past that pop up out of the woodwork every hundred or so years , people to do favors for her in exchange for manual labor like her strength or ability to be somewhere quickly to give messages , witches on standby , ghosts who haunt her house .
wanted connections hunger games verse : other tributes of her games , capitol workers , other members of her district , past winners , mentees , her own mentor and other mentors of the games , game makers , lucky flickerman / effie trinket / canon characters and family of those canons , designers , tribute that kills jessie in her games ( wanting to do a ghost / haunting plot for character work ) , allies , sponsors , cooks , flings , stable hand for when she lives in the capitol for awhile after her games .
wanted connections demigod verse : mentor , bunk mate , sparring partner , monster friend , other demi gods to befriend , quest members (2) open to more than one mun for trio dynamics ! .
if you are interested in writing in the same verse as another mun i am currently writing with that you see on the dash , please contact me so i can set something up to talk with both you and the other mun . i am more than welcoming of threads that involve more than one mun but all parties need to be on the same page in order to proceed <3
wanted settings i would like to explore for misc verses :
western , historical , high fantasy , otherworldly ( alice in wonderland , coraline , narnia , etc ) , apocalyptic , dystopian / utopian .
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judesmoonbeauty · 6 months
Yves Kloss - Act 2 Ch. 7 - Summary
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. Also, feel free to ignore my random commentary. I know this Master List is delayed, but eh, it was my first translation project, and I had no idea of what I was doing.
Please note: Only his common route and Dramatic route are translated/summarized.
Alt translations are marked as ///
T/L notes are notated at the bottom of the post with***
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They decide to stay the night in town and attend a dinner party hosted by Horst. When escorted to the dining hall they were met with many people who had uniform smiles on their faces.
*Flashback to a few hours beforehand*
After agreeing to the idea of staying overnight in the town and accepting Horst’s dinner invitation. Horst leaves Yves after Yves says that he will meet him at his villa later. Ragna asks why Yves is willingly waking into a trap? Yves explains that Horst’s volunteering to take them to Kloss mansion was for the purpose of the dinner invitation. So, despite knowing it’s a trap Yves wants to hear his side of the story anyway.
*Flashback Ends* 
Back at the dinner party Yves mentions that he attended the dinner because there were people who wanted to meet him. He asks if those present are the ones in question? The chatter, laughter and sounds of cutlery all come to a halt unnaturally.
Horst asks Yves if he noticed how people reacted to him while visiting the town? Yves said yes. Horst says it’s because there’s an unbridgeable gap between the Kloss family and the townspeople even though the Kloss family has since“disappeared” for some years now.
Horst continues that, “The Kloss family was such a high-status noble family that they could offer up brides to the emperor for generations. But the only reason why they were able to maintain their position is because of all the wicked deeds they did which the won the Emperor’s favor. He continues to say that the Kloss family is the root source of all stagnation that Obsidian is facing. “They can be called the incarnation of evil”///“They can be called the definition of evil”.
The Kloss family taxed its people heavily, took bribes, used extortion, and murdered many. When the Kloss family head was called out by one of Horst’s friends, the man and his entire family were executed, and another was framed for their executions. Horst’s wife too died by the Kloss family.
Yves thanks him for explaining something so painful. He apologizes on behalf of Kloss family and says that he will do whatever he can to make amends. Someone speaks up from the crowd saying that Yves is just like his dear mother. Many agree. Then a sharp voice breaks out calling it a facade. Accusing Yves of enjoying their money and the lap of luxury. The attendee also says that Eleanor abandoned them to marry into Rhodolite. That she “is also a bad woman who was only raised to be a butterfly and flower”.
Emma feels Yves trembling at the badmouthing about his mother. Yves replies that even if Kloss blood flows in his veins he would never follow the same path. Yves says that he promised to be a bridge between the two countries when he became king. Horst says he hopes that’s the case.
Yves now asks what he meant by the Kloss family “disappearing” long ago?Horst says, “Oh, about that. Someone made them disappear from the town.” Yves asks what he means by they made the Kloss family disappear?
Horst finally reveals: “Prince Gilbert has saved our town and country.”
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inferencesarchives · 11 months
hiii!! congratulations on 100 followers!! for your lovely event, could i get prompt number 7 with royal margarine cookie and a fem reader? also, could i be 🌷 annon?
royal margarine cookie x fem reader
lilmissytealbow asked: Can you do Royal Margarine Cookie x Fem reader. With her freckles on both sided cheeks
prompt: "you're the most beautiful person i've ever laid eyes on."
warninga: mentions of food, bullying/mean townspeople, physical touch, petnames (sweetie, my dear, darling)
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You could sense them.
Their stares, etching into the back of your skull.
You could hear them.
Their whispers, spreading judgement and discontent about you.
It was too much. It was all too much.
You did everything you could to ignore them, ignore their hatred, but even you had your limits.
You had spent most of your day today out and about Dragon City, running various errands and chatting with some friends you happened to run into. You thought that today was going to be a good day.
It started in the afternoon. You were peacefully sitting and eating your lunch at a table outside a quaint little restaurant you often frequented, when you overheard a conversation between some girls across the street.
"Hey, isn't that..." "It is! It's her!" The two of them seemed to be whispering to eachother, but they were still loud enough to hear. When you looked up, both of the girls were looking at you, so you gently smiled and waved at them. However, after you greeted them, the two girls shot eachother almost disgusted looks before walking away. Although their actions confused you, you hoped it wouldn't occur again and went about your day.
But then it happened again. And again. And again and again and again.
And the more it happened, the more confused and worried you got. Why was everyone staring at you? Why was everyone whispering about you? Why did everyone seem repulsed whenever they looked at you? Why-
"You don't deserve it!" some random girl suddenly yelled at you as she purposefully blocked your path. You were stunned. Confused, you asked her, "I... Don't deserve what?"
"You don't deserve anything, idiot!" The girl groaned and rolled her eyes at you, "You have practically everything that anyone in town could ever want, but you didn't do anything to deserve it!"
When you heard those words, said with such malice and hatred, you fell silent.
After a few moments of not knowing how to respond, you bolted back home.
Quickly, you placed everything you bought onto the kitchen counter before rushing to your bedroom to let it all out.
You practically collapsed into your bed, choking out pitiful sobs. They were right. Everything everyone said about you was right. You didn't deserve anything. You did nothing to deserve what you had.
You must have sobbed for hours. You must have been so absorbed in your own self-doubt for you to not notice someone entering the room.
Then, suddenly, you were enveloped in a familiar warmth. Suddenly, you heard a familiar voice trying to comfort you.
"Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?" your husband, Royal Margarine Cookie, gently asked you. You couldn't bring yourself to respond. "You know you can tell me anything, right? No matter what's troubling you, I'll always listen to what you have to say." He pulled you closer to him.
Gingerly, he caressed you and whispered reassurances in your ear. "Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay. Everything will be okay. Just let it all out, my dear. It's alright. I'm here. I'll always be here for you."
After who knows how long, your sobs eventually died down, yet you still clung desperately to your husband. "Now that you've calmed down a bit, mind telling me what's wrong, darling?" Royal Margarine Cookie whispered in your ear.
Quietly, you informed him of your insecurities and what people were saying about you, your voice still hoarse and shaky from crying. "Everyone was saying that I don't deserve anything, and, as much as I hate to admit it, I know they're right."
Suddenly, Royal Margarine Cookie gently grapped your chin and looked you in the eye, a serious expression on his face. "No, they're wrong. Everything they said is wrong," he paused for a moment to kiss your freckles and wipe away any stray tears falling from your eyes, "You do deserve this. You absolutely deserve everything that you have. You deserve the world.
"You're beautiful. You're the most beautiful cookie I've ever met, and you deserve the world."
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thanks for stopping by!
wanna submit a request? see my requesting rules here!
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ninjaturtlemaniac · 8 months
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            Taking over from her Abuela came naturally. It was the role she didn’t know she was born to fill until she was living it. This time around however, she properly sets up schedules that fits everyone’s needs. Being so involved with everyone else’s lives, Mirabel often doesn’t notice her own needs; this is where Leonardo comes in. Leo looks after her blind spots and makes sure she is looking after herself while she looks after the town. I imagine in the colour scheme of the Madrigals; Mirabel carries on the green theme from Bruno, and this extends to her husband and three children. I love that she is green and white whilst Leo is green and black, trying to show that they are complimentary to each other. Mirabel inherited the chatelaine from Alma. Whilst Abuela had the mountains designs on her dress, Mirabel’s skirt has the opened mountains. They also kind of look like M’s which could be for Mirabel or Madrigal.
            After living most of his life alone, Leonardo welcomes the chaos that comes with a large family like the Madrigals. Leonardo serves as an ambassador of the outside world and guardian to the magic. He becomes vital in the development of trade routes to local towns. Leonardo is blunt and will often do what needs to be done even if doing so raises eyebrows. (Random house needs a roof tile repaired? He just gets up on that roof and fixes it without telling the family) He protects Mirabel from her blind spots, which is usually her inability to see people’s true motives when she only sees the best in people. Leonardo spoils his children, having worked since the age of five he makes sure that his triplets get the best of everything that he never had.
            The townspeople are sure that Mariposa bears the soul of the late Dona Madrigal. Her gift of angel wings made of light all but confirmed it to them. Mariposa doesn’t see it this way. The shy and insecure girl feels there is an expectation of wisdom and guidance wanted from her that she doesn’t yet possess. She feels she could get to that point someday, if only she could figure out how to fly first. The specific green I chose for her is laurel green to boost her “angelic’ character. Leonardo calls her Palomita which means Little Dove. Her symbols are wings.
            Nothing gets past Beatriz; she sees all and knows all. She’s can talk for hours about anything, and she will tell you about every detail from the colour of the paint on the walls to what shoes people were wearing. She was gifted with super sight, she can see at great distances, see slight movements and she can see in the dark. Her glasses actually dull her gift so that she can focus on what is in front of her. The green that I chose for Beatriz is ‘cat eye green’ because of her gift. She looks up to her Tia Isabela and wants to be her when she grows up. The shapes on her outfit are supposed to be eye shapes and some inspiration for the colours were from Mirabel concept art.
            Hugo is a calming presence. He is content with sitting back and observing whilst everyone rushes through life around him. He is a patient soul and spends his time learning the different crafts his family knows. He likes to fix things rather than throw them away, so he tends to keep a lot of broken things around for later. The miracle gifted him with hugs that bring serenity. The green I chose for him is aquamarine as the gemstone is often associated with stress relief and peace.
If you have any questions about the characters, ask away!
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felixcloud6288 · 5 months
Higurashi: Abducted by Demons Final Chapter
In the Garden of Eden story, when God asked Adam why he had eaten the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam blamed Eve for giving it to her and Eve blamed the serpent for tempting her. Afterward, God banished them from the garden.
I think Frederica Berkastel's poem is saying the actual sin committed was refusing to acknowledge what they had done.
I think Rena has given up on trying to help Keiichi. She just walked past him without saying a word.
Keichii is shouting at Mion over keeping secrets from him, but he's only been in Hinamizawa for three weeks. Telling the newcomer about a history of mysterious serial murders is not really the best ice-breaker.
And besides, it's not like he's been honest either. He's been hiding his involvement with the police and that he's aware of the murders and Satoshi. Granted, he's kind of following Ooishi's orders to not trust them.
So the big lesson here: Never trust cops. They can only tear apart a community.
Rena has gone full psycho this chapter and she is loving every moment of it. I love the uncanny expressions she makes throughout that scene.
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And then the rest of the chapter is just a rollercoaster. Keiichi is chased by a deranged Rena, only to be attacked by some random townspeople. Then he wakes up in his room, and Mion and Rena are cheerfully greeting him. Then Rena holds Keiichi in place and Mion prepares to give Keiichi his punishment for not eating the ohagi.
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In earlier chapters, the artist uses the manga format to their advantage to give the best jumpscares. The page you're reading would create a certain mood or buildup, then you turn the page and BAM!! Full page spooky panel.
But in this chapter, we get two blank pages right as the tension reaches its peak. It makes for a good mindbreak. It's like that quote from a Christmas Carol: "Being prepared for almost anything, he was not prepared for nothing."
And those blank pages also help transition into what happens next. They break our focus for a moment and let the story shift to a calm moment where Keiichi wakes up, relieved it was a dream and he was was foolish to ever believe Rena and Mion would try to kill him.
Then you turn the page.
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Keiichi recognizes that man as a doctor, but doesn't know that's the same doctor he visited in chapter 4. The men he's talking to seem to be the same guys who attacked Keiichi.
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I don't know if it's a translation mistake or not, but Keiichi said the dam construction director was killed 5 years ago. That's incorrect. He died 4 years ago.
In the end, Keiichi dies from scratching out his throat, just like Tomitake. All the information he'd gathered to find the murderers was lost. It ends in the sort of way a horror murder might end. The protagonist dies, the villain escapes; Evil lives to kill another day.
Spoiler Discussion
So what is real and what is not?
Mion's remarks about wanting to kill Ooishi is likely real. She mentioned he's retiring, which is something Keiichi wouldn't know.
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As for the scene with Rena, I have two ideas. Either the entire scene was a hallucination OR Rena was there but Keiichi hallucinated the cleaver.
I'm willing to accept arguments for either one. With the second, the dialogue could be read as Rena understanding something is wrong with Keiichi and genuinely trying to reach out and help him.
The two guys who attacked Keiichi are probably part of Irie's research team. They saw Keiichi screaming and panicking, realized he was suffering symptoms of Hinamizawa Syndrome and intervened.
The director Mion mentioned is Irie. He leads the local baseball team and is called the director as a result.
The part of Keiichi's final note that was removed was the part mentioning the construction director was still alive and Tomitake was killed with some drug. Ooishi was suspected of removing that part but denied it. I think Ooishi really did remove it though.
Irie would know everything going on and wouldn't have left part of the letter lying around if he found it. Meanwhile Ooishi would have a reason to let part of the message still be found.
The part of Keiichi's message that was found implies some greater conspiracy in the village and would therefore leave the case open and tie Keiichi's killing Mion and Rena to the dam construction murder that Ooishi has been trying to solve. But if the second part of the message and the syringe were kept, Keiichi's notes might be assumed to be part of some paranoid ramblings instead.
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namig42 · 4 months
random OC ask: what would your OC's ideal home be like? this can be as specific as inspirational pictures, or as general as the vibes they would like it to give off.
Let's see... I've got quite a few ocs, though Sahed is my current main, but I'll share all my BG3 characters and a general summary of what they'd love!
My first, my special half orc gal, she grew up always appreciating nature, and she would want that to continue. Some cozy cabin in the middle of the woods near a river where she could fish, forage, and hunt, and be at peace in the solitude of the woods. That sounds perfect for her. She's a simple person with simple desires.
Helena, my sweet, chaotic rogue, loves the feeling of being in the city. She loves the noise and chaos of it all, and there's so much potential for causing chaos in a place that's just bustling with activity. She'd be happiest with a small house somewhere in the Lower City, a bit away from the main happenings of Baldur's Gate, but close enough that she can still hear it from her balcony. Her cozy little house would be full of treasures and tokens that she's nabbed from all over the place from all sorts of people, littering the shelves and cluttering up the place just a tad, though she doesn't mind it.
My sweet, dangerously curious nerd of a monk. She was fond of her life in the Lathander monastery, though she also loves exploring the world. Her ideal life would be one of a nomad, traveling the world, seeing all sorts of things, helping people along the way, and having a home on a sunny hilltop to always return to that's filled with a library of all the books and knowledge she's accumulated over the years. It would be like her treasure trove that she always has to return to in order to appreciate and add to before continuing onto another adventure.
My lovely bhaalspawn bard. Vero is someone who imagines herself with a great deal of poise and sophistication. She wants to be the epitome of a proper noble elf, and so her ideal home would be a regal one with large spaces, tall ceilings, and filled with art and culture. A proper palace. She'd have a large wardrobe as well, mostly of purple and blue silks and highly elaborate dresses with a great deal of jewelry to choose from, and would have a beautiful view of the city she lived in from a balcony somewhere in her palace. I imagine it being quite similar to the Szarr palace actually, except with a deep purple wall paper instead of the red and also none of the vampire lair bits lol
Two things about Sahed: he greatly enjoys solitude and is also very proud of his dragon heritage. So proud that sometimes he's a bit too much of a nerd about dragon culture and lore and wants to emulate the behavior of a true dragon rather than that of the dragonborn. With that in mind, Sahed's perfect home would be a cave somewhere at the peak of a mountain that's surrounded by forest, with a whole trove of gold, jewels, and tomes of forbidden magic, powerful rituals, and the most fascinating of dragon stories inside. Ideally this cave is looming above some powerful village or town that he has taken power over. He'd want the townspeople to provide him tribute and sacrifice in order to appease him from destroying their town or killing their people, but he may do it anyways if he's in the mood.
Velora (Bonus)
Velora, my sweet, naive cleric that just wants some affection and appreciation, is quite simple. Her ideal home is less about the location and more about having a family inside of it with a partner that adores her and sees all of her, not just her acts of service. She'd like to have a few kids as well that she can dote on and raise in a way that she wishes she had growing up. She's more comfortable in smaller towns in forests, so a nice, comfortable house somewhere with a bit of nature and a bit of community would suit her.
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dreaminpeaches · 1 year
New Paracosm: Fly Me To Which Moon? (a.k.a Over The Moon)
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That ask I got from paraesthetics kind of got me thinking, while I don't count this paracosm to be a full Fallout or Outer Worlds paracosm, I will say that this paracsom is heavily inspiried and kind of a combo of the two with a little bit of Top Gun (kind of)
Fly Me To Which Moon ? (a.k.a Over The Moon) is about the newly promoted Xander Caspin, after his team successful defeated a group of mutant lizards that were living out of the abandon factory, that same abandoned factory was pollution a nearby towns local water supply, leaving the townspeople only to live off of soda from the varies vending machines (that was suspiciously placed there after the pollution ) and alcohol.
Xander and his crew belong to an organization that wants to clean up the mess that has been made by the big corporation, also known as The Big C,. The corporations promised to bring a new cost effective way to grow and make more food, and lessen the growing pollution problem called Project NewGro. In the 20 years of NewGro project has brought but nothing but abandon factories spewing toxic material, new dangerous species of animals, and can to table food rather than fresh farm to table.
The organization Xander belong to, helps smuggle fruits and vegetables that are hard to come by in any town that has been " helped" by the big corporation, fruit and veggies usually grow plentiful in areas with low civilization but highly dangerous mutated creatures.
One day, a bunch of new recruits came in, one of those recruits being Corisaria Caia, botanist who has been researching a way to bring fruit and veggies from the old world back, her true dream is to be able to have all the stuff to make an ancient food known as Pizza. Cori theorizes that with a little reverse engineering and cross pollination she'll be able to make that dream come true.
The organization leader thought that Cori would be the prefect addition to Xander's team, despite Xander's dismiss. Xander is not the type open up to new people easily, in fear of losing them. Knowing this organization leader has them pair up alone on multiple missions together to improve their teamwork.
While Xander plays hard to get with Cori, teases her alot, makes her go on random frivolous fetch quest on her own (since he is commander and all), and makes fun of what music she likes to play during their on her handiwork ( think pipboy) and in the rocket on the way to and from. She does not give up, she will help increase the supply of organic food, while adding her own version of old world food (that is thoroughly tested, until like SOMEPPL *cough*BigC*cough*) make a pizza one day, even if it kills her!
Will Xander and his crew be able to defeat the BIG C, and bring peace across the gaxlaxy, will Cori ever get to taste the sweet savory taste of pizza and be able to share it with everyone, will Xander and Cori end up being OVER THE MOON for each other?
Anyways, here's a playlist I made for Xander, just to show what vibe he gives off, he's kind of an old head, and the story is set in the way future just with retro futuristic aesthetics (like Outer Worlds, and Fallout kind of)
This is the music he plays while cruising thru space (and yes some these songs end up being him and Cori's song)
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sinkingtime · 1 year
Do you want a Frozen seeequeel?♫
Sequel to the first movie, that is. I was dissatisfied by the second. It's not even that bad, really, it just didn't work for me as a sequel to the older one. And then, as Voldemort once said, I had a clever idea.
We start by sidelining Anna.
According to standard musical theatrical analysis, by which I mean Sideways on youtube, a good musical starts with an important song and dance. From the first scene, from the first frame if the mandatory logos allow. This serves two purposes.
The first is to tell the audience that this will be a musical, and they need to adjust their disbelief accordingly. That's basically served automatically, by its very existance.
The second is to introduce the setting. The status quo that our hero must defend, or try to change, or otherwise exist in.
So my movie would start with both sisters singing as they walk out of the castle, through the city, carrying picknic basquets. The song is about how great things are and how happy they are. No actual reference to the first movie, except maybe a single line by Elsa saying things are good "now".
As they go by, various random townspeople join in, for just a line, mostly about how prosperous the city is and how much they all love their queen. Also, the city is covered in snow, but a charming winter day, nothing catastrophic. Everybody but Elsa is wearing winter clothes; this is normal for this land.
Also through the town are various ice sculptures, of animals and people. Only noble beasts, so falcons, guard dogs, majestic horses, etc. The ladies are in elegant dresses, the men are in either armor or uniform. At some point, but not necessarily during this song, we should see Elsa manifest a new one out of nowhere, in a space that seemed empty enough to take some decoration.
The sisters reach Kristoff and he joins them, at first minorly like another random townsperson, but he starts singing more, and Anna is the one that falls back into just accompanying them. At some point he takes her basket to carry.
I also want something I don't have the musical background to describe: Elsa and Kristoff don't sound well together. They're out of tune, or harmony, or something. Not enough for the song not to be good, Anna sounds well with both and she always gets at least a single line between each of their transitions, but if you took her out and let them sing together the song would not be good.
And furthermore, this without Anna's performance changing in any way between them; if you edited it to swap her lines around, the lyrics may become nonsense, but the music still works. Because she's not intentionally mediating between them, she happens to legitimately be what they have in common.
So the three reach their picknic spot, the song comes to an end, and the last line is Kristoff's. "Anna, will you marry me?". Camera closes in on Elsa's face, frozen in shock. We hear Anna agreeing enthusiastically, generic celebratory noises from both of them, and Elsa's eye twitches once. Title card.
The first half-to-two-thirds of the movie will be taken up by wedding preparations. It is to be the event of the century. Lots of logistical difficulties, and also small bits of some supernatural emergency. I don't know exactly what that should be, it doesn't really matter, except for three things.
As it escalates, it needs to be able to create the kind of chaos that leads to the final act.
It is not Elsa's fault. It's ok if she briefly thinks it is, but that should be quickly disproven.
There isn't anything nefarious. Nature itself, some mystical creature(s), something like that.
Elsa is distressed by the wedding, but still determined to make it be good. Anytime someone asks if she's ok, she just tells them that "everything needs to be PERFECT!". Lots of other people are also stressed by their part in the event, so this is plausible.
At some point she needs to almost panic, take a moment to control herself, whispering "don't let them see", before going to talk to someone about something.
Kristoff helpfully offers to just not do that, have a normal people wedding, but Anna tells him they can't. They already announced it to all the neighbouring kingdoms. They can be married in secret before, if he wants, but they'll still need to do the big party afterwards; it's part of her princess-y duties. And now his. So they both get back to organizing whatever has been asigned to them.
Also, this may be a little dark, but I like it. At some point someone, possibly Anna but it could be a random townsperson, needs to deliver a message to the queen. So they turn towards the coldest-looking part of the immediate environment and say it, possibly prefacing with a "please tell her majesty-". After all is said, we follow a little gust of wind, which flies through town until it reaches Elsa. She pauses to listen to nothing, for the correct amount of time that the message took, then she nods and starts walking that way.
There should be more music, of course. Anna's is directly about the organizing of the event, probably with a large chorus of townspeople and outside contractors. Some early visitor could get another telling us how beautiful this kingdom is. Kristoff goes to deliver the invitation to the trolls, who have something along the lines of "I knew it!". Olaf probably has something naive and charmingly misinformed about married life.
Elsa gets the important one (this is her movie). It's about how she just reconnected with her sister, and now she's going to lose her and be alone again. She's resigned, not complaining; she's done it before and she can do it again. Naturally I have no music to give you, but I do know the title: "Ever after was so short".
Kristoff is the only one who actually understands how the queen feels. I kinda want him to accidentally eavesdrop on her song, but also not; it would be the simplest way to convey that he gets it, but it may also imply the music is more diegetic than it should be. I don't know.
Anyways, he tries to arrange to speak with both sisters at once, to clear things up on that. But by this point everybody has already noticed the supernatural complication, they're all determined to not let it interrupt the ceremony, so everybody is busy dealing with their respective part. More visitors come in.
That's when the disaster escalates. The city is actually torn asunder, most buildings collapsed, trapping the people. Elsa and Kristoff are knocked far away, into the forest; she was trying to figure out that menace, he was following her to try and have that conversation.
In town, all the ice statues come to life and rush to the people's defense. Everybody is surprised, but not much; this is part of why Elsa is a great queen. Or a great patron goddess, at least. A captain of the city watch starts giving them orders, not quite sure if he can, but they obey; they recognize him as a legitimate agent of their creator. So he coordinates the search-and-rescue. Maybe we see some artisan patching up a "wounded" statue, with ice and snow.
At this point she learns or figures out how to deal with the magic. Maybe he relays a cryptic clue the trolls gave him. However the solution works, she needs his help; or at least she needs some help, and he's the only one around. So they head off to do it, with a song about how they will save the day.
Except he says "we" and she only says "I". This is the one song that it's ok if it doesn't sound good, specifically because those two don't match properly. They also don't coordinate for the actual solution, and fail. She crumbles down to cry and blame herself.
This is the part I said may be a bit too dark. He screams that she always does this. That they know, because of her creepy government surveillance powers, that she knew Hans was coming, but she just let him kill her. Always looking for a cause for which to sacrifice herself.
(He's wrong, she's been developing that trick in response to having been ambushed that one time, but she shouldn't have the composture to correct him, or at least not now.)
He further tells her that he's not surprised Anna never told her, they're both very alike in that regard, but she still sometimes wakes up crying, having nightmares about that day. She starts to blame herself, but he interrupts again. He told her precisely so she would stop trying to put all blame on herself, and accept some help.
He finally tells her what he had wanted to talk about, though he hoped Anna would be here. Should they cancel the wedding? She's outraged, asking how dare he hurt her sister like that. But he says he doesn't want to hurt either of them. They were all happy before, they can just go back to that. No doubt she would agree, if Elsa had ever deigned to just explain how she feels.
She still tries to refuse; Anna's happiness is more important. He naysays that. They will be family. All of them are important. That's basically the whole core of the movie, Elsa must learn she's not losing a sister, she's gaining a brother. After she's finally convinced they get up, gather themselves, and go save the day again. They have one more chance, which presumably will be a little harder now for some reason.
This would also be a reprise of the "save the day" song, but sung right this time. That's why it was okay if the first time wasn't so pleasant, the eventual soundrack collection can just have this version.
They do indeed fix the whatever-needed-fixing. Over in the city, all the ice statues resume being just statues. After a moment of confusion, the people understand that this means the crisis is over, and start cheering. And carrying them back to their places.
Elsa and Kristoff enter the ruins of the city, triumphantly, welcomed by the entire people, Anna at the front. She rushes to hug her sister, they both thank each other for being okay. Then she goes to kiss her fiancé.
Before they finish, Elsa raises on an ice plathform that wasn't there before, to announce that she now declares these two wed, before all these witnesses. They both try to convince her not to, this ceremony was ruined, but she shushes them. Too late, royal decree. The people are already cheering. The end.
Over the credits we see images, in a different art style of course, alternately of Elsa directing the reconstruction efforts, and of Anna and Kristoff visiting various places during their honeymoon. The final still image is of both of them returning, being welcomed by the queen and the crowd behind her. Probably all set to an instrumental cover of the opening song.
And one more thing. I don't particularly care about "gay Elsa" either way, but for the message of this movie to work it's important to make absolutely clear that her newfound bond with Kristoff is as siblings, and specifically nonincestuous siblings, thank-you-very-much. So for that reason, I would go ahead and make that canon.
Sometime in the wedding preparations, a messager is relaying to her answers by various neighbouring kingdoms. The kings of <some place> ask to politely inquire if she has given any thought to marrying herself. "...do they have a daughter?" "A son, your majesty." "Then, no".
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the best monstrosity i’ve ever seen
we sing in sillyville is a 1993 vhs about laurie and scott and their dog barney. the two friends (and the dog) magically enter their coloring book and have to help the townspeople overcome their differences. super wholesome but it’s also really fucking weird. now you may be wondering why i’m doing this. well, this silly little thing has been a core memory from my childhood minus all the trauma, so when my mother brought this up out i nowhere, i decided to watch it and say thing. the video opens with scott and laurie coloring in their coloring book and giggling, when barney intrudes. as they try to move barney away from the page, they start singing do your ears hang low for no apparent reason. i mean the only reason this makes sense is because barney is a basset hound, but other then that i don’t understand. and then when they’re done with that minute and a half long song a random stick appears in the living room behind them?! what?! so scott is just like,”this so so regular and normal let’s go play outside with this random stick.” and laurie just goes along with it?! so the two kids try to get the dog to go with them and he doesn’t (good choice). instead, barney chases a magic stick that flys out of the coloring page and gets sucked into the coloring book. i don’t understand the logic but whatever this was meant for kindergartners. anyways, scott and laurie go back inside after barney doesn’t follow them and are like ”what the fuck where’s our dog”. laurie looks at the coloring book like she was expecting to find barney there and sure enough, there he was holding the magic stick. i just want to add, the pacing of laurie and scott’s conversation as they try to figure out where barney is is so weird. it’s so fast and it’s like scott asks,”where do you think barney is?” and laurie is just like “i don’t knoooooooow.” really long and drawn out. but two seconds after she’s done she’s like, ”i know where he is he’s in the coloring book.” it’s just oddly paced and kind of uncomfy. i just hope the rest of the movie’s not like that *looks off in foreshadowing*. so scott and laurie get sucked into the coloring book and are not even acknowledging what just happened. it’s like this is normal for them. they see barney and then they realize where they are. this is a side rant but i had no where else to put it but i fucking hate scott’s hair. it’s just ugly. anyways, they go and follow some weird whistling and a tree starts talking in the most five nights at freddy’s animatronic voice i’ve ever heard. it’s horrifying. the whistling people start singing about being here because we’re here. i honestly don’t know what’s going on in this part. or any of the film or be honest. then the whistling people sing another song about being crazy and animals falling on each other and stepping on each other among other things. again, very confused with the lack of context. and more odd pacing when out of no where a lady named silly whim (yes that’s her name) inform the children that the whistling people in yellow are called the spurtlegurles? that sounds wrong but okay. anyways she also explains that they are in sillyville and she brought the kids to sillyville to solve the problems of sillyville. apparently the yellow spurtlegurgles won’t talk to the red bitty booties and they won’t talk to the green froogyfrogs and the blue twirly pops are antisocial and don’t want anything to do with anyone. which is valid if your fellow towns people are called spurtlegurgles. basically all of the colors are staying away from the other colors, which is obvious symbolism for racism and wow i did not expect this odd show to get so serious but never mind it’s not serious anymore because apparently the kids are too colorful so silly whom makes them invisible so they won’t be bullied by the citizens of sillyville. i just want to point about another thing, silly whim does a little dance whenever she walks which i find to be adorable and also she’s a 30 year old woman who summoned children to help her town.
the children, and silly whim, go to meet the twirly pops, of course in song as they enter the vicinity. as silly whim tries to politely get their attention, they keep singing and just fucking ignore her. wow i am really not liking these guys. so silly whom begins singing along with them but just says “no” to the tune of the song. they retaliate and do the same then they start singing the real song until silly whim blew a rainbow at them. what. the. fuck. apparently the twirly pops were stuck singing and weren’t trying to be assholes which is fine i guess. then silly whom teaches the twirly pops to stop and about bodily autonomy. then more singing ensues until silly whim decides that for the next song, they should get the jingleheimers and the froogyfrogs to join them, to which they say no because there is too much green down by the pond where they were.
after this section, we finally discover what happened. basically one of the spurtlegurgles decided that, out of nowhere, they didn’t like blue anymore. then a twirly pop said they don’t like green or yellow, and the jingleheimers said they don’t like yellow, red , or blue and if just spiraled out of control and now everybody hates each other and the only reason they talk to silly whim is because all her colors are gone. because they stopped talking to each other. so since everyone dr used to be a bitch silly whim has a boring outfit and is upset about it. totally makes sense. i am following completely.
then they go see the jingleheimers, who are also singing and leapfrogging when they arrived. sillywhim joins in and the jingleheimers complement her leap frogs. then they sing the inevitable song of john jacob jingleheimer smith. how creative. you know what? i guarantee they named them that just so they could sing the stupid song. then they go harass the froogyfrogs, who the jingleheimer like only because they are green. then they start singing, again. i’m just so confused what the pacing is and why there is so much singing. i could see this being the same quality with less singing and more actual dialogue. but whatever i’m not complaining. i love this. and if you’re wondering where the kids are, they’re there but they’re invisible and aren’t doing anything important to the plot. so they sing like two more songs with the frogs when silly whim announces that she’s going to go to see the bittybooties’ house to see the new baby and sing? i’m confused but whatever. so the froogyfrogs and the jingleheimersare just like “uh nah fam. green is the only color we like. bye bitch.” and silly whom is just like “oh well guess we’ll go without them but this is sad and upsetting but we’re not gonna do anything about it yet.”
so they prance their asses over to the bittybooties to see babies. surprisingly, these guys aren’t singing but they are talking about red things and how much they loved red and evey tiger color can kiss their ass. cool. love that. then they start singing about how much the husband bittybootie love his wife but hates that she doesn’t clean enough. i mean what? we’re about halfway through at this point. this part feels really slow compared to the other parts, another weird pacing thing. so after the first song, the children bittybooties begin singing about how baby bittybootie had a cold and the doctor fixed it. this song is like ridiculously long for what it was about and i think it was an unnecessary song. after this is over, silly whim invites the bittybooties to join them in going to pasha’s place. who is pasha? i don’t know. but apparently she wears purple and that’s a red flag for the bittybooties. once again, silly whim doesn’t do anything and sits by the river.
silly whim contemplates the situation and the kids say to throw a party, invite everyone, and not tell anyone who will all be there which sounds like a terrible idea but silly whim loves it. and conveniently, the spurtlegurgles walk by at the perfect time and silly whim invites them to a party and completely deviants from the plan and tells them other colors will be there, so the spurtlegurgles say no.
so they decide to actually go to pasha this time because she wants to be friends with everyone and they all hate her. honestly gotta feel for pasha. but on the way, they step on a sentient acorn who starts sing into for no reason and it’s super weird and creepy and yuck. i hate it a lot. once again, if you’re wondering where the dog is, he’s just wandering doing whatever dogs do in a coloring book town.
so the gang arrives at pasha’s house and upon there arrival, pasha asks her tittlebirds to sing. i’m sorry tittlebirds? i can’t i’m sorry. so apparently “nap time” is almost over. nap time for who, you ask. well none other than the sentient balls of fluff called the rollypollies. they wake up and begin singing and rolling off the bed until the littlest pink one was hogging the whole damn thing, and if that doesn’t sound like my younger sister i don’t know what does. scott finds this pile of…something and pasha’s like,” don’t touch the whump.” excuse me?!? what?!? so scott doesn’t listen and we get jump scared by the singing whump. god how much singing is necessary? suddenly silly whim is very sad about the sillyville situation, reminiscing on what it used to be like. then they all leave and try to figure out a plan.
the brainstorming segment is so poorly paced i wanted to cry. it’s just them walking and going,”maybe we could!- no never mind that’s stupid. we’re just dumb stupid kids who can’t figure out how to solve racial issues.” then silly whim sprains her ankle and all the citizens of sillyville arrive. wow. that’s it? that’s all it took? wow problem solved movie over fantastic then silly whim gets her colors back because she united everyone. and i liked her outfit before the colors. then there’s a philosophical moment where the kids explain why they need all the colors by saying without all the colors they can’t have sillyville. then they begin singing about keeping old friends and making new ones and it’s really wholesome. then the kids get teleported out of sillyville and are totally confused as to what happened.
all in all, i throughly enjoyed this little thing from mine and my mom’s childhood. yes, it has shitty pacing and a confusing plot, but that’s what makes it so special and fun. if you’re bored and want a nostalgia trip to the world of straight to vhs movies, this is one i’d recommend. it’s an hour of my life i’ll never get back and frankly, i’m okay with that.
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cantalouupe · 3 years
nsfw!!! kaeya x f!reader
prequel to this drabble
hand & finger kink, semi public sex except you don’t have sex with him he just makes you suck on his fingers
The knights of Favonius weren’t a group of people you mingled with. While you had no quarrels with any of them and had even spoken to some before, they just weren’t people that you considered friends.
There was nothing you held against them, no vendetta you had. Your feelings of them were just neutral. Pleasant conversations are easy to have with the ones stationed around town, where they’re willing to help you with really anything you need.
That’s probably why you’ve never really had to interact much with them. You’ve never been in danger and so help from them wasn’t something you had to seek out.
The higher ups, though, were a different story. You’ve also not interacted with any of them, but heard of them incredibly often, seen the outrider around town.
But that was all.
You had understood they were busy with all their work and obviously didn’t expect them to come out just so they can talk to you, a random citizen - still, you were curious. With all the big talk of them they were bound to be quite an interesting few people.
Sara, who worked at The Good Hunter - a little restaurant near the center fountain in town that served amazing food - had told you about them. The interesting honorary knight that travels with a little fairy in search for his sister, the outrider that you’ve seen before, the librarian who apparently was incredibly intimidating when you don’t return books, and even Jean, the acting grand master. You’ve heard about all of them, your curiosity causing you ask around for stories.
The first time you met any of them was on a sunny day, not unlike any other. You were out on the trail, foraging mushrooms as per Sara’s request, when you ran into a suspicious looking group of hilichurls. The odd creatures were entranced by an odd looking sigil on the ground that glowed a faint purple.
You had chosen to mentally mark where you were and turn back to go to town and report it. Hilichurls close to town was already a safety hazard, but them acting the way they were felt off and made a pit of worry grow in your stomach.
The guards at the doors of the Knights of Favonios Headquarters had questioned what you needed when you ran up, and you explained the situation, requesting to speak to Jean if possible.
Guilt ate at you when you pushed despite them telling you she was busy with work already. “I really would like to speak to her directly,” you told them.
They were going to shut you down again, but from behind them the door opened and out came an infamous face.
Of the many people you’d been told about, the Cavalry Captain was among them. Kaeya was very popular in town, apparently appeared at the tavern on most nights to chat with the townspeople. There was a lot of mystery shrouding him and his backstory but despite that he was a favorite of many people.
He looked as he’s been described to you, with dark hair and tanned skin, one eye covered with a black eye patch. His bare eye, beautiful and piercing blue met yours and you looked away immediately, feeling as though you were seeing a myth in the flesh.
“Like I said,” your eyes, probably a little wide from seeing the captain, fell back to the two guards you’d been talking to. “I think it’s a good idea if I talked to Jean directly.”
You hadn’t meant to alert Kaeya as he was leaving the Knights Headquarters but he seemed to hear, voicing out an “is everything okay?” as he approached the three of you.
“I’m not trying to be any trouble,” you tell him once the situation was explained.
He watched you shrink slightly under his gaze, pretty eyes staring up at him - and shook his head. “It’s understandable to want to report something like that immediately. I can take you to her.”
Obviously he had some sort of authority over the guarding knights because they had nothing to say about that, stepping back to their spots on either side of the stone stairs leading to the building.
You mentally let out a breath and nodded up at the blue haired male, thanking him quietly and apologizing again for making a fuss.
“Come on now,” he smiled down at you, calming your nerves a bit. “Stop apologizing for trying to keep Mondstadt safe. If anything we should be apologizing to you for not catching it before you did.”
The short walk inside the Knights Headquarters was quiet, and you took the few silent moments as a chance to get a better look at Kaeya. It was weird seeing him in front of you after only hearing about him for so long.
His clothes were much different from the other knights, from the fur on the shoulder to the color of the clothing. A small blue glowing charm hung from the side of his hip - that’s right, he had a vision.
When he opened the door to Jean’s office, you caught sight of his fingers that peaked out of dark gloves. Fingerless gloves?
“Are you going to come inside?”
Oh no, you weren’t standing here gawking at his hands, were you? You blinked at him like a deer in headlights and you wanted to melt into the floor at the amusement written on his face.
You ducked your head in embarrassment, slipping passed him silently.
Your shame was short lived, however, when you stepped into the room and saw Jean. Now you knew for a fact awe was visible on your face. It’s not every day that you get to see the grand acting master herself.
She was kind and genuinely concerned about you after you ran through the scene you saw for a third time in that day. The abyss order have been causing some trouble for the knights and they had been trying to track down more about them and their plans. What you saw didn’t give away much but Jean reiterated that it was an important bit of information and she thanked you for coming to her for it.
You preened at that, glad you could be of help to her.
Before you left, she thanked you again and assured you that you didn’t need to worry, the knights would take care of it.
And that was the end of it. Nothing else regarding that situation happened and life returned to normal.
The next time you ran into one of them it was at The Good Hunter. You were chatting with Sara while waiting for your food to finish cooking when a very familiar pair on hands came to lean against the counter you ordered at, with a very familiar voice accompanying them.
“I’ve been wondering about you,” Kaeya muses.
Wondering about you? You had to take a moment to process that, forcing out a small “Why?” to which he didn’t respond.
“Eat with me,” he responds instead, smiling at you and he is nice and a knight so who are you to decline.
So, you two eat together. He’s just as charming as people have mentioned, voice smooth and easy to listen to. By your wonder, he tells you in more detail about the Knights of Favonius, and you soak up his words like a sponge.
He is able to describe specific stories that you didn’t otherwise know about, along with other people that you hadn’t heard much about.
You find it fascinating and ask more specific questions - about visions. He answers every inquiry thats thrown at him, about his own cryo power and that of others in Mondstadt.
“Does the fingerless gloves have something to do with your element?” You ask him, and he laughs lightly at you.
“You like them, huh?”
Does he remember your lingering gaze on his hands at your last meeting? God, that’s mortifying. You hadn’t meant it to be a weird question.
When you gape at him, sputtering and trying to grasp a suitable response, he reaches out and taps a finger on the underside of your chin. “Cute,” he murmurs, before taking his leave, claiming he has work he should go attend to.
You stare at him while he leaves, reeling from his actions.
Things move more quickly after that.
You don’t know who really started it, but Kaeya’s hands become somewhat of a teasing point. It wasn’t a serious attraction at first but now his hands are the first thing your gaze catches on.
In turn, he’ll tease you for it, brushing the back of his knuckles against you or tapping a fingertip on you like he did that first time.
It boiled over one day in the Knights Library, you alongside him, curiously looking at all the different titles that were offered. Kaeya reaches out to grab a book and your eyes zero in on his hands.
Bare hands.
He wasn’t wearing those gloves today, skin fully on display and that shouldn’t be as important as it is but there you are, staring at them.
“You’re not-“
He has to know. Theres no way he accidentally forgot to wear them on a day he would be with you. Another tease, definitely.
“My gloves? Didn’t think you’d notice something like that.” Oh, he knows.
Cocky as ever, he taps his finger into your bottom lip - as he has before - and your mouth parts in response. An invitation.
The taste of clean skin bursts on your tastebuds, two of his fingers sliding inside.
“Ah, I knew it,” he murmurs, moving so you were situated in the corner of the wall and bookshelf, his body shadowing yours to shield you from any possible onlookers.
Your knees buckle from under you when he presses down onto your tongue, a whimper sounding from your throat.
“Look at you,” he coos, head leaning in so his lips brush against your ear. “How was I supposed to hold myself back when you want this so bad?”
Your hands find purchase on his biceps, gripping them to ground yourself while he rubs the pads of his fingers against your tongue. Saliva pools and threatens to spill over your lip, and Kaeya knows it, fingers moving so that it drips down out of your mouth and onto your chin.
“You know,” he starts again, fingers sinking deeper into your mouth as his other spare hand wraps loosely around your waist. “If you’re so good like this I can’t imagine what it’ll be like when I fuck you.”
Another noise leaves you, fingers digging into his arms. Your head knocks back into the wall right behind you and your eyes flutter.
You feel lucky that you cant speak because you know you wouldn’t be able to trust yourself to not beg him to fuck you right here in the library.
It feels filthy, the drool on your chin and his breath against the side of your face while he tells you these things. You felt hot and if your eyes were opened your pupils would be blown out.
“You’ll have to come see me some time, so I can really take you apart with my fingers.”
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HELLO PEEPS, IT'S BEEN A WHILE, BUT HERES SOME RANDOM AMPHIBIA SWAP AU THOUGHTS, particularly with Anne->Newts, Marcy->Toads and Sasha->Frogs. This switch makes me the most emotional I think.
First thought, the Plantar's kindness getting through to Sasha through a slower and more climatic way than it did with Anne. I imagine Sasha can get away for a bit with her manipulations, wearing a mask that stuff isn't bothering her. She slips and gets annoyed, scared, and anxious at times, especially at the beginning when she finds Sprig and is told she can't search for her girls until the winter passes, but once she's settled into the Plantar's basement, she begins the facade of 'being nice and gaining control of the frog family so that whatever she wants whenever she wants goes.' It works. Hop Pop favorites her because of her sweet talks, she gets Sprig's friendship and loyalty easily and Polly is all over having an enabler badass. Then consequences pile up. Responsibilities get put on her shoulders. She's now an older sibling to two impressionable kids who are copying her beliefs and her actions. She has chores Hop Pop is trusting to her because of how responsible she's talked herself into being. The townsfolk eventually also come around her flattery and always ask for her time. Sasha thinks she's detached from everyone. Despite the goofy adventures she goes on and some moments where she snaps from annoyance at the craziness (particularly with the kids and maybe even also coming around to talking to One-Eyed Wally) where she shares bits about her anxieties and her anger, and she's always comforted and taken seriously and shown that she's being accepted. Loved. She doesn't allow herself to accept it. She's using them, just biding her time, making things more comfortable for herself until she can leave and find her girls. But then, she's made frog of the year. The townspeople genuinely love her and cheer for her. She feels. Nice. And in the middle of the night she sees her.
Switching to how it's been for her,
It's interesting for me to think about her dynamic with Grime. She's softer, more innocent with her wonder. She absolutely believes she can befriend the toads and is always asking then questions about the world. It annoys some of his guards, but she forms some friendships with others that find her fun to talk to. And eventually, maybe even before the Heron attack, Grime sees her value as a strategist. He strikes a deal easily with her. She helps him with responsibilities, research, paperwork, and he DOESN'T keep her in a cage. Even eventually offers to help her travel to look for her friends. Maybe. Marcy is having a blast being leaned on by someone. This is her time to show how useful she is, even if it's by creating new weapons and traps for political adversaries. Grime is very impressed by her mind... but also becomes a dad much faster with how often he has to save her from herself. He's soft on her after like a week of accidents. Hell, maybe these accidents even started in her cell and the real reason he got her out was because he hadn't realized how many ways someone could accidentally almost kill themselves while being chained and behind bars. He's seen things. The toads generally leave Marcy alone with some exceptions that were interested in teaching her stuff and playing games with her. She's accepted.
I don't want to have to rewrite the entirety of the episode (note from future me, I GUESS I DID) on the Toad Tower but the differences are their motivations. Marcy constructed the plan to invite the town and talk to them diplomatically into giving up Hop Pop for the better good. They would execute Hop Pop in front of everyone as an example. When she found Sasha and saw her family, she was surprised. She started worrying that what she was doing would be wrong. But in her time spent alone with Sasha, the blonde girl talks big and makes it clear she was just waiting to find either of her friends to ditch the frogs. She could stay in the tower with Marcy from now on! Marcy is relieved. This means she can still put her plan in motion. So, laughing, she explains what she's doing that night to Sasha, who slowly drops a fry in shock. The ditzy nerd she knew is talking about taking a life like its just another statistic. Something needed to keep balance. And more than that. The frog she's going to kill is someone who has taken care of her. Someone who saw her as family now. Someone who took her in and never backed away from helping her. Even with all her bullshitting, after all her masks and lies, Sasha starts to sweat. Her hands shake. She smoothly tells Marcy she needs to use the bathroom. She's none the wiser. Sasha runs to the frogs. She tries to get them to run away. Something in their ineptitude frustrates her enough to take charge and be the lead of their group through the sewers. She's angry. She shouldn't be doing this. She's trying to come up with excuses as to why she cares enough to wade through shit for them. And through her heavy thoughts, they get caught.
Now they're in the top of the tower. Marcy has been told what happened. She's confused. She asks Sasha about it in front of everyone. What happened to the plan? To not caring about the frogs? Was she going to run away... and leave her behind? Sasha falters as she sees Marcy's eyes. She's hurt. Sasha feels terrible, this wasn't what she wanted! She tries reaching out, to comfort her like she always did. But a hand wraps around hers and stops her. Sprig's. He's looking at her. Scared of what he feared she'd do. What she would have done, if she hadn't had a change of heart. She resolves herself. Squeezes his hand back. And she hardens, putting on her leader persona. Marcy can feel the shift immediately and flinched at Sasha's tone as she tries coaxing her into letting them go. Isn't an execution too extreme? Come on, Marmar, this isn't like her. She's not a killer. She's good.
Marcy shakes. Is she right? Should she stop? But Grime steps up. Reminds her of the King expecting results. It's their necks on the line. He's right... both sides are right. Morally right. But what about her? What does she value? She holds her heart as she asks a question. The deciding factor. Her voice quivers. "What about you? If we let them go, who are you going with?" Sasha's pause is a lifetime. The answer was... unexpected for both of them. "I, I can visit! Now that we know were we are! It'll be like... sleepovers!" Marcy dropped her hand. Her demeanor changed. She blinked a few times, fighting the sting in her eyes. "I see. Hah. Yeah. We always loved those, right?"
"Yeah! It'll be just as fun, I promise!" Sasha saw a tear drop. Concern grew. She took a step forward. "Marcy... are... are you... ok?"
"Yeah," Marcy looked back up. Smile in her face. "I'm ok. But. I'm sorry for what comes next."
She threw a ball. It rolled under Sasha. And it binded her, making her fall hard into the floor. Grime smiled and followed the plan. Gave the orders to subdue the rowdy townsfolk. Separated Hop Pop and Sasha from everyone. Sasha screamed, begging for them to stop. Not believing what was happening. Marcy talked over her. Assuring her she'd come to see this was necessary. They need to stay together!
And as Hop Pop almost falls into the plant, the shrooms explode. Chaos erupts. The Plantars are on Sasha immediately, helping her out of her bindings just in time for her to see the stunned Marcy staring at her. And the ground crumble beneath her. Sasha flings herself to catch her. Barely gets a hold of her hand. Marcy is crying. Sasha tries desperately to keep hold of her. Shes slipping and the frogs come to help. Sasha is surprised by them. She chokes a laugh as they tell her they've got her. Marcy's gut twists. Misinterpreting her face, Sasha tells her that its going to be ok. She's got her. She'll always have her.
Marcy's eyes furrow. Sasha... is a good friend. And she... again. She failed her. Because of her neediness. Because she can't let go. She keeps dragging her down. She closes her eyes. She accepts her fate.
She opens them again at her name. She smiles, painfully.
"You deserve better friends than me."
And she lets go.
Grime catches her. Sasha is pulled up and hugged as she sobs. She failed her. She feels that she's failed her. But. Surrounded by these frogs, what pains her the most is. She's glad they're ok.
They have become her family.
I'll try to wrap up my thoughts faster, this was seriously supposed to be a quick ramble of points but I went storymode again, good gravy.
Sasha is embarrassed by how much she cares about the dumb frogs and the dumb town, but she accepts it. Opens up much more after that.
Marcy is... lost. Like Grime, she gets lost in trying to escape from what happened by drowning in hyperfixations instead. Crying whenever Grime brings it up, so they both avoid it because he does NOT want to be responsible for kicking a puppy. It's not healthy, and Olivia brings them both back into action by making them work together in outthinking her.
When Grime proposes taking over the kingdom, Marcy gets swept back into action. So she had a breakdown with a friend. That doesn't mean she can't enjoy living the rpg life now that she's here. And it's not like taking over the palace would affect the frogs and Sasha much. In fact, it could help them! Yes. This was for the good of everyone. She would help Grime become king.
While all this happened with these two, Anne's life in newt society has been... relatively ok. Anne's easy for Andrias to manipulate. She's never questioned anything and she's always ready to be of service. It's the least she could do for the person that's housing her. So he lets her do whatever she wants. She spends time with the newts, helping Olivia losen up a bit, learning combat from Yunan, doing odd jobs all around the city and befriending everyone in sight. It's great PR for the king. Really. It's been far too easy. The only annoying thing to deal with has been...
.... eugh. Emotions. Days where Anne gets homesick. Days when she asks too many personal questions. He has to keep up the nice act, but her perception is scary to him sometimes. She comes to know when something is bothering him. She's always ready to hear him out. Hed... never tell her the whole truth but... he has sometimes... shared bits of it. He'd always get mad afterwards. It's like the kid is a walking therapy session. He involuntarily softens just the slightest bit around her.
Out of spite, he agrees to his master's demands. She may be useless in the ways that truly matter but. As a conduit of the stones, she can still do something good for him.
One last thought, Anne's betrayal comes in the form of the opposite of Marcy's. She wants everyone to go home, regardless of the attachments they made in this world. Andrias convinced her of the urgency to return when Sasha left her. It was like she didn't need her anymore. Like she was discarded. And after needing Sasha for so long... she got scared. She misses home. She misses her family. She misses school. She misses her friends. They need to go back. They need to be back to normal. As soon as possible. And her friends...
They don't want to leave.
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Check In (Intrulogical)
A/N: Finished this fic relatively quickly! It's a lot shorter than the Roceit one I posted earlier this week but it's still kinda a long fic lol!
Summary: Directly following the events of WTIT, Remus pops into Logan's room for what he claims is a quick chat, but that quickly grows into something more when the two actually get to talking.
Content Warnings: innuendos, swearing, intrusive thoughts, implied NS/FW (but nothing happens, dw), hurt-comfort
Logan had taken shelter in his room the moment Thomas got home from his outing with Nico. The logical side couldn’t stand to be around the other sides at the moment and he needed to sort out what was going on in his head.
The spectacled side took a deep breath and sat at his desk, staring at the wooden tabletop before slamming his fist down on it. “Fuck!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, infinitely thankful for the magic soundproofing around everyone’s rooms. What would the others think if they heard the rational, level headed (yeah right) Logic yelling expletives at random in his room?
He straightened his tie and glasses and got up, summoning a straw dummy labeled “Thomas”. He stood in front of it and glared at the doll, visibly angry, before he began ranting to it. He talked and talked, yelling at the dummy about how angry he was at being constantly ignored and pushed aside and made fun of, and if the familiar 10 notes announcing a certain Creativity’s presence hadn’t gotten his attention, he would have continued.
“My my Logan, you’ve got so much to say and no one to say it to, huh!” The moustached side raised an eyebrow, smirking at the nerd.
“...what do you want, Remus.” Logan’s words were curt, like he was trying to say just little enough to make the Dark Side leave.
“Gosh, I can’t just talk to a friend?-”
“We are not friends.”
“Ouch!” Remus pretended to be injured. “You’re so prickly, like a kinda sexy cactus! What’s up your ass today?”
Logan stopped and consulted his flashcards, hearing Remus snicker at this and trying to ignore the fact that his face was burning slightly. “Um… Ah.” He found the card he was looking for and examined it a little. “Nothing is ‘up my ass’ today, Remus. You know full well why I’m upset.”
“Uh huh, cuz I called you out on your lying ass.” He sounded irritatingly proud of that fact.
“Yes, well, you got what you wanted. Are you just here to rub it in my face?” Logan stared at Remus, though he noticeably avoided direct eye contact with the gremlin of a side.
Remus frowned. “No, actually.”
“Then you’re here to make me… feel… worse, correct?”
“Nope!” The green-sashed monster grinned.
“Then what do you possibly hope to gain from this interaction?” The blue tied Side frowned. Remus wasn’t here to bug him, or to upset him further? What reason, then, did he have to come to Logan’s room?
“It’s like I said earlier, I wanted to talk to you!”
“...what about?”
Remus shrugged. “I dunno! What do you wanna talk about?”
Logan blinked. “...excuse me?”
“Yeah! Let’s hear what you wanna talk about!” The Duke sat down on Logan’s bed and grinned up at him.
“...” The teacher was silent. “...you’re mocking me, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Remus blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Why would I-?”
“Yes, I figured as much. Remus, I don’t have time for your games and if you’re simply going to make fun of me you can just-”
“Woah! Pump the brakes Lo, who said I was making fun of you?” The green side looked legitimately confused.
Logan crossed his arms. “Remus, statistically speaking, a total of… Zero sides share any of my interests. A total of three sides have shown aversion to or have mocked the things I consider interesting or enj- er, have a vague liking towards. Why should I believe you aren’t here to add to the latter set of data?”
“First of all, because I sat through that whole talk.” Remus joked. Seeing that Logan just rolled his eyes, he continued. “And secondly, because we also have some of the same interests! Your census of mockery only includes J-Anus, Emo Boy, Hop-Pop Patton and my dumbass brother!”
“Really? Then what are some of those shared interests, oh Duke of Imaginary Death?”
“That was terrible, one.” Remus held up his pointer finger. “And two, we both like chemistry, and poisoning, and astronomy-”
“Wait wait wait.” Logan held a hand up to silence Remus for a moment. “You… like astronomy?”
“Sure! What’s more existentially terrifying than imagining going hurtling right into the sun, or a black hole, or-” Remus’s eyes widened as he talked about the possibilities.
“Thank you, Remus.” Logic sighed. “But… why talk with… me?”
“Cuz… I kinda owe it to you? After being a dickhead all day?”
Logan blinked. “You didn’t have a phallus for a head today?-”
“Figure of speech, teach.” Remus explained curtly.
Logan ‘ah’d’ and nodded.
“And anyways… I wanted to apologize.”
That caused Logan to stop. “...you… wanted to apologize… to me?”
“Yeah, it’s weird for me too, but it’s true! I didn’t mean to make you so mad you - figuratively - blew up, I just wanted to prove a point.”
“I appreciate your use of the word figuratively Remus, and… thank you.”
“No problem!” Remus grinned and thought for a second. “So… wanna talk about forensics?”
Logan’s eyes lit up. “Do I ever!-” He stopped. “Ah, uh, I mean… If you’d like to…?”
Remus giggled. “Cute! But you don’t have to hide that, not around me at least!”
“...thank you…” Logan smiled softly and the duke’s heart just about stopped.
“Uh, um… no problem Nerdy Wolverine.” Remus smiled weakly at the cute nerd.
The logical side rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Remus’s shoulder, which brought the moustached side’s attention to just how touch starved he was - a problem for another day, Mus.
“So what d'ya wanna talk about? Black lights, true crime?”
“Both interesting conversations, but… how about another topic you mentioned earlier?” Logan sounded timid, like he was scared Remus would stop listening if he dared to change the subject.
“Oh? What’d you have in mind?” The intrusive thot tilted his head at a sickening 180 degree angle, but that didn’t seem to bother Logan.
“You mentioned being fascinated by astrology as well. Would you like to talk about that?”
“Of course I would, my nerdy Astro-Boy Toy~” Remus laughed at his own nickname, to which Logan rolled his eyes again. “What about space, starlight?”
Logan’s smile grew ever so slightly, thankfully drawing Remus’s attention to that as opposed to his pink cheeks. “Well… let’s talk about constellations. You’re a storyteller of sorts, what’s your favorite constellation origin story?”
“Ooh, how fun!” Remus grinned. “Well, I personally love the story of Aquila, the king who got turned into a golden eagle messenger thing because Zeus got jealous of how much people liked him! You know, he’s the one who brought Zeus his cupbearer, Ganymede? That’s where the Aquarius constellation comes from! He was some Trojan prince, he ended up being the god of homosexual love! Historians think his name was a euphemism, since it’s a combination of the Greek words for ‘gladdening’ and ‘genitals’!”
Logan nodded and watched Remus explain the stories, smiling at how enthusiastically Remus shared the information. Remus noticed this and stopped. “Well, how ‘bout you, teach?”
“Huh?” Logan blinked, being pulled from his thoughts by the sound of Remus’s voice.
“You wanted to talk about constellations! What’s your favorite story?”
“Oh, um… I enjoy the story of Orion, the hunter who killed so many innocent creatures that Gaea sent a large scorpion to kill him and then put both of them in the stars for all eternity.”
“Huh! So that Scorpio constellation…?”
“Yes, that’s its origin story as well.” Logan smiled.
“Funny! I would never have guessed it!” That wasn’t true. Remus knew each and every constellation origin story like the back of his palm. He loved Greek mythology, but the only thing he loved more than that was seeing how Logan’s face lit up when he got to explain it. “Any other stories?”
The teacher blinked and adjusted his glasses. “Oh, um… I also enjoy the Cassiopeia story…”
The duke’s face brightened, eagerly awaiting Logan’s explanation. The spectacled astronomer’s face turned pink when he realized this, not sure what to do with this sort of attention.
“Well, Cassiopeia was a queen in Ancient Greece and she claimed to be the most beautiful thing in creation, which Posideon took personally since he had made what he considered to be the most beautiful creatures, and those were the sea nymphs. So Posideon sent Cetus, this giant sea monster, to torment the town, and he told the citizens that if they wanted him to get rid of the monster, Cassiopeia would have to apologize. She didn’t, so they asked if they could do anything else, and Posideon said if they sacrificed Cassiopeia’s daughter Andromeda to him that Cetus would go away, so the townspeople kidnapped her and brought her down to the pier. Poseidon didn’t like that, of course, since he was really just trying to get Cassiopeia to apologize and didn’t want some poor mortal’s blood on his hands so he let Perseus save her and kill Cetus.
“As punishment for almost letting her daughter die to save her own pride and for insulting the gods, they put her in the sky upside down on a chair to humiliate her for the rest of time.” Logan had gotten pretty excited while he explained the story, grinning widely as he finally finished it.
Remus was silent the entire time, watching how happily Logan told him a story he’d heard a million times before and thinking about how nice it was to be able to hear it from the nerd’s perspective.
Logan, finally remembering Remus was there, coughed softly and adjusted his tie, his smile fading. “Um, apologies, Remus. Thank you for letting me ramble.”
“Lo, you were telling a story! That’d be really dickish for someone to just cut you off during a story, you know?”
“I know, but I still appreciate it.” Logan yawned and Remus realized he looked tired, like the story had exhausted him.
“You wanna take a nap, teach?” The duke frowned and tilted his head.
“I… I have to finish up my work for the day…” The logical side moved his glasses and rubbed his eyes.
“You had a long day. Yes it was cuz I was being a bitch, but still, you need to get some sleep. Or, y’know, I’m gonna be even more of a bitch to deal with!” Threatening intrusive thoughts usually worked to get Janus to go to bed when he refused to sleep, so he figured he’d try the technique out on Logan.
The nerd however simply shook his head and laughed softly. “I don’t think so, Remus. I can… I can handle you…”
“You couldn’t today, could you?” Remus accidentally blurted out before immediately covering his mouth. “Oh my god I didn’t mean that-”
“It’s fine, Remus.” Logan stated, rubbing his eyes. “You’re right. I couldn’t handle you today. But I really do have to finish working on this-”
“I’ll stay with you if you go to bed!” The duke once again blurted out. “Cuz I don’t think you’d wanna stay alone with Orange so close by, y’know? I can stay and like, fend him off!”
Logic blinked at the proposition and squinted. “...you… want to stay with me? Why are you so adamant about me getting proper sleep?”
“Well one, cuz it’s already 10:30 at night, and two, cuz… you know, I don’t wanna end up actually hurting you!”
That further surprised Logan. “You don’t want to end up hurting me? I was under the impression that that’s something you enjoyed.”
“Well…” Remus was hesitant to explain - that tipped Logan into the fact that it was probably something more than that.
“What’s really going on Remus?” The stern side crossed his arms and stared at the Creativity.
“...okay, I don’t wanna be alone tonight!” The duke stomped his foot and crossed his arms, looking away. “My nightmares have been getting worse and Janus is hanging out with Roman and Patton today and Virgil hates my guts so I figured I’d at least try to hang out with the one side that for some reason still tolerates my dumb ass!” He sounded a little hurt, and added, “Or, one that wouldn’t immediately kick me out or hit me with a broom at the mere sight of me.”
Logan blinked. “Nightmares? You suffer from nightmares?”
Remus sighed and tugged on his sash. “Yeah, they suck ass - not in a fun way - but it’s part of the job description, y’know?”
“I don’t. But… does this mean you also suffer from intrusive thoughts?”
“...yeah… They’re kinda the reason I came in here in the first place...”
The logical side sighed. “Remus, you could have told me sooner you just needed company. I’m not the best at keeping up conversation but I could have at least put on a movie for you to refocus on something other than your intrusive thoughts.”
The duke blinked. “You… you’re not gonna just kick me out?”
“Why would I? You’re in need of assistance and I’m going to provide it for you.” Logan got up and rummaged through his DVD stack. “What would you like to watch?”
Remus stretched and looked over. “Whatever ya want, Sub-astute but Super Cute Teacher.”
Both sides flushed red when they realized what Remus had said.
“...interesting nickname, Remus.” Logan gulped, looking down.
“Yeah, uh…” The duke laughed weakly. “Well, I guess that cat’s out of the plastic bag it was choking in, huh?”
“What, that you think I’m cute?” The teacher looked over at the moustached Creativity. “You already called me sexy.”
“Well yeah, but that felt less… sappy, than calling you cute. And anyways, I meant that I was into you. Ooh, do you have Coraline?”
Logan stopped. “...repeat that, please?”
“The Coraline thing?-”
“The thing before the Coraline request.”
“Oh yeah, I like you.” Remus was right to the point, like always. “When I saw you take the shuriken to the face and just keep on moving right along… God, that was an image!” The duke gripped his thigh and shook his head, stopping himself from reaching down his pants.
“And you’re telling me this now… why?” The teacher was still reeling from the initial confession.
“We don’t get to talk one-on-one a lot! Plus, I don’t really like talking about cutesy emotions - that’s Roman’s department, y’know?”
Logan nodded slowly.
“Anyways, I changed my mind on the movie, can you put on Monster House?”
The spectacled side nodded and got the CD for Monster House, putting it in the DVD player and sitting next to the green-sashed side. He should have figured Remus wouldn’t be the type to linger on his feelings, and he was grateful for that at least. He couldn’t handle talking about feelings for long periods, especially not his own, but to have one of the most passionate sides just drop the fact that they liked him and immediately move on from that fact? It was odd. He almost couldn’t believe it.
Remus meanwhile was laying on the bed and watching the movie intently, smiling brightly at the screen before realizing that Logan had gotten into bed next to him. He turned over a little and growled “seductively” at the teacher, who laughed softly at the dark creativity. The sound caused butterflies to erupt in the duke’s stomach, flustering him a little. He smiled back at the logical side before returning his attention to the movie.
Logan meanwhile admired Remus, watching as he talked excitedly about the movie. He found it strangely endearing, how excitable Remus got when he was able to talk about things he found interesting. He didn’t have much time to think about it though, as he found himself falling asleep soon after the thought passed through his head. The astronerd yawned and passed out, sleeping peacefully next to the intrusive side.
The duke didn’t notice until he felt warm arms wrap around him. It startled the hell out of him, but he relaxed after he realized it was simply the sleeping teacher clinging to him. He carefully took Logan’s glasses off and turned off the TV before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
**The next morning**
Logan woke up first the following morning, still a little tired but feeling much better than he did the previous night. Vision blurry, the blind scholar felt around his nightstand for his glasses before realizing he was curled up into another person. He quickly got his specs on and saw the sleeping form of Remus below him, remembering that Remus had asked to stay with him the night before.
He looked at the sleeping creativity, who looked much more peaceful (and admittedly much cuter) asleep than he ever did awake. Still feeling somewhat tired, the Sherlock kinnie looked away and closed his eyes, feeling his face start to burn. When did he start thinking of Remus as “cute”?
Logan didn’t have too much time to dwell on it as he heard Remus start to stir. “Ugh… morning starshine…”
The teacher jumped and sighed. “Oh, good morning Remus. Did you sleep well?”
“Like an asphyxiated baby… you?” Remus groaned and stretched, waking up a bit more.
“I slept well too.” Logan fidgeted with his hands. The dark creativity, sensing the spectacled nerd’s unease, sat up and went to get off the bed. He was somewhat shocked to feel Logan tug on his sleeve. “Stay. I wanted to talk about what you said to me last night.”
“Oh… that.” Remus sighed and sat back on the bed. “What about it?”
“I… I’m not entirely sure what it feels like, but I think I reciprocate your feelings?”
Remus’s expression changed from slight concern to a poorly hidden malicious grin. “Oh? You’re into me?”
“I… think I am.” Logan nodded slightly.
The duke was silent for a moment before bursting into a grating cackle. “Oh- oh my god! Oh my god, you’re gonna kill me nerd!”
The scholarly side tensed up and blinked. “Excuse me?-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?! What kind of goddamn loser are you, to think I - or anyone really - would like you?! Especially after the bullshit you pulled yesterday, like Jesus Christ you’re pathetic!”
Logan’s heart sank as he heard Remus say this. “So you were, what, mocking me?!”
“No shit, Sherlock!” The intrusive side cackled once again before morphing into a huge octopus-human hybrid monster and grabbing the teacher. “You’re so fucking stupid! What on Earth made you think someone like me would like someone like you?! You’re lucky any of the others even talk to you anymore!”
Logan panicked as the tentacles pulled him up to Remus’s razor sharp teeth, about to chomp down on his head, when-
“Lo! Logan, wake up!” The logical side heard Remus’s voice coming from somewhere it should not have been, and Logan woke up with a start. Remus frowned as the teacher practically flung himself away from him.
“Get away from me!” Logan’s voice sounded frantic and panicked, like a cornered animal.
“Woah, woah!” The creativity held his hands up in surrender. “Teach, it’s me!”
The teacher took a few deep breaths and grounded himself, looking around. “...right, right… Apologies, Remus…”
“No problem, Nerdy Wolverine. Now, care to tell me what happened?”
Logan sighed and moved over to Remus, explaining to him his nightmare, tentatively telling the nightmare inducing side that he’d tried professing his mutual love to the other before getting horrendously mocked and belittled.
“Sounds a lot like my Nightmare Nico scenario. Has this happened before?” Remus had managed to ignore his thundering heartbeat and the cheering going on in his head - Logan likes me back!! He could focus on that later. Right now, Logan needed his help.
“No. I don’t normally dream, period, so to get a nightmare is extremely unprecedented.”
“Huh… so, I’m the reason you had the nightmare?”
“That would be the logical conclusion, though I had assumed that your effects would be… muffled, in my room?”
“Maybe it’s a mix of psychological and my effect on you guys? Like you were stressed or anxious about last night so my ability to give people nightmares got amplified?”
Logan nodded. “Interesting hypothesis, and it’s… definitely possible. I apologize for yelling at you earlier.”
Remus shrugged. “Eh, it’s okay, I’ve heard worse.”
The nerd nodded and the two were silent for a moment before Remus sighed and asked what they were both thinking. “So. I like you, and you… apparently like me back? What does that make us?”
Logan hesitated. “I… I’m not sure. What would you like us to be?”
The duke grinned. “How about boyfriends?”
The scholar smiled. “I think I’d like that.”
Remus beamed brighter and moved a bit before stopping. “Can I kiss you?”
Once again mildly surprised by the other’s bluntness, Logan nodded and scooted closer to the dark creativity. Remus quickly pulled the former into a kiss.
Logan was the first to pull away, flushed red and smiling to himself. “I think I could get used to this.”
Remus grinned and took the scholar’s hand. “Me too, Lo. Me too.”
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cathrrrine · 3 years
Otherworldly | SPN x The Witcher
Originally from my AO3
CHAPTER 2 - If It Isn't The Butcher
“She sent us here?”
The three of them were now seated in a tavern, not unlike the bars they were used to, but a little less cleaner than what they preferred.
”Atë sent us here.” Red confirmed. She recalled the conversation she had with her sister.
”She’s not here for games. She’s here to destroy the world.”
Red turned to her sister, Natalia, who looked as disheveled as an unattended child; hair messy, bags under her eyes, food staining her shirt and crumbs from the sandwich she ate before stuck at the edges of her mouth. She hadn’t showered or eaten properly for days, engrossed with her research on Atë.
Red, the ever caring sister, handed her a cup of coffee. ”Drink.”
”You’re not listening-“
”Drink. Then I will listen.” Red repeated. It wasn’t a request. Natalia sighed, knowing full well that her sister wouldn’t take no for an answer. Her hand reached for the cup, much to the satisfaction of her sister, and she took a sip of the warm beverage.
”Good. Now, what did you say?”
”Atë. She’s here on a mission to take what isn’t hers.” Although her words made Red’s spine shiver, she did not display her fear. Instead, she took the hair brush on the table and ran it through her sister’s hair.
Both of them had red hair, Natalia’s a few shades lighter than Red’s. But although they had the same hair colour, they didn’t share the same texture. Natalia inherited their mother’s straight and silky hair, while Red took to their father’s soft and curly hair. The two of them inherited the red from their father, who was a kind yet stern man.
Both their parents were dead now. They were all they had left. Well...except for the Winchesters, who came into their lives a few years back.
“She’s done this before. In 1834, look.” Natalia showed the proof from her laptop screen. Indeed, it was true. It was a report about a woman with a description that matched Atë’s. “She burned houses, people, crops...she took babies just to murder them. Atë kills and conquers.”
“There’s no doubt she came back to do this again. She wants to cause chaos. That’s all she knows.”
“There’s also something else.” It took Natalia a few clicks on her laptop. “It’s been said that she can send people to another universe.”
“What, like with aliens and shit? ”
“Maybe. It’s not impossible. If we’re not careful, she’ll send us off to wherever she wants to. And then we won’t be able to save the world from her antics.”
They shared a look. Fear was evident im their eyes.
“She’s extremely powerful.” Natalia sighed. “But we need to fight her.”
“This wasn’t an accident. She does this to people. Goddess of Mischief, remember?” Red scoffed, taking another swig of water. She would’ve gone for ale, like the white-haired man who lead them here, but she didn’t have any money. At least, none that were worth in the world she was in. So, instead she asked for water, which was fortunately costless.
“How do we get back?” Sam was worried, Red noticed. He never really put his emotions on display, but she’s known him long enough to point out his tells. If he was worried, his eyebrows would knit together subconsciously and he would constantly run his hands through his hair.
Red put her hand over his, and he looked up at her with a smile in his eyes. He intertwined their fingers together, and she stroked his hand with her thumb. It wasn’t an uncommon thing between them. Every time they noticed the other was nervous or scared, they would reach for the other’s hand.
“We have to find a witch.” said Red. “If we were back in our world, Rowena would be able to help us. We need to find someone as powerful as her.”
“Do they even have witches?”
“We could always...” she trailed off as her eyes landed on the person she was looking for. “...ask.”
“Him? Are you kidding me?” Dean shook his head disapprovingly. “He didn’t want anything to do with us.”
“I could ask.”
“No.” Sam gave her hand a squeeze. “He could kill you. We don’t know him.” It was a joke, but there was a hint of truth in there.
Red returned the squeeze, as if to say ‘Don’t worry’. Then she stood up to walk over to the Witcher’s table before they could protest further.
“Not much for company, I see.”
The man ignored her, but she knew he was listening. “We need your help.”
“I’ve helped you enough. You want any more of my services, you pay.”
She started to feel hopeless, but at the back of her head she heard her sister scolding her for giving up too early. “You know we don’t have the money. We’re not from your world.”
He acted as if he was unbothered.
“Listen.” She seethed, frustrated with the way he was treating her. “All we need to do is find a witch. Then you can leave us from there. You said you’re a Witcher, do you know anything about magic?”
The corner of his lips twitched, a laugh threatening to start. “Witchers hunt and kill monsters. What you’re looking for is a mage.”
“A mage?” Red took the seat across him and sat down, forcing him to look in her eyes. “We’re looking for a powerful one. Can you lead us to them?”
His amber eyes seemed to glow in the darkness of the tavern. He wasn’t completely opposed to the idea of helping the three strangers, but he did not like the idea of stringing along dead weight. He had jobs to do.
“No.” He hummed, downing the glass of ale right after to avoid looking at the woman in front of him.
“No? Seriously?” She didn’t yell, but it seemed like she was close to it. “Okay, what do you want? Besides money.”
“I want you to go away.”
“We don’t know anyone else in this world.”
“You don’t know me either.” That was true. They didn’t even know each other’s names. He stood from his seat and grabbed his things, making a beeline for the exit. She followed suit, hot on his heels.
Red was pissed off. “At least tell me where I can find a mage!”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” She groaned. “Haven’t you heard anything I said? We’re lost! We don’t know anything about your world.”
They were already out the door, him at the front, trying to block out her voice.
“Look, please, just listen to me. Our world is in danger. We need to go back to save it.”
He knew a few things about saving. At this, he stopped in his tracks, contemplating. Red almost cried in relief when he did.
“If we don’t get back soon, the world- our world, will suffer. There’s someone who wants to destroy it and we’re the only ones who know how to stop her.” The last part wasn’t completely true. They were the only ones who knew what she was going to do to their world, but they didn’t know how to stop her yet. “Please.”
He turned, hearing the desperation in her voice. He gazed into her eyes, filled with a fire that he recognised all too well.
“Oi, that’s the Butcher!” A voice cried from their right. It was a man, obviously drunk, and he was dragging along a sword. The Witcher sighed, a scowl starting to creep on his face. He knew he would face something like this.
“If it isn’t the Butcher.” Another voice yelled. Red went silent, recognising the venom in the tone of the random man’s voice.
“Butcher?” She whispered.
At least half of the townspeople stopped in their tracks when they noticed the ‘butcher’, and a few men crowded around them.
“Get inside.” The Witcher growled to Red, but she couldn’t hear him among all the noise that the crowd was causing. The tension was thick, and Red reached slowly for her blade, ready to defend herself.”
“You’re no welcome here. You know that.” The drunk man slurred.
“I was here for a job. I seek no trouble.”
“No trouble? You’re presence is trouble itself.”
“Back off. I was just leaving.” But the drunk man wasn’t listening. He took his sword and swung. The Witcher dodged it, taking out his own sword from it’s sheath. They fought, the Witcher obviously winning, but he wasn’t planning on killing anyone today. He waited for the right moment before throwing a forceful punch his way, knocking the drunk man out immediately.
Red watched as the scene unfolded, not realising when a couple of men crept up behind her.
“You a friend of his?” One of them breathed, close to her neck. She whipped her head around, her face inches away from his. She took two steps back, trying to assess the situation.
“So what if I am?” She questioned.
“Then you just found yourself some trouble, missy.” In the blink of an eye, he swung a blade her way, missing her by inches when she managed to dodge it in time.
She rolled her eyes. “Can’t I get a break?”
Red attacked him, plunging her knife into his thigh. It wasn’t enough apparently, because he stood up fine, pouncing at her once again. She was quick to twirl her body around and kick him in the face, so hard that she could feel his teeth through her boot.
He fell, spitting out blood. It was a move that she used frequently while hunting, and it never failed to knock her victims out—whatever the species.
Another man moved to attack her from the back, this time she was caught off-guard. He had wrapped his arm around her neck, choking her. Just as she was struggling to stab him, his suddenly grip weakened. Red turned around to see Sam, holding a piece of hard wood that he used to hit the man on the head.
They shared a wordless grin for a second before resuming the fight. Dean had also joined, kicking and throwing punches. There were at least a dozen of men who were attacking them all. Why? The three humans didn’t have a clue. But they fought anyway.
Red turned to look for the Witcher, and was surprised when she found him struggling in a chokehold. He seemed strong enough to hold his own, but she ran his way and punched the side of his choker’s head, feeling the crack of her knuckles as it connected with his skull. It was enough to disorientate him.
“I had that.” The Witcher grumbled.
“Oh, yeah, sure you did.” She taunted, turning back to the man and kicking him in the stomach, then again in the face.
The Witcher stared at her, millions of thoughts popping into his head. Maybe she wasn’t dead weight after all.
Maybe he would consider helping her.
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silver-wield · 3 years
What do you think is meta!Aerith’s goal? Like it’s clearly a groundhog’s day situation because when it’s not Sephiroth, it’s her triggering the Arbiters. She clearly knows what happens and Red says that she is the one trying to defy fate. Is she trying to survive or is she trying to defeat Sephiroth? What’s her angle because if she decides to not summon Holy out of fear of death, everyone is screwed?
Sorry for the late reply otl
While I used to think Aerith was meta and knew everything, I've actually changed my opinion through subsequent replays.
Apply basic common sense to the narrative.
Aerith knows everything, then she knows Sephiroth is alive, that he kills her, that Shinra drops the plate, that Zack is dead, and that meeting Cloud sets her on the path to dying.
Now, if she really wants to change fate she'd tell Cloud the second she saw him that Sephiroth is alive, that he's not who he thinks he is, that Shinra will do something terrible within the next two days and so on.
She doesn't.
Now, some people would like to argue it's because she can't tamper with things, but in the same breath say this time she'll live because Sephiroth "warned" Cloud in that 7s speech (which is actually about the planet cause it says so in the summary).
Right, so Aerith can't tamper with things, but she can allude to Cloud during her resolution that she's gonna die and that's why he "can't fall in love" with her, thus giving him a hint to save her, even though she can't tamper with more important things like 50,000 lives at risk in the plate collapse. But, she can urge Cloud and Tifa to hurry back and then also go warn people an hour or so before the collapse happens because she's just that heroic saving all those people.
And she didn't warn them a couple of days beforehand because...?
See how things start to fall apart when you treat Aerith as knowing everything? If she knows everything then she deliberately didn't tell anyone Shinra were gonna drop a plate on 50,000 people, she deliberately delayed Cloud getting home when she knew Tifa and his friends would be worried, she deliberately treated him like Zack knowing he has identity issues, she deliberately withheld information about Sephiroth and the plate collapse, she deliberately went with Shinra knowing Cloud and co would have to rescue her.
Also, as a child, she deliberately didn't tell Elmyra that her husband would die soon or find a way to warn him so he could survive. She also didn't tell Zack he'd die or that Sephiroth would burn down Nibelheim and kill all the townspeople.
The Aerith who knows everything is a bitch.
I don't think Aerith knows everything.
Let's look at a few "meta" scenes.
Chapter 2 when she meets Cloud, she only goes after him when she spots the sword as he passes. Zack’s sword. She shows us she's not meta when she says to Cloud "no one's going to attack you" and five seconds later Shinra shows up.
Chapter 8, she delays Cloud leaving because he showed up the same way Zack did, has Zack's sword and she wants to know if he knows where her boyfriend is.
Chapter 8, when Cloud mentions Sephiroth. Aerith knew Zack went on a mission with Sephiroth, so him being alive makes her wonder where Zack is. She can also hear the planet in pain and should be able to tell what the cause is, so hearing about Sephiroth being alive would also make her suspicious from that side of things.
Chapter 10, when Tifa asks what Aerith's hiding, Aerith knows what Shinra are like and she's pretty certain they'll succeed in dropping the plate.
Chapter 12, when she prays at the base of the pillar, she's just praying things will turn out okay.
Chapter 17, she can hear the whispers and the planet speak, so it's telling her things, and we get a hint at what when she says "follow the yellow flowers". We'll likely see more of what that means in part 2. I'm expecting flowers at key points for her personal journey, so Cosmo Canyon, the temple of the Ancients, the forgotten city and Gongaga.
Chapter 18, when she tells Sephiroth he's wrong/mistaken, again she can hear the planet, so it's told her something about him that's made her want to stop him.
So it's not so much she knows the future, more like the planet is giving her some out of context spoilers about Sephiroth and where she needs to be to stop him. She doesn't know anything about the other characters, but she's naturally intuitive (it's in her character info) so she can sense something is off with Cloud, but she doesn't know what.
There's proof she isn't all knowing in the opening of chapter 18 when the whispers swarm the Shinra building and Tifa asks "what are they doing?" and Aerith replies "who knows". Now, I've joked she knows, but I actually don't think she does. She doesn't seem to be hiding info in this situation. She genuinely has no idea what the whispers are doing because she doesn't know everything.
My thoughts on that after we've seen Yuffie in Deepground hq (which is hidden in the lower levels of the Shinra building in DC) is that the whispers are correcting anything Yuffie and Sonon did because deepground can't happen until 3 years from now and the planet needs to keep things on track to survive all this.
Back to Aerith.
As a child she could hear the planet more clearly and the mural in her room is because the planet gave her all the spoilers for upcoming events, the same way Jenova gives Cloud spoilers for the plate collapse and Aerith dying. This doesn't mean anyone can change fate, it means they got to read a few pages ahead. Aerith knows the future is already written and can't be changed, but she deludes herself by saying it can (which is also listed as a canon trait of hers).
After Aerith painted the mural, the planet stopped talking to her as much because it already told her the major events in its life. The whispers are the souls of the dead telling her other things, mostly unrelated. The soul of Elmyra's husband travelled thousands of miles to give a message to Aerith, but Aerith didn't know he died before she spoke to him.
So her powers have defined limits. She is intuitive, but not all knowing. She can get spoilers from the planet and/or whispers, but either chooses not to listen or can't hear them because Midgar dulls her abilities.
I expect her to get a lot more trippy the closer we get to her death as she listens to the planet more and acts in what appears random ways, but is because she follows their suggestions.
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